4 S ‘ oBoK ms * °°* ,a fffn I' A»n “‘cABINBT OBaANS. Oyer S<o each of them flea OABINBV tfi?, i ß »trnmgnt» have baan sold OSOAga. iS> jir, 0., and the datnand OABINBT ‘1 f, oMUtantlytacMasin*. ORQANS. ; , v () r aale only by GABI2UST 0 ! J. K GOBLB. ORGANS (? SEVENTH aud CHESTHDT Sta, CABINET £ , nold-tf OKSAM. , r oilB FBOH $l4 TO $56. OvKBCOATA «' «* «• iJjtUTS TKOK *M to *M. OVKBCOAT*. p ? ,iT3 TKOM *l4 to m. OVEBCOAW. .ilta » B 0“ '•» OVKBOOAT*. I SU WAFAMAKER & BBOWX. OAK HALL, £ % corner SIXTH and MARKET Strati*. . Bfca'A Suite and elegant variety of tb* ‘ f l %tblzt &i BEASOH ABLE PBICBS. elS b & Wilson's Highest Premtov iOCK-STITCI gswroo itACHIEIB, CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AED BEST, OHBSTNTTP Strait, abor* HevaoX*, -riROBT—BUTBBR —On Tuesday, January /?;.[!►. Rev Dr. Goddard. James M. Stotasbary , dft“*kt 6r ol John M, Batter, Esq., all of IVOAKRIPOIT.-On the 10th inst.,afc St. John's K* Kjrieta, K. J-* hy the Bey. |?T* J. y Garrison, V. W. BUlopp Capt. W. C. Bhtnn. K n Vid, to taut** J Garrison, of Salem,N. J, * March 16, 1861, by hU Bndd, of Camden, N, J . John D. Tar sia E.. daughter of E. Simpson, Eaq , of .» * X3IBX>- rECiR. —On the 7th in«i., in Bn»lfngton county, Jojmnh Sutherland, son of William B. £ls»e 8. Whitecar, in ihe 16th year of Ms age. .„i.liws ami friends -will meet the funeral on !i,V Vltu Inst , at Walnut-street wharf, on the •l iti il o’clock train To'prooeed to Mount p-mtlery ** »sT,~(in the morning of the 11th instant, at .Sre Place, Mrs. Maria Blight, widow of the late ge’iiht. the 72a year of ‘her age on Saturday morning al Cv it the Ohor«h of St. James the Less. *** tJ»aS,—On the 10th Inst ,atB A. 51,, after a short ft „{ e'pttCTia* Annie Price Barron, daughter of :i Esther Barr«Dn, aged 5 years, 11 months, i l , Faneral to p rt'ctod to Laurel HIU *** ro».-t*n the 10th Inst., stlO 15 A. M., after a fluff* cf dtotheiia, George Collyer Barron, son l avd Esther Barron, aged 16 months and 2 Faunal to proceed to Lanrei HUS, *** (•»*.*’** — L ‘ c Monday morning, the 9th instant 7 w«todralf ■l'lSvfg »nii friends of the family are respect* in att*ad toe funeral, oa Yhnrsday mora njMEft.- at Ho clock, from the residence of in law. Kichard C. Dale, No. 235 South Eigh tfOf’t. * ** iChoPS -On im Bih Instant, Barah, widow of in lhe tsth year of her ago. , and friends areirespectfully lnvitad to at r retrial, on Thursday afternoon next, 12th i ai I o’cl.-ck, without further notice, from the ,' c , of.her eon-in-law, BUwood Wilson, M D., Aiiieet. ** Fl.t -on the Oth instant, Harry Wilford, son of j end Blizaheth Shshle, aged 2 years and 8 isiftiVM aßd friends of the family are respect ,riled to attend the funeral. from his Barents’ flu. 920 Franklin street, on Thursday a'fcer it i o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. ’ *** :KE —On Saturday, January 7, 1885, Richard {Fon-ke, ecu of wiUlam Parker Foutke and Julia cxFonlke. Aged 6 year* and 4 months. 1 ** fK.—On Wednesday, the 11th instant. Theodora tof Theodore C. and Amanda M. Uhler, axed 2 tend 5 day*. is! to pr -*oi ed to Laurel HilL * iITE AND BLACK SKIRTS, $4.56. i-Jnat received, White and Black Striped Bui iitu, foiljtw, at $4.50 each. BZSaOl'i he SON , Bfottrata? Stare. ■ No. 918 CHESTJft?T Street. -Skirting* by the raid, $1 to $1 B7K, . ;rking blanker SHAWLS, $ to. finest quality Black and Grey Woolen Bong reduced to #lO {original price $13.60). BB&SO* & SO IT, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTHDT Street, mw 1865. 1(10 Eoaer-Omb Qatlts jtlO Colored Cmuterpsnet. 000 (Wilts for Hospitals. luck of Blsukets, Towels. *o.. *o. EYM * L4.R081.T,, TOTTBTH ud AKCH Streets. Oil. COMPANIES. THE JERSEY WE IX IL COMPANY. 10 SMRES AT $2 PER SHARE, #40,000 ;iOH IS RESERVED AS A WORKING CAPITAL. PBESIDENT, R ALBERT Ch EGBERT, OP VENANGO COEKTT. VICE PBESIDEHT, ABRAHAM MARTIN, OF PS IL ADBtiFECIA. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, ttLLIAM M. BARLOW, or imju» & BAiaow, Philadelphia, DIRECTORS. ALBERT G. EGBERT, Venango Co., Ea. fi’LL GRIFFITH, Mercer Co,, Pa. LLUM G. KOBE, Mercer Co., Pa. LLIAM M. BABKO W, 439 OBestnot street. JfABD B. JOKES, 831 Aroß street. iEE PER CENT. PER MONTH ON #300,000. llicg the attention of cap’talistg to this enter ti? Directors hoTa no hesitation in expressing i:*i that their retarn from it will he more oer* 1 more liberal than from any new company now t< coamonity. The property of the Company i ihe following: T&reO'eighth*of the working interest In the w Jersey Well, on the Hyde and Egbert Farm, tek, with the acre of land on which the well is This well has been flowing since early in ! v n the rate of about three hundred ana fifty oi'lT and it now flowing at that rate, thus retie Company between-fifty and sixty barrels rertb, at present prices, twenty thousand dol a ?ath, which will pay to ihs Stockholders in fipany THAU THREE PER CENT. PER MONTH Mart. There is room oa the land for several ft'?, two of -which will he immediately com- It the Company, and in which we shall have e interest as in the Jersey. The character of this r a» oil lard, is well known; it is only nscesea r that no well on it has ever failedia getting oil, uas already produced the Maple Shade, the Co srd the Jersey. Twenty- five acres in fee on the east aide of the By River, opposite the mouth of Big Sandy, ctias ahont forty rods ft out on the river, and k ,a large amount of boring surface. Oil wells I largely are found near this property; among * anbbs, the Hoover, &c. The Company intend fd at once to develop this fins property, mid feel e of success A lease of fifteen years on the William B. Wil fc, on Slippery Rock Bun, in hawrenc* eon aty, •. I, 5,7 and 8 are also leases on Slippery Rock Utaixilrg four hundred acres in all. They were d m April, i£6i, bj Dr. Egbert, and continue ks rears from their date. They secure to the \t \ ihe oil and other minerals contained in the ta-ts, with the right to diride and sublet, with r rights and privileges connected with the bual flriahig for oil, cos], and other minerals, and re k royalty of only one-elgiJh of said oil or lippery Bock Territory Is a'new and only par* oil region; but the eucoeas already ob- and on the Mahoning Elver, a few miles >«*th w with- the large quantities of oil found tomb, #a*t, and west of it, lead us to hope that a successful oil region. „ . . . , ''Epany have already an esculent engine, tools, fi ( cefsary fixtures on the grounds, with a well Ivwa, and will proceed to develop the property &! possible, bands and leases were all selected for oil pur r .lie President ot this Company, whose, great In the oil business, sterling integrity, end force 'i:Ur are too well known to require comment ttipiiona received at the office ot LEDYAHD & BAKLOW, 429 CHESTNUT SUBSET, PKOSPECTUS OF THB OTT PETROLEUM AND COIL COMPANY Of OHIO. laL.. *300,000 is qpo.ooo ~~ pak value *a.oo ITED WOKKING CAPITAL $30,000 A STOCK PCLLX PAID - . Snktcribera.... ..™.s2 per Share. ce, No. 318 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. PREaIBBKT. _ JOHN M. EVANS. raBABUStm, AUGUST 0. MILLER. BZOB*TA»r. EDWIN H COANE. ... hIRBCTOBS «. EVANS. Ns. 317 North Second street. ’ n ST 0. MILLER, No. *23 N Thirteenth stmt. II* A ELLIS, No 110* North Third itnti. S P- LIBNBR. No. 032 North Third street. H. CONBAD, M. D , No 810 Tine street. *ES TKAOY. Consbohocken, Pa. r maize, Potteville, Pa. tfo&ert* of the Company* consistlHgof two sepa ls containing 316 acres in/e« simple, is located uti crunty, Ohio, about two miles and a half from Athena. ;i f o 1, containing 200 acres, consists mainly with a frontage of tarse-qnarteiH of a 7 n -}M Hocking river and canal, presenting an hvWttd space r.{ the finest boring surface ‘nut is located in one of the beet oil-producing in State, and parties who have developed IV'.fce vicinity have, in almost every instance, ahl 1 ? Procuring the finest quality of Imoricatiag from $26 to $3O per barrel, at the depth of iL°r’ Q »dred feet. This property abounds in oil i/Sd other positive Indications or the richest de .f/stioteum.. On the adjoining; lands, within a or this tiaet._ft number or wells have bean *£*• within a few weeks past, which are yieid '•flarie quantities >r] a of this tract is rich farming land, which, B 'towoyements, consisting of a doable brown hi* „ ? B > harns, and other necessary buildings, Ct £ handsome rental to the Company, its.j"®* 2 contains 116 acres, and, although nn 'elr?™K T { aot No. i. islocated about the sane X»H°H. lbe l “ wu of Ath#n« (»< miles), This pro rtpl 115 ‘oe most positive evidences of being exceed** to, B JI territory, and presents the same feature* &0 - a * N ‘’- !■ Amid tie raviura. and tij '/fso* witch flow throush It, are found the ror boring purposes tbat could be desired. 6 f / l i apart from its rich deposits of oil and large ,11,7‘51 territory, contains immense beds of Hi* catt "be mined and shipped with ea »v ex * >enw « Xfarge collieries are in act! re ops* tan e»® Joining poperty. The marietta and passes directly through tbi* pro ifeil 1 ! T *»®t 80. I fronts upon the canal, thus b M^i? a t j ll3K eir value in the facilities presented own no uncertain Interests or tempo ' , offer ?o stockholders Sl6 acres in fee of riifcest Oil and Coal lands, located in a regarded by eminent geologists as the W*L o, < tfieo » r nioD f** £S *^B®* l of investing in a substantial organl- Ihe above facts for cmsheratioo, and &>£, ° a * a Prfpscting this euterorlse as one of wkinol leHable that has yet been offered. npMft* o f s3o,Coohas been reserved, and a tin fni-« dirsstor® are now making active pro* immediate development of the pro fs to M^) I \H aTerv short time yield the largest Kk But fifty thousand shares of aiL «P} be reoe< ved at the oflUsof the Co m va?L w , A £ NUT . Street, first floor, at $i per Taia «i folly paid. jafi thstaSt Oil. COMPANIES. HcFAT£ FAKMT Oil COMPANY. capital, - BUBS ORIPTION, $1 PER BHARE. WORKING CAPITAL $35,000, FRED. B. vRIEHLE. JACOB THOMAS, Pmx.4DBr.PHtA, T. A. DDEtJEY, W. BARTON, - L. J. DEMUTH, W. H KINTBK, MoOlikpoostillb, Pa. This Company own. in fee simple SEVSHTY-FOUR ACRES OP LAND, situated on CHERRY RUN, be'- tween the REED WEbL and the HUMBOLDT ■WORKS, being about three-quarters of a mileabora the former Reed Well. Twelve acres of the property have been leased, on Wbleh HIKE WELLS HATE BEEN COMMENDED, and, according to the leaees, SIXTEEN MORE ARE TO BE DRILLED, Prom these twelve acres leased the Company receive ONE-HALP THE OIL PREB OP ANY EXPENSE. The remaining property can be leased at a heavy BONUS whenever the Company see proper to do so. The Company having a working capital of *25,000. can develop the property If they desire to do ao. In the vicinity, on the properties cf the Ecyal Petroleum and Springfield Companies, great activity prevails. THE COMPANY DO NOT CLAIM THAT THEY ARE RECEIVING AN IMMEDIATE YIELD OP OIL, bnt if the (haracter of the surrounding property be taken as a test, there is no reason to doubt that out of the NINE WELLS now in progress, Bomeof them can not hut he productive, as all Wells so far sank on Cherry Ran have produced Oil. The Reed, 250 barrels; Anbnrn, 100 barrels; Granger, 160 barrels; and Baker, 100 barrels, are bnt a short distance below; and the lew well lately struck on the Humboldt property, above. ' Subscriptions received for a limits d number of Shares at the oliicc of HABPEB, BURNEY * GO., No. B 5 SOUTH THIRD STREET, gggf= OFFICE OIIa COMPANY, 400 Caesium St. (np Stairs) Boom No. 16. PAR VALUE OF SHAKES $5.00. WORKING CAPITAL. (40,000. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE...-—.*...■■ PRESIDENT: FREDERICK PAXSON, No 604 Market street. TREASURER * A. A, BHOMWAY, No 221 Market street. piebotors: F. PAXSON, No. 504 Market street. THOMAS D. WATTBON, of the house of Truitt St Co., 528 Market street, CHAStBLOOHINGDALB, of Bloomtngdale, Rhine, dcCo., 332 Market street. EDWARD J. REED, of George W. Reed * Co., 423 Market street. H. J. JOYCE, of A. A. Shnmway & Co., BE Market' street. JCSIAH BABBITT, Js„ No. 423 Market street. D. D. T. FARNSWORTH, Era., West Virginia. EDWARD M. PAXSON, Esq., Solicitor. J. G. FISLER, Secretary. N. B—For particulars see prospectus, with map of lands, it the office. deae-tjail OFFICE OF THE WATSON PJB* ?ROLBUM COMPANY, 80. 414 WALNUT St. % Philadelphia, January 9,1865. At the Annual Meeting of Stockholders, held on the 2d Inst., the following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year: JONATHAN WaFSON, fBLWOOl) T. PUSSY, FRANCIS C. LAWRANCE, PAUL J. HOFFMAN. CALEB O. CHILDS, - t And at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the 3d Inst, the following officers were re-elected: President—B. T. PIJSEY. < Vice Pjesident—C. O. CHILES. Treasurer—CHAßLES WISE. fiecretary-M. B. KBILY. By order of the Board of Directors. , •• jalo-3t U. B. KEILT; Secretary. |KjS= THE GREAT WESTERS OH. CO., Office, Ho. 414 WALRTJT Street. Philadelphia, January 9. 1865. At the Annual Meeting of Stockholders held on the 2d in&t. the following gentlemen were elected Directors for thefßsuingyear: _ FRANCIS C. LA WBANCS.! CHARLES WISE, CALEB O CHILDS, FaUL J. HOFFMAN. JOSEPHS ALTEMUS. | And at a Meeting of the B jard of Directors held on the Sd lnet the following officers were re- elected: President—CHAßLES WISE. Tice President—J B. ALTEMUS .Treasurer pro tem.—M. B. KBILT. Seoretary-M B. KBILT. By order «f the Board of Directors: jalo-3t M. B. KBILT, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE OAK BALL Oil, Ira? COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. J. C FRYER. 113 CHESTNUT Street. The Boek of Subsrriotion to the Capital Stock ef the OAK Ball OIL COMPANY Will dose on THURSDAY, January 12, 1866, at 3 o’clock, after which date the cer tificates ef stock will he ready for delivery. Persons holding the Company’s receipts are requested to present them and obtain their certificates. JOHN OAKFORD, Secretary. Philadelphia, January 4, 1865. jaOTft oOFFICE OF THE XOCUST MOUN> TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPART, Philadelphia, Dec. 16,1864. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Company will beheld at their Office, No. 239 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the 16th day of January next, at 12 o’clock M., when an ELECTION will be held for seven Directors to serve for tb s ensuing year The Transfer Book, of the Company will Be closed for dftcen days prior to the day of said election delT-tlalS EDWARD ELY. Secretary. OFFICE VENANGO OIL COM fc3£7 PaISY, H. A cor. THIRD »nd DOCK (second A special meeting of tie Stockholders will be held on PKIDAY, lan. »t£, 1865. at3o clock, to devise means for the proper development of the Company. By order of the Board, EDW. H. FLOOD, ja7-6t* Treasurer, |gp* BET. HENRY WARD BEECHER’S Before the Toting Hen’s Christian Association, Philadelphia. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, THURSDAY EVENING, Jan. 19, 1865. Subject: BEAUTY AKD THE BBABT. TICKETS for unreserved 5eat5......... < ...55»,»25 cents. Do. for reserved seats. 50cents. To be had at 606 CHESTNUT Street, Glaxtou’s (for inerlv Martian’s) bookstore, on and after Monday next. KSF COIOBED PEOPLE ANB CItY PASSENGER CARS. Philadelphia, January 3, 1885. . The undersigned invite the citizens of Philadelphia who are opposed to the exclusion of respectable persons from the Passenger B&ilroad Cars, on ths ground of companion, to unite with them in a Public Meeting, to be held at CONCERT HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING, thel3thinstant, to consider the subject, and to take such actb n as may be dtemedadvisable. I&m opposed to the excra- Alonzo P»tter, sion of respectable per* William Bacon Stevens, sons from the care on the Henry J. Morton, f round ef complexion; Phillips Brooks, nil take no part in either M, A. DeWolfHowe, attending or calling pub- Kobert J. Parvln, ' lie meeting*. J. Biwards. HORACE BINNEY, T. Be WittTalmage. January 7, 1866. Joseph T. Cooper, Frank L. Robbins, Horaceßinney, Jr., GeorgeH Stuart, John Aehhurst, John ? Verree, N V B. Browne, Saunderß Lewis, Charles Gibbois, Jav Cooke- Robfrtß Gabeen* Lemuel Coffin, A. A. KonigznaoVer, . William Welsh;* William Henry Rawls, 'J- Forsyth Meigs, Ceorge Trofi, James Mott, Step! em Colwell, Matthew w, Bildwin, George H. Bok«r, Evan Randolph, Henry C. Gftrey, Samos) Parrish, E. W; Clark, H. F. West. Philip P. Randolph, James G. Knowles, Jr., Benjamin Coates, Joseph Parri*h. Joseph Price, William C. Baker, Lindiey Smyth, William Dorsey, DiUwyn Parrish, Dillwm Parrish, Jr., A brahma Barter, Stephens Price, Thom as M< it, _ John L. Jenks, William W. Justice, A Campbell, George D Parrish, Joseph Whitehead, Wiiifam Hunt. W, G. Knowles, Fdwsid Parrish, J Hiller Me Sira, Elwcod T. Pusey, Francis R. Cope, B. B Comfgya, B » White, B. P. Hunt, JohnT Walton, Benjamin B. Brewster, Jacob Wise, Charles Gilpin, M. B. Keeley. Charles D. Cooper, Charles Wise, Mordecai L Dawson, JSS” THE COEORES FEOPER ASD *=» TH* STREEP CABS.-Ai CONCEPT BALL, 'lO-II Oh BOW EVENING, M W BAEDWIN, Es® , trill tats the chair, at 7>i o’clock, and the following gehUtmes, so far as there shall be time, trill address Alston, Robert Parvis, J. Miller BcKim, , Gso. H. Earle; Abrahsm Barter, Bar. J. W. Smith, D. D., Bar. Dr. Vornesß, If. B. Browne, and cibarle* Gibbons, Is®., Dr. Joseph Parrish. Rot. Phillips Brooks, lal2-2t irjsr' ivivKA’sci ibis’ state of pehns The following gent! emeu Dirt ttors ’or the year 1855 Berry D. Sberxerd, Charles Hacalester, William 8. Smith, William B Waite, George H. Btnart, • Peine el Grant, Jr,, Tobias Wagner, , At a meeting of the Direct P. Wi President of tie Oom^M^ ©300,000. 300,000 SHARES. PRESIDENT, JACOB THOMAS. TREASURER, E. B. HARPER. SECRETARY, DIBEOrOHS. BANKERS, PHILADELPHIA. FARNSWORTH NOTICES. GREAT LECTURE, COMPANY OP THE YLVANfA, - JAXL'AHT U» 1885. have toe*, duly elected u Thomas B. Wattson* Henry Q. Freeman, Chutes S. LewK George G. Carson. Bom and G. Knight, John B. Austin. orn, held this day, HENP.T ■as unanimously re elected UM HARPER, Secretary. THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, THTTRSDAy, .IANHARY 12, 1865. B® 23 APPEAL FOR THE PROPLE Of SAVANNAH. —The undersigned, a Committee appointed by Public Meeting of the citizens of Pitlla delphla, convened for the purpose of taking: step* to relieve the wants of our feUow-eitizens of Harannah, now released from the cruel yoke of rebellion, and once more living under the flair of the united stales, make this appeal to ihe generous and patriotic people of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. The citizens of Savannah haveembraced the first op< pcrtunlty of proving their loyalty and submission to the United States Government, The capture of the city closed the avenues of trade and supply, and Savannah, Isolated from the surrounding country, suffers for food. At the meeting held at the rooms of the Board of Trade, on the Kith instant, Bishop Potter presiding, a letter, addressed by one of the aldermen of Savannah to Messrs. J.*P. Steirer & Co., was read, of which the fol* lowing is an extract*. ' “The principal object in my addressing you, is to ark? on whether you cannot get up a subscription for the poor and needy «f Savannah, as they are destitute of tveryi/ntto, and such a movement as this would en shrine the Philadelphians in the heart of every citizen of Savannah. In. case you do something, do it at once; twenty thousand people are destitute of all you can imagine What are particularly necessary are bacon, flour, and potatoes. * * - lo scoordance with this appeal. H is proposed that Philadelphia shall send to Savannah a cargo of provi sions; and the Committee earnestly appeal to the libe ral and patriotic citizens of our State, and invoke their aid in this Christian effort to feed tbe hungry, to com fort the distressed, tnd to show our brethren who have been in arms against the constituted authorities of the land, bur are so no longer, that they may again enjoy the ben«flta arising out of returning harmony in our borders. Person* who detire to contribute to the Fiind, are requested to s ß nd subscriptions to JAB. L. CLAGHuBDf, 5634: MABKBT Street iUoDzo_Fouer, James L. Claghorn, Joa* ph F. Page, Edward S. Clark, A. T XfB.se, fc Ibsoa Peacock, Beo-sa T. t.ewls, James C. H*ad, Ass. Heaton, $, T, E ostler, George W. Griflitt, X,loyd P. Smith, bamaei row, Bdwin Kirkpatrick. ja!2-3fc Wid. Hunter,* Jr,* A. G . Catteil, 8. Yam bn Merrick, C. B, Dnrborow, E W. Clerv, -Samuel J. Curtailes, J, Gilllxghbm Fell, A J. Drexel, i C&dwttlsder Biddle. William C. Kent, Horace Binney. Jr.* Frederick ColJ tar. ira* OFFICE OF Tfl£ ESimmSß INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT St; Philadelphia, Jan. 11,1805, At the annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held on the 9th day of January, 1835, the following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year: F. RATCHFORD STAKE, WILLIAM MoKEB. NALBRO FRAiZIER* J. M. ATWOOD, B T. IRBDICK. MOBDECAI L. DAWSON, GEOKGE H sroA&T, JCHS EC BBOWiy, J. L. BKRINGER*. georgk w. Fahnestock, JAMES L CLAGH^EN. • WILLIAM Q. BOULTON. At ft meeting of the Board of Directors held this day, F-EaTCHFORD STARR was re-elected President, and TQOS, H. MONTGOMERY re elected Vies President. 3&12-6t B LOCKWOOD, Secretary. BOT’ OFFICE OF XSB D£UVABE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUBAECa COMPANY, , t „ , ~ Philadelphia, January 11, 1885. At thnelaction fox DIRECTORS, held at this Office oa the m inefc., tbe following gentlemen were chosen to serve the ontniss rear: Thomas C. Band, Joseph H. Seal, Edward Par in ft on, Edmund A. Bouder, TheqpbUne Paulding, Both Craig. JofcnG Davit, James C. Hand, Joim R. Penrose, H. Jones Broofce, Spencer Mellvain* GeoigeO Leiper, Henry Sloan, Samnel 33. Stokes, \ And at a meeting of the Be day, THOMAS G HAKIt, Ei elected President, JOHN G. dent; and James Traquair, James B. McFarland, . William C. Ludwig Robert Barton, Jr.» J. F. Pen.BtoD, Jacob P. Jones, Joshua P. Byre, William 6 Boulton, Henry 0 DaUett, Jr., John D Taylor, Edward Lafonrcade. D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg. John B Semple, ** A. B Berger, •* (o&rd of Directors, held this 3sq , was unanimously re- DAVIB,Esq , Vico Prssi* HBSmr LYDBDBN, Secretary. UCfegf 2 " PHUABEIiPIIU, Jlir. 11, 1865. At an Annual Meeting of the Contributors of the HOUSE OP REFUGE, the following-named gentle* men were unanimously elected as Officers and Managers for the ensuing-year—ylz: President—THOM * S EAR?. Tice Presidents—JAMES J. BABCLAY, JOHN M. OODBN Secretary—Al.EX. HENKY. Traasnrer—CHaßLEs E. HAVEN. MABAOBKB. Join Faruum. N. B. Browne, John W. Claghorn, Thomas A. ttudd, Benry Perkins, Fredk. A Packard. Wm. Ship pen, M. D., Isaac R. Smith, John Robins. Daniel h. Collier, Alex. Fullerton, Jacob P. Jones, Casper Wister, a. fl. Woodward, Geo. M. Troutman, Charles Wheeler, Wm. S. Perot. Charles EIHf, Arthur 0. Coffin, Alfred M. Collin*. Thomas L Bane. It QAVIST H, ■SgF" OFFICE OF TJOEEMIOST PASSES* GEE BaUiWaT COMEAKT, Ho. 208 Soatk EOOETH Street, Philadelphia % January 9, 1865. At the Annual .Meeting, of the Stockholders of this Company, held thiad&y, thefsilowing gentlemen were elected to serve lor the ensnin g year: PRESIDENT, WM. V. McGKRATH. VICE PRESIDENT, JOHS MILLER. DIRECTORS, I Joint M. Riley, Robert P. Else. Jacob 33. Eidsrway, Charles Welsh, JKidrway Gibbs, And at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held the same day, war H. KSMBLE was elected Secretary and Treasurer. WM. E KEMBLE, Secretary, .DELPHIA. HATlON >elphia, January XI, 186-5. ; Directors, held yesterday, ire elected Directors of this THE PHIXA BASK.. FHItABJ •At the anneal election f«r the following - gentlemen wei Bank for the ensuing year: Thomas Robins, | Lewisß. Ashhurat, 1 John Wileh. Marshall Hill, J. L. Stringer, Jas. I*. Clagfc.orn, J. Gillingham Fell, And at the meeting of THOMAS 20BISS, Ekl, President. J&l2-6t he Board, held tits day, "• “IfSooSlalsf 84 • Cashier. OFFICE OF THE FAME UTSV* BARGE COMPANY. No, 406 CHESTNUT Street, - Philadelphia, Jan. 10,1865.- At an election held at ihe office of the Company, on the 9th instant, the following gentlemen were elected Directors for she emuing y ear; . PraucisK. Buck, Samuel Wnght, Charles Blcharadson, George A. west, Henry Leons, Robert B. Potter, JohnW. Eye-man, Joseph D.EJBS, John Kessler, Jr., Edward D. Woodruff, Charles Stoker, PMiip S. Justice. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held TJUS DAT, FRANCIS 2f BUCK was elected President, CHARLES RICHARDSON, Tice President, and • W. I. BLAETCSaBD, It Secretary, OFFICE OF THE INSCJBAKOE mW COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. Philadelphia, Jan. 11,1885. At a meeting- of the Stockholders of thts Company, held 10th intt., ! o elect Directors to serve for one year, the following duly chosen: Arthur G Coffin, Wm. Welsh. Francis R. Cope, Samuel W. Jones, Wm E. Bowen, Efdw. H. Trotter. John A. Brown, Jas. N. Dickson, Edward S. Clark, Ctas. Taylor. S. Morris Wain, Wm. Cummings, Ambrose White, John Mason, T, Charlton Henry Bieh’d D. Wood. Ueo. L. Harrison, At a meeting of the Directors, held this day. ARTEUJE G. COFFIH. Esq. ,was unanimously re-elected President ja!2-3i CHARLES PLATT, Secy. 8 IfATIOSAI BANK. lapei.PHlA, Jan, 11, 1865. >TBt held on the 10th last., to serve the ensuing year; Geo O. Thomas, Jas. B Bioodgood, Bob*. Coane, jggp TBADESffIJX’I At an Election tor Dlreeroi the following were elected * Cbss. fi, Rogers, Join Carrow, Jas. McCann, Isaacß. Baxter. Jr.* i „ „ At s Meeting of the Board Tield this day, CHAS. H. ROGERS waselected President, acd __ ' JOHJf CASTNEB, It? Cashier* THE DBAFT.-AT A MEETING of the citizens of the ELEVENTH WARD, held January 10th, it was Resolved, That each of the different wards of the eity he je%uetted to- send thjee delegates to the hall, N. E. corner of Second and Coates streets, on WEDNESDAY EVENING. January IBth, to meet alike number from the above Ward, to take some action in relation to the late order of Provost Marshal General Fry TOUCHING OUR QUOTAS on the coming DRAFT. FRED. G LADING, Chairman. Attest: Thomas A. Fast, Secretary. jal2-6t* NINTH WARD DRAFT MEET IBG —A mass meeting of the citizens of the NINTH WARD, irrespective of party, will be held on THURSDAY EVENING, Jan 12 1*65, at o'clock, at the hall MARKET and MERRICK Streets, for the pur pose of adopting each, measures as will in the most prompt manner fill the quota of the ward under the last call of the President of the United States. Let there he a full attendance. DA&ISL ST 818 METZ, i ' President pro tem. John L. Bra, Secretary pro tem. it* TWELFTH - WARD BOUNTY FUND.—TREASURER’S REPORT. . To amount ofcasli collected since A.ug. 9,1861...55,293 50 Ca. By cash paid for SO recruit5.............57 865 00 Expense of printing* posting, adver tising, &« ► 227 25 Balance in hands of Treasurer...;.'. 201 25 ■■■ ■-■ ■■ $3,293 50 L. B. ENGLES, Treasurer. It* January 10, 1855. |KS*» TTS'EIFTH- WAB» BOUNTY FUND. —The cUlzfcus of the Ward are requested to meet at the Hall of the United States Hose Company, BUTTONWOOD Street, below York Avenue THIS (Thursday) EVENING. ISihins*.. to adoofc meastyes to avoid the draft CHAS. M. WAGNBR, President. L. B. ENGLES, Treasurer. Thos. H. Connell, Secretary. 11* JKS* THE ANNUAL MEETING OFffHE Snbscriberato the LADIES’ DEPOSITORY"wiII he held, as usual, THIS DAY, January 12th, at 12 o’clock. ’ it* (KS* GERMAN.—THE SUPPLEMENT. W=& ARY COUKSB will open FRIDAY NEXT, at Spring Garden Hail, THIRTEENTH and SPBIOGGAR ifkN Sts. .at m P M .precisely. Apply 919 LOMBARD Street. C C; SCHaBSFBB. It* IKS* OFFICE OF THE RAVI AGENT, No. U» Sonth THIRD Street. Philadelphia, Jan. 11,1885. All persons having claims .against this office, under the incumbency of tne lat* Navy Atent, are requested to file the same with me before the 20th in&t. A. E. WATSON, ja32- 2t Paymaster in charge of Agency. OFFICE OF THE FAIRMOUNT fcs? passenger railway company. Philadelphia, Jan. 11,1865, The Annual Heating of the Stockholders of this Com* tMywtll be held at Room No. 80, PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, on THURSDAY, January 25th, 1865, at 12 o’clock M., for the election of a President and five Director?, and to vote on the question of consolidation, «jt12161926-4t JOSHUA SPEEING, Sec’y. KS~- ASD NOW, TO WIT: JANUARY 7th. 1865. on motion of JamesH. Little. Esq., SaHUEL W. HOFFMAN is this day admitted topr&e lice as an Attorney in the District Court and Court of Common Pleas. jail-2t* * PETROLEUM STORAGE COM ®» PANY OF PHILADELPHIA.—The Subscription Books will remain open at the office of the Company, 387 WALNUT Street, and at the Rooms of the Phil*, delphia Board of Trade, 505 CHESTNUT Street, anti] the stock is all subscribed for. Persons forwarding subscriptions or instalments will pleas» make their check* payable to tbe order of F. B. HUBBELL, Esq., Treasurer. noac-sfchtf ira* MOSHLANNON COAX COMPANY. . —The annual meeting of the Stockholders wUI beheld at tbe office of the Company (No PLACE) ; I»3>* South FOURTH Street, on THURS DAY, Janaary 19th, 1865, at 12 o’clock M., for the purpose of electing five Directors to serve the ensuing year, and tram-acting such other business as may come before tbe meeting jafl-rosth3t #SAMUEL W. WRAY, Secretary. GRANS COMPLEMENTARY BALL *£257 to be given to - THE "BEPUBWOAN INVItICIBLES.”" AT THB ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On THURSDAY EVENING NEXT, 12th inafc. Tickets can be procured at the National Union Club, 110$ Chestnut street, Lee A Walker’s mtuic Store, 722 Chestnut street, J. B. Gould’s music store, southeast corner Chest* nut and Seventh streets, and of the Committee of Ar rangements. ja&-4t ira* 1 RECITATIONS BY PHILIP LAW SINCE and his Pupils at ASSEMBLY BUIL D INGS on THDiiyDAY EVENING, Jan. 12th, when a Corps of tbe ** Courtland Saunders Cadets ” will recite in Concert ( * Arm for tbe Battle. ’' Tickets, 26 Commence at 8 o'clock, jail-21* ira» INDIGENT WIDOWS* AND SIN. GLE WOMEN’S SOCIETY OF PHILADBL FBIA.—Tae Anui'errary Mating of the Society will be held at the AST LU*, CHERRY Street, below High-, teenih, on THCBfrIMY, tie 12th of January 186$, at 12 o’clock noon. The Reporter tbe Managers will be read by the Rev. N W. COoKLINQ. j UI ; 2t* A. PVBMC MEETING OF THE WZ& PHILADELPHIA. BIBLE SOCIETY will be held in the ttHBKCH, coroer BROAD and SANS >tf Streets on TH n »»Sl>*Y EVENING next, 12thinst.. ween the Key Bishop SUM PSOW will preach & Sermon in aid of Ui* Bible O^uae.. A collection will be taken np for that obj&tt. By «rdeTof the Committee, TH MAS K PETERSON, Chairman, TUB AASOAI MEEMKjS OF THE K 3& Biocfci«oid*r<of tbe MAft- KEf COMPANY wUlb« held at the Office oftheCom j-flnr, corner of nod WABfcET Streets, on SeTOHDAY 14tb font., at U o’clock A &. kt which. t!n>e an election for niu« eorvetho yesr, wiUbe bei i- JOSKPH PAXSOft, Philadelphia, Jaaaarj 7, 1556. j iIQ St r OODWABX>» Secretary, Edward 8. Clarlre, Sami. W. DeCcmrsey, „Henry Preant, George Whitney* Benj. G, Godfrey, Augustus Heaton. The dividends of this company will hereafter be made payable quarterly, in accordance with a resolution of the Board adopted this day. _ | Jag-fit A BBBSWANGBR, T. A. |Kvsf° THE PBILADEIPftIA NATION ALBAN K, Philadelphia, Jan. 6,1865 The Directors have this day-declared a Dividend of TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT , payable on the 18th inst. Stockholders are requested to bring or send their cer tificate! to be exchanged for new ones of the Philadel phia National Bank. B. B. CuHEGYS, ja6- tja!6 Cashier. JfiKS _ DKvSP' THF> JUfMUAU OTRETINttOr' fHE Stockholders of tho MECHANICS' OIL COM PANY will be held at their office, BULLEITN BUILD ING. Rotra No. 2. second flo«r, on MQAJDaY, .T»au&ry 30,1006. at 3 P. M. jail .ft* ' C. T. KEftH. Secretary. ira 0 A»SEkSOK’S office, united STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, FIRST BIS TBICT, PENNSYLVANIA, NO. 431 K WALNUT STREET. pHix.AOBr.PHTA, Jan 7,1865. Notice is hereby aiven that the official Item of assess ments for tbe FIRBT COLLECTION DISTRICT of Penn sylvania. o£ the SPECIAL INCOME TAX, required to be made by provisions cf the Joint Resolution of Con gress of the Fourth day of July, 1864, are now ready for examination, and will remain open for the inspection of all persons who may apply for that purpose, daring the ten days next ensuing, exclusive of Sand ay a Appeal* fa writing, epecirying the particular cause, a a iter, or thing respecting which a decision is request ed, ana stating the ground or principles of error com plained of, will be entertained by me at anv time be fore the 20th imst. WASHINGTON KEITH, j&9-6t . Assessor, BONUS TO THE INSURED.—THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY, AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Office No. 408 CHESTNUT Street, Decembkr SI, 3864. As the period of five years has elapsed since the last Bonus was made* the Company has declared Bonus No. 6 to the insured for whole life onall policies in force which were issued prior to January 1, 1862- Thus a policy issued in 1867 by tbis Bonus has $lO5 added to the sum insured for each sl,ooos those issued ia 1856 have $9O added; those issued in 1869. as well as all policies Which participated in Bonus No. 4. declare! in De cember, 1859, have $75 added for each sl*ooo Insured, 3ic. s Ac. Large* and smaller stuns participate ia like proper lions, without requiring any ii crease In the annual pre mium i? 1p Uila to tf e Company. Is addition to which oo all- the above-named policies on which future pi entrains shall be paid, and on all other life policies after they shall have stood three years, and Bhall become claims within the next five years, there shall be paid a farther Bonus in the same ratio as that now declared. As soon as the Bonds shall be credited to the policies on the Registers, a notice wit! be sent to each policy holder who participates, stating the amount. By order of the Board. THOMAS BIDS WAY, President. Jno. F. Jambs, Secretary. jafi-thstu Bi* COOPEB-SHOP TOMJSTiCSR BB> FKESHBEHT SALOOH, 1009 OTSE9O Streak, DfICEIiBBR 30 We are again compelled .to appeal to the citizens of Philadelphia for means to aid us to carry on oar iastl tation. whilst we feel thankful for the liberal support we have already received, we feel confident that oar present wants will call to our aid again the liberal sup port of our loyal and patriotic citizens, which at present is essentially necessary to enable us to continue the good work or feeding and administering to the wants of our brave soldiers. Contributions sent to as by letter or otherwise will be thankfnlly received. WM. M. COOPBft, President, 135 8 WATER Street. ADAM M. SIMPSON, Treasurer, _ 9 Stmt. WM. M MAULL.Bae-etary, * 330 CATHARINE Street. E. S. HALE Cashier Seventh National Bank. ASSESSOR’S OFFICE, TTSTrEB STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. FCURT d DIS TRICT, PENNSYLVANIA, FARMERS* AND ME CHANICS’ BANK BUILDING* NO. 4»7 CHESTNUT STREET. Philadelphia, January 7, 1865. Notice Is hereby given that the official lists of as sessments, tor the FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT of Pennsylvania, of the SPECIAL INCOME TAX, re quired to be made by provisions of the Joint Resolu tion of Congress, of the Fourth day of July, 1884. are cow ready for examination, and will remain open for toe inspection of ail persons, who may apply for that purpose, during the ten days next ensuing, exclusive of Sundays. \ Appeals fra writing t specifying the particular cause, matter: or thtcg, respecting which a decision is re quested, and stating the ground or principles/of error complained of, will be entertained by meat any time before the 20th inat. D. P. SOUTH WORTH, .fa 7 6t Assessor. STOCKHOLDERS’ NOTICE.—THE ■ps> in anal Meeting of the Stockholders of the OOE HBLSVILLE A»D SOUTHERN" PEN NSYE. VANIA RAIL WAT COMPANY will ha held on MONDAY, the 9th da, of Jarnary, 1869, at 8 o’clock P. M., at the office of the Company, No- 330 South THIRD Street, Phila delphia. An Election for President and Directors will he held on the same day and place. „ R. D. BARCLAY, de2S-tj&29 Secretary pro tem. MEKOAMTILE LIBRARY COM. S 3— PANY, _ I’Kn.AIieLPHiA. Jannary 9,1885 The Annual Mdetina or the Stock holders of the MER. CASTILE LIBRARY COMPANY will he held on TUESDAY, 17th Instant, at 7 H o'clock P. M., in the Library Boom. At this meeting nominations of officers will he made. JOHN A. MCALLISTER, ja3-fl7 , Recording Secretary. Kg“ THE PB ILADELPtII A OPH THaLMIC DISPENSARY, N. E corner NINTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, is open daily from II to 1 o’clock for the gratuitous treatment of all diseases and afigetiona of the eye. ja!o-6t* DiriDENDS. THE QVICKSILTEB MINING COMPANY. The Directors of the Quicksilver Mining Company have THIS DAT declared asemi-annally dividend of FIVE DOLLARS per share In ~ _ UNITED STATES GOLD COIN, payable FEBRUARY 15,1865, to shareholders of record January 81st, 1865 Transfer Books will be closed from February let to lfith, inclusive. _ „ WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasurer. NBW.YQRg, January 4, 1865. jalfl 18t isr* OFFICE WEST FHIiADBLPHIA PASSESGBK RAILWAY COMPANY, North west corner of FORTT-FIRST and HAVSRFOBD Sts., _ _ a PfIILAPBLPHiA, Jan. 10. 1885. The Board of Directors have tnia day declared a divi dend of FIVE PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company, toSt&t ult,, dear of all taxes, payable on and after the 20th inst. The Books for the transfer of Stock will be closed until that date. jal2 thsta-12t* WK. MARTIN, Jr., Treasurer. DIVIDESD -THE DIRECTORS of the NOBLE AND DBLAMATBR PETRO LEUM COMPANY - have this daycUclaieel,as their ninth monthly dividend, SIX "ER CENT , payable free of 6tatetax, on the 20th instant. Books closa on the 14th and re open 21st. GEORGE W. HUNTER, fejal2-9fc Secretary. i9f TUB GOSSOMDATION NATION* AL BANK. Philadelphia, Jau. 4,1865 The Directors have tils day declared an Extra Divi dend of TWENTY PER CBN T.. payable on MONDAY, January 16,1865, clear of U. S Taxes. Stockholders will be required to surrender their Cer tificates of Stock, for which new ones will be issued in the name of ’‘The Consolidation National Bank.“ jaff-thstatlft JOS. N. PEIRSOL. Cashler. 13* MECHANICS’ NATIONAL BANK, Philadelphia* January 10* lfi&L . Tlie Board of Directors of this Bank have this day de clawed an extra dividend of FIVE P«R CENr., payable to Stocfc holders on and after MONDAY, Jan. 16, 1865, jail fit J. W EG AND, Jr., Cashierr ICT® OFFICE OF THE BESOWfE MINING COMPANY, Philadelphia, January 9,1865. Notice is hereby given that as last*’meat of uNS COLLAR PEE BHABB on each and everyfUre of the Capital Stock o ; the RESOLUTE MINING COMPANY has this day been called in.payable on or bsfore the 234 day of January, 1665, at the office of the Treasurer, No. 324 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. By order ot the Directors! B. A. HOOPES, jalQ*tja23 ' Treasurer. ||®*» OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, 232 WAL NUT-STREET, Phtljßelphia, January 9,1865. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY CENTS per share free from taxes, payable on c emaod. jalO 12fc CBABLSS PLATT, Secretary. ira* OFFICE OF THE FAME INSU RANGE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, January 7,1855. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, held this day, a dividend of THREE PER CENT, was declared,psyableondemand, clear of all taxes. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, ja9 12t Secretary. OFFICE AKTHRACITE INSU* RANGE COMPANY. No. 311 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, Jan. 2, 1885. The Board.of Directors have this day declared a cash dividend of TEN PEB CENT, on the Capital Stock paid in, payable on demand, free of taxes. ja7-6t WM. M. SMITH, Secretary, OFFICE OF UNION MUTUAL IST vW 6URANCE company. Ph (ladelphia, January 5.1865. ' The Directors of this Company have this dav decl&ted a DIVIDEND of EIGHT PER CENT, on the Stock, and SIX PER CENT, on the outstanding Ssrip of the Com pany. free ol taxes, payable on demand. jao 61 JOHN MOSS, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE HOSRT COMB W&& PETROLEUM company, No. 43 Sonfch FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. January 5,1865. NOTICE.—The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of£ON£ PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company (beieg two percent, on the subscription price), payable on and a:t«r the 166 h in»t., free of ail taxes. Tj ausfer Boohs will close January 10th, at 3 o'clock P. M., and. open January 2Q‘h. Persons holding receipts will please present them without delay, and receive thtir certificate*. TB 0-MAS TOLHAN, jag-fit , Secretary and Treasurer.-* OIE CREEK AND CHERRY RUN OIL COMPANY. TRANSFER OFFICE, 208 South FOURTH Street Philadelphia, January fi, 1865. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of TWO (2) PER CENT , payable to Phi adelphia Stockholders, at this office, on and after the 17th inst. Transfer Books will close on the 7th and reopen on the 16th inst. I®** DIYIDIND NO. HI (3).—GREAT Wssf BASIN OIL COMPANY.—The Directors have this day dec'areda Dividend cf TWO (2) PER CBST., payable on and after the 15th instant. Books close on the 10th instant. By a resolution of the Board of Direc tors, adopted this day, dividends will in future be paid quarterly. G. W. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. . Januaiy 5.1565, tja6-10fe*3 14EAR&UBAR BDGS. THE MECHANICS’ BANK, St, Louis, Dee 31.1861 The Board of Directors have declared a dividend of THREE AND ONE HALF PERCENT <BXp c.}paya ble to Philadelphia Stockholders at tbe Mechanics’ Na tional Bank, Philadelphia, on and alter Jan 16,1895. jaMjalg* CHAS. EVERTS, Cashier. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE TIOGA IRON COMPANY, No. 624 WALNUT Street, Room No, 25. * a a The Board cf Directors have THIS DAY declared a DIVIDEND of FIVE PER GENT, (twenty-five per share) on the capital stock or this Company, paya ble at their office on and alter Janaary 16th, 1865, clear of state taxes The transfer books will be closed on the 13th and opened on the 16th. Jas-tjal6 D. B JONES, Treasurer. (Cl 33 OFFICE OF THE MINGO OIL ►33? COMPANY, No 524 WALNUT Street, Room ' FffliAMaarSL** Jan 3, 1865. D!YIDEND NOTICE -The Board of Directors have um any declared their second monthly dividend of TWO PER CEBT. (twenty cents per share), oat of the net earnings of the Company for the month of December, payable, clear of State tax, on and alter Janu£ y 20th. Transfer Books close January 14th, at 3 o’clock P.M., and open January 21st. P. W. WILT BANS, jafi tja2Q Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PHILADEL* phia city Passenger railway com pany, No. 2100 CBEsTNOI Street January 2, 1865. it a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND FlFjfr Y CENTS PER SHARE, subject to the United States and State taxes, was declared, payable to the Stockholders or their le gal representatives, on and after the 12th inst. The transfer books will be closed until the 12th inat. jaj-lQt WM. W. CQLKET, Treasurer. FtS® DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE MINERAL OIL COMPANY, »2l WAL NUT Street, January fid, 1864. The Board of Directors have ibis day declared a Dividend of ONE AND ONE-HALF PER CENP on the Capital Stock, payable at their Office on and after the 12th in stent* clear of State Taxes. The Transfer Books will be closed on the 4th at BP. M., and opened on the 23th. ja3-9t THOS. R. SBABLB, Secretary. fIOFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CO., 400 WALNUT ST. ' Philadelphia, Jan. 2,1865,- Tbe Directors have TUTS DA x declared a dividend of TBRBE AND ONE HALF PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company for the last six months, payable on demand, free of all taxes. JS. LOGKw jOD, ja3-12t Secretary. PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING RAILROAD COMPANY. Office No. 221 South FOURTH Street. - Philadelphia, November 53,1801 DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The transfer books of this Company will be dosed on TBBRBDAY, December 1& and reopened on TOESDAY* JANUARY 10, 1866. A Dividend of FIFTEEN PEB CENT, on the common and preferred stock, clear of National and State taxes, has been declared, payable in common stock,on the Sira December next, <on all stocks standing on the books og the Company, at the dose of business on the 15th pro*. Stockholders whose names ore registered on the New York books will be paid at the Farmers* Loan and Trust Company. 8. BRADFORD, del-tf _ Treasurer, . ; NEW PIJBMCATIOBfS. TAYLOR’S NBW NOVEL JOM GODFREYS FORTUNES, RELATED BT HIMSELF. A STORY OP AMERICAN LIPS. BY BAYARD TAYLOR, Author of “Hannah Thurston,” “Views A-foot, *’ “Landsoftheßaracea,” &c., flw, : . ONE VOL. i»mo, ,;v.,PRICE,-$3,35. NINTH THOUSAND READY. " Re»i> what the oritlcs sa, of it: “The language Is universally nervour, expressive, and idiomatic. In some portions of the volume; it is scarcely too much tc say that Us natural and energetic simplicity is a genuine tcho of Swift or Defoe, and in no case is it defiled by the unpardonable sin of literary parade or pon p. ’ ’—if. T. Tribune. “ This versatile and. general writer has published nothing equal In dramatic interest and literary force to this, hu laiest work. -SYojy Times. “This is, in aU respects, the best novel Mr. Taylor has produced. It contains no flings againstOhrlstianity, and seems to have been written with a serious purpose to condemnvice and extol virtue. ’ ’—Christian intelli gencer. .■ HANNAH THURSTON, BY .BAYARD TAYLOR. ONE VOL. lamo;.-,.,., „ ..PRICE, $3. • From the Albany Evening Journal, “It is worthy of • the genius of its author. The story ig foil of character. Its depiction of life is graphic and truthful. Hannah Thurston will be eagerly read. * * From thp Philadelphia Daily Press. “He has produced a book, notwithstanding his modest disclaimer, which has a wcH-su*tat»ed plot, not an incident being out of the circle of ordinary proba bility, and its whole tone is healthy. It is a story em phatically ‘racy of the .soil,’ which will greatly in crease its writer’s lamb. ” HURD * HOUGHTON. PUBLISHERS, (FOR G. P. PUTNAM,) HO, 401 BROADWAY, HEW YORK, Either book sent by mail prepaid, on receipt of the prices annexed. . jalg-febagt RAPHAEL’S CARTOONS. EKTIKEIT NEW SERIES-OF PRATES,. EA6KATED BY 6. SBMIBiCH, From the Originals at Hampton Court Palace, EXPRESSLY FOE THE DRAWING- ROOM TABLE OR TEE PORTFOLIO, Consisting of 7 Plates Tha subjects are: THE DEATH OF ANANIAS. THE SACRIFICE AT LYSTRA. CHARGE TO PETER. - PAUL PREACHING AT ATHENS. ELYMAS STRUCK WITH BLINDNESS. ST. PETER HEALING THE LAME MAN. THE MIRACULOUS DRAUGHT OF FISHES Quotation and Descriptive Letter Frees with sack Plate. BSP With an Introduction and Memoir of Raphael. The Plates and Text elegantly printed on paper expressly for the purpose; size 12x 17 inches JS9* The whole in a beautiful Portfolio. Price per Set A few Sets of Artists’ Proofs reserved at $l5. Also, a most elegant and tempting assortment of Valuable Illustrated Books, Published only by this Company, and sold at ear esta blished prices, which have never been increased. LOMOS PRINTING ABB PUBHSHUTO C 0„ RETAIL BOOM, 487 Broadway, New York, .487 HENRY A. BROWN. iaS-mth4t ' - MANAGER. NleAJvd/X Jc SJJEn&h 1864. 1864. A 1. & F. fi. WOMMTH, 001880 KB TO THE LATE GEO. 7. WOMJUTB.I Ho. 41ft Arch Street, un kowornt A TOLL ASSORTMENT 07 LADEEW FANCY 3TD»B, Vo which the, lnTltc the attention of buyer.. oegl-Sm RADIES’ FANCY FURS. 'T£ m \'tnF'Ta x? AWimncs a a M dwFJtiXw - Jd JSkJtmjDAmJXi^S^tp No. 71$ ARCH Street, above Seventh Street, At his old established store. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, ANU KE ALERTN FANCY FURS LADIES AKD CHILDREN. Having fiowin store a very large and beautiful assort* ment of all the different kinds and qualities of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES* AND CHILDREN'S WEAR, 1 solicit a call from those is want. Remember the name and number, JOHN FAREERR* 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh, X have no partner or connection with any other store in this city. oe&4mif FINANCIAL. f\IL STOCKS, TJ. 8. LOANS, &c., V BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, Bt GEORGE J. BOYD, Broker, jaS-Bmlf a No. 18 South THIRD Street. COPARTNERSHIPS. pOBARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE V/ Undersigned have this day formed a Copartnership, under the style and name of BARCLAY A CO , for the transaction of the Gei eral Publishing the old stand, No. GO3 ARCH St. 35, B. BARCjjAt, S. J. VANDEiWLOOT. January 3, 1865 ; ja!2-Sl* THE firm op t. a. newh&ll & J- SONS is this day Dl> SOLVED by mutual consent. T. A. Newhall retires from business • GILBERT H. NEWHALL, FREDERICK C. NEW BALL, JOHN J. BORIS, and HARRISON L. NEW- HaLL, associate under the firm of NEWHALL, BORIS, A CO., and will continue the business of the Pennsyl vania Steam Sugar Refinery, at No- 409 RACE Street. ja!2-3t >J>HB AMERICAN CAR COMPANY, Thirty-first and Locust streets, webt'fhiladelphia, J * CAB BUILDERS, IRON POfNDERS, - AMD MACHINISTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tilt tils Company U now prepared to receive orders for building AJLXi KINDS OF OARS. The shops of- the .Company being supplied with the latest and most approved labor-saving machinery, will enable it to execute all orders with great despatch, and in the very best manner. THE COMPANY has also purchased the right, to use DOTTBRER fc MIRIMONDSS* Patent Anti-Friction Self- Lubricating OAR JOURNAL BOXES, and Mr. THOMAS £ JENKINS' Patented Prorere tor WARN. EKING CAST IKON. ALL THESE PATENTS tie Company Intend ns tor for and on all Ike Care bnllt tn their Worka—thereby greatly addins to the utility and durability of the work performed.**! . . - In addition to the above, the Company i* prepared to ezeeote order, for STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES, MINING AND PUMPING ENGINES. BLOWING ENGINES FOE FURNACES AND FORGES, ROLLING MILL WORK. Ae., •' KILL AND FACTORY GEARING, and Including ALL KINDS OF WORK connected with * GENERAL MACHINERY BUSINESS: Also, all kinds of Iron and Brass Castings and Smiths’ Work executed tn the very best manner, both as regards design, material, and workmanship. .. Drawings, and estimate, nude at the Works free of filllFWi « ' 5 JAMES W. BARRETT, decretory. IX H. DOTTBRER, SUPEBINTBNDJSNT. delfi-thßiulm T7IBHBR & BROTHERS’ YALEN- J- TINES, 1865, We notify dealer® that our popular $5, *l6, $l5, $2O VALENTINE LOTS . are now ready at the 'manufactory BEO t H ER, jall-4t»r No. ISi North SIXTH Street TTANDSOME tJHRIBTMAS GIFTS.— II BUSTIC ADORNMENTS FOB HOMES OF TASTE: WARDIAN CASES, HANGING VASES. FKBN CASES. „ - IVV VASES. Filled with Bare and Choice Plants HIGNIONBTTE POTS, ORANGE POTB, HYAUtnTH POTS, FLOWER POTS, Of Numerous Styles and Patterns.. With Superb Articles for the CONSERVATORY. VESTIBULE, PARLOR, LIBRARY, and BOUDOIR. Imported and for sale by • 8, A. HARRISON, defl-tuthstf No, ioio Chestnut street “DKWABB THE NORTHEASTER ! X> BROWSS’B PATRNT METALLIC WBaTHBR STRIP* end WINDOW BAND* totally exclude GOLD, V iND. RAIN, and BU*r from doors and windows. They t top tbe rattbng of sashes, save one halt the fuel, and are warranted-for five years. , / For sale or applied by . DAVID fi. LOSBT, 38 South FIFTH Street,- Sole Agent foi Pennsylvauia. Local igents wanted throughout State. jal2-!m* BUCKWHEAT FLOOR. WHITE OLOVEK HONEt. PARED PB.CHEB: CULTIVATED CBANBBRBIES. &0. ALBEBT 6. ROBEBTS. Dealer in Fine Groceries, noS-tf * Cornm- ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. PURE PALM OIL SOAP, MANUFAO -1 TURBO hr L. M. AC. ELEIHTON. dslS-lm* 11C M AKQ ARBTTA Str*,aA iirsvnusrci!. QFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. PB ILADELPHiA, JAKOAar 9,1885. The following statement of the affaire of the Company is published la conformity with a provision of its charter r N ri ?. mln o ™ , w^« sn fro “ I.lm, to January L~1868.................. sot ms Bft Premiums undetermined Jan. 1.1881 52,K9 43 Premiums earned during the year to Jan. ' 1. ...... $187,803 18 Interest on Investments. K.osa ii) , ~ . , ' $208,44318 tosses paid during the year... $lOl,BBB 64 Eeturn premiums- 14,888 60 Beinsurances ► 14,319 95 Bxge&see and commissions.*... 15.377 11 tJs B. Taxes3,B6lBl teas amount paid to customers in lieu of 5crip............ $22,342 22 .Amons t reserved to pay losses not adjusted.... is, ooo GO 535,342 22 Balance remaining with the C0mpany........ $23,18118' STATEMENT OF ASSETS OP THE COMPACT JANUARY X, 1865. United States 6-20 Coupon Bonds. $ll. WO 00 , “ Registered ........ 5,000 00 m . !™ 188 J' . . ••• 11,500 00 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Coupons.... 5,090 00 „ 6 “ Regiataed.. IAMOtt) City of Philadelphia 6«.. is,ooo 00 City of Pltteburg 6s 7, (ix) 00 »• &B e♦soeee#ee♦*••••eee•* o ' 7 000 00 Camden and Amboy 6 per cent. Coup. Bonds ’B3 3!500 00 *■ “ « “' “ consol’d? 21120 S 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Ist Mortgage 1,00000 Philadelphia and Erie Railroad....l 10,000 00 North Pennsylvania Railroad™..... 10,000 00 OheeapeaVeand Delaware Canal... 14.810 00 Schuylkill Navigation Company 10.000 00 Wyoming Talley Canal 11,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad, 166 shares 8,800 00 North Pennsylvania, Railroad, 100 shares.... 6,000 00 Delaware Railroad. 48 ehares 1,200 00 Termers’ and Mechanics’ Bank, 160 shares..;. 8.000 00 Philadelphia Bank, 68 shares 6.8J0 oo Union Mntua Insurance Co., 1,474 shares.... 29.489 00 Delaware Mntaal Insurance Co ,88 shares 2,200 00 scrip North Pennsylvania Railroad 2,425 00 Sundry Insurance Companies' Scrip 2,100 00 Estimated present value™™... $270,000 00 Bills receivable 42,086 28 Caßh on hand. $21,729 39 Cash deposited TJ S. Treasury 20,000 00 Cash on Collateral , 10,000 00 551,729 39 Due the Company for unsettled premiums, salvages, and other accounts...... 42,970 44 The Directors hive declared a dividend of BIGHT PER CENT, on the Capita Stock, and SIX PER CENT, on-the Outstanding Scrip of the Company, free of ai taxes, ' RICHARD 8. SMITH, g. DESTODET, A. B. BORjE, FRANCIS TETE, r.TOHN H. IRWIN. NEWBERRY A. SMITH, WM. C. KENT, HENS* LEWIS, JR., J. P. STEINER. EDWARD L. OT.ARK. GEORCE LEWIS, ELLIS YARN ALL. H. F. ROBINSON. SAMUEL C. COOK, JAMES £ CAMPBELL, G. W.'BBRNADOU, HENRY SAMUEL, WM. S. BATED, CHAELES WHEBLBS, S. DSL BEET. NORRIS 8 CUMMINGS, SOL. TOWNSEND, F J.ATEEGNB. JOHN MOSS. RICHARD S, SMITH, JOHN MOSS, Secretary. jall-6tif OFFICE OP THE ENTERPRISE V-/ IHSBBAJfCB COMPANY, 400 WALHUT Street. Philadelphia., January .9, 1865 Statement of the affairs of this Company on the Slat day of December, 1864: . CAPITAL. Authorized*-**•«♦•»«*•«*-«-••*•«»,,,•- " Paid up In full * •••►•«****+**« *•►•»..*.5200,000 00 «• 200,000 00 ASSETS. Bonds find Mortgage*, alt first liens on real estate la the city of Philadelphia-.... 239.650 00 Ground rents, on property in the city of Phi1a de1phia............... * 8,000 00 Girard BankStock.—~. 2,625 00 Bailee Staten Securities..*—... 34,870 65 Deposited in D. 8. Mint, at six per cent p»r .amum ... 40,000 00 Philadelphia City sis: per cent, loan 4,080 00 Beal estate, office building, and furniture.**-* 10.406 95 Cash in hank and onhand.* 10,177 22 Due by agents*.. 42463 Interest on investments accrued but not due... $3,420 87 * Interest on investments due aud un paid................. EEOEIPTS IN 1664. Premiums onPire risks.** ........ Interest» Folicy.and transfer fees.-. On canceled perpetual p01icie5......... -,, • . PAYMENTS ixar 1864. ~ Dividend, Jcxmary and July, three per cent, each on the Capital Stock fox the preceding fcix months... $12,000 00' ItOßfiee by Fire.. 8,685 65 Betarn PrexDinms aod Reinsurances.......... 4.782 10 Taxes United States and Btate 2,650 13 Donations, Commissions, Salaries, Itegal Ex penses, Priming, Advertising, Fire Mar. shal, and other expenses........ DIRECTORS. ' F. Batchford Starr, ) George H. Btuart, "Wiliam McKee, John H. Brown, Nalbro* Frasier, I J. L. Erringer, John M. Atwood, | Geo. W. Fahnestock, Beni. T. Tredick, J James L. Claghorn, Moidecai L, Dawson, i William G, Boulton. F. BATCHFOBD STARR, President. „ THOMAS B. MONTGOMERY, Vice President. B. Lockwood, Secretary. ja!2-6E PAPITAL, $400,000. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE CO. In conformity with the Act of Assembly of April 5, 1842, this Company publish the folio wing list of their assets, viz: Mortgages. l being all first mortgages of the city ol Philadelphia.v....... .......... $322,100 00 Bibs receivable****-.•*»»«-.-»............***** 85,50 D 00 Beal estate..... 30,000 CO Navigation Company Loan IS 244 41 Camdemand Amboy Company L0an.63,493 55 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal L0an....... 8,002 60 Philadelphia, "Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Stock, 479ehar«8.**..« 21,820 SI Philadelphia and Brie Railroad Loan.-..-.,. 24,600 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Loan.... «... 10,000 00 Do. do. Stock, 300 shares.... 14.410 05 North Pennsylvania Bailroad Loan 18,912 60 Harrisburg, Lancaster, Ac..(Railroad Loan.. * 9.425 00 United States Loan, 7 SO, 1831................. 20 ODO 00 Do. do. 6*20 30,000 00 Do. do. Certificates. •..... 49,820 00 Pennsylvania State Loan. «... 20,000 00 Philadelphia City 6s 41,332 00 Do. 6s 4,988 75 Cincinnati 6s. 5,672 60 Pittsburg 6s. 6,535 00 Philadelphia Bank, 234 5hare5............ .... 24.340 28 Bank of North America, 100 shares... 10,000 00 Western Bank, 220 shares.ll,ooo CO Girard Bank, 125 shares 6,600 00 Franklin Fire Insurance Co.. 30 shares....... 2,897 73 Manaynnk Gas Co., 20 shares , ,998 88 Cash on hand.•.**.**.*■• 57,79012 $909,383 75 WM. G. CROWELL, Secretary. Januaut 2, 1865. It PROPOSALS. OXJARTEBMASTER’S DEPART- W-MEHT.—Office, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, Philadelphia, Jan 12,1865 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o’clock H. on WEDNESDAY, January 18.1835, for delivery in the shorfeatposslble time, at the United States Storehouse, HAN OVER- street Wharf, properly packed, ready for transportation, of 800 sets Sfe-mule Wagon Harness, complete. • 200 *ets four-male Wagon Harness, complete. 24 Travelling Forges, with tools, complete. The same to oe of the beet quality, and subject to the inspection of an inspector appointed on part of the Go vernment. - % The above described Harness to be made in accord ance with sample and specifications to be see* at the United States Storehouse, Hanover street Wharf. Bidders will state price, to include boxes and deli very, both In writing and figures, the quantity bid for, and the time of del ivory stated. Ail proposals must be made out on printed blanks, Which may be bad on application at this office, other* Wise they will be rejected. Eacb bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient security for the amount Involved, by some public functionary of the United States. The right is reserved to reject allbids deemed too high. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not do fully comply with the requirements of this adver tisement. will not be considered. By order of Colonel Harman Biggs, Chief Quarter master. GEO. R. OEMS, ja!2-6t Captain and A. Q. M. OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF V/ SUBSISTENCE, Washington, D. C.» January 10,1865. PROPOSAL* FOR FLOUR. SEALED PROPOSALS are Invited until WEDNES DAY, Janaary 18,12 o’clock U., for furnishing the Sub sistence Department with TWO THOUSAND (2,000) BABBELB'OF FLOUR. The proposals will he for what is known at this Depot as Bos. 1, 2. and 3. and bids will be entertained for any quantity leas than the wbole, . . Bids must be in duplicate, and for eacb grads on wpa rate sheets of pa&er. ■ * The delivery of the Flour to commence within five days from the opening of the bids. and. must be deli vered In such Quantities, dally, as the Government may direct, either at the Government Warehouse in George town. at the wharves, os Railroad Depot in Washing ton* I). C. The delivery of all Flour awarded to be completed within twenty dars from the acceptance of the bid Bide will he received for Flour to he delivered in new oak barrels, head- lined. Also, for Flour In good, mer chantable, second-hand flour barrels; but they must be such as will be accepted by the Inspector, or they will not be received. „ _ Payment will be made in sueh fends as the Govern ment may have for disbursement Tie usual Government intpeeiionwill be made just before theFiour is received, and none will be accepted which is not fre*h ground, and made from wheat ground in the vicinity where manufactured, unless of a very superior quality. An catb of allegiance must accompany the bid of each bidder who has not the oath on file in this office, and no bid will be entertained from parties who have prevl oui-ly foiled to comply with their bids, or from bidders not present to respond. Government reserves the right to reject any bid for any cause. Bids to be addressed to the undersigned, at No. »33 “G” Street, endorsed *‘Proposals for Flour,’ * E T. BRIDGES jal2-6t CawinC 8. 7 . ÜB©AI«._ rir-THX ORPHANS COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK, PENNSYLVANIA. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the said Court to distribute the balance on Che account of ALBERT M3LLEB, Administrator de bonis non of the estate of JOfcBPH GRIM, late of said county, deceased, will meet the parties Interested, for the pnrposes of his ap pointment, on FRIDAY, February 3,1815, at 10 o’clock A. M , at bis office, in the borough of York. Psnhsji vanie, York, Pennsyalvania, - JAMES KELL, ja!2-th3t Auditor. - TX7M. G. COCHRAN & CO., 834 WAL- I" NUTfctreft, beg leave to call The’attention of their friend* and the public generally,to ihelr fine stock of WINES.-LIQUORS, and CIGAhS; particnlariy tneir old MADEIRA and SHERRV WINES, and BRANDIES, which they ha*e been accumulating for thirty years, which th* y now offer for sale, with vjew of reiirlcg t om the tuaispsa. They also offer theSTOßEfor EEffT, Which is one of the beet locations in the city. . Pbu adblphia, Jan. IP. 1865 jalß 61* THB CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE A m TEE CITY to E«t Hea4 Dressss, Plain or Fane, Cap.. taaVno. IKH AKCB. B«ast. „ ia7 6t‘ gTEAM ENGINE AND BOILERS BOX »339 POST OFFICE, WHS fnll particulars, stating pries. j&ll-Stif WANTED, IN A LAWYER'S OF ,™E-A LAB of YOTOTG MAH AS CLERK. BttWB offlM dWr - U “ g ' Witt “B- 8. Tj." WANTED-A SITUATION, BY A ’ ■ , young man of ext>eri*iice, as Book-Keeper. AcaiiUniorOleik. Good references, Address *' L. L . office, ja!2 2t* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN IN A ’ Wholesale Clothing house, to act as Assistant j kee ?s^ and say worn bands. Good references ra- SS&irtgfffr bMdffritlllg of ai>p “ caat :ifig 2^ WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, ho ?f ßty * nd Jot9*rity would be appieclited. Best testimonials as to chaiacter, &c. - , n Address “D. F. W. t ” 3&12 3t* • JPres s o&oe. $333,515 29 WANTED—A SITUATION IN A Ttno SALESMAN or TRAVEL by a person of experience, and wbo bas Ts^?. te ? aiT ? »«loalnt&nee through Ohio and Western Penna lT “ ttia ' AddreBß “ J.,” Box 1291, Pittsburg, - 3 &12"4t* WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, 31 ' ' Jtarsof age. a situation as SALESMAN or f"£3L CL P RK « 4 bnslness. Has had six years T^eDC S I n Class conntry store. Can speak or isures Ed iE ae<,mail ' lß a «®M Penman, and (intok at The best of reference as to character and ability can begiven. Heate address “ Jolm 5.,” Press office. jal2.»* "WANTED—A PRACTICAL BUSI , 1,,..! , ? 5s ® aD ,, wlt b a capital of elghtto ton thous&ud d oJUars, to join the advertiser in a light wholesale bu siness already established. First-class reference given and required For particulars, address “Tea Trade,” jall-U* atthlßOfflee. ■ -$149,916 84 $53,626 34 "WANTED—A SITUATION ON A ■ * Dairy cf forty Cows. Also, watchmen, porters, women, and hair- grown girl; for any work, white and colored, at It* 203 SEW Street. WANTED A FIRST-OLABS SALKS » » MAH in a Hat, Cap, and Straw Good's House. Address Box 1268, Philadelphia P. 0. jalO St* WANTED—A COLORED COOK, .Chamber Girl, and Child's Nurse; none but Protestants need apply. To those who understand their oustae?* good wages will be given. Anplv at 1917 MOUNT VERNON Street, between the hours of 1 aud 8P- M- jalO-Si* WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE NO » » TION HOUSE, a irst class SALESMAN, wellac quainted with Chester and Delaware-county Trade. Address Box 1033. Philadelphia P. 0. faiO-gt* WANTED—A SITUATION IN ANY respectable mercantile business, by a yonng KAN, who can make himself generally useful. Ad dress •' O.,'' Press office- r ialO-St* WANTED TO RENT, IN A CEN ** tr&l locality, on the first floor, part of an Office for Peak room. Audreys 1 * P, a * Box 2212, F. 0. jas»tf WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTS IN . , eTerT County, at $7O a month, expenses paid, to introduce fifteen new and useful articles, the best sell* &£«&S3 r offe re<l. Yor particulars, address OTIS T. GABBY, BIDDBFOBP, MAINE- 0c35-d&W3» $406,796 11 A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD ■“. several years* experience in one of our largest Im portingand Jobbing Cloth Houses la the 1 city wishes a SITUATION’in & first* class House, either Commission or Jobbing. • Can influence some city trade: The very best of recommendation given. Answer, for three days, *' Cloth House, ’ ’ at the office oft* is raper. It* A FIRST-CLASS ORGANIST WANT -*-*■ EB for a prominent Church In this city, to whom a liberal Balary will be given. Address Box 1381 Post Office. jalO 3tlfc* A BLANK-BOOK FORWARDER AND ~~ FINISHER WANTED. Address Box 1668, Post Office- ja7-Bt* T7MPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LARG , «* Mid most reliable, for city and country. Has always a good selection of capable persons, with good references. Americans, Irish, English, French, Ger man, Scotch, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen, Ac, Cooks, Caambexmaids, Seamstresses, Laundresses,' waitresses, and. general Housework Servants-- Also* Colored Servants. Nos. 803 and 80* LOCUST Street, above Eighth. delS-lm SALESMAN WANTED, IN AN ESTA blished ‘Wholesale Shirt house. Best salary paid to one wbo can influence a large trade. Address Box 875 Poet Office. • jal2-2s* ' CTOCK OF HARDWARE.—PARTIEB wishingto sell out may secure a pnrehaser-by ad dresaing **g. K. 5.,” 80x261$ Philadelphia P. 0. It* PRESIDENT* TO BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS, >*- CAEVAS6BRB, AND OTHERS.—The NATIONAL ABT ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORKdesire active,ener getic Agents for Philadelphia, and other cities, towns, and purs, or the whole State of Pennsylvania. To fully understand the importance of the matter, read fall page advertisements in Harper's Magazine and Atlantic Monthly for January, or Godey's for February. Ad . Aetaaanrof the National Art Association, 561 and 563 BROADWAY, New York. ja!2 6t QUICKSILVER FLASKS WANTED.™ The Quicksilver Mining Company will contract for the manufacture of any number, not exceeding 100 (XX) Wrought iron Quicksilver Flasks. Delivery to com mence within 90 day s and to continue at not less than 4,000 Flasks per month. Payment will be made on de livery in gold coin. For particulars, inquire at the Office cf the Company, No. 31 NASSAU Street, New York. OaIO-6t3 J. B. BANDOL, Secretary. ft in onn —wanted, a partner tfl) L\/)VfvA/*wit'b the above Capital in an _ ESTABLISHED A . / . MEBCAN i ILB BUSINESS. Address * * Holt, * * this Office. jalQ-fit* 382 00 8,802 37 JiBIOR A MONTH—WANTED introduce the new SHAW & GLARE: SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE, the only low price Machine In the conntry which is licensed hj Grover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Singer A Go., and Bachslder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions rllowed All other Machine, now raid for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user liable.. Illus trated circulars sent fret. -Address SHAW & CLARK, noIS-d&wSm BIPPBFORP. Maine 5323,836 83 .. $66,379 86 21,036 78 ... - '984 60 49 38 1577,755 52 m WANTED TO RENT—A THREE -•-* or four-story House, with all the modern con veniences. It nmpt be situated east of Eighteenth street, between Fine and Eace. Bent not 10 exceed «BCO. Address **T. H.,” P. 0. Box 92. t jal2-2t* J&k ASSISTANT QUARTEBMAS- orFICJS.No. 3T* South THIRD St., „ , ,„ , Philadelphia. Deo. M, 1864. Vessels wantedto load with coal for Newborn, N. 0., and Key West, Fla. Despatch given . , JOHN B. JENNINGS. <ie2S tf Captain and A. Q. 9L .. 14,239 12 >12,267 01 jgYRNS, McGLELLAN, & CO., 532 WALNUT STREET, Bcom No. 11. $500,000 OF PETROLEUM LANDS, ON THE CLARION RIVER and Its tributaries, FOB SALE. Maps and Surveys to be seen at the Office. jall«2t» m REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE! EaL BEAL ESTATE ! BEAL ESTATE ! BEAL ESTATE ! BEAL ESTATE ! t 5,000 WOBTR FOB SALE. 5,000, COO WOKTH FOB SALE. #6.0G0 000 WOBTH. FOB SALE. JANUABY CATALOGUE JUST OUT, JANUARY CATALOGUE JUST ONT, JANUABY CATALOGUE JUST OUT, FOB GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. * FOB GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. ■ FOB GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. No person desirous to purchase city property should fail to get the new monthly catalogue just issued, as it stands unrivalled bsfore the public as the best produc tion of the age to parties interested. MFOB SALE-Walnut Street, west of Sixteenth, two splendid four story brown* stone-frout Dwell ings Lets 20 by 125 to a street. Prices $20,000 and $27,500. Can have a stable near by. Immediate poa s«B»iom of one. Aft ARCH Street, west of Tenth, street —two larre fgHi Dwellings Lots 24 and 26 feet front by 150 and ISO feet deep. Stable, Ac. Prices $23,' 00 and $25,000. MARCH Street, west of Twentieth—Only one of those elegant new four-story Dwellings,.at alow figure. Lots 20 by 160 feet to Cuthbert street. «l Elegant thi ee-quarter front Dwelling soatiiride Jg| SUMMER Street, east of Seventeenth. Lot 28 feet £ front by HI feet deep to Spring street. ABGH Street. West of Twenty- ft* et, north side— Four-story Dwelling. Lot IPby feet to a street $9,600. * Jjgk FIFTEENTH Street, north of Oxfo'd—Elegant JBffi side- yard Dwelling. Lot 24 by 100. Only $6,300, and Immediate possession. BBOAD Street, east of Girard avenue Hnl —Splendid four-stonr Dwelling. Lot 20 by 160 zeet to Ontario street. Price $16,0C0. dfsl BUTTONWOOD Street, east of Sixth (opposite ifedl the Church)—Neat Dwelling and good-sized lot. dff& No. 385 North THIRD Street—Large Store and Bp) Dwelling. Lot 20 fe«t front by ISO feet deep to Dil ± wyu street, with large warehouse on that front. Price only $14,000. dKI | FRANKLIN Street, east side, north of Poplar— ■gjl Elegant side-yard Dwelling; only SII,GOO Also, anotl er beaumnlside-yard Dwelling on Franklin, north of Thompson street. $7 SCO. A No. 1642 PINE Street- Neat Dwel ing. and Lot 28 by 103 to a street, with Dwelling on that front. Only $4,4t0. Mm No. 119 ARCH Street-Basinesß Stand. Lot 17 by ■OB 105 feet deep. Only $6,000. Now empty. Betides near 2,0C0 oiber properties, including a number of first class: mansions near by, building lots, Ac. GEO.'C. MILLER, Practical Real Estate Operator, (for the last 99 years.) tod N. SIXTH St. Call or send for Catalogue Open until 10 P. M. jail- wtheS^f .m COTTAGE HOME AT PUBLIC sgk JB. SALE.—Tuesday, Jan. 17th, 1865, atl o'clock—hH F If., will be told on the premises, near HERION SQUARE Lower Merion Township, Montgomery Co., a lot ©f ground containing between one and two acres, on which is a neat cottage of six rooms stable, carriage house, and other out-buildings. There is on the place a variety of fruit and ornamental shade trees, grape vines, Ac A stream of never failing spring water, with ornamental banks and fish-pond, runs through the lor. Also, will be sold at the same time and place, an assortment of personal property, consisting in part of horses, wagons, carts, gears, a variety of tools, and other useful implements. 1 j&I2 thsm3t* ISAAC BOZELL, FOB SALE—A WELL-BUILT .•■at four story BRICK DWELDING HOUSE, S W. comer SPBING GARDEN and THIBTBENTHSts. Saits ble for a physician or for a store. I. C. PRICE, jalg-12t* 614: CHESTNUT Street. ®FOR SALE —ELEGANT KBSI DENCE, North BBVBNTF Street, above Brown; lot 26 by 10C. M D. LI VS » SST TEK, jal2 2t» 139 Sonth FOURTH Street, m FOB SALE—THE DWELLING ■31.N0. 669 North ELEVENTH Street. IS foot front by M 0 feet deep,extending to Barton street. Largo parlor, two kitchen., and all the modern improvements. In quire No. 931 hPRISG GARDEN Street, jal2-2t« a LARGE BUILDING WANTED- Suitable for Manufacturing purposes, not less than two stories high, with basement, within a mile and a half of Independence Hall; each floor not leas than S 000 surface feet. Large yard-room dorirabl* Apply to D. B. ECLLES, jal2,gt* American Hotel. OIL TEBBITOBY.-50 ACRES DE- SIBABLE OIL TERRITORY, at the junction or the Blr Sandy and Allegheny rivers, which will be sold upon favorable terme if Wgljg torjgom^^ lal2-3t ga North FRONT Street TO LET—THE FIFTH AND SIXTH A gTORIEg of the Granite Building. Noa. 237 aid 239 BOCK Street, with eUam newer. i»l2 St* §3fo. TO LET— THE LARGE BOOM, IN A thfc THIRD STORY of the . COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SI and S 3 CHESTNUT Street; lighted by 28 largo windows; can be arranged .for coal oil or brokers' offices. THOMAS H. CONNELL, Counting House or Dr. DJavnesßon, ja!2 St* 3*3 CHESTNUT Street, . y BOAIIDINff. •PERMANENT FIRST-CLASS BO ARD ,fg PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.—MAKE i your purchases, when you desire any. from .the eptendld assortment for sale at B. F. KEIMER 8, 63* arch street. Albums oi ail styles and prices. U* WANTED, lOBTY TO SIXTY HORSE-POWER. FOB SAI.E MD TO EFT* AUCTION BALES. BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN SOM Streets. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSES. CASUIAOBS. MS • na , n . SATURDAY MORNING NEXT, At iOo clock, comprising about A , FIFTY HORSES, Slm t.£2f aad *e®o»d-hand carriages, harness. whipe, halters. &o. ja2 , No^Si rofft H s2ls * 6^! * h lwil8 * ?ob8A * ' 9SZ £-1 PggjSpnement op account of weather. Sale of Horses, Ac,, on WEDNESDAY. h ALFRED M. HERKNESS, jalB-2ttf Auctioneer. POSTPONED sale at point BBE2ZE PARK. 51» sale of Honsee, We*oM. Homonold Fmalhwii S|Be».l,U[iiors. &r.., wUI poßHlmSy tito OgTHDKsBAYUOBHIK3. Jan. 32th. IMAno'clook. The eale will be peremptory, and wihaot beneath poned on account of the weather. JBSF* Catalogues now ready .. . ALFKED M. BBERNBSS, Auctioneer. RUCTION SALE OP CSPTTJEEH aDde , r f'e ed W S ! 'f 11 *• W*Ke «al*st the “Itofc. tea House” Drove Yards. York. Pa., ou TUESDAY. JeDnary 17th. 1868: TWO HUUDiIBI* kgV& OF CAT- Cows, Steers, Heifers, an* Sale to commence at 9 o'clock A. M. Terms cash in United States cnrrency. Treaaiuy e Departiaent. t ” ,9y ’ S “ perTlsinß S;6ct#l ***** , E. C. PAEKHUHST. Assistaat Special Ageat. jai>-tja!7 rVFFIOB DEPOT COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE, _ Washiitotos-. D. C . January ft owt AUCTIONSALE Of HIDES i»K TALLOwI £T VUI be sold at Auction, at the SIXTH Street Whirl. onTBDESDAT, Jan Wth, IS®, atllo dock A 6,HJ Salt Beef Hides. 118 Bit Hides. 28 Calf Skins. 1.182 Sheep Skizts. U,4Cspoundsof Tallow JBeeO. . 3*B pounds of Tallow (Mutton). 1,®2 pairs of Horas. as rollons Neats-foot Oil. 5,000 floor Barrels, more or less. ,£rm.,cashm Goyerament funds, to be paid at the close of tbe sale. ft BELL W« Lieut. CoLand C.S. AMUSEMENTS. MEW CHESTNUT ST. THEATRE. "*■ C H>®,T kt JT street, above twelfth THIS (T , h EYEWrSO. January 12, LASIVI9 GELT BUT TWO , ___ of tbe celebrated c » OSIED 'Sf COMBINATION. admtadSe*dyluS rmaß ' a wIU With»* „ , „ LOOK BEFOEE YOU LEAP. Jack Birlsgs.. „ Mr. W». Warrea. Fanny Hardman- Miss Josle Orton! Missßrown..... .............MissK Mestarea. To conclude with tbe amusing specialty called SEEING WARREN. John Downey, a policeman Mr. Wm Warren To-morrow evening, BENEFIT OF MISS JOSIEORTO* LONDON ASStJSArtCEand CLOCKMAKKR’S HAT. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY It TWENTY- THIRD OKAStD FAM&Y MATIHBB When the OCTOROON will be performed for tbe last WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, ” .THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Jan'l2 _ the DAVENFORT-WALLACK ALLIANCE. V^LLr B*oll^^ 8 * 011^^! 8^4 t OTHlE!?<r Of THE KOOK OF VENICE, * •••***»**•**••*■»»«•»• »«cce• Mr JT. W, W&llsdr Deidemona Him EiialiTttn.. T w? J'.ISTLE TODDLBKIWSL TO-MORBoW, BENEFIT OF J. W. WALL ACE. Bex office open from 9 till 3, Curtain rises at 7K. MBS- JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH aJA STREET THEATRE. ‘ FIEST WEEK OF MH. AND KIBB RICHINGS. TO-NIGHT (THURSDAY). Ju^?lsTlsefcT „ “THE NATIONAL GUARD/* md* “ PEGGY GREEN. ” ’ HISS CAROLINE ETCHINGS and PETES RICHINGS IN THEEB CHABACTEEB. WITH SONGS FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF MIBS KICHINOS 'T7ESTV A LI- LUND THEATRE, CALLOWJHLL STj between Fourth and Ftfifc. WEDNESDAY. January I[, 18®, Comic Opera in Fonr Acte S ' SARTOR ™ 804 Cll<>il nttdor direction of Mr. A. Performance commences at 8 o’clock. . jall*ffc NATIONAL"ciRCUS; ‘ , WALNUT STEBET, ABOVE EIGHTH. Directress .......Mrs. CHARLES WARNER. „ ~ (Formerly Mrs. DAN BICE.) Equestrian Director F. H. ROBSTOM Reappearance of Messrs. MURRAY and Him BUM* S tbe neat Gymnasbi. Also, reappearance of tUn celebrated DENZEE BROTHERS—OHAELESa LPH, and VALENTINE; also, Prof BOH and bis 1 RAINED DOGS, tbe mort wobderfil forming animals In the world. " . All INQUIRERS iuseareh of 0A71K5 SAGACITY or CIECt?S Can b “ fIlUy * r,tlaed at 4118 GREAT national Reappearance of Mile. BOPHYand Mile. ELIZB. thn beautiful and AGILE EQUESTRIENNES. family, ls jbunb bust. tbe Wild Western Eider. G. p. HUTOHINSOS inm. METAMORPHOSE. Simor BAOKIHEK M MONTOBIS wffla®pear in conjunction with the entire unrivalled , A raw ftvtomjme “D’ACTION; 08, MAD AS A MARCHHaBB, • will beperformod daring the week. ADMISSION—First tier, SO cents; second Her, 25 cental Performance coxnmenoina at 7.40 each evening , every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTEENOONB, commencing at 2)4 o’clock. jaB-6t J?OTER ACADEMY. OF MUSIC. SATUEDAY. January 14,1365, GKOSS * JARVIS' .FEES? CLASSICAL SOIREE OP THB SEASON. Subscription list IB now open at tbe Stores of Lee Jfc Walker, Andre & Co., and 37 5. Gould. FBOGRAMMS. 1* Trio in S b (op ICO), Piano and Instruments. Schubert. PART n 1- Plano Solo-Paraphrase de Concert—' ’ Midsum mer's Ni|ht Dream” - Ltert. „ . , . , CHARLES H. JARVIS. 2 Andante and Variations (op. 48), Two Pianos, ' Schumann. . ' P-tKT 111. 1. Quintette in Bb (op. 16), Piano and Wind Instruments Beethoven, •Single tickets $l. Concert to ccmmence at 8. j~a!2-3t CIGNOR BLITZ WILL SHORTLY V CLOSE, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Creat demMstratioijsin NECROMANCY; SPrsiTUAL. MM JLLOSTEAI'KD, and tbe WONDERS OF YEN. TBILOQUIBM INTRODUCED. ™ Grand Entertainment EVERY EVENlNG,commencing S u WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 3. ComprisUt the mysteries of tha P*st »nd Present Age. Admission, 25 cents. Children, 15 centa. Reserved seats, 60 cents j,a T7ABTWICK -*-* skating park, m ± , , GRAY'S JERRY. » The train leaving Baltimore Depot at 11 A. M. will convey PMgensers to the Park, and during the Skating a SPECIAL TRAIN wall leave the east end of the Bridge at 5 P. M. for the Depot. jal2 3t* PAST WICK SKATING PARK. .OKAY’S E|RRY.-«KATING BY MOONLIGHT cablrMslct. 6FOTCE **» PIIiB srB SF WfATIONAL SKATING PARK. TWENTY FIRST end COLUMBIA Avenno. ... „ SPLENDID AKATING TO-DAY. ALL NEW ICE AND IN PERFECT CONDITION. Only Twenty Minutes' ride from Ninth and Aroh. Take Ridge avenue Cars, It* ~ CKATINGi SKATING!—ELEGANT SKATING on the UNION SKATING PARK. FOURTH and DIAMOND Streets.. Both Parks in fina condition. Grand-Moonlight Musical Skating Carni val THIS EVENING from 7 to. 10. Instruction given. every morning from 9 to 12. it* O. BILLIARD EXHIBITION. V BANSOM-STREET HALL. SATUEDAT, Jan. 14 1865, Afternoon and Evening, commencing at two o’clock and eight o’clock. Proceeds for tho benefit of the Widow and Family of the late Joseph N. White. The following plmyersbave kindly volunteered their servlees: Victor Eetephe, J. Palmer, E H. Nelms, 1- Plunkett. H.W. Hawes, J. W. Montgomery, and. B. T. Kyall. Lacies are most cordially invited. Ad mission 60 cents. M. PHELAN, JSsu., of New York, Will also play, : jall-4t* /ZJ.EBMA NIA ORCH* STRA.—PUBLIC 'J REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3« o’clock P. M., at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Tiekoia, 21’ cental Six Tickets, $l;to be baa at Gould’s, Andre's, and Meyer's Mnelc Stores, and at the Hall. no7-tf fHBIBT REJECTS D.— ZZ* This admirable picture, the greatest production o$ the painter West, is now on exhibition at the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, *035 CHESTNUT Street, together with the entire collection of the Institution. Admittance twenty-five cents. noH-2m* THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, a CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, is OPEN DAILY for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. je26 EDUCATIONAL. PBEF ARATION FOS BUSINE^ LIFE —lnstruction of the most thorough and. practical kind in Book-Keeping, Penmanship, Com meicial Calculations. Business Forms. Commercial Law, Ac . at CRITTENDEN’S COMMERCIAL COL LEGE. 637 CHEoTNUT Sheet, comer of Seventh. Individual Instruction day and evening. ja7*6^ THE tenth session OF MIS& MARY E. THKOPP’S English and French Boarding and Day School for Young: Lacies, at 1841 CHESTNUx Street. Philadelphia, begins February 1. 1895. Otr~ culars sent on application. deSl-dlgtAstnth 6t* VILLAGE GREEK SEMIHARy.— T MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four milec from .MEDIA, Fa. Thorough course in Mathematical Classic*. Natural Sciences, and English; practical lea sons in Civil Engineering. Pupils received at any times, and of all ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Re lets to JohnC.'C&pp A 50n,23 South Third street; Thos. J. Clayton, Esq., Fifth and Prune streets; ex*Sheri* Kern, end others. Address Rev. J. SERVE? BAS- Toy. A. If . VILLAOB GREEN- Penu’a. nos-6m LOST AND FOUSTS*. T OST—A MOROCCO POCKET-BOOK, of a dark color, i i going from 621 Chestnut street to the Continental Hotel, containing: Three SICG United States notes, three-years’ coupons. One $5O United States note, three*years’ coupons Certificates of Deposit, for six hundred <2 ollars, in tho First National Bank of Fayette county, Prnua. One Certificate of Stock, of ths Pioneer Oil Company. Greene county, Penna. Three promissory nrtes. The finder will he amply rewarded by returning it t* U* S. S. MOON, 531 CHESTNUT Street SHERIFF’S SALES. SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponaa, to me directed, will b« exposed to public sale or vendue, ou MONDAY Evening. Februa?y 6,1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground* sitnate on tbe north side of Lombard street one hundred sad elghty*eight feet west from Nineteenth street, in the c*ty of Philadelphia; containing in front os Lombard street ten feet, and ut depth seventy eight feet. CD. C.:1»., ’64. 318. Debt, *630 63. E L. Rltchte. I Taken in execution andto .be eold as the property of Edward R. Helinbold _ HENRY G; HOWELL, SheriC. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jan. 10. 1865. ja!2-3t TTSE BURT’S RAT AND ROACH EXTERMINATOB. It never faUs. B»ld by «B wholesale and retail drnggiet and dealers. JOHNSON. HOLLuWAY, 4 COWDEN, 33 North SIXTH Street, principal Agents, will fill orders at loweet mannfac turer’B prices - B. BURY- Proprietor, jal2-2& ' 13, North ELEVENTH Street fWRITTBN AND VERBAL DB. SCBIPTIONB of Character, ConsNtntion, and Ta lent, with ADVICE on Bnainese, Health, Bduca^ and evening, by SfiSL. ocu-tnthslylf Ho. 35 B. TENTH St.,above Obestnnt- "OAILEY HILLYARD, GENERAL. U Agent and Accoqjtant. Rents and debte col lected. 16 BT. JOHN Street, Devises, Wiltehiny England. ; de24-a 4t» A CARD. COMMITTEES FRO* aA. townships can fill their quotas promptly anA avoid a draft by coming to this office. 910 MARKUP Sl iflwt* J. J, BSHLEHAN. TOSHUA T; OWEN, ATTOBNBYv V COUSELLOR AT LAW, AND (SOLICITOR O* CLAIMS Office, 361 T Street, near Fourteenth a.. Washington, D. 6. d«ao 6m PARTES DE VISITE—NATURAL V on A rifles, accurate and truthful in like- at B. F. BkIMBR’B Gallery, 634, AR IS fitmt. Go caily and secure good pictures; days short.* Re IME R * 8 UNIVERSALLY-AD MIRED and popfilar styles coloredPHOTSgß IFOt rowmade for*l6o. No Pldnres give mi.resatisfac tion. Go early; days short. SECOND St. ,al|o,ve Green, *. A CHANGE TO AVOID THE DRA?T. Principals Furnished with SnbstDntes nt the shortest notice, and at low prices. JOHN MANSFISLa & CO. Office*O3LIBRARY St., second story.dkct-Ira* PEMOVAL. Av WALS. BEAMING, U CO . have removed from No. » E nßt b Fsopt 331 CHESTNUT Street. whsre they -if«r DRY GOODS by the Package, - St
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