..""'\njs« V (f>F * EW ®XfIUSp B -> *, ...-utinii of tne ffcatatr for olaotloa of S *»«",“ fold °» TUE'DAT pt rooms of Prof* KandaU, THIS* P*‘ l, is !u V'x'iU: X fe;ree«H. By »m-r. ■ry'w ri* 1 L j„s B. ALVQBD, Secretary, ;-5 > O OF THEM r .TFMMBW ll'. l f ®’ Rt KicH°ED JONSB, Frerideat THE BBIIMIS Oil k£- Ip/sY. Mo. 147 South FOITKTH Strost. f Gt>» Mn ‘' Philaiwbia. Oac. 14.11*4. y x«r Direct®* B have tku day dealawad * Burt* «r ivr cunt; on fcha Capital Stook of this *i pt 4 * !b.e on th* Wilt last - free* of State Tax. aW Books will be cioeed on tka 2flth last, Trsl if..t r don lhe 27^, t udw CHAKLKH A. DPT, Inunwtet. ii‘-h~irI~W~VF Vfilß PARKER PE &s*>* ° omAS yVm w^B^ k ■ FjniADßl.l’F'A, J)#o. M, 1884. Board. **»lg»3k. ii'HvFs T H®**WP Fikn I'EIHO. TTTNIB P. COMWAT, T.-Ojurarar. ISAAC D. GUVEK, getratuy. 3f „ 4i V D jicuMßflß 8, 1884., * J,*rfal 9? the Stockholder wM to held of the Company, Ho. 41* ii* pJi/ult'U'hia, on MONDAY, January 3d, 1836, 3 0 fli ; ft i) U ror n FlVß BiTeotora for the year 1886 vW s){ Tv«S' er Book* win he dosed from Deo. gBILT , SecTttary . rl"«B ÜB£AV WKSTeaSI Oil, g D»OKMBKH 8,18 W. r Meeting Of the a will he held 'til*?!?™”/ the Company. N... 4,1.4 WALSTBT r’pjtJU' BI.eHIA, *n iOHBAf. Janiary 34, ft ’j^cikis' or f?ve Directors fsr the ye» MM will be feyVfr »»>ra?jMelM will bjel<w«<l from Ds.em- I*'? Ml. until January Sd.IMS .t kf; L M. B. KETLT, Secretary, " OSL COMPANIES, KiytEß, Jl/.ME AND SPRING CBESK OITj COITPANT. .\PITAL STOCK, SS!,OOO.OOO. jjUP.OOO SHARES, AT ,18 PER SHAKE. •iISAL SUBSCRIPTION, ,3.58 ’ PBS SHARE FOR PULL PAID DP STUCK. ( jSIKG CAPITAL 4109,*900. $ Company has wonted desd-rights ami leases to aeres-of tU« host Oil territory on ths Clarion Btver, ala thelmmediat* range of the Pennsylvania Oil ,;jq, possess ng.most favorable geological surface ia- Bin*, rame as oa Oil Greek; coal elevation similar, ianflancUag eoontry abounding la ihe strongest :en*tB of an abandent supply of oil. It is believed iiw iaoie geod hpring territory than * offer Oil Company now offering Us stock in this ,iri at the same coat per shar4. naving over thirty ■a imtb of river, criek, and tributaries. Sir property is as follows, viz.: £ a deed-right forever for oil qa l.frTO acres on the ■«itT irrown aa the Brandon Trust in Forestcouatj, -eCiarioc Liver and Maple Creek, wua a river and l-Ureut of libont tetnaLies. On this property a- well ifMctmmced. by tbvformar owner in 1850; before rtifartli* depth or 200 feefe, oil was obtained,- With r(r v flow for aa abundant well r but, owing to tbe low . :4 tf oi], nod tbe tiacenaipty of its with f dsff sad pxpennvamode of boring then in os*,the w;-s acandoned. Near this spot this Company ~ f.v?r f> durrick erected, engine on the ground, and : ready to commence sinking a well. jirac>, by those who nave examined it, is said to be : rj}S£sed in Indications for abundant-producing lease for ninety-nine (88) years for nine-tenths ."'fall the oil on a-fcrattof 1,300 acres, known as ; iffi.'Cuger Tract, on tbe Clarion Elver, about 12 j*above tbe Brandon Tract. ThU'proptrtr has a ,-t fxective river, creek, and tribatary front of ,si wtfity miles in leagfch. On this property ! Coßpcay Las now three engines, with all ne iiiv icoi* add machinery to commence boring with :dfiay. The surface indication* aodoil springs in istiihhorhood warrant the belief that flowing wells b& found on this property at a depth not exceeding jisrlya’l tbe land on the Clarion River, from its .sth u< many miles above theße tracts, has either been trior cold to. parties, or companies in New Turk. ms, Philadelphia* Pittsburg,.and other cities, and psepaew* are now being made, with flattering pros sa of obtaining large productions of oil from this •h Company -has reserved the very large sum of working capital-enough to sink from twen rotwi uty-S ve wells—sls,ooo of which has already 'trended in enginee.tools, and working materials rcn tbe ground, and with the intention of immedi (uddmg six more engines and tools to their present i, 11-ET confidently expect in a. very short time to :?snuD!ier r-f wells in successful operation. This, f*ther wffb the fact that they have secured the entire ;:c; of oil on one tract and nine-tenths on the other, Ui'r osi companies pay at least a royalty of one half '.m -yrmr?, as also ttaevorj low rate at which they Uteir stock,‘being only one-foorth of its par L:r, H.oultt induce those seeking investments to sub rtfaUnce. ’ _ for BUbJcrlptlonwill be open cm the 15th of MKBfitt. Htthelr office, Washington Building, No. 165 jth THUD Burnet 0. P. HAYSS, i.L-3t - Treasarer, ST* iBIDMPH Oil, COMPANY » OF PiTTSBORO. Pa. Rowley elk, oa blood Farm, Oil Greek, producing 150 barrels sdiy,of vurhthe'Comp.anyrecelye the daily pro* act of T'ffm- Barrels, being atone anfficiant to pay a i*aMy c\ t'deuA of two per cent, infirs working interest in Well down 450 feet, on kv ysHo, within a few feet of “Williams’ Well*** •’.gTfflUhOP of oil. k u Interest and fee simples of BOTOerca best oU ter uin Ohio and Pennsylvania, viz: Duck Greek.and s:ro county. S t* of eolJ.orlpUon. for limited number of abates, : notion price *2 per share, will he open for a few «r OHAB. J. WALTON, room No. 4, Ho, 39 Booth THIRD Street,^npstalra,^ rbVSEABD OIL COMPANY—THK Stock of the above Company is nowreatyfor ‘i-ty. Apply at tbe Office of tbe Secretary, No. 330 its DT Street, Second Story fro«t._ g,3i GKO. BULL, Secretary. r PROSPECTUS, M. PEL AMBER OIL OOMPAN V. liflTlt, *500.000. SHARES, 100 000. PAR WHS *5. 30 000 SHARIS RESERVED AS A FCrEISG CAPITAL- It-iai. H. D. FLING. THOMAS T. MASON,Trea iiu 8 L, LBEOB, Secretary. DIRECTORS: I'file*, I Josiahi,Ba«sett, Jr., Co. f.ikiupiae, I TAomas T. Maaoa, S, H, Hance. Books are now open at the office, No. famb FoNBTH Street* where ft limited number of will be sold at $1 per share, subject to no far ter imssment. deg* 91* OIL lAHDS TO WEASE, ON CHERRY BUN, HEGREA.T BASIN’OIL COMPANY ready to make LEASES to Developing Compa ct or indivlduale. Apply* for full partioulars, to the urfifcDedj at the Company’s Office, after 3 o’clook it for tan d»y». • H. &. LEECH. PRESIDENT, No. 14 PARQUHAR BUILDINGS. ££»BT FABlf OIX COaCPAKT,- ” f APIfAL $1,000,009, I.'.DED INTO 200,000 SHAKES OF THE FAB VALUE OF $5 EACH. ' . , WORKING CAPITAL. $40,000. m cf Subßcrlptlon for a limited number of Shares ■ itock, at TWO DOLLARS per Share, opened at the ‘56 «f the Company, No. 358 South THIRD Street, ?;*•aoor, or subscriptions may be left with any member " *w Board of Directors. PBESEDINT, _ JAMES J. Dina CAN. SECRETARY A»J> TBJTASURBB* WILLIAM HaGKJSR. ir'SS street. Si H GRAHAM, 627 Market street. |gWia T. COXB.BH Walnut street. 4 x H. 716 Northßroadstreet. theobure ADAMS. Broad and Parrish streets. 824 Walnut street. J?® BR SUABLE, Germantown. Jffi W. h UNN, New York. JEHv WARNER* 202 Franklin street. _ , . following valuable Oil Lands constitute the basis y* Company • hVul^ 0 - l-Kuownastfc* 4 ‘Berry Farm,” contain* K*.acre*, owned by the Company in fee simple, Wood county, West Virginia, directly upon ftit ntw - Several competent judges hare visited all of whom agree in the opinion that it Lrt U!R nnusuai evidences of large subterraneous re *?;!•’* of oil. v wK * 3 2 consists of a tract of laud in Washington RaSV’hlo, also on the Ohio river, about IK miles Jei containing 134 acres. It presents the ravines, and certain evidences of the of out also, innumerable slteß for Weils,with i'Ji J oil Springs on one of tbe runs. There is bluff a valuable vein of Coal, folly developed 7 «s to eight fett thick). JhctNo. 3, containing2oacres,'adjoining the above, r ;f «mUar developments. ‘la lengthy rlvtr front gives to these properties br advantages, avoiding expensive land carriage y« oil and con. A 4 is a tract in fee of 100 acres, near Franklin, tube® county, Pennsylvania, mi French Greek. t - / 5 addition to theUtbove, there are belonging to the ; c ?&ny two superior twelve- horse engines, with boil* Me., complete; also twosubstantial derricks, with ii'.ete Bets of boring tools. Jf* Company are now engaged in developing the pro- Ly» working with double sets of hands, under the ndence of their efficient President, maps, and furtherinformation, on apyli at the Offlce. del3-12t g* THE STANDING STONE OIL fLjpOHPANY.OF WBBT VIRGINIA. $2,GOO;oOO. in 40,000 Shares, at $5O jL*v Subscription price $l5 per Share, subject to no ija,” call or assessment. A working capital of reserved... Only 20,000 Shares to be sold price. lir cf this Company consists of the well • Martin or Standing Stone tract, and cjntains .£ **» to 3, OCO acres of land, in fee simple, free from Undivided interests, or royalty. Standing Stone Srit.j a branch of the Little Kanawha river), and Its 1:. pais through this property, and 1; has upon UVm#® 1 amount of boring territory than is owned by k-»fis* r company in West Virginia. It is situated in >i,;°jißty, near the celebrated Rath bone or Buruing >;;.V raof i and in extent of territory is five times ‘mil*** is considered by all experienced oil men !t:sj &r f with the oil district of West Virginia quite f oot superior, to the Bathbone tract The Us j %ne Oil Company’s property extends from tboJiSV 8 Ka oat?hariver, near Burning Spring Kan, bnWft? ? a -H re o f Scandlug Stone Creak, including a foi-lnson’s Fork and Two Riffle Bun, amu is : 3j 2 ]n^| J y in rhe Great Oil Break, extending from **ii& ?n through by Standing Stone andFetrc ®?**e Neck wells, near the Ohio river, and of UPHEAVAL, - fe? tb« , PBrt Y of ihie Company has not been developed frirj?**® ll that Jt belonged to minor heirs, who n'th a: convey until they attained their majority, • W*, t did a few days ago. A i'ti, [, ar o being bored on the adjoining lands, and oil f ‘Vi.Baid that upon this Standing Stone tract oil . Wi£ lBc °™dial79o. . . . , Hinr,*T ßrsFar ra» adjoining, swell is being bored , The well of McFarland & Jones, on \ H nea * this property. • SiidJJflare held in trust by J. M. .Camden, tytafP l a ?l a .u Bank of Parkersburg, West £**l fcwJ^T? the Hon. John 8. Cariile, Senator in Con- Virslnfc, and wUlhe by them conveyed to v MwSJiS* a iv Dtf 0,1 Company whenever the stock to of hy Bubscriptlon; (to wit. 20,000 shares) end paid for. Three *p'ld n r have already been sub- dels lm COOPEK KIN OH COM" ' J «),OD,iW,I ; . A KTAL*3OI>,OOO. in® r y AHHS ; VAH VAI.OBJS PKR SHARK. . UK \“Ku-rios PWOK *a, ?rfLt. paid. l. WvEKI.TO CAPITA! $85,000. c. 1 'Ws Company eoaslsta of 6 acre, at rfMftto' on the river, m. a niae-foot vein of Bituminous )J^9r laD °* 267 acres of land in fee on Cooper Run, ivft'iFdiEPi** property is well tim- Federal Creek Oil Region, in ojy r °* ' wellfi yielding large quantities b . ’ J* GHIES BALATON. President. *“-«*«*. . K. Bil.i'-T,' J - OrtwSalsten. Chas. T. Millar, H. OH.- COMPANIES. TUB JBBSjKY WEI.I, OIL. COMPANY. ft 250,000 SHAKES, AT ft 3 PEE SHAKE, PRESIDENT. PR. ALBERT G. EGBERT. OF YENAKCO C.OUNTY. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. William m. barlow, OF LEDYARD & BARLOW, PHILADELPHIA THREE PER CENT. PER MONTH ON *500,*00. Is calling the attention of capitalists to this enter prise, tbe Directors have no hesitation la expressing their belief that their return from it will be more cer tain and more liberal than frost any new company now before the community. The property of the company consists of the following: ~" Three-eighths of the working Interest in the cele brated JERSEY -WELD, on the Hyde and Egb*rU?arm ( on Oil Creek* with the acre of land cn which the well ia treated. This well has been flowing since early in May, 1854*1 at the rate of about 360 barrels daily, and is now flowing at that rate, thus yielding to the company BETWEEN FIFTY AND SIXTY BARRELS DAILY, worth, at present prices, TWENTY THOUSAND DOL LARS per month, which will pay to the Stockholders in this company MORE THAN THREE PER CENT. PER MONTH.’ from the start. There is room on the land for Beyer&l more wells, two of which will be immediately com menced by the company, and in which we shall have tie same interest as in the Jersey. The character of this property, as oil land, is well-known; it is only ne ceesat y to >ay that no well on it has ever failed in get ting oi*, while it has already produced the Maple Shade* the Ccquotft, and the Jersey, ; Twenty- five acres in fee on the east side of the Alle gheny river, opposite the month of Big Sandy. This tract has aboujforty rods* front oh the river and con tains a large amount of boring surface. Oil wells yield ing largely are found uear this property; among them the Bubbs, the Hoover, Sic. The company intend te 'proceed at once to develop this .fine property, and feel sanguine of success. No. 8. A lease for fifteen years on the Wi. B. Wilson farm, on Slippery Rock Run, in Lawrence county. Pa. Nos. 4,5, 6* 7, and 8 are also leases on Slippery Rock Run. They were obtained in April, 1864, by Dr. Eg bert, and continue for fifteen years from their date. They secure to the lessees all the oil and olherminerals contained in the several tracts, with the right to divide and sub let, with all other rights and privileges con nected with the business of mining for oil, coal and other minerals, and reserve a royalty of only one eighth of «aid oil or minerals. The Slippery Rock territory in a new and only par tially developed oil region; but tbe success already eb tained there and on the Mahoning river, a few miles west, together with the large quantities of oil found north, south, eaist, and west of it, lead l us to hope that it. will prove a successful oil region. The company have alreadyfam excellent engine* tools, and all necessary fixtures on the ground*, with a well partly down, and shall procee d to develoFthe property as fast as poisihle. Those lands and lesnss were all selected for oil pox poses;! y the President of this Company, whose great success in the oil business* sterling integrity, and force of character are too well known to require comment here. Subscriptions received hi the office of LEDYARD & BARLOW, No; 439 CHESTNUT Street,. Only a limited number of shares are for sale, de!9-£t jgjgp FARNSWORTH OIL COMPANY, CAPITAL, 81.000,000- 2*0,000 SHAKES—PAR VALUE ftB.OO. WORKINS CAPITAL, *40,000. SUBSCRIPTION,FRICEi •*,* •«,**»*» m» »»*•*«*»,s/$, The valuable Oil territory of this Company is located on the Kan&wha xiver, Gilmore county* W'est Virginia, some distance above its confluence with the Ohio at ‘ Parkersburg (the terminus of the Baltimore and OUo Railroad), and lies directly uwm and is a direction across the great ‘“©ilßelt” of this region (as may be seen upon the map)* in the immediate vicinity of the wonderful “Burning Springs,*’ now regarded as a sure indication of the presence of oil, from the fact that It is the oil gas that rises to the snrfaee and burns upon the water. This property consists of an ana of 1,185 acres of magnificent oil and mineral lands, of which the Company owns an undivided half interest in fee sim ple, extending lH miles on the Ean&wha river* which Is navigable to the Ohio. Other streams, tributariea of the Kanawha, traverser this tract, presenting along their margins every surface indication of a rich yield of oil. The Company holds the right to put down wells ail over this extensive boring surface, and oil hanaiready been discovered on this property* near the river, at thedepth of S$ feet. The sinking of two wells to the depthof 800 feet, if necessary, was provided for in the purchase of the land, all of which is paid for without touching the working or reserved capital of the Company. luaddi tion to this, the Company owns an important interest (also paid for) in a well located within 400 yards of the §reat Lewellyn well, which has flowed 2,500-bajrels per ay, and is directly among the celebrated Rathbone group (see map). These axe, it is said, the greatest pro ducing wells in the country. The former owners of this well were f. iced to abandon it on the breaking out of the rebellion, but the Company has now made ar rangements to reopen and tube ft, when a large yield of oil may reasonably be expected from this source alone. In addition to the above described properties, tbe Com pany owns in fee simple some 400 acres of mineral lands in Pennsylvania. This Company Is most fortunate in hostessing every facility for rapidly developing the oil, having on Us own property both timber and coal in great abundance, and in also having the resident Sn perintendent*of the works, Mr. T. G. Farnsworth, largely interested as a stockholder* The manage ment being in the hands of practical men. of indomi table energy and perseverance, the stockholders may reasonably expect toon to find their shares ranking with the best dividend paying stocks on the market; * for, being out of debt, and having a large working capital, the holders of stock in this Company take no risk of being called upon ior additional means to carry on the operations of the Company, but on the contrary, aa soon as oil shall be obtained in sufficient quantities, a dividend on the capital stock will be declared. The remaining portion of the 20,000 shares reserved stock only is now being sold for additional working capital, at the subscription price of two dollars per share. It can be hsd by applying at the office ol the Company, No. 400 CHESTNUT Street, up stairs, room No. 16, and at the counting-house of the President, No. 004: MARKET Street. . F PRESIDENT: F. FAXSON, No. &4 Market street. treasurer: A. A. SHUMWAY, No 221 Market street. DIRECTORS: F. PAYSON, No. 504 Market street. . TBOMAS D. WATTSON, of the house of Trnitt & Co- • 628 Market street. . _ . , , , CEAS. BLOOMINGDALE, of Bloomtngdale, Rhine, & Co., BS2 Market street. EDWARD J. REED, of George W, Reed & Co., 423 Market street. M. J. JOYCE, of A. A. Shumway A Co., 221 Market et SIIIAH BASSETT, Jb., No. 423 Market street. D. D. T. FARNSWORTH, Esq.. West Vireima. EDWARD M. PAXSON, Solicitor. del9-tf A. D. HARLAN, Secretary. THE MOWIAN Oil, COMPANY. la? CAPITAL STOCK $300,000 _ 00,000 SHARKS, FAR TALUK #5 PBR SHARE. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE *3 PER SHARE. •WORKING CAPITAL $34,000. hoklclTlSith. VICE PRESIDENT* K. STEW AST* M. I>. TREASURER, HEAR* H, WILSOH. CTLERK. B, T. JANITEY. SUPERINTENDENT, JASPER COPE WAY DIRECTORS, Horace 3. Smith. william L. Haddock, E. Stewart, M. B.» Mot decal D. Evans, Jas. Wilson, 8. M. Janney, Samuel Baugh. _ _ A. Marshall, Jason L. Fenntmnre. OFFICE, 33 and 34: WASHINGTON BUILDINGS, 274: 8. THIBJD STEEET, PHILADELPHIA. The property of the fifOEGAN OIL COMPANY con sists of 446 acres in feo, all of -which is clear of any in cumbrance ; 3C6 acres are situate in Morgan and Homer townships, Morgan county, Ohio, and 140 acres on a tributary of the Clarion river, in Jefferson county, Pa. Prospectus and Maps at. the Office of the Company, which will be opened on MONDAY, the 19th inst., for subscriptions to the stock. del?- St* WASHINGTON ANTI WAIiNUT BEHD OIL COMPANY. CAP1TAL.............. 1.9900,000. 100,000 SHARES >W»M lIIIH limi IMHM44 $5 EACH. SUBSCRIPTION P81C8.~,~.**,« 10,000 Share* Reserved as Working Capital. OFFICE, 314 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. No. ll A well on Oil Creek* now pumping ten barrels per day, and increasing. No. 2. A well on Oil Greek, now oyer 900 feet deep. With large show of oil. Sear this is the Corn Planter well, which is now pumping 300 barrels of oil per day. No. 8. A well on Oil Greek, 620 feet deep, now ready for tubing, with splendid show of oil; every prospect of producing largely. No. 4. One-fifth interest in ft tract of five hundred acres on the Allegheny river; six wells, now pumping 10 barrels of oil per day; three more wells now going down, with near a mile of river front; all good boring territory. No. 6 A half acre at Tideoute, near the Sconomite wells, which are now pumping sixty barrels per day. No. 6. Six acres in fee, in Walnut Bend, on the Alla gheny river. Immediately surrounding this property are fine producing wells. This tract wul be developed rapidly. ' SUBSCRIPTIONS are new being received, and a large portion of the stock already taken. The prospectus and all information can be obtained at the office of the Com pany, now at No. 314 MARKET Street. del3-12t Kjgp SEW TOBK AHB MVEBPOOI PETROLEUM COMPANY, CAPITAL STOCK, #1,000,000. 100,000 SHARES AT *lO SIGH. Subscription Price ffiper Share. ttANDS YIELDINC^I^EGELY. OFFICBHS: HOH. BAHIEL S. DICKIHSOW, President WM. T. PHIPPS, Vice President. ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. Books are open for subscription at the offlea of the Com pany. Ho. H Empireßonding, TIBROADWAY, S. Y. The lands of the Company are situated in the heart of the Oil Redon, and include portions of those well known localities, “the McKUienyFarm, the two Me- Clintock Farms, ’ ’ and other proved and valuable work in* territories, including over Two Thousand acres of the best Oil Territories along Oil Creek and in Wed Virginia, now under process of successful development, and oil Is already regularly and largely produced from several wells upon them. 0030-d&WSm Address the Company, “P. O. Box 5368,” Hew York. Tj'UENITUBE.—IP YOU WANT TO J- see a boar Place, go to tho Union Furniture Depots of GOULD ft CO., at the H. S. corner of HIBTH and MABKBT and SECOND and RACE. Their large stock of Rttiendld Furniture is attracting the attention of the community generally, so that their employes are kept constantly engaged attending to the demands of buyers. a.rhrfSmas approaches, the calls upon their attention ar. .till iSireaaing, SO that parties wishing topurshaße KSuU give tbliS*immediatecall. AUktadgjnr™- uiture, cheapest au£ best. uel4-tjal tt nATAWBA GBAPES.”—IOO BOXES V arl( j Lalf h DX ei of those celebrated “Grapes.” just the thtag for the holidays, received direct from Lahe Erie, by JAMBS HOMER S SP&r * r !£ o ”}. skVBNTH and gOBXtB Streets. nnA nnn cans peaches—very ZUUjUUU SOPEKIOE-PUT BP BY C P. MOK TONACO.. at tbe BOUND TOP PEA.CHFARM, Mi. IWlMlsMitt * BJsW Sis*ir THK PRESS.-PHILADKI-PHIA: TUESDAY. DKOKWBER 20. IBS4. NEW NEW MAGAZINE BOYS ARE <3-1 RES. MESSES. TICKNOR * FIELDS PUBLISH THIS DAY THE FIRST NUMBER OF THE HEW JDVBNILB MONTHLY. OUK Y.OTJ!VGr FOIOEtsV AN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Mir- This is tie number for JANUARY, 1855. and the follow!,. Is the List of Contents of the JANUARY NUMBER, which is sow ready at all the Beoksteres: •OB'BUM, THE SON OF BUZ. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. 9®-THE VOLUNTEER’S THANKSaiYINO. By Lucy Larcom. NS-TBUMBLINa, From the Finnish. As-TBE RED COATS By Bail Hamilton. . A3f~ THE COLOR BEARER. By J T. Trewhridse. , AS" THE LITTLK PRISONER. By Edmond Kirks. ASPTHOMiS HUGHES. .. ,*®r PHYSICAL HEALTH. By Dio Lewis, ST. D, -85- ANDY’S ADVENTURES. By J. T. TrowbrWgs. -B@-WINNING HIS WAT. By ” Carle to*.’’ 4fjjr NEW YEAS CAROL. By JehnWeiss. . AS-FARMING FOR BOYS. By tie Autfcer of “Tea ~ Acres Eaoaeh. ” <Bs* AFLOAT IN THE FORB3T. By Hsyae Rsid, m- ROUND THE EVENING LAMP. AS" Thenumber contains ever TWENTY ILLUSTRA TIONS, and a steel portrait oi the Author of “School Days at Rugby,’’ TERMS 5 SraOLB SußßommoHs, Two Dollars a year. Slagle , Numbers, Twenty Cents. Citrns.—Three Copies forTive Dollars sFiye Copies for . Bight Dollars; Ten Copies for Fifteen Dollars; Tw- my Copies for Thlrfy Dollars, and au extra copy gratis to the person'forutaft.the Club of Twenty. , . . . T. PosTian.—The postage must he paldby ths person sub- scribing. . Ci-bkbiko with tub Ati-astto Moxthi.t. —The Allan fio, ($1 a year,) and Our Tmng Milks,li't a rear,) will be sent together to one address for Five Dol lars. A®“ All snbscriptUns are pasaile in advance. SPECIMEN COPIES of the First number will brsent to any address for Ten Cents each, _ Address TICKNOR & FIELDS, PUBLISHERS, It 135^WASHINGTON St. .Boston, Haas* Apictobial double number.— Tim PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL and LIFE; ILLUSTR4TBD, for January, appears with 32 quarto pages, and a beautiful iUn&trated Cover. It contains Portraits of Tennyson, Siliiman, Sheridan, Cobb, Phil- - Hpp, Susanna Wesley—mother of John—an Indian Chief, Franz Muller, Miss Muggins, Mia*. Fury, the Princess of Wales, Florence Nightingale, A Group of Warriors—Hannibal, Julius Ctcsar, PizarrooCromweil* Charles XII., Frederick the Great, Scott, Wellington, and Napoleon, with Ethnology, Phrenology, Physiog nomy, ybysiology, and Psychology. No. 1. Yol. 41st. Published at 20 cents a number, or $2 a year. by Aibßsro. FOWLER & WELLS, 389 BROADWAY, New York. , t t Snbseriptions and Eingle Numbers at the PHILADEL PHIA PHRENOLOGICAL OFFICE, »5 South TENTH Street* above Chestnut. . Cde2Q-2t3 J. L, CAPES'. 1 IVJEW UNITBD STATES COAST, SUE- A* YET MAP.—Map of Eastern Georgia and South Carolina, showing the movements of General Sherman from Atlanta to Savannah* Also, showing the sea coast from Savannah river to Charleston Harbor, giving all the towns, railroads, Ac., Ac. The latest and most re liable map published. ALSO* A large assortment of Books lu fins bndisgs. Photo graph-Albums, JuTenlles, Ac., suitable for Holiday presents. For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MAKTIEN, deBo • GOO CHESTNUT Street. AN ENTIRELY NEW BOOK FOB BOYS, WUlt Twenty Elegut niustrations, by the best Artists. THE YOTjIVG: CRUSOE; Or, Aflventnres of a ShlpwrecKefl Boy. Br Db. HARLEY. PRICE, f 1.30. “Fullof exciting Incident, and illustrating the ad vantages of acquiring knowledge,while young, of over coming idle fears, and of being strong and persevering in whatever circumstances one may be placed. ’ ’—Am. Zttemry Gazette. It is for sale by all Booksellers everywhere, or sent by matt to any address, on receipt of price, by* WALKER, WISE. & CO., de!9'3t PPBT.ISHEB3. BOSTON. riHQICE AND BEAUTIFUL BOOKS At THS ’ LOWEST PRICES. LINDSAY S BLAKIBTOW, , _ No. 35 Bonth SIXTH Street, above Chestnut, Have now received, and are offering*at the lowest P3 f'®R , EST PICTURES IN THE ASIRONDACKS. Q A* r RBLIc?ION T OF WAR S LYRIOS, with. Illustrations H B"?!l^^r b n o o“iilustratod in CoIOTB. ’ - - . Qpll ard examiuo qe!9 tf COPARTNERSHIPS. TVlfc SOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. II —The subscribers, heretofore trading nnder the firm of BEN J. S. JAHHEY, Jb.., 4 CO., have thisday Dissolved their partnership, by mutual consent. All or tetaßdias bmluesß of the late &rm will be set tied at 605 MARKET Street LANNEY, Jr„ JOHN M.. BURNS. SAML. A. COYLE. Phiuadeldhia, Dee. 20,1864. FIE UNDERSIGNED WILL Con tinue the Wholesale GROCERY AMD PRODUCE COMMISSION business, aa heretofore done by JAN* NF.Y * ANDREWS, at No. 031 MARK* Street. December 20,1864. BENJ. S. JANNEY, Jr. riOPABTRERS-HIR-J. MOKRIS \J BURKS, (oftbe late Aim otß. S. Janney. Jr.* & C 0.,) and S. HMUCKER, Jr., (of the late firm or 8, Smacker, Jr., & Co ,) have this day formed, a Copart n“ahlp, under the title of BUBHB & SMOGKER, aud will continue the Wholesale GROCERY and COMMfS- SlOKhusiness at tbe old stand formerly occupied by B. S. Jatuey, Jr. ,&Co., atNo.6<M3MARKET St.»FhUa* Philadelphia, Dec. 2», 1864 POPARTN ERSHIP.—THE UNDER SIGHED have this day formed a Copartners ,ip, under the firm-name of S. A. COYLE & CO., Sw the prosecution of the Wholesale GROCERY and PRODUCE COMMISSION business, at Nee. 10 and 18 North FIFTH Street, above Market A (Late of B. 8, Janu6y, Jr , & C 0.,) J. W. LAUGHLIR, J. A. LXKK. Phtladflphta. Dec 20,1864. de29-lm AMERICAN CAR COMPANY, Thirty-firs* and Locust streets, WEST PHILADELPHIA, CAE BUILDEBB, IRON FOUNDSBS, AHD MACHINISTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that this Company Is now prepared to receive orders for building ALL KINDS OF CABS. Tie shops of the Company being supplied with the latest and most approved labor-saving machinery, will enable it to execute all orders with great despatch, and in the very best manner. THE COMPANY bas also purchased the right to use DOTTERER 8 MIRIHONDES’ Patent Anti-Friction Self-Rubricating CAB JOURNAL BOXES, and Mr. THOMAS H. JENKINS’ Patented Process for HARD ENING CAST IKON. ALL THESE PATENTS the Company Intend using for and on all the Cars butlt in their Works—thereby greatly adding to the utility and durability of the work performed. In addition to the above, the Company is prepared, to execute orders for STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ENGINES, MINING AND PUMPING ENGINES, BLOWING ENGINES FOR FURNACES AND FORGES, KGLLING.MILL WORK, 4c., ' MILL AND FACTORY GEARING, And Including ALL KINDS OF WORK connected with a GENERAL MACHINERY BUSINESS. Ugo, all kinds of Iron and Braes Castings and Smiths 1 Work executed in the very test manner, both as re garde design, material, and workmanship^ Drawings and estimates made alike Works free of charge. JAMES W. BAEBBTT, Secretary, x>. 11. DOTTEREE, deld-thstulm SUPERINTENDENT. Q.REAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF CAKD IPHOTOGBAP^HS. PORTRAITS 15 CENTS EACH, OR $1 PER DOZEN. Engravings 10 costs each, or 75 cents per dozen. Colored Cards SO cents each or $2 per do2ea. Large or medium Photographs 60 cents each,orsl.so per dozen. Photographs received as soon as published. McAllister & brother, delg-Ot 738 CHESTNUT Street. CLOTH TABLE, PIANO, AKD MELODEON covers, The largest assortment to befound in the city, FOR SALE BY , SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRIBON, HOUSE-FOHNISHING DRY GOODS STORE, de2o-tuths6t No. 1008 CIIBSTHUT Street. HOLD SPECTACLES, GOLD EYE II GLASSES, 40., in great variety. MCALLISTER & BROTHER, (Established 1796,) dels-« 728 CHESTNUT Street, "PLASTIC STEEL-FRAME SPECTA jLJ CLES —A large assortment. ■ McALLISTEB & BEOTHEK, dPIS ft , 728 CHESTNUT Street. OPERA GLASSES -JN EVERY VA VARIETY of mounting—Pearl, Enamelled, Japanned, &o , SC. MoALLISTBR 8 BROTHER, . delS-et 738 CHESTNUT Street- MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, DA f or schools. MoALLISTBR Sc BROTHER, delAGt 738 CHESTNUT Street. "PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—A VARIE a TV or styles. MCALLISTER- & BEOTHEB. delA 6t . 7%8 GHEStfiPT Street. CPABKLING CATAWBA WINE, IN Quarts and Piute. Also, Sweet and Dry Catawba Wine and Catawba Brandy, made from the Pure Jiuoe of tbe Catawba Grape. For sale at HARTLEY’S Ca tawba WUte Agowy, 53 «. FIFTH Stmt. deJO-lS TBE HOLIDAYS. AVOID THE RUSHII AX. COME EARLY I COME EARLY! NOW US THE TIME TO BUY. &. W. jp IT OH EB’B ONE-PRICK BOOH, ALBUM, PIGTURB AND FRAME 808 CHESTNUT STREET, FRAMES ! FRAMES I FRAMES I RUSTIC FRAMES, ILL SIZES AND STYLES. WALNUT « « « CULT « « « ROSEWOOD “ “ « Frames made to erder.andpartlealar attentloaglvw t« FRAMING- PICTURES,'to., &0. ALBUMS I ALBUMS! ALBUMS I Ourttook of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS IS THE, LARGEST IN THE CITY. Over 800 styles, many of them NEW, and made ex* Keenly for our own sales. ' Prices frtm is Cents’ to ftOO, 'All soz.u LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. BOOKS I BOOKS 1 ALL NEW BOOKS RECEIVED ON BAY OF PUBLI . -CATION, AND SOLD AT A DISCOUNT. S 3 00 Books for *1,75, #1.75 Books for JI.M, *I.M Books for 11. M . Books for #l.OO. BIBLES AND PRAYER-BOOKS in vatloos styles of Biadiog. DIARIES, PORTFOLIOS, &o„ Ac. „at low prices. . JBYENITES AND PICTURE BOOKS, in great va ■ riety. >'/.'■ PHOTOGRAPHS I PHOTOGRAPHS I IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, 31x27—over 200 subjects. 1 . . MEDIUM PHOTOGRAPHS, 10x14 —over 700 sutdec». , CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, plain—over 2,009 subjects. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, colored—over 1,000 subjects. NEW SUBJECTS ADDED EVERY WEEK, PITCIIEIR’S, ■BOB CHESTNUT ST. i*9- tutheatf ' v H OLIDAY BOOKS! THE IfAKGEST ANI> HANDSOMEST AS* SOBTMENT IN THE CITY. - All the Kew and Standard Book*, English or Ameri can editions, in plain or eioganfc calf and morocco bind- Isgf, will be found at our establishment, arr&nged on long counters, running the full length of our store, where they can be readily examined. Moat of our fine stock is bound expressly for our retail sales* by the best binders in the country. Billies and Prayer-Books, The handsomest lot ever imported into this country. exquisitely bound in Paris and London. Only a small number of the above, Imported expressly for holiday gales. We invite their inspection by levers of elegant* ly* bound. Books. * Photograph Alliums. any house in the country. A beautiful Book,' holding BO portraits, Turkey morocco, we will sell tor $3.60. We have a few elegant large Albums* mounted, in velvet, with carvings on wood* from Paris, carved by: hand, in the heßt manner. Children’s Books.. BngJish and American Juveniles, including all the new ones. The largest assortment that we nave yet offered to our patrons, . Some of the above goods are limited in quantities. We would advise early purchases to secure them. -We offer, also, a small lot of beautifully-made LEATHER FRAMES and Brackets, warranted strong and durable. They are something novel and handsome* made by a soldier’s wife. ASHMEAD & EVANS, (HAZARD’S OLD STAND,) No, 724 CHESTNUT STREET, dels ftitbiet M. HAFLEIGH, 303 CHKSTNNT SIBKEI, WILD OPEN TUESDAY, DECEMBER eth? - A Now Department, running tbrengb tbe centre*!bit Eton, tie feet in length, te be known as THE CHEAP DEPARTMENT, Which will be devoted exclusively te the exhibition and sale of DRESS FABRICS, REDUCED TO ONE-HALF THE PRIOR SOLD AT THE BEGINNING OF THE SEASON. ' J. M. H. bas made arrangements to famish to hle customers from 200,000 to 800,000 yagas oi FRENCH AND ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, . ly', fubchased ax a gbkat saokifice and pboh AUCTION SAIiES, To be sold through this channel without resem THE HOLIDAY SEASON. dcs-€-sthstntf , . TpYBE & LANDELL, FOURTH AMD ■tj ABCHSTBEETS. EIRE & LVNDELL, FOURTH AND AROH STREETS, ABB OFFERING! AT FAIR PRICES JUST SDCH.QpODB AS WOULD MAKE VERT ACCEPTABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENT^ CHRISTMAS SHAWLS. ' CHRISTMAS SILKS. CHRISTMAS SCARFS. CHRISTMAS HDKFS. CHRISTMAS GLOVES. r “ CHRISTMAS OHINTZBS*T^ r 'l‘f. CHRISTMAS DELAINES, CHRISTMAS BLANKETS. CHRISTMAS PIANO COVERS. DO. MELODEON COVERS. deS- stuthtdeSl HENRY HARPER, 520 ARCH STREET, Has a handsome stock of WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, ' SILVER-PLATED WARE, And FANCY SOLID SILVER WARE, suitable for BRIDAL and HOLIDAY PRESENTS. de2o-i2t» TEE MOfcT USEFUL, A I THB BEBT AND THE CHEAPEST ' HOLIDAY PRESENTS, AT BAMBERGER BROTHERS, BRAD THE LIST OF ARTICLES, L-.NBN HDKFS —A vary ia*ge assortment of plain, hensßtticbed, and embroidered Hdkfs . Very cheap. LaCE COLLARS.—Cambric Collars and Sets. Terr cheap. ■ , FANCY BACK COMBS.-A very large assortment of the most beautiful styles of fancy back, at half the regular retail prices. §LOVJK—GXOVBS.—*A very large assortment of- Silk, Fleecy Lined, Cloth Cloves, and all other hinds of Gloves, very low. BALMORAL SKIRTS. The largest assortment of Balmoral Skirts in the city. From (ffS to $8 eheaiL The largest stock of Ladles’, Men’s, Misses’, Boys’,* and Children’s Merino Undershirts and Drawers in the city, at very lowest prices , HOSIERY » HOSIERY ! The best and cheapest Hosiery in the city. _ LADIES’. MEN’S, AND CHILDREN’S HOSIERY. “ Cotton, Woolen, and Merino Hosiery. The largest assortment of |v«^grt^uaWv.^d^eorintion. A very large assortment of French Morocco Satchels.. Y*ry cheap, » y LACE VEILS.! LACE VEILS 1 ■ Avery large assortment of black Lace Veils, at all Sl lrf3iel®and Gente’ SUkaud Woolen Scarfs. Hair Brtuhes, Comps, Silk Hdkfs. „ Corsets, Linen Bosoms, and a large assortment of Fancy Goods, much lower than at any other store in the city, .t _ Bambergerbeob. No. iosn. eighth street, delB-6t Third store Above Areh. Holiday gifts.—henry a. DREER, SEEDSMAN AND FLORiST, Ift. 711 CHESTNCiT Street, offers a Splendid Assortment of Rustle,Lava, and Terra Cotta Hanging Baskets, with or without Plants? also Plant abd Fern Stands* Vases, Flower B.< assets of rnpe»b new pattemsy Hyacinth Bulbs and Glasses, Gold Fish;and Globes, Bouquets Baskets, Wreatbs, Creases, *fidv>iber designs of Natural Flowers, Immortelle &c. To prevent diaappoinkment* Orders for Natural Flowers for Christ maVare solicited early. FLOWER SEEDS in packets ffftiUbtefwiaiuiUgto di&UaS. tolTstaUMi* L WATSON’S MANUAL OF CALISTHENIOS.SI.»S 11. HAND-BOOK OF CALISTHENICS AND . GYMNASTICS*.« ~... «$».00 ni. the SAME. In Heavy Gi16.««............53,50' J® 5 * Sent by matt* prepaid, on receipt of the pries. Bach volume is au Bvq., printed on fine and heavy tint€d ptp4r, yichly illustrated from ' original dfceigns, witii iio: aoflompaijy the .exer ciser TheEe aU .others on physical culture* in bleeding the soisn-' tifle a»d the practical, in thg variety and completeness of the classes of mevemenivand in the adap-ationbf the exercises to the both sexes dad persons of. all ages. In thefiret} all the exercises are without Up*’ ' paratns; in the second, complete courses of tdxerclses are gives, 'both with apparatus. The ex- are adapted to the parlor, And embrace some o* the moat excellent life-iafas-ng games and sports ever known* To consumptives, dyspeptics, invalids In general,and the sedentary, to all who wish to eecuie physical fougcular strength and robust health.'the use of these bookß will prove invaluable. It is when health is lost or ‘impaired that one can sympathize with the assertion of Professor Kloss, that . ' “He who has it has all things; he who lacks it has no thing.’ 1 • These books are superbly bound, and will grace any . library or table. #ke wcrk Is the most complete and elaborate.—lF. T. Evening Past. k We heartily ■ commend it to all who prize physical culture, health, and symmetrical education. It will all our schools and families. —Oonti- Every person not accustomed to dally manual labor ia the open air ought to pursue this system of exercise. The health of ths whole community would be promo- Y.^Observer. A volume both valuable and beautiful; it surpasses ■ all its predecessors. -r-The Independent. It teaches the best means of educating the human body simultaneously with the human mind.—ZVie Albion. . - It is very comprehensive in its character, embracing several topics which , have never hefore been included, in one treatise, ffhe subject is treafhd in a most careful acdexact form* and illuetraled in a style which leaves nothing to be desired. —Sunday School Times, To those in authority, whoseinflueiice would b'e ef fectual in promoting the circulation of this book, it be comes a positive duty so to do by ever* means in their -power. Ail who have the physical welfare of the ha jnffn isjpe at heart, and understand how powerless the intellect is to contend against the burden of a feeble and emaciated frame,are equally interestedinita.teachiags, and answerable, each in his own spnsre, however email it be. for the consequences of neglecting them.— IF. Y. Baity Times. Truly a hook that every family should have. .The Whole subjBctof.tbr.roush bodily.exeroUe is made as attractive as it is Weekly. * bifck cannot be too highly recommended.—iZome Youmal. ~ BOOKS I $lOO Book* for M sent*. 75 cent Books for *8 cent*. CO cent Bocks for 40 cents. 25 cent Books for. 20 cents. BELOW EIGHTH. 3s.:s ■*'# THK HOLIDAYS. PRESENTS son THE HOLIDAYS. Many articles, Ornamental as well as Useful, in cluding , ornaments * ;.r HATCH AND CIGAR-HOLDERS, . INKSTANDS, r ' POSCEMW IMIEMS, flexible Drop-light, 'With Flgures ahd btbQr Stands, ic., &o. WARNER, fiSIEI, $ MAHUFACIUEEBB AKDIKPOBTKSS. . 718 GHBSTNUT Btraat, guy FOR THF HOLIDAYS USEFUL, BEAUTIFUL, HEAItH-BKGVIIItfCI BOOKS. We practiced these exercises to recover healths we advise others to practice them to keep it. . . These books are a credit to the American press. London Reader. BCHEBMEBEORN, BiNCBOFT, & CO., PUBLIBHERB, 130 GRAND Street {near Broadrray). N. Y. 513 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. del9-3t t SUPERB GIFT BOOK. D. .APPLETON S CO., Nos. 4,3 and 445 BROADWAY, ■ . H.VB SOW BEAUT In all styles of Binding, CHRISTIAN BALLADS, BmRV. A-CLEVELAND OOXB, P.».* Illustrated with Original Deaiius, BY JOHN A. HOWS. Ivol.. Bvo. 23i pages. • „ _ PRINTED ON TINTED PAPES. . -Elegant doth, .,.,..55 00 Morocco extra.....*»•«••►.... 9 00 Turkey Morocco, red edges 9 00 Crushed Levant Morocco, very elegant-. 10 00 £J Extract from the Author's Preface. ] ' With a-sincera gratitude to nls Christian brethren, iand to his publishers in Eagland and America, he de gires to acknowledge the singular and entirely unex pected successwhicn tine tittle book ha« enjoyed. It has brought him kindly greetings and pleasant letters from - the most distant and from some of the moat obscure por tions of the earth. It has gained him some of the mo;t enviable of friendships. In foreign travel it has opened hit .way to cottages and to catties; oaths shelves of Eidn Iroyo and In the-rooms of yrave Follows of the tJnivereititeg Inlreland he was presented with a curious Series of imitations of Dreamland, some grave and come comical; and to Scotiand and Wales he owes some ofHlfhappiest redbllecileus in incidents connected with the circulation ,of the ballads, in several forms. To Count Tasca. the eminent poet and patriot of Norths ern Italy, he is indebted for the introduction of several of them to his countrymen,in spirited translations; and the Comte db Montalembert has -unwittingly connected a stanza from oce of them with a hook which will ba over memorable in the hismry of the French Empire. £From the Church Journal. ] ■ One of the most welcome gift boots of the season."will be the new illustrated edition of Dr. Coxe’s Christian Ballads—the most popular volume of uhurchly verse which has appeared sinceKtble’sChriatian Year. Since their flrtfcappeaxance, twenty*foul years ago, successive editions have been constant!? in demand, both in Eng land and in this country. Count Tasoa has translated a number of these charming ballads izitol&atian.and they are added in an appendix to the present volume. Count de Montalembert has curiously illustrated the degree to Which they have become a common possession in all Sarts of Great Britain,-by describing, in one of his nes : orations, the reception of tbe Quseu of England at tbe opening of the People’s Park, ween the verses of welcome, ahng by 40,000 children of English schools, were selected Horn these Gnristian Ballads of Dr. Goxe.. It is well to clothe such an established favorite with all the charms of presswork and tinted paper, exquisite engraving,“and chaste binding. Mr. John A, Hews has embodied ibis highest si ill in the larger designs that are the chief adornments of this edition; and the engraving of several of them* by Bobbet & Hooper, is a higb bia ferequality with the best English engravers Smaller and more varied embellishments are profusely added, and the whole snakes one of the choicest volumes of the season. [From the Newark Daily Advertiser. 1 , A quarter of a ceniury has elapsed since these ballads froze first published, and their intrinsic merit caused their young author to be accorded a high position on the roll of Christian poets. Time has not detracted from their merit, and in this edition they have been profuse ly illustrated and adorned by handsomely executed en gravings, making the volume one of the most attractive issued for the approaching season of gifts. . Z&othltfo Journal of Commerce. 3 A superb volume from the Appleton’s is "Christian Bell&d#,*' byßev A. Cleveland Coxe, moßfc elaborate ly illustrated and ornamented. The intro4action con tains something of a history of the popularity which Mr. Coxe’s poems have enjoyed in this and other coun tries,' and may be accepted as a justification of the very elegant style in which this volume is published \ Sent free by mail lu any address on receipt of the price. OUR HOLIDAY CATALOGUE del9-2t] GIFTBOOKS NOW READY, AND TO BE HAD GRATIS ON APPLICATION. KfE'W YEAR’S GIFT CAMP LI ■AY BRABIES. . ■ - The United States Christian Commission, In response to numerous and earnest appeals from turgeoas, chap lain b, and field officers, -will receive, forward, and place under the care of proper librarians, ONE THOU SAND -FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY CAMP AND GUNBOAT LIBRARIES' of one hundred and fifty vo lumes each, if the friends of our soldiers and sailors will forward them to Its branches, or to the Central Ofilce, during the holidays. It is hut a small matter for each purchaser of holiday gifts for Mends at home to buy a handsome and pleatan t book for bis friends in camp or hospital, write his name in It, and dlreet.the bookreller to.send It to the Commission. It will he a positive pleasure to hundreds of wives and mothers to take down the choicest volumes Horn their bpok-eases, Mid send them thus, where their loved ones can enjoy the pleasure and profit of perusing them. Send none hut the best; our soldiers deserve the best. The standard essayists, histories,biography, travels, scionce,poetry, magazines, standard works of fiction, whatever, in short, you would put into the chamber of your own brother, confined with a broken limb, will he accept able, as well as religious works. Forward the parcel, marked GAMP LIBRARY, to any of the branches of the Christian Commission, or to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman Christian Commission, ddNiaat fcSS - M -SaNK Street, Philadelphia. rrj§L \ StiiTABLYL’BOGK FQR°A £ LADY GENTLEMAN —TheteYCLO- AND -BOSIKEB9 .-ANBC DOTESTbemg SkeTcnes and Incidents .-ia- tbe lives of bankers, metfckk»te,_ftnd mem,of business* with steal and wood engravings. bduxtcLin handsome presentation style, in kali calf and morocco. Interesting, amusing, and instructive. Sold at tbe Agency, 33 S. SIXTH Street, d«l7-6t Office of APPLETON’S CYCLOPEDLA. TXOLEDAY OOOPS.—NEW BUNCH, Layer, and Seedless Raisins New Currants, domestic and imported Citron. Lemon and Grange Feel* Havana Oranges. Newtown Pipoins and Bellflower Apples Pure Paper-shell Almonds, and pure sweet Cider. For sale at the lowest market rates, by the package or retail* by _ * JAMES HOMERA SON. Grocers, de2o*.6t* SEVENTH and NOBLE Streets. F)E THE HOLIDAYS.—THEODORE SMITH, WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER, No. 936 SPRING GARDEN St. (south side), below Tenth, offers a large and spJendid stock of new and fashionable Jewelry, fine Watches, Silver Ware* Spectacles, and Clocks* at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance, A call is respectfully solicited. del7»stuth>4t* • T>UTTEBFIELD’S OVERLAND AJ DESPATCH, Office, S. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. A THROUGH FREIGHT LINE baa been established, prepared to receive a 1! classes of Freight in the principal cities east of the Mississippi river, and tirttxnspon the same from point of shipment TO ALL POINTS IN COLORADO, IDAHO, UTAH, and Montana territories, UPON THROUGH CONTRACT KATES'AND BILLS OF_ LADING. Through Kates include ALL CHAEGES —Railway. Transfer, Storage,and Foi warding Commissions on the .Missouri river, and transportation upon thePlaiue thus er ablin* toe Shipper to obtain a THROUGH CON TRACT for his freight for a distance of OVER THREE THOUSAND MILES.and relieving Mm from all respon sibilities and anxieties incident to the past disorganized and irresponsible sjst»m of Plains transportation. Our Agents in New York, Boston, .Philadelphia, Pitts burg. Chicago, St. Louis* and Burlington, lowa, are prepared at all seasons to receive and ship at the LOWEST THROUGH TARIFF RATES. TTTmTr This Company. awameß ALi» THE RESPONSIBILITY of Losses, Damages, or Overcharges on Freight while fit transit from poi&t of shipment to place of destination. The New York office is In possession of a full set of TRACE BOOKS, showing the date of shipment, the time it passes the Mississippi river, is received at and slipped from the Company’s Warehouses’at Atchison (Kansas), the character of the trains moving upon the Plains, the date it passes Fort Kearney, arrives at Den ver, is received at destination, and the apparent condi tion of the Wares along the entire route. JSr If Damages oa* Losses occur. Shippers are notified in time to duplicate any important portion of the ship- W These books are open for tbe inspection of our cus tomers at all times, and parties shipping by this Line willbekeet informed by correspondence of the exact condition of their shipments. , , . - Merchants and Mining Men in the Ter? Dories ordet in* Atchison, Ksnpar,” and have them shipped uudai tbe instructions ofonr Agent at| point of eirpraent. i Letters of Inquiry addressed to .our offlee at ATOHI 80N, KansasiNo. 1 VBSBYBtraet. Attor York: or Southwest comer of SIXTH and CHE3TNOT Streets, Philadelphia, wiU be promptly and reliably answered. D. A. BUTTEBFlisLD,Proprietor. ? A.W NPALDING, General Agent, New. York. _ Wljfi H, JgQOEh, Agent, Philadelphia, d«i7-tl RETAIL 9RT GOODS. log* OHEBTHOT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES n »ah,t asam-raa NOVEL TIB 8 f " gLAO E S , | WHITE GOODS; b EMBROIDERIES, g VEILS. HANDKERCHIEFS, <*& In *T«y variety P SICKS, CHRISTMAS HOLIPaT PRESENTS. MB* CHBBTHPT BTBKBT. CUP ERI O R QUALITY BROOHA O SCARFS, taK»at variety of sues. Plaid Sllfe Scarfs. PialnSilkScarfs. . Plaid Poplin Scarfs. Plaid Casbmfire Bearfs. ; Fmbroidered, liem-sthch and plain Cambric Hand kerchiefs. Race Collars, Linen Collars, Cambric Collars, and etsyr Lace roods. EDWIN HALL A CO., - .. - No. »G S. SECOND Street. . pHEAP AND USEFUL GOODS FOR CHKI&TMAS PRESENTS for the Helps aftoat the horitfei; Merrimack Prints, Me. Hew Styles da Baines, 44c. ssfea. Dress Goods,-at reduced prices. EDWIN HALL & CO., . .„No. 36 S. SECOND Street. CUPBjaOR QUALITY CLOAK YIL KJ' YETS, ■ pare el3k, Lyons manufacture, 23, 82, and 36 inches wide. * . • • Beet quality yroetsd Beaver Cloths. Beaver Clothe of various Trinda. ' Cloaks, ready made. Cloaks made to order. EDWIN HALL & CO., Ho $26 8. SECOND Street. delS-rrtntlir FOR SALE Ml) TO MET. m LIMESTONE FARM FOR BALE» ■rB» For Sale, A FABM. containing 228 acres of -AS land, situated in the Limestone ValleV of Buckingham Townthif, Backs county, Penna., three miles from Belviriero and-Delaware Railroad, at L&mbertviLle.aud immediately on the line of a "contemplated- Railroad throughJßucks county. There are on this Farm a set of farm buildings $ a number of lime kilns and quarries producing excellent Lime, for which there is a ready sale to a home market; 60 acres of heavy timber, apple orchards, large peach orchards, etc., etc. Price ■Joy- : . ... . * For particulars, or a view of the premises, call on or addtees B. J. SMITH * CO., Beal Estate Agents. “ NBWToww.renaa. «TO MANUFACTUBEBS.—TO BENT—A NEW FACTOBY BUILDING, jnsteem pie ted. with twenty-horse power, to a practical spinner, wiihlthree or four sets of«&r*t*class machine! y,adapted to spin from 16 to iQ cut yarn. The building is two story, double doors, high ceilings, finished in the best manner, and lighted from four sides. It is built ex pressly for the purpose; the power is uniform. This is a good opportunity for parties renting power and spin ning for the market, as I'expect to use all- the yarn on the premises that four sets can turn off. Apoly to : JOHN CLENDENNIffa, de2o 6tif , ■ FrankfordjrPhil adelphia. T?OB SALE—THE FOLLOWING MA- X CHIEBET, at J. CLB&DBBNINa’B Frankford Damask Factory: Four Power-looms, 70 inches wide, single bex/made byJenfe s; eight Looms, 63 indies, wide do. H THE ABOVE LOOMS ABE ADAPTED FOE MAKING DOUBLE-WIDTH FLANNELS. Six double-box Looms, 40 inches wide, 6 treadles, 4 shuttles. One of Danforth’s Doubling and Twisting Machines, and one of Jenks & Son’s Spooling Frames. fle2p~Btif m FOB SALE—TWO NEW HOUSES, JEB with Three-story double Back Buildings, No 158 and 160 North TWENTIETH Street, Inquire atlas Boileinga, deaO-liit* T7OB SALE CHEAP—A DANIELS A PLANING MACHINE, 16 feet lone; also, a large SAW TABLE, complete for squaring posts. All in good running order Apply to A WILT, Basil, Door, and Shutter Manufacturer, de2o-3l* No. *rn North FBONT Street. m ORPHANS’ COURT SALS.-: £fc m Estate Of SAMUEL DATIS, deceased. Will he sold at Public Sal e on the Premises* on the 32th day of Ist mo., JARTJAET. 186$, at 1 o’clock P.M,* the following described Beal K&tate: . - Ho. 1. Consisting of all that certaintract of Land situ ate in the township of -Baverford, -Delaware county, on the Radnor and Darby road, six miles west of Market street Bridge, containing 83 acres and 7-90 parches. The improvements are Stone Mansion* 40 by 20 feet, with Kitchen; Stone Barn. 60 fcsMO feet, will accommo date 80 head’ofliye stock; Stone Wagon House, saperlor Spring Bouse, and other out-buildings. This land is in a high state of cultivation and well watered. Ho. 2 Consisting of all that certain tract of Land situate in the township of Haverford, Delaware eoua» ty„on the Fhiladelphiaand West Chester Plank road; six miles west of Market-street Bridge, containing 76 acres 2 roods and 23-25 perches. The improvements con sist of a fctone Dwelling Houge and Oat-kitchen; new Stone fcß&rn, 70 by CO feet, f a»d other Buildings. Of this tract 70 acres are in wood, the rest cleared and in a high state of cultivation.. A stream of water passes through the farm. This land fronts on Plank road and contains set eral splendid building sites. Ho. 3. Consisting of the tract of Land adjoining tracts Hos/1 and 2on Plank road, containing 4&H acres. Of this tract 21 acres are in wood, the rest in good state of cultivation. A good stream of water passes through the place. . ■ 9 Ho. 4. Consisting of all that tract of Land situate in Upper Darby, county aforesaid, on the Radnor and Darby road, near Philadelphia and Weit Chester Plank road, coni ainina 18 acre” 22 p* rches. The improvements consist of a new Stone Dwelling House, 44 leet by 20. and Trame Stable. The above four tracts are in a good and improving neighborhood, and within V& miles of the termination of the Delaware-county Passenger Railway. Ho. 6. Consisting of Stone Dwelling House, 32 by 23 feet, two and a half stories high; yard and garden con taining 1 rood 4-73 perches; is situate on Darby and Radnor road, % mile above OarrefctfordjroadL. and six jailea from lie cl|y7 e iigtMlVn™’ THOMAS STILL, • Admiaistrator, acl6-ftuBt» 4£g FOR SALS LOW— THE HEW, jgM neat, sideward House, Ho. 2225 Spring Garden Hew and well-built Dwelling* north side of Wallace* west of Nineteenth; lot 2Qxij» feet. iT i t Desirable Dwelling, No. 724 North Nineteenth street; lot 100 feet deep. Dor large Dwellings see North American and United States Gazette . JL large rmmber of Fame, some first-class tad on rail road routes near the city ■ B. F. OLBCW, 133 Souii FOURTH, and de!7- 8. ~W. cor. BETEKTSENTH and GRBEN. FOB RENT—LARGE ROOMS FOR MaiL Business purposes. Third and fourth stories of southeast corner of Dock and Walnut streete. with light and ventilation seldom e,nailed. Also, a large Factory Building, of- five rooms, to gether with the use ot an Engine capable of supplying power for that and the'adjoining building. Also, Three Booms immediately adjoining, and eom munfc&ting with the above, having a good northern light. May be rented'together or separately. Several ha°d mS Apply tr^" 1 ' ‘ Uit JACOB M a BLLIBr ** de!7-3?-. IB* 8. FOHBTH Street, second story. a IMMEDIATE POSSESSION-THE esirable DWELLING, No. SO7 Marshall street, with all modem conveniences. For sale low and on easy terms by ANTHONY P. &3. H. MOBBIS, . de!7 4l* No. 9X6 ABCH Street. Ml FOR SALE—AN ELEGANT && -Kni country SEAT, with about 200 acres of land -A— attached, in Bucks county, fenna., miies from Philadelphia. For parhcnlars appl’to WM. EOSSEBL ALLEN, S. E. cor. FOBBTH and-WALNUT. de!7-3t» FOR DESIRABLE Mfob sale—a large number of small Houssb in ihe lower part of the olty; also, weU-Becnred Ground Bents, cheap for cash, Forfur ther particulars apply at _ _ , delB-12t* No, 935 WALNUT Street. •C’OB RENT—THE LARGE PHOTO- A graphic Booms formerly occupied hy W. L. OES MOS. wrnel of SEVENTH and OHBSfNDT Streets. Also, several other roou s over the Photographic Booms. Inquire at 618 WASHINGTON Square. uo!4 CLARION RIVER OIL LARDS, favorably situated, in tracts of 70,150,170, and 200 acres each, ■with improvements thereon* _ Also, SCO acres in YENA3SGO County, near Franklin, and 1 H miles from the Allegheny, river, 60 acres of which are good oil boring grounds, together with the most valuable deposit of Coal in that section of country, the whole offering extraordinary inducements for in* vestment, ... . , For further particulars apply to EVASTS No. 435 WALNUT St. ,2d Floor. TT ALU ABLBTCOAL OIL LANDS FOR V SALE.—Over l,2oo,acres well located in three seye ral trams, in "Weitera Virginia, will be sold eeparately.- Annly, till THURSDAY, December 21, instant, at ™ y * BOOH 65, MERCHANTS’- HOTEL, de!9-3t« Korth fOOBTH Street. yALUABLE OIL LANDS IN WEST VIRGINIA TOR SALE. One tract of 2SO acres, haying a fronting of two miles on the Kanawha river, immediately opposite Elizabeth, Wilt cotjuty, C. H.» known, as the SANNAMAST, or BOOED BOTTOM !..’ARM, and on which Oil was first discoyered in 1790 (see map), and ia well known for its OE indications. ~ Another tract on the opposite side of the river from the above, containing 210 acres, with over a mileof river froht.orbonngeurface.aiidon which is the well-known gae well tsee map), which was commenced and dug to the depth of Borne 160 feet, when oil fell in price to one dollar per barrel, and the work was suspended. The oil indications of thSße properties are well known In the neighborhood. _ . , _ . ~ , . , Also, two tracts on Tucker’s Creek, containing about 250 acres. These lands wUI he Bold together, or sepa rate, to suit purchasers.. . ~ ~ , . To parties within g to form a reliable company for de velopment, these lands cannot be surpassed. Exami nation will substantiate this statement., Bor terms, and farther partionlars, address, fora few WM. H. PARMENTBR, BTT north EIGHTH Street; or, cate of deW-WV I), 8. KBTLEB, 38 B.iFOiTRTH St. , Fhila. LEeAL F[ THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY PHILADELPHIA. Estate ofWcHAEtTCBOUS E," 3) eceaied. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit,, settle* and adjust the account of JOHN M. HALL, adnainiatra tord. b. n. c. t. a , ol the estate of Michael Crouse, de ceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties tote rested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUBS* Fl*. January 3. 3864, at 4 o’clock P. M., at his office, Ho. 839 ARCH Street. in R RaOADS; Auditor, TO HOUSEKEEPIKS. dB2O-tntbgSt* The subscriber has on land a choice selection of OLD F. BRANDT, Atom $l2 to $l6. MADEIRA AND SHERRY 'WIRE?, from $3 to «S. OLD MONONGABBLA WHISKY, from *3 to $5. GINGER,WILD CHERRY,and RASPBERRY BRAIT DIES, ROSE CORDIAL, Ac., from $2.60 to $3. Also, F. BRANDY, froms3 to $5. : SHERRY and MADEIRA WINES, from *3 to $5. FOR COOKING PURPOSES. To he had at No. 14S North Second Street. henry huddy, ISAAC J. EVANS! r®BISTMAS IB NEAR-COME EARBY •V-t and avoid the crowd at RIMER’S .GALLERY, SECOND Street, above Green. Beautifol«tylea, na turally colored Photographs, only SLSS. Come early; days snort. , It* XT OLID AY PRESENTS.—B. F. REI JUL MEB’S artistic and accurate Portraits, life-size Photographs In oil colors, splendid styles. Go early s days snort. Gallery 658* ARCH St. Go early. It* riHRISTMAS PRESENTS.—A VA VV iicty of heautifnl and Improved styles or Photo graph Albums, for! sale, at B. P. REIMBR’S GAL LERY, 658* ARCH Street. Go early and avoid tie crowd. 1 15 TOSHTJA T, OWEN, ATTORNEY, w cnUSELLOB AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR O# CLAIMS Office. 5851 E Street, near Fourteenth Hs„ Washington, P, 0. de2o 6m “OIL ON THE BRAIN,” {SONG- AND V_/ CHOEUB )—The jnost popularjstecs OHU^wnitß, at MAisa’Sßaao mi Mmlo StM*:lyNf ■titf&S* fit***, WANTS. WANTS D-AN AOTIVE, INDUS * » TRIOUB Young HAN, who has had experience among Jacquard power looms. One who is acquainted with the Jacquard and the tying up of figured goods, without overmuch pretensions, will likely find a sitoa* tion that will satisfy him; bv applying to the _ FBASKFOBD DAMASK FACTORY. (HAPITAL.—TO MERCHANTS AND Vi., OTHERS—Am energetio young man, having capital at Mi dlspoaal, is desirous ofengaging la acme remune rative business with responsible parties. Has been connected with a laige mercantile house in thfs city. £™P» n ? ) ,?SS I<>ns oonfidentlal. Address ” L. B ,” Bos 8189 Boat Office. de2o St* WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE SILK ’ Homte, two experienced BALBSMET, to whom liberal Salahes will bo paid. Address ” Merchant," at office tMa paper. ' de2o-3t WANTED— IN A WHOLESALE Straw-Poods House, a competent SALESW AST, ac quainted with Country Trade. Address Box 2653, Post Office- ■ ___ 4eatf-2t* W A NT ED—TWO FIRST-CLASS " HARDWARE SALESMEN. Hone need apply un less they catf control a large trade. .It*. . _ R. &W. C. BIDDLE & CO. WANTED TO PURCHASE A „Tv Well-established Pentleasen’* FUBNIBHINO STOBE.In a geod location. Address, stating anionntof capital required, location. See., '* Y, o.,'* at the office of this paper. deg)-3t« WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, T * "who hae had considerable experience in the Grocery bosiaess. and whn> can command some Penn sylvania trade* a Situation as a- SALESMAN. Good reference given. Address “B. A. D .* 1 this office. It* WANTED—A SALESMAN IN THE trade praferael* 58 business: on* having a Address M. K.” U* WANTED—A MAN AND WIPE ’ fnlly competent to farm and manage a Dairy of fifteen cows. Farm eleven miles from' the city. Address, with reference, Box 283 Philadelphia Post Office. It* TO THE WHOLESALE DRY HOODS TRADE.—A yonng man who has had several Tears’ experience in one of the largest-Wholesale Houses, wishes a situation as SALESMAN. Address ‘'Harry.” Press office. de2o-2t* M WANTED TO RENT—A HOUSE with seven or eight rooms Address ‘ ‘ Jbhn Wil son,” Press office, stating location, terms* her. dc23-3t* "EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LARG* eat and most reliable, for city and country. Has always a good selection of capable persons, with, good references. Americans, Irish, English, French, Ger man* Scotch, Welsh. and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen, &c. Gooks, Cmmhh-jjnaids, Seamstresses. Waitresses, and general Housework Servants Also, Colored Servants. -Nos. 80% andBo4 LOCUST Street, above Eighth. dclfl-lm A SITUATION WANTED BY !A Young Man in some mercantile or mannfactarmg business* as Book-keeper, Clerk* or any position where he can make himself usefoL Has had several years’ experience. Best of reference given. Address “J, W, H.,” Box 1526 Peat Office. de!7-St* pONTRALTO WANTED FOR ST. V/ CLEMENT’S CHOIR. Apply to deX7-3t* F. T. 8. PARLEY, 1618 FILBERT Street. TO GROCERS AND PROVISION PSALEKS. “Wanted, a Situation hy » Young Mas, 19 year, of age, who la not afraid to work, and la thoroughly posted la the above. Bet of reference la this city and Hew York. Address ‘‘Barnes.” at this office. ■ ■ • ■ dels-st* WANTED—BY AN ACTIVE YOUNG T T Han. a SITUATION as SALESMAN or COLLEC TOR. Best reference given as to character and ability. Address - *T. M. S., ” cate of Frees Office. de!9. St* WANTED— AN EXPERIENCED Salesman in the Hosiery and Notion business. One who is acquainted with the Illinois and lowa trade. Address Box 97 Philadelphia P. 0, del7-6t* WANTED —AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN in the Hosiery mid Notion business; one who can influence a New Jersey trade. Address Box 47, Philadelphia P. 0, ■ del? 6t* WANTS D-A YOUNG MAN AS Corresponding Clerk in a Wholesale Drug House ; must be a good penman, (druggist preferred), and be able to Influence some trade. Address “H, 8. Z.,” office of this paper, with re ferences. del7-Sfc* WANTBD—A GOOD-SIZED FIBE- T T PROOF BAFB Address Box 2356 P. O. del7-3fc» A UCTIONEER (EXPERIENCED), a*- Or SALESMAN.—A Young Man requires a Situa* tion as the above. Address ** Auctioneer,” Press office. delS*<t* WANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK f t KEEPER and Financier in an established busi ness* with a view to an interest; can furnish $15,000 capital. Address **Book-keeper,” Box 625 Philadel phia P. O. deM* 6t* WAITED.—RETURIOJD AND DIB - ABLED Officers and Soldiers in want of Profitable Employment peculiarly adapted to their condition should address JONES, BROTHERS, ft 00., Phila delphia, Pa. ' daU-Ira* , WANTED—A GOOD SALESMAN, IN I* a Wholesale Hat House, for country trade. Ad dress Box 2360 Philadelphia P. 0., with name and re ference. - del4-St* Wanted, agents.—agents in r V every County, at #7O a month, expenses paid, to Introduce jS/<ccn ne» and useful articles, the best sell ing ever offered. For particulars, address OTIS T. PARKY, BIDDEFOBD, MAINE. 0c26-d&WBm MA FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. Address Box 1840 Philadelphia Post Office. del4-«l* WANTED.—A YOUNG OB tjPUsJT/ middle-aged man With this amount,can ob tain a half interest in a lucrative and reliable cash business, well established. Expenses light, and good location. Address ‘‘Utility,” Mress office. dei9-Bt* <ann non $5,000, and $O,OOO to in qplUjUUUj YEST ON MORTGAGE. Apply to JLLPEED PITI.RB. Conveyancer, No. 51 North SIXTH Btreat. A MONTH—WANTED— AGENTS everywhere to Introduce the new SHAW & CLARK SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY SEW IN'G HACHIHA the on Ip low price Machine In the country which is licemed bj Grover & Baker, Wheeler ft Wilson, Bowe, Sinner & Co., and Baehelder. Salary and expenses, or lane commissions allowed. All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are infringements, and the seller and user lia&le. Illus trated droolers sent free, Address SHAW h CLARK, nols-d&wftm „ BIPDBFOBD, Maine. MABSHArS SALES* MARSHAL'S SALE.—BY YIRTUE 4.TX 0 f a -writ of Sal© lay lb© Hon. JOHN CAD WAIrADER, Judge of the District Court of the United. States, in and for tli© Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In iAdmir<y, to me directed, will be sold* at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidde?, for cash, at Sa vannah Steamship Company’s Wharf, ahoy© VINE Street, on WIPNESBAYTDecBmber 28fch, ISM, at 12 o’clock M., the Steamer SUSAN A, built of iron, on the Clyde; bey len«th is 178 feet 9 inches, breadth IS feet, depth 7 feet 6 inches; net tonnage 262 5-95 tons; is of Tory light draft of water, and represented as being very fast. At the same time will be sold 1 Chronometer, 1 Octant, 1 Quadrant. - WILLIAM MILLWARD, * U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pec. 16,1861 de!7-6t MARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE mA of a Writ of Sale by the Hos. JOHN CADWALA* DEB. Judge of the District Court of the United States,in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale; to the highest and bf st bidder, for cash, at MIOHBNBB’S Store, No, 143 North FRONT Street, on FRIDAY, Dec. 30th, 1864, at 12 o’clock, M , the cargo of the steamer SUSAN A, consisting of 100 bales and 37 packages of cot -3 band, ofn&YT beet U. S. Marshal Eastern District of Penna. Phtt.apelfhia. D«c 16,1864. de!7-6t__ FANCY FURS. JOHN A. STAMBAOH, importer ahd manufacturer or LADIES’ FANCY HUBS, HO. 888 &BOH STREET, below xraro dart wetted. *l***e And handeomeetosho! MBPS’ AHD CHHDEEJt’S FANCI fUB* OfeTeirdoMribtloß, ud la the newest and molt **- nroTed style,, stths LOWEST CASH PRICES. o«I-tnthB3m ; 1864. ]F ™ S * 1864. ALA V. 1. WOMRATH, OCBSSOKS VO THE LATE 080. F. WOMRATH.) No. 415 Arch Street, KATA low ormr A TOM ASSORTHEBT OT r.AT>TIM» WAJNCrST HUBS, Vo wUdt tb,T lsTit* fh, attention of borers. o«I9-*m ; FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREERA, He. 718 ARCH Street, share Serentb Sireet, At hie old established store. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS »Ott T.ATVrEK AND ohildbbh. BATlnt nowln Store ■ Terr larre end bsfntlMiursort solicit a call from those in want. Sunember the name and number, . JOHN FAREERA, 718 ABGH Street, abore Serenth. I June no nazinsr or coiwsctlom with ear other store Intfalaeltr. ; oeg-enM T7AHCY GOODS* J- Mantle Vases, Flower Pots, Hanging Vases. War dian Cases, Mignloneite, Hyacinth, and Crocus! Pots, with many other choice goods, imported expressly for our own sales. PARIAN BUSTS. Shakspeare, Flora, Bcott,- Bye. Milton, clytle. ITaigrt, Beatrice, UB&* IgL. %fX£: gP* Mofart, Uupia, schillk JferbfeYndFari&hPeieetali. to.. As. nogS-fitothtf IOIO'CBESTKPT Street, W00L.—15,000 LBS. CLEAN TUB- W washed. by de!7-3t* 14b Booth WATER Street. LBS .PULLED WOOL, it in Efcore and for sale by CffiBSEBBiT3%H & FJS ABSO». 1* SontH WAXES Street. TG'EATHERS. -*v ,60 bass prime Western. 3?eatbers, in store and foi sue by a? - „ t . CHBBBBBATTOH & FBABSgOTK «*lLy . 14 South CTKA.M AND WATER iJWITSfiMENTS. Oh? MTJBIB, Lessee and Manajrer...~~>'r'"* ,, :* l “lOHir T. FOSS, (Also of the Halid ay- stress Theatre, Baltimore j ForiS ggwTheatre. Washington; and the Alexandria (Yatjt Bta« Miumaer ....... E. WRIGHr. i;ast week but oire, TUESDAY EVENING, December2)* EDWIN lOEklßf*' '** Wmreuder, SBWIH FOSKESi' FOE THIS EIGHT ONLY. Mis exeat i&xpdrsoitaUoN^ Doll ol QLolrll* BICHARD HI; THE BATTLE OF BO&WQWff HAD. PONIBI, AS THE OTOKITj JOHN McCULLOCGII, As iiu;daios»* MISS ALICE OKAT, AS LABS AStm* , aad • . . The Entire Coamatiy. This Tragedy will be placed eo-vo ‘be st*CT wiik THE QBEATEBT COMPLETENESS^ Supported by the entire flottpuy t.^l)WlHFoßßßST *Sengagement willpositfreSS dMB "• EBIDAY EYBKIJfa, December 50th, irmß'Yii'v |- Mf. FORRBSTi MONDAY, AUi *Ji»AC J9* SEATS BSCtTEBD BIX DATS Of ADVANCE. EV^H^E®* 11 * 6 “ WEW)BmAr «i SATDEDA* Cnrtaln rises quarter before 8. XTEW CHESTNUT- BT THEATRE— + ' CHESTNUT STREET, abore TWELFTH. - TUESDAY EVENING, DeeeahW*, „ „_ ~ EEPEOBOCMOE^ For Six Nijrtiis Only (moßt positively, of cault’s Great American draisa . THE OCTOROON. THE OCTOkOON, thk octoroon, THE OCTOBOOir, , . TBS OCTOBOOff! .. Rrodnced with MEW AND SPLENDID-SCKfFBRT. 1 ainted expressly for this play, prodtnrrd laM: !f s , so “. Sy the late lamented JOHtfX: SMITH" ®td Jte hi BIOHAKD'SMITH. f ° r 018 Prema * _ . ,_ ORIGINAL MUSIC SECOED AND FOBS OP Tt«E*< MBS. SOPHS GIMBKR KUHY: MBS. SOPHS GIMBER KUHSi MBS. SOPHY GIBBER KtTHSi. MBS SOPHS" GIMSER KUHsf m MBS. SOPHS GtMSaB KtJHNI Who Will appear THIS EVENING ia liar TRULY ©BEAT CHARACTER, THE OCTOROON GiTili, ZoTL , THE OCTOROON GIBE. ZOE. In consequence of the extreme length and rradflw* portanceot the Octoroon, It wUI aonstitute the mMitr evening performance. ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Par. Si. BrOHTgtt»w«M GRAND FAMILY MATINBB. men the OCTOROON Will be presented. A merican academy of Mir&iefr. SOIREE MILMAIRR _WYKBB ACADEMIC CAPETS, (TO F. WSERS. A M., Principal). WEDNESDAY EVENING, Pec. 21, IBM. trader the direction o&- ' MAJOR G. BCEENDOBFF, KMFRLD-S attendance 8 “ irocti<m of Mr- A BIBGFELDi will belt TICKETS (Including reserved seats) FIFTS CENTK. ?* J : E MOULD’S Marie Store, ul I. RISLBY B Bookstand, Continentat Hotel. tie3i-2t A MERICAN ACADEMY OF MWBIQL a*- „ chkistmas matinees, : WEDNESDAY AND SATDKDAT, Dec 28 aadßL THE GRAND FLORAL SPECTACLE "* OF THE COBOMATION OF THE E 0.51.- 200 YOUNG LADIES AND CHILDSBN, Beserved Seats 25 Cents: may how be obtsiseJ eft' GOpIiD’S Music Store, Seventh. and ChwlSSt SSifa? Poors open at lo’ctotk; commenca at 2o*clock. *• \XTALNTJT- STREET THEATRE. " this <S-f-™|r|g k »ec. 20th. FOB THK LAST TIME POSITIVELY, AS - CYNTHIA, , , , CYNTHIA. THE BEAPTmiL GIPSY FLOWER GIRL. THE BEAUTIFUL GIPSY FLOWER GIRL. To conclude with the TWO BINNVOASTLES . WEDNESDAY, only night ot EAST LYNNE Seats may be eecnred from 9 till 3. Cnrtalh rises at Bfc-_ M bs - JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH- J.TA STREET THEATRE. HOUSE CROWDED NIGHTLY. FeURTH WEEK OF J. A CLARKE. TO-NIGHT (Tuesday). Dec. 20, 1884, "SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER” and ’ “THE WILLOW COP=E.” CDARKE as .......... TONEY LUMPKOE. FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF J. S. OT.Anrrß fZJJREAT NATIONAL CIRCUS— WAL- HOT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. * Directress, MBS, CHARLES WABfIBB, formerly mraff . ... DA-Bf KIGB- • l r & ATTBAOKO »- The great wild-rider of the West, LE JSTJHE BtTET. ■will appew every evening during the week. He is nightly received with immense applause. Mr. CHARLES HEED, the worlo renowned soisw* s&nlt and piroutte equestrian, will also perform during the present week. TOtrHQ HICOLOin a new and daring act. TAJLLEEH will gracefully suseom* ffi&Y%ft?SMHraSr ® tt ® *“‘»«*** . The programme of entertainment for thepresent week is iieh in developing the gymnastic, acrobatic, eqaes~ trian, and pantomimic power, grace, and beauty of the entire corps of artistes. Admission—Flrti Tier, 60 cent*** c— - - Private Bova« *® - Aimlsgoii—FmFTTeV, 60 cents; Second Tier, 25 cents* 'rivate Boxes, $3 and SB, Performance commencinseaeU evening at 7.40. Performance on WEDB’jaSDAY and SATURDAY JTBEKOOWS, commencing at 2>£ o’clock. Get your tickets daring the day. T» EPXIBLICAH XNVINCIBIiBS* GKAHpBiLL. in commemoration of the ra-etec- Mon of ABK*HAM LlN{3oZ>llf, io be hsld at tha ACA BEMX OP MUSIC, January 12.1555. Tickets are now ready for fiubgeiibers. and can ba procured at the HA TIOgAL mion CLUB, nos CFflsTirUT streets de2o»3fc B. HPCKfiL, Treasurer. ASSEMBLY BUILDING, TENTH "-'•Bd CHBSTHUT Street* ■ _ _ BIGNOE BLITZ. The Great NECBOMANCEB and VENTBrLOQUIBT. Every Evening at 7J< o’clock, .«* VfSfiltSfiDAT and SAT UK DAY Afternoons, at §, ,m -bracing the WOHDEHS AND MYSTKBIBS OF M4BhE EXTKAOKDINABY POWERS OF VBRTBItOQIIISt producing artoni»U?E effects ot the human voiesTii* the LEARNED CANABY BIBOS’ BNTBKTAIBMBkm Adjnleeien SB centss Children IS cents; Keeerved Beat* 60 cents. t A SSEMBLY BTJILDIHG-SIXm -£*■ CLASSICAL MATINEE of the PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLUB. At three o'clock, ■ WEDNESDAY, December 21, ISM. Single tickets, at the door, 50 cent*. del7*4fc S2J.ERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC BSHEARSAIS every SATDBDAY, at 3Jf o’clock PM.. at MUSIOAL FD» jb HALL. Single TMrets, * cents. Sha Tickets, *!, to he had at Gould’s, Andre’s, and Meyer’s Music Stores. and at the HalL no7-M fIH B 1 ST BE JBCTB D.-£ This admirable picture, the greatest production of the painter West. Is now on exhibition at the ACADSHII OP PINE ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT Street, togettuK with the entire coUeotiouof thelnstitntioa. Admitfcane* twenty-five cents. * nol4-2m* T7XHIBITION OF WORKS OF AKTj -A-i POB THE BENEFIT OP THE CHRISTIAN COM MISSION, at the ACADEMY OP PINE ABTS. An Exhibition of a Private Collection of Work* at Art, in Paintings, Sculpture, Water Color, and othez “Drawings, Engravings, Ac., is sow open at the Pen*.* evlvania Academy of Pine Arts, No. 1099 CHESTJSTWC Street, from 9A. M. to 10 F. M., for the Benefit of Eh* Christian Commission. Admiaaion 25 cte.; Seaaoa Tickets CO cti. nogMjial THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. LOST AUD FOUNDS. Notice. —five promissory NOTES, payable to tbs order of JOHN GOODSE. at Cedsr Bapids, lowa, as follows—to wit: *l.OOO, first day of January, 1866.' $l,OOO, do do 1867. *l,OOO, do do 1868. *1,600, do do 1869. $1,400, - do do 1870. Dated lull day of December, 1864, and all signed by Thomas & Scott. The foregoing uotes were stolen from the desk of 'the undersigned, on the 19th day of Decem ber, 1864 The public are cautioned against receiving or negotiating either or all of said uotes THOMAS & SCOTT, __ deSO-6t Ho. 338 South TH1B1) Street^ Lost or mislaid—a certifi cate. No. 00, for One Hundred Shares of the “Ir win Petroleum Oil Company. ’ ’ . Application has been made to the Company for a new Certificate. Any person having found It (No. 90) will please return 11 to SAMUEL B. PHILLIPS. dsSO-tf Nos 30 and 38 Bonth SEVENTH Street. A PFLICATION WILL BE MADE TO A the M&uagers cf the MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY for renewal of Certificate of one share of stock, No. 2 OK, at ending in the name of Dr. WM, EL PANCOA&T, IXOO WALNUT Street, the same having been lost or mislaid. It* BOARDim OO* SOUTH BROAD STREET.—YA m&O G ant. two handsome communicating ROOMS* second story, hack building, handsomely furnished, and well heated. Vacancies for two gentlemen in the fourth story. Ael9-3t* EDUCATIONAIi. rraiTTEISDEH’S COMMERCIAL COL- V> lege, No. 63? CHESTNUT Street, cor. Seventh. Thorough and practical instruction in Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Commercial Calculations, Ac. Day and Evening Beg aions. de2o 2t* Monroe boys’ grammar ICEOOL. Applicant, for the position orPBINCI PAL of the above School (Baiary $ ,600) wIU addrass. until 26ih lust., THOS. P. BTOTESBDKY, del9.3t« . 119 South FBONT Street. -PENNINGTON SEMINARY AND JL FEMALE COLLEGIATE IBS CITDTE. Second Term of Fourteen Weeks begin. January t. Send for Circular. Bev. D. C. KNOWLES, A. M., de!7 SSt Pennington, N. J. A YOUNG LADY WISHES TO DB XL vote three orfour hours each day to teaching,either In a school or family; a class of email children pro- • ferred. Address , _ de!6-4t* “M. N„” offlee of Prat. T7TLLAGS GREEN SEMINARY.— T MILITABY BOAEDINO SCHOOL, four mU.es frag MEDIA, Pa, Thorough course In Mathematics, ClassiM, Natural Sciences, and English; practical lessons in OM| Engineering. Pupils received at sny Ume..and of A zpavm&o&z i? VILLAGE GREEN. Pennsylvania. no6-ter H/TBS. JAMES BETTS’ CELEBRATED iVA SDPPOBTBKS FOB LADIES— hs only Supporters under omnent medical patronage. Ladles and physiclfgui are respectfully requested tocaH only on ffis. BETTS, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street. Phil a., (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalid s have been advised by their physiclans to use her appliances. _ Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright; labels on the box, and signatures, and also on the Supporters, with testimonial* oclS-toHutf ESTEY’S COTTAGE ORGANS. Not only UNEXCELLED, but tTNEajALLED la partly of Tone and Power, designed especially fur Churshea and Schools, bnt found to be equaily well adapted t* the Parlor and Drawing Boom. For No. 13 North SEVENTH Buss*. Also, * complete assortment of the Perfect Melodse® constantly on Hand - noH-Sac fesstm DECKER BROTHERS’ FI ITTTT'ahoS.—TIi« poblie, and particularly tk» profession, sreinvlted to examine these beaattftt *•' KfrTtmentSt which are ineettng with. such aa ' led detreeof popnlaiity and eale in Hajr" whereTer known. The for, i *.the strength of the the wooden frame, so happily^ -1 their Hanes incompar&hh^ Qualified Mills, Mason, others, Mf **** nol9-3»»* B ’° at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers