Sew Publications. Mr. F- Beypoldt, Of this city, has published «ev«- i b ooks of considerable merit, and has added to tho ir number. One of these lathe “Histoire do la Miirc Michel,” by .Emile de la B&dollierre, to whioh Madame O. E, Oorßon has added a preface and full The story Is well selected for young jintfrloanß who” desire to learn French, for the inci dents are.Rtnuslng, the satire Is polished, and the ■styl® is pure. If this publication should sucoeea, Madame Corson will follow It up with other French teiles composed and particularly adapted for youth. Mr. Leypoldt has also Issued a pocket volume French translation of one hundred of -®sop b Fables, prefaced by a Description of fifty animals mentioned therein, and concluding with a small hut sufficient French Dictionary. “ Ohrlstus Ju dex; a Traveller’s Tale,” by Edward Both, may he characterized as a scholar’s fancy. It describes the picture of the Judging Christ, preserved in the Lorn hard village of Acqua Ohiara, and painted by Pietro Cosola, a native of the place, and It relates hlB visit to and travels In this country, more than onehundred and eighty years ago, where he Is said to have taken the features and expresslon.of his Christ from a na tural profile (“ the features of a vast faoo, calm aud stern in aspect, sharply defined against the blue sky ”on a lofty rook among the mountains of New Hampshire. The Idea, It will be seen, is extremely fanolful, but It is worked out with no small ability. Another publication, from S. H. TJrbino, Boston, reoeived through Mr. Beypoldt, Is “La Batallle de Dames,” a comedy, by MM. Scribe and Legouvd, with English notes by Ferdind Boohef, French teacher at Harvard College. This is the first of a College Series of Modern Frenoh Plays, which pro mises very well. The English notes are j udiolous and not too numerous. Lastly, Mr. Leypoldt is one of the joint publishers of Otto’s Frenoh Con versation Grammar, revised by Mr, Bfioher. This Is the first Amerloan from the second Heidelberg edition of a good and popular elementary work. Mr. BOoher has made a few alterations, and added not a few improvements. TriE CIUY. (JTOS ADDITIONAL OITT NEWS BEE POURTH PAGE/ THE WORK OF ONE CHHISTIAN WOMAN. The patriotic wife of the liev. Dr. Hutter has already obtained the nucleus of a. fund to create, as anadjunot to the Northern Home for Friendless Children, a Home for the Orphausof Soldiers who have fallen In the Service of their Country. Two buildings adjoining the Northern Home will now be purchased and fitted up to receive its occupants.' The subscriptions received by Jffirs. Hutter thus far are as follows: M W. Baldwin it C 0....- .....$2OO 00, 2OO 00 W. Sellers, A C 0... J. B. M00r1iead....... 200 Ou W. Hunter, Jr.,& Co 200 OOi L. Audenried & Co.. 200 00 Cnheen & (Jo.. 200 00 J, Gibson, Sons,4 Co 2CO 0J K. H. Grntz.,., 200 0(1 jb'ClarJcaon 100 00 H. E. Hood 100 10 S. Morris Wain...... 100 00 C. &U Boris . ...... ICO 00 J. W. Evorraan & Co ICO 00 Tb0ma5M0tt......... 100 CO FaTnbam, Khkliam, SCo... . .... 100 00 A. K. McHenry...... 60 01 Anspacli-A Stanton... 60 00 Tyler 4 Co. 60 00 S. J. Reeves 25 00 W. E. Garrett........ 20 CO Cash 10 00 Hare Powell 200 00 B. W. Davis... ...,200 00 Messrs. Cornelius & Baker donate all the gas fix tures, while a fine sewing machine has been given by Messrs. Childs & Peterson. More money Is, of course, needed, and will be gratefully received. Send It to J. W. Claghom, Esq., No. 1009 Arch street, or to Mrs. Hutter, No. 307 New street. BEAUTIFUL TRANSPARENCIES, The members of the “ Artists’Sketch Club” are now engaged In painting transparencies foi the Su pervisory Committee for recruiting colored troop 3. All their leisure time is devoted to the work, which Is carried on in the various rooms of the building at 1210 Chestnut street, occupied by the committee. It is Intended that they shall be placed on the front of the building, occupying all the blank surface from the pavement to the eaves. A battle scene, an arch of liberty, a hand-to-hand struggle between a rebel officer and a nea ro soldier, and portraits of military men, make np the plctnres.' The paintings arc yet unfinished, but tho artists are working hard to complete them before the close of the week. They are good both la design and execution, and will ex ceed in attraction, both tq' tho lovers of art and the curious, any paintings of a similar kind that have ever been exhibited to our citizens, When the paintings are ready to be put in their plaoes, Mr. Webster, the chairman of the committee, expects to signalize the occasion by appropriate exeroises. STABBING CASE, David Welsh, aged SO years, and a man named Daniel Wilson, had a fight with each other yester day afternoon at 621 Penn street, during which It is alleged-the former was stabbed in four places In the body and one place in the arm. Welsh was ad mitted into the Pennsylvania Hospital. CASUALTY. Joseph Hubbs, aged 7 years, had his legernshedhy being run over by a oar, on the Flfteenth-streat road, above Thompson street, yesterday afternoon. The sufferer was removed to the Episcopal Hospital. FORNEY’S WAR PRESS, TOB THE WEBS ENDING BATHBDAY, OOT. 29, 1864, I, ENGRAVING.—Provost Marshal’s office, Atlanta: Citizens gettingpasses to go Northand South. 11. POETRY.-“The Voice* the Wild, ” by E. A Vauclse— *‘l Cannnot Support Him, Can You?” by M. B. Ladd—“The Craven"—"All for my Country’’— ‘ 1 The, Last: Sally. ’ 1 by J. T. Trowbridge—“ Ou the Death of Capt. Theodore Blakely, “by Rev. J. New ton Brown, D. D.—” To Jackson,” hy landor—’’ 1 Ten derness,” by A, E, Lancaster. 111, “ HOW r WENT A-WOOING: ” An original Novelette, hy George Steyne. Concluded. IV. EDITORIALS. —Sheridan’s Great Victory—The Tresideit’s Speech—The Rebellion Aboliiionized—Men to Execute the Work—Unpatriotic Bombast—Butler’s Retaliation—Union of the Union Party in Pennsylvania —The Voice and Vote of the Soldiers—The Burial of a Soldier of Freedom, &e. V. THE PRESIDENCY.-Great Union Meetings- Speechee by Governor Curtin, General Owen, Major Harry While, and Hon. A. K. McClure—Vice President Hamlin at National Hall—Hon. Thaddeua Stevens at Union League Hall—Speech of Mr. John W. Forney in Washington—Convention of the Democracy opposed to the l hicago Platform, VI. THE WAR.—General "Sheridan again Trium phant in the Valley Great Victory at Cedar Creek—Heavy Captures Made—Affairs in Grant’s Army—The War In the Southwest—Forrest Con centrating in Tennessee—The Rebels in Arkansas— The Invasion of Missouri—Defeat of the Rebel Army—Price moving through Kansas—Our Oayalry in Pursuit—Extracts from lats Rebel Papers, &cr VII. PRESIDENT . LINCOLN.-Speech of the Presi dent: His views of the Maryland Election—Proclama tion of a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer. VIII. CITY INTELLIGENCE. -Obsequies of Major General D. B, Birney— I Tribute to Major General Sickles: Speeches of Governor Curtin, General Sickles, and Hr. John W. Forney, Htc. IX. MISCELLANEOUS -The Great Whale Conven tion—An Hour with Moseby—The Marriage of Hiss Slidell—The Sanitary Commission in the Field—lm mense Iron Mountain on Lake Superior, Sc. X. CBESB DEPARTMENT,-Editorlal-Phlladelphia Chess Tournament—Problem—End Game—Cheis In ' Philadelphia, in New Orleans, in England. XI. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. , Specimens of the “Wab Press ” will be for warded when requested. The subscription rate for sin gle copies is $2 per year. A deduction from these terms will be allowed when dubs are formed. Single copies, nut up in wrappers, ready for mailing, may be obtained at the counter. Price five cents: ' CITY ITEMS. JUhh hrw 11 Continental ” Hat, of Messrs. Wood & Cary, 726 Chestnut street, is exciting the attention and admiration of everybody in general and the ladies In particular. They are graceful, stylish, and unique. ' Thk Most Pbbfbot Sewing Machine of thb Aqe,—The course of the “Florence Sewing Ma chinell has been, we may say, a triumphal march into the affections of the people, If we oan judge from the stream of sewing-machine-buying humani ty that may dally he seen ebbing and flowing at the “Florence” Booms, No. 630 Chestnut street. This celebrated machine makes no less than four separate and distinct stiteheß, It is simply constructed, and performs a greater variety of work than any other sewing machine in use. Every machine is sold with a guarantee to give the purchaser perfect satisfac tion, or the money will be refunded. Oil Scbsobiptionb.—Ye3torday the books to re ceive subscriptions to the valuable oil territory, de scribed elsewhere, were opened at the office, Fourth and Walnut streets, The enthusiasm exhibited, the number of subscriptions received, (notonly from capitalists, but men of moderate means), and the confidence exhibited by those who, after satisfying themselves of it, promptly paid the first Instalment, fully endorse the enterprise, We are pleased to observe that L. Montgomery Bond, Esip, who, as chairman of the “ Labor, In come, and Revenue” Committee of the Great Oen -80 BUO J e ? s s lll y Piloted it through, will act as Trustee, receipt for subscriptions, and duly ac knowledge remittances by mail. * When it Is considered that about one-fourth of the seven tracts (described elsewhere) la boring ground that tsXl front on the Allegheny river and its tribu taries, that they are contiguous to, adjoin, and are between companies of large capital, and that sub- Scrlberal get them in fee simple, subject to no loyalty, leases, or mortgages, we are not surprised at the disposition manifested to seoure an interest, particularly when each by so doing becomes one of cne hundred “ original subscribers.” With such Inducements, and others set forth in the advertisement, In another column, we are of opinion it will not be long before the list Is full. It is presumed that it Is hardly necessary to sug gest to those Intending to subscribe to do so sit once. Washes Aim Warmer.—Politics rage higher and higher, and up! up 11 up! >1 is the order of the day with the political thermometer. Well, there Is One consolation, to witi That efie campaign, if it Is sharp, will be short. In £ fortnight the great agony will be over, and we will know who wins and jrho loses. In the meantime no gentleman, who has a proper regard for his comfort and personal appearance, will fail to procure his wearing apparel at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of HockMlKV Nos, 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Thb Arrival os- a Fast “ Thais,”—George Francis is in town. George has arrived and is try ing to say funny things, and Is exposing his friends.- touv, l ?? ls a very faBt lrain - 16 Is not safe to ride platfom7butpltota e right M thV’ he . ne . v f. r hee f a a Baltimore or a OUeagol I t»° nglloUt Whether you can suit that Trains! b T only wa ? ! Stokes & Co.’s “one prioe ” i® t 0 ollas, su'd let the suit .be a suit of new cloth! °® ntlnenU1 > Wool. m new clothes, dyed In the Lambs’ Fobs—An elegant assnrtm.*, Oakford & Son’s, Continental Hotel. at okarlas BabQAIBS IK OLOTHISB, (Bargains in Clothing, Bargains In Clothing, Plains in Clothing, At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, go. aw Chestnut sfrlt™ 6 S “ ° W Stanfl ' go.ew Chestnut Street! °hestuut street. Chestnut Street. ♦ ! A Pardee* Co. .....$2OO 00 I. Graolf, A I: Co 20)00 ; Ham mitt, Van Dil i sen, * tochmau,.. 200 00 S, & J. M Fla a-gait 200 00 McKean. Boris, & Co 200 00 Cope Blotters.loo 00 J. W Williamson... 100 00 Morris, Wheeler, & C 0.................. 100 00 R. Rathbun 100 CO Thomas Sparks 103,00 J. B. Hit shea 10J 00 J. B. McCreary...... 60 00 John Da lett * C 0... 60 00 Sabine * Duy........ 60 00 B. D. Whitney ...... 60 00 W. C. Stiles, Jr..... 25 00 Cash 20 00 C. B. Mount... , 10 00 K. ,T. Eiguera 10 00 Total .#4,780 00 IKTBBBSTIXG TO MAKUPAOTDBERS OFCtOTH ufQ.—The American Button-Hole Machine Compa ny, oapltaf $1,000,000, office 630*Chestnut street, take pleasure in Inviting attention to the merits of the button-hole maohlnes, which are now perfected and adapted to general use, and ready for delivery from their office. It Is confidently asserted by parties who have their machines In use, that moTO than the entire cost of the machine can he saved in two weeks by an ordinary female operator, calculating the cost of making perfect button-holes at only one Cent each, and that they are far superior In uniformity of stitching and finish, to those made by hand, be sides possessing the advantage of being elegantly finished on the wrong side as well as the right. This machine also does cording, braiding, and embrol : deilng In the most elegant and beautiful manner, and can be used to advantage, not only by manu facturers of clothing, hut by a variety of other tradesmen. Call at the office or send for sample of work, oeiM-fit Purchasers may rely upon getting the best Furs at Charles Oakford & Son’s, Continental Hotel. “ One Bottle did It."—That is the expression of many who have had their gray hair restored to its natural color, and their bald spot covered with hair, after using one bottle or Mrs. S. A. Allen's ■World’s Hair Restorer and Hair Dressing. It Is not a dye, it can do no harm. Everyone who has used these preparations speak load In their praise. If you wish to restore your hair as In youth and re tain it through life, without delay procure these preparations. All druggists keep them. 0c25-tuth3t G-bhtmmbn’b Hats—All the latest styles al Charles Oakford * Son’s, Continental Hotel. Etb, Ear, Throat Diseases; Catarrh, Asth ma, and all Nervous-Affections, treated with the utmost success by Dr. Yon Mosohzlsker. Offioe, 1027 Walnut street. ; oc2A-Bt* Evu ahs Ear most successfully treated by J, Isaacs, M, D., Oculist and Anrlst, 611 Pine at. Artifi cial eyeslnserted. No oharge for examination. jy2B-tl Ladies’ aud Chji.drbk’s Hats—Latest styles at Charles Oakford & Son’s, Continental Hotel. . SPECIAL NOTICES- To Purchase Clothing at low prices, make a selebtioufrom our stock of READY- MADE GAR MENTS. We are Belling goodsequal in style, fit, make, and material, from 25 to 50jier cent, lower than is now charged for same goods made to order. .We have all styles, sizes, and prices of Clothing, filers', Youths’, and Boy*’. All can be suited without delay, or trouble. BENNETT & CO.. oc4- mtnthf tf TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET,Street, Onr-Price Clothing, of the Latest tyles, made in the best manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST SELLING; PRICES marked in PLAIN FIGURES. All goods order warranted satisfactory. The one-prlee system is strictly,adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. JONES’ OLD-ES TABLISHED ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 60* MARKET Street, near Sixth. 4e2S-ly Jones, Clothing, 6. E. corner SEVENTH and MARKET Sts. JONES,CLOTHING, S. E cor SEVENTH and MARKET JONES,CLOTHING, S. E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET JONES,CLOTHING, 8. B cor, SEVENTH and MARKET JONES,CLOTHING, S.E. cor, SEVENTH and MARKET JONES,CLOTHING, S.E. cor. SEVENTH and MARKET JONES, CLOTHING, S. E.cor.. SEVENTH and MA RKKT JONES,CLOTHING, S E. cor SEVENTH amTMARKET JONES,CLOTHING, S.E cor. SEVENTH andfiIARKET JONES,CLOTHIEG, S.E cor. SEVENTH and MARKET JONES,CLOTHING. S.E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET JONES,CLOTHING, S. E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET JONES,CLOTHING, S.E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET JONES,CLOTHING, S.E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET JONES, CLOTHING, S. E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET; JONES,CLOTHING, S.E cor. SEVENTH and MARKET JONES.CLOTHING, S. E cor. SEVENTH and MARKET, JONES, CLOTHIN G, S. E. cor. SEVENT H and SI ARKET JONES.CLOTHING, B.E.cor. SEVENTH and MARKET JONES, CLOTHING, S.l cor. SEVENTH and MARKET ocl6-stutktf Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing. Boys’ Glothlng, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing, Boys’ Clothing,: Boys ’Clothing, : In every variety, In every variety, In every variety, \ln every variety, In every variety, In every variety. At HI L. Hallowelldt Son’s. At H. L. HalloweHAt Eon’s, At H. L. Hallowell & Son's, At H. L. Halloweil & Son’s, .. 634 Market street, . 634 Market street, .634 Market street, 634 Market street,. 684 Market street, 634 Market street, 634 Market street, 634 Market street. : Special Notice.—We have the largest and bes! assorted stock of Ready-made Boys’ Clothlngin the city, cut in the latest styles, and made in the best manner. H. L. HALLOWELL & SON, 53* MARKET Street. oclB-tnthstf / , . . . Colgate’s Honey Soar, This celebrated TOILET SOAP, in such universal de mand, Is made from the CHOICEST materials, is MILD and EMOLLIENT In its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT ED, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL In its action upon the Skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers.'' ■fe2B-iaihsly :■ Great Place to Buy Clothing. GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING. GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING. GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING. WANAMAKER: «t BROWN. WANAMAKER & BROWN. WANAMAKER A BROWN. WANAMAKER a BROWN. 8. E. COR. SIXTH AND MARKET STS. S. E. COR. SIXTH AND MARKET STS. S. E. COR. SIXTH AND MARKET STS. S. E. COR. SIXTH AND MARKET STS. Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest Premium 10CK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES, THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BSBT. Salesrooms. TO* CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh. 3DIE3D. -.JOHNSON —°n the evening of the 28th Snst . ELIZA BBTB H_ t "wife of Hemy B. Job. Bios., of Worcester county, Maryland, in the 28th. year of her age. ' the funeral, * .BULLOCK.—Suddenly, on the 25th inet , JoßOph S. Bullock, in the 59th year of his age. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, without farther notice, from the re sidence of his brother, 1129 Green street, on Friday,23th lust,, at 10o'clock. ** KELLEB.“-Suddenly, on the 15th inst., Sarah Eliza beth, wife of Henry h. Keller, and daughter of Benj. F. French, Esq , agedS7years. Due notice or funeral in evening paper. * _ ABBOTT. —On the evening ; of the 25th inst., Louisa J., .wife of Wilson'; Abbott, and daughter of Wm, JEt. Love, in the 32d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral* from the residence of her husband, No. 446 Iforth Fifth street, on Sixth-day morning, 28th instant, at 11 o’clock, without further notice, 'fo pro ceed to South Laurel Hill* _ CBKISTIAN. —On Sabbath evening, inst.v Rev. Leyi H. Christian, X). D., aged 47 yea*6. Funeral service at the North Presbyterian Church, Sixtn street, above Green, on Thursday morning* the service to commence at 10>£ o’clock. The members of the Central Presbytery, and his ministerial brethren f^ n S ral A ? »^ r !, inYltB 4 to meei at his late residence, No. 630f!ortn Sixth street, at lO o’clock, to proceed to the Church. . . ** FRAZER.—On the 25th inst., Mary A, Frazer, Interment at Lancaster* Pa. *** PRIMROKE.—On the 24th Inst., HenryC. Primrose, M. 8,, aged H years.. Bis male friends and the relatives of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence* 604 Bonth Tenth street, on Thursday morn ing, 2/thltlst. f -atloo , clock. . , TUPIN’S BLACK ALL-WOOL REPS. ~r Lupin's Black All-Wool Empress Cloths Do do do Mousseline de Laines, _ ' ■ full double width. Do do do Tarnise Do do . do Merinoes. • Do do do Cashmeres Do do do Thibet and Long Shaw Is,' .. . . • ' full and extra sizes. Do do Bombazines. Ac.,Arc BESSON & SON, MOUkNTNG STORK, 0C24-tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. $1.25,52? EEAL FRENCH MERI |,|Rl * LANDED halve lowest Herinoes KE & LANDELL have finest Sfermoes. 1?§1 £LAITDELL have lowest Poplins, ivll 5 have widest velvets EXBE & LANiJELL have richest Silks iSP BTOCKHOEDERS OF *“1 „ THE BEACO.X OIL COMPAKT. ™r meet your fellow-stockholders on FBIBAt AFTERNOON, the 23th instant, at i o’clock Rnnts’THrm? ?.® oB , of the Company, Nos. 23 and 25 Street, with a view to elect a Board of ti pa rfi n RDI to the stipulations set forth in the bahacrtptton papers. Punctual attendance is requested, i »' mi Sf 1 " 1 S. J. Hancock, J, T. Eliott, W. P. Hazzari, l ' hinwhy, Jos J. Holme, |t OR-Smith, 0 R -Smith, . G. H, Levis, y-S-Stewart, : Jabez Gates, O. W.*avis, James K. Gates, J. H. Crossman, Bowen & Fox, E. J McCormick, E, W. Darts, ' Amos Briggs, A. C. Thomas, James_Watt, F. A. Kirkpatrick, £■ b Watson, w. F Hoisted, O.M.Town, E, M. Hall, J, P, flollinshead, A. Boyd, Samuel 'Wilcox, Clem S. Butter, Jr., Thos. P. Stotesbury, Levi Rutter, 0c27-2t K®“ ATTESTIOS!-THE SVBGEOSS OF THE DIFFEItENT HOBPIT aLS of Phila delphia are respectfully requested to grant Furloughs « nabla them to meet atJSOETH 'MILITAKT IHABE on StJNDAY, j, tnnt, at 12 o’clock M , for tee purpose of at funeral of Lieutenant Colonel JOHN B. teers Infantry* ° f 9Stll He SUnent Pennsylvania Yolun cSta;^l'M 0 “ nl^ tt ¥"T c SEtain Been, Captain Hanse, hacher, clptaii wfe Captain Lauten. GARDES SOUP SOCIE be held on THBSDAT pvm? M t r OU >/ or M S na g orß .will between 7 and S o’rinfv ®’ I J, oTember let next, TO« WOoV/fal ofB?oad &&*" Soup Houee, BUT OC27'6t — _JOSEPH_J. WILLIAMS. Seeratary. - HALL. Ebbiect, * 1 The Woild® I . o^ the Half 001 " aIK * orPh3M> Fw“ - ■ It* ISF*' complh?^"®Mt*. have THIS DAT declared a divldeSd of ONF P p#r CENT, on the Capital Stock of this Company, payable on tbe Ist November, at their office, 33 PlSir Street The Transfer Books will he closed on the 27th OetnW CHAELES THROCKM BTOff, Secreterv Hew Yohk, October 22, 1864. ’ n‘w.s'f QtBJIASU PETROLEUM COM. PA2*Y —Tho Trustees of this Company have 'TBIB OAT, declared dividend of ONE PE R CENT on tre Capital Stoek of Dub Company, payable on the Ist November, at their Office, 33 FINE Street. The Trans fer Books will be closed on the 27th October.-. „ „ CHARLES THROCKMORTON, Secretary. New York, October 22.1864., 0c27-6t OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH ZIXC ' COMPANY, No. 333 WALNUT Street, ~ Philadelphia, October 28, 1864. t KT r E ?t BS T o?. FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGE Company, maturing NO TEMBEB 1, 1864, will be payable at the office of the Company on and after that date.- - = ; 0(27-5t • GORDON MINGES. Secretary, OfFICJB WEST PHIUDEKPHU I 2 ®” PASSENGER RAIL WAT COMPANT, e N. W. oob. FoBTr-piKST anb Haverpokd streets. ’■ ' Philadelphia, Oct. 18,1864. Notice is hereby given that the Annnal Meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Company will be held at THEIR OFFICE, 1 on TOESD AT, the Ist day of Novem ber next, atlO o’clock. A. M , at which place ahelec fion for NINE DIRECTORS of said Company will be o?cfoc^ W M." the tOUrB 0f iE a f d 4 _oclB-m<h4t. Secretary. .. I®-.™® WTANDOT mini mg com thTc.mmS?* nPX MICHIGAN.-The first meeting of p. M ® day 01 October, A. D. 1864, at 6 o’clock * A; HUBBKLL, Two of tlio i ’ EOOPJSS, ■' nriMMuSlAfofe tflafc? o! «"4Corpo»Hon. NATIONAL UNION TICKET fob ntssntm, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, 01 ILLINOIS. FOB TICK PBESIDISIi ANDREW JOHNSON* OF TKSOfESSBB. EEECTOKAE TICKET. SENATORIAL. MOBTON MoMICHAEL, Philadelphia. THOMAS CmWINGHAM, Beaver County. KEPBESENTATIVE. 1, Itobevt V. Kinr, 13. Elias W. Hale, 1. G. Morrison Coates, 14. Charles H. BhidniE g. Henry Branm, IS. John Wilder, 4. William H. Kern, IS. David MoConanrhy. 5, Barton H. Jenke, 17. Dayid W. WoodiT S. Charles M, Bonk, 18. ißaac Benson, 7. Kobert Parke, 19. John Patton, .'■B. William Taylor, 20. Samuel B. Dick, 9. John A. Hieatand, 21. Everard Bierer, 10. Bichard H. Coryell. 22. John P. Penney, , 11. Edward Haliday,: 23. Ebenezer McJnnMn. 12. Charleeß. Bead, 24. John W-Blanchard, By order of the State Cent |3gF° PUBUC MEETINGS. ADDBESSES WILL BE MADE CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA, By the followingdlslingulshed Speakers, as follows; THURSDAY EYBNING, : October 27, HALL 01 THE UNION LEAGUE, Hon.. SALMON P. CHASE, Hon. AMOS MYERS. FRIDAY EVENING, October 28, lIALL OF THE UNION LEAGUE, , Hoh. R. H. DANA, Jr, SATURDAY EVENING* October 29, HALL 01 THE IMOS LEAGUE, Col. B. STOCKETT MATTHEWS, Of Maryland. THE LADIES ARE INTITED TO ATTEND. ■ - '■ .' : . 0c22 g'gp- “OVB NATIONAL CONFLICT.” By invitation of the UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN COMMISSION, EEV. BISHOP M. SIMPSON, D, D., Will deliver his Lecture on “ OUR NATIONAL CON FLICT, ’ ’ in the AC ADEMST OF MUSIC, on MONDAY EVENIN3, October 31, At a quarter to 8 o'clock, This lecture has ' been delivered before 'large audi ences in other cities, and is: regarded as one of Bishop Simpson’s finest efforts. . Tickets 25 cents. For sale at Martien’s, No. 606 Chest nut street; at Perkinpine & Higgins’, No, 86 N. Fourth street; and at the Academy on the evening of the Le cture. ■ Proceeds for the benefit Of Sick and Wounded Sol diers. 0c27-3t KS* WAYNE MeYEIGH, ES^., WILLIAM H. ARMSTRONG, E3Q„ and „ DAYID PAUL BROWN, Esq., Will SPEAK on the Issues of the day, on FRIDAY EVENING, October 28, instant, at 1% o’clock, at the large baU S. E. corner SEVENTEENTH and POPLAR Streets. Let everybody come! . . 0c27-2t I®- THE UNION FOREVER! K®* - MISS LIZZIE DO PEN, ' OF MASSACHUSETTS, One of the most able and eloquent lectnrers of the day, will speak to the people of Philadelphia at SANSOM STREIT HALL, on FRIDAY EVENING, the 28th in stant, at 7M o’clock, on the ISSUES OF THE DAY. _ And give a woman’s Idea of the WAR, the NOVEM BER ELECTION, &c. The public are invited. Ad mission free. - .: . . 0c26-3t* |gp» ONE MORE CHARGE LINCOLN AND JO HNSON. The citizens of the THIRD WARD will assemble In MASS MEETING, at.JBFFKRSOB BAM,. SIXTH and QUEEN _■Streets, on THURSDAY EVENING, Out. S7th, at IH. O’clock. TberaeehngwiU be addressed by Col WM. B. NASS. WM..H; EUbDIHAN, JOHN DOLMAN, and otberdis tiiignißhea speakers, : oc2G-2t* |3gp>' A';MEEM3r«::OF- THE EX EC IT TIVE COMMITTEE -OF THE REPUBLICAN W ,! U t>6 held THIS (Thursday) EVE RING,at 7o’cloo!c._AfuU attendance is requested.. T „ A Geo. INMAN RICHE, President,. WM, 1. FOX, Jr., Secretary. . ■rSf** AT A MEETING OE THE STAFF *r*? T °f. U S - A. GENERAL HOS PITAL, held October 26th, 1864, the following praam hie and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, we hare heard with feelings of profound regret of; the death of our late friend and colleague, Acting Assistant Surgeon'H. C. PRIMROSE, TJ S. A.; tufir€!lo2!Gt 'Resolved, Thatin him w& have lost one who, ash patriot, a gentleman, dnd an accomplished physician, wouldhave become one of the brightest ornaments of his profession, and whom we .had hopes of seeing use fnl to his country for many years to come Resolved, That by his genial disposition and spark ling wit, he rendered life agreeable to those around him, and we therefore find it more diMcult to become reconciled to our loss . 'Resolved, That we attend the funeral in: a body, and tha' asi a testimonial of our .respect we wear crape oh the left arm for thirty days Resolved. That the President and Secretacy of the me. ting be appointed a Committee to transmit these resolutions to lus family, and that they be published in the daily papers. . * c . LEWIS TAYLOK, SurgeonU. S. Array, Chairman. J G. Morphi, ....... Acting Ast’t Snrgeon P. S. Army, Secretary. It* |S" BOOKS OF SUB* *7" Pctiption to the Capital Stock of the “National Oil Creek O il Company” are now open at the office of toe anpecribars. / • . The properties have teen selected with great care by mrties of large experience, and are situated in the Oil Ireek district, Venango county, Pa. Pot farther par ictuars and prospectuses apply at onr office ' F „° n T , I ? t , e , Corporatol6 - COIHRAN & b-ejsselj; 0c24-12t 83 South. FRONT Street. ■ |SB*. in nillMt HTOTICB.—OFFIC B OF JR®'' THE MAPLE SHADE OIL COMPANY "524- WALNUT Street, u s ' 4 * —w „ , , Piin.ADBLPHIA, October 22,1864. The Board of Directors i&ve tins day declared a Diyi dend of POUE PEE CENT, on the capital stock of this OhtnPany- payable on and after ;the ffith Inst., at their office, free of state tax. „ The transfer books will be closed on.the 25th inst,, at 3P. M., and be opened on the 29th. . ’ 0c24 6t* . -. THOS. E. SEARLE, Secretary: ~ ■KW**-’- OFFICE OF AETNA MIMING COMPANT, Ho. 324 WALNOT Street. 7 »n»Tm , - Philadelphia, October2l, 1864. ■ s KOTICE is hereby given that all stock of the'iEtaa ■ Company* on which .instalments are dae and, nnpaid, have been declared forfeited, and win be sold atpnblic anctionon MONDAT, November 21st,-1864. at 12 o clock) noon, at the office of the Secretary of the Company, according to the Charter and By-Laws, nn less paid on or before that day. By order of the Board of Directors. . 0c22-tao2l iSgP 6IKABB BASE, PhilabelphiA, October 19,1864. meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank Will he held at the Banking House on MONDAY, the 21st day of November next, at 12 o'clock M., to con eider and decide 'whether this Bank shall become an for the business of Banking, under the laws of the United. States; and whether it shall exercise the powers conferred b} the act of the Legislature of this State, entitled An act enabling the banks of this Com monwealth to become associations for banking under theiaws of the United States,” approved 22d August, lS6i; and fcotaie any further action that may bene ce b£* aiy. election for Directors will be held at the same is, Smi f.y»- in* 1 * w*™- *m BAY, the Ist day of Kovember* at 12 o’clock M. W. L. SCHAFFER, Gashier. Oc2oth6tutno2l KTVwTOTi TEKN EAaK Of PHIU. •d T3 J® A P,?V J Meeftng of t2ia STOCEHOIDBES’ YW 16 , J eld 5 t^ he banking house ontues- BAY, the first day of Noyember sext; at 12 o’clock M. @s 6 iy#?wS55?SSS. m for DIRECTORS Win be held at the BANKING HOtJSE on MOSDAY,the fcwenty*first dHJ|f p Kgemher next, between the hours of 10 A. M. ocl9-tno2l C* N. WE2GANDT, Cashier. jlKvS*’ CHASE GOLI> COMPAST, NOTICE 0? DIVIDE a D No. 1. New York, Oct. 17,156 J A diYidf Bd of ONE PER CENT. Tor the month of September las been declared, payable at the office of the Company, No. 81 JOHN ttreet, New York, on and after October 81,-1864,' toshareholders of record at the close of business this day. 0c22.6t WALKER E. DAWTON, Treasurer. SWATARA FAUN COAX, COMPABY, 308 South FOURTH Street, -Philadelphia, October 20, 1864. theas? $ State tS?'* Payable 011 and aft " SUUnS laD6fBr BOOk9 WUlbe closed from the 25th to the ® OC2O-10 L. S. FILBERT, • '• • - •••• ■■ • ■ Treasurer. |sgf» COMMONWEALTH BASK, NoTember next, between the hours of 10 A. J£. aud 2 heid\t the n^ t I i S?.°ik b ?J? oc S®G I ' T);ER S will be & E 011 TtJESDAY * lf0T8 “- - ; H. 0. YOUNG. Cashier. ISIT* pPmr™ tsl ° s SPETBO- COMPANY, 4T South FOURTH Street. The Board of Bireclnra 12. 1864, . oc£i - n ' President - THE SSCAK&BA B3CI3S’¥BffO f’ssnc *=» FAN Y OP MICHIGAN -Ths lrf the CORPORATORS of the Escanaba of of Michigan, under Ite of"Lsocfatilm^fifbl sssiffltSas®fflMiSghsrß®Bf m ... . , B. 4. HOOPEB, - , Two of the Associates of said Corporation Philadelphia, Oct. 11,1864. ocl.bist : AOmil.-THE AA.VCAI, MEET INGof the Stockholders of the CLINTON COaT AND IRON OOMFANY will be held on WEDNESDAY November 2, 1864, at 4 o’clock P. M., at No, 31§'WAL NUT Street, second story. oca»-th2t* THE PRKBB.—I*HII,AI)KLPHIAi TmiRSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1864. Iral Committee. IN CAMEEON, Chairman. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary and Treasurer. jggf** the eureka oil company OF THE STATE OF ’WEST VIRGINIA, Capital, $1,000,060, divided into 100,000 shares at $lO per share. Subscription price, $1.50 per share, being in full payment for a $lO share. No further call or assessment to be made. $25,000 cash reserved for working capital. Office. 38 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE,Philadelphia.B The District Selected by this'Company is one of great interest, and is only partially developed, bat where, developed the results are very gratifying. The wells at Burning Springs and Petroleum are producing largely, while those ot Horse Neck and Campbell’s Ran (where oar lands are situated) that this is a great oil-pro-' ducing district, being in close proximity to the follow ing wells now. producing largely,-viz: The ‘•Greer: 1 Well,” on Horse Neck, produces 100 barrels per day, and increasing. The lasi great well in this neighbor-; hood is on Rawson's Run, a feeder of Horse Reck,, owned, by Tack & Brother, of Philadelphia, and struck about three weeks ago. It flowed about 800 barrels of oil in a single day. Its average has been, perhaps. barrels a day. It is a shallow well 200 feet deep. Near this, Messrs. Tack & Brother have a well 280 feet deep, which yields from 26 to 60 barrels of oil daily. _ The territory secured to this Company has been se lected with great dare, having called to our aid parties well known in the oil regions, besides having the opinion of a celebrated geologist from our own. city. The lands purchased by this Company lie in Wood ana Pleasant counties, in Wej-t Virginia, at Horse Neck and Campbell's Run, five miles from the Ohio river by a good wagon road. / c Professor Thom as in his report says: * * The borings at Horse Neck ha ve developed the fact that in this region them are six formations of oil, each of which occurs at C ifferent depths, and that it belongs to an overlying for mation of the Pennsylvania region. ’ * At Horse Neck we have the following: ' 1. One-half interest in a lease of seventeen years m a tract of one acre, one*eighth royalty, on which we have one well sunk 3a7 feet, with a t waive liorse. power engine, tank, tubes* boring utensils, &c , and from which lias been taken at the rate of 23 barrels of oil per day. -When retubed will produce more. ■_ • . 2. Two thirdsof a perpetual lease on one aadahau acres, situate about fifty rods from the above; on this we have one well sunk 266 feet, and oil in the well 30 feet deep. The Bull Creek Oil Company own the other third interest. ' The indications show that by boring this well deeper it will be a flowing well.- . ' - , 3. Our third tract (33 acres in fee simple) is situated on Campbell’s Run. about one mile and a half from the above, and five miles from the Ohio river On Monday, September 6th, the great Track We 4 was struck, and flowed one thousand barrels in twenty-four hours. This immense well lies adjoining our properties. In conclusion of Professor Thomas** report, ho says: “The dip of the rock, geological situation, and surface indications Bhow this tract to be not at all inferior to Horse Neck. ** Boobs for subscription open at tlia Office, 38 MER CHANTS’ y v 0c25-6t OIE SUBSCRIPTIONS, Subscription Books to tie following well-located and desirable traots of land, situated In the VBSANGo OIL REGION, andoffering an adequate basis ior two or more com panies, will be opened this day. ■ No. 1. - All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land contain ing fifty acres, being and situate in Tlonesta township, Venango county, and State of Pennsylvania. This pro perty has a large front om the Tioneeta creek, and: is about four miles from the Allegheny river—there Is on the creek about twenty acres: boring land—balance, hilly—a ravine runs on the north side of it. This tract lies Immediately between two oil companies. . :.-i . : Ho. 2. ' All thatcertain tract, piece, or parcel of land contain ing one hundred and fifty acres,. being and situate in Tioneßta township, Venanto county. This property Is part of the Pearson tract, and alto has a large front on Tionesta creek It has. a large ravifie on. it, and some heavy oak, hickory, and hemlock timber. There are about thirty-five, acres boring gronnd. It is also contiguous to tne property of an oil company now at work.: - All that certain tract, piece, or paroel of land being and situate in Tioneeta township, Venango county. This property contains fifty acres, of which about fif teen acres are boring ground :; it fronts on the Tionesta creek,- above Lacy’s mills, and adjoins part of the property.of an oil company. , --■'-V" . ■ No. 4. All tijat certain tract, piece, or parcel of land, contain ing twenty- six acres, being and situate in Cornplanter township, Venango county. It fronts on Stuart’s run, andextends across to Sngar Camp run, being not only near the forks of these two streams, but near the Alle gheny river. It is part of the Waldo tract. There are ajjout eijht acres boring ground. AH that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land, con taining sixty aores, being and situate fronting on the Allegheny river, in President township; Venango coun ty, about midway between <the.towns of President and llonesta. It adjoins the JETeckathorn farm, and also adjoins and is in the immediate vicinity of several oil companies, All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land, con taining twelve s acres, being and situate in Hickory township, Venango county. This is part of the Sntiiff tract, • H fronts on Hunter’s ran: is near the Allegheny river, and about a mile and a half northwest of the town of Txonesta. , On this twelve acre tatct there are about two acres boring ground. x . v ■ Ho 7. All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land, con taining fifty acres, being and situate in i'Pinegroye township, Venango county, fronting on and near the month of a" run emptying into Heiuloek creek. About six acres boring ground. On this tract is share very heavy oak and hickory timber. . These seven estates embrace four hundred and three acres; of which .say one- fourth is boring ground. As will be observed, all these tracts front on the Allegheny and its tributaries. The advantages of being on navi gation where oil can be shipped direct from the well Without transportation, and - where ample. timber may be had on the pioperty to feed the engine, ''are obvious- As the purcba.e of either of these tracts would require more money than the majority of .persons haveat com mand, it is proposed to divide them Into one hundred interests of one thousand dollars each, thus affording , the man of limited means, as well as the capitalist, an opportunity to secure an interest in this truly wonder ful as well as money makiug region, ft Alb of . these properties have been selected for their eligibility, and, as may be seen by reference toa map, are unusually, well located... They are all contiguous to, adjoin ,- and are between lands of companies baying in the aggregate a capital of as least three million of dol lars, whose “stoch” is being rapidly disposed of. As all areaware, the usual plan adopted for the de velopment of »nch a property is to form a company and issue cer uffcates of stock. The plan here proposed may be considered preliminary to the organization of one or more companies on these estates, which will coßt the ■ JCO omoiSAi, subsckibbks hereto only due tkouiand dol - lars each, and are subject to no royalty, leases, or mortgages whatsoever, but .will be got with an un questionable title,in fee. simple throughout. The'sub scribers ctmthen.uponthissubstaiitial and solio basis, organize one or more companies, .elect officers from among themselves, each subscriber, being equally eligible to the position of au officer of the company, . Some idea of the immense vaine of oil territory may be gathered from the folio wingstataments: At-Tideoute the “Economite wells 1 ' have yielded about one bun dred barrels per day for three years; the “ Heydrick” well has within the last three years yielded about 25.0C0 barrels ol oil; and is. still -successfully being worked. The Noble and Delamater well is pouring forth a constant stream of oil, at the rats of 800 barrels per day, equal to $6,000,- or over two million dollars’ worth yearly; - The Jersey : well- yields - about §5,000 daily. The Hyde and Egbert Farm, thirty-seven actes, has been converted into companies, representing over seven million hollars. - . The quality of oil In different localities varies. Every well-informed person knows thatthe oil from Tionests, creek is considered fully, equal, if not superior, to any in the oil region. - Cherry Run, not far from some of. these properties, =• and closely resembling them, was offered in December last for SSOO, Two - acres of the: same properties ha ve just been sold for over §4oo,ooo—one well havingbeen bered: which yields $30,000 per month, or nearly one million dollars per annum. , The :land interest (which is entitled to one-half the oil) in three acres on the Tarr farm is held at $300,000 : ■ The Columbia Company have four hundred acres in fee simple— that is, free from royalty, leases, or mort gages. , Their stock was originally sold at $2.60 per share; it has been sold since at $250 per share. One gentleman, who bad two thousand shares, which coßt him $6,000, was offered $450,000 for them. Many similar cases might be cited. . . . THE TEEMS are as follows: No more than one hundred subscriptions will be taken. .Hot less than one share will be disoosad of to any one person, but subscribers can take one or more shares,"either for themselvss or for others. Five per cent, to be paid at the time of subscribing,, the balance within ten days. The Trustee, L. Montgomery Bond, ESq.Y will receipt for subscriptions, to whose order all checks may be drawn,:and by whom remittances by mail will be duly acknowledgtd. : - ' Tip, books will be opened to-day, and subscriptions received by . DUNCAN M. MtTCHESON, Office N. E. corner FOCTETH and WALNUT Streets, 0c26-3trf: Honrs 10 to 3. Second story, front room. sotice—bask of serwan. “"f TOWN Philadelphia, Oof. 20.-1854. Notice ib hereby given, agreeably to Section 2of the Act of General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Penn sylvania, emitbd “An act enabling Banks of the Com monwealth to become Associations ‘for the purpose.of Banking nnder the laws of the United States, ” annrifv ed the 22d of August, A D. ltM, that the Stock holders of the Bank of Germantown have this day voted to become aneb an Association; and that its Directors h are procured the authority of the owners of more than two- thirds of the Capital Stock io make the certificate required therefor by the laws of the United States.- CHABUES W. OTTO,' Cashier. ISP” rail-ADELPHIA, OCTJ 20, 1864. ■MS' —Transportation of .remittances to the Treasury Department at Washington, in payment of subscrip tions to the recent loan, will be_paid by the Depart ifJjent by HABtibEN’S ESPKESS, office6o7 OHESTHDT.Street. . oc2l-6t* BACPHIN A STD COLORADO GOLD MINING COMPANY. ■ Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITA! STOCK, $1,000,000, 200.0C0 SHAKES—PAE VALUE, $5. President— JOß NB. ANDEBSON. DISECTORS.: James B. Magee. Jolm W. Hall, Harrisburg. T. C. McDowell, do. Join Brady, do. W. W. Lancaster. Wm. 6.: Shnte. Colorado. B. P, SOUTHWOBTH, ~, _ : „ Secretary and Treasurer. 800m C &o of 6 tlle Compaiiy > No - *»3 WALNUT Street- Acthenticated specimens have been procured from some of the Company’s lodes, and hare- been assayed by Professors Booth and Oarrett with the most gratify ing results. Subscription lists have been opened at the Office or the Company and at thei Treasurer ’s Office (In teraad Bevenue), No. A 27 CHESTNUT Street, Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank Building; To original subscribers. $3.60 per share, lor a limited number of shares. P“s»Wets, or information can be obtained at the Office ol the Company after the 17th inst. October 14.1861. oel4-lm Thomas A. Scott, N. B. Kneass, Wm. S. Freeman, Robfc. P. King, John M. Riley, Charles DeSilyer, KST" BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, „ Philadelphia, October 13, 1864. ;A general meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this will be, held at the BANKING-HOUSE on MON DAY, the 14th day of November next, at 11 o’clock A. M-v to,consider and decide -whether this Bank shill become an , Association for the business of Banking “Mider the laws of the United States; and whetiisr it ghall exeicise the powers , conferred by the act of-the Legialatnre of this State, entifcUd 4 * An act enabling the banks of this Commonwealth to become associations for •banking under the laws of the United States,’? rd- Moved 22d August, ISC-i; and to take any farther action that may be necessary. By order of the Board of Directors. - ocH-lmo . J. HOCKLEY, Cashier. COMMISSION OF THE UNITED *=pf, STATES AND ECUADOR. , "Otice is hereby given that the Commission provided .S r R? the ConvenUon of November 25, 1882, between the united States ana Ecuador, for the mutual adinst ment of chums, was duly organised at the city of Guay aquil, on the 18th day of Angnst last, and that the said Commission will continue in session for the period of twelve months from that date. : - *7 • All citizens of the United States haying claims upon Ecnador are, ti erefore notified, ,to appeal in person, or by attopey, and present the proofs in enpport of their claims to said Commission, or to file their claims and proofs with the Secretary of the Commission, “Senor Ecuador Me<hna ’ in Guayaquil, in the Republic of -i C w £. lcll shall not he presented to the Commis "9S Y“5- m ‘be twelve months it remains in existence, Will be disregarded by both Governments and consi- MbSrfiTS -a , FREDERICK HASSANReI? slate? Eeaideilt and Commissioner of the Baited Vashixbiok City, October I, 1854. oc3-lm . SOMEKSBT IRON AND •■Kf. TOAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA 61 C mT?m ee i!’ K S W Y - ork ' September 27, ’ - iiif nS.., B™™ ft at Pnrsnant to a reßolntion woi : ® DUTCH BULBOUS ROOTS.- Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, Snow-drops, Jonquils, narcissus, Ranunculus, and other Fall planting buibs in store and for sale by ROBERT BUiST, Jr r,nr. % rt i‘Si‘S ral Warehouse. be2?2? O'&S and 934 MARKET St., above Ninth. OBPERVIBORS AND ONION COM MITTEES, ATTENTION !-I have a number of Si r J O^ eare m“ to dispose -of at a very mode; rate price. Townships who have not filled their biotas by l£er“ tZ * arplTlnK iuuneiiately tapers™, or 0c27-2t* Ho. 106 Sou tk SlXTHStfhelo^Ch^t^t 1864 bricks, bricks, bricks.- A large and, superior stock on land, for sale at reduced prices. . Buildtage contracted for on favora bleterms JOHNM. BBIST, BRI-jK YARD, LONG LANE, below Buck road. ’ “ Office— 933 MARKET Street. oe2M2t* pARTES BE YISITE—MADE AT B V HEIMER’S. 634 ARCH Street, are pictures of fine etyle and wonderful accuracy of execution They never fall pleasing., ■ T> EIMER’S COLORED PHOTO "' GRAPHS are- unprecedented in popularity,maln iainingfor years a wideisorcad repatation for acmranv -and beauty of coloring. SECOND St. i abovcGrceS i^ pIDER.—NEW CLARIFIED OHAM- V. PAGHE CIDER, of a superior quality, by the battel or hogslead, for sale by ... EMIL MATHIETT • ocSMltr Nos, 130, 133, and 134 WXfyM *t. RETiIX dry goods. fjOLORED PARRAMATTAS—FROM v ' the late Auction Sales, „ AT REDUCED PRICKS. CUE WEN STOOD ART of sd * *53, and 454 Horth SECOND Street, 0c27-at / Above Willow. TJLACK ALPACAS AND MOHAIRS, In Mediora and Pine Grades, FROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES' „ „„ CUEWEN STODDAET & BROXHEE, 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, 0c27 -8* . Above Willow. TSALMORAL SKIRTS, . Prom the late Auction Sales. AT SEDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODDAET & BROTHER, • 450. 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, 0c27-8t ■ Above Willow. A LLW OOL CASHMERE PLAIDS— From the late Auction Sales, . „ AT REDUCED PRICES. . . CUKWEN STODDAET * BROTHER.' ■„ J 50, 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, cc27-3t - Above Willow. "BLACK SILKS OP ALL' GRADES— AA Proin the late Auction Sales, ■- AT REDUCED PRICES. . - CURWEN STODDAET & BROTHER, „„ 450. 45a, and 454 North SECOND Street, 0c37-3t Above Willow. (\-A black mousseline de w - 1 LAINES—From the date Auction Sales, AT REDUCED PRICES. _■ CBRWEN STODDART & BROTHER, - _ 450, 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, 0c2 7-3t . Above Willow. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! —ALL •4A Grades, all Sizes, AT REDUCED PRICES. CUEWEN STODDAET & BROTHER, u 450, 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, 0c27-3t .. Above Willow. TifARSEILLES COUNTERPANES A’-*- From the late Auction Sales, AT REDUCED PRICES. CUR WEN STODDAET & BROTHER, „„ J’ so - 453, and 454 North SECOND Street, 0c27-8t , .; Above Willow. J(EW SKIRT FOR 1804. A HfiW AND GREAT INTENTION IN. HOOF SKIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) STEEL SPRING. .. J. I. * 3. 0. WEST, No. 97 CHAMBERS BTEEBT, / NEW YORK, . Ate the owten of the patent and exclneire manafM turere'ofthis. J. W. BRADLEY’S PATENTED DDPIEX.JSLLIPTIO STEEL SPBIWO SKIRTS. This Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springe, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever need, enabling the wearer, in consequence of Its great elasticity and tfexl bility, to place and fold the skirt when in nse as easily and with the same convenience as a silk or mnslin dreßs. It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion tohoop skirts, viz: the annoyance to tbe wearer a ® a ® ~ Public, especially in crowded assemblies, S carriages, railroad cars, chnrehpews, or In any crowded of contracting them to occnpy :g a space. This entlrelyjremoves the difficulty. While, giving the shirt the nsnai fnll and symmetrical gh *®' t i ßnd mo6t stylish and graoefnl appearance for the street, opera, promenade, orhouse dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort; and great.convenience of wearing theDuplexElliptic s ElipK,Skirt for a mngle day, will never afterwardl willingly dispense with the use of them. Theyarethe best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and'ladies in most first-class retail stores In this city and throughout the diiierent States. ■■v nor' Inquire for the DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPBIITG SKIRTS. TJBADLEIT’B DUPLEX ELLIPTIC "SKIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when In nse to occupy a (mall space, making the most agreeable skirt worn, for sale by J. M HAFLEIGtH, !•- ■ -90 a CHESTNUT Street, TJKADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT— improyemsut w* have arer " •sen In I<ADlBS|_SKlKTS u and£ui_artiol9of —— vMUt *D< &uu au wt SUPERIOR EXCELLBSTCB. CTJRWEN STODDARTIS BRO., 450, 453, ml 45* M. SECOND Si., ab. "WilloW, selo-l(2m ' , - COS HOOP SKIRTS, fino; Largest .assortment, tlie best and cheapest la the city, manufactured at 638 ARCH Street, ".■■■■■ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . Skirts made toorder, altered, andrepaired 0c27-6t* WM. T. HOPKINS. . 0.. THOMPSON, FASHIONABLE TAILO R, N;E. Corner Seventh and Walnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. N. B Haying attained a celebrity for cutting GOOD riTTINO PANTAIiOOJVS,* Making, it a specialty in my business for some years past, it is thought of sufficient importance to announce the fact in this manner to the public, so that those who are disßatisfied may know of my method, and give me atrial, ; -V:'';.';.;' 0c27-thstu-2m FANCY FIRS. RADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN A. STAMBAOH, .IMPORTER AH© MANUFACTURER OF LADIES’ FANCY FURS, NO. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. Just opened, a large and handsome stock of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FANCY FURS Of every description, and In the newest and most ap- proved styles, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, ocl-tuthsiim 1864. Jtuks. i B g 4i A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, (SUCCESSORS TO THE LATE GEO. F. WOMRATH,) No. 415 Arch Street, . HAVE SOW OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ FANCY FOBS. To which they invite the attention of buyers. oc2o-3m JJENBY RASKE, NEW FUR STORE, 517 ARCH STREET. The above respectfully informs his patrons, and the public in general, that he has now opened at the above store an assortment of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FANCY FUSS, ■ which for variety and quality ~ v ■ CANNOT BE SURPASSED by any house in the United States. Being the mann factnrer of all his Furs,: and having imported all \his stock when gold was much lower than at the present rates, he can offer them to his patrons at the most rea sonable prices. All FURS made to order, and ropairing done in the best manner and latest styles. „ HENRY RASKE, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER QJ LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FURS, oclB-tf 517 ARCH Street FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREtRA, Ho. 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh Street, At his old established store, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. Having now in store a very large and beautiful assort ment of all the different kinds and qnalities of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S WEAR, 1 solicit a call from those in want. • ■ Remember the name and number, JOHN I’AREIRA, 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh. I liave no partner or connection with any other store in this city. r ocl-4mif FINANCIAL,. U s. 7-30 LOAN. The Secretary of the Treasury glyos notice that sub . scriptions willbe received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 15th, ISM, with semi annual Interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per eent. per annum—principal and Interest both to he paid in lawful money. I These notes will be convertible, at the option of the holder, at maturity, into six-per- cent, gold-bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They Will he Issued in denominations of #6O; $lOO, $5OO, #l,OOO, and s6,ooo,and all subscription* must he for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars. As the notes draw interest from “'August 10, persons making subscriptions subsequent to that date mast pay the Interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. SUBSOKIFTKmB will bb bbobivbp by the Treasurer of the UniteipStates, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, ?*. Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Third Rational Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Fourth Rational Bank of Philadelphia, Fa. And by all Rational Banks which are depositories of pnblic money, and ALL RESPECTABLE BARKS AND BARKERS throughout the country will give further information, and > AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. oe!8-12tif & CO,, NO. 34 SOUTH THIRD ST. THE HEW FIVE-TWENTY LOAN, For sale in amounts to suit. isßißonds. and allkinds of Government Loan*, bought and sold. oclB-10tif IVORYTYFEB.—THE MOST EXQUI .. 6^o i,f^4? Q vf Q 15 r kene ® 8 for ladies and children, are SAFES. •'Bill JULIE'S CHILLED-IRON SAFE STILL THE MASTER OF THE SITUATION. THE ENEMY BABE NOT ATTACK. .BT THE'BULE,; ■ : AS ESTABLISHED IN THE CODE OF HONOR. HE MUST BE PRONOUNCED “NO GENTLEMAN." TO THE PUBLIC. We notice in. the Philadelphia Bwffetfnof the 10 th and nth last, and other newspapers of later data, an arti cle headed *' Philadelphia against' the World, 1 ’ and although, without signature, its pomposity* its false statements* and bad English clearly establish its pa : ternity—David Evans, thou art the man ' We understand the rule to be, as established in the code ofhonor, that the man who lays down the gage or makes the challenge, if taken up or accepted by his op ponent, is hound to meet him honorably and- fairly, or everafier to be pronounced no gentleman, and to be consideredyas unworthy of notice. The writer has voluntarily placed himself in j net this position, and we now say that he is entirely beneath our notice, and we pronounce him ** no gentleman ;*.*,• ■* First. He stated .that Lillie’s Safe was neither flre nor burglar-proof. Second. Be challenged anybody to test Evans & Watson’s Safe with Lillie’s, at the same time stating how he should open Lillie’s, as he said, to show, his sincerity. Third. He stated he could open any of Lillie’s Safes in use in two hours, specifying a num ber of Bank Safes, and others. We have publicly accepted all these propositions fairly and squarely oh his own terms, the conditions being equal as a fire-proof, and giving him one half more time than he asked, or than we asked to open Evans & Watson’s, besides offering to place any amount up to $5,000 as forfeiture against a like amount, as he miglteleefc This is not all; we have called upon him to test Lillie’s Safes entirely at our risk, merely to try his sincerity and honesty in' making his statements; but he hasmeilher come forwaid like an honeet man to prove his assertions by a test. nor has he made any re sponse to any of our propositions Therefore, we have the right to say he is "no gentleman" by the rule, and were it not for the false statements in the article referred to we should now ; pass him by unnoticed. - This artic e says in substance Evans & Watson have received Lillie’s Oast-Iron Humbug from a bank at Milford; that it had been robbed; that it cost SSCO; that •it was guaranteed Lillie’s best Bank Safe; and calls upon bankers and others to examine it, etc. This Safe was a No. 4 Mercantile Safe, and not a Bank Safe at all. The cash price at the time it was sold was $270. The Safe was sola some four 5 ears since by a travel ling agent to a man who gave his note at four months for $3OO, wbichnotehe has never paid, and'the President now savg this man was the agent of the bank to buy the Safe. The purchaser knew it was not a Bank Safe, and did not buy it as such, and the President ought to know it; for a short time before the purchase he called on the agent at Philadelphia, and was shown both Mercantile and Bank Safes; and was offered a regular Bank Safe, two inches thick, and much larger than the one pur chased, for $450, ten per cent. os. Now, if the bank paid their agent $5OO, supposing it to be a Bank Safe, they were both duped and swindled* while we were, only swindled; As to' the robbery, it is a fact well understood-and admitted; in Milford,:that three sci* entific burglars worked on that Safe during Satur? day mghfc pd Sunday .up io about 10 o’clock £- . M .to hole through the door in front of the (the only practical way to ;o perate on Lillie’s . Safe). ■ :‘A piece of the door near the lock was afterwards' tried ; by the best mechanic in Milford with an upright drill, and pronounced thbroughly drill proof (this piece of the door can be seen at 21 South Seventh street). The directors and officers of the bank admitted the door to be all that it could be for its thickness, but'the President wanted a No. 2 National 'Bank Safe, worth $1,050, in exchange evenior the old one. saying that David Evans had been to Milford, and had offered to exchange even for Evans & Watson’s Bank Safe, for which they asked about the same price, and as our agent ac cept that liberal' proposition,; the bank took Evans & ; Watson’s, supposing, we presume, their security to be increased, and in. this reepect they are as badly duped* or more so now, than they were by their agent in the firstinstance. . - As to the examination of this Safe, we join with the Writer, and request all interested in Safes to look at the its thickness and solidity, as compared withadoor of Evans & Watson’s Mercantile Safe, which iB sold at about , the same, price, of same size, and offered as a i w wI W caU <»» our ArenV 31 South SEVENTH Street, you can see Evans A Watson’s Safe that was opened hy qn%®f Gettysburg, with an old axe, by cutting out a top. panel, iu less than Aye minutes,- and robbed.- Then, if yon will go to Mr, JOHN Q. WII.LTAMS, 108 South, FOURTH Street,' can see Evans&'Wateon'k'Ro.7>a Safe, price $240, that has just been opened by a look smith in about twenty, minutes by drilling a small hole through.the door/in front of the lock, breaking a thin chilled-iron plate between the door and lock, and by disarranging a small portion of the lock the door was opened without powder,' and in a way entirely practi cal for aUmrglar, After these .examinations we think you Will bo fully prepared to appreciate the difference between aSafe that fakes three scientific burglars thirty hours to open, using powder at that, and a Safe that takes one man about twenty minutes to open without noise or powder. TTT _* , _ • _» ■ ll.'_ l _ . • • • I . * ,- , ' » We do not say that a hole canhoi be goVthrongh chilled iroDj but we do >ayit is more difficult and takes longer to grind a hole through chilled iron than any . other metaLnow in use. We say further, that there never has been a two*inch Bank Safe robbed made tin ker Lillie’s patent. At the same time we admit that the 1H- inch MercantileitSafe may be ground through, ; giving scientific burglars thirty to thirty-six hours to do it. We say, also, that two hours is an abundance of time to get into the best common Bank Safe made on the principle of Evans & Watson’s,.with plates riveted to gether ; that the outer and inner doors can be dissected . and taken apart in less time than that even. We will say further, that we will furnish a duplicate of the Safe opened at Milford, if any responsible man,. who is “a gentleman, * ’ will furnish one of Evans & Watson’s best Bank Safes now in use, ©Veil the one fur nished _lhe Milfr rd Bank; and we will put up any re spectable sum against an eaual amount, that two men shall open the Evans & Watson Safe sooner, and in a way practical for the burglar, than any two men can grind a.hole through Lillie’s Safe in front of thelock, is the only practical way to‘open it, and this is only I}£ inches thick, while our Bank Safes have four to . six inches In thickness, including inside burglars. One word more: If the Bank ot Milford had purchased the Bank Safe which was offered the President for $405 cash, the robbery would undoubtedly have - been pre- The attempt to. rob the: West Philadelphia Trust Fund, which had the same size Bank Safe, pro-' bably by some or all of the same parties, and the en tire failure, under: the same favorable circumstances for the burglars, proves this most conclusively. One other fact it may be proper to notice : The public have so much confidence in. Lillie’s Safe that even bankers have purchased the common Office Safe, and have been in the habit of leaving it alone , from Saturday to Mon day in a close office, with large amounts, while it has been almost the universal custom with bankers not to trust the common best Bank Safe without a watchmant and even with this precaution robberies are constant. As we said, in a previous article we say now. to con vince intelligent men, that 1-16 to 1-12 inch sheet iron is as good a protection against either fire or burglary as to 2rinch chilled iron, ihe writer has got a harclTo&i to travel, and the greater hisefforts the rougher . he will find the road. LEWIS LILLIE & SDK. M. C. SADLBB, Agent, 31 Bouth SEVENTH Street. 0c22-flflth3t U.- S. INTERN AtREVENUE. TTNITED STATES INTERNAL RE VENOE-TBIRI) COLLECTION DISTRICT OF PENTfSyxVANIA, compriaing tie Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, _ Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and nineteenth Wards of the Citj of Philadelphia. notßje. m The annna! assessment for 1864, for the above-named dMstuctipf persons liable to a tax on carriages, pleasure yachts, billiard tables, and gold and silver plate, and also of persons required to take out license, having been completed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the taxes aforesaid -will be received daily, by the undersigned, between the hours of 9 A M. and 3P. M. (Sundays excepted), at his Office, S. W. corner of THIRD and WftLOW Streets, on and after TUESDAY, the 25th inst.. and until and including SATURDAY, the 19thof November next ensuiDg; . .. PENALTIES. AH persons who fail to pav their annual taxes upon carnages, pleasure yachts, billiard tables, and gold and silver plate, on or before the aforesaid 19th day of No vember, 1864,.wi1l incur a penalty of ten per centum additional oi the amonnt thereof, and be liable to costs, as provided for in the 19th Section of the Excise Law of JTUyJUSt, 1862 ' ; Allpersons#rtioin like'manner shall fail to takeout their Licenses, as required bylaw, on or before the 19th' day of November, 1861, will incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and be sub ject to a prosecution for three times the amount' of said tax, irn accordance with the provisions of the 69th sec tion of the law aforesaid - ■ All payments are required to be made in Treasury notes, issued under authority of the United States, or in notes of banks organized under the act to provide a na tional currency, known as National Banks. No further notice will be given. WILLIAM J WaINWBIGHT. Collector, oc!8 tno!9 S. W. cor THIRD and WILLOW Sts. GAS FIXTURES, &C. QORNELIUS & BAKER, MO CHESTNUT STREET, Have the pleasure to announce that they are now pre- pared to furnish A NEW STILE OF GAS FIXTURE, SUITABLE FOR DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES, &c., WHICH CAN BE LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY. ocls-lm if J) L. TINGLEY, TOBACCO AJfD CIGAR WAREHOUSE!, No. 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, 1 Agent for the sale of all the celebrated brands of BASKET, GREER, &CO., Cincinnati. ■ it “BELLE OF THE WEST,” “CIROINNATUS,” “BURKIE,” &c. “FINE TURKISH!” AND OTHER SMOKING TOBACCO. A large lot of prime CIGARS and TOBACCO, now in Store, and for sale cheap. 0c261m jjTyWag SPECTACLES, ’ ■ AT - v JAMBS W. QUEEN dfe CO.’S, «e26-2m 934 CHESTRUT Street. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of all kinds, to be had at - JAMES W. QUEEN <6 CO-’S, «e26-2m 934 CHESTRUT Street. 'TREASURY DEPARTMENT. A Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Wabhikstos. September 27, 1864. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the EIGHTH RATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, in the City of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadel phia, State of Pennsylvania, has been duly or ganized under and according to the requirements of the Act of Congrees, entitled ‘t An Act to pro vide a national currency, secured by pledge of i Unit ed States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,’,’ approved June 3d, 1364, and has complied with all the provisions of. said Act required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking under said Act: - i r .Now,, therefore, I, HUGH McCULLOCH, Comp troller pjt the Currency, do hereby, certify that the Eighth National Bank of Philadelphia, in ihe City of Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, and- State of Pennsylvania, is authorised to commence the business of Banking underthe Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office this twenty-seventh day of September, 1864. • . ’ . HUGH .McCULLOCH,- Jsbal. I Comptroller of the Currency. ' ’ . ■ ocs-eot . (HARD —BELCBER & CO , PROPRIE tors of CENTRAL EATING HOUSE, - No. 431 CHESTNUT. Street, Opposite General Post Office, Philadelphia, Pa , tender,by medium of the public press, to their, many patrons and friends, their wannest thanks for the liberal encouragement moat generously bestowed, and promise'to add still further improvements ana attractions, and use every endeavor to merit the support and patronage of the business, men and general pnblic of Philadelphia and vicinity. . ocl7-3m T F. FRUEAUFF, ATTORNEY'AND " ’ Counsellor at Law, Holliday sburg. Blair Co., Pa. Collections promptly attended to in Btaw; Hnnting don,- and Cambria counties. 'Refers to H CLARKSON; & CO., Ho. 1313 Third Street: F. R STARE, President Enterprise Insurance Co.; CHAMBERS & REGISTER, Washington Life Insurance Co WETHERILL * BRO , Second Street; T. A. BIDDLE a CO.v.Bankers. Phila delphia. oclD-lm* ■pkENBERVO FOR THE TEETH AND J-e GUMS.—For strengthening the'gums, for pre serving the teeth from decay, and for keeping them beautifully clean and the breath sweet,..-this, is, be. lieved to he the bestpreparation-.that science- and-expe rience hu overproduced. ..Prepared oniy by - . »S. T. BEALE, M. D. , Dentist. 1113 CHBBTHUT Street, Philadelphia ’?a ael7..<tin For sale'bv the principai drngri»t. g; per,iar. e government contractors AND OTHERS —Blank 1 Certificates for the Re 1 lease of Contractors with the United States from the increased duties-imposed by the A,t ofJuueKSaffii ■ • together with an assortnnut of BLARKSin generaluse for sale by 'MOSS & CO . 433 CHESTNUT Street. . ccS7 l2t Stationery and blank Book Manufactory, NEW PUBLIC ITtONg. NEW MAGAZINE THE YOUNG POLKS. Mesßra. TIGKNOR & FIELDS Respectfully announce that they will shortly begin the publication of a/New Monthly Magazine* entitled OIJR lOBNG FOLKS: AK ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE FOR' BOYS AND SEVERAL OF THE MOST POPULAR AME RICAN AND ENGLISH WRITERS HAVE BEEN SECURED AS REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS AND THE EDITORIAL CONDUCT OF THE MAG A SINE WILL BE IN THE HANDS OF TWO WELL KNOWN AUTHORS! ■ A full announcement of the names of the Editors and Contributors, together with the features of the Maga zine, will be given in the PROSPECTUS, which will be Issued In a few days. TtCKNOR & FIELDS, Publishers, 135 WASHINGTON Street. Boston, Mass. •ji/TRS. HUBBAOK’S NEW BOOK. XTJu published next Saturday. LOVE AND DTTTV. LOVE AND DOTY. LOVE AND DUTY. : MRS. HUBBACK. Author of “The Wife’s Sister, or the Forbidden Mar riage,” “May and December, a Tale of Wedded Life,” “The Three Marriages, ” Stc. - Price, $l. 00 in Paper; or $2 00 In Cloth, 1 yol., 12m0., oyer 100 pages. LOVE AND DUTY. By Mrs. HDBBACK.—It abounds in soul-elevating thoughts, and no person can read u without being made Wiser and better thereby- . It is fuH of simple and naive wisdom, shrewd delineation of character in .great va riety, and it has a piquancy that rivets the attention even amidstßimpleincidents. Thecharaetersaredrawn by a hand which can realize fictitious characters with minute intensity, and the novel stands out much in the : same way as “Jayne Eyre” did. It is an excellent production,. and we cordially commend it to our readers. , Books sent free of postage on receipt of retail price. Early orders from the trade solicited. Address - „ T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, „ Wo. 300 CHEBTNDT Street,'Philadelphia. FOE SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLEBS. It A TRULY AMERICAN BOOK, the old flag. 368 pp., 16m0., cloth. Beautifnlly illustrated. „ ■ • Price $1.25. ~T." e earnest and clear-sighted patriotism and deeply! religions tone of the book ought to give it a place in :every family. It is the hook ofits clasi. ” , - - Publigied snd for sale by ' THE AMERICAN SIJoDAY-SCHOOL UNION. 0c27-at ■ ■ No. 1133 CHESTNUT Street, Philada. INVERT ONE SHOULD SUBSCRIBE tr p ®TEESOK>S, COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR. Monthly, one year, $1.50; semi-monthly, one year.’s3 Subscriptions can commence at any time. T B PE TERSON & BEOS., SOGPHESTNUT Street; Philada ' -All the New-Books are for sale at Peterson’s. it Peterson’s Detector for no- VEMBEB Ist now ready. 38 NEW COUNTER FEITS are fully described. Also, full list of Broken Banks. Price 15 cents. - : ■ It PETERSON’S DETECTOR 13 THE A only reliable one published. Official list of all the National Banks in ffoveaxperlst issue. Price 15 oLs. lt : gVAN DALE, ' THE POPULAR NEW NOVEL. . Price SLSO. For sale by all Booksellers. , ,A. WILLIAMS & CO., Publishers, oc2o-thstu6f 100 WASHINGTON Street. Boston. A SHMEAD & EVANS aX. . m have jpst received WAR LYRICS. With Illustrations on wood, by F. O. C. Barley. Printed on heavy tinted paper. A beau tiful present.- HAWTHORNE’S SNOW IMAGE. With illustrations by Marcus Waterman. Elegantly printed In colors. DEBATES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE PEACE CONVENTION IN SECRET SESSIONS OF 1861. -By L, B. Chittenden, one of the Delegates. .1H E OCEAN W aIFS. A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea. Another new book by Mayne Eeid. Fall of illustrations. . TALKS ON WOMEN’S TOPICS. By Jennie June. THE GOLD HUNTERS’ADVENTURES, or Ltfein Australia. By Wm. H. Thomas, a returned Austra lian. Illustrated by Champney. WATCH AND WAIT. A new bosk by Oliver Optic. ANNALS OF THE-STAGE, By Dr. Doran. 2 vols. Hardsomeiy printed, tinted paper. - OUR AMERICAN MERCHANTS. Edited by Freeman Hunt, Illustrated with steel portraits NEW JUVENILES AND HEWNOVELS.toonumerous to specify. ’ ' . STANDARD WORKS and books of all kinds in every variety of binding, now receiving from the late TRADE SALES, and will be sold at very low prices. ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors to W. P. Hazard, ocl7-tf No, 734 CHESTNUT Street. WEBSTER’S NEW UNABRIDGED TT DICTION ART. 3.000 ILLUSTRATIONS, This edition of Webster ha* been thoroughly revised, and has many valuable additions. It consists of 1,849 royal quarto pages, with the illustrations distributed throughout the work. : ALSO, • WORCESTER’S NSW QUAItTO DICTIONARY, and all the Greet, French, Spanish, German, and Latin Standard Lexicons and Dictionaries, for sale by LINDSAif & BLAKIBTON, Publishers and Booksellers, oc2S Ho. as South SIXTH St. ; above Chestnut. . TSJEW BOOKS I—NEW BOOKS! MATTIE CARSON’S: EARLY YEARS,' By Mr*. M. E. Berry. THE PRATER OF FAITH. By Mary Grace Halplne, author of ‘ * Ernest Richmond.” M ARraA’S SCHOOL DATS. : A Story for Girls. ON .THE FROSTIER; Or, Scenes in the West. JRRSTj Or, Ann Holbrook’s Girlhood; By the author of ‘ Ellis Amory, ” Ac. Also, NEW EDITIONS of SANFORD AND MERTON. By Thos. Day., Illus trated. • _ EVENINGS AT HOME; Or, The Juvenile Budget Opened.' Ttumerously Illnstrated. , THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON; Or, Adventures In a Desert Island. TALES FROM SHAKSPEARE, for the use of Tounf Persons. EyChas. and Mary Lamb. Forty Engravings. For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, ,oc6-tf GO6 CHESTNUT Street. A SHCROFT’S LOW-WATER DE A TECTORS. ■ . Ashcroft’s Steam Ganges. Justice 4 Shaw’s Mercurial Steam and Blast Gauges, Clark’s Damper Regulator. Water Gauges, Scotch Tubes, Ate. „ _ AUGS. S. BATTLES, Agent, se2-Sm «* North SIXTH Street. PhUa. FOR SALE AND TO LET, PEAL ESTATE, REAL ESTATE. AL REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. • REAL ESTATE ... -REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. ' REAL ESTATE. NEW MONTHLY C 4.TALOGOE JUST ODT NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT. NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT NEW MONTHLY CATALOGUE JUST OUT FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION. FOR GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION CONTAINS NEAR $5,000,000 WORTH. CONTAINS NEAR $5 000,000 WORTH. CONTAINS NEAR $5,000,000 WORTH.’ . CONTAINS NEAR $5,000,000 WORTH . Every person desirous of purchasing property, either for investment or occupancy, should not fail to procure a catalogue just out, exceeding in importance to buyers anything of the like evei published in this city, no matter by whom. GEO. C. MILLER, ' Practical Beal Estate Operator; : oc2S-2t;f , IST- North SIXTH Street. , ;f§ DELAWARE COUNTY FOB Ok ■Hial sale a flrst-c ass business Farm in MARPLE Township 133 acres of land. “ one of the best,' ’ ten miles from city. Fine Stone Mansion. 13.roomF, nicely shaded, modern built. Fine double-decker stone Bam, with extensive shedding, spring-house, carriage-house, bouse for farmer Fine orchard, fine meadow; a por tion woodland, Crum creek lane. • JAS. R. CUMMINS, 50* WALNUT Street. N, B. —Call for catalogue couiatmug prices. 0c27-3t H FOR SALE.-SPLENDID LA ROE JSatSIDE-YARD DWELLING on SEVENTH, above SPRING GARDEN. Street. Lot 44 by 95 feet dew! IJ&OOO- Immediate possession. MILLER, 15* North SIXTH Btreet. 0c27-3tif Mto let—the store now occupied bvDECOURSEY; HAMILTON, & EVANS, «o. 33 South FRONT, Street, Is for rent from the Ist of January next. It is twenty-three feet front undone hundred and eighty (ISO) feet deep, with an entrance on Letma street. . ■ Apply on the premises. 0c25-6t « FOR SALE LOW —A STORE PROPERTY, in a Tillage twelve miles from Phila delphia, and two from a railroad station, on a turnpike, via a thickly-settledi neighborhood (with or without stock); large Dwelling and Store House, with Barn and Tenant Honse, with two and a half acres of good Land, for one-third less than the buildings would cast Ad dress ■ C. MATHER, 0c25-3t* y ; v v Jenkintown P. 0., Pa. gt FOR RENT—A NUMBER OF Bat commodious DWELLINGS on TWELFTH and THIRTEENTH Streets and MEKYINE Street, at f, om sK)tos3B per month, -having baths, heaters; hot and cold water, &e. TATLOW JACKSON, 0c24-12t* 614:'CHESTNUT Street. m FIRST-CLASS PROPERTIES FOR JSbtSALE: ' 1703 Green street, 36 feet front. 1911 Green street, 38 feet front. ■ 2205 Green, street, feet, four story; lot 45x164 . 2082 Green street; side yard. : - 3621 Wallace street; lot 2O»1S0 feet. 1622 Green street;-lot 196 feet deop. 2103 Spring Garden street, •with numerous otters. Also,-a large number of Cottages and Farms B. F. GhBNN, I»3 South FOURTH Street,and 0c22- tf -S. W cor.SEVBNT&BBTH and GREEN. MFOR SALE—THE FOLLOWING BEAT DWELLINGS:! 1924 Mount Vernon street. ' 2305 and 2315 Lombard street. 2004 Mount Vernon street. 2012 Mount Vernon street. 2026 Mount Vernon street ■ 2030 Monnt Vernon street... B F. GLENN. - 133 booth FOURTH Street, and 0c22-tf RW. cor. SEVENTEENTH and QRUIiW fl FOR SAL E- THE ELEGANT MANSION, twelve rooms.No.lSß 8. Broad street, ?’A t^ 61 ffiIX,SS5 Tell!en<!e - Apply to W. G. BEDFORD, 53 N. TENTH Street, near. Arch. 0c22-6t* ■piRE PROOF DOORS FOR SALE.— A superior set of Bank Fire Proof Doors, .with extra fine Lock, &c. - Apply at 483 MARKET Street.,;: ; 0c25-3t* COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. WM. V _W. FRAZIER, Jr.; is admitted to an interoat in our buaineßS. and the firm-name will he hereafter'HAH RISON, HAYEKEYER, & CO. - ' Y, HARRISON & HAYEMEYER Philadelphia, Oct 21, 1564. - 0c25-3t COPARTNERSHIP. WASHINGTON Commission Merchant and Wholesale Dealer m. Provisions and Produce, has associated with himin hie business his bod, HENRY CLAY BUTCHER. Thestyle of the firm wi'l be WASHINGTON BUTCHER & SON, 146-and 148 North FRONT Street. Octobek 24, 1864, y : YyyyYy- ocM-lm* - pOPARTNERSHIP NOTICE —WEN V* DEROTH & TAYLOR, Artiete and Photographers, have this day associated in copartnership with them" Mr. J. HENRY BROWN, Artist y - The name oft the firm hereafter will be WEaDEROTH, TAYLOR, & BROWN. Tho-reputation of the establishment, as well for PLAINPBOTOGRAPBS as for bigbiv finished PAINT INGS IN OIL OB -WATER COLORS, will hefully sustained; and the addition of another artist to the firm will enable it to execute orders for fine work with less delay than hitherto* - . The undersigned respectfully invite examination of then* specimens in all at*les of portraiture. Particnlarattention paid tocopvingold uictnMß Oat-door Tiews of Country Seatsi- &c., Taken at mo derate prices \ N B —Entrance until their new store at BIG CHESTNUT fitwet. 0 e 18 .completed, WENDEROTH, TATLOR A rrowit October iS; 911 ' aßd 916 CHESTNUT Street, T ' t . . . . cAa B .. ! witli the above announcement* 6he n.n -' dftßites to stats to his friesca who iiave'do* i f^ vor ed him with their kind appro* ciation, that ius entrance into this copartnership is in: the s.ncere convicEionthat, in proper hands, rhotoyraphy proves itself an ally which art caano | rlonyer wuely negleet.Hebelieves that, wonderful, as has been its triumphs, it is destined to still greater achievements. ' , Whatever merit may Mtherto have io hie pencil will henceforth ha. employeCto demoa strata tie correctness of this bhq^-jj oc2l-12t y October 19. 1864. TOYS. TOTS AND BANCY GOODS.— i Just, received from Europe, a large aseortment of Tovb. of every description. Also, Fancy Articles, in ' treat variety,- Meersdjanm, Jiriar.and a variety of otter Pipes and Cigar Tabes. fiBOHCiDODL. Importer, oew-tutS»an s». 503 basket qtmt. AUCTION SAUEi. BAZAAR, NINTH AND BAN ' AnCTION HORBEB, CiHBIAGBS, &a„ On SATUBDAY MOEKIKG next, at 10 o’clock, com* Miring about - ' , SIXTY HORSES if nil description at sale. ‘ » , ■ ~ »- ALSO,: 00 ' 1 sctloti of desirable new and second-hand, win cSencf* Waeons ’ with, which the sal* Carriages and AMBED M. HEBKNEB3, Auctioneer. 0c27-2tif AMUSEMENTS. grand german opera. The largest and most successful ■ GRAND OPERA ORGANIZATION hitherto presented to the American public, will com mence a' • ■ , ■ SEASON OF TEN NIGHTS, lunimited by engagements to that period only. . ' AT TUB : ■ - : ACADEM f OF MUSIC. Philadelphia, NoVdSnber 7th? ' innrnoiss will appear in the afternoon 2?& and the morning: Artiste,'“Grand ompanyof led renortoire 10rTIS ’ Gi'and Orchestra, and unequal —— : - • ■ ■ ,■ ■ oc2S CHESTNIPr-ST. THEATRE. l h ~, op JnHet ROMEO aH]5 JULIET. ' . Romeo: M t rcatYo M .M r F To conclude wlto 4^^laughabl 8 Parce. caUedf-. FBrilAY EVENING, BENEFITofMiss OLIVB LOGAW .'® J 5I e PK?tipn an original sensation drama bv iwiii OLIVE LOGAN, styled EVELINE - Dy ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Oct. 29. _ NINTH GRAND FAMILY matineeT Upon whfch occasion will be presented, after long and careful prepaMtmn, y fairy tale of tha 64 - I * l Bty ,\ a of thorough magnldeence. * _ Admission to all parts of the house 30 eente. 0c27 WALNUT-STREET THE ATR K and Tragedian: ' “ miss inY ne^ertoTo™chV& daT) BVENING! ’ oct2r - ROBBERS. rorrvrs ££&»s® “ 00r -- -”•*••• ■ ■-,-§s?£% lichanau. To with'ihe Vaughahle B flrJlS la Bactana “- _ MR AND MRS. PETER WHITE. Door* open at 7; Curtain risen at 7% \fRS. JOHN DREW’S NEW ARCH STREET THEATRE. Mnwn ,_ feAST WEEK OF VESTVALI. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. Julie De Marguerite’s New Play of . GIMEA, THE HEBREW FORTUNE-TELLER. Ueinea. with sonars* Vpstv< FRIDAY,_V|STYAH’S FAREWELL BENEFIT. ’ utimotA ®RORIOUB FARCE EACH NIGHT. _ MONDAY, MR. AND MRS BARNEY WILLIAMS. 0^ es ™u t -str e e t opera house,. CHESTNUT street. * ALLINSON & HINCKEN Proprietor*. a™... MORAN’S MINSTRELS P appear evera evenin g in a u elegant n„„„ „„®™IOPIAN ENTERTAINMENT. AtoisriTO a cento. Dm9nCing at 8 °' c!ock preclwsy o’dSrsOcS?’ WUcll 08,11 bB " 6Cttreii frQm “ ’ —- Qcl2-w A BSEMBLY BUILDING. Laßt week of the grand T STERKOFTICOJf. MONDAY, October 24. and dnrinj Hie week, at 3 o'clock, will be presented . * THE “GHOST.” And the finest gems of thalcoUeotion of One Thou sajd Views in all parts of the world. EBIDAY SIGHT. Statuary Exclusively Tickets 25 cents t children IS cents, A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT Streets. TRMPLB OF WONDERS ! SIGNOR BLITZ EVERT EVENING, and WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. . . Performance Constantly. Sett “S'tf Cw **V eMldreo * 15 Centa o Evening Performance* commence at VA. Afternoon ?L± ; • • OC3-H THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, 1* OPBNDAIDT. for vigitorg, from 9 A. M. toBP. M jet/ WANTS. A NOTING lady, a graduate of the Mercantile College, desires a sitnation as As sistant Book-keeper with a gentleman who keeps his own books,, or with an experienced book-keeper, in gome jfood, reliable house, where she can obtain a nrae tical knowledge of book-keeping. Has had some ex perience in office life. Best of city reference given Please address R. SMITH, Philadelphia P. 0. ocS-St* A COLLEGE GRADUATE, WITH " first-lass references, desires a few private Pnpils. Address Yale, ”at this Office. . ocK- it* THE ADVERTISER HAVING RE- I ? QTT I SHED th 4® e t ail ® r <mery Business, desires a Situation in some Wholesale Grocery or Importing House. Address for one week, at this office, “Gro ccr-' .- : -• 0c27- 3t* TO DRUGGISTS.—WANTED BY AN experienced Druggist, ■» SITUATION in a Whole sale Drug Store, to take charge of the manufacturing department. Address “J. E.Y.,” PROCTOR’S Drug Store, NINTH and LOMBARD Streets. 0c24- 4t* TO SINGERS.—WANTED, A SUPE- X RIOR ALTO SINGER for a Protestant choir. A good (alary will be paid. Address“ Haydn, ” Phila delphia Post Office. ' , 0c25-3t* WANTED—A YOUNG MAN AS EN i , CLERK in a Jobbing Honse on Market street. _. Must be .a good writer, and correct at figures One who has had some experience preferred. Address “B. K.* 55 office* with name and re- Terences. ; : 0 c27-2t* W ANTED, AGENTS. AGENTS IN . , . ©yory County, at $7O a month, expenses paid, to introduce Afteen new and -useful articles, the best sell ing ever oflered. For particulars, address, with B JOHN F. LORD, BIDDBFORD, kalNE 8 oSs-d&WEm WANTED-TO PURCHASE OR + a 'GQAX* TAjRD. or Lot that can he con verted .into one, ©sFKOOT Street, between Green and Laurel street. Address “Goal, 55 at this of* oegg 2t* WANTED— IN A WHOLESALE House oh Market street, a Porter; an active un married, man, with good recommendations, required Apply, with references, to Box 607, Phila P. 0 oc2S 3t* WANTED AT 1150 PER MONTH— 1/ We want a reliable CANVASSE Rin every town 5m eagents clearingsl6oper monthT which we will prove to any doubting applicant a*il bros. & coT, gooSSK; -rmiaaeipaia. , . oc!3*im* WANTED TO RENT, A STORE- ON ’I, MA ?,^ ET ?, erse - t d, between Second and Sixth Streets. Address Box 625 Post Office. oelfi-gtuthl2t* M WANTED TO PURCHASE. A hsndsome RESIDENCE, on Arch, Chestnut, Wal ?hi’nf r ß^e?l 1 6 p 9e f’n% eßtof Broad - Address !'Mer chant, Box 2784 Post Office. 0c25-sfc** OARDING. HOARDING—-SEVERAL VERY DE sirable unfurnished Rooms, with Board; no chil dren. Apply at 535 ARCH Street. 0c26-2t* ELIGIBLE ROOMS VACANT A T XJ HILL’S, 338 SPRUCE Street , oc6-lm* liOST AND FOUND*. A CERTIFICATE (203) OF STOCK siares Ah the “UNION PETRO standing iu the name of “NEL SON CURTISS, having been.sent me by mail, and not having come to hand, it is believed to be LOST, and no tice is hereby given that an application has bean mad* to said Company for a new Certificate. oc2l-6t J. A. WILLIAMS, Attorney, T OST OR STOLEN-ON THE NIGHT Tof the Bih inst., four of the following Certificate*- Nos. 24,319, 23,929, 23.091, 24,6,50, 24,799 of Phil*, delphia and Reading Railroad Stock. The public are cautioned against their negotiation, as their transfer hsi been stopped. A liberal reward will be paid and no questions asked on their return to ocl4-Im* SHIPPING. • R E OPE N I N G OUTSIDE EINE OF STEAMERS ■ 10 NEW YORK. The Coastwise Steamship Company’s Line of first-class Screw Steamers, E. C. KNIGHT... .... JOHN G1850N............ Will make a regular tri-weekly line, commencing SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1864, Leaving Philadelphia every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AID SATURDAY, From the Company’s Wharf, first above Race street. AT 18 O’CLOCK, NOON, And from New York, Pier 11, North river, on same day*. AT 3 O’CLOCK P. M. These new and substantial steamers were built ex pressly for this route. Freight received daily, handled Id fchs most carefttl manner, and delivered with the utmost despatch. For farther particulars, apply to WM. J. TAYLOR cfc Co., 310 N. WHARVES, Philadelphia, and 0c22-6t PIERII, NORTH RIVER, New York. § WRITTEN AND VERBAL De scriptions of Character, Constitution, and Ta lent,with ADYIOB on Business, Health, Educa tion, Self-improvement, Management and Train ing of CHILDREN, social adaptation, «e., daw and evening, by JOHN 1,. CAPEN, Phrenologist and Bookseller, ocll-tnthßlyif No. 35 8. TENTH St, above ChesinnL PIANOS, COTTAGE EXCEL. R iTTf'SIOR ORGANS, HARMONIUMS,and MKLo.- DEOBS, at „ MARSH’S Music Stor* oc7-2m No. 1103 CHESTNUT Street NEWLY Hr TTTTv peoyed csescent scai.b . OVERSTRUNG pianos Acknowledged to be the best. London PriuKedW and Jllfihosi. Awards in America received . meWots anilsecondhand-piano#.. sea-gm Ware rooms. No. 733 ARCH Sb, beL BigJui DECKER BROS., STECK <6 CO.’S OKLEBRATKD pianos. J. B. GOULD, SBTBHTH AND CHBSTRUP. ffJJJf ESTEPS OOTTAGKB ORGANS. Mot oaij VBXXOsitKD, bnt DWMDAiI.i3 la pnrfn of ?g“S.S d kSF? 1 ’ J B ? s *?* 4 “W»lMly for Ciraxeiun and Sciocl*. but found »o bo tqoAily welladapted u. jtk the Varloi asil Drawls*Soon.. ?<rrial 6 only b/ B. M. BEtJCB. . . , ■ Wo. IS fforti SSVBWTE Bfeant. Alw>, * aosnnlate uaortaant of ika Parfaet Malodoo* aonatantlT on b»a4 inlß-Sw CS| BUFFALO ROBES 1 BUFFALO IggjpBOBBS tl—loo - bales just" arrived from Indian country, very lowprieo. ■- - - ... . mW-lip» MiTTsblT. *OB MABKTW* Sir—« T?OR SALE— The stock, good-will, and fixtnresof a WHOLISAifi AND KBTAIL H*RDWARE STOHg. ON MARKET STREET A very cheap lease.and an A- £*<>*latanu. . . The proprietors 'being' about to engage in ano«.he: bu.3l<*- ness, will offer inducements to purchasers. ; BOX No. 19®. FhU&dolphm foil Q®«a^ <*2s-St" P. S. ROWLAND, *3T SPRUCE Street ... Captain Gallagher Captain Bowen
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers