JEW iork cun. Nsw YobK, »60. 6,1884. ~„K T nVASIOH OST TUB INTBBfTAL yj: VBWUB. vnslilH(?ton despatoh guys: Another j, J' r( , i n tern»! revenue law has been dis ►;?>' ''l- ttc l ,lßtrlot ° r New York. The 1 ■“ p f a patent mrdlolne has been gelling |:.T' !ttf !‘ n t;ils.3 for sense time past without affixing j-.rt '"'m’ lto establishment, with Its fixtures ana , ; ■!" \.. [:■- of medlolnes, were seized to-day, j V-V 5 . ', iisMo to eonfieoatlon If the ease is made ,r! ! £ c ijiceis of that dlstriot are expeeted hero OiTY HORTtOBS. w Saturday morning and Sunday night were noted: The death [t* fjiociottsly Injured, a murder by a woman, tf.' 51 '. ft a river thief, a suicide by a woman, * prats' burning to death of two children, Itf „- io rrll!e and fatal oaanaUles, an attempt P> * little girl, and several eases of theft, ad minor orlmlnalitles. iIIKCUABTaE BLSOTION, ~a rt er election took place to-day. ; The vote f ..uali, and the rotarne received indicate the 9#? " of most of the Tammany candidates. tnx BOM KABKKT. i-fCJint at 240 tonight, and has alnes been P There was great exoltemoat at ttio toward. jW g oru.o New York Electors, 3 l>eo. B.—The Presidential Electors of W';' 'met and organized by the election of I* ‘jj.-.jjco Greeloy as president. They thon. ad. li'ii te-iPOTTO*- BOSTON. Boston, Dec. 6, ■HIE MASSACHUSETTS EI.ROTIOSB, ' jjicuulcipal elections yesterday, the follow ,Mf were elected: E, O. Fite, Mayor of .lohnW. Merrill, Mayor of Cambridge; fl , jh,.«s. Mayor cf Springfield j Milton Blnney, VordW*» nw > G*®ige Howland, Jr.,Mayor Bedford ; Edward H. Bennett, Mayor of I; iE V» anti E - p ‘ Btifflagton, Mayor Of Fall MEETING OB THE BMtOTOKS. fore of tilts State organized to-day, and, ciostug Hon ' Eawara Everett as presiding **,„ jjjoarEed till to- morrow. ' • w i;. Gough.—TMa great lecturer was greeted *, *,j, iiv,!i:?t2e audience, on last Monday evening, |’.frerertHad' 0n Thursday evening lie lectures j! i-itcallar People,” and on Friday evening on ;->j,fcri!BC9, : 'hiB great theme. Early applioation jjg w accessary to seoure seats for either lecture. , ((a . ? TBEBT Theatre,—To-night Mr. Clarice ..nest: 14 two very fine characters— Boberl Brierly, ■ j jirsiru, la “My Neighbor’s Wife.” The first Is L ( .f iw finest sensational personations of the L t jic-scoond, Mr. Clarke htmself has not sur- U.'eJ to tinmor. IffersG Nicoto,—Tlio performance of young Ni lL jt the great National Circus, last evening, was I i S ,t wonderful display of power and BklH on the |' Ei trapeze, The whole affair must be seen to be I;-) [predated. These “ cloud-awlogs” are three [,'t tar, and have a sweep of about ninety feet, |p>»g from -the middle of the first tier clear L- suoilngto a distance of twenty feet on the IJsi, The performance seemed to he a perilous L ista'd, but It was so graoefully executed that [fjsite most timid in theaudlenee could not feel Lflitssiive as to the safety of the daring youth. I's tciiiso was crowded to excess. I i.tics Positive Sale of 1,100 Lots of Em. L-.-rKCiEB. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, li mzsv Goods, Sco—Pancoast St Warnook, aue ',ea?fS4o Market street, will sell this morning, Lfii’cloek, 1,100 lots of seasonable and desirable' I consisting in part of 5-8 and S-4 linen oam- I'., LsEdliorchloft, plain and hemstitched, richly silroidored linen lawn handkerchiefs, infants’ jits end robes, collars, setts, and trimmings; Uprising the largest and richest sale of these rsi! offered at auction this season. Also, gloves, sjsitry, shirts and drawers, millinery goods, Ger jciown goods, cloths, cloaks, shirt fronts, veils, Lto which the early attention of the best trade Ularlted, , istbaobmnaet balloon ascension. -israsor Lowe made a detaohed ascension In his fflen shortly after two o’clock yesterday after- Ua taking with him three gentlemen. They v;.j sear Bloomlngdale, Fa , where tho Professor an several topical ascensions. The wind changed, Hite Professor and his friends started on another •i-kl voyage, and landed about ten o’clock last | rrjvs at the same place from whlctu£e started In s!Sf»rßocn. CITY ITE^S. I Zephyr Goods for Christmas. I I's know of nothing more popular or more appro |;;m [or presenting purposes daring the holidays ■tedhe elegant zephyr-work articles that have Of lau btcomo so fashionable. A gift is always the :::: valuable for having upon lt the marks of ' irfsr angers. What, therefore, could be more da te;!! or suitable than the beautiful designs In ze kiilm slippers,-ohair seats, cushlaDß, rugs, and a Brtsty oi other artioles, filled up In the plain parts it to hands or a friendly or affectionate giver'! tidies who entertain our opinion on this point Should visit filestore of Mr. John M. Finn, Seventh Sid Arch streets, where they will find the most pgildceut assortment of embroidered zephyr do tfnu, of the class above referred to, ever offered in flflty. some of these contain capital represen tlil in zephyr of tufts of flowers, game heads-anu Rial birds, which, to be appreciated by the lovers beautiful, need only to he seen. We would also a:: In this oonneotion, that Mr. Firm has a very te assortment of zephyr, which he Is selling at Moderate prices as any other house. Don’t for jiiihi place: John M. Finn, Seventh and Afoh, STOCKING TABKB. i very large assortment of stocking yarns, em« miff nearly one hundred different varieties, EaUe for fine ladies’ wear, tie heaviest artistes fruntleman’s nse, articles for the soldiers, every taipUon of Infants' wear, all colors suitable for »tas, Including the fine white Saxony (Gherman ini -ll! be found at the store of Mr, John Iff. ill, Seventh and Arch streets. . GERMANTOWN WOOL. Ills elegant and deservedly popular substitute M« German Zephyrs Is rapidly being Introduced hi!! purposes forwhioh the zephyrs are adapted. Tit colors of the Germantown Wool are equally as Stand durable as the zephyr, the fibre nearly as si, and the price a great deal lower. The place Is at John M. Finn’s, southeast corner of iifisth and Arch streets. ; riser articles buitaulb von prbsbnts. littls department such things as Morocco Satch fe Poeket-books, fine Brashes, Hand Mirrors, Bads, colognes, Soaps; Umbrellas, and goods of UiUbßiare always acceptable gifts. A very su. (sta assortment of them may be found at the po )il« etore of Mr. John M. Finn, Seventh and Arch Sfttl. ’ ■ . . TBIMHINOB ADO SMALL WEAR. At this Beason also good style Diess Trimmings t'tmaoh la demand. The most extensive assort, tut of fashionable Buttons, staple Trimmings of til kinds, what are denominated under the general kin of small Wear, also Cloth and Silk Gloves in S'tit variety, now offered t>y John H. Finn, south* % toner of Seventh and Arch streets. Particular Kepubllcation! The public being so greatly exoited oh oleaginous titteri as to have demanded a republlcatlon of the tamstlog article on Oil which appeared In TAe ‘ "it of Monday, ft Is understood that they also tutor for another reading of the following traetu* t« Poem, published a few days ago la those Bead on; IK WHALES OK COAL OIL! Among the whales Great joy prevails, Down In the South Sea ocean; Oil from the earth They hall with mirth, As quite a goodly notion. CALL A CONVENTION, So, whale to whale Doth wag his tall, And each to each sends greeting, Inviting all The whales to oau A monstrous business meeting. •3£V TABS RESOLUTIONS. We miss the ships Whose whaling trips Destroyed our Institutions: " And, therefore, we Will pass, with glee,- The following resolutions: A*l> ARB COHSIDEBABLY HATTT. We whales rejoice With cheerful voice, « And shoot out mnoh thanksgiving: Petroleum oil The trade doth spoil Whleh robbed us of our living. *B2 StH 0» TSB HATTBBS And now a 3 we No longer bo By whalers persecuted! We hope they all Go to Oak Ham,, With clothing to be salted. 5* APJLIOATIOH. "tether you have" s(ntc& lie” or not| go and Sf flmrself a handsome suit of Olothes at Oak Ham.. Wawakakbb Sc Bbowk, S.E. corner Sixth and Market, ftj‘l’pbSMßX Rbplbhishing thbib Wabdbobbs Stm. 1 viBlt tlie famous old house of Messrs. O. JatT? & Son > Wo, 686 Chestnut street, under t, ■"* a B »H. Their stoolc of ready-made garments hait ,aM th ® lr prices reasonable. They import ; 5 «„ “f/beir fabrics direct, and can sell on more j).. rf !a farms on that account. In their Customer. Ban, * ttt| alao ' tbe,r feellltles for gratifying gtor “*w of taste are unsurpassed. Ft- • ( .‘. r ' s PAP.TSG fob thb Holidays.— Mr. A. X*. Ninth and Chestnut, Is startling ourolti tejck. “egnlfloent preparations for tbe ap* 8 holidays, in thJfcy of Fine Mixtures, Cjtami A,moad *i OieaSn”hooolates, Bonbons, MB,ana » superb line of boxes, suitable for &IW l™ 05 W OBHTIBKES’S rtrUMISHIKS iiitjt" °“® r *4 by Mi. Geo. Grant, No. eio ohest "lW™ la the flneßt la tie city, and bis celebrated al Shirts,” Invented by Mr. J. F. Tag. tt, e'snßt„ , ? a “ pMMd an 7 others In the world In '•WMort, and durability, or PornnAS Hats, for Cental», drea < Including the celebrated “ Con* M»w Bal * b 7 Wood & Gary, 725 Chestnut teaaw to « «S 18 I ‘ IKEIT >” "AGem," “A W(, “ Works “*• ® Charm,” •> mja J»Wtthct Itmush are the exprei* ?lds, ' s °. f ttß Flor#M » Sewtog Ma- * Oil.—Oil Is now tho great object whini> tie attention of capitalists, But very manyo'r the r a!n rrr, L 6X w QOa are bMaa «»o»* tnK eltter ta Utopia* or on not mh ™! ?', Among tlie companies that pro fh« 2?J- but In full tide of operation, Is *B°. WM* stats with a very flattering pro «»,1 W ® M / otorB Pwspeets. The receipts or oil are upwards of seventy-are barrels par flay, being ®“ e ' f ® nrtb Jf Dd taterest of the celebrated Reed well, on Cherry Run. They are also getting sixteen bar rels per day from the Fennybaker leases, making a tiauy production ot upwards of ninety barrels, whloh, at present rates of oil. Is about one thousand dollars per day accruing to the company. There are two new wells going down on the Fennybaker leases, from which the company will reoeivo one-fourth of all the oil obtained. ’Also, a farm of ninety-eight (98) aores, In fee simple, In the neighborhood of the celebrated Maple Shade Farm, which the company propose to commence bperatlons on shortly. They have made their first dividend of two per cent. (29 cents) per share on- the capital stock, and have a handsome surplus of oil remaining In the tanks. SHAKsr-RAEB oh Tailobinq.—King Lear says: " Through tattered clothes small vices do appear t Robes and fur gowns hide all. Plato slu wlthgold And tbo strong lance of justice hurtloss breaks • ’ Arm It In rags, a pigmy’s Straw doth pierce It.’’ We hold, however, that It Is the duty of every man to dross well. This oau be bast accomplished by procuring Ms garments at the Brown Stone Clothing HaU of RookMU & Wilson, Nos. 6fe and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth. , “ Tiaras Change, and Men Change with Tmttr,”— There was a time In New York when everybody, on meeting Ms neighbor,-would ask, “Have you seen her ?” alluding to either the Chi nese jonk then in their waters or to Jenny Rind, and the answers showed that always the party re plying did not exactly understand what was in the mind of the Interrogator, and answers that might have been very appropriate to the “junk” were not so to M’lle Rind. Now-a-days we say, “How much stock have yon?” supposing, of course, the person has been to see the “Olltphant,” and the reply In dicates that every other man counts Ms oil stook by the thousands. It may be all right, but we know one Investment In which there is no doubt—that Is in a new suit of first-class clothing at Charles Stokes' & Co.’s one-prioe, under the Continental. , Bargains in Clothing, Bargains in OlotMng, Bargains in Clothing, Bargains In Clothing, At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, At Granville Stokes’Old Stand, ' At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, No. 609 Chestnut street. No. 609 Chestnut Street. No. 609 Chestnut Street. No. 609 Chestnut Street. Photograph Albums in Evbby Style.—Bleh Turkey Morocco, Antique, Ivory Mountings, Orna mental edges, See. The largest, cheapest, and best assortment In the elty. Wx, W. Bardins, Manufacturer, No. 326 Chestnut street, below Fourth, south side; Appleton's New Amekioan O vclorkdiA.—Wc invite the attention of our readers to the advertise ment of tMs valuable work. As this Is the season for making presents, nothing could bo chosen of more permanent value. The agent, Mr. j. K. Si mon, 33 South Sixth street, will take pleasure in showing the various Btyles. Hunt’s Bloom op Bosks—A charming color roi the cheek, does not wash off or Injure the skin. Manufactured only by Hunt & Co., a south Eighth street, and 133 South Seventh street, ocß-swtf White Virgin Wax op Antilles.—This exqui site cosmetic has no equal for beautifying, whiten ing, and preserving the complexion. It Is prepared from pure wMtewax, hence Its extraordinary quali ties for preserving the skin, making It soft, fair, smooth, and transparent. It is most soothing after shaving, cures ehapped hands or lips, removes pim ples, blotches, tan, freckles, or sunburn, and im parts that pearly tint to the face, nook, and arms so muoh desired by ladleß of taste. Price 30,60, and If acute. Hunt & Co., 133 south Seventh street, and 41 South Eighth street. oos-swtf SSThe “ Florence” does all kinds of Family Sew ing, from the heaviest Woolens to the most delicate Muslins. de6 5t Plate Db Toilette fbahoaisb,—For enamel, ling the skin, eradicating wrinkles, small-pox marks, pimples, &e. Frioetl. Hunt & Co., 133 S. Seventh street, sad «. S. Eighth street, ooustartl' An Ingenious Pocket-Book.—Tho best pocket, books are these manufactured by Messrs. Mason h Hughes, No. 44 North Sixth street.' They are made of one piece of leather, hy folding wMoh dispenses with the necessity of stitching, making a strong and durable book. nol9-swBt Radies’ Furs.—A largo assortment of elegant goods at Bavid H. Solis’, 622 Arch street. de6-6t* *Eyb, Ear, ’and Catarrh, snobessfully treatoJ by J. xsaaos, M. I)., Oculist and Aurist, 611 Pine at Artificial eyes Inserted. No ohargo for examination. WARRANTED TO PLEASE.— ThO “FlOrenOO” 18 the only perfect Family Sewing Machine warranted to give entire satisfaction or mosey returned, de6-6t George Stecx * Co.’s Pianos, and Mason A Hamlin’s Cabinet Organs, for sale only by J. E. Gould, Seventh and Chestnut Btreets. nol6-tf Thb 11 FtOMSOE” does filer and nicer -work than can he done on any other machine, besides making | torn stitches -with thejiamejease that. other*.w**— " * Uw4i # SPECIAL NOTICES. A Hew Cinderella, BY THE BARD OF TOWER BAIT,. Young Renton heaved a heart- drawn sigh* And said in doleful tone: ** J Tis very hard, indeed, that I Must stay athome alone* - ' ’While Jane and Kate, dressed out so Ane, 1 Have gone to that great ball; \ I, shabby wretch, can never shine . In such gay scenes at all,” Bis grandmother (no Fairy Queen But yet a nice old dame) Came in and saw his moitmfol mien* Then thus removed the same! * 4 Come* Beaton* honey, cease to grieve* Yon, too* shall go, my dears J Tlg very shabby that they leave You moping lonely here. Though to a handsome coach to change A pumpkin* I'm not able; , 3* ve got a hack, by means less strange, For yon, from Dawson’s stable. And, though your dress I can’t transmute With wand of magic power, I’ve brought you here ft splendid suit Hade up at Bennett’s Tower V * We are selling Ready-made Garments, equal la every respect, style, fit, material, and workmanship, to any made to measure, at 25 to CO per cent, lower prices. We have a full and complete assortment of the' choicest goods in the market for cash, at the lowest prices of the season} and sold for cash only* therefore at the lowest prices possible,. TOW2R HALL, Ho. 518 MARKET Street. It BEHNETI ft 00. Gifts of Habdwabe.—Table Gutter*, with ivory, robbor, and other handles; Children's Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, fine Scissors and Bazors in cases; Bones arid Chests of Tools, from $2 to $26; Boys* Turning Lathee and Work Benches; patent Tool Handles with miniature tools in them; Bora’and Ladies’ Skates; Clothes-Wringers (they’ll save their cost in time aift clothing), Carpet Sweepers, Plated Spoons, Porks, and, Bntter Kniveß, miniature Garden Toole, Spice Bones, Cake Boxes, Fancy Tea Bells, and Spring Call Bells, Hut Crackers and Nut Picks; patent Ash-Siftets (pay for themselves In the coal saved), and 'a good variety of other Housekeeping Hardware, Qnt lery, and Tools, at TRBMAH & SHAW’S, Ko. 835 (Eight Thirty-flye! MARKEP Street, 4e6-Z4t Below If lath. Another Home Certificate. GRAY HAIR RESTORED. AND BALD SPOTS BE- CLOTHED WITH HEW HAIR. •‘LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DRESS •iNS.” “LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DRESS- To Dr. Swayne S: Son: “Unsolicited I read yon this certificate, attesting the Wonderful effects of the LONDON HAIR COLOR RE STORER. My hair was very gray, and in spots entire ly held. I have now nsod the Restorer several months, and my hair Is entirely changed to its original dark color, and a new growth of hair has covered the bald spots, Previous to nsiitg it my hair wonld come out In large quantities on combing it; it has now ceased fall ing and assumed its yonthfnl and glossy appearance. Others of my friends are nsing the Restorer, and is all cases with the happiest effect. I strongly recommend all to use it who are growing gray or getting hald. "Jilts. JANE HODGHTON, “Ho. 1202,GERMANTOWN Hoad. As this preparation contains no mineral substances, and is delicately perfumed, its application is a pleasure instead of a task. As a dressing it is perfect. Price IS cents per bottle; six bottles *4. Sold by Dr. SWATHE & SON. No. 330 North SIXTH Street. It Prof, Bolles’ Electrical Institute, 1220 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.—Dr. S. W. BECKWITH, sncesssor, formerly principal opera tor, invites the calls of all afflicted with acute or chronic diseases of every kind, both male and female. Lung and Liver Diseases, the Direatlve Organs throughout, and Ann kinds of Nervousnesr, Weakness, and Debility almost inMKdbly cured. The Electrical treatment Is more successful in all classes of disease than all other practices combined. Guarantees'of cure given when desired, if patients are pronounced curable. The ser vices of Dr. P. SHXDD, of New York, one of the best and most experienced Electricians in the United States, will be continued. Mrs. S. A. FULTON, a lady of great and varied experience, will attend to the ladies. For a multitude of references, call at the office. AU business Jotters addressed to Dr. B. W. BECKWITH, 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. de7-12t' & CO.’fi AKD HAS OH & HAMLirS CABINET ORGANS. PIANO Over SOO each of these due CABINET FORTES, instruments have been sold ORGANS. PIANO by Mr. G„ and the demand is CABINET PORTBB. constantly increasing. ORGANS. PIANO For sale only by CABINET FORTES. J E. QOfaP. ORGANS. PIANO SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. CABINET FORTES. nol9-tf ORGANS. PRBRT & Co., Clothing, THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets. FERRY A 00., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY tt CO., OLOTHINg, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & 00., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY * 00., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY A CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY A 00., OLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY A CO., OLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY A CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY A CO., OLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY A CO., OLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY A 00., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY A CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY A 00„ OLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY A CO., OLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY a CO., OLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY A CO., OLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. Perry a co.. clothing, third and ohestndt- PERRY A 00,, OLOTHING, THIRD and CHB3TKUT. FERRY A 00., OWtTSING, THIRD S»4 CHESTNUT. osH-OawH j m pkess;"Philadelphiat Wednesday, decemb&e 7*1860 E. McClain's Cklebratbd Cocoantte OIL AND QUINCE SEED Is warranted to presem, >trenrtl;an, darkens and btmxitif.lclifl hairs and ontirely eradicate dandruff, without soiling hat or bonnet- ItnlDn*. MannfiiottLred and sold by W. E. MoCLAIN. Perfumer, Ho. 334 North SIXTH Street H. B. —A liberal dieconnt to wholesale dealers. ttolSta One-Price Clothing, op the Latest etylee, made in the beet manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST SELLINGS PRICES marked In PLAIN FIGURES. All goode made to order warranted satisfactory. The one price eastern ia etrlctly adhered to. All are thereby treated .alike. JONES' OLD-ES TABLISHED ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 MARKET Street, near Sixth. - daily' Overcoats from $l4 to $35. Overcoats, *• M •( OVERCOATS PROM f!4 to «SS. OVERCOATS, overcoats prom hi to m ■ ovebooatsi WT ERGOATS FROM $14.t0 m overcoats. WANAMAKER A BROWN, OAK HALL, B. X. comer SIXTH and MARKET Streote. Tonng Men's Saits and elegant variety of the best class Clothing at REASON ABLE PRICES. Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest Premium EOCK-STIT OH SEWING MACHINES, -THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BIST; Sslaewnms. TO* CHESTNUT Street. abeVo Seventh. 3MARRIED. * FDX--RUDY.-“Gn theffch inst., by the Rev Wa £, Chaffin, Mr, Ambrose T. Fox to Mise Emma M. Rady. X3IEXD. ■JONES. —On the 6th inst., Edward T.Jonesi in the 29th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, fran the residence of bia- fsttwr, Augustus C. Jones, Market street, west of Foriy eecocd* on Thursday afternoon attwo o’ clock. ** WILLIAMSON. —On the 6th Inst, Isabel J, r wife of Robert S. Williamson. Due notice will be given of the funeral. * BEACH.—Dec. 4tb, 1864, at the residence of her son in-law, J. Emerson K«?nt. M. D. f 2100 Green street, Mrs Hester Beach, aged 75 years. Interment at Staten Island. Funeral, service on Wednesday, at lIH A. M., as abovo.The friends of the family invited. ** GROVES, Monday morning, the Sihiußt,. Susan M. Groves, youngest daughter of the late Anthony Groves, Sr. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her fnneral, from her mother's residence, No. 1384 North Thirteenth street, on Wednesday afternoon, as 2 o'clock* without further notice. ** JONES.—On the Sa instant, David Jones, in the 72d year of hi sage.. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend bis funeral, from Ms late resi dence, Fox Chase, Delaware county, on Wednesday morn s ng at II o ’ clock. To proceed to Dower Merlon Bap tist Church. , *»*. BEWLEY. —Oh the 3d inst., Albert G. Bewley, in the 29th year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence or his father, Isaac Bewley, No. 410 North Eleventh street, on Fourth-day (Wednesday). the'Tthinrt, at 1. P.M. To proceed to Cedar Bill Cemetery, near Frauhford, ** _ LUEEHS.— On the 3d instant,. Ann, wife of the late Isaac Lukeas, in the 64th year of her age. ■The relatives and friends of iho-famity are respectful ly invited to attend her funeral.from her late residence. No. 3335 Parrish street, oh Wednesday morning at 8 o’clock. To proceed to Boehm’s Church, Montgomery Pa, ' et ** M oxmnmG ctoods for begem AtX BBR. BESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 918, CHESTNUT Street, have in store BLACK THIBET LONG SHAWLS. Thibet Long Shawls. [Blanket Long Shawls. Do. extra size. Mourning do. BLACK ALL-WOOL REPS. Velour Reps. Heps, Imported, Empress Cloths. Cashmeres. Herinoes. Moueselines. i Silk Warp Cashmere?, Do., full double width. French Bombazines. English Bombazines. Tamlses. _ Henrietta Cloths. • BLACK VICTORIA REFS. Turin Cloths. [Baratheas. Paramattas. {English Merinoes, Alpacas. Mohair Lustres. Queen’s Cloths. !Orient’ll Lustres. BLACK GEOS GRAIN SILKS. Lyons Gros Grains. [Poult deSoies. Taffetas. iGros de RHines. English Crapes and Veils. Crape Collars and Sleeves. Mourning Bordered Handkfe. Winter Gloves and Hosiery. White and Black Skirtings. Bfourning Balmoral Skirts- Are. SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS. de2-6t ■py RB & IrADTDELIr HAVE BE DDCED some expensive GOODS -for Christmas Presents of intrinsic value. EYRE & LANDELL have opened some splendid melo deon and piano covers for valuable Christmas Gifts, EYRE « LANDELL have marked down some mag nificent Silks and Expensive Shawls, Scarfs. DeLaioes and Prints for Christmas, de2 HEDDING, SIXTKEHTH AND WSr COATES.—AII the members ana friendshe pre sent at prayer meeting to-night. Important subjects to lay before them. ~ It* •SS- WESDELL PHILLIPS SAKRISON. LECTURE. I‘THE HEW CORNER-STONE!” SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE. (Broad and Spring Garden,}' ■WEDNESDAY. December 14, at 8 o'clock. g Tickets 25 cents, at PUGH’S, SIXTH and CHESTNUT REPUBLICAN INTINCtBLES.- •S' All persons having claims against the Club, either for the Campaign of 1860 or 1854, will present them for settlement immediately to J. W. WHITE, Treasurer, de7-3l* 53&ARCH Street. KST 1 JOHN B. GOUGH DELIVERS HIS VaGr great LECTURE on ‘ ‘ Peculiar ’' on THURSDAY EVENING* and on “Temperance," on FRIDAY EVENING, in CONCERT HALL. A few *eats may yet be obtained bv early application at MAR-. TIEN'S, 606 CHESTNUT Street. Tickets will also be sold at the Hall, on the evenings of the Lectures. Doors open si 7 o'clock; Lecture at eight. de7-2t desirous of securing the bounties aUowodby the city to persona who put Substitutes into the Military ser yiceT&hould do so before MONDAY next, 12th inst., as after that date all local ■bounties cease. . ' - MCNALLY, PAXSON, & 00., Substitute Brokers, ae7-4t* „ 43A CHESTNUT Street. Oil* SUBSCRIPTIONS-THE la? BOOKS ABE CLOSED.—The Trustee Is now collecting subscriptions—the reserve list is now open, to enter names on it,. which conditionally secures one of the “originalsharee” (SLOOO each). Address at once or apply to DUNCAN M. MITCHKBON, Northeast corner FOURTH and WALNUT Sts. The deeds, searches, and survey, it is expected will he ready in a few days. de7-4t HEADQUARTERS SUPERVISO- BY COMMITTEE FOB RECRUITING CO LORED REGIMENTS, I»IO CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Dec. 7,1854. The Supervisory Committee for Becruiiir s Colored Begimtnts having resolved to adjourn rine die on the Slat instant, a l persons having claims against the said Committee are required, to present them for payment to K. R. COBBON, Agent, at the Booms of the Committee, oh or before the 25th. inst. de7- 12t CADWALADEB BIDDLE, Secretary. headquarters pen ns yx. W? VANIA MILITIA.BHARBISBORG, Dac. 3,1851. . GENERAL ORDERS, NO. s*£, I. The Commander* In-Chief, In announcing that Major General COUCH has been, by the War. Depart? meat, relieved from the command of the Department of the Susquehanna, and ordered to service in the field, dees e it just to expi ess the regret which he feels at the termination of the relatiouewbich have existed, during mote than eighteen months, between that officer and the State authorities, and to say that the prommitade, earnestness, vigor, and integrity with which General Conch at all times fulfilled all his duties in this Depart ment, have entUledhim to,the highest esteem and re gard. The citizens of Pennsylvania have learned to know his merit, and will be gratified to hear of that new distinction which, in active service, his. shill, spirit, and gallantry cannot fail to add to his already high* reputation as a patriot and soldier. 11. The Commander-in-chief deems it a proper sub ject of congratulation thattho command of the Depart ment devolves upon Major General a citizen of our own Bt&te, and an officer of high integrity and military character, and by whom, the people can rely, the public service will be wisely and vigorously carried on. By order of A. G. Curtis, Governor and Commander- A, L. RUSSELL, Adj, Gen.Pfinna, EMANCIPATION IN HEART *3? LAND.—The COLOBED PEOPLE’S UNION LEAGUE ASSOCIATION intend celebrating the Eman cipation of Maryland by a Grand Demonstration, In NATIONAL HALL, MARKET Street, THIS EVENING. The Orchestra will be composed of more than 100 Vocalists, conducted by A. W. LIVELY, together with F. V. SEYMOUR'S BRASS AND STRING BAND. Several National Airs will be Sung by EMINENT AH TIBTS. * ‘ . Addresses will be delivered by Sergeant Major A. M. Green, Bevß. Wm. J, Alston, < D. Miller, J. C. Gibbs, A I». Stanford, and others. We flatter ourselves that the citizens generally will participate. JohnC. Bowers, Alfred M. Green, Robert Adger, Jr% David B. Between, Tho*;J. Bowers, Wm, P. Price, Jesse Glasgow, Benjamin Barriios, J&9. W. Brown, Nat Lane, Committee of Arrangements. _ __ Tickets 25 cents, to be had of T. B. PUGH, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Sts. Doors open at 7 o'clock. It* isr DEPARTMENT OP MARKETS, WHARVES, AND LANDINGS—Office, FIFTH Street, below Chestnut. _ Phh.Adex.PHlA, Dac. 7,1884. NOTICE.—The Wharf at the foot or Chestnut street, on the river Delaware, will he leased for a term of one or three rears, to the highestandlmrt-bidder, at the MBKCIIAKTS’ EXCHANGE, on WEDNESDAY, Dec. i4th, at 12 o’clock noon. J. H. PUGH, de7-wfm St Commissioner. e-vgp° kJTSIVERSIFY OF FESNSYiVA- K 3» HIA -Tle BIENNIAL ORATION heforo the eBILOMATHEAN SOCIETY wiilbe deliveredhv MOR TON P. HENRY. Esq., at the HALL OF THE UNIVER SITY, on THURSDAY BVBHING, Deo. 8, at 8 o’clock. Tickets may be obtained from' the JANITOR, at the University. • ae7-2t» Kg- OFFICE POPE FARSI OIL COM BP PANT, No, 133 Sooth FOURTH .Street. ' . At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held Decem ber 8, 1664, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That a meeting of the stockholders be called on FRIDAY, Decembers, at4o'dockF. 11, j at their office, „ 133 South FOURTH Street, , For the purpose of considering the propriety of levy ing an assessment on the capital stock of the company, and for other purposes. de7 3t* w. A. GARVIN, Secretary pro tern. ' ■WHEREAS, THE AUDITOR GENE- T T BAL, as required by the 11th Section of the Act entitled f* An Act to enable the Banka of this Common wealth to become Associations for the purpose of Bank ing uxder the laws of the United States. 51 passed on the 220 day of August. A. D. 1864, has certified to me that **TBE CONSOLIDATION BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA ” has furnished satisfactory evidence to hint that all the requirements of said Act have been com piled with by the said Bank, and that it has become an Association for the purpose of Banking under the laws of the United States— I do, therefore, cause .this notice thereof to be pub lished, In accordance with the provisions of the said nth Section of the said. Act, and do declare that the Charter of said Bank, by the terms of said Act. is deem ed and taken to be hereupon surrendered, subject to the provisions of the Ist Section of said Act. __ A. G.* CURTIN, _ Governor of Pennsylvania. fXßotrrivß Chambek, Habrisbubg, Nov. 29,1864. del-let * pOTTON MACHINES FOR SALE.- V.lkttf Worker and Striper 36-inohcard;, desks’ make. I do. flatdo., 86-inch do., Jenks’ make. .... V'riier Frame*, 6 revolvers. 124-stand nine-inch Bobbin Speeder, ghand mnles, eoo, spindles, each. 6 Eing-Thrortle» lu complete order. Apply to de7- 6t* D. TRAINER, LIN WOOD STATION, Penna. JO OIL COMPANIES. ' ’GUTTA PEROHA BELTING. Saitabie for Oil Shafting, &c. It Is sot affected by exposure to the weather. Bises from 2to 18 inches, 2,8, and 4-ply, will he sold by the Coil, at 40 per cent, less than manufacturers’ prices, at No. JO9 South FRONT Street, ’ If , 4 doors below Chestnut street. •piBB- WINES.—FUBB OLD POST AND BHEEET WINES, in casir, bottled express ly for medicinal proposes. for sale by E. P. MIDDLETON, 5 North PROMT Street. A F. CBOBKET, CHICAGO, ILL.— Alcohol* 95 ceat : Bye Whisky, proof; Co* L<wm« Spirits, 95 ft cost ; ColxuafcUa Ola, proof* for &ue in iota ox from 5 to 500 bbls. JOHN H CORL, Solo Agent, No. 154 North DEL AW ABE Aveoni), <leo-st* Box 4L83 Poat Office. T ADIES’ FANCY BLIPFERS, MADE up. $1; Gentlemen's, $1 25, 0 MYERS,Shoe and Trimmings Store, Ggg KIHQB Avenne, BETHLEHEM v -' BUCKWHEAT FLOCK,'(Uti „ ' , HEW MAPLE STBUP, Forsala bT • - ■ ■ ”” BOBEBT DONNELL At BON. <kl«* we WAWror Stewfc ; Kjf> omc® OF THE CITY BOUNTY **■ FMD COMMISSION, GOMMOSWBA.I.M BOILDIBa, Ho, 613 tiHESTHIJT street, , pHii.A.i>BLFHrjk.» Dec. 5, lfiSA Notice is Bereby giren that the Bounty offered by the City of Philadelphia will not be paid for any recruit mustered into the service of. the United States after MONDAY, December 12th, Inst. Up to and including that day Bounty will be paid as heretofore for recruits mustered Into the Regular A?my and Navy, [de«-6tj R. P. KINO, President, NOTICE,—THIS OAK BALL Oil. COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA—A meeting of the Directors of the Company will be held at H 3 CBhSTAUTSfc., on WEDNESDAY. Deo. 7th, at 12 SL d<6-2A * BEGTO*,TYNDaLL, President.. raf® OFFICE OF UNION BESEYOLE^ ASSOCIATION, N. W. corner of SEVENTH and SANSOM Streets, December 5, 1884. T At the Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the Associa tion, the following named gentlemen wen elected on? cere and managers for lhe*- 65: < PfiBSDBKT, f SAMDEI, H. PERKINS. TICK PBESIBBBto. i RICHARD B, WOOD, X JHSHEB REAMING. * ESMOND WILCOX. Ho. 40t'OHESTNGT Btrest, COHJUISPONDINO SECRETARY, I It. MONTGOMERY BUND, ‘ RECORDING SECRETARY, JOHN H. ATWOOD MANAGERS, Beinarain Coates, Thomas Latimer, John BohJen, William JPnivea, Arthur Q. Coffin, Benjamin Orhe, John W. ClttgheriL Thomas Watt son, Joseph-fl. Dulles, ' Jolyx Ashhurst, Messrs- 8. C* Cooper and - persons duly authorized to a tion, <3e6-lm !3S¥- MOSTHIT STATEMENT OF THE **. SKCOHD KATIOBAL BANK OF FHtfiADafl PHI*, ~J SkOtjtTOBB. Dec. 8,1851. -! Loans and Discounts...... ..$173,624 98 . i. United States L0an5................455,00J 00-$528,034 93 United States N0te.}..i.............. 60,98* 08. Due from Banks ,- 1671893-4 ft Cepi'&l 260,000 00) Deposits;... 96 '' t Due to Banks.. 16,035 19-tf83,4f7 16/ Circulation 250,000.00 1 Condition of .the Bank tils Fifth day of December, 18J4. i d<J3-8t W. H. BRAWN, Cashier. Kfflp OFFICE OF VtTPEBAK BOOSTT, " FU.ND CG&f&feSION, No. 7 Goldsmith's HaU, LIBRARY Street, Philadelphia,-Re-enlisted Veteran?, ! who did not receivo any ward Bounty, are entitled u>\ a City Bounty of Twenty-five Dollars. Tfce Commis sioners appointed to examine claims for the above bounty of twenty-five dollars will meet on Hlos Oa.X'S, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, &t4ociocfcP. Jjf, at No. TCOLDSMITB’S HALL, LIBRARY Street. Wor sens entitled to this Bounty are Yeaueeted to' apply at this Office. ' • • * * COMMITTEE. E. D. SAUNDERS, Chairin., JONATHAN BULLOCK, PAUL J FIELD, ' GEO. W. SIMONS. EDWIN PREBLE , ) i n024-18t jar* oil. company, »® 133 South FOURTH Street.—“A meeting of the Stockholders of the EXCELSIOR OIL COMPANY will be held on WEDNESDAY, December 7, at 4 P. M., in accordance with a resolution passed at a meeting held November 18. * n025-sw4t* ’ JOHN H. WYLEj Secretary. ; OFFICE PBBFN ffiININO CONE* 9a& PANY OF LAKE SUPERIOR, 319 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. NOTICE is hereby given, that an instalment of-One Dollar per Share on each and every Share or the Capital in the Penn Mining Company bf Lake Superior! has this day been called by the Board of Directors of said Company, due and payable at the Office of the Company, on or before the loth day of December, Inst. Interest will be charged-on all instalments after the same shall have become due. By order of the Board of Directors • ■. DAVID A BJBTL, Secretary. Philjuelphia, Dec. 6,1854. de6-U6 aSJB“ COTTJSK TARSI OIL COJU»ASnf lw Of PHILADELPHIA. „ CAPITAL STOCK.. $1,000,000 Divided into 200,000 shares at $5 per share: Subscription price s2.soper snare. Subscription Books are opened and subscriptions-to the capital stock received at the office of 1 PHILIP H. BRICE Ac CO., . 303 WALNUT Street, ' The offices of the Company, Nos. 33 and INGTON BUILDING, South TRIED Street, Will be! opened WEDNESDAY, December 7tb. 1884. „ „ _ . „ WM. D. SMITH, Treasurer. E. J. Hakbisott,' Secretary del*7t « jggf* OIL SUBSCRIPTIONS.—BOOKS WXr, closed Monday. Reserve List now open. To enter names on it, addresser apply to DRAGAN M. MCTOHBSON, ’ H. E. cox, FOURTH and WALNUT, Or E. BOfiDA. 33T WALNUT. del>6t if raa» OFFICE OF “ THE REMAN C E i» IJSSDFAMCE COMPANY OP PEiLADBL PHIA,’* No, 308 WALNOr Street PniLADBi>PHtA. Novem her-25,-1664. The annual of the Stockholders of “ The Ba liance Insurance Company of Philadelphia*”' and the election of Thirteen Directors, to servo for the ensuing year.wlllhe hold at the office of the Company,on. MOIT OAY, DECEMBER 19th. 1864. at 12 o’cloik Sf.' -» ao2fl.tda!9 •-.... THOS, <3. HILL, Secretary, arsat~ IiIKMSO SPBIHC AJil) SVBUB WP FARM OIL COMPANY. CAPITAL, $400,000. 40.000 Stares, par nu> *lO. \Vorktaic Caßltal,*4o,ooo. OHLX A LIMITSp_HJM.BEE.OP bgASls TOBE SOLD AT FAS VALUE, $lO. Kefer to Jacob 'R. Eby, of Harrisburg; A. B. Long aker, erf Rorristown; and J. H. Jones. of Pittsburg ;*>r at ike 025c* of the Company, So. 308 South FOUBTH Street, where all required information can be obtainecL- This Company ia organized entirely and solely for the purpose of engaging in the legitimate business of pro* dneing Oil, ana developing the fee simple property belonging to the Company, the management of the .same baying been entrusted to gentlemen of known bu siness enterprise and skill, who will bring to the ac complishment of the object their united energy and bu siness industry. We are satisfied in believing and as suring our Stockholders that it will yield/largely to them, and render the stock a sale and productive invest ment. deS- 6t a*ag*> ¥H£ SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS OF tIePITTSBURQ AND BOSTON PETROLEUM COMPANY will dose on WBDN BSD AX, the 7th. inßt.r - - H. S. LEECH, Treasurer, ' KjS® OJTICEOF «THE REUANCE in- WW SURANCB COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA,” No. 308 WALNUT STREET. , -PuiLA'DBr.PRiAt Dec. 5* 1864. Theßoartf of Directors of “Tie Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia, ’ ’ have THIS DAT declared a Dividend of (3H) TaRBBANDA HALF PER CENT, for the laat six months, payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, on demand, free of taxes. THOMASC. HILL, de6-10t -..—■- Secretary. ra® CHEAT BASIN. OIL COHPAiY §££? DIVIDEND NOTICE, No. 2- ' ' nave"THiS‘D AY*decia?ed^. T Divldeitd of TY9OFERCBNT. to Stockholders of record, payable on and after the 16th instant. Books dpseon WEDNES DAY, 7ih instant. e. W. WILLIAMS, ; defrlOt \ Treasurer,. »3* OFFICE OF, THE AI/M81113J5 Y ANB WALNUT BSNU OIIi company, no. 584 k WALNUT Street —The Board of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of T NO PBB CBNT., clear of tax, for the month of November, payable on and after the 12th lust .... Transfer hooka close on the Bth and reopen on the 12th lDfit ' . . A :I. M, WEST, Secretary; Philadelphia, Doc. o, 1864. de6r6t* |SS“> »ITIDES» NOTICE—BOCK Oil KS? COMP AST OF PItNNSYhYACIIA, 409 WAt- HDT Street. Phuabeiphia, Dec. 2.1834 . The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of TWO PER CIHT.- (twenty cents per share),free of State tax, payable on and. after MOHDAT. the 11th inst. TheTTransfer Books will close ■on TUB3DAY, December 6th, at 3 o' clock B; M., and open on the 12th, JvHI4 £> GivAx'Jjj , Secretary and Treasurer. K3S» 3JOTIC«.—OFFICE OF THE MING OIL COMPANY, 534 WALNUT Street, Room Ho. 20,'- ■ PHH.ADBi.yHrA, D*c..l, 1864. • > The Boaid of Directors of this Company have -this day declared a Dividend of TWO (2) PER CENT oa the Capital Stock- payable at their Office on and after SATURDAY, the 10th instant, free of State taxes. - , The Transfer Booh 8 "will close on the 6th, at 3 P. H. > and be opened on • de&St F. W WILTSANK, Secretary. rgßP* PHILADELPHIA AH» RE AOTJTG VS& RAILROAD COMPANY, Office No. 227 South FOURTH Street. ' ... „„ PHttADELPHiA, November£o,-1864. UIYIDBND NOTICE.—The transfer hooks of this' Company will he closed on THURSDAY, December 15, and reopened on TORSDAT* JANUARY 10,1565. A Dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT, on the common and preferred stock, clear of National and State, has been declared, payable in common stock,on the 81st December next, on all stocks standing on the books or the Company, at the dose of business on the lod prox. Stockholders 'whose names are registered on the New York hooks will be paid. at the Farmers 5 Loan and Trust Company. S. BRADFORD, del-tf , Treasurer. r®*» OFFICE OF THE MAYDAY KIN WS& IBG COMPANY. Ho. 334 WALNUT Street; Philadelphia, Nov. 28,1864. Notice is hereby given that all stock of the Hand an Mining Company, on which instalments are dete and unpaid, have been declared forfeited, and will be sold at Public Auction, on THURSDAY, December 29, 1864, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Office ox the Secretary of the Company, according to the Charter and By-laws, unless paid on or before that day. . By order of the Directors. . • no2B-tde29 B. A. HOOPE3, Treasurer; YOTICE.-BAYE OF NORTH ■8» AMERICA, Novembbr 21,1864 t . . Notice is hereby given, agreeably to section 2 of ,the act of the General -assembly of the Commonwealth of Penuejlvania, entitled ** An act enabling the banks of the Commonwealth to become associations for the pur pose of- banking under the laws of the United Slates, * ’ approved the 22d day of August. A. D. 1864, that the Stockholders of the BANK OP NORTH AMERICA, oa the 24th inst., voted to become Buch an association* and that Us Directors have procured the authority of.the owners of more than two-thirds of the capital slock to make the certificate required therefor by the laws of.the United States. J. HOCRLEY, * n022-30t . . Cashier. WESTERN BANK OF PHILA W 3& DELPHI A, November 18th, 1864, ' ' Ameetlsgof the Stockholders of this Bank will he held at the Hanking House, on MONDAY, the 19th day of December next, at 12 o’clock, M , to decide whether this Bank shall become an association for the purpose of Banking under the laws of the United-States, and Whether It shall exercise the powers conferred by the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled- * * An Act enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become associations for the pur* pose of banking under the laws of the United States,” approved the 22d 4*y of August, 1864, and- to take any Odd* > tsr* OFFICE PEMKSTITAATA KUl> low ROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, Hot. 4th, 1864. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS.—The Shareholders In thlß Company are notified that, under Resolution of the Board of Directors, they are entitled tosnbsoribe to the Stock of the Company the amount of TEN PEE. CENT, on thotr respective Interest, ae shown by the Boohs of the Company on the Sid imt. , . . ■ * Each Shareholder entitled to a fractional part of fi share, under the terme of the Resolution,.hall haye the privilege of subserihimg for a full share on the payment of Fifty Dollars. . ■ . , „ , This Stock-will he issued at the par value of FIFTY DOLLARS per share. Accrued interest at SIX FES CENT, will be charged from Ist hast, until payment is mads. - The Books for subscription and payment will he open on MONDAY, the ;th inst, and wUI close on the Slet of December next, after which no further subscriptions Will be received under this Resolution. THOS. T. FIRTH, noG-tdeSl Treasurer.... |®“ SEBOEON CEHEBAVS OFFICE, Washington City, 0. O. ■ Nov. 29,1864. H OTICE —Medical Officers of not less than two years' service, who have been honorably discharged and de sire to receive appointments as SURGEONS or ASSIST ANT BURGEONS In the United States Army Corps now feeing organised at Washington, are invited to forward their applications, testimonials, and evidence of ser vice, to the Surgeon General, without del-Btd&iha6t - v Surgeon General. K®" OFFICE OF THE %CAjSUFACTU. ■=*?KERB* INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 4141 WALNUT Street, _ . . Philadelphia, December 1, 1884. The Annual Meeting of .the Stockholders of "The Manufacturers’ Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania* -will fee held, at the office of the Com pany, on MONDAY, the 2d day of January, 1885, be tween the hours of 4 and 6 o’clock P. M., when an election for Ten Directors fox the year 1860 will he held in accordance with the Charter and By-Law, _ M. B, KEILY, del-tja2 Secretary, (ray - »»lOH UEAGUL HOUSE, 1316 ■=» CHESTNUT Street. Dbobmbeß IJBW. NOTICE.—The Stated Annual Meeting of the UNION LEAGUE of PHILADELPHIA wUi be held at CON CERT HALL, on MONDAY, December 12th, at 8 o’clock P. M. Tickets, admitUngmembers only, can he had onap gicationto Mr. Clement E.Jh^^A^sta^Socrc de2-9t Secretaire 'BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF LIFE-LIKE jJ-* PORTRAITS.-B. F. REIMBRIS superior life-Bize Photographs, in oil colors. Go early ana sit for pictures' ae the days are ihoct. 634 ARCH Street. It* • rjiABB SHADES, OVAL. 'J GLASS SHADES, BOUND. OLASB SHADES. 6QOABB. „ BERNSBT’B GLASSWABB OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. HABTBLL & LKTOHWOBTH, 80. 15 North FIFJH Street, A STROLOGY ! ASTROLOGY !! AS „ 1 1 '-THE FUTURE FORETOLD! oSr »n , ,,??\ A e4 rolo *« c - No. 846 North ELEVENTH Bfcieet, Philadelphia. Thomas JL Bad&,. Charles Rhoads, Richard Wood., Charles 8. Warts, H, D#» 38. R. Wood, . .Taines Bayard, Joseph A. Clay, Alfred SI. Galling, ' Charles W. Cushman,' 1 Philip C Garrett. Chornas Evans aro the onli rollect funds for the AspocUi JO BN H ATWOOB, Secretary. | 1864. 1864. "1L S. * F. K. WOMBATH, COBSJOES TO THB BATE ’GKO. W. WOHEATH.I BTo. 415 Arcto Street, BAYB SOW OPE* A FULL ABSOBTMBETOT LADIES’ FANCY JffXTRS, To which, thoy la-rite the attention of hoyon. w9O-Sw Jj Farnatiar Bolldtogs. Office of assistant quakter HaSTSE, Ho. 1103 GfEAR D Street. Philadelphia, Dec, 7,1864. SEABED PROPOSALS Will be received at this office until noon of WEDRBSDATjjnst inst., for furnishing the Stationery that, may* be required at thlsoffics, in accordance with the following schedule, fox six xhonths BETAtt DRY HOODS. nHOJCE COLORS AND SHADES OE inall grader, POrailfB ' FKoa The i, ate auction sales. AT KEDOOBD PKICBS, , »0K - holiday gifts, • The Stock jnmapE OHABAOTffIL CUR WEN STODDAET & BKOTHEE ftt pi! 0? (Hi ' % Presents great attractions and Inducements in variety a V, 1 Pr*ce to persons selecting for Holiday Gifts. Having purchased largely at the late auction sales. Hw« M<ldto 01060 ott K POPLINS, EPINgLES. plaid MERINOESr „ 11<r FIGDitBD MOMsmiSE HE LAINE3. BIOH PLAIN, FIGUItEB, AND SLACK SILKS, - HONS MANTILLA VELVETS, BSOCHB LON GBH AWLS, BLANKET SHAWLS. LADIES’ CLOAKS. - VELVET BEAVBE CLOTHS, CfIIKCHILLA CLOTHS, ®°*» * e ~ fo “ CUE WEN STODDAKT & BEO., , 450, 453, and 404 Jforth; SECOND Mieet, ■ aliovß Willow. eAXON’S DRESS GOODS. „ AT SO, 60, TO TO CENTS, or bright novel Styles, for Holiday presents. ODEWBtf STODDAKT A BRO; r 450, 403, and 454 North SEOOaD Street, ■ ' aboye WIUOW. T3ROCHE SCARFS, ** FOE HOLIDAY GIFTS. CUEWKK STOBD«RT & BRO.. '450; 458, and 454 North SECOND Street, • .. . atuve Willow; 13LAE SETS l BLANKETS ! " . .•*■■■• BLANKETS! • BRIGHT BORDER BLANKETS, .., , . OfalUizea, «rado«, and makes, which make an acceptable . CHRISTMAS GIFT. . CTJKWEN i-TOODART & BRO.; , 450, 458, and 454.NorikSECOND Street, de7-Ss . . - above Willow. FANCY FURS. FANCY FURB. JOHN FAKHLBA, Re. VIS ARCH Street. aWre Serenth Street; , AtStle old established .tore. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURES,AND DEALER IN FANCY FUNS XIADBES and ohhjdeeh. Haylste now In Wore a very lar*e and beautiful ataort. Blent of all the different kinds and qualities of FANCY FOBS FOB, LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. I golicit a call from those in want. Remember the name and number, ' JOHN FAEEIBA, TIS ARCH Streehabore SeTenth. I Mr* no partner or cdnnecHim with any other atom In thin city, ' oc3-4mlf PROPOSALS. n HIBF QUARTERMASTERS OF- V/ FICE, Cincinnati, Ohio. Dee.-3,1864. 1 . 'PROPOSALS are invited by the under*! gned until WSBiiBSDAIfr December 14, 16G4i at 12 o'clock M., for theanmediate delivery of the fo! lowinz articles: pairs PEGGED BOOTS,- I?d'. fi/Anay Standard; do - do do Noi 7*’ do 'do: -SyCOO do , do, do ms, do do. Samples ofthe standard, articles may be seen at the Office of Clothing and Equipage In this city. To be delivered free of charge at the Ui 8. Inspection Warehouse, in this city, in good neW packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quantity of goods distinctly marked on each article and package. Parties offering goods must distinctly state in their bids the quantity they propose to- furmsh, the price, and time of delivery. -fiamplee»wfcen submitted, must be marked and num -beicd to correspond with the proposal; and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be, in every respect, equal to army otherwise the propo sal will not be considered. v.A guarantee, signed by two responsible persona, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will j? apply tbs articles awarded to him under hie proposal. Bids will be opened on Wednesday* December 14; IS64* at 12 o’clock, noon, at this-office, and bidders are requested to be present. Awards will be made on Thursday, December 15, ' 1864. - -Bonds wiD be required that the contract will be faith fdllyfolfilled. Telegrams relating to proposals will not be noticed. , Blank forms of Proposals, Cbatraets, and Bonds; map be obtained at office. .Ther&ht to reject any bid deemed tmre&eoaable, ia TWArVArt/: * indorse' envelope f ‘Proposal for there insert the name Or the arfatce offered], * * and address y Co*. WH. W. McKIM, , de7-gt Chief Quartermaster Cincinnati Depot. ponnde-perream-. - ~~~—*—* — White Legal Gap Paper,.ruled, to weigh not lose than 'LetterPapcr, ruled, to weigh not Mbs than 9 ponndß per ream. White Commercial,..Paper, ruled, to weigh, not lees than 4 ponnde per ream. ' - ■ , White folio Poet, Paper, ruled. Same price of paper *%nffine r df<®e Paper, 24x82 inches. . 31«ttlBg_Paper,‘}9x211nchea. Price per sheet. ’’•Blank Books, ■ dead sire; fall bound. .Price pet iiuit®-. • Blink Bd6ke,fotiasise.fnU bound. Pricaparqalie. BUnk Books, cap.slse, half bound, “ “ Invelopesj'white'oibuff, No; 12. -Price per 1,000, «• ' ** “ 9x4 inches. “ ** “ “ “ B&x3*in. “ “ “ fj “ fiKx3ia. * ** *• Letter Copybig Books, Utter and cap sue, SOO and I,QOG pages-each, per dozen. . Memorandum Books, octavo, per dozen. Writing eau&l to Arnold’s, and pint Bottles. Copying. Ink, equal to Arnold’., quart and pint Bottles, Carmine Ink, equal to Davids’, glass bottle* and InSDowden, per dozen papers. . ■ - Lead Pencils, equal to Paber’s, Eos. 2 and. 8, per dozen* - Had and'Blue Pencils, equal to Falier’s.'por dozen. Glass Inkstands, assorted, per dozen! Heel Pens, assorted, per gross. 8»«i Pens, fliUot’s, No: 303 and 404, per gross, Pep. Solders, assorted, per dozen. Tin Paper Polders, per dozen.. Bed Sealing Wax, X-ounce,and 1-onpco sticks, per pound. " Bed Tapp, 80. S 3, per dozen pieces, . Glass j&Ts of Mucilage and Brushes, Urge and small sizes, per dozes. . * - * Alitbe articles nmstbeof the best cm&rity. Samples * of ejwh article must accompany each bid,, with the name of the bidder distinctly marked thereon," an&only one. price mnsthe named for each-article. . s Should any articles not enumerated, above be wanted they must Be furnished at the lowest market price. Proposals must be made only upon the regular forms furnished at this office. The United States reserves the right to reject all bids,, or parts of bide, deemed with ttynwreats. Captain and A. Q. 3L ÜBC*A3L. TESTATE OR DB. WILLIAM PEPPER, Deceased. : Letters testamentary upon the Batata of 'WILLIAM PEPPER, M. I),, late of tha city of Philadelphia, de ceased, havii g been granted to the undersigned, all nelsons indebted to laid Estate are requested to make payment, and. thoto .having claims, against the same are requested to pteseit them-Hjthout delay-to BABAH PEPPER, 1215 Walnut street, ■ Ot O. a. PEPPER, 1819 Walnuts treat, •PBEBK. 8. FBPPBB, 1621 Walnut street, GEORGS PBPFBB, 1216 Walnut street, WILLIAMPEPPEK, 1215 Walnut street, . . Executors. - All business connected with the above Estate will be attended to by «-■ GEORGS S. PEPPER, . At 633 WALNUT Street, de7-4t* Second story, front room. COPABmESfiIPS. ThIB SOLUTION OP COPARTNER -1/ SHIP.—AII jersois We hereby notified that the codarinsrship heretofore existing between SAMUEL • MELVIN and SAMUEL B. HILT, late trading under the firm of Melvin & Bilt, is totally dissolved by mu "iualoo&jse&t. i The remaining buslneseof the firm will Be settled by . S. It. HILT, at Ms offlce, 515 CHESTNUT Street, Phi ladelphia. . . de7-St* PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED.—THE A Arm of-BILLINGS, ROOP, & CO., of this eity and New York, expired THIS DAY by limitation. The So ilness of the said firm Will be settled by either of the undersigned. J. M BILLINGS, S. W. ROOP, 8. W. ROOP, ' Executor of W. P. Washington. - HR. KIBBE. PHn.ABEirBiA,- sec. l, 1864. V LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The under signed h&veTHIS DAT entered into a Limited Partner* fillip, agreeably to the Act of Assembly of the Common-. wealth of Penneylvania, entitled an Act relative to Li mited jPaxtneramp, etc., passed the twenty-first day of March, A. D. 1836, and the supp emenis thereto, and they do hereby give notice that the name of the Firm under which said partnership is to be conducted is EOOP & KIBBE; that the general nature of the busi ness to be transacted-is the general Dry Goods, Import ing, and Commission business, and that the same will be carried on lh the city'of Philadelphia,* that the games , of the General Partners of the sald Pirm are SAMUEL W. ROOP,HBSRY B KIBBB, CLINTON J.-TROOT. and JOSEPH C. ROOP, and the name of. the Special Partner Is JAMES M. BILLINGS, all of the city of PM- , ladelphia; that the capital contributed by the said James M. Billings, the Special Partner, to the common stock, is one hundred thousand cash, and that said partnership is to commence on the first day of December, A. D. 1864, and terminate on the thirtieth day of.Noyember, A. D, 1867. • SAMUEL W. ROOF, HBWKT R. KIBBB, CLIBTON J. TROUT, JOSEPH C. EOOP, . General Partners. JAMES AC. BILLINGS, Special Partner. PhttjADBLFHIA, Dec. 1,1884 NOTICE. —The undersigned successors of BIEETNOS, HOOP, & CO., In New Pork, will continue the Import ina ami Commission Business, at No. 38 WARREN Street. 3, M. BIIIIJNQB & CO. 3. H. Bllintas, . ' E. 3. Ohaffke. •HeW'Joek, Bee. X, 1884 de2-8w 1/1 BARK STREET, PHILADELPHIA, * * •_ - __ December let,. 1864. DISSOCDTIOiroFFABTIfKaSHIP. -Notice ishefeby given that ibe copartnership existing under the name of iTBEHBEBGBR.IHIfiSOfI,&CO.,I£6 this daybewi die solved. The boohs of the-late firm will be settled by the imd&signed, who will also continne the business of SHIRT Manufacturers at the old tiftad. Ho. 14 BA.HE Street. . HIRSOH -& THALHiSIH&B M. C. Hibsch, S. Thalhbimeb. de2fmw3t* WILLIAM H. TEVIS, IS THIS DAT > * associated in business with ns, the style of the Ho. 11 MBIiCfiANTS’ EXCHANGE. aPhti.adelpeia, December 1, ISM. del-iat TIISSOLUTION.—THE COPARTNER ■*S SHIP heretofore esiatlngbetween the Subscribers, under the firm of BBNNETr.BUCH, & 00., lethls day dissolved by mutual consent, JOS. N. KUCH retiring. The business will be settled by either JOS^NHCCH, ■ C. H. BIE9EB. PHuJinEirßiA, Hot. 30,1654. COPARTNBBSHIP.-The undersigned have thte day associated together under the firm of H. K. BENNETT & CO., and will continue the hnstness of the late firm of BENNETT, RUOH, & CO. , at 317 CHUBOH Alley, where lhebuelnese of the latter firm trill ha settled. H. K. BENNETT, C. H. BIEGEB. PratAßmPHiA ,Dec.:i,'l£6t del-St TVORYTYPES-ADMIRED BY ALL for taste, beauty. and_ simplicity of style, oxquUlte ly colored. J3toeaxlTta.tbei day, and thereby avoid tba jwwji f« 5# BjiaPit Aset itpiii; b* ■ AT PRICES VARYING KT PETEK SON’S, 806 CHESTNUT ST., AT PETERSON’S, 306 CHESTNUT STREET, •The Cheapest Bookstore In tha'Olty, SIR WALTER SCOTT’S WAVERLY NOVELS, Either in paper covers or the choicest styles of bind ing had AT PETERSON’S, 366 CHESTNUT STREET, The Cheapest Bookstore lit the City. THE ROMANTIC NOVELS OF ALEX. DUMAS AT PETERSON’S, 360 CHESTNUT STREET, O. W. M. REYNOLDS’ THRILLING NOVELS AT PETERSON’S,'SO*"CHESTNUT STREET, , The Cheapest Bookstore la theoity. •Call or-mnd for a now and complete Catalogue of brer ONBTHOTJBAHD POPULATE NOVELS, by tbo best Anthers of the day, B©nt on application to any address. Enclose the money for any BOOK-yon may want, and on Its receipt it will be sent By mail, postage paid, to any part of the States or Canadas,-by . OAPT. MABRYATT’S ENTERTAINING- SEA TALES are all-published AT PETERSON’S, 306 CHESTNUT STREET, GUSTAVE AIMARD’S INDIAN TALES AND Adventures amongst Hunters and "Savages, surpass- Ing anjthingrthat Cooper overwrote, arSto bo had AT PETERSON’S, 306 CHESTNUT STREET, MRS. E. D; E.' N. SOUTH WORTH’S SOUL ABSORBING NOVELS are all published AT PETERSON’S, 306 CHESTNUT STREET, No- g, do* MBS, C. LEE HENTZ’S DELIGHTFUL HOME NOVELETTES are aMo be obtained ■ AT PETERSON’S, 306 CHESTNUT STREET, THE POPULAR. NOVELS OF MRS. HENRY AT PETERSON’S, 306 CHESTNUT STREET, AN Yv'BOOK PUBLISHED (If in print) can be - obtained at the Book and Publishing House of To B; FIM & BROTHERS, BEST. SEW BOOK FOE BOYS, SPLENDID BOOK ’IOOTHS’ HISTORY OF THE REBELLION For salejby all booksellers. APPLETON’S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA.-This valuable Library of Univer sal Information is well deceiving of & place in every in telligent household in the land. It is recommended by able reviewers as the best Cyclopedia for popular use ever published. Below are the names of a few of oar prominent citizens who have taken this work: Ht. Rev. Vm, B. Stevens* Rev. Franklin Moore, Rev, Dr. Moriarty, Rev. Wm. H. Furness, Rev. Richard Newton* Rev. Thomas J. Shepherd, Eli K. Price, Esq., JohnC. Creeeon, Esq., Geo. H. Stuart, Esq., • A, J. Drexel, Esq., David Paul Brown. Esq, * Jay Cooke, Esq.. Charles Gibbons* Esq.* Josiah Randall, .^aq., R. J. Leedom, Esq., George Northrop, Esq., F. J. Dreer. Esq.* F. Carroll Brewster,,*BQ.t Alexander Fullerton, Esq., S. If. Felton, Esq., John Raima* Esq.» John Rice, Esq.« John Fallon* Esq., A. J. Bucknor, Esq., J; EdgarThomeon, Esq., D. G, McCammos, Esq., Thomas A. Scott, Esq., Col. William B. Thomas, Jc hn L. Bozby, Esq., Charles H, Mairhead, E«q., CharlesMacalester, Esq., William Weighfcman,Esq',, And nearly one housand others. The Cyclopedia is now complete in sixteen large vo lumes, in six different styles of bindings. Samples may be seen, and orders received, at the Agency for this city and State, No. 33 South SIXTH Street, above Chest nut, second story, de7-6fc JAMBS K. SIMON, Agent. NOVELTY ALBUM COMPANY. * v An elegant Album, containing Photographs of all the flenerals in the United States . . 03 A Splendid Album, eonttunlng Photographs of all. the Presidents orthe United States $o 09 A Beantifnl Album, containing a collection of all our Naval Heroes.. ...,.........$4 up The three together, comprising the whole collect „ 15 00 A HOST SUITABLE PRBBENT JOB HOLIDAY GIFTS. A most exquisite POCKET ALBUM, containing a fine collection of most piquant French Pictures, 0n1y...,* 50 Addreßs the “Novelty Album Co., ” Post Office Box 6438, enclosing amount, and any of the above will be immediately sent by express. de7-wfmom WEST VIRGINIA AND OHIO OIL TT BEGION.—A new and complete POCKET HAP of tbe oil region in the .above localities, comprising an area of forty Bttles around Marietta. f rlfe§ de7-3i* No 37 South SIXTH Street. PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK, DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES, 7 30-100 TREASURY NOTES, 10-40 BONDS. ' nolft-wfmlm B. B. GOSfEGYS, Cashier* f£HB CONSOLIDATION NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, Becelves Subscriptions for tbe NEW THREE-YEAR 7.30-100 TBEASDBY NOTES, which are convertible at maturity into SIX PEE CENT. 5-30 BONDS; also, for 10-40 BONDS, Interest on both payable in gold, j JOS. N. PIERSOL, nolß-wfmlm CASHIER. CTEAM AND WATER GAUGEB—THE O larrost assortment in Philadelphia—constautlyon IwrAWNi 3U WALNUT Btmt, MfrSn* HEW PPBLICATIOJIS, JJOOKS I BOOKS!]' BOOKS 11! fBE POPULAR WHITINGS 0F CHARLES DICRESS (10 D) FROM 815 TO #lOO A SET: THE CHEAPEST BOOKSTORE IN THE CUT. v&LL of CHAS. LEVER’S NOVELL can be obtained can all be obtained •The Cheapest Bookstore In the: City. are all: for sale T. B. PETERSON &• BROTHERS, 306- CHESTNUT STRES^r Tho*Oheapest Bookstore In'the City. Cf The Cheapest Bookstore In the City. The Cheapest Bookstore in the city. The CheapesVßookstore in the City. The-Cheapest Bookstore in the City. WOOS,' the mast interesting Authoress of the day, aro ail-tobe had The Cheapest Bookstore in the City. No. 306 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. bl A KBStTLAB CQOTKIEUTOR TO “IEE ATSAKTIC"’ ’ U.'iJai FERRY BOS'. TI3OQ FERRY BOS'. ILLUSTRATED. Inquire the author's manta. It is not known. PBICE«LSO. ' WAiKBB,- WISE, & CO., PUBLISHERS, 345 WASHINGTON Street. BOSS AND GIBBS TH A Y EE’S ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATES. PRICE $1.50. WALKER, WISE, & CO., PUBLISHERS,- BOSTON.; FOASCUL, FINANCIAL AGENT RECEIVES SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR FINANCIAL AGENT AND DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES, j A GENTS WANTED FOR THE NURSE ASD SPIT, one of the most interesting and eXwtß&ff hooks ever pnbi:shed f embracing the of a Woman in the Union army as tfttrso. Scoot, flat? Spy. Giving a moat vivid inner pictnra of the war £?etorned and difab'ed oncers and soldiers in wantof Dro'sfitahleempioyment will find it peculiarly adapted to their* eont iifcioa. Jo£fS3 BROS. & CO,* Soft CBBSTNGT St. ♦ Philadelphia, Pa. WAIVTB. 'POOK-KEBP^R—WANTED, A COM •*-' petent Book Icope r - Apply to . SHEPPARD, VAN SARUBrGEH, & ARRISON, dcß-tf * Ho. tOOR OBESsTHOT Street. fIOAL YARD.—WANTED. A CEN- V/ TRALI/T located, well fitisd-uo Coal Yard, Addrese, with fall particulars, Cash, ” ~de7-Bt* Press OS.ce, CALXSMAN WANTED-IN A WHOLE sale HatJKanu fa ctory; one acquainted with whole sale and'retail Hatters In Peansylvatfia and Western States, Address Box 1453, Philadelphia P. O. deg \\rANTED —A SITUATION AS BOOK-' *» KEEPER. Good reference given. Address “J. S., M Box l?3l Post Office. * de7-3t* waotbm Salesman ; also, a f r BOOE>KEEPES» ina newly-started Dry deeds Comnnssiou Hmifie. Those only may apply wlwr are acquainted with Manufacturers- and can inflaeaea’fcile of goods. Address Box 4732 New York Foef Office. : U WAKTEB—A SITUATION AS A & *’- SISTAIST ED2TOB, Teacher. or any employment requiring rapid writing and expert c&L&nlacion. Ad% Piese Kefugee, * * 530 CHATHAM St., Phils, U* 4 WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OF * J <»n foTniahfirst to a-wholesale hou»e. Address CK B. HYBBB, Post Office It* "WANTID—A YOUTH TO LEARN ,7 the Wholesale Hosiery and Variety Business. Address, m Bardymlitig of applicant,-stating ate, reel. dence, &c.» franklin,m Press office. de7e4t* WANTED.— AN EXPERIENCED BOOKJTEEPEB WAKTBi) immediately: one who has a ksoitfedge of - Hardware Busi&ass- prefer fed. Address,wHhreferences “Kagdwara,” thi» office, u* OR BEFORE THE T» last of December, by a gentleman, wife, and crown daughter, Boarding, the y3ar round,ina rbepact able neighborhood*? two communicating rotwfltf. ona to be front; also, piiYiiega of hot?and' cold bath® and water closet. Location between Arch and Spmce street*. The best reference required and'given; Ad dreea“J. O. W.,” 3bx2339 PottOSce. dh7-&* WANTED.-A GOOD MAN, WITH "T sl,o®)cash, can«ecare a highly*reepectabte brat nes&a which will pay §BOG per week. Address * Carl ton,* 1 Ledger Offices , deu^S,* Wanted—by first of January. i_ J * next, by a Wholesale Boot and- Efcoo "House on Market street, an efficient SAI.EkMAH, for Pennsyl vania trade. To one who-can command a z >oii trade a : liberal salary jdll he paid. Address; fop one week. Box Ho. MB Philadelphia- P. O. * deS (it WANTED—PERSONS TO CANVASS J* this City for Insnrance. Those competent for the work mill he gnaranteed a liberal compensation: Apply to WM. W. ALLBH, Ho. 40* WALH 3? Street, second Boot. ded-3: Wanted—jan. Ist, in a whole sale Cloth Honse, a first-class BAIB3MAST to sell coantry trade. Address, with real name and rafe .rtnceaj BexHo. 1113 P. o. deff-St* - WANTED-IN A •WHOLESALE AND .■ ' Betall Cloth Store, a Toon* Man as Salesman: also, .V Book-keeper. A person who speaks German preferred. Applications will he treated confiden tial-y. Address, with real name, '‘ M. C..' ’ Press office. > defi-fit*;* WANTED—A LAD IN AN OFFICE j ’ \ one who writes a good hand and has a taste for mechacical clraa ing preferred. Address Box im Phi ladelphia P. O. ■ de6-3t» WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OF * ■ some hnsiness experience- and nndonbted refer ences as to character and. capacity, a SITUATION 1 , by the «r*t of January. Address %t W. H. B.»” Box 8, Poet Officer deß-3ii* WANTED—A SITUATION IN A NO *• TIOSf*HOUSE to sell on Commission; am ac quainted with city and near country trade. Address "H. P. X,.,** Press office. des-3t* WANTE D—A YOUNG MAN AS CLESK in Real Estate Office. One who has some knowledge of the business preferred. GEOKGE N. TOWSTSESTD & CO., deS-Sfc 133 K South FOURTH Street. WANTED—IN A DRY-GOODS JOB ** BING HOUSE, an experienced SALE able to control a general cash trade. Address * ‘ Job bers,” atthisoffiee. deS-6t* WANTED-AN ACTIVE BUSINESS 4 v» MAN, In a Wholesale Drug Honse, by the let of January, for In and out-door duties. One acquainted with the business. Also, a Young Man as Assistant Bookkeeper; must be a good penman, and of business experUhcd. Address, with references, “Industry,” office ofthig paper. 3d83-6t* WANTED—A SITUATION AS BOOK * * KEEPER. Best city reference for ability and integrity given*- Address “Bookkeeper,” Press Office. ___ nc3Q-10t* WANTED, AGENTS.—AGENTS II? i T every County, at S7G a month, expense! paid, to istrodmee fiftesn near and useful articles, the beet aetl lng ever offered. For particulars, address OTIS T. OIBBY, BIDDEPOBP, &AXHB. 0c26-d&W3m <Hs9fi flOPi xTO. $30,000.—A GOOD BTF SINESSMAWis desirous of entering: into PARTNERSHIP with a parly already established* intbe BROKERAGE or any other highly respectable tmainesa. For farther particular* address * * Capi talist;,” at thia office. All communications confidential $10F» A MONTH—WANTED— X mkj AGEHTS eveixwtero to introduce the aew SHAW & CL ASK SIXTEEN DOLLAR FAMILY SEW ING MACHINS*' the only low price Machine in the country which is licensed by Grover * Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Singer & Co., and Bachslder. Salary and expenses, or large commissions allowed All other Machines now sold for less than forty dollars each aisA infringement#, and the seller and user liable. Illus trated circulars sent/ree. Address SHAW & CLATtK, nolS-d&wßm BIDBKFOBD, Maine. FOB SALE IND TO LET. For sale .—wanted—eight Men, with $5,000 each. to Tom an . , Oil. COMPANY. * anna.lint energeticJimsiness, men. Address Box 1535, - " OIL TERRITORY FOB SALE. SPLENDID OIL TBBBITOEY, gtlaied ®; OIL CHEEK, CHERKY EOT, and ALLE GHENT SIYEB. Inquire at . ■ No. 633 WALNUT Street, de6-3i* ■ Oflice Ho, 9, second floor. OTO LET—A STORE, NO. 527 COM MERCE Street Apply to HORATIO G. KEEN, no, 35 Berth SIXTH Street. de7-St* 41 HOUSE TO LET AND FURNI- Mat TUE 3 FOB SALB.—The advertiser, declining housekeeping, will dispose of the FURNITURE, nearly all new,,of a genteel, well-kept house, convenient fc> Eleventh and Chestnut streets. House and furniture in conjpleteorder, and moderate rent Address “I, 0., ” Press office. - it* 4| WANTED TO RENT-A STORE J*“.on Market or Third (streets; limits from Second to AdtoßB “*• 4| STORE NO. 216 CHESTNUT *aBtreet T 0 BENT, from the first of January next. Apply S. W. corner of THIRD Street and WILLING'S Alley. ; deS-St* m A SMALL, RESPECTABLE, PRl "•rate, adult, loyal Family WANTED to occupy a HOUSE on a main street, with a Physician. Eenttaken Inboard. Address "West End.” Press Office. de6-2t* M FOR SALE—A THREE-STORY Brick DWELLING HOUSE, 3009 CHBRBY St. iK 1 9S. J?™ m ediat ? possession. Apply at 3SB Sooth TRIED Street, second story back. det-gt m TO RENT—THE; HOUSE AND ■KfiSTOBE, No. 423 Sonth SECOND street Poseeeion |St«» w?mediately. Apply to GEO. W. HALSfED, 1136 QIBARD Street, deS-6t* 4» CHESTER COUNTY-SUPERIOR#* Chester county FAEM FOE SALE-175 acres of land, 10 woodland; 2J4 miles from Pennsylvania Bail road, Willlstown townshipfine atone mansion. 14 rooms; large double* decker stone bam. with overshoot and shedding. Water forced to buildings by a wheel. Carriage house, granaries, ice-house, &c. Fine orchard This Farm is among the beet; will.feed forty steers. * „ JAS. K. CUMMINS. 504 WALNUT Street N. B,—Call for catalogue of farms with prices. des-3fc SFOR SALE—FOUR SMALL Tracts of "Land on the North Pennsylvania Bail wad, in Cheltenham, between City. Line and York Stations (five minutes’ walk from either station); all fine sites for country residences; 2 Lots on Cheltenham avenue containing about 9 acres, one close by of 4& acres Woodland, and one of 6 acres, east side of Bail road, on the same tract. „ This property is in a fine healthy locality and within half an hour’s ride on North Pennsylvania Railroad cars from, the city. For particulars inquire at 375 South THIRD Street, above Spruce. des-6t* m PUBLIC SALE OP LAND,gS| NEWCASTLE COUNTY, DELAWARE ill .Will be exposed to public vendne, on THURSDAY, the Bth of December, 1864, at 11 o’clock. A- M , at ST. GEORGE’S STATION, on the Delaware Railroad, the following real estate, situate in Fencader Hundred, Newcastle county, Delaware, late the property of Man love Jester, deceased, to wit: ' No.l. A tract of land, bounded by the road leading from Summit Bridge ,to Red Lion, and by the Chesa peake and Delaware Canal, containing 7S acres, with a Dwelling House, Granary and Stable, thereon. ■ , No. 2. A tract of land, bounded by the road leading from Middletown to Summit Bridge, and by the Chesa peake and Delaware Canal, containing 113 acres, with a brick Dwelling House, Granary. Stable, Carriage House, Store, ana Dwelling House, five tenant houses, blacksmith shop and wheelwright shop thereon. No. 3. A lot of land, bounded by the road leading to Back Creek, containing 3% acres. t , „ All the above property is within two miles of St. George’s Station. , , , ~ ■ Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale, and the balance to be secured by a recogni sance taken under the direction of the Court For particulars apply to T. W. McCRACKBN, Summit Bridge, Delaware, or wthesubscriber.^ W. CjSPRUANCE, Trustee, ' ao2B-10t • NEWCASTLE, Delaware. fYERMANTOWN LOT FOR SALE.' Vf a very desirable Cottage Lot. about 200 by ISO feet, corner of JEFFEBSON and UPSAL Streets, two squares beyond the depot for the sew passenger rail way. Price 1«W, terms easy. Apply to JOSEPH LEA, hol7-118 138 CHESTNUT Street pOR RENT—THE LARGE FHOTO ■*- graphic Rooms formerly occupied by W. L. GBB HON, corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Also,several other rooms over the Photographic Booms. Inquire at 618 WASHINGTON Square. nol4 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING RE- X MOVED his BEAL ESTATE OFFICE to No. 53 TENTH Street corner of Arch, has there reopened hli REGISTER, ta may eater their And is prepared to collect INTERESTS, Gronnd aod House RENTS, la eyery part of {he citr. 0.17-2m* WILLIAM Of. BEDFORD. ©TEAM BOILERS—THREE SO FEET O i c^g . 36 laches diameter, io excellent condition, for Bale by CHARLES LBNHIG. 113 South FRONT Street, deit-nawst* T?OB SALE-THE GOODWILL AND ■I- Furnitare of a flrat-elMs DAY and BOARDING SCHOOL, now In fall operation. Address “Principal of Seminary,” Woodbury, N. J. uo2l-mwfl3t* SKATES. WILSON’S SKATE DEPOT, Tl ___ 409 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. We haye just received the largest and moat desirable stock of LADIES’, GBHTS’, AKD BOTS* SKATES eyer offend la this city, which we will take much pleasure in showingall who desire to enjoy the delight ful recreation of Skating. phtxif wasoir a 00., * 409 CHESTHOT Street. Skates and skate straps.— Dealers are regneßted to call and examine samples Of new styles of Ladies; and Oaata' Skates forlS&L which will be furnlahedat the lowest manufacturers’ prices* by £. L. BITRETIIAiK, Manufacturer *s Agent, fro. aV South SiXTH Street. uoIS-Itp CKATES, SKATES, SKATES. O A fall assortment of SKATES and SKATS STEAFS for sale at very low priog, at ■ W. W. KfTTGHT & SON’S. 509 and 511 COMMEECB Straet. fIATAWBA GRAPES. V/ Another superior lot of those celebrated CATAWBA GRAPES, in -whole and half boxes, unequalled in Quality by any in the country. For sals In large or homels & SOW, Grocers. SEVENTH and NOBLE Streets. PARTES DE [RA.BLK in execution. styles, end finish, at KEIMELR’S Gal kry/SECOND Street, above Grean. It la aecctaaryjto .warn , w* aoSO-wfm 6t* AUCTION giLfig. Sz* BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAlg «2KgOM STBSBSB* _ • *® SPECIAL SALF, WEDNESDAY, D*« 7. two valuable .driving establish mbnts. Bis (Wednesday) MORNING, at 10 o’clock, wflt he sold the follovrins valuable Drlvinv &Ut»blU>bm<mta* ■t of a gentle man going to Europe—aamalye. isng-tall Bay Herpes, 7 and 11 year* /vd* hUh» sound and kind ia single and dbOf W® good travellers, ■4 S a f b w w condition. A set of Double Harness, Blankets, &c. Awir of Bay Horses, bob tails, fall 15 hauls high,® ard 8 years old, milew»thic four minutes'* scundaodgsntle; su’tablftforfamilytwa Then hole lo be sold with mt reserve. ‘ Also, A Brown Mare.-Eockaway Carriag $, &c An Iron-gray Mare; has trotted in 3.50, Also. Other Horses, Full descriptions at sale. Also, A Urge collection of desirable new and second hand, carriages, light wagons, <stc., with which the silo wiH commence. . Also, Single and Double Harness, Baddies* Brldles.WMps; Covers &c. J&£~ No postponement on account of the weather. 4*®"* Sale of Horses, Ac.* on SATURDAY. Carriages and Hamssa at private sale. ~ ALFRED M. fiERXNESS, Iff Aoctfoneer. . ; uMjroajßMETTtf. igrß W CHESTNtrT-ST THEATRE. l.f-t.s-o ' is fe Si onagers. YNEDKISSB A"?! Kj^ENIEG. December G. OVERFLOWING BOUSE* swat Hie pJsdßctioa of Dion BcHOieault’s naming Beasatlonal milit&tv Drama, in three acts, called- w JESSIE MOWN; JESSIE MOWN; JESSIE BSOWN; JESSIE BROWN S JESSIE B®WH; JESSIE BROWN; - • - 08. - THE EISLIEF OP LUCKNOW, THE BELIEF OF LBCKNOW, . Wlllfh ihe presented at an I ' IMMENSE OOTI.AY, WITH IYEW AND BEAUTIFUL SCENERY, 1), Ricfrlkp E kith; CuJtBB,IT AND-COSTLY WARDROBE, Manufactured m iginaliy forthie pieca, nndtr the irsm*. diate scjeHrisloV t ol Drom BotJCiCAU&T,. when first n. dnetd it WALL ACE’S THEATRE, KBW YOP.K. With ions by Mrs Riches aid sesistsaigf , B?I,SXIS. O AND SPIRITED MUSIC, rendered by Biann i.d aid the Grand Orchestra; STABTiI.IM. I MKni.ANKIAI, EFFECTS, by Joseph- K'.'tshrtvsic, and Tbs. Beackwood; Properties andtAcceeit oriesby iso. Dasey and Assistants! and an ■ ~~ BXCELLBNmrSTiHIBBTIQN OF CHABACTBBt BXCBLLfiNrHrSTI ÜBDTfON OF CHaRACTSS EXCELLENT DlfeTfi IBDTIOff OF CHARACTER? incicding tie Dimes o.f Mis* 5?FIB GERMosI »lr FBANK MORDADNTr >.«*. W. S; HIGGfN* (hfa IS appearance), Mr. J.' T\ Mr. H A MHftDOCSL Mr. W. A CHAPMAN, *>• H. Mr. J DAILY, Mi** BELL3TAITGHANv-Miss FLOOD, EAT TIE BiKEK, &e. Inthe LftfttSceneof tbfs thread Drama, THE STORMING;OF THB REDAN, OYER ONE BUNDEiD PERSONS appear ia aettv* conflict upon the feie eanse time, farming- & Tableau of such F<?| Terfal Effect as t* awases the interest and bold the ate* ation ef Every BeholdMu .The entertainment wUlTJonei ude with* for the second time in this Theatre, a comic Dramai -in two acts, ea?- titied \ MICAWSVR; MICAtVT«E. R; Or. WAITING FOB SOii&Ya ING TO TORN BP. WilkinslSiicawber, (nia am it character) Lewis Eahm? David Orotwood Copperfie'dr... .i, ..Misa-Be ie Yanehnl ¥mh Heap. - , Mr. Walter Eennsx OJPHEB CHAEaCTEKS #Y * BE COMPANY. ON SATDKDAY AFTSBNOt >N. Bee. !oth. FIRST MATINEE OF JESS? E BKOWST, FIRST MATINEE OF JSSSIi ESQWN. def THT SA.THB, LtrOILLB WESTEEiDAS G. EMBA. DDCIIJ.B WESTERN AS G 1 '.SEA. BAST NIK3T- i . . I-AST HIGBT Of J. W. WaliacVs Thrillinn awA Beat tifnl Play- GEMEA, THE HEBBiSp MOT BEB. ’ GEKEAj THE HEBREW! aOTI VEK. : . THURSDAY, EAST HYCNB Nlt'iHT. Seats may he secured from 9 A. H> till s P. It Box Office open from 9 till 3. Certain ri aee at JJJ, IVT BS * JOH N DBBW’S NBW ABC& •I*-*- STBBBT THBATBB. - 1 „ T /■MY NBIGHBOB’S WIBE-v CLARKE as 808 BBIAHLY; ” CLAKKE as “TIMOTHY BKIIWN." FRIDAY, BENEFIT OF J. S. CLA3KE K HBICAIi FUND HALL. FIRST GRAND CONOEBT OF THE HASDEL AM BQSTOkH S*CIETY WILL TAKE PLAGE OK Tiinrsdsy Etening, Bee. 8,188 C, On which occasion the GRAND OBATOBIO OT THE SEVEN SEEEPER&- WILL BE PERFORMED BY THE EltlßNs, STRENGTH OF THE'SOCIETY, AESISTXD BT XSE ©EBMANIA OKCJHESTRA. The whole under the direction of CARL SENTZ. ToTOmmence at 8 o'clock.. Snlwcriptioßß will be received at J. E. Gqnld’a; • Seventh and Chestnnt streetß, price $3, for the season! admittinffthree persons to each Concert. Single Tickets 50 cents. .J ?e Bokrtof JDtnagexs Mce this method to annotmsa * that there will given this season thresfirst-class con certs—one of which will be an entire new Oratorio, never performed in Philadelphia before, for which clast professional talent will be encaged Single Tickets for sale at all the Music Stores, or ofth« Board of Managers. del-thatnwtMfc NATIONAL CIRCTtTS.—STA» ENGAGE KENT. street above Eighth. Directress, Mrs. Charles Warren, formerly Mrs. tan Bice. The largest company in the world. A stave®, gegement having been made with the immense Nicola Croupe,these great artiste will appear this evening anffi every evening during Hie week. Young Nicolo, anarha performer on the Jj’Bsehelle pert lease, or flying tr&~ ES le, m 1 J, regarded by all critics aa the child-wonder. TheTalleen Brothers and W. BodhaUe, the great Has Monkey .with Herr Niooto. constitate the tronpe. Th* Denter Brothers, Eaton Stone, Tom King. G. Batch* elor. Morray and Hutchinson, Chao. Sherwood eidFsmGy, will Also appear immany beautiful eeenwT The Trained Dogs will also appear. Clown, Mr. «a»l -, Snckney, Jr Come early, and gat seats at eight Com. -flWbhs. fTommence at 2l?:''"Aamlsaibn°lsVBrtfef.'^tes s IrtolocaUM. 28 *' 5 Erl Tate boxes ' & and $6, as to sSi BUILDINGS, WEDNESDAY, DEO. 7,1864 J AT 3 H O'CLOCK P. M. t FOURTH CLASSICAL MATINEE BY TBJt PMlaceiphia Classical Quintette Clak. Messrs. 6AEBTHIB, JARVIS, CEOSB, FLAGEMAHFI and SCHMITT SINGLE TICKETS „..7.7.„. „ m c--^- Package of 25 Tickots, good at all times.... .„«* Package of SO Tickets, good at aU times For sale at tie Mneio Store of J. S. Gould, nogo-smmwtf X'XHIBITION OP WORKS OP ATP?. mssim at J the BENEI ’ J:T olf THE CHBISTIAS cos! V p ’academy of fine arts. , ■&» Exhibition of a. Private Collection of Wortatec Azt, in Paintings, Seulptoure,, Water Color, and ofbor Drawings. Engravingf, &c., is now ooen,at the Fmm« sylyania Academy of Fine Arta, jfo 1025 CHB3TBB* fa??o^iM. 10 *-*-- & Admission 25 eta, ; Season Tickets 60 eta. no2B-««n ASSEMBLY BIJILDma TE UTM A and CHESTNUT Streets. _ SIGNOR BLITZ. Tie Great NECROMANCER and VENTRILOQUIST. bracing the WONDERS AND MYSTERIESOFBH& EXTRAORDINARY POWERS OF VENTRILOQUISS. ffodocmgastonisMrreflects of the linman voice, nt the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS' ENTERTAINS®® _ Admission 25 cents; Cbiidren 15 cents; Reserved Seats ou cents. * mjjg CAKFORD’S NEW OPERA, HGUSIi BAGS Street, below Third. OPBJT FOB THE SEASON. SAMUEL 8. BANFOSD Proprietor and WmwwiJ _ , SAHFOBD-’S OPERA TROOPE, The largest and best Minstrel Company in existence Sanford appears in Sonina, Dances, and»Ms BurlescreMUl Doors open quarter to 7; commence quarter to 8. Admission2s cents; Orchestra 58 cents; Boxes S& 9U and 83. nolß-Im C] HE B T N.U T- S T R EOS Tr OPERA. A' HOUSE CLOSED _ . FOR.ONE WEBKv For Altering and Enlargement of the HALL. Will open MOJSDAY EVEKllfff* December 12. fpBMANIA ORCHESTRA.—PUBLKt '-" REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at 3X o’eMk P. M., at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Ticket*. « cents. Six Tickets, $l, to be bad at Goa d's, Andre'*. and Meyer’s Music Stores, and, at the Ball.. no7-tf fIHBIS.T REJECTED.— ,V ™« admirable picture, tie greatest prodmsUon at the painter West, is now on exhibition at the AC ABBEY OF FINE ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT Street, tagalfew with the entire collection of tie Institution. Admittatte* twenty-five cents. noid-2m* THE ACADEMY OP FINE ARTS, ft s lTV^?p Ta^ 18 ofß * BA S?- TO YOUNG ACTRESSES.— YOUNQ actresses who,are little theusaot •'stage making-up.” will find that the." Email dm Paris 7 ’ will remove all the evils r* suiting from the tuns of paints, powder, and rouge. The "Emafl*' Is not m paint, hut it preserves and beautifies the skin, by re moving all black roots and impurities, and is endorsee by M’lle Vestyall, Mrs. IX P. Bowere. Mrs Emu Waller, and many other actresses of talent and beauty;, EUGENE JOUIN, No. 11l Booth TENTH Street, below Chestnut, is the only agent in this city. tiolS-mwriai BDTCATIOSAL. VOTING MEN PREP ABED FOR THE CoHuling-hotiße and BasSnes&Ltfe at CRITTEtiDSITS COMMBBcI£I COLLEGE. go. 63T CHESTNUT Street tomer of SEVENTH. Practical instructions in Bookkeeping- in all its branches; Penmanship, plain and ornamental; Mercan tile Calculations, Telegraphing-, &e. Students instructed separately; and received at any UmG ' EVENING SESSIONS Continue from September T?J& to April l?th, tbaa gtyin* to those engaged during theA ay an opportunity to be come qualified for bolding desirable positions in bust* nese life. * de7-4t* OCHOOL OF THE TELEGRAPH— TBW QJTJLOTK GCnr COLLEGE BUILDING. TENTH AND CHBBTJSTTT Streets. Practical Instruc tion by a Superintendent of a REGULAR TELE GRAPH LINE, whs finishes np all'fits sttzcEento la REGULAR TELEGRAPH OFFICES* and famishes Ms best ones ‘with Positions. To write well and cor rectly and be RELIABLE are essential tp raind^snc- BOAB»IS«. Boarding.—a third, story fronl BOOM, In the vicinity of Twelflhand Chest nut, Will be -vacant about the lqth <w December. Ad drek “A. B.,”BoxNo. IS7QPoat Office. de7-wf3t* TJOARDIBG VERY DESIRABLE D nnfnraHled apartments, where there are no chil dren. Apply 925 ARCH Street. no3Q■ wfm6t* T>OABD. —A LARGE SECOND-STORY D BACK BOOM, eornmnnlcatlnf with a balh-roo*. Bo!urii ’ maT 1» ObwdhSd at 369 SotK PERSONAL. TNFOBMATION . WANTED.—-TB* -*■ undersigned desires to hen from the drier of 3. M, Staples,' Deputy Sheriff of SI Dorado county. California. She is supposed to reside In Philadelphia. Mr. Stnpte wee murdered white in the discharge of bia oQeißl duties. IB* effects ore awaiting delivery. JAMBS B H trsfiS, Sheriff s Offlce, ■ nia.nrgiil., gl Dorado county. Gal. LOST AND FOUND. T OBT OB MISLAID—THE FOLLOW* AJ i ßf r Ceitißcateeof Stock: . , „ Hob. 73and227, JUaAenyandPittsburg OilComwt- IV, in tie came of Basil & Kurtz, and also in tie name rtf V C. Bush. Noe. 253 and 70S In tie Story Farm Oil Company. Ho. 92 in tie Alcorn OnCompany, and Ho. 275 in the Egbert Oil Company. „ Hew Certificates haye been applied for. noB5-IPfc* -\7ELOCIPEDES AND ABMY WA » GQHS for Boy 0. 300 just *» d B ksTOH, de3-tf - 15? and 159 S. THIS 9 St. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD.—OAK, FISK ”» and HICKOBy WOOD, foreaU WATSON. TINE-STREET WHA&. Driers. . roSO-lm* ' MALCOLM MAONEILL’S ygSF “VSSgPBCTAOIiB SrOKB, Ho. 310 Sooth lIFTH Street. **sfiSft tl rinA. Ks-Giutes refitted to aott all a«es, as! »E manasr at {4ss#* Mft mK2°* »K9a49i »»• w>»-am
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers