THE PBEBB, lljß £D BAII.Y (SUNDAYS EXOEPTHB) JOHN w. NHKNNT. [Ol Ko- 111 BOOTH FOOKTH BTBBKT. JHE DAILY PBItS*, gnM«lb»w. Is Tbw Dow. abb Pan AHirBH. to |t! ,T ° XWMTI Casts Pts Wbbh, parable to «'“L, M*)ls4 to Subscribers out of tbs oity. i ll *" Axbdb; Jfoim Dollabs ahb torn d .BH Mouths; Two Doblabb Ahd Twbhtt- Thrbk Mouths, toTsriablr to bAtbhso (> “bordered. ii‘-« '."jrtleemente tourtsd at thsnsunl rats*. IBIeWEBBAT PBRU, * w sabesrlbsrs, Fivs Doplabs Pbb Ahstth. to |fAll fBDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1864. 1864. U CALENDAR FOR THE YEAR. 0 PROGRESS OF THE WAR. ibonology of the campaigns. fUCS AT HOME AND ABROAD. flit EUROPE HAS DONE IN 1864. U DU YEAR'S- PLACE IS HM!® !t solus* Of War, Pence, Art, Science, ui.covcry, Commerce, A (Hen. In re, Enterprise, Ol> plomacy and Heath, t \?, Ac*, Ac., Ac., Ac.* JUICABT. PIUDAY, JANTTABY 1,1884, ,1 crest snow-storm oommonoos in the West; riisl railroads completely blocked up. ■ revolution occurs at Matamoroa, Mexico. e lakes charge of the city. jpeat fire oocure at Yoddo, Japan. [in polish lusurrectton stilt in progress. Its King of Denmark and 'his sou meet with a jjiome reception at Flenslmrg on their route to lunlsh army at Schleswig, lit Emperor Louts' Napoleon makes a New tit's speech. In which he says that he hopes the pot year will bring peace and reconciliation to jsrlco. BATOBBAT, 8. Ins military Department of Kansas, Including at Smith, created. Major »en. Curtis assigned tie command. Da. Borron assumes command of tho United i*23 forces at Matagorda, Tcjtis. B»i»AT, 3. ■ - . --- ; ik wecl; or prayer appointed by the Evangelical te-iifs throughout the world commoncas. •jin Hughes, Archbishop, of New York, dies. ' ' mobday, 4. , He trial of the Chesapeake pirates, Collins, Mo- VifiT, end Seely, commences before the police jtstrates at St. Johns, N. IS, . : Headdress to the Emperor Napoleon intrOotaoed ! >5 tic Corps Eeglslatlf of France; expresses tne i ~that borjeticlal results mar bft derived byF tuna* « the Chinese and Mexican'expeditions, and ills extols the Emperor’s scheme lor a Congress, TXT BAD AY, 6. 0 IM President ad dresses.a short mexsago to Con .unilrtslrga reconsideration of the law paying Canty of 430 i) to veteran volunteers up to the sth Jar-nary, recommending that'the time be ex to February Ist. , .. , Seieral stoneman appointed to the chief oom 4T,i of the cavalry under General Grant. Ilia'll of General Corcoran. Lfclalaxara, Mexico, ooanpiod by 14,000 Frenoh a •. nil Kick of Denmark visits the Danish fortifioa at at Frcderlokstadt. - - • . - * WSDNjSSDAT g.. k - • O'rertor Seymour, of New York, addressed a* s/c message tothe Legislature'of New-Yorh, ■ ffr.jrteen thousand reserves called otu by the King' n eromrk to resist the encroachment of the allied ettnPowers." «» ; . wmasanx, T.- , , ,• t , Ir. s. Urant, brigadier general of tho regular. r- promoted to be major general of. ttie regular to,to da'Ofromtbofallor.yiokabarg. .. : fciiael George H. Thomas, of the regular army, ;4 atejOT general of yolunteers, promoted to.'be-, inner general to the regular army, to data from • ((tittle of Chlckaumuga. - - r ■ •»•••«* IKtade, McPherson, and Sherman, of the regular, fey. »nd allmSjor generals of volunteergj'promb-, w to to brigadier generals in the'regular arflty, the; [lolr.tniont of the from tMubatHe of; fujeiiurg, ofthe last two from -the'fifti 'OfW» ' ' 4 t f :■ ' • 'f\ >’! oulbaldt formally resigns his seat to the Italian; arnicent* • - - . • • * . . Hea I’ileb B. Smith, Judge of the United- States liitilct Ctttrt dud ex-Seoreta.ry of the'lnterlof, dies 'ißdloEipolls. ' > : ■ . ' Tie banes make active preparations for war. The trttern part ol Bandsburg oooapWa> by Danish f«s. , . iran>Mr T iB. , -,. . , . jße Princess of TWaIM gives birth to a son at : i rafttw mafl* lo expel the'Hon, 4»rfkt't)a,Vis,' : Kentucky, fofusln*. treasonable l&ng'uagetn tbe site,on the; 7th instant, ; i siate Convention, held In Arkansas, prohibits. iteiy. j • ■ . SATUBBAT, 9. • St. Francis vflle, La, destroyed by the' Union set. in retaliation for the shooting of the ox-engl itr of the rebel gunboat'fllbßea. StrKDiTjlO. litiebr and his guerillas defeated In Loudoun 00., ti.i'uy Major Gow. f':..'’ ' " . MOTTDAY, .11. Toe I’otomao river frozen ovaHbr the first time in tvs years. i. Ttiierej In the French Ohamhor or Deputies, r&i strongly In favor of Increased liberty la Vand says: “If theOhlePof the State does : inow how to ooncede, the country will, exact hi which it now respectfully reaue3ts.’’ . Jets Brongh Inaugurated Governor of Ohio at folsmtua. Its Union League of Philadelphia hold a meet tt. in which they endorse the conduct Uiioln, and recommend him as a proper candidate; cr the next Presidency. ' ■ '• 1 - fie battle of Smlthfield, Va. The Union troops, a’ft Osptain Leafdefeated by the rebels. ; . ‘ . tdbsbay, 12. ; 5 i at John Lament., the new viceroy of India, ar j U: at (Jaloulta. WMBWhT, lfr J. ' Srtradier General Marston makes a raid into rntmoreland. Northumberland,* and ■ Richmond ■mues. ‘Virginia, said captures- 25 prisoners, ’60 insi, 20 mules,'dS.head of o ittlo, and 103 sheep, l osEicerobJe nghiim? occurs among the Mexicans r. Matamoros. General Herron sends a .portion of lis torces across the HloGrande river to protect the pntns and property of'Amerioan citizens residing General ttelntzclxsati placedlttcbijatafttid of the S ithern Milltaty Department, /fomprlstng the iutes of Michigan, .Ohio, Jadiapa, and Illinois, > *itk us headnuanexs at gMßifilraarOUe., - . i The MaTvlanddsenate PCfWa resolution to odbmlfc , a He people, ataneaHyifay, adall ibr anKEman- * diction Convention. i t ii* Legislature of Kentucky pars a.blll prohibit- ' is. Uia Importation of slaveffinrto that State.,. . i Tuunsujivp l<. ■ .v- * j -_*r. ' aistilin[protection of General Herron’s Toros? .'.rcrlcan consul at Matamoros, with $2,000,000 u property belonging to American citizens and the . ' eitcil States Government, is brought over the Rio 3ueilb to Brownsville,-Texas. * ’-• _•" __ I 1o cardinal’s hat conferred on Bishop Bonne- «.-‘-'e. The Emperor Napoleon responds la a speech j ktcunclng liberal sentiments. i ..A rfpolutlon of the State of >’•* Vurk, proposing a ohange in the State Oonstl 'v.llti to as to allow the soldiers to vote, uuani- Alo'lro v!ti*raoognlzed by the President as vloa ctiisul Ofltaly. ' . . ' SATUBBAT, IS. ■ _ Ti.e Western Pacific Railroad opened to San Jose, from San Francisco, California. • Sh<or General Ourtis assumes command of the or Kansas, »■: ..rria and Prussia decide on the military ooeu ol Schleswig in opposition, to th® i oaoral iVo Spanish Ministry resign.-- < [, BXI3SDA.Y, 17. .... * - Ssmnel Jones, a Union soldier, hanged at Smith’s fliljc n. 0.. bv order of the rebel G.eaeeai.Plehett, h retaliation for a rebel soldier hanged December ‘f, 1883, bv order of Brigadier General Wild. . The rebel army under Longatrcci advance towards Knoxville, East Tennessee. MOSBAY, 18. General Bntler pronounced an outlaw by the robe! " ’ Spanish Ministry formed, with Lorenzo firli zaia 8S President. .. A oanirnitary oonfllct takes place in the vloicity c c z( jj steckan, -between the Polish Insurgents troer Borsaoh.and the Rnsslans, liemhari rejects the Austro-Prussian ultimatum ■ lit the withdrawal of the obnoxious Constitution or [l* svciaber. - . mmsDAy, v>. ■ . hui rew a. Curtin relnaugurated Governor or 'iraerafstuigts retreats from Strawberry Plains %h Kciixvllle, Term-. and is the evening crosses the Hi.irtiu river, with the view of intercepting the nuis at sevlersvllle. WEDWBSDAT, 20. „ , 'Me shin Elvira, Captain Andrews, from Calcutta Boston, with a valuable cargo, loan cl era la the i>-.y of Bengal. Only three out of twenty-nine of mLi l EEtVOd* TU- dustro-Prusslan troops'marck Into Schleswig, t wee made between New Grenada and Equator. thuksoav, 21. ■ . Tt# port of C&mpaohy surrenders to the French i te steamerLHly Martin oaptured ttjr Napoleon by guerillas. . Ti e President addresses a note to Lord Lyons, It'iceniDK permission from .the British Government h- pursue hostile Indians Into British America,, or ?■- restrain them from making Incursions Into the. * sited states from the British Provinces. Lord J, t ms promises to refer the matter to his Govern* heat. P8184.Y, 22. ' General Schofield ordered to relieve General Fos “fi In command of the Department of,the Ohio. .General Roseorans assigned to the Department or J'iiesKii-ri, ,''to inauguration ol'tho officers _chosen by the Convention of Arkansas takes plane at tdttle i.OSlt, . BATOKDA.Y, 23. . ~-'i»ilmlllan, Archduke of Austria, accepts the e.txlcan crown. . , . _ Ihe Government of Spain proposes to appoint a ■blister to Mexico as aoon as it reoeives official Sll 'lce of the eoronatlon of Maximilian. „ BtrtfDAV, 24. .. haihoiuan leaves for Trieste to make prepara ‘tong for his journey to Mexico. , KO3BAY, 25. -■: “'tens captured by the rebel Gen. Forrest. „, T te President authorised by Congress to confer" l l .* rank or lieutenant general, by and with the “"'.lce and content of the Senate, on any officer m ;™ military servloe of'the Dotted States. Matin f’whedfor eonrage, skill, and ability, and not under i, * tank of motor general, who shall command all armies In the United States. r .jte Prussian troops enter Kiel. The Saxons l,;“ <! faw, Duke Angnstenburg’s citizen Guard 18 apo withdrawn. * K .*tlonal Committee of Home publish an ad •™to the ettlrensof Italy, calling upon them to tc I’.oms the capital of Italy, it TT7KSBAT, 28, •ZS:?!!**! of Gen- Grant's staff, appointed to telin ll , (>en ' Stonoman as .Chief of theuavalry Bn storeman assumes commend of the guy in oen. Grant's Department.:,; . ; s ~‘',\ctWditlon sent into Jones and .Onslow ooun ** ” ■ ti-t tout! thc xcbeiSj ; oepturo3 tirenty-threo VOL. B.—NO. 131. men, destroys large quantities ofproviilans, and captures a large number of mules and bosses. ‘ten. Graham,sent out by Gen. Butler on an ex pedition on the' Peninsula, north of the James, cap tures a number of the enemy, and a large amount of stores and provisions. WEDNESDAY, 27. . Gen. Sturgis gains a victory over the rebel caval ry, near the “Fair Gardens,” ten miles east of.Se vlersvlllei Tennessee; sixty-five rebels billed and wounded, and two steel-rilled guns and over one hundred prisoners captured. The ladies’ Great National Sanitary Fair in augurated at Washington. THURSDAY, 28. The rebel General noddy driven by the United * States forces to the north side of tho Tennessee river; all his trains captured. General Sherman organises sin Important expe dition at Memphis. »BIBAY, 29. General Rosecrans assumes command of the De partment ol Missouri. General Palmer, with General Davis’ division, makes a successful reconnoissance five miles north of Tunnel Hill, Ga, driving la Che enemy’s pickets and capturing a company of rebel cavalry, causing the rebels to retreat from Tunnel HIU, with a loss of thirty, two killed and wounded, Union loss, two wounded. SATUfiSA? 30. An expedition under General Sherman leaves Vicbtbnrg, Mies. The Union garrison of Petersburg, West Virgi nia. under Col. Thobnrn, evacuate the place in aa tioipatlon of an attach of the rebels with a superior force. • • Marshal Wrangel summons the Danes to evacu ate Schleswig. Gen. De Mega, the Danish com mander, refuses; whereupon the Prussians pass the frontier. Shots are exchanged, and the Danes re treat after blowing up the Dong Bridge. The Austrian mad Prussian ambassadors leave Copenhagen. Governor Gamble, of Missouri, dies at St. Louis. SUNDAY, 31. . The Navajo Indians, New Mexioo, defeated by SPol. Kit Carson; 23 Indians tailed and 150 taken 'prisoners. FSBBIT4BT. MOSHAY, FBB3UTAST 1. The President orders a new draft for boo, oo® men, to serve for three years or during the war, to be made on tbe 10th of March. The Allied German cavalry, entor Schleswig, through Kendshnrg. - Mr. Bayard, of Delaware, having taken the oath of allegiance, tenders his resignation to the U. S. Senate. TUESDAY, 2. The Danish war begins. An engagement, lasting six hours, takes place between the Allied German forces and the DanesletjNassundl. TheGermansare repulsed fonr times. The Prussians lose 100 men,, the Anstrians 619 men and 30 officers. Danish loss from 150 to 200 lulled fnd missing. The railroad, between Newport and Moorhead City, N. C., seized by the rebels, who 'destroy the gunboat Underwriter and attack the United States post at Newport and surround that of Evans’ Hill. WEDNESDAY, 3, The rebels who destroyed the Patterson-creek bridge yesterday, overtaken.and routed by General Averili, and .the prisoners recaptured. The rebels leave Newport and Evans’ HUI, N. 0., and retire towards Kingston. The U. S.'steamer Levi captured and the rebels at Bed. House, on the Kanawha river, West Virginia. - A cavalry expedition, under Gen. Smith, leaves Memphis for Corinth. The Danes attaoied at Bistore, one mile south or Schleswig, by the Anstrians, lose one &eld-piece, but hold their position. Marshal Wrangel; Of Prussia, issues a proclama tion to the Schleswigers, saying that tho civil com missioners of Austria and Prussia will assume the administration of the Duchy of Schleswig only, and not of Schleswig and Holstein. THURSDAY, i. General Early defeated by Colonel Mulligan, at Moorfleld, W. Va. ! General Sherman attacks the rebels near Clinton, Missf, and loses 15 killed and 30 wounded. Opening of Parliament. : • FRIDAY, 5. - '• ’ ! Porter and Sherman’s expedition arrives at Bar dalla, on tlo Yazoo river. . BAfutoAY,'e? * - i - An expedition, under Brig. Gen. Wlstar, attempts to Bbeiate the Libby ‘prisoners In Richmond, bat falls on account of information given to the rebel authorities by deserters from the union lines.. . - - The Daces evacuate soMeswle; luidDanueworke, and retire to FleuSbnrg, pursued by the allied Ger man loroes. A rebel force of Indians and whites routed at -cx... - ■ ■ ; iCuannvuffU, x,. vj., x ....—. ; Gen. Sherman’s expedition crosses the Big Black river* 15 inaos'above Vicksburg. . - - • - • ■,■■■■. . t MOHDAY,.B. ..• Gen. Logan leaves Huntsville, Ala., with, theasth : . A why Corps, to co-operate with Geh, Sherman.; i ’ ’ The Danes attacked ana aoreated bytheFrus- ; siaaß atDujppel. • - - • - X■ < : : TIEBSDAT, 9. . . ‘ .■ .r ' The Klgsrad, at Copenhagen, Denmark, vets mi address, to thbf Danish army, announcing their de termination to prosecute the war energetically. ' The Prussians . occiipyTlehaburg and the’Aus tlians Trocup. V. I *?—. ■ . .. ' Auatrl&aqcepts the proposition of Denmark* that a delay of eight weeks shall'UO allowed for i)ardslx and-Austrlttn-shipSrWlthcargOMfihateriala of war excepted) .to leave tie hKhdas.-fitoOth countries, -* DenmajKOMefSHßat-thh ateafot and Keirya* mail steamers shall not bo mplested. , .*.•, •. • ■ ‘. - 10. r Judge-Stewart, of’the Court at St., Johns, N. B-, decidesthat the Chesapeake and her : cargo shalfberetimaed toher owners upon the pay ment ol the legal expenses of the court. ■ . . I'BUitSDAY, 11. The great 20. Inch Hodman gun successfully cast at Pittsburg, Fenna. One hundred and nine Onion officers escape from Libbyiprisonj Richmond. . . . -• •. IMe Danes evacuate Dappeln and retreat to the strong fortress of Alsen. ykiday, 12. . Ferguson’s guerilla band, which destroyed the steamboat Levi on -the Kanawha river and took - Gen. Soammon prisoner, captured by Gen. Dully. The rebel armies in Arkansas, amounting td 14,000 men* under Price, lYTarmaduke, Oabeli, Shelby, Cooper, and .Steele, distributed through various parts ol the State, , The Austro-Prussian forces take possession, of Jairano, Denmark, . .• . • BATOKDAY, ISf ' The entire line of the Memphis and Charleston Eailroad abandoned by the Union troops. BUH»AY, 14. The rebel Colonel Ferguson defeated by Major Gallup In Western Virginia, with a loss of slaty prlsoDera:aD«l ft large amount of military stores. General Huribut’s corps, of Snermaa’a expedi tion, enters Meridian, Mississippi. ' * MONDAY,. 15. - . wliole of Skerman’e expedition enters Meri dian, Mississippi, from widen place expeditions are ‘sent out wlucn destroy 100 miles of traofc on tbe Mobile and Ohtb'Ksllroad, and 30,000 feet of bridg ing and a large amount ofrollinK stock on tbe one leading to Selma. Six tkousandf negroes follow tke expedition on its return to Vicksburg. * ~ .* The. pirate Georgia runs. away from Oiierbourg Uoads, France, eluding tne United States war vessels. - - ' ~ ~ ' - -WBJMWBDAT, 17. • The United States corvette Rousatonlc destroyed by a. Tebeftorpedo inOKarlerton harbors i '■ Gene>al, Smith’s expedition from Memphis ar riTes at PoiltotoO. 1_ • The, extensive Baltrworks near St. Marks, Florida, destroyed by an expedltlonjtteil out from tha united States steamer Takoma. * ’ thurbbat, 18. The port of Brownsville, Texas, deolared open by Pr She™an’?expld?tSn'aSlvek at Quitman, Miss., having torn np the railroad and burned tho bridges ' I*, bf Q TpQW. G„, walSroith’s expedition arrives at Okalona, 130 iht'eb southeast of Memphis. fEIBH, 19. • • •• > /iffonoral Smith’s Expedition marches to Egypt igiaWWi on'tha Mobllo and Ohio Railroad, where it ‘separates Into two columns, both of which destroy 6 vast amount of rebel property. - _ ■ The Danes evacuate Holding, In Jutland, SATDEDAY, 20. The steamship Great Eastern chartered to lay the Atlantic Telegraph cable In May, 1860. An unsuccessful expedition under General Sey mour made to take City, Florida; Union loss 800, &I Xhe K rcbeTloroes ’ under Dongatreet having re treated from Strawberry Plains to Bulls Gap, Gen, Sot ofteld occupies the place. . " - _ General Smith’s expedition advances towards "West Point. SUNDAY, 21. , , , General A. J. Smith engages the combined rebel forces of Lee, Forrest, Ohalmers, and Roddy, at West Point. On account of the superiority of the enemy in numbers, he falls back slowly Point, destroying all the trestles on the Memphis and Ohio B&Iroad, several miles of track, and large Quantities of corn. ■ 6 MONDAY, 22. • A-call foT a National Union Convention at Battl "efßohemten wrecked near Portland, arrived at New Albany on Its return to Ktomptiis, . TUESDAY, 23. • . Gen. Grant’s, army moves from Ringgold towaras - Tunnel Hill* Ga* The rebels retreat towards Dal ; ton.. . .. . *W3BD3SratSI>AY, 24. : Gen.-Grants army advances to within three miles of Dalton, . - • The rebel General I*ongsfcr«efc retreats towards Greenville. , thtirbdat, 25. • General Steel assigned to tie command or the safely to Mem also brings to 1,600 moles and horses, 2,000 negroes, and 300 rebel prisoners. _ __ . . The trial of the fonr Italians—Greco, Trabneo, ] Imperatorl, and SagUo—accused of a conspiracy to assassinate the French Emperor, commences. If BID AT, 20. The widow of General Harrison dies at North Houses of the Blgsrad, Denmark,.adopt an address to tbe King In favor or a vigorous prosecu tion of,the war and the maintenance of the union General Sherman's expedition reaches Canton, Miss., on Its return to Viokslrarg. ’ SATURDAY, 26. Denmark refutes to comply with any proposition for a conference with respect to_the settlement of the Danish trouble until Schleswig Is evacuated by the Austro-Pmslan forces, The rebel Government works on Goose creek, Florida, destroyed by a detachment of inarlnes under the command of Acting Master Weeks. Tnerobel loss In this expedition and that of the 17th, 18th, and 10th Instant, *8,000,000 of property. SUNDAY, SB. . ... „ - The English schooner Idly captured by theUnlted States steamer Penobscot, eight miles from Yelasoo, Kilpatrick starts on a raid towards Kloh- Custer males a sueoessful reconnolssance to Stannardsville. Virginia? 60 rebels, a large num borof negroes. 800 horses, and a large quantity of Bt Graieral Sherman reaches Vicksburg in advance of his armv. and shortly after leaves lbr New Orleans to consult with General Banks In regard to the Bed Biver expedition. MONDAY, 29. • General Kilpatrick's expedition arrives at Spott MARCH. TtJEBDAY, HAKCH 1, General Kilpatrick's expedition arrives at Bouisa “IffiSftIaSSS.MIS.SSMS. 1 A ‘“’* WBDHBSnAY, 2. ■ ■ mbs nomination of Major General Grant to the. nf lieutenant general In the army, of the Vitos oonflrmea hy the Senate.' W Gm* KUpatSok arrives*safely within Batter’s Unbaring o« ofif communication between Kloh “an«ntS?2i the oil regions, oil ereek, pf:ffromSo oil destroyed. A new postal lawpassedrequiring tke.fteddo lively of mail matter fey aan»^* Gsn. Sherman’s expedition loaves Canton, Miss., “i&ffiMi&Stod Governor 6f Bouiel ana at Now Orleans, ' The Kev. Thomas Starr King dies at San Fran cisco, Cal. „ . „ SATURDAY, 6. General Grant arrives at Louisville en route to Washington. Secretary Chase refuses to be a candidate for the next Presidency. The Archduke Maximilian arrives at Paris, on his way to Mexico. A severe earthquake felt In San Francisco, Cal. The Austrian troopß arrive before Duppel, Den mark. SUNDAY, 8 Twenty-three Union North Carolina volunteers hanged by the rebels, at Kingston, N. 0., for deser tion. The U. S.jßtoamer Peterhoff sunk off Wilmington, N. 0., in a collision with the U. S, steamer Monti oello. The orew saved by the steamer Spaulding. MONDAY, 7. The Italian man-of-war lIBe Galant.uomo foun ders at sea, In long. 64 20, lat. 40.40, with 460 persons on board. The rebel tug TltaS burned by the rebels at Free port, to prevent her falling into the -hands of the Union forces. Bear Admiral Porter assembles a formidable fleet ol iron-clads and of light-draught wooden boats at the mouth of the Bed river, tor co-operation with General Banks’ army. A portion of Major General Sherman’s forces, under Major General A. J. Smith, rendezvous at the same place. TTTSSftAY 8a Telegraphic communication established between San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. , General Sherman’s expedition returns safely to Vicksburg, Mississippi. The’ Prussians advanee to Londerskogh, Den mark, driving the Danes back to Frederica, and capturing 1® prisoners. ■WBDNBSDAY, &. A lieutenant general’s commission presented to General Grant. THURSDAY, 10. * General Slgel assumes command of tne , Depart ment of Western Virginia, with his headquarters at Gemberland, Maryland. FRIDAY, 11. The president sends a message to Oongress establishing the initial point of the Pacific Ilailroad on the Missouri river. „ SATURDAY, 12. The reservoir of; the. water works at Sheffield,* England, covering 76 seres, bursts, and more than 200 persons are drowned. Major Gen. T. Sherman assigned to the command of the military division of the Mississippi, composed nr the'Department of the Ohio; the Onmoerland, the Tennessee, and the Arkansas. The land and naval forces commanded respective ly by Gen. A. J. Smith and Admiral Porter move up the Bed river to form a junction with Major Gen. Banks at Alexandria, SUNDAY, 18. Indianola, Texas, evacuated by the Union troops. MONDAY, l*. Mansanilla and Aoapuloo, m- Mexico, declared in a state of blockade by the French Admiral. Tuesday, 15. A draft for 200,000 more men ordered by the Presi dent. Bounties to be continued to the 16 th of April. Fort Do Bussey, on the Bed river, oaptured by General A. J. Smith, with 2® prisoners, 8 heavy, gut s, 2 field pieces, and all the munitions of war. ’ The Fiussian ports of Commin, Swinemunde, Nolgast, GiieAwalde, Stralsund, and Barth do the Danes lir a state of blockade. WEDNESDAY, 16. Duppel, Denmark, vigorously bombarded by the allied German forces. THURSDAY, 17. Lieutenant General Grant formally assumes com mand of the armies of the United States. A battle occurs between the Danes and Germans at Duppeln. The Tougeberry position is taken from the Danes alter a heroic resistance. FRIDAY, 18. Brig. Gen. 0., Wilcox assigned to the command of the District of the Clinch, in East Tennessee, with his headquarters at Tazewell or Cumberland Gap. . . ' 'Three'Prussian men-or-war attacked the Danish blockading, squadron off GrlefswaddegFonieranie, but afteraa engagement of two fiSSifStho' former retire. , xf/fT. ■;,3 satubday, 19. '* ''» :*■ The . Danish Government decrees the release of Hanoverian Bhlps'uidef embargo in Danish ports. ■- • ~ MONDAY, 81. "A jneeesSful recounoiesaneo made to Natchi toches, seventy-five miles above Alexandria,- La., by the Union forces under Gen. Blower j 4 guns and caissons and 200 prisoners captured. • Major General Wallace assumes command of the Middle Department, with his headquarters at Bal timore. ' TUESDAY, 22. ‘ The Earl.of Aberdeen dies. . •; - ffihe;lala»d of Femern, near this-Dutchles of Schles wig and Holstein,' blockaded by the Danes. * ynbnoBSAY, 23.' , ? ; The Artny of the' Potomac reorganized by. Gen, Grantand consolidated to three corps under Han-„ CObh, Sedgwick, and Warren. -.’. i. „.i. . THURSDAY, 24. - Lieut.. Gen, Grant assumes direct command of the Army of the Potomac at Culpeper, Va. - I, . FRIDAY, 25. ■ Paducah, By., captured by the rebels under For- - rest. • ■ ■ - ■ •• ..... i ... . Death of Admiral Penaud,of,France., ( Gen.-Sherman commonces a tour of Inspection of .the' armies under his command iff Alabama and Tennessee., - ' i « • " :■; > - r* SATURDAY, 28. ' The gebels-nnder Forrest evacuate Paducah, Ey. A successful reoQunoisssncß, under Captain Ora-: ham, ’made 'WH&af Greenville; N; O. pS *lOO9lB ■ Gen. Seymour relieved of his command In Flo rida, and succeeded by Brig. Gen. Heth. TUBBJJAY, 29. ! ~ The Ist Army Corps of the Army of the Fotomao reviewed by Generals Grant and Meade. , * Wednesday, 30. A Union expedition to Mount Elbat, Long Vlewr Arkansas, under 001. Clayton, destroys the poa- ■ tooh bridge at Long View and 35 wagons contain ing military equipments, and captures 326 prisoners. The Prussians attempt' to carry Duppel by storm, but are repulsed altera five hours engagement. .360 persons, professing “ peaee prinelples,” under Sheriff john S. O’Hair, attack some Union soldiers 11 near. Charleston, ill. A portion of the 54th Illinois . Keglment sucoeed in quelling the outbreak. - The Illinois A number of marine disasters occur along the At lantic toast o! the United States. APBIT.. FRIDAY, APRIL' 1. The United States steamer Maple Leaf destroyed by a rebel torpedo, on her return from Pilatka to Jacksonville, Fla. , . , . The Bed.Blver Expedition leaves Alexandria for Shreveport. ... BAT.ITBDAY, 2. . The rebel Gen. Shelby attacks the rearguard of Gen. Steele’B expMlttea Into Kansas, but Is re* pulsedwltfiaioßs-dr WO killed and wdunded. Union foes 44 killed ana.woueded, and 16 prisoners. r- •'■smiMxi't. , . .. ‘ Cape IrOOkOut Lighthouse destroyed by the rebels. Garibaldi lands at Southampton, on to Eohdoß, England. • ‘ i . ‘ . Sotfderburg, Denmark, bombarded and bumofliby the Prim lans. SO women and children killed, , mohijatt, 4; ; = The OreatPair/or the benefit of the Uolted States Sanitary Commission opened at New York. . The Monroe doctrine unanimously re-asserted by; the House of Bepresetatlves at Washington. . a ■ The schooner Mary Darley captured off Glaives ton. Texas, by the U. S. steamer Sciota. A gunboat expedition leaves Norfolk for the Chlckahomlny river; ‘ , General Martnadnka, with 4,000 cavalry and five nlecet ol artillery, attSekathe expedltionlnto Kan sas, nnder General Steele. Alter five hoors'flghtlng the rebels are repulsed.. - ■ ‘ ■- - VUBBDAT, 5. ' The-Red Elver Expedition, nndor General Banks, arrives at Grand Ecore, La. * • WMMtSKDAY, 6. i - The Military-Department of the Monongahela and Susquehanna consolidated nnder the command of General Couch. • < — : THTTBBniT, 7. , ... General Steele’s Expedition arrives at a point on the Little Mlsßo&ri Elver, five miles south of Ekln’s Ferry. ■' ■ i The bottleofPleasant HIU, Louisiana, commences between the Union forces, under General Banks, and the reb els, tinder Elehard Taylor. The former are repulsed FRIDAY, 8. Major General Hunter mates a reoonnolßSance from Martin sburg towards Winchester, daring which, he .encounters the rebel General Imboden, near winchester, and from 50 to 100 men are lost on both sides, • The second battle of Pleasant Hill, Ha., Ibught. The Union forces, under Banks, are successful., The Prussians recommence the bombardment of Sonderbsrg. SATURDAY, 9. v . ' Tie third daj’s battle near: Pleasant HflJ, I«a,, fought. The Union troops are forced to return to Grand Ecore. Thirty guns and 4,000 prisoners re ported oaptured. ... _ _ Tie resolution to expel Alexander Hong, Kepre s rotative Irom the Second Congressional District 'cf OMo from tbe Honse of Bepresentatlyes lost. A resolution censuring Harris for doing tbe same was carried. SUNDAY, 10. Maximilian, archduke of Austria, formally accepts the Mexican crown. . ... The water In the Bad river suddenly fells, leaving forty transports and gunboats of Banks’ Expedition above the ratt. ' The Dutch steamer Hewhrandt, from Stettin for Amsterdam, captured by a Danish man-of war and taken Into Copenhagen. , MONDAY, 11. - Garibaldi visits London and meets with a oordla: reception. TUESDAY, 12. Fort Pillow captured by tbs rebels under Forrest, wbo make a general massacre of the Union troop's, ruthlessly murdering men, women, asutobildren. Tbo Uonierenco wHii regard to the Banlshtroubles meets at London. wbd»kbi>Ay,_l3. The "Welland Canal to Canada opened. A successful expedition under General Graham made to Smlthfleid, Yn. One oo'mmisslonad offloor, fivemen,seTeralhorcea, &o.,oaptuted. THCBSnAT, 14 •ijauttSJi/AY« J.“t Pllatka, Florida, evacuated "by tie Union troops. Admiral Porter, with. 6 BTraboats and twenty transports, arrives at Grand Eooio, from Spring field Landing on the "Bod river, whore he finds the vessels leltai that point still detained above the bar, and the waters of the river falling Instead of tisirg. MMT| 16. A rebel attempt to capture General Grant, on Ms route from Washington to the Army of the Potomac Fort Pillow destroy ®d and evacuated by the rebels under Forrest. SUNDAY, 17. Brigadier General Kilpatrick ordered to take command of the cavalry of the Army of the Cum berland, under Sherman. _ - „ • The United stateß steamer Bavaria, from Ham burg to New York, captured by a Danish frigate at the mouth of the Weser river. _ A great female riot occurs at Savannah, Georgia. A number of women march through the streets de manding bread or blood. The rebels besiege Plymouth, North Carolina. MONM4.T, 18, Duppel to Denmark assaulter! and captured by the Prussians. Tho Danes lose 83 cannon, between 80 and 100 officers, and two or three thousand pri soners. The Prussians lose 2 generals, 00 officers, and oco privates. The Danes retreat to the Island of Alsen. An unsuccessful attejnpt made by tbe rebels to blow up tbe United States steamer Wabash near Charleston, by a torpedo, results to the destruction of the torpedo boat. The Emperor Maximilian arrives at Borne. Major General C, C. Washbume ordered to take command of tbe military department of West Ten nessee Instead of General Hurlbut, relieved. ! , TOBSDAT, 19. . xhe rebels defeated at Patotsvllle and Half -Mountain, In Eastern Kentucky. 200 horses, 400 saddles,Boo stand of small arms, and all their camp equipage, captured. Doss, to killed and wounded, The ports of Dantzlo and Plllan declared In a state of blockade by tbe Danes., * Tbe rebel ram Albemarle descends tbe Roanoke river and attacks tbe United States gunboats lying off Plymouth, N. 0., sinking the Smitb&eld, ana seriously injuring the Miami. Tbe rebel attack on Forts Gray and Wesaelre pulsed by tbe Union forces, with tbe loss of 100 men* Rebel loss I*6oo. WBDNBBDAT, 20. Pljmonth, N. 0., captured by th» rebals ÜBder Gen. Hoke. One brigadier general„MM men, ell the Btoies, and as pieces of artillery .falllate their hanae. . ' - ‘ r' ' j' PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1864. The Emperor Maximilian sails for Mexico. , A great portion of Hlokman, Ky., burned by gue rillas. - •THT7UBDAY, 21. ' ; Messrs. Wade ana G-oooh, of the Committee on the Conduct of the War, arrive at Cairo for the pup. pore of Investigating tlie FortPllloir mals&ore, ;■ The rebel General Beauregard, with a large num ber of troops, passes through Wilmington, N. 0., en route to Richmond, _ ’ J _ FRIDAY, 22. The steamer Idaho collides with a United Stales guDboat at Paducah, Ky,, and la Bunk. , Garibaldi leaves London on big return toCaprera. An expedition under General Burnside sells up,’ the Eappahannock river. General A. J. Smith, with the 16th Army Corps, leaveß Grand Eoore, La., and moves to Natchito ches, to guard the flank of the United states army under Banks, and afterwards cover its retreat. SATURDAY, 23 The New York Sanitary Fair closes, having realized f 1,011,000. ■ The Governors of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, lowa, 'Wisconsin, and Ohio tender 100,000 hundred days’ men to the Preildent to serve in whatever capacity he may elect. The tercentetary celebration of the birth of Shak> spear o takes place in the principal oitles of the Northern states. _ _ major General F. P. Blair, Jr., assigned to . tie command of tie 17th Corps in the Army. -of the MtesiEßlppl. MONDAY, 25. Tie G-overnnr of Indiana issues a proalamatlon calling for 20,000 volunteers for one hundred flays, to serve In whatever capacity the President of the United States may requite. ToasDAY, 28, ' ; The rebel Adair, with 325 troops, driven across the Illinois rlvor above Kllleqatb. . , . ' - : WEDKEBDAY, 27. The Maryland Constitutional Convention aesem- Wes and organizes at Anhapollß. General Birney makes a raid Into Florida. THUBSDAY, 28. _ , ,i The lonian Isles transferred to Greece by Grew; Britain, 20a Hon. Simon Cameron ohoscn chairman of thC Union State Central Committee of Pennsylvania. , _ The Daokawannaßailroad bridge destroyed by fire. ' satubbay, so, , The, army on the Bed river reaches a point 40 miles below Grand Ecore. . MAT. MONDAY, MAY 2, The Army of the Potomac, under General Granti commences Its advance towards Blohmond. TUKSBAY, 3. Commodore Wilkes, of the United States navy, reprimanded for nnofflcerlike conduct, and sus pended from duty for the term of three years. WSBBBSBAY, 4. General Sherman's army commences Its advance against the rebels under Johnston. ... The rebels routed at Bull’s Gap, Tennessee, by General Schofield. A cavalry expedition, under General Kants, sets out from Portsmouth, Va. \ THUKBDAY, 5. Gen, Kautz’a expedition-pass through Wind! sor, Va., cross over the Wall Bridge, and at night halt at Wakefield, on .the Norfolk and Petersburg; Railroad, and tear up the track for a considerable; distance. . ' -., • Gen. Butlor moves his army from Newport NeWdT to City Point, Va. . Fighting commences between Grant’s forces and those Capt. Melancthon Smith engages the rebel ram Albemarle, near Plymouth, N. C„ with hla gun boats. The action continues from 4 401»7.30 P. M,, when' darkness Intervenes, and the Albemarle re-,- treats up the Roanoke river. f YKIDAY, 8. f The Army of. the Cumberland, under Major’ General George H. Thomas, secures a strong posi tion at and hear Ringgold ; that of the Tennessee,! under General MoPhemon, at Gordon’s Mills, on the” Ohidkaroauga, and that of the Ohio, under* .General Schofield r near Bed Clay, on the Georgia line north of Dalton. General Grant hurls hla entire army on Dee at theWlldernesstanddrfvesjhim three miles; 3,000 of the rebels -killed, 10,000. wounded, and 2.000 prisoners left in the hands of theUnlcn forces. The' rebel army retreats to Spottsylvania Court House, hotly pursued by the Union forces under Grant. The TJnlon foroes under General Butler at City Point advance towatds Petersburg. General Blraey returns to Jacksonville from a raid Into the Interior of Florida, having captured , 5,000 cattle, a large number sof horses, mules, and other means of transportation, and more than $1,000, 000 worth of cotton. The United States gunboat Commodore Jones . blown, up by a rebel to»>edo, near Turkey Bend, on the James river.. Several of the officers and' mon killed and forty wirandbd. The Unlted-Statesgunboat Granite City "and Iron-clad Wave captured bye the rebels at Sabine Pass. .. ■ SATURDAY, 7. - " Tie Union forces rm'def'Gen. Thomas move Elnggold towards Tunnel, Hill, which they occupy,' drlvingthe rebels through Buzzard- Raoet Gap. Gen, Kauta’s expedition captures a train of three ’ Wagons, filled.witli ammunition, on theroad to Lit tie ton. A patEpf the Weldon ‘and Blchmond Rail road la tornSJi;' by Kautz’s' cavalry to preTent rein forcements Horn reaohing EeeV ’ An engagement takes place between the Union and rebel forces near Petersburg, In which the; 'latter are driven bask three miles. 1 SCHDAY, 8. ; Fredericksburg, Ya., occupied by the Unload forces. ; • Major General Sedgwick klllodln an engagement near spottsylvanla, » i The Siberian Telegraph open to Irkutsk. OWus W. Yield receives a message at Queenstown, Eng'; land, at 10.10 A, M., whloh was telegraphed from Irkutsk, Siberia, a distance of 6.5Q0 miles, at 8,10 A. 11, The line is ,to Be extended to the Chinese frontier, a distance of 470 miles. . HOBDAY, 0. . ■ The Union forces, under Gen; Schofield, march towards Dalton, Ga., while Gen. ThOmas makes a demonstration against Bustard-Boost' and Boeky-. faeed’Rldgo. • . „ The President oalls upon the nation to render -j thanks to God for the signal victories gained fovar the rebels In Virginia. J ofuaaiiM!- artsv, Slwiva-LTit TBeaver Damr'where he destroys, three large trains of cars, two fine locomotive, 200,000 pounds of booon, and other Etores. amount- ■; ifigto 1,800.000 rebel rations’; also the telegraph and. railroad track for about ten miles, and several oul-1 'verta, and recaptures a number olUnion prisoners. The dam constructed across the Bed river, to releosetbe gunboats and transports of Banks’ exps- ’ dltlon, completed. : TUESDAY, 10, • A sanguinary battle occurs at Spottsylvanla Courthouse, between tne Union army, under Grant, and the rebel army, under Bee.- General Grant holds his position, ana severely punishes the enemy. The U. S. gunboat Brewster blowtrup by a rebel battery on tbe Appomattox river, Ya. -WBDBBBbAY, 11. General Sheridan, operating in the rear Of Bee’s army, captures Ashland Station; destroys one loco motive. one train of cars, an engine-house, two or three Government buildings containing a large amount of stores, six miles of railroad, six culverts, two trestle bridges, and the telegraph wires. He attacks and routs the rebel cavalry under Stuart, at Yellow Tavern, driving them back towards Ash r Sid and across the north fork of theGhlokahominy, a distance of four miles, and, pushing on towards Blchmond, captures tbe first line’of the enemy’s works around that place. ; . The conference at London .in regard to the Danish trouble agrees to’a suspension or hostilities for one ’month, commencing from the'l2th of May, on ooa ditlon that the blockade of the German ports shall rjjg T&ICQ{3 ’ '' Little Washington, N. 0., set on fire by the rebels and entirely destroyed. „ -The whole of Sherman’s army, except Howard’s corps and some cavalry, move towards Snake-creek Gap, Georgia. THtTBBDAY, 12. General Hancock captures three rebel generals ana tbitpdlvisions, amounting to 4,000 men and SO ipieceS.Ofi|Stniery, nearSpottßyivanla.Gourt House, if Gcnerar Kautz’B cavalry start on another oxpedl ftlou towards Pettfsburg. They aioabßeut six days, .duribg wbloh timWHey.pass over #6O miles of rebel torrSery, destroy property to the amount of tiro mnfiSßtddUars, and temporarily out off oammuni cati&bwitb. mehmond. TbSbloekade of the German ports raised by the Dane's. One'month's truce between the Danes and Germans; * FRIDAY, IS. General Sheridan’s cavalry, after having de stroyed three Burge bridges over the Ohlokahomlny river, encamp at Bottom’s Bridge. The dam constructed by Lieutenant Colonel Bai ley baying reaches! a height sufficient to enable the gunboats ofßanks’ expedition to move; they pass down towards the iuoutli of the Bed river In safety* Sherman’s forces occupy Dalton. ' SATURDAY, 14. Johnston’s rebel army, occupying a strong posi tion behind Camp Creek, with its Tighten some high chestnut hills, near the town of Kesaoa, forced ■to evacuate the town. General Hooker oaptares a large number of prisoners. Union ices, 5,000; rebel loss the same. General Sheridan’s cavalry reach the left bank of Turkey Island and form ajonotlonwlth General ButterlsJferoes. The first line of rebel works at Drury’s Bluff, on »the James river, carried by the Union forces under General Smith. ' General Oanby arrives at the mouth of the Bed river, and takes command of the Department of WCBt MISSISSIPPI. SUNDAY, 18. The rebel army, under General Johns ton, retreats south across Oostenaula river, hotly pursued by Generate McPherson.and. Schofield. : General Steel dereated by the rebels under Early, at New Market, In -the Shenandoah Valley, with a; loss of fire pieces of artillery, 800 killed and wounded, J and BO taken prisoners. He retreats towards Stras-; tU xfio Eed river expedition arrives safely at'the' mouth of the Bed fitter. ‘ MONDAY, 16. : Besaca occupied by Geneva! Sherman's forces. A; fonr-gun battery and a large amount or stores found, Butler repulsed by the enemy at Drury’S Bluff j regains his lines and severely punishes the yAhalo A rebel attack on the Union forces In front of" Petersburg handsomely repulsed. TUESDAY, IT. Gen Kautz returns to City Pointftom his raid on the Danville Ballroad, having destroyed it for se veral- mileß, burned the railroad bridge, over the Appomattox, and destroyed the dams, locks, and of the Bynchbnrg and Biohmond Active preparations for war made by Peru and some other South American republics against Spain, on aeeonnt of tbe Spanish possession of the Ohlncna. Islands. __ WBDBESDA.T, 18. Gen, Sherman’s army advances to Kingston) ° by Ewell’s corps to turn the right of Grant's auny foiled by Blrney’s and Tyler’s fllvl alone and some or Warren s troops, A great num ber or the rebels are Wiled and wounded, and 300 prisoners taken. Union loss ISO lulled and missing, and 600 wounded. THURSDAY, 19. Nathaniel Hawthorne, the great American au thor, suddenly died at Plymouth. N. H. .... Major General Hunter placed In command or the military depaitment of W estern Virginia, including the Shenandoah Valley. vridat, 20. Gen. Grant, by a successful flank movement, eomt pels I.eeto abandon Spottsylvania and fall back be,, yond the North Anna river. _ A severe shock of an earthquake felt at San Fran cisco, California. SATURDAY, 21. ~ A rebel attack on Fort Powhatan, on the James river, repulsed by Butler’s tioojps. A disastrous flood occurs at Cherry Creek, Neva-’ daTerritory. Fifteen or twentyjpersons are drowned and'fifty houses swept away. Boss of property $l,- °°Gen.' Hancock’s forces occupy the bridge over the Mattapony river, seven miles south of Bowling Green, Virginia. ~ MONDAY, 23. Grant’s army moves towards the North Anna .) river, closely following Bee. A number of rebeiJ prisoners are oaptnred by Hancock. I The rebels make another assault on Bntler’allnes, near Bermuda Hundred, hut are repulsed with heavy loss, and the rebel Gen. ‘Walker captured. • Hooker’s corps and Geary’s division of bhorman’s armyorosstheEtowab. TUBSDAY,24. ' ‘ Hancock’s corps - or.' the Army of Urn Potomac reaches auinney'sStaUon.twelvomilosduesputhof Fiedoflchsburg, is |b» monOn#. and 'Bsiflih® Green, eighteen miles from Fredertoksburg, at night. WBDNBBDAY, 25. The rebel army under Dee crosses the North Anna Jive closely pursued by the Army ol the Potomac, under Grant. _A rebel attack on Butler’s position, at Wilson’s Wharf, on the north side of the James, below Fort repulsed by tiro radntsats of colored troops under Gen* wild. The battle of New Hope Church, Georgia, Sought. The2d Division of the 20th Corps of Sherman’s army gneounter Hood and Hardee’s rebel corps on the Pallas road, two miles below Pumpkln-vlne Creek r am) drove them two miles. At night the Union? foroes, throw up earthworks within three hundred yards of the rebel army. An unsuccessful raid on the mainland, above Beaufort, feouth Carolina, made by 001. Montgo mery. It falls through the unfaithfulness of the pilot. THURSDAY, 28. Gen. Dee’s army ocouplea a strong position be tween the North and South Anna rivers. The .army of the Potomao, under Grant, withdraws to .the north side of the North Anna river, and moves towards Hanover Town, on the Paiuunkey river, In order to cross It and flank Dee’s army. , Ail accidental explosion of four torpedoes takes place'at Batchelor's Creek, North Carolina, by which forty negroes and soldiers are killed. . A... YRIDAY, 27. Gen. Sheridan, with two divisions of cavalry! takes possession ol Hanover Ferry and Hanover town. Hon. Joshua B. Giddlngs suddenly dies at Mon treal, Canada. BATOBBAY, 28. ; A-great battle occurs between the armies of Sher - man and; Johnston, at Dallas, Ga., in which Sher man la victorious. Rebel loss 2,600 killed and ■wounded left In the hands of the Union troops, and about 300 prisoners. Union loss only 303. . Two divisions of Union cavalry have a severe en ..gagement with the rebels south ol Hawes’ Store, Va-, NMylng them about a mile to their new line. Union ,16k) 850 killed and wounded. Tho rebel dead and left In the hands of the Union troops. - ' Maximilian arrives at Vera Cruz and addresses a prfinvmclamiento to. the - Mextoan people. Santa Annaj Almonte, Mlramon, and Marquez appointed grand marshals of the empire. , . SUNDAY, 29. The Army of the Potomao under Gen. Grant suo • ceasfnlly crosses the Pamunkey and occupies a point . threemllcs smith of the river. A- A, -E MOHBAY, 30. . SovereffightlEg stiu continues between Grant’s and Deals armies, The union army la the Shenandoah Valley make a recoonolssanoe in lorco from Edinburg, and'flnd the enemy, in front, 4,000 strong. Dardanelles, Ark., with 200 prisoners, captured by .the rebels under Shelby. ? : ' * s- TtragDAT, 31. < /B& r*h?l forces under Lee having secured a ' ?«obir position on the Meohanfoavtlle road, south of - tin - Tolopotomy Creek, and between, that stream TOi Hawes’ shop, their right resting on Shady mako an attack on the left of Qrant’s army, Archel attack on Bcrtler’s worlff on Spring Hill, onlhometeideof theAppomatto*river,repulsed. • Tire Badical I)emceraey hold a contention: at Crcreland, Ohio, and nominate-John O. fremont and John Coohrano for Vloe *3l nfchl attack on Sherman’s armyrepnlaed. The letter Ifco Onion army occupies a: position new the the’vicinity of Marietta, ’4'‘ _ ■ ar'OKifc ' tiL, WiDKitsr>A\', aTOBI.' •tjen.Sherman, by a strategic movement,- flanks ..thombel Sjfiny under Johnston at Altoona Pass: ; f , (MB. Sheridan attacks and routs Fite Hugh Lee’s WJMIAri of rebel cavalry, together with eilngamn’S' brifcado of Infantry coming to Leo’s support. Wen. Wilson has a fight neat Hanover Court' Htfjjsewltli Young’s brigade or rebel cavalry. He : r®i» them, killing andcapturlng a great.numbor, destroying a large portion of the Virginia Cen-' tr&l Railroad. ' Arefierifori-ciga domes down .the .Tames.river sndatlaeks the Union tloet assembled there, but Is forced to. ret urn. (i'v Gen. McPherson, ofSherman’s army, moves from Dallas to a point in front of the rebels at New Hope ' UUljfrGtae V i _*sfrel)6l attack on Gen. Butler’s lines at Bermuda Hundred, commencing at 9 o’olock F, KL, and con tinutßg'neariy ill night, repulsed. • j'r' ibubsbay, 2. i. TfflS. conference with regard to the Dano-German r .quea3pn again meets at London. A proposal is accepted therein for the prolongation of toßermlstlce fifteen days. „ Beru, on Bcoonnt of the seizure of the Ohincha 8" r, refuses to hold further intercourse with the lit:— lockade- runner Rose run ashore near Charles ,.O.t by the XJ.S. steamer Wamsutta, sta &t GeorfietowurSt GiK v - . • iulco, Mexico, captured by the Frenohfleet. Hunter occupies Staunton, Va. iSt pbiuat, 3. 7 Gesy&rabt makes an assault at A. M. on the rpbelStXoar Cold Harbor, driving them into their entrenchments at all points, and capturing soo pri soners. 'At 6 P, M. Wilson’s cavalry falls on the reyr of a rebel brigade or Heth’s tilvlSlon endeavor- JSfc; to envelope Burnside, drives them from their ajjifirpitß, and takes a few prisoners. AtTKP-'M. ASrathelktander Lee attaok B nalth’s brigade of Glb- but after a fight an hour are ffaral .with 6,000 en as reinforcements forGen.Grant; ' ;i: : ' it.- . fV •'Fhe.leftWll® of the rebel army, under Lee, In Jfeont pf Gen, Burnside, being drawn In, the rebels [eeshjfrtin sttaok on the t/nlon troops under Han ’SSright, and Smith, but are repulsed. Han ;• bringshl3 lines within forty yards of tho rebel Tbc -jebels in the evening constrnot en tente®' Bottom’s Bridge, on the west side of Hominy, and throw a party across to the SfcsUKe- .i ■ left ef-“She»man’s am; covers all the roads nsh&ke south o.f the rallroadabout Ackworth, and ofSmjilea iifforee all the AltoonaPass. vi: JChn O. Fremont. and Gen. Cochrane ac eepfetljs nomination of the OlevelandConventlon. 7.3*. fitrnDav-,6. RflsateCements for Gen. Grant sllll oontlnue to taWtjl Wlteßnav-' - Arnoo stand of arms, 3 pieces of artillery, ■ha ANKet quantity of stores are oaptnred by tho 3gp*i*bel forces nnder Johnston abandon their in front of Sherman at Altoona Creek. A : lj&Se lasting an hoar occurs between the IJnlbn'f'-Sjes under Gen. Smith and 3,0e0 rebels at ColuftradArk. Union loss 20 killed and TO wound ed.« Eo'SH loss the same. _ . , „ King Victor Emmanuel, of Italy, holds, a grand review at Torln to celebrate the anniversary of tho estaSH&thent of the, Italian constitution. I HOHDAY, 6. Gotti/ tPlicrson moves toward sAck worth, Ga., TBwww towards Marietta, on the aireot Marietta road ' v.’ Schofield on hte right. At 12 o’oloofe IVI. they. iiUfs .the railroad at Aokworth Station, and havc'ty '.possession forward to within one mile of ■A rbo&attaoi on Burnside’s forces repulsed. •,: i ' V-. TOTSDAT, T. 'Tie <?>reat Central Fair for the benefit of the xafiift-’StatfS Sanitary Commission, opens at Lo g&fr'Su'lare, Philadelphia, at 4 o’clock P. M. The, buiiatosird lt&tieasuros are dedicated to the army aWhavy of-the Union; Bishop Simpson accepts tbe'ofetlng in behalf of the President of the United Stat«M the presence of about 7,000 persons. TtSHetiODP-l Uiilon Convention assembles at Bal timoro7 jShfcdiimdied delegates are present. Dr. Breekenridgeappotnted;tempprarypresident. > ’ Gen. Sheridan on a raid. ■sraSoSßesthe Pamunkey, Elver, marching by way of Aylett’s, and encamps oh Boning Greek. „ r.“ . WSDSISDAV, 8. The National Union Convention unanimously nominate Abraham Lincoln tor the Presidency, and Andrew Johnson,' of Tennessee, for the Vice Presi dency, antthdopt Aradloal anti-slavery platform. GenV-Biunliss forces In the Shenandoah Valley effect a sgn6tion with those of Crook and AverlU. Gem saMtdan’s expedition resumes its march by •way «f:Poi§eat Station, and encamps three mllos nest of Some oKjßfe rebel forces under John Morgan en ter and oeaftry-Mount Sterling, Joy., and destroy thehrldge&Sear-up the track of the Kentucky Cen tral Baditxad'betwoen Oynthlana and Paris, and out the telegrfch wires. A portion of them attack afcaßsengrSfWn'wi the Louisville and Lexington Ealtroad near jEpsithßeld, burn the passenger and ‘bgjfeaee ea&and rob the express ear. . Another gangvOf 500 tiws possession of Paris, Ky, • VT ' THCKBDAT, 9. Gen. Sheridan’s expedition march through Ohllds bdrg and New Market, and encamp at night on a creek zi&r Voting’s Bridge. ■ The rebels under Morgan occupy Falmouth, on tho Kentucky Central Eallroad.Wllllamßtotyn, on the tnrnplge 30 miles from Cincinnati, and Gaorge t°Geii. Bui bridge attacks and defeats a portion of Moixan’s’ibyoes at Mount Sterling, Ky. The Unton.forces under Hunter burn all the Go vernment and railroad buildings at Staunton, Va., and destroy a portion of the railroad east of that place, burning and bending the rails. -While a’detachmontW Gen. Bntler’s forces under Gen. GDlmoro'make a demonstration on Petersburg arid carry She rtAef outer works, Gen. Butler sands out a forcewhlch succeeds, without loss, In destroy ing three ot four miles of the Petersburg and Rich mond Railroad. • "■ v, xniDAT, 10. . Gen. Shirldan’s expedition marches via Andrew’s Tavern ana Levlman’s Store, crosses both branches of the NorthVEigm, and encamps at night at Buck child’s, three tailsf north of TrevlUlan station.. - Gen. Sturgis, defeated by a portion of the rebel Forrest’s command, at Gnntown. ' . A portion ol&Motgan’s. forces enter Lexington, ‘Ky., and bum the Kentucky Central Kallroad do ■pot. rob a jmmber of stores, and leave at 10 o’oloak P. M. in th* direction of Georgetown and Frank 'ford, pursued by the' Union forces under Gen, Bur- Charges the rebel works at Peters burg, Va., carries -them, and penetrates the town, capturing, 40 prisoners and one piece of artillery, but not beiiog supported by Gen Gilmore, Is forced to withdraw. ... One thousand two hundred rebels commence an attack on Franktbrt, Ky., at 6 o'clock P. M., which lasts till datk, and continues at intervals during the rilght. SATF-KCAT, 11. Gen. SkwMan’a expedition encounters some re bel cayahvat BuekchUcbs Sc ation, which it defeats, driving them from successive lines of breastworks 'back on TreViillan Station. Gen. Ouster getttngin the rear of the rebel cavalry, tbey break into a com plete rout.Mca.vlna. their dead, nearly all their wounded, 20 officers, 600 men, and SOO horses, in the bands of the Union forces. Gen. Sheridan encamps ior the Treyillian Station. Gen. Sherman disposes bis forces in such, a man ner aeto break the rebel lines betweenKenesaw and : PJne Mountains. Frankfort, Ky., placed under martial law,- Three thousand rebels occupytke stockades three miles from that place, to prevent aid reaching itfrom Lou isviile. They commence an attack on the place at T A. M., which continues until S. F. 11. Two rebel demands to surrender the fort are refused. They abandon theattaek af* F If., and at IF. 11. move sway In an easterly direction. Union loss a wound ed. Hebei loss uoknowh. , , ~ . Cynthiano, Ky.. captured and burned by the re- ThStleu ehleFofh scouts of the Army of the Cumberland, with four men, makes a daring descent on a,forage poßt fourteen miles southwest of Atlan ta, capturing a rebel lieutenant colonel a captain and others, including a- sergeant, and burning a storehouse eontalning-COjtCQ bushels of oora, &o. ' Cant, Blaser’s scouts capture I canal boats, con taining 6 cannon, 0,000 rounds of ammunition, and a largeamount oicommtfiary stores, near i-exlngr ton, Ya. -y BUX'DAT, 12. • ,• A . . The rebel forces under Gen. Morgan defeated at Cynfhlana, Ky., by the Union forces under Gem Burbridge, after an hour’s fighting. Three hundred Killed and Mft taken prisoners. Nearly all of Hob son’s command, and oyer l.doohorses are recaptured. The Union losb iso killed. 'Morgan’s force disperse Sherffiaa’s .expedition destroys, the railroad from TrevUllan Station .to Louisa Oonrt House, . burning the ties and rendering the rails unsemcea v,ie. At 3 f. M. they encounter a rebel force at Gordoneville. by whom ,they are twice repulsed, when night oWs the contest,. Being out of ammu nition the expedition withdraws, during the night, and next-morning orosaes tke North Anna Hlver by way of GarpeEter’s Ferdr near Ilium’s Bridge. The fugitive slave law repealed by Congress. The Emperor Maximilian enters -the Olty of. Mixioo. - t Mi,: ! ,.v;-:.MX»»»ILXrIB.M'! My.,,- , £ ctep. Sheridan retuma'from Msr»ia, u*Ytti« lured SO com missioned rebel officers and 37# prison •Hi with a loss of 80 men killed, and 49# wounded. , The rebtt Qen. Jones, commanding the rebel forcee at Charleston, sends a communication to Ger. Foster staling that be bad placed 5 generals and 4S field officers of the United States arm;, prl-' soiers ot war at. Charleston, under fire from the States fleet. Gen. Foster, In redly,’says that he will send his communication to tlie Presi dent, . asking that an equal number of rebel officers be seat him to be placed under thblr fire. TtTBBDATt 14. The: battle of Kenesaw Mountain- takes place. The rebel Gen. Polk killed, and bis bodysent to Marietta. Tie advance or the Army of the Potomac crosses the James Hirer at Wilcox’s Landing. -WBDHBSPAY, 16. At 7.20 P. M. God. Smith assaults and carries the principal line of the enemy’s entrenchments before Petersburg, capturing 13 cannon, several stand Of colors, and between three and four thousand prison ers. Gen. McPherson again advances against the re bels strongly entrenched at Lost Mountain. Yallandigham returns to the United States after his exile In Canada. KETOAT, IT. Death ofSmlth O’Brien, . The 9th Corps of the Army of the Potomao carry two more redoubts forming the defences of Fetors* bunt, capturing 460 prisoners and 4 guns. Gen. Hunter attacks the rebels In a strong posi tion live nones from Lynchburg, and drives them two mites. Tbe PresUent and bis wife visit tbe Sanitary Fair at Philadelphia. The site of the battle monument to be erected at “ Trophy Point;” at West Point, to the memory of the officers- and soldiers of the regular army who bave fallen in the present war, dedicated. Gen, McClellan delivers an oration. • SATURDAY, 18. The Union forces make a number of assaults on the rewi lines in front of Petersburg, but are re pulsed with severe loss. Keiaforcements under Early coming to the rebels near Lynchburg. Gen. Hunter, having captured two cannon and sixty prisoners, withdraws. Haring this expedition Gen. Hunter captured altogether 100 prisoners, 7 cannon, and SCO horses. , 2,1.00 rebels, under Geo. Wharton, cross the rail road between Kingston and Dalton, Georgia, and capture-and bum five freight tralnß, loaded, with. Sen Gilmore relieved of his oommand In front of Petersburg., The pirate Florida arrives at Bermuda and lands the crews or two Amerioan vessels destroyed byher. .Tiedown of Laclede, Missouri, on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, sacked by guerillas, ' SUNDAY, 19. The pirate Alabama, commanded by- Captain Sommesysunk in the British Channel by the United States steamer Kearsarge, commanded by Captain WUislow. Captain Semmcs,wlth some of his crew, escapes on the yacht Deerhound to'Southampton, England. The rest are captured by the Kearsarge. The brig William O. Clark, of Maohlaa, bound to Matanzas, captured In latitude 30 deg. longitude 63 dog. by the pirate Florida. . Three companies of the Sfth Virginia rebel In fantry come into the Union Uses on the Ohattahoo chle and take, the oath of allegiance, after which they are employed as teamsters and laborers. HOBDAY, 20. , .The rebels make seven assaults on Gen. Whitta ker's brigade Of Stanley’s division of Sherman’s army, but are repulsed with a loss of nearly goo men. The rebels under Generals Fite Hugh Loo and Hampton make an attack on tke Union force* at White House,, under Gen. Abercrombie; but are re pulsed by the Union gunboats. Tko rebels surpSSdthc Ist Brigade 3d Division of the Army of the Potomac,, and capture 1,000 prison ers and 6 pieces of Olark’s battery. WEDNESDAY, 22; The cavalry under Gen. Wilßon start on an expe dition from the Blaekwater river, about four mues from Prince George Court House. They march* In a southwesterly direction, and strike the Petersburg and Bellefield Railroad at Hearns’ Station ten miles from Petersburg, tear up the track for six miles, and bum everything in conneotloa with the, road. From Hearns the-, take a westerly course to Dinwiddle Court House. 10 miles west of Hearns, destroying grain and breadstufis. They thenoa pro ceed in a northwesterly course to Ford’s Station, on the Lynohburg and Petersburg Railroad, twen ty-two miles from Petersburg and sixty-one miles frym Lynohburg, where they destroy 04 oars and 2 locomotives. A rebel attempt to dislodge Gen. Faeter front hts position on the north side of the James, opposite Jones’ Keek, foiled. » Six hundred rebels of Marmaduke’s command at tack two companies of the 32d lowa Infantry, near the mouthof the White river, Arkansas, but are re pulsed with a loss of 24 killed and wounded. Union loss, 1 killed and S wounded. THURSDAY, 23. Gen. Warren, with the 6th Corps, onthe extreme left of Grant’s army,'advances and destroys six miles oftiio Weldtgi Railroad, between Petersburg and North CaroUna,but Is driven baokby a supe rior rebel force. ■ .... - - The Senate repeals the commutation clause In the enrolment bill. YBEDAY, 24. J Tie commands of Wilson and Kautz separata at Ford’s Station, Virginia. Kant/, movesiln a south" I erly direction towards Wayne 'Greek, thence west I to Lewistown, 12 miles east of Drake’s Branch, on the Richmond and Danville Kailroad, destroying grain, *o. ; thenoe north to Bnrkesville, at the jane- j tlon of the Fetersbufg and Bynchburg Bailroad, so miles from Petersburg and 1% from Bynchbnrgj thence south along the Blohmond and, Danville ■Bailroad to Price’s Station, Meheria and Keysvllle, destroying, the railroad along which ho marches, lid forms a junction with Wilson at Keysvllle, when ! they nsltcdiy march to the Nottaway river - and cross it at Doable Bridge, 10. miles north'or Baw renoevllle. They then march to Stony Greek Sta tion, on the Weldon and Petersburg Bailroad, > where they are attacked by Ewell’s corps, fight a > pitched battle and drive back the rebels, with a loss of SO killed and wounded. Hebei loss, 170. suk»ay, 26. Death of .the King of Wirtembarg. Ibt Austro-Proseten squadron leaves Arzhaven forßromerhavcn. Brig. Sen. Meredith assomea command of tbs UnlfjW States post atOairo. MOB DAT, 27. , --'I Four regiments ofoavairy, under command of Brig. Gen. Carr, attack the rebels under Shelby, between Sheridan and St. Charles, on the White be^t^uOenOtty.^UWon ed,2CO. Kebel loss, SOO. Two nnsuecessful attempts made by Gen; Sher man to carry the rebeljworks on Keneeaw mbantaln by storm result to a repulse. TJnloh loss, 2,800.* President Lincoln accepts the nomination o; the Baltimore Convention. TDBSDAT, 28. The Great Central Fair at Philadelphia, for the. benefit ol the United States Sanitary Commission, oloses, having realized over $1,000,000. tVBDiraBDAV, 29. The cavalry expedition tinder Wilson and Kautz attacked at stony Creek Station hythe rebels, un-: derfWade Hampton end Hearing. They hold their, ground, and send to Gen. Meade for reinforcements. Thebloekadeoll'anUloand Plllan re established. ' thtosdat, SO. Salman P. Chase resigns his position as Secreta ry Of the Treasury of the United States. The posi tion is tendered- to Governor Tod, of Ohio, who de clines the appointment. JUJ >Y ■ MBDA.T, JIJI.V 1. _ The cavalry expedition under Generals Wilson and Kants returns to Bermuda Hundred, Having destroyed 60 miles of the Weldon and SoutHslde Bailroads s Union loss between 780 and 1,000. An expedition, under Gen. Slocum, leaves Vlobs *l?te gold bill repeated. An expedition, Under command of Gen. Fatter, leaves Hilton Head for the North Edlsto river. BATtFKDAY, 2. Gen, McPherson moves his division of Sherman’s army towards Nickajack Greek and Turner’s Fer ry, across the Ohattahooehto river, in order to threaten the rebel position atXenesaw* Bins DAY, 3. , - ■ Kenesaw abandonedby the rebels. The Union troops under Gen. Sherman occupy Marietta, Ga. Generals McPherson and Schofield pursue the flying rebels towards the Ohattahoochle liver. The rebels threaten an invasion of Maryland and reffiforcemakes its appearance near Martlns burg, destroys the railroad, and marohes on the town.' MONDAY, 4, Stronß deroOnstratlohs made by the Union forces along Tuckajaek Creek and Turner’s Ferry—Sher man’s army mores towards the Ohattahoochle river, Gen. Thomas’ left resting on It near Paloe’a Ferry, Gen. McPherson's right at the mouth of the JNlckajaok, and Gen. Schofield In reserve. Mr. "Fessenden, of Maine, accepts the office of So* cretary of the Treasury of the "United States. The rebels still threaten the Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania, TUBSDA.T, 5. The Habeas corpus suspended In Kentucky by or der ol the President, - . The rcbelß wider Early make am attack on Bigot's forces occupying Maryland Heights. Governor Onrtln issues a proclamation calling for 12,000 men for 100 days to repel the threatened rebel invasion. „ The President also calls upon Governor Seymour, ol Herr York, for 12,000 militia for the same purpose. WBDBBSBATI «• .. , " " . Eiirly concentrates the rebel forces at Harper’s Feiry for the purpose of invading Maryland and pßpsylTanlft. ' - The rebels under MoOausland, eater Hagerstown. The Union forces under Lieutenant McLean fall back to Greoncastle. _, The Govoraor of Mwsaohnsetts Issues a call for 6,000 men to garrison Washington. _ , General Slocum’s expedition occupies Jackson, Mississippi, with 8,000 troops and destroys the rail road between J aokson and Gan ton. ' THURSDAY, 7. The President Issues a proclamation appointing theftrst Thursday to August as a National-Fast S&v* The rebel Invasion still continues. The rebels oc cupy Hagerstown, Md., and levy a contribution of ISOO outfits and $20,000 on the citizens, which is paid under threats of burning the town, Ohambersburg, Pa, is placed under martial law. A battle occurs at Monooacy, Md., between the rebel invaders and the Union forces under General r Lew Wallace. The former are repulsed three . t *A? expedition under General Stoneman sets out to release the Union officers Imprisoned to Macon, Ga„ but arrives too late, the prisoners having been removed to a place of greater security. General McCook starts at the same time to form a junotlon [ with Stoneman. FRIDAY, 8. The "Whaler Golconda oaptored. in lat. 37 deg. 3® min lonir. 72 deg. 18 min. l>y the pirate Florida. The Chapel Eoyal of the Savoy, In England, de stroyed by lire. BATDKEAY, 9, General Sherman, by a threatened flank move ment- forces the rebel am; under Johnston to cross the Chattahoochle river. . .. _ „ A severe battle, lasting from 9A. M. to 5 P.M., takes plaee at Monocacy, Mil., betireen the Union forces under 'General I.ew Wallace and 90,009 re bels. On account or the superior numbers of the enemy the former are forced to retreat towards Bal timore, Md. Brigadier General Tyler, under orders from Major General Wallaoe.assumes command of the Union forces In iront of Irederiok City, but at 10 P. M. evacuates It, to follow up the rebels, whose design is to march on Washington. _ Thomas Briggs murdered on one tf tha carriages of the North London Railway, by Franz Muller, who flies to America. SUKDAYt 10* Sherman left undisputed master of the country north and west of the Chattahoochle river. The rebels bumthe bridges across the river to prevent (Vin afivAnM ol the Union foroos* The adrohee or General Hunter’s forces capture IffarUneburg, Ta., with a large number of prisoners and a great quantity of stores. SffOK lie A portion of the rebel raiders, under Harry Gil mer, capture two trains of oars, set are to them, and rob the passengers, at Magnolia Station, on the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Bali road, eighteen miles south of Havro-do-Grace. Major General Franklin, being on one of the tRUna, is captured. They out the telegraph between Bsltj. ! more and Philadelphia, and then destroy th# rest deuce ef Governor Bradford, of Maryland. aetigxieclJo the command ot th.Q XM>rtk&ra defeno&s L ol FredOHck, Kf.j FOUR CENTS. rebels, who oonceih’ratc on Washington, The United States troops make- a grand charge on Cheat fnfrorrl of Port Stevens, and repulse them with great loss; Messrs Olay, He%iombe, and Sanders; through Horace Greeley, ask i a sate conduct to and from Waihin&ton, to lay behbre the President reset pro positions for peace. WBDNH.SDAT, 13, The rebel Invaders lean' Washington and resress the Potomac river Into Virginia, at Edward’s Feajy, closely pursued by the Uniov forces. Major General A. J. Smltvh engages the rebtfir under Porrest at Pontotoo, Miss. The bark Mohtloello, Captain E. A. Chappal, bound lor Hudson’s Bay, haviogtm board tho Hall Arctic expedition, arrives at St. Johns, ff, if, ■ THURSDAY, 14. General A. J. Smith, In another engagement at Tupelo, defeats the rebels under Forrest. » engegement takes place at Feohs between the Allied German and Danish gunboats. Missouri swarms with guerillas. „ ’ FRIDAY, IS. Seven steamers burnt at st. Louis, Mo., by rebel Incendiaries. Loss, nearly *600,000. 111 her engagement with Forrest’s forces, drives them below Tupelo. batttbday, is. General A. .T, Smith’s expedition, being destitute of supplies, starts to return rrom Tupelo, pursued bv Burord’s rebel cavalry, who are repufselr ’ SUHDAV, IT. General Sherman orders another ad vauco against the rebel armynnder Johnston,which forms a general line along the Old Peach road. General Thomas is ordered to otoes at Powers' and Paloe’s ferry bridges and march by Bucfeland, General Schofield to march byUross Keys, and General McPherson to direct bis course frdm Bosewall straight against the Augusta road at some point east of Decatur, hear Stone Mountain ; General'Griffith’s cavalry to act with General McPherson; and Generals Stoneman and McOook to watch the Ghattahooehie river and roads below the railroad. < General Johnston, commanding the rebel army at Atlanta, Is superseded by General Hood. General Slocum’s expedition encounters 2,000 re bels at Grand Gulf, MJsb., and defeats them - The'lndians commit depredations in Colorado Territory. ■ MOKOAT, 18. Gen. Sherman’s army advances five miles south ,«f the Chattahooohie river, and crosses Peach-Tree Creek. Gen. McPherson strikes the Augusta Kail road seven miles east of Decatur, and destroys four miles of it. General Schofield feaohes the town of Decatur. The President orders a draft for 500,000 more men, to take place on the sth oFSeptember. Gen. Crook overtakes Bame'of the rebel Invaders of Maryland and Pennsylvania, at Snicker’s Gap, va., and captures 300- wagons heavily laden with grain, and a great number ofprlsoners. . The rebel peace agents in Canada deny that they are officially appointed to arrangetermsforapsaoe, but.that they are In the confidential employ of the Government. Mr. Greeley telegraphs this state ment to the President, who sends the 'following re ply : “Any proposition which embraces the resto ration of peace, the Integrity of the union, and the abandonment of slavery, and which comes by and .with authority that can control the armies now at war against the United States, wm be received and considered by the Government of the United States, and will be met by liberal terms on other substan tial and collateral points, and the bearer or bearers thereof shall bavo safe conduct both ways.” Feohs occupied by the Austrians. .. TWKBDAT. 19. General McPherson marches along; the Augusta KaJlroad Into Decatur, Georgia, General Sohodeld marches along a road leading by Colonel Howard’s house and the Distillery towards Atlanta, and Gen, Thomas, in force, crosses Peach. Tree Sleek In the face of the enemy’s entrenched linear Garibaldi arrives at Oapreta, on hla return from England, and meets with an enthusiastic reception. WEDNESDAY, 20. General Averin defeats Early in' front of Win chester, capturing- ibnr cannon, several hundred ftandof small arms, and 200 rebel prisoners’: 300 rebels killed and wounded. Tie three divisions ef Sherman's army close In, converging towards Atlanta. The' gap between Gent rale Schofield and- Harris Is filled by two divi sions cl General Howard’s corps, who are ordered to connect with General Sdhofiela. The rebel army, at * P. M., attack the right centre of Sherman's army, and are repulsed, leaving SCO dead on the field, 1,000 wounded, 7 stands of colors, and a great number or prisoners. Union loss, i,600. General Smith’s expedition reaches Lagrange, on Its return to Memphis, with a loss of only s#o men, bringing 2,(100 rebel prisoners. THtmSDAT, 21. General Sherman finds the rebel army strongly entrenched cm the heights overlooking the open ground of the valley olPeach Tree Greek, with his right beyond the Augusta road to the east, and with his left towards Turner’s: Ferry, on the Ohatta. hoeehie, at a,general distance of four mites from Atlanta. . The blockade of the German ports raised by the Panes. A Prussian force, 6,000 strong, enters Bendsburg, and takes possession of the town out of the hands of the German Federal forces. General Hoke protests against It. The Indians still continue their depredations In Nebraska Territory. FBHJAYy 22. The rebels abandon their position along Peach Tree Creek. General Hood;, who superseded JohnatonJn com mand of tbs rebelarmy at Atlanta, makeA Seres attackjon Sherman’s Army, near Atlanta, bat meets with a fearful repulse; The official Union loss in kUlea, wounded, andmteing is 3,521, ana 10 pieces of artillery. Rebel loss 10,000. Eighteen stand of colors and 5,000 stand of arms are recaptured from the rebels by the Union forces. bukkay, 24. The rebels threaten another raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania. • A number of Union militia; under General Crook, are Oilven back by the rebels to''Williamsport, by way or Martihsburg, - - . Colonel Mulligan dies from a wound received in a rebel encounter yesterday. Gen. Slocum'S expedition arxiveß at Vlokaburg. MONDAY, 25. i 5,000 Indians on Knife river defeated by General Sully, with a loss of 150 men. Union loss e hilled Slid 200r30 wounded. : .. An expedition, consisting of a negro regiment, a portion of theiethlll. Cav., and nseotion of a battery, leaves Memphis, Tenn., in the direction of 'White river, and encounters a formidable rebel force near Nelson, and afterashort fight la obliged to retire, ■ TUKSDAV, 20. Gen. Garrard's expedition succeeds to destroying the bridges at Covington, 40 miles east or Atlanta, also the public stores at Covington and Conyers,'in cluding 2.080 bales of cotton j a locomotive and train of caiß, 200 prisoners, and a. number of horses. Gen. Bonsseau’a expedition returns to lllarletta, GA» after having, burned all the. railroad bridges north of Montgomery, and twenty miles south of it. An expedition of 3,200 Union cavalry, under Gen. MeCook-start on an expedition to destroy the Ma con and western Bailroad. After having destroyed 18 miles of It they capture a train of 600 wagons , going from Atlanta to Macon or Columbus, but on returning with their captures, vis: 127 officers, eoo men, and.3,oCo mules, are surrounded by the rebels, under Hansom, who capture 2,000 of the expedition. The remainder cut their way out and escape to Marietta. WEDNESDAY, 27. The rebels, raider Early, appear on the Virginia side of Che rtrer, opposite Williamsport, bat are Srevented Rom crossing by Gen. Crook, and With row their pickets daring tne night. THUKSDAY, 28. Tie Union forces under General Ullman attack the rebels at Morganzla and defeat them, capturing. a number -of prisoners and hilling the notorious guerilla scout Capt. MoNeely. Union loss two Hied and thirteen wounded, Bebelloss sixty, three hilled and wounded. The rehßl invaders, under Early, secure some of the fords of the Potomac, and cross over the river at Falling Waters and Hancock, General Couch at Chamberaburg makes active preparations to resist. The steamer Margaretta Stevenson leaves St. John's, Newfoundland, for Trinity Bay, with Gyrus W. Held, to select a place for landing the Atlantic cable. The Army of the Tennessee, under General Logan, attacked at 11 A- M, by the rebels, while on the march from the extreme loft to the extreme right of Sherman’s army. The rebel infantry from Hardee’s and Lee’s corps make six assaults on the Union lines, which are successively repulsed. Union lobs BoTfllled,4Sß wounded, and 73 missing. Bebel loss about 6 000 hilled, wounded, and missing. ■ ’ FRIDAY, 29. General Early crosses the Potomac river at Wil liamsport, and sends out a cavalry reoonnoissanoe towards Hagerstown, which returns and recrosses the river to Martlnsburg. - The funeral of General McPherson takes place at Clyde, Ohio. One thousand persons present. Gyrus W. Field selects Heart’s Content, in Placen tia Bay, as the western terminus of the Atlantic Telegraph oable. SATURDAY, 30. The mines under the rebel works before Peters burg exploded. Shortly after, an assault Is made on the rebel works by the Union troops, but Is re pulsed, ou account or the Union forces falling to co-operate properly. Union loss, 6,640. Obambers'burg burned by the rebel Invaders un der flic Cans land. ETWBA.T, 31. grpev. Martin Jotm Spatad tng installed Aiolilslßliop of Baltimore. AUGUST. MONDAY, AUBUST 1, Governor Curtin Issued a proclamation calling for a special meeting of the Legislature, on the 9th instant, for the purpose of adopting measures for a thorough organisation of the military powers of the Stfttfis Twenty-five hundred rebels, under IvicOaualaiul, defeated by General Averlll, between Hancock and MeConnellaburg. „ • TtntSDAV, 2. An election held In Pennsylvania, to decide whether an amendment shall be made to the State Constitution, allowing the soldiers, to vote, results In favor of the amendment. The rebels under MeC&usl&nd defeated at Cum berland by a portion of the Union Ibrces. The pirate Florida arrives at Teuerltfe. WBDKBSBAY, St The 50 Union officers placed pnder fire of the Union batteries at Charleston exchanged for the. same number of rebel officers.on Morris Island, placed under fire of the Charleston batteries. An expedition fitted out from the U. S. steamer Saratoga, lying in Doboy Sonad, Ga., starts for the. court house of Melutosh county, Ga., and captures a number of citizens who had met there in -pursu ance of a call to form a coast guard j 22 prISOhOM, 22 : horses and buggies are captured, 2 bridges destroy ed, and a large rebel encactpment burned. TBirasDAV, 4. \ The Union forces nhdewfleneral Granger occupy Dauphin Island preparatory to the reduction of. Port Gaines, at the entrance of Moblleharbor. ; The National Past Day appointed by the Presi dent generally observed throughout the Nortbam, States. B*BDAY, 5. Admiral FarraguLat 5.40 A. M., with the Union. flcet.bavine entered Mobile Bay.and silenced'Forts Morgan anti Qainee as he passed, encounters the; rebel,squadron which by 10 o’clock is dispersed, oap turedYor destroyed! The monitor Teoumsehissunk, in the early part of-.the engagement, by a rebel tor pedo, with her commander, % A. M. Craven, and nearly all her crew. The total casualties, not In cluding those of the Tecumseh, ore fifty-two killed and one hundred and -seventy wounded. The rebel Ironclad Tennessee surrendered atlSA.Hl.withtweiK ty officers’and one hundred and seventy men. The, Selma was also captured with ninety officers andt mem The two remaining reboVgunboats seek pro tection under the guns of Fort Morgan. _ Fort Powell, one of the defences or Mobile, com manded by Lieutenant Colonel Williams,.Mown up and evacuated by the rebels, and eighteen guns attempt to Mow, -un aftrtin ftMt of tb® Sth Army Corps It IPeters bm® Tto mine oonstruoted by them forhhe pur nofe explodes at a diatenee of forty yards from the Tto retole oroaa fto Potomac river at Williams nort aml oocnpy Hagerstown, which was evacuated by the Unionforces at 2>f A. M. SA'rUE»AY,.6. The 2Sd Corps, of the army of General Sherman, make an attack on the'rebels In front of Atlanta, but are repulsed wlth’a loss of five hundred mom BtranAY, T. General Averlll attacks and defeats, at Moore field, West Virginia, a portion of the rebels under Generals MeOausland and Johnson, retreating with their plunder, oapturlng 500 prisoners,' all i hem ar- _ tUlery.tralns, colors, and a large quantity of small’ 'ParMgut, with his Seek, attacks Fort Gaines, one of the defences of,Mobile. , The French blockade of the Mexican ports raised.' ; Two tunarea rebel toTaiyy wthiwjit Sedan* oathe' THE WAB PRESS, (PUBLISHED WEEKLY.) Tm Wia PBzas will be sent to subscribers by mull (per otuuua to advwiee) sa 00 Three ooples... .... 5 00 Five copies.... 8 OO Ten c0pie5...,.,,. 15 OO Larger Clubs than Ten Will he charged at the same rate, $1.50 per copy. The money must always accompany the order ', m* in no instance can these terms he demoted from, cm afford very little mere than the cost of paper. OS*_Fostmasters are reenested to act u agents tor The War Prbss. ms- To the getter-up of the Club ot tea or twenty, m extra copy of the paper will be given. .Cumberland river, twelve miles above Smttbland K’entucky, but are repulsed, with a loss at ala killed am' twenty wounded. The command or the East Gulf Rloekadimr Fquaaron transferred tofJapt. Theodore p. Greene by Acting Seal Admiral Salley. MOKDAT,g. Colonel Charles Andoreen, at 93£ o’clock A. fIL, torrt'ndeik’dFort Gaines unconditionally to Ad ml ral Parra'glrt, with Its garrison, consisting of S 9 eommfttlonecf Officers, 818 enlßtad men, 2a gunn I*, taot. and prov toons for twelve momhs. GouejaiShei'Aian advances bis lines throu mlles northwest'of Atlanta, and within a mile and a half of the Mason raafi> i Mojoi General S2uridan assigned temporarily to the conunasfd of the Union forces In the Middle Mi iscary DivlMon, consisting of the Department of Washington, the Middle Department, and the-De partment of the Susquehanna and Worthwestorw Virginia. ’ - s A XJ. S. oiwil£»ee boat, loaded wiiSiaaimanilfon, expfeHes at Clty-Foint wharf, killing S 3 and wound iDiriy&peraoos. The btocki-dorunser Prlnco Albert attempt} to' enter eJiiarlei-ton harbor, bat reus aground opposite Sort Mbnltrte, and it destroyedriry the Union bat teries. \ AdmirafPan.agut motes a formal demand for the' surrcnder'of I'a t Morgan, but Is refused. \ WKDHBBDAT, 10; General Granger consjubnbes thr InvestmentoT Fort Htorgair ,• The brig Blllowy-Af Salem, from Calais for Balti more, and thrsciwo.ner Spokane, of Tromont, Me,, from Calais fefPhlia delplna, captured by the plftto Florida. . , Sheridan, overtahas the rebels, under Early, ton tntlesfrom Winchester, retreating up the Shenandoah. VaHey.and heavy-aklrmlstring takes place between the t;w*> at,rules. ® - ” • , TirrjjEts.oAF, H» The last or the rebel lnvadera-of Marylaad and Pennsylvania leave Winchester at 10 A M Admiral Farragub Istues order* to atUSte Fort Morgan at 8 A. M. tbspat, la, „ ' Tbo bark Sullote, Me. s aroin Cowßay for Wow York, captured off .Montana Point, ISonr Island, and bonded ferf $6(1,000 by thcr-plrate Talto haisoe. The ship Adriatic bemad by the ptatte Tailahto, . see off the coast of I.ongoeland. Tbe schooner R. E. Feokar, from Baltimore, MBL. for Bath, captured in lat; 11 deg.. lon. a-deg., aai' bended for $lO,OOO, by thamirate Tallahassee? The Secretary of the Wavy despatches sixteen united States war-vessels* to intercept toe Taira baseec. Afearfulrlot occurs in Azum» sery 1e destroyed a great number orfcersoofl mj tired. „ „ ■ - BiTOßDi^Via. Oca. HKHSOdkwnlwrkCtli* 2d Corps of tty Amy of the Potomac on transports, and ostenslblT'tatcea them to Harrison’s Handing, fetst returns during the night to Seep Bottom. a Ttaee brigades of Forrest’s commands ttackedaad defeated at Hurricane Creek, f Ston. 1) by three bri gades af-Sen. Smith’s oommana ::SO rebel deaS'laft on the held. The Union loss 4o inied and wounded. STTKDAY, 14. Admiral Farragut makes a raconnolesance or tie obstructions near Mobile. TO? Nashville la dltcoveron to be sank oorosa the channel. making access to4Ke elty impossible until die la removed. At B, M. the United States lead forces under Geterai Granger are the first experimental shot at fort Morgan. One thousand seven hundred rebels under Gen. ■Wheeler,'with air brass howitzers, attack the Union garrison or 800 men, wider GoldieT Idaboiu, at Dalton, G 0.., but are repulsed. - . Tbo battle of Deop Bottom. Va. The 2d and part, of ihoifita Corps attack the robols near Deep BottC'is. lu6 20th Corps* under Bircay. c&ptsre sk line or rebel works with four elght-IhcS- brass guns and a number or prisoners, with slight loss,-when the enewy’falis back to a strong position behind & swamp. The Union. forcaß retire after having lost 560 men/ mootay, 15. General Steadman reinforces the garrison mnt«v Colonel lAeboljl at Bolton, Ga, and charging «■« tebels-usder Wheeler, flnvoa them off In oonfusfo*. The sehopno-s Gbward, Oor&l Wreaili, ima, Caroline, Bestless, and T. B. Harris captured bT the pirate Tallahaeoee. ’ General A. J. Sinlth’s expedition reaches Tupelo. The Secretary of the Navy congratulates Ad miral Farragnt on the great naval victory achieved by his forces In Moblle Cay. The pirate Georgia, 1 captured to Ist. 39 deg. Id min. N., long. B . deg. 38-min., bythe United States steamer Niagara, ccrramnded by Commodore T. T. Craven. • TtresuATjiia. Gen. Sherman makes a movement by the right flank, to attach the fftacon K allroad undent off® mux icatlon with Atlanta. * * The schooner Martlnlcns captured off ararttotou# bythe pirate Tallahassee and hooded for *3 O 0(). ~ Kershaw’s division : or Uoßgstrcet’s corps, and WlckEam and X.omas’3' brigade of tebel'oavalrV. attswk that of Gen. Merritt, In front of Front Koto!, on the north side of the Shenandoah river, andfare badly beaten, wltha Idss of 2 Stands of oo lore/24 officers, and 276 men. 1m #lot jit Belfast, Ireland, continues. A num ber of persons shot and hilled. ’■ WBOTCaSDAV, IT. Four bones of anus ror the treasonable orgsnlssa tlon ohlled the Sons-ef Liberty seized to Indkuzt poUs,ffndlana. 3 Thebrlg Neva, from Xdpgan, N. S., captured 18 mlies LWW. of Cape Sable; Florida, by the pJrato Tallahassee, and bonded for HTiOSB. * ' . thuksbAy, is. The Irish riots subside. Gen.Fherman orders Gem Kilpatrick,? with 5,000 cavalry, to break the West JPolnt Railroad newr Fairborn, but after an Interview With the latter] he determines to raise the siege of Atlanta and throw his whole army on the line of the enemy’s communi cations. Gen. .Warren’s corps moves to and across the Weldon EaJlroad, one milasonth ef the lead works, meetingno opposition but rebel picket:?, and then advances towards Petersburg, suffering some los3 and inflict tog the sameon tiaonamy. The 15th Corps, charge a portion of the rebdl works ln lront of Atlanta and capture them. 200 rebels leave their rifle-pits and voluntarily come to a body Into the .Union lines, - The rebels make an attack onGan. Blrnoy’alines, but are repulsed with a loss of 1,000 men. PIHDAYjSB.'" The Union trocpß under Warren, oeeupi connecting bet ween him and tae letf ot tho old line on-the-Jerusalem plank-road, and force back the .two right divisions of Warren’s corps. After a se vere fight qn both aides, the Union forces succeed la re-establishing their lines. . The,rebels, under Woodward, attack Clarksville, ' Ky.j'but are repulsed. Saturday,£9, The rebels make three desperate charges to recap ture the Weldon Railroad, but are repulsed with, heavy loss,; A rebel plot to control the Presidential electionfn Indiana disclosed to Governor Morton. Tto rebel sympathizers order and pay, for 50,000 revolvers, with 42 boxes of fixed ammunition, to effect the ob ject. 22 of the latter, addressed to H. H. Doild, the Grand Commander of the treasonable Order of the Sons of Liberty, seized in Indianapolis, Indiana. 6T7ITDAY, 31* Another fierce attack made- on the Union forces by the rebels to recapture the Weldon Railroad gal lantly repulsed, and 500 rebel prisoners, 32 com missioned officers, and 5 stands of colors captured. The Union loss in the sth Corps, on Friday and to-day, 5,(00. Tto 2d Corps, under General Hancock, having re crossed the James river, assists the sth and 9th Corps in tearing up the track of the Weldon Rail road. The rebels, under Forrest, attack Memphis and capture a Union force, with about 300 horses and mules, but axe forced to retire. Archbishop McCloskey consecrated at New Toxic. MONDAY, 22; General Kilpatrick returns to General Sherman from an expedition to cat the Macon Railroad, which he succeeded In doing near Jonesboro, Ga., destroytogthree;mlles of the track, 2 trains and loco motives, and bringing In. I piace of artillery and TO prisoners. The committee of four exchanged prisoners ap pointed by the 85,000. Union prisoners condned is Antfersonville, Ga, arrive fie Hew York, with a petition Atom, their associates addressed to the Pre sident, earnestly desiring,him to effect their release. The rebels abandon their attempt to recapture the Weldon Railroad, The Union forces destroy a long rebel supply trsln on the Wtochaster.and Martinsbnrg I urn pike. The bombardment of Fort Morgan commences. TCTSSBA?) 23. Fort Morgan, guard tog the entrance to Mobile, with its garrison of 680, men, 60 pieces of artillery, and a large quantity of material, unconditionally surrenders to Admiral Farrogut at 2 P. K. The rebel command, before surrendering, spike most of the gunß, burn the .carriages, and destroy mucker the ammunition. In, the twelve hours previous to the surrender were thrown Into the fort. The skirmish line of the sth Army Corps advance oyer a mile along the. railroad towards Petersburg. A division sent to tear up more of the track of the Weldon railroad succeeds In destroying it So wjthfn four miles of Petersburg In front of the Union lines, and, with the assistance of the 2d Corps, tor nearly double the dlstar-oe.ln Hie opposite direction. A Union expedition,?,ooo strong, with $ cannon, leaves Decatur In. the direction of Covington, Ga. TOBIiKSDAY, 24. Tho Union forces oc'upy the whole Mne of the "Wpldon Kailroad as far as Bonn’s Station, a dis tance.of seven miles. Tie ship Victoria arrives at Hew York, having on board Franz Muller, charged with the murder of Thomas Briggs, on a London railway aar, near Lon don. He is arrested. A portion of Crooi’s command, sent out on a re connoiSßance. captures some rebel prisoners, who in form them that Bamseur’a and itaodee’ divisions are detailed, for.plcket duty in front of the Union lines, and that the rest of tho robel army uader Early ls-at Charlestown, Va. THURSDAT.2S. ■, The rebel ram Nashville,sunk aeson the ent?&nea Oftho-ehannel at aiobUe.biowu upby the U boat Metacomet. Six ?ebel toaflooß below tiia forts, also fished up by the IT. S. gimboat Oneida. Gen. Sherman's army movea..towards the West Point Batlroad to cat off the label communloation* with Atlanta* A Union cavalry reconnolssajMe discovers that the rebels have broken cam>at Charlestown, Ta., anc are marching In the direction of Ueetewn. The British Consul at Now York makss a formal application to TJ. S. Comm&sloner Newton for the extradition of Franz 3E*H*r. The Union forces' .©en. Hancsek attached several'tlm*B by the rebels, bot ara repulsed. A eomhtnestrehel attach made on the centre and Mb. results la the withdrawal of the enemy from the. field, leaving thelrdead and .woundecon the ground. Therebei loss In the last two weefeis estlmated.nt not less than 10,1190. The Union leas in prisoners la heavy. yaraAT, 26. Twalve and a half TBleas'or the>West Point. Ball* road leading to Attaint*, destroyed by Sherman'* f °Stohonftred robfil-offl'iora plaeed under Sreof the rebel batteries on. MtoTis Island, In retaliation tor tbesame nombenotATnlon officers in Charleston efeced under fireofthe Union batteries "lie rebels, ’sritfc/two regiments.os cavalry and some Infantry, attempt tc, cross Into Maryland at bob, after a fight of Beveral hours* duration, amscpjtlsed with heavy loss by General AveriU. Sheridan sotsoes tfca rebels’ retreating .np the Shenandoah Xalley to Smithleld or JOEladlsirarg, and captwesipo prisoners siria inflicts on the enemy a loss of Bid killed aad wonhded.. ■ ' 1 SATTOBDAV, 37. , The XT, S. Commissioner, at New depldesto give tb» necessary certificate to soad Mculer s tfie mar<ta«E, back to* England, STJKDA'S'j 20. ov4n. Hetetxelman, Id command of th» Norfckem Military Department, ’£*3 b J*,£&L p „ r S‘Sls e xpress, railroad, or other forwarding oompanlas States of Uhic, Indiana, mmols, and Michigan for to aavs without a permit from Ms headquarters, and also prohibiting dealers to these ffitioles from selUng the same within the above-mentioned time. MOHBA.Y, 29. The Demooratlo National Convention meets at Chicago. ottesday, 30. The rebels, under Wheeler, endeavor to destroy Sherman’s communications with Nashville. WaDBSBDAT, si. Geo. B. McClellan, of New Jersey, Is nominated for President, and Geo. H. Pendleton, of PlW'PiKtdent, by the Demooratle National On* venUoh. at Chicago. . , Wheeler's cavalry etui eawwed to breaklß*r np Sherman’s commnnKMtlon wlthN ashvlUe. Gem Hood again attaoks Aimy Urn Ttaaato
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