CITY. 'TEATS. neon Uovionsiorinna ratter Riointonne. Ithoritatively stated that poste ooir.mlaidOn • their way from Richmond, and they hi 0 Mt. Lincoln the potato width they deft ler. First, a recognition or the Confederal I, the assumption by the North of the the South; third, the ordering to imme ixeoution of Generals Grant, Sherman, idan ; the hanging of Commodore Porter fard-arlti, and finally annual tribute to Ipal rebt In the ohm?* of a new cult each to at the Bro1ll:L - 14one Clothing Hall of Ro Wilainc, Nos. COO and 80t Cheatnut Etre " - It io not likely that Mr. Lincoln 1, ;ftllAo7' ram TEM "LOG Boos" OP unwity.H—The blowing up of the Drewry 1 ed in our possession a good portion of its Containing the reports of the commander s moral orders of the squadron. In it eta remarkable passage : During the early p day a piece of shell struck me on the rib-1 two Meet from the water line without do lamage.r m jobs nulet ' bis ‘ herd Set. If a piece of el %elks na on the Jib-tier about two I the water-line, it "irottld be very apt off Draping, if itfild not wholly demo' loons, Speaking of pont:1100ns brings the elegant stook we Paw the other day :Ices sc Co,/ Hone price," under the Co: BY MOORLIONT.-.013. the Philedell Park, Thirty.first and Walnut etre .18 In splendid Condition, equal to a fide urfaoe, by means of Wharton's patent ph '8 full band, day and evening. brilliantly illuminated, and open until while the lee lasts. . . or later, a neglected cold will devolo cough, shortness of breath, failing strong sting of flesh—the avant couriers of o n. In some instances the same mule bronchitis, a disease of the branches of . all affections of the pulmonary well se In bronchial complaints. Jays :out II both a palliative and curative, nony of thousands and its world-wide re Rests; while in coughs and colds it s and, when taken according to dh 'raptly removes them. Why not give t - Melo an Immediate trial fei-i "ETICAIL DR PARIS," Tor the skin, to, by Jared k Bone, general lceporl We. feZtliftt EAR., AND OATAIIRH, wamenfally Era N. D., ooultst. and Andel, 5U IikULI eyes inserted. No charge foroximixiat &nos & (30, 1 8 liana; and • Cabinet - Organs, for sale Only by ',MAU sad Chestnut @treats. SPECIAL. NOTICES. SEWING HOLDER Tel A NEAT substitute for tbe Saving Bird, vht in the work•baehet of every lady. Sold 1 TRlliielf is SHAW, 035 (Slight Thir(y,tive). MAUR Er Street, BeloW Meth. Bueogurrs—Fou Suutmus oleo. treat corner ana Block fnielvee, fox sale •are Store of TRUMAN dg SHAW. ' (Bight Thiry too) ausuur Street. Below Math. Rsoßrvic iNSTnucTroN 1w B( , Namaralal Arithmette. Monsanto Fa Bantam Writing, at O'DONNELL'S IFitttate. TENT El and CHESTNIII, fel Z'S HONEY BOAR. ate& TOILZT SOAP, in snob liniment de fro:milts CHO/011ST Intel tale. is IMIT in its nature, FRAGRANTLY 80: LTBEMIELY IDIDEFICIAL in its action Fur gabs by all Druggists anti Fancy (egg-Intik As, BRACE AND MECHANICAL Lpproted oonstraotion, and light finish, judgment, at C. H. NIBBLES'. come And RACE Mimes. (Ladiete.Departut Ladles. on TweL'th Street, Brat door be exteastve variety of Supporters, B, to Stockings. Sirtutteo, Nursery ertl4 jAI9-! GEORGE BrEcz es Co.'s •ND H•SON & EABILIN'S CABINET ORGANS. Oyer KO each of these flue CAB Instruments bay° 'been sold ORG by Hr. G., and the demand Ie 06,81 oonetaally Increasing. ORG For pale only by CAB GOULD. ORG SEVENTH and Ca3STDfIT Ste. GAB nose -11 ORG MOM $l4 To ;bb. Ova 41 TR 7118 M $l4 w $66. •0171HOOATS. lIIt ATI PROM $l4 to OZ. OVIROOATS. .►T6 !ROM $l4 to $46. OVEROOLTIL WARAMAKIR BROWN. OAR R&LL, E. KUM SIXTH and M'►EEsr ettitet I Hon's Botta sad 'Nowt Twisty of Attu . at R.R& BON ABLE P.ll/00. HIOHREIT LOOK-STITCH awns° m4.ollanio. 'EST, SIMPLEST AND BEST. .Ajah9lf School:101 . est A be st leant thirteen years of ladelphis, and they meet have 'olio tiohoole of the city for at least emanation tell be as *Whom: . Bth—History of tt , e Mated distal —Definitions and Parsing. Bth—Constitutiotrof the UMW* .—Orthography sad Nensusatiaa. -Airlnmate' fOHOL se H. MsGIVIRI, PriaolpaL TA, Esorettry. fa 2-31 BLUE CURER OIL altlioldiriTof the above Co/ het the STABY'S REPORT itotioe. at the Office of the ALGOT'. lieeretm A OF THE C JAL.CCIIPAfIr, .11( core announce that ell the atm .ow been dtepoced of, sod the toiled from the dote, end they d 717 their feilow•oltizene Mat any IMOD, whigi Coal has beer not be enlitleo to my fortier r the f s3ly of September. nexi h from Si pee ober. lees t boa not been /applied. It lei iodating for Mock to inquire at condition In title femme. An] will be ebeetfally elven by the an, iteeirbLef Office, on Tull Cthttriday) At 7 e'elteek. to roar the pen J. O. POWEL & L. outs. .ASE BLACK 111021 COMYAINT, Atrabis. 0 tiro titockholdera of tii! iti vacs M fiyaDAY. lea th boors 0! 10 so 7 , 4,1/1 teke efwe a. d. ' liar PENNSYLVANIA. HOSPITAL.... The undersigned aoknowlridges the roilowlng manoonalbutioos ln response to the !metal or the nisi. s and Sansone of the rennsvivaula Hospital. for eta to that Instftatt , a, recelved dace MA attune; "A liquid to the Besot al who wishes to see its unfoLuese enlarged and not oaf. tatted,'! a bond and mortgage forID, Aoornea Interest— 17d. Israel W. Houle ......• —313.176 llorateWillhenta.... , ..••••....... • •••••.......... 110 IL ladT, Per Dr. b. I. . Morton 10 A lady. per Dr. Thos. Wietar - 90 Charles r MOTtOA• ••• •• ••••• ........ ..• • ••••• •• • ••••••••••••• 100 'Rocklin' & Wileon 100 oi:tarifa 8umphrey5........................ ..... ... 100 James D. Smith —..••• 50 Mier Rebore& Gratz. 53 John F. Sirsaff ......•« 30 Richard El Th0mae........ 30 William Kirkham 100 Joe Wu. Farr ................ 100 John, Robhlna ••••••• .1 .444 • 00 BenArnln Du1a.......• 50 Joseph Paneoaet, bf. /) • ........ 600 James R. 0 leaves • .4..4... 200 Berate of Rob trt Creighton. dosed 60 Prom a denahtar of an old friend to the hospital. 103 neorge D. Wetherlii tio William e1ading.......... ..... 96 Edward Manta .—...• 101 William It, White......... ........ ...... ........ .... 260 Wm Henry Larned ... ...... • MO Richard C. lricidartrie 51 Sarah Phinpe 50 _ Eliza H. Van:.. 1( 0 Philip Frilly .& SON' ....• •• •• • • .... : 103 H. A. Sunder & Son ' 203 Charles Taylor 600 JOHN T. LEWIS, Troym•ersl, 7M No. Rat Booth rauDiT troat. Remold Month (February) lat. Iteb. it lar TWELFTH WAED-Tlt6 DIE. BIIRSING COMMITTaI meet at F & L. Lad ner'e -Northam ELlnary Hall, Titian Swat, below Omen street, WSW": cay. and pay the ElCiaß4r QAsa BULTATIEd. . . . .. For Ono Tear ............... ..."..—........... ..... $66,5 For Two leers ..".... 67% For Three Vears.._. 846 FOE HANCOCK'S CORPS — TWO IEAR vg,rtae Zi it POI 03113 YOU 4 4 • • • • • • • . .• • . • • . • 1. 418`45 ',or 77re Yeare IMb For Three Pears . 1.1x3 John H. Slur.l Charles ti Mama, Jobs $ Beyl. aeorge Bete, L B Beget, 182. W Disbarring Commlltoe. Lgrsix ER WARD—DRAFT OR NO DRAFT /—The Precinct Demme Committees, wed all luteteated in the coming DRAFT aro eratetally requested to nee their beat Worn] in prorating tail:mode. tune, and are Positively required to report the same at the meettsk of the WARD BOUNTY CORM(' i'ES, at the CROWE-SMUT WHOOL HOOdS, ea 61, II t SVSNINO. the 4th inst., at 7 o'ciosic. an I.llo' y Committee bate determined to .be guided. in the future action by the amount th en enb.ocithad; they intend. if the eubseriptione will not be tinticient. cease their Inhere and let the Ward be drafted. It lenta with the peopled the Ward to decide H.—The Committee also wish to k no w If ihere are 90 or SO semi/sin the We'd who are patriotic enough to give the 11E0 of cm thousand dollars ease, for fifteen or twenty dam, to pay City Bonsty, which amount they will receive backeither in calk or city warreute. wi It the thanks of the Committee and people of the Ward. Stich persons, if any, will please report to the Commit. tee on Saturday STMllilig. Chairman, Ald CHAS. WELDING. 'hemmer. Will H. BARSE.i. fe2-3t Secretary and Recruiting Arent. Jo Rh HADAL 112ir. SIXTEE3TII WARD. —THE VIII. sane of the Ward are respectfally invited to at tend a Meeting as the Jettersrm &hoot. Ann., yipyfi Bisset. aletne Poplar. on SATURDAY SYSNlfffs. eth, for the purpose of °insulting a committee to solicit subscriptions to obtain recruits for the Ward, to avoid t'e consequences of a DRAY' t. The.time is thort. and unless promptly and liberally responded to by the °W rens no action tau betaken in the matter BT request Or Marx. T. MICICEUX.I Ds71(1114 WITHAM, IfA ntrim B. JON E 4. PHILIP H. Lorre. taw r. • 1 SFLOTAL AIMING OF TIM STOCKHOLD/B8 M'CLIN'I7OOIK.VILLIN s PETROLEI3M COMPANY Will be held et the OFFICE OF THE COMPANY. No. 411 WALNUT NT.. OA THURSDAY. FEWY 16. 1&86. At 12 o'clock M., to ._ Of a portion of their Land, made by the Board of Di. reetors Jannary 83, 11366. By order of the Board. 1116-tf 6 pr. ATTE NTION VOLITNTEERS 1-- HIGHEST' BOUNTY! FOURTEENTH WARD. The Recruiting Committee are now prepared to ac- credited CASH the LA.I3 GEST Boutirms to all recruits ac credited to thin ward They will an at the Southeamt corner of THIRTEENTH and GREEN Streets EVERY DAY from A to 4 o'clock. where allinformation will be cheerfully given. Oltd brokers, come to us and receive FULL BUNTIES In CASH. _ UNTLES. For one year HO lOWOO For two years 675 (8) For three yeare. ... MS (X) FOR TWU YEAR VETERANS JOI2IiNH . NANOOOII'S For one year CORP. SSW 00 For two years 075 00 For three years()) D. 3. mearsriCiFf' — oi; J. W. ,THACKANA, eon:Ming ja24,111 FBID'H. A. VAN CLEVE, Committee. !gr. OFFICE OF THE CI SY BOUNTY. FUND 00111EISSION. COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, Oil CHESTNUT Street. Notice is hereby given P that D he PHL mm a s n ion , for l th e Ferment of the City Bounty are now prepsrea to receive and adjust the claims of all new reernita under the pro. visions of Ordinaries of January 26, 1866. Volunteers for O HUNDRED ll receive a Warrant for FOUR DOLLARI. Volunteer HUNDRED ears will receive a Warrant for FOUR AND FIFTY DOLLARS. Volunteers for Th HUNDREDiII receive a Warrant for FIVE DOLLARS. Enrolled citizens who shall plaoe in tha n service Ye a rs, Unitrd etates a Substitute for not less Three in advance of a .draft, and who shall thereupon be cre dited upon the quota of the city of rhiladelpida„.will reativaa warrant for THEE HUNDRED DOLLARS. By order of the Commission. JOHN BLAIR. Secretary. 4c, . Ms PRZMIVII OFFICE OF THE 'UNION CANAL COMPANY. PHILADaLPHLa, JuntarylL MS. The Annual Meeting of the STOOS and BOND ROLDRIIE of the Union Canal Company, and election for Officers and !trump rs to serve for the emoting year. will be held at the office of the Company, No. AftS WALNUT Street. on TUESDAY, the 2th day of Mehra ar it next, at 11 o'clock A. M. - The Transfer Hooke will be closed on the 29th instant. jalB. WWI OSCAR THOMPSON. Secretory. SWUM WESTERN PENNSTLVA. NIA RAILROAD COMPALIT PHILADRLPHIAL. January 28,1685. NOTION TO STOCKHOLDERS. —Aa Adjourned An neal Meetingof the Stockholders of the Coteauy Wlli be held on TUESDAY. the seventh day of February, 1866. at 12 o'clock M., at Ho. 43S South THUM Street, Philadelphia Amami Election for President and Directors will be held same day and place. JOSEPH Lilt:lUL ielB.9t Fecretary. IigrOFFICE OIL CREEK AND BMW WAY RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 28. 3855. NOTICE TO STOCKHOL natl.—Au adjourned an nual meeting' of the Stookholdets of this Company_ will be held on TUESDAY, Oa 7th day of Pebrnery, 1855, at 1 o'clock I'. ,at No. 236 South TRIED Street, Phila.- dolphin. Annual election for President and Direators will be bald saint day and Diem ZOSEPE LESLEY, WS St Secretary. Or OFFICE OF THE FULTON COAL COMPAST. PHILADELPHIA, JitEL. 27, 1865. Tae Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Office of the Company, 407 LIBRAS!" Street, on MONDAY, February 6th. proximo, at half past o'clock P. M., at which time an Election for Officers sorve the ensuing year will also take place. ia2B-086 P: C. HOLLIS. limitary. I' NOTICE.--OVISCRIBERS TO T HE Coital etoek of the NATIONAL OIL CREEK OIL COMPANY are hereby notified that their OBRTI TICATEB are ready for delivery, and will be exchanged for the instalment reonipte. at the °Moe of the Company, No. 221 North PRONT Street. • fel•Ot ;was. .1. MALCOLM, Secretary. IiarMASONIC NOTIOII.-=THZ OFFI• ears and Members of TEMBNIE. LODGE, No. MO, A. Y. N., and the Order generally. are fraternally requetted to meet at the Hall, OEISSTRUT Street, on FRIDAII , February ' 9d. at 9 o clock A. H . to attend the Funeral of onr late Brother DAVID H. WRIGHT. By order of the W. M. B. F..LESCHIIB, Secretary. lairTHE QUICKSILVER MINIM% COMPAVY: Mo. 21 NASSAU Street, inw long. February 1.1865. Tho Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the CODMININTAG HOTEL, in the city of Philattel ph's., on 'WEDNESDAY, February - 214, at one o'clock M _he Annual Klection of DIRECTORS will be held at me tame place, on the earns day. between the hours of two and three P. S. The Transfer Books will be claim] on SATURDAY. February 18th, and reopened on MONDAY, Pebruarg 17th. J. H. RANDOL. fel-19i Secretary. OrEIGHTH WARD BOIDETY *DMA -A meeting of the citlz4ns rif the Eighth Ward evill be held on THURSDAY EVENING, Peorutry 2d. at 7; , ‘ o'clock. In the Hall southwest corner of LOCUST and EIGBTH Streets. The quota assigned under the Draft Is 1139 tQNE HUNDRED aND NINETY-N I dB). Immediate action %required of the citizens of the ward. Every precinct mac t be organized and represented. Ponds must be raised forthwith, and men must be ■ot. or the Draft will inevitably take Place. The following gentlemen have been. Invited: Bon. HENRY C CARRY How. WILLIAM STRONG, JOSEPH HARRISON. Ja Ken.. BON. MORTON M.afdi CHABL. fel•2t Z. GILLINGEIead FELL. Esq. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. ROAD COMPANY, • PHILADELPHIA. Pebllllll/ 1,1056. NOTICE TO STOONEWL DEMI—The Annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on TUESDAY, the 21st day of February. 1866, at AO o'clock A M., at the SARSON STREET HAIL The Annual Election for Dlnstitors will be held on MOP DAY, the 6th day of March, 1866, at the office of the Company, No .'2aB Beath TRIED Street fel.lBt EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. kbA nr 2 COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, .lINITED STATES INTER', AL REVENUE, VOURTEI DIBTRIOT,PISENSYLVA6IA, ESN CHESTNUT Street, Farmers' and Slechanics' Bang Betiding. PHILADELPHIA, February 1. 1866. NOTICE is herein even, that, having received from the Assessor the official lists of assessment of the SPA CI'AL INCOME TAX for this district, the duties have became due and payable, and will be received at this office until the 13th inet After that da'e TES PEE CIBTUM, with costs of collection, will be added to al t bile remaining onprio. official notice will be served on all persons whose names Potwar on said Bets. fel-lit JOHE 11f. RILEY; Collector. ErANNIVERSARY OF THE MER. CHANTS' FUND. —The eleventh anniversary of this association will be celebrated at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC. On THURSDAY EVENING, February 2, at 734 o'clock. The annual repot will be read and addresses de livered by Rev. BISHOP SIMPSON, and DANIEL DOUGHERTY Bari The orchestra will be under the direction of Mr. Simon Hasler. Cards oradmiselon may be bad arattlitonsly, by ap . rdylng early to BENJAMIN dim, No 901 Oheetnut street. WM. O. LUDWIG. No. 36 North 'third street.• JAMES O. HAND. No OH Market street. EDMUND A. SOUDER, Dock•etreet wharf. ia2l-tfelif Committee. TEM Pro 14r NOTICE.— THE ANNUAL MEET. USG of the Stockholders of the lISION STEAM COMPANY will be laid on TIIIISDAT, February 7th. MAJ, at 4 o'Cock P. M. at the office, No 14 north —DELAWARS Ayeane, when an elution will take niece for lye Mananere, to serve for the ensuing year. je25.12t WM. W. BLESNISS, Seoretiuy. IfIOTICE.—THE ANWIALL XENE% I ING-of the Stockholdere of the °ORAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, for the electioa of Pine Di rectors, 'and the transaction of other busbies's, srl.l be held at No. 120 North DELAWARE ATOZII2O (amend Boor) .on TUESDAY , the 7th of rebre Y next past twelve o 'flock P. M. at half ie24.l2t 13s WILLIAM DENNIS. cretarnr and Treasurer. liar MINIM—TSB ANNUAL MEET. IRO of the Stockholders of the PIILLA DELP ETA AND SAVANNAH ATBASI NAVIGIATIDH COMPANY Tar the alectionlot flee Nanagsre and the transaction of other business will be held at No. 120 North DELA: WARE Avenue (second floor). on TO MADAN', the 7th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon. WILLIAM DENNIS, 11124.12 t Secretary and Treasurer. IBMIURAMICE COMPANY OF MOM MATS OF PESMBILVAIII . A. JANUARY 31, 18. M. The Annual Meeting of tbe will be held. at the •Company's office, on MOMDAF. PobrticaT 18f1 at I o'clock. P. N. jami-ttee WILLIAM HAMPER. Soudan% FoR $B2B, CASH, AN-ELEGANT PULL arven-ootava Rosewood 'Kamm. With d na ta he , andbeanTalb ;Fwd. 18248 '1974 ill 4 cr!bi , _, 1 tl. GENTS CAI AVOID THY; RAFT ,BY ~ GENTLEMEN RESID I NG lE . THE canirg On KEN, L"A9, a C"..)., NO 213 ORNNT. I , ,, rrt h Diarist, Pannaylatdda. can halm gubad. MIT Street. Secend Floor. sanpr o l on can always lad tags or kapraFentadvas .nra.shad them by caillag it alien and VE WWI StriqaTlV rg9 an very reasenaate the Genets/. Warinitind Oacia, go. art-acute .r.4IRD tome. °TWA. Load. & co.. ttreet. second dorm, ' . 'WAS. LETINIRD, ._ ~,, 10. 243 (*UR r NUT 137., M tfr iteoraitlag claw, ovuy secovi 1,09 r, NOTIGT.g. oomPrßm A BALI caus. L. DOUGLAVE4 Sift:Meter, Dro. teln THE PRIESB. - -PHIIM)ELPItIK Tlllinsmy,:.FADWlAllt DMDENDS. tar OFFICE OF ATLAS. OIL 0d.4914 1 1 /IY, 6584 WALttDTSlreef, Room PHILADELPRIa, Jan. 81, 8• DrVIDIVII NOTICE. —The - Board of Directors /NSW' , this day declared their third monthly dividend of 0:1B ADD A ilia LP PakicliriT. (Di) out of ear:tinge, of the Company for the month. of January, payable on and after the Iflth tcet. Trunerer Books cloeo entice Oh in.t., at BP. ; open on the 11 h Met., .t BP. Y. fel-11l P. W. W(LTEIANK, Secretary, OFFICE WEST PHILADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPaNY, _North west corner of FORTY-FIRST and HAVIIRFORD Ste., PaIIaDBLPRIA. Jitll. 10, 1800. The Board of Directors have tale day declared &divi dend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital htock of the Company. to3lst nit.. blear of all- taxes, payable OA aTh a l ßool he 20 or h t Me transfer of Stook will be aimed ru?til that dato. iRI2 th - stib:l2i. WM. MARTIN, .114. Treasurer. P itb ILADELPHIa AND RE&DI VG RAILROAD COMPANY: Orlice No. Will SALM FOURTH Street. PEMADNI.PRIA, November SO, ISSf. DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The transfer books of .this Company will be eased on TPURSDAY, D4eemberle, ano reopened on TUESDAY. JannarYlo, 1865. - A Dividend of 'FIFTEEN PER CENT, on toe common end preferred stock, clear of National and State texas, bee been declared. payable in common stook on the Met DE camber next, on all (docile standing on the books of the CeinnattY, at the close of boldness en the 35th pron. Stockholders whose names ere reetsterod on the New Sark hooka will be paid at the Farman.' Lola and Trust Company. ,S. BRADFORD, doi• If . - Trent,nrer. AILLILITALRY. lATTENTION, VETERANS'I-FOR REPRESENTATIVE RECRUITL, FOR THRIIE NEARS. 1./60 DOLLARS; Fall TWO YEARS' Mel, 9,10 DOLLARS; FOR ONE YEAR-MEN. TOO DOLLARS, To serve the above-mentioned time In the FIRST ARMY CORPS, Major Oen. BANCirCiT, commanding, WeiSilleiOTON. D. O. RECEULTIN 0 HEAD QUARTER% 106 South SIXTH Street. In view cf the apProtehing Draft, the sabsoriber Aa sires to procure a Representative Recruit. %bit an enrolled citizen ol the Second Congressional District.the above liberal bounty will be paid in each on the recruit being mustered into service. Enlaces the benefit of Go ven merit pay, State and city relief, the recruit will be presented witb a Henry's patent ride (whieh tires sirl tenn shots per minute) when entering thei servic e. whir.? be will retain an hie own property at the EVEDifil. don of the value. The First Army Corps wilrbe located at Waebington permanently. !Free tran.mortetion will be furnished hence to that point, and the roman will be , credited to the district in with* be redder.. Application must be made in pereon at Berry'. Marquee, ICS South btxth street, wit'n-discberge from the United Stites ser vice, certlticate of phi sled ability at the present tints froze some respectable pb•yeician, and the name. will be Properly enrolled on the book prepared for thin enemata Fa top). of the rifle will be shown to each applicant, and full Intones ti on given. Aprlirationa will be received from veterans until February 6. IE6E, at which time a selection will be ME de !tom those enrolled. The remainder will- be ac cepted as volunteers, and will receive Mire It ossh whet mustered into serrica. with bettelit of Government pay, State sa d city relief for their familial. No Deafen, bounty-Jumpers, or substitute brokers seed apply. Ap plication will be received at this °Mee in writing. Any reeportable citizen who whims to furnish a Repreeenta tive Renrult on the eagle terms, address FRANKLIN. Chief of Detective Folic!, - Mayor's Offlos, Philadelphia. T . MT,A i r.puy . Pabrnst ry 1- 1881 it , OIL COMPANIES. • THE XINING FOR PETROLEUM OIL la not only a permanent baalneas nadorkskinz, but le ' PROFITAB'LM far beyond anything before kitown to 11211 a. Any Comrany owning a good 011. bearing estate. which is honestly orgonized, economically managed, and worked by men possessing energy adequate for Ott enterprise mnst speedily enrich its etockholders. GOVERNMENT OIL AND ffiNING COMP.A-ITY Ie ebaytered (on the rent lon of um:onel' Philadelphia business houses) by the State of Pennsylvania. RA a PRRNANZNT WORRING CORPORATION. The Company's Ware. embracing over Twenty-tree• Hundred Acres;- IS. EVERY AORil OF IT. cave one kondted acres of 'semi• Mumble= Cool load: RICIL TN 031:ILA, and botengt, free of ineumbrance. to the Company's Stockholders EIGHT- WELLS are being pushed forward, no one of whiolt can fail to PAY A LUCRATIVE DIVIDEND on the entire bane of stook, while from leaseholds alone ,tke Company eau insure LARGE AND UNIFORM . RETURNS. This Company's charter compels the me; t undoubted security to be exacted from every man connected there with, for the faithful performance of his entire duty. If yen desire an interest in a REALLY itrapoilsisu. BIIBINJISSORGANIZATIOIF. please all at once. HENRY SlMONS,..President. WIC H. WEEKS, Treasurer. PERCY' DIN T Secretary. - OF C-, 434 WALT,IVIETT ST. fe2.81.* FANCY FURS. LA -DIES' FLMCY FURS. JOHN 71PAMJECEIECA, Ti, LICH Street. above Seventh Street, Att hte old established store. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANDY FURS LADIES AND OBILDEBN Haying !twin store ecnery large and beantihd assort ment of all the different ktirdsaad mantles of PenoY FURS FOR LAMES' MID 11.111'14 MIA!, solicit a call from those in want. Remember the name and number. JOHN FABEIRA, A.ROI( Street. above Seventh. I have no minor or eonneetion wfth mu, otim Itere in *Ms atty. oes.ernif PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR THIRTY-INCH PIPE. —tEALEI) PROPOSALS will. be received at the Office of the Chief Engineer of the Water Devart. meat. FIFTH street. betiow.Chestnat. until TUESDAY, February 7th. at S o'clock P. M , for the following. Sl ;ldea, to be delivered on Poplar Meet, between Hine teentb. street and Ridge avenue. free from Government tax, on or before March 11th, 1185: Sixty 30•IncS pipe, .12 feet length, weighing AIM porndp. Two SIN inch single branches, Winch outlet. One 36 inch bonnet. TWO 16 inch shale branches, 16 outlet, Two 16-inch alcoves. Price stated per pound delivered. The department will tarnish drawings for the'sbove, and subject the materials to snub lefts as may be deemed .uflicient, and will be the judge of the quality end fitness. Do bid will be received except from pereome mown. factoring the articles bid for, and unless it be accompa nied with a certificate that a bond of Five Hundred Doliars has been &posited with the City Solicitor. as per Ordinance of May 25.1280. H Y. M. BIRSINBINE. Chief -Engineer Water Denarlment fag St Philadelphia: AMERIC AN STEEL. Sprint, Toe Calking, Tire and Sleigh sh oe steel, o f Ail sizes and klndsonade of the best reatertall-at the DZOIVIA7.2I6']i; IRON WORIES, BOSTON, And for tole by. the oroprtetorn, NAYLOR & CO., 421 COMMBBOE Street, nits draO, 99 and 1013'08N Street; Now York. SO STATE Street. Boston. fe2 lm NOTICE. OUR ATTENTIOX RAVING BEM CALLED TO AL sancta' aid statements lately made in the public Prints with the &elan of detracting from, the high repute en. io7ed by our Thread. we beg to state that our standard has never been changed during the past Thirty Tears; and that now, as heretofore, no Wu and expense are, or willhe spared to maintain for this Spool Cotton its present character. The attention of Buyers and Concumers is drawn to the fast that most of the new-Threads offered to the pub ' Ito. from so.. n) upwards, ere marked up, and that the difference in the coarsenselef numbers, supposed to cor respond with our ambers. often varies from ten (10) to twenty (N)) per ant. Jaw 1101.• ROLMEI3 GROVER. lOLUEBLIMILAU lILIMIMWABERMIK TABLE TOPS. dbo.i abo.i NO. chasten: it etivet, PHILADKLPHIL WYTORT. MONTH AMID MA N. 'WILL BE OUT ON BA.TURDAY- Tbe latest and most complete NAP OF VEXAEGO COULVIT OIL REGIONS. For sale by CHASE & HUTT, X% South Faint:ea Street. H. IL —Faber's genuine Pencils slper dozen. Hs puoTo GRAPH ALBUMB.—GET THE AL patent hinge•bsek albums, elegant etylee. and mere durable than °there Made and tor gala at B. P REIbIRIVeI PHOTOGRAPH GALLIUM 6914 Anna Street. • Trt PAM ES DE VISITE, UNSURPASSED in styles, exreatime, and finish. Sea speedo:um et BEIBIER . B GALLERY, bEOGEID Street, above Green— Oe sari, and avoid delay; days short, in coat de , mend— 16: 7-30 7-30 7-30 EirETVJEWITIXEZTY LOAN. The Sooretarr of tiApTiegatta haviar afiehged the aidenismit trot the management and astir tit the now and popular Widoh is s lox for two and aWI oar& at 7 3.10 per cent. interest in currency. and payable et ma turitn- or faaAable Into the reveler 5-no G031.413-133ALIEUNG LOA1", I hereby invite" all NATIONAL and TAT BA I NICII. all PAPTATS RANKERS. SAVIBre VINO& tudothers. to endesvor to dispose of these notes to the people of their respective nelehborhoodi. • Morel commie- gmfflcleat to defray all advert:gat eiptinus and leave a fair profit for services, will be allowed. Circa- Jars with fall Instructions will be furnished Oil spell• cation to the niderslseeit. C . T. YERKES, & CO., 11241.UA CHAS. T. YBRKZEN, It, STOOK AND BILL BROKER, No, 20' 00IITH TIEHRIVIITRICET: DREXEL & Co., TOOK MID "BONDS BOUGHT' AND. SOLD AT BOARD-OF BROKERS. . !s#1•Im• THOS. CALDWILLL. CIALDWRILL &-• CO.; NANEICEB, No. 43 South THIRD Street. STOCKS /JUN LOANS' BOUGHT AND. SOLD COMMISSION AT rim REGIILAS BOARD OF BEDEW ) 4 GIECURBENT BANK NOTES. SPECIE • OUGHT COLLECTIONS MA EST ALLOWED MADE DEPOSIT. "'"". Jail. Imo SLAM= Z oRZ LAMM. BIPISON. JIL CHAR/ MB JadORY & CO* svn AND EXCHANGE BROKER% all ItindA of anemias% tub and Gold and Sliver lonakt anteold, anfLl3olieefdons made. .rattisalar attention given to the. isdlelidse and sae et Government. State. and other Stooks sad-Loans on sot:mission. I noIS-Sin 11111011611 N, 88W3B. KOWI74' MILLEN. .TOS. L. HOUSTON. ELEWBS, MILLIBI & CO:, STOCK - AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, so, 15040DT11 TIMIDDTEBET. I'VADJUIPIZA. RIALIEB IN Gonna:wit soeuritiet, spode, Unounront Monty, City Warrant, &c. STOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION AT TER BSOULAB 110611 D OF EDGEZDM DOO•Im RABPBB, DURNET, & 00., BANS, STOOK AM) EXCIIIANGE DROw'RBS, rutleetlar attention void to pathos, u 4 sal* of CHI Rooks. SOUTH TIMED OVISML, i►ARE SOQtIWUI E~ildslDhilli oTIB SiR TRE4I3IIRY DEFABTMENT, OFFICE OF TEM COMPTBOLLBII OF THE 0138,8,8N0Y, WASMINGTON. January 74..1688 Whereas, By estisfactety evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that THB NATION AL-3 1 1C.0 RANOBBAIRE OF PIiILAD SLEHIA„ in the city of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel phia. and State of. Pennsylvania, has been duly orga nized under and according to the-requirements of the Act ol Congress entitle& An act to provide a National Currency. notated by a pledge of United States bonds. and to provide r the circulation and redemption thereof," approved June .3,1884, an /has complied with all the provisions of• said act required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking under said Act Now, therefore, I, =GO NOCULLOOII. Coro troller of the currency. do , hereby certify that TidN NATIONAL =OIL& ts GE 8A.b.8. OF PHILADSLPHIA. in the oily of Philadelphia, in the county of Philadel phia, and State of Pennsylvania, la authorized to com mence the business of banking under the sot aforesaid. tie al In testimony whereof. Witness my Beal of the Camp- I hand and seal of aloe 'this twenty -1"//er of I n Mb day of January 1885 Curr_ . ."• HOCH 'MCCULLOCH. fel sot Comptroller of the Oarrencr. WERRRAS. 'FRB AUDITOR GIME ELL, to recalled by the eleventh seethe' of the act entitled ' •An act enabling the banks of this Coin mrnerealth to 'become sesociations for the purp ose et banking under the laws oPthe United Etates." Plmand the ?Sid day of dualist, A. D. 1864 , has certified to me that the • Commonwealth Beak" of the city of Philadelphia has farniebeo satiafaetory evidence to him that all Sae requirements of said set hale been compiled with by sate bank, and that it has become an associndon for the Earwigs of banking ander the laws of the United Sates. • I do therefore cause this notice thereof to be pnbliehed in accordance with the provisions of the said eleventh is mica of the said set, and do declare that the charter of said bank by the terms of said act is deemed and taken to be hereupon enmendered, subject to the provisioneal the first section of said act. A. G. etrETIN. Zyncirrnrs Carsamm, January, 6,1866. 1114 -ISt 3. & P. COATS. BONDS FOR PALS. OPPIOII Pim; ComatieslONgn Plaiorfo.R R Sr. Louis, Januory 31), PROPOSAIJ S will be received under Milt for the eala. of ONR HUNDRED AND NIGHTY-P.4X NORTG_ANIL DONSTINGTION BONDS OF TB& WESTRRN DIVA SION OF THE PACIFIO RAILROAD in the State of Missouri. of One Thotirand Dollars each, with 111181118/, Congos& of Seven Per Cent., payable stmt. anattally, principal and interest payable at the Beak of Cootrapros the. City of Jew York. There Honda are a grit nen on all the Pacifießallroad from Iffteeden to KaappOlty, and &lithe net earninga of the whole Road. extaadiu from ht. Lords to Hanna Cltnare pledged.for. the puey. mast of prthelkeil and Interael Theme 89111115 hava [ear. five, and at; years to run,. aft are authorised by. Act' t Ole General _Aaaembly of tho State of Idle_sourl. anaroved Febrnery 10% ISM, under, which set Fifteen Hundred Proonomad„Dollars of hfortgaae Ccinatractlon. Bonds were twos& all-of which, excist the One Hanired and . flighty-5Ln. r now offer for wile, have been dtrpoaed of at per, and for the rapid extension and emplotiOn of sold toad I DOR offer the balance.. and will r,roeive , pro • posala for one or mare. under seal; at my office to:tho. (lily of lit—Louie, until the 10th day (1 Febrnary, te6; and thdtarea wil be .old ouldeot to the approval, of the Doventor of the State and the President of the Faille Rail:it:Dud. All needful information will be tarnished OD. ayrplicatiox at this office. TllOl4lB L. PRICII, Fund Commiesionef. Bt. Lors. Missouri. Inforination' respecting the Bonds above offered for nolo, the law under which leaned. and the character end value of the security, wilt be elven by the under , shined, V FRANKLIN A. DICK, Jeßt-let 715 LOCII•IT Street, riallodelphlat c xj al . 13iY . -IS, U. B. LOBS % &0 . , BouGRABo omyQ; cmmu oy SYea34l4_l.Baru;,.. , , Sr = Q. IS Gook VIM It+galt FINANCIAL:.' GINERAL sußsorarnois carder 7-30 1.0A14,, JAY COOEE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. No. 114,Solith Third Street, BANKERS. STOCK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. 4:310LX), 13114NrEat, BANK NOTES WANTED. No. 20 South THIRD Street. REMO'V aa BANEEErECS, 84- SOUTH THIRD STREET, DILLLBES.IN ANERIOAN AND FOREIGN 0011 Di FOREIGN FEMANOE, MUTED STATES 4 4ONDS, QUARTEREASTERS' youtraens. ITNOURRENT -MONEY. ito. 15 South Third Street, PRIUDIGPULL I'IMADWLPEGI6 H. B.LBSCII ct , ccarLt i n; BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, No. 14 FAlNtillitta BUILDINGS, ormann ET., BELOW '.HIED?. Gold. (Imminent .Fonds, Oil and illimellaneouo Rode, bonaht and sold on ConinDielon at the Boil& of Brokers. Boilers In Porolen Exchange. Lenora of oro• Alt loaned on London, "Paris. Antwerp. &e. jitl7 Sm _.- (101'.6.1t1NER8IIIP.-TFIE IjDE R olausd MITCHELL y , smoistsitiid themselves ender the firm el:it PLITGaIIt. for the transits tion of the wholesale and retail Eitectersr Hastiest*, es se..cesecore to W. Parvle. Jr., at No. 1.204- WIEST ALIT Street. CHARGES W. MITOIIELJ o FATLADET P 6110R013 .A. ELS/TH f e US, I:Mt, February 1. VA. ats AT 0:T ICE . -I .lIAVE. THIS DAY witbdramb from the ilrm of A WHIM& "DUVAL, & CO.. bavitig wild oat my Interegt to F. ALDU AR THUR, who will assolue my ponies Of FE.BRIJAILY 1, BM. pt.] S. C. DUVAL. LEGAL. TH THE 0' PRAMS' COURT FOR TEM MY AND OUNTT OF PHILADELPHIA Estate 1 ENOCH LAMB% &weaned. ROMA is bore y given tb at the widow of eairr dece dent bee flied Court Ler Petition olaimitigitat ',retention own If $3BO. in eaeb, out of the said Estate, wbich she &eels o retain- ardor the act of April 14th. Vial. nod its sanulemente„ and that the same ..wll.l - be approved by Be td'Coart ow • • FRIDAY, February 141 h. 1885. anion exec -storm be Pied thereto: fe2=ths4e Attor ne y f HO M tnoge r. il ` •I, : 1 •;. :L . 8 ~ 4' I :-- _ TRICT OF PEINSYLV AIM —Ekrr. I PRISIDEST OF THE MUTED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OFTHE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN SYLVAN lA. — UsEgrftra: tal l WHBRIMEI e District Court artheirinted Staten in nti for the District of PenasYlUlle,, rightly d duly proceed gon a Libel, filed' in thip name of the ja r i 1 ailed Stated cif erica, bath decreed all mons la neral who have, or pretend to have: any ri t.title or merest in four hn tiled and forty.adde oda of col on and twenty; fw boxes of tobacco, c tared at Ply - .nth. North Caro na. by the , Unitorititates verseele.of. War *Shamrock,•' " Otsego. ' Wyeltieing." " fa iry," ' • ' iuGromed re Hug," " Belle;" and ' • Hals ey, " and brought i nto this Distriot, cS bet mortisbod, cited. and called ' t judgment, at the time and place nderwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed 'rustics so renal 0. Yon are ' therofcm - charged . d strictly ergo t d • and commanded, that you omit ot, but that by p blinking these pronentt in at lead wo of the daily (moaners printed and .publtehed . the City of P adeiphia and in the Leos/ fa el/Veneer, you d monieh and cite, or cease to be .niched and ci d, peremptorily, all poreono In ennui who have or pretend to have, any' right, tie,or internat.' in the said lour hundred and roar inpounds of smite and twenty two boxes or tobacco o appear before the Honorable JOHN CADWAL &DER. . a Judge of the esti Court, at the Distrlct Courtroom, . the city of Philadtlphla, on the TWEE TINTEr day fter publication of lhesepresents, if it be a courrda, .r etre on the next court ddy following, between the , mai hours, of bearlig oaneee, then and there to show. .r allege, in due Scan of law a reasonable and lawful goose, if any they have, w hy the said four haadred nd forty-nine potruis of cotton and twenty- two boxes , 1 tobacco thouldMt be pronounced to belong, at be time of the capture or the came, to the enemies 31 ,f the United Eds. , and, as goods of their ens es or otherwi liable and staged, to condom . talon, to be adju gad and condemned as good and wt.]. prises ; Slather to, do and receive is a behalf as to tics shall s , n appertain And that on duly intim. or' ranee to be intimated, unto I parsons afore d, generally tto whom by the tenor t .f these presents is also Intimated), that if they shall of appear at the e and place above mentioned, or appear and shall n ehow a reasonable and Lawful cause o the contrary, tb said District Court doth intend and will proceed to ad. dictation on the said captersy, and ay pronounce thit the said four hundred and forty ice pounds of cat it and• twenty-two bones of tobao .. did. belong, at t , time of the capture of the esme, the enemies of t .• United States of America, and as coeds of their sae ~ e, or otherwise,liable and subject confiscation and ondemnation, to be adjudged and • .ndemned as la , I.prlxe, the absence orrather costa ,. imp of the verso . o cited and' Intimated in anyerime .otwitbstanding, a d that you duly certify to the said cletrlct Court wit . you shall do In the -Predation, to. ether with tire scents. Witness the Hon. able JOIN CADWALADHH, ',Age • I the said Court, Philadelphia, this tarty first day .f JANUARY, A... MU, and In the eighty-Wren year .f the independen - of the said United States. fe2-Bt , G. R. FOX. Clerk Dietrich Court. 011LkDELPEIIA. TINITED g RTES, . BASTERIC DlB.. TERM OF REST LVANI tt—Soy. 1 THE PRESIDENT T TilE UNITED STATES. TO THE MCESTIAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNEY LVAN I —G ha STING : 'W El BB YAIS. The Ist' let llonrt of Ws MUM States in and .for th e Elute District •of Pennsylvania, rightly end duly proceedint on a libel:lied In themame of the Tinned States of Aherica, bath decreed all' Damon; in general woo have or pretend to have any-right, title, or Interest inThree ales a! cotton, capturetron the /light betak'of the Roa ne river, above Speller's Landing, in the Star!. of North reline, by the United States vessel et. war • Phamroo " under command' of Commander W. H. hineComb. nd brought into 'this District to be mordebed, cited, d sailed to judgment. at the time and place underw Hen, and to the affect hereafter ex. preened (justice requiring.) You are- therefore charged and strict enjoined and commanded , that you omit its', but the by publisbing these presents la at least two of the d a newspapens printed and published in the city of Thil elphia, and. In the Legmirlintelli. gown •,,y on do mo 6b and cite, or cause to be moolsbed and aired, -perem °rib., all persons in genvrall :who have, ter pretend t have any right, title , or Interest in the saidit_hree bale f cotton. to appear before the Hono rable JOHN CAI AL &DEE, the Judge of the said have o r at the Di e et Court room, in the'eity otPlitla delphia.en the T RIXTIRTH day after publication of those presents , if be a court day, or else on the next court - day follow between the usual boars of hearing causes, then au there to 'show, .or -allege, in • due form of law , at , sconable -and lawful ,eXeilset. if any they have, Ow the said three below of cotton should not be jarchommed to belonr.-at the - time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States. 'ld as goods of • their enemies- or otherwise, liable od subject to condemnation, to be ad judged and oo wiped as good and lawful prised'; and: further to do od receive inithle behalf as to j 0.81109 shall apperittlY And teat You duty intimate. or cause to. be initro sun unto all persons aforegaic,-(e..., - whom hy u l terior of thew preeents ltismsointintaten4 that If they all not appear at the time and place above mentioned, r appear and shall not show a reasonable. end lawfultanee to the contrary, then said District Court dothlatend and wili.proosed to adjadicatiorrom„ the said capture. arid may pronotuten that the 'said throat!' .balettof cotton dot belong . at the time o f t h e cap ture o f the nine, lethe enemies of the United States of America, and ae goods of htleir enomiee. -or otherwise,-liable- and .. stibje at to contimation end condemnation. to 'nadirs...teed. and condemned as lawful Prl "'ll%-tWated trtil r contumacycf the persons so city duly if toSh een 7 6. Wise n " WatiBtaildiEg. al lOrehaV i do In the procaine. Ilia District Court wil ts. toretber with these Pre': JOH N CAD,... Witness 'be lionor'" " rbiladelphta. this thirty-first day. of the said Onnrt A' - - •.u - . lOU and in the eighty-ninth year of JANUAILY.pi t 4 of the" said United Maass. of the Indeps G It. FOX; Clerk of the District Court. j J. K. OALDwar.x. 7 7— T :Ii TED STATES", EASTERN Dik3i. V TEICT OF PRENsYLVANIA —Ser. THE PAHMDENT Of THE UNITED STATES, TO THE hlARSIdels OF THE 'EASTERN D/STRICT OF PENN BY LVA NlA—Ogerrnv : WHERE/4, The District Comte( ilittUnlted States in. and for the Eastern bletriot of Pecinseivasiese rightly and duly proceeding on a libel, flied in the name of the United Slates of AMOrißi, hath decreed allpersonsein. general who have, or pretend to have an right, title; or interest in eighty.. three bales of cotton, one havered , and oeventploir bales of cotton yarn, and one bale • cotton cloth, captured at the town of „pitch Landing, In. the State of North Carolina. by a navalforce from the Unitsd Elates steamer . Chickopee, under command of , Commune A. D. Derrell, and brought into this dis trict, to be moniebed, cited, and called to jadgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effett hereafter expressed (justice 50 ramdangs) Yon are. therefore, charged, awl strictly enjoined and Commaud - , • ed, that you omit not, buftbst bypublithing these pre senteinat least two of the onily newspapers printed' and published In the city of Philadelphia, and in the - Legal Intelligenter, 70U do- monist: and efts, or cause" to be mozialsed and eta. peremptorily, all persona in. general who have, or pretend to have any right, or initerest in the said eighty- three bales of cottoa. one 'hunch ed and Seventy-four bales of cotton yarn, and one bale cotton • - ei oth. to appear before the Honorable Jilazi , CaDWALADBH, the Judge of the said. Court, M the District Dent room, 1n the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these Dresente, If it be a court dey. or 000 on the next court day follow ing, between tee usual hours of hearing onuses, then. and there to show, or se lege, in due form of law. a sea, sonable and lawful excuse, If any they hive, why :the said :Eighty -Hume bales of oothm. __pus huedred and seventy-four bales of oeiton - yarn, andline balertrotto • cloth, abonld not be pronounced to belong. at the time. of the capture of the same, to theenemles of the United -litatm—and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, lia ble and subject to condemnation, to be adjadg , d sad u condemned as good and :awful plates ,; and farther to do end receive in this behalf as to jtestioe shall appertain . And that you duly intimate, or cease to be intimated, onto all persoes aforesaid, generally (Co whom by the tenor of these presents it is atso intimatedl,that incY shall not appear at the tt me endplate above mentioned. or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawlel cause to the contrary, then - mid District Court dothist• tend and will proceed to adj adication gu the geld:cap ture, and may Pronounce that. the, said ; eighty-three bales of cotton, one hundred and seventir-four bales of cotion yarn', and one bale of cotton. Meth did beim g. at the time of the cantata of the same; to the enemies of the United Mates of America, and ae goods of Ms:Leone- Jules, or otherwise, habit: mad eubject to condi:tattoo and condemnation, to be adjudged. and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or - father contnmecy of the persons so cited and intimated An anywise notwith standing, and that,l on d certify to the Baia District Court w hat you shall do in-tbe P 00701.100, together with ' these presents. 'Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALAHEE, Judge et the add Canit, St Philadelphia.this thirty-eras day of JANCIehY A. D , 1864, end - trithe eighty-Mhte..year of the independence of thee:aid United Statee„ • O. E. FAX, fe2-3t Clerk of the Dlstrios Court. TTNITED EAS!TENN: TEICT OP PEND SYI,Ve NI a. —Ser. THE PIiSbIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MONO:JAI, OF THE EASTERN DIEEILICr OF PEE SY LVAA le_--Gazzrure WETREAS, The liiatrict Court of the _Milted States in and for the Eastern District of Pennstlyania. tightly and duly pro cooed lug on a libel; bled ,the. name of the United States of America, bath decreed all pardons in general who berre,or pretend to hage any right. title or interest in livehalea cotton.asyen Wiles ottem.two bales cotton, and one bale and some loose cotton captured at Edenton. In the State of North Cerollne, hy-thf United States rewsele of. war " Chickome and , City,l' tee said " Chickopee" being under command of A. D. Harrell,'and bron(ht, into thlsaltatriat. to. be mordehed, cited, and called to iudgMent.. at the time and place, undertvritten. and to the e ff ect hereafter ex preaefd Duetlce to re cintring);- Ton, are teerarore charted and strictly enjoined, and commanded, that Yonenat not , but ,that by pnblishingyhave presents in at least two of th dally newspapers pcsnied and pub. lishtd in the city of Ehtlatielphia, on sat the lowa/ in. tellfosswer. 'you do monist, and ctse. or: souse to he moniahed and cited. petemPtorilY, pereens In general who lave, or Meters° to have any 404, tide or In. tenet In the lige balekeetton. saran bales. cotton, two' bales cotton, and one bale . and soma 11080 cotton, to appear before the Elonerable CADAVAI.ADES., thou Judge of the eats Court, at the Dletrt et Court room, in the oly of Phiasdelphia, on, the, TpdifENTISTD . day after publication of these presents, IS it be a court day. or else on the next court day folio whiff, between the utual hangs of hearten ce,nstlA,, then and there to show. or a leg,e, in due form °flaw, a reasoneble and lawful excuse, If any they, have, why the said fire Ulm cotton. 'wren baler. cdttOn, tridt balm cotton and e bale and some loose Gotten thee:wino! be pron 'Aced Ito 'belong, ea the time of the caPEnre of the dame, to the 'enemies of the Doted Stoma ane„aa gouda of their ens, mitts or otherwise, Debts asd autinect to condemnation._ to be adjudged and condemned; : an good and fowl (4) "Palma: and terther t., do and recelore in this babel( ex ro sPliertain. and,tisist you-duly intimate, or canoe to be intimated. unto all parsons aforasai4,, generally CO wham by thAtenor ht theee prdeents also lath:rated), that 1f tter DUD, ant appear at the time arm place above Lmentionad. tor appear and shall not chow reatonable aad typified cants to-the. abb.. tra* , ., th en said , Atetrint DOnst doth intend and; will' Proceed to adi.r.deatt. in on the said capture siailAnar pronounce that the seld.fise bales. cotton. savon.bates cotton, two baled cotton, and one bide and sordo,D drle COMB did beleog, al the lima of, the capturc..'of the name, to the enemas' s df, the Eluded States of _ &Merida, end as goods of theft...enemies. or otherwise. liable and: subject to confl, cation and condemoatton; lid 'ed. ineited and sonde - mired as Awful dydze. the atonal' or rather CM tumenA of the persuns,eo cited and lett ; meted anywiee neterittostanding,hod thr e t rot. duly certify to the mid District Court what ,a Shall Milo. I the premises. together wits these presents, 'Witness the flonorkhle JOHN CAD W AGADIR., Jade of-tbe said Court, at Disilidelphia. this th.rly Ant del • of JANUARY, A. D. lin, and tette etality7xintlt . tellg of the independents% of the saidanited legates. F9X. fe2 St Clerk of thd DWtrio; Coat, NILW BIJOKWHBAT Flool3R. - wrins, oLovisßaogirir: IiRW PAW& PE aCEISES. aularvimo wuomPlalls. .147. ALBERT C. Rf.)BERTS, Dealer in Iflakdroaeriek iol-U corner simrattreg end MlNVEltreeda. . ABERAL'S 4LE.--BT VIRTUE OF a- wilt of sale b the Bon, .101IN'qablef &LS. DS,B, sindpe of the Piatrjet Court of the United Sfitee. in and for the 'Bantam -District. of Penneilvanflantt ad miralty, to me Mutated,' wilt he told at poetic. eide. to the hteheet end .her. bladder; for each. at 211011 R 21411.41 810)1F, Va. 144 north FROAS Street. on WID4IIIB - Sehrean iSth. 1E64, a; 12.o 7 cletlt •. 83 bales of Cotton 174 halite of Cotton Tara. and 1 bale of. Cotton ,Clotht. ' Also 440,0011114 a of Cotton and 21 boxes of To haoto.. Aldo, 'fillalelt Cotton, 7 'halde Cotton, 2 bales Cotton; ke_d 1 bate and same "logic onion. A 150,2 beteg Cotton, 'The Cotten and other aLtlotont are now open for exiaainatiort at the above-namfd store Marital NZ D. ot Penne7).Tinta. FIFILAIVELPHIA. Feb : ' A lei dt • - - irEJMEIVB 111400.11dPIRJIBLIC , . :Jur • stylEs Port , Lb," msvvelicausly aconraae spi, rteraOtteittirt Pirotagraianin trtl'entarw Cl,Vearty 4 l3: 4 l 04qtre q Weligitit Pioo.lll. a tal f grAltiat" NS% ti* FINANCIAL. PZILADELPHIL. W4l4ll.taiLaulk.fl NEW PUBLICATIONNe. ENOCH ARDEN, In compliance with the re(inestAf many A/11810 and Lovers of Art, the publishers of th e 'Artiste' Billion " of "SNOOK A.ll/031( " 'wlil print for eubeorlbers 100 COPIES on large, heaVg paper, made expreeelg for the Par Pose. This is the edition illustrated by Hammatt Mange. Jarnee Jackson Jarvis, Esq., in hie • 'Art Idea," thus epochs of him on page 241, in contrast with others: "Hammett Billings has capacity of higher order. His taste is refined, talent versatile, fancy subtle, and imagination inventive. In the limited scope of archi tecture allowed here, he hall given erldeneo of a latent genius, which in any other country would be silma.., lated and developed to Its fullest power. Thee far he Is more commonly known by his beautiful illuatra lions of gents, Tennyeen.'and the nnekt intellectually spiritual of the poets. In the lyricti grace. variety, and delicate beauty of his eoraposidess, and symult thetie rendering of the tent, , he has no superior in this country. His brain Is a rich mine of esthetic wealth: He dose hot go much translate' poetry into pictorial are as recast Kin exquisite shapes of his own invention. The mere overflow of his mind would matdce a repute don for the common run of artiXrand architects. " Bubsoriptiona received by the Publishers. Jr. E. TILTON - & . 00., 33 0 0 7L" 0 04 Pit , Alto rtbilsbers of the beautiful r ' Cambridge Ed! tion'' of '' ENOCH ARDEN, " containing all of Tamar eon's late poems, with vignette ElustfatlOns. Gilt WV. Miry line Ilrt 60 33 air Calf . ...... MoroccoL *..••• fe2 EN; 2E . TTERALD O 1 HEALTH AN ri-JOUR .4.:A. NAL or PHYSICAL CULTURE." Edited by R. T. Trait M. D., N. T. It treats of all subjsoteg relating to Health, the care of Children and, &reticle, and ohon Id be,in every_ family. barna a safe and plain snide to health. The FEBRUARY NUMBER, no, readY , contain an exce ll ent article on the . Health of reaoherri. Single numbers. Ili cents. SIIII/Cribers. "SI. 60 a year. phuadelphia, officer, 95•Sontlr TEXTH Street. fe2.3t ,„ J. L. CAPER'. R BROTEMB' •VALXN. -A- TINES, We aority dealers that oar popigar 140, 100 VAIMITINe,LOPER are stow ready at the manufactory. FISHRE 0r MOMS& No. 12 North- SIXTH Street in9o 9ura EVSIMAKBMAI. FIRE ENBURAZION UNION IAUITET.A.I, INSIIIANCE _CONPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, cows miss a SVAIZEIPS STEL. EXCHANGEI3ITILDIM ELICOSPORIL'ITID- 18041* ASSETS . .......... ... .. ..,4•41400.000 FIZZ AND' IKAELNB. The Board of Muter* of •this Company hate deter miend to Ware riakd s=ataet Pire,in bocorilince with their charter, and are now prepared to Wino Pendell severing Eli MAN atthe entreat rates. DIEBOTORS: • a inErromrr . FRANCIS TEM - NEWIDIRRY SMITH, HURT LEWIS. J& .- 110 W. L. CLARK-, ELLIS TARN ALL ' SAMMIE C. 'COM? cf:- - w. BERN/am& 13. BAIBD, B - DELBERT. SOLOMON TOWNSSRIK '.lOll/11 MOBIL RICHARD 8. SMITH: A. B. BORIS. JOHN H. IRWIN WILLIAM KAM% J. P. - 81 . 8.HIER, GEO. LEWIS, H. P. ROBINSON. JAB. B. CAMPBELL. HENRY SAMUEL CHAS. WRABLE DORRIS 8. CHM NeB, P. LAVERGNE. RICHARD B. .011ffilt, Piesldent. JOHN MOSS, SecrefarY. 346.1 m THE NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COI MOORPOILATEED ET TEL LIGISLATTMII OP TEL eTATS.O7 XIINMRIVANIA. OMIANIZID OCTOMtII,,M FOR IRSURINEF AGAINST 'LOSS OF UIV-OR PER IN/IFltir MEiiii Policies issued fora Biagio TrIP, SPocial , lertrneYs, 90711016 814, monthly,.goaartorly, or,yearly. Also,.agginst the contingencies of Personal Ward. and' whist lois of all kinds, except real estate. Policies issued at the Principal Office. lio. 921 4311118191r07 Eltreotv Philadelphia, or by the Agents of the Company in any of the cities of the United States, or by the 'Ticket Asente Pat •aaillatt. road Mallon. OFFICERS. PDRENDNN% THEODORE ADAMS. Yugo PDPAIDDNT AND AOTZEARIG J. H. BRADLEY. TBDASENEDIL. JAMES M. CONRAD. • SIUMETARY, , LUCIEN PEYTON. • 4.67114 T. J. R—RICITOR: DIRICTOILL -3-101660/11311.11111-..- Freidclin , Steele.. Wm. polder. 7hoodors Adimi, James M. Con-rad. Richard Wood, (Foorge T. Btotl..mea. INSURE YOUR LIFE IX Tag A, M V. la S. E. Cor..Walmitaildincoutrth.Ste., PRILADELPH/Ak It is a NW dE CONFAItY, , ead prone divided rem- OP. thus 01 One the assured to pay Mare premiums. Laid divides .d 60 per cent. BOARD OrTBINVBES.. Aletandet r J. Edgar Thomson, Tani es Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison. Albert O. Hobert% • Henry K. Bennett. Samuel . Bodine, • Philip B. Mingle.. George X ingent, John Aikman, Wm. J. Howard, IsaaoHaslehurst. Samuel Work, AISNANDRI3. WEITLI.DIN, President. SANSSI. WILSON ise President. no2l-Smil 7 JOHN S. Sea'y mid Treasurer, R. B. M 04 , Y, A,. B.' J. W 1.14 IA 111. NA.NUFAOTITEIS OF IrE.NITIA.N BLINDS, SEEADES t , Removed back to. Hit old estalAic cunt" No. 16 Nodh-SIXTM Direst. Colworr, LAMPS. /WEST VAEUTT, or. OGAI, LAMAS* LANTERNS, BURNERS", 01:11114NEYS, aair eitliWeel Law. PIX3WRES. Always on head. 04 for WOW' COI:TITER, 55 sad,tialian*SSOOND Stmt. . R. B . —mao. the very best qp,Afax4ON.4XPLOSIVIS COAL.OIL. Jal4-stnntla B . B. BLBENCIL & ea, 61.5 DEENOXIL spnrocr, sugarrAorinass, Ads, AND WHOLISALD DEALERS 1/11 MINT AND: GREEN GLIM WARE, dare now to store asnaatmeaeof the above goods. which we afar at the lomat market rates. Being sole agents for the SALEM Gal= GLASS . 11 E 0 /Pr& we are prepared to make and work private imouldato order. • PORTER, KIIIMLITA. and WINE BOTTUM. of a woolior' color awl Mao, LAMP OILIMMEII9. APOPMELDARIZEP EIBOP rußNrruu, SHOW DOMIS.IIYDINGEB, HMI! ODAVELIO VILLEI, and Druggists Glassware gesszullY. BEDTJAAITI&FL. SLEEPRE4 JOHN -91% OAMPION: 1141!!Ti,V1114-gr XBrna GHAT TO, . . Mr. WM. C. IdONTOOMBIW—Ditan that Idm using " Montgomery's Heir REIBURIT9 . - andi can- sal' NMI much plresure that. It will du, all thane otahaed for it. I am acquainted with a leskr whose heir-was very graY, cod now it a natural. br o wn; not partially so , bat from the roots to the extol:tablets of a uniform color . Sheik about' fifty yearc_ef. age, and new used any other preparation but your 4petorior. Twp members of tny.own family. who were gray.and their air thin and !Smug. use ii - not usorethau two bot tles each. mind 1 conaot now discover a gray hair ea *Atha of their lese4s sad their hair is much thicker than Trever kueie ieb4forw as they have mad r MMus elee, the change mud be attributed to your Itestorer. • 'EsaPootfullY, yours. Salt. H. On'THKEIDN.• No. 31 S. &math street . . HOPTOOMERY' 8 HAIR RESTORE% Depot No 110 H. BIXTU blteet. j 530.131 -ill/BITTEN AID VERBAL: DX Scalpnow...l aanteter,Oon4ltstlens34Te! Alent. With DV WS OIL BflainOW. Depbh, ,IS4W4Ca- Ik 1901. /4dt._ rwr nsent. foteenneentatind Trete. leg .01EADIISTR. - Sendai adiptEion. AA, dB) "a "e"ning'4l** renolo O Ht c u r d F 11,11.,... • ogru4gth4l7li jo. SO S TS NS , Ukutitst, WANTEIYAN AOTIV INTETZI cuiriT NOT *mid tea Holm. Tainted ag Main. with ret "G *P.." Pow ogle.. reii.2l.* - WANTED, BY A . YOUNG MAN WHO has Lad several year.' experience ,'* SITU. Num AVELLUSG SaLLESSLILIS for a WHOLE iR HOUSE. Unmentionable Oreaces given. Addreee "T. 5.." Press aloe. It. WANTED—AT $160 ,. MR MONTH . , reliable CANVASSER:In every to wit and attar for "The Num and SPY." the most tatoreatlng alto cx, citing book ever yablihad. et:Orman". the adventares of a woman in the Union army as none. sant. and Spy, giving a most richt Iran' pictore of the war. We have &rents desring $l6O _per month. which we will prove to any doubting aro/leant Send forolmelars. Addroag JOBS'S BROS. k CO. . hi. 1m iI 1 • I :t WANTED -A PRACTICAL BOCK KEEPER. via Ilftnyearst Laziness oxvorionea, , feeirers.;enszaemrt SITUATION. A rOspiateibte poct (lon Dlsforrel. The bast of city reforanee /MAR Ad dress _O.. Press olico. Pat Lc' W t N'l" E ! GOOD PtYMAS, with tatittaotory .refaroaces. la a Wholeaal• Rome, sa BOOM KESPBR, at a moderato astsry. M ewls. With term and rfilliteD ea, Box 3914 P. O [el-9i• WILIiT•TED lIIMENATELY-A: SITU. to a wh Metal() a you Man of 21, and cradnate of the but commer cial eollego tuierttha Beet of referenc*e 'loop as to awry]. worth. Pleazo add mos '•Moral Worth,' PreaB °ince. fe4;3:. WANTED—A BALEBINA_N WHO Mat • commama Oman , . Trade in a Wholesale Hat and Straw Goode House. APO/ to SARI MIT SW:M. 6 iur ILIERET Street. ia3l.-tke" WANTED. -13Y VoIING GENTLE. MAN of practical blindness habits with simnel, wishes_ on interest in some estabitehed P IMP Moonfactory or Machine Shop. Aildrese Box 1295 delphia Post Wilco. is.9o fit* 4 450 WANTED -4 LAMMAND COMM' Conn HOOK, ea the Ara: or second floor, WU 'ble for a pnblto °Moe, and ettnatadintwdea Market and Pine. and Second and. Fifth. Apply at NAVY Ann- CY, No. 114 South. TaiRD Strevc. WANTED' TO' RENT; IN A CAN . inealftf, on Me first door,' past efan Oftee ter Desk room. Address "P, " Box =l2, P. 0. Jab tf gees,SALESMAN WANTEV—TO EL tbroosh the Ism cities of tile Milted States. with references, Pdat Ore. Box Ha tel-St• WANTEIt, IN A. XIGWELRY A- , Eton. Good reforest* squired, stsidretti " Trtretworthr." at this aloe: Jasl-844 I'MPLOYMENT HOUSE FO'R'BOOK KEEPERS. Entry Glcr k Packers, Porters, 'Watchmen. Waiters. Firemen. Bdrkeeporr, Coachmen, Badmen, Drivers, Gordneiors. .Parm hands, Garden ers. Ac.. 802 and 804 108118? Wed. above Eighth.• tel.& .C.I.ROUND FLOU W.-Wit/MED, SiTtral person., with from 81,000 to *3 OZOIA 06.41. to Rat With other Pa. tte., in the Rnrcitase of a VALITAULE TEAOT Or 9/1, LAND 12. Wort Virginia. Address JBIPN an', fe2-2t• 524 North SIXTH Sired STORE.WANTED—A. LAME STORE,. K- 7 heated between &fiord and Tenth. and Cheetnnt and Merest • Party responsible. A good bt:atts will be raid. it required. _ Addsees W.." Pres.? offloe. le±St 4 8 1: 2 6 .A. MONT 11 1-WANT.III) -- -- AGEISM'S everywhere to Introdboe the new SHAW & ()LARK SIXTEBb• DOLLAR FAAIILY SE W ING MACHINE, the only low-prise Idactilne In the country which h licensed by Grover & Bator. Wheeler & Wilton, Hove r Kuser & Co., and Bachelder. Salary and expel:we. or large eommleelon, a.baired. All eta:6r Machine* now sold tor lees than forty dollars each ara infrimenrests, and the seller and neer /tato& 11143. tratod circular* seatfrse. Address SW W & CLARK. Don- dal Mei BIDDEFORD, Maine. WANTED- A. DWELLING nom HOUSE. the rent for with& win be pod& in boardlag. Addrees "Squirelent." ES South 2LP NI Street. fe2-84* rWANTED -A .lIODSE, FROM SIX k to Right rooms, with all modern improvements. North Fifth, Eighth. or Seventh streets preferred. Rent no object if enit • d. P06114116i.E1 M 11.7 les. Add rcea Frank," 80X•2623, Philadelphia P. O. feg-6t• do WAXTED TO . PURCHASE-A DWEGLiNO, tween ELEVENTH and FIFTEENTH. end MARMIT and WALNUT Streete, not exceeding 1H.0.0. Address .. Orerrelmeks." Ledger office. WANTED--A FURNISHE TP ANEHODSE. to the netabortiood or GERMANTOWN. for the summer. Addreee D. P.," Press office. fel-31,* Alt orin tBBISTANT QUARTEAMAS. '8 °MOB, No. 2Y Booth THIRD St. PRUADBLPIII.L. Dee. 24, 144, Vaasals wanted to load with coal for Nowbora. N. 0., Alla Key West, Ea. Despatch even. JOBUT E. JN2213228, Cantata sod A. Q. 4.2 t. tf K. WOE SALE AND TO LET. di FOR BATE—VBRY DESIRA.- JEM BLS IRON FURNACE PROPRRTI' s situated in McVey town, BUSin county, Pennsylvania, w ithin a short distance of the Perinsylvahla Railroad and Canal. The freehold property comprises a Yamada, with machinery of ample power to blow, using either charcoal or anthracite coal: about thirteen hundred acres of Timber Land; also the celebrated Greenwood Pine IroniOre Bank, captaining about vventeen acres, which produces in abundance the same Ore from which Jahn L Wright. /sq., makes his renowned find justly celebrated' locomotive tire and car axle: This is the only avallableproperty In the Este which produces it, Ore requisite for establishing a Casiness of else cha racter. There are also about one hundred' and fifty acres of land within half a mile of the Furnace, held tinder long. leases, from which a bandanas of ex ce llent Lena:te tte ore can be taken, on ahioh slg' neatly tinny, and ' ~.eoa dtint ia (MC Chariest in any gnantlties can be ..tlivetred at the Furnace This Furnace is well situated for the markets. having water and railroad communication with Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Bald more, Harrisburg, and other important manufacturing towns. Also connected with the above, a Forge Property now in operation, manufacturing hammered blooms, and ?Plied slab blooms. Motive power, steam. and water. Tog price and further particulars FLOVLNY to H nkßouolls. main 308 South FOURTH Street, PhUadelphla. CAPE ISLAND PROPERTY. FOR SALE OR TO RENT: No. I. The property known as the CLUB COTTAGE. attest. between 0011 great Holland the ocean. coat& fling seventeen rooms, and very desirable for a large family, or Ant-claw boardlngrbonse or restaurant. No. 2. Called•the - BAusasecil corners. silttate near the Railroad Depot, with an uninterrupted view of !lie ocean an& bay; has eleven rooms. Both properties. are in a good condition. and will be sold or rented on [owl terms if applied for-tonne diately. J D. Ala cirsora, fel. St* 436 WAINTIf Street. 0250,000 diFOR SAME OR TO RiThrit:--SETE- B.LL commodious NEW DWELLUIGH,.. In northern part of the city. with all the modern con veniences. Bent $2B to $39 nor mouth. Apply to TATLoW JACKSON, BIN- cuavrglFT Street; Or. 30a& JACKSON. IiSEGS North. TWISLYIII Street. CEESTER 4:101:3NTX:--FO-R MI SALE, 180 Acres of Land In iNliwelown; mules. from Penna. RA/, known as the Garrets Warm,. and ant of the best business farm to the market. Land of the best quality. and in a high state of enItIVILIOLI. Fine ale-gym Stone histudons fifteen MOM; Ittlit,Tate double-decker Stone Bane. "targ et " with overshoot and }bedding; water forced to buildings from.a stream on the premises; Carriage house, and every building neeeseary on a well-regulated buetneas farm. Bruit, Wood, and Water. " One of the beat " JAR R. CUMMINS. 504V.wei.NUT'Strset. al ORPHANS' COURT , ' SALE.-BY striae of an order of the OrPbane' Court of Clin ton county. to me directed, as one of the Executors. of the last will and teatedrent of WM. IifcCARTY, late of the borough of Sunbury, in the county of Nortno.mber land. Pa.. deceased, 1 will exposa-toubilosals. at ths Fallon Cow, in the borough of Loci Raven, Clinton county, Pa., on FRIDAY, the 10th day cot. February. A. D. 1E65, at 10 o'clock A. M., the followinittieecrined property. to wit: Tress of unseated land in the warrantee name of Wm. Powers. One other tract No. 5.465 do 1.1I:0 semi. 1 o do No 6.558 do 1,147 do Do do No. 13.057 do 1.100 do Do. do No 6.069 do 1.100 do Also, the undivided thr-e• fourths Interest to the fol. lapin, tracts aln Rented lend in KeatLug-township, in the said county of-Clinton, to wit• One tract No. 5.975 in the warrantee name of Nicklin & _ . . . Griffith, WOO scree. lather No. 6.8241 u the do Richard Peters,3Ss acres. -1 other No. L 825 do do do NO do lather No. 3,SGB do do LsroylirLteklattu,9oo do 1 other No. 3,021 do do do 903 do 1 other do do. Bradford Vlurent,4ol do 1 other do do Wm. !['Coy 430 do On the following terms, to wit: one-half et the per class money to be paid• upon• the ackuowledemeist of the deeds by the said Court. acid ttut balance la one year Wereafter, secured by bond and ntortgaeee___ EACH/OIL McGLUTY. P fo2 . Gt Executrix of Wia. McCarty. dee% OIL WELLS AND• OIL LANDS PENNSYLVANIA. OHIO. and wESTERW A MARSIIALTiar. 213 WALIUT &rot For or.le by lt* VORZALE—AIst , EST&BLISHED RE— TAIL Business in Books, Stationery, Photograph Albums, Fano, Goods. 4c., in a central location. with an iscrsasisg trade. dally stock is choirs, well [elected, and adapted to the daily wants of customers. aphasia - ion will so eons a bargain. Address "Books." fe2-21.. Puss aloe, FOR SALE, THUM BUILDING LOTS osEIPROOS Street, above Fifty•second street, Wert Philadelphia, each 20 feet front and 170 feet deep to a 40-feet• wide street. ALISO, SIX BUILDING LOTS ON LOCUST Street, ab - ove 'Fifty. second strset, Wert 1-hiladsphist, each 2) feet front by 170 feet deep to a 40-feet: wide street. The above will be sold cheap to close a scuoern. Any person winbics to purchase will please leave his address at TN Press office. and he will be called on. Address W. T.."at Press once. fans 1p 0 BA L E—VALITABLE OIL IN.: F TEEMS L riot prnducing WELLS, on highly Yainable Parma en OIL CititiEr:._ below the Shutter Perm. Perm. and also on the A.LLEOEBNI Brass. Parties &tiring to purchase will, address Box No. 1285, Phila delphia Poet office. No attention paid to any other than responsible applicants. fel st DRY. GOODS STOCK, GOOD WILL, AMD TIXTIIIISS. FOR SAUL —l. rare chance. Nut be sold In a few.days. on account of ill•healch, one of the oldest and beet steads IA the city; bustnee can be largely increased. Apply, between 9 A. M. and IP.M . to .108. kL PLUM ;a3l-Rt. Wo. SW Worth SIXTH hired. WTEAM ENGINES. OF 5, 8. 10, 12, 20, 30, and 0011orse PCADVII. J.l Bstlers. for sale at 845 North EhOIIT St. C. WEST Kr BRS. jaBt-lbs 'l l 0 L S T- FOR SALESROOMS OR A- light manufaetusinggurgosei the upper stories of building northwest comer of WORTH sad MARKET. Apply in the store. teal- tf Oth C4A.RTER,S.—Q OMPANIES feinting anderthe Laws of Pennsylvania oan have their payers ()ILIUM Pad OhLtiefil prosarfti In as expo dltions manner; by W. B. GRICOORT, . fel-yeP 454 WALNUT Street. HYDE 4 lIIIRPEE, • 3,508 WILLOW treek Philadelphia, Sole ganufactarers of the 4.1t0NA.-f3AVIVO COPP SE ROASTERS AND DIA.H4BBI) BURR COP slit KILLS. - E. J. HYDE'S PATENTS. "We use many times lie cost yearly by roastliignocur cOffes iidtb, your Portable Coffee Roaster. " J. B. KIINGSLEY & 00% Continental Hotel Philadeigbls. "Where good coffee, ia desired, we -consider- your Noasienstbaohitely necesiarr, 'CANADA. YOWLRIL & CO ,-Girard Dense. "/ can tendert bettor coffee. at lose expense. than When using the read roasted coffee."y W. W. 11, BAHR it. Ashland: Hence. "Your Coffee Router and Bid are iridierensable to me."_ E. B OL &RICH, Gerreat4owtt. I consider your Portable Coffee Reaeterthe best In the market." JOHN a LOWS, Philadelphia Coffee and Spice Mills. U. S. A. ORNARAL HoayrrAL. Bipertrr Houma "Your Patent Coffee Boaster is in use in'thie Hospi tal, and does its wort In a. very eerie/Wary manner, the coffee being much more eyeaiy ._ roasted, without any portion of being overdone. There is raving In oDactit7 and improvement In. gustily. the aroniA being retained." H . TAY LOU. Surgein-tfi.S. V., la charge. U. S. A.•ORIERAL tfaerrA,c. ' • Cassias, Nowa "lt gives me pleasure to racomm -Da your Coffee Router to all deettiniword roasted o iffee " TH urgeon U. OS. B BWltolif S 8. 1 .• 1 p Chug*. Many testimonials might be gives endorsing our email Coffee Roseteo, all of which nits la pro nouncing it the only mach ine worth haying, Felten $2.80. *3 GO. and 63. } !lees for Portable Stove and Roaster, foramen, g o .piv e . noires Itssoractarere: No. &10; ito. no: 60. $126; Po. 4 *MO. Sand for oininitr 'Zlischinee Warranted. Reeponeible femilita, de siring to try any of the fatally giros. bifo:ra purchasing, camlia*coorogoodated by orders to the of- See, VIPs WILLOW Street : Ph •:+lobis 404.,e1 1 1.040 1 ZDA & IMPEL WANT /L PAAsde]phia. Pa. AUCTION SALES. BAZAAR, xLNTB AND BAI - Eltreeta. AUCTION / 1 4 ` LB OF BOBlee. 0 atrRIArIB3. deg.,. OS SAI I.II / 1 D )( till/NG DigXt. At 20 o'clock. 1/6. Vi-VV"Rassgn. s u it io l to harness the saddle. Fall dtierlptleme 'ale. diPO, a large colleolle. lof deelrslle new and 'second hand carriages. light a. irgolss, dearborne, Re ., wild( wh tett the sate will cow* Also, single and doulik , " 44 - 1,4 * w alr. h! ,, ,tov pm era. halters, eixt reNcaro..sic,, eat of weather. AV - kale °lncises. , ! V I 3 bDLIr nest. Mr' Carriages and hare Bait& Pr 70 " Hirkgriggs t , fee net•fmw, ABIUSEIII/2 1 1.1,T5• NEW TEICATKII, CHESTVOT STREET. ABOVE 'N BIFTX TBITBSDAY ItVggING Pt 2, LAST Le NIGHT ROT i'gir • of ilia grand Exciting, g. SP- 9044041 ' Drama. THE THERE frirkBESIZE:- *high Rill be prawns.. larfth ao I Sts BEAursiruL CZNEilr._. itoporb roatnwos. Pionerties. Mee satoalittrOtO gnat' Combats, ihriniagTableatt• Nam. GREAT Gag? OP ORAtititriTEßgr Led ihrco nights. also, or tho'nelgattionek4att,7 age ant.H star ,The AHD TS st, The Aro errand §.Deotagkegrormtag Ott OSSATIST THS-95190A, SAIXRDAY AFTEHNnON, rot 4,, TWENTY EIGHTH OPaieID . PAMI.Y mammy+ MONDAY EVENING. Feb?f. The beautiful Ind fareinattel , lIBL WHESTEICN. WALNVT-STRZRZ THEATER. TM 'S (Thurbday) NVENING, FoN! L Fosuia Night of the favfnite m 31414406 PRANK DEM. wite lOU oppgsf thro oanttal Moos: t VAN WINNIA, CIAIULLK • &WM. —." ".. Prank D E G — MOSS . EILIONDERS raki, OBR Frank Thin,: la- wool. the ilatravatuss of ' e linat and Bows es. Joßar ratEwis NB'W WREST CIECIATIOI. r a m. Eioßp - BOT TWn OF L. P.' NtRRIPIT. TO,RIORT;-(THTTESDAY). Z 1866., 0 PEISid.O. °plena. TIRL. P. Barrett: • •-••• • • • • • • Re. Ca/Cm.' Irc eithOnde w)th "wieNDZEIRS WAS ratir " PRIDAT, R 1 FIT ellP L. P. BARRSPT. HRS. JOHN DREW ON MONDA.Y. VEBTVALI LUND THEATRE; . v cat Low BILL. bottom' Fourth smg-.IMITh- TUESDAY. JkfiljaßY 31, frootoid nitbt of the summon:mot of JAI 3 ET 118. ROCITER I: ER. Jari•Em • NUS ELIBI3 VESTVALI LUND. locheater.... kites Rltsa Vecttalf Lune • Mr. Adolgt V est AMEEI MITRISOO3 CO&CERT BAL. MORTMY AND TUESDAY NVERIERat; FEBRUARY VER AND 7TR. JAMES E Id7RDOGH, Escr.`,llte Monist, boa bead enraged to give two eutertaintimota, consietfity of nottatit no of telectione from no,. Mat. 0.- trtotto. anti nrc•ie enapotatkm i ? at CONCERT BALD, on MONDAY and TIIEO.DAT Et Aff I. 30S, Februatylitb and 7th. FRODRaIIf vs' solt MONDAY EVE TI era, Feb. Bth: The Ring ill? Aiwyria BliteoheMes the Lord .—) robs ft Binge, amp. r 18%.. Tbe Deanna tion of Senackerib —From Byron. Bawd, Hia'g of 'Denmark. —A et let, Elhakopears - Detections in', Ware and 80 1110Tuf • The Tar kard.of O. Extract trout the Wagoner et the alleakeldre; . Buchanan Bead. Barbara Frietet 110.-3 Cf. Whittier. Geo ty rburg. —Ey 'snots De Haeo Jan - vier. Ood Save the Fl .g —Oliver Wendell Holmes. Eheridao's Bide j . —7 - Boohop RAM. Ecott and the V etafatia; or . the Berm of Ma —ITIt BaTard Taylor. Boymou. Skatch ter. -.Pickwick papers. The Wrong Roam. — i l yanß• FEO6RAMfiB 1 DAY a Y aciltallt, Feb. 711: The &toy of Joeep. h —Front Genera, Selections from Kt; az Bruiry the Fourth. embrocated' the angry Terley b etysen the King and HAa2ar, top thin' watt Rotapa ea /moonlit of the Foy. —Bloke- Deer. Dr e iftlig —T. Boeh adz O'Connor'. Child 01 *, the - Flower of Lora Lies ing Cam Dail. Battle pf Lookout Mai !misfit. —G. H. Poker. The Lions said thee!, ova.-- - Pranalated from Schilien by Leith Bunt. Th e ILA. of 1776; r. tho Patriot e gnet from the / Wagoner. of h he Alleghenies.—T. Buchanan Bead. The Boarding Sorool Eii 'eraent; or, how Job Trotior threw du threw nam Wa ll et 'e epee:--Diekbas Tlrkets toy eaelavattiai. cents. A Malted navabat of RESERVED BRATS. tthont ezt' chat..a, ctti be obtained on early sopttett, ion at T ^POOH'S Bo it- Store, cornet of bIITH an d CH3BlltT7B:reeto. to continence on Friday Mot atm Feb. ad. Tickets w il l also be cold at the Hall on each evening. Doors opon at 7 o'eloalr: Recitation at , S Fromm's for the to*Reilt. of religions and charitable a ' , Joao. tea St TEE GREAT NAT] "ONAL °mous, WALNUT IFITILEBT, } 't-BONT. WORTH. Mr. F. M. IttighTOS .......... . •• .ts4Sgtteetrisn Dimwits& Mr. THANK WEVITAKER..4 •Jr Mester of Um Mavis Will appear daring the psi, sent Week the oelebrated SAMEB COOKE, the Queen's , Jester, from AHTLBEII Royal Amphitheatre, London. Abe. the RAGEINBE FARM'. Y; RINGVSIN3 TAMI- L" the MOUS FAMILY ; th, e' FA Kt LY • thei hTOBEFAIIIILY ; Mesers. 13 BEL aY and Ertirefil Also, Professor N AID RIB TRAINING , D 008; wonderful ay...shires; thei great wild rider of the West. LB JEUNE BURT Wi ll Also be nrodoced the grand historical pantomime, eni 'Bled the BB GANGS i.. 1? AB - Et:mg—a piece admirably adaptel to develops the excellent traintng of the horse s connected with the great establishment. ADMISSION—First tier, 60 cents; second tier. XS cents; „private box, (13 and $6. Performs ace eommottaaes each evesinn, Extra performances on or BATONDAY ilerfeitreicTiair tiOnnee that as a getaiineiritintbeen made with DAR T RPM the creak Immoriet. who will amear a d *II TALKING ItORBS, EXCEESINT:IIIinete month". rIF SI-1943 . Feb./ 6 th. and during the leeek at . .17"kr CONCERT HALL. THIS (Wednesday) Evinruie, AND "VERY 'EVENING THIS WEBI; MATINEE, SATURDAY AFTERNOON.— ARTEEIJS WARD, In his brllllantly. successful ente MOßMNS.rtahtment on THB .7. W. WILDER Illsonantr. Tke public ie rospectgaly informed that. ARTkRUS WARD AMONG THB HORMONE is precisely the same entertainment which has reeeklB7 - achieved each unqualified and brilliant EIII:038111111 tit the cities of New York and Boston. Admission 80 oents. Reserved seats IL Domains, at 7; commence at 8 o'clock. Saturday afternoon, OP'S at I; commence at 2 o'clock. fel•Sts sKA.TING I SKATING t SKATING 1.••." BUSEIRISLL , B PARK, corner of BROAD sail CO LIIM NA Avenue. nose that tem lege in this moat bemitirta and health, exercise will never be mistaken (weather permitting) is baring the beat ice In the city. The Planing Machine and the Patent Spilt/kiln ea meatus is applied every morning. and no •Itsimbum illonsizuged ti es 7 evening. I.4th and lak etreeta hallway direct to the Park. SBATING, SKATING; SKATING, ON eke 0151.1.011 PARK, POUCH( and DIAMORD, SILTING BY MOONLIGHT. ONLIG HT SKATI NG • and DIAMOND Stfer-r.91."XLM... T.AST TWO DAYS.-SIGNOTI BLiTa-- •=4 , WILL CLOSE—ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. great demonstrations in EISCROIELNOY_ •,_ SPIRITIJA - ILLUSTRATED, and the WONDERS OF YEN TETLOQUISH sTßormaign FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING, tosomenctag at 7% o'clock, and BAT:DR:nay AFTERNOON at & Comprising the mysteries or the Past and-Present Aga. Admission, Id Gents. Childre'. la pinta. Reserved seats, 60 cents PtYPOCHOINTDRIACS CURED AT .A_Lth e ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS —Second week of science and mirth—Drunk on cold weer—prodneed by Dr. B. BROWN WILLIAMS. the humorous Lecturer and original Psychologist. Audteace convalced with laughter. Yew EXIXI7IIO4I3tS every evening. A DAY LECTURE on SATURDAY for families, commencing at 2% o'clock SATURDAY NIGHT for gentlemen *alit commence. Evening, at 111 to S. Tickets B) cents ad mitting a lady and gentleman, SC cents. tet .4t HASBLBR'S ORCHESTRA AND MILITARY BUM ONoe, No, 214 South EIGHTH Street_ js3l A SSEMBLY BUILDING. MATINEE MUSICALE By the Philadelphia CLASSICAL QUIETETTE CLUB. EVKEY WEDNESDAY. at 8 P. M. Tickets at the Door. Fifty Conti each. deSt-smtawtt IMANLI. ORCHESTRA.-PUBLIO /01__ NARRALS seen SATIIXDAY. at Sit o'clock P. L. at MIIHICAL FUND HALL. Single Tickets. M Cants. Six Tickets, SI; to be had at Goulds, Andre's. and Meyer' a Music Stores. and at the Hall FMB AC&DRMY OF FEMI ART:k RESTNIPT &zoo above Tetrtb. ta OPEN NAME for viettont,trom 9 A. to 8 P. IL SeE5 PERSONAL. FIRST-CLASS BOAR.DWG SETS , RAL limitable Booms meat at 313 BPRIIOI PATENTS PROCURE D-ITNITED States sad Barefeen. EDWARD BROWIr, 3eSl,le , 311 WALNUT Street BOARDING. • nOA_RDINO.—A, .StrITE . OF. ROOMS, -A-R for one or two reetlemea. with-breakfast. if do gma. eau be bed at 1.710 BROWN Sheet. fe2-dt• 29 . fi SOUTH BROAD STREET 225 SOUTH LEM 80/MINGO vocenstoa for two llet and two sloes Persons. ia3o4t• A LARGE FOURTH-STORY ROOK, with Board. at 1315 WALIIIIT Street. ja3OAlr f frit t i ADOLPH xitprrrs • IFIHR TOMB, and banddame PrE3Ol3. Only Dor Md. BELIWOS. Rga 8 . MTH dt• FFRep ERNEST GABLER'S 7 1-3 Octsice Parlor 4=o PIANOS. Overl.ooll in we In PhllaZelphia. ealy for pale at 3&S. BELLI/VS, Wll FIFTH Street. Mr. RAVEN B-ACON'S PIANOS. loown for 40 years. Only far st 1113. BEGIAKT, WAS. FIFTH Street aTrit: CALENBITRG & VAMPRIze, ••• Concert PIit.SOSA trot clain. Only for oslo at JAS. BELL4KI3, Mt 6. RUTH Street. ' Mil NEW PINE. 1 7 -OCTANE MO-- DRIZN. STYLI NAXOS. from $275 I o SLOW • JAL DILLAS. 2818. MTH. Stake. grpf PRIME'S AUTOMATIC OM-, oengsuipus aa7t4iuX known in Mil 1188 c CNAIy for a ale at SA.II. BELLA.B.I6 • 2818. FM'S stirs*. MIT BRTNOB &- CO 'S WORLD—' Rarogawrow. Kar.obignNa. ()var . MA* In use now. .AS. BELLAIC, Bob% Amt. ja3llmifrA • 2818 FIFTH Street. Ii EST9EY'S COTTAGE ORGANS Not only TINEXCFXLED, bre iIIfEQUATAID in ruirit/P, of Tons and Power, destgled expeoiar f.r Churches& and 8.1ttoolp„i bat found to be equally well adapted to,. the Parlor and Drawing X pa. For sate only hy ,It R M. ButiCß, . No. 111 North er.VEN Pte Street. Mao.girjek aseortment or uio Potroctrotodem, . fil NNW MHOS. file MD RUDA XIV YOBS P - 401;hbrud reedy** Wit; for *sleet - O. PAD RX dr CO. t gt Iftilo NOM itai4Al Do. iIIOICILASTPLIT salmi. • • gyp, GRAND. BRlllBA virlitli rD eost, ela o . tIPRIGIPA DIADO-FORTIS Jo. 726 DROADWAY., OO /w 4 - fm.L. • . Saeh itsatruntest wafrants4JaVe taco. At wholesale sad retaill6 . per hseatlisArthe t aloes Plano elsewhere. Dealers ao tottamine our loutrarraka...:. .43^ Send fora catalogue. NM! DECKER BROTHERS ' PI- AllOB. —The pabllo, acid particularly the Profeedea, are invited to examine these hospital m aim:Penis, which are meeting with molt ah unparal leled degree of popub.rii• and e. 14 In New Tort. sr.4lc wl.erever kuoa a." The de.lderaturn so long isteAront, tor. a.. the strengt ha pp il y e iron. and sonerartermrt h. wear* frame coo attained by teem. wsa their Plano& laecierlareble aria 'as• other* 'the tier enaltied teens acme such names* , wol , :awae Mason, Nailer, T gun er . gondol. and r,,,e of meat% amp y "stabil , b blab rank. For rats by W. 3 a.c CB SLAV. 90, 13EIES Irb UT Sweet, a laws as ortm.nt or other new awl 110 , `d ea 44 pi.. 0.. rhy rase sad to tea/. 11e 19 440-
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