011, t’OWPAWIES. VOKK ASH jPHIIia *■ jjOLEFM COMPANY OSBBBTHBHAWS 0? HBW Tl TRUSTEES, 4 PiXiMSBp President Broadway \ ex-President United Stales %»/. Sewrotk, , J [COLAY, of Albert H. Hloolar, & |lt j Auctioneers, 52 William street. .UCKSOH, ofPolhamloe &Jaeksen, Bi (inker* 4t Jxefc»ii*e PLaae.Heir Pork. BIJ, bTEDMASr, Secretary HowTork?. Board, aad Broker, Ho. 30 Briatisti *8- jIEIUFFBY, FMladepbia. j, fIODWIK. Philadelphia. >iB KSOit. 6f Oiarkaoa * C*., Bui nHlrf street. PMladelpila. 0W fiKK, Oil Oitr-rtaurlTMl*. PRESIDENT, A tUEBT EC. NIOOLAY. NEW YORBI. VICE PRESIDENT, IPKBW mehafpby, PHILADELPHII. TREASURES, A. v,. STOUT, SHOE ASD LEATHER BANK, YORK, OFFICES OF THI COHPAHT WILLIAM STREET, NEW Y( SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILA, X STOCK 300,000 SHARES, it TIIB NOMINAL PAR OF $5 BACH. iCBXPTION PRXOi! $» PEE SHARE. SUBJECT TO NO FURTHER ASSESSMENT. Shares, op #l<tb,ooo, Reserved Working Capital. )l MAJOBITT OF THE SHARES OF * ;; HAVING EBBS ALREADY TAKE! IOEK AHD PHILADELPHIA, THE I lON BOOKS WILL . EBHAIN OPEN TEW DAIS LOHGBB, AT THE OEJ 'SLOW. m YOKE SUBSCRIPTION ABBNT3. FRANCIS A. PALMER, M Bioriway Bank, No. »37BE0ADWAY. ALBERT H.NIOOLAY A 00., Ko. D 3 'WILLIAM Btrart. POLHAMIUS & JACKSON, Ho. 48 EXCHANGE PEACE. OP THE- ILJSFT ISLAND Olt COMFAN¥, So, 125 Chestnut Street. Phil: capital* 91,00^000. W.OOO SHAKES. , PAR YAITFS, S 5, WiiscT Bran lincHON has'the charaeter of bo m Oil iorrilory, and i« justly termed ’ ’ ms. ’ A remarkable fact connected with Hs.tiai no we‘l has ever been bored that did 1. upper Wai.rct Isiaud is In the very ht T, “ W‘ n ' It Is about two miles from 01C re list SiftsMo from Gnerry Ban. From Its nahi laMlittee which but 1 «t Uacta of land on tho crook or river bosseaa. « shout twenty acres, ann.is-ahalf mile ■■ tens giving about a mile of giver front. At ad of the Island, on the West side of the rlf -«i«lebrat*d ••lamb" Wells) on the oast aid, ■«r the no less noted "Star" Welle; atthenp *„■=' '“'and. on the west aide of the river, are (mißros.” Welia t and l short dlstancs abo Soiton” well: on the east'side’of the riv dppposita, is the ‘‘Bruner'’ property, admit Must men to be one of the best locations on liere eap be no wetton, therefore, in ravarc iS.l rBt 'f la A ß oil . Territory. Another great i l ito natural position, which aepzra iiaiLri 1 }?. P r «E« t lfS- Many good wells hi ,‘ l ny.being tapped by parties borins joicipg ;ot} such conid not happen on the Islai It advantage is the easy access to tho Mai !• *of Oil can he made without tronbie, and I un tie river for Oil is about one dollar IRS* tb*s is paid os the creek... tUuirUBSTd MADE AND IS PBOOBESS. wa ? organized with , the .latent,on lar sest possible return for the Slockho this object, the Com, any are sink M■f ft ‘M r own acooHit. One of them is m iL, M ate Of fifty barrels par day), annthei •''feet; the third one has been sunk to the fi ftth a very good show of Oil fji'ica lo tbs above there are eeven we’ls bel i 'i. lilii'-ihin pantos, who pay all expeaseea ODe half of all the Oil pror need. C a-.,. , ,? B " n , ow making arrangements for bori :r ikJ. expects to have them ail compiei IS;°S m** four months. This develop aent w of w Mob the Company wUVtave ttiv Soi I*'®®' 1 *'®®' fnt half of the Oufrom tweb iS W §S B can , be bored-without interfering v» 'RlciU The eallre Mend will be developed as sc , „ OFFICERS. 4,9- CATTKLL, PrealdTOt. . >YM. GETTY. Secretary and Treasurer, 1 i'TfrY’T +■ DIREOIftBSL 1 IAIOBRIS S-BTBOPP. iwm. anes> mining comp, PBEBIDEHT, 8 HENRY LIGHT, P4. nlfiMißS. [ rCIPAE OFFICE HOKTH XBBAHOH, FA. ILPHIA TEANSFEB OFFICE (H«. 3 BEST PI.AC*,) 183 X SOOTH FOOBTH STBEBT. „ 80,000 SHAKES SESEBTED FOB WOBKIBO CAPITAL. t! !ptl« a Books Open only Mill this number dtspoaedof. EIPTIOS PRICE »8 ....FAB VALUE r tt, 3500,000.. 100.000 SHAT ilst» 0 t$ anT simple HB2) one hum , acres of OH and Minina territory la , a counties, upon which there if 'nP oi . Wodueln* well. I'r , 0 ! 5 . 111 , 61115 will" bo .mode alter the regerm la taken, •- 'if* “*•plareand circulars callon Mr SASHJBL V:* the Philadelphia transfer Qffiqeof the C a. O ;, (J Forrest Place) 133& South poo/ ■'hla., doll fHE jttroHoaw on company. BHA.BE, TBEstomnv ■ ~ HOBACE J, SMITH.' _ TiOB PRBBIDBNT, B. STEWART, AL D, TKSASBKBB. ’ HEBK» H vv IiIBON, CIKKK. B. T.JANNBY. _ SFFHBESTBIfMin'. JASPKR COPE WAT. EIBB lO wilU«ni L Haddock, "• • Moideoal D. Evans, "“^h. f WAsUIHaTON BOTLBIN9S, THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA fi 8 ." 7 MORGAN Oil* COMPANY oor >»tSfKt* ta allof whichlsolearofany io aim’,, or<Sßare 'itnatsln Morgan and Soma rif n, <lr , cottn , ty » Ohio, and 140 aersson ''■cetiil. . ri y® r : **> ■Mffsrson coanfy, Pa •„ ?? aod Maps af OSes of ttia Company del7 pKH® cooper nim oil, eoß' #300.000, ffIAHABES j PAfi YAfiUIS 4s PER SHABB. f»orwv^lP t a „ CA|,lirjs< a5 > 000 : . tympany ( V£* li^a «*f ® acres oi i cSfiVSPf eok * P a th« MonoagaH‘)a river, M Also 0 nftal 0 * 1 * *“*“«-*>?* vein of Bitarnrhoas % aid <Ji* Q properly is well tim ‘ SfeVa! B t ar * b e federal Creek Oil Region, in oi] ftr °* we^s yl&MtaLf large qa&ntities B c J GRIER RALSTON Preheat, SrnpHßw# MOSGACT WRIGHT, Treasurer. J- '#-cto»b *?*♦ SseTfitery. i B J - Orier Ralston. Chaa. T. Miller, wuu “ *>«“«. fl ,S bts, aad-of W. T. CABTBR, r-arof —jot. del7 3t« oil »b)e, q" °!/S n B,e l U ‘ excslUilfrln jcon * Ssflaarfesr* on# - v* NEW PPBMCimOSa. M RB - GBBY’S nbw BOOK, PUBLISHED THIS DAY, tION-HEAETBD, BY MRS. GREY. J5 0M ™ AUTHOR'S ADViNOEO’ SLEETS. ONE YOB., OCTAVO, PRIDE TOOTS. ~ LION HEARTED, By MBS. GREY, author Of “Tho Gaiabler’s Wife, ** ** Good Sue iety, *’ “ D v iik’e aad Coa **n» 1 ®t®*» etd. Complete la one large octavo volume, Price 76 cents. ~ GOODfcOCISTY. By MBS. GHBY. Hew and bean* edition. Complete in. one large octavo volume. Price 75 cents. • MAKY BEAHAM. By MSS, GEBY. New and bean ttfnl edition. Complete in one large octavo vain me; Price 76 cents. PASSION AND PSUTCIPtoE. By MRS. CKRBY. tfew and beautiful edition. Complete in one large oetavb volume. Price 75 cents. • v New Editions of Mrs.Grej’a Other Works; 'teffiSfiKSJSt' n HyaSntta! Belle jbf the Family, Alice Seymour. l* f '5 i, #£' ir< K Mary S*#a ham; ■¥SSJStaW’ P^tou^ulAiuciplo, Manosovilng Mother, Good Soci.tr. , PuMßhsd aud for sal. at tho rhsapart Book Housa la the world to buy or eead for a stook of hooka, which to at V. B. PETERSON cfc BROTHERS', Publishers of Peterson's Counterfeit Detector ant Sank note List— prie. $1.50 « Tear— -306 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA / Copies of any of the above will bo seat ovary where, at once, free of portage, oa receipt of the price hr ns. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS, w FIVE %£& . nBsF. HEW.BO Ol|, XjES MIBP3RABLEB-“JEleafatit« A Splendid Holiday Edition of LBS MISERABLEIn tw o extra large octavo volumes, printed oa das and saj-erbly bound in vellum doth, gilt side and back. Price $.5.60. Also, a few copies in extra half cavf. Price $lO. THIS CENTRAL PARK—PHOTOGRAPHED. A magnificent work, giving-a piotn.rabq.ne deacriptioa of the far* ffcried Central Park at New York, illustrated with more than 60 superb photographs of its beaut'es— the handsomest Holiday Book of the year. Large quarto, elegantly bound In Turkey morocco. Price $36. NEW ENGLAND - FARM-HOUSE, The Autobiography of a Now Ragland Farm-Houaa. A BtrlkUg and poetical romance, by N. B. OniMsaa lain. 12mo, cloth, $l. is. TOGETHER. A Now Novel by the Author of ••Nepenthe.” 12mo, cloth, ®l.lo. ■ ‘ / POEMS BY CAROLINE MAY. An elegant 12mo volume,’hoautifully printed aud bound. $1.50, *** Then books are roll everywhere, and will be ient by mail free, on receipt of price, by CARLETON, Pvtblistier. del7-swtf new YORK'. A ETHUR’S MAGAZINE DESERVED "■ LYcKjoyetheienntotldn of being one of the cat moral literary Mwerines published in Ameriei.-Oo bitrg Sentinel, O. W. ARTHUR’S HOME MAGAZINE, Edited by T. S. Aa-nma and Virhikia E. Towssbhd. Tho HOME NA'OAEINE for 1855 will be'enlarged' and tanp oved. and made still more worthy 01 tho eminent favor with,which it has been received- Its character as a BIG&rTOJSBD PJfijRIQDICAti, c aiming public fa vor on the ground of real merit, will be carefully main tain'd; while lor variety, usefulness, and all tie at tractions of literature and art essential to & true Homs Magazine, the publishers will aim to make it SUPtS hiuK TO ALL OTHERS. A fine Steel Engraving; and two pages of Music, will appear in ever? number, besides choice pictures, groups, rad characters, prevailing fashions, ana a large variety ol patterns for garments, embroidery, etc , etc. Inau respectsweshaligive A'FIKST-CbiaS MAGAZINE at a price within the reach of every intelligent family in the land. A new story, by T. S. ABTHUB, entitled. ’’NOT ANYTHING FOB PEACE, * * will he commenced in the January number. Yearly Terms nr Advance,—One copy, $2.60; three copies, $6; five copies, and one to getter*up bf club, $10; jur e copies, and one to getter-up of club. $l5. „ A beautiful Premium Plato, entitled "The-In fancy of Shakepiare, 1 ’ will be mailed to each person whuseodsus a club of subscribers. It will auo be mailed to each single subscriber- from whom we receive $2 60. Pot $4 50 we will send one copy each of Home Magazine and Gody’s Lady’s Book for a year. January Jiumber ready. Address H» 383 *alpiifa TOUIS MEYER’S NEW MUSIC -LI STORE, 1333 CHESTNUT Street, Aral door below TJ. S Mint. Depot for American and Foreign Music, has fust published the following very desirable novelties* vi* ; Mireille Quadrille.**..* ..............,,,,*,40 cents; MireilJe Ga10p.......... ......... 30 cents Both from Gounod's New Opera Mireille, and ar rant ed by F, Losae. Trebilli Mazurka.. Scents. A most charming piece* very brilliant, yet easy to clay. 18 aw the Moon Else C1ear.............. ***,. 30 cents. A Finland Love Smg; words by Moore. This is a perfect gem, and will be warmly welcomed by all lovers of good music. • Kuslngin*Fun, by 9. Harris.; u « 30esnta. This 3s a very popnlar style of melody, and will s >ou be one of the most favorite songs existing. Mr, Louis Meyer has a very choice stock of Music, and special care will be taken by him to accommodate and Artists whose peculiar wants his know-** ledge of Musical Literature will* he trusts, enable him to supply. Orders will meet with prompt attention. On hand an excellent stock of Musical presents for the holidays, de!7-3t A TTRACf IVE JTJYENILES. -t*- Bv Mi«» C. M. TROWBRIDiiE. GEIRBE MORTON ASD HIS SISTER. 16tne. CHARLES NORWOOD; or. Erring and Repeating. ISmu. , FRANK AND RRFCS;or, Obedience and Disobedi ence. ISjno. _ DICK AND HIS FRIEND FIDDS. JBao. THE TWO COUNCILS. 18mo. JENNIE’S BIBLE VERSES 18ma. WE S. 'A ALFRED MARTIEN, 006 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. THUB’S* MAGAZINE. J ANTTABY NUMBER BEADY, and ‘ for sale Dy ZJSIBEF, PITCHER* and CALLENDER. del7-6t* . office. 3553 WALNUT Street. THE' RUSH f I GOME EARLY! GOME EARLY!’ NOW 16 THE THEE TO BEY. G. W. PITCHER’S ONE-PRICE BOOS, ALBUM, PICTURE AND BEAMS STORE. 806 CHESTNUT STREET. FRAMES 1 FRAMES I FRAMES! RUSTIC FRAMES, ALL SIZES AND STYLES. WALNUT “ *• “ GILT « « »i ROSEWOOD *• •• « Frames made to order, and particular attention liven to FRAMING PICTURES, to., &«. ALBUMS 1 ALBUMS ! ALBUMS I Our stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS IS THE LARGEST IN THE CITY. Over 600 styles, many of them NEW, and made ex pressly fer oor own sales. Prices from 15 cfcnts to $OO. ALL SOLD LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. BOOKS! BOOKS! ALL NEW BOOKS RECEIVED OK DAY OF PUBLI CATION ARB SOLD AT A DISCOUNT. f 62 00 Books for $1.75. I $lOO Books for 88 cents. f1.!5 Books for $1.60, 176 cent Bootes for 60 gents. $l.BO Hooka for $1.26. 60 cent Books for 4(1 eents. $1.26 Book, for *l.OO. J 25 cent Books for SI cents. BIBLES AND PRAYER-BOOKS la various style* of Binding. DIARIES, PORTFOLIOS,' So., Sc., at low price*. JUVENITES AND PICTURE BOOKS, to great ya riety. PHOTOGRAPHS I PHOTOGRAPHS! IMPERIAL FHOTOSEAPHg, 81x27— oyer 206 subjects. MEDIUM PHOTOaitAPHB, 10x14—over 700 sabjeote. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, pinto—over 2.006 snbjects. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, eolored—over 1,000 subject*. NEW SUBJECTS ADDED EVERY WEEK. HITCHER’S, des-tt 808 CHESTNUT ST. "REVIEW OF A MODEL OIL SHARE n CIRCULAR,-See FEENOW'S United Sbttea Rail toad and Mining Register of TO-DaY for & review of the prospectus of an oil company organized with S 3, - CCO.OOO capital* divided ioto 300 { OGO shares, on aa oil rigid, not on land owned In fee, in Forrest county. Register Office, 433,WALNUT Street. It* BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! The attention of the public la directed to the fine assortment of new and popular BOOKS on hand and.for erne by 0 SABLES ■ D BSIL VBB, 12549 CHESTNUT Street. A large and well-selected Block of handsomely-bound and fine copses. of all toe Standard Works of .the day, designed especially/or Gifts daring the approaching Holidays* , _ d , Also, a variety of Juveniles, Toy Books, Games, Photograph, Autograph, and Scrap Albums, Diaries, Bibles, Ac.* Ac. Also on wand, three sets of the popular Chinese tame. 1 * The Kara Coarse, tbs only seta In toe coun try not in private bands. Price $75. ’ - BBADV ON THE 15th INST., AMW Steel-plate Map of too State ofVlrelnla slow ing toe Oil Regions, new Railroads, Ac., So. Sent by mall post-paid. Fri« SO C^ 4RtBS EEgiMrßßi dalO-tial . 1889 CHESTNUT Street. U’or the holidays—nothing -F ao appropriate or more acceptable thanagood pic ture Go early and secure at REIMER'S popular gallery, SECOND Street, above Green/ ~ ** ALD W HIS K Y.—CHOICE OLD Foi'SHbi*™ aB4 MdDLETON. dSSw T S Nortb FRONT Street, jgOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS AJTD MW TEMPS PBBM.TTS. The attention of the friends of the PRESBYTERIAN BOOK-STORE. end the public ie invited to the large assortment of valuable New and Standard Books, suitable for (lifts, comrvieln* the publication* of the PBB3BYTBRIAN FOBLIdaTIOW COMMITTEE, and the beet works of other publishing bouses. The Slock of CHILDREN'S BOOKS ie very fulVln clnding now iemes and the old favorites: Children's Game*, Ptctn-e Cards, and Toy Books, in greet variety, B BLEB r TESTAMENTS, PSALM BObKS, and Ph AYES BOOKS, in plain and handsome Bindings, at all piices. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PHOTOGRAPH AEfD PIC TURE FRAMES. „ PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE AT 1384 Chestnut Street-,. delV-MBwSt OPPOSITE THE U 8. MINK JJOLIDAY PRESENTS. Photograph ajlm/ms, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, PRAYERS, HYMNS, FAMILY ANTI POCKET PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES. RICH TURKEY MOROCCO, ANTIQUE, RE LIEF, AND GOLD. ’ WIBLIAM w. HARDING,, - . MANUFACTURER, 3Vo» tfilG Chestnut Street, del? 7tie Below Ponrlh, South Side. JUST OPENED, AT KERR’S FURNISHING! CHINA AND tH,ASS ESTA BLISHMENT, ‘ A feplendid assortment of entirely new style of deoe two* v CHINA. .AND GLASS, ; FOR PRESENTS. m^! 6 2 n I'S 7 £iff, a SL FBSNCH CHINA DINING SETS, TEA SETS, TOILBT SETS, Sc., all of o«£r own im* poitation, ■ 85 PER CENT UNDER USUAL PRICES. China «b 4 Dlkm packed in a proper manner for all parte of the United States. RINA BALL, 539 CfTKSTKDT STBBBT, f&3r' D IaBCTL? OPPOSITE INDHPEN&BHOE HALL, del7-7i . •* GOODS FOR ERKSENIS. We bars recently added to onr large and extensive Btock a fino collection of neweet stylos of JEWELRY, , BRONZES, N DIAMONDS, SILVER WARE, CLOCKS, and FANCY GOODS, AH of recent manufacture and importation* appropriate gowDAy books: THE LARGEST AND HANDSOMEST AS- SOETMENT IN THE CITY. * All the New and Standard Books* English or Ameri can editions* in plain or elegant calf and morocco bind ing*, will be found at our eet&blisHmeat,' arranged oa long counter, running -the full length of our store, whore they can be*re»4ily examined. Most of onr fine atock-is bound expressly for our retail sales, by the best binders in the country. - Bibles and Prayer-Books,. The handsomest lot ever Imported Into this country. OXFORD BlBL*S,boand by Hatpav, of London; Snglieh Editions of the AMERICAN PRATER BOOK, exquisitely boned in Paris and London. Only a email number of the above, imported expressly for holiday, sales We invite their inspection by lovers of elegant ly-bound Books. Photograph Albums, A very large assortment, of every size. kind, and quality, which we will offer at LOWER FJEtICSS than any house in the country. A beautiful Book, holding 60 portraits, Turkey moroceo, we will sell for $3.50. We have a few elegant large Albums, mounted, in velvet, with carvings on wood, -from Paris, carved by hand, in the best manner. Children's Boohs. English and American Juveniles, including all the new ones. The largest assortment that we have yet offered to our patrons. Some of the above goods are limited in quantities. We.WQuld advise early purchases to secure them. We offer, also, a small lot of beautifully-made LEATHER FRAMES and Brackets, warranted strong and durable. They are something novel and handsome, made by a Boloier’s wife. ASHMBAD JSs EVAN'S,. (HAZARD'S OLD STAND,) Ho* 724 CHESTNUT" STBEET, dels tuthidt QHBISTMAS FBESEHTS, w DRY GOODS vsT fANOT ARTICLES. We think the plea can be sustained by any disinter ested court of Ladies* that presents of substantial value fm uise* ,ar* teller than those for show. We call atten tion to some goods eminently adapted on this view as presents to wives, husbands, engaged couples, or to yoong people who expect at some time to be engaged. Fine Cloth Cloaks. Warm woolen long Shawls, *. Ordered business Suits for Gentlemen, Boys* fine reedy- mace Clothing. Ordered Suits for Boys. Ordered fine Overcoats. *■ Cloths for Ladiess Cloaks. - ... Cloths for Overcoats Cloths for business Salts. £oat Cloths and Pant Stuffs. Finest qualities of these fabrics. Select styles American Delaines. Be»t Prints made in America. American neat figured Wool Delaines* Popup Dress Stuff’s. Plaid-Poplin Dress Goods. Black floods for Dresse*. Blankets for Bed. Crib, and Cradle. Bleached Muslins. TJnhleached Muslins, unshrinkable Flannels. Towels and Towellings. Liners and Linen Goods. Woolen Shirtings. a t _ - COOPER 8s CONABD* ' _a»W..sfc S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. TrCLIDAY Q IFTS.—HENRY- A. J-LLREER,-SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST, No. Vl* CHESTNUT street, offers a .Splendid Assortment of Rustic, Lavs, and Ten a Gotta Hanging Baskets, with or without Plants; also Plant and Fern Stands, Vases,. Flower B askets of superb new patterns, Hyacinth Bulbs and Glasses. Gold Fish and. Globes, Bouquets, Baskets, Wreaths, Crosses, snd other designs of Natural Flowers. Immortelle Wreaths, Grosses. Ac. To prevent disappointment. Orders for Natural Flowers for Christ mas are solicited early. FLOWER SEEDS in rackets suitable for mailing to distant friends. del7stnth-4t* A SUITABLE BOOK FOB A LADY TO PRESENT TO A GENTLEMAN —The CYCLO. PEDIA OF COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS ANEO poTBB, bemr Sketches and Incidents in the lives of bankers, merchants, and men of business, with steel and wo* d engravings, bound in handsome presentation style, in half calf and morocco.' Interesting, amusing, and instructive. Sold at the, Agency, 33 S. SIXTH Street, a#l7-6t Offlce of APPLETON’S CYCLOPEDIA, ■ROB THE HOLIDAYS.—THEODORE J- SMITH, WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER, No. 986 SPRING Garden St. (soalh Bias), below Tenth, offers a large and splendid stock of new and fsanionable Jewelry, fine Watches, Sliver Ware, Spectacles, and Clocks, at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. A call ia respectfully soliciteC del7.atuto-4t* XfOR.THE HOLIDAYS. NEW ANDSUPERIOE BOOKS, EBWaRD CARDS, AND MAPS, Published by THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. THE OLD FLAG. S6B pp. 19mo. Beantlfnlly illus trated. Price ,1 26. “The Old Mag” is emphatically America in subject, ireatment, at d loyal feeling. TBY POOR ml OTHE R. By Mrs. ecweli, antoor of tootepopolar ballads, “Mother's Last Words,” and Our Father’s Care ” ISmo, cloth, il 25. - THE STORY OF A CITY ARAB. Illustrating toe conservative and sanctifying power of the Gospel to a strfkingmanner. Mmo, cloth. Illustrated. ,1.25. THbWgHTER at’ HOME; or “Helm Malice’s Antoblosraphy. Mmo, cloth. $1 25. PASSAGES INTER MAIDEN AND MARRIED LIFE OF ROSE BRYANT. An interesting story, ISmo, cloth. 66 cents. ANEW GIFT-BOOK. A se.uare book, in larre type,- paper covers, and fall of pictures. SO cents. fBEILUISTRATED -TORY-BOOK. With large and beautiful engravings, a) cents. BEN robs. A sesuel to Rosa Lane. ISmo, doth, 60 cents. NETTY’S ACORN FRAMES; or, A Little Girl’s Work, ISmo. 60 cents. BOOKS 1 TWO CHRISTMAS TREES; or. Two Chrietmas Eves With Lnther and hts Children. ISmo. 25 cents. . GOOD TIDINGS. A very choice Little Child’s Cato chism, in Bible language. 2 cents. HEART’S EASE FOR THE WEARY AND WORN, ISmo d cents - - . SELF-CONTROL; or, Hints for toe Improvement of *«raceriu the Various Relations of Life. JBmo. 40 cts. iu2tmed Ll *i TOHE FAKM Room ‘ 18mo, cloth. II- KaTIE LEE; Or, Little Duties for Little People, lotno. SO cents. • * ■ , BiTTLE LIGHT, A Seauel to Katie Lee. Showing hd-W to be a.Little Gmstias. ISmo. 40 cents, 3BE WEED WITH AN ILL NAME ISmo 4i>cls SINSHINB AND SHADOW. ho author of ’‘ The Hive and its W onders, * 65 costs. CLASS AUD I. The '-Mission Sunday- Bchool Teacher. Samo fancy paper covers. Scents PALIBSY, THE HUGUENOT POTTER. Profusely ilinhtrated. ISmo 90 cents. BAGGED BOFES, AND HOW TO MIND THEM. Hew edition of this popular work juai. issued; 16iao. ® SCEIPTUBE GEMS SET IN COLORS. A new series of Reward Cards. 25 cents. THE LITTLE BTKA W-PL AITEE; or. The Triumph of Truth. M cents. , __?BE TURNED FROCK; or, The Story of Little violet. 40 certs. BIBLE fcCSKES ILLUSTRATED An entirely new and orielsel series of Scripture Reward Card?*. 30cts, . HEW AND BEAUTIFUL BIBLE MAPS. A more the distinguishing features of the Maps may be mentioned: 1. The accuracy, the distinct lettering, andtheunsar passed colomg * ttr f*ce of the country represented on the Map (two hundrfd miles square) is very, conspicuously di- PJ° secilone of fifty miles each, and again subdi* vided into squares of ten miles each. t ft® UFual dfjftees oi latitude and longitude, the distance of each place east and south of London is IJe“ cS. determtoe n nt ’ wlte » glance of the AfJJ. PALESTINE is fonr feet by four. onlys7 CO colore ‘ l, counted on rollers and varnished, LANDS OF THE BIBLE, four feet bv four embracing an axunfc of 2*ooo miles by I,COO, diviid So o* 1(0 miles, 'and containing alto separate Maps of the Journeylngs of the Israelites and Jtraealem and its Itnvirons, all beautifully colored, mounted, and var nished. Price only $7.50. * . THE SAME, in reduced form, mounted on cloth* and done up in book form for convenient use in the famtiv -or class. Price 75 cents. ■ Complete catalogues of the Society’s publications, and sample copies of its periodicals, furnished on applica -OnTHBnTHB AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION. No. UBB UHESTNUT Street Philadelphia. delß-thsinOt .. or 599 BROADWAY, New Yoik. ■OSEFTJL GIFTS FOR TUB HOLIDAYS. PERCE’S MAGNETIC GLOBES, explaining too at traction of the earih by gravitation; ono of too most In. Etrnct'veas well as tot erecting: GIFTS THAT CAN BE PBEvENI*D TO A CHILD. - Prices 2. LAEIJER OB KB, FOR TBAOBEia, are In preparation. FINELY JLLUhTRATBD WORKS OF PRO«E AND POETRY, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, JUVENILES. GAMEd* Ac. , SCHERMERHORN^BANCROFT, ft CO., i • de!7-6t sta ARCS Street. WANAM&EEB & BEOWN, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1864. 'ran nouDAm THE CHEAPEST AND BEST BIBLES. lor the Holidays. BAILEY & CO., No, 819 CHESTNUT Street, BELOW EIGHTH. the Holidays. SILK UMBRELLAS FOR LADIES. ; SILK UTVniIiELJLASS' ®OB GENTLEMEN. GISr«HAM TfMttKJEaUIA&J& =' FOR. MISSES AND LADS. 1 IU ASSORTMENT OFALL KIKB9 FOBJ ‘ (CHRISTMAS PfilSElfTS, FOB SALE BT WILLIAM A. DEOWU « €O., 346 Market Street. de!B-8t . ' ' ■ ' , Q-OCD BOOKS FOE HOMDAY GIFm BIBLES, OXFORD EDITION, FOE THE DESK, FOE THE FAMILY, AND/FOB THE BUND AT BC^gOL. PBATEB BOOKS. Elegant editions for presents; as tinted paper, very handsomely hound. Frioo from $0 to $lO. . . PBATEB BOOKS for the Petr, bound In arabesque or sheep, from $1 to $2. PBATEB BOOKS for Sunday Schools, from 30c to *l. DRIFTED SNOW-FLAKES. A volume of Religious Poetry. A beautiful gift to a pious friend, or to the sick or sorrowing. From $1.20 to $3. kitty TKEVTLTON. By the author of "The Schonberg Cotta Family.” Price SI.TS. TENT LIBBASY FOB TINT PEOPLE. To Tew them to Bead, i role. 18 colored illastratldus.- $l. THE POSTS. Illustrated, s4pervoL THE POETS, Bine and. sold and creen and cold fI.SO per VoL All Hie new Boohs received as soon as published. A large assortment of SUNDAY-SCHOOL BOOKS, Selected from the various Church-Book Societies and private publishers. Also, a fine assortment of RUSTIC FBAHBSfBOOK BACKS. BOOK STANDS, SERMON COVERS, PEN WIPERS, PORTS MONNAIES. PORTFOLIOS, Ac., Ac. For sale by tbe PBOTESTAKT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, 183* CHESTNUT STREET, ■ Philadelphia, de6.iuths9t ¥EW YEAR’S GIFT CAMP LI BRAEIEB. The United States Christian Commissions in response to nnmerons and earnest appeals from surgeons, chap* lulus, and field officers, will receive, forward, and place under the care of proper librarians, ONE THOU SAND POUR HUNDRED AND FORTY CAMP AND GUNBOAT LIRKJRIKB of one hundred and fifty vo lumes each, if the friends of, out soldiers and sailors will forward them to its branches, or to the Central' Office, daring the holidays. It is but a small matter for each purchaser of holiday sifts for friends at home to buy a handsome and pleasant book for his friends in camp or hospital, write his name in it, and direct the bookieUex to send it to the Commission. It will be a positive pleasure to hundreds of wires and mothers to tahe down the choicest volumes from their book- cases, and send them thus, where their loved ones can enjoy the pleasure and profit of perusing them* Send none but the best; oursoldiersdeservethebest. The standard essayists, histories, biography, travels, science,poetry, magazines, standard works of fiction, whatever, in short/you would put into, the chamber of yonr own brother, confinedwith a broken limb, will be accept able, as well as religious works. Forward the parcel, marked CAMP LIBRiRY, to any Of the branches of the Christian Commission, or to GEORGE H, STUART, Chairman Christian Commission, del6-tial _U. BANK Street, Philadelphia, Q.BAND EXHIBITION OF CHR IST Mls PRESENT S! Q. A. SCHWARZ, No, 1008 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH, PHIL ADA,, BerpectfnHy informs bis customers and tbe public In general, that be has opened now all his, NEW IMPOBTATIONB of Herman. French, and English. FANCY GOODS AND TOTS. Having visited all the largest European Manufactories Eyeonally, _ Ia m con Men t that tbe VABIBTT AND HQEAPNAbS OF HOODS cannot be surpassed in this country. All are invited to visit tbe store, whether they purchase or otherwise. Gt. A. SCHWARZ, Importer and Wholesale and EetaU Healer. delo-smwBt - ' ' TAGG &880., COBKSE TENTH AND * Streets, OPE* PiiOM ADCTtOIf; 2 lota Cambria Silk-lace Veils, $1.25@2. ) let Bilk Chenille Waterfall Nets, 75c. Slots Mohair Invisible Head Nets, lfi@2oc,. Hot Patent French florsots, SL?S. | lot Ladies* Blatk Waterproof Guffs, 20c. J lot Ladies* Piquet Bets-r Sleeves and Collars, SOe. - liot Gents’ Plain and Fancy Colors Silk Neckties,2Je. llpt Coats* All-wool, Plain Colors, Outside Flannel Shirts, 1 irt Ladies? very flue Broche Scarfs, $2, $2.50, *3.50, and $5. AUo, several lots « FANCY GOOTS. „*OB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. China Figures, Toy Books, Porte Mbnnales and Bags, , Medium-priced Press Goods, p . ~ „ Shawls, Table Covers, Ac..&e. E Wms Muslins and Tarletons, for Polla* Presses,from 25c up. Cents’ Chenille and Woolen Scarfs, 75c to s2,| Indies, Gents, and Gloves in fall variety; Bblmoral and Hoop Skirts,'cheap. de •T-.'JA •1864. ohmbtmab. jgg^ : (iSIPFITII , PAIJB, „ Southwest comer SIXTH and ARCH Streets. Offer a splendid a**ortm«nt of - PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAY?, WOBKSTAMBS w FANCY BABKBTB, WILLOW cHaIRB. BABY WALTERS, . SLEDS AND CARTS. SKATE®, SPICE BOXES, WALNUT BRACKETS, FANCY MATCH SAFES, TOILET SETS Off TINWARE TEA TRAYS, FUSE CUTLERY, And a complete stock of / HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. GRIFFITH & PAGE, delt-St 600 ARCH Street. LNABDI, 439 POPLAR STREET, • The cheapest Store in the city for CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEERS WARE. A fine assortment of FANCY GOODS for the Holidays, All kinds.of works of art in Marble and Alabaster neatly cleaned and repaired at very low rates, and personally attended to, if application is made by letter. del6-3t* J-fQUPAY PRESENTS. CHCA-RIaES DXJAXMiIGr, No. 812 CHIPTNUT STREET, i Begs leave to’inform Me esteemed easterners thathis present stock of FAICY «00DS MB M Surpasses that of any former Importation. Having se lected with care every article himself, he can 7 say there is no similar establishment in thecountry hat can compare with hia. As to prices, getiing his goods m the ffrst manufacturers and artists in Europe, those dealers who hay from the Importers here to sell again can certainly not compete with him. Of the following goods-he keeps so large a variety, and in such entirely new styles, as no other store in this city can offer: ‘ LADIES’ WOBK BOXES. JEWELRY. ODOR, AND GLOVE BOXER NECESSARIES FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. WRITING DESKS, DRESSING CASES FANS, PARIS GILT AND BRONZE GOODS. - PARIAH WARE, BOHEMIAN GLASS. VASES, OF FINEST ANTIQUE ANb MODERN. - CUTLERY, FINEST ENGLISH W ALKING CANES. CRICKET AND ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS. FANCY LEATHER GOODS. LADIES’, BAGS-OVER TWENTY DIFFERENT KINDS., CABAS, POCKET BOOKS, CIGAR CASES. PURSES AND POBTMONHAIBB. ’ GAMES OF ALL KINDS. CHESS, DOMINOES. LOTTOEB. CBIBBAGE COUNTERS, CHESS, AND BACKGAM BON BOARDS. BAGATELLE AND TIVOLI. , ■ - IN TOYS. —This Department is complete in every va riety known, with many novel things never before im ported. Dolls, the very large; variety of every kind known, kept in this store, surpasses in beauty and taste ful dressing anything known here and in Europe. This is no idle boast. Ladles should call and see them. de7-tde2hf _ NOTICE ! The Proprietor of that Srst- cIaaa.DEUG STORE, H. B. CORNER BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, hogs to announce ihat in view of the times he will (until farther notice) .i.-. 1,... SACRIFICE his large and varied stock of Toilet, Artloles, Sachas FINE COLOGNES, SPLBNDAD-ODOR OASES. Rare FRENCH AND ENGLISH PERFUMES, PO MADES, Ate. Nc ELEGANT HAIR AND TEBTH BRUSHES, COMBS, AndofeiraeMartielekforHOLlDAY GIFTS, . Al UUtal| And more too. N. B.—& select Invoice of GENUINE IMPORTED Havana 05 warn, or favorite brands, will be sold on the SAME FAVORABLE TEEMS, It app isatiou is made AT OKiR delS lOt tf 900 non CANS PEACHES—VERY AHJV7,UUU BiPERI’iR—PUT OP BY C.P- MOR TON a ct) at.the BOUND TOP 1-EAWIARM, Md* bow W) ivi n k and for eale by B« K. NErF, Ho 10b p rTf. xivn Pxrup - r GREAT OE YTRAU CItQTEIHOf HOCSItv gym woi,!tpays. TKE USEFUL, X SMI'S Bt6t\»HttTHS CHBjSPSSf ._ HOLIDAY BRSSEtITB, AT BAWBEEGEV. BROTP^SS’, * LIST Of? AUTICMSS. L.XffBN nDEPiS —A v«?y 1&1*$ aseoitmocA of plftio, berasHtchfd, snd embroidered Mdkfo Very ak’eio. XaCE COLLaEb.-“Cambric Collars alad sets! Very cheat-. • .'''•. FAWCT BACK*COMBS.—A very lar<je assortment of thence* heaottfnl styles,offancy back, at halfit* rfffn-ar retail prlcps. - -* »-,S? ,< 2r® s— S* t«t large assortment of «tUfc« Jleeoy Lined,-Cloth Glove*, and all other kinds ol Gloves, very How. B&AttOBAX; SKIRTS. *. The Jargest a*,sortment of Baimjrat Skirts itt the city. From s3tossapiece. Very cheap. ‘•i “ * /' MERINO GOODS. Thetagreet Btoek of '£»<lW, Men’s, WbbwV Boys’, and Children e Metino Undershirts aa,d Dowers In the city, at very lover t prices' 1 * . • . ’HOSIftB? f HOSIBBti Bo>t«*ry in-the city. LAplßff\ MBA'S, ABTOdntl>KS3Tfi HOSIERY. C< tton. Woolen,* sm& Merino Hosiery. The largest asset (west tf -_A Terr large aseorrtnent of Wonch i«hi Satchels. Ter, cheap. ~ . LiCE TBICS I L ldfi;VßrLS L . Avery ]&fge fTstortmeiit ofblack L*o* Telle* at all p.lcep, very oSeap. •>,. ■ La<iie«‘a»d Gt-nts* Bttk and Woolen Scarfs. Hair Bm W, Com,s SUfe Hdkfa. Orpetfe. Matin Bosoms.atui a larfte assortment of Fancy Goods,.maohlower than &t any other store is. the city. «t ' • B*VtfBBGJ!&.BROS.*, ETO. 105 F. EIGHTH Street* de!6 6t, - ■•. TSlrd etore abOVe Aroh pUKWES BTuDDART & BROTHER Present ft .arse and attractive .took of _ ' , Desirable Goods to buyers for tho selection of mofoi ... . i HOLIDAY GIEfS, All of wkieh lave been pnrobseed »t tin late auction , An4willl»e«oMirtt /< BEMTChD PfcICES, a J To effect rapid sa'os. Faxony-Bresa Gonda «t 37%: M, «0, and TO.; Double,width striprd Poptios. 90. in D 3, bM.,, 1118 '! 1 BopUas, 80. All-woift POplins. * - Bilk 4(nif woolPopHm. . JSttprcjlS'ClOthe, j And a fall tin* of cbalceoelers PREKCB MfcßfiNOEi, I>o do. JSeriaues* v*- X>o do Ca,rbm*t6ti. 87%c*nl8. BSOCHS EONG SHAWLS, _ . , ,-i , - «>f Vienna* and Paris fabrics* In choice designs and Coloring, . ■ fiiAWU • ■. Cfnew and desirable styles, at _ „ Reduced Prices. ,i_Baira'>r»ls&UiB. *«., Ac. CURWEN FTODDART & BRO , 450,/4&3, and 454 North SECOND Stmt, de3o St {■ uKov? Wiilow. IM3TAII. lIHIf UOUUS. VELVET. AA 'For Cloaks. From auollpn, at _ Reduced Prices, 28-inch Lyons Velvet, *l6, 32-inch .-Ido . , #w. : . CJSWEN BTODDABT & BRO., 430,'453, and 454,Horth SECOND Street, dal6-3t -4 ■ ' ’ " above Willow. CUPS El O R QUALITY BROCHA 6CA£FS*.iiij*r* at variety of sizes, i Piaid. Silk Scarfs. ' ' ! Plain bilk Scarfs. Plaid Poplin Scarfs. ,■; . : Plaid Cashmere Scarfs. Embroidered, Jiem-sthch and plain Cambric Hand' kerr]biefß.i - * Lace CoQarsr Linen Collars, Cambric Collars, and otter fcaecoode, SDmH-HA.U. «c 00., Ho: aft 8. hBijOJJD street. pHEAF AND USEFUL GOODS' FOB V/ CHftlfcTK&S PSBSEMTS for the Helps about the house/' , : , Merrimack Prints, 40c. EeirStvles de Laines, 44c. • « Aaferlcah Prtots, 3?>40. , BrfghtPlaid Cashmeres. . ** Irtas CoDdii, at BoWINHkLL & CO.. Wo: 26 8 SEOHdP Strast. SUPERIOR QUALITY CLOAK VBSL YETS, pars «Lk, Lyoas ma*tiKenir«; 58, 82, aid 36 lathsawida - Best quality frosted Beaver Cloth*. Beaver Clo.M of-Tattoos kiiids. Cloaks, readymade. Cloaks made to orier. ■ •_ ■- ... : [ EDWIN HALL & CO., del6-frfaihr - go 26 S. SiCOHD-Street, 102& CHESTNUT STREET. e.7m. needles a 9AarMSQBIJJS& •; I j '-4i'01r381..T-1118 i ■’ ' v | , LACES, g ... WHITES GOODS, g EMBROIDERIES, | - j y VEIL'S, s . ' EtANDBCESBOHIEFS, *O. la every variety and at REDUCED PRICES, . ' V ‘ I Suitable for , , CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY PRESENTS. M- , CHESTNUT BTBBBT. “T/EMAIL DE PARIS” IS NOT A paint.! powder, or paste, but a most delicious, preparation that gives both the color and texture of po lished ivory To the skin. EOQSNS JGUIH, #o. ill TENTH Streepbelovr Chestnut. “ T/EMAIL DE PARIS” CAN BE •*-4 used by all ladies in the privacy of the toilette. It removeßsh spots and roughness, and its purifying effect on thi» skin calls forth freshness, color, via beauty. R JOBIS/80, IUTSNTB Street. T/EMSAIL.DE PARIS ” QUICKLY and Iffectually removes those unsightly black worm specks which detract so much from the beauty of the Bkin. B. JOUIff, Ho.- Ul TBITFH Street. «T’EMAIL D® PABI8” IS BS* J-ijPEOIiLI,T endorsed by Mad’He Yestvall, Ln eßle western, Mrs. D. P, Bowers, and many ladiea in private life. whose commendatory letters, for obvious ppasong/rantot be published, B. JOUIBT, 111 SOOTH Offlcers aiJ soldiers whose complexions have become tanned or bronzed hv fche- exposure Incident to a camp li/e, wiU ffid the * * Small ’ ’ invaluable. Orders tv mail should be addressed, JAHED & QoryrAl Tittonytorsi,: PhiladftlTvM*. i»jtnnw tf EDVCIfIONAL. WYANT, STRATTON, & BANNIS ** TEB’i BAOTONAI.OOMIIEROIALCOLLEOE, _ '.-t ASSEMBLY BUMOTas, S. V. Comer of OfiEST?Br and rSifTH Stroet«, Tha iDoetcxtcnsiTe anti complete Institution of the kind in the country- , „ Young/men who desire a 1911 preparation for the duties and responsibilities of active basinets life are in vited to call and examine the facilities afforded at this institution. Cali or lend for a Circular. IpSL B 0 R APHING.—A COMPLETE -*■ knowledge' of the art can be obtained by attend inffBHYAHr. STRATTON, A BANNISTER’S TBLB* GEAFHTCjNfiTiTUfB, Southeast corner of SBYENfH and CHESTNUT girt eta, either day or evening. The studsn*R of this lnst tnti«»n have all the advan tages of aTREGBLAR TELEGRAPH LINE, and are made familiar with every detail and duty of an office. Young Elan and ladies, who desire a full knowledge of ibis arz, would consult their own interests by attend ingthls School. , ' de!7-2c PENNINGTON SEMINARY AND A FEMALE COLLEGIATE INSfITUTB. Second Term of Fourteen Weeks begins January 4, Send for.Circalar. Rev. D. 0. KNOWLES, A. Jr., de!7 15t i FenningtonyN- J. A' YOUNG LADY WISHES TO DE vote three or four hours each day to teaching, either in a school ot family; a class of small children pre ferred. Address de!6-4t* / **M. K.,* ? officeof Frees. ■VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.— V MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL, four miles froa MEDIA, Fa. -Thorough course in Mathematics,Glassies-, Natural Sciences, and English; practical lessons in Civil. Engineering. PopUs received: at Any time, and of ail ages, and enjoy the benefits ofu home. Refers to John G. Capp & Son, 23 South Third street; Thos. J. Clayton. Beg., Fifth dud Prune streets; ex-Shenff Kern, and othoW Address Rev. J. HERVEY BARTON, A. M., VILLAGE GRF.BN, Pennsylvania.. noff-6m PERSONAL.—LOOK BEFORE YOU A LEAP.-Solid Gold and Piaied JEWELRY, cheap est in the city, 916 RACE Street. del7-2t*~ TEFOBMATION WANTED.-THI undersigned desires to hearfrom the sister of X K Staples, Deputy Sheriff of SI Dorado county, California. Sbe is supposed to reside in Philadelphia. Hr, Staple* was murdered while in. the. discharge of his official duties. His effeetsare awaiting delivery. JAMBS B HXTME, Sheriff’s Office, . Pl&cerville, & Dorado county, Cal. jq-QTiCE TO HOUSEKEEPERS. The subscriber has onhand a choice selection of OLDp. BRANDY; from $l2 to $l6. MADEIRA AND SHERRY WTSE3, from $3 to $B. OLD MONONGABELA WHISKY, from $3 to $5. GINGER»WILD CHERKY.aad RASPBERRY BRAN DIES, ROSECORDIAL, &c., from $2.5Q to $3. 4 Also*F, BRANDY, from $3 io SB. SHERRY and MADEIRA WINES, from $3 to $5, FOE;OOOKIEG PUBPOSE& Tobefcadat - v ISTo. X4LB JS&irtbL Second Street. HENRY HUDD Y, ISAAC . ■RXJTTEiRFIKIiD!S OVERLAND JL> DESPATCH, Office* S; W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. A THROUGH FREIGHT LIRE has been established, prepared to receive a'-3 classes of Freight 5n the principal .cities east of the Mississippi river, and to-iransport the same feom point of shipment TO ALL POINTS IB COLORADO, IDAHO, UTAH, and Montana territories, UPON TFEOnan CONTRACT RATB9 ANJ) B'T.LSOF LABTNQ. Through Bates include ALL C? H AK<3 E 3 —Bail way, Transfer, Sit rage,and Foi warding ConmrisrionßOn the Missouri river, and transportation upon tli* Plains— thus or ablins tte Shippe - to obtain a THROUGH CON TRACT forbJs freight for adistance of OVER THREE THOUSAND MlijßS.and relieving him from »U respoa fcihSlities and anxieties incident to fcfee past disorganized and irresponsible B>st m of Plains traesportafcion, Onr Agents in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pitts* burg, Chicago, St, L<-uis, and Burlington, lowa, are prepared at fall seasons to receive and ship at the LOWEST THEOUOH TARIFF HATES.-- This Company assumes ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY of Losses, Damages, or Overcharges on Freight while in tr&mifc fronvpoiot of shipment to place of destination. The New Yorh officfeTis in pdNaseion o* a fall set of TRADE BOOKS, showing the date shipment, the time it patsea the Mississippi river, 1s received at and shipped from the Company’s Warehouses at Atchison (Kansas), the character of the trains m ovlng upon the Plains, the date itnasses Fort Kearney,.arrivesat Den* ver, is received atdesttnation, and the apparent condi tion of the W ares along the entire route. - . if Damages or Losses occur, Shippers are notified in time to duplicala&ny important portion of the ship ment. Thee* boohs are epen for the inspection of our cus tomers at ali times, sad parties shipping by this Line willhekect informed hr correspondence of the exact condition of their shipments. Merchants and Mining Men in the Territories ordering Goods, should be particular to give instructions to mark cases 4 'ViaBDTTBBFiE* D’S OVERLAND DESPATCH, Atchison, B«i«as,” andh&w them shipped under the instructions of our Agefit &t| point of shipment Letters of InQUiry addressed to our office at ATHHE SON, Kansas; No. IVE3EY Street. Arior New York; or Southwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, will be promptly and reliably answered. D. A. BUTTERVIBLD/Proprietor. A W SPALDING, GenaraVAaenfc, hew York WM. H. MOORE, Agent, Philadelphia. del7-tf W00L.—15,000 LBS. CLEAN TUB r * » washed, scoured Wool, in store and for sale l>y CHBSEBRAtTOH & PEARSOJT, 14 Son* WATBE Street. TO OOL.—6,GOO.LBS. PULLED WOOL, in store and fo gjjg|g^ R&tJ G H &-PEATiBOir/- td Sooth WATER Street. ICVEATHJSRS. 60 baas prlme-Westem Feathers, in store aba for bale bj ■OBBSEBBAUGH & PEARSON, 1 A-South WATER Street. S, £. OOR, SIXTH AND MARKET f&EEETS, FjmjfAXE AJfD VO MST. M-£?, A K BSTaTE i re^l estate, -*“■ Slff IIS4SS- E«»i ESTATE, ejsalestatb! real estate. *5’ 000.000 WORTH i-OR SALE, f5.000,<»00 WOKTH FOK SALS. < „* $5,000,0U0 WORTH FvR SALE. rfSS.®”**ft ah % n \ a , feil ‘"'l? lolt 1olt “«lfthsywiab to par ehaee or Bell. Ca'l or Bend tor catalog** »|, e^, dB I> ertf c rsi:& west 190 Datdtep.'wStabie.-coaoh.home, Ae. Prlee Too, TO. lu-modiatfl poesssston. -JESyiSSP flrB V a Sf5 Dwelling on Arch, east of Sixth;. cZiTZir&i'! trjtto™ ■**»*•“•« » °Frfc7i&r° Te ab * Ta Fop - Splendid brown-state front, four-stay DwsllinrS Spmce street, w«st of ft'etreatesnta, $?3,000' * Superior large, first-cla**, eide-yard Dwelling. m strest, LoiHb by U§ faefcdeep oa Poplar oa * ke ««■ M “ t6 » A ADJOURNED. SALE. «a EZEeOTOBS'SALE BEAL ESTATE, - “tutors of CHRISTOPHER WTGTON, -late-of Praaklla,township, Hdatintdon county, deceased, by v Irtueof the power and authority KMr „*? vm ° ttM at 10 o’okS ! B £ EBflAT ‘ Deoeml,9r 22 ' 1864 ’ . All that VALUABLS LTMBSTONfc FARM, aituata"lii Franklin township, Huntingdon icoauty, containing 160 £ c s*t °* arQ cleared and improved. The S^r?.« B * 8 v eol!Bli>5 of , a good two- story doable frame dwelling-boil so, and necessary outbuildings, and a b r?4? arn rt B X5O f fl*' A'good young orchard, i everal ®*« springs, noth slate and limestone, are on tbe property. ■» ft® i urDp MF. d from Spruce Creek to k*., c al *£ * Bfl> or miles from bprace Creek, % Station on the Penarylyania RAUroat. The creek passes through the farm, aod there are two good water powers, Mtoneof which there ia a dam. already hollt, ready frr. machinery. Thefarm-ie In good order and cultivation. .audits convenience to echoolß, churches, stores, and the Urge iron manufacturing ebtablishments of Huntingdon county, mskes this one of the most desirable forms iu 4heintariorof the Stain. Possession wiii.be delivered *ke first of AprU The executors wIU at same time' ofier at public sale 820 acres of land in —county. lowa, • * - . _ * the heirs desiring to purchase, the property aud beat bi dder. TKBMB OF 8At8.;7-Onerthiro-lnhaud and the resi duein one and two yeats from date of sale, with in* phnSaJ? 65 * secured by the bonds WIGTON, , R.B WIGTON, JOSEPH UYSABT, December IS, ISB*. e |el^3t MFQ R SALE LOW—THE NEW, Bir6et Deat ‘ side ‘ y&Td Hom ®» s*<>* 2225 Bpring Garden la? d 2* eB ■ ' 724 Nineteenth htreat; hkSxs Gazelle' 8114n * a 688 ort!i American and United A large number of Farms, some first-class and on rail road routes near the city - B. F. GLENN, 193 South FOURTH, and - de!7- ti. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEK. MFOR BENT—LARGE ROOMS FOR Business proposes. Third and fourth stories of southeast coiner of Dook ano Walnut streets.;with ligort and ventilation seldom equalled. • Also, sparge-Factory Building.; of five,rooms, to gether with the use ol an Engine capable of supplying power for that and the adjoining hnudrng. Also, Three Booms immediately adjoining.- and com municating with the above, having a good northern light. May be rented together or separately. ■ Several rooms in the earns building, sultable for offices, eaa be has.- Apply to - JACOB M. ELLIS, de!7-3t* 351- g. FOURTH btreet, second story. MFOR BALR—THE LARGE THRSR STOBY- 'STORE ■ and DWELLING No. 336 N. Third street, Lot 20 feet front, and 18U feet deep to Dllwyh street, wlthlarie two-etory Warehouse on that front. Etoro nearly the whole depth of lot. GEO. O. MILLER, del7-2t ' 154- North SIXTH Street. Mao rert—the second, third, and Fourth Storleg'of Store No. 530 COMMERCE fctreet. FOK BALE—Fire-proof Safe, Show Casas, and Fixtures. det7-7t» til IMMEDIATE POSSESSIQN—THE JESdeslrable DWELLING, No. i»7 Marshall street, with' ail modern couvenienees. For sale low and on easy terms by ANTHONYP. SJ H.- MOltiUS, de!7 4t« . No, 916 ARCH Street. ■m. FOR SALE—AN ELEGANT JBSaL country SEAT, with about 200 acres of land -*£l jfcftsched, in Bucks eouuty,- Penna,; 33 mitvs from FhiJadeiphia. For particulars appiv to WM. ROSSBLL ALLEN, 8. E. cor, FOURTH ana-WALEUT. del7-3t* MF OR. SALE —A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE on NINETEENTH St., above Arch. Apply to WM. ROSSELL ALLEN, S. E. cor. FOURTH and WALNUT. - del7-3t* OPOB SALE—A LARGE NUMBER of small Houses In the lower part of the city; also, Well-secured Ground Rents; cheap tor cash.- Foffor ther particulars apply at del3-12t* No. 995 WALNUT Street. ALU ABLE OIL LANDS IN WEST VIRGINIA FOR SALB. One tract of 230 acres, having a fronting of two miles on the Kanawha river,immediately opposite Elizabeth, Wirt county, C. 8., known as the HANNA MAN, or BOHNB BOTTOM FARM, and ott which .Oil was iW discovered in 1790 (see map),. and is well known, for its Oil indications. Another tract on the opposite side of the river from tha above, containing 240 acres, with over a mile of river front;ox boring-surface, an d on which is the well- known gas well (see map), which was commenced and dug to the depth of eome ISO feet, when oil feil in price to one dollar per barrel, and the work was suspended. The oil indications of these properties are* well known in the neighborhood. Also, two tracts on Tucker’s Creek, containing about 260 acres," These lands will be sold together, or sepa rate, to suit purchasers. . To parties wishin g to form a reliable company for de velopment, tuese lauds cannot be surpassed. Exami nation will substantiate this statement. . For terser, and further particulars, address, for a few days, WM. H. PARMENTER, 87? Iforth EIGHTH Street; or, dare of d«6-8t» P. 8. KBTLEB, 38 S.iFOBKTH St, Phil*. MERCANTILE library.—a pew AUI shares TO REST OR SELL CHEAP, Ho. 13 north IBNTH Street. It* POR ' BALE-LARGE SAFE, TWO A SIDE-SHOW CASES, for ellver-p'oted ware; on® coubtbh-case, tables, DESKS, CUPBOARD, to. Aleo, OFFICE TO LET. Apply to IC. FULLER, de3-»3t* 713 CHESTNUT Street. Fm SALE—A VALUABLE OIL TER BITOET, with large front* on the Allegheny Elver. Apply to J- C MtLtilSAlf, 3e16 St» 911 MVRKBt* Street. FANCY FURS. JUDIES’ FARCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, Ho. 718 ARCH Street, above (Seventh Street,- . Athls old established store, IMFORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS 70S LADIES AND CHH.DEEN. Haying bow la store a yery lute and beautiful assort, neat or all the different Unde and dualities of PAHOX FURS FOR LADIES' AND GHH&BKK'S WEAR. I solicit a call from those In want. Remember the name and namber, JOHN FAREIKA, 718 ARCH Street, ahoyo Seventh. I hare bo partner or connection with any other store In this city. ; oeS-dmif. RABIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN A. STAMBAOH, IMPORTER AHD MANUFACTURER OF XsADIMS’ FANCY ETTRS, MO. 83S AKOH STREET, BELOW NINTH. lost opened, a lane and handsome stock of MUMS’ AHD CHILDBM’S FANCY FTTBI Ofererr description, and is the newest and most ap proved styles, at tha LOWEST CASH PRICES. oel-tatkeSm (7J.REAT. REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF OAKD- EHOTOGRAPHS. PORTRAITS 15TENT8 EACH, OR $1 PER BOZEN. Engravings 10 cents oath, or-TS-cents per dozen. Colored Cards SO cents each or $2 per dozen. - Large or medium Photographs 60 cents each, or $4. SO per dozen. Photographs received as soon as published.’ McAllister & brother, delfi-Ot 738 CHESTNUT Street. 4TIOLD SPECTACLES, GOLD EYE- GLASSES, BKO (Established 1786,1 delfl-6t . ; 738 CHESTNUT Street. "PLASTIC STEEL-FRAME SPECTA -*-J CLES—A large assortment.. . „„„„„„„ MoALLISTER & BROTHER, deis-6t |. ' yas OHESTfrUg Btraet. OPERA . GLASSES IN. EVERY WA V’ RIETX of mounting—PearL Enamelled, Jaoirined, ftcii&c. , MCALLISTER* BROTHER, delO-dt 738 CHESTNUT Street. MATHEMATICAL instruments, I’A for,school's. MCALLISTER & BROTHER, delSSt .738 CHESTNUT Street. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS—A VARIE- X tf of styles. McAllister s brother, dsld-et ' 738 CHESTNUT Street. npHE CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE tho city to get r HEAD-DRESSES, PLAIN or FANCY CAPS, is at del7-2i« - No. 90* ARCH Street. ON THE BRAIN,” (SONG AND Vr CHORUS )—The most popularniece out,® cents, at .MARSH’S Piano and Music Store, 1103 OHESCeUT Street.- - * ■ - dal7-.dt DAVE YOUR CARTES RE VISITS. 'XX taken la beautiful stile at B, F, REIME&'S gal*. l«y, 624: ARCH - Street. Perßonßd&alring them will please seme early; afternoons shorty don’rforget It* BIRTHPLACE OF LIBERTY CLOTH JLA ISO HOU3B, - No. 700 MARKET STEEKT. , An extensive assortment ef Men’s and Boys’ Fall and .Winter Clothing, at greatly reduced prices. del6 3t* _ WM. BROWN & GO. 1 nnn s being* hobby-biobseb' I ? UUU (new and fancy styles), goose-neck Sleds, J sprees Carts, So.. lor delO-tf 157 and 159 North THIRD Street. OTEAM AND WATER GAUGES-THB hJ largest assortment In PMlodrfphta—eoutenOy on hand. , Y BROWN. lilWliriN 1 Street nol-ito* TARTfUVk &KP SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING ' WANTS. wanted—fN a job. BrSflf DBT GOODS HOIHg. oa itiEKET Street, to mil to fsaclty end near country cash i l r*l»i_ Übeial offer wlllbemade to a SAi.KS -Add reap-' * Jabber. ’ ’ Press office. del« St" A |ITUATION WANTED BY *an htseme ffi»r »ntileoi: JO*anfa'*t« la ß S 9 BiHik-fceopfir. Clerk; or any position where experience 8 u «efal. Has had eeyerai j'e* l * Jffittigg?"*** AiitMe "*• * ***s' (SPEAKS GBR with experlenai Imho Dry goods and Cloth ’ »’sf? Dts c't Can furnish good r.. Wcreocs. Address " Energy.” this offce. * jjr rjONTBALTO WANTED FOB 8T V. CLEMENT'S CHOIB. Apply to do«-St* F. T. B. PARLEY,-1018 FILBERTStreet. TO OIL COMPANIES'.—AW ACTIVE . .Business Kan.well acquainted with machinery an* &4&?££S2' t Sf bmiaess eetiemilr. in open for an ENGAGEMENT as Superintendent. Beat otrefercmow glron. Address ~B ox2BBV’ p. o. datT-w W A N T E D-AN EXPERIENCED in the Hi.sisry and Jfotfon business, *SgSSS to jf with the Illinois uadTowa trade. Address 80jr.47 Philadelphia P. O. d.«17-Bt* WANTED,—{BY A YOUNG MAN I * Arst-class city trsde. a SITUATION a . Ht-n’o. -Undoubted reference from present employer. Address *’H. B. E,.” Press o*ce. It* WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN OF Troir* SKt?™ “ d habits,’a SlTCA fectnrimr eo?» k M?fv ar °? c ] ertt in a Meroauttleor Mann ferr“c6s^veo bl h tof * nT ki » 4 - The best oity re- Address “W. P-." Press office. ' u . W A-NT KD-IArEXPiSSNGiD 1 ’ SdLESMAIf in the Hosiery and Notion business: WANTED.-A YOUNG MA N OF */, good -httHßesß tablf* desires a BITTIA.TIOS la a Wholesale Drag Hooie, Mercantile, ManaraoturLae. or Kailroad Office; writes a good hand, is familiar with dooss, and would make lumaelf generally useful, to hie employers . et^ eBt «tty references given a? to capability* Integrity, Address ,c lrdex,» office of The Press, It* WAN,T E D-A YOUNG MAN AS ’ L Corresponding Clerk iaa Wholesale Drug House: good penman, (draggle preferred), and be able to influence some trade. . Address ‘*H» 8» Z, t 1t office of this paper, with re ferences. ■ - ♦ • - • ♦ del7-3t* SALESMAN m A ir f^» 4 ? fiO^ ALE NOflOJt HOUSB. Address “F. jw’Pycte Office. WANTED—A. GOOD-SIZED FIRE t* T PaOOF BAgE Aaires? Box 2358 P. O. de!7-3t« T\TANTBD-A situation =in the DEY GOODS JOBBINQ BUSINBSB. Western trade* 11 wllo oaJl Stt ® aTOM 11 lame cltyand • Address “5..” PresgfiMi'e. daIS-Bt* BOOKKEEPER AND CASHIER ANTED, in a large Retail Establishment. Moat n '£ n Tel ?Ttu B . Address, wilt reference, "A.. 8, G. * Co.,”tbisofflce. . d»l6St A HOTIONEER (EXPERIENCED), ? r RdLMMAN.-rA-Young Man requires a 3Uua Hon as the above. Address “Auctioneer,” Press offlbb- . doiset* AN EXPERIENCED MALE TEACH , .ER desires a situation. ■ Best references riven. Ad dress 'P. S..’- Imniir.r offlce. Phila. ■_ del A 61* * TO PHOTOGRAPHERS.—WANTED, A a situation in a first-class Photograph Gallery for the winter, by a gentleman from Massachusetts who has bad twenty years* practice in a gallery of his own in the neighborhood of Boston. Can give the host of reference. Inquire of or address , „ M SNELL, deH-wfs3t* 4:3* WALNUT Street. TO DRUGGISTS. —TWO ACTIVE A- fUI.EvMER wanted in a Wholesale Drug. Print, end Glase Bouse. They must ha able to iufiudneea large amount of near trade. All applications wilt be treated confidentially. Address, with name, ■' Drug Sale* roan, ’ ’ Press Office. , deW 4i*. CALESMAN WANTED —A YOUNG ~ KAN well acquainted with the City Retail and near Country Notion and Men’s Furnishing Trade. Address, With reference. Box 130 Post Offlce, - dels 3t WANTED, BY A MIDDLE-AGED. 11 , Man, a SITUATION, by the first of January, in Bome-Mercantile, Manufacturing, or Railroad Office. Can write a good hand; would make himself kenerilly vcefal; is familiar with mercantile affairs, and a good salesman. Address “Salesman,” at tms office, for three dare, dfals-3E* WANTED—AN ACTIVE BUSINESS ,' ' Man, of strict integrity, to join the Advertiser In opening a Real Estate, Conveyancing, and Emplny- Best of reference given and required. Ap-. ply 930 MARKET Street. dels-3t* WANTED-A SITUATION IN A 18 Commission or Importing House, by a YOUNG MAN, 21 years of age, who has a knowledge of business. Address '‘BoxB72/* ’ Post Offlce. del4-ws2t* WANTED—ON THE Ist JANUARY, »* &LAD who can-write a good hand and correct at figures, as ENTRY CLBBK. ..Address “Notions,” at Frees Offlce. in hand writing Of applicant. - delMj* WANTED—IN A WHOLESALE MIL- V* hINEKY and Trimming Store, a SALBSMAN-who IS acquainted wrlh the business. Good references re duirrd. .Address “L. M.,”80x S6l, Phllada. P. 0. dfclo.2t* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN IN A ’ 1 Wholjsaie Cloth House for city trade. Ad dress Bon 1701 Poat Office. delS-St* ■WANTED— A SITUATION ASBOOK -8 8 MEPEB. Rest city reference given. Address Box 1731, Post Offlce. dels St* WANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK. 8 8 KEEPER and Financier In an established busi ness, with a view to an interest; can furnish $16,000 capital. Address “Book.keeper,” Box 625 PMladai phia P. O. dell-Oi* WASTED.—RETURNED AND DIB -8 ", ABI.EI) offleers and Soldiers in want of Profitable Employment peculiarly adapted to their condition should address JOKES, BROTHERS, It CO., Phila delphia. Pa. deld-lm* WANTED—A GOOD SALESMAN, IN " a“Wholesale Hat Honee, for country trade. Ad dress Bon 2266 Philadelphia P. 0., with, name and re ference. . del4-6t* WAITED—IN aVHOLESALB SILK „* ” House, by the let of Jannary next, two first-class BALESMBH, wbo can influence a Pennsylvania or Western trade. Address, Ac., *IB. C.,” Box 2019 Poßt Office. a«2-6i* WANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK ,’ ■ KBEPEE. Best elty reference for ability and integrity nlven. Address "Bookkeeper," Press Office, nt3o-16t» WANTED, AGENTS,—A6ENTS IN ff every County, at efO a month, expenses paid, to lntrodaceXftecn nets and useful articles, the: best sell ing ever offered. For particulars, address OTIS T. GABBY, BIDDBPOBP, MAINS. oean-a&Wffiß A GENTS WANTED FOR THB NtXRSB . AND SPY, on© of the most interesting ©aid exciting books ever published,, embracing, the adventures of a Woman in the Unionarmy as Nurse, Scout, and Spy. Giving a most vivid inner picture of the War, Returned and disabled officers and soldiers in want of profitable employment will find it peculiarly adapted to their condition, JONEBBROS. « GO., a«W 600 CHESTNUT Bt, Philadelphia, Pa. Ma fubnishbd house WANTEB. Address Box 1840 PhiladelpMaPost Office. del4-Bl* tin nnn $5,000, and $O,OOO tojn 'lPAVj'-'UU, TEST OB MOKTGAGB. . Apply to ALFRED FITLER. Conveyancer, ... del7-6t* No, 51 North SIXTH Street ' ffelOA A MONTH—WANTED— jE. . AGENTS everywhere to introduce the new SHAW & clash: sixteen hollas FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE, the only low price Machine in the country which is licensed by Grover St Baker, Wheeler <& Wilson, B owe, Singer & Go., and Bachelder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each are inf 7 ingementsr and the seller and user liable* Illus trated circulars sent/rea Address SHAW St CLARE, . nols-d&w3m • BIDPEFORD, Maine RAILROAD LIVES. f*£mrnrmmmr\ PHILADELPHIA, W AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. Commencing MONDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1864, Trains will leave Depot, corner BROAD Street ana WASHING* TON Avenue, as follows; Express Tra<n. at 4.C5A.H. (Mondays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Ferryville, Havre de-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman’s, and Magnolia. Way Mail Train, at 8.36 A.M. (Sundays excepted),for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations, connecting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Milford, Salisbury, and intermediate stations _ Express Train at 1 15 P. M. (Sundays excepted) tor Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester. Wil mington, Elkton, FerryviUe, and Bavre-de-Grace, Train at 3.60 P. M. (Sundays excepted) for "Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North-East, PerryviHe, Bavre-de- Grace, Perryman’s, and Magnolia Night Express at 11.15 P. M: for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Chester (only to take Baltimore and Washington passengers). Wilmington, Newark, Elk ten, North-East, FerryviUe, and Havre-de-Grace. Passengers for PORTRESS MONROE will take the S.ISA. M. train. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wil mington. ‘ ' Leave Philadelphia M., 4,5.30. and 19 P. M. The 4 P. M. train cqpnetts with-Delaware R, K. for Milford and intermediate stations. Leave Wilmington at 7.15 and 9.30 A. if,, 2.33 and 6.SOP. M. __ THROUGH TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE, Leave Wilmington at 12 It, 4.24, 8 33,and 9.64 P. M. CHESTER FOR PHILADELPHIA. • Leave Chester at 8. 16, 10.14 A. M , 12.36, 3.13, 4.54, 7.20, and 9.03 P. M. . SUNDAY TRAINS. Express Train at 4.Q5 A, M. for Baltimore and Wash ington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville, Havre*de- Grao«. Aberdeen* Perrymans, aud Magnolia. .Night Express at 11,25 P. M. for Baltimore and was-Moßton, stopping at Chester (for Baltimore and WashiJDgt\n p&aiengers), "Wilm'-neton, Newark, Elk tou, Forth- Perryville* and Havre de-Grace Accommodation Train at 20 P. M. for Wilmington and Wav stations. BAhTXHOBB FOR PHILADELPH 4r leave BaJtimbre at 9.25 p . M.* stopping atriavre-de- Graoe, Perry ville, and Wilmington. Also stops at Elfc tpn and Newark (to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore), and Chester to leave 'passengers from Baltimore or Washington. heave Wilmington for Philadelphia at 6. S 3 P. M, FBOM BALTJMOBB TO PHILADELPHIA, heave Baltimore 8.25 A. M., Way Mail; I.IOP, M., Express; 125 P.M., Way Train; 6.35 P. M, , Express; &. 26 P. M., Express. ■ TBAIFSPOX_BALTIMOBB. Eeave Chester at 867 A. M. , l.sa and 11.60 F. M. Leafe Wilminatott at 5.13, 9.40 A. M., 2 20, 4.88, and US. !t6 P. fiL , Pretfht Train, with Fassewrer Car attacked, will leer* WiliniuKton for Ferryrllle and Intermediate etrtionr at J.65F. M. _____ _ del7 - H. F. KBKWET. Bap’t. _ MAESBAi;S SAjLISg. ; MAKBHAL'B sale.- by virtue "A pf v a. Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOH2T CAD- WiXADER,'Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in 'Adiniralty, to me directed, will he sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at Sa vannah Steamship Compasy’s Wharf, above TIKE Street, on WEDNESDAY. December 28th, 1864, at 13 o’clock M., the Steamer SUSA is A, built of Iron, on the Clyde; her length is 178 feet a Inches, breadth IS feet, depth, 7 feet 6 Inches; net tonnage 262 6-95 tons; i«of very light draft of water, and represented as beta* very fast. At the same time will be sold 1 Chronometer, 1 Octant, 1 Quadrant. WILLIAM MILLWABD. H.S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. fHU.Annt.rßiA, Pec. 16,1864 del7-6t MARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE *“■ of a Writ of Sale by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALA DER. Judge of fcbe District Conrt of tbe United States.in and forlhe Eastern. District of Penp|yiyaa!a, in Adrai rally, to me directed, will be «>>d at fcMc Sale, tp the highest and best Wdder,forca«h,at MIj.HEfrBE S Siore, Ho. 14» forth FhOflT: Street, on PBIDAE, Deo. 30th. ton, 8 barrels of navy Tj. 8. Marshal Eastern District of Penua. PguAnnuPßrA-Pec 16.D64 d*l7-6t EESALs TESTATE OF JOHN PRICE, LATE OF Aa PHILADELPHIA, Derfaaed.—AH.persona Indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against the same topre sent them,, properly Authenticate*, for ee’tierasnt. to the unders aced, at Store No. a M MASK.? Street, Philadelphia. ElBiC J pfflCß, Woodbury, W. J. JOHN 8. BKOWN, ■ del7-&6t , , ; -.■ -■ .■ Doylastowa. l*a. at reasonable .prices. AMCSEfttEIVTS. O9 MtJSIO. Washington; And the Alexandria (#9p Stage Manager...,.., ....—JOHN B. WBHKCi MrrwJ'AST WEEK BUT'ONE ' tmnu i3fg i %k£ Will render * DWIM BIGHT ONL-V, His great ShalyMara^mpereonaHgh. In Shakspeare’a sublime Trar’dy 0 f *' belli •* X The grandest conception of “ aumha Smteif** ■* MAD. PONIBI, At.I.ADV MACBETH JOHN McCULtoUGH, AS AUODtj“f’- and s The Entire-Company, n Vis Tragedy will be placed uo m the s“i«a with. x * THE GREATEST COMPLETENESS. TUESDa'X—EDWIN FIRMEST SUA - ~ AS THE DUKE O>F GLOSTEK. IN' , „ .RICHARDHr. t, opper'ed by the entire Company. EDWIN FlYrßSßGT’SengagemeDtwmpoelttveto cjCMg FRIDAY BY, RHINO. December 80th. Mr. FORREST, MONDAY, TU and ZBOMtST SIX DAYS IN ADVANCE. JK> Performance o.Y Wednesday and BATtJBM* EVENINGS. , The Box Sheet, far t !&**»{« of teenred places. eye* the boon of 0 *^ oelt - Cojtaia riaea quarter. dqlT-SE 1 meriqak ag adrmy of SOIREE* l LIT AIRE, of ' T-HB WYBRR AOAD EM 10 CADETS, (WM.FWYERc, A. M, Principal.! „ WEDNESDAY EVEN! «ff, Dee.- Slat, 1864, under the direction of MAJOR G. ECXEA T . . . Military Instratoe' BIRGFELD’S OELBBi „BaNul, . „ _ attendm-M* dlrBctl<m of Mr. A. BIRGFKJM), will baIB including reserved , teate) FIFTY CSNWt nvisV 0 ? ?* J - 8 GOULD ! _ B -I*?" 18 Btor *- bIKLEY s Bookstand. Contiuanta I H-tei. . dpia-Cl NJEW CHESTNUT-ST WU£A.TKiS GROVER A SINN CHBS ™ UT .^\ LAST MATINEE REPREiBN TATIOH OF . . JESSIE SHOWN;' JESsrEkBao er»r 5 L__ _ „ Or, THE RELIEF OF LUdx, NOW. The MaaAgemmt »,i'4 announce. Shat in eeaMh qnence of the On EAT SUCCESS of t 1? MATINEH aud tSe REMaRKABAY SMALL PKIC * OF ADnlg- SION. ne ie relnt tantlycj.mpelied tostat ’> ‘bat on matinee/ 111 * " the ™ 18111 86 B 0 JRBI 1 LIST t» ‘h« Price of Admission to the MATINEE i MCENTS. to ail part* of the House. Children 21 CE HTS. Deere open at Ijj. ’te tommeoce at o’cloclc. '‘a rino*?** 1 tSAPURDA') BYESIKG, '. . A -Of Dion Sotscicauit's Drama of ' ‘ 4 ' ■ JBBBIJB BKOWIT, ■ tifriSreteh^reSf 11811gr “ t »w««taH*n.eftl «e*ea«. ». - axr TBE CALEDONIAN GLUtf a»re signified their iatentioa to visit thi> Thsat Voltn body* , , , DRESSED rff FULL COSTUMM; And also, on this particnlar occasion, and in hoi tareC wrin BI , ROFEI ‘ 1) ! TBE V GRkND OROHESHEhS Will play an original S- OTCH QUADRILLE DSLf!I. f ?^.ra i ! l 1 P d COn ' : ' nit 9 181411 »• ** LITRE THE T ABOEER Off MONDAY, THE OCTOROON, WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. ** gala. Saturday nisht bill. r ° Me ’ ,™ »PP«»r a. tne Wild Indltn Hmtnw, In otthl £&K££r Z’°M&pf amm ■"*«* To t|i . Sagged T~\ a 1 JodyO'Trot 0 h!2*? * Seara may be atcored Horn 9 till 3. Corlafg ri wa at MBS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ABOtt.' i.TJ_ STREET the IT re. HG|9PK|»THjnQHT OF J. 8. OLASE®, THIS* {SATURDAY ,) December 17.1084* v HE >8 JACKSHEPPABD, - 1 “DUCK ” f A ? 4„ LONELT MAH Of'thE OCEAN. - CLARKE as 'fPCBEEOIr eHRPPARW' CLARKE * FgT-ER WAXb£ CLARKE a? ...-..■OTRPg'BL'JOM? rjBEAT NATIONAL CTKCtTS—WAIr* AJC BUT STREEP. ABOVE EIGHTH. - '*•***■ Directress, HRS, CHA HLESW.A R N KR* formerly MM&.' { “Act aXGS ' young hicolo, „„„ YOUNG NICOLO* THE CHEAT CHILD WONDER, THE GREAT CHILD WONDER? wul Evening and on Wednesday and ga. a°o riyal oatte 0 “ ™ weet Heta tamenseT S3£ ■' FLYINB TRAPEZE: .TIoTALLBBN BBOTHKRS. HE tIR HICOLO. Hama. HDRRT and HUTCHINSON. the SHBB WOOD RAMI LI, Air. apd- Mrs. TOM KTN(t, Mrs. WARNER. tR* great Man Monkey, W. ROCHELLE. Mr RaSf smrSr BET,tie TRaINEA DOGS, SaTOHSTOHE. M BURT, tRe WIId liiderof tie West, vrill all armeirmS’ week; Brillmnt LB JJSUSB BCBT. a dasMnjr, fearless eanegtxfu£.'* SdirsTtlV&To? 1 - **—**«. eeate; B ““ d *** 2s ««*•* Performance eoimnanca-Jsveiiing7,4o. Afternoon Vt’ Come early on all occasions, and get choice seats at idglte. doll C EATING! SKATING!! SKATING !! r ** WATIpNAL PARK. „ TWENTY-FIR iT ABDaCOLHMBIA AVENUE. Good Skating,jrotyyltLat&Aiiinjr tie yyaatler. _ . COME AMD TH¥ IT. Take Ridge- avenne Cars. Every protection to Ladies and Children. It* C. S. MOULDER, Proprietor. ASSEMBLY BUILDmG, TENTH AA and CHBSTHUT Street*. _ „ SIGMOB BLITZ, The Great NECROMANCER and T?BHTBILOQTJIST. -Performances Kvorr Evening at 7% o’clock. WKDNKSDAY arui SATURDAY Afternoons, at §, ent« bracing tie WONDERS AND MYBTERIBS OFMtGTO BXTBAOBBINABT POWBBB OF VESTRILOaUISMT prodncingastonislirg effects of the Inman voice, ami tie LEABSBD CAHARYBIRDS’ ENTERTAINMEBTK Admission 25 cents; Children B cents; Reserved Seat* CO cants. ’ ■■ - • notf A SSEMBLY BUILDING—SIXTH; CLASSICAL MATINEE of the PHILADELPHIA CLASSICAL QUINTETTE CLUB. At three o'clock. , . W E ,DNE;I)Ay, December 31,1861 Bmgle tickets, at the door, 50 cents. del7-ft SANFORD’S NEW OPERA HOUSE. EACE Street, below Third. Blm ,. - OPEN FOB THE SEASON. SAMUEL 8. SANFOBD- .Proprfetnr and Mmcm SANPOBD’S OPBEA TBODPS, The largest and best Minstrel Company in sristeaca Sanford appears in Songs, Dances, ’and his Barleaquem • Dome open quarter to 7; commence quarterto 8. and 4 *!™* 0 ”* ranfai Oroi, eBtra 60cents; Bones fJERMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLIC EEHEaKSAI.B every SATUEDAT, at SJ4 o’clock P- A* S|9sn HALL. Single Tickets, 3K coni® Sir; Tickete. yi, to be had at Oomd’s, Andre’s, a°a Meyer’s Music Stores, and at the Hall. no7-tf nHRIST REJ Ec TED.— Jr ' s ¥s atoirable picture, tie greatest production of St? p A l ?^S r D now on exhibition at the ACADBKM CIPFINB A8T5.1035 CHBSTHUT Street, togethM with the entire colleetlonof the Institution. Admittance twenty.gyp cents. nol4-2m s ' WHIBITION OF WORKS OF AR® " *OK the benefit of the chbistian coat* MISSION, at the , * .ACADEMY OF FINE AETS. An SriilblHon of & Private Collection of Works ot A»t, ia Fatottaga, Sculptors, Water Color, and other Di-awißKSj BoiraTlngs. &c. , la Mir open at the Paul? gjlyaaia Academy of Fine Arts, No. lOiiS CHEBTBU* from 9A. M. to 10 F. M , for the Hottest of tt* Christian Commlariou. Admiaaion 25 eta,; Seaaon Ticketa SO eta. no2*-tjanl E OYER OF THE ACADEMY OF - MUSIC. CLA6SICAL 'SOIREES MESSES. CROSS AITD JARVIS, _ , Ear tha Season of ISBJ-ff. lor particulars, see circulars and subscription listed attho stores of J, £. Gould, Lee & Walker, Andre &Ca. . ocß-stf ITHE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. u OP3US Ti YOUNG AOTREBSEB.—YOUUe actresses who are little accustomed to the a m of “stage making-up” will find that the '‘Email fie Faria” will remove all the evil® n salting from the nee of paints, powder, and rouge. The “ Email” is not * paint, hut it preserves and beautifies the shin, brie* moving all black spots and imparities, and is endorsee by M’lle Yestvah, Mrs. D. f. Bowers, Sirs. Waller, and many other actresses of talent and beaufcr. BCGENB JOUIN, 80. 11l South TENTH Street, below Chestnut, Is the only agent in this city. nolS-mwafcf LOST MD FOUN®. A PPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO the Managers of the ■ MERCANTILE LIBRARY COMPANY for .Renewal of Certificate of One Share of Stock*. % 4.300, standing in the name of JOSEPH. H. BONSALLI the came having teen lost or mislaid. it* f OST OE MISLAID—A CEHTICI GATE, Bo 90, for One Hundred Shares of the “Ir win Petroleum Oil Company. ’ ’ Application has been made to the Company for a new Certificate. - ~ Any person having found it (Kb. 90} will please ze* turn it to SA.MUSL K PHILLIPS, It* , Nos. 30 and 3a South SEVENTH Street. TW-OTICE.—WHEREAS, A CERTIFICATE 0? ONE SHARE OF THE STOCK ON THE PHILADELPHIA. GER MANTOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD COM PANY, dated February 6, IBSS, and numbered SSL belonging to and issued in tse name of tho under signed, was taken trotn my boarding-house, tu Gettys burg, at the time of the rebel invasion of the place In 1663, notice is hereby given that application will ba rn.de to the Board of raid Company for a new CSS-: TIFICATE, and all nerfons are called upon to show canee why said CERTIFICATE should not be is sued. dell waSt* --«ir—a. FOR BOSTON. JBSaHBS STEAMER SAXON, MATTHEWS. Will not sail until * “ SUNDAY MORNING. December 18th. Freight received up to SATURDAY EVSNIN& de!6 2t . H. WINS OR * CO. . ESTEY’S COTTAGE ORGANS; Hot only UNEXCELLED. butUNEQUALLSBI. purfty of Tone and Power, designed especially for Chirrdt**. and Schools, bht fonnd to bo equally wall adapte<2t». the Parlor and Drawing Boom. tor Ho. 13 North SBVaHTHJsSraSt. Also, a complete assortment of the Perfect Meiodsoa. constantly on band. noaiMtia rfCSawa DECKER BROTHERS! PI IT ffVI'ANOS.—The public, and particularly tt* profession, are invited to examine these beautiful in struments, which are meeting with tracli an nmmiai... led degree of popularity and sale in, NewTjork,sii( wherever known. The desideratum so lon* strbroK for, i a Ahe strength of the iron, anf sonorousness o* the toonden frame, so happily attained by tbara. reudam' their Hanoi incomparable witty any others.' Thcnn oualified testimonials of such natoes se-Wolfeokn,' Mills, MaSou, Heller, ffliomfd, EundeL gn *t scoreswi others, amply establish their high rank Tor sale enat by W. J. COCHKAH, 908 CHSsliSreSr sweet. AlSt a large assortment of other new and second- SSI Pianos, for sale and to renV. “ a «,ISm3^ MAIrCOLM MAONEILL*B *>■ ai ® PHILADELPHIA. ASB» Gla« es refitted, to suit all «es. and all raaaaacrfT repairing carefully promptly attended to. del-fcc. A - THOMSON’S LONDON KJTCSa j£=|*MEß. OB.EUKOPEAN KAHOK, for famfiW ■BXbotels, or pubUclnsMtuHons, iuTWBHTT " SIZES. Also, Pbiltdelphia ItaJSST Hot-ab Furnaces, Portable Beaters, Lowdown OnSean PUoboard Stoves. Bath Botlere.Stewhole Hate, Brol? ers, Cooktuf,'Stoves, fro., at wholesale and retail tm the mannf'Aetarers. okAEE, SHABPB, A THOMSON. ocl-spjtMm Ho. 309 H. SECOND Street. (m> WRITTEN AND VERBAL DSc W 4 SOEIPTIOHB of Character, Constitution, andlEa* yVJ lent, with ADVICE on Business, Health. Mas*. AN tion, Srff-improvement. Management and Train -1 w o f CHILDEEH. soda! adaptatton. A*. , day mid evenlns, by JOHN L CArXS. Phrenolorfst and BookaeUer, oeU-tnthWyif Ho. as 8. TENTH St. above nbeal—tl FOB CUSTOM WORK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers