CITY I'IMIYIS. TTIStruD MCC/VT . IM HINT 11/ OIL 5T0084..-Yellter. COOtreled anything that the market has yet ex toed in interest in of l stocks, end the indloatioes st the furore will continue under the impetus of Iverel new "strikes" already reported. Toe if the popular new "Ashland Petroleum 04m is almost absorbed. This Company owns over indeed acres of land In the immedlale proximity splendid new well just °trunk by the" Saar-tr " 011 Oompany, the stook of which is no w the ,Apiller offered. Applications for" Ashland Pe lam" stook, at subscription price (one dollar here), can be made at the Banking House of 'Harper, Darney & 00., No. G 5 South Third locums's ov Busiwese —Tire business of swenth National Bank, located at N 0.210 Kar ma, corner of Strawberry street, is rapidly tn. Aug. Mr. T. Z. De Haven, its president, and E.8./Hall, cashier, are eminently quail Hod for position!, and the entire management of the Is such u to inspire the highest aonarienors. stlttition receives the live percent. notes, with 3rtteei interest credited, In payment of sob. MB to the Molted States reven•thirty unit attention given to making oollections puts of the country by tills Bub, and the Management of Its affairs, render It one'of oat of Our national banks. STIIIWN IN WNBT Vfneinia.—The fol letter has been reeetved from the. Secretary Burning Springs OH .Wella Company, of ore, which TIM prove interesting to stook. in the Hughes Elver 0111:Ntapany, which to to It : . SIR lam pleased to inform you that we truck oil on the California Farm. We have a lowing well ; what the exact amount of all the ;Mid may prove to be I cannot say. Tee well running at the rate of 200 barrels per day,.43 I ormed by the President, who has just re. nom the wells. The drill, with stoker, he.; )g some 800 pounds, are now bath' .the bet the well. When these are removed it. is rem, to expect the flow win be very considers, eased. Very truly, Jthis Bowes, Secretary. (WO It necessary to enlarge my store, in icon ic, of increasing business, I am compelled to present stook of goods at prices that will total clearing out during this week. tra heavy bleached Sbeetings, 01.08. tra heavy bleaohed Sheetiage, $1.16, savy unbleached Sheeting, SO cents. beet yard• wide unbleached Aladin, 89 oents. hed Muslims, all the favorite makes, from 20 Is. . 45071 AUCTION, lots of beautiful styles in Merrimack erican Prints, ranging in prim, from 25 to to de Lanes In exqntelte etyles. Joint Roans, No. 247 South Eleventh Street, Above sprain,. dDSHD•BAHngL WELL.—We are informed endred•berrel well having been etruoir on I Ran near Tideonte. Tole well le on the td, of the Waahkgton and Walnut Bend 011 ay of Phlladelribia. We also learn of their Made ninety new lessee on their lands, imbraoe eoe acres In this favored Oil Region. 'a two more wells whioh are nearly down to where they tenet ttrlke oil. • EXCIITNBIBNI. IN TES GRIIALT ICINLPFRA. tr, —ORARLICSTOWN. Wen. Febni -1866. , The excitement in this region on the of petroleum, produced by recent startling pmente In the Valley of the great Kanawha, Waxed so much that It 18 almost Impossible any person In this vicinity that can speck of but oil. Oil In the morning! On at noon!! light 111 Nothing but oil. mmerous eibmpanies which have been reolt sad for the purpose of developing and bring. market the inexhaustible stores of oil which. w known to exist in the valleys of this region, , the Gauley, and their tributaries, have 'tok an impetus to speoulation that every one .bitoome impregnated with the spirit of ton, and the pride of land has glue up at a )1i has astonished the denizenS of this ones 'nig county. de of ]and which; a year ago, would have been (dared dear at two dollars per acre, are now at from twenty-tive to fifty, and many sales I been made within the last few weeks at prices tt exceeding even these figures. feet, no person who has not witnessed the re ef ,01l developments in this or similar regions form any adequate Idea of the state of feeling our ()Means. No one seems willing to fit a on his property, but waits for offers to buy, t the same time appears to be afraid to sell for he may have sold too-soon,as the prevailing on hare seems to be that thre will be a very Monate of ,prlce in the spring. terstand that a companyfrom New York has Ay paid 11176,000 for a twenty.years , /ease on sores of land on the borders of the Elk river, have now on the ground a number of engines, 'ratory to immediate operations in developing ritory. Mon to this the Falling Rook Company are extensive preparations for operating on party near Uwe snoutlt of Blue Creek, on the firer, where they have erected works at an ex et of over one hundred end fifty thousand dol e And intend to press on their opemuousyllhout iy, on a scale commensurate with their ortco-- %pita. he impossible, In the limited scope of a letter, to an adequate description of the numerous opte sue now going on in this region. Suffice it to that, irons all appearances, the whole region 1 swarm with operators as soon as the state of Weather will 'permit them to go on with their k, and in the meantime I am fully convinced lands In all desirable localities will g uop to equalling, If not exceeding,lhose now paying is In the older oil regions. J. B. MING OP WBNDBROTN, TATI.OI2, & BROWN'S 3ALLBBY OP PAINTING AND PHOTOGRAPHY. have the pleasure of announcing that our rooms, No. 914 Chestnut street, are now open. old friends of the eatiblishment, and the public srally, are respectfully Invited to visit this new ery, where' will be found not only everything tis beautiful in our line of art, but every cont end elegance of arrangement for the gratifies. of visitors. • _ WMIDNIZOTH, TAYLORdo Baoww, 114 Cheating. Area. PHILADELPHIA ELDvammerria Accarray No. 611 136TIMIT S TEEET, (Second floor.)— floor .) in and country newspapers promptly attended to the lowest rates. Papers at the largest circuit. t in different-SeCtions ei the country are on file le °Moe, and eon be examined. If you wish to >Ws°, oali at the figsracy, and select the- best Ire.ie2B-8t • .AMMIDS AND BfLOADOLOTH.—A paragraph ee that the Empress Eugenie wore 89,800,000 th of diamonds at the lest court ball. Her hue. d was plainly but elegantly attired in the is.. to suit whiohhe sent out for and procured at the wn Stone Clothing Hall of Rookhtli & .508 and 505 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Louis )01eod has the, reputation of being a man o let whatever opinion may exist as to his `4O or capacity as a ruler. MOST every day we hear the remark that such such posts might be filled by the gentler pert of ion with much better grace and profit than by because, being women, they would work cheaper, with more paina•takipg. There it. is again; "ue old tune. The weaker the victim the more ors are to be put 011—the more advantage to in. Why don't the great world, that is thus In its own interest, reduce the pries 8F Aiothing I Why cannot a woman dress as ly and as completely as a man can at Charles e & Co.'s "One- Frio.," under the Continental t their wants are less, then it is time to talk -leas pay. means of the system of conjoint advertising wed practicable by Mann. Joy, Ooe, h (10., igh their newspaper agency, advertisers save mstage and avoid the labor of correErp =ding publisher', risk of remittances, unseasonable repeated• calls of strangers with separate bills; vexation deceptions of journals of dubious oter, and losses from contracting with 'summ and irretponslble persons. Dees men may learn through this agency just journals to advertise in, to reach effectively maply the seetions wherein their trade may mded. vertlsers reeelve copies of jonrnale in which advertisememts are inserted. Het of newspapers of United States, Canada, Porto Woe, Central and South Americo, kept , slSoe for use of advertisers. fe2switati9t Mani: 107191.—Royal Ermine Furs, at cost, at Oakford & Son% Continental Hotel. fe2o-19t 1.0170111Y0 ALLEINTOWN %JOLLBOTATH 1 0AMIT3. Photograph of the Company and College Boil& may be seen at Claimonle; 914 Arab street. I.4ua2t gas NOTIOB.-713.0ya Ermine Fars, at coot, at Oakford & Son's, Continental Sot& fe2o4Ot >FMB ON, LATER, a neglected Cold - will develop %dant cough, shortness of breath, failing ;th and Wasting of flesh, the avant couriers of nimption. In some bigamies the same cause =duce Bronchitis, a disease of the branches wind pipe. In all affections of the Pu )rgane, as well NI in Brendle* complaints, tele Espeotoreat>e hoth a palliative and a ours as the testimony of thoueands and its world. reputation atiest 1 while in Coughs and Colds epeedily, and, when taken according to direr romptly removes .them. Why not give this .rd article an immediate trial l Prepared only 942 Chestnut street. fe2b-lit Ft= A tt. COBT.—Squlnel fle9d Ms to $lO, vrortb • to M. Mink Muffs $lO to $2O, worth slb to Closing out balance or our taro at coat. We Intend to carry any over. One& Oiarzoan , 1 continental HOWL fe90.101 IPraa Mamma AND Pik GOOD., Constmitly on Land at GLIADVILLE VDIACESS' OLD STAND, No. sOit °Vanua ethstabove Sixth. , Prices moderate. Erg, Yang - AND p ATAass, BUOCIO&Irtlly treated jy 3. BMW* IL D.; Oculist and harlot. s""sPine et. Artthrtialeral inserted. Nooharge for etarelkston. Or/1011 OF BUTTlcurux,Dget Ovsux.AND DUO, D. remora tO * NO. 40 South Filth street. ferPtl SPECUI. NOTICES, ofyipr •Ozoson M Bri OSm. a Co.'s tem IN MAIIOII & H SirD AMLIN'S CABINET OEOOO 'itlV ( I=rte na tite n e f alt s f ei#72 ..31,1Wf 01i b 7 Mr. O n . and the dentaad te 04 RI MIT eonstaxlly inoresslng. % ROANS PIA rtoß 'oriole only be.. DCO A 8 430111.. om WO llMrinltewl oassTmorr Ott. OA BIN Er Ael9-11 MAAS PIRKllid IRONS, OF THE HALF ROUND, etralait. and flat /Impels, and, of scollop or eaw-tooth Vattrrn.: also, Parade,. Mallets, Hammers, ant Gant &Mpg &Own. TRUMAN & SHAW, No. Ns (Slat Thlrty.fice) MARKET Ptrect. ...TURNBULL'S PATENT SCALES, TO OPR rwe by a *mini balance, with revolvins hands on a dial, Instead of weighto; for manufacturers. are fsr more convenient than the balanos Posies. For ells. with other Scales and Weights. by TRUMAN 48E1 tW, No. 835 (Bight Thirty-Ave) MARKET Street. below DR. STEVENS, OF PENN SQUARE, ha 6.1160V,ED to 1638 PINE Street. IoNi•Ot COLGATE'S HONEY BOLP. . ' This celebrated TOILET SOAP. In inch universal de. 'mend. le made from the OHOIOSST materials. le WILL and EMOLLIENT In Its nature, FRAGRASTLY ROUT. ID, and NETIOOSELY BENSPICEAL In its action upon Om Skin. For ode by all Grenade and Fancy Goods dealers. teas -Tatum Gaarrianuctes OPENING. NEW BT, LEE POE THE ORAEON, Lam vetiety of Feb/lee for EVENINu and WALK/NO CO aTfil 81791E1144 OM . "IL And DENO WEAR Early eelsetlen + ureed,be fore the meal reel hein_rte. WABA RAKER BROwN, Fine Tailoring. . CUSTOM( DPIPASTNIENT. NO. 1 South NIKTeI amt. adARRI~7D NENBLE—LLOYD —On the gilth rt January. bY the Rev. J. T. Gc , odrilan. Mr Mier, 8. fiembla of Marls berg. and lOW Mary L Lloyd. of Phlladelesta. BELDIN—SESVINI —At Philadelphia. by Rev. G F. Rrolel. May 29115. 1864. Mr. George A. fieltan:and Hannah If It•evaa, of Burllnston. N. J raxß - ky—Pexsort.—on the 22d lust, at Beitv*r Fern.. Cheotter county by Friends' *eremooy Jacob C. PRISM and Ediaa A • daughter of William L..PaXSOLI..• DI3EIt). BARNETT. —On the evening of the 27th inst., Thomas Barnett, erred 17 yeare. • 'The relatives and friends of the family also the mem. here r the Hibernian Society inn Cons Exchange Aggo. a'arlon, era rerpeotfolly invited to attend his funeral. frau •ble late rerldence, 14 3 Booth Tenth street. nu Tirursdity afternoon, March Id, at 3 o'clook. BAZAR P.—OD-the cut ruing of toe 20th inst., Ersklas Hazard, in the 7dth year of his age. invitediends as d those of the family are raepectfttlly to attend ble funeral from Me tete residence, B . at 901 Clinton street, on Wednesday next, 111 o'clock A M. PAUL. —On Second-day morning, the 27th inst., EU /obeli] Paul, in the 81st year of tier age. Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited, without for tiler notice, to attend her funeral on mge. duy memoirist, the 2d proximo, at 1D o'clook, from her late residence, northeast corner of Eighteenth and Gee. eons streets. ki A tEEti.-0a the morning of the 25th inst., tydle 0 Gaines. only daughter of William end Beacom% Ann Baines, aged 18 years. The relativfe load friends - of the totally are mood fully 'veiled to atteno the funeral, Orsm the reloidenee of her parents, N, 1510 Borth Teirteenth street. on Tuesday afternoon, sun o'clock. Interment at docu ment Cemetery. ct OkOHGE.—On finnday mornin 26th instant of diptheria. Cora, daughter of S. Jo hn and 11. Olivia George. to the eighth year of her age. Ttlenrel from the nos:dente of her parents, Rittenlionse street, Germantown, on Tuesday, 28th instant, at 2 o'cieck P. K. se DO PUY.—On the 25th of February, IEOS, John Da Fay, in the 75th year of his age, Hie relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, witeont farther notice, to attend the funeral on the 28th Inst., at o'c; oak P. M., from the residence of hie son. T. llneltine Da eny.sontneastoOrner of Tait'. ty. eighth end Walnut streets. Burial at Woedlande (.; eineteny, PIDIOY —On the 26th !natant, Elliston Perot. Patera/ from the residence of tile father. 1037 Arch street. on Third-day, 7.Bkh Instant, at 2 o'clock. 'C BULL LED. —On Thursday evening. 33,1 inst., Marv. Wife of Edwin C Ballard. The relatives sad ? tetrads Kee reepeetrally Invited to attend her funeral, on Bionday morning,_ 27th last., at stlo o'clock. Iram her late realdenee, hie. 1314 Arch reet. LUPIN'S PLAIN BLACK GOODS.— Lttplijip T_amtelea. Bombazines. .61- wool Repo. - ". Empreise 010 , hn. " lierluoes and Casbmeree. MeriPag line De Latinos. " S-4-wide Baylis Bement. " 8-4-wide Barflies and Crape Marsh. " Thibet Shawls. &o BOSON & Safi. SfortynthA Store, 80. Oil 0 HISTNUT Street VYRE & LANDELL ARE RE - 11 -• CEIVING a STOCK of superior DRY GOODS adaptrd to the DAILY WANTS of EVERY FAMILY. Fall Stock or Staple Goody. TIDO Stook of Fancy 00011, Nam Goode daily reaelired. A STATED PERREINO OF THIS ST. ANDREW'S S.IOIETT will be held st 'UGUSTINE'S 1105 WALNUT St . THIS EVENING, "At b o'akck. ;,It•] C• D. RITCHIE. Steep. TWENTY.FOVILTH WAJID.—THE Citizens of the Ward are informed that oat of three thousand enrolled men, eighteen hundred hare forfeited ibeir claim to be celled by the title of man. To those who bare eo nobly responded In the past, as well as zit citizens of the ward wit 6 teed an interest fn Its welfare, we again appeal for a second ten dollar do nation. leer Committee : mast 1111715 fonds. to WILY those who are cfferlila to indict to the credit of the ward. The money roast be paid at once to the Cealrmsn (or his Committee). in each Precinct. or the wheel of the Provost Marshal will revolve in our Ward. G a A s . B . AliaTeeetep_zn- • President. TWENTY•FOIIRTII Highest Ward Bounty paid and City Warrants cashed. To every PeVilon enlisting to the credit of this Were the highest Bounty' will he paid in each. fe2B 0 oAB Z BLlndllift Jr... President 111 , 7g"' FIFTH WARD DRAFT MEET.. - - Cairene of ea* Jii`ifth Ward: and - you in particular the DRAFTED 'MEN OF THE frIFTEI WARD, 'we ask on to meet the Breoative Cemnittiee en WSDPESDAY EVENING. march let, at 7,Vi o'clock. at the Dir,TIUOT 00UAT ROOM No. 2, Southeast corner of Bi ETU and CHESTNUT Streets, TO DIS VIsIi MEASURES FOE FILLING ODE QUOTA WITH yoI.UNTEERS. -Come end act. every mitt, and the thinyean be dean, Don't tom get TX o'clock. on WEDNESDAY EVEN! 80, at SIX 211 %Lid 0 OBTOUT streets. By order atlas Executive Commil tee. JOB. IL GOAD, M. D,, Chairmen. ' J. 1. Brims, &rectory. 2828 2ts 11' , 11" 3lff SECOND" AMA. COIL. IignICIIIO3NT of the Philadelphia Dental Col lege williSe held on WEDMESDAY EVENING, March let, at 0015CI.EV HALL, commenting at 73 o'clock. The Va 4 dietary to the Graduates evill he deltyered og J. H. McQUILLRH, D. D. S., Professor of Anatomy. Physic.legg. and Hy glens. 2t• PEILADELPHIAL SOCIETY FOE PROMOTING - AORIGULTURR.—ntated Meat lag,_at Rooms. 702 weLNur Street, on WIDNES DA X March 1, at 11 o'clock A. M. fe2B-2t far GRAND DEMONSTBILTION. The COLoBID ?BOWS'S - II al WM LSIGITS ASSOCIATION will give a grand ENTERTAINMENT a; (h INCSIST 0 ALL.OBES !NUT Street above Twelfth on Fe IDA."( BVSNINu. March Id, ISA& (Postponed on the leth.Feb. en account of the weather.) In honor of the Great Spa& In the History of our Country. .vie: the Amendment to the Conttitetion of the United States. ratified by our State Legislature, Abolishing Slavery For, vor John S. Hock Beci ' of Boston , recently admitted a member of the bar of the United States Supreme Court at Wathiegtoe,_on motion of Hon. Charles :Sumner, Al fred H Love, Wm. Alcholsoe, Bee , Byre. A. L. Stan ford, Phillip' Brooks, Win. J. Alston and T. D. Miller, will address the meeting - • ecatmittee of the ladies of the Sanitary Committee of St Thomas' Church, will present a teetimoonal to the President of the Union League Association, (con tributed individually.) Also, one to Lieut. Col. George Wagner, by the Poat Band at Camp William Pena, for hie uniform kindness and attention. The BAND will be preeent—aleo caouus consist. Ins of IM Children, under the direction of Prof. A. M. Berrie. who will participate In the exercises. The Public generallit are invited. _ It la hoped all the lovers of freedom will be preeeat. The Philanthropists, Odd Fellows , Maeons, Good St matitans, Love and Charity—The Teats and citizens generally will come out, and demonstrate that we fatly endorse the union of Cowen in this glorious act which has been co long wished for—looked for—and prayed for. Committee of ArrangPments: HOY- Stephen Smith, Thomas 3. Bowers, D. W. &quell, J; C. Dower., G. IL Barton. J. K. Glaterow. P. B. Bowser, St. G. B. Taylor, J. W. Casimir, B Hareson, B. Adger. Thereto 25 cent", To be had of T B. Peek, Sixth and Cbearant streets. Doors open at 63i; commence - at o'clock. fe2B-3t rarTNNW BUILDING AISSOCIALTION EIEROBERT MORRIS BUILDING ASSOCIA TION will meet on WEDNISDAY EVENING at 7,11 o'clock atS W corner of YOURTsLand GREEN Streets, to receive further sebewiptione to the Meek; mend Molina, meeting. WEDNESDAY, Korea Stk. • - JOS. SIDDALL, Secretary, 424 LIBRARY Sired. IINITED STATES THEAISURY, PHILADELPHIA, F 430111617 19. 18811. 00IIP038 OF THE TEs •FORTY LOAN maturing HARM 1, 186E.V111 be paid on presentation at this Mane. ARCH' McIETYES, fe2l Et Assistant Treasurer 11. 11: VirPITTSBURG. FORT WILTNIC, ARID CHICAGO RAILWAY COMPARY, OFFICE. OF THE BICEITART Prrrantran, Pa Feb 14. 1565. The Annual meeting of the Mask and Bondholders of the Company, for the Election of Directors and snob other business as may come before it. will be held at the 051ce of said Company in the city of P/TTSBOBO. on the TRIED WEDESDAY (lath) of MARCH, A. D. 1855. at 10 o'clock A Id Tk e Stock and Bond Treader Books of the Company, at their 'lice in the city of Pittsburg. and at the Trans for Agency in the oily or New York, will be closed ,on the lit day of March. at - 2 P. Di, and remain closed until the lith day of March thereafter. lel7.unhls W. IBARIIIIS, Etearetary. S I X. T H WALIZEII.—VOLIISTILERS and all interested in tiling Sae quota of our Ward will please observe that we are now paving the Ward and City Bounty in cash Immediately on mus tering in the Beernit. We now earnestly appeal to all who wish to assist in Ailing cur otote to hand in their subseriptions Immediately to the Chairman of their pre. shirt. Chairmen of Precincts to receive embscrintions: let Precinct, Thomas Seeds No. 41 N. Second street. 2d do., Gime bards, No. 114 N. Second street. 9d do., W. H. Walleff old, No. 253 N. Second street. 4th do., Wm. H. Barnes No. 37 R. Third street. 6th o. It. E Walborn; Nos. 5 and 7R. Sixth street, ath do.: Philip B. Milton. No. 110 R. Fourth street. 7th do., W H. Weimer, No. 425 dirket street. Bth do , W. F. Englehart, go Mt N Second street. Regular meeting. of tie Bounty Pond Committee and others every WeIt:JEST/AY IVECING, at the school Elonse in CROWNe Aid. CHAS. WELDING, Chairman. WM H. BANNS.'. Treaeurer. 5,24.4 h JOHN HAGAN, Disbursing and Becrulting Agi. IarCONTIFERTAL MOTEL COM PAWL —Tbe dne March let. 1851. ?F'firil Waf t ; ki P S E U R T /. 1 1M 1 E tio a cTIVIN IT° ° J. paid on and after that day. upon presentation of the earns at the COMM.B.IIC/ALL BANK In the City of Plain ; dolphin. J. SERGEdIfT PECLUE, 1027-et . Tremurer. OFFICE OF THE airy BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION. COM NON WEALTH BUILDING, No. 013 CMEoTRUT Street. PRILADRI,PRIA, Feb. 25. 1865. NOTICE IS HEREBY OWEN th at tide Commtolon is now prepared to recelve amillicationa from and to awsrd to al/ citizens who likarlbe drafted for one year 'a eel , Vi re, end etioll thereupon be dot. accepted for In (Mary duty. or thailfurnfeit aubetitutee. CSMTINICATES PON WARRANTS FOR THS SUM OF FOUR HUNDRED POLLENS. BY order of the Oolnialnlon. 1.27 • C. COOPER. Secretary. orOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL. ROAD COMPANY, -- Pwrr.Alriarzuk• Feb 15. 1865 NOTICE TO STOCRBOLD6X3.—The for Directors of this Company will be held on MOM Der, the 6th day of March. 1866. at tne 011ee of the C ompany. do 236 etouth TB IRD Street The voila ha °Pal froth 10 o'clock A D. until 6 o'clock P. R. No Flume or snares transferred within sixty days PM. c. ding the election will entitle the holder or holders thPrenf to vote. EDMUND SMITH. 427.9 t • Secretary Wc' DIVIDEND NOTIOIL—OFFIGO OF the MAPLE SHADS OIL OOMPAII OW& WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 21. 1S t& • The Dowd of Direetora have thle day declared a did of FOUR. PER OBLIT, payable at ;heir aloe on F e r games 28th , clear of atlas taxes. The Trans 0 _ 11 " ° will be °load on the 23a test. at I P. 81. 2 and 1: 22 et the len:Proximo. THOL R. BRAILA. Secretary. SUISSCRI BUSS '`) " 5 ‘ 04.4 .4 1, Stook of the ?HILL DR .PRIA. LANCASTER- A• 1 5113 11138.1111 RIJN OIL COMP4.OI•I will meat at SAO nom- esEr HALL. fle.el3 ll it street n . b t 3/515 le v ° sslh Philade l P m '' on March rd. )Sis Cl' ° cicct r. Mb for 535116551r5a't.. SAatlon of Odours. edoptlon of latire. end ftirr bestnew. Aro be brought before eneeting The eubscribent to the Ft bore Moot ere A...Ay:net' fled l lon of Bach other i t to call for thell'4coalpta at the - agent oh owejJllL R. PO PS„ Von. 30 end 3f tootp 8g CRT PK ' , great. P.. T. PAH p ro tpli• et Tromarer pro MEL THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; TUBSDAt FEBRUARY 28 1 11365: tar QUID IFDIDDI BISHOP WOOD. MOOBSI aF PHIL/Lblti n paig, VATEINDIAL, LOGAN tGA JAKI. PUTLASBLIMIA, Febraary S 21, 1536. 11l the Erferfreg Of Me Age; Ogurrthetas:: Ton will oblige tne by publishing the encloet4 "Wald" from the Yost Rev. J. .8. rizutuELL. Archbiebop of Othelonati It bPPeared in Oztholio ft% declamatio n s he 21(1 of lktinks ry, end le . an anthowattve by that Venerable Prelate of the relation of the Fithian Brother. herd to the Catholic Church. I take this opportunity co state that the assertioe. Or ininnuhtii n,rontsin.ed In the Universe of /denary 140 i. Ihat n letter halbean rat:0111A from Rams. annonnoon the decision °prolog the "'eoliths in the words: • FIGIJANI NON KW! INOKITITANDI " (The Fenian. are not to he di.terbsd), fa both a falsehood awlaf , rusry, no garb letter having been received, and no much deed pion mar rt. What can we think of an Sash:dation who are so unsoruptilotts in the choice of =sane to farther their imprectlcable project.? 1 am, gentlemen. most respectfully, Your obedient servant. tiAbtas FRRDBRIC, Blaine or Philadelphia. ID 7BIS ABCBBISHOP OF CI b el THE Udell, 111'100/1 ? TEII/ A Can n .-1 t. . The ol undersigned. l in order to correct present of future inisapurehetision of his views on leir.s dd. occasion to refer to what be his 14414 on this eubj. et In public addressee in the Cathedral and in the ha Xavier's Ohnicli, In this city, within the last twelve moitte. 20. He also desires to remind all whom it may con cern. that he long- sincepubli.hade in the Cinstannti Catholic Tat graph, the Constitution, by.lasys, and oath of said Busies. , at'ested and oleenlated by the late Bev. B. O'Flah.rty.-proving said snclety to have been. at the time of the circulation of these document., an oath-boned. theret sool.ty, and as earth to haematite( and avoided by every sincere and loyal Catholic &l It i l ichoracd that the oath is no .conger enforced. axe net the Fenian Brotherhood Is therefore no loutror liable to chad.ronatinat, or distrust, as as oath.bonoi society. But this 1 regard as simply an evasion. Cie to the proceedings of tie First elition.l Convention of the .Fol24llllfirtothirbOud. held In Coigne° , t illsoie, i¢ and onblithed the es me year, by JamAa GloboAs , Philadelphia. 1 read what 1 regards* an equivalent to the etrollogeet hind of oath, the following pledge of mernheretip le," —. solemnly pledge my sacred wood of honor, se a truthful and honest man. that 1 will implicitly obey the comoveu4s of my superior oftlcers in the Fenian Brotherhocd " . . . 4th. Furthermore, la the XVIIIth resolution slanted In eald Conventios. I read of the monstrous arbitrary power conferred on the heed centre to cen t re s of the election of ell S'ate oshtres and centres of circles; JEW flat through thin demo in, motrarahical chief "alone shall the Brotherhood receive any (to:mud cation front soli party Wllaie o4 wer." • w /bh: If the doss nut coanktute a minimum. irreepcn eible tribunal, and bind the meinbeiv. hand and foorte its helteeta. i know not where such tram:tat and suchen slaver:pent can be foxed on earth, . Finally, I love Ireland. I denim Its indelandenee. do. ploy*, its cad fate for reelect three hundred yearn, cope ,telly Winer the as ling yoke of Rociand'a iejustion, inhumanitY. aid tyranny ; hat I have no faith that the Fenian head centre, re State onntrea could aovern her If they bad the chance. en tits contrars, I believe they would cva her a, worse tienditation, and make •her condition. woree than it la at preheat. Aliod I there. lore cotjure every man'who has any respeot for my judgment and advice to have nothicuto do with ilia LIT. B. PURO2.I.G. 11 0 Arehbishop of Clinainnati. EIGHTH WARD BOUNTY FUND_ Will not some of the wealthy enlivens of tide iratd send forward to the Treeettrer money to each Comity Warrants, which greatly facilitate enlistments? Forty-five men are will wanted to fill the quota of this Ward; end, althoueli the draft has been made, the quote can be filled by volunteers, as feet ea oor ex h nation 'reentry shall be renianiabed. Citizens 14 this Wald who deeire to contribute to thin object, can wind their money to auvorthefteolnot colleOtore,or to either of he underelirned. otter of the meeting. CRAB. L. D.llB AMU% Preeident, 1214 Li, Oflte Street EDWARD DROWAING. Treascrer, fe2A St* 42 Att , t 44 Brorth. FROST Street. TWALFICII HIGHEST WARD BOUNTY IN CASH CITY WARRANTS C A.SIIED. COMMITTEE ALwAYB IN ATTENDANCE AT T. k L. LADNER'S • NORTHERN MILITARY HALL. HANCOCK'S VETERAN CORPS. Men mustered in and paid before leavtag the premises. Burgeon and Mustering Officer have their qamrtere here. Turtles bringing recruits handsomely dealt with. REMEMBER TWELF•IM WARD, NORTHERN MILITARY HALL, THIRD. BELO W GREEN. fe2.7.St G. B. 'RHOMBI, Treasurer. . zistimit WARD BOUNTY W7J.NI). NOTICE. The Enrolled Citizens ef the EIGHTH WARD may save themselves irem the pending Deets by PROMPT contributions to the Beauty Tend. 'With the money in head the quota can be Ailed In three or lour days, ♦bout $6,000 more le once. . Without a prompt effort the Draft le laelliable. EDWARD BRO WNING, Tremors? of Eighth Ward Bomar Pond. 42 and 44 North FRONT Street. liar° TWELFTH WARD. FIFTY DOLLARS- WARD -BOl fl In addition to ALL_OTHER BOUNTIES. Committee meets every day at Northern Military Hall. THIRD Street, below Green. )(sonatina Station for fianceelt's Corps at earns plate. Parties furnish/air leernttellberall7 treated. ferf•et . _-.. L. B. ENGLE9..Treaenrer. or. worm WARD zeingirr CITY W.A-IM.A..MTTEI CAL 513.3111,. HIGHEST BOVNTrES PIM to all recruits credited to the TENTH WARD. An Tto t 21-tt Eir ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS.- 33017NarY. FOUTEENTH WARD. The Recruiting Committee are now prepared to CUR the City Warrants 'and nay the highest Ward Scantlee In CASH. Apply to RECRUITING COMMITTEE. Oar. of THIRTEENTH and GEESX Streets. F. A Van Cleve, James Mae Nichol, M. D„ T. G Morehead, J. N. Thaokara. Dr, J. J. Fullmer, Dr. B Z. Stockton, rahneon. fe2I.EIC TAKE NOTIE PORTA:NT TO SUBSCRIBERS T O THE 7THE COTTER FARM OIL COmPallY. El °TICE. IS GIVEN that the Books of the Company wiil positively lon closed oil MARCH let. HMS, and no stock will be sold at aubscribrbon price after that date, and all subscriptions nut painUby that time will be can celled. The C O / 311, 7 have on their property one o r Bolles' Patent - D rilling Machines. manufectared at Morrie: Tacker, & Co 'a, one of which can be seen in operation at Massey, Collins. &Co Brewery. Tenth and Filbert 'treats. The Company expect, by the aid of this ma chine. to have at least two wells in anccessfat operation within six weeks. Persons wishing the stook of the Company at tubscription price• muss make immediate application. as there are but ten thousand shame to be sold at subscription price. 1113.50 'per share Maps. Prospectuses, and alt inf-rmation can be ob tained at the Companv's Oillces E .Noe 24 and 24 Wash ington Buildinge, 274 South THIRD Street. ISAIAH LUKENS.,,It, D.. President. WM. M. STRWAKT, Vice President._ WM. D. SMITH, Treasurer. fell-tutlamilt B. .1. HARRISOII, kt.-p , Secretary. Or OFFICE OF THE CITY BOUNTY. PUB D COMMISSI ON. 0 OBBOAWBALTH EULLDLIR, 611 CHESTNUT Street. Pninenswortat:Jatt• F. itelik Notice Is hereby given that the Commitheon for' the pa meat of the City Beauty are now prepares to receive and adjust the datum of all new Termite under ths Pro. visions of Ordinance of January 26, 1866. Volaitteet it for UPS Year will receive a Warrant for YOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. Volunteer" for Two Years will receive a Warrant for POUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS, Volunteers for Three Tear, will receive a Warrant for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Enrolled citizens , who *hall plays In the service of the United States a Substitute' for not lee than Th ree. Veers, in adverse of a draft, and who shall thereupon be ere. eked upon the Quota of the city of PhibuleOhla. will receive a warrant for THEE HUNDRED DOLLARS. NalS4l y order of the Commission. C. COOPER, Beenitary. J Igr OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT PETROLEUM 13011PadY, PRIMIDENT. Tenon go co.. Penna. New irORX. Feb 21, 12E6. A *modal meeting of the Stockholders of the passr. DEP.T. POECtIPIOI3, and REDFIELD PETRO:EWE CODIPANIES' will be held at the 00E I'IDENTAE. HOTEL, in the city of Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, the eighth day of March next, at 12 o'clock. noon. for the purpose of voting on' the proposition to l•sto, to the Stockholders of the PHEINDIPT COMPANY generate certificates for their interest In the POROUPINS GM& PAST, and also on the 'nroposltlon for the sale of such portion of the Capital Stock of the rogouriNg Pll. TIMMINS COMPANY se may he reedited to rain a WORKING Og.PITaI. for add Company By order of the Board of Directors- J. EDWIN CONANT, fe2lstuth•6t Secretary. laro PRESTON COAL AND nireovo lOW COMPANY. No. 2053, WALNUT street, PHIL ADIMPHIL, POPHOLIT 11. DM. NOTICE TO STOCKHO 1, DS Ka --The annual meeting of Stockholders for the election of Directors will be held at the oSce of the Company. on WEDS/P.:DAY, March bit, at 10 o'clock A. If The necessary arrange-- merits for completing the purchase of the lamed colliery on the Company's Estate will be presented to the Stock holders for their approval H. P. TOWN% feLl-tmatl • Secretary. lar OPTICS GIRARD MINING/ COM. PAIL Ho P M 1 D WAL I NU Feb r ury SI. IW. NOTICE IS HEBBBT (tweet, That all STOCK of the GIRARD MINIS'S/ COMPANY on which instal ment! are due 'and unpaid bas been declared for feited, and will be geld at Public Auction on SATUR DAY, the fourth day of Sarah, MS& at 11 o'clock, aeon. at the Offlas of the Secretary ol the Corporation according to the Charter and By-Laws, unless! deemed on or before that day. By Order of the motors. . A. HOOPIE. Secretary and Treanor. Mr. STATE RIEDIOAL BOARD. HBADQUAISTIELS PENIMYLVASIA MILITIA, HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT FAXZWEIVEU. February 20, 1865. inThe STATR MEDICAL 'Sash D PAN 41 A. will meet YIIIiaDELPRIA. on the esh of MARCH next, to examine candidates for appointment as A seletent nem The roomsnyl Regiments The ln which the examination will be held will be designated In the Philadelphia. morning Payers on the day of meeting Gu..4.3.... r 1e of Pennsylvania. In good health. furnish nolo moral character , se., win By oree..4,a, rtinetion. OVOlll.Ok re 20 4 ,00 JOSEPH A. PHILLIPS, • burgeon Chimera) Penna. NOTICE TO 0 lt..friompANlES, STATIONNON AND BLANK BO . AND lIPISCIAL . 10/ s i ."`• INTINN 1011,01 L COMPATink Arc AC' r- 14 .- :.:.;;... Certificate of Stock Eage-; ind--.a . .. • plated to ordejem; 'lcttield Transfer Ortkekr Boo k s . Transfer olfou. "11.. i" inlifels. ..:11rM otk ' insb ff^alfd• Cbechßoolle. 1 raPIIIS end IgneeltfOls• • .. Inhe end Pent , .... ital . wok. .• . •Copittlft 80.1 '.....T.... Lilo Machines made to older. Peat Pr. e•es 85.... —ace g _ cf betty kind. ta ll : h ed r bi tn g ilais PPrl it leert l i f g 114111 139414"BITYSIffaket t 6 311) . 4 °V flate-at . f!tio. V 110 i. 91. CLXTII , itreet,..... GRANT MUST HAVE MORE ME - N t. WILL LOYAL OITIZENS 00 HEINE TO GIVE THEN TO EMI LET EVERY MAN MAKS HIMSELF A. RECEMING OFFICES. The rotors:le are ready to go to the front without de la, if the citizens WILL their daty. . Let •very Veteran whb kaalste Join the nwe hmingcni vPh i a l l a l d 661. h b i v a ntles in cosh, and be at tached to the corps of the brave and gallant This war will be ended In ctxty days if every man and woman in the country will do ail In their p , wer to sand men to the army. There are enough discharged soldiere willing to return to the fermi. if proper Entl4oB are used to induce them to no to enable General .Grant to take Itlabmond. destrry Lee's army, and end the war without the atd of the Peace flommlseiouers of Jeff Davin Let uc procure them and send them forward. TUE BIRWILY 13RTOAD11. General Hancock le now reorult'as. under the orders of the 'War Departmest, a corps of Yeteraoe—mat who have omen service for two years or more. and tote, been• honorably dinebateed from the eureke of the United e. - It rt quires very little argument to Drove that each men are worth Inflcihsly more than ten times their number In rem rearolm or bonntyi ampere. VSTlftsath' EOfL OF RUBOR rt fter the Brigade te formed. a Roll of Boaor will ba published for pratratoun itharlbutioa. by Beal. Frank lin. the Chler of Detective ranee of the city of ehtladele phis, containing a filet of VllEleir of auLb moo .•-•• -• tll the _ phut, noun:sluing a tin of 120/171(1P of all the man eniisstus in the Brigade. the number of battles each man has been in, and the varbute What aottores each one has performed. Tide will be the proudest logsoy that 04.11 be banded down ticyourebildree. . . In the proposed brigade any man or woman del roue of gentling a repo egeoratlve recruit to the army can do no by the payment of WO to any of the gentlemen named. or any of tho following oommitlees Of this som will he paid to the 'ecru% and 11125 will be re , aieed b r the Trinecrer of the Committeetoo defray extraotill oar, txporiev, including music, printing, tag, am., incident to releirg troops. Let every man And woman In the Mate, who deeires to be repress need in the came fOrgaild and maim thin invettment tor she parposl of strengthening the make of the army. Do not welt to be earl d on. but coed the money and procure a dente resente I've Veteran liteornit, one who hes nod can make himself of eery ice to our Ooverumeht to its hour of trial. . Don't count the nlopythandeome dividend. - Shall be treaded w Lib frankness sod equality. No: one dollar eball be tekee from their .bonoties, bat all will be raid them without com in lesion or dhow:tat. It is our purpose to table this-brigade without the ald of Bab:di lute brokers. and not a single boo nty•jamoer wilt be admitted. We will treat every eoldler as a gentleman, Imd every nromire aept. if be le injared, the Chief of Detective Police wilt discover the rearloa. and Rooks all immediate remedy. . . . BOUNTIES AND PAY. Tito net nay of a Vetaxon Volunteer In Illentiook's Comm ie. viz: For one Year G0vernt0nni180nnty—.................•... SOO City of Philadelphia Boanty. . . Morality pay from United Stites Government, $l4 per month 191 Crothing am:runt 'earls 43 Ward Bounty (average)... .. . ....... City Relief for Families of Volunteers, s 2 per 72 Total.. - 41,131 The pet pay of Veteran Volunteers for two years in Hancock Corp. ie. vie: - Government Bounty City of Philadelphia Bounty., - . 420 inombly pay from Gaited Btatelreovernment, , per Clothing account, Bill per year.. 84 Ward Bounty. (averneer ...... .... 26 Citp relief for family. 216 per lee Total The net pay of a Veteran Volunteer for three yeare in Henc.:ck's Corps IN FA: Government Bounty •••••••• $4OO City of Philadelphia Bounty 600 Monthly pay from United Staten Government. per month "• • 4 78 - nothing account. 612 1111 r *semi. • -- Clothing account. *42 per - Wturd Bounty. taveragto City relief for tawniest $8 per month.-- 218 ... TO - RiiI3IITHE BRIO/DR. The commute° who hare °hawse of the organisation of the Brigaee are: 0 W. Daels,,llendy G. HOWAII. GAL Bullock. David Fee*. John W. Everman, Joseph F. Tobles,'D. 6 Wlnkbrenner, Beth B Stmt. Executive Officer of the Committee. RANSA.NIN PHANKLik, Chief of Detective Pollee of the elly of . Philadelphia. Tzeaettrer. MORTON hioN;CIRARL. Jr.. Cashier of Tbst National Bank. _ _ _ . . . The Brigade will be composed of Three Rediments . One will eel raised ander the direction of the corpora tions of Philadelphia. From therm corporations the committee sii ! conrist of Col. 'I bomas A Scott. Vice President of the Pannsyl- Tanta Railroad Company; Frederick Fraley, President Of the Sebnyikil)-Navigation Company: Chas. o Pr, cadent of the- Beading itailroad Company; Thomas C. Band. President A. the Delaware Mutual Lumrance Company: Stephen Cald west. President of the First Ffatienal Bank of Philadelphia. The ld Regiment will be raised under the direction of the Manufacturers, Merchants. and Brokers of Phila. delribla. The committee will consist of Saigon R. Jenks Lemuel Coffin, Henry Lewis Jr., Charles L. Boyle ' (a U L. & H. Borle), John W. :Sexton (of Jay Cooke a Co ) The Sd Regiment will be raised under direction of the Corn kxchante. The committee appointed are Charles .Knecht, President of the Corn liked:mug 3. B. G. James, Samuel L. Ward, Joseph We ilillier,_Jsmas P. Perot. To THE ClTlZkbe AT LAW B—S - PIICIAL 40£ICB. Any citizen already drafted or liable to future draft, must produce a certificate of tire Provost Marshal or the district, to this effecr, and tarnish me with a certificate check I will furnish him a Veteran Substitute for one year. for $850; for two years, CAN): for three years, $1,171i; which will exempt, the principal from the draft for the above-specified time. The Veterans must in sit cases be credited to the Congressional Distrlct,„Town ship, or Ward where they may reside no matter where. The Veterans are not liable to this draft, and are therefore competent to become Sabstitutee. By order of the Provost Marshal General Fry, the master ing officer of the district is directed to notify the provost mama' of the district in which the principal resides, immediately after the Veteran is mustered into the ser vice, that the principal has furniehed is subeticute or representative recruit. Powers of attorney will in all cases be furnished from the Veteran to the principal to , collect all corporation bounties. _any cimzeriot rhtladelpola who is drafted is entitled — bYali act of the City Councils, to the slim of B-11(1, which, with the. sum of $460: pays for a veteran sabatitate for one year. by-tilde sews _ er 11— offiture drafts.' tor a two-year veteran, 1,000 will be required. together with a certificate of the Fracas& kiershai. setting forth the Bub district and the Commis , Blouse District in which the principal reside. tor three.year yeteran, 81,116 will be required, together with a certificate from the Provost Marshal. melting forth the hub- district and Goagressienal District in' which the principal resides. On toils taere will he a drawback on the Fran of SNP allowed by the city of Phi. ladelphisate4lll Maxims of Philadelphia who tarnish a veteran recruit fur this term. .Pric:deals who apply trom country districts will, of donne, only receive such drawbacks as allowed by the counties or corporations where they ma de. TO 7HE VETBBANS. It is en object worthy of your consideration on re entering the service. to obtain all the money you can. in order that you may invest it for the benefit of your families, without being taxed for oommissions by sharks. substitute brokers, and other commission men of any character whatever. When you are mustered into the United States service as a Volunteer the Ease herein' Officer pays you $338 for one year and Sels more - at the end of your term, The City of e hilad his elves you s City W arrant for SO upon the premeatatlefi—of your mustering in certificate to the Bounty Rand Com mission. The veteran Who retains hie warrant for the City Bounty can have it stamped by the elity Treasurer, malting it bear interest at the rate of six per mut. per annum. The committee sidle( me will pay each veteran who retains bh City Warrant in cash a sum sufficient to make the Interest he will receive from the City, 7 7-10. no that it will be equal to the Government loan. The City W arrant, will soon be paid by the - City of Philadelphia, principal and interest, and the vete. au will be able to procure the Oevernitnent loan to the amount of the face of the warrant. this is all the local bounty you get, with the escort *ion of the Ward onaty . h Of course you will secure the Government pay'of $ll per month, liefi per 74541 for your clothing" and, at the end of emir term, you are pre sented with our handsome breech-loading rile. watch can be fired from 16 to 20 shots per minute. If, how ever, yon volunteer to represent a prtuciPtd who is draftee. or liable to be drafted, I pay you the moment you are muttered in Wu bounty for one year In crush, which is.s2s more ti an you will est If you go as a vol unteer. Throats ho represent a piencipar for two year.. I pay them $976 in cash ripon being mustered in. Those who represent a principal for three years, I pay $1,160 cash upon being mustered tn. GoW you SHOULD INVVIT YOUlt NONNI- The 7 eels now being absorbed by the capitalists of the world at the rate of millions Per day. The Gov ernment agents and Nationel Banks will furnishyon the certificates of Loan. For every hundred dollars you invest you receive an Interest of two cents per da y, equivalent to ten cent, per day on . very five hanel dollars invested Thin amounts to three declare per month. which added to your monthly Pay, will yield you nineteen dollars. Tale bond can he turned Into cash at any time lOUI soon be at a premium. CLUSION. _ A-11. 731.50330175, 513 music r. street. MILITARY« BIRNEY BRIGADE, 11" .A. C C REPifBAINTATIVB ESORUITS. THE Vitt Remember that your pay aommeneee Immediately upon being metered in. Cali at once at the Recruiting Headquarters (Berry'a Barque e).No. 1.00 death SIX PH Street, Company B will mutt EVERT MORDISIG, at 10 o'clock, in front of ISDEPENDEDO3 HALL. for Street Parade. Bxeraining, Mustering-in, and Dlsbnrelne. Office, at the northeast corner of SIXTH and MINOR Streets, second story. - Headquarters for soldiers after being' mustered In is Richmond Hall, old Nineteenth Ward. B aDJ &MID Pg WEIR(' Executive of the RecrinbiogOommittee,Und fe2B-6t Chief of Detective Dept of Philada "ONCE MORE TO THE FRONT 213th /11211111 NT INFANTRY PENNHYLVAJWLt VOLUNTEERS. 7th UNION LIAGUN (NATIONAL GUARD) MOT., 001, JOEIN A...GONNA& MON ONE TEAR'S SERVICE.) RICEDiTS WANTED TOR ONE. W O. AND TREEN RM' SUMO& Bounties from City, for one year ....$4OO 00 Bounties from Government, for one year 000 00 Oontalee from City, for two years...» Donation from Government, for two 200 03 Bounties from CDT, for threevearo $OOO Bounties from Government, for three 'row SD 00 twain WARD BOUATISS PAID. • DIELIDIS EAT, RATIONS. AND °Lonnie. This Regiment te authorized by the War Department and by the Governor of Penneyteanta, - All thaoMoi . es are Vetimul t3oldtere, and have shown their -.L. COURAGE UPON THE FIELD OF BATTLE. Do not wait to be Drafted. but embrace theMreeent opportunity to receive the liberal BOUNTIES and to select Tour oleo 'officers. ALL_CITI2 j EIje SFIDILD_IfiTnERT,FyffitIBLVISIS IN PILLING THIS itROIMENT PROMPTLY. Ckklonel, JOMM A. OOROAS, late Major 198t12,,P. V.. formerly of the 90th P. Y. Lieutenant Colonel, JACOB X. DAVIS. late Major Oath P. Y. Ara4or, WILLIAM M. BEWLIAIR late Captain MI P. V. HEADQUARTERS. NATIONAL WANDS" LL . RAO STAMM/LOW BIXTIL HECEUITIZO STATION, 633 CHESTNUT STRUT. 1417.11 I ANOTHER RALLY FOR THE OLD FLLOI OEN. BADTOOOKT T?DMREAD LIMY 0011FS OF 1 7 3- S. The following official deepetch, relative to ans. tering in the second squad of Veterans, recruited by Benjamin Franklin, the Chief of. Detectives of Phila. 'delnhia; is a sure guarantee of the manner In which nit coming Veterans Will be received and treated. The good work of patriotism goes bravely on. A. 00112120. Mous place of mention In this city will be provided, with the utmost despatch, for the comfort of the brave men who are now filling nip the Grand National Guard. A splendid Clamp, in a h igh and healthy part of the county, near the city. will soon be organised. WASROGTON, D C Feb. 10, law I hereby certify that ass Notary Public I we/inquired to be present at Camp Stoneman, yesterday, the .13th, on the occasion ef mustering In of Tivent7-eifflarneni. recruited by BRNJAMIN MAP KLIN. Req.. Chief of Detectives of Philadelphia The following are the names of the persons so mastersd into the service of o e nnltsd Stater, tinder the command of Majorleneral HANCOCK, commanding let Veteran Corps. That the', were all sworn in and uniformed in my preaance , and they acknowledged' that they bad boeo_ptid all of the bounties promised them by Mr. FRANKLIN: Robert A Thompson, Norman C. Ash George W. Gorman, William H Allison, John T. McDonald, Jason Priest, Gotlieb Hoffman. Edwin F. Beckett, Lionel Budges Nightingale Bernard TraYno.r, Andrew V.coculau. Henry Hamilton, Harmon Sshr, Frederick Marcy, ' James 11,afflun. Win. Frost Warren Hill. Wm. Campbell. Isaac J. Robinson. John Hugh., Joseph F Williams, Fredeciot Pressell, 'Jo on Johnson, Paul Dubhi, James W. CarfneY, Frederick Long. Wm. Thomas. Henry Brivastioltza I milker stale, that all of the above men expressed themselves as sattaned with the coednot of Mr •Frank lin. I further gar, of my own knowledge, that effsres war , toad* by Persons about the Baltimore depot in Washington to Induce the men to viola's their Orlittlite meats w ith Mr. Franklin, but to no effect . I say this for the credit of the men. whose names are given. above. feSt-tf A. G. LAWRBSCR,'Notsgy Pablio. A NEW STATIONERY STORE. . THE CHEAPEST PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS IN THE OITT. B HOSKINS & CO Album. Blank Book and Photograp h Manufsoturere..... Stationers and" Printers. No 319 'SOUTH FOURTH STREIT. Blank Books Ruled and Boned to order. fe24 6t«_ FOR t9TIPSRISTAIFITNIBitg4)BLIKE;I4„'i'd with treat care. for .ale by the package, in tote to eat. re:shams. at a mall advance on the price of the erode. iIOSTON BROWN BREAD, FRESH Also, GRUBB COPPERAS, ntaindbotnred and for sale r ...J4.1_1 b y H aRRIaOtI BROTHERS St CO.. 1 14 it MARTI BAKERY'. Mmaturactstring Chemists. k aye reino....._ . <- ...< sus BALE Street. fe2T-Ire 0 rest. second et0ty.n.....:......_ ----4.-,c....,,__, 10U South FRO ,-- _ 1, ..„P/r PAN' Y.- iiirjr.DlCAL PURVE - AO:* tsar JoA_ .... _ l ,• , - .., w i im —b,„.., ; A, „my. , rat —. • 0 E. , ot,..RDWN:4 co. - 14° ' , ';'"I'a ir-thilvvtta r • )• EDE BAREST Kurt. Eye arel:trees ,_o___a_ .._ a _ i b v i id AtiOni 11".. I miliverti Were,: \ ,L .WhOirablk- DOLlerti in FcATL..-CAP*. FURS. SG! 511 E 1 1 , 0 a Ito Ye . ante, .pa c ki, ' D ratt a,P'isPirli 21k0r 00005. All TIF GB& hILOMESS liTtOttv ~ 6 etioPeartt/ bi -....., g el " glggge. 11 The largest end west ostootete stok-lind t - Tom wlthin- bl ue ts '" `.. be r 46 'Acmes. c< htee lle teitne. . Ordata livichhol and uat' I'm" " 4 " ' al'''"""ordant in- fi Te daYs 1,...-,1- tired to row, 6. - TeiM4AL f MM-111 6 " 14 - -Tv ' l **lne easinV unwilling v. . . THRIMAM.D. ' A 1 ' , . 7 . 11 , itegOil etrfOrg, MAJOR GENERAL HA.NOO O OEI3 FIRST ARMY OORPS OP VIPPIRANS_ The fol/swingenfiloial oorvenpondonce, relative to the reentiting nob going on to Philadelphia under the especial superintendence of Beo}amin Fran,lto. the Chief of the Detective Pollee. for ElakltiOCK'S &Ski! CORPS or VETERANS, wilt be mkt with great Interest by all clams alas community. the rich and the poor alike. twenty , two men were taken to Wriehington. D. C. by Chief Franklin , on Tneeday night, the 14t te n t..on,,the follow!. g day the wen woes mastered iniejle navvies of the country. each WM being credited to the Ward or ToWnship in which he nodded These wen Dowd the following affidavit, after having been folly muniered to: . . • CITT OF WAHRIiGTON. DISTRICT Or COLonfarde se On thia „fifteenth day of Febrasry. 1865. PeratinsaY ep peered before mi. a notary publto In said District. Jacob Betcbinii, George H. Lewis. Peter S. Gamble, John 1 Murphy, Charles H. Hennedie."Thoulas J. One& wick,Aleximder H. Gibson. John Sparks •Citieb Sta l ey. Samuel W. Venetia, Josea Halberetadt. WtlitarH a. Talcs, George B. Russell. Ssmael Weeke, David' H. Baker Joh", Lapp, Frank M Worth, Richard Itor nips, and Albert W. F, ddridge, all of the citY'or Penasylvania; also, John A. Thomas, of the clip of Reedit re, Reeks county. Pennsylvania; Theophilus Scheidt. of the Dor:Argo of Wallam.pore, browning 'numb; . and Dame W. ithute. of the towns/ill/of Deer fle'd, Cumberland - county, New Jersey, who severa l ly ackenwledged that the le d been recruited' by 1342.1a /nig Franklin, Chief ofa ctives of the city of Pads neiphia., Penns. lvania; they came ow to.Washisg. ton with said Franklin for the purpose of enlisting aie veterans in Hancock 'a corns; that all the Fr °miles male to them by 8.14 Franklin have beeeffhily met by him; that they have been paid all the moneys due them, AO well ae transportation, without any dednotion or demo, tine, whatever. 'I further certify that they_ were all mustered in and paid. and duly crealtedlo theeirards and localities where they belonged, in my pregame. r"..-1 . Witness my hand and °Halal seal the day FiF4L. and year above written. H. G. LAWRSNON, Notary Public. By request of Chief Franklin the following order wee leaned: HRADWARTHRS FIRST CORPS, • WSR Ramon, February 114 18115. LitUt. Colonel Charles Bfrd. (lamp Stoneman. D.. 0 : COLORS 4: A denaohntent of twenty.odd men from Phi tadetpbia, Jinn arrived In Waehinmon, is being seat to the rendezvous at Camp Stoneman to , nay. Toe Ma jor (Central commanding desires you to have them as signed to one and the same company. Be believes that Inasmuch as these men are to be detached for some time, and a large number of others are soon expected to come from Philadelphia, that (as the lac Regiment is nearly cmpleted) It would be better to have these men atitigned to the fret company of the 2d Bcgiment. The General desires thee* mew- to be armed Rod equipped as soon se possible, biorder that they may be sent se a de tachment to Philadelphia, to report to Benjamin Frank. Sul chief of the detective pollee of that city, for recraleing pnrposee. Among the- number are two or three men. who were formerly non-oconadeeioned offi cers, and they might be appoidted to similar positions In the company to which they will be assigned. Yon will advhe these headquarters as soon as She men are properly equipped.-- In the Conroe of a few days Mr. Franklin will enlist drummers and fifers for the aompeny. As soon as they are entialed , they will be sent to Camp Stoneman, to be uniformd and equipped, with drue, fifes, ale. Tie General m dealree one good °Ricer sent with the di inahment.toePhiledelphia. where he will remain in chime of It until farther arises ' If you have an extra drummer, who can drum, you might Pepe him with the detachment . Re'ehoald take a from with him. The officer in charge of the detach ment will receipt for the urcDett.if- I cad, Colonel very recpectftilly, You' , obedient servant. . FLICLIPI ANDERSON, Assictan: Adjutant General. Olicial copy furnished for the information of Benjamin Franklin, Bin .Finer Airosneox. A. A. G. The following congratulatory order, leaned by Major General Hancock, on the 10th lust, epeaks for itself: WASHOItTON. Feb 18, 1866.:' Rsajansfri.Praralairt, Bee., Chief of DEO...OMM Police, Ph.iiadelphfa: L. - • lir DsLa 6ry Your detachment of veterans for the In Corps arrhed yesterday. The men, without ex= caption, nave been mustered into the service of the United litatee I eta vrry much obliged to YOU fur the exertion yind have tiled toward filling up mycorps sad I trust that the success you have thus far met :with may bean earnest for greater snooper in the (attire. I ant. very respixdfallg.your obedient servant. --W/APIELD 8. HaIeCOCS. Major General G. G. Army, Commanding flows. In &newer to a despatch the following was received. It retell directly So every citizen liable to draft wader the law, as well Ca nose who are exempt. and who ae. Ore to plate a representative recruit In this corps of ye. tenure. Crider this teat clause the ladles may farelett representative recruits. and thus assist in redcoats' the quota at met required it the pending draft_ Clergy men over 4e years .of age, parties physically disabled, alien. and others not liable to the draft, may furnish representative recruits. .All such rePresentatives are entitled to local aa well as Government bounty: 1113.11.Q112LaTESS leT ARMY CORP.. WasmaGrog, Feb. IS, M Benj. pygaddia, Chief of Potica, Corner Of Pine and Cheetnut, Philadelphia : Bubstillutss for enrollee., men do not receive the Government Bounty. Principals are exempted from draft 'ltkpiretentsilre retool.. receive the Goverawint bounty. :,.Volnateers. Substitutes, and Representative Recruits residing to Philadelphia are credited to that city in coming crafts_ Pay comment.. front day the eatitannt is perfected. Letter by mall. W. B. RAIL.IOOB., Major General, -_..2.043 All Loyal Melons who would aid in -procuring men to filltheiatike of RANCOR'S FIRST ARMY COREA OP VSTERANb should pay particular attention to the fol lowing enuounoement of the undersigned: AnyCittzen desirous of farniehlog a Representative Recruit for this Corps roost procure a certificate from the t i °vest Marshal at his District. certifying that he is exempt, either from being over 41 years of age or from physical disability, when I will furnish him with a Veteran Recruit for threeyearefor S9W; fort ere years, $176; for one year, $6O; but bleach case I must be fur , 'shed ;with a certified check for the whole amount , due the Veteranwhen he Is mustered into the eervico as advertised—viz: for three years. $1,175; for two years, $160; for one year. $760 an a l take my receipt for the same, The principal will then be entitled to a drag back from the United States Government of $333 for a one• year Repreeentatlye Recruit; SA6 for a two year Recruit ; $4OO fora three.year Recruit. Also , from the .4) city , Philadelphia, under the advertisement or the City 13 ,, turty Fund flommission. for one year. SAW; two years, $460; for three years, $5OO The Representative Recruit, in all cases, being entitled to all the bountlee due Volunteere wnen attacned to Rancock's Corps. Any citizen liable to draft must produce a Certificate of the Provost Marshal to that effect, In his District. and furnish' me with a certified check, when-I will furnish himwith a receipt f.r the earn ft, iroaranteeirg to furnish' a Veteran Substitute fur one year: for $350; for two p et re, $l, 000; for three years, $1,176; which will exempt the Principal from the Draft for the above speolftad. time Those who place a Substitute for three years are entitled to a Mira* back of 81100_frocacha Bonny, -Pond 'Commission but DO, AtioWanoes....... - rine' 1 A power of attorney wi ll be furnished to the p Pa fonamim: us.buttem..--- t te he s. Government Al ~ve m% nothin gewheayteevarerSfuobrastuitbustteltu; se boun for rarniskinn meld representative ties recruit or substitute, ae awarded by the city, town, crunty, or township, to which the said representative recruit or substitute may be credited. Principals who furnish Veterans will be entitled to deduct from the. quota of the district the number of Veterans so furnished for the time said substitutes may be furnished, by order of the Provost Marshal General. Veterans must be aseredited to the Wards or Town- Ishii , in which they live, and it is the duty of every • Olt filo induce the soldier. 'who has been honorably `die*, silted from Ilsollnited States Infantry. eytillery. Cavalry. or Naval service, to join BABCOCK'S PIRIT ARMY iIIOSPS. and thus aid in relieving their Sub- Districts from the approaching Draft to some extent. Ail persons who reside in adjoining counties must send with their certificate of liability or non liability to a Draft the amount of Local Bounties paid In their Dis trict, when 1 can tell them Snugly the net cost of far • nishieg a Representative Recruit or Substitute. The net pay of a Veteran Voter:deer in Raneock's Corps /or one ear , Government ...... 400 City or Philadelphia Bounty••••--•—••••••.--- 400 Monthly Pay from U. S. Governml,3ls per month 152 , Cliethiirkinceoneryearlir . ..... 41 .Ward putty (average) - 25 City relief for families of vole., sa per 71 *LOH The net Pay of a Veteran Volunteer for two years in Hancock's Corps ie, Government Bounty .440. 10w...4 $B3B City of Philadelphia Beauty 450 Monthly Pay from U. 3, Governia'l.3l4l per month 281 Ward Bonney (average)..-.•-.. 25 City ielief 101 family, $8 per 141 Total... .......•... 511.5C5 The net pay of a Veteran Volunteer for three years in Bancock's Corps is, viz: . Government 80unty....................................5000 Mr of Philadelph , a —•• • • ——......w0 Monthly pay from U. 8. Gov't, $l6 per m0nth....... 575 Clothing account, $42 per year 126 Ward flountP (average).........—........ .............. 25 City relief for families. $ 6 per m0nth................. 216 . . . All Veterans who desire to bays their interests looked after without Ming swindled benbarpere are directed to tke Recruiting /vew, South SIMVI street, ry's Marquee. ' where the Rifle le to be seen daily which the Veteran le entitled to keep at the expiration of his term of service, which discharges sixteen @hotel per minute. All comnamieations on this erskject after this full ex. planation must be brief and to the point. Will be promptly one veered by &dandling BEAJAMIN FRAMRLTN, Chief Detective Dematme at Pollee, Me Philadelphia. WAFTED AT ONCE. T HREE BUGGERS. THREE DRUMMERS, and THREE FIFERS, who have bean in service two years and received honorable discharges. N. B Loafers. Botuay Jumpers. or Commission Men mad apply, 6 5 no dealing will be allowed with them. ffe2S-tf7 B F. IMAJOR GENERAL HANCOCK'S I.BT ARMY CORPS OF VETERANS —The follow ing are the names of the Veteran, of the third squad sent to Washington by BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Chief of the Detectives of-Phitadel yids. They returned to this city yesterday, and will appear on street parade: CM Or WASEInKrrog DIOTBICT OP COLA:Mina, Feb. 22. 1811. I hereby certify that I was this day present at the mustering into the aervice of the United Soldierst Camp Stoneman, of the following as Veteran for the let Veteran Corps. commanded by Major General Hancock, to wit: . Allen Brown. Andrew J. Weaber, - William Lloyd, Phinis R. Starr. Folomon Moore. George P. MaittOWl.. Preston S. Force, William Windsor. Henry F. Lee. .. Thome,' Fell. James Arbuthnot, Charles N. skinner. William Watt, Alexander McKelvey, Jacob Roney, Francis Biggins, Noting/3am Mnxphy, John O. Mostgomerl. 'George Lindsey. James K. Somme. William Voider. Jr.. al.ltandor Pitts, Samuel Thompson, John Hanappel, John Weilson, Richer a Hutchinson. James Dick. Wilhelm N Tietjen; Chriaty C. Corn. Henry Itanice, John Scott. William Libby, Willtain Steinmetz, Charles Spring. William Love. William.Detcreon, Thatall of the above named men said to me that they bad enlisted and came on to Waeleington under the di rection and advise of Benjamin Franklin Jc.. Chief of Detectives - in, the city of Philadelphia, for the par• pose of being mastered into the servica; that all of the promisee and engagements of said Franklin have been folly complied with. I Dialler state that all of the a kove taped m en were paid the Government Bounty and such moneys as they admitted were to be paid In Washineton by said Franklin. They all seemed per fectly mi l l e d. A. G. .I.&WRBNCII, Notary Public.. OFFERED, MILITARY. Total $2 043 • HYDE (St BURPEE, ; 1505 WILLOW Street. Philadelphia, Sole Manufacturers of the AROMA-SAVING COFFEE ROASTERS AND DIAMOND - BUBB corm Ml LLS, 3. J. HYDE'S PATENTS. We rave many times its coat early roasting our coffee with your Portable Coffee Roaster. " K KINGSLEY A 00.. Continental Hotel . Philadelphia. "Where good coffee is desired, we oonstder your Roaster ableintely necessary, - • EANAGLIOWLER, &CO , Girard House. "I can furnish better coffee. at lass expense, than When using the ready. routed coffee." W. H. BARER, Ashland House. " Xonr Coffee Roaster and Mill are indispensable to me." E. B. CLARKE, Germantown. • I consider your Portable Coffee Roaster the beet in the market." JOHN B. LO WIi Philadelphia Coffee and Spice Mills, U. B. A. GENERAL HOSPITAL, Stumm Hopes. " Yonr Patent Coffee Boaster is in use in this Hoot• tal, and does its work in a very satisfactory manner, the coffee being much more evenly roasted, without any portion of it being overdone. There is BRAUN is Quantity andtmprovement in SlTiallty. the aroma being retained." J H. TAILOR, Surgeon 11. S. V. in charge: S. GENERAL HOSPITAIs dk. CHESTER, Pen "It gives me pleasure to recommend. _your oleo Roaster to all desiring good roasted coffee " THOS. HEWSON BACHE, Surgeon 11. S. if., to charge. Many testimonials might be LITRE endorsing our small Family Coffee Roaster all of which unite ip_ ro- Dounsing it the only machine worth having. Price 1111.5% 415 ao, and 115. Prices for Portable Stove and Roaster, for Grocers, Hotels, Hospitals, Coffee Manufacturers: No. 1, 1145; No. 1.400; 3. $126; No. 4. 5 2 10. Send for elren.W. All atashlsee Warranted . Hesponaible families, de. WARN to try. any of the family sizes, before purchasing, can accommodated by lending their orders to the o • Aee, 15011, WILLOW Street, PMadolphis. detO•statbßmif HYDE BURPRIL OIL COMPANIES. PETROLEIIII. BOOKS CLOSING. NEW YORK, PRADELPHIA, AND BALTIMORE CONSOLIDATED PETROLEUM AND RHINO CO. PHILADELPHIA BRAMEE 01710 E, 012 and 014 Chetotuat St. The Booka of filubscripilotiet ONE DOLE iffif per share Afterclosed on WEDSEeD&Y. March lat. teat dat. few shares only will be dispersed of at TWO Di LL419.8 each. This Company hes twenty-six nroterties, aim of which are splendidly located on 8 CIGAR ORB RH, and coedi ately aojolning the new Ptl? f 4 BARREL WEILL. Ibis being Matra well ever bored In that vicinity, clearly eqabliebes Ore fact of its being as valuabie 011 Terrlir ry as any on Oil Creek. • vbe Prepense. , of this Company embrace about SIX Hi:INDEED AND TB I ETV • SIVE ArlitES of land care. folly eslected rrom the Heart of the Oil Eagles of Pena ea I yaws, and numbered and located as follows: No. 1. on Sugar Creek. No. 2, on Cherry RUA. No. 3, on Oil Creek. No, 4. on Oil llreeß. No. 6, on 0.1 Creek. No. 6, an Oli Crest. • No. 7. on Ott Creek. No' 8, on Oil Creek. ho 9, on Walnut Bend. No. 10, on Cherry Tree Rua. No. li, on Cherry Tree Eve. No. 16, on 6ngarffireek. No. lx, nn Sugar Creek. ' No. 14, OA linger Creek. No. it. on Cherry Etut. No. 16, on Elk Creek. No. 17, on Eig„,Oreek. No 18: on Elk Creek. • 'No. 19, on NM Creak. No. 20. on Elk Creek. No. 21. on Elk Creek. No 22. oe Elk Creek. • No. 23, on Elk Creek. No. 24, on Elk Creak. ece No. 25 * on Sugar Creek. No. 26,.0n Sugar Creak. BesiCee the welle on teem, properties nOW Prodacitig, ten new ones are being bored, and are &wildy to ine depth of 400 or 6CO feet, with a certainty of•ltemense yielde of oil The efficere,saperintendents, and directors are all well kr ows and 'admen/able bwineds men.of New York .Phi lidelphis, and Baltimore, who have been long and sne• ce tautly connected with the Petroleum intermits of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. They have so far guided ti. e affairs of the Company with more than ordi nary energy and ability , and will eo coptinue Ore they are rbemseivar largely letereeted), nntli the entire pro • mites are thoroughly developed. • An ides of the•value of these properties may be infer red from the feat that $61,000 bays been offered and re fcsed for en interest In one of the new wells. Either of there twenty.six properties , if offered for sale, would readily bring fully one. half of the entire amount now being received for the XO,OOO shares. • To dime who desire to invest either large or small amounts we earnestly invite Investigations. le the eta. meter and prospects of the Company. It le but a few awning since this stuck was ant offered seene Pablio. bed the rlitlectintion list (which can be at the of fice) contains the names of over two hundred well- Nnown capitalists and business men of almost every State in the Union • glance at the Nap, showing the exact location of the Placentia', Is sufficient to convince any one of their im luenre valve. . • • - 6nbicripllone, _at ONB DOLL , II. tar share, will be received until Mardi let, at the Braccb °Bice of the Company, in this pity, 6170 and 611 C &EBrZi ur ST. FRANK D. KRAMER, PHILADELPHIA SECRETARY. 101". NEW YORE, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE 'CONSOLIDATED PETROLEUM AND MINII COMPANY. PHILAVILPHIA BEANOH. OFFICE 6121 ♦ND 014 CHESTNUT ST ROTIOE.—The annual meetlns of the Stockholders of the above Oompeny.will take place at the Office. No. 71 BROAD WAY, Room 60, Dew York, on 110.1(DAY, Mardi 6. 1865, and a meeting of the Trueteen will be held at the same office oc vErESPA V. March 7, BM. A FIFTY BARREL WELL • . . . /111 , 111 ff been struck immediately adjoining one of the proper:les of Ma Company, on Sagar Creek, and it be ing the tint well ever bored in that vicinity, establishes the fact of its being as valuable 011 Territory as any on Oil Creek, Tie DoOka of SolwayWton at ONE DOLLAR per share Lbe closed on WEDNESDAY, March lat. • After that date a few Blume only will be disposed of at TWO DOL LARS each. balifertptione, at ONE DOLLAR per ehare, Will be received until March let, at. the Branch Office of the Company, in this city, 612 and 614 (MESA cr r FIT. Philadelphia &111111., fe27- hi 6aeretery. NOTICE. TH11.011701 OP THB NATIONAL OIL CREEK OIL COMPANY, MERCANTILE PETROLEUM COMPANY, - AID „ :se , een (WED from No.. 22 North Front street to No. 303• WALNUT. STREET, will. herea ft er be conductedu and information concerning. the same cheer. fmly given. anbecnribers to the 'took a the EfATIONAL OIL MHO. IC OtL 0011irdll Y. who have not received their Certificates, can obtain them by surrendering their in ataiment Iteceilits at the °flick WIC J. MALCIOLA Secretary. TB E PEOPIXOS OIL COMPANY.- SOBSOkIPTION PRICE POR PULL-PAID STOCK OIALT TWSLYII AND, A HAW OUTS PI SHARE. ' Subscription List closes on TUESDAY. February 28th. • Capital, 2[0,000 Shares at 51 par. 60,0X0 Shares reserved for Warning Capital The property consists of three tracts on Slippery Reek Creek, In Lawrence and Butler counties. on a thirty Year lease: one-sixteenth royalty to owner. There is no doubt of this being an oil region unequalled by any. No. I—Thirty- dye acres, and nearly all , boring terri tory, in Batter county. In No 3—Fifty acres Lawrence county. No. B—Thirty-nine acres in Lawrence county, ad joining the celebrated ',abort well. Property no producing eighty-barrels on per day. diThe oil hese le of same quality as at Terald9M, and sells readily at 80 cent* per gallon. aribeeription Hat at ogles of B. A MARSHALL. Jr., 213 VC &Lie UT Street fe27-2t INSURANCE. FIRE INBURLNOR UNION BIUTUA.I. INSURAN - V , ' COMPANY OF FRIL.ADEMMVI4 N. Z. CONTINR THIRD 4% WALNUT Th., EXCHANGE BUILDING INCORPORATED 1804. ASSETS 5400,000. MIRE AND MAILINZ. 'rho rioard of Modem . of Ude Company bay* gator inland to hums dike against lire, inmeordanoe with their charter,•and are new prepared Prime roliehee covering /eke at the current ram. • " DZICIOTORN: EIVICARD 8. SMITH, R DEBTOVAT, A. B. BORIII,_ ERANOIB TETE, .10118 E. IRWIN NEWBERRY A. MUTE, WILLIAM °AI M'. BEERY LAWIB. Jx.. J. P. &nth EDW. L. CLARK, ORO. LEWIS, • ELLIE YA RE A L B. 7. ROBINSON_,__ L 801 - lIEL 0. 000% J. 161. R. CAMPBEL. 0. W. BERNADO ~ HENRY SAMUEL Wit B. 8.u.13D. MAK WHEEL 8 DELBERT. "- Rowan 8. Cu GO. BoLoniCka TowNBIND. I. LAviaLein. Jog' YOBS. ILICILIRD O. MIX President. i JN MOSS, Secretary. sm imOH TNSURANCE COMPANY OF THE -A- Fr Aga OF PEN NSYLVANLA. —OFFICE Noe. 4 and EXCBABGE BUILDINGS. north side of WALNUT Street, between DOOR and TRIED IRreeta, phia. INCORPORATED CAPITAL IN I.794—CRARTIR PIRPETITAL. 00,000. PROPERTIES OF TCI CO MPANY, FEBRUARY 1. $026.817 62. • MARINE, FAO,.,D LW +AND L TRANSPORTATION INSURANC DIDECTORB.I Henry D. Sherrerd, Foblee Weimer, Charles Bacaloiter, Thomas B. WeISOR. WthißOl 8. Smith, Baur, O. Freemen, William E. ' Charles 8. Lewis, Geerse H. Stuart, George 0. ("arson, Samuel Grant, Jr. , Edward 0. Knight John B. Austin. • ESREY D. SHEREEED, President WrLLTAX HARPS". Beimstati. nolBtf AIA BRICA 141 !IRS EMMA NCB COMPANY. Ineorporsted (THAMES Plit- ACTUAL. No. 1110 WALNUT Street, above Third. PhiladelphM. Having lane paid-rtp Capital Stott and Sorplas in flated sound and available Senrittes, oonttnnee to Maus on Dwelllan, Stores, Pornitara, Merehandbm Pawls In port and their Cariow and other PersoW. Troperty. .Alllesses D Chorally and promptly adineted, ORS. Thomas IL Marls, James E. Campbell. John Welsh. Edmund G. Dittilh, Samuel C. Morton. Charles W. retainer. Jolla T. —Florian Brady, Israel Morris. • THOMAS R. MAIMS, President. Ammar a L; CRAWFORD. SeeretarT. i 021141 F IRS INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. —TH3 PEDINSYLVLAIA 1 , 133 INBIIMANCIE CON. PANT. Irmo rated 1126. OHART3E PIDIFICTUAL.• No. 310 W Street. oppodtg Indopendenee "N riVilenniarkY. faroralk yl known to the oomeanatty for nearly forty Loam, eonnnnee to beware spinet Lom or Damage by Tire, on Publie or Private Buildings. tither permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Inv altars, Stooks. Hoods, or_ Efirshawiti• generally, on liberal terms. Their 'spite". together with a large Ehurdua Toad. la Invested in the moat metal manner, whisk enable. them to oar to the inanrea an undoubted SMUT b the ease of loam. Jonathan Patterson. ITISC I I Danielßnithar.. Alexander m_ason. • Jo h n anTOMIX. haze Haalehurd, , Thomas Smith. Thomas Robins. -Henry Leonia. . - J. Cifilingham YelL JONATILL3 PATTI/MX ProdaaL Wismar G. Ozewas. Beerstary. A ivrEntsorrE ENSITRANOIC QOM— . , Da• PANT.—Authorlzoi Oavital SNAG:O - OIidETEI Wino No. 511 WALNUT Stmt. %ham Third dad fourth Janata. Philadelphia. This company will limn AVIIIIIIIt LOllll or Daum - 17 tiro, on Ballauw, Purnitazo. and Mcaokaadioo raw AO. Marla • rardranoso on Vonola. Varier, MI freights. les/and humanee to a)..1 porta of the union. William Ishor. DIRECTOR& Peter ELM • Lewis And / D. Luther.onriod. J. 1 Baum. William F. Dean. /a John B.,l,l a MokiMon.. John Ketchani: m& mir4had. wiLL Elm, Proaldeni.e-' WM. P. D .VW Frog -II Ti . fAjimmwintsa7 Aznr 1 FINE 4 1 l P D =LADD tr RIIADILPIII a a crs. , • - , - nAi manor onn. frands N. Balk, John W. ITorman. Shades Itlohardson; . - Robert 16 4 .14, . • Re emir Luria. J Road • 1 11 111[431Wright, K D w ' P. & Juana.;. ' • . .. Charley Otokw Came A. WAN " Jos = m lE4 ~ . - CrB I. DOOR _ t. : • ~ OF RI R. ma Twaidont, W. rftopiqu ar4 tosnsinr. Am* r loovrAort ROILY& 'MAUI I. PDARBON, EDW., UODINS ac. 4 00.2 STOOK AND EKOVIANOr - BROKERS,• NS. 47 SOUTH "I HIED STNIKETt PHILADELPHIA. ALL sixDs OF BANK NOM, °OLD, SUMER, STOCK/. DOINDA, ARV OOVIRNBIDD r f 4 TOTTEITIDEI: DOUDEIT AND' SOLD, Colloctiosi rade on all parts of the counter. Deposita rocerrod., to sight draft, 4.$ d tostoraat allowed. fe2B4i2C OIL STOOKS, 11. S. LOANS, &c., NOUGHT AID SOLD ON 00/111188108, OEOEGE J. BOYD. Bicker. No. 18 Reath 71118 D Btnist. X a4-amif RETAIL DRY GOODS. LEMEE-M1 E. M. 'NEED L E Op 1024 Chestreet Street, TB NOW sgaravrtat MONNAT VI. lEVX or NOVELTIES • IN 140 E COLLAR% fll3, 6rarays4, are. Also. a great twisty of pbsues. French, puffed. tacked. ehtrrad, ptriped, prat& ma ether face' Muslim suitable for WHITE EOM& A several mortal/at of Wlrtte Goias, Lams. Embroiderlos, Haadkerotdafe. V°Rap Barba*. eto., at GREATLY REDIIGIIIPRZCZE. A largq lot of Needleijork. Means and In !settings Jost, received Alto. Queen, Be Buffs and xleir style Val. Lacs Collars and est*. oarifirtrr STUMM ---- WANTS. WANTED -PAPER HANGERS.-IN Cincinnati. Ohio. Thirty Rood Paptp. Mae. IRS. Plenty of work and best wages can be had at the Paper Stores. Its WANTED—AN OFFICE CLERK FOR WANTED—AN a ADA chum Hotel in one of the prlncinal Mice of Pennsylvania. Now have a knowledge of hotel buil nese and acquaintance with Ohio and Penneykraals trade. Reference required Apply at PATTE/24010, cofrys. & co. 'B, 38 North BBOOND attest. WANTED—IN A DRY GOODS . JOB MEG BOUM on MARKS! Street, a BALM- Ma who can control a good ow& trade. Address "Dry Goal% " for/. etv Preps ales. WANTED-A. STORE ON MARKET Btreetiloast of Twelfth, or Front street. Waal,- sale business . /Alma bonus given- Address "Somas." at Ws office fet-St, A YOUNG MEN, ACTING AS BOOK- IiSEPBE, who writes a good hand, wishes to be employed a few Imams in the averting. either as Book beeper or Copylif Terms moderate. -Good reference given. - Address "Z. P„ ” Praia ofeceortm lt• A MIDDLE-AGED •MAN, OF LLRGE A-I- business experience and energy, is about to settle in the Oil regions of eitber Western Virginia or Penn sylvania. Would be willing to act se Bnperhasndeat for one or two good Oil companies. and faitbfally at tend to theirintereste . . Unexceptionable references Oven err to ability, eta., eta. Address Poet Office Box 1.76.4 f. tutbcdts AORA.DUATE OF THE lINIVER sun( desires a SITUATION as TRACHSS. of 012110108 or Mathematics in a Private School. or as Tumo3 or lo a family. Address •• Horace." Frac, Oiles. 1 2t. PMFLOYAIENT HOUSE, FOR Poneeanepers. Senungtresses, Chambermaids. Walt ergs Norge% Cooks, Laundraggea s and general haws work, wake and colored. 804 LOCUST St. fial im EMPLOYMENT ROUSE. FOR Clerks, Beek-keepers,leselek, Peckers. Porters. Watchmen,-Coachmen, Drivers, Conductors, Bartend ers, Waiters, - Farm. hands. Gardeners. Au Basployere suited at short notice. SUI and 804 LOCUST Street. - TO WATCHMAKERS AND JEWEL BBB.—Wanted, an experienced SALZMAN , ac. gnats ted with the Retail Jewelry Badness.' Mast give good references. Apply to LZWIS LADOXITS. fe2El 2k No. SO2 CREST2II77 iStreat, Philsda. WANT ED TO PIJRCHASIN-A ped HOUSE. between SPRUip GeRDE N and COMAS, west of Brand- Adereee •• Knight, North American office, stating' all nartlatdare. fe2s-3V lIWANTED TO RENT FOR-THE Comfortable Bonne with Stabling. near a Railroad StatioA. A Purniebed Howe preferred, Addrow Box 1100 Phlladel olds Poet Office. fe2S 6t* WANTED TO RENT-BEFORE the first of April, it DWELLING, with the modern Improvements, with 9to 12 rooms. Bonus of NW Address • • H, ." 303 Market street. fenl•lm. WANTED--500 OR 1 000 A Beirsvu-mintst-ta FOR ALE /MD TO LET PIT ROLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. ONE HUNDRED ACRES Of valuable Oil Territorer, on Pik Hole Creek. near the United States 011-Company's flowing wall, can be bought on reasonable terms, 11 applied for soon. Fee simple, clear of all incumbrau es, title indisputable. Two Walls now going down on the property. T. W. TERRY, CONTINENTAL HOTEL, lIIFOR RENT, -A FURNISHED COUNTRY HOUSE. Apply at Eo. 226 South YOURTH Street. f427-8c• da TO LET DESIRABLE ROOMS InaL mud °filar et a store, MARKET, between Fourth and Fifth stmts. Adam '• Eosin." with name and residence.. le2B-31.• .mll. FGR SALE—A HANDSOME GOTHIC COTPAOB. 10 Booms. Stable, and im proved grenade, 4 W, mile, from th e cite ; tarnished. Apply at 711 CHESTIeIIt Street, le2f•tatbeet.l. Second story. a FOR SALE, THE THREE•STORY Sl= BRICK WNW 'S G.witb double three. dory Beck Building, No. 1616 QIR RD Avenue, ilawhed through out in beet manner, and with all the modern Improve ment" romeeelon Wen at an early date. ANA, at No. 525 North THIRTSBNTH Street fe9tl-si• FOR SALE OR EXOSANGE, Maialuable BUSINESS STANDS, Pos. 227 and MO Ranh Second street, 31. by 140; desirable Farm of 98X acres, on Delaware river. 10 miles eaet of city; able. V splendid Building Lots of Eve acres each, on School house lane. OK miles loom city will be sold cheap for canbr if applied tot soon. 71)13. No. 1.615 PRaNOIB btreet,, fe2B.tutheet* Opposite Parrish. sr and Ridge road. FOR SALE, Tas MACHINERY AND:FIXTUktBS, OF TEIB PHI7.ADSI,PHIL FB&* Lit:rig DRY, S. corner of BROAD and WALLACE Streets. consisting 011 oar of large Dash Wheels and Gearing, 1 'teem Callender, one large Wringer, Bhafting, Pal. lemandßelting,three large Dry Rooms, Bsblret.lrons, three large Tante (one 20.000 gallons capacity). also 20- horse Bisons and Boller In good condition. tc29-215 ORG4II-*-FOR RAUB, OR MAY BE rented, adne•tonod CROFICH 011(AATA, ten stops. rub-base. Apply 1244 GIRARD Avenue. fr29-3t* To RENT-LOT OF GROUND, ABOUT TO FIVE ACHES, situate north side of COLUEBEL Avenue. botween Stump lane and Seventeenth meet. AMY 234 South THUD Street. fe2S DRUG STORE FOR SALE-WITHIN SO ladles of Philadelphia. doing I. , bastnesi of slo,ooo per larinnm; expenses light and pro fi ts rood. Will be sold very reasonable. Satiefactory reasons gveen -oro seUg . 427 . WA L DICKO r N e t. FOR SALE-A: FINE OAR WAGE AND SADDLE HORSE. Fold for want of nee. 'robe seen at McCrea's - Stables,' TRIED Street, above MARKET. LEGAL. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TAP CITY AND cocumr OF PEIMADELPIIIA. NOTICE is hereby given that CATHERINE 8111TH. widow of the decedent. has filea Ln said Court, her , l7e. !Mon and an appraisement of the personal property which eh* elects to retain tinder the act of April 14. 1861, and the supplements thereto. and that the same will be confirmed by the Court on FRIDAY. Hardt 17. A. D. 1666. at 10 A- 111 mils* exceptions be flied thereto. fe2B-tuthe It DaNIEL DOITOB %TY. for Petitioner. COPARTNERSHIPS. rOPARTNERSHIF.—TBE UNDER SiGb ED have this dem amoeisted tinder the Arm of EDWARD ROBINS ts 00: for the treas.:Mon of • GENBRAL Beitycnie. STOCK, AND EXCHANGE ROSINEOL EDWARD ROBES( • HORACE B. PEARSON. No. 47 South THIRD Street 77HsuAR7 NI. feralut M== JOHN IL COPI. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, fur= AND WASHINGTON /MOM PICELLAtiOLPICIA. INGINARMS 111011INISTIL Maanfacture High and Low Pressure Meant liaslnw of land, river, and main* service. &Mork Ossomters, Tanks, Iron posts, ke. ; riga of all kinds, either iron or brace .iroa•frame hoofs for Obi Works, Workahops, lan read Stations, Retorts aid Oil Maskinery of the latest and most tm Proved construction. Ivery description of Plantation Vactinery, wish as Sugar, Saw, sad Grist Mills. Venom Pans. Over Steam Trains. Defeeatore, Filters, Pumping So airmen& Sole agents for N. Bib lean's Patent Sag ar• AP. mato., Neemytio's Patent Steam Hammer, and aapin• Mwallac IWolse y 's Patent Centrifugal Sagar-Drainint hine. M. M. PALTIZR STRAII.ENCONA BUILDHIB. IRON FOUNDE ISRS. OINZRAL MACHINTS, AND BOILER NAM& Ain Tel PINXBYLVABIA RLILSOAD Putman STATIOI. PlrTSTillßet, PENNA., Maingaetare all kinds of STSAIf ANGINES," r from three to one hundred and fifty_ horaispower. mated for Grist BEMs, Saw Mills. Blast 7nrnaoes, Oil Went, an., dm Omo particular attention to the constmodon of In. sines and klardilmory for oil bovine and pamplat cwora Hons. Bwm_always on hand, Onlattad and. ready fol shipnient, lad BOILARS Of Mir, desatip don. orders from all parks of the sonntry kalloitad and promptly filled. Jall•Sni "hi - ORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM BR +xi- GINE SOLLDERS,_ Iron Pounders. and Genera, Machinist& and Boiler Makers. No. CALLOW. HILL Street. Philadelphia. POW HOFFMAN 85- JAMES, ATTORNATE AT TAW .ABD ootivsntisprorni" Themor, irmAltoo ootrw - SAMUEL REFEMA24 ULM JAzoo. (late of Phil jer .at.TO lames .. a W. G. Biddle It am— W'EL eaton & Co. Crbatlex TS, Litz E. 0. Ernltti*, 6L L. TAI L LR, -cf L-5, 4. No. .E. 42.1 WALNUT IStrge O t, Philadelphia, ATTORMIY AT LAW AND CONNTSSIONER FOB ALL THE STATES. Int* Como atlatit, New lock, Itlbank. Nevada , Oregon, And Tema fa il•frtn.l7* NITRATE OF SODA-200 BAGS JUST reoetved.'and for sale is lots to snit partatators, HARROW& BROTHERS & CO,. munototuring Ctottohts. &robe 'lO3 *mat FRONT Street * . MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM ABLAZiCL—YEAXIK WM/BM% Attorney. 140 ELIC.TB M.. rhtteds.. o fitoets!Ordnemoslttatteent ter. and all other Acconnte eddied & and Reastos of. &on- Indebtedness PtctittrOA ttigtoalt AVIALT Wash. Wits. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MENIO. 140111A.11D OAR& MEMO IL ...,.,coNDucrom POEITITELT inictir BRILLIANT F•:ELEW TO gra. 61 - “ O'S or GittwAß'S 0:1A ND GERMAN OPERA. THIS (TUFBDAY) EVEN!NO. Febemay• Mr Only dzaa. DM& 4ositivaly . lid . v arac ......:*. ,Ineti OVela. lndstdi, LER HUGUENOT& • IitATIMIL c LEL v o ive)EßTuss....—... • .iiii Tiiirt4 tot i m."l RaVUL. ii i . i.......0018EM1rAs E° mevamii ii Vilii MA. JOHANNA sorra". THEODOIE El %RE L.V ai TAVANVEB. i 80 1 8110411. "«"""».. URBANJO .................3111, .f 1 p Fir lA. OEMS& COUNT DEEP MT GRINUTtIII STVIE oca COUNT DB NEVERS ISADORE LILIXAS naer LADY OF HOPOR , Nod. 11VAIIGANE: ZIMER:St/ SECOND LADY OF Etulfoll_ __. Mad:MATH.OI BII O .OIOA mr . REB .........._ ..oii &a f. 119 VisalifliC C 0105..-- —..64l.altLEck , WilrB464.s gm Dg grrg.....................,. . CD ALBION WM Will' gigs". 810NK............................5t0ngir KINDSR I'EONVID Mot H... ...PS MR rc bq I TRIED WM; .. ANTON Gaggr GVABD.---- „•—•—•AIP1028B URCELI Nadi Seal. incidental to therOpeca. by Nies r EIBZESA WOOD WEDNESDAY,%eh 1 86 6 . liht finis of Von Weber ' s T, ef D'aingre. •• DIA FRETS UTZ Titg INCNNTATION Ettntbril in s PEPARATE Ne givern In a gorgeous *Win, 'whit the soagottes. pr oot= opetieP, awil pa raphernanin from the Now fork goal ßAcadezolloo. CEPEIONITT-ST; THEATRIC-- A- , CHESTNUT ETEENT. ABOVE TWELFTH. TIIEWEVIT EVENING, Web TTFIEFTIEFII Oleg? of the hfglelm aureeeid'al ervigemezet of the YOBBO, BEAuTiFut, A NVERFTVD Ts HELEN WIgETENIN. Who will apt*ar 41101Pitti 1 0 TWO' 0 EMT CHAR The performance- Wilk COMELIbII6O with the beautiful dream. in two act*, the WEPT OP TES WISH- TON-WISE. Ehttramstlah Mee Helen tilf•stern - To conclude with , Owennhaing °Onto Dwiniti, la three ado, ev,led- THE PET OP TEE PIPTI00hTB: Little Pout, the Lwow rat EfiiinitsWeetera, FRIDAY BEWEPITWIt HELEN WW3TBII4. it BANORDA srablble, TElRTY•ThiliTrOisaio ItohriLY argettNßlL TEETH BEE GITARD&WiII. will be Prescott& WALNUT STMET • THEATR.B.— UMEg. BBB" M. A eAsasctsum. TUESDAY' BYRN-Mit. Feb Bith. Second appearance-1h tale Theatre, for more tannin year. of ME. 5.01411118. Mr Clarks'e pirformagnete wall tw Instiguratld by . Om produmi.ic of the great SameAtion rl D faulk no w "wenn:l ing in London, under 0* titurot " VHS tcrligErd (Pr LOISDaI, _" and in ir , eyrihrk under the HUSK- "Bag !Meets or New Tort. '-loostired sad-ea , led "VIE er•lssTet-UP Prik.e.o}lL.PEElve "TUB sTRBSTS OP BBILLDII' PHIS." Among the enact and impressive Local Somme Will be The State . Rome amtVlemite aJ (iv .111114. Fe mount. the Park , wee Wire Bridal. The Burning Tenement Boutee.. View or Ebiladei bola from dui Schuylkill. Thrilling, Effective p and , tiongs Incidents. Milking Plenum of • EVERY-DAY-110MM .LIFE. Tom BaOser.. • • •.1 & he Streete . of slats. ”. Teel Itratetwar evening. BOX BOOTS NOW OMB. It MRS. JOHN DREW'S/ NEW ARCM, bTEHIST ThEALTRE. LAST' WSEIC•POSITIVILIT OT "MS STREETS OF NEW VoElt," WITH ITS FINS CAST.ACENI. C MCCRAW/UAL AFFIIITTet "THE UNION SQUARE SNOW SCENE." "THE TIMENENT 130(retr'' emi the CALSBELTED FIBS WORTH telT•St ON NONDAT 'NEXT NHS LurDBR. • GREAT A 'KERMA N CIRCUS WALNUT Street, above Mghtb. Mears Dinh I INCE It ElBllkfi thi Proprietors. Mr FRANICWIIITTAKERMater of the °Dale. Will open on WEDBESDAN APCRRWjOB, let aY March, (netting reemere. Ga.k.Dlgn & MBMMENI3B lake pleasure in allt (=MUM so the ottizetua -of Philadelpola that Cher Dave ermined the building, on Walnut street. ahoy* Eighth- for a limited period for the GREAT &BREW IN CIRCUS COMPAN troupe of the be-t artiste In the profession. Tttß ZOUAVE ENTRES will be prodacei for the first lime in tlde city.on Wednesday extree, 4 , o/L . The following named stare will render brilliant :Ye scenes in the nng: JAKRB MdDlearf, double goenns. pat& and Leaner: Madame elartlLug Le Petite GA MILLE. M ile BL fZa GARDINER, Equeetrlennes ; thm Polish Brothers WILLIAM and OEOEOI /mat Grin nsoLs; W LESTER. the Posturer; 010. • SAUN DERS. Equestrian; Mr. JoHN PLISTBIL Tile American Jester and rnown; B BRIOR2OB. Tisht Et qes sad Eqtestil an ; l) AB GA ED INS% Ctow n and Comte Singer. and other great celabridee. The two little Punta* named in honor of GEM Grant and Gen. Sherman, will be introduced ever) evening, and at the Rerforeaaneee on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. The oningsny will Legman , ate the - PO eiY BACSS '' an early a. pas ethic. Great Bare will be taken to maintain the digattg already achieved, by paring due regard to moral sane thanes. . . PhUadelphlla Admission to the Great Show—First Tier. ; IM cortATler. cts ; Private Boxes, SW dud. $6, as to PIM and location. Boosting Porformances commence at V. 40. Performance every Wednesday and cattirday Attu. noon, commonalty at 234 o'clock. CONCERT HALL. NONDAT[NO Reb , uary 27, AND Eritatit NVMI.4O , UNTIL ./r.ll/7414 NOTIOA, The original sed only CHRZDTT miNsTRILO. J. Tug N9N t..•• Alois Proprietor and if Twenty established Artists in the Ethioplea Protsi lica and the wend. renowned Comedian. 08011.611 • " * - -;--inentendnee. New rams and alt Admiss - • tee rued ?SO watts 7e23.t60 rants AMERICAN ACADEMY OF .111P310. D. L. CARPENTER'S SWEETITTB ABNEY a t. FLORAL BOMB, WEDNESDAY EvRA LNG; April 19. 1865 TWEETS THICSF. DOLLARS, To liehod of J. Thcorley. 850.., 311 Chestnut streets of them:l:lager% and of D. L. Ompenter, at his Dancing Academy. 60 Arch street. feB4-6t' 1") L. CARPENTER'S COMPLIMMITARY PARTY Takes thee at the IttrElCaL PIMP HLIJ oa WEI* 11B8DaY EVENING, March let . Tickets cm be hatted' OARPENTSR. 625 ARON btreat. faSS-Ses ORUHASTRA.—PUBLIO . REHEARSALS eve nr HAWEDAY. at 33L Wale* M.,, st ALUSIOAL FUND HAIL. Single Tiehete. Pr oe x Lx. velgete, 111; to Ito had at Goulds. *Adze% and Meyete Wiude Stem, and at the Hall. PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTE, T. 1 13 311 1 11STKUT Streekjibove Tenth, ti °PEE 'Dei for visitor', from 9 A. X. to 6 P. M. Jan BOARDING WANTED-FOR and Wife, within six squares of Third aed lisWast streets. Address A. U. 11111x.i.IWIT.Press *Moe Xi Se VIRST-CLASS BOARD AT. THE OLD -•• U. 8. HOTEL. 413 OBBSTNUT STRIM. —One law. handsome Cnamber, on the parlor door; will be vacant to• day. This house het no bar. Beterenee re quired fe274C. BOARDING. -WILL 13E VACATED, the let et March. o hue handsome] y-farnhhed, room. on _the Ina floor. and one atingle room: Mt* story. at 906 SP)ll2f US Street. felt St' OST OR MISLAID-A PERPETUAL " POLICY OF INSHEALECE leaned by the TWO. TEES OF THE FIRE A.SBOCLATIONIo E. T. HAL. LOWYLL for SEOO. dated Jane I, ISE, and transtemd to the Fourth JOrereen B and L Association. Any lA forreation concerning tame will be received by te26-atrithl2,.. J. H. CHUBB. 331 REED Street WEST GROVE BOARDING SCHOOL, V for GIRLe, at WEST GROVE STAT/08. P. and. B Genteel Bailroad, Chatter Comity Pa The SUMMER TERM of this institution will WNW mance on eh:GOND-Dal, the let of FIPTHARMTEIL next. to continue 20 weeks. The course of Instractios le extenaive and thorough, and is adapted to art ages. For circulars, Es., aad4ess the Print al, THOS. P COPIALED. West Grove, Ps. fe27•mtn2m A YOUNG LADY WISHES A FEW 80 HO L TE R R S p F f O MRO T T AM PI S A . NO . Address R . Box 237 Pont OZoo. fe2s-2r WOODLAND SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES, Nee. 9 and 10 WDODLAND TERRACE, Weat MuladA. Rev. HENRY RUM. A. M., PlinelpaL fe2A6t• viLLAGB GREEN 133011:N4RY.--. mrLITART BOARDING SCHOOL._ tow= flfolll MEDIA. Pa. Thorough ootuue in Bathe Claude*, Natural Bidenose, and uogitah; praOtal sons In 01711 Ensinserfni. Pupils reaped at :An tbelk: Ind of all sm. and enjoy the benefits of a borne. W WI to John O. Capp & Sota,23 Booth Third greet; Tim. J. Clayton, lea., Rah and Prune istree__,tir ex-NbertS Rent, and ethers. address Ray. .1. HILRVIT EAI - TON. A. IL PILLAGE GREEN. Penn'a. no‘tleg R RAIDER, 49 N. THIRD street, IiDtENOVAL.-JORIT R WILLIAMS & CO. have removed from No. Rd to No. 241 CHNSTNITT Street, lately oocapied by Mews. Wat. McKee dr Co. Crum No. CHARL22B ES t? 11% HAM= M has R :7 Ei . _ COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Mr. CHARLES P. HeSSLTINN biomes a Partner IN our Arm from tide date. JNO. H. WILLIAMS as 00. Paraarmarau, P•breary Id, 1886. fell-Im' WRITTEN AND- VERBdL SORT:MONS of Ohmastor,Conatlindion, and Tn. lita,lent, with ADVICE on Rohm% Health, Masto don, Sedl• Improvement, Management and Praia. ins of CHILDREN, nodal adaptation. - Ito.. dng and ereolon. b 7 JOHN L. CAPER, Phrenologist and Bookseller. oenAntrudrif No. E 5 S. TENTH in.,above Cheetint wiLLux x. was. FIRE AND THIN F-PROOF SAFE MANUFACTORY. Large and small Rahn en constantly on hand by 3. MASSINFORT. 416 VISE Street, Philadelphia- foll3-DatfiP COTTAGE ORGANS Not only UNEXCELLED, but UNEQUALLED in satiny of Tone and Power, deeireed eepeedally for .Chervbes and. Schou* but round o tee equally well adapted* the Parlor and Drawing Room For sale onley E X DEU S treet. Also, No. 18 Nor th SEVENTH. Street. Also, a oomplete — amortutent of the Perfect Melodeon, aenetently an head. &2l an MrADOLPH HINTZ'S ram TOMB and handsome PIANOS- Only for SAS. MILK' S. 2BlB. FIFTH It. ERNBST GABLER'S 7 1-8 Octave Parlor Grand PIANOS. Over is ties in Philadelphia. Oalr S,S i sal l e JAL& OSMAN FIFTHSH Street. MIPIRRAVEN- ,BACON'S Known foo_41) yam. Onl yfor milin at ;AS BELLAK , s, wou a MTH Street ff ri ff CALENBURG & VAII. - pErig Ira clans. Only Horses at JA HELLOC 8, SISI E. FIFTH Mort NEW PINE 7-OCTANE MO- Dintsr:sr BILLAK v 1.3 PIANO!, from an ti• 'Law . 2111 18. sthwt. PRINCE'S AIITOMILTIO OR . GAAS unman amtbbil known In thls MN. ODly for sale at All lIKLLAIE9S. '2Bl B. 711TH 8 4 N. PRINCE at CO '8 WORLD EIJIOWMID I ODIOITS. Over MAN Ja.3l- zums Dow. • • - dIAS. BBLLAIL,B6I. Am er% Sin S. 'arra MitB.:ll-111 WOOD, OLLIRVOTAti r naming'. 471' CARTES DE VISITE.-STEP IN AT 624 ABM &met_ examtee. and eniesseCertee de B F BEMIRE'S styles see tawnier oiler...caller them will views the most orittosl. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—BEM:FM FUL and desirable styles. and most durable. 4r• the ratinated htbra• beck albums A ilite assortment far 8411 at B. P. 6.141121008. 624 ARC& street ER' 8 COLORED PHOTO -4,0 OKAPl:Dl—Exposited with we ebtLity. and are Messing h. style. errearemeet. *ad actletlhe ir bee ese.- Cline" Gallery . th Gallery . CWIT flit 8800 D duvet. %Pm Grow. 10* 0 ABittSEMENTS. trairuliukY. awe+ 4. IBS N % DAR? GRAND 111.trIEB BOARDING. LOST AND FOUND. EDUCATIONAL. 340 CHEBTERIT . sumo 1805 ELLSWORTH Stmt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers