The Shakers. A VISIT TO TER conno;Nirr lie murrain, 00VISIom 0177 . —enAniat WORK Ann anraolow. • (Prom the Spriegeeki Republican.] Shakerville in .k.ldield, Conn., is a quiet farming community of four fandlieS or households. These households number 180 'members, divided about as follows : 24 men, 120 women, and 88 children. Farm lug is their general business, and the preparatidn of seeds, herbs, extracts, appbesauoe, bonnets, brooms, nrsizeoradles and snow.shovels their specialities. They hold abirat 8,000 stores of land here in solid body, or 16% sores on an average each. They keep. some 500 head of domestic animals, have plain, practical houses, workshops, and barns, and, barring connubial billet, are doubtless contented'and happy. Through the courtesy of one of their leaders, we have looked in upon their homes, partaken of their salt and gathered, as we trust, some items of gene. rallnterest. The Shakers are a religions soot of about a century's growth, originating from the Qua- Mrs in Manchester, England. They first came to this oountry 1n 1774, numoering ten persons, and set tled at watervieit, N, T. There the idea of a cern inanity of property was first broached, which has since been adopted by the Shaker families. /-Self-denial is their cardinal virtue. They believe in Gods, Chests, heavens and hells duplicated. They are non.reelstants, participate In no earthly go. vernment, do not marry, live frugally and simply, and consider idleness sinful. Those who differ' from them are "world's people." Their name is derlVed from their motions In worship, which exercise lfoth soul and body, and consist, In part, of marches, dances, and singing. • Anne Lee, the daughter and wife of a blacksmith, was the author and founder of the system. Joseph Meacham, a Baptist preacher of Enfield, Ot, was an early convert to this faith, and improved its practice. Three , missionaries were sent out from Lebanon N. Y.; Wlitoh is oonsidered the patent society, haring tide hundred members, In 1800, Into Ohio and Kentucky, and they made proselytes in those 'States ~T herelare now eighteen societies, and about four thousand members in this country, divided as follows : Fopr in Massachusetts, one in Connecticut, tido in New Hampshire, two in Maine, three In New York, four in Ohio, and two In Kentuoky. Each society has from two to eight households, and averages seven sores of land to each member. The En field isoefety was established in 1796, by eight persons poor and to debt. They have grown to their present forto,thbugh sometimes more prospe rous in numbers than now. They are obliged to hire ferns help more or bum, owing to the scarcity of numbers. The middle or church family here, which doubtless represents one.fourth of the population, Cultivated last year forty acres of corn, forty acres of oats, twenty five, acres of rye, Mentes spring wheat, vegetables, ho., and out one hundred and fifty tons of hay. They keep about one hundred and 'tiny head of cattle, of which twenty-live are cows of the native Durham and Alderney grades. These animals are =batty kept at a new: barn 1864 It II 40 by 90 feet In size, with a'hlgh find capacious manure cellar under toe whole, and. what IS remarkable, the =tiding is trussed up, so that lo the Cellar there Is neither 4pUlar nor post. The building stands on the aide of a hill, the main drive way le Intlieattic; and der th e Is Walked down into bays on either side, Under the barn floor, and con necting with it by hcp,ttles, is the feeding floor, and Some eight feet iewerare the oattlo, while under all is Woollier at least twelve feet fn height. Here Are manpfectured some 600 loads of Manure anntallnY. The of the cellar are of stone, quarried under the building. :ThstShakersrpride themselves on their stook, and jiistlY. They "get the best" and breed only from thoroughbred males. They feed well, but carefully avoid waste . The tint thing in the morning the oowshave one or two fodderings of hey, then roots sprinkled with dry meal, then they are watered, then have hay and stocke, then roots and meal as before, and lastly bay. Their young stock is kept ahedded yards, and Is divided according to age and quality. They all have wide mangers and gene. rally a rack behind, so that every spire of hay is saved. Their horses ate generally very good. We saw a Ave bay breeding mare and four of ter colts of vs. rious ages. Three were " Ashlands," and all sor rel, and the youngest a bay flamlltontan filly. The Shakers eat no pork, but raise a few hogs for the Gentiles. The Shakers are posted on vevtable raising. We learned that imported rails seed was considered best; also, home grown red and yellow onion seed. Two-thirds of the crop will be scullions If foreign seed is used. The onion-maggot began to operate In Vermont and New Hamps nlre 10 or 15 years ago, and has gradually extended to this lo cality. Their remedy, which is partially effective, is half a barrel o f saltpetre, one barrel eras hes, and one barrel of phosphate rutted per acre, sown upon the young crop. They sow onions in drills 14 Inches apart, with, French (rata* begat' between, and use four pound of onion seed to the acre. The remedy for theetriped squash bug Is birch charcoal dust. A better remedy, suggested by a gentleman of much experlerde In the agricultural trade In this city, is air-slacked lime and yellow snuff In equal parts. Put it Into a sieve and rap It gently when the dew is on the plant, and the bugs will leave instanter or Sneeze to death. It Is pleasant to have Shaker friends, to meet them on the street or at their homes, to see the neat, plain attire of the Shakeresses, and the de retire looks of the little Shakers ; to sit in their high backed chairs and (lameness rooms and enjoy their hospitality ; but one cannot resist the convic tion that this Is not the best way to live. We ba % lleve in families all our own. Still they point to the fact that they are the only people in the world who have maintained for 70 years a system of living, one of the fundamental principles of which Is a com munity of property. Who ever saw a Shaker drink, or smote, or lie , or swear, or steal 'I There is so much in their favor. WHO KILLED ZotrioosTEE I—The Cincinnati Gazelle contains the following: CILITTRIIDKR, GIULTIT Co. Ky , lan. 80. En. GAZETTD: Ia J. B. Fty, the Provost Marshal General, a Kentuckian I Did he kill Zollicotrerl Was not the Pry who killed Zolliootfer S. S. Fry, and colonel of the 4th Kentuckyl J. K. Insz,EDD. J. B. Fry Ia Provost Marshal General. We do not know whether he Is a native of Kentucky or not. S. S. Fry who Ss a native of Kentucky, killed ZOllleoffer.—Eds. Gazette. THE CITY• ffiLITAIIIT. THE COURT-MARTIAL—FIBST DAY. The court-martlal for the trial of persons charged with frauds against the Government met, yesterday morning, at lobl{ Walnut street. The court or ganised and adjourned till this morning. The fol lowing Olden! constitute the onurt : Major General Abner Doubleday, president. Lieut. 001. J. AL Thompson, 107th P. V. Lieut. OM. G. W. Thompson, Had N. Y. V. Lieut. 001. P. B Stilson, 109th N. Y. V. Lieut. 001. Francis S. Reese, 128th N. Y. V. .Lieut. Col. Garrick Mallory, Jr., Veteran Reserve COTO. Captain John H. Platt, additional aid-daeamp. OM - Omni J. A. Foster, 175th N. V.V . ., judge advo• cote. lIIIISCELLASEOIIS. HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION. The following were the questions propounded yes terday to applicants for admission into the Central }Ugh School: • Ittnlol.o4lr-PROPIBI3I* JAB. M'CLUSIS Give the prefix. root, Blintz. Unit nisaittoj . Qt. es le tbanwelye words, showing tne.cOrre 1111M 41 word: Annihilation, continuity, desultory, expedite, illibe ral, oblouny, presentiment, protuberance, redundant, subsidize. -- Qtriorrb ernTeigners who carved as core in the United States army daring the Revo lution? 2 Where was the seat of the United States Govern ment In 1788, 1791, and 1801 respectively? 18 hut position was taken by Washington's Ad ministration in 1793. in [nerd to the French revolu tionary Government? 4. What were the acts of the British ministry in re ference to American commerce in 1794 7 6. Wbo became President in 1797, and what foreign war was tten threatened 6. In what order of succession were the following States admitted into the Union: Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio Louisiana . and Indiana? 7.What was the general condition of the United Males at the time of the fiftieth anniversary of lade vender's.? 8. Wh-t was the most important 12411tical event in 18627 9. Between whom Was the battle of San Jacinto fought. and what were its consequences ? 10 What were the terms of the tr, sty of peace between the United States and Mexico In 1848 441728T103118 Iti PA#Bl2t9, PYBBIIARY, 188 —PROP. HAVHREITICIZ. Parse all the words italicised in the following p gap : Thus Caesar godlike to the Pilot arias: 4• Superior to despair the waves despree, And the vain threat'ning of the angry skies. Thoughgods deny thee gun strand, Yet go, I charge the*. go at my command. To ignorance alone am ibe thy.earea, Not knowing what a freight ray vessel bears. Let floods and winds loud war with cowards wage, Or waste upon themeelyee *heir empty rage One stronger in his might remains %eq./Krug; Thou and thy bark on Oicsar's late depend." GLRLa t HIGH AND NORMAL SCHOOL. The following are the names of the successful ap plicants for admission Into the Girls' Normal Sohool yesterday School from which Name admitted. b attle O. Shourds Average I. . Zane street .... ..... 88 35 2. Lizzle ft &with Newton 87.05 3. Imre& N. Gelman= Zane-street .... ..... 87.02 4. Bessie U. Gordon.. ..... ...Zane. street .........84.04 . . . . .. . . .. 6 Mary B Hutchinson Mount V.;rn0n......83 26 6. ballle Haat . . ....... •••••••••Fliter nth ward...... 82. 76 7. Sallie Griffith 5 ...• .... Mount Vernon 82.25 B..Ballie Witer........... newton 82 01 9. Maria Dy och ... i.. •••••••••• ado. ut Vern0n......82 01 10. Helen E. Flle•••••••••••••• -nor thea5tern..........81. 75 11. Benet ti a SPalder..........sonthese tarn -8115 12. Naga W. liimingsY Newton • 81.06 13. Anna Inekeep M0nr0e..1.'...........8L06 14. Nary J. Egad ....• • .Harrlsorii.••• ••.......80 66 16. Emma Kanffmania. Fifteenth Watt.... • .80 06 16 Ellis Giboon•-,Ar.....--Irsyyton...... ........79 75 17. Hornet Bender ...- ..... -Jefferson.... ..1.....79 36 18. Mary D. Eldridge - BiD g told .......70 25 Dr, Juliet Diatribe ...... .........Jeffer50n............79 15 20. Jima McAllister ' -. Men ayunk ..-78 85 21. Magee Costello.. ....... ..• Zane ..................78 76 22. Louisa Yonker--..........Price ••••••••••78.05 23 Lizzie D. Foulke Zen. ..« 78 OS 24 Hannah B. Litzenberg ..... Newton -78.66 26.- Rate Foulke...-. ..... --Jefferson .. 78 65 24. Addle Crook . • .-......-.... N or thwear. .... .....76.68 37. Anna D. Mailler.t.•.•......Zane•street-• ra 45 28. Mary Ginthor - ... Jefferson..• ......78.86 29. Virginia Carlisle Zan 3. 5tre5t7.........78 0$ 80 Jane Jones !Southeastern .........76 03 EL Ida Johnson Zane•street' 713.05 82. Laura Reinhold Monroe .. •.« ' 77 75 Mt. Surma 11 . Hoopoe Fifteenthward......77.o6 34. Florence B. Condi* Mount , Vern0n......77 .03 36. Bather Merchant........... 2 eye. etreet -, ..... .77 02 86. Mary Delacreix. Fifteenth ward 77 16 M. balite F. Bromley . •••• .• • . Mans y auk 76.09 38. Vita Finnigan ' Mount Vernon. 76.66 39. zsie Parker - Yount Vernon.--76 04 40. ate Potter " Monroe 76 03 41. Sallie 1ia1eiy........«..;• • 'Zane- street 76.02 42. Mary Lower ..... ..e....../....gionroe 76.15 48. Kate C. C1ifr0n.t......e4;7...11anc00k 76.16 44. Virgule P_lpers....4vy.....Jeffereon ....DI 15 46. Ankle .1. Maine Frfteenth ward...... 76•06 46. Annie V. Johnston......... Newton 76.07 47. Anna Steen Mount Vernon 76.66 M. Eingie• 0. Johnston . Zane- street 7666 49. Mary F. Hall .. •.. ....... Northwestern..... • .7601 60, 'Michel Carpenter.. Jefferson ....76.26 51. Nary Manly.- --... .....-Twentleth ward.... 75.01 63. Eats W. Lnksits .....•Hantook. 74 08 215. Fannie Glides.... ........ -Bane-street. ...... ...74 75 64. Ida Parker-. ,- ...... ......N0rthea5tern.......74.75 56.. Grails P. Stetbem Zane. street .........74.07 .66. Rebecca EL Nelson ' Jackson .... 74.07 67. Spina Mein Bonihesetern.......74. 06 M Ada Morrison Monroe • .- 74.13 69 Lime Arnold Northwestun ........74.45 M . . Ida N. Campbell Hancock 74.46 61. Annie M.' Kelly Haycock 74 25 'M. -Annie T. McFarland...... Eau cook 73 08 63. Carrie Randall Price................ 4-73 35 ISt Annie It. O'Hare. sZane • ...• ...... ••••• 73.41 se, Mule licDuffee Fifteenth -ward....... 78.02 66 Ada. Healey Mount Vernon 73.01 67. Ifitgale Ognine Monroe-- ...• ' 78 05 68. Annie 9 urinal Fifieenth• ward 72 75 69. Fainalleiler J Q Adams ' 72.66 70. Malik Roney Jafferion . .....72 66 71, Craniflta - Earley Zane .........»:...» 72 25 72 Nary E. Crosby Zane .« 71 96 • A few days. too young to be submitted to the Board of Contrcillere. /*higher Adinitfed from Each School.-Zaneetroott l 6; Mount Vernon, 8 ; Newton,6 ; Fifteenth-ward• '7; Monroe, e ; Jefferson, e; }lancook, 51 North eastern, 8 • Sentheastern; l l ; Northwestern, 3s;; Ma nayunk, 2 ; ' Price, 2;' Ringgold, 1 ; Harrion. 1 ; Trlellitleth•Ward, 1 ; Jackson 1; J. Q. Adams, 1. IftWersice ago of those admitted, 16 years, 11 , 2 days. VigEOLDßl.r}rte. ASSOCI&TION FOR TllB R,R. LISP' OF DISABLED . liIIIIIKEN. . . • The Udrtleth annual report of the truateeil of the illilledelphia Association for the Relief of Disabled Flienlen has been leaned. From it we learn that doling the year the amount of $1,657.48 has been. appropriated to the relief of sick and disabledlire.- pipp, and the widows and orphans of each, which hag been distributed to thirty-eight persons, of whom • . there were four widows and eight orphans, making. since the organisation 01 the aseoolation, the e arn o r 424,866,74 expended In this manner. The expenses gold for funerals were $125. One hundred and eighty-five new members hay* .been itided to the roll since the last report, of whioh v a are life members, and twenty names have been t rl ckenfrom the roll for non. pay ment of their does. The entire number of members at this time Is— -1 lfe 260 ; annual, 561 ; total, 911. No Interments have been made in the vault of the association, in 2i/ointment cemetery, since the last report, .the whole number .of Interments SIMMS Its completion in 1149 being fourteen. The capital stock of the association consists of ,bonds and mortgagee, ground rents, Philadelphia Mti 'Maths Biseta4lties it' MU, -Mad FMnesylvante fives, of a totalvklue orlifs2 986.88 'The receipts during tliwyear amount to P, 6 14.75.: anAthe expenditures amount to , • •Seritl serious' aoolderits hiving' taken Place, by raison of the immoderate speed at which Bohm of the steam fire engines'ire driven through the streets 'of our city, the special attention of the vatiods Steam tire companies Is called thereto; as witirthein Iles, in a grestmeasnre, the remedy to prevent ilcadents in future, by the Instant dismissal of the engineer who permits, or the driver who perform an alit con trary to law, thus Wiling, not only theirj own, but putting in jeopardy the ilyeti and limbs of our fellow•oltisens ; and, as several applications have been made to the Board for relief from the engineers or drivers, by reason of In juries received whilstprocceding to fires, the hoard, upon fully discussing 'the matter, deem it but just and proper on this occasion to say, that so far he they are concerned, for the future, before appropri stir. g any amount for relief as such they must have the most full and conclusive evidence that the steamers were not being driven at an immoderate speed through the street, and that the greatest care was taken to prevent collision, espeeially at the in tersection or crossing of the streets. - The board having, upon repeated occasions, called the attention of tho members of the' assotilaf 'lion to the infraction of the law regulating the arse; tion and construction of buildings, and to the perfect impunity with which it is violated;again feel Ittheir duty to express their indignation at the reo)cleas Manner in which some of our large buildings are erected, notwithstanding there is a board of Inspeo - whose duty it 1e . to - see the law r aelaid down in the statute boars, duly - coinpiled with, and to Com pel builders to conform thereto. , • The attention of the hoard has also been called to the fact that while the law calls for the erection of battlement , walls between every building erected, yet, in order to evade this,whole rows of buildings have been put up, covere d under , one roof, and on top 41 'row of bricks built to resemble, from the 'Street, a diviiion wall, thug giving the appearance of complying with the, requirements of the 'law, whilst It is a most diristit and soandalouCevasion thereof. A MAN WHO HAS NOT SLEPT POE OVER FOWI'rEEN YEiltB. 'At present there is a soldier at the CheidmutHill . .Military. Hospital who has not slept for a single :moment for fourteen years and six months. 'This may seem incredulous, but nevertheless It is tree, and - can be verified by numbers of persons. The individual is an intelligent man; naturally . ; and has the benefit of a moderate education. His name is C. D. Saunders orderly sekgeant of Company 13th Virginia Vollinteeta. He entered the service of the United States on , December 28, 1898. He is in the forty-fifth year of his age. His health has been generally excellent during his life. In 1849 hawse attacked with cholera, and since that period with lung fever on two occasions. In the suihmer of 1850, sleep forsook him, and since that time he has never felt the least drowsy. He has always led a temperate life. HIS wife and ohildren reside in Putnam county, West Virginia. Since he entered the Union army he has been on seven raids and in four charges, during which time he informs as' that he never felt tired nor sleepy. He was In the, four charges made beyond Ferry, Vc, on the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20tli of last August, and yet he did not feel the least sleepy. Why It is that he cannot or does not sleep Is ea much a mystery to him as it le to many scientifie gentlemen, who, having bad their attention called to him, have been astounded in their attempts to Investigate the cause. Upon one occasion, at his request, a number of ourionsly.inclined gentlemen watched him for torty two days and nights consecutively, in order, if pos. able, to arrive at the cause of the wonderful phe nomenon. These gentlemen took turns with' each other In the progress of watching, so that If he should chance to Sleep it would be observed. Some of the watchers became drowsy, and it W& as much as he could do to awaken them. This singular man , was sent to Philadelphia by order of the field surgeon. He was admitted Into the hospital at Chestnut Hill on the 17th of Novem ber last, suffering from chronic diarrhcea and rhea. mailsm. He has nearly recovered from his physi cal disability ; his appetite Is good, but yet he does not sleep. He retires to bed, the same as other sol diers, but he cannot sleep. He simply receives phy sical rest. This brief narrative of a most wonderful phenomenon may seem fabulous, but the reader is assured that it is the truth. STATE LUNATIC HOSPITAL The annual report of the trustees and Superin tendent of the Stasi Lunatic Hospital has been presented. It sets out that since the opening of the hospital on the first day of October, 1861, nearly 1,860 persons have participated in its benefits. Of this number 380 have been discharged, reetored,” capable of again entering into the business, dia. charging the duties and partaking of the enjoyments of life. Between 420 and 480 have been Improved, and their condition greatly ameliorated. On the first of January, 1864, the number of patients In the hospital was 281--vlz 148 males, and 133 females. Received during the year 136 patients—viz : 77 melee' and 88 females. Discharged do., 186 patients, 74 Males and 61 females. Died do:, 29 patients, 17 males and 12 females. Amounting, December 31,1884, to 281 patients, 151 males and 180 females. The management of the garden and farm has been satisfactory. The former not only supplies an abun dance and variety of excellent vegetables, but is a source of amusement to some of the patients, who find pleasant and soothing occupation there. The farm also gives to them agreeable and invigorating employment. The grounds, under the judicious management of the superintendent, are yearly becoming more beau tiful and attractive, and afford delightful walks for the patients. Unceasing efforts are made to afford them snita hie recreation and exercise. They have frequent opportunities to ride, walk, &o. They enjoy the ten-pin alley, the gymnasium, and other Mao. Cent and healthful sports and pastimes. Tholie who are disposed to read have access to the library. Many newspapers, and a few other periodicals, are generously given to the Institution by the pub lishers. To these kind friends the Board tender their cordial thanke, and hope that such generous examples will be followed. EZORIPTO 70R TER TZAR 1864. Balance In the treasury, Dee 31, 1863 6171 66 Balance of State appropriation of 1363 9,031 00 Part of State appropriation of 1864 omo oo =MENU/. ➢MOM TIII/ POLLOW/NO BOUROEB : kSMEASE;MREI Clothing furnished XI 43 Damage done by patients ' 948 84 Mock t01d.... SOL 00 Vegetables ........... 109 50 Flour casks sold eis 50 • 8085. fat eold IMP. OM" 1.11-1. •• • • lb 00-19.5313 Total 864,705 26 BX_PEWDITTIRBI3 TOR THE TEAR 1864. Wades of officers from Oot. 1. 1863, to Oct. 1;22,812 BO Cash paid orders O — f trustees and inci dentals Cash paid orders of steward, as set forth in has statement 60,392 31-62 6DS bi Balance in the treasury Dec. 31, 1861 —. A➢iSEICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY. The birty•eighth annual report of the American Colonization Society has just been received. Dur ing the year 18434 the Suni of $91,454 74 was disbursed by the society. For the same period 415,28148 were reCeived from legacies left the society, 48,767.87 from donations and collections, and 412,000 from the United States Government. wassold by - Talbot county, Maryland, "d Which the society, brought 8180,000, The objec t f o r ke selling eping the Ship was on aceoualePtnilY n - ral proceeds arls• e investment ois the money realized from her sale could be appropriated to carrying out the objects •of the society, and that when a ship could be of good service, one could be !bought with the fund, and the name Mary Caroline Stevens be given her, thereby fully carrying out the inten tions of the deceased donor. • COLORED PEOPLE IN THE CARS. The resolution passed by the Firth and Sixth street Rassenger Railway Company allowing color ed people to ride In the oars, on said railway, has been repealed, for reasons set forth in an °Metal advertisement in another part of this day's Press. A resolution was also adopted appropriating every fifth car to the use of colored people. Whe ther white people may ride in such oar is not stated in the resolution. Some of the companies have adopted the plan In use in other cities, that "color. ed people may ride in Ohio car." This announcement Is made In conspiclous lettering en the sides of the oar. While colored persons aro admitted, the ques tion is left open for white persons to get in or stay out. The appropriation of a ear to the exolusive use of colored people essentially prevents white folks from riding in it, and might result at times In personal collision. SNOW, RAIN, AND FRESHET. A very heavy snow storm prevailed during pester. day, and shortly after nightfall it was succeeded by a drenching northeast rain storm, thus introdno ing the preliminaries to heavy freshets in the Dela ware, Schuylkill, and tributary streams. FATAL ACCIDENT A man, named Richard Bayne, residing at Twen ty-first and Wood streets, fell from a cart which he was driving, yesterday, and was instantly killed. The wheel passed over his neck. THE COURTS. Supreme Court—Before Thompson, Bead and Stream, Justices. PBILADELPBIA LIST, THIRD CALLING, Bowen vs. Still. Argued by W 8. Price, Esq , for plaintiff in error, and by J. B Townsend. Bsq , for de fendant in error. Gravenstine's Appeal. Argued by B. Woodward for appellant, and by Pierce for appellee. Scott vs. Ti its 801. pros. Scbollenberger vs tieldonridge. Argued by. F. C. Brewster for plaintiff in error. S. C. Thompson for de fendant. Trersley's Appeal Babroillkd on paper boots. Bilpatrtek vs. The Bridge Company. Submitted on paper books Adjourned , Supreme Court at Nisi Primo—Judge Agnew kunst Bruckner. vs. Win. H. Kent. late sheriff. This was an action to recover for an alleged improper distribution of captain money made uwier an execution. by sheriff's sale, of certain property, plaintiff being the execution ow dttor, whose claim for a share of proceeds was ignored. and the funds improperly appropriated by the defendant to the pejo:lent of the alleged land lord's claim for rent. Verdict for plaintiff, 41600. Dlltrlet Court—J udge Stroud. J, W. Dallam vs. The Bar m ony ?ire and Insurance Company of New York. This action is to, recover on a policy of $4.003 on the steamboat Cooper's Petra, which foundered in Chrespeak• bay, November 90. 1863, on a voyase from Baltimore to Wathington• The defence le that the venal was an old and name worthy waft at the time of ber insurance; that her owner was aware of the fact that she was not seawor thy, and tbat, ae the law implies a warranty of sea orthinees In such caaes, the p laintiff ehould not le. Cover ()atrial. Messrs D er D. Y. Brown for plaintiff; P. McCall, J. B. Gowen, and J. R. Reed for defendants. District Court-Judge Shorewood. Henry Hobletter vs. Hugh kfeCrossin. An action to recover back the price of a horse or tee ground that he was unsound. Before reported. Verdict for plaintiff 119460 The West Philadelphia Mannfacturing Co. vs. Wm. J. Chtyney. An action on a promissory note. Ver diet for plaintiff. $6.598 80. John IL Sharpiese vs. Archibald Cairns and Joseph McManus, executors, &c. A ad . ta. sur mortgage. Ver dict for plaintiffs. $1,477.34. A. &V. Franz 111. B. P. Wilber. An action to re- Cover balance alleged to be doe for making infantry pants. The defence set up was that plaintiff had failed to return a large number of pants which had been given out to him. Verdict for plaintiff, $560 63 William B. Barns for plaintiff; D. Dougherty for deferidant. Charles F. Wading vv. Adams Express Company. This action was to recover damages for Injuries re ceived from being knocked down, at Third and Arch streets, by a horse and wagon, then in charge of and being d, leen by one of defendant's employees. Negli gence and want of care on the part of the lattbr is charg ed by plaintiff. The defence was that, in consequence of the breaking of some of the gearing, the horse be came frightened and unmanageable, and raa away, upsetting the wagon. Want of proper care wan dented. Jury out. Wolbert for plaintiff; D. Webster for de fendant • Court of Common Pleas-Nudge Thomp. Shannon and wife, et al.. vs. Miller. Steinmetz, et al. ♦ feigned home, to test the validity of two certain codicils to the will of Jacob Steinmetz. deceased. Be. fore reported. The defence consumid the semdon of yesterday in the examination of witnesses in support of their allegation that the codicils are spurious and that zubteouent to the day of their date the deceased had declared to various persons that it was not his intention to give plaintiffs anything in hie will; that what be had already given them was all they were to have. The (14110 le etill on trial. court of Quarter 1614598 Ions—Hen. Jame B. Ludlow. Associate justice. • mam a= B. Mann, Req.. Prosecuting AttorneP DISHONEST PENS.LN CLERK. Nary Waugh pleaded guilty to the larceny of sixty Lards of stilt and other dry aoode valued at stgo. Jas. W. lyins teetilled diet be employed the accueed ae an attendant at his keret and afterwards Dikes& a quan tity of goods,some of which were toned in her lodgings. Sentenced tonne veer In the county prison. This fe male kept closely yelled during her trial. 88E7.3A.7811. John Kent. colcaed, pleaded dulltir to the larceny of a bathet of beef. tidioar /Corley teattfled to arresting tl e accneed in the act of selling the omit by small Ilial tithic contented to Raven months in the county pdaon. DOMBSTIO ILISIRY. James A. Robb, a gray hatred man. wag chattel with committing an amnia and battery on big wife Roza. She testified that she had been married tweatY _ MESI gig years; on Sunday, three weitiliait Qatfirl b ekk sicsate and aw O n.* me ;on Monday he "netime t • his boot over the head. Prisoner from the dock. I don't own a pair of toots. Witness' roomed. —On_ Tuesday he again byname VW* ii le e and said het cold ffensmi; the whole of the honsekold were alarmed by his yto•ence. Prist/ler. What provocation did Ton give me r IVltness. ,Mone _ Prisoner.,'.Wee,iheie everlahy provocation give k me In any ease ? i lV mess. I can't say that there was. I PrixonereiWelliie7 blows I:Skye len or pushes ! ant did - they leave - mar k s ? ...., . - Witness They were blows and left marks. , ' Prisoner. Have 4not Raked you for conciliation da ring 11f 'feral years pest? and have you not made ow:di nned opposition s tOwarde me? and has not yourfston, weighing one hrtudred and- eighty-two pounds, strut& rot? Witness. In oonserenoe of your violence wo h dto _pi At epreel,Yeil and t e.protercon of my son.; r Prisoner. Test tha was a rhe blacked 'airiest. weighing, as he does, one andred and sigh two - pounds.. Iltid be not furbish themoney to protean met Witneas • ffiti - - Prisoner. Where did you get the money from? i Vi'itneee., tr y, was not moire& t t. Priseher. litisnot tad nerd me with "atilt" vie to als, Saying that did not earn then? • - i Witness. It teas seldom you earned anything. 11.• Ironer. • That is not to tnequestion. Anserr .i. Witness. No: I Beyer Jima ted yos. r k . .. 4 ••• Barak Robb eyed= --.31* father called me a. v ey, ttn. proper came, which my brother resented; my falter Oen took a knife, and mother went to pacify him.* bell be Orrick her; I have seen him throw a stove•plete at her, and reset it did,eot kill bet. Prizeilltr.a'Rhal has ntothint tis _do' With this vice; ye. collect your teoper Is mine and your mother's com bined : did you not fly at me in a passion when I cast s Mall bone at you. Witness. yoq,9alleitnp a,very bad name, and I rail to my motbir... tti ~. .‘ • ?Molter. Yee. I did not oall you out of your name; I have often said batter would not melt in your mouth. Witness resumed.—My father has earned two bun. dre4 dollars in it abort Rioted:ileat we got none of it. Prisoner. - That is alie ! Judge Ludlow. Stop that ! you mast be careful what language you nee here. i te l lzs a . a o r lie b r ai s e r 91.-..-Mi.,.. and Mo. Robb ate my relsoner. Bow do you know that? Witnees resumed My mother and sister have suffered naPY.indignitles at_the hands of my father; I. had to "latertent and strike my father to cow him' down; he hee often expressed the desire to live long enough to see the male ohddren drunkards and 0 e females O. diss nice to their se :; be calls my mother and eister,the meet out neces Dames. Prisoner. Yes, and you, too. Witness. on called me a thief, but forgot that you were convicted of larceny a year ago. • ..isoner. Yep. but unjestly so . - . ''''Wittehi. - I was. °emeriti:et to go and take charge of the children and our mother, who is of a very tim.d nature. Prisoner. Ha! hat It was my house. and you hid no right in it. By what legal right did Yon thanes.. sew. me? . , • • - - • '' i The-Ottawa' waantreited to leave the stand, and the ' prisoners in a rapid manner said that the mother took "dee with the children, and always coated diM-'2. culty. Be did not cars ever to see the older el/Metres again, and all that his non bad done was to eyed& - his personal :vengeance. -If Be was kept in prisonim for perjury whe Be. or * i year be would prosecute h came out The primary cause of these trouble was drink, but he bad not drank for nine months. and: wise sorry that he had so far forgotten hie manhood as to ,evra push a woman.. The jury rendered a verdicksc Judge Ludlow now called up thason, who statedltbit there were eight children in all, three Af whom evittre . of • age. The fasuilyware supported by the mother; and Unit .CWldren, the "father eontetbritteg nothing for yeerFeterte time..l Sp had ' besti. conithelled..these it his mother from am hod/ on at Mahn time no prevent ben Wm violence.) The mother feared publieityo and endured the bawls treettdene she had received on that &Winne He loved his father, and his mother revere" lam: but he bad to institute these' proothdlngs to prevent the di fa cattle/44nd. sotto •pjuttelt his father. Judge Ludlow directed the prisoner to stand up, and said it wall a end state of thing., and he bad no doubt aroesariginally froth the excessive use of liquor. Prisoner. lodge, you must have seine enough to know that provocation has been given me. Judge, .1 have geese enough to know that you are too intelliget reinan to be in that dock_ arid I mean Wpm. vent you from abusing your family for some tiOe to come., The sentence of the court Is that you pay a flue of one dollar and undersea an imprisonment of thirty days. and that you Give good and sufficient security in the sum of one thousand lye hundred dollars to keep the peace towards your wife especially, and all good's'. Opens of the Commonwealth. ... CITY PATBKRS TO BE IRDIOTXD. In the couree,of the proceedings of the onurt a fife and drum aomplotely prevented. the hearing of a word that was said. Mr. Mann told the jury to be patient, as the noise of a drum or the rattling of a cart prevented the hearing of any witness in this room. During the past live VISIT it bad been proposed to get a different room to hold a coast, bat now it was contemplated to indict City Cann ella for not furnishing a proper room. If anything but jetties was being transacted In this room it would he a mere faree to attempt business, but being justice, it was a holy thing. If 60 lor 60 Councilmen were brought in and convicted, perhaps a better room might be fur- iQoa. AL rtriN OP MIND. Peter Sat Mom was convicted of stealing some tools valued at $l2. The evidence was that the things were taken from a place where he worted. Sentenced to six months in the comity prison Adjourned. THE PIDLIOE. (Before Mr. Alderman Welding.] MAINTAINING A IMISANCE Chas. A. Anderson. John McDevitt. and John Philips were arraigned yesterday on the charge of maintaining a nuinenw. These men. with others, were in the habit of congregating infront of the building occupied by P. S. Peterson &Cc., thereby exceedingly annoying the ; firm and grievously interfering with their business. Most of the crowd were common Jews, speculating in gold in a small way, as is verily believed. Upon complaint made to Dfay or React a warrant was: tuned. and. Yea• terday officer Dale took.three of the party Into caetedir. They were bound. over in the sum of $.300 each to be o future good , behavior. CONCEALED DEADLY WEAPONS. A soldier. girlie the name of Jenne Bennet:oe, was arraigned yesterday on the charge of carrying con cealed deadly is eapone. The prisoner made hie appear ance on thb strkete on Monday night, and discharged the wean n wantonly In the street. It seems to be a common habit of soldiers who obtain leaves of absence at the hospitals to tale a strole shoat the city, to carry with them loaded pistols. The probability is that. if the civil powers that be should communicate with the mili tary powers, the evil would be at once abated. The prisoner in this case was committed to answer the charge of carrying concealed deadly weaDOTIRI. LEGAL. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR ,THIS CITY AND COUNTY OF FRELADXG POIA. . . . BbtliA BAUER. by her , nest friend, JAMBS HIGHT, ♦e. CRABLEB BAIIBII. Of September Term, 1851, Ho. 87; In Divorce. And now. the third day of February. A.._l). 1885. on motion of GEORGE H. EARLS, Attorney for Libellant, tie Court grant a rule on the Respondent to' show cause why a divorce a viuculo =atria:tont( should not be de creed, returnable Fenruary 18. h, 1855, at 10 o'clock A. AI, CHARLRB BAI7SII, the Respondent In above cane is hereby notified of above rule, service of 'oiler of the same on !dm having failed, on account of Ma absence GEORGE H EARLE, Attorney for Libellant. fe4•ew4t TN THE ORPHANS'. COURT FOR IN 7HE CITY AND COMITY OT FETILADELrguie Betide of HAETT CHARM:Of. Deceased. , The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adJuet the account of 'JOSEPH PRICE, Executor of Samuel P. Simmons. Who was Executor of Hartt (*ran dom, deceased, and to.repott distribution of the ba• lance in the hands of the accountant, wilt meet the parties interested. for the impanel of ble appointment. on -TUR.DAT the IR& da Of •Februarv, MS.' at f_ 4.lfliekiA.i. r,10..111411'. 11 1 1 - "THR ORPHANS' COURT FOR ncs.CLITY AND 0017 WIT OP PHILADILPHIA Estate of JOHN HILLS. Dseeseed. Mu Matto/ appointed by the Conti to audit, settle, and adjust the • account of • JOHN D. SIDSBOTHAM, administrator of John Mills, deceased. and report die. trihntion4 will meet the pat ties interested for thepur poses of his appointment, on MONDAY, Pebrtutt7 RA. 1866 N at 4 o'clock P. M., at his °Mae, o 114 1601111 SNVIITTII Street, in the eltrof Philadelphia cksak,im H.. DOWAIZIG. Auditor. hie-mwf 6t* PULE—SCIMYLKILL COUNTY, su— et an Orphans' Court, held at Pottsville, in and for said onnnty, on the seventh of December, 1841. be fore the Ron. JAMES RYON,presideot. and. BSS3A MIN HAMNER and JACOB KLINE, Ems., associate judges, In the Metter of the partition of the Estate of ANGEL ARNOLD, late of the city of Philadelphia; deceased: And now. December 1, 11E4. the Court here confirm the said return and inquisition of the - Sheriff, end di rect notice to all of the said heirs (to .be published aft hereinhefore directed aa to the bolding of. the Inquisi tion) to come into Court and aecept of the said Real *tato at the appraised value thereof, on the first MOND AY of March next. or show cause why the same should not be sold by • the Administrators of the said Estate. And it appearing to the Court that PHILIP LRROLD, one of the raid heirs, died since the commencement of these preceedings. leaving issue Joseph, Lena, Fanny, Flora, Lizzie, Julia, and Philip Arnold. the Conrtorder them to be made pat ties to the said proceedings. And it further appearing to the said Court that the said Above named children of FRILLY ARNOLD, deceased, are minors, and that Mayer Levi, Edwin Levi, and Joseph Levi, children of Sarah Levi. deceased. and Isabella Dettlebach, Leon, Julia, Flora. and Abraham Settle bach,"ieli ildren of Parana Dettlebach, deceased, and are also minors, the Court here appoint MARCUS CAUFF MAR. of the city of Philadelphia, a friend of the fami lies; to be guardian at litem for all of the said minor children, in the said proceedings named. By the Court. A. DO.llllgLaN. a4-sret ' Clerk. EDUCATIONAL. PHILADELPHIACOLLEGIATE IN STITUTE FOR Y 0171143 LaDM 1530 ARCH iltroet. Rev.. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. D. And D. °Lat. FENCE BRITS. A IL, Principals. fe7.6l* VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY. MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four miles from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough coarse in Mathematiss. Clasalen,_ Natural Solenerm, and &Leta practical lair lama in Civil Itnginertring. Pupils received at ring time. and of an ogee, and enjoy the benefits of a home. :NO , fells tO John Q. Capp dt Son, 2S South Third street; Thos. J. Clayton, ~ Itmr'and Prune streets; ex-Eilioril Earn, and en. Address Rev. J. REEVEY BAR TON. A. II VILLAGE GREEN. Penn's. nod-era i'RIENDS' PRIMARY, SECONDARY, and GRAMMAR SCHOOLS (the latter for Girls only) will commence a new term. Second month ( rebruary) IS. In Came schools *thorough educa tion n may be ob tained. Patronage of the public is solicited. Prices from 17 to $lB per term. Entrance, Meeting house Oat., FOURTH btreet, below Green, and 534 DILL. 'WU Street. Illygnancrs.—Willtarn H. Lorick. 331 North Sixth et; Macpherson Saunders. 648 York avenue. fo4 am irtr. 4t COAL. Minus J. ORA*. ORAN & HEMPHELL, _ 'MAMMA rig. untrou AND safifiarrt,r. COAL, Of_all sizes and of best qualities. Carefully picked and screened. and invariably at the lowest cash prices. Once and rand, WILLOW, below PIFTBSNTH Street. Air Orders esa be left at 148 North SIXTH Street, 653 North TENTH Street, 1433 BABOLAY Street, or through the Post Once, which will be Pronl.l3/Y and tottisfatterily filled. jail ESCHREINER, NEW COAL DEPOT, . NOBLE Street, ahoy' Ninth.street. _ Constantly on hand superior qualities of Lehish and Schuylkill Coal, selectsd expressly for faintly Ourponee at the lowest market prices. Wharf Twenty-thlri street, below Arch street. Office 119 South FOURTH Street • oc4o•6in PURE LEIIIGH COAL.-HOUBB KEEPERS can rely on getting a pure article at S. 1 corner FROST and POPLAR. .1. W. HAMPTON. jalLiam• COAL, COAL COAL. H. OUITE ' RMAX & 00.'6 COAL, the best In the city For sale at the I:weet cash_ MANTUA 00/1. YARD, server THIRTY-FIFTH Street and PURIM VANIA Railroad. Lbelo-141.3 W. D. EBSTOM. Ci, ENII I N E EAGLE VEIN COAL, N.- 0 EQUAL. IF MOT SUPERIOR TO LEHIGH. - - A trial will secureyour custom. Beg and Stoveg illo per ton; Large Nnt, RD Office 121 South E_Q_ Street, below Oheetont. Depot 1419 CALLOW Street, abw•Brool. , selAihn 0 A L.—131:7 A.R LOAF, BEAVER beat ‘- foWlitv4urtilise.rigiimgonhuilfile'DVDTrtil ProwAy for family use. Depot N. W. corner MONTE and WILLOW Streets. Once No. 112 South SECOND Street. CaP54O J. WALTON & CO. To MANUFACTURERS. On baud, a good Runde or COLORED COP 3. Blab and gray. No. ID, suitable for Balmoral's and ran. taJoon aorta. Also, all Not. of - Cotton Yarn, 6 to 70, JutaYerns, Li nen Can* Chain, Wick, Twines, and Wadding. lag It. T. WHIT, f04.6i 237 BURIDIT Street WRITE VIRGIN WAX OF earrnaz B. • • —A new French Cosmetic' for beautifying and pre serving the complexion. It le the most wonderful iota. pound of theage. There Is neither chalk, powder, mag. aesia, bismuth, nor tale in its cOutposition. It being eomraesd entirely of pare Virgin Wax; hence the ex traordinary qualities for preserving the skin, making it soft, smooth, fair, and transparent. It makes the old appear young,tbe homely hondsoms.the handsome more beautiful, and the mort'beautifnl divine. Priam 30 sod, 50 caste. Prepared only by HORT & CO., Perini:ere. 41 South BIGI1TH• Street two doors above Chestnut. and 133 South lINVRNTH Street, above Walnut. COTTON AND FLAX BAIL DIME aad OANVAB, of all =unbars sad branda Tant, awning,. Trnak, and Wagoa•cover Duck. Ala. Paper Manufacturers' Diter Pelts; frozrol to b feet widit Pauline. Beating. Bai rOßJ svzasua & ao.. aoS-If No. 103 .10A18' q A lit Oct rOl 47 4 ; Lir ; —. r f THE P ROBERT J. Hi1d711114.. BLLIS BRANSON. RAWit4F4 .. D -- - • IMPORTANT TO RAIRAILWAY ___ YELLER.—Tor fell informaties in reference td Kona, Distanees, sad Gonneotioae, illwrtrated by one hundred Railway Mare, reprosenUncthe got the gauntry, gee APPLETON'S note PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL. ROAD. ) - , t 2 , ' . • . On and after Monday, December 28th, 1E64, thactq of the Penneylvanis Railroad will leave the New D at THIRTIETH ant MARKET Ste., Instead of Marrs and Market Streets, as heretofore. The Second and 1 bird. Fourth and Eighth. Orel and: ' Coate& Fifth and - Sixth, Union Line. Tenth and Eleventh, Thirtvnth and Fifteenth, Seventeenth and Nineteenth Dity Paean:um Hallways, connect with. the, Marls el• street Railway. whose care MA to and from Pennsylvania Central Railroad Depot in W pb The cars of the Market-street Paseenger Ridgway leave Front street every two minutes. commencing', one hour previous to the time of departure of each Train, and allow about 30 11110 wee fors trip. Theikcare Ara tn width:igen the arrival of each Trails to aoniev passengers Into the city. On SUNDATS—Cars leave Eleventh and Market at 7.46 P. M.. to *canoed with Pittebarg and Erie Maio and at 10.26 P. M. with Philadelphia Rzpreta I Mann's Baggage lc:prase will hereafter be located at., No. 31 south Fdeventh street. Parties desiring baggage teken'hythe trains, em have It done at reasonable rates upon Implication to him. TRAINS LEAVE AND ARRIVE AT DEPOT THUS: LEAVE. MAIL TRAIN..• • • at 800 AI:M. ,KAOII.AOCOMMODATION, NO. 1.... " 1000 FAST LINE" 12.00 N. PA EKESBURG " 110 P. M. -HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION.. • " 2.30 LAIICASTERI AcColkadoDATion..... " 4.00 " PAOLI TRAIN, No. 2 " 6.30 ." PITTSBDRO AND BRIE MAIL " 890 " " 11.10 AROMA : RIM 1, " -- • " 889 PITTSBURG AND PHILADELPHIA EXPREBB . . «.. " 7.06 PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, NO . 1... . " ," •• •• LA CAbTEE TRAIL.« "19 30 P. IC TART LINE ' • " ' " It 50 ." PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No. " 4.40 ;" MAIL TRATIY.....L.:. 5.46 ", HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION " 9.40 :" Phlladeiphila Exoresillearee dally.._.Pitteburr !and Brie Mall leaves daily (except Saturday) All other Trains daily (except Sandia%) For farther information, as to time and eolmotiOng , see bills and framed cards or apply to JOHN T. VADLIZR• Js.. Tielret.iant, • - .• . at.she.Depot AL militant Train rani daily (•noard Sunday.) :109 fall information as so fare and seaeommodatloan, Apply toSG PEA SCIII , tf 107 DOORStreak. ARRANGINISNTB OF 1864.7413 w YORK LINES. 1064. .• • TEN CAMDK 6O AE ti firßia AND TRENTON RAILROAD 0 LINES APRON PHILADDLPHIA NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, • •• • . most-wAmear aranerr WILL LRAVB FOLLoWs--TI.: • . FAA*. ' At . 6 • Oaniden and Amboy. O. 610 • eonuuodation• . ...... • -••-- • •-•••• x 39--• At/VA:AC via Castidel and Jersey City, Marian Rrpress•-• .. . .... ................... - • 100 At 12 M., ...... and Amboy, 0: and A. As-, ecommodation At 2P. via Camden and Amboy. C. An A. Rs. Atl e M., via Camden and Amboy,Acarantods- 3 9I tion(Freight and Passenger) ........ 1 75 Al 6 P. M... Aria Camden and Amboy, Amon:mods tion (Freight and Passenger)-lit Class Ticket • 3 111 DA. do. 2d 011ue Ticket. 160 At 1134 P. M.via Camden and Amboy. Accommo-1 . dation ( Fre i ght and Passenger )- let Class Ticket.; 3 26 - do. 2d Class Ticket. 1 60 For Belvfdere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, . at 3.80 P. M. For Mont 801 l Zwartsville,_l'embeztoi, and Yin eentown, at 6 A. M. , 2 and 6 P. M. For Freehold at 6 A. Al and 2 P. M. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanoo, Beverly, Edgewa ter Burlins ton, Florence, Bordentown. A.., at S and 11.A..M.. giLandfll)4P._M..A. The lial and "6 P. M. lines ran direct through to Trenton. For Palmyra. Riverton , Delano". Beverly, and Dar lington, at 7 P. M LIARS FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: 'At ILIS A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, ress At il. Rep SO P. IL , via Kensingkin and Jersey Oity,Kg- 300 Drees ........«....«._. 3 OD At 6.45 P M., via Kensington and Jersey City. Washington and Bew York lbrprees.^......--. 3 00 At 12 P. ki (Night), via Kensington and Jersey Ont. Washini4on and New York Mail.— -.2 25 The 6.46 . _M. Line will ran . daily . All others Sun days excepted. For Buffalo, Dunkirk, Rimini, Ithaca, OwegO,' Ro chester, Binghampton, Great Bend,• Montrose , Wilkes barre, Scranton, Strondebnrg. Water Gap,Ranch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere Ralston, Lambertville, Flemington, ko., at 7.16 A. M. This line connects 'with the train leaving ReAtonler Mama Chunk at 3.30 P. M. _ For Lambertville at' SP . M. on Saturdays only. For Bristol. Trenton. &a.. at-7.35 and 11:16 A. D., 3 and 6P. M. and 12 midnight. For Bolmesburg, Tscony,•Wissonoming, Bridesbarg. and Frankford, at 9 A. M. ;Cc 6. and'fs4. 31. -11 f For New York and W_ay Lince leaving Remedies. ton Depot, take the cars on Mb street, above Walnut, Dalian hoar before departure. The cars ran Into We and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot.My pounds of Baggage only allowed each renew rs are prohibited from taking anything as lige but their wearing apparel. All baggage over. pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar perottnd, and will hot be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. Graham's Baggageßiomes will call for and dellyer baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at No. 9 Wal nut street. WILLUJI, R. GAFEMER, Agent. December 21, DM. LINES FROM NBW YORK FOR PIiELADILPRIA. WILL LEAVE PRO% TIM FOOT OP 0011ITLAND MUM. At 12 M. and 4 P. M. 111/i Jersey City and Camden. At 7, IQ, and 6 P. M. and 17 (Night), Jet , eey )131 i Voloot e :lßs g itty street at 6A. N. and I P. . via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 M. , 4, and BP.IN. (freight and passenger). Amboy and. Camden. del-tf 1865. aingliPMEi 1865. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest sounsies of Pennsylvania to the city Eels . masks Erie. qt hail been leased by the PENNETLNANIA sArr,, ROAD COMPANY. and. Is operated by them. De entire length was opened for passenger and freight business October 17th, 1894. t • . TIME 07 7ABBBNOBRIIIIAXIM AT P•i=annt.Pla.L.: Leave Weetwar& Mall Train. --- an P. pc Lock Haven Accommodation Train • • —•-••• - .9. WA. -Passenger ears run through on Mill Train_without 'hence both ways between Philadelphia and Mai% and Baltimore and Erie. - • Elegant Sleeping Cars on Elmira Express Traine both 'ways between Philadelphia!and Look Haven, arid on Elmira Erpress Train both Nays between Wil liamsport aiid!Baltimors. • _-• • - - • For information respecting passenger bncineee. amply corner THIRTIETH and MARKET Philadslphisi, And for Freight business of the Company's Aists. S. -B. EINOSTON. Jr.:' corner THIRTUA. .id MAR KE T Streets, Philadelphia. BSYNOLDI3; Erik J. M. DRIIL. Agent N. •0. E. E.. Baltimore. . H. H. HOUSTON...— Gensiial Frei • t - eat PliNadelphia. H.V • ISV INNER. . • ammigsp_.PHILADELPHIA., MOM RAILROAD. WILMINGTON, AND BALTI- Trani TABLE. Commencing MONDAY. JANUARY 18, 1885, Trains will leave Depot , corner BROAD Street and WASHING TON Avenue, as follows: Express Train. at 4.05 A. M. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington. Perryville, Havre de-Grace; Aberdeen, Perryman's, and Magnolia. Way:Mail Train, at 8.15 A.M. (Ettindays excepted) for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stallons, connecting with Delaware Bailroad at Wilmington for Milford. Salisbury, and intermediate stations Express Train at 1 15 P. M. (Sand als excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester. Wil mington, Elkton, Perryville. and Havre-de• Grace. Express Train at 8.435 P. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washing ton , stopping at Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North- Seat, Perryville, Havre-de- Grace, Perryman's. and Magnolia Night Express at 11-15 P. M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester (only to take Baltimore4nd Washington passengers). Wilmington,. Newark , RlX ton, North-East, Pertyvil ,le and Havre-de-Grace. • Passengeni for FORTRESS MONROE will take the &15 A. • ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. Leave PhiLadolnhis at II A. M., 2, 8.80,0.30: - and 10 P. id. The 890 P. 11. train conne•ta with Delaware R. R. for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington at 6.40, 8, and P.M A. M., 2.30 and -6.80 P. M. THROUGH TRAMS PROM BALTIMORE. _ Le dirliV i. 14,873; aid P. M. • CHESTER FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Chester at 746. A. ill 12.3 e, &11. 4.64, 7.20, and 9.06 P. M. • Y AI. Express Train at S 4.06H8DA A. M. TR for NS Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington. Perryville Havre-de. Orace. Aberdeen, Pen7man's. and Magnolia. Bight Bxprem at 11.16 P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Cheater (for Baltimore and Washlngtv paseengers), Wilmington, Newark. Rik ton, Borth. East, Perryville, and Havra de- erase Accommodation Train at 10 P. N. for Wilmington and way stations. BALTIMORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9.26 P. M., stopping at Havre-de- Orace, Perryville, and Wilmington. Also stops at Elk ton and Newark ao take passengers 4or Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore), Washinand Chester to leave gt passengers from Baltimore or n. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6.33 P. M. FROM BALTIMORE TO PHIL SDILLTHLL Leave Baltimore 8.3,5 A M , Way Mall; 1.10 P. AL Etspress.• 496 P. M., Way Train; 6.96 P. M„ Express: 9.24 i P. , Express. • TRAMS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Qlkester at S. 67 A. M., I. 69_and 11.60 P. Et Leave -Wiltlliagtoa 6.13. •A. M.. a 26 . 6 . 02 . and 12.26 P M. Freight train, with Passenger Car attained, will leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate elation at 7.66 P. M.• j a e H. P. KENNET. Snp't. 1866 —P H I L •A• •DDLPHIA LAD ND to all points WEST, • The direct route for the ay- OIL REGIONS OP PENNSYLVANIA, WILLIAIISPOR T BUFFALO, SUSPENSION BRIDGE, ELMIRA, NIAGARA FALLS, and all places in the Western and Northwestern Stales and the Cluutdas. • • TWO •THROUGH TRAINS • Leave Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Depot, Mir. teenth and Callowhill streets, ;Sundays oz. eepted_ ,) for . the , Rorth and West.Ae follows: • Morning Express at 8 A. M Afternoon Express at 3.30 P. Making a direct connection with all Intersecting roads. FOR THROUGH TICKETS to any point, and farther particulars concerning tho different routes., awls , at the TICKET OFFICE. 435 CHESTNUT Street, under the Philadelphia Bank. and 'opposite the Custom House. • N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent, 425 Chestn JOHN B. HILLES, General ut Os st et iaf Thirteenth and Callow= str ai N amig WEST •JEESEY RAILROAD LINER. • NEW ARRANGEMENT. Oa and after MONDAY, January 2, 1863, Train" will leave h om WALN UT-STRBST PIER asloilows: For CAPE MaY, and all places south of MUlville, ail A. if and 3 P M. For MILL VILLE, BRIDGETON, SALEM. and all In termediate places south of Olaesboro, at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. For GLASSBORO at 9 A. M . 12 30 P. M., and 9 P. M. Poi WOODBURY, GLOUCESTER, so., at 9 A. M., 1230 P. M., 3 and 6 P.M. RETURNING. Leave Cape May it 6.30 A. M. and 11.46 A. M. LeaveMlllvtlleat9A. M and 3P. N. Loavelit idgeton at 7. 10 A. M. and 3.10 P. M. Leave Salem at 7 A. M. and 3 P. M. Leave Woodbury at 7, 8.41, and 10.44 A. X., tad 4.43 Poet. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS CO ANT will attend to all the naval branobes of Express Bust netts, receive deliver, and forward through other re eponsible IsoreoloCompanies,to all parts of the country, Any article entrusted to them, A Special Messenger accompanies seals Through Train. Office, So. 5 WALNUT Street. J . FAN .11111188F.L AIM, Superintendent. PHILADELPRIA, Jemmy 2, 1926. - • a l ipm,i WE ST OH. 8.8 T B AND PHILADELPHIA Hine • ROAD, VIA MEDIA. CHANCE OF HODES. • •, • On and after MONDAY, Oct. 10, 1854, the trainslo leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of THlrc 11 FIRST and MADE= Streets (West Philadelphia), al &la and 11 A. IL , and at 2, 4. Id, and 8.80 P. M. UMW' West Chester at 8. SI, 8.16, and 10.30 A. XI 'and Lland 4.90 P. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.15 A.M. and 4. P. M., and West Chester at 8 16A. M. and 1.80 P. IL , eon. neat with trains on -the Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and intermediate points. On Einndays leave Philadelphia at ti 83 A. M. lurd O w n r.Leave West Cher at 8 Ak. and 4P. X Sundays the cars es of t the West M. Philadelphia Banger Railroad Company will leave Eleventh Snd Mar ket streets at thirtyminntes before the starting time of trains from the Wee t Philadelphia Depot, and will be at the Depot to convey passengers into the city on the arrival of each train. nommen are allowed to take wearing apparel only AB Baggage, and in no caee: will the Comma, re• sPonsible for an amount ex ceeding 111100. 1/E19111" WOOD, Baririntandent. RA RITAN AND DRIAWARB BAY RAILROAD. YRILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN. NARK $2. EXOuItSION VOMIT% GOOD FOB THERE DAYS. 43. Fomenters tor IttpresoTrolutorTasketton. B Lynam, Toms Blyer, Lott Brooch, and Brooklyn leave Vila , STRBBT FERRY at 11 15 at dant (Bandon ex. "true ), arriLireslvta Brooklyn P. K iRB.BY, Brook -17 at 9 AL,aa. . Way Train for Ataion, Shaming, Manaheater, &a, 44 Yell 000109 Va Point at 7. 46 A. K. "a tt L. B. co/41. Anat. Oagagen. . _ -A F EBlttrkny - . 7.-1865 7 g• . • •.• BAXLRoMi LIN witymigan"BlT' i V AW I A RAILROAD -,419 1 BITHLIIIIVDOILBEITO97D, asuart mom" lIARTON W WANSPORT, WUXI:IBS/LEM, as. • OPEN ANNA-WO SKINY. . Passenger Train= dilly ys the neW Depot, THIRD . :alkeen ,Thonti,iiine • (BandaexY• 1, ila , folbi : At 7 . e 30 A. M. (11xDresiO for Bethlehem. Alle . i_tiert. lianch - .Ohnng, Hazleton, Williazwiport. harm /se. At 9.90 P. N. I/sprees) for Bethlehem. Beaton , ata. 'At 5:15 P. N. for Bethlehem, Allentown. Naga For Doylestown at 9.60 A. H. and 4.16 P.N. For Fort Washington at LIE P. K. Fer Lansdale at 6.15 P. N. White airs of the tiebond and Third-RW*OU , LiatiOlty Passenger ROlway ran dln=the new Depot. TRAINS FOR P 16414111 Bethlehem et 6.90 A. IL, 10.02 A. N.. and Elf P. IL r,...f. . Doylestown at 6.80 AIL- and 1:411Pe. Y. Leave Lau:isle At 6.10 A. IL . DUCTS Fort Washington at 9.90 P. IL • OW SUNDAYS. • . Philadelphia for Doylestown at 9.30 A. ILisid.l* . P.N. - Doylestown for PitiladelPh SLR N: sad - IP. ttolt CLARK AgehL 4.4 a :I_ ll . 2 v,;_r_g . " 4 1,2&,: amip§p THE ADAMS RE PRESS COMPANY, OMee MOO CHESTNUT Street, forwards Paresla, Packages, Mar. standing, Bank Notes, and Spode either lay its ova lines or is eonneetion with other ireee Companies, to an the admixed Towne and (11 ea in the United States. • B. S. SANDFORD, felt 'General Superintendent. nisintAorm DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY mm.(l:fin COMPANY. INCORPORATED SYL BY .THE LW/S . D. LATHER OP PENNVANIA 183 MICR B. STREET S.. PHILADELPHIA. WALNUT MAJWIE INSURANCE ON ITUBBIA3, •CARGO, To all parts of the world. FREIGHT, INLAND INBURLNCES o n G on gs, by }liver, Canal, Lake,_ang Lead Carriage. to ell parts of the Onion. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise_ „generally, On Stores. Dwelling Homes. Ate. 'ASSISTS. OP TEN COMPANY, November 1,1864 2100,000 United" . Statea,Pve Per Ven. L0an,, • 774100,000 06 111,000 Biz • • • IR. ALS 916.00 75,050 " " • • 75,662 66 100,00 State Loan of-Pennsylvania Plve • Per Cent.. • 07,606 00 KM State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 55,840 00 MOM City of rbiladellibla Six Per Ct. Loan LAM 97 NOM Pennsylvania. Railroad First Mort - tare Six Per Cent. Bonds PLOW 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad . Second Mort- - 16:,.gage BM Per Gent. 80nd5..... ...... 69,960 00 000 Soo Shares Stook Germantown Gas • 00 P OO 7. principal • and interest nraateed by the city of Philattel . -... 16.390 15,500 130 Shares, Stock PennsylyaanFral road Company 0,163 oo 6,000 no Share/ Stook North Pennsylva nia 'Railroad Company 9060 00 60,000 United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness 121,425 00 90,000 State of Tennessee Fie Per Ct. Loan. 1.2,000 00 28,700 Loans on Bond and—.— Mortgage, amply secu 116,7T0 00 11888,260 Par. Coat $842,100 80. Market value. $867.827 87 Beal Mate -* 36,000 00 Bills receivable for insurances made. IMMO 0 Balances due. at Uencles.Premi ums on Marine Policies, Accrued Interest and other debts due- the Comand.pany —.. mO3 84 Serip Stock of sundry Insaraaos matedher Companies. $4,282. Isti valuer • 11.2110 00 (filch on d spoilt with Untied — States Covernmentsuldect to to days' ...... 100,000 00. Cash in Banks 58,164 93 Cash in Drawer 537 55 ' ---4010.02 0 DIRKOTORS: Thomas C. Hand, Samuel B. Stokes. Jobn9. Davis, J. P..Pentston, Edmond Bauder, Theolitins A. Paulding. John R, Penrose, "James Traianair, Henry C. Hallett, Jr., Jamea.C. Hand„ .WWlmin C. Ludwig. - Josea H. Beal, Gems 0. Wiper, Hugh Craig, Robert Barton. THOM JOHN 0 HENRY LYI.BITHH. =• • TNSTYRANCE COMPANY OF THE 41 " STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. —OFFICE Nos. *Asa 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, north side of WALNUT Street, between DOOR and THIRD Streets, Philadel phia. JNOOEPORATED IN 1794-11FILRTER PERPETUAL. CA PITAL I WOO.OOO. PROPERTIES OF Tall COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1, 11625,817 62. MARINE, FIRE, AND INGAN DANCE. TRANSPORTATION INSUR DIRECTORS,' Henry D. Bherrord, Tobias Wagner, 'Charles Afacalester, Thomas B. Watson, William 8. Smith, Henry G. Freeman, William R. White, Charles 8. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George 0. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr . Edward C. Knight, John B. Austin. 11BDIir - D. WILLIAM HARPER Beare PARELIANCE INBURANCE COM NY OF PHILADELPICIA. Onsorporated in IBC - • harter Fmetna. corms 308 wmatirr C irr e erss. CAPITAL, 3300,000. . Insures against lose or damage by F 17,3 House Stores, and other Buildings, or Perpetual: and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise. $m own or Country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. ASSETS, 3400.068.71. Invested in the following Securities, Fint Mort gages on City Property, well secured $lOll,OOOOO 'United States Government 141,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent - Loans. 60,000 00 Pennsylvania 113,000,060 6 per cent. Loan.... 18,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, Arid and se cond Mortgagee— -_...... • . SO, DX di Camden and Amboy . Hallfo4l4 Company's 6 per cent. Loan. •-••• •• •-•-.. ... -. ... 6.000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany's 6 per cent: Loan 5.000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 per sent. mort gage bonds. 4. County Fire Insuranee GomPany's Stock—. L 06 0610 000 0 Mechanics' Bank Stock 4.000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stook*. 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance CromrauT's Stock • 1180 00 Reliance. Insurance Company or Villndel phia's Stock - I,DX) 00 Accru Interest • &es 42 Cash Inbank and on hand • • •-•-•-•-•,,,,vtrrnsv MGM 99 Woitb at present xnuket —..,...—,== om oicin,' 7 rare • all Hill, William Munster. Charles Leland, Samuel Blspharn, Bober& Tolland, B. L. Careen, J. Johnson Brown, Robert Steen. Thomas H. Moore. William Bteyenson, OtHrtf TINGLEY. President. TAMAR o.'ffiLL, Secretary. PH December], 1864. A NTHRACITE MECHAM:IE COM a-a- PANY.—Authorised Oaraal yDO, 000 - OEARM PERPWITAL. office No. 3111 wAustrr street, between mint and fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Loss or Damage by Firs. en Buildings. Furniture. and Merchandise gene. Zo, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union,. DIRECTORS. William Raker, Davis Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Seigel.. Lewis Andenried, J. B Banm, John R. Blaskiston. William.F. Dean, Joseph Manned. John Ketcham. WILL M ESHER, President. wai.7.DXAM, Flee President. W. K. Birrra, Beerreterv. athil-ti piaz INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. A- -"MB PENNSYLVANIA PIRB INSURANCE 00.1 t. PANT. Incorporated 185: CHASTER PERPETUAL. No. MO WALNUT Street. opposite Independenee Sik sue. is - Company, favorably known to the sommonie, for nearly forty years, eontinues to bum* waited Lois or -Damage by Fire. on Public or Private artildUies, either permanently or for alimited Erne. Also. on Tar. altars, Stooks, Goods. or Merchandise genera ll y. 01 liberal-terms. • Their capital, together with a large Surplus Yrind, invested in the most careful manner, which enable' them to offer to the insured 'an undoubted security in the tees of loss. DIRECTORS. •• Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr.. Alexander Benson. John Devereux, Isaac Beilehund, Thomas/BmM, Thomas Robins, J. grimugha Heairy eu. JONATHAN PATTERSON. President WEEMAIL O. OttoWzrz, SeeretarY. A MERICAN FIRE nismuziat COMPANY. Ineorrated IBM CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. Nl.O wturr Street, *boss Third, Philadelphia. Haying a largW e paid-np Capital Stock and Surplus - rested In sound and *Tellable Securities, continues to manic on Dwellinre, Mores, Paruitare, liferchandimk Panels In Dort and their ClargOeis, and other Fononal Property. All lows liberally and promptly adJusbed. DIRECTOR& Thomas H. Maria James B. Campbell. John Welsh. Edmund G. Dutch, !Samuel C. Norton. Charles W. Poulin,. Pattick. Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis,. • • iNoit4 ALBIOLT C. L. CiaawPos.n. Fiso, INSIIRANCrit oompeivr, Ho. 406 OREBTEUTIITREET. PHILADELPHIA. FIRE AND INLAID INBURANOI. DIMICITOILEL Snaps N Busk, John W. IlarrnaL.' Charles Richardson. Robert B. Potter, Henry Lewis. John Kessler, Jr., Samuel Wright, I. D. Woodruff,' P. Justioe, Charles Stokes. George A. Waxt-; Joseph D. Elite, YRAnCIS N. SHOJI. President. CHAS. RICHLEDSON. ill* President. W. L BLANOAAAD. Secretary. 01441 MEDICAL. ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE 164 North ELEVENTH, below Bain street --,Dri.-THO MAN ALLEN, Eery encoesafni in the cure of almost every kind of disease, invites all to call at his Of- Ace, and see that his treatment Is free from shooks. AO- CONVULSIONS. —A dtsoovery has been made which seldom Mein the cure of Epilepsy or Fite of an other kind. Any one desiring a knowledge of this practice can entevat any time for full instruc tions. thuds and Testimonials at the Office. Hours A. AL to 6P. M. Gonsultattons free. Dr. THOS ALLEN, Electrician. J/17.8m 154 N. ELEVENTH St.. below Sam ECTR OPAT HI (I ESTABLISH. •A-• MINT for the mire of diseases incurable with me dicine, by Dr. A. H. STEVENS, one of the dissoverers of an entire newerstem of ELIOTRICLL PRACTICE at 141 E *lath P N SQUA_RE. AP- Please sal , or send for a pamphlet and learn per ticalare. No charge:for consultation. air Physicians and others desiring instruction eas enter for a full course any time . after MONDAY, ary 2d, IBM Any member of the *lass lust mayre'rlew without say shame. • 3a.241 D RAWS GMAT TOBACOO, CIGAR, AND PIPE smut. No. 413, CHESTINDT Street, Philadelphia. Pa, iscan keeps the greatest assortment. stn keeps she greatest variety an keeps Um largeot general 'stoal. on can get any laid of Tobago*. • Ton can get any kind of Cigars, on sail get any kind of Pipeili, NOE cannot any kind of Swift, Al' DEAN'S GREAT TOBACCO WORE. No. 413 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ra. When you go to Dean's yon can get anything pox Vaal in the way of Plug, Fine Cut and Smoking Tohae• etese,, Domestic and HilVani. Cigar,, Pipes, Ise. ~., 2 eact keeps the largest general stook of Tobacco , ' Mears. Pipes, ho., in the Halted States. Dean's sales are so extensive that hectic afford to NH at about one-half what others sell for. Dean sells to the Army of the Pots:msg. • Dean sells to the Army Of the Jamas. Peen sells to the Army of the Tennessee. OUR sells to the Army of the Cumberland. Onnboatgall order their Tobacco, Cigars_nolg. 24.. from DELIS'S, No. 413 CHESTNUT Meet Pennsylvania merchants all buy at . Dellat' e• Few Jersey merchants all buy at Dean's. Delaware merchants all bay at Dean's, is they can always get Just what they want, and at a much lower price than they can elsewhere, and they .lo not have to plat up their bode at a deceit little Bores. All goods ordered are guaranteed to give gatisfaetion. Order ones and yon will always order from Dean's, as his plug and fine out eheWing and smoking tobwoes and cigars are far superior to all others,N4 - he sells for much lest. DEA2'B, No. 112 CH.HST noTt-tf PhtLadelpttna- nERMETIOALLY SEALED MEATS AID SOUPS. 020 doz s aim ast Baa Meat. OCO " Boor 600 " do Ve o al. 600 " do Mutton. 1,000 " do Turkey. 1.000 " •do Woken. 3,00) " emsortod Boum to I, 2. 2% lb. nos. Por Nilo by 31110 DES & WILMA 118, 700-ti 107 South WATilt, Stmt. Cm.* ro Henry Moen, William O. Bannon. ildward Darlington. . H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, James B McFarl*U, Joshua P.' lyre, fteneer MoII aine J John B. Semple, Pittsbur 'A. B. Berger, Pittaboan C. HAND President. DAVIS, Vies President. del&ly . SEfERIORD, Prestdrint. y. nole-tt ~ 1:168 71 8 E. KAKIS, Preddint. Elearetary. fe97-t1 ' 4 VitAipoitAiLs. in II ART RMA ST OFFICS,c •”cv . Coiner TVINLRTH suadiOIRIZED. I PirrnAnowernA. Feb YMk SEALED PROPOSALS will be resolved at this Oille•• until 12 o'clock l 4 s MONDAY. Febrnary 18,1111121 , for the immediate del iv ery at the United States store house, RA NOVI& Street Wharf, properly Peeked. cod readyofeedraverportallepf• • =I SITS 131X-2111LEMA.G011 1 1 / 1 3INT8S. comp lete. The same to be of the best quality and make. an d .snb ieet to the inspection of an inspector appointed on tke pert of ; the Government. • • The abo'veideebribed Harnesr(to be' made in accord ance with sample anti opecincations. to be seen at the Hanover. etroot Storehouse , • , Bidders will state Nice both In Writing' and Stores (to include boxes and delivery), the quantity bid for, led the' aliorteet time they can denier them in Ail proposals must be made out on printed blanks.. Which may be. bad on appliostiols at this once, other wise the bid will be rejected. Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per &MC whose eignl4lll4lo must 1 1 )thi c tioplinded to th e guaran tee, and certified to as being aniiiinticient security for the amount involved. by e United States District Judge, Attorney._ or Collector, or other public officer: • ddli•i, tee the bid Will net be considered. ..The right fa reserved to reject all tilde deemed too high. Bide from defaulting contractor', end those that do not hilly comply with the requirements of this advertise , pent, wi order of 001. Iterll not be considered. By MAIMIWOL-B.'Ohljt2_4r - Wingate?. (MO ROB R. 0 fe7-dt _Captain and 4.."rtili. QUA RT RRM A B T I ER! OFFIOX, corner Twutrrif and dratali'greets. PICILaniILPHIA, Pa. February 4, 11366. SEALED PROPOSALS will ' be received at this °Moe until, 12 .0' clock. X. PELDAY, February 10, 1 86 1. for the immediate delivery at the United !Mateo. Store house. Hanover•strest wharf, properly packed. and ready for transportation, of the following described quartermaster's_ stores—vii; 2,000 yards Enameled Cloth, 60 Inches wide, beet qua . I. (CO ll orso.Co ll ars, 17 to 22 inches—hot 's skim 2,000 Wagon Cerere,•lo oz. ' cotton thick, as per Sam ple of cover at United States Storehouse; one yard sam ple of duck roonLred. 2,000 Mnie Collars, 10 to 17 inches—hog's skin %GB yards Cotton Duck, 28 inches Wide, Boa. 10 and 800 pairs Mule Games, 17 inches from top to bottom (hole). 20.000 pounds Harness Leather, oak-tanned. LW Ms Per tide when finished, marked rnel* Leather, with weight. 1, COO aidie Bridle Leather, oak-tanned. 10 toll !barer side when finished, marked Bridle Leather and nrim r' of sides in each _roil, with weight. 6.000 pounds oil- tanned Leather, thin sidea. CO Pauline, to be made in the , best manner, of 15-or. cotton duck, 2131‘ inches quality, army stand ard, _with tabling,. all round; etre •20x30 feet sz.kinfi ertadred, es per sample of Paulin at Hanover. street Store house-1 yard sample of duck required. • so pieces Battinet, 134 yards wide, bine an d green. 2,000 Whips , bisoluineke.all leather.solid,firti weight and size. dco pounds optimist. poundekUnrome Green, in ol4;2, 8. and S. TS wine. WO pounds Gum Shell se _ W. pounds Pumice Stone. powdered lloke pounds White Lead in 60 and ICO. lb kegs ( Lewis'). All of the above- descr ibed to be of the beet quality, and subject to the Inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Government. Bidders will state price, "to teietteete boxes and de /item," writing and loves, the quantity bid for, and the time of delivery stated; and no schedule Prices will be received. All simples to be sent to the Government Warebouile, Hanover-street wharf. All proposals must be made out on printed 'blanks, Which may be bad on application at this Mice; other wise the bid will be rejected. bash bidinuat belnaranteed by two responsible per sonmerhose signaturtni must be appended to'the guaran tee, and certified to as berm' good and sufficient. seanritY for the amounginvolved: by. the United States District Judge, Attornever Collector. or other public ofileer otherwise the bid will not be considered. The right Is reserved to reject all bids deemed too hi ßid gh. s from defaulting contractors, and those thit do lot fully comply wtth thb requirements of this adver tisement, Will not be considered. By order of Col. R. BIGGS, Chi ef IB Quartermaster. O. fe4.6t Captain and A. Q ARMY SUPPLIES`. OLOTEIM BUSMAN QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OTTIOR. WARRINGTON. February 8, 1885 8111ALEB , PROPORALS %ill be receivedfat the office of Army Clothing and Equipage, New York, nntll 12 o'clock M. WADaEBDAY, the Bth inst for furnishing by-contrac t, at the depot of Army Olothing ad Equip age, Now fork, llin-mnla wagon harness complete. To be made according to specifications, which can be seen at this office. Bidders will state the quantity they propose to furnish, and the shortest time In which they can deliver it. All proposals should be accompanied by a proper guarantee for the faithful performer ce of a contract. The United Static reserves the right to reject all bids deemed objectionable. Proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for tar nishing Harness." And addressed to . Br Brig. Oeneral H. VINTON. fee-2t D. Q. IL General. New York City. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSIST sacs. No. Ems weizarr strait, PRILADELPBTA, February d, 11386. SBALED PROPOSALS, IN DOPLICATB, _ will be received at this o ffi ce until 12 o'clock If., on WEBERS 'DAY February 8, 1888, for supplying for the use of the United States Army the following subsistence storm delivered in Phil adelphia, : • 3,000 bbis. EXTRA. SUPERFINE or EXTRA. FA MILY FLODR.(which to be stated), in new, well-coopered barrels, fully head-lined. To have been around •within thirty days of de livery. Name of brand and place of manu factnee to be stated. in the proposaL To be delivered within the month of February. 100,000 pounds first quality PILOT BREAD, to be made from good sound extra Hour, thorough ly baked and perfectly dried before being packed. To be pecked in boxes of well sea soned wood, of such a kind as will not impart! twee to the bread. Bores to contain fifty pounds net. To be delivered within the month of February. 19,000 pounds first quality kiln dried CORNMEAL, in well coopered barrels, fully head-lined. Brand: to be mentiosed. To be delivered • within teneaye from award 500 pounds extra tine YOUNG HYSON TEA, in original package* Chop mark, to be men- Boned in the proposaL To be delivered within five days from award. 100.000 pounds light yellow COFFEE SiJGAR, or choice dry RAW SUGAR. Barrels to be the best in use for the purpose. To be delivered • within ten days from award 515,000 pounds coarse pulverized WHITE SUGAR, In strong barrels. To be delivered within ton days from sward 2.000 pounds 'CRUSHED SUGAR. 'ln strong bar rels. award. 1.000 pounds JAVA ODENSE, in original bags To be delivered within five days from award. 50,000 pounds clean,lLue, dry SALT,in strong head lined barrels. To be delivered within teu day s from award. E,OOO pounds pure ground BLACK PEPPER, In four-ounce papers Bidders will state the vs riety of Pepper offered, and will furnish a sample in *vain as well as around. To be de• livered within ten dal s from award. 1,000 gallone good lint WHISKY. Barrels to be of good seasoned white oak staves and heads; to have twelve wooden and four iron hoops; iron ha and- bowie to be painted. To be delivered within lea days from award. Samples of all the above articles must be delivered With tee bide. and referred to therein, but proposals .9Fulfthokbetunelosed with sampled.. Belnplee must be in boxes or hottlee.distinctlYmarhod. and not In paper parcels. - 481Bilit-ittnitegisXin dn.) t i e • whole or any rsr , , : aotairosi.a.ssosto -..-..-ta - tera copy or this advertisement must be attached to each bid, and the proposals must be specific in cont plying with &lilts terms. Each bid must have the written . gnarantee of two responsible names, for the falfilment agreement, wbo will ve bonds if required BLANK FORMS FOR PROPOSALS. containing the form of guarantee, - may be had on application at this (Ake. The seller's name, place of business, and date of pur chase, name of contents, with gross, tare, and net 'weights, mint be marked on every package, and all old marks must be obliterated. Returns of weights, by public weigher*, must be given if required. screement No bide from parties be who have failed to fulfil a former will ude 'considere packages d and delivery at any point in this city to be designated by this office; and any in ferior packages or cooperage will be considered sufficient eanse for. rejection. of cow ants. • • Payment will be made in current handle. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for Babsfetente Stores, and directed to ISAAC B. WIGOIN, fatil Capt. and C. 8. CHIEF Qtre.RTERMASTER'S OF PICB. PRILADRLPIITA, January 81, 1888. SEALED PROPOSALS. will be received at this office, until 12 o'clock M., on WEDNESDAY. the Bth Febru arr next, for supplying the SGEWILKILL ABSENAL with the following articles, 'viz: . Skyblus Homey. .64 or 6-4 wide, army standard. To be delivered immediately or within a short time. Dark Blue Flannel. 3 4 or 6 4 wide, army standard. Canton Flannel . , 8-4 wide. do. Gray Flannel, Cotton and Wool, 8-4 wide, sample re quired. • uotton Drilling, 3-4 wide, sample required. Brown Muslin, 4-4 wide, do. Cotton Duck. 8 mince. do. Ambulance Guidons, with Staves, army standard. Bat Cords and Tassels, uaralry. do. Tarred Hope Yfern, sample required. Hospital-Tents and Flies, army standard. Itegiumetal Colors, Infantry, do. Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures most be appended to Gm guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved, by some public fanctiodary of the United States. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requtremente of this adver tisement. will not be considered. Blank forms for proposal., embracing the terms of the guarantee required on each bid can be had on applica tion at this office, and none others which do not em brace this guarantee will be considered, nor will any proposal be considered which does not strictly conform to the requirements therein stated. Bidders will state the quantity they propose to furnish, how soon they can commence, and the quantity they can deliver weekly. The right is reserved by the United States to reject any part or the whole of the bids, am may be deemed best for the interest of the service. Samples of such articles as are required to be of army standard can be seen at tide office. Proposals must be endorsed "Proposals for Army Supplies." stating the particular article bid for. HERMAN BIGGS, fel•7t Colonel Quartermaster's Department. /Tl 3 :1 t 1 sifflo :DA • WM. M. FABER & CO. raoar FOUNDER& STRAY- ENG I NE MUMS. GENERAL MACIEUNISTE. AND BOILER MARINA, 118/11 Tan • ` PENNSYLVANIA R UMW AD PASSENGER STATION. PITTSBURG, PENNA.. Manufacture all kinds of STEAK ENGINES, from three to one hundred and fifty horse-pow= suited for Grist MBA Saw Mills, Blast -Furnaces, Oil Wells, dm:, do. (31re particular attention to the construction of En gines and Machinery for oil boring and pumping OPIIIII. 110116. -Bays always on hand, finished and ready for shipment, ENGINES and BOILERS of wrery desalts. Lion. Orders from all parts of the country solleittal and Promptly filled. jal6.Bm J. VAIIGICAN MEISITOE. WILLIAM X. KERILIan. JOHN N. COPS. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WA/MUM/TON EWRZEIII. PELILADELYEL/1. MEESE el SONG. ENGINEERS AND MACRINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines. for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Mats. ; CaeP Inge of all kinds, either iron or brass. • Iron. frame Boots for Gas Works. Workshops, laß. road Stations, Ati. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most proved construction. Every description of Plantation Xachinery, gush se Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills. Vacuum Pans. Oven Steam Trains, Defecatois,Piltere, Pumping to nee. &a. Sole agents for N. Milieux's Patent &gar -Soiling A)- panfuls. Nesmyth's Patent Steam Harnmer,.anct Aspin wall ne. Weis'''. Patent Centrifugal Snialf4fraining Machi Anl2-tf I nk PENN STEAM. ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. —BEAM & PRACTICAL AND THRORETICAL Rif onsraute, auk. OBIBISTS, BOILIILMAKBES, BLACKSMITHS. and POUNDERS, baying for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low ma sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, no. As., respectfnily offer their services to tfie public, as , being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Ma rine, Itiver and Stationary ; having mats of pattern of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Beery description of pattern-making =de at the shortest notice. High and Low•pressara, Fine, 7411,111 a? and Cylinder Ho ll ers, of the best Penn. sylvania char coal iron Forging!' of all sizes and kinds, Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; Koll- Turning, Screw- Cu dug. and all other work conneeted with the above business. Drawings fr ee peficati for all work dons at ths establishment of charge. and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re. pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and Sr. provided with shears, blocks, falls, &o. for raising helm or light weights. JACOB O—HALPIN, jell-ti BRAOR JOHN P. LEVY. and PALMER Streets. MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM EL GINE BUILDERS, Iron Pounders, and Oenerel Machinists and Boiler Maher,. No. 1119 . CALLOW. HILL Street. Philadelphia. fe9o-ti . its ' I ft • • MOORE & CAMPION. Booth dBOOND litreet, are premed to follow the decline in the market in the prior of their furniture. Pardtumersplease call and W 31111141 our stock. ea & lea _ _ BEWARE THE NORTHEASTER 1— BRowaws PATENT WITALLIO WEATHER BTEIPS end WINDOW HMOs totally exclude COLD, IN IND, RAIN, and DINT from doors and windows. They etop the rattling of earthed, ease one half the fad. and are warranted for Ave Taws. Yor sale or applied by %LTD) M. LOUT, 38 %nth FIFTH Street. Bole Agent tor Penxutylvanla. Local Aunts wanted thronghont the State. jal2-I.lte rimaxivitrfoorto • LATIOUSE , ic.Nl): - IttFitEaVU I S....„. tue ° mo n 15 1 . r— r-e SPRUCE etre*. - l impp — , pistol. es. - It." 1 2- ,F9-xtat&l,L,-14,--54#0, IT 104:13 - STONE AID DWELLING ON-SPRIG OLE, *Walk laret__Xtsy istruveitlati be ' upld WO% N: Toy/warn) a 0 , 1., • -I . . 1833(.430pth FOUELTH Streit r ALP WELLING A-ND BUSINESS . - PLACE, with Immediate iossession Roam ANA Brom 8. B,..cormer NINTH and CHISHY Streets lfl fest illehiN3 Math Btreet. 96 on Cherry. Yor sale hi' fe6-3t.• A. P. & HOHRTS, 910 LRCM Street. al FOR , Ei:AME . OR TO RENT--SEVE BAL commodious DEW DWELLINGS. In northern part of the ell, with all the modem con veniences. Rent $25 to ttle_ker month. Apply to TATIAMF JACKSON, 614 011118 T din Street: Or 308 N JACKSON, 'lB5B North Twsbrre Street. - ;FOR SALE OR TO LBT.-A KUM whir of convenient new DWELL OS _with modern improvements, on North lleventh; Twelfth, And Thir teenth streets. Apply to TATLOWL.TAOICSON , MLA CHI SMUT Iltrest„or at 1858 North T WILTM. Onset. 411._ LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO TERT7 POE BALE.—The very large_and souuno . diens LOT and BEILDINEL No. 308 CEMENT Street, near the centre ot business, containing 60 feet on °herr, street, derail led feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening to a large tart-war' leading to Cherry street. Its advantages of SIZE AND POSITION are rarely met with. ' • NI/DIY on the premises.. FOB SALE.—THE BUBBORIBRE ..lissmoffera for sale hie country eeat, within halt a Mae Of Delaware, on the Newport pike. con taming e t acres of good land, in the centre of which le a large awn with a fine variety of abode bowl , ma. .ple_s. lindens, evergreens, eta , in. all over a hundred grown trees. The improvements consist of • large and commodious Mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, one of which is tour -etorleftin height. There are four large rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet, The hone) has the Modern improve taints. A hydraulic rem forces water from a spring Into the upper story of the tower. There is also an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area at the Icitchen door. The out-buildings consist of a carriage hotels and stable emfacient for four horses and several ear lave; alto, a hen, ice. and amok* houses. The stable has a hydrant in it. Good garden. with several varlellee of dime-Dear and grape vines in full bearing. There ars also several varieties of apple, cherry and chestnut trees. • Term= accommode int. Possession given at any time. Apply to LNVI fd. MAULS. nolletf 831 Market street . linhuthaton. 11 A VALUABLE BURLLNGTON 'COUNTY FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. Will be - 'sold at public sale, on seventh day. SA TURDAY, the 11th lust on the premises , sit that superb:), and valuable Feria belonging to the subscriber. situated in a healthy and delightful neighborn-od, fear miles from the city of aurlingt .u, east of the Burlington and Mount Holly Railroad. adjoining lsnds of Bd. G James and others, contain ispg.l6o 39-100acres•of superior land, to a high sate of coNfatton, adapted to grime. grain. fruit, dm Erick Mansion House. aid large and convenient out buildings. all new within -five years. built in the beet manner, and of the beet materials. with an abundant supply of excellent water. apple and reach Orchard ; also, Peais, Cherries. gm.. all of the choicest varieties. Any person wishing to view theipremisse will be showa the same by calling on Wm. R. Deacon, reeding thereon,. Sale positive, to commence at 3 o'clock Y. M. Terms easy; will be made known at sale by CEO. R. DEACON. BURLINGTON, New Jersey. . Beferenes—Edwd. Q James. 101 Walnut street; G. D. Purl str. 311 Chestnut street. fee. 6t di DESIRABLE DWELLINGS FOR -Im• SALE, AND POSSUMS' wog. 1412 West Penn Square, four-story. 1741 Lombard street, with Store attached—good busi ness stand. 1614 Green street; Lot,ll96Yeet deep. 2332 Green street; Lot, 203(140 feet.- 1607 Green street; Lot, 196 feet; Marble front. Double front, 36 feet, Green st. west of Nineteenth. 23225 Green street. Cottage. wit h lot 25x160. With manytothers to destrable3oeattorte B F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street and 2441 B. W. cur. SEVENTEENTH and. GREEN. elf BROAD-STREET PROPERTIES -n-I,ons occupied a. a faciory.onean a thrwardhighonas, with large lot,. For vale by A. P. kJ. H. 11011$111, 016 ARCB Street. , fe4-41* 11 FOR BALE-VERY DESIRA BLS IRON FURNACE PROPERTY. situated In McVeytown. Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, within a short distance of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal. The freehold property comprises a Furnace, with machinery of ample power to blow, using either charcoal or anthracite coal; about thirteen hundred acres of Timber Lando also the celebrated Greenwood Pine Iron Ore Bank, containing about seventeen acres, which produces in abundance the =me Ore from which John A. Wright. Seq.. makes his renowned and justly celebrated locomotive tire and car axles This is the only available property in the State which produces the oie requisite for establishing a business of dike cha racter. There are also about one hundred and fifty &CMS of land 'within half a mile of the Furnace. held under long leases, from which abundance of excellent henna, tite.ore can be taken, on which shafts have. - been re cently sunk and which will pieduce sufficient ore to supply the Furnace.'Soft Fossil Ore is also abundant in the neighborhood. Charcoal in any quantities can be bad, delivered at the Furnace This Furnace is well aitualed for the markets.. having, water and railroad oommunicailon with Philadelphia. Pittsburg. Balti more, Harrisburg, and other important manufacturing towns. Also connected with the above, a Forge Property now in operation, manufacturing hammered blooms, and rolled slab blookat: ' " Motive power, steam. and. water. , For Price and further Maticularc &PAW H B ROUGHS, fellm • 108 South 'FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. aFOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS AR K and COUNTRY RBSIDIINCE, at em... Greenwood Station, Baltimore (antral Railroad Chea ter county. Inquire of NATHAN JONES, on the pre mime 116. W a l TIMBER LAND.—FOR BALE, IN -!..L.Penisyl.tuna. a tract of TIMBER LAND of about SBVEN THOUSAND ACM. This land is heavily co vered with excellent timber, in a location affordingrare facilities for sate and. rapid transportation. Title indis putable A portion of the parchate-money.can remain bondon and mortgage. Address Box 719 , ridiadellatts Post Office, Pa. • - ja.26-11n VALIJABL MILLL PROPERTY, AI iIIIBBSIDENCB, AND 10 ACRES OF LAND FOIV.IL. - SALE, IN BUCKS COUNTY. PENNA. This property is situated on Knowles' Creek, at Its junction with the Delaware River near Brownsburg, three miles from New Hope. and ten miles above Tren ton. N. J. The mills consist of a two-and-a- half-story Stone Oriet-mill, with two run of French Barr Stories. all in complete order; Saw-mill and Plaster- mill ad joining, each capable of doing a large amount of bust. nest. The dwelling is a new two story Frame Cottage Horse. with four rooms en the first floor, five on the second, and four on the third, well arranged. and well • built; a Barn, Carriage house and other buildings: eight or ten acres of easily cultivated and productive Land, well fenced, and planted with fruit. 4ea Orna ment, trees. The above described propert y is one of the handsome spots on the Dalaware River where any ?o fated wog their time plaaaantly and profitably. Tie eetiverfepi, to school, store, and post office, and chnfeiffil of diferont denOminatlons, and will be sold • . •B 3. SMITH & 00. • • • .. WWwitcoWN. Pena. tests, mast be made for di B. J. EMITS & ISTATE AGEI6TI3. 'Newtown, Bnok vicinity; Pa., offer for sale In Backe county and. over 60 FARMS of from 10 to 200 acres; Most of them are highly improved and remuneraave farms, with fruit, water, good buildings, end well located. The early attention of buyers le directed to them. Letters of in quiry answered. last 181 FOR BALE—A LARGE LOT, CORNER .or Riebrctond and Plum streets, Kensington. near Cramp's Shipyard. 177 feet by 1.80 feet. with once and dwelling tpereen. lot adjoining, 150 feet by 132 feet, with four man houses thereon. Large lot on the Delaware river, between Westmore land and Ontario street 5,300 feet front on the ricer, 2,672 feet deep, heving eleven fronts. - A lot on Pennsylvania avenue. corner of Oxfordstreet, 300 feet front, 200 feet dose; a fine stone quarry with railroad eideling in to the quarry. A lot corner of Somerset street and Trenton avenue, 60 feet by 190 feet A lot corner of Somerset street and Gunner's Run (lanai. IEO feet by 213 feet. A slay lot, near nicetown, on the Plank road, ad joining Rowlett's brick yard,3oo feerfront- 200 feet deer'. A lot on Costello Street, Germantown, 122 feet front, 336 feet deep Will be sold very low. Terms (WAY. Apply to J. or A. LONGSTRITH, • 619 WALNUT Street, or JanXlm* 1511 North BLIVssiTEL Street. WOOLEN MILL AND MACHINERY FOR SALE—At Valley Forge, twenty miles from rhlladelphia, situated on the bebnylirill Canal and eading Railroad, two hundred yards from the Depot. The &miaow advantages are not surpasied. For par ticulars apply to ISAIAH THROPP. DM smolt Valley Forge, Pa. T 0 L E T—FOR SALESROOM'S OR -s- light manufacturing purposes the upper stories of building northwest corner of EIGHTH and anunicsr. Artily in the store. jam. tf FOR BENT—SEVERAL ROO MS IN the THIRD STORY of the Sanding °II the south west corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT titre jts.elS. hp ply at this once. tf FOR BALE.-MAGNETIC IRON ORE -A- FOE SALE —The GARRISONS' MINING COM PANY le now prepared to make °entracte for male of their enperior Ore, delivered on the Hudson river, or. poet* West Point. Apply ei• the Office of the Company, 29.WILLIAE sereot; Nom York. kVZlV_Vi7,A:,klz).fta:f!Oci 44 1,00/1/BL," (Late Herr'i Hotel') Corner of THIRD and M&RJIT Streets, HA_BRIBBIIRG, Pa. • The attention of the travelling public is most respeet folly called to this old established stand, which for the past tim e months has been closed to r e pai r and that time has been thoroughly remodeled,. and newly furnished throughout, until it now possesses all the conveniences pertaining to a first class hotel. which are in any manner calculated to insure the perfect coin. fort of its guests. Its situation alone would recommend it as a stet/Plan place,being only two ands half squares from the depots: near enough to prove convenient, sulliciently distant to avoid the annoyance of railroad noise and bustle. The furniture is entireht rime. rooms large and Woll yentilated.table supplied with every luxury the market can &god. while as to the management. it is trnstedto the judgment of a discriminating public to decide, . The P'reprietor. hag determined to make the atm': racier and. eputation of the bowie the object, without regard to cost, hopes to merit the patronage and favora ble opinion of those who designstopping in the State capital. MET THON&S, Proprietor JOITIES HOIIBB_, Oor. MARICIsT STEN=II3BI Raul MARKET SWAIM HARR7RO, Pa. The Proprietor respectfully returns his sincere thank, to his friend. for the very Liberal patronage bestowed to the Rouse since under his ement, and would reepecifelly solidt a sontinnanne of the acme. delft Stei G. N. •N. Proprietor. MARSHAL'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF • a writ of sale by the Hon. JOHN CAD WAL DIR, Judge of the District Court of the Vatted States. in and for the Eastern District of Pennaylvania,in Ad miralty, to me directed. will be sold at public sale. to the highest and beet bidder, for teak, at MICHENER'S STORE, No. 1414 North FRONT Street, on WSDNHS DAT, Febroary NAIL hill, at 12 o'clock. M. : 83 helps of Cotton, 174 bales of Cotton Yarn, and 1 bale of Cotton. Cloth. Also, 449 pounds of Cotton and 22 boxes of To bacco. Also, 6 bales Cotton, 7 bales Cotton, 2 bales Cotton, and I.bale and 801136100ne (lotion. A 150.3 toles Cotton. The Cotton and other articles are now open for =Mill RUM St the above-namsd store WILLIAM MILLWAILD, H. 8 Marshal B. D. of Pennsylvania. PRILADILPITA. Feb 1, 1865. fe2 6t . ; rfiTEIUDGICI3 PA XX run S CI GLA LAMP CHIMIE 3 7B ak . MIA" • . - The world.vrlde reputation which these Chimneys; have acquired is due to their acknowledged superiority over all others. This superiority is derived from three " ll ' rting My per omit heavier than the co m mon Chimney, the)" may be handled with much less care. • 24 The oval shape is an adaptation to the flat flans. the Chimney being at all points the same distance frOan the heat. so that the danger of snicking by unequal eilt- PansiOn is avoided 3d. The material of which these Chimneys are manu factured is unequalled by any other flame OA a. rapid conductor of heat; and. practically, hill found that the combination render,. them almost entirely free from liability to destruction by the heat of the flame. Hence the obstacle in the way of the universal nee of Carbon Oil, found in the unreasonable expense for .Chimnerre, has been met and rvmoved by the introduction of DITHRIDGI'S PIRR-PROOP CHIMNEYS. The popularity of these Chimneys haa indnea soome anprinelpled persons to make use of our mune and trade marks, sad their reputation hue been partially impaired by the worthieeenoseofepnriOUS Chimneys sold as ours. Parties who have been annoyed with the cracking of someglaas Chimneys would do well to Ball and try the Mint. We have appointed meters. nmanta a DIIIMM. Ho. 102 Booth 13110021 D Street, Bole Agents for our Chimneys in Philadelphia, from whom they can be ob. tallied in any onantity, at manufacturer's pease, with the addition of freight 11. D. DIVISIDGE, FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, .1118-201 WASHINGTON 8Z . Ptttabor& Penne. WILLOW STAMM BODIES.—A FBW more lA, at LutrKs peon. Also. 200 frees NA T o ' at rodnood mime. ItO 11, BURTON. at DO., .1117 Loa 159„ North THIRD Streit - JOSHUA: T. OWEN, ATToI-----TRITB vwu , 001711BLLoll AT LAW , AND SOLIOITONI Olt amoi k Orea A6l X Bared. near Touters:a sol4-3m MEIN AIIf ; tiff* SALIM z ., BiLINtNY J & , Bro. el* .: 1 . . 00 115/112111 / 118 4,44, • '4) FIR/3T SPRING BALE OF BILTNITH,FREfeR . MAM...IIIID AMECIOntr Gown . IL TIIMBHAVIIORISING. February 14. ar le o'oleeir, *rigour moutbe. So ( 600 paokaaWand lots GOODS lad staple d ry "str, 4alvaa DOMESTIC FOB OASR. sthe a Abo. a fall assortment of cotton and wooled d 3 goods for cosh. eleee t , EFL 1:0111i B. MYERS .4:t - CO., AUCTRA 4 flf NEM, Noe. 832- and 934 IILII3I3ST Gtr et ", ter tiv LAEGI pOSITITY. AND B ItlYlBll. pgm r , BMOC& N, AND D (MIMIC DRY GOODS, ' 4 . ibt we v m b o ld a Dirge sale of foreign and do a t . . goods, by catalogne,on s credit of four month ! &.: tor sash. 111 . 4 8 M 03 THURSDAY HORNING, February 9 th. at o'clock. embnlah ur *boat a packages and lots of staple aril ,D 9 1 ,2 article, le Ir k , eus. thetawd's. Mon is, dike, An. tO WILK itiVi to tention or desist% ti W. B —Sample' of the same will be accangsti •o r ambeatloa. with catalogues: early uu the mnrol e sale. when dealers will dud it to their i b u r eet •attend. LARGE SALE OF FOBRION S.AHD DOMESM) n t? GOOD Included in our sale of THTIBSIDAT, February will be Aland the follnwing,ll: k Bales brown and bleached drills. Bales heavy brown sheeting& Bales heavy brown ',hitting& Cares super bleached =luau. Omen bleached and coloredeoreet leans Cases checks and lacking,. barns and plaids a, z Z]teatocky jeans and oottonades. Cases satinets and oamimeres pl TAILORING GOODS. A toll assortment blank and ool'd cloth. cassishc. ‘BB doetitinap Italian cloth. satin de chine. linings, n o GOODS. 4.000 dozen linen cambri LlKE& c+ handkerchiefs , eop un i, BTI full lines of gents' and ladles plain, hem.stlithei CA; hemmed SL, Also. linen damasks, shirting linens, drills an:! drug -Bk Spanish Buena, &c Also, for account of whom It ifaar OCULCeri. 5p i t -NW vole. of linen table cloths. • BA WHITE GOODS. Also a full assortment of leconets. cambric', CL, and cheek muslin. • 4 Alm Also silk ties. suspender& mowing silk, shirts , drawers, travelling starts, belmoral and hoop da t y r, , , cavalry and infantry pantaloon& de.. de. BLACK SILK VELVET RI:BOONS awns Trioluded is our sale of Thursday. Feb. 9th, with board an invoice of No 1 to 'IA St, Etienne bird ,c,k velvet ribbons of a celebrated brand. PTY. sel34m• LAIIO3 SPEOIfiL BALE OF 10.000 DOZEN COrfOi OF • ON FBIDaY MORNING. 'February 10, at 10 o'clock, will be cold about • dozen cotton boutery, of a well-known and favoritt •Tr portati,n. Also cents' and lease' " Soneln" Olaeke i tl4. - colored Paris kid gloves for the beet trade. Abe all •-- taryaanntleta, buck 21w/ea and mitts, Ao , ka, •• LARGE PERREPTORY SALE OF BOOTH. =Oki till' BRootatimeßyy.eoons. TRAYS LL[ a 0 BAGS. b ON TUESDAY ktOREiNG. 61114 Feb. Mb. at 10 oVen_b, will tiOnoid. by catalog% -4 , 1, on four moths' errofik" packape bou " o, a shoes. broom's. cavalry travelogs nng% 61 .• of city and modern manufac embayming a fro and prime snort:mon; of seseonabld. whisk ni be or nin open for e. examination. with oz mg of sal e t PANCOAST & WAIINOCK, —.> -a- MIMES. EEO MARICET•Street. . ,_. FIRST LARGE FORME. SALNIWADnruceN asi . ~. IMPORTED DRY 000D6, LINRIC ADD WEilittri? GOODF HOOP 811:18T6, COMM; & c.. &c.. &:., 's.. - FOR SPRCNO OP 1865. by Cabal:vie. ON WIDARSDAY' • _ • Jai ...,-, Feb. 16th . cannienctng at IS - to . oNMPriaLrav about 800 lots saw and deddrable aisoda salted to 0 4 approaching mans& MTHOMAS & SONS, • Asa. 139 End 141 South rgrETH Stant. SAES OF STOCKS AND BILL ISTATIL • • At the Excuairas. every TOMS II B.Y. at /2 Velai noun- Handbills of each property lassos/ soParately, and on the Batruday prelrioua to each sale 4609 Gate loaneeAgatform, giving fall descriptions. Ss LW at tie Auction Wore even 4; TIIirtSDAY. air Particular &Manilla . *not to Salea-at Primp Residences, &c. • IMES Salello MD NorthTwelfth/trivet ofgc ELNAMMT FI7RNITTJRK_ TINE O.IIIIIiTS, Phla - ' • THIS MORNING. Bth lnstat 10 o'clock by catalogue , at No ASIS Bert Twelfth Asset. above Thompson. the elegant Patio &Mat room, and chamber furniture, fine Brame IbE carpets, &c. Been In use but Et short time. 'My be examined at 8 o ' c l oc k on the morning of n 4 ri sale. - - SALE Or MISCILLAHEACiI BOORS FROM A /MARY. THIS ArrEarioonr. • .11E February nth. at the auction store, miseellanala, books, on various interesting subiectw, front a ' Bale at N05..159 and 141 South Fourth street . SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MAIIoOA6rII Pine FORTES, _ MIRRORS, CHANDELILIiaIi. LAKE] FLEXPROOF nA FEB. - FINE CARPETS. Ac. ON THURSDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, superior furniture, _- mahogany nano_ tortes, mirrors, c h andeliers, net En:lmola and other carpels, Sco • Also, a large and superior fireproof safe, made Li Farrel & Herring. Also, an invoice of patentliron trellises, for OrlllaliE. At tal 'rounds. TO PIANO MAICKEW AND OTHERS ON. THURSDAY HORNING, Lot of Plano patterns, clamps, hand-screws. wart. bench, &c. Admit Istrator's Sale, No4El.' I. Wood street. HOUSEHOLD FFPURIL ON FRIDAY m ISO lOth bud— at 10 o'clock, at , . 211 Wood street. En! household furniture, carpets, 3s. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONS R 6, 524 MARKET and 522 COMMERCE Streets- I POSITIVE SALE OP 1.500 CAPES BOOTS. SHOM BROGANS, BALMORALS_&a Ate. On THEIFESDAY MORNIP43. Peternal79lll, commencing at 10 o'clock. we will e aß byealal cat 1,600 4ePl e 7retolak=s=e.=tN/;., fromlle S Bas- m= mannlacturens. exclasivaly conmkeed Roods. fl A UCTIO N BALE OF CONDEMNED ROWilia —arca GsBNILAVII Oman. Frenrr. Dtviaron, WASHINGTON' Om, January 23. 1365. -18 *lll be eold at pablie auction, to the highest bidder, at BALTIMORR. Rfd., on THURSDAY FRBRUARY 2, 1866, ONE RVIDRRD , AND FLIT! CAVALRY . . HOBI3Fa i Thew Roma have been condemned as ininfit for tki -r cavalry service of the army. 11 For road 'tad farming purposes many rood bars t ..a" may be had. • 3 Horses sold dnsly Bale to commence at 10 A. M.. and ' ( will be hel t'hillips' Government Stables . , corner of " 1 PAW. and OlathlAN Streets. . . 3 Terp! - - , 9544, is 13331441 titaiee earmuff- 31 . l J~l[BB Ac AffrN, 3577-19 t. Col in charts First Division Q. IC G. O. 1 _lMtiat ..w irtirdiliY. TO LI. j VlNPOOrk:lottoldat te = s wargerows, work Harbor. The newi of the Lire. I pool. ipew Turk, au - fiteantakip Compul ' Main Line). oanylai the a Nalla. an intended le _sail as follower CiTY OF CORK ....SA'rIIRDLY. Feb. 11. crry or Lexpox SATURDAY, Rec. 12 ETNA SATURDAY, Feb 21 and every miereedlnn Saturday at Noon, from Pier G. North River. I RATES 01' PARBAGE : as Payable In Gold, or its equivalent in tkinenef oi to & FIRST GA131N..—.050 00 STERRAGE . do to London.... Sit 00 do to London-- M ll do to Paris .......... 96 00 do to Paris ......_ 4.0 p ~....' do to Hamburg.. ao ea do to Harabnri ••07 03 1 riaaenirera aloe forwarded to Hamra Bremen. Rob birdman, Antwerp, ars.. at equally low =tam. 41 Fare. from Liverpool or Queenatown : let Cabin. lri Pk VT& Steelattl from Liverpool or Queenstown, $O. one Who Wilk to send for their IlliaAlia Can bay tickets here at there rates. For further information apply at the Company" OM CGS.._ JODX O. D s ____ 5e7,00 ill WALNUT Street, • I • —"I galk BOSTON AND PIIILADEL -I,IIIA. STBASIMP MAL sallinn from wit zn SATURDAYS, from Arid wharf above F rbilartalnid. and Lone Wharf. Boston. Philadelphia The stes.mshin SAXON. Cant. Matthews, willed' trot for Bolden on Sahrrday, Feb 11th, A. IL and steamship Itoßmulf.- Cant. Bitter. from Boston for rldladelnlais, on the same day at 4F. Y. These new and substantial steamships form a TWO' , lbw mains from wknort rendmilly on Saturdays y insurances sleeted at ono-half the rremlemlsharnd on the vessels. /freights Lase at fair rata. of La • Shiding ppers ars with th req eir roods.uested to egad Blip Zeosiots and itILS Tor Irretuht or Peses BTeilittintoleraenoturaociatiors: arpli to SUSU .1t 04C, mlilt-tf SIM South DILAIPA/12 Aerate s guak FOB NEW YOBS.. 011YSIDE L INN: • COAICIWISI , 001IPANY'S &!W FRIIOII2 LINE FOR n sir TORN; and moaner:nu (or all northern and Narderneltles and NM brlew, agittni _ever* YM&FDAY. TRIIRADAY, MYR IikII3I3DAY, from the Compeers whorl, Arai above Race 'meet. and New York , from eler IT; north river, on mums dim:. al IP. IL For freight, Which will be reeeived daily. handled in the most apish:ll manner, and delivered with the gremtqat deepetah„ el fair rates. apjAy to WILLIAM TAIILOA& MO Nor h. C 7113.. T.TE FIELD •OV BLAND : 604 48. 4r corner aucTif flad ClEBEiTsrur Btresta. ' • . A THROUGH PRRIOHT LIIII lias been eateblished, prepared to remissive all eleases el greight in the principal cities east of the Illeusisaled sYsr. and to transportthe same bottrint of eldnunard TO ALL POINTS COLORADO, IDAHO, UTAH. AND MONTANA TKRRITORLIKE, Tryon TH1011033 001rTUAOT RATIOS ABM BILLS OP LAMM Through Rates include ALL CHAROSS--Enilway. Transfer. Btorsge,and Forwarding Commissiona - On she Missouri river, and transportation upon the Pain. thus enabling the obtain a THROUGH COI. TRACT for his freight for- a astatine of OVER TRIM THoUSAND MILES. and rialeviat him from sili e = sib ties and anxieties Incident to the peat dirmr and irresponsible system of Boston. Our Agents in New York, PhDadtslldliaPlll* burg, Chicago, St. Louis, and Brsliington. leta,md 4stirve and ahip r at tee TARIFF This Company assunies ALL TEN RESPCINSIBILPIT of Loeses, Damages. or Overcharges on-Freight whits in transit from point of shipment to paw of destinatka. The New York office is in possession of a fun seta( TRACE BOOKS, showing the date of shipment, the lime itßaeeet the Mississippi river. is received at and shipped from the Companr 1 - W3,min:slues 'at Atchison °Kansas), the character of the trains moving upon the Plains, the date it passes Fort Kearney, arrives at Des• ver, is received at destination, and the apparent ma" tion of the Wares along the entire route. Jar If Damages or Laws ommr.Shippers are notilnd la Gina tO duplicate any important portion of the Wi t:neat. These books are open for tile inspection of oar cne• tomen at all times, and parties shipping by this Liu will be kept informed by oorreatxosse of the end sondition of their a l l ‘ ti . pmenta. Merchants and M ing Men in the Territories °Merin! Goods, should bemist to give instructions to msm eases'-'VIaBDTTBBIBLEO 8 OVB RLAND pimp/J.Ol , Atchison, Kansas," and have them shipped under 1$ itustractione of oar Agent att point of shipment Letters of IngAiry addrwed to our Oise at ATCRI* 80,,, Kansas; No. 1 TWINY Street Astor Honse.l 4o York • or Southwest corner of SIXI I R and GRIM us _Street:a. Philadelphia, will be _promptly and relied , ' .muwered. D. A. BDTTERFIBLD,Proprietor. WY. R. MOORK A. W BPALDMG, General Agent. New York. Agent. Philadelphia. MACKEREL, HERRING, Ste. bbls Mum. Moe. 2. and 3 Msokersi , lato-eatutht fiat tab. In assorted packages -2,(oolbblz. Mew Eastport. /online Bay. and ne'llt" Berlina. • Z. ace boxes Lubec, Sealed, No. 1 Herrin-4 - LSO bbla. now Bleu Shad. 260 bones Hericlsser• county Cheese, Ste. In store stator sale MURPHY & KOOOB. jallt-tt No. 146 NORTH WHAIIV - qs3 PECRENOLOGICA.L BXAMENAV TIOIIB, with hill doserirdiotui of DAY add MORN o,_by L. .011..153a, No. us gown METH Street €oo4lSti MALCOLM MA.cNBILLI SPEOTAOLE STORE, Ao. 310 E 441 WITH Street. below Somas Ate- Glasses refitted. to enit all meth and all manner d reini carefully and promptly attended to_ deli I • • — DR. BASSO • "•••••• inserts ARTIFICIAL VIETH on Gad, 8 ) . 11 Vulcanite, from $6 to $4O. Teeth filled • 60 "n". 011 upwards Remelting. Referen ces. oft% wag NI Street. -below Locust: nol7•Sio --6- n EVANS & WATBON'S 1-11./ • SALAMANDER SLFI STORK.. 16 FOITI`I6 FOURTH STREET. PHILADRI.PRUA.PA h an A large variety of EIRE-PROOF SAFES alwar 0. d. FD3II AND CANNED 1111A.T6. 600, tam Mesa and No 1 Mackerel. 2,000 awn calmed Moats, Lobsters. 1114 For We by P. 0.. sußaoua de.9o-Szet us sona,Pßowr ea.-• A*. SLEEPER'S 11. MAITUFAOTORT , MARKET BTRIZ. A One door above Touth. 11•14, SHIPPING.
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