( 4 1 47Y1. WILMALST. CORM` MARTIAL. The court Martial organised to Inveltlgate alleged frauds, said to Mime been committed by oontraCitors for the making up of supplies for the Government, temporarily organised 'yesterday morning, in' the thtrd•atory room of building 205 X Walnut street. The judge advocate being absent the court ad journed to meek at 11 Woloeit.this morning. It is a mistaken idea thitt the alleged Navy Yard frauds are to be investigated by this court martial. The parties alleged to be guilty will be tried before a naval court martial, Ahe members of which have not yet been named. RECRIIITING., The quota Of the blty, under the last call for troops, seem' at last to have been fixed, and It Is to be 8,840. It bi to be hoped that reOrtiltlng will take a fresh start, and that the several wards will go to work vigorously and prooure the number requisite to exempt them from the draft. Yesterday the Mayor issued warrants for the payment of the city bounty to 19 men, of whom 18 were enlisted for three years, and 8 for one year. The oredits were as follows Second ward, 1; Sixth ward, 1; Seventh ward, 2 ; Eighth ward, 1; Ninth ward, 1; Thir teenth ward, .1; Fourteenth ward, 5 ; Fifteenth ward, 1; Twentieth ward, 5, and Twenty-second ward, 1. ' HOSPITAL REPORTS. The following are the weekly reports of the Go 'ermont hospitals In this district during the past week: 4' • 14 gl nel 110611TAte. g 8 . 4 g 14 •4 McClellan 11 1 4 3 '1 896 24 243 16 4 9 1,418 White Hall 6 66 13 4 3 493 Baddlnaton 3a 1 eat Itammlt Renee ....... .. 6 1 3 2 653 Chestnut . 4 13 12 . 4 1,178 Filbert-street 10 27 6 8 446 Turne rlttetsu rr'e• g lene 30 7 .... ......... 44 15 3 71 1 393 1 .• 322 ponder ......... 6 1 2 • • • 453 meverly .."......... ....... 1• 64 12 • .. 861 Oermantown.•.... 13 8 806 /sllatton —•.... 6 1 2. •• 30 0164rs' 1 1 Oltls e o 2 ns' Volunteer 1 ..1 .. 41 14 7,723 193 227 69' 26 DEATRE OE SOLDIERS. The following deaths of soldiers were reported yesterday : Wm. Frazier, Co. D, 118th N. Y. V.; Simon Crum, Co. I, 65th P. V. RELIEF FOB VOLUNTEERS' monLizs During the past two weeks upwards of 1423,000 were distributed by the Commission for the Relief Of Families of Volunteers. MISCELLANJEOVS UNDERGROUND DRASSAOE. That the system of underground drainage le at last fairly before our City Councils, it is to be hoped that these gentlemen will thoroughly investigate the subject, and come to that oonolasion which the Importances of the subject demands. The almost impassable Condition of some of the pavements, owing to the running of water over them from spouts, bath. tubs, hydrants, 8.0., speaks louder than any tongue, however eloquent, of the necessity of some means of getting rid of the nuisance. Our pity Is already cut np with a large number of small streets, and the gutters necessary for their use are already highly annoyant, without the multiplication of running Streams by spouts and gutters opening on the pave• inent of every house. In New York and Boston all gutters empty directly into the sewer, and water is never found on the pavements in those cities. Why cannot Philadelphia, already drat in cleanliness' add this Improiement to her beautyl GUARDIANS OF THE POOR The stated meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Poor was held yesterday afternoon, President Erety in the chair. The house agent reported the census of the house for the week ending Saturday at 2 , 99 8 Same, time last year 2,680 Increase ZEOAPITIIIATION Admitted within the last two weeks 189 Births 44 11 if 14 Deaths it " 41 88 Discharged " " 44 105 Dloped is 46 cg 42 Number or persons granted lodgings within the last two weeks. 38 Number granted meals - 96 The persons in the various departments are ylassined as follows : BULBS. A, No. 1 —Superannuated 93 B, 1, I.—Diseased—inourables 46 B, " 4 —Diseased—Not Induced by ammo• ral habits 10 13; " o.—Healthy Males ender 00 132 —230 INSANE DEPARTMENT. A, Class s.—Confirmed Lunatics 87 B, .1 if Temporary Lunatics 72 C, " Epileptics...... .... " " Imbeciles B, it " Idiots Assistants While Men's Outward (Workingmen) 343 " Hospital 277 Colored Men's Out-ward 20 " B o y s ' if .. " " .roooroollo3 10 " -- " Hospital ni White Boys' Ward 9 Children's Asylum—Boys , 113 -809 total Hales 1,295 Health's males under 60 132 Working mereewln g,„ 346 —478 459 Number of meekept employed FEMALES. A, No. I.—Snperannnated 122 B, " I.—Dlseesed, Incurable 51 B, " 4.—Diseased, not induced by immoral habits 16 0, " 4.—lnduced by immoral habits 22 A, 1, 4 —Acute hospital diseases 13 No. O.—Healthy females 461 Whits , women's hospital 224 Children's Asylum—Girls.... INSANE DEPARTMENT. class 5.-oonfirmed B, Temporary lunatics.... U, 44 Epileptics D, 41 Imbeciles E, 14 Idiots Assistants Wblte Women's out-ward, small pox 4 " Obstetrics,' ward 106 4 Nursery 85 (301011 id women's Out-wards 69 w 11 Obstetrical ward 18 11 II Nursery 28 " " Hospital 48 358 Total females 1,703 Total males and females in Insane Depart ment, less assistants 588 The resignation of Dr. J. M. Da Costa, one of the attending,physiciane, was receive./ and accepted. The outdoor agent reported having received for support oases $523 50. The Board of Visitors reported having granted out-door relief, during the month of January, to 18,704 persons, of which number 597 were from Ger many, 2,903 from Ireland, 219 from England, 7 from Wales, 53 from Scotland, 4 from Italy, 58 from France, 1,834 from Philadelphia, 858 from Pennsyl vania 1,252 from United States ; white adults, 0,082; white children ' 8,047; black adults, 1,241; black children, 1,334. Number sent to Almshouse, 108 ; number refused admittance, 202. The steward reported the house receipts to have been $58.51. The annual report of the steward of the AlMS house was presented. It sets out that the repairs in the Insane Department, made necessary by the fall. lug of the floors and chimneys, had beencompleted, with the exception of the plastering, which is now being done. Six boilers for heating the house have been placed in the building formerly used as a wash house. The arrangements for heating tne hospital and Insane Department are very wise, and, when flialtihed, will add much to the comfort and health of the inmates. The number of admissions during the year was 5,002, and the average population 2,455. The superintendent of manufactures reported the amount of receipts by that department for the year to have been 273,294,98; the amount of ex- Pengal $52, 217 . 48, leaving a balance over expenses of $21,077.0. Dr. Alfred Stifle was elected physician to fill the vaoancy occasioned by the resignation of Dr. Da Costa. The steward's requisition was read and granted. Adjourned. A.TRENIETIM LIBRARY—ANIMAL MEETING The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Atlienreum Library was held yesterday , at their building, corner of Sixth and Adelpt:l streets. William G. Poster occupied the chair, and Samuel Elkin acted as secretary. The annual address was delivered by E. E. Law, Esq._ The receipts daring the past year Vier. $ 5 ,889 86. The expenses had eon- Siderably Increased over the previous year. The Number of stockholders is 309 ; annual sub. scribers, 7 ; life members, 2. In 1863 the number of Stockholders wee 800, and there were no subscribers. During the pear 1884 the Sum of $l,OlB 70 was ex pended for newspapers and periodicals ' leaving a balance of $43 . 39 In the treasury on the first of the present year. ISBERAL DONATIONS TO SOLDIERS' AND BAILORS' ORPHANS On Saturday evening last, at 807 New street, a committee, representing the employees of the ex tensive manufacturing establishment of William Sellers & 00., of this city, presented to Mrs. Rev. E. W. Rutter the handsome sum of $B4B 86, as a donation to the Rome for Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans. The gift proceeded from the mn_ployees of that firm, and was presented by John A. Fulton, searetary,of the employees, and George W. King, treasurer of the firm. The money was the.proceeds Of a ball given by the employees of that firm on the evening of January 20th last. This isa noble example. Which reflects credit on the donors, and probably will be Imitated by many others. TER INSTITUTION FOR TEE BLIND. The thirty-second annual report of this institutien bas Just been issued. There are at present 186 pu pils, of whom 158 are from Penneyivarda. Besides receiving a good practical education, most of them are trained to some useful handicraft' and masio, as a means of selfarupport whenever they leave the Institution. Blind adults are received fee s, Short period for this purpose only. The amount of manu factures by the pupils for the past year was 017,480. BASE CASE OF SUICIDE. Coroner Taylor was called upon last evening to bold an inquest on the body of August Hentraman, who committed suicide at Becker's lager beer !saloon. The evidence showed that the deceased WAS employed at the hotel of Mr. Boileau, about a year since, as a bar-tender. He left and returned about four months since resuming his former pe lition. Several times Mr. Rolle= has noticed a sad expression on hi m euntennce of deceased, and upon interrogating he said nothing was the Matter with him. He left Mr. Boileau, about a week since, t 4 go with a sutler to Nashville, but threw up that engag ement , and said he . was going to Plitalsurg. He then name to board with Mr. Eteppaelter, residing next to Mr. Booker's. 'Yesterday morning Mr. Boileau received a letter from deceased stating that his fate was sealed and life was a torture to him, while his relatives lived Xo well in Germany, and that hie body would be found at Steppacher's yesterday morning. Mr. Boileau sent a men to hunt up deoeased, but heard nothing more of him until POllOOOlB4l Finley noti fied him.last evening that he was dead. Mr. Woken; bartenders testined that Ilentraman had been about the place all day, and drank two glasses of beer in the morning and one in the after neon; he came into the barroom about five o'clock last evening and took a seat at a table; he did not drink anything at the time, but was suddenly 'eked wit jury h spasms and died in ten minutes. The rendered a verdict of suicide by taking strychnine.- The deceased was respectably clad, and in his pocket was found an eighth.ounee bottle. labelled "POlSOn—Strychnine.” It was half full when taken from the pocket.. An old razor and a bunch of keys were also in his pockets. He was a tingle man. and leaves no relatives in this country. rTalf" BOARD OF TRADE. . 'rho animal Keating of this association was held `last evening, at s whioh the report for the past year u as submitted tO the members. It was very vela a-Alloys, and embraces the (acts only that have al rt (Irbil= give .in Our columns. At the annual r eating the members attend in person, the other xoeetinne being tionducted,by the examitive commit tee of the board. Thelbildwing officers were elected for the evening' year : President—Samuel O. Mor ton. Vice Piesldente—David S. Brown, Sohn Welsh. Parana "V., Merida. Secretary—William CI. Ludwig. Treasurer--Blehard Wood. Executive llonnell—„Toseph (3. Grubb, Edmund A.. Solider, ,George L. Baby; Edward O. Biddle, Seigitel E. •StooB, Giorge N. Tatham, Benjamin lEssiball, James' 'Oampbell,': ;Times 'll^ Iriendi , Andrew Wheeler, Edward Y4Townsend, Horace T. Smith, Thornton BMW)] Edward Laroaviade, Beau a Lewlsr . U. ' llToClammon, J. Prise Wetherill; Washington Butcher; Immo Starr, Jr., George r. Tyler, George W. Harris. SHOCK:CNC CAGE. An estimable younglady, reeldhig-in thellentheci part of the city, will probably lose both of her feet, from the effect of skating:. She had indulged for nearly six hours in, the invigorating exorable, but the circulation of th blood was stopped in her feet, because the skates were too tightly strapped. Her feet were badly injared, and It is said that she Un fortunately put them into warm water. The at tending physicians think that both of them will have to be amputated in order to save her We. PROBABLE HOMICIDE. • At an early hour yesterday morning a man. named Thomas Wilson, died at the Pennsylvania Hospital from serious injuries received about midnight Sir ttirday. It is alleged that he and a fellow-work man, named John Hart, had a difficulty at the gas works about some coal when he *as struck several times with a shovel. The - deceased resided at No. Edo South Seventeenth street. whither the body was conveyed. Hart was committed•by the coroner to await an investigation this afternoon. , RECEIVER OF TAXES' OFFICE. . The rnsh at the ogle° of the Receiver of Tares ooutlnueo... The total receipts for the present year amount to nearly $200,000. William A. Porter; the treasurer or secretary of the mechanic Engine Company, was run over by the carriage of that efficient organization, during an alarm of.fire, on Friday night, and severely in jured. He is confined to his house. MAN FROZEN TO DEATH. A man, nailed Wm. NroLaughlin. was frozen to 'death, on Sunday night; in the vicinity of the Long' lane and Buck road. The body was removed to 1220 Clarion street, where an inquest will be held thlslnorzdng. Late yesterday afternoon ,a woman fell off the bridge upon whit% the Germantown railway oars cross the bridge near Nicetown. She was taken to the DloUlellan U. S. Hospital, where she soon ex pired. It Is presumed, from a small box found upon her person, that her name Is Johanna Welch. Supreme Court—Before Woodward, C.S., and Nuances Thompson, Strong, Wawa, and Agnew. Opinions were yesterday delivered and judgment entered in cases as follows - By WOODWARD, O. J.—Larkin vs. McMullin. Error to District Court, Philadelphia. Judgment affirmed. Tullock vs. Worrell. Common Pleas Delaware county. Judgment reversed, and a venire de none awarded. McKee vs. Lorenz. District Court Allegheny county. Decree affirmed. By STRONG, J..—Weidensaul vs, Reynolds. 00a. men Pleas Snyder county. Judgment affirmed. ' By AGNEW, J.—Corson vs. lttnlvany. Common Pleas Montgomery county, Judgment affirmed. Tile Philadelphia list was then taken t‘p on third and the following cases were argued. Catawba, Railroad Company vs. Titus et al. Die trictcourt or Philadelphia. Argued by J. E. Gowen, Esq., for plaintiff in error, and by D. W. Sellers for defendant. Miller vs. Second Jefferson Building Association. District Court. Argued by Heigh for plaintiff, and by A. Thompson and A. V. Parsons for defendant. John B. Stevenson vs. Burgin & Sons. Corti& eats from Nisi Prins. Argued by S. H. Perkins for plaintiff, and by Thos. S Smith for defendant. Supreme Court at Niel Prins—Judge Agnew. The February sessions of this court for jury trials began yesterday. But one verdict was taken in a case where no defence was made. The City of Philadelphia vs. F. Knox Morton et al. Sureties on an official bond. Verdict for plain tiff, $48,534.19. The court then adjourned till this morning. District Court•-Judge Stroud. Edmund Shaw vs. Joseph Woodside. An Fiction on a promissory note. No defence. Verdlot]for plaint defend iff, $18a nt.4.60. Buokwalter for plaintiff, Owens for Wm. D. Mangan vs. Samuel W. MorriS, who Was sued with Robt. White and E. J. Platt, trading as Morris, White & Platt. An action to recover on a judgment obtained in New York. Verdict for plain tiff,' $204.57. Edward A. Quintard vs. Same. Same action. Verdict for plaintiff, $56219. Eckley W Stearns vs. Same. Same notion. Ver dict for plaintiff , $358.43. Peter accord vs. Same. Same notion. Verdict for plaintiff, $524.58. Adjourned. 318 District Court- Judge Sharswood. Henry Rohlette vs. Hugh bloOrossin. An action to recover back the price of a horse purchased from defendant under an alleged warranty of 'soundness. Plaintiff claims that the horse was unsound, and that he returned him to defendant for that cause. The latter kept the horse, hntreineed to return the price. Hence We suit. Defendant, on the other nand, alleged that the horse nom at the time, and is to this day, perfectly sound, and called witnesses to prove the fact. Jury out. Pettit for plaintiff ; gain for defendant. Court of Common Pleas— ! lndge Thomp. George Shannon and Arabella Shannon, his wife, and Cadwalader B. Nyce and Anna Matilda Mae his wife vs. Jacob G. Miller,Jacob Stein meta George wife, and George H. Miller. This is a feigned Wile to test the validity of two codicils to his will, alleged to have been executed by Jacob Steinmetz, deceased. By a will executed on the 21th of August, 1860, he gave lila estate In equal parts to the four defendants, who were his nephews Mrs. Shannon and Mrs . Nyce, the plain tiffs, being nieces, who were not named in the - will. By the two confine they are given earth $25,000. They bear date May 18th, 1862, and their execution does not appear to have been witnessed. The will itself was formally executed in presence Of witnesses. The defence deny the genuine cha racter of the codicils, and allege that they were never signed by deceased. They flarther allege that deceased had given plaintiffs $21,000 each daring his Me, and had 'declared his intention of not leav ing them anything after his death. On trial. Letohwortlt for plaintiff; G. W. Thorn and B. L. Brewster for defendants. Court ofMortar Sewslons—lfon. Joules B. Ludlow, Associate Juntice. I.r.l6ll4tilol:) , "*.V4.itrilpi:l. , -WI:1*10:Vd1 , 44:41 , 10 The February term of the Court of Quarter Ses• alone commenced. yesterday morning. The grand and petit jurors—the latter to serve for the first period of the term—made their appearance, and, as usual, a number of applications were made to be relieved from attending. ThgisArst call of the roll of grand jurors showed bat Eiteen in attendance out of twenty-four summoned. Judge-Ludlow instructed the roll to be again called, and directed all those summoned to serve on the grand jury to be careful and answer to their names. The second °all Showed seventeen members present. William Rowland was appointed foreman of the grand jury, and he and they were sworn, except one, a German, who could not speak English. The Judge charged the Grand Jury, explaining the oath to them, and instructing them as to their duties, lie congratulated them on the good order which bad prevailed, showing that the people of the county had been a law-abiding class eainasse; The Grand Inquest then proceeded to OW room. The prison calendar shows about ninety-five cases upon it, tire of which are for murder, and five for robbery. The petit jurors were then called, and fifty-eight out of seventy answered to their names. Many of them Baked to be excused for the following reasons : Sickness, attending a college and expecting to graduate in March next, school - d tractors, and having served within three years, which are legal excuses. A friend of one of the jurors stated that the lucky man was off on a bridal tour and would not be back for two weeks. Those persons who pleaded business as an excuse, were told that they would be relieved from time to time, but business was not a legal excuse. Those jurors who did not answer were lined Tao, and the Sheriff was directed to collect the money by attachment. The constables made their returns, and the court adjourned. Samuel McClintock, Daniel Loag, Bartholomew Harrold, three boys, were arraigned yesterday on the charge of the larceny of $l,lOO, all of which, except one hundred dollars, was in treasury notes. The money belonged to Sebastian Paul, residing on Flsslnger street, a small local thoroughfare in the vicinity of Ninth and Locust streets. It is alleged that on Saturday night l.he dwelling of Mr. P. was entered and the money taken from a bureau. drawer. Harrold was discharged. The evidence a:Aminst the Other two Is slightly circumstantial. They were held to await a further hearing. LARCENY OF MUFFS, &C. Harry Ryan was arraigned - on the charge of the larceny of a muff, shawl, cuffs, &0., the property of Mrs. Henry, residing on Filbert street. The-pri soner is fifteen years old. He lifed In the house with Mrs. H.; and thus had facilities for stealing. Some of the stolen articles were recovered at Daily's pawn shop, in the southern part of the city. The accused was committed in default Of ball to answer. James Lyons was arraigned yesterday on the charge of attempting to rob and beating a man named Henry Eokhard. It seems that Lyons was incarcerated at the Oherry-street statlorphouse, for drunkenness, on Sunday night. In a short time Eokhard was placed in the same oell. It is alleged that Lyons tried to rob him of his boots; Eokhard resisted; a fight ensued, and he was beaten dread. fully about the bead. The pollee made a dement on the cell, and it is thought the man would have been killed had they not so promptly interfered:. „ „ , - Peter Martin was arraigned before the same ma gistrate on the charge of the larceny of five dollars and a Jackson medal valued at fifty dollars, the property of John T. Mead, a resident on douth Eighth street. The accused was committed. * {Before Mr. Alderman ParLoomet. MALICIOUS I,IIBCRIEF. Two young men, giving the names of William and Michael Mudling, were arraigned yesterday on the ()barge of malicious mischief. It Is alleged that they amused themselves, on Sunday morning, by smashing street lamps in the Fifteenth ward. It is reported that they demolished the glass of about twenty of them. It Is further alleged that the w aded had visited the Twenty-fourth ward at an earlidr hour in the morning, where they tore down a fence, broke things generally In a tavern, and beat the bar-tender. The prisoners were committed to answer. RUTTERFIELD'S OVERLAND A- 0 DBSPATCH, Mac. S. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTAIIT Street* him been established, prepared to receive sA_elwes o. weight In the principal cities east of the insetted)* direr, end to transport the same from point of shipment TO dItL POINTS IN ThroughUGH CONTRACT RATES MID BILLS OF LADEN& Bates include ALL CHARGHS—RaiIway, Transfer, Storage,and /awarding Commissions on the Missouri river, and traneportatFon upon the Plains thus enabling the Shipper to obtain a THROUGH MN TRACT for his freight for a distance of OVER TERNS THOUSAND BULBS. and relieving him from all reopen sibilities and anxieties incident to the past disorganised and irresponsible system of Plains transportation. Our Agents in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pitte burg, obicago, St. Louie. and Harlington. lowa, an prexeted at all seasons to receive and ship at the LOWEST THROUGH TARIFF RATES. This Company assumes AIL THIS RBSPONBIBILITI Of Losses, Damages, or Overcharges on /night while in transit from point of eltipment teplaee of destination. The New York office i t in possession of a full set a TRACI BOORS. showing the date of shipment, the time it passes the Mississippi river, is received at and shipped from the Company's Warehouses at•Atchlsom ((guars), the character of the trains mO upon the Plains, the date it passel' Fort Kearney, 'arrives at D en filaris received at destination, andlhe apparent condi tion of Da mage salong the entire route. Aar If or Looses owner, Shippers are notified in time to duplicate any important portion of the still. matt, - • Thew books are open for the inspection of oar cue tomer' at all times, and parties Wis by this Line will be kept informed by inirresPO eie of the exact rendition of their shipmente. Merchants and Mining Men in the Territories ordain, Goods, should be partletgar to alas lnatruotions to marl HUTTIRFIRLD'S a/UL AN D D IiSFATCH. Atchison. Kann". " and have them. shipped-nada the Wane:Han of our Agent all point of shipment, Letters of /notary addressed to our oiler at ATOM] SON, Kansas; Ho. 1 VBSZY Street, Astor Hortec,Nee York; or Southwest corner of BIRTH and CHRSTNUI Streets, Philadelphia. will _be promptly and reliably answered; D. C. BIR/IILLI; Proprietor. A. W PALDING, General Agent.-1114W York. WK. K. $OOlO. Aunt. PhDadelPibla. delfMt RUN OVER FATAL FALL THE COURTS. son. INTBEIbaITING WILL °ABB THE ,POLICE. [Before Er. Alderman Beltler. 3 - ALLEGED HEAVY ROBBERY. (Before Mr. Alderman Welding.] FIGHT IN A CELL. A THROUGH /BRIGHT LIMB - • • - COLORADO, IDAHO, UTAH, ADD MONTANA TIRSITOIORD, nIIAMcuLL. 7-30 7-30 7-30 z) oti 0504Itii :41.4441 Ce7►ll Tho Secretary of the Treasury hulas appointed he andevairsed GENERAL BIIBBORIPTION AGENT For the management and Bale of the new and popular 7-30 LOAN,' Which Is a Loa's for Iwo aad a half Tsars. at 7 3.10 per coat interest In currency. and payable at Ms. Unity. or fundable late the popular 15-20 G1C01.33-13V.A.111N44 I hereby invite all NATIONAL had STATE BANKO, PRIVATI BANICSES, SAVING BINDS. sad otheii. to endeavor to &Tee of these notes to the people of their rexpeotive neithl3orhodds. A liberal commis- idon, sugielent to dere& all advertising exPensee and leave a fair profit for 1502T1086, will 1» allowed. Men hirs with fall instructions will b‘e furnished on aPPII-. cation to the undersigned JAY COOIKE, SUBSORIPTIOIsT AGENT. No. 114 South Third Street, 10-40 10-40 10-40 COUPONS, DUE X.SiCH Ist, BOUGHT Al , HIGHEST MARKET RATE ET tsz CO., fe4•lm 34 South THIRD Street. 7 3-10. ev.vmm-rrirrwry Noma% IN AMOUNTS TO SUIT, PO3 BALE BY DREXEL & CO., fe4-lut 34 South TIMID Strad C . T. YERKES, & 00., BANKERS; GOLD, SILVER, BANIC NOTES WANTED. No. 20 South THIRD Street. j&2Blm CHAS. T. YERKES, STOCK AND BILL BROKER, V. Di VV.' No. 20 SOUTH THIRD STREET. ja26-1m DREXEL & 00;, JE3A.NEEMMS, 84 SOUTH THIRD STREET, DELVERS IN AMERIOAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, - FOREIGN EXCH./LIME, - UNITED STATES BONDS, QUARTERMASTERS' VOUORERS I AND lINOURRENT MONEY. STOOKS AID BONDS BOUGHT AID SOLD AT BOARD OP BROMINE 5a91.1m TllOll. CLLDWRLIN J. JEC. OAzDWELL. CALDWZLL & CO., , BANKERS. No. 43 South THIRD Street. OOM MISSION STOOKS AND LOANS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON E REGULAR B OA R DOP BROKERS. UNGURRENT BANG NOTES. SPEOLE, as., BOUGHT AND BOLD. CIOTALBOTIOI7B I[llol aid INTIBEST ALLOWED ON DISPOSIT. .14.17.1 m• egouraus MOIL LALIX. 111101 MON. 111. 4 • CHARLES EMORY & 00. 6 STOCK AND EICRANGE BROKERS, Ko. 15 South Third Street, I.IMADILPHIL, 111 Made of guourroat tub and Sold awl Wm sought and sold, and Gollostions lamb. Partisulor attention given to the PitirellSO sad tints of Govenuaant, State. sad other Moshe and Loam on somudesdon. n 018.5 111301G3 W. KIWI& RDWTIIKILLEIL. JOS. L. S.OIIBTOK. lIEWEB, MILLER, & 'CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, I% 10 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PKELADELPITLI. • DEALERS IN Government Securitleg,'Speals, Unourrint Blows • City Warrants, Sta. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT TEI REGULAR BOARD OY BROKERS. Jalo-1m HARPER, WHITEY, & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE . BROKERS. buten* , atkuttoz 'old to nrshase sad Oslo of 011 toots. - II soma MILD ST/1334. FILIMILDILLPELL. SUrturawast.—Drozel &Co.. PhilaSolPhSt t .7.N. Ana. tin. Praiddant Southwark Bank. novIS-Rot Et S. LBICCH at COMPANY, BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, No, 14 FARQUHAR BUILDINGS, MALBITT ST., BELOW THIRD). Gold. Efoyeranient 'Bonds, Oil and WilcoDaimons itoaks, bonght and sold on Oonna!salon at the Board of Brokers. Dealers in Foreign Exchange. Letters of ors. tit Inroad on London. Path, Antwerp. &e. falf•Dn HERMETICALLY SEALED MEATS AMD 8013Pik 1.000 dos Sautoure Meat. 600 Roast Beef. 800 " do Feel: oco do Mutton. L 003 • do Turkey. 1,000 do Chicken. 3.000 Resorted Souris, in I, 2. 23; lb. cane. For ode by 21100113 & _WILLIAMS., fes4f . , 101 South WATIIII Street. WILLOW SLEIGH. BODIES.—A.FRW more loft, at last year's otiose. Also; MO gross MATC4.I4_O4 rodits4 prices. Rows, custon,Ag co.. jag 157 North Tss42D.l3lzook. THR ILLRVARY Z 1565. - IMPORTANT TO RAILWAY TRA. - v - skklEßft +Yor Inforreation refineries to lite- Row, Matinees. Ctonneetions. Iliturtrated,by oat bandied Rallwor mem represent_ jr_in the prim:lpm Belk ways of the country. i.eAPPLITOIr 8 RAILWAY ema. skon4ok. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL- BoAn. _ GRAMM OF TIMEANOMEPOT. ...... On and after Monday December 26th,1554,.the trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad will leave the New Depot,. at THIRTIETH and MARKET Ste., instead of Eleventh and Market Streets, aa heretofore. ' - The Second and 'I bird. Fourth and Eighth. Green and Goatee Fifth and Sixth Union, Line: Tenth and Eleventh Thirteenth and Fifteenth, Seventeenth" and NinefeenthHity Pasteur er Railways ' connect. ,with the hiarket.street Railway. whose' oars run to and from Pennsylvania Central Railroad Depot in West Philadel phThe ia. • _ cars - of the Market-ntreit -Passenger Railway leave Front street every two minntes. commenoinE one hour merlons to thelime of departure of etch Train, and allow. about 30 minntes for a trip. Their oars are in waiting on the arrival of each Train to convey wissengerainto the city. On BIII4DAYPr-Oars leave Eleventh and Market Ste. at 7.45 P.' 21., to connect with Pittsburg and Erie Mail, and at 10.25 P. M. with. Philadelphia Express. Mann's Baggage Express will - hereafter be located at No. St Sorithltbrrenth street. Parties desiring baggage taken to the trains, can have it done at reasonable rates ' 31 2 1 1 1Y411 i n t ; . o llr'AßE: i 7114 T DEPOT THUS: LEAPS MAIL TRAM— . . .... . 800 A. M PAOLI Anooferiiiiiiill'OlC E... lir oo PAST LISS " 12.00 M. PARIERSBURG " 110 P. M HARRISBURG AaCOMBIODATION... " 2.80 " LANCASTER! ACCOMMODATION..... " 4.00 " PAOLI TRAIN, Mb 2.." . " 0.80 " PITTSBURG AND ERIE . " SBO " PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS " 11.10 " ARAM. PITTSBURG AND ERIE " 0.30 PHILADELPHIA EXPREEE.. ...... " 7.06 PAoLI ACCOMMODATION, No. 1.... " 8.50 " PAg id 8.30 .. LADCAsTER " 111 80 P.M. PARTLINE - . 2 " 12.50 • PAOLI ACCOMMODATION, No " 4.40 " MAIL TRAIN t. • 6.46 " BASIIISBURO ACCOMMODATiON.... 1 , 4 5.40 ' " Philadelphia Express leaves daily. Pittsburg and Erie Mall leaves daily (except Saturday). other Trains daily (except Sunday.) • ` For further information, as to time and . eonneettons, see bills and framed cards. or apply to JOHN P. VA.anTh JR. • Ticket Agent, At the pepot. An Emigrant Train runs daily (except Sunday.) For full information as to fare and accommodations, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, fel.tf 137 BOOK Street. 1864. NEW "- 1817112thr " s. 1864. THE CAMDEN AND Amaoy AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 0011PANY*8 LINES, NEON - pRILADELPHLA TO NEW YORE AND WAY FLAGS'S, sitox WAI•NIXT NSW WHARF_ • WILL LEAVE AS TmLOWS—vIN: PARA At 6 A, , on Camden, and Amboy. C. and A. Acs eommodatt At 8 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, Morning . ....... 8 00 At 12 18.. via Camden and. Amboy. C. and A. As. sommodatzton....._. ..... • • 996 At 3 P. N.; via Camden pad Amboy, 0. and A, ....... II At 1 P. X., via Camden and Amboy, Amen:anode- Mon (Freight and Passenger). •-•••• • • •—•• 1 W At. B.P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion (Freight and Paeseriger)--lat Claes Ticket... 3 . X Do. do. rki Claes Ticket— 160 At UM P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation ( hei g ht and Paesenger)—lst Claim Ticket. 2 36 Do. do. 21 Clue Ticket: 160 For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, ite.. at 3.30 P. 3L For Mount Molly, Iwaneeille,__Pemberton. and Via sentown, at 6 A.- X., 3 andis P. X For Freehold at 15 A. N. and 3P. X. - For Palmyra, Riverton, Delaney, BeVerlY, Edgewa ter, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, Act., at 6 and 1130 A. M., 12.30, 3. 30, 6,6, and 113 f, P. X.. The 3.93 and 6 P. X. lines run direct through to Trenton. - For Palmyra, Riverton. Deism% Beverly. and Bur- Easton, at 7 P. N. LIMES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: At 11.16 A. M..' via Kenedngton and Jersey Clip, • retie............... a'oo At 4.80 P. IL, vialleneington and aereelf CET, X.X• At 6.45 P Keleington and.. Jersey City. Washtegton and New Y ork Express. • •••-• • 300 At 12 P. X. (Night),_ via Keneington and - Jersey Oily, Washingtoe ' and New York .. . . The ILO P. M. Line will run daily. All others Sun days excepted. For Buffalo, Dunkirk Elmira, Ithaca, °wage, RO cheater, Binghampton,G reat Bend, Montrose , Wilkes berm Scranton. . Strondeburg. Water Gap, Mena Chunk. Allentown. Bethlehem, Belvidere, Seaton. Lambertville, -Flemington, aw., at 7.15 A. X. Thir line connects with the train leaving Easton for Manch Chunk at 8. 30 P. , 11. !or Lambertville at 5 P. M. on Satardaye only. For Brie tol, Trenton, Ac.. at 7.15 and 11 16 A. X.; 3 and 6 P. M. and 12 midnight For moiroesburg, Tacony.. Wiesonoraing,_Eridesiburg. and Freakier& sit 9 A. 5. and 8 P. X. • For New York and Wy_Lixtes leaving K 6111124. ton Devote take the care on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The ears run into true Depot, and on the arrival of sash train -inn from the Depot. nftY Pounds of Baggage only allowed eacttpaasenpir• Passengers are prohibited from taking anyt hing as o n i gage bat their wearing apparel. All-baggage over pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit the responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per ponnd,and will not be able for arty amount beyond I/00, except by special contract. Graham's Baggage Express will call for and defter baggage at the Depots. Orders to be left at Mo. 3 Wal nut street. WILLIAM R. GATEMER, Agent. • December 21, 1864. PHILADELPHLL LORE FROM NEW YORK FOR PRILADRLYKEA. WILL LBAI7I PEON TIM FOOT OF COVELTLAND " BTREIFF• • It 12 X. and 4P. X via Jersey City and Camden. At 7, 10, and 31% A. 6 P. X. and 13 (MOO, via Jer sey City and Kensington. From the foot of Barclay street at 6 A. -Y: and 2 P.M., via Amboy and Camden. Prom Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 X 4, and 8 P.S. (freight and passenger). Amboy and Cam den. del-tf 1865. PRILADRLPHLA. AND RMS . RAIL. ROAD.—Tide great line traverses the Northern and Northwest comities of Pennsylvania to the city of Er* on Lake Brie. It bas been leased by the PENNSYLNANTA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, and is operated by them. Its entire length was opened for passenger and freight business October 17th,, 78134. TIKB OF PASAINOSILITRAIIII AT PaIIADIUNIA. Leave 'Westward. Nall.. . . SO P. N. Lock Baven Accommodation .8.03 A. N. Passenger care run through On Mail Train without change both wept between Philadelphia and Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Oars on Elmira Express Trains both wale between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and 'on -Elmira Express Train both ways between Williamsport and Baltlinore: For information reepeotingPaseenger baldness; siPAY corner THIRTIETH and MARKET Ste.. Philadelphia. And for Freight bumbless of the Cilyinatf. an t& S. B. KINGSTON. Jr. corner ' said MARKET Streets, Philadelphia, J. W. REYNOLDS. Brio • •• • J. IL DRILL, Agent N. O. IL E., Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON General Freight Agent Philadelphia. H. W. GwrkNßE, General Ticket Agent_PhiladelPhia. JO Mani POTTS, de2841 General. WilllsensPort. INNENE PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTOM AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. Commencing. MONDAY. JANUARY IS, IM6, 'Frain(' will leave Depot, corner BROAD Street and WASHING TON Avenue, as follows: F.:preen Train. at 4.08 A.M. (Mondays excepted). for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington. Perryville, Havre de-Gracie, Aberdeen. Perryman's, and Magnolia. Way Mall Train, at 8.15 A.M. (Sundays except:4o).lor Baltimore, stopping at all remilar stations, connecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Milford. liial(sbtry, and intermediate stations Express Train at 1 18 P. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester. WU- Wanton. Elkton, Perryville. and Bayre-de• Grace. Express Train at 1.611, P. M. (Sundays excepted) For Baltimore and Washington. stopping at Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North- East, Perryville, Havre-do- Grace, Perryman'e, and Magnolia Night lixprese at 11.15 P. N. for Baltimore and Wash ington. stopping at Chester (only to take Baltimore 'and Washington passengers). Wilmington,. Newark, Ra ton, North-last, Perryville, and Havre-de-Grtee. Paaaengere for FORTRESS MONROE will take the 8.15 A. M. train. ACCOMMODATION TRLINIS . . . Stopping stall Stations between Philadelphia and Wll minaton Leave Philadelphia at ll A. M., 2. 3.30,6.30. and 10 P. ➢i. The 330 P. M. train tannest' with Delaware E. E. for Milford and Intermediate stations. Luxe Wiliaington nt 6.46, 8, Rid 9.80 A. M. /30 aid 6.80 P THROUGH TRAM FROM BALTIMORE. . _ Leave Wilmington EIS M.. 4.14. S SS, mid 9.44 P. M. CHESTER FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Chester at 7 0, 8.413. 10.14 A. M . 12.30, 8.13, 4.64. 7.20, sad 9.06 P. M. SUNDAY TRAINS. - Express Train at 4.06 A. M. for Baltimore said Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Pea, 011 e Havre-die- Oraee. Aberdeen. Perryman's. and Magnolia. Bight tames! at 11.16 P. M. for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at (heater (for Baltimore and Washingrin paseengers), Wilmington, Newark, Elk ton, North - Bast , Perryville. and Havre do. thitee Aecommodation Train at 10P. M. for Wilmington and Way stations. BALTIMORE POE PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore at 9.26 P. M. etopping at Havre-de- Orate, Perryville, and Wilminilon. Also stops at Elk ton and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore), and Chester to leave passengers from Baltimore or Washington. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6.33 P. Y. FROM BALTIhIORS TO PHIL aDELPHIA.. ' Leave Baltimore 13.36 A. M.Way Mail; 1.10 P. UPT(OIIS 4 . 261'. K , Way Than; 6.95 P. AL , gmorese; 9 . 25 P. li t.. BUTri. a • - Leave Chester at & 67 A. 1.60 and 11.60 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.13, 9.40 A. N., 2 31, 5.02. sad 13.16 P. M. height Train. with Passenger Oar attashed, will loses Wilmington for Porryvtlle and intanoddlats erttton. at 7.66 P. Y. - jal6 H. P. KUM. Bap% ampiiiMll R . 1865• D I P H I lA L L PH AND aLMIRA RAILROAD LINE to all points WEST. The direct route for the • • air OIL REGIONS OP PENNSYLVANIA WILLIAIdSPORT, BUFFALO. SIMPFMSION BOLL ELMIRA, NIAGARA FALLS, and ail wlaces in the Western and Horthweetarn States and the Canada& • TWO THROUGH ?RAINS , Leave Philadelphia and Banding Railroad Depot. Mir , teeth and Callowhill streets, etaily (Stuadays ex. *opted), for the North and West . follows: - Morning Express at BA. M Afternoon Express at 3.90 P. M. Matin_g a direct canneation with all interseottigroada. FOE THROUGH TICKETS to any paint. and further particulars concerning tho different routes, apply at ths TICKET OFFIC_g, 425 CHESTNUT Street, endoi Gm Philadelphia Bank. and opposite the Custom Home. N. VAN HORN, Tisket Agent, 425 Chestnut:Oreg. JOHN & HILLIS. General Agent. Id Thirteenth and Gallowhill streets. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. • NEW ARRANGEMENT. • On and after MONDAY, January 2, 1855, Trains wall leave from WALNUT-STREET PIER se follows: For CAPS M aY, and all pi's., south of afillville, at it A. IL and 3 P M. For MILLVILLE, BRIDGETON, SALEM. tad all ist. termedtate places south of Cilaasboro, at I A. M. and I P. M. • For GLASSBORO at 9 A. M , 12 30 P. M., sad 3 P. IL For WOODBURY, OLODCBSTER, dm, at 9 •-• IL IE3O P. M., 3 and 6P. M. RIMMING. • Leave Cape May at 6.80 A. M. and 1L46 A. M. Leave Mitiville at BA. M and 3P. M. Lease It ddgeton at 7. 10 A. M. and 3.10 P. M. Leave Salem at 7 A. M. and 3P. M. Leave Woodbury at 7, 8.43. and 10.44 A. Y., and 4.46 P. N. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS 00106.13 Y will attend to all the usual branches of Itsprees Bud nees, receive deliver, and forward through other re sponsible Express Companies,to all parts of the country. any article antruated to them. A Special Ilessenner accompanies each Thronsh Train. Office, do. 5 WALNUT Street. J. VAN RINSSEL 4.11.11, Superintendent. - PHILADELPHIA. January 3. Mat 43-tt aisargiN WEST CHICBTBR AND PRILADBLERLA RAIL. ROAD, via MI ORANGE OP HOURS. On and after MONDAY, Oct. 10, 1864. the balm will leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of THIRTY FIRST and MAR.MI: T Streets (West Philadelphia), at 8.15 and 11 A. N. and at 2, CO.' and 6.90 P. M. Leave West (Theeter at 6.36,.8.16, and 10.30 A. N.. and 1.80 and 4.10 P. N. Train. leaving Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. and 4_16 P. • and West Cheater at 8.15 A. M. and 4.30 P. M., eon sect with trains on the Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and intermediate points. On Sundays leave Philadelphia at &MO A. Y. - and 2 P. M. Lease Wort Cheater at A. K. and 4P. On Sundays the ears of the Want Philadelp hia Pao. *eager Railroad Company will leave Ileventh Snd Mar ket streets at thirty minutes before the starting time of trains from the Weat Philadelphia Depot, and will be al the Depot to coney passengers late the city on the arrival of each train. Passengers are allowed to take wearing arrears' aaly as Baggage, and in no ease will the Company be re• aponsible for an amount exceeding $lOO. eel HENRY WOOD: Superintendent. PirrunswiriA a t itiONE RARITAN AND DSLAWARE BAY RAILROAD. PHILADELPHIA TO BROOKLYN. FADE. $2. EXOORSION TICKETS, GOOD POE THERA DAYS, $3. Peatengtre for RxpreeaTrainforTnekerton, Baraegaa Tome River Long Breton. and Brooklyn leave VIEW' STREET PERRY at U 16 A 'M., daily (FkinAbiyo en -6 sorted). arriving at Brooklyn At P Returning, leave WALL-STREET PERRY, Brook lyn, at A A. AL Way Train for Atelon, Shemin, Esninuter. ho.. ke. 'says. cooper'e Point MI. 46 ko fab L. B. gy/aL Aral Q 41068- . RAILROAD LINES. yßengs YOH_BALTIIIO..BIL RAILROAD LINES. NORTH PENNErirL. VANIA RAILROAD Paz BETBILIRRIf 'DOYLISTOI9I6,_6IIIIOII OHM6II. NARYoRwuIIAMSPoRT—WILRIMEARER. wiwrss. ARAANORKENT. residua Trans Isere the new Depot, THIRD Street. - above Thompson Arad, daily (Sundays eneented). felt ws: Y. 60 A. M. (Rnoress), for Ildhlehem, AllentoWn. Milki Chunk: liaslotoa. Wllltentsiod. At 112) P. X. Alayisasj e fsr ke. ' Bethlehem, Radon. ase,. At 6.16 P. st. for tblebson. A ll entown. Mansk Munk. Por.Daylestowa at 9.60 A. IL and 4.16 P.M. /or Port Waddington at LIS P. M. Leardsle at 6.16 P. X. I.ts ears of tie Second and Thlrd-streets We* COY P=SeDger Beltway FORrat to te..e neer Detad. TRAINS PRILADALPHIA. Leave Reddens= at 6.90 A. M.. 10.02 A. AL auff6.ll Lear. Doylestown at 60 A. M. and 1146 P. If. PATO Lansdale a{ 6.10 A. AL _ s Lowe Port Wasblloll at 2.10 P. A . SUNDAYS. Plalledolphla for. Doylestown at IL 30 A. X. and 4.16 P. X. Doylestown far Pidladelphla at lA. IL and IP. ned , • ELLIS CLARK, Agent. IMPRESS COMPANIES. _ _ IidEAMS THI ADAMS MC. PRESS COMPANY, One. SDI ORBSTNIIT , Stresti forwArds Parcels, Paskanes,. Nor. shandies, Bank Notes' 401 d - Speeiticer by Br own lines or in sonneetiore with other resit Conextules, to all th e serinsinal,TOWSl and 01 es ht the Untied Staten /L 2: SANDFORD, far . General Superintendent. DELAWARE, MUTUAL SAFETY MPANL INOORPOIIATED BY TatiMatirMlK OP OFFICE B. PE N I MIT A WN l irtirD W ALAD4 "- lIWUJIFB INIRMANOR ON 3MSSELS, CAIIOO, To all parte of the vorld. FREIGHT, INLAND INSURANORS On Goodi• by River, (lanai, Lake and Land Carriage. ito all•parts of the Union. . VIES INSURANCES en Nerehandlio generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, dre. • ASSNTS OP THB COINPANT. November 1304 ' 980,00 0 United States Five Per Oent.Liian, 114100,000 00 111,900 $tZ •• • 'Bl. 118 116 00 16,000 Sir• •• 0-20 s 70,8511 00 100,903 Rata of P ennsylvania Fl•t•e • Per Cont. Loan • . S ix 08.665 00 54,0 M State of Permarivartia Six Per Cent. Loan .... Mow 00 128,000 CRY of PhilailehOhlallirr Per Ct. Loan 122,870 81 20.009 Pennsylvania Railroad That Meli ssa/461x Per Cent. 81,000 00 00,000 Pennsylvania Railroad &wad _gare Ex Per Cent. Bonds. .. • . • 193,981`00 MOM= Shares Stock Gerown Gas Company, principal mant and interest guaranteed by the city of Model 15,900 00 0,500 180 Shares Stock Pennsylvania road Company....... ... ... . 9,100 00 WOOlOO Shares Stock North Pennsylvania Bailroad4,Contpany. .8,050 00 MILO United States Treasury Certificating of Indebtedness 58.425 GO 90,000 State of Tennessee Five Per at. Loan. 12,000 00 24700 Loans' on'Bond and Mortga g e, amply Bemired $958,250 Par. 2,100 60 . Market va1ue.5857,629 Beal Estate 86.000 6:1 87 Bills receivable for inenramme made. 118.3110 U Balances due at Agencies.. —Wend ales Biarjet_rolicim, Accrued --- - interest, and other debts due the Opraimpt - - 29.799 21 Strip and Stook of enndsy Insurance and other Companies. 764,663. maat4id value.... LW 00 Cash on deposit with United States Government,entdect to tel days' sail.-- 100.093 00 Cash in 8ank5........ 38,164 93 • Cash in Drawer....... 44,.., 337 36 • 51.56.092 49 $1.201,641 02 DIRBOTORS: Thomas 0, Hand, Samuel ffi. Stokes, John a Davis, J. F. Padden. Edmond A. Sender, Henry Sloes!: Theoplillus Paulding. William G. mutton. John H. Penrose, iidward D arlington. James Tragnair, H. Jones Brooke, Henry G. Millet, Jr.. . Jacob P. Jones, James C.. Band, James 13 McFarland, William G. Ludwig, Joshua P. Byre. Joseph H. Seal, flpenter Molly George 0. Leiper, John B. Semple, Pitiebrir Bush Craig, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg Be fit b Burton. THOMAS G. RAND President. JOHN 0. DAVIS, Vise resident. HENRY LTLBITEN, Secretary.. de16.111. I NSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PEN &SYLVANIA. —OFFICE Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, north side of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and 'THIRD Streets, Philadel piiia. INCORPORATED IN 179I—nHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $203,000. PROPERTIES OF TAR COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1, 11554, 1525417 12. MOLINE, FIRE, ANA INLAND TRANSPORTATION • INSBRAINCE. DIABOTOBai Henry D. Sherrerd, Tobias Wagner, Charles Macalester, Thomas B. Watson, William S. Smith, Henry G. Freeman, Wiiliam B. White, Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George O. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr , Edward G. Knight,' John B. Austin. HENRY SHERREED, President. .WiLms.ll Hurrs Secretary. nolB-tf THE RELILNCE <INSURANCE COM- A- PANT OF PHILADELPHIA. incorporated in DM. Charter PerpetnaL OFFICE No 308 WALNUT STRUT. CAPITAL,S3OO,OOO Insures against loss or damage by FIRE ROTlffelf, Stores, and other Buildings, limited or perpetual: and onFuror Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, In Town or Conn LOB PROMPTLY AD.TUBTEO AND PAID. $100,0611 21. Invested in the following Securities, via: First Mortgageson City Property, well secured $lOB, United States Government 141,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. 60,000 00 Pennsylvania $3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan... /6.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, Ira and -- .... se- Cm ndM and g g ahoyßalroad Company's6Sow go per cent. L0an........ . . ... . 6,000 CO Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany's 6 per cent. Loan Mob On Huntingdon. and Broad Top 7 per sent. mort gage bonds. . . .... . ... 4. 1 / 6 0 00 County Fire Insurance Company's 1.060 00 Mechanics' Bank 4.030 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Steck—. 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock... 080.00 Reliance- Insurance Company of Phlladel phia's Stook 1,000 00 Accrued Interest ... . . 0,455 42 Cash in bank and on /3. 0 23 2 5/ WOO, Oen 71 Worth at present market value...., 414,393 DIRECTORS. Clem Tingley, .Bent. W. Tingley. Wm. R. Thomson. Marshall Hill, William Messer. Charles Leland. Samuel Eispham . . _Robert Young, H. L. Carson, J. Johnson BroWn, Robert Steen, Thomas IL Moore. William Stevenson, CLEM TINGLEY. President. THOMAS C. HrLL Seeress PHILADILPHIA• December 1865 A NTHBA.CITE EIiSIJRA.NCE • COM PANY.—Authorised Capital 1400.000-0/11.112.111 PBEPETUAL,. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street. between Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Loss or Munn, by fire, en Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gen* Are . o. Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and heights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. D/BIICTOBS. William Behar, Davis Pearson. D. Luther. Peter . Seiser. Lewis Audenried, J. B Baum, John R. Blaskiston. William F. Dean, > JoaphMaxlleld, -John Ketcham. WILLIAM Et 311813., President. WK. F. DBA.II, Vice President. W. M. hamr. 84/0114/117. sp3-tt VIRE DISURANOB EXCLUSIVELY. A- —THE PENINBYLVAEIA FIRE INSIrEdhrOIi_QOH PART. limo rated iftlg. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Ho. 510 W street. opposite Independence nis company, favorably known to the community (or nearly forty years. continues to insure against Lou or Damage by Firs, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for & limited time. Also, on Pur. ulnae, Stocks. GOOlll. or Merchandise generally, on liberal' terms. • . Their capital, together with a large Sumba Rind, 1.1 Invested in the most eareful manner , which enables them to offer to the irunmed an undoubted see:mite in She ease of /on. DtillitlTOES. Jonathan PattersOn, Daniel Smith, Jr.: Alexander Benson, John Devereux, Isaac Haslehnist, 'Thomas Smith. Thomas Robins.. Henry Lewis. 7. Gillingham Fell. JONATHAN PATTERSON. President. WILLIAX 0. Oaewnm,, Secretary. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPADT. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PIZ VETTJAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street. ahoye Third. Philadelphla. Having a large paid-up Capital Stook and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellings; Stores, Pumalture, Merchandiso. Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Property. All losses liberally Person al ad n promptly adiustod. DIRECTORS. Thomas B. Mule, James B. Campbell. John Welsh, Edmund O. Samuel C. Dorton, Charles W. Poulin'''. Patrick Brady.'lsrael Morris . John T. Leiria. THONG Ammar C. L. CzAwroso. FAME INBURANCM COMPANY, No. NOtt IDIBSTBRITLPHLL STREW, PHIIADB PIBB AND INLAND INSIIIIANOIL torsutorond hazels N. Batik, John W. lyerinsa.. Charles, Richardson. Robert B. Potter, Henry Lewis. John.Keeeler, Jr.. flaumel Wright, I. D. Woodruff. P. 8. Justice, • Charles Stokes, George A. We Joseph D. Rills. CEZIr. President. OAAGEIGS. Mee President. W. I. EgAiroxass. . 3a14-11 ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE, 154 iorthalavENTH, below MIAMI strait —Dr. THO MAS ALLEN. very successful is the cure of almost every kind of disease. invites all to call at his Of flee, and see that his treat mast is free from shooks. CON VOLSIOIIB.—A discovery boa been made Which seldom falls hi the cure of Epilepsy or Pita of any other kind. Any one desiring a knowledge of this practice can enter at say time for full instruc tions. Cards end Testimonials at the Office. Hours OA. id. to 6P- DS. Consultations free. Dr. THOS ALLEN, Electrician. 41H7. 0M 154 ■. ELEVENTH EL. below Ease. VL E T ROPAT HI ESTABLISH ...A MINT, for the mire of diseases incurable with me- Moine, by Dr. A. H. EITSVIIN ,D one of the &see - Toren Of en entire new system of BLNCTRIOLL PRACJTIOL at 1411 S South PENA SQUARE. .uffarlease sell , or seed for a pamphlet an& learn par. . No charge for oonau Physicians and others desiring Instraottou eaa outer fora full course any time after - MONDAY, _ _Jan*. miry 2d, U 166. Any member of the elms lust Inishod ploy review without any charge. jat JOHN C. BAKER & CO.'S CODLINICS erOIL. —THE TRUE AND GlNlllllll—Unsurpaseed quality SW E ETE ST beins the AND BUT PIiIIPARID. In Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asttuna, Gout Ind- Went •Consumption, and all Scrofulous Complaints, It oftentimes prances immediate and certain effects wham Other remedies have been taken with little or no benefit. SolA by all' Drunl&Ae in the elty. and by the proprits• tor. NO. 118 11.1 8- 1 Street -tothaft IEAR'S GREAT TOBACCO, CIGAR, AND I'll'l STORE, No, 413, CHESTNUT Street, PhUsdaphia. Dean keeps the greatest assortment, Dean hears she Cutest Yeri r e i y Dean keeps the g eat gene . steak. Eon can get any kind of Tobasee. You can get any land of Cigars. Yon sal get anykiud of Pipet You can soy kind of Snuffs, AT DEAN'S CHEAT TOBACCO STONE. No. 413 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelpida, ra. When you go to Dean's_ you can get anything you want in the way of Plug, Fine Cut and Smoking Tobas. , sees, Domestic. and Havana Clears, Pipe., ats. Dim keeps as largest_gensral stock of Tolbasso. Cigars, Pipeo, Ho., la the United States. Dean's sales are so extsnelys that he WPM afford to sail at shout one-half what others sell tor. Dean sells to the Army of the Potomas. , Dean sells to the Army of the James. Diem sells so the Army of the Tennessee. Dawn sells to the Army of the Cumberland. Ottuboateall order their Tobacco, Cip.rs t.' s Ye. * from DRAB'S, No. 443 oaDI - D'ff Street Peansylyanla merchants 211 bay at Deaa'a. New Jersey merchants all buy at Dean's, Delaware merchants all buy at Dean's. As they can always get Just what they want, and M a much lower prlcs than they tan eleewhers, and they do not have to Ptak up their goods at a dozen little dors,. Alligoode ordered are naranteed to rive satisfation. Order once and you will always order from Delis's, is his ping and dna cut chewing and smoking tobaccoes and edgers are far superior to all others, and he sells for much less. DEAN'S. No. 413 CHESTECT Street skoZ-tf rullsdelatsh Pa. ''~ M!Saii3a MEDICAL. PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Corner TWELFTH and GIRAB.D Streets. ____ PAILADSLPIELL. Feb T. IWW. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until LI o'clock M. on MONDAY. February MORN. for the immediate delivery at,the United States, 'Store house. HANOVER. Street Wharf, properly packed, and ready .for trap erportation. of 200 SETS SIX. MULE WAGON'. IS LEM% ,cemplete. The same to be of the beet quality and make. and sub ject to the - inspection of an inspector appointed; on the Part of the Government. The above-described Harness to be made in accord ance wit') sample and ossifications. to be seen at the Hanover. street Storehouse. Bidders will state price both In writing and Agorae (to include boxes and delivery), the quantity bid for. and the shorteet time they ce,nsieliver them in . All proposals must be made out on printed blanker, which maybe had on application at this °Sloe, other wise the bid will be rejected. Each bid must be guaranteed b y two responsible per sone. whose sliniattuse mint be appended to the aurea te', and certified to co being good and .nmcieut security for the amount Involved. by the United States District Judge, Attorney. or Collector, or other public officer; °therm Ise th e bid will net be considered. The right is reserved to rejectall bids deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of this advertise ment, will not be considered. By order of Col. Herman Biggs V. 8, A.. Mel litner terresster. GkoRGE B. ORME. fey-tit Captain and A. Q. N. fIUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, "low corner Twsurn and GIRARD Streets. PerizenaraquA, Pa. February 4.1855. SRAM PROPOSALS will be Armload at this earls until 12 o'clock M., FRIDAY, February 10, limo, for the immediate didive.ry at the United states Store. house, Ranover-street wharf. PrOPerly packed, and ready for transportation of the following described stores. v ia 2,000 yards Enameled Cloth, 50 inches wide, beet qua lity. I,2ooRereeCollers, 17 to 22 inches—koz's skin, 2,000 Wagon Covers, 10 oz. ,- cotton duck, as per sam ple of cover at United States Storehouse; one yard sam ple of duck required. 2;f 00 Mule Collars. 15 to 17inelies—hog's skis 2,000 Yards Cotton Dna. 25 inane Wide, Roe. id and 500 palm Mule 'Karnes, 17 inches from top to bottom (hole). 20,000 prods Harness tinnier, eak4anned. 1.3% Per tide wHtsi finished, marked Harness Leather, with weight I,POO sidle Bridle Leather, oak-tanned 10 toll fits per side when-finished, marked Bridle Leather and number of aides in each roll, with weight. 5:000 pounds oil. tanned Leather, thin.ides. to Pauline, to be made in the best manner, of 15-Or. cotton duck, 9.BX.inehea wide. beet bualitr, army stand - ard, with tablinga all round Din " 202r30 feet wherof Waked; as per sample of Paulin at Hanover. street Store honse-1 yard sample of dock required. 20 pleoes - 31attinet, IX' yards wide, bleu and green. 3„ 000 Whips, blacksnake, all leather, solid, foil weight and dee. . 600 pounds Spud& 'Whiting, dry, in 10-lb papers. " 800 pounds Chrome Green, in oil, 2,3, and 5-5 cans, 600 pounds Gum Shells° 25 pounds Pundee Stone. powdered. 6,000 pounds Whitelead.in 60 and 1.00.2) kegs (Lewin . ). • AU of- the above-described to be of the beet analitw, and =Meet to the inspection of an inspector appointee on the part of the Government. Bidders Will data Moe. "to fiscducie boxeg and de /ivory," both In 'lrrltint . and Caere,. the quantity bid for, and the time of delivery stated; and no schedule prices will be received. All wimples to be sank to the Government Warehods.. Hanorer.atreet wharf. All preposals must be made out on printed Wanks, which may be had on application at this office; other. wise the bid Will be rejected. Ditch bid must be guaranteed by two • responsible Per sonsorhose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to nettling good and sufficient security for the amount involved by the United States District Judge,Attorney. or Collentor. or other public officer; otherwise the bid will not be considered. . .. .. The right is reverted to reject all bide deemed too hist. • - e .. Bids from defaulting. contractors, and those• that do not fully comply with the 'requirements of this &dyer tisement, will not be considered. By order of Col. K. BIGGS, • Chief Quartermaster. 080. B. 011,110 a, fe4.6t - Captain and A. Q M. ARMY,SUPPLIES. 10.ternrcick BUREAU QUARTIBMASTBR GIINSEAL'S OPFLOI4 • WAN( marom, February 3, 1855 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of Army Clothing_ arid Equipage, New York, limn 5' o'clock Id. WRDaESDAY, the Bth Mat, forjarnishing by contrac t , at the depot of Army Olotginit and Soap - age, Raw York, Slit-mule wagon harness complete. To be made according to specifications, which can be BOOR at this °Mee. Bidderewill slate the quantity that , propose I o furnish, and the shortest time in which they ca deliver it. ,01 proposals shihrld be acsompeadid by a proper The n for Sta t eshf performaz ce to rejectast. United reserves the right toall bids deemed objectionable. Proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for tar nishing Harness," and addressed to Br Brig. General D. H. VINTON, iis6.lt D. Q. M. General, New Vora Qty. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSIST EACE, No. 828 WALNUT Street, February 4. 1856. SEALED PROPOSALS IN DUPLICATE will will be received at this office until 12 oiclook Al • on WIDNES. DAY February 8, 1865, for eupplying, for the use of the United States Army, the following subsistence stores. delivered in Philadelphia. viz: 3,000 bbls. EXTRA SUPERFINE or EXTRA FA MILY FLOUR (which to be stated), In new, well-coopered barrels, fully head-lined. To "have been around within thirty days of de livery. Name."( brand and place of manu facture to be stated in the proosal To be delivered within the month of February. 100,000 pounds first quality PILOT BRE ID, to be made from good sound extra flour, thorough ' ly baked and perfectly dried before being packed. To be packed in boxes of well ass- Boned wood,of such a kind as will not impart lame to the bread. Boxes to contain fifty pounds net. To be ,delivered within the month of February. 19,600 pounds first quality kiln dried CORNMEAL, in well coopered barrels, fully head-lined. Breed to be mentioned. To be delivered Within tentutya from award. -500 pounds extra fine YOUNG HYSON TEA, in °debut' psikages Chop marks to be men tioned in the proposal. To be delivered Within live days front award. • 100,000 pounds light yellow COFFEE SUDA.R, or choice dry RAW SUGAR. Barrels to be the beet Dime for the purpose. To be delivered within ten 48.98 from award 25.000 pound); coarse pulverised WHITE SUll SR. , ',Wong barrels. To be delivered within ". ten days from award 2.000 'Pounds CRUSHED SUGAR, in strong bar rels. To be delivered within live days from award. 1,000 pounds JAVA CDFEIE, in original hew To be deliirered within five days from award. 50,000 pounds clean,line, dry SALT , in strong head lined barrels. To be delivered within ten dal s from award. 2,000 pounds pure ground BLACK PEPPER, in four- ounce papsrs _Bidders will state the va rfety of Pepper offered, and will furnish "a sample in grain as well as ground. To be de livered within ten dues from award 1 000 gallons good RYE WHISKY. Barrels to be of good seasoned white oak staves and heads; to have twelve wooden and four iron hoops; iron hoops and heads to be painted. To be • delivered within ten days from award. Samples of ail the above articles must be delivered With the bids, and referred to therein, but proposals must not be enclosed with eamplee. Samples must be in boxes or bottles, distinctly marked, and not paper parcels._ . Separate proposals . in diqfiliate, *vast - be' Made for each article enumerated, and bidders may propose fOr the whole or any partof each. A printed copy o this advertisement mnstbe attached to each bid, and the proposals mast be specific in com plying with all its terms. Each bid mist have the written guarantee or two responsible names, for the fulfilment of the agreement„ who will give bonds if required • BLANK FORMS FOR PROPOSALS, containing the form of guarantee, may be had on application at this office. The seller's name, place of business, and date of pur chase, name of contents, with gross, tare, and net weights, moat be marked on every package, and all old marks must be obliterated. Returns of weights, by professional pnbljs Weighers, must be given if required. No bids from parties who have failed to fulfil a fonder agreement will be considered. Bids will include packages and delivery at an' point in this - city to be designated by this °glee; and any . in. ferior packages or cooperage be considered audio ant cause for rejection of cow ante. • Payment will be made in current funds. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for Subsistence Stores, "and directed to ISAAC B. WIGGIN, ceS.tB Capt. and C. 8. Vols. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OF FICR, PHILADELPHIA. January 31 1866. BIALED PROPOBALP will be received at this OfBAS. until 12 o'clock IL, on WilliiNß9DA4. the Bth Febru ary next, for supplying the 83HUILKILL ARBB3AL With the following articles, 'Viz: [Bobbie Kersey, 8.4 or 6-4 wide, army standard. To be delivered immediately or within a short time. Dark Blue Flannel. 8 4 or 6 4 wide, army standard. Canton. Flannel 9-4 wide, do. Gray Flannel, Cotton and Wool, 5.4 wide, sample re qtded. Cotton Drilling, 3-4 wide, sample required. Brown Muslin. 4-4 a ide, do. Cotton Duck. 8 ounce, do. Ambulance Outdone, with Staves, army standard. Hat Cords anCrarsela, Cavalry do. Tarred )3&e flyn, sample required. Hospital 'Tents and Flies, army standard. Regimental Colors, Infantry, do. Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sona, whose signatures must be appended to the qua:an ti*, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount involved. by some public functionary of the United Mates. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirementa of this 'adver tbkoment, will not be considered. Blank forms for proposals, embracing the terms of the guarantee required on each bid, can be had on applica tion at this office, and none others which do not um braee this guarantee will be considered, nor will any proposal be considered which does not strictly conform to the requirements therein stated. Bidders will state the quantity they propose to furnish. how soon they can commence, and the quantity they ears delver weekly. The right , is reserved by the United States to reject any part or the whole of the bids, as may be deemed best for the intereeteof the service Samples of such articles am are required to be of army standard can be seen at this office. ..• Proposals must be endorsed . "Proposals for Army Suppites." stating the particular article btd for. HERMA OB 7t Colonel Quartermaster'sDe part ment.pan MACHINERY AND IRON. WM. M. FABER & CO. snism•s ; atotms . BUILDER& IRON FOUNDERS, O'BRERAL MACHINISTS, AND BOILER. MAKERS, PMSYLVANTAReai.Iiokii pissuoza smenoi. PITTSBURG. PIMA.. Manufacture all kinds of BTEAM ENIDINIIB, ranging from three to one hundred and fifty horse-power, and suited for Grist Mills. Saw Mills. Blast Furnaoee, Oil Wells, dm , Give particular attention to the construction of En gines and Machinery for oil boring and Dumping opera. ttone. Hays always on hand, !Inhaled and ready for shipment, SA GINO; and MOLLIES of evergdelortP Lion. Orders from all parts of the eonntry solicited and promptly filled. isl6.3za J. VAZONAN NEY.IIIOK. WILLIAM 11. JOHN E. OOPS. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY FIFTH AND WASHINOTON STREETS. PHELILDILPHILA. MENtitioli & SIONM, INGINEHBB AND MACHINIST& Manufacture High and Low Prelim% Steam Buenos. for land, river, and marine service. Boilers. Oaeometers, Tanks, Iron Boats.' Ho. ; ings of all kinds, either iron or 'brass. CaaP Iron- frame Boon for Gas Works, Workshops. Mali road Stations,Ao. Retorts as Gas Machinery of the Latest and most int• Proved construction. Everydescription of Plantation Machinery, Iritsh as Sugar, Saw. and Octet Mille, Vacuum Pans. Open Steam Trains. D efe cato rs, Filters, Pumping Inginea.be. Sole agents for N. Rthienx's Patent Sugar• Bolling Daratus, • Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer. and Aspin wall & Patent Centrifugal Sugar•DrsinlnS Machine. ant!-12 gink . PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. —NEAFIE & LIVT, pßecricAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA CHINISTS, BOILER.MARIIRS, BLACESMITHE„ and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and Elver KligilloB. high and low pre.- sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &c. &a. , respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Ma. rine, Elver, and Stationary; haying sets of patterns of different ekes, are prepared to Oneonta orders with quick destatch. Every desertiption of pattern-making made at t • shortest notice. High and Low•prassark Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penn sylvania charcoal iron FOrgillAll of all sites and kinds, Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; Roll.' Turning, fkfrew-Cu ting, and all other work Congested with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at ing establishment free of charge. and work giisranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re. pairs of boats, where they can Ile In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ito., &c., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB 0. 1111KFIM, JOHN P. LEVY, f 52141 BEACH and PALMER Streets, MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM EN GINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and General Machinists and Boller Slalom. No. 151.19 CALLOW HILL Street, Philadelphia. feln-tt ~~'~~! TN THE COURT.OF COMMON PLEAS TN FOR THB CITY AIM COUNTY OF PHILADA. • HAIRY IL WELDON, by lan Next Meal, Am. Ts. JAMBS D. WELDON. Sept. Tern, 1862. VB. In Dl voice. TO RIIPPOSIDEMT—Sia : Pleats take notice that the • court Rae granted a rule onyou in the above cams to show cause why a divorce a vinculo matri moan should be not decreed. returnable on SATURDAY. PebruarY 11,16f6, st 10 A M. Personal service of notice haying felled on account of your e,beencs. Yours, &c.. EDWARD BRADY. tel-er Attorney for 1411ellent. FOR_ . ; mgr.- .... iii..E. Aim, . .. .. .Bil • DWELLING, AND.t i r4TP 8 11 . . PLACE. with Inunediate Thwesiegtor 0 5" sae Store. 8. B corner lartril and CHERRY Strests,lB fest 10 Inches on Ninth tarok. A 6 on Cherry, For sale by fee.. St. A. P. & J H. MORRIS. 916 ARCH Street. di TO RENT—A MODERN MASI -sca.DEN ith Garden. Stable, aid Cartage House,. GNI, Hot and'Cold Water, Shrubbery and Shade Truer delightfully situated in & pleasant neighborhood. on the corner of Seventeenth and noes streets ,• combining all the advanteces of city and country. being three minutes' Walk from station of steam oars, and 17vs minutes' from horse cars and fifteen minutes' from the city. The House Is completely furnished, and Purnt• Lure for sale. Ingo4lat Qnsitermaster's °floe. corner GIILIaiD and TI , LVIII Streets, find door on right h of and std.. d. thetutf a FOR SALE OR TO -REINTT--sETE .MILIZAL commodious NSW DWILLTHOS, La n orthern put of the city, with all the 11110dell1 00EV Yentencos. Bent 323 to 33,,43 per mouth. Apply to TATIA,W JACKSON, 614- 011131iT iNrest : Or. JOHN JACKSON, fel-12V 3258 North TWRLP Mag. fia FOR SALE 041. TO LET—A. NUM b•T of eonvenlent new DWELLINGS, with modern linTrovernents, On North Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thir teenth..U*o4a ATFIr to TATLOW JACKSON. 614 CHESTNUT Streak, or at nol2-Sta . 111511 North T WELFTH Srrert. de LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO maLPERTY POE BALL—'the yea larg•And Commo dious LOT and BDILDING, No. 308 CR.RY . Street, - Near the °entre of basins/, contaleing.oo feet orr Cherry street, depth 11:6 feet. being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening to a large tart-war' leading to Cherry IZE AND POS street. Its advan ITION tages of S - are rarely met with. Apply on the premises. sell-em• dm FOR SALE.--THE SUBSCRIBER Orem for sale his country seat, within half a rail* of Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pike, con taininz eight sores of good braid, in the Inaba of which is &large lawn with a fine varsity of shade trees, ma ples, Undone. OVVErelons. stn., in all ever a hundred full. grown trees! The improvemente consist of a huge and commodious Mansion. flanked on the west by two towers, one of which is four storteeda height. There are four large rooms on a door, with a ball eleven by forty-two feet. The house has the lmodern improve ments. h hYdraulie ram forces Water from a spring into the upper story of the tower. 'Mare is also an iron pump and hydrant under a covered area at the kitchen door. The out-buildings consist of a carriage house and stable sufficient for four houses and several 'anise's; also, a hen, Ice, and smoke houses. The stable has a hydrant in it. Good garden. with several varieties of dwarf•pear and grape vines in full bearing. There are also several variedee of apple, cherry and chestnut trees. Terms accommodating. P 011301511011 given £t OLT time. Apply to LEVI ,(1 - non4-tt Market street. Wilmington. Del. IR A VALUABLE BURLINGTON ME COUNTY FARM AT PUBLIC BALL Wilt be sold at public sale, on seventh day. SA TURDAY. the 11th Inst., on the premises, all that superior And valuable Farm belonging to the subscriber. situated in a healthy and delightful neighbornood. four miles from the city of Burllugt , n,east of the Burlington and Mount folly Railroad. adjoining lands of Ed. D James an d othe r ,, containing 16019400 acres of superior Lau, in a h g ttate of cultivation, adapted to smuts. grain; fruit, dr.c. Brick Manel,on House, and large and convenient out bulidings..all new within five years. built In the beat manner, and of the beet materials, with an abundant supply of excellent water. Apple and Peach Orchard ; also, Pears, Cherries. &c.. all of the choicest varieties Any person wishing to view the _premises will be shown the same by calling on Wm. K. Deacon, residing thereo n. Bale Positive , to commence at 3 o 'clock P. H. Terms easy; will be made known at eale by 0.110. 8. DEACON. BURLINGTON, New Jersey. Reference—Edwd. 0 James. 101 Walnut street; fl. D. Parrish. 311 Chestnut street. fe(tlk di DESIRABLE DWELLINGS FOR SALE, AND POSBBSSION ROM 1412 West Penn Square. four-atom. 1741 Lombard street, with Stare attaabed—ened busi ness stand. 1614 green street; Lot,ll96feet deep. 2932 Green street; Lot, 20v40 feet. • 1602 Greene : Lot, 196 feet: Marble front. Double front. 36 feat, Green st., west of Nineteenth. 1325 Green street. Cottage, with lot 25x160. Withmanytothersin deatrableaocations -8 GLUM, 123 Eolith 'FOURTH Street. and fed-tf W. car. BEVENTILISTH and ORM. el BROAD-STREET PROPERTIES— •maOne occupied as a factory one as a forwardtaghouse, with large lota. For sale by A. P. Ai J. H. HOUMA 916 A 2.02 Strait. fe4-4to a LARGE PROPERTY, RAOE Street. near Fourth. II feet front. 179 dean, or with an additional adjoining pregestgr,_ sating GO by 179 feet. for sale by. A. P. J. R. AOlOlll3, 916 AROEI Street. fe4.3t" di FOR SALE-VERY DESIRA.- B gib LS IRON FURNACE PROPERTY, situated in McVeytown, Bottum county, Pennsylvania, within a short distance of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal. The freehold property comprises a Furnace. with machinery of ample power to blow, using either charcoal or anthracite coal; about thirteen hundred acres of Timber Land; also the celebrated Greenwood Pine Iron Ore Bank, containing about seventeen acres, which produces in abundance the same Ore from which John A Wright, Esq., makes his renowned and justly celebrated locomotive tire and car axles This is the only available property in the dtate which produces the me requisite for eetablishing a hi:minims of ante cha racter. There are also about one hundred and fifty acres of land withinhalf a mile of the Furnace, held under long leases, from which abundance of excellent hema tite ore can be taken, on which ahafts have bees re cently sunk, and which will produce sufficient ore to supply the Fernace. Soft Fossil Ore is also abundant la the neighborhood. Charcoal in any quantities can be bad, delivered at the Furness This Furnace is well situated for the .marketa. having water and railroad communisation pith Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Balti more, Rarrleburg, and other important manufacturing Also connected with the above, a Forge Property now in operation, manufacturing hammered blooms, and rol red 1.1 ablloom e. Motive power, steam. and water. For price and further particulars, apply to H W BURROUGHS, fe2-1m 108 South FOURTH 'Brest. Philadelphia. e ORPHANS' CI) lIRT SALE.—BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Clin ton county. to me directed, ae one of the Executors of the last will and testament of WM. MoCARTY, late of the borough of Millbury, In the county of Northumber land, Pa.. deceased, I will expose to public sale. at the Fallon Rowse, in the borough of Look Hawn, Clinton county, Pa., on FRIDAY, the lath day of FebrnarY, A. 1). 1£65, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following desoribed property. to wit: Tracts of unseated land in the warrantee name of Wm. .. . . ... ... ~.. .. . . . ~ _ . .... . . ... Powers. One other tract No. 6.666 do 1,100 &cram. .I . to do No 6,668 do 1.147 do Do do No. 6,067 do 1.100 do 1)o do No. 6.069 do 1100 do Also. the undivided three•fourths intend In the fol. 'owl us tracts of unseated land In Beating township. in the said county of Clinton, to wit: One tract No. 6.97/ hi the warrantee name of Nicklln & . . Griffith, 1,000 acres. 1 other No. 6.824 in the do - Richard Peters,396 agree. 1 other No. 6,925 do do do 360 do 1 other No. 3,808 do do Leroy &Licislean,3oo do 1 other No. 3,021 do do do 400 do 1 other do do Bradford Vincent,9oo do 1 other do do Wm. M'Coy 430 do On the following terms, to wtt: one-half orthe our chase money to be paid upon the acknowledgment of the deeds by the said Conrt. and the balance in one year thereafter, secured by hoed and mortgages. RACHAEL MoOkETY, le2-6t Executrix of Wm. McCarty. dec'd. die FOR SALE—FrRBT-CLASS mot )ARIL and COUNTRY ABSIDENCE, at Gy.aertwood Station, Baltimore Central Railroad Chea tmer coun ty. ises fe6 Inquire of NAT HAN SONGS, on the pre 12t• TIMBER LAND.-FOR BALE, IN 113 Pennicelvisala. a tract of TIMBER LAND of about MEN THOUSAND ACHES This land is heavily co• voted with excellent timber, in a location affording' rare facilities for safe and rapid transportation. Title indis mumble A portion of the purchase-money can remain on hoed and mortgage. Address Box 719, Philadelphia Post Office, Pa. j an- 121 VALUABL MULL PROPERTY, 1111 Mlll. - RESIDENCE AND 10 ACRES OF LAND FOB SA LS, IN BUCKA 0011111% PENNA. This property is situated on Knowles' Creek. at its junction with the Delaware 'River near Brownsbnrg, three miles from New Hope, and ten miles above Tren ton, N. J. The mills consist of a two-and.a. half-story Stone Grist-mill. with two run of French Burr Stones. all in complete order; Saw-mill and Fluter. mill ad joining. each capable of doing a large amount or b rie t. nem Tbe dwelling is a new two story Frame Cottage House, with four rooms oh the first door, live on the second, and four on the third, well- arranged, and well built: a Barn. Carriage house and other buildings; eight or ten acres of easily cultivated and productive Land, well fenced. and planted with fruit awl orna mental bees. The above described property is one of the handsome spots on the Delaware River where any one might spend their lime pleasantly and. prodtably. 'Tie convenient to school, dote, and - post once, and churches of different denominations, and will be sold cheap Apply to B SMITH & CO.. jail& ISt Real llstate Agents, NYMT.bWN. Penns. • di B. J. SMITH it CO., REAL ab NSTATE AGENTS. Newtown, Bueke county. . offer for sale In Bucks county and vicinity; over 00 FARMS of from 10 to 200 acres; most of them are highly improved and remunerative farms, with fruit, water, good handbags, and well located . The early intention of buys= is directed to them. Letters of in qnby answered. jag lit oR SALE-A LARGE LOT, CORNER of Richmond and Plum streets. Kensington, near Cramp's Shipyard, 177 feet by MO feet. with ales and dwelling thereon. A lot adjoining. 160 feet by 130 feet, with four small houses thereon. • Large lot on the Delaware river, between Westmore land and Ontario Mutt:oB,6oofeet front on the river, 9,673 feet deep.' having eleven fronts. A lot on Pennsylvania avenue, corner of Oxford street, SOO feet front, 200 feet deep; a fine stone quarry with railroad eidelinir into the quarry. &lot corner of Somerset street and Trenton avenue. 60 feet by 190 feet A lot corner of Somerset street and Gunner's Kim Canal. HO feet by 213 feet. A clay lot, near Nicetown, on the Plank road, ad. Joining Nowlett'sbrick yard,Boo feet front. 200 feet deep. A lot on Costello street. Germantown, 182 feet front, 336 fest deep Will be sold very low. Terms easy. Apply to .1. or A. LONG 3TEITH, 619 WALNUT Street. or Rt2B-Im* 152 38orth ZLXVIIITH Street. TO LE T—FOR SALESROOM 13 OR fight manufacturing purposes the upper stories of building northwest corner of EIGHTH and MAiontr. Uply in the store. ia21.11 FOR RENT---13RVBRiL ROOMS IN the TRIED STORY of the Balld_lnjton the month- Vest corner of SEW= and OREETIMT Streets. de ply at this ollec ja.13.11 VOR BAIR—MAGNETIC IRON ORE +- - Pox SALE —The GARRISONS' MINING 00l4FAYE is nowprepared to make contracts for sale of Mir mperlor Ore, delivered on the Hudson river. no posits Wert Point. Apply a‘ the Office of the Company, x 9 WILLIAM attest, New York. IaSO-lAt• MARSHAL'S SALE.-BY :VIRTUE OF a writ of eale by the Hon. JOHN CADWAL DNB, Judge of the District Court of the United States. in and for the Eastern District of Peansylvania.in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sold at public 'ale. to the bighest and best bidder, for cash, at MICHENSR'B STORE, Po. 142 forth FRONT Street, on WSDN.IIB - DAY, Febrnary 16th. 1665, at 12 o'clock M. • 83 bates of cotton, 174 bales of Cotton Yarn, and 1 bale of Cotton Cloth. Also, 449 pounds of , Cotton' and 22 boxes of To bacco. Also. 6 bales Cotton, 7 bales Cotton, 2 -bales Cotton, and 1 bale and some loose-Cotton. Also,S bales Cotton. The Cotton and other articles are now open for examination at the above-named store WILLIAIf If ILLWARD 8 Marshal IL D. of Pennsylvania. PirLADBLPHIs, Feb 1. 1865. fel tit DIT/LRIDGE'S XX YLIIT QLA6B IT TERA. HEAVY • LAMP cantarsys. nib world-wide reputation which these ChinuleTs Kaye acquired is due to their acknowledged superioritY over ail others. This superiority is derived from three sources: Ist- Bein4 ANY per cent. heavier than the common Chimney, they may be handled with much less care. 2d. The oval shape is an adaptation to the dat flame. the Chimney being at all points the same distanos from the beat. so that the danger of eracklag by Immortal ex pansion is avoided Sd. The material of which theta Chimneys are manu factured is unequalled by any other ems as a rapid conductor of heat; and, practically, it is form& that the combination renders them almost entirely free from liability to destruction by the h elver dame. Hence the obstacle in the way of the use of Carbon Oil, found in the unreasonable expense for Chiumeis, has been met and removed by the introduction of D I TERI DO 8 . FIRS-PROOF OHI KKR S. The Porniarity of these Chimneys has induced some unprincipled persons to make use of our name and trade inarks.and 'their reputation has been partiallyy. impaired •Wthe worthless:tem of spurious ()him mays sold as oars. Parties who have been annoyed with the cracking of ine_glase Chimneys would do well to Gall imd fry the WeFlint. have appointed Messrs. PERRINE & DRYDEN. Mo. 1021 South SECOND Street. Sole Agent. for our Chimneys In Philadelphia, from whom they can lie ob tained in any quantity, at manufacturer's Prices. with tlia addition of height. FORT PT D.G DLATSHWORS WORKS, 1034111 WASHINGTON St , Pittsburg. Penna. COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DUCK and CANTAB, of all numbers and breads. Tent, Awning, Trunk. and Wagon•cnver Duet. Also. rape r Manufacturers' Drier Yalta, from' to 6 feet 'wide; Patinas. Bolting, Bali Twine, dts. JOHN W. EVIOECKAII & - bee.tr So. 103 JOINS' Allay. JOSRVL T. OWEN , ANTOREISTi 00178ELLOR AT LAW. AND SOLICITOR 01 CLAIMS Ontall, On I Street. mar Foutosatl. Waiutos. D. U. . 4•32-St N . ,auCTION BALM .19:11iNi0313,-BRINLBY a 01:6 • • Iro. , ets CIIIIBTHITT =lra& YAM allot.. 11&.7-,i211kktv.r1.1c1Mittillit i's t I • • Imum Lutoy. potirrm lIPKEIFO*Wifig BOOM. arc A CAED. — We invite the early attentlon of.puroltaaers eons, ge and valuable assortMent of boots. shoo', brogans, Ira , embracing oomph's or I.IXI packages., forming &prime arid fresh assortment. to be perempto rily sold b_catalomao,_on four mou th s' credit. DM atonable THIS MORNOIOO. at 10 o'clock precisely. Bale w Lll commence with lye large conatexr_ FIRST LAMLE Ernalre SALE OF 1,300 PAOEC BOOTS. OROS& BROGANS, AE MY GOODS. JI M! VELLUM BAo. GB +IETB MORNING. Feb. 7th. at 10 o'clock, will be sold. b eslalocuy on four "tontine credit. about 1,3,0 p bongo. shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, dm. embracing a prima and fresh assortmem of seasonable goods of city gm% Baetern mannfaetare. Will be open for iixAMlELlitkoa, with catalogue. on morning of sale. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, SHORE, TRA BAGS NOTICM—IneIuded VELLIN our larg e Bala of boots &et shoes, 80. THIS MORNING. February 701, will be feral d in pall the following fresh and desirable assort ment, viz: Men's, boys'. and youths' calf, double-sole, half welt , and primp -sole dress boots; men's. boys'. and youths' kip and buff-leather boots; men's fine grain. to lea cavalry boots ;_men's and boys' calf bar-leath er Congress boots and balmonils; men's, berm', eat youths' super kip, bag and polished grain, half welt. and pump-sole brogans; ladles' tine kid, goat, morocco, and enamelled. patent-sewed baimorals and Congress gaiters; women's. misses', and children's calf and tat. leather balmorals and lace boots; children's fine kid, sawed city-made lace boots; Taney sewed balimsrats a zu t ankle ties; ladles' fine black and colored UAW Ge e _ green and side-lace gaiters; women's, &Mt children's goat and morocco eoppar-isalieg lase beet s; ladies' fee kid slippers, travelling bags, he. Also, a line of men's and WOICII4IIO/1 Brat anallty metal 11c overshoes and sandals. COUNTERS. At commencement of sale on. TOKEIDAY, Pebrnarr T. at 10 o'clock, precisely, will be sold, 6 / a fro cons t4MIL LARGE POSITIVE SALE OP gamma. FHIMBas GERMAN, AND DUAiIiTIC DRY GOODS. We will hold a large sale of foreign and do mantle dry g or oods, by catalogue, on a credit of four months sad part r cash, OR THURSDAY MORNING. February 9th, at 10 o'clock, eabrasing about NB packages and lots of staple and fancy articles la wool ens. worsteds, linens, silks. and cottons, to which we invite the attention or dealers. N. B —Samples of the setae will be arranged for OZ. amireation. with catalogues, early on the morning d gale, when dealers will And it to their interest to attend. LABOR SALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Latitudes!'in oar sale of TBUBBDAT, February will be found the fenawing„ viz Bales brown and bleached drills. Bales heavy brown sheetthire. Bales heavy brown shirt-this. Cases super bleached muelins. Oases bleached and colortdcorset jeans. Cases checks and tickin&a. Cases gala sins and plaids Cases Kentucky Item and cotton/ides. Cases satinets and cas.imersa TAILORING GOODS. A full assortment black and cold cloth. cassimeres, dc.nekins, Italian cloth. satin de chine. linings, lke. LTITEff GOOD& 4,000 &iron linen cambric hanoaercbiers: sonseelainn full lines of gents' and ladles' plain, ham•ethched sad hemmed. Also, linen damasks, shirting linens. drills and duck. Spanish linens, dtc. Also, for account of whom it may concern, an in voice of linen table clothe. WHITE. GOODS. Also a fall assortment of isoonets. cambrice. Swiss and check inualina. Also silk ties, suipendem, sewing silk. shirts and. drawers, travelling shirts, balmaral and hoop skirts. cavalry and infantry pantal DOES. &c.. &c. LARGE SPECIAL SALE 0710 000 DOZEN COTTON ON ?BID AY NOILISIINO, February 10, at 10 o'clock, will be sold about 10,00) dozen cotton hosiery, of a well-known and favorite bri• nortati m. Also gents' and ladles' "Joneln"hlackaad colored Pails kid 'gloves for the beet trade. Also Kill tary gauntlets, buck glovedand mitts, &a , - PANCOAST & WARNOCK, ATOP TIONESRS. 240 WARKST Street. SALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPOIFFSD DZIr GOMM STOCKS OF ODOM be., by Catalogue. OE WEDNESDAY. Feb Stb, Clonnmencing at 10 o'clock. comprising about ell left eeasoiable goods. M THOMAS & SONS, • ros. 139 and 141 South FOURTH 81Lnet. BALKS OF STOCKS AND REAL F43TATIL At the KXCKCIOS. every TITBSDAY. at 11 o'aioelk oon, 44--11aodbilis of each properly Issued bezerstVg . and on the natozday pronotts to each sable_b_9oo ea W t ll: a / 4 M f tnid gi at the fa A l kilion§t7re every RSDAY. - - - - . ail- Particular attention even to Solos at Tate Residences, &c. STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, THIS DAY. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing full da. scriptioa of all the property to be sold THIS DAY. the Tth inst.: with a list of sales 14tit. 41st, and 118th,, and March 7th and 14tb. comprising a very 'lrcrlDs amount and great variety of valuable farms, Country Seats, Stores, Lote, Residenee Dwellings, Stc, by order of Orphans' Court, Executors. Trustees. Heirs. and other owners, and a list of Property at private sale. BALE OF RARE ABED VALUABLE BOOM. THIS .AFTERNOON, Ifebniary Ttb. et tbe auction store, the library' ebbs late James F. Johnston, Esq. , which includes a num ber Of rare, intending, and valuable works. We Bo 1315 North Twelfth street. ELBOADT FURNITqIIA. PUIB .Ch_RP.ITB, &cr. ON WEDDIBBD2,I MORNING, 6th bud , at 10 o'clock. by catalogue, at Ne. 1315 Nortk Twelfth street, above Thompson, the elegant parlor. dining , room, and chamber fondture, Ane Brussels carpets, dm Been in nee but a short time. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of tka sale. BALI 01 MISOILLATIBOUS BOOKS FROM A LI• BEAKY. ON WEDNESDAY AVTERNOOI, February Bth, at the auction store, miscellaneous books, on various interesting subjects, from a library. Sale at Nos. 138 end 14t South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, bIANteOAN2 PIANO FORM, _ MIRRORS, CRAIUSELIER.S. LARGE ME-PRO ON OF tiAF THU E& DAY N M CLEFrf ORNINGit au. RS. At 9 o'clock. at the auction more, ruperior !annum; maheasn'Y P'ano fortes, mirrors. chandeliers. fine Brussels and other carpets. Ac Also. a large and superior fire-proof safe. made by Farrel & Berlins. Also, an invoice of patentEron trolling, for °mamas al grounds. TO PIANO BEARERS AND OTHERS ON THURSDAY MORNING. Lot of piano patterns, clamps, hand-sertrini;lhair bench, &a. Admix.'Orator's SW*. Ro. 211 Wood stryt. s HOUSEHOLD PUY BNITIIIIN. ON FRIDAY NORNING 10th inst.. at 10 o 'clock, at No. o. 11l Wood strait, the: household furniture. carpets, ate. - prauF FORD & CO., AUCTIORARRB, -a- 528 MARKET and 842 oomm - racqrsttioti. FOSITIVF. SALE OF 1,500 eallES BOOTS, mom BROGANS, BALMORALS. #c, On TBEIRSDaIf MORNIA O, February 9th, commencing at 10 o'clock. we will Oa by catalogue for cash, 1,000 eases prime boots...shoes, brogues, balmorala, cavalry boots, &c. from,sity Eastern manufacturers, exclusively oonalgaed-Sooda• AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES. Qtreargasuenta Ottassaz's OPPICR, Faun Dirtatow t WASIMIGTOR errY. Jannary 33. "MC Will be sold at pnblie auction, to the highest bidder. atBALTIMOILK. yiraireV,nneruAirr 9. 11916, ONE RIIIREED AND rim CAVALRY HORSES. These Horses have been condemned as unlit for the cavalry ft rhea of the army. . For road and farming PurPoses many good ballaiMl may be had. Horses sold sin; ly. Sale to commence at 10E. EL.alidl evill be held at Government Stable!, corner ee PAUL and GERMAN Streets: Terms—Cash; in United Mates currency. JAMES A. 1000111, 3e.27-111t Col. la ahem First Divlstoe Q. W. e. 0.. SHIPPING. j thim MUM - WEAKLY TO Ll vsurem., touchline at RITRENSTOWR. Work Herber.) The avell-latowni3tearaars a the Liver pool. Rex York, wad Philsolelt.hla Steautahlt t grotar (Inman wee), carrying the FL Rails. are acted to ■ail as follows> . . . CITY OF CORK SATDIIDAY.-Feb. 11. CITY OF LONDON SATURDAY. Feb. 18. ETNA SATURDAY. Feb 116. and every inmeeding Saturday et Noon. iron Fier 44. North Rivet. SATES 07 PASSAGE : =Dyl e in Gold, or lie eqrdvalent la thureneY. CAWS. —.OBO 00 STEIRAOE CO do to London .... 85 CO do to London-4 ISI do' to Palle .—. 96 01) do to Paris •—4O 00 do to Hambari. •90 00 do to Hamburg.. 87 09 Passengers alto orwarded to Havre. Bremen. Rot terdam, Antwerp, It., at equally low rates. Pares from Liverpool or Queenstown: let Cabin, F . R.. 1. . Steerage from Liverpool or Queenstown . ose who wish to tend for their friends can bay tickets here at these rates. 'Por farther information apply at the Company's Oilleee• 101 l G. DALE. Agent, fer•JM 111 WALSIJT Street, Philedellrkla. ink BOSTON AND PHILADISL PRIALSTILMSHIP LINE, from sash port on SATURDAYS, Front first wharf a ve Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf. Boston. The steamahip SAXON, Capt. Matthews. will that au Philadelphia for "Boston on Saturday, Feb il A A- M., and eteamehip _ NORMAN, Ut‘,Pt. fray Barton for Philadelphia , on the same day at 4P. M. These mew and imbetantlal steamahine form a reralair tine, selling from mash port punctually - on Saturday'. Bunten's' efeeted at one-half the Premitua=sharged on the vessels. height& taken at fair retest nippers withreqted to send Slip Receipts and Mg of MAW& their good& For Freight or Yassage j arminsmemmoil aPPIF to T WIN UVP. • mhfill-tf 31111 South DILAWARR Avenue. A nilk FOR NEW YORK_ OUTRIDE 00ASTWIRE STIaIdhEfIrtOMPANY NEW 711.1110E(2 LINE FOR IFISW YORE, and ow:meeting for all Northern 'and Eastern Wise and New edema'. 14111" MTAY," TRIMS DAY. AND SATURDAY. from the Oom 'e wharf, fret above Rase street. and New York. from Pl. 11. North river. oa Mae dale. et 3 P. X For freight. Vlach will be reeetved.d any. handled in the most careful manner, sad dells enel with Ike greatest despatch, et fair retel. apply to WILLIAM 3. TAYLOR # CO.. 3110 North WRARVRL nolLt-Na wr.4OKBREL, HERRING, BRAD, &o. - , •••••- - -2.600 bblii Masa. Nos. L. 2. sad lffaskeraL late-caught flat la assorted oaakUrn. 2,00 bble. New Must:port, Fortune Nay, std HELMS Herring.. 2.600 boxes Lubec, Sealed, No. 1 Herring, 160 bbls. )31. W Ideas Shat. 2SO boxes Herktoker. county Cheese, &a, Is store and for sale by MURPHY k KOONS. N 0..1 4 16 NORTH NHARVBEL idIL MIJHR, 160 N: SECOND. S T ._ Wholesale Dealer In Watches and Jewelry. Fun assortment of American. English and amiss Watches. - isl7-tnthslOr lifyAisit MALCOLM MACNEILL'S EMI =AIME 87031. *O. 310 Bout) 111TH Street, beloV Sonia PHIL A nAPHIA. Jr.- Glasses relltkd to sun all ages. and all manner osp o DENTISTRY. —DR. BASSET Inserts ARTIFICIAL TEETH or Gold, Sliver Vulcanite, from . 66t0 t 40 . Teeth filled, 60 IMAM. upwards. Repelling. rtelereneee. Hate, 244 Street, below Locust. nol7.Bnr 11) BYARS & WATSON'S sALAiiearmis SAFE STOWS 16 8013311 FoIIRTEIRTRIET. PHILADELPHIA. Pd. han A d lure variety of Ma-PROOF kAFII6 Always or OLD EYES MADE WEW. A Perniklet, dire slini t how AP _ to WPeednY rotators* filts sat eve nO grbactaaloa, Without aid of Doctor or Medians. Bent in Mail free on receipt of TEN (111118. Athireoll E. B. FOOTE, M. D. ETM , !',TM 1130 BROADWAY. Now Ita* MRS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED lIRS TOE LADI • b a only Bulaportera unMPPOBT der eminent medicaES— l Pam Ladles and playsiclarin axe respectfully requested trZ only on Mrs. Elfrtl3, at her reddens*. 1.0351 WALNUT Street, Phila., (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty ittoot" dl ,. tnv slid have been advised by their phYalailatc to 1188 . " ppltanceis. Those only are rinuine bearing the Unita! Butterooertght : labels on the bog. and signatures. , 000 on • thorporteria tastiatonlsba cadg-tedtoo FISH AND CANI;TED 600 bbla Mama and No 1 Mackerel. LOW For sale by e 5 6401, 'maned Meats. Lobsters. &a P. 0. 112172.42011 0 3 H, de80•314 116 No rt h FRONT am&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers