THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA!, MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1865: npniv anielea. These little articles wore so neatly mad® ». w Il, "Uin 4^ t. fl rajA ft „ « irpftH «#» ™ i nw nf RftHimfl a VIIP lif Bf% . Ha mills, on Dog river, without transportation* TCTI miTarrtmnm? os to aßtonloh all beholders. The success that at- j«u» waftlllft * # C& 'l 0n a lreatli,e . on t&O ot nations, ft T ftl t lltf n R Their supplies are receivedby way of Dog river. W ILSIINuTUIW* - _ tended her praiseworthy and patrlotfo efforts was a a S v l ortr A p ra * H * S% A 2|J V' A #? rff work well suited to a statesman of his | lib W« Mill Owing to the conformation of the country their po- * . Washington, January 10. source-of joy to her when she had It in hor power to J*ba Waldron k*w tL r h te l Vv I fll r 91 I r 71 71 r-inmii 5 *•» „«1 iTa' olart Bition is unassailable. Our forceearein the proper * contribute to the benefit of the sick and wounded w O Bo.fcer. 6fafc?*« ** 7 H Wfi^.stX * !1J <v fIW iww w ♦ scholarship and experience. lie also - position to thwart any movement they may matte. WIIn nr ,___ MRS* LINCOLN 8 RECEPTION. soldiers, H F Olona, hew fork c HK applied himself with great enthusiasm to In a sblnnish the other day two orthree Yankees THE REBEL OFFICIAL REPORTS, Mrs Lincoln* first Saturday afterndbnrecso. the soldiers’ HOME. ■ the patriotic cause of purchasing Mount GREAT FRESHET IN /AMES EIVEB. - , A ptar, worn-out goMler, emaciated to such ads- f MS'SfiSt. MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1865. •Vernon, in order to preserve it as anational xmi “On jWaatlMt- TUe Defence of Fort Fisher and Battery ftttenae<l ‘ Wstimhd duty. ~ ■ ••—-—•••• ' memorial of Washington, and for that SOCCEB SBtri, WORK ON DUTCH GAP CANAL Now ri?Srf^t!iS”&a - Buchanan. After a long eonftaLmt to his nIMm, caused toe"g*" *j£s ‘ Edward Everett. purpose he made extensive tours through BWCC3SBBFuI> WORK ON DUTCH GAP CANAL. am, Assent Seoretary Edward Everett is dead. For nearly tbe States, delivering Ms eloquent oration veiopeu, tut UTE isvicis raox beavfobi. Seward baa resumed Ms duties at the State Do- 9«u The poor glow fe a Mg. Hehj» ireia, fifty years he has been the representative on the “ Father of Ms Country.” By these probable evacuation of Richmond. movement*” ~ partment. • “nab “iibyito wayaWeTaLi As‘£? h j»'^ C of the literary scholarship of America—the and other efforts he made immense contri-* Fort Plsher Rennrtud on tl,o Pnlnt «r RECOGNITION OF CONBOTS. finally a police officer oocduotwl him tothe Central Sh-KSmTSiSS?® t _ . _ X „ , ~ . ~ ~ » T , The Klohmond nisputc&hM the following; l>ori risner KepOrtea OB tUe rOlßt 01 n'he President has recoralzed Ebssst Nafolson station, where he was attended to aa the occasion w t “ J » a iF* CICBBO Of her oratory, the ChebtBBFIBMJ butions to the Mount Vernon Fund. Affairs in the Department of the filllf “ The fiestet In tteJamea river oommenoed fall- Surrendering When nnr Trnons . BTaeik Qodbaux as consul of France at New Or- rcqalred.Laft eventpghe was removed to the John Koblne, Canton, o p uJ'iKa Ir‘\ 1r ‘\ ■ of her statesmen A literary man, he was The imperishable tribute of Evkuem ‘ Surrendcrtngwhenour Troops " < ’ Feasz Atotot or o , k too patriotic to be satisfied with books; a to Washington is eclipsed by the grander Inches. Further than a small break in the canal. TTiuiurew. , the Dukedom of for the State oi for home v that soldier, who had sufr politician, too fond of tbe beautiful to lose demotion of his last years. I'ate gave him IMPORTANT ORDERS OF GEN. CANBY. fl^?° ad Bt S Tlfta jmnois. for the country, might have died m a ? heßar %%„ *, , „ . , „ .1. 6 . « , ofbulldiDgß in the lower-part of the city, wo have The Richmond papers of the 12th instant publish KAumrAmTAUfi roiCßnanto ry tots SENATE, police station-house. R"W McClevn. Conn. n.. Ms love of art in the earnestness of public nobler work than the restoration of Mount not heard or any eorious damages aoonilng there- the following offioialreporte; 1 homtnatigns co:nf:tbmbdbvt:hm o fThos. foolish mkh. | Paiß^V'^.i;, Strife. No Man more successfully united Yernon. He who so profoundly honored OESKBAL OKAKTS ARMY. r ““‘ stoppaok oh wathe ih riohmohd. kktort of the part taken ik thk dbfkkob bt. jSwssahMetts, 'tlTbo'wmsul of the Two young men created a disturbance, yesterday M«« Awrly* the graces and charms Of literature with the the founder of the Republic had suddenly apfaieb IK THE AKMT of THE JAMBS—a oreat “The hydrants throughout Richmond- stopped buohahah. United States at Tainbez, Fern; and also the fol- afternoon, on hoard'the feiry wS WWller Pmm' 0 Stem purposes of practical reforms. He imposed upon him no mean share in w T S?^fo n y s «lW b or^ l , s™, ireport™fu msKtat ™ to ’bo a ctln a volunteer naa- "f e vg., r made politics one of the fine arts. His the great duty of its preservation; and of^i 8 I adpahoe of the federal picket mhbs. fcS’^ t „°^i 1 „ e -o e i‘ e ?L had arr i' re< > tenants In the navy : Charles GK Arthur, Bira Leo- charge of the beauties™ theboat j Alf «d h Bparka, M f * ... ... , . ® ■ " of who Jsm6B, oftttu j ßi&uuTy 13th. s&ys thozo is 8» Yt < , . . _ _ ikao. They .dis&ppcftrcsd od tbo s&mo d&v nnd rfitnpnfid nn ..n«j Tahhaii Rh.ftrriil. Khun Hoyt, Charles a . Botf* ikniiinff &t lVTurkot street, &ud marohotl them to the ~ — V, d. < diplomacy JVBS like pamtmg or sculpture, Edwabd EvEBETT, Who had for SO many heavy in the James river, stopping .travel of last Tue S s 6 dav d advanced their Dlak5 D nn« the aad, and anchored about off Fort Flßh- telle,’ Aloo?,o W. Malden, Walter H. Garfield, Edw. Sisth-ward station house, where Htey were looked KWiardiaa Stn *** Union ‘ and 'even the barren business of office had years defended the South for the sake over the pontoons. . TC m Patterson, w. E. Dennison, w. u. up for disorderly conduct. , ■ musical expression in Ms voice. He rose of the Union, did not hesitate to Theßlotanond of January leth contains the subject, but fee news is Brooke guns' at Fort Fitter. 7 Ohnrohßl, W. P. Rogers, H. J. Sleeper, W. D. Ur- 1 1 ' . “hhSSi wifi'nS B| tn the Breat and lifted UD the little •to the otmose it with all his enerev when Showing: Department last n%ht was not very important If true. On iheMth, at ; 12 o'clock M., the fleet of the ran, Frederick John Grover," J. S. Frenoh, L. li. riTY ITEMS. J Stewart, New Tork f r t 1 to tnegreai, ana niieu up me ntue ,to me oppose it witn all ms energy _wnen without a single despatch from any quarter. The the dutch gap cahal. enemy got under way In line ahead (the Ironsides Baldwin WllUfim H. Laoham, Alvin Phllney, 1A * lixuais. E Copeland. Hew York Ijw" l *®.?; r’u -grand opportunity he was equal, and when the South threatened to destroy the Union, telegraph, owing to the heavy rains which have " oaere is a report that the expioaion heard on 2®'^ kt^ e y ?P ened ?? th 9 w. Baloh, Charles Da BO- ■ he spokeof the commonplace it was digni- He-was a conservative to the last. Per- prevanod, was £t in « order The wate f S SSs pI oVn, Oeorge fI ? to Jfw!?SJSL ftO SJS4 h T , U WBS jUdE f d the°mrt4 he Baure 1 ' I mv*ngßifco ,^ a ßSert Wm- eharaetefta the'anoLrpuppet showolPnnohand SPECUL ■ When he was elected to Congress, to 1854, anti-slavery men of the North, he unless It suddenly becomes cold and etops the thaw traces of the canal. It is Ilkely.that one or our 9° 6 MBt < at ha H. pa3t t 6 B she’won £d d D Voorheea, u. o-usta Vasale, Judy. “ Don’t make a clown of yourself 1” has re- when he retired from the Senate, Edwabd followed the lead of Wbbstbb ; certainly of the snows in the mo«ntams,H.e freshet may be thl EvBBBTT was an active leader m national Ms course, since the rebellion began, has expected to equal that of last spring,’! neighborhood of the submerged canal.” P when the fleet again went beyond the range of our Coop, Com. I*. Martlne, B. Dean, A. M. MeGttorta, whß the Bame token.Dont makoa Panta. gUver Band, iron and Braa rC ■ ANr ' H affairs,Still it is not by his labors in the justified, not only Ms love Of country, but , 8 At B half past two o-olook a number of heats were a********. Martin F«. man to be an act, “? Legislature and the Catnnet that he wIU be his love of freedom. Had he died in 1860, wwmwwi. toBo 8 TOla » teer Ueut * nant “ d pU ‘ ,t - meat at the Brown Stone Clothing HaU of RookhUl. lie. 83a (Wa longest remembered. He impresses US as we should not have known Edwabd BCbadquAetebs Ahmt of the Potomac, night, attended by a servant. Mr. Blair came Into pedoes. We opened fire on them fromone gun, DKBTBTJCTION OF GEORGIA SALT WORKS. & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above JBnth. ’ S - r ‘ a bom literary man, who became a states- Everett. His genius, Ms eloquence, _ Htmostnnlßt bUU roto J^ S'T/ ° r SMI, Weii,i “ ,^!^*“ U Cabprt " '■ man, not from the love of public life, we should indeed have known; but fron t of this army, and evenplokot firing to permtrto‘comrio o tho ; °o"ty, ll wS; : h W w“ n £ot fo pr<S Bom t k l ? 9 Fl«her United States bark BraslUau, on duty in St. Simon » t ro u», f w H but because the country asked Ms ser- the grandeur and usefulness Of his have been given up. cured All a late hour or the nlgnt. Slnoe hU arrl- and'iroro 4 advanelng yl on MWnK Sound, Ga., that boats of that vessel have made good authority for utattogthat 8 . '"^^THdiias vices, and immediate duty summoned patriotism we could not have fully B;lgadler General Williams, who has been assist- i^i ,ee L k rt eP h’tf ‘w lethtprcementß. Two-thirds ot the-men be- several excursions inland destroying salt works, f d " l^° n i tof 1 (EvghtTHny ive) market him from the study to the forum. Ame- appreciated. Here was a man who had ?f?, 8 ar ? r al ° oß ltB .°^ anl ~ | } ? . h my s er ?; * Pae # bo ' to &S B fort, under Jwei™ 1 ” ketttes* of bcco A lt la dreaded as the Great Scourge of HAra DykT BiTn"TwP~ = ' B lieadoes not permit her thinkers to deal had the enthusiastic admiration of the «rbyr fAt, bUeis o T f our race; andyet m « ■ With abstractions alone. Hawthorne and South for a quarter of a century; who had general of the armies operating against Richmond, ?.°?f hotel sault. We were at quarters nearly all Sunday Balt. The boats also liberated thirty negroes and monary Complaints may bereamiyoontrouelby The oelt tm ß and perfect Dts-.,! Emerson, she could not yoke to the tri- been the friendofher greatest’ men, and and will be located eT uity“Ut, with aonorai night, expecting an-aytack from the boats of the Ta^hrSes^S™ nmphant car of state ; but she nmde a great earned the enmity of a large party of the Jn tte aßrvlCo stanflg tlher ta tkß ta“js with the TfA'Ro Turtle river, on the creeks leading into Buffalo ehlal tubes, allaying inflammation, and cleansing tie origica! journalist Of Bryant, and Of Everett a North ; who, it was feared bythose Who esteem andthe affections of those who know Mm ckkfexecuUveoffloeraof the Government.' Wt&t Fisher. There was no firing on the forfc on the 28th Swamps. The enemy’s force In that portion of the them and the imogs of all impuriUes, Itlsacer- Sp rT !^ s ® Blß l lSBiMed a. rdim and rmhlp fttnt.PsmA-n Wa think qft unt Imnw him wnnld hfinomfi if not than does aeneml Williams s.tul hA thASA passed attbosetnterTlews we heeduot expect to or27th. On the 26th the forces ofthe enemy re-em* country consisted of a hundred Confederate BQldlsra tain remedy for Coughs and Colds, which, when *ajsliaAl sweet, flew Tors, pure ana nooie siatesmail. we XHIUK bO aia not snow mm, wuuia ut3W>me, 11 not tnan aoes general wmiams, and ne leaves these know until Mr. Blair retains to, the United States, harked, and on the nutht of the 28th the fleet dlsan* ..wawtwBwnn.nDuA.4tt left tn th«m«Aiuoc frArnientlv hrimr on Palmnnarv jnucli of Ms oratory , now honoring the me- theapologistoftheSouth in rebellion, the oC«i^Te^nem' o T squadron pATMEH / FOB passports—msTiurcnoNS oo»s, affd k ou™, Bronohttis ~u y .r E. McClain’s CAc TCa^,t ■ jnory of Washington, now defending the cold friend of the North. But m his old Buooe BSOr andwlU nrovoanefflolent ofßcm “Mr. Blair’s osteneiblabuslnoas taßto£nond-or Both of the guns SSmmandod Roby m rasanu taken in time, and the directions strlotly followed, ob. NIGHT, blooming cesfs-w nf 0,1. TTnimi that we fora-et how o<tp and with all thpsp reminisopnrps Un ’ml m . . j , rather Ms presumed business •hero, for thpro Is no- bunt. I send hfi report. TO consuls. It has maintained Its reputation as a curative for the only saottlne nxtrtct In it ? ' ■■ cause of the Union, na g W age, and With all toese emini c nces, Ed The2d Division ofthe ZdCorpswere reviewed thing ostensible about,him, or his hustness or move- Passed Mikshlpmen Osroy and Berrien were with Tie following circular to the oonaular officers of over a quarter of a century, and if those who are from one of the most hs.^nf-V-"/ 11 ' , much Of IvBBETT’S life was passed in the WARD Everett did not plead the plausible yesterday, by General Humphries, and presented a ments-is to asoertaln-whether anything can be -Lieut. Roby, and I understand the conduct of theae the United States, including the British paavlnoes, threatened with Lung diseases or anv ofthe svmo- the Castas tribe-also*, - ‘ v •"* hMdworking daties of .ho State, excuse that he had long since ended his ■•»»!■■&._—. ~ : S;tSS"jrf»S ffl!S S tSMSaSKSBA gKSBR »■»»■« »-■*»•■ _ SS ZSVSTS!. f,'.* = H Mr. EyEßßrs died hißostffl.,at]iaJf past pnMo ea.en, md retteat furlhei into tl. r™ W „n. W^SSSS. «, A. r»!ISSaSISaS!B«IrSS* four, in tbc morning Of yesterday. He was seclusion of literature. No; lie left it. been consolidated, owing to tlie thinness of their called upon to fiU up another draft. Lieutenants Armstrong and Dornin came'down as Consular officers in territories continuous wltb tbo N. B.—A. liberal discos; -; ye - V- -■ descended from one ofthe first settlers of Instantly he-said to the South, “ you are ranks. The new organization will be commanded . ;®MJhe-p^p^ttyM went > the united States on their northern and northeastern “Imvoxtakt” era.. “ New England, and was born at Dorchester, wumg to the North, “you are* right.” bB knora *“ ™ are he«by an™ to receive United. to those foemzno ‘ li -MaaaachnaMts in Anril IW4 His father wiaLt rosArirMinTi be threw hik wbnie s asol « s nh Pennsylvania Volunteers. to go before Ms people, with Blair’s aid to ■ Vtiy rospeotfully, &0., R. T. Chapman, States onrrenoy Inpayment for passports, so long as - Oil Companies. UKOROF. & C-o. 1 ; jHassaonuseUS, XU April, 1 (84. ms iatner, Without reservation be threw bis whole W, D. McGekgok. prove that the ‘rebels’ rrtll accept ot no terms of Lieutenant Commanding. the order of December ITth, iB6O, shall remain in A valuable Oil, Tract, in fee, la Ohio, oonslßtlng •••>>* Plasos, Oliteb Evebett, after learutag the trade weight against treason, against slavery. peace, and that nothing taXMt him but a vigorous Hag Officer R.T.Pihckhbt, Commanding IJaval foroe, bearing in mind that the law requires flvedol- omaeres, on which U<»u!toeHproauclng Nine b«v mabo nag<, q l - x of a carpenter, threw aside his tools, and at The sophistry that the Administration and AMU OT THB lUH. p *“M™»att wiifretSn to Grant’s linos on Satur- lars'as* fee for issuing a passport, which amount is rft of oil par day, A number of leases go with piano 2i A * ,s -. ’ B tbo o»p nf t-nrpTitv fintfirprl Harvard anvernment warp different things did day, if the freshet subsides sufficiently to enables. tt. „T ” ' payable into the United States Treasury; and, In a the above. FORTES Inst umeats hays bt«“,if r «rjj.^H the age of twenty three entered Harva , the Government were different things did. Bourn— flag-of-truoo toatjitow down the river, we have t HsiteOiaTxsß, wajorroToK, Deo. 3i, iMt. f orß ign country, a consular fee of one dollar luaddi- A bargain, if applied for this day, ™ hriir-o .and th», < 4ni Jj became a clergyman at thirty, retired from not deceive Mm; he saw the supreme truth te Pf ciai Correspondence of ThoPresai no news from'theSoqfh or Southwest.” ,ndi General, Head, tlon . The exchange regulation by Which consular E. A. Marshall, j*., ‘“pOTealSOTif "iir- 3 ' the ministry on account of ill-health at that the Hnion was in danger of destruction, Before Richmond, Jan. 13, lms. , ahotHeb view of the mrroH gap canal. . SmoHEn: For the information of the General agents were forbidden to give passports la hereby \ - 213 Walnut street. .FOBKBS. j. k oom*n. forty, and seven years afterwards was ap- and men and parties became at once insigni- *!"?* n ”* > . ?¥*. 1 -The Richmond Fasominer of January asth says: commanding I forward the report of Col. Lamb, rescinded for the period above-menUoned. If any Skating by MnonirnnT m p»tt ummi FORTM. BBTH,ra “ 4oßL *W.'fa THdwfififthfiNnrffilknmintvOmirt ficant We knowMm now We remember ft rm « done much for the Duteh Gap “Thegreat overflow ofthe James river continues, ocmmandlng Fort Fisher in the action of the 24tli person shall have been charged more than the legal ®.ial pointed Judge Ot tbe rtorioik County court ncant. we Know mm now. werememoer oanaL The explosion, on the Ist instant, which it and may do more for Butler’s canal than all his ex* aid 26th: . fees as thev are herein-mentioned the excess will „ BK| Thibtt.pibst and Walnut.—Bailey’s . ~ H .of Common Pleas, wMeh position heheld him not as an orator, not as the great scholar, was hoped would be sufficient to open the out to sue- plosions, and may wash it out clear, or may fill it nj On recelvtog the information at IF. M., on the w. refunded to him bv the consul to whom the sum BrMa Band afternoon andevenlng. OpennntUteu UVEKCOATS FROM ?14 TO >; .i ■ .. . * .nr* as von know Tailed tn ntalke upwith mud and sand. Until the water subsides 24th,that the fleet was moving in to take position, BO romnded to htm by the oonsul to whom the sum o’oiook to-night, A now surface of fine smooth ioe “ " , till his death, m 1802. tlie fneßd of OH6 Ad ministration, or the ene- uessiui BAvigattOQt as you know, iauea to realize can be known, even by tjiose on tluj spot. lat once ordered a steamer, and, reporting to th,B wss paidy and suck payment will bo reported to this !g on tke Dark. «« .« Mr. Everett commenced Ms education my ofanother, but as an American of Ameri- P^toln“hI a Eve, Ear, Catarrh overcoats feom *» ta *i. ..■ at the Dorchester and Boston public schools, cans, one ofthe representative patriots whose gratifying in their results, ff he dirt was not offiy grant’s abmt bailßoad. ; •• K then attended the academy at Exeter, New reputations are a part of the nation s fame, blown high in the air, but far upon the opposite bank d the. is the continual ac- twenty minntos past ten A. M, and continued, on application tn accordance with the passport re. treated by Dr. Ton Mosohslsker. Testimonials of - OVERCOATS FROM $u to vr„ HampsMre, entered Harvard College at the All that he-has done for the Union in the of the Janaes. Then came the protracted rain ofthe “?S^^af last stores to r uithnutatermlsßton or apparent slackening, with gulaUons, Wm.H.Sbwabd. the most graUfying resntts of his treatment of the “ " “.. -K h s. fefes^ffaltfeaasß:-'S^ as^v^?6*S, » „ „ s=fggar.agar!~~»— 0™™.,.™,,,:,, I teen, with the first honors. He then it is not easy to overestimate its value. He the low lands for mUes around. The current is going f inel eays , tlfe si clr - ’ BtreBt> wanamakei: * £ -,,V B studied divinity for two years at Cam- /never compromised with the enemies of the M“Td TubTe^tiy^nUo 0 WaTiTgtenato The geh of the world says, is se. coiner sixth m 4 map.-- I .'-" | bridge, acting also aa Latin tutor. Be- country, never faltered With Its friends; he' tke canal at the rapid spaed mykeepsnphis artillery, practice to Ohesterfleid at the cronor moment, asfollows: Soxodont. It renders the teeth pearly white, gives *jr Teung Hen’s Sniu and «W«t fore he was quite twenty years old he took his place proudly among the great puikhead whtehwasteft bythefau™ of theexpio- W ai S out mb. iiLAta. ho^2^Zl“a a m - I SS iHSu fSSttXSi,f?S2?ES£PXII Wheeler A Wilson’s lime,, h .J) SS3 T£Ss7wCfh“dl zz .lock-stitch t after he published'“A Defence of Chris- puhhe were a_ plea for the Union, and in the rapid passage of tho water, which sweeps through ’ SStoS WMfe 8 frtwSd offiSStSt '""f« O STv 1,,,MW , ta ’ , ?s V ' jrt#,awot BEWINO BACHIse-. I tianitv," being an elaborate reply to a hook Mndness to the suffering people Of the theentire width with great velocity. It is beUeved These are the current stories, and we hope they are or bombardment until Tuesday morntog, when cepted to his flight, by cavalry, at Dumfries, and Cheap Sheetings. K tbfin rppputiv written A foundation for a ««,«, ' . * that, with this aid ofthe elements, the canal Is sure not true. No good can come from snob a mission, ttev were reUeved by the supports of Mflor Gen. taken back to Richmond, aa was generally reported I purpose opening on THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST a;-.. : ■ Ot rlmSp\pfnv S to be a success. Indeed, there is no^doubt now.enter- snd some ovU may ho its result.” . ttetefl. *“ Washington on Friday. It Is probable he was ta Dat (Saturday Salesrooms, 70ft OBESnrUT Stmt, p M> | ' Greek professorsMp at Cambridge being *w» t.™—..- tatoed. as the ranid force of the water is sumosod the abbrst of hb. footb-mesbage feoh jeff 8 v «n! arrested immediately after he retired to disgust - Sevbbal Lots of Sheeungs, ' established in the same year, Mr. Evebett . .M-.t-j ',l j to he suffioientto accomplish what weeks of dredg- davis to thbbebkl house on the anuiECT give you an account in'dataii of all matters which from the rebel Senate, and alter he had declared he at prlceß lower than they are sold wholesale. . ■wan nffprpd the nosition thouffh not twen- lennessee has aDOllSiiecl Slavery, and iB „ aß d or perilous circumstances, could onlv have A question of privilege—the object of his leU under my own observation during the action would seek a refuge In some foreigncUme, where he Extra heavy 9-4 Sheeting, *I.IB. JVL^A.AAArfcL±uX3. ■ was onerea tne position, rnougn HOI MVOU Parson Bbowwlow Governor ofthe JLh* wraun»«w»b j emun emy. nave joubney. V ~ and the three succeeding days, which I beg yon wIU could enjoy the liberty of which he was deprived to “ «rm “ *1.25. FROST-BAILEV.-Ou the utb t n «. *.J ty-one years Old, With permission to visit Mectea uarson JSKOWNLOW Governor OI tne effected. . Washington Jan- 15 18C6—The Richmond cause to be forwarded for the information of the the Onnfederaev ‘ F bytapaa Church, by the Key. Dr. ; „ eataMtab bia hpnlth wbiph State, With special instructions to see that the Deserters are daily coming Into our lines, whose War Department. the Confederacy. _ leased WUHamsvUleMnslta, 60 oenta. Frost to Ma*gie, daughter of Samuel BiUi;-. Europe to re-establish Ms health, Which w„ loyalty Is no doubt quickened by the ohffltogwea- January 14th, publishes the fottowtag: As soot as other business wlllpermlt a report in K appears from a conversation with Mrs. Foote Ibale Ballardvale Flannel, 60 cents. 1 «fr. * ' K hadbecome impaired. He accepted the offer. Slaves are ireea ana me guerillas snot, we ther we are now experlenotog. Last night seven ■ The following communication was received tn detail ofthe construction of the works, capacity of that ehe had a passport to leave the confederacy, Very heavy 4 4 Shaker Flannel, *i.os. ■•* H Coisir now tn lllirnw ho snpTit mnre say that these thißgs arc done, for there is oameftom Battery Slmes, immediately In ftont of hS’ rosistanoe, effect of Are, movements of the enemy, and started frdm Riohmond three weeks ago. Sena- John Bubns, UIEID„ Bf than vears at Gottineen University n 0 doubt that the people will ratify the ac- Jhese headquarters, who were obliged to oome secretary, Colonel B. M; Harrison: : and frawmSed tor’thß toformation of the la«toeer FohTB accompanied her, hut without such au- 247 South Eleventh street, ‘’IS" 1 ' Uirr than two years at Gottingen Umversity ofthe Convention at IMshviUe through a considerable depth of water, toed upon “ Executive Depabthbnt, Jan. 13,1865. Department. •■ 1 on 0 ' n K mwr tooilty, for the purpose of seeing her safe over the jal4-3t- _l_ above Spruce. daughter of John and Mary Gibson, K , m Studying phtiology and the. German modes aU the time by the Johnnies. They expressed great “To the Howe of Representative, as. A.: In this it only to express my grate- Fotonao. In the meantime an order was Issued to the St. Lawrence Hotel continues open, as Jtteniale revives and friend, of ft, fama, Of instruction, passed the Winter of 1817-18 How shall we weleopie Tennessee into tne joy at the suooesß which attended Uielr escape, and “ just received the accompanylDg report [va^l'.^and^ts^MomcHshYd^nommander 111 ° f the P royoßt at Frederloksburg, bySecre* teret ofore, for the entertainment or gueste, who Srette T^ta’*Ktfrr th ? at Paris, visiting London, Cambridge, and of States that are not only averted that thousands to the rebel army would de- ‘ » B SSS2M?iJ2wS““«tats of JSSSttSSj “to' furtZ w)1! »«««“«thesuperior eomSts aid ah s +-u a {Vviirvrxr;™ onwivtsv *t*a oivvrtvndw loyal but free? Yictories sucb as tins are sort if they were not afraid to make the attempt, from the State of Tennessee has brim arrested by praise, not for this action only, but for his whole accordingly tracked to Uuimnes, and there cap* tentfon for which this House has always been distfn* —a* *«..»> , 4 , ... “■ Oxford the following spnng and summer. ,J . . F . “ ““J These deserters report that tho chiefs at Riohmond, in en- JoureeatFortFisher.ofwMchtMs action and Its tured, and taken back to Riohmond. onso has always Demuman- the ,r a, m s| The winter of 1818 he travelled and Studied tne Diooaiess rewards OI me war ltsimpe Pellevtog that, another attack Is to be made upon deayorlng to paSB our lines on his way to'the ene- reecltisbutthe frult.HlBTei»rt of the gallantry _ „ j - ,■ - , „ . The relatives ud Mends oftte familiars rapMfdl GminiFnf 1,10 nshable crowns and laurels. Patriotism in wiimincton have E»nt tn dnr«ioe 1-.™ my’Bconntry. . of individuals I tolly oonflrm from my own observa- Raileoad Change.—Residents of Wilmington, Geobge Steok fc Co.’s Pianos, and Mason* invited to Attend her funeral, from tbeniidtt?,:!® in Italy, and m the spring Of 1819 made a Wlimlngton, have sent to lM dofwioe largo rein- arrest may Involve a question of prlvl- tion. and persons traveUtog between that city and PhUa- Hamlin’s Cabinet Organs, for sale onlv bv T E tots Michael Ssger. No 934 Arch stnat. oi tour of Greece. , the redeemed States rests upon the sure ba- 00118 H So,ltb r the maltStoyou /n order that\uch Iwish tumenttondeipLa, are tiformodfby the advertlsfment to an- .Gould, streete. noiatf MKW ,ts ’“ 0 '* Is Returning home the same year, he com- sw of freedom. A slave State cannot be e" ol |^ r^ Mthorito^l*havo «wr ““ “ J jSmM°DiS“ rtSSirt BStoiiol* other column, that an additional train,leaving Wil- —*,- • , J rnifincfid tlifi HuHpb nf Mb DTnffißHni-allin nlan safe from the temptation of treason. leiivnofl tbAf bdo w>r„=o?L mm P P „ . of the light artillery, as very active aadoffioiont. mtagtoh at 6.46 A. M. and FMiadelphia at 2P. M., Eve, Eab,and Catabbh, successfully treated FTorrall, sou of Wm. W. ssd Mari • a P’ m■ m -Vlrvinta to reinforee the rahei armv in *b« <3nn»b “ WAR Depabtment, C. S. A., To Cm,’Knslll.of my staff, we owe many thante; has been placed upon the road, commencing to-day, LyJ. Isaacs, SAD., Oentot and Aurist, 511 rtnost. MILLAR — On the lath last, Mis. Alisa MUlsr, iatiß preparing and publlsMng a translation of As Mr Btatr fintPTs 'RiVbmrmil Mr Yirglnla to reinforce the rebel army ta the South. » Richmond, lW 13,1885. To his skilful judgment and great experience the the 16th Instant. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge Tor examination. 97th year of her age. ■ UnHmcT,'. n.„„v r'-om-mo- DLAXB enters Iticnmona, Mr. m, division Is composed mainly of troops from “To thePreiident of the Confederate States: defenoe, of-the sand front was committed at the the rain instant, _ Therelativssaudfrfends of the famliTmkriMtß Buttman s Greek Grammar and a Greek Foote tries to leave it. The object of each this State. It is generally beUeved to military eir- “ Sie': i have tho / honor to submit for your in- critical moment of assault. .Of Rielly, with w. ™™m M tAita/idi Eastwick Paek.— One mile of Ice now in good thefuMtal.fromthereeideoreof teditjtoß ?* ad s^. He ,. ah( l b ! £:ame J d ' tO I. 9f ...^ 0 gehtleman is peace. Between the peace cie. that will be eyaouated before £“ Si skaters. , North American which thereupoa movements in the South and North, and s P r!c^lE^ intelligence of a truatwortby oha- Fredericksburg. No fpecial instructions bad been ?A av n e f t ?i n 6 Bureau,” of Jan. 12,’ the time for reooiving pro- - : g George Sharswcod. in tbo 79iii year of her a??' ' | = r uM„«x»M«d re .w lr . la »„ SMlc o( oti„ SSSSST”*'”" 1 ' iSf ~*T“" “« IEEITII.S AT THE HOTELS. aS'fttWfftfefSSsi ISSOicsne aSne .pramsa otha, alo. „ aßm ,„ iae „ Mll „„M„ S cru*. "SSTd™.. .r .» «h ' ,!I^ g“<»a!SSaSi“S »»“•?«. . SaVffiSS.*»KSKRSSSISS| quence m a sermon delivered mtbe Oapitol ed out with surprising rapidity. Itisevi- Corps, commanded by General G. Draper, has “Fbbdbbioksbubg, Jan. 12,1505. gallant beorißg and active labors of Major Saun- Unbllc UntcrtatmnnDtß. - Tne Continental. _ lo the ovontavoftlw in tat Hetfi sB St Washington. These matters, however, dent that the people Of the South and ” OTlTe fll ar Keaooesstons of strength. The foUow- "To the Hon. Secretary of War: new CHEBTNHT-BTBEE T THEATBE.-Th6 Warren g a ßV ri 0 f °fl r . NflwToA Jlr^PoitSSi'a 8 • ti>n» Storj.rcltat of tha late Juim Story, of Nswimß he did not allow to interfere with Ms duties North are drawing together longing to to | 8 W B^ o fSßn^ ra ? e m ! . . *‘l have arrested the Hon. Henry S. Foote at 0000- f present my icknowledgment/to 1 FlagOfficar ®m»fiius.tton quartette—consisting of Mr. William Ge® » BaUtoioro Bobtß C'ouoh,:iriOTdl,’£d thow of ths famHy.Mo iinetß at Pnmhririo'fi Hfi'thfiTP delivered a ermrap ° ’ ° f 2MU. S. C. T.,Act- qnan. on his way to Washington fortihe purpose of Ftockney, Confederate States Mavy, who wasipre- Warren, Miss ffiestayer, Miss Josephino Orton, and TC , v t f?iCe? Msf De Laoo meet tho funeral, at Woodland CtsmAMy..)* at Cambridge, uetnere delivered a course unite, and are only separated by Jeff 1 wif fi™? ™ttb e b. negotiating a peace, as he avows. Full partloulara atnt during theWtlon, for the welcome and effioient Mr. Charles Barton—have had a very successful HL BoHmanlfiiirturr JM Clarkins Ne w Tort the 19th inet, at 1 o’clock F. M., wifeai foitefl Of lectures on the literary history Of Davtr arid his m'miea Mr PYiotr’b spopb Attlng Aseiatantlnepoctor General ' ■ through Major Carrington by mall. vHave pareled. aid sent to Colonel Lamb j the detachment under forlnlaht here, notwithstanding thePocasional bad T W Wadsworth * la. 111 Mr* Era Harrison, Phila M S% r ™ „ rt,.v*h ,rZM etw Bbnvte; to. L/AVIS and nis aimies. Mr. FOOTE 8 seces- Vole .Commissary W™ to await instructions. Please tostruot me what Lfeutenaat Roby, which manned the two Brooke taSi k oneTrths OHHendtreoa Aw/. IU Thos AHarrleon, Aiila alJ b “K.frwn®Ebfe' U Greece and other shorter courses. HIS Slori f rom tbe rebels, and Ms attempt to ofßuMetenoe. - rT - disposition to makt) of him. guns, and the company of marines, under Captain Heathsr. warxenrinparaocuar, is oneorthe w ALosan, Pitt, burs Missß Harrison, Phila 5 J ronnertion with the JJeatdto continued for - ,„ T , . . ’ , O. C. Prichard, First Lieutenant and R. (J. M., 38th ' “H. 3. Doggbtt, Van Benthny sen, wMch retoforcßd the garrison, best comedians on our Stage. This evening, Mr. H H Bogers. Oil City • Goo W Tyson, Femm r^rsMcttall?touted to fnmtii^ connection witn tne jsevma continued tor reach Washington, are revelations. He has tr. s. c t., a. a’ q m „ .a' - “Commanding Post” Lieutenant chapman, Confederate statJ Navy! Juntos Brutus Booth.third son Of tftcßooth, webo- LY a s SI“S”j b V,S°-S.v de^jhSbiTi,^ four years. committed the unpardonable sin— despaired a S d C c H kSS ' Flr,,t Lient * B *® t 38111 h- s - *!• T -» On moaon of Mr. Clark, of Missouri, the matter oommanding Battery Buohanan, by hts skilful gun- lleve, will appear before a Philadelphia audlonoe, T W ® cloek. on Second day ttorMnK, witfes; f nn'-« In 1822 ho married Charlotte, a daugh- of the rebellion, and sought to submit to D » a b-' Way, First Lieutenant 6th u.s: 0. T„ A. A. to i“fttaSrwiinam Tunty on the unless efM^ht^ toTwSMted forthefiretttmo andwlUplaytho oharaoter of the ML.LABCatt.. t NV V™ a mpso“a t HfißtL PETEB BKOOKS ’ aleading man ° f the ' Dnion - Such things are not straws HOStqn. that Show how the wind blows; when Wm.H. Bock, Second Lieutenant sethU. 8. 0. T., A. twenty-four from Alexandria. y trying circumstances, (ltd good work. three sons—Edwin, John Wilkes, and Juntos Brutus ’mS'',! 01 * funerslqn Monday, tho lethinst., at2ocl«k fraSß The first'of Mr Everett’s orations fierce rebels,.like Foote, submit, 'we see D ' a ' THF TFVIVFS FF IflWEiMTHffl .. . . •which exoited general attention was that trees uprooted*by the tempest. s®w Orleans. 1 *ES 1 . oers andmen. ‘' ' M *f- I)Bl ® w ’ s Abcb-stbeNt Thsatbe—miss jtltaan.’ sSdngfioidfiii 8 w interamt i at F Tork’¥o»nByiwdafm <i wsdisJ Which he delivered at Cambridge before the imfobtant obdebs of gbnbbal canbyoonoben- -TB e *r ?SsaSs have not ah been tarnished to me, OareHnt) BJflhtags hagPW playing here, with even JHDowntng, Oil city MrsJ ST Brhm«S2ct .Wash tbiiftbiMt ratioltt ■PLlTloto TTormn fineietv in 1804. T imv IN POllseouenpe of the illnfißS of WtrLTAtw INS trade WITH INSUBGBNT DIBTBIOTS-A sue- ■ . ; . ■ •• but Lleutenanta 1 Rdby, Dornto, Armstrong, and more than her fisßdi ,-rfißHlana"aud abUlty, English StSSLSPi”?’ ® ew Torß GILBEBT.-On the I4th tost., Hr. SamodGilteaß Phi-Beta-Kappa Society, m 1824. Lafat- Jh consequence oi.tne mnessoi william: CBBBSCI . BXPBDITIOir . Slavery Declared Forever Abblished Benien attracted speeiai attention throughout. shehashaen filttSnvlfwr cm“« ttiesistyeaiorwsage. ■ BTTE was among Ms auditors, and the Lloyd Garrison, the lecture before the oaieo, Jan.u.-The steamer Marble city, from ' Ihroughout the State. report’d pfwn y Mr Peter T ” rk ng La?imire^ t L Lou s is close Of his address eloquently alluded to Social, Civilj and Statistical Association Of New Orleans on tbo 7fcb tost., arrived bore to-day. i v • the bnrsiiDgpfhls gun to' repel tbe threatened as- togs, who, veteran though he he, performs with iioVace A VHOTrard'jPlHshttrx « B^B e c uSfy “auSd h£faSrai“4*fe'« that great Mend of America. This dis- Colored People, of Pennsylvania, x at The steamship Greolo left jNow Orleans for New u ' i u actively assisted Colonel Tansil on the marked ability and spirit. Tho opera of “"The En- 7™*- gwaoe vf JUs spn* Charles course rendered Mr. Everett celebrated, Concert Hall tMs evening, will be delivered. **•.'!» THE ord.nance repealed and before ail we should ie grateful, chantross” wiU bo givon this euSug-Miss Rich and fixed Ms reputation as an orator. He by George Thomson, the distinguished mails were, fimnsferred to the Morning Star, which Browniow rnnuliously nominated os flovernor filter whichandb’/whtehalfgnai dihrerencfhM ‘CDMerOe a^B^^Reedtag was elected to Congress in 1834,- by the Kughsh orator, ms substitution wifi not wouldleavelFtho evening of tho 7th tost. _"IZ . ** beeD aoMeTe # General ' Fata,” founded on voters of Middlesex, without anv so- disappoint the public, if Mr. Garrison’s -General Oanbyhad issued an order directing the _ _ w. it. u. whiting, Major General. Arden,” which, by the way, is not dramatiota its J T Greene, Washington CF«id. Cincls' at i_„ ~ tally invited t, attend the funeni on Mos4»t>®"B Tti,. a in «,= ta naval commanders to seize all the private boats Cincinnati, Jan.l4.-Tha Commercial of this city alvices from ebaufOßt-bepobts of rebel "J way, is nos oramanom its p a S-vler fc la, Ongoa w M Gamble. BeC kst. at 2 o’clock P.M. ■ licitation on Ms part, and held MS seat lecture IS only postponed, as IS no doubt found’landing or emraetair In unlawful trade with has recelvedthe following despatch- ' dbsbbtebs about the attack on fobt fishbb. ' * T _ , Bite Clara Wolfe, NY C Aeltmas, Canton, V _ Camajes will be at the denotto meat tha trciriH for ten years. During all time he the ease. Mr. Thompson’s subject is not the enemy at points not undm military supervision. Nashville, Jan. IS—The Constitutional Con Baltujo&E,—Tho American’s Beaufort, lack and Edward L H Davenport with Mtss' ® HGarley, Newlork” W H Lawson,’New York IS 6SIBCOM.— KUIeJ at his gnn.'in action. pn ’Bri J was on the Committee on Foreign Affairs, announced, but the theme and the treat- The order of General Oanby also states that no vention has unanimonsly passed a resolution deola North Carolina, eorrespondence, under date of Janu- Eytnge, have drawn‘good houses here during the ' 0 He strongly opposed President Jackson’s ®ent are sure to be equally worthy of a order will be given for the transportation of-pro- aavery tarever abolished- and prohibited ary eth, says: , past week, and remain a few evenings more. This 9 & T A r ®*"’GS?wm, fl'emwsanditeeyß.fl*® l V , 7,r T rrrpct-oniHfinfifi duets to tasurreotionary districts, exoept to and throughout the State, Nine deserters same off from Fort Fisher a evening a romantio drama, produced by Mr. Da- j (Tonnd j j this dw; to awn orT^sjikb, J Indianpohcy, the removal of tiie Indians 8 from places within the lines of actual oooupationof Also, a resolution prohibiting the Legfstaturefrom 'wookatoe’ 1 ' venport in London, and, ta this country, only at ASmiih.i’itaßviiie MigsL J Jackjon.Paniia th™MmnbL'* ofiionteomenr fioim. Without their consent, from lands guaran- I ' our forces , recogntstogttorißht of property to m™, and for- on ?be|S’of toe 25thfwh« Burton’s Theatre, New York, wIU be produced. It g N^Ymk teed by treaty,” and delivered a speech OH "»AI Hvr UOili EOWARD ETERETT# All products found movtog in Violation of this bidding It from requiring compensation to bp made they were surprised to learn that the troops were Is entitled “The Witch-Wife, a Tale of Malklor B Wilson, Wept Virginia Mrs Wheeler, New York w B I YrtdS«r d lsS tt 7n7 B ra]i‘**whlll street* In this cisf.sß the tariff Question “to WMeh no answer : 1 law wIU be Belted and turned over to tho purchasing to owners ; abrogatttg the deolaration of State to |> e i n B T A*U®P r «'!s* Tower,” and Is founded on too history of Matthew g P wo f B s Vd« ton Ty o A“tadSS e n s’a’ H T Mor,a2?r istt ta«ta D t,S2''o 'sl?* F M. , witi-n: ■ » .gents of toe district where found; dependence axweU as the military leagno made to ’po^ta’wppffiito H «Pkh>s, the noted English witch-flndor. Mr. Ci^Hallowelf A -Baltimore and New York WHS ever.attempted. He also served in fend den Of tlie E’veil’fc- Persons owning or controlling the products of toe IWI wlto the Confederate btate., and *ll laws and provisions All Is quiet to £o fleet, with no todl- Wallaok will represent Hopkim, Miss Eytlnge Is to ir™v ' - U-.VT-I the most important select .committees, and - * insurrectionary districts are permitted to come pursuance or them, cation of any early movement.” appear as Cecil Howard, and Mr. Davenport wllh HQSindereon. New York WmHw“t“llfelftPa his last acts in Congress were the prepara- Offlrlal Auuonnrfinifint hv w, Snwo.d within our lines for toe purpose of disposing of ””^* pp ° 1 ° tcd bythe Aottag Governor fustato toe part ol Marchmont Weidtiam, his original #*&%“•Pa ra*are°?ueeted tamdtlt .Theircew g§| flncnftbemfcnritv r.nei.t ™ fh» Vrcnct WIUCIBI ARnOUßCefflent by MP. Scwapfl. their products under an aot of Oongrese, and a pass sh®® his acoestlon to offlee are confirmed. The pro- SOUTH AMERICA. , character to London. A dramatization of “ Enoch S-“ 8 Hail"^v«Mn?P?’ P S B nut street, o» Monday afternoon, ifi.r |gß bon ofthe minority’report on the French is granted Insuring toctr protection, uniessfor- positions aro to he submitted to toe people for rati- dbstbuction of a whole town by fire-no wt- Arden ”Is underlined here, ta whloh the three stars Rrte Gen 8 SSr sADr ah JacSom donn sEßhu* otorwom E«mrtoe« | controversy, in 1884-5, and a speech-on Boston, Jan u -Edward Everatt died thi« felted by had talth or misconduct while within too floatlonon February 22d, and on March «th tho eieo- toetant news fbom the inteeiob states- w)l] perform. - BwTft5 r &vS 1 ‘ SffiSSf’ w^lta jaILR CHARLES TIEf, 1 1 the subject. ’ morning at four ,,„ , , f „ «ontotobe held for Governor and members of toe the In 1835 he was elected Governor of Mas- street, of apoplexy. His age was seventy years and feAJffrST hundred delegates nartiolnatea to Naw YoaK.Jan. 14 -By toe steamer’ Ocean and Lee Powell wiU make their first appearance at jMMooriSd, New York WeOMyßeportortatemena. 1 knohnsetts and ocranifid tbp nnnitinn fnr about nine montoß. . Orleans at *l.lO for mlddltag. Sugar and molasses ~™ e partlolpatea to «»w yobk, jan.ta. oy cuei sreaiMr ucean the Circus this evening. The company of acrobats, W Alien, New York * Lt Col Middleton, ff B A Health Offiox, JannsuH.® 1 Baciiußeuh, ana occupiea me posiUOtt ior iw** •pwevaft b^mb . a j ».«- *.«.• ,u . _ are film. tn© final vote. Tbe greatest harmony prevailed Queen we have Panama dates of January 5. ««»Yt»4ooka o«8 a n nMbiaAit nrm oico o fin ßo .inn,oi. E Brown & 8 Masgreav. Ohio n**fh» *n>*r ■u>*o** m **>+* *-h„ nn*,nf phtiadeiy^m four years. During Ms administration Six hundred of toe rebel prisoners captured by .throughout toe proceedings. Parson Brownlow is The town of Esmoraldas, ta Ecuador, was newly ®Ltpleres Profit his J a faiiTex taeton 1 H T A°& January sth to liberal aid was given to the Western Rail- General Grtereon have armed at Memphis. too nnenimous choice otthe o9 nv.ntion for toe next °n toe 9th of December. The loss. |||Jf f|» “V. ,d U-J road, the Board Of Education established, P” B ™ 4 *” “ ur ‘ ln r f of “ en< ; e *° a olalm for Fo^st^' *3%TZr^ SOn W “ ° tt “ rm *° StowNLOw unanimously nominated as go- Advices from Bogota to November 30th have been h PB ° Pl9 ’ b ' H W Webb Balttoore D P. °*™“ o,l,sU “- |1 of asi® Ujk credit sustained during the financial revul- ° l ! a ! le ? to !! n .* r . t ? l9 ' The oxnedition sent from nans Gtrentimn to vbrnob of tbnnbsseb-his sfbecb of accept- received, but oontain no nows. In tact, there is no !?!?„. * c»pt jlh Winch«ter, NY it»j£-wpi££s?u%* V 3o • SionoflBB7, scientific surveys made of the to“coMSSotion ofadam^^tto^taw!' On' Arkansas, a feWdaystooe, un- ance. . news of any Unportanoe trom any ofthe States to ' ?~F CarS* , Vi^S! Bl,d CJ Palc/v Vuifl A Abecesß 111 I (Fever, ! ! -I State and the Criminal-law Commission Tueadav ho became aflent.,l tuitL nnita a der Lteutendnt Ralntj killed nineteen guerillas, Nashville, Jan. 14.—The Union Convention, to toetaterlor. hor name was a tower of strength M Arnold, New York J B Alexander. St Louis Asphyxia... 1 nLeneratim I Dtaxe, ana tne tanminai-iaw commission Tuesday he became %ffeetedwlto qu to a severe sn a captured a number of prisoners,together with Its session to-day, nominated W. G. Brownlow for Everybodyaeems satisfied with the administration >?*■»»?» » tower of strength. 4 a I appomted. In. 1839 Judge Morton, the «old, but neither his mends nor himself deemed l; P™ P™®“«™.™W>tnerwim Q(pp,tnGi by of Murillo. - Vestvali-Luhd Thbatee.— Those who have a - The Girard. 1 * aw£S£ I Democratic candidate for Governor, was , • . . „ . , . „ “ — : , -m A delegate aeked If he would accept toenomlna- A letter from Valparaiso on Dec, 14to says the reßsb for Gorman Opera can be supplied with a j Horan. Chicago AM’Stoner ”of the Breast l |:■ ?^ d in 0V “ £ by a r j BEBEL EWB ‘ Of me, VOt of more than one hundred “I ! r n ei ?®!“ , Abo a Qt . 3 1 °’ olooK ln to _® , , . Gentlemen : I settle the controversy by my an have informed their President that they cannot Signor Blitz.— TMs wonder-worker, whose name J® BHufty.USA !, Eto - 4 j,™ 8 e l! } «• h»?l I thousand. k ß* ^r B n fßrB A b |f r °?'f ’ a h d Brown’s Beal Course inthe'Disbanding Of the swertog you that- 1 will aoeept. [Applause] I cope with too (Spaniards. # Is now a household word inlalmost every family to I^tfcTffi^7usi A AAr T nofdAtaNewYork e 'l, .! “ Pietua..--"- ‘I Mr. Everett, with his family, went to w „ a i armad hearing GeoMa Militia -cannot be expected to do anything more, and oer- A letter dated at Oallao, December 28th, states this city, w«l have a variety of effective and start- BGraiilsi;, Paris JTComegys, Britlmore ” sTSEowbU ■ Eurooe in 1840, and after a summer in Pa- LT “ S ™ UeOipa Mliltlfl. ] loughtto do no loss toan, tender to you asa thattoe Spanish fleet had been reinforced by three. Itog feats of necr Lancy, at his performances, (this MsMS* 1 § ?&»2sv » 1 » I . ' T . a... convention, my ttacere and unfeigned thanks for ships of war. ’ * week, to Assembly Buildings,) with comicalities of Hsn C Rogers, R«w JersfY Mrs Howard, Httstar* taSitSm - I ris spent y o raice. In 1841 he F- f 1 . , P F £— ANTI-PEACE RBiOHFTIOIiS Ilf IHB REBEL COK6KBBS the honor and distinotionjyou have conferred on me. Tho Panama Star and Herald says It learns that ventriloquism, and his astonishingly well-trained Geo P B r waiSr t> Bew York mptheria”? 7I iatsmceraaco- • -■ was appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to J&'T&JFwS, uauimitaWJMttWß, x ■«, not Bpeak to , but) what z an restrictions tatog removed by the Japanese birds. S«3^rl ork {*j i*gS»“ w . I the Court Of St. James, and was retained “f will lack to toe peorteshonld-ratlfy too treaty, large quantities of silk-accumulated at B?bS’lr,ta ! J &«f«“ I in that post for about five , Rein&rcementsfrom Lee Sent to South Carolina. send? npViS I Standing the fact that, the office of Secretary D ® fs * Shortly after noon toe chmreh bells of the - glslaturo to reorganize the militia and reorganise onthe Improved prospects or business. (fob ADnRrroNAL city NEWe bee foubth pagb.j jD?on6 a T itarMt llttt< * y JasW MixwoYi S KU;tar, mh *• °Heart s obstruction Bow* 5 .1 Of State at WasMngton was held by four dif- ®tiy and snbnrbs were tolled. Mr. Ermett s funeral T - t. ATRxTVJ!t C XT M O IVII other necessary business,! will put an ondfothls ♦— : —; j»s f Campbell,Fenna Cspt Crrwß etrUiu tr s' a , “ p?i B rui» ' I fprAut. atntpsmori -within that rvßrfnfl Tin will take place at noon on Thursday next, to too First DLAIK XIN Hit: ii MOND ’ infernal system of guerilla fighting in toe State-ln THE ATLANTIC CABLE. SHOCKING CASE OF HOMICIDE- Jao girmson. Newcastle Wl> MiUiken, StLonia „ S 4 ? j{ e ,“aiHi= , I ferent Statesmen Within toat penod. Dn- Ohureh, Rev. Rntas, Bills pastor. It is presumed East, Middle, and West. Telnessee-ir we have to rapid feggbess of its manufaotubb-the a most bruSl ffomlclto taomedontaardtoe fl®!!g*gSMLta ESST-' > ■ nng Ms ambassadorship Mr. Everett re- the State and city authorities will take part to too Ex . S enator Foote Imprisoned by toe Rebels, shoot every man concerned. [Loud and long-eon- j operation OF LAYING it to in 1 United Stat ss transport steamship Bermuda yostcr- 1 Mrs S E Melt hose. BrookTiThoß Chester J ■ ........ jJ I ■ -pAr K, B oeiyed from the University Of Dublin and Obsequies of tols great and good eltlren. . pso™ oy me iteneis. Un|lea applangß#] ; 8 jui™. , / day aftmnoon. The raots of toe case, as developed w. DriS.":: ".V.":: 1 sS?bom | Cambridge the degree of LL D . and that announcement of the death of ed- OoflventtonaremgigedtonomtoaUnga Le- . New York, Jan. m-A tetter fromGtargeSa. as Ta 1 Ew Yoto™ 1 * 00 iff ? rf<mo»Bmta... I|l nTmLE WARD evebett. HIS CRIME DESPAIR OP Ttfi REBELLION, glslaturo to-night. ward, Esq., secretary and general superintendent Sta^*dWd P h™“ b SrISSy BI c i^SS'^SSS? #,k S w F ¥ > £,i& e V C FL*» r •* 1 1 l!b”su. * I Of D. C. L. from Oxford. Washington, Jan.l6.— I The following announce- - ' • rejoicings aTbt. louts. of too Atlantic Telegraph -Company, to Cyrus W. owing to some derangement of her machinery, she 8 Stok.s, Trenton Wm I Wllsam Dataware- grystpetesv 3 T T« e ’ h 's® - I - On the incoming of President POLK Mr. ment has been tarnished for general pnblleatlon : - St. Louie, Jan. 14.—Governor Fletcher Issued a Field, Erq., after alluding to the absolute oleotrl- dldnotgetoff. , H Ludwig, Jr. Pittsburg JnoTWUson, Delaware Fever. Bram.. 1 nSratiou Thr-at ■ Evebett was recalled, and returned to Department of State, A Message from Jcirnavtsou the Sabject. proclamation to-day, declaring Missouri a free cal perfecUon of toe cable now being manufac* Et Sta tak®to^4r S^ouf a SfkerelLtoe? BH Osbrn^iw'Ymk° rk Jota’mSjlwTSt “ 1 1 I ■RcKbmiulftd’! whmheNMehMßn nre,l Washington, Jan. 16, 1886. , . State, to accordance with ithe emancipation ordl- tured, rtates toe amount. completed up to Decern- Sp to her machinery ocourrta ahd cauMd hS ooPcoleAwf, New York Hg “ ®1 I J l Poston in 1845, when he was chosen presi- The President directs the undersigned to perform t - nance pasted by the State Convention. her Both. at 760 miles. The cable is now being manu- to coine to an anohor. It°™ white lying ?t this 11SA a i Ifftahhf 6 na« Y k s- > “ ® • Total I dent of Harvard-University, which he re- tho painful duty of announcing to the people of tho Washington, January 14. a hundred business houses and private residences factored at toe rate of eighty miles per week, with- point and to tols condition that toe sad difficulty Bli Phipps, Franklin, p a J F £ll, WLUiamancnt of tee above tseks wesk signed in 1849. At the death of Mr. Web- United States that Edward Everett, distinguished A correspondent ofthe Knyutrer, to a lettOT dated ar6 brilliantly Illuminated to-night, bands of music out hurry and without ntght-work. It will b® l0 r St 11ls l )lfa ’ B ®arkM, Baittmore nnderXyear. SKf* ® I rilrTtu October ISKO pllw Jr,, not more by Uls learning and eloquence tow by un- the »to, to speaking of toe furloughing of anew „ e enßventog toe streetsfand thousands upon finished by toe end of toefirst week to Juno. Two d csafsbmyf Fittatarg mb c«ml’, B nSX»r« ¥& 1"“* 1 " a I BTEB, IU . ’ . ’ 8 I aujpassed and disinterested labors of patriotism at mUitl “> say3: “ Q °Y®rn®r thousands otentouslastlo basins are congregated tanks on hoard toe Great Eastern for toe storage vessels at or’new Ttaso men, as well | p Em’i&’vlrk 11 f*n Ymk : Itoio"”’. u “ 9)™,* I MORE appointed Mm Secretary Of State. a period of political disorder, departed tols life at- Brown remarked that they oonld go home now, tat to witness the grand speotaSe. of the cable are completed, and there Is no doubt as the sailors, seemed to have possessed themselves s k m/iiß Hmt Tifrk r H« J 4I» , l eß ii Pe ““ B , T! J iSir-’ue ■ In the diort period before the end Of Fill- four o’olook tols morntog. would remain subject to another oall when toe State - that the cable win ta on board and too great ship of a sufflOleni amount of llqnor to become In- H New Yoik sSSSta* ’ •• SSS.’:::;: admfoistration important business The several exeontlve departments oftho Govern required their services. He hoped it would not bo CAIIFOBSIA. ; b.o ready fop rea, with every appliance of to. best tolreteno : fS^eWSi^” 8 “teta10...;.: 12' Total . | more 8 a.dmtilisfration, important busuness m(nt wUI eanse ap p lO p t tate honors to be rendered soon. An deltaqnents are tobetrtedbymiutary dibbct trade with salt lakh-misoella- aßd * toe best order, during the month of slnof wd ma?to” &d‘Smtolteatta IS°Georre.‘taittaSS 1 ; " l .°* W L I Came into Mr. EvERETT S hands, his set to too memory of too deceased at homo and abroad oourt martial, to sit In Maoon, and, if found guilty, _ NEOUB N»WS., June. Mr. Saward has no doubt that the cable will hatred Is deadly. A B Dickey, Albany 0- m rs . WAW>s ’ siTenth B Dement of which excited the admiration of Wherever toe national name and authority are aol' the pains and penaitlesof desertion would ba visited San Fbanoisoo, Jan 13 -Efforts are bring made besuccessfullylaia andworked. The murderer to this case was a saUor, named- h ISI New’ rser Q ' D K,udc,e - In, i ia ®a i Siond...’ 25j Eleventh.. . _r> ■ ~ ~ , mL A GPn«v, a t~.eumimsi.wA4?' wm 11 rbw.dd upon them.” to open a direct trade betwten San JFranolsooftnd =— —•— : william Hopkluß. who nacl a Ylolant animosity “««*«»»Third B;Twelfth , T ' ■ 111l 11 h i S L C °^ ntry -1 ‘ ' tho Oofilederate House of Representatives, Mr. Salt Lake by road to the Colorado river, and toende' J- Kls ““SlSi ll SSta hv' • .'.'".‘.'."igl'lFOTSatt. 1..-14 -"'-’i I fry American adventurers led European -n» K«t«dsF> XWtacta.. Mffes, of South Oareitna, Introduced the following by steamers. This would Lake a no»rer the quota last oall-g«nion of taZwnl Ml wSre ta°taws ' p Bna JPtt , I ■Btateßmen to think that the United F tales speech of hon. w. f. kinnby on slavery and resolutions, whloh were ordered to be printed: source ofsuppHes and market than at present. - major littlbh. ship. He took from his sheath a knife, wtto ; which F A thfrtfs, D6l»ware Mr Ln.l?s Jonm Psttaft kIISS 11 R -B ■hfiil fhp DnRHPCBinn nf that island and the its relations to A new union. “ Resolved, That under the Constitution, Contress Tho subscriptions to toe Sanitary and Christian _Augusta iMe i Jan.l6.—The foHofftog is amextraot ho cirtta’ apiece of tobacco, and remarked that he . Geo H Owns, Maryland JGStolf. Aurora Ntatb . i.6 Eighteenth 1 fa*- 1 ■ fraa tne possession Ot tnat lSiana ana tne Frankfort Kv . .Tan 14 —The speech of Hon alone has toe, right to declwe war, and the PresldenL Commissions are taming to very briskly from all from, a letter of Major Llttler, Assistant Provost wonld kill a nigger or some ope Oise before long. AG Lee, Maryland RG Taylor,. Slasa I nf til® fin If of Mexico in visw A «r u * * ” . ' >ty tod wltt the adyicewd coDse&t of tha Besftte ( tk® .... .e naiifnFnto. - MaifheJ Gesenl for Mstiie • • After this expressloQj ho was plaood . iy Davis, tfass .■ Total*. >• •> s • ..,,....... ... I St, r™Jo»d »o» Gorerameat i'.SSS” St SS““S VSZ i..-™ J’”tf?7 , 2fff*?KS" M r a *’’S* pRffMSUtfiS! • « -Kir«ri?rs*RJ: SSSSwSSSSS - I Sam sreifi - J tt« ktaM « SSlr».a aji. JZSiSZ* c3X£ffi&&TßSSB«Utet Cuba.” Mr. Everett’s replies to the that these benefits and the Sbatas rhalf ackoowledge onrindopeodeiuia, and jo tMs J^ e °Bhlp Lancashire has arrivta from Hong credits are given, and toe quotas finally flxhd at the When Hopkins thrust the knife T,F K w'LL’'Ne'v?YOTk liera ' B F BakSn. Bosfo7° rk *3»* K French and English ministers, taking the °^th a Administration ta regard to slavery, and nfo““came? B anltohtmh“r»l?McfuoontheSnSremi Kong, but brings no later Chinese news. ’ Provoßt Marshal General’s ofiice, toon only actual WOUB a. The wounded mta o wag a pl»oeJ t to A taal ■ ijw”awlta, Boston - J o fSbari^» T TSHi-,„. Dea&aaltoteno«t>«f»Jdle« , 3 3 1 ground that the question was an American of toeplopic to SSfiSL ~ enUstments oan forth rguoe quota. . one, and that European Powers had no Constitution and abolish slavery—believing the A refugee who left Richmond two weeks ago. death of a member of the new jersey lkgis- hrw yvbm e*TY. do so, whereupon a wagon was obtained and he war - ™T light to interfere, were approved of by the Dnlonto be toe Immutable bitels of ttoGovern. that toe report that Lee has sent troop *to lature. _ HwYtax.JMMßytt t«p OUMMBB MOUBNI>« 1 Whole nation. In 1853 - Mr. Everett be/ meet Sherman to South parolina is contamod, tat • * the fund. xeutao I v tr ’4aJ frnni TwrA o *,„ he changed a© neoeseltyor ©xpoaiencymay require, tbe knowledge of aU military movements Is 89 well- member of tlie Houe© of Assembly, died tMs even-- ThA 9i Anmahin KubKafi* rn-crt* aaHftrtt.Msßvflninir. He was man. and but 28 .years Deo Harper. Jersey City H RManfhici 8 *? I®* 1 ®* ° SfiwGoodswmcDet/’Om to5 r ' ’;; ■ <jame tJnited States Senator from Massa* h© oonoluded tbat K©ntuoky*a interests wi*iulr© the kep t that lfc is not jmownm the army whae troops lag, ofpnoamoDla, at tb© United States Hotel. wnb ’of tke ofßBe i* was brought on in ironed ?|»Aiis ( cBKw> , . & son. **.- ■ Chusetts, a position whidh he resigned on proposed amendment, as al . av “J. have been sent thither, or their strength, although Trenton, N. J., Jan. IA-The remains of Col- oltlrens of Sh“ wm gtlly taisod. to jmy “reSSta'&tho A?saßu2lrt®cl“f«c* rs2£S* N J J -- vS' f I account Of ill health in June, 1854, after Yolopment and advancement, ris now three weeks since they started. Tim PowlbLia i Promtoent toe HegWaturo, sMltesfromaU Sede®o^taatoShlShSds! Uhat ® Y Vtamaa.\wi (Sty John Drew. Paterson, N J BLACK I • i Aa * • .v _ _ N»».n«Fi«ia»him vabbai * “ tipper among tli6 people of niobmon 4 wbo dlefl laßt evening, will oe Iftksii In tto Owl line ._ _ » piipitiiypTc tkivat m mfri t> 1 IJS : _ _—. „» tt ltfrurniDK liaving participated prommen y m Boston. Jan li.—Tbe sebooner Sarab B. James, profesa to be confident oftbe ultimate suooms of tbe . to-plgbt, to Franklin, Snssmc cpnnty. Ool.\Fow- bpeoib fob bdeopbe. We bare juat beard of a case of eelfScrlfloing T . Cwawwtal. ROUm. I discussions of tlie Central Amencan ques- PWladelohift for New Orleans wltbcoalon OonfeSerwy, but tbe poorer Claeses, who have ler was a son of tbe late Hon* D. M* Broadbead* Tiie steamers Etntf and York sailed, at noon aevotlon to the eoldleis tbat Is worthy of a passing 0 HeliASißß. Harrisburg and Purple Edge gos. I tion and the Nebraska bill. *“ “ “ ytatoB with W to specie. ® tau-tf i After his retirement from tlie Senate, loßt ber rudder on January 9tb. Tbe vessel was are heartily of tbe war, and anxious House o Ass — 7- thb la.tb&t stock wa-kket. B lnee sbe wes three years old, and for t&elasTyear S Twu® n W N%wark Del r o«i -CAED F< I %»« jowAfful to literary nursuits and abandoned in a sicking condition, and tbe crew for any mode of relief* * Railway Accident. The following at* tbe *t the stock ucable to mwe about without tbe help of a cruteb, T w li Ghiw. Vemo^i M IOuO. ° YEAB- I Jie devoted JJ fton l l were saved by the brig Darien, whloh arrived here the fbcbral abvahob ok hobilu. Olhvelawd, Jan. 14,—The train going west last Board of this 22ix i w lo^.®sj c a . 'f „ Sergt 8 B OB a OnJJ*» I the deliver oftkose r “ to-day. *** J !S W * on the' Toledo RaHroad«w^B' ; tlffpw& Istto a S?Xj. Hudso n'bltot, fbe divided Uolmi SamlV Mooi”* - M B OUrSte^' 118 1,000 WltaforHoW i* l finread his fooie as an orator Boston. Jan. 14.—The steamer Q-reybound sailed contains tbe following from tke Mobile A4*eriUer : ditch near Norwalk. Eleyen persons were injured, Reading* ll&X j Xdloblgan Southern, T2#; Q-ulok* Volunteer Befresbment Saloons. Po? two „v J)J l wwa FineetookofßUakoia. ToW |yBK & 1 He has been for years occupied with supplies for »The Yankee, abo»t4,ooo strong, wat Frank- hm% fa* wowWl2ed 6 . sum, or, ; this WetoyaliacbUd foUed to raaktog many QJ V { *a*h***Mm m I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers