wiry, CITY. ERE RECENT INPNFLACRATZON. Two 'ladies Napporied to be firthe Balm. The ruins of the great fire were visited yesterday by thousands of our citizens from all parts of the city. Tile Press report, delineating itl a plain, pray tint manner the facts attending the mad disaster, Ins eo full and accurate that scarcely anythingre. Inaint worthy our prolessional attention, except to correct certain false rumors. It was currently re. ported that James Wright and family, consisting, an told, of eleven members, pe;rished in the flames. They lived in house No. 118 d, the. first one adjoin• lag the coal yard of Messre. Porter & Daily, and the first to take fire from the flowing burning oIL House No. 1136 was oocupled by Mr. Wright and faintly, four in number, two aged German women, and another family or families, *oxidating of five members, making eleven In all. When It was very evident hat this house Was doomed to almost instant destruction, three mem bers of the Moyamenaing Hose Company, named Neil PdcGurk, Thomas McGonigle, and Samuel McMenamin Fleetwood, ruEhed into the building and saved all therein. The two old German women were carried into a neighboring house, and were finally taken to some other place of refuge by a po .lloe officer who knew them. As the officer had not been heard from since that terrible moment of ex eitement and despair, the report was freely circu lated that the old women were burned, and finally that the entire number of eleven perished In the flames. It was reported that the family of Mr. Soott, re• 'aiding on Ninth street, near Federal, had perished in the flames. We made every loquiry In reference to this, but could find no one who could give any information on this point. It is believed, however, that, all the residents in this precise locality had twenty minutes , time to escape, the Scott family did not perish, though, so tar as we could learn, none of the members have been heard from. In regard to the number of human beings burned to death, it , may be safely stated to be eight; two bodies, daughter* of Mr. and Mrs. Ware, were sup posed to be in the ruins. Search eras being made for them, but up to the time we left the piece of desolation last evening no retesting had been found. A THRILLING ROdNI. The firemen as a body, the police; and citizens Truant at the conflagration, and particularly In the .early part of it, worked vi.lth almoet, superhuman energy to rescue inmates of the burning and three. toned dwelling houses. Of these gimlet-we can pre. Bent one which is full of thrilling interest. Messrs. rilogurk, bloCionigle, and Stamen Mohlawriener Fnsierwoon, members of the Illoyamensing Hose tiompany, rushed into the building 1138 and roe- Cued all therein. Fleetwood, whose name de• servos to be' written upon the scroll of lame, rushed into the building °coupled by the unfortunate Ware fancily. At this time the burning oil, hissing and seething, came pouring deem the street, and the 'loupe, from which eleven portions had been rescued but a moment before, was 'Joked uplby the red, fiery tongum of the demon of Destruction. At this time the brave Fleetwood was bearing in has strong arms the body, It le supposed, of Mrs. Ware or one of her daughters. His own. paniona were driven back by the appreitoh of the btirnin g elerdent-Lthe increasing heat and stifling smoke. Almost at the same moment the burning. oil burst through the rear part of the house, and, flowing through the entry, all chance of esoape was gone.: The brave fireman endeavored to fight his way out, still holding the woman in his arms. He reached the front.door step; it was a moment of horror ; he leaped from the step, driven by the flow of burning oil through the house, but the Denise closed around Lim; a groan and a shriek escaped the lips of the .victims, and both fell in death. His companions endeavored to rescue both, but it was impossible. The orleped remains of them ware found but a few feet distant from each other. We saw the charred body of this brave young man In the basement of thiold Southwark Hall. It could scarcely be real ised as the remaineor a Mahan being; but black as It watt, It was worthy of a grave of distinction and a monument`of fame, for that frail, crisped form once contained a soul tharniado the young men noble. ANOTHER ealox* it was at a time when all the buildings ware in flames that another scene ccourred, not so melan eholy as the foregoing, but still It to interesting. The Persereranee Hose Company had a hoary Stream on the rear of the burning tenements. The Otoupants had already Red for safety. Presently a young Irishman dashed past tho firemen and ran into the burning house. The fire was. failing all around. ' “ COMO out of there,” shouted the'! reny 91 boys " are yencrasy V' But no reply was heard. In is mo n:lent after this the roof fell with a great orash,and the firemen backed. It was thought the man had fallen a victim to his own rashness. But frooi amid the fire and smoke, his shirt sleeve on Are, lie °greased from the burning tenement with something under his arm. H I got It 1 I got 1t!" exclaimed he, in scants tinged with the rioh Irish brogue. "Got what 1" shouted the fireman. " The bible me father give me before he died," ro plied the enthusiastic man, as he disappeared from view. ANOTHER BAD SO BE. - .A_ Mrs. Barlane. who- lived .ln one of the houses that fell an early prey the flames, died very and debly. She bad prepared supper for her husbawl_ And. family, and strictly after - this' canigirned of feeling unwell. She laid herself don on a settee, alter having °Rifted the table, and‘Red within an hour. She knew that death was approaching, and calling her family of four or five little children, gave them advice. Death stepping in -so suddenly as this, taking away the beet friend that a child oast have on earth, an affliction so deep, thattan only be apprediated by those who experienced such a loss, need not be dwelt upon. The family were Comparatively strangers. They have not lived in the neighborhood long. Mrs. Smith, who lived next door, was kind enough to Interest herself, in sym pathy for the afffloted, remained with the motherless family. It was a house of woe. The death cham ber of the mother, the sorrow-strloken husband and weeping children around, was finally disturbed by the reports which sounded like dull, heavy explo- MOM Reports followed one atter another, and presently a red glare burst forth, and gleamed through the Cracks of the rear doors and win dow. In a moment the appalling troth flashed all around them that the coal oU immediately in the rear of the hottse was on tire.' The reports that had attracted some attention for a short time were those of bursting barrels of oil. Mrs. Smith had left her husband and family. Her first impulse wisai to awaken them. Rushing into her own dwelling, and picking up a sick child, arousing her husband and-children, escaped through the front door. The children became almost perished In the snow and water that yet filled the Street. Mr. Harking got his children out of the hones ; they were suddenly ploked up by persons on the street. He returned, knd picking up the dead body of his wife, fled to the street, her hair being slightly singed by the bursting fire struggling like a vol. cano to give full vent to its fury. The dwelling of Mr. Harkins and Mr, Smith were In less than three minutes enveloped in 01113208. POLLING DOWN .11121 'WAILS, ETC. Walls that were in the most dangerous condition were pulled down yesterday by order of the author!. ties, All, or nearly all, on the west side of Ninth street, north or Ellsworth street, were reduced to piles of rubbish, so that the ruins may be explored without danger of being injured by faillag bricks. Mopes were stretched across Ninth street, guarded by a portion of the Ist and 2d' divisions of the Police Corps. Thus the great mass of people were kept out of danger. A boy, driving a horse and wagon on the Union railway traok, against the route of travel, was told to turn baok. He would not obey the police officer, but drove on, giving the officer some Impudence. The officer caught hold of the horse's head and turned the animal back. The rook less boy endeavored to guide the horse the other way, and putting the whip to him tried to throw the Officer. He did not succeed. Other officers hastened to the scene; the boy was arrested and the horse and wagon taken possession of by the officers. We witnessed the whole transaction. The action of the pollee 111 this especial case was entirely commen dable. WHAT YHOPRETY WAS DHSTBOYBD. We learn from Fire Marshal Blackburn the fol. lowing summary of property destroyed : Fecty dwellings, Two factories, Seven stables, One wagon house, • Ten miscellaneous structures, Twelve frame sheds, " One brick office, One coal yard, One large coal shed, One coal oil storage shed, . which, with outhouses, &c., will make a total of about 100 structures. The dwelling-houses were occupied by po - or people, Or persons who had only sufficient metas afford them a ilointbrtable living. The moat of these pea pie ilott everything—furniture, clothing, trinkets, dr lt. Is estiffiated that at least 100 families have been rendered houseless. The whole loss willnot fall short of $60,000: The loss on the coal oil is estimated at $76,010 ; that of • Daily 6 Porter, Coal yard, at 04,000 ; and that Of Mr. David L . Hey, manufacturer, at $lO,OOO. The coal "oil Msaid to be fully insured in New York comps ,. Elea S. Daily & Porter, and Ney,• are par. tiaU,y insured. Of the total lose only about one third is insured, and the insurance is prinoipally sgatil ik ile real estate. The Fire Association and the 111 Insurance Company are tuft heaviest losers. A number of the families lost their SfiVinge, ranging from $ 5 to $3,000 . Many lost $lOO, and several as high as from $3OO to $4OO. P.A1708 Y.H.CHURCH BXKOUTIVB COMMITTBIL The following named gentlemen have been ap pointed an executive committee to collect subscrip. hone and devise means of affording immediate re• He!: J. Vaughan Merrick, Col. Philip S. White, *let , . Thomas T. Tacker, Sr., Thomas T. Tacker, Jr., Joseph Thompson, Rev. Samuel W. Thomas, David Farrell, Sr., Wm. H. Maness. Samuel Ka- Maneruy. They afforded relief to nearly thirty persons, but more money is absolutely nesassary. The wants of this distressed people are pressing. The committee of ladles for reaßlving clothing and money are Mrs. J. V. West, No. 90S Clinton street; Mrs. Mary Hallowell, No. 2121 Aroh street ; Mrs. Joseph Canby, No. 881-Aroh street, and Mrs. John Lloyd, No. 2025 Vine street. PROXPT BIIIISORTFTIO246, At a meeting of the Corn Fmehange Assootation, held yesterdaritiorning, Vies 1 5 teeidemt Cleo. ()acac ia= was called to the chair, and Dlr. Joe. S. Perot, the seeretary, read a statement that they had been Called together to adopt measures to relieve the edderere by the late fire at Ninth and Washington streets. On motion of line Craig, EN., $l,OOO was tifilillll9ollßlT appropriated. lii?., Samuel L. Ward reeved that a committee of three be appointed to collect private subscriptions, which was agreed to, and Megan. S. L. Ward, Hugh Craig, and Alexia. der a. Cattail were appointed the committee. This 43ornmittee,in &few minutee, Ii11001)0.30t1 In collecting 4 000 more. MILLID? POE THH suirrsztanii. Those engaged In the 01l trade are raising gab. Soriptions In aid of the sufferers!. The money IS to be !subject to the order of the treasurers of any of the relief soommittees. About $l,OOO has already been oollsoted, and Is in the hands of Teak Brothers. It is proposed to raise from $6,000 to $10;000. NATIONAL CIRCUS. . Messrs. Stone,, Rolston, Fornpaugh, & Bronson, the proprietors of the National and , Now York (Army:will give a. grand special matinee on next Tuesday afterneen, the entire Freese& being for the benefit of the imilereri by the bre. Dan Rice will perform all this horses and males, and all the artists connected with the company have oheet:fully consented to perform, so that the whole receipts of the house will be given in aid of the sufferers. Contributions in aid of the sufferers may be made at the Franklin Hoge house, Moyameneing Hose house, Weooaeoe Engine house, and perhaps at the houses of othei fire COMpalllol3. Chief Lyle, of the, Department, and Older Ruggles, of the Pollee De. partment, will be happy to receive any donations In aid of the snit . • LICTROLIF.VM LAW. The Legislature, excited to a degree of partial insanity, have passed a bill in indecent halite that may greatly Interfere with the mercantile business. A good, Wholesome law is wanted, and the people will have It. But this law should be the result of calm consideration instead of excitement. The law, as passed, Is said to be as fere: "That It shall be lawful' store petroleum, orude or refined and benzine, in'snoh quantities as trade may require. In those portions of Philadelphia lying south of Mifflin street and north of Allegheny ave. nue, and that part of the city west of the Schuyl kill. The acki*ovides that the same shall not be stored within one thousand feet of any dwelling house without the written consent of the owner, and provides that storage and refineries between said Mifflin street and Allegheny avenue shall be subject to such ordinances as may be made by City Councils, who are hereby authorized to make such ordinances to regulate the storage and refining within such limits, and the Mayor is authorized to execute the same. This act to take offeot within sixty days." IMPORTANT BUGG BSTION, personlrho hes any knowledge in referenoe to the flre,or any Iniport ant Incidents connected with it in regard to its origin, or those who arst disco vered it, are earnestly requested to attend the coro ner's Inquest, at his office, Fifth street, below Oheat nut, at 8 o'olook this afternoon, or to call upon Fire Marshal Blackburn. FIRST PUBLIC MBBTING. About 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon,, a meeting was bold in Jefferson Hall, at Sixth and 17.irlitlarc streets. It was called to Order by Win. S. Gregory, Esq., who nominated. Mr. ghee. Welsh for chair man ; Mr. Jno. W. Frailer was seleoted as seers. tary, and Mr. Jio. Keliy as treasurer. • - Mr. Gregory 'moved the secretary be instructed to open a subscription list, so that those present could subscribe. Agreed to, and the sum of 8978.60 was subscribed. A committee was appointed to invite the partied who were to hold a meeting at the Robert Raikee school house to meet and co-operate with the meet ing at this hail. On motion, adjourned. TRH PeULTITING LAST SITENIVG. A public meeting was held last evening at Jef ferson Rill. Dlr. Robert P. Kling was called to the chair. Mr. John Kelly was appointed treasurer. An eloquent speech was delivered by Philip S. White, Esq., in which he touched the sympathetic chords of those present. An executive committee of ten members from each of the lower or southern wards of the City was appointed. • A committee from the Republican Invincibles paid over a donation of $lOO from the proceeds of their recent ball. A delegation from La Coterie Blanche etatod the managers Intend handing over the Proceeds of their ball to thelellef fund. A resolution was adopted requesting that a col• leotlon be taken up in all the churches next Sunday without respect to creed. A resolution was adopted that articles of food and clothing may be forwarded to the House of Industry, on Catharine street, above Seventh. It was announced that the sum of 81,000 bad been received in aid of the sufferers. A Committee of five was appointed to Inquire into the extent of Buffeting and loss, in order to Ovoid Imposition, A distributing committee, consisting of - the fol. lowing-named gentlemen, was oleo appointed: s. W. Thomas, John Kelly, Joseph Thompson, Wm. Loughlin, and Jesse Johnson. The committee finally adjourned to meet at nine o'cloOk this (Friday) morning, at 'the Marion Hose house. LOOK OUT POE UWOBTERB. It was stated last evening privately by a gentle man who attended the public Meeting of oltizens that a person was begging yesterday, urging his claims to sympathy en the ground that he had lost everything by the conflagration. He was known to be a professional beggar. Of course, no matter how disastrous any calamity, there are always mendi cants mean enough to impose upon eharitable por tions. There are many individuals soliciting aid for the suffering who do so from sinister motives. The public should be on their guard and make no con tributione to such persons. We are requested by Dirs. J. V. West, 908 Clinton Street, to say that she has "rafted many of the sufferers by the recent disaster, and found them destftnte of clothing. She' has the means at band to make up almost any amount of clothing. It is desired that dry goods merchants forward articles to her house to be made up into clothing at once. THE RUINS LAST NIGHT A large number of oitisena. took a moonlight view of the ruins last evening. The Union_ line nr railroad ears are - IA - 6 - kid with people going to and from the scene. 11:713. ORNTILiii HIGH SCHOOL. EXAMINATION 117 OSTHOOHAPSy-BY PHOPZ/38011: tanKreTaxor. - - - Puntlitafien.—Scholars very often ask, when pur suing some difficult .study, ,6 What good will it do me to know tillers lint this is not the question. They ought to ask, What good will it do me to learn It-I Wbat effect upon my habits of thinking, and upon my intellectual powers, will be produced by the efforts to examine and overcome these diffi culties I" Do not shrink, then from diffioult work in your efforts for intellectual improvement. You ought, if you wish to sooure the greatest ativantsge, to have some difficult work, that you may ac. quire habits of patient research, and increase and strengthen your intellectual powers.—Jaeob Abbott. Spelling.—Sycopbant, synagogue, sympathy, syn thesis, buoyancy, paroxysm, eocentric, opaque, chi mera, intrigue, marine, machine, perceive, receipt, reprieve, decipher, disciple, benign, condign ma lign, loquacity, bureau, periphery. liduclal, acidity, heifer, leopard, privateer, brigadier, atmosphere, chandelier, prejudice, b ombazine, syringe, jeo pardy, Milwaukee, Astrachan, Laguayra, Mauri tius, Oronetadt. •• • TIMIS IN •j B•:. 0 - • • . • • • I:CEGEI3 1. Describe the different kinds of parallelograms. 2. Define a frustum, a prism, and a lane. 3. Give the rule to find the whole, surface of a right cone. 4. The diameter of a circle is 22 rods; find the side of a square containing an equal area, and also find the side of a square inscribed in that circle. 6. A ladder 60 feet long was placed against a building 100 feet in height, in such a manner that the distince of the foot of the ladder from the base of the edifice was 10 feet 0 Inches ; at what distance from the top of the building did the ladder reach the wan 8. The radius of a sphere Is 36 Inches ; how many square yards In Its convex surfacel 7. How many square feet in a plank 0 Inohes broad at one end, it inches at the other, the length being 11 feet 8. How many cubic feet of rock must be removed in boring a well 1 foot in diameter and 150 feet in depthl 9. How many acres in a field whose sides are 152, 124 8, and 100.4 perches t 10. The area of the outer circle is 100 aores. and the diameter of the Inner circle Is to that of the outer Mole as. 2 is to 3, that is %of it what -is the area of the ring 1 FALL OF FOUR HOURES. The rear portion of ibur two-story brick houseti, on the east side of Seventh street, above Poplar, fell on Wednesday night last. The occupants were re moved by means of ladders, as the stairways lead ing to the slceping•rooms were in that portion of the building which fell. The cause assigned is the sinking of the foundation walls, caused by the sud den thaw and rain. ACCIDENTS. An unknown woman, about forty-five years of age, fell through the turnpike bridge on the Ger- - mantown Railroad, on Tuesday, and was killed. She had on her person a prayer-book, with the names Johanna O. Welsh, Johanna Donnell, and Francis'E. Doyle on the flyleaf. James McGee was knocked down by a runaway horse at Twenty.first and Spruce streets, yesterday morning, and had a leg broken. Mrs. Miner fell on the foe on Spruce street, below Fifth, on Wednesday evening, and broke her leg. She was taken to her home, Fourth street, below Lombard. ration Fatton was killed yesterday afternoon, at Gray's Ferry, by being crushed between oars. POLICE APPOINTMIC2iTeI. About sixty live appointments of' policeman have been, matte under tee recent ordinance increasing the force by adding one hundred men. FORTY DAYS IR JERUSALKM. Rev. WiWitm White Williams delivered one of his highly interesting and instructive lectures last evening on the above subject in tkie chapel of the First Congregational Church. The lecturer was greeted with a highly appreciative and attentive audience. THE POLICE. [Before Kr. Alderman Welding.] SHOP-LIFTREI. Maria Ruts was arraigned, yesterday afternoon, on the charge of stealing a piece of crash from the front of the store of Mr. B. Albertson, on Aroh street, near Seventh. It la alleged that she sud denly seized the piece of goods; and, on being dis covered, ran away at full speed In the effort to escape. She dashed Into a private alley, scaled a fence, and took refuge in an outhouse, where she held the door fast. A police officer was called Into requisition, who speedily enforced the strong arm of the law and opened the door. The woman was very indignant at such an Interruption. She was committed to answer. THE COURTS. Supreme 4Donrt—Before Woodward, D. J, and Thompson. Strong, and Read, Jas• The Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City of Pittsburg, appellants, vs. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company. District Court, Allegheny county. In the court below this was an application for an. injunction to restrain the railroad company from constructing a railway under and along certain streets of the city of Pittsburg, and .was heard on bill and supplement and answer. The application for theinjunetton was refused, and the bill die misired,whereupon complainants appealed to the Supreme Court. In the wart below, and also at the argument of the ease here, manic] for the appellants took the broad ground that the railroad company date ;not possess the power under their charter to Build their road either under or over the streets of Pittsburg., and could therefore only do so by consent of, the corporate authorities first obtained. Counsel for the company, on the other hand, Ann tended that the power under their charter; so to construct the road in question is fall andeomplete, subject only to the right of the city authorities to .iinaotdrairionable regulations of a police' character, to prevent any abuse of the rights she may possess as a trustee of the nubile. Argued by J. W. F. White, Esq., for appellants, and by Theodore Cu ter, Bee , for appellees. The Philadelphia List, on third calling, was then again taken up. - Housekeeper's appeal. Argued byIYCI. Brewster, Beg , for appellants, and by J. H. Clay for appellee. licOlintook vs. Cowen. Submitted on paper books. Myers , oppeal. Argued by C. B. Penrose and E. S. Miller for appellant, and by A. V. Parsons for appellee. Serrill vi. The Bridge Company. Submitted OA paper books. Mitriat Court—Judire Stroud. Blinn, Eat gaol, & Co. ve. Chauncey Rarlburt, surviving partner of Wm. H. Gallup, decreased, late trading as Wm. H Gallup & Co. An seam on & promissory note. The only defence set up _may a dental of the existepoe pt a partnerohlp. Manila for Planet*, nt ddiffe.T2. Hum [Or obbligati 11. Ball for defenda. • - Hiram Blikbeset at , trading as Sables! & Brother, VB. Thornton Oonrow. , Th ia action Is to reco v er for a *amber or boxes of behead°, bold at 40 oenu per pound and - delivered. The defence wail that the tobacco was bought by sample, lybloh was fair, but that the lot generally proved ,to be badly for this reason dere dant refused to an t damaged, and, take and pay for the fume. Plain ff, on the other hand, alleged, and called Witne to show, that the defendant knew perfectly the:treater of the article he was buying; that hew present at the - United States Marshal's sale of prize goods, of which this tobacco was a portion, when they were sold to plaintiff; and that dbfendant, when be bought of plaintiff, knew that he was buying damaged tobacco. Jury out. Remak for plaintiff; Earle for defendant. Court of Common Pleas—Judge Thorny.. awn. Shannon and wife et al. vs. Miller, Steinmetz, et al. In this ease thejary are out. CITY COUNCILS_ Both branches of Conisies held s stated meeting yes terda7 afternoon. BELEM BRANCH. Mr. LYND. Presid.nt, in the chair. A petition for Mittel/lag fountain, at York avenue and Fourti stree t,: received and referred to the Committee on Watery- Mr. ORA PP (II.) Introduced a resolution providing for a Joint committee of titles from each Chamber to revise the laws regulating the railroads owned by the shy, and to report etch ordinanCee deemed nectestry to pro mote their efficiency and bureau) the revenue to the city. agreed to Mr. Moithaor (0.) offered a resolution instructing the IlLmmittee en /Jeanne to introduce an ordinance allow. Ina the Receiver of Taxes to receive city warrants in payment allege& Mr Fagifwax (II ) suggested that this would violate the law. it would make the treasury a disbursing office. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Finance, • Mr. BARLOW (D) introdaced a resolution instructing ' the Committee on Law to tate into consideration the danger attooding the 'storage or petroleum or bemuse Within the buSt-u ft portions of the oity,,and to report to the Chamber what'll; neeyeary to protect the Ryes of the °Mixers. • Mr. BIitORTLY (0 ) referred to the fact that two Years ago Congeal considered the enttiem. and it was decided that . there was no authority in Councils. • The Legielature acted upon the subject a year ago and a bill pae.ed one branch,. but lined in the ,other. To day 'we find it announced that a bill' has passed both branches of the Legislature Mr. FRBRIIA3 (U.) said the bill now passed was undoubtedly Crude, and might need revision. He therefore favored the memo of Mr. Barlow's resolu tion. in order to' alteertain the exact ittriediOtton of C Mr. Bea Low (U.) sold that living within a few minutes' walk of the mane of this great disaster, he felt t-ft proper to -offset ibis resolution. He was ear• prised to Sad any . objection. It the bill palmed by the Legislature was full and ample to meet the case, the committee would so report, and there the matter would wet. Mr. bitantagg (U.) said he had always thought. and he still believed, that Councils had no authority in the prerolem. If we pass this resolution, it will be thought by the attires a that Councils have vower,and have been derelict in their duty.-He thought the reepcasibillty 'ettontstreet with the leagialsiore. The resolution was agreed to. Dr. KADIEBZT (0.) introduced a resolution that the City. Solicitor be directed to take immediate legal mea-• sures to ascertain tf the lose of -life as Washington and Ninth streets arm from any neglect to enforce exist ing ordinacces in reference to combustible materials in the city.of Philadelphia, and to report an ordinance,' to protect the silty, against a like disaster. Referred to the committee on law: A communication wee received from the Corn Ex .change, eneloaing- a resolution passed by that emote . tion,.arging Councils to pass an ordinance regulating .the storage of petroleum. and suggesting the ordinance `introduced NOT. 21, 1863, by Mr. Catberwood. Re ferred. 'The iesolution from Common Council, in reference to Bre •pin[r, was concurred in. GUM (SPOTS.. Mr. CATTRL (U). chairman of the special committee to visit Washington in reference to the quota of Philadel phia. made the following report: The joint special committee appointed to visit Wash !Bairn to procure a revocation or modification of the Provost Marshal General's order disallowing credits on "the Impending drift for man furnished in excess of for ' mar calls, submit the following report: The committee, immediately after their appointment, "invited the assistance-and co•operation of Henry C. Lea,, secretary of the late beauty. fond °e mai l,. mon, who cheerfully furnished them with statements and data of incalculable value in pro.; tieing the desired result Tee net quotas of the first five Congressional districts of Pcrusykranin, as assigned by the Provost Marshal General under the call of December 19, 1864, were as follows: . • 7irst dikrici ....... . 3.478 Second district .... • " 4074 Third district tE Fourth di5trict .......... ... Pit th district (city p0rt105).•••• ? •.........4....... . • LO t IS :. • , - Total quotes for Philadelphia',...... 17,514 These were the quotas assigned to Philadelphia! at the time of the appointment of your committee - Under the call of July 18. Int, for 803 MO men the quota of Philadelphia was 11.742 Under this call the city was entitled to credits up to JailUarY I. lOW. as fol lows: One-year men .10.111•1101/•••01.11•••••••• Ma Iwo.) ears men 210 Three years men .... .............•••••11.2.124 Four-years men....... 109 Total .... /5 511 Showing an excess to be credited on the present salt of 3.7139 men. The quotas. as assigned for this call, were therefore-manifestly erroneous. The committee found that a-correspondence had. already been opened by Ilfr Lex withthe Proyont, Marshal. Oeneral upon this sub- . lest, and that a new assignment of quotas had been Promised by that officer. Accordingiy, a short time after the appointment of the committee, the newly assigned quotas were announced, isfollows: First district ' —.. . - . - ret...... 1,930 Seemed dittriols—•—t ~-... 2,669 Third diet/let ......... ....... • .t.!.. ••••••••• NOON 2,912 Fourth district ...... ....tt....,,55•....•......... 2,6ta Tlith district ' - '" ." ' . 1.648 otal • ere. .11.11-• , The T last assignment of qnotas wag Still very gre ll atl 4BB y In excess of what your committee deemed the just pro portion andbiladep int e rv i ewey proceeded to Wash ington had anwith Prdvert Marshal' Gene, al Fry. They briefly pointed out to him the ap• parent di. crepancylreter een the numbersrequired on der the present call and. those tinder former calls, and 'presentee a statement of credits due to Philadelphia under the call of July 18, 1864. He explained to the I:troVell i W a i 9 11,ViSterifieTsItstl.SifTh a gVas i VeS that bureau, Captain George It Scott, tie compare the'. figures and calculations submitted by the committee and those of the Department. This exainitation and investigation showed the existence of a very material error in the accounts of the Enrolment Bureau as to al lowaiices for naval recniite; to demonstrate which your committee.rdurned to Philadelphia with the A. A Pro. voet Marna General here The result of this examine. Lion of the records of the enrolment oAlce in this city sub etantiated the Oorrectnees of the statements submitted by the committee,who thereupon immediately returned to Washington, and, on presenting to the Provost Mar shal General the result of their inveettgatten, hal:moan:4- ly reduced the quota for the first Ave Congressional die tricts 3,146 men.making the number required under this second amended assignment of quotas for these districts 8 340 men, and tinned an order accordingly, The report was aceepted,and an ordinance making an appropriation to Day the expenses of the committee wee adopted. A communication was received from the Mayor. en closing an official notification Of the amended quota for Philadelphia. as follows: First District. . es. 1,357 Second ** so. -• I,BtXI Third ". Fourth " .... • Fifth • Total • • AID FOR THE HOILICLESS The ordinance from Comniin Council. making an ap propriation for the relief . of those who were made home • less and estitute by the firs at Ninth and Washington streets wee taken up and referred to the Clommittes of 'lnas co, as much doubt was expressed as to tb, power of COunells to pass such an ordinance. Adjourned. COO BELNCR. President BTOKI.P.Y (II.) in nip chair. RILLIBY OF THIS 8IIBITBILS)18 DY THE ° LAI'S FIRE. *MT. :VriABEItT (0 ) . presented an ordinance appro• mistinglMOD for the relief of the sufferers by the Ara of Wednesday morning. Famed unanimously. • Qom XUffitieffrozia. A communication from the Cora lturhange Associa tion. 'prolog the passage of the ordinance offered by Hr. A.,.1. Catherwood in 1E63. preventing the storage of cool oil within the 'city limits. wee received and re ferred. • • Several other petitions on she same subject were pre stated said :referred. A communication from the trustees of the City Ice Boat asking for an appropriation of $4,C00 for the Pur chase of coal, was referred. PTNAROB 00112dITTBS. The Committee on Finance reported an ordinance making an,approprlstion of $1,256 to the City Cominh eioner, to pay for making an enrolment of the militit of the city. Passed. THE 'NORTHERN LIBERTIES GAS WORKS. The Committee on Gas Works, having under conside ration the_propoeal to take possession of the Northern Liberties Gas Works, reported that they had been una ble to obtain full information on the subject, and asked for a postponement of the bill for OSM week. Mr. SIMPKINS (II) offered an ordinance prohibiting the storage of more than twenty•five barrels of coal oil upon any wharf, yard or shed within two hundred yards of any buildings in the city after theist of March, under a penalty of IPSO. Mr. WOLItBRT ( 0.) wished it to be known that the City Councils were not responsible for the recent 'Calamity. When Councils had pad the matter before them the city Solicitor had given his opinion that an ordinance of the bind proposed wonld not be binding in law. The re • sponeibility was with the Legislature for not having pasted a law to meet the exigenc Pol l ee .the case. He moved to refer to the Committee on Mr. Tamps ( II.) offered a cobstitute wohibiting the storage of more than tan barrels of coal oil or benzine. except in the rciraldletticts, and then to be in a building at least two hundred feet isolated from surrounding structures. . Mr. HARPER (II.) This ordinance is preelasly the same as one trait was presented In Mt to Councils, and was notacted upon. because 11 was believed that an or dinance Of such a character would not be binding upon the people. Within the past twenty.. foar hours the Legislature had hatt.this very subject before them, and while we were attempting to pass a bill, we should see that it is a bill that will meet the case. He moved to re fer to the Con3ml ss on Law. Mr. Cu swam; (U.), thought that the bill should be acted upon immedialmtly. There were 1,000 barrels of coal oil lying at Market street bridge. if the seine ca lamity should happenlo this oil which occurred to that at M !Vat and Washington streets, on Wednesday morn ing, there would be no passage across the Market street bridge. A message Was received front the Mayor relative to the storage of petroleum and the late fire, and urging Connell. to 'rowers upon, the State Legislature the na ceselty of securing thin city from a recurrence of calami ty by similar cause Mr. NICHI.BI4 (U ) hoped that lotion on the matter would be postponed no longer. There was a large drum tity of petroleum now at Mead alley wharf, and the citizens of that neighborhood had declared that if it were not remo ved c to-day they would roll it Into the river to night. he people must be protected anima, a recurrence of, the scenes of Wednesday morning. If Councils fall to take action they will be responsible if another calamity like the late one occurs again. The motions to refer to the Committee on Pollee and Law were lost, Mr. tharsorrwitharew his ordinance. The ordinance offered by Mr. Taylor was taken up Mr. BVANI3 (U ) moved to amend by making the words ten barrels to read Bye barrels. Agreed to. Mr. Priam (II.) moved to farther amend by making MO feet to read LOCO feet. Agreed to. The ordinance as amended passed. THB NORTHItItIe LIBEHTIBS GAB WORKS. The matter of the taking possession of the Northern Liberties Gas Works having been made the special order of business for four o'clock, and that hoar having arrived, the matter was called up, and, after some de• bate, was postponed for One week. HEADS OB DEPARTILENTI3. Select and Common Council then met In joint Conven tion for the purpose of electing heeds of departments. The following were elected: Commissioners sion Highways-HenryWm. Smedley. of B. Bobb and Na than Cycling. Commissioner of City Property—Charles Num. Chief Engineer of the Water Works—Henry P. IL Berkinbine. Commissioner of Markets—Jonathan H. Pugh. Superintendent of City Railroads—John Bolder. Superintendent of Oh ard Rotates—Ohm& S. Smith. Arent of Girard Estates—Samuel S. Carta; Chief Inspector of Streets—Mahlon H. Diakinson. THE. ANTI-SLAVERY AICaNDMINNT. Mr. Bonn ) offered a resolution recineeting the Mayor to have the State House bell rung, and Mem ask ing that the different churches and fire companies be re quested to ring their belle. and that the citizens be re quested to display.the American nag on the 2%d of Fe bruary. in honor of the Damage of the anti-slavery constitutional amendment. Mr. Brum, (O.) hotrod that the - resolution would not pave. He was opposed to it on principle. He didn't think that the Dower to pane an& an amendment an that which heal:nen made lel In the power of Congress. The resolution passed—yeas SO, nays? . OTTBSTITUTSO AND BOUlsTir WAZISA.NTI3. Mr. Yon (II.) ofered an amendment appropriating IMO to each person who has put in a substitute bet weep the third and twenty-KWh day of January. Also. that all warrants drawn under the bill giving bonutte; to volunteers shalt be convertible into the loan of the city at pat if applied for within sixty days after the creation of the loan. Gag WORKS. Mr. HAXPER (II ) offersd a resolution instructing the trust. et of the City Gas Works to report monthly all the purchases and sales by them.and the distribution of the profits. I resolution asking authority from the Legislature for Councils to mulate the storage of coal oil in the city of Phtladelphie. Mr Oa6SWILL (II.) moved to refer to the Committee on Street Cleaning. [Laughter The matter was referred to the Committee on Law. After the transaction of some business of minor im portance. the Chamber adionnuad. HERMETIgALIgY SEALED MEATS AND BODY& • 1.000 doz fiadaste Meat. 100 " Bout Beet " do Veal. 600 " do Matron. 1,000 " do Turicay. 1,000 " do Cbtokea„ 2,000 " Azeorled Boom Ent, 2. 2,1; lb. *MM. • For oak) by 4.31120DE8 1464( ' 107 Botth WATIA Woof; ( 111 A I s.PRESS.---PRITADELPHK FRIDAY,, FEBRUARY 10, 1866. OFFICE OF POST QUiRTERMA.S.- TEE, Do. 7RII MARKET Street. PRI vanatmatA,ANLltsr7lB. 1 1 85 '' SEALID PeornseLs will be received at this MIRO nntil noon of FRIDAY. 15th lust, for larnieb4nr to the United States for four months, eommedding MARCO 1. - 1886, all the Wood that may be required for lonia room thin Pest, to be delivered wrion and where ordered. and in such.ovaatities as imay be needed. Propntale most state the price per curer for Oak and Pine Wood separately, which meet Include the O.Na of delivery. No proposals will be received except those which may bo -properly Riled noon bleak' forme, to be haii at this (dike. The United States reserves the right to rejer. 211 bide deemed objectionable. ' ' • ALBBRT 8. ASHMEAD. • friUlt Captaln and Asst. Quartermaster. (VOICE . OP POST QUARTERIVIA.S s—• _ PRILADELPIILL, rebutary,lo. 1836. 5zA LED PRO POSALS wUI be received at this office until noon of Fiti.D.AT, 17th Inst., far furnishing to the Untted• States, for - Pmr heaths, cosemencitur Match 1. '16611. all the goal that may be required for inane from this Pest, to be delivered when and where ordered, and in snob quantities as may be needed. The Goal to be of the best quality anthracite, broken, size, free hum slate or other impurities egg. or stave Proposale must state the Price per ton of 2.240 poundi e Which must include the coat of delivery. No ptopocals will be received except those which may be properly filled upon blank toms, to be had at this office. . . The United States reserves the right to reject all bide deemed objeetienelete. ALBIIRT B. ABRId8A1). 7t Captain and Assistant Quartenneeter. nll ARTS RMLSTER' S • ; OFFICA lob Corner. TWRUTH. and GIRARD Streets. rmmaosnen7A. Feb. 7 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at Lids. 0208 rintill2 o'clock K. on NOINDAY, February IS ISta, for the immediate delivery at the United Btateslhore hones, HA NOVER- Street Wharf, properly p auke , and ready for traLeportation,of . 2(10 SETS SIX. kiIILE WAGON HARlSURSSo.eomplete. The same to be of the ,hest quality and make, and sub ject to the inspection of an Inspector appointed on the part of the Government. The above-described Harness to be made In accord linos with sample and specifications, to be men at the Banaver- street Storehouse. Bidders will state 'price both In writing and figures (to inmude boxes and delivery), the quantity bid. for, and the shorteet time they can deliver them In All proposals must be made out on printed blanks, which may be-had on application at this aloe. other wise the bid will be rejected. Each bid mnst be guanutteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the raIIITAII. tee, andeertlfled to As being good and enfilglent seanritY for the amount involved, by the Unittd. States Diitriat Judge, Attornsy, or Collector. or other public ottoar Others" it 9 t4e.lild will net be considered, The light is reserved to reject all bids deemed to-high. Ride from defaulting contragiors t .and those thot do not fully comply with the requirements of this advertise ment, will not be considered. By order of Col. Herman ISlggs,l7. S. A.. Chlelftr termaster. (MOROSE. ORi fe7-et • Captain Lab A. Q. QUA RTBRMASTER' 9, 11 ' , 1 0 /c . corner TWELFTH and eIBaED Streets 4- FIITLADEZPaIta, Pa., February 4, Tem SEALED PROPOSALS will be lreeelved at this ofiloe until 11 o'clock Id. PBIDAY , February 10, 1866„ for.the immediateididivery at the United States 'Store house, Hanoverertreet wharf, properly peeked, and ready for transportation, of the following deebribed Quartermaster'.stores—els: 2.000 yards ameled Cloth; 60 inches wide, beet qua lity MOO Horse Collars, 17 to 22 inches—hog'ef skin. 2,C00 Wagon Covers, 10 os. cotton duck, as P.O wim ple of cover at United Statee'Storehonse; one yard UM pie of duck required. 2,f00 Mule Collars, 16 to 17 nchea—horee Ala 2,0f10 yards Cotton Dock, 2S inches wide, Hos. 3O and 12. 600 pairs Mule Hamea, 17 inches from top to bottom (hole). • - • 20,1151 pounds Harness Leather, oak-tanned, 1334 Its per side when finished, marked Harness Leather, with weight. I,Msidt s Bridle Leather, oak-tanned 'lO to 11 Res per side when finished, marked Bridle Leather and number of sides in each roll, with weight. 5.000 pounds oil tanned Leather, thin sides. CO Pauline, to be made In the beet manner, of 16.05. cotton dnck, 25% inches wide.beet quelitv, army atand ard, with tsblings all round; else 20x30 feet tekertil• niched, as per sample of Paulin at Hanover-street Store hottee-1 yard sample of duck required. • 50 pieces Sattinet.l3: yards wide, blue and green. ,S,OCO Whips, blacksnake. an leather, soll‘foll'Weight - and else. sfo pounds Spanish 'Whiting, dry in 10-65 papers. HO pounds Chrome ftreen,•bn S. and 0. HY MIL 600 pcunds Onm Shellac • 25 pounds Pumice Stone powdered. • • 6,0(0 wean White Lead, in 60 and ICO lb kegs (Lewis'). All of the above•deseribed Di be of the best quality and subject to the irrspection of an Inspector appointed on the part of the Government. - Bidders will state price. "to include, bona and de livery. ',both in writing and figures., theoiliaantite bid for, and .the time of delivery stated; and no schedule prices will be received. All samples to be sent to the Government Warehouse. Hanover-street wharf. All proposals must be made out on printed 'blanks. which may be had on application at this ogles; other- WMe the bid will berejected. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sone,whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certiled to as being good and sufficient lesontitg for the amount involved by the , llnited 'fates District Judge.. Attorney or Co ll ector. or other pctblio _Milner; otherwise the bid will not be considered. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. Bide from defaulting sontractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of this adver tisement, wilt not be considered. By order of Cal. H. BIGGS, Chief Quartermaster. , 080. B. ORKIk fed.* H . . • • Captain se • Q kt JI-4:E TTERS TESTAMENTARY TO the Estate of EICHLED WETHERILL.- Jr., de tooted, hating teen. granted to the underalgnedt all persons Indebted to Bald Estate are mutated ,to make payment, and those having claims to present the lame W plum 8.--Yr-wrEf Egad, telo•si. - -owNrowunkssos, - .! rftieuton— NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT the REGISTER OPVILLE for the City and County of Philadelphia bee granted to the undersigned Letters of administration de book non, with the will anliated, upon the Estate of' kiIIECELLUB OOXB. lets of the city of Philadelpita, deceased All persons haying debut or demands al alnet the Estate of the said decedent are hereby requested to make known the earns without de lay, and all persons indebted to make payment to M.A;KX COX.S. Admieistzarill. f4lO -fret* WiY wee*OELAND - Street, Lidow rite h • - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE THA.T a-1 the Itegleter of Winn for the city andconnts of Phi ladelphia bee granted otheundersianed Letters Testa mentary upon the last will of lierlLLlald W. SMITH. coachman, late of the city of Phlladelphlat deCa/teed. All persons haytng claim; or domande against , the No' tate of the paid decedent, are hereby rearamikil to make known the came without delay, and all persons Indebt• ed to make payment to SCIPIO 833,1.. t . 635 111.1561.11zALLEI, fel6. Mt* Ph dein a; VSTAVE OF JACOB MILLER, DE. ORABID NOTICE DI HEREBY OWEN to JACOB B. MILLER, that, at air ouraetor CODET. held on the Sd day of FEBRUAEN, A. D. 1865, for the City and 'County of Philadelphia, on' motion of WILLIAM W. FELL, ft rule leas granted oitall the heirs and representatives of deceared to appear in said Court on F EIDAY, ]Tarok 3d, 18e5,- at 10 . 0 dock A. M.. to accept or refplie premises at valuation. or show cause Why the sami should not be sold. felltddt* TRTHE ORPHANS ' COURT FOR THR CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of EBENIZER.COLEN AN, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle. and adjust the account of PHILEMON COLIKA.N. Ad ministrator of the Estate of said deceased. add to report. distribution of the balance in the hands of the account ant, will meet the' pulite interested for the ournosea of his appointment on MONDAY, February ?Mb, 1866, at 4 o'clock P. M. at Ho. IEB South SIXTH Street, In the city of Philade lphia., felll.fmevatll. B. WALLACE, Auditor. 1' STATE . OF CHRISTOPHER SCHWEI ZELL Deceased.—Letters of Administra tion on the estate of CHRISTOPHER SCHUR TZER. de ceased, having been granted to the nuderOned, all Demons indebted to the said estate are regime to make payment. and those having claims against. the same Present them, without delay, to LEONARD BBRIEERT, • Ito. 716 CHESTNUT Street. Or to his Attorney,LE H. DOUNING;Ja., feB- what. No. 114 South BETENTH Street. VSTATE OF WILLIAM DETiNEY, DECEASED. Loners testamentary upon the Estate of WILLIAM DENNEY, late of PhUadiaphis, deceased, hating been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Wills of said city, all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make payment, and those having claims as present them without delay to JOHN WoARTHITR In., No. MOO South SIXTH' Streit. jatt-frfit. • Philadelphia. ESTATE OF• JOHN RITTHER_,FORDe set., DECRASRD.—Whereas LITTERS OF ADMI NISTRATION upon the Relate of John Rutherford, Sr.. late of the city of Philadelphia, leceased. hive been granted to the undersigned, all persona Indebtid to said estate are requeeted to make payment. Said ail persons having deism against the same will present thPm with out delay to THOMAST aFORD, Sic G. RUTHERFORD. . ' • " Administrators; Or to their attorney, CLIFFORD P. McCAL44. fell-frat* to. 703 SAMSOM. ttreet. NOTICE.—ALL PARTIES' RTTE _ rested will take notice that SAMUEL SIEBERT became the owner,_ by purchase from the Ad tetra tore of WOE SEIBERT. deed. (late of Ohamhersbarg, Pa. ,) of the shares of stook-of the said deceased In the "801111ILICILL AND DAUPHIN IMPROVEMENT AND RAILROAD COMPANY," numbering 97730 1018. and 1074 to 1181,' inclusive t and that the certificates of stook issued to said Win. Seibert, deed, were destroyed by the fire of SOth July, 1864. when Obauttetrebtunt was gives to the Ammer ; and that at a meeting of the Dirac tore of the said company, to be field at Philadelphia early in March nezr the said Samuel Seibert will: make_ application to said Directors to have new certificates o f.. stock bladed to him in Hulot those destroyedL byth REINERTs Erg.- SAMUE. The undersigned, Admlnistratrix and Admintetrator of William Seibert, deed, do hereby consent.,to•the • transfer being made to Samuel Seibert of the stook de scribed. MARGAIMP SEIBERT. Adsn'rx. fe3- fr3t JOHN HUE= /*Wt. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR ' hlE ' -A- CITY Ain COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Relate of MARGARET LUOST, deceased To Alexander Luoet Martin, John B. Martin, George - S. Martin. and Anna Maria Aurnera Take notice that an application has been made by -ADRIAN A -A. L. LAMBERT to the said Court for the private sale of a three-story brick messnage and lot, at the southwest corner of .Delaware Front as ..Be lief streets, In said city, and that the same will be soled on by M. the Court on FRIDAY, March 8, 1810, at 10 ololook A. By the Cont. ja6-fedm. IN • THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AiID COUSYY OT PHIL ADELPHEA.III Estate of HARTT lIRANDOM. Hat:teased. - The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle , and adjust the amount of JOSEPH' PRICE, Executor of Samuel R. Simmons, who was Executor of Hartt tlran• dom, decrased, and to remit distribation of the ba lance in the hands ! of the 'accountant will meet the parties interested. for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the 22, h day of February, 18d5 ' at 4 o'clock I'. N . at his office, No. 271 South 11821 Street, in the city of Philadelphia. • fed- lawffit • soshrs • 1.01.4 Y, IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TSB CITYOOUNTY OF pH( LADEtretta Notate of JOHN.MILLS. Deceased. i The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. .04, and adjust the acootint of JOHN D. SIDHBOT . administrator of John litlle deceased. and reportmile tributioa. NOD meet the patties interested for thepar poet is of his appointment. on DIOSDAY,Februat4.2O. )18156, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office. N o 114 tab SEVENTH Street. in the city of Philadelphia ..• fe&marl tk* . CHLELES H. DoWitiNG, la." IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR IN THE CITY AND COUNTY OP,PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN GRIGG, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, adle, and adjust the account of NANCY M GRIGG Ind JOH NGRIGG. Administrators of the Estate of SOHN oRIOO. deceased. and to report distribution of ithe balance in the hands of the Accountant, will meertha parties interested for the curpeeet of his appointment. on MONDAY, February 20th, 18 05. at 4 o'clsch. P. M . at his Office K. 14 corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Streets. in the City of Philadelphia feB•wfmot* D. W. O'BRIEN, Judaea. MACKEREL, HERRING, .SHAD, Ste. —2,600 bble. Base. No I, 2, and 3 Maelse&d, late-eansht flat flab, escorted packa_g e s . H 2 er ,000 g bbls. New NastTort, Bohan, Bay, tad Halifax tow boxes Lubec, Wed, No. I Herring. bbla. new Men Shad, 260 • boxes Herkimer. county Cheese & c. In etote and for sale by MURPIII & NOON: 4 - ial9-tf No. 146 NORTH WHARIT :l* ar-OSHIJA. T. O_WEN, ATTORNEY, !LP CoUSRLLOR AT ,LAW, AAD SOLICITOR _Cr °JAIME Oflee AM 7 Street. near leartectith Washington. D. U. . • da22-1! ii3Aeft, MALCOLM MA.CNKILLI MYTH SP SarnoECTAOLE & Jo. 3113 sent PHILADSLPH[A. Street, below pliitkonPrus. WAISI4IS vatted to salt all ages, and all =altar at yepataina sasatally and promptly attended to. del-Sta • lirre •• .1 :44 : 1:31' I* . 4 4 f. SHOVELB AND SPADSB. 1100 dos at redued peals, at GIN MU - 111E1E1 SHOVEL PEOTOST,northwart-eorsir-QH/atEr sad D!:BREA ISEcesto, twitirm EturifEceoiad &mad and Thlid etrsiosi US amnia' 11 1 .1COPOS 4LX LEGAL. B. M. BAT rose. Dept& Clerk Orphans' Oaart. RAILROAD LINES. itilkjißTANT TO RAILWAY TRA TILLERS, —Tor tall Inforzpottost In rarer/nee to Ste, Mons; Diatom:ea. and tkattkeedleste, lllustrated by one hundred Railway Maps. ,rePreseating the prinalpal Rail ways of the eotuttry. Poe APPL.GA'S ILLILWAY ,nole.ese PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL. ROAD. CHANGE OF TIME AND :DEP° r. On and atter MondaY December Mb, 1b54, the trains of the Pennsylvania R a ilroad will leave the Nee. Depot. at THIRTIETH and MARKET Ste, biked Of Kterenth and Market Streets, a. heretofore. The Hennas and': bird. Fourth and Eighth, Green and Coater„Flfth area /Sixth. Union Line. Tenth and Eleventh. Thirteenth and Fifteenth. Seventeenth and Nineteenth City Pageant er Hallways. letment• with the Meirket• street Railway. whose can ran to, and from Pennsylvania Central Railroad Depot in West Philadel phia, The oars of the Market-street Passenger Railway leave Front street every two minutes. eommieDelng ons _hoar previous to the lime of departure of sect Train,. and allow about Stings. Wes for a trip. Their ears art In waiting on the arrive( of each Train to convey passengers Into the atty. Chr SUNDAYS—Cars leave Eleventh and Market Eta. at T 45 P. M.. to consent with Pittsburg and Erie Mall, and at .25P. M. with Philadelphia Express Mann's Baggage Express will hereafter be located at No. 31 lionat Eleventh street. Parties desiring baggage taken to the Maths, can have It done at reasonable rates nrlATAHrzht-i... ADEPTS AT DEPOT VIDE: LPAVIt MAIL TRAIN at 600 II I'4ol I ACCONIIODATION, No. 1.... 10 00 FART LINE " 1100 EL .. . . EA REJOILSBURQ " I.io P. X. BARRISBIIRO ACCOMMODATION.- • " 180 LABOASTEEIACCOMMODATIOA....• " 4.00 " PAOLTTEALRNo. 2 . " 6.80 " PITTBBBRO A ND BRIE . VA111......... " II 80 " PRLIaDELPEL&EXPEE4B •• " 11.14 " BRIE PITTSECTEG AND ERIE " 890 A. 211 L. PHILADELPHIA NH PRESS **** o «se., •• 7.06 • PAULL ACCOMKODATION, .• B.s) ...... .. • 9.30 "• LANCASTER " 19 90 P. A. FAST LINK ' " 040 PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. " 440 " MAIL TRAM •ir s di HARRISBURG ACCONISODATION.... " 9.40 " Philadetphia Express leaves daily. Pittsburg and Erie Mall leaves daily (except Saturday). All other Trains daily (except Sunday. ) For tarthey information, an to time and connections, seDbills and framed Garda, .3r apply to JOHN P. RAJ:MIER, la., Ticket. Aunt. At the Deok An Emigrant Train rune dally (except Sunday..) p For WI information as to fare and aocommodetious, apply to. PRANCIu FOSS. fel•tf 137 DOCK Street. 1864: NevimurTa § . 1864. TRZ OAMDiti AN -13 AMBOY AiD PHII.ADRLPHIA AN TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINM, THOM PHILADELPHIA TO NiW YORK AND WAY PLACES, PROM WALNUT 871211117 WlidEP WILL LEAVE AS YOLLOWS—VIZ: • 'A sennSA. , vla Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. AP ". .wdation —42 21 _4IAS A. Till Camden and Jersey City, Morning . Ai llitap_r_BBl3. « . • • .......... ........ A. .. 00 21., vas Camden and Amboy, 0. sad . A. Au. sommodation..... .... .—" . , ....2 g A 22 P. 11 ., via Camden and Amboy. and A. „Nen AS IP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommods.- tion (Freight and Passenger) 1 II Ate P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion (Praight and Passenger)--lot Claes Ticket... 2 N Do. do. 2d Olaes Ticket... 1 60 At 113 L P. le., via Camden and Ambor, Accommo dation (Freight and Passenger)—let C law Ticket. 2 N Do. do. 9d Clam Ticket. 160 for Delvidero, Beaton. Lambertvi ll e, Flerolnaton, at 8.80 P. IL . Por Mount Holly, Bwaturville, Pemberton, and Via centown, ata A., 2 and 6 P. M. For Freehold at tr.A. M. and 7 P. M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano°, Beverly, Elms ter, Burlington, Florence. Bordentown, Be., at and 11.80 A. m.. 12.3 D, 8.30, 5,6, and lig P. M.. The 8.68 and 11 P. M. linos run direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delano*. Beverly, and Bur. Wigton, at 7 P. 21 LIMBS FROM HINSINGTON DEPOT WILL LRAVB AS FOLLOWS: At 11.15 A• M. via Kensington and Jersey City. At A. P. X.. vie Kensington and Jersey City,Rx- APP M., via Kensington and Jersey City. aatdngton and New Pork Rxrd•ees• ••• —• • --• 200 AU2 P. X. (Night). via Kensington and Jersey 013 1 Wasbnign and New York Mall. The ex lite P. M. Line will run daily. All other. days an- For Buffalo. Dunkirk, Rimini.. Ithaca, Owligne_llo - Binghampton, Great Bend, Montrose. winne- Scranton,Stroudsburg. Water Gap, Yawn Chunk, Allento wn, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Reston. -Lambertville. Flemington, Be. at 7.15 A. M. This Ibis cm:meets with the train laving Beaton for Maush Chunk at B.BOP. M. For Lambertville at 6 P. M. on Saturdays only. For Bristol, Trenton. Be., at 7.16 and 11.16 A. M.. 3 and 6 P. M. and 12 midnight. For Holmesburg, Tacony, Wiesonoming,Bridesburg. and Frankford, at 9A. M. 6, 6,•and SP. M. York and Way Lines leaving Reusing. tot tar, New the care on Fifth street,abpve Walnut , half an hour before departure. te crs Ton into tne BeiPitt., and on the arrival of each train run from the 3 co itY Pounds of Baggage only allowed eaehp sr. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as - gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over Pomade to be paid for exfts. The Company limit the reeponsiblllty for baggage to One Dollar per potmd, an will not be liable for any amount beyond $lO6. =MA by gp , ectel Contract. '''''"' iTTO'ln:"7lg deliver r t v trt t t lrg s Vagt ' not street criazußß,Azenc December 21. Mt. urnis 'FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, WILL LEAVE FROM THE Poor oP COVILTIAND ArliEBS, At 12 M. and 4 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7, 10, and UM A. M.. 6 P. N. and 12 °Wight). via Jar soy City and Kensington. From the foot of Barclay street at 6A. IL and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 M.. 4. and 8 P.M. (freight and passenger). Amboy and Camden. del- tf 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL- _ROAD. —This great line trayerses the Northern and -11farthweehmmt1grot Pannarqtarda to the dig of Erie. olLake Brie. • ' • to beenleased bl e tLLenta.lnkardinArlWir u - . 7 lame= • Its entire length was opened for pletsenger and freight business October 17th, 1864, ' 17x8 OP Passagenntraenrs AT ard.PHILADELPIT.A: Leave Westw • Wit Train 8.80 P. 111. Raven Accommodation Troia _ .a.OO Passenger cars run through on ErailTrain without Altarse both ways between - Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. 'Elegant Sleeping Care on Elmira Express Trains both ways between Philadelphigand Lock Ha_, _Volt and Elmiraw Express Train both ways between unarnencti akd Baltimore. For information respecting Passenger business, corner ZHIRTIKTII and MAREBT Ste— Platiadelr i te r - 1: n 1 "icamor i r s _a:r e. TlMMlArttai MARKET Streets, Philade lphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. J. M. DRILL, Agent It 0. 11.• K. Baltimore. • H. H. admirro__ _M General Prelqt Adwh i guageigildie, " General Ticket . Agent, MaditlF/IMI, • JOSEPH D. P de2341 General Manager. Williagmegg„ PHILA.DELPEETA, INIGENNWILILLIterOX, AAD BALTI- MOBS RA.4I,BOAD. TIME TABLE. Ckunmeneing MONDAT. JANIfiILY 16, 1866, Trains will leave Depot, corner BROAD Street and WASHING TON Avenue, as follows: Express Train. at 4.06 A.M. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore ate Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Pe v illa Havre &Oases., Ahordeet, Perryman's, and olia. . Way. Train, at 8.15 A. EL (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regalar stations, connecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmingtonfor Milford, Salisbury, and intermediate stations Uprose Train at 1 16 P. M. (Sundays except:ad) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester. Wil mington, Elkton, Perryville. and Havre-de-Grace. Express Train at 8.65 P. N. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North- East, Perryville, Havre-de- Grace, Perryman's, and Magnolia Eight Morass at 11.16 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash stopping at Chester ((only to take Baltimore and Washington passengers). Wilmington, Newark. Elk ton, North-East, Perryvllle, and Havre-de-Grace, Passengers for FORTRESS MONROE will take the 8.16 A. M. train. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Eitoppdig at all Stations between Philadelphia and-Wll raington. Leave Philadelphia at II A. M., 2, 5.30,5.90. and 10 P. M. The 380 P. B. train connects with Delaware B. R. for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington at 6.96, 8, and 9.60 A. Y. , 2..50 and 630 P. M. THROUGH TRAINS PROM BALTIMORE. Leave iardmlngton at 12 M. , 4.44, 8 81 and 9.64 P. M. CHESTER FOR PHILADILP HIL. Leave Cheater at 7 46, 8.44,10.14 A. M . 12.96, 3.11 4.64, 7.90, and 9.06 P. M. 817NDAT TR1.1128. Express Train at4.Cd A. M. for Baltimore and Wash "ington, stopping at Wilmington, Pertlie, Havre-de- Grace. Aberdeen, Perryman's. andipolit. Night Express at 11.1.6 P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping.at Chester (for Baltimore and Washington pseeengere), Wilmington. Newark, Mk ton, North-East, Perryville. and, Rime de-Ornes Accommodation Train at 10 P. N. for Wilmington and Way stations. • • - iSA LTIMORB FOR PRILADRLPREA. . _ _ . ..... . LOAN% Baltimore amend Wilmington.. M., stooping at Havre-de- Graoe, 'Perryville, ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave ousel:igen from Washington or Baltimore), and Cheater toL to leave intimaters from Baltimore WL or bing Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6730 P. K. FROM BALTIMORE TO PHIL aBELPHIA. Leave Baltimore 8.26 A. K , Way Mail; LlO P. K., AMON It 3 4 26 I'. M., Way Train; 6.86 . P. IL, Express; 11,201 p. m., Exnreas. • vskins TOE Baldwin - ilia. jelavathester at 8.67 A. M.. 1.50 and 11.60!. Y. Leave Wilmington at 6.14 9.40 A A. /L . 9,96, 1.02, 12.25 P. IL Freight Train, with Passenger Oar edisehed. will 'leave - Wilminaton for Perryville sal intermediate Stations at 7.58 p. I. . jals - H. P. KEMP. Ban't. )I I' L P H A L ID IffLMIRA RAIL L IIOAD LINE to all points WEST, The direct route for the O VA WILLIAMLP R R GI BUF F A L O , NNS PENSI NI N A BR J G D, ELMIRA. NIAGARA FA .Le, ,and all plates in the-Western and Northwestern States and the Canades. • • • TWO 'THROUGH TRAINS Leave Philadelph ia and Reading Railroad Depot. Thir teenth and Ca lowhlll streeta. Idally. (6n.ndays ex. tented), for the orth and Wele4, as follows: Morning Benretui at 9 L. If Afternoon Express at 3.901'. M. Mak Int a direct connection with all intersecting roads. FOR THROUGH TICKETS to zany point. and further particulars concerning tho different routes. apply at the TICKET OFFICE . 4SIS CHISTRUT Street, under the Philadelphia ank. and opposite the Custom House. N. TAN HORN, Ticket Agent, _499Cestnreet. JOHN S. HILLIS. Generalut st Agent 6. . ...Thirteenth and Callow dree &ANNE' WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINER, NEW ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Jan 2, INIS Train. will &awe flout WALNUT-STREET PIER as fol lows: For OAPs May. said all plates south of MlllyWs, at 9 A: M and 3 P M. For MILLVILLE, BRIDGETON, SALEM, and all In termediate places south of Glassboro,at 9 A. K. and 3 P. M. • For GLASSBORO at 9 A. X, 12 SDP . X., and 3P. X. For WOODBURY:, GLOUCESTER, &a, at 9 4. N.. 12.30 P. 2L, S audit F. X. RETURNING. Leave Cape May at 6.30 A. N. and. 11.46 A. X. Leers Klthille at 9AI X. and S P..M. Leave lkidgetois at 7. 10 A. N. and &10 P. IL Leave Salem at 7A. K. and BP. K. Leave Woodbury at 7, 8.43, and 10.44 A. M. , and 4.43 P. K. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COX:PANT will **tend to all the usual branches of EXDreall Buil. nen. receive deliver, arid forward through other re sponsible Express Companies, to all pantie( the country,. may article entrusted to them. A Special Messenger sooomanies each Through Train, Ofilos, No. 6 WALNUT Street. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. • PIIMALDELpHIA. Jannary'L DMA Is3-tf aligiffga WßST CHESTER AID PHILADELPHIA RAM BOLD. TIA 1111DIA. OELLNGS OT ROUE& On and after MONDAY; Oct. ID. DM, the taxing will leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of Tarim!. FIEST and ML BET Streets (West Philadelphia). at 8.115 and 11 A. M, and at 2,4.1 L and 8.20 P. M. Lease We Cheater at 5.96. 8.15, and 10.20 A. IL . and LSO and t.M P. M. Trams leaving Philadelphia at Bid A.M. and CIA P. IL , sad WestChador at B. 16 A. M. and CIO P. IL, son. *act with trains on the Baltimore Central, Railroad fig Oxford and intermediate points. On Enndays leave Philadelphia at 8.80 A. IL, and P. N. Leave West Chester at BA. ht. and 4P. N. On Sundays the ears of the West Philadelphia Pas senger Raliroed OomPany will leave Eleventh End Mar ket streets at thirtroirintee before the starting time of trains from the West Philadelphia Depot, and will be 'lithe Depot to convey passengers tate the city on the sniral of each train. Passengers are allowed to Pate wearing apparel only ae Baggage. and in no miss will the Company be re ePoaelble for an amount exceeding 9100. owl DENBY WOOD. Btiperintendant. a t impal RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD. PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN. TARE. $3. NILO aRBION TIOKLITK, HOOD TOR THERV I .YI3. 13. nussencers for Ririe for Yookereoe. Barn t. Tome River Lon ` rano and Brooklyn leave VIAL BTBSBT viuurr at IL ' daily (BaSeNti ended). •arrithig at Brooklyn at Gt.:IL Ileturning t leave WALL-VTIUIRT LUZY Week. ha at P A. K. Way 'rain -for Melon., Elliaattag. -Kaaelteiger. &e. leaves Ogeroer'll YsaUtt ate: 11i A; It. /ik•tt 4. B. DOLL *Amt. 04aleit. RAILROAD LI • S. aftl NORM ; PENZII3YI3- 17%. NIA RAILROAD rid BETHLEHEM. 'DOYLESTOWN 111AUCH OMUMNs. EASTON WILLIAMSPORT, WILEINHARRE. Re. - WINTER AR:RAD/OM/MT. Paase_aper Trains leave thepew Depot, THIRD EBraak above TBo7lllPeest street, daily tikuoda's easepfed), ae follows: At 7.90 A. M. *Express) for Bethlehem, All•Diadiras Manch Chunk, Hesleton. WEliainsport, Wakes ban*, &.. At 3.90 P. M.(ltxpress) for Bethlinent. R.. At 1:11:1 - 1.7 N. for Bethlehem. iNiOl2lOlO2l. Chunk DoylestownF at 6. SU A. N. and 4-16 P. N. For Fort Washington At 1.16 P. M. For Lansdale at 6.15 P. 11, , White mars of the Second and Third-streeta Line Olt, Faesenser Railway r -directly to the new Depot. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.90 A. M.. 10.(11 A. Y.. and 6.1 a ,P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. K. and 1.40 P. K. Leave Lansdale at 6.10 A. X. Leave Fort Weeblnition at 2.90 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. lid:110010de for Doylestown at 9.96 A. N. aad 6.11 P. al. Doyle/shown for Philadelphia at 7A. M. and 71 P. 11.. note ELLIS CLANK. Areet tT7.111 alsom THIC ADAMS • IX PESOS COMPANY. Ogles 35S ODESTROFF Street; forwards Parcels, Packages. Mgr sbaseithe, Bank Notes. and Specis,_ slitter 12,v its owa lines or in sonnsotion with other NiCprese to all the prinsipal Towns and Cities to the octet Stabs S. S. SANDFORD, fell Cleaerel Streertotendont. DE,LA.WARE MUTUAL SAFETY Inn:TRANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATEDNArL BY T HE AN L 3BOISIATILIIS OW PEN 1A..18 - - - - - . . . OFFICE B. E. CORNER - THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHIL ADEL FRIA. ON VESSELS. } MARLWE INSURANCE CARGO, To all parte of the world. FREIGHT, INLAND INSITR AMEN On Goods, by River, Canal, Lakeand Land Carriage. to all pa INSURAN C E n. FIRE S.. • On Merchandisegenerally. On Storer', Dwelling Houses, he. ASSETS OF THE COMPAZT, November 1, 1364 $100,N)0 United Bales Five Par Cent. Lra, '21•1100,000 00 111,000 Six " ' 'Bl. 118 . 216 00 76,000 " Six " • ••6- 0i 75,562 50 1:10.(00 State of Pennsylvania Five Per Cult. Loan 03,666 00 54.000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan Mate oo 123.060 City of philadelsbia Six Per Ct. Loan 125.6217 20,000 Pionnayiyanla, Railroad First Mort. caste Six Per Cent. Bonds ..... 49. 000 00 60.0 N) Pennsylvania Railroad Secoad sort gage Six Per Cent. Bonds 63,Z0 OS 115,000 800 Shares Stook Germantown Oita - Company, principal and intermit guaranteed by the city of Philadel phia 15, NO CO 6,600 130 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Rail road CompanY 9,110 CO 6,000100 Shares Stook. North Pennsylvania Railroad Company.. _. . 3,000 CO 60,000 United States Treasury C ertificates Of Indebtedness 48.426 CO 80,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Ct. Loan. 12, DOO-00 28,700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply secured ...... 128,f00 06 1163,260 Par. Cost 1842.100 60. Market va1ne.82,57,627 87 Real Batate 36, OM 00 Bills receivable for insurances made. 119,33) 48 Balances due at AFencies.—Prezni- u.ms on 'Marine Policies, Accrued Interest, and other debts due tha mPP .... 28.703 II &tri Co p e.nd an Stock of sundry Iteraranee and other Companies. 44.263. Nati mated value 2,920 00 Clash on deposit with United States Government, erubj eat to ten days' call 11:10.IX10 CIO club In 68,1151 93 Via Drawer 68765 --15156.50.1 96 111.5101.564 02 DIRECTORS: Thomas C. Hand, • Samuel E. Stokes. John 0 Davis, J F. Peniston, Edmi.nd A. Bonder. . Henry Sloan, Theopidins Paulding . William O . BonHAL John B. Penrose, lidward Darlington, James Trstoosdr, H. Jones Brooke, Henry C. Hallett, Jr.,, Jacob P Jones, James C. fiend, James B McFarland, William C. Ludwig, /imbue P. Byre, Joseph H. Seal. Spenosr Molly dna, George G. Leiper, John B. Semple. Pittebur Rush Craig, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg Hobert Burton. THOMAS O. HAND President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. HWY UMW, Secretary. del6-17 TNSITRANCE COMPANY OF THE •a- STATE OF PEN KBYLVANIA. —OFFICE Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS north side of WALNUT Street. between DOCK and THIRD Streets, PhilsAiel- INCORPORATED IN 1794-11HARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL 3300,0011. FROPERTIES OF TdE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1, AN i 125,817 MARINE, FIRE, AND INGAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. --- • - DIRECITORELI 'Henry D. Hherrerd, To bias Wagner, Charles Illscalester , Tomas B. Watson, William S. Smith, Henry 0. Freeman, Wiatem B. White, Charles S. Lewis, George 11. Stuart, George 0. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr. Edward 0. Knight, John B. Anstin. • . . EMMY D. BHERRIBD, President. WILLIAM 11A117.153 68C11.1817. nol6-tt WRELIANCE INSURANCE COM- A. 111" • OP PHILADELPHIA. OFF WageW In IBM Uharter Perpettml, ICE No. 308. WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, $300.000. Insures against lose or damage by PIBB Houses, Mom. and other Building., Pmitod or perpetnal: and on Furniture. Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in Town or Country. LOSSES PROW ADDIETIID .AND PAID. ABS 51400,06 g 71. vin: Matt ,- - Inc ...i.,a in the ounwinn nocorttlea. Yu: Matt moon ()icy Pro party, well secured 3108,60000 United St ates s :llo yerament Loans. -----....... 141,000 OD elphla City 0 , agnk..L0ana............ 60.c00 oo riaylvanial93.ooPo VAr cent ad wow 00 nrisylyanta .Ballioad Bonds, hat arid se. cond. Mortgages-- .—............ 55,000 00 Camden and AmhoY Railroad Company'. $ _ _per cent. Loan.... —. ..... ..... ....... .............. 6,000 00 Pkiladelphla and Hooding Railroad Com *, 6 per cent. Loan .—. 5,00000 Huntingdon 'ii and Broad Top 7 per sent..... mort gage bonds.... .... 4.660 00 County Fire Insurance COlMilly'll Stock.... 1,060 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock —.. 4,00 (0 tMimercial Bank of Penansylyania Et00k...• 10,000 00 on Mutual Insurance Company's Etook... , 080 00 anoe Inenrance Company of Phliscial ichLa's Stook ...... ......----- 1,0:0 0) Accrued 1ntereat.................*............. 5,465 42 / Chum In bank and on nand.--..................... 1.3.023 29 3400.069 71 1865. Wort* at Dresent market va11te«................ 414.43 DIRECTORS.. Clem Tingley. Ban. W. Tingley, Wm. R. Thompson. Marsha/1 fill wiluim Masser. Charles Leland. Simnel Bispham, Robert Tolima. B. L. Carson, - J. Johnson BAWL Robert Steen. Thomas R. Mom William Stevenson, CLIM TIifOLZY, Pradelma, TAMAN C. RILL, Secretary. Pazzavisamia, December I. 1661. ANTHRACITE 121B17RARCE COM PLNY.—Anthorised Capital *WO, OW—CHARM PERPETUAL oitei Po. 311 WALWIIT iftreet. between Third and fourth !tunas. Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Lou or Damage by fire. on Buildings, Furniture. and Merchandise gene- AL. Marine Instalment on Vessels, Cargoes, and freights. Inland Insnranao to all parts of the 'Union. DIEM:MOBS. William Esher, Davis Pearson. D. Lather, Peter Wyo. Lewis Audenried, J. B Daunt, John B. Mask Won, William F. Dean. Joseph Maxiieid, ' John Ketcham BBFIEII, President, WYE P. DIAN, Vice President. W. M. Mrs, Beiretazy. An34l VIRE ENBURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. PERMITLV,UNIA FMB INSURAIM 00K. PLAY.' Incorporsted I.B`o. PHiLPSITAIa, No. MO WALNUT Street, opposite independease umo. This COMSAT. NlVOrably IaLOWII to the sommunity for nearly forty lean, continuos to insure spina Logi Or Damage by Fire, on Pnblis or Private Buildings._ either permanently or for &limited time. , Also, OA mar. Mtn's, Stocks, Goods, or Merchandise generntly, oA Liberal terms. - Their eat.ltsl, together with* large Strome Triad le Msested In the most eardel manner, whist'. enamel them to offer to the inland an undoubted smutty is the scum of loin. DIRSOTOBS. Jonathan Patterson. Daniel Smith, Jr.. Alexander ECIZOIL, John Deveremr. Issas Heslahurst, Thome!' Smith. Thomas Robins. Henry Lewis. J. 0111Inglism Fell. JoNATtua PATVIRE.O2I. President . WMLUX G. Gator - au, Secretary. AMERICAN FIRE ENSITRANCII compexr, _ Ineormrated 1810. OILARTER PER PETUAL. No. SIB WM,BUT Bsreet., *boyar Third. Philadelphia. • Havillg lane paid-ap Capital Stook and Surplus in vested in sound and available Ssetuities, continues to inmare on Dwellimpt, Stores, Furniture, Merolandiss, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All leases liberally and promptly adjusted. MRSOTOBEi. Thomas IL Marls, James R. Campbell, Jehr. Welsh Bdmdnd,O. Dntllh, Samuel C. Norton, Charles W. Poultney, Patrick. Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Low* i • THOMAS H. MARDI, President. - AIMILTLT 0. L. CzAwrogp. Secretary. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, , 10. toe oalgrwirr maim PHILADELPHIA. -1112ILE MID INLAID INSURANOLt - • DIRECTORS. trinets W. Bast, John W Warman.) charism Richardson. Bobort B. Potter. Henry Lewis. John Koster. Jr.. Samuel Wright, R. D. Woodruff, P. S. Justice, Charles Stokes, George A. W est, J K oseph elde D. R nt. ae uu, Pre CHAS. RICHARDBOA. Vies l'residest. W. I. ExamowAiu). egoretary. JCSEt ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE; 164 jtorth ELEVENTH, below lithe street —Dr. THO -SIAS ALLEN, very successful in the curs of almost every kind of disease. invitee all to call at his Of ' ilotand see that his treatment te froe from shocks. SW- CONVULSIONS. —A discovery has been made which seldom falls is the cure of Epilepsy 07 Nits of any other kind. Any ose desiring s, knowledge of this practice can enter at any time for full Distrito. Dons. Cards and Testimonials at the Dace. Hann 9A.N. to M. Consultations fres. Dr. THOS. ALLEN, Electrician. jal7.9m , MPS E. ELEVENTH Bt, below Race. E TROP A T BIC ESTABLISH. MRN'r for the cure of diseases Incurable with Rae. . Maine, by i )r.• A. H. STBVINSI. one of the discovers= of an entire new system of ELECTRICAL FRACTION. at 7418 South FELIX SQUAHL Her - Please sail, or send for pamphlet and learn Mrs Ocular& No charge for ooeteu air Physicians and others desiring inetraction son enter for a full course any time after MONDAY I _Janos ary bl, Mt Any member of the ideas lust names mayrevlaw without any charm jan-tf - 8 GRZAT TOBA,OOO, CIGAR, AND PIP' ISTORA No. 413, oßstmurr Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Dean keeps' the greatest assortva riety. ment. Dean ke she greeted Dean keeps the largest general atoek. Too can get any kind of lobs's°. You can get any kind of Clirars. You san get any kind of Pi lon *except any kind of Ein P ria l AT DEAN'S MIDST TOB COO NTOII. No. 413 'OII3II3TNUT Street, PidindelD •-• When you go to Dean's you san get an Went In the way of Ping, Tine Cut and Ent ma, Domestic and Havana Oita" Plpee, dre. Dean keeps the largest general sleek of Tokneell; Ingars, Pipes, in the United States. Dean's sales are so extensive that he man &fort to sea at about one-half what others sell for. Dean sells to the Army of the Potomac. Dean sells to the Army of the James. Man sells cc. the Army of the Tennessee. Dean sells to the Army of the thanaberland. Gunboats &Herder their Tobsaeo, (liwers, DEAN'S, No. 41.3 sans, Tr rensaylvalls merchants all buy at Dean's. New .Terecw merchants all buy st Dean's, Delaware newelmats all bay at Dean's. As the, can always nativist what they want, and 'at mock lower price than they eon eleesch and Dm, do not have to pia AP the" goods at a doaen little stores. All goods ordered are troarenteed to live saiinfaeilow. Dries once and you will always erUr from .Thean'lle as his ping end tie cut chewing and irmolninx tobeeecrea and eigars are fee imperial to an o etadt d c.. A:a fhe sells for much less. DEAN'S. Ne. .111 non-: tf IMTptte%. _ COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUOS CLUSITAS, of all awaken and brands. Tent,kw - a_las. hank. and Wagon. sayer Duck :Also; gaper Annufnetnrere Brien /oho. Pram Ito 6 fta wide, Faunas. Battlas. Bail Twin', he. JOHN W. IVIR1111( k CO.. aaa-tr la. 103 4011I8' Ansi. . . FISHAME) ()AXIOM , 11 . • TB. 61:10 bbla Neu nil Vo 1 %%akin). 2,0(x) UAW calumbd Mei* l'obstare, &a Por sale by • - - p EIIRROIIGH, te33-32i 116 iforik FROM` Stmt. 11WIIMIA1ICR. MEDICAL. FOR *ALE AND '1 ( 0 LET. HOTEL - FOR SALE, IN THE CITY OF NEW YOSE. A large. commodious. log establiatied Hate). In the lower part or tbe et, of New York. doing allogLbiag borieem. Is offered at .prlvale sale including five pre miere, gohd-wlil. foratture. au. Complete to MI re spects. Property in fee. Apply to A. J. BLEEOKEN, SON, hk. 00., Auctioneers and Beal Betate Broker!. fa-wfm7l 17 CEDAE Bireet, New York. _ FOR SAL E—ONLY $2,500—A. calnablo treat of LAND In Peatetylveagle. ear reirteed, water, D. Good timber. Iron 061. sell &bargain. or will sell a italf•taaneeet. GPO. H TOWNSK D & 00.. halt !SU Beath ?METH Street. FOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL AND VALUABLE PROPEKTY, la Wela Philadelphia, large garden. large stone mansion, bath houses, hot and mid water, water closet, Mrnaees, lee bonne, lwrge atone stable and coach bongo. plenty of shswie, halt and flowers. PH , ' $26,(10 For farther mutton lare apply at No. 112 Booth /OMITS Street, third story. front bollding Street, MaFOR SALE OR TO RENT-SEVE RAL COMMOdi , III II NEW DWEILLIPOS, In northern part of the city, with an the modern erre- Yenlenoes. Bent ta to $2 nor mouth. Apply to TATLoW JACKSON. • 614 CIIRSTAMT Street; Or JOHN JACKSON. fel-12t. 1858 North TWELFTH Street. MaFOR SALE OR TO LET-k NUM her of convenient new DWILLIIIO6. with modern improvemente, on North Klevituth_, Twelfth, and Thir teenth styeata. Apply to TATLOW JACKSON, 1514 CRESTNIIT Street, or at nol2-3m WM North TWELFTH Srrset. MI LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO AIm•PINTT FOR NALL — Th e seri /ergs and eoraree' Mons LOT and BDILD/NO, No. 306 CHERRY Street, near the centre of bostnetur. containing 60 feeren ()berry street. depth 106 feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and st,that width opening to a huge eart-Wa7 leading to Cherry street. Its advantages*: SIZE AND POSITION are rare, met with. Apply on tbe premises. sel2-6re 11 FOB BALZ,-THE BUBBORIBER offers for sale his country seat, within half a mile of Wilmington, Delaware. on th e Newport pike. con• tabling eight acres of good land, in the centre of which is a Large lawn with a Ins variety of. shade trees, ma ples. lindens. evergreens, ate., in all ever a buhdred MIL , grown trees. The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, one of which is four stories in height. here Ise form large rooms on • Moor, with a hall eleven by rorty.two feel. The house has the tra.dsra /111IITOTO amnia. A hydraulic ram forces water frog' a spring into the upper story of the tower. There is also an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door. The out-bulldlngs consist of a sarrhsgs house and stable sufficient for four horses and several easriageel also. a hen. ice, and smoke houses. The stable has a hydrant in it. Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf.pear and grape vines in full bearing. There are also several - varieties of apple, cherry and chestnut trees. . 4 Terms accommodating. Possession given at any °thus. Apply to Llinl ff. CLAIM co nch-tf 831 Market street. Wilmington, Del. A VALUABLE BURLINGTON COUNTY FARM Al' PUBLIC SALL Will be sold at public sale, on seventh day. 85: TURDAY. the 11th Met , on the premises, all that anperiot and valuable Farm belonging to the sabseriber, situated in a healthy and delightful neighborhood. four miles from the city of Btuithgton.east of the Burlington and Mount Holly Railroad. adj.:doing - lauds of Ed, G. James and other?, containing 160 59-100 acres of superior land, in a high state of culavation, adapted to gram, grain, fruit, ac. Brick Mansion EOlll4ll. and large and convenient out buildings, all new within five years, built to the best manner, and of the best materials, with an abnadant supply of excellent water. Apple and Peach Orchard ; also, Pears, Cherries. Na.. all of the choicest varieties. Any person wishing te view Chepremides will ba shown the IMMO by ceiling on Wm. N. Deacon. residing thereon. Sale positive, to commence at 9 o'clock P. M. • Terms easy; 'will be made known at eale by ORO.M. DIACON. - • DIIBLINGtON, Dew Jeris eference--Edwd. James.-101 Walnut street; G.D.G. D Parrish. Sit Chestnut street. fed fit DESIRABLE DWELLINGS FOR .11111. BALE, AND•POSSIIB9/0/4 SOON. 1412 West Penn Square, four-story. 1741 Lombard street, with Store attsched--good bunt. ness stand. 1614 Drown street; Let,ll9gfeet deep. • 2332 Green street; Lot, 201'140 feet. MOT Green street; Lot, 196 feet; Marble frost. Double front, 36 feet, ()rein st., west of Nineteenth. 2326 Green street, Cottage. with lot 26'460. With manytothers In deslrableiloattinut B. r. 12 . 13 South FOURTII Street and fef-tf G. W. oor. SEVIIIIPSENTIE mad GIISSIL a FOR BALE-VERY DESIRA.- - BLB IROH FURNACE PROPERTY, OWated in RcVeytown, Miffiln county. Pennsylvania, within a short distance of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal. The freehold property comprises a Furnatie, with machinery of ample power to blow.iusing either charcoal or anthracite Coal: about thirteen hundred acres of Timber Land; also the celebrated Greenwood Pine Iron Ore Bank, containing about sevlanteen acres, which produces in abandanee the same Ore from which John A. Wright. BK., makes his renowned and Justly celebrated locomotive tire and car axles This is the only available property in the State which produces the ore requisite for establishing a twines* of Ake cha racter. There are also about one hundred =deity acres of land within half a.mlle of the Fa held ender longleases, troarwrbich abundance of excellent hernia .ore can be taken, 'on which shafts have been re cently sunk, and whi c h will p. °duce sufficient ore to supply the Furnace. Soft Fossil Ore is alsonbandant the neighborhood. Charcoal in any Quantities can be bad, delivered at the Furnace This Furnace is well situated for the markets- having water and railroad communication with Philadelphia, Pltteburg. Balti more, Harrisburg, and other important masub.cturing towns. Also conneeted with the above, a Forge Property now in operation, manufacturing hammered blooms, and rol led slab blooms. Motive power, steam. and water. For mice and fartherparticulara, apply to _ N. BURROUGHH, fe2-Im 108 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. FOR BALE-FIRST-CLASS iota /AIM and 001MMILT , dttattellNCE, Greenwood Station; Bailment Central Rathoad Chen. tar,eounty. inquire of NASHA6I . JONES, on the ore gainer te6-12t* VA_LUABL MILLL PROPERTY, is aRaLRISSIDEINE. AND 10 ACRES OF LARD FOR .alta SALL IN BUCKS 001INTF. PENNA. • This property le situated on Knowles' Creek. at its junction with the Delaware River near Brownsbuty, three miles from New Hope, and ten miles above Tren ton, H. J. The mills consist of a two-and-a. half-story Stone Grist-mill, with two run of French Burr Stones, all in complete order; Saw-mill and Plaster-nisi ad ioining,_each capable of doing a large amount of Muth iente,Talgtrt:nll3l.EMlVlZ wo Cotta ge second: and four on the third , well arranged , fiv e tewall built; a Barn, Carriage:l...home , and other buildings: eight or ten acres of easily cultivated and productive Land. well fenced , and planted with fruit and orna mental bees. The above dean-Hied property is one of the handsome soots on the Delaware River when any one might spend their time pleasantly and proltably. 'Tie convenient to school, store, and pout office, and churches of different denominations. and will be sold cheap Apply to B J. SMITH A CO.. jaZ3.lSt Real &tele Agents. NS vrrowN. Penna. B. J. SMITH (St CO., REAR iffill2iTATß /GENTS. Newtown, Butts county, -adir. Pa.. offer for sale in Bucks county and vicinity; over 60 FARMS of from 10 to 200 acres; most of • them are highly improved and remunerative farms, with fruit, water good buntings, and well located- The early attention of buyer; is directed to them. Letters of in quiry answered. • ia.1412t _ POIL COMPANIES. TO lIBIPT—The large, well ventilated and lighted third•story Office of the Banding northeast corner PIFTH and WALNUT &reels. Apply to B. A. MITCHELL, in bnilding• fea et" OIL LANDS. THREE AHD A HALF ACRES of the best-selected Land on PITHOLE CREEK, `Pe nang° county, within a short distance of the river. and surrounded by producing wells. It le below the /urge 'well lately struck by the United States Com pany, which ber isof now producing 20 barrels per day. The large num PRODLIDISH *ELLE now being struck in this (Pithole) Region has produced a great excitement. and the Territory in this neigh borhood Is daily enhancing in value. This Region promises to equal the productions of either Oil Creek or Chen 7 Eon. Address " Petro leum," Philadelphia Poet Once. feu et. O IL TERRITORY. FOR BALE—A Tract of Land, containing NI acres, situated in the celebrated Mecca district, Trumbull county, OW. This distriotproduces the famous Mecca Lubricating Oil Also, a Tractor 62;4 acres on East Sandy Creek, Ve• ususo constr. two and a half miles from its month. and opposite Kingston 011 Company's Property.. For particulars apply to Oft, 0 HILAN & RLIESKLL, - fed.6t 22 North FRONT Street. T'OR BALE--A. LARGE LOT, CORNER -A - of Richmond and Plum streets, Kensington, near Cramp's Shipyard, 177 feet by 133 feet, with office and dwelllng thereon. A lot adjoining.lso feet by 13) feet, with four =Mil houses thereon. Large lot on the Delaware river, between Westmore land and Ontario streeis,3oo feet front on the river, 2,672 feet deep. hey!'" g eleven fronts. A lot on Pennsylvania avenue, corner of Oxford street, 800 feat front, 200 feet deep; a floe stone (Many With. railroad sideling into the quarry. A lot corner of Somerset street and Trenton avenue, 40feet by DP feet ♦lot corner of Pomerset street and Gunner's Run Canal. 160 feet by 912 feet. A clay lot, near Nieetown. on the Plank road, ad joining Rowlett'sbrlck yard,3oo feet front.2oo feetiteep. A lot on Costello street, Germantown. 182 feet front, 1001 feet deep Will be sold very low. Terms easy. Apply to J.' or A. LONG4TERTR, 619 WALNUT Street, or JaZilia* 162 North ELEVENTH Street. rp 0. :T. 3 T-FOR SALESROOMS OR light manufactitfing p. the upper 'tortes of 'walig n northwest corner of EIGHTH and. mAictur. ApplyAn the store. . Jan. tt VOR RENT--SRVERLL ROOMS IN the THIRD S.TORT at the Banding on the with ifeistOonier of SWARM and. CHISTDIUT Streets, _ DIY et this once. • :- • • lel&tr FOR BALE.-MAGNETIC IRON ORR _NOR SALE—The GARRISONS' MINING COM. PANT Is now prepared to make contracts for sole of their superior Ore. delivered on the Hudeonriver, op. posits Welt Point. Apply at the Offloe of the Company. N 9 WILLIAM - Street. Mew York. is.3o-16t. 119TXLS RESTAI:3IJIM`S. '‘‘ LOCHINT4 E. - • , ((Late lbar's Hotel,)) • - olirs o f THIRD and MtREST Streets, •• • a HARRISBURG, Pa- I The alnention of the travelling public is most respect. 1 belly called to this old- established stand, which for th e past nye months has been closed to trade, and during that time has been thoroughly remodeled. repaired. and newly furnished throughout, until it now possesser all the CONVIIIIISDOSS pertaining to a first. alias hotel. which i are in any manner calculated to insure the perfect coin , fbrt of its guests. . I ' Its situation alone would recommend it as a storming. f place, being only two and aim& squares from the depots; near enough to prove convenient. ernetclentlydistant to avoid the ens oyance of railroad noise and bustle. The furniture is entire/10 new, rooms large and well esnatillated, table supplied with every luxury the market can afford. white as to the management, it is trusted to tbg.judgment of a discriminating public to decide. ' The Proprietor, having determined to make the ale, larder and reputation of the house the object, without regard to cost, hopes to merit the patronage and Wore ble opinion of those who design=ing in the State . eapital. Y ?HOWLS, ain-im i Proprietor. jrOIfEE3 dor. IIfIRKET MIMI' wad MARKET SWAIM. amaturausa. Pa- The Proprietor respeeltolly returns his airmen' numb to Ws friend' for the very liberal patronnee bestowed.. 46 the House rinse ender his manaiemsnt. and would Yespeetfall y solicit a eantlnuenee of he same. !Lel& C. FL ItAlfA. Proprietor. DPITERIDGB'S •PATIMT XX•IPLINT GLASS TA RRAVT L Ale 0111M-RXTE,R The worldwide reputation which these Mali:ems,* have acquired 111 due to their acknoWledged euperiority Over all others. Thia aupeziority is derived from three 110trau: let. Being fifty per cant. heavier thin the common Chimney, they may bo handled with much lase ears. It The oval shape is an adspiation.to the tat 1110314. th e Chimney being at all points the same &Manes born the hest, eo that the tanner of ersokingby magma ex pansion le avoided Bd. The material of which these Chimneys are mann jectiLivd i s unegruslied be an Y _other " r a p i d conductor of heat and. them itthat almost entirely free from liability to deetrnetion by the heat of the lame. MOMS the obstacle in the way of4ke universal rum of Carbon Oil, found in the nnreaso le for chiurrom, has been met sad removed y the trodnetiou of DITHIUDGR'S THIN-PROOP The popularity of these Chimneys hag Intl:mixt some Unprincipled poisons to ashen., of our name and trade mayhe„an d their reputation has been DlatiausbnPairea IslLthe wot thles mess of spnrionsChinineye said as ours. Miles who have been annoyed with she of ikeine_glass Chimneys would de wall basalt and trs Fhavilete We appointed Kamm naLarrtz a rat v o . sopa swomrn Street. Sole agents floor one Chimneys in Philadelphia, from whom they eaa be oh. tattled in any quantity. at manufacturer '. lliei. with the addition of freight. D. ITH11:IDG1L 70* Tr& woags ' • WASMINTON tit . rittaburg. FURNESS, BRINDIY, & , 80. 6t5 CELEMTUT and 60 JAT.vt PLEAT SPRING DAIS OF BEITISA, FRIMP.pr , EA 5, ADD AlinllislgAN DRY 0.5:,b 5. ONTITBSIOAT MOREIDO. February 14, IBM, at 10 o'olook . . ore four woman' ace Packages and lota of MINOT axed Ptarde si r r Ai DOMMTIE GOODS FOR DASH "Yh. Alpo, a fun anwartansat of °Woo wad woolen do g " , ooPds for (web. JOHN 13. MYERS & En, Itt l oll% 33.1111. Noe. 2391 and 9134 NARMIT gir LARGE POSITIVE BALE-OP VON LOTs R 1 41 . GLOVES, SELETS. - DRAWEIVE, .1,0:v' 44 Er.. /Si earn 11010(1 - 00 A CARD —We Invite the early and raru c ..l l . hation of dealer* to the valuable a , e.ortinint of pa Lien b.etery, glovee and gatintlot.g. .n :14 4 1 ,4 4 :4At ere, enveaderee. dts to be eold by ce months' oredlt, eozantenoiag this (Prldl7) ma;:e: 30 o'elock. . ` LARGE SPECIAL SALE OP 10.000 DOZES 00y? 1103TERY 0,1 THIS 1101tlieff3, • February 10, at 10 ceedoek, will br sold ghost Ik% dozen rates hoiery. of a well-knwn and flvorit.i portatine. Also gents' and ladles.' "'envie.," v ac , colored Paris kid gloves for the beet trade. io, o teary gauntlets. buck gloves and mitts beAs,2lt. LABOR PERINPTORY RAUL OF 4100111, 4 E4 , BROGAN& AIX" GOODS, "%CAVILLING Bags, .ON 71:1138DAY AsOBNING, Feb. 14th. at NI o'clock, grill-be Sold bY colltsh on lour months' credit. sib** 1.110 pscsa 4 . 6 'hobs, Brat ClkyslrY boots . IW l 'ainne bar!. / 4 , 4 of city and eastern nranufactnre 2 embracing e and pr i m , wortmeel of sealsonable goodo, Ngh s h be open for examMlittoM With Oataloguss, 0„ lnerntzsr of solo. . LARGE PORITPTE DO S ) T IC MU% runt GERMAN, AND E DEP GOODS We satil bold a large see or ft "r" and "amegid scads, by eatalogue„ons credit of TOW moatil Ltd p, la cash. ON TRUSEDAY mokreva. February lith, at lb o'clock, embracing about packages and lots of staple and fancy artlchc ens. worsteds, linens, Mika, and cottons, to whit! Invite the attention of dealers 111. Blea of the Barney - 1U boarrainot k w 0 amm " o . , w i th ca h0 0t ... 4 earl], OD the DIM - DID( y sale. when &alert will Ind it to inter interhe attend. PNCOAST & WARNOCK, Ku. Tionims. wto XAREST Streit. FIRST LARGE POBITIVI-SALE OF AMEBIC /Nal k IMPORTED DRY - GOODS.- LIME ag D wit ii . 4. "ins. HOOP HHTRYR, COUNTS. &c.. age., - 74 1 YDEXPRIRG OT - mak tty_c..tworae. orwzionmerreir Feb. llith. eoiMs*Dablir 114 le WolOCk, co 1 about 800 lots sow ant deMble gogdo salkd tope approaching season' MTIMM /143 4b SONS, • Noe. 139 alui 141 south roman Stmt. ULU OF STOCKS AND BEM. loran. • At the XXORANGA, every TUABDAY. at U &eh* 1001. Handbills of each property le;iteit separetell end on the Batarday previous to smolt tale 1.0120 THMEDA y ap onr m HY at icL A II . delft Store 31, Fertlanler attention itivel to Odes at Pnvet Basideneas, &e. Admtolstrator's Sale, No. Ill. Wood street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. THIS MORNING. 10th Inst., at 10 o'clock, at 111 Wood Street, 3 4 household fundhus, carpets, de. P HILIP FORD & CO., AIItTIONEBRB, 525 KAMM and 522 OONIERRCE &reek. POSITIVE NAM OF 120 0 OASES BOOM :AND MO ON THURSDAY MORNING, Feb. nth, commencing at P) o'cloek precisely. we wall sell ty catalogue, for east*, 1,20 oteee prime boots, sheath brogans. balmorale, cavalry 4 00 g 4 . 8 44 ,... 4 4, from city and Nal/tern icanafasturataientlneirely eta. 4intd goods RACED:NUNN AND IRON. WM. X. SILBER & C. Brum-w O oks "mum IRON POUNDERS. ORNEEAL MAOLUEUSTS, AND BORES *AKIO. PENNSYLVANIA BLILHOLD PASSENGER STATIOI, PITTSBURG. MINA_ Elsonfaetare al/Admits of STEAM SinerlNES. ran from three to one hundred and tlltthwee•power, as/ muted for Grist MIUs, Maw Mille. Binot Fun:moms 011 Wells, he., he. Give particular attention to the eonstmotion of Se sines and Ifsehiner7 for of and primping apses. tone. Base always on hand, finished and rub fa shipment, IiIitOINZR and. E 01411813 of every dem* Lion. • Orders from an part . . of the *Wan so li cited promptly Iliad- ialf4as J. TAIIEFEL* MICRAIOL. WILLIAX,X. &gam& 30117 X. Ocer.. , sourawAßK- FOUNDRY, FITTN .41.11 D WASH - MOWN STRUM SONS, RROINRIRB AND MAC gifflgNl, .Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Eicher, for land, river, and =wine service- Balers, 4:lllJl a s ter s , Tanks. Ismi *nits. is.; Cut lags of ell kinds, either iron or bread — Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workihova. sod road Stations, &e. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most ha , proved construction. Every description of Plantation Macktnery. nosh u Sugar. Saw, and Grist Mills. Vaunt= Pans. oyes Stepp Trains, Defecators,Tilters, Pimping Ruglnea.46. Bole agents for it Hlliieux'e Patent goner- Boiling AA panics, Resmyth's Patent Steam Hammer. and Unix. walli& Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal iingar-Drainist e. ailk PEI(N ST RAM NNGINE AND BoILKB. WORM— _ a LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THROBETIOAL IN NIERS, 111. OBINISTS,' BOLLSR.ItABNXII, BLA TBS. ard ati A POUNDIRR, having for many years In samessfre operation, and bean exclnelvely balldiag sad repairing Marine and River tnea, and low pre*. mire, Iron Boilers, Water Ta.. - „ Propel ars, dm, as., respectfully offer timer eeriness to tha6a, as bilbets, Sullyrepared to a6atraca for saltines sal ideas, 1(a• rine, River and Stationary : having se of pattern of afferent, fires, are „Damaged to execute orders wile ;;;It—dieepate Nvary"deseril Cit ars. l of IMra-Maitial eat thi shortest notice. and -pressure, Fine, Tubular , and Cylinder Bo oi ilers, of the beet Pau trylvtuila charcoal iron, Forging.; of all elms and kinds, Iron and Brava Castings, of all descriptions: 801 - y Turnint. Sersiv-Ou tins, and all Other work eonmetted ' with the above bnainesa Drawings and erpecifloatione for all work dons st its establishmen t free of shams. and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of bosta, where they can lie in perfesi safety. sad are provided with abeam. bloeks, falls. Ems., am., fee raising heavy or light weight& { JACOB a HEAVE, JOIM X'. LEVY. BIACTEI antUPALNIER Streets. MORGAN, ORR, 86 CO4I4TICAM ER. GINE MILDEW -Iron Irmalata t and Ofraeril Machinists amil.Eoper /l Yakers.,o. W. 9 CALLOW HILL Street. Phuadalphla . • fe9l-tt SHIPPING. - Ask smut warmicty TO - LI VERPooi, tanehlur at GOZINSTOWL (Cork Harbor.) The well-known Me smer of the Lira. pool. New York. and Philadelphia Etirs%ip Conqual (Ininais Line), carrying thirlf. S. MS% Wended to sail an follows: CITY OF CORK.•:• Feb. 11. CITY OF LONDON:. .......MATUADAY Feb. 13. STRA....— SATURDAY: Feb. 'S. and every sreseedtat Saturday at Noon. Grin Pier 41. North Slyer. NAY 07 7138 A in Gold, or its evalentlis-(harrensy. GABLII--1100 00 :MIRAGE. • X do to London.... 85 03 do to London— 51 IX do to Paris -05 00 do to Parts —to OI do to Hamburg. •WI CO do to Hamburg ••SI X terd re also forwarded to Havre, Bremen. Es• ank twerp. aa., at equally law rates Pares from Liverpool or QMP4rII//011,11: lit Cabin. r• MVI C SU= prom Liverpool or Queenstown, IX. ee who to lead for their Titus& oar bur tickets here at there rater: For further iafdrosAtion skyey at the Company' , Offices. • 'JOHN G. Hall, Agent, fe7•jl6 111 WALNUT Street, Pkiladaltildit 1108TOIC`AND PRILA.DBL , on B port . kozrtlni'ad ro A S W I I IBB H rora, _ first rumwsailina ys Meet. Phliadalphia. and Lone Wharf, Baum's_ PIN The steamship SAXON, Capt. Matt n. *Mean free Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday. ifeb llth. al .0 A. X., and steam NORMAL Gant Baker, _free Boston for Philadelph ship ia.. cm the sant* day at 4 P. X Those law and initatantial staafiallbeforla a MOO ans. asillar from asgh Dort punctually on Satnrdaya • Taranuetee ahead at oaa-half the reemitu:Cehosteo ea the vimsmaa. heights talcs at ddr rat's. Rd are rat:mooted t - o — Wid Eta Xasaldta no of with their goods. • • - - - Tor ?night or Yasooro m adroa rs rommotiatloso apply to y nalutt-tf - 1311 South DIMANCSI ATonos. RITTTERFIRLDniii. 4:AMR:LAND Ear/mew. • _ • 01Bea, B.W. sorner MIMI sal Most) npr Sheet?. A THROUGH FREIGHT I.nia has been estabilahad, prepared tomcats* all *lmes of Freight in the principal sines east of the IfissiserCl river, and totriutort the ease front potut of shtpra,2: TO ALL POINTS Ur. , COLORADO...ID ,ARO UTAH, AND NONTAXA w=arrosrsa, ITPOI THROVQII CONTRACT a&TPB AND • .or LL DIS-4. Tit:oa t h Rates inolude ALL CHAR el" w.”' Transfer, Storage.and Forwarding Co one on IV Illosonri river. and transportation • the Plain thus enablinthe Shipper to obtain s & OUGH 4• 15- TRACT for h fre4ht for a diontateset 17Xit THB6I: THOUSAND LIS. and relieving hick a n rows. sibilitioa and anxieties incident to the disorialliod and irresponsible nystom of Plains rtation. Our Agoutis In New York, Boston.. ephhi.rtit , ham, Chicago, St. Louie, and B n. preed all seasons to and at, at Oil LOWEST THROUGH - TABIMPHI%s. This Company assumes ALL TARIFF, of Loom%mmlaT. or Overcharges on Freight la tram itt from po tof shipment to Waste of destinati.-c The Hew York °Aloe is In pcosesaiot of a fail sec IFRACIA BOOKS, showinx the date of ecaldpment. the time it ppaeaaeeeeas the Missisolpsd river, Is raked red at 'L.' ship from the Company's Wareham*" at Atchl- LEasusaat. the character of the trans mania/ upon IL , rains. the date it passes Port Kearnoi„-orrivee at Dea ver. is reeelted at destination, and tliesqmseocit cond'• lion of the Wares along the entire route, iiier If Danneay es or LOll4Bll oevar„Shippors are wile/ I in time to duplicate ang important fordo* of the cltn' meat. Thule hooks are open for the burpootion of our tomere at all times, and parties shipping by Ibis Lis , will be kept informed by oorrespondenee of the era; oondithni of their shi mania. Merchants and Wall! the Territories ordering Efoott should I:l4 , .tteular tojir b ramm antrinitons to el °LP " aVEI DDSSPITI Attdillata. inatructions of our Agent a 4 rant of Waimea. Letters of inquiry addressed to our ales at ATM' 801, Kazoos; No. IV - 181Y Street, Aid= 11 01, 1 h.N., ° 1 York; or South est corner of SIXTH an Cd-Itat• &recite• Phlladyphla, will be cad 751&' answered. D. B Intlf,Peopristor. W SPALDLIKI, General Agent . Flaw York- WM. IL moomt. Agent. Philadelphia. das•t: BASSET Werke ABTLIFICIAL TEEM onlOold, ll VIIlough", trout to r at Teeth tiled. mete NINTH IMT l Llov a = i t 4"1" "' ""' 24:017401 I EVANS % WATSON'S. • ' pouf i ' ll4ll ' Sin 16 Bourn Youirtar h iu PRCLADELPHIA. P A bus viulity of 11311-PAQOP R A. ADOS aIwATI ur ff g, MAMMY'S COTTAGE ORGANS If <A only lINIXCELLED, but MalltahaLLlD 12L Fnnst TODO Sad Power, dened eermdarly , for 010.7 f, aad Elehoole, bat. found to I. ennalby wen adesnau the Parlor had Drawhia mltop tale onitll " N BRUCE. No. IiNorth,EMVINTNEtreI:,, 001:nplide assortment of the Perfect 10 1 2 ooturtantly on Band. ecru pp m' NEW PIANOS. staTaiox arm YORK FIAMOR,Iinot rood $ st for aslant G. &BUM & DX'S Music£4 ll _ 6 _, 1..1194 CHESTAITP PO"' DICCKER BROTH:SFS F l h) ANO9.--The .gablic. and partieslarif, Dr ion. are lateited to examine these lasni,lfa'4l. stramEnts, which We meeting with such 11211 'i:I 2634 . 1 de1fr0s or Dotmlark) and sale in Naw mhereter lissivn.. The desideratum so. long P":, fer, f. e. the atres cth of the iron, and sOluif o3 %;ogi the flame so happily attaleed t hem 'i . Shah 'W ineom e with any TheraTheras s l2 te 9 nalidedntlige of such names ae:WelLsoha.... -- „,„,, ason, Veller, Thomas, Zruadel, and scores °- it. amPluirAalliala their high - rank. Dm sale ordr J. COVINRAE. 908 CHNSTAIIT &seek Aloe. fs cataient of other new sad seemed hand sale and to rent. KNitp CUMMINGS et JsICS aanumidur. i .n of 0 .311 .._.l GRAND, SQUARE, AEU cmyrrAol-or- , - PIA.NO-P0 15N6 BROA,DWAI tTN AW TO- Bach instrument marranted.kose ware. 0.10 At wholesale and retail Pt per cent. Lee. au.a tko edam Plano elselqiers. ' Tiltatertierilldti well to exainisa oar lattfra , '..- *a - Send for a eatsdegue, o* gA.LEA-
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