NONTOITR COUNTY. 000 HT HON. JOHN W. NORNST AND COL. eV/ PITZOBRALD. d ecadence of The Frees.] :OW • DeNvir.La, Oat. 31, 11361. (Ai r Citizens will long remember this most one of the most exalting and most 1/d'htful of their UNTO. Pursuant to public no 'l°lnig Hon. John .W. Forney appeared upon the t a lc s - D i d in front of the Court House, at 60'0100k. He ,k dd greeted with the greatest enthusiasm, with ild iongea cheerieg, clapping of hands, wa.V or hats and handkerchiefs, etc., while Ro pe mo li Candles, Bongola, lights, and a noble bold of music, escorted- by a large cavalcade, boarleg lighted torches, gave brilliancy and sontatf at t endan c e, ene. Some hundreds of ladles ore in to do honor to the distinguished et litorg i tto% f ar t a i r l l e st ( stesn t l, and the e w indows in 17\)01.Nnatell , to lend braraneyTos4itheworceeas.ron, Mr. o rnoy, amidst tumultuous ,c o cheering mmoenced F reaking to the vast assemblage; but h had not talked more than fifteen minutes,before the van began to fall .in torrents. He said he thought the meeting had better adjourn, but hundreds of voices shouted "Go on," "gO .on. . Rir. Forney, hewever, /reliantly replied, "Here am I, securely sheltered, while hundreds of ladies aro esposed to this drenching rain." Again came the response from all parts of the lm- Meuse audience ~G o on, go on," and on he went, with the boldes't, and ablest, and best, arguments for . the Union, and Freedom, and the Administra tion, that our people had ever heard. The entire irnin of thought wes new and striking. So different was it from the ordinary political language, that every hearer was instructed and refreshed. I can not attempt to give even .an outline of this groat address, so nobly delivered, but I hope Mr. Forney n n L y be induced to print It for the benefit of the thousands who had net the good fortune to hear it. poring its delivery he was fairly pelted with bou quets, and, upon retiring, Ito was again enthusiastl. olly cheered. Mr. Thomas Ell egorald, a stranger to us, was then Introduced, and for the space of an hour and a half be entertained us with a speech evincing very deci ded ability. He, like Mr. Forney, made an original sod forcible argument, winning the good opinions of his large audlenee, and making many converts to the Union cause. It is worthy of notel that these gentlemen do not denounce their political oppo iients, but try to conciliate ' inform, and convince them. Great good must follow their exertions everywhere. We shall gain _considerably for Ws Union cause over the October vote. Our citizens are fully stoused. Even the ladles, God bless them! are rtorking most zealously for their country. Lincoln sad Johnson will carry Pennsylvania by 20,000 ma jority on the home veto. Old Montour will help to Wits my estimate a certainty. J. W. S. TIOGA COUNTY. • [curiespoudev ce of The Press.] • Itla:Nurtarzi, PA., Oct. 11364, Yeetorday Hon. ;Cohn W, Forney, Hon. Clinton Lloyd, and Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, dined with Prot. F. A. Allen, at the State Normal School, at this place, in company with W. 0. Ripley, Esq., Pr. Morns, Albert Clark, Req., -and other promi nent gentlemen of the borough. • After dinner Mr. Verney was invited to make an address, which oc cupied eome fifteen minutes. It was pertinent and altquent, and created a profound impression. Mr. Fitzgerald likewise spoke for ten or fifteen minutes. The audience, including the young ladies and young gentlemen of the Normal School, numbered about one hundred and fifty. Professor Alien (for lie past six years in charge of the Chester County Normal School) is a gentleman of superior scholar. Alp. Under his management the Mansfield Insti tution bids fair to become one of the most nourish ing institutions in the State. He has very able vsislance. The building is one of the finest In the etuutry. Tioga county will largely increase her rain majority in November over the October vote. p u e people are laboring iridefatigably in the good nose, R. M. OUDIDEIZIA.ND COUNTY. S,otrespoudence of The Press, MT. HOLLY Sranioe, UorlinsatAriii COUNTY, Pa,, October 29, 18 1 3.1. A word of cheer from" Old Mother Cumberland" Fill, I trust, not be out of place at this time. Al, the oetober election we reduced the Copperhead majo. lay one hundred on the home'yote, On the eighth a November we intend to turn the scale, or at least told them even. We feel that now is the time to rorb, Everywhere shtuld this work go forward; tut especially in Pennsylvania. In the township 'There' reside—South Middleton—they had a ma ,t4lty last year of one hundred and seven, this year we reduced it down to soveuty•ntne. By extraorcli tory exertions we can bring it down to fifty on the elelith cf November. Your -excellent journal, The fikiS, has a. wide oirculation in this neighborhood, ,oil, by its unswerving loyalty, has beau the means 1 accomplishing much for the good pause in which o are engaged. W. B. M. NTHUSIASTIO UNION MEETING IN LI:- BANON COUNTY.. ipecisl Despatch to The Press.] • lanalcorr, Nov. I.—There is a Union meeting here dity, and the immense crowd which is filling the ( , tris astonishes and inspires everybody. The pro !Aon is over five miles long, and the enthusiasm 'at the highest point. Governor Curtin, Mr. Cass a, and other distinguished speakers are here. rot: out for a good report from hors next week, COLUDIBIA COUNTY. arespondenee of The Prom BLOOMSBUP.O, Fa" Oct. 29, 1864. The canvass is going on bravely in this county. to working men of the Union organization—Dr. oto, Hon. Robert F. Clark, Captain Whitmoyer, t.l others—are potting the good‘ movement on Rt. great vigor. Meetings aro being held in all arts of the county—schoobhmue meetings—and el are having good success. Able speeches are itarmade by Rev. 32. E. Wilson, D. A. Dockly, A. .thipt. Whitmoyer, Hon. R. F. Clark, and Lers. Several large meetings have been hold at this ace, addressed respeetirely by Hon. Wm. H. :mstrong, Olinton Lloyd, Esq , Col. S. M. Bow s% and others. The Copperheads will lose on air October vote in this county. E WAR DIZTOORATIO OONVENTION AT NEW YORK. NEW Tom Nov. I.—The War Democratic Con ention organized today by oltooslng .Tas, Worrall, Pennsylvania, prositlent, astlisted by a vice presl• of from each State. A series of resolutions were adopted favoring the ppression of the rebellion. A National Committee was appointed, of which • 00.. E. C. Bailey, of alassaohusetts, is chairman. No nominations wero made, and the Convention Aurned. GREAT UNION MEETINGS AT WEST CHESTER; real Donato% to The'Press WEST CHSSTER, Nov. I.—Cheater county le !lase. Co Friday night Governor Chase ad rind an overfloving audience, and to-night an muse audience is listening to the Hon. R. H. fna, Ir., of Alataaohusetto, and the lion, William .Keiley. HISS DICKINSON AT THE COOPER INSTITUTE respondence of The Press•] Ns:w YORK, Oat. 29, 1864. MI , - Anna E. Dickinson addressed a vast assemblage eraing at the Cooper Institute. For more than e before the time for the lecture to commence, Immense hall, ospablo of holding some five then ;d persons. was filled to its utmost capacity, at fifty twenty-flee cents a head It was a great tribute to Li', to say the lea , t bite held that immense an -it& spelt-found for an hour and a half, by her im *toned eloquence and soul-stirring armeala in behalf ea irnerilied country, moving her auditors to tears Lumber of instances. Her text was, "Chicago, tau Ditch. " She bundled bar subject in a most • , 1001y, and, I might add. stEtesmanlike manner, '•kg faces. figures, and dates in such a compact and Maim whole as to impress all with her wonderful aver of Memory, and Lr.telligent comprehension of her feet. is is truly a remarkable woman, and as Americans -hood feel proud of her. appears to me that sour State Central Committee d- a "great mistake" in not having secured her su ss at the commencement of the campaign, as Penn- Assip was utatueetionably the field for her. Being' einan,she not only commands more respect, but will ;:rt a class to hear her who could not be induced to a MM. I shall not at present attempt to give :rsaote4 idea of the character of her remarks at the ter Imiltute, as tl2e. bienrlYork papers on Monday no dvati, report the speech in full. Suffice it to that, in her allusions to .Little Mac, (be never seem s° little betere,) and the peace-at-any-price Demo ! shei'' brought down the house'? every "clip." tenure she will he invited to repeat the lecture in 31 CIT 5001, at the Academy of Music. P. VOTING IN THE ARMY. HEADQUARTERS BAT. H, 3D PA. ART., MONOOAOT JUNCTION, Ald., Oct. 11, 1864. fh , Ettjt. of The Press •Ik would respectfnlly call the attention of le 1, whom it may concern" to the manner in Xi the men of this command were supplied with rate, he., for voting at the election to-day. Out thirty-six (38) voters, but nine were supplied with kets, and but five with receipts. All the tickets were supplied, with the exception of three, re Democratic. But two "poll books " were sup egl this command ; and as it requires duplicate II boobs " for each county, and twenty-five men Tenet as many different counties, can there to some way deviled by which all the qualified ett can vote with less "red tape?" E this matter is of vital importance, our friends tome should see that we aro supplied with Its, tax receipts, and all the necessary intorma fur carrying on an election as we particularly ire to vote at the Presidential election, and we senerally without information of this kind. UR it not be a good idea to publish the whole 'xi of each party in the prominent• newspapers I ere no other tickets were supplied these could nit out and-used. Whore, and what is the legal 1( place (,f a man who has come of age since en the army 1 Can be vote on age, or must he e his tax receipt? Those aro matters that should hlied Into before the next election. DIAN REntlaxs.--.Some interest has been ore by the discovery of a number of Indian curl. 'es in the lands of the English Land Company, be township of Dysart, Canada. The men at gin the company's road accidentally found an lan grave, and on opening it found burled there. number of silver trinkets of excellent work ship and in capita preservation. There aro to be numbers of these graves throughout the Ilsh Company's lands, they having been In erF years the neutral ground between the ppowas and tho Mohawks. The company's sts have taken steps to have those graves re sted. THE' CITY. LDDITIONAL 01TT 21848 EMI FOURTH P.A.lalla "GNATION MEETING OF THE DEMOCRACY OP THE FIFTEENTH WARD. ursuant to an advertisement in the Copperhead la of this city, about thirty persons assembled Ito club headquarters, corner of-West and Ooates his, last event og. The room was filled very un rkrtab/Y with tobacco Smoke, and a smell of bad I was predominant. A tall, slim, sieepplook el:greeter, whose name, in the eonfusion, we wore tle to ascertain, took the chair and called the ,i,tig to order; the audience, nevertheless, "still 411 : 1,, s sir short pipes. The president then be object of the meeting was to express lion at the manner in which the mem ifteenth ward were treated during the front of the Commonwealth building, set, above Sixth, on Saturday night. resolutions were then read, In which it 'hat a Mr. Banker, while peaceably .ie procession, was assaulted by one of Republicans dressed in the garb of our Without any provocation he drew a him such a powerful blow that his is broken, and otherwise disfigured, and Aficers, appointed to keep the peace of es ßemitted thus to do, they will pro. '. Ired dollars reward was offered for the (policeman, andpers one hundred dollars tfor any on who ould give ton which would lead to the w arrest of /lio made the attack upon them. at applause was here attempted, but It serablo failure.] members then arose and made a propo- If any pollee °Meer attack ed them to •opoldtions were presented, but they snow n ably Pos i t POrked . by the sleepy chairman, ght, which was greeted with members then addressed the Club, and a condition of affairs was still allowed that they would protect themselves as rad. nember arose, and moved that the mem- Fifteenth ward .attend the funeral of pbell In a body, and that the services of ttained ; which was also put off till to a. ropeeltlon was offered, that a collection be taken up, from all Democrats, for or Mr. Campbell's family during life ; member arose and begged to Inform Le City Executive Committee had that n* Consideration. ! I the coMpany adjOlUlled tO meet again THE MOST VALITASLII PROPERTY IN A SWING IKAontruz is for it to be able to perform with ease and accuracy all kinds of family sewing. This is most perfectly attained in the celebrated machines made by the Grover & Baker Company, sold at 730 Chestnut street. They manufacture both the r Look " and "Grover & Baker" stitches, leaving 'purchasers determine, after trying both, which they prefer. The "Grover & Baker , ' machine is the only one in the world whirl executes fine em. broidcry. There are oVerten thousand of them in use In this city alone. Tun RAPID xevAilon in GOLD Is ominous. All commodities of value will necessarily sympathize with this movement. Those, therefore, who have not laid in their supplies of winter Coal will act wisely in doing so' at once by forwarding their orders to W, W. Alter, 057 North Ninth street. His Coal is the best and cheapest In Philadelphia. ' Tun SEASON FOR HEAVY CLOTHING If! at hand, and, as the prices of goods of almost every descrip tion are now unusually high, it is an important matter to know where to get the most valve for your money. After examining the market thor oughly, we can confidently assert that the best place in Philadelphia to buy good Clothing at mo derate prices is at the old importing and manufac turing house of Blessis, C. Somers & Son, No. 025 Chestnut street, under Jayne' Hall. Try our ad vice. DELICIIOITS OONFECITIONS.-Blr. A. L. Vansant, Ninth and Chestnut streets, IF now charming his patrons with his tempting sweet Jordan Roasted Almonds, rich Bonbons, fine ohooolate preparations, and a thousand French novelties not to be found elsewhere. In Fruits he is also far in advance of all competitors. THE STOCI: Or GENTLEMEN , 9 PIiattISITING Goons offered by Mr. George Grant, No. 010 Chest nut street, is the finest in the city, and his cele bruted "Prize-Medal Shirts,” invented by Mr. r. F. Taggart, are unsurpassed by any others in the world, in fit, comfort, and durability. Wool) ..Sz CART'S CONTINENTAL HAT is rendering their rooms, Igo. 725 Chestnut street, the Most at. tractive resort for ladies in this city. The "Conti nental" has been the fashionable " hlt" - of the sea son in the millinery line. THE FALL OF RICHMOND - The Fall of Stooks The Fall of Gold • The Fall of the Year! The Fall of Clothing I All these falls are near their termination, conse quently get your Fall .Clothing to• (lay at Charles Stolies Co. , E one-price, under the Continental. CURIOUS BELtoe.—The 'HOtel des Haricots, in Paris, used to ho the place where National Guards. men Were confined when under arrest. Many no. tabilities have passed a night there, and the walls of, the little prison are literally rcovered with in scriptions, caricatures and sketches, chiefly exe cuted with the imrnt end of a cigar. Among other things is a recommendation to all persons of taste to procure their garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. GU and 606 Chestnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. - - BAno.snis CLOTAING, Bargains in Clothing, Bargains In Clothing, BILTDIIII6 In Clothing, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Ohl Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, At Granville Stokes' Old Stand, No. 609 Chestnut Street. No. 609 Chestnut Street. No. 609 Chestnut Street. No. 609 Chestnut Street. PLATE Du TOILETTE PEAROAIEL—For enamel ling the skin, eradioatink wrinkles, small-pox marks, pimples, &c. Price $l. Hunt & Co., 133 S. Seventh street, and 41 S. Eighth street. oel2s&wtf Warts Timm WAS or ANTILLES.—This exqui site cosmetic has no equal for beautifying, whiten log, and preserving the complexion. It is prepared from pure white wax, hence its extraordinary quali ties for preserving the skin, making it soft, fair, smooth, and transparent. It is most soothing after shaving, cures chapped hands or lips, removes pim pies' blotches, tan freckles, or sunburn, and im parts that pearly tint to the face, neck, and arms no much desljed by ladies of taste. Price 30, 60, and 76 cents. Irunt & Co., 133 South Seventh street, and 41 South Eighth street. ocEl-swtf Hurl.% BLOOM Oa Rocas—A. charming color for the cheek, does not wash off or injure the skin, Manufactured only by Hunt & 00., 41 South Eighth street, and 138 South Seventh street. ocB-swtf TOE STOOK OP GBIZTLEMIEN'S FURNISHING Q oons offered by Mr. George Grant, No, 610 Chest nut street, is the finest in the city, and his odic.. brated "Prize•Medai Shirts,” invented by Mr. J. F. Taggart, are unsurpassed by any others In the world, in fit, comfort, and durability. WEST VIRGINIA PRTROLEIIN LANDS.-A few desirable Oil tracts in West Virginia, including three leases on Burning Springs, will be offered for sale in this market for a fe* days. Also, a choice property in Venango county, Pa. Inquire of Jno. B. Love, No. 16 South Front street. 0020-6 t OIILLDREVEI CLOTTEING.—An elegant assortment at U. Shoemaker St Oo.'B, No. 4 N. Eighth st. 29.6t* STS, EAR, 'AND CATARRH, successfully treated by Isaacs, K. D., °enlist and Aurist, 611 Plne st. Artificial eyes inserted. No charge for examination. THE 0010IPLANTIE6 OIL COMPANy.—The lands of this Company are considered among the most valuable in the Pennsylvania oil region. Among the first wells Amok upon this farm was the Corn wall. This wall yielded at the rata of 1,000 barrels of oil per day. Other wells were struck on the farm, which gave .a daily yield of •from 100 to 500 barrels each. These wells were atruck some two years since, and are 3 ielding a small amount at present. But ac the experience of other wells has proved on the same farm, upon being cleaned out and set to work, they will still prove very remunerative. in proof of the inexhaustibility of the oil supply on this farm, we ivould state that the Cuba Well, which was struck a few weeks since, and was acci dentally burned, is now producing at the rate'of from, as we judge by personal Inspection, 275 to SOO barrels of oil per day, pumping and flowing; and, from tho Indications we saw, it is highly probable this amount of daily flow may be largely increased. We mention these facts in order to show the quality of this farm, the lands and general appearance of. which we shall endeavor to describe. The lands of the Oornplanter Oil Company con slit of two hundred and twenty acres, situated on Oil Creek, two miles above Oil City, and adjoin the H. McClintock farm. They extend for the dis tance of just half a mile on each side of Oil creek, taking in the whole fiat, as well as the hills on each side, to a considerable distance back of it. These hills Lave several good.sized ravines breaking through them, which, to the eye of a practical ope rator, present a very inviting and decidedly °lea-. ginous appearance. In proof of - this, we may men tion that some of our most successful miners have already secured leases upon them, and are anxious 'to get as much more as, they can. The creek forms a bend the whole length of this property, and con sequently the flat is about as wide as on any portion ol the stoream. The bread flat, and the hills gently receding, on each side, render it unsurpassed for mining pun poses. The lower boundary commences at the Hem lock Well, now producing about forty barrels per day, which is on the Oornplanter farm. and runs in a straight lino across both creek and flat, as before stated. The upper boundary is the H. foloOlintook lam: It also embraces Oornplanter Island, which is situated at the upper end of the farm. The pro portion of flat is greater than upon most farms on Oil creek. There is a portion of the farm, scarcely half, un der lease. These leases were granted by the origi nal company. Many of them became forfeited. Under the new management, an arrangement hag been entered into by the company and most of their lessees, by which the company gets a royalty of one-half the oil, and the terms of the leases aro re duced to ten years, instead of ninety-nine, as they were formerly. The company have also made it a specified condition with these lessees that they shall not pull up their tubing to the detriment of their neighbors, thus preventing flooding of wells, and protecting both miner and company In their pro perty. In the commencement of tho oil development there were many wells commenced here, and abandoned for want of means to continue them. The company have for the past season been engaged in cleaning out and boring deeper those, and the result has so far proved beyond a doubt that most, if not all these wells, will prove remunerative. The present daily production of the Cornplanter farm is about four hundred barrels. There are now some ton englies at work testing, pumping, and boring,c that belong to the company, in addition to those which are being worked by the dffierent lessees. Others are being put up as fast as practicable. In a short time it is intended to have some forty engines at work. In their selection of officers and board of directors. the Cornplanter 011 Company have been singularly fortunate. Mr. J. L. Carnaghan, of Pittsburg, the president, is a gentleman who has been a practical operator here from the commencement of the oil discovery. His ample experience, combined with kis untiring energy, will prove invaluable to the best interesta of the Company. In this matter he will be assisted very materially by Mr.. Jonathan Wat• son, of Titusville, who is one of the board of direc tors. Of this latter gentleman, who is so thorough ly identified with the petroleum interests of West ern Per nsylvanla, , it is not necessary to speak fur ther. The rest of 'the management is composed of eminently practical gentlemen. In conclusion, we give it as our opinion that there are but few oil companies that give promise of more abundant prosperity. As to Its success, that is a fixed fact. It has everything to reoommend it to the favorable consideration of stockholders, viz : a pro duction far above the average, practical men to manage it, territory of . rare productiveness, and ample capital to thoroughly develop it. The capital stock is $1,000,000, in 100,000 shares of $1 each. Office rs—J. L. Carnaghan, of Pittsburg, Presic!ent. Board of Directors—Jonathan Watson, or Titusville ; Wm. M. David, Thos. P. Potts, David R. Jones. Philadelphia, and J. L. Carnagttan, Pitts burg. Secretary and Treasurer—Thomas Searle, office 523 Walnut street, Philadelphia.—Oil City Register, Oct. Roth. IV. M. II GRAY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL AND YeUrriFri. COLOe—BA7.DNES PREVEITTED. " London " "Hair Color Restorer,'' " London " "Hair Color Restorer." " London " "Hair Color Restorer." " London " No Drs. "Hair Color Restorer." "London" "Hair Color Restorer." "London" "Hair Color Restorer." It is the only known Restorer of Color and Perfect Hair Dress-ing combined, delicately perinra. ! d. Price 75 cents per bottle, or six bottles for $l. Sold by DR. S WAYNE do SON, .330 N. SIXTH Street. It INVALIDS WHOSE AILMENTS ARE IN car.Asituby our changeable climate, " DE. MAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY" is a never felling source of ease and comfort, always enabling them to breathe freely and naturally, whilst the lungs ore strengthened and restored. A good appetite, com plete digestion, strength, and a disposition for active exeici.e are sure to follow its use. It lb, without ex ception, the most potent remedy known to the medtoei Wotld for Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Blood Spitting. Nervous Debility, Weak •Breast, and allPaimonuy Complaints. Prepared only by-DR. 8 WAYNE .1r SON, No HBO N. SIXTH Stied, Philadelphia. ONE-PRICE 'CLOTHING, Or THE LATEST tyles, made in the best manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST SELLING 'PRICES marked in PLAIN FIGURES. All goods made to order warranted astir factory. The one•price away'', is strictly adhered to. Sal are thereby treated. alike. JONES' OLD-ES TABLISHED ONE. PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 HAREET,Street, near Sixth. de2B-17 . , • Tint POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE OF PHILA.; " OAR HALL. • - 13eat-dase goods at moderate prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN. E. E. corner SIXTH allli MARKET Streets. Custom Department (te mak') to ordor), No.l S. Sixth at. CITY ITEMS SPECIAL NOTICER. TILE PREBI3:=-PITITADELPIELV.: WEDNESDAY, NOVENIBM 2,186 e PERRY 4.% CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and. CHESTNUT Streets. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHINg, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO.; CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY . & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY . & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD andCHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, TRIED and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., ,CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY Sr. CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO„ CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO. CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. PERRY & CO., CLOTHING, THIRD and CUE 3TNUT. PERRY & CO.. CLOTHING, THIRD and CHESTNUT. ocLI fAIW tf • , To PURCHASE C.T...OTHINO at 10W prices, mate FS selectionfrom our stock of READY-MADE OAR armiTB. We are selling goods equal in style, flt, make, and material, from 205 to 60 per cent. lower than is now charged for same goods mado to order. We have all styles, sizes, and prices of Clothing, Mena', Yonths', tad Boys'. All can be mined without delay or trouble. BENNETT & CO., 6cS•uttnthf tf TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET Btieet. WIERDL`Brit & WIMON I S MGM= PERM= LOCK-STITCH szwirra MACHTNEe. THE OREAI'EST, 8111PLEST, A_DID BEST. Salesrooms, 101 CRETN - C'T Street, e.bove SeTeutb. M~..~bR=E~~ HRENNISER--GOR6AS.—On the 25th ult., by the Rev. B. F. Price, Joon 33 , 13renniser, of this city; to Harriet Gorgas, of Lancaster county. * 11 fIisLER—COOR. —On the 2.sth. nit. ,in Corislieboclren, by Rev. John O'Neill, Mr.. Henderson Miller to Miss Mary Ann Cook, both of . Upper Merion, Montgomery county. Di iD_ WALTON.—On Saturday, Oct: 29th, at East Capitol Hill Barracks, 'Washington, D. C,, of disease contract ed in service, Itllwood Walton,"aged 90 years, formerly I:rivate in 114th Regiment P. V., late of Co. A, 16th Regiment V. R. C. The relatives and friends, and any officer or private of above regiments now in the city, also the members of Jetterrou Lodge. No. 12, of the 1..0. of 0,:1,, are re spectfully inviitfi to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of his father, back of 724 Filbert street, on Thurs day afttrnonn, at 2. o'clock. Funeral services at the 'Bedding H. E. Church. joNES.—On the SW ult., Samuel Jones, M. D. Elie relatives and friends are Moiled to attend the fu neral. from the residence of his brother, No. S24Spruce street, nu Thursday next, at 1 o'clock P. M. " COLLINS —On the evening of the 90th ult., William M. Collins The funeral will tab' place on. Fourth-day, - the 2d of Eleverillt month. at 11 A. AL, from his residence, 730 Arch street Friends of the family are invited to attend. without further notice. Interment at South Laurel Hill. DUNK.-At City Point. Va., in the 17th year of his age, Thos. F. Dunn, 198th Regiment, P. V.. lith Army Corps, eldest son of Garrett and Margaret Dunn," of this This is the fifth member of this'family lost In the war: Due notice will be given of his funeral. 0 ' MAXWELL.—Octotter Andrew Maxwell, aged. The relatives and. friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his son-im law. J. B. Bhsppard; No. '2ol9lArch street, ou Thursday, at 2 o'clock P. iii., without further no- LEHMAN.—At Lebanon, Pa.. on Saturday morning, October 29th, Susanna 61, ,wife of Benjamin B Lehman, and daughter of Ebenezer and Maria 'Austin, or Phila- BLACK-ALL-WOOL REPS. Lupiu's*Black 111. Wool Empress _Cloths. Do do do Mousseline de Laines, full doable width* Do do do Tamise • Do do do Merinoes. Do do do Cueloneres. I.zo do do - Thibet and Long Sham's, fall and extra,4— ;7138* Do do Bombazi Sm. - &c. ' BESSON dz SON, IIIOti n ENINO , STORE, ocl4-tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. pi 26 FOR REAL FRENCH MERI• NOES. EYRE & LAND LL have lowest Merineee. EYRE Az: LAN L JILL have finest Blerinoes. EYRE" :Si LANDELL have _lowest Poplinet El RE & LANDELL have 'widest velvets. EYRE Sr ,I*.A EDELL have richest Silks. 0c23 AN ADDRESS WILL BE DELIVERED RICHARD 0 •GORNIAN; ESQ,I, NEW YORK, El/Z1:11C3 CONIeUE. c.rrizr.Ns PRILA.DELPHIA, UPON TUB POLITICAL ISSUES OF' THE DAY, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 3, 18643 AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. MUSICAL FUND HALL, There will be seats for Ladies. no2-2V! Rya) A GRAND MASS MEETiNG OP THE LOYAL CITIZENS of Germantown, HannYank, Nice town, Chestnut Hill, Brauehtown, etc., will be held CORNEA OF scHooL LANE AID. PLUM -ROAD., GERMANTOWN,. ON THURSDAY, Nov. 3, AT• 3 P. M. His Excellency Gov. CURTIN.. Hon. B. WINTER DAVIS. _ Hon. LEWIS BARKER. Oen. J. T. OWEN, Hon. M. RUSSELL THAYER, W. ROTOR WISTER. WILL ADDBESS•THE MEETING A platform for the Ladles will be provided, and they re.especially invited to attend. - In the evening there will be a brilliant display of FIREWORKS. by Prot Jackson. Tie Cars from Ninth and Green, and Pft.senger Rail way afford every facility to the citizen 3 of Ptiladelphia to reach the place of mee tint. no 2 21 HEAD9,IIIA.ILTERIS REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES. ORDERS NO.• • I The Club will assemble THIS AFTERNOON. at 23i o'clock, to proceed to alkton. Maryland, to partici. nale in the Lincoln and Jk Kneen demonstration to be held there this evening. - _ 11. The train vita leave the Depot, BROAD and PRIME S at $ P. hi , precisely. ICI. Tickets for the round trip, GO cents; to be had at the Hall at I P I.V. The Club will meet at 33; P. M. on THUBSDKY, liovtrn bet 3, to proceed to Salem, New Jersey... Tickets 50 cuts. By order of It 110 W. WM. D. MANN, AND 0111 ER. eminent Speakers. will speak on the issues of the day, on THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. at 73‘ o'clock. in the large ball, corner of SEVENTEENTH and POPLAR Streets. Come all. ggrm REV. IL W. HENRY, D. WILE be installed Pastor of the North Presbyterian March, SIXTH Street. above Green, THIS EVENING. Rev. T. lit Ctinningbain,_ Rev. IL C. Sutphen, Rev. J: Edwards:D. D., and Ehr. Dr. Cornell .wlll partici pate. Seivicea to commence at 73S o'clock. • it* ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. - AT A meeting held cu the 31st ult. the followinwers' elected Officers to serve from 30th Nov., 1664, to 90th co., 36E5: • President—CHAßLES MACALISTER, in place of Db cid Milne, resigntd. Vice Presidents—DAVlD C. McCAAIKON and GEO. i OURG. Treasurer—ALEXANDER PRIESTLY, in plait) of Thomas Sizio)air,•resignea. Secretary—CßAlG D. RITCHIE, in place of George Young. I esigued Chaplain—Rev. WK. BLACKWOOD, D. D. Counsellors—TOßN NV: WALLACE, M. J. MITCH& SON. Physicians—S. W. MITCHELL, M.D., ROB. BURNS, Si. D , Franhfcrd. Aseistante—John Gibson. John Wallace, Hunter Sted man, G. R. Leslie, F. F. Paine, Daniel Mclntire. It GEORGE . YOUNG, Secretary. AIIIMILIM • LINCOLN IDIIALFF CLUB OF FIRST WARD.—A ➢leettuz of the rnerxibe s will be held TRIS (Wednesday) EVENING. at 73; o'clock, at the Jackson School-house. TWELF and FEDERAL btreets. Business of importance. ORO. ROORKS, President. B. 6 NVII MANSON, Secretary. VENAPIGO COUNTY OIL LANDS. —All who are prepared and desirous of boom. Ing part owners, at the original price,of a valuable tract of Oil Territory, located In Venango county. Pa.. are invited to attend the sPeond meeting. to be held THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 8 o'clock, at 418 WAL NUT Street, first floor. gar BOVEMBER 2. 1864 -ALL THE Members of Co F, 31)7rn P. V. wit! meet at the corner of BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets. THIS MORNING. at 11 o'clock to go to camp . By order, • _% • Militia H. SHANTZ, Capt. Commanding Co. F, 197th P. V. PRILAIDELPITIA. SOCIETY FOR 'ROMOTING GE I CULTURE—?.(ovesiber meeting at 'Timms 326'WeLNUT Straet..THlS (Wed-. nesday) MOEIII2IO, at llo'elock. ' lt N UNICE.— BURNING SPRING OIL COMPANY OF PSNNSYLVANA. --Per sons holding Receipts me requested to call at No. 113 CHISSITIUT Street. and receive Certificates for same. .1. C. FRYER, Secretary and Treasurer.. NOVEMISERL IE6I. nO2-6t DIVIDEND •NOTlCE.—orricz OF THE HYDE FARM OIL COMPOIY—No. 147 Eonth FOURTH Street, PHILADELPILIA, Nov. 1, 1E04.. The BOARD 01? DIRECTORS have Ws day declared a Dividend of ONE AND A HALF PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, being 15 cents per Share. payable on and after MONDAS, the 7tb, free of State Tax. The books will be cloeed the 4th, and opened the .7th. •• WILLIAM M. CARTER, n02.6t Treasurer. THE -WINFIELD OIL COMPANY. —This new Company owns 2-7 of Three Acres on the Blood Farm, which is known to be one of the best oil regions on t'Al Creek: Vonango Comity, 'a. Ou this traot there are three wells. • Also 60 ACRES in foe simple. on the Allegheny river, opposite the land of the Excelsior Company, in a large oil yielding neighborhood. I he Company expects to be able to declare a Dividend of TWO PERCENT. Per Month, from the commence ment Books now open for gnb•mription. Farther informa tion give at 201 B. FOURTH. Street, Front Room, See. and Story. no 3 3i "GREAT CENTAIL FATR. 19 —ALL Lille ageing. the " Great Centrollatr" prfaented, on or before the TED tlti 1) AY OF :NOVEDI. . HER. at the Office of the Sanitary ANimmhtstoa. - 1807 CHESTNUT Street, addreaeed to' O. A. WOOD. r • nol-9t Chaitraan of Auditing Cciloinhtee.• tarCONESIESSION OF THE • warm) STATES AND ECUADOR. Noti the hereby given that the Commission provided for byConvention of November 24, 18i32, between the bolted States and Ectiatior, - for the matnal adjust ment of claims was drily organized at the oily of Guay aquil, on the lBth day of August last, and that the said Commission will continue in session for 'the period of twelve months from that date. All citizens of the ,United States having claims upon Ecuador are, ti erekire notified, to appear in person,' or by attorney and present the proafe in anpport of their claims to sa id Commission, or to 1110 their claims and proofs with the Secretary of the Commission, "Senor Crisanto Medina." in Guayaquil, in the Republic of Ecuador. „ . Galles, which shall not be presented to the Commis sion within the twelve months it remains in existence, will be disregarded by both Governments and consi dered invalid. ' , REDBRICK RASSAKRBK. Minister Resident and Comnsissioner of the United States. :Wseanrarqs CITY. October 1, 1864. oc3-1m • WYE.; TOYS AND FANCY GOODS.- 4.E ,;Just received' from' Etirope, a large as sor t men t o f Toys of every description.. Also, Fancy Articles, in great variety; Meerechanm, Briar, and a variety of other Pipes and Cigar Tubes. JOHN DOLL, Importer. oclB-tuths2m NO.. 502 MARKET Street. WAXAMAKER a DROWN, CHARLES W. SMITH, Chief Marsha NATIONAL UNION TICKET FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. OS ILLINOIS. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON. OF TENNESSEE ELECTORAL TIGKET. SENATORIAL. MORTON MatiCHAEL, Philadelphia. THOBIAS CILDININGRAIL Beaver Comity. REPRESENTATIVE. 1. Sobeit P. Hiss. 15. liiiae W. Hnle. ' 3. 0. Morrison Coatea, 14. Charles .u••• '3. Hoary Drums, LS. John Wister, 4, William H. Kam. 18. David MoConanshr. 6. Barton H. Jenks, 17. David W. Woods, 8. Charles IL Bank, IS. Isaac Bensoll, 7. Robert Parke, - 19. John Patton, B. William Taylor, 20. Samuel B. Dick, 9. John A. Bleatand t _ Everard Blerer, 10. Diehard H. Coryoll. 22. John P. Penney. 11. Edward Handal'. '43. Ebenezer Manakin, 12 Charles Y. Head. . a John W. Blanchard. By order of the State Card INSURANCE. TIBIA - WARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENN SYLVANIA,_ 1836. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STRA: PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE. ON VESSELS, CARG EIGH O, To all parts of the world. FRT, INLAND INSURANCE: • On Goods by River Canal Lake and Land Carriage. to a}l parte of tbe nion. FIRE INSORAIWE. On lOrehandise generally. - On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &c. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NDV. 1, 1862. ,$lOO,OOO United States Five per cent. Haan.. $97,000 00 75,000 United tates 6 percent. Loan,.6-208. 75,000 00 0,000 .United Stelae 6 pOr cant, Loan, 'lBBl. 22,000 00 50,000 United States 7 3-10 per cent. Tres _ miry Notes 63,260 00 100,000 State of Pennsylvania 45 per cent. • Loan • 100, •:7.60 64,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent. • • Loan 67,880 00 IYA COO Philadelphia City G per cent. Loan.. 127,528 00 N,OOO State of Tennessee 6 per cent. Loan.. 15,000 00 23,007 Pennallvaniaßailroad, let Mortgage '• 6 per cent, -Bonds - 22,300 00' 50,000 Pennsylvania Itailroad,'2d Mortgage 6 per. cent. Bonds - 63,250 00 16,100 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Company, principal and interest guaranteed by the city of Phila delphia - • 16,000 GO 6,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Rail road- Company, . 6,000 100 Shares Stook North Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 2,650 00 21,000 United' StateS Certlfleate6 of • In.. Loans on Bond and.lifortgage, amply • secured - 125,700 00 3701,760 Par Cost, $769,737.12 Market Value. $794,200 60 Real Estate •••• 86,863 96 Bills receivable for insurances made., • • •-• 107,947 61 Balance due at Agencies—premiums on ma- rine - Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the Company 23,519 27 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Compenies, $5,803, estimated value.. 8,206'00 Cash on deposit with 'United States Government subject to ten days' call ' .. . ... $BO,OOO 00 Cash on deposit, in 8ank5......... 88,688 39 Cash in drawer.........., « t • • •-•-• ••• 200 00 • 118,730 10 DIRE Thomas C. Hand. John C. Davis, Edmund A. Bauder,. Theophiln s Paulding, . John R Penrose, James Traquair, Hem y C. Dallett, Jr., James C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph R. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, George G. Lelper, Hugh Craig. Charles Kelly, THOMAS JOHN O. HaNny 1,17,33VRN, Secrota TH } E jaz IpLIANCE INSURANCE CCM- ..OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated In DM. Charter Perpot • OFFICE No 306 WALNUT STREET. Insures against loss ox damage by FMB Houses, Stores, and ether Buildings, limited or perpetual; and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise. ' CAPITAL, $300,000. ASSETS 338; 311 SG. Invested in the following Securities, viz; First Mortgage on City Pro tarty, well secured $106,900 00 United States Government Loans ' . 119,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans 60,000 03 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per cent, $3,000,000 Loan 12,000.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first and se= cond Mortgage Loans 85,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 ' per cent. Loan 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany's 6 per cont. Loan Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per cent. Loans . .... 4,660 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock.... 10,000 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock 4,000 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock.... - .1,060 09 Union Mutual Insurance Company's !lock of Philadelphia 2,500 00 Loan s on Collaterals, well scoured 2,250 00 Accrued Interest ... . 5,982,00 Cash in bank and on hand ' 16,687 83 88 Worth at present market value.. 399 eaB7 ~211 664 36 DIRECTORS. Robert Toland, Witham Stevenson, Hampton L. Carson. Marshall }MU, J. Johnson Brown, Thomas H. Moore, Clem Tingley, Wm. B. Thompson, Samuel Bispham, Eobert Steen, William Diniser, Charles Leland, Benj. W. Tingley, CLE . THOMAS C. HI , Secret. PHILADELPHIA, January 4 ANTHRACITE II SURANCE • .130 K-; PANT .—Aithortied Capital . MOO, 000-011 LIMES PERITTUAL. ; • , _ • _ - Office No. 311 WALNUT 'Street, bet Ween Third and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. • This Company will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Bnildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. Also. Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. William Esher, Davis Pearson, D. Luther, Peter Seigel'. Lewis Audenrisd, J. E Baum, John R. Blarkiston, William F. Dean, Joseph Idasfield, John Ketcham. . WILLIAM ESHER, President. WM. F. DEAN, Vice President. • W. N.SUITIt, Secretary. ap3-tf FORMAN P. ROLLINSEE.S.D. WM. H. GRAVES, UOLLINBRELD & GRAVES, INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 312 WALNUT St., Philadelphia, agents for the ALBANY CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO., ie27-6m..0F ALBANY, N. Y. . FORMAI' P. HOLLINSHEAD. WILLIAM H. GRAVES. ROLLINSHEAD & GBA.VES, ANCE S T REET PHIL ADELPHIA. WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. AGENTS FOR TEE HORWICE COMPANT, OF NORWICH. CONN. CHARTERED IEO3. REFERENCES IN 111ii;ADELPHIA (by authority): John Grigg, Esq. ressrs.Trediok,Stokes agoo Pales, Wharton, & Co. Messrs. Chas. Lennig & Co. Messrs. Coffin & Altenius. Messrs. W. H. Larne& & Co. ie27-6m FORMAN P. HOLLINSRULD. WM. H. (*Emmet. ITOLLINSBEAD & GRAVES' INSURANCE AGENCY, NO 312 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA„ Agents for the CROTON FLU INSURANCE COMPAY, of P . m York. . • ie/7-6m AMERIC AN FIRE INSUR& NCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. •31.0 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Baying a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In. vested in sound and available Securities., continues to insure on,Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted_ DIRECTOR. Thomas R. Marls, James R. Campbell, John Welsh, Edmund O. Dutilh, Samuel Cl. Morton, Charles W. Poultney. Patrick Brady, • Israel Morris John T. Lewis, THOM ALBERT O. L. CRAWFORD, VIRE' INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. —THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM . - PANT. Incorporated 18045. CHARTER PERPiSTUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Sq pare. • • . This Company, favorably known to the community for nearly forty yeare, continues to insure against Loss or Damage by, Fire, on Public or Private Bulldings, either permanently or for alimited time. Also, on Fur niture, Stocks,' Goode, or Merchandise generally, on liberal torms. Their capital, together with a large Surplus Fund. Is invested in the most careful manner, whioh enables them to offer to tho insured an undoubted security lit the case of loss DIRECTORS. ' Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Ir., Alexander Benson, John Doyerenx, Isaac Hailehnret, Thomttis Smith, Thomas Robins, Henry Lewis, J. Gillingham Fell.. JONATHAN .PATTERSON, President. WILLIAM G. CROWELL, Secretary. TNSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.—OFFICE Noe.l and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, north side of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Philadel phia. INCORPORATED IN 1794--CHARTER PERPETUAL. OAPITAL 211200.0(l. PROPERTIES OP THE COMPANY, FEBRIrARY 1, - • 1864. 5526,617 62. 'MARINE, FIRE, AND .INLAND .TRANSPORTATION aisußerics. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sharma. Tobias Wagner, Charles Macalester, Thomas B. 'Watson. William S. Smith: Henry G. Freeman, William R. While, • Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George C. Car:o4 Samuel Grant, Jr.,_ Edward 0. Knight, John B. Austin. HENRY D. WILLIAM HARPER, BeMb TAME INSURANCE COMPANY, -a- No. 406 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. TIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIIIBCTOBS. Frauds N. Buck, Chart ex Richardson, .11eurrlewis, 0. W. Davis, P. S. Justice, George A. West Plikricrs GRAS. RIO W. I. Br.Arcirettp, Secret NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL PETROLEUM COMPANY CAPITAL STOOK, spt,ooo,ooo. .100,000 SHARES AT $lO - E &GIL r • Subscription Price $6 per Stare. LANDS YIELDING LARGELY. oyncsas: HON. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, President. WE. T. PHIPPS, Vice President. • ROBERT BASSETT, Secretary. Book's ate open for snbscripticn at the office of the Com pany, No. 24 Empire Building, 71 BROADWAY, N. Y. The lands of the Company are situated in the heart of the 011 Region, and include portions of those well• known localities, "the McElheny Farm, the two Mc- Clintock Farms," and other proved and valuable work ing territories, including over Two Thousand acres of the beat Oil Territories along 011 Creek and In West Virginia, now under process of encces.sful development, and oil Is already regularly and largely produced from several wells upon them. od9-dBtWirn Address the Company, " P. 0. Box 5368," New York. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. • WHITE OLOVER-HONET. NEW PARED PEACHES. CULTIVATED CRANBERRIES. Am ALBERT C. RO BERTS, . Dealer In Pine Groceries, nol-tf Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets GREAT CENTRAL CLOTHING Housx, al Geminates CADIEREOII. Ohlant=l3 81,420 00 $l, DB9, 425 62 TORS. Robert Burton, Samuel E. Stokes, .T. F. Peniston, • Henry Sloan, William O. Bortiton, Edward Darlington, H Jones Brooke, - Jacob P. Jones,. James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Byre, Spencer Mcllaaine, John 13. Semple. Pittsburg. A; B. Berger, Pittsburg. C. HAND. President. DANIS, Vice President. y. is.l4 I M TINGLEY, President.. S BUMS, President. Secretary. fe22-tf SILBREERI), President.. ary. nol& tf John W. Evermans Robert B. Potter John Ressler. B. D Woodruff, Charles Stokes; Joseph D. Ellis.. TICK, President. RDSON,-Wice President. ri. • jal4-tt GIRABD BANK, PHILADELPH I A, November 1, 1864. This Bank has declared a DIV I DEND, out of the profits of the last six months, of FIVE PER CENT., payable 00 demand, free of all taxes. It will be necessary for the holders of stock which has not been consolidated to surrender their old certificates for.consolldation before receiving the dividend. By order of the Board. no 2. wfinSt W. L. SCHAFFER, Cashier. TRADESMEN'S BANK, PELLADALreId, November /. 1864. The Board of Directors have this dap declared a DIVI DEND of FIVE PER CENI'. for the past six months, payable on demand. no 2-3 t * CASTNER. Cashier. OrTHE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA, november 1861. The Board of Directors have this day declared a divt dsnd of FITS PEr Cent. for the last six mouths,payable on demand, clear of all taxes. no2-8t S. C. PALMER, Cashier. KENSINGTON 'NATIONAL BUCK. IMOP.-2" PrirrAnammiA, November 1. 1861. The Board.of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of FIVE Per Cent., payable on demand, clear of all taxes. [not-6tl C. T. YERICEB,. Cashier. TXoI AIL BANK OF coii. WW1:ROB. PHITUDIiT,PITTA, November 1.1864. The Board - of Directors have this day deciEtred a divl dc4, of kIVE Per. Gent , _payable on demand, clear of taxes. Cno2.tvfm6,3 JO all A. LEWIS, Cashier. SOIUTIKWARK BANK, PHILA. DBLPI3IA, November - • Tbe Board of- Directcra have declared a dividend of EIGHT PER CENT. , payable on demand. Stockholder» ale requeated to bring their certificates. ' x lO2-5 t F.' P. STEEL, Cashier. far WESTIERN BANK Ol' PHILA. DELPHlA,Noveinber 16 64 . Dilectoys have this day declared a dividend of TEN PER. CENT., pe.3'able on demand, clear of Na tional and 3 / 02,-,1 : 4 C. N WETGANDT, Cashier. arLn DITANUFACTICTICERS' NA. TIONAL BANN. - - . PITILADI:LTINA November 1,-1863 The Directore nave this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., for the last six months, payable on derPar d, clear of all taxes. not-6t M. W WOO . DWARD, Cashier. Or 'UNION MANIC. At a meeting of the BoaPrdnieriADDiErlereltforrAs; Nov.h eli r this :a . i, a Eiviciand et' HITE PERCENT. for the last six months, free of ail - taxes, was declared, payable on demand. ,no2-term6t J. J. MICKEL, Cashier. BMW' FARMERS' AND DIECIFEANICS' 6Fg' I4AYIONAL BANK, PHILADELPOIA, November 1, 1664. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of all taxes. w. itusarati. not-6E Cashier. IarCOIIC filoPi'i%E LADE", PHU, NOVEMBER 1, 1.831. The Directors have this day declamd a dividend of FIVE , PER CERT. for the last six moult:Ls, payable on demand, clear of all taxes. . H. G. YOT_TIsIG, no 2 3; Cashier. llerr". - SECOND NATIONAL JOANN,. OF . X i lth NIMORD, November 1. 1814. , . . . ... .. . , The Directors have hclured a DIVIDEND of SIX PEE CEET t for, the lar,t six. months, - payable on"demand, clear of taxes. W. H. ELLOWN, no 2 lit - Cashier. ISEVIENTIII NATIONAL BANK Or PHILADELPHIA.. IVer. 1, 1851 The Diteeters nave this day declared a dividend of TI3.ItEE Pint CENT. out of the earnings - of this Bank Slime July 1, 180, pal able on demand. char of taxes. not-tit, B. B. HALL, Cashier. Igo PIIILADELPIII/IL NATIONAL BA vFi,- Pin LADELPIII i, October3l, IS6 The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. for tbo last six mouths, payable on demand, clear of all taxes. nol-et B. B. COMEGYS, Cashier. lar rEt }2E 4 lF i talL . l :. NATIONAL BANK OF PHIL t DELPHIA. November 1, 1861. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Oivi. dend of SiX.PER CENT.; free of all taxes, payable on demand out of, the earnings or this Bank for the past six months. . MORTON .11C.11A.EL. n02.6t . Imp Cashier. flOrz' THIS THIRD NATIONAL BANK. PIIILADI.LPHI A, November 1. 1864 The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of PII7E PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable on de mand, Clear of all taxes. E. GLE2DINNING, no2-6t Cashier. gar. PENN NATIONAL BANK, PHILADEbNErreI, Nov. 1, 1864. The Directors have this days declared a Dividend of SIX PERICANT. on the Capital Stock for the last six months, kityslalit on demand. clear of all taxes. no2-wfm6W 'JAMES RUSSELL, Cashier. • KW" 11IECHAATICS 9 BANK. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1, 1,954. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend ol SIX PER CENT., on the bneinesa of the last six menthe, payable to the stockholders or their legal representatives, on the 11th inst., free of all taxation. J. WIEGOD, Jr., no2-9d #.3:1 . (Ashler. EirNOTICE BANK. OF GERMAN. : TOWN. PHILADELPHIA, OCt. 211, 1864. Ifoticcisibereby given, agreeably to Section 2 of the Act of general Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvaniat omit. d " An act enabling Banks of the Com monwealth to • 'become Associations for the purpose of Banking under the laws of the United States," approv ed the 21d. day of August, A: D. 1E64, that tile Stock holders of the Bank of Germantown have this daY voted to become snob an Association; and that its Directors have procured the authority of the owners of more than two• thirds of the Capital Stock to make the certificate required therefor by the laws of the United States. CHARLE S V. 0c22 .10t • Cashier. NOTICE.—THE BOOKS OF SUB. scriptios to the Capital Stock of the "National Oil Creek 0 it Company" are now open at the once of the subscribers. The properties have been selected with great care by parties of largo experience, and are situated in the OU Creek district, Tenango county, Pa. For further par ticulars and prospectuses apply at our rate. For the Corporators, 00011 RAN & RUSSELL, 0c24-12t ' 22 South FRONT Street. lar RANH OF NORTH AMERICA, • PAILADEIPTIIAt i. October 13 , 1864. A general meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Bank will be held at the BANKING-HOUSE on MON DAY, the 14th day of November next, at 11 o'clock A. M., to consider and decide whether this Bank shall become an Association for the business of Banking under the-laws of the United States; and whether it shall exorMse the powers conferred by the act of the. Lees] atuiii:of this State, entitled "An act enabling the banks of this Commonwealth to become associations for banking „Ander the laws of the United States," ap proved 72(3:Augnet, 1864; and to take any further action that may be necessary. By order of the Board of Directors. ocl4-Imo .1. BOOKLET, Cashier. TREASURER'S P A 114 MR NT NORTHERN. CENTRAL RAILWAY COM PANY. CAI:VERT STATION'. 'BALTIMORE, October 21, DNA DIVIDP4D I%.3.—The President and Directors of this ConiPtni have this day' declared a DIVIDEND OF TWO (2) PER CENT., clear of National and State taxes, For the quarter ending September 30th. payable to the Stockholders on the 10th of NOVEMBER next, at this °Dice. The transfer books will be eloFsd from the let until the 10th of. November inclusivs. Bv.ortlar. 0c24. nrcrflOt J. S. 'LEIB, Treasurer. CONSOLID &WON BANK, PHILADELPHIA, October 13, 1864. . An election for Directors to serve the ensuing_ year will be held at the Banking' House on MONDAY,. 21st day of November next, between the hours of 1.0 A. It and-3 P. - H. • • JOSEPH N. PEIRSOL, oell•faiwincl4 ' . . . Cashier. OFFICE OF 2ETNA. B.mte COMPANY; No. 324 WALNUT Street.- PHILADELPHIA. October 21,1864. NOTICE in hereby given that all 'nook of the /Etna Mining Company. on which instalments are due and unpaid, have been declared forfeited, and will bo sold at - public auction on MONDAY, November Vat, lath at 32 o'clock, neon at the odice of the Secretary of the Company, according to the Charter and By-Lowe, en lees paid on or before that day. By order of the Board of Bisectors. B. A. HOOPES, 0c22-tno2l Secretary and Treaartrer.• • 11 , IVIDEND NOTICE —OFFICE OF THE PH fLADELPSIA AND OIL CREEK. OIL COMPANY, No. 327 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 28,.1654. The Directors of the Company have this day.declared the Second Dividend of One Per Cent. on the Capital Steck of the Company, payable on and after TUESDAY, November 15, 1%1, Glee/ of State taxes. The transfer Books will be closed ou the 10th of No vember, at 3 o'clock P; M., and *opened on the 15th: W. D. PAINTER, nol-lot , • • ' Secretary.. NOTICE—THE.BOOKS OF SUB. SCRIPTION to the Capital Stook -of the NA TIONAL OIL CREEK OIL COMPANY will be - closed this 3melr..! Perione desirous of taking an interest in this Com Any will Dleabe:eall immediately, as the stock list is nearly full- For' the Corporatore. • COCHRAN & RUSSELL, nol• St Ag North FRONT Street. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE • EcOLINTOCHVILLE PETROLEUM' COMPANY. Ho. 41.1. WALNUT STREET. PIIILADELPRIa • October 29.183!. The directore of the Company have this day declared the seventh monthly dividend of ONE PER. Cs - yr. payable on and after TUESDAY, November 15th, 1861: The transfer books will bo closed November 9, at S o'clockP., M., Indreepened November 16. cc3l.ntwftf WM. MOONEY. Secretary.- 'MERCANTILE. BENEFICIAL AS. SOO' AT I ON. —Th e twenty- third annual' meet ing of the bIERCANTILE BENEFICIAL'ASSOOIkTION OP PHILADELPHIA will be iield on TUESDAY. NEXT, November Pth; at • 3 o'clock P. M., at No. . HS South SEVENTH street. The anal° al report will b sabesitted, end an eleotion held for a Board of:Nanager• to serve for the emoting year. WILMA:SCA. ROLIN. nol-7t • ' Secretary. • OIL SUBS ito If. 8 igr b are now open to secure subscriptions to ERVEN' TRACTS OF OIL 'FBREITORY, in fee simple: snbjaot ie n o royalty losses or mortgages, and 'eligibly located,. fronting on the Alleehery river and its tributaries, in Cornplanter, Hickory, Tionesta, President, and Pine Grove townships, in Venango county. These properties are eontiguow3 to, adjoin, and are Between corapanies Of large capital now at 'work . • In this enterrn lee are only ONE HUNDRED SHARES, at ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS EACH, a number of which have boon taken. If desired, two or more persons can cub together and take a share. When the balavce of Fubscriptions are taken. the szthseNhers can organize themselves into .a Company, *llea their officers from among themselves; &c.. For circulars or other information, address, or apply to the nudersigned,hy whom subscriptions are received. DUNCAN M. iIIITCIIESON, oc3l-St Office N. E. cor. FOURTH and WALNUT Ste. far 'OM BIRD ORPHAN UOUSII. The - DEDICATION 'of "THE BURR ORPHAN ASYLUM OF ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH, " and the CON SECRATION...of its Chapel, will, Providence permitting, take place the morning of TRIIRSPAY. November 2d, at IV o'clock. The Reverend the Clergy are Bpe• cially invited to the ceremonies,- and all Interostedgn the institution will be cordially welcome on the occa sloe. The cars will leave the corner of Market and eete, West Philadelphia, at 10 o'clock oc3l-4t WOFFICE OF THE /ETNA TIENINQ COMPANY—FIIILADELPHIA, Oct. 29, 1854. • • 'Notice is hereby given, that an instalment of ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE on each and every Share of the Capital E tock of the /ETNA MINING COMPANY bas this day been called in, payable on or before the 14th Day of NOVESIBER. lE6f, at the Office of the Company, No. 321 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors, . . oc3l-tnl4 B A. HOOPES, Treasurer. iiwnt BLOCKLEY AND ERIONN TURN— PIKE' AND PLANK ROAD COMPANY. Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the CorriPabY will be held at the house of Mrs Yonng, Lower Merlon Township, on MON DAY, the 7th day of November next, at 3 o'cliack P. M. to elect or o President, twelve Maria. gere, and one Treasurer, to serve for the enuring year. DAVID . MORGAN, oc3l-3t* WALTER. WELLS WILL CON. W-1 - Witte 'to' lecture before Lycenins,Boliools, etc. Address to care of J. B. Lippincott & Co. ,Fhila. oc2B-9t* • DIVIDEND NOTICE. Office of the CORN PLANTER OIL COMPANY, No. 5214 WALNUT Street, October 27, 1854. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS have • this day de- Oared a Dividend of TWO PER CENT. on the Capital Rock of this Company, payable at their Office on and alter NOVEMBER 12, clear of State Taxes. The Transfer Books will be closed on the let of. NO. VENEER. at 3 P. M., and be opened on the 12th. 0c28.14t5. THOS. R. BEA.RLE, Secretary. DAUPHIN AND - COLORADO GOLD MINING COMPANY , . • Chartered •by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOCK,' $1,000,000, 200SCO SHAM—PAR VALUE, 66. Pasidoint—JOSN B. ANDERSON: DIRECTORS. . James R. Magee. John W: Hall, Harrisburg.' T. C. McDowell, do. John Brady, do. W. W. Wylie, Lancaster. Wm.' G. Shute. Colorado. D. P. SOUTH WORTH, • Secretary and Treasurer. Office of the Company, No. 423 WALNUT Street— Room No. 6. , • Authenticated specimens have been procured from some of the Company's lodes, and have been assayed by Prefessors Booth and Oarrett with the most gratify ing results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office of the Company and at the Treasurer's Office (In ternal Revesnel, No. 427 CHESTNUT Street, Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank Building. Tooriginal subscribers, gsg.go per shire, for a limited number of shares. Circulars, pamphlets, or Information can be obtained at the (Mice of the Company after the 17th last. - Myrnass 14. 1W: • ocl4-1m Thomas A. poott,. N. B. Knows. - Win. B. Freeman, Bobt. P. Meg. John M. ley, Charles DeSilver. 13. E. OM SIXTH AND ZdAEKET STREETS PHILADELPHIA POST OFFICE, SPECIAL NOTICE. THE MONEY ORDER SYSTEM will go into aired on TIIESDAY. November let. Blank applications can be obtained- and a list of Money Order Offices that are eetabliehed seen, on application at the MONEY ORDER DEPARTMENT at this Office, entrance at the Register Room door, where all information in relation thereto can be procured. The following are the rates of Com missions.cl2arged for Money Orders: An order not exceeding $10..• • 10 cents. . Over $lO and not exceeding $2O, Over $2O and up to $.30.••• • 20 No order Issued for less than $1 and not exceeding $3O. Orders will be issued for the present between the hours of 9 A. U. and 5 P. At. O. A. WALBORN, liar OXYGEN BY INHALATION, EVERY DAY THIS WEER', TIL/;4.p. M., At No. 031 RACE Street, • oc3l•St* • By. C BEELIIA. M. D WESTERN BANK OR:PIIIIEA.• IBELPHIA, • • Ocronim - 18, 1864. Th e Annual Meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Bank will be held at the BANKING HOME on TUES DAY, the first day of November next. at 12 o'clock M. And the Annual Election for DIRECTORS will be held at the BANKING HOUSE on MONDAY,the twenty-first day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. 0c19.tn021 C. N. WEVGANDT, Cashier. RETAIL DRY GOODS. EXTRJI:ORDINARY DRESS GOODS, SIIA.WLS, - FIJRNISHRO AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Comprising the largest and choicest display yet offered at Itetedi, and at prices below the corresponding reduced value of GOLD. • FRENCH POPLINS, MERINOES, ALPACAS, WOOL DE LAINES, &c., Irmay CBZAP. We have Net received at a great eariflce a hero Mock of Medium-priced 313 3Et S GOODS,• Job lot of American DR LAINES and PRINTS, which Ire shall offer very low, and are well Worth the atten don of buyers. J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., S. R. torus! of NINTH and ARCH Streets, 110284MWtd031 . PHILADELPHIA. WINTER GOODS, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE.—A large assortment of long and square Shawls. French hierinoes, ell colors. English Morinoes, ix, and 2 yards wide, cheap. DRESS GOODS.—Delatnes and Calicoes in natietr. Cloths. Caseimeres, and Satinets, good and cheap. An kinds of Flannels,' and in all qualities. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, and Toweling, at • . JOHN H. STOKES', not No. 702 ARCH Street. NEW SIETJELT FOR ISEI.-.. . • A NEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN. • HOOP SKIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) STEEL &PELEE). I. L h .J. 0. WEST, No. 97 CHAMBERS STREET, • NEW YORK, • Are the ow nera of the patent and exclusive mantas taxers of this, . J. W. BRADLEY'S PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIO STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. • This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly toaether, edge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring over used enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold the skirt when in use casually and with the same convenience as a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion to hoop skirts, via: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especially in crowded asaemblles, carriages, railroad care, chnrchpews, or In any crowded place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occupy ing a small space. This entirely,4vimoves the difficulty, while giving the skirt the usual full and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, oPera.promenade, or house dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward rills gly dispense with the use of them. They are the bestduality in every part, and by far the lightest, most dnra le, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above,-and ladies in most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different Sts tee. . Ar Inquire fofthe DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRTS. "ptRA_DLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC -11-. SHIRT, Very flexible, folded easily When In me to ()lumpy a small space, making the moat agreeable skin worn. For sale by ' 902 C M E R TN LEG r H ee t. T/IIADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT—The treated improvement we hers ever aeon in LADISF §KIATS L ang B,n article of S P] RIORR%CELLBNTCS• CIIRWEN STODOARba BRO.. *50452, and 454 N. 85002 D 15k, i.b . Willow 5.310-If2m 6 2 8 NEW -FLEXIBLE SKIRT. Rost, • Just out, the most' pliable Hoof) Skirt in the market, in every respect equal to the "Da e: Skirt." and at much lower Drioess Wholesale and 1.- tail at Manufactory, No. 628 ARCH Street. • Please examine them. • • oc2B 6tt . WILLIAM T. HOPKINS. 628. Largest o . o sso PS e E nt. il7 , 8, rt. •••628 cheapest in the city, se a enfac titred :t &28 AECH Street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. • • • . Skirts made to order, altered, and repaired. : 0e27-6V. . . W3I. T. HOPKINFL,. 1777=mm7777 1 7n IN PRESS 1 IN PRESS !' IN PRESS ! WILL BE PUBLISHED NOVEMBER Tivi, MRS. WOOD'S NEW COPYRIGHT NOIII OSWALD CRAY t • - OSWALD CRAY! OSWALD CRAY ! OSWALD CRAY! - - - - By lira. HENRY WOOD, author of " Sqaire Trevlyn's Heir, or Trevlyn's Hold," The Castle's Heir, or Lord Oakbrun's Daughters, '"` The Earl's Heir," The Iy - stery," " The Lost Bank Mote ," "The Runaway Eateb," "A Lifo s Secret," "The Charming's." • Verner's 'Pride," "Shadow of Ashlyd yet, " •' The Haunted Tower," "Foggy Night at Oiford, " "Wil liam Altair." • - PRICE $1.50 IN PAPER, OR $2 IN CLOTH There is a straightforward simplicity and directness about Mrs. Henry Wood's writings that-commands re. spect. It is the distinguishing characteristic of the pro ductions of this authoress that the. story is told in a plain, natural way, so as fully to sustain the impression that, though "passing strange," the narrative is, ne vertheless, trn.thful. We will publish this book two inouths previous to Its publication in England, havingrecaived the mantrectiot and advance proor sheets direct from Mrs. Wood, at an expense °rover three thousand dollars. Early orders from the Trade solicited. Address T. B. PETBESON R BROTHERS, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa., Publishers of Peterson.'s _Detector. Price $1.60 a year 611 . the New Books are for sale at. PETERSON'S. • no 2 HEATEB4, Ate ' ]FURNACES. PHILADELPHIA` • 1 WARMING AND VENTILATING, , NyAirkaacrusv., AND • Nimmelled Slate Mantel' liannfactory, No. 1010 CRESTETIT STREET ECONOMY . IS MONEY CHILSON'S PATENT GAS-CONSUMING CONE VITEN ACE • - • will warm yonr Immo with one third lam coal Man any other Fug pea to ?se. • - CHILSON'S PATENT "ELEVATED • DOTJBLI3r:OTBN • COOKING-RANGE has no equal in the world. Catt and examine it. At the present high prices of marble no one in want of Mantels should fail to examine my stock of BEAUTIFUL ENAMELLED SLATE MANTELS, A large stcok of • LOW-DOWN AND COMMON PARLOR GRATES, . REGIUTERS. and • VENTILATORS, • constantly on hand: W. A. ARNOLD, nov2.7811'11;1 NO: 1 1.010 CHESTNUT' Street FANCY FURS. LADIES' FAIIOY FURS. JOHN F.A.R3OTRA., No. 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh Street; At his old established store. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS LADIES AND 011ILDREIsT. Baying now in store a very large and beautiful assort ment of all the different kinds and qualities of FANO! FURS FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WBA.R, I solicit a call from those in want.- . . . . Remember the name and number, 'JOHN FAREIRA, 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh. I have no partner or connection.with any other 'store to this city.. 008 4mif INVOICE OF FRIIIT.-L—.TO BE SOLD, -A- pOSitiVelY, NOTeMbei 24,1 before 2 o'clock P. Id , on board or Bark CARL lON,' lying at Kennedy's Wharf. between ARCH and RACE Streets. 40;000 Havana. Oranges. • • • • •• ' 40 dozen Plne Ante& • • • . . • 100 bunches Bananas. . . • •," .60 bunches Plantains:. •• - For terms, apply to the Captain, on board__, or at . • BDRRND A. 13011 DRE & CO. It • • • 'DOCK-Street Wharf. DEAF :MADE . TO . BEAILINSTRU MENTS to sestet the hearing; at P. MADEIRA'S; 110 South TENTH Street, below Uheetunt. uo2,6t* PURE LEHIGH • • COAL.-H 0U S KiIEPERS can rely on getting a pure article at S. B. corner FRONT and POPLAR Streets. no 2-110 JOHN W. HAMPTON. V lORYTYPES ARE' BXECITTBD IN a stile rarely equalled at B. F. REIMER'S. 624. ASCH Street. Simplicity in:style, and softness and delicacy of coloring, characterize them. F. REIMER'S, SUPERIOR STYLES A- , • Por traits, life-size Photogiaplur in oil colors, arc roost agreeable, life-like, and nab, rat. Portroits are desired, get them at 02* ARCH Street. . • •0* 'A el MILLS, &c., heated with exhaust or dizeiletean also, Cols for Heaton, Condeusere.'ilvaporgLo_i_ set-Sak ag... NORMAN. *4 North SIX TH TASTEFUL AND SVDST4=ELL OLOTRING OCTOBER 23, 1.834. POSTMASTER BARGAINS IN UMMI A GOOD SOPRANO DESIRES A A SITUATION in rt. Church Choir in this city. Ad dress " W ," Box 2214 Post °flies. nol-Sr A PRACTICAL ENGINEER Ali D m A k. CHINIST wants a Situation as superintendent of a Coal Oil Company. Apply for three days at Adam's Commercial Agenoy.l26 South SECOND Street. nol-2t• PRINTER WANTED.-A TEMPE RATE, steady, and respectable man, who under etands the running of the Boe Press, and is a good gene ral Printer, is wanted in a newspaper establishment in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. A permanent situa tion and fair wages to one adapted to the situation. None others need apply. One from a country office pre ferred. Address " Newspaper," at this office. 1101-3t.* STEAM ENGINES WANTED.--A SE COND-HAND ENGINE, in good order, from 40 to 80-horse power. itlso, t.wn or three 10-horse power En glues. add.ess Box. 12&5, Philadelphia Post 011los, with particulars. no 2-31.• • TO OIL COMPANIES.-AN EXPE RIENCED MECHANIC, and ENGINEER wants a Situation with an oil Comnan_y as Snperintendent of their moats, Apply to B. D. arcrADLAND, 9 , 15 RIDGE AYBIIIIB. onto A. B. DAVIS,. Titusville Crawford county,. Pa: •••• lt* 'F 11 OIL - COMPANIES.-WARTED A, .L .SITUATION as Sorel intendant- by acompetent En Philadelphia Best of reference. Adam* "P.- E. ,"-Bdx 17 2 E Philadelphia Poet Office. • • . -ffio2, 3t* WANTED-AB CLERK, :IN. A LAW- YBB.'S °See. a . LAD otiatelligesse:'whO write" a good hand. Address "B. R. W.," al thisoffiee.no2-2t,* WANTBD, BY A. 10IING . MARRIED man of good bnsineas capacity; a POSITION in a commercial or manufacturing establishment, either in the city or country. Ample referencee as to character. Address "J.," Box 669 Post Odic& 0c29-6t* "ANTED TO BUY CHEAP-A country DRUG STORE. Address •• Druggist." Press oci: tit* 'WANTED, AGENTB.-AGENTS IN every County. at $7O a month, expenses paid, to Illtrodsteeff teen new and ueefuG articles, the best sell- Ina , ever offered. For particulare,addrese,with s t amp, 30BN F. LORD, BIDDEFORD, MAINE: 0c26-dBtW3re WANTED AT slso'. PER MONTH andI e want a reliable CANVASSES Sn every town counts , . We have agents clearing $l6O per m on th, which we wifi_prove to any dnnbtinc applicant. Ad dress JONES) BROS. & CO., 600 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ocL3-lm• WANTED TO RENT—A STORE, wie-on eltber Market or Third streets. by January 1, I_BBs. Limits. from Third to Sixth, and from Race to Market. Address .nOl 3r* BOX 2823 Philadelphia P. 0.. i n WANTED TO RENT-ON THE Ist of January, a DWELLING HOUSE, with all modern improvements and in good repair; pleasant ly located. Address,. with terms, "J. H. X," Box 1264, Post Office. no'. 6t* WANTED. TO RENT--A HOUSE on'ARCH Street; with modern improvements. Ad dress, stating location rent and where an interview can ballad, to "5.," Box 2 38, Post Office, pottsville. Pennsylvania not. se WANT 31.1)-41ETWEEN NOW J=AL and the let of Jannarr,.a STORE, on Market street, between Third and Siwth.• Address 80x1598 P. O. ooS3-6t* FOR SALE AND TO LET. . . • ORAL -. A: $.l 1 Fborne and Wagon; at 7123 IL. TENTH St. nol-3t A PARTY RETIRING FROM TUB HARDWARE BUSINESS offer for sale their stank of Hardware and Fixtures, or will dispose of Lease and Fixtures. .fihe stock is in good order, and well select ed. :For particulars apply on the premises, No. 735 MAL KIT Street, Philadelphia. • no2-6i"! JAINE'S GRANITE BUILDING, (FORMERLY OLD PObT OFFICE') • . DOCK STREET, BELOW THIRD. TO LET, OFFICES on the first floor lo snit appli cants, heated by strain. Also. the whole of the fifth, sixth, and seventh stories of the building, with steam-power. THOS. H. CONNELL, Counting-House of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, oc3l -St* No. 242 CHESTNUT Street. FOR RENT-A STORE ON MAR XET Street, between FOURTH and SIXTH Pos- MIEBiOXI on the let of January. Address, with real name (no other communication will be considered), Box PM Philadelphia Peat Office. nos-sts AN FOR BALE—HOTEL EXTRAOR Jima DI NARY.—The splendid Hotel, land and large outbuildings, at White Ran Station, Pennsylvania Central Railroad, only S miles from the city. s first. class summer resort. Will be sold a bargain and on easy terms. MILLER. 154 North SIXTH Street. nol-St COP.ARTNEIISHIPS. IBBOLDTION OF PARTNERSHIP.. ..y—Thepeatnership heretofore existing . bstrreen the subscribersi.nnder the firm of SHUTE & WERN WAG, iellits dayy. Dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. N. C: 'Win retiring - from the firm. NATHANIEL C SNUFF. THEODORE WERN WAG. PHILADELPHIA. October 31, 1864. . . . • COPARTNERSHIP.—The subscribers have this day smocisted themselves together under the firm of WREN WAG & CO., and will continue the Commission and Importing business heretofore carried on by Shuff Wernweg, at 242 and 244 CHESTNUT Street, vs here the business tic the latter firm will be liquidated. THEODORE WERN WAG. • W. P. WERN WAG. PRITADELPITIA, November 1, 1664. not-3t+ COPARTNERSHIP.-TIIE UND E STONED have this day formed a Copartnership under the firm of P. GIUFFRE Jr SON, for the transac tion of a general BOOR-BINDING BUSINESS, at No. .1103 APPLE TREE Alley. P. GRIPPE% • GEORGE \V. GRIPPER. • • PEILADELPEZA, Oct. 1.1864. ocs• Int* DISBOLIJTIOIL-THE COPARTNER SHIP heretofore existing under the firm of •SANUEL N. DAVIES & SON is this day dissolved. The business will be settled hi the undersiEned, at No. 2125 DOCK Street. CHARLES E. DAVIES, Surviving Partner. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. SO, 1864. COPARTNERSHIP.—The undersigned hays this dsa formed a copartnership under the firm of DAVIES BROTHERS, for the transaction of aneral BANKING AND BROKERAGE BUSINESS, at No. 1625 DOCK Street. OR ARLES E. DAVIES, • PETER A.. DAVIES. PH/LADELPIIIA, October 1, 1864. • • II S. Certificates of Indebtedness, Quartermasters' Venchers and Checks, end Government Securities gene • rally, bought and sold. Business Paper and funs on Collaterals negotiated. Stocks and Loans bought and eold on Commission. 001.2 m VOPARTNERSHIP. - WASHINGTON - BUTCHER, Commission Merchant and Wholesale Dealer in Provisions and Produce. has associated with him in his business his son, HENRY CLAY BUTCHER. The style of the firm will be WASHINGTON BUTCHER & 60N, 146 and 148 North FRONT Street. OCTOBER 24, 1584. 0c24-Im* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-WEN- N- , DEROTH & TAYLOR,.Artists arid Photographers, have this day associated in copartnership with. them Air. J. HENRY BROWN. Artist. • The name of the firm hereafter will be WEEDBROTIL TAYLOR. & BROWN. The reputation of the eatablishment, as well for PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS lisler blear finished PAINT INGS IN OIL OR WATER COLORS, will be fully sustained; and the addition of another artist to the firm will enable It to execute orders for fine work with less delay than hitherto. The undersigned respectfully invite examination of their apecircene in all styles of portraiture. Particular attention paid to copying old pictures. Out. door Views of Country Seats, &c., taken at mo derate prices N. B.—Entrance until their new store is completed, at 916 CHESTNUT Street. WENDEROTH, TAYLOR, & BROWN, 912, 911, and 916 CHESTNUT Street. October 19, 1564. CARD . 'ln connection with the above Rmionncement, tho un dersigned cit sires to state to his friends. who have du ring =any years favored him with their kind. snore elation, that his entrance into this copartnerehip is in duced by the sincere conviction that, in proper hands, Pbotogisphy proves itself an ally which art can no longer wisely neglect. he believes that, wonderful as has been its trinmplut, it is destined to still greater achievements. . Whatever merit may hitherto have. been attributed to his pencil will henceforth be employed to demon strate the correctness of this conviction. J. HARRY BROWN. October 19, 1664. . oc3l-12t if GAS IFEETURES, &C. rioraTrzrus & BAKER, • 710 CHESTNUT STREET, flare the pleasure to announce that they are now pre- pared to furaiBh A . NEW STYLE OF GAS FIXTURE, SUITABLE FOR DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES, &-c., WHICH CAN BS LIGHTED BY ELEOTRIOTTY. ocie f lm if LEGAL. N TA T. E OF REBECCA • ENGLE, 4-4 r diceised.--letters Testamentary upon the .Estate Of REBECCA ENGLE; deceased, having been granted to the undersigned. all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands thereon are requested to Present them without delay to RICHARD ENGLE, RICHARD ENGLE, Jr. ,31. S. THIRD St., PAUL, LUTZ. 411.7 MARKET Street, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1; 1864. Executors. aO2-u6t* I'STATE OF GEORGE R. JUSTICE, DECEASED.--LITTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the Estate of GEORGE R. JUSTICE. late of the City of Philadelphia, deceased,•havingiteen granted to the un dersigned by the Register of Wills for the Coanty of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment...and those haying claims or demands against the same tO 'make them known without delay..___ • JANE W. JUSTICE, krecutrix, • No. 1211 W LLN TIT Street, Or to ber Attorney. A. S. WITCH VifORTII, 0017-met' No 131 South FIFTH Street. • STATE OF SAMUEL STEWART; V. deceased.—Letters of Administration on the estate of SAMUEL STEWART, deceased having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make paymeut,and those haiing claims against the same are requested to present them to Mrs. ELIZABETH BIAS. Administratrix, 1019 LOMBARD Street, or to her attorney, CRAIG D. RITCHIE, 508 WALNUT Street. oc6-th61,4 ESTATE. OF AMANDA STEWART, DECEARED.--Letters of Administration on the Es tate of Amanda Stewart, deceased, baying been granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted to the said es- tate are requested to make payment, and all pereone halting claims against the same are requested to preset it tbem to Mrs. ELIZABETH BIAS. Adminietra trix, 1019 LOMBARD. Street, or to her Attorney, CRAIG D. RITCHIE, 508 WALNUT St. oc6-th6t• LETTERS OF ADMI.NISTRATION on the Estate of Mrs. FRANCES LA MAR HAU•• QUIN, deceased, (late of Texas,) having been granted to the undersigned. all parties indebted will please make payment, and those having claims against the said Estate will present them for settlement to SAMUEL 'ANG, Administrator, No. 148 North THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 17, 1864: . • 0021. fret* F. FRUEAUFF, ATTORNEY AND • Contusellor at Law, Hollidaysburg. Blair co., ps, ' Collections promptly attended to in Blair, Hunting don... and Cambria counties. Refers to R CLARKSOB & Co., No. 1213 Third Street : P. It, STARR, President Enterprise Insurance Co. ; CHAMBERS & REGISTRIL, Washington Life Insurance Co. ; WETHEB.ILL &BRO.. Second Street ;T. A. BIDDLE & CO., Bankers . Ph il a. delPhia. oclo-Ims • MORGAN, ORR, & CO:, STEAM EN. AN-I- GINS BUILDERS. Iron Founder_ and General Machinists and Boller . 1 Makers. .0: 1 2 19 CALLO HILL Street. PbUsdeboldn.. . W• . fispedr PERENOLOGItAL EXAMINA TIONS. with fall descriptions of character. gins DAY and EVENING, by J. L. GAMIN, ' ocl2-wfmly No. 25 SOUTH TENTH Streak • •la #EASONOWS PRIONS. ./IIMMON_ ISALEIL SALE OF CONDEMNED QUARTBF.- MASTER'S STORES. AMFDLARcEs. I PETEF QUAATEEMARTER's OFFICr. DEPOT OP WASAINOTON: WASHINOTOW, D. C., October 27, M6l. Wtll be sold et Public Auction, at the government Warehouse, situated on the sonars between E and P and Twentieth and Twenty-brat streets, Washizigtoni D. C.. on FRIDAY, November 11, 1864. at 10 o'clock, Of Otr ARTSRMASTE ell STORRS, condemned as unfit for nee—viz: • Axcn, Carpenter's' Tools, Brusher, Hridles, Buckets. Saddles; Saddle Blankets Stable Brasile, StoVes, hoveis, pi c k 4, Panlins, Halters, 13cre,'Leather, Prorta. ble Forces , Knives, and a large lot or Scrap Iron and Wagon Tires, ac. NiWill be sold, at foot of Nineteenth street; near Chess- . peaks 'and Ohio Canal, immediately after the nlmpla 4 lion of the sale above referred to, a numbe: Ambit.. lviransegeosn, Bodies, 6MoredingeallvagWortgeryoonscac,. Metallic Wagons. Successful bidders will be required to re.tove the stores within live (0)' dal s from The date of sale: Terms cash, in Government funds . D. H. RIICKBli:- Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, 0c29•11t Depot of Washington.. • SALE OF OOND E M RET t i EOBSB3. • QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, FIRST DEVISION, WARRINGTON CITY,` October 25. 1864. Will be sold.'at ;labile auction, to'the highest bidder; at Oienboro, D C_, Ln TUESDAY, November L 1864. IGO Cavalry HOTSDS. 150 Cavalry Horses. These horses Have been condemned as unfit for the et.' ' , fairy service of the army. In For be hasrond farming purposes many good borgaLtle, U Horses sold singly. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock 4. M. Terms: Cash in United States currency. By order of the Quartermaster General. JAMES A. ERIN; Colonel in charge First Division Quartermaster Glens.' rail's Office. • oc2B fit FY , AMERICAN ACADEMY OFXIIMO; GROVE W S (4- OP ERA. SEASON OP TEN NIGHTS ONLY CPosittyelY limited by engagements to the nights an nounced, and cannot be extended; nor can any flarthOr. season f Grab& Opera be given daring the Fail and- Winter In tide city. COMMENCING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 72a. SEASON SUBSCRIPTION. TICKETS for sale now at. GOULD'S MUSIC STOIE. The Director earnestly hopes that the lovers of Opera will assist in securing a large season sale. in,..view of the very great expense and necessarT, risk attending art operatic en'telprise of such magoificence. With this hope, he places the price of Snbtcription • Seats at the following very moderate rates, and offers a scheme em bracing A SEAT FOR EACH NIGHT. A SEAT FOR EVERY OTEEKEIGHT. • (alternating from either the first or second Opera); and. A SEAT FOR THE FIRST FIFE NIGHTS. &MEM Secured Seat (Ten Operas)._ . $l2 65 Alternate Nights, Secured Seats ( Five Operas).... 625 First Five Operas 6 25 Sale for Single Opera nights will not commence before THURSDAY, November 8, 1964. • oc3l-St. • - G NEW • ORESTITUV3T. THEATRE. ROVER & SINN Lessees and Managers. • THIS (wsnriBSDAT) EVENING,' Nov: 2d, • THIRD NIGHT OF EMS. D. P. BOWERS. . tad third and last night of EAST LYNNE. Tho performance will. conclude with the laughable farce or THE QUIET FAMILY. FRIDAY EVENING, BENEFIT OF MRS. D. P. BOWERS, when she wilfappear in hergreat character of CAMILLE: -_ In active preparation a new romantic play in 3 acts, styled THE MONASTERY OF ST. JUST, or the-JEW ESS OF MADRID.N SATURDAY AFTERNOON, , Nov. TENTH GRAND FAMILY MATINEE, when. the FORTY THIEVES will be presented for the second time: Price of admission to the Matinee; 30 cents to all Pada of the House. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW STREEHEATRE. ?d,. a n d Ittra. BARNEY WILLIAMS. • WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, IRELAND AS IT WAS.. AND AND OUT OF PLACE:" • AND TO PARIS AND BACK FOR FIVE POUND& .3 Mr. and Mra. BARNEY WILLIAMS IN EIGHT CHARACTERS. FRIDAY BENEFIT OF BARNEY WILLIAMS: • not-2t WALNUT-STREET THEATR T_ Second week of the very successful engagement Mr. I oKBAN BUCHAN eN and his taler ted and beau tiful . daughter, Miss VIRGINIA BUCHANAN, who wlllappear TEM EVENING, • in the new domestic drama, entitled WAITING FOIL THE VERDICT. Jonathan Roseblade McKean Buchanan Martha Ros e blade Miss Vitainia Buchanan Seats maybe secured from 9 till .9 o'clock. Curtain rises at ni o'clock. riIIESTNUT-STREET OPERA notrati 1 .- 1 No. 1221 CHESTNUT Street. ALLINSON & HINCHEN Proprietor?. MORAN'S MINSTRELS appear every eveultg in an elegant ETHIOPIAN ENTERTAINMENT. Doors open at 7. commencing at 8 o'clock precisely. Admission 24 cents. - Deem ved seats, which can be secured from 10 to 11 o'clock. 60 cents. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TBNILIE AND CHESTNUT Streets. TEMPLE OF WONDERS SIGNOR BLITZ EVERY EVENING. AND WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. Change of Performance Constantly. Admission, 26 Cents. Children, I 6 Cents. Itasarvoll Seats, 60 . cents. Evening Performances commence . ist AfkoVit at 3. • OCN• riIIUACADEMY OF FINE ARTS BSTNUT Street, above Tenthi . i4lo/11711DAIrif.. for visitors, from 9A. M.• to 6P. M. • . . • ieM• BOARDING. BOA:RDING.-FIBST. CLASS. BOARD IRO can be had at the old tiNITRD STATES KO VAL. 413 CHESTI , I72 street, at moderate chariots. •ao2-2t* ~A PLEASANT THIRD-STORY FRONT' . ..:11.00M, unfurnished, to rent to a gentleman and wife • Terms 16 dollars per week 1d34 SPRUCE street.. • . • 1 . nomathisse T'LIGIBLE ROOMS VACANT AT HILL'S, 328 SPRUCE Street. oe6-the LOST AND •FOUND. A A CERTIFICATE (268) OF STOCK for two hundred shares In the "UNION PISMO. LEMIS COMPANY," standing in the name of "NEL SON corms.," having been sent me by maii.and not having corna io band. it is bell_ ved to be LOST , and no tice is hereby given that an application has been made to said Company for a new Ceitilicale. • not 3t J. A. WILLIAMS, Attorney-it pST-ORMISLAID-A. PERPETUAL •-n- 4 Polity of Insurance, No. 16,077, 'sailed by the EIRE ASSOCIATION Oct. 18, 1880 to JAMES DIILLi GAN, for 161,203, on property 8. E cor. of Brown and Emery streets. Any information thereof will be re; calved by C. STIVER, No. 520 North TIIIRD Street. oat- mwf LOST OR .STOLEN-ON T . F I PI NIGHT ..2-4 of the Bth inst. four of the following Certificates Nos. 24 ; 319, 23 , 929, 23,991, 24,799 of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Steck. The public are cautioned against their negotiation, as their transfer has. been. stopped: A liberal reward will be paid and questions asked on their return to P. S. RoWLAND. ocl4.lm* - • 427 dEIIIICS Street. PERSONAL. ,'EMAIL DE PARIS" IS NOT 'A. . 11 - 1 paint, powder, or pasts, but a most delicious preparation that gives both' the color and texture of poll - abed ivory to the skin. EUGENE JOUIN, No. TENTH Street, below Chestnut. "L'EMALL DE PARIS " CAN BR used by all in the privacy of tl e toilette_ It removes all 'pots and roughness, and its purifying. effect on theakin calls forth freshness, color, and beauty. E. JOIJIN, No. 111 TENTH Street; below Chestnut. 66- 1 - .'EMAIL DE PARIS" QUICKLY: • -La reed iffectoally removes those unsightly black worm specks which detract eo much from the beauty or • the skin. E. JOWL No. 111 TENTH. Street, below.. Chesttnut. • , 'EMAIL DE - PARIS" IS B ,S. PECIALLY endorsed by Mad'Ue Vestvall, Mrs. Wailer, and many ladies in private life, whose coin. mendatory letters. for obvious reasons, cannot be pubk lisbed. E. JOUIN, 111 S. TENTH Street. Orders y mail should be addressed.. JARED GENE, General Importers, Phiradelphia. oc&lnws tf 1 1 1 0 AN ANGEL.-WANTED- BY, L. A- Young Gentleman. whose heart is hops:easy free. Is good Angel who will correspond with him, with the ed-. timate view to matrimony. She moat not, be over twenty ; must know Byron and Shelley by heart, an& may be either tall or . short. provided her skin be na turally smooth. fair and blooming, and not .owin_g to . the upe of "L' Email de Paris." • Address J. J., Bor. No. 1590 Philadelphia P. 0.. . oc3l-9t 1E)/rnifEk, SPBOTL.CLES, JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.'S, .se26-210 024 CHIUMNIIT Street. MATHEMATICAL INSTRITMENrI3, Of.all kinds, to be had at JAMES ,W. QUEEN & CO•'S; ie2B-2es • 924 CILBSTNIIT Street. 4411 ft.. FOR. ALBANY AND: TROY & ealeinigitioLVlA DELAWARE AND HARIT - LN•OARAL. • The Barge J. STACKPOLE,.-, master, is - 'WV, loading at first Wharf below Spruce street, and •wte: sail for the above points on WEDNESDAY, Novena.. berg. For freight, which will be taken on reasonablik terms, apply to D. L. FLANAGAN, Agent. n01.2t No. 304 South DELAWARE Avenue_ • G~.,T!! • •••=i-7z'k RAILROAD LINES. • NEW ARRANGEMENT. On and after TUESDAY, November Ist, 1834. Train& will leave from WALNUT4TREBT FIRE as follows: For CAPE MAY and all places south' of Millvllle at B.' A. M. and 3P. M For MILLVILLB, BRIDGETON", SALEM, and all . In.- % termedlate places south of Glassboro, at 9 A. M. and 3. P. M. For GLASSBORO at 9.A.' M., 12 M., and 3 P. M For WOODBURY, GLOUCESTER, ac.,, at 9.A. M.. 151 M.,3ard6P.M RETURrmco. Leave Cane May at 6 A. M. and 1146 A. 3.1. Leave Danville at S.lO A. M. and 3 P. M. Leave Bridgeton at 7.16 A. M. and 3.16. P. M. Leave Salem at 7 A. M. and 3 P. M. Le ave Woodbury at 7 5.47, and. 9.47 A. M., and 41.4/1 P. M. arid 6 10 P.• 10.10 Camden only. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS C )MPANY will attend to all the usual branches of Express Busi ness, receive, deliver, and forward through other re sponsible Express Companies to all parts of ihe coun try any article animated to them. A Epecial Messenger accompanies eachThrongh Train. Office, No. 5 WALNUT Street. J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1, 1E64. - asag gEt NEW EXPRESS LINE TO WASIIINGTON, GEORGETOWN and ALEXANDRIA, 'VIA CANAL.—One of the steamers of this line will leave the first wharf above Market street every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, for : the above .Ports, at 12 o'clock. For freight. aloDly to WAL. 1 1 . MY DE. Anent, No. 14 North Wharves. oc3l lm fir?l,_ PIANOS, COTTAGE EX ISIOR ORGANS, R.l.RMONlUMS.axolhaaa* , ; DEONS MARSH'S Music Store, 0c7.2m • . No. 1102 CHF.STNIIT Street. DECREE BROS., STECK & CO.'S ONL2BRATID PIANOS. J. E. COULD. SZVENTN AND .CIREITNITT. SIRA FOR A PHOTOGRAMIAX.E.- t"-FNESS of rare artistic beaut-s. 31BIBSIIR:41 popidar styles of colored Pliotographs for years tha standardreen. styles. made at his Gallery. SBOOND Street, above G DrZARTIKENT FOS largiTebt WQ WEST JERSEY' A' ~.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers