THE l BLIBHEIi DiIUY J6Um> AY S EXOEPXED) V. FOBKKT. OFHCS 80. IXEBOOTH Ff>(TßfB STBEBT. THE DAILY PRESS, T-i City Snbrorlbera, Is Ten Bmmm r*s AirjnrM, la (4nws or Twesct Cents feu Week aay&ble to'the i'liar. Mailed to hnbrmb r» ontif the olty. Hiiig > UIM I'kr Annck; Fora Xoioaßs ahd Fifty Cestb lloktbb : Two BoeiAks ahd Twbsty-mth mb iok three Months, intariably in ad»aaea for i time ordered. Nft AdYorttwraeata inserted at the ntnal rats;, j THE TBI WEEK EY PRESS, ’ {tiled to Subwribeia. Jitr Dollars psr Ahxum, la itaee. ~ ■ ;pry coops. OTIOB. ,-E AV. ¥ REDUCTION is o? DRY ROODS. wm HALL Sc CO., M So*l tli Second Street, cryssina thbik DBEfcS GOODS, BEt&pLS, «; ; ' oiOAKS, «other floods at'grfatij- wifi me to do so as our ccnenoy approximates to a \andarC. mtSVthsm'tt Bffl&Ih. [JAMES B. CAMPBELL & CO., 'B7 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer r! Popular Prices: ,ACK eiuts In great variety, lticladlar tbo best goads Im ported. KoJlit Arraares, Gro Gretas, T.yaas Taffeta. Pertsienne*. Oran da V-&009, Dr»» do Lyon, Sro daßblne, erad’Afrlane, to.,die. iORBD BIUCS In desirable shades, plain and corded solan! Taffeta and Taffetas Farislennes, Stent Poniards and Golden Brown Bros Grains of magnificent (inanity. >llll7O DEEB9 GOODa Lupin’s choicest fabrics, single and dcnbls Width. Mons de Leines, new shades 8-4 Her* cull's Crepe Marotz, and Temnrtlnes,. Steel colored Mohair Poplins, Rich Mohair Valencias, rrensh Jaconets, organdies. Females, etc.' 'DNf’B BOrajaJZiNES, Taalse, Mons de Lalnes, 8-4 Hernani’s Mo hairs, Alpacas, and other black, goods at great ly reduced rates. WHITE GOODS. jokti Jaconets, Oarohrica, Swiss Malls, Tansy , and other popular White Goods at low price*. LINEN GOODS, latly rotated rate,, ln« lading Shirting Sheeting, ’lUow linen*, £»ma.kis, Dlapsis, Uapltins, Ac., it variety. aT eeduotion in cotton OOODS. •abed Hnullw to. popular brand* at and balow tat rata*. VTTBTOISrSS’S CELEBHATED KID GLOVES. PBUITKD LISES CAJiBKiO DB2SSB3. i prlo«i are marked in plain fltareei from which (o not deviate. W&OUB&UUUB ROOMS UP STAIRS, *fcf Lm LI NESS, LIJSEN CAMBRIC .AHBKBBOtoPJ, LINBM GOr>DB.<ta .THoLE- B uibserifcer h»R estHtiLshad a Hott«o for th.R sial sale of ALt* BIRDS OF LTNEK GOODS, jass (red from late large peremptory Auction (ales la dty and Hew Tort, wuleb howUl Bslt to the (rale * lotreet market rates for mat cash. Tbe immsduts llioaof City and country marehaota t« reasoned. . uEA ii.KS a rAtfS. in at, Ko. 315 CHDSOa otreel. (Aboyr Market.) alttlMWp SLE LIKBWe, From tbs lata Anitloa Ssl8», AT BESATIT REDUCED PKIOB3. LotBO{BI,SA<J6M> DAKiSK. HASkDOOH. bkows. CiiSAM . »s nmnlm off the abovffat a Basil advance on AtjorroH cost. CTTKWEN STODDaRT & BRO., 450, 46», and 4»* Sank SSJOSO Sireet, ' Above WiU iw. ING STALES SAXOS’! DKBSS GOODS f AT GBEA fliY RBBIkiBD PRIOS3, Sicl’WmS llfr °“ t nil WEN STOOD ART * 880, ( 4,80, 483, and 484 Bortk SECOND Wrest. Ahora WUlotf. IXJSBELINE DE lAXNES, 88 OTS. AH allies of DBEfS GOODS at REDUCED PKIO*S OTJRWEN STODDAET & BRO., 4.50, 45», afcd 464 Iforth. SBCO3O A.bOTB Witloir. iINT'JED BATfEGES FROM 35 TO 31H CSSTS PER YARD, to* oat, a lot of last >ear'a goods at the above rises. - • GOODS of all Mr 4e at KHDTIOBD PRICES., ___ CrUMWEN S t’ODOAKT & BRO., .450, 453, aid 434 HoMta. BBCOYD Street. „ Above Willow. AOK ALPACAS BLACK > 077 MKS, ■_ SLACK CASTOR CLOTHS, Hi« late Anotlon.Sato hi;■ MDOCfcD PWCB9. CUBWKtf SIOUDAHT* BKO., *5O, 45», and 454 XioiUi SECO»D ' , AHD DEESSBS, ttelat® WHPsBgMii> petces. CTJHWEN STOWDABT & BEO-, -450, 43i*. Mat 454 E'Hti. &ECOSt> Ssieet, IS gt ** Above WiU>y jABGE lot of black silks, thefceHrnaka. toTie soldoh&ap, waolhau^ /Slglnßjr. i, a t* 71* ASOH Sheet. [LL GREATER REDUCTIONS IN l«ve made sleeping radnctioaa ia BfcTIOB, and onrentire Stoefc of P««* aad Staple Ofds, so as to mee; tho Haft fa-U in l«e» gf all oar otaek. far b&.ow tlie lowest market SILKS, every variety, at redreed prieee. BKBBS GOODS at reduced pilose. MDSMHS, all the best mMtes. **s“f CAbIGOKH at aveatiy reduced Pricoe ; entire Eprin Stock at redagd sofl _ JS-tt Hoe. 713 and 713 North TMfTS Street. vaaS'CHBSTSgT BTKKBT- B. M. NEEDLES, fxOJM. Cft.estn.Tit Street, IB *ow moßtvrao a ohkat vasisty o? 5 r novelties % LAOS COLLARS. SETS. BLBSYBS, Rio. Alio ft sreftt urEoty of phones. FraEob. pnfTod, . .ckei. ili "»4. rtriped, piftl4. »u 4 otlei JftAW 1 ulini mlUbl* (o? WHITE BODIES. raiertl MWTiffisnt of 9004*, taoe** 31 iJHroMeri**. HiwdkoreMofs, Veils. Bar be*, g| ’* "* GKEATLI EBDUOBD. PBICBS. A 1«I» I®* of Heailswoik, Ed riots »nd In ’nliOjVnMS *** MW ,tyl ® Val ' itcs (jail »nd BaU. Wi* CggSTWT BTBEBT. )lEB’ SPRING CLOAKS. Opeains daily-new Cloak*, yrenofc. Cloth Cloaks. American Cloth Clocks, idltion B°took ! of reVIT-madsranuti. *k« to Sd« CloS* of noffSKt eat, aud «IW 5® ESWU s^leDMihatif U «S older of w, «rtoto c toi«-6lUa(t^w4 o vrtth. Ktt' B. B. «onwi BIKTH .ad MABKBT St. itING DRESS. GOODS, OF NEW MTIBB, ORWMfI DAILST. 5 Spring „ Sprint *<*““*■ *umin*r Fwliij gplendld prtmiUM. Kro»le». In I.rtttTtrirtT sss^sfeSr t *® S& Rroth saOOlfo Strwt. {■EW SSXBT FOR isos. muirot XirVHIITIOH OF THB ABB IV HOOP SKIRTS. W. BKADLBT’B *ow Patent pTJTVtX BlitlP to double) spsnra skiht. rEBTS', BRADLBT * OAST Oat» X. *J. «• at), SOM PSOPKISTOKS and HANOTAOTOBffitS, (CHAHZSBS and 70 and 81 BEADS Staeeta, Hew JIB umumOH ooMlrto of Dcpibx (or two) fcj. 10 StoolSpbisos, Infemlmuly B!l l AIDI KT I u.T together, bdob to bbob. maaln* the ' pooobbst. t flexible. BLAMIO, »nd Bt ’ E * BL .? i .f p A, l ™ st ®X?l . Ther seldom botd or bkbak, like the Biiiffie dir, end eoEßeghfintlr prawrrethetr perfbot aad utiful Heaps twios u i*oxg as any other Bkirt. . n womiSraFLEXIBILITYut ABOBB to K 8.7 LADY Wfr&ri&C the DOTI.BX ISUJPTIO st wIU he experienced pajfiwlttly la all op owde<i KJCBLIBB, OPEKAB, OARHIAHBSr RAILROAD rtAR6» r&OH J*SWBe AKHOHALH9' for FbOHBXADB and HoiTSB sas. as the Sbirt can be podded when In use to ocoff-. k fexnall flags at easily a* a Silk or .Mublik Ousb-. Ladt havln* ewoycd the pleararee comiort,ami it eomnleae* i» .wsaxiwg th« Dupuax Kluptio s& chPKTiroteT&T fora bixglz x>at will neper af-er* •A dlfepeni* with their nao. Pot Chillbex, sx£*£lYavx<* X*Amafl they are supsrios to all JET •», tho tart aciilTY ta every purl, laud owinee ably tti MOOTSBt. moo. bbsißobib, comfortable o*hont ttao Dhitbb 9tAT®s> t A 5® W!BA • g/sra/rwat «sg™ HOPKINS’ _ 628 p*sk 8 ® _ ; : - , '■ TOL. B.—NO. 203. SILK. & DRI GOODS JOBBERS. gPKIKG. 1865. JAB. R. CiJIFBEI.iI & CO., nronwro AND JOBBBBS OP DSY GOODS, «ra7 CHESTNUT STREET, . •- ■ - >. CASH BUYERS AT WHOr.ESAT.R Ah extenslye Miortment of oholeo fabrics In rOBIIGI JJTD KMMJ.W DRY GOODS, At and radar market rate.. A« their stock la <2*ll* replenished witli the moat de tirable offering, of this and other m»rk.cts t it Trill Uw.y. proTo worthy of WHOLB3ALB BOOMS OF STAIRS, gPRING—IB6S. EDMUND YARD & CO., «1? CHESTNUT AND 614 JAYNE STREET, HAYS NOW IN STONE A POLL STOCK 3 SILKS ANDJFANCY DRESS GOODS, AMERICAN DELAINES, BALMORALS, SHAWLS AND GLOVES, WHITE GOODS AND LINENS, Whleh we offer to the trade at the lowest marital xaMl*2gifp gPRING, 1865. HOKUM, Mm, & MELLOB, ■oe. 40 and *8 WOBTH THIRD STREET. IMPOSTERS OF HOBIEKYI SMALL WARES, WHITE GOO US. KAOTrAOTUBSItS OP mb7-3m gBIBT FBOSTB. JAMBS, KENT, SANTEE, & 00., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, tot. 539 and 811 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Jlothe, Prints, Oaaslmeree, Delaines, latrlneto, Alpacas, leans, Fancy Dress Hoods, Jottonades, Brown and Bleached Sheetings, Denims, Brown and Bleached Shirtings, Itrlpes, ©mlsh Ofcambrae, Jbftcks, Ornish T woods, Bngbams, - Flannols, Diapers, Linens, FURNISHING GOODS, (THITS GOODS, BUTTONS. &*., Ac. feSS Sm WATCiUES AND JEWELRY. JOB SUBSCRIBER, HAVING sdgcebbbd ff. P. DUBOSQ & SON, AT IOS3 Gbettant Street, tcjactftillT lifornu M« mends and anutomarj thathe u, lor aaie a iarte and varied stock ol w&amm, jewelry, silveb, mb PLATED WIRE. Also, ionriintly oa hand, a large and WeU-assoried deckel N. RULON, bate 01 QlO Tim Ol LSWIS LADOMBS Sc GO. yATOHIS Hd iZWSLXT CABETOLLT REPAIRED. GOLD, BWTWt. **d DUWtOHDS BOUGHT. fe4-»nt CARPETt AND PUL-CLOTaS. QARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, PRICES REDUCED: REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, 807 CHESTNUT Street., froth stalCt 1865. S^PBIKG CAJaHEJXIISfGS-S. JJWJH-STBXET CARPET WABEHOUSE. NEW STOCK, AT REDUCED PEIOES. JOS. BLACKWOOD, tthS-tlietuZm RABSTON, & 00., mardfactubiho asd'commissioh mkkchasts. CAJR.PMJ'XBNG-S, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING'S, RUGS, &0., JTO. 619 CHESTNUT 8T823T? PFTTI.ADII.FBIA. •g» JPUBaSISHMISG 00088. ffINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. A- The subscribers would invito attention w their IMPBOVBD CUT 01' SHI STS. which they jaahe a specialty tu their beaiaess. Also '“““b'oveltibs'i’os QENTI.BMBN’B wbab. J. W. BGOTT &CO.. GEHTLBMBW 8 TURN ISIIIH B_STOKE. Jfo. 81* GHBSTKOT BTBBST, Four doora balow tbe Coatiaeatal. Q.OLD’SPATENTIMPROYED STEAM AND WATER-HEATING: APPARATUS fOB WABKIHa AHD VEBTILATING PUBLIC BUILDINGS A*D PBIVATH BHBIDBHOBS, MAHUPAOTCBBB ST THB Wim 8!M ASB WATEK-nEtTISQ COMPANY OF PEHHSTLYASIA. JAMES I*. WOOD So CO., 41 South TOUBTH STBEET. B. M. PBLTWBLL,Sup’t, jaB-Brp»fp H. BLEEPER & CO., MS MINOR STREET, HAITOFAOXTm-EES, ACCENTS, AND WHOLE* SALE DEALERS IN FUST AND GREEK GLASSWARE, Buts now In store a toll assortment of the above foods. w ui«ii we offer at tits lowest market rates. Bain* sole afents for the BALBH BBBH* pLABS WOEKS. we are prepared to make and work prints moulds to order. _ .. . POBTEB, MISEBAL, and WISH BOTTLHB, of a * n ]jBO?LAMP*CHffIaBTS, APOTHBOABIBS’ SHOP ffUBKITGBB. SHOW BOTTLSB* STRINGS®, HOHCH ofatoig VIALS* and Druggists’ Glassware aeneraily, * CO.’S PITTSBOBa GLASS VIALS constantly on hand at factory priosSt _ <>ls»Bm or ALii uasoKiPTioaß. J.T LOWEST WABKBJ BATES. Areatfor PATBBT OLASg LB IT BBS. taM-3aU)O T7OR NON- RETENTION OR INCON- X. TiBSSTOB of urine, irritation, inflammation oi ulceration of tha Madder or kidneys, diseases of J&* prostate glands* atone In tie blafioer* calculate fra* or brSSrdosi deposits and aU diseases of theblsd- Ifx kidney* and dropAcal sweliinss, ns# HBLM* COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK L ahd OABYAS, at all nnmbors and brands. AwElnr. Trnnk. and Waton-corer Dnok. Also. rw&v£tuman' tofiTofaot Ifo. 103 JOgSS’ Alloy, DISH AND CANNED MEATS. *• 600 MU* Haee andHo 1 Mackerol. Porlali? £“*"“** “*“*• O SfiBBOTOH. fas-«» by . lie SoTth yaoMT atf«t. THE glory op man IS STRENGTH. *- —Therefore, tha nsTTOM ‘"Si? immediately we HKaiIBOIiD 8 BXItfiACT sgOHu, SPRING. MATTINGS, SPRING No. 833 ABOH Street. JO THE PEOPLE. DOW KKADT, AWOKE BY DR. VOa MOSCHZISKEB, of Mo 1087 WALNUT Street,^ KKTITI.KB - A BOOK Fott tub people, _ Oa the fcDowins'Diaeases: bib ahd rabid is bases . ’™OAT DIBBABXB IN «ENJiItAI, CLEBSTSUsITS SPEAKERS’ SOBS DISEASES o?,jrßß3AjJs PASSAGES, (Lsi ryntili. EroDchltU,} - • . . ASIHHA“ASt>"OArAHSk booklet?be kad’ot W. s. & A.-MARTIBN, Ho. 600 OB KsTAtJT Street,- end at-all BookteLlari 1 . Price, Oie Dollar. “ ■ The tnthor. Dr. .Van. HOSOHZIIKEB. can be can ra'ied on all these meladleaandal NfchVotJS AFFEQ TIuhS whlih be trews with th, surest suroass Oftce, KiaT WADBHT jaM Sm CURTAIN GOODS. OARD. I WILL OFFER MX ENTIRE STOCK OF WINDOW SHADES, LACE CURTAINS, PIANO COVERS, AT 80 PEK CENT. LBSS THAS OLD DHPORTION PRICES. I. E. WALRAVEN. MASONIC HALL, ho. 7ie chbstbdt stsebt. mbU-fptf MILLINERY, fu NEW SPRING IMPORTATIONS. “#>> BOW OPSBf. A PDLL LIKE OP SPRING BONNETS, '■ BAT?, ATO MIIIjISEBT WlttllS generally. Merchant*. Stranger*, and Besldente pur chasing BONNETS will find every variety to select from, at tbs . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS, 780 ABCH ST K BBT. mhW-Wtfp* WALL PAPERS. SPRING STYLES PHILADELPHIA WALL PAPERS! HOWELL & BOVMI, N. E. COE. FOURTH' AND MARKET STS., MAHTTPAOTUBEBS OP PAPER HANGINGS WINDOW SHADES. 2m MERCHANT TAILORS.. JpWARD P, KELLY, JOHN KELiIiY, TAILORS, 618 CHESTNUT STREET, HAYS HOW XST STOSS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS, nbl-tf DBUGS AND CHEMICALS. jgIEGLER & SMITH, WHOLESALE Drug, Paint, and Glass Dealers, Proprietors of tho Ponneylv ania Paint aid Color Works, Manufacturers of BEST WHITE BEAD, BEST ZINC, PUKE LIBEBTY LEAD> Unsnrpaßßed for Whiteness. Pine Gloss, Durability, ■ l inaoess, and Eyennesa of Surface. PBBE LIBERTY LEAD —Wai ranted to coyer more anrfaee for same weight than any other. IT, ASD TOO wtt.t. HATS KO OTRBR! PURE liberty zino, Selected Bine, ground In Refined Linseed Oli.unoQaaled In anility, always the same. PUBS EH3EBTT ZINC. . Warranted to do more and tetter work at a glyon oaat than any other. BBT THE B.EST! Stare and lOHee-No. 13T North. THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. mhli-Sm* ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., N. E. Comer of FOURTH and BADE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. KFOKTBRB AJtD DEALERS Hf POBBIGK AHD DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. KAirtmAOOTEBBS on WHITE T.wan AND ZIEO PAIHTB. PDTTT. *o. A6BKTB yoa THS OBLBBBATHD FRENCH ZINC PAINTS, Dealers and aonanmen lapplled at felO-Sm VERY LOW PRICES POE CASH. £ARD. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Store I now occupy is add for a Banking Insti tution. Hot Being able to procure a bnlldlng aafflcieatlY large to bold my stock, I aia compelled to SELL OUT Asfaet as possible. I now offer my immense assortment of j S'UKONIXTJJE&'MJ AT VERT LOW PRICES. GEORGE J. HENKELS, I ,m 809 AHD SII CRBSTMCI STREET. Q.REAT REDUCTION _ IN PRICE OF GOODS. FBENOH PLATE GLASS, FBENCH, ENGLISH. AND AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, GERMAN LOOKING-GLASS PLATES AT GBEATLT BBDTTCBD FBICBS. eon SALS BY ROBT. SHOEMAKER & 00., mhH 6t nos and 307 N.POETRTH Street. CHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RE. P STORED by HBLMBOLP’B EXTRACT BTTCBP. ftfin ARCH STREET. V)U\J. KITCHEN HAEDWARE, WOODEN WAKE, and BEO6HBI. A «on®l«»eaMorlmeatof Boasofarnlnhluir Goods. _GS tFFITEL & PaGB SIXTH and ASOH Street*. A BEADT AND CONCLUSIVE TEST XA of tti» srcpartie* of HBLMBOLD'S FLOID IX TBAOT BUCBu will fc# a comparison with those set forth la the United States Blipentatory. - gNGLISH BROWN STOTJT, SCOTCH ALE, IN BTONB AND BLASS. ALBERT' O. ROBERTS, DEAL EH IN FINS OKOOEBIEB, Comer of ELEVENTH and VINK Ste. O ELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT O. BUCHD i> pleasant ln taste and odor, free from Ol hfitrloiTi xirwM>i'tta»; ti»A lanwUtwila Ito Mtlon. MORGAN, ORB, & CO., STEAM BN IU gihb BDILDEES. Iron Founders, and Sonera! MaoMoliS And BollMflaker*. Ho. 1»1B OALXDW. SILL Street, PMUdelfU*. *•*•« PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 2d, I MUTUAL (XOTH?9fH HOUSE. JgETTES AND SAFER THAN $20,000,000 Spent Annually in PMladel- PBOTBCIITE UNION OBTMMM CLOTHING AT COST! PEOPLE’S MUTUAL CLOTHIM 50 BB IRCORFOEATJD BY ACT OP LEGISLATURE CAPITAL STOCK *380,000 A.T BSIO EACH, PAR VAJCJCJE. B. P. GILL St 00. BUBSOEIPTION OF FIVE SHARES, **T; OF TEN SHARES, *9O; OP TWISTY SHARKS. *175; OP PIPIT SHARES. **39; OP ONE HUNDRED SHARKS, *835; OF TWO HUNDRED AND PIPIT SHARKS. *3,000; OP PITH HUNDRED SHARKS, *3,750- PAIABLS-JN EQUAL INSTALMENTS OF 35 PEE CBKT. OF THE WHOLE AMOUNT SD ASCRIBED. The object of this Company it net ae mush to make money as it ia io bats it, sad give eath one of the Stockholders their Clothing at coat, besides making then partisers and joint own tre in the largest Clothing House oyer eatahllshod in this country. The business to he conducted strictly on the cash principle. The groat advantages to he realizoihj the Stockholders are lat. Each and eyery Stockholder will ho entitled to receive et any time he may choose to select an amount of Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods, each and every year, corresponding with the amount of Stosk he may hold. Persons holding a single Share of Stock Will he entitled to *lO worth at cost, fire shares *39 worth, ten shares *ICO worth, and In the same ratio for any number of Shares. A person owning say ten Shares Stock in this Company will- save hot less than *3O each year in Clothing, besides participating In the half-yearly cash dividends. pany will save from five to ten per cent, in buying, and will he able to sell lower than other Sealers, which will secure a very large class of customers that are not Stockholders. Those that are Stockholders, of course, being partners In the business and participants In all the p*ofll»^wUl..uaeJheir. influence in recommending THE PEOPLE'S MUTUAL CLOTHISG HOUSE. Tills will enable the Comps ny, under the management of experienced clothing men, to declare a handsome semi- annual caeli dividend to the Stockholders, in addition to the dividend in Clothing and Famishing Goode, which can be had at any time. Sd. The Very best material will fee-puTchasedidireot from the manufacturer* and importers, and none but first-class workmen will he employed in the custom and manufacturing department, so that cuetomersmay at all times depend on getting the best material made In the latest styles. 4th. Ths business to fee thoroughly systematized. Pules and regulations to he adopted and strictly ad- hered to by all the employees under the supervision of tlio Board of Directors, who will be chosen at a-meet- in'g of the Stockholders, of which due notice will be tith. All Stockholders who do not wlshto order the goods to which they are entitled at cost, may transfer thoir right to their friends. -The net profits of an such sales will he paid over to' such Stockholders, indepen- dently of the half-yearly cash dividends to which they are also entitled. 6th. There cannot he tha slightest doubt of the sue- ceecof this plan for obtaining Clothing at cost. It is sure to becomepopular wltii the great mass of the peo- ple. The plan proposed for this Company Is similar to that adopted hy the BROAD MOUNTAIN COAL COM- FAKY, all the stock of which that teas offered was subscribed for within a few weeks, while the stock was advancing to double Itß first value-from $lO to $2O. So popular haa thlß system iecome ofeheapsnlng coal, that three other companies have lately been organized and are in successful operation. It is.a well-known fact that there are in this elty five times as many per- sons who are compelled to purchase Clothing as there are who purchase coal, to say nothing of the very la:ge class of country people and flouting population who purchase their wearirg apparel in this city. Be- tides, there are .thousands upon thousands of boys who must all be clothed. In consideration of these facts, and that Clothing affords a larger profit than coni, each Shareholder will become, as it were, e» advertising medium for the Mammoth Clothing House of which he Is one of the partners, and the handsome dividends which will he realized cannot fail to ennanco the value of the stock beyond Its original cost to subscribers. suitable building for conducting the business $} thf site of tho STATES TOIOH HOTEL, Nos. 606 and 60S Market Street; this property being very desirably located for the busi- ness, having an extensive front and depth on Market and Sixth etj eets. Sewing Machine Booms. 600. CHEBTHUT Street. OIL STOCKS I piiia for Clottingl THE HOUSE OF PHILADELPHIA, DIVIDED INTO 35,000 SHARES, X. B.—lt Is ihe intention of this Company to erect a Subscriptions Committee are: G. 0. EVAHB, 630 CBESTKUT Street,. Florence 3, M. BLOOD, Watch and Jewelry Store, 60S G, B. JOKES, 43 South FIFTH Street. WU. BAILEY, 531 MARKET St., Dry-Goods House. H. HBFF, BAXSOH Street, above Sixth, King fc Baird's Office. WE G. HENRY, Banker, 54 South THIED Street. -OFFiCBES FRO TBH, WH- BAILEY, President. G. B. JASEB, Secretary. H. HEFF, Treasurer. K. KOSDLB SMITH, Solicitor. Persons living at a distance can secure stock in this Company hy enclosing immediately ten per cent., of the amount wanted to the Treasuser. H. HREF, OOT SAHSOM Street, office of King & Balt 4, mhZl-tatiisggit SATUKDAY, MABOH -25,,1861 The Great Sanitary Fair. FINAL RKFOE.T OS' THS PSOCSSEDS—MOSB 7HA.iI A MILLION DOLLARS MADB. We have received the following dooumenti* showia* the remits 6f the Great Philadelphia Fait: United States Sanitabv Commission, V i PffiLADELPiIIA AaiSBCT, No. 1807 Chestnut STBHBT. March 24,lBB4. To the Editor of Tlie Press : -i Bni: I ttfg leave toeceloßs to yon copies of the reciipt h> tk&tffcaturor of tlie United States Sanitary Commis eioa aad the letter cf the presideut of the Commiesloa to John Weleh, E?<i , showing the fruitß of the F*lr ard the acknowledgments of the Commission to thb Philadelphia aeirtlriaea who conducted it* { , Subject to the receipt ©f final reports from soiae of the committees, tie work of the Fair is now cloied* and the S*sUary Coraiaiwion acknowledßO gratefnlly yonr active and vain able aid in attaining the results now realised. Very-reßpectfaUy ,-yours, ho back srat net. jb.> . Chairman of Executive Com. of phitadel phla Asso-i ciMLtaa of th» FftßltaTy CommtMloPT Bfcoivfd, Sew XoTk, Psb.Utb', 1M5,.0f O. C<n»,iroi-. eurtrol toe Philadelphia Associates of tbeur 8. Sanitary . Conimiteion. one mdtion, thiny T fir« thousand, three bosoreo apd bln rty-oigh t' drilisrsao d ninety .fix fleaHr: heii» c t fid> fiat pro ©teds ofvtfcd’G »at ContreF #Sr# he' d tin Phi»atp.lphU in JaapJaatetfor the bensfif o/ the . Treasurer of FhrU. S: saniUrr Comtau4on. Dear rftemlßg to Ifrw York aifwa frssk’« absence tbetreaMuetjcfepr CommUsidn inform! m. of “HUrV'*<>#■- S£B.&e-]lo)pDe miTi?nJfcad U ih>rty five thodnv<£ tar*e . h asdr*d ahp 9tf-100doPa|«?bdi-* the t<aai jit tlte Greatt *»trai Fairjfcorf the be c v inm»*lda. We. have rommeST# 51?, 3]Mb toour PauadeTpoiik&j* >oiate«, to Fair is . already Haoto r * jhe Dstfpie, ta..<suf4Fjjta re* it®T»Bt atyyi Add *tiia: he«itifab;©hio& otvpe coxuiuiaomin* ihe>ceWof it haagi tn of ■‘Mjx&sisez ss= : milS of the Fair, alt-tad jih&u many wi-u withotherdocomentsiofthaCy®h\iB?lon.h«in a few d«s, ©n its WBT^UTiifpJr to filT'an ordexf mads by . ihß reigoifu «***&* _ 'Ahera isn6 tfie.wQrld whera th%hiaury of the uprising or American' * omen and ohildreal American homes,. Atoertcsn ii&itB!ty'*icd art, ihf of tbs iniirstitf ecditahleßeesr bsiHnot exdtred an <n.«linfmtte eyapa- asprobatiiii. and hmor of \ffr AffljggsJbaa n tojg. r'ihe'Cfiitvd tns pnvi- Jege’Of /'radlßgvoff in this slorious or first er>«taili£*sg on a na-tionel scale the sympathies and of the PacpU,. in, jjfc&alf vi one Sidrend wdnndto e<lators 1 nto i trovary accord* fi.-wad broad pjpaictr iitvor j.nd »upport; ahd speciali? it'haa wora-anotit •Ire neck » 9h&inVoa which thi^g^at linked topether, have- hong tiieir jewel*, «aoh ns ore splendid other, as the pubsic eye. and ail dearer than 1 Clscpstra s J»ociva-c to b<* fisßlly dmoivedin&drasght »f merbyJxor iip« more royal, even thote of an army of mar-yrs Var Liberty. No city in the Union has siven a ttoifier and more potsiitfciit support ti the n ar. t o the «*.f■anfdiere on their way to and from th« war,or to the rw.lef of the sick and wounded fedlingimhe c'-pree of t?«£war, thftu put* iadelphis; end toio city,except san th« IT 8. fcanixarj so much for an ‘ntel iig ne. laborious, and suoponr-'a support ciudiigmorol, and fiaanoial sns'ailaace and /oyaHy Fnliedelphia has ani eu- Oct ted ttepp cellar p'lncfpieso' the Ssnitary Commls- Bicß. its officers with genstons confidence, ana 'ftd'ttp tiea ui 1 ? with Bys.'«-raati« confeihut o<sr : The megn ficeut comribaiion «« h*ve jaet received, the ir.auct of yocr Fa r. is, I ven nra to s%y, the only; to this, hat to ary nnincotpotaiod charity in the world. It is ami reeje of free, concerted action sorbin* with unjestoas and confid&g beaevoii-uci to .intake wUh r nt Joctl or State tkeaimoaar of itsovt*r ilvwisgbouuty toward*tbofeshfierers made saor«dhy the cans© in which they offer their lir-a aad shed their bleed Fouhave freshened the Declaration of Inde pendence, digitally made in your c ty. issulog it anew, sewratbu In tbe blood of your sons, with every precious line of It now illnmlnatei with your go ! d I war, fortunately, preseut at the gr«-at gatnering of the heads «f all the ecojt< micdl interests of your vast hive of indn**rj M when *he Fair .liras Uauttufatedbv aartgulng its deperimeots io tho most ecergetic men in Philadelphia, isaid then, what I repeat here, 'hat I never knew an undertaking whose eu<c*g- was so tbnrot *hiy_asfcurea by the method and sp rii Id which i*. vat fctaited. Whaitne zeal, the taste, gea*:- rotity of your Stale and citj—rot unaided by New Jersey and Delaware—fUally produced, in the way o* a splendid and instructive spectacle, X learn from thou fcfti-ds.who Lad a p.ea*ura dsnied-to me, then in Cali', lornia, of vi&iiinc that besuiifal temple'of art and hu manity.. Tie 8;lid product of til those labors and sac cesses I ha*e row the pr found gratifieatioa of ao kucwledgiDK the receipt of, into the treasfiry for which, it was orlaiuHliT To that Divine Providence in which aH great bless iige originate; to the generous" publle who first gave and then bought back the mat«rtat» *»f xhe Fair; to tun women of yourdty aad neigh borhood, who'© ttuteaud bxuxt&nity, wnofe strength, and'ten-lprusß-* ff iis prepa ativn sud eopdsc>; to the variouscomiaitte«s whwe patient fide'ity .ln a noble nvaJr* wlta each ether secured the socce** of. all its departmeuts; to taa executive e mmittee whose wisdom aad devotion re duced the pans io such bai , raouj> l &n4 pertWctio^; and to you, sir, the president of the Fair, to whose admirable adttlii‘tratlon, usffnggliicrovlrsUht. Ohrleliaa in . spiratlon all sccord rhe highest rasr-ect and admiration, 1 beg leave inmt>:y to offer in the name of oaro teats— the sick and wour-ded so dler«—the graiicade of their hearts with theta that of the hottes onue nation.- I have the honor to be. very resoecifally y^tirs, . BEN AT W. B«DaiOWB. President U 8. Banltary Commission. An Extreme Ttew fi-jm tbe Extreme t'omO. We are permitted' tfie following letter ■jtegn.a4tettg|eiffBaea-'gltle«»ii<>f.Wie«j]ifi—tojar^ emluent EepreßentSsUve, Hon. ffm, D. Kelloy: Esw Oeueaxs. Mar»h 7, 1856. ■ Dear Sir: I "have re«d u-t# «xajf tutsan.'! spleen erert fcy yon on ihe 2s*-hof J-3,ouai*y. a «opyoi ■wt-ich yon. enooKßtosend me i faadsotufai itnnovailiagiy ftiraojae tirue pa*S aod the plates with which It waa in> ntl' -.ned by Ui<h« who had been more foitnsate roaderso-it* receipt all Ih* more aacepUb’a, t un fcapps of the pretext thna me to express toyojf in tfelßW«y my tbjvske for tho Yon have* trniifs esrhanstWe review of tfee pnoaSiar relations which-flio white and black rac»s ia this country have borne to each otter. added largely to fcho Htock of iafor mation rn the SmpoTt*nt Rubject* aua iba zeal of tfcete who labor to make relatione conform to reason and jcsfcea. the cersala con"eaaoiicB* *it which, will be the epesdv disappearance of at* pr radices on account of race &&tl the seearity of the l >ya‘. white and tl»ck. Tour ep«Gch will always be recarded as a jnuked eyehtSh the hiflor? of *he colored mao/s pro gress from the condition of a slave to the condition of a citizen in ihe foil reuse 01 the terra And in wb&tlsay rj>gnroiaf it, I bai; reflect -be opinions of a'l bore who advocate the extension of eqttai rights to thesolored ta if is to be hoped that Congress will, teener or later, place the polmcal ctstasof ih*Sou r hernhlick man upon & basic wbUh shah he nnchangeable by Slat-? action, and that this basis shall conform to the principles ioUticai cqoal ty. Srue Union men here beiiave that, joth as lesards ihe nation and tfcematlws, there is notling to fear hat everything to hope, ;notMng solose hut everytbirgto gain from tbeextension or tha fran chise to their colored fellow* citizen* From tho fonnda -tioa of our Government, the principle of uniter*al suf frage hae gone on extending with. X believe, beneneiil results. If car electors system has occasionally worted badly,the fact wiH be found to bo chargeable lew to the ignorance than to the aiskonetty of voters And among those who vote dishonestly, the greater portion are men not intellectually deficient. To nine tenths of the vo ter*, all public questions, including thoea that engage and divide the beat minds of the nation, ultimately “narrow down-to the alternative ol voting for Mr. A, wfco aupporie one set of views, or for Mr* B, who maintairs the other. And evsty day’s observation of the intelligence- ihe industry, the-good sense, and the patriotism which the blae* man displays strengthens my conviction that if the right or voti i- z is unreservedly extended to him* it will prove to be, like charity, a slcssing as well to the siver as lo the receiver. Before concluding, I beg,.to inform ,yon that hopes have recently been’ afforded us that the present State Letie ature might, before it adjourns,, be inducsd to grant the suffrage to colored men. The leading men arrong those WentiSedwltn thf present teia'e orgaai .nation, in a desire, ss it is beiisved, to prqpilla'e the opponents of their recognition in Congress, have signi fied the wi*h to nave tuch a measure earned iato eff-jet, . and ?o that end they have asked the co operation ot those who, lik« myself, have hitherto opposed this orranizatu n. Grant ns the accession of etreogth which the n-aro vote would secure us, and we would no longer fear the Secessionists who have remained at home, nor the addition to tfcem of those who would return from the rebel army on the termination of the war Hence- Xorwaid tbe prospers of the loyal men of the State would be bright and unclouded, and we ahoula be dis posed to waive the objections which exist tu themau ner in which their government, was initiated we are brought to this view the more readily from the fact thKt, now that Mr fia>n ha* ceased to be Goveraor. a maionty of the chief officers of the S f ate- including Mr. Weils, the late Lieutenant and now-aenc* Governor, the Treasurer, hr. Balden, and the Attorney-General, Mr. Lynch, ara ia fail politics) ,?'•’°ln Aulev our y» cam and confidence. Although there is lltUein the ’character of a majority of the men compo- Bink The Legislature to give promise of action indicative oi&evated renttmentaTand statesmanlike forecast, al thoueh their minds seldom rise above the most narrow and sordid considerations, we are nevertheless encou raged to hope, by those who know them better thaa we do, that they may be persuaded to accede to onr wishes. The right thus extended to the eoloied men of Louisiana, will, among** oilier hsppy effscl*, fnrnUh a precedent that must plead most effectually in behalf of the colored -men of ihe other.rebellions Stales, and peroaus have the tendency to give a right direction to the action of the next Oongress on the question ol their readmisslon to ßelSnz my thanks for the favor of a copy of the tpeeSa. I subscribe myself, dear sir, wy yoAl obediest Eervant. ■ ■ : - JAS. GRAHAM. Bon t*. D. Kismet, M. 0 , Wasfetoftoa, D. 0. BehinkaMe Accident in a Mine. IHHXXSB OAVixa IX OX XABTH asb book. The Gould and Oarry mlce at Virginia Oily, Ne vada, 1* tlie great mine of the Rooky Mountains. It has been extensively 'worked, and employs some 220 men. The ore taken ont dally amounts to afeont 190 tons, and averages from $9O to $5OO per ton. On the night of the 9th of February a tremendous oave ocourrod In the.rolne, and, though It came down very suddenly, while all the men In the mine were at their usual stations, yet not a man was Injured. Borne of them were within twenty leet of the cave, which occurred just as the men were taking their lunch. Theyweromjrohfnghtenedandbewildered, all their Hghtrfeslng at ohoe blown out. Thelength ofthecave was aboutlCOleet, Its width soma 60 foe t, and the depth to which It extended 375 feet. The re sult waß an advantage than otherwise, as old oham •feersthat had been wojSvd out, were UUed up with out expense to ih*eOinp*ay. Rich ore was exposed flrojjs ;s6"4suii&fetr*. gboye, and the hola oa the hill \ cahefiu uy iEe dave is aydut an acre in exienc, anu large enough to entomb an army. The Virginia City Enterprise gays of the effects of the eavo: “The falling of. several thousand tons of earth and rock to thedepth ol 376 feet, orashlng through some 26 to 30 plank'floors, and crushing to atoms thousands of feet of square timber, was of course attended with a terrible bolbo, and afearfm qaaklng ofthe earth in the violnlty. The eoncueslon of tho air lsstootly extinguished the lights throughout the mine s-workmen who were standing up were thrown aown. In some ofthe tunnels the .cars were thrown from tho track, and the chambers, tunnels, and gal leries were.every where filled with suffocating olouds of dust. The atr was forced sonth Into the navage mine, so strongly t hat every light in'the mine was extinguished, oars blown off the traoks, and about the same effect produced as In the Ophir. The rush of air up the Savage hoisting shaft (nearly 400 feet -deep), caused all the- lights in the hoisting house to be blown out. The engine stande in a room parti tioned off from the main building, and at some dis tance from the mouth of the shaft, yet so great was the concussion that the door was bursted open and all the lamps blown out. The terror of those in the mine we can easily im agine to have been great. There was everything In the “situation” to inspire terror. A. more tnan midnight darkness, the air filled to suffocation with dust, the awful booming of bursting floors, the deafening report of the splintering timbers, and the frightful roar of the grinding rocks, powdering planks and timbers, to say nothing of the uncertain-, ty—more torrlblo tnan all—of the probable extent of the cave, and where It would end- After the civs was over, the bewildered miners groped their way In various olreesions In seared or a place of safety, Eome getting down to tho bottom of the mlao, and oiheis in. various drifts and galleries. The work men in the Savage wero also much frightened, and oamo out of the mine as speedily as possible, report ing that, the whole Gould and Ourrv had oaved ta. end that everybody lu It was killed. The cave shook houses stanalng at a considerable distance from the mine, causing furniture and glassware to rattle as though fey the agitation of an earthquake. The cave Injured nothing In the mine, and yester day tbe penal amount of ore was taken out, all tbe men being- at work, and everything; going: on as though no cave had occurred, - mw MEE COT. IBpccisl Gorreßrondlnee of The Press. ] , Kkw York, Marot 21,1885. *H»QOIDPAnio - still continues to afford tbe great ensuing topic of . tie bonr. : gravely argues tbe propriety of an immedlate resumption: of specie payment on tbe part of tbe GoT6mment, and suob a coarse Is pronounced to be not only feasible, bat tbe onlyone wHob can gvert tbe great collapse wiloi now seems to threaten us. It Is true that some portion of the press and people repel with no mie Indigna tion the repeated assertion that there are tottering aiia unsteadiness already to be noted along the great commercial centres. Be the objection well or Illy taken, the fact remains the same that there Is an uneasy expectation in tbe public mind,- and a feeling that this tumbling decline will carry With it the foundation of some of our weaker bouses* Says the Herald-. “These little spirts afexcUement are bat the forewarnings of a corning- convulsion,whlehjho w eyer much It may be deplored, experience has taught . .ns cannot be averted.”. Says the Times; “So sud den and serious a change In the recognized standard of valne, naturally produces oonfufion, failure and disaster in every department of business.” The Bet-aid also remarks : “Thp feeling among the com mercial community has hardly ever been more de spondent than at present. Some of the largest arms In the dry goods trade have already been forced to ask for a renewal of their notes, and praot! colly a large number of mercantile houses In this "city are Insolvent, and they can orfly be reileved by a rally In Upon which the Posf enters Its protest-solemnly, and calls article In which the paragraph oocara, “an Sa famous attempt to decry both Government and In dividual credit.” And so the ball of opinion is tossed about. A KEW STEAMER, The new steamer Colorado, bnllt for the Pacific Wall Steamship Company, dud intended to ply be-‘ tween Panama and San FranoSsoo, is thrown open' for public inspection. She excites much admiration: by the absoruu completeness of her appointments and I conveniences, wherein irinciadßd Eho .nau.crd- ef luxury of respectable bath-rooms. She Is to go fully armed, wlth fonr comparatively heavy guns, and a complete outfit In the way of small-arms. NAPOLfcOK’B QJR SAB, No less than lour firms have publicly announced the above work as in press, and yet it Is very gene rally nndesstood that but two of the. firms will .publish it—one in. Fronoh, the other In Eogilsh. THf! DiUl-IKII ISIBB SEW YOSX MAUKET.S. The Express says: Gold took an upward tarn this afternoon, reaching Its, owing to the market having been largely oversold. In produce and merchandise lower prices ware made. Stour declined 20 to toe. ; wheat 3@Sc. j corn lc ; whisky' B@so. i lard >fe.; cotton 60. ; pork $2 CO; petroleum 2@3c. Sterling exohange It flat at l(Sb},i@lC9K. Several whisky manufaotu. rers have been fined for Illegal production, and one distillery In this vicinity has been doled. THS BVZKIKGt STOCK BOARD. 10 P. hi.—The attendance at the stock board to. night was large. .Gold and stocks very active. Gold 148 K; alter ettl-nfijf, closing'at'lS&&-. New York ( ientral, Erie, 65% j Beading, 95% j Hudson Biver, 101 shlieblgansouthern, 65; XUinots Oen. tral, ES a ; Plttcburp and Cleveland, 61% i Book Island ana Chicago, 87%; Northwestern, 22%; do. preferred, 60; Fort Wayne, 81% ; Ohio and tlUssls. sippi certificates, 21%; Cumberland, 33%; tiaiok silver, 60; Hariposa, 11. BOSAOiir. GREAT SADR 07 WOOL, Bobtox, March 2f —An extensive auction sale of Cape and domestic fleece wool to day attracted a large attendance. Owing to the unsettled state of toe markets buyers were Bhy, and some of the mast valu s ble lots were withdrawn from the sale. Prises fer Cape wool ranged from 36 to 40c, and for do mestic 43@81%e., the latter figure being paid for 2,000 pounds or fine Pennsylvania. A lot of very superior Vermont wool sold for 62%c, and 67,000 pounds of Ohio fleece, a portion ol which was said to have oost *l, sold for 67%<§73c. Of the total cats-, loguo, 49 lots were sold, ana 23 were withdrawn. T&R.STHAMSR RHOBS ISDARO. Tbe United States steamship Bhode Island ar rived here to-day from Norfolk, and is to be sta tioned at this city to receive naval reciults. BAiXINOBfi. DISQUADIRIED BY DISLOYALTY• Baltihoek, March 24 —The Maryland Ueglsla. tnre, In the case of the contested judicial election la Baltimore county, has declared the election of Gra eco to the office of judge of the Eighth Circuit Court, null and void, ceefaring him to have beea disflnaiified under the new Constitution, on the ground oi disloyalty, and having beea a mernbar of military organization |to resist ;the authority of *be United States at the eommeaoement of the re bellion. . A new election has been ordered. DEOWKSKG OV A UNITED STATES OBXIOBB. The U. S. steamer Santiago de Cuba, Captain O. S GltSEon, arrived here this morning, from Fortress Monroe. Yesterday afternoon, during a heavy blow in Chesapeake Bay, she lost overboard, from her starboard rigging, noUcg Master’s Mato Silas ’ W. Kempt™, a young officer of great worth, and who greatly distinguished himself In the assault On Fort Fisher, being one ot the first to enter ,the fert, and who received the warm commendation of Gen. Terry lor his bravery. MARKETS. BAtTiMortu; March 24.—Flour dull and droop ing. Ohio superfine *; extra. sibi Wiioat very Anil and heavy • Kentucky while, .82.35 Core {jUlcti nominal. •XSS33 IcESG-TSlsA.'iroiHß, HarrisburOj Maruk 2I» 1855. SENATE. Hr. LO WHY, trom the epectsl eommUtse appointed to ascertain whether any persons had extorted $20.000 from tha Allstate and Groat Western Kallrosd Com pany for the allescd porpceeof bribligth- Sedate to pete a certain bill, made a report and submitted tha evideice. ... , , . „ - Two witnesses had been esamined—viz: General Ward, tlhairman of tbe Democratic thate Cento* I Com- ‘ ml tea. and J. H. Brimaer, of the Harrisburg Patriot and Union ... ... The report of ihe committee la ton lengthy for publi cation in tbe columns of the newspapers. Its material facts, however, are as rollouts: That tt e Atlantic and Great .Western Railway Com pany sent a. bill to Harrisburg, which in its provisions was entirely just and honest, aud wh-eu would have pasted both Bouses without a Blogle objec'tlou; That tome da. igulng persons had asked and obtained $5,c00 under the ostensible, ptea of putting tho-but through tbe -Bou-etsuch pereons not being connected with the legltlafure, and there being no evldenc3 that cne cent use ever paid to any member). The hill did pass the Hr-usei ~, That some person or persons demanded $ It, CKO addi tion-1, on the osttßßlhleplea-that this sum was neces sary to use to secure the passsge through the Senate. Mr Brimner testified that John jsokton, tbe alletei aaentof the ratiroad brought the $16,000 to Harntba.-gi That the sum of *25.000 (according to the statement. m« d»hy Jackson to Brlmrer) was applied for by Messrs. William Witte and Gectge northrop, and that the ap plication was refused at the time; . .. That after tha hill had passed the House a despatch tothat effect from Harrisburg to Hew York was sent, at theium of $16,000 had passed out of the hands of the man who took It to Harrisburg ieto those or some oiherperson or persois, and that after the affair had hem made public, this same sum of $26 005 was re turned 10 a person who had been endeavoring to ex poso.thelisnssetion. viz.. General Ward, the money ss returned was in twenty-four one thousand dollar notes and the remainder in sma'inotes. Vari-ns u. tier allegations were made, and namesmen tiontcl, hut it is due to the parsons who even by nuspl. cion might bo implicated, that they should Have a besring before any direct public accusation is made. For this reason, and in order that no injustice may be done, the above general itatments (involving no charge egaftst cny man) «a given. The case Is an ex traordinary one. Xf it be true that $26,090 was actually given to some person not connected with the Legiria tnre, to secure the psssage cf a perfectly harmless bur, it would indicate, in the language o< a Senator, that the fundo had been paid hy a 'Tool to a knave.” Ho Senator ever received any portion of the money, or was improperly approached on the subject.. Thore is no evidence to prove that the two persons named as having applied lor the money, committed an- illegal act. The Senate decided to continue the Investigation, and the cmmlttee was instructed to report to tne Attorney ’General of tne Commonwealth, who is authorized to prosecute any offender against the laws- . ■ . v Speaker TOKRELL, before vacating his seat, made an tddsess to the Senate, at the conclusion of wnich Mr. Fleming, of Danphin, was. cbossn Speaker by a party vote, the Deiascrata voting lor Mr. Hopkins, of AOftjruaeWusnt address fey Bpeaker FLSMIKGtha Senate adjourned sine die. HOD SB. The House met at 10 A, M. . ■ , - Mr. ALLSMAH, from a committee to asewtain Whether frauds had been committed upon volunteers or substitutes, made a-rsport. Mr. aLLBMaH. chairman of the committee to investi gate tfie frauds of bounty brokers upon suwiHates,m»de B report setting forth ihat the most Infamous swindles have been perpetrated upon, volunteers, substitute!, and the Government, fey brokers acting lu conjunction with armyoffl.eis. ■■ . .... Men utterly disqualified were mustered into service hy officers who had foil knowledge of their incapacity, snd in many vases there men were actually induced to desert hy >he same officers, and persuaded to re enlist. The stnets snd alleys were robbed to supply euch nen. Hcspltalsworedepleted and prison doors opened. The Government has been thus robbed of bouatles, and ward and other committees ootiged to lose thou sands of dollars. In one particular case, that of Lieut. Col. Ramsay and his •onlederaUß, the Grand Jury of Dsupbln county found a true bill. Civil officers did their duty, hut the military authorities stepped ia and the penitentiary was deprived of its doe. Tne clerks of the Fourteenth Congressional district made tame sums iy permitting men to escape, and the Board of Enrol ment of that district neg‘acted their duty, refused to punith offenders, and, with the exception of Charles C. Hahn, acted in'amonsiy. , ■ Os motion of Hr. AbI.EMAH, five thousand copies of the aheve report were ordered to be printed , The Sneaker, Arthur G Oimstead, was ratesanted with a nun her of valuable articles fey the members and officers of the House, end returned sppropria-e taanfcs. ■The chief clerk, A. W. Benedict, w»s also presented whh a'stiver pitcher by the Democratic members. Resolutions of thanks to the hpeaker, the chiefAlsrk, and assittants Small and Dennison, and other officers, w ere adopted unanlmi uely. After an addreis of force and beauty, by the Speaker, the House gdjouincd sine die. Miss Batemajs’s SK-ArfiBABAHOB.—We are glad to see fey the following notice, which we findia the London Times of the 9th, that Miss Bateman Is again gfele to resume the duties of her profession. She was recently attacked fey a sovero bronchitis, which it was at one time feared would be fatal. But, as the notice testifies, she has regained a health robust enough to again appear in publio with her accustomed aoooptability: Miss Bateman reappeared on Tuesday night, for the first time since her indisposition, resuming the character of Julia in the “ Hunchback.” On the occasion of her first performance of the part we de scribed at some length the peculiarities of her fine interpretation, and we may now brieflystate that tne means previously employed again Insurodatrlumph snt success. It Is by the sustained grief and passion ol the fourth aot r and the bitter remonstranoe with Master Waiter In the fifth, that she makes the most powerful impression on tho public. The agony proper to the well-known exclamation, ‘ Clifford, why don’t you speak to me V’ was never expressed withmore intense purpose. The applause she received last night from a crowded audience ex ceeded, if possible, that which was bestowed on her first performance, and she seems rather to have Batted than lost in strength during her temporary. retirement. Nevertheless, to prevent the possibili ty of a relapse, Bhe will not henceforth, play above three times a week. The serious interest of the play was efficiently relieved by tbe vivacity and spirit oi MiesH. Simms as Helen, the hlgh-aolored btubfulnees of Mr. Bllllngton as Modus, and-the quaint humor of Mr. Tcolo as Fathom, The Frlnce of Wales, accompanied fey the Prin cess and tho Duchess of Manchester, visited this bouse last night’. TheJ“ Loveohase ” was the staple piece cf the evening, andiMr. Hollingshead’s faroe, tbe “ Birthplace of Podgere,” in whioh|Mr. Toolo piuyed Ms original part, was added by the Prince’s cummand. • Prance has had sixty-seven queons. Miserable lives they led. Eleven were divorced; two executed! nine died young; seven were widowed early; three erueily treated; three exiled. The rest were either poisoned or broken-hearted, FOUR GENTS. FINANCIAL AKD CfiMMEKCIAL, The decline la stocks yesterday,though material* here no comparison, how ever, to the fall lathe prices of mer chandise and produce generally. The dry-goods trade Wes especially afiected, and so anxious were holders to realize that they bad scarcely any fixed prises to ask, ard j-howed a disposition to allow buyers to fix r&tss rather than do to themaelves Consumer*, and in this wot awe Include everybody, are withholding their purchases, for (he present, resolving either to do without snppließ altogether, or make shift with what they already, hare until affaire assume a more settled aspect. The retail dealers, therefore, are under, no necessity of haring ample* stocks, and ate the Us* disposed to purchase. The anxiety to rea’ise, on the part of the wholesale dealers, arises from no stringency in the money market, for the banks are willing to furbish capital without stint to those lit good standing and who can famish the proper collaterals. We can attribute the decline in prices to no other circumstance hut the belief on the part of these shrewd* business men that for the future low priced He'to be the: rule; that the rebellion having spent ite fcrcs. there isnow no material obstacle to the zestciation of peace and union which cannot be ra re cved in a short time by our armies. and that tire country Is fast drawing'to a specie basis Every day’s experience strengthens tbi« conviction In the po pular mind, and hence, with every day, we have to re ccidafaHintUlindsof commodities. Yesterday.cail coes scld at 13 cento, which fifteen days ago brought 23; yard-wide blotched mualin* at 28 cents, which two weeks ago brought 45. The fall in wooHn goods is not eo decided, though the reduction is considerable. Jeans b&ve declined at least fifty per cent, from the prices ruling two week* ago. 11l di&cusrinf lie rectat failures in New York, the ] TVmesqf yesterday t ays: 1 *ln regardtoboth brokers ! BEdipercbaEts, we dare say that much, of the present mischief hasigiown oat of the vicious speculation of the : Gcldj&o.©in,wMcb hae b< enaUowed, for several months past in the face of successive Victories inthe field * and the almost astared certainty that the rebellion is draw ing to its end. to control their action. Railway avd other stock values have been made to sympathize with ihi» a>fco?ation t in very , many instances, where they shpuld have Been intrinsically rnugpe&dentor-the~ups end ddwne in gold, ■■■ ■■■ -w nTft fiMlod, topresstteir |opds aid produce on. sale, while gold above 205. per cent' , under the favorable circumstances referred to. But now that the revulsion is up©wth«n. It is the part of gnedsense ranioto the oppositeextreme.of panic.'* • It is one of the characteristics of theitockaarhetthM, in eplte of the several decline of ail other slocks* Go - Tenement securities are in demandant! prices firm. The increased confidence in the military,.political* and financial situation of the Government* and the not iis r* amenable preference and dissriminatlon of tho public* ineeatons of violent transitions in other values* like the present, conspire to piece these public credits on the very highest vantase ground at the Stock Exchange. This is especially true in a'panic growing out of no scarcity of money* no sudden contraction oi currency* ssd no abrupt interference of the treasury with the or dinary course of business, but simply from the fall la the speculation in geld and the fi'p&ftciettton of preen basis. The last consideration, above- all others* now weighs in favor of the funded stocks of the United States, which, with the return of 4 peace and the triumphant vindication of power and empire fn the Fede ral Govern matt, will be placed beyond continy&ncy. City 6s continue dull, (and the old j esterday went down to 80. State 6s .were heifer, and advanced 1M- There was a & neral improvement in the share list* especially in Bearing, which advanced and sold at the clegs at 45. Camden and Amboy was also s}i better. Pennsylvania ..Bailroad was steady at, 63& Norristown declined 1, and there were eal** of Minehill at 55* Northern Cen tral at 43, and lehigk Valley at 68. Of the canal stocks there were sales of Susquehanna at 10, Schuylkill Navigation preferred at 28, and Wyoming Valley at In Bank shares there is little or nothing doing. 1% was bid for North America.; 28for Mechanic*’; 60for City; and 58 for Corn Exchange; 136 was asked for Philadelphia; 140 for Fanners’ and Mechanics'; 62for Commercial; J&for Girard; andliGfor Western There was a moderate amount doing in the oil stocks, hut at get eraJly lower figures. The following were the quotations of gold at the hours sauted: 10 A. H— .....151 30&A. M 11 A. Mr . P„ 1 P. M * 2 JP. M*M*M*«**»*MlM*M«***»J^*«**M4<»»H»i49 s*""'*** ...****«* isi|| The subscriptions to the 7*SO loan received by Jay Cocke yefeteiday amount to $3,227, ■!<:•{(, ia Binding one of $139,460 from Haw fork and one of $250,006 from Mem phis, Teen There were 1.669 Individual subscriptions ofsCC® 100 each. The following trere the closing: Quotations for the principal navigation* mining, and oil stocks r J>*/? i *Tr .. Globe 0H—..... Bcnl.Eav pref***. 28 18 fif-we’6 Eddy O. .. SatqCsnaU m -- Hibbard ifc Big Hcnm Coal.. UK 4K Irvria Oil .. 7 butler Coal..*.** 8 10 Keystone Oil~*.. 1)£ \%* CiictosCoal..... % % Krotzer I& Ot>nn Miring***. > X % Maple Shade OU. 18 20 .Jolttit t.oal*.*.** 4fc 6 SUClistoek Oil.. 431 GieanKountOl.. S 0% Mineral ... ... 1% % Keyfctcxe Zinc... .. 2 Mingo.*.*,*....** 3.69 S£ & Casbondttl* Ci. 1 H •* MeElheny Oil.**, .. 6 Creek Coal. .. .94 &fcCteaftCh*r£. 175 L9i Atlas—-. IX 13 1« Noble & &»l..*>. 4 .. AUr* &.*Tjdeoute •- l^OiiCreek .. B>£ Big Tank***.—.. 2*5 2&< Organic 0i1...... .69 % Era»<ienlst&n&.. •• IJ£ OJ.m*teadOU.... 1% .. Beacon 0U....... .. 11-ls *h*ladc Tideoute .. 2 B/uner0i1........ .. .04 Pet Centre..——. 2.69*. fcnil Creek 2 .. FhU*& Oil Ck... X 1 Brigrgs 0i1.,..**., .. 3 Bock OH **** .. S% Bmn g Spr P<t,, .. 2>5 Kathbone Ftt**.*,, 2 Continental Oil.. *. ??§ Siiern,aal Crescent City**** 1% IK SeneeaOll.^-.**.. - .. 4% 1, Cherry Eim....** . . B£K Donkard 0i1..... IM lie Dalzell 0i1...*... 6% Excelsior Oil **** .. UK Bahert * 3 3k Eldorado******... 1 j|S Franalin OH*... .. 2|f Germania-**..... XX The avidity with which, the 7.30 lean la balngiah eoibedall over the coontry. in spite ol the derange* meat to business occasioned by the recent panic in the gold market, is one 0f those thing* which defy explana tion. The whol« loan will be entirely fcaXen. np in a few days, when the sale of the new SSi.O,CG? t OCO lean will commence, The arrangements for its Isaie have all bcerlper'ectfld. 3he first issue will be of $300,000,000, on the Ifiih of Jere next. The notes, in form, denomb aattoa*, and interest will be in ail respect* like the pre* sect iesua of seven-ihirtles. They will differ only in it a pexi*d fixed for tV eir convertibility. They wiil have ten months longer to ran than the EB7en.-iM?tfea before they can be changed into gold-be&rißg five twenties. By a very large class of investors this differ ence will be considered to impart greater value to the new ietue. It may be that the first $500,000,000 will meet the necessities of the Government Is is expected that this.first issue will be disposed of in about three mouths. The agency of the present seven-thirties, with all its machinery, will be employed for tho whole of the new loan. 3>rexel & Co. Quote: Hew United Btates Bonds, 1551.105 @lO6 •• ** G’erttf of Indebtedness... 97>£@ 97& Gnartermasterß* V0ucher5.......... 94 @ 95 Gold.»♦*.■ ••«».»•»-*»*»«•»♦• ©t'y Bterliugßxohaage-«-....- gl€B Pive-tweaty Bonds. Tea* forty 80nd5.......... .....*• »1&@ Amount of Coal transported on the Philadelphia and Beading Eailroad during the wash ending Thursday, March 23, ISC6 Tons. Cwt From Port Ca-rhon*. •»►*.. ►•»»*♦+-*+♦»« 2J,259 09 *« 469 13 BcimylimHaven.—.....23 s &fi 02 *• Anbora.3,&44 10 ** Port Clinton .*....,.10,355 It 41 Hanislmrgand Dauphin....lS 16 Total Anthracite Coal for wedlc.. ........... Bituminous coal from Harrisburg and Dan pfcin for one week........ Total of ail kinds Tor week..**.*-»*••«•••■*• 68,354 03 Pre vi ously this y ear 691,357 03 Total 7£9.62l 06 To same time last year,.714.8V7 4)7 Tie h'e w Tori Post of last evening says: Gold rpened at lfO%, and. after rising to 153, fell to 147 K. Exchange !b cull at IC9X Jot specie. The pi ice is lower than H has been since the 2d of De cember, 1863, when Meade resiosaed the Bapidau. The Government paper money then afloat was oa i fits,- 626,280 and the national bank notes only $29,000 Bov the Government currency and the national bant notes iogetherhave an aggregate of 774 millions of dollars, and thi* amount is increasing. To expect, as so me of our gold speculators affect to do, that the Government can pay specie for its notes immediately on the cessa tion of the war, or that the national banks could be compelled to redeem their circulation in gold on do* mand, while tko currency ic to depreciated by being increased to double its normal volume, and no specie reserve is held in the country, except by a few or the State banks, is too singular a delusion to be passed by without notice. To belief, however, muon, of the re cent depression in Governments is ascribed. Tie loan market is easy to good borrowers on ample margins at 7 per cent, benders are extremely cautions and scrutinise miscellaneous securities. Tneroia, how ever, more Inclination to lead on railroad securities than prevailed yesterday. Commercial paper is doll and little is doing. The rates are S@l2. , The stock market is laniwd and unsettled. The go d speculation has less influence on prices, and there is a fclowly-increestng disposition to.bay for investment the conviction being tnav even on a specie beets, aid with peace restored, most of tho sound dividend*paying securities aie cheap. ‘Governments are irregular, bank shares dull, railroad bonds quiet, and railroad shares aC Eefere. tie first session JTew York Central closed at 8f \£. Erie at 62, Hudson Biver at 90, Michigan Central ar 88. Illinois Central at 92, northwestern at 19&, Jfori ~ TV ay nest 77, Cumberland at 3L . ... The following quotations were made at the board* compared with those of Thursday afternoon: fit Thur. Adv, Dee United States 6s, 1881, coupon-.IG6K - Mr*; - K United States e-tOcoupons.*-. IQG% IC ZH - % United States6-20coupomunewlOSK 105 K .. United States 10- 48 coupon*.^,. 9 : % 91 •* H United States g#rttfSe*tes..*~. 973? 96X. Vz Missouri cs,.,{fe>£ 55 • n gST, York Central...»..***.»>>. §6)4 g>>* ,** 3 Sending *.•»***-..»•♦•*•*•»♦*•*►* 31 • 90 1 «, Sales of Stocks, March *t4j ISOS* TBE OPEN BOARD. ..... Idle KODalratl —l6 & lroßareka™. Vi JOO Mobs.-”--- 69 IDO Jerrey We 11....... SX «OMcCHntock.... ... 4% MO a 0.... -M ICO do.— M *X ICO 4% 100Mi3lto«♦-»*»»♦*** *** 3 6S EEOOJSI lCOAtlss. VA 2ioMon6«oinerT...l>lo SflOTair Hgkcs:-.MO ifit ]i 0 Oil Creek.-........ 6K| ICO Big Tank...— .... 2Xj 6CO linnkaid Greek . % ICO Hi* Talk.2X 100 Cora Heater. .t3O 4% KODnakald. IS_JS ICO 4o.~« *♦♦.•••• }& ICO Fxcelsior• *.. »* 100 Keystone..******.* .\% 400 do.— —*JX ICO do—.Mo 1.69 SOOliOgsii .•••*..•*♦*♦* .44 ICO UcUliiitock..**.*.. 4M IPO Kx<*ltior *•**.—**• 1M 200 Wligo.e•*.*«**.lots 3i4 SALES AT TBS EEGCLA] Reported Ini Heme, Miller, BEPOBB KOBeadlmß -..46 ICOStiMII 0H...W0. IK - 4KOB8e« >Bl—conp.lCS IMOO do*.cp-ICJI SCCOBt C* cp.lfCJtf lftCO do».co.)o* «ofo City -now I*llo_ do ...lots. 87 60(0 St: to £5.... -ws icto pumr ’S? 700 d0...10ta-wk* V 3CO R.i<jt*feBo* v% - * MASflg 24—Rvflntng- The markeUjfCßerally are unsettled aud lower, owiug to the further decline in *osd, amliheie isverylUtle disposition to operate at the.deeine The Flour market eontinnes dull* and prices are drooping. Wheat is dSir and lower. Corn hi raiiUr firmer. Bark is very qaiek Cos ionbaa declined, In Coffee there is very little doing* and pricfß are kwar. Fish and Fruit' oo&tinue quiet. Eaval fctores are firmly held. Petroleum is on settled and dull. In Provisions there is very Uttie doing; and prices have fallen off. Clovorstsd is ia demand,-and.* prices are rather better, Sugar is very quiet. Whisky has declined.. Wool is dull and lower. J Bid. Ask. tuebury Tare Homestead. 4* 4H Union Petrol.,". % 1 UppsrEwmomy" .. % Vnnatiso 0i1..... % Itß WalnutDdand... 1.44 Watson.".""" .. 2M .65,030 69 3,233 14 100 Bits: 4 Cam }% MO Boss.• l>i 400 do■ hii*l)lo IM 194 100 Starr... * IX 500 Bit Titak MO S 100 ItIiMKHM W 100 do MO 3 j 100 do.»<«»***•*, 010 IBCAU.. • ICO Uineo.. bsa 3K i 60 do———.™. OSS 1 100 Ster•*...• ~ r —. -W I SCOTarr Homst’dlot. 414 SOO d0...—...,.b33 4>4 i 100 Royal ......... l« ICO 5an0nrr,'.......... .44 300 Wamut Island,... leg 600 Atlas 'IJ4 600 d0....10t5...1)39 1 01 SCO do— —. 1M &X 1 Montgomery - K 3CO Waiuut Island... • IS I 100 .do —J>so . s 100 Atlas • m *.O Bit Tank b*l 100 R g , M 0 Wm Pann. 434 iR BOARD OP BROKERS. & Co.. A'o. 60 S. Third ei i BOARDS. 2CoDaUall 0i1....b3Q. 7 134 Permaß..--- lot*- « 6 LcMgfe Valley.— 88 lo arch sirsot R—• - ICO Bcayl Ba» prf-sSO- 3734 38 Ktniocky BaaS.-tOT 1000 atmi.... ....!® 4 *- 1 * “ 100 Bi* Tank \ 308Bruner..— * ,{* 400 Oof prffß— V* lOODalMilc'U —.bSO. r tin SOO d0....10ta. *X 200 BfbertOii.,..loiS. 3 100 Irwin 7 100 Maple Shade*...** 20 500Mii«0..:..-..«.10t5. 8 6P luCMcClmtoekOil...* 43f SSJO- the war pbe^ (PDBLIBBXS WISKLY. > Tan 'Was Prek; will Ik teal to uttbecribsn by taoU (per aimumiji .draftee) at, $53 50 Pive coplea— mi■ .10 eo ?e& coplee— * 00 „f* T SS. r S? hs lh!!n ®« n wi -l be eiar*ed at the sung X&te, $53.00 per copy. The money must always accompany Ole order, emit M «“» «*«e terms be deviated from, as theft afford very litt *e more Vum the cost of paper* “* reqQ ® !! ‘ e4 to *** *» W-« tot m- T* the «.tter-op of the Clubof tea ol twenty, am. extra copy of the paper trill be (iron. BETWBED 300 MlftlfO OiI„—NO. S 81 100 € berry Xnn-.each 33 SOO Bis Taih-.lote b 5 3 300 3' 100 d0.....—b15. 3. 18 1I 100 M.Oliniotk 4 44 IfOO do lota. i% 400 do b3O. 4Jf OCO City 6s Beer— . 86* 60 Pcßha'B. -NO- 54 # d0..64 COO do —&80. M 12 BerristownS—. 66 200 leading B,~—. 48 I 190 Beadlng&rtown. « 12f» l(S; % &J 0 d0....«-—. lots j 1; 103 do -""..eswa. 45>tf IM Cstawissa Ftef... zsjS 100 do.— H m do 830. 31 < 300 St Nicholas 0U... .1 46 ) 100 Bade Bocfc~—t£k 8% 60 Walnut Island-- iff 100 Bclmyl Hay Fref.. 800 do-:—"» 300 Eldorado-'*"-."* U£ 100 M-pleShade -.~*- 2o 4 Bask of B- 50 Korih’n Cent’! ch 43 BOARD. 20 Wyoming Valley. 49 1(0 Sugar Creek 12 )«kD&izeU &i 180 Or/auic OU 4K 100 Maple Shade 19£ 100 do 410 MeCreaAChS.biO iTi 100Egbert **£ KOuaC&Ghy E b’O 45C 1 SOOAdftmratmeOll.lts i IOOUiUgO- &C 1400 d0.,..."."1ets BOARD'S. ? , >r liSPeaßaß— &&£ WoUCriACiE.bSJ 4% MSaiSS^-niS’g KKIO City 8T OBE CLOSE, lift Su£q Canal".. ..,.10 IUQ do «""hBS. 10& 400 Caldwell OU lots. 5 lift SttMrCanal 10 2>» Daniard 0i1...... 1 si '>oo do-lots \\£ 600 Tare Homestead.. 4 ' 200 Keyssont 0i1...... 12£ 200 go,. —... % fig 5o Sugar Creek."-" U 100 Reading A7K BOCvAdifcisastiii?.. loie 8« IOQ SieCreaftC-Rau.. 194 R.-"..— 47W ICO , do ... gyltf 300 P-4itro’eum Centre. 3® 300 Reading 4i dcr 600 Tazr Homestead.. 4 SEOOSB SOOUB B*lfBl...«rap.K6 81WD86 Mbs 01die..106 TttOO do lota ..coetp-IGS 100 P SlO 40bdBcoup. 61* SOilCifr 6* bmw E f-H 20 Heading K lotano 4'* SCO- do. lots 4 '/, K 0 do., —•— ..bis 4«S 6Gaci $ A3H8....-..159* 4 .do 12S* K 0 Cats Bpref— 130 3*Jsi 200 doht.—lota 22*; .15 Minttull B— Si l APTEB 1 7TCOPS6-® bda. lota-305 | 1090T7 SlO s 0 bonds- .9t | 200 Watson OU«. 2K 2LO Ptnn* B.". ... ftg 4 do 53 1 SALES AT T 4000usio40s.a:. si - 300 Stlmyi Bav Fref. 28 100 SDsqCsnal—.. 9% H 0 BgMobniain"... 4% ICO Etadiug £. b 5 4t% 1(0 .... 4sk no d0...*...—*-.. mk l'O d0"...55~ 46% 100 dq.""""."" 46& HO DsHeli Oil.. 41 ICO £chu?llJav Fref.. 28 ICO jDa-zrtl Oil lot* bSO 0% 100 ..' 6% I'oo GUy Cs 0!d........ So_ 100 Bf&dbiS Reara. ."47 110 do.".."",sSG. 45% ICO do .... 47 ICO CaJ dwell Oil. • w 4% ICO d0...........b6. 4% Kfl do-. .*.- 4# ICO £utq Casals..-sOO 10 WecfcJy Review of **»«» Pimsgaijiht® -t;— '* "‘-tt; dfevkofs. „ There is very little demand for Flow either ftr ex pert or-home use* and the market is vsrr dull aad *ric®6 drooping - tales compnte abnui 6,000 bbls at sp@Ufor extrafamiiy. and $9 s’'@3 75 tor extra, in c'moing l fitObbUCity uHt» fomtly on private terms The retail*** and hat e?f> sm frurimr *n a smvlf war at «>xtra; sfO@ll extrafamtiy sue s.i forfuacy brand-, ns to quality ’Bye Fleer and Corn Meal coutioue da(|_ ana pries* are retb^rlower; smaUe-lesof ihefoemS arft making GEal*.—Wheatc.uianes Eoarce, aadprtcei areun eeit'ed ard low#r, with sale* of abcut 16.000 boe at 2*9 @ 3£cforred* (tie latter for choice), and white at frogs 24U6 3£oc 9 bn. according to qnaiity. Bye is loWtrr tm&U sales are m> iing at bn. Corn ie rather firn er; about Su.tCo bo« 'suld at ISd@;3fic for pricae low In Elsie, and 140 c bn afloat; Oat« are doll and lower; i mail tales are uahis? at from &s@SBc 9 oau * The, foliowinc are the receipts of Flour and Oraus (i this port during the past week:, B*9oo tofe Wheat"..-...23,000 bnah. Corn•*•••>*imv.w+ .26 20 bnah^ Gat** *....»■» ■■■ iM.dliivO h&ak. : FBOVIFIOJSS.—Th*fti i#T«ry lUtiedoiagin tnewaw of 2alee acd prices are unesp.led-aud lower. R»sf| salee of Hess Pork &r£ reported at s£@-3 per barreL t znall rales t,f Beef Par. * are making at $26. Mesc Be«f ranees at frr.m $22@S6 *&kbbl. In. Bacon there In iutie doing and price* have fa*Jen off* sales of Bams are making at from 20@33c $ ft for plain, a-sd fan rytanxatetd. S s o»* at 2*c, and Shoulders IK tb. Green Keait aro also lower, ■with pates of Bams in oi«kle at3B@2 c, aod Sboniderc in salt at 17&l7>£c &. Lard i* scarce and lower. w>th sales of bMs and tierces at24@l6a. BntieriscuUa&dprice»are nnseuled. with €&Uaeleolid-pa*:k*dat2i@3oc;rollat and <3a »hen at3S@4oc 9 ft- Cheese la firmly held; sales of Sew Yoik are making &< 20@23c $ a>. £gga are selling ht 2C@2Bcp«r dozen. B'ETAI.b —Fig Won continues dslL Bo I Anthra* ciu is htJd ton. Blooms are without change*, mannfactmed Iron contimiee cull, aid prices ar»7 lower. Is Copper there is very little doing, asd prices have dfciired **. B*KK —ln there is little or nothing doint Ist Bo lie quoted * COT*IOH.—The mar set continues Tory dull* and prlre* hare dtdiced: about2£o bales solo at f>oni6gSs 60c lb. ca»h. for Middlings, closing at 43@55c ft. CahDLES ad&m«.ntiue are dull; i»aie3 am making at3C@3iofore> ort weight and 35c 3* ft for full T<ow Caidles are eelling in a smili way i_UaL w.j here is rather more doing end price- are with'uz change; sale* are making from Fort BichmonA at s£@9 2 ft ton. COFFEE —Toe market ia dull and pricss are raiher lower; about 6(0 bats * I Rio sold at from 18@Zl* &- gold. Acsrgooflaiusyrahasarrlred. HRUGS A£ii> hi hs continue very dull, aud prieea STeunewled and lower. Small sales of Indigo&re rs porteo at a decline. Fisa—Mackerel are dull, and prices are unsettled- SmaUaske froms ore are making at from s2s£ls:2?!E Sh< r&ls. slC@i7for Bay do., $l9 for Shore £** aw 14.60 ? hb, fox large audsma'l Ao. 3s. Coaiiih. are seilr ii g at he 3? lb. Tickled Herring quoted at • : ® bbi, FhUIT.-Frices are TitmonsateseiliDs »s'A'@7l«r rheauci ■ for the laUer; fcteeu apples &ie quoted at s£#3 fed; 3>ried Ap^ com il iU 13Sl aid Ua * —The rates to Liverpool an unchanged, and there is very little doing; two email ww tafem for Cuba and return at 40c for Sugar, and $3 8 £0 for MoJB**e>, both in gold; Eastern Freights are entitled aud lower. „ FnAlfiEhS are doll. 17 eatern range at from 73 to 55* • m BOPS are dull and lower; we quote Eastern sad T?eyteraate£@6CelMh- - ' * HIHEi. —Tra* sacdous in hides will be very light until the flQcruauons in gold, became leas viOiens. in fr. T *ii.u neck only a few sateg b«en noticed, and about bringing hidedat present prices, XTitlTan elate decitt-e »eicre tnsfreves. Bealere In gre*n and dry dome*tic tides are moving cautiously. Holders are ciepo**d to te-I', whil* baser? arc Indifferent. Soma s&ali let* tare changed haaeaat about lUc for c >W3, andlC;S@llKcfttt‘*teei*Oßfcof salt. We quote hatchers* Wtljrtts. cow* at 8s ®tsars9e, out of aad dry flint at 18@22e. The Fhii&delpbla AssectHnon are yet holding tueir selected steer hides at 35c, aadcotra arid bulls at H(ai4o. BA? - —BrUc ton. LUMBEK.—-.Prices are rather firmer. but the market is dull, and the sales are In a small ws j only, to sap* ply immediate wants. LBaTH BE.—Leather, la sympathy with all finer ebantabie good?, has been vtiy dull the pi*t week. The principal demand has seen directly for Govern ment nee, and otherwise only small lots have been taken np. The market is amply supplied in all de teiipriose, excepting, petbaps, choice hsavy Spanish and slaughter coie, ana dealers are disposed to *sll» but as yet no contentions to correspond with gold hay* i LATtiiiTER Sole. —The market is easier. Sales have been mostly in email lots to the home trade, at a design* of one to three certs per pound, we quote light coun try tannages &i4*@47c, common, middla- and hsavy at 4E@6Ce, end choice Lea vv at £o@s:ie, city tannages 43(33 63c, f*nddo«Tojip«dfi4@6sc. ... ' JsPAKisEfcoLE —Dry hid* teamens scares, especially pmceJSuencs Ayres There has been very little da* maud; but the email quantities offering justify hold ers In surtaxing quotation*. - We quot-> ail heaTy weights at 6f@6ocj set. or 6C@6Sc, tima prices; middle ano light weights of B. A . and. ihe descriptions of 3. A. hide st fc&dSs BAVaL 6T*jBZS are rather quiet; Sosfn is quoted at •s2i@B3 , ?i bhl. Spirits of Turpentine is firmly held a f mall way at *1 9S @* gaUon for Jofo. I winter. Fish Oita are lower. Lin seed Oil !e unruled; small sales are making at $1 40 fallen. Petroleum is dol', amipdcassreuasettled; w« quote Crude at 85c, Ke&nedin bond at 62@650, and frea a;Jiomir.@»cis gallon, as to quality. The following are the receipts of Crude and Beflaed a t this port during the past week: • _ , Cruae. »«*r. »» j »l.o®bbla* KIC2S —Small sales of Bangoon are making at 12c, and Carolina at IBX(&le3t£c 3P- lb- SEEDS —Cloverseed i« more active, and pnees Lava advanced; about I,s(obushel®sold *t&Ls.6C@l7 the latter rate foi ehoice'.hy is deli, and quoted at Sl@s £0 bus. TUxseed has declined; sates arw making at from $2 S?@2 • - S fa dull and unsettled at about former rates. SPIK-TS —There is very Jtttle d>dng in forefjrn, ana we hear of no sales of either L randy or Gin. Whisky continues very dull and lower; small sales of Pean*yl vssla and Western hbls are reported at iHS@22So gal* lon, dosing at 2lS@2aio. SCGAB.—There ts very little doing in the way o£ sales, end .currency prices are lower; about hhdtt Cuba«oldat£@B>6cin#old. ■ .•• ’ TALLOW hssaxein declined; city* rendered Is quoted at Vfc. and country al S) TOBACCO.—There is vary little doing in either Leaf or Manufactured, and the market is dull. WOOL —The market coi.iinu.GB very dull, and priega am dreopir a; about ifiP.OCG !bs sold at from 70 to 90c for ficee*», and 10 @lC4c ft for tub. BOOTS ABD SBOkS —Every tracer, especially thosa buying goods, has been aware of a large decline in. tha price of -old —a fall of 25 to Sucon a dollar withui. tha past weekend of the .unsteady condition of jhemar ktis resulting from inch flucLuations. The Boot and. Shoe trade pait.cipate tevtome extent in the general de pretiion. Tht-re has, hbw ever, been no panic amoMT lie dealers, and, contrary to the almost universal rule, very little decline in the prieee of goods In* met, a» far at this market is concerned, inera is nothing to get up a panic over, unless it be empty riw. ves and'vacant stores. Jn a majority of c&Ee* the manufacturers ate at work only upon ordered good*, tad very few Ate mail** work to put upon the shelves. The jobbers are earning light stocks, in some Instances, heeaaw unable to buy tbe khoes, and will, doublets, feet little disposed to part with whatever they may hava in store at lower rates than the goods can be returned from the makers. • ■ • Bew York SfarketSi March 24. Fxora, &c.—The market for Western and State Floor is very Ineguler Western brands are scaica and firmer, while State brands sure offered more freely, in fret prested upon the market; prices are lower. Fami-. ly brands are irregular and lower. Wsiskt.—The market is heavy and lower; sales of CCO bbis at $2lO for Western Gsaik.—The wheat market opened steady, but elo*ev mhtr tasibr and innettre, in syrnpathy with gold. The demand is chiefly for miUtug. The sales aie 59,603 bus sid her Michigan at $1 . Oats are rather firmer ano in f «ir demand. The sates I7e 52,000 bus Canadian at 0O@92o; Western at $1 in stoic; Btate9i®9sc. Com is rather easier and closes heavy. The sales am 14-CGObusb Western mixed nominal; choice white Bal timore at $3.62, and new jettow at sls3@l.tS. . Tbov’SlOSS.—For future delivery w* hear of 1,000 bbls new Mess-Fork, seller April, at $35; fiOO do no. B buyer May, at s'is CO, and 1,000 do, prime mess, buyer May, at $24 60 I he sales ca«h-«?d regular are 4,oCobbls at i&2 50®23 for oilmens; $24 &©25 37Mfor newmes»; $23 for n prime, and $23.6€©24 for. western prime mess. Bter n fiat.. Sates of 7o bbis at sl6@iSfor plain mess t slB£C^Ufortxtrado. ■ - . BcefHsMA«Me. quiet.. -Cut Meat* are a litJemorsr active, 225 x>kgs at I£©lsK* for shonldere* indie&cforHams. , a-w* Bacon is dull end dtpiesied, and we near of only m »pa]llotofb£oftok-aratl6>*c. . .«t»c Lard is lower and very h^vf_ a t 1.150 bbis and tcs.atU©t6c for 80. 1, a7@lSc forfAr to prime ste»m ahdkauie-rendered ; a wnaU lot wy flhoiee at ihiia and £9O tes prime steam at IIJiC, gmd. Ashes —The market le inactive and nominal at $8.75 o—Haw 0 —Haw Sugars are very dull; ptices are easier acd at lfec for fair refining. JBefined a*» V cJj'tox —Tb# l xourketis oxtremrfr dull, and and miredVredeßaro heavy at 43®f7c ; Ire pricee are agsin easier; we quote at ' 4£ fSS«.i nm oa«atGa B i o at 2!'@)'Sc for common to prime eta, ana •>-''!£<"» lUJ - l* solos »t *l.4C@l edforsWspiia. tmi ®L67@l 1» <hill at S4o fwcinde; 64@5Se for in boad. Sd 72@71. for d.. fpw. Calooita Marliot. Fob. 8. c ,„. a AnT i a «t cirsnlar advices of the 25et ulfimo. thU rlndoa®alJ«»f ZSih DocomDar b 4 3d of Juawrylaw calcctt*. brim mg fetters to the 2ist of Dac-m -wfrem the United Watts. Telegrams are at hand frost London to the 13th of January, and from. IffewTot* to tie Slsi of December. The eteemer wtttt Leaden mail of 10th January was at Gallo on the Bih inst *Oaere have been nofurther chartera made for the Onl- the port cor tinneeon a good low rateß of freight ruling for fiegisud, and have been large of many »xttele« of exp’t, dnntigine past fortnigbr. In the country ir%de ttiere tt a ia.» amcuut of produce sotng forward, at unchanged rates of freight, but *i high prices for goods. Honey continues in good deasaua. The B«uc cw n’m gal has made no chante in itt rotes of tutjf® 1 * *f ««5 eount; tbe former Kmaintng at w ? fffi loans with seccr ty of tlbe la£ 80. 3i»¥4sroiu»},dc. 6^ p«tsjat, d»-. B«>J*.»*• 6-J2 trettliUft, BOARDS.
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