ARRIVALS IT THE HOTELS. The Continental. KB* Kenaifr, Wwh ? CPftwtou. wkuhinfton RL KUwttnf h c i»JS&u, A wV&lit ?r%M WAPH^^U}*" jm B Lindsey, Penna JSI Jr.JJewp’t :pH Drake, Dew Tork 'WmMath&ws, New York Jas Jniiess.rottfivi-Ue §*<§l'/«reU,flew York 4 S Myers. Franklin, Pa If Jacob*. Boston JB M, ers, FraßkUn.ra. M BLading, Harrisburg W Hastings & la. I* York Jft Haarbargsr H 0 Hotel ins ft la, H Y Win Blxler ft la, Balt nr S Mr. DartHrtmar, ST ZD Gilman, Wash, DC Mrs PntcMn, Bnnalo A A Gutman. Wash D C ntfts Houghton, Boston R T Gutman. Wash, D C W 11 Wells ft la,Slew Totk Wra Whitlock. Sew York J W Onderbltl s la, S T Mr Moßvors, Raw Tork Rise Underbill, Haw lock WmKeßvarn, Raw Tork Geo H Btter, Hew Tork Mlaa iS Budd. H J J a Mathers, Lonlsylile MissS Woodward H I JobnP Zane, Califontl t Charles F Cox, S I 18 lamas, Hew Tork OS logman, Taunton W 8 Walcott, Hew Tork Geo K tarroUs, Hew Tork DL Phillips, Springfield 0 ABightsr, Hew Tork O H Baldemao, Penna W Stanton, flew Tork J Geiger ft la Maryland E p Grlaoom, Hew York T W Palfrey ft la, Boston G Crompton, Maaa 5 Streeter, Jr. He. Yolk J Power, Boston Mr Rodman,. Maine F PCole, Boston L L Mayer, Memphis E W Parmer & la. Penna x, Mattson, Port Carbon H M Hamilton; Hew Tork J King, Flttabnrg . M MRtiodss, Taunton H i ord ft la. Boston G T Atwood, Taunton Mias M Lord, Boston G Brown Tannton Miss M Cleaver, Boston J A God roy, Hew York L Pappenhelmer. Cin E 0 Houghton, Jr. H * OB Hart, USA J A Middleton. Kentucky W B Lana ft d, How Tork 8 8 Kimball. H Hampshire : w liKanffman, Lebanon P B White. Boston KAltken, California Miss L H Tomlin-on. H-J f.r Giaham, Baltimire ABThurston. Elmira, W Sanford. Hew York P U Ball, Hew York D H Jerome ft wf, Mioh D B Roberts. Penna W H Gregg, Hew York T Downer, Boston S OGloeventft wf, Mleh ElB Grubb. Burlington B W blardel. Marietta, 0 £ Griffin, Boston .1 8. F inlay, Ktttanslng, Fa H Grlttta 1 Bos ton B Wlnthrop, Hew York J 0 Puller T W Smith, Hew York , 5 stair, York, Pa WF Griswold, Terre Haute L Dewart. Banbury J P Fowler, cilo G H Hey iek. Athens X P Musiey, Mashvllle " QeoHSall, Sew Toik I Tbe i p Hymes, Washington PH«aiy» Waabiciwa Geo P Miller ft la, Del S yr Torthe, NevrTork Isaac P Bryant, Buffalo , IT Palmer. Row Tork J Acker. New Tork B bmlth ft wf, JSew Tork I Retole, Tltuiyilie, Pa jl P Fore at, Jr. Uoua J L Bacon, Wilmtß g ton, Del Jae Williams Ala. dt Louis, W M Mondell ft i&, r y • T W Oaueu, Salem, N J JolDfton Cr&wiord. Ohio , lefcn R Janie*, Jr U 8 A ! B GiBb.EU/.abethtown hew/Tcrk j 'kaongKißßiwood, Va! Jochran&ia . I BT Doohran lazeli. Delaware ifiett ft la Wash. [ sjtatilick, Bead ng , I Batcher. LmeaeCer | Berr & Ja, LeicatCer 1 »Mary E Herr, Dane lafcl, JlHnols iCarrew, Delaware lit. Pesns Ewarts, Dan caster Walton. Conn rlttensen, Rew Tork Knapp. Rochester 4cott > 8 Piue» L Huron, D Bkii«s. Lancaster 3rookway, Copper Har fn«s, WatMngton hy, Washington ay Dean, lowa fcrrait*, Jr, P ew York b&toa, flew York B»erly,on City f Zelter, Sew York Krwla. Hew York Wigton & fam, Pens* I Armstrong, Aaston iH J trail, Fauna f Sterrett, Pennsylvania T Clement, Banbury JAWoIT, USA Yfee fliei jslar &wf, ft fouls aear, Hew York (eok» Obto lurbaitr Poona • fbite, McKteeport Lneftrd* Hew Berlin 'UEcan, LouUyiile apar VKturts, Manhattan Wtrtmau. Bncyms oak* Ohio Beall, Seene, O Wood, Keene, 0 J»L Tarr, Wheeling me*, W Jersey ibiniou, Fesna liner, Fenna razor. Fa i loauft Harry, Pa 1 lemmer, Norristown ißmoo. Alientown try, CaUfoTsia idbead, Oil (JHt uchaal & wf. Fa sjfifeold, Wisconsin tewhiid & la. Pa McNulty, Pa Qieth, Lebanon tbs, Lebanon ? may, Pa - 'bis stores, Pa ihHooler, Pa iBrd*. Nebraska a, Baltimore sc, Lebanon Oil City taler. lowa 4er,lowa *H« Lancaster m«,Hw York Giaze Perry co, Pa idle, Dau*atu «o, Pa Zeller, Lock Haven Banb, Lane. Pa TUe ile.Comtactlctit dIBVB Ibb., New Bedford hardson, Hew Jfsraey 'wens, Maryland i lmcer, Bew lork I wester, Hew York I to* Broad Top Jk, Hew York sel Ltickßaven lamllion, L’k H&rtn latoa iltnan. Decatur, lad »s, pec*tar, 2nd |U R«&taek y lohol», Kawlaad Bitl, S«TCC#(tIB lUlame & la, >emia tftia It wrl 8 i ir & wf, Brcukiya lekalsea & nr,Del , hi, Keatom. 0 ' ■! nmsoß« Kenton* O onßoo. Kenton, O I ard* CMcato fatt & soa.CineinnMi 1 Tb« C iwart, Wellaville, 0 lUer, Canton, O Uwd, Canton* 0 . Jfaterford* « H i York, Pa /lint, Banbury, Pa rmaiF& la,Morgan, O -chci,Maitinßb*g, pa mrry, Penna m. Ohio irlfT Ohio fcihfperd, OMo ATldaou, Ohio jHanaver, Ohio ■ones* Carhon co, Pa leavor 3t wf* Bel m Cleavor, Del Blood. Boston Swift, Hayrsville, 0 roam. Ohio Boiler* fcretnford. O Efcy & la, Bristol* O emy, Mansfield. o »ten, Belleville. O [*bos, Dunkirk, O Forretti Ohio Kelly, SPECIAL NOTICES. AT MOBOCCO AMD LBATHEB DOG IBS, and those of Metslllo Bands and Chains,- Leather Peg Leaders, and several sizes of and galTSnizsd Iron Bog Chains, for sale hr VH & BBAWB, Mo. 835 (Bight Thirty-Are) W Street, balc-w Mlnth. 1 It .AT B B POCKRT TAPK MEASURES, Pocket Tape Measures, Carpenters’ and Build tpa Measures of different lengths, Stole?, -Board •eg, end Yard’Micks,' for sate at, tffiUiiA.Br & ’B, So. 895 (Eight tfhirty-flve) MASKET Street. Tintb. . U STATION BITTEBS BY THE MlLB.— P. H. DRAKE & 00., last year, son neatly lUlon bottle* of PLANTATION BITTERS: Al g twelve Inches to the bottle, net in a continuous they would extend 379 miles. What a nation of Ids we are! Just think of a stream, three inches e, extending from New York to Buffalo, being >wed by human stomachs In a single year! Yet, i appear to thrive under it, and repeat with plea- We are Inclined to think Drake & Co. are entl the persimmons. Viva fa P&Axf atiox, 9. T.— ap7 6t Combination ! Good News bob a Combination! Good 2fqws for the People! id Gembis&tion? Good News for the People! id Combination I Good Hews f OT the People! 4UHBKBB ReDPOTIOK IX PRICES! Immenbe Eeductiok in Prices J Ihhbkse Reduction ix Prices ! Por Oxb Week OxtY* For Oxb Week Oxby, ■ t Fob Oxe Week Obit, Ferry dc Co., 80. 303 Chestnut Street. Psbri A Co., 80, 609OhistnutStreet. * & Go.* S. B. corker Seventh abb Market Sts. wt the popular demand for lower prices* Messrs. Co. • ClothieJs, have determined to throw open thlle* for a limited period, their immepee stock lothing* contained in their three stores, viz: \ Chestnut street* above Third. Chestnut street. (Granville Stokes* old stand.) ud corner Saventh and Marketstreet, (Jones'*) »r their entire stock of Olothiag at prices folly 2R cent. Lower than any other House. >EF. CENT. LuWSB THAN ANY OTHER HORSE. 'kr c ent. Lower than any other House, )ck consists of Spring Goods* manufactured for mi season* and the balance of Winter 01 othing I ou hand, all otLwhichia got up in the very jr expressly for mall sales* and will be sold hat will make it to the interestof the publie to iwest pries for e*cli Article irill be named ai Only one Price asked Airo takes. OSLT OSE Fbiob asked and takes Onia- oke Pbiob ASKED ASD takes, sk- ('net. One Week Only, !k Os i.y. Osb Week Osly, :k Orly. Ohr Wiser Orly T. K !KVT. X OWRRTHAR ART OTHER HOUSE. SR Lower thaw art other Horse. ;r cent. Lower thar art othe6 Hoqsa I Co., So. 303 Chestnut street. above Third. Ihestnnt street (OrAnrllle Stokes’ Old Stand, •at corner SaTenth and Market streets (Jones’.: IKJUEE THE COMPLBXtOH AND WASHES which choke or fill up Hu akin, and in a abort time leave It hank and i» in the bio )d, and if you went a enootb and nae HELM.BOLD’B EXTRACT OF SABSA* It gives a brilliancy to the complexion* 'itiiify, Enbioh thb Blood, and ”t the complexion, nee HgLMBOLD'S HIGH* JEN'CKATBD FLUID EXTBACT SARBAFA. Oce bottle equals la strength one t&llon oftb.« or D«cc-ciloa. Cleak, Smooth Skin, and Bbaoti- WPi.EXIOH follows tl) a use of HSLHBOLD'S ’TKATBr- FLUID BXTBAOT SABBAPABIL amove* t>tac& «poU, pimples end &U eruption! m. a Few op the Wobbt Disorders :t mankind arise from oorrnptiont of the hlood. LB'S EXTRACT OP SARSAPARILLA U a tho utmost valgs EOLD’S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT the great Diuretic. HBIiUBOtiD'B CO*. il> EXTRACT BAESAPAKILEA if the Orcot ■i/ft,-. Both *t« prepared aooordln* to rnlw :t and Chemistry, and ara the moat aettra made. v * so or Beaut? is a Joy Fob »);a who desire brilliancy of oomplexlon, ' and eirlchthe bloodi which HHLMBOIjD’B tATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA !bt»- BewUeotttta no patent jnedfeinA Aai Take no other, mii-wfmtm lirardU J A Brown, Klsgswood,Ya D I* Duncan, Harrisburg T K Oreo. Pittsburg J H Abbott, Albany . Jaa Webster W Chard, USA D Baaievt, WjUhiagton W a Bead, Baltimore I Hall, Bridgeport, Conn Geo 0 Wilson, USA PBoesermau,Newport, Pa W McOreery, Pittsburg Sami a Pfcaie, Panua John F Hume, St Louis H Ward.Dempseitown • DH McFats, Ckobrautown M Ward, Cochrautown J Ward, Dempsey to wn PDarling, Brookvilie, Pa L Hosted, Illinois Wm G Fletcher, Boston T H -mith, Franklin, Pa W Pitt Smltu. Pa 9 K Bashnell, Pa FD Bashnen, Fa Mrs H Swing, Nashville A H Smith, Lancaster J H Bewley, Delaware J G Beid, filer Yore t David Bair. Lancaster Mrs Griowell, Maryland Mrs Mslntire, Maryland W E Parsons, Harrisburg J PMartin. Scranton J 0 Jones, Norfolk, Ya F ti Sttehter. Lebacon.Pa 0? Wolf, Seliefoate W Ziegler. Pennsylvania 0 F Kenegie Ala, Lane WPxout, Shamokia Mrs Watts, Carlisle a fiarshberger, Penna W H Boyle, Milton, Pa A P Moore, California < Tho* F Cor jell. Ub A T T Wiermau, Harrisburg J P Shaw, Lex, Ky W B Marshall, ind, Pa 9W fishery Bochester.rnT Ohas Aael, New York IJ Arbartle, Jr, Pittsburg IS Kota, Columbus, O. irch lanti’i T Gtnim&n. Hew Toxic 6 H Adams, Boston Geo Faroe, Boston BF Anlf&ia, Baltimore W 8 Bryaoa, WaaMfigton W S Pratt, Oil GUy L F Phillips, WelUvitle iTSpaaldlng, Washington JSlms H ir, Lancaster John Nattall John. Smooi, illeghsny F MoCuiloagk, Ohio Kohi Petti*, Jr, Ohio C Pr*li, Ohio 3 Taisert, Ohio John Patton, Ohio A. Harrington, Delaware J S Shaffer. FLKsimre ‘WPefcars, Wash, DC Wm Sin*, U6w Castle 3 F Jones* Rochester, N Y V H Freaner, Maryland John B Freaner. Maryland H M Shaw, St Paul A jjOoyle, Mercershnrf H Weaibrooh, Pa 8 M £Ueaberger. Pa A li Gtllfiu iia, Great Bend F B Boas* Beading TJ Wolfe B I* Janes, Ohio L P Seal, Parkersburg W A Porter, Sew York J J Williams, He *r York Jame* A Bogge A Sl FUz inker. H Chunk John Taylor, Maneh Chunk Maj L B Bpeece & wf, Pa James Flowers Detroit Geo Bby & la. Mill Creek Mrs Gibson. Qllnois J R Beilis, Hew Jersey J T Hendrick. Maryland .T H Simpson, Parkersburg lertean, F G Carnes, Mew York £ Silver. 1 elaware 0 R Fay man. Wash* 1) C A Danali, Wa*h, D C W Mixer. Jr, Wilm, Dei Mrs J Williams, Dei W B Waddell, W Cheater J Taylor. West Chester' B H Taylor, West Chester TPBvant, Westchester C D Hunt, B.'iston J Ralston, Armstrong eo S Buck-waiter, W Chester W Hickman, west Chester J Hile, Canada JBMhlford&la. HJ J Buckfordv Lyoa, N Y EReeve, New Yo»k DN Corning, Brooklyn TQLedkTon. Wash.. DC S Kennedy & la, Lane co Mr# Q King, Lauo co H Drefft=nhack. Newark JFHttl, Bottom. ARCarUdfg, Boston HTBuck, Worcester Inlon. sMie* C K«l2y, Massillon, O i D Kline, Ohio S T Stine, Lebanon, Peana Jaa&canian, Lebanon, Revf JSllwood &ls, Fbnna Ber C Bloodgetr, BI A J Nuiaberger, Ohio Mies Cool, Ohio Mrs Hall & child, NJ Mr* Stoodnat. SaJ«m. M J HOvorne. Beading, Pa OhaSAßlgiitar, New York Geo Karloa, New York J K Will, Ohio Thomas B Baris, La Mr Beecher, Philadelphia. Elias rldier. WoraieUdorf M Bean, Newark. Bel - H Orome&la. Beading-Pa W U Gels, Johnstown, Pa M Bal a*y, Cambridge, 0 W F McCoy, Ohio B J Laughftn,Newark, O J Fitzgerald, Peana o*9i Hunter, Montgom’y co 0 Oberlin, Indiana Birthplace op Liberty Clothing HOUSE. TOO MARKET Street, Philadelphia. Y»* Invite the attention of th* public to our lim Stock of “Men and Boys’ " fine CLOTHING. whioh wo will soil at greatly reduced prices. *P7 2t* WM. SHOWS & 00. Db. Banning’s Incomparable Brace.— Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Supporter,, Elastic Stock l'- at WBDHSB’. comer TWELFTH and BACK Street*. Ladles’ Rooms on Twelfth atreet, first door below Kara; lady attendants Byrlsges of all descriptions, mhlD-lm Itch. (Wheaton’s) Itch. . WWTimiT)' BALT RHEUM. Will cure tile Itch In 48 hours. Also cures Balt Rheum rn«r. ChUWalns, and ail Iruptlona of the Skin. E™* “?5 9llt *- s * sending 80 cents to WEEKS A POT TBB, BOBTOE. Maas , will h« forwarded free by malL For sale by all Druggists. mhß-Sm A MAGNIFICENT BEYEN-OCTAVB ROSE WOOD PIANO-FORTE, the property of a family da* alining -hQisekeeping, made four month, ago for pro lent owner hy one of the bast makers in this country, cod $6OO, will be sold at near half coat, as it most bo *old at once. All round comers, free from seratoh or blemish (good a* new). Can he seen at the residence, R4l North TBNTH Street. apS-St* Haib Dye ! Has Dye J BATCHELOB'S HAIB DYE la the beat In the World. The only true and perfect Dye-harmless, instant***- on*, and reliable; produce, a splendid Blaak or Natural Brown: remedies the ffl effect! of Bad Dyea, and fre quently restores tha original srior. Sold by all Drug gists, The genuine 1, aigned W. A. BATCHELOR, tl BARCLAY Street. New York. % JaS-mwfrlr George & Co.’s APS MASON A HAMLIN’S „ CABINET ORGANS. JKimSL , fi? aT MO ■ each of theae fine instruments have bean sold by nvR-cni ?, * f™" 1 thedemand lscon- FOBTBS. stantly Increasing. PI ANO For sale only by FORTES, J. B. GOULD, PIANO SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. FORTES. , noJO tf Jones’. THE LOWEST .SELLING PRION la marked in figures On each article, AND NEVER VARIED. AT JONES’. Crescent One-prist GLOTHIH G HOUSE. MARKET STREET, above Sixth, - Ho 601 4ap* Price* reduced to suit the Hum, A due assortment of RBADY-MADB GLOTHIHG, •nltable for all seasons, constantly on hand. Custom-work made to order at short notUt. Cmh9 3a , Elocution Taught and Stammering CUBED. PHILIP LAWRENCE. Professor of Elocu tion. 3019 LOCUST Street. - ap6-3t* 1 Gentlemen’s opening. NEW STYLES FOB THE SEASON. Large variety of Fabrics for BYBHIHO mid WALKIHG COaTSj, BCSIHBBB SUITS, and DRBSB WEAR. Barlv selections* fore the usual rush begins. & BROWH, Fine Tailoring, „ CUSTOM DEPARTMSNT, Ho. 1 South SIXTH Street MARRIED. GODDARD—WATERMAN.—On the 6th )nst., by the Bey. Kingston Goddard, D. D . Major Henry S. God dard, P. M., U. 8. A , to EUa M., daughter of Isaac S. Waterman. Esq., of this city. .. * OLBS—WHAkTBBBY.—On the 18th ult., by the Bey, Joseph Welch, Mr, Charles H. Oies to Mias Bu sannali Whartsnby, both of this city. • * HABKBESH—GTBaON. —On the 6tn of April, 1565, at Bt, James* Church, by the Key. Dr. Morton, D. D.. Howard F, Harkness to Eliza £L, daughter of the late John Gibson. * DIED. GBAEFF.—On the 4th inst., James H. Graeff,attorney, in;ibe 60th year of his age. The relatives and friends of thefaraily are respectfully inyited to attend his funeral,from his residence, Mahaa tango street, PoitsviUe, Pa., on Friday, 7ih inst., at 2 o’clock. * * TAGBET.—On the afternoon of the Sth inst., Mr. James Tsgeri, Jr., In the 40th year of his age. The relatives and friends of tbe family, and also the member* of the Htfrthem Liberty Lodge Ho 17,1- O. O. F., and the members of Henry Clay Lodge. A. P. A.i are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, 80. 2317 Frankford road, above Cam ber land street, on Sunday, the9th inst., at 2 o’clock, F.M., to noceed to the American Meehan Its’ Cemete ry. > . ** RICHABDB.-On the 6th Inst., Charles M., youngest con of William T. and Anna M. Bichards, la the 7th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family ate inyited to attend the funeral from the reßidence of his father. Shoemaker’ a lane. Germantown, Monday morning, 10th lost., at 10 o’clock. *** ..CLYMKR.-~At Ytilliiis sport,JPa ,on the morning of the 4th Mary D.. wife of Henry Clymer. * CABPIHTBB.—On the morning of the 3d last., Wm. C- Carpenter. In the 29ih year of his ace. Hii relatives and male friends arerespectfally invited to attend the funeral, fir-m the residence of his fether, Ho. 1919 Spence street, on Friday, the 7th instant, at 3 O’clopfev To proceed to Laurel Hill- *♦* DCBBASD. -"-Suddenly, on the 4th inst., Mary Dnr rard, wife of Francis Durr&rd, in the 64Ui year of her age. The. relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her husband’s residence, Bowman street Germantown, on Friday af ternoon, at 2 o’clock, without farther notice. Dearest mother* thou hast left urn. . r _ Gan we hear tny words no more f Thou hast left this world of toirow For that bright and shining shore. Bbe is gone to live with Jesus, . where sufferings are no more. *** HOOD —On the 6th' last. $ in the 86th year of his age, Samuel Emlen Hood. Bis relatives and the male friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend Us funeral from his late residence. Ho. 316 Horih. ninth street, on Saturday morning next, atlO o’clock. *** CLACK BYZANTINES—BLACK BY ZANTIHBS, Florentines, Barege Hernanis, Crepe Maretz and Bareges, H-4 and 9 4 wide BESSON & SON, Mourning store, 918 CHESTNUT Street, ap6 If "ILTOURNING FOULARDS.—B LACK ATX md While, Black and Purple, and Plain Black Fonlard . Mil a, just reeeivfd by BESSON fit SON, Mourning Store, 80. 918. CHESTNUT Street, ap6- fcf W) IS EIRE & LANDELL’S O\J GOLD BASS GOOD;TIME TO BUY, as their assortment la excellent mh2B-tf THE AIEIVBBSABY MEBTINS 938 t 0 held in CONGEST HALL, on MONDAY EVENING, .April 10, owing to the demand for help to osr wounded soldiers and the distressed, refugees, will he devoted by tie HOMOEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION to aid those noble objects. The Hon- James Pollock will preside. Addresses by General Cary, of Ohio; Hon William D, Kelley, John Goforth, E>cl , Bey. 3>r. Alday, and others Tickets may be bad without charge, at the Infirmary, Eleventh and Coates streets: Bcerick#’§ Pharmacy, 635 Arch street, and Tafel’* Pharmacy, 48 N. Ninth street. ap73t* |BfASOMXG NOTICE.-A MASS R®* MISTING OF THE ORDER will ba held in tbtir Hall- ELEVENTH Street, below Pine, on THIS (Prlda^hE VENINGv a* S o’clock. By order of tho K. OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUSTY FUN D COMMISSION, COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. April 7,1365- Notice is hereby given that the TWENTY-THIRD WAKB has filled its Quota under the tall of Dec jmber 19, 1864, Provost Marshals, Kearuiting Officers, Ac., &c., Ac , will please take notice that after this date no Bounty will he paid to any men credited to the abo?e Ward. By order of Commission. ap7-3t IMPORTANT MEETING GOTH W 3& iNNIVEBSABY PENNSYLVANIA ABOLITION SOCIETY, For M the relief of free netroes unlawfully held in bondage, auditor improving the condition of the African Race. ” CONCERT HALL, FRIDAY, April 14,?&P, M, Eminent speakers will be present. Particulars here after. Admittance free ap7-2t*. ra*» COLORED PEOPLE AND THE CAPTURE OF BIGHMOND. —All Lodges, Bene ficial, and other Associations desiring to take part in the great Celebration of the capture of Bictunond.are invited to .meet the Committee of Arrangements, through their officers or represent stives, at the PHILA DELPHIA INSTITUTE, LOMBARD Street, above Se venth, THIS EVENING, at 9 o’clock- Dr. JAMES Mo CBUMMILL, President. Ssrgt. Msj, A. M Cheek, Secretary. It* TWENTIETH WARD—A MASS wE& Meeting of the citizens of the Ward will be held THIS EVENING, at 7H o’clock, in the Tabernacle Church, ELEVENTH Street, below Oxford Let there be one united effort, and the draft can be avoided. WM. S. HALL, President. ISgiZS™,]**"***** n ISg* UNION THANHSGimr«!>SiB* BATH AFTSBN OON, at the Church of the New Testament, ELEVENTH and WOOD Streets, at 3M o'clock. Hr. STOCKTON'S Ninth Sermon will be adapted to this occasion of Christian patriotism**-Vic tory, liberty, purity, unity, and peace. Hymns for an. Gend music. Collection for “OhrUtlan Comcrils sion, ” ap7-2t* i3S*» BGHUILHILL AND SUSQU& I® HANNA RAILROAD COMPACT, OFFICE MET South FOURTH Street Philadelphia, April 6th, 1355 ■The annual meeting, of the Stockholders of this company, and an- election for President and six Managers, will take place at the OFFICE of the COM PANY, on MONDAY, the Ist day of May next,, at 12 o’clock M- , ap7 tmyl WM. S- WEBB, Secretary. rSfo NATIONAL IDICATION.-A LEC< TO TURE by Dr. CHAS. HBEBMaN, MONDAY EVENING, 10th instant, eight P. M , at the Assembly Buildings. TENTH and CHESTNUT. Tickets to bahad at the Janitor’s. ap7-31* KS* IWEHII'SECOIU) WARD UJJIOJf I.EAGUE —The annual meeting of the UNION LBAGUK OF THE TWENTY-SECOND WASD will he held Oh THURSDAY, April 13th, at 8 o’clock F. M., at the League House, Germantown. „„„„„ NOBTON JOHNSON, Secretary. CS” ranvEßsrri’ of feshstita* 5* BIA-DBPABTMENT OF ARTS. —The Third oftheOuiUstß year will opan on MONDAY, the IBih inet. Candidatti for admission will appeal at the BnlTorMty, for examination, on that day, at 10 o’clock A« M. Tuition for each Term Thirty*five Dollar*. c , GEORGE ALIiSST* Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. hammouds sixth BfBEXI&G FOB ADULTS will be held THIS !?#£iS G a i W"n£OXKGH. TBjtWTHand blr'-EL&Q PARPEN Streets- it* I®* AW, FBBSOSS &ATIHG FBIMIIS or BelatWes Interred In'the Burial Ground of the Second African Presbyterian Church, &T. Mißrgt., are hereby requested to come forthwith and remove the same, or they will be removed hr lOthinat apg-wfmat* §3®r» WOPM’S STOCK ixchoub, •=» Ho. 605 GHEBTHDT Street. . The Secretary win be in attendant# at the Soom from nine A. M. to three F. U. far the purpose of leaning cards of admleaion and receiving snbscriptlona President D 6. A O. BSBBBT. Tice Preeiient, A. Q HUSKS. Secretary, S d FOLWJK.b- ÜBASD lOTEHU2 eONCISBT.- On FRIDAY BVBHIHO. April 7th, at SPRING GARDES INSTIT UTE, cexner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN, Mr. KEMHEKBR, assisted hr ISO pupils, will slva a Musical Entsitsininent Tickets 20 cents: Children half price. To commence ati goartr to eight o 1 clack. ap6-2e* XBB MDIBS’ AID SOOIBTT, BSE? meeting every Friday since the rebellion began in the church corner of Twelfth and Walnut streets, beg leave to remind its friends and regular contributors that an usrgent demand 3s now made upon'ita res >nrces. Withinita sphere. under the personal supervision of Mrs HaBRIS. and other ladies, thU Society has been enabled to accomplish an,amount of good among she WOURDBD and DYING, to jhich tens of thousands of SOLDIERS are no itrangers. These Jadies* of long and well-tried AT TSB FRONT, amoSf the suffering, with every needed facility furnished by thejSovernment, • ~ «_ , . , , Will not onr friehds enable the Society to keep them well supplied with Monevand with Stores? Addms Mrs. JOBL JONBB, 9*3 CaBB?NUJ Street, or Mrs. STEPHEN COLWELL, 1031 ARCH Street, or at the Church on the days of meeting. ap6.2fc : K®* STATE BAMK AT €AMDJBW,H.jr., WfSSf APRIL 4th* >865. „Tbe £lr*ctor* have this day declared * Dividend of PIVEPBB CENT and an Extra Dividend ofFIYS PER CENT., boih payable to. the. Stockholders on demand clear of United States income Ux. ap6-Bt* j. TOWNSEND, Cashier* ggf* FIFTEENTH. WARD t EXEMPTION FROM THE DRAFT GUARANTEED UPON THE PAYMENT OF“ fifty dollars. A number of responsible citizens of the F ifteenth ward have joined together with the determination to relieve the ward from the Draft, and will now guarantee ex emption from all liability to the present draft to every enrolled citizen contributing $6O- They therefore ap peal to every perion liable, and urge immediate com pliance with the proposition by all -willing to escape the conscription. The draft can and will he prevented If this effort Is heartily responded to. The Bxeoutive Committee cordially endorse this pro* position, and certify to the ability of the gentlemen un dertaking the matter to comply fully with the same. Subscriptions can be made at the office of Alderman MASSEY, comer of GBBSH end THIRTEENTH Streets, through the day; at SCHOOLHOUBB, TWENTIETH and COATES, EVERY EVENING, or to any autho rized Collector. D, Ai ALLISON, Ohalrman. JOHN K. SBlflOß, Secretary. apMt BBIP 108 THE HEROES OF RlCHMOND.—*lnthe exultations and thanks* I Ivingß of Hits glorious day, let us not fprget the brave men who have paid for our victory with their blood, and who now lie on the battle'held maimed*and suffer*: is?. Over one hundred Delegates of the CHRISTIAN COMMISSION are now amongrthe wounded, binding up their wounds, giving them cordials and drink, as* slsting in carrying them off the field, and when they have borne the weary, jolting ambulance ride, giving them coffee and refreshments as they are placed in the cars. Hundreds, of precions lives have already been saved by these ministrations. Generals GRIFFIN and CHAMBERLAIN have .formally thanked tbe Agents of the Commission in the 6th Corps for theae succors. Other Delegates accompanied the 24th Corps with simi lar ministrations. Additional minute men are going foiward by every train. Demands for stores are coming in hourly. Thp Commission needs ONE HUN DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS TO SAVE LIVES. Millions a week henoe will not restore the lives 'which you may save to day by sending your Delegates to the bleeding and fain tin g heroes who have saved your country. CABINET ORGANS. CABXHB7 OBOAHS. SABIHBT KGAHS. CABIHBT OBGAX& Send in your contributions promptly to Hr. JOSEPH PATTERSON, Treasurer of the Christian Commission, Western Bank, or &> the Chairman, Mr. GEOBGE H. STUART, Christian Commission Booms, No. 11 BANK street, Philadelphia: ap7»6t rtM*> (tUABTERLT REPORT OF THE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA. Aprils, BESO URGES. Loan a end Discounts . • ~ . $340,716 03 U. S. Bonds, deposited With U, 8. . Treasurer, toseenre circulation ISO.COO 00 V. 8. Bonds and other Securities on hand 7.060 00 $637,766 06 Legal-tender Noteaon hand* •••**« 133,69( 63 BuiseAbis Bank-,*.— —...... *3lO 00 Bills of other Banks 7,36100 . s, 602 69 Due from State Banks and Dus from National Banks.. 45.638 16 5217,609 69 Furniture*nd Fixtures.6.66l 63 Expenses and Taxes 6,434 49 Capital Stock*****-—*- m,« .h,.m,«h«4 $250,000 00 Circulating N0te5*.*™.,.,,..-,,142,600 00 Due to Banks and Bankers.. 67 Due to Individual Depositors 331,84? 79 • $562,701 36 Surplus Fund*. r.. 643 47 Dividends Dnpaid-..19200 Discount*. ..... 6,476 60 Interest-*********.***.*** .***..,****♦*«.,» M *« 8,849”48 „I. E. S. HALL. Cashier ofthe SEVENTH NATIONAL BASK OF PHILADELPHIA, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my know ledge and belief. E. S. HALL, Cashier. State of Pennsylvania* County of Philadelphia, ss. , Sworn and subscribed before me, this 6th day of April, 1866. J. F. MAGILL, B - Notary Pnblie. tCSir* ftLABTEBLY REPORT OF THE •“L- Bondition of the MECHANICS’ NATIONAL Mok&rfiwuf^S? 8 ’ “ * t9 a, ‘ >t “ in|t of tke 4 «* DB. Notes and Bills Discounted-—.51,151.970'00 Boas..- 40,(100 09 OtherKeal £!tate~********»*»« 1,760 00 Current Expenses*** **««*•**..* 12,624 96 Taxeepaid*****^*.. *.*.•*«*•**« 2,251 91 Other cash items******«**.«***. 2SUI2 81 Due from Bangs, 136 284 00 U S. Bonds deposited with U. S. Treasurer to secure Cirou* - - lating >oie6****~-*-.~**«.*..« 275,0C0 09 U, S. Bbndsonhasd************ 279,000 00 Other D. S. Securities***—*—** 840,7C0 09 Cash on hand in Circulating Notcsofthisßank**.**, ***, 60,0(000 Cash on hand in Circulating NctesoftheMechanicslßanlc 68,860 09 Cash on hand in Circulating Notes of Slate Banks.**. 73,610 (6 Specie— —ll;CO0 00 . Other lawful money****** • ***** 768,474 00 • 53,232,947 eg Capital Stock paid in—...** $800, 000 XX) Btup;ns Fond.i*..*—*..*....— 300.0C0 09 J Circulating Notes received from Comptroller ®»,000 00 Circulating Notes of Mechanics’ Bank.— .. 108.692 00 Individual Dep05it5,..1,298,297 00 Dividends unpaid—..— «—.—*. 15.475 67 Due to Basks—-*.*****4*4*—*c. 296,996 83 Discount •—...., 75,821 98 Exchange... 967 72 Fzofitand Loss*.*.**—.*•*.*... 201.796 51 • 53,222,947 68 Statsof Pennsylvania* >. County of Philadelphia, ss. I, JOHN WIEGAND, Cashier ofthe MECHANICS’ NATIONAL BANK, Philadelphia, do solemnly swear that the above statement is trut *to the best of my know ledge and bfclief. J. WIEGAND, Cashier. . Sworn to and subscribed before me, this sixth day of April, 1865. -EDMUND WILCOX. It Notary Pnblie. f®* SECOND ftDkBTEBLY REPORT OF the ma^dfacturjebs 5 national BANK OF PHILADELPHIA. April 3d, 1865. resources. Loans and Discounts— —¥1,206,283 73 United deposited to secure circulation——*. 400.000 00 United States Bonds and other United States on ... • • _ hand. mu.mH, »*,», imuM 104,660 00 - ijjjj jjgg n Legal Tender Notes.. * $406,000 00 ' Bills of this Bank on hand— 11,106 00 Bills of other.B&nki - 10.000 00 Due from National Banks.—. ' 43,907 72 Due from State Banks*.,. .*— 40 473 61 * Othercash items.——..*»• 214,692 67 , > $725,079 01 BealEstete— ****....— 29,163 11 Expense account-......™, Hi7o2 80 LIABILITIES- Capital Stock..*..—*. 670,160 00 Surplus Fund—* 116,859 80 Circulating Notes.— —. 325,000 00 Circulation of Manufacturers’ and Mechanics'Bank ******** 99,852 00 $1,110,855 80 Due toßaxks.——** $18.617 73 Individual Deposits***.l,2Bs,Bo3 25 Dividends Unpaid.... 6,621 60 Profit sutd Loss—*—.*—* 64,689 36^ —— $1,866,011 85 ' $2,478,868 65 Elate of Pennsylvania, City of Philadelphia: I, ML. W. WOODWARD. the MANU FACTURERS 1 NATIONAL BANK of Philadelphia, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the test of my knowledge andbelief. « . M. W. WOODWARD, Caihler> Affirmed to and subscribed April, 1865. JOHN H. FRICK, ap6'3t Notary Pablic. ra*» FOURTH QUABTEB LT REPORT of the FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, Philadel phia: RESOURCES. Notes mad Bills Discounted*—**.—** $414,214'1fi furniture and Fixtures—.* 4,315 77 Current Expenses*..——7,oso 34 Taxes paid—l,l3lBB Premiums.* 8,60110 Due by National Banks—.**— $55,0*9 14 “ other 8ank5v...........m. 13,356 74 j —■ r— 78,394 88 U 8* Bonds deposited with TJ. 8. - Tzedsurer to secure circulating notes +* $150,000 To secure Deposits***..*.. — .*— 60 OCG •• f * ..7 3-10 Notes.*.. 25,000 . U s Bonds, on hand* 6,860 Other P. £. Securities****.**. . 180,700 „„ • • 411,650 Circulating Notes—*—**•»•«••*»♦ $6,100 National Bask Notes—**——*.. 5,200 State Bank Notes....—i—7-250 Legal-tender Notes—..—* .—* 327,603 28 ' _ _ 1 345,059 28 Cash items*»***-»*•♦****»i«»-**•-»*+*** 127 60 Capital Stock* ••* $150,000 00 Circulation-«*>,,* ommiimh*s234*ooo 00 Individual Peposita~~.*.. 768.665 99 Hi lied. States Deposits**** • ********* 456 18 Due to Batlonal Hanks* 288,264 S 3 Paste State Banks*** ••*»«»* *.***.. 10,527 04 -1,101,913 01 11699 33 Sxohuce ...... 3,801 OS IlltoßßtlMtl M 1,831 08 Borplni Fund., I.SOOOO _ I y 18,63190 I* Samuel J. MacMullan, Cashier of Fouith Hattonal Bank ofPhiladelphia, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true* to the best of my knowledge and be lief. BailUfiL J, MacMULLAN, Gaehier. ~ State of Pennsylvania, county of Philadelphia, SS' Swots to and subscribed before me this fourth day of April, 1866. BDW. H. WILLIAMSON. ap6-8t Notary Pnblic, ■sl* OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAX. USD EAVIGATIOH COMPANY. ‘ Philadelphia, March 10,1865 The Stockholders of this Company are hereby notified that, to provide mean 8 for completing the improvement# of the Company between WilkesSarre and Maueh drank, and to be prepared to prosreet with other tin* port ant raSlroad connections, the Board of Managers have determined to allow to ail persona who shall ap pear as Stockholders on the books of the Company on the 18th inet., after closing of transfers at 8 P. M. of that day. the privilege of subscribing for new stock at Jtar, to the extent of one share of new stock for every ye shares then standing in their names. Each share holder entitled to a fractional part of a share shall have the privile*e of subscribing lor a fall share. The subscription books will open on the '2oth inet., , and close on tne Seth of May at 3P. H. The new stock will not participate in the Kay dividend. Payments will be muired as follows: Ten per cent, at the time of subscribing, and the balance on the 24th day of May aforesaid, after which time only will the new certificates be issued. Stockholders not paying as above will lose their light to the new stock. Those who desire to anticipate pay ment will be allowed discount on the whole amount of cwtf-»« annum. mhl8»lm SOLOMON BBEPHBBD, Treasurer. BTrSFErEJ? 18 CIM BOUWTT. SrreT®ii COMMONWEALTH •UILDIEG, 613 OHKSTKOT Street, Philadelphia w .. . . .-« March 6,1865. payment oftheCity Bounty ire aSwpnpawMto receiv! ydnuteei* for Om Tear will receive a Warrant far _ , FOURHUNDEEB BOLLABS. W Tolnntoeri for Two Year, yUJ rewire a Warrant for FIYB HONDBED BOM,AES. Volunteers for Three Tears trill receive a Warrant for SIX HUMBBBD BOLBABB. 101 The, are Mao prepared to receive applications from, and to a-ward to, aU citizens who shaUbedrafted for one rear’e service, and shall therenpom be duly accepted for miliar, duty, or shall furnish substitutes, cerfiflcatas for warranto for the sum of » M . a *wS OMHDTOBBDDOII^ Kgr*> OFFICE OF THE BGHBHIAH KIJTIfiG COMPANY 01 MICHIGAN, 13a WALNUT Street, Ada w. , Philadelphia. March 20,1565 The annual meeiisg.ot tre Stockholders of this Com pany for the election of Directors, atd stub otter bual ness as may come before Jt, will be held at the office of gif Seorctory, 138 WALNUT Btrwt, la the city of Phila s'ssssot®"*®*' l ™'° tAmu inMl-tlOap , SAMtJEL P.BAELIWWQ^ fif* OMIOI OTP KEBRIHAO MISTI WO HCT Sheeh PiliT 0F &AKa SUPERIOR, 138 WAL- The AENUAi Oompany for the ELECTION OF directors" ndsnih the Office of the Secretary, 133 WAIN 0 r Street, In the city of PhUaaeiphla, on the SECOND MONDAY, the Utbdayof April, A 6.1865. at 10 o’clock A M mhM ISt BAHOEb P. PAKLINOTOH?Bec’n. “THE COSTIKBSTII, HftTEh !sL i 5 8 m»y^- for the purpose of adopung Jhe lupplement to the char ter of the company, passed by the Letislaiure of p« na . >y vasla, and appsoved March 21, 1865, and carry laz ix to effect the provisions thereof, will to held on MON DAY, April 10. 1865; stT2o’clock M, fttthe HOTfiL. By order of the Board of Managers. inhfO-lflt x J. fiEBGRANT PEICE, Secretary. ’ TOTJPRESS,-PHILADELPHIA PRIDAT, APETT, 7, 1865! $768, SGI 81 LIABILITIES, $766.361 81 $2,476,568 65 $1,270,445 00 LIABILITIES. $1,270 445 00 gggp THE BIMKB MTOM, COAL COMPANY. STOCKHOLDERS’ COAL AT COST. I*KKC£ FOB APBIK. 97 PMK TON. The Ugh price to whloh Coal airanced laat year, and trhlch It .till jnainteim, has ladtued a nninber of ,60- to oriaelza a mntaal association for supplying Ihemselvei, and euoh of their fellow- citizen, a, may de cile to join them, with good Coal at the lowest possible frxof. In pnrananos bf-thle ohieot they haye organized a company with a capital of OKB MILLION DOLLORS, with a charter under the laws of .thia Commonwealth, paeaed with a yiew to develop the mineral resonree, of the State They have secured a leaae of three or the . BEST TRACTS OF COAL LAUD belonging to the GIRARD BSTATB INJ3OHUXLKILL COUNTY, on which mines are now open, and a - SUFBBIOR COLLIERY ERKOTED, known AH the Shenandoah Colliery, which la In com plete working order, producing large quantities ol Coal, equal to the VERY BEST SENT TO THIS MARKET. It can now he furnished to stockholders at $7 FEB TON, while the rerolar price to at least $lO per ton, If the coat of production Is diminished, the price will he reduced In the same proportion. The Company own all the right, to the mining privi leges on over £OO aeree of land, bn which there are three developed veins of superior Coal, including the well known Mammoth Vein. A new colliery ecreen and breaker erected only last year, with saw mills, miners’ homes, and everything necessary toa Bnc«Qs*rnl prose cution of the enteipriee. The capital is divided into one hundred thousand shares at $lO PER SHARE, the holder of each share being entitled to one ton of Coal per annum at the . ACTUAL NET COST OF PRODUCTION, making now certainly A SAYING OF $3 PER TON. And from all indications the saving will continue at least that mnoh through the yqar; and comparing the condition of the Coal market now with what It was at this time leal year, the raving will probably be still More during a larger portion of the present year. Coal le now railing in the Eastern cities at $l3 per ton, and there Is scarcely any on hand there, even at that high prise. And the Government contrast for the sup ply of the War Department was recently awarded at a higher rate than last year, so that it Is obvious that ft will be wise for consumers to act promptly if they de sire to secure their fuel at a low price. y The mines of this Company are so favorably situated that no Coal can be' sent to market from the Schuylkill region more cheaply, and they are In such capital work ing order that the Company is rare to pay to Its Stock holders large dividends, which will be mads quarterly. Subscriptions for the Stock and orders for Coal, to be supplied at onoe, will now be received at the OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, NO- WAOTUT STREET, OR AT THB COMPANY’S YARD, * Biglitli and Blaster Streets, where all Information desired on the subject may be obtained. The Company i, folly organised and In raccessfnl operation, having basn receiving Coal regularly for a month past. . mt HBNRYfBIHONS, THOMAS A. SCOTT, ALEXANDER CUMMINGS, DANIEL BBIDBLBAN, LEANDEK M. JONES. PRESIDENT. ALEXANDER CUMMINGS TKSAUSRBE. HENRY SIMONS. Secretary and Superintendent of Delivery Depot, GEORGE Ol MITO.HELL. ap7-stif Oil- COMPAffIE: Jsgp BI« SASDT OIL COMPANY, VENANGO COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. / CAPITAL..,.... ■ >.... .... ~... mh $500,000. 100,000 SHARES, at *5. RESERVED WORKING CAPITAL...... ~.530,000. Only $20,000 chares for sole, at $1 per chare—to be used . is developing the property. The property of toe Big Sandy Oil Company consists of 125 acres in fee aimple, clear of all leasee and incnm braneee, situated on the Big Bandy river, Venango .county. Pa., three miles from the'mouth, four mile* southwest irom tne town orF*sanmnr<™*-wUhin one and a half milee of the Jamestown Railroad, which Is now being laid, and will be completed by next season. The property has a river frontage of half a mile, all of Which is available for boring pnrpoeea, and is heavily timbered with white oak of the heat duality' There *is sufficient coal upon the property for all purposes. The public road to 'Waterloo, and the old Pittsburg road to franklin, run near the lands. In the vicinity are the large wells struck upon the Allegheny. The property is'also in close proximity to the wells on Sugar and French creek, and is about fonr miles east of the Adamantine Well, lately struck on the East Sandy.' Surface Indications are very rich, oil having been found in many places exuding from the ground. In 1862 a large well was struck on the Big Sandy, three quarters of a mile below the property, but which was abandoned In consequence of the low price of oil,and the breaking out of the war, Two engines have been purchased, and are now upon the premises, and fonr wells are sow in progress of beingbured. '■ .The Company proposes to sell only 20,000 chares of stock, at One Dollar par share, to be used for develop lag the property. The Company, having no royalty or rents to pay, owing no debts, having no fractional interest to look after, will conduct Its business' solely fox cash: and the holders of Big Sandy stock will receive the whole net product of the property. - The subscription books frill be opened on WEDNES DAY, 22d Inst, (and remain open for three weeke, un less the stock is sooner subscribed for), at the office of the Company, . H0.'40 A WALNUT STREET. pSBBIDBin, . WATSON MALONE. SBORETART ASS TBBASUBBB, mhZi.wffit ||pgjp> FETBOEEVK, THE! HEW YOKE AND IsIVEBFQOIi PETROLEUM COMPANY. - ORGANIZED UNDER THE MINING AND MANUFACTURING LAWS ON THE STATE OF NEW YORK. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, *lO PER SHARE. ' SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $5 PER SHARE, NOT LIABLE TO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. OFFICBS: No. 21 EMPIRE BDILDIMO, No, T 1 BROADWAY, HEW YORK; Pobt Onion adsbbss, Bon No. 5368, Nnw Yor*. DFFIOIiSi Hon. DANIEL B. DICKINSON, President. WK. T. PHIPPS. Vice President; ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H. J. BUETIS, Mining Superintendent, Titusville,Fa. ATLANTIC BANK.No. 142 Broadway,B.Y.,Treasury. The well* of the Company aredtow producing oil. Payment.'for stock may be made iu drafts, registered notea, or Gevernment bonds and securities, which bonds and securities will be taken at their market value. Remittances may he addressed to the Company, P. O. Box Mo, 6888, New York City, or to ''Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the %w York and Liverpool'Petroleum Company, No. 142 Broadway, New fork City,” or to any of its agents, mh6.Bm TRIMOST COAL CO. 12S5* On alter Aprtl Ist, 1866, the business of this Comptny will be transacted at their new office, in the Anthracite Building, Entrance X 05% WALNUT St. J IMBRiB MILLER, apB-6t* Secretary and Treasurer. IST* OFFICE OF I’ll* FRAKKLIN WP FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, > PHU.insi.pniA, April 3, 1855. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held this day. a Semi annual Dividend of SIX PER CENT, and an Extra" Dividend of TEN PER CENT, were declared r.n the Capital Stock, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives; on aud after the 13th inat, , free of taxes. J.W. MoALLIBTBB, apt-lot Secretary pro tem. WILLIAM W. ALLEN. OIL COmPANIES. •gsw- THE' ■OB’ CAMERON PETROLEUM CO. OF PENHSYX,VANIA. CAPITAL 81,000,000. 5HARE5.,,....................900,000. TAR . .S».OG. ■UESORIPTION F810E~... JPHBjIDBaTp VANOE STEWART, .. or HMumn oooxtt. fa. TREASURER, -E. Gk JAMES, ' OF Wmsner.reTi. secretary, 3. li. DARLINGTONi *h OBaaran, fa DIRECTORS, VANOII STEWART, Mereer county, F*. , JOHNS.-LEONARD, West Chester, Fa, D. o. FORNEY, Washington, D. O. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, D. O, SIMON CAMERON, Harrisburg, Fa. iSS H.. DIEHL, Philadelphia. JOHN F. GRAFF, Philadelphia. GEORGE A BYARS, Philadelphia. JAMES Dtfltrz, Marietta, so.. Pa The present and prospratlv, value oftheatoakof thla Company may,be Inferred from tbe fait thatitownaa tea simple Interest la 4T3 (four hundred and eeventy three) acres of the* richest-tested oil territory lnYenango county, believed by the moat experienced oil men la that region to be capable of producing a net animal In some to the Company of one and a half million dollars, or three Umes'tha entire cost of the stock, which would be equivalent to twenty-five per cent.* month on Its subscription prise, or ant hundred and Afty per cent. iter annum on its par valut. Thefollowlngl, a description of tbs Company', pro perty: / - . ' Qne-fonrth fee slmple inierest ln the celebrated “Hoover ” Farm, situate on the Alleghany river, about two and 080-balfi mllea below Franklin, con- (two hundred and ninety-two) acres, with SSS rod s (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on which there'are now twelve leases, each ten reds square,and from which the owners of thh fee simple get one half the eIL frea’of all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by. the owner* of tha toe, from Which they get all the 08. On this Farm there are now ten wells in operation, producing an average of ton barrels per day, and several others are about bring tnbed. There are alio on it {B7 (eighty-seven) more lots surveyed, and mere than fifty applications are how standing to lease th, latter tor one half the oil tothe owners. Out ol (he twelve wells on this Farm e!«w* are new paying handsomely s a fast Which. eufiUiently demon strates the neat richness and reliability of the terri tory. ■ - He. 1 Is the enMrs/M simple interest Is 181 (one hundred and eighty-one) acres, situate on the Allegheny river, near ly opposite the “ Hoover ’’ Farm, mid a little nearer Franklin, at the mouth of Mill Bun, having a front of 98 rods on the Allegheny river, and one mile on both rides of Mill Bun, with ample boring surface for one hundred mils, or Lots of ten rode square. This tract is known as the “Stewart Farm," and'la clear of all leases or ineninbrancos df any kind. There le now in operation a'fifty-barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, which ad joins this on the south. In feet, the “ Stewart ” Farm Is surrounded with good-paying wells,- and within a short time* single lease of 80 rods front, on the imme diate opposite side of the river, sold for 8166,000 (one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars.) On this lease a good well has been atrnek within a few day*. In addition to the territory of toe “Stewart’’ Farm, which is believed to be equally as good aa toe “ Hoov er,” there are on it a three-story Grist Mill, with fine water-power, a good frtrm-honra, and other buildings, bet will be of use to the company. Tbe durability of toll immediate oil section Is Ulus ' traded by the faet that some of the well, on tbe “Hoov er” Farm have been pumping for over Tour years, with out any material diminution lk their yield, while toe oil here produced, from its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollar, per barrel mors than tha oil at Oil Greek. The eScers of ’toe Company feel justified In present ing the following estimate of what, with ylsoroni management, toe above landa cab be mafia to yield for toe>beneflt of the stockholders In a comparatively short time: THE “STEWART FARM.” There Is room on this for one hundred lots of ten rods square, ,u of.whioh can bo leased Immediately for one half toe oil, free of all expense to the Gottupcmv. Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred wells, although there is room for three hundred) at the very moderate'.averagcoffosbarrsZreaeh, wonldnt&kea Dally product of-. ..—,.. .... . 1,000 bbla. Out of this toe Company Is share would be. 600 bbla Value of dally yield to toe Company, at ten dollar, per bbl (It la now selling at $13.60. )w.«m. .................... w.,...56,000 00 Allowing throe hundred working days to , the year, this , would make the Compa ny's annual not receipts, from too Stew art Farm slono-—■ 1,600,000 00 mowing the same estimates for tha “Hoot- x er ” Farm, in which the Company owns one-fourth tn fee of the land Interest, to* annual net receipts from the latter would ho—— 378,000 80 Making the annual receipts from both Farms * 1,876.000 00 Deducting from-this amount the turn of $376,000 ttr contlnieneieu, would leave th* Net Annual income of toe'Gbmpany—. 81,600,000 00 ALL THEBE LOTS CAN BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If it Is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half tot Oil. with covenants binding lessees to rink- wells, with all possible diligence, to toe depth of 600 or more feet' A FEW PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS, You are not asked to subscribe to this Stock with the expectation of immediately receiving larc* dividende, but the basis on whleh the* Company rests, it is be lieved, will make your investment not only sitfe, but, prospeetlvely, of enormous value. Notwithstanding, at the present prices of oil,the Com pany A annual receipts (without any further develop ment) would be forty thousand dollars, or eight per sent, on the cost of the stock. . The President, Mr. Stewart, is on* of the most practi cal and experienced oU operators .in the State, and his residence near the Company’s property and general oversight of Its management is the best guarantee that no efforts will be wared to make the investment pre amble. Applications for a large proportion of the stock have already been made, hut none will he received until the books of the Company tin regularly opened for that purpose. Only a limited amount of the stock will be sold st subscription price. _The stock will Vs issued full paid, without further assessments. BOCKS OF SUBSCRIPTION will bo open for a few days, ou aud after January 16, -1666, at the office of E, ©. JAMIES, Treasurer, * -• ne-ioi walnut Street. FhlUda, Also, temporarily, bT A. DOUGLAS, feS’tf At B. E. 'cor. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. ggP== OFFIC EOF THE ' KOCE OIL COMPANY 3 -409 WALNUT STREET, At the Annual Meeting of the “BOCK OIL COarPABTST OB PEKNSYIiVAUU, * ’ held this: day* the follow!** officers vrewieleeted to serve for the ensuing year: PRESIDENT, J. T. McINNBS. SXCBZTAHV ADD TSBASURER, - JOHN P. GRAFF. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, J. T; McISNES. I SAM’LD. WALTON, GEO. O. EVANS, I WM. & HASSELL, - D. B. JONES. The Annual Keporfc was read'by the Secretary* In Shtch It was stated that “the Directors have, within e space of ten months and a half, paid to the Stock holder* dividend* tothe amount of ninety cents on each share of their, stock being equal to ttoenty-nine per. eent. per annum on the subscription price. ■ ' The yaluab e fee simple property of the Bock Oil Company-a tract oi seventy-nine acres of oil territory located on Big Scrubgrass Greek, some twelve miles from Franklin—was considered, and authority-was given to the new Board pf Directors to proceed at once with its vigorous development on the best terms that can "he made. Three new wells on the Byde & Egbert Farm, In Which the ’’Rock” is interested. Are now in progress, one oi whlchi has reached a depth ot 495 feet, with a . show or oil fully-equai to the best wells ever struck on this celebrated farm, not excepting the “Maple Shade” and the •• Coquette " ap4-6t JOHH-F. GRAF?; Secretary and-Treaanrer. D’Vttg*’ -NOTICE. W3E? Philadelphia, April 1,1865, TheOfflceofthe COMMON WEALTH OIL COMPANY, On and after this date, will h» located in the Third Story Front Boom In the COMMERCIAL BUILDING, No. 515 CHESTNUT ST. mhSl-12t. DAVID B. HILT, Sacntary. OFFICE OF THE EOBEBT OIL •=» COMPANY, No. 14V South FOUEtH Street, Philadelphia, Aprils, 1805. An adjourned-meeting of the Stockholders of the EGBERT OIL COMPANY will be held on WEDNES DAY. April 12th, 1665, at I o Clock, for the purpose of OlectlhrAffcefs. WM. M, CARTER, ' ap6-Bt* ■ - < Secretary. pgg- PHffiMX OIL COMPANY —AN Adjourned Meeting of the Stockholders of the Phoenix Oil Company will be held at the office. No. 134 South WHARVES (up stairs), on MONDAY. April 17th, st 8 o’clock 1 J M-, for the purpose oi ttking into con sideration the ASSESSMENT OF 35 GENTS PER SHARE on the stock, for an Election of- Five Directors to serve for the enuring year, and other-important business. ap6 Ilf JAMES Y, Secretary, |SP> OFFICE BYDE FARM OIL COM -I=X? PANT, Philadelphia, March 31,1865. The Board of Directors have ibis day declared a Dividend of FIFTEEN CBNTS PER SHARE, payable on and after April Bth. The Transfer-Books will he dosed THIS DAYat BP. M., and opened April 10th. apl-et - WM.M. CARTER, Sec’y and Treas. A 1 40 lETEREBT IN A PBIVATE OIL CO! for sale. ftloe»400. Address "M 0.,” Press Office. It* |®» OFFICE OF THE jETN/A MINING COMPANY. Phil Adelphia, .March 27. 1665. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that) an, Instalment of ONE DOLLAR per Share on each and evorv Share of the Capital Stock of the AETNA MINING COMPANY has this day. been ceded in, payable on or before the 10thday or AnrtLlSgS, at the offloe of the Company, No. 3!64 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia By order of the Director*. S. A. HOOPES, mhSStaplO Treasurer, OFFICE or TRI PERKY OIL COMPANY, Southeast corner of WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. . Philadelphia, March 20.1865. _ The annual meeting of the Stockholders of tne PERRY OIL COMPANY held at the office of the Com pany, on MONDAY, the 10th of Aprilnext, at 11 o clock A.M .when an election will be held for nine Directors, a Secretary, and Treasurer, to serve for thoessulng year, „ ' JAMES PERSY, mhM-mwfstaplO Secretary. ■333“ AT A MEETING OF THE SfOCß *=K’ HOLDERS Of the CHERRY RUN PETROLEUM COMPANY, held April 4, the following resolution was .paused: Resolved, That the supplement to the charter of the Company* increasing the capital stock to two hundred thousand shares of a par valued ten dollars each, be accepted. ' , The hookawiU he closed from the 10th to the 18ib, and the new issue of stock be ready for delivery on the 17th instant. The director; have this day declared a dividend of ONE PER CENT, on the new Issue, payable on the 17th. clear ol State tax. ap6-Bt* H. B. PAUI,, Secretary. ■rsa— STANDING IiIONK OIL AKn THB MaSkst 1 COMP * IfT-OHEAFEaT BTOOK I* CAPITAL. 900.000 SHARES. working capital, *40,000. PAR VALUE, $l. SUBSCRIPTION FRICK, 60 CENTS. HO FURTHER ASSESSMENTS. within a few days a new well bus b.en .truck At a distance orone hundred yard. {ton our property, on the Kanawha, All the lends of this Company are located within the (treat Oil bolt of West Virginia, and embraees SIS seres In fee simple, and two leases, one of 10 and the other of I sores. - Haps and Prospeetns at the office. Subscription brok will dose in a short Hmeraa the slock is being rapidly aold. Office, Alt WALNUT Street, Room Ho. S, third story. ISAAC COOPER, President. v „ ' JAMES H FEROrrSON. Treasurer. mh«.l» CHAB. H. BIDBBOTHAM. Secretary, ■rag- A nSBUSO OF THE STOOE, HOLDERS OF THE LITTLE KANAWHA AND SPRING CREEK OIL COMPART will be held at the Northwest corner ofFOUKTH and WALNUT Streets, on MOSSAT, April 10th, atSo’olookP. M., to make by lawc and elect Board of Directors to senre oo« year. JOSEPH N. KUOH, .. President, SAMUEL ECOLES. JR., Treuorar, , TJ® properties of this company compriss 20 acres m «. royalty, on Bnrntn* Springs Run, Wirt , West Yfrgiijte. and 600 acres on Spring Creek, near the abovOin fee simple. The company hare two entlnea on the ground working, ■* li “ lt «i portion of the working oapttal is etUl not can bebadjat subscription prise, *mtSltapliS * ft * »»6 CHURCH Alley. g THE DAT IS OURS! 215th PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 9th UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. TEE MILITARY COMMITTEE OF THE UNION LEAGUE has received, authority to raise AHOTHES REGIMENT OF INFANTRY for UNDER THE CALL OF DECEMBER 19, 1864. Orders haveheen given to the Provost Marshals and other Mustering Officers to muster in Recruits for the Regiment. The Officer* are all Yeterau Soldier** end will take care of their men, find he with them in the field. NATIONAL. GUARDS’ HAUL-, RACE STREET, BELOW SIXTH, CMT AND UNITED STATES BOUNTIES: ONE YEAR.™,..™.,.5500. TWO TEAR 5............................. 650. THBEETEARSBOO. - Besides the HIGHEST WARD BOUNTIES and PAT, RATIONS, and CLOTHING. Recruiting Stations have been established in various parts of the city. By order of tha' MILITART COMMITTEE OF THE UNION LEAGUE. ap7,B-apll tntbsM « PRIZE MONEk. GOVERNMENT ASTD LOCAL BOUNTIES TO ALL WHO ENTER TBB UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. Orders have been received from the head of the Bfhrise Corps; at Washing ton mot to restrict recruits to a particular else* (as has been the cese heretofore), but to receive ALL who have served in the volunteer set* vice, or in the reghlars, or in the marines, and have been honorably discharged. .finch persons enlisting in the U. S, Marines wifi receive the Government and local bounty, and will also be entitled to their abate of frize money in any capture of the enemy’s vessels. or further information apply at the recruiting ren dezvous. Ho. 31XSouth Fit OUT Street, between 9 A. M. and 3 o’clock P, M., evezyda* but Sunday. JAMES FORNEY, apl-tf Captain and Recruiting Officer. «U. S. MILITARY SCHOOL FOR OFFICERS. No. 515 CHESTNUT Slraet, Philadel phia, OPPOSITE INDAPEBDENCE HALL. J 'BN H.. TAGGART, Prewptor, Late Colonel 12th Regtment Pennsylvania Reserves. A lane number of Eeojnd Lieutenants IbrGolored Troopa wanted Immediately. Terms—One month, $3O; two months, $3O Soldiers admitted for two weeks at $lO Payable in advanae. Books supplied. Pamphlets sent by maUonappltea tlon. mb3o-12t gS 1881. DUE* MAY 1* 1865, AND JUDY 1, BOUGHT AT HIGHEST MARKET RATES, WM. FAINTER & CO., Bankers, ap7- tf - lIP SOUTH THIRD STREET. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE A 07 THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, _ Washuqtok, January 35. 1865. Wher&ae, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BARK OF PffiIADELPHIA, is the city of Philadelphia, In the county of Fhiladel* phla. ana State of Pennsylvania, has been duly orga nised under and according to the requirements of the Act of Congress entitled *‘ An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United State* bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, * 3,1864, and has complied with all the provisions or said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking under said Act— . ' ifoWt therefore. I, HUGH McCULLOCH, Gom** troller of the Cnirency, do hereby certify that. THI NATIONAL EXCHABGB BA»K 0# PHILADELPHIA, in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Phuadel* yhia, and State of BennayiTaaia. la authorised to eom menee the bntinese of fcankln* tinder the act aforesaid. ComptrollM o) Ut. Currwuy. rpHE FRANKLIN SAVING FUND, HO; 136 SOUTH FOURTH STBEEt, BELOW t CHEBTSOT, Pays five.per cent. 'lnterest on Beposlts. Agents for the sale of united States 7 S-10 Loans at Par, Govern ment, State and City Loans and Stocks bontht and sold tor depositors and others on Commission. nthl7 3m WILLIAM H. WAYNE, * 7 _Late Disconnt Clerk Bank of Jforth America, STOCK and BILL BEOKKB, Ho. 16 BABE Street. Loans, Stocks, Ac., purchased and sold at the Phila delphia Stock Board, Honey, procured on collaterals. Promissory notes negotiated. As., Ac. 'mhll-lnt QAMXJEL ALLEN, £? STOCK BROKER. 80. 136 South. THIRD Street, Pstladblphu. UMMXD* OHi STOCKS, U a IiOAMS, &C,. . - BOUGHT iJTD SOLD - ■ OJTOOMHI6SIOW, BT GBOSGS J. BOTH, Broker* 80. 18 South THIRD girt*. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION April 3, 1665. PEOPLE’S FIRE IKSVBANCE CO. WOBCESTEB, MAJSS., ENDING DEO EM BEK 81, 1865. amount op capital stock:. . .««™~saoo,ooo Amount of Capital actually paid la in cash.. 300,000 Amount ofßeal Estate owned by the C 0.... ..$41,900 00 '* Loans on Beal Estate.... 75,334 00 11 Bank Stocks (market value).~.w. 125,883 00 “ United States Stocks do. 117,36 i 00 “ Loons onCollateral.. ......... 30,775 00 “ Cosh.on band and in bank......... 18.666 67 Cash in hands of Agents6,BBs 52 “ Other assets not above specified, inclndlnnaccrned Interest....... 4.363 IS Amount of Losses unadjmted UMIMt n»H4 IMS . *3.000 00 .Ontstandins claims, and due..... . none. apS-mwf6t JNBURANCB AGAINST EVERY DESCRIPTION. mmiERS’ IS8l’E«CI COMPAHT, Capital §5300,000. ItM. W. AIMS, Agent, 404 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, - ' GENEBAL ACOIDEBT POLICIES Fop Five Hundred Dollars, with $3 pot weak, compen sation, can he had for $3 per annum*- or any other sum between $6OO and 110,000 at proportionate rates. TEN DOLLABS PBEMIUM Secures a Policy for $2, OtO, or -$lO per week compensa tier for all and every description of accident-"travelling or otherwise—under a General Accident Policy, at the Ordinary Rate, THIBTT DOLL IRS PREMIUM Secures a foil Policy for SS.OOO, or 526 per week com* pensation, as above, at the Special Bate, FOREIGN RIBKS. PbUoies issued for Foreign, West India, and Califor nia Travel. Bates can he learned hy application to the Office, BHOBT TIME TICKETS, Arrangements are in course of completion by which the traveller will he able to purchase, at any Railway Ticket Office. Insurance Tickets for one or thirty days’ travel. Ten csnts will buy a ticket for one day’s travel, insuring $B,OOO, or $l6 weekly compensation. Ticket Policies may he had for 8, C, and 12 months, in the same manner. Hazardous Bisks taken at Hazardous Bates, Policies Issued for 6 years ford year* premium. The rates of premium are lest than those of any other Company covering the same risk. . No medical examination is required, and thousands of those who have been rejected hy Life Companies, in consequence of hereditary or other diseases, tan effect insurance in the TRAVELLERS* at the lowest rates. Life Insurance Companies pay nopart of the principal «um until the death or theassured. The TRAVELLERS’ pay the loss'or damage sustained hy personal injury whenever it occurs. The feeling of security which such an insurance gives to those dependent upon their own labor for support is worth more than money. No better or more satisfac tory use can no made of so small a sum. EODBET D F HI<i^ TOaBSOIf ' G. ¥. DAVIS. Vice Pre.ldect S£KBT A DYEB, General An&t. Applications received aad Polictfffllsraed by ■ WILLIAM W ALLEN. mM3-mwfrS» Ho. 404 WALJTOf Street. OIL COMPANIES. MHJTAR*. TWELVE MONTHS’ SEEVIOEi HEADQUARTERS, FINANCIAL. COUPONS, Sv2o, 1885, INSURiNCE. ASSETS: LIABILITIES: •od not due. JOSEPH TH-MNGHAST, Agent, 409 WALNUT STBEBT, Philadelphia, Fa. ACCIDENTS BZ IHB HAETFC ED, COHIT. INDUCEMENT®. OPENING!! OUB SPBISfO IMPOETATIOX OP FOREIGN CARPETINGS, OF NEW AND CHOICE DESIGNS, WHICH WE OFFEE AT REDUCED FBIOES, ALSO, FRESH CANTON MATTINGS, OF VABIOUB STILES. MoCALLUM A Co., _ ~ No. 519 Chestnut Street* ap7-ot % IqiWPIJBLICATIOggj, Xn the . t INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS, Act approved June SO, 3854. as amended, And the Act amendatory thereof, approved March 3,1865, With COPIOUS MARGINAL REFERENCES, COMPLETE ANALYTICAL INDEX, AND TABLES OP TAXATION* COMPILED BY • HORACE DRBS6EB. Ivol,, Bvo, Paper 60 cento: cloth sl* D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, _ ' Noe. 443 and 445 BROADWAY. Eent free or mall on receipt of price. ap7*6t fO ADVERTISERS. "THI VALLEY SPIRIT." Publiahad at CHAMBXB6BUBG, Pa., HM tka largest circulation of any Waoklr Newspaper published ia the toutherj portion of tho State, acd i>. therefore, tho toot ADVERTISING MEDIUM in that section _ Advertisement» inserted at reasonale rates. Terms CASH. C»P7 61*3 Y. JBLAM3HBB * 00. WANTED—A FIRST-OIiASB SALES ” * MAN (Tin a Notion House), well acquainted with Chester and Delaware county Trade. * Direct Bon 1682 P. O. *■. apfr-et* WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS SALES ■ * HAN <in a Notion House), well acquainted With Trade in Delaware and Maryland. Direct Box: 1682 P. O. apg-6fc» Wanted—in a woolen jobbing »' BOUSE, a SALESMAN, thoroughly acaualntod with the city and near country trade, to sell by sample. Andreas ‘*Worker. ll atthisOfflce. apB-3t* WANTS D—A YOUNG MAN, AS SALESMAN, in a first-class Retail Dry Qoods htuse* an experienced hand required. Address “8. this office. • apg-3t* for LIPS INSURANCE The hest terms offered. Ap ply at 433 CHESTNUT St., second story. mhSMm* YNFORMATION WANTED.—BELA- X TIVES of CLARA REYNOLDS, supposed to be formerly of Lancaster county, who married' Hiram WitcheU, of Winchester, Virginia, about the year 1856,' and unbaeantstly lived at Chesterfield, Virginia, will confer a special favor bv sending' their address to me at Lock Box No. 15, HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania. ap7 3fc LAURA WITGHBLL. X?MPLOYMENT HORSE FOR HOUSE* KEEPERS, Seamstresses, Chambermaids, Waiters, Nurses, Cooks, Laundresses, and general housework, whit, and colored. BOSS LOCUST St. api-tm T7MPLOYMENT HOUSE fob CLERKS, -H-J Book-keepers, Salesmen, Packers, Porters. Watc hmen, Coachmen, Drivers* Conductors. Bar-tenders, Waiters,Farm-hands, Gardeners, &c. Emploj era suited at short notice, 803 and 804 LOCUST St, ap4-lm fJREATEBT THING OF THE TIMES VA -BOWEN’S PRIZE ENVELOPES.-Agents wanted everywhere. Premium Watches given to Agents. „On receipt of $l5 we will mail, post-paid, 100 Envelopes, and a splendid Solid Silver Hunting-Case Watch as a premium to the agent. A single Envelope sent, .with circular and futlpartieulars, on receipt of 25cants. Ad dress A. H. BOWEN & GO., P. 0.30x4270,36 BEBK MAN Street, N, Y. mh27-3m At WANTED TO PURCHASE, A JB. HOUSE on Arch street, west of Fifteenth street. Address Box 1881 Post Office. It* « WANTED TO RENT—A FUR NISRSD HOOSE in the country, within tan miles oi the city, near a railroad station. Address *‘R. A office of The Press, ap6»Bi* « WANTED—A HOUSE WlTH modern conveniences, in a good neighborhood, for & family of four persons, by a responsible tenant. Call onor address “H« fit 8 *" epe-3t* 434 MARKET Street. <sl JSOn yfanted-on real W* ,CUU ESTATE worth $5,C00. for three years,at six per cert. Any merchant ia the city wishing to open a Commisi ion House in the country will hear of a good opportunity by .addressing “Loyal Citizen,* 1 Press office. : aps.6t . fton nnn (twenty thousand DOLLAK3).—WANTED. a Gentl-man With this amount, cash, to invest with a Manufacturer foroneyear. Address **A. B. C., M office of The Press t FMl&' elphia ap4 6t* FOR SAtE AJfD TO JLET~._ MTO LET.—a DWELLING HOUSE in the vicinity of LOGAN Square (rent value $500) to let, with furniture, to a small family without chil dren, six months from the 15th of April instant Rent taken In board. Address **&. E Box 542 Post Office ap7-2t* £| FOR BALE—THE PHILADELPHIA. MB SOCIETY YOB THE ESTABLISHMENT AND SUP PORT OF CHARITY SCHOOLS offer their property for sale- It is situate os the north side of Walnut street, between Sixth and Seventh streets- The lot is forty eight fact six inches front by one hundred and thiriy feet deep, to a six-feet- wide alley in the rear, of which ii has the use and privilege. The present building on it contains thirty-three offices. Proposals for Repurchase will be received by the Com mittee on Property, at the office of ISAAC NORRIS, ao. 617 WALNUT Street, on the premises. ap7-fmwflt «V_ FOR- SALE—A WATSON ■/cTH GERMANTOWN WAGON, in first-rate order, pair of stylish HOR6JS6, two setalof double Harness, made by Phillips, &c. • Ao. Sold for want of uss only. Apply at Box 2472 P. O. I ap7-3t* r%lh TERRITORY. —FOR SALS, A valuable OIL TRACT situate on a branch of the Tionesta, in the developed part of Warren county. Two streams of water run through this tract, which contains excellent Boring Land, with every indication of Oil. Torres moderate and title good. Title, plot, certificates, &*., open for examination. Apply to Aro. MgDANIR&, ap6-8t He. 55 South THIRD Street. OFFICE TO LET—SUITABLE FOR V/ au OR Company—ROOM Ho. 4, northwest corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT. Apply at ROOM Ho. 3. ap6-3t T?OR SALE—ONE ORIGINAL SHARE in a first- class OIL COMPANY now forming. For particulars address “Excelsior,” cue Box 1549 Phi ladelphia Post Office. apS 4t* F)R SALE-GOOD OIL TERRITORY IH WIST VIRGINIA. —Parties wishing lands, good and cheap, would do well by calling on E. B. ALSOP, Blue Greek oil Company, ap4 fit* 407 WALNUT Street. TO IST- ' THE OFFICES Hoi. 238 and BSS CABTEE’S Alley. In the Old Post Office Building, Also the fifth and. sixth stories of same building. The third story of the COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, Nos. fill and 613 CHESTNUT Street, Suitable for an Exchange. Lifted by 28 windows. Jpplyto THOB. H. CORNELL. Coantinc H o ago of Dr. D. J»YHE & SOD, 343 OHBSTWOf 6tr««t. F)B sale—a lot of ground on SEYBBBTSfcreet, west of nineteenth, 40 by 8S feet? will be cloned very low Sot cask. B F. OLsffjf, mhlB it 1»3 Boath rOXSB.HO. Street.- gCHUYLKILL COAL. ' NOTICE. —The undersigned hereby reepeotfnlly noti fy their friends and the public that the leases from the new York and Schuylkill Goal Company (formerly the Forest Improvement Company), under which they have heretofore operated various Collieries In Schuyl kill county, Pa., having severally expired by limita tion ol the same, and the Company havins determined to engage In mining and selllni Coal, the business will conducted by said Company. 7 In making this announcement the nndersisned desire to return their warmest acknowledgments to their nn merons easterners and friends for the liberal patronage extended to them dnrinx the last twenty ■ five years, and to solicit a continuance of the same id favor of the NEW YORK AND SCHUYLKILL COAL COMPANY, in which their senior is, and will continue to be, largely interested. $420,991 32 OHAS. A. HBOKSOHER <fi 00., febbpabt, ises. THE HEW IOBE & SCHUHKH.Ii COAL CO. *5 SOUTH STREET, NEW YORK, and 887 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MOSES TAYLOR, CHAB. A. HEOBSCHBB, O. WILSON SATIS, JOHN P. PHELPS, WM E. WARREN. RICHARD HECKSCHEB. O. WILSON DAVIS, WM. E. W KEREN, TREASURER AND SECRETARY. W. W- DUFPIELD, RESIDENT MANAGER AT WOODSIDE, dSS^NOTICSl —Referring annexed card the NEW YOBK AND SCHUYLKILL COMPANY annonnoe that, having assumed the working of the several Col llsifles which have for many years been operated by Messrs OHAS. A. HECKSCHEB A GO.. they are new prepared to contract for the delivery, during the ensuing year, from their WHARF (H)'at RICHMOND. ON THE DELAWARE BITER, NBAS PHILADELPHIA, of their superior White and Red Ash Schuylkill Coal. Ordem respectfully solicited. O. W. I>AVIS, President. Maboh.lL 1865. “ mh3o-mwflBt CIGNOR YALLO, No. 532 N. TENTH o Street, Teacher ol Single e, Plano, Yiotln. Plate, Gniiar, Ac : Jg£°L- nHEAP REPINED SUGARS AND txrpTTPR Ttw the Packages for OHAEIiKS DO nnlwnn oIL 10T Street apl gt« p RAPE VINES FOR SALB.^—GiKTAW • VXba, Isabella, Concord, Clinton, Diana. Hartford. : Prolific? Oporto, and other varieties, In lareo or small 1 anantltles, at low prices, T. B.FLETOHBR,. api- tuthstt* DrLANCO, N. J. CARPETINGS. WANTS. - 45 SOUTH Street, NEW YOBK. OFFICES DIRECTORS. BAML. SLOAN, OFFICERS. PRESIDENT. SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. AUCTION SAEEB. Peremptory sale of books, “ ** On KOSDiR mutoSTDAY HORNINGS, 11th, at 10 ocloek/ht riJhSSSP 8 ? 11 . 41 *»-’& ®» 8 48081 s tK& of of Stock, MfelWlMlß , S° tkB ■>' Ametioitt and foreign Ho? if; ISS; A J th ' ,r 1 - Bryant, Bat croft, Bowhlwt, Holmes.lDaoa. Maroh. iS?SI T S> l r wte; afe Guizot, Herbert, Span cer, Andorra Uton * Also, handsome Family and PoefcAt iitvin. ‘sJSS Vefvrt Wo^S? Photograph Albums, Scrap Books, Pocket SSt* fblios,.Writing snd Paint Boxes, Buwavfi21 B *ifu2£ En*V«, Euv«»or**“, &« . Ac . Atf. fen HERKNESS’ RAZAAR, RINTH JSffkX AND SANSOM Streets, 1 AUCTION SALK OP HORSES, Ac T ON SATURDAY MORNIHG NEXT, at 10 o’clock, comprising about SIXTY HORS IS* Suited to harness and the saddle, including— A pair of handsome matched gray hones* A Rogers barouche and Jenny Lind wagon* A Watson rodraway and no-top wagon. , A Watson eulkey, three sleighs, single sad doubfe harness, blankets, robes, &c A donkey, donkey cart and harness. 4»7 Bale peremptory, by order of Executors of estate of Eu is tun Perot, Esq., deceased. . ALSO, . A span of elegant dapple gray horsas, with long flow* ing tails. To be sold to doso & concern. « , ALSO, s •h large collection of dcslrabl. new and aocond-haad canugeß, ll,ht wagom. single and doable harness, •addles, bridle., whips, halters. Si*. Xirno postponement on aeeonnt of woathor. &c 1 m VSDDBSDAY. ALFRED M. HRBKNEBB, Aueiionoer. AMESEMESrTg. \ME RICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. JOHK T. F0KD......« M . ..Manager. ITALIAN OPEBA. POSiriVELiY ONE MIGHT ONLY. ShTUBDAY BVBHIjra, April S, BK, When will be presented Verdi’s celebrated Opera. Ik four acts, of ebnani. CAKOZZI-ZUOfIHI, Sia. itACCAFKKRI, 810. BZMiIMI, J sia. Busrar. sia. MtriiiEK. brstEEICHABDT. _ . . 6IGEOBA ZAFmJCI. Conductor. OAKL BSSSEiinr Boors open st 7X i Opera commence*at 8 Becersed Beats . . », _ ~T o, t ? ..o ,l!ai. ?e d tb ® AcsdemT and at TBOMPLgS'a date Gould’s). SETBHIH and CHBSIHtn! Admission, *1.50; Family Circle, SO cents: Amnkl. tteatre, 30 cents. HEHSr B. HBtfilft 9 ” 1 ' ap7-2t • - Snslnsas Ha saner. "NTEW CHESTNUT-STREET THKA. TEE—€HBbTKDT BTBEST. ABOVE TWBLrot. riSIDA^EVEI A PrU 7. op - MB. WALTER LENNOX. When & BILL EIOH WITH FOB. WIT, ABB PATHOS Will be presented. _ , „ MIBB THERESA WOOB, Premiere Dansensa of (horn’s Gnsl German Onara wwar Sye lnE “ etod ““ vahlllbU »««*». QBAHD SPAWISH DAUCI, LA HADBILEBBo * The evening’s per* rmance will commence vtth anew version of Shakapeaie’a sublimetragedy. n tried „ - . MaCBKTH. • Macbeth,,..—. Mr. Siwin ForrestLe&iun. With the Pathetic staled ****** the BRAVE ABD bIS FAIR IMOGBNH. Body Macbeth—......MissCharlotte C ashman Rita- GRAND HIGHBAKB^&t 11684 ’ 19 * .Tocoaclnde. for the last Mme arSfc Southern Picture, In six scfs, sir led UNCLE TcM’S CABIN; LIFE AMONGTHB LOWLY. . BATDMUV AFTERNOON, April 8. THIRTY-NINTH GRAND FAMTf.T MATTWW When Uncle Tom’K Cabin will bepreeentad. T MRS. B. P. BOWERS l»entag«d, aid trill shortly appear. • walnut-street theatre. _ e BENEFIT To the Widow end Orphan Children of the late • . „ WILLIAM H. Paul, M.»®> gpr of the Walnut-street Theatre. WEBnBBDAY AFTERNOON, April 12,186 A ysstyali* EDWIN ABAMB, ... _ . a.vraiso bowess. and the Companies of (lie “ CHESTNUT- IsTBBBT THEATBE. AKOH STREET THEATRE, WALNUT-BTBEIT THEATBE, with the consent of their respehttre manarels Particulars in Sunday Papers. Brets Circle and Parquet— ....SO cents. Family Circle Baa t»_ Tickets can he now had at the Walnut street Theatre &od of H. E. Helller, Programme office. 112 South. Fourth street 5 ap7-ft THEATRE. FRIDAY BVBHma. April "7. 1£65. BENEFIT OP VESTVALI. THE MAGNIFICENT GAMEA! O AMR At -GAKBAt GAMEA! GAMEA! GAMEA! MONDAY, the new-play of HEARTS ARE THUMPS TIfRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCS* A'-L STREET THEATRE. BENEFIT OF EDWIN ADAME TO NIGHT, FRIDAY, April 7, IMS, _ HKN OF Th 2 DAY. ’ Frank Hawthorn .. —Edwin Adam*. To conclnda with BLACK EYED SUSAN WilMam™— .Edwin Adame. Gnethrain.—. Stnarl Hobson. l>Olly M&ygflW6f*e«e.»ee»eca*«H.»e*,eel|iggO ! JBff<M^l[ ( ORCHESTRA.- PUBLIC AA BBHEABBALS ejery SATURDAY at 3K o’deek P. M. i W MUSICAL FOKd HaLL. Blnile Ecksti, 35 cents* Six Tickets, $1; to be bed at Tnunplar’s, le. die’s, and Meyer’s Music Stores, and at the HalL THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, is PPM nanv# for visitor*, from 9 A. BL to 6F.BL jtX • 3BOAJEUMIW©#' TTANDSOME. SECOND STORY lHf “ FOBHIBHBD BOOMS, with boarding, within five minutes’ walk of Eighth and Cflestnat Also one furnished. Beferesce required. -Address “Bor: 88U r. 0 f * ap7-6t* Handsome roomb, with: „ BOARD, at the Northwest corner of NINTH and BPRUCE Streets aps-St« REMOVAXS. "DEMOYAL.—THE OFFICE OF THE All HOOTER AND MARSHALL OIL COMPANY he* been removed bom No. 308 South FOURTH Street to Northwest Corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Street*. Room No. S. ntiam EOST AND FOUND. T OBT.-g-A PERPETUAL POLICY, ", given by the Franklin fire Insurance Company or Philadelphia, No. 2C04, dated January 9th. less to JOHST P. KOBIER, and bv him transferred to WNL GRA9T, April 13, 1843. having been lost a snitabla Beward wifi be given for its retan to JOHH 'WBB, 80. 565 Berth FIFTH Street April 6,1865 ap7-13t* PITY WARRANT LOST—No. 584, OF WATER BE Pi RTMEST, payable to my order, and not endorsed. Payment stopped. WILLIAM WHITE, It* 1355 North TENTH Street. r!T THE OBPHANS’ COURT FOR THB CITY AND COUNTY Of PHHADBHPHIA. Batata of BIOHABD WAG SEE. Notice Is hereby liven that CATHARINE widow of taid deceased, hu died in said Court Jb«r pe tition ana appraisdnaaaat of the personal property which, she elects to retain under the act of April 14th. iRSf, end its supplement* and that thesazae'wxll be approved by tbe said Court, on FRIDAY, April 21st, 1865. nnltig exceptions be Hied thereto. ~ JOBUBf SHALLCHOSS, Attorney for Petitioner. »p 7 4fc* April 5, 1565 HRUNERE .Can KISTER’S, No. 145 N. EIGHTH "Bystreet, will open on THOESDIY, April c, a larfe assortment of SPEIHG ASD SOMMSB HttLIRBETof the Tery latest styles. City milliners not admitted. Wa hare row open onr Kibbonr, Floweret Straw Trinr mtogs, Bonnets, Hats, and Frames of the best shapes. EgM-MTiam WIST CHESTJSK PHILADELPHIA »t% ROAD, VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, April 17,1865* the train* vfM leave as follows: ■ _ WBST CHESTER TRAINS Leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 7.35 and ELS A. M., and 2.15,145, and 6 45 P H. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 6.2 D. 7.46, and 10.551, M., and 145and4 45P. VL Trains leaving. West Cheater at 7.45 A.M. and leaving Philadelphia at 4 45 P. MJwiil stop only at Media, 5.R Junction, Glen MiDs- Cheyuey’s, and Street Road. B. G, iGKCTIoa tBAISTB Leave Philadelphia forß. C, Junction at 4,35 and IP 'Leave R. C. Junction for Philadelphia at 8.28 A X. and 7.20 P. M. These trains stop at all interhiediate stations, ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 630 A M, and 2P. M. Leave West Chester at BA. 5f and SP, M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7.35 A. M. and 4.45 P, H., and leaving West Chester at 7.45 A, M and 4.45 M. connect at B C. Junction with trains on P. t B. G. R.B. for Oxford and intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel oalsr as barrage, and the Company will not, in any can, bn responsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dol* laze, unless a special contract is made for the same, HENRY WOOD, Gen'l Stzp'i. Philadelphia March 15,1365. mhtt*33kli Eg—uimumauu CAMDEN AND AT -1,81 -"!* *»■ ■W’.LAimO RAILROAD. —Trais® leave Vlne-atreet Ferry: Freight, with Pasaenger Car attached—.—.7.3o A.S&.' Atlantic Junction Accommodation —. —.5 30 P gf. „ RBTURStIRg, LEAVES A3LARTIG. Atlantic Accommodation ...6.13 A. R. Keiths. With Pauenier Oar attached—L3oP. ET. Junction Accommodation— .6.35 A. 27. EXTEA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vine street 11. IfiA. M., Haddondeid 12.30 F. ]& Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point before 3.30 P. M, to lnanre it* coin* down the next day. mlOlmif JOHN Q. BRTAHT, Agent. ■ROERMAN & ADAMS, JLfc DEALERS IS OIL LARDS. Land a and Lease* bouaht and sold on Commission. Office 338 WALNUT Street. ap"-6t* Boom 80. S. pHOTOGKAPH ALBTOB.— BVY T EM A begt stales when desired: Patent Hinge*back Al fcoms* sold at B. F. BEIMBB'S Photo«npj& GaliOT. Elegant styles TariomaUe*. 633: &BCH Street, it* ,]ait iUi> ■ left earir pARD PHOTOGRAPHS—I 2 FOR f 1.25; '?/ '**&fg* Beat and pretty suitable for albutaf alto for its ] »phe scir scholar* to exchange with rahoolmate*. Bee specimen* toeea. at BEIMEB'S. 88003*0 Btreet. above Green If ;■ ad- bDBTOH- nARTEB DE VISITB—VARIOUS t „ \j gtrles. plain and tinted* executed in style to antfc jgUiFeP* » Jriday 6* l ®l RnRKRT DOSNKRL & SO ST, atNeW T«flt 8088 SPC VAITnPX Stea'et. T7OB THE ILLUMINATION. I “GBAHT CASDLBS.” ■Warrantednot to "Bun.” For rale by apaet* CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, SNisliLnßtiilast. _ U tiebly nbW styles foe the ipsrE*f*SffsSa TBADE-A Superior &.“?#!. sbiM , for Porf roilS-tf 15» and 159 STorth THIRD Stnatjr »«*■*■* * rML LANDS SURVEYED AND LAI* Shon at U M nt in Leases and TopofrapWcal Flanßl>rawa*-vKrtf boari j °*ia waUC G MB OPKIBB, Ciril Engineer and Surreyor, 8?« N the »a*d. «04fc South FIFTE sireet,~ne*r Walnut Bt.* e. apMSi* Philadelphia * r) COAL-OIL BEFINBRS.—TAN?? '„ lined ■with lead. burned in the beet manner r\£s? iSd ready,® l (] warranted to rive LEt(rAD , ! »pg Si* 110 and lla Sooth SgVBSTHStm E Btatas. a» MJ. MITOHESON, 528 • Street, dfifilrefe to see M.ASOS HTTTCHINB, lHn this busts® 1 ?. to be Ms*£adi«ss by any oaewb**fcd f *f famishit. •;.■•■ --.n- fitf SEC MORGAN, ORB, & CO., STKAM £ irX OlRfi BtubDBES, Iron Fonndere, and _O' , HeoMniete and- Boiler Hsktn, Kb WIS Cl| ; IKi Btreet. miadelhUa. < i ig, heaea
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers