- D , briof, ead. paiafal Uni. Jut PflßWd* wire of fiir Daniel Hensel, ia ! i,f-i uga ** ;< /' V ei»tiasl>« Robert R, son of Johns. . s ‘ - ir , |q the 18 h j*ar cf his SCO. M-tf/ vd’rtos* 0 * thofcmilr wo ia*H*dto at* |:.<?■* fr**o his patents’ residence, 620 Mar- V ri.eHdav afternoon at if o'cloak. ** jl _(i c ;-aiurday, December St. 1861. ‘"vrjia of Win. Strothers, ia the 4Gthyear • s«. i : ud» of tho family are respectfully in f' •' . her funeral, fcvui the residence of her fJcu-b Penn Bq tiara. on Tuesday af . ( To proceed ta Laurel Bill. ** :—On the ftl*s Inst,, 3. Btwntnc, only the Ufce Aaua B. Catkbert. in the K friend* of th& family are respect* r .f .' ll '..(tond the funeral,from the residence,of Mr .«• I Ogden Cathbtrt, flr , near Haddon ’TuMday afternoon January Bd* at one 5 • -#* ,5 -03 th« SCHrli lostaht, Joseph Wayne, Sen,, ot the family nerespeot- I attend his funeral,from the residence of b; Wajne Ko. 1113 Urwra street, on Toes ,,tinaury Si, at lOo’etoeh; to proceed to VSnetetr. *** r , K uFAPE MASK VEILS. [M * r.'aps and Laoe Man it Veli«. ' (Tftprapd Lace Kfinnd Vella. ' *• 1 BKsSON St Stove. ! go. 91* CHgHrWUT Street -nStJHG BALMORAL SKIRTS. an* Buck Balmoral*. <U'v aud PorpWi Balmoral. v,-hUt.Rmi Biaofc Strtoed Skirtings. ” BEtiBOH Sc bON, BCoara! os Store. Ho. etH/nHESTHgT Street, • IJAIZB FOB BHA.TSS BAGS. (CnUmf Shirts, tew style. svfttU’ff Scarfs, fliat* Plaids.- Oe 't 9 )' SkatSß* Musters. Mad Skirts, new Balmorals. m BVRK it LANDELL. NOTICES. ‘pt'v. H. M. SUUDDEK, I>. I>„ , u t RECBSTLY RRTURKBD FROM IJfDIA, y/ill 4allTer his flno lecture on «•0551*00 METIS! MO THE AMI BI(JAI KEBILHOH ” IN THB iCADEMY OF MUSIC. LiV NIGHT, JANUARY 9, 1865. o,' the most snoeessfnl efforts of this toil* . - lie comes to Philadelphia only at the riYuiles of many of rmr lea d o r cWiens. “bo bad oa sod after TDE-.DAF next, at it-rf, fiOO OPEeTKUT Street, and at the Book ■\<*,MB)ly- a! 26 “■** each, li -toHitWi for Reserved Seats will he dis* i f ■ i p AdTIBS’S at 80 cents each. 'siVr.rfi - ToavoW orowdin* and loss of time, ~f 'ji. ksts will commence oa TtJSSDAT, at 7% ja2 7t JJO.V. KOTHJYI.JEIt tOIFAX, Tlie distinguished B Of the HOUSE of represbhtatiyes. 111! liELIVEU AH ADEIIEfIS BEFORIfTHB fj JUS'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION 05 PHI* LADBLPHIA, “OUR DUTIES,” TDBSDAY) HTBNING, JANNABT 8, 1855, academy op music. IIAI, AND ISSWUHEKTAI. MUSIC A FIRST-CLASS AMATEUR ASSOCIATION. ;,i:i fjr Ee?erved Seats, so mate To bo had a< JES S Bookstore, GOB OBESTSVT Street, on siTtIKDAY, December 31 •" . . ; r.j'i Beats, 3S eenti. To be bad at MABTIEN’S ir :e de2B-«t ]I£UOBUL OF IE GREAT CENTRAL PAIR FOR TKE tJ.S. SANITARY COMMISSION, ,B iff PHILADELPHIA, 18*4 BY CHARLES 3. STILLS. PRICK, FIVK DODIjARS. V, 6, SaKITAR* CoXMISBIOir, PHILADELPHIA ActßHOr, 1307 GHSBTKIJT Sp&BBP, December 10, 1*64. it ifmhers of iheYarioux, Oommitteae of the Great Irai Fair: •a'-HTAKY COMMISSIOS' beg* to announce that BJ&7ORY OF THE FAIR, ’"‘prepared toy Mr. S, .at the request of the Executive Committee, it sdy for delivery. It forme a very oiegant quarto ■ H niore than two hundred paces, is printed os ««♦ paper at ibe "Canton Fres* ” of Messrs, lu&fio,, and is ulustra'ed with photographs of [ ihs more interesting objects of the Exhibition. mbs aa account of the origin andprogrees of the i description of the different Departments: a tetnicf the financial result; a full lfet of all tbs lii rrees, Ac,. Ac. • Ii tile Fork U designed primarilyier the members of Tirana Committees, and a limited edition only hat t printed, it has been thought best to place ii in ire of Mr. JAMES K. BIMoK, as special agent for rii f*ry. :j.= rtc desire copies will please call on or ad* tehlm &t ifo. 33 South SIXTH Street (secondstory). > Simon will call upon those who may not toe atoU maideate with him. 18.-WUi toe ready for delivery on WEDNESDAY* ti‘t. . deVMf DACPHIH AND COLORADO COLD MINING COMPANY. Chartered by tie State of Pvimsylvattia, CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000. 1000 rAR VALUE, $5. Present—JOHN B. ANDBBBON. i . •DIRECTORS Lome Scott, James R. Magee, i B Kbum, John W HaU, Harrisburg, S FTf-emaa, T C. McDowell, do. foU. V, K'Uff, John Brady, do, «‘b» M Ai’sy, W. W Wylie, Lancaster, isr/e* D<Silver, 'UTiq, 0 Sbme, Colorado. D. P. SOUTH WORTH, , , , Secretary aad Treasurer. of the Comsa&y, Ho. 443 WALNUT Streat— Vi. No. 5. tpecUaens hare been procured from -Üba Company's lodes, and have been assayed /ofeßsorsßooth and Garrett with, the most gratify' : r-alta. Subscription lists have been opea«3 at the •of the Company, and at. the Treasurer s Office {la •.LEcvenue), No. 487 CHESTNUT Street,Farmers’ jUicienlOfl’BankßcdldlDg-. Toorlgiqa subscribara, !!: share, for a limited number ofihaTes., • •c-!ars, pamphlet*, or information can be obtained :• olAce of the Company after the 17th last. -£kiil4, 1864. oclB-Sm JISK STOCKHOLDERS OF THE S' WINHELD OIL COMPAHT will meet at tie W, 13ft South FOTH Stteet, THIS (Tuesday) I-ISUON, at i o’eloclt/ H. HUeas, tteoretary. YOUNG MBK'S CHRISTIAN AS* LOCUTION. -Hon. SCHUYLER CQLPAXIee- tbl* Association. To- NLGFI T, in the. AC A- BfFOF MUSIC VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL m.y an AM 4TEUR COMPANY, Tick ets 25 ctg, • r SIXTH* WAR O BOH NT IT COM* MiT iEE will meet THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, S * c ock, at the’Scbool Bouse in CROWN at. By ft;:-ueatioa we filled our of volunteers be* ft. a&d we «an do it again. Chairman, Alderman CHAM, WELDING,- My. Jphs ßaqak. Trees .Wm H. Baesks. it* £!GHTH NATIOWAI, BANK. . ' PHILADELPHIA, Deo. 9,1854- v* Election for Directors, to terve the ensuing year, • w held at the Banking House, on TPBSOAY, Jan. £3, between the hours of IQ A. W. and 3 P ML K H. WILLIAMS, Cashier. POLYTECHNIC C(HI,KBE -TIIK W courses of Leeturea and Praoi ical Instruction M< resumed TO* DAT (Tuesday), at 9 o’clock k, M. ALFRED L. KBNNEDY. St D., President of FacaDy. Bp A NATIONAL MAN, A NATIONAL ® Lecture, usd National Mn«tc is Uie ACADKy 5f ■-MBHT. Tlctots, 2S oen's; Besorred teats, S 3 cents; .fetlen'B, QHEBTOPT, above Sixth. It I'IIII,AI)*lI>MIil SOCIKET FOB PKOMOTifIG AGEIGOLTOKB. Booms *0» Ll«Ut Street. Annual Meeting and EUetion of Oift oa WELHE3DAY* January «b, at eleven, o'clock M. ja3»2t StDROAHfIM IiIBBABY COW PARY. Philadelphia, January 2,1855 *:.e Acnti&t Meeting of tb© Stoekiioldars of thaMER- IiJ?UB LIBRARY GO3IPANY will be held on l7Ui Instant, at V 4 o’clock P. M.* iu the Room. At this meeting nominations or omoors JOHH A. MoALLISTEB, Recording Secretary?- IKHS’T KAII 'CO HEAR KOS. f® SCHUI LBS COUP AX, Spoakar of the Hon.aof wri-wfaiatiTes, on 1 * Oar Oatlea, ’’and Patriotic Maaio >! Hm-elara Amatenra la tk« ACAD KMX OTMOBIC, „ TO-NIGHT, AT 8 O'CLOCK, Bsaaliot tho Tonus H«n» C Altaian Jtasocia- S- Ticket., 86 cents. , ll* BEOISTRATXOJJ IHBBABTMJEN'r, . HeACiTII OWIOB. PbiIvADELPHTA, Dec«m&er 31,1804. *&“»• PHYSICIANS, AND k contour tty to tk» Heglstration Aot, approved Eli, iB6O, yonarorjciniMKHo make yooi lt , x n MARSIIaBB'AfID~ BIBTHB A ■ L- Quarter ending December diet, 1864* to this Jfftwljr i* the ensuing month,that this Depart-. make their Annual Report to the Mayor, ?£ order of the Board of Health. OEO. E, OHASTBESS, Registrar, lIOE—THE AmiGA.li MBfiT. , ISG of Stockholders of Mas»>irie Hall, Mana p»jt. -will b. hold ■JAHTIi.ST 4,1806. »t 8 oclosk r - for the Election. of Trustees. Polls open one thoha.B paaausos, j*2»3l* Secretary. CALAIS " TKBILLISG L3SCTSBB on the absorbing anb- Mi of Own Imprisonment and Terriole buffer- a ?s for x early Thirteen Tear* in jfaaUiaky ■’' under the ss»l slave cod* of that State* at CONCERT HALL* SDRsDAY EVENING, January 6th. 1863. Mrs. '.MKBAHK will be present to add to the interest of hs occasion, Jlcloit 23 oents; limited number of reserved seate at w'enSs, to be had at T. B Pugh’s, Sixth and Chestnut on Taesday and Wednesday, Jan. 3d and 4th. iaiht» KjSf” HOtBBRB OFBEOBIPTS OF THE **’ WINFIELD OIL COMPANY will- pleaee pre. at the Office, 139 Booth FIF’H Street, and «their Certificates of Btock. H, MBAKS, . «si 3t* Secretary. tor*- itßßYisesPßisG oic, cohpant 7~ of Pennsylvania —a meeting of the stock i! i«8 of the BUSHING BPEING OIL COMPANY held at' the Office of I. 0. FKYBH, No.-113 'BK-'ISUT Street, onTUISDAY BVESIN g, January djlfas, at6P. M. GBOKGE 0. EVANS, feast - President. fe* SEHSffIOTOSSA'IIONALBASK, , PhiIaUBIiPHIA, Bee. 9, 1864. election fer thirteen Directors to serve the eg. ,?'« y ear will be held at the Banking House pm TUBS- J annary 10,1896, fromlOo’elock A M. toBP, M. .jflij stnthlm: WM. MoCONNBLL, Cashier. SOUtHWABK NATIONAL BABE. Rjr PHitADBhPBiA. December B, 1864. tft dynnsl Elsetloirfor DIKjtC fOKS wOl beheld at •'hANEING HOUSB, on TUESDAY, the 10th day ol JjJ’jwg nest, between the honre of 10 o’clock A M. ■ ■if-wri’i meeting of the Stockholders will beheld »t F. P. BTBBL, Cashier. 33f“ IHB MAJitFAHIJBUBS’ N A. TIONAL BANK. „ •n.*. Philadelphia, Dec. 9, 1864. Tiffs stockholder* ar« hereby notified that an BL3O - MINB MBEOTOBti of this Bank, to serve be held at the BANKING -ft®! 4B - on WEDkBSOAY, January 11, 1865, between WOODWAED, * Cashier. FOUBTH NATIOfiALBASIfc . Philadrlphia, Deoeinber 8,1864. lin 4 »;.hsd Election of DIRECTORS will be held at ,},* B *BKING BOUSE on TUESDAY, the 10th day of t ■yWy, 1866, between the hours of a and 4 o clock .Siinnnal Masting of the Bt([ekholders will be held V'lS «»rns time. 3AMUBLJ. MAC MOILAN, -Sg-ijalo Cashier. FABHBHS' AS» SfKCHAjritW’ SrT iJ*WO»AI BANK tPhii adblphia, Ihoni- JuVlt teCif 2 ?® ll * Blaetlon foi'Directors of wfll Js . (awhW . THIRD HAIIOBAI BASH Oi I’HILADEUPHU, - R.ISM Meettnr of the a, u Nyloaal BankofPtiUailelpkta. yUJUfe! htvnvrßSP ^l l* Hooso, 8. -W. coraaf of MABIOff Si 12 o^jj. CK Stawta, on TußBßns, January 10, MBS.: *»1 SISS® M F r ® fer *U 2o'clQttk° tt W»* hoar * *• 4«» la *• B, aLaBDIHHIBO. Oa»W«. tag* l «IRA*» KSTATK.-MT (!9HI>U. ’Willof 81EPBB# OTBASSftfcBBnwrlaS>adattt*»ftl» rtaMt&SM <«»<W4 Oi I 7 !''??H 5 p« r e« ?»■, 10»«........»!-, M! 7 l.iH & 5 e J* > W a SPW cent - Joan &170Q00 Wty of Philadelphia 6 per cent. 10an.... , iclodo oo S* *^ k* the Insurance Company CHy Qas 6par eent. loan 57 SCO on oftbe State of Pennsylvania °iS $ 42 shares of preferred stock in the Union Ca na1G0mpa0y.,......... ...7.,.;. 2 iqo r» SchuylhilMSavUatioa Company loan. 6 par * coat.. 1870..354 450 at Schuylkill Navigation Company loan, Spar cent.. 1833 2.550 00 Cnlcu Cau&l Company of Femuylvaaia 6 per coat 10an.....-.,.........,, 1 mo 01 CaiUd Swt€slO 40dper cent. 10an*.......... 4!BOO 03 Schuylkill. Bavisatloft Company loan, 1832, leeelved foriutemt,. 13 010 70 Loan appropriated to purchase, fuel for “ Poor white auit roomkaepers " in the city of PhU i One certificate of loan of Schuylkill Navi gation Company.. $9,088 S 7 Schuylkill Navigation Company loan re ceived for intere5t........................... 272 68 Stocks and Loans comprising the Residuary Fund, United Siaios 6-20 6 percent, 10an............ s2,Aft) 00 United States 10-40 6 per cent, 10an.... .** 10,700 00 Statf of PcDDsyivauUs per cent Joan. 88.813 05 SckpyUdUi Navigation Corapaay 0 per cent. 10an........... 1 si Loan to Franklin Institute «... ...... i'oom (in Ci.y of Philadelphia S par cent. 10an....... ....,....$19,000 00 Guardians of the Poor 0 per cant loan*... 10,60000 City of PhUadelpliift 0 per cent, 10au\....... CO Ground Bents « a»KK 2 flbares Gcrmantowo and Ferkiomexi Tara* * pike Company stock ~ 203 M > ‘^ zes Philadelphia Bxchaage GoaiP&ny *Siocs«*•*•*lo.oo3no 4»G® Bhax6B in the Danville and Poitsvilla Jtauroad CompanT. 200.003 00 2,2ooefcateaof stock in the Schuylkill ifeyi , Ration Company.. 110.000 00 1 loan to Kidge-road Turnpike Com l¥o3 for inters*t to Ridge*road Turnpike Company...... 102 shares of stock in the Chtsapeake and PfuawareCanal Company 10,20000 1 share of stock in the dnsquehaana and Le c * 100 00 £cbuylkill _> avigafclon Company loan 1882, rt ceived for interest 241 68 Loan Comprising the Legacy, in part , received from the Estate of Lawrence Todd, of Illinois, deed* Hecetyed by Bichard Vaax, Esq., President ortho Board of Directors of the Girard col lege, Boyemher 12, 1863, and paid to the , Ci.y Treasurer July 15,1864.,., $7,£87 50 United Stales G per cent, loan, 1881. $7,000 cost 87,5G3 00 Cash. ......... 27 50 - rj ggy fjQ Thßfollowingaccount current exhibits a coviiie:d statement of the cash account, embracing theSSHttst of dividends Rod interest, rent of real estate, a hit pay, tsenta made for various objects for tta year I85t: Balance in the treasury, January 1, 1861 ... s':l,n r 3 40 Cashreceived, lor rent of teal e5tate......... 145,368 83 interest on City Loan .... 10,86147 " SctraviklU navigation .. Loan--.. 42,61540 State of Pennsylvania .. -.ldgh-v 3,63415 ‘ Cxtraas Loan.,.. 67000 '' dividend Philadelphia . Snohaags Co. 's stoct.. 800 00 “ dividend Ins. Co. State of , Pennsylvania 704 00 • interest on 0. S. loan ' S-2H6p5rcent........... 31391 ~Interest on 0. S Loan * 10.40 5 per cent 705 43 „ eoliieties In Sehnylkill co 11,040 87 ‘ Lawrence Todd's iegaoy. 7.557 50 ' Total income account 845 00 „ Cash paid under appropriations by Council#} 5 fifUte. For water rents.sl,7Bo.oo For taxes. , 24,96192 For salaries.., 0,53328 Forlaudsoutof 1hec0nnty......... 18,863 41 For permanent improvements. •.... I*o 75 .Forgeneral repairs.l3.os7 82 1,017 10 ForoptsidepalntiDff.. 883 45 For paper fled hamon*.. 2,248 67 For aBDQitiea.SOOOO For miscellaneous expenses,*....., 2.788 94 For purchase of /pel for * 'poor white fc housekeepers'* 544.91 For lighting Delaware avenue with gas.. » 1,20560 For paving in front of Girard pro-. periy. v . I*oB7 29 Cfi»hpa:dup'iiLwrftsof mandamus: For damages for widening Delaware avenue 33,574 03 For widening Delaware avenue.... 408 14 For Investment of L. Todd’s legacy.. 7,560 00 1118,480 60 College. COD3mitt*eon Household «....-.595;059 47 Instruction 13,781 HO " ‘ £ccoants.~~....*.., 2,64403 ** ** Library ••«* 94 82 ** * ‘ Discipline and Dis charge.*..*. ....... ,r t% Ad joUftion •* * f Manual Labor.. « , • , .. $112,252 Cl Balance in the City Treasury. *...515,250 92 Watianienot taken in. 4,14910 Balance In the Treasury, s2ti, 815 09 PHiLADBLPHiAfDBceinber 31.1864. CHARLES S. SMITH, Snpeiinteadeac Girard Estate. isr Vision VOLUmEB REF&EBH. W& MEAT SALOON, foot of WASHINGTON Ave nue.--We are again. obliged to appeal to oar foUew citizens for aid to sustain oar Lutitutiou. We are thankful for the liberal support we hays received, and believe the expending of mo similar sum has added so much to the comfort of oar soldiers; in addition to which we have been compelled by circumstances to assume temporary care of thousands of refugees, freed men, and rebel deserters, nearly all of whom would have been forced to seek charity at your doors, and, domiciled in the lowest haunts of the city, would kayo caused much annoyance and disturbance. They have remained with us generally but a few days, and places have been found for them away from the city, where their libor was in great request. The arrangements for the care of the soldiers is our city have added largely to our reputation for hospitality and brotherly love, and to continue the good work the necessary means must be furnished. Funds forwarded by letter to our committee, or handed to either of the following gentlemen, will reach us: Key. Dr. Thomas Braiterd, No. 634 Pine street, Thomas Robbins. Esq., President Philadelphia Bank. D. B. Cummins, Esq., President Girard Bank. S. A. Meicer, Esq., president Farmers’ and Mocha* nics’ Bank. J. B. Austin, Beq. ♦ President Southwark Bank. M. W. ‘Woodward, Esq., Cashier Manufacturers’ and Mechanics’ Bank. _ Thomas T. Firth. Esq., Treasurer Penna. Railroad. James C. Hand & Go., corner Market and Decamr sis. Samuel B. Pales, Esq ,707. Vine street ARaD BARROWS, Chairman. J, B. Wadis, fiqgretary, _de26*l2t COOPKR BHOP VOI,UKTEKB«£- W» FBBSHMENT SALOON. IDOOOTSE3O-BT. LffCEMBfcBSO, 1*34. Wfl are again compelled to appeai to the citizens of Philadelphia for mean? to aid us to carry on our instir tniion. whilst we feel thankful for the liberal support we have already received, we feel confident that our present wants will call to our aid again toe liberal sup port of our loyal and patriotic citizens, which at present is essentially necessary to enable us to continue the good work of feeding and administering: to the wants of our brave soldiers. Contributions sent to us by letter or otherwise will he thankfully i eceived. ~ , WM: M COOPfijR, President, 135 S WATER Bireet. ADAMAL SIMPSON, Treasurer, • 9 QDESJ Ssreef. WM. IT. MAULL, Seoretarr, 330 CATHERINE Street. B. Si HALL, de3l-3t President Seventh Rational Bank. OFFICE OF TOON BBNSFOLBBf ASSOCIATION, N. W, corner of SEVENTH and SANSOM Streets, December 5.1861 At the Thirty-third Annual Meeting ofthe Associa tion, the feliovnng,named gentlemen were elected offi cer* mid managers forlBB4-’65: • -. ■_ J .. FREBPBST, - T Mr . SAMUEL H. PBSEDfA vice pEEsn>Eipre. * RICHARD P, WOOD, J. FISHES LEAKING. T&BASU&BB. edhund Wilcox, no aoa chestnut street, CCKUESPOBTUISG SBOBBTAST, L. MONTGOMERY BOND. KBOOBDIKO BECRBTART, JOHN H. ATWOOD. ‘ » - , a * KAXAGBRS, Benjamin Coates, Thomas A, Budd, Thomas Latimer, Charles Rhoads John Bohlen, Bichard Wood. _ William Purves, Charles 8. Worts, K» D.J Arthur G. Coffin, S; B. Wood, Beniamin Orne, James Bayard, John W. Claghorn, Joseph A Clay, Thomas Wattson, Alfred M'. ColUns, Joseph H. Dulles, Charles W, Cushman, John Aahhurst, Philip 0: Garrett Messrs. 8, 0. Cooper and Thomas Evans are the only persona duly authorized to collect fund a for the associa tion. JOHN H, ATWOOD, ded-lm Recording Secretary. rig- SETHSTH KA'HIISAI, BASK, ■»* PBIIiEBLPHIA, December 12, ISM. Th, annual meeting of the Stockholders of tola Bask, for the ELBCTIOWOF DIRECTORS, wIU he held o* TUESDAY, January 10, 1865, between the honn of 11 o'clock A. k and a o’clock F. M. „ ■ deis-tjaio B. 8. HALL. CaeMer. MB- fBE 4SSCAI, MESTISe OF THE Its? Stockholder* of the POTTSVILLB MINING AND MANUFACTURING 00., for the ELECTION of Officers for the esertin, year, will be held at the Offio. of the Company, Ho 314 WALNUT Street, on TUES DAY, Jan. 10, 1885, at 2 o'clock P. K del» tialO RICHARD JONES, President. wag- OFFICE OF THE X.OCCSK MOCK, ns? TAIH COAL AND IKON COMPANY, Philadelphia, Dec. 18, ISM. The Animal Meeting of the Stock holders of the above named Company will be held at their Office, No. 330 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the loth day of January next, at 13 o’clock M., when an RDBCTION will he held for seven Directors to serve for the eneninc r *The Transfer Books ofthe Company will be closed for fifteen days prior to the May of eald election delf-tjais EDWARD ELY, Secretary. KM- SOTHF..-TIIE SUBSCRIPTION! WAP Books of the PENNSYLVANIA IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY will close on.TUESDAY next, January 3, 1865, at which time a meeting of the Stockholders will ae held at the Office of the Company. 139 South FIFTH 1 Street, Philadelphia. JAMBS M. SELL BUS, deSo.4t Secretary. Kffi- THE NORTHERN SOUl’ SOCIET Y ■—=r will open their Bouse, situated at the corner of PETERS AU»» and FOURTH Street, above Brown, for Mm sratuitone distribution of Soup to the poor,, on THUKSD AY, the 29 th of December, 1861 Donations in »e»M» ,flonr, meat, vegetables, coal, &0., will be thsnkfnlly received at the honee, or by either of the undersigned ; Chau. J. Sutter, president, 804CallowhiU street. Samuel T. Child, secretary, 82s North Second street. . T Morris Perot, treaenrer, 621 Market street. Samuel Je&nea, 1023 Archstreet. , Horatio C. Wood. 117 Chestnut street- John 0. James, 239 North Third street. Richard W. Bacon, 338 Market street. And by any of the other Managers of the Society. deSs-«t* FAIRBANKS isr OFFICE OF CHIOS MBTCAL IN WAP SURANCE COMPANY. Philadelphia, Dec. 17,1861. The Annual Meetini ol the Stock and Scrip holders of the Union Mutual Ins. Co., of Philadelphia, will be held, at the Office ol Company, on MONDAY, January 9, 1666, 12 o’clock noon, at which time ah election will be held for Bight Directors to serve for the ensuing three years. JOHN MOSS, delS-IBt Secretary. OFFICE OF THE "WESTERN VS& PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY., Philadelpeua, December 22 1864. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. -The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Western Pennsylvania Rail road Company will be held on MONDaI, the ninth day ct January. 1865. at 12 o’clock H., at No. 33S South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. . Annual Election for President and Direoton will he held same day and place „ de22-tla9 JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. K - STOCKHOI.S)BEB’ NOTICE.— le-ffiv The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder, of the OIL CREEK AND RIDGWaT RAILROAD COMPANY will he held on MONDAY, the ninth day of January, 1865, at 12J4 o’clock P. M., at No. 838 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. An Election for President and Directors will be held same day..and place. . ' „ _ . ... JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. Philadelphia. Dec. 82, 1864. de2l-tia9 IQB- OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE R3W INSURANCE COMPANY, 400. WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, December 26,1E8). NOTICE.The annual meeting of the Stockholders ef ’* The Enterprise Insurance Company” will be held on MONDAY, the 9th day of January next, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at the office of the company. An election for twelve Directors, to serve the .ensuing year, will be held on the same day, at the same plana, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. A. and 2 o (flask P. M, ' k OUAB- pOaTaiis . deM-tia9 - Secretary. OFFICE OF THE JUNCTION |SS?HAILKOAD COMPANY, —NOTICE TO STOCK HOLDERS.—A special meeting of the Stockholders of tbe Junction Railroad Comj?dny will bo h*id on TUES DAY, the 3d day of January, 1865, at li o’clock A. M, • a t Bo* 838 South THIRD street. Philadelphia, to con sider the propriety of issuing additional bonds for the purpose of fully completing.the>oss. v dwfi ISt JOSEPH LESLEY. Secretary. SECOND. NATIONAL BANK OF IS? PHILADELPHIA. m FrASKporp, Dec. 30,1864. The Annual Election for Directors of this Bank wtl! be held at the Bankincßooee.on WBSDAY, January f Cashier. •3S- PIUIADELPHIA - AND DAEBI (S*? RAILKUAD CO.—NOTICE Is hereby giyanto the Stockholders of this Company that the Annual Meeting Sind an.. Election for Prsalder.c an i bVx D tre.otorswill take piece on the second MDNDAY Oth) of January, 1856, at 4P. M , at the Company’s Depot, OU DARBY Avenue, betwoo# forty-ninth and:FbSiMh|tf®«|6- ? . D. eVFLItSWiB. SMiatRY. notices. 10,00000 11.131 S 3 •S3B» Tfll KEXTT im&Fff. —OITIZEIES' SUBSTITUTE, KEPRESENTATi ??; AND POh- ONTEER AGENCY. -We be, leave to cal' the attention Of those who are Drafted, and to those Who .ore Enrolled and liable to Military Duty, and also to fcNU class of persons who are not liable to draft (Ladies an d Gentle men over forty<ftfeye*ra), to oar Agency forp'rocariag tnbstitutes and volunteer Representative*; Persons should attend to this important .matter at onoe, ** the Draft has been fixed for the 15th of February K&'xt. We ai e coins a strictly Legitimate Baelne»mi- w» are farniahiag men not liable to the draft as Substitutes and Representatives, as low if not at lower pricer than any other Agency in Philadelphia, The law alfotVSiS' to. pat Substitutes in the Navy or Marine Corps, fcdibe credited to any District in the State where the principal tenues. To facilitate Insiiefß, If persons living in or ont ofthc city, who are enrolled, will furnish ns with a oertMt «ta of ftar enrolment aom tie Provost Marshal of can have, Substitutes sworn into ttimfromdraft* tMMem6a * wW ohwfll fully exempr Bef, rente can be given to Ladles and OentlemeS ta ““ SJS ‘to™ trainees in this iina, and also in the following counties: Chester,'Delaware, Montgomery, Berks, Bucks, schaylkiU,..and North-. K r . and Clubs furnished at the toviegt possible prices. Liberal arrangements made with Township Committees to fit! gnota. Call or address MoKabGT, PnXhON, & Co., ..... - *** CHBSTSUT Street, or deSB-6t Bex 5077 Philadelphia Post Offiea. BSBf*' ihiuiy BueDß house, ism CHESrWUT Street. - • ; ... . PHXhiSEiPHrx, Deo. 28,1684. Au Adjourned Meeting ef the UNION LEAGUE of FEiJadelphm will be held at CO SC BBT HALL, on' hiiJDAY, January6th. at 8 o’clock P. M . to.receive 0 Q the Report of tbs Committee on By-laws. Tickets, admitting members only, can be obtained from Mr. C. fi. Whipple, Assistant Secretary at the League House. GEORGE H. BOKBR, de2B-tjag Secretary. |GBP* OFFICE OF THE FAME IMBU RANGE COMPANY, Ho, *O6 CHESTNUT Street. , TnillTnw t Philadelphia, 1964. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fa <ae Insurance Company will be held on MON DAY* *%? 9i K d Jl y 9f January nexi, at 10 o’clock A. M. t at the office of the Company. An election for twelve Directors, to serve the ensuing year, will be held on the same day. at the same place, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M., and Zodock r. k. deKUiaP WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. gSgF* OFFICE OF THE INSURANCE COMP AMS OF NORTH AMERICA, Philadel phia, December 27, 1894. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held kitkoDffiee of the Company, Mo. 833 WALNUT Street, o=l MOMDaY, January 9,1865. at 12 o’clock M r and on TUESDAY, January 10 (the day following), an election wlllbei held for Directors to ser re for the ensuing year. deSS 12t t CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. tST 0 OFFICE OF THE~JfOETH PMM> »5P SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, The Annual Meeting of Ebe Stockhoidere of the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company will be held at the Office of the Company. No. 407 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY-, January 9th, 1865, at 12 o'clock kt,., at which time and place an Election will be held for aPresident and Ten Directors to *etve for the enduing, year. . EDWARD ARMSTRONG, de24 tja9 .. . Secretary. «3lr rnsvnANCM company of the w STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. . , n, - * Philaoklphia, Dec. 23,1864... An election for Thirteen Directors of the Company will be held on MONDAY, January 9, 1865, at the Com pany's office,. Nos. 4t and 5 EXCHANGE Building, be tween the hour# of ten o’clock A. M. end one o’clock P. M- t „ WILLIAM HARPER, de23-ja9 Secretary* KS** PHELADELPHIAASD READING i*’ -RAILROAD COMPANY-Office 337 South FOURTH Street - * _ . Philadelphia, December 12, 1881 Notice i* hereby given to the Stockholders ofthit Company that the Annual Meeting and an Election for President, six Hauagere, Treusurer.and Secretary will take place on the second MONDAY (Sch) of January next, at 12 M. WM. H WEBB, del2-tia9 Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS* NOTICE.-THE •9S? Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the CON NELSVILLE AND BOUTBEEN PENNSYLVANIA Railway COMPANY wlllbeheldoa MONDAY, the 9th day of January, 1885. at Bo’dcok P. St, at theoffiee of the Company, No. 330 South THIRD Street, Phila delphia. An Section for President and Directors will be held on the same day and place, „ _ A , K. D. BARCLAY, , de23-tja2& Secretary pro fem. oil COMPANIES. THE MOST FLATTERISrO BE ports reach us concerning the great oil develop menfo in the Clarion river region. General Glover ar rived in this city during the present week, and informs us that every well put down by the Clarion River Com panies have abundant shows of oil and gas atless than 100 feet, with the usual evidence of broken stratifica tion, the boring tools in. many instances dropping six inches. The Indian well at the depth of 140 feet has struck the fourth vein of oil,.whilst at the Deer Creek Well the oil covers half the surface of the river, and can be seen floating for the distance of a mile down the stream, showing in the sun-light all the varied hues of the rainbow. A letter written-from there on the 80th of December cays the oil Is flowing In such profusion from this well that the people living in the vicinity are dipping it off the stream.. A bottle of the oil has been shown us; it is of the dark and light spe cific gravity of the oil found on OH Creek. This settles the productiveness of the oil yield on the Clarion river. it* gggpr* THE DUNKARD m COMPANY, CAPITAL STO OK ©500,000. NUMBER OF SHARES lCo J O(!O~7s*per share. CASH WORKING CAPITAL—SIS,O9O. RESERVED STOCK OF THE ICCMPANY-10,000 SHAKES, TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF TBSTDUNKABD OIL COMPANY. The object of the Directors of the Dunkard Oil Com* party is to develops the property practically, and give The full benefit of its results to the Shareholders, it or der to make it au inducement for permanent in vest ment; and to persons who are satisfied with reasonable profit*, and are willing to embark their capital, oppor tunities are here prerented in an honest business opera tion. Onr property and leases have all been selected and are being improved. Since'our purchase, five toells have been opened in the same range with a large flow of oil. The lands of this Company are in the * ‘Green# County Oil Region,” about eisht miles south.of Brownsville, Fayette county. Pa., and comprise the following tracts: 1. The fee simple title to the PRIOR-FARM, a tract of one hundred acres on Ten-Mile -Creek, -four miles from Hs mouth, and about seventy from Pittsborg, with which there is daily steamboat communication from the mouth of the creek, on the Monongahela river. There Is ample boring ground on the creeic, an don three runs, one of which borders the’land half a mile. The enure tract is underlaid by a five- feet vein of bitmnlnoascoai, and there are fifteen acres of excellent timber land on the farm. 2. Lease of MUbael Bowser of two acres of bottom laud or Ten-Mile-C>eefc, near the village of Clarks ville. Oil Inc icatlo&B in front of lease on tbe creek. 3. A lease of one acre of beautiful bottom land, on the farm orSelemon Hose, on Ruff's Creefe, four miles from the Prior Farm. One*eightl> of the oil is reserved -by the lessor. BxoeUeai indications within a hundred yards of this lease have bees, discovered.. 4 A Jesse of one and a quarter aeres on the MAPLE FARM, on Dttn&ajdCreekeSometwo-or three hundred yards from thecebbrated WylieWell,athaflrat pump* ing well found on the creek, yielding forty barrels per day; thtre are also the St. Glair and Pioneer Wells, three wells at the depth of 6Cofeet, and all producing a supply of oil. The Company have erected an engine near there wells, and are now boring.with every en couragement of succets -v . 6 A lease of two thirds of an acre o£> bottom land on Dmakard Creek, adjoining the vlllage of Mount Morris. Ihia lot is nearly opposite the Patrick-Donly farm, oa which there is aa Oil Spring, affordia»,the best oil in dications in the county. An engine is about being placed on this lease . , .„ T , , 6. A lease of three acres ollland of IV L Tygard, ad joining the village of Bl&cfcsville, on Dunkard Greek, In the neighborhood of a fine surface show. The Greens county amber oil is the clearestand purest Carbon yet and commands from eight to tea cents per g&Ucn more than tne Kanawha and Yenaago oil, and it is coiifidently expected this will become the most important oil region of the State. A fund is reserved in the treasury for developing the land, and improvements will be carried on wltn the greatest energy. The property, is not incumbered with any reservation to the original owner, and the prospeet of early securing a large oil product, which the natural position of the land, the surface indications, and the successful fiow of oil in the immediate neighborhood. Jive most unmietakabfe evidences that success will ollow our efforts—there can scarcely be a doubt but that otar Company will at an earJy-day be enabled to make as fair retort s to the stockholders for the amount invested as any other yet formed. 4 A. EC. FRANGISOUS, President,- Ko. &12 MARKET Street. JAMES EC. BRYSON, Treasurer, Hb. S'&oxth SIXTH Street. GEORGE BULL, Secretary, Ho • 936 WALNUT Street. DIREOTORS, A. H. FRAHCISUOS, 513 MARKET Street. Dr, WM. B. WHITE,. ISSOR ARCH Street, Horn ELLIS LEWIS, .Philadelphia P. O. D. WEBSTER %%t MARKET Street. Dr. J. F. BIRD, Comer ELEVENTH and. GREED! StretiF, Philadelphia. ■■ A. H, WILLIAMS, Superintendent of the Mining Wells, Greensboro, Pa. OFFICE OF COMPANY, 330 WALKUT Street, ja2»3t FABSSWORTH OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL.. ©1,000,000. 300,000 SHARES—FAR TAEFE $5.00. W 0 REIN 0 CAPITAL, ,40.000. SUBSCRIPTION The valuable OU territory of this Company fs located on the Kanawha river, Gilmore county. West Virginia, some distance above Us confluence with the Ohio at Parkersburg (the terminus of the Baltimore-and Ohio Railroad)* and lies directly noon and in a direction across the g?eat *• Oil Belt ** of this region (as may be seen upon the map), in the immediate vicinity of the wonderful* ‘Burning Springs. •» now regarded as a sureJudication of thei oil, froaLthe fact that it is the oil gas.that rises to the *utfaca and bums upon the water. This property consists of an area of 1,186 acres ol magnificent oh and mineral lands, of which the Company owns an undivided half interest in fee sim fde, extending IK miles on the Kanawha river, which b navigable to the Ohio. Other streams, tributaries of the Kanawha,travene this tract, presenting alougtkeir margins every surface Indication of a,rleh yield of oil. The Company holds the right to put down wells all over this extensive boring surface, and oil has already been discovered on this property, near the river, at the depth of 88 feet. The sinking of two wells to the depi hof 890 feet, if necessary, was provided: for in the purchase of the JSBd, all of which is paid ’for. without touching the working or reserved capital of the Company.- In addi tion to this, the Company owns mi important interest (also paid for) in a well located within 400 yards of the greatXewellyu well, which hah flowed 2,SCO barrels per day, and Is directly among the celebrated Rathbone froup (see map). These are, ills said, the greatest pro* ucing welJs in the country. The former owners of this well were t'rced to abandon it on ike breaking out of the rebellion, but the Company has now made ar rangements to reopen and tube it, when a large yield of oil may reasonably be expected from this source alone. In addition to the above described properties, the Com pany owns in fee simple some 400 acres of mineral lands in Pennsylvania. l : his Company la most fortunate In posresting every facility for rapidly developing the oil, having,on its own property both’timber mm coal in great abundance, ana in. also having the resident Su perintendent of the works, Ur. T. G. Farnsworth, largely interested as a. stockholder. The manage-, ment being in the bands of practical men, of indoml able energy and perseverance, the stockholders may reasonably expect roon to find their shares ranking with the best* aivwqna-paying stocks*on the market; for, being out of debt, and having a large working capital, the holders of stock in this, Company take no risk of being called.upon for additional means to carry on the operations oaJhe Company, bat. on the contrary* as soon aa oil shall be obtained m.enffieiehtqaantifciea. a dividend on the capital stock will be declared. remaining portion of Die 30,000 ahares reserved slock . only is now being sold for additional working capitAL at the subscription price of two- uollara per- lr .canbe bad by applying at tbp office oi the Gomimny. No. 4100 OHBBTKOT Striatv up riairs, room Kilt!®, and »tJbe oannting-honsaof the President, Hq, IfiOdl MARKET Street. ' *. PAXBON, No, •- nnsesunsß: A. A, EBUMWAT, Ho 2D Market straet, F. FAYSON. No. muSlSl&evt. TBOKAS D, WATTSON, of til. honaa of Troltt A o<y. 528 Markot alieat. CBAB. BLOOMISSDALB, of Bloomiscdale, Rhine, A Co., 833 Market street^ J. KfiEO, of George W. Reed & 00.. 423 Market street. H. J. JGYCEi of A. A, Shnmway & Co., 221 Market street. ...... JGMAH Je._, No. 423 Market strert. U, D, T. RDWaRD M. VAZSON, Solicitor, A, D. SaRLAH* Seeietary, THE PRESS.-PHILAHEtPHIA. TUESDAY. JANUARY 3. 1866. property, CAPITAL STOCK OF EACH COMPANY, $900:000; 2d. THE “BIG CHEBBY'* OIL COMPANY, . With 379 acres in fee simple on Brush Bun, Cherry Bon, and Big Cherry Bun. These lands have been selected teith-creat ears- by a< committee of ecientlfic gentlemen and experienced oil men, and consist of t welve (13) tracts or farms,distribu ted oTBr an area of ton'(10) eduaro miles. Numerous wells on adjoining properties are at present yielding Horn twenty to fifty barrels of oil per day. Including tbe famous Sligo Well, and the wells of the Deer Creek Companies, ' All of these tracts are rich In coal, iron, lead, and tim ber. Seyeral veins of co&l are now being worked. The indications of oil are superior to any in the State. Contracts have ben made for esiisee and machinery, andoperattons will be commenced at once. Speedy re turns are expected. Books open, at the office. |ry» SIROVIi B. FAB VALUE *lO FEB BHABK SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ....* 9 PEB SHARE. The developed of tills Company are on Oil Creek. The portion immediately prodactive—iipoa toe largest scale—is a tract of about four Teres ou the John McCltntock farmvftt the junction of Cherry Bun and OU Creek. It is well known chat the lands upon both these streams are the most? certain and reliable, if not the largest, sources of supply of oil anywhere known. The construction of wells in ali the neighborhood is gene rally rewarded with snccess—aetnetmes very largely so—as the Seed, the Anderson, the Excelsior wells, and the rich and prcductiw property of the Curtin Compa ny. On the John McBhntoek farm (of which the Ba serve la a part, and' in its very centre), nearly every well is a success. . On the Bessrvation iirere have been five leases made to reliable men, In Bnch manner as not to interfere with the mansion and grounds atdtiufl. it On these several leases there are four well* completed, and two lira for* ward state of consfcruitloa. Wo. 5 {the Haines well), a pumping well, whieb, at the time of the Commitfcea’g visit to the property,•Kov' 22d,-was yielding from SOto 90 barrels per day, has-increased to-105 barrels at last measurement* and it 1 is-believed will soon become a large flowing well It is understood that the half of this well, and that, too, the working barf, was sold re cently forsL76,ooo. No;-l wqjftwae flowing 140 barrels daily when the Committee were on the premises*. No S well is pumping and flowing about 125 barrels pfit day. and promises to flow over 200 barrels per .day In a very > abort time. No. 4 well has commenced toparapoil/and promises to be nearly if not finite edual to No. 3. The two wells, Nos. Sued 8. sow constructing, must add largely to the income of the Company—No. 2 only waiting tubing, and No. 6 in process of boring. The interest of the Company in the MeClJntock Re servation is one-fourth-of all the oil prod need there from, free of expense,-in the existing five leaaas, and atundantroom i» afforded for eight or ten additional wells in the territory embraced in these leases Those now producing furnish about ICO barrels dally, or an income of say SI,GGO per day. The Company own, in fee simple* the half acre on which the-maneiui stands. This will be developed as rapidly as possible for the benefit of. the stockholders. It is believed that the production of the weU, or we Is whichraay be put upqn* this-portion of the property. Will aoa iargely to the income of the Company. The Company have also purchased one third interest in three and a half acres on Oil Create, near the H. SicCliniock farm, three mile* nortbsof theßeserva tion, and opposite the •Egbert’ farm* where are the largest 'wells of the neighborhood; On thisptoperty only one well has been icumnleied, and is now pro ducing % barrels daily*- thus giving to the Company ah income of 10 barrels clear. Another well is in progress, and much room exists for others,, which will soon be commenced. - The entire present income o 1 the Company is* there fore* baaed upon 102 barrels per day, ‘which* atJfJlO, makes an annual revenue of s%off,G6O, At a recent meeting of the Corporator b it was agreed to reject all the unproductive property printed in their Pfcmphifet, except the valuable tract ca Pit Hole Creek of 21aj acres, and substitute therefor a working capital of $30,000; by which change the interests of the Stock* holders will be greatly subserved, Since the purchaMtof the property and the publication of tie Company’s Prospeetue, the increase la of oil has nearly doubled. It cannot he doubted that few companies present so large an immediate profit; and with all the wells completed which are now ie-pro gress, it will compare favorably with the most success ful of the organized companies. The parties engaged In the organization have aimed to give to the stock holders the largest possible inducement to take the stock—satisfied themselves, wiih the stockholders* to participate* in those advantages certain to be produced —by bringing the price- of stock as near as possible to the cost of the property. [Fiom the Commercial List and Price Current of Dee. 16,1864.3 “In these days of the Petroleum mania* when the public mind is bewildered and confused by the thou sand and one new* corporations seeking places in the market* and it isneces?ary to dUeriminate closely be tween the legitimate.and the bogus companies, it is all important to those desirous oi trying their fortunes in the oil chase to know the men who are to manage their inteiests; and we are'pleased to be able to state that themanagement of* the McGlintook Reserve Oil Com pany is, in point -of respectability and security, second to that of no oil association in our community. * * * “When the sif&inz time comes for oil companies,and come it surely will, jte predict that the “shareholders of ti e IBcCJiatchk Reserve Oil Company will have no reason to regret their investment* as will* we fear* he the case with too 2&, 1854. de3l-3! jggp FARM CAPITAL, $500,000. SHABBS, 100.000. FAB VAOUB, $5. WOKEING CAPITAL, $BO,OOO. no further assessments 70 subscribers. . 'PBESIDBFF, CEAS. TOON, 626 Commence rt. f or West Philadelphia. TREASURER, '■ JAMES L. DBLPLAIN, SUB. corner Third and Race streets* or Wilmington. ‘_/ „ SECRETARY. ’ ' F.KLESM, Oompany’s offiw, *O3 South Fourth street- The property .consists of one. hundred and thirt] acres* in fee simple, of valuable Lubricating Oil Land, comprised of three tracts, situate upon ihe right hank of Be gar Creek, Venango county, Pennsylvania.. Sugar Creek nuts on a course nearly parallel with Oil Creek, at a distance of about seven miles xrom it; It rises near the headwater* or Oil Creek, and empties into French Greek, above Franklin. The Company’s property hag been carefully selected, and has all the usual surface indication of good oil territory. One hundred .acres of the land are flat or bottom land, with a front on . the Creek and Hastings’ Bun of about one mile* giving an abundant space For drilling a large numoer of oil wells. Weils of Lubricating Oils have been strack.on adjoining farms, both above and below, upon the, creek, and a well yielding twenty barrels per day is within one-fourth of a mueabove the Company’* property, on Sugar Creek. The Bassati. Oil Company’s lands are situated immediately opposite this tract upon Sugar C TheweUßiutMs Tidsitv jieia tha[ LaTwioatingqa, ■worth pti barrel double ibe price which is paid for the Oil Creek oiland although the walls are smaller, yet it Is believed that oil is- more certainly obtained'asthe remit or the drillings.. The largafrmtnpon the creek, to he owned by tha. Company in fee simple. w*ll of course prevent any interference with, tbe wells. It is proposed to lease to responsible parties small lots upon thd Compsaars lauds,the lessees paying- all the expenses of driHSs,' Ac., upon the usual vis: Delivering to this. Company one half of all the oil pro duced free of/expense. The Company will retain a large workinjr. capital, to be employed' in drilling & number of v/sßb. All necessary machinery will be at once sent to ihe firm. No reasonable doubt can be da* tertained as the result of these operations, large yields of oil will be obtained, paying handsome divi deeds to tine-subscriber*. > . _ A ltmitestuumber of shares may be had at the omoo of GEORGE. HENDERSON, Jr., Stock Broker, No &33 DUCK Street, where tha prospectus and all necessary informs,Vton can ba obtained • deSl-fit* OIL COMPANIES. Jggp IUK “6IL UOJBJPANUM" OP THE 1 GREAT PETROLEUM BASIN PEN nbylvania; CLABION COUNTY. Office, B<K«n “B," We. i« ». K-oortb st.. PHILADELPHIA. Hen. OHAS P. BA’SfBDELL, Oil City. PBE9IDEHT. D. S. <JLONIIfQEB>M. D., TEBA’SUKEK. (He. SOS Worth SIXTH Street.) Dr. JGSITW. BEBKSv SECRETARY. DtESWTOKB: H«jn, OHAS. P. BAMSD3LL, Oil City (proprietarOU City Monitor).' ‘ Hon. AMDS.MYEKS, 8L C., Clarion. , Dr, T. J. ELLIOTT, Clarion CDnnty, Commodore SAMUEL LOCKWOOD, U! S. IT. Dr. C. D. THOMPSON, Oil City. . D. W. CANI7SLD, Etd., OU City. 1,6 M ACRES OF SELECTED LANDS in this Croat oU region Nave been COMBINED AND FOEMED INTO FOUB COMPANIES, Mlth an abaoet aanal division of Divided into 100,000 shares, at a par value of $5 per Share. Subscription price, s2s coneisting of— let. THE "OEEAT CLABION" OIL COMPANY,- With SBO acres In fee eimple on Clsrion Hirer, Brash Bun, Cherry Bun, and Oil Hollow Bun. 3d. THE “BBTISH RUN " OIL COMPANY, With 8® acres in fee eimple on Brush Run, Cherry Bun, and Fiedler's Bum. ~ 4th. THE “BED BANK " OIL COMPANY, With 430 acres in fee simple on Brush Bun, Cherry Bon, and Gil Hollow Bun. KCOWMOCK BBSBET® OIL COHPAST, v VENANGO COBNTT, PENNSTIVAHIA, CAPITAL Sl s OOO,OOO. 100,000 Shakes ok stock. * WORKING CAPITAL, *BO,OOO. OFRCB, 486 WAT.NET STBEET, PHILADELPHIA, JAMES McM LEAN. President. J. D. EBINBSTH, Bee’j and Treasurerf ' *• ; ©j&X. COMPANY OS’ PHILADELPHIA. SUBSCRIPTION PBICB, $3, ■ . SOLICITOR, HENRY M. DECHEKT, 2CB South Fifth street, DIRECTORS* CHAS. TOON. P. KLENM, JAMES L. DEPLAIN, ALFKSO HABKAN, TBOS. R TIMMINS. JAMES' BBADFOBD. C*. w. STEPHENS* OmCE OF THE • YttCUIO OIL AND €OAL COMPANY OP WEST YIKCHNIA. Ho, 11 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, I , • FBH.APRLVHIA, Dec.' 2?, ISM. The VOLCANIC OIL AND COAL COMPANY ofWast Virginia, formed on 2 800 acres of OIL Territory, wpoa the ‘-Greftt npheavai.” in Weatern Virginia, has,k£e& organized aa follows: PRESIDEHT* \ WM. C. bTILBS, JR. TREASURER. ' LEWIS COOPER. sjborbtaby. >A» L. MASSBY. - gIRBOTORS. , STILES, JR , ' 3 P. BTBIBKR. TO P. HACKEE, LEWIS COOPER, ROBERT H. ORATE. The subscribers to the'Capital Stock of the above Cem'. pany are hereby notified to pay tbeir subscription on or before the 6th day of January, 18&L- A limited numbei of sharer, not exceeding BSx Thou sand. are offered to the public at subscription price, $* PER SHAKE, np to the fit* of January, after whica time no subscriptions will Da taken, GOOFBft & OKA FF, V _*•_ , Subscription Agents, h».'m MsacE^sTß’ OIL COMPANIES. | ggp». PBESIDESI PETROLEUM COMPANY, PBESIDBNT. VENANGO CO., PA, oboahzw raws* zsa law* <w wsamvAitiA. OFFICERS: Jr.Hdant—AMOHT EDWARDS. 854.. New Tort, Treasurer—L. H. SIMPSONt Esq., Mew Tort, Becretarv-J. EDWIN OONANT.Beo,, NeWTork. JOHN M. CLAPP, Esq., Geursral Resident Bnparln' tendent. Conned—Messrs. FLAW, GBESED, « BUCKLBT, New Tort. DIB3CTOKS AMORT EDWARDS. EsqvjNew ToriL EBSN B. CBOOKBB, Esq., at Crocker S’Warren, New Tort. FLETCHER WBBTRAT, Be®.- of Weetlay, Gibbs, & Hardccstlo. New J. M. CLAPP. Esq., Presidency enantoeonAty. Pn. L. H. SIMPSON, Esq,, of L. R." Simpson di Go.. New Tort. Its lands ere put Into the Company at the nnpreee* dented low price of One Hundred Dollars par Acre, .the lowest oyer known for Oil-beainK territory, and* Earn Its j CAPITAL STOCK, *9,000.6001 fit Shares Of tSSeaeh, par value. Subscription price $5 per Share, beinain /nil payrrent , for a $24 Shan. No fartker call or auesoaont to be made. No enbsorlptlon received for less than TWENTY 8H ABES—*IOO, *O,OOO SHARES, or'*loo.ooo RESERVED JOB WOBKING CAPITAL. Parties subscribing in this Company will reesiot an CQfuil ccioawct Of stock in two other companies ad joining without further charge. The Lands of these Companies .are located on the Allegheny river, and on Hemlock, Porcupine, and Mo- Crea creeks, MAKING AN OIL- BORING TEBRITOBT OP OVER TEN ASJ> A JIALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on this properly are being sank with great rigor, shd promlse large supplies of oil.' ' To ihejCadtallst and to parties of limited means nn turpaesed inducements are offered. " Persons Investing In-thi* Company get *9 stock and the above BONUS for eaoh*l Invested, without further •ail or aseesomeut Subscription hooksr maps, and all other Information can be obtained'at'the office of the Subscription Agents, ; j L. H. SIMPSON It CO., delO-lm 6-* CEDAR Street. NEW YORK. OTOBE- «U COMPANY OF WBBT VIRGINIA. CAPITAL *ffi,ooolo96. In 40,000 Shares, at *3O each. Subscription price $l5 per Shara, subject to no °* H B * B ® ll *® ll ** A working cipitfiJ of 9100,000 reserved. Only AO,OOO Shares to he sold at the subscription price. The property cf this Compauy consists of the well known Martin or Standing Stone tract, audcontains from 'l COO-to S,QCoacres of land, in fee simple, lice from leases, undivided iutereßts, or royalty. Staading Stone geek (a branch of the Jartle Kanawha river), antTtt* tributaries pars through this property, and it has upon It a larger amount of boring, territory than ie owned hy any other company in West Virginia. It is situated in Wirt county, near the celebrated Ratkbone or Burning Spring tx&ct, and in . extent of territory is five timet greater, and is coneidered by ali experienced oil men familiar with-the oil district of West Virginia Quite equal, if not superior, to the Bathbone tract. The fet an difi g Stone Oil Company’s property extends from the Little Kanawha river, nea* Burning Spring Eun, across the Waters of Standing Stone Creek, including a portion of Eobinson’s Fork and Two Eiffle Eun,/iud is immediately in the Great Oil Break, extending from Burning SpringtooMh by Standing Stone and Petro leum to Horse Keck Wells, near the Ohio river* and embrace tbelins of upheaval, ' The property of this Company has notbeen developed for the reason that it belonged to minor heirs, who could not: convey until they attained their majority, which the youngest did afewdays ago. Wells ana being bored on the adjoining lands, and oil had. It is said that upon this Standing Stone tract oU was drat discovered in 1790. On the Z>eyera Farm, adjoining, a well i* being bored and oil obtained. The well of McFarland if Jones, on the Morgan land, is near this property. These lands &re%ald intrust byl F. Camden, Bsq., President. First National- Bank of Parkersburg, West Virginia, mid the Hon.- JobnS. Carlile, -f?enator in Con* jrre« fronTVlrgiiiia,' and will he by. them conveyed to the Standing Stone OU Company whenever the stock to be disposed of by subscription; (to wit, 20,000 shares) shall be subscribed and paid for. -Three thousand six hundred shares of the stock have already been sub scribed and paid for. Subscriptions received * at"the Banking Houses' of BIGGS ft CO., and BITTENHOUSE, FOWIrBR, ft 00,, WASHIKuTOIMft .0. de2o4m KSf* THEUBIGUSAL OK OHIO. PHILABEIaPHIA and senega grebe om < ■ „ GOIHPANYv • This property is in the BICHEST OIL RSOIOST OF OHIO, near the thousand-barrel well of the St, Louis and Duck Creek OU Company, .and la being sold-In one iho/usawl dollar shares, insuring, to the holder TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS WoJvTHOF STOCK as coon as the original shares are taken. A limited number of shares- may be obtained, a de scription of.property, and terms of subscription given, at the office.©! JAKES S. LEWaES * CO.« 39"S<mth THIRD Street, or at the counting-room of Messrs, S?o CAMBBIUGB, FEY, ft CO., and 53VCHEESY Street, of , . JOHSf PBY, d«3l-st* Chairman of Committee. of TBE OIL COMPABY, WAL SUT Street,*- . . January 2di 1864. Board:of Ulrecton»hayevthis day declared a- Dividend of ;OHE A»D OBE-HALF PER CENT on the Capital Stock, payable at their .Office on and after the 12th instant, clear of State Taxes. The Transfer Books will be closed on -the 4th at 3 P. Me , and opened on the 13th. ja3-9t ; T- e r THOS. 8.-SEAELE. Secretary. \ TH* eiflABD UF£ IHSUadNCE, ANNUITY, ANB TRUST COMPANY OF PHI LADETrPBIA. . ,/ DscEiißSEiSl, 1834, The Managers have this day declared a dividend of FOUR PBE CANT, for the last six .months, end an ex* ira dividend of FI YB PBB- OEIlt, on the capiial stock, payable to tbe'sHekholdere, dear of-the State ana rnited’fitates taxes, oh demand. jaS-St* ; , JOHN F. 'JAMES, Actuary. . yag** DiYiDEmr-mB directobs of tha.ST. NICHOLAS OIL COMPANY Lave this day declared a dividend of Oh E PEE CENT, payable, on the 9th last; Books close onibe sth andLopeta. oh the 10th ipet. ft JOHN H. Wt LB, Secretary. January % 3865. ja3-7t IKS” inVlß XX !>.—Tilr„ niJKSCTOBS of too CURTIN . OIL COMPiBY lavethls day declared a Dlyidead of TWO PBR CBBT., payable on !iieSHli iosl. Eooiia cioge.cn* theBth: and openontte Mthißßt. o;,r JOHH Ho WYBB, Secretary, January % 186jf. •rar omfcß of xhk msurpeisi: *» IKSDRaRCB ca , 400 WAU?UT ST. PatLADBLpHu:, Jan. 2,1865. The Directors have TFJS DA* deciareda dividend of THREE AKDOEE BALE PER, CEST* on the capital &to& of the Company for the last six, months, payable on demand* free of all taxes. B. IOCKW.JpO, ja3-12t , , Secretary. Kvsp= MHMiJL BASE,. ■5 s * • PEHAPBI.PHIA* January 2, 1855. TheDirectoixhave tbie.Giaydectardd an extra divi dend of SWM3SB. DOU.aBS ASD SIPfY CENTS on each shaie Of the stock of. this Bank* dear of tax, pay* aide on demand. Mqckholdera will be required io"'suweuder their cer* tificatasofetock.forTd^chnewosee.will be issaedia the name.of the Kensia atoii Nationalßank of Philadel phia. _ , . asvMi. mccosnell, ya 3 6fc , Caahisg.- OJfJCB WTHE SCHIJTUUUD HAYIQATI9N COMPANY. ' .. . , * ; Philadelphia, December®, 16S&. a dividend of SIX PER CENT upon the Preferred and Common. Stocks of this Company,, pay able—less the United States and State Taxesthertion, retained according to law-on the 23d of January next; ja2-gt , fc TjLSHMAB, Saoaetary. A„3iXK»M£KJ», OF THRB3-.'ASfl*> A. HALF FIR QBH.'?. on the preferred.: stocls. of the Elmira ai.d Williamsport Railroad Corns pany. will bo ip&id on. and after the ihnd .day of January, 1£63, Pennsylvania Bailrof4 Bniidinr, roemWo, I,.first Soor, corn«r T!|IB,0 Streat and WIiMHWS Alley, bj GEOBGE lABEK. da3l-6t ' ■ ■ ; ... Agent. ■aa** OFMt* 05! THE HAmiSBtSK, POBTgMOTITH, MOUBT JOY.iND LiHGAS TER RAILROAD COJSPAST, THlfito and: WILLIHO’S Allay,. .. A romi-annnaldfyiaGbd® 1 /'S'vREB-l’slPolfenAiF FIB CEHT. on the Capital Stof A of this Company will Bepaurto tha BSec&holders, q'r thair legal representa tives (clear of State, and Unit ad States taxes), on and after the Jflth day,of* January/' iffiS.' . , ' GEDBffiE TABBB, ]a3-2t t - ’ -J ■ - ■■ ■■ Treasurer. Bear* QEEKO& or Tl OK ATI.AS' Oil. CO,, «* r Ho, 53* IWAUiU T Street, Room Ho. 20. l •mLamveaiA, Deo. 28, 1864. • _ _ DIVIDES D HOTiCE, .Tleßoard tS Directors ; have THIS DAT declared a dividend of THBSB PKU. CEMT 06 cents per share) ontol.the set earnings of the Company tor the months ofKovemherajd DeoemW'-r, payable, clear of State tax, os asdefterJaimaiy 10, f; iB6O Transfer Bunks- closed on Jannary s, at3P. H., aad open January 11,18 M. ‘ ' Stockholdarß -who har , a notealled for their certificates, are retioestedto’do so p rlor tS closing of the books. deaHOf i t X W. WILTBAHK, Secretary. as ST-'', AMEIf JAI» IJFK lISStDBffiJIOB AKD TRUST. COMPANY, v :,■ ■' ; L ® knabßtraiA, December®, 1834. S>SSteSSiS. a T'« thm day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. out of the profits of tlie last six momkß.piyabhfb) the Stockholders, clear ofall tax«a, on and alter Jaaps . rJ 5.1865... deSB-6t' ' \ JOhys. Wlt.BQg. Secretary. . «ST„»*5 IAKTIIiE HETKOLEU M€o., Office. JW i North FliON r Street. ’TICK. —The Board of Directors have TIUSDAYdecit ; re d a dividendof TWO PAR CENT, on the capital i itock of this Company, free .of State Taxes, »ay»fc,e qn and after the Gtb of January. Transfer Books closed f rom the 3d to tile 6th proximo, Oertifl cates of bWck' aie now ready for delivery. . JOHN H. TAYLOR, Secretary. ' JawMS;’ 28.1864 k do® lot ■gsr- ® mCE OF THE WESTMOMK. JW» ,D COAL COMPANY, Ho. 330 South THIRD Si/ set, corner of Willing’s.alley, ... I - Phioahelphia, Dec 21,1864. _ Mat* eeUnx .of the Directors of tho WEB! MOES- Cf y&LCOMPANT, held this day, a Dividend 0/ El YAP/ jr CENT on the Capital Stout was declared, Bayahl* on and after January 3d, 1866 J rsß efcr Books will be CtB deSS- tjafi ' • . Y- • Treasurer. Kgif - PHIhdDEIiFHU dHD BEADDfe «*®? RAILRpAD COMPANY, Office Ho. 337 South TOW RTH Street, _ PhiladblvhiA, Woyeinber SO, MSI. D/xVIDEND NOTICE.—The transfer hooks of tWU Oor opany will he closed on THURSDAY, December IS, Anfi reopened on TUESDAY. JAN DABY Id, 186 S. .A Dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT, on the eammon uid preferred stock,, clear of Rational and State taxes, Cas been declared, payable in common stock,on the Situ December noxt; on all stocks standing on the hooks of the Company, at the close of business on the Uith prox Stockholders whose names are registered on the Hew York books will be paid at the Farmers' Doan anc Trent Company. , S. BRADFORD, del-tf ’ 1 Treasurer. KSSp'- - SATIONAI. BANE OF. THE VSSr HOHTHEBH LIBERTIES, PsznAPxapKU, Deo SO, 1664.. Yho Directors have this Cay declared an Extra Dlvt *Ms&iYrlV*Pßß CEHT„ payable on FRIDAY next, Mockkol'iiers will ha required to surrender their Cer tificates of Slock. for which new ones will bs issued in thensmeof tld’Hational Bank of the NortheraLibertles. dfgpfit r ~ » W. GDMMEKE, Caehler. THE PHILADELPHIA. INQUIRER,: J- . THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, ; THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. REDUCED 1H PRICE - SEDUCED Is PRICE REDUCED IN PRICE ' BMWCBD IN PRICE REDUCED !H PRICE REDUCBD IS PRICE REDUCED IN PRICE „„ RBDUOiID IK PRICE TO TWO CBHTB! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! TWO CENT*i» TWO OESfTSI - 7WO GBNTM TWO CENTBi TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! , TWO CENTS! „ WO CENTS! DOUBLE SHEET, V : DOUBLE SHEET, DOUBLE fcHRfcT, DOUBLE BREST, DOUBLE 6BEKT. DOUSLK SHEET, FORTY COLUMNS. FORTY COLUMNS. FORTY COLUMNS. FORTY COLUMNS. ; FORTY .COLUMNS. FORTY COLUMNS. . Served' by careful’ Carriers for TWELVE CENTS A WEEK, Payable to carrier. Served by careful Carriers.for TWELVE CENTS A WEEK, Payable lo carrier "‘SOLD BY ALL HEWS AGENTS. FOLD BY ALL NBWg AGENTS , * sold by all news agents. . SENT BY MAIL FOR SIXTY CENTS A MONTH,; OR ODE DOLLAR FOR TWO- MONTHS SENT BY MAIL FOR SIXTY CENTS A MONTH, OR OBBTOLLAR fob-two mo«ths. - 1 . * OFFIOJS, No. 3Q* LBBtjMfOTSIREST. J* 3 "^ OOPifimRSHIPS* DISSOLUTION OF COPART .i/ fIEKSHIP.—The undersigned h*ye this day. hr mu’u&l consent, dissolved the Copartnership heretofore HOslsr Tcohhihl ' “ dar ““ B,yl ® aßd fitm of J. M. HO WET T, WILLIAM S. CONNER. rjOPARTNEESHIP. THE UNDER. '-'-signed will continue (he Wholesale Dry Goods' Business, at Mo. 313 MARKET Street, under the name and style Of HOWETT, COM NEB, & HUM PHBEYB. J. M. HOWETT, WILLIAM S. CONNER. j»S-St« - E. B HCMPHttEfB. DISSOLUTION.—THE COPARTNER. heretofore cxintinsr hetween PEROfVAL K. BOYER and JOHN W. MOFFLY, is thtoday dissolved hymutnal consent. ■Khe business of the late firm will b« settled by either of the undersigned. P. K. BOYER. T JOHN W. MOFFLY. FEH.aihsi.phia, January 2, 1885, The wholesale Cloth Bnjia»s» will he cesgunud at Hwl d aßi 334 CHURCH fitroet, by. JOHN W. MOFPIrY and JOHN F, BDBINB; under the style of MOFFLY & BODIRg, jna-2;* DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER. SHlP.—Theundereigned, heretofore trading under the firm of D. POCHT & 880., have this dry dissolved tMir partnership by mutual consent. The business of toe lata firm will be settled by either party at 315 North THINS Street 3 * ° BSKIRL FOCHT, ABRAHAM FOCHT. Phieadelphia:, Jsaoary 2.1885. THE UNDER SIGNED' HAVE THIS BAY formed a Copartnership, nader tbet'tla of D. FOCHT S CO. , andwiu eontinuetUe Wholesale Grocery and Commtssloa Bnsineea at 315 X THIRD fit., Piula. DANIEL FOCHT, STANFORD D. RUNYON. IFbuadbiwra; Jatmarys. 1885. Jas-st* T)IBgOL^TIOF.— I fHE GOPXBTKSB exist! nnn adept he firm of A-KMAR YOUNG, BhO,, it CO. is THIS DAT dissolved by mtt. tual consent. Armor Young retiring. The business will besitilsd by either partner. ARMAKYOUNGF, ' DAVID YOUNG, Deckmb'eu 31,1864, - ™ SI&IIMEa wSP?^?S ] ? EESl l Iff . I ”' rH ® UNDERBIGKBB' WAVS ?&£&&&&** ™ Bro -’ * :o °-* ** DAVID young, , HENRY-O. MOOBEi- WM-McKINNEY. _ - „ T • ‘ • LEWIS'S. COX. Beckhber 31,1881. . jaS-W THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS A DAY formed a Copartnership, under' the Unit name of CONOVER. DO.RFF; & CO,, for the trans- Wholesale Boot’and Shoe Business, 5»4 MARKET Street. WM. Y. CONOVER. GEO.DrtRFF;. A'.' M. CONOVER, v _ , . wai. F. CONOVER, Jk; PgTr.AliEr.putA, January 1. IMS, u« THOMAS P. STOTESRUEY HAVING A- retired from the Merchandise Brokerage Business, the undersigned will continue the buMnesf as hereto fore, under the Brm of . STOTESBFBY St VAUGHAN'. ' - CHaS C. RTOTBBBURY. G. MARIS VAneaAM, _ _ , 119 South FRONT Street. Per ATiA , Jan I, 1865. ja!{_eg__ f rHK COPABTHERSHIF 1 ’ EL&Rjfeim X existing under tho firm of JO?f. St Wi B. WOOD, No. 8 North BECONI> Street ia this day dis solved b* mutual consent. The bueiness of th« lata firm wUI be settled by either of the oartles at the' offc*'of JAMES P, WOOD & GO., No « South FOURTH Street. JOSEPH wwa. - . ■ WISIIAK VOOD.* January 3, 18%. The undersigned has this day associated himself with gw TOW* AM ARB WATER HEATING CVrtT PANT OF PBKKSYLYAKrA, for the sdle of'GOLD'S FASENT STEAM-HEATINGAPPARATITS”" ° JOSEPH wGdB ’ The business of the above Company will in fafeure’he conducted by JAMES P.' WOOD St JORRPH WdOD. under the name of - J AMES F. WOOD St CO. January 2. IMS. ~ iaa-rothrlm THE FIKM OP BARTON GREEN & X CO. is THIS J>AY dissolved by mataai: consent. The business of the late firm will ha settled by eitherof the partners, at No. 40 N. FRONT s#reet C. H. SSTITH. ’ Phtladki.pttiAs Pec. 31. ISOi. ja3-tntn?3t* pOFARTKKBSHIP NOTICE. THE uade? signed h&va this day formed a cjuartnerahiu, under the style and title of BoO&bg & B ALLMAN, for the purpose of transacting a Commission Ba'iness of Oils, 1 amps. Materials, Glassware, &c,. at No. 153 North THIRD Street, second stf-ry. ELIAM BOORSB, ‘ ) - GHARLBS HALLMAN: January 9, . ■ it* pOPARTNBRSHIP NOTICE, THE undersigned have this day formed a copartnership', under the style and title of MOFFLY & BGDINE, for the purpose of traseaciiug the Wholesale Cloth Busi ness, at No, $35 MARKET Street and 334 CHURCH Street. JOHN W. MOFFLY, . ' JOHN F. BODINB. Philadelphia. January 2.1565. ia3-2t* WE have this day admitted . ** EDWaRD T. DOBBINS a member of our house. The firm name w4H be, as heretofore, JOHN WYETH St BRO. JOHN WYETH. FRANCIS H. WYETH. " EDWARD T. DOBBINS. Phtladelphta. December 81, 864. .. fit* T\ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— -“-J Tha firm of CLARKSON 4 CO., Bankers, Is this day Unsolved by mutual consent. ROBERT CLARKSON. D. K. JACKMAN, . L. A. MACKBY, E. C. McCLUBB. FBtr.AHEt.PSU, Dec. 31, 1884. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-We have this day en twsd Into a Copartnership, for the transaction of the BANKING AND STOCK COMMISSION BUSINESS, at No.-lSßSouth THIRD St,, under the name of CLARK SON a CO. ROBERT CLARKSON, EC. MeCLURB, • ' SAMUEL CLARKSON. PBttAgßtrßiA, Jan. 3, 1888. ja3-5t DISSOLUTION.— THE GOPARTNER heretofore oTlßting between the subscribers under the firm of WALTER S KAUB in THIS DAY dis polyed hy mutual 1 eoneect The business of the late firm tvUl be settlen by eitherof thetULderaigned, at'the store, No. H 34 North THIRD Street. J. H. WALTER, ■ A. L. KAUB. Zgii,Atint.pau, Pea 31,1564. _j_!& THE COPARTNERSHIP' OF WHI/PE X HINT 2 is this day dissolved by mutual constant. The business of the late firm will be settied by either of the BUbscribtrsy a 5333 North SBGOND street. * ? *• WILTaIAM B. WHIf B, * J. HEHEY HENTZ* December SI, 1881 * / J -HBNBY HBNTZhasthis day associated with# im Mr brother- ' __ i WWi A. HENTZ, and J. P. EOBINBTT,: and will continue butlneis under the firm of W HITE, BBST2; & CO. J. HENRY HHNTZ, . TO A HEST Z, ■ J. P. HOBISE rr. January 2,1865. ja3-3t*- TAMES H. BILLINGTON HAS ASSO **'MATED with him irf Business JOEL 8. K ERKINS. tad * Kss ' under a style of JAKgs a BJLLJNGTO! N & COi PiirL&iSßUH:u>Jaii. % 1565. ■ it* < pOFABTNSRSHIP N O TIC J >S.—THE Have this day formed a c<r paTtaer<Mp , u»der and,firm ©f JAMBS BK&la/AKD &-SONT end •WiH continue the Carrying ana Xeat her at tbe.old stand of James Baglaed, I*7 SU iSGrA2?fITTA StreetiFliiladelphia,, Fa» • _/' JAMES EITGJ^AN3>» S . THOMAS T. ENGLASB. JJLatr-AB-Y 2,1865. J ja3-3t* MSTIGK —THEOUOKB B, POTODA- X v MER has been admitted to an tntf rest in onr bnei ness from this date. BIKSOJ2. & GE&3TXE7. FSiifAPBPBgiAy 2y 1565, / ja3«3fc* TTISSO&UPIOM.—THB C OPABSTSTER -1/ SHIP heretofore existing heiWfjen the undersign ed, under the firm of CIiAS. B.aKA_HAM fit. C0.,1s tUs day- disscilred by mutual consent., CHA ( S. H. GRAHAM, . , M SDYV’B H. GRAHAM. P1711,A3A., If|C. a, M 64. ■ . I COR&RTNERSSrifc.—M. R (lateofJficlcer. EOD, -J&arrls, & Mosely,} aitdL/EDW’D EE. GRAHAM, (late ef Chas. EL Graliam & C 0.,) Rave this day forme£ *-Copartnership, ttzxder the style and firm uame-of-HARKIS & GRAHAM, and wilt eontlaue the Wholesale Grocery and produce Commission uusi. nes&afcthe old stand, Ho. 327 ARCHjStreet. pBiiiAPA.» Jaa. 2. 1855. ja3-tnth»3t* WE HAPS PHIB DAY ADMITTED FT JONATHAN KNIGHT, RICHARD B. OLAY, and EDWARD K. STEVENSON to an interest in our hngiiesa The name and style of thuflrm will remain, unchanged . ■ E. C. KNIGHT & CO. Philadelphia, Bee. SI, 1864. jaY-lt* JOSEPH H. BSAYER Is this day admitted to aaistemt Ii oav firm. E. W, CLARK & CO. Jakhaey 2, 1865. ja2-6t* rpHE AND BOOK* X PEBLI6BING BUSINESS conducted hr the aader simed'. at No, 606 CBEk'TjSTTT Street, under the firm orWJLLiAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN,.haB heonsold to JAMBS S. CLAXTON. so-hng cmuieeted/with the establishireEt The undersigned return theirthan As for the very liberal patronage of their friends and the public, and hope the same trill be continued to their successor at the old stand. The outstanding business •criUbe Battled to ALFRED MARTIBN. at his Counting'Boom,. 666. GHJBSfiifUf* Street, second floor. LLuM ALFRBD MARTIEK. Philapeufkia, Jan. 2,1865. Having purchased the entire stock of Books, Stereo type Fiateg, Copyrights, Ac., from Wm. S. & Alfred Martteu, the nndet signed proposes to continue the busi ness as heretofore, in all Its branches, and hopes, by assiduous attention to business, and by the character of his publications, to merit the patronage heretofore be flowed upon tho g PHILADBUPHIA, J»U- 2. 1885- The office of THE PRESBYTERIAN will he ooutinuod at the emne place. No- 000 CHESTNUT Street, Sd floor, but the name of the firm will be changed from Win. S. Maitien & Co. to Alfred MartienA Co. . ; ALFRED MARTIEH & CO. PiriLADELPHiA. Jan. 8,1855. Thh'STEREOTYPING and PRINTING BUSINESS will be conHnued by the undersigned, at bis Baildtnga, 619 and 631 JAYoE Street, and No. 31 South SEVENTH-Street. The attention of Publishers, and others, is invited to the new proeess of Stareotypmg re cently Introduced by him, aad carried on under tetters patent. ALrRBDaIARTXBiS. Counting-Room, 606 CHESTED r Street, second floor. PhiTjADblphia. Jan. 2,1865., jaS>St the PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, A THK PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, ' THE PHILADELPHIA INQBIRER, THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. ■ -j REDUCED IN PRICE REDUCED IN PRICE , REDUCED IN PRICE REDUCED IN PRICE REDUCED IN PRICE REDUCED IN PRICE - BfiDUCED IN PRICE REDUCED IH PRICE TO . TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS ! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS ! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! ■ TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS ! „T WO CENTS! DOUBLE SHEET, DOUBLE SUEEF, DOUBLE SBBKT, DOUBLE SHEET, -DODBLE SHEET. -DOUBLE SHEET, • FORTY COLUMNS; FORTY COLUMNS. FORTY COLUMNS. FORTY COLUMNS, ■ FORTY COLUMNS FORTY COLUMNS. Served by careful'Carriers for TWELVE CENTS A WEEK, Payable to carrier. Served by carafe! Carriers for I‘WBLVE CENTS A ■WEEK, Payable to carrier. ... - SOLD BY .ALL NEWS AREN fS. SOLD BYiIALL NEWS AGENTS. SOLD BY'ALL NEWS AGENTS. -J- . SENT BY MAIL FOR SIXTY CENTS A MONTH, OR ONE DOLLAR FOR TWO MONTHS SENT BY MAIL FOR SIXTY CENTS A MONTH, OR “ ONE DOLLAR FOR TWO MONTHS. . OFFICE. No. 30* CHESTNUT STREET. ja3 3tlt QUBSTITUTEP, VOLUHTEEHS, AND P PRINCIPALS, „ , „ If you will call at our office you will do welL “f^ATWAOTON/ro p ALL PARTI^!. ja3-ist* At No. G South’ SEVENTH Street. QPUENDID STILES PORTRAITS.— OB F. hEIMBB’d superior life-slz« ohotoirraphs In oil colow. flneit Doriraits made. Go to 63* ARCH St .without delay. Pays short, time limited. It* PHILADELPHIA SCALE WORKS,— X Patent Platform Scales and Beams ot every va riety constantly on hand. - ' . \ fit CG ■ ja2-6i* FIFTEEBTH ard AYENUB, TOSHUA T. OWE N, ATTORNEY, «fi COUSELLOE AT-LAW. AND SOLIOITOR.OJ CLAIMS Office; 361 F Street, near FoaKeentk Ht„ WatMeaton; D. C. Cm TIffXBCSIiLAISBOTJS A.ND LAW XTi BOOKg—The best and rarest oolleotion lu Phila delphia.—Hallowell’e SbaksiKftlre; fifteen hundred d d* l&>e* and ‘ * : :';K fOHJf GAMFBBIiIe WANTS. A MAS WITH GOOD REFERENCE for Porter;, also, mod Glria, for air work, at Of. floe, 80S KB# Street. »£.. T)T A YOUNG MAN FROM THE " COCHTKT—A sStrttton In a WilOhlS Ahß HODS 8. Writes a Brood hand .and quick at Stares Best or references tires. Address “W. B.7 7 ' SIS' WO>D fetreet. It* A young man, a graduate of ~ GommeTctßLCoU»ge« deafafefi&fiiaa* Hon rb ASStSTAKT BOOKBSPgft, or in atfp' Capacity that can make himself naefoi. .Best of references »W(Ba. Address t4 ff. J.,» office of. The. Press. jftfr2t* PARTNER WANTED-sM the ®ry a * . CoiomlFsion Baeine6B-~fcxe "well qu^ffied to attend to the wiling department. The adverttsffffhas consignments comprising a are it rnsfety of Domrotfc Good?, -which, require no advance To a fleet eftces ffilesmßa thieis a good opportunity. Across Box l&S r Post Office. ja2-3t CALESMAN WANTED—HSf A DBY- Goods Com mission House, a eapabh? stud ambl iioiia young MAB, who has had some exptfncnce, can near of a good situation by auplyfag to *• . „ , Post Office, Box 123» stftStag references. d&H-dfc* TO. STOCK BROKERS.—WANTED— A B* a'YonngWan with rear rears' exoeriencstu the bnsiaeas, a'SITffdTIOS as Clerk. First classref«Ance* Address "C, B. W.," Box 68280 at Office. jal-St* wanted to rent, in A CBN tra?locality, on the fir*t fioor. part of an oSfoo for Desk room.- Address "P,” Box 2312. g, 0. jag-tf WANTRD-IN A PRIVATE FAMILY;. there are hat few blunders, first-cUes fPJJJ. FOE AXABY AND BES DADGH CEB, tea’ Secead-scorr froat room preferred, terns ' 5B r ° sf '°® ca 2C60, stating location WANTED—A SITUATION AS Fl * * NANCIBB, at heed BOOK KBBPBK. Best city Mfereacslaraished. Address "Master ol Accoaats." Preen Office. jaMt* W AI'T'TBD—A SITUATION IN A f F Wholesale House; by a practical aud experienced Bookkeeper. KeferenceS: present employer and other responsible heneee. ■Address • * Sasrgy, * * JP'/ggg o4Beo. WANTED—A SITUATION IN ANY KESPECTABEB BU9THESS, BY A GHASHJATE 01’ CIITTBJSDEH’B C.OMMRRCIA& COLLEGE. (Age 20.) Address “B. B. W.," Press offiee, isS-'H* WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, A , V sltnotton In a DRY-GOODS or NOHOW HOffSB, to learn the business' **B. S-, TT this office. it* WANTED—UST A DETAIL DR m * " Store* a Young Bfan with sortie knowledge of Use btw-ioeKB. Apply H. J 2 cower SSYBtffH and SPAINS GARDEN Streets, ja2-3fc* WAITED- m A DRY ©GODS JOB- J T BING BODSJS, a eiLESSTAIfc ©no who can In fluence a good trade. Address “8. <£ J. u Press of* flea- ja2-3t WANTED— A BITTJATIOTr IN .A Dry Goods Jobbing-House to sell to city retail by a young man with’seversl years exparieogs ifl tlie business. Gan give satiefartoiy reference, &c. •Address iI, H. S,.*» jaft 21* , , • Press office. WANTED—IN A lARGB TOWN, i * «Wt, in a large Jfty Goods Store. a firat clata SALESSIAN; one well acaeulnted tritli tfie bosi npte Only single men. need apply. AddCT.se Bag 77, Bndgetoni K. enclosing pWtograph and refer «g°e- jaS-2** WANTED—BY A THOROUGH; BUBI KEBS MAN. s position as SALESMANor TEA y EJiLEK ip & Provision or Produce CommiaslonHousa. Address *•B. p.. l ’ Frets office. db®‘Bt* WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTS' IN * ’ every County, at $7O a month, expenses psidi- to Introduce fifteen new and useful articles, the best salt l?sjsX§r For particulars, address OTIS T. GaHBY. BIPPBFORD, MAINE oc2fcd&W3gf A €BSHTB WASTED FOR THENURBE AJTD &PY—The most interesting* and* exciting book ever published, embracing the ad vesta res of a woman in the Union army as Nurse, Scout, and Spy. Giving a moat vivid inner picture of the war. Returned and disabled officers and soldiers In want of profitable employment will find it peculiarly adapted t 6 their eonditloa. JORBS BROS, fit CO., 6Gw CBBSTRCT Street, Philadelphia. de23-tja9* i T?MPBO YMEN T HOUSE, THBLARQ. est and most reliable, for city, and country. Has" always a good selection of capable person*;, with good references. Americans, Irish, English, French, Gar* mas; Scotch, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watphmen* &c, Chambermaids* Seamstresses, lAundfesses,. Waitresses, and general Housework Servants Also,-' Colored Servants. 2ft». 99» and £O4 LOCUST 'Street, above Eighth; - delS-lin m WANTED’ TO BENT—A STORE’ r -B=* on MARKET- Street.firosß Rxont to Ecn*tli* or on THIfeB .Street, from Marketto Arch. Addrexs - SAMUEL JAMES, JPre^offida. m WAOTB»i-Wr ' TOJB FIRST- OF ■SS FEBRUARY, two or three large ROOSTS, with Stesha Power preferred; locality, from Chestnut to Baeo' &sd : Second- to Sereath- streets, Addfos* Box 2232.F05i-Officff. de3l-6t* #l% A M’ONTB-'WAJTPID *W*-&*J AGE9TS everywhere to introduce the new- SHAW & CLAESE' SIXTEEN UOELAB 193 MAGHI9B* the only low price Machine la the country which is-lfcenseabr Grorer & Baker, Wheeler & WiiBon, Bowe, Slayer & Co.-, and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, or larre-commiasions allowed Ait other Machines sow sold foi less than forty dollars each are in/iincrements* sad the aeUerandr user liable-.- Dine* trated ctrcutarß sent free, Address gfflA W & C&ARIt, aolS-d&wSm BIDTISFOBI); Maine. ASSISTANT QUABTBBMAS> OTffirTßß’S orgies, No- THIBIX st.. PHHiAnsnPHXA. Bee. Teasels load with coal for Ne where* K.'- Q., EiK,,w * fc - jennings. d®2B tf Captain and A. a. Mi FOB ShUiE AS»- TOT.B®. ®TO EENT-ME SPACIOUS STORE 80. SO South Front street. ' For particulars, apply to , HENRY F. POHLv ja3-St* INrSopth FRONT’ Street, second story; BARB, A RESIDENCE, of 12 rooms, .complete with every city convenience, stable- spring and ice-honse, Lot 356 leet front by lid-feet. Will sell with a part of-thelet Terms accommodating. Inquire on premises,. GREEN near Johnson streets. 382 21* . . A. RICHARDSON. m TO L’E T—A, THREE-STORY -HwIhoUSB, .with modern isaprovements, Ho. 2120 Brandy Tvinajitjeet. Enquire* of 'A* £, OBAPJtAH; Ho. 5 South FlF'Sfe Street. - Ja2 3t* m LARGE FACTORY, WITH EX *l TEHSITtE BUILDINGS, lot 140 feet front by 16S feet deep, pupate on. BROAD, near tpr!rue Garden street. For sale by A. F. and J. S. MORRIS, t«G ARCH Streak de3l-3r* TO -REWT^ ONE OP 'PHEMOSTBESI JL BABLB SEC ON D»STOB-Y BOOMS on CHESTNUT ■ Street, between Third and Fourth streets. Address “ B, C.,” this office.. ja3-3fr* djMn fMin —GROUND RENTS, tIJSGU,UUtJ. well reonred. For tale by TATGOW JACKSON. 014 CHBBTBUT Street. deSl-Kt* EDUCAarTOXAI,. pRITTENDEN’S VJ PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGB, GST-CHESTKXITStreeti corner oi Seventh. BCOKtX.aEPJHG in all it* branches. PE® MANSHIP, plaia. anthornamental. COHHEhCIAL' CALCULATIONS* POEM 3, &C Students instructed separately! and received at any time. ja2 St* CATALOGUESfuraiahed trails on application. TH3 TENTH SESSION OF MISS I MAB3T-E. THKOPP’S English and French Boardiee and Day School for Young Laoies, at I£4tl CHESTNUT Streetr Philadelphia*, begins Pebrnary 1. ISSS, Cir culars sent oa application. deSl-d!2t&stath 6e* PENNINGTON’ SEMINARY AND A FEMALE COLLEGIATE ISSfEEDTH. Seeond Term of Fourteen Weeks begins January 4 Send for Circular. Key. D. C. KJNOWx.ES. A. M., del? 15t Pennington. N. J. ‘WILL&.GB ORBEN SEMINARY,— T MILITARY BOABBIN& SCHOOL, four miles from MEDIA, Pa. Thorough coarse in Mathematics, Classio. Sciences, and English: practical lea aoßs iB Civil Engineerin», Pupils received at any time, and of all ages, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Be leis to John C: Capp & 50n,23 South Third street; Thos. J. Clayton, Esq,, Fifth and Prune streets; ex-Sheriff Kern, ana otb*»r*. Address Rev. J. BEJiYEY B AK TO»; A. M: * VILLAGE GREEK, Penn’a, nos 6m OSVBMCB. prSUSB YOUR LIFE or THX A XLBR I C A. XV, S, E. Cor. Walnut and Fourth stb. fBIL'iDILFHU ni, * HOBS COMPANY. and profit* divided anna ally, thue tiding the assured to pay fature premiums. Last M Per cent. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Alexander WUlldln, .J. Edgar Thomson. Hon. James Pollock. Hon. Jos. Allison, Albert C. Roberts, Henry K. Bennett, Samuel T. Bodine, Philip B. Mingle, Geo. Nugent, John Alkman, Wm. J. Howard, _ IsaacHailehunt, Samuel Work. ALEXANDER • SAMUEL WOI noSO Smlf JNO. 8. WBB JJEMOYAL. HARRIS, SHORTRIDGE, & €O., HAVE REMOVED FBOM NO. 34 SOUTH FRONT STREET TO THEIR NEW STORE,. Nos. 33 A anti. SSG.daestii.'ut St., where they offer for tale, as usual. AMERICAN, CONESTOGA, AND-COT MILLS PRINTS, AND OTHER DESIRABLE GOODS. Pmi.ADEi.PBrA, Janucrr 1, 1865. THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, A THE PHILADELPHIA INOOIBBB, THE PHIL»DELP®A IKGUIBBR. THE PHIIADELpSKiWOIIIKBS. REDUCED IN PRICE 5122512 iS SSISS’ REDUCED IN PRICE BRDUCSD IN PRICE REDUCED IN-PRIOR REDUCED IN PRICE REDUCED IN PRICE • REDUCED IN FRIGE TO TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! - TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! TWO CKNTS-i TWO CRN'S! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! TWO CENTS! BOBBLE KBEBTr DOUBLE SHEET, DOUBLE SPKhT, .. fiWonBLESHSET, DOUBLE SHEET. SB SET, FORTY COLUMNS. FORTY COJ.U WNS, FORTY COLUMNS. FORTY COLUMgS. Ser?« SSe«„,e„ A soma by ™fcar?lw B fe? TWELVE CENTS A , WEEK, Faysble m oawter ' SOLD BY ALL Slws ifIRNTE SOLD BY ALL NEWS AGENTS. SMT By LS;FOR e gTY T^a AM fI ONTH. OR OPFICE, 80. 304 CHESTSUT STREET, ji&tttf OIL STOCKS, U. 8. LOAMS, &c,, XJC BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, Br GEORGE J. BOYD, Smoker. jaS-Smif Ko. 18 South THIRD Street PHOTOGRAPH ALB UM Su—OAlaTi A . an 4 examine B. F. KSlMGE’Sfiite assortm&ot ef jllbnmi!. and when you aje in waul of an arti»le of worth and beauty go to 6%d: ARCS. street. U PARTBS DE VlelTR —HAVE THEM, Vy made at EEIMER'S; his etyloß are nnaarpasaed for etjle, accnraay, affd 'taste In Go early and avoid deleTv days short. SECOND Btraat, above WHILLDER, President a AMOSEmaßirrSi OHBSTNtJT-ST. fHEATRB. THIS (TrieedW) EVENING. /ai. 3. , ENGAGEMENT OF TBB WARREN COMEDY COMBIM ATIQIT. . . This Eyeni.tga performance will comnuace with the flre.«t comedy <,rthe EivAMj „ . , OJf/A TRIP TO BATH _ m P 0 “Acre5.,....... ~............MV, Wn%Warroß Lydia...... Miss Joile p^nt Captem Absolute ....hr. Charles Barra* *» ....:.JRse B KesteyaK To soncindewtth the screamim Farce of . „ „ D P®JV. CKB^r ’ S FI C«IC. Hr. Peterßandneketty, so:ree'dbH*el.',r..Mr. Wartpir TWBNTY.SgCOI^GBANys«i & | MaTINHE. wiß be performed. : .. « W At-itU?-STREET THEATRE. »* THIS (Toetday) EVBNIirs. Jsn g. Will be presented Madam* Cefeete’isOiigimfL Moi! ar y Drama of „ . THE FRENCH SPY:/ Or, TBB FALL OF ALGI#B% With the cbarpJinifyoancacSrese as HBIHtt. GfAMBT, and MATBTLDS. /To conclude \fttk tha Dtansa called EfiCEOF THJt j Or, THB JfBENNAIBOISAY. To morrow, last nieht hut three of LTTCILLB WgSTEEPT. Seats may he secured from 9 till 3. Cartaiirrfto* 7%, MSS. JOHN DREW’S NEW A«OH. "A STREET THEATRE. _ LAST WEEK OF J. 8. CLARKE. TO-NIGHT (Tn.sdtt,}. January S, 18(5, ODE AMERICAN COUSIN. A KISS’fNTHE DARK, and “ROVE IN LIVERY ” SLARKB IN YoUR CIfiARAOTERg, FRIDAY, CLARKE S FAREWELL BsIeFItC MONDAY, MISSCAROLINB RICHINqS. East i,ynne; or, thb e&o^ MENT. The Popnlarand Talented Yonng Aetress, • LUCILLE WESTERN, Will give a GRAND MATINEE, of-®. w. TayleniYs morel emotional play EiS’i LYNNE, EAST LYNNE. > OB §J ELOPEMENT, OR THE ELOPEMENT, * ■- ATf THIS AMERrCANACADBM# OF MUSIC. BROAD shd L 0.0055 Streets, OK ... „ SATURDAY AFTBRNO3N'NEXT, for Shs-rapectat of FAMILIES. LALiSs, AND CHILDREN. i iI 22,’2 n d i®.aH Darts of the honw,"® centt Resoryed Seats, 70 cents. I*) 1 * 1 " Pnf rba«ed in ad.anew at the Bra Offlce of the Aeddemy. as the ContinetimC Hotel, EHfd at the Ladles’ Boetanrant c* the CoatlnentS Botel - -■ - JaiMA nREfT STATIONA&'cniCtJS—WAD NUT street, aboye Eights, DI RECTRESB—Mfs. Charles -Warner, formerly Mr*. Da n Mce. t be management bets leave % state thst'dnring th> PEjiSENT WBEK the followt:* named '«r.istes w« ash e their flrst appearance: K’LLK E1.T38; a younc. grad efnl. anff anaelie «qoestiien-»; SIGNCR GrftRON NOBSK. the wonderful contortion'-*; Messrs MaDIGAH and-DONOVAN, the intrepid at trpJeasing cymaaFts. These . with the remainder of tho'GRBAT COMPANY ef tins, aceiled artistes, will enset of the most plea, sing si Id wonderful SCENES IN 111 B A RENA, mstah lessiniMgiußcenee, andsnrprisingtineffsCt ADMI BKloN—First tier, 50 cente; second tier; 25 cents, prtyatr. boxes. fNsnddiS. as to locattom-' ft wferaaneeson WEDSESDA-Yand SATURDAY A'Sf EKA OONg, commencing at o'clock. Svanlng perfornatnes commencing at 7.t0. jaa-Bfe BLITZ, BUIL3- O iHGS?v™?TH a»JCHß^TSt^Tßtwata. A' BAX ‘PF BBW YEAR TO OV.l> A3IT YOUNG. TSiee-Gn Pefforaiancasoa 3aaa«ry23* coromeiiciJti? at II A\ M , 3 aud 7M P. XL; and >m ttui ,and BtgoXqcs of TUESDAY,' THURSDAY* FJiTXJAT. a® 4 SATURDAY, during the WOSDBBB OF WBgEOHAUOY. Of VBKTBj LOQI7JSM, aud the BIRDSi ,26 £&&*& Children, 16 cants:' Baserrad seatPy SO cente i . ~ jag A SS®B®l'.Y BUILDING; 1 MATEKEB MUSTCAIi R - Br the SM»a«Mi|a eifAssicAi, am stetWi aim EVERT WS DRESS*Y, ai s' P. It' . Ticket!) attfle Door, Kfty Cecta eaciß aesr-amtawßr HPHB ©BEATE3T O* jJ- TH»AGE “ IN'FB3’£g ZXOITHI r SNT—SfATV- Ifoh LAW&B&T AT DEM&IFCQS. —a Qoa, rsa of Lectures will toft delivered oo ‘ ‘ Haraao Etectrt city. * ? at tk* ASSEMBLY Taa* CREST JTETStreetB. commenciag: on* TESTES&a't Y BVESIU&. January 5« 1865} and every evecix gxuml irfcher notice. The^e-Leccm-se-trill be illustrated by the most extra ordinary displays, astonadics . and physi cal aaiiifefcta&ioae, through { MBS. FBfcEIS asd&e . . BEOTOERS m : . ol her tasowtt Acommiifcea wilFbs selocted&lgbtlyby thi i audience. Dcoib open atrialf past 6; to commence"at i talf part 7. - nts. Hay be seemed daily atthe Box OsSfee, from* 10 to la A IE.V a»d froia-3 to SPT 12' For pazStcularstee sou di bills. ja3-3t* , I^TOETHEB2T LIBEBTY HOSE AM3> STEAM FIBSSSraiME GOKFAffIT. MO 4, to nual Citizene-Dress-Batl, at national Guard a* Hall, TUESDAY SVWSIStSi January 3; 1365 Tiel :et> Ona- Dollar. a ja2 2c gKA'SENG! BKATIK©!' BKAI ’INCH OO'&l SKATINO TO-DAY OH PARK,, TDIETY FIRST AMD WA3KITT STREETS tit— WATIONAI. BKATiNQ PAKK. -DY TWERTY-PrEST Street and COLUMBIA Ar enoa. SPREMDIB’SKAI’ISe TO-DAY BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINATED- AT MIGHTS. GREATEST DEPTH- OP WAT BE 1« INCHEt 1. . -TAKE BtDGE-AY EMUS CASS. It* ©KATfNG ! SKATIN© t!—SPLENDID to BEATHEGon BTTSHNBLL’B -MI' EX, BROAD'Street and COLUMBIA Avenoe. It* AJBBMAOTA ©-KCHKBTRA.—PUBLIC '-A REHBAURALS every SATURDAY, at 314 o’clock P-. U-, at MUSICAL FUBD-HALS. Single Ticket* » cents a Bfcs Tickets,. A 1 ;fco be bad at Gonld’s, Andre’s, aad Merer e Mnsic Stores, and at the Sail. noy-tf CH BIST BSJSGTI D.— Thie adrairabio picture, tie greatest production of tie painter West, ienow on exhibitional the ACADEMY OS? FINE ASETS, 1095 GaE3TiroT Street, togß&er witfe. tie entire collection of tie Institution. Adminanca twenty-live centa. , uoi4-2m* ASABFMT _OF FINB ARTS, AeeCHBSTIfUT Street, above Teeth, is OPEJf DAILY ior visitors, from 9 A. M, to 6 P. M. je2s BOAfi0Or«. PERMANENT BOARD AND BTJPK ■*- BTOK AOCOMSIOT>ATIOK cam heTiad afe th« O LS UNITED STATES HOTEL. «3 OHBSTfTtJT Thishouse has no bar. Reference required. Chance* very moderate. ja2-2t* FANCY FURS. 1864 - *™*s. 1864. 11. t I, K. WOSSAfH, CCISBOES TO THX LAYS GEO. F. WOKKAZH,* No. 415 Arch. Street, BAYS BOW OFBB " ' A FULL ASSOETM3NT OF LADI£S> ■B’AJNCTSr ®TjSB6B.. To whleh they Invtta the attenEonof bam, oeM-Sm RADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN F, Ho. IXB ARCH Street, above Seventh street, At hla Btora. IMPORTER, MANUFAC THSER, ANSI DEARER IN FANGS FURS LADIES AND CHHtBEEH. Having now In (tore avtry large end beautiful assort, raent of all the different klndsandqualities of FANCY JUBS FOE LADIES’ AND. CEILDSEN’S WeSR, t soltclt a call (Tom those In want Remember the same and nnmbar, JOHN FAREHIA, TlB ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have no partner or connection with any othenston in this mty. <wS-4mif K4i3ITAN AND delawaeb bat baiaroad. yHU.ADBI.PHTA TO BXC BStOff ,-KGKBTS, GOC® FOB THRES BiYS, S 3. Passengers for Express TramforTuckerton, B^raont, Tome Biver, Lose Broach* and Brooklyn leave YISfS STBEET FBBRY at 11 35, A. M., dai‘y (Stmdays ex cepted). arriving at Brooklyn at 5 P M. Returning, leave WALL-STREET PBKST. Brook lyn, at B&.H. Way Train for Aisios*, Shaming, Maneigsater, &c., &c., leaves Cooper’s Point at 7 45 i. M. jaS-tf If. B. COLS, Agent, Cam-leg* FARE. *3, UfaMSBM- WEST .TjBKSEY »lWNgyBW aal yPS-JBA I I,ROAl) LIESB. NEW ARRABGEaB.NT. On and after MONDAY, Jaimarr 2,1055, Trains wHi leave from WAI. K tfr-STRE ET FISK ar/oilow*; Bor CAPE M aY, ■ and all places sontbpfMHiville, at 9 l. ttMdSP ». ' For MILLVILLB, BRIDGETON, SALEM, and all In termediate places south of Gtaeeboro.at 9 A. M. ar.A3 PorGLASSBOBChatO A. K . 12 gbft H„ and 3P,-St Bor WOODBURY, GLOUCESTER*. *o.. at 9 A. K-» 12.30 P. K., BandSP. RETURNING. Leave Cape Man at 6.30 A. M. and<ll.4s A. SL Leave Millville at» A. M and33At._ Leave B-icge ton at 7. 10 A. %. and AlO P. M. Leave Halemat? A. H. endSTVM . Leave Woenbary at 7,8.45, and- lE. 44 A. M., and 4.43 ■ M THE WERT JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY mill attend to. all the usual branches of Ex Plans Busi ness, receive deliver, and harvard through ether r»- tpossible Express Uomp&nles.toaU parts of tbacoantry, any article- entrusted to then. A Special Messenger accompanies each Through Train. Office, No. S WaLSUT Street "»“SS& iOUJ.BBii.PHtA AS®. BLBjIEA RAILEOiBJiINS to all points WEST. Tbe only direct ront&for the _ 0&- OIL KEBIOEB OP PSSTNSTr.TAtriA, WHAIAMSPOBTi BUFFALO, StrSPaNSIOMBBIUOIt. . _ , BLMIBA. BIAGABA EAntS. and all placet In tie Western and Horttrwestom Statel and the Canadas. TWO TBEOTJGH T3AISS Beane Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Bepot, lUr> teenth and CaSiowhUt streets. ’.daily, (Sundays «e. twpted), for th&Sotthmid West. as foUoice: Miming %P««ss at 8 k.. at „ AftornooißSeressatasa-.P. M. Makings d»ew nonnontion'mtli ail Intersecting roads. FOB THesUGtß> TICKEf&ro any.paint, and fnrttwr particulars, concerning tUo different routes, apply at the TICKS? OFFICE, Caft&ffUT-BcimV nSier (he Bank, and opposite the (tastest House. W. TAM HOBW,*KekatAgeitt» 425 f!hwttn«t JOHN S. HIX.I.B8; General AgeafcT Thirteenth and CaHowhiltßtreflfcß. N** BUCKWHEAT FLOTJR. wan omvib Homer, msw farm fbaohbs. CtTLKVATM CBAffBHEBIBS, 4a. '' ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DtaUr to Hu« a«wariB«. mas-tf Ooni« MMVWrra u>A VHtt Btr—to Sh WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE »<* * Phreno^a^ofar. aaH.tntliElylf Mo-gB ft. TBBTH St, OhxfcwL _£g§r FOR SALErr-A FRESH LOT OF SALT mmafaKH WATER TBRRAWNB AIM, ViNISOH, attheOAHEUBPOT, So. *O9 OHIMTSTB* Strmt. ' deSOSt* T> EMOYA L,—KUNKEL, HALL, A CO. ■AV hare removed to So. 7StS CHE3TRUT 8 root and No. TIB JA? BE Street ' iat-tt- ■RAILBY HILL YARD, GENERAL Agent and Aceonntaot. Kents and dabta col* Iccted W 6T. WSK Atroot, Peviw*, Wiltshire, England, doits *i*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers