ze Xntertaininente. eawr rll/14TEIAL-.-Thlll 11 the Lad the "'flues Guardenten” and Beast , ' On Saturday afternoon, ghtb, family matinee, the "Three be performed, OA Monday even ) oomMenpes an engagement. JacaseTak.—The rehearsal tamer has the felleertngvarled programme : noted " Roulet. tth Abt. Meanie ls Lawler. Anionle No. 8 • Beethoven. MideumMer Night's Dream , ' Mendelirtohn. ' Verdi. Gang% „,qcLrAmc9 is drawing fall hOnsea Building—many drawn them to- salon of Psychology—others to be expert , while all who attend cannot fall to pleased with the many novel end ,e-iments given by the Doctor. To r,nouncos n ” matinee? at 3 &cloak, Ing a lecture (for gentlemen only). tend Cannot fall in being pleased. ' , lomat&La.—We have fthe illustrated orial and Illualraleti London News of and 14, from Mr T 7 Kromer, No. 103 treet. Pftl , AL GIVNBRAL WOOL —We have teen M Major General. Wool, to It Mend In which be tftellwee himself to bell) ex- IL and adds: igen appears to be tottering. TO Ore blow, the NO.lnnal and State G3Voi'll rl put forth all their energies to proeure till the ranks of the only trustworthy •s, Gnus. Grant, Sherman, Thomas, She tel Farragut , and others equally brave "—Evening Post. CITY I.rIIa,VCS. AY Moomaourr—On the Philadelphia .ark, 'MA:print and Walnut streets, in splendid condition, equal to .a freshly. we, by means or Wharton's patent piano. 11 band, day and evening, Ifantly illuminated, and open until ten le the foe lasts. STB&w,—Among the masqueraders at 01 in New Haven was a n man of strap," Pesee Clommleeloner from nfehmond.i , e ale° a flno•loolelog man dlegnlsed se e entleman. ate elegant appearance at- - ach attention, but the whole matter was when It Wee ascertained that he purchased wore at the Brawn Stone Clothing & Wilson, Noe. eta and (305 Chestnut ye Sixth. PROM Tan " Lo 9 Roos" ow Tull "—The blowing up or the Drewry kas our-possession a good portion or its log. tamping the reports of the sommasderiand al orders of the squadron. In it tie:sirs \rkable passage : "Daring the early part a piece of shell struok ma on the rib-tier feet from the water Doe without doing met be a hard bet. - If a piece of shell ike tu, on the-Mb-tier about two feet water-line, It would be very apt to a (=pink-4f itidid not wholly demolish. one. Speaking of pantaloons brings to elegant stook we taw the other day at 00. , s ono price," under the Uonti• OEM WINDOW SHAMES, OUNTAINO, navnny Goons.—W, Henry Patten, 1408 street, wlll close out his present aeurt ow prices, to prepare for extensive alto store,l4oB,olteatnnt street, fog-feat JAN 11LL.116,--Amerlait Is Justly proud of ful ladles ; but how many mar their beauty, ielr health and smith, beemneprematurely mance, bynegleoting to taske proper owe sth. Tkere can be no exourse for this, as ,nonountsed by all worthy &plasm between est Ilpe, can now be bed Irk all civilized Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. ElitAIL IMPARTS, t'or the Skin, meet every Tarediatene, importer?; Phlla. 2-thltutr , AND 1 13A.TABlua,, a aoesafraly tmatad Ooalist and Aurfat, 511 Pine at, thasrted. No olia.rge for examination. Tsang. Co.'ss Pianos, and Mason a blnet Organs, for sale only by J. B. and Chestnut streets. nctlG.tf SPECIAL NOTICES. ..I)ITARR, COMPRISING . COLLARS araum Silver, Leather, aid stitched Nio. 81 Loather Leader,. email PacUnaks, &a., TRUMAN & PH&W'B, (Eight Thirly-Svo. ArAlsirsi. Street,- below Ninth, l'AiladeitaitA. MAN WITH A SOLE CAN PURCHASE 'B, for done or woad, or other article, Of :ware or Toole, at TIMM iN & SHAW'S. 536 (Ilteht TWAT 4flve), HARKED Street, 'below Ninth, PhtladelOb&L RRCIFIVR INSTRUCTION IN BOOK- Commercial Arithmetic, Mercantile Forms. ;guineas Writing, at O'DONNELL'S Book titute, TENTH and ORBS eciUT. fel..6t* , Mum AND MEOE3ANIOAL 813P 'roved construction, sod light finish, ad. judgment, at 0. IL N'BRDI,S9'. corner of and BADE Btreots. (Ladles' Department, Ladles. ou'rwarth Street, aretdoor below extensive variety of Supportere, Salta, ski:kings. Syringes, Nursery Articles, Int 1 Thus Dl2 WS HAIR DIE is the best In Um world. and perfect Dye—harmless, instantane- As I produces & splendid Blast or Natant) dies the ill 'Waste of Bad. Dyes, and fro. nee the original solo?. Gold by all Drag 'entitle is darned W. A. SATOIIIILOR. 81 greet. New Ye/k. . jag-mwfrly GEORGE STECK a CO.'S FFMI PIANOS. , AND N• CA N I NET H R M AN% N'S Over tx3o esoh of these floe CAIHNET tmtrnments have been said OBGANS. by Mr. 0 , and the demand is CANT gra. sonatanily Increasing. ORGAd R. For sale only by CAB(NBF J B. GOULD. ORGANS SETENTE and CHESTNUT' Ste. CABIN Wl' nol9.tf oacuess. FATS irsom.ll4 To $55. OTHECOA.TO. 1 GS 4 i An VWX 1114 to SUL OVERCOATS OATS ISOM $l4 to $55. OVLECOATIL (OATS FROM $l4 to $55. OVIROOk2B. WARAMAKRR di BROWS. OAR RA.I.L. B. corner EiIX.TH and !demur Streets. tr Yen's Salta and elegant wartat7 of the , )thing u RRAPONAI44 MOIR. WILSON'S HIGIENST PREmrum LOOK-STITOII SEWING MACH LNER. CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST AND DIEM eiTOX.—In tbia eity, on the 27th nit , atlas 1 orper, it A I.AI Ism. of p sal m. to bliss A da L. etoy,or Efaidonliald, DI .1. 13ATNABD. —On Therainv, F 4 13. V. by trles Brown, the Rey .Tolin W. Dulles 'o Baynard, step daughter of the oat /man, all pr • -HOLLINGSWORTB.—tia the 2d inst . at a elmreb, by the Rev. Dr. Wm. I:Ladder, Arnold to Taunt H , daughter of the IM. itoliingsworth, BK. arm_ .—tin the 24 init., Mn. Marl Campbell, s of her age. - an and friends of the faintly MO Yea Pent. .0 attend her funeral from the residence of a A. Campbell. northwest corner of Eighth r /Ankle, on Monday morning neat, the o'elocb. the Woodlands. see the morning of the 21 %et, 'Francis aTiLi 00/21111MOCOT, in the 77th year of lila and relative. are invited to attend the !en, at hie late residence, No. 1916 Mount on Bablinth altarauon next, 6th Mat , at orlOyed to New York for Interment on • —Io Camden. N. J . on the evening of 3v. M. B. }farmstead, Chaplain of sth Jar alry. I funeral will be Oren • ,b. lbla, Bus. Mary Ann Smith, relict n ILlnitth, In the f Bth year of her ace. ad tglerAs are invitod to attend the face late residense, No 418 north Fourth street, Ith Mat., at 10 o'clock A aL z o proceet to ••• n the IA inst., Samuel Barry, in the 77th ge. yea and friends of the family are respect. d to attend the funeral, from hie late rest. 4 tiorth Muth street, on Satruday, the 4th clock M ••• -On Wedateday, the let lest , Carrie Lein. laughter of William and Caroline Amend* t years and 4 months . of the (sway are respectfully invited to mend, from the residence of her parents, reet, at 2 o'clock on Saturday at ternoon. the -January 16th, 1866, i Memphis. Tenn , artoalee, wile of J. J. Munich, and 'daughter Jesse C. Parmelee, of this .1111. Ives and friends of the famtly are Invited to unto's], from the yes d.nsos of ner mother. rw Miller, No. 801 Pon'h Fourth street. on ted Inst., at 2 o'clock P. M. Iniermont at —Os the 81st of January, Mrs. Ellis M. heath year of her age. la of the family are respectfully Invited to inneral, at the re.idecve of ber son-in-law, .worth t ?Al I Often street, on Sstnitday. at 1 e clock P. M. To proceed to L aurel I —On the 20th Instant. Samuel B. X 9003113 relatives and friends srepeotfally invited is funeral, from No 836 Arch street. on the 3d 10 o'clock n M. Interment at 'Laurel ime CITY lIOUIIirTY 41)MMON WitaLTS ~ diB 01311EITNI7F PrirLAGISLP/Itit, Feb. 2, 1862. Is celled to the fact that, comporting to °Mold fOtletTlini tht4 Aflta ttln Qn.Otan flantilled in of- the city, tamed° the credits up to the tuber. have Peen pablimbed which may lead the to believe that theonotee co.ciolgnodi are to hrtherattrplas above the lad Galli this bi 3redli have been preeeetvd, and . are nom Jeratlon of the-proper offloani; a eueettedal teem in meet., how.var. be, nreoared to ripply rholehlunber eettnned to them by their re vc et Manhole. • the 090111"81°D. naIIZI 111 T.• TO aureate~ TREANTIRT DEPAIITNISNT, OFYICE Comeranctma or Duananor, WARREMITOA. Januar, SI. Mt Alterart of quarterly repntr of Übe NATIO .IAT. BAMKO tt99o - lal . loDfe OF THE TIMED VATIC tehuanzg their condi , ton on the meriting of tile Int Wen. day of Jemmy. a. D. 1865, before the oonuntheenteat of Iniatheee on said dem: kilt Oraloll3 Lou o and discounts. $163,021,850 40 . uverdrafte 427,067 60 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures . 4,091.128 14 Papoose aoconnt 1,003.75 a 04 Pz• rr inns tald 1,923.021 56 itemttainces Rad other cash Items 17.71.1 4 al 77 Tme from 1•1:11onal Banks 80.041775 44 NU, ft , m other Banks . 15 8i5,071 87 1 1 . 8. Bonds sod other Lt. 8. Secarlthfs... 176,578 70) 00 B Ile of other 85uk5.....-- 14.270, 1 05 AT seeds 4,491,9 0 7 as O. h. rlawfal re oast , ••• . • ...... 72 655 60170 Other items...... • 8,201 834 27 Aggreißte•••• 12112.668,066 68 LiSBiI•ITIEI. - Capital stock paid in. $181.618.874 OS - Sti..los land 6.663,311 22 P.l. , tis. in circulation ..... .-.... , 66,760 374 01 Ireiclinat deposits...... 167,418 0 .4) 74_ United t.tates &militia ...... .... ...... ~... 37.764,770 77 DlTldend* tutpktel 861.647 21 Rue to riattooal Banks A 0,618,176 57 Dna lc othor Banta :17,114.130 67 Profits 12.781.141 61 Otter llama ..... ..... ."...... 265,134 87 Aggregate ....... . 09,50) ........ afeCIII.LOGIT, Comptroller of the Corraoey. Igr ATTENTION 11—FIFTEENTH WARTlll—brand Kase Meeting of Cidzens, at the Baptist Chapet, MIMI ['WERTH and BEA NDY w INE et ree t a , milt Dal EVENING NEXT, 736 o'clecit. The time Ls alma in which to all the quota of the Ward and instmt action on the par; of every citizen liable is imperatively demanded. Come with year money end imlner.cei help 7eareches or no one will ahhtit you. large at the citt3la appears to be, it racy be alltd if all hands are at work, bat Weer mare lim net is manifested we will fail. . . .„„ enbeetibers of $26. and upwards. will receive a el - WC:irate entitling the sub. oriber to a pro=rate division of the fund on bat d, in Gate of being dratted. . The Executive Committee meet eathrday. Tuesday and Tbursdev Evenings at the Fchool-house cornet of TwENTUTO and C 0 etTE Street* to receive subsorlp- Hens and hear reports from collectors. •• QEO. W. SMITH, - Chairman of Executive Committee. J. T. Pgr,sonotx, Fect e dartee. JOUN ?lOWA, fe.6.6t OFFICE SHADY GROVE OIL lar COMPANY, 'l5 Smith TRIED Street. A Riveting of the Stockholders of the BRADY GROVE 016 CO etrABT tvlll he h. 141 on SATOH DAT, Rh RI, 8 o'clock, at the ofllce of the Company 111 , 41.* C. C. RHODES, Treasurer. HOMO FOR AGED ANDEL EFIII,II OULORED PERSONS, 340 Eqo'Tif FRO Tr ISTEREP, —To enable this Ins Radon to be opened with ouNdelay. donations are solicited of furniture. carpets, dry floods. provisions , de.. dia. 'Alo, cub contribntlons - are ;ladleful/Ay regeoeted, sue mu be pant to the frautiter, SLIENEL R. S RI PLS Y. 1, 23 FILBERT Street, or any of the blenagore. fe3-2,:r NOTICE.—THE FINAL NERVING If the FLOoli MANAGERS of the POLL ADM, }BEA Afflorlf AVON'S BALL, wilt be held At tilde B ALL. SEVANTEINTH Stieet, below (lbeetne. TELLS EVIDNUM, at 8 o'olook. EDWIN( A. PUN. lt• Secretary- Or. OFFICE. IIgIRMEIG SEINING VON PAWL No- 324 WALNUT street. P• nr•ADßLrine, Forttexy 24, MI NOTICE IS HEREBY GINA; That all STOOK of tte OIHARD MINING COMPANY on which instal ments are due and nnnald have been declared 'for iAted, and will be sold at Pnbito ¬ion on SATUR DAY. tt e fourth day of March. 1855, II It o'cloot, lIVOLI. at the Office of the Secretary of the Corporatton. accordlog to the Charter and By-Laws, nodose re. deemed on or before that day, By order of the Directors. B. A. HOWES. fe9•tai4 Secretory and Treasurer. DEEPOR SHERIDAN OIL CO N. PAN Y OP CHERRY RON, *3 South THIRD S.rret.—A meeting of the Stockholders of the Sheridan Oil Company of Cherry Ran will be held on , 4Alrult- DAY. 41A Mot ' at 11 o'clock. at 'the oleo 9f the Cam. pony /Az t-2e3 0 C. EROl)l2t. TreasererA far= TIME NORWICH OIL 4WD oil. ENO COMPACT. 0 aPITAL.IOOO, 000. PAR VALIIII OF SHARES, $2. The unOersigned baying received from the - Secretary of the Stale of Ohio a Charter for the alYfe-named Company. will open Be eke of Subscription to the Stqck on ARIDAY, Febrnary 3, Ha. at 503 0088813301 Fuck. The Boehm will be open between the /more of iiandllo'clock A. M. Ettbzeription price $2 par' chars. A. B. samsr. A. B. TrTFITIOB/ M. RO WL IND. ltfi Oorporolom Ilar. AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF TEE TWENTIETH WARD aouturr Pump CommlSsiolnuts will be held THIS SPRUNG. in the ehatcb, ELEVENTH Street, below Orrord, at IN. o'clock. All interested in earlag the ward from the Draft ore invited to attend. . Il;l;jiu!lJ.tu ggr. ELFITION.—OFFIVE NOILTREEN CENTRAL RAILWAY COM BALTIMORR. FebFeblll,l%72, 1815. A General Meeting of the Stockholders of Cite Com- Dany will be held at C.kLVERT STATION on Tains- Ax. the 2811 lest.. bei won the bones If 1 l and 2 P. for the prirpoee of 11 , eoting Twelve Dlreetore for the en- Trg year. By order. Roßt B. HOLLINS, Secretary. TEE TRANSFER 800 dB will ne cloyed from and after the Mk iwit, until after the fe3,finw26 11,F 4 0 T WELFTH WARM—THE BM NURSING COMMITTBE meet at Y. S L. Lad ner'n Northern Military Hall, THIRD Street, below Omen street, every day, and pay the EMBEAr CASH BOtraVES. For 0ne1tear..,.... ............•..•..... ........... Foy Two 1 ears ..... .11.1. .................. "4..4064 67 1 1 For Three Tearg .. . 825 YOR HaIiCOCK'S COEFS—TV7O-YEAR ITEIIRABB. For One Year........... ........ PPM For Iwo Years... - .. ............... ........... ..... 915 rot. Thy.* Years .... ..... .......... 1,125 John a. Muer, I Ch arles H Matson, Juba 8 Heyl, George Bats, I B Engeby 142•61,* Diabarsing OtunnalßOe. SINXIFII `YARD—DRAFT Oil NO DRAFT 7—The Precinct Finance Committees. and all interested in the doming DRAFT. are specially requested to eels - their best efforts In procuring *calmly tuns, and are positigelY required to report the same at the meeting of the • WARD BOUISTY COMMIrrEE, at the CROWN•STREET SullOOL HOUSE, on SATUR DAY EVENING, the 4th inst., at 7 o'clock; as the Bounty Committee have determined. to be guided In their future action by the amount then sub , crtbed; they Intend if the subscriptions will not be eelevient, to came their labors, and let the Ward be drafted. It rests 'with the people of the Ward to decide • B. B.—The Committee also WWI to know if there a.re2o or BO pampa in the Wa• d. who are matriottc enough to give the use of one thensann dollars ease, for 'fifteen nr. wenty dave. to pep , Otffy Brunty, 'which amount they will reveller bark either in cash or city Tritrfante• with the thanks of the Committee and people of the Ward. Such persona, if any, will please report to the Commit tee on Saturday Evening. - Chntrmae, Ald. CHAS. WELDING. Treasurer, WM. H. BARNES. fe2-3t Secretary and Recruiting Agent, JOHN HAGAN. nir SIXTEENTH WARD. THE CIE& rano of the Ward are reePectfttllY invited to at tend a Meeting- at the &thereon Sehool-Boner. FIFTH Street, above Poplar, on SATURDAY EVEIIND, tab. 4th, for the prirpote of organizing a committee to solicit anbhot lotions to obtain roarnits for tbo Word, to avoid tee conreqtionces of a DRAF I'. The time is snort. end unlace promptly and liberally reepond od to by the Wi zens no action can be taken in the metier Dv realest of At, x. T. Olovi.a . s, l DAMIL SAW:UM D. Joki-.4, Patti? H. LOTtO. IRAs I!gr. CENTHALIe 31 lOU ISCHOOL.— The Examination of Applininis for gdmissir, halo the Gentili High Elohool will begin on .11091Ddoo February gib, at 9 A. &f. Caudtdalea must be at least thirteen years of age, residents of Philadelphia, and they must have been pupils in the Public achoole of the city for at least one year. Tiff order of examination *sr:Ube as follows: MOND LT, Feb. eth—litetory of toe United States. TUFADAI, 7th—Definitione and Parsing VIED lh bth—Uoastitailoa of the United States and Grammar. TUP hSpAY 9tb—Orthography and Nenettrattott. Nth—Arnim.lie //IMOLAI H. MACitinS. PrinclpeL U. W. HAISOWELL, Searetary. fe2-3t ligr NOTICE— Emir, MEER OIL CON. PANT.—Stookholdera of the above COMMAS , are hereby aotified tbat the anCRSTARY'S REPORT to now ready distribution. at the Omci of the Com pany, 407 WALS UT Street te2 IL B. ALSOP. Secretary. R 3399 PHILADELPHIA. AND ERIE ItAILROAD, PniLAnscrnrA. Jan. 23, Mt The Annual Meeting of the atecitholders of the PM LA.D.ELPHIA AND IRIS RATLROAD COMPANY will be held at the Office. No. 230 WALK' 1" Street, on MONDAY. the 13th day of Yebruary next, at 10 o'clock A. 31 , at this meeting an election will be held for ton mans• gen of the Company to serve one year. The po' to close at 2 P lf. GIORGI P. LITTLE, ja23-mwf lot Secretary._ lar NOTICE —OFFICE OF TUE CON. BONUS' MUTUAL COAL CObIPLOY, No. 5 boa'h SIXTH Street. Tpe Board of Direct( quo- 4utty.ll the . etoi .11" no Board of ~.. adore ann mute ..111 stock of said Company has now been disposed of, and the Sub scription Book is closed from this date, and they deem 11 their duty to NOTIFY their fellow. eitletens teat the Stock of the Company upon which Coal bas been al ready supplied will not be entitled to any fart! er Coal at net cell until after the Not day of September neat This stock Is worth front &leo $1 per share less than that upon which Coat has not been supplied It would well for those negotiating' for Stock to inquire at this ()Bice in regard to Its condition in this respect. Any in formation desired will be cheerfully Wan by the oftl ears of the Company. . 31.1Y88 WIND, President. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 1,38 n. Nan Er. PVIILIC MEETING OE WORK• IRO WOMILf.—A pnblle meeting of the women who have been employed in making up the Areenal work will be held at Jefferson Rail. corner of SIXTH and CERISTILN Streets, on FRIDAY. IVSNING. 3d instant, to hear the Report of the Committee appointed to wait upon President Lincoln. MARTHA VSAGRR, President ENEMA ALEXANDER. Secretary. fe2 21 ler OFF ICF4. MINTINGDON AIM BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD 00. PHILADELPHIA, JADE/WYE 1865 The Annual Meeting of thi Stags hodere of the BUNT. INCDON AND BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY will be held at their office. No. HAS South THIRD Street, on TUESDAY, Pei:tram, 7, /WO at 110'4214%k A N. when an election wit) be hel t aro President and twidn• Dlrectoye for the enealtig PEW. tjalSmleftfe7] 3. P. /ARMIN. Secretary. ligEr AN IRNAIIIINATION FOR TUE Profersorship of Cbemietry aird,Batural PM lorophy in the CBSTRAL MOH sollool.wto coin. mance oil FRIDAY, February 10th, at 9 o'clock A. E., BROAD nod GREEN Streets By order of Committee on Illeb HENRY W. BALLIwiILL, Secretary Controllers of Public a cheols. Salary, al. fOO per annum. fel-ffmtit lar OFFICE .OF GREAT EASTERN ROCK OIL COMPANY, No. 226 WALNUT Street, Room A. Third Floor. Th. &usual meeting of Stockholders will be hell on TUESDAY, February 7. DM, is "above, at 3 AL o'eldek P. EL, W hen an election wilt be held for ' , oven Directors to Nerve for the ensuing yeas. 620. R. PRDDLII. 9a26-vetrmAt• R . becretarY. OFFIOIC OF NLIIPPESSY ROOM PETROLEUM OIL COMPANY, No. 226 WAL NUT, Street (Room 5. third story). The Annual meeting of tee Etockholdent of the above company will be held on TUESDAY. 7th Pebrtutry.DEO. a t 2 lk when an election for Sayan Dlrectors to serve for. the ensuing' year will take niece. ja26 win St• GIRO. R. PSDDLI, Secretor/. far. B 017 MT Y FUND Tweixrit WA/AD.—Lets: l l who desire the Ward cleared of a Draft anent the Meeting oo FRIDAY lIVERIMG, 84 list , 83 o'clock, at the Crated Stales koalas House. WOOD Str•et, below Crown. Come prepared to sub scribe. Preciact Committees will niece. rApart caes. M. WAGNER, Tmos. H. Comfach, Presidoot. Secretary. ISitr" THE' QUICKSILVER RININGI COMPANY. No. 21 NASSAU Street, NEW YORK. February 1. 1865. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at tbeCONTIN ell TAG HOTEL, in the city of Phases'. phra, on WEDNESDAY. February 72d, at one o clock P. M The Animal Election of DIRECTORS will be bald at the same place on the same day, between the hours of two and three Y. U. • The Transfer Books will be closed on PATIIEBAT, F•bruary 18th, and reopened on MONDAY. February 17th. J. B. RANDOL. fel-19t Secretary. .sre °snare, _ APO Collars. Wrirallig Store, 'OH HAMM EFT throat. 'BLINS, 44 ()TS. D, bent, D. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA BAIL. ROAD COMPANY, PrtiLeniLPIIIA, Febytter7 1, 1466. NOTICE 70 STOCKHOI,OIIIB —The Asocial Med ias or the Stoat elders of this Holum will be bald oft TOEBDAY. TO MAY. the 2ls TIN t day of P.to • 16133, at 10 o'clock A M., et the BARRON STREET HALL The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MOh DAY, the 6th day of March, 1866. at the aka of the Company, No. 2138 &Mat THIRD Ftreet. • fel.lBt EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. UNITED P Mina INTSBOAL •JtKVINUS, trOliftTH DISTRICT, PS HiIIfIYLVAP lA, 427 CHSSTACT Street, Farmers' and Mechanics' Back Balding, PHILADELPHIA. Febll3,llX9l. 1886. NOTICE Is hereby even, that, havinir received from the Aereabor the official Usti; of esseeemeat of the SPA- CiAL INCOME TAX for thla district, the flatter here h•come doe and payable and will be ri calved at title office until the 19th Ind After tbnt dive TEI PER ClikTCht. with code of collection, will oe added to all telnalnlnt unCi , i^. L. total notice will bewared on ail persona whose names snowier no said fel-Mt JOfl M. It LLEY, Colledet. NOTICE.—THE AIVNVAL NEST. , It+ ri of the Stockbold.ra of the no tos.sTgot boo COMPANY mill be ittld on TOtthDA V. geernary 71h; AM,' .14 o'e oek P.^K . at the•olloa. No 14 North DELA W ARS Avenue. When an election CU take plat* for Ova Zdanaatire, to eeree for the erototet ',tar. • 1426-Jai W. W. LUSLIXII3d * keatikry, NOTICES. NOTICE'. far NOTECZe A SPROUL itturtwo OH THE STOOIIIOOI.DM M'CLINTOOKVILLE PETROLEUM COMPANY will be held •t the OFFICE OF THE COMPANY. No. 411 WALNUT DE. ON THURSDAY. PRN'T ii, IESS. At 12 o'clock M.. to CONFIRM A BALI Of a portion of !heti Land. made by the Board of Di rectors Januar/ 2i, mi. By order of the Board. CHAS. L. DOT.FOLASO. • jp96-tfle Secretary pro. tem. is ATTI BITION VOLVairrEERs DIOR OM BOUNTY I FOURTEENTH WARD. The Recruiting Complier, are now prepated to nom In CASH the LaVORdT sounrrns to all rewrite, ac credited to tide ward They trill sit at tbe Southeast corner of THIRTERNSH and OBEEII Streets EVERY DAY from to 4 °Mock. where all information will be cheerfully given. Avoid tee brokers. come to no and receive FULL BOUNTIES in DASH. BOUNTIES. - For one year . ...... OkWO 00 For two years • 675 00 FOEeare - FM 00 TWu YEAR VETERANS JOINING HAN000&41 CORP& . For one year For tem roue «4.4825 00 For three years. FM 00 00 .Dr. .1 Breorlictriir., D e qrnttins .7. W. 1 EIACKARA. FEBIPIC. A VAN OLIVE, s'e ""'"' OFFICE OF THE CI FY FUtiD COM HIMO N. CONNOR WE aLTH isUILDI.O.O, 611 CHESTNUT Street, PIIILADELP6iI, Fan W, 11185. Notice is hereby given that the Connotation for the payment of the City Bounty are now prepared to remise 'sad adjust the claims of all new recruits under the pre visions of °effluent* of January 26, 1866. Nolu.nteet s for une Year will misty. a Warrant for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS, - Volunteers for Two Tears will receive a Warrant for FOUR HUNDRED AND vim DCOLI/018. Volunteers for Three Year, will receive &Warrant for FIVE HUNDRED DoLidtes. Enrolled citisens who shall place In the isrvice of the Unitrd States a Substitute for not led! than Three Years, la advance of a draft, and who shall thereupon Ips cre dited upon the quota of t the stty of Philadelphia, will receive a warrant for TREE MINDRID DOLLARS. By order of the Commission. ises.if . JOHN war% Secretary. irMEr... OFFICE WEST ERN PENNSYLVA. NIA EAILV.OAD OOMPAAY L PHILADELPHIA. unary 28 , 1605. IICTIGE TO STOCIEHOWARS —Au Adjourned An nnal Meatlng_of the tuockholdere of. the Oomottay wilt he held on TUESDAY. the eepenth clay of February, 11306. at 12 o'clock M., at No. il3Elßauth THUM Street, Philadelphia. Aimed Election for President end Direetore will be held same day and place. JOSEPH LEStalr. je4B•Bt secretary.. OFFICE OIL MEEK AND B/D% WAY RAILROAD COMPAIJY. ... FamenannnA, ,Tam 98, 1865. NOTICE TO STOCRHOLOhIte.- 4 / 1 adionrned sa nest meeting' or the StookhNdeie or title Crow espy will be bald on TUESDAY, the 7th day of February, 18 , 11_at 1 o'clock F. , No. 1138 boutIxVIIIRD Street, Phda delphia. Annual election for President and Directors will be bold same day And place.. JOSEPH LESLEY, Ip7B 9t - Secretary. OFFICE OF THE UNION CANAL 11 04' COMPA19 Y. PlumAnimmfrA. January 17. Bed. The Armful). Meeting of the STOCK and BOND HOLDERS of the Union Canal. Company, and election for uflicers and Managers to serve for the amuletg year. will be bald at the office of the Company. No. MRS WALNUT Street. on TUESDAY, the 7th day of Febru ary next, at 11 o'clock A M. The Transfer Books will be closed on the 78th instant. tfe7 OSCAR THOMPSON. Secretary. /gr. OFFICE OF TICE FELTON CO ALE COMFAS Y. Purism!ulna, Jan. 47, 1865. Tae Annual Meeting of the.Stoca holders wilt be held at the °Moe of the Company', 407 LIBRaFLY Street, on 'MOE DAY, February 6th, proximo, at half "poet o'clock P. if., at which time an Election for Officers merge the enening year wilt &Notate place. jag& Una P. C. HOLLIS, Searetary. MOTIOE.-.4I:IIIISCRTMER9 "Ft, THE stock of the NAT CONAL 011 r CREEK 0.11. COMPANY ere hereby notified that their mum- MATES are ready for delivery. and will be exoliaoged for the in.talmor4 roc-ipte. at the once of the Company, No. fd2 North FRONT Street. fel.f( ' W. J. MALCOLM, Secretary. gar DTOTIIITE.—TISE, ANDTUALL MEET. IP 0 of the Stockholders of the OCEAN STEAM LiAVTOATIONCOMPA6Y, for the election of Five-Dl rectors, and tt. a transaction of other business, vrt' I be held. at , 'lto 126 North DEW:WAKE Avenue (second floor), on TUESDAY, the 7th of February next, at half. past twelve o'clock P. N. 'W'ILLIAIif DENNIS, j'B24-ISt Secretary and Treasdrer. Ni6IICE.--Tlll3 ANNUAL MEET ING of the Stockholders of the PHIL A DSLPH IA AND SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY . for the election of Ire Managers and the transaction of other business will bo held at No. 126 North DELA. WANE Avenue (eacand floor). on. TUESDAY, the Met' Febrdary next, at ao'clock noon. WILLIAM DENNIS, ja2l 12t. Secretary and Treasurer. ' OrINSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATF. OF PENNSYLVANIA.. JANUARY St, 1835. The Annual Math:a of tbe Stockholders will nary el at the Company's office, on .1101(D2cY. Febr 6, 19e6, at 1 o'clock P. M. j&4O-tl'o3 WILLIAM HARPER. Secretary. DIVIDENDS. MP. OFFICE OF. ATLAS NY, DWI WA.LIIDT Street, Room 20, • PHILADELPHI.S. SELL 11, 1085. DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The Board of Directors have Ibis day declared their third ' , monthly dividend of ON B AN n A HALF PBX. CENT: , Ohl oat of the' net earnings of the Company for the month of January, payable on and after the lath test. Transfer. Books chime °tithe 4th Inst., at 3 P. M. ; open on the et 3 P. M. P. W. WEI:DRANK; Setretaa7;• PIA LILADMI.PII.I.II. AMES ISMAILI:DING RAILROAD COMPANY, Office 207 South FOURTH. Street. PHILADIMPRIA, Novembei 85. 1E44. DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The transfer books of this Company will be closed on TRURSDAY, December 15, and re n opened on .TUESDAY, Januarylo, MSS. A Dividead , of FIFTEE 4 FBk t;BLIy, of Cue cotur4On and preferred atonic, clear of National and State taxes, hes been declared, payable in common stack on the 31st December next, on all stocks etandtng on the books of the Company, at the close of bueinessf on the 16th pros. Stockholders whose names are reolatered on the New 'York books will be paid at the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company. S. BRADFORD, del.tt Treasurer. MILITARY. lATTENTION, VETERANS !—FOR ISRPRRSENTATIVR 11.110/07ITS FOR T HARR "1 EARS. 1.390 DOLLARS; FoR TWO Ykaßir Malt, 930 DOLLARS; FOB ONE YEAR MEN, 750 DOLLARS, To eerve the above mentioned time in the] FIRST ARMY CORPS, Major Gen. FIANCtiClit. commanding, , W etifilltiOTON. D. 0. RECBIIITtNO BRADQUARTIIRS, Mlla South SMITH Streak In View of the approaching Draft, the subtenant el*. sires to procure a Repreaentatrve Recruit. Being as enrolled citizen 01 the Second Congressional Dlstriet,tk• above liberal bounty will be paid In cash on the remit being mustered into service. Besides tke benefit of Go vernment pay, State and city relief , the recralt will b• presented with a Henry's patent rills twilich fires ds teen shots per minute) when entering the services whack he will retain as his own property at the empire.- ties of the same. The First Army Corps will be located at Washington permanently. free transportation will be fn.rnished hence to that point, and the recruit will be credited to the district in which he resides. Application must be made In person at Berry 'it Marquee, 106 South bizth street, with discharge from the United States ser vice, certificate of ph) steal ability at the present time from some respectable physician, and the names will be properly enrolled on the book prepared for this purpose. Fample of the rifle will be shown to each applicant, and foil information elven. • Applications will be received from veterans until February 6, 1E69, at which time a selection will be made from those enrolled. The remainder will be ac cepted as vet unteere. an d wilt receive $990 in cash when muttered Into service, with benefit of Severn meatpar, State and city relief for their families. Ho loafers, bounty•iumpers, or Ruin titnic brokers need apply. Ap plication milli be received at this office% writing. Any reipectabie citizen who wishes to furnish a Representa tive Recruit on the same terms, address BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Chief of Detective Police Mayor's Office, Philadelphia. PMT.AIIRV:PVIA. TOOTTlarer 1. 18$5 •ITVPI p F THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OE TIII CITY AND COUNTY OF PEULADA. DIARY N. WNLDON. by her next friend, die., JAMES D. WEDON. Beet . Term, 1662, No. 23. In D - verse. • T o • • TO BEEPONDINT—Sin : Flame take notice that the Court hes granted a rule on you in the above !Me to bow more why a divorce a vlncorio matrioionti should be not decreed, returnable on SATURDAY. Fabniary 11, 18e6. at 10 A M. Personal service of notice having failed on account of your abcence. Your:), ko., RD BRADY. fag- et* /Mer lD sey WA for Libellant. ESTATE OF JOHN RUTHERFORD, fa, DECEISED. —Whereas LET iIiRS OF AD MI IVISTRATioN upon the Dilate of Joint Rutherford. Sr.. late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased. have been grants d to the undersigned. all poisons Lndebtetto said setme are reirmsted to nuke payment, and all parsons baying claims against the same will present them with. out delay to JOHN RUTHERFORD. Ja... THOMAS G. RUTHERFORD. Administrators; Or to their attorney, CLIFFORD P. BIcGALLk. kJ- 116.. Ho. 703 HANSOM Street. NOTICE.—ALL PARTIES INTE. rested. will take notice that 81.1111721. SEIBUT became the owner, by Purchase from the Admlntettlie, tors of Wit 81518BRY. deed, (late o' coambersbarg, Pa,) of the shares of *took of the said dcceased in the a(.801' LRILL AND DeIIPHIN IMPROVEMENT AND RAILROAD COMPANY," numbering 077 to 1018. and 1074 to 3181, incinsive; and that th• certificates of stock Seeped to said Wm. B.lbert. dec'd, were destroyed by the ilre of 30th July, 3684. when Chambersharg was given to the Mune/ ; and that at a mteting of the Direc lota of the said company, to be held at Philadelphia early in March next, the raid Famael Seibert sett make application to paid Directors to have new certifleatee of stock leaned to him 1n lieu of those destroyed by the fire. SAMUEL 'SE( dIIRT. Tt•e nude:Arne& Adminietnttrix and Aim - Int/tr sior of William Ssibert, decd, do hereby consent to the tiensfsr band made to Samuel Seibert of the stint de scribed. MARGARET 611IBERT, Adm'rd. ft& frSt JOHN HUBER, Adder. COPAMTNEBSHIPS. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.- TILE Partnership heretofore existing_bstween the on ?mildled, totter tee erm of TIMES BRO is this ay diesolyao by mutual consent. Business of lets Erse evill.be settled bY tither of the firm JOHN V. TERY. OLIVER T. TE RR Y. PIaLADIMPniA• .BsollarT 81. 186 e O. T. TERRI will continue the Cloth. Business at old stand. 232 fitARKEr Street. . fe3 3t•; THE INTEREST OF •STEPIEEN. 0. DUVAL in the Brm of ARTIITHLDDITAL, & CO.. bar been puretaaed by me THIS DAY. fN{•nt• PHILIMILPMA. ifab. 1.1866. J. ALDEN ANNUM A AISONVIOERT PORTRAIT .• op GENERAL WILLIAM T. SHERMAN, This superior Portrait tst flue 131BEI KATE BI- CataVlA 0 txeented In the highest .41e of art, Dr the celebrated 'artist, Mr. J. 0. BUTTE!, from a photo.. graph seat by GENERAL SRERNEAN HIMSELF, and oonaldered by lilt frlende to be unequalled. The Portrait is surrounded with a beautiful border, and livingths views of Buzzard's Boost., Keno a, w Moustain. STRFUOLE FOR ATLANTA. ze of engravocl surface zil incite& On line plate piper 19 z 24 • • PRICE OAB•DOLLAS PEE COPY. • This Portrait will be sent by mail or express, free of cbarge, on receipt of retail Woe. AdOrem, J. P. SKELLY, Publisher's Afoul for Pennsylvania, fe9•fetuit 008 ARCH fitrsat, Pllo44lolobla. T 81,31 E R ' S 'UNIVERSALLY AD wind and popular styles colored Photogesphs, appreciated for tier wonderful accuracy of likeuess and coloring: jnet the Ulna for the times. Only ALCOVD Streit above Green. . • • lt.* V t ENTIAMEN. RESIDING .IN THE Bomb iltpttiot..PoDusylvania. can have Ftabsti• tutfAinejteprooaktattns luent,bed djem by e&niuk. at ti,ousbela AminMpg Ogice.4l, tinnth TNIRD Einvt. "mad floor. iv W. LlifF.)l2D; fell w Recrtgill4 0121001, THE PARSS.-PIIILADELPHIA," FRIDAY, FEERVAIrf 3, 1865: The present and rircspective valuta of the sleek of this, Ct.mpei.y may be inferred from the faot that it owns a fee elinple intermit In 473 (foar hundred and 'seventr three) acme of the richest-tasted oil territory in Vanaago county,' believed by the meet experienced oil men In that region to he capable of producing a net annual In , come to the Company of one and a half million dollars, or it ree tittles the entire coat of the stook, which would be equivalent to twenty. live par cent a 'month on Its enbecription price, or one hundred and Aftjiper cent. per annum on its par value. The following le a'doeoription of the Company's pro- One-fourth fee simple interest in the celebrated **Hoover " Farm, !Haste on the Allegheny river, about two and one.balf miles below Franklin, con taining gag (two hruidred and ninety•two) acres, with 42 reds (or over one mile) front on the Allegheny river. on which there are now twelve leases, each ten rods agnaretand from which the owners of the fee simple get one half the oil, free of all expanas. B Aides this, thire are two wells owned by 'the owners of the fee. from which they get all the oil. On this Farm there are now ten wells In operation. prod ntbag an, average of ten barrels per d ay. and /revers! others WV abOnt tieing tabed. There are also on it (eighty., even)more lots surveyed. and more than fifty applications are now standing to lease the latter fer YU hell' the oil to the owners: Ont of the twelve wells on this Farm eleven are now* Ralik handsomely; a fact , which entaolently. demon strates the great riolmese and reliability of the tout. tOrY. ' ' Is the entire fee simpfe interest inlBl (one hundred and eighty one) acres, situate on the Allegheny river, near ly opposite the " Hoover " farm. and a little nearer Franklin, at the month of Mill Rue, having* front of 96 rods on the Allegheny river, and one mile on both sides of Mill. Ran, with. ample boring surface for one , hundred wells. or Lots of tea rods square. This treat is lnown as the "Stewart Fermi" and is clear of all leases or inatimbrances of any kind. There is now in operation a' fifty barrel well (bniide several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, which ad joins this on the south. In fact,-the' " bte wart " Pazm is surrounded with good paying wells, and within a short time a single lease of 80 rods front, on the iMIII.I - opposite side of the river, sold for 8164,6;0 loam hundred and Mali: five thousand dollars.) On this Unto a gend well has been struck within a few days. In addition to the territory of the "Stewart " Farm, which is believed to be equally as • good as the • " Hoov er." there, are on it a three. story What Mill, with Rae water-power, a good feria: house, and' other balid•ings. hat will be of nee- to the company. The durability of this immediate oil secildals Illne trated by the fact that some of the wellann the " ' Ever• er" Farm have been pumping for over fear yeare,-with, out any material tilminntion in their 'fetch while the oil here produced, from its greater convenience for transportation and superior.gracity, always commands from one to two dollars per barrel more than the oil at Ott Oresk: The officers of the Company feel justilledln present. ing the following estimate of what, with vigorous zoar.egenient, the above lends can be made to Aeld for the beatfit of the stookholders in a comparativel y' short time: There fe room on this for one hundred lots of , tea rode square, all of which can be leased iminediatelyror one half the oil, free of an expense to the Compacts!: Estimattoc one well to each lot (one hundred wells; although there is loom for three hundred) at the rery moderate average of ten carrels each, Weald ma k e a Daily product 0f.... ....-. I,ofo Out of this the Company's etwe would bin- SOD bile. Talus of daily yield to the Company, at ten dollars per bbl (it is now selling at ..... . 44 ••••• *SAW 00 allowing three hundred working days to the year, this would make the Compri ny's annual net receipts, from the Stew art Farm a10ne.... ... .......... ... 1.600,000 040 Allowing tbe same estimates for the'"Hooy... er " Fain), in which the. Company owns one-fourth.in fee of the laud Interest, the annual net receipts from the latter would making the7annuil receipts from both Palma 1.875,000 00 Deducting from this amount the imM the Net Annual Income or the Company -4». $1.500.000 00 ALL THISBE-LOTS CAA BN IMMSDIATBLYLEABtiD, If it le deemed expedient, at a royalty o f one-half the Oil, 'with covenants binding leer ees to sink wells, with all potable diligence, to the depth of 100 or more feet. A ERW 'PLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Yon are not asked to subscribe to this Stock with the expectation of int utedirdeip receiving large dividend*, but the baste on which the Company recta, it Is be lieved, will make year investment not only safe, but, piospectively, of enormous wine. Rotwithstanding,at the present prim of 011, the Coin. pays annual receipts ( without any farther develop. meat) would "be forty thousand dollen, or eight per cent, on the cost of the stock. The President, Mr Stewart, ts one of the most praett. cal and experienced oil operators in the State, and hia residence near the Company's property and general oversight of its management is the best guarantee that no efforts will be spared to make the investment pro. Stable. Applications for a large proportion of the stock have already been made, but none Will be received 'until the books of the Company are regularly opened for that purpose. Only a limited amount of the stock will be cold at eebecJiption price. The Mock will be Muted full paid, without further aseeseineate. BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION will be open for a few days, on and after .Tannar7 18,1885, at the elite of OFFICE 'COMMISSARY OF SUBSIST -82(1014, 140. SUS WALNUT Street. PatLALaLPare, February 4, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS, IN DOPLiCATE, will be received at this office until 124) , c10dk AL, on WEDNES. PAY. February 8, 1865, for pplying, for the use of the Unlit d States Army, the following subsistence store'. delivered in Philadelphia. viz: 3,000 tale, EXTRA SUPERPINS or EXTRA FA HILT FLOUR (which to be states), in new, well,cooPered barrels, frilly head- lined. To have been ground within thirty -days of de livery. Name of brand and place of manu facture to be stated in the proposal. To be delivered within the month of February. 100,000 pounds first quality PILOT BREAD, to be made from good sound extra flour, thorough ly baked and perfectly dried before being packed. To be pecked In boxes of well sea coned wood, of such a kind as will not impart taste to the bread. Boxes to contain tiny pounds net. To be delivered within the month of February. 19,000 pounds first quality kiln dried CORNMEAL, re wen coopered barrels, folly head-Used. Brand to be monitored. To be delivered within ten oays from award. GOO rounds extra fine YOUNG HYSON TEA, in original packages Chop marks to be -men tioned 1n the proposal. To be delivered - within five days from award 100,000 pounds light yellow- COFFEE SUGAR, or rhoice dry RAW.SUGAR. Barrels to be the, beet In use for the purpose. To be delivered within ton daysfrom award . . 50,000 pounds clean,fine, dry BALT„in strong head lined barrels. To be delivered within ten dens from award, 2,000 pounds pure ground BLACK PEPPER, in four-ounce papers Bidders will state the va riety of Pepper offered. and will furnish a sample In grain as well as ground. To be de livered within ten days from award. 1,000 gallons good RYE WHISKY. Barrels to be ofood seasoned white Oak stsvegand heads; tohave twelve wooden and four /son hoops; iron hoops and heads to be painted. To be delivered within ten day s-from award. Samples of all the above articles must be delivered with the bide, and referred to therein, bat proposals most not be enclosed with samples. bampis a must be In boxes or bottles, distinctly marked, and not. In paper parcels. &perste proposals, in &militate, must be made for each article enumerated, and bidders may propose for lie whole or any Part of each. • A printed copy of this advertisement must be attached to each bid and the proposals - must be epecidc in COM' plying wit all its terms. Each b must have the 'written guarantee of two responsible name?, for the fulfilment of the agreement, who will give bonds if required BL AVE FORMS POE PROPOSALS. containing the form of guarantee, may be had on application at this office. OIL COMPANIES. far THE CAMERON PETROLEUM 00. OF PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL 51,000,000. SHARES • 200,000- PAR VALUE $6,40. SUBSCRIPTION PRNSUANT, VANCE STEWA.RT. OF MEF.ORB COUNTY, PA. TRVASI:111811, E. G. JAMES. OF MILLDELPHik. SECRETARY, J.. L. DARLINGTON. WEBS 01118TEIR, PA. DIRECTORS. TAROS STEWART. Mercer coarat. JOHN E. LEONARD. West. Cheater. Pe: D. 0. FORNEY, Wash'Wort. D. tic MERRY D. COOL Weahingtoie. D.-0. SIMON CAMERON. Rerrisbarg, Pe. JOHN U. DIEHL, Philadelphia. • JOHR F. GRAFF, Praledelphie. °BORG& 0. EVANS, Philadelphia. JAMES num. Marietta, Lac meter co...Pe TEE "STEWART FARIL" V 376.030 for coutlugeuoion. would leave E. G.-JAMES, Treasurer, Tro, 101 WALNUT gtrAALllad:a. PROPOSALS. . 25,000 pounds coarse pulverised WHETS SUGAR, in strong barrels. To be delivered within ten days from award 2,000 pounds CRUSHED SUGAR, in strong bar rels. To be delivered within live days from award. 1,00 0 pounds JAVA COFEBE, in original bass To be delivered within live days from award. . . . . . The seller's name, place of business, and date of par cbne~e•~ name of contents,. with gross, tare, and net welota, mart be markdd on every package, and all old marks most be obliterated. Returns of weigitts, by professional public weighers, must be given if require& No bids from parties who have failed to fulfils former agreementagreementwillbe considered. Bide will include packages and delivery at any Taint in this city to be designated by this office; and ally in feriorpackages or cooperagewillbe considered sufficient cause for rejection of coni ants. . Payment will be made in current funds. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for Subsistence Stores," and directed to- - ISAAC B . WIGGIN, !OAS - - Capt. and C. 8. Vole. FFICE OP THE PHILADELPHIA O.AkTi'Oßlctl, FEBRUARY 2, 1€65. TO PAVERS t_ SEALED PROPOS!, GS will be re ceived at tit** °Mee Until TfIERDItT, the 7th indent. at l o'clock, addresses to W. G. DURBGEOIiV, (Met E nforcer; for paving ever gas mains and inlets, Meting the price per Fquara yard, including materists for the pork of thin kind to be done for one year from date. fe3-St AMERICAN STEEL;. due Toe COI Ing.,'Tire and Sleigh Shoe Steel, of all due and kinds, made of the beet material, at the' - NOILIVAX" IRON WORKS, 130E1TON. And for sate by the oroinletoos NAYLOR & CO, • : 42)L OOH6iIHOB Street. Phila. end 101 JOHN Street. New Yes • SO aTetk a street. BoEten. fe2 lin PA/at f 4 l O - 3 : , Fr'-E,XQUIS TB N./ iies_xint . ll.3l , !!.ll,l tp!ilf . a.l fixBll pee eve:chums at B F. 68 Stn t. fig parlb dtioalvi Ptah dad ;we %Rik r' ' f 3'!.1 7-30 7-30 LOAN: The Beetetatir of the Tamar hevLat inoc4itted the unterautualt 4INNERA mnisommoti Amu . - Ilior the managezeeee and sus eat'. noir Aid- popaler 7-30 LOAN. Whlok Is a Loan for two aid fill half rum 73.30 per Celli. Interest in cturenry;.stag parade at Ina" turtty,• or fundable Into the Popular 5-20 4 1:4 4 03EAS.IMARIMNSP LOAIC, I hereby Invite sli 2PATIo AL ando l lirNrif BAlriar 11111941EVATE BAN HEM SAlllNfirtailMand otheril. to endeavor to dispose of them adios to elte people of their respective acdshboihoods. „4.llbelei: coniirde; sloth inifacteat to dcfrai all isivertiedag expenses &la leale a fairpron for serikea, will 1* allowed. Circa- lan with fall inetztatleae,wiltiminiratihei ciVaikplt- oration to the underainnetL JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. No. 114 South Third Street, T, TUXES, Jig., do CO., BANKERS, STOOK AND EXCHANOrE BROKERS. GOLD, BILIMEL, BANK NOTES WANTED. jire. 20 South TREND Street. Rl= CILAB. T. YBRKES, STOOK AND BILL BROKER. REMOVED' TO No. 20 SOPTIEIt ir HERD STREET» Ja26. DREXEL & CO., BANKERS, 84 BOUTE TRIRLI ETREET, • - - DIALE*6I4 ANERIOAN AND FOREIGN GOLD, FOREIGN EXCHANGE, 'UNITED STATES i/lONDS, QUARTERMASTERS 3 QOUORERS. ..-• AND ENOURRENT MONEY. STOOKS AND BONDS 330 TIGHT AND SOLD RV BOARD 01 BROKERS. issl. brk THOS. CALDWELL. CALDWELL CO., BANKS'S& No. 43 South THIRD Street STOCKS AND LOANS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON UONALISSION BBOBEAR BOAR OP Bnoms BARK NOTES. EPSOM, No.: orotrERLI T BOUGHT' AND EDLD. COLLECTIONS KANN and iNIEEN3T ALLOWED ON DSPOSIT. .1m17• Lin* 111131a8 MOAT. LUX& 11.11110/. Js .ORARLEB EMORY a Co, STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No t 16 South Tidrd Street, PRUADIGFELL. AU UMW tot asettxrazt Lands _and. QOM and Silpar 50441ati mind sold, and Coned:lona made. Partimilar attention rrlven to the Dunham and sale Government. BMW. and other Stoska and Loans ea sommistrion. nola.int eItOLOS W. ZWFW. Bowie strmea. JOB. L. nommen. HEWES, MILLER, & CO., STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO. 50 SODTR TfIIED STREET. PHILADSLVILL. DEALERS IR Government Securiti es,Warrants Spod ; e' Unourrent Mow, City cro. STOOKS BOUGITT AND SOLD ON OONNISSiON AT TEX neural{ BOARD bP BROKIMI. Jalo-im HARPER, DITRITRY, 33ANIKAMEtig, STOCIN AND ItIOHANGE lIROMSRS., eationlar stiontleat ,Dail to Forgone anal ask of Oil . *teaks. Ili 8011T11 TELED, rsixr.a.Dam.nixa. XIMPIOUINOIIL —Drexel it rbllatelphial L E. Aus tin, Prisident Soutli*ark Pack. - novlB4nt TREASURY DEPARTInNT, OFFICE OF THE comritsomals or ,THE cusgsanv, WAEMINeTON, January 25. 1835 Whereas, By satisfactory evidenoe presented to the undiortigned, it has been made to appear that THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE SANK OF PHILADELPHIA, in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel phia. and State of Pennsylvania, has been dilly ores• nixed under and according to the requirements of the Act of Courtin entitled •• An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds. and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June 6,-1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said act rognired to be complied with before commencing the business of banking under said Act— Now, therefore, I, HUGH ifoCCILLOCH, Comp troller of the Currency._ do hereby certify that THE NATIONAL EXCHANGE BADS PHILADELPHIA. in the city of Philadelphia, in the comity of Philadel phia. end State of Pennsylvania, to authorized to corn- Thence the business of banking under the act aforesaid. Seal iro tif e the o a r OLP; I b a l ti t T i t i d ni s rj o lv i h o e ir ee r_ t lu' vit t': Il m ty y. o nn . a „, 1 fifth day of January, IseN ._—_ HUGH aIcCULLOOH, fel. 601 CoMptroller 01 the Currency. WHEREAS. THE AUDITOR ONE; JUL, as required by the aleienth keotion of the act entitled • 'An act enabling the banks of this Com monwealth to become associations for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United Rates, ' yarned the 22d day of august, A.D. 1864. lute oerillied.to me that the • • Commonwealth Bank" of tbe city of Philadelphia has furnished satisfactory evidence to him that all the requirements of said Lot have been complied with by said bank, and that tt ISM become an association for the Purpose of banking tinder the laws of the United States I d'o therefore Mlle, this noticethereof to be published in accordance with the provisions of the said eleventh section of the said act, toad* dectarelhat the charter of said bank by the terms of said sot is deemed and taken to be hereupon surrendered, subject to the DirOVISIOILIred the fret Bretton of said act. A. G. OURTIN. O. 1130. ja14.18l EXlterT - 1 , 713 CRAMBIIIit San Buist.Dl6 FOR 581,V. 0/PICE rim° COMMTSVONER PACFPIO H H , Sr. Louis, January 80, 1861. PEOPOStif 8 will be received under rem for the sale of ONE RUNDRBD AND NIG MORTGAGE CONSTRUCTION BONDS OF THE W ESTHER DIVI SION OF THE PACIFIC RAILROAD 10 the State of Idiefouri. of One Thoueand Dollars each; with Interest Coupons of Seven Per Cent., payable semi. annually, wircipal and interest payable at the Bank of COMMerCe in the City of rrearlroik. Them, Sonde are a Bret lien (11011 the Pacific Railroad from Dif sden to Kansas City. affd &lithe net earnings of the whole Road. extendinff from Pt. Lonlato Kansas City, are pledged for the pay, mem of princlpat and interest. These Ronda have four. are. and six years to run. and are authorized by Act of the General Assembly of the State of bflosottri, epproved February 10th 1864, tinder which act Fifteen Elundred Tmourand Dolls» of Mortgage Oonstruotlen Sonde were issued, all of which, except the One Hnuired and Eighty-six I now offer for sale, have been diaposed of at par, and for the rapid extension and completion of acid Road I now offer the balance, and will rnelve pro - Parole for one or more.° under seal, at m_y office" in the City of St. Louie, until-the 10th day of February, 1814; end the same will be mold enhjeet to the approval of the Governor of the State and the President of the Petrillo Beilieed. All needful Information will be tarnished oa application at this office. - _ THOMAS L. PRICE. Fund Commissioner, St. Louis, Misentri. Information respecting the Bonds above offered for eeie, life law under which lamed, sod the charaater and value of the security, will besitren by the under signed. FRANKLIN A. DICK ea rlOt ViTh LOCUST agreed, Philadelphia. (VOL BTOC ;s. tI. EL.LOAnik ebs,, vor d ays AND BOLD Di voinassioat, -• • - - vs vsosez-s: Bonk,- - Broker, p.. Is Beiktk TRIO MA li&lNg 7-30 PIT B. -LEECH a COMPANY, AB. • - BONERS AND STOCK ,BRONERS. NO. 14 FARQUHAR BUILDINGS, cwsurr sr., BELOW TM/ph ' PgrrainnwillA. Odd. BoTeriernent Boads, Oil ani Kis -ellaneons !hooka. bonght and mold on Ootoratenion at the Board of Brokers. Dealers in Foreign Exchange. Leiters of Cre' lit lined on London, Paris. Antwerp. Ste. jal7. ane pUBLISHED THIS DAY. COAL AlO COAL OIL One voi., Cloth. Price s $2. COAL AND COAL OIL; or. Tie Geology of the Earth. Defoe a popular description of Miners's and Mineral Combustibles. Br Ell Bowen, Professor of Geology. Tilts work should be in the bands of. and read by ell wbo take stisylnterest in Coal Ott or CoaL Com %obi la one volume. bound. Moe, Pub)lnked and for sale at the Cheapest gook House In ttesvorld to buy or send fora stock of books, whion Is at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHER'S, 30613HISTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa Copieiof the above will be sent everyalbore, at once, free of postage, on receipt of the price by us. it> FOR SALE ALL BOOKSELLERS. THE N_NW .B€ Owe Young people. who read within) much interestthe book s of this author, will welcome with a'keen delight their old friend, Kr. Trowbridge, is this, his last worn. The scene is laid in the' West, and the entire etory is convected with that verydangerous "epartment of our . military service termed •' scouting,out really mean ing the office and work of a . Fey. The whole work la full of thrilling adventures; which keep the interest-on gaggle/0y to the happy ending. The moral Impression whicirtho book most leave upon the young is most ex pellent. ;he penile/ will tend to make oar American youth rare loyal and I?atriotic. cultivate In them a cense of honor in character, and enforce a true. manly "honesty and uprightness. by the success which come to . our " scent " hewed throuph its practise, aided by,the living 'picture of the reveres tined In the history of the miserable "Koos Ciumlettee." Not our youth alone ehottl4 road it, for it will amply repay oar older readera Mt 'an evening sitting atoned their firesidhe. Get it, and let your family hear it rvadi as an evening pastime and lesson. (From the Providence POOL PRILLDELPEILL WHAI N UR- D OF HEALTH' AD' YO ' NALW e PRYBICAL CULTURE. Edited by R. T. 14 flll, M. D., N. T. It trams of all subjects relatinl to ThieJth, - the care of Children ' and invalids An ahonld - be in every family, being a. safe andipl win ,snide to health . The FEBRUARY SURBER, now ready, contains an excellent arttole on the Health of Teachers. Mee' nninbere. id cents. Snheeitberei C. 60 a year. PliValletphla•Ogice,'2s sonth TEIITH Street. fe2,7A - J. L. CAPER. FISHER & BROTHERS' 'PALEN TIEBB, 4860. We notify dealers that war Popular CIO, $lO, $l6. $2O VALENTINE LOTH} are now ready at Um manufactorr FISHIII2 & BROTHER, WO AM* No. 12 North ElXTHStreet EXTRA; WIDE MACHINE MUSLIN INSERTING in strips 43 inches long. 3 and 4 Inches wide, very pretty patterns, 5125 and 30 cents a strip. goon and d iong, closely resembling needle-work; a v gir l friA Pr ialWlDE WITS SILT mussing', extra Sp e anaflty, for bridal veils. ani__„. under regular prise ENGLISH SAXONY PILLOW CASE LACES,c-2.34 inches wide. A very largo lot of this very desirable Pillow Trimming at 1 1.85 a dozen. or 1234 cents Et yard; various patterns. COallbE LINEN CAMBRIC, in small pieces, called 3fennfacturers' Buds. price 26 cents per yard—will re quire several pieces to mes sore the yard —gettable for ruffling, for ordinary nee. dm. PLAID MIJSLINS, Cambric. for Wrappers. ate., just received: a lot to be sold at dii for 20-yard pieces, or $3l for 10 yards, half pieces. FRENCH FINISH OAMBRIC, nearly Lit yards wide, at 00 tents per yard: a very cheap Muslin. - WRITE TARIRAN MULL& for Dresses, just re ceived; very good Mnslinlor Iro an d D slo a Piece. 16,e1f yards long, 62 and 70 cents ayard. at WORDS'S Lace and Embroidery Store. No. 3B Morth EIGHTH Street., D ETERMINED.NOT TO'BE_IINDEM.- BOLD. . Extra q uality 4 4 Unbleached Minding at 506. Good Bleached Marlins at Bland 37M0. Muslin. 480. New York Mills Muslin. 26c. Beet 22 cent Callcoes in this city. . .Light Fprina.Chlotzes. Sic. Best American Chintzes. Ste. Liaht De:aines,_Mc. COCO. yards Silk Grenadine, 00c to $ . p . DR.F.bl3,Gitopg -every-yariety. at very LOW PRICES. H "5191 EL .t SON, fe3-tf Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. HOTEL FROPREpTORB "*- ELOTTI9 30 3EC .11E 30 S L K. Ctrzww.r. Can always And a full stock of ' 1 BLANKETS, QUIETS, LINEN GOODS, SHEETINGS, At the lowest wholesale wide, at , . C. STRAWBRINE & CO.'S, htl6-zaWf tf N. W. aor. EIGHTH and AfARKIT Ste: E M. NEEDLES, Invites attouttou to Ms lane assortment of is SLEEVES. COLLARS, SETS, RAREEMECEZEFE. Mt.. suitable fox the pregeat num. 1.000 TAUB Of 2-TARD WIDX bought a bargain, ancrfor gale low. ILLUSIONS, end other eoodel adtah 'r e for BRIA SB. 4kbID-PARTY DBMS& A. very extensive assortment of RANDlCKltindusieg, MIL& EMBROLDBEFES, so., ell of w blob are offered et prises mash below the present gold rates. WrLLTA_MBVILLE,- NEW YOR K * LLS, Wamenttaorad other first , elms Skirtings. Utica end Huguenot Wide Sheetings Unbleached Fairs Heary Wide Sheetinire. Best Unbleached Muslims made. - Good Linens for Shirt - Fronts: Diapers, Towels, Napkins. Doylies, dm Ballardarala, Shaker, and other Flannels. CLOSING OUT CHEAP. Odds and Ends Winter Goode, Heavy Drees Goode, bad Styles do. 'also. Biankete, Heavy Flannels. sm, at. Balmoral Skirts at low PriCoa. COOPER. Er COWARD. islE•tf • E. E. corner NINTH and BeLIBIST. VERY RICH AND HEAVY COLORED T Corded Silks, In Wine Colors. Browne, etellßS, Sines, Nodes, Whites. &a Very rich and heavy Plain SUS. Very heavy Black Corded Si Lca Very heavy Plain Black Mika Sauey Mike of various styles. Very . rich Moirnques. Black Watered Silks Silks'for Bverdng Breese,. St. BC and .911-ineh nu* Bilk Velvets for Moltke. real &yowl. Also. very anyerlor qualitrosted Beaver Clothe. EDWIN HALL & CO.. delft? ES South SECOND Street. A TTRACTIVE NOTICE TO LADIES. Merinoes at $1.60. Nerbioes atIS CO. Lupin's Nerinoes, all colors. The created bargain offered to thee, geode. 0611 and examine them. Compare them. Selling Viet Assort merit good, at JOHN H. &rope', jal9 SEVENTH and ARCH, No. 701‘. BAEQUE OR BEBIQI3E. Popular and Fashionable CLUB -H OIJ 138 CARDS " U'CI3RE. X' A.. C S." MANUFACTURED OF FINE LINEN STOOK, SOB SALE 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BY It BW. Corner SITS and cusarrNer Streets. R-EMCiV AL. 13. a. Witzar.,x.A.Dxs, EtrilMa book to 1d old eatabllohmood. NEW BUCKWHEAT ET+Ol:l.3. -wxrrs oLoNhui nom , . Azw.P.plS4) PE &CUm CULTI;S7I.IIID ORthBERRIES. tur, A:IaBEAT O.'ROBERTS.. - Vedder is MRS Grosertas, ;OK thner MAYO= Sini Yin Welk mAWCILL. NEW pußucknost, COAL AND COAL OIL! COAL AND CORD OIL PROFESSOR BOWEN. THE THREE ECOUTS-.- PRICE, $1,73 TEUTON eit CO., PUB LISHEES, Bolton. RETAIL DRY GOODS. SUUM S LACE GOODS, FRENCH MUSLINS, 'E. M. NEEDLES, 40E1.4- CHESTNUT Street CARDS FOB PLAYENG GAME, WITH. AIITIIFIITIO RULES PAT Xl' IN BY SAMUEL HART & CO. T. B. PUGH. MANUFACTUUNE of VENITIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES, No. 10 North SIXTH area WANTS. WANTE D-. LA RGE SECOND . -STORY BROAD St oa ORE4Tatli C etecet. botwesa R Slid BROAD Streets. •ddres. Pox 244 P. WANTED -By A LAD OF 18, A hITtraTIONI2. +owe Besta,.e Howie where he ca, p . m? k• birDrl9f useful Red of reference than Ad. era+ "Active. • Pratt (Moe. foS 2r, WANTED—A YOUVG MAN LIAR with the wholeenle gnats' tun:debit( srede tolell reds and mate laymen' renerat iv weal Ad dreee 'Box 1741, with reference and eatery' ex pected, res St WANTED -•AN INTELLIGENT LAD, who reeidee with Me parents. has some know ledge of book-keeping, and can give undoubted refer ences. In a plumbing eetabllshmsct Address. elides ex% reference, and salary expected. W. L." at this ince. . feB-30, WANTED -AN ACTIVE INTELLI OBNT BOY to sulk fejt Moose. Tarnishing Dor,: Address. with reference. "G a p.." Prela aka. fa 2-20 WANTED -AT $l5O PER MONTH, a re'lable CANVASSER in every town and 'entity for "The Nurse and Soy." the most iotere,tiner an* en. citing Bork ever published, embracing the adventure. of a woman in the Union army ae Norse. Scent. and Spy, giving a met vivid inner picture of the war. We bare agenik. clearing 806 1 .1 per month. which we Will prove to any doubting applicant ' S•nd for cirmalara. Address .101.1113 8603. & CO.. ja24.lm 600 CHRiPIIIIT Ft , rbiledelphia. Pa. WANTED -A PRACTICAL BOOK IMPS% iv Lai Effe.n3etre basloomi axpirrlettee, 4esiras a roma 'eat SITUATION. A responatbie pant- Wm preferred. The Not of city reference even Ad dress "M. L 0.." Prego • Mo.. WANTED IMMEDIATELY-A SITU ATIO OF as Book-k eener hi a theaise house. by a Young man of 31, and gradaitte of ,best contrast , did college in America Beet of rPfsreriemi given 28 to xoeral north. Please address • 'Moral Worth," Yrese office. WANTED-A SALESMAN WHO CAN command Cottntr, Trade to a Wheleeal. 'Etat awl 'Straw Goods House. Apply to EI7ISDIA2 8R09.. 1141 MARKET Street. Sail-6t* WANTED. -BY A. YOUNG GENTLE. MAN of practleal boldness habits with IT 000 oapital. wtoheo so Interaet in Rome eAtabllithAd I r.)a Manufootory or Machine Shop. Addreos 80x1295 Phila delphia Peat Ofilee. JAW 5.1. WAN TED-A LARGE AND COMM 0. dione ROOM, on the Bret or necond Door, Imita ble for a public office. and Prituatrd between Markw:and Pine. and Second and Fifth. Apply at NAVY A6BI -01 i No. 114 South TH4RD Street. f al9-tf WANTED- TO BENT , IN A CEN era ou the fret. foor. part of an O f lioe Or Desk room. address "P." Box 22t2, P. O. jas. A SALESMAN. WANTED-TO TICA VBL three& ski Wire elites et the Melted States Address, with recereseee. Put Mee Box let fel-Se FITPLOYMENT - .11017 SE MB BOOK -m-1 REEFERS. Entry Paoltora t : Poitera, Watchmen- Walters, Firemen. Barkeepers. Machmen, Haatmen, Driven, uommetors, Farm bands. Garden- PTII. .ao., 802 and 884 LOCUST btrud. above eighth. - GR OUND FLOOR.-WANTED, Same} pereone, With from 11,103tosIS 0:0 in Cash, to join With other Pa , ties in the purchase of a VALUABLE TRACT OF Oa, LAND In West Virginia The isub.cribers, and other parties viehing to gobeeribe. will sheet at the oMee of JiifiN L 81101 BIAS ER. No. 325 North six.rn ittreek,, THIS EVENING, at Bo'cloek. - • STORE WANTED-A LARGE STORE, locattd between Second and Tenth and Chestnut and ]Barnet Party responsible. A geed benne will be paid. if reunited address -I W. ," Prue office. te2 St• TO PROPRIETORS AND' EDITORS OF lig - WSPAPERB.—A. young mnn. at Enod *bid ties. thoroughly conversant wNh aVligYTkil MG con nected with tke newspaper bnetnenn, ie de,irone of a situation. Bag acted in the capacity of cashier, proof reader, dm.. dm. ; is a good compositor; has had fear years' experience In power-preys work; understands both steam and hand machines, and eteam engines Beat of reference. Wonid talce a part intermit in an °Bar Address V. Tiler," Lancaster, Pa. It' A MONTHI-WA:NTED SI2S AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SRAW & CLARK SIXTEEN/DOLLAR FAMILY SNIT ING MACHINE, the ott/g/low.price Machine in the country which Is iteen.Yed by Grover & Baker. Wheeler Sr. Wilton. Rowe, BEnger & Co., sod Baehelder . Salary and expense/I.cm large Gomm's/lona allowed. All outer Machines now told tor lees than forty dollars each are fnfring/rdeatg, and 'ha seller and user /Wig. thug trated Cintilare sentfree..Addreas SHAW & °LARK, nol7. dd Warn BIDDEFORD. Maine. di WANTED TO RENT—BY THE IST ..",* Or MAY next, a HOWL. on Vine or Arch street. or Sixth, from Baas to aminf O rden . Rent from 11:03 to WO Address w.. Press once. feS St g WANTED TO RINT,A COUN -.A— TRY RERIDINCE in Pennsylvania. with from five to twenty. five acres of.gronod attached, near some one of the rallroaae le•dtelt to this etY, and not nore than one boor', ride from it Address fe3 2t* "E. B.. " Box ISIS fla WANTED— A. DWELLING SOU E. the rant for which . will be a id to boarding. iddreae " Xgaivalent, ' 2S South Iffr Street. f.2-3t+ WANTED—A HOUSE, FROM SIX kr:E. to Eight rooms, with all modern improvements . North Fifth, Eighth. or Seventh streets preferred. Bent no object if soltod Possess' Mae let. Adams Frank," Box 2623, Philadelphia P. 0. WANTED TO PURCHASE—A. 22.1• . DWELLING, or ;TORE and DWELLING, be tween ELEVENTH and FIFTEENTH. end MARKET and WALNUT Streets, not exceetang MOIL Address " Greenback e.." Ledger tam in WANTED-A FURNISRED. ROUSH, In the netgborbood of GIBMIAITOWN, for the 'summer. Addreta • D. P.." Prom alai. AL I, ASSISTANT QUARTENHAS. EN% OPPIOII, No. WM South THIRD St .. PHILADILPHIA. Dee. 24. Mi. Vessels wanted to load with coal for Nowbora. N. 0., and Key West, Pia. Despatch riven. JOHN 73. JBIfSLNOB tholle.tf Captain mid A. Q. AL FOR SALE AND TO LET. 11 CAPE ISLAND PROPERTY. TOR BALE OR TO EROT• No. I. The property known as the GLOB COTTAOL eittate between Vongrees Banned the ocean. eontalntne seventeen rooms, and very desirable for a large family, or drat- class boarding- house or restaursnt. 80. 2 Called the BeIIKKBaCIi COTTA3B t situate near the Railroad Drpot, with an uninterrupted view of the ocean and bay; has eleven rooms. Both properties are in a good condition, and will be sold or rented on good terms if applied for imme diately J D. ILSTWBOTIFI. fel. git. 436 vrALNur Street. FOR SALE-AN ESTABLISHED RE TAIL Business in Books, Stationery, Photograph Albums, Fancy Goode, dtc., in a central location, wtth to incrtaring trade. The stock is choice, elected, and adapted to the. daily wants ofenstomers. Early aprhictelott will se cure a bargain. Address Boobs," fd.2l* Pres* °Bice. FOR BALE, THERE BiJILDING LOTS ON SPRUCE; Street. abosva Play- record street. Wert Philadelphia, oath 20 feet treat and 170 feet deep to a 40-feet wide street. ALSO, SIX BUILDING LOTS ON LOCUST Street, above Fifty-second street. Wert l-hila4i.phla, each 20 feet front by 170 feet des p to a 40-feet- wine street. The above will be told cheap to Ones a esncern Any person wishing to irarchaee will please leave his address at The Press office. and he will bevelled on. Address "J. W. T.." at Press ogles. Fj 0 R BA L B-VALUABLE TERZETS in rood prodcalng WELLS, on Ittatilv 'catcalls Farms on OIL C 11613.7... below tba Shaeler Farm. and also on the ALLEGRENS RIVER Parties deeirlng to parttime will address Box No. 1285. Phila delphia Post oillce. No attention patcl to any ocher than responsible applicants. tel Gt. T 0 L E T-FOR SALESROOMS OR bght manufacturing purposes the MARK E T. building northwest corner of EIGHTH and Apply in the store. jaghtf WEST VIRGINIA LAND OFFICE, PARKERSBIIRCE - !IMPORTANT TO OD. COMPANIES AND CAPI TAMPS. ' • BORGES!! & PAIST. frormorly of naiad&Plii2.) SURVEYOEK CONVEYANCEAS, Dlteuonremior,. AND DEALERS In 01 LANDS, Have opened an odicein PallithlgifliG for the wartime. and sale of 011 Lands, Surveying and Coe. veyancing. Lands; surveyed and) mapped, TlUes (r -entiss& Deeds and Leases drawn. companies and in dividual interests attended to Parties desiring in. formation regarding Lands. Companies, Wells, an, by nail or etberwlse, promptly answered. Persons visiting the great oil regions of West Virginia, QiJl Lind it to tbeir interest to call anon 111110.11383 & PLIST, feS-Im Parkersburg, West Vir . gints. t A. H Bcrumma. Jos. H. ram'. . O IL CHARTERS.-00 MP ANIES forming under the Laws of Pennsylvania eau have their papers drawn and Shelters procured to an expe ditions manner. by • wht. S. GREGORY, UPI WALNUT Street. rTif ADOLPH HINTZ'S FINE TONE and liandenute PIANOS. Only for tale at JAS. BBLGAIE S. 281 8. FIFTH st. Fpril ERNEST GABTARI3. 7 1•S Octave Parlor Grand PIANOS. Overl,ooo in nee Ia PbOadelptla. only for mile at JA& MILLAIVI3, 2€llB. FIFTH Street. OFFIR RAW & BACON'S PIANOS Krown for 4D rigors. Only for .0* at It& BELL/ . 8, EU& FIFTH Street ifffiej CALENAURG & VAUPEL'S • Concert MVOS; firxt aut. Only for nee at JAB. BELL OE 8, %MIL FIFTH Street. MI NEW FINE 7-OCTAVE MO DBRIE4TTLI PI Olin& from 7-OCTA VE to 81.000. JAB. BULBS. 2818. PIiTE Street. OMPRINCE'S AUTOM&TIO OR GANS Rums anythil knows in this line. Only for sale at A& BELLAIOB, 2131 7IPT9 Street. ficipp PRINCB it CO 'B WORLD RENOWNED EISIADSONS. Over 34,000 In nee now. JAS. BELLAK,_SoIo Anent, jaBl-Imtfr• RSA .FIYTH Street. =Iiii;MKI COTTAGE ORGANS . Not only UNERCELLED, but UNEQUALLED In purity of Tons and Power, destined especially far Churches and Scboole, but found to he ecimaly well adapted to the Parlor and Drawing R an. For sale only b -A E BUM. No. IS North SEVEN ra Stmt. Also, a complete assortment of the Perfect Melodeon constantly on has d. no2l-9m 'FM NEW PIANOS. eursalou NSW YORK PIANOS. Best received sa. for We at G. ANDRE & C 0.41 limbs Eitoro. Jal4-1m Po. 11011C8IDITIFIIT Stmt.. ifiTgp azaKER BROTHERS* • pl. .A3OB. —The public, and particularly the profe Won, are invited to examine these boantiful stsnments, which are meeting with sush an nnparal leled degree of populsritr and ale in Hew York, and wherever know :I.ok The desideratum no, long {striven for. f. e. the strength of the iron, and sonoronanses of the 'Weddell , frame so happily attained by them, renders their Pianos incomparable with ant unbars. The un qualified testimonials of finch names as Wolfsohn. Mflle Mason, Belles, Thomas, Zandel, ands. snores of others, amp'y establish their high rank. Itor eale only brM. J. CtiCElltAll, 908 CHESTNUT Whet. stl.o. a assortment of other new and second band Planoss7Z sale and to rent. nolno3te, "REWARE THIC NORTRIABTER B BROWNS'S PATENT. METALLIC. WRATH= BTRIPA and WINDOW BANDA, totally exclude COLD, IA IND, RAIN. and DII3T bent doors and tad we, They etop the rattling of when, lave ow Mira* fuel. and are warranted for Ave yearn. For Bale or applied by DAVID R. LOBBY o Agent Pennsylvani . 38 Aeth.MTß Street. Bol• for Loeal'Agenta wanted thnosizhout the State.- calf-1 3 HAIR CHANGED FROM. GRAY 'PO. NATURAL CO OR. Mr. WM. C. MONTROVERY—Dpap Six: I eve,1114115 "Montgomery's Hair Restorer. and can sal with much plcartare that it wiltdo all that is claimed for It lam acquainted with a lady ',basalt air war very gray, and n6w it is a natural brown t not partially so. bu t from the root!, to the extremitlea of a uniform. agar the tr. about t fty years of age; and never used any other preparation but your Restorer. - • Two members of my own 1111111 Y. who were trim. and their hair thin and fallirg. steed not more than tvca bot tles each. and I cannot npw otecover a gray heir oa clear of their bead.. and their hair is much thicker than I ever knew it before. At tiny bees aged rotattut else. the change moat le attributed to your Yeatorer. Iteareettraly. your JAR. R. CATERBON. He. 31 S Beneath street MOIITO_OMERV 8 Rag RESTORER. Depot No Ito N. SIXTH street jeio.6l P HOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—BUY THIC Pataut binge beet Alhqme enverior to et: other 4 imaleeenco, etre. ob. end derablilty. Yorke t en them TA V. F. ORA A.SOR s , retl AUCTION &UAW 4111- k m BA.ZAA.R, NENTO AND BAI4. dam,: BON Stmts. . ,‘: AMNION fiALR OF HO SEIII o k r al WU 41 ON SATURDAY MOR INO r• At 10 o'eloek, canaprildas about ?Inn' NORRIS, flatted to harness and the eadata. Pail desln k ^t ,o 96 eR eels. Also, a large collection of desirt?le n"ar ant eas, head carriage*, litho wagons, dearborna, &a., te.. ,, a which the sale will commence. Also, single sod double kerne% saddles, briiildou whtpe, covers. halters, robe*, &a. Sa- - No postronementon acorn: of weather. SIP Sale of Horeee, &a., on WA 9NIr3DAT next. Carriages and hareeni at pr vats sale. ALFRED IL EIBRICOTIIRs, nottoneen ALIIIIUSEIHENTB. .NEW CHESTNUT. ST. TH SAMOA CHESTNUT STREET. ABOVE inrinFTa. • FRIDAY XVIDSINO, Feb. 3. ASTHT BUT ONI of the greed Exc L iting Thrilling. Itomerit'c SPerita Drama. lller THE THREE 017ABDIEMBN. which will be preepetet With a I IN, BRAISTIFUL nIDENERT, SuEerb Costumes. Proprieties, Hew Weal Efresta• grazet;* Combats. thrtMegTebleso... Winer. end ORSAT OAK' OF CHAILVITSII3. Lest two Baehr., /Oro. of the =ago fie 'or Fairy Pageant, BBailrY AND Tag 13111117, The two granct Soentarloe forming the °MATES r BILL of THE BASON. SATURDAY AWTERNION. abs. 4: Tlntrcry EiGIITH 011MiD FANTLY PetArTSrri,_, AMD FIRST AfAT(NSS KftraroSin tTAL7O2IO/' 'NU!' TELMER GITAIDSMED. MONDAY EVENING. Feb. d. The beautiful and reanimation RzLau wasTERN. • WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, IF IF Benefit of the Domini% eeeeetrie Comellsci, FltaNK DRAW. • Tian 0 LOnt4 ping& 'THIS (Friday) EVISSIBG. February SL The pm formanoe will commence wits the totellina'' drama, entitled OR A NIWATBIII WHITERCID. Orandialber Whit.nend PRAI'M if To be followed by THE PBC/PMI'S MiWTBS. - To conclude with the Rearing 91:Weevil', entitled MaZEPPA. RS. JOHN JOHN DREW'S NR ARCH_ THEATRE. AR BI THEATRE. BINIFIT OP L P. DIRETTX TO-NrOBT. (YELDAY). p gß. 3. Mk • LAST ME oP L P. GARRITY AB SNOOD AUDE. ONLY TThrS AS SiISOPRO D, IN DBLWATS 08011 ND - SATURDAY, L. P. IiSREUSTT'S LAST NIGWf. DIOADAT. MRS. JOAN DREW AS HRS. OINLIY. VEBTVALI LUND THE&TRB, CALLOWRILL, between Fourth /43d nat. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY ad. 1955. Fourth Bight of the eutseamet t of toe emi teat artlzte. AfteB SUSS VRIDTALL LUND. INGOILAR Mu Halve Vestvail Last Kr Adolph. Veetvaa Parthenis.... 'Ls gomar JAMES E. MURDOCH ? 00612ERT HALL MONDAY AND TOMAY arEarizrati. DIBRUARY 6ra AND 711 i. JAMES H MURDOCH. Req., thodietinstilahed Woos. Monier., Lae tHIKII€IIIIIBd to glee two entertalmsteuttoe couchettes of reentatt , no of *elections from o.wetioal. triode. acd_nrose compantttoon. at CONCERT BALL. jit ORDAIN and TUBS DAY Riflierf Hu% February GM. and 7th. PROGRAMME FOR MONDAY EVENING. Feb 6th: The Ring of Aimee. Blasphemes the Lord.—prey Kinfree. chap ter 18th. D The estructfon of Senacherib —From Byrom Hamlet, King of Denma,k. —Act let. Shakepeare. Setectione in Dialogue and. Soliloquy, The Tat Yard of Ale. Extract nom the Wagoner of the alleithenles.—T. Buchanan Reed. Barbara Fnetohie.—.) I). whittler. Osi tyebnre. —Fracis Db Rae. /envier. God Says the Fl--Mtver Weneell ifolmea. hheridati'm Ride -T. Bach man Read. boost and the Veterans; or, the Heroes of 1312.—8 r Bayard Taylor. °marmot Sketches. —Pick wf . ck papers, The Wrong Ronta.—Diebens. PROGRAMER FOR TUESDAY EVENING, Feb. 7tb: The Story of Joseph —From Genesis, Selections from King Henry the Fourth. embracinit the acgry 'Gurley between the King and Hotspur together with. Hotepur's account of the fop. —Ehiatui mare. nrifting —T. Buchanan Reed. O'Couner's Child; or, the Flower of Lon Lie. Bleed,- Ina --Campbell. Battle of Lookout Monitaln.--43. H. 80b.,. The Lions and the tilloye.—freasiated. from Schtlier by Leigh Hunt. - The Rising of 1776; the Patriot Pitmen. Entreat Hoed the Wagoner of the Alleghenlee.—T. Baoattima ed. The Boarding Sot.ool Elopement; or. how Job TERM threw &win tiam Weller's eyes —Dickens Tlrkete for each Evening. 00 canto. A limited number of RESERVED AMTS. withoot extya awn he obtained on earl g imaniastion at T POGIPS Beak- Store, corner of SIXTH and CHER nun. slrooce. gm* to commence on Friday Morning, Feb. Mi. Tickets will also be soh' at the Hall on each evenillg. Dora epee at 7 o'olock. Recitation at 8 Proceeds for the beeealt. of rellaions and charitable objects. • fel-fit READINGS BY JAMBS B. MURDOCH. Esq.. TDB GREAT 1t...0013710E15T AND TRUE PATBLOT, Whose philanthropy is eo well known in every g cause, bet mote especially In bthalf of oar noble sol diers, has consented to give two more Readion at CONCRRT HALL. on WRDNE-MAY and THURSDAY hVEfIiN(3B. February 88tth and 9tb, for the benefit of a worthy and charitable came. C T a c tno s street ; A a HCMA NTN K ' B VA ae 'M T t Ch ' es ) tn M s t ree t ; GODLD , d, Seventh and Obeetnnt streets, ant at the door on the evening. letalinie commence at 8 o'clock; Doors OM at T. Tickets. 60 rents. FIRST RBADINCf, WEDNESDAY, Bth. Selections from Second Samuel. (And It Wall told Joab, behold the King mourneth for Absalom.)—Hs' Writ. David and Abaaldrn. 19oem. —N. P. Willis Selections from the Tragedy of Macbeth. (Act Rd.) The Mercer of King Duncan — Shall spears. The Bong of the Forge (the Plow, the Anchor, and the r word) —Anon. The Ocean.—Byron. The Toast. A Balled —Scott. Ballad of New Orleans. (Desorintion of the light be tween Parrarat'a that and the rebel fo rte ).— Geer —George H.. Raker. The Oath. An Invocation toTatriotism. —T. Baths -411,111* geithe party, humo 'Wealsketch, contata lac S ent Weller's lectors on Pies." and Ify. Pickwick's experience of the effecter of Cold Panok.— Dickens. PROORAMMS FOB SZCORD HEADING, THITILB DAY. 9th. ..- Selections from the Scriptures.—job. Chapter and S9th. Moral end Philosophical Reflections. On Life, Death. and Prayer. —Shakepeare. Selections from the Play of the Merchant of Venice_ (Act ti h. ) the Pound of Fresh. " — Shakerteare. Catawba Wine.—Lonefellow. The Skeleton in Armor. —Locatellow. The Mantle of St. John DeMatha (Or the Leann' of the Red, the White. the Blue). Read for the (fret time in Philadelphia —J O. Whittihr Our Iletoes.—Francle Delia*, Tattier. Sherldatf's Ride. Read for the fu - stitime in Philadel phia —T Ruchanag Read. The Light Britone. The charge of the Six Hundred. at Bale Wats. —Tennycon. The Trial or Dordell ye. Pickwick (with the grandilo quent pleating of Sergeant bun Par for the plaintiff Dickens. " feS-St THE GREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. F. E. ROESTOn BOnestrian. Dheetwe.. My. PRANK WIETTAKER--..... Muter of Ina Circle. Win minter diaries the present week the celebrated. JAMES COORE, the Queen's Jager. from A.T/LET'W itsysl Amphitheatre, London. Alto, the SAGAINYE FAMILY; the /11VERN FAME LS ; the DENZER FAMILY • the RING FAIN(Lift the. ATON E FAN ILY ; Bence. /4 (fit RAY and EfIITCHIAI3Od. Also, Professor HUI CFIINSON AND HIS TRAINAIIs DOGS; wondetfol creatures; the great wild rider of the. West, Lit infix stair Will also be produced thet. fraud historical pantomime, entitled the BRIGANDS F ABEIIZE—a' piece admirably adapted to. develops the excellent training of the horses connected with the great establishment.. - ADMNABON—First tier, 60 cents; second tier, M ciente, private box, 33 end $6. Performance commences 7.410 each evening', Extra performances on every WEDNESDAY and SATBLDAYAFTERFOON, commencing at 2,3 i o'clock. SPECIAL CARD. The Management begs leave to announce that en M.. agameat baa bean made with DAN BIOS. the great: humorist. who Will appear gad introince his wonder - fail TALKING HORSE, ILKCELNION, Aret on MONDAY Feb.l6o, and daring the week. jagOalla CONVERT HALL. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, AN - II EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. MATINEE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON... ARTEMUS WARD, /tibia brilliantly. tutcesaful entertainment on THE. MORMONS. I. W. WILDER Nefinfitsc.. The public is reepectfully informed that ARTSMUS WARD AMONG THE MORMONS le precisely the same entertainment which has reeei:dlp achieved such unqualified and brilliant sneceaaea In that cities of ISI ew York and Boston. Admission 60 °cola liteserved seats $l. Doors oft% at 7; commence at 8 o'clock. Saturdiy afternoos. otra at I; commence at 8 o'clock. fel-41. NATIONAL SKATING PARK, TWEITT•FIRST AND COLUDDIA AMR% The LADIES' PARK of tbe City. Only twenty minutes' ride from Ninth and Ando by the Ridge. ..venue Oars, SKATING! SKATING !I SKATING !II FKATIVO BY hIOONLIGHP. SKATIgG BY moormiour. Ting Evzsme, AT rEEEZsIOCI FARMS. FOURTH and DIAINOVID Streets. The Park was PLOODBD lest ereeln_,e and will excellent candition. Besides. the lee Planing Naching will be In operation. A BRAS Ball It wru.. THIS 811 lEVIMINN ATrgGeDANOB _LAST TWO DAYS.-SIGNOR. BLITZ WILL CLOSE—ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Great d OM 011stratloss in NECROMANCY; SPIRITUAL ISM ILLUSTRATED. and the WONDER'S OF YES TRILOQUISM lISTRODTMED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVRATING, commensing at 7.34 o'clock, and SATUItr AIPTSPEODIR at, Oonsraislng Os mysteries o , the Past and Freese, Av. Admic6lok, 26 mitt. 0h11051410 seat,. Reserved seats, 50 cents jay 111 1- YPOCHONDRIACS_DWREDAT A-A- the ASEIMBLY BUILDINGS.—Second . week et science and mirth—D.:ink on cold vott!er-Hprotiared by Dr. B. BROWN WILLIAMS. the halal:trona Lecturer and original Psycholoeiet. Audience con silted with. latight.r. New Ernerlments every ananing.. A PAT LECTURE on SATURDAY for families, *nutrient:lag at 2)‘ o'clock : SATURDAY NIGHT for gentlemen omit: commence. Evening, at l to S. notate 9) cents ; • ad mittiet a lady and gentleman . seats. ' A SSEMBLY.BITILDEPEGX, DR B. BROWN WILLIIMiIi SkTURDAY, at 33.( o'clock. Adj&a•toi 25 coats. Riperlute+ ts a 3.1 new. Go early. I:ne most astonish ing exhibition or the present aim Byer? ohs de teß itt HASSLER'S , bRCEIESTRA can MILITARL BLIZA. Ofßo% NO, 714 South BIOMES Otmet: 7a2S-lee ASSZIABLY MATINEE MUSICALE By the PhlladehAda CLIMITAL QI7INTRITI CLUE ; at .WRD2IIIBIIAI, at 8 P. X Tickets at the Door. Rilty Coats each. tATl•emtaarlE G EBXANIA.. OttLIEBSTRA.,-.-Plll3aeri BiddlASSALLecery SATURDAY. at Sld o'clock, P. M. at aroweAL 'MID HALL. 81.1 ea 'ftokeir.'l4 a, :to be had at (11Wd'i, Andrea. - aadllsTaimA t ckz... and at tha HaU. an't-tf Mll. ACADEACADEMY Olt FMB AR CIIISTAITT SEree‘_abovs Tectls, Is OP= DAILI7 ftrvisitors, Imo 9 . . A. IL to 6 P. K. tag. PERSONAIX. • opyaw* 3 r 6 ,4 1 Bpd open. . ja:V. BOARDWG. BOARDING} A, SUITE 800 Apr one or two )weereeiut With briskfaißM otred..eao be bad at I.I34ABROWN Street. tel44s VERST-CLASS. BOARDING --SW , street SAL dealzable IBoomsvacua at SA 1' W 1 . •ra-se vfi • BOOTS BROAD. MOW (SE- Aoit-• BOARDI110,) Yasaaslootte two &W. lies sad two dug, "powwows. • .1:1041e TE VERGIN Wha ANTILLEFA 4". WI CL A. new French Owsmetto for lichswifyind sett Pcr. tervini the complszlow. It Ls thmenct weadocre cr. 4 . Potaid of the ale. Thy* is neither shall(, powder, gyp[ cowls, blesanth, DOT UM in la, oqmpowiton, It helms composed entirely of pare i rks, Win; heat* tke sr coccitsacy cinnifttas for preserrlng the skin. ..4214t01l it soft, smooth, B and tranakeitt. =am' the old trPear Tonic&wns/7 tottnlsount.the Mr...huts:Le wont and the most bsanttful dislue. Woes 30 An; SO cents. Prepared. only Mc di - 'A) FerfanAmc, 41 Kenn" 131011TH tmo doom, shows Chestnut. mdl33 &ail! UV mrTML ',greet, st;zwe Wane.. iniS-37n GENTS cANA:Vom TEN DRAFT B' iminratonfine, - .. L , AO, & 00.._ I , To 243 ca BiT NBT Street tea i d Floor da,re you ens always 111 M alien and ViW,u, stwriT BT irr ßy ss ..7 .. , !, ,, ve a. rir ar. re ci at „. .miww. teems. , go. 'Tit 3 CtINS aUT 13 I jai IV &w6oadZhlef.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers