The American. K.w York 0 Cooke, Hew York lY’S’.Wne, Hew York J H Colton, Delaware If JiJ’B 8 A I J V. rn «V, PeeoeylTanU Wf»«! v FT Carr, Pennsylvania ’“faille , ' H r Hudson, Pennsylvania 0 ’’u,,, , Wash, DO W Carr, Pennsylvania ,;S T o Fisher, Huntingdon W'“«ti, Hew Jersey T Fountain, Chattanooga si* Yam J V©Uibon.<» t Wash, D C j! ,lnsr Wflfib, DC AM Rambo, Columbia Wash, I> Mtp A L Mimpar k'furawn, Wash,DC ,48 Kirk, Si Clair K l Sen it wf. Penna W Smith " s‘,'rv. Maryland THBi Browning, H J V« r a ff-v Maryland D R Howdy Jk la. If J Syimer, Baltimore D K Stout, Handing ■vir Few York JFW Dsinlger, Reading #:h , reton, Hew York B ITBetting. Wash, DO "iws'er. Hew York 1 WSmair, Ohtoago I.Sdy.ToDißlver.M J G CiSmith, Hew York ®Sensor, Hew York. A White, Connecticut firJrlfF. Delaware SKyley, Hew York C E Kennedy, Delaware HA inmldown. Hew York 1“' ,iiseves. H Jersey 1) B Hall. Hew York s.Jp.rry S la, Wash’n Mre G B Dj er, Washington " r shackleftird. Wash M Ingraham, Hartford » ! Arnolds, Delaware 1 Ingraham, Hartford tf,.,, jcnard. Hew York Rlehard lee, Fottevlila i'S.s.Elkon JohnHHatn iteon. NYork *,, Paris, Delaware A B Hflllor, Baltimore The Sei ■chants’. R H Houtel, Milford, H J John Kuhns, Oil Olty Sam’ Wetberlll, Fenna F (1 Wherry, New Fork F J Ackerman, R Jersey J 0 Parkinson. N Jersey Allegheny City B G Wolfe, Levrlaburg S r Lewlsbur* J M Moyer, Lewisbarg J C Bverbarfc, Blelr co, Pa Jacob Hoffman, Carlisle A Koser, Lebanon, Fa JARidcer, RH WC Darenport. If J 8 Sutton, Haw Jersey AO Spring, Boston . J w Browne* New York B Lozer. Now York B M Greider, Pennsylvania J Cook J Del K-.tfler, Brookvllle ct . !in . Newark, 0 KTs'iecHagerstown , M power, Heweastle Stein. Easton fiXutn^ v Leslie, St Lottie ywolfe lew Is burg f.Xrn, Rochester ■’auk. Baltimore Union. [A G Oonlt. K Hampshire J K Sioanaker, California F Stewart Columbia co J 0 Thomas, Beading 1 J A ParfcridgeVfflew York 'J JKromar Geg W Grier .0 N Towaiend J Brndhead & la, Penna Ola aver, Del City Hr Q fit Pisber, Del eo ;M» Col 0 Albright MCh’k ,P Brobst. M Chunk Oapt WPSeville &wf, MO Mrs Horn, M Chunk R O Kimboil, Ohio lj M Yanvolkenbargh, Y fart. PolteTUU £jAMes«r ffinrii, H Jersey ffiV, JUentown Jprtiiniwf.Teim , BB'roc'Dsand, Fenca ftfAV’ (' J Snts'E. Baltimore r SJeLeam Idaaa j Patrick, Main tt Hi Kpstirri Maas Idikins, N Hampshire ffwary. [ The Cos 'flierns, Kev Tofk JU o»den. l’enna • JirnttOD, Chester, Pa f: ff Wocdside, Pecna ,McDonald, Baltimore UK* Jew ?ork irinaffi WUm’n, Del s!Bib. Baltimore <!M»key« Oxford i ftjciley. Maryland ittels. Slaryland to VandereKce. Penna 'straw. W Chester Saidleson, Del no, Pa imerdal. | Tyson Chester oo John Kennedy, Jr.Lauc co John Oakford, Oxford. Jamas Watson, Chester eo A S Oadwaliadei, Bachs co 8 C Hall Delaware co C Hall, Hew York J Y Pine Geo Lae John Hough, Boyleatowa ghas Dingee, Westgrove Bobt Pmercer. Chester co Bdw Walton. Chester co H CoWgill, Willowgrove The Bah iflifiod, Tranlertown Cellerteon, Oreßeld roKn Henry, Orefleld niwMeyer, Fenna ef«»». Pennsylvania oilman, Lehigh co, Pa werinr. Lehigh 00, Pa Sevhard, Lehigh to, Pa User, Lehigh 00, Pa Pom Lehigh co.Fa Sohaeeksville Id Eagle, W Houser, Lehigh co. Pa H L Ziegenfuss, Bethlehem A Mehrkam. Little Gap J Wendel, Bethlehem E Fesrsal, Smith Gap I Trailer, Jr, Allentown A Ettinear, Allentown » J Tan Belllard, Penna 0 Bolderson, Bucks co Martin Bolderson, Bachs co )k Bear. The Bli sßeiner, Gratztown ,!lon, Gratztown Walborn, Gratztown Berg, Butter r:Oh. Lehigh oo r Sbelman, Penna S Pearson, Penna 1 Blank, Penna Clinrr, Attleboro J Harsh* Fenn*burg W StaeUmore, Fox Chase S H mimes. Conpersburg J Stackhouse. Penna M B Vanartsdalen, Penna. V Dickerson, Attleboro B Wissler, Lane co f T Weidman, Lane oo The States Union, !EI)«r«, Penna |W Brooke bn, Hew York Geo Martin I Hodman, Lancaster J Kammeron, Wash eo S Paris, wilm, Bel 8 Rhnll, Perry co lag, Boston ’ E J Koatch. Maryland trie, Boston L noire, Maryland orris, If Jersey J K Miller & la. Lane eo (flaon, Marietta J 0 Buchanan & la, Lane co I smith, Baltimore B A Yarn all, Oheeter oo Rtllson. M B Weaver, Williamsport C Campbell a la, Wmsport J Ryan. New Hope <1 W Tricky, Boston J F McQaiUin, Mass J Comfort, Bucks co J McMakin J Beilis, Hew Jersey HBearne, Smyrna, Del A Heller, Scranton E Seeley, Scranton The Mi iM & 1», Strondebnrg iown, Milford ; Hearn, Delaware N'.h'Uou, Hew Jersey ,K Sbaw, Bnekeco ; Stott, Hewtown xtott, Newtown , Gilbert, Hew York hide? . Laßar, Shawnee, Pa Smith, Hew Jersey The Bari ' Burtlepon.BOTlestown! ug & wf, Pottaville fsU, Boots «o yu, Delaware lilton. Delaware v Eaf.bnrn, Solebury natcher, Delaware I Brink, Haw Jersey ley Sbeaf. Wm BitUnkotue, ST Jersey Alfred Brink, New Jersey A A Koff, Montgomery co A Sasuserflela, -Flala H Hollings. N Penaa Hotel B E Boas, Forreitville Wm K Bo&n, Forresfcyille Morris Jarreit, Backs co SPECIAL NOTICES, “Oil Stocks. 15 BY THB BARB 0? TOWBR HALL. At present there’s a great turmoil Upon the subject of coal oil, And many, by that trade, So Tory eosfldehtiy hope That, e’er another rear shall ope, Their fortnnei will be made. Honey is sailed, and money’s lost .(As some discorer to their eost). By such speculations; And, while to try tlieir Inch inclined, It is no wonder that each mind Should feel perturbations. e Bat, lucky ones, who, without foil, Hare bad the fortune to ''strikeoil,” Rejoicingly will go To Bennett’s Tower, there to be clad All in the beat that maybe had,, Their affluence to ahow. And von who wait, with cautions doubt, Aver&a to join the eager rout. Know that you may invest Yon, cash a certain gain to bring, It at that Bali of wh’ch I sing Yon ehooee to he new dressed. winter Stock selling at greatly Seduced Prices, «ial inducements offered to purchasers of Staff's, *s*, or Bora * 0 vjibco am . TOWER HALL, No. 518 MARKET Street. BENNETT ft 00. .or Hair Bbstored to its Obigihal mthful Color. Baldness prevented. »don Hair Color Eestorer. ,adon Bead this Hair Color Restorer, mdott Hair Color Restorer. >sdon SOXB Hair Color Restorer. mdo« Hair Color Beitorer. ndoa certificate. Hair Color Beitorer. 1 tippy to add. toy testimony to the great value of London Hair Color Restorer,” which restored ir to Its original dark color, and the hue appears mmantnt. lam s itisfied that ths preparation is ie like a dye, bnt operates upon the eeoretlons. It o a beautiful hair dressing, and promotes the th [ purchased the first hottle from Edward B. iiues. Druggist, Tenth and Goates 'streets, who dw testify my hair was very gray when I corn el its use. MRS. MILLER, Ho. 730 North ninth street, Philadelphia, re, 75 cents pir bottle, or six bottles $4. Sold by IWATNB&SOW, Ho 330 Worth SIXTH Street. It Custom-house vault bobbed may -yos that a WATCHMAN’S BATTLE should bo >y every housekeeper to give an alarm when help jded. Sold at the Hardware Store of TRUMAN & W, No. 835 (Eight Thirty- five) MARKET Street, •Slat*. _ _ M [SH-BCAXBBB, cobsibbbbd by ush ;r-. the moat efficient tool for that* purpose, for ft ale vmk H- ft 6HA.W, Ro. 835 (Bight Thirty-fire) ;ET Stnet, below Ninth. It .tter, Itch, Scald Head, Blotches, RHESM, ALL ERUPTIONS. JR. SWATHE’S ALL HEALIHG OINTMENT," DR. SWATHE’S ALL- HEALING OINTMENT," •rer fails to sure the most obstinate eases, SWAINE’S Principal Office* 330 Norfcit SIXTH i 1 n McCuih’b Oaotxjs Gkakdifmbib j SiaHT-BIiOOMIHQ CBBUS —'W« l>eU»T« it to U >aly genuine extract la th© market, It'being made one of the most beautiful and fragrant flowers of 'aotos tribet also, his new extraat Queen of th« lows, Perfect I>OYe, and other choice extracts of toilet. Prepared by W. E.McCflain. Jfo. 334 K. •H Street. _ 8,-i liberal dlacoant given to wboleaela deli del7-lm . Dye 1 Haiti Dye I i'CHSLOB’S BAIR DTK )a tile teat In the world. only true aad perfect Dye—harmless, instaatane* and reliable; prodacefra splendid Blade or Natural ffn; remedies the ill effects of Bad Dyes* and frem iti* restores the original eoior, Sold by all Drag- The genuine is signed W, A. BATOHBLOB, 81 JLAI Street, New Tori. ja2*mwfrly Geobgb Steck & Co.’s ggsail > pianos, n«r»i AND MASON & HIMLIN’S CABINET OBGANB. tNO I Over fi(K> each of theae floe CABINET [TBS. inairomeata -have bean sold OK (lANS. (SO Nr Mr. G., and the demand CABINET (TBS, La oonßt&uUj Tncreasina. OKGANB. MO Por sale oalyby CABINET ITKS. J. E. OOCIiO. OBQANS. MO SEVBNTH andCHEBTNUT Sta. CABINET (TBS. tto!9-tf OKOANS. lOA.TB FBOM fI4TO $55. OVEBCOAT*, 'IKCQATS VBOH 414 to *55. OVERCOATS. mcOATI TSOK *l4 to SM. OVERCOATS, E2OOAT* IBOH *l4 to *M. OVERCOATS. WaEAMAKBB & BROW*, OAKHAI*, 8. 1. toner BIXTH and MARKET Streaii. -’oasc San’s Suite and elegant rarioty of the iwCIoUinaafcBJUSOJUBLB FBIOES. :leb & Wn*oH’B Highest Fbbmiun IOCK-BTIICI BBWIBQ MAOHIHBS, tKB GHUPJKT, SIMPLEST, AJtD BEST. '»». 70* CJHBSTUTTT Strut, abov* Sawntt iISTER—HOPJEOKKR. -On January lotk, 1885, ; e Sev. T/tomaa E Murphy. Mis* Millie A. Begis » fe-Jpiffih Hoffecker, both of Kent 00. * Dal, * —OnTuesday, mora |V l Q lnat ♦ Jit Church of the /tenement, by the watson, D. D.. Gerald. De Couraey and 3 «U all of Philadelphia. , * the 7th last.* !n Burlingtoncounty, J&sP h Sutherland. son of William B. 6? o *fi n ?, a 8* Whitecar, in. the IBlh yew of his age. |nd frUnda will meet the funeral on ,?2th lust., at,Walnnt*#tr«et wharf, on the tl*h n If o'clock train To proceed to Mount . , ** 9( 5 5 %-“Onthe 10th Inst, at .3 A. M., after a short e *' r of dipthwia, Annie Price Barron, daughter of t y H * Bifterßarron; aged 0 yean, 11 months, iR DA^ UBera W proceed to Laurel Hill. *** t iu? K -~ oa Jhe lOtli Inst;, at 10 15 A. M., after a of ciptbeiia. George Collyer Barron, eon i vJk &nd Bather Barron, aged lfi -months and 2 l Cßknv e3fa y°P roc€Bd t 0 kanro* Hill;' *** Mon w" 4 “;°h|he marring of the 9th instant,at Bnr wJ fl T e^_Je W. Sarah Jackson, relict of the late a J Mkson,| of this city, in the 81st year of her 1ft?.?'»?<!*) loro of the family are invited to at* i iwl okßourth-day afternoon, ail o'clock, of her son, Brands H. Jackson, No. twelfth treet, in this city. Interment at WOODRUTF.-On Monday morning* the 9th instant, Abigail K, Woodruff. Tbe.roiatWcB .and friends of tbe family arn respect* fnlly invited to attend the funeral, oaThurisdiv morn ini, the lath Inst, .at 11 o'clock, from the residence of teantr?street^ W ’ * JWtard Dale ’ #O. 235 Boathli|i?: t “"On the 9th instant. Sarah, widow of Jobn ShallcroßS, ta the 78th year of her age. tofl r nl a VJ«L^ df ii ar ®?eBpectfttUy inyitedto at tSSL* £“ rs 4 a Z *ft«»o»n next, 12th Ihjlosk.wlthont farther notice, from the l^ d A“ch itreet* Bonp,,l * taw » Hlwood Wilson, M. D., —On the 9th instant, Harry WUford. son of r■.?/!-% a, l? ftlsndsof the family are respect ’ funeral, from his parents’ residence. No. 920 franklin street, on Thunday after -5!!t!;?-,."J..2iL': odc - To Proceed to Laurel Hill. «* GAKThEF.—On First-day, the Bth instant, John W. Gar Hey. in tbe 27th rear of his are. , fhe relatives and friends ol the family are respect-» fnily invited to attend his fnnerai, from the reildence S* School atrest, Germantown, on Fourth day (”«dnesday> afternoon, the 11th instant! to meet at the house at half past 2 o’clock. **♦ WHITE AND BLACK SKIRTS, $4.50. ’ JT/ BB t received, White and Black Striped Bad moral skirts, full size, at $4.50 each. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, ja9-Bfc No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. N. B.—Skirting* hy the yard, $1 to $1 87)4. -JM[ OURNIN G BLANKET SHAWLS, $lO. OBBXN BAIZE FOR SKATE BAGS. o Skating Shirts, lew style. Skattng Scarfs, Clan Plaids. Gente’Skating Mufflers. Mud Skirts, new Balmorals. deS] BYRE & LANDBLL OIL, COMFANICS. flggP* NOTICE VULCAN OIL AND MINING COMPANY. BIN All NOTICE is hereby given that *H Subscriptions to the ORIGINAL STOCK OF THIS COMPANY must be paid on or before the 13th instant, in default of which it will be transferred to other applicants. BTo snbscribets the undersigned have the gratifying fact to announce that the advance in the value of the Company*, estate is almost marvellous. 'Were a portion of the property sold at a rate lately offered by a New York Company, tho VULCAN OIL AND MINING COM PANY could to- day declared dividend greater than any Oil Company ever organised. Thh Company’s BOBING and DBILLING MACHINE can now be seen in active working operation at the Warehouse of Messrs. HOBBIS, TASEEB, ft CO., THIBD Street, below Walnut. Everybody Interested in Oil should tee It. FOUR WELLS are now going forward, and FOUR more will he sunk as soon as the ffrst are complete. These,with a yield of Oil equal to adjoining Wells,will Insure the Vnlcan A DAILY INCOME OF TEN. THOU SAND DOLLABS CASH, and will enable-this Company to declare dividends equal to the famed Columbia, now paying over $1,000,000 to a few Stockbolders,and whose stock, for FIVE DOLLABS paid In, has sold for over FOBS HUNDBED DOLLABS per ehare. A small portion of the original Stock ($1 per share), credited to subscribers who cannot promptly meet their engagements, Is all that can now he sold. Prompt application at this late day is indispensable, as the books will be closed as stated. HENRY SIMONS, President, U. S, National Wagon Works. WM. H, WEEKS, Treasurer, of W. H. Weeks ft Co., White Lead Manufacturers, Company’s Office, 434 WALNUT Street. J* If. WILLOUGHBY, Secretary. |ggp» OFFICE fAMS WORTH OIL COMP AgM Y'V:- 400 Cbestnm St. (tip is, FAR VALUE OF SHABEg |S.t)O. WORKING CAPITAL, $40,000 SUBSCRIPTION PBICE.™ .... $3. * PRESIDENT: PBEDEBICKFAKSON.No 504 Market street. TREASURES S A. A. BBUMWAY, No 231 Market street. - DIREUTOKB: F. PAKSON, No. 604 Market street. THOMAS D. WATTBON, of the house of Truitt & Co., 628 Market street. CHAS. BLOOMINGDALE, of Bloomingdale, Shine, ft Co., 333 Market street. EDWABD J, BEED, of George W. Seed ft Co., 423 Market street. M. J. JOYCE, of A. A. Shumway ft Co., 221 Market street. JCSIAH BABBITT, Jr., No. 423 Market street. D. D. T. FABNBWOBTH, Esq., West Virginia. EDWARD M, PAKSON, Esq., Solicitor, J. G. FISLEB, Secretary, N. B,—For particulars see prospectus, with map of lauds, at the office. ' degHJaM gggp COTTER FARM . OIXc COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000; 300.000 SHARES AT |5 PEB SHARE. _ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. TO 60.000 SHASES ONLY, $3 50 PEB SHARE. No more to he issued above that number until the land ie d eveloped. Stock issued foil paid. $50,000 CASH APPROPRIATED AS A WORKING CAPITAL. President, ISAIAH LIIKBUS. M.D: Vice President, WM. M. STEWART; Treasurer, TO. D. SMITH; Secretary, & 3. HARRISON, M. D. OFFICES, Nos. 83 AND 84 WASHINGTON BUILDINGS, THIRD STREET, BBLO W WALNUT. Bat a lew shares remain far sale, IST *“ B RECIPROCITY MOTNB COMPANY, / OHHUDIEKE DISTRICT, CANADA EAST. L. E. CHITTENDEN, President. OFFICERS. Bx-Gov. James Pollock, director 11, S. Mint. Phila delphia; Hon. W. G Moorhead, Proa Phil a and Erie hatlroadCo ;C. B. Wright, Esq., of C. B. Wright * Co , tensers; Henry Bhaldon, Bbq. , of Stanton.-Ehel don. & Uo., Bow York: W. B. Hatch, Esq , of Fair banks &00-. Sew York sT.B. Booting, E.q.,ofT, B. Bunting & Co., New York; L, E. Chittenden, late Kegleter u. B. Treason. 100,000 SHAEBB. FAB VALUE, *5O (EACH. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, *3O. FBOFEBTY, 11.770 ACEIS, AM, KNOWS TO BB BIOH IJS GOLD. SHARES OP STOCK OPPEBED FOR SUB- SCBIPTION. 600 ounces of pure GOLD from the Company's pro perty may he seen on application at the office of C. B. WEIGHT & CO.. I*2 Booth THIRD Street, where maps, prospectuses, and all information may he had. The latest report from the. Geologist of the Company announces the discovery of FIVE new and very rich aaarts lodes u The OFFICIAL REPORT of the Gold Gomhisbionbrs of Canada "will booh he published, showing over Onb Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, at coin rates. of gold has’ been recently mined in the CHAUDIERE DISTRICT, principally upon the Company's property. A limited number of shares of the CAPITAL STOCK may he subscribed for at the office of O. B. WRIGHT & CO., 142 SOUTH THIRD STKBBT, opposite the Exchange. deffl-fmwlm PKOSPECTCS FAME OIL. COMPANY OP YEN AN GO COBHTY. PENNSYLVANIA. OITICE, 201 BOOTH TlffH ST., PHIM. Capital, - ■ • - $500,000 SHAKES, 125,000-PAR VALUE, **. 30,000 SHARES WORKING CAPITAL-SUBSCRIP TION PRICE, $l. officers: JAMES GIBBONS, President. PHILIP LOWRY. Ja., Vice President, A. R PAUL, Treasurer. JOHN I. ROGERS, Secretary. dirbotohs: JAMES GIBBONS, FRANCIS MoMANUS, PHILIP LOWKY, Js.; THOMAS H. GILL, JOHN NOBLE, JOHN HONEKEB.- SAMUEL G. KING, JOHN F. CAHILL, Superintendent. The properly of this Company consists of No 1. One hundred and twenty acres of land in fee simple, situated on both sides of Little Sandy Creek, three fourths of a mile from its confluence with the Big Sandy, one mile from the town of Waterloo, and sir miles from Franklin, the county seat of Venango coun ty* and within half a mile of the station of. the James town and Franklin Railroad. About one-half of the land la heavily wooded, producing a variety of superior timber, The laud is designated oh the original map of Venango county as the Dennis Job Tract; upon it are several houces, barar, &e This particular location, although at present unde veloped. will, i*. is believed, prove very productive, as upon the adjoining property a natural oil spring has been known for more than a century. No. 2 Forty five acres in fee simple, adjoining Tract No 1. on Snyder Run- This Tract has been selected by experienced oil operatives because of'its extraordinary surface indications, and will undoubtedly prove equal to the best oil territory in Venango county. No S. Two leasee of one acre of land on the Graff and Haesan Tract, on Oil .Greek, Oornplanter township, one fourth of a mile above OU GUy. These leases are each for seventeen yean* one-half tot ally. On this laud are now two Wolfs, producing from ten to iweiVe barrels per day, with Steam Engine, which is new, Tanks, and all necessary appurtenances, House, Barn, Ac., beiong - isg to the Company. ''From the well-known productiveness of all the land on Oil Creek, sot a single failure havingyet beeu knowu where proper means have bteu used to develop the re sources of the land, and as the Company purpose sink ing a number of new Welle on these leases, it is confi dently expected that very important results will accrue therefrom. Thirty Tbourand Shares of the Capital Stock will be devoted to the immediate development of the various pionertiee of the Company, the Directors of which pledge themselves to the Stockholders that nothing on their part shall be wanting to render this one of the most detirable investments that have yet beeu put be fore the public. They also call attention to the follow ing facts in regard to this Company: let 1 hat not one dollar’s worth of Stock has been sold beyond what was required to pay for the lands in fee simple and the leases owned by the Company. 2d. The Company has not created a single liability; all their purchases have been paid in full, and their ti tles are c'e&r and indisputable to all the property r amed , 3d. The Thirty Thousand Shares of Reserved Stock or Working Capital will be actually sold, and the pro ceeds devoted to the development of the property, sink ing wells, Ac., before the Board of Direction, will-au thorize the istue of any more Stock. ; „ _ Subscription Books sow open at the Office, 207 South FIFTH Street. - JOHN I. ROoaSS. ja7?t; Secretary, THE PRESS. OIL COMPANIES. gggf» THE JERSEY WELL OIL COMPANY. 250,000 SHARES AT $2 PER SHARE, 840,000 OF WHICH IS RESERVED AS A WORKING CAPITAL. PRESIDENT, DR. ALBERT O. EGBERT, OF VEHASaO OOt'NTY. VICE PRESIDENT. ABRAHAM MARTIN, OF PHILADELPHIA. SECBBTABY ANd’TRBASUBEE, WILLIAM M. BARLOW, OF LEOTARD & BARLOW, PHILADELPHIA. DIRECTORS. Dr. ALBERT G. EGBERT, Venango Co., Pa. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, Mercer Co., Pa. WILLIAM G. ROSE, MerwrCo.,JPa. WILLIAM M. BABLOW, 429 Chestnut street. EDWABD B. JONES, 631 Arcb street. THREE PER CENT. PER MONTH ON $500,000. In calling the attention of eap taltsts to this enter prlee, the Directors have no hesitation in expressing their belief that their return from it will be more cer tain and more liberal than from any new company now before the community. The property of the Company consists of the following: No. 1. Three-eighth sof the working interest in the celebrated Jersey Well, on the Hyde and Egbert Farm, on Oil Creak, with the acre of land on which the well is located. This well has been flowing since early in May, ISM, at the rate of about three hundred and fifty barrels daily, and ii now flowing at that rate, thus yielding to the Company betweenfifty and sixty barrels daily, wortn, at present prices, twenty thousand dol lars per mouth, which Wul pay to the Stockholders in this Company MORE THAN THREE PEE CENT. PER MONTH from the start. There i< room on the land for several more well*], two of which will be immediately com- ; menced by the Company, and in which we shall have the same interest as in the Jersey. The character of this property, as oil Hr d, is well known; it is only necessa ry to say that no well on it has ever failed in getting oU« while it has already produced the Maple Shade, the Co quette, and the Jersey. . No. 2. Twenty- five acres in fee on the east side of the Allegheny River, opposite the mouth of Big Sandy. • Thi» tract las about forty rods front on the-river, and contains a large amount of boring surface. Oil wells yielding largely are found near this property; among them the hnfrbs, the Hoover; &c. The Company intend to proceed at once to develop this fine property, and feel sanguine of success No,.fik A lease of fifteen years on the ‘William B. Wil son Farm, on Slippery Rock Run, in Lawrence eou aty, Fenua. Nos. 4,5, 0, 7 and 8 are also leases on Slippery Bock Run, contains g four hundred acres in all. They were obtained in April, 1161, by Dr. Egbert, and continue for fifteen years from their date. They secure to the Louse*B all the oil and other minerals contained in the several tracts, with the right to divide and sublet, with all other rights and privileges connected with the busi ness of mining for oii, cob}, and other minerals, and re serve a royalty of only one* eighth of said oil or minerals. The Slippery Rock Territory is a new and only par tially developed oil region; hut the success already ob tained tmre and on the Mahoning River, a few miles west, together with the large quantities of oil found north, sonth, east, and west of It, lead us to hope that it will prove a successful oU region. The Company have already an excellent engine, tools, and all necessary fixtures on ths grounds, with a well partly down»snd will proceed to develop the property as fast as possible. These lands and leases were all selected for oil pur poses by the President of this Company, whose ere it t access in the oil business, sterling integrity, and force of character are too well known to require comment here. Subscriptions received at the office of LED YARD & BARLOW, 439 CHESTNUT STREET, gggp THE SU3IXER PETROLEUM AKD MINING COMPANY, LOCATED ON THE WEST BANK OP THE ALLE GHENY RIVER* BELOW FEAN KLIN. CAPITAL, $1,009,000. DIVIDED INTO £OO,OOO SHAKES. FAB VALUE, $5. No further assessments or call on the subscribers, as 86,C0G shares are reserved for working capital. SUBSCRIPTIONS, $1 PBB SHARE, Received at the office of ths Company, NO. 614 CHESTNUT STREET, Second Floor, Philadelphia. ISAAC D. GUYBB, Secratary. jgUp* FERGUSON OIL. COMPANY, WIRT COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA. CAPITAL $500,000. FAB VALUE 99 lOO,OOO SHAEES. . SUBSCRIPT lON PSION $3. AND NO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. RESERVED WORKING CAPITAL- 15,000 SHARES. The property of this Company embraces ONE HUN DRED AND SEVENTY ACRES 070) of LAND (in fee simple) on the Little Kanawha River, in' Wirt county, West VtriL ia, with a frontage on said rTver of fully (X) three- fourths of a nolle, an'd is*<S>i) three and a Half miles above Elizabeth, 1 *the county seat, ’ ’ and about the ssmediptancehelowthecelebrated Burning Springs. in this tract we have about one hundred and thirty (ISO) acres of bottom land, or boring territory, affording sufficient room to put down one hundred (100) weUs, or more, which Is a larger amount of boring'surface than owned by any other company in this section of the oil region l About the centre of this property, and near the bank of the river, Is a sprlng, contlntiall> discharging Oil and Gas, and it bribe opinion of one of the most experienced geologists in Pennsylvania, who has made a careful ex amination of the tract that it is equal, if notsnpenor to any in the Kanawha Valley, for the production of Oil It has been purchased Boleiy with the view to its im mediate development, ana the company intend using every known satisfactory appliance to attain that object. The engine and all the necessary tools are now per forming their part, and no expense necessary for the rapid development of the property will be spared, the company being determined to make it productive. Being fully aware of the existence of bogus com panies, we invite the most rigid investigation as to the character.of our property, and we will be happy to fur nish all the information desired. „ „ Haps, Charts, Ac., can be consulted at the office of the Company, No. 417 WALNUT Street, Room No. 3, third siery, Tvn tti-.n'f.pili PRESIDES*. JOHN W. MOFFLY, SECRETARY AND TREASURER, JOSEPH P. BROSIUS. DIRECTORS. a SAMUEL CONABD, (AMOS' J. MXCHENER: CASPAR L. BBHN, IJOSBPH.P, BROSIUS, , GEORGE LEECH, Reading, Pa. jan-whnl3t THE STANDING STONE OIL COMPANY OF WEST VIRGINIA. CAPITAL $2,000,000, in 40,000 Shares, at *5O each. Subscription price $35 per Share, subject to no further call or assessment. A working capital of $lOO,OOO reserved. Only 20,000 Shares to be sold at the subscription price. The property of this Company consists of the well known Martin or Standing Stone tract, and contains from2.6ooto3,oCoacreßofland, in fee simple, free from leases, undivided Interests, or royalty. Standing Stone Creek (a-branch of the Little Kanawha river), and its tributaries pass through this property, and it has upon Jt a larger amount of boring territory than is owned by any other company in Weet Virginia. It is situated Is Wirt county, near the celebrated Rath bone or Burning Spring tract, and in extant of territory is five times S eater, and is considered by all experienced oil men miliar with the oil distilcfe-- of West Virginia quite equal, if not superior, to the Sathbone tract. The Standing. Stone Oil Company's property extends from tbe LitUe Kanawha river, near Burning Spuing Run, across the waters of Standing Stoze Creek, Including a portion or Robinson's Fork and Two Riffle Run, and is tmmfdiately in the Great Oil Break, extending from Burning Spring through by Standing Stone ana Petro leum to Hone Neck wells, near the Ohio river, and embraces the line of upheaval. The property of this Company has not been developed for the reason that it belonged to minor heirs, who could not convey until they attained their m&iority, which the youngest did afew days ago. Wells are being bored on the adjoining lands, and oil had. It is said that upon this Standing Stone tract oil was first discovered in 1790. On the Devezs Farm, adjoining, a well is being bored and oil obtained. The well of McFarland & Jones, on the Morgan land, is near this property. These lands are held intrust by J. N. Camden, Esq., President First National Bank of Parkersburg, West Virginia, and the Hon. JohnS. Carlile, Senator in Coa- Srea» from Virginia, and will be by them eonveyed to re Standing Stone Oil Company whenever the stock to be diapo#ed of by subscription,' (to wit, 20,000 shares) shall be subscribed and paid for. Three thousand six hundred shares of the stock have already been sub scribed and paid for. _ _ Subscriptions received at the Banking Houses of RIGGS &CO..JandBITTENHOUSE, FOWLER, AGO., WASHINGTON. D. 0. de2l-lm GOMfr MINING COMPANIES. DAUPHIN AND COLORADO ISSE? GOLD MINING COMPANY. Chartered by tbe State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000. 200,000 SHAKES— PAR VALUE, $5. President-JOHN B. ANDERSON. DIRECTORS • James B, Magee. John W. Hall* Harrisburg* T C. McDowell, do. Jotrn Brady* do. W. W Wylie* Lancaster. . Wm. 0. Shute, Colorado. D. P, SOUTSWOBTH, . Secretary and Treasurer. Office of tbe Company, Ho. 4»3 WALHOT Street— Boom Ho. 6. Thomas A Scott, N. B. Kneass, Win. 8. Freeman, hobt. P. King, John hr. Riley, Charles DtSilver, Authenticated specimens liar® been procured from going of the Company *s lodes, and havebeen assayed by Professors Booth and Garrett with the most gratify* ing results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company, and at the Treasurer's Office (In ternal Revenue). No. 4:37 CHESTNUT Street,Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank Building. Tooriginai subscribers, $3. CO per share, for a limited number of shares. Circulars, pamphlet*, dr information can be obtained at tbe Office of the Company after the 17th Inst. October 14, 1884. - ociB*3m , NOTICES. AG ATS THIS EVE ■K®' BING at Olivet Church, TWENTY-SECOND and MOUNT YBBNON Streets. It* I®* BECITAHONS BY PHILIP EAW MWCEIand Ms Pupilsat ASSEMBLY BUILD INGS on THURSDAY EVENING, Jan. 12th, when a Corps of the * • Courtland Saunders! Cadets ’' will recite in Concert “Axmforthe Battle,” Tickets, 25 c*nts. Commence at 8 o’clock, jail*2l* i3§r° AH ADJOUBNEB MEETING OF EABM OIL COMPANY will be corner of TENTH and SPRING GAR BEN Streets THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, 11th Inst., at half past 7 o’clock . It* JOSEPH HARRISON, Secretary. I®** INDIGBRT WIUOWS’ AND SUf«. Ik®' GLE WOMEN’S SOCIETY OP PHILADEL PHIA.—Tee Anniversary Meeting of the Society will beheld at the ASYLUM, CHERRY Street, below Eigh teenth, on THURSDAY, tie 12th of Jaauary IBSS, at 12 o’clock noon. The Report©! the Managers will be road by the Rev. N. W. COnKIING. jall-2t* THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder* of the MECHANICS’ OIL COM PANY will, be held at their office, BULLETIN BUILD ING. Bocm No. 2. second floor, on MONDAY, -January 16 ? 386 C. at 3 P. M. .„ „ ' jall-ft*- , C. T. KERN,’Secretary. TWENTIETH WARD—A MEET* IBG of the BOUNTY FUND COMMITTEE will be held THIS EVENING. In the CHURCH, EIGHTH Sirtet, above Master, at 7 o’clock. Let all Stable to the coming Draft attend. WM. S. HALL, President. B. Harper, Secretary. it* A PUB» re MEETING OF THE PHILADELPHIA BIBLE SOCIETY wilt be bela in the CHURCH, corner BROAD and SANS )&f Streets -on THURSDAY EVENING next, 12th last., when the Rev Bishop SIM ?50K will preach a Sermon in aid of the Bible Chine. A collection will be taken op'for l hat objetfc. By »ider of the Committee, iallSt THOMAS K PETERSON, Chairman, WAK&MAKJEK a brown; . PHTTADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, .T ANTTAHY 11, 1866.' tsar COIOKED pkopj.e and gift PASSBHGBK OARS. _ Philadelphia, January 2, 1865 The undersigned invite the citizen* of Philadelphia Who are opposed to the exclusion of resectable persons from the Passenger Bailroad Care, on rhs granadof complexion. to nnitewith them in a Public Meeting, to be held at CONCERT HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING, the 13 th instant, to consider the subject, and to take such action as may be deemed advisable. lam opposed to the exelm* Charles Wise, eion of respectable per* Alonzo Patter, boss from the ears on the William Bacon Stevens, ground of complexion; Henry J. Morton, but I take nopartxneither Phillips Brooks, attending or. calling pub- M. A. Be Wolf Howe* lie meetings. Robert J. Parvis, nORACE BIKCHSY, J Edwards. January 7, 1866, T. Be Witt Talmage, a\ T -B c X;, George H. Stuart, - John P Verree, Saunders Bewls, Jay Cooke Lemuel Coffin, William Welsh, J. Forsyth Meigs, James Mott. Matthew W. Bildwia, Evan Randolph, Samuel Parrish, H. F. West. James G. Knowles, Jr., Joseph Parrish, William C. Baker, William Dorsey, Diliwj n Parrish, Jr., Stephens Price, John L. Jenks, A Campbell, Joseph Whitehead, W. G. Knowjgs, J Miller Mcfflm, Francis R. Cope, S R White, John T Walton, Jacob Wise, M. B. Keelsy, Horaceßinney, Jr.* Joint Afibkvrst) N. B. Browne* Charles Gibbons, Robert B Cfcbeen, A. A. Konigmacber, William Henry Rawle, Peorgo Troft, Step* en Colwell, George H. Softer, Henry C. Carey. E. W. niarlr, ' Philip?. Baadolph, - Benjamin Coates, Joseph Price, Lind Joy Smyth, DiUwyn Parrish, Abrahsm Barker, Thom Be W-'tt. William W\ Justice, George DParrish, Wlllfam Hunt, Edward Parrish, Blwcod T. Fasey, B. B Comegys, B, P. Hnnt. Benjamin B. Brewster, Charles Gilpin, Charles T>' Cooper, Mordecai L, Dawson, S®* AT THE AMEAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the PHI DADELPHIA AND DnRBY RAILROAD COMPANY, held on theS hinst., at their main station near Gray’s Ferry Road. thefol lowing resolutions, offered by tf. B, Browne, Esq. , *e condea by Thomas S. Bills, Etq, were unanimousl* adopted: Resolved, That the Stockholders recommend to the Board of Directors of this Company to adopt *uch regu lations as will hereafter permit Colored persons to ride in the ears of this Company. Resolved, That so discrimination ought to be made In the use of the public cars, to the exclusion of any person except such as 1b intended to secure good be havior and general comfdrk. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the daiiypapers I>, H. FLICK WIK, Secretary, f HSLApBUHiA, January 10,1£65. - It AND NOW* TO WIT: JANUARY 7lh, 1865- on motion of James H. Little, Esq., SaMCTEL W- HOFFMaN is this day admitted to prac tice as an Attorney in the District Court and Court of Common Pleas. • jall-gt* GBAND PUBLIC DEMONBTBA* 7JON.—The PBNNSy LVANIA STATE EQUAL BIGHTS LEAGUE will tender to the great sufferer in the cause of human freedom, and the advancement of equal rights, the Rev. CALVIN FAISBANK; & grand public ovation, in-** honor to whom honor is due,* * ats NATIONAL HALL. MARKET Street, above Twelfth, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Jan. 11,1865. Tickets, 26 cents. * Doors open at 6>£. Exercises to commence at 7>£ o’clock. * _ Mr. Fairbank, charged wi*h being a notorious Aboli tionist, and assisting fugitive slaves to their freedom, was, upon his last trial, sentenced to receive 150 LASH ES on the bars back, and undergo an imprisonment of FIFTEEN YEARS TO BARD LABOR iulhe Kentucky Penitentiaiy, under the cruel slave code of that rebel lious State. He will give a thrillingacoount of his con finement and terrible sufferings during neariy THIR TEEN YEARS of his captivity. Mr. Fairbank will be accompanied by his wife, who, being betrothed to the distinguished philanthropist atthe'iime of hie arrest and conviction, went to Kentucky and administered to ihe necessities of her devoted lover during all those long and dreary years of suffering, amid the jeers, insults, and contempt of that slaveholding community, re mained true to her first love, and married Mr. Fair bank as soon as he was released. . Bat come and hear and see for yourselves that truth 1b strangtr fch*n fiction. v The Gommittee willsp&re no effort to render the occa sion. w»r thy of the distinguished stranger,of the League, and of the city of Philadelphia. Hearly two hundred of our best Yocalista, assisted by the talented artists, Mr. Ira D. Cliff, i Mr. Davld B. Bowser, Mr. Daniel Parvis, i Hr. & Mrs 3>r. H. J. Brown, Will add their delightful melody. Ber, Theo. J>. Miller, j Bey. Win, fatness, James Mott, Esq , f Mrs. Lncretia Mott, Miss Anna B. Dickinson, Wm. Nicholson, Bsq., Bobert Purvis, Esq > Prof. Chas. D. Cleveland* Sergt.Maj.iJf. M. Green, and other dißiingui'hed persons, have been invited, and are expected to participate in the exercises. Vocal Conductor... Mr. A. W. Lively. Musical Director.. ..(Hr. F. V. Seymour. 0rgaDi5t..............................Mr. Jos. H. Carter. COMMITTEE OP ARB&NGJBMENTS, A. M. Green, DavidD. Turner, Dr. Jas. McC. Crummel, George W. Goins, Jos. C. Buetill, JobnW. Simpson, J. O. White, Jr., O. V. Catto,' Chas, B. Colly, John H Colbert, Rev. E. Wearer, John W. Page, F. Norman Judah. Tickets for sale at J. E. G< nnt st., or at T. B. Pugh’s, I Philadelphia. KS 5 ’ FIFTH COnjECTIOR DISTRICT, Iw PENfISTDYANIA—OFFICE OF COhLECTOB. NOTICE is hereby given that thelists of taxes assessed in accordance with the g of the joint resolution of Congress, approved July 4,1864 imposing a Special Tax of five per centum upon the gain*, profits, or in* come for the year ending Becemtfer 31, 1863; and also of the increase upon Licences of wholesale dealers, retail liquor dealers, hotel keepers, and peddlers, as per act of June 30,1864,has been returned to me by the Assessor of the District, and that such taxes are now due and payable, and that payment thereof is hereby demanded, and will be received for the Twenty-second and Twen ty-fifth. wards at the office in Langsiroth’a Building. Germantown, and those for the Twenty, third ward at the office, Frankford street, Frankfoid, between the hours of fl A. M. and 3P. M., until SATURDAY, Janu ary 21. 1865. PENALTIES —To all those who neglect to pay on or before said 21»t day of January a special demand will be issued,- for which the law provides a fee of twenty cen te, and four cents per mile, and ten per cent, penalty, as will b* seen by reference to the 28th section of the act of June 80, 1864. Money of the Halted States only re ceived. JOHN W. COWELL, “ 3b9-mwftja2l Collector. IS?* PMSSTLVAKIA HALL ASSO* CIATION —By resolution of the Board of Mana gers a finri dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF PER will be paid UPON PRESENTATION AND SURRENDER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK to. ELI DILLIN, Treasurer, corner of RIDGE Avenue Mid GEESE Streets, between 8 and 10 o’clock In the morn ing. N. B.—Need not apply, without the certificates of stock. Ja7-aw6t* THE ANNUAL MEEUNGOF THE Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA AND CO LORADO GOLD MININGMOMPASY Will be held on TUESDAY, January 17th, 1865, at 4 o'clock P. M., at tbe office of E. W. CLARK & CO., Ma. 35 South THIRD Street, to choose a Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year. - GEO. NICHOLS, Secretary. Philadelphia, Jan. 2,1865 , jaS^mwlt HKST-IUY OH STOBAT-SCHOOI. SOCIETY —The aminal meeting or the Society •wUlb'e held on WEDNESDAY next. Util instant, at i o’clock P, M.. at No. 1123. CHESTNUT Street. j«9-Bt* ALEXANPBK KIBKPATSiOK, Secretary. BGI* GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BALL to be si-f en to THE ** EBPUBLIOAN IHVIIfCIBLES,” AT THE* ApADßMy_OP_tftt|lo, On TBUESDAY EVENING* NEXT7'I2fch inst. Tickets can be procured at the National Uni*n Club, 1105 Chestnut street, Lee & Walkers mutio store, 722 Chestnut street, J. B. Goulds music store, southeast corner Chest' cut and Seventh streets, and of the Committee of Ar rangements. ja9 4t Oil CO«PA»rT.-THB Annual Meeting or the Stockholders of the FAB EEL OIL COMPANY -wiU be held at their Office. No. 55 North THIRD Street, on SATURDAY, the 14th Inst, at 12 o’clock M. ■ GEO. W. MCWILLIAMS, Secretary. Phidada.*. Jan. 3,1865. ja4 wfm6fc* NOTICE -OFFICE BUCK MOTTH- TAIN COAL CO., Phil ax slphi a, Jah. 2,1585. The Anneal Meeting of the Stockholders of the BUCK MOUNTAIN COAL COMP AN Y will be held at the Office, of the Company, No. 320 WALNUT Street, on WED NESDAY, February Ist, 1865, at II o’clock A. M. An election for seven Directors to serve the ensuing, year will be held on the same day, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2P. M. ja2-mwftfel T, H, TROTTER, Secretary. TMB ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the TWELF TH-STREET MAR KET COMPANY will be held at the Office of the Com pany, corner of TWELFTH and MARKET Streets, on SATURDAY. I4th inst., at 11 o’clock A M,. at which time an election for nine Managers, to serve the ensuing year, will be held. - JOSEPH PAXSON, Secretary. Philadelphia, January 7,1855. fit (IQl 35 NOTICE.—THE FIRST ANNUAL Meeting of the to the “HOMBFOR AGED COLORED PEOPLE” will be held on FiFTH DAY (Thursday) EVENING, the lahinst., at S o’clock, in the west room of National Sail, MARKET Street, above Twelfth, second story. The interested public are invited to attend. Several speakers will be presentand "will address the meeting. jalO-2t* H. BALDBBSTON, Secretary. office: of the watson pr. IK» TROLEUM COMPANY, So. 414: WaLNUT Qt. PHiLApfiLPHiA, January 9,1865. At the AnEual Meeiinji of Stockholders, held on the 2d Inst., the following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year: __ JONATHAN WAfSON, IBLWOOB T.-PUSSY, FRANCIS C LAWRANOB, IPAUL J. HOFFMAN. ‘ CALEB O. CHILDS, '• And at a' meeting of the* Board of Directors held on the Sd inst. the following officers were re-elected: Prefcident-E. T. PUSSY. VicePiesident—C. O. CHILES. . Treasurer—CßAßLES WISE. Secretary—M B. KBILY. By ordei of the Board of Directors. jalQ-3t M. B- REILY, Secretary, THE GREAT WESTERN OIL CO., Office, No. 414 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, January S. 1565. At the Annual Meeting of Stockholders held on the 2d inst. the following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year: _ FRANCIS C. LAWBANCB, [CHARLES WISE, CALEB O CHILDS, PAUL J. HOFFMAN. JOSEPH B. ALTEMUS* 1 And at a Mteiisgof the Board of Directors held on the Sd inst. the folio wiiur officers were re-elected: President—CHAßLES WISE. Vice President—J B. ALTEMUS Treasurer pro tern.—M B. KEILY. Secretary—M. B. KBILY. By order of the Board of Directors: „ jalO-St M B KBILY, Secretary. jra*» OFFICE OF THE OAK BALE OIL InS? COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. J. C FRYER. 113 CaBSTNUT Street. The Book of Subscription to the Capital Stock of the OAK BALL OIL COMPANY wiUclose on THURSDAY, January 12, 1865, at 3 o’clock, after which date the cer tificates of stock will be ready for delivery. Persons holding the Company’s receipts ore requested to present them and obtain theii certificates. _ ■ „ JOHN OAKFORD, Secretary. Philadelphia, January 4,1565. ja6-7t fK3S== OFFICE OF THE EOCtJST HODS* TAIH COAL AND IRON COMPANY," Philadelphia, Dec. 18,1884. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the above named Company will be held at their Office, No. 230 Bouth THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the loth day of January next, at 12 o’clock M., when an ELECTION will be held for seven Directors to serve for th s ensuing year • The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed for fifteen days prior .to the dayofsaSdelectton.- * del?-tjal6 .. EDWARD ELY, Secretary. IKS* 3 OFFICE VENANGO OIL COM liZ3& PANY, N. B. cor. THIRD and DOCK (second special meeting of the Stockholders will be held on FRIDAY, Jan. 13th, 1865. at 8 o clock, to devise means for the proper development of the Company. By order of the Board,' EDW. H. FLOOD, ja7-6t* Treasurer. ASSEbSOB’S OFFICE, UNITED stao es internal revenue, FIRST. dis PENNSYLVANIA, NO. 431# WALNUT |tbeet. . , . ' Philadelphia* Jan 7,1885. Notice U hereby given that the official lists of assess ments for the FIRST COLLECTION DISTRICTS Penn* sjlvania. of the SPECIAL INCOME TAX, required to he made by provisions of the Joint Resolution of Con gress of the Fourth day of July, 1884, are now ready for examination,' and will remain open for the inspection of all persons who may apply for thatjmrpoee, during the ten day s next ensuing, exclusive of Sundays. ,i Apptals in writing, specifying the particular cause, -j -matter, or thing respecting which a decision Is request-/ ed, and stating the ground or principles of error com-j plained of, will be entertained by me at anytime be* fore the 20th inßt. - WASHINGTON KEITH, / js9-6t •• ■ , ■ • Assessor, j MANAYUNH . LODGE, Mo* SI Industry Lodge, No. 130, Morion Square Lodge/ No. 210, Falls of Schuylkill Lodge, No. 466,. Roxbq' rough Lodge, No. 66, Andrew Jackson Encampment No. 9* L O. of O. F., wgl meet, at their Hall, BAKM Street, Manayunk, on WEDNESDAY, the llth Instant, at one o’clock, to attend ths?uneral of Past Grand Chief Patriarch JOHN TAYLOR. By order of > / WM. PEMBERTON, N./Gj ja9-3t* M. DILL, C. P ; MECHANICS’ NATIONAL BANK* IkSS* Philadelphia, January 3,18®. The Annual Meeting oftbe Stockholders of thisfiank will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on WJBpES DAY, January 1L 1865, between <he hours of IQ olclock A. M.. and2P. MY for the election of Nine Directors to serve for the ensuing year. . / ia4-7t J. WIBQAND, Jr,,Cashier, FABttEBS* AND MECHANICS’ NATIONAL BAN K —Philadelphia , Decern-' bars, 1864 * The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th day of January next,, be tween the hours of ID o’clock A. M. andSo’clock F. M. • _ • delD-tjall . W. RUBMTON. Jb., Cashier. J_e* NOTICES.* Mould's, Seventh and Chest. Sixth and Chestnut. jalJ-2t* SPECIAL INCOME TAX NOTICES. l^-.'coonraMmwi : rouDHTiaßßi» FKBBHMENT SALOON, 1009 OTSE9O Street. We ar« a,aln compelled to appeafto'the' cMzens'of for means to aid us to carry on our insti tution. Whilst we feel thankful for the liberal support. we have already received, we feel confident that bur present wants will call to our aid again the liberal sup port of our loyal and patriotic citizens, which at present Is essentially necessary to enable us to continue the goodwork of feeding and aclmimstering to the wants of our brave soldiers. Contributions sent to us by letter or otherwise will be thankfully received. TO M. COOPEB, President. 135 8 WATER Street ADAM M. SIMPSON. T&aaurer, ~O QUEEN Street : WM. M MAULL, Secretary, „ „ 330 CATHARINE Street . „ B. B. HALL Cashier Seventh National Bank. - jKvSp ASSESSOR’S OFFICE, VfllfED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. FOURTH DIB - lA, FARMERS’ - AND MB STBEBT BANK miLmm * NO. CHESTNUT - . . . Philadelphia, January7,lB®. Notice is bereby giren ihat the lists of as sessments, for the FOURTH COLLECTION DISTRICT of Pennsylvania, of the SPECIAL INCOME TAX/Te quired to be made by provisions of the Joint Resolu tion of Congress, of the Fourth day of July, 1854, are Sow ready ror examination, and will remain open for le inspection of all persons, who may apply for that purpose, during the ten days next ensuing, exclusive of Sundays. «P«tfringthe .particular causa, matter, or thing, respecting which a decision Is re quested. and stating the ground or principles of error complnmed of, wlllhe entertained by meat an, time before the2oth Just. , D. P.- SOUTHWORTH, i*7 6t __ _ 1 Assessor. . SIOCKHOLBEBS’ NOXTCJB.—THK — =SE? „Annnal Meeting of the Stockholders of the CON delphia. An a ection for President and Directors will be held on the same da; and place. - T . „ „ R. b.'.Barclay, de23-tia29 • Secretary pro tem. SHAFIOS COAX, COHPASt. *=SS> Opfioe No. 308 South FOURTH Street. DIRECTORS. President-MARTIN BIXON. Treasurer—KOßEßT P. KINO. PETER A. B. WIDBNBK, j HENRY B. WALLACE. . „ - JACOB B. DsHAVEN, jas-6t» GEO. DnHAYEN, jR-b Secretary. WERCANTH,E I.IBRABY ' COM 'S'-" PANT, PHn.AnBi.PHiA. January 2, ISM „ ?3}S, the Stockholders of the MEB CAHTILE LIBRARY COMPANY will be held on TUESDAY, 17th instant, at 1% o’clock P. M.. In tho library Room. At this meeting nominations or officers Will be made. JOHFa. McaLLISTER, J«8-tl7 Recording Secretary. ry toe pb iladelphia oph- IK®? THALMH3 DISPENSARY, N. £ coiner NINTH and BPBING GARDEN Streets, ts open dally from 11 to 1 o’clock for the gratuitous treatment of ajr&seasesand affections of the eye. . s jalO-ot* mVIDEIVOS. Misuse The Directors of the Quicksilver Mining Company have . ... - .THiSDAY ■ declared a serai* annally dividend of - , FITE DOLLARS per share In m ; UNITED STATES GOLD COIN,. payable FEBRUARY 16, 1865, to shareholders of record Jtnuary Slat, 1866 ..." - - - Transfer Books will be dosed from Pebruary Ist to 16tb, inclusive. ■ ■ „ WALTERS. LAWTON, Treasurer. Nsw York, January 4, 1866. • jalO 18t f|)ssl== MECHANICS’ NA tXONAI, BANK, 7 Philadelphia, January' 10, 1866. The Board of Directors of tbis Bask haVe this day do dared an extra dividend of FIVE PER CENT, parable to Stockholders on and after MONDAY, Jan. 16, 1866. , jail- Sf J. W.BQAHD, Jr., cashier? OFFICE HUNTINGDON AND “OraTAIN railroad COM PANY, 1658 Sonib THIRD Street, -]a, January S, 1866. The Board of Directors Of the Huntingdon and Bread Top Mountain Railroad and Coal Company have de clared a dividend of 3% PER CENT, on their Preferred Stock/or the past six months, payable at .their office on and after the I7tb instant. The Transfer Books will be closed until the 17th instant ja4 wftntl7 J. P. AERTSBN, Treasurer. TKEASBBEK’S department Ir?LjS??SSS!RL cjhtral railway com pany—CALVERT STATION, Bat.ttvawr- Dec. 17. 1864. DIVIDEND No. 4.—The Presidvut and Directors of thle Companybave tbis day declared a Dividend of TWO (2) PER CENT, - clear of National and State taxes,for the Smarter ending December. SR 1864, payable to the Stock old ere on the 20th of January, 1866, at this office. The Transfer Books will be;dosed from Ist to 16th of January, 1866, inclusive.. Br order de2l wfmlOt . J. S. LEIB, Treasurer. OFFICE -OF THE BESOEIJTE MIKING COMPANY, Ehii.adki.phia, January 9,1865. Notice is hereby- given that an Instalment of ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE on each and every share of the Capital Stock ol tho RESOLUTE MINING COMPANY has this day been called Unpayable on or before tbe 23d l& o Wim^ > BretfVhWhra. thß Tr6aS " ler ' H °- By order ot the Directors! B. A, HOOPEB, . jal6-tja23 . Treasurer. - OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE IKS’ COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, R3SS WAL NUT STREET, PhiladeuphiA, January 9,1865. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY CENTS per share free from taxes, payable on c emend. jalO l2t CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. (py DIVIDEND NOTICE.—THE DI BBCTOES of the CHERRY BUN -PETROLEUM COMPANY have this day declared a Dividend of TEN (16) PER CENT., payable on the SSd instant, clear of State Ux. Books will be closed from the Kith to the 25th Inst. HENRY S. PAUL, Secretary. Philadelphia, Jan. 7, 1866, ja9-8t m3Sr = OFFICE OF THE FAME IN'SU BANOB COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. ~ . „ Piui.a:dklp]lla, January?, 1855 ~ At a meeting of tie Board of inrectoraof'the FAME lUSUBABCE COMPANY* held tlis day, a dividend of THESE PEE CEHT. was declared.payable on demand, clear of aU taxes. WILLIAMS L BLANGBLAED, ja9l2t _ Secretary^ (IPW 0 OFFICE OF SECOND AND THIRD STREETS PASSE H GEE RAILWAY COMPART, Ro, 3453 FRAREFOED Road, below Lehitfi Ayesue, Philadelphia, Jin. 6.1865. Tie Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FITE PER CERT., clear of taxes, payable on. demand, at this office. B. A. LESLEY, ja9-8t - • . 'Treasurer. ANTHRACITE' INSR RANCH COMPANY, No: 311 WALNUT Street. - ; Philadelphia. Jao. 2, 1835. The Board OfDirectorshavethis day declared a cash ditideud of TEN PER CENT, on the Capital Stock paid in. payable bn demarfd, free of taxes. ja7-6t WM. M. SMITH, Secretary, OFFICJE OF UNION MUTUAL IN ■» EURaNCE COMPANY. Philadelphia, January 5.1865, The Directors of this Company have declared a DIVIDEND of BIGHT PER GENT, on the Stock* and SIX PER CENT, on the outstanding S«rip of- the Com pany, free of taxes,' payable on demand. ja6 6t JQBNMQ33, Secretary, B2»*» OFFICE OF THE HONEY COKB PETROLEUM COMPANY, No. 43 South FOURTH Street. * Philadelphia, January 6,1535. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend ofaONE PER CENT, on the Capital Stock of the Company (beingtwo percent, on the subscription price), payable on and a iter the 16th t«*f f.Ad ft? ol{ toVAff Transfer Books will close January 10th, at 3 o clock* P. M., and open January 10;h. Persons holding receipts will please present them without delay, and receive their certificate*. THOMAS TOLMAN, ja6-§fc Secretary; &nd Treasurer. fl® 5 * GIL CREEK AND CHERRY RUM OIL COMPANY. TRANSFER OFFICE* 5108 South FOURTH Street. _ Philadelphia, January 6, 1865. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of TWO (2) PER CENT , payable to PM adelphia Stockholders, at. this office, on and after the 17th inst; Transfer BoOks will close on the 7th and reopen on the 16th inst. The dividends of this company will hereafter be made payable quarterly, in accordance with a resolution of the Board adopted this day. ja6-6t - B. BEESWANGER, T. A. THE PHILADELPHIA NATION* a.L BANK, Philadelphia, Jau. 5,1865. The Director have this day declared a Dividend of TWENT!-FIVE PER CENT . payable on the 16thinst. Stockholders are requested to bring or send their cer tificate! to be exchanged for new ones of the Phiiadel pbia National Bank. . B. B. COMEGIS, ja6 ijais . Cashier. I®* DITIDIND NO. HI (SUGREAT BASIN OIL COMPANY.—The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of TWO (2) PER CENT., pay able on and after the 15th instant. Books close on • the 10th instant. By a resolution of the Board of Direc tors, adopted this day, dividends will in future be paid quarterly. G. W. W.ILLIAMS, Treasurer. January 5*1865. CjaS-jOt*] 14 FARQUHAB JBDGS. . THE MECHANICS’ BANK, * ST. Louis, Dec. 31.1861 The Board of Directors have declared a dividend of THREE AND ONE HALF PER CENT (Bj£p e.) paya ble to Philadelphia Stockholders at the tfechanics''M&- tional Bank, Philadelphia* on and after Jan 16,1535. jafi-tjalS* . , . CHAS. EVERTS, Cashier. DIVIDEND NOTICE.-OFITCE9F THUS TIOGA IRON COMPANY, No. 534 WALNUT Street, Room N ov 25. The Board of Directors- have THIS DAY declared a DIVIDEND of FIVE PERCENT, (twenty-five omts per share) on the capital stock of this Company, paya ble at their office on and after January 16th, 1665, dear of state taxes " * The transfer books will be closed on the 13th and opened on the 16th. jas-tja!6 D. R JONES, Treasurer.. (I i OFFICE OF THE MINGO Oil, COMPANY, No. 534 WALNUT Street, Room 20. / Phxi.adrlphiAi Jau. 3, 1865. DIVIDEND NOTICE —The Board of Directors hare this day: declared' their seocai monthly dividend of TWO PER GENT, (twenty cf its per share), out of the net eamingsof the Company for th e month of December, pavablei clear of State tax> oh and after January 20th. Transfer Books close January 14th, at 3 o’clock P. M., and January 21st. . P. W. WILTBANK, jas tji2o ' .. - ■ - Secretary.' OFFICE OF- THE PHILADEL* PHIA. CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANYI No. 310(1 CHESTNUT Street. j . Philadelphia, January 2, 1865. . -At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held this day, a dividend of ONE DuLLAE AND FIFTY CENTS PJSR .SHARE, subject to the United States and State taxes, was to.the Stockholders or their le gal represent at iveß, onandafter the 12th inst. The transfer books will be closed until the~l2th inst. jad-lOt : •» • WM. W, COLKET, Treasurer^ DITIDEND NOTiCR-OFFiCE OF THE.MINERAL OIL COMPANY* 534 WAL NUT Street, ; Januabt 2d, 1864. The Board, of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of. ONE . AND ONE-HALF PER CENT on the Capital Stock, payable at their Office on and after the Nth instant, clear of State Taxes, Tm Transfer Books will be closed on the 4th at 3 P* M.V)md openedon-fcke IStb. jafgt THOS. B. SEARLE, Secretary. OFFICE OF THK ENTERPRISE VZW INSURANCE CO.j 400 WALNUT ST. •!/ Philadelphia, Jan. , Tie Directors have THIS DAI declarer s dividend of TBREE AND ONE HALF PER CENT, on the capital stoik of the Company for the last six months, payable onflemand, free of all taxes, B. LOCKWOOD, jl3-12t m* Secretary, 'PHILADELPHIA AND READING I F& RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. 33T South JpUSTH Street. T Philadelphia, November 30, 1864. /DIVIDEND NdTZu2.~The transfer books of this VompaDy wUI V.DeMmbßr 15 mdreopened on TOESDAi, JANuARY 10,1865. pA Dividend of-FIFTEEN SSB CENT: ou the commos I md preferred.stock, dear of National and State taxes, I has been declared, payable In common stock,on the frjo December next, on all stocks standing on the books of '/the Company,' at.the dose of business on the 15th pro* Stockholders whose names are registered on the New > Fork books be paid at the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company. 8. BRADFORD, del-tf? : . , . ■ ... Treasurer COPARTNERSHIPS. T'kISBOLUTIOP.-IHE PARTNER SBIF hetetofore-existiac under the firm of M. L. BALLOWELL.& CCh-is this day dissolved by mutual* contents TheJjuslness will b* settled by either mem* ber of the firm. MOttKIA L HALLOWELL, - - JOSHUA L. HaLLOWELL, Philadelphia Ist Mb., 10, 1865. COPABTHBBEHIP 5 OTIC B -The undernigned haTe thie da, entered Into a Dopartnerohip nndei .the fl.m ofl HALLOWBLL. GAEBSBE,* CO, for the trana action of the WHOLESALE SUE A.SO 7AKCY DBT GOODS BUSINESS,- at “ Jayne's Marb.e Baudit*, 1 Ho. 615 CHESTHUTStreet. . . _ - -■■ * 1 JOSHUA 1,. HALLOWELL,, / JACOB A. GAEDHEE, . EPOCH S. HUTOHIHSOtf, Philadelphia, Jgmary 10,1868. iall-6i <THE IJNDEEBIGNED HAS THIBDAY A associated wiin him WM. H. HOWELL The Business -will be ccntinued under the firm of WM. P. CLIDE A CO. j * WM. P, CLYDE. jAHHAnr 2, 1886. f It- S. B, QOB.. SEKW AND MAEKET STREETS. '* - •••* . / mgVJBINCI!. QFPICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY., FB ItADBDPHIA, JaspabT 9, MB5. The following stetement of the affairs of the Company i» published In conformity with a provision of Its charter: Prominme. written from January 1, 1864. to January 1, 1560«......... t1ttlt m Premiums undetermined Jan. 1, 4* Premiums earned during the year to Jan. Interest on Investments.'. .7.’.. .777.77.7.7.'5 3 »o',sca 10 $208,442 1R Losses paid during the year~~.... $101,968 64 Return premiums, ......... ..... 14,308 60 Reinsurances ••••.•.«................ 14,319 65 Expense* and commissions ■ 16,377 11 U.S. Taxes. .......... 8,85184 5149,916 84 less amount paid to customers in lien of scrip $22,342 22 Amount reserved to pay losses not adjusted 13,000 00 535,342 22 Balance resuftnlaff yrUh tfca Company. ■ . f ,,. STATEMENT OF. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY JANUAKY 1,18 M. United States 6*20 Coupon Bonds. . sn,coo 00 „ " iBBi* stile 6 pet cent. OonpoiLs.... elwo 00 City of Philadelphia 6| „. M.OOO 00 City of Pilulrarg 65.**.**.... 7,00000 Camden and Amboy's" 'tt.Cqo'-''-'’B3 ® _-mboy 6 per cent slmo 00 ~ “ «• ** ~ “ ,’75 17.000 00 • .i.** . 0 ** consol’d. OO Pennsylvania Bail road Ist M0rtgage.......... i.qqooq Philadelphia and Brie Railroad..... 11 10,000 00 North Pennsylvania Railroad-—.... 10,000 00 Ches&peaireand Delaware Cana1............. 14.610 00 Schuylkill Navigation Company...... ~..«*** - 10.000 00 Wyoming Talley Canal 11.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad, 160 5hare5............ §,BOO 00 North'Penney lrania Bailroad, ICO shares.-.-.. 6 000 00 Delaware Bailroad. 48 shares. ll? 00 00 and Mechanics’ Bank, 160 shares.— 8,000 00 Phitadelphia &tnk, 68 eha5e8.................. 6,830 ft) Union Mntnal Insurance Co-, 1,474 shares...* 29,480 00 Delaware Mutual Insurance Co , 88 shares...r- 2 200 00 Scrip North Pennsylvania Rai1r0ad..*....... 2,425 00 handry Insurance .Companies’ 5crip;...,..... 2,190 00 Estimated present va1ue..............; *270.000 00 Bills receivable... 42.098 88 Cash on land. $21,729 39 Cask deposited tJ. 8. Treasury 20,000 00 Cash on Collateral... .. 10,000 oo ' *61,729 39 Due the Company for wuettled premiums, Balvaneß, ana other accounts. 42,070 44 The Directors have declared a dividend of BISHT DEB CENT, on the Capital Stool, and SIX FEB CENT, on the Outstanding: Scrip of the Company, free of all taxes. HOBS. H. F. ROBINSON. SAMUEL C. COOK, JAMBS R CAMPBELL, A. ,W. BBRNADOU, HENRY SAMUEL, WM. S. BAIRB, CBAHLEB WHEELEB, S. DELBERT. ' SM BICHABD S. SMITH, 8. DBBTOUBT, A. B. BORIS, FRANCIS TBTB, JOHN H. IRWIN. DEWBERRY A. SMITH, WM. C. KBNT, HENRI LEWIS, JB., J. F. STEINEB. EDWARD L. CD ABE, BICHABD S. SMITH, JOHN MOSS, Secretary. jall-Btif ' JNSTJRB YOUR LIFB IN THB - AME RIG A N, B.E. Cor. Walnut and Fourth Stt., PHILADELPHIA. It Is a HOME COMP ANT, and profits divided ally, thus aidini the assured to pay future premiums Last dividend SO per cent. BOARD OF TEUBTHBB. Alexander Wlilldin, J. Edgar Thomson, Hon. James Pollock, Hon. Jos. Allison, Albert C. Roberts, Henry E. Bennett, Samnel T. Bodina, Philip B. Mingle, See. Nugent, John Aikman, To. J. Howard, _ . , Iraac Hailelmrrt, : .SHffiel Wmrk._ . ALEXANDER „ SAMUEL WOI no3o 3mlf JNO. 8. WILS< WHILLBIN, President IK, Vice President ON, Sec’y and Treasurer. >fHE RELIANCE! INSURANCE COM- A FANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated In 1841. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE No. 308 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, 5300,000. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE Houses, Stores, and other Buildings, limited or perpetual: and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in Town or Country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID, ASSETS, TI. Invested In the following Securities, vis* First Mortgageson City Property, well secured 9108,600*00 United States Government Loans»,.»~~~~ 141,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans* * - ■-»•**« 6ft,Goo 00 Pennsylvania $3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan.*** 15,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and se cond ;•»» 35,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s $ per cent. Loan.~~~. 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Com-' oany’s 6 per cent. Loans,ooo 00 Huntincdon and Broad Top 7 per cent, mort gage b0nd5.................4.650 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock**-** I*oso 00 Mechanics’ Bank 5t0ck...4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvaaia Stock**** 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock... £6O 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia’s Stock*.******** 1,000 00 Accrued Interest.*..***.** ******************** 6,455 42 Cash in bank and on hand..** a., ******* 13,(23 29 Worth at present market Talne-^™*™* 414,393 71 JJIBECTOES. Clem Tingle?, Benj. W. Tingle?. Win. B. Thompson, Marshall Hill, William Hoseer** Charles Leland, Samuel Blspham, Robert Tolano, H, L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown, Bohert Steen, Thomas H. Moore. f William Steyenson* • • ’ • _ CLEM THJGLEY, President. Thomas G. Hill, Secretary. Philadelphia, December 1,1864. FANCY FURS. 1864. wußih 1864* A. I. & V. K. WOHBATH, ccissoxs to m un 010. f. woioumt . No. 415 Arch Street, MAT* *ow on* A TOLL ASSORTMENT OF LADrEg’ wAJsemr furs, To whlsh fhwr i*Ylto the attentionof buyers. ■ o«»-9*l ' ' RADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN FABMRA, No. Tl* ARCH Btrest.above Seventh Strait, At his old established storo. IMPORTER, MANUFAf TURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS LADIES AND CHILDREN. Having now la (tore a very large and beautiful assort, meat of all the different kind. Bud Qualities of FANCY furs, fob ladies’ abb children's wear, j solicit a'thll Item those in want Beiasmbei the same and somber, JOItJN FABEIBAj 718 ARCH Street, aboye Seventh. I have BO Partner or eonneetlon wiiheny other ston In this eltv osS-4mlf FINANCIAL. OIL STOCKS, U. S. LOANS, &C., V/ BOUGHT ABB SOLD OK COMMISSION, Bt GEORGE J. BOTH, jaS-Smlf Ho.-18 South Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS. 'jWO CHOICE BOOKS. CBILBREN IN PABABIBE. A Gift for Bereaved Parents. On tinted paper, with rubricated titles, and brrand in vellmn doth gilt edges. #l. BBPtKCTBp BIGHT. Illustrations of the Redeemer's faithfulness in the. Happy Death-bed Erperienee of Christians. Cloth, bevelled gilt or red edges. *1.60. ALSO, JUST BBABY 88. BOARBMAN’S THANKSGIVING SERMON- Healing and Salvation for our Country from God alone. Ptice 26 cents. JAMBS 8. CLAXTON. Successor to Wm S. & Alfred Maitien, Jail-lf , 006 OHBSTNPT Street. Fisher & brothers’ yalen- TINES, IS6S. We notify dealers thahour popular *S, *lO, SIS, *2O VALENTINE-LOTS . are now ready et the BROTHER, jall-4t»r No. 1% North SIXTH Street Blank books, memorandum. ANB PASS BOOKS. BIABIES FOR 18*5- POCKET BOOKS, POCKET CUTLERY, BEEB BOXES, BANKERS' CASES, GOLBPBNS. . COPYING PRESSES, COPYING PRESS STANBB, ENVELOPES. For Bale, together .with an extensive assortment of Writing, Wrapping, Letter, and Note Papers, by WM. M CHRISTY, • • Stationer and Printer. jfclo 2l*tf 13? 6<.-mh THIRD Street, Achakcb to avoid the draft, Principals Furnished •with Babatitutes at the shortest notice, aud at low pricesT JOHN MAKSFIKLD AGO. offlce4o2liißHAßi Bt., isepnd story.de23-lm* •EAST EFOL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING JsJTEAM ENGINE AND BOILERS WANTED, FOBTY TO SIXTY HOBBE-POWBK. Addins BOX 8339 POST OFFICE With foil particulars, stating price. j&U-3tlf Wanted—two first-class iJ;„^i?' l . r^ in - a 2?.y irdow - R, ' a ' le SALEIMEH. Apply immediately at 733 CH SSTHOT Street. ■»* KBX.TT. CARBIHGTOH. & CO. WANTED—A PRACTICAL BUSl fifitvisss? %“ftio d ptaS"^?s B ref ‘ reEcB 817911 . “Tea Trade,” jall-51« at this office. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SALES ,V’ M £ K Good’s House. Address Box 1235, Philadelphia P. O. jalQJgt* WANTED —A SITUATION IN A ’ ’ Wholesale Dry Goods or notion House, by a young Man at Bryant & Stratton’s College. Address "1t.,-’ this office. jaio 2t* sm,m 29 WANTED—A COLORED COOK, Chamber Girl, and Child’s Nurse; none but Protestants need apply. To those who understand their figgsg*!'goodJEM®* wHI be given. Apply at 1917 MOUNT VERNON Street, between the hours of 1 and S P- M. jfalO-St* WANTED-IN A WHOLESALE NO ’Tips HOCSE, a first class SAtESMAH. well ac- SSSS*.. . Delaware-eeunty Trade. Addresg Box 1632, Philadelphia P- O. jalo-Bt* WANTED—A SITUATION IN ANY .’.l ®«S»tlle business, by a young , o KL mak .i fiJuiseH generally msefU. Ad ores* “ C., ” Press office. jalO-St* *58,628 31 "WANTED—TWO OR THREE WOOL » ' SOBTBBSat Camden WooleaMill, Camden, Hew J OTwy- . Ja9-36» ■ $23,164 12 WANTED—A YOUNG MAN AS BN " TRY CLEBK, In a House where an excellent op portunity to learn practical book-keeping will be Offered. Moat write a good hand, and bo quick at figures. Address, in writing or applicant, Bax 917, PhUadel phlar. O. - ja» 3t* WANTED-TWO MEN OF GOOD ” ADDBIBB, well acquainted with the Principal Buslneis Men of Philadelphia, to engage in a light, out-door business, that will pay from *1.200 to *l,OOO per annum. iddrtss “C. A. P.,” Pr&?£ office. ja9-St* WANTED TO RENT, IN A CEN .* * tral locality, on the first floor, partofan Office for Desk room Address ” P?-’ Box 2212, P. O. jaS tf WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN* OF * . four years’ experience in the retail trade,a situa tion in a Wholesale i)ry Coeds or Commission Honse, as falesman lor Delaware amaMaryland. Address soon to “Clarence,” Press office. jaG-St* WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTS IN * » every County, at $7O a month, expenses paid, to imreduee Jifiee-n new and useful articles, the best sell -S??„SJS r -sffiSst,„ Por particulars, address OTIB T. GABBY. BIDDBFOBD, MAIKE. oc2S-d&W3m A FIRST-CLASS ORGANIST WANT ED for a prominent Chnreh in this city, to whom a liberal salary will bo given. Address Box 138 t Post Office- jalO 3ttfr* A YOUNG LADY FROM THE COUN • n THT figures, and of liberal education, wißhes a SITDATIOH in a Trlmmiug or Dry Goods Btore, to leant the btudnsss. Beferencss given. Address ’ Industry, ’ * this office. , jafl-St* 1188.798 11 A BLANK-BOOK FORWARDER AND FINISHES WASTED. Address Box 1668. Post Office. ja7-8t« EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LARG est and most reliable, for city and country. Has always a good selection of capable persons, with mod references. Americans, Irish, English. French, Her man. Scotch, Welsh. and Mwly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Hands, Ooaehmen, Watchmen, Ac, Cooks, Chambermaids, Seamstresses. Laundresses, waitresses, and general Housework Servants. Also, Colored Servants. Nos. 802 and 804: LOCUST Street, above Eighth. deW-lm PARTNER WANTED—EITHER AO live or Special—with twenty-live thousand dollars cash capital, In a general Dr? Goods Commission House. Addresses, with real name, to Box 625 P O , will be strictly confidential ja3-mwfBt* CALEEMAN WANTED—IN A HAT, Cap, and Straw Goods H<mse, who can influence trade in New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, or Western Pennsylvania. Address ‘’Cats and Caps,” Frees office. ja7-3t» QUICKSILVER FLASKS WANTED.— The Quicksilver Mining Company will contract for the manufacture of any number, not exceeding IOO.GOO Wrought-iron Quicksilver Flasks Delivery to com mence -within 90dajs and to continue at not less than 4,000 Flasks per month. Payment will be made on de * livery in gold coin. For particulars, inquire at the Office ©f the Company, No. 31 NASSAU Street, New Fork. QalO-et] . J. B. BANDOL, Secretary. PRESIDENT. tin 000 —wanted, a partner nP kV/j\/\/v/*with the above Capital in an - ESTABLISHED . MERCANTILE BUSINESS. Address 1 * Holt, * * this Offioe. jalfl-st* CflOK A MONTH—W ANT Eh— every when to Introduce the new SHAW &CLARK SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE, the only low price Machlm* in the country which is licensed by Grover A Baker, Wheeler A Wilson, Howe, Singer A Co., and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, or lane commissions allowed. All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are Infringements, and the seller and user liable. Illus trated circulars went free. Address SUAW A CLARE, nolS-d&wSm BIDDEFORD, Maine. ASSISTANT QUARTEHMAS ■SSKtEB’S OFFICE, Ho. 37* South THIRD St., Philadelphia, Dee. 34, 1564. Vessels wanted to load with coal for Newborn, N. C. > and Key West, Fla. Despatch given. JOHN R. JENNINGS, , deg? tf Captain and A. Q. M, FOB SALE AND TO LET. McClellan, & co., 539 WALNUT STREET. Boom Ho. U. $500,000 OF PETROLEUM LANDS, ON THE CLARION RIVER and ite tributaries, FOB SALE. Maps and Snrrem to be saen at the Office. jall-at* MREAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE 1 BEAL ESTATE ! BEAL ESTATE ! BBALESTATB! BEAL ESTATE I *0,000,000 WOBTH FOB SALE. *5,000,000 WOBTH FOR SALE. ‘ *6.000.000 WOBTH FOB SALB. JANUABY CATALOGUE JUST OUT, JANUABY CATALOGUE JUST OUT January catalogue just out. FOB GRATUITOUS DISTBTBUTION. FOB GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOB GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. No person desirous to purchase city property should mil to set the new monthly catalogue just issued, as it stands unrivalled before the public as the best produc tion of the age to parties interested. M- FOR SALE-WALNUT Street, west of Sixteenth* two splendid four story brown*stone-front Dwell _ Lots 20 by 125 to a street. Prices $20,000 and .5>27,50C. Can have a stable near by. Immediate pos sf s» ion of one? M ARCH Street, west of Tenth street-two large pw* Jlings Lots 24 and 25 feet front by 150 and 380 —. ftetdeep. Stabie, Ac. Prices $23,100 and $25,000. 4sB ARCH Street, west of Twentieth—Only one of Bull those elegant new four-story Dwellings, at alow figure Lots 29 by 160 feet to Cuthbert street. dBl Elegant thjee-quarter froat Dwelling southtide SUMMER Street, east of Seventeenth. Lot 28 feet front by m feet deep to Spring street. ARCH Street,west of Twenty-first, north side— Ell] Pour-story Dwelling. Lot 18 by 125 feet to a street. $9,600. M SIXTEENTH Street, north of Oxfo'd-Elegant side-yard Dwelling. Lot 24 by 100. Only $6,30% and immediate possession, M BROAD Street east side»Bouth of Girard avenue —Splendid four-story Dwelling. Lot 20 by 160 leet to Ontario street. Price $16,0(0, BUTTONWOOD Street, east of Sixth (opposite ftai the Ctnrch)—Neat Dwelling and good-sized lot. __ Only $6,000 £§& No. 333 North THIRD Street—Large Store and Biu] Dwelling. Lot 20 feet front by 180 feet deep to Dn _ . wyu street, with large warehouse on that front. Price only *14.000. v Ok FRANKLIN Street, east side, north of Poplar— BrJi Elegant side* yard Dwelling; only $ll,lOO Also, another beautiful side-yard Dweliingoa Franklin, north of Thompson sci eet. $7 300. Jflfc No. 1642 PiNB Street- Neat Dwelling, and Lot 18 ■B by 100 to a street, with Dwelling on that front. Only S4»4CO, MNo. 119 ARCH Street—Easiness Stand. Lot 17 by IPS feet deep. Only $6 000. Now empty. Betides near 2,OCQ other properties, Including a number of first class mansions near by, building lots, &c. GEO. C. MILLER. Real Estate Operator, (for the last 20 years,) 554 N. SIXTH St. Call er Read forCatalogoe Open until 10 P.M. jall-wtasStif *400,068 71 « north broad street.—for SALE—A superior Brownetone DWELLING, of extra finish and most complete arrangement, with good lot. Possession soon. B F. GLENN, jail- tf 133 South FOURTH Street ’ M FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FOR FIRST-CLASS OIL STOCKB-STORE AND DWELLING, 154 North Sixth street; Lot near 100 feat deepto a ten-feet alley. $6,600. STORE and large DWELLING, 635CaUowhiU street, and 82S Willow sweet on the rear. $6,500. jad-wtheStif MILLER, 154: Norm SIXTH Street, ("YILLANDS FOR SALE.—SEVERAL valuable tracts of OIL LANDS in Venango. .War ren, and CrawfoTd counties for sale- Address CHAS. BALLOWBLL, Box 1355, Philada. Post Office, jail-St* TBON WORKS FOR SALE.—THE A' UNION WORKS COMPANY’S PROPERTY at St John, N. 8., in comtdete working order, including their houses; mills, shops, sheds, machinery, &c , See., together with the valuable wharf property forming the front on St. John Harbor. The great advantages and privileges which these Works possess for carrying on and extending their pro fitable business offer great inducements for investment. For description and schedule of property, together with full particulars* apply to A. J.BLEEGKER, SON, &CO., Auctioneers and R*-al Est&te'Brokere, jall-wfm 7t No- 77 CEDAR Street, Nfi\g York. —riRST-class hoet. aJ* this amount for sale Apply 934 North FIFTH .Street, after 7 P. M. It* ■DOARDING-IN aTpRIV ATE FAMI- It, can be bad for a gentleman and wife or two tingle—eltnatlon one of the meet uUasint In the city—by addresting * J. J. W., ” Box IS4B Post Office. ~ jalo-2.* HOTELS AND RESTAIJHANTS. QSJSTRAL BATING SOUSE. Opposite tke Foat dflee, oeir-8m PHILADELPHIA. WASHINGTON HOUSE.—A CARD.- ▼» Mr. CHABLESM. ALLMOND, Manager of the Washington House, has the pleasure of announcing that this popular Hotel will he opened for the reception of "TRANSIENT GUEBTS on MONDAY next. Jan. 16th. Dnring the. time the honse has been closed It has b«aa thoroughly refitted, and is now presented to the public as being, in every particular, a Hotel suited to their tastes, ; jalo-$f TONES HOUSE, V c or , MABKET BTBEET and MABKET BQUABB, HAKBIBBUBB, Pa. The Proprietor respectfully returns hi* sincere thanlti to hie friend* for the very liberal patronage beetowe< totbe Honee elmoe tinder Me management, and woalc reepectfnlly solicit a continuance of the Bame. del7-3m s c. H. MANN. Proprietor. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. THOSE -A- admired, useful, and fashionable articles can be found in a variety of splendid styles at 3. F KEIHER’S, 634: ARCH Street Give him a call. It* OARTES DE YISITE AND PHOTO- V/ GRAPHS of all styles executed with wonderfol ac curacy atß. F. REIMER’S Gallery. 634: ARCH Street.* Persons desiring should go early these short days H* /COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AGOU rate likenesses and f&ithfol in coloring, only $1 SO. finished in beautiful style, at REIMEK’S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. Go there early—days are short. It* PURE PALM OIL SOAP, MANUFAC- A TUBED by L M. .& C. KLEINTON, deie.lm* XI6MAKG ABBTTA Street. WANTS. BOARDING. AT EEASORAjBLE fbioes, AUCTION. SAXES. POSTPONED SALE AT POINT •dCo.. breeze park. 7h. sale of Horses, Wagons. Household FarnUuge, 'clock. The sale will be peremptory, and will not ba post poned on account of the weather. AS" Catalogues now ready .. . „ ™ ALFfiFD M. HBBKHB3S, _lall2tlf Auctioneer. RUCTION SALE OF CAPTURED JPwSfS’T?’!!?** w i'l ">ll at public sale at tbs «' Hot tS„s22im>. Tort. Pa., on ICf BSD AT. £F° HUHDJUD faBAD OP OAT- Calv'ec? 0118184111 * 0t Mllci Cow *> Steen, HelfeiSr ant Sale to commence at 9 o’dock A. M. Terms cash In United States currency Tnaetuy s>op2tmen?.* Bley ’ «*>«“ *** E. C. PABKHUBST. - f Assistant Special Agent. iafl-tjal7 QFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY Of V/ SUBSISTENCE, . _ „ Washington, D, C-, January 5,1835. AUCTION SALE Of HIDES AND TALLOW, Ao. Will be sold at Auction, at the SIXTH-Stree* wharf, oil Jan 19th, 1865, atli o'clock A. EL. 5,149 Salt Beef Hides. 118 Dry Hides. 26 Call Skins. 1,182 Sheep Skins. 11,4C9 pounds of Tallow (Beef). 342 pounds of Tallow (Hatton). 1,652 pairs of Homs, c lellons Neats-foot OH. 6,000 Tlonr Barrels, more or less. Terms, cash m Government funds, to he paid at th» dose of the sale. a. BILL, Lieat. CoL and 0. S. PUBLIC SALS X nSVgSSSWSJKrSS?^ OIB BrOKBS. On PE ID AT MOKNIISG Jan. 27th. 1085. aiUoJclock A. M,, will be mid at public sale, at the United States Arsenal, BKIDEBBUKG-, Pa., the follow ing condemned Ordnance and Ordnance Stores—viz: 2® 32*Vd r > iron guns, trunions broken off. abouUM/Ke 11 24-pdr. do. do. do. do. do. 02,55* 1018*pdr. do., do. do. -do. do. 45,430 18 inch coltunbUd, do. *do. do. 8,405 3 6-pdr. iron guns, -do. do. do. 2,409 2 2-inch do. do. do. do. do. 939 l,m nmskete, broken up, wrought iron——1 2,147 muske t barrels, broken up, wrought iron * aw* 10 musketoon do. do. do f "*»» llo* of parts of muskets, d 0...... j , f lot do. do. i 1 lot of cast-iron scrap... 1 lot of wrought-iron scrap. 1,517 cnrbbits. 21 pairs spurs. 133 watering bits. LMtoK?"“ dpW “- Terms Cash. AMU SEME3STB. Tt/rATINEE CHESTNUT-STREET THEATRE. - T.tJGILLE WESTERS and tlta x WABBBST COMBINATION. THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at I o'clock, f>r *toe Beneftfc of one of the oldest and most popn ar Managers and Directors of Amusements in America. Mr. Joseph c. roster. ibis occasion the talented, young, and gifted * MISS LUCILLE WESTERN. M bs Lucille Western, Miss Lucille Western, Mils Lucille Western, Miss Lucille Westers! Miss Lucille Western, Miss Lucille Western, (wbo has generously consented, to remain in tMs city has volunteered her valuable aerrices. HER LAST APPEARANCE IN PHILADELPHIA. ' Also have fcindiy volunteered, the celebrated mTT> .„ WARREN COMBINATION. william warren, william warren MISS JOSEPHINE ORTON * CHARLES BA SRON. CHARLES'BARRON. MISS EMILY ME STATER. Also have volunteered, all the principal Artiste and flsscais of tee WALNUT, ARCH and CHESTNUT ST. THEATER J. By terminlon of accommodating Lessees thereof. The performance will consist of „ COMEDY AJSD TRAGEDY, Commencing with Victor Hugo’s thrilling, historical Play, in five acts. LUCRETIA BORGIA, Lueretja Borgia, Lucietia Borgia. Lucretia Borgia, Lu-retia Borgia! Lucretia Borjria, Lucretia Borgia, r rrr,.r A r 'efeSlS4 I,IA ?JS. OIBOt fS E LUCILLE WESTERN aa LUCRETIA BORGIA, Bucheaa of Ferrara and daughter of Pope Alexander Charles Barron as Tocou^do^thes^hHyC^ediett. Furaey Chick-weed, Nursey Chickweed, Nu«ey Chick weed. Nursey Chick freed. Wm, Warren a 5.... Jonathan duckweed Joiie Orton as «... Nellia. Admission 50 cents Secured seals (Orchestra) #L To be had at the Box Office of the Theatre, and at tho Continental Hotel. % t "NTEW CHESTNUT- ST. THEATRE. ’ CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. THIS (Wedneeday) EVENING. January 11, LAST NIGHT BUT THREE . „ WAS BEN COMEDY 6 COMBINATION. This .Teulna’a performance will commence urlth th. sterling old comedy, In S acta, called SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER. SMrffc Charles Marlowe ....MrTcharleTßamS: Are. Hardcaetle Hies Emily Hestayar To conclude with the very laughable farce, * LEND ME FIVE SHILLINGS ’ FSIS^BVBNiBG,'B|NEFw6FM I l'sJoflEOETolf SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 14. TWENTI.THIRD GRAHP FAMILY MATIN^R WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. ** THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Jan 11. THE PAVENPORT-WALLACE ALLIANCE Will appear Jn the bsaullful clay entitled THB KING OF THE COMMONS. James V, King of Scotland™ ....Mr. J. W. Walladc George Wier, alias Buckle Mr. E. L. Davenport. To conclude with the Farce called „ FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF J. W. WALLACE. Box office open from 9 till 3. Curtain rises at 7Jfc CA/TRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH ATX STREET theatre. MIL AND MISS CAROLINE BICHINGS. TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY). January 11, ISM. THB NATIONAL GUARD, AND . THE BONNIE-FISH WIFE. • MISS CAROLINE BICHIBGS in three characters and several aonge. Mr. PETER BICHINGS AS BENAUP. T7TS6TYA LI- LTJJJD THEATRE, * CALLOWHILL ST . between Fourth and Fifth. «|iKHA« opjsba. ll, 1965, Comic Opera in Four Acts. SARTOm* and Cll<,il nndor direction of Mr. A. Performance commences at 8 o’clock. THREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT ABO VB EIGHTH. Directress^....-Mr* CHARLES WASHES. * _fYojmeriy Mrs. DAH BICE.) Equestrian Director F. H. EOSSTOH. Eeappearanea of Messrs. MUBBAY and HUTCHIH BOH, the great Gymnast. Also, reappearance of the RUDOLPH, and VALENTINE; also, Prof HUTCHIfiu BON wd his TRAINED DOGS, the most wonderful per*’ forming animals in the world. in search of CANINE SAGACITY or cmc*s° an be fuUr trtmei att]M GBEA * HATIOHA* Reappearance of Mile. BOPHY'and Mile. ELIZK. the heantfftil and AGILE EQUESTBIEHBEsT ‘ * The great SAGKmBE FAMILY. LE JETJNE BUST. W" ( brn Eider. G. P. HUTOHIHBOH in i METAMOBFBOEE. Signor BAGBIAEE as MOHTGBLL Will appear In conjunction with the entire unrivalled troupe. ..-ASfy " D’ACTIOH; 08, MAD AS A JIABCH He BE, will be performed during the week. —First tier, frj cents; second tier, 25 sente. Performance commencing at 7. 40 each evening. .-Performances every WEDHESDAY and SATUBDAT AFTERH OOHB, conuueuolug at 2M o’clock. ja- ! J'st CIGNOR BLITZ WILL SHORTLY CLOSE, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. in NECBOMANCY; SPISITUAL. ISM ILLUSTBATED, and the WONDBBS OF . YEN* TEILOQUISM IBTBODUOBD. Grand Entertainment KVEBY BYENlHG.commenclnm at 7M o’clock, and on WEDNESDAY and SATUBDAT’ AFTEBNOONS, at 3. Comprising the mystariea of tha. Past and Present Age. Admission, 25 cents. Children, U -cents. Beservefi seats, 60 cents * * ja&. JTOYER ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATUBDAY, January 14,1885, GBOSS 4l JABVIB’ / FIRST CLASSICAL SOIBEE „ . or THS SEA3O2T. L.t is now open at the Stores of Lee Mr Welker, Andre & Co., and f. E. Gould. Single tickets *l. Concert to commence at S-. JaS-tf QRAND BILLIARD EXHIBITION. ’ ,V,„ st SANSOM-STBEET HALL. SATUBDAY, Jan. 14 18Co, Afternoon-and Evening, commencing at two o’clock and eight o’clock. Proceeds for the benefit of tbe Widow and Family of the late Joeeph B. White. The following pUyers have kindly volunteered their services: Victor Estephe, J. Palmer, E Hi JSelma, E. J. Plnnkett. H. W. Hewes, J. W. Montgomery, and. B. Z. Byall. Ladies are most cordially, invited. Ad mission Hi cents. M. PHELAN, Esu., of New York, will also play. ' jail- tl* ASSEMBLY BUILDING. ™ , ~ matinee musicals By the PhUadelphia CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLUE, _ , EVEBY WEDNESDAY, at S-P. M Tickets at the Door, Fifty Cents each. de3l-smtuw tf H-EBMANIA ORCHBBTRA.—PUBLIC VA BEHEABSALS every SATUBDAY, at SJf o’clock P. M., at MUSICAL FUNS HALL. Single Tickets, X cents, i Six Tirirete, *i ;.to he had at Gould’s, Andre’s. and Meyer's Music Stores, and at the Hail. no7-tf PHRIST REJECTS 8.. \J This admSrabla»pi ctu r«»the greatest production ol painter West. i* aow on exhibition at the ACADEMY °F FINE ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT Street, togeth« with the entire collection of the Institution. Admittance twenty-five cento. nol4-2m 4 HPHE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. A CHBSTHDT Street, above Tenth, Is OPEN DAILY for visitors* from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. jeS5 EBIJCATHW PRIVATE TUITION IN ENGLISH, A FRENCH, SPANISH, and HEBBE W, by a teaobar of thirty years’ practice. Unexceptionable reference«- given. HENRI NATHAN, 869 RACE St. jail wm3t* A THOROUGH PREPARATION FOB ANY POSITION IN THE ACTIVE FUK6UITSOF BUSINESS LIFE may be obtained at the QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, at a very small expens* compared, with, the real solid advantages afforded. This institution is what its name imports, A SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, and In the edneation and experience of these engaged a* instructors, the practical value of the course of in struction, tho extent, elegance, and convenience of it* accommodations, it is unequalled by any Commercial College in DEPARTMENTS./ Tbe complete organization of the uistitutioh into sepa rate depaitmeuts, each under the direction of compe tent teacher*, the best that can be secured, should form a controlling consideration with those who desire the best and most efficient instruction* ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING. The supericrity of the mode of instruction should cos maud special alter lion, as the value of the system of practicaUrainirg adopted cannot be overestimate* as wmpared with ary other Theory alone is very good, tut theory and practice united are infinitely better. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. Is ftraction in Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Commer* cial Law, Commerc'al Arithmetic, and all the inciden tal branches of a complete commercial education; ala* IZ T"!**?* I*lll* 1 * 111 * fcPon the most *xteneiye scale m the. world, TSnimeeTißg, *survv7i n,f * Navigation, ahu hlsher Mathematica. Circulars on at th# office,, ground floor, TENTH and GHSSTNUT Btreeta. PREPABATIOH FOR BUSINESS -LlFE—lnstruction of the most thorough and. practical kind in Book Keeping, Penmanship, Com meicial Calcnlations.Bm.ineM Law, Ac. > at CRITTENDEN S COMMSRQI&Ii fiOTf* LEGE, 63T CHEbTNUT Slieet, comer of Seventh. Individual Instruction day Mid evening. ja7-6t* THE tenth session of miss MART E. THROPP’S English and French Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, at 1844 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, begins February 1, 1885. Gfr* cniars sent on application. deSl-dl2t&Btuth St* VILLAGE green seminary*—. T MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four mile* from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough course in Mathematics* Classic*. Natural -Sciences, and English; practical les sons in civil Engineering. Papilß received at any time* and of all ages, and enjoy tile benefits of a home* Re ims to John C. Capp A Son,SB South Thlrdatreet; Thoe. J. Clayton, SsQ*»%th and Prune streets; ex-Sherig Kern, and others, Address Rev- J. HERVSY BAR TON, A. M., VILLAGE GREEN. Pean’a* aoS-6m TOSHUA T. OWEN, ATTORNEY, U COUSELLOE AZ-LAW, AMD BOLICITOK OF CLAIMS Office. 2SI F Street, new Fourteenth Bt.„ Wash in,ton, D- C. deap-Cm T>EMOVAU XL WALK. LEAMING, & CO , have removed from 80. 30 South Flout street to No. aal CHESTNUT Street, where they offer BOMBSriOf DBY GOODS by the Package. ja6-St A CARD. COMMITTEES FROM townships can fill their quotas promptly and avoid a draft by coming to this office, 910 MARKS C B jSb-fft* ' ' J. J. SSHLIKAN. DEP&ETIttEKT FQS CUSTOM WOBK. ■tael... 14.031 - .7.5® jalO ta2t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers