THE CITY. DOUKLEDAY COURT MARTIAL. ■ , The court assembled yesteiday mnrnihg at eleven' 'o'clock,.' All the members were present. , &.B. Eoscman, examination resumed.—A. ma chine for the measurement of cloth, used in .tee manufacture of tents by Mir. dozens, was exhlbi ted, ana the modus operentff.explalnedbyMr.'Rbae'. man, the Inventor. The witness piovedjsby cutting ‘'the doth on the msoliliie and than measurinsr It hv' ayard-stick, that It exceeded the derigthof'mat* . rial,prescribed by the army standard, witness ' “rnKlUe nnlTmm d ttB ma0lll “' tbat tkfl ~ _ 'WKnefS stated that he (itoseman), had a reputa tion formaklngthe best she Iter-tent in the United Cozens tent was about the .best dell *Y6l6d at> the Arsenal ;LMf, Cozens was particular la v 1 to.tlie getting fall - ■mcaßure-mbnt j lie liad no Interest: In the Dozens tehteoiher than what lie received for their manu* ■ • laotuiar ' v The witness ha&reqtiested Mr. Neal to reject any of the tents mannfactured bywitnePß that were hot oorreot. Neal had rejected over 12,000 tents for Cceens witness stated : tbat Neal was very exaatlng and much more particular in his . inspections than ■J the had been when cbler inspector, so t -that witness had declined to make any more tents if Neal remained Inspector. The examination was continued at some length and the court adjourned, AH. ' fatal RESULT. David F. Campbell, the lair who was shot at‘ Broad and Prime Btreetsj on Saturday night, by a >' guardfwho flrtd at a deserter, died from the effects of his wounds yesterday morning. Coroner Taylor will hold an Inquest this morning. : ' , . BBCBTOTING. : ■ Yesterday warrants were issued for the payment of the .city bounty to 76 men, credited among the several wards as follows: Wards. Men. Wards. , First.. 6 Tenth. • Second 2 E1eventh.............. ■’Third;;; l ..... I'.Twolflh . Fourth. S S?’J ne *? tll I Fifth . - f Fifteenth 2, Sixth 1 Sixteenth. 2 - Seventh • 7 Eighteenth .... J 1 Eighth 2 Nineteenth B 1 Nmth...... 6 Twentieth ............. 4 .PROMOTED. : 1 1.-.,., The ninny friends of Sergeant John J. Conaway will ho pleased to learn or the resent . promotion of that gentleman 1 to a lieutenancy of Company B, Anderson Cavalry.; 1 The appointment l Is a well deserved one. and that lie will discharge the duties of his new, office oredltable wo have not the leant: dOUbt.'.. • • j pi-, .; SALK OK HEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, &0. .DSossra, Thomas & Sous sold at tho Exchange, yesterday noon, the following stocks and real ostato, via: - ■ ■ - Share Mercantile Library C 0... $7 60. GO shares*Amygdaloid Mining Oo , $l5-.■ 110.00 5 *• AcadfemyofJHueic. 5240 00, 6 , ■ -** .Continental Bottl. 190 00 8 “ M •• •. t* ;• s*•♦ • 635 00' 10 “ ConßnmeTs* Mutual Coal Co.. $6 - 60 .00 $1,915 scrip Dtl* Mutual Insurance Co., 1,752 22 5 245 •* V‘ a ■■■:!* FB-... 210 70 * 110 " «• - “ •«« 86.90 20 shares Vestern Bank* 898 OO *3O * 11 a NorthernLiberiies basksB9-25.».*««-• 2,677.50 10 .**■ ■ farmers *nd Mt-ehan'eu - Bank. $135.v .1,850.09 10 ; Dommercial Bsek, sBi -815 . fio • •* Corn Excbameßank. $6O 8,000 CO Three thr«e*slory brick dwellings Nos, SG9, 811,and 813. Seventh street, soti;h of Gatba rUettreet, subject toajear.y ground rent or - 1,400.00 Modern residence southwaßt corner Thirty- * _ third end Bridge streets...?. —i 14,390.00 4* large five story brick store, Nos 235 and 237 * Berth Third street 25,000.00 Tbree-storybrlokdwellini, Mo. 844 North Third ■ streets*. 4,225.00 Three-itory brick store and dwelling south- _ - east corner of Laurel and New M<*ikat streets. 2,950 0) Irredeemable 'ground rent of SI7K ............. 316.00. Three story brick dwelling, No. 1806 Addison • street™-...........™ ™. - . - -- 1,300 00 Valuable lot;eontheasi corner Broad and * Thompson stree 1 511,0C0.00 ' THE COURTS. Supreme Court—Presen*, woodward, €3. J., null Justices mompsous Bend, and Opinions were read yesterday In the following cases: ' Oatawlssa Ballroad Company vs Margaret Arm strong. Error to C, P. T.yoomlng count*, Opinion by Thompson, J. Judgment reversed, and a venire de novo awarded. - , , - Winter vs. Newell ot al. Error to C. F. Monroe county. , Opinion by Thompson, J. Judgment at ■■ ' firmed* .• \..\ ■ v -'n-' . *' Eeeslde vs. Beeslde. Certificate from Nisi Prius. Opinion by Agnew, J. ‘ Judgment affirmed.- . k Clark vs. Martin. Application o! Odas. G-. Core, < exeontor ofiE.- S. Coxo, to be admitted to defond pro interesse suo* Per curiam. Tbe application' of the executor refused and Ms-petition discharged. B2AEOBMBNT IK THB BOUHTr FUHDCiSB.' , i Spear: vs. the School Directors, etc, of Indiana county. This oase, which involves the ciuestion of "the constitutionality.of Corporation and municipal appropriations for tbe pay of bounties to volunteors,, -was ordered to be set down for reaTgument at Harrls ' KurgiMeyWbefore the full bench. I ■ ,The Htath-Presbyterlam Ohhrch of Philadelphia,, 1- vs. -John Steele et al. Ordered that this oase be re* ferred to Koni 6-arriok-Mitllery and Joseph A. Olay,'Estt, as masters,to find the facts under the: testimony taken', and ; report the same to the court,, ■with their conclusions as to the rights and liabilities of the parties under the bill and pleadings. ■ A-snort- list* of.casos from ihe Western District, specially assigned, for argument here, was then' taken np and oooupled the day. ■ Conrtflf Ojer and Termluer—Hon. James ' K.' l.iidlmv and Hod. Jonepti Allison, Associate JnStlces. [William B. Mann, Esq., prosecuttos:attorney, assisted 't • " • by T; B.Dwiiht, Esq.] . - : - ■ TBIAI, Off A CNITKD STATUS SHAITAN. WUUttin-H optlnß was arraigned on' tlia, oharge of murder In killing Andrew MeMarrity, and entered the pleaof not guilty. * ; The accused is a sailor or the United States, Navy, and aflne-looktog man. ;;-He is represented by Joan A; Owens, Esq. Tbe following-named jurors were selected to try tlie case: Miobael Stinsman, dealer;'. John-Hlstlne, cooper; Isaac K; Shuster, upholsterer; Wm. H. Eirls, en graver ; Joslah Richardson, plumbery, Israel Ooul ■ ston, stair-builder,; Albert Mc’Elrey, merchant; Abr • nei Jones, plasterer,; William- Batchelor, tobacco nist ; John Asbmore, carpenter; John E. Christian, engineer y'Obas. Freeston, stone-cutter. r - , - Mr. ltwJgbt opened the case,for the Common wealth, saying thero seemed to be no redeeming ’ - oharactorln this homicide. He stated the various . -grades of murder under the law, and referred to the Aiqts of the case as■ tbe Commonwealth expect to prove'them, On the 16th of January last the U. Si'S, transport Bermuda "was Jeavtos: port with a detachment of - marines on board. The prisoner, " who was in a bad temper all day, struck a, marine named Mount wltn a pot of coffee, and was arrested. A number of sailors and marines gathered around - and separated Mount and the prisoner. A struggle then ensued, .%hen they passed around the ship’s 'deck: “Mount bent i Hopulns, over a moss'ohest, When Hopkins, drew a knife and out at Mount. Sergeant McMarrlty, of the U. S. marines, dame up - to arrest , the parties, when he was stabbed In the ■ ■ neck. , * - ' THE EVIDENCE I'OK THE COMMONWEALTH. The examination of witnesses was then proceeded wlth.,v - - Coroner Wm. Taylor affirmed.—l held an inquest on the body of Sergeant McMarrlty, at the Navy Yard, on the 16th day of "January, 1861; the body " was In a very bloody condition, and had a wound on the right side of the neck.- Dr. Shaplolgb, the coroner’s surgeon, sworn.—On the morning of the 16th of. January last, at the: Navy Yard, I made a post mortem examination of •the body ol the deceased, There was a transverse - penetrating wound, about three-quarters of an inch * ’ui length, an inch and a half above the collar bone, bntherlgbt side-of the neck, joat In front .of the muscle which Is a prominent leatureol the neok. The wound preceeded'alightiy downward'and-in ward, passing behind the wind-pipe across the gul let to the opposite aide of -the neck This wound dl- , vided some of the main blood vessels of . In consequence of hemorrhage from these wounded ’ blood vessels the deceased easne to hlsfleath.; A< sharp penetrating Instrument could have Indicted . the .wound—say a knife. The wound waß necessarily mortal. A sheath knife, such as sailors wear, could • have toflloted the wound. I observed no other marks ol' violence on the body. Cross-examined.—Any sharp penetrating Instru ment four Inches long and three quarter* of au took ' wide could have Indicted- the wound. [The doctor • here described a sheath knife.] I should expect a - little different wound from a..bayonet. Bayonets, are not very sharp, and they are three-Blded.v The :■ wound was ftom a thrust/and was almost a straight cut. I think the wound too extensive to have saved the man’s life If prompt measures to do so had been taken immediately on Its infliction.. James Mount, a marine, sworn.—l was on board the Bermuda when this happened, acting sb oook for the marine mesß, on their .wav to Pensacola; I was attne mess chest, on thestarboard (right) side, • - wben fMp happened; X heard a disturbance, and on * looking around saw the prisoner with r a pot of cof fee fh his hand,'ln the act of throwing it, I think, at a colored roan ashort distance from him she threw it. and ktrockme on the side of the head; I raised *np towards’hiin, and in going to take hold of »him, -he grabbed roe by the front of the ■ shirt"; he turned and started forward, shill holding ■ on to me; when we got tO'the forward hatch, two or three sailors"standing there struck at me; he let go of me jußt for a moment; grabbed hold of me and started across the deck to the port {left) Side of .the; Teasel; he then, turned and : faced me, catching me -withbdth the shoulder, as if to throw ma down.;: I then caught him by the. collar, and we struggled for a moment, when I threw bimvaaroas: the mess chest; after we fell, X broke away from him, and raißedup; McMarrlty then Tan and caught, hold of him; he broke, away from McMarrlty, and rushed at me with a knife j he made two outs at me, cutting from right to leiVand viae versa; at this time a party oi sailors cam© running towards U 3 i from the after part of the f hip 5 they commenced striking and kicking at me, and'l was knocked down ; I raised up; and, saw McMarrlty; he was standing forward of ine, with bis back towards me; Hopkins was facing him, with a knife in his hand,. •endeavoring to use It 5 1 did not see him make the: cut, as the men put upon me at that time, and I got “i was born to New York,’and CBeforeMr. Alderman Welding 1 have been in the service near lour years; never saw . ERAUDULENT ENasTMENT., the prisoner until the day I went aboard the rooelv- A man giving the name of Patrick McGettlgan tog ship; seven or eight days before I went on board was arraigned, yesterday-morning on the charge of the Boimuda; never spoke to him before thadayof attempting ,to enlist, in New Jersey, a'young man A the fight, the men-balled him Liverpool; the fuss named George Pitta. that thedefendant took place between 8)f. and 4 o’clock P. M., on the met Fitts at or near ihe Baltimore Railroad depot, berth deck; there was plenty of light there; did not Broad and Prime streets* and induced him to go to see McMarrlty after he fell, until he was leavingT ’New Jersey to. enlist.»The youth: oonsented,,bnt, •the. vessel; I was not .-before 1 the coroner’s before consummating the enlistment/wanted the jury ; the coroner examined me In the debtor’s money that was/promised him; It Is alleged tbe - apartment. • i;, , f ; defendant,offered him the small sum of *lO. The - Hugh MeNamee sworn —The Uommonwealth do- recruitretusea, and finally McGettlgan was arrest aired to prove, by this witness the conduct of Hop- ed. Ho was bound over to answer at court. Owens objected to thlß, and the court sus- LARCENY OP TOBACCO. ... tamed tie objeotlon, saying the oonduot of Hopkins Joseph Wagner, a youth 01-seventeen or eighteen •shortly betore and alter the ooeurrenoe might be summers, was arraigned given- - : - • magistrate; on the oharge of the larceny of tobacco 'The’witness testified that Mount,'deceased, and : from, the- store of Mr. Nassau, In; the vlctoitYOf - himself, were passengers on the ship golngtoPonsa. Water and Arch streets.,The proprietor had missed rnla • ■ tobacco, at different times, for several months. At ■tolm Galbraith, a marine, sworn -I saw Hopkins }“t the-expedient or,setttng a deopy-was resorted inflict the wound on MoMarriij’s neck with a sheath J** BcaP 8 ca Pi ur ® d * & tobacco box waß kniffl •it wait vicn© with a thrust: between and & filled brick-bats, and placed In. the same posl» io’clock Hopkins came around from the port side J; ofe^ oco had been removed .' -with a pot o P fooffee In his hand; a ntager was sitting in! mm “Tom blaOk r —^’’ o the o niKß?rKot , up S to wot stead of the weed, he had been carrying brlok-bats. not Mid His arrest speedily followed. He confessed to having, out of hie way; Hopkins lifted tho conee poc .anu the store Thn -uonth m na > nm 6 .fired it at him ;it missed the nigger, and hit Mount answer - ihe youthwas com in the face; the nigger then went on deok; Hopkins „ - . Tan, and Mount afterhim; . they both clinched" on . . ' SEKGEAKT GEOBGE W, HIXOH. . ■ the port side of the fore-hatch, and Mount threw ‘ The ‘Caße of Sergeant Nixon, who arrested a Gon- Hopkina on a mess cheat-*; Sergeant MoMarrity necticut soldier, named Williams, on the charge of •irrabhed'rHopkins; I caught-liold of Sergeant beinga was acting under orders of a su - McMarrlty, and; told him Hopkins go; "perior officer. - The statement made; by the soldier, MoMartity was trying to take Hopkinß to,the mast , * it ia alleged, was false in every respect. The' aer- SSHreant McMariity said ho; that he was. raising a eeant belongs to the 186th P, V., and is esteemed by f all > day r then Hopkins a little > provost Marshal H.' A; Frinck as a careful and re ; from his seat on;the mess-chest and gave the aerr liable non-commissioned officer. - * - . -' jEOafitapushfrom him/wither Mount pulled or HEAYY ROBBEBT. ,-rked away-T can’t say; Hopkins got upoffUm On the night of the-19th: or morning of the 20th '-chest with a sheath-knlfe in hls ririit hand, wi™ wholesale:clothtog store ,of Goldsmith A two outs at Mount, who threw h!s head »«: ™Ltatreet“was entered-by robbers, ; he'’cut a: »»Im i ?Z oW 3 t °?™S£ • SxorMwm thousand Srs’ worth of goods,/Such aft, I think Sergeant - heavv robbery astounded, the police authorities, nf/n, k!ns again, but. lam not Y t; lo uclit that any publication of the facts ortho robbed atAheUme endsof -mw* 6 Into Mm,lie All reference to tlio robbery was, Thereloro. ?• ' excluded by tho press, so thaf the authorities could tliei, threw his • S““ t le,i y own -way.' Detective Tagger ttrac It ed gained froniuaUl; 4^^2SsvsTlt^S 'Sey was that a ■’rpspeeta,ble gain-- Se chaneedxfft” tiie robber that the P olioe>ete .on for Um , Being thus .warned, he do- AhYe Is will bring fv-clty; and: has' not since bee^n•heard of, *3??-, ''•p baving been .oommunioatod to the =eESiii-„ ulg £ o 3 their saryolllanoa,for tho Am. inteßiitf?vAW-Erlday-night; .reocvered v® ’’/l-trs’ worth of goods, whioh jUjiUkod and )wearothus.par • vsgnruTy to see bigipsjo it Is thought “ ; . yAetG3ttve3 .that wou id is one of tn^^oom- class ofcitlv... /V>» ‘ ■" - .^pv JjSjj? £ would kill somebody [before twenty-' ??'}£ . B * x *>eUs w -three -o’clock, and seven beus_ Is half past three; don’t know what induced ; P™ to say this ; the prisoner was confined in single ttons in the morning; baw hlni drinking out of a 1 half-pint flask belore six bells; MoMarrlty. was sober. -- . . » . Cross-examined—Hopkins wore a shirt and pants; don’t recollect seeing a belt around his waist; re collect Lieut. Lee throwing a boxiof whisky over board; don’t know any of the officers; the affray was put down by all hands being called to muster; don’t know what became of the knife; MoMarrlty said; before his death, that a dark-complexioned man cut him: whisky bad been flying -around all day; our muskets and bayonets were ell locked up. Hugh MeNamee, a marine, recalled—l saw the blow struck, hut did not see’the knire enter; Hop kinß struck from the left shoulder jwitb. his right arm. This witness corroborated the evidence of the other B. W. Hopper sworn—l saw MoMarrlty at 6J{ o’clock on board the tug at the Navy Yard; he was landed and placed in a wagon, where he died ; >ke body was conveyed to the guard room, and planed In charge of a guard ; the coroner held an inquest over It shortly afterwards; I knew MoMarrlty, and identified the body. ■ ‘ The Commonwealth here dosed. The court took - a recesß. AXTERKOOK 8388IOH. Mr. Owens, counsel for the prisoner, opened the case, and denied that- the prisoner Inflicted the blow. He said his ,client relieved Major Ander son Rom Fort Sumpter when he was compelled to. evacuate'it, and since then ho had served throughout! the war In yariouß vessels. r •-John Leatherboin, a sailor, sworn.—Mynattva place Is Denmark; I- am a, sailor; on board the United StatosJskip; Bermuda, and was so on the 16th of January last; Isaw the affray that resulted la' the death of ’McMarrity; the firstistari of It was as Hopkinß was getting his sapper; be got his coffee and went away; at the same time hepame against a negro; whether the negro Insulted him or he Insulted ,the negro‘,'l do hot 'know; :he throw the coffee pot Athim; I was thoh on the 'spar deck; and.looked down through the main hatch ; acrowd got together, of the ship’s company, both marines and sallors, and commenced to kick one another; two men got •hold of Hopkins 'and get him forward -at the.same time a fellow named William, who had red hair, had a knife lit his hand; the sergeant came" out ,01 his hammock and came between* MoHarrity and William; Hopkins at that time,was > between eight arid ten yards away from !.them; the; sergeant said be quiet, boys, and this fellow up with a knife and struck him In the neck; the' sergeant put hie hand to his neck and I wont off then; this William ran away in Hew Orleans after the occurrence; I never saw Hopklns before that day; lam positive, the prisoner In the dock did not strike" the blow; the knife that was used was thrown downondeok In a minute by the same fellow that used it; that William. Cross-examined.—l have been In the service three years and seven months; I had not been drinking that day; I remained on board the Bermuda; until she sailed; she went to Key West, than to Pensaco la; and them .to Hew Orleans, thence tO-G-alveston, thenoe to Hew Orleans,’ thenca to Key West, and thence to Philadelphia; I have;bean hare three weeks; I-was brought ashore •from the receiving ship ; Hopkins .was put in Irons at ones after too oc currence ; I wag not confined; Hopkins was blamed for murder; for the murder of the sergeant 1 ,1 be-; lieve jrl did .hot tell to any officer that the wrong man was carried off, and the innocent man was ar. rested; ! told ltto Somo/oi; theimen, but I don’t know; who it was; I told It to Hopkins’ father. . I - Thos.- Murphy, a sailor, sworn lam one of the orewlof the Ib.'imuda ;’l am sallmaker'a mate ; I am on tho ahip two years ,the-7th of next Aprll; I have known the prisoner five months ; ho was quite friendly with the ship’s company ; X saw part of the row that resulted in the death* of ’MoMarrlty.’; three of . the marines eame’Bdohg and capsized: the kettle of ,tea; I told them togoaway and staytn their own mess, and not interfere with the ship’s company; they • said they would link all the’ bl nej aokets. In the ship-; they went forward andplcked up a row with this W m. Frazier; 1 saw Frazier and three marines In a fignt In; the seamen’s,;mesß, five feet from us: Frazier. snng out* for. help; and all hands jumped in except' the boat’s crew; I went on deck to report It, and met the first lieutenant coming forward; Mr. Do ling, was one of the officers; he is master's mate; the first lieutenant 'told; me to go'down and qaeil-tho ■disturbance; Isaw filtymen in one pile: they ware not standing, sitting, or laying; I looked especially for'Hopklns ; I can swear through ’conscience that he waSBtanolng;nlne or ten feet from where the row- was; he had. his hands onhlß hips, loohiog at them, and, was not near them.; Mr. Dee told, the master at-arma to stop the row on the berth deck; the master-at. arms snng out for the sergeant of ma rines to help him; I saw the deceased and Sergeant I.inbard go Into the midst of it ; I don’t know; how the man got stabbed, but Hopkins was outside' the crowd when he got stabbed:, I saw no kolfe with Hopktaß for a woek before this, as he was not la the habit of carrying one; one of the marines had a. ‘ bayonet; at the time of tbe fight Wm.YFrazier .was In the thick of It; -he always carriod a Sheath knife stuok in his breast; Hopkins had oh that day a blue shirt and pants; he was put in Irons that morning for being lntoxloated; he had been oufeoMrpns finej and a half hours before this thing occurred. mS Cross-examined.—l did not-see BdoMarrity stab-, bed ;'ho was stabbed twenty minute’s past 3 o’clock; X Sawhim lodlout oftbe’seamen’s mess; two seamen and two .marines led him out; I don’t know their names, because; I don’t make freedom with many men ; I'did not know he.was stabbed:whea;he was led off; I looked particularly for Hopktns, because he.had ! been> drinking ; ! he was standing when I looked down, just‘as sober as lam now; I did not see Frazier stab anybody, but l dare say ho is the man; that would do It: Frazier’rah away In Hew " . 'v- - ...........11 ! John Foreshow, aisallor, sworn.—l am one of the orewof the Bermuda ; I came down from the open, ‘deck 'and saw a disturbance among the negroes, ; about fifteen or twenty hands altogether ; the men all got clustered around the galley; X saw Hopkins standing'with his hands on hls hlps wlth a kettle by his side; Wm.. Frazier ran past me, saying at the time, by —VI struek him in the nock; he ran up on : ’ deck, and that’s all I saw of him; Hopkins was ten, ; or eleven feet from the disturbance at that time; I was a messmate of Hopkins, and never know a moro quiet man in myllfo. " - ; Cross-examined.—l am from Liverpool, England. James Morgan, a sailor, sworn.—l am captain of the forecastle; on tbe-Bermuda; I did not see the fight; I was, asleep on one of the mess chests, and was awakened; I saw Hopkins’ standing close by me, and :I did not know,what was the matter'; he •had a mess kettle in one hand and a pot to the other; the marines and. sailors were pitching small boxes at each other; Hopkins said, “go in, boys, go in. : ’ Robt. Middleton sworn.—l am a fireman'on the Beimnda; I am:a native of England l ; I was on the Bermuda when thought occurred ; I saw four or five, marines have one of our- men, with a bine shirt on, down ; X said “My Qod, don’t kill the iman!” and, then two of them set on-me; one of the marines ex amined this morning attacked me wlth'a slush pot; It was the man with curly hair; one of the sergeants stepped forward and grabbed the man’s hand; I went forward, and saw the prisoner; at the forward catch. r ; : Cross-examined;—l don’t -know where Hopkins was when I was struck at with the (slush pot; Mc- Marrity at the time was trying to make peace.’ - Perry Cromhorger sworn.—X am a FhtJgdelpMan, and yeoman of the Bermuda ;; X saw a mar 3 no j amp overhand I think he struck, somebody' oh 'the port side; then the row commenced between the; sailors and marines; the crowd came downon theportslde; when the men were called to quarters I saw Mount, one of the witnesses, jump, over and strike-some body plTrailer ran away. at,New Orleans. Cross-examined.—-Everybody on board knew that Hopklnswashcretohetrledformurder; iHenryCogawell sworn.—There Is a resemblance : In size between Hopkins and Frazier, but the 'color of the!r>halr isldlfferent; I sawtFrazier lu the fight; i.don’t feoollect seeing any man In (the fight'with a knife or bayonet; the character of Hopkins for peace and gnletness Is good. > ■•• • No cross-examination. - . Philip Doyle sworn.—l have known Hopkln* for six months ;‘he alwaj s had a good character; I did not- see him with a knife on the 15th of January. Cross-examined.—lt Is against the rules to carry a sheath-knife jyou can cisrry a jack-knife. ’ J. EL. Fletcher sworn.—l am clerk of the Coroner, and was at the inquest on the body of MoMarrity ;, One of the witnesses was slightly Intoxicated; the srlsoner5 rlsoner waß Intoxicated very much '-I thought; fount was not examined, before the Inguest; his statement was taken is the debtor’s apartment , of the prison. ' 5 “ ." - Edward Donly sworn.—l am master’s mate of the Bermuda; 1 haveTinown the prisoner five monthß; he is a good seaman and hears a good character. Mr. J. Smith swom.—X am an ensign on the Ber. rnuda; the prisoner belongs to the snip; he has al ways-borne a good character for peace and gulet ness; ,*■ - . - ; ; : -Hopkins swom.—l am the rather of the prisoner; he'has been at sea- for seven or eight years; he was at Fort Sumpter on the Pawnee and re lieved Major Anderson; He was also present at the death of Colonel Ellsworth; his character has al ways been good. - 'The defence hero dosed. >' The case was argued by T. B. Dwight, Esg., for the Commonwealth, followed Dy J. A. Owens, Esg.. ■and William B. Mann, Esg., made a mastorly ef fort In closing;' The court adjourned at 0 o’olook, pending the;jar gument or counsel. The case will be resumed this morning. • Yesterday afternoon a locksmith,-, named Briggs, was employed by a well-dressed woman to --remove, the lock from the front door of a house’on Third street, above Spruce, The house' belongs to Mr,; Henry Fllckwlr, who uses It as his'residence while in Philadelphia.- He also'has a residence at or near' Darby, at whloh plaoe ho . resides at presont. The house on Third street Is furnished; While the lock smith was removing the look, a gentleman stopped up and asked him what he- was doing.. Ho was informed that a : woman who lived in the houEe had employed.hlm to pick the lock and place another one on the door, a? she bad-lost, the key. The gentleman who -made the Ingulry was a brother:of:;,the owner, of;the;; house, andso Informed the locksmith.'"'The latter thus asoertalned'that'he; had been duped by the, female. A soenethatls un necessary to describe ensued. The woman declared that she was the owner of the house,'' and told the locksmith to go on - and finish the work. He refused. A police officer was called and the woman was taken to the station house; where she was detained for ahearlng. "While on the way to the lockup, she' dropped a bunch of keys through the vault grating In the pavement. After having been in the station-house a short time,she a fleeted ;to ;bo’lnsane,a :dodge that has often been resorted to by systematic;thieves. THE POLICE. A singular transaction. 29, 1866. OIL COMPANIES, er ia * CAMERON PETROLEUM €O. r 1 ' •"r' -• * , * ! OF PENNSYLVAfIIA. OAPlTAXj'*m'»*«»»m»ih 81*000,000, FAB JAW) »ÜBfiCEIFTIOBr ml _ president. , VANCE btewart. or jfEnonn oounrr, pa. TREASURER. E. G. lAMBS. ’ 'o» FxauSxunuu SECRETARY. J. L. DARLINGTON, WBBT OBBSTB*. PA. DIRECTORS, VANCE BTEWART. Mercer ioitnly. Fa. JOHN B. LEONARD, West Cheater, Fa. D. 0. FORNEY, Washington. D. 0. . HENRY D. COOKE. Washington, D. 0. SIMON CAMERON. Harrisburg, Fa. JOHN H. DIBHL, Philadelphia. JOHN F. GRAFF, FhUadelphla. GBORGB O. BVANB, Philadelphia. JAMES DUFFY,' Marietta, Lanauter eo., Fa. The present and prospective value >of the stoek of AW* Company may be inferred from • the • feet that it owue a - fee simple interest in 4TB (four.'hundred end seventy f three) acres of the richest-tested oil territory in Venenffo . county,-believedbythe most enperienced oil men in reaib ato btf eapable of producing e net annual in* some to the Company of one and a half million dollars, dr three times the entire cost of the stock, whisk would i he equivalent] to twenty• five ( a month on tti subscription price, or oris hundred and fifty psr cent* per annum on its par value. . . 4 -The following is % description of the Company’* pro perty : ' * .* One-fourth fee simple iuternt la th» calobratod '“Hoover “Farm, situate ,on the Allegheny river. . about, two and one-half, miles, below! Fiaaklln,wn-. taini»gs®2 (two hundred and ninety-two) acres, with '332rode (or over one mile) front oh the Allegheny rivet, oh which there ’are: now twelve -ldasesj each ten, rods )hiuafd, ahd from which the owners of the fee simple get one half theoil. free of all expense.' Bealdestbia, there -are two wells owned by- the owners of the fee,.from which they get ail the' oil.; * ■ Oh this Firm there are now ten wells in operation, producing ah average often barrels per day/and several 'Others ure abont being tubed; -There also on it 287 (elghty-'ieTen) more lots surveyed,, and mote than fifty appUcationsare now standing to lease the latter for one half the oil to the owners. • ••'* „;T - Out of the twelve wells on this Farm 'elevenaxe now payihg;hahdsomelys a fact which, sufficiently demon strates the great rlchne** and reliability of tho terri tory. ' - ■■ No. 1 Ii tli® mtire fee simple interest in 101 (one tundra A and elghty-oie) urea. aitnate on.theAllegheny river, near lyoppoelte the ‘ 1 Hoover V Farm, arid a tittle nearer Franklin, >t the month, of Mill Run, having a front of 96 rede on the Allegheny" riTsr, and one mile on both aides of Mill Bun, with ample boring sorfaee for one jtimdreil wells, or Lots of ten rode square, This tract 1* known u the ”Btswßrt?Farm,y; and i» clear of all leatet or tneambranoee of anr kind. , There ia’now in operation .W fifty- barrel well - (beaide iCTeral imaller oneet on the Cochran-Farm, which ad join. thle on the eonth. In fact, the "Stewart ” Farm good-pa,in. Welle, and within a ehortttme’aidngle leaee of 90 rode front, on the Imme diate opposite aide of the river, cold for $165,000 (one hnndred'and ebrtyflve thoneand dollars.) On thle leaae a good well hae been atrock within a few daw. ' Ihaddltlontetheterrltdrrof tha “Btewart” Farm, which la.belleved to be equally u good' as the “ Hoov er, “ there are on It a three-etor. Oriel' Mill, with, fine w ater-power, a good farm* honae, and other hblldinge,' ’hat:wlll bedf uae:tb thecdmpah,/' ■; £' ; i The durability of, thle immediate oil' aeefclon le illus trated hr’ the fact that come of the wells oh the “ Hoov er” Fanh have been pumping for over four years, with-; ,'oni any material dimlhhtlbh in ‘ their yield, while the oU s here sprodnoeai!.from>;lt«. greater oonvenlenc, for transportation and enperlor gravity, always command* Rom one to two dollara per barrel more than the oil»( Oil Creek. ■ ; ; i The officer* of the Company feel jneiiiedin rrelont bi* the folloTT inr estimate of tv bet. -with vigorous management, the above land* ean be made to yield for the benefit of the etoekjholder* In a comparatively ehort times i ' THB " BTEWAKT FARM.” TAeis is room on thlsforoke hundred lots of ten rods sounre, *ll of which oanhe leased immediately for one half the bil,/ree of‘all expmse'to'the Company. Bnttmatlm one well to each lot (one hundred wells, althonsh there 1* room for three’: hxmdred) it the very mbderafe’aTeraije'of ten barrels eaoh, would make a Dailyproduct of 1,000 bbls, Ont of this the Company's share would be. * 500 bbls. Vslne of dally yield to the Company, st ten dollars per bbl (It ■ Is n’ow sellimz at-; fIS.SU —, Allowlnz three hnndred workln* days to the year, this would make the Compa ny’»annnal net reseiptsi from the Stew "art Farm alono. ..0...,.. 1,500,000 00 dllo wihz the’'same estimates for the * ‘Hoot* or ” Farm, inwblehthe Company owns one-fourth In fee of the land interest, the annual net receipts from the latter would ■ be....™.—.. J,.—.' H&klnc the annual receipU from both yarn —■ 1.875,000 00 Deductinz from this amount the sum of (376,000 for eontln'ieneiei, would leave _ ' til# ‘ Net Annual Ineome of the Company™—.' (1,SX),000 00 ALI THESE LOTS CAN BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED. I If it is deemed expedient, at a royalty: of one-half the Oil, With covenants bindinz lessees to sink wells, with all possible dlllzehce, to the depth of 500 or more feet. "a" raw PhAIH WOEDSTO STTBSCEIBKBB - icr#i not to nßetflbi 1 to tits stock wBl the expeetattonof iwirmubixlii resolvinglarge dividenas, butthe baste on which the Company nits. It ti be?.- lieved, will make your Investment not only etCb, but, prospectively, of etiormoiis value. Roiudtiistandihfeat tie present prices of oil.tie Oom pani' b annual receipts (without any further develop ment) would be forty thousand dollar*, or eight , per sent.* on the coat of the stock. . : t . The President, Hr.'Btewart. is one of the most prasH fsl-and experienced oil operators, in ; the State, and Ms residence near 'the Company's' property and general oversight of Its management Is the bent guarantee that ho efforts will bespared to maka the -investment pro- liable.'"'. ' " ' ' ' ’ ' ■ Applications for a .large proportlonof tbe stock have airesdy been made,' bnt none will be received until the books of the Company are regularly opened for that purpose. ■ . ‘ ■ ' \ - Only a limited amount of tba etook will be sold at subscription price. - ! The stock will be Issued full paid,:without further assessments. i BOOKS OP STOSOKIPTIOB will be open for a ftw days, on and after January 18, MM, at the.offlee of E. Q, JANES, Treasurer, Ho/10*1 WALNUT Street, FhUaJa. Also* temsoiaiily. M a. noreus, feS-tf At S. E. ear. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT St«, rssg™ THE MAMMOTH SMPPJEBT las’ book oil company OF PHILADELPHIA, - ' 900 ACRES OF L>ITD SITUATED ON SLIPPERY: BOCK GREEK* BUTLER*COUNTY. PA. 130 ACRES IE FEE AED 745 ACRES OK A TWEET Y - : YEAR LEASE. CAPITAL, 500.000 SHARKSPAR VALUE PER SHARE* SI. ■ WOBKIHB,CAPITAL. *85.000. „ . r SUBSORIPTION'PRIOB TO ORIOIEAL SUBBORI BERB. 85 CENTS PBB SHAKE. ,■ - ■ OFFICE, Eo.- 813 WALKCT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PRESIDENT* ' - - > ■WILLIAM C. McSIBBIN, Fropiietorof,Merchants’ Hotel. _ • “ - .• ’ TREASURER* B. A. MARSHALL, Ju.s r* - j 80. 313 Walnut street. • ,--!* • . SECRETARY* * W. BM3AYWOOD, No. 218 ?Walnut street. DIRECTORS. JASPER B. BRADY, J&. t ■ - ,\ ' Cashier'intlzens 1 National Bank, Plttabnr*. GEORGE H. <3FCrjS3>Y, Merchant. Bethlehem* Pa. * . LEWIS O - GEBBN, - v Of The Catholic Herald and Universe, QHBIfcTMAN, ;•, Importer* 114 Walnut street. Hon., O. ; M BONAYAN* . • State Senator; . WILLIAM C. McKIBBIIT. ■* ■’M-rchants* Hotel. WILLFAM H. BABNES, - v Merchant, Philadelphia. The properties contain sufficient territory for TWO THOUSAND WELLS. - , These lands aro all situated in. one of the eholcaai localities on Slippery Eocti Creek, r and near oae of the large-producing Weli* recently atrnek there. It is he . hatred the Stock.will be par by July, when a portion of the lands will be developed. , , . . j\ T of less than OneHundred-ShareswUlbesold to any one. and one half the 'Subscription Price ptr Share, willbe required of each Subscriber on entering their: names on tht books. " .> i - • This Comcany is the only Company owning so large an amonnt ot territory on Slippery hock Greek, which promises to rival Oil Creek ia its production of oth [Fr* m the Pittsburg Commercial 1 .. • v “The recent strikes - On Slippery Bock Creek have, caused ah intense excitement in that locality, and lands : are consequentij rapidly increasing in value. Mr. (Jilt, - of Lawrence county, arrived In, the city from the new Oil Dorado yesterday," and reports that well was Hewing fifty barrels per eav. the: oil being of the most excellent lubricating quality." ■- [Fromthe fetroJeum and Mining Journal, Pittsburg.] ‘.‘A new well has been struck on Slippery Bock Creek,. near the Butler-county line," whictr proves beyond a doubt the existence of Oil in that section. . Lands are greatly increased .is value.- Ten acres are said to have >%o\& far ten thousand dollars.” % , The lands of this Oompany are situated near the lands hf the Jersey Weil Oil Company, and were selected by one of;the most-experienced oil men in Western Penn sylvania. The titles have been examined, and are PBHFftcT-dear of all encumbrance*.- . • . ‘ 1 SB ABBS WERE TAKEN THE PAT TBB COMPANY WaS CBGANiZfeD. . The Company wifi be chartered immediately. The Books are now op*n for a short time onlv at the Offlce r of the Company. Money may be remitted to the treasurer, and printed r.ceipis for Stock Will ; be for- W Add f r d f *8 ™ CO ' E. A, MiHSHALL. Troasnrov, mb27 6t V Bo 318 WALBOT Street Phlla. |gp“ OFFICE Of THE JEIiSEY PHILADELPHIA, MAUOH 25.1865. The following information has been received from SAMUEL GRIFFITH, Eel,, oneot the Director, : THE JEE SET WELL IS ALL SAFE. BO DAMAGE POKE, AND HOT A DROP OF OIL LOST. The Company have been famished vritli a letter from Hon. D W.. Findley, dated Mercer, March22,lB6s. from which they extract as fdllbwa.i : v.'-, • ‘From the amonnt,gtiOa now beta, discovered on Slippery Eock Creek,'and adjacent streams, land has risen, to almost fabnlons prices. Hew development, have been made along Slippery Kook and Maddy Cteeka and along the; Beayer Land along some of theee streams la now iellineat one. two and three thousand dollars per acre. ’ * mb27-St ' W, M. BARLOW. Secretary. TTPWARbS OF THIRTY THOUSAND - U certificate* and recommendatoryletters have been meeivede Attesting the merits of_ HELM BOLD S OB- PBEPABATIOHS, L .manT r of which are from • me wlheitvmnrceetlnclndlng eminent etateeaett.dH lyntML goTtnww. State tndee*. &«. *5,000 09 875,000 00' WELL OIL 00, MEEOHB, March 22.1265. OIL COMPANIES. THE 818 m\E OIL COMPANY. CAMTAE STOCK 800,*00 SHAKES. . PAS VALUE $1 PBK SHABA iosipnoN pbicb as cbsts pbb shabx mu «80,OOOOABH BUSES YED ABIWOBKIEO CAPITAL. OOBPOBATOM, ", W. H. STKVBHB. WJL HoKIBBIH, AD AMWABTHMAH. H. S. BLISS, WU. a. HU&Y, The property of this Compeer comprise* 100 cores to fee simple, situated la Warren county, Pennsylvania, on the Allegheny river,'4>4 miles shove Tldeoute, front. logon the river about 140 rods. There Is'room enough !on tho property for 10 to 10 well*. Boring will he Im- mediately commenced. The Economlte wolls, some 4Ji miles below, are now sending 500 to 700 barrels per week to market. The well lately sank on Magee’s Bon, 114 miles below, 1* not yet tubed, but gives all prospects of a 60-barrel weli. So II may be seen at a glance that our. prospects. foroil are very flattering. This propertyiwae pur- chased eight months ago at a low figure, the company thereby gaining Immensely by the aivanoe In land. To the stockholders is reserved' the privilege of choosing their own c Ulcers, and In placing our names to this WS are satisfied we are offering to the public Inducement* not to be procured In any company of the kind now in the market. Subscribers will please' call and examine for them- selves. Subscriptions received at the Banking Office ol WM. G. HUEY, No. 54 South Third Street, . SECOND DOOB ABOVE CHESTNUT STREET. We wish to close the books ol this Compear in oae BOOKS WILL BE OPENED MARCH SB3d. mh24.lSt THE STALDER FARM PETROLEUM, MINING, & MANUFACTURING CO., OF ATHENS COUNTT, OHIO. CAPITA!. i .$350,000. SOIBEK OF SHAKES ........350,000, PARVALUE AND SUBSCRIPTION FKIOE.&I. 50.000 SHARES BESERVED FOR WORKING CAPITAL. TEMPORARY OFFICERS President, JOSEPH SAUNDERS. Secretary and Treasurer, WILL.IAM M. LEVICK. . Directors, Joseph Sannders, He.: 34 H. Fourth street. Fhlla. William M. Levlok, Ho. 331 H. Sixth street, Fhlla. H. Allen Moore, Ho. Si H. Fourth etreet, Fhiia. Wniiain'BV Mowlsott, OoafcesTiile,.ciioiter co., Pa, ThomasP..Smith, 80. 30 N. Boutth-strsel, Phila. - Henry B. Fassel,- Forty > sixth street and Kingsesaing avenue, Philadelphia. ; ■ * - Isaac Haldeman, Newton Sauare, Delaware co. .Pa. David Glark/Danvillei-Pa.*- , *• BdwlxiHcGalla, Ho. 18 S. Second street, Phila. * ' AdamD. Williamson,~Hewtown, Delawareco., F*« The property ofthis Company consistsof 357 acre* of l—Ooniaitits 280 acres, situate ok the Hocking Bi ▼er; about four miles eart of Athens, the county, town. of Athens county.and about thirty-four miles west of Marietta. The Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad-goes through the premises; Stroud’s Bun'flows- through the 'entire length of the farm, and forms a junction With the Hociix gfiiver on the properly, afforaAng nearly two . \miU*’of boring Urritor»:.)~'jy ; 80. 2-Contains97acieß; situate about 33& miles north- Westof 80. 1- Stroud's Bun also passes through the tract, upon, which there Is a large amount of land snita- Belt Well ”18 on Tract 80.-U whiciu-at the time of boring, oil in such quantities that, it .was found necessary to There are surface indications of oilon Tract Bo.:3; also, Oil Springs from whieh Petroleum flows in small qusutsties at aS timsß. r Both of these properties are in >the immediate visinity of several wells, which are now producing the best quality of Lubricating Oil, . v The. amount of boring territory, the convenience of. irar spoliation which the railroad and-triver afford.,the large deposit of valuable coal whieh both, tracts of land? together with the pledgewhich the b»* pagers make that no reasonable cost shall be spared to thoroughly develop the property, -reader It worthy the attention ofthose who are desirous of investing money in what promises a rich return. .. ■ ~ • i_ , Substtiplion for a limited amount of the stock canbe made by application to any of the officers, or at the Of* flee of the Company, * ' No. 831 North SIXTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. Wut« PKTBOLECH. THE NEW YOKE AND LIVERPOOL* PETROLEUM COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNIES THE * HIHIHG AND . MANUFACTURING LAWS OP THE STATE OP MW IOBK. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, (10 PEK SHARE. SUBSCRIPTION PBICB, $5 PER SHAKIi NOT LIABLE TO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. . OFFICES; Mo. 34 EMPIRE BUILDING, Mo 71 BROADWAY, NEW YOBS, ' / Post Office Addbebs, Box Mo. 6353, Miw You*. '' OPFIOEKB. Hon. DANIEL 8. DICKINSON, President - . WM. T. PHIPPS. Ties President. ROBERT. BASSETT, Secretary. - : H. J.BUBTIB, Minins Superintendent,Titusville, Fa. ATLANTIC BAMK.Mo. 143 Broadway, M. Y., Treasury. The wells of ih& Company are now producing oil. Payment for stock mar lie made In drafts, registered notes, or Government bonds snd securities, whiflbbonds 1 ; and securities will be taken at their market value. , Remittances may be addressed to the Company, Y*. O. j)ox Wo. 6S6S, Mew York City," or'to v Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the: Heir York and; Liverpool Petroleum Company, Ho. 142 Broadway, Hew York City;’? or to any of its-agents. 1 . . ' y v : mh4-3m .~ •• GREAT TOBACCO. CIGAR, <U AND PIPE STORE, ! . Ho. 413 CHESTNUT Street; Philadelphia, Pa. Dean keeps the greatest assortment. Dean keeps the greatest yaiiety. Dean leaps the largest general stock. You can get any kind of Tobacco, Yon can get any kind of Cigars, ' Yon can get any kind of Pipes, Yon can get any-kind of Snuffs, ■ * AT DBaH’B GREAT TOBACCO STORE, No. 413 CHESTNUT Street,Philadelphia, Fa. When yon ; go to Dean’s -yon cancel anything yon want in the way of fing, 1 Fine Cnt. jand Smoking To baccos, Domestic Cigars; Pipes. &o. Dean keeps ihe largest general stock of Tobacco. <Jt« gars, Pipes, &W, in the United States, v ...... Dean’s sales are so extensive that he can afford to sell at about ont rhalf what others eeU for. Dean sells to the Army of the Potomao. Dean sells, to the Army ofthe Jameß. Dean sells to the Army of the Tennessee. Dean seUs to the Army of the Cumberland. Gunboats all order their Tobacco. Clears, Pipes, «o.» from r DEAH’S, Ho. 413.CHSBTNUT Street. Pennsylvania merehants.all buy at Dean’s, Hew Jersey merchants all buy at Dean’s, . Delaware inerchant»‘aUbay,at:Bean’g, , r As they can always get juss what they want, and at a much lower price tnan. th.ey can elsewhere, and they do not have to 1 - pick up their goods at a dozen little All goods ordered are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Order once, and you will always order from Beau’s, as his plug and ftne.cut chewing and. emoklnc tobaccos and cigars are far superior to au others, and he sells for much less; DEAH’I Ho. 413 CHESTNUT Street no3o-4m : . ■ Philadelphia,. Pa. H. JAMES, (Formerly of Philadelphia,) ATTORNEY AT LAW. FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PEMNA. Special attention given to the examination of Titles. . Philadelphia Chas. E Lbx, Esq.l Hon J. Ross Snowden, James H -Llttle. Es<i.« T. T. Tasker, Sr-, Hood, Bonbright, & Co., ;J. Z. DeHaven, President 7th Natiopad Bank. - > mhlo-3m* QAMUEL HOFFMAN, ATTORNET O AT LAW AHD CONVEYANCER. FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PEMHA. date of Philadelphia.) REFERS TO Charles S. Lex, K«ci.t R. & W. 0. Diddle k Co. r E. C. Knight & Co., Dr, B. S; Mackenzie, James;H. Little, Eaq.., i „W. H. Yeaton A'Go. mh7«3m ' ' • _ ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CON D BTITOTIOSTS. of lM^ i »«e«, i UBe HBLMBOLD’S BXTBACT BUCHU. It will give brisk and energetl l feelings enable yon to sleep well.. THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH. - 'X. ‘ —Therefore, the nervous and debilitated should Immediately tut HMUIBOLD’B MXT&AQT BUOHH. XJBOJJL* TN THE ORPHANS* COURT FOR THE CITT AHU COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA Estate of MATTtiBW N. HIBBKELL, decoded Tbe Auditor appointed by the n ourt to audit* settle* and adjusttfce account of J. SERGEANT F&iOS, Esq * aamintsirator of the estate of said deceased* and to ra port oiitHlbution of the balance in the hands of the ac countant, wilt meet the parties interested f«r the pur poses of his appointment, on TUBBD ATtAPTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, athls office, No. 341 North SIXTH Street, in the eltr of Philadelphia. ' . •*?••••>’-?:<V CHARLES U. WAGNER* y Auditor. rah22-wfmß{,* TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A .CITY, AKD _COTJB , nr oF_rlllL/U)ELPHIV x /Eit&tebf~WM.lT C., BOdLBSF* deceased. 1 The Auditor appointed :fey tha court to audit. settle*J and adjust the account of GEO K. ZIEGLER. Executor of WH; H: C/BOBLBN.decs&sed, and to report distri bution of the balance in 'the' bauds of the accoantaiit l : wUl*r eetthepartle«inU-rested for the narpoiesof hl« appointment,, on TOESGaTr Apru 4. 1815, at 4 o elpelc P. ■ M ,at Mi Office, soutoeast corner SIXTH and WA£*- B DI Streets, in theeitj, of fhiUdetpWai o . BSlstr _ ■ mh24'fcnwSt j Auditor. TO THE OEPHINS’ GOtJRT FOR J- TBS OICTi-IBP'fTOOTTT.’OyjEatSAB'ttPgM; JOHfirTLIHbsiYV deceased- ’ The Anditor,appoittted hy th.© Cotrt toatLdlt jßefctt*, and adjust the flnal account of BYiHSISOaiSRg, ettr* vivtog Kxeentorof John and to re port distribution of the balance In the hands or the ac conniant.-mill meet the. parties interested, for the pur popes of bia appointment. AurU- lUh* 1665, at three o’clock p M. j athlBoffice. Ifo, 14:3 South. hlGHTHStieet, inthecUy of Philadelphia. , mh24-ftnw6t ? JOHfil B OofcAffAM, Auditor, TN THE ORPHANS’COIJRT FOR THE A city and county of Philadelphia. Effete of JOHN A/WILLEAKB. deceased Notice la hereby given that MaKQaEE f WILLIAMS, widow of the laid decedent, has fl led tumid court her petition Bnd appraisement of personal property which, she elcctß to retain under act of April li, lbsl, and sap* pkmenis, and that the same will be confirmed by said court.'on - • r; "’ r ; • FRIDAY; April 7ih. 1865. at 10 o’clock A. ;M. * unless exceptions be filed thereto. -H. JR. WAfiBIYEB, Alton, ey for Patitioner. xrh22*ws4l* TESTATE OF EDWARD C.: JONES, XU deceased-—Letters ofAdm'niatratlon.npon the Es tate of Bex. EDWARD 0 JGNkB; : 4ateof the cUyof Philadelphia,' deceased, having been granted to the pertona indebted to the a»id estate will make payment, and those haying claims against the same wnl present them without d-lay to; - • ; ALEX. H JONES, Administrator, , i PRICE Street, Germantown. Or to his Attorney, jnh22 w6t* THOMAS LATIMER, No. 430 LIBRARY:Street. QUMMONS IN PARTITION.— LU ZEBNE COUNT*. SS. '..T _ e " THE COMMONWEALTH OF PBNNBYL. S „.. I VANIA TO XHS SHERIFF OF SAID OOU* r Y.; ) HKAL ’ , * w*-v-w Jacoh Adams and Annie iB., Adams hU_. wife, in right of .said.wlfe, John Alfred Barton, Henry O. Barton .and'Mary Frances Barton*his wife, in right .of raid wife >Wii/iam Arthur Barton. Mary Alice Bar ;to», P r Salmon and Susan Oath&rlne.Salmon his wile, in right of said wife. Eli Oreralinff gaardiau of Charlea Prank Barton, and Joseph P.iSalmoa guardlan of Florence Ann Barton, make you'aeenre .of; prose cuting their claim, then wecommeal fouagal'i that by good and lawful summoners yon Bummon George w Bobinbon.- late of your county, “yeoman, so that he be and - appear before our • Judges, at WILKE3- BABRE, at our County Court of Common Pleas, there to be held on the 12th day of May next, to show where* foie they; the said piaintiff* and he the said George Wi Bobinsoni together and undivided, do hold two ear tala' lots and pieces of laudsitaae m the borough of Scran ton, with- d;brick building'end store thereon, bailiff: lots number six Cd and 7Hn square or block number thirty (SO) on the town plov of the.boraugh of Scranton, .in the Bald county of Lus*me,fWhichhe, the said George W: Robinson, between tbtm to be made ( ( tbe laws and the customs of this Commonwealth in such case madonna provided) doth, gainsay and the same to be done doth sot permit, vetv unmßily and againet the same laws and customs, said;) Ac , and have yon then and there this writ‘and the naffo* of those Rummonars,;i£c tI ' Witness the Hon John N. Con* ngham. president of our said court, at WilkesbaTre.- this 4th dav of March,' A DIS 66 M. J. FBILBIH, frothoaoUr,, Per Hotchkiss. A true Bnd attest'd copy. - ! ■ .: ■ ;B. H, FpraitßAffag. Sheriff. „ mhsi w6t EDUCATIONAL. QAKDALE SEMINARY, AH ENGLISH. CLASSICAL, AHD NORMAL SCHOOL ■ ,08 . ■ . i- TOUHO MED AND BOYS. : PUGHTOWN, C aEsTBE CO. . PEHHA. The next term ofthit Institution will begin" on MON DAY, Apiil 3, IKS. For lars, address ' ISAAC W. GULDIB, A H.. mhS-lm p Frinflipai. T7TLLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— V- MILITARY BOaRDINO" SCHOOL;'four ,'milee from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough eonreo in Mathomatiee, Cleesioe. Natural Sciencts, end Bnglieh: practlcai les sons In Civil engineering: Pupils reoelTOd at any. time, and of all ages* and enjoy the benefit* of a home.- ite- , fers to Johii C Capp * son, 23 South Third CtreetfThos. J. Clayton, Esq . Pruno etreets Kon. uid others. Addroeh Eo?. J. EBRvBI BtB TO*, GBLEK, Penna. nos-0m WOO KLA HD SEMI NARY FOB TV- "Young ladies,- m«. a and 10 .woodland TBBKACB, West Phllada. Bav. HBNKY BBBVBB. A. M., Prinelpal. ' fe«-SW COAL. Thomas J. Obam Robbut J. Hemphilb. ! /ARAM & HEMPHILL, I yj bralbrs is „ ..." . ; ■ LBHIGH AND bOBDYLKILL COAL, ■ Of all sizes and of best analWss. _ : . Carefully picked and :soraened. : and'. iUTariably at the ' ' • lowest oaeh-prices.v " ■■ , ■ Ofil«e and Yard,'WILLOW, below FIFTBEgTH Street. Ay' Orders can he left - atT4.6 North SIXTH, Street, t 653 North TENTH Street, 1*33 BARCLAY Street, or’ thronth the Poet Office, which will ho promptly and. eatisfactorUy filled, . a , -/■ -i ' 1 ja!7 Sm 3? SCHREINER, NEW COALDEPOT, -d* HOBLEStreetraboye Ninth street. . .. Constantly on hand eupenor qualities of Lehigh and SchuylhlirCoal,selected expresslrfor family purpisps. at the lowest market prices. Wharf, Twenty-third ; street, below Arch etreet. . Office; 119 South ‘FOURTH ■ Street:- r -■' oello-6m pOAI.—SUGAR LOAF' BEAVER A/ MEADOW, and Spring Mountain L«M»h Ooal, ami Lest Locust Mountain, from SoLutJMU. pr-pared ex pressly for family uoe. Depot, jH EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets. Office,No. UawmLSEOOHD Street. ' [aps tfl J. WALTOH & CO, riOAL.- 19-5.0 A TON FOR THE VERY V/ : foe-t Hester and Egg COAL, equal to Lehigh, Stove,'slo; Nuti $9. ‘ " *£. Oflce.' : 305> South’ FIFTH Street. Yard, BBOAD and CATBaEIJiE Streets. mh2S-6t* PUKE LEHIGH COAL —H O U,S E KSSPSBS can rely on rettin. a pare artl.le at tlie 8. B. corner of FBOHT andPOPLAK Streets. JOHH W. HAMPTOB. -■> . roiaa-lm* T> 17 T9?E R FIE LD ’ S OVERLAND A# v DESPATCH, • ' Office go. *0 Boutli FIFTH Street.' ■; A THROUGH TKBIGHT LINE Jim been established, prepared to receive all classes of freight ha. the, principal cities eastofthe Mississippi river, and to transport the same from point of shipment * ' TO ALL-POINTS 15H% C OLOBADO.IDAHTO, UTAH, AND MONTANA TBRBiTOBISS, V7(tw through cohtbaot bates ijsnp bills o? XiApnra. Through Bate* include ► 'ALL GHARGBS-Bailway, Transfer, Storage,and Forwarding Gommlaaloae on the SUssourirlver, and transportation upon the Plains— thus es ablinr the Shipper to obtain a THROUGH GOg- TBAOT forMs freight for a distance of GYBE THREE THOUSAND MILES, and relieving Mm from all respon , sibiilties and anxieties Incident to the pnst.disorganized ‘and irresponsible system of Plains transportation.;* J Our Agents in New>York, Boston* Philadelphia, Pitts burg, Chieagoi St Louis, and Burlington, lowa, axt z prepared at all Reasons to_ receive and ship at the LOWEST* THROUGH TABIPP BATM.^ w ;^ This Company assumes ALL THI RESPONSIBILITY of Losses, Damages, or .Overcharges on freight-while in transit from point of shipment to plate of destination. The New York offioe U In possession of a fall set of TBAGS BOOKS, showing the date of shipment, the time it passes the Mississippi ■, river, is received at and shippedfirom the Company’s-'Warehousos;,at Atchison (Kanßas), the character of the trains moving upon the 'Plains, the date it passes Port'Kemey* arrives at Den ▼ received at destination,'and the apparent condi tion of the Wares along the entireironte. JKfr If Damages or Loteee occur, Shippers are notified in time to duplicate any important portion of the ship* ment. ?■>-\ e " • ■ The«books Are own for the lMpectloaof oat oaa tomera at all-' times, and parties shipping by this Line will be kept informed by correspondence of the exact of shipments.- r ;? v .it ■ Merchants and Mining Henln the Territories ordering AteMcon. Kaarae, ’’ andhire them .lippedtmd.rth. Initrnctloß. of oar Agent afl rwtat of.Upmeiit Letter, of.taaAiry Addressed to our offlM *t ATCHI- TUTACKERBL, HERRING, SHAD, &c. Ju. —2 600 bhls Mass: Bos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, latetcaught fiat fish, la assorted package?. 1 : -r, 2,000 bhls>Hew Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring ‘ 1 v ■ * < 2.600 boxes Lubec, Sealed, No. 1 Herring. . 150 bbla -New Mess Bhad. . • : ;■ 260 boxes Herkimer-connty Cheese. «c. ipstcreeadforsaieflr CTERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AA AMD BOUFS. 1,000 doz Sausage Meal £OO ‘ Roast Beef. 000 do Veal. 600 4 ‘ do 'Mutton. ••• 1,000 " do Turkey. 1,000“ do Chicken, ■ 3,000 M assorted Bo ups, in 1.1 2Klb. «n*. • For sale by RHODES A WILLIAMS, toB-tf 107 Sonth WATER Streat /COTTON AND FLAX 'SAIL DUCK V AND CANVAS, of all unmtaraamd brand*. Tent, Awnlns, Trank, and W»ion-coY9r.Du,k. Also, Paper Mannfactnr«r»’ Drier Fait., from one to fir. fast wide: Paulin., Boltin, Sail Twine. So. .. _ ■ wrue, XBUiiu.. mu. y OHn WEVSRMAN * CO., nos-tf ■ ■ ' UTo- 103 JOWBB’ Alley. TTIBH AND CANNED MEATS. X SOO bbl. H«i and No 1 Mackerel. For^sr , ’*“* 4 jai-3» fIB Ifnrth PROMT Street ARCH STREET. 600. KITCHRH - HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, and BRUSHES. A •ompleto assortment of paOB *' SIXTH and A BOH Streata. jnllS-ly WHITE VIRGIN WAX OP ANTIIi- LES. — k new Freneh COBmetic forbeautifying and preserving the complexion. It i»'the,mofit_wonaernu compound of the age.' There is neifcherchalk, magnesia; bismuth* nor. tale in its composition, H baiuf composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; hence Uie ex* trsordinary qualities for preserving the.ricin* Hiakinfit soft, emootlwfair, and trensparent. It make* the^old appear yonng.ihe homely hand some,the beautiful, and the most beauti/ul divin«■_ ®S'f£r 50 cents, Pnjpa r ed only hy HUNT * CO., Perfumers, 41 South EIGHTH Street,two doors above Chesmut. ana . 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. ja6-am_ nHILDREN’S CARRIAGES, EN- V TIBKLT NEW STYLES FOR THE SPBIffO TRADB -A Superior &•* jitlß-tf 15? and 159 Sorth THIRD Biteet_ TTELMBOLD’B EXTRACT OP BAR II SAPASILLA olemßes and ie»o;fate« the Mood, luatlls tbe rigor ofUealth into the sy»tam. and .SUM* out the humors that m&ke dlgeaac. T O SHU A T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, « COUKSKLLOB AT LAW, CLAIMS. Office, »51T Street, near Fonrteentli iitreM, Waahingion, P. 0. deß-Bm_ ITELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT H BUCHD I« pleasant In taste "L,?”hS™ ellinmrlona properties, and immediate lnlUaetion. , T?OR NON-RETENTION OR TNC.ON- I TIBJSNCB of arise, irritation, lctiammatioe oi oiceratioirof Oie or kidaera, nmit&tn fflnndße stone ■in the bladder, caicuius, «ra rdor trick-dnat sma »U ateea»en OOR FINE DYEING. AND INK MA- T GOPPB^prTOarad with treat «««. *or iaje tta paohaja, la lots. w eau purehaeew, at a email adwioe on ; the pries oi we OEDBB &*!" "» Street. mhl-Im* n-A.LT 1 600 SACKS OS'; LIVERPOOL O Ground Salt, landin,from Schr, Charm., For ikla in lots to anil by GEORGE B. KSRFOBT. v,>,9/,.fit» . 104 SOOTH PELA.WAKB a.v«ran- dewareof counterfeitsand D naFBIHCIFLEB DJALERB'endeaTorin* to dta ?aTo««l RATIOBB. ; ■ ' DURE CORN VINEGAR, FREE E from druse., and warranted to preserve fruits and •pieile* eanal t# vtneitar. and .old b ahJB-J!a 35 WthFKG«T Street, ; PROPOSAL.*. ,'r R ’ 8 omoE. Ho 1130 OtBIRD Kreet, :- PMILAIIft. r .I’HIA I'BPOT, March 27. 1865. V. BBALBD PBOPU6ALB will b. at this offlw tUi TUESDAY, April 4..1M5, »tl3*’«lock M - *»' llverixg at theß«liiijliill.Jtrssnal, In merchantable p&ekntes (cases to be made to conform so speclacssioos attblficffiee): 1 ' Wool Blankets* Haversacks, , ., „ Cavalry Guidon, ~ tavalrr Standards,. -< ; KatlonalGelore»-Infantry, Beaimental Colors, infantry, . ao, Aruiiety-’i ruibpet Cords ana -Tassels,: * do, Worst* dt-Laca, r do. H-lnch do Worked Lace, r. l»*inelr-'' ? > Lace, 1 do. " 3%,inch Yellow Worsted Lace, do. >£ inch -do .: Worsted Lace, •* do; - - do -'-'Worsted Lace,' ■ 00. St inch Scarlet ; Wots.ed Lace, ■ j do. 23% Inch. do Worsted Lace, do. ‘ St-Inch; Sky-Blue Worsted Lacs, do. % inch Scarlet fct k Lace, de. axe Handles, do. Hatchet Bandlei, - • * ■ . f do. Beslmental.General Order Book*, . do. Kegimental Letter .Books, do. hß*gin»en!Ui Descriptive Books, do. Target Practice Books, , do« Great Coat lining, sample required, Sack CoatLininr,.r, v: do. * Parties offering goods should make separate proyosa’a for eaoh article offered, and must distinctly, state in their Wds will commence the Quantity they, propose to}farai«h e*«h\w««£ price (which should be written both in woros and, ngures)ittx& conform to th* terms of tai* advertiser*jint, a com/ of witch should accompany each proposal. . ■ standard samples of the articles reqaixsdjnar be seen it tl Is office r ; f/v ■■■ ■ ■ .• ■ ■ Samples; when submitted; mn?t be marked and num bered to correspond with the: proposals; and the parnas thereto mutt guarantee that the goods shall be. In every respect, equal to army standard, otherwise the propo sals will not be considered. - ' .... . Bids will be opened on Tuesday. April 4th, 18S5, at 12 o’elock MT and bidders are reqaestsd to be present. Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible sons, whose signatures must be appenaed ;to the gua rantee, and certified to as beinr good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, by some public func tionary of the United Slates. -■■ Ali'prcposals should *be made out on., the regular forms, which will b 3 tarnished on application at this ■ The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable, aod no bid from a defaulting contractor wui ■ be recelved ■ Eodorpe Envelope *• Proposal, for (here insert the mm of the ttrttolnofferea)" ; *na. address - ■ Colonel WItLIAM W McKIM, Chief Quartermaster. Philadelphia Depot. PROPOSALS FOR WATER TRAHS- A pOBTA.TIOa. v Ofpice Water Transportatiow, U. 8. A.* Ho. {*OOTH TKIRO STRBHT. PHILADELPHIA. JBarch. 28, iB6O.- ■ PBOPOBALB will be r«eeived at this office, from, day today, for the transport avion by water of Goal* from Phila* elphia, Form a., to the Following paints: , Fortress M«nrof-,Ya , 400 toss, more or Uss. par day, • Alexandria, Virginia, 500 '* “ . •» Hewbern, JH. U„ lfiO 44 44 Port Koyal, S 0. . . 300 44 44 Fort Barrancas, Fla. , 160 44 Htw Orleans, La., 300 41 '■rity Point, Yirginta, 2CO . F WasMnaion; C., 300 44 Bea&forf, '£f. C., SOO. V •Charleston, 8,0., 600 44 _ MorebeadCity.N C., 200 44 4 4 • Tramporatton to be famished by either eau or steam vessels, or both (to Alezandrla, V* i and Washington, I). C,, by. barges or other vessels), as this Daoartsneat may.req.iiir* it; and bidders shoald,state distinctly the price, in writing ax djdgn;es. r«r each, class. - By order of Col.- W W. McKim, OhUf ter. .Philadelphia Depot. - ’Bu WMAff, mhKhlli* IGapfc&iu and Asjsistant.<iaartermattar.__ A SSISTAjrfr QUAKTEEMASTER'S A OFFICE, 1139 GIRARD Street. * " _ . ' Philadelphia, Pa., MarcVS, 186% SEALED PBOPOBAt-B'will be revived at this Office until 12 o'clock M . SaTURDAY, April lst. 1865. for the immediate- delivery at l the Doited States Storahoaae, Baß OVER* Street wharf. property packpi aad ready for transportation, of the following-described Qaarter jnaettrß* Stores, to b« impeded by aaln*PßOtor ap pointed on the part of the Yii: 6 dosen Gat Fittings, each 1,4, 5. 5, 8,10. 7 do do. r ■ 2. 10 do do 3. 8 do . do, ■ 7 4 do do 15.17,18 20, 21.23. 4 do do ‘ 24,27,34.41,42,43. 4 fio do * 44,45, 51, 62. 63. 57, 4 do do 59:64, ft6,7t), 71,74 I do do 7*. .74.75, 75. 77, 78. 4 do * do 79, 80, 81, 81 83.84. 4 do do - 85,89, 87,88. 6 dosftH Drop Elbows, 145,147. 6 dozen Reducing Elbows, 138,139,140, 111. 10 000 foot 2 inch Gas Pipe. 2,C00 do 2>&inch do. . 1,(00 do x.tnch do. * Mio do ?slnchv do: ■ „ . ■ , . • . , 1 dfij-pn W'm. Sellers A Co. s Injectors, 3To. 4. 20 Globe Valve#. - SO do do each ?£*inch, K-lneh, a&d l*lach. 60 do do, «inch, -20 do . do IK*inch. 25 do do )>S inch. 25 do do 2-itck. 6 do do S Inch. . - 20 Stop Cocks, each Inch, 3i-Inch. •60 do do inch. ■ 60 do do • ' % inch. SO do do 1-lneh. .15 do do - I^-inch. 20. do do . 1% inch. , 25 do do S luefa. 6 do do S Inch. „. , 20 Brass Unions, each X- Inch, IK-inoh, 2 inches. SO do do do ftMneta, Itnch. 60 do do do Jtf-incb, lnch. 10 do -do -.da lfc£-inch. 2 do* brats Bibb,cocks,-each X- inch, ?g.ineh. 1 do -do do do X-mch.l inch,inch, J< do do do \ do lk-lnch. , _ • . ; I The Globe Valves, Stop Cocks, and Unions must have ! a thread cnt in them to connect gas pipe. • - | Allof the above article to he of the be«t quality.- •j Bidders should state the quantitybie for. and when \ they wiU commence and finish their, deliveries, the; i price of the : (to; include boxes and delivery}; which shduld'he written" both* in words and figures, and conform to the terms of this advertisement, a copy of which should accompany each proposal,’ and no . schedule prices .will he received.. . . s>t > Samples’of the articles bid for must be delivered at the Banover-street Storehouie twenty four hours he : . fore the opening of the bids. . ■ • Bida’wul he opened on 1 Saturday, April 1,1865, at 12 o’clock M., and bidders are requested to he present. Each bid must he guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must he appendedto the gtiaran- I tee, and certified to as being good mid sufficient security t for the amount involved by the United States District 1 Judge, Attorney or Collector, or other public officer. The right , is reserved to>re3e«t any bld dsemsd un i reastnabie.and nobids from a defaulting contractor will ! be received [ All proposals lobe made ont - on me regular form.. ; which .will be fnrnlthed on appdcatlon At this office.: l order of Col,Wa W; McKim Ohlef Biarterma«- i ter Philadelphia Depot. - GSOEGB B. OBMB, jah2S-4t Captain and A. Q. AL TYB-POT QUARTERMASTER’S OF TICE, -OiKCiifNA'ri. 0., March 20, 1865. PROPOSALS are Invited by tee undsrsigned, until EEIBAr, March 31; at 12 o’olocx M.i for furnishing tbia Department witb , « - - . BLOUSE FLaNNBL, ARJfY STANDARD. v To be ot pure wool, tree from shoddy, and wool-dyed, a'dark blUecdlor.lm indigo dye. Width to be not less than twenty seven (27) Inches. There must be forty eight (48) flliing threads to the Inch, and In the chain filty- tin (66) The weight per linear yard must be five and one half (SK) ounce* . , • To befree from holes, thoroughly cleansed,and mami factored in a workmanlike manner. , • - » / ’ Deliveries to eomeoehee within thirty days After date of award, and be completed within ninety days there after. Proposals for longer deliveries will not be con sidered - ... ■ ._ ' ■ • : -e». •#i.: 1: Proposals for articles inferior to standard will not be considered. - Bids will he opened on FRIDAY, Mtroh 31st, at 12 o'clock M , at this office. and bidders are requested to ** made on 8 ATDBDAY, April Ist. 1865 Col C W. MOULTON, „ Depot Quartermaster.- - .JAMES O’BBfEB. riFVIC E A. A. P. M. GENERAL, SEP. V/ VOL RECBUITISG SERVICE, EASTERS' DIYI 8101ft' FURR A. 24, 1865. .SEALED PROPOSALS willbe received at this Office until 12 o'clock M., on THURSDAY, Hare a 30, 1856, for, delivery tothis Office: ' Letter Paper, Congress ruled, 11 job. 1 Cap . do. . - do. 15tBH. n* the Beam Brief do. do. 16 lb a. ayUl9 it6aia * Envelope do ‘buff, about 80 lbs. ; J .. i- . r Envelopes, buff. 11 by 6 inches. ODo. tight yellow, 9 by-4 inches. _ Black Ink (Marnard & Royesor, or Arnold's). Carmine Ink (Bake's or Cohen's), large bottles. Sealing Wax. . . , Steel Pens (GUiott’s or Commercial). Red Tape, spool of 100 yards. Lead Pencilg. , - . Blottirg Board. Indiaßubher. Mucilage, quart bottles. . India Robber Bands (small and narrow, assorted), Letter Copying Books (600 pages vellum).. Swanwout’s Metallic Paper Fasteners. Drafting Cards, 2 by 8 inches. , » „ Proposals induplicate, addressed to the A. A. F. M. General, and to the Supt. Vol. Recruiting Service, may . he made for any or all of the articles enumerated. - •. Forms for bids will be furnished on application at tMa PEnvelopes will be markedProposalsfor Station ery. ” Samples of fche.artlclesbld formustbeoelivered at this Office tweuty.four hours before the opening of the bids." . ■ • • ■■ ■ ■ T\'i‘ 1 m a , Deliveries to commence five days after date of award in such quantities as may Required.; . , rt Bids will be opened on THURSDAY. March SO, at 12 o'clock M., and bidders are requested to be present. : The right Is leserved to reject any bid deemed unrea ronable. ■. Farther information will be given on application at this Office. J. HAYBBB, Major 10th United States infantry, A. A. P. M General and Supt. Vol. Rec’gbervloe. mh2s-4t -Eastern Division, penna. I? LE OTBOP A T HIO ESTABLISH: -*2l MBHT. —DB. A. H. BTEVBNS, on* of the FIRST DISCOVERERS of a new system of treating disease by MODIfHOIEGTBICAL SPLICATIOJfSjjmfwho has been bo very successful at PERU SQUARE for the last three years, has removed his Office and Residence to 1638 VISE Street,' one door below Seventeenth. _ All persons desiring references, or any’ particulars : witkregardto his »ps rial mode of treatment, will please can or send for a pamphlet L • . , _ , ; Consultation or advice gratuitous. mno-ti RREWS'I’RR’SFAMILV MEDICINES. ’*-* You'willneverregrai that ydnrised BBBWSTEB’3 PECTOBaL for yonr. cough, and *ll affections of the throat.- It is the heat known cough syrap.■'.••_ ■ Use also Brewater’s: Embrocation, for bathing, -use alse-'Brewster** Cholera - Mixture, for bowel coca-, plaints. Use also; Brewster’s Eye Water. Use also Bus-water’s Essence Jamaica winter. U«e.aUoßrew«- Ur’s Tetter Ointment JOHNSTON& HOLLO WAY, Agents, at North SIXTH Street. 5. F, BBEWSTEB, Sole Proprietor. mh24-fmw 12t* Bridgeton, B. J. 600. & ‘ PUNK STB AH ENGINE AND CHIHISTS, BOILEE-H AKBBB, .BLACKSMITHS, and JSK8 ' having for many years>: been in successful '*•£*d been exclusively earned in building and repairing Marine andßiver BaginesVaigh. and low pro** Tanks, Propelleri, &c., &*., respectfully offer, their services ?to the public, a* being folly prepared to contractfor-enfinea of allaUea, MU £3?* -aiTer, and Stationary; haying seta .of pattern* of ditterenfc sizes, are prepared to-execute orders wttk despatch. Every description of pattern-making 5u ®S? the shortsat notice. High and Low-preasunk * * * ü bnlar, aad-Gylinder Bouera, of the best Pena* aylvania charcoal iron. Porgings of all siaes and kinds. Iron and / Brass Castings,-.of all descriptions; Boll* Timtag, Screw-On ting, and all other work connected ■with the above business.' a* - : prawings and specifications for all work done at the establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. • ihe subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re* pairs of boaUj Where they can lie in perfect safety, and are -provided with shears, blocks, £uls, &s 7, &«., for raising heavy or light weights. . r JACOB 0. NEhPIS. JOHN P. LEVY* BEACH and PALMER Streets. MEDICAL. ELECTRICAL OFFICES. CORNER ELEVENTH AND RACE- STREETS, _ ' ±MQ* AND FORTIETH; Dr. THOS ALLBflf, very sncceeafol In the treat meat of all diseases would inform Ms friends and the public that he is still beneflttinraod curia* many onj whom medicine has had no.effectaad considered incurable. -" 1 BIIWATISIff AWB JTKCJBAI.GIA. V 4 WPS DEB ?UL DISCOVBB* —We would Jfaek- your attention, to these diseases,, as we i h&ye fcaad.toat we possess a remedy which ha* f etired iEaiiy, aud wOl restore to their wonted /health, hundreds more who are at present snf -1 fering the most excruciating agony, .Generally, < a few days only &T 6 seeded to effect a enre. -We I would urge no one to try it; if yon do not the loss -.Via your own. Those who’follow ourreauire* ( ments, and notcured, hare nothing to pty. - Pa* J tienis treated at their residences': when desired. VTeitimonials at the offices? hours 9 A M. to 6P. free.. Offices, 154: Worth f * st £S et » cleo, CEESTWUT and POB- I je)B gm ' -PB THOS, ALLBW MACHINERY AND IRON. WM. J 5. PABER & CO., - ■ " IKOJf BOUNdISI^* 3 ™™ geneeal machinists, and boilsb. masses, r aß f s ir A^TP *^ p ™ om stati ° 3 ' < ■ Wens/ic - ;Mni »i Blsat PumacMi OU 10 lhe construction of Bn- E"*f® • Machinery £9* oiihorlm &a& pumping opera* 011 finished anf read? fox aMmenV BOIIiESS-of ev&ry .derate-. ■”» ° f iOfgg* n H. GARDEN * CO., NOS. 600 AND MAHKET Street. Manufacturers of and ktoi «?*£ l>ea!eT-» InJ3ATS, CAPS, BDSB,~ BOBHETS, “TKAW 600D8, AaWPICIAI, BLOWBKB. BUGHBS, , * Tte l&?iMt aml most couplet* htcck, and tin oest t«sig,. Country'MarsAanH.wa. fcb.a Trade ans-- ?“»*• ratal-la : *rrryrioM HSHai "PHILIP FORD &'CO., AUCTIONEERS, .1 59if ifinggp MtiASMI OOIOEBHOB Streets. LAME SPBJHG SAW 0| o L4OO CASES BOOTS ‘ we win s.U Amy standard. ' - 4s. 1 ""' do.. FOR SALE: AND TOJLEIV ipOR BALE, A VALUABLE COAL, IKOS, AKD TIMBM TBACT IN BUENSIDE .TOWNSHIP,? CENTRE COUNTY, FENNA., • CONTAINING 433 ACRES. This Is one of the b< st Coal Tracts la Saowshoe Val ter, sear or adjoining the property- of Saowshoe Coal Company, the Clinton Coal Company, and the railroad. Leasee liaye also been, applied for for the production of Petroleum. Apply to O. I>. KNIGHT. mli26-6t No. 333 Sooth THIBD Street. Mfor sale—the house and iOT, I*3o SPjRUCB street aouth sldej 20 feet front, four etonee, with Office In front basement. Ap ply oh the thh23 etr_ m FOR SALE-COUNTRY SE AT g JKi or Farm of 40 acres. onCha-rch Township. Pelawaie county, ii r,»?iT p?] im£i waS of the West Chester and' p MladelpWa BaUrMd. tn A ftßft mile of the Darby Paseewar Railway- - *iie ifndl? bigh state of cultivation, handsomely lo iafed. with extenstye’Tiew of .nrroandin* eonatry: there hie general springs; of water and an es:©e,lent anariy of gray: stone on theM” l *"' i-T«ttaf*”Se melts const.t of two well-tmtlt snbsMotlal scans Honis. with shade, sbmbbenychoioa fmit and ora*-, Swfaltree.? Also, two barns/stsble, carrlage-boase. premier JOEL I FEKKINS.Ho». 45and A 7 Soath FRONT fewest. mhl7-6t* ■jmt FOR P AHD DESI- H'iuill DWELLtBG. West side tf.Fonrth street, south of Green street Lot 20 feet front hv 180 •«»< deep toestrset. ? Apply to . - gfathlxM *t&t. m -FOR SALE-A VERT SUPERIOR M e OUSE to WEST PHIL excelbnt Btahle. fins well of water: rural, tot jatte near. »tt conventencesj replete m ail respects. Address. Mac chant. ” Box 2100. Poet-OBcs. . --' mh27-lm- <« «< .8 85} (< 51 «FOB SALK OE TO BENT, IN BIJR LIBBTOB, H : J., alairge and convenient BRICK DWBLLING HOUSE, thirty feet front on Broad street, containing thirteen room*; with hath,! side • ardent of half anacre, is well finit tree* in bearing Tbe location U defiijaple i ana uitbin a short distance of the Camden and Ambjy bail road station. - Apply as above to mhafi 6t* m FOB SAI-Js 1) WELLING-HOUSB ■MtfnnEM Mrth ß° r w rC ßßßSLiT, go- ao aorth SBVBUTg, Street. •m, FOB BA.l>E—-THK KEBIDENOE H No, rn South FIFTH- Street; all modem Ybnießcee; lera® lot: tieb«ohatT»rt» *c. E. B. REKTKS, *5 31 WATJSSSt. »FOR SALE—THR MODERN FOUR STOBT brio* DWELLING HOPSB, >isrk bnUdinx. and let of srotiad. Ho 2005 Walaai ?8 feeftront fey.l2o feet de.p to Porcalain .treat. rMeesnion wren to. Applt^|®^gDtre«, ' ' 1 ’ W.~<sa-S. EOITKTg Straat. mbSI-mviW MTO RENT—A DOUBLE COUN TBX BBSIDEftCB, with ooa*i house ana stable. Terr near Wißßluomlo* Stailou, on V l ®.,??? 1 !” road (even miles from tha cut. *o- WAf.BHT Surest •: mhaSUr £| COUNTRY RESIDENCE.—FOR SBsALH.a small Plica la ROXBOROUGH. Twantr flrst Wardi BlxmUeaaue ahaU from the cityi easy of access every hour railroad- and within a t*w minute** walk of the station. at Man&yunk. , ~ Tbe house is well 1 shaded with large tress; has three porticos, and the modern conveniences or heater, gas, hath* 4tc,» and is paved around wishfi&g-atonesand is also a summer kitchen separate from the ‘ house, and the grounds are elegantly laid out and filled with the choicest kinds of fruit. • •*mm*mrr Jpuivto - B. A. SIITOB Sulip ■ H. B. corner FIFTH and WALITOTH.. M ATLANTIC CITY.—A H AND - SOME COTTAGE (»p«.ll«0 S. nelel) ferule, with.or without furniture, containing IS Ko,u»an4a Sir CißtoHi; Apply 10 H. WOOTTOH, ATIiASTIG CITY, J. WTOOTTOH, Jr.V *lB 8 TgBNTH Street. Fhilada., or J. H. B-AVK3, SEVENTH HATH.‘UAL BAHK; ... .-v: - : . mtSl- 12t« ® FOR BALE-SIX THREE-STORY BBICK and three Two-storr'YEaHS HOUSES, on a lot 100 ftet aquara, corner THIETI-POCartt a-d ELM Streetr. Hantna Inquire ofS. FAN CO AST, Ho. 918 BPBINg gABDEH Street. • min7-Hi« «FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER offers for 'sale:his country seat, wit! In half a mile of Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pike, eon taining eight acres of good land, in the c«nire of.which is a large ; lawn with a fine variety of shade trees, ma pies, lindens* evergreens, etc. , in aUover a haedred full-grown tree's".- The improvements consist of a large : and flanked oh the west by two., towers, one-of which is four..stories in height Th«ie axe four large rooms on a floor, with a hall eleveuby forty-two feet. The house has the modera improye roents. A hydraulic ram forces water spring into. the upperjetory of the tower. vTnere 1« alto an iron pump' and under a covered area at the kitchen door. The out buildings consist of a carriage- hou*e and stable sufficient Tor four horses:and’ severaicarriages; -also,-; hen. Ice, sndl smoke house*.: The stable -has a hydrant in it. -1 - : - Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines in ftul bearing. There are also several varieties of apple, cherry, and chestnut trees. . Terms accommodating. - Possession given at any time. Apply to i -v; *r LRVT G.-’CLAKK, n 024 tf 831 MARKET Streat, ;WiiiniiigtoH, Dsl. M FOR SALE—A SMALL FARMflfc OP FIFTS • SIX AORES, in Camden, county, **— about- twenty minutes 1 .drive: from Camden, on the AUritoh Pike, one of the most favorable locations in the county; the land la rich and very productive, with good management, Thies to Five Thousand Dollars p«r annt in can be made off of it. Good large EQUBB; also, plenty of Bain* on it, and well adapted, for city-' persons wishing a country residence.; Also, frontage enough for several Cottages. -rr ■■ -- - - For furtbsr information apply to ■ '. . RICHARD BHIVEKB. GOfr COOFJSB Bfereeti Camden, BT. *J. . Office at Weak-Jersey Ferry. mha-lm* ; ® . FOR SALE GERMANTOWN COTTA SB; large and superior Cottage on Walnut lane, will every convenience* nno situation, ana good lot. -..... .■ - B. F. GIRSN. mhlStf 183 South FOUSTS Street. . Meor sale—large and valu- ABIK PBOPBftTT, 915 and OIT North. F.EONT Street, embracing-several Dwelling Houses, Tannery,. Morocco Factory, and everything complete for carrying on the morocco business,-with large lot, Sc.; will be sold low, or exchanged for a good farm _ • b f. oißsrar, ; roMB-tf • :la3 SonthFOCSTH Street. , M FOR SALE--LAEQE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, in full operation, with the working stock snd tools, patterns, &c. .of every descrip-, -tion, necessary for doing a larg& and successful busi nesa. situated bna railroad, about twenty miles from Philadelphia. *1 R. F. GLB*N, 1»3 S. FOURTH St., mhlB-tT orS/W. cor.BEVBNTBBiiTgaad QREBN Sts. ® FOR SALE ,DR EXCHANGE FOR STOCKS—Farm of 88 1 aoieec near SellersviUe, Bucks county, In good order, and has -good Buildings. B; A GDEBH-X»3BbntK FoUSTH Strait. mhlß-tf or S.WiCor. SkYBfiTBEaTH anil OBSSS Sts, MFOR SALE—NEAR SELLERS- A ville-OOOD FABMOf ld:3 ACRES; obesu for cash, ,or.will take In put good oil stocksin exchange. ’ B. F (IfiEHN, mh!B tf ; , 71133: Sonth FOURTH Street. «FOR SALE—« GREENWOOD,”|tt a desirable Country. Seat, containing about 15-A -acres- situated on Old;Fork road, below Fisher’s lane. The buildings consist of. a’fiae large Stone Mansion, fur nished with all the modern Conveniences, good Bam and Stablingi’lce .House, Ga*T Works, Ac. '-The gronnds are well laid out, with abundance of fruit, shade, 1 and water. Apply to ■ . T, M. PBHOT & CO.# ■ mhlo-12t ; 6»1 MABSST Street . MFOR .SALE—SEVERAL 1 FIRST CLASS HOUSES, on the' south side *of Arch, west of Nineteenth street, with all the modem 'improve ments. Now ready for occupancy: ; : Also, several first-class SoUSsS iu West Philadel phia,.Fortyeecond street, between Locust and Spruce 1e quire of J D-JOBEB-TWESTT* FIRST Street,above Chestnut, opposite the Planing Mill. - "T^nihMm* M FOR SALE VERY-CECEAfeilk a very desirable COUNTRY: RBSIDSNCB, 7 -3? i with- Furniture (if desired)coutainieg near - seven acres; 1 with an abundance of shade and a 'variety of Fruit;,Stable and Ice-house (filled), 35 minutes’ ride by r»ilroad from city and fi mlsutes’ walk from Scheuok’s : Station,,■ on the Philadelphia and Trenton Railrosd. Apply to WvH. P4XSOR, , rah27-mwi3t* Bridgewater, Bucks! county. Pa, J& PHILADELPHIA RASPBERRY, '■**-the hardiest and most productive 5 also, Catawissa, eyer-bearing: Hornet BiinekJe’s > Oranges,'-Belle da Fontenay, Black Can. Lawtonßlaciherry, at DSBEH’S Feed Warehouse, 71* CBBBTM UT Street. imhSS-sw2t* m EXTRA EARLX -PEASi jj*-Beet,V Cabbage;* Cauliflower; Celery, Cncnmber, Carrot, .Bggplanfc,.RadUh, Tomato, and. other .Garden Onion Seta, Pot*toes; Asparagus, "Boot** &c . at DBEER’S Seed .Warehouse, 714 r OHBSTWOr Street* mh2s»sw2t» ■ -•■ BOSTON AND i PHILADBL ;«S™Sa»MIj; STEAMSHIP LINE. sailing from each port on_BATURDAI 8, from firsfrwharf; above PIS! Street, Philadelphia, and ton* sffiarf, Boston. - NORMAB, Capt, Baker, Will sailfrom Philadelphia for Boston, on Saturday, April 1, at 10 A. M. t ard steamship SAXOS, Capfc Matthews, from Bos ton for Philadelphia, on the same‘day at 4P. M. * ~ These sew: and substantial steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays. ' Insurances effected at one- half the premium charged .on the vessels. Freights takes at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and Bills of Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (havinftfine accommodations] apply to HSBR?-WTi*S'>a*oo., mha-if 333 South DELAWARE Avenue. Notice to passengers.—pas -BBNGEEB poi CITY OF LOHDOS. BaiHnc SA TURDAY next. April Ist, are wqa.sttd to «8 on board at 10 o’clock A. M , on that day, aa the ste&mtr,. owing to the low state - of-the tide, will sail panctnslly- at A. o’clock. JOHff Q. Sale, AbobK STEAM WEEKLY TO Ll igiffli'iSl YE SPOOL, tonching at QUBStTSTOWH. (Cork Harbor). The well known Steamers of the Lilvar loo). Hew Yoik and Philadelphia Steamship. Compa ny (loman Line), carrying the Halted States Stills, are intended to sail as follows: . - CITY OF LOSDOS......(....SATURDAY, April lit. CITY OF MABCHBsTEE..... fULTHEDAY,’ApriI Sth CITY OF BOS7 08—........ /.SiTUHOATi sth | And e-rery .acceding Saturday at Boon, from Wer 44, North iUver. - w ~ • • RATES OF./PASSAGE-; Gold, or Ub equivalent In ; Ourrency. Fiwtrfkbtn*... $B9-CO-Steerage ™....«;—530 00 to London.w. 85 CO->- *V to. London:. 34 00 K 10Pftri5.......v95 ca. s l *V 4O 00 _ to, Hamburg 90 CO ** to.B*mburg 87 00 . rassesrers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Bit tero am/Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. • Liverpool or yseenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, *B?i $105.-Steerage fromvLiverp.ooi os Qaeenatown. $3O Thoie who wish to send for theiiT frtendacau buy tickets here at theae rates. • - - ~ For-further information the Company »« ©flees. JOHN Agant. mh2l»tapB 11A WALNUT street. Pbija. ri* 1 7Tr K oti o. e for nkts Barll- ~I.TOSg -Tin> PHILADELPHIA AB3 HEW YOEK'BXPkEBS MBAMBuAT COHPA’rrSs! Delaware and Baxitan Canal. : , . ■ Steam eii leMa DAILT, Bjrttwhajf below mmm. Sm&t. at2o’cioolc P. K. .?• vJ*&TOI.KVBS.FMU. JAMBSHAHJE), 117 WALLBtieoA, " ' “ " ' Hew Tati.. EjkSSS* NEW EXPREBS'LIKS Tf 1 GM JC I 6^S,D.C. ; sLOWEBB ? llo^,®iSlw a —- ' "• '" ' "- - - mhlt-am ; 03? THB s«oaHo.i. ljri “' “»4 CH»rgqt"B|w^: JOHN COLLINS/- SHjrppiJvo. mhlS-9m .■ - - : 'AVC*MM!_|SAJyES^ ii fpvV »n. »3g «d S3* IUSKSI 6L-'- T mftrriVß SAX.* op BRITISH. pi KK® ■ lID DOMESTIC DEE OOOfi Wa-willlioid % larca i*le 9 f r J c £s* n aa< * ?.°® ? •OOdsSeSlOfll*. f four months, torSaUEBDAT MOBHIIfO. Merck SO, it MtPdbck usd lots of etapis whiik \ ted*. linscs.suks- and cottons, to white attentioßcfdeale** .. _ fll w arrm H B samples of the mm* wui m arra* “Mr lml u»in SALE OP .iJoHHSTIi lieluded In our eale of Marek befouadto^th^»^ E «. D ’rtj^ |tr(M c-r bales brown and bleached *h*®®L** B and Si bales brown and bleached aruis, ■•■•• JL bales wilt© and colored wool Bannsis. bales striped shirtings- . cases blea.hed and colored ceteet jeans, cases inOigo-bltte checks'end ticiUgs. eases Kentucky jeans and cottonadas ._'cafes Mane ae»*e r gingham* plaids. case® miners' flannsla and pantaloon stalk. „ black and cdo'-ed camitzlofttai silesias, —icaffes saner ca«Bliaeres add. meltons. '. AldeiO, : - aOODgI Also. Erencli cloths, caasimeree, doeskins, me C °llBofa large Ena or black and colored Italian ajt4saondeotlne«^ EH . u Alto, toll lines skirting Miens, all grjdM, - also, toll Itoeablousaand dpanUk 4>t«t*- . Also* lull Itnec linen crowndnck». ajdc, Also, linen damask, table clnj hs. toweie, as. MUSS GOODS. . Full assortmenfcof Paris metis de laiaes» moiambi poplioe. b.regee- percaiea, j.oonets, towns, Ec checks. French flaonels, alpacas, mohairs, C.’ ba moral skirts. * c wmTß aO ODB. XaTge variety-of jaconets, csmtjrics, Swiss ana ttUßtias, Victoria &e^ g - -Very Ruperiorjine of black and colorid dress * infiVtae. gros de-Bhines. arcs d Afric. poait de arob de Jlaplee, aarcelUaei. F orences, «<v - . .t r bHC-WLS. Brocbe. long and square, thi&et. spring styles mozambique* »nd an&wi-. ; T _ TI SPiOJAL SALE OP 335 PIBCKB ITALI AH CL- A 8» satis m [ caiNSi In our tale of TnUKS JsX March 30th. win be £26 pieces superior Italian clo&hsano satm. aa ' ihe balance of an impoi tec’s etc cfe; xaedioiuto **- SPECIAL SALE OP HO3IBK Oa IBWAI. . . Katcl 81, (Lt 10 o’clcokpr^lae^y.tsmdozma, cotton iirstfry, comprisinf wlii*e.“B4 ' hose, hose, and chtioien,» three duar.eino. fIOTBt, gat and drawer.. onapmAcra. nottono. Ac. FOSEHVB SAt.l5 OF CABFiTIiraS. i BWaOSTS JIATIISQS ’WWIK»W}BaAT)M, Ac. OS bATURDAT MORSIHG, . . Anril lst."at Uo'eloeA. will be.sold, bT cata}«j, on lonr moßtka- credit. *bo« W »«** Hon »hr« , sneer flue and fine inarain. HbL-hemp.-cottage,,- : and ; -Ta* : catpenngtt Canton >. cocoa mat tof«. 'superior goad*, w luch may be examined early o» \ ud€d la bur sale of SATURDAY,; April Ist, will found-an exctaalvs and varied assortment otwi.4 . shades, fancy.and plain, green, brown, *e' . ** *:! -we inviie the attention,of Pennsylvaniaand.Maxjia trade.' . V.—V'. r’X _ • -•••- .:" -•’ •' T AT?m? TBBBHFTOSY BALE OF FB’WIH, IJfD; LA ££<?<>■»>& **■ - • OSX MOSDaT MbSEfIUO, April 3, at 10 b’cSocfc. will be sold, by catalogue, four nrontba-c„diU^it a of French, It dia, German, and Britten dry foods, 4 embracing a large and choice assortment of facer a staple sriidea in silk, worsted, wooien, linen, and e the same will be arrange fores minatibn, with catalogues, early on the morning » sale,.when dealers will And .it to their interest to tend.’ * " *->1 - ' ••• .. LARGS POSITTVS SALS O? BOOTg SHOES. M\ GAHB.ABfIIY GO i * 8, TRAVgI,LI SQ BAGS, *3 * OR TUESDAY MORNING* 1 April 4th, at 10 .o’clock, will b« -oid byestahd on four momhsv credit, about 1,203 packages bid shoes, broians. cavalry boots, Ac. , emaracUrapr A and fresh assortment cf seasonable goods o! city d Eastern manufacture, * j Will be opett for examluation. with eatalogna. -mo: tilngof sale. ■ J M THOMAS & SONS, iXLe Hot. 139 and I*l South gQHKTS SHmI SIXTH HPBIHB BALE, 4th April. Estate of the late Dr. John Had mo o Ccxe. W. fid ver, B. Weaver,' J. Kirkpatrick, and others. Hid tm,re sfeinb kale, nth April. Estate of the late Xokeit Ralatoo; K*q . anl othea EIGHTi BPEING r.iLS. 18ih April. Kstateof the lateljewle Wain. Esq., and others. Sa’e No. 2004 Mount Vernoa street. bxjpeeior FUBfliTatß. rmjmbWNCLm BOBEWOOD JiEI.ODEO3r, OHASDSLIiBS, io. 29th iast;, stio by caiilocus, at So. 1 9001 Vernon. t treat, the superior farattaia, fine wißoa q pets 6 octavemelodeon, obottdelitra* boos-caee s: May ba examined at 8 o'clock on too morniai of sae. ■ ■' Sale Wo* 189 and 141 South. Fourth, street. SUPERIOR FUBNI TO RRFIRB P*O©FJBAW3. #» PEX MIRRORS, FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS. FiS CASPBTB, &c. = f __ - .. ~ lOH THURSDAY HGKSIBG. At 9 o’clock* at the tucticu stire. superior Lotmc* furniture,, large and superior fire-proof safe, st alphabetical lock, made byEvsns & Watson, ftre-pn safe byFarrell & Herring, fine convex mirrors, Fret plate oval and. pier minors, fine carpers, &o. Sale at Fes• 139 and 141 South Fourth, stmt. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, KOSEWuOD -ptiT FORThS, FBRftCa HjjiTß MIRRORS, GO5 V 3 HIBBOES. LARG» FrRB-PROOFr SAFES. HAlj SO ME CARPETS^ jBAFDSOME CHANDBLIESi, t .CARD,—Our’-sale on- THURSDAY MORNSGK & o'clock, at the auctionstore* willcompriseS Obt** peiior household furniture; -elegant robewa-xi pis; forte by Meyers, rosewood piano forte by Diain? handsome chandeliers, large and superior flri pn safe by Brans at Watson, 2 fire proof-a&res by Fairel H.: and. Evans ati Wation, fine-French plats nmn ov&l.and pitr convex mirrors, two sir rior sewing machines by Grover A Sakerand fimr: Gomjauy,feather beds,officefuraimre, haadEoma Bn sals, imperial, and other carpets; &c. Catalogues now ready, and the articles arriatfsdi examination. ' > • •• - . BALE OF BOOKBINDERS’ TOOLS. ON THURSDAY'AFTERNOON, March 30th, at 3 o*cL.©k will be sold fox acc?tuti whom it may concern one standing press, oaehn tembossing press, made by Brock AAnt raws, aaUil for *H kinds of work, pail ofshearswith stand, h Ini benches, Ac.: - __________ Sale No. 706 Pine street. ] HOUSEHOLD FBRNITURB/CABPBTS, Ac. 1 ■ i OF FBIDaX MORNING, 1 gist inst., at 10 o’clock,-at 705 Pine street, the hiss bold and kitchen furniture, carpets, oil cloths,bedim Ac. ■■'. ■ -- --- 1 '• ’ ’■ Hay be examined, at 8o ’ clock on the morning a saie. :■ . PEREMPTORY SALE—CANAL SCHOONER “KBS! BIGHTS OF TBEhTOF. ON FRIDAY MOBBING, March Slit, at 12 o'clock, at Poplar atraefc wharf 5 "Canal schooner ‘iKentrighti” of Trenton, 93 feet loss 16 feet wide, 120 tons tonnage Sale absolute. May be examined any day preriaoi tale, v • ~ " ~~ - Sale No. 1614 Gr6«n street. SUPERIORTDRBITURB, SOSBWOOD PIATfO, TAPESTRY CARPETS. Ac. ON FRIO AT MOBBING. 7th April; at 10 o’clock, at Ho. 1614 Green street! catalogue, the superior furniture, fine-toned rosiff-2 pjano-foite, hook-case, feather beds, fine tapes ;rj cr pets, Ac. ■ ?fe * .. May he examined at 8 o’clock on the morn *nio[t sale.~ ‘ r - •> PANCOAST & - WAEHOCB., Mb TIOHBEES, »40 MAEKBT Street. LAEGE POSITITE SALE 750 LOTS AMERICAS!?! IMPORTED DRY GOODS. BMBROIDM ■- LIBBH, AND HOSIERY GOODS. SULLIiEj GOODS, Ac. ,&c. Bjr Oatalome— s ; r- r THIS MOSSING. MArch 29. eommencliig at 10 o’clock, compraar. general assortment of seasonable goods, to wnictc > at.enti.on of buyers is invited. LINENS AN© LISTEN GOODS, _ 3 - Included in tale this moating: ■ 5: lots super quality Irish, shirting linen*. tabil i ; masks;, towels, towelling, linen cambric handkercai--: shirt fronts, Ac. KIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS. - Also,.an inroice of new spring «ti*b bonnet -solid and fancy colors; Nos 4 to 6 trimming nbco:- fancy trimmings, bnjtle gimps, velvet ribbons, uu nery foods, flowers. Ac. 4 HOSIERY GOOD a», COBABTS, AND BKIBT3. Also, ladles’;-gents',rand children's hose andu hose,- gloves, .shirts, neck ties, spool cotton, pJ- = thread, hair nets, notions, ft«. . Also, 300 dozen superior quality all- whalebone t cbasicsl corsets,: in regularly assorted sizes, for > cifcytiade. Also, 200 dozen ladles' and missei’ steel-spriai 1:' skixts.. - -• c •’ STOCK OF GOODS. ‘ Also, the entire stock of a country: retail store. c£: prising domestic dry gocds, hosiem notions, cntlrf hardwaxe, a quantity of chewing tobacco, Ac. gPLCIAL POSITIVE SALE OF STEAW GOODS, t ' GATAI.O3DE. . OH TEIBAY MOSSING. , ; March 31, commencing at 10 o’clock, 4CG cases new-and desirable goods, of best sbsoa'i" straw and braids, for ladles’, misses’.and w?ar. - ■ I V. * „ "- . ■ -.- ; 'MTJLES! _ „ ? Quahtimjasteh Gkjieeai.’s Office, First DivpiM. , WASKiaraTOKCiTT,-D. C., March iB.l®. _■ BOSSES, suitable lor the cavalry aod art; ilsrl be received at Q eisborn Depot, la ooe; e>.; Set, till Kay 1,1865, by Captain GBO. T. B SOWS In 1: A Q. M. ■ , J ■’ MULES, in lots of tweniyrfiva or more, will b| £ ceived in this city, in open market, till Mavl. 1565* —. Captain- C. H; TOMPKINS, Assistant corner Twenty second and 0 streets; „ AH animals to be subjected to the usual Govern®** impeetjoa before being accepted. . H Sjecifications as: follows: Cavalry Horses nwf_s sound in all particulars, well broken. In foil Sood: condition, from’fifteen (15) to sixteen (\6>J»*w ighl fre m five (5) to nine (8) years old, and 'ln every way to cavalry purposes. Horses v sJ nice (9) and ten (10) years of agei if still sprightly, and healthy, may be accepted. ~ -i - Artillery horses must be of dark color, sound is * particulars, strong, quick., and-active, well and square trotters in harness, in good fiest and co w-, tlonrirom six (6) to ten (10) years old, not le*« -fifteen: and one-half (15}£) hands high, each hoe** weithno! less than tenhrmdred and fifty (1,050) poj ll1 ** -, Mules: niust'; be over two .(2) yeajs of age. str ;k. stout, cotnpact. -well-develbped- anlmals, not less *-£ fourteen (Id) hands high, inf nil health, free from ***” blemish or defect which would unfit them for 6 ;!§ work, and must have shed the four froat cHc 8 and developed the' corresponding four permanent t«~* two in t ach jaw. . , r , . u „i These specificstior s will be strictly adhered w **■ litldly emorced in every particular*' Hours of Inspection fromfi -A. M to 4P. a.. - fl Price— Cavalry, horses, one hundred and ei<n|7«,> dollars ($185); Artillery Horses, one hundred and if ty dollars ($IS0); Mules, one hundred and ninaty- c ■ dollars ($190) '. \ ■ - , . Payment will be made at this Office. James a. ekis. ■ Brevet Brigadier General in chart* ! mhaitnpgQ First Division 0. Jtt. G^ A RTILIrERY AND CA7ALBT HOBSBS. : QUARTSKXASTSR’S OfFTOS, lJooGirard Strebt, Phlladkdpitia, Pa* HOUSES suit able for the Artillery and Cavafy?*' pee willbe purchased by the undersigned in open rtf set; each animaito be subjected Eo the usual Qoysrr ; men! inspection before being accepted. Horses for the Artillery Service must be dark In eoW sound in all. particulars,vstrong,, quick, and well broken 7 and- square trotters ;iht harness, in *** ficsh_ayd condition, .ftoin'six to ten years old, not *ban mpi hands high; each Horse to weigh not lesi ICfiO pounds. ■ ■ ■ ; , = j One, Handred and Eighty Dollars (slBB}wHD?* , Caralsy Horses must be sound in all particular*;-^ 3 ? ■ brokeuiinftijl flesh and food condition* from WJjg hands, JaEA, from five't© nine - years old, sai ad aptcA ho. every w&y to Cavalry' purposes, for OneHniidred and Seventy-flye Dollars ($175) each »-* f will be delivered to the United States fgss tor, at the GKEAT -WBSTKRK HO£PBL, Pa. .between ** Broad streets. Sr older of Co).*’William JfcKim. ~ Chief,<ln»nenna»ter.PhUaaeSpW& B§s» ' 6EOESS B. OSHS.J Captaia.aßdA. mhlO MAiCOLM MAGNBIS BTOES - < ««ttodjo >st i a *£s» repairing' •arefully andiprpmpfclT attended *>•__.— ijßa_NO PAlk: ® EXTMgSii —Sltrona Oxide Gas beautiful and. natural style oi - ',,, mhj-im 731 a£?!ISS->-' , Kte *VAHB * WiTBO SiJiI „ | ■ .« Brora iSSf.**™'- J “js ■ hand. , tl PHKBHOLOGIGAL^S^ wi.mrsoTXD son wass.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers