■ns 808 HAIOBKAHOS DAT. CWlltten for The > ress.l God or our fathers I Thee Let all their children praise: The wonders we have lived to see Surpass the anolent days. Some age of Truth will riMfc— Snob was onr feeble thought: Thou steppest from behind the skits, And lo t the work is wrought I All hall, redeeming God i MweyshaH wrath excel: And still, where blood has stain’d the sod, Ammonal Freedom dwell. ■ Thy servant, who renews This day his solemn vows, Baptise his soul with heavenly dews. And crown with fire his brows. His honest hands uphold, His will with thine imbue: And show Thou ohoosest, as of old, The humble and the true. , Soon may the word oomo .forth From Thine almighty throne, *ijn peace and love, let South and North Forevermore be one 1” Curiosities iu Lunacy. The last report of the Central Ohio Lunatls Asy lum nives the occupations of all persons admitted in - twenty, six years. In dividing the number of each ' occupation by the number of the Insane It has fur nished in that time, we have the following: fpeculator. ......................1 to Si ■ IrtllLifcuu.m. tO fiS •Clergymen.-—,• —.l to 84 Students.... ; Ito 87 Tailors—, -.1 to 163 Jderchauts 1 to 154 1awyer5............ .....1 to ISB Phytltians I to 184 Termers— ....1 to IBS fntiheis 1 to 315 locksmiths ..1 to 815 laborers 1 to 431 In this it will he seen that, speculators, artists, clergymen, and students are badly exposed. It is Seen, also, that the further we penetrate Into the working classes .the less insanity there Is. As to the physicians, we include the regulars and trregu. lars that are given separately In the report of tae Asylum. The report also gives 23 crazy loafers. One would suppose the number would be far greater, for If any thing Is calcinated to make one mad, It is having nothing to do, It may not, however, be so hard on those who have no disposition to do anything. The oensus does not give the number of loafers In the State, so that we cannot estimate the proportion of Insane. We can estimate the number, however, • from comparison with other classes. For example, there are twenty-three in sane physicians, and of that profession, the eensus glycs 4,220, Which, decreased by the ratio of 23-to 22, gives 4,036 as the number if loafers In Ohio I -So there are 35 Insane clergymen, and the census num ber Is 2,827; from the ratio as above we have 2,012 loafers ! But there were In the twenty.slx'years, 1,195..0razy farmers, and the oensus gives 233:485 farmers In the State; calculated on this basis, there Should he 4,116. If we average It, there are about B,’ooo genuine loafers In Ohio! Suppose It costs 4500 eaoh to maintain them. It t« seen that the do something classes are taxed 41,600,000 to support B,COO of the do-nothing class I In the Item of laborers we added together those flven In the eensns as “ laborers" and “farmla orers," as the asylum report does not make that distinction. It will also be seen from the above that students are moob exposed. Young persona Should be nearly exempt, but the record Is a sorry one for those who have m charge the health of young men and women - sent away from heme to school.« There is evidently Something wrong, that needs reforming. Sugar Crop of Louisiana. Naw OfiLEABa, Feb, IT, 1855. To the Editor of IKe New York Netoe: I sent to you •* a comparative levlew of the con dition of New Orleans,” which was published in your edition of the 12th November, 1854. I stated ihat the orop of sugar would be about seven thou sand hogsheads only, and to show that my estimate was not exaggerated, I now enclose you the result of the crop, as given by the New Orleans Price Current, and hoping the information contained in the enclosed statement may be useful to you, I am, very respectfully, M. The total number of plantations under cultivation within the limits of Louisiana, before the war, ac cording to Mr. Ohamponter’B valuable work, was 1,281, and of these the grinding on 1,027 was per formed by steam power, and on the remaining 254 by horse power. Large ontlays have been lnourred in obtaining machinery and other necessary appa ratus for grinding the cane and converting the j uice Into sugar’ on most of these plantations, independ ently ofthe heavy cost for sugar houses, and other necessary buildings, and unless great facilities are accorded to the planters In reclaiming for cultiva tion the plantations now going entirely to waste, all these valuable Improvements muse Inevitably go to ruin. The owners of the plantations, or those hav ing charge of them, will, otherwise, not only he Irre trievably mined, but the public at large, and the Government afeo, will be heavy sufferers, for every hogshead of sugar made will contribute, to the ex tent of Its value, In lessening the export of gold to foreign countries—no small considerations, we ap prebend, lnthe present position of our affairs. BSCAPITOUATION. ' 1861-55. 1861-62. bills. hac I. Tarlsh of Orleans..— 26 1.799 FarlshofSt Bernard..... 351 6,610 Tarishof Plaquemlne—- 2,801 27,683 Parish of Terrebonne 426 23,5<9 Parish of Assumption.. 861 37.766 Parish of Lafourche - 118 29.781 Parish of St Charles.—-... 71 19,191 traiiahof Ht. John the Baptist 43 18,848 Parish of St. James. 257 84,234 Parish of Ascension..,. 1,285 80,737 Parish of Iberville 439 41,921 Parish of Jefferson—SOS 11.086 Parish of St. Mary.... —6l 48,779 Parish of Point (Joupse 4 22,483 Parish ofWest Baton Kongo 85 24,697 Parishof Bait Baton Bongs.—- 60 10,919 TbialhhOs...., 6.755 390,232 The total crop of sugar In the twenty-four parishes 1 Into which the cultivation of the sugar oane had been extended In Louisiana was, in the season or 1861-82, 469,410 hhds. . Hydrophobia rar Man M. Girard do Callleux, Inspector general of the different lunatic asylums for the Department of the Seine, at one of the last meetings of the Academy of Medicine read a me moir entitled «On Rabid Hydrophobia considered as a disease which can spontaneously develop Itself In Man, under the form of Acnte Febrile Delirium,” and from which I subjoin the following extracts: 1. If H be true that rabid hydrophobia Is a viru lent disease , trsnmissible by inoculation from ani mals to man, it Is equally true that it can develop Itself, and does so more frequently than it Is be lieved, spontaneously In man, under the form of aente febrile delirium, so frequent in lunatic asy lums. 2. It then affects roan in oharaeter whlob Is proper to the species, jest as other diseases which manliest themselves among animals take a peculiar charac ter in each species, albeit the pecnlar nature of the affeotlon does sot lose Its Identity. 8. The causes which produce rabid hydrophobia are—ln the first place, a predisposition tui generis, and then a multitude of occasional causes,'which, by their great variety, often lead into mistake on the true nature of the disease. 4. The similarity of the symptoms, of the pro gress, of the duration, of the termination, of the etrnotnial Injuries between'; {rabid hydrophobia which is communicated, and acute febrile delirium, so often met with in lunatic asylums, establishes In these two affections an identity of nature worthy of the attention of pathologists, and destined to throw xetr light on such an Interesting subject.—Peris rorrespondenf of Lovtltm. IjlßKKlA.—Keoenc le&iere trom Monrovia give encouraplEg accounts of the condition of the coun try. The amount of sngar raised this year Is a third larger than last year’s product. Coffeepro anises a greatly Increased yield. The growth ol cot ton and Its manufacture, by domestic Industry, is gradually Increasing. Surely this is progress. Lei a than fifty years ago the oblef article In this region for the foreign market was slaves. “The legislature dosed its session on the 2d of January, having commenced December Bth last, President Warner, in his annual message, recom mended retrenchment, and the legislature acted upon his recommendation. They also passed a gen eral patent law—fee to citizens, twenty-five dollars; aliens, fifty dollars. Chief Justice Drayton was drowsed on the bar, near Poor river, adjacent to Grand oess,” Otbitsb P akio— Not among the oysters, bnt In the market. Prices are very much enhanced by the scarcity of shellfish, so completely have the Shores been covered with lee for seme time past. Art TJnkbowh Bbqion.— There is, it Is said, a Space of 1,131,000 fqnare miles around the north pole, which is now a blank In our maps. THE CITY. BIUTABY. HANDSOME c6mPUMENT TO THE PENN- SYLVAN IA 61ST. The frlendß of the 61st Regiment P. Y. have just presented the latter with & magnificent regimental nag. The alat la commandeer by Colonel J. W. Crosby, -and Is eminently a fighting regiment, haying been in every battle fought by the Army of the Potomac, and In every Instance behaved with the utmost bravery. Its ranks, which had beaome greatly reduced, have been recruited to their origi nal standard, and wo doubt not that new deeds of valor await them to make the regiment worthy both of the beautiful compliment which has just been paid to it, afid the high reputation It has al ready achieved. Ws may state, Incidentally, that Colonel Crosby has won the highest honors as a soldier and officer. When the attack was made on Washington last summer he was lying In the hos pital from a severe wound In the head : but at the approach of danger, In defiance of us surgeon’s advice, he left his bed, took command of a portion of his regiment, fought them with marked bravery, but in so doing paid the penalty of an arm He de clines being connected with the Invalid Corps, however, and with his remaining arm and new flag Is now about to lead Us regiment to the front. While the old flag is borne aloft by this sort of ma terial Its folds oan never be tarnished.- Thecom mlttee to which the getting up of this flag was en trusted, of which Mr. O. B. Barrett is chairman, deeerve credit for their efforts in behalf of this gal lant organisation. The flag wIU remain on exUbl tlon for a few days at the store or Messrs. Evans & Hassall. RECRUITING. Yesterday warrants for the payment of the city bounty were issued to eighty-seven men, ef whom five were enlisted for three years and elghty-two for one year. The credits were as follows: First ward. 7 ; Second ward, 3; Third ward, 6; Seventh ward! | S Tenth ward, 8; Eleventh ward, S; Twelfth ward, 8; Thirteenth ward, 8; Fourteenth ward, 4: Fit teenth ward, 6; Sixteenth ward, 2; Eighteenth war<h2i Twentieth ward,B; Twenty-tUrdward, 16 j Twenty-fourth ward, 11. NEARLY FULL. The 7th Union League Regiment, Col. Qorgas, la now nearly full. The men are being properly clothed and equipped, and will very soon leave for -the seat of war. The regiment Is composed of fine material, both as regards officers and privates. HIMIJEtIASIMIVS. APPOINTMENTS BY THE NEW COMMISSIONER i , OF CITY PROPERTY. Mr. Charles Dixon, the newQommissloner of City . s Property, has made the following .'appointments. They entered upon their duties yesterday: Superintendent of Independence Square—Daniel Stokes. • Superintendent of Franklin Square—John Sne then. Superintendent of Washington Square—Edward Shaln. ‘ Superintendent of Blttonhouse Square—Joseph Glenn. Superlntendent of Penn Square—.Tamea Boyd. of Logan 'Square—Edward H. Superintendent of Jcfferton Square—Julias Paul ing. Superintendent of Norris Square—Wm. Glenn. Superintendent of Shaekamaxon Square—E. G. WorrelL, ; Superintendent of Fairmount Park—.Tohn Oram berger. • ; , Superintendent. of Independence Hall—James -Ashman. Superintendent of State House-Joseph Barr. 'Superintendent of City Burial Ground—J. E. ’Conrad. Janitor of Spring Garden Hall—George Kookon burg. Janitor of West Philadelphia Hall—Thomas of Germantown Hall—lsaiah Shrlvor. janitor of Grand Petit Jury Booms—Henry Wal ter - . Janitor of State House—John .Molntyre. ijanltor of State House—James Hsusemlm, - • Watchman or State House Stoeple-rJoseph Blok- of Parade Grounds—Henry Weaver, Gleaner Of Courts—James Taylor. Regulators of Public Clocks—Daniel Biggs, Jere miah Hartley. exhibition of trained horse*. According to announcement, an exhibition of horse-training, or, more properly, of .trained horses, took place yesterday afteroo m, at Falrmonnf Park. The announcement drew together;several hundred people, and a large number of equipages and eques trians. A bout half past 4 o’clock the professor made hit appearance on the Park, in a Jenny Lind Car riage, accompanied by a lady. The horses, when brought on the Park, were driven with bits fastened. In their mouths by moans of a strap passing under their lower’ jaws.’ No bridle was usedjn driving them through the streets of the oity*, an cb when they appeared on the Park, many of the crowd whis pered amongst themselves that that was nothing extraordinary: that any horse could be driven that way, Mo. The Professor drove up to the mansion,' and, after assisting his lady out of the carriage, an nounced that he would remove hits and reins, and guide the horses by the whip alone. The horses were a beautifully.built pair of Btalltons, one a dark sorrel, the other a brown. The bits were removed, and the horses, feeling their'freedom, shook their heads and snorted as If with a feeling of their own superiority. The professor then touched the horses with a whip, and they were off In a pretty fast trot. On coming in proximity with anything the Iprofecsor raised his whip gradually, and the horses, as the whip raised, would slacken cheir pace. If the whip was raised up suddenly they would stop immediately. By moving the whip Tram .one side to the other the horses would turn, always follow ing the motion‘of the whip. The professor made a number of beautiful turns at a fast gait, and in nar row spaces, by means of the whip alone. By turn, log the whip- in a olrolo both horses would gallop $ holding the whip at a short distance above the heads of the horses was a signal for them to trot. The professor then made one horse trot and the other gallop, alternately; then both trotted by his signals. It was an excellent exhibition In every respect.. It Showed to what perteotion the e(loca tion of the horse could be brought, and that brute force In. their management Is of little conseqnenoe when compared with skilful management. THE LATE BAILWAY ACCIDENT. The coroner held an Inqncßt, yesterday afternoon, In the case of Biohard Sorg, aged 14 years, who was run over, on Saturday night last, at Third and Beaver streetß, by one of the oars of the Second and Third-streets Passenger Railway Company. Charles Miller testified that four persons besides the driver were on the front platform; one boy jumped off tbe oar and said to the deceased to come on; the latter jumped and slipped on theice, and his leg was run over; witness put on tbe break, not, however, before the wheel passed over him; the oar was going down grade when the boy jumped off. John Either testified that the car was eoing slow down the grade when he fell a jar, and th,n saw the boy lay in* on the track; the ear lad been stopped a short time beiore this: the conductor stopped the car and witness, picked np the boy. Join®, Fox testified that he worked with deceased, and went on the trout platform with Mm; he told the driver to atop at Poplar attest, bnt he paid no altsntlon to it; 1 jumped off at the same time he did, and saw. him laying there; the car was,going very fast; f told the driver to atop two or three times, but he did not do sc; I can't say whether the driver heard rre a.k him to stop; the conductor asked me my name, but 1 did not give it to him; X did not want to do so; the' ear did not step to let a passenger off at Poplar street. ■ Mr. Miller recalled —The conductor strnckthe b-U at Poplar street and a man jumped off; he then struck the hell and the car went on. Robert W. Keen, the conductor, testified that he was on car Ho. 33 on Saturday evening, and recollected two boys on the front platform; felt tnsjsrof the car. and looking around sawtho boy; the oar was stopped; at ropier street and a lady got out with ease; I was not aehtnd time; the car had not gone six yards after the boy was run over before it was stopped; the boys did not ask ms to stop any place. Christian Kinder, she driver, testified that he had teen a driver on the road three yams; recollect aeetnf ;;he boys,’ one on the right and the other os the left; they did not speak to ms at all: one jumped off and. said coma on. and theotßerjnqipecl; ltwaß a very dark night, ana I did not see the boys when they jumped; I stopped at Poplar street, when the conductor rang the boil; I was not urged to hurry up by the conductor. Mr. Miller ra-called, and testified that he heard the bell ringtwice at Poplar street; I cannot say whether the boys asked the driver to atop; somebody said either stop or come on; the person who said this had jumped offtheear. The jury rendered a verdict that the deceased came to his death by bclDg|nm over by oar No. 33, no blame being attached to the driver or oonduotor. HORSE TAMING OB TRAINING. Messrs. Rockwell & Hurlbert have taken rooms at the Philadelphia Riding Olnb, Sixteenth street, below Walnut, where they will reduce fractious horseß to unconditional submission In a short spaoe of time. Tho owners of horses—runaways, kickers, biters, bridle pullers, plungers, shyers, bolters, hard pullers, side relners, nervous, orowders, halters, balkere—are requested to place the- animals under the care of Messrs. R. &H. See advertisement In another column. APPOINTMENT. Capt. John Craig, an old and well-known resident of this oity, has been appointed by the War Depart ment, and confirmed by the Senate, as military storekeeper. Oapt. Craig Is at present the dis bursing officer at the Schuylkill Arsenal, which po sition he has filled with credit for a long time, PHILADELPHIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The stated meeting of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture was held yesterday morning. A number of donations were acknow ledged. A discussion on the system of horse train ing introduced by Prof. Bookwell was entered into. The committee on that subjeot made a report favor able to the system. The society then adjonmed. THE TRIED DISTBICT. Captain Stretch, the provost marshal of the Third district, has all or his arrangements completed for tbe draff, hut as yet has not received any orders when to commence. CLERGYMEN AND THE WAR. A petition is In circulation, which Is being nume rously signed, asking Congress to exempt clergy men from military duty. . INAUGURAL TRIP. The members of the Franklin Hose and Steam Fire Engine Company will leave for; Washington on Friday morning, at 7 o’clock, to participate in the Inaugural ceremonies. BUILDING PERMITS. . The following permits were leaned for bnlldings during February, 1865: Three-Btory dwellings, 6: •two-story do., 6; bank, 1 j dye-house, 1: factories, 2; office, 1; sheds, 2 j shops, 3 j slaughter-house, B.; stables, 6 : warehouse, l; alterations and additions, 31. Total, 60, ■ THE COURTS. C. B. District fonrl—Judge Cadwslader. In this court the petit jury were yesterday morning, discharged from further attendance. The United States Attorney, stated to the court, that, though there were several cases that he was anxious and ready to-try, *11)1 there was great difficulty In getting the cases up, owing to the fact that the defendants were not pre pared. He did not thick it right to keep the witnesses ror the United Stales longer In attendance under the circumstances. Jurors were, therefore, discharged, and ail esses went over until next term,' Supreme Court—'Present, Woodward, C. 3., and Thompson, Strong, and Bead, Instlces. THILADHLPHIA LIST—THIBD OALMNO. ' John, J fidgway, plaintiff In error, vs. Charles O’JXeiil, defendant fa error. Certificate from Nisi Frias. In tee court below this suit was brought to re* cover back from defendant, themfßscelver of Taxes for the city of Philadelphia, an amount alleged to have been erroneously paid to him under the fullowihg cir cumstances:. .- On the Ist of February the plaintiff, the owner of a large real estate interest in Philadelphia, tendered the defendant the amount of his State taxes, less an allow* ance which be demanded for prompt payment viz : five per cent. This deduction was refused by the Receiver. Who underfl nstractions from the State ant horities alleged that tie right thereto had been taken away by an act of Js&embly 30th of iptillBs4. The plaintiff claimed that the act only repealed one making the allowance generals and left on repealed another act of 13th May, 1556, especially applicable to Philadelphia. Mr. Bidg wa) paid the full amount of his tax, under protett, how ever, aid then brought suit to recover back the alleged overpayment. The cate was yesterday argued by JohnG. Johnson, and Wm, F. Judaon, Bsqs., forplaintiff, and by John E.Latta and Win, H. Meredith, Ssqs , lor defendant. Coiurt of Quarter a Sessions-Judge Lad- The Jury in the esse of William Moßwen, (Charted with larceny, reported yesterday* returned a verdict of sot guilty. Ellen FHzpatriek alias Ellen McCarty, pleaded guilty to a charge or larceny in stealing twenty*eight yards of cassimere, the property of Henry D. Well, and was convicted on another bi>] of the l&reeny of $lB in bank notes, the property of Elizabeth Close. Sentenced to an imprisonment of oseytar and eight month*. Margaret Gilmore was charged with the larceny of four hundred dollars in money, the property of Michael McNamara The money was taken from a trank w hile Mrs McNamara was at market, and it is alleged that Mrs. Gilmore came in and passed up stairs to where the money was during her absence. A witness was called who proved the admit sion of defendant of having taken the money. The case was not concluded, o. W Brooke, Era., for the Commonwealth; B.fDoagherty, Era,, for defence. The jury were discharged until Monday morning, and the court adjourned mull Saturday. THE POLICE. THE CENTRAL STATION. The veterans for General Hancock's army corps are responding to the patriotic call of ChlefFranklin so ra pidly that the Central Station is, to some extent, tamed into a mastering office, where officers and clerks are busy as bees in making out the muster-rolls. The rognes; gallery room and the outer doors have a guard, muskets with fixed bayonets, dee,, giving the place Quite a military appearance. The table need by the officer i and clerks is in the centre of the room Look ing down from the surrounding walls upon the military group, and the veteran applicants ar* the likenesses of many thieves and leading Southern traitors, from the pauper Maury down to Jeff Davis. The traitors occupy a straight line along the face of the wall. Hanked on one side by the, celebrated Jersey minister,'the bigamist who had nine wives, and on the other side by a murderer; Jeff. Davis looks sour and determined,(this likeness was taken in Philadelphia in 1863); Letcher, of Virginia, has s jolly lock; Cobb seems to be smilng; Stephens has a doubtful expression, as though halting between two opinions; Wigfall appears as though he hadjußt arisen after a night’s debauch. They are all there, lookinguponthe patriotic scene of Uncle Samuel's veterans being continually mustered into the service once more. . There has been no recruiting like the present since the breaking out of the infamous rebellion.,* Wo excitement attends the affair. The sueam of'veteran humanity flows steadily on like still waters. In the course of a short time the second regiment will be fall. The first regiment, at Washington, we believe is .already full. The third regiment will be commenced as soon as the second is filled. Chief Franklin is daily in the receipt of more letters than he can read. He entertains the opinion that it is only a question of time with him to raise the entire army corps to its fall standard,and then to proceed and raise still another army corps. At pro* sent the work certainly goes bravely on. [Before Hr. Alderman Battler.] FDBTEEB DEVELOPMENTS. coio^ ed burglar,who was arraigned at the Central Station, a few days since, on the charge of com miUing a series of burglaries, had another hearing yes terday afternoon, when the following additional devel opments were made known; t ? sti ? fid that his dwelling -housa-Wo J 8? was bored intootf the n'ghtof the l«»h Of February, and robbed of a considerable •mount of clr tMng, sheeting, table-sloths, &e Articles recoveredfromßarelay t thepawnbroker,wereideatified by Theje things had been pawned by Burton. Mr. B G. CatteU, who resides in the State of Wew Jersey, testified that on thenight.of the 14th of February »»«®mon. JlorfhDelaware avenue was robbed of clothing valued at two hundred dollars The prisoner. secreted himself in the Store ana stole the clothing, and escaped detection at the time. Mr. David Newport, residing at Morristown, fcatUad that hla dwellim was enttred ona night about the mid ■ die.oJ JanoaiT, and clothing to the Talua of on«hna<i™d and fifty dollars stolen therefrom. Goods recovered were identified by the witness. The pawnbroker waived a further hearing. The par ties were held to answer at court DISHONEST DOMESTIC. Julia Hall, - a colored servant, was arraigned on the charge of larceny. The charge was preferred by Mrs. Sarah T. Hally* residing at 239 South Third street. The defendant had been employed as a servant in toe family since the month of August last Sheet* and pil low cases had been missed from time to time, aod sus picion. was excited against the accused. She finally made an acknowledgment that she had purloined soma articles, but not all that she was charged with having taken. The defendant was commltfe dto ans wer. tßefore Mr. Alderman Harley. 3 ALLEGED RETAINING OF BOTTHTY HOMEY. A colored man. named William 'Whittaker, was ar ralcnedepontbe eharte of eali.llog a colored man. named Tuner, from thi* city. In the Stateof Mew Jer sev. It seems that toe brother of Tunier, Who is a soldier of toe Army of the James* and who has lately returned ro tola city, suffering from a wound, heard of his brether being .taken to Mew, Jersey and enlisted On Tuesday afternoon he. went to Camden, and there learned toe whereabouts of his brother, aedhadan interview with him. H* was told that Whitt&aer had two hundred dollars bounty money, which had bsen given to him. and which was to have been handed over ohimself Became over to the city with in order from his brother tor the. money. Whittaker xefu-ed to give it to him The plaintiff then entered eompiaint before the magistrate, and the defendant was arrested. Whittaker, when in the Alderman’s office, did not ap pearto be inclined to pay the money either to com uiainaßt or his enlisted brother. The prisoner was held in SI,CCQ ball to anawerjhe charge at court. STATISTICAL. The police force, under Chief Buggies, made the foi loving number of arrests daring the past mouth: District. I District. 1. 184 11. .... ............. 61 2. .... '...'.247 12. 4! 8. Ml 13. c * f -.232 14_ ~.f"~ 26 6. ]sl 1$ ............ .... ~..*..91 «• --•••» ......lot Besom Corps IJ2 ........ 08 Harbor 31 ......«i Vagrant DateeUyea ..■- •><> «: ® Tgiia., f . POL COMP AMIES. FkIKBIESH. THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL! PETROLEUM COMPANY, ORGANIZED UHPBKTHB MINING AMP MABUFACTURIHG LAWS OF THS ... STATE OF JEW. I ORE. . CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS,; . • ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES, 819 PER SHARE, NOT LIABLE TO ASSESS- KENT. OOYBEJ'MMT p B A" M D |^E B « raS ***** So. a* BM*iRB E lira l i>nr& _ Wo 71 BROADWAY. HEW TOBK,_ Poai Office Adpejw, Box Mo, SMS, MswYout. OVFfCRBS. Hob. DAKIBLS. DIORIBBOM, PK>«l4«*t. W*. T. PHIPPS. Vtao Pnoldent. ROBERT BASSETT. Secretary. H.J. BTOTI6. BlDißeBnperlatin4ent.TttMTlUe.PA. ATIiAR TIC BAB K. a 0.141 Broadway. IT. Y.. Tres.ary. TAPBTSSB. Boa. BA BIEL S BICRASSOB .Blnfiiemton.B.Y. »' Brewer, Watson, & Co,) TitnsTlUe, Pa w. JfoK CHAPMAN*.— Hew Tort City. wm:t. « ' VM.F. fIBWTOH,, o.,,*™.;..*,Titusville, Pa. W. M JEWNINGS.~~-~*~ ....a *• * jAMBa H BA£OL4TM«<«BMee e«e»eA*«NdW Tort City. WM. H. ttT. ™ .. The welle of Uie Goj&paxtr ace now producing oU. Prospectus sent toany address on application; Payment for atoohma) be made In drafts, 'register* d &otot<» or Oovernjment bonds *nd securities, which bonds And securities will be taken at their market value, Remittance*may be addressed to ike Company, P. O. Box So. on* flew Tort City, or to * Atlantic Bank, Treasury of the Sew Tort aod Liverpool Petroleum Conf&any/No; lttßrotfdway, Sew Tort City. " The following par&grapbs*contsto a fall and clear ac count of theoperations of this HOOT SUCCESSFUL PETROLEUM QOHPAWr, b OPERATIONS AND SITUATION OF THE COM THB,£ISV TOEK AKD LiTEBFOOL CoifPAlfT commencedits active operations about the beginning of November, 1864. One chief principle upon which its managers proceeded, hasbeen to carefully avoid t erring the toteresia of any individual who might have lands or other oto property to sell, at the expense of the stock holders On theother hantUrtey have uniformly con sidered the best Interests of the stockholders u the only, rule for conducting the concerns of the company, and have acted in good faith upon this rule, . The inducements offered in the original prospectuses and advertisements of the company, and the hick and ■ unspotted character of the gentlemen influential in Its affaire and in its board of officers, rapidly supplied K with the funds necessary for a working capital 1 and With one hundred thousand'dollars in Iti treasury, competent agents were sent out in the beginning of the present year, who passed a considerable time in the oil regions in selecting from tte numerous oil lands and interests offered to the company such as would afford the soundest and safest sites for its mining worts. This was suectssfully accomplished, and the company now owns interests in lands and other properties, conveyed to it in fee, by undisputed and certain titles, and paid . for, to an extent which constitutes an abundant real estate basis for its actual operations In mining and setl h lug Petroleum.. A detailed description of these pieces of property is given further on. ▲ corporation like the New Torkand Liverpool Pe troleum Company needs, in order to attract and justify the confidence of the pubPc, manager* of proper cha racter; sufficient capital, a practical working organisa tion. sound, business rules, and* lastly, the actual suc cess which these preliminaries are sure to bring. In ail these particulars, it is believed that the company stands in a remarkably high position, A few wards will not be out of puce on some of these heads. Mawaobes,—Daniel K Dickinson, its President, owes his high standing before the people of the United States, \ even mote to his firm and uncompromising honesty, than to his remarkable ability mi a leading lawyer, a brilliant speaker, and a wise and safe statesman. The remaining executive officers of the Company are I entiemen of experience and good repute in the business world. The Board of Trustees Includes, not merely these gentlemen, and others of good character and standing. at several whose circumstances constitute a special and peculiar guarantee for careful and judicious ma» nagexnent buoh, for instance, are— J H. Angler, B#q., who is a member of the very rich and strong firm of drawer, Watson. A Co. t.. L. W. Myeis, Esq., one of the most prominent oil shippers of the petroleum mart of Titusville, and a gen tiemanof recognised ability and means; Dr. W. M. Jennings, of Titusville, whose shrewd ness and success as a business man have already se cured him a considerable fortune; Wm. 3? Newton, Esq., a well* known and cautious oil operator, and others The gentlemen just specified live in the oil region, where the interests of the Com pany are situated, and in their immediate neighbor hood. Their own means have been to a great ex tent ao qolred Ik tke oil business. They understand tbe general principles of basic ess, and the special characteristics of the oil business in particular. And they own stock In this company, which stock they hold to r the sake of the, dividends which they believe it will hereafter, yield. These cironmetances together give as much car tainty as human affairs permit, that the transactions of the Company will be carefully watched, conducted in-tbe best manner, and with that kind of economy which only an owner’s eye can enforce. Capital,—The capital of this Company already ac tually paid in is ample to carry its mining concerns into fall operation, baying, as -has been stated, reached SICO,OOO within the first two months of its existence.and beieg steadily on the increase by sales of stock now con stantly made at the par valne of $lO per shaft. W oekino Orsaxixatiof.—For the. practical nature of the working organization of tbe Company, the charac ter of those who have thus far formed and conducted it must, for the present.'he its guarantee But it may he mentioned that the Company’s Mining Superintendent, Hr. H. J. BBBTXS is a practical mining engineer of laTge experience, decided skill, and high local reputa? tion Indeed, his employment as mining superin tendent wa& instantly recognized in the oU regions in tiie vioinity Of the Company’s lands, as a material en hancement of the value of the stock, and a proof of the sacacite of its management. ' Boar*ess Bulbs.—The principle of operating for the interests of the stockholders xa obvious e&oogh, of course. But the New Tork and Liverpool Petroleum Company exemplifies this plan, in a manner which is believed worthy of stating particularly. This is, the rule of scattering stock. It is a fixed principle of thia Company to seek to place its shares rather in tbe hands of many small holders than a few large ones. It thus avoids the danger of falling helplessly within the con trol ol any one or two rich men, who might then pro ceed to make the Company a mere speculating machine for their private gain, and might sell it out bodily, or ruin it, whenever they might choose. The manage rs of this Company have, in fact, once or twice already actu ally declined large offers made to them for buying their stock in great quantities, from an apprehension of the probability of sneh consequences. It has also adopted Another beneficial rule, namely: not to hold any pro perty or interest whatever, which Is not under its own ereiuBive_ control and management. This avoids de pending (for instance) lor the . oil froma well, on the good faith and skill of other parties operating it. 2. DESCRIPTION OP THE PROPERTY OF THE 00M « PABY. . ’ Very manyparcele of Oil property of different kinds have already been pressed upon the Company br name, •rous parlies, of which, however, some were condition, ally accepted only, and others were withdrawn from its control by their: holders. In consequence of changes in the crowded and excited oil laud market. In the exer cise of their best judgment, accordingly, and with due regard to the. cons taut fluctuations of that market, as well as to the profit of their Stock holders, the managers of the Company, after considering; andofisn controlling many different parcels of land ana oil interests, have in theactuai result preferred to obtain, a moderate amount of accetslble property of assured worth, rather than to . grasp at unknown lands, possibly of fictitious value, and thus to become involved in transactions speculative rather than sound* and likely to lead to endless embar rassments. The present possession* of the Company, selected as above, and considered choice Pieces of property, each as be insure prompt and considerable dividends, are as follows: 1* One-half the forking interest in the Borough Wells on a leasehold estate of an acre and a half, on Meeting house Bun, and within the .borough of Titusville, and the same interest in the land of the estate; and in any other wens sunk on the same. This well is. now puiup isgfiomsix to ten barrels a day, with an increasing yield. The oil from this locality, being near the OH Creek Railroad depot, sells at a much higher rate than at points where more hauling is necessary, < 2 The whole working interest, being three-fourths of aU the oil. in a leasehold estate of one acre, known a* the Kelly lease, in the immediate neighborhood of the above, on Meeting-house Run, on which estate the Company has already begun to bore a well. a 9 The working interest,being one- eighth of the yield to the Morrison Wail, situated on the Foster Farm, on Oil Creek, close to the well known Sherman and No ble wells. This well was some time ago yielding forty barrels a day, when the flow was stopped by a deposit of paraffine to the small pipe, and afterward by break age of machinery. New and improved machinery is in process 01 adjustment, and a yield of atJeaat eighty bar rels aday is confidently expected at once 4 The like interest to the Aiken Well,-which is so near the Morrison as to be operated by the same ma chinery. This weil ls not so advanced as the Morrison well, and hasnot yet been tested, but affords aU the in dications of a good yield of oil 5 The Farter Farm Lease, of the working interest, being three-quarters of all the oil produced in two acres of the Park er Farm, within the borough of Titusville. tMb tract lies immediately on Oil Creek, and Is all ex cellent boring land One well on this lease, now down 266 feet, shows so much oil that it is to be pumped at once In the immediate neighborhood are the celebra ted Continental Weil, long yielding from SO to 100 bar rels a day, at, d now giving 70 barrels a day; the Hays Well, which has been steadily yielding oil for two yearn and the Burtis, Firth, Stewart, and Palmer Producing Half mails below is the Drake Well, the first one drilled in the oil region. This property, to the heart of the mostjorod active part of the oil country, only half a mile from the Titusville Depot, on the Oil Creek Railroad, is extremely valuable. 6. The Hart Farm. This is an estate in fee simple, of eight? eight acres, on Cherry Sun. It Is two miles from the celebrated Noble SFeU, and two and a half or three miies is the same direct line from the Egbert Farm, on which are the celebrated 600 barrel Coquet Web, the 400-barrel Jersey Well, and the 800 barrel Maple Shade. Well. It is about two miles from the United States Company’s new 300 barrel well. Thislanr is to the centre of the Venango oU region; it is all oil land, having largely producing wells on every side; and it affords ample space for stoking two hundred or more wells. Like other port ions of the Company’s pro perty. the Hart Farmntight easily fee leased, and would bitogs!,{KGac acre, besides hailthe oil, Iree fromany working expense. 7. The • * Whitney Farm,” a fee simple estate of 200 acres, together with an “allowance” of from fifteen to *5$?J!^ re8 i ; ?l ore » a 1 arge frontage on Oil Creek, aboVoTittuville, which is admitted by the experts in the oil business t o he exceedingly desirable oil property, and which has been secured to the Company on very advantageous terms. There is a good house and barn on tiiis land, and it Is worth all that it has cost for agri cultural purposes merely.' - & Thai thoroughly well-equipped and complete Pe troleum EtfinoTy to the centre of the borough of Titus vill#, immediately adjoining the terminus, and fronting the depot, of-the Oil Creek - Railroad. now known as the New Tork and Liverpool Refinery, formerly the Mow bray Refinery:. This e&fate consists of afcutfive and a half acres of land-all good oil territory—-and twen ty aight buildings. It includes a A welling house wirt twenty-lour room*,, garden, Barn, Icehouse, stabling, &c ; an efficient and valuable water-power, equal to eighteen horse power, which saves the whole expense of a steam engine for running the worts of the refinery, and which may be easily ased for drilling wells any where on the estate, operating rooms, tanks, stilts, pipes, and. other utensils, fixtures, &c , necessary to constitute a full suit of first- clasi, efficient, labor*sav ing, safe, and economical refining works; acoopering and barrel‘making establishment, machine shop, blacksmith’s shop, «c. .Ac. These works ere capable of turning out two hundred barrels a week of refined oil. The worts have been run for four years without accident, and their product has already an established reputation in the oil market. Reliable estimates show, that at If 6 barrels of refined oil a week, the net profits of running the worts would fee over $420 a week, upon the land attached to tbis estate there is abundant space for sinking twenty-five wells, which, by shafting from the water power, can be done with a saving of the heaviest Items of the whole, viz., steam engtnes,fael, and oagin eer’s wares. Pipe for one well has, in fact, already been driven down sixty feet: the derrick, shafting, &c , are all ready, and the wort is <0 be prosecuted at ones. * negotiations are also now to progress for a valvabte bract of first- class oillafed, on Pit Hole Creek- near the f rest Unit id States Well, now flowing from 200 to 800 amis, a day. This is all oil land, -fronting on the creek, having ample room for a hundred wells, and can readily beleased at from $l,OOO tos2,oooanacre, be* side* half the oil. B..PURPOSES AND PROSPECTS OF, THE COMPANY. Ihe Company will, if expedient, from time to time, purchase other lands and ink exeats, but will only do s* for the sake of the dona fide acquisition of real values, and with the express purpose of promoting its own proper business success. In like manner, although the terms of the charter of the Company authorize it. to prosecute other kinds of mining, it entertains no purpose of doing so, preferring to confine itself to the suitable development of its leglti mate undertakings already commenced, whose preseat condition authorizes the expect*'ion of profit enough to satisfy any reasonable desires. One of the Company's wells is already.yielding oil; another will do so as soon as the machinery, .which is only out of order, can he adjusted; another is to be pumped at once, a* soon as the tubes can be pat down; another gives every indica tion of producing oil: and two more are forthwith to he bored on very promising .territory. Further, as all the capital of the Company is working capital, wells will continue to be sunk to any extent which the resu’te shall justify, until tbe Company’s lanes shall be fully developed. The Company’s refinery, whick-is beyond all comparison the largest and best to Titusville, is alone competent to return a revenue of some $20.0C0 a year, and this could be doubled by tbe expenditure of $lO,OOO, The Company could even make large earnings if it chose upon its real estate, witaoMt itself operating WAtls at all * In order fuUy to understand the situation of this Com pany it mu* t be remembered that the petroleum' busi ness, ■rastms it seems, is only in Its infancy, and that the New York and Liverpool Petroleum Company is one of the earliest occupants of icefield. How great that field is, how vast the quantity of merchandise to be procured from its mysterious subterranean deposits, at a how important are its uses to the industry of the world, a very few facts will dimly show. Tbe number of companies organized up to November. 1864, to the three cities of New Tort, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg, alone amounted to two hundred and ffitv. During January. 18®, it was reckoned that a million and a half dollars a day oi capital was passing tote petroleum-tovestmsnts—an expenditure ranking With that of the present gigantic war, and doubly won derful because Incurred at the same time The receipts for crude petroleum at the wells’ mouth to Western Pennsylvania alone during: 1864, reached fifty million dollars. Petroleum is chiefly in demand for lighting, both a- an oil and as a gas producer, for lubricating machinery, as fuel, and for purposes in scienos and tbe art*. Tbe extent of there demands is monstrous, y l l rapidly increasing. For one of rtem alone, namely, greasing machinery, in England alone; the manufac turers sold in one year, and . that several years ago, over.four hundred thousand gallons. How penh&uent •the secret sprints of this oil are, la shown by tba' his tory of the Asiatic petioleum Wells. Thore'at Baku, to Pema. which have been la full yield since the time of Zoroaster, twenty • four centuries ago, afforded an amount some yean since, estimated to be vroith S6(KvOOO a year: and rtons at Rangoon, to Burnish, worked from time tot* Tl'tß Tkfc<&—PnCT.ADKLPItrA. THURSDAY. MARCfH 2, 1866. mcmotW. tire, it la aald, font hundred thop.aad hogc headeaiw- p*t»»#«. extent of thin won dertxi hew field for tmefuees, the oerUtaty of lane Fftjj* J*,‘> by jodleloo. enterprise, the abilities, ativso wim tattoo of tie aentiemcn concerned la ■ole and the positive and solid baslness «ae bwe of Its operations at> jo tsls point, it is believed that 'j ® M , la J2f} ll “ «P<>» to the pnbllostones eoeafe and h lucrative. . Thefollriwlnr-edllorUl op! slops, among other*. have been Kives, npon thastaediat and prospects of the Hew Teik and,Liverpool Petroleum Compear: -Oor readerawlli have noticed an adver tlacrent of theßewYork and Liverpool Petroleum Corn psny in oor oolomne. PsnielS Dickinson is the Presi dent, u>d heisaseootsted experlense In the bnsineae. a earefnl study- of the proßpeotiu will reveal, the advantages of the investment. The discovery . or Petroleom is so reoent. and the necessary demand so Targe and inoreasing. that this Gompsnv may be said to proceed anon a permanent baeie Their oroewotns epeeke .frankly and fairiy. and the.name of Mr. Dlcktn -oon. who has here. we believe for the first ttms, assool ,¥“®.Sl,?as?X forporate anterprlsa, should •etlefj theinqn'rer that ft is not a mare spionlation. All of the tnnds paid in term tha working capital of the Company, and ao one eonoeoted with It Is interested in selling the Company land or property at a fiotitlons waitso °r at eny profit. Stockholders are mutueliy iste reettfin all the profit# of the Company. Several of the Trortee. are located in the oil reiloo, and have acquired their wealth and experience in the business, aodfiave a {wrsonalsnMrvislon over the Company's affeirs, and tt ie expeetedl thatlarge quarter!, dividends will be le guUrly pud from the Ist of January. From Harper's Weekly, PnTßOi.irosc.-The Kew York aind Liverpool Petroleum Company, whoee advertisement appears elsewhere, offers unrivaled guarantees of safety and good manage' meat in the fact that it i» so largely owned and con ducted by real men of oil—not mere speculators in cor porations Mr. antler, one its trustees, belongs to the Titusville firm of Brewer, Watson, & Co., whose wealth connta by millions. Mr. Myers, another, is an exten sive well-proprietor and oil-shipper; and others of them, so to speak, "live and move and have their being *’ in oil. Such features show that a company is real, and meant for permanence. fe22-wft Wit jggpMffl" UNION CHERRY RUN BASIN OIL CAPITAL STOCK™-*.. $350,000 .OBO.OOOof wbioh is ret aside for workingc&pitaL Only a limited number of shares to be sold. PEBBIDBKT* WM. MoOUTCHSOF, Liberty street, Pittsburg, TRBASITKB*, - B. A. GEOhGK . Cashier Farmers’ .Deposit National Bank, Pitts burg. JAMBs B MocraickßON. Liberty street, Fittsbujg. . SUPEarSTEITOBKT, Thomas b. clank, Oil City, Pa. < r . _Tha property is located-entirely in*Yenango cointy, Pennsylvania, First. 191 acres choice territory in fee simplt on Hickory Creek, commencing about 275 rods from its month, on the Allegheny river, and extending along either aide, of theeteek. a dlitasce of 250 rods* making a water front entire of COO rods, or room at least for 200 veils. The deveiopmentsnow being made io this local ity, combined with the late strikes on Pit Hole Creek, and other tributaries of the river, show and establish eoacltthively the fact that time mod labor are the only necessary requisites to the obtaining of large paying wells on this territory. The land is subject to two leases of one*half aers etch, the Company receiving one* half the oil, and being at no expense. Second. One* quarter lease* hold lots Zfos. 48 and 49, ALLBGH3BHY PETROLEUM COMPANY, „Oilto Allegheny rlrer, about one-fourth mile above HoneCtf ek, and about thiitjr rod« from a wall now slid to be prodnoins 40 barrels of oil per day. These lots join front, each 8 rods on the river—and extend back Borne 20 rods—making a frontage of 18 rods. Are going down on on* of whfeti is eeaily completed—being about some #OO feet. The la dicationsare tbastbis will be a btg well, as already several fine veins of oil have been attack. ' „ LEASE.T WBNTYTEARS, Koyalty, three-eighths ofYhe oil. ThiiTL.946thsleMe'holdin.lo6fl'o. S 9, On Cherry Bun, about three quarters of a mils above the ‘ ‘ Keed'' veil, and hot a short distance from the ‘‘Auburn, ’’ “Yankee,** and other good trolls. There is room on the property for three wells, one of which la now being vigorously prosecuted. Thirty days. It Is confidently believed, will make this well ready for testing, a, tie machinery and eveotMhgcon neeted wlthltie of the first order. Lease. 20 years; Boy alty, one. half of the oil. Fourth. 7he entire lease-hold of lot Bo Id, Cherry Ben. On this property there la room for four wells, one of which Is now being sank As this lease is located near the famous Beed, Baker, and Grocery wells, producing respectively 280 100, and 200 barrels, tiers is scarcely a doubt of abundant success Thereoord of Cherry Ban chronicles no failure in thls favorite lo cality Lease, 20 years; Boyaltv, half the oil, Subscription Book for a limited number of the above shares now open at the office of McOOTCBEOir k COLLINS, »4O and Stfiffi Horth FSOJST Street. Philadelphia, Feb. 27,1660. - fe27-0t SOTOK. NATIONAL OIL CREEK OIL COMPANY, MERCANTILE PETBOLEUM COMPANY, AMD PHILLIPS OIL COMPANY, ; has been BEHOVED from No. 22North Frontstreet to No. SOS WALNUT STBEEr, ;.*".' vtffl* fhe bnslneaa of the Companies will haitKllu bo conducted and information concerning the same cheer fn.ly aiveo. Subscribers to the stock or tbs NATIONAL OIL .OBBSK OIL COMPANY, who have not received their Certificates, can obtain teem by lurrenderiny their In stalment Becelpia at the office. , m WM, J. MALCOLM, Secretary. TAKE NOTICE I—ISIPORTMMT TO BBBBOKIBBES SO THE COTTEK FABH Oil COMPABY. , BOSIOS IS GXYBHAbat tli« Book, of the Company Will positively bs dosed on MARCH Ist. 18*5, *nd no. stock will he sold at subscription price after that dale, and all subscriptions not paid by that time will be can celled. The Company have on their property one of Bolles’ Patent Drilling Machines, manufactured at Morris, Tasker, & Co 'i, one of which can be seen in operation at Msseey, Collins, A Co ’a Brewery. Teeth and Filbert streets. The Company expect, by the aid of this ma chine. to have at least two wells in successful operation within six weeks; Persons wishing the stock of the Company at subscription prise must make Immediate application, as there are but ten thousand shares to be sold at subscription price. $2.68 per share , Maps, Prospectuses, and all inf.rm&tlon earn be ob tained at the, Company’s OffiMs. Hos. 23 and M Wash ington Buildings, »TA SonthTHIBD Street. gAIAH fflmij.. President. WM. g. STEWAkT, Vice President. „ WM. D. SMITH, Treasurer, t fe2l-tuihsm6t B. J. HABBISOH, M. D , Secretary, ■3®* OTMCE OF IHE PBGSIDUST PETROLEUM COMPART, PEBsu>BST, V©iiaii l&o co, t Penna. , , _ New York. Fab. 21, 1865. Stockholders of the PRBSI 3>B£f* JPOSCTTPIftB. and REDFIELD PETROLEUM COMPANIES Win bo hold at the CONi’ISERTAL HOTEL, in the city of on WBDNSSD AY, the eighth day of March next, at 12 o’cloek, noon; for tb ©purpose of volina oa the proposition to i*ene to the .Stockholders of the PKBBTDEBT COMPANY separate certificates for their interest in the PORCUPINE G£)tf- FASY» and also on the proposition for the sale ofsttoh <* f Ow POSCtTPINETPE TROLEUM COMPANY an may be required to raise a f 13 „ WORKING CAPITAL « for said Company By order of the Board of Directors 3. EDWIN CONANTi Secretary. fe26 stulh-Et TNSTJKANCE COMPANY OP . THE •A- BTAf EOF PEN NBYLVANLA. —OFFICE Hos. 4 end S BXCBAEGE BUILDINGS, north side of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Street*. PMladel- INCORPORATED IN I7M-OH ASTER PERPETUAL. „ „ Capital. $200,000. ■ - PROPERTIES OP Tab COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1. (1864, •625,817 52. KARINE, FIRB, An£ INLAND TRANSPORTATION iflouSAAgfi. DIBBOTORBI Henry B. Sherrerd, Tobias Warner, Obarlea Macaleater, Thomas B/Watson* WUilamS Smith* BenrrO, Preem&iit ' William B. White, Charles 8. Lewis, George H. Stuart, Oeorge O. Carson,; Samuel Grant, Jr.. Edward C. Knight, John B. Austin. -r __ „ HBBBY D. BHERREBD, President. Wtltjam Has pbb Secretary. . aols-tf AMERICAN SIRS mSTJRAKCM COMTANT. Incorporated 1810. OHABTBK PIS PBTOAL.iro. no WALNUT Street, nboye Tfclrd, PMladelphl*. ■ . - J?.”?? 1 & !»**« wld-np C*oit*l Stock end SturpUu la. TlunDuß. Hull, | Jamec B- OcmpSell. JolmWelslu I Bdumnd G, Dntilh, Samuel C. Mortouc Cliarle* W. ForiLfcSr, Patrick | Igraol Morris. ~ THOM. 4USBJIT 0. L. Omatttobb. LURE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY, 1 - j'HB PEBHSYLVANIA PIES ISBPBASOB COM PUrr. Incorporated JI3S. CHASTER PERPETUAL, fo. BXO WALEUT Street, Opposite ladeSndeae* Square. Title Company, fhrorably known to theeonununlty for ne*rly forty year*, eortfiuiee to Uraie maiortLott or Damme by Sire, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time, Also, oafur aituie, Stocks, Good*, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their capital, together vrtih a large Surplus Puhd,!» Invested In tha most sarefol manner, which enables them to offer to tha insured an undoubted security 1* tin caw of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Pstterson, Daniel Smith, Jr,. Alexander Benson, John Devereux, Isaac Haxlehnrst, Thomas Smith, Thomas Robins, Henry Lewis, J, fflllliiflUHß Pall, ' JOHATHAH PATTSBBOII, President. Wnna a. OaoWBU,, Secretary. . A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COM past.-Anthorlied Capital *400,000-CHABTIB PBEPSTUAL. ■ Office ffo. 311 WAIdHJT Street, between Third and fourth street*, Philadelphia; - • This Company wUHnsore against Less or Damage by firs, on Buildings, furaituzo, and Merchandise gene rally. ' .. r “““ DIRECTORS. William Eshsi, Davis Pearson. ; i... D. Luther. Peter Seiger, Lewis Audenrled, £ll-Banja, ■ . “ John B. Blaskiston, / William P. Dean, W. K. Sxnß.Setretsry. sp3-tf CAME IN6URANC *- So. EOS OHEBH < PHTLADI PIBXASDISLU Frauclstt. Both, Charles Blchardsos, JS&t. CHARYHOB W. L BbAXOKAKD. Sosre MILITARY AKD NAVAL CLAIM XU. AGBHCY.-PRAHK- REGISTER, Attorney. I*o 8. fcIXTH 51... Phllada. Officer;* Ordnaoco.Qaartermas ter, and all other Accounts Seuled, and Race inis of Sou- Indebtednea* procured through Agency In Wash ing ton. , MB-6t* WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES, V* —A new PrenehOosmetle for heantlfrlng and nro •erring the complexion. . It ts the most wonderful com pound of the ace. There Is neither thalk, powder, mag aesla, bismuth, nor this in lta oograosmon, It bains •omposod entirely Of pure Virgin Wax; henee the ex traordinary qnailttes jor preserving the skin, making it •oft, smooth, fair, and .transparent. It makes the old sppesryphnf.thahomdT handwme mom Mantlful, and Ota moat beautiful divine. Prices 90 *nsf •0 cent*. Prepared only bv HUNT A CO., Perftimpn. *1 Bonth EIGHTH Btreat, two doors abore Cbastnt, and 133 South SEVENTH Street, abov* Walnut. iad-Jtm .• . -j .. . v . ■ .... _ 'a. A READY AND CONCLUSIVE TEST properties Of HBLMBOLD’S FLUID K TEACT BUOHJJ will be a comparison with thoes ect forth In th; Uultrd Static iilipegmtory, Prom Tils N. r. Independent. MUSHNCI COMPANY Of FITTSBUB3. In 300,OQO’Shares of ONE DOLLAR Each. OFFICERS. JOHN P. KaAMEB. Cashier First National Bosk. Allegheny. 8. B. MoBLROY, OfMoßlroy. Dickson & 00. , Wood street, Pittsburg. WS. MoCUTCHgON. Liberty ; street. Pit tab are. Dr. L. R M’ABOY, Pittsburg, JOHN M. CSAWPOKD, Sew Castle, Pa, EBBNBZBB MeJUNKIN, Butler, Pa. Hon. JOHN M. DUNLAP, Lanoaater, Pa. ■ AND CONSISTS OF T NO WELLS SPRINGFIELD PETROLEUM COMPANY, ST. NK.HOLAS OIL COMPANF, THE OFFICE OF -THE INStJUAISCH. [AS S. HABIB, PIMIdMU. Saantuy. feß-tf OB COMPANY, ITtTDT BTBSBT, ISLFHJA.^^ Mr ibsdkahoh noxs. JohnW. Bven**x, s : Bqberiß. Potter, *ry. - ■ ■-. jaM4t BOOKS! NEW BOOKS 11 "O, MOTHER DBAS. JERUSALEM •• The eU. bTSL'n, It 4 oiigto Bud *e*atiioey By Wm. 0. Prlii*,' “IMAN, HOKAI* aNl> F£tTSICAL; or. THB HfVLff- ENCK PF BESLTH AND DISBiSj ON RELIGIOUS EXPBBIENGB., ' lonpkft Jou«, I>. If, •*THB STaBS AND TAB ANGELS.” A work;of ibi-iHfar Interest. « “Ji'HN, GODF-RET’B JOBTOHRS. ’■ BelaUd by hbntelf. • A star? or American llfe.-by Bayard Taylor. • • THB CdIiTDBB OF THE OBoBBVIIfG FACITtiTiH IB THB FaMILT AMD THB HOHOOti or, THIfIBS ABOUT, BOMB. AMD HOW TO MAKfe l-HRSt IJT STBtJrmvB TOTHB TonKB.” ByWarrenßarton. ■•THB Tt»o VOCATIONS t or. THB SISTSSS OF HBRCV AT HOUR’' A tale ter the author ol ’The Scbon her*-Cotta Family." . ■ alm>. the other worki ot I hia author wnetautly kept oil band. Forniletejr JAMM B OLAXTOH VSneoeseor to W. ». * Alfred Martian), ; 600 CHKbTNUT Street. BOOKS I NEW BOOKS ! I '. , (Hazard’soldfitasd). Vo *94- CHESTNUT Street NOTHING BUT MONEY. T, », Arikur. TBE BSOBLaCE BALL, ftlustrated. A. Satirical Poem. Bh'iWineth.e follies of “ Fashionable Life. *' - BALLADS. By Miss .Bdwftrd*. Printed on tUtod. paper, gilt edges. A beautifol little book. RAILROAD AND INSURANCE aLMaNAO- ' AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF LYMAN BEECHER. Y*L. 3 FETRND. By Charles Dloken*. MY BROTHER'S WIFE. By Amelia B. Edwards* author of “Barbara's History. ** MATTIE; a STRAY, a' new novel; paper cover. SHENANDOAH VALLEY. Campaign of 1861. By #?s!£* late Major General of Volunteers. 'KITTY TBBVYLYANS DIARY. By the anther of the “ Schosbesg Cotta Family." English and Amerl< sen Ed if tons Wa IF WOOD. A Kovel. By the author of 4 • Easy Vat * * MBDITATIOHS osr CHRISTIANITY. By M, Outset. THE THBEE SCOUTS. B t the author at "Oadjo’o C»T«." ■ fel7-tf Standard miscellaneous BOOKS—lncluding all the recent work, ot HIB - BIOGRAPHY, VEAVBCB, ui OSKXIUI. LiTKIiATUBK. Also. works on, • MIMTiRY ANDNAtTAt BCIBKCS. THEBTEsM-fiBGIISK. aRCMTBCTORE, So., *«., ■ Willi a large assortment of works on MKDICINK SUE* OBEY end the COLLATERAL SCIENCE, ail for sale at the lowest price*, hr HUBS AY & BLAKISTON, ~. . Pnbliehere and Booksellers, : feldtf B o. as South SIXTH Street. SHENANDOAH VALLEY, CAM- PaIGBOF, IK 1861-GBNBRAL PAtTEBBO*’B NARRATJ VE. —The moat bigot<d against the General will Lavs his prejudice removed by reading the above. ForeaJe, price one dollar, at 419 CHESTNUT Strost, Philadelphia. JOHN CAMPBELL. feiO-im . DntSOTOKS, AND'ItAW JBOOKS—Ths beet* and rarest eollection In Phils' ielphla. —Hallows!!’* Shakepeare, fifteen hundred dol- Istb, and other Books, equally scarce, for ealeiU4l9 OESSTVDT Street, JOHN CAMPBELL DISSOLUTION QF PARTNERSHIP.- -*/ The Arm of C. MoKIBBIH A SON is this day dls eolred by mnmal consent The bnslhess of the Arm WIU be settled by WM. U. HoRIBBIff OHaMBBSS MoEIBBIK, WM. 0. McKIBBI*. Fhipasslfbia, Febrntry 1, IBW, COPARTNERSHIP—THE UNDER SIGNED having purchased the Interest of Chambers Mc- Kibbln lnthe Merchant*’ Hotels have this day associated themselves under the firm of 5. * W. 0. JIoKIBBjJT. for conducting the hotel business JBRB McKIBBIN* _ WM. C McKIBBIN. PKHrADBUEgiAf Fernary 1,1865, •_ mhl-6t* rjOPAETKERSHIP.—THE UNDER- V' signed have formed a Copartnership for the purpose Of carrying on the business of manufacturing SOFT FELT. CLOTH, AND SILK HATS, and goods g» ner&iiy parraining to each bael&es*. . Said Partnership to date from the first day of Novem ber, XS64, under the name of P. JBEBST & CO., No. 36 South FIFTH Street PHILIP HBRST, « „ BLAILOCK. PHTLADBLpaiA, March 1,1665 mhl-St* (COPARTNERSHIP,—TEE UNDER day associated under the firm of BDWABD 808 IBS & CO; for the transaction of a GBSEii4L BASKING, STOCK, AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS, EDWARD ROBIN', BORAGE B. PB4RBON, ■ • _ No. 4T South THIRD Street February.sB. : fe23 im P[ THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estates of CATHAJbIKJS DOVLE and of the minor children of DASIBL AHERN, deceased, mte Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and. adjust the several accounts of WILLIAM WHE LAN, Executor of the Estate of Catharine Doyle, de ceased, and JOSEPH A. CLAY, Administrator d. b. n. of the Estate of said Catharine Doyle, and of the said William Whelan, Guardian of tie minor children of Daniel Ahers, deceased, and to report distribntion of the balance in the hand eof the accountant, will meet the panies interested for the purposes of his appoint ment on TUESDAY, March 7th, 1865, at eleven o'clock 142 South EIGHTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia... fe2l-tuuu6t JOHN B. COUHANV Auditor. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS LADELpIrAf 035 TfiECITT AHD CWiST S OF PHI NOTICE TO CREDITORS. , TAKE NOTICE, that I, DAVID FULD. have applied to the .Court of Common Pleas of the City mid County of Philadelphia, for the benefit of the several acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth, in relation to insol vent debtors, and that the said Court have fixed the 2tst day of march, im. . at 10 o'clock, A. M , -for the hearing of my petition, at their Court Room, In tbe m „wy« „ BTATB fiOUSB BUTLDIHG, CHESTNUT Street, between Filth and Sixth. Philadblphia, Feb. 24, 1865. , 1,. , ■ David fuld, fe2s»stuth6i* Residing 846 N. EIGHTH Street. Fr THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THS CITY AHD CODNTY OP PHir-ADBLPHIA. KOTICE Is hereby glvet that CATHESINB SMITH, widow of the decedent, has filed in said Court her. pe tition and an appraisement of the personal property which she elects to retain unde* the act of April 14, 1551, and the supplements thereto, and that the Will be confirmed bv the Court on FRIDAY, Karehl7, A. D 1866,at10A: M « Tmiessexceutions be filed thereto, fe2B-tnths 5t DANIEL DOUGHERTY, for Petitioner: THOMAS J. Oka*. BobbHT J. Unwin & HEMPHILL, 'VnT nsiT.'RafllV LEHIGH ASDSCHnYLKILL CO At, _ , Of nil sites and of bolt qualities Carefully picked and screened, and Invariably at fki . lowest cash prices. OBMaudYard, WILLOW, below FIFTEENTHStreet. 3** Orders can be left at 146 North SIXTH Street. 653 JTorth TENTH Street, 1433 BARCLAY Street/or * > 2 rt Office, which will be promptly and satisfactorily filled. jal7Sm Eschbeinrr, hew coal depot, • NOBLE Street, aboye Ninth street. Constantly on hindsnnerior qualities of Lehlih aid Behnylklll Coal, selected expresslrfor family pnrposes, at the lowest market prices. Wharf Twenty-third street, below Areh strssf. Office 119 South FOURTH Street. ; , ocjß-dm /GENUINE EAGLE VEIN COAL, BOCAL, IF HOT SUPERIOR TO LEHIGH. A trial will secure your enstom. Big and Store sites, UP Pflr tons Larae Nut, 39 Officel3l South FOURTH Street, below Chestnut. Depot 1419 CALLOWHILL Street, above Broad. ““"f •eUBm - ELLIS BBAJTSOH. pOAL.—SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER v/ MEADOW, and Sprini MoantalnLehiihOoal, and best Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill, prepared el- Depot M. W. comer EIGHTH Offis. SECOND TJELMBOLD’B FLUID EXTRACT **7* .BUCBtf is pleas&stin taste and odor, free from all lUjurion* properties, and immediate in ita action. J)ITHRIDGE’B XX FLIHT HlM®*** LAMB aUTI *he World-Wide reputation which men OUmni lutTe amtdred is due to th«b acknowledged superiority over all otters. This superiority la derived from three SOQTMS: 3ft. Bslst fifty por oral. heavier t&ta the common CMnißoyTthoy may ho handled with much less care. .3d. The oval shape ic*a adaptation to the fiat fiamt* &o Chimney beinfi at all points the same distanoe from jSlJi&VfiwStod* d *“ lar OX- Si. The material of which theta Chimneys in manu tootoed is raeqoalled by aw otter clue as a rapid conductor of boat; and. prsstlcally.it ufonnd that the •ymbtaaHon render* them almost entirely free from liability to destruction by the heat of the llama. Hanot the obstacle in the way of the universal sue of Carbon Oil, found inthe unreasonable expense for Chimney*, ha* been met and removed by the introduction of DITHEIDGB’B PIEE.PKOOF CHIHHBIS. The popularity of then Chimney* ha* induced some unprincipled persons to make use of onrntmeand trade marks,and their reputation has boon partially Impaired byttewor telessness of spurlons Chimneys sold as ours. Parties who have boon annoyed with the cracking ol CMmheys would do wall to call and try uw _We have appointed Messrs. PBBKItJE d DEI DUN, Wo. 10* South BBCOND Street, Solo Agents for onr Chimneys In Philadelphia, from whom they can be ob tained In any Quantity, at manufacturer's prices, with tha addition of freight. - _ _ ED. DITHBIDGB, POET PITT GLASS WOBKB, Jsl9-lm WASHiKGTOW St.. Plttebnrg. Puma. TYBAXPB GREAT TOBACCO, CIGAR, hr AHD PIPE BTOEB, ■o. 411, CHSSTHUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa Sean keeps the greatest assortment. Bean keeps she greatest variety. Sean keep* theurgeat general stock. Ton can got any kind of Tobaseo, Ton tan get any kind of Cigars. , You era get rayklnd of Pipes, Ton canget any kind of Snufls, Ipa. —. you go to De&n’cvou m get Anything w** JJ®* fe uta vty of Plug* Ftae Cut and BmoktngTobae «Ma, Domestic and Havana Cigara, Fipea, *«“ • , De«fi taps lie tergeci^genera*M of Totaec*, Gigaw.Fipe*, Ac., in the united State*. Dmui'k Biles ire so extensive that he mb aford to eefi it About one* half what otters sell for. Dean sells to the Army of the Potonui#. Deiif sellfl to the Army of the James. Demi sells tothe Army of tho Tennessee. • Dean sells to the Army of the Cumberland. Gunboats all order their Tobacco, Clems. Piets. **»< tm a DEAN’S, Do. «13 oraB!nniribiir Fennsylvsnls merchants all huy at Dean*** Dew Jersey merehauts all huy at Dean**. Delaware merehuts ail huy at . As they can always yet lust what they want, and at a mueh lower price than they <aa eUewhere. and they do not have to piek up their foods at a doien little stores. All foods ordered are guaranteed to five cstiafiwtiom. Order once and yon wul always ©rderfrom Dean’s* as his ping and fine ent chewing and smoking tobaeeoei ’ and cigar* are far superior to all others, and he sells for mueh Leai. DlAß’£lTe* 41S GHOTNUT Street* noBS-tf FhaadelphlaTPa- TVEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS AND 11 TJBPBISCIPLBD DEALERS endeavoring to dis pose of their own and other preparations, on the repo- ■ tation attained by BBLMBOLD’B GET!DINE FEBPA BATIOMB. "DTJTTERFIELD’S OVERLAND J-P DESPATCH, Office go, 4fcO South FIFTH Street. A THROUGH FBHIGHT LINE am been established, prepared to receive -all elaases of Freight In the principal elites east of the Mississippi river, and to traugyrt of shipment tNROUGH CONTRACT BATHS AfP BH&S OP lAP2K&. Through Dates include ALL CHAKGBB—Hallway, Transfer, Storage, and Forwarding Commissions on the Missouri river, and transportation upon the Plains— thus enabling the Shipper to obtain a TBLSOUGH COD PBACT fqrjis frelahi for a distance of OYBB THBBB THOUSAND MlLBStand relieving him from all respon sibilities and anxieties incident to the pact disorganised •usd Irresponsible tystaa of Plains transportation. Our Agents in New York, Boston, PhiUdelphia,Pitts ourg, Chicago, BA Louis, andßuriington, lowa, are prepared at all seasons to receive and ship at the Lowest tbkgugh taeiff bates. This Company.assumes ALL THBBJSSPONSIBIIJTY > { Lbasei, Damage*, or Overcharge* on Freight while »a ttaiwttfrom point of shipment to plaee of destination. The New York in possession of a fell set of TRAGS‘< BooKB,vshowing the data of?shipment, the time ttpamea tho,Mississippi river,!* received at and >Mppeafrom the Commmy's Warehouses atAtshlson \K9JUMBh the character of the trains movingupon the Plains, the date It passes Fort Kearney, axnvesat Den ver, hi received at destination, and the apparent cendi tan of the Wares along the entire route. If Damages or Losses occur, Shippers are notified u time to duplicate any important portion of the ship ment. ' . 5 These books are open for the inspection of our cos tumers at all times, and parties shipping by this Line vriilbekept Informed by correspondence or the exact conation of thsir Shipments:. Merchants and Mining Men in the Territories ordering ’toods, shouldWparttaulartoadveinatmctionsjto ma& vVTBKLANDDESPATCH, iSehiaon, Kansas,” sadhAve them shippednndez the Mtructioss nf otup Agent at| point of shipment. ■ Letters of Inquiry addressed to onr office at ATCHI BOB, Kansas; No. IVKBIY Street, Aator House. New ?orki or Southwest eomer of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Greets, Philadelphia, beTjgoßGpUy Md reliably €E«L»al Axent, New’S®*”** WM. H. UCOBB, AmA ThUadebhU, . NEW PUBLICATieiS. €OPARmRSfiXPB. ¥.BfiA¥h. COAL. COLOBADO, IDAHO* UTAH, AND MONTANA TBEBITOBIES. . PROPOSALS. f\FFWE COMSMIBSARY 0F SUBSIS v/ TBNCE, No. B*B WALNUT Street, »*, . w -.W 1 806 L SEALED PBOPMALa. in duplicate, will ba received at this oftee untU is o’eloek M.» on T9VRSDAY, tfarek ,J LlMs Av ftu.nUhlug. for the .use oT the United diatas war. the .following wubsUtenee Btofw, delivered i* Phlladflpbia, vig* in, a 1.000 oornfe*. new PRIME . MEfiS PORK, in new. fgU*toM«4 oak bar* 1 lels, wttb iron master hoopa; joaeat to be foil weight and theJfenghly salted, free from Bust pr-eteia. and to have been repacked within . thirty' dfayr of To be delivered within fifteen days from award. I 100.000 Round* first quality eirs-fSsd new BAOPSP BIDEB ot SHOULDKRa (good Average Weight), thoroughly smoked, and pecked Without pressure in tight ti«roe« of uaifdrzh i • • s&e. .To be deaveked* within twenty days rrontawaid. • • ! 500,000 pounds first-quality PILOT BREAD; to be made from thorough ly baked and perfectly drisd before being packed. To be peeked la boxes of weil eeaKMied wood* orsueh a . kind as will not Impart taste to the bread. Boxes to contain &£ Pounds net and tebe strapped with Ught To bedell voted within the __ ___ month of Marc hi 39»£00 pounds fir*t quality kiln-dried CORN HEAL, &^s l^r C 0 S perad fully head Used. he mentioned. To be delivered _ Witbln ten d ays from award 100.000 pomidß aEW W BITk"»iIl58. lit elroaK. Well-coopered barreU To be deilrered with- in Urn days from award. 95,000 pounds first quality SPLIT PEAS, in strong, well- coopered barrels. To bedeiiveredwith- in ten da? s from award. SO,OOO ponedsflretquality,lar*»-,reln,d.klln-dried HOMtSY. In well coopered birrels. To be d*llyered within tweety d..* from award. 100,000 poiuda ilget yelluw COFFEE SdGABTor chotoe dry KkW BbQAS. in Huron, barrels, the best in use for the purpose, thoroughly coopered. To be delivered within ten days ' fromaward. 10,000 pounds first-quality ADAMANTINE CAN- ' pLES, 12s. To be delivered within ten days ' _ _ from award. f 90,000 pounds good hard SOAP, in pound ban, full weight, packed In slxty-paand boxes, to be strapped with light hickory straps. To be _ delivered within tea award. 9,000 pounds pure ground BLsCK PEPPER, In four-ounce papers Bidders will state the , kind of Pepper offered, and will submit a 1 —sample in. grain as well as ground To be j « n/u, ®*!|Y«eit within ten da? s from award. I*ooo gaUoas good RYE WHIsKY. Barrels to be of good seasoned wsite-oak staves and heads; to nave twelve wooden and four iron hoops; Iron hoops a&d heads to be painted. To he T , . delivered within ten days from award. A-li*?,?.: within^the nbov* specified time, con *****„ rs yDI be required to hold their goods* without eepensa to the United dt&tes, until wanted. . banjples of all the above articles, except meats, must «*» proposal, acd referred so therein. bo enclosed with the sample, samples taunt be in boxes or bottlet. and not la paper parcels; all pemples to be distinctly marked. TiX« e /i n€ m® examined acd passed upon by Bto2e G * Taylor * Inspector on the part of the Unltad Jfs?£,? AT ? p »°POBAtB, IH DUFWCATB, most be SS.i fS tv.t -^i icle «>K*><*»*ef. »n* bidder, way pro. pose Jor the whole or any part of each . “ Prated copy of this advertisemecd must be at p,!?po,A1 > “ d proposals nut be speoiflc “>'owplylcK »Uh all Us terms - . ■ Jsaoh bid must have the written' guarantee of two re- Jfifh 6 f j r .? h * of the agreement, rtquired. f FOB FBOPOSAbS. containta, the fomof guarantee, may ba had on application at tb<y .The seller s name, ■ date of purchase, name of con tents, srosij tare, ssd net weights, must he marked on «Tg*y package, and all old marks be obliterated. Returns of weighs by professional public Weighers must be given whenever required. No bids from parties who havefailedto fulfill a former Agreement will be considered. W ,! U lyclede packai[eß,_ and delivery at any point ih tj'is city, to be designated by this Qffise; and any in ferior packages or cooperate will be considered sufficient cause for rejection of contents. Payment will be made in carrent funds. Proposal* to be endcraed “Proposals for Subsistence StoreH. ” aed directed to I8»AC B. WlaGld, ; feSlii Captain aad a S. Vok- 4CUBSIBTENOE OFFICE U. 8. ARMY, «. He SO SOUTH STSgBT. ’ Mo,. February 22, 1865. PBOPOSALh. in duplicette, will be received atthiß offlcenaHlWM. on MOKBAY, March6ih, IMS, -for furnishing the United States Subsistence Department with w «ISF5aI^?I 8a1I3) (4.000) HEAD OF GOOD FAT \ BBEF CAT TLL ob the hoof, (Steers four years old and over,) delivered at the State Cattle Seales, at BaUimore, Maryland, in lots of U’OQO) one thousand each every (10) t«u days; to be weighed within one and a half days af ter arrivcd.at the expense of the contractor. They must average about (1,300) thirteen hundred pounds gross weight, aU falling short of(l 050) one thousand and fifty pounds, gro*B weight. Bulls, Stage, Oxen, Cows, Heifers and Hornless Cattle, will be rejected. A deduction of (15) fifteen pounds will be made from the weight of each Steer accepted under this contract, provxaed tne animal does not stand in the pens two and one hsifbourß before being weighed, or is not weighed immediately after removal from the cars. Blank forms forp*opo»als can be had on application at ihtt office, either in person, by mail, or telegraph. telegraph, or other irregular, informal proposals will not be conaldeTed The Government wUI claim the right of weighing any eue separate, if its appearance indicates less weight than the minimum mentioned above; the ex- P®hre of Weighing to be paid by the party erring in judgment., Each bid to secure consideration must contain a writ tensuarantee of two resposibie persons, as follows: _• w ® • o'; he connty of , State of ——. do hereby guarantee that is (or are ) able to fulfil a contract in accordance with the terms of his (or their) proposition, and should his (or their) proposition he ac cepted, he (or they) will *t once enter into a contract in accordance therewith, and we are prepared to become J*»i securities, giving good and sufficient bonds for its fulfilment. . The j eaponeibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States District Attorney, to be enclosed with the bid. Bidders must be present to respond to their bids, and prepared to *ive bonds and sign the contract before leaving the office.. The Government reserves to ittelf the right to reject any or all bids considered unreasonable. Payments to be made after each delivery In such rands as may be on hand; If none on hand, to be made as soon as received. Hendorsed distinctly '‘PROPOSALS FOB. BEEF CATTLE, 3 * and addresed to ‘*Caot. J. HOWARD WELLS, <3, S,, Baltimore, Maryland. * * If a bid is in the name of a firm, their names and thetr post* office address must appear, or they will not he con sidered. Bach person or every member of a firm offering a pro* posal must accompany it with an oath of allegiance to fIM oMli tW 8 < ’offlce TOrnia “ t ’ t 6 »« 6 the term * ° /a< ® , - . „ J. HOWABD WBtliS, Mi-gt ~ Captain ana 0. S. n HIE F QUARTERMASTER’S OF- YI.CB, Pbilaijki.phia. Feb. 54.183 S FBOFOBAIIB will be received at tills office until 12 O'clock M., on THUBSDAY, the ad of March ‘“SPtYlng- the SchnrlkQl Arsenal with the following articles, viz: woolen army stockings, army standard. FeUlng axes, do. Batchets, do. cannon, brass, for uniform hats, army stand- Bcglss, brass, for uniform bats, army standard. Bombers, do. do. Hos. 1,6,7, and 8, anny standard. IX Inch yeUpw worsted laoerarmy standard. IM, . scarlet do. do. do. IX dark bine do. do. do Aiaht b ne mons de lain., sample reqnired. Canvas padding, do. Coat's spool cotton, Ho. 80, white, sample required. Cotton twine, 5-ply, . do. - Boilape. 50- inch, do! Bark bine patent thread. Ho. SB, do. Petroleum paper, 36 by 42, and 64 by 60 Inches wide, sample required.- Boop iron, 2S-incb. Ho. 20. bsst quality, samplera qnlreiE lroß * ** inc * l » ?°- *®> 1 1881 duality, sample re £ach hid must be anarsnUed by two responsible per sons, whose signature must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to; as being good and sufficient secu rity for the amount involved, by some public function ary of the United States. Bids jrom defautting contractors, asd those that do not fully comply with the requirements of this adver tisement, will not be considered. -Blank forms for proposals, embracing the terms of the guarantee required in each bid, can be bad ou ap plication. at this office, and nose others, which do not embrace tMs guarantee, will be considered, nor will any proposal be considered which does not strictly cow form to the requirements therein stated. Bidders will state the quantity they propose tofor msh, how soon they can commence, and the quantity they can deliver weekly. - J The Mght ie reserved by the United Statu to reject wßoleof tiie bids, as may be deemed best for the interest of the service. Samples of cueb articles as are required to be of army standard can be sees at this office. Proposals must be endorsed “Proposals for Army Supplies, “ stating the particular article bid far. HERMaN BIGGS, fe2s- 5t Colonel, Quartermaster - b Department. PROPOSALS FOR_MANURB. «- Quartermaster Obhebal’s Offiob* __ First Division, Washixotox City; February 10,1865. « fi ££^£l&wS»tF9? AIfS JFdii be received at this office unm WEDNBBDAI, MA8CH15.1865, atlfi o’cloA M., for tie purchase of all the MaNUHis that maybe pro cured from the stables and corrals of the Giesboro De pat, near W&shinston, D. C.,»ithin the twelve months next succeeding April 1,1865. The Bucceisful bidder will be required to have barges or boats moored at the wharf at Qieshoro inconstant readinesßß to receive the manors which may accumu- Into. The United States will deliver the manure in the tald barges or boats, and will designate an agent to mea sure it as rapidly as loaded ■Baders most stirte the price per cubic yard. An oath oI allegiance will be re Quire i from e&eh bidder. Payment wul be required to be made In Government funds at the end of each month for tha manure delivered .in the barges during tbe month. Bonds, with approved eeenrltlee, wUI be required aOWOMoffire* aw “ dBd * ln ‘be «m or ten ttoaeand ,’he Department reserves the right to reject any pro porai not deemed advantageous to the United States. Proposw* must be adareaeed to the undersigned, Washington, D. C., and marked on the envelope posals for Harare.'v JAMBS A. BKISF, . Colonel in charge Ist Divialon. felS-lm 0. M. 0. O. MACHINERY AND IRON. ,#f£gk PENN ETEA.M ENGINE AND ••■•■■■aBOIIJEB WORKS, -mm k MTS PRACTICAL A»D THBOEBTICAL UKOTWKnKH Kt. MBIi BOILIBjTAKEEt: BLAGESmTii; rad S2SHP “*• j 1 ?’? l ®* toT , “!“? >*»*» been ln suereMTal and beenexelnm^yengagedlnbitUdlng and retailing Marine and ElverEnitneeVUgh and low p re*. **”’ BoUere. Water Taras, Propellert, 4te., An, rMpeetfnlly offer ttelr service* to tte public, ae belnx «uy prepared to contract for enrlnes of all efxee, n». Jn 8 'Blver. and Stationary; havlngaet* of pattern!of fi*J»t wm, are prepared to execute ordera wlth qniek despatch. Every description of pattern-making. shortest nottca. High and Low-pressure. Tine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilerc, ofthe bret Pranl sylvant. charcoal Iron, Torglnga of all aiiee and kind*. Iron and _ Brass Castings, of all descriptions; 801 - JSS“*s*t and all other work eonnoetod wlth the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at th. estahllehmen t free of eharge. and work guaranteed. . Tha snbscHbera have amide wharf-dock room for i*, pairs of boataiwhere they can lie ln perfect safety, and *beara. block*, frll*, Ac., AA. for raising heavy or light weight*. • - ' JACOB 0. BEATI& , _ „ JOHH P. LIVY, l«n-tf BEACH and PALMBK Street*. j. TAiraxAjr kbbwox. ymu* v. uanarew COUTHWARK 0 FOUNDRY, FIFTH AHD WASHIHGTOSt STESEfE. ~ ’ - Wnur a nwv «wr. * » xniiiAi/aitfaiA. MKBBIuK * BOSS, _ . EHGIHKBBS AlfD MACHUtIBTB, Manufacture High and Low Presenre Steam Engines, lor land, river, and marine service. ?i’i nree ms V,>?’ ®“tt«> Iren B«*te. Ae;tCaat ing* of all kinds, either Iron or bras*. nld ItottSS, Aer &r ®“ %rori “’ WorM “» **«■ Be torts and Ga« Mattinery of tho latest and most im proved construction. - Every deecriptlon of Plantation Xachlnery, suth a* Sugar, atw, rad Grist MUls. Vacuum Pans, Open' s S2^Sffcs e «®ls'toW2.«^ paixnus, Neemyth r 8 Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspiu jtii k NoW » Fateni Oentrifogai Sugar* Draining Machine. außPti WM. M. FABER A GO*. nf^winniian.. GSHSBAL HaOHIHIBTS, ASD BOILEB HASHES, PEHESTLVAJHA Sl?f,jmauj»i«»»inni wisms „ , _ “ * Manufacture all kinds of STEAM BHGIWBS, ranging from t&rae to ana hundred and fifty horse-power Tana S»w MUls, Blast Furnases, OH tV 6lifl; EC. f wOi Give paxtieular aNenilon fco the cohatructloa of Ea» pM and-Machinery for oil, boring and pumping opera tions. Have always on-hand, finished ana read* for shipment, SSGIH&S rad SOIREES of every won. • Orders from, aU parts of the country BoHettad and promptly filled. ; - la*TSm TLA ORGAN, ORB, & CO., STEAM EH. ~ , GIHB BIuLDBBB, bon Tonnders. and General g?» l g.t?#hgfae g °- 15,19 “HP YTELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BVCHU nfr‘ T ,J*7«»healtt andvigor to the fram* and bloom t. she pallid .cheek. Debility Is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and Wno treatment il submltted to, consumption, Insanity or epileptic fits Mane. ■ASfe OFFICE WATER TRANB - E a , Ho. i*V4 South THIRD Street, *° Jl? n^ ,l « I> Co*fto’^«hern Iporte 1 porte capt A Asst. G, 1L rjOG-WHEEIa CLOTHES WRINGER. ~Jb|'rcry Vest article mads; alaio.all tte'otter ap proved at lowest market Prices. . . „ , BOWB. BOSTOB. A 00., «»■« IST rad 138 iaitt THISD gt^k AITCTIOIt B AJLISg. J* 1 MS JAYNE Sfc»etM> SUE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DKT affOTM. - <n-niß4f, : -••■ lff.«hT, at Ktu’clock, by catalogue, on fonrmontffie' • «* psokares u 4 lota of fancy Hi staple imported ani .außHUtiffiwet. . Samples and «Mtein *wjr on monrfcgef gilt. DOMEMtp GMDb FOE CASH. Brow* and. bleached muOlMs,'6-4 and fr-t, BlrachedeheetiDce, ginghams, Cambrics, prints. %ntuctyjsMis, < WatMfa*, Baimorafc.. Ac. T>ANCOABT * WARNOOK, AUG Jl TIONBBBB, »*» MARKET Rtreet FOK BAUB JJDD TO LET." VALUABLE STORE PROPER. FOR SALE—vlrr five-story iron front stow, Third, Bear Arch street; store property, tieh. sear Tenth; property, 8. B. corner of Ninth and Cherry and Bo 31 north Eevenihst. A. P. &J.-H. MORRIS; fe»i-«t* 91« ARCH Street. Mfob bale— sto re and BWBLUKO. excellent business stand, 1741 Lorn- BARD (street: will be sold, low, and early possession Bivra„ B.P. OtSBS, IU3 *oo*h FOURTH St . fcBB tf or 8. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH sad OSBSBf Msood investment—for bale, 0,1 onlil side of Wallace et., dciow 11th, with 3 small dwellings le the rear, will rent to pay over t»n per eent. ,-*">* lar C® Maw dwelUoes io yarlooe localiUMs B. F. OLBSMST. U 63 South FOURTH at.* xelS tf or Southwest Cor Seventeenth and Green eta. g| FOR sale—large FOUNDRY *a and MACHINE SHOP In fall operation, with the workln*stock and tools, patterns, Ac., of eyery de scription, necessary for doing a lares and- •ucosssftil tomPhUsdeShil °" a mile, ft!*-**- ' 183 South FOURTH-Street. ®„LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO wntatatnr 60 feet on Cherry depth MS toot, being 76 feet wide on the rear at SP *» * largo cart-way leading to Cherry vantages of are rarely met with. - Apply on the premise*. «13-<ta* g} FOR SALE—A STORE AND ■“* DWELLING combined, occupying one of the most l”«»tions in the enterprtsinc town of PhtßnlxyUle, Chester county, Pa A rare op in vestment and oac be had with or without stoos of goods on hand. Terms easy: immedi* ate posceesion given dwelling, A nd ■Wharf combined, all on the Schuyihiu canal, in the village of Mount Clare. Montgomery county; good location for coantr? and ea nal basineps Term* reasonable For farther p»rd cnlare apply to E, F. PERN ¥ PACKER, -Real Estate Agent, JM-to _ Phoenix vi Ue. tig FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER W-A Offers for sate Ms eonntry scat, within half a ®®teirare, off the Newport pike, con htnd, to theeentreofwhich “ * latte lawn with a fine variety of shade trees, ma ples, lindens, evergreens, etc., in all over a' hundred fall-grown toss, The Improvements consist of a large and commodious Musfon, tanked on the west by two *bWf*»-« o* of which ie tour stories in' height. There £3l°S£l B iiK ro SS r< ? 8 4 ®? r - with a hall eleven by house has the jmodern improve house and stable sufficient for four horses and several Suffij " d * mok * **>• , W S, varieties of dwarf-pear Mrol%?.^Mih^SgS^ BBTBrkl alrwr 04 "^ no24»tf 831 Market street, rial. «FOR SALE—THE ADVER-m TIBER will sell hts COUNTRY-PLACE, con lalnlng 4to_6 acres, situated on the Old York road, above the five mile stone, at Branch town. Tna improve ments comprise a sabstantial, well finished, and roomy atone bouse, nearly new, having fourteen rooms, con veniently arranaed ; good frame stabling and earriaxe honss, with the nrnal out bnildings It is planted with a full and choice collection of Fralt, Shade, and Evergreen trees and shrubbery, now well grown, and has a large and very productive vegetable garden, apple orchard, copious running stream, fish pond. Ac. Hear two stations (Oreon and Oak lane) on the North Penn- Railroad, In a neighborhood nn-ncsUed for bealthtalaesa, being wholly free from malaria at ail Seatons. The owner being determined to sell, offers the pro perty, with all the advantages of nearly tea years’ss sidaonß care and cultivation, at about its original cost. ±*j3ce» 810,000. . For further iuformat’oa, "apply at 203 MARKET £tr*et, second floor, between 10 and 2. fe2l-thstgflft m WANTED TO PURCHASE—A A Factory Property, or large lot. west of Broad 3Z street. Also, TO BELL, a handsome Germantown Re sidence, stable, and one acre; beanlifoliy ertnated, on Bast Washington Lane. It will be sold at $15,000 Cworth mow or exchanged for a cityhonse. If not sold April Ist, will be rented, with fu nitore, at SI,2CC ayeir. Also, torrent, a Farm of eighty acres, S! 1 *- Anpiy to LIPPINCOCT, dt CO., office of Jackson Iron works, 15 BANK Street. fe7-tnthalrn* Mfor sale-a handsome GOTHIC COTTAGE, 10 Rooms. Stable, and Im proved grounds, 4Je miles from the city; famished. Ho »1* CHESTNUT Street, fegfi-tathefit* Second story. ©FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE, valuable BUBINBS3 STANDS, Nos. 227 and 22» monh Second street, 31 by 140; desirable Farm of 98K acres, on Delaware riTer, 15 miles east of-city; also. 2 splendid Building Lots of-flys aereTeaclboa Scnool bonselane. 6K miles lromott7; will be sold cheap tor cash, if applied for soon. JOS. LBNHIG, , „„ ... „ Ho. TGIS FRANCIS street, fe2B-tnths9t* Oppoelte Parrish et and Bldgs road. E| INDIAN QUEEN LANE— «Tery destraWe KBSIDENCB and worthy theJ attmUon Of capitollsts, containing FIFTEEN ACRES LAND, with ELEGANT SITES FOR BUILDING; coach house, large barn, ioe house, &c. Surrounded by large forest trees, and within ton minutes’ walk of Fallß Station. fe2«-13t ®FOR SALE CHEAP—A VERY A desirable smaU FARM of 29 acres, with mode X rate improvements, on a Railroad 7 miles foom the citvs about 10 trains pats daily. B F. GLEBH« felß tf ItB3 South FOURTH Street. TO THE PU8L1C.—36,750 ACRES OP A LAJtD m WESTERS VIRGINIA, WYOMING AND McDO WELL, r „ „ , TITLK ISBISPD rABLE, h offered to tie pablio for the price of $200,000, or a little otm $5 per fe share* of *I,COO eaoli. Fronr the report of Frofewor Whitaker, in 1858, he tajB COAL abounds in fabulous qoanttttej and of ex cellent Quality ; XE°N, GINBU3S, TlMBER—such as Black Walnut, Chestnut, Oak, White Wood, and nu iQßrout other hinds, with a 1 artety-lucreasint market for them—m&Mn&ita desirable investment independent of the prospect of Ott development, of which we feel sanguine there is large quantities to be found on the place, from reports that hare been made some time bach, and from extracts from papers from that section or country in 1801, Thereis already subscribed some 133 shares* leaving but 67 shares unsold. Subscription Boole at the office of PATTBKSON& BOULTON, No. 130 WALNUT Street, ie2s-lm for the present. 1 772 acres op heavy pine Jr* 5 * , TIMBER LIHDS, In the vicinity of the Oil for »«l9 loir by DKBBY & CO , 138 Sooth SIXTH Street. __ faM-lSt* TO L E T—FOR SALESROOMS OR majnfaohuiiie parang*jaw upper «iorie» ol tmildin* northwest corner or BIG&7H and HAJZKBT. Apply fat the store. ■ ■ ja2ltf WEST VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE, PABKEB3BUBQ. IMPOBTAHT TO 01U COMPANIES AKD OAPI TALI3TS. • BtTKOESS S PAIST, (formerly ot Philadelphia,) MAOBHT3MBB. Hava opened an Office la PaBESBSBHBO for the purchase and sale of Oil Lands. Surveying and (ton* verancinr. Landssurveyed, andf mapped, Titles ex amined, Deeds ana Leases drawiu, companies and in* dividual Interests attended to. Parties desiring la. Lands. Companies, Wells, &«., by mail or otherwise, promptly answered. Persons visiting the great oil regions of West Virginia Will find it to their interest to call upon BUKOBSS ffi PAIST, Parkersburg, West Virginia. Joe. H Paist, fe3-lm A. H. Burgess. MEDICAL,. BLBOTRICAL INSTITUTE, 154 {forth BLBVRHTH, below Bace atreet —Dr. THO-' MAS ALLEN. wy successful In the cue of almost . every kind of disease, invites all to eall at his Of *«, iMs treatment is Dee from shocks. »■ COh V 0 LBIORB. —a discovery has been made i which seldom fail* in the cure of Epilepsy or Fite of war other kind. Any one desiring a knowledge of- 1 this practice can enter at any time for full instrno- * tlonß. Oarda and Tsstimoniala at the Office. Boon BA.M.to6P.M. ConßalUttottßfree. Dr. THOS ALLEN, Electrician, j MMm 154*. ELEVENTH St!,bSowß&a. \ SHIPPING. srf«L BTBAM WEEKLY TO LI fool. How York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company (InmanUna), sarrrtnatha D. H. Malla,ar»lntendsdis as follows* ■ §SSK^S,S2 STO ®-"*" SATOBBAY, March «. EDINBURGH ....SArUsDAT, March 11 CITY OF BA LT1M0K8........ BATCKDAY, March IS. andevery anesocdlnx Saturday at Boon, rrom Plar M. North Bivar. wastw ns nißßiffi - - do to London.... SSOO do -to London™. Si 00 .do toFarii.—... 90 00 do to Paris.-~i- 40 OC do to Hamburg.. 90 00 do to Hamburg-. 87 0t ; Passahrers s)k) forwarded to Havre, Bromen, Hot tsrdam. intwerp. *s., at eanaUy low rates. , Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: lrtGsbln, fM. |B5» CI6IS. Steerage from Liverpool or Qnesnstown, no. Those who wish to send foriholr Mandacan but tickets hers at these rates. < For fhrthar information apply at tha Company’! Offices. JOHN G, DAUimT te?B talhis 111 WALBDT Street. FMtadnlphl a. BOSTON AND FHILADBL ■SKraafcaKragfM'asM ibrsst, Philadelphia. andLougYniarLßortoST* Cant Baker, wfll caU frem Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, March 4, at 10 A; {■ > bAXON , Capt. Matthews, from Bos ton for Philadelphia, on the same day at 4P. M. «t«m*hlpa form a rerul. «■»* efifft port yn nairaUr <na flatuTtfaye efbeted at one*h)4f ttUMiiinmCekai^ os tha Teasels. ■ ■- Freights takes at fiirrtlu. mh».tf mp^nthPßLA THE GLORY OF MAN ISSTRENGTEL. THOMSON’S LONDON BUTCH* 1 <!SLm<i®P* , B4s KANOB, for famiUos, CSI IaTWBaTI DIF FKKBaT SIZES.. Also,' Philadelphia. Banana. Hot-air Furnaces, Portable E«ttera, Lowootru Gnttea, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broil, eis, CcokUz Sioyes, etc., at wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers, tJHASB, BHSBPB, * THOWSOH, ocl- amthflm Ho. ffiOO *T SECOND-Streak fgffl RYANS ft WATSON’S H 8 SALAMANDER SAFI ”' Most I*.SOUTH FOUBTH STREET, PHILAD3LPHIA. PA. A lane yarlety of FIBE-PROOF SAFBB-always an FV PHILADELPHIA BCALRWORKB, Css FIFTEENTH Street and PENNSYLVANIA Inna feß-im BWB A CO. (SB CfrMMINgS ft JENNYS, ll»H> MA?hfactnrera 0 f GRAND. sagABB IT AHIh^CIPCfAa-B4?KEIgHT 80. T»6 BKOaDW-AY.NEW YOBK. Mach instrument wamaUe& Jfot yeas*. At wholesale and retail 26 par eenOoii thus the na elaee Plano elsewhere. .ua»w, Deaiare will do well to examine onr Instruments. Send fora catalogue. del-thin ® MARKET GARDENERS WHO wisli pare aad rsMable Qardea Seeds, at Teasoae.- piSces. skoold pdjohasa their sapDlien at „ a . KO&BRT Ernst?. Jr » s , f®n e , d d,y aieiloUM * Wfcd Sirwt faM»6t Above aStk jjms OLDEYESMADB ■■ , dlresUns how ; „ to speedUy restore Slsht and E. B^EOOTEiM>D. U3O BBOAD'WAY, DewYotfc AUCTION giUE^, JOHN B. MYERB * CO.. AUCTI^ u BKRB, Noe. 83H end M 4 MARKET LARGE POSITIVE BALE OF *lOO LOTS m amkeicm blffe _* C?AM> -We iitTtte theesrlypartlcnUr ' *a*to™ to the yalnable and ex'entre British, French. Gennan. and American dry nJ! 1 * t braglng 1,100 pack mm and lot* of Maple sad Peremptorily sold by eauloipn „' tol tooaths’ credit aid part for cask, maf, S morning, at 18 o clock precisely, to be coifs **» throng boat lie day Without intermission. ““"Mu LARGE ITOBmVBSALSOp BRITISH, PR.,„ GERMAN. AND DOMESTIC DRY GOOnf We will bold ft large Bale or roreign aed dom.oi,? goods by catalogue, en • ereilt o: feu monta.?^ for cask., THIS MORNING ** March 2. embracing about 600 packages and itaple sad fancy artiche in woolens worrtel ]£*« eilas, aad cottons. towhtah we incite the attendTH difeun, | B. B. —Samples of the earns will be arranmd ... arnlnation, with catalognes, early on tbeSwSl*t mlj when dealt rswillffad it to their Uteresi £ * LARGE BASE OF FORSTOW AND IDOHESTSO 6|j Inelrrded Id mi sale of THIS BAT. March h> ... be fcnnd. to part, the folio w»n*"\rt*7 *• t» , . . DOMESTIC GOODS. —bales Vhit? * a 4 ““Mae end drilii toils £re« l^l olalei . —es««s stripetfehirlnn r-?w« ticks* cases indigo bine cheeks. cases Manchester ginghams. =£2855 Siff s V' u —« —w» cases miners’ fiannels. cares Kentucky jeans. —» cases pantaloon at affs. —cases fancy c&wiroeres. —caees satinet* and meltezu LItfJSJST GOODS* A fall lino of shirting linens of a Mob . Also, *fnU assortment of blonde and t.-t* Also, a full assortment of linen daekndriihf-a ! ®®*** ciothis * t3iwJ «>ii«SSSj a* „ taelowmo goods, “™aT?n“ S C . h &c Clotll - < ’“ d “ ere6 - dosai, «. aeltoa. " 4 “ loMa , JDBESS GOODfr Pansmosimbltines. popifns, fancy checks. grenadines, valeaeiu, jaconets, lawee. Fram* s”* nels, b&imora! shifts. Ac. * „ AbPACAS, KOHAIBB, AVD-OOBUBIB cobX?* 50 CSBes ****** stored alpaeM, mohairs,^ * foil assortment'of whzfe needs, trareli!*. t tons*"A Stores, silk ties, sewing- silk,^! positive sale of caepettsos, mattut^ « ... OH FRIDAY MORNING, March 3d. atlle’olork, will be sole, hr elision, “**»■£ mo S th » ««£!*■ abont 200 plaeMt rioh-BtS, ffif* toree-blp enperine, and fete ingrain. VenisU. end rag carp« tiers, Canton tu cccoamaitings, he , embracing a choice assortment mon>ingo?sSk WlllCll may t 9 b ® examined earl;« W o’clock precisely, will be mid i’U? ff B l iree pl f J °to carpet jam. 1,121 lb« two-ply Linen do do. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS. SHOJi BROGANS, ARMY GOODS he. Oh TUBS DAT MORS IBS. March 7Gu at 10 o’clock, will be sold by cataloana, an onr monthß’ credit, abont LK» packages hoots, show, irrgane, cavaJiy boots, he . embncing a prime aed ftesh assortment ol seasonable goods of city and Eastern marnfactnre. Will be open for examination with cataloged! » morning of eale.. . - M THOMAS & SONS. • Bos. 130 and I*l Sonth FOURTH Street BFBING SiXESIBBALBSTATE, STOCKS, he. BEGOBD SBBISG SALE, March T, Twenty-eix properHee Handbills ready. „ THIRD SPRING SaLE March U Estate* of Thomas Brown, W Giese, MaMon Hatch neon. 8. Hare, and others—33 properties, very ra. 1 cable, and to be sold peremptoiily. See handbills. FOJJRtH SPRING SALE, March it. . Estates of Charles William,. F. Allison. R. Jackson, •1 s , J. B. Jacob,, W. g. Skinner, K lsalwti Jordley Gtbeen, A. R Peale, Phillips minors, C. R a . bu&. J " B * alll ‘ 6B, ChariesFox, and others. Bas hand. FIFTH SPRING SALE, 2Sth March. Ttinabta Schuylkill county coal lands, the "Paattsi Head Tiact, 637 acres; country seat, Brhool boa* lane, and city property. • "" and on the Satcurday^reTron,*^e^ t ealel!a»Sl‘ THuKSDAY morning. 4 T * a te Bales %t Yttok , w« at JTos. 138 and 141 South Fourth street. SUi*BBIOB FOREX IUbB. TWO Li KGB FIRfr.PROOF CBBBtB, SUFBKIOB SEWING MAOHIBB. BOOK. CAKES, IMUtKOitS, FOOr-hhTUB. FXflffi Cii Falßi eCQt THIS MOESiyG, At 9 o’clock, at the auction store, superior parlor and chamber furniture large and superior fire-proof safe by Sranß * Watson siarge and superior fire- proof safe by FarxeU &Herring; superior sewing macfcUe by Stoat, w a handsome walnut enclosed case; office furniture, mirrors, fine carpets, large window sash, doors. Ac _ VALUABLE MACHINERY. Woodworth’s patent surfacing machine. Bo do tongueingand grooving do. unLlnx machines by Morgan, Orr.A Co, Snafiing, pnlltes, anvil, vice, grindstone. Ac. TO PBINTBBS AJSD OTEEB& At 12 o’clock, at the auction store, 2 Boßttrup’s MLperior printing presses. Superior card printing presses. Lot of type, cases* tables, Ac ElFLfi MUSKETS. At 1 o’clock, without reserve, eG superiorxiflemuskets with sword bayonet*. Sale fry older of the United States, ISO* BEDsTKAOS. THIS DAT, At 1 o’clock, alike auction euro, 75 Ironßedstead*. SALE OP VALUABLE ariSCE&LA.ItEOO'S BOOKS. THIS AFTEEAOOfT, H M&rcl 2d, at the Auction Store, valuable misceZlanecsf books on various snojecu, froia a library. SALE OP AUTOGRAPH LETTERS. „ , . . Off FRIDAY AFTEBEOOJT, March 3d. at the auction store, valuable and IntB*estiai autograph, letters, chiefly American, including a an in ker of the Presidents, Signer* of the Declaration of In* dependence of the United States, Ac. Exerntor’s Sale, S. W. corner of Second Chrlatlaa streets—Xsiate of James Dodson, deceased. SUPEJSXOS PUHKITUBK,^PIKB ra fsLVSrcSpBPB, JUiB-PKOOP &.FS, &c. „ • OMMOITDAY MOBHIOO, March 6th, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at the 8. W. corner of Second and Christian streets, the superior fer nitnre.elegsnt velvet carpets, fire proof safo by Parrel & Heirtny. platform scales, &c HoMs, CaHMaGS, AMD HABHBSS, Sa Also, spptrior lamilr horse, carriage, track wagon, harness, &c. COTTOH AND 'WOOLBIT RSG3. ***** sautHtr of cotton and woolen rags,big. PBKBMPTOBY SALE OP VALUABLE ORIGINAL _ OIL PAINTINGS. The collection of Thos F. -BcU, of this city. „ _ ON TOE3DAY MOBNIHC. March 7th, 1566, conimencins ad 11 o’clock, trill be sold at the Aaction Store, without reserve, the vjUasbl# collection of , , . ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS beloiminc to Thos. F. Bell, The chief portion painted to order, consletlna of many of the best works of tin late eminent marine painter, Thos. F Birch, Baa. ALSO, „Orirtned productions of C- Ereighoff, G. K. Bondsld, w eber, J. Williams, and other eminent artists. The paintin.B are now arranged for inspection. PHILIP PORD ft CO., AUCTIONEXBSi A 6a5 MABKET and COMMEECE Streeta. POSITIVE SALE 0F1,500 CASES BOOTS AND SHOBB. THIS MOBBING. March 2d, rammenciog at 10 o’clock precisely, we will eeD,by catalogue, for cash, 1,000 cues prime beets, sboesp progane, balmorals, cavalry boots, ike .boa to the atteatioflofbaj* POSITIVE SALE OF 1,100 CASK BOOTS AHD2 SHJBS OK MONDAY MOBNINO. March ethpcommenciag at ten wa viil iell by catalogues for caah* 1,100 casea^rimaboots, aboea, brogans, balmorala, cavalry boots, &c;, from first-dasa maaufactnrere,to which the attaulou of bar* crels lavited. RY J. C. McGUIRE & CO., AUCTION* A-, ebbs, Washington, do. T ??S?SI»Sf£ B J2IL S3 f.^ CSBB OT VALDABLB BAND WITHIN FOUB MILBd OF THJB OAPITOb. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the Dis trict of Columbia, passed iu the cause of BHSBIFF £ LOWKEB vs. DBAN md WIFE and others. No. ?GUity, I wiil expose at Public Sale, oa THUEBDAY ? March 16, 1860, at 12 o’clock M., if fair, if not the next fcurday thereafter, at the reddeuee of Mr. JOHH T. W. DEAN, upoatue premises, the Beal Estate of which DEVI SHERIFF, tete of Washington county. D 0., dted seized and possessed, ccutaial&g about SM acres. This property is most eligibly situated,, being within about four miles of the Capitol and one of BanDinf’s Bridge. It is well wooded and watered, has an abas* dance of fine ma&dow land, and is admirably adapted for market purpose*. The soil is of a fine character, kind ana productive, and easy of cultivation. The improvement consists of two framed Dwell* Inge, (one of which is commocioos,) and all neces sary outbuildings, and there are some beautiful, build leg sites on the premises, commanding a full view of the city. The land will be subdivided into several small tracts,* plat of which may be seen at the Auction Booms of JAMES McGUIBB k €O., Washington, D C- Terms of sale as prescribed by the Decree; ons-hsli in cash on the day ol sale, and tire residue in equal in stalments at twelve as d eighteen months from the day of sale, with interest, and approved security. Title indisputable- • Conveyancing MdKe venusStamp* at the cost Of tfa# purchaser. N. C. STEPHENS, Trustee, ,-r feldlSt JAS. McGtrißß & GO., Auctioneers. A UCTION SALE OW HIDES AND TALLOW. Will be sold at Fublie Auction, d Wharf, WASHINGTON. D. C. oa TBDBSDaY, the 9th day of March, 1885, at U o’clock A. M., the fbDowing articles, more or less: ' 6,740 Salted User Hides. 31 Dry Beef Hides. I.SS4 Sheep Skins. 19,412 pounds of Beef Tallow 45? pounds of Mutton Tallow. 676 gallons of Neate-fooi OIL Terms Cash. G.-BELL. mhl fit . Lieut. CoL andC B. MEDICAL PURVEYOR’S OFFICE, , WASHuraron, D. C.» Feb. 25,1^5. Will be sold at Public Auction, in this city, on MON DAY, the lSfch day of March next, at the Medical Store keeper’s Depot, corner of F and EIGHTEEN ]? HBtreete. at 10 o’clock A. M * a quantity of condemned Hospital Property, consisting of Bedding, Cote, Iron Bedsteads. Tin Cups, Knives, Forks, Fftiriting Boxes, Bottles* Ac , Ac. + Successful bidders will be required to remove the stores within (5) five days from sale. Terms’.cask in Government hinds. G StTPHEBL AN D, fe27-lSt Surgeon and U. 8. A Medical Purveyor g[ORSES! HORSES!! HORSES i! I Quarter habtbb Gbnbrai.B Offiob, ; FIBBT DIVTBIOX • Washington City, February IS, 18®. \ HOBBES, suitable for the cavalry service,-will ■ purchesednst Giesboro Depot,, in open'market, bB ( fortes will be delivered to Captain L Lowry Moore, - A. Q. M., and be subjected to the usual Government in* Gpeition before being accepted. Specification*, as follows: “Cavalry Horses must be sound in all partleuJar*, well broken, in full dash and good conditton, from fifteen (lfi) to sixteen (16) hand; nigh, from five (5) to nAns (9) years old, and weS adapted in every way to cavalry purposes. Horses be tween nine (9) and ten (10) years of age, if adU vlgoronl* sprightly, and healthy, may be accepted. Price, one hundred and seventy-five dollars (sl7ft each. Hoursof ineportion, from 9 A. Mi to4P. M. Payment will be made at this office. _ JAKES A. - gif i n f*l7-t.pl Colonel in charge of let Dlviaion Q. fa. G. 0. HORBES. ~~~~ ‘ Co«e?^Sr^^d B G^M5k Hones enitekle for ike^ySy chased by the ia opaw market, at each. '*"* . Bachanlmutobe.subieeted to theuduaiGovecngien^ inspection befose being accepted. - Horses will Be delinred to the 0. 8. tnroeeter at ttf yettem Hotel, Market street, bettreen TUriaetith Broad streets. ■“ hones tp be ionnd in aU parttenUn; not leg ttan five, nw more than nine years old: *?tpn l 5 to » hands hiths; in fieah; compactly buiiL bnlle*wi**» of anffiaent for cavalry purposes^ By ozdeyof Bi&cs, CUa Cteaneauster. toie-tmMS * Captoai Atackbrel. shad, , W»-« So. 14G BOBTH WH*BY» Ud HAXHXT HLBRIBBITBa, Pa. . ataj£( toilsWncdifor patronage m tMS Hftwtf under his t u» w»»* wggtofllYeoltaß TOBHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNB^i W COCBKLLOB AT LAW. AMD SOHCITO* .«sagw?Bj.*“ *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers