.-..Kew FnbltcattoinsiS; t ’ From J. B. Upplncott & 00. we Rave a handsome volume entitled “Autumn Leavugi” by'iamuel Jaok. aon Gardner, published by Hurd fctHougWbnj New York,And printed at the far-famed itiversido Press. The, contents’ are varied, and consist', ol prose . essays, upon a variety of topics, with! a sprinkling Of original poetry. Dr. Gardner writes English ad -9&WT-1 tatjjrtag the exact meaning olithe words he OSes, he la, always lucid In expression,’saying precisely what he Intends to say. There Is a subdued humor, also, In many of these essays, which are generally brief, terse, and racy. He invests ordi nary subjects with grace, and the traces of a reflec tive mind are visible all through.: Hla prose, to our taste, Is better than his poetry. In the lines upon Boston he commences a veTse, “ Bo rracofally she sits Upon her gentle heights, ’' and thereby violates the law that rhymes must agree In sound, which sirs and heights never did and never oan. In the remarks entitled “ JBxaggeratlon in donversatlon,”.Dr. Gardner properly censures ar habit that many persons have {lt Is more espe cially an English abuse), of interlarding their talk with current'cant phrases, and says, “One of: these has made a large part of some pao ' pie’s talk for several years past; It Is the phrase you know.’ A gentleman of thlssohool addressed us the other day somewhat as follows: ‘On my ar rival at Washington, you know, 1 was sent for by the' . President, you know, who to see mo off a matter of importance. I did not suppose I should' see Mias Lane, you mow, but I was shown,-you A-«otc, by express command of the President, Into the drawing-room where she was. , I found her as oharming In conversation, yon know, as she was fascinating in person,’ &o. Now I did not know any or these things, and, what is more, I did not believe them j but such poor gabble as this prevails extensively.” Our readers may take our word for it that I>r. Gardner’s “Autumn Loaves’’ are a good deal above the ordinary level of essay! writing. , The December number ol the Journal of the frank lin Institute, closing the 7Sth volume, copies frdm the London Civil Engineers’ and Architects' Journal o, paper upon Steam Boilers, road -before,the British ’Association, and written by Zorah Colburn—son, wo believe, of the mathematical prodigy, Vermont born, whose wondrous powers of mental computa tion excited great surprise hot only in this country, but In Great Britain and Prance, over flftyyears ago. In this paper an account is given of the Steam Boiler Invented and manufactured by Mr. Joseph Harrison, Jun. It Is made of oast Iron, has been . six years at work, and the principle of its construo tlon.ls such that it Is constantly clear of deposit, whloh so often chokes all small water spaces in or dinary hellers. TEE BSATE. Bxpiosion of Powder Mills nkar Scranton; —About 2 o’clock F, M., on lhursdayiast, the boss house belonging to the powder works of W,. G. Baynes-Koon, Spring Brook, ’ blow up with a most teirlflo explesion. The shook was vary severely felt In Scranton, a distance ol six miles. It was heard at Archbald, a distance of fourteen miles off, as well as every other place wlchln a circle of from feu to tttteen miles. Three lights of glass were broken ' in the Lackawanna depot, more than a mile off. ? The quantity of powder exploded was thought to be about four tons. The explosion was caused by#the breaking of a: cog-wheel that drove the machinery; of the press. It was heard to click throe times by some girls who were about twenty rods off when the explosion took place. One man by the name of Baker was In the house at the time, and was blown up a great distance; falling alongside of another building some twenty rods off —dead' Another man, the engineer, was badly burned, but will recover. A' stick of Umber, about sixteen feet long, waß Mown high Into the air, and coming down endwise; penetrated into the frozen earth about four feet, a bar of round iron was thrown up so high that in-Its fall it hurled Itself entlrelyln the earth, hard as It was frozen attha time. All of the other buildings of the works were more or lees injured, Borne of them very seri ously. The total damage is estimated at about $4,000.' - ' A Q.ra»E Cask,—The substance of the subjoined item cameto our ears some weeks since, and has been noticed In a few of our exchanges,. but being unable to'obtain satisfaction as to the reality of the ogse, we declined publishing anything in relation fo U. Shying recently, however, received a history of the ease, we give it place. It appears that with one of the companies organized in this place (for nine-months’ setvice), in the summer of 1862, went a main who left a wife and small family. On the blooey field of Antlotain ho fell, was burled,‘and his wife afterwards had his body disinterred, brought home, and re-Interred In the soldiers’ lot In the cemetery. A year afterward she married again, and in due time a child was born, the fruit of the second marriage. When the oall for 800.000 was bslng filled uo, last fall, the second husband enlisted, and Is now in the army. A-short time since the first husband return - ed, alive' and well, having bean taken prisoner at Antlatam instead of being killed.* He had been held.by the rebels until the late exchange at Sa vannah. Of course the parties are in a queer fix; but all will agree that, the (soldier who was oeca killed, twice burled, starved two years in rebel pri sons, andyet came home alive, is certainly entitled to his wife. “Truth is stranger than fiction.” The query,is, “Who was-buried In the cemetery!”—• Aiteond (Blaircounty) Tribune,: ", UAStTALTIUS IK THU 19TH PBNNA. CAVALRY.— In the recent fights under Thomas, the 19th Pa. Cavalry took a prominent part. A correspondent, Oapt HVY. Smith, now commanding the regiment, furnishes us the following list of casualties, which our country exchanges In the State are requested to copy, as the men oame from many different sec tions: / - * Killed— Sergeant Timothy Cookery,' Co, IJ ; C. Dougherty, Co. P. Wounded—Mujor Amos .T. Hola han, neck; Capt. Frank Reeder, 00, B, side; Capt. Norman HE. Smith, Co—L, head, slight;* Adjutant ; Jss.Blackstone, slight; Lieut. John Fope, 00. E, Slight; Thos, Franklin, 00, A, thigh; Benj, Car penter, Co. A, prisoner; OoTp. Jae. Alllgor, Co. C, feg; Edward Mullen, Co. O. arm; Sergt.' Chas. "Wilson, Co. B, leg; Jas. H. Chadwick, Co. G-, hand; Bugler, Jas. Hyser, 00. H, arm; Sergeant Samuel Baker, 00. L, hand; Sergt. Jas. Morrison, Co. L, thigh; Matthew Montgomery, Co. L, back and leg; A. N. Plummer, 00, L, leg;’ Saddler Henry H, Eehr, Co. L. arm; Jas. E. Robb, Co. M, leg; J. Hogmlre, Co. M, leg; Jas. B, Harris, Co.M. Laukch ox tee Iron-clad Samduskv.—TliO Iron-clad Sandusky, wnlch has been la; course of construction the past eighteen months;was launched on; Wednesday afternoon from the shipyard of Tom linson, Hartupce, & Co., on the ffionongahela, above Pittsburg. The -Sandusky is one hundred and se venty-two feet long, fifty feet breadth of beam, and, as she Sits In the water, draws about three feet for ward and four aft. At twenty minutes to 2, every thing being in readiness, the bonds which held the vessel on the ways were severed, and she sped like an arrow into .the element she was destined for. She ran across the* river nearly to the opposite bank before her bow was turned downward, and rode the water beautifully. The launch was a per fect success, and the boat, so far, Is also deemeu a triumph of Pittsburg mechanical skill, ' THE OiT3T.- mi-reARY. CHAPEL-FOR THE OUY-LER HOSPITAL. An appeal to the churches and to the Christian community generally has been made for aid In the erection and furnishing of a ohapel for the use of the sick and wounded soldiers quartered at the Cuy ler Hospital.> It Is proposed' to use the building for library and reading-room purposes, as well as for religious exercises. The apartmonts formerly - oc copied for these purposes have been taken for beds ana, other uses. The dining-hall,, being the only available place, has been used for the purpose. The accommodations consist of bare benches.with out hacks, and are of course unfit for men suffering from sloSness and wounds. The hospital accom modates from seven hundred to eight hundred men, - and has been well filled during the past year. The men appreciate an effort that Is made for' their ; comfort, and we should not: be slow In doing some thing for these men that have done and suffered so much for us. It Is estimated that $6OO will defray all the expenses of the chapel and /necessary fur niture. - - NAVAL. .. AN INTERESTING DECISION. In the case of the prize-steamer Lillian, -Prize Commissioner Flanders has reported in favor of the claim pot In by the officers and -crew of the Massachusetts. -An attempt was made to ,rule them out on the ground that the Massachusetts was not iti signaling distance when the capture was made. The decision of the prize commissioner Is baaed on the fact clearly established that the Massachusetts was .engaged in the ohasß of the Lillian. The officers and crew of the Massa- clrasetts will Bhare In the distribution of*the prize <money, and, as the amount involved is large, the ' decision is an interesting one to parties concerned. MISCELLANEOUS. ■ SUBSTITUTE BROKERAGE. . The filling up of quotas under the calls of the PreßWentvhnd the avoidance of the draft, has given rise to the business of substitute 1 brokerage. This business, if properly conducted, would be morally right, and .would be beneficial to our city and to our country at large; but so many abuses of so flagrant a obaractor, amounting really to crimes,' have conle to light, in which men in this capacity were the ringleaders, that it becomes a question of' interest to all or our, citizens whether something could not be done to correct these abuses. ' The crimes that substitute brokers commit are two-fold: against the -State and against the indivi duals. They swindle the State out of men by en listlDg well-known bousty.jumpers, with the ex* peotation that they will desert, and they swindle In dividuals by nutting money Intended for them into their own pockets. P™P°'B« d that our City Councils authorize the Mayor to give license to patties desirous ofi onteiing.tho substitute business For the purposes of preyenting such licenses from falling Into im= proper handß, and of increasing the revenue 0 r the city, this sum should he fixed at say si,oqo, : This would very materially decrease the number oriand. Sharks who have heretofore’ done their business in the street, and are altogether and at all times and places irresponsible’, and would tend to place the business in the hands Of men of character and stand ing In the community, who at.least have a' “local habitation and a name.” Tha applls&Bt ihs&ld USo he required to giva bond in, say 15,000, conditioned for their good beha vior while acting as substitutes. Oaaeffeot of such alaw would bo to.prevent recruiting agents:from other districts from enlisting men in this city to be credited elsewhere. There should be authority given to the Mayor to suspend or annul the commis sion upon the practice of any frauds upon the oltyi upon recruits, ox upon principals buying substi tutes; and a penalty for violation of the law, by means of fine and Imprisonment, be imposed, and ■requiring restitution of money fraudulently retained to the party defrauded. By the enforcement of such;a law, the number or substitute brokers would be limited; and they would . be compelled to do justice to all parties with whom they have any business transactions, As the busi ness of' substitute brokerage Is now' conducted, fraud and dishonesty is the rule, and fair dealing the exception.' Oould not our City Councils do something to remedy these evils 1 > 'BELIEF FOR SAVANNAH. \ In addition to the subscriptions in aid of the sut teeing people of Savannah already published, the followlEg have been received : Jay Cooke & C 0,,: Hentypope, Alfred Cope, Cope Brothers, each $500; S. Aw. w elsh, Do Haven Bro., Smith & Randolph, Clarkson & Co., each $250 ; A. T. Lane, Massey, Collins, M00,,-Harris, Shortridge; & Go., Fara* ham. Kirkhsm, & Go , Coffin & Altemus, James Sblpley. Henry Bohlon, each $2OO ; Rockhill A Wilson, Wood, Marsh, & Haywood, James li. Clag bom, Joseph Lea & C 0.., M O. Cope, J. S. Earle & Sons, Alexander Brown, V. .1, Sylvester. M. Scbuttv, J. Graham, Stanbridge & Co., Walton & Yost, W. G. Huey, Work, McOouch, & Co., Davies Bros’, E. S. Whelan & Co,, J, n\ Fry, ’B? w! Adams, O. B. Wrlght,Thomas A. Biddle, each sloa • .apd a large number of smaller amounts. A NEW HOTEL. Efforts are being made to have erected a new hotel of large site, and with modern Improvements, on the Bite of the Montgomery House, Norristown. Subscriptions to a large amount have alreadybeen ’made. and asaurMice ls given that operations will bebegun at an early day. It is proposed to have the building five stories high. The front on Main street will have four stories and a wide entrance for the hotel. The ladles’ entrance Is to be bn Straw berry alley. The bar-room, billiard-room, and oar baitAboD will he on the first floorbasis sf tbs si&ia. ■ A'liottfof the oharaoter proposed is greatly needed m Norristown, there not Being saffloTent aooommo> datione, either of a public or private character, to supply ike demand therefor. the LATE MR. m'LEBOTH. The 'parents of the young man who committed jntfoMf at the drag store, corner »f Spruce and i'-: Seventh streets; have arrived in Philadelphia, from Buffalo, New York,'. We learn that several years since he had ah attack of the Asiatic ohole r», followed by -varioloid and brain* fever, leaving him unfortunately Idiotic afid help* less. Periodicallysince that ~ time ;he was subject to ; temporary attacks of j insanity, and from a state of mind highly excited: he would settle into a state of despondency. Close .attention, to business and study, and being constantly among .drugs and, chemicals,.prove, to the satisfaction of all who knew him well,!that insanity had-seised him, and "while under its influence he swallowed the poison. His'employer speaks ln : the highest terms of his character fir honesty and other excel lent moral habits and attention to. business. He was the favorite of the home circle, had a Christian education, and.would not do the smallest act of injustice to any person. A HANDSOME DONATION. Doctor Egbert, president of the Jersey Oil Well Company, yesterday subscribed 3,000 shares of the stock of said company to ; Mrs. Bev, Dr, Hutter. for the benefit of soldiers’orphans. fruited Mates District Court —Jndge Catlwalßdcr. SSKTKNOBD. . : John Miller, convloted during tho term of pur chasing soldiers’ olothlng-and equipments contrary to the act of;Congress, which makes it a criminal offence, was.sentenced to six months in Eastom Penitentiary. ' .7. ' *:■ Elias Garwood, convicted of tho same offence, was also sentenced to six months in tho Eastern Penitentiary. Snpremo Conrt-Briore - ffoodwßrd, C, J., and Justices Strong and Aguew. FHILADBLrHIA LIST-SECOND , CALLINU—CASKS Keen vs. Vaughn. Error to District Court, Phi ladelphio. Argued by Lucas Hirst, Esq*, for plain tiff In error, and by Charles Hare and i\ O. Brows . tor, Eeqs., for defendant In error. Haynes vs. The City of Philadelphia. Carilfi oate from Nisi Prlus; Arguod by wm. L, Hirst and James B. Doyle, Esqs., for plaintiff In error, and by P. C. Brewstor and D. "W. Sellers for de fendant In error. Larkin vs. MdMullin. District Court, Phila delphia. Argued by J, W. Kimstckar, Esq.y tor plaintiff In error, and by D. W, Sellers for defend ant In error. - The court then adjourned. Supreme Court at Nisi Prims-—Judge Thompson. Hunt vs. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company. A jury to try this case was empanelled and sworn, whereupon jurors were discharged till Monday, and the court adjourned till this morning. Court of Quarter Sessions—Eton. Joseph AHlsojd, Associate Justice CWilliam B. Mann, Esq., Prosecuting Attorney.]-; . . SERIOUS OHAESK. ' The court resumed the consideration of a case in which William .Tamos, a grocer, residing near the Columbia bridge, was charged with; Committing an assaultand battery and an Indecent assault upon Miss Hannah Barker, who resides in Edgoly lane, one-fourth ofa mile firom the Bldge road, i Daniel Dougherty, Esq., appeared for Miss Bar ker, and David Paul Brown,, Etq,, for Mr; James; The evidence of Miss Barker was that Mr. James had visited her house two or three time, and on the 13th October he came there and found her engaged; in washing; after some partleß,' among whom was an artist, who frequently engaged la'sketohlng near her house, had gone from there, Mr. Jamos went’ Into tho house and asked her; about some pictures which hung upon the walls. - He re quested her to come in the house, saying he had something important to communicate to her! Upon her entering ho had her chamber door open, and she told him he .had a thundering hard cheek; .he ; dragged her In, and then the indecent assault was made, which was effectually resistedby her, after a severe struggle, in which .her back- and arm were Injured. . . ; ~ i . The witness underwent a lengthy cross-examina tion, in which her age was asked. Her reply was, “ I am over twenty-two.” Mr. Brown was not satis fied with tblß answer, and required a direct answer to his question. She then replied:that she was, twenty-six years of ago, "She endeavored to cry out for help to~ her brother in the barn, or her sister, who was at her own residence, when the assault was being madeyhut was prevented by the defend ant placing his mouth over hers; and to her becoming. so weak, in consequence of tho resistance she made', as not to be able to speak above a whisper. Her back and left wrist were Injured during the strug gle. She told her ;slstor In the morning of the oc currence j that she had been insulted by the de fendant, but did not tell her all tho circumstances until' the next day. After the occurrence defendant said he was coming the next night, but she said she had an engagement at Mr. Gray’s, and did not want the company of defendant tho next -night, or at any other time. The sister.of witness lives at a house on the same farm, and about a square distant. The bam is situated about the same distance from tho house ofthe prosecutrix; Mi. I'onnlmore, the artist, testified that after hearing of the circumstances from Mies Barker, he met Mr. James at the house of a Mr. Kotos, and pro posed, to him to settle the case for the sum of $1.0005 this sum was suggested, by a friend of the Barker family; Mr. Jamos refused to give such an amount,; saying he supposed that tho girl wanted to strut about in silks; lie would, however, pay the lawyer’s fees, and, perhaps, a little more, .. Dr. Chas. P. Turner testified to having seen Miss: Barker about five weeks after the occurrence, and' to examining her back, of which’sbe complained ; the mnEcles were rigid, but there was ho "discolora tion of tbo skin; did not. see anything the matter with her wrist, although she complained of It. The Bister of Miss Barker and a boy named Stin son testified to'seeing her shortly after the alleged assault, and that she was very pale and much worried.. The defence called a number of witnesses, among whom was Mr. Korns, who said that Miss Barker told him of the occurrence, and said Bhe told d& fendant there was her sister Lib coming, and what would she think of seeing, them In the oh amber TAt the meeting held at Ms house between himself, Mr. Eennlmore, and Mr. James, tho latter said that he would not give one thousand Cents to settle the ease, witness considered Mr. James a modelfman, boar leg a high character. The boy, Stinson, testified to going to the store of defendant tbe day’.after the occurrence, being sent there by Mr. Barker, the father of Miss Barker. The latter objected to Ms going, but the father said he was boss, and the boy should go. . Mr. Kama and Mr. Holtzman testified to having heard the boy Stinson say that Hannah Barker, the prosecutrix, sent Mm to the store of defendant, the next day after the alleged assault, to purchase things. The boy said Hannah asked hot sister Lib if the boy should go to the store, and the sister said “ Yes, there is no harm In It.”' The daughter of defendant testified that she was present when the boy came to the ' store. Her aunt .asked her if the Barkers got 'trust- there, and she replied In the negative; The boy then said that Mr. James had been down to Barker’s on Thursday, and agreed that they should have, trust; The articles' were .then given and charged to Hannah Barker, The aunt of the girl corroborated hor evidence, and said the defendant had been a widower a year. ■Edward .Wilde testified to having heard Miss Barker on several occasions invite Mr. James to her house. • Miss Barker was recalled by the prosecution, and testified that she might have been at Mr, James’ store five times In three years. She never at any time sent to Ms store for groceries, nor was there any arrangement made between her and Mr; James at any .time by which she could get groceries on credit. ■- The boy Stinson was recalled, anditestlfied that Mr. James told him that if he would come to court and sav that Hannah Barker sent him for the gro ceries he .would make Mm a present. Witness said he could not say that, when defendant said no one would know about It, as it was between himself and Mr. Holtzman only, who was with James at the time.* - Mr. Holteman jyas recalled by defence, and de nied that such conversation took place. : Mr. Barker, the father' of Mlbs Barker, testified that he always sent for groceries when they were wanted.. ■ - A number of witnesses gave the defendant an ex cellent character for morality.' ■ Without concluding the case the court adjourned until this morning at 10 o’clock. A JOKE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE MAYOR. There is a police officer, and W 8 may say a good one, attached to the force, who does not know the Mayor, having seen him only onoe during the past five or six years. Yesterday the officer was at his station, at Second and Arch streets. A well-dressed gentleman stepped up to him and sold: “Sir, can you Inform me where I can find a police officer!”, , . , ; v : , “I am one,” replied the accosted Individual, at the same time more fully exhibiting his badge of au thority,- - “ Well, sir, why don’t* you report that pile of ashes, so that it may be removed 1” inquired the gentleman, as he pointed out a pretty large colleo tlon of the obstructing material. “Why not report It!” rejoined the official; “because, sir, a person has been delegated by the Mayor to attend to that very business.” The strange gentleman was soon lost In the busy throng. He, had not gone far before a oitizen, step ping' up to the officer, asked him what the Mayor wanted. .. ; *, The officer was struck rather dumb with astonish ment upon being assured that the strange gentle man was no less an individual than Mayor Henry himself. - . < [Before Mr. Alderman White. ] FRAUDULENT TRANSFER OF OIL STOCK. A man named J. M. Conhlmer, professing to be a lawyer, was arraigned on Wednesday evening, bn the charge of larceny of a certificate of stock In an oil company, and also forging the name of Wm. MoHnlght. The accused was held to ball in the sum of $l,OOO, to await a further hearing, as ’the ne cessary witnesses were not present at the time ofhis arrest. All the parties were present at the time fixed for the hearing except the defendant. -The bail, or course, was forfeited. The points la this case are as follows: Mr. McKnlght,' a very re spectable business man, met the defendant a few days since,-and handed him a: certificate of stock, which defendant thought he could sell for $250 to a man then In Bergner's saloon.. Nothing was SBenof the fellow ; an d next day, Mr. McKnlght wishing to have the’ stock transferred on the hooks of the office, proceeded to that place to have; the ‘ transfer made. He : was surprised to learn that it had already been transferred on the day previous. The very certifi cate he had given to Conhlmer was exhibited. It was endorsed as authorizing the transfer, to which the name of MeKsJjbt was affixed: Tins was p»- BsubJod a forgery, ana upon this charge Oonhimer was taken Into custody.. z . *;, - •■■: . The escaped defendant Is a Jew, and has been In the habit of acting as a sort of pettifogger In petty casts that frequently occur amoni? the lower order of the German population. He talks German very fluently, but he has never been admitted to practice at the bar. After defendant had made the transfer and received the sum of $205 for the stock, the broker, upon looking at the signature, said that de iendant was “ the first Jew he had ever seen having a Me to his name.” ' 8 ■ s DISCHARGED.:. Mr, Abbott, the secretary of the Fifth and Sixth streets Passenger Railway has been discharged from oustody. At the end of the year, as he said at the time of the hearing before the Recorder, it would be found that his aocounts .would come out right. His account as treasurer of the Oonductors’ and Drivers’ Relief Association has, we learn, been settled. Aiding; a recruit to desert. James Ward, who was shot by Joslah Franz, an excellent soldier, the particulars of whleh were fully reported la The Press yesterday, has-been bound over by the United States authorities to answer lhe charge of assisting in rescuing and aiding a recruit to desert. ■-: (Before Mr. Alderman Godbon, X LARCENY CASE, Peter Stutenger was arraigned yesterday on the charge of stealing a quantity of tools belonging to several machinists. The articles were stolen from a Bhop near Broad and Kace streets. The accused wasbeld to bail in the sum of $BOO to answer. (Before Mr. Aldenasn Toiand.] ' ' ■' . SUSPICION. ..... A "woman was arraigned yesterday morning on suspicion of being a thief. From the fact that nearly two: dozen’pawn tickets were found in her pockets, It was supposed that she had been lit the thieving business to a more than ordinary extent. A woman giving : the name of Mary Smith was also arrested on suspicion of stealing, a silver spoon,’ having the initials H. N. D. engraved upon the handle, was found in her possession. Both the defendants wero committed for a further hearing. Wlfl BBLB. ALCOHOL IN BOND, 95 per ee itl ; 0,909 pbls. Hlghwlnss, or Whisk*, in bond.-SO per cent, above proof, for sale by A. T OROBKEY. JOHN H, COKL, Agent jas-12f 15* S. DELAWARE AventU. PLBE PALM OIL BOAP, MANUPAO- A TUBED by L. M. A C, KLKINTON, delS-lm* IWKAaGUKMTAWek THE COURTS. THE POEIOE. Oil, COMPANIES. .jgjgf 0 = the jjersex week*;-:- ' OX L COMPA N'Y; 250,000 SHAKES AT $2 PER SHARE/ #40,000 OF WHICH IS RESERVED AS A WORKINO CAPITAL. PKEsrcKirr. DR. ALBERT GK EGBERT, OF-TBKJWOO OOffKTST. VICE PRESIDENT. ABRAHAM MARTIN, OP PHtt.ADBiI.PHIA. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, WILLIAM M. BARLOW, OF LEDYAUL Sr BARLOW, l»Hrt ABEXrPHIA. DIRECTORS.’ Dr. ALBERT G. EGBERT, Venango 00. , P*. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, Mercer Co-, Fa. WILLIAM G. ROBB, Mercfr Co., Pft. WILLIAM M. BARLOW, 429 Cfasstatit street EDWARD XL JOIiES, (SSI Arch atreat. THREE PER CENT. PER MONTH ON $500,000. .In calling the attention of capitalists to this eater* prise, the . Directors have no hesitation in expressing their belief that their retain front it will be more cer tain aad more liberal fchanfrom any new company now. b«fore the community, The property of the Company consists of the following:; Ro: i: Three eighthiof the ;worklD(f interest in the celebrated Jersey Well, on the Hyde aod Egbert Farm, on OH Creek, with the acre of land on which the well is located.. This well has been flowing since early in May, 38M, at the rateof about three hundred and fifty barrels daily, aifd is now flowing at that rate, thus yielding to the Company between fifty and sixty barrels daily, wortn, at present prices, twenty thousand dol- s Jars per month, which will pay to the Stockholders in this Company ' MORE THAJSF THEBE PER CERT, PER MONTH from the start. There is room on the land for several more wells, two of which will be immediately com menced by'the Company, and in which we shall have the same interest as in the Jersey .The character of this' property, as oil land, is well Snown; it is only necessa ry to say that no well.on it has ever failed In getting oil, while it has already produced the Maple bhaae, the Co anette, and the Jersey. - ■ go. 2. Twenty* five acres In feeontbeeaat side of the Allegheny; River, opposite the month of Big Sandy, inis tract has about forty rods front on the river, and contains a large emount of boring surface; Oil wells yielding largely are found near this property; among them the Hpbbsj tbe Hoover, &o. The Company intend to proceed at once to develop this fine property, and feel sac gume of success- ‘ - • \No.3. A lease.of fifteen years on the William B, Wil son. Farm, on Slippery Rock Rnn, in Lawrence con aty, P*nna. : v - . : 'i ■•• Kos. 4, 5, 6 t 7 and 8-are also leases on Slippery Rock Eun, containing four hundred acres In all. They*, were obtained in Apjii, 1F64, by Dr. Egbert, and continne for fifteen years from their date. TPhey secure to the all the oil and other minerals contained in the several tracts, with, the right to divide and sublet, with all other rights and privileges connected with the busi ness of mining for oil, coal, and other minerals, and re serve a-royalty; of only one-eighth of said oil or minerals. . The felippery Koch Territory ia a new and only par* Hally developed oil region; but the success already ob tained there and on the Mahoning River, a few miles west, together with the large quantities of oil found north, south, east, and west ofit, lead us to hope that it win prove a successful oit region. *. The Company have already an excellent engine.tools, and all necessary fixtures bn the grounds, with a well partly down, and will proceed to develop the property as fast as posslble.- These lands and leases were all selected for oil pur poses by Ills President of this Company, whose gre*t success in the oil business, sterling integrity, and force of character are too well known to require comment here. . Subscriptions received at tbo office of LEDYABD & BARLOW, 45J9 CHESTNUT STREET, OFF I C E FAmWOSTH OIL COM PA NTs 100 Chestnut St. (up Stairs) Room No. 16. FAR YAM* OF SHARES $5.00. WOBKISG CAPITAL, *lO,OOO. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. ■- PRF.sinp.KT: / ’ FREDERICK PAXSON, No, 604 Market street. TSEA976BS * A- A. BBUMWAY, No 221 MfKket street. * , . ... DIRKOTOItS: ,:.F. PAXSON, So. 604 Market street.,. THOMAS D. WATTSON, of the house of Truitt St Go., £2B Market street. - CHAS. BLOOMINQDALE, of Bloomlngdale, Shine, &Co„ 332 Market street. - EDWARD j. REED, of George W. Seed & 00., M Market street, • M. J. JOYCE, of A, A.Bhumway & Co., 221 Market *Stfeet..';.*-'..l*.= '. ; JCSIAH BASSITT, Jr. ; No. 123 Market street. D. D, T. FARNSWORTH, Esq., West Virginia. EDWARD M. PAXSON, Esq., Solicitor. J. (J. FfSLBR, Secretary. .. N. B—For-particulars see prospectus, with map of lands, at the office. ■. de‘2o4}al4 |gg|p> PROSPECTCS - OP THE FAME OIL COMPANY OF VENANGO COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, 20? SOUTH FIFIH ST„ FHIM. Capital, SHAKES, ia5,000-PAK VALUE. $4. 30,000 SHAKES WORKING CAPITAL-SUBSCRIP TION PRICE, $l. ; *, 4 offic-erb: - - . JAMES GIBBONS, President. PHILIP LOWRY, Jr. , Vice President. A. R. PAUL, Treasurer. -JOHN I. ROGERS, Secretary. .* DIRKCtOHS: ■ ' JAMBS GIBBONS, FRANCIS Mold ANUS, PHILIP LOWRY, JR., • THOMAS H. GILL, JOHN NOBLE, JOHN HONBKER. : SAMUEL G. KING, ■. *; ; JOHN F. CAHILL,' Superintendent - ; <-'• The property of tils Company consists of , . No. 1. Oge hundred and twenty acres of land In fee simple, situated on both sides of Little Sandy Creek, three-fourths of a mile from its confluence with the Big Sandy, one mile from the town of Waterloo, and six mites from Franklin, the county seat of Venango coun ty, and within half a mile of the station of the James town and Franklin Railroad, About one-half of the land is heavily wooded, producing a variety of superior, timber.- .-»■■■■ - , -- The land Is designated on the origin al map of Venango county as the Dennis Job; Tract; upon it are several houses, barns,Ac.- This particular location, although at present unde veloped, will, it is believed, prove very productive, as upon the adjoining property a natural oil spring has been known for more than a century. ; , No. 2 Forty five aerestn fee simple, adjoining Tract No, 1, on Snyder Etta. This Tract has been selected by - experienced oil operatives because of its extraordinary surface Indications, and will undoubtedly prove equal to the beat oil'territory In Venango county. . No 8.-Two leaees of one acre ofland on the Graff and HassaU Tract, on Oil Creek, Gorapianter township, one-; fourth of a mile above Oil City. These leaees are each for seventeen years, one-half royalty. On this land are now two Wells, producing from ten to twelve barrels per day, with. Steamßacine; which Is new,’ Tanks, and all necessary appurtenancer, House; Barn; Ac., belong- ■ mg to the Company. s ; t From’the well-known productiveness of all the land on Oil Greek,sotasinde failure having vet bean known where proper means have been used to develop the re sources of the land, and as the Company purpose sink ing a number of new Wells on these leases, it Is eonfl dently.expected that very important results will accrue* therefrom. • Thirty Thousand Shares of the Capital Stock will be .devoted to the immediate development of the various properties .of the. Company, the Directors of which pledge themselves to the Stockholders that nothing on their part shall bo wanting -to reader this one of the most desirable Investments tbat-have yet; been put be-, fore tbepublio;- They also call attention to the follow ing facta in regard to thiß Company: lst. That not one dollar's worth of Stock has been sold beyond what was required to pay. for the lande In fee simple and the leases owned by. the Company. 2d. The Comp«y has not created. a single liability; -all their purchases have been paid in fall, and their ti tles are clear and indisputable to all the property lamed in this prospectus. ! 3d. The Thirty Thousand Shares of Reserved Stock'or Working Capital will be actually sold, and the pro- - ceeds devoted to the development of the property, sink ing wells, &c. , before the Board of Direction 'will au thorize the issue of any more Stock. - ' Subscription Books now open atthe Office, MOV South FIFTH Street. r ; JOHN I. ROGERS, jaS-?t , Secretary. . gg|p THE SUMNER' PETROLEUM AKD MEfEfO COMPACT? LOCATED ON THE WEST BANK OF THE ALLE GHENY RIVER, BELOW FEAfIKLIN.- CAPITAL, OI,OOO t OOO> DIVIDED INTO 300, 000 SHARES. PAE VALUE, $5. No further assessments or call on tie subscribers, as SB, CiOO shares are reserved for working capital. SUBSCRIPTIONS, $1 PER'SHARE, Received at the office of the Company, No. 611 CHESTNUT STB EET, Second Floor, PHILADELPHIA. ja7-12t ISAAC D. GUYBE, Secretary. 1 *3?” THE STANDING STONE OIL ■ =s 5 f COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. CAPITAL $3,000,000, in 40,000 Shares, At $9O each. Subscription price *l5 per Share, subject to no: fartber tail or assessment, A working capital ol $lOO,OOO reserved.. Only 30,000 Shares to be sold at the subscription price. . i . The property of this Company consists of the well known Martin or Standing Stone tract, and contains from 2,600 to B,CCO acres of land;• in fee simple, free from leases, undivided Interests, or royalty. Standing Stone Creek (a branch of tbe Little Kanawha river), and Its tributaries pass through this property, and It has upon It a larger amount of boring territory than is owned by any other company in West Virginia. It Is situated in Wirt county, near the celebrated Rathbone or Burning Spring tract, and in extent of. territory Is five times greater, and is considered by all experienced oil men familiar with the oil district of West Virginia quite equal, if not superior, to the Rathbone-tract.., The Standing Stone oil Company's property extends.from the. Little Kanawhariver, near Burning Spring Run, across the wateraof Standing Stone Creek, Including a portion of Robinson’s Fork and Two Riffle Run, and Is icunidiately In .the Great Oil Break, extending from Burning Spring through by Standing Stone and Petro lenm to Horse Beck Wells, near the Ohio river; and embraces the line of upheaval. - z The property of this Company has not been developed for ihe reason that it belonged to minor,heirs, who conid not convey until they attained their majority, which the youngest did a few.daya ago. : Wells are being bored on the.adjoining lands, and oil had. It is said that npon this Standing Stone tract oil was first discovered in 1790. z On the Devers Farm, adjoining, a well Is being bored and oil obtained. The well of McFarland A Jones, 0* the Morgan land, Is near this property. : ; Tisss lands arc bold la irau W Jxh. s«maen, ara,, preridest First National Bank of Pariterahnrg, fRd Virginia; and the lion. John 8: CarUle, FettatOMO COS gre*» irOßt Virikinla,zand will be l,r them conveyed to the Standinf Stone Oil Company whenever the stock to be dtepoeed of by subscription, (to wit, 20,000 shares) shall bo subscribed and pud for. Three thousand six hundred share* of the stock hare already been*sub scribed and psid for. . Snlscriptlons received at the Banking Houses of RIOOB ACO,.andhITTBNHOUSB, FOWXBR, AGO., WASHINGTON, J>. 0, de2i l« TIIE PIiKSS.—PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 14. 1865. PliiladdlpMa, - - $500,000 OIL COMPANIES, i JTcFAI'B FARM 1 OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL, - - - ©300,000. 900,000 SHARES. SUBSCRIPTION, $1 PER SHARE. WORKIKO CAPITAL, 925,000. PRESIDENT, \ t JACOB THOMAS. TREASURER, E. B. HARPER. . SECRETARY. FRED. A. RIEHLE. DIRECTORS. JACOB THOMAS, PHrLADBr.PKU. T. A. DURNEY, W. BARTON, '• L. J. DEMOTE. W. H KIHTEK, MoCuHrookviLLE, Pa. This Company owns la fee simple SEVBKTY-FOUK ACRES OF LAND, eifnated on CHERRY RON, be tween the REED WELL and the HUMBOLDT WORKS, being about three-anai teraof a milt above the former Reed Well. Twelve acres of the property have been , leaded, on Which HIKE :WELLS HAVE BEEN COMMENCED, and, according'to the leasee,; SIXTEEN MORE AEE TO BE DRILLED. Prom these twelve acres leased the Company receive ONE-HALF THE OIL FREE OF ANY EXPENSE. -The remaining property ean he leased at a heavy BONUS whenever the Company see proper to do so. The Company having a working capital of $25,000. can, develop-the-property,lf they'desire todo so. la the Vicinity, on the pioperties of the Royal Petroleum and Springfield Companies, great activity prevail*. THE COMPANY DO NOT CLAIM THAT THEY ARE RECEIVING AN IMMEDIATE YIELD OF OIL, but if the tharacter of the surrounding property be taken as a test, there is no reason to doubt that oat of the HIKE WELLS now in progress, some of them can not but bo productive, as all Wells so far sunk on Cherry Run have produced Oil, The Reed, 250 barrels; Auburn, 109 barrels) Granger, 160 barrels! and Baker, 100 barrels, are but a short distance below) and the tew well lately struck on the Humboldt property, above..: ■: Subscriptions received for a limited number of Shares at the office of HAEPKK, DUBNBY <6 CO., - No. 55 EOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ; jal2-6t |ggpF° FROSI’ECTrS OF THB : imSCOTT PETROLEUM AND COIL COMPANY OF OHIO. CAPITAL $300,000 SHARES 150.000.......... FAR VALUE *9.00 RESERVED WORKING CAPITAL $30,000 A STOCK FULLY PAID.. Fiice to Snbeciibers $2 per Stare. Office, No. 218 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, V ' raEsiDßsr. JOHN M. KVANB. - . TKBASOBKK. • AUGUST C. MILLER. BBCfiBTABT, - EDWIN H. COANE. • _ ■ DiKEcrrms. .. .-■»; • JOHN M; EVANS, No. 317 North Second street. AUGUST C. MILLER, No. 623 N Thirteenthstreet.. . ZABINAELLIS,.No. 1108 North Third street. ' FRED. LiDNEK, Nob632North' Third street.. ISAAC H. CONRAD, M.D.,-No 210 Vine street. JAMES TRACT, Conshohocken, Pa. \ M. F. MAIZE, Pottsvilie, Fa. - The property of the Company, coMieting of two sepa rata tracts containing 31S acres in fee simple,. is located in Athens county; Ohio, about two miles and a h*lf.from the town of Athens TRACT No: 1, containing 200 acres, consist l ! mainly of bottom Land, with a frontage of three-quarters of a mile upon the Hocking river and canal, presenting an almost unlimited space of the finest boring surface. This tract is located in one of the best oil-producing districts in the State; and parties who have developed lands in the vicinity have, in almost every.lnstance, succeeded in procuring the finest quality of Lubricating Oil, worth from $25 to 530 per barrel, at the depth of one or lwo hundred feet. This property abounds in oil springs and other positive indications of the richest de posits of Petroleum; On the adjoining lands, within a te w, yards of this tract, a number or wells have beau sunk, some within a few weeks past, which are yield ing oil in large quantities Aportionof this tract,is rich farming laud, which, with tie improvements, consisting of a double brown stone,mansion,barns,and other necessary buildings, - will yield a handsome rental to the Company. ~ TBACT Mo. 2 contains 115 acres, and, although un connected with. Tract ,;No. 1, is located about the same distance from the.towh of Athens (2H miles). This pro perty bears the most positive evidences of being exceed ingly rich oil territory, and presents the same features in its on springs, &c.. as No. 1. Amid the ravines, and upon the streams which flow through it, are found the finest sites for boring purposes that could he desired. This tract, apart from its rich deposits of oil and large surface of boring territory, contains immense beds of COAL, which can be mined and shipped with compara tively little expense. Large collieries are In active ope ration on the adjoining pioperty. The Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad passes directly through this pro perty, while Tract No. 1 fronts upon the canal, thus greatly enhancing their value in the facilities presented lor transportation. The Company own no uncertain i interests or tempo-’ raryleases.bat offer to stockholders .315 acres in fee simple, ofthe richest Oil and Coal lands, located In a section of country regarded bp eminent geologists as the great centre of the ou region. . -■ *, .To thosh desirous of investing in a substantial organi - ration we submit the above facts for consic eration, and feel no hesitation in-presenting this enterprise ad one of the safest and most reliable that has yet been offered. A working capital of $30,000 has been reservedfand a committee bf the directors are now making active pre parations for an immediate development of the pro perty, which will in a very short time yield the largest returns to stockholders. But fifty thousand shares of the stock are offered for sale. Subscriptions will be received at the office of the Com pany, No. 818 WALNUT Street, first floor, at $2 per share, par value, fully paid: jafi thstnßt . gggp co'rffßß rAßii oils COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ' CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000; 800.000 SHARES AT $5 PER SHARE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. TO 60.000 SHARES ONLY. $8 SO PER SHARE. No more to be issued above that, number until the land is d eveloped. Stock issued follpaid. ‘ $30,000 CASH APPROPRIATED AS A WORKING CAPITAL. President, ISAIAH LUKENS, M-D : Vico President, m M..STEWART: Treasurer, WAT. D. SMITH; Secretory, B. J. HARRISON, AI. D. OFFICES, Nob. S 3 AND 24 WASHINGTON ' BUILDINGS, V. THIRD STREET, BEIiO W WALNUT, Bat s lew shares remain for sale. s(3®*” OFFICE OF THE FOCCST MOI7K TAIMCOAL AMD IltON COMPANY, ' _ , : ; PHnADEU'HIA, Dac. 15.1954 Tie Annual Meeting of tie Stocklioldore of tie above. Mined Conroany will be ield at their Office, Mo. SS3O South THISD Street, on MONDAY, tie leli dar of Jannary next, at 12 o'clock M., when an ELECTION Will be held for eeven Directors to serve for tb s ensuing Tear... Tie Transfer Books of tie Company trill be elisad for fifteen days, prior to tie day of said election ; de!7-tial6 ; EDWARD ELY, Secretary. _ _ DACPHIS AS® COIOB&BO GOLD MINING COMPANY. ' ' ■' ; ; Chartered by the State of Peonsylyanla. CAPITAL STOCK, *1,000,000. 1100,000 5HAKE5...................PAS VALUH, *9. PresMeut-JOHN B.ANDBBBON. DIBEOTOKS _ . . ' Thom a* A, Scott, F. B. Kneass, Wm. S. Freeman* Xobt. P. Ktnff, John M. Hi ley*' Charles DtSilver, James E, Maieo, • Joha W. Half, HarrUl)ttift T McDowell, do. Joan Br&dy, do. tr. W WyUe, Lancaster. iWffl; 0- Shute, Colorado. D P. SOOTHW6KTH, „ Secretary and Treasurer. Offlce of the Company, Ho. M 3 tTALSOT Street- Boom Ho. 6. . ■ . - Authenticated rpeclmens have' been procured from some of the Company’* lodes, and hare been assayed by Professors Booth and Garrett with the most gratify luff Teßuitß, lists have been opoaed at the <?SiS«ttilB Compraj! Mil ttt thnTWUaror'sdfflci (In ternal Revenue). WO. 487 CHESTNUT Street, Farmers’ and Btcbanica' Bank BaiMlng. Tooriginal SUiKOIIbSIS, $3.50 pet Bha,re; fob a limited number of shares. ■ . Circulars, pamphlet,, or Information can be obtained at the Office of the Company after the l?th Inst. . OotobrhM. ISS4. • odS-Sm OUTTERFIKLD’S OVBBUWn DESPATCH, ~ . Office, 6. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Street,. A THROUGH FREIGHT LINE has been established, prepared to receive all elassee of Freight in the principal cities east of the Mississippi river, and to fronrpointof shipment CO HOE ADO, IDAHO, UTAH. AND MONTANA TERRITORIES, OrOU THEOCOB OOHTRACT RATXB’ARB BILLS OR t.ADIXO Through Kates Include Alt CHARGES—RaiIway, Transfer, Storage,and Foi warding Commissions on tns Missouri river, and transportation upon the Plains . thus enabling tne Shipper to obtain a THROUGH CON tract for Mb freight for a distance of OVER THREE THOUSAND MH.ES.and relieving Mm from all respon aihilities and anxieties incident to the past disorganised and irresponsible sysfcm of Plains transportation. Onr Agents In Netr Fork, Boston; Philadelphia, Pitts, burg, Chicago, St. tools, and Burlington, lowa, an prepared at all seasons to-receive and ship at thi Lowest through tariff rates. This Company assumes AM THE RESPONSIBILITY , of Bosses, Damages,'or Overcharges on Freight while P ofn i °f shipment to place of destination.. office Is In, possession of s fnll setoi TRACE BOOKS, showing the’date of shipment, the Hme it passes the Mississippi river, Is received'at and shipped from the Company’s Warehouses 'at Atchisas (Kansas), the character of the trains moving upon the Plains, dhe date'it passes Fort Kearney, arrives at Den ver, is received at destination, and the apparent condi tion of the Wares along the entire route. JKt~ If Damages or Dosses opcnr. Shippers are notitted in time to duplicate any important portion of the ship ment. . ■ . These hooks are open for the inspection of our cue tomers at all > times, and parties shipping ’by this Lint wUlbekept informed by correspondence of the exact condition of their shipments. Merchants and Mining Henin the Territories orderini Goods, should be jparticnlartogive Instructions to marl cases ”Yte BUTTERFIELD’S OVERLAND DESPATCH, Atchison, Kansas, ” and have them shipped undet th. instructions ofonr Agent at! point of shipment .' Letters of Inquiry addressed to our office at ATCHI SON, Kansas! No. 1 VESBY Street. Aetor Fork; or Southwest corner of SIXTH- and CHESTNUT Streets. Philadelphia, will he Promptly and reliahVt dßßWored; »,L BUOTERpifei.Jj^pJiator. a. w ef adding, General Agent, lew Tort • WM. B. MOORE. Agent, Philadelphia. delB>U tTEMKV HUDDY, *-•*- Distiller and Wholesale Dealer In PURE OLD BOURBON, HONOSGAHELA, RYE, AND WHSAS WHISKIES; AM NORTH SECOND BTSBET, below Race, Phil*. ' ■ HBNRYHUitDY. fIOPARTEERSHIP NOTICE.:—THE 'V 7 Undersigned have this day formed a Copartnership, under the etyle.'and name of BARCLAY & CO., for the transaction of the Get oral Publishing Easiness, nr the Old stand, No. 60S ARCH St. E/ S, B ARC LAY, * 8. J, YANDEaSLOOT. Jajtoart 3,1805. >• - -i ja!2-3t« THE FIRM OF T. A. NBWH;ALL & I SONS Is thls.day. DIiSOLVED by mutual consent T. A. Newhall retires from business GILBERT H. NEW HILL, FREDERICK 0. NKW HALL, JOHN J, BORIS, and HARRISONL. NEW HALL, assoMaie under the firm of NEWHALL, BORU, • s k CO., and will continue the business or the PenasYl - rania Steam Sugar Refinery, at No; .409 RACE Street. ■jal2-St ■DISSOLUTION.—THE PARTNEB- A ’ SHIP heretofore existing under the firm of M. L. HALLOWELL k CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consen.t. The business will he settled by either mem ber of the firm. • ; MORRIS L. HALLOWELL, JOSHUA L. HiLLOWKLL, ENOCH K. HUTCHINTON, , , .WILLIAM P. HALLOWELL, Philadelphia, Ist Mo., 10, 1865. ARTNERSHIP NOTICE —The undersigned have a Copartnership under the flint of Ha£LOWBT.L. .GARDIfEE, S, Coyfor the trass- SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS BUBIN ESS. at Jayne’s Marb.e Building, ’ No. GJS CHESTNUT Street. ' JOSHUA L. HALLOWELL. JACOB A. GARDNER, „ EffOCH. B. HUTCHINSON, PHILADELPHIA, Jannary 10,1866. - jall-6t DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— -LJ; The enhacribers, heretofore trading under the firm of Bunting & JONES, have this day dissolved part nership by mutual consent. • SAML. A. JONES, _ _ THOMAS BARNES, Philadelphia, Dee, SI, 1864, COPARTNERSHIP—THE UNDER- V 7 BIGNED have this dayformeda copartnership under the style and firm of JONES, BARNES, * CO., and will continue the business of the late fix m of -Bunting dc Jones atthe old stand, No. 88 S. WHARVES. SAML. A. JONES, , - . THOB. BARNES, - B. LEHMAN SMITH. Philadelphia, Dec. 31.1854. ja2lm TEE FIRM OF DE COURSEY, DA FOBBCADB, k CO., doinghosi'nessat63l CHEST NUT Street, has been this day dissolved. ■ The tmsiness of the firm will be settled by 8. W. DB COURSEY, M. LAFOURCADE, E. LAFOURCADE, and CHARLES LA FOURCADE, who are authorised to settle the same. 8. W. BE COURSEY, M. LAFOURCADE,, B. LAFOURCADE. V CHARLES LAFOURCADE, •W. K. LAFOURCADE, v GERALD DB COURSEY. _ -WM.H. IRWIN. f . Philadelphia, Dec. 81,1864. . ja2-tf THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO- JkFORE existlngunder the firm of JOS. * fft S. WOOD. No.; 8 North SECOND Street, is this day dis solved by mutual consent: The business of the late Ann will be settled.by either of the parties at the office of JAMES P. WOOD k GO.. No 41 South FOURTH Street. JOSEPH. WOOD. WILLIAM S. WOOD. January 2,1865. The undersigned has this day associated himself with the UNION BTEAM -AND WATER HEATING COM PANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, for the sale of GOLD’S PA2ENT STEAM HEATING APPARATUS. - _ - ’ ■ •• ■ JOSEPH WOOD. The business of the above Company will in future be conducted by JAMES P. WOOD & JOSEPH WOOD, under the name of JAMES P. WOOD & CO. nanuary 2, 1866. . ' jafi-tnthslm DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.. f 7 —The subscribe™, heretofore trading under the firm of BEN J: 8. JANNEY, Jn„ & CO., have this day Dissolved their partnership, by mutual consent. All outstanding business of tile l&te firm will'be set tled at 605 MARKET Street. BKNJ. 8. JANNBY, J*.. JOHN M. BURNS. „ SAML. JL COYLE. Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1864, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL CON -1 TINUE the Wholesale GROCERY AND PRODUCE COMMISSION business, as heretofore done by JAN NET & ANDREWS, at.fto. 631 MARKET Street. • BBNJ. S. JANNBY, J»„ Decehbeh 20, 1864. B. W. ANDREWS. COPARTNERS HIP.—J. MORRIS V BURKS, (of the late firm of B. S. Janney, Jr., & C 0.,) and S. SMUCKER, Jr., (of the latefim of 8. Smucker, Jr. , &Co ,) have this day formsd a Copart nership, under the title of BURNS &.SMUCKER, and will continue the Wholesale GROCERY and COMMIS SION business at the old stand formerly occupied by B. S.Janney*Jr.,&Co., atRo.6OSMARKETSt.,PhiIa. Philadelphia, 1864. * fXJPARTNERSHST— THE iUNDER- V 7 SIGNED tare this durformed a Copartner* Up, under tie firm.same of 8. A. COYLE k CO., for t£e Erpseontion of tke Wkoleaale GROCERY and PRODUCE °? beslnees, at No*. 16 and 18 Nortk FIFTH Street, above Market. SAML. A. COYLE, ' (LateOf B. S. Janney. Jr., & Co.,J J..W. LAUdHLIH, J. A. LINN. - PBII.AMLPHTA, Dee. 20, 1864. . de2o-lm - BATfKEKS, H'HE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE -®- exi.tlEF under the flan of JOHN“B. MYERS it CO., 1* dissolved by the decease of the senior partner, CHARLES B DURBOBO W, NATHAN MYERS. . % SAMUEL BUNTING, ■ JOHN B. MYERS, Jr., ALFRED, E. POTTER, JOSEPH 8. BUNTING. Fhji.ADEI.PHIA, December 31, 1864. THE SURVIVING PARTNERS HAVE A: tliis dajr entered into a copartnership as Auction eers and Commission Merchants,.at nos. A3A and !834 MARKET Street, under the firm of JOHN B. MTBRS ft CO. ■ ■ , , NATHAN MYERS, JOHN B. MYERS, OHAS B. BORBOROYT, SAMUEL BOUTINS, ALFRED R. POTTER, JOSEPH Se BUNTINS. . PHir,ADEi.FHU, January 1, lE6S.. . ja2 18t pOPARTNEKSHIP NOTICE. THE .V* uncleriii yned have this day formed a copartnership, nnder the style and title of ADAMS & LEVIS, for the purpose of transacting a generar Banking and Stock Brokerage bnsiness. Oil, Telegraph, and Express Company stocks made a specialty. „ . Government Loan* and Specie bought and sold. THJsO. ADAMS, ‘ •* ' _ GEO. H. ILBVXS, de!9-Im XTOTICE OF DISSOLUTION.—THE ' 'Limited Partuereliip exi&tiag between the ttnder- Bigned, under thejflrm of MATTHIAS M. MAKPLE, ex- Siies inis day by Its own limitation. Tiie business will e settled by MaTTHIAS M. SIASPLE, at Wo. 53 Worth. THIKI) Street. M. M; MABPLE, ■ General Partner, n. GEORGE GORDON, _ _ Special Partner. Philadelphia, Dec, 31,1564. NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The subscribers hereby give notice that they hare entered into .a Limited partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the several laws of the Commonwealth of PepnsylTania relating to limited partnerships. That the name of-the- firm: under which said partner ahip is to be conducted is Jff. M MABPLE.' That the general nature of the business intended to he fcjnnsaeted la the HOSIERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS BUSINESS. 7 That the names of the general and special partner, both of whom reside in the city of Philadelphia,-are MATTHIAS M. MAKPLE, General Partner, residing at Bo 1220 COATES Street, and JACOB RCEGBL; Special Partner, residing at 80. 527 North SIXTH Street. That the amount of the capital contributed by the special to the common stock is fifty thousand dollars in ca»h. That the said Partnership is to commence on the sixth day of January, A. D. IS6S, and is to terminate on the thirty-first day of December, A: D. 1805. Bf. M MARPLB, General Partner. JACOB RIEGEL, Ja7-I2tw4t : Special Partner. OF DISSOLUTION. The limited ptrtnersMp existing between the under signed, under the firm of RIEGEL, WIEST, & ERVIN, expires this day by its own limitation. JACOB SIEGEL, JOHN WIEST, DAVID B. ERVIB, V. HEKRT B. PISTER, . JOSIAH RIEGEL, “General Partners. PETfiB SIEGER,, WM. S. BAIRD, - Special Partners. Philadelphia, Dec. 31, ISM, NOTICE OP LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. The subscribers hereby give notice that they hare entered into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the several laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnerships. That the name of the firm under which said partner sWgis to he conducted is JOS.' RIEGEL & H. 8. FIS- That the general nature of the business intended to he transacted is the Importing and Jobbing of Dry Goods. ' . . • That the names of the general and special partners, all ol whom reside in the city-of Philadelphia, fire Josi ah Rieiel,' general partner, residing at the Bald Eagle Hotel. No. 416 North Third street: Henry S. Flster, generalpartner, residing at said Bald Eagle Hotels Al fred Byerly, general partner, residing at No. 1324 Arch street; William B. Albright, general jiffitner, residing at No, 1607 Wallace street; Samnel G. Scott, geneial partner, residing at No. 2033 Vine street; Jacob Rlegel, special partner,-residing at No. 627 North Sixth street; and Peter Sieger, special partner, residing at No. 717 North Eighth street. That the aggregate amount of the capital contributed M tbe special partners to the common stock is One indred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, of .which One Hundred Thousand Dollars In cash have been coutri bnted by Jacob Rlegel, special partner, spa Fifty Thou sand Dollars in cash,haV« been Contributed by Peter Sieger, special partner. 1 That the said partnership Is to commence on the second day of-Jannary, A. D. 1865, and Is to terminate on the thirty , first day of December, A. D. 1850. JOSIAH RIEGEL, ■ HENRT S FISTKE, ALFRED BTEBLY, ‘ WH. fi ALBRIGHT, ' SAM'L G. SCOTT, v Genera! Partners. . JACOB RIEGEL, PETER SIEGER, Special Partners. Philadelphia, January 2,1866. - ia2-6w “ COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.” i The undersigned have THIB D’AY formed a co partnership, under the style and title of ADAMS, KNIGHT,& CO., for th,e purpose of transacting a gene ral Stock Brokerage Commission Business.. All- orders for the purchase and sale of Railroad, Minin* and Oil Stocks, Government Securities, &o. , Ao.viSbmntly and faithfully executed. : R H. ADAMS. T. 0. KNIGHT. . JAS. T. GRAFF, HO. 14G South THIRD Street, Opposite the Exchange. Philadelphia,' Jan. 3,1865. :: jalO Ct ff HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ENTER v-»- fed into a Copa*tee r «Mp for th« purpose of mattttf&c turiunrFlint and other Glass Ware*Tmder the nams.gtyie, ftga “fiUFPIfiIID &GO UftlAll Simt Olase Workv, Kaighn'B reluti a. 3. TDOP. J. DUFFIELD, CALVIN H. TEST, J»0. R. POWELL. JAvpart 8, ISM CjalO 10t«] THOS. CREECH, Sr, THE 'COPARTNERSHIP HERETO- A FORE extitlng between BEAL & HESTON is this day DIehOLYED by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled by either of the bn. WM. SEAL. . . - THOMAS W. HESTON. Hbstorvh.le, Jan. 1. 1865. ; jalo-Bt* DI SB OE U TIO N.—THE LIMITED partnership heretofore existing between the un dersigned.-nneer the firm, of WOOD At CARY, expiree this day by its own limitation. : ■ THOS. H. WOOD, CHARLES CARY, General Partners. WILLIAM L. GREGG, ■ - - „ „ Special Partner. PErrr.ASEi.PHiA, Dec. 31, ISM. COPARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned will continue the Straw and :Milllnery'Goods business at No. ,789 CHESTNUT Street, under, the firm of WOOD & CARY. " ■’ . THOS. H WOOD, CHARLES OAKY. Pbu.asei.fhia, Dec. 31,1864, ■ ; jaS 9t* TH E COPARTNERSHIP HERETO ■+- FORE exiettu* outlet the firm of FBISHMUTH», 880 ; & COi, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, W. D. & B. ri. FBISHMUTH retiring. THE BUSINESS.trtII be continued by the undersigned under the seme name and etyle ae heretofore, at 131 North THIRD Street, 881 and 883 QUARRY Street. W. D. 'FBISHMUTH, Jr, J. C. W FR.SHMUTH, , ' ' E. H. FBISHMUTH,.Ja-. jAgUART, 2, ISM. - o> :': ja9 61* nOP,AR T N E R 8 HIP NOTICE.— \J JOSEPH NBVIL and W. H. NEYIL have this day associated with them JOHN R. NBViL, and Will continne the Morocco Manufacturing bnsiness under the firm of JOSEPH NBVIL & SONS, at 144 MARGA* RBTTA Street. , . ,>. > Philairlphia, January 1, 1865- ja9-6t« THE UEBERBIGNED HA.B THIS BAY A- associated with Mm*elf WM. H. H. HErGHfiB,aad - will continue the Dry Goods Ckunmisaion Baßiuesa, it &« HEBTK f W WgaT FHIIADELPHU, JanUAHrS, ISSS. jaS lm WM. G. COCHRAN & CO., 324 WAL " '■"BUTStreet, beg leave to call'the attention of their friends and the public generally,to their fine stock of WISES, Lf QU OEB, aadCIG As 8; particnlmdy their old MADEIRA and SHERRY WINES, and BRANDIES, which they bare been accumulating for thirty yearn, whioh they now offer for sale, with a view of reilrtcg fiom the business. They alsooffertheSTOßEfor RENT, which is one of thebest locations In the city, i’aiiAPsw’BiA, Jam Mj IBW, COPARTNERSHIPS^ 805 CHEST MW Straai. COPARTNRRSmPS. — the pabtner- J- 7 SHIP heretofore ojrisHur under tbefirm;of JOIIN B. NELSON & CO. 1* this day dissolved by mutual consent The busiuees of thelate firm will »8 eettUa isv JOHN B. NELSON, 49 BANK Street.. u JOS. C FLEMING, j, . JOHN B, NELSON. FhilaiiblphiA, Jan.. 12, 1865. v s j»18-12t* THE UNDERSIGNED will continue the manufattuw of Wool and Cottou Good'. , - i : . Office, No. 49 BAHK.Street. .... ial3 «t* , JOHN S. NELSON. PROPOSALS. . ARMY. SUPPLIES. A CLOTHING BUREAU, QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. Washington, Jaimary 11,183*. SEALED PKOPOSALS- will by received at-th* Offic* ' of-Army Clothing and Equipage, Philadelphia, until 12 o’clock M. f on TDESDAYvtae 17th lust., for furnieh t?g* by contract, it the Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage, Philadelphia, viz.: Sack Coats, lined, army standard. . Sack Coats, unlinad, ; do.- ‘ t Blankets, India-rubber, for infantry, army standard; Knapsacks, complete. do. Hatchets. do. Uniform Hats,, . „ v - • ' do. -.Eat Cords'and.Tasssls* : do. * . Camp Kettles, v -» ■ * do. ■ -Mess-PansT ‘ : . • do. ■ Shelter Tents, do. Each bid must be jmaranteed by two reaponsible per sona, whose feifnatoresmact he appealed to the gna» .ranted, and oertijitdto as beinrkood and saffioiest se* curity forthe amountinvolved, by some pablic fane tionary of thß-Caited States. - Bidsfrcm defan)ting>eonlrAct©rs, and those that do not fully com ply with the requirements of this adrer tltement, will not be coaßiderpd. Blank form* for proposals, embracing the terms of the guaiaaiee required in each bid, can be bad on applica tion at tbieofitce. and none others which do not em >: brace this guarantee will be considered, nor will any propoeal be conßiWed which does not strictly conform to the requirements therein sia'-ed^ “Bidders will statethe quantity they to far nish, how soon they can commence, and the quantity .they can deliver weekly. . The right Is reserved by, the United States to reject any part, or the whole of the bide, as may be deemed best.for fhe interest of the service. > ■ K - Awards will he subject to the approval of. the Quar termaßter General of the army. * ttamplescan be seen at this office, aod proposals must be endorsed «* Proposals for. Army Supplies, ” slating on the envelope the particular article bid for. : - "iV'A wt' v , _a HERMAN BIGGS, ; jal3-4t • Colonel Quartermaster’s Dapartment. pmm of- « Philadelphia, January 12,1865. SEALED PROPOaALh will be received at this office, until 12 o’clock M., on THURSDAY, the 13th inatant, for suuplving the SOHIHLKILL ARSENAL wlih the following articles,-t-viz: 6r4 dark* blue Cloth, army standard. 6« 4 dark-blue Kersey, army standard. Test Buttons,'army Mansard. . g- inch yellow Worsted Lace, »Tmy standard. Bras* Cross Sabresfor hats, army standard. Brass Eagles for hats, army standard. ' Regimental Colors; infantry, army atandard. Regimental Descriptive Books, army standard, . Regimental Index Books, army standard. - Hospital Tent Poles', sets, &my standard. Heavy.t>4-inch Burlaps, sample required. Canvas Bedding, sample required. * . Canteen Webbing. 1-inch, linen or cotton, sample re quired.r. - v ' ? v-j * Jdachine Thread, (Stewait’s linen, BTo. 70, spools,) ■ample required. White Basting Cotton* sample requlrod. Flax Sewing Twihe, sample required. . k • Each bidJCQurt be guaranteed by two responsible per- whose signatures must foe appended to the guaran tee, and.certified to as being good and sufficient security forth eamcmni involved, by some public functionary of, i Bids from * defaulting contractors, and those that do fully comply with the requirements of this adver tisement, will not be considered j Blank forms for proposals, embratiag the terms of the guarantee required on ea-ch bid, can be had on itppllca tion at tbia office,-and none others which do not em * brace thiß guam tee will be considered, nor will any proposal be considered which does not strictly conform totbe requirements therein stated. ~ . -Bidders will state the quantity Ihev propose to furnish, they can commence, and the quantity they can deliver weekly. The right is reserved by the United States to rejeot „any.parti or the whole of ihe bids, as may be deemed beet for the Interest of the service- Samples of such articles as are required to be of army standard can he seen at this office. Proposals must be endorsed “Proposals for Amy Supplies, ” stating on the envelo-pe the particular arti cle bid for. HERMAN BIGGS, jal3-6t Colonel Quartermaster’s Department. f\V BBMA’STBR’ S BEFART MENT, —Offi&B, l T WBLFTH and GIRARD Streets, ' Philadblphu, Jam 13, 1865. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o?clock M. on WEDNESDAY, January 18.1865, for delivery in the shorteetposslble time, at the United States Storehouse, HANOvER- street Wharf, properly packed, ready for transportation, of j.BOO sets six-mule Wagon Harness, complete. 200 sets four-male Wagon Harness, complete. - Travelilog Forges, with, tools,'complete. r ’■ The same tohe of the'bpst quality, and subject to the inspection of an inspector appointed bn part of the Go vernment. The above described Harness to be made in aceord ance with rsampie and specifications, to be seeu at the Umted States Storehouse, Hanover* street <Vharf.' Bidders will stats price, to include boxes and deli very, both in writing and figures, the quantity bid for. and the time of delivery stated. ' All proposals must ba made out .on printed blanks, which may be had on application af this Wise they willbe rejected. *• * . /- Each bid must beguaranteed by two responsible per; sons, whose signatnres must he appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being-good and sufficient security, for the amount involved, by some public functionary of the United States. The right is reserved to rejectall bids deemed too high.- Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that? do not do fulty comply with the reqziirements of this adver-’ tieement, will not he considered. By order of Colonel Herman Biggs, Chief Quarter master. GEO, S. ORMB,‘ ja!2-6t . Captain and A. Q. M, OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE, WAsniyGipy, D. C., January 10, 1365. " PROPOSALS FOB.FLOUK. t .SEALED PROPOSALS are invited 'until WEDNES- ' DAY, January 38,,12 o’clock fif.»for furnishing the Sub sistence Department with ..,*.■&■.■• TWO THOUSAND (2,000) BARBELS OF FLOUR.; * The proposals'will be for what is Known at this Depot as Hoe. 1, 2. .and 3* andfbidswilljbe entertained lor any quantity less'thau the whole, i>. « v • Bids must be in duplicate, and for each grade on eepa rate sheets of paper. - The delivery of the Flour to commence within fire daysfrom the opening ofthe bids.acd must be deli vered in such quantities, daily, a? the Government may - direct,' either at the Government Warehouse in George-' town. aV the wharves, or Railroad Depot' in. Washing ton, 3), 0. ' -• The delivery of all Flour awarded to be completed Within twenty day s from the acceptance of the bid Bids will be received for Flour to be delivered in hew oak barrels, head* lined. 5 Also, for Flour in good, mer chantable, second-hand flour barrels; but they must be such as will be accepts d by the Inspector, or they will - not be received. ” Payment will be made in such fanda as the Gown - mein may have for disbursement. The xLsnalGovsrnment Inipection will be made just*, before the Flour is received, and none will be accepted Which is not fresh ground, and made from wheat ground in the vicinity where manufactured, unless of a very superior quality. ; , • v An oath of allegiance must accompany the bid of each bidder who has not the oath on file in this office, and no bid will be entertained from parties who have previ ously failed to comply with their bids, or from bidders not present to respond. - Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any cau*e. Bids to be addressed to the undersigned, at Ho. 3J53 “G” Street,endorsed V Proposals for Flour.” - E. T. BRIDGES. ja!2-6t . y - C. 8, Y, A EMY SUPPLIES. -fL CLOTHING BUREAU, Quartermaster Gexerau’s Office? • •-Washington. January 9, 3865. SEALED /PROPOSALS will be received at the office of Army Clothing and Equipage. NEW YOBE CITY, until 12 o’clock M., on TUESDAY, the 17th instant; for fur nishing by contract, at the depot of Army Clothing aad' Equipage, New York city: : Uniform Coata, infantry, standard. Artillery Jackets, standard. Trousers, infantry, standard. Sack Coats, lined, Btandard- Jjjaek Goats, unlined, standard. TBhirts, Domet flannel, standard. Drawers, Canton flannel, standard. ' • Stockings, standard. B<.oieee, sewed, standard. • . Boote, cavalry, sewed,.standard. i \ Blankets, India rubber, standard. . Ponchos, India rubber, standard. .Knapsacks; standard. Haversacks, standard. Canteens,-standard . Camp Kettles, standard. Mess Pans, standard- Axes, felling, standard. Pick Axes, standard; liatcliets, standard. Spades, standard. Shovels, standard. * Garrison Flags, standard.* Tents, hospital, standard. Tents, shelter, S-ounce cotton duck, standard, ' Great coat Straps, standard, harther information may be had, and samples.of the above articles may be seen, at the office of Army Cloth-.. ins and Equipage, New York city. • v judders will state the number theypropose to furnish, how soon they can commence, and the number they can deliver weekly, and will submit samples of the articles.-- or of the material of which they are to be made, and when u textile fabric at least one yard should be fur- * nished, ... ,Proposals must be accompanied by a guarantee signed by at least two reiponslble persons, setting forth thatjf a contract is awarded to the party making the bid that he or they will at once execute the contract; ana give bonds for the proper fulfilment of the same. The right is reserved by the United States to reject any part or the whole of the bids, as may be deemed for the interest of the service. v Awards will be subject to the approval of the Quarter master General of the army. . . Supplies must be deliverod in regulation packing boxes. . v_ Proposals should be endorsed " Proposals' for fur- (here insert the name of the article bid for), ” and addressed to • * Brevet Brigadier General D:’H. YISTON, jall-5t Dep Quartermaster Gen. New York city. \ EMY SUPPLIBST - Ci-OTHisn Burr Air, Q. M. General’s Officii. . ; Washikotox, Jannary 6,1£65. SEALED PROPOSALSwUI he received at the Office of Army Clothing and Equipage, New York city, until 12 o'clock M., on TUESDAY, the 17th instant, for fur nishing hv, contract, at the Depot of Amy Clothing and Eqeipsie, New York city— GREAT COATS (foot)) like standard sample. : GREAT COATS (monuted), like standard sample. ' Bidders wiil .state the number they wish to famish, _ how soon they can commence, and the number they can deliver monthly, and .will submit a sample of theker- . sey of which they propose to make the Coats. Proposals must he accompanied by a proper gua rantee; signed by at least two responsible parties, set . ting/oith that if a contract' is awarded; to, the party making the bid, that he or they will at once execute tho contract, end give bonds for the proper fulfilment of the same. ” ’ - The .nght Is reserved by the United States to;reject any part or the whole of the bids, as may be deemed for the Interest of the service. Award a will be subject to the approval of the Quarter master General.; . The supplies must Re delivered in regulation packing boxes. “ Pt«B96ftls ftT im. Hl»birig MP6M UM.18,: * a.tt<i ' ; . Brevet General D. K. VINTON, ies-oi ... D. Q. M. GeneralU. S. A. PROPOSALS FOR REVENUE STEAM J- CUTTERS ON THE LAKES. Treasury Dbparthskt, 24 be received at this Department un til, 12 M. MONDAY, the 16th day of January next, for Si?-,l < S, a . t ,I n , c K oa • three or, four REVENUE STEAK CUTTERS (side-wheel) for the upper lakes, and one or more for Lake Ontario. Specifications in detail will be furnished hidden on appltcatton in person or by letter to this Department, or to the Collectors of the Customs at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Saltlmore, and the collectors at the prin cipal lake ports. The proposals shonld be sealed and addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, and endorsed on the enve lope Proposals for building Revenue Steam Cutters. ’ ’ W. F. FESSENDEN, dc29-thstuijalfl Secretary of the Treasury. JgQTELSjABrP RESTAURANTS. QENTRAL . EATING HOUSB^ Opposite tine - A’oat Office, 00134 m PHILADEIiyma . WASHINGTON HOUBE.-A CARD - 'JK.-CHABLEKM; vALLMOND;^ lasiss. ; ... . ...... . ■ jalO-tf TONES HOUSE, . . ” Cor. MARKET SQUABS, ifspectfully M?arnBhif sincere thank! K Sr 8 S* 6ll ® l to- tte very liberal patronage: bestowed w tnejionee since under b.l* jnanfteement*.and. would reßpeetfmly solicit a eontinuance of the same. t dfliB ’ to ' c. PTOtrtfitor. SMLATJBS. : SKATES, SKATEB.^ A full assortment of SKATES and SKATE STRAPS for sale at very low prioes, at. , W. W• KNlGu'i & SON’S, noae-tf 909 and 341 COMBfEROB Street TOMATO CATSUP.—NEW TOMATO Catsup, in quart and pint bottles, of choice quality. Also, barrels. For sale by RHODES * WtLLIAan, 9»M UQ7 South WATJSB fe«k jm, for gALK—A WELL-BUILT 01 ftt * 8t0 6t* CHBBTVTBtrek. M LARGE BUILDING WANTED- Snitable for MaDafactnrijirpnrposei.notleso two two stories high, with basement, within » W. 5 half of Independence Hall; each floor not toas toan 3 OCO surface feet, larie yaii-ioom t0 jttl?.St« ' * American Botel._ m NORTH BROAD STREET.—FOR JH SALE—A superior Brownstone DWELLING, of extra 'finish and most complete arrangement, with gQ jall.tf SonMdmmM&t. m' TO RENT—A MODERN HESI- H.DENCE, with Garden; Stable, and Carriage Hosae. Gas, Hot and Cold Water, Shrubbery and Shade Trees, delightfully situated la a pleseant neighborhood,.on the corner of fieventeenthaad Tioga all the advantages of city and country, being tnrae minutes’ walk from 'station of steam ears., and fire minntes ’ from borse cars and fifteen minntea ft™ riie city. The Honse is completely furnished, and Fnrnl t0 Inqoire a at anartermaster’s Office; corner of GIEiHD and TWKLF fH Streets, first door on right hand side. de2B thstmf ■ • ■ ! ja THE SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL la. ftt -private esle her DWELLING In Norristown, sitnstedln WASHINGTON Street, near the depot. wtth Iron railing-in front, hall, parlor, two large rooms, *nd kitchen with range on the first floor; five chambers on the second floor, with all the modem tmproToments, and four on the third floor; a good, dry, cellar ana summer kitchen with range: a rramage-house and stable for two horses; a large yard, with a variety oi ftntt trees in bearing, grapes, and other small fruit. Any person wishing to view the premises can call on -Mrs: T SAGRMnN, on the premises. No incumbr mce. ' ' . f 3,000 CBn remain If desired, ; have also a large LOT, containing about four acres, in the boroucb, suitable for almost any purpose; No incumbrance. - * * - $2,000 can remain on tbe premises. . Jal3-4i* ' G. SATJRMAXf. FOE; SALE—A FARM OF 61 A Isa acres, iu a veTy bigbstateof -J- Lfine buildings, and a great variety of fruit. The income of this Farm, for this year, for bay and grain, is four teen hundred dollars. • .. a m T„ Tbio Farm is.very bendsomely situated, only tbreo miles from the TRAFPE Seminaries.. This property can be bought at a bargain*.as it must be told within, one ’week, as. tbe owner is about leaving for the For further particulars,call an tliesubscriber between the hours of 9 and 4. L. FULLER, • Office Dnited States Journal, jal3.2t* -Ifo. 310 CHESTHUT Street. 'M&w CB ESTER COUNTY. —FOR ill •BSIIrSALE, A 34-AGEE FARM, lyi miles from -.A- Acker Station, on Valley Railroad; It Is known as the Schofield Farm, Good stone mansion, ,7 rooms: good bins, and other out-buildings; land under fine state of cultivation; plenty of fruit and woodland : pleasantly located; a comfortable home. -15. B,—Cali for Catalogueof Delaware and Ctie*ter couaiy Yatros; ; jaia-gfc M PUBLIC SALE.—ON FIFTH A day; (Thursday) 2d of 2d Mo: (February), 1685, I ON THE FBEM KBS, a neat, new. weli-buiD, two-story COTTAGE RESIDENCE, and Five Acres of highly cultivated Ground, with-shade and fruit trees handsomely situated in ItYE-jF.RRY.. Pwi-uty-third ward, Philadelphia. JH mties from Andalusia, or Corn wall’s station, on hhiladeluhla and Trenton Railroad, and within a few rids of Bv berry and gra vel turnpike SALE FEKiSSIPTOKT _ TITLE. GOOD. Conditions at sale by . ’ Attorney fir SiMDEL COMLT. Alio, adlsining the above is a tract of EIGHT AND A HALF. ACRES of good land, fronting on said gravel pika; a htndsome site ftr building; will be sold. The property of EH MOB COMLT, TITLE GOOD. . BvKKi:KT..I mo., 1-1,1663. jail ?3t* -VALUABLE' FARM AT PUB A jbSIIiIQ SiLE.—Will be positively sold at public -JC eale oa MONDAY, January 16, 1865, the following ds scribed Farm, known as f k ßoss:Common; ** belonging to the Estate of Washington JKo»s, deceased. eituate in Londongrove TbwntMp, Chester County, Pa:, on the public road leading frem Avondale’ to Kimbleviile, three miles east from New London and two miles from Avondale Station, on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad* and containing 171 acre* and 6 perches of Land, divided into fourteen enclosures, and&il'weU fenced, and with a raunintr stream of water in each, The , Land is in a high state of cultivation, .and Weil adapted to grain and grass. There are from forty to fifty acres of .wood land, heavily timbered, a great por tion of which is in a thriving condition. - The improvements consist of good and substantial STOH E D WELLING H 0032, situated in a central part of the Farm and overlo&klng the greater portion of it, three Tenant Houses, large double-decker Stone Barn.with over-shoot and shed' ding attached, Pumpin ham yard undercover, Grana ries, Straw House, Carriage and Wagon Hons®, with' Poultry House’ attached; tWo' large Orchards, one young.'of choice fruitand just coming into bearing, to-* gelbsr with a variety of other fruit tress. This property is in an intelligent and respectable neighborhood, adjoining lands of Abner Garrett. Robt. Lyeie, and others, and 1* convenient to schools and places of public worship. . Persons desiring to view the same can call on the oc cupants, ov inquire of JOHNY. BOSS, Chatham, Ches ter County, Pa., or MARGARET C BOSS, .corner of ' THIRTY-SECOND street and LANCASTER Avenue, Wept Philadelphia. Sale will take place at one o'clock. P. M. on the day above mentioned, when the conditions will be made knows . •.•• •—,• . BY THE HBIR3. December IS, 1864. - ja7-7i* gffi! COTTAGE HOME AT PUBLIC^ -Mfi- SALE —Tuesday, Jan. 17ib;!1865, atT o ? clock-«k- P. fif., will be fold om the premises, near MEBIOif &QCABE Lower Merion Township, Cb., a lot of# round containing between one and fc wo. acres, on. which is a neat cottage of six rooms, stable;’ carriage house; aud other out-huildiscß. There Is on the place a variety of fruit and; ornamental shade trees, grape vines, &c. A stream of never failing spring water, with ornamental banks and fish-pond, runs through the lot. ■ AUo, will be sold at the same time and place, an assortment of personal property; consisting in part of horsesrwagons,.casts,,gears, a variety of tools,and other useful implements. jal2-thsmBt* IS-IACBOZSLIr,- M FOR SALE OR TO LET~A RTUM ber of eonveidsnt new DDFELJUNSS, with nsoden Improvements, on North Eleventh, Twelfth. ssd Thir teenth «trcet«. Apply to TATLOW JaSksON, • Mi CHESTNUT Street, or »t nolS-tf 1858 North TWELFTH Street FOR SALE.—THE- SUBSCEIBEE AS. offers for sale hU country seat, within half e mils of Wilmington, Delaware, on the Newport pike, eon talnlng eightacras of good land, in the eentre of which is a large lawn with a fine variety of shade trees, ma ples, lindens, evergreens,At*;, in all over a hundred full-grown treat The Improvements consist of a lsrss and commodious Mansion, flanked on the west by two towers, one of whichis four stories in height. Thext are four large rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet. The house hast tho modem’ ments.: A hydraulic ramforoes water from a sprins into the upper story of the tower. There is also a* iron pump and hydrant under a covered area at thf kitcheE door. The out-bnildlnge eonsist of a carriage honse and stable sufficient for four horses and severs! carriages; also, a hen, ice, and smoke houses; The stable nas a hydrant in it. Good garden, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and grape vines, In full bearing. There are also several va .rietlss of apple, ’Cherry and chestnut tree*. ’ Terms accommodating. PosaessiotyUven at any time. Apply to LBYTCk CLARK, n024-tf ,v : ” , on the premises. M LARGE AND VALUABLE PRC PE3.TT FOE SALB,-—The very large and commo dious LOT and BUILBLHe, So. 308 CHEESY Street, near the centre of busineas, containing SOfea* on Cher, ry Street, depth 105 feet, being 76 feet wide on tbs rear of the lot, and at that width, opening to a laid enrt-way leadin, to are rarely met with, , Apply on the premises. —, tei3-B»,* ■ FOR SALE—A SHALL FRUIT Ok JbJL end TBTJCE FABM, near Torresdsle;avery.XE desirabla place.. Also several large and valuable farms in the same neighborhood. B. F- GLENN, ja7-tf 1»3 South FOBSCH Street- m FOR . SALE—-A VERY: DESI- ggk Eat BABLB COTTAS® and furniture, with twen- SE ty acres of land, iltnated on the Delaware, fifteen miles from Philadelphia. B. F. GLENS, -- ja7- tf - 133 South FOTTBTH Street QIL PROPERTY FOB SALE. W The advertiser, bavin, some very valuable Oil Properties, desires to dispose of them in one lot, and at apnce much below their present value, to sack parties that will form a Or mpany, and will take a large interest himself. ' The.developments which are now being made on ad.' joining lands, which, have all been leased and sold, Will increase the value oflhis property ffinfoid- It will be told or divided within the next ten days, and there is no other such 1 property for sale for three times the price. *•» For particulars address Box 130 Post Office. ja7-I2t* m TERRITORY.—SO ACRES DS SIBABLE OIL TEEBITOEY, at the junction of the Big Sandy and Allegheny rivers, Which will be sold upon favorable terms if applied for promptly. For sale tf,.„ v OOOHRASf & RUSSELL, jai2-3t , North FRONT Street ■ niL LANDS FOR SALE—SEVERAL valuable tracts of.OIL LANDS in Y*rian*o t IWnr reu, and Crawford counties for sa}e- Address C3AS. BALLOWELL, Box 1355, Philada. Post Office. • jall-et* ISS4X. TtfOTICB—TO ALL THE HEIRS' AND LEGAL REPBESEBTATIVES OF DANIEL MOYBB, late of the township of West Brunswig, in the coautjr of Schuylkill, deceased. _ Pursuant to an order of the Orphans’ Court of the county of Schnyliill, 1 an inquest will be held on the premises of the deceased; the township of West Brunswig, in. the county aforesaid, on WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of February , .1865, at 10 o’clock, iathefora noon, to make partition of the real estate of the said de ceased , to a nd among his children and legal representa tives, if that can be done without prejudice to and RpoU ing of the whole, otherwise to Yams and appraise. the same ? when and where you may attend if you think proper. • MICHAEL BOSAN. Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, Pottsville Dec. 19, IS6I- r jal£-s3t 'VOTICE—TO £LL THE HEIRS: AND x \ LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES OF JOHSDITZLBR, late of the township of Barry, in the county of Sohuyl kill, deceased. . , , Pursuant to an ordar of the Orphans’ Coart of the Odhhty o£ bchuylkill, an inquest will be held oa the premises of the deceased, la the township or Butler, ia the county aforesaid, oa SATURDAY, the 18th day of February; 1885, at lOo’elock-in ihe forenoon, to make partition,of the real estate of the said decsasei, to aad among, hie children and legal representatives, if that can he done without prejadice to and spoiling' of the Whole, otherwise to value ' and appraise the same ; whenand where you you think proper Sheriff’s OfficafFottsvitle. Bee. 19,1564. ’ j&IYWt TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE -*• CITY AND COUKTV OF PHILADELPHIA. Eatateof JEBIaH MIBDIiETOH, deceased. : The Auditor appointed by afitttti *b4 adjust the tel aesßuat hi . Jio&fi m!\s&Sil a|i -rnmistratora. b.n. C t. ft. of said Jedteh Middlatou,* ceas«d, and to report of the balance in. the ban as of the aecoun.iaiit»Ynll meet the parties interested for the Purposes of his appointmeny on MONDAY, Jaan- at 10/elockP. M.,at his of&ca* No; South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia • jag-thstuSfe. JOHN O’BBIEN, Auditor TN THE ORPHANS’COURT. FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA • . .estate ofaugustine j Gilmore The Auditor appointed by the Coart to audit, settle aad adjast the tot account of EDMOND YARD Ad ■ ministratorof the estate of the said Augustinel Oil Iffitdef&ia 5 ; 541 SOtttll *? W S jafi-thstust JOHN 0 B fS r . THE , JOHN.-W,- OLIVER,-decerned; having , 10 “® undersigned, .all parsons indebted v-iSI - , s 8 a T e requested to make payment, and those haying claims to present the same to k , SARAH C. OLIVER, Executrix, 1740 BROWS Street. . PBH.ADEi.PHia. Jan. 8,1865. , ja7-n6t* TETTERS TESTAMENTARY UPON " the Estate of HANNAH STOTT, deceased, late of the city of Philadelphia; having been granted to the. Undersigned, all persons indebted to .said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims against the same wßhogdrtay to . Twenty- third and Hamilton streets, PhUa. ■ WILLIAM RED WARD, *Or to their Attorney, JOBUpBHALLOK*ofi. tO?S ' k delO- tCt* Frankford, Twenty-third Ward. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Trust estate under the will of HENRY dELL, deceased The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the acoount of FREDERICK NAILE, trus tee under the will of HENRY SELL; deceased,- and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the a®, countant, will meet the parties Interested for -the purl poses oi hie appointment, on MONDAY;.Tan tiarv 16th 186 S. at4P. M, athlsofflce^eoeWAL&DT Sttlet, Si tbecity of Philadelphia. WM. BaSTSU ** jBg.tb>tufit - Auditor ,^T“ AJ; ■. A CERTmCATE OF ONE SHARE 1 OF THE STOCK OK TilB I'HUiAOKLPHTI rim belonging to and isauea In teu. name of the under signed, was taken irom my boarding-house, in Oattrs twS*’ 01 T el)el invasion of tie place Is 1863, notice hereby given that application will be wrnwffJv 8 8 ®. a1 4 said Company for a new CIR- TlrlLATh, and. all persons are called npoa to show cense why said CERTIFICATE sbmild not be issned. de2BwsBt» ISAAC O. TYSON. Gettysburg, Pa. . PABD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, V AS Sl*BWAlff * BROWN’S, 1318. FOURTH 3k /. ! ‘ ■M-# aadl*aBog*h* h YOVZ -VttfiaWo MIKn- J£*M* IdjS «?«« rf SB-*k «** “!££ tank aad other stocks, Io»Mi Sc, Ssa* catolosae* * ««I •rats • I Jannirr 14lbr*810 o'eloclc precisely, attha A BMay 8 May baeiamteedaw«m® pnteons-to »»1 9 . ■' Sa'e Jfo. S®» Soißth I 18th JnBt.?a 110 o’eloe*. ** *ssr Zfv&s ss eFraiiJ With eatalognes on the aoiA the sale, at 8 o’clock. - | . SAM* OF STOCKS ASn ||Ap KSTA|*| At the EXCHANGE, every TUESDAY, at fi ,1 ” Handbill* of each property. Issued aspi-l and on the SatiOdayprevions to j ,each_TOte l;(»!i| tonnes,' in pamphlet iorm, giving full doscripti&J «g--I'URNITDRS SALES at tne Auction 6tori| I’arricnl&r attention given to Sales at }l Ktsideuces, &c. . J PAKCOAST & WABNOCK, J X tioheebs. 3*o MARKET Street. j SALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY oJ _ bTO&K OF GOODS,Ate :, bvCatalogae, 1 OH -WEDNESDAY, Jan. 18, IS6S, commencing at 10 o mock.' *»®M about 800 lots seasonable and desirable goods. j pHILIPPOED & 00., ATJOTIONeS X 535 MARKET and 538 COMMERCE Sired SALE OF A RETAIL DRUG STORE. Situated at the corner of Fifth and Sbippin strjj < ON TUESDAY MOANING, ; Jan. 7.1865, commencing atlOo’ctoek. we wills, tbe stcck and. fixtures of a retail d-ug store, comp drug’s, chemicals, oils, palate* and -toilet artlck gether with a Tarietrof other desirable jpoods. n X WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER, V*A6 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. p ISS B S«M C TOZSDAT Mopiirq,- . IText, the 17ih iust. , at precisely H o clock, at hi South Sixth Etxeet;tG9 private of a gent!«J about leaving this country, all of rare quality, aa£l -lected ftom -15 to 18 yeaw also, sftnmn^: grade champagnes, clarets, brandies, Madeira. bM and port wines, oid whiskies, Holland *Uu wild tIU brandy, rams, &c. The wines, &c., will be opand Bonday, t-he r day previous to sale* from It naH o’clcckvwhea* gentleman can have au opportune ascertain their qualities. For particulars see CAt&frtl rtowready. jalj y JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTIf V EBRB. got. 333 and 33* MARKET Street T7URNEBB, BRINLEY, & CO., X- go. 01* CHBBTBUT and 513 JAYNE Sht SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE rl. X 3 a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to medirected, wi]® exposed to'public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evee* February 6,1565, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Half* All-that certain lot. tract or piece of land. srut M messuages ortenements; mills, factories and cod thereon erected, with the 'stationary steam each* slesm.ffre engines and bollert.dye vats, tanks, cL;e,\E also, the shiXting, bangers and baltinx, steam t|3 water pipes and gas fixtures; together with alt th« «■ lng and spinning nactunery, looms, gigs, finieaig machinery, washing and railing mills, hydra* ptese.es, shearing machines, tent* ring machines, ,S ail the fixtures and machinery therein contained, til' ate in the Twenty second ward of the city of PhlUd® phia, bounded and desnlbed as follows, to wit: iw» uin«r at a point m the side of the county budge, on ;K, Bristol and Germantown township line, directly iniW centre of the keystone of the western tide of the arebK the bridge, onßanuenhower's Mill road, thence ab® the same north fifty* five degrees twenty-two rots&S we>t one hundred and elghey-six.featsixtjiches. point in said road between the old mill ana a d wellyP on the northerly side of said road; thence by the 6a north forty-one degrees thirty- fire mzimtea west, f hundred and twenty.seven fast two and three qaar inches, toga corner inlaid roads thence along tha ss south fcrty-two degrees thirty minutes weefc three hi d»d and fifty-four feet one and three-quarter lack to the centre of Amietionjr street; thence along the s*- north forty-six degrees thirty-seven minntes waste hundred and fifty-six feet ten and one-half inches, ti corner in the side of eaidtroad ; thence alocgthasi §ouih eighty-eight degrses thtrfcy-one minutes three hundred and four feet two inches, to a corner Craigs land ; tuence south for- y- fcwo degrees ■ hi: minutes west one hundred and forty- six feat, to &« her in Ch&rle* Willing’s land; thence south eight! „ three degrees fifteen minutes -east two hundred a« eighty-six feet aix-lneHb, to a stone ; thence by la*, sold toWulifig or Van horn'south forty eight dagtr ■. east one hundred and three feet one and one-haLfincb* to a *tone ; thence south forty-* wo’degrees fire miatu west two hundred and three feet nine and one-qa&ct inches. to the Philadelphia and. Germantown Eaiiroil thence eastward!* along the same one hundred a sixty-threofeet, tojandof the Gas Company: north forty-two degrees five minutes east one huufe and seventy-six feet,to a corner; thence by saKfhj of the Gas Company and land formerly of Thom Saxton, south.fifty and one-half degrees east four haa dred, and ninety-seven feet eleven and five-eight" Inches, to the middle of Wister street; thence alom the same north one hnndred and twenty-four feet a? inches, to, the centre of Armstrong street; thence aloi the same north forty six degrees thirty minntes m* one hundred and eight feet; thence by land of Josep Fling north forty-two degrees fifty- three 'minutes ei* <me hundred and eighty-six feet six inches to a corns: thence south forty six degrees thirty minutes east twei ty-two feet; thence south fifty-nine degrees tin* minutes east twenty- six feet six and oae-haif inched the side ol tbe bridge; thence by tile same north As fiegresß rorty one minutes east two -hnndred «nd Vj feet three inches, more or less, to the place of been nin& Containing eight seres, more or lees. [Beioetb* in» Piemites which John Armstrong, by Indented dated the eleventh, day of May, A. D. 1863, recorded h Deed Book A. 0. H.. So: 101, page 170, granted and cos vejed unto the aaut James Armstrong and Paul Kioti, their heirs and assigns, In eauai undivided moieties i ter amain common. J ■ - N. B. On the above-described premises are a tires’ story stone factor, about fifty feet by one hundred feet with afour-story stone building; about forty fiet Is sixty feet, adjoining, forming a wing, with dr,lit house also adjoining, and a small - one-story picker house; a bam, partly stone and partly frame, near the factory;,also a building:two stories high, used as i storehouse and for wool storing; also a neat two store stone messuage. The coal yard is on the northerly aide of the Gennantown Steam Railroad near Wistar street. The machinery m the above-desftcibed factories consists of four complete sets of woolen, machinery with all tie necessary finishing machinery, shafting, belting, «nd everything appurtenant thereto. rr [P. O. ;D., >6i ®2. peht. 5i1.M7 OS. B. Taylor.J t**&* SdJaSSsA^^ 14aa the propeKr 05 Pliiladelphia, LI HI QH CO A L .-HOUSE -*■ KEEPEBS csn rely on getting a pnre article at S. K. J. W. HAdPTOfi. COAL, COAL: Ve & C °‘’ S C6ii * ®wkj«fces. MANTUA COAL virnY nSv 1 THIRTY-FIFTH Street and FENNSY VANIA Eatlroad. (jalO-lcn*J W. D. HESTON. E B £!P*l mEE ’ NEW COAL DEPOT, NOBLE-Street, above Ninth street. nicSSfen,.t - 0 ?- 11 *? 4 f nperlor qualities of Lehlsh and ffc® e V beloff street, Office 119 Somh FOURTH otraeV g . , oc2o>Sm G-ENU ihe eagle vein goal, rf. EOTAL, IS HOT SUPEEIOB TO LEHIGH. A SnnL.? Vf^LVY lS st<> Si Ere and Store SW pertons laiseHn l , $9 Offlce 131 South FOUECB Stillt] Depot lilO .CALLOWfIiLL se!4 6m CSUGAR LOAF, BEAVBB V, Spring Mountain laMgkCoal, and b6Bt XoCUBt.MoHßtBill| ffflfft SchUTlkill. nrAnar«H o?, »®»Cref„Vj a TlioaTß B?re<Jt L ° W S rSS?«n oHce No, U3JSo<ith SBC OSD Street.CapS-tf] J. WALTOS & CO, TJLRUTROPATHIC ESTABLISH ffib/br°rih H C^rRVBM<? Bes J “« a “*W® wiitim»- aicin«, Py l>r. A.H. SEE vBNSr one of the discoverer* ll neacxks. TOHN C. BAKER & CO.’S COD LIVER V OIL.-THE TRUE AND OENUIRE-Uimawasaed U quality and effects—being the unsurpaseeu i* _ SWEETEST AHD BEST PREPARED ..f®, Coughs, Colds,- Bronchitis, Asthma; Bout, Insi oaß'lluPfipn,And all Scrofulous" Compbiiats it oftentimes produces immediate and certain effects when ”*.%££££? fffffj . ESTEY’S' COTTAGE ORGANS; Ss d p«d b tt d^ 9 . N 0.43 North sf B?rtk te,or i ?aat<>ftllBE6rt^^^l BROTHERS’ Pl* *■ * *,*'ANOS.—The public, and particularly Urn profession, are invited to examine’ these beautiral is rtTMaents, which are meeting with inch an unparai wbcre^? e w, f r,£ 0 „ t " U ¥l ty asssffls OthfiYi,amply*BtabliB\i theirMghraak. ForS&18Olbl 608 CHESTNUT Street. AlsA i iarge _*asortxnunt of othor uow sad w«oud-hss4 Flsjios, forisla&udtoreat. aolS^ai* » DENTISTRY. - DR. BASSET y*B3slh,ert» ARTIFICIAL TEETH on Hold, Silreri Vnlesnite, from #0 to *4O. Teeth filled, 50 cents ial upwards.. Repairing. Referenses. Offlce, itfi9NlX» Street, below Locust. bol7-Sb EYANS & WATSON’S —«I - - SALAMANDER SAFES. ■" • STORE. ■- 1 _ 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. . , PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always <c band.. THOMSON’S LONDON KITCBi BNKB, OR EUROPEAN BANOE, for fsmUlMl ■WHfeotels,. or public Institutions. In TWENTY DIF» SIZES. .Abo. PMlmdolphla Banreai Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Oreteai Flreboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewbole Plates, Bro4l= ars, Cooking Stover, Ac.. at wbolesale and remU, Vt the mannfaeturers. CHASE. SHARPE, 4 THOMSON. ocl-.mth«m jfo. SOS £ SECOND Strek MALCOLM MACNEILL’S L B f : KCJACLE STORE, No. 310 South FIFTH Street, below Spmce, _ „ PHILADELPHIA. ' j&r Klassesrejtted to suit all ages, and all manner oi repairing carefully and promptly attended to. del-da EYES.MADE A Pamphlet, direiHng bow WWW . - . : to -speedily restore Slant and " give nr Spectacles, without aid of Doctor or Medicine. Sent by MaUfree on receipt of TEN CENTS. 'Addree* deSL-stuthSm - 1430 BROADWAY, New York. MBS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED iYI- SUPPORTERS FOB LADIES— he only Supporterek under eminent medical patresaga. 4£l. balL; Street, PMla. , (to avoid eounierieltA igewriy tb«n«ad Invalids havebeeu advised t>Y tMiphysieUths to use® appliances;, .Tho B e only are aenninehearing the United States copyright -. labsla on ihe box, and signatures, aad also on the Supporters, with testimonials., -oclB-tgfeslt mackerel, eerring. bhad, &o; ML -MB bbb.k Ma.sA Nos. R % and aMaskwd. late-caught fat fish, In assorted packages. Herring fh Now Eawport, Fortune Say. and HsHStiS tioses Lubes, Scaled, and No.-1 Htaite - lfiabbls new Mess ghad. .f.--- 269 boxes Herkimer county Cheese- ate, [iUJfJAUSS. SHERIFF’S SAXES. coil. ELKS BKAggQW. MEDICAL. •R B. FOOTS, M. !>..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers