NOTICES. ';f-' " aSinsnoaf i FIFTH WARD. VOID THE DRAFT . ~,«{!,!* of tbe oUlt6n* of tha Flfti Trtrd, i«H oa THtmSDAY KVBNISO, Mthittrt., /..lloitlß*-»«»•<• wero dnly mtliortied jx teem'd eolleot money io pay Bounty to Beoralte tfr (he rresldral'i Ist* rail trf Volunteers i 4 pitctntt* NATHAN HALL, Northern* toniar of eod MMI OmAUL *- Precinct, JOSEPH N. HACK NET, No. 437 S, St- )( j street. jpiooLnot* AT. BILLBOHNB, 80, 837 South Btrooti thl'ivrltifi, SJ. KSSTBfiT, 80. SIS South Soooud *. STUART. 511 Sonth Fourth utraat. a, yreetntt. Mr. POMEKOT, Custom Host*. , product* Mr. BZBSEB, Cuitora House, or Mo. 323 ,e street. _ ji rrfcinct* Mr. WILLIAMS, Wo. 253 South fifth; ;ef nifl« JtfcCAHßf, Walnut street, abore* Fourth, jj EGBERT K. NICHOLS, taw Baildinfr, ;J3 South Fifth tiros*. * adjourned meeting will be held on SATURDAY femo, SBth Instant, at GOOD INTBKT HALL, jUCE Street* abere Sixth, at haU past 7 o’clock, tactual attendance la maes'tfd. EGBERT K. NICHOLS. PJiEJIDEST. gf,KT a. SMITH, Hwatr.ry, V. ». OHBISIIAS COJlXlggloa, fhk third anniversary mektino •Kl) STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION tylLl BB BFLB IB TBS MHIAS avadkht ox- music. irsflay Jan, 31,1809, AT TK O’CLOCK. jnnSBSBM Will. BE DELIVERED Bt - 1 BIOS «S& T i B NW O TOM’.“ t I? I D.. of Pli ItftMEtfUa. (other «ettiijrmiliBd MJMkora, whoa* übh an j Tlfift*pf admlmlos will be ready for dirtrilra jn ?B11)AT afternoon, at 3 o clock, at Claxton’* Store. No. 5M Ohwtnoi * third of-the tMwu «M tan bo distrlbotod; *»- Atfi on BATTTBBAY afternoon, and the r«f oa BAYafternodh, at th* (am* bonre. There uill be irvlacee or times far obtaining ticket*. 1c by the Gorman!* Orehejt.-a. rsopon at half-past aix. F« a SO, H. STUABT, Chairman. soti-ck. ■scar, Kssrnra of ths stockholdkb* »t TEE M'OM*JTOOKVIt.IJB TBOLEUM COMPANY Will be iota st tbs OP THE COMPANY. So. Ml WAINBTBY. OH THUMB AY. IBB’Y 18. JtftJ, - dock M., to COMPIRH A BALM glloaef ttiolr L»nu, mad* by tb« Baud nj. January M, 1860. By Ortar of tba Board. <3HAS L. BOUaiiASS. ■3B S?crgtary pro._te"» hTOUKU MEN WHO AB£ Om OF iplojiDOoi: l|ff about eat spins’ in business MBi? have had limited means of odaca- HBS who Jmvefettof to Improve time at Common Schools; MBIT well educated in other respects, batl*ok „ iflff f haowledire of business affairs; MBS of fortune, who would know how to '.manage their own affairs * MBS wifhoot formas*, Who would poisess the won?means of rising in the world; MBS who wish to avail themselves of %U the modern improvement* and faculties for Impartim thorough pzaeiloai iasirue. tloa; MSN who would .patronize an institution which dees tie most for ft* ttudeate. end Cere, in all respects, the highest adramazoz, Itfd to the jQU*E*R CITY BTWNMS !B, TBSTB[and OHMTITOr Streete, aiio“. hots snbetantial cfaims to pnblte faeor are !>r & patron*,e such as bo other commercial In this city erer enjoyed. Oyer dye hundred t were in attendance list rear, from nineteen ; Statas and foreigs coantrlei, while the pro tr promise i a Terr large Increase oyer thta stUotionls wh»Ut« B am« Impnrta,- iHoßiotroH tiOHouL of tuaiSntßS,. in adiantaiea deoWoiily snnorlor to ’hosa of cM OollegM oondocted upon th«old plan. It io with all the modern Improvement*, and i* &n ktments and facilities;, and its efficient oriad lio separate department*, under the direction of ' educated and experienced teachers, presents ‘Men the rarest oppostunty for that complete lon for the duties and responsibilities of buti* 'whi.h »«lgsg^ 0 »to« «o 0UC008... pros embrace ibe whole of ahe second and third f the building, besides the Busiae»s Office on floor, all of which arefarsishedlnthe very best , and for convenience and elegance uoMirpaßeed. JtiBOBY AXTD P/i&GriCB 0«>4l81JiBD irae of Instruction in Book-keeping embraces ity ana practice, and present* u^dispate i ad surer the old methods nf mere theory. After gh drilling in the elements and prlaclcWof Had collateral branches student eaters IB ACTUAL BUSIfiiSBS DBPAtt» ttSS f, w Merchant, Banker Bnt>k*k«ap»r, and 9ales- ( «qcirea precisely knowledge of the ron 'details of business which he will be required tc in the busy marts of trade and commerce; Hiessr* applied in practice by the actaai »e -dr-n of business transactions buying and sell »by samples, conducting* bans: and dealing la the regular manner, introducing in each on all the formulas required in actual hust . rendering the student par L-atly familiar with ich every man mu« understand- ia order to da own offiotheis’ affairs with facility andin- OY.MATHBWATiOa winy, Survejiar. algebra, aaft a tourteln the Hiaher WatteraaUca > TELEOB4PHIC DEPART tfBWT. tectlon with this Institution is the aehnow* 3tt extensive and complete Stfftooi for tho In -1 Telegraph Operators in the world, a mere satisf* the most critical observer that all termed “Telegraphic laetiL.tea," 41 Depart *o. t are unworthy the attention of the public, inter for a fall Telegraphic Coarse graduate 1 manner, after the several tests In some of LAB TELEGRAPH OFFICES connect** with itlon. of which there are T££, located in dif is of the city, communicating dheetly with ail parts of the Union , ter place in the United States or in the world its have the benefit* of actual OFFICE PS AO REGULAR TELEGRAPH Lib BS, under the i experienced praci teal operators. N nd foran Ujnstrftad Circular. »VJLd floorr^tSSTHan A CBS*rWUT Struts. A I>RAFr XS tll£ TWBWTIE Vff /ARD can only bo ay aided by the prompt pay* eTWBNTY'Ffrfr DOLLAR AB4BSSHgfff& 225m«n out of 4,CH : O enrolled and liable to be aye spbsorlbed The qpota of the y ard Is aid if the Draft takes pi&osdonbleth&tnam- , drawfl* which will tefce two men oat of n, Bat this can be avoided tfererj- man 26 at once. Everyman can batter afford co in to be drafted. The Commit*** will a<aln veyour subscription, on V OftOAV. SfOEf- HSDAT, and WEDH bsdaY EfffcSl t ©B, J*&- SDtb, and 81tt. and February let* from? to 9- ia., at the following piece*: inot—Northeast corner To th and Poplar. >. School House, Eighth and Thompson streets. School House, Eighth and Thompson streets. ' Southwest corner Eleventh and Girard avenue. Southwest corner Eleventh and Girazd avenue. Packer's Hardwire Store, 1376 Girard avenue. J. G. Adam*’, 1116 Jefferson street " School House, Seventeenth and Blaster streets. * 4 WQiiain Shields’,BineteemthandßUige , avenue. School House, *harswood street, above Twenty-second. Humane Engine House, Thirteenth and Oxford streets. __ WM. S. HALL, President . jaSB it ■»a. Secretary- VNITEU STATUS CHRISriAM “Cash contrib nil raiiurt3o areek in ary 25, IMS. ’ .PHIA OOHTBIBUTIOHS AS POLIiOWI: *2 00 inee..*.......... *l6O "hanee...... .. l 50, Chance........ 100 f a Partor Pare held hy three lit per -fames Pollock. Ksq the Intercessor, p,i Bra B. O. iddltional IplJcgeof Pennajlyania, per Hon. HoMlchael, president (77 50 '.iaowledged la religions papers.. 3.411 U , „ rums* NTioQslyiMfeftowhdgtd.********* 1 08MUTM 51,057,6i9 78 JOSEPH PATTERSON, Tr*a*uw. cn) it kR|, if Shop. Misifon B*ibb%th reheat, 18 Hoase- GEO. H STB A' t. Ohft’rtnaa, No. 11 BANK Street. /HIS PHILADKI m]A PUBLIC k CK BSCHaNQE < OMPa *7 having c»ra* i>rgani*ation, aaduken nn \* »*e the ap&ebms the floor of th* Lt *KaRY- the rear of the Custom aud in the im icuntv of the Post Office will open tne same won HOBDAY the Kith proximo irs as to the rul«s, &o , of the association f*i hereafter, id Dumber of tiekets will be s4»u*d to Annual /&• the price helm fixed a' each* app i- Wbich may b* jrad* at the offlo* of the SOMARCfIAHTS' EXIHa.*OB. K, et. OasSATT, _ _ President* “ thxhome mo* i?X Y K RUiPI. cl r { ;y PatL»nBtPKTA ’’ HOBTB Btre»t. Oo»n from 310 6P. fi. n ? •I®* »nn attention ex ito the poor of all etas*** a .psrm&enet re peaurir and west, end a p», manent rename tod Immorality, are the i.bjeota at which fi alne—eeeklac ta place ah who become re* L'.V® t s eßo /*£ lbllll eotm-ied to. it in better i » fi d morally, and to derate AT^i&f****' 1 ‘ ai W »“ t0 ™<* lte(Hn»raiA*#nt. Mr Tf>HH lD. I, Uve 4 mM. M ““ 0n * rr - *'■ AiBaST «■ «*to the poor, Ira have been relieved, ■ 'or eoa! were vires, s for erooertee. «Bho*-saad f O /. clothint. J f the Bible and lions tracts were distributed. tbe m S"sLr *“• * W9r ® furnfehed with «miploTßteat and A er ® pro Tided with good homes la the fiffilif? tia «• TO rr ko«*T i»rt k!i,!^ d 8 “»T*™ low. Many (lead per«ui. 'fjiuren an aaifortn* from ebe v»Tafitr of ttw "Job maaacara* whoso chiiihh appear h *lo«r, WDMUy for Rli 10 tb«ir fcebalt ill rntt *P«cialiy fny tin* rottof of aoffaflo# •anouely appropriate tb*t poxptwa oaljr. GBORftB H i*T '* ART, . r _ % _ Vioi PRfiaiDaNT. Ar 4 BXAHi)K- 0 CATTgtdU BtrDOl«**a “• MEFLICH. Taaaapgßa, w THO»A*T ~ Wo. MB MARK ST Strait maxAden* ITh.ntm- p.-dtor* T Pa miydf* Hanwr, V. lo»a<w Taom«* P*dri«a, H it Klrnmnif, fcamaat Mnltaa* 9r*oei« Uacua, ? Hiram Mill-r, W. tiaraon* Jtobart jilVoiVA^ 'CBtOtt. Wetoio, k&T' flp«- NOTICES. tf,tht Company, Ao. I*3ogontt'TH&DsLSUl'^Sr wsa^lSv.^ —— ”*wtorww tom. w»«raj BUI COAL CO.— P»rr.Au E ir ß V MOBY - B Ta» 13?°-M!WFgBBABT or THE MKR> CHAR TS FUKD, —TJio olevdsth Bo&imitfT of thi« IBS dotation will bo o»lebr&t»4 at the * T® rwT „ ______ —— . AOADBMy Of HtJSIO. OnTHCRSDAY EVENING, February! at7* o’clock. IwJ/SS 11 * 1 rw>lt wUI 00 * 9ad aEI Addresses &. Beyf BISHOP SIMPSON, and _ ■- . ' DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Ksa s ,™ Hassler*"* WIU *** “ n<l ” dlreclion of Mr. admission may be had gratnitonsly, by ap wr? J n iJ* 0 ®bf Btno t street T» S mis' p^sn'K l ' street ndSfSwS i mm,™ 814 afiirhet street A - SOODBK, Dock-street wharf. JaSl-tfefclf Committee, KS” ATT! STIOS TOI.PSTEESSJ j'ovß'nsnrm'x*. Tter will sit at tIM Srnttaeaoi cornu of THIETKBSTB and OIBKSt Streets EVJSBt AFTKRNOOS frem Vto 6 o’clock, wha>eftUlnform»»lon will bo chserfolly^reo: BocaiißsVaall’ eom9 10 °* “ 4 WMIT * * VLU BODBTXBS. foetwjiSae'YKrjm£s| joisisa Hiiipooi” For one year..;. * ~.«*BJSW ’ I Committee. KgT" FOUST IOUOS, so. ntrcw^nViS 1 S' F „T TI>9 ™’“»>>Bra of ORY3PAU .01 &T i ODOV, Ko. 110. and of tho OMor. aro m. SnmTwJ 1 ® KS 91 ** *1» Hall, (forth SIXTH Straa'.ou SUBDAYAFTESNOON, at IX o'clock, to attend th“ BUFF* ° ( mi ** t9 brother > p - ®* JOSHUA jaW-21* JACOB 0. SMITH. Secretary. *gj»~ raiow cahal eonp,is(r aw lajoo.»«fd Mating of tbe Bond and Stock hold f«C£Ni}- a 1 will bs held at the Room* of the Board of Trade, on TUAiDAT. 81st imt, at 12 o’o'ook M. JAMES PAffg, IfceetdfiQt. im « JascihtK, jgaj. THE NEXT Dll AFT.—CITIZE VS’ <6SB who are not liable to draft (ladles, and xsntUmea oV6r_tDiiy*fiT# years)* to ourageocy for prooariagsab *U-utes and voltmteer repToeentatires. Persona enonid attend to this Important matter at once, as the draft hit been fixed for the lfiih of February next* .”? *m doing a legitimate iroiilteNsj we are foralabicgiren not liable to the draft asettb»stilmtsß and repretentatihree. a« low. ifnos at lower prices, than aur **« Philadelphia. The law alUws us to * in the fifayy or Marine Corps to be reddes* tj UUy diBtrlct itt tt<3 Stats where the principal „,£> Ski I ™® bBsl “ 6 «- If MMonsllrisg in or out of the ns with a certta catoof lrom the Proyost Marshal of jlf} r district. they can have -eabstitates sworn into ™* »«««. which will folly azaiapt .^*' e , r .i D ; e ca f ba « I t Bß fO , lhijaa and gsntlaraoh in J" 1 ? *dty *«' wk»m wa he T * done business la this line, S™ also in the following cotin ties; Chester, Delaware. Montgomery, Berks, Back*, Schnylku” and Harth *Tb -Churches and Olnbc famished at the lojesat SSL b l®. PJ Blbara! arrangements mala with 'ownsbip Oommltlaes to 8U quotas Cali or address MoHJXLT, F\XSOW. & C"> . „ 411CHBS Pflirr Street, or Box 207?t’hiladelphia Post Office. Kj®“ OFFICE BIXKAID OIL C»I -, PAl *,Xi ~ Pair,AMiLPHr*, Jus 19, IEBS. The AnnnalMeeticgof Koctnulders of Kinkald OU Company will ha na.d onMOSBAY, SOtft dav or K -J? 4 ,? 0 8 Format PUc«, 133# str<, * t * Philadelphia. A a eirctfoi, f, r rhirere nod directors to serye for earning year will b* held at lame time and'placa , K MMW BC-lt gMPTO B - ‘gj assuai, »ebt f™. „/* 2 ofjthe Stockholders of the UNION srSAM > ' w , tu *> e held on- TOUSDS Y, February “ o< * p - M • »t*he offlce. No 14 oorth aiJu KS Avenue, when an election will take place *SJfFSi OT „* ,, e esaaing year. ja2o-12t Wit. W. BARENESS, Secretary. COBJ» FXOirANUF, ASSOCIATION, Tha Annaal Meeting of the CORN SX CHANGE ASSOCiATiOS will be held on TOKSOAY, Janaary 31,-1880. An election will be held for ofßnaro to eerjaforthe ensnhig year. Polls will bo open from-U A. M. until SP.M .. and from! }i until SH p. M. The anneal-report will be read at«£P. M. i»2O 81 JOSEPH S. PEROT, Secretary. |Spf” OIHCB AtIEOHEHT BAKDSOAD -■ e ®' AND COAL COMPANY. JEhe fflS? EETINGof“he P sro‘c'KH‘^iL»Bß^of AhLgOHEHY KAILEOAD and COAL CiiJIPaUY wUI be held on MONDAY, Bth da" of Febreary. 1185. at II M , atHo. 3FORBBbTPLea, I«3!4SonthJPOOSTS Street, Philadelphia- An election for President and DireotorswlU be held at the eame time and place. Ja2l2g« FRED'S B. BOBSShL, Secretary, varjSRSS? »*««■*«. .. .. , __Pnii.aDsi.PKiA, January 18, 1805. , At the annual Election for‘Directors, held Janaary Uth.tbe following gentlemen were elected Blreotors of this Sank for the ensuing year: yfgliam P. Hums, John Fare Ira, - Albert C, Roberta, Robert Clarb, Jaineß C. Kelch, J Henry AaSin, ■william Brooks, Brastns Pottleoa, M D B. a HwrU ok “'' Samnel Miller. Atameetlngof the Board, held this day, WILLIAM P. HAMM, Bny, was unanimously-re-elected Presl- Sl?JbitS?i 3^Pos2*S llTs b ß, "l'c vioe President,and SBASTOS POUtSOH. Esq , Solicitor «salg-iat BAMOBLJ. MAO-MPLLAN, Cashier. KSf“ OFFICE or THE NHAHOSIY COAL COMPANY, *O4 Soath FOURTH Street. At the Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholders of the abeye named company, held’at their o3oe on the 18th Inst., the following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensnfnt year: Gideon Best, 1 John Amauaeh, Jr., Wm. M. Beetem, 1 Geo. M. Troutman. Wrn. McLellan, I At a meeting of theßoard of Directors of the above named Company, held pa the same day, the following cfflccrs we*eelected forth*en&uiiig year: . .GIDEON BiST,.Pr*«!dent. _* OB A 8 B ANSPACH, Vice Preside*t. [a23-#t CHaS B. LIgPSAi, Secretary and Treasurer. IB G of the Stockholders of the OOhAN *TSaSC NAVIGATION COMPASS’, for the election of Five Di- . rectors, and the transaction of other busineßa, wit b?> held at Bo 1520 Worth DRLA. WARE. Avenuo (second door), onffUS&DAY, the 7ih of February nest, at haifie past twelve o'clockF.M. ' W ILLIAM DRNNIS, ja24 *l2t Secretary and Treasurer.. SOTICB.-'RAK .AHHlfAli MEIST WSX? IISG of tbo Stockholders oitbe PHILADELPHIA. AKB SATAUSAff fcTBAM NAVIGATION let the election of five ttan&gers and lie irans<tcttoaof oilier business will fee at So. SSMlltortfc D2LAi WABB Avenue (tecond floor), on TOiLSDAY, the 7th. «rf- Febxuary next, atiaotoioeknoon. _ WILLI aU BESKIS, j»2412t Secretary and Treasure*, K®“ OiTICIB or XHK HSIOH CAM AX mZS? COMPACT, Th* Aoimil th^VoMC'attP’BOqf'D. HOLBSBB of the Cnioa Canal Company, tketton forpfflcers and Manage ?» to so« lor the eaaaLng year, will be ieid at the office of ths Company. No. WAfiIUJT Street* on TUPDAI. thefth day of Fsbrn ar* next, at 11 o’clock A M. The Transfer Books wi‘l h*£f<we<9 on the Wih instant* ja!B tfe7 OSCAB THOMTgQN. Secretary. OHL COHPMBBB. C^KKSMBWHIE- on. AND Him COMPANY WEST VCHG-INIA. THE ESTATES OF THIB COMPART BHBHAQIj QTfft TWO THOUSAND ACRES, la a* Immediate cestie of tha Great Oil Belt of We»t Ylrgihla. EVEEY ACRE 01 THIS LABOR TRACT IS RICH IN No Comptfl r (save the Yoleiui) wis not orjaalMd Is 1A» itsi huhw suasr. pnsmtid the a.m« hone»l face, nir furnish* d to snheertbeie thoaamo ondoabted Hcorlty foi their money. The Compaßr’e working Bnperlßleßdeat la «ad.r ap proved hende for 030,000. Nothing trill he left undone to shield the literals of th. Stockholders, and no energy left un*psnt to iasar. luge and BBlfcrm dividends. The Compasy’s properly Is so prexaant with Oil that tteonld to-day b. leased at an enormous protoriinaale advene, and sales of adjoining tracts are now quo td at soma SOO PKB CBHT. Increase. These are fasts. Bs fleet, but reflect quietly. A few thousaad ebaree at original price. ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE, Entitling the holder to a THBRE-FIFTH DIVIDEND, Are all that now remain unsold. PEESIDBHT. HENRY SIMONS. SECRETARY, J. PERCY DIX. TREASURER, WM. H. WEEKS. t Office, 434 Walnut Street. laffllt' 13" MONITOK Oil, COnPANTIdP *=» VhSAftOO conaTT, PsassiLtaaf..— UkiOiai. Si.tOo,ooo- Perta:u- of eaoa Sbar-, .5. Oi*lv tftMOSharfrsniU heeold a.ibeanbscrlptleii nricrnf #t e.tb. B, ok. open at the v'ffim. 80., Id&Ji -o(iie T< OhTH bCroat. Frospectne will be forwramed txtr ftittwtsly. :t rnK'tDgitr, C. P. EAM'hßhh of OU city. TREA-ORBR Jt»Ha tfabSH. FaftO-tt QBCEQE P, B ?)ht¥4A. H. D. TBM PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, JANUARY S 3, 1869.' OIL ■wwwMmwuww gJgF“ 188 CAMERON PETROLEUM CO. or PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL...'... 81.000>,000. SHARKS 900,000. FAB VALUE... .......#5.00. , StfBSOBIPTION FSIOE.ii 8.50 J V ■ PEBBIDBHT, VANOB STEWART, OF MSKOB* OOUHTT, M. TBKAStTREB, B. J. JAMES. OP PKI&ADBLPHU. SICBBTASY. «r. l. Darlington, WEST OH2STBK, PA. DIBBOTOBB. VANCE STBWARTrMweer county, Fls. JOHN E. LEOHAKD, West Chester, F*.. ». 0. FOBNEY, Washington,D. a. •* HBNBY ». COOK. Washington, B, 0. r c AMBhON t Harrisburg, Fa. JOHN H. BIEEL, Philadelphia. JOHN F. OBAFF, Fhiladslphln. - GEOEGB O. EVASS, Philadelphia. JAMBS DUFFY, Marietta, Lancaster eo,, Pa. The present and prospective value of the stock of thßr Company map be inferred from the fact that It owns »* ’foe simple interest In 173 (four hundred and seventy three) acres of the richest tested oil territory in Venango eoonty, believed by the most SKperiehcsd oil men in teat region to lie capable of prodnei&f a aet tumoat in eome to the Company of one aid a half million dollars, or three times the entire cost of the stock, which would he equivalent to twenty- Are par cent, a month on its anbsmiptlot price, or ottc hundred-and fifty per gent. Per annum on its par value. Yhe following Is a description of the Company's pro perty! - ' One-fourth fee simple interest in the celebrated Hoover” Farm,'situate on the Allegheny river, about two sad ono-half miles, below Franklin, con taining 292 (two hundred and ninety-two) acres, with 832 rods (or over one mile) fronton Uu) Allegheny river, en which there are now twelve leases, each ten rods square,and from which theowners of the fee simple get one half the oil, free of all expetue. Besides this, there are two w ells owned by the owners of the tee. from which they get all the eiU On this Farm there are now ten wells idNoperation, producing an average of ten barrels par day,and several others are about boilig tubed. There are also on it 87 (eighty-seven) more lots surveyed, and more than fifty applications are now standing to lease the latter for one. half the oil to the owners. Out of the twelve wells on this Farm eleven era now paying handsomely: a met which sufficiently demon abates the great richness and reliability of the terri tory. b the entire fee simple interest in Ml (one hundred and eighty- one) asms, situate en the Allegheny river, nearly opposite the "Hoover” Farm, and a little nearer Franklin, at the month of Hill Bon, ha ving a front of 93. rode on the Allegheny river, and one mile on noth sidsß of Mill Bun, with ample boring surface for one hundred metis, or Lots of ton rods square. This tract la known as the *' Btswurt Farm,” and is clear of all leaeea or lncnmbraseos of any kind. There is now in operation a fifty-barrel well (bedde several smaller ones) on the Cochran Farm, which ad joins. thison the south. Infect, the “ Stewart” Farm is surrounded with good-paying wells, and within* ; shosi time a single lease of 80 rods front, on the tmaa , diate opposite side of the river, cold for 5185.000 (one hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars.) On this lease a good well has been struck within a few days. In addition to the territory of the “Stewart’ Farm, Whteh is believed to be equally as good' as the "hoov er”) there are On it a three-story ffirisf Iflii, with fine water-power, a good farm-house, and other buildings, that will he of use to the .company. Ths durability of this immediate oil Motion is Illus trated by tie fact that some of the Walloon the " Hoov er’ ’ Farm ) aye been pumping for oveFfonr ye»a,With out any material dfmizratlon in their yield, while the oil hers prodnesd, from its greater convenience for transportation and superior gravity,-always commands froze-one to two doUUrapsr barrel more than-the oil at Oil Creek. . The officers of tie Company fool justified; in- present ing the following, estimate of whati with vtionns man&ieraent, the above lands can be made to yield for the benefit of the stockholders in a oomparativelrshoit tiae: THE “ BTBWABT FABMv" There-ls room on Hits for one hundred lots of ten-rods equals, al.\f which cut be leased immediately ftrone half the oil, free of all expense toihe-Companp-. Estimating one well to each lot (one hundred wells although- there is room for three hundred) at the very moderate-average of Im barrels oaoh.-would make a Daily-product of.. .... I.ooothis. Out of this the Company’s share wonldbe. sec Mils. Value of daily yield to the Company, at ten-dollars par bbl (it is now seliing-at - Allowing.three hundred working days to the year, this weald make tho-Oempa ny-’s annual net receipts, from the. Stew art Farm alone. JsMOJOQOfIO Allow®* the same-estimate for the ’' Hoo ver” Farm,.in which the Companyowna one fourth in fee-of the land interest, the annual net receipts from the latter would BtrtUe the. bbku4 receipt* from. both. . 1*875,000 00 from this amount, the ram of $875,K0 for oonttogencUs, would leave the - Set Animal latciae of the Compear All. THKS.LOTS CAB BBIMKBDIATB&Y LEASED* IftitUdecued expedient, at a royalty.of one-half the Oil, with covenants binding lessees to *£afc*woUa, with. aUpossibladitigcmce, to the depth of COOor more fee*. A FXWPLAIN WORDS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Yen are not ashed to subscribe to tMsPtoek with the expectation of immediTtely-. receiving Urge dividend#! but the basis pa which the Company rests, it is be lieved,. will znahe your investment not only safe,.bai* prospectively. of enormotisvetlue. Wo* withstanding, at the present prices of oll»theGom* peny’s animal receipts (will cue any feitherdeTeiop aett)i would be forty thousand dollars, or eight per cent, on the cost of the sleek. • The president, Mr; Fie wart, la one of the tSnatand experienced oil operators in the State, and his residence sear the Company’s property and general oxw eighty its management is like bestguaraato* that no eflerte trill he spared to make the investment pro fitable. Aiplieationss for St, large proportion of ib* stock have already been made*, hut none mill he received until the book* of the Company are regularly opened for that pnrpose. Only a limited amount of the stock will he sold at subscription price. Th* stock will he issued fall paid*, without farther assestments. BOOKS OB gSBSGEIFKGK will ha open for a few days* on and after January 18, !SdS» aMheoffice of E, Cl. JAMES, Treasurer, No. 101 WALNUT Strut. FLU*!*. BLAIBOIIiCOfiUPAST WEST TIRGINIA. TEBEPOEAEY OFFIOEES TJHBEE ACT OF INCOEPOSATIOIT. V PRE3IHENT. Hon. JACOB B. BLAIR. ■ t EECEETABY AND TREASURES, THOMAS D. OONIfNGHAM. DIRECTORS, Fob. Jacob B. Blair. I Abraham Hart, William Sperry, I W. S. Stewart. Goon. H. Leyte, , SHARES ..................200,000. PAR YAHJE, Is, »i PAID IN—WO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. ftKI.OOO VOREIHS CAPITAL. No. L Trad of above threa hnndredacra (two hna* died axd seventy by the d*cd. but thiee hundred and i Wfitij- five by new su» v*y), situate en Addison’s Kan Aid Bofchei mer, Bbchie county. West Virginia, on* u He buq* Station, with a good road to the station —on th* Fitraert;hnrg branch oi tne Baltimore and Ohio Emlr.fad. • - a]so. with a coal railroad parsing through it. Gas am Mj*& of o l on the tract, at least one half of it oitos lorJng- territory,'lying In the oli belt Ills a fans; ibo lands nix around it havo been pur chatec lo» ou purposes. ho. f Traci oi one hundred and thirty-throe acres. rb< ut five mile* |y<>m th* above- immediately la the oil tot-bh on iht e&it side of hand Hill, aoout a half a mile iMintt# h'onhwestsrn turnpike, leading to Parkers- Lurk • A Jerge v ell has htruck within a few days tilt uifcottk. There are on this tract the most unmis iitkable frhrsof oil. locks much uphsayed and broken. A ftbeani (braxch of Goose Creek} runs throat hit. and a ism* I bud-good boring ground-oil territory of the c<Bt chatfccter. > ho. 8 a nactof three hundred and eighty acres Fnnch op*k. aoout five miles from the Ohio, lying on Loth sid«Kof the creek for about one mile. Known to be A ffo*! t*mtoiy; a’l tie land ab'out and oelowit have hter> pnrchßßed for oil. Oil has reoeefly been • icck h iboft dlsiaice below the line of this oropeny. Ko. 4. Lia«e of half an acre on Borne Keck, aboat fti-vent} >fiv* yards from the GllßUan we<i, alio near' o : her jfCK d-wiilt—a choice spot a well hx? been com mri«doi»li, sow about fret deep, Xrojnlsy. • ■ . ho. 6. renrtitsof & lease on.six acres. moreorUss, oy the m-nth side of Bushes river; that is tossed by the • t toyani lor one Lain he oil. Tht»-pxrtioa»ar piece t.i ibia i» bULJy Ppoken of by all knowing ones from ib»t mlos of c<ustry. A well ha* been bored by hand, f cut w! i<h the owner has pumped, by manual labor,- uvn- sOu bt-irtls if oil* and soid ths sameforsl2 per s»irel Airesgemevtcare already made to put aa en <?i; e of lufiici* nt ceiibre to pump this well.-ftud at the :-t m* limn another It is believed thl* will wtto a Mover, uH) pror-uceist its pneint depth (about two J ut4rm t** i), tweri) to thirty barrels of oil per fay. ISo 6 Coi tiHfs of twenty acres in fee. ou the east 1- Bandy crefk. Vesanso courtv. Px ,avont two u 1 f b fr« u itk junction with the Allegheny river, about jifchsl BtM-d ooieHeterritory. - Ivo. 7 Tee Comreny- have also made aTraugamants ; • r a sufficient number of engines to develop the d) ffer» •j: tiiiTH and having tb« personal atieni'-ou of the . r*»td*> t fp tfcegrtiund; will derive many advantages v« * <xb«r e« rpmatKina At y isfo*roftt-*oB can he ohtfilatd at the office of ti * fun i any, 406 LTHRaKV Street, or at tue BaakLng ffioeoi Atebi & LEVIS, 305 oheM;nat btreet ia2*tuths3t . - WANAMAKER A BROWN, mr **»* ™ OIL AND MINING COMPANY CHAJtTESKD BY THB STATE Of PENNSYLVANIA. ©APIT ATj-.—.•■•••.•SSOO.OOO, WORKING CAPITAL, 338,300 CASH. COMPANY’S OFFICE. *34 WALNUT STBSEBT. Tit. GOVERNMENT OIL ABB BSWTHG COMFA ,J.“or fS I S Md * »WcCt mataal KiattlpU, »nd lts : a#alro will beoondneUd with the tale vteworagorO -12? a , *™- r g‘ o/ttneaia; businets &rMt to Ihbie iw teresud *Tery bteckholder is practically one of the acted by a few iuckyeriginaU, are deeded; !n fee, direct iVom first owners to thuitockholders of fchir Company. They ccmpiise (Titles examined by Theo; Cuyler and T. J. Olay tod. Eaqs »and pronounced indisputable), located in the immediate centre of the great Oil belt of West ybgltti&.which. region, for the superiority of its Oil and for the volume and l certainty of tiryiefd, is f»r surpassing the famed 00 Greek region of Fdhusvl- Ist. The Deep Gorge Farm, ia'th* Old region. In dose proximity tothteestata, on every eide, aie situated the wo*t successful OE Wells to be round in the country, and at an' almost adjoining distance'i« located lie wlaely • celebrated ‘‘Leweliya’’ and c,Bs«r nal Gertie 1 ’ wells, the former oi which FLOWED lULLY THREE THOUSAND 13.000) BAB* being the greatest bona fide yield of Oil ever known, and'* very considerably surpassing, botltf in quantity an*> aujjJity, the product of any two wells ia Pennsylvania. 2d. Two thousand tt,o£») acres, in iwd tracU. heart of the successful Oil region al the Great Kanawha, - along whose course for over 70 miles Ou can bedis iinctiy seen and gathered from the water’s surface, - While the evaporation nt the neighboring salt works is < effected by igniting the Petroleum! Gks emitted from' subterranean reservoirs of OIL • ...... Bdi 100 acre* (in fee simple) Of .superior Semi-Blfcumii nous Coal land, in Bedford county,' Pa. - The value and importance of the above properties nay he inferred from the fact that leases for adjoining ends, with large royalties of Oii, have been taken t»y New York and Boston companies at a bonus greater than the fee simple cost of the Company’s estate; %nd if detmed advantageous by the. Stockholders, it is be* tiered that but little difficulty would presently be expo* mncod in leasing a portion of their territory at a bonus and royalty grearer than the original cost or thdwhole. A number of wells are at once going forwardvand more (Bight in all) will be sunk* as soon as the first are coin* Pitted. 3 bote* with a yield of Oil equal tfr adjacent* wcJls, will insure to this Company a daily egefr iaeome of several thousand doll&?« <mr ev&ry possible ea?- p*nse. The net cost of the Company’s three estates is &S7-.G00.' The Capital is $200,010, in shares of sl'eac& 'I3S.OQQ share* oklt will be sold, and no farther subscriptions will be accepted at any prise whatever. *ys properties and leaves a working eapital of Thexemaining7stooQ shares to be equally divided pro rah* between the original or jreteiti&utHeribers. as such a time as the Boars of JOi* bctois muy deem most advantageous to the Interests of the Goitpfeny • ,This rsducesthe actual cost of the stock to First sub*c lber* to es actiy 60 cents_per gharti - The immense profit to be derived from earnest and successful working la shown--by the fact that u single company—the Colombia—ia this year paying: to its stockholders One Million J?ollarer fcfc eaehr dividends, besides a handsome reserve for additional developments. The stock'of thin company, for ss'paid, has sold for over $4OO wr share: dhe substautial inducements which the GOYBRST MEN TOIL AND MINING COMPANY offer to those de sirous of securing an interest In a source of wealth that u now startling the whole world* are of a character that merit your gravest consideration. „ . The piofit of the undertin in common with that of •very stockholder, lies in us increased development of the uospamy’s rich Oil tracts, and their time an&ensr- - ties will be honestly cossesrated to that one end. To persms feeling s.ny interest or feeling none, every information concerning the estates of the Company, its workings and prospects, will he cheerfully given, and! detailed msps and charts wtlhbe freely shown. If you like our canftid plan of dealing, or nave any preference for a eorptoationthat certainly means wobk, . once. 30,U00 shareiV were engeged on th* first day. The promptest apptioa tion if therefore ind i&pen&ahle- to Insure a share is this original stock, sub atiriptions-to which iff not alr&td}/ aien} will be received at original price, sLper char*., including a stock dividend of three-filths the amocuML, ja^-tuthsfit igp* M V C) LXQKSfIHHK ..*.sl*soo,(los 00* BBSE?ivm OIT. COMT»AS?SX-',. OIJ'ICE.43B WADTf rSTREST. sh. trelacriptlsiL J»ok. of this Compauyi Wfll. ba-, dosed oa T A , ED3a®BAY HBXT. Fetrnarj-lat. By oid« ». «Sfc.4a»MKAJli'r, NO , A > 'Ei&N» COM* PABE; WILL YOD IHVEST IH A LAHBsCOMPAHY, PIBBBKPOIfI 0I& eOMPAin It strictly an OIL COMPANY, and lias so Uni bat what has been demonstrated OIL LAND. All companies formed ia West Virginia are 'located Within aomani/MILE3 of BURNING SPRINGS BUS. Why not to OH tbs Ban; as It is so fatooni as oil terri tory ? This is a anestlcnithat can be answered bast by those who torture a little inn of about a milt and a half in length, until they get it eight or nine miles lour, lhatJt may seem eloseiotheir lands. Thlsshows Plainly that the only reliable oil 'producing territory it BURNING SPRINGS RUN; hence, of course, the company haying the most of that yaluable territory is the best to isyeet in. This Company has OHS HUHDBEDABD FOBTY-SIX ACBBS In fee simple on BURNING SPRINGS BUN, and POCK ACBBS on lease, besides THBBE ACBBS near the Bter nal Centre and Bathbone Wells, both veil known, ' All tee aik is inquiry, (investigation, which can alone show relative value. / One half of ihn stock has already been’disposed of and the smbserlptlon list will shortly dose. CAPITAL..... m*e«4MM«44set««MMit**e«**ee||doto9o*e^.Me.V«,e,m, w „H BACK PAB, DEVELOPMENT FUHD... ~.,....*30.000 FBANELIN S. WILSON; GEORGE H. CHRISTIAN. PROSPECTUSES, and ail informstion as to the Proa- Wets of the Company, will be freely glren at the OFFICE. HO. 181 BOOTH THIRD SIEEST, . (Second Story.) Since the announcement that the. Company would lease their lands at a royalty of oae half of the oil, ap plications hare been receleed for fifteen leases of taree foniths of an acre each TWENTY MOKE ABB OP* t EKED to parties desiring to form development c >ra Pas lea. As we ars desirous of haying improvements at once made, no bonus will be reoulred for the twenty lots. This mode of opr ration insures tothestoekhoMers, from arrangements already in progress, the comple tion of eighl.en wells at an early day. Applications for leaseholds should he accompanied by references of the applicant’s ability to perform his con tract. Hone others will be noticed. jaSl-iuthsSt. far* OI.D DOMIjnOH OIL COMPASTT OP WB-T VIRGIN!A.—The subscribers to the Stock of the Old Dominion oil Company are hereby notified that Certificated’are nojr ready for delivery npon surrender ol subscription receipts, and books open for transfer. There are only 8. COO shares unsubscribed for. - ■ , O. Hi BAMBOBGBBy-Presicent, .1 JOMPB Prreldent, oiwftßWL 8, VofFWladelphla. C. J. WOLBBRrf Jn., - JOHH W -LB'GHf F K. KNIGHT. County Cleric. Doddridge conntT. 0. C. DAVIH. nr Sheriff, Doddridge ounty. Weat Va- HbTffin:' I .808 'Jain9»ffl!6»*BBo.ftlS4» . K®* JOTICI -OFHCB BOYAL PE TBOLhCM COMPANY, Ho. 311 WALNUT Street. . _ • . Philadeiphia, Jeuua*y 25 1881. The Compsny will A*, rescy to issue Certlfio.t.s of on ene after < HDBBDAr. January 88. Pe-anne ht Wlng Ik? Company • due MPe will plsase present term at ibisr ffle,, on or after (he abeye day. and te « Ive certificates of Stock in exchange. jsM «c» H. «Olv>BftßLP. Beeretary. OBWr gtOTIHTfO HOT^W, GOVERNMENT OF WEST VTIMHHIA. »I PEE SHAKE, FOLD PAID. NO FOTURE ASSESSMENTS OVKB XSOO AOBEA KEI.S OF OH. PBS BAT. PRK2SDBSV,. HENRY SIMONS. SEOSSrS^Kf, «F. PERSY DIX. TSSUJSFJKKR. WBA. m. WEEKS. «OMPABT»S OFFiCB. *3* W ABBOT Stoaot^ ■3. D. REINBOTH, Bontefagy, ®B;IH AH OIL.COMPAN* ? OF WEST VIRGINIA. PRESIDENT, TREASURES, DIRSCTOES, f. 8 WILSON, JOHH P. O’NEIL. Esq., HE R JOHNSON. ROBERT CLARKSON. JOSEPH D. KOhOKEB, G. H. CHRISTIAN.’ LEASEHOLDS. gy OmBEED NOTICES. BBIOOS GOLD OOHFABT, ■liik Oat Delloiwltan. CHASE SOLD COHfABT,. .mimOis Mlb pof fikOrv. HoKTNLET OIL COHFAHT. Myldend. ...Tkn* porCeht. . FOtJKTAIK FSTEOLEm COKPAHT, Second Tl.idend Oho ~r Cwit. W*I b« cloeod horn laaxucySlit W WALTER B. LAWTON, Treasurer; No. 91 JOHN Street, KS3“* omcx sTostT fabm on cosf* ■=» PAMY, 3o# W«LHBTM»«t tk. 1 ; <*» d«Blar«d a dividend of (1) ONE PEBCEKT., pavable on sad after FKBBIT IKY ik BooSswill elose Wednesday, January 35th. at 3 Swi £!:■ wul Tia #/lT’i 6 &^ lo SeemaiT. *34 n* Jennary 3S, IBM, »®“ omra wmav phr,auklphu PABSESGSB RafLWAY COMPANY;HortS west corner of FOItTY-FlEßTsnd HWBRPoitB Sts., „ Pea3A3/iLPHt£» /in. 10. IMS tala day dwlared adlyl dendof FlyS PEKTCBNT. stttheCapital stock of the S“Bfg?tSi n ioit “ r or m t “* 8 ' Wrtl ® °" _3S, 8 .?®?i B . ar B» transfer of Stick w 551 ba closed unto that date. ja!2-thbtg.ia* VH. MABSttT, Jr;, Tremurar. jtrftDEßD Kora«s.-ome* or MAPLB SHADS OIL GOMP&bY, s»* WALNUT Street, jAsirAkit® iss* . Tl* Bom;A of Directors bare tkie;day declared a diyl doedof fOURFEB CENT , payable at thelroflce on »ad *tj«r , dear of Sine fixes: _Th«Tianefer Books will ba closed on theSffh, at S P. EL, and opened l on the SB*. , „„„ THOKU K SKAms. jaa4 6t*t Secretary. I3^<j^^mvuKuxwr The Director* of ritb GrtekiUyw Wi&t : Cbupsay £ftY# “ _; THIS DAY declared a seml-annaSy'dirSiend of . : ' rr?iDOLLARS per ft&ani la .. ♦ ■ ' • UJRITSD BR&TEff GOLD CO?*,' HtyafMe PBBEDABT lfciMS. do ehanhiliftr of-reosrt JrnnarySlat, 1886. . . .. . - Kanefer J’Ookswllllw'Blosed front February ‘Jot to Mth, lneluelre. . . - aHrgaJffgSf *tBfc 'tiy PHiiiDMiMnA asb'eSsadih® company, ©*oe m«. salt south • ' _JL _ fiauEMUk Norember 9D, MM. DIVIDEND HOMOS.—Bn 1 transfer botofifl of this Company will becloud on THURSDAY, December!*; andtoojiMi on TCE6DAT. JA-aCABT 10. IBISrT ' 4FIFTEEN BjjFBBMT. ontbscomma* and preferred dock, clear of Nbtioial and State taxes; 'has been declared, parable lneomraox stock,on tie Slat- December next, oa all stocks-ctandlx* on the bookie? the Company, at the eloee of lurihesaen thalflthpnnc.' StoeklMgßrs;?h«t names mwrs«Mei»d oatho-New- VTork beolST wIU bo paid at tSoPtemore* Loan and i*nu* Company. & KBADFORD, f wl»« Yrwunim, SW PIBLI€ATI#NB. Ft-' ■ this i>m.' s3® BEWBER’S SECRIT!: TIUSSSOTHER’S SBOEf J.i THE BROTHERS SECRET BY WILHAM GODWIN. Wh would advise no ona to commence-reading tbit bock •witlioati'tbcT hare time to 'BnlsleHt it is one of tlnoooat exelHaa and enebantlnc booke-STer printed. r , *• €L©TH,i3; PA PER? @1.50. SHAD THE FOLLOWING NOTICE OF IT; .~THK BROTHER S SECRET, -Thora-are so many fwcbspnblished that are not books, that whin a work ttt-aierling excellence appears, the public are naturally daimdined to believe in Ite merits. Bat here is a book that* le an-Ingeniously plotted, handsomely expressed, ftidiwell-eudained tale, containing exquisite passages. - and imbued -thrttighout with real feeling. We can benestly say, we like it eery much. It le written with andntensapnrpotet it Is eloquent s it is t iliemeut: it is paeetonate, A burning soul under Etnet-if souls can btim miterially—oould not bays sent form a more tre mendous objurgation - Tho earnests ess of tbe author Is like the gleaming- of a naked sword, or tho flash of mountain lithtolng. Weadytaeourrsaders to get this book, ha lt i» ona to be appreeisted. Price tl OOinpa ®er or 92 ta eloth. PcWished by T. 11. .Peterson & -Brothers,.Philadelphia, pa.. l * Fubilsbed end for sale at the cheapest Book House in tbe worid to buy Or seed for a stock of books, which Is at *. B. PETEESOJf *- nROIHERS’, Putdlsbersof Prtkesok’sDsteotou price9l.soayssr, SO6 Cbestuut Sk, PbUA, Pa. Optics sent eyerywhere, free of postage, on receipt of w ‘ 808 BALE BY ALL BOOKSELLEES. « ' bdition. THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC? POR 186 E,. THE THIRD EDITION-OF THIS POPULAR ANNUAL WOW READY. In addition tithe usual CALENDAR AlfD ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS, IT COBUISS United States Government, Minister*. Ac.; Fenntors and Ecprtsentatiocs otXXXVlllth'Congress; X XXiXth Congress, bo far as chosen; • Laws passed at tas lest Session of Congress; Public Resolutions and proclamations: Party Platforms of 1868 (Baltimore and Chicago); The Rebel Government, Congressmen, &c ; Slaveholder*’ Rebellion, or Chronicle of War Brents; Native Slates of ihe American-born People; Election Returns, for President. Governors. Congress In 1864, compared with the Presidential Vote in 1660; . , Stale Cwttalr,.Governors, Salaries, Time Legislatures Meet, Tims ofstats Elections; TerritorialCapitals.and Governors; Popular Vote by States for 1856, 18W, and 1838; Vote of 1880 elaborately analyzed And compared, by Population, Free and Slave, with percentage, &c. . PBICB 80 CBHTB. SEVEN COPIES. FOB ONE DOLLAR. Oidere (inclosing cash) should be addressed; Copies of the Tnmtrnn Amcarac, from 1857 to 1885 in clnslye, can be supplied-at 20 cents per copy. It N WB OO KS AT WHOLESALE CHROfi ICLE3 OF THBSCHOHBBRG-GOTTA FAMILY. THE YUELY DAWK.'ISmn cloth i DIARY Or MBS KITTY TREVTLYAk" 12mo, . doth ; r« Also, the other works by the author of “The So» onberg-CottaFuolly ” “JOHH GODFREY’S COOK KOBIsr. "' SSbeiis'"™.”'. 1- T5 A F*OG BB WORLD A WOOIHfIf Go. lilaetra- » Udby the sane - ,75 The, saute, Artist’s Proof*, each #lO, Only 100 oopies Issued. For sale at. LEYPOLDT’S ' Bock Store and Library, 1383 CHKBrHOT Strset, fcecoaistery. FIBHEB & BROTHERS 1 VALIN TINBS.IBOS. W« notify dealers that oar popular $5, #lO, *l5, $2O VALENTINS LOT® an sow ready at the mwmfactory , • < • FISHES & BBOTHIB, |agS4t«» No. ua Worth SIXTH Surest. VANCE FVXtS. J\ADIES’ FANCY PUBS. ' : JOHN 'ffi’AJK.EGEECA., . • V- i Ho. TM A£OH Street, abot e Seventh Street, i * ' Athla old eslabUjlied elere, * IMPORTER, MANIfFAC TURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY PUBS pO( ■ : T.ftDTKfif Ml) dtoiPßia. Bavin* nowinrtore a verylon andbeanttM assort meet of oil tho different kinds and aaallfcle, of fuxtiT FUJRS FOK LAD IBS* AHD CHILDEEH’S WBAB, I eoUelt ft «11 from thoee In want - Xemeinber thename and number, JOHN WRWHt, - *< TIS ABOHStreet. above Bavenlh. 11m 00 partner or eonneetlsn with any othor store IB thleetty. . - . oeS-tmtr EDVCAVIONAL. THE practical commercial jgSTITUTKMFQB TUB EDUCATION OF IOUHG “feBYnJnV BTBATTOW* ftBANSISTBR'S HAriOWAIr nOKMBBCIaL HULLEGB, ASSEMBLY BUtLDIWG, 8. If. center or CHESTSUC and TBfiffH Streets, - (BBtraaceon Tenth street ) Instruction 1a fcnck-keeping, in all Us departments and applications; Commercial t.av JPeaiDaa»hip. Com z&prelaL Aiihmetic, Btuineas Correspondent* Forms, Tpl*sraphlßg, etc. This is tut. only institution ia the State a fall knot Ldse of ail toe do ails of ba»ines« can be ac quired through the Rid of apM-freted _ STbTStTOF BUSINESS represent!** the actaei operations of the principal branches cf tTKce adn H TBE PhACfICIL DEPARTMENT is In operation both Day and gven'bg, affording to yonngsien whoareengng d darint the day aa. nppor tn&itv to obtain attoruagb ki owledgeof Book-keep lag and Badness by attending ev»niDg* oal», CALL OR bBHD FOB A CIRCULAR. It ' J>HE PARABOLA fcPEOTACLES, BOLD ONLY BY BORHEK, Optician, No'. 408 CHESTNUT STBEET, nr* made with too closeat knowledge of.the Bdenoeof opllci, and both arflbt and improv* too organa of eight. f< r at any angle Ihrusitk which Impaired ejeslojk with the Faiapolta tier enloi a perfect focm . It WILLOW BLIIOH BODIE^APEW "T 010%left, ntlart vear'e prieea'. :. ' ALo. 'tm ' l»Tano 189 North THIRD Street. pARTBS DK VISITB—BEAUTIFUL etylea, plain and tln'ad, .B*o apeolment, and en gage tlfm at ESIMBE’B p-pnlar 6ali«ty, SBCONi> Hire# t, a bove Grton Fleas, note. Tie day* are short. Go ear y. . ■ • It* § WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE SCKIPHOHR onTharecirr.Cohrtltntloa, end T»- ;em, with aDYiCK on Bpi-thea*, Beall hi Sdnee Ilpj, tell tnip-rv-meni. Manatemeot and Train- In* of OLlLDHlS»iß«cfttf dda.ptAilsn. JSo, daj by „ •, x 00U-'o«b> Up l* l4 * TENTH St .ahore CEetfaut 8* 'S< fijpßo-Smirai&NDiHUIBSEI STREETS, NEW YORBL PETER At ekyskb;, JOHN PHILBIN, JOHN CARROW. geo. i. Touaa. J7IRE INSURANTS* nfsuirAircK qoKP^irr: V. K. COKSEB lIOBS* WAIXBI SIS,, ’.ASSIS'I'S** •»» ,1' N • > Tks BuM of BlrMtot* *f tbla-Csnipany h»Y« istsr ■Mlead to tovra risks against- Firs* 1& assordamse-wiik ikelr ckartor, and cro-wjw-prspsured to lues Tolisiss ooTerla| Firs Sisks aktlie eurrsmt sstss.' RICHARD 8. lltlTS, A. B. BORIS. JOHN H. IRWIN. WILLIAM C. RANT, J. P. SrkINBK, GEO. LEWIS, 3: P. ROBINSON. JAP. R. CAMPBELL, 3BNEY SAMnBL^ QfiiS> WHKELBBs . JIOKBIBS. OUMMIDiGSj.. ff. LAYXKQNB, INSURE YOUR BUB v rn E. Cor. WalMutand Fourth: Sts., B is * BOMS COMP AST, and prodts dividsd anon, ally, tlms aiding the assnxsd to pay fatnrs prsmisias. liSStdiTidsndeOssfMnt , Alexander WMlldin, Hon* James Pollock,. Albert 0. Boberts, Samuel T. Bodlne, George Bogejit, Wm. J. Howard, Samuel Work, . AiiXAKDEE SAHDBL WOE nofflt-Smif JOHH B. .W.ILI 'JpLB NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE CO, DrOOBPOKATED BTTHB LEOIStAruKB OF TKB STAX! or ~ PBtfKSTLVASIA. , AOAIKST loss OF lIFK OB FERSOMt DfJFRY Policies lamed for s Blmle Trip. Spool el Journeys, Voyages, *O, dally, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Also,-against the Contingencies of personal haaard, and against lorn of all kinds, except real estate. Policies issued at the Principal Offlce. Ho. 9HI OHIBTKTJT Street, Philadelphia, or by the Agents of the Company in any of the cities of the United States, or by the Ticket Agents at any Kali road Station. ; CAPITAL^™—~~~«».S3BO,OOO OFFICBBS. PRBSIEEKT, THEODOBE ADAMS. TO* FEBBIDBXT AK» ACTUARY, J. H. BEAD LET. 0 TKBASOBSB. . JAMES M. COIfBAD. SECRETARY, LUCIES’ PETTOIT. AOEST, J. S. PEYTOW. . pihb'otoes. - j James Graham, ■Franklin Steely Wm. Colder. laid* la THE TRIBUNE, HEW lOEK. Theodore Adams, .James If. Copied, Biehiurd Wood, George T. fitedjnaa. "Jj'IFTH ANNUAL STATEMENT OF A TUB MUTUAL WEB INSURANCE COHPAJtr OF PHILADELPHIA, Ofiicfl No. 5 South FIFTH Strut. Amonot of Property Insued First Month Ist, IESS $911,9511 Amount of Premium Ifotes first Ho. lot, 1960. Cash Assets, first Ho., let, IBM ......... a 5 ,687 68 Intereston Premium Notes...... 4,i£C 40 Policies. Surreye, and Transfers »». 109 oo Premiums on Perpetual Insurance...... SOS 75 Interest on InTestmentß..,. ... .............. 521 19 For Kxtra 8i5k...... 375 X.OSBBB. Fifth BToatli Btli.r-MarrF Todra $9B 88 lSik-Chaa, CK Biehw4*. 1,000 00 sl,oBB 88 «« ~ ' SXPBIfSBe, *C. Salary. Rent, Stationer*, TJ.B. Tax*&c.l,l9o 58 •ConiiDlstionß paid Ageata..3s9 09 Interest Be turned..iB 60 Premixuaaßeturjied..67 40 . >■' 1,680 M . , .-.'w ■■ Inverted la tT. S. Loans ..6.758 31 Inhanda of Treasurer 1 SIl 03 OffleeFumHure—.. m 68 - ——8.3 M 89 OJXITJO. OB ABSBTJ. Premium 1f0ita.....™™,, ....™.™. »ea.e77 00 Invented in H. 8. Loam. .... 8,760 21 Cask In band* of Treasurer™. ..... I,SIIOO Offloa Fornitnie 184 6S iBBlBB The twdereimed, a. committee appointed by the Com roy* have examined the above statement, compared with, the [book's and vouchers. and find it to ba cor rect. ; BENECA B. MALONE. WttsoHl l-«™- WiSIW P. Seeder, Joseph Chapman, Joseph W. Moore, Senwa^Mrioge. Wilson U Jenkins, Lnkeos Webster. CLOTHIER, President ’ ver- jaSS-dt Celeb Clothier, James Smedley, Tbozoes Mather, T. tllwood Chapman* Simeon Matlaek. Aaron W. Ga&klU, CALK T. *r,LWo<m OhjIPHAh,- 8e TAOG & BRQ., COR. TE -* MSS, op*n from Kew Tor*: llot Teiyflio Vtilßorere, is bine, *r«en and brown, 1 lot Ladtei’ all-,llk plaid Scarf?, plain oolora, only $ 1. 1 25. f 1 lot Ladies’ all* silk bl*ck Belt Bibbons, 60a. Hot Ladies r twißted silk, bead, and wa:erfall JTets, 62 to l2Sc. . 1 lot Cents’ very fine corded border linen Hdkfs» 56 and 1 lot Misfe*’ cuffed, fleecy-lired Silk GloVes, 60c. lot Ladies' best quality BoopSfcirts. wide tape a, $1 60. l lottery high lustre black Alpaca,si.7s, 1 lot BriUsb .Manchester Gingham*, 60c 1 li t very beayy high colors scotch Balmoral Skirtt,ss. 1 lot all wooL scarlet embo*s»d Table Oorer«, $1 fO. 1 lot best quality Vasio BnflUass, Nos, Ito 4, 1$ to 90c. I lot Buffalo Ball Combs* fiOca ■* jtlso* several lots Trirom n* Velvets, B*lraor»18boe Lycers, Gum Bair Fisa* 16c, terdoeen; black Sewing Silk, 2fic,i*r doren; Trimming Buttons, Parlor batches, OloTes. Ac,. &c. javB 2t WHEREAB. THE AUDITOR GERE v " SAL, aa required by the, eleventh seettonof lb« act entitled 4> An act enabling the banirs of thin Com* monwealth to become associations for the purpose of t> inking under the laws of the' United Pfcatoa, ’ ’ passed the S2d day of augart, A.D. 1664, na&Certlftsd to me that the 4 * Coimnonws<b Bank**ofthe-cUyof Philadelphia baa furnished satisfactory evidence to himtb&t all the reqc\jejnent» of said act hare been complied with by saw bank, and that It has become an association for tha purppfiG of banking under the lavs of the United states. - ‘ I do therefore cause this notice thereof to be published in accoidance with the provisions of the said eleventh ■» ction of the said act, and do declare that the charter oi aaid bank by the torms of' said sot is deeuted nod taken to behereupoa surrendered, subject to the provisions of the first station of said act, _ _ •- a. a. cuumr, EgßOO*rrvg Chamber, January, 9.1965, j*U- 18* OBt STOCKS, TJ. 8. LOAJSB, &c., Brokar, 80. 18 Sovth THIRD btseafc. .TABT£FtJI.Aia> SUBSTAOTWi OtOTHIKO JTHOE ABBOOIA.TIOK. XtfOOBPOBATED MABOH iff, Utt. omoa, KO. 84 NOBIH TOTH BfRESf. IHBUBB BmßtJros,’ HOUSBHOLD PURKITBBB .*'■ MEBCSAKBIIa aWXSRUaiZ. F «» !•*»bjHr* (tattb»olty of PUladelpkiaonly.) Statement of the Assets of the AgsoeUEfon pnHlshcd in conformity with the provisions of t&» Sixth Section of as set of Asaeffibly of April 5, 1812. which on the Slot of fiseemier, 1881, oossistetfof Bojids and Hortgages on Property in the city or Philadelphia. • teeiHSooMOOettHOteteHOV- $788,875 8* Ground Bests oooossoosoteoioeeesii* hoosoo* X.MS 81 Baal Estate, office2Tb. 31 North;Pifth street.. 14,30813 Boposltwitk N. S. Aaelstant Treasurer.™.. 40,000 00 fruited States Loan, 5*20 #6,C00 00 United States Treasury Kotos HUHtimiimii 8,640 00 C»T WfittUvfeoo. 016 09 Cult 9&‘!bfti)0ooroo«ose MmtmoMS »•»♦»*** <-eeo-o. l£s46lSfi' TSnSfSKS. , CrtSo2B?fW. TBIOSf. Praefißsat, wh. K-juaiereWv - JOB IT COOKBH. jag.tuthsW' UNION MUTUAL or PHILADELPHIA, EXCHiBQE BUILBIN 0. OTCfIWJPOIfATXD' ISM. WEB AHBktAIKKK. : . /' BBMToas: BDBSTOBET, FKAKCIB TBTB, . EKWBSfiKY JTSMITBJ. HENRY LISWW, Ja., BDW. L. CI.AEK, ELkTSYARSiLIi . SAMUELO. COOK* Gi W. BXRHADOB, s^debbke^ d ‘ n sar™ EW - RICHABB Si SMITIff, Presides*. JOHN MOSS* Seer®tary. iaa6-Im , IH'THE' A. mB RI o' 1 A 3?t PHILADELPHIA, B(>AEX>OFTEtISTEEB J. Edgar Thomson, Hoa. Joseph Alllsoa. g?W g. -Barnett, Philip B. Miagla, .. Joha Aikm&h, - Isaac Haziehnret. fittimr, prcidcat. tK. Tics President. SOS.See’T md Treaeajer. - OEGAHIZSD OGTOBSE «»1664. FOR INSURXNO THAYELLEBS BY LAND OK WATEE. RUTAIL OKf tHIODS. FIIIAHVUL. JOB. E. MSB ALU LEVI P.COATB, , SAHUELSPAHHAWK, CHABLE3P. BOWBB. JESSE liiaHTPOOT, KOBEET SHOBHAKBR. H.HAKT. BTm.BK. Socretarr. WANTED’ W RENT, IN A CBN »» teal locality, on tte first door, part'd* on OSes for Peat room. Addins 1 Box aiftP.O. jali-tf A GENTS" WANTED FOR THE’NNHSB 1A ASB BFT, th* most int-rcstins and exciting book everpobliabed, embrartmtlis adT-nturan or at woman la the Do lon Army as Kbrse,. Scout, and Spy. stef ng a njost Tipldiaser picture-ef tbe'irar. Read for eirca Jars. Jddrtss JOKES BEOi. it CO*. 000 CHfiaTßrrr at . Philadelphia, Pa. jaM-lmWWt* . QALBSMAN WANTED IN A FIR3T eJ CLASS Ladles' Stationery Store. Mast .ba intelii- Cent aadre&aed, with, itest- class re 'erencas .If -? H>33'CHgsr«UT Street A&mm AND BN TBBFSISiaG tmsiaesß man J*!a yited to join tbe* advertiser, at oaca, in a wholesale d.pK-aiiC manufacturing: basil ess. A cash, capital of WOtCOO 1« required thefiret-year* in-opposition to-&K093 of trade and manufacturing already established aad paying handsomely. A ivßotr ledge of tbs* business* is-not necesaxHly te uaired aatbe financialjlutfea-may receive his attention Address in real name, and appoint as Fi PQWBBB- Frets Office.. it*- flOfl A MONWANTBI**- *5 ikirednee tbe new SIXTSB»;BOLI,AK PaBIBY 8B«- IHO MACHINE. the o»?».low-price Machine in tbe «o*try which Is licensed bp Ororer dtßiker, Wheeler di Wilion, Howe, Singer & Go., asd-Bachelder. Salary and expenses, orlarge commimlonr allowed. A ifother Mucbinea now sold ior less- than f.-rty duller, each are tnXringvmentti, anc >h* seUßr nod-user W/ble Tllua teated cir.niitre eent/rea. Address SHAW ft OLAKK. pol7-i3AW3m BIDPSgQBP, Milne. m CON VENIENT BWEL L IN G ■aWAHTSD-Aii sty $6OO seat* eestral. or not more ties twelve Equates from Eleventh and Chestnut* iora rmall family. Early information- and po«ses«ion of & t übable Vasa duty Address C. MAX WELL, care 1033 CHSST»FIiStreet _ 4GF" Aerecable suburban dwelling to let, in W*st Philadelphia. . ja3f Sfcif . ® WANTED TORRENT—BY A GOOD tenant, about April Ist, a-first-das* DWELLING; west of Broad and south &■ Market Beat no object If fayoi ably located. Address Box 3313 Philadel phiaP. Or jalg-lOt* Jgft ASSISTANT QTJAKTEKMAS aBBCTBB'S SonthTBIBD gt„ - - JO X?^E?ITk. «FOB BALE—SUMMER STREET— South side, e»t of Sev.nteentb. Splendid three, i ft*® 4 Dwelling. Sot 23 by Ul, to Spring street. SH,£QO. In good order. _ Knee street, we*fcof Sixteenth. Neat Dwelling. Lot 18 by 14ft Jfeebdeep to Spring afreet. $9,2»>J, Arch street, north side, west of Twenty* firet. Poor, atory Dwelling. Lot 18 by 125. Only *9 600 Only $6,000 for* Dwelling STo. WSSonth iflnlh street. Twelve rooms. . Immediate possession. Arch street, south side, west or Twentieth. Only one of those elegantnew Dwellings at a low figure. west Spring Garden street; on the comer of another niaJn street. Magnificent new Dwelling,, only $l2 000. Immediate possession. Pise street, south side, west of Seventeenth and Eighteenth. Four- story Dwellings. Prices $13,000 and $l6. GOO. Chestnut street: Splendid double Mansion, large front and deep lot. Price $40,000. Vine street, north aide, weei of Seventeenth. Foor story Dwelling. Marble np the first story. 911,1100. Besides near 2.000 other city and sab urban properties. Mo person should fail to caU oh me firet. . „ HBO C. MIBLBIt. Broker, -ja2fc-2tif - 15& Mortii 81X1® Street. A TO REAL ESTATE OWNERS AND —A large" business firm will m»k» a liberal. TRADE of, Sit Goods. Clothing, Coal, Foral tare. Oil stocks, and part Cash, for oco two well* located Residences. Answers to this advertisement will be kept stricily private,, and mn*t state ioertten, or they wIU sot bos otieed. Address " Metehant, ” Press o«ce. This affords snexcsllent opportunity to any wbo want to set into s ciive basinets. a* th* entire transaction can only be made on a fair and jnat basis. ■- It M DESIRABLE BUSINESS PROPER -* Y ’Wo. 031 aid 233 Worth THIRD street. 26 leer front by leer dorp. For sale hy . SB-4t» A. P. AJ. H- MORRIS. 916AKCH Straot. m FOR SALE—A MODERN BUILT JH THREE STORY BRICK B WELMSG.with double iMh-buldißss: twenty feet trout and fire feat side-yard, immediate possesion anven. AnolvioM PRICE,-Eo. 126 Worth TWELFTH Strs-t Career of Ct-rry. _• ji2S-sraw-3t* - m FOR SALE—NO. 1809 WALNUT Straft. splendid four story Brown-stme front DWELLING, iow yaoaat. Lot 20 by m to a street. Can have a stable very near hv. Sfi. JaSB-2t if 15dr North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR JESoTHBRFBOPERTF—NewFACTORS:, weU-ballt. TWRBTI.FIUST Street, north or Bldg. arenae. Lot mby 100 feet deep on Hobbs street to a three fret alley: Factor, £4 feet tanar. Immedlatepcssesston. , ja£B-Btlf MILLER, 15A WorthstXTH Street. MFOR BALE—4 SUPERIOR-BUILT mastic, front DW ELLTSGS. with large ahy rooms, B. A. corner of Nineteenth and Green streets 1 doable* front (t 6 feet) do, If. W. corner Nineteenth and Green streets. 6 neat and convenient brick Dwellings, Nineteenth street, sooth of Green. 4 do, do- Brandywine street. ea»t of Nineteenth. Three-story And Basement. 12# Union street. Do, with double bsek buildings, 627 Pine street Do, do, west side of Twentieth st., north of Cherry. Do, do. south tide of Wallace st.» east of Rleventh. With many others in various situations. B F. GLBNNi • 233 South FOURTH Street and ia2B-lf - B. W„ cor SEYBSTBEN CH and GREEN. £& FOB SALE—TWO HUNDRED -e* ACRES OP LAND on Sttlwell Creek, W»st Vir einia. via Little Kaoa wha River or Turnpike. There an two Streams of Water running directly thr>nrh the Land, atosg which are several Gas Sprit g*. The Bonks are tloronghlv impregnated with Oil gev»xt Welts are being bored by a Company and private Individuals, some of which an nearly ready for Pumping The Landa will be sold low, and payments easy. * Apply to or address _ JOHN J. KROMER, M No. 4103 CHBSTNDT Street, D* Philadelphia. Pa. m FOB SALE—NO. 1609 WALNUT jgL BTSEET’—Splendid Four-story Brown-stone front DWELLING, now vacant: Lot, 29 bj l&5 to a street. Price, $27,500. Can have a Stable very near by. jaS4-tuwthg4tif MILLER. 154: North SIXTH Street m FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE FOB NB. other property, new FACTORY, well-built, TWENTY-FIRST Street. north of Ridge avenue; lot M by 100 feet deep on Hubbs etreet to a three feet alley; Factory 64 feet square. Immediate possession. 3a34- tuwths 4tif North SI XT a St 1708 SALEt-A LABGE LOT, CORNER of Richmond and P-um streets, Kensington, near -Cramp’s Shipyard, 277 feet by 130 feet, with offloe and dwelilsgtherson. ‘ ~A lot adjoining, 160 feet by 13) feet, with four small houses (hereon „ Large lot on the Delaware river, between Westmont land and Ontario etreefs,so3 feet front on the rlve>*, 2,672 feet deep, having el* v»n fronts. Alofc ottPennsylvauiaavenue. corner of Oxford a tfAet, SOPteetfront. SCO feet de*p; a fine stone quarry with railroad sideling into the quarry. A lot corner, of Somerset street and Trenton avenue* 60 feet by 190 feet A lot corner of Somerset street and Gunner's Run Canal. 160 feet by SlSfeet. .. A clay lot. near Nicetown. on, the Plank road, ad joining Bowleit'sbrick yard,£oo feet front 200 feetdtep. A let on Costello street, Germantown, 182 fees front, 536 feet deep Will be sold very low. Terms ea*v. Apply to J. or a.LONGTFBETH, __ 619 WaI.NITT Street, or JaSS-Im* 353 North BLBVJS3TH Street. Th^EMOYAL.—ARTIFICIAL FLOW- W<* would respectfully give notice to oar customers that the long and well- established stand. Fc, £9 Smth Fourth strett, ha* been removed to No. £l4 ABCH Street, with fx.tra facilities, we Will endeavor to deserve the patronage-so wdll be stowed, promising that all new styles will be issued immediately upon receipt from Etnop* - OgfRiCH'FEATHERb Cleaned* Dyed. Dressed, and Curled, as heretofore, !n a superior manner. * We would respectfully ask a coatinai-oce of orders. - 4L J VA) OSi’AN, , It* • No. fl 4 aßC9Mreet. ITS AND TOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, u COUEBLLOB AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR OJ CLAIMS OflM, 351 f Stmt. MU Fourteenth St.. Washington. D. C. fa3 ; B. CHBaPEST AND BEST PL&CS IN T6E gtt Hmi4 Srusaa. Flttlaor Finn, Cam, la at 804 ARCH . treat. jill 2i» .■pjTO TICE. — IN THE ORPH ANS’ COOBT OF MONTGORBRI COUNTY.—Tu the matter of the proceedings in purtirioa upon the real estate of GEULGE B R&IFP, iste of ihe borough of horiistowa, in eald county, deceased; And now, to wit: Jasuar* loth.' 1665, the report of the three Comtnb*toß*rs appointed to make partitioo of «ai» dewdfni's real ©state, filed lu open Court and confirmed fit H and JSo dU. on motiooi of Jo*-ph L. AiiaooTtgh. B*q., attorney, the grant a m»« upon william Stiff, Jonas A. Reiff, Maurtoe Relff. budet ReifF. Hary I-anoie, Lydia Umstead. Acgslinv Um-tead, and tfa titoaPennypacker, and all ornsr persona tn ia*«res% to be aid apuear at an Orphans’ Court to be held at the ■Court Boos*, in the borvngb of MO#- DA, ihe 27ih day of February- A 0. B-&5, at U o'clock In the forsnoon of that day ettharto aco-pt or refute to Bccs-i't the real >etata>f the said* ueorg> 9 Reiff, ds coastd, et the va’uatten thereof,'or to show cause, if eny. tfaf y-or either of i hem have why the same should iu»i be sow according to law _ « , „ - By the Court. Or NHSL FlSHnt, Clerk O. O, Clebr’s O?FIC3. Eoreistown. Jan 33, A. D. 139 L jagS-sSt . ■ ESTATE 6P ELIZA. L. D WfOBT, DE -El C»AtE» —LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on t'o» abovt hsvln* beejuraat*#! to>«to aadarHlgaed. ail ptrad&a bavin? calspa agalnat said E«Ut« av« n q tinted tft presett thetam** and nil paibons indebted*MT DWiGU* Ix«entor, SlO Soata SU**t 4«fori6t ATO PJOTTBIB BXOKI, IN NA.TU I' SALKSBS Irtuno; of fxitnrtioa foitara>, or <rntMalsc«H ft> coloring 8 K J* Kf VlKKfcj U'eoiei, PJt*«o*r*pbß i* oil oort>r», a*Uery,<l34-ARCS Qi. WANTS. WANTED-A PRINCIPAL »T A ** MAIJ who la-willing to goas nuo/aboV* Fin? sSSt “ W 1 Rpp ‘ r - yi * Ara- WAHTEB-A.T $l5O PER MdKTH, ft reliable OAST AEBBK la erary to wn aai conaty. We bare a«eai* eUarlnc $lOO per month, whieh we ___ —JOWKB KBOTHBKg * CO., goo remrlnt atrwt. pmu**.-. <■*. WANTED—GREAT ADVANTAGES moßtnl t«Toon*wen of IntoUlgHwaandftila biiltj in the Telegraphic profusion. .ntlWnnm! be obtained Ji* applying at the T»'e iwpfc Offloe, TBKTH mu OHBSTJSfrK lt« WANTED A GRIST MILL TO RENT, a few acre# of land, near railroad, or WASTED—AN ACTIVE. UTTBLLI ■ " GES?T LA© will Ij* takes to learu tU« Dry Good* Commission Bnslnass. So aadsrr th-s first year. Ad cgftSiS£B&rMld6B,e - £&■&,*' WANTED, A PARTNER. WITH: TEN V „ THOUBA Rt> DOLLAKB CtPtTiL, in the whelf *ftl* liquor bnalneea. 014 eatebliahid eland. Refe wwtlmtM required. Add row “ Bo* «#»’• J*S7-!t* -- PluladeiptiiaFoot Offlw. WAHTED—-&Y AN ACTIVE TOUKO J *? “*• m>*4rtphl» trid®. a m-fsgftgeaeat in a CQiniaifßloii or JobbSag Boats as SeJetmau. aad othervfso to assist. Can <mamaitd the eoßsianment «f goods. Aaar&M * * a. »*' Pres# qfft'oe. "BITANTED—IN A LAWYER’S 1 OF- ? I0 i E ' «Jonni GENTLEMAN of Uteirltyvwlth * U£«al education, who will give bla servicsa thcon slderation of I»»lractloB and ample faellUteß for rtfcdy Address Box He. 310, Post OSlce, Sa hajidwriitna o**atp piieaat. etatin* mao Bad address, ju2s-Si* WASTED—A YOUNG MAN WANIS ' ’ a SITUATION as Salaimaa, in some established bnainess Has «»new ledge of iSohkseplng. Add res? “H. 8.," tbfeofflo.. jaW-Si* W,A NT E D—A SITUATION BY A _• T<nt»g Kan. either as Bookicaeper, Clerk, or CfttKflr, lit a KtrcaßiDa. Meou'aotarl&g, or Baekl&tf HitaM Iff e competes!, practical*, aad experienced Bookkeeper, and powocties cood btula«ssqaaiig»Uaae. Cpaoubted refereeces liken. No objection to!e«rlai theciiy. dditeeag “O. P. Q-.” Fregyeac». SiS^-ai* WANTED—IN A CONVEY ANGER’S * OMee, .aa Jatoßigeat, honest. and indratetou BOT, sot lefla_tier* fourteen yeaie of cge. Althaea ofltee-of The, la handwriting of tha ap plicant. ... • jaiief A A AEGE AN®- COMMO \ dloue BBBMpomihe jlret or second Beor, auita- We for a pabllcoffiee. ami situated between Market aad I*lo6, acd Se«md- aadmb. Apply at Hitfnr AG SH OT, No. TH'(B® Slrr.t. jais-tr FOR SAAR AND TO LET. LESAi; , Aft REASONABLE FSXOB& JOHN B. MYERS & 00., AUOTIONEEBS, sas ab» m eubhbc wiea z*ajm3-B! HPECUJE, HALBI 1,503 MTIEE PiCSdfie DOMESTIC GOOY>»<, OX WBOTMIiT, RB.I, me, At 10 o’clock, Mr. F. 2WL- KBAZOE will llhreagb «shis semi-annual aalaof DOMESTIG GOODS. Embracing thmiost desir Ahlsßranda, via.: 28'OieBKI TOBK AITDXPERETT COTTOSADES. I® « BLOB. OXFORD. BROW'S, AODOADST KBSTUCJE& JEANS. « '* LANCASTER AND TIVERTON MAI hi lffl AHBEOSCOQQjjr, LEWISTON, and EATS* CORSET JBABSB. M ~r ‘ ATKON AND FU&NITtIBE C3SOEC. » '* L AEGASTEIPANI>ROANOKBSINGH AMS. IDS “ J-g ABB 4-4 WIERIaMSFILLS, JHna- TOWN, B0?B, BLACKSTONE, RED BASK, and other desirable mAkea, m •■: WjIO-4, AND 11-4 BASH'D A 880. PST- F2BELL, LIPPITr, ANBtJNIOir sheet inGs, B “ 4.4 rnSOOTA. MPPSB3t.i. HBW MIB KST. LYMAN, JaMSS'BTKaV DTTIGHTS. WASHING ION.HfE®. SHEBP- ISOK M XU.ES 4-4PA*APBCO, HOW ETON, PORTSMOUTH, PARK. LANfiAHTinr HEAVI BROWN 40 ” BROWN'DRILLS. 45 TICKING® 86 CASES MADDER PBIBTA 200 BABBS BLUE ANIPSBOWTf BESIKS. 100 *« STRIPES.' Mr. REAAOE desires Ur call the particular 3£&ttU<m of the trade tc thia sale, zxoei de sirable makes of STAFMS COTTON GOOl>S, and will Ins tAC’krgdit odd 4ZMs>tt^i^roK' made id t&iesavairr. foods em all in ordsr'aad original packaged TEEMS CAS £L —Bills ks bo'Bstiled wftfcra fffraox ' from sale. Will te* epee, for etk taiaatfas with catalog®** one day previous to sale. jaSS ft ' AJ9CS£SIENI'E. MEW CHESTNUT ST. THBATba - *•” CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH ■"**'*- Tgrs fSATOKOAT );4FE*E*OO». TWENTY SIXTH fIEANbJMWLY BAtlNtt.-' GREAT DOUBLE MATINEE BILL “• trill commence with tho dread Bui-' - _ , ’uEAPTT AND THS BEAST.' - ~o with thesporkiiaa ButoHa. . YOUTH THAT BfVRR SAIT A WOMAU sdmi.aiea to th*’ Matlaee, 3D ceata so ail nana- - of the loose; OitUdwa, 25 cants. Door, open at commence at 2k o elocc. »* «a. e* A M J A® B B I®S S T. th?ArS?g , l! E laI 1 e o r . 1 0 a r^S ,^ iU S—- K 1 THI B rtTioNT COUNT PBIULT.. .... ....JUSIBS BRUTUS BOOrrt lo tonclgdewlth the Tatar Spectacle, 3 *W»m. _ 1 paXITT and THE BffAST _ EIBST ItIGHT OF feliHrwr. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. WALLlol^l^rf B BAKAIiC2ofth * BATSNro ra'- . EI HS 07 THE COM MO 28. “ Msdelaio, i lfft-n rfi.l. Ti if^~ So'emdnda with the Drama *f t™** - Wallace, the hero of Scotland. I>oorg QpBB at? P- M. Oajrtatnr’f[B& at 7% p. HL M^ e^aP« bw,s nbw arch-’ T 0 B WJflUiß\rf WPS^, w..v—. ’ THE BABBLE heart. ’ SoWEeind#wVttthecehl!ror«L»'Jj”'**' P _ , BOBhKT MAC AIRE. Robert u. m.h.w Jgrqn-e Strop bISST* OONOERT HALL. - ” BOS OHS WEEK OHLT, teStt” 11 - J “* *»• «“* ■«*» ■* • ABTEIfUS WARD ASTON'S THE JfOBMOKSt From EO6 Broadway. Now York. J. W. NILD2S ..,„„„lfuttmr , The public la respectfully Informed that ARTSSIU3 WARD AMONG THE MORSTON3 is precisely tho same entertainment which has reesailw achievedlynchjuqusJißedand briUlant snccesaMis SJ cltiei of New Tor* and Boston, ‘“““““'‘'ssseaiauw THE COLOSSAL PAINTINGS. IHnstiativa of ’ KOEMON HOKES AND MORMON PEOPLE, i.ritfbylßTEMUSWAßj; tad COttTO ™«“»Uyd.. Admisiiop 60 emits Beaerved, s.ata $L Doors o«« at7i commenceat8o'eloeb. SaturdayahanLoc/soeaK at l: commeßcefl at 2 o’clock. ' Office open from 9 nntU 4 o’cloch. j a ~7 4t TTANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY’S zz; bECOND COFCBET OF VHg B*A s * J >lf 1864 Ifttc Wmtakeplrn* on FRIDAY EVESIS®. F?b. 10 i«fat Taß HITSWAt FORD HAM.. when Trill Iw produced BOSSIJU’S grand oomtocftion. , . ._' . STABAT KATEB, assisted hyih* following artists: Jte- WozeßF, Sspraao, • fij gfe'w "V firk Mre. JOSEPH N 8 anmwPFF. roMnlto Mr. OEO sraiPSOH, reaor, ■, from Pew Turk. , '' K_ TAFf.OK. Basso, SFWW®"' 1111 “A th.aiw.uo. Ticket?, One Dollar. THE great national circus, ST-KEBT. ABOVE BIQHTR i}-"±-i a u hbosstp*. HS6ICI of t},e Gire)«.... ....Mr. PRASE WHITTAKER. ora - or »od declalasF. - *r. aid the celebrated RIVBBS EAHiET. hareS** SOPH r wsf It tig E *e B i oKl .f. B ? »AMILt; t: lenses’ MU Kl,lSS > tta and ameefol eqae*. MTmtu?H<!KS I ' I g. SFm T «An»*i> bogs op prop. -BUTCHIfIBOH. There am no* so Jew thaafliedratl ™% GR emat comltlDotioQ of the National - rs w rt T°‘n* w,t v Sa “ E&thrS; Entrtiioßou ’ J " H ‘ Mnrray * 186 Powell, and J. G~ BIILT BDTTOP roTitisßinffOßTiifSAirHTAniOE't - BBADfOBD, will be Hie aftorplac* . ABBOZsT'** * fc * * leat pSeeß ot th * BBISANDSOr ADitlBS?OF—First tier, K cants; second iler, SS crater private box, *Sand*«. as to aIM and loeaHonT Per' form&rce commences 7.®. everT w HDNBSDkT anaSATtJK BAY AFTgRA QOK. coaimejcliic at 2ii o'clock. IEAT T- " -*ATIKG( SB ATI SGI SKATING f ELEGaISTSITATTKG OS BOTH p K RHS —POITRTPF F OT F S v HWfWTHa *•Tills Pars Is aelti»owledisd to tiavs so* jftior Bcc£nnmodati«ns, superior faciiitl*?, atd tmv*. rior jd*sbs of access to a»y In hestdestfc* most expert Lad'* »fe&t?r« (a Pfc}l&rt«lphiK ere to iv> H**m lere «*lfe GfA9l> MUSICAL MiTrSßg THIS CS^ iSJ^FhfsTmF I ?s?°w *Se™!L* fflveaeirorx l&ff The Artificial Moon rises this eYoaiarat 7.30 &ad floods the Park with its lamln An 3 rays. gKATING BI MOONLIGHT, THIS EVENING, AT THE UNION PARKS. - FOURTH ASP DIAMOND. Ur RATIONAL SKATING PARK, ; Vweaty first and Columbia PBE-IMIMSTLY IHKLIMBS' PIRK. . DOUGLABB’ BRASS BABB EVERY EVENING. Admittane as watt, as nsnal, GK-ATJJSG.—COTILLIONS AND "X.TJ'ALTZ'S will b« DAWBD OB SKaTES. at tlia MUSICAL SKATING MATINEE, THIS AFTERNOO* stthe Pgluß SKATING PARK? wgaaorn. JJO! PORTHE “BASTWTCKPARK," A>»i(oH!eiita hare hum wade with the Baltimore Bait- - roadComrany to oonvey visitors to said Park during the Skating Seaton “ _ The following trains will Isare the depot. Broad and Prlme eueeta. dtdl fe foyho Park: n I°mSP. Sf ' The following train, will .top at the Park and convew mtse-Bffrs 'o shedepot: 10 30 A M , S.So P. M , S&. P. M. (Special Train), and-8 P M. ja%3t TYRTJNK ON COED WATER-CLTMbI. “A-. TNG a POLE (imadnaTy)—Fishing in Winter— Courting and Biasing—Singing aid Dancing—Stateg rnenand Baron, from civilian*. pri mated inutwranw- PdlCHt LOST. Br. B. BROWS. WILLIAMS, the humorous Lecturer and orlainal FW choloaiet. at AdSFMBLY BUILDINGS, THtlßdDArl FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Last three nights. ISK lively. Exhlbitlona of a mlfhlni and instructirs chare gctar, ataittrd.'hy his audience Two hours of harm lew mini Tick eta SO cents; aomittiog a lad y and gentla -10.0- Open at h to 7g entertainment at * to a. jaZP‘« : . ITASSIER’B _ TOCHBSTKA AND MILITARY BAND, Office. No, 31* South BlGESTTHetreel. ja» lnj*^ CIGNOB BLITZ. WILL SHORTLY hJ CLOSE, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Great demonstrations in NECROMANCY: SPIRITUAL. ISM JLIUBTRATKD, and the WONDERS OF VRflp TBILOQUIBM INTHOIIfICRt Grand Entertainment syerv E VRN7N CJ, com IB “I;cinar. at 7H o’clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY* AFTERNOONS, at & Comprising the mysteries of th*_ Put end Present Age. Admission, *5 osnU. Children. M cents. Reserved.. seats, 60 cents Ja» A SSEMBLYjSUILDING. A MjnNEB MUSICALS By the Philadelphia CLASSICAL. QUINTETTE CLUR. BYBKY WEDNESDAY? at 3 P. M Tickets at the Boor, Fifty CentsnocK deSl-amtnwtf. fJBBMAim OROHJ« BTRA.—PUBLIC* swrr aMTUIIDAY, at SK o elogr P. M-, at BUMCAJi FUNIVHAEL. Single Ticket.. Si costs Sin Michels. Ms to on had at Gnnld’s, Andre’s, end Meyer s Marie Storsii. and at the Hail. noS tf TTHB ACADEMY OP FINS ARTS. A CHESTNUT Street above Tenth l. OPEN DA £8 jar visitors. 'ram ft A tceP s jag. PBRBUNAJU PATENTS P-KOOUR*D —HNTTBI^. ■*- Mates axi European. ItWABO K WAfjfnj* qtroefc BOAttblNU. WANTBD—BOA RMNG IN a PR*. vata family, for a genttanan and wife. Boa euttal ie awn moastionsa liberal prion will be. paid. Address "M.C. A," Ja2A3l» -y-C, This OSes, PHOTOGRADB ALBUMS-THihSYs *- who dstlre him vilified at’ B F. BSIMEEV.a floo M OrtJDVMK of fiSdttt BtylAf tA »qU a}!(ao«m(«D pyic»a 084 k <*treet. . IJ* NOTICE 70 OIL Ci-WPANIKS.—AIR 1 rrvtßsnd DRlLtlaO TGuLdcao to had at IRON fhKNcYLFASIA Avenue (law iVliioar nlrecrii Gail. , wnd txsnilne thi to . . ' ra33-6t* DEPARTMENT FOB GUSTOHC WORff gwtt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers