OH COMPANIES. gr'*™ PHILADELPHIA JLUBRIUAHKti OIL COMPANY, 800.000 -SHARES *9 CENTS EACH. 39 CENTS BACH. * * 39 OBITTS BACH. 39 CENTS BACH. 100,000 SHAKES EEBBBVED EOS WORKING CAPITAL. 3*Alt WELLS READY FOR PUMPING. Engine on. tto.© Giound! IMMEDIATE KEAEIZATION! The almost countless number of pstroleum associa tion e, and the non-fulfilment of promises made, give rise to serious apprehensions lathe minds of the man? a, to the -wisdom of Investing at all In an enterprise of the kind The profits are ofttimes indefinite!j prospec tive, while the dividend day ie too distant even for hopa to dwell upon with ploaeing anticipation. Again, many labor under the delusion that only in Venango oonntj oil is found In paying unaultties, where enormous pnoea are paid for a few acres of hills, with about as many rods of boring snrfaea. Add to this the high figure at which the companies in conseanence are compelledio sell their stick, and ean any one wonder - ihat the percentage accrnlng Is quite trivial, and the investment somewhat precarious ? TAB PHU.AfB3.PHIA LUBRICATINO Oil COM PAST present the lollowlng facta for consideration, and salt the public to say whether or not the shares they offer id twenty-five cents will in valne favorably com pare with many in the market at dollars each. The land owned by this company to in fee simple, and nnm- Bering in all one hundred and sixty-four acrei. Ho. 1 contains sixty seres, eitnatsd In Crawford eonnty, Pa. On this propert Jis a well fonr hundred feet deep, now being tubed for pumping. The force of the gas when boring completely demolished the der ricks, while -the yield of oil following was. such as to Insure success from the start. This well VI as sank in the centre of an old Indian pH. of which there area number on the land. The natives In primitive times gathered gallons of oil dally from, these pita, ae wall aa off the streams. a lt was In Craw ford eonnty that oil teas first calhered for medicinal purposes. This one .well alone will pay a handsome profit on the entire capital. Ho. 2 contains sixty acres in Brie county. There to a Well on this property fifty feet down, with a goodly sh ow of oil. When sufficiently deep there 1s no donbt ns to its yield. Ho. S contains forty.fonr acres in Brie scanty, with the beet surface Indications. ' The oil fonnd to lubrica ting, and of the very hast duality, commanding readily $3O per barrel. All the lots are heavily timbered with, hemlock, ash, and maple, and Is considered very valu able, should the Company see fit to dispose of the same. Thereabouts are large oar maun factories, where count less numbers are annually made for the navy. Every acre can ba bored or cultivated-—no waste what ever. Thera to a machine shop within six miles, while the Pittsburg and Erie Railroad and Beaver and Brie Canal run -close to the several properties. Adjoining the land Hew 1 ork and Pittsburg Companies are sink ing welle, while the Noble and Delamater Company have an interest only a few rode distant A first-class 11-horse power engine, with boring and pumping apparatus complete, are on the ground, which, With the wells In their present condition, are not only • saving to the stockholders of many thousands of dol lars, hut a aura guarantee of success, enterprise, and immediate reimbursement. Those desirous of Investing In stocks should not over loook a fact of snob importance. The Company claim advantages over most or all others now forming, and irmly believe their shares will command a large pre mium inside ef three mouths. The working capital only—loo,ooo shares—for sale, the rest being already taken. Buriy application will bo necessary to assure shares. The books will be open TUB 3D AT, March 14th, at the office of tho Oompsny, Ho. 103 CHESTNUT (Street. In the meantime, stook to the extent of limita tion may be. secured by addressing the Secretary, Box 2196 Post Office. CHARLES WILLIAMS. PRESIDENT. JOHN F. COMBS, TREASURER. E. LUCIAN RICHIE, mhlS-St SECRETARY. ISP” cherry run and west hickory MUTUAL PETROLEUM COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Twenty-Are Cents per Share FOR FULL-PAID STOCK. CiPim 230,000 SHARES, AT Si FAB. Working Capital 100,000SbareH.or $23,000 PRESIDENT. DR. JAMES TRUMAN. TBBASUBBB, O. W. MoOLINTOOK. SECRETARY, EZRA LCKENS. This Company la formed os the bests of the mutual advantage to arise to all subscriber* from tie Immedl >ta development of their several very Taluahletraeta of yieh oil territory, lying In Venango county, Pennsyl. Vsnla, and Freaton county, "Wait Virginia. The exceedingly low price for PULL-PAID SPOOK ■enables erery one, "BICH OB POOR,” to invest ac ■eordlng to their means, and to participate In the profits arising from the rapid rise of property and Its speedy development. The Oompenr purposes to sink (4) POTJB WILLS at ones. The properties consist of 335 acres, mostly in fee simple. LEASEHOLD. Ho. 1 is one acre on CHUBBY BUN, Venango County. Pennsylvania, holow the town of Plainer. Splendid territory, Wells going down aU around. FEE SIMPLE INTERESTS, Ho. 2 is M acres on WBBT HICKORY GREEK. all horsahls, heavUy Umbered, and fine oU Indications. West Hickory Orssk Is thejjaxt creek to Pit Hole, on lie same side of the Allegheny river. n. a,*g neves. In fee eimple, PBKBTOH COURT ¥, hottom land thins lull of Coal. The lend Ues hat a short distance from the Baltlmoreand OhioßaUroad. and is easy of aooees. On the next farm a Baltimore company hays recently struck * R®* well. Ho. 4is 50 acres, In fee simple, In PBE 3TOH COOHTT, West Virginia, two miles from the above.lylng on Deer Llok and Klngsesser* Bunt 35 acreshottomland, comprising the valleys of both streams. The Baltlmo and Ohio BaUroad passes directly through this tract. On these lands are very fine surface Indications of oU. They are surrounded by Philadelphia and companies, who aro at work developing their lands. OTBSCBIPTIOH BOOKS ABB ROW OPEH AT THH OFFICE OP 0. T, YERKES, Jb., No. 80 SOOTH THIRD STREET, ,5D AT THB STOBB OP THB TREASURES, 0,. W. MoOLINTOOK, 217 NORTH wateb street. gsfei.sa!.«,SiiffS« *?tt and Scott Farm Oil Co. can have tbelrreoeipm ex cXJU 4fo * “rtificates of stock °yßS r l Fawny's office. OB and athliat ' ‘ Secretary. ISF** IHE .GREAT REPUBLIC 39 CENTS BACH. OIL -COMPANY 39 CENTS BACH. I’IIILiIiKLPIUi. SEW TORE. ASS BSSTOIT, 350.000 SHARES; at—.™. $3. PAR VALUE. 50 CENTS PER BHARB 50 CENTS PER SHARE 50 CENTS PER SHARE 60 CENTS PER SHARE 50 CENTS PER SHARE 50 GENTS PER SHARE 50 CENTS PER SHARE 50 CENTS PER SHARE 50 CENTS FWB SHARK, 50 CENTS PER SHARE pQR tnM . pAID POR PULL-PAID STOCK. FOR FULL-PAID STOCK. FOR FULL-PAID STOCK. FOR FULL-PAID STOUK. FOR FULL-PAID STOOK. FOR FULL PAID STOCK. FOR FULL-PAID STOOK FOB FULL-PAID STOCK. FOR FULL-PAID STOOK THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, RESERVED FOR WORKING- CAPITAL. In forming the above-named Company great eare haa been taken In the selection of properties, so aa to obtain none hut those well known to the public, and which have been tried and fonnd to be the best yet developed. The system of the organization will be on the mutual plan, the same'aa that of the PEOPLE'S EQUITABLE OIL COMPANY, which was so toon taken and now so sassrly sought after. The working capital to to be $30,000, which will he a very handsome fund for com- mencing the development of Uhe property, and it to the Intention of the managers to push the work energeti- cally, and with confidence of the great success of the undertaking. The subscription lhae been placed at the low figure of 50 CENTS PER SHARE, so as to enable all to have a chance tor investment in this profitable business,'where so many fortunes have been made. The properties having been taken up some time since, at low prices, makes the Investment donbly desirable, on account of cheapness. - no. x 1* a tract of eighty acre* In fee ,i»ph>, of un surpassed Oil Territory, on EAST SANDY GREEK, ADJOINING THE ADAMANTINE WELL, or rather the property on which this famous well is situated. II was strode abont ton day b ago, and Is reported as flow- ing 100 beryls of heavy lubricating oil, each barrel ol which is cqnal to three barrels such as It obtained bom OH Creek, There is room for a large number of Welle This property his eighty rods of desirable boring terrl- tory, fronting OB the Adamantlae Dandß, with two good Coal Velas in the Bluffs. Ho. 8. A lease for fourteen years of two-thirds of all the oil obtained on three leases, on Pithole Bun, a hun- dred rods from the month, as it empties into the Alla. gheny river. Those are very finely located on the Bun, and fine selections. A well is In progress, and will be completed without expense to the Company. Ho. 3 la live acres in fee eimple upon this celebrated stream, which has attained a notoriety possessed by ne other section for producing Petroleum, no wells having been put down upon its borders which have tolled to obtain oU, and among those now flowing and pumping are the fallowing: BEBB WELL...............» 830 BARRELS, GROCERY W8LL....>~~. .—..150 " BAKER WELL—.. 80 AUBURN WELL.... ein re mii HMCvee 90 PHIPPS WELL (just’struck)..,...,.. 100 RYHD FASM-. 60 BBBVOBT—.— —. 50 «• Ho. *ls a lease of twenty years, of live acres (seven- eighths of the OU to the lmmediately on the Creek, and hat a_short distance from the new well of Fifty Bartels Lubricating Oil recently struck by the Slip. peryßoek Company, and which sent their stock from SI per share to S 3 in one day. ere in the centre of what la known as too "Great Oil Basin,’’ should eertainly commend-toeraeelvee to toe actions attention of those who contemplate investing in OU Companies, and are unsurpassed by any as a basis for an honorable and energetic petroleum organization, and with that energy which toe management are deter- mined to infnse into it, it certainly must proven good investment. MaNDAYi MABCH 13tH, and remain open for one week,unless toe stock Is sooner subscribedfor, at No. <2O SOUTH THIRD STREET. oil COMPANIES. MUTUAL 60,000 SHARES, PITHOLE GREEK. CHERRY RUN. SLIPPERY ROOK CREEK The character of too above interests, situated as they THE BOOKS WILL BE OPEN FRESIDBHT, OHAB. W. REEYES. C. T. YERKES, Jb. SECRETARY, WM. B, RIOHMONP. OH. COMPANIES. ggr- ihm . CAMERON PETROLEUM CO. 07 PENNSYLVANIA. CAPlTAL******** •»••••••81,000,000. SHARES 5400,000. FAB M.M. lUBSOJUFTION PRICE.,*.—.. president. . , VANOE STEWART. SECRETARY, J. 1.. DARLINGTON. VANCE STEWART, Mercer eo«n«V» F*. " JOBS B. LEONARD, Weet Chester, F». D. G. FORNEY, Washington, D. 0. EEHEY I. COOKE, Washington, P. a SIMON CAMERON, Harrisburg, ft. JOBS H. DIEHL, Philadelphia JOHN-F. GRAFF, Philadelphia. GEORGE O. EVANS, Philadelphia. JAMES DBF PI, Marietta, Lanceetsreo., Pa. The present and prospective veins of the stosk of this Ocmpauy may be Inferred from the fart that it owns a fee simple Interest In 473 {four hundred and eeventy three) agree of the riohest-tested oil territory In Venango county, believed by the most experienced oil men in that reiloe to becapable of prodnclni a net annnal ln cbme to the Company of one and a half million dollar*, or three times the entire cost of the stock, which would bs equivalent to twenty.five per eent, a month on Its subscription price, or-one hundred and fifty per cent, per annum on its par value. The following is a description of the Company's pro perty: One-fourth fee simple Interest in the celebrated “Hoover 11 Farm, situate on the AUeaheny river, abont two and one-half miles below Franklin, con taining 292 (two hundred and ninety-two) acres, with 332 rods (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river, on which there are now twelve leases, each ten rods square,and from which the owners of the foe simple cot one half the oil, free of all expanse. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of the fee, from which they cot all tbs oil. On this Farm there are now ton wells In operation, producing an average of ten barrels per day, and several others are about being tubed. There are also On It {B7 (eighty-seven) more lots surveyed, and moie than fifty applications are now standing to lease' the latter for oner half the oil to the owners. ' Out of the twelve wollb on this Farm eleven are now paying handsomely; a fact which sufficiently demon strate! tha groat richnecs and reliability of the terri tory. Is the entire fee simple Interest In 181 (one hnndred and eighty-one) ceres, situate On the Allegheny river, near ly opposite the “Hoover” Farm, and a little nearer Franklin, at ths month of Mill Bun, having a front of 98 rods on the Allegheny river, end one mile on both aides of Mill Run, with ample boring surfsse for one hundred wells, or Lots of ton rods square. This tract is known as the “Blewsrt Farm,” and it dear of all leases or incumbrances of any kind. There is now in operation a fifty-barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cochran ;Farm, wbleh ad joins this on the south. In fact, the ** Stewart ” Farm is surrounded with good-paying wells, and within a shjfttime a single lease of 80 rods front, on tho imme diate opposite side of the river, sold for 3165,000 (one hnndred and »ixty-five thousand dollars.) On this tentA good well has been struck within a few days. Bfadditlon to the territory of the “Stewart” Farm, which is believed to be equally as good aethe “Hoov er,” there are on It a three-story Grist Mill, with flue water-power, a good farm-house, and other buildings, hat will he of use to the company. The durability of this immediate oil section is illus trated by the fact that some of the wells on the “Hoov er’ ’ Ferm have been pumping for over four yean, with out any material diminution in their yield, while thr oil here produced, from Its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel more ih§n the oil et Oil Greek. The officers of Hie Gompany feel Justified in present ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous management, the above lands earn be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders in a comparatively short timfti V ■ There Is room on this for one hundred lots of ten rods square, all of which can be-leastd Immediately for one half the oil,/ree o fall expense to the Company. Estimating one well to each lot Tone hundred wells, although there Is ioBm for three hundred) et the very moderate average of ten barrels each, would make a Daily product of———— 1,000 bbls. Out of this the Company’s share would be. 800 bbla. Yalus of dally yield to the Gompany, at ten dollars per bbl (It is now telling at *13.60.) mhc betesesn s.m a mns«*i hsisws. *6,000 00 Allowing three hundred working days to the year, this would make the Compa- ny’s annual net reeeipts, from the Etew art Farm alone. ——- 1,600,000 00 Allowing the same estlmateafor the “Hoot- , , 8* m IJttDiPWty n “ onSt-fouxth in fee of the land interest, the ennual net receipts from the latter would ho i’ii'h ll mi —. 376,000 00 Making the anpual receipts from both Farm*—l,B7s,ooo 00 Deducting from this amount the sum of *375,000 for contingencies, would leave sll9 Met Annual Income of the Company. —. *1,600,000 00 all these lots cam be immediately leased. If It 1c deemed expedient, at a royalty the Oil, with covenants bindingles»eos to sink wells, with all possible diligence, to the depth of 600 or more feet. -A FEW PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. You are not asked to subscribe to this Stocttwllh toe expectation of immediate ip recelvini large dividends, but the basis ou which toe Company rests, it 1$ be lieved, wlUmekeyottr ImvestmehlßOt only soft, but, prospectively, of enormous value. notwithstanding, at toe present prices of OH,toe Com pany's annual receipts (without any farther develop ment) would he forty, thousand dollars, or sight par sent, on the cost of the stock. < The President, Hr. Stewart, le one of the meet prssH • *al mad oxporieiiced oil operators In Uw Steto* ftn& ius residence near toe Company's, property and general oversight of Its management is too best guarantee that no efforts will he spared to make toe Investment pro- JU&ble. Applications for a large proportion of too stock have already been made, bnt none will be received until toe books of toe Company am regularly opened , tor that S *Only*a. limited amount of toe stock will be sold at subsection Jpriee. ... - .... The stock will be Issued full paid, without farther iMwaiiseiits.. BOOKS OP SUBSCBIPTIOir wUI fed op«lt for* few 4uii osuiftfer Ji&iuuT 18i ISKi tt to offitt of E. ft, lifflES, Treasurer, *6.101 WAItTOT Btract. FMl*iU. Alio, temporarily, bT A. BOUGL&JS, m-tt At S. E. mr, SEVENTH and CHBSrnTJT St«. |ggp PHIIABZIPHIA MUTUAL PSTEOLEUM COMPAM, TWENTT-FITE CENTS PER SHARE FOR EUEIrPAID STOCK. CAPITAL, 300,000 SHARES $l, PAR VALUE, WOBKING CAPITAL, 100,000 SHARES, OB $25,000, Tie plan of this Company Is that each subsoiibsr outers upon the Ground Floor, as it is sailed, or be* ecmes a purchaser of the property, and shares all the profits i therefore, the stock is issued folly paid at TWENTX-FIVE CENTS FEB SHARE, enabling all to secure an interest &t.& small cost, with excellent prospects of speedy and large returns The assets o! this company sonsht of 175 acres of land, in fee simple, and three leases on five acres near Sugar Creek, -with half the oil, and half the oil of three leases on the property on Cherry Tree Bon.* . Tract Ho. 1 is situate in Cherry Grove township, 'Warren e&unty, and contains one hundred and sixfcj five acres of land , in fee simple, not far from the ceie ' jrated Pox fiowlhg well, and in the Immediate neigh borhood of several wells golugdown. . . Tract Ho. 21» situate on Cherry Tree Bun,in Venango county, and contains nine a are s and one hundred and forty*ore perches of land, in fee simple, about three* fourths of a mile from the town of Cherry Tree. There has been a ICO-ban el well struck on this run. about half a vile from this property The Big Tank Com pany *s land is close to this property, upon which there are now six wells goins down, and several more will be commenced within sixty days. Wells are going down above and below tula property, with fine show oi oil. This trad is not over a mile and a half from the Bjcbert Farm, upon which are the celebrated Maple Shade, Jersey; and Coquette Wells, all of which have produced over 600 barrels per day, and arnnow yield- I* s from 260 to fiOO barrels. The Company Intend to sink three wells of their own Immediately, which, with- the. three leases underway, willmake a handsome yield of oil for the Company. Ho. 3 is a lease on the left branch of Patchell Bun, between the Allegheny river and French Creek, directly in the centra of the two oil avenues that now run through Venango county, and about one mile from the Sugar Creek Well, now yielding about 70 barrels per ¥o. 4 is a lease near the above, and equally as good and eligible. Ho. 6 is a lease near the above, and about half a mile from the new well, just struck, of about 35 barrels per day; and as tbe Company intend to push the develop ment of the above without delay, being where heavy lubricating oil is found of the best quality, the stock of this Company should be. as it no doubt Is, really worth five times the subscription asked, and will in a very short time exceed that of any other of the Companies now offered, in proportion to the subscription requited. Examine our assets, end alter carefully comparing them with any other offered to you, judge for yourself, and act i ccordtngly. . , * Books of subscription will be opened on MONBAT next, March 13, and will not remain open over one week, at Faesidest— lßßAEL B. DEACOH. Teeasbsiih- B B. HAKPEE, Secretary— WlLLlAM MoUAHIEL. To the Philadelphia Mutual Petroleum Company: - I have been over your nine- acre tract, and, from the appearance of the surro&ndisg property, am satisfied there is nobetteroil territory in. Pennsylvania. The whole tract is low bottom land, and there is ample room for twenty* five wells Cherry Tree Bun forks on this property, both, branches running through the entire %u.4t . yoaM,Te n*i&w- THE WOBDEN ITAiItM: Oil, COMPANY OH SUGAR CREEK.. OFFICE, 140 BOOTH FOURTH STREET, ' The property eojelete of 180 acres fa fee simple of .tillable LUBRICATIRG Ollj LASDS situated upoa Hie right bank of tpaaß ORBKK.Venango County. One hundred acres of the land je flat or bottom land, nith a front on tbe Creek and Hastings’ Bon of about one mile, adjoining the property of Sugar Croek Oil Company , which struck nlarge wellof heayy oil. The - Company will retain a large working capital, to be em ployed in drilling a number of wolls, which are now In P PROSPECTUS or any fnrlber Information can be ob ..reoii at office. I*o Bonth FOURTH Street. mhlo.6t treasures, THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIAv WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1865. or kbkchk ootnmnr, fa. TREASURER, E. G. JAMESB. or psndtpnnrxiA, WBflT OHBBIBn, FA. DIRECTORS* THE “STEWART FARM,” STATE OF PBUHSTIVAMIA. HAItPEE, DTJKNEY, & CO.’S, Ho. US South THIRD Street. WAHAJBAKBB fc BBQWN, Oil GOMPATIEB. |gjjp°- YlflOß MUTUAL PmOLEUM COMPANY PHILADfLPHtA, HEW YORK. AM) BALTIMORE. Capital, 400,000 smtres,at9l Par. W OBKING CAPITAL, 120,00* SHARKS, OB fso.ooo. SCBSCBimOK PBICE, 85 CBBTW* FEE BHABE FOB FUUe PAID STOCK. The Properties of the Company consist of 930 aeree of choice selected Oil Lands, sltnated In Green and Fayette counties, Ffinsa.» and in Monongahel& eounty, west Virginia, fronting on the Monongalia river (near the Pennsylvania’ State Line), all in the famous Bonlk* weatern Pennsylvania Amber Oil Beilon. ' , _ , JDTo/I—la Taylor’s farm, of 2fi4 aoies* situated In Franklin township, Greene county. Fauna * on bom Bides of Ten mile Creek, 1% roUeB below Waynwbnrs, This is a lease for twenty years; ose-elghth of the our &«., goes to lessor. This is very valuable Oil Territory, and wtll situated. .lay . , Ko, 2—ls Otho B. Victor's Farm, 0f450 acres, situated In Georges township, Payette county. Penna., on both sides of Georges Crtek. This is a lease for twenty years, one eighth.of the oil, coal, salt, and all minerals gots to the lessor. This also is valuable OU Territory * and Well situated. „ ~ , , 86. s—ls Allen Dminer’s Farm, of 208 acres-situated in Cass township, Monongaheia county, west Virginia, {near the Pennsylvania State-Line), fronting directly on the Mososgahela river. This is a least for twenty ye «a; one tenth of the oil. Ac . goes to lesror. This is also very valuable Oil Territory, and is well situated. 80. 4—ls JB. BeElroy’s Farm, of 20 acre*, situated in Csbs township, Monongaheia county. West Virginia, •djolnini 80. 3, and also fronting on the Konongahela liver, being valuable Oil Territory. ■ .* ' At least three wells will be put down without delay. These preperties are exceedingly well situated for oil purposes. 3 hare 11 slack water navigation of the Mo* coEgahela river for Urge steamers. The properties, be sides oil of the finest quality, contain vast quantities of coal, iron, salt, and other minerals, which will find a ready market as mined, and can be conveyed to Pitts burg by river, and toon by a diieot railroad. This Company ii in earnest, and desires that all who want a goed oil stock, in a company *ure to pay hand* somely, to lose no time in subscribing to the stock. Twenty-five cents per share, full paid, the Gompany to be organized as toon as the stock is subscribed and paid for. at which time all the Stockholders are oxpwt* ed to participate In the selection of permanent officers, * Books to be opened on WEDNESDAY, March 15th, in Philadelphia, at the OS ce of LED YARD dc BARLOW, Ho 439 CHESTNUT Street. ' Only a limited number of Shares are' for sale. PRESIDENT PRO TEM, JOHN BUTCHER. TREASURER ABB SECRETAB.Y PRO TEM., JOHN DB BEOT. mb!4-3t ,|ggp» THE FLOWING SPRING OIL COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL..—* ■ FAS TAX. TIE, $l. Subscription Price Twenty-fire Cents. Full Paid up and no further Assessment. 100,000 SHARES RBSERVED FOK WOREINO CAPITAL. "THE FLOWING SPRING OIL COMPANY ” owns In fee simple (we have no leases) two hundred and four (304) acies of land in Athen* county, Ohio. , The property lies only two (2) miles southeast from Marshfield Station, on the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad, and about four (4) miles southwest.from Athene, another station on. the same railroad. Good wagon reads run from this property to both stations MARGARETT’S CREEK, a tributary of the ROCKING RIVER* runs through the land from east to west. The presence of several OIL SPRINGS on this property is ample testimony as to its value- About two-thirds (74) of the land is first-class boring territory. The Cincinnati OU Company’s land, which adjoins this on the west, has a flowing oil spring upon it, and the company are developing their property with the ut most diligence. Immediately below the property of “The Flowing Spring Gil Company” are the lands of “The Fuller Petroleum and Refining Company,” of Philadelphia, on which are oil springs The,Flowing Spring Oil Company's lands are sur rounded by those of the following companies—viz; ‘ ‘ The National Oil Company,” “The Athens Petro leum Company,” and “The Harper OU and Mining Company,” or Philadelphia; “The Sugar Creek OU and Coal Company,” of New York city, and “The Columbus Oil Company, * * of Ohio. The excitement in. Athens county, Ohio, and the de mane for oU territory, is equal to that on OU and Bugar Creeks, in Pennsylvania, and property has advanced in value several hundred per cent. In a few months. THE FLOWING SPRING- OIL COMPANY wiU undoubtedly PTove to be one of the best The subscription books will be opsn on Marohttth, at the Counting Room of B. ROBERTS & 00., ISo. 341 Market Street, at 9 A.M., and on other days until the sale is completed. A map of the property may be seen at the Office of E. ROBERTS dr CO. Pttiaioßrr,-- . •• “wrsTßiNaaoLD, SECRETARY, vi. McDaniel. TEBABURBB, E. TYSON. Counsellor—W. D. OOMEO-YS. t We hereby certify that we have been on,the land of the “Flowing Spring OUCompany." and thatHi*iof the hiibeit order of ou* producing territory , The state • Bients made above are not exaggerated. This property ie thought bo be of as much alue as any 101 l land in The oil fonnd here is lubricating oil, and cofQmand* in price *25 per barrel at the wells. The title Is indisputable. TIfISTT CENTS PUB SHIBE. MOJVOiVA OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL.-- ©350,000. PAR VALUE, #l. Subscription Price only 20 Cents per Share FULL PAID BP, AND HO FURTHER ASSESSMENTS, WORKING CAPITAL, 815,000. This Company is organized on the most eqmitafcle principle, without recoume to the present prevatllnz spirit of Bpeculation.and with a view to tho Immediate development of the land, and to ©n.bte every one, whether rich or poor, to invest according to their means, and to participate in the legitimate profits of the pro dnciion of Petrolenm, to which end a large portion of the proceeds cf the sale of tho stoch Is devoted to work jug capital. The Company own In fee simple one hundred acres of fine boring territory, in the centre of the celebrated Mecca Lubricating Oil .district, in Trumbull county, Ohio, consisting of a good, well-improved farm, sur rounded by producing wells of the Mecca Oil Company, of 1 his city, the Boston Lubricating Oil Company, and others, producing severally from two to eight barrels per day* The Mecca Oil is a natural lubricator, the hast fix the market, and is in great demand at Fifty Hollars per barrel at the wells. There are two wells down, almost ready for tubing, with a good show of oil in both, with an eight*horse engine on the around, so that no delay will occur in title operations of the Company. \ _ 808 . • The depth of the Oil wells in Mecca ranges ftomjlfty to seveniyjiveftet, so that a large number of wells can be sunk at no greater cost than one well in Venango countg and other Oil districts; though within a few weeks Oil has been found in the Mecca district at eight hundred feet, indicating that there will yet be large JZotofwpteslfs in this section of Ohto , When the stock is all taken, a meeting will be called, officers elected, and measure* taken for the full develop: m lubBcrfetion°lSdkß will be open on WBDJIBSpAY, the 16th inst., from 10o’clock A M. to3o’clockP- M- t and continue open until SATURDAY, the 18th inst., ai the same hours, at CHBgTJ|TJT BTKEETi JOHN DERBYSHIRE. HBJNBY B. WALLACE, B F. PBEBTISB, W. O' LESLIE GEOJtGB W. GBIFFIH, BOBT. JOHNSTON, |gjgr~ MCTLAX, BENEFICIAL MINING AND PETROLEUM COMFI. CAPITAL 5300.000. 800,000.. SHAKES, $1 Far Yalue- Subscription Price 25 Cts. WORKING CAPITAL 835,000, (ONE*H ALi. OP THE CAPITAL STOCK.) 3STO FUTURE ASSESSMENTS. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF PENNSYLVANIA. 6SO Acres of Oil and Mineral lands. COMMITTBB. tf. B. ENBA6S. < - JOHN 8. McMULLIN, GEOEGB W. POWELL, Eubseriptionsto alimited number of Shares will he received at the Office of Gr. W. PQWELL & 00,» Brokers, No. 374 South. THIRD Street, . (WASHINGTON BUILDING), Boom Ho. 19, * Second Story, Philadelphia, Ko 1. A. perpetual lea»e of fifty (50) acres in Wood county, West Virginia, situate on Howard’s Hun, a tributary of Little Kauawha Kiver. being in the great oil belt, and the immediate centre of the upheaval. Oil r brings abound in the immediate vicinity of this tract which is also only a abort distance from the first oil .Wing discovered In M9O. TheStauuton Pika run. llmuah tie D.eraieee. Tie tract lies at she distance of a mile from Walker’s Creek, and abonttbe same from tie Little Kanawha Biver, and the. Northwestern Vir ginia Kail road, a branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and also adjoins the lands of the celebrated Carlisle Oil and Mining Company of West Virginia, which are under rapid development. Royalty one* sixth ° 2. Two' hundred (200) seres Elk Elver, a branch of the Great Kanawha Biver* Clay county, West Virginia.. This landis regarded as being first class oil Wriltojy* with unquestionable evidences of the exist* ence of petroleum; the dip of the rocks in the ravines and along the streams prove this conclusively. This has been long known as a petioieum bearing region, and, from the favorable reports that have been made thereon by our most eminent geologists, .we must confi dently look for an abundant yield of oil. a Pour hundred and ten and three-quarters (41030 acres of'mineral lands In Somerset county, Pennsyl vania. This land Is underlaid by rich veins of and vaJuabiedepoalts of iroa ore—being easy of access, will render transportation to the place of shipment both cheap and expeditious Somerset county has long been esteemed as one of the most favored coal region* of the State. Capital ha* been invented there with the most satisfactory results, and with the recent discoveries of petroleum in that county, there will unquestionably be a rapid increase in the price of mineral lands. Mbps, Plans, and Specifications may be seen at the OftenoftheCompany (Washington Building), Boom. 80. IS, Second Story, rs!4-3t* gggp> WOOMOBB OIL .COMPANY. Stockholders can obtain their certificates of atock npon tba presentation of tbs Treasurer's receipts at tha lem nojarv Office of the Sccretsry, between me homaof 11 A IFand IP. M. MICHAEL »ISggT. Secretary, mhl4 3t- Ho 805 8. bIXTg Street. GREAT OENTBAL CLOTHING HOUSE, |gP“ FEISaiIVI. PETROLEUM COMPANY, ORGANISED CHUBB THE HIHIHO AHD MAHUFAUTURIHG LAWS OF THE STATE OF HEW YOBS. ...5300,000. B. P. SMITH. B. B. HABPEB, Gontlsontal Hotel. Commute a. OIL COMPANIES. THE NEW YOKE AND LIVERPOOL CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, *lO PER SHARE, NOT LIABLE TO ASSESS- MENT. GOVERNMENT BOBDS ABB SECURITIES TAKES IN FAYHBXT FOB STOCK. OFFICES! No. «* EMPIRE BUILDING, *O. ft BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Post Ornoe Address, Box No. 5368, NbW YORK. OPyiCHRB. Hoe. DANIEL 8. DICKINSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice Praildent. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. H. J. BUBTIB, Mining Superintendent,TlturriUe.Ps. ATLANTIC BANK, M 0.112 Broadway,N. Y.,Treasury. The wells of the Company are now procuring oil. Payment for stock may be made In drafts', reglstsrad notes, or Government bonds ind securities, which bonds and securities will be taken at their market value. Remittances may be addressed to the Gompany, F. O, Box *O. 6888, New York City, or to “Atlantic Bank, Treasury of-the Nett Fork and Liverpool Petroleum Companyi’No. 147 Broadway, Hew TorkCity.” Proepecms sent to any address on application, con tainted a full and clear account of the operations of this MOST SUCCESSFUL PETROLEUM COMPANY. mh4 gm ______ THE WEST VIBDISI4 NATION, AL PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION. PROVISIONAL BOARD OF DIBEOTORS. . PKBSIPRKT. ■ . STRICKLAND KSEASS. Mat lon GUlingham* J&mes McMaues, Daniel McOleary, WiUiam Griffiths* Matthew J. Brady, _ J T. Epwand, A. G* Deakyne. M.. D. • Win, H. Ackley. - J. H. WHSELBB. Seeretary. JAMES LYSD, Trustee. - • At a meeting of the Stockholder*, held March 2. after hearing the report of .the JPiovMonal. Board, showing the great rise in the value of the lauds* it was , BesoVoet l, That aU stock which shailnot be paid in foil before the Ist of April, shall be forfeited for the uve of the Association, and that after that date no stock shall be sold at leas than $l. GO per share. The Lands of the Association consist of 1.188 acr«s si tuated on Beedr Creek, on the Little Kanahwa. and on Hughes river, in the bett Oil District of West Virginia* An jsngiuehasßseu purchased, aid work will be Imme diately commenced. ... -X . _»t A fc took can be subscribed for until Ist April, at #1 par share, foil paid, at the office of the Trustee. 80. s>£ S. SIXTH S&reet, second floor . __ _ An awourned meeUng of the Stockholders jriU be held enTHUBSDaY» the 16thlust., atSo’clockP. M. mhl3 mw2t* . . ~ ___ MILITARI. § . GOD I GRANT ! VICTORY t BTH UMOK UEACIUI REGIMEST. ALL THS BOUNTIES PAID ON BEING MUSTERED IN. DO NOT WAIT TO BE DRAFTED ! The Officer* ere all Veteran Soldiers, and will taka care ot their men, and be with them tn the field. CITY AND U. S: BOUNTIES: ONE YEAR* 9500. TWO YEARS, SB5O. THREE YEARS, 9SOO. Beside* the Hlfhett Ward Bounties, and Fay. Ration*, and Clothing. Headquarters, NATIONAL GTTAJR.I}©’ HALL, RACE Street, Below SIXTH. mh!4-Bt* « MAJOR GENERAL HANCOCK’S Ist Ajaan? corps . ■ VETERANS. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC, , By an order from the War Department, received thia day, March 13th, Inst., every Veteran who desires to enlist In the Ist Army Corps, to be commanded by Major_C«°staL Winfield S Hancock, must make his naming the C®rTesslon*fdls»riot andthe This wID prevent any advantage being taken of him by any runner or other recruiting agent In any ward or township in the country, where the Inducements of larger local • bounties are held out thbn-itt other warde or cowusbipe. The ftubreribex desires Ii to bs distinctly understood that be did not in any of his advertiaements, handbills, or posteis agree to cash auy warrant isiued by the city, norba* hebeen fnrnlsbed any means to do bo. Most of the wards in Philadelphia have advertised to cash the city warrants, and it is thought that in a fa w days a perfect system will be adopted to this effect Etstv veteran relieves a drafted man; therefore, every person should become a raeraiting officer. A single muh may credit himself to any district he may choose to eelsef previously to being enrolled, y V BENJAMIK FRANKLICf, Chief ot the Detective Department of Phlla., mh!4 fit And Exeeutive of the Becrulting Committee INSURANCE. ■BURANCK AGAINB' ACCIDENTS EVERY DESCRIPTION, * BY THE TBAYELIEBS’ INBFBANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. Capital BCQO.OOO. KM, W. AIMS, Agent, 404 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. • OBEBRAL ACCIDBBT POLICISB For Five Hundred Dollars, with $3 per week compen sation, can be had for $8 per annum, or any other sum between $9OO and (10,000 at proportionate ratea. TEN DOLLAES PREMIUM Secures a Policy for $2,000, or $lO per week compensa tion for all and every description of accident—travelling or otherwise—under a General Accident Policy, at the Ordinary Sate. THIRTY DOLLARS PREMIUM Seenmafnll Policy for $6,000, or $26 per weak com pensation, as above, at ;he Special Kate. FOBEIGN BISKS. Policies Issued for Foreign. Weat India, and CalifOr* nla Travel, Bates can be learned by application to the Office. SHOUT TIME TICKETS. Arrangement* “8 In eonree of completion by which the traveller will be able to purchase, atanyßaUwar Ticket Office Insurance Tickets for one or thirty day a travel. Ten cent* will buy a ticket for one day ’a travel, Insuring »S,OOO, or *l6 weekly compensation. Ticket Policies may be bad for 3,6 i and Ik months, in the same Bisks taken at Hazardous Bates. Policies Issued for A years for 1 years premlnm. - - INDOOEMENTB. The rateß of premlnm are lest than those of any other %TM T and thousands of thoio who have been reiectedby Life Companies, In consequence of hereditary or other diseases. tan effect insurance in the TEATBLItBSS* at theloweet rates. Life Insurance Companies pay no part of principal *raa uniil ih* death of theaesured. TheT£hY£LEiSRS* pay the loss or damage sustained by personal injury whenever it occurs. ■ ~ , , - 4 . The leelin* of security which such aa Insurance gives to those dependent upon their own labor "tor support is worth Score than money. JSTo better or more satisfac tory use can be made of so smaU a snm. • J. <3 BATTBBSOH, President. BOBPET DBPNIB, Secretary. _ . Q. P. DAVIS, Vice President HBNEY A: DYER, General Agent. - Applications recelyed and Pollclea leaned by WILLIAM W ALLSN, mhl3-mwfr3m . 80. 40* WALHPI' Street. A CERTAIN CURE FOR CANCERS, TDBOBS. AHD TETTBB,--By Kisses M and H. Blh'KLB No. «8* North THIKTEENTa Street, below Vine, Philadelphia, where can be obtained at any tirasthe Tetter Ointment which has cffeotnally cured Tetter of 16 or 20 years’ standing. Salves for Bhen matlsm, Piles. Come, Bryslpelae, Bolens? and PiUs for pnrifylng the blood. ; - mlils-6t |v T WAS AFFLICTED WITH THE X CAHoBR on my right thigh for fourteen years, and hotel recommended by a iaoy who had been anted by the Miuei HIKKLB, I placed myaeU under their treatment, aid It is now six months since a perfect curs has been made. Many of my friends had given me up es being incurable, therefore I retnrn many thanks to the Misses Hinkle for saying my Ufe. lam now in the erjormect of good health HaHBAB HORMB. branteyiELP, Bel, co:, Pa., Jan, la, *6B. mhia 6t» MISSES HINKLE-AS A SENSE OF XTI. gratitude to you for the cure of my, cancer, I deem ‘itprudenttohaTeltacknowledged in the papers, that it may he the means of benefiting others. I was at; tacked on the left'breast with, a suspicions tumor, and applied to a physician to examine jit proyed v to be a cancer, and was tieated as such, bat be came giadually worse, until it became evident that I tad to obtain relief or less my life And hearing-oi the many euros that you had performed:, I placed my self under your care, and that the disease ha* all been eradicates, I have not the slightest doubt. Over three years beve intervened, and the diseased point is as sound «*«, part of my bod Sir i THO r N TON, 1605 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, Pa, mWB-6i* TO. OTE-AFFLICTED.-1 BO- HERJS- I BY certify that I was for more than twenty years afflicted with a cancerous tumor. I applied to three or four different doctors ; : all a*reed in pronounciagit a very ddsserous cancer, but neither gave me much en couragement that it could he emeu. Fortunately I beaid of the Misses Binfcie. I placed my* elf Odder their hands immediately for treatment, and in a enow time was entbelycured s it being immediately under ilie corner of the eye. but by their superior skill and careful attention it was entirely removed* without the least injury totbeeyeor scarcely leaving a scar, l do most confidently recommend all who m*y unfortunate ly be afflicted with cancer immediate applica tion to the Mieses M. & H. Hinkle, Ho. 254 tfocth Thirteenth street, Philadelphia. . _ _ 4 , • JUDAS WBAK, 605 Brown Street. FHiLAPELPgiA, Jan, 3, 1665, mhlS-et* this is to certify that I WAS A sid'-cted with the Camas, bask of my left ear for ten yfsrs, 1 tried several skilful physicians of this city, hut ail afforded me no permanent relief. L heard of tbe Misses Btuhle, and resolved to make one more effort, and that lain pleased to inform the public has been successful. This wonder mi enra was made in two months, and. deserves to be placed on record, that others afflicted with the same disease may know where to obtain a certain cure. _ . . . mhlfrW LAHIBL HOWARD, 1488 Time street. PHILADELPHIA PHOTOGRAPHIC I COMPAHY, Ho. 730 OHBSTHirr Street —Manu facturers of CARTES DB VIBI 18. for tbs trade A large stock of the best and most desirable subjec’a always on hand} also, a full »uppljr of Soule s *'opB - b. * ' Ordw s delivered at the shortest notice. Dealers will fisd it to theit advantage to call at out Booms, 80. 73Q CBBsTBPT Street.: mhl3iawi 3t» MORGAN, ORB, & GO.,- STEAM- EH JU QIHB BUILDERS, Iron Yoonders, and (Hnsrai Machinists and Boiler Slaked, -So. !3W CALLOW HIM. Styst. Philadelphia. ■ fWO-tf S, E, COR, SIXTH 4ND MARKET STREETS. WANTS. WANTED—BY A MARKET-STREET if 3>BT GOODS House, a YOUNG MAS aeon*. fOBWd to ee]llnr goods by sample to the city iradq Address Box2fiQ2. Pont Office, phlfi WANTED—A SITUATION BY A if YIOHG MaK AB ASSISTANT BOOKKEfIfBS or BNThYCkESKjn a wholesale boose, who has been is the wholesale notion business one year- Good references given. Address **P K ,*» Press Office. It* WANTED-A YOUNG MAN, COM- T • patent to set as a ear dispatcher for a* railroad company. Address Box 2,018 P. 0., Philada. mh!s-3t WANTED—AN ENERGETIC AND Tv efficient person to t&e charge of a large store connected with an extensive colliery. Address, with references, Boy 2,018 P. O . Philadelphia I rahll-gt WA NT E D—A SITUATION AS Assistant in a Wholesale Dry Goode House, by a Young Han, twenty five years old. Hashed several ye sr» T experience in the retail trade. Has a large ac quaintance among country merchants, and could assist with the books, if required. Beferenees given. Address Box 80, Mount Holly, Kew Jersey, * mhl4-2t* WAN TE D—A SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER in a wholesale House. Best city reference gives. Address **JB. L. H. ,' 5 Press Office. • . . . WANTED-A COMPETENT PEB- J T 80S to take charge of the Btuiaeas Department of a Weekly Publication. Addre.s, with name, re ference, etc.. Box HOP Poet offlee, mhlS-St* WANTED—AT $l5O PER MONTH— A reliable Canvasser in every town and conuty. for the MURSE AMI) SPY, the most Interesting; and exciting hook ever published, embracing the adven tures of a woman lathe union army as Muse, Scout, and Spy* flying a most yivid inner picture of the war. We have Agents clearing $l5O per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant Bend for circulars. Address “JOBES, BROS., * GO., 600 CHuSTNOT Street, Philadelphia. f »• mh7lm* E MPIiO YU K T HOUBE. FOR —Housekeepers, Seam«treßBea*Cl^i](ibennaida,'Watt ers, Hums, Cooks* Laundresses, aad jeneral home ■ Work, white aad colored. 809 LOCUST St. f©2o-lm T?MFLOYMENT HOUSE FOR •£-* Clerics, Book-keepers, Salesmen, Packert. Porters, Watebmen, Coachmen* Drivers. Conductor*, Bar-tend er*, Walters, Farm bands. Gardeners, &o. Employers suited at short notice. 803 and 804 LOCUST Street. feSO-lm ...... ' f\lL ON THE BRAIN,—SITUATION V/ as Qlerk, Accountant, or Superintendent, wanted— anywhere if there ie Oil there—by a business man. Baris factory reference; security if required. Address Carversyllle, Pa. . mhlfrwfrtaSt* SALESMAN WANTED IN A DRY O GOODS COMMISSION HOUSE. One weU ac quitted with city trade. Address Post Office Box 1,043. _• mhll«6t* EXPERIENCE D SALEB-LA- S WABTEO. Add rani noteta EI!WIS HiliTt & CO., JTo 36 Street. mhls-3t* ® WANTED TO RENT—FOB ONE year, with privilege of baying, a comfortable DWELLING; ten. rooms, with one or more acres of grousd, within ten miles of the city and not more than ten minutes’ walk from a station, on either West Ches ter, Germantown, Norristown, or Pennsylvania Bail* road. Address mhl4 2t* **o. Y. W.,” Press office. M WANTED—TO BENT FOB THE Summer. a Cottage, famished or. unfurnished. Within say 10 miles of the city, and near a railroad statton. AddressßdnllCO Philadelphia!?. O ahl3 6t* ® WANTED TO RENT, BY APRIL lit, a modern DWELLING. ettaated abore Arob ■treat aid west of Broad. Beat about $4OO. Address Bore 1937. Pott Office mM-Im* nnn $lO,OOO, and $5,000 to ,SP W,UUU, XMYBST UPON MOBTGIBB, . Apply to A FITfiBR. mKl6‘-» » No. SI fforth SIXTH St. <£l Ann TO S3,OOO.—PARTIES WITH tjJUjVA/v/ these amounts lo invest In a soleand ex elusive agency in Philadelphia, for an extensive Sam* eip manufactured article in great demand, may learn particular s by addressing the undersigned, through the Philadelphia Post Office. *nh9-et* ' MEW PBBUCATIOJSB. “PETERSON’S DETECTOR, JL PETERSOff’S DETSOTOB. March 15, out tbls moraing. Poll description of 22 new connterfetts. Price 15 cents. ; " XTATIONAL BANKS, NATIONAL JL* BANKS.—PBTBESOBPS Is theonly'Betectojr pu blished giving the Official Lists of the Rational Basics, and botou eitiea* quotations. Price 15 Mats, PETERSON'S IS THE BEST DE TKCTOK pnblfehed. Corrected by Drexal & Co., March IS, Oat th.la morning. Price $1.50 a year. ONLY ONE DOLLAR AND PIFTF V CEBTS A TEAR JOB PBTBKSOB’B COUKTKB - BIT BETECTOB, Boot to any addrosa Subscribe at onto. T. B PETEHSOIf & BEOS , 306 CHBSTBDr Street. Philadelphia. All the Notr Books are for sale at Petnaon’a. It HRAHCXAL, 5-20 /, COUPONS,, ' DUE - MAY Ist, BOUGHT IT HIGHEST HABKST PRICE, BT DBEXEL & CO,, mhl6-tmyl go. 3* BQTJTH THIBD BTBBBT. rjrTH K NiCffl ‘ ” ■ ' ~ 7-30 XJ. 8- NOTES FOR SALE. nr sums to suit fubghasibs. k DAVIES BROTHERS, BANKERS AND BBOKBBS, 1*35 DOBK STBBBT, DSAUEBS IX qovbbxmbxt skoukitisb aHTg- TttT.T.T mh9-lm 10-40 BO ™ 8 ' CASHKi) IJS e«U>, BY EGBNRY A. HEISBR SONS, DEALERS IS aoVEBSHEST SBCURiriBS. So. 4* PISE Street, SBW YORK. In view of tbs prospect of PEACE aatd a PALL IS COLD, bolder, of Cold Bond, trill do well to detach tbs Coupon, and realize the internet at present rates for Cold. Parties residing ont of the eity wishing to cash their Coupons can forward them by express, and we will re turn the Cold or its value la greenbacks, as desired. fe!2 SW rjJBORGE A. WARDER, \J STOCK BBOKBB* Mo. 318 K WALHUT BTRK&T. ■ Stocks and Loans negotiated. Subscriptions retired for the new United States 7-30 Loan in sums of 95Q and upwards. mhl-wfmiat* CAMUEL ALLEN, O STOCK BBOKKE, Ho, 136 South THIRD Street, TeiladelphiA, rnhH-lm* "W». w sc Broker. *5 IB Booth THIBB-Strict gNGLISH BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, nr sToira and glas& ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IK FINE GEODESIES, Corner of ELEVENTH and TIRE Bta. £NDIA CAMEL’S HAIR BHAWLS. O. F. HOVEY & 00. Hats received by Ship SIAM,’ '-from Calcutta, ONE CASE CASHMERE SHAWLS of very handsome designs. 38 SUEtMER Street, mhS-fmwetf MARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE «-*- of a Writ of Bale, by the Hon. JOHN C4D WAL4- DBB, Judge of the District Court of -the IJnlted States, In and fot the Eastern District of Penney! vanla. In Ad miralty. to me directed, will be sold at Fnblic Sal* to tbs blithest and best bidder, for casti, at -Samuel.G, Coolt ™ Ancttoi Store, No. 184, Sonth FRONT Strest on THURSDAY, March 30th, 1865, at IG o’clock A. M , font ISrielc of Vhisly. WILLIAM MIbbWARO. U. 8. MarslalE D. of Ponna. Philadelphia, March M. 1885. mh!6-8t PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS.-WHEN £■ desired, be sore to get the Pa ten Hlnge-back Al bum*; sold at B, F. HBIMBB’S. 6554: ABCS Street. Tbey give most satisfaction, combining strength and flexibility. ; ; li * pARTES DR YIBITE —THOSE DONE V F. BE2MEB are sure to please. They evince taste, skill, and rareaccnracT. Sea specimens and ob tain fine styles, jat 6534 ABCH Street. It* in CARD PICTURES FOR $1.25- I*l Cheap, accnrate. and pretty styles of Likenesses, snttable for albums, also for scholars to exchange with tbeir schoolmates. BKIMER’S, SECOND Street,above Green. . - - It m FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND 3 MACHINES —Ail theflmpioved Floughs.HMraw*, Cultivators, Seed-sower?. Bay, Straw, and Fodder* cutters, Horse Power* and Threshing Machines, How ing and Heaping Machine*. Spring-tooth Horse Say Bukes, Field and Garden Hollers. Garden and Pam Barrows, Farm Belle, Ox Yokes, Churns, Grist Hills, together with a fall stock of animplementsappertaining to the *arden Purchasers are invited to call and ex* amine my stock and prices -—--L, v • ROBERT BIJTST, Jr.. Agricultural and Seed Warehouse, Hob. 9258 and 934 MARKET Street, mhll-6t Above flinth. m, BUIST'S WARRANTED KITCHEN X GSBDBN BSEDS.—TheBc Basis sre always war ranted as represented, end era unearpsesed In purity or duality. For sale by . ROBERT BOIBT. Jr., Rob. 988 and 984 MARKET Street, mbll-dt Above Ninth. HR ONION BETTS.—2OO BUSHELS X prime white and yellow Onion setts now in store, and for sale st the lowest market price . : ROBERT BDIST, Jr., Seed end Agricultural Warehouse, Boe. 988 and 984 MARKET Steeet, mhll et f abiva Ninth; M EXTRA EARLY PEAS—2OO BUSH 3-BLS Extra Early Peas. uosnrpaeied in quality, now in store and. fox sale, iajtuntUles I to suit,, by ROBKRT BDIBT, Js S*ed.aikL A&rieaUutal Warehouse, mhll-gt 922 and 92 fc MARKET St , ab. Hinth. QEED—CLOVER, TIMOTHY, AND O Flax. Corn, Barley. Oats MO tons Buckwheat and Corn Sf.al, and Mill Feed. Railroad Depot. 1884 MABKST Street. QnMI6,»I C FRBNTZBIi. T7OB NON-RETENTION OR INCGN- X? TI&KHCE of urine, imitation. inflammation or ulceration of the bladder or kidneys, diseases of the proot&iegl&nde, stone in the bladder, eateuius, gra vel or brick* dust deposit, and all .diseases of the blad der* kidneys and dropsical swellings* uib HSL3S- Boi.D‘B FLUID EXTRACT BDCBP. v TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING £ TO BANKERS, THE HANDSOME OFFICE BUILDING FOURTH STREET, BELOW OHB6TNUT (Ho.' M>B). Apply to mhlS-Sl* JO MANUFACTURERS.—TO BENT,* A WELL-LIGHTED BOOM, 100 BY 40 FEET. TJao IS-HORSE ENGIHE In good running order. BOILERS, SHAFTING, ■ JEC3B ATING PIPES on. the premises, FOB &ALK If desired Apply to 6*o. W. SIMOIB, 880.. & O 0* f Manufacturing Jewellers, Sansora-st. Hall, mhlS-wfmfii* SANBOM Street, aoove Sixth. f| FOB BALE—POSSESSION THIS NS Sprint—Desirable Residence 896 N. Thirteenth St. Another southeast corner Bleventh and Wallace. It* B. PETTIT. 383 WALaPT Street. m FOR BALE—FIFTY FARMS, #f| •Bl with poiseslon this spring—a desirable farm. with the Btoclt and fanning implements, &c., at Bail’ road Station a few miles oat—Bo scree. It* . ». PETTIT. 383 WALNUT Street. m TO BEKT-A COUNTRY JR EsS-FL ACE, four and a half miles from the Market-*E street Bridge, containing orchard, garden spring* house, pond, &c., &c., with tiom one to fifteen acres of pasture ground Apply, from 1 half oast 10 to 12, and from 2 H to %% o'clock, at go. 1103 GIRARD St. mhlfi wfm3fc* m FOB BALE—A SUPERIOR M LI- STONE RN6IDBNCB. containln, 18 Booms, U> with Fnrnace, Improvements, Gas Water Ac . with 3 Acres of Lana; situated at GBRHANTOWN, on KTBirrOH Avenue, X of a mile from Da tv’s lane Sta tion. Apply to noBBRT MAC GRBGOB.. It *IB WALNUT Street. pETBOLEUMI OILH OIL COMPANY NOW FOBMINO. TARUG BTOBE FOB SALE—A GOOD A/ location for a nhyslelah, nearjthe oltr. For par ticulars address “M. cueTURNERa WAT HE, 36 South FOURTH Street., mhlS-&* fhALE FARM OIL COMPANY OWNS A/ in fee simple 200 acres of very valuable Oils LAND next adjoining the town o? Franklin on French Greek* and only a short distance from the great wells on su gar Creek. A well was sunk on this property three years ago which yielded a large quantity of Lu bricating Oil, and after flowing for some time* was finally plugged up because there was no use for it. This well the Directors are engaged iu cleaning out, with the most flattering prospector obtaining the former yield, when a dividend will be made whlch.it is confi dently believed. willliberally reward the holders of stock of the company. Fcrtbe purpose of prosecuting the work of develop ment with vigor it is proposed to sell a limited number of shares of the Reserved Stock for working capital, at the original subscription price. One Dollar and Fifty Cents per share, for a short Urns only, os application at the office, 80. via South FOURTH Bireet, second story front room. • . - By order of the Board, mttfi wfmSt nOBEST M, FOUST, Secretary. HULL & GOODELL. -rm- LANDS-365 ACRES ON BR4- dy*. Run, Beaver couctv; 50 acres ou Slippery Rotk Creek;34B acres ou Middle Uland Creek. Tyler county, Hat Virginia, and other properties, for sale by J. F DILLON A 00., mhlS-2,* No. 508 WALNUT Street. VALUABLE OIL AND LUMBER 1 PROPERTY FOR SALS (6,000 acres), including lane Gang Hills, This property may be bought in par cels or the whole, to suit the purchaser. Situated on East Hickory Creek, one mile from Allegheny River, with the waters of Hickory, Beaver and Anter running through the entire tract containing six thousand (6.OX)> acres, five miles from Tionesta Greek, and seven miles from Tideonte , .... This is a fine oil tract, besides being be&yily iimbered. < For information inquire or address original owners. H STOW & CO, Tionesta, Venango Co., It* , Fenna. *JO OIL COMPANIES. A suite of three rooms, with commuuicatlug doors, either together or divided, and to which several more, ou the same door, can be added if desired. ALSO, A very desirable office in Secoud street, near the Corn Exchange. Apply to „ „„„ -• JACOB M. BLLIS, mblS 2t* No 15A S FOURTH 8t , second atory- CUGAR CREEK PROPERTY.—THIS *3 notice is worthy of the prompt attention of those who desire to form a real, sound Oil Company; a tract of SIX HUNDRED AGEES, in a cholcs location, with the EDGAR GREBE running through it, and liue un doubted. ORE HALF of this Tract will he ditposed of at a fair price and on favorable terms. Those who want tO BBRiflflariirtnitl anTitg'ra. anti •at thn nsl.i r J*o. —urrill . address '* Press office . mhls 4t |~kIL— OIL TERRITORY.—FOB BALE; ” afew Bhar.s of original interests at $5OO. to purr chate a tract of laud in the GREAT KANAWHA OIL BELT. For information Inquire of GEO. N TOWNSEND & 00.-, It No. 133KB.FOURTH Bt., below Ohastuut,Phns. -FOE SALE—THE GOOD sP' WILL, Stock, and Fixtures of a flrßt-iate Shoe* Upper and Fitting Establishment, doinf a food paying business, and can be lar*ely Increased* most centrally located and cheap rent. Address 4 * Shoe Up. pers, * * Ledger office. . li* ! 4fcD Aon —OLD MORTGAGE OF this amount for sale* secured onavalua* ble improved property In tho northwestern part of the city. Also, wanted, s*,£oo and $20,C00 on. first class securities of first mortgare It* B FfifTlT. 383 WALNUT Street T?OB SALE-A COUNTING-ROOM A- Desk (nearly new)* Stove, and Chain, at 405 COMMERCE Street. Sd Floor. It* TO PRINTERS*—BILL-HEM) A>ND •A- GABD-i’SKESSS foisale. Apply at BRYSON & SON’S, No. 8 North. SIXTH Streat. POB SALE-SUGAR GREEK OIL X; TEEBITOET. —152 cooled Land on Sarar Gmk; 3%rods front on tie Creek, and nearly all bot tomland * -Apply to C. D. COLL ID AT, mlilß-St* 434 r WAIiNOT Street. T?OR SALE—A. NUMBER OF DBSIRA -L BLE BOILBIHO LOTS. For particulars apply to SAMUEL St. THOMPSOH, Attorney at Law, aaO WALHUT Streot. fYESIBABLE OFFICE-ROOM TO BENT—Suitable for an Oil Company, Brokering, or Beal Estate Agency- Apply at .433- CHESTNUT Street, second story. mhll-fi* f\IL TERRITORY. v-F The nndertlgned have tit tale the following Oil Territory * ' 1,100 acres in Forest connty, Pa. ,eitnated on the east hr an eh of the Millstone Creek. 386 acres fee simple in Perry connty, Ohio, on the SondayCreek. 40 acres on the- Federal Creek, Morgancounty, Ohio. One valuable producing, interest on Federal Creek, Morgan county, Ohio; Two properties on Buck Creek. Morgan county. Ohio. 160 acres on Big Bun, branch ofJtond’s Creek,Bttehie county, "Va. 320 acres lease on Federal Creek, Morgan connty, O. 190 acres fee simple on Laurel fork of Worthington Creek* Wood county, Va. 100 acres fee simple on Laurel fork of Worthington Creek, Wood county, Va. \ , _. . 180 acres fee simple on Big Suu,.Bitchie coanty. West Virginia. Also, leveral valuableprodopjogMejesU In Venango oonnty, Pa GOCBSaK A BUS SSL!,, mhio’et Hit North FRONT Street. nail,. COAL, AND TIMBER LAND- U fob SALE. • 210 and 1,000 seres in B : k connty, *2O. 120 and 990 acres in Forest connty, $lOO and $5O. 2CO acres in Centre connty, *3O. Also, In Clearlleia, Clinton; Lyeomlng. end other counties. A. OLWIfIE ft CO ~ mh9 6l*if B.W. cor. ELEVENTH and BIDPB Ay. TIRUG STORES, CITY AND COUN •U TBY, for sale and wanted at all prices. mh7»lm* W. M DIGKgQK, IKTWaLKUT Street. cyj'7 nrn and $2,06666. S i• $ f Ground Bents of these amounts, amply seenred and centrally located ’ For sale hy B CARPENTBR & SON, mhS ISt* HtH Bond THIRD Street. BOSTON. H. JAMES, . ATTORNBY AT LAW, FRANKLIN, VBNANGO COUNTY, PJSNNA. Special attention given to the examination of Titles. Philadelphia Kkfrkkncks B. Lex, Ssq., Ben 0..R08S Snowden, James H Little, Esq-. T. T. Tasker, Sr., Hood, Bod bright, A Co., J. Z. DeHavan, President 7th National Bank. mhlo-3m* QAMTJEL W- HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY O AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER, FSANKLIH^FTBN^GO^OODNT Y, PENN A. QAMTJEL L. TA'SLOR, O Mo. 423 WALBGTStyeet, Philadelphia, attobrby at law am® COMMISSIONER FOB ALL THE STATES, , Except Count etient, New York, Illinois, Nevada, Oregon, and Texas . fe24-£rfcnly* TO SHU A T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, V COUNSELLOR at LAW, AND. SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS. Office, SISI F Street, near Fourteenth iitreet, Washinglon, D C. d023-«m --.lT—a. NOT TOE .—FOR NEW AhBKtOBE —The PBILADRt.PHIAA.ND RBW YORK BXPBE3B STBAMBu AT COMPANY, yla D |S.“»yfD t ilLYXt wharf below MARKET Sll °CLTDeVco., I*S WHARVES,PhUa. JAMES HAND, lit Walt, street, mhlß-to - New York. -■wtr—k. NEW EXPRESS LINE, TO riHUSHK ALEXANDRIA, GiORGBTOWN, AND Washington. Via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.. Steamers lease first Wharf ahoye MARKET Stress every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 12 M. For Freight apply to At cuts. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., I*North and Sonth Whar.yes.PhUs.; J. B. DAVIDSON, Georgetown, D. C.; FLOWSRS &BO WEN, Alexandria Va. .' mhlASm FOl* BII.K AND TO I-OT. INSURANCE OB Oil. COMPANIES. FOB BAUM, Estate of MOT. S. MITCHELL, deceased. W, E. LITTLETON, 51* WALNUT Street: FOR SALE. ORIGINAI. SHAKES Iu a choice aud select GREAT INDUCEMENT. FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT. GEO. .N TOWNSEND A OO. f 133 K South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. FOR RENT. mhll-lm (Formerly of Philadelphia,) BEFEBS TO Charles E. Lex, Esq,, i B, &W- G. Biddle ft Co., B. C. Knight & Co., Dr. B. S. Maek*n*le, James B. Little, Bag., I W. H. leaton ft Co. mh7-Sm • OFFICE. WATER TRANS* .SH&pobtatiob u. s. a , , . No. SAYdrSonthTHIRD Sweat. Philadelphia. FeK Id. IBM. Vessels wanted to transport Goal to Southern Forte iMk Cant. kHRRN. fgx=Ess ' ESTEY’S ORGANS Also,a complete a»?o°rtMnt constantly on hand. _ • ieM-3m SLEjEFBB’S u. manufao MARKET Btreet, One door above Tenth, J Philadelphia mbll 13t* AT REASONABLE PRICES, AMUSKMEirrfI. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. IS. 1886; DRAMATIC AND ifusiCAL. IX o'clock p&? OVESTDRB-“Lag*»L|dg s .^ gr _ By a,***. To be followed OVEETnEg> arrinfed expr«ely for the ocaurton, hr Charles R Dfod worth, abounding with all the fovorlte Hatl.nat Atrsl and music descriptive of a battle, and our vletorlou army aingto*,exnltogly;"TteBtar-apaa*l«d Bans*?." In order to givei effect to this,the eartain wltl b» raised for the singing of the National Anthem, which will be givenby every member of the Dramatic Profe.- 8100 ONR H™sKB>*SrH 9 R%r CHORISTERS. After which, RECITATION—'' Bhamus O’Brien, ’ ’JAMES a IRDKN. To be followed by the third act of the tragedy or OTHELLO, With a east of great strength. After white, SONGS—" La V«epre* Sictlltennee.’’ MIBB CAROLINE RICHINGS.' After Which, THE QUIET FAMILY, introducing the favorites of the TohefoUowed£ ooraraTCOlTsnr> introducing the favorite* of the __ WALNUT-STREET COMPANY. HR. ABO HRS PETER WHITE, introducing Bfr BTITABT SOSSOB (with a eharacte rietic Song snd Sauce) and all the favorites of ths ARCH-STREET COUPaHY. . . After which, gOBG—•« John Anderson” —Prof, T. BISHOP. The whole to coaclude with a performance by the wtahvrw W rA,wv«-, I ‘ RBKCa COMPANY. y @ PAUL JOIGBBT* ........ G ABB ; OBy LA FOEZA LBL LSSTIHO, rjnm ~Pa fvnp tfUSXCA BEL MAESTRO VERDI GRIS, Including the following gorgeous cast, vis: La Signorina ALIE a-PAPA-TI-PA-TA-TA In her amazing and'sfcirtling creation of *'Cahriola. Tr II Signor ED-DB GaBBB in his unequalled part of “Hiaso r * XI B)auor in the terrific impersonation of “Gargouilißfd. M Choruses—Cavalry Signor Jour-dan-la-Hirife. Warriors— Infantry—•... .11 Signor Cons-fc*n-ti-no-pol, Boojs open at Performance to commence, witk- Overture. praeisel r at Reserved Seat* fl Eotrance on Broad street. Admission 60 cents. Eatranee on Locust street. Beseif ved seats and tickets can he had on. MQKDiF and TUESDAY, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M , at the Pm gramme office, So. USt South FOURTH Street, thlrt: story, and at the Academy on Wednesday morning at 9; o’clock. “ HENRY B. HELUIEE, mh2B- m&w2t Secretary aud Treasurer. XTEW CIIESTNUT STREET XV TFE, CHEiTKCT Street, above Twelfth MOBPAY, TUESDAY. aED WEDS BSD AY SYX NXKGB, March 13th, 14th. and 15th, ISITUL HEGHTB . Of the Hew Local One Thousand Dollars Prize Dramsw Written by Mire Laura Keene, in four acts, styled TBE WORKMEN OF PHiLADELPfIiI, OR T}JB CURSE • F deists:. presented with Hew and Beautiful Local Scenery, bjr BSr Richard Smith. Wonderful Mechanical Effects, by Daniel Wiles and. Thomas Blackwood. Hew Properties and Appointments, by John Doteeir and Assistant. Original Meric by Adolph BirgfeM. and a CAST OF CHARACTERS bringing into requisition everv MEMBER OF THE REGULAR COMPANY, -SYNOPSIS OF LOCAL SCENES. The Bar-room, a Modern Institution. Davis' Restaur ant. Arch street. Hall in Davie Restaurant. View of the Housetop* of Philadelphia; andtha Hew Cathedral. Interior view of Merrick St Sou's Machine-shop Foundry. Washington street, between Fourth and. Fifth, with the machinery in motion, men at work,*a. View from St&ckh&ur Sawmill, Camden, of Phila delphia by Moonlight, looking towards the Jfavy Yard; view of the Shipping along the Delaware, with * a glance at Smith’s Island; the ferry-boats Merchant-. and Dido plying to and fre. Chestnut street, with view of the Academy of Fine Arteu- SATURDAY AFTE&VOOH Marchlß, „ THIRTY FIFTH GBAED FAMILY MAfiHEB. THE WORKMEN OF PHILADELPHIA Will be Performed MBS. JOHN DKEW’S NEW ARCH i*B- STREET THEATRE. FULL AND FASHIONABLE HOUSES. LAST WEEK OF, MRS. F. W. LANDES. TO-NIGHT (WeBne.6av) LAST TiMB, “THB MESALLIANCE.” , LeohiAreaold Mia F. W. Loader. FBI! AY. MRS. LANDER’S BBNBFIT. ‘•OHABLOTTE CORDAY ” MONDAY, Mr and Mm. BABNIg WILLIAMS.- WALBUT STREET THEATRE. "Y BSGAGBMBHT OF MR. J. 8. CLaBKB. Last Eights of the great Drama of THE STREETS OF PHILADELPHIA, •which, In consequence of its complete success, will be presented, for the fifteenth time, IHISCWBDNBSDADEVESING, AMD EVERY EVEEIEG DISTIL FUST BE k HOTIGX. MR J. 8. CLAEKE AS BADGES. Monday next, Mr. CbABKB’S BEHEFIT. Beats should be secured In advance. THE GEEAT AMERICAN CIROUSt I WALNUT Street, above EIGHTH. Messrs. GARDINER and HBMMINGS -*. *. .Proprietoni. THE SENSATION OF THE TIMES. THIS BYINIRG, and every evening during the week* DON JUAN ON HORSEBACK. Mr. James .Waid, the celebrated clown and . rope-walker; Mr. J. Madigan, in hie doable _.aault; Mr. Sam Long, the singing down; Mr Dan Gar* diner, the great American Jester; Mr. J. Ward, the versatile clown; Master Sanfozd and Master Tolbert* wonderful gymrasts; Miss Eliia Gardiner, the gracefal ' equestrienne; kor Tom King; Luke Elver*, and th» rexD&lsder of the star troupe, will appe»riu a variety of* agreeable, thrilling, and fascinating par r ormanc*B. THE PONY PONY RAGES, will be performed during the week AdmUsionSaete., first tier; 26 cts., second tier. Commence at 7.48. Splendid performances on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, commencing at 2J£ o’clock. Remember the circus wi 1 goon close. J7OTER OF ACADEMY OF MUSIC. CROSS & JARVIS’ - THIED CLASSICAL SOIREE, CATcnsaT BTrrainii, March 18, at mbll-6e ASSEMBLY BUILDING-THEATRE: •IY FRABCAIBB DE NEW YOBK. PAUL JU1GRET............ -.......,.-.-DIRROrBUR. LA JOIB DB LA MAISON. Comedy, ia. three >cls, by a. Aiiic«t Boarjeol«. LBS PBTITAB MISBBBS. VaudevlDe, In one act, by M. Damanofs. Doors open at 7; curtain will rise at to 8 o’clock. Ticket Office open from 11 to 4 o clock. mhlfi fit imjSICAL FUJSTD HALL—ORANB- JaYl. COBCEBT.—EXTRAOBDIAABY ATTRACTION. THE PBOGBAMKB OF THE BBA3O*. 03Sr THURSDAY STONING, MARCH Mth,-188k A Grand Concert will be given at MUSIGai FOMB HALL, by a number of the First Artists in the City, as sisted by i chorus of __ EOBTY VOICES, Selected from-the most talented and popular Amateur* - of Philadelphia The following well-known and emi nent Artists will appear upon this occasion, and number of choice pieces of Music: The celebrated American Prims Donna, MISS JS. F. HEWLETT, The well* known Tenor. MB. CHaBLES SCHMITZ/ The popular Balladitt, MB. J. G. UMSTBD, The pleasing Pianist, _ • MASSAH WARNER. MUSICAL DIRECTOR OaRL PROGRAMME. PART I. 1. Chorus—Hail Ua, Ye Free ..~,HernaaL 2. Tenor Solo—Star of Love —W. V* Wallace.- J. G. UMSTED. R eopra.o 4. Piano Solo—L’Ecume d* —Her*^ MASS AH WARNER. C. Tenor Solo—My Oream Abte. MB CHABLESHGHtffTZ^ 6. Choruß—Achieved—No. 2 *e~~Hady2’sGresttoß^ _ PART U 1. Chorus—The Heavens are.TeUing ~Hadys* 2. SopranoSolo—Balero Sicilian!VesprL* MISS B. P. HEWLETT. 3. Piano Daih MABBAH WABNEB AND JAMBS WILLIAM. A Duet—SopranoandTenorLindas MISS-E P; HEWLETT A STD MB. C. SCHMITZ.' fi. Chorus. Finale—THE STAB SPARGLED BARBER. The Grand Piano used <Geo Stack ft Go ’e make) in furnished by Mr Gould. Seventh and Chestnut Street*. Admission, $l. Tickets for sale-at all the Koala Sioies, Bislsy’s, Continental Hotel, and at the Hall, on the day of the Concert. Doors open at 7% o’clock* to commence at 8. . mhlS ft . A MERICAH ACADEMY OE MUSIC* jCt LBOTUBE.BY GEOBGE FBABCIB TBAIH, v IN AID OP TBS LADIES 1 FIBBT URIOR ASSOOIATIOR, FOB- TUB- BENEFIT OP THE WIDOWS ABP OBPJSARB OF SQLDIBBS Who have died is defence of their country,-and famfifen of disohargedand dfsabledsoldiers, On TUESDAY STORING, March 14.- , Tickets 38 cents. Beserved Seats 00 cents: For aala atT. B. Pugh’s, comer of Sixth and Chestnut streets* Gould’s Mnsie Store, corner of Seventh and ChestsKr streets; Continental Hotel; Booms of the Association* 637 North Eighth street; Handel &*Haydn Hall, and ah the door on the evening of the Lecture. mh7-tf ORCHISTRA- PUBMO 'JbBHEABBALS every SATUBDAT at $H o’clock P. M., at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Tickets. 3k cents. Six Tickets, $1; to be had at Gould’s, Andre’s, and Meyer’s Music Stores, and at the HalL no - tf INSTITUTION FOR. THB BLIND.— J- EXHIBITION RVBRY WEDNESDAY, at 9« F. M. AdmUtioa TEN GENTS. Stole, No. 11 Sontk'JSlOaYH:. Street. it* THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. J- CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, is OPEN DAILY for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. i«K BOiBOOTfi. •VACANT— V_ A LARGE FRONT KOOM, mblJ-wfmSt* PIT SPRUCE Street. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, 43* X CHESTNUT Street, has n 6 Bar Firet-clase Board and excellent accommodation* for Families can be baft at moderate charges. One handsome chamber, laiga and convenient, vacant to-day. . Reference required, mhl3 ft* PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. NOTICE. On and after MONDAY, March 20, 1855* all local fxei*bt for fcblpmenl by the Pennsylvania Railroad, and Philadelphia and Brie Railroad, wiU be forwarded front tbe new depot, FIFTEENTH and MARKET Sts. Freirht for Pittebnrs, and all points west of Piti«t>ar*. will be forwarded from the depot TfiLERTBJSKTH and MsBKBT Streets. Produce and other freight arriving -from the Weafc %nd local stations on these roads, will oe delivered from, tte depet Thirty «4 M«k*t 'HffesTO*, Jr. . ■^jasfe Phh.ads2.phia, Maieb.14,1865. attymmtkgßll CA3IOiSXf- mft Ilf gUK^^i^T.j, http balLKOaO—.Traia* 7,30 i 3L leave Yme-atreet Fem: „ . - Freight* with Paßteßger Car attaenaa** Atlantia ‘ *s§ lmif° iMme g °lQH#6 B ß«^.^t- NOTICE TO SHIPPERS KEOFENIN& OF OANAI* STA.'VYqaTIOS. tbkfhimiuwbu ano new yo«k express steamboat eo. iT.rn,™ »v«w natron*. and Hm merchants that they h** BBSCMJBB THJSIB RBQBLAR DAILY YRIPB Between PMladeldM* and Few Yd*. THROUGH IH TWCNTI-FOUR HOURS. WILLIAM P. CLYDE & CO., So. 14 Sontt WHAKVSS, PMlate- JAMBS. HAND., So 117 WALLStreet, 5w Torlt m. fojnrardadto «U ifotata tim « PHILADELPHIA SCALE WORKS, feTFITTBMTH Street Mid raJJHSriVAHIA A«™- ** ffilS*!]!) ■ ■ ~ p>m FIRE AND T ISOsAFB MANOFACTOBY. «# DKPABTMEKT FOB GUSTOS WORK*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers