OH COMPANIES. jPjpr tWEHIWIW CTS. m i [ EQUITY oil COMPANY. L i 9300,000. FAB TALUS, |l, SUBSCRIPTION PSXOE .TWIHTI-IITI CBOTS PER SHARE, PAID OP, ADD NO FDETHKK AS3BBSMBNTS. riTY OIL COMPANY own., In fee simple, 139 tCfl perehae land, os Walker's Creak ssd Da '« Bum, in Wood County, West Virginia. The perfect, and (ha recent developments in tbs >rhood warrant tb« belief that tbs Company baa a very. valuable pises o( oil land. ThsHortb* Virginia Railroad rnna thrcngh the land, aad my baa tbsroby every advantage of cheap rifttfon; It will coat feat fifty cents per 'barrel to rt oil to Farkarabnrg, wfcil* it oo«ts from $1 to barrel from Bsrslog Sprints and Hngbaa rlyar. md U wlthiu the great oil belt, and bnt one and a miles from the Marsh Well, struck on March Baton’s fennel, on the Northwestern Hailiota, >o«ks of subscription will be opened on March and will be open for three dare, at L B. LEWARS & 00,. No. »9 South THIBD 6fcr«t, Caps can be seen. the amount of robeorisUone at the lime of seed 300,C00 ehans, they will he allowed pio it tttbsotiben. WILLIAM BUMM, President. BltiliENsi’ElN, Seoretary. LEVIN) Treasurer. PER SHARE. VINTON ICAtWCt Oil. eOMFANT, TONjGoyjsarr,' ohio. CAPITAL, «SSO,OOO. 230,000 SHARES, VALUE ONE DOLLAR PEE SHAKE. ■TIOM PBICE TWBNTT FIVI OEHIB FEB SHABE, FULL PAID UP. HO FCBTHEB ASSESSMENTS. H THOUSAND DOLL ABB IB GASH WILL BB lED IN DBTBLOPING THE PBOFEETY. PRESIDENT, A. E. BUSH, GREENFIELD, OHIO. SECRET ART AND TBBAStfBEB, THOMAS B. SUBLEE, 31* MARKET STREET, PHILA iititonr consist* of forty* seven sorts in fee slm royalty), in tlie bolt of the Oil region of Ohio, i two miles of the Marietta and Cincinnati Bail* and about nlnd miles of Athens. This land was . lut fUI. by font reiidenta of tbs vicinity, m if a tuperlor duality of oil territory. Bapld de tents art bo w btlug made wltblu a short distance property, on sifter tide, a producing well being tree miles distant. All tbe oil yet obtained in - is heavy lubricating, sellingat more than c price of ordinary oils ; land halnr found aba from one to two hundred feet from the inrfaoe aateiially the ooet of Soring well*, lyantagee of this Company are; The low price of the etodc enable* all to par in Its profit*. id, A yield of only ton barrels per day will pay Stockholder the entire cost of Us investment ne year. A competent Superintendent has keen select, will at once proceed to sink Wells and de property. or SUBBOBIFTION will be opened on BA / MOBBING, the llth instant, at the office of AMS, KNIGHT, & 00., 146 South Third Street, OPPOSITE THRRXCHAHGB. 131,000 SHARES LD OK SATURDAY. —NO TO SUBSCRIBE btoukTjtiodTooq. bividkd into 100 000 BHABBB. >TION PRICE #1 PBR BEUBB. FULL FAIO. 'SAND BHARBB BESBBYJU) FOB A WORK- . INC CAfIfAL. t fopertj of this Company consists of the following S Tfce entire working Interest, being one-half of oil obtsined from. Lot No. 77, containing one Watson Fiats, adjoining the borough of Titus whUh is situated the Kellogg Weil, now pro •>m twenty to thirty barrels of oti per day* and Mar machinery wfll probably produce from ty barrels per day. There la room on this lot note wells. Itis about a hundred yaria from rated Continental Well* and in the Immediate if several other producing wells. As the rail t is within a snort distance of this property 111 sell for from one to two dollars more per jn on farms lower down the Creek. One sixteenth working Interest, drawing one cond of the oil, in lease No. 12, containing one dghth acres on the Moßiheny Farm, between jnan and Empire Wells. On this lease a well been struck, and is estimated to be producing ■o hundred barrels per day. There is also room Ninety-seven and a haK (97&) acres in fee inown as the Bennyhoff Farm, adjoining the >ne& Farm on Oil Creek. This tract is in the the oil region- being about two aud a half >ve the Noble Well. There is a large pro ill a short distance below, aud several wells ; down on the adjoining,farm. Hiller Farm in the Oil Creek Railroad, is within one mile property. This trset has all the surface indi nd geological features of the beet oil territory* Is o/ which U well adapted/or boring, and a iberof wells can be put down without being ty others. There is also a heavy growth of which will afford an abundant supply of fuel, impauy has tbe advantages of a, large basis all capital, and will consequently* with the luction* yield larger dividends to the Stoek w those companies having large capitals. It i from the present production the company re from two to three per cent, per month, with ict of a large increase as soon as proper ma i put into operation. The land is all proven ry. On the leases there Is room enough for r ells, and on the tract owned by the company \e there la room enough for over one hundred i well of forty barrels per dav will yield to y about ten per cent per month, of sinking wells wUI be commenced imme ' prosecuted with the utmost vigor, under of a practical and energetic superintend supervision of the president, who has had rience in the oil region. will be declared as soon as the finances of ,y permit, and will be held subject to the slant Stockholders, by draft or otherwise, ions received for a limited number of shares, ir per abare, at the offices of BCE F BSsboLßLWest Chester, Pa. QARSOH, »33 N. SIXTH Street, Fhila. jgcDEN FARM OIL* COMPANY BIIOAR CBEIIS. OFFICE, 149 SOUTH FOUBTH STBBBT. bank of hUQ JJS OBBBK, VenaMO Oouatt ied acres of the lead Is Aft or Ifinnl mt on the Creek and Bastion Bppjfjhottt adjoining the property of Sogar Creek Oil w hick etroek a large well of heavy oil. The rill retain a large working oepHal* to he ein rllling a number of wells* which are now In y CENTS FES SHAH! for full*paid itook. >tion list now open at the office of a.'d. caldwbll, 133 South THIKD Street, aeoond >tory. $350,000■ .m ..... «PAB, It i« Hundred Thousand Share* reserved For Working Capital. jperty of the Company consists of eleven is in fee simple* situated on Bush Bun.a branch it fork of the Monos gafaela river, Lewie county, itnia. and on the line of the projected West Central BaUroad. It U three miles from the «wn, Weston, and twenty»iw<> muss from g, on the Baltimore and Ohio BaUroad. The , tract is clear and indisputable, and the lndi* / Oil abundant There are large veins of Coal ropezty. and It abounds in valuable timber, do it are these, that the former owner and occupant tbove farm of 1,100 acres frequently obtained we his own words, “by taking* «auceraud i» the OU from the pools surrounding hla dwell 5. and obtained sufficient Coal for his use by pick aze and picking it from the base of the m upon which the Company is formed-makes every shareholder an original purchaser, and S hound door, a. li i'^eo.rallT PABM Oil COMPANY iHd 31 WASHINGTON BUILDINGS, 374 South TBIBD Street, wlshln* Stock In to# abore Company are no there are for Bale—at-fche Snbeeription Price. «1 are—TWBNTY-THHBB HUNDRED AND 110) SHARES OP FORFEITED STOCK. Ap mat be made Immediately. 1. J. HABRIBOH, Secretin'. OIL. COMPANIES. ifn n JUOJS GREAT REPUBLIC MUTUAL OIL COMPANY PHIMDBIPHIi, NEW TORE, AND BOSTON. 350,000 SHARKS, aU, ..,$», FAR YALUE. BO GENTS FSB SHABB 50 CENTS FSB SHARK B 0 CENTS FIR BHABX SO OBHTB FKX BHABB SO CENTS FEB SHARE SO DEBTS PER SHABB 50 CENTS PER SHARE SO CENTS FEB SHARE 50 CKHTS PSR SHABB SO CENTS FEB SHABB FOR FULL-PAID STOCK. FOR FOUL-PAID STOCK, FOR FULL-PAID STOCK. FOR FULL-PAID STOCK. FOR FULL-PAID STOCK. FOR FULL-PAID STOOK. FOR FULL PAID STOCK. _FOR FULL-PAID STOCK FOR FULL-PAID STOCK. FOR FULL-PAID STOCK. 60,000 SHARES, THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, RESERVED FOB WORKING! OAPITAI,. la forteis/w* above-named Company groat care Las Jsseraken In the soiaetton of properties, so as to obtain nonobnt those well Known to tbs public, and which bare boon trios and found to be the best yet developed. The system of the organization will be on the mtitnal plan, ibe same as that of thr PEOPLE’S EQUITABLE OIL COMPANY, which wa# so aoon taken and now so eagerly oonght after. The-working capital Is to be $30,000, which will be • very handsome fond for com mencing the development of Lth» property, and It is the Intention of the managers to push the work energeti- cally, and with confidence of the great success of the under taking. The subscription ;has been placed at the low figure of 50 CENTS PEB SHARE, so as to enable all to bave a chance for investment’ in this profitable business, where so many fortunes hays been made. The properties haying been taken up some time since, at low prices, makes the investment doubly desirable. on account of cheapness, No. 1 la a tract of eighty acres In tee simple, of un- surpassed <HI Territory, on EAST SANDY CREEK. ADJOINING THE ADAMANTINE WELL, or rather the property on whleh this famous well is situated. It waa struck ahont ten days ago, and le reported as flow- ing 100 barrels of heavy lubrloatlng oil, each barrel of whieh is efinal to throe barrels snoh as is obtained from Oil Creek. There ie room for a large number of wells This property has eighty rods of desirable boring terrt* tory, fronting on the Adamantine hands, frith two good Coal Veins la the Bluffs. PITHOLE GREEK. Ho. ». Aleaaefor fourteen yearn of two-thirds of all the oil obtained on three leaser, on Plthole Bna, a hun- dred rods from the month, as It empties into the Alle- gheny riser. These are vary finely located on the Bun, and fine selections, A well is in progress, and will be completed without expense to the Company. CHERRY RUN. Ho. 3 Is five acres in fee simple upon this celebrated stream, which has attained a notoriety possessed by no other section for producing Petroleum, no wells having been put down upon its borders which have failed to obtain oil, and among those now flowing and pumping are the following: BEED WELL • .... 250 BARBELS. GROGEBY WELL. -.™........—.. ISO " BAEEB WELL.— 90 " AUBURN WELL*. 90 «• DENNBYWBLL .. 40 PHIPPS WELL Oust struck).... 100 •* RYHD PAEH 00 “ BBBYOBT-.. - SO ‘* SLIPPERY ROOK GREEK. Ho. 4 is a lease of twenty years, of five acres (seven- eighths of the Oil to the Company), immediately on the Creek, and but a short distance from the new well of Pifty Barrels Lubricating Oil recently struck by the Slip- pery Bock Company, and which sent' their stock from (1 per share to $0 in one day. The character of the above interests, situated as they are in the centre of what is known as the 1 * Great Oil Basin, " should certainly commend themselYes to the serious attention of those who contemplate investing in Oil Companies, and are unsurpassed by any as a basis for an honorable and energetic petroleum organization, and with that energy Which the management are deter- mined to infuse into it, It certainly must prove a good investment. THE BOOKS WILL BE OPEN MONDAY, MABCII 13th, atdremain openfor one week.unlesa the stock is sooner subscribed for, at No. 30 SOUTH THIRD STREET. okas. 'W. reeves. TREASURES, C. T. YEREEB, Jb. BEOBBTABT. WM. B. RICHMOND, ohU-K OIL COMPANIES. •1--- V--Jl/UWJW |ggf® THO CAMERON GO. CAPITAL i ,<81.000,000. SHARES *..300,000. FAB YALUB-~.~.~ $5.00. SUBSCRIPTION PBIOB —83.50. FRESIDEHT, vanoe stewart; at maoMt ootott, ta. TREASURES, E. G. JAMES, 0Z PHQADInPKU^ BXOBETABY, 3. L. DARLINGTON; VANCE STEWART, Mercer eossty. Fa. JOHN K LEONARD, West Chester, Fa. D. 0- FOSNEY, Washington. D. O. HBNKY D. COOKE. Washington* D; 0. SIMON GAKEBON, Harrisburg, F*. JOHN H. DiBHL, Philadelphia. JOHN P. GRAFF. Philadelphia. GEORGE O. EVANS, Philadelphia. JAMBS DUFFY, Marietta, Lsamstaree. . Pa. The present and prospective valna of the stock- of this Company may be Inferred’ from the fast that 11 ©wide a the simple Interest In 473 (four hundred’ and soventr three) aores of the riohest-testedoll territory-in Venango county, believed by the most experienced’ oil men In that regloa to bo capable of producing a met annual in come to the Company of one and a half mlHlondoltars, or three times the entire cost of the stock, whisk would be equivalent to twenty -five per cent, a month on Its subscription price, or one hundred and fifty per cent, per annum on itsparvahm. The following h a description of the Company's pro perty: One-fourth fee simple Interest In the celebrated “Hoover ” Farm, situate on the Allegheny- river, about two. and one-half miles below Franklin, con taining 292 (two hundred and ninety-two) acres, with 383 rods (or over one mile) front on the-Allegheny river, on which there us now twelve leasee, each ten rode square, and from which the owners of the fee simple get one half the oil, Dee of all expense. Besides this, there are two wells owned by the owners of the fee, Dorn whleh they get all the oIL On this Farm there are now ten wella In operation, producing an average.of tan barrels per day, and several others are about being tubed. There are alio on‘it 167 (eighty-seven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications are now standing to lesse the latter for one half the oil to the owners. Out of the twelve wells on this Farm eleveir are new paying handsomely; a fact which sufficiently demon strates the great richness, and reliability of the terri tory. , Is the entire fee simple Interest lnlUl (one hundred mid eighty-one) ures, situate on the Allegheny river, near lyopposite the “Hoover ” Farm, and a- littla nearer Franklin, at the month- of null Bun-, having a front of Mrodeon the Allegheny river, and one mile on both aides of Mill Bun. with amide bortngeurfaee for one hundred mils, or Lots of ten rods square. This tract Is known ac the “Stewart Farm,” and Is clear of all leases or Incumbrances of any kind. There Is now inoperatlon- a fifty-barrel well (beside several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, whl.h ad joins this on the south. Intact, the “Stewart” Farm 1c surrounded with good-paying wells, and within a short time a single lease of 80 rods front, on the Imme diate opposite side of the river, sold for $16S;000 (one hundred and sixty-five thousand doling} On this lease a good well has been struck within a few days. In addition to the territory of the “Stewart” Faria, which la believed to be equally as good as the “ Hoov er," there are on It a three- itory Grist Hill, with fine water-power, a good farm-house, and other buildings, hat will hoof ate to the company. , The dv.rabilitv.Qt this immediate pH section Is Illus trated by ttn fact that some of the wells oh the “ Hoov er” Farm have been pumping for over four years, with out any material diminution In their yield, while the oil here produced, from its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel mere than the oil at OH Greek.* • The ofleersof the Company-tael'justified In present ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous management, the above lands .can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders In a comparatively short time: THE "STEWART FARM.” There la room on this for one hundred lots of ten rode sduare, all of which can he leased immediately for one* half the oil*/ree of all expense to the Company, Setimatiug one well to each lot (one hundred wells, .although there it room fox three hundred) at the very moderate average of ten barrels each, would make a Daily product of—■-» »»-»»♦» ■«■»•■«> ww 1,000 bhls* Out of this the Company’s share would be. 800 bbls. Value of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl (it is now telling at Allowing three hundred working days to the year, this would make the Oompa» ny’s annual net receipts, from the Stew art Farm alone* —2,600,000 00 the same estimates for the * ‘Hoov er ’* 7arm, in which the Company owne one-fourth in fee of the land Interest, the *nnn«.i aet receipts from the latter would Makiif the anneal nc&pta from both ywtms.*—l,B7s,ooo 00 Deducting from this amount the sum of •370,000 for contingencies, would leave the Ifet Income of the Company.ol,6oo,ooo 00 JLLL THESE LOTS OAK BE IMMEDIATELY LEASED, If it is deemed expedient, at a royalty of one-half the Oil, with covenants binding leeiees to sink wells, with, all possible diligence, to the depth of 000 or more feet. A PBW PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. You are not aeked to subscribe to this Stock with the. expectation of immediately receiving large dividends, bnt the basis on which the Company rests, it is be lieved. will make your Investment not only safe, but, prospectively, of enormous valve. Hot withstanding, at the present prices of oil,the Com pany’s annual receipts (without any farther develop ment) would be forty thousand dollars, or sight per sent, on the coot of the stock. The President, Mr. Stewart, is one of the most praeti eal and experienced oil operators in the State, end his residence near the Company's property and general oversight of its management . Is the best guarantee that no efforts will be spared to make the investment pro fitable. Applications for a large proportion of the stock have already been made, bnt nonrwill be received until the hooka of the Company are regularly opened for that pnrpoM. Only » limited amount of the stock wiUhesoldat subscription pries. The stock will be issued full paid, without further assessments. BOOKS OP BUBSCEIPTIOHs'wiII he open for a few days, on and after January 18,1866, at the oßse of E. Re JAMES, Treasurer, *O.lOl WAIJtUT Street, FMlade. Alee, temporarily, by A. DOUfiliS, RB-tf At S. E. cor. SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sti. |®» THE WEST AL PETROLEUM A! PEOVIBIOHAL BOAI i STEIOKLABD KNEABB. Mahlon Gillingham, James McManes, Daniel HeGleary, Willi.in Griffiths, Matthew J. Brady* J T. Hewand* A. a ®-^.*S,Staa3ra&^ ,w - JAMESLYND, Trustee. At a meeting of the Stockholder*, held March. 2, after hearing Me report of the Fiovhional Board, showing the greaMte In the Thine of.the lands, it was - . Resolved, That all stock which shall not he paid in foil before the Ist of April, shall be forfeited for the use of the Association, and that after that date no Block shall be sold at less than $1.60 per share. The Lards of tbe Association consist of I.lBsacres si tualed on Reedy Creek, on the Little Kanahwa. and on Hughes river, in the belt Oil district of West Virginia, An Engine has been purchased, and work will be imme diately commenced. h tock can be subscribed for until Ist April, at $1 pgr share, full paid, at tbe office of the Trustee, 80. &% S. SIXTH Street, second door. ■ • . An adjourned meeting of tbe Stockholders will be held onTHUBSDAY, the 16thlast, atBo’clockP. M. mhlS mva* PHILADELPHIA MUTUAL PETROLEUM COMPACT, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER'SHARE FOR FXJEL-PAID STOCK. CAPITAL, 300,000 SHARES AT $l, FAR VALUE. WOBKttfG CAPITAL} 100,000 SHARBB, OR $25,009. The plan of this Company is that each .subscriber enters upon the Ground Floor, as it is sailed, or be comes a purchaser of tbe property, and shares all the profits; therefore,-the Block is issued fully paid at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER SHARE, enabling all to secure an interest at a small cost, with excellent prospects of speedy and large returns The assets of this Company eonsitt of 175 acres of land,fo fee Simple, and ihree leases on five acres near Sugar Creek, with half the oil, and half the oil of three leases on the property on Cherry Tree Ban. Tract So. 1 1b situate in Cherry Grove township, Warren county, and contains one hundred and sixty - five acres of land, in fee simple, not far from the cele brated Fox flowing well, audio the immediate neigh borhood of Bereral wells going down. Tract No. % is situate on Cherry Tree Run.tu Venango county, and contains nine asres and one hundred, and forty-oie perches of land, in fee simple, about three four tbs of a mile from the town of Cherry Tree. There has been a ICG-ban el well struck on this run, about half a mile from this property The Big Tank Com pany ’s land is close to this property, upon which there are now tlx wells going down, ana several more will be commenced within sixty nays. Weils are going down above »nd below this property, with line show of oil. This tract is not over a mile and a half from tbe Egbert Farm, upon which are the celebrated Maple Shade, Jersey, and Coquette Wells, ail of which have produced over 600 barrels per day, and are now yield* ii g from 260 to 600 barrels. The Company intend to sink three wells of their own immediately, which, with the three leases under way, will make a handsome yield of oil for the Company. No 8 Is a lease on the left branch of Patchell Bun, between the Allegheny river and French Creek,directly in the centre of the two oil avenues that now run through Venae go county, and about one mile from the Bugar Creek Well, .now yielding about 79 barrels per 4 m. 41, a lease near tha&lovs, an, equally as aoed and eligible. No. 6 is a lease near the above, and about half a mile from the new well, just about 35 barrels per day: and as the Company intend to push the develop ment of the above without delay, being where heavy lubricating oil is found of the best quality, the stock of thiß Company should be. as it no doubt is, really worth five times the subscription asked, and will in a very short time exceed that of any other of the Companies now offered, in proportion to the subscription required. Examine our acEets. tnd after carefully comparing them with any other offered to you, judge for yourself, and act i ccordlngly. v Books of subscription will be opened on MONDAY next, March 13, and will not remain open over one week, at FREBIDBTfT —ISRAEL E. D BACON. Treasurer— K_ B. BAKPBR. SECRETARY—' WILLIAM MoDASIBE. PRESIDENT. To the Philadelphia Mutual Petroleutn Company: I have been over your nine acre trace* and* from the annearanee of the tnrrocndiDg property* am satisfied there is no better oil territory in Pennsylvania. The whole 7 !ract is low bottom land, and there is ample room for twenty-five wells Cherrr Tree Bun forks pa tbit property* both branches runnii g through, the entire tract. xoura* v«rj THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1865. OF PEXTO&'YItVANXJL Wmi OHram.rh DIRECTORS, YIKHIHEIA NATION > LSSOCIAMOHL ED 03? DIRECTORS. STATE OF PBITKSTLVAUIA. HARPER, DURNEY, & OO.’S, No. 55 South THIRD Street. fc BROWN, OIL COMPANIES. FETBUUEVH. THE MEW YOKE AND LIVERPOOL PETROLEUM COMPANY. OBOAMIZBD OTHER THE HIKING AND MABOTAOTDEIBO DAWS OF THI STATE OF HEW ¥ORK.\ CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, SIO FEB SHAKE, NOT LIABLE TO ASSESS- <H>VEBNMMrr bobdb asd bbobritibs taebb IN FAYMBBI FOB STOCK. OFFICES: No. »4 EMPIRE BDILDIBO, - So. 71 BROADWAY. BBW YORE. Post Offios AddrrBB, Box No. £3BB, Bair Yoke. . OFFICERS. - Hon. DANIEL ft DICKINSON, President. WM. T. PHIPPS. Ties Preiident. Robert bassett, secretary. H. J. BCBTIS. Mini** Snperintenaent.TltullTmftFa. ATLABTIC BANK.No.H2 Broadway. B. Y. .Trearary. The well, of Hie Company ere bow products* oil. Payment lor etoek may *e made la drafts, reiletend BOtee, or Government bondeend eecririties, wbich bonds’ and securities will be taken at their raftket .alne. KejEDittanoea jcay be add reused to the Company, P. O. Box So. 6568, Sow York City, or to “Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the Sew York'sad Liverpool Petroleum Company ,JNo. MS Broadway, Sew fork City. ** Prospeeim sent to any address on implication, coa tateisg a foil and dear account of the operations of jtMs HOST SOCOESSKtt PKTBOUH7M COMPAHT. mMsm m, UNION OHEJEBT KUN BASIN OIL HWIIG COMPAffYOF PKTSBOEO. OAPITAIi STOCK™.*™..™*.™™....s2so,ooo Itt 350.000 Shares of OCfB DOLLAR Myth. $50,'000 of which iirsefcaaido for wotkhtr capital. Only a limited somber of ah&re&tb be sold, : OFFIGBB& PSBSIDBOTV fcIBEGTORS, wu. mcootchboh; jtohr p. kbamfb. Liberty- street, Pittsburg; Caabier First National Bank, AUegbeuy. B. B. VoEIiBOT. Of HcSlroy, Mokson. ft Co. , Wood Street, Pittsburg. Wtt McCtJTOHEOIF, Liberty street, Pittsburg. Pittsburg.- ■ TBBASSBB**. »: A. QBoßOfc Cashier Fanners’ Peoosit Rational ißank, PiUa bwp; SBOBSTABY, JAUEB MoOtJTCHEOB, Liberty street, Pittsmnfe StfPBRLHTBH'DENT, tdomas b. class, Oil City, Pa. _The property is located entirely in Tenanto coast?, Pennsylvania; First; 194 acres choice territory in. fee simple on Hickory-Creek, eommeneini shout 375 rods ffufit its mouth, on the Allegheny river, and extending-along either Bide of the creeka distance of 330 rode, making a water front entire of COO rods, or room at least for 200 wells. The developments now being made in this lo* cality, combined, with the late strikes on Fit Hole Creek, and other tributaries- of the river, show and sstabUsh-conclusively the fact that 1 time and labor are the' only necessary requisites to the obtaining of large payJDg wellson tnla territory.- The land is subject tar two leases of one-half acre each, the Company reset vine one-half the oil', and'beingat Bo expense. Becondr One-quarler le&ie-fcoidlots Bos. 48- and 48. AMEdHEKY PETROLHOH COITPANT. 0n the Allegheny river, about one*fourth mile above Horse Greek-and about thirty 'rods fromawell sow said to-be producing 40 -barrel s'ofoil per day. These lots join front, each E rods ■ on- the river and extend back some SO rode—making a frontage oflSTods. going; down on this property* one of which is nearly completed, being' about some 400 feet; The in dications are that this will be'a big well, as-already several fine veins of oil have been Btruek. LEASE, TWENTY TRIES, Royalty* tlree-cighths of the oil. Third. 916ths lease-hold In lobffo.* 39? BPRIHGFIELD PETROLEUM’COMPANY. On Cherry Hun, about three-quarters of a mile above the "Heed” well, and -but a short* distance from-tire "Auburn,” "Yankee,” and pther good wells. There is room on the property for three wells.- one of whichris now being vigorously prosecuted. Thirty days, it is confidently belived, will make this-well ready for test ing, as the-machinery and everything connected with it is of the first order. Lease, years; Royalty* one hall of the oil Fourth. lit* entire lease-bold of lot No. 16. . ST. HICHOLA3 OIL. COMPANY. On Cherry Bun. On this property there is. room for four wells* one of which is now being sank. As this* lease is located near the famous Seed, Baker* and .Gro cery Wells* producing-respectively 280* 100. and 200~ barrels, there is scarcely a doubt of- abundant success*. The record of Cherry Bun chronicles no failure In thin favorite locality. Lease, SO years; Royalty, half the oil. Subscripts n Book for a limited number of the above shares now open at the office of MoCHTOHEOH & COLLINS, 514:0 and fciftJSorth FRONTStreet. FHll/ADEitPHIAf-Feb. 27 1865. gth7-~6fc ? •0,000 00 978,000 00 prSURANOK AGAINST EVERY DESCRIPTION, fBAYEMiERB 5 IKSUfiAIGE OOMfMI, HHt W. AHm, Agent, 404 Walnut Street, GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES For Five Hundred Dollars, with $3 par weekcompen eatios* can be bad for $3 per annum, or aoy v other sum between $6OO and $20,000 at proportionate rates. TEN DOLLARS PREMIUM) Secures a Policy for $2,000, or $lO per week compensa tion for all and every description of accident—travelling or otherwise—under a General Aeeident Policy, at the Ordinary Bate, THIRTY DOLLIES PREMIUM. Secures a full Policy for $6,000, or $35 per week com pensation, as above, at the Special Sate, FOREIGN BISKS. Policies issued for Foreign, West India; uid- Califor nia Travel. Bates can be learned by appiication.to the Office. v* SHOET TIME TICKETS. Arrangements are in course of completion by which the traveller will be able to purchase, at any Bailway Ticket Office. Insurance Tickets for one or thirty_ days’ travel. Ten cents will buy a ticket for one day *s travel. Insuring $3,000, or' $l6 weekly compensation. Ticket Policies may be had for 3,6; and 13 months, in the same manner. Hazardous Bisks taken at Hazardous Bates. Policies issued for 5 years for 4 years premium. INBUCEMENm The rates of premium are less than those of any other Company covering the same risk. No medical examination is' required, and thousands of those who have been rejected by Life Companies, in consequence of hereditary or other diseases, «au effect Insurance in the TRAVELLERS’ at the lowest rates. Life Insurance Companies pay no part of the principal sum until the death .of theassured. The TRAVELLERS’ pay the loss or damage sustained by personal injury whenever it occurs. The feeling of security which such an insurance gives to those dependent upon their own labor for support is worth more than money. No better or more satisfac tory me can be made of so small a sum. _ J. G. BATTERSON, President. RODNEY DENNIS, Secretary. - «• *■ BAVIS - V 1m B WEK. CHHnliwt. Applications received and Policies issued by WILLIAM W ALLEN, mhl3-mwfr3m Nd v 4o4fc WALKUf.Street, QOLD.AKD SILVER : ~~ AMEEICAN ’ WATCHES, THE BEST AND MOST BBLI ABLE TIMEPIECE MADE. AMETHYST, SPANISH TOPAZ, AND ELEGANT gAOE’S ORNAMENTAL HAIR MAMUFAPTOBV. The largest and beet assortment of WIGS, TOUPEES. LONG HAlfi BBAIDS AND CUBES, WATKBFALLS, YICTOBINES, EBIZBTTBS, ILLUSIVE SEAMS POB LADIES, At price, lower than elsewhere, at PHILADELPHIA. PHOTOGRAPHIC JL COMPANY, No. #7O CHESTNUT Street —Manu facturers of CARTES I>£ VISITS for . the trade. A large stock of the best and most desirable subjects always on hand; also, a full supply of Soule’s “Spe cialities. ” Orders delivered at the shortest notice. Dealers will find it to then advantage to c&U at our Rooms, 80. #7O CHESTNUT Street. mhl3-mwf 3t* TH E SCIENCE OF ' MEDICINE should stand simple, pure, majestic; having fact for its basis, induction for its pillar, truth alone for its capital. So stand HBLMBOLo’S GENUINE FRBPA* RATIONS, established over 16 years. . H. JAMES, 1 (Formerly of Philadelphia.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PBNNA. Special attention given to the examination of Titles. Philadelphia Hepbxbhoes Ohas. B. Lex, Esq., Bon J. Boss Snowden, James H Little, Bsq.\ T. T. Tasker. Sr-, Hood, Bonbright, A Co., J. Z. DeHaven, President 7th National Bank. mhlo-3m* CAMUEL W* HOFFMAN, ATTORNEY O AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER, FRANKLIN. VENANGO COUNTY, PENN A. > (late of Philadelphia.) rareußß TO Charles B. Lex. Esq., i B. &W. C. Biddle A Co.. B. C. Knight & Co., j Dr. B. S. Mackenzie, James fi. Little, JStq.» 1 W, H. Teaton A Go. fell-Sm . TTrand opening of the season VI MBS^ALLEff, HO. 7*B CH KBTH wf STREET. Will open on MOSDAY 5 EXT a splendid assortment of Xt&tee’and CfcUdxen’s Patterns* cemprteing aU the novelties from Paris and London Dressmahinr in atlvariettes. Cntttaff and fitting done at short notice. Mts aLLBK 1b the authorised agent for Madame DB MOREBT, of Bew York, and wifi fnrnUh all attitlea from that celebrated establishment. mhlf.at* meint. JOHN M. CBAWFOBS, Hew Castle, Pa. BBSNBZBB MoJUBKIH, Butler, P». Hon. JOHN H. DUNLAP, Lancaster, Pa. AHD'OOHSIBTSOF TWO WELLS ISSLBAIfCE. ACCIHVB BETHS HARTFORD* CONN, FSILADELPHIA. PEARL JEWELRY, N. RULON’S, 1038 CHBSTEUr STSSST. 909 CHESTNUT Sbreit. MILITARY. J2I4TH PENNSYLVANIA VOLUN-J TIBBS! g EIGHTH CKION LEAGUE REGIMENT. T JHSJC LITi 3 T COSIHITTIK OP THI OHIO LEAGUE has rteelved authority to raise a Bailment or infantry for TWELVE MONTHS’ SERVICE, antler the call of Decemher 19th, 18M. The number MBlgned to the Beglment le the 3Uth Pennsylvania Volunteers. Orders have betn given to the Provost Marshals and other Mustering Officers to master in recruits for the Regiment. TICK HEADQUARTERS OF THE REGIMENT ■ is XT NATIONAL GUARDS’ HALL, BAOE STREET, BELOW SIXTH, where recruit* will be taken. APPLICATIONS POSTPOSITIONS IN TRB BBQIMBNT T Hf'Bf H4 -LS, WARD COMMITTEBB, and others, are invited to assist in recruiting for the Regi ment. By order of the Committee. , mhlO-St «THE GRAND NATIONAL GUARD. Major General Hancock's Ist Army Corps of Yeierans. 80,000 VETERANS WANTED. THB PATBIOTIC BXCITBMKNr OH THB INCBBASB. 3Bb Corps in' be Keeraltetl to it. Maxi. nun N Hmber, TSSBUHIBY B3IOADB WILL BE ATTACHED TO THIS COBPS; It ' „ Tha-lst A»my Coijw of Veteranr fbr the GALLANT . GBNBBAL' HANCOfiKL' tb form ss part of toe GRAND -MaTlbfiAL GTJaBS; to protect' the' fuetUnttoss of our- country, to vjndiffate toe' honor, power, and gi.ry aa emhlealied In thr “OLD FLAG,” and debt rsr and sustain it against AH enemlw. forolcn tor* domwttu have occnblod a considerable eamre of public attention lor some ttme past. It is-gratfPyiog to annonaceto the public at large,-that to ftr las'effort, hare beejrnrowned with success. Tttmoble iwponse oftfce veteran. reflect, la finite eredltouth'eiFpatttetGsm. Their wllUngnme to be in atthe death of the moat It fa mous and eongfclees' roboUiOmthat over .fesmked'elvGiua tlnnund ebrfttlanlty will make a brlUlant'page-la’tlM history of ourtwnntiy, aid' endear their names tcppoo terity, BOUNTIES ABN PAY. Since my firsPfceneral advertisement, tbeboiratlsir'of fered by the constituted authorities of PSXtadelpßUa have beau Increased ss followi: The net pay of'a Veteran Volunteer In " Hancock’* Corps Is, via: For one rear Government Bounty.™.flfXV City of Philadelphftßotmti i«MH.H4tototi toee*. 400* Monthly pay £roxn*Bhited‘States GSVerdment, tie 4 per m0nth....... 192 Ciothincaccoiint yearly***.. ...*-*.. .**..*,.*...*.•* 42 Ward Bounty (average?.**...*..... .■•*••**«..**,•**» 25' City Belief for Fsmiites of’ Volunteers," $5 per ‘ month.^w.****.******.*.. -72' Total t e tseets is«h ttv. «**s • 1.t.e... « e-e* e* e a * e m«9E,!15.l The net nay of Veteran Volnilteerif fdr tw6 s yeiate Ifi. ’ Hancock Gotps is, vis: Government Bounty--.-*.. 9600 City of Philadelphia Bounty*****-* ********,*♦*****, too 1 Monthly pay from Umfced*Btater GoVehukeht; : sl0 n -per month~~~.. v ~N*.**..***********.*».******** 384* Clothingaccount, $42 per year *i*...**.*.**«..*♦***, 84' Ward Bounty, Overate).**********».u***.*.*,*..♦** at •- City relief for family* $6 per mohth-X*.****.*-*- 144 Total.*—♦*** * **»*♦.*****.*.. **..sl; 687 ■The net pay of a Veteran Vfchmteftrfor tfcftfc-yehrs in Hancock’* Corps is, viz: Government Bounty.. .****.a**..****..*****.******** $6OO Pity of Philadelphia Bounty.**. »*.. .... Monthly pay from United Btatev€h>yemmenS?‘sßs"' per month. ..*>**** 678 Clothing account, $42 per year..™***.***.******** 126 Ward Bounty, (average) • .**.*»**. **.* **♦. .*. * ****** 25 City relief for families, $6 per isonth,^**.***. * **** 216 Total*-****.™~™**...***~. ********.****s2,l4s „ __ REPRESENTATIVE BBOBUITB. Let it he distinelly understood that any man, 'exempt from draft, or woman or young lady desirous of being represented in the army can do so, upon'paying to the undersigned the sum or $6O, and a handsome certificate eommsmorative of the event will be'given to the person thus represented. Of this sum be paHTto the recruit* and $26 will be retaineu to*defray the exfcnww-' dinary expenses for mnsie, advertising and bill print* ingineldent to raising troops. Let every man and wo man in the State, who desires to be represented in the army, some forward and make this ihveßtment forthe pwppe, of gggjggM W.- The Brigade of three regiments, named in honor of that gaJlant hero whose name lives in history; will bo at tached to the Ist Army Corps, w&t i* tbs intentioa of the patrletic gentlemen interested Tu perfecting this orga nization to present each member .with monial as a memento of the occasion of his re>enlißti*g especially in the Brigade. Th» Recruiting and Mustering Office, fbr the present* is at the northwest eorher of FIFTH and PBTJJSfS Streets, Fifth ward. Disbursing Office; northeast cor ner of SIXTH and MIHOB Streets. • Tiro headquarters of the men, after havingbeenmuetered into the service, are at Bichmond EtlL Other recruiting offices will be opened in differ ent parts of the city and State as soon as the 'arrange ments can be perfected. BENJAMIN FBANSLIN, Executive of the Becruitisg Committee and Chief of mbB 6t Detective DepartmentsPiUlada. STO MEN OF COLOR I HIGHEST BOUNTIES EVER PAID. #6OO BOUNTY FOB ONE TEAR, ,£S6» PAID WHEN HUBXEBKD IN. Yon are new offered i SAME PAY!. SAME BOUNTY! SAME RELIEF MONEY 1 treated In BVBBY BBBPBCT the same as white soldiers. Great care ia exercised in the seleciioa of tost officers,' As soon u mustered you will iso sent to CAMP WILLIAM PENN. beautifully located at Chelton Hills, one of the best regulated camps in the country, where every attention is paid to the comfort of the men. A Volunteer will receive for one year BIGHT HUN DRED and THIRTY-FOUR DOLL AES (sB3*), EX CLCBIYB OP CITY RKLIBF FOR FAMILY OF ST3.. Over $5OO of which he can leave with Ms family, or invest in cold •bearing bonds. COLORED MEN THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY COMB FORWARD! Do sot hesitate and remain-at home to fill inferior positions, when the opportunity is offered you to volunteer as SOLDIERS O&.THB BE IW-Thl EB P roßll T C° ntBBlt *° l,B “ ° ITI ' CALL AHD BBCEIYB YOUK FULL BOUHTY, R. CORSON, «h7-6t HEADOTABTBES 1310 CHEBTHUTStreet. FiNAHCXAE,. NEW XJ. s. NOTES FOR SALE, IH SUMS TO SUIT PUKCHASBBS. DAVIES BROTHERS, BANKERS AND BROKEBB, 335D08K STBHHT, DEALERS IB GOVBBHMBHT SBOtTBITIBS GIBB- 10—40 BONDS * BONDS. MAROH.MAY, AMD JULY GOUFoM, CASHJBD raeoui, B.Y . , ■ HENRY a. HEIt-JBR SOWS, DEALERS i a. vUl do wS? to datiwh the Coupon* and realize tie inters at at present rates for Gold. Parties residing out of the city wishing to. cash their Coupons can forward them by express, and we will re* turn the Gold or Its value in greenbacks, aa desired. fe!2 ant nm STOCKS, U. S. LOANS, &c., V/ SOUGHT AMD SOLD OS COMMISBIO*. Bx GBOKGB J. SOTS. Broher, Jl4-Smil So. 18 Bonth THIRD Street. .JBAB'E ark o? W%£l { nt MAGIC .3* EUFFLB - COMPANY, To he found on each box and each piece of GBtIUIKB MAGIO BUFFLIB. AH goods, of whatever name, not hnvtnr this TRADE MASK, are worth lets imitations The P , GEM HIKE MAG 10 BUFFLES are full WSA } six yards in each piece;are weUmade, «as3L' \ ot the heat material, and give perfect satis* faction in use. LOOK FOB THIS PECULIAR TBADK MASK When purchasing Buf- lies. Manufactured only By the MAGIC sswdW itUFFLB OoMFAHY, mhll-St So. 95 CHAMBEBS Street, Hew York. . PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—THOSE JL being most durable are the patented hinge-bach Albums, combining strength and.the greatest decree of flexibility. Sold by B. F. BEIUBR. ARCH St, It* m. FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND ZX MACHIHBS -All thelim proved Ploughs, Herrowe. Cultivators, Seed-sowers, Hay, Straw, and Fodder cutters, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Mow ing and Beaping Machines. Spring-tooth Horae Hay Bikes, Field and Garden BoHers, Garden and Farm Barrows, Farm Bbllb, Ox Yokes, Churns. Grist Mills, together with a full stock of all implement* appertaining to the garden. Purchasers are invited to call and ex* amino my stock and omnT BUIST> jE „ Agrteultnrai and Seed Warehouse, Hob. 933 and 934 MARKET Street, »hll-<t Above ninth. «BUIST’S WARRANTED KITCHEN GaBBBH SEEDS. —These Beede nre war ranted ns represented, and are unsurpassed in purity or quality. For eaie by __ . , . • BOBEBT BOIBT, Jr„ Hoe. 933 arSW MARKET Street. mhll-8t Above Hinth. ONION SETTS.—2OO BUSHELS 3C prime white and yellow Onion setts now in store, aud for sale at th. lowest market srice _ Seed and Agricultural Warehouse, Hos. 933 and 934 MABKET Street. mhti et -■ above Hinth ® EXTRA EARLY PEAS—2OOBUSH ELS Extra Early Feae. utaurpaared in quality, now Is store and for sale, in quantities to suit, by ROBbkt Buist, Js , Seed and Agricultural Warehouse, mhll- 6t 933 and 934 BASKET St., ab. Hinth. TS7ILLIAM EVANS, JR., Tv 353 SOUTH FBOBT BTBBBT, Wholesale and Be tall Healer in WHITE LBMD, ZIHC. AMD COLOBS. AMBBICAH ANBFOBEIGM WIHDOW GLASS, of Air. nnsoniPTioxs, AT LOWEST MARKET BATHS. ,„ „ , Agentfor PATHBT GLASS LETTERS. mhB 3mfp HTHE CHEAPEST AND BEST'PLACE X in the, city to get Head-dresses, Plain or Faney Caps, is at Ko. 904: ARCH Street. mhlLft* rrHE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH. A —Therefore, the nervoua and debilitated should Immediately use HELMBOLD'S BXTBAOT BUCBU. e, B, OOE, SIXTH AKB MARKET STREETS, gLEACHED MUSLINS AT REDUCED PRICES. Tie enbecrlbfrs h»ve received from the , LATE AUCTION SALES Several packages of the most desirable makes of SHEKTIKG, BHIBTIKG. AKD PIiLOW CASE MPSHdS, To which they respectfully invite the attention of buyers. SHEPPABD, VAN HARLINGEN, & AKBXSON, mb*3-6fc 1008 CHESTNUT BTRBST. REDUCED PRICES. HOUSEKEEPING DRt OOOHS, SHIRTING LINENS, LINEN SHEETINGS, and PILLOW CASE LINENS. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES. TOWELS and TO WELINGS of ©very doaorip* tton. Q.UILTS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS. ALSO, A large aißortment of LAOS CURTAINS) OUB TAIH MATERIALS, CUB TAIN FIXTURES, GOLD. BOBDEBED SHADES, Ac , Ac. • ' SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, mh!B 6t . 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. TAGG & BRO., COR. TENTH AND A PIKE, OPEN FROM AUCTION— -3 lots floe frosting Linens, flop. 90c, and $1.25. 1 lot bleached Table Linen, double damask, $1.25. 1 lot colored Tab:e Linen, double damatk* 89c. 3 lots black Alpflhas, very fine, high inures, 87c, $l, and $1.75. 1 lot Gents’, Cotton Drawers, unbleached, sl.Bf& 2 lota Gents* gauze merino Undershirts, $1.60 and $1.75. 9 lota emali-pattem white Brillianti, 40 c, 50s, and 65c* 3 lots cambric plaid Muslins, small plaids, 40c, 44c, andofo -1 lot all-linen very fine Blrdeye, fiOo. Hot English Manchester Ginghams, £oc. filotiNcs. 4 and 6 corded* edge, all colors, trimming Ribbons, 20c. 7 Jots mack and black and white, best makes, Velvet Ribbons.- Hot Ladies* Lisle-thread Gloves, 20s. 1 lot Ladies' unbleached Cotton Bose, 35a 1 lot, all sizes. Misses’ regular-made White Hoye, ] lot, all sizes, Boys* unbleached Half- Hobs. Also. Buttons, Combs, Brushes, Gloves, Soaps, Ac., Ac., all below regular prices. mhll-M VUANTEP—A COMPETENT PER .• SOH to taka-charge of the Boaiaeu Department or a Weekly Publication. Addreae. With name, re ference, etc.. Bog HOP Fost office, mhl2-3t* WASTED-A FIRST-OLASB SALEB - » MAH In a White (Foods and Embroideries Hcm»a on Market street Address, with real name Ceonflden tlally), Box 2192. P. o*. it* WANTED, IN A QUARTETTE CHOIR-A good Tenor and Bass Voices, for an Episcopal Church* in the vicinity of Broad and Arch streets. Address P. O. Box 2022. mhli 2t* WANTED—ES? A RELIGIOUS PUB HOOTS, * Young Man as ASSIBTAHT BOOH-EBKP&B, and toramlet In selling, about IS years of age. Address, In own'handwriting, Bou2OSD e. O. mbß>3t WANTED-AT flf® PBR MONTH vT . A reliable Canvasrar in every town and coimtya for the NUJ&SE AND SFT, the* most interesting and ; exciting book ever published; embracing the adven tuns ofa woman in the Union army as Nurse, Scout, and Spy, giving a most vivid inner picture of the war. We havfe Agenta clearing month, which we will prove to any doubting appilrant Send for cixcularß. Afidreai “ JONEB. BROS*, A CO:, GOO CHSBTNUT Street, PH^jftdelphifu ,, mh7 Im* J GENTLEMAN TBKJROWGHLY AO QDAINTED with the Banking and Stock business, and eligible for tbe Board of Brokers, desires to make arrangements with someone who cm command from Thirty to Fifty Thousand Dollar* toestahlish a Banking House. • Address '** F. W.,” Box 2884 Post'Offllie,- It* AN AMERICAN LADM./WHO IS AN Jk experienced -Housekeeper. wtshes a’SITIFATIOH. Satisfactory reference given and rcq.aired*. Inquire, for at &fZ4r North SIXTH Street. * mhll-2i* 7L YOUNGS MAN WISHES’A SITUA !*u TXON as Assistant Book-keeper in a Mercantile Houser oood‘> reference given. Addreis* “Horace.” ■Prean-Offlce, ‘ Employ hint boused for HousekeepenSeamstresses, ChMnbermaids.Walfc ers. Nurses; Cooke, Laundresses, and general house* work, white and colored. 8058 LOCUST St. feaQ-iu, TfSPPHOTI ENT FOR Clerks, Book-keepers, Salesmen, lackers. Porters, Watchafeni-Coachraea, Drivers, Conductors, Bar-tend er*. Waiters, Farm* hands. Gardeners, &c Employers suited at short notiss. 'Boi3 and 804* LOCUST Street. fe2fclnr QALE6MAN WANTED mi A DRY K-? GOODS COMMISSION HOUSE. One well ac quainted with'* city- trade. Address Post Office Box 1,043. • mhll-6t» RENT FOR: THE: Summer, a Cottage, furnished or unfurnisbed. Within say 10 miles of'the city, and near a railroad station.- Address BoxllflOPhiladelphiaPrO mhlg Qt* . m "WANTED TO RENT, B® APRIL SEIl.t, a modern DWELLING, nitnated above Arch .treet and west of Broad, .Bent about $lOO. Address Box 1937, Post Offloe mh2-lm* Sftlfi ncwi $10:000, AND TO IUjUUU, INVEST upon mortgage. Apply to . A. EITLBR. mhll-6V* No. 51 North SIXTH St. tinnO:.T° S3^OOO.—PARTIES'WITH * j’-'vU these amounts to invest in a sole and. ex clusive agency in Philadelphia. for an extensive Easi er!! manufactured article. in great demand, may learn pwticinafs by addressing the undersigned* through the HULL h GOODELL. SS-lftnOfi f 5.000.- AND f3;000 TO a\_J 5 A/ W 9 <loau on zaortgage by ANTHONY P' & J- H, MORRIS, AROH Street. mhlQ Sfc* SAME PENSION I HEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF ■ ‘HELD IH BONDAGE; on,GBAHYILLB DB VIGHE. ’ ’ JIJST PUBLISHED, SYBATmUOBEi 08, WROUGHT BY HIS OWN HAND. R.Y “QUID A,” Authosl of ‘‘HEirr.iit BoKiiaoB; on, Gjsakvielh Dr Yishb," OKB YOU I2MO. 620 PAGES. PBICB 91. J. B. LIPFINCOrr A 00., mb 15 6t. PUEMSHEBS, Yl5 and TIT MABKET St. pENNv REPORTS. DALLAS, & volumes; ADDISOH, 1 volume: YBtTES, 4.volumes; 81HH8Y,,6 vole. ; BBBGBAHT A BAWLS. 17 volumes;BAWLE, 5 volumes; FEMROSB A WATTS, avolumee; WATTS, 10volumes; WHABTOM, t vola.; WATTS A' SBBGEAHT, vola. 1t0.6 inelualve; PSHH. STATE, vols. 1 to 27 inolualve. The above eighty.nine volume* are second-hand, but in Bus condition, bound In law calf. Also, for sale,, separate; WHAETOM’S RBPOBTS,« volumes; YIATES’ BE FOBTS, 6 volumes, and many other Rare ana Valu able Law Books. CALLAGHAH & CUTLER, Law BookaeUers, mbis-mwfr3t CHICAGO, HI. 'J’QO- STRANGE NOT TO BE TRUE. D. APPLETON & CO., N 05143 AND 415 BEOAD- Pabllaii ibis day. ■ TOO STEAUGK UTOT TO BB TBUB; A TALB, By LADY GEORGIAN A FO&LER7OH, Authoreifi of ‘ ftfjdcUeton.J^Lady Bird, *' Ac , 1 vol,, Bvo,, paper cover. $L 60 ; cloth,-*2 * * Truth and fiction an closely blended in this tale, and in the appendix •will be found the material from whence some of its incidents have been drawn, as also the narrative which- hai furnished its groundwork. Those who are sometimes glad to turn away for a while from the beaten roads of history, and to tread the by ways of romance; who love truth which resembles fic tion, and fiction which follows closely in the footsteps of truth, may, perhaps, find some little interest in this story of the last century. V 1) A. Co. have just published: IYKIcAI EECEBATIOHB. By Samoel Ward. 1 vol». 13mo - Cloth. S 3, T&AL oir JOHHY. BEALL AS A SPY AHD GUB EILLa. Price 60 cents. THB BAND-BOOK OP DINING; Or. Cobpulbkot abd Lb abbess Scientifically Oonbipbsbd, Compris ing the Alt'of Dining on Correct Principles, Consistent with Easy Digestion, the Avoidance of Corpulency,and the Gnre of Leanness. By Briliiat Savarin. 1 voL 12mo .*126 COBTRIBUTIONB TO THE GEOLOGY AND THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OP MEXICO,, including a Geological and Topographical Map, with Profiles of some of the Principal Mining Districts. 1 volu 8yo.« cloth, *4. COOBIH ALICE; A Memoir of Alice B. Haven. 1 vol. 12 THi I OKE°BLATIOh'‘aJ&* I 'i?6|[BEEVATION of lOECEB. A Series of Expositions by Prof. Grove, Prof. He! ml olts, Dr. Mayer. Dr. Faraday, Frof Lie big, and Dr. Carpenter, with an Introduction and Bilef Boticeß of the Chief Fromotereof the Views. By Ed ward L. Tonmana.lvol llmo.. *a. ; APOLOGIA FBO VITA BOA Being a Beply to a Pam phlet entitled,. “What, Then, Does Dr. Bowman Mean?" By John Henry Jlewman, D. D.Mjmo. #J. ESSAYS, MOKAL, POLITICAL, AW -®STSETIO. By Herbert Spencer. I voL, liUno. Cloth, *1 LYAA AMKBICAHA; Or. VsasES of Faiisa ajtd. Faith, from American Poets. Belected and Arranged by ■ Bev. George T. Elder. 1 voL, 12mo. *2; Morocco extra. S 5, „ _ • ■ _ LYE A AKGLIGAHA; Or, A Hymkai, of , Saomsd.Po btbt Selected from the teat English writers, and ar ranged after the Order of the Apostles 2 Cieed By Bev. Gecrce T. Elder. 1 vol., 12mo. *2; Morocco extra. *5. HISTORY OF TBE ROMANS UtfDER THE EMPIRE. By Charles Merivaie, D. D , late leUow of 8t John’s College, Cambridge. Vole. Ito 9. To be completed in 7 vole. Price in doth, *2 per voL Any of the above sent/free, by mail, on, receipt of prise. * mhl3 at >7A CENTS. JUST OUT. 75. CENTS., I O "Tony BDTLBB.” LBYSR’B NEW HOYBL. Price, 7S cents. All the new hooks retailed at wholeeue prices at LBYPOIiDT'B Book Store and Library, rahlSraW2t 1383 CHBSTHPT St.. U floor. XTEW WAR MAPS.—BAKILE. MA.P AY AND BATTLE BOLL OP THE OK EAT REBELLION —Bhowin* the Harass, Bates, Ooramanders, Victories, Nnmher or Killed, Wounded, and Mteilna attha Battles of the War, as near as it has beenposeloie to ascertain* in chronological order. * • , HIW MILITABT MAP OPoTHI BORDEft Atfß SOUTBBBN STATES—Showinathe E.helUonaait was and as It Is. Distinctly msrh.il In colora, and.,lvin* the section plainly marked through which, General Gherman marched. BBW UNION MAP OF TH&CTNITBD STATBS-Show lug the Battle-fields, Railroads, Counties, «Cv The latest map published, , w _ nlT For sale hy aw f; \ (Successor to Wm. & mhlS-tf 606 CBBthTHOT Street; XfOTICE TO EOOKBEEJiEftS..—THE underaigted are sow prepared to supply Orders for the fallowing justly celebrated Articles, of which they are the eote MayufactureraN . , Peirce’s Patent Slate Surface for Blackboards; Peirce's Patent Slate Surfaced Leaf Slates; Tablet States, 4 lizes;Boo* Slates* 4Sires; Book Slates with Slated Leaves, & Sizes; Balbaih school Library Slates; Peirce’s Patent Crayons, containing no chalk* and per fectly cleanly* &c., Ac. „„ «_ P&IBOE. BLACK, St CO , mhll-2i* 144 KorthTHUtO Street. Phiiada. PARTES DE VIBITE, MADE BY B. Ay p BEIMSB. an cure to pieasa; theyavlnca ta?ta, .kill, and accuracy. Baa sped mens, and obtain, &na set, at 68* ABCH Street. It* REIMER’S COLORED PHOTO GKAPBS have been standard-style likenesses for years. Their popularity is unabated, in consequence of thtir rare accuracy. Only SL6O SBGONIJ street, above Green ; - ■ ■'• It* TO SHU A T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, O COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS, Office,Jlsl F Street, near Fo&rteenth street, Washington, 3> 0. de23-fig>, TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL.CLOTHING. RETAIL RRT «o»fl|S. WANTS. WITH lI.LUSTRATIONS. FOB gAt.ll AND TO LET. PETROLEUM! OIL!! FOB 6ALB* ORIGINAIi SHARES Is a choice and select OIL COMPANY now forming. OBKAT ISBUOBItBVT. PIBST-CLASS INVESTMENT. OEO. .31 TOWNSEND & CO., 133 X South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia mbfl-wamtf m FOR SALE—THE FOUR-STORT ™ Brick Dwelling and established GROCERY STA3ID at lhe corner of TENTH and LOMBARD Streets, con taining eleven rooms, with flee cellar, heater, range, large circulating boiler, batb, etc.; commodious sales room* and fixtures complete It is well built, and ad* mirably suited for a hotel. Lot 19 br 9 i feat . . W Is, MAJ3SHA.LL, mM3-»t» No. 4-30 WALNUT Street. m FOB SALE—DWELLING-HOUSE •■Sion FIFTEENTH street, north of Arch etreet. Apply to B W. BESBLBY, mhlS-lm* No. 30 North BEVBHTH Street. MTO RENT-WITH IMMEDIATE possession, the pleasant suburban DWELLINGS on the west aide of FORTY-FIRST Street, above Hntton; convenient to Arch- street and other railways i with car riage-shed and large gaideu—ahnbbery, (emit, berry, and vegetable; parlor, dining, and other rooms and kitchen on first floor; fonr chambers, bath-room with hot and cold water, and store-rooms on second floor, and fonr atttoe -, jb throughout. Keyset BOWLER’S Grocery, ARCH-Stnet Railway, near Forty- first street. It MFOR SALE—THE VERY desi rable DWELLING, 415 South Fifteenth street, wun large Lot. on very easy terms, Alep, four-story Brown Stone, north side of Tins street, east of Eighteenth. Immediate possession. Alep. fonr-»tory, No. 1413 South Penn Sanaro; delight- ITU ftttu&tion. Possession soon. Also, substantial Store and Dwelling, ISIS Coates etreet, with Stable. Also, fonr-story Dwelling Chestnut street, west of Twenty-first, in complete order. Possession soon. AIBO. fpnr.alory Dwelling louth side of Arch etreet, west of Nineteenth . Also, fonfretory Dwelling south side of Arab street, west of Twentieth, Also, neat Dwelling, with side yard, north side of Spring Gtrden street, w«U>f Twenty, first. Also, SUB, 214. 3142, 2144, 2204, and 2106 Christian St. AHo, 1529 Cadbury avenue. Also, m North,Eighteenth at. Possession March 25th, Also, 134 North Twentieth street, rlmmsdiat* posses sion. B. F. GLENN, . „ „ 1553 South FOURTH Street, mhll-tf or B. W, oor. SEVENTBBNTH and GREEN. m DELAWARE AND CHES- m -E TEE COUHTT FARMS jB BeJaware and Chaster County Farms Delaware and Chester County Farms Delaware and Cheater Co only Farms For sale. Catalefilesjoat oat ' jab. r onanruras, 504: WALBTJT Street HI CHOICE OIL S Ca 9 b !§j ta f<w simple, Beaoyboff Creek, Venango ct part te boring around it is lance from the following we) JBB3BYWSLL, | BWASP ANG BL WELL, . ' EXPIBB WELL, MAPLB SWAPS WELL, DENSMOBE (NO. 4) WELL, DSNBMOBB (NO 7) WELL, BUCHANAN WELL. ■ a rat well. HAHLINOWBLL, OLMSTBAD WELL, BOYD WELL, buckets Welli SHERMAN* WELL, CROCKERWELL, GREGG WELL. TRACT—EIGHTY . FOE BALE, situated on sounty, ofwhlch the greater ■ necessarily but a short die ills: M ’ ELHEHT WELL, BALZBLL WELL, BEPUBLICAJT WELL, MRROKR. WELL, ATLAS WELL, guygo WELL,. FISTROLSUE OEatBB ff CKWTSAL PETROLEUM WELL, MERCHANTS’ WELL, NOBXB WELL, BBSS-WELL, ■ 808-SET WELL. TURTLE WELL, « KBY9TOSB WALL, COQUETTE WELL. &C. TLe aboTe iteraß are liven'to"indicate"the elicible location of tti. Btghtv-acre Tract, which will be dl- Tided to salt ana Bold in fee simple, with, ttsauestioa able title, Company about organmog, de« siring a prime tract, should promptly avail themselves of the opportunity to secure into. . By subdividing* it into lots of oue acre each, and leas ing them, reserving half the oil, la a comparatively short time enough revenae might be obtained from one . w ell alone to pay for it. The proceed* from the other leases would enable any company to pay splendid divi dends. To secure part or all of it, address at once, or apply to DORCAS M, MITCHBSOIfj Seal Bstate Office* H. B eor FOTJHTH and WALKtTT Streets, Fills. Algo. 1. OOP to IS,OOO core. In West Virginia, gtlf pEWS IN TBEB CATHEDRAE OF ST. A PBTKB AH3>ST. PACT., PHILADELPHIA. ■ P«Bons desirous of pur chasing or renting Pew*ia tie Cathedra], are r« quested to leave their names with Mr. Wal ih, of the Cemetery office. Summer street, east of Eighteenth. They will he communicated 'to-the com « mitteewho will meet at the Bishop 41 * residence every Tuesday and Friday evening, at 1% o'clock until fur ther notice. * The following gentlemen hare kindly consented to act as the committeerEsr&ncis A. Dreaeel, A. J. Antelo, Wm. Eforoney, Charles McEeone, Daniel McDtevitt, and M J. Dohan, Bsgutreg. ntkISMR POB SALE—S-B&AB CHEEK OIL TEBklTGET.—lfS'acres of choice Land on. Susar Creek; lSCTrods front on-the Creek, and nearly alt bot tom land Apply to C. D. COLLtJDAT, gag-WALSHT Street. VALIT'A'tLI FATENT MEASURE * .for Kerosene Oil and- liquids generally. The ar ticle can he seen and the right will he for sale at office of joy, C<3B» &CO., FIFTH and CBBSTfinJT Streets, horn 2 until 5 o’clock P. Af., on MOJSDAT, 13th in stant It T?OB S&EE—& NTOBEROF DESIRA BLB BUILDING LOTS: For particulars apply to BAttUBL G- THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, U%er WALNUT Street. mhll-lm rVESIBABLE OPFICE*KOOM TO BEST—Suitable for an Oil Cfcmoany, Brokering, or Beal Estate Agency. Apply at CHESTNUT Street, second story. mhll-4&* {XLL TEESUTOKY. The undersigned hayefor sale the following Oil Territory: 1,(00 acres in Forest county, Pa * situated on the east branch of the. Millstone Greek. 366 aeree fee simple In Perry county, Ohio, on the Sunday Creek -40 acres on the Federal Creek, Morganeounty, Ohio. One valuable producing' interest on Federal Creek, Morgan county, Ohio. Two properties on-Duck Greek. Morgan county, Ohio. 100 acres-on Big Bun, branch of Bond ’&Creek, Bltchle county, Va. 320 acres lease on Federal Greek, Morgan county, O. 190 acres fee simple on Laurel fork of Worthington Creek, Wood county, Va* ICO acres fee simple on- Laurel fork of Worthington Creek, Wood county, .Va. 160 acres fee simple on Big Bus, Bitchle county* West Virginia. Also, seyeral yaluaWeproducin g interests in Venango county, Pa COGHttaN 4 BUSSELL,. mhlo-6t a» Bbrfch FRONT Street. T7OR SAXE VERT LOW, A VALTJA -X BLE TRACT OF LAND, containing about seven Acres, in Twenty-third ward. Two-story brick dwell ing upon it. Also Ten Lots of Ground near ’Lsnsdowne avenue. West Philadelphia. Apply to WM. RO3SBLL ALLEN, S B. cor. FOURTH and WALNUT. mhlO 3fc # F)R sale—a barge of stable MANURE, from Washington; can be seen at J. H. WOOD’S Coat Wharf, Cooper’s Point, Camden. Also, 6-hoiee Steam Engine, in good order. Take Vine-street ferry. mhlQ-2i* QIL, COAL,. AND TIMBEB LAND aores-in 21k county, $2O. 120 and 990 acres in Forest county, $lOO and $5O. 2CO aeres in Centre county, $2O. Also, in Clearfield, Clinton, Lycoming, and other counties A. OLWIffE & CO , mh9 fit*if B.W. cor. ELEVENTH and RIDGE Av. {XIIj PROPERTIES.—TWO FIRST v/ class Oil Properties on FRENCH CREEK, one within a short distance of the Sutley Well, and the other near the month of Suc&r Creek. Gan be had at a very reasonable figure, if application i» made immedi ately to -TATLOW JACKSON, mb9 3t* No. 614 CHESTNUT Street. T>RUG STORES, CITY AND COUN- A/ TRY, for sale and wanted at all prices. mM-lm* V. M BIOKSOS. ,3T WALNCTT Street. ion ACRES OF VALUABLE OIL W” Territory for sale. Inquire at Ho. 34 South THIRD Street, op stairs. mhlO-iat* H 77 77 AND $5,066 66.- * ■■ a * * Ground Bents of these amounts, amply secured and centrally located. For sale hy E CARPENTER & SON, mhS 18t» 343 Sooth THIRD Street. LOST AND FOUND. T OST—GN THE EVENING OF THE 10th instant, between Eleventh and Market streets and Broad and Green streets. Philadelphia, a DIARY BOOK, of 1891, containing many items of daily accounts, and much figured oyer. Any parson finding rackßook will pitas* address the subscriber, at King of Prussia Post Office, Montgomery county. Pa , and I will reward them for their trouble. It JOSEPH W. THOMAS. SI,OOO SEWARD! LOST THIS MORNING, By a gentleman on the way from his home on Eighth street, either along Coates. Fifth, Graßn, or Third streets, FIFTEEN ONE THOUSAND-DOLLARS U. S. 5-20 BONDS, Numbered as follows; 2824 43,635 43,640 2825 43,636 43,641 2826 43,637 43,642 2827 43,688 43,643 2828 43,639 43,644 Brokers and others are cautioned against negotiating the same Payment of the same has been stopped. The above reward will be paid on their delivery at the Office of D. M. FOX. No. 551 YORK Avenue. Philadelphia. March 10. IS 66. mbit-31* f OST OR MISLAID—A PERPETUAL li POLICY OF INSURANCE issued by the TBUB> TBBB OP THE FIRE ASSOCIATION to B. T. HAL LOWFLL for $5OO, dated Jane 2,1856, and transferred to the Fourth Jefferson B. and L Association- Any in formation concerning same will be received by feSg-stuth 12i*. J. H. CHUBB, 331 REED Street gNGLISH BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH AX.B, UK STORE AND GLASS. iLpEBT O. ROBERTS, DEALER IN PINE GROCERIES^ Corn.r of ELEVENTH and TINE ste. JNDIA CAMEL’S HAIR SHAWLS, C. F. HOVEY & CO.. Have received by Ship from Cai»tta, ONE CASE CASHMERE SE&WLS of vear handsome designs. 88 SUfStreet* mhS-fmTvCtf Advertisement. SURGEON GENERALS OFFICE, , „ . , „ WAsmoraToiSl>. C., Hatch], HUS. A Board of Medical Officers, will convene, ul New York City on the 16th Inst., toseaumlne such mcKlela of artificial limbs Ohs and arms);, and spparatoafor. treat ment of cases of ex section, as may be presentediby the respective inventors or proprietor* Those manufacturers onljhwho shall be recommended by fthe Board will ba authorised to furnish, limbs or apparatus. As the object of this Board. Is to secure the best artifi cial limbs, Ac., to the mutilated soldier, all manu facturers must lubmlb their modelato thU Board in order to receive its approval and in cluding those who sms enjoy that privilege, as well as those who desire tQdo so. „„ For further information apply.-to Surgeon WM. J, SLOAN, D. 8 A. Medical Direitor. Dfes»rtmentof the East, No. 1516 BLBEGEEB Street, New York City, By order of the Simeon General: mto-mwfdt C. H. CRANE, Barnette P. S Army. QEED—CLOVER. TIMOTHY, AND Q Flax. Corn, Barley; Oats 200 tone Buckwheat WOR NON-RETENTION OR INCON- J- TIHENCB of urine, irritation, Inflammation or nlseratlon of tt» Madder or kidneys, disease* of th, prostafe glands, stone in the bladder, oalcolne. gra vel or brtok-a»st deposit, and aU'diseases of the Mad der, klduevs snd drowioal eyelUnis, nss HELM BoLD'ti PLUIP EXTRACT BPOHP. AT REASONABLE PRICES. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. iff. im. UttAMATIC aso Mn.m.ii, _. PROG R AMMR. clSy,"wilhlte nwiu TO ““««e at IK o’olooi pr»- - , a2AHOOBCHKSTEir ! yßoBti,U# To be followed bran OBIGINAL OYBBTUBI. arrangedeiptsisly for theocKtsloa. a, Oharles R Dof. worth, abounding with all the favorite HatWaal JSJJ. and music deecnptive of & bottle, and oar ▼tetorfon* army singing,exTilttßgly, ‘'TbeStar-snangfod Bannet «• In order to give effect to* this: the curtain wi<r ba raised for the elating of the National Anthem, which will be given by every member of the Dramatic Profes sion In Fbiiedelpbia. asHstod by ONB-HUNDBBD AND FIFTY CHORISTERS. ' - After which*' BBCITATIOIf— ‘ * Sharaus Obrien.” JAMS CißDfaf. To be followed by the third act of iha tragedy of OTHBiLO, with a oast of great strength. After which* " La Vegpres SictlljenneB. ,r HISS OABOTIfIB BICHfNOB. After Which* , THB QDIBT PAHU/Y, introducing the favorites of the . CBESTNDT-STKKBT COMPANY .* EEOITATIOH „ Mr. S. K. MOHABDBOS. To be followed hr _ . .. , , . ■ OUR COUTTET COUSIH. introducing the favorites of the .. . WALHUT-BTREh'rc&SIPAKY. After which*'- . ; •. BALLAD r ,.jfcg, HUtfRIBTYE BSMBKATS. To be followed hr , . . MR- AMD MBS PETER-tfHITB, introducing Mr. STUART EOBSOS (with a sbaracte riatlc Bong <U ‘^£S° C «> >gd all the farpritee of the ARCH-STREET COHPaMY .... . , After which, SOTO— Johu Andoraotr ’ —Prof. T. BISHOP. The whole to eonctade taM by tha PAUL JUIGMBT.— ««.Dlr&otor GABOmnLEARD:. .!T^ 08, LA FORZA DEL DESTJMO. BURLESQUE. , MUSIC A DEL MAESTRO VERDI'GEIB. inciudingthe following gorgeous east, via; La Biguorina ALIH A-PA- FA-TI- PA-TA-TA In nor amazing and startling creation of “C.hTiola " . .. II Signor ED-DK GABDE in his unequalled part of “ Hiaso ” . II Signor CHOL-FE-BlffO in the terrific impersonation of Qarcouilltrd >• -%{l Signor Jour-dan-U-Hutt. Warriors—lnfantry........ 11 signor Cons-tan-ti-no-pol. Boots open atl2K- Performance to commence, wttk Overture, pfecltel r at 1%. ' Reserved Beats »1. Entrance on Broad street. AdmlßSlon 60 cents. Entrance on Licnst street. . Reserved seats and tickets can he had on KORDAY and TUESDAY, from 8 A. M. to 6 PM . at tk? gramme oßce, Mo. UiS Bonth BOUBTH Street. third fctory, and at tha Academy on Wcdnasday a o'clock. HENRy K. HfeLhißET tnhl3-m&w2t Secretary and Treasurer. BOHOS-' iVTEW CHESTNUT-STRBET THE* . -L' TKB. CHESTNUT Street abore Twelftli MOHDAT, TDESDAI, AND WJBOHSSBAr KVft nines, March 13th. 14th. aad Wth. ***■ INITIAL NIGHTS Of tie New Local One Thousand Dollars Prise Drama, written by Hiss Laura Keene, la four acts, stviad TEN WORKMEN OP PHILADELPHIA. • OR THE CURSE uF DRINK, presented with Few and Beautiful Local Scanerr. hv " Hr Richard Smith. ** Wonderful Mechanical Effects, by Daniel Wile* and Thomas Blackwood. r Few Properties and Appointments, ter John Daises and Assistant. x Original Music by Adolph Blrgfeld. and a _ _ „ 4 CAST OF CHARACTERS bringing into requisition every MEMBER OF THE REGINAS COMPANY SYNOPSIS OF LOCAL SCENES. The Bar-room, & Modern Institution. Supper-room In Davis’ Restaurant, Arch street Halils. Davis* Restaurant. View of the House-top* of Philadelphia, and the ’ _ , New Cathedral. Interior Tiew of Merrick * Soa’« Maohiaa-shop aai View from Stackhau*' SawraiiL Camden, of piu>l delphia by Moonlight, looking towards the Navy Vard; viewer the Shipping along the Delaware, with a glance at Smith s Island; the ferry-boats Merchant and Dido plying to an&fro. Chestnut street, with-View of theAcademyof Fixe Aria. SATURDAY AFTERNOON March 1A THIRTY FiFTH GKAND FABHLr MAWinS*. THE.WORKMEN OF PHILADELPHIA Will be Performed MBS. JOHN DBEW’S NEW ARCS 4WL STREET THEATRE. LAST WEEK OF HRS F. W. LANDES. MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS. '•THE MESALLIANCE. 4 ’ LeonS-Arnau1d...«...... Hr& F. W. Lander Alter which I# TAB POST OF HONOR.” a r ' CobueYerkes........... Stuart Robson FRU AY. MBS. LANDER’S BENEFIT In rehearsal, *• OBABLOTTB CORD-AY. ” WALNUT- STREET THEATRE. " THIS (MOTBAT) 13, wm •f&'S&iß?' With new local scenery, music, and?machinery Tom Badger, the returned Californian «*.J. 8. Clarke. Among the grand and impressive local scenes will be a view on Second Street, with the former residence of Wm. Fern** Life in the Streets, Philadelphia by Gas Light, Lift In the Garret, Falrmouot and the Wire Bridge, Pictures of Every-day Home Life, &c. t So. THE GREAT AMERICAN GIRCUS. A WALNUT Street,' above EIGHTH?. Messrs. EEMHIIIGS - * •—Proprietors, THE SENSATION OF THE TIMES Mr. James Ward, the celebrated e’ove and anrfa.l rope-walker; Mr: J. Madigau, in hls double sumSS. sanlt; Mr. Sam Long, the »inginr«lown;:Mr Dan Gar diner, the great American Jester; Mr. J-. Ward, tha versatile clown; Master Sanfoid and Master Tolbert. Wonderful gym* acts; Miss Eliza Gardiner, the graceful equestrienne: Ife Tom King; Luke Rivers, and the remainder of the star troupe, will appesrdh a variety of agreeable, thrilling, and fascinating performances THE POKY ACES, PONY RACES. will be performed during the week Admission 50 eta. . first tier; 25«t5., Becondtier._Coznmencomt7.fi). Splendid performances on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, commercing at 2?£ o’clock. Remember the circus wi l soon close. TtfHSICAI* FUND HALL.—GRAND ATX CONCERT.—EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION THE PROGRAM* 8 OF THE SEASON ON THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 180t,1855. A Grand Concert wllt be siyen at MUSICAL FUND HALL, by a number of the First Artists in-the City as sisted by a ehorus of FORTY VOICES* Selected from the most talented and popular Amateur* of Philadelphia; The following well-known aud emi nent Artists will appear upon this occasion* and * number of choice pieces of Music* The celebrated American Prims Donna, MISS B. P. HEWLETT,* The well-known Tenor. / MR. CHARLES SCHMITZ; The popular Balladi&t,. MR. J. G. UHSTED? The pleasing Pianist, massah Warner* MUSICAL DIRECTOR CaBI*.SENTE. PROGRAMME. _ PAST I. 2. Uhorns—Hail Us, Ye Free «*.. .ffunumt 2L Tenor Solo—Star of Lota..—V, Wallace. « c «, *L G. UMBTJBD. 3. 4. Plano Solo—L’Ecume de Her . MASSAH WARNEBi 5. Tenor Solo—My Oream AbL MR CHARLES SCHMTO: „ 8. Chorus—Achieved—No. 2 fi&dyn s Creation, FAST n. 1. Chorus—The Heaveia are Te1Hng.........-Hadra. 2. Soprano Solo —Baiero Sicilian! VesorL. _ MfeS E. P. HEWLETT. 3. Kano Duett .—Selected. MASSAH WARNER AND JAMES-WILLIAN. 4. Duet—Soprano and Tenor • ——...... ««.... Linda- MISS E«P. HEWLETT AND MR. C; SCHMITZ. 5. Chorus. . Finale—THE STAR SPANGLED. BANKER. The Grand Piano used (Geo Stock AGo a make) is furnished by Mr Gould. Seventh andGfcestnut Strei fca. Admission, $l. Tickets for sale at ail the Maria Stores, Bisley’s, Coatinentai Hotel, and at the Hall on the day of the Concert. Doom open at 7££ o’clock, to commence at 8. mb)? it A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. LECTURED Y GEORGE FRANCIS TRA2N, IK jUUOFi'TtS' LADIES’ FIRST UffloA ASSOCIATION. POB THU BBtfBPIT 07* Tffll WIDOWS AND ORPHANS OF SOLDIERS Who have died is defence of their country, and of discharged and disabled saldieis, On TUESDAY EVENING, Mereh 14. Tickets 36 cents. Reserved* Seats 59 cents. For sal* atT. B. Pugh’s, comer of .'Sixth and Chestnut streets* Gould’s Music Store, comer of Seventh and Chestnut streets; Continental Hotel; Rooms cf the Association. 537 North Eiihth street; Handel & Haydn Hall, and a* the door on the evening of the Lecture. rah? tf ASSEMBLY BUILDUPS. THEATRE FBANQAIS DSNEWYOBK: PAUL JUIGNBT-—-,...--~..~~.---*..-----Dire«»eur MONDAY, MarchlS, JS6S, NOB ABUSES. Comedy, in three tats, by Pol hferder. LA. COROE SENSIBLE, Vaudeville, in one act, by Glairvtile. Doors open at 7»’clock Curtain will rise at quarter to So’cloek. AVIS.-—Subscribers can obtain their tickets at tin* office of the Theatre, Assembly Buildings, from 11 to 4 o’clock, where single tickets for performances can also be procured. mhlO-st Ilfß. JAMES E. MURDOCH WILU LU- *ive a READING for-the BENEFIT OF WORK ING WOMEN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION, at Handel and Haydn BaU»H,E comer of.EIGHTH and SPRING GAR DEN Street*, on MONDAY EVENING, March quarter to S-u’clock. Ticketafifteenis; for sata atPuKh ( d» comer Sixth and Chestnut streets, and at the Hall. ' mhlO-st*- • ORCHESTRA.- PU3JJQ REHEARSALS every SATURDAY at 3K F. M., rAMUSIGAL FUND HaLL. Single Tickets, 2S cents. Six Tickets, be had at Gould’s, Andre’s, and Meyer’s Music Stones, and at the Hall. bo7- tf nPEa ACADEMY OP PINE ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. Is OPEN JJAttY for visitors, fronts A. M. to GP. M. jeW HRHE UNITED STATES HOTEL, 41E CHESTNUT Street, has no Bar. Board, and excellent accommodations for Families can be had at moderate charges. One handsome chamber, large ‘and convenient, vacant to-day. ■ Reference required. mh!3 4t* 'PURNISKEB AND UNFURNISHED. X. BOOMS, with BOARDING, in a private family. Reference required. Address M !L 5.,* 1 at tM* office. mhB-6t* fig— CSEßSfrni CAMDEN-,AND AT — .WWHgHgjILAyTIC BAIEROAO-TraUa. leave. Yike-streetFem: - Freight, with-PaseeagerCar attaehad™.~,.T.So A. M. Atlantic Aacoffilcodatioii. -i. IS P. tf. Inaction Accommodation B SOP. K. r*y « LBAVE&AYLANTIO. w A __ Atlantic Accommodation..A M. Freight, withPauenger Gar Junction Accommodation-^-*-.....A. M- KXTBA HADDONFIBLD TRAINS M Leave Vine street IT. 15 A. M., Baddoaflflld 12,53 P.. M. Freight must be delivered at Cooper’s Point befoi* 3. SO F: M. to insure its goine down the next day, ttl» lmif JOHN Q. BBYARTt Agent. tfSi ■OFFICE WATER TRANS ■niw i pobtatior n. s. a , Ho. aifeSonthTHlßDißtreet. BgTj.IOBLPHEuBeh. 14. M”-. ! Yoeeels wanted to transport Coal toTSonthera Poste t fo F.sl e tf nn Jo^rsS H & B , c»t A Am*, a M- BOSTON. - „ -it—a. NOTICE- —F-0,8. NEW e&H— via DEI. A WAR* AHDRAMTAH Canal. —The dmipatMi, swift, snro llna wiU d«w bnsinee on MO3OAY,I3Ui. ln»t., two boats, leaving dati,. viat at-^ni6P.M AiBD mhll 3i 133 Sooth. OKLAWARE.Avenno, dP’-7J| J^STTEiY’S n ,r 'cottage organs Net orjfy UNEXCELLED, but UNEQUALLED to purity of T'jne And Power, deogseg espe<fi&lly for Ghnrchee and Schools, but fouhd tohe eqmtily igell adapted to the. Parlor and Drawing Room. Tor sale onlyby E. M. BRUCE, - No. IS North SEVENTH Street . Also, a complete assortment ox‘the Ferfeet Malodeon •anstantly on hand. fe2l>3g» tftn. SLEEPER’S IJ. MANUEAC- MARKET Street, one door above Tenth. A Philadelphia- mhll lit* E PHILADELPHIA SCALE WORKS, FIFTKBfITB Street and PEHHSXLVABI A Avene.- ffilS-lm DAVIS m GO- _ BBta FIRE AND TEIEF-FROOP- JfaUSAPE MANUFACTORY. LarfeandamaU BtXgt kvpr eftnstantiv on hand by J. «w Philadelphia. feg-lmtr_ PEPABTJSTEWT foe costom WORK. AMUgEMEirTN* BOARAIN6.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers