FISAKCIAL AID COMMERCIAL. Here was lets activity at the stock hoard Te«terd»y, Jd pr” Morally we% drooping. °"erh»eut loaaa WB treak, the sale, betas a llc ™lewasnrthtng 1881 a, 6-2 Q», and the K-« b* nd ?- *Sd in tf& 7 30s. new or old. The untaken balance of ttafln,tsloo.l ; 000 of It Is now taken for granted that the iseuo gold bond, irill be eontraeted, a. the limit consistent with the eus toms rarentie, upon which, their interest depends, is h&iagcioteif approached. The preaent interest upon gold • hearing hoada may he stated in round nnmhers at aeo*COO.OOO. The customs, it is anticipated, will not exceed *7O COO,OOO. ao that only *lO.OOO, COO remain, upon which there la no claim for interest. Upon this amount there Is a reserve claim in the 7 so Treasury notes, which, after three years, are convertible into 5 per oent. gold-interest bonds. At the dlyse 0 f October, there waa *70,668,860 of these seenrittes.aaoat.Mid the Issue Is now probably Increased to over *M’ooo,ooo,.the gold-interest upon which wonld amount to Bflßilv ft6.000.C00. . n, demand for railroad shares is very limited, though prices,show no material alteration. Beading dosed steady at 57X ; Catawlssa preferred at 37K s Nor -xtstown at 68, and Lehigh Valley at 81; Pennsylvania Sallroad Improved X. selling at 65X; State loans were nteady; new City 8s were dullat 98X, a decline of IX. ■There was very little said in company bonds. Camden and Amboy 6s, 1889, brought 100; Schuylkill naviga tion 65,84; iehlgh Navigation 6s, lOl.aud first mortgage Tennsjlvanla Kailroad_ll2. Of the coal stocks there wero sales of Big Mountain at 6X. and New York and JBlddle at 10X, and Swatara Falls Coal at 6. The oil ntockewSre depressed. Curtin was weak at 10; WaJ, nnt Island at 2% and Maple Shads at SBH ; Egbert ad vanced slightly. ' Bank stocks are attracting some attention. Email lots Consolidation cold at 45; Com monwealth at SOX; Farmers’ and Mechanics, at 69; IS6X was bid for North America; 58 for Commercial; S 3 for Mechanics’: HSfor Southwark; 96 for Kensington; SI for Girard; 82 for Manufacturers’ and Mechanics ; *nrt M 4 for Union. Thereis a steady demand for city passenger railroad stocks at steady prices; Second and TiSTfold at 68X; 46 was bid for Tenth and Eleventh; 27 for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 70 for Wost Philadel phia; 18 for Arch-Street, and 20 for 0«>oh and The following wore the quotations of gold at the hours named: gjg M.—— ——— 10 •A. M iox a. 11 A. 12 1 F. M——- 8 P. « P. The following'were the cl Vlgation, mining, and oil sti fiid. Aik. | Bobnyl flav-pref- g |9X Bubo Cftnal-*...... 14h 16 BigMountCoal... 6a 6 Butter Coal..— 6 11 CUnton Coal"-;.. • 1 IX Connecticut Min.. .. H Vx 19 8 Boeder Pam Coal. X 1 GreenMt&ml.... * 5 Keystone Zinc.... ,p ,l* «I &MidClF'd.. 10 log S Carbondale .... 3 Mew Creek Coal.. 111-1# ®X2 BlgTank.!X »X Branden Island 3H Beacon Oil • • Brnner 0i1....—** IX IX Bell Creek 3 friges Oil.** 4fa 4X nrning Spring— 2 f Continental 0i1... 2X 3 Crescent City •• 2X Curtin-. M* IJ Cora Planter..... 6X 7 Caldwell. Cow Creek IX 21-16 Cherry Bun. *25 30 DnnkardOil—— X 1 Dnnkard Creek 011 1 IX SfflMr.: kill Idorado—.— IX 2 arrelOll •• 2 ranklin Oil IX 2 Crest Western— SX SX The following is the amount of Goal transported over the Lehigh Valle? BaUroadfor the weekending Secern- J>er17,1864: we sic. previously. totaz. Where shipped torn. Tons Gwt Tons Owt Tons Cwt Eaileton . . 8.424 19 6,Ml 09 10,176 08 East Sugar Loaf. 1,428 os 3,360 00 4,788 05 Council Kid ge...... 1,77202 2.250 00 4,02202 Mount Pleasant.*, .010 12 74115 1,236 07 Mountain.... 98104 2,858 02 3,342 06 Coleraine.... *1717 S®*®* IBearer Mead0w........... -1600 40.12 56 12 mi jf! Harieigh- 1,’»»7 18 2,'7M 13 a&r.! 1 ':: IS • ) *®S ?l f toni CoalCo *. 248 09 460 05 ' 698 14 tuck Mountain. , 817 08 1,031 17 1,849 06 lttaliaiu>yee..»efc»*.»...«.* 1,91119 4,790 09 6,702 88 Baltimore C0a1.612 02 83318 1,446 00 Franklin . 31217 1,235 12 1,548 09 Consolidated. 718 02 1,065 04 1,783 06 Acdenieid. e. 2% 08 239 08 Lehigh. and Susquehanna 23317 1,095 03 1,329 00 Xandmepser’s. 224 19 289 13 92417 WilkeHb’e Coal & Iron’Co Ifo 08 217 18 898 06 OUiecSWpperSe. a 93 06 464 04 65710 .T0ta1..................20,626 13 89,829 G 8 60,350 01 Corresponding week last year. 7,883 08 44,83518 61,749-06 Increase 12,643 03 7,60615 Decrease 5,056 10 «... .. An allusionlto the Dunkard Oil Company In our pa ster having been written upou statements that we And upon inquiry to have been unreliable, in justice to the community and the highly respectable gentlemen who manage the enterprise we publish the folio wing state ments of the resource* of the company, furnished to ns by genUemen in whose word we have every confi. tdence. The properties of the company are located as follows: 1. The “Prior Farm,** situated on Ten-Mile Creak, about four or five miles from the Monong&bela river, into which the creek empties. This property contains about one'hundred acres, ana Is owned by the company in fee The surface of the ground ascends gradually as it recedes from the creek. A five* feet vein ot bituminous coal underlies this entire tract. A well i« now going AcrWn nnr.ll the * *l*ol3 ■SM l TO«fl'Mp ,I VSTf l '«BgomaTr from this wen. 2 The " Bower Leaee, ’' eoatalnln* twoaeres of-bottom land on Ten-Mile Creek, below the Pollock Farm, and joining thereon. These properties also lie near the Clarksville well, which promises to be a success. 3L She “Boge Lease,* 1 on huff's Creek, a splendid piece of bottom land, containing about one acre, all of which Is available for boxing purposes, oue eighth of the oil reserved by the lessor. 4. The * * JJapel Lease,*’ ou Bunkard Creek. About one and a Quarter acres of this lease is good boring land, and lies immediately upon the creek. A loell is now going down upon this pro petty. She company have a very fine engine upon the* £ round at work, under the superintendence ot Mr. A. i. Williams, a gentleman of large experience In this line of business. This well is about the distance of two squares, (say from Market to Walnut streets,) from the celebrated Wilfy well. 5. The **Mt. Morris”lease, on Packard Creek, containing about two-thirds of an acre of bottom land, lying opposite the Donly Farm, upon which there is an oil spring. 6. The “Ty» sard Lease,* 1 on Dunkard Creek, containing three acres of good bottom land, with unmistakable in dications of oil. At the last westing of the directors, Mr. O. B. Griffiths, of this city, was elected superin tendent. with instructions to proceed at once to the ncene of operations, and push on the work of the com pany with all possible , vigor. • For this purpose the company have authorized Mr. Griffiths to purchase an additional murine, and aU the necessary appliances for the {diking of another well open Donkard Creek, pro bably npon the Mt. Morris Le.Be Consequently in the course if the next two weeks the company will hare two weilsgoing down, one of which la already under way. we are also assured by the officers of the company that it is their intention t > develop aU the above properties ae rapidly as possible They have a Working capital of *85,000, all of which wUI be ex pended In developing the lands if necessary. A plan Is on foot at Chicago to tunnel the south jbr&nch of the liver to an extent sufficient to accom modate railway trains and ordlnarj travel. The move meat originated with the Plttshnrg, fort Wayne, and Chicago Ballroad Company, who have long felt the necessity of having greater facilities for commnnl eations with the south side, their large freight depot ielngwestof the river. They proposed to the city to raise *lOO,OOO hy private subscription, If the Common Council would appropriate a similar amount for the construction of a tnnnol under the river at Washington street. In consideration of raising this money, and the Payment of *20,000 cash to the city, the railroad com pany ask that the Common Connell shall vacate that portion of West Mams street, between Canal street and ihe riverj in order that they may occupy the same as depot grounds in connection with the property they already hold adjoining. Drexel & Co. quota: Hew tJnited States Bonds, 1881....... .........1115 <ai!7 BewtT. 8. Certificates of Indebtedness...... 97>r@ 9730 ©aarteimastera' Vouchers „ i m H Orders for Certificates of Indebtedness...... VA® 2 Sterling B»*§»ge. ".....lato 111 PITS-twentr Bonds... PHILADELPHIA STOCKBXCHAUGE SALES, d7c® BE?ODE BOARDS. SMI MOTarr Farm-... 630. 331 FIRST BOARD. BOOCnrtln 0i1....10t5. l| 24Far h 31 Bk.lots. © tSRw d0......10t5.65. 16 40Commoaw’E BR. ©3d 1™ 3JJ 200 Ming 0...... S & T i To «lDalz e iiou':. C ltS:lj4 Sstat]© o ®.®^: 1 ! 3CO Swatara Falls**-**. 6% 6000 DH 6a J SI ”cp off'lOSX pEx&orV.r;::;: L «« 2370 Z Creek*.*..!., j 2GO(M»itvEL *(* or ICO Feeder Dam % W&SilsmS!*'. 1 BBTWEEH BOARDS. 600 Corn Planter. .6© 7 200 Dalaell 0i1....10ts 834 100 Maple Shade 3834 ©OWalnot Island.... 2.84 ffloExcelBior.lofei.6So Ui 4 ®o Cam &Am 6s 1889.100 1 J 22 MoE-heny..., Bit I 100 Caldwell. OX BOARD. ICO Excelsior .....1 44 SS 24QS *CE«rr Bite *>4 H» Big Moom&inJots 6 300 Corn Planter...6s Gig 1© do 630 '7 3000 (JSSs 1331 .coup off.lOßV % S»J» P binde.sS.lozg 300 Egbert uil 3. si ICO Parry Oil. 4« 624 ii 3d; at K.aOwn 68K SCOHoiy farm...lots 60Beading 6SS ICO do. r ..op»Sfit 58 M Norristown K-lota 58 200 Contlientalonrao ¥/i 200 do SECOND 2CODalzO)l Oil e , ICO do- g 100 do ...,,..b5 gv 200 d0..........10ta 9)6 600 Caldwell lots 63? 300 do bSO.lota 8 % 100Curtin OU 16 ICO Hibberd-.......... 2X ICB Penn»B lots 66k AFTBB ; ,J 0 Norriatown B..Hb 68 400 Oil Craek & Cherry „„ Bon bSO 3 66 300 Perry Oil 4X| 100 d0............b5 41| SCO Caldwell If .500 do .....bSO 6k SraTJBoSoßond B ..~loB% ®0 EsbeJt 0i1.....b80 3JS JOO Orirfinlc 0i1....... l ICO Alleg ft Tideout- 1 44 4CO Hibbard 2 X GCO Story Farm its 2J6 310 Dalrell 0i1.....1ts 95$ ICO Oil Creek..... JJa COCO US 10-40Bd 1023* 600 City 6s new....... 98X 3 Consolidation Bk. 46 ICO Philada & Tideont 3 40MUSC* ’SI., .op 0K.109* .200 Brnnar IX low Lebifth Kay 8a....101 300 Excelsior 1 44 100 Pa Oil Crk .bS 8 60 U S 6-20 a ....10834 ICO Heading 67^ ™ d0......b68t1nt 67 66 Keystone Zinc..,. Ik 30} ooal..MloX ICO Atlaa \% __ “OUrSIBIBI too Beading.. 583 i 35® do opg&int 683? |OO Kg1et5....^......... i Jto Perrr 1 44 IS 5fce15t0*........... 1 44 125 £1 llorado. 2 Ike K«w York Post of yesterday says: Gold ban beau rmußually excited this morning. The opening price was 224. In a short time the speculators ran it no to 2273 a. when.thera wasa sudden break: The lowest price reached was 2203 c 1 and the closing rate 222. Tile is mor« active. Thors Ib, strh ... . . . * Mar- fei® BailVuy iSefBrrB'a::V.;::ioi" 3 j§ 3 Hudson Biter Batlroad -.lieii iffi 1 JtesdingKaUroad ~,.IWK JK., V* mkfA^lTv^ tal **« « "wffi&VgSZ ■ »-*«*.<*.22o ...,,.,,282 .........216 i ■«..« tm.. iMt*. imv.222 .220 neMM..........*..*”*.®! closing quotations for the un locks : Bid. Ash. Germau1a.........11-16 1M GlobeOii..*♦ 1?% Howe’s Eddy OU. IX IX Hibbard Oil-..**. 2k 2X Hogelsland....... % • * Hyde Farm..., 6 • : Irwin 0i1.... 10 10# Key stcae 0U...... 1 2 Krotzer*..- 1 U% Maple Shade Oil.. 95 S 3 MeOliatook 0U... 5X 5% Mineral OU. 211-163 Minio.— .... 3X.3X Mcßlheuy 0i1..... 636 CM Noble A Bel -10 IQ# OU Creek 1% 8 Organic 0i1....... 1 1* OlmsteadOU...... %£ 2>4 POnna PetroCo... .. 3 I Perry 0i1... 4 4 X Phila & Tideout... 2% 3 Pope Farm 0i1.... X X 1 Retro leiun Centre. 3M 4 Fh.Ua &OU Creek i 1M Bevenne 2Xr 2X Sock OU .......... 4 4>§ Bathboue Petrol.. .. 2X 5herman.......... .. 1M Seneca OU.. 6 6% Story Farm 0U... 2% 255 fcchnylA OU Grk. .. 2K-; fit Nicholas...... 4>f W 5unbnry.......... .. 2% TarrFarm ........ 8 $% Tarr Homestead.. 4% 6% Union Petroleum. 1.91 2. Upper Economy... X ll-16 Venango 0i1...... H X Walnut Island..-*. ft?£ 3 Wat50n........... .. 3 300 Big Tank 2W 100 Bruner 1§ '■ JgJßlgMOnnt I ICO Briggs 4=l ! 10J Cnrtin b3O 18 i 1000 Walnut 151d...150 S i ISO Balzali 9« ! lOOßjbert,. SM 200 *1 Dorado lS i garman»....bloll-16 I ffi I*B ; 100 Revenue 2K ; lOOKroiser i£ ; SO Rook 4 200 Union Petro.. 2 200 Oil Creeks Cherry Run...... bS 3 % 50 Oil Creek.. blO flat 8 300 Egbert 9% 1000 Pannaß Ist mt...lia 200 Oil Creek & Cherry . Run .....bSO 3|£ 100 Walnut 151 d...... m 100 ExeeMor 100 TJ 8 8-203....• ".""MS* 100 S 7 &6 600 US 6-208 .....108fg 800 Story. Faro i 2 66: [OOM” BALES. : SO Corn Planter 9% 100 Curtin. -e2O 10 100 Venango - it 100 Story Farm 3 % . 200 Walnut laid 2 94 1600 Globe... IX Semi-Weekly Review orthe PhltadMphta Markets. Dboekbbe 20— Evening. The Produce markets are dull andunsettled, owldgw the decline in geld and foreign '‘l 4 ‘Sue very little disposition to operate. Breadstuff, continue very is dull and lower. Coalis without change. The Provision market is firm, but very dull. Whisky has advanced. Wool is more active. 1 The Flour market continue* dull, and th. demand 1* limited; sales comprise about 600 bblß good Western extra family at $l2 ® bbl. The Retailers and Bakers are buying in a small way at froms9.7f@lo.soforsu perfine, $10.76@11.6d for extra, $U.75@12 ® for ex tra family, and $12.60® 18 hhl for fancy brands, as to quality. Bye Flour is selling In a small way at *9.45 V bbl. Com Heal is scarce and wehearof no sales. • • OS AIN.-la Wheat there is very little doing,_aad the market is dull; about 3,700 bushels sold at 20C®2560 for falrito prime rede, and white! at ® bushri, a« to quality. Bye is selling in a small way at 176® 180 c bushel. Com is quiet, with sales of about 7,000 bushels new yellow at 170 c; old la scarce and heldat 18BcfJ bushel. Oats are in steady demand, with sales of 4,000 bushels at 92c $1 bn.hel. - , . PROVISIONS,— The market rontlnuce very. firm, hut the sales are limited; emari ealee. of new Mess Pork are making at ® Sfcs»sl ft ßT«n*»nutelcf^|g s& BewaSaifinpickle are smallwa^^® 21c. and Shoulders in salt at 18X®19*i cash.. Lard is very scarce; small sales of new bbls and tisroeß are making at 28J4®24Mc, and kegs at 26&0 » », eash. Butler Is in steady demandat full p rl “ o ''with *al«s of solid-packed to jRUce at 38®4So,and mil at 4fi@soc »th. as to quality. Hew Tork cheese is selling at from M@ 2Kc n*r lb Eves arc selling at 4t©4toper dozciL METALS.-Fig Iron is rather Tull. 1,000 tons Hard Iron sold at $5O ton. In manufactured Iron there is more doing, but prices remain about the same as last quoted. Copper—There ia very little doing in the way of sales, and prices are unchanged. , . , BAKK.—Quercitron is v#ryjmll, and wehearof no sales. let No. lis told at $42 ton. CANDLES.— Adamantine are scarce; email sues are making at from S3@4Dcsib for short and foil weight. Tallow Gaudies an unchanged. , • COAL. —Orders-from the East come, forward very slowly, but the weather has caused more demand for home use, at about former rate?. Cargo sales are making ‘ from Port Btchmond « from $8.60@9.60 V* ton* COFFEE continues very scarce, and prices are unset tled ; email Bales of Bio are making at 42@44c ft lb. COTTON. —Prices have declined, and the market is very dull; small sales of middlings are reported at 128 FlSH.—Mackerel continues quiet at about former, prices, with sales from store at $24@25 bbl for No 1; IlSforßay do; $1?@18 for Shore 2«, and $15.50®14.50 for small and large Bs, Codfish are selling at B&@BKc 9 it). Pickled Herring axe without change. - FBUlT.—Baisins are iu demand, with sales of Bunch and layers at s£@6.6os} box. Green Apples are sell i lag at from s6@6 bbl. according to quality. Dried do atlS@l4kcsio, and Peaches at %}@2Bg for quarters, and 35@S7c lb for halves. LUMBER—There is very little doing in the way of sales, and prices are without change. - ■ - MOLASSES —The stock is.tight, And pries* are un settled, but the sales are in email lots only; we quote Cuba at from 70c up to 85c gallon. NATAL STOBES are unsrtfcled; smaU sales of Bdaiu are making at from $2B up to $35 barrel as to qnality. Spirits of Turpentine is seltinf at $2,9092.35 BICE continues very scarce; small sales of B&ngoon are making at J3X@l4o Jb. OlLS.—There is not mueb.demand for Lard Oil; win ter ia firmly held at $2.05@2.10 9 gallon. Fish Oilsare In steady demand at about former rates. Linseed OU is firmat the advance; large rales are making at $1.40@ 1.43 gallon. Petroleum is dull and unsettled, with small sales to notice at 60c for etude, 73@75c for refined in bond, and free at from 93@S5c $1 gallon, according to qnality # “ SEEDS.—Flaxseed is rather better, with sales of about SCO bus at $3.7C@3.75 bn—the latterrate for prime. Timothy is very dull, and quoted at $5 13 bn. Clover seed continues scarce, and Is tn good demand; small saleB&remahingatsl£@l4.&os64ibs. * ' SPIBITB.—Tnere is a steady demand for foreign, at about former rates. New England Bum is firmly held; sales are making at prices ranging at from $2.10@1.20 w gallon. Whisky is in demand, and prices have ad vanced about 25c fi gallon,withsales at from 225@235c 9 gallon tor Pennsylvania and Western. SuGAß.—The market is quiet and prices unsettled and lower, with small sales of Cuba to notice at 18@19e TOBACCO.—There is very little doing la either leaf or manufactured, and prices remain about the same as WOOL.—Prices are without any material change, but there is more doing in the way of sales. About"3oo* OHO fi>s sold, mostly fleece, at Lorn 100@l05c lb, cash. The following are the receipt* of Flour and Grain at this port to-day: , F10ur..... 1,800 bbls. Wheat—.MtMMM.MI.X. ..11l 100 bus. 1 Cora.wntwM.».w.»>w^w»iw>wm.7,ooo bus. 5,500 bus. Hew twk Harketa* Dee. So. Ashes are entirely nominal. Bbbadstuffs. —The market for State and Western Flour is quiet and firmer; sales 6,000 bblß at $5,55@9.75 for superfine State: $10.10®10.25 for extra State; for choice, do; $9.(W@9.80 for superfine Western; $lO 15® 10.60 for common to medium extra. Western; $10.90@ 12.15 for common to good shipping brands extra round-hoop Ohio, and SIL2Q@I2 for trade brands. - Southern Flour is firmer; saleß 700 bbls at $10.65@12 for common, and $12.15@15 for fancy and extra. Cana dian Flour is firmer; tales46o bbls atslo.lsolo.3ofor common, and $10.4C@12 for good to choice extra. Bye Flour is quiet. Corn Mtal is quiet, Wheat ie 3 ®sc better and quite active; sales 7,500 bus Milwaukee Club at $3.28; 7,000 winter red Btate at $2.51; 3,500 bus winter red Western at ' s2*so, and 14,500 choice amber Kentucky at $2,60. Bye 1b quiet Barley is quiet. Barley Malt is dull. Oats are lc better, at $1.05@1.06 for Western. The Corn market 1b doll; sales 15,000 bushels mixed Western at $1.90, instore, andsl.9l34* afloat.' Provisions.— The Pork market is quoted flnner, but closes irregular. Bales 4,600 bbls at SSB 75(3>39 50 lor ’ mess, cash aud reealar way, closing at f3S@42 25 for new mess, and $36,6C@57 for prime. Also, 1,000 bbls newmessfor January, b. 0., at $43.26:1,0*0 bbis do for February, s. o.,at $42.25, and 1,000 bbls ’63-’6l mess for December, .at $39. The Beef market is steady; sales 600 bbls at about pre vious prices Beef Hams are steady; sales 300 bbls at $27@28. Cut Meats are firm; sales 425pkgs at 16@18c for shorn-, ders. and 18®20c for hams. ~ . The Lard market is a shade firmer, with a moderate demand; sales 1,500 bbls at 2C@2sc, the latter an ex- Whisky?—’ The market is much'excited; sales of 1,300 bbls at $2.20@2.24 for Western, closing heavy at $2.22}£ @2,23. We hear of no sales of State, Baltimore Markets, Dee. 20.- The supply of Grain is light, and prices unsettled. Flour veit dull: Western extra, $11.573^®H.60. Gro ceries steady. Provisions inactive and nominal. Whisky co PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000, DIVIDED INTO 200,000 SHARES AT $5 PER Subscription pbice foe a limited number OF SHARIS FEB SHARE. STOCK ISSUED FULL PAID. *50,000 CASE APPROPRIATED AS WORKING CAPITAL. ISAIAH LBKEHS, SI. D., President, ym. U. STEWART, Tice President, TO D. SMITH, Treasurer, E. J. HABRISOH, M. »„ Secretary. This company owns In fee simple over POKE SQUARE MILES OP TERRITORY, in the choicest lo calities east and west of the Allegheny river, and being TWO SQUARE MILES, known ae the Cotter Para, situate on the Philadelphia and Erie Xatlraad, one and ahalf miles west of Garland Station, in Warren county, Pennsylvania, within eighteen hoars’ ride of Philadelphia y and TWO SUIT ARE MILES on the North Salmon Creek, Porest county, Pennsylvania, just over the border of Venango county. These lands are acknowledged by oil men, geologists, etc., to be in the very centre of the great oil region. Developments are rapidly progressing in all direc tions around the lands of the company, and within two miles oil is being abundantly obtained. The company is already receiving a revenue equal to an ordinary producing well from their.saw mill and timber. They have lumber sufficient to keep their mills running for fifteen years. On the property on Salmon Creek, Fo rest county, there are also large deposits of Bituminous Coal, which can be worked and will increase the pro fits of the company very materially. The Cotter Farm is situate about ten miles north of the celebrated Tide- onte, oh the Allegheny* river, which was the first spot where wells were drilled and oil obtained. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS is appropriated as a “working capital,” and the work of development is being vigorously pushed forward. Engines are already on tho ground, and five wells are to be immediately snnk on the property, by the most experienced hands the region can produce, under competent superinten- dence. NoJahor or necessary expense will be spared inmakingthlsa ‘‘dividend-paying company, ’ ’ at the earliest possible moment, and also in making it one of the best companies in the market. This company have declined to purohaeosmaZl inte- rests in prodncingwells, for the purpose of making it a “dividend-payingcompany” at the commencement, as many others have, and, therefore, have precluded all possibility of a decrease of the value of their stock from a partial or total cessation of the production of the'wells, ae so often occnrs by the close proximity of neighboring companies in their operations. They invite all who desire Investing in Oil Compa- nies with a really solid basis, to call at their office and examine prospectuses, draughts, etc. All orders through the Philadelphia Board of Brokers or Bankers, throughout the State, will receive prompt attention. Snbscriptionßooksare itowopened, and subscriptions to the Capital Stoik received at the Offices of the Oom- Nob. 23 anti 2-1 Washington HuiiiSliii£, SOUTH THIRD STREET, And at the Office of. PHILIP H. BRICE & CO., Ko. 305 WAIKUT STKSET. "•MMX COMBAST.—THE - Company is now ready fay g£||g secretary, Ho. »86 ■^ss|^jJgjW*tor. Ka- MEW TOBK AMD PHOutDEL* PS? PHIA CARD FROM THE TRUSTEES. To Ihe StilscrOers to the Sleek of the Jteu> iork mi Philadelphia petroleum Company: . It Is IdverttMd that 50,000 eharea or tha Cipltal Stock ot this"CoßJPißTtrill La reaarvaff a* Workikq Capital. To prevent' ulaaauaaptlon, the raana*amant daaire to state that ONE HUNDBED THOUSAND DOLLABS In cash ($100,000) will ha deposited with thB Company’s hankers, to be osed only In the development of the masnldeent property belonging to the Company, and for the legitimate contingent expenses. A large majority of the stock having been taken, the hooka will aeon he closed. & 6. BTEDMAN, Secretary. Subscription Age>t* In PhiladolpUa, tW NEW TOBK AMD PHILADEL. *» FHLA • • PBTROLEITM COMPAPSY. OBGANIEED DNBBB THE LAWS OF HEW TOBK. FBANCIB A. PALMEB. President Broadway Bank, HewTork. NATHAN HANDALL, ex-President United States Tele graph Company, New York. . ALBBBT H. HIOOLAT, of Albert H. Nicolay ft Co., Brokers and Auctioneers, 62 William street, Hew York. EUGENE J. JACKSON, of Polhamliis ft Jatftson,Bank ers and Brokers, 43 Exchange Place, New Tork. EDMUND C. STEDMAN, Secretary New York Petro leum Stock Board, and Broker, No. SO’ Broad street* New/York. „ AHDBEW MEHAPFEY, Philadelphia. FRANCIS A. GODWIN, Philadelphia. BOBBBT CLARKSON, of Clarkson ft Co., Bankers, 121 Sooth Third street, Philadelphia. JAMES M. OLABKB, OU City Pennsylvania. ALBERT 11. - ANDREW MEHAFFEY, PRESIDENT SHOE AND LEATHER BANK, NEW L COMPASY HO. 52 WILLIAM STREET, HEW TORK. 181 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILA, CAPITAL STOCK 300,000 SHAKES, AT TBS NOMINAL PAB OF $5 EACH. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE (8 PER SHARE, STOCK SUBJECT TO HO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. 50,000 snares, or $lOO,OOO, Reserved for Worbiritr Capital. A LARGE MAJORITY OF THE SHARES OF THIS COMPANY HAYING BEEN ALREADY TAKEN IN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, THE SUB SCRIPTION BOOKS WILL REMAIN OPEN BUT FOE A FEW DAYS LONGER, AT THE OFFICES NAMED BELOW i HEW YORK SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS. At Broadway Bank, No. 83T BROADWAY. ' POLHAMIUS & JACKSON, PRESIDENT PETROLEUM COMPANY, ORGANIZED UHDZB 188 LAWS OP PBFKSYI.VASU. President—AMOßY EDWARDS. Esn.. New York. Treasurer—L. H. SIMPSON, Ban., New York. Secretary—J. EDWIN COHAMT. Bsq., Now York. JOHN M. CLAPP, Esq., General Resident Superin tendent. Counsel—Messrs. PLATT, GERARD, & BUCKLEY, New York. AMORY EDWARDS, Esq., New York. EBBN B. CROCKER, Eeq., ol'Crocker * Warren, New York. FLETCHER WESTRAY, Eeq., of Westray, Gibbs, A Hardcastle, New York. • J. H. CLAPP, Eeq., President. Venangocounty, Pa. L. H. SIMPSON, £sq„ of L. H. Simpson A Co., New York. Its lands are put Into tbe Company at tbe unprece dented low price of One Hundred Dollars per Acre, tbe lowest eyer known for Oil-baaing territory, and form In Shares of $25 each, par value.. Subscription price (5 per Share, being in full payment for a S2B Share, No further call or assessment to be made. SO,OOO SHARES, or (100,000 RESERVED FOR Parties subscribing in this Company will receive an equal amount of stock in two other companies ad joining without further Charge. Tbe Lands of these Companies are located on the Allegheny river, and on Hemlock, Poranpine, and Mc- Creaoreeks, MAKING AN OIL-BORING TERRITORY OF OVER TEN AND A HALF MILES IN EXTENT. The wells on this property are being Bunk with great vigor, and promise large supplies of oil. To the capitalist and to parties of limited means un surpassed Inducements are offered. Persons Investing in this Company get (5 stock and the above BONUS for each (1 Invested, without further call or assessment. Subscription books, maps, and all other Information can be obtained at the ofice ef the Subscription Agents, L. H SIMPSON & CO., 64 CEDAR Street, NEW YORK. No Subscriptions taken for less than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. del-Im , W<X)D, WOOD.WOOD.—OAK, PINE, i » and HICKORY WOOD, for sate at lowest cash prices. F.DWATSON. noSO-lm* VINE-STREET WHARJ. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD.—OAK, PINE, ”*. and HICKORY WOOD, for sale at lowest cash ■MEM p.jfc.WjßWß t j. msd-ib* Tun-wsm wharf. THE ITEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1864. OH, COMPANIES. PETROLEUM COMPANY, NO. 52 WILLIAH STREET. New Yoek, Doe. 14th, 1664. ALBERT H. HIOOLAT, President, for the Trustees. N CLARKSON & CO., 121 8. THIRD Street. TRUSTEES. PBBSIDSNT. HEWTORK. VICE PRESIDENT. PHILADELPHIA. TREASURER, OFFICES OP THE COMPANY: FRANCIS A. PALMER, ALBERT H. NICOLAY & 00.," No. 58 WILLIAM Street No. 43 EXCHANGE PLACE. PRESIDENT, VENANGO CO., PA, OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: CAPITAL STOCK, (5,000,0001 WORKING CAPITAL. , QBLcoimPAJreßs. i •or WII.LOW OUBH PETBOLEUM BN COMPANY; CAPITAL, ©BOO,OOO. DIVIDED INTO 60,000 SHARES, OF THE PAB * VALUE OF *0 EACH. WORKING! CAPITAL, 880,000, The few aharee yet remaining nnanbacrihed'mayiia had-neon application, at the ofhoe ofthe Company,.or any of the directors. - PRESIDENT. JAMBS M. CONRAD. SECRETARY AND TRSASOKBB, JOHN H. CARR. ' DIRECTORS, . . JAMBS M. CONRAD, 623 Market street. ' i JOHN H. GRAHAM, 627 Market street.. JOS. B SHEPPARD, 1008 Chestnut street. ' COATES WALTON,'623 Market street. . WM. HART CARR, 1334 South Broad attest. : ' ■ - . ■ The Oil lands ef the Company consist of the following described tracts,embracing in all one hundred and fifty two <ls2)acres: Tract Ko. I—Contains fifty-six (56) acres, situated al ike Junction of Bures* Bun and the Ohio river, vrtth a frontage on both the river and run, -j; • Tract No. 2—Contains forty (40) acres adjoining Ko. 1.- Nob, 1 and 2 are leased for fifteen years; tbree-focurths .of the oil accruing to the Company. They embrae*>the entire valley of the run for nearly one mile, j Tract No. 3—Contains fifty-six acres, owned by the Company in fee simple, located on Fifteen Creek, which empties into the Li .tie Muskingum river*. The Masers. Tack Brothers, who have been so* successful on, the Horse Neck property in Virginia, are now linking a well on the adjoining tract, within six hundredaeet of our line. . . dfl^im SHERIFF’S SALES. SHERIFFS SALE.—BY' VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will bs. ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY grating, January 2,1865* at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Satij No. 1. All that yearly ground^rent of eighty doHara (silver moLoy), payable first of June and' Dfeembsr, issning out of all that three-story stone. mesßaage and the three-story brick messuage and lot of ground slta*e oii the northeast corner of Main and Cotton street*, iu the Twenty*first ward of the city of Philadelphia; tabling is front ort Main street twenty feet, and in depth seventy nine feet to.a twenty-feet wide alley. [Which promises Joseph Eipka and wife* by died dated No vember Ist. 1847, recorded in Deed Book) A. D, 8., No. 78, page 547, eenveyed unto Eeuben Ott ®ee; reserving Bald grount rest, ’ - No. 2. All that yeariY ground rent of thirty-two dollar*, payable first of Fehmarjr aud AfigOßt, issfiißg out of all that three-etorr hri.ek messuage and lotof ground situate on the soutn side of Master street, one hundred and seven feet east from Germantown road, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in- frimt nn Master street sixties fee*, and in depth sixty feetl .[Which premises Joseph RtpKs by'desdej|Jßjuly Slst, 1847, recorded in Deed Book L. B. B , 487, fte.-, conveyed unto Edward Shary In lee; reserving said ground rent. CD.C.; D., *64. 205. Debt. $66,129.05.. Judson. 1 Taken in exertion and to be sold as the property of Joseph Btpkfty deceased. _ ' HENHY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. ’ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Pec. 17, 1864. da!9-3t CHERIFF’S SALE—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me direetiftk.will be exposed to publiesale or vendue,on MONDAYsvening, January 2,186-5, at at Sanaora-street Hall, All that two-story brick stable and part of a three etoiy brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east ride of Holly street,' two bundled and .two feet six inches south of Fitxwater street, In the city of Phi ladelphia ; containing in fronton Hollratreet forty-six ieet onfe and a fourth inches, and in depth on thu north line ninety-nine feet, and on the south line severity- fire feet eix inches: [Which premiss* James Andrews, et al., by deed dated February 12* 1853, recorded in Deed Book T. H., Noi 66, page 237, Stc , conveyed untu Sl wcod Kelly, in fee; subject to a ground rent or sixty-’ three dollars and twenty- five cents, payablefirst of Ja- m. Debt, Taken in execution and to be sold as the winOrty of Elwood Kelly. HEW BY C.^HOWJSLL^S^Wtf-’ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 17..136A .del9-3t -- CHEEIFF’S SALE.—BY <YIRTTJE OF a writ of Levari Farias, 'to me directed. wUI be ex posed to public sale or vendue, onMONDAYSvening, January 2,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-str^ebH&LL, All that brick messuage aud lot of srouna situate on the northeasterly side of Church street, eighty rest northwest from Trenton avenue, in thejate borough of Frank ford, now city of .Philadelphia: contajwng in front on Church street twenty-seven feet eight and a half inches, depth on the northeast line one hun died and one feet, and on the southeast line one hun dred feet in width, on thp.rear end.thirteen feet six and a half inches.. [Which premises Joetph<Deal ahd wife, by deed dated October 29, 1858, conveyed unto Peter Moore in fee. 3. tAJ - [D.C*; D , *64. 201- Debt, $1- 211* Shallcross,] _ Taken in execution and to "be sold-as the property of Peter Moore. BENBY G. BO WELL, Sheriff. “ Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Oiftpe, Dec. 17,1864. 4e19 3fc - CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF 'rJ a writ of LevaTiFacias,*tome directed*wtillw ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY, .Evening, January 2, 1860, at 4 o’clock, at Sansomvstreet Hall', ' All that lot of ground situate on the o! YmtrEld street, one hundred feet southeasCofjSwcftri?, Btrie.t, inihe city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Emerald street, one hundred feet;*diglu7Bttd tfi < fe> eightks inches, and in depth on the north llne one-hun dred feet, and on the south line one hundredfeet eigh, and seven- eighths inches, and on the-rear onspimndrea and thirteen feet rix and ahalfinches*. [Eowtoital-see writ) ‘ ; [D. C.; D.,’64. 204. Debt, $1,007. H. G. ClayJ Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph D. Thornton, John Chapman, and'terre tenant. HBNBY C. HOWSL, Sheriff. • Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Deo. 17, del9-3t QHERIFrS SALE.—BY ’^PRTtrEOFA Writ of Venditioni Exponas, to iris'directed. Trill be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2,1565, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-strbet Hati, ..V All that lot of ground situate on the west eidaaCJT wari ly* third street, one hundred and twenty-aMedteet four and one-eiehth inches north of Spring .Gardaßßtreat, ia the city of Philadelphia; containimrln front on Twen ty-third street thirty feet, and in depth on the north line ninety* one feet eleven and three* eighths inches, and on the south line forty-seven feet one and sevea lHll feUflfeafl*Tb * lfrS : reserving, a. gmnnrf rant Vf fifty-four dollars, pa? able first of January and July. 3 „ lB4. Debt, sl4fi ; 45. -Townsend. 3 r Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jeremiah Bonsati. HENRY C. HOWELL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 17,1864. del9-3t CHEEIFF’S SALE;—BY VIRTUE a wit of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public saleor vendue, on January2,lB6s, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-streefeHall, AU tb at two - & tor v brick messuage and lotdof ‘ground situate bn the north side of Clymer street,.thirty-four fret eight inches east of Adam street, in the city of Phi ladelphia; Containing in front on Clymer street eleven feet three inches* ana in depth forty-two feet. [Which premises Horatio B Pennock and wife, by deed dated June »th,lB3S,‘recorded in Deed Book A. M., No. 39, page 685* &c., cofiveyed unto Eli James in fee, reierv ing a ground rent of twenty- four dollars. ] • «7 0 J a * ap - ;^;» ,6i * Pi ?ebt,|12.19. GniUou.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as thoproperty of HBSKT C* HO-WELISRfeMfe .Philadslphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dee. 10,1864, 6«13.3t {SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue,on MONDAY Evening, Janu&jy 2.1865, at 4 o’clock, atEansom-street All that lot of ground situate on the east side of Forty first street, one hundred and three feet north of Baring street,m the city of Philadelphia! containing in front on Forty-first street fifty feet, and in depth one hundred and ninety, nine feet ten and a h alllttdhes to the mid die of Bndd strset. [Bemgpart of premises which "Wil liam 8. Price and wife, by deed dated March 12th, T 1863, convey c.dunto JohaH. Jones in fee. 3 JobsH. Jones has so interest in above. CD. C.; D., ’64. IS6. Debt, $L475*~W*B. Price. Take ala execution and to'be sold-. asithe property of Jobs H. Jones HENRY C. HO WELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, Dec. 15, 1861 del9-3t CHEKIFP’S SALS.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me direetediwill be ex -sosed to public sale or vendue, on. MONDAY Evening, anuary % iB6O, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that lot of ground situate os the east side of Se cond street, one handled and fiftetirfeet north of Jer vis street, in the city of containing? in fronton Second street (sixteen feet. sis inches, and in aepth one hundred and two feet.three inches to Wheat street. Taken in execution on judgment on City Claim for taxes (C. C. P jZ.i ’64 195, Adams), and to be sold as the property of Hudson Stiles BBNBY C. HOWELL, Sheriff. * Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 17,1564. , dc!9-3t SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening?, January 2, 3865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, | All that three- story brick messuage and lot of ground Bitnaie on the east side of Fifteenth street, {No. 1203.) one hundred and twenty-six feet north of Girard street. In the city of Philadelphia; containing: in front on Fifteenth street seventeen feet six inches, and in depth seventy-six feet. Taken in execution on judgment on city claim for taxes, <C. C. P. M >64. 112. Adanjis,) and to_ba sold as the property or Luev Llcyd. HENRY C. HO WILL, Sheriff' Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Pec. 17, 1864. de!9-8t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex- Sosed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, aruarj a,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Castle street, ninety-nine feet seven inches east of Eleventh street, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Eleventh street eighteen feet six inches, and in .depth one hundred and thirty-six feet. Taken In execution on judgment on City c aim for taxes (C. C. P. M., ’63. 333. Adams), and to be sold as the property of Mary A Napheys. HENRI C. HOWELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff *s Office, Dec. 17,1864 de!9-3t {SHERIFF'S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. January % 1885, at 4 o’clock, at.Sansom-street Hall, All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of McDuffie street, eizhtv eight feet west of Twentieth street in the city of Aila delphia;i containing in front on McDuffie street sixteen feet, and in depth sixty feet; groundrent of tJUrty-nlae dollars. - m ,_ a CD;C. ;D.,’«. ISO. Debt, $l5O KingJ * .Taken in execution and to be sold as thebroperty of . HENRY C. HOWELL, Sfililff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 16, 1864.. delfi-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF K -' a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will bo ex- Sosed to- pnblio sale or vendue, on MOHDAV Evening, anuary 2,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall,' ~ AU that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground 'situate on the south side of Rush street, three hundred and thirty-seven feet east of Frankford road, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Rush street fourteen feet,, and.ln depth sixty* four feet _ . P- 0.5 p., 6*. 224. Debt, sio M Paul.] —Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Stewart. HENRY'C. J5O WELL, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, de2l-3t - CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VffiTXJIToF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening. January 2* 1865, at 4 o’clock,- at Sansom-street NaJl, < Alb that two* story brick messuage and lot onground situate on the south side of Bush street two hundred and ninety • five feet east of Frankford road, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front onßush street four teen feet, and in depth sixty-four fee*. • CD. C.; D.,’64 221. Debt, $40.84. Paul. 3 Taken in elocution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Stewart. HENRY C. HO WBLL, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 19.1864. degl-flt CHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex poseito public sale or vendue, on MOHDAY Evening, Jannary.2, 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-atreet Hall, All that brick messuage and lot of ground eitnate on tbe eonth aide of Bash-street, two hundred and sixty-seven feet east of Frankford road, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Kush street fourteen feet, and in death sixty-four feet _. : CD C. ! D.,’64 219. Debt. *40,84. 'Paul.] Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomae S’ewart . HENRY C. HOWBLK Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dee, lfl, ISB4. de2l-3t CHERIFF’S SALE!—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex- Josed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening anuary 2, 1865, at4o’olock, at Sansom-street Hall; All that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on tbe eonth side of Hash street, three hundred' and twenty-three feet east of Frankford road,-in the city of Pniladeiphias containing in front on East street fourteen feet, and in depth sixty-four feet . JD. e.;D„ ’64. 223. Xebt, $40.84. Paul.] Takenm execntion and to bo sold as the property of Thomas Stewatt. HENRY C. HO WKLii Sheriff: Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Dec. 19, 1864, de2l-3t CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, January 2, 1866, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that two story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on tha south side of Bash street, two* hundred and eighty-ore feet east of Frankford road, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Bush street fourteen feet, and in depth sixty fonr feet. ' [D C.: D , *9O Debt*46.B4 Paul.] Taken- in execution and to be sold as tha pro party of Thomas Stewart.-' HENRY <VHOWELL, Sheriff, Philadelphia. Sheriff’s-Offlce, Dee. 19, 1864. de2l-St. QHERIFF ; S^LE.^BYYIRTuioFA M writ of Levari to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on MOND AY-Evening, January 2,1865, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, .All that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on tbe south aide of Bash street.-three hundred and nine feet e*fct of Frankfordroad,in tbe city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Rush street fourteen feet* and in depth eixtv four feet. c CD- C ; D., ’64. 222. Deb*, $4O 84. Paul 3 Taken in execution and to be sold aetbo property of Thomas EtewfcTrr. * HBRRY C. HOWELL Sheriff L fhUadelphia, Slteriff’s ofiled} Dec, 19,1864, . HEW FIJBUC4UOHB, BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. JUST READY, > ■ THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN MILTON. WITH A . , DIFE OF THE AUTHOR, DISSERTATIONS ON EACH POKH, NOTES CRITIOAE AND EXPLANATORY, AN INDEX -TO THE SUBJECTS OF PARADISE DOST, AND A VBRBAX* INDEX TO AOS THE PQEMB. Bt CHARLES DEXTBB CLEVELAND. 1 volume large Royal 12m0., 638 pagfiB, N o&. fine toned paper, bound in vellum cloth. Price $3. BEADY THIS DAY: PEARLS FBOH HEINE, illustrations and vtinettes by German artlata. 4to. 76 cents. SOHILLBK’S POEMS. Bnlwer’e translation, 10me. .Vellnm cloth, top gUL $1.60. ILLWTBATBD JUVENILES. MOTHER MICHEL AND HER CAT. 16mo. *L MOTfIEB COOSE FROM GERMANY. 4to. $l. MOTHER PITCHER'S POEMS for Little People. 4te. 76 cento. ■ GOOSE IN. GERMAN (”Eia Pope!*”). MOTHER GOOBE IN FRENCH CM&re l’Ole"). BV THE*’boOT-PRINCESS. A Chriatmae Story. 4to. 76 cents. APPLY FOB LEYPOLDT'B LIST PBESESTATIOS BOOKS FOB 1865. Including tho most beanliful Workß pablished for the Holidays in Philadelphia, New Tork, Boston, London, Paris, Leipstc, etc., FUR BALE AT A DISCOUNT, Or sent post-paid on receipt of statad^rice-^by^ ... -Pnhlisher. BookseUer, and Importer, - 13»3 CHESTNUT Street, ,del6-8t Second Floor. Frbsbntation books of a VALUABLE CHARACTBB. Appleton’s Now American Cyclopedia. Cyclopedia of Commercial and Buaine&a Anecdotes, BebellionKerord. BvFra&kMoore. Washington Irving's Works; fine editions. ' Cooper’s Hovels; illustrated. Dickens’ Works; Ulufrfcrated. Bancroft’s United States. Merivale’s History ofthe Bom&ne. Gema from theDusseiaorf Gallery, Lights and Shadows of Hfew York Picture Galleries. M&rtlnts History of France, age of Louie XIV* Waverly Kovels; 'illustrated. • Sbakspeare's Works. Fre&cott’a Works. * , Bancroft’s United States. - Bayard Taylor’s Works. ■Hood’s Works. ■'Eordßacon’s Works; fine edition* Halla'm’e Works, Iflvols. ■ ~ * ■ _ At JaS. K* SIMONS’ Book Booms, de!3*l2t 33 South SIXTH Street, second story, H. 80. A liberal discount made ou aU .purchases. ROOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. WINFIELD. THE LAWYSR’S SON. A LIFE OF MAJOR GENERAL HANCOCK. An authentic life of the boyhood and subsequent - career of Gea. Hancock, containing a correct portrait and many beautiful Ulus* ir&tidns. -One of the meet entertaining boys books yet published. . _ SEASIDE AND FIBESIDE FAIBIBS. Translated, from the German by A. L Wirier. A charming collec tion of German Fairy Tales, Unked, together with a wret iy n&rr&Uve; beautifully printed and illustrated. ? EKOCH®XBDEN. ElOKaittyJJlnstrated. _ CLEVER STORIEB OF MANYNATIOSS. By John G. Saxe. Illustrated hy W. L. Champney. FOLK SONGS. A new edition of that most popnlai *°A II« edition of BITTER SWEET, with additional 11- In IoUKmG TOWARD SUNSET. HyL. Maria Child. LYRA AMERICANA; or yeroos of Praise and Faith, fr i YE AANULIO ANA; or, A Hymnal of Saored Poetry. B lM^&S^uT E ¥!. d E endless T BTA&DABD WORKS and hooks of »H kinds ln eyery variety of binding, placed on long counters running the full length of onr-store, where they can be examined carefully and leUnroly. We invite their Inspection be ' dew ■; (St,t rti°(SsloNWt&.' ABT.H UR’ S' MAGAZIN B. A JANUARY NUMBER READY, and for sale by BRIBER, PITCHER, and CALLENDER. d«l7-6t* . Ufflce, 333 WALNUT Street. . BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!I The attention of the public Is directed to the flue assortment of aew and popular BOOSB ou hand audfor sie bv CHABLES DBSILVEB, 3 IS#»9 GHBSTHUT Street. , A large aud well-selected stock of handsotaely-bouua and fine copies of all the Standard Works of the day, dGßlgned especially/or Gifts during {he approaching variety of Juveniles, Toy Books, Games, Photograph, Autograph, and Scrap Albums, Diaries, aW.ob ’feand, three sets ot the popular .Chinese game, “The Bace Course,* ’ the only sets in the coun frynot^privatehag^lce*^. A new Steel-plate Map ofthe State of Virginia, show- Ingthe Oil Regions* new Bailroade, cec., «c. Sent by midi post, paid, Price 60 Cents. * - • CHARLES DRSILVEB, ■ delO-tial • • 1389 CHESTNUT Street. LEGAL. TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 1 city and County of Philadelphia John J. Halloweli vs. Joseph B. Evans, alias Vendl - tioniExponas, Sept., IK4, No. 347. , The auditor appointed by the Court to report the dis tribution of a fund produced by a sheriff*! sale, tinder the above writ, ofrall that certain three-story brick messuage or tenement, back buildings, and lot or piece of ground, situate on tbe east side of Eleventh street, at the distance of three hundred and four feet southward from the south side of Girard street, in the Twentieth Ward, ofthe city of Philadelphia; containing in front or breadth on the said Eleventh street aeventeeufeet (in cluding on the north side thereof the southernmost half part of in alley three feet iu width by the whole depth of the thereby granted lot,) and extending in length or depth eastward of that width seventy-one feet, ten and one-half inches to afour-feet wide alley, leading north ward and coznmunicatingwith the said three-feet wide alley, subject to the yearly ground rent of $52, will at tend to the dutiesofhis appointment,on WEDNESDAY, the Twenty-eighth day of DeeemberrA. D. 1564.at33| o’clock P. M-, at his office, No. 142 Soaih EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia* when and where all parties in -terested must present their claims or they trill be de* _ ■ —gin on said fund. • j Hi™^-fS^^ r pOURT A Fofflni _ Estate of GEORGE LUBWICKTSecSSfStr-—-t The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of rETEB FRAILEY, executor oftheestate of' GEORGE LUDWIGK, deceased, aud to report distribution ofthe balance in the hands ofthe ac countant, will meet the parties interested, for the pur poses erf his appointment, ou WEDNESDAY, December 28th, 1864, at 4 o’clock P. M., at the WBTHBBILL BOUSE, in the city of Philadelphia, .del4-wfinfifc . P'r THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA In the matter of the estate of WM. H. McOBEA, de ceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of SABAH MoCREA and JOHN C. MoCREA, Executors of the last will and testament of WM. H. McCBBA, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appoint ment, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, December 28, 3864;.at 4 o’clock, at his office, »04r South FOURTH Street, below Walnut street, Philadelphia, .. DAVID,WEATHERLY, Ja., delfi-frmwSt Auditor. rST THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of HABGABET FLAHERTY, deceased, and „ Estate of MARY FLASEBTY,- deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the first and final account of BENBY T. OHpUT. Administrator of the Estate of M ABO ABET FLAHEBTY. deceased, and also the first and final account of HENRY-T. GEOUT, Administrator of the Estate of MARY FLAHERTY,, deceased, and to report distribution of the balaucefi in the hands of the account ant, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, the 56th day of Decem her.lB64, at 4 o’clock F M., at hia office,.No. 2TI South Fifth Street, in the city of Philadelphia, del6-fmwSt Fi THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JACOB REGER, Deceased. ■ The Andltor appointed b- tbe Court to audit, Bottle, and adjust the account of WM. H. REGEB and THOs! Executors of the last JWiH and Testament of JACOB REGEB, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in tbe hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for thepurposesoj hls appoint ment; on TUESDAY, December 25th, 1864, at 4 o'clock 335 E ° rth SIXTH Stoet * ia a ~ JOHN L. SHOEMAKER, del4-wfm6t* Auditor.. IS TBE OBPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Es'Ate of CATHARINE STAHLEB. deceased. The Auditor appointed hy the Court fo audit, eoitle, and awurt the account of 8. B. WARRINGTON, execu tor or the WTll Of -CATKABINB STAHLEB, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, wHI meet the parties interested for the purposes of liis appointment, , On WEDNESDAY, Uie 4Uk day of Janxiary, 1865, , at 11 o’clock A. M., at his Office, No. 431 WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. , , r 4 . THOMAS E. MoBLBOY, delS-thsmwfgt* Auditor. T7STATE OF ALBERT HERGESHEI , , MSS--Lctt«sof administration upon the Estate pf ALBERT HBBGEBHEIMER having been granted to the undersigned, aU persons indehted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to presentthem to ANNA B. HERGBSHELMEB, de!4-w6t No. 3T S. SIXTEENTHSt^PhIia, TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE -*• CITYAHDCOUMTTOP^PHnjApELPHrA. debased. Notice is hereby given that E&IZA STABKEY, widow of the decedent, a lunatic, J>y THOH. BRADFORD DWiGaT, liar Committee, has filed In said Conti an appraisement of the peisonal property she elects to re tain finder the Act of April 16,1851. and its snpplemants, h T Br PeHtion to ‘ha Court to confirm the same, IfECPAT, Janaary 6th, 1865, unless exceptions thereto be filed.. . . deM-wflt* TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AHB COUNTY. OF- PHILADELPHIA, Estate of PERRY C. COPE, deceased, xhe Auditor appointed by tie Conrt to audit, seta*, ajd sdmßt tie account of ELIZA COPE, Administrate of PERKY O. COPE, deceased, and to report distribu tion or tie balanoe In tie iands of the accountant, will meet tie parties,lnterested for the purposes of his ap ppmtment.en WEDNESDAY, January 11. 1865. at four p*c)oc k P. M.,at hia office. Ho, 131 South FIFTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia, ' a u GEORGE M. COHABROB, - d»M-w*to6t - Auditor. FOR SAXE iSD TO LET. 4| LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO PERTH FOB SALE. —The very large and commo dious LOT and BUILDING, 80. 308 CHERRY B near the centre of business, containing 80 feet on Cher *}• depth IDS feet,being7B feetwide on the rear f".™ lot, and at that width opening to a large cart-war leading to Cherrg adjantape. are rarely met with. Apply on the premises. : sel2-Bm* H FOR SALE OB TO LET—A NUM •** her of convenient new DWELLINGS, with modem improvements, on North Eleventh, Twelfth, and Thir teenth streets. Applyto TATtoW JACKSON, nol®-tf 1858 Horth TWELFTH Street. m FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale his country seat, within halfa mils of Wilmington, Delaware, onthe Newport pike, con taining eightacres of good land; in the centre of whloh isalarge lawn with a fine variety of shade trees, ma pies. lindens. evergreens, etc,, in all over a hundred full-frown trees, The improvements consist of a large and commodious Mansion* Hanked on the west hy two towers, one of which is four stories in height. There are four largo rooms on a floor, with a hall eleven by forty-two feet.. The house, has the modern improve ments. A hydraulic ram forces water from a spring into the upper stoir of the tower. There is also an iron pump and hydrant tinder a covered area at ihe : kitchen door. The out-buildings consist of a carriage house and stable sufficient for four horses and several carriages* also, a hen, ice, and smoke houses. The stablehas a hydrant In it. Good garaen, with several varieties of dwarf-pear and 1 nape vines, in full bearing. There are also several va rieties of apple, cherry and chestnut trees. Terns accommodating. Possession given at any time. Applyto % LBVI G. CLARK, n024-tf 1 on the premises. AS TO LET-THREE FIRST-CLASS JKii four-story houses Cnew), and with all the modem improvements, on east ride of Broad street, near Whar ton; Terns moderate. Applyto GEO. SERGEANT, Tor F. M. Crenel’s Estate, . noSC-wfmlm »36 South FOURTH Street. n LARI ON RIVER OIL LANDS, favorably situated, in tracts of 70, 150,170. and 200 acres each, with inrorovementa thereon- _ , Also, 300 acres in VENANGO County, near Franklin, and 1.& miles from the Allesheny river, 60 acres of which are good oil-boring grounds, together with the most valuable deposit of Coalin that section of country, tie'whole offering extraordinary inducements for in vestment. For further particulars apply to ___ „ „ J. EVANS, • d*l9-3t* No. 4:35 WALNUT St., 2d Floor. OIL AND. GOAL L ANDS—FOR SALE, A TEACT OF FIVE HUNDRED ACRES on the Tohy’s and Teonis’n i Creeks, Highland Town ship, Elk County, in the State of Fennsyivania. This land is in the vicinity of some of vhe best producing Welle in the Oil Renton. Apply to , CHARLES a SIDEBOTHAM, • No. B<?G W«t WASHINGTON Sonar*. del9-mwft3i,* DhUadelphia, PROP' TREASURY DEPARTMENT, JL OFFICE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD. Wasdikotok C<Tr, Nov. 19,1»| BEADED PBOPOBALS will bo rece!TedattM«oia« nntil 1 o’clockP. M., on oayoi December, 1864. for supplying the ¥,*“* « best tollehment with thirty thousand gallons of th*® t quality pare winter stratoed totd a “Winterstriae! sperm oil? to be divided* into ft nr lots. ltvered at the times undermentioned, alongridgortna Government supply* vessels, or at the warehouse or other place of deposit, to be designated hy the IhSWfr ing ofilter, or other authorized agent of the . Bouse Board, in strong, tight, iron-bound, well-m®*® casks, suitable for shipplng/in good order, ol a each of from fifty to eighty gallons; not to exceed to® latter. The lard oil may be delivered at Boatoa or New Either lot of sperm oil, or both of them, may be de? livered at New York, New London, Sag Harbor, Boston, New Bedford, Edaartown* or Nan*ticket, at the option of the bidders, The place of delivery in each ease must be distinctly stated in the bide, -and will be embraced in the contracts. The four lots will be delivered as follow*, viz: to! No. 1. Tea thousand. (10,0®) gallons sperm oil on the 6th day of April, 1865, or as booh thereafter as the proper tests aad ganging can he 'Completed. tot No. a fifteen thousand (16,000) gallons lard oil on the 16th da, or April, 1856, or as soon thereafter an the proper tests and ganging can he completed. I.otNo! S. Ten thousand (10,009) gallons sperm oil on the Ist day of June, 1866, or as soon thereafter as the proper tests and'kangih g can he completed. Lot No. 4. Fifteen thousand (16,000) gallons lard oil on the Ist day of Augnst, 1865, or as soon thereafter as the Proper tests and ganging can he completed. No bid will be considered unless from a manufacturer Of the article. . „ , . No part of the oil proposed for, and to, e iSr rftCe ii!i* the coniracls under this advertisement will Be accepted, received, or paid for, until u shall have been proved, to ■> the entire satisfaction of the person or persons charged.,; with its examination, test, and inspection, to be w the ; beet Quality pure winter strained or bagged oil, and • free from mixture with other or inferior oils and aaal terat'ODs. ... The usual means for determining the character and. quality of the sperm oil will be employed, viz: specific gravity, burning, the amount of residuum, and any other proper tefeta to arrive at correct conclusions that may be deemed necessary, . The lard oil will-be subjected to special tests, aad will be rejected unless found to be, in regard to burn ing and fluidity under reduction of temperature, and j in every other'respect, equal to tint of the. standard adopted by tho Beard, of which a sample will be fur nished on application to the Light-House Engineer at Boston, Mass. - J - The casks must be gauged under the direction and personal supervision. of the inspecting officer, by a custom- house or other legally authorized and sworn gauger, according to the united States standard, and must be tnarhed and accepted before they are removed from the cellar or warehouse of the. contractor. The temperature of the oil will be accurately noted, ana the measurements reduced to the standard temperature of 60 degrees- Fahrenheit by tables prepared for the. pur pose. Proposals will be received .and considered for each lot separately, or for all of the lots, at the option of the bidder übut no bid will be considered for a less quantity than that specified as one lot, to be delivered at one time and place. Each bid must state explicitly the rate per gallon, in writing, the number of the lot or lots bid for, and the time and place of delivery, conforming to this advertisement. Bids submitted by different members of the same firm or copartnership will not be considered. . , The Light-House Board, under the authority of the Department, reserves the right to rejest any bid, al though it may be the lowest, for other considerations than the price. „ No bid will be considered for any other kind or de scription of oil than those specially called for in this advertisement. ' A bond, with security to the satisfaction of the Da partmet, in a penalty equal to one-fourth of tee amount of each contract made under these proposals, will be required of each contractor, conditioned for the faithful SBrformauce of the contract, to be executed within ten ays after the acceptance of the bid. Each offer must be accompanied by a written gua rantee* sigaed by one or more responsible persons, and known to the DOpartment as such, or certified by a United States district judge, attorney, navy agent, or collector of the cuitoms, to the effect that, u the bid be accepted, the bidder will duly execute a> contract in coodfajth, according to the provisions and terns of this advertisement, within ten days after acceptance; and that in case Hie said party offering shall fail to enter into thecontract as aforesaid ,he or the? guarantee to make good the difference between tho offer of the Bald party and Hie next lowest bidder. All bids must be sealed and endorsed ‘ ‘Proposals for oil for light houses, 1 ’ and then placed in another envelope, and di rected, prepaid, to the Secretary of the Light-House Board, Washington City. .. , _ AH bid s will be opened publicly at the hour and oa the day specified. • „ ~ . _ Payments will'be made for the several lots of Oil within thirty days after they shall have been received bvthe United States. w . , jßt order of the Light* House Board. „ del2-mwf6fc ANDREW A, HARWOOD, Secretary. A SSISTA.NT QUARTERMASTER’S ajL OFFICE, Cincinnati, Ohio, December 15,1554. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M., SATURDAY, December 31, 1834, from dealers, for such of the following articles as the? can. furnish for the Quartermaster's Department, U. 8. ©fowling or Low Moor Tyre to bore 66 inches. 8 dh do do 65% do. 8 do - do •do 49% do. 82 do do .. do 67 do. 4 do do do 47% do. . The above to he flanged and 2% to 3 inches thick. Proposals will be considered for Tyres made by other manufacturers, if equally serviceable. „ „ 10' kegs each Hot-pressed (Square Nuts* % and 7%- . inch. 36 Parallel Bench Tices, - - &0 lbs. Borax, 26 bbls. Coal Oil. 12,000 Hickory Pick Handle*. 10,000 Hickory Spike Maul Handles. 60 Pigs Lead, to Pigs Babbitt, 25 Slabs Zinc, 25,000 feer Safety Fate. 100 dozen Ames’ No. 2 Shovels, or an article equally • good. S 3 Reams Emery Cloth, each 0, K, l, i%* 2. 20 do . Paper, each 0, %, 1,1%, 2. 2 barrel* best Copal varnish. 6 bairel* Mineral Paint fin oil). • When samples are furnished they must have the name of the-bidder upon them, and he numbered to eor xetpond with the bids. . . The articles bid for, and .time of delivery, must be stated/and each bid must be guaranteed by two respon sible sureties, guaranteeing over their own signatures that the bidder will enter into bond for tie fulfilment of his contract, should one be attended him. .„ _ Bids will be opened at the time above specified, and bidders are invited to be present. . % The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed unrea sonable. . By order of Col. Wm. W. McKin), Chief Qnarfcer arc Bter Cincinnati depot. A. J, PHELPS. dt2o 7t Captain and A. Q. M. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER’ 8 -CL OFFICE, FORAGE DEPABTMENT, No, «6 CB DAB Btceet, NewTokk Crrr, Dec. 19,1854 ;■ DAMAGED OATS.—WiII be sold at public auction, on BUDAEV December 23d, at 12 o’clock, M., at No. *4B NOBIfi 'WHARVES, Philadelphia, 1,644 BBSHBBS-OP DAMAGED OATS, condemned as until foe nse of Go vernment. S. L BEOWN, de2o-4t Col. Q. M. Dept, TS. S. A. OUA RTERM ASTER’S DEPART ” 9m ßßaesraV:~ Tmtil 12 o’clocfc M. ■ .the iminetS late deliver vat the United States Storehouse. HAB OVEK- STREET WHAEF, of the following art? ©leE—vlzi ___ _ • • • • S,OGG feet Oak Boards, 1 inch, square edge, 'well sea soned. 5.0C0 feet Oak Plank, 2 indies thick, well seasoned. S,CGO •• “ 2Jtf ** 10,030 “ “ 3. «« 10,000 V *« 3 H " 10,000 “ “ 4 «« fijOCft * f “• 5 •• f ** P A* l above-described to be of the best quality, and BUDjectto tie inspection of an inspector appointed onthe part of the Government. will state price, to Include delivery, both in writing and figures, the qn&ntity bid for, and the time of delivery. Each bid-must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures matt be appended to the guaran tee, and certified to as being good and sufficient securi ty, for any amount Involved, by the United States Dis trict Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public offi cer otherwise the bid will not be considered/ Ihe right is reserved to reject all bids deemed toohigh, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be re ceived. By order of Colonel Herman Biggs, Chief Qaarter »|ster. GBO. B. OBMB, Captain and A. Q. M. A-BUT SUPPLIES. , CLOTHING BrasAP, QfAETBBKASTBB GBUBBAIp’S „ SEALED £ gyo offiees of Army Clothing and Equipage in New wS&tf Philadelphia, 12 o’clock SI., on WEDNESDAY, the 21it Instant, for famishing bycon -5?& Bopot * A;r ??s r Clothing and Equipage in ei l£wJs&' at option of the contractors : mcoO Arittj Blankets, wool, spray (with the letters Ur p. In black, & laches long, in the centre), to be seven feet long and five feet six inches wide, to weigh, fire pounds each, v B?opo“alf ■Will be received for the dell very of BlanJsste or eftherAmeriean or English manufacture. bat must be, in all respects, equal to the Army Standard, at the respective Depots where they are to be delivered. Bidders will state the nnmber they wish, to fornfah; how soon they can commence, and the number they can deliver monthly. Proposals mast he accompanied by a proper guarantee, signed w at least two responsible parties, setting forth that ir a contract is awarded to the party making the bid, that he, or they, .will at once execute the contraot, and give bonds for the proper fulfillment; of the same. *The right isreeemd by the United States to reject any part or the whole of the bids as may be deemedfor the interest of the service. Proposals should be endorsed ** Proposals for Bur nishing Blankets,” andthosefor New York should be addressed to Brigadier General!). H. VINTON, Deputy York city, and those for Philadelphia should be addressed to Colonel HERMAN BIGGS, Quartermaster's Department, Philadelphia, c eiS-Bfc €OPARTIVERSH£PS. pAKTNEESHIP DISSOLVED.—THE of BILMHGB,BOOP,& CO., of tMa city and Hew Tori, expired THIS OfTby limitation. Thehn tlness of the said firm will be settled bv either of the undersigned. J. H BILLISQS, S. W. BOOP, S. W. BOOP, ■ ■ Executor of W. F. Washington. H. B< KIBBB. FHIXADEI.FHIA, Dec. 1, ISM. .A II ? I P D , HOTICB.—The tinder. ' si£s. ed have THIS DAT entered into a Limited Partner s Mp. aETeeaDly to the Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an Act relative to £u mUed Partnership, eta, passed the twentr-flrst day of ll&rch, A. D. 1536, and the supplements thereto, and thw do hereby give notice that the name of the Firm S?. d f K yMSIJS I4 .. Mrtnership is to be condneted Is BOOP & KJBBE; that the general nature of the bnsi. ness to he transacted is the general Dry Goods; Import far, and Commission bijsiness, and that the same will ,1 arr A ed 0B W l *® «ity*of Phfladeiphla; that the names Isw* » f^p%k s fi o hp s ii sr o ? a lad elpbla; that the capital-, contributed by the said Janus M, BiUlnga, the Special Partner, .to the common *®adred thousand dollars in cash, and that said partnership is to commfiSoe on the first day of ES£ S A# 1 il r * ls » s4 s£ ll & terminate on the thirtieth day of November, A. D. 1567. . . . . ■ SAMUEL W, BOOP, EENBY B. KIBBE* CLINTON J. TBOUT, JOSEPH C. BOOP, ■ - - General Partner*. JAMES M. BILLINGS, Philadelphia, Bsc. I,IS«L SPMlal FartMr ' T, S 2,T I< £ e .Cr I ' 1, , e 'fadorgttffed sncoessors of BIBHHGS, BOOP, A CO., fa Hew fork, will continue the Iwvport f»p and Commission Business, at Ho. 38 WABBEH Btow ‘j. m. bi«, J - * sauHar* cof* E.-J; Chaffee. New York, Bee. 1, 186*. "DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. trading under iho ?, e HJ S. JANHEY, Jb,, 4 CO., have this day Dissolved thsir partnership, by mutual consent. « 9* tb* fa** Arm will be set tied at 605 MARKET Street. BENJ.S. JANNEY, Ja., JOHN M. BBRNSA „ SAME. A. COYLE. * PHILADEtPHLI, Dec. 20, 18S4. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL CON- W ?* olesal9 GROCERY AND PRODUCE aB heretofore done by JaH HEY & ANDREWS, at Ho. G3l MARKET Street. , BEHJ. S. JAHHEY, J*.. December2o,lB64. ■' B. W. ANDREWK nOPARTNERSHIP.-J. MORRIS BURNS, (o’ the late firm of B. 8. J&nnev Jr & gftiJJS? S SMUCKER, Jr , (of thr llt?ISl Bmucher, Jr., & Co ,) have tMs day formed aOopart narship, nnder the tfUe of BURNS & SMUCKER, and fte , Wholesale GROCERY and COMMIB -s l a **.*^ e -Stand formerly occupied by B '^S 6 fe S DS:-^ 6 ? sMAB^St.fphEaT C° r. E:R .?P IP - “ THE UNDER ia y f° r;m ed a Copartners aip, 9 f 8 i A. COYLE & CO., for the GROCERYandi’feoDUCE FIFTH Street, *“v ““ 18 , ' ' SAML. A. COYLE, (Lateof B. S, Janney, Jr , & C 0,,) - ' ' jT Mw KLl^ Philadelphia, Dec 26, 1864. ' dc2o-lm (COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. —THE V-/ , undersigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the style and title of ADAMS& LEVIS? for the purpose oY transacting a general Banking and Stock Brokerage business, * Oil, Telegraph, and Express Company stocks made a specialty. Government Loans and Specie bought and sold * THRO. ADAMS, • , n . , - GBO. H. LEVIS, deia-Im 305 CHESTNUT Street. T)ISSOLUTIOK.—THE CORARTNER VT ship herejofora existing under the name and style of A*F is this day dissolved by the death of John Price. The sarvivinr partner, J. R. PRICE, at 8417 MAR KET StreeM. alone authorized to settle the accounts of the late firm. 1 Ebilapelphia, Dec, 19.1864. *de!9 6t* "DEFINED TALLOW FOR Ml -i-V OHlHEBY.mannfaotujDd hy L. E*n nrr. TON, U 0 KARGARETU Btr«sT * 6 4^ta?" iSAIjS. PROPOSE. y s?« c J. $H£S ua *"**? m SEALED PROPOSALS will feereceJxeA at thl*ofic« nifni nGOELOf iIOI?DAY # Dec. 26. 1664, for* fornishlnr the Halted Stated with forage, viz : Com. Oats, Hay, i»d Straw, for the ute of animals in the public service “MipMt oTdSV. Ino)«di B? raster, Rg : HMm. rhAßtnni Hill. Hicetown, ri&ddiEgtoD, ,Bov(?rIr» a. d., WMt« Hall* near Bristol, Pa , Sprio# Mill, and any other locality within Ihia commandmat may be dl »itod. tor t£aperiod of six months flam- Jatnujr 1. KbbAjS strain to he of the best quality-, 31 poandato thobuiSfof Oats,and «J>otmdB totln taitol of TTay of best quality timothy. Straw, of good qaaiity. Eyeor Wheat as may he ordered; all to he inspected *P»3sH!wmft!teS& P?r lOOwudi ffhayan* straw, and per bushel for consumption in such quantities and at such tunes as resorrOT the right to reject aU bide deemed incompatible witll^, ASHMEAD, ' Captain and A, Q. M. To bo maniier.of l^ottneo^o^ni specter, Appointed on the pait of the Government, hamples of Back required. ... Bidders will state price both, la writing a *K fbequantity bid for, and time of delivery. Price to in clude packages'aad delivery. ... a ___ Back bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to tbs gua rantee. an& certified to, as being good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, or the United States District JjdßO; Atbomov, orColloctor, orotbar PubUo officer, otherwise the bid will not be considered, The light is reserved to reject all btdß deemed too high* and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be order of Cob H, rmsa Bigg Captain and A. Q. M. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT QUABTEB -IUSTBB, Ho. 1103 GIEABD Street, juotw Bee. 7, ISM. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received st this office until noon of WEDNESDAY, a* 4 . Du*., for fninghte* the Stationery that may herequlred at this office, in accordance with tbs following schedule, for si* month* "•WH“ C Ca g p J S^^ : to weigh not less than IS P °WMte > Paper, welch not loss than Paper, ruled, to weltli not loss than 9 P WMte P &)mmei:clal Paper, ruled, to welch not less th -WMU°Foiio Pos”paper, ruled. Name price of paper per ream. Buff Envelope Paper* 2ixS2 incite** . • . BlottingjP&per, 19x24 Indies. Price per iheet. Blank Boons, demi else, full bound. Price per 4 Blank Books, folio sire, fnU bound. Price per ontoo. Blahfc Books, cap else, half bound■ Bnrelope*, white or buff, 80. 12. Price per LtKXL «• «« ** 9x4inches. «* •* •« “ " l* l\ ti c, «« in, ** ** Bettor Copying Books, letter and cap else, 609 and I*ooB paxes each, per dozen. Memorandum Books, octeTO. perdosen. Writing Fluid, equal to Arnold’s, quart and pint <|gring Ink. eaual to Arnold’s, quart and pint CstSdne Ink, equal to David*', Class bottle* and 6t lnk e Powder, per dozen papers. _ ... Lead Pencils, equal to Baber s, Jfos. 2 and & per Bed'and Bine Pencils, eqnalto Faber’s, per doren. Glass Inkstands, assorted, per doren. . Steel Pens, assorted, per gross. „ Steel Fens, Gillet’s, No. SB and 401, per cross. Fen Holders, assorted, per doren. Tin Paper Folders, per dozen. ... Bed Sealing Was, X-ohnce and 1-ounce stick*, per pound. Bad Tape, 80. 23, per doien pieces. Gl&is jai s of Mucilage and. Brushes, large and small gi jm* SSkSSSm must be of the beat qnalitT. Samples of each article must accompany each bid, with the name of the bidder distinctly marked thereon, and only one price must be named for each article. • Should any article® not enumerated abqye be wanted hey must be furnished at the lowest marketprice. • Proposals must be made only upon the resUlarform* United I State a reserves the right to reject all bids, >r parte of bide, deflmBdlnc^||t^ e g wi mj^p 08t8 ' Captain and A. Q. k. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE, U. S. ARMY, D Ho. 80 SOOTH Street. Baptimorf (Md), December 9,1864. SEALED PROPOSALS, fjt'a»ptfcote, wIU be received at this office, trattl 12 M. on THURSDAY. December 22, 1864, for famishing the United States Subsistence De- (4,000) HEAD OF HOOD FAT BEkF CATTLE, oil the hoof, delivered at the State Cattle Scaler, at Baltimore* Md., in lots of (1,000) o*6 thousand each every (10) ten days; to toe weighed within one and a half days after arrival, at the expeaseof contractor. They must average about (1,300) thirteeia hundred pounds gross weight; all falling short of (1,050) one thousand and fifty pounds gross weight. Bulls, Stags, Oxen, Cows, Heifers* and Hornless Cattle, will toe rejected. * A deduction of ten (10) pounds will toe made from the weight of each Steer acceptedmderthis contract, pro vided the animal does noi stand in the pens two ana one half horns before being weighed, or Is not weighed im mediately after removal from the cars, • „ .. Blank forms for proposals can he had on application at this office, either in person, toy mail, or telegraph. Proposals toy telegraph, .or other irregular, informal proposals will not be considered. _ ~ . ~ The Government will claim the nght of weighing any one animal separate, if its appearance indicates less weight than the minimum above mentioned; theex~ pense of weighing will be paid toy the party erring in Judgment. • ■ , ■ Bach bid, to secure consideration, must contain a written guarantee of two responsible persons, as rol lows: “ Wh, -,-oft he county of—, State of ’ , do hereby guarantee that —— is (or are) able to fulfil a contract In accordance with the terms of his (or their) proposition, and should his (or their) proposition toe ac cepted; he (or they) will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith, and we are ore pared to become Ida securities, giving good and sufficient bonds for its fulfilment." The responsibility of the guarantors must toe shown toy the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis trict Court, or of the United States District Attorney, to be enclosed With the bid, .. _ , Bidders mutt toe present to respond to their bids, and prepared toMtfve bonds and sign the contract before leaving the office. • ~ .. ' ... *,. . . The Government reserves to itself the right to reject any oral! bids considered unreasonable. - Payments to toe made after each delivery, if rands are on hand; if none oaTi&ndi to toe made as soon as re ceived Bidders trill please state prices If payment is made la currency, and also prices if made in orders for CerSifl be endorsed distinctly. * ’ PROPOSALS H- Biy.mAi»7Triir TtdfnMift«d<tßM'y‘d..te OaptateJ. If a Md is in the name ol a firm, their names andtSelF post-office address must appear, or they trill not he con sidered. ■ _ r - . Each person or every member of a firm offering a pro poealmnet accompany it trith an oath of allegiance to the United States Government, if he has not already filed one In this office. All Mds not complying strictly with the terms of this advertisement will oe refected. M , J- H. GILMAH, de!2-9t Captain and G. 3., U. 8. A. QFFICE OF THE DEPOT QUAKTEB- M ASTER,' Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Hot. Id, ISBL PROPOSALS FOB ABM ST TBAHSPOBTATTOIL SEALED PBOPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M. on the 31st day of December, 1864, for the Transportation of Military Supplies during the year 1865 on the following routes: Bouts Ho. I.—From Forts Leavenworth, Laramie, and Biley, and other depots that may be establishes during the above year on the west bank of the Missouri river, north of Fort Leavenworth, and south of latitude 02 degrees north, to any posts or stations that are or may^he establisheddn toe Territories of Hebraska, Da kota* Idaho* and Utah, south of latitude 44 degrees north and east of longitude 114 degrees west; and in the Territory of Colorado north ©i4o degrees north. Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds par -100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months from April to-September, inclusive* of the year 1860. Route Ho, 2. -—From Forte Leavenworth aud the State of Kansas, and the town of in the State of Missouri, to any posts or stations that are or may, he established in the State of Kansas, or in the Territory of Colorado, south of latitude 40 decrees north, drawing supplies from Fort Leavenworth, and to rort Union, if. M.. or other depot that may be designa ted in that Territory, to Fort Garland, and to any other point or points on the route. Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds per 100 mileuit which they will transport said stores in eaclrof the months from April to Septem ber^inclusive, of the year 1565. * Eotjtb Ho. a—From Fort Union, or snch other depot as may he established in the Territory of Hew Mexico, to any posts or stations that are or may he established in that Territory, and to such posts or stations as may he the Territory of Arizona and State of Texas-west of longitude 105 degrees west. Bidders to state the rate per 100 pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport said stores in each of the months from June to November, inclusive, of the year 1865. The weight to be transported each year will not ex ceed 10,000. OX) pounds on Route Ho. 1; 15,000.000 pounds onßouteHo. 2; and 6,000,000 pounds on Route No. 3. _ Ho additional per cenfcage will be paid for the trans portation of bacon, hard bread, pine lumber, shin glee, or any other stores. Bidders should give their names in fall, as well as their place of residence, proposal should be accompanied by a bond la the sum of ten thousand dol lars, signed by two or f more responsible ipersons, gua ranteeing that in case a contract is awarded for the route mentioned in the proposal, to the parties proposing, th«. contract will he accepted and entered into, anugooc and sufficient security furnished by said parties in ae cordancewith the terms of this advertisement. The amount of bonds required will be as follows: ifcigoute Ho. 1 $lOO,OOO Onßoute Ho. axj.oo3 _ Onßoute Ho. 60,000 -. E^ t l l ?fs tory «videnee of the loyalty and solvency of each bidder and person offered as .security will be re quired. ’fieW'rwEfc Proposals must be endorsed ** Proposals for Army Transportation on Eonte Ho. 1, ** **2/» or “3.” as the case may be, and none will be entertained unless they Smment with all the requirements of this adver saries to whom awards are made must be prepared toexeente at once, and to give the required bonds for the faithful performance of the same.- Contracts will be made subject to the approval of the iai x»- jeefc any or all bids that may be offered. -Contractors must be in readiness for service by the fftet day of April, 1865, and they will he required to nave a place of agencies at or in the vicinity of Forte Leaven worth and Union mid other depots that may be establish and readily 1 tlie:!r maT >e communleated with promptly By order of the Quartermaster General nolgtdeg * - Cap!- and A, aSU tt?l?*A. HOTELS AND QENTRAIi EATING HOUSE, Opposite ttL© Post Office, ocir-sia FEELADELFHIA. TONES HOUSE, Co-.MABKET^Kir^a^SKETSQTrAEE,. rnßn^cSniix?^?? c ff management, and would .respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. J£g£*L C. H.MAHH, Proprietor. T?? WASHINGTON HOUSE—A igrr* °t December, the Lessee from January }?*■ A"™* J 6 * 8 to inform the public that doriasr the time closed it will bo thoroughly rouo rjfittjaia* manner that canootfaU to lire to those who* may patronize the estabUsh- Sh formerly of the t . Qneen, *» WOmington, . but more recently of the ‘‘StatesUnion,* ‘ Philadelphia, will have the W tlre management under the new administration, and he SSiSfHi* eff I °i rts "iU be spared on his part to make the House to all respects pleasant and« oMhalith of JaSy: rtggg ° B* fl » MAHONY HOUSE, IN ABH ~ LARD, Schuylkill county, after holns dosed for two months, is being handsomely fitted up, and is now open. t S TS !ler * Tiaitors. Mr. HBSRT B. WRITER, the present landlord, lately of Korthnmber- Imw county, who has hadJonnoxpeMence in this Una d huaiuess, will keep a FIRST- CLASS HODSK.and ana connSy 1 mpi “ e fe To»hly with the host Hotels in the Ashi,akp, Pa., Kot. 9. is». noM-lm CJOAX. Esohreineb, new coal de • TOT, SfOßLE[Street abOTB ninth street. ■ I Sf£*sP eTlo,f <ni»lMes oflohlth and street, below Arch street. Office 319 South FOURTH Btre9 *» ; • ocBo-Sm . VMM OQAIh in will secure youroustoßL Egg and Stove sixesJULOOjm Offiei 121 South FOUR'Effff, bgojJJbesfcnut. Depot. l4l» GALLOWHHiLJ*,, above Broad. Cael£?ml BLLIS BBAHSOH. f] o AL. BUGAE LOAF, BBAVMS (CABINET FURNITURE. V MOORS At CAMPIOR. : . . HOl South BMOHD BteUt, are prepared to follow the decline is the market In the S& TO eS?wZw3k Ww^^T&sjgjgl. J°™ B. imtßß & coT;^'- EEBB. ffos. S 3» acd 334MAKr^O^ IABGE POSITIVE BALE Of PORRm* we vui how 3SSSL22F «oonl 10!r A SS *. Xtecenlwr » 6l O'clock, compnelsj aboit l 3 d£J* “dt d»v Heavy Canton flannels. Soper corset jeans. Heavy brown drills. Famer madder prints. K&'Stesrasa? - * Bine do do Orav • do do'. Miners'plaid do. Heavy Ke; tacky jeans. Heavy madder prints. Heavy bed blankets. - = All-wool tweeds. Fancy printed casiimeres. and printed satinets. HOTICE TOCLOTHIKE^OEB^^^ pieces Belgian broad cloths. pieces heavy velours. pieces Castor and Pres Ideal leavers pieces Esquimaux and Moscow Wt,. pieces Astrachau coalings. TW| » pieces Whitney and pilot heaven. «- pieces Belgian tricots and seal ah*. pieces silk and wool cassimerea^ pieces Devonshire and Melton coati«« Pisces dark-mixed reneilants. pieces cap and cloak cloths. pieces mohair, Italians, vestings. ran. Ac. *"***4* Also, drew foods, -white goode, travels,,, army shirts and drawers, hosiery, cra-rate .i * «!&*, sUt. Bhlrte. notions. fa. 7 * ' raT “ 6 .««. 3 "PEREMPTORY SALE OF HOSIBBT. Ginn- Included in sale, on a credit of foar fe 7,(00 dozen cotton and woolen hosiery e w lets, shirts, drawers, Ac., of a favorite BKOCHE CHAISE LAIEELOSQ CLOAKB, fa. * s 3»6n Also, a foil line ol broehe chains lab,. ' scarf?, cloaks. Ac. OE t : hari. PARIS DRESS GOODS AND VELVET pia-, *■ ' Also, Pails morinooe. poplins, delainM ~ a “Wi pacas, coheres, fa. w ‘ Also, a full assortment of silk velvet risk,,,, trimmings, fa. . riotw^. POSITIVE SALE OF CARPETING a .. OH SATURDAY MORBIIo 8, 61 Doe. 24, at precisely 11 o’clock, win a.. , taloguo, on four -months’ credit, aa pexftne nod fins ingrain, Venetian, hem. *n. ra« carpetings, which- map he examined' SS*®, tu morning of sale. “™ r LAHGB PEREMPTORY BALE OF BOON a™. ' BROGANS, 4c. rS ' 8H0» OS WEDNESDAY MORNtSO Dec. 28th, at 10 o’clock, will ba sola V™., without reeerre, on four months' ced\t ikt’Di packages boots, shoes, brogans, balmorak KJWJ* army.piMß, travelling bags, 4c., of citvamV"*, manmactnre, embracing: afresh ana nrimi,;;." I ’'*! of desirable articles for men, women, am which will be opes for examination earlr o> ingot sale. *“iiaiij F 'TJKNEBB, BRINLBY, & CO No. 615 OSBBTHPT aai Cla JATKIg^ liABGB IHPOBTART SILK OK Fills ON EBIDAY MOfiNIKO. ®- December 23d, at 10 o’clock, by eaUlo«* , months’ credit, comprising a large assortm™ mieses, 1 and children’s fine fancy fore, ’ Sets ex quality French mink. Sets ex. quality French sable. Sets ex. quality French squirrel. 100 lots misses’ gray and white muffs 100 sets misses’ ermine muffs and collars 10 sets misses’ real ermine mafia and cali»» 25 sets ladies’ real Siberian squirrel d» 25 sets ladies’ real best quality mink do' 25 zeal sable carriage capes. 25 real sable carriage pelerines. 2 large real mink carriage capes. 2d extra quality sleigh robes. 24 sets ladies’ imitation ermine eels. Also, large assortment of gents’ collars tad saps. Also, Large assortment of ladies ’-fine bearer baadi a** velvet top skating cap - s an assortments Free* £& and sable muffs and cuffs. ”‘ 0l “ M THOMAS & BOMB, • Nob, 139 and 141 South FOURTH stn&, SALES OF STOCKS AND HEAL ESTITX. At the EXCHANGE, every TUESDAY? at noon. of each proparty issued separator m on the Saturday previous to each sale l.OWc&talrn* In pamphlet form* giving foil descriptions. rai£l ß* ***** al &9 JLactt< “ l NSfdPartlcular attention given to Sales at Prints la sidences. Ac, ♦ ' Admlnisiritor’s Sale* 80. 118 Vine stretf. BAH FIXTURES, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, HiS* THIS MORNING. At 10 o’clock, at 80. US Vine street, the hai gitni* bagatelle board* rosewood piano, liquors, fctmseiU furniture, tapestry carpets, Ac. Hay he examine gg o’clock on the morning of the sale. EXECUTORS’ SALE—FINS WINES, Ao. THIS DAY. Bee. iUst, at 12 o’clock, at the auction itora, by of the executors of B. Gerhard- Esq., a quantity ofv«x 'fine Madeira, Sherry, Port, Claret, and other wfca, brandies, whiskies, Ac. Catalogues now ready. NST* Samples two hours previous to sale. Sale Bob. m and ttt South Fourth street. SUPERIOR -FURNITURE. ELEGANT DINNER m, BILLIARD-TABLE. MIRRORS, * ON THURSDAY MOBBING, At 9 o’clock, at the Auction Store, supatior heuwiott furniture, elegant dinner, dessert, and tea set, sapatr billiard-table, mirrors, Hue carpets, etc., etc. SALE OF BARE AND VALUABLE BOORS. ON TfiURSDAY AND FRIDAY AFTERNOON Dec. 22d and 23d. at the auction, store, rare aud Tih* able works on important and interesting aufeject?, nay of them London editions. Executors’ Peremptory-Sale on the Fremises-SsUti i ' Henry. Horn. Decea>ed. COUNTRY RESIDENCE. FURBITUSE, FASRIS3 UTENSIL&jSTOCK, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORsfING, Dee. 23d,-at 11 o’clock, on the premises. Floariwn, Montgomery county, Pa . the mansion, with the or* buildings and 15 acres of land; and immediatelysfe, the household furniture, fanning utensils, bor-s. tj gone. cows, poultry, &c. Full particulars ready li handbills. Sale absolute. PEREMPTORY SALE OF AN INTERESTING A 53 VALUABLE COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTXXdi ONJtATUEDAY CORNING, Dec. 24tb, atlio clock, will be sold,without raserrs, a collection of fine modern paintings, comprising ora 100, among which are many works of merit fr mtia studios of talented artists of this city and New Tori, considered some of the finest rpaoimeas offered for s long time. • r*«i3>ttngg are now on exhibition wlih descriptiu catalogues. _ Sale Ho. 2047 Brandywine sttaet. HEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TXPSSTBY CjS. BETS, &c. _ - OH WBDHESDAY MORBIHO. j ,Kth inst, at 10 o’clock, at Ho. 2H7 Bmisrist street, the neat household and kitchen forsita?*, tie I tapestry Brussels carpets, &c. May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of th j sale. The house is to rent. B SCOTT, JB.. AUCTIONEER m * 622 CHEBTHUT and 615 SAHSOH Street LARGE AND PEBEMPTOBY TBADH SAIH Of 1,500 CASES OF BOOTS. SHOES, BRGGAS3,fo THIS MOBHIHG. Dec, 21st. at 10 o’clock precisely, will be Bold 12 cases boots, shoes, brogans. Sic. »embracing a piyil assortment of city and Eastern work of the verytet manufacture, consisting of men’s, boy’s and yosttf calf-hip and wax-sewed and pegged boots, brogaciM morals, Ac.; ladies*,-misses', and children’s cilfkb and morocco boots and shoes; a complete assortmentd women’s, misses’, and children’s city-male m.r>ee* kid, and goat lace boots and balmords; aUo, xini and women’s buffalo overshoes, gam shoe?, aniiy hoots. Ac. H. 8 —The particular atiention of the trade is iarirf to this sale, as every sample and duplicate wili bssu without the least reserve or limitation of say fciai SALB OF FIKB AGATE, BABDIGLIO, AHO AffiSlS VASES, GOODS, ho. OH FRIDAY MOBHIHG, December 23d, at'U o’clock, we shall sell an iav®« or valuable'marble vases. OT entirely new desip?, jar j landed from Italy, comprising vases of agate, imr-ilp* and aznarino stone. Also, fine Bohemian vases, Pirn figures, French bronzes, verde antique vases, fa# I &c., &e, Can be examined on Thursday I noon. SALB OF 150 ATTRACTIVE OIL PAIOTGS. I _ OH FRIDAY BVENIHG, 23dinsfc,, at o’clock, will be s&ld tiveoil paintings, embracing many pleading spaclssa of American landscape, river, and mountain fiom some of our most talented artUts. Open for examination on Thursday. . J PHILIP FORD & CO,, AUCTIONEERS, I *■ *B5 MARKET end S»SS COMMBBOK ftrsso. POSITIVE BALE OF 1,880 CASES BOOTS SS\ gW uE «5 | OH THURSDAY .1 , December 22d, commencing at 10 o’clock precisaii' we will sell by catalogue, for cash, l,2Socases pnsil boots, shoes, brogans, balmorals, cavalry from first class oity and Eastern mannXacture, eomp'l sing a general assortment of goods. J PAHCOABT & WABNOCK, ACC TIOMEERS, 8M MARKET Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 800 LOTS AMI 1 ® AND IMPORTS© BEY GOODS, MILttSSBI AIP HOSIERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, Sc., Ac.. » catalogue; THIS SLOSHING, , . •- December SEL commencing at 10 o’clock: prseuatfi Included will be found a large and general assanmaw of new and deiiirable g'.ods for preheat fia i£ B VeTTo X,: C. HDKFS. EfiBEOIDEKIBS, AflD Included in sale this morning. ladies and **“«•* and %1. c hdkfs* children’s *2 plain and do, and ladies 7 % sheer laws do , &?., <sc. . Also, ladies’ richly embroidered h c. bdkfs, tacs and linen lawn do., do. w&l Also, 60 lots Paris black lag* and*"®" 18 rem - Also, 200 finer cWb Also, bonnet and trlmm?* ribbons, bl&ckana w.o. TOITSt ribbons, featbfTf..l;;trer 5 . Also, rn lots la?ias’, laoiea’ and misses’cotton hose, . Also, men’s heavy whits “ d 4“ kilt »* sontags, b ~t&AND NOTIPNS . AJs>, 76 lots ladles' and mistes’ wovM. taic, tied hoop skirts, mechanical corsets, head nets, «“»■ notion slock goods, Ac. SALE OF GKBMANTOWN FANCY KNIT Ah'D & SIEBY GOODS, by catalogue. OHFBtDAY, . , . Dec. 23, commencing at 10 o’clock wen«J* • prising about 250 lots new and desirable styles- POSITIVE SAMS OP A'STOCK OF WSHIOSi®-' CLOrHIKO, CLOTHS, CASSIKBStS, The entire balance of a Chestnut- Btreet e=taM»™ by catalogue, 01f WEI) fjESDAY, Dec. 23, commencing at 10 o'clock. -> T)T heney p. wolbekt, Uo 208 MAEK£T'strß6t I . Q eoiS I gidB. abare commencing at 10 o’clock* T>ABRITT & CO., AUCTIONEER] JU g3O MARKET Street, comerof BAS*- j OATALOBUB BAT.® OP 1,000 £OTS OF PIBST-C KBABr-MADB TOOTHING, Off FRIDAY MOBSIINO. ttl M December 23, at 10 o’clock, m Jingle ®fi D v2it3' lots, comprising suits. overcoatr. dress, sack,s ness coats, pants, Tests, witii every verse;, a able first-class dotling. Also, Urge stock of fancy over and na»» i drawers, Ac. AHOt ■ iurKST#^ 1 I, ARGB CONTINUATION SAuKOFTHESAME S< OH SATURDAY MORNING, ,a| December 21, at 10 o'clock. “ QUARTERMASTER gbnbbass®‘ HOE, FIRST DIVISION. ' « fitt WisHntoTOJf. lfoTeffl*» r . 7 BilS ll Will be eold at Public Auction, to the Mehß«- "■ at tee times and places namfdbelo w, v;z: „j » WILLIAMSPORT, Pa.. THpRSDAY, DeeMUg j#, JOHNSTOWN, Pa-. THBRdDAT, DccemMf TEKHTON. N- X, THURSDAY. Decemlwr TWO HOTtoEE® CAVALRY HOKSK3 at each place. jsO* There Horses haire been condemned as nan l Cavalry Service of the Army. , hiricr For Road and Farmina purposes many*o<> 4 “ may be had Horses sold singly. Sale to commence at 10 o'elocS A. V. Terms—Cash, in United States enrrencY eK jj, Colonel in charge of Qnartermaster General.*--^ A SAFE STEAM subscriber is prepared to receive 01 A, KEBAM KHiER,” ia *!s£**! •tatters. Tbeattentioii of Haa«feotrc* ? ®^bial3J t £ ••liedto tbe new Steam Generator, a* I SPde 6 * l *#® s^sagstassf rtreiU,atS. W. Cattdl'ifactorr, km. J WaWg«““r-SW!> «T« south m, PHREKOLOGICAI. WS TIOKS. wUhfmUdMsrfpUo^, 0 ' £<jML|l,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers