CITY ITEMS. sssvs your Hair.— “Xubin’s Fioriline" la Lt e*ouJßlte Sressiog for the hair ever dlsoov li not only adorns the most ordinary head o£ d gives to H a rich and luxuriant appearance, ’ | ? ji; o moßt effeotlve preserver and restorer of ijU la ase. Besides this, It Is a delightful per. fItOST P.BW'KCT SKWIKG MMHfNKOP THE J.ThB course of the “Florence Sewing Ma .is* been, wo may say, a triumphal march Jlo affections' of-the people, If we can judge |jlo stream of sewleg-machlne-boylng hum ant ,t may daily be seen ebbing and flowing at the jren eo'' Rooms, No.. 630 Chestnut street. This lifiited machine makes no less than four separate jjsimof stllchos. It is simply constructed, and ;ibis a greater variety of work than any other , g machine In use, Every machine is sold with irauteo to give the purchaser perfect sa'lafac >r the money will bo refunded. ~ imoss,—Since Eve’s fig-leaf, since Noah.’? u s clonk, since Joseph’s coat of many colors, lon lias ruled the world. In Japan ladles gild teeth, and In India they paint them red. In iland ladles paint their faces blue and yello tv. tna pigmy leet are the rage. In Philadelphia de men prooure their wearing apparel at the ■n Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhlti & Wilson, 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, and ihow their wit by so doing. K ira ! Hurra !! Hurra I!!—Trouts-R-n!—We oirfman would got It 1 We wereteven willing on him, although our family physlolan says :e no better. We have a sestet to tell those iclans to guide them in their judgment better a pocket copy of last year’s returns. When me a candidate at church the Sunday before action, dressed in _.a new suit of clothing from toe, you flsk him Whore he bought them, and vs at Chas. Stokes & Oo.’s One Price, under litinental, you may rest assured If he Is not I he >UI come within one of It, provided tre only two candidates running for the office, never been known to fall. Jiim IH OIOTHIMO, •gains In dotting, -alas In Clothing, a In Clothing, , ; ./At Oranttlle Stokes’Old Stand) At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand ; ' At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, 609 Chestnut Street, 609 Chestnut Street. 609 Chestnut Street. 609 Chestnut Street. ...kwbd Kje Aoe,—The moat wonderful results _ produced by the use of Mrs. S. A.. Allen's 'urfd’s Hnlr Bostorer and Zylobalsnroum, or Hair testing. They never fall to restore. Invigorate, and jautify the lmir; youth renewed. No more gray [irs. The lialr Is restored on bald spots. It ta rts a.most delightful fragrance. You can pro le them at any Druggist’s. 0011-tuthsdt Plate Be Toilette Fuanoaise.— For enamal ig the shin, eradicating’ wrinkles, small-pox arks, pimples, &c. Price $l. Hunt & Co., 133 3. ,ventU street, and4lS. Eighth street. oclSs&wtf DKAptfßSs, eye, throat diseases, oatarrh and asth a, treated and 'dnreu b J Dr. Von Mosehslsker, nltet and aurist, No. 1027 Watauv® 6r v 0011-46 V, r HTTE Virgin Wax op Antilles.—Thf3 exqul le cosmetio has no equal for beautifying, whiten g, and preserving the complexion, It is prepared ■m pure white wax, hence Its extraordinary quall :s for preserving the akin, malting it sort, fair, looth, and transparent. It Is most soothing after nving, cures' chapped hands or lips, removes pitn ss, blotched, Un, freckles, or Sunburn, and im its that pearly tint to the face, nook, and arms so ich desired by ladies of taste. Price SO, 60, and 76 ds. Hunt & Co., 133 South Seventh street, and South Eighth street ocs-swtf. Hurt's Bloom ov Kosis— A.' coaming color for e cheek, flees not wash off or injure the skin, anufactured only by Hunt & 00., 41 South Eighth eet, and 133 South Seventh street. ocS-esvtf Sssmoe’s Templb of Art, No. 914 Arcs st.~ Is elegant and commodious establishment, fitted istan Immenio cost with all the requisites for iking Artistic Pictures, is. now open for the re ptlon of visitors. Every style:of Picture, from 6 popular carte de visite to the largest portrait or oup, executed with a softness%nd delicacy of de ll unsurpassed and unsurpassable, Ladies and mtlemen will find it well worth their while to il and examine specimens, and see the establish eat, . . 0011-3t* Eva and Ear most successfully treated by J, aacs, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, 611 Pine st.Artlfi ii eyes inserted. No charge for examination. jy26-tf ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, The « A Sclieetz ■ ' K Keesey & wf, York, Pa A Clarke, Mass Speir, Hass ■ 1 , ■ ’ S Daviß, Maes ipt Blair, Penna is E flay, New York S Thompson. New Jersey b Morrill, Baltimore 'in Ball ' (; Cattail, Philsda G Cattell. Philada . bl Boyd, New York , G Tatee, Philada tines Elleott; Jr,.Pel . r T Crockett, Now lork B Saying, New York C Bryant, New York- . ’ Rogers, New York ■ ?. A McKnight, Washington E Crawford C Wilts 0 Chillis If Beck, Williamsport *i Meats, Huntingdon co eo Blymyer.Lewistown H Cooibioth.Holildttyßbg iss Clara A Pickering, Pa B Grubb, Lancaster 1’ Zimmerman, Harrisbg Slmw, Louisiana K Staefe, New Jersey M Acton, Nejf Jersey irs Benedict, Wash, D G has W Dietrich. Cio, 0 arid Ahl, Gnmb co, Pa A Garlin, Cheater co ol W A Wade, Pa W Belton &wf, Bilt ) 0 Gehr, Chambersburg W Bower & wf. Cham'g OBieeter, Beams burg oha N McAlister, fct Paul f A Means, New York chr LDame, Boston E Drinker, Montour , J Drinker, Montour has Beaten, Delaware , 1 D Savin, Smyrna, Del fbolk, Delaware i ThSCOB IS Goodwin, Harrisburg Ir Murray, Panna H Osborn, Hw Haven J Lynch, Ilmira \ E Whitney, St Paul K Burnnt & la, Pittsburg! Ir« J T Hogg & cb, Plttsbgj Sewlln, U 8 A . - K Hamlin I A Corbin, Mississippi 1 DSnedeker,'Brooklyn i GBrockmau, "Wheeling 1 Bofitetter, Pittsburg 'r J E Brown, Philada ? B Judsoii, New York S Tyson, Pottsville Harrison, Pittsville K Peale, Lock Haven [iss Peale, New Orleans F. Chapman & la, Illinois 'Fiake, Pottsville as F Frennt, Scianton C Lyrde, Scranton ' ol A W Angel & la, N J . Irs 3! JPense,.N J tiss A Malone,-N J lisa Nellie Malone. J t Lawson, Potlsville' 1C Sloanaker, Allentown feo L Trepp, U 8 A ■ G romatock, Wash, D 0 J Vail, Prance } W Reynold*, Boston cbn H Anderson Awf.N Y ) 8 Lathrop,Albany K Mason & la, Delaware [ Bard ing. Boston * ftipß P Jacobs Sc wf, Ky i Johnson &: wf, Boston 1 5 Johnson & wf, Boston - [ Colony.Keene.S JI 3! Knight, Keene, NH O P Colton, Barbados -has L Haley. Boston r Js King & wr,New York J BOtfg, New York - S b Lewis & la, Norwalk ; hasM Dnpay & wf,NT R W Tyson, B altimore : ID Dougherty, Harrisburg ?MBlake, Maine; V Greeley, Maine | B Glenn, Jrj New York M Steinman, Penn a « Anderson, New Jork W H Perot, Baltimore •Miss A Perot, Baltimore Jos J Stewart & wf, hid Dr Prentiss,* la, wash,DC Mrs C H Perry, lowa John D Perry, 6t Louis G f Fllley, St Lonis J B Alexander, St Louis S T Glover, St Louis Airs J Haldeman, Harrlsb Mies E Haldeman, Hamah! Mies'A Frazer, Harrisburg i W Karnes A la Miss Sarah Bowen. a Mi&s h JtcCorkle BRBoherta V v Chae A Welle B p Sloan - . W F Kelly The Mer W Brower, Princeton S Warner, Ft Delaware J Giles, Fort Delaware C H Lowenthal, Balt T McGulre-Washington '« Adams, Waihington J U Lawrence, Harrisburg A R Shlllenberger, Penha 1 j ” Loilff J W Olwine.Wmsport i -“Blanchard, Lock Haven : J B Ferral LC Little, Lewisbnrg ' i w F Wright, Penna S B Craig. Pittsburg V Troll, Ohio i John Patton, Ohio ■. Ihcts McFarland, Utica * 8 Glarton, Jamestown Jos smith, Lambertsville Jas Allison, Pittsburg ■John 8 Egan, Hamilton > D Hamilton, Smyrna, Del nS ra dy, Harrishnrg P Eowe, Harrishnrg jo Stick, Clearfield Wolf, Lancaster r ■H." Oherholser, Lancaster ■sum Oberholser, Lanes ster K ” Downey, Lancaster K e ° A King, Lancaster E y Keep, Harrishnrg R; A Berg, Reading. ~ ■f 8 Barnhart, Btate Line E-D Botts, Maryland RJJ Wolf, Maryland K B Mcßnally wf, Fenna Pllss BerthaWright,Fenna ■James Stephenson a la, Pa pis jor J Cummings, Penna |W H' Miller, Harrisburg Bliss Painter, Sunbury Bliss Klla Fainter. Danville Hiss Long, Hew York V LLane&la.Strattanav’le P TWoodman,’Watson town : Hie Cob 'panogle, Pottsville ffoplnskey, Pittsburg :• ? Kelson. Washington-: i*®£p ttt “F» Pittsburg -Mccinskey, Pittsburg , ' ‘RsHmeyer, Lewisog Sbnrgt : oa , l ; Bristol (fIP& H Hm'n' B »s'eitown lirard. - ! I Warren Be Costa, Eel ’John L Kroger, Baltimore E B Moor*, Delaware A Bedseouer, Fenna J I* Hou-ton, Chester co Jesse White, Jr,Chester co JI) Adams. Alex* Va Wm Kellogg, Easton E W Kellogg, Ea-*ton FF Holbrook .Wash, DC' Ghas B Smith. Wa«h, D C JB Baker. Wash, B C Mr & Mrs Milieu, Balt BFTaibt. Boston H I? Bash, Rochester P J Moran &,ls, Ohio ' J R Lowther, rfawnort Mrs B Daryn-vN Y Mrs 0 Walter, Delaware Mi*a Walker, Delaware J Fleming, Barribbnrg W C Houser. Mecnanicsbg J H Ziegler, Pa . . S P Pyusr, Delaware W H Ktllogg. Illinois S W Owen, Wa'htnftoa A A Douglas, M Ghauk John Meily, Lebanon B A SherriD, Colorado T O Judkins, N Charlestwn Sarn'l Biuti, New. Fork I Janies Biro?, Lancaster ■T L Lancaster IJMSellers, Mtmphle J E H*rrick J W Groves, Kentucky Ellen Beeves Phasnixville iH W Wheeler, Brooklyn A Wieting, MiddletcmN, N H Hanoi &wf Boston Dr R H Sciior, Harrisburg Cbas Connelie. Baltimore John R Long & wife James Dougherty, Del L A Wilb&nk, New York . JM Frink, Ashland DC Andrews, New Jersey Edw House, Trenton Geo Bryou. Trenton G H Steimnaa, Lancaster blnental. <L Stebbins, Hartford J M Taylor & wf, N Fork - J D Sargent} 6 >stoa . P K Sower®, Ha vana Chas B Nile--*, Mass C Boorum, Jr, Milford, NJ Waliei Gass, Pottsviiie 4.. J W HaU.-Hirnba'g Dr S H Martin, Baltimore P RBoab, Harrisburg F W Ranken, New York. B P & wf, Pa W B Fahnestock, Peana N F Smith s Wf, N York C Rogers* Biitiraoie JMF Kimmel. New York Thos Wallace, Jr, Conn J H Eastfr. Baltimore ■ J P Bradlee, Boston C H Leonard, New York M M Kodo*, 'Taunton Geo Brown, Tannton H S Banning, New York B P H&l&ted, Wash, D G Thos Pitzineer & ia, N Y F Knebel. Brooklyn W H Middleton, N Y J A Drew, Boston Kobt Morrow, Rochester Cyras W Field. New York JasShnttieworth, N Y A R Davis, Boston , BD Moody, Boston Jas Yeme. Wash, DC H Velbman,Paris Geo H Peirson, Baltimore H L Phaloo & wf, N York W Firmstone,Easton. R C Ctieseborogh Goan Ti fio PolhemUH, Jr, N York J M W Yerr'nton, Boston J W Gray. New York J Wells, Yeut Chester , ST Jones, Harrisbarg Mr Je Mrs F Ghamb*rlin,Pa G I* Stover & wf, Maine JR Corey, Portland,Me W R Peasmann & wf, Mass J T Tonriia & wf,IU W C Keller & wf, Ponna : Miss Y Hewitt, renna Mias Hegeman, New York W A 0 Hegeman, N York . Mrs J,T W*icb;& son, Pa C Masselman & la, Lan G Wrightsoni New York A W Lay, Oil City • EL Mernfield, New York Hoses Taylor, New York" John J rfaelp3, New York TP Huntingdon, New York JM B Hartley, New vock r Hoary & wf, New York.j JJ brtenoagh, New York W Bnrgess, New York Baltimore V B Wright - Master H Prichard, N Y * t ‘ oTr6 y» Massachusetts A Crocker* Massachusetts Joto Nphon, LoaisUna H FBildwin, Nsw Jersey T Pierson, New Jersey Lient J H Patterson,-TJ S A rchants’. GEothrock, Wmsport d II Dosch, Allegheny W Pitcairn, Allegheny JP Oregg, Allegheny Maj Mahan, Boston Cant Westcott, Boston H G Johnson* Bo'ton. 0 P ThombßOn, Boston DTallmage, New York G W Steyens, New Hamp, IRuhman, Ohio F S Allman, Ohio G Loury, Penna J F Thomherry, Ohio W P Cortright, Hazleton Jas H Cornell, New York Owen Sice, Nazareth Hon G W Stein, East'on J R Williams, Oxford M S Wells, New York D Darling, Brooklyn _ ; Lieut T H Hay. New York J W Olßwlne. Lycoming co F 8 Allman, U S A Chaa M Price. Scranton J Lewis A wf Jae Lowther, Altoona C L Bowman, Harrtßburg Geo Hench, Perry co J Beaver, Waynesboro, Fa J C Shepherd, Harlem, 0 Hugh Sweeney, Ohio J W Miller, Waynesboro! Fredk Lawer, Beading SK Ward wall. Boston G WBicknell, Portland, Me - alien Wells, Mt Holly, N J . W 8 Ladd . Steven Felt, Phoeoixville • pK Vaughn, Wyoming co - W_B Leonard, MChunk G WKessner, Davenport I A Naylor & wf. Mass w Sanborn, Nashville i C Hess, Pittsburg nmerclnl. , T G Stubbs. York co £ Barnett, Lancaster co DM Hastings,-Lancasterco J F Faxson, Lancaster co 8 Pennock, Chester co John Buckley, Pottsville John Haglnnis, Pottsviile C 8 Monroe, Hew York E H Jones, UntonvUle, Pa John Fisher, :Gha< dltrvilie J Burton, Chandler villa B Dr R P Greanleaff, Pa A K Hanna; Oxford J W Cowell, Bucks co W H Sargent,- U 8 A DMBare,‘Pa Jds Weil. Baston W B McDormond, Pa F C Wilson, Baltimore , WM Wilson, Newark, Del- Ju Galliner, W Chester :: 'rh#Am Isaac Eaetlaok.New Jersey Jacob Mitchell, N Jersey J M Williams, Washington B P Hays, Baltimore ’ S Hein.Washington JttsW Kelley, New York ' . Chaa Smith, New York Jan Cary & la. Boston. J J Town, Illinois Jas Hanson, New York L Weckman, New York W W White, Lock Haven H Prick & wf, Lewiaborg John Hoban. Scranton ■ MGordon, Scranton . W W Hale, Philipsbnrg 1 -W_B Healings, New Jersey S Dyer 0! C'Wepi-s B Hickman, Lewes, Dol WTam. Delaware B McCangkely,’ Bdllimorc Job Polak, New Torn J«e D Scott, Pea’ a. J E Knapp, New York A ESmith, New York Jackson Yates, Wash, D C J G Wolff, Pen na , - I G Schneyder, Baltimore D A Wertz, Chamhersburg ,T Fardessns, New York , Hi, Dunning, Delaware K A Grover, Pottsvilla V BHLashell, Catawissa XU® s)i £ G Adorns, Mass 1D Hitchcock, Buffalo,NY E D Cope, Chester .. Geo W Hon £h, Texas Chas F Pitt, Texas Geo H Stewart, Penna J D Jacobs, Penns C Keim, Cumberland, Pa D Downey, Penna ■ J Smith, Sharpsbnrg, Pa Jas Bough, Fhtla . Chas Worril, Phila Chas Dexter, Penna, A W Shed!. Lancaster Jas Bond, Wiimington, Dei Sarah Backbus, « i ™, Del Miss LP Bond. Wiim, Del Geo Shaffer, Bolivar, Ohio W H Smith, Bolivar, Ohio Harry Smitli. Eohvar, Ohio Isaac Shaffer, Bolivar, 0 L J Kirk, LancKfcter A J Barnvsl, Mercer, Pa , W J McKean, Mercer, Pa W Farnsworth, Wisconsin A Newell, Mahoning, Pa, - F Courtney, Poiand, Ohio Sami Jones & wf,Penna W P Tnckerman & wf, Maas Mrs Vincent, New Jersey Jacob Dormus & wt, N J John G Hesteroel &wf,NJ K B I'itborough. N Jersey John B Hay, Malaga S J, J AMEaehran.N .Terser John S Darnell,Florence J W Woodeide k la, Penna Miss Dane, Lancaster Kobert Hodgson, Oxford Geo Cook, upton. Pa Miss AJS Cook, Upton Miss Kate Cook Upton. Ttoe 3J W C Paddock, Mass Dhewhold, New Jersey J T Conrad & la, Trenton B Haines, New Jersey D Culver, Delaware . , C Kising, Massachusetts H Jackson, Penna J C Van drill oof, N Jersey Chas Stratford, Jr, Penca Chas Stratford, Sr, Penna ■. . Jas Fitch, Fittsbrg J M Bivins, Nftrrowsbnrg 'j p Parry, Attleboro J B Ferguson, New Jersey L P Slanger & wf.N Jersey ■' Thetia Sergt Knaues, Ft Lyon-, Va J J Johnson, Michigan S V Thompson J G Thompson, Danville N Wagoner, PhaiiiixYille B Silvis & son W W Hearing, Alex, Va W Van Heed, Beading D K Van Beed. Beading D C Siegrist, Penna W H Fortner & wf, Penna L<*b co« Pa. U N'effavilie.Pa H B Bowman, - W Donehonr, Kg ao> The Stal A B Boggs.Eort Delaware S Homer iloHidaysbnrg Win Greeti.Penna ■ Jos Williams, Jacksonville A Ernest, Shippensbnrg G W Cofiev, leesburg, Pa J J Kernney l 'Wasluugton John H Allen Wm MHeall, US A John Donovan 11 Donovan. Boston Miss M Casey, Boston G H Beider, Penna J C Hunter, Mfc Pleasant SPECIAL, NOTICES. To Purchase Clothing at low prices, make a selection from our stock of READY- MADE G AR MED TS. We are selling goods equal in style, St, make, and material./rom2s to so per cent, lower, than is now charged for same' goods 'made to order. We have all stylos,'sires, and prices of Clothing, Mens', Youths’, and Boys’. All can he suited withoutdelay ortrouhle> ,- ' BENNETT & CO., od-mtuthftf TOWER HALE, SlB MARKET Street. One-Price Clothing, of the Latest styles, made in the best manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST SELLING PRICES marked In PLAIN FIGURES. All goods made to order war ranted satisfactory. The one-price system is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike., JONES’ OLD-ESTABLISHED ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUBB, 804 MARKET Street, near Sixth. de2B-ly Colgate’s Honey Soap. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, In such universal de mand, is made from tire CHOICEST materials, is MILD and EMOLLIENT in its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT ED, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL id its action upon thfi Skinl For sale by aU Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. fe2B-tuthsly The Popular Clothing House of Phila. “OAK HALL.” Best-class goods at moderate prices. WANAMAKEE & BEQ.WN, B. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Street*. Custom Department (to make to order) No/IS. Sixth St. Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest Premium LOCK-STITCH". : ' SEWING MACHINES, THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST. AND BEST. Salesrooms, TO ft CHBSTNUT Street, above Seventh. 3Srr-A.E,3aXE3D- SPENCER—GOODWIN.-At the Church) of the Saviour, West Philadelphia Oct. 12th, by-Rev. C a. L. Richards, Dr. W. C. Spencer, U. S. Army, to Mary M. youngest daughter ,of Rev. Daniel R. Good- J). D. * KULF—ST-EWAKT.— At the residence of th* bride’s father, Lackawanna, Pa , on Tuesday, October 4- 1364, by Rey. B, Kelson, 3>. I)., George B. Kulp, kiq., of Wiikeebarre, to JfiaryE., eldest daughter of Mr John Steivert .. . * YOOEHEES-WARBER -On the 6th inst., at the re sidence of the bride’s-lather, North Bend, Ohio, John H. Yoorhees, of San Francisco. California, to Elizabeth A., daughter of Dr. John A. Warder. ~ * DEBaYEN—TOWNSEND.—On thefathmst., at the residence of the bride’s father, Fairfield, Del , by Rev. . W: J. Stevensor,- assisted by Rev. A. Longacre, A. 3. De Haven toMits Mary A.Townsesd,daughter of Zddoc Townsend, Eiq. No cards. . . , ,/**'. . WOOD—BUNN.— On the ISthinst., atFriends’ Meet ing House, on Twelfth street, George Wood to Mary o-, daughter of Ezekiel Hunn, all of Philadelphia. No curds * - VAN SEED—COCHRAN.— On the l2th‘ inst;,by the Bev. John Chambers, at,the.residence other uncle, George W. McMahan, Joshua Van Reed, of Sinking Springs, Berks county, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of James H. Cochran, of this city.. :. ■ -* - HEiiMBOLD—BECK —On the llthiust. , by the Rev. J. Addison Henri, of West Philadelphia, Mr. Harry C. Helmhoid to Miss Helen-Amanda B9ck, daughter of Levi Beck, Esq., allot Philadelphia. No catds. * died; COOPER.—In Williamson, Wayne county; N. Y., on the 22d of September, Griffith H. Cooper, aged 74 years. , He officer of the II S. Navy in the war of 1812 16, but scon after resigned and became a member of the Society of Friends and subsequently a preacher among them. He was a brother of the late Commodore Benjamin Cooper, and son of the late Commander Jas. B. Cooper, of Haddoufield, N.J. ' ■■■ ■ * DUSGLISON.— On the 10th inst., Sophie, wife of WU-, liam L Dnnglison, and daughter of; the late Aristides Monges. ■ . . -- *** HAMEESLY,—On the loth inst., Mrs. Maria Ha merely, in the 64th year of her age. *** . : KELLER.—On Thursday morning, Sept. 20th, 1884, at -the residence of his parents, at Sharon. Mercer county, Pennsylvania, George T. Keller, of Company 0. filth Regiment] Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the 23d year of his age. , This young soldier, promptly to the first call of his country, eitered the three months’.service, and at the expiration of the term exhibited interest -in- Its welfare by re-enlisting with Company E, 6th Ohio Cavalry, in ■which regiment ha had served nearly two years, when discharged for promotion. The necessary documents being delayed longer than his impetuous desire andlove of country permitted, he again entered the field, and in a short time contracted the lingering disease wbico finally, after mouths of "severe suffering, borne with marked patience and resignation, caused his death. The remains, wrapped in the folds'of thai-flay ho so dearly-loved; were escorted by sympathizing friends to Youngstown, 0., for interment, and were there met by a large .concourse of citizens, both civic ’ and military, who came to pay their last homage at his early tomb. • Falthauds prepared the comely appreciation of a soldier’s life, while brothers--in arms poured their' volleys of fire in honor of a soldier’.s grave. We desire to add our sympathies] with the family'in theirhereave ;ment, and remind them that, though the affliction is deep, the dark cloud Jms still a silver-lining Thou-" sands like he have laid their lives upon their country's altar,-and many have been obliged to spend their last hours away from friends and home, and then hurriedly bnriedin uuknown graves, while he received during his protracted sickness Ihe full-benefit ofthat care and comfort a devoted mother alone can give.. Her unceas ing watchfulness and hever-tiring efforts' continued .to" the last, and when the dark Bhadow of death fell upon him he was still snirofinded by those near and dear unto him.— Mahoning S-gister. It* CORSON.—At Portsmouth, Ohio, on the Ist instant, William Hagy Corson, son of the late Joseph D. Cor son, of Norristown, Pennsylvania, in the S3d year of his agei. - The young man'over whose" mortal remains the grave has just closed was one of whom it may he truly said, that “though dead, he yet speaketh" to the large circle of friends who now mourn his early Thrown when a hoy Upon his own resources, he sue seeded, after many hard struggles and long wan derings, In gaining for himself, in the city where he died, a social ana business position such as few young u'-en, witha far better *iari in life, attain to. A de voui Christian, he exerted himself with zeal in the c hnet. In-him, the Church was the fleld- SwMSP*® “I ats labors > and haa lost a member whose liri not soon again he filled. But he has there sown seed in many young hearts-which, will spring.up and bear good fruit. His life, th.-.ngh short, and of lste years niuch u waned in its aims by disease hag . answered life’s great end. y uisaase, nas T>ESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, -l> No. 918 CHESTNUT Street, are selling * Black and White Chintzes, S7k cents. , Lead and Black “ •• Madder Purple “ “ Plain Blacky- . Black and White De Lames, 45 cents. Black and Purple De Laines. 45 cents. Black and White Chene Mohairs, 37J4 cents, Black Turin Cloths, 8734. cents. Black Poult de Sole, or Mourning Silk,«. 75. And all other goods, at the lowest market prices. -PYRE & LANDELL OFFER WHOLE show of MBRINOES in town, Best show orJOPLINS in town. Best aliow of SILKS m to Best slsow of SHiWJjS in town. Best show of CLOAKS in town. yaar- bitjuksd.—fHß bikecfors W 3&.. of the NOBLE AND DELAKATER PErBO bEUM COMPANY ha»e this day declared their sixth monthly diyidend of TEN PEB CBN f. from the eara in*s of September, par able free of State tax on the 20th inst. Books close IStb and reopen 21st. GEOKGB W. HUN THE, Secretary. October 12. ISCf. ,0013-St ~ THE Pnil ABELPHIA BANK, |S3S Philadelphia, September 20.1861..... A general meeting of the Stockholders of the PHILA DELPHIA BABE will be held at their Banking House on THUHSDaY, the 2Cth day. of October next, at 'lO o’clock A. M., for the purpose of taking Into considera tion and deciding the Question whether the said Back shall become an Association for carrying on thebusi ness of banking under .the laws of the United States, end of exercising the powers conferred by the act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, entitled '* An act enabling the Banka of this Commonwealth to become associations for the purpose of banking.under thoiawsofthsUn.ted States, ” approved the 22ddayof August, 3864, and to take such action in regard thereto as may be necessary and-proper. By orde r of the Board of Directors. oJ3-7t . . b. B COMKGYB. Cashier. IBBPBBMCiN Iff VINCI BEES’ . ONION CAMPAIGH CLUB BADGES And new LINCOLN MEDALS. jnst out. Agents and Boys wanted, J. SOMERSET. os7-Bt* SSI CB ESTBUT Street, lerlcaa. JasG Leach, Boston John K Funk,. MUlotsvUlo Mi»9 Mary,Fack. MUier,,- H Miliersyillo K C Pyle, Easton H A Sherrill; Colorado Ter Mi’s Hlaslej, Kew Xarli PR Allen, Penna -W ari'en Lazell, Hew York HLaweon, Norristown W L Simon; Delaware Hale Swamwelder .ken, Md C H Christy, Barllngton John E Tyler, Baltiraoi-eJ ' J Dnßois, Haw Jersey A ,H Moon, New Jersey TJ Savage, l New Tors, D A 'Monro, New York . N.PEddy, Now York , .. W H EddyrNew fork John “J Halfnld, Yarmouth Jan B Field. Taunton, Maes J K Pratt, Massachusetts SI V B Pratt .Massachusetts Ales H Hall, Delaware , , JS r I :?; n ! b . <jrt ' > Connecticut , J.W Willtts, Cat&wissa . . (MissH Haidar, Cstawlsaa ' Mrs'M A Wadsworth, Oat’a :!D Clark St wf, Danville iMissC Clark. Danville [Miss M Clark, DauviUe : Mrs A Sharp „ ! J K Wilson, iCressooa, Pa Geo It Dran, Trenton, N J ' Geo H Dran, Trenton, 1 J ilex 0 Yard, Trenton, N J Chas Warner, Penna N J Larkins, -Damascus A M Gaskin, Damascus j I, dash. Damascus LBoustead. Damascus Gto MarkreLMaokerelville C Manderfck, Penna „ A Serb rock. Canton, 0 G Deuble,'Canton, 0- D Kaler, Allegheny Pa K W Clendeafn, Poland, O 1 M Bivins, Narrowsburgh Mrs J Conabla, Memphis Mrs E Conable, Memphis 2 Miss Conables, Memphis C Hunt, Nashville. 0. John Cowdon, Reading . W'Leech, Pine Grove W Cane. D ort Carbon Jos Krisler, Minorsyille Mrs Boyer, Penna . Mrs Board, Penna Dan Kichwine, Lancaster WmMilleray, Boston 1 Gfo Stover, Waynesboro TB Snively,Shady Groye Henry Happle.Millerstown S Lake.Shamokin \ Jesse J Reed, Shainob in - JolMartz.Padiiho" John Babylon-St wf.Md Geo W Moon, Green wick, 0 J P Bewnor, Chicago . Miss Cush mead, Mercersbg John Bupp, .Gettysburg Mrs Martin, Gettysburg H Hamburger, New York 0 G Crane. Phila - J H Jones & H, York, Fa adlsoii, J L Jeeber, Trenton J M Coons, Trenton E L Sterling, New York Win Eat, New iJersey . Fi J Pius, Maryland E Williams New Castle I S Seeaholts (j 8 A . F P Gilbert, Dover, Del Sami Armataga, N Jersey , John Finney, New York : Dr ScoMu, Bucks co E Wildman, Backs co --SS J 0 Whitaker, Penna ' S A Hayden, Scranton, Pa stloiml. J L Eise, Lebanon co F E Spang, Berks co Martin Schaefer; Schnyl co E D Hoffman, Berks co W-H Spang- Reading Miss M J Kinney, Ashland Mrs Beck, Orangeville N B Hall, Muncy, Pa W Wood, Brooklyn J H Finkell. New York . T 2 H Murphy, York co Miss J Murphy, Scranton] , C Mark, Lebanon D Philips, Malianoy City ?g Union. T S HnSier, Wooster, 0 1 Thomas S Ut,Jis£k:s oo 'H A Zng, Lancaster, g N Boss & la,Chester eo A 3 Wolfkiel, Lswistown T McCarty, Maryland J H Smith, Wilmington S J Walker, Wilmington J L Dearing, Janiata, Pa ■ J W Allen, Juniata, Pa L W Westfall, JuntataPa C B Lore & la, Wilmington S B Bwing, Penoa Wm M Cass, Mt Vernon, Pa NATIOfifcL UNION TIC RET fob fbeshgemv.. ABRAHAM LINGO LN, OF ILLINOIS. FOB VICE FRESEDENnr, ANDREW JOHNSON. OF TENNESSEE. euctobal ««kse. ' SENATORIAL. MORTON MoMICHABL, Philadelphia. T, CUNNINGHAM, Beaver County. REFBES: L Robert F. King, 2. G. Morrison Coats*, 5. Henry Bunn, 4, William H, Korn, 6. Barton H. Jsnfcs, 5. Charles M- Runk, 7. Robert Parke, g. William Taylor; 9, John A. Biestand, 10. Bichard E: Coryell* - 11. Edward Holliday, 12. Charles F. Bead, ’ATIVE. . 13. Elias W. Hale, 14. Charles H.Bhnner, 15. John Winter, 18. David McCnaanchf, 17. David W. Woo*, IS, Isaac Benton, 39. John Patton, 20. Samuel B. Disk, 21. Evarard Blerer, 22. John P Fenner, _ „ 23. Bboneser McJtuskUU 24. John W. Blanchard, By ordor of the State Gantral Committee, rag* MOW REABT, - . KS? ' COAL AT ST.SO PER TOUT, THE CONSUMERS’ MUTUAL COAL are now de-Uverin* Coal from their Oakland Colliery, on the celebrated Skidmoreand Mammoth Veins, at the following rates:-.. ' . ■ To Subscribers, per ton §7 69 To Non-subscribers, per t0n.12 00 Tims saving *4 60 per ton to Stockholders. Besides this saving, there will be a dividend annually on the stock, in all probability, of at least SIX DOLLARS PER SBaRE. so that after'the first;year Stockholders will not only get their Coal for nothing, but' will also probably receive a small dividend on their Stock. The lease runß, at the present low royalty, for Sixteen Tears,-.' The ten dollars per share paid now, is for the whole term of the lease. . The present capacity of the Mine Is 60,000 tons per year, or one ton per share * This will increased to 160,000 tons, which will give the Company 100,000 tons to sell to outsiders, at the highest markst prices, THE PROFITS FBOM WHICH WILL BE DIVIDED AMONG THE STOCKHOLDERS. Subscriptions to the stock (which may Still be made at tlO per share) will be received at the Office of the Company, 5 H South SIXTH Street, second story. - ■ PRESIDENT, ■ JAMES lint®, - PIHKCTOKB, JAMES LYND, No. &X South Sixth street. EDWARD E. JONES, No. 631 Arch street. , HENRY S, PAUL, No. 419 Walnut street. P. F. CLAYTON, No. 156 North Third street. THOMAS R. GASSED, No. 106 Qhestnut srteet. se3o-lm ■ KS- DEMCATIOH SERVICES.-THE KSE? /FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH having completed and paid for their new House o f Worship, corner of EIGHTEENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will de dicate it to Almighty God bv a series of services, com mencing on THURSDAY EVENING, October 13th, 1861. The Sermon will be preached, by Rev. THOMAS D. ANDERSON, D. D. ..Pastor of ihe First Baptist Church, *&££-D. Gillette, D. D, of Washington, i Rev. William Shadrachi-D. D,. of HoUidayaburg.Pa s Rev. John Dowling, D. D., of New Yorks Rev. Howard Malcom, D. D., and Rev. Joseph A. Warne, of Phila delphia, formerly Pastors of this'Church, and several of tie city Pastors, willpartioipate In the exercises. On FRIDA! EVENING Preaching by one of the ■ f °On ¥ Alt? KDA Y EVENING a Reunion of Pastors and Members who formerly worshipped in Saneom street, • • t •« - CTIOO ""K DC, „ . ... On Sabbath, October 16tli, PreacHng at A. W:* 3H and 1H P. M. ■ „ :To all of these services you are cordially and affec tionately invited , On SATURDAY, October 15th; the bouse will be open 'to the public for examination from 8 A M. until 6 P.M. All who feel interested are invited to view the com pleteness of its finishing and furnishing. A Committee will be present- to show attention to strangers.. It* ’ TWESTY-EOURTH WARD MS lae? coln and Johnson campaign clug— A Meeting of’ the EXECDTIYE COMMITTEE .THIS EVENING, 13thinst.', at I% o’clock, at Headquarters, MARKET Street, above Tnirty- third, to arrange for, another Parade, &c Good Speakers every. MONDAY: EVENING, and the Glee Club will be. present during each Evening of the Week. All, and the young men especially, are^allyiurited. ITHEJfS ; Presi dent. , Matthew Morris, Secretary., ; It* . 'J’JIE ESC&SdBA IHOTIINtI COM HE? PANT OF MICHIGAN,—The first meeting of the CORPORATORS of the Escanaba Mining Company of Michigan, under its Articles of Association, will be held st the office of the Winona Mining Company, No. IST South FOURTH Street, Philadelpoia, om SATUR DAY, the 29th day of October. A. aU o clock *• B A- HOOPES * Two of the Associates of said’ Corporation, Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1564. 1 oell-lfit ; tide WYANDOT JHWa'G' COM- B=E? PAWV OF MICHIGAN;—Thai first meeting of the CORPORATORS of the Wyandot'Mining Company of Michigan, under its Articles of Association, will be held at the office of the Winona. Mining-Company, No. 1»T South FOURTH.Street, Philadelpnia, on SATUR DAY, the 29th. day of October, A. D. 1864, at A o’clock P M. JAY A. HUBBSLL, . B. A. HOOPES, Two of the Associates of said Corporation. , : PBnUCEI.THIA, Oct. 11, 1884, Y : : OCiB 15t OFFICE OF THE UNION PEDRO LEUM COMPANY, AT South FOUST 3 Street, . Philadelphia- October 12-1861.'. The Board of Directors have THIS DaY declared a Sixth Monthly dividend of TWO PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, payable on and after the fith proximo. The Transfer Bookß will be do-ed *l3 r. M on 31st instant for five days. CHARLES A. DUY,.: 0c,12-6t . ; A.. .. President. BE I* Uli I-ICA K INTISrCIBHES.- pfjfc? The Executive Committee will meet at Head quarters, NATIONAL HALL, THIS (Thursday)jEVE- KlNG.'atSo'cloek.,-: ■; ' ' . GEO. INMAN RICHE, President. Wm. L. Fox, Secretary. • . . It KOTICJE.—OAMUDEN ASIA AT J. AST-' TIC RaILROAD CO.— The annual electibufor: thirteen Directors, to serve for the ensning : year,.wlll be held at the office of the Company, Cooper’s Point, Cam der, on THDRSDAY, the 27th inst. , .between the hours. Of 11 A. M. and IP. M, - „ . . oc l2 12*. H, WHITEMAN, Secretary., OFFI€E OF THE FBASKUS FIEE ISSUKiECB COKPAKY, Philadelphia, Ootoosr 10,1561, ,: At a meeting of the Stockholders, held pursuant to charter, fob Moad&y,. October 3, 1864, the following tamed gentieiiitn were elected to serve as Directors for th*. ensuin* year; Cbas. N. Bancker, . Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob K. Smhb, Geo. W Richards, - Ind at a meeting of the B< if. bancker Esq., was EDWiRD O.DAbK Esq « oc!2-3t , / J. W. MgA imiGGS GOi.I) COMPASY—XO* WB& TICE OF DlYIDbNis Ho- 6. ■ ... New Yoke, October 5, 1834. A dividend of ONE PER GENT. for the month of September, has been„declar.a, payable at-the office of the Company, 81 JOHN Stre.t, New York, on and. after October 17th. 1664, to Shareholders of K-cord at the close of business this day. > WALTER E, LAWTON;- ■ ocl2-6t ■ . ■ ■■ ■- : Treasurer. ; McKINLET Oil, COMPASY-JlO fas? TICE OF DIVIDEND, No. 2. - ■ New Yoke, October 5.1864. The Trustees of the OIL COMPANY have declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT, (out , of the net earciiigs of the Company lor the month of September), payable on demand, at the office of the Company. No. SI JOHN Street. New York. to Share holders of Record, at the close of business ocl2-6t WALTER E. LAWTON, Treasorar, COMSOMUATION BASIL #SE? i. Philadelphia; September IS, 1864.. At a meetiha of the Directors, held 17th instant, it was resolved to distribute to tbe stockholders pro rata at, PAR our own stock owned by this Bank.:„ ", All stockholders of this date are entitled to claim their proportion, upon the terms of the, reeolafcion.* at any time previous to the 21st day of October, 1864. _ ~ se2l-tuthktoc2l JOSEPH N. PEIESOL, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE “EE DOSA»O Irfff OIL COMPACT,” N.. 8. corner of FIETH and WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia.. . . , Bv order e£ ihe Board of Directors, the balance due on the Stock of the above Company is hereby called, pay able to the Treasurer on or before BBIDAT next, Oot, 14th, at this office, ocll-4t* OFFICE OF THE AMERICAS RS? fibe insbhahce company. Philadelphia, October. 10 1854, The Directors have this day declared a dmdend of SEVEN- AND A HALF FEB, CENT, for the last six months, -which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, on a»d after the 20ch‘ lest , clear of all taxes. ALBERT C,L. CRAWFORD, ocll-9t ■■■ , : ' ■ • Secretary, *23“ CITT CTMMISSIOJSESS’ OFFICE, gtjcy , __PHriiApELPHiA.jSeptemherffl, ISG4. NOTICE TO THE'OWNEBS OF KE4L ESTATE. The BOARD OF REVISION aND APPEARS will sit at the Office of the City Commissioners, No. U STATE HOTJBE ROWt to hear Owners of Real E-tata desiroue of appe&liEg &b to the Assessors’ Keiarns of the Valaa tton of Real BBtate in the City of Philadelphia.for the triennial year 1865, 'between the hoars of 10 A. M. ana 1 o’clock r. M.. on the following days: . . Ist and 26th Wards, Monday,.October 3. - 2d and 3d do. Tuesday," do. 4: 4th and 6th do. Wednesday,do. 6. 6th and 7th do. Thursday, : do. 6. ■ Bth.and 9th do. Friday, ' do. 7. 10th andllth do. Monday, do. 17. ■ ■ ■ 12th and 13th do. Tuesday, do. 18. ■ ■■■>,■! 14th and 18th do. Wednesday,do. 19. 16th andllth do. Thursday, do. 20. 18th and 19th. do. ' Friday, do. 21. 20th and 21st do. Monday, do. 24. 22d and 23d do. Tuesday, do. 25. 24th ana 26th : do. Wednesday, do'26. JAMBS SHAW, . Clerk City Commissioners. se3o-toc26 OFFICE SOMERSET IRON AN® COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA,' 61 CEDAR Street, New York, September 27, 1864. • NOTICE 1b hereby given thax pursuant to a resolution of thS Board of Directors, passed this dav, an instat ment of TWENTY PETUCENT. nn the subscription to the Capital Stock of the JOKERS BT IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be and is hereby made, payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, Treasurer of said Company, on or before November Ist, 1664. Attest : T. M. TYNG, . oc3-tnol . Secretary. . •CT” STAR Oil, COMPANY OF PHIU> ■as' DELPHI A. . TITO Brt'l'A'P B • Hox. WILLIAM MILLWARD, SAMUEL R. PHILLIPS, , JOHN H. MICHENER, James M. AR BISON, : H. N. FITZGERALD, ISRAEL MICHENER, THOMAS ALLEN. The Subscription Book to the above Company Is now ready, at the banking house of Michael Jacobs. No. 40 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, where Directors meet and be happy to give any information to the pub lic concerning the lands and Company, Subscription ONE DOLLAR I"ES SHARE, original price, and no assessment. „ v oc6-7t SAMUEL ALLEN, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE FRANK I,IN R*?, FIRE INSURANCE CO., Philadelphia, Octo bei 3, 1864. At a meeting of the Board of direct ors of tli e Company, held this day, a semi-annual Dividend of SIX PER CENT., and an Extra Dividend of TEN PER CENT., was declared on the Capital S*ock, payable to the Stock holders or their legal representatives on and after the 13th instant. |J. W McALBISTEK," ■ .00F.113. Secretary pro tern. |®” COMMISSION OF the UNUSED V 2& STATES AND ECUADOR. » . Notice is heiehy given that the Commission provided for by the Convention of November 25, 186 a between the United States-and Ecnador, for the mntnal adjust ment of claims, was duly organized at the city of Guay aquil, on the 18th day of Angnst last, and that the said Commission will continue in session for the period of twelve months from that date'. , _ All citizens of the United States having claims upon Ecuador are, therefore notified, to appear in person, or by attorney, and present the proofs in support of their claims to said Commission, or :io file their claims and . proofs with the Secretary of the Commission, “ Senor Crisanto Medina, ” in Guayaquil, in the Republic of Cj aime.-wMdi shall not ho presented to the Commis “9s ??“«“!: months it remains in existence, rpill be disregarded by both Governments and conei dered invaHd: . FREDERICK HASSANREK. Minister Eesident and Commissioner of the United States. WABHIKOTOX Citt, October 1. 1861, STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING,: R*? HA-KUI'ACTDEEKS'akd MECHAB ICS’ bahtk, 1. ; » A HI Ji*ADELPHiA, Sept. 20.1864. A general mfetingof the Stockholders of the Manu facturers’ and Mechanics'Bank -will he held at their banking honap. on FKIDAT. the 21st day of October eei t,-at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of taking into consideration and deciding on the question whether or not the said hank shall become an association for can-r -ing on the business of banking under the laws of the United States* and exercising the powers conferred by the act of the General Assemhirof the Commonwealth, entitled “An act enabling the banks of tbisCommoa wealth to become associations for the purpose of bank ing under the laws of the United States, approved the 22d day of August, 1864, and to take .such action in re gard thereto as may be neoeeaary and proper. By order of the ifoarif of , eeSO-toftqcSt ’Cashier. TH® PRESS -PHHiADETPHIA; THURSDAY; OCTOBER 13. 1864.' Isaac Lea, Edward C. Dale, George Fales, Alfred Fitter,: . ■ „ Francis W. Lewis, M, D. ioard, held tkis day, CHAS. s ire-elected President,. and Vice President. LLLISTEB, Sec’ypio tem. B. A. MITCHELL, Treasurer. FARMERS' AJ?I> B&.KK. , P HIT. A DELPHI A. rMDt, 18&4 h <hdera! ni>»*tiDg of tVo* the: fcctf SrtHcbanics’ Rank of will be a* t>i-jr Kankicg Rouaa on THUBSD AY, the twentieth day of October cext, at d!€Yen o'clock A ftf., for toe pur bote of taking into cons-iJeratioa, and deciding on tan miction whether or not.fhe said Baok become aa for carrying on tbo business ofßanking an* dor the Laws of the United States, and of exercislogthe powers conferred by tbe Act of the General Assembly of tbis Commonwealth, entitled “An act enabling., tae Bankß of fchi« Commonwealth to become associations for the purpose of banking under the laws of the united States, r * approved the 22a day of August, 1864; and to take such action in regard thereto as may be necessary aud prope . flr 0 f Board of Directors, ■ : *e2l-tec2o - W, RUBHTON, Jr., Cashier, CUT TREASURER’S OFFICE, W 2& Philadelphia, October 7, 1864. NOTICE TO CITY LOaK HOLDERS.—The City Trea earer will pay, on presentation, all City Loans ma turing January 1, 1866, with interest te date Dfpay- TOp/nt " HENRY BuMa, %cB-6t . •' - City Treasurer. •* MIL.IT AD V, SeA BWORD EXERCISE—OFFI GL CERB of the armyand others desirous of learn ) in* the beautiful and useful science of attack mi and defence.-w ith the BROAD SWORD,.can have immediate instruction In class or private lessons. PROF. McANULTY, Post Office, Phllada..Pa. [se2l-lm* j. $5OO-VETERAN RESERVE CORPS. ■ —DISCHARGED SOLDIERS wishing to join this VJ Corps oi Honor can receive the above amount, cash M in hand, by applying to BERRY, 1 ■ ocl3-3t* No. 106 8. SIXTH Stri'Ot, below Chestnut. RETAIL Bill GOODS. INTER HOS.IERY RET All. AND WHOLESALE. J. 3WL lIAFLEIGH, No. 902 CBESTNUT STREET, Has now-in store a fall assortment ofthe celebrated makes of ENGLISH HOSIERY; IN BALBRIGGAN HOSE AND HALF HOSE, BRETTLE’S HOSE, SHIRTS, AND DRAWERS, EXTRA HEAVY SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, ' IN ALL SIZES, FOR GENTLEMEN. ' ocS-tf ‘ TADIES’ CLOAKS, JU SAGQUES, AND CIRCULARS, of all the popular styles, made in the beat manner, at reaUCedPnCeS WATER-P E0 OF CLOAKS In great var^i| N STOI)I j &RT & BROTHER, 450, 4523, and-454 North SECOND Street, ocl3-3t ' Above WiiloW. ■DROCHE LpNG SH AWLS IN CHOICE : de olmwEM Stoddart & brother, 450, 4523 and 454 North SECOND Street, oel3-3t I; ; : Aboye WUIoW. ■ WALL AND WINTER GOODS A FOR MEN’S AND BOYS’WEAR. FANCY . AND PLAIN CASHMERES, ■UNION CASHMERES, FANCY AND’MIXED COATINGS, &0.. all at REDUCED PRICES. CURWEN STODOART & BROTHER, 450, 453, an'd 454 North SECOND Street, oc!3-3t ■ Above Willow. PLACE SILKS D OF ALL WIDTHS AND: GRADES, AT REDUCED PRICES CTJRWEN STODDART & BROTHER,; - 450, 4523 and 454 North SECOND Street, ocl3-St - Above Willow. T> ALMORAL SKIRTS;, JD t REDUCED TO .THREEDOLLARS ALL GRADES AT R E UTTCED PRICES - OTJIiWEN STODD&RT & BROTHER, 450, 452 and 454 North SECOND Street, oc!3-St :, Above Willow. JELLING OFF BELOW GOLD PHIOES. 35 TO 40 PEE CENT. SEDUCTION. Our prices are lower than that of any other house In' the city. Persons wishing to hay good ,■ DR Y G.O ODS f Of all hinds, at low prices, can do so by calling on ns. Do it at once* as it is highly probable that prices will, be much higher as tie season advances. : We quote be low the prices of a few articles beet known, and would add that we are selling all our stock at equally as low rates. fOOO yards hast American Delaines, new styles,4o cents; Merrimac, Sprague, and American , prints, new dark sty ies, SIX cutis. Sprague end American prints, light styles, 31X cents. ; Go.od Dark Style Prints, fast colors. 26 cents. , Yard wide Bleached Muslins, 45 and 50 cents. >. Willismsviile, 62X cents '. "Wamentta, 60 csnts. New York Mills, 65 cents. ' 6000 yards plain all wool Delaines. . „ . Azuline Blue,, Purples, Blacks, Browns, Modes*. /Magentas, preens, Cuir. and .Grays, 62X cento. These goods were bonglit at auction, at a tremendous loss tothe;ii>porter. Frol oh Msrinoes from $1.25 up. French Poplins, $1.25 to $2.60. . . : ' Double-width figured Mohairs, 62X cents. And great variety of other Dress Goods, at prices loir enough for all. HE. STEEL & SOlSf, ocB-6t Nos. 712 and 915 North TENTH Street. H STEEL & SON HATE NOW • open a large and choice asssortmeat of . FaLL AND WINTER DRESS GOODB. Plain Merinoes, SI.2S to $6, Plain Poplins, Plaid Merinpes Mid Poplins, Plain and Plaid Sils Poplins, _ '■■■■'a. Plain and Figured Mohair Poplins, _ _ ,ud a great variety of new and cholee'Dress Goods, all lt PI COST OF IMPORTATION. . ; SIDES—Of all kinds, a great variety, from 7S »«at* "* 3P<irTa WIIpOKTB E >BP.P.ICE 8 . n _ SHAWLS—A lßrge assortment, at a small advance last raMTH Btreat 1864. A NEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN. HOOP SKIRTS. V TEE DDFLEX ELLIPTIC : (OR DOUBLE) STEEL SPRING 7. I. & J. O. WEST, No. 97 CHAMBERS STREET, 7 NEW YORK, Are the owners of the patent and exclusive manufae turers of this, ■ „ ’ , .7. .W. BRADLEY S PATENTED DUPLBX ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRING ; - ; .■■ SKIRTS. ' This Invention consists of Duplex (or twoLKUlptie Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and 1 firmly together, eoge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever used, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bility, to place and fold the skirt when in use as easily and with theisame convenience as a.eilk or muslin dress, It entirely obviates and silenees ths only objec tion to hoop skirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especially in crowded assemblies, carriages, railroad cars, church pews,or in any crowded place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occupy ing a small space. This eniiielyiremovesthe difficulty, while giving the skirt the usual full and symmetrical foim, and'is the lightest and most stylish and graoefnl appearance for the street, opera", promenade, or house dress, A r .lady . having, enjoyed the pleasure,, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring, Bklrt for a single day, will never aiterward willingly dispense with the use of them. They are the beet quality in every part, and by far the lightest,"most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer-. chants will be supplied as above,and ladies inmost first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the difierent States."-.-: - . . ■ JS* Inquire for the DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRTS. -DBAJDLEY’S duplex elliptic X> SKIRT, ■ ~ , ■ , ■ Very flexible, folded easily when In nse to occupy a small space, malting the moat agreeable skirt worn.. For sale hy " J. M HAFLEIGH, ~ 903 CHESTNUT Street. T> RADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC D SKIRT—The greatest improvement we haTe ever lean in LADIES’SKIRTS, mad an article of ; SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. . . . CORWEN STODDARTI& BRO., *5O, *53, and 45* N. SECOND St., ah. Willow. selo-if2m ■ ■ - - FANCY FURS. J^DIE^FANCY'PURSr JOHN A. STAMBACH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OP LADIES’ FANCY FURS, NO. 826 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH.-, Jnst opened, a large and handsome stocfc of LADIES’ AND CHI LDRBN’S FANCY FURS of every, description and in the newest and most approved stylos, at the oel-3m - LOWEST CASH PRICE 3. ' .*, . RADIES’ FANCY FURS. ‘ JOHN FAREIKA, No. 718 ABCH Streets above Seventh Street, At bis old established store, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND v DEALER IN' FANCY FURS - '/ ' 10% ' - • LADIES AND CHILDREN. ' Having nowin store a very large andbeantifnlassort ment of all the different kinds and qualities of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES’; AND CHILDREN'S WEAR, I solicit a call from those in want. Remember the name and number, JOHN FAREIRA, TlB ARCH Street, above Seventh. . I have no partner or connection with-any other store In this city. , - ocl-4mif «^TTENTIOH! n ’ Political and patent-right men, also manufacturers of fireworks, call and seethe GKBAT POLITICAL CAMPAIGN ILLUMIN'ATOES. Territory for sale. J. G. LEACH, Agent, oc!3 61* American Hon^e t Pbiladetphia. M ATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS for Schools—Microscopes, Spy Glasses. Field Glasses for Army and Navy use. Stereoscopes. Stereo scopic -Pictures, Opera Glasses, Card Photographs, Photograph Albums, Thermometers,.Barometers, Magic Lanterns, Magnets, Philosophical Instruments,&o ,4c McALLISTEK & BHOT&BB, , - . (Established In 1796.) Ko- 788 CaESTKUT Street. pABD PHOTOGRAPHS OF LINCOLN AND JOHNSON together, from life; Single copies 25 cents. Clubs and Dealers supplied at $8 per hundrad. C.C. BURNS S CO., 806 ARuH Street. it» TVOR¥TYPES-r-THE MOST PLEA- A; SING, natural, aM life-libe liltniature Likenesses are made at B. F. REISIBR. S, tud-l ARCH St. Natural stjles and exquisitely colored. See specimens at Gal lery. . ' \ 11 ■ it*; - MAGNIFICENT.—THOSE ADMIBA BLE specimens of Portraits, B. F. RBIHEB’S life size Photographs in oil coiors.are likenesses of life-like and truthful character. . Gallery,. GiMfcaßCH St. It* EE I M E -R ’ S COLORED! PHOTO GRAPHS—Accurate likenesses, tor $1.60 only. Pictures of most admired s<ylesrand executed in tne most, able manner, at the Gallery, BBCOND-Street, above Greek 7 . - . li* FINANCIAIs. JJP.OPOSALS FOR LOAN. 5-SO BONDS. Tee Astrar Department, • Washihoton, October l, 1864. SEALED OFFERS Will be received at this Depart ment, under the.act .of Congress approved June 30th, 1864, until the noon of FRIDAY; the 14th instant, for. bonds of tbe United-States to the amount of forty mil lions (40,000,000) of dollars. The-bonds offered will bear an interest of six (6) per centnm, payable semi annually in coin,-on the first days of May and Novem ber, and wUI be redeemable at the pleasure of the Go vernment after five (6) years, and payable in twenty (2M years from November Ist, 1864. Each offer must be for fifty or some multiple of fifty dollars, and must state the.sum, including premium ottered for each hundred dollars, or for fifty when the offer Is for no more than fifty. ' Two per cent, of the principal, exclu ding premium of the whole amount bid for by each bid der, must he depoiitefi as guarantee for payment of'sub scriptions, if accepted, with the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, or with the Assistant Treasurer, at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or St; Louis, or with the designated depository at Baltimore, Pittsburg Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or Buf falo, or with, any National Deposit Bank'which may oonsent to transact . the business without charge; for. which; deposits' duplicate . certificates will be issued to the depositors by the officer of the Bank receiving them, the originals of which must be forwarded with the offers to this depot All deposits should be made in time for the certificates with the offi cers to reach Washington not later than the morning of October 14th, as aforesaid. ; No offer not accompanied by its proper Certificate df Deposit will be considered. The Coupon and Registered; Bonds issued under this proposal will be of'the denomination :of fifty dollars, one hundred dollars, five hundred dollars, and one thonsand’dollarß. < Registered bonds of five thousand dollars and. ten thousand dollars will he Issued if re quired. : ('■ ' - ‘ vAll ofers received will he .opened on Friday, Octo ber 14. .The swards will be made by the Secretary to the highest offerers, and noticeeof aoceptanceor declina tion will be immediately given to the respective offer ers. In cases of acceptance, .'bonds of the description and denomination preferred jvill be sent-to the sub - the cost of the Department on final.payment ofinstaiments. The deposit of two per cent, will be reckoned in the last instalment paidby snccessfnl offerers, and will be immediately returned to those wtose offers may not be accepted. , The amount of accepted offers must be de posited with the Treasurer, officer, of bank authorized to act under this notice, on advice of acceptance of of fers, as follows: One-half on the 20th of October, and the balance (in cluding the premium and original two per cent, deposit, on the 31st of October; The Bonds will bear interest from November Ist. ,: Interest on deposits from that date to November Ist wlllbe paid by the Government in coin. One-half of the first instalment, or twenty- five per cent, of the accepted offer, may be paid/ with accrued interest to October 14th, in Unii ed States ‘ ‘ Certificates of Indebt edness but sneb certificates will be used in part pay ment of the first instalment only. , Offers under this notice should be endorsed ‘' Offer for Loan, " and addressed to the Secretary of tha Trea -snry;'. The right to decline all offers not oonsidered advan tageous to the Government is reserved by the Secretary. oc3-tocl4 TJ, S. LOAN OF 1^40,000,000. Referring to the advertisement of the Secretary of the Treasury for », ■ . PROPOSALS FOR THE NEW U. S. 5-30 LOAN, We will enclose in our hid for same those of any parties wishing’to make application for any part thereof t ;WITHOUT OHAKO-E. For information, apply to JAI COOKE & CO., Bankers.. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. ■ ' ■ ■ ocG 9t ip I R S T NATIONAL BANK. NEW ' - UNITED STATES 5-30 LOAN OF 84-0,000,000. This prepared to receive the preliminary de posits'of two per cenCon account ofthls loan; required by the advertisement of the Secretary of the Treasury, dated October lßt, 1864, and to issue receipts in dupli cate therefor. This Bank will be represented. * the opening of the bids on the 14th inst. byone -of its offi cers, and any one'desiring to participate in the general bid oi the Bank ean : do bo without charge. Fuxthor information will be given on application at the Bank. ■ C. H. OI.A.RK, President.^ MORTON MoMICHAEL, Jr., Cashier. oc6-8t ■xt Q NEW 7-30 LOAN. U • Subscriptions received, and tho ilotea fur niched free of all j. BOTJ> Banker> 18 South THIED Street. 5,n25-3m /AIL STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD OJf OOHSHSSIOH, GEORGE*! BOYD, „ 18 South THIRD Street. au3s-Sm SEW PCBtICATIOiXS. T>OYB, YOU HAVE HAD NO BOOK for a long time so lull of iatbrest^as ANDY, THE TAILOR BOY. ' - Elegantly Illustrated. Price, $l. ■ ■ . Ready in a few days By mail, and at all the Book stores, The earne pu'bllshersissue the famons “ DRUMMER BOY,” and wein the original pnlblialierß of the ‘ ‘ BOX, ’' hooks of which there are so many imitations. , J. E. TILTON & 00., ocl3-2t * . Pnblishers, BOBTOH. A SHMEAD & EYANS HATB JUST EEGEITBP „ „, _ ’ DEBATES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE PEACE. CONTENTION IN SECRET SESSIONS OF 1861. By L, E. Chittenden, one of the Delegates. • ANNALS OF THE STAGE By Dr. Doran. - 2 vols. Bandsomely printed, tinted paper: . • ' _ NEARER AND BEsKEK. A Novelette. By Cuthbert Bede, anthor. of ‘*Terdant Green. ’’ With forty-seven BOOK ABOUT SLAVERY.' • LINDISFaRN CHASE. A Novel. By T- Adolphus T LIFE OF JEAN; PAUL 7 RICHTER. Byß. ESSAYS ON SOCIAL SUBJECTS. From the Saturday Heview. 7 . , . _ JOHN STUART- MILLS’ ESSAYS. Tinted paper, S vols J Ayarttable ana has dsome work.; _ ■ ' Qljit AMERICAN MERCHANTS, Edited by Freeman Hunt. 77 Illustrated with steel portraits. «. r “THE POTOMAC AND THE RAPIDAN. Army Notes, from the Failure of Winchester to the Reinforcement of EoB94fanS. jjy Alonso H. Quinn, ?d Massachusetts BLAOTISSrD wIITE LCKS*'-By Mrs. Leslie. NEW*JUyENILESANI) INRW'NOVELS, 1 NRW'NOVELS, too numerous tO STAN?ABD WORKS and hooks of allkinde in every variety of binding, nowreceiving-from the late TRADE SALES, and will be sold at veryjow prices. ' - Succftssore to W. V. Hazard, . ocIO-tf ’ jgQe T 34 OHKSTKUT Street, "VIEW BOOKS!—HEW BOOKS! -LN aiATTIE CAESON’S-EARLY YEARS, By Mrs., Mi E. Berry. . . . < THE PRAYER OF FAITH. By Mary Grace Halpine, anthor of *’Ernest Richmond. ” MARTHA’S SCHOOL DAYS. A Story for Girls. ON THE FBONTIBK; Or, Scenes intheWest; MUSTs Or, 1 An'n’Holbrook's Girlhood. By the author Of “ Ellis Amory,’.' die.. Alsci. NEW EDITIONS of SANFORD AND MERTON. By Thos. Day. - Illus trated. ! *. EVENINGS AT HOME; Or, .Tho Juvenile Budget Opened. 7 Numerously Illustrated. - tHE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON; Or, Adventures in a Desert Island TALES FROM SHAKSPSABE, for the use of Young Persons. By Chas. and Mary Lamb. Forty Engravings. For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MABTIEN, . oe6-tf 606 CHBSTNPT Street. XTEW BOOKS, i.' HECBNTLY PUBLISHED BY , LIMDSAY & BLAKISTOST, Publishers and Booksellers, ■ Wo. %& Sonth SIXTH St., -above Chestnut. ALCOHOL AHD TOBACCO; their Use and Abuse, by Profs. Miller and Lizarß. _ THE SWEBI3H-MOYEMEHT CUES. By Charles E 6 P£$L OSOPH 7 OF MAKRIAGB. By Michael Bran, M. H. Ivol. THB BURNING OF CHAMBBBSBUKO. By the Bey C. F Sfhneck. 1) D. ‘ ■ NEW BOOKS, for sale as soon as published; A SHCROFTS LOW-WiTIB DE TECTOKB. Ashcroft's Steam flanges. <. , ' Justice & Bhaw’s Mercurial Steam and Blast flange*. Clerk’s Damper Kegolator. . Water flanges, Scotch Tubes, 4c. ATJGS. 8. BATTLES, Agent, Sl* North SIXTH StreetTPhila. MILLINERY. JUDIES’ SILK H S, FRENCH SHAPES. BIBDS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, all the novelties in the millinery link. _ THOS. KENNEDY' & BKO., ocl2-w[cisrn YOU3SG LADIES’ AND CHIL DBEN'B FALL MILLINERY —Openin'? THURS DAY, Oct. IS, 3864. Mre. M. C NJCHOLB, lt« No. 103 South. EIGHTH Street. |hn MISS ABEAM, HO. 15 SOUTH NINTH Street, -will open WINTER MILLIN'ERT on THURSDAY, October 13th, 1864. ocll-3t* fhn MBS. M. A. KING WILL OPEN A assortment of WINTER MILLINERY on THUBSDAT, Oct. 13th, at her new Store, Ho. =llOO CHESTNUT street, wU-et* W. P. FESSENDEN; Secretary of the Treasury. No. 739 CHESTNUT Street. MEDICAL. ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DI3COVBRY. DR. BROWN cures all acute and chronic diseases by special guarantee, when desired hy the patient, at 1230 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and.' in case of a failure no charge is made., .No dragging the system, with uncertain medical, agents. All cares performed hy Magnetism,.Galvanism, or other modifications of Electricity, without shocks or any unpleasant sensa tion. , Thisdiseorery is the result of more" than ten years’ hard and scientific investigations. It'develops not only a reliable system for the diagnosis of disease, bat the only efficient and reliable means of cure. Its great superiority over all other'systems for the care of dis ease has been practically tested for more than ten years, and for five years in Philadelphia, where twelve thou sand invalids have been treated, suffering from almost every form and conditlpa of -disease common to all sec-: tiohs of our country, who, after treatment by the most -eminent medical men in Philadelphia, Boston, New York, and other cities, had been given upas inenra-; ble; and in nearly every case a . perfect cure had been effected. " . : We do not wish to convey the impression that we cure : all diseases in all conditions. We cannot care palino nary consumption after the lungs ;are half decayed ; but Will cure" every case of Consumption in the early and middle stages. And eyery other disease where a suffi cient amount of vitality remains for, reaction.- Snchi in fact, has been our success in controlling the following diseases, that after an Electrical examina tion, will guarantee a cure by special contract when the patient desires: • Diseases usually beyond -the reach of any medicine snob as Palpitation of the Heart, Tic Doloureux, Head aches of all kinds, Nervousness, Inability to .collect the Thoughts, Noises in the Head, most Cases of "Deafnesß, many Cases of Blindness, Impaired Vision, Cross-eye, Inflamed or Sore Eyes, Acute'Pains, Hale and Female Diseases, Seminal Weakness, Diabetes, Stricture,-Hy droceie, "Urinary Troubles, Mercurial Diseases, Old Sores, Eruptions of all, kinds, Cancers, Salt Rheum, . Scrofula; Erysipelas, Ringworm, Ulcers, Felons, Boils, Burns, Inflammations, St. Anthony’s Fire, Pimples, Sebaceous Tumors, Rheumatism of all kinds, flout. Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Congestions of Body or Brain, Rush of Blood to the Head Insanity, Stiff. Neck, .Swelled Tonsils; Ruptures,-Kidney Com plaints, Liver Complaints," Hip and Spine, Diseases. , Strange and Frightful Diseases—Tetanus or. Lock-jaw', Malignant: Pustule, Deadly -Bites of Poisonous Insects and Animals, Diptheria, Consumption, Epilepsy, De bility, Chlorosis or Green Sickness," Milk Leg, .White Swelling, Goitre, Paralysis, Dropsy, Palsy, Glandular Swellings, Affection, ofthe.Periosteum. . To straighten Deformed Limbs, remedy Stuttering, relax Osseous. •Joints, s'ave Limhsfroin- being Amputated even when - mortification has commenced. Dr. Brown employs the best Electrical talent In this country. Read the following: ■ ' - .-o ' PROF. C. H. BOLLES, LECTURER. Medical men and others desiring a knowledge of this discovery, will be tinalifled to use the different media- K cations of Electricity for the cure of all Acute ana Chro nic diseases. Prof. Boiles hah qualified over one thou sand physicans who use Electricity as a specialty. Dr. Brown employs the best-Electrical talent in this •country. . • ,A_A' Bead the following certificates of cures perfonnedby Dr, Brown: BRONCHITIS AND GENERAL DEBILITY. Astonishing cure of flhronlc Bronchitis and General Debility, of five years’ standing, at Dr. BROWN’S ELECTRICAL OFFICE. Read the following: _ Sr. Thomas Township,"" . FRANKxii- CoTOTy, Pa., Augusts, 1863. About five years ago I was taken with a severe cold, which gradually passed away, leaving .my throat in an inflamed and irritable condition. I applied to ah AHo ,pathic Physician, hut without any relief. My general 'health also failed, with" symptoms .of .Consumption.;, i; commenced" taking medicine, aid was under the medi cal treatment of five different physicians "Cal so used Pa tent Medicines), hut received no relief. My throat com tinned growing worse, and my general health continued to fail. In April, 1863, I addressed- a letter to a physi cian in New York, that I had been taking medicine' from, enclosing five dollars, for medicine. Soon after dropping the letter in the office, I heard of Dr. Bro wn, Electrical Physician, I concluded to call, and, after hearing. his explanation of my disease and mode of treating, I had the letter taken from the post office, and' concluded to go under his treatment; and can say, after,' going through his course.of treatment, I-am relieved of' disease. My general health is good, and, although :l had not hhen able to work for nine' months previous, amnow able to work as usual. I would eay to the dis eased of all [classes, throw away medicines, and avail yourselves of the' benefits of the recent discoveries in Electricity as applied by Dr. Brown, 1220 Walnut street. SOLOMON CRIDER. DYSPEPSIA CURED,* This is a lots of balance of the two positive and nega tive forces of Electricity. The polarity of the nerves goingfrom the cerebellum to the stomach being lost, and the supply of Electricity from the brain being di jninished, therefore the stomach .is left minhs or nega tive. The organ cannot perform its legitimate functions properly, and Dyspepsia is the reinlt. Bead the fol lowing: Mount Pleasant, . Franklin Co. , Pa., Aug. 10, 1863. - In the spring of 1862,1 was taken with constant piia and nneasinesß in my stomach, which gradually increas ed nn til November, At this time an eminent Allopathic Physician was called inj who pronounced the disease Dyspepsia. Medicine was prescribed, hnt failed to care the disease. I sent to Philadelphia and procured a box of a celebrated Dyspepsia-medicine, advertised in the papers. Alter using that I experienced no relief, The disease continued growing worse, until March, 1863, when hearing of the wonderful cures performed by means of Elect) ioity.'l concluded to have it applied, andean say, that after about.twelve treatments applied by Dr. BBOWH, nas entirely cured, and continue'so; unto this day. , _ ' . hi* BROWK. TO THE SICK AND AFFLICTED OF PHILADELPHI A, ' Dr. P. IHEDD, of Hew Pork, one of the best and most experienced Electricians in this country, will vißit and treat patients at their residences lathe city, wbendesired,' He.will-treat and cure both Acute and Chronic Diseases. All suffering from Acule and Chronic- Diseases, unable to come to the office, and desire Dr. Shedd’s professional services, will call and consult Dr. . Brown, 1220 Walnut street. ■- ■ 7 Dr. Brown employs the best Electrical talent in this country. ' , Head the following certificates of cures performed by Dr. P. Shedd', nowwithDr. Brown, 1220 Walnut street: ’ New York, Sept. 30,1804. Dr. P Shedd,'Electrician, &c. : Dear Sir: Permit me to express in this informal manner iny appreciation of your high,professional ability, as exemplified in your attention to me per sonally, While connected with Dr, Chamberlain, of' this city, now with Dr. Brown, at 1220 Walnut street, : Philadelphia. My disease was one of longstanding, ; and difficult to detect as well as difficult to t> eat, and I assure you, that having been under the treatment of several physicians before I came to you, none were able,- or if able, they failed to; treat me with even a mo derate degree of success/ It remained for you, hy-your shill, 'to.detect my difficulties, and by your careful' and > faithful treatment of me, to place me on the road to peri fecthealth. - /... ; ■ , Accept, dear sir, my. warmest thanks for your atten tiohs, and my high estimate of your skill in the appli cation of Electricity as a method of cure. , Your*, respectfully, CYKTJS COMMIHGS. „ PARALYSIS CURED. ' State op Hew York, Livingston county, . Caledonia, Oct. 29,1862. Dn Seed'd— Dear Sir: For the'benefit of suffering humanity, I would give, a statement of no condition when I came under your care and treatment. ■ From the result of an injury my leftside was totally paralyzed, and had been for six months previous to calling on you, duringwhich, time. I;,Buffered intense[pain, could get no rest only. By. the influence of. opiates. Had been; treated by several physicians without benefit., . When; ready to give up all Hope of ever regaining the nse'of my limbs, I was advised by of oar place to put myself under your care.: 1 did so, and the result is I amfully restored/. After receiving fourteenof your Electrical treatments I. have now the perfect use of my paralyzed side, and my general health was never better. - You are at libeity to. make such use of this as you please. THOMAS C. WAItD. ' DE. BHOWN employs the best electrical talent In this country. . v , ■ ~, Read the following ceitiflcate of a cure performed by Dr. Beckwith, > CONSUMPTION CtJRED. ■; September 28th, 1864. - Philadelphia, Richmond, Ho. 23. This la ♦to certify that: abbot three years -ago I was taken -with a disease which phydcians called Consumption. I had a congh, hoarseness, spit blood, and 'became very rnnch reduced. Was nnder the care of five physicians, and have taken a great deal of medicine without relief. In this condition, I called on I)r. Brown, 1220 Walnut street. After an electrical examination was pronounced curable. -And under the sinful treatment of Dr. Beckwith, operator and physician" in Dr. .Brown’s establishment, am near-, ly entirely relieved of disea'se, and expect,.after a few more treatments, to he eutirely restored to health. I recommend all afflicted to go to 1320 Walnnt street recomme , SALAMCN MAY. Dr. BBOWN'employs the best electrical tileat in this country,'. : ' Head the foil owing certificate of a cure performed by Mrs S. A .Fulton: RHEUMATISM CURED. West Fjtn.ADEi.PHiA,' Aug. 27,1884. Dr. 17. S.SroiMi. . i had been afflicted with Rheumatism since April last very severely, it extending over the entire body, cansing the-most excruciating suffering; for several ; months was nnder the beet medical care, bat grew no better, and finally gave you a call, and placed myself under the care of Mrs. S A. Fulton, female operator of your establishment. ; In two weeks I was relieved of all pain, and am now perfectly well. I gladly recom mend all ladies suffering to her. kind care. ,Mss. W. B. BO WAN, West Philadelphia. REFERENCES. In addition to the above, the diseased and all inter ested are referred to the following named gentlemen, that have been treated and witnessed, our treatment on others, at 1220 Walnut street: W. B. Smith," No.' 1622 Hanover street, Philadel phia ; George Douglass, No. 26 South Fifth street; William H. Shriver, Haines street, Germantown; L. 0. Stockton, 206 Market street, Philadelphia; Chits: H. Grigg, Nos.'2i9 and 221 CiiurcU alley; Emanuel; Bey, 707 Sansom street, attorney at law; Isaac D. Guyer, 2 Woodland Terrace; H. Craig, 1725 Arch Btreet, 138 Broad street; Robert D. Work, 61 North Third street; A. G. Croll, Northeast corner Tenth and Market streets, N. B.—'We take pleasure in,refeiring the sick to the above names, and the following, whose certificates have ’been or will be given in full for the good of humanity : ;; judah^Levy, Bronchial Consumption, No. 814- South Front "street; Edward T. Evans, preacher of theM. E. Church, Dyspepsia of long standing, . Laryngitis, and Lumbago, No. 1633 Heimuth- streot; IVm. H Shaine, Paralysis of lower limbs, Paraplegy,' and Epilepsy," publisher of "theWoffonat Merchant, No, 126 South : Se cond street; Thomas Owens, Congestion of tbe Brain, and severe Hemorrhage of .the Lungs and Diabeteß, American Hotel, Philadelphia; "James Nugent, Deaf-; ness for six years, and ringing and roaring in the head. Fifteenth and Bedford streets ; William Morgan, Gene- ' ral Debility, 401 Spruce street; Thos: Harrop, severe Diabetes, Bose Mills, West Philadelphia; Geo. Grant, Rheumatic Gout, long standing, No. 610 Chestnut street; H. T. Desilver, Chronic Neuralgia and Inflam matory Rheumatism, No. 1756 Chestnut street; O. H. Carmick, Chronic Dyspepsia, and inflammation of the Kidneys, Chestnut and Fortieth streets; Anthony Car "ney,rConsumption, No. 1217-Market street; Edward Me Mall oh, Consumption, No. 1227 Front street; Charles H, Grigg, Dyspepsia and. Constipation,-Tenth and'Arch-, streets;; J. Ricket, Chronic Bronchitis.; Constipation, and Congestion of the Brain, No. 518 CallowhiU street; Rev: J. Mallory, Aphonia, Philadelphia, ELECTRICAL INSTITUTION, ESTABLISHED FIVE Professor C. H. BOLLES. Lecturer. Mrs FULTON, a lady of great experience and ability, will have entire charge of Treating in the Ladies! De partment. -. CONSULTATION FREE: Address all letters to Dr. W. B BROWN, oc4-tuthe6tif* laau WALNUT Si., PhUadit"; years ago. PHrsicraxs —- W B. BROWN, M. D., P SHBDD, M. D., s w- BECKWITH, M. D., and Mrs. S. A. FULTON. WANTS. T7MPLOYMBNT HOUSE, THE LARG -Mh' e ' 6t aid' most reliabis.,for ««u»tgr, a*j iJw-ijsa Election bt capaWe™rsoM^th*ood rtferersea. Americans, *s^.®“’,"®'- nlasi Scutch, Weigh; aad Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coacßsasn, Watchman, *o. Coofcs, Chambermaids, j&amstreases, Lanndresses, Waitjesßßß, ami. general Housework Servants Colored Servants Hog. 803 and I>oo CST yroet, above Eighth. _ selQMm WAHTED-iM A CHOIH, A FIRST ’ f -«’,*» , BA SS SING-'ER: Address "T. G., ” Box Philadelphia Pont Office. ■ . , It* 'WTaeted—a Portable steam «,■ T?„„i frQ:a 5, t& w Horae Power. Address v ...Bngine, Int/rui'er oitice. size and price. It* WANTED--SEVE HALT - OANVAB-'- r r,Mp;|| s to solicit fnWtptihnsto stock in an lEOH hvJt-O^L , Ar.plr at Boom Ho. 38, Exchange, be twees 9 asd 10 o’clock A .M~. oel£*3t* WANTED AT SISO'PER MONTH— * ' We want a reliable CANVASSED in every town *d Iconaty. We have agents cifiarlngsMo per moath, winch we wm_brovo to any-doubting applicant Ad ams JOBES BROS. & CO;, P.'O.-Box 1423,-EMladel. pbia. . - . - - oclS-lra* WANTED A FIRST-CLASS ME -7 T ch a nicaiDENTIST, and no other ne«d to apply to IMS. C s. HOOKBR, , No. 906' VINK Street. ocl2-2t* WANTED-A BOY. IN A WHOLE' *' SALE HARBWAKE STORE. Small salary given. Address “ C., Press office. ■ . : ocl2-3t* WANTED —BY A NEWLY-MAR- T ' ried couple, by the Ist November, scFUBNISHSD BOOM with BOARDING, west of Tenth and north of ■Walnut street. Address, stating location and terms, “Alpha, "at this office. . ocl2-3t* ; WANTED—ON OR BEFORE Ist OF * V JANUARY, "by a BOOK- KEEPER expeiieaced ia Dry Goods Jobbing and Commission Basinoss, a situa tion in a large wholesale- bouse.. Is quick and correct at figures, and a fair judge of money. A liberal salary expected. Address; “R.Hil, " Press office: oc!2-st* m 'WANTED TO RENT—A HOUSE JBSaiii the western part of the city, either furnished or unfurnished. .. Address' “George W. Jolmes,’’ 53T MARKET Street. , . ' 0013-6t* ii STORE WANTED.—WANTED TO KENT or PURCHASE,a commodious: STOKE for a Wholesale Business onCheetaut street, between Front and Fourth streets. Apply: at Box Ho. 281-5 Post Office. •• . ocl2-6t ■ g|| WANTED—TO RENT OR PUR •iEiiCBASE, a modern-huilt HOU9E; located .between Vine and Pine streets, Broad and'the Schuylkill Ad dress- ‘ G,~, ” Box 2498 Post office, ocB-6t* __ FOR SALE MP TQXET. ,■ - TO LIQUOR MERCHANTS;—THE fixtures of a LIQUOK STOKE, including Rectify ing Tche, Receivers', Still, &c , for sale, separately or in one lot Inqnre at 1713 MARKET Street, oc!2-2t* m PUBLIC SALE. OF' A VALU-KI ■HSu ABLE Chester county Farm,. the real estate of -XZ. Jos. Seal, deceased, containing about 127 acres highly improved Land. with, good Buildings/ Sale’2osh of Tenth month. For particulars .inquire of THOS. G .SEAL, r-n the premises; ELLIS P, MARSHALL. Con cordville, Delaware county; or WM, SEAL, Heaton :yille. West Philadelphia, . ocl3-6t*~ Jfe FOR SALE—AN EXCELLENT IS-FABM of 70acres, ih Montgomery county,BB miles from Philadelphia, and one-half mile from Pennsburg. Soil good, and in excellent condition; good buildings, a varietyTif fruit, &c;Will;he sold-at public sale,'on tbe premises, October 20th. Bally communication from Philadelphia to Pennsburg furtKeh particulars, apply to / JOHN 0, ZIMMERMAN. Executor, oclS.4t*- 316 GKEENWICH Street, Philadelphia. Sfe FOR SALB-A NEW MODERN JHsS. Three-stor-y BWELLING, on WALLACE; hear Nineteenth St. Immediate possession. • Apply at 136 South FOURTH Street ~ ocl3-3t* M i FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT —OnCbestnutHill, five minutes’ walk from depot. Inquire at the Depot, or 1333 SPKUCE St. oclithstaSt* M FOR SALE—THE DWELLING HOUSE, with large Lot of Ground, No. 252 North NINTH Street. Possession immediately. BONSaLL St BEOS,. 116 North NINTH Street. / ocl2-2t* FOB SALE- STORE AND DWELL- JojNGoxi GIRaIID Avenue, near Twelfth, street, one of the most improving on accommo flating terms. Inquire at Ko. 633 GHESTh UT Street* third story. , , 0010-6c*^ #r foe sale or to let, JIM ' DWELLINGS, ■ ; oclOSt* ;No. 8033 and 58108 AKCH Street.«| SMITH’S 7 WHEELING BREWERY FOB BALE.—Beilindesirous of retiringfrom active business; I have determined to dispose of uiy old Esta blished “ WHEELING BEEWEBY,” and MALIIKG ES- T AB I. IS H M B II T. now in Successful operation, together With the block on band, which-is sufficient to enable a purchaser to proceed with the business without inter ruption, consisting in part of Ales,:Malt bops,. Barrels,. Cooper’s Stuff, Teams, and Fixtures, everything in complete ordf r and capable of brewing twenty thou sand barrels of ale and malting forty ft ousand bushels of barley per season. The buildings comprise the large brick Brewery, with the cellar and van ts complete,, and Malt House, brick Cooper s Shop, capable of torn ing out one’hundredbarrels per week,.seven dwellings for employee?, realizing an annual rent of ffve hundred dollars; large stable, bag-room. wash-house and office, all lighted with gas manufactured on the premises. The old-established reputation ,of my Ales and Malt in the East, West, and South, and the regular cash cus • turners for all X have been'able to manufacture, .with the increasing demann for malt liquors, make,it one of the most desirable opportunities that conld be offered to a. reliable party to engage in the bnsiness-with a certain prospect of realizing a fortune in a f- w years. TEEMS OF Sale.—As to real,. the balance in one, two, and three years, with interest, secured by mortgage on' the premises. As .to. personal : property, one-fourth cash, the: balance: in three, six, and nine months. ‘ . If net disposed of at private sale before the twentieth, day of October, of which due notice will he given in the papers containing this advertisement, I will ihen on : that dsy offer the same at public auction . . ' ooli-9t* GEO. W.SMITH, WHEELING, Va. rn- HOB RENT—A NUMBER OF COM JESliiiodioue on Tiixteeath, Twelfth, and Mervine streets, having 1 "bath, range, Kot and cold water, at from $23 to $33 per month ■ ■ TiTLOW JACKSON, 61* CHESTNUT Street. oc7-12t* <s7 Finn MORTGAGE FOR' SALE.— .tjp I jtlUv a First Mortgage on a Farm of 200 acres, In Dauphin county; well secured: interest’ promptly paid in Philadelphia. This Farm is represented to be ■worth three times .the amount of the mortgage. BONSALL BEOS.v - oc!2-2t* ~ 116 North NINTH Street. 9 non TRUCK AND PEACH BAS- OjV/VaV/kETS just received andfor sale by , ■ - ■ - BOWK & EOSTOui se2-tf - > - 157 and IS9 North THIBD Street. TO ARMY ''OFFICERS.—FOR SALE—A splendid saddle Horse., eight years old; has been through all the campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. Ib well made, strong, and In good con dition lor active service. Price, $250. Can be seen’at Casselberry’s Stables, COATES Street, below Eleventh. MENEY C. DAVIS. ocll-st* . 86 South.FBONT Street. FOR SALE CHEAP—THE Trotting Stallion PILGBIM, also, three blooded Mares in foal. Inquire of C. LLOYD, Blue- Bell, Twenty-fourth ward, Phila. ocS siutbSt* BOARDING. T3OARD WANTED FOR A GENTLE JJ* MAN, WIFE, and DABGHTEB. A Parlor and two bed-rooms required. Address “H., ” SYi Sonth THIBD Street, stating location, accommodations, price, and hcnrs for men's. . . V -- ' :' . ocM-Bt* , "Ij'LIOIBLE ROOMS VACANT AT J-J HILL’S, 328 SFKOOE Street. oc«-lm* _ JLOST AND jFOUND. A LIBERAL REWARD.—LOST OR etA mislaid. Certificate No. 88 :bf the Capital Stock of the JETNA OIL COMPANY for 600 shares, In the name of BENJAMIN P.: WBIGLEYwith a printed for m of a Power of Attorney, endorsed, signed by Benjamin P. Wrigley. All persons- are cautioned against neeotia ting for the same, as the transfer thereoos forbidden, and will not be approved by said Company. .. Any insertion of any name in the blank. space left In the Power of Attorney will-be forgery. Said. Certificate can be of no'use to. anyone, as application has been- made to the said iEtna Oil Com-, pany: for a new Certificate in lien of the one lost or ' ynißifl *' "■ The fader of said ' Certificate' wilt be liberally re warded hy leaving it at -Ko.- »8 .South SEVENTH Street (eecond-fetoty), at OMee of M. HIITCHSIA.S?, Scrivener. ' - oclS-lm* : fhKAA REWARD.—LOST, ON TOE - j) ay. 11th inst., a parcel of FIFTY-THEBE HBNDBBD DOLLARS—three *lOO legal-tender notes, and five 81,000 notes of the Union Bank, Philadelphia, dated 1 February 4,". 1563,.anl Nos, 26, 27, 28. 29, and3Q; payment- of which has been stopped: by the bank. The above reward, with the thanks of the owner, will be paid on handing them to X mcHOLSON. : T OST— ON WEDNESDAY AFTER -1-J UOON, the 12th inst., on Chestnut street, between • Fifth and Eighth streets, a package of papers contain ing several Title Deeds, &c.y to lands in Venango county, in this State. They are of no value to any one' but the owners. A liberal reward will be given to any one finding and returning£».gggto & AEDEN, It* S. B, cor. FIFTH,ana CHBSTHDT fits. T OST— MERCANTILE LIBRARY Jl STOCK. 2.250. If returned to A. H LOVE, 5J13 -CBES'f NUT Street, a suitable reward will be paid. It* MILITARY GOODS: j'LAGS jnLITARY GOODS, HORSTMANN BROS. & CO., LEGAL. th^hFokphaSf'courtf^thi A CITY AND COUNTYW PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JOHN KEIM, deceased. ' The Auditor the Oonrtto audit, settle apd adjust thetaccon^graMAßTlß. BEtiLOWS and GEORGE ERETY, ExCS&s-of the Estate of JOHN KIIM, deceased, and "distribution of the ba lance in the hands ."of .the . accountant, tviil moot the psnieß interested for the purpose of his.appointment, on MONDAY. Oct.'2lth, li&t, at 4 o’clock P M.. at the Office of Wm: H. "wkxler, BsaJ No. 133 S. FOURTH Street; in the city of SHALtcROS S_ ; •c Auditor.: oclS-OjstuSt* TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE A CITY AND COUNTY-OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of CHRIST [ANN A LAFFEKTY, deceased. The Auditor appointed 'br.ibe Court to audit* settle and adjust- the account of JAMES H. LAFFRRTY and .GEORGE LAFFRRTY, Executors of the Estate of CHRISTIiNNA LSFFERTF, deceased, and to report dist rihntion of th e balance, in the hands of the account ant, wiH meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY. Oct 25th, 1654 at 4 o’clock P. M., at the Office of Wm. H. Waxier, Esq., No.-123 South FOURTH Streai. in the city of Phila delphia. ■ JOHN SHALLCROSS, oclS thstnSt* Auditor. ST EOT A CLBB, ' . At ; JAMES W. QUEEN <6 OO.’S, *e26-lm A 984 t CHESTNUT Street. jyjATHEMATICALINSTRUMENTB, Of all kinds, to ho iad A* JAMES W- QUEEN & GO ’S, sdSLlm ' '92* CHBBTHPT Street. TLT J. MITCHESON, ATTORNEY AT -JJA. LAW, has removed his Offlce to Ho. 328 WAL- Mn>r street, opposite Independence Square. oc3-12t. ■ CHOKING TOBACCO —AN INVOICE of the celebrated brandsKilllkinick, • Soldiers 1 Comforter* Live Indiaiai I X. L , and Hua-Kee-Pcm- Kee* just received and for sale by * v -BUCKWORi McCAMMON, & CO., X: 37 WATER St. and 38 NORTH WHaBVES, oP%J3t • Philadelphia. iTJEATJFF, ATTORNEY AND ~at taw, Hollidays'btLrg, Biair Co.» Pa. 'otty attended' to in Blair, Hnnhnfc 'nii.'R. Refers to B, CIiABKSJN ■ - F. R STAKE. President -'BEKS &;RBaiSTEB, '•"BEKILL & BKO , - njs.ers« JRjta la J • 'Coiimmtter _ Collections prolnfitt, _ don, and Cambria eitimlt. & CO., No. 1313Third8»Bet= *. _ Enterprise-Insurance Co.; CfliMBEKa •» Washington Life Insurance Co i.-wSEßßßndtt.* Second Street; T. A. BIDOLE & CO. deiphla. - CABINET FURNITURE. U rketinth9 and examinn our stock. ww i sMIJS? a «°' >: I; • •■-“■ r 1 • ‘■■■- ■■■■■•■ . .. •- ' --* - - .•*' ••• • • AND FIFTH and CHEEKY Streets. AUCTION BAL.EB. fu. BAZAAR', NINTH AND SAW} •ABBE SOM STREETS. , ■ SALE OF CAB|I AGES, &c.i ON BATUKBAT MfHtBINa NEXT, At 10 o’clock, will he/sold aojg}£, J, SIXTY HOEBSS, , , ' . ITnll descriptions at sale. j, ALSO, - . A large collection of desirable new sn4* second carriage, light wagons, &c.» with. WMcK the sale Til coromeiics. ■ Also, single and double harness, Baddies, bridles,, ! whips,covers, halters, die, : - fJST f W(>nn t of weather. BA? next “ 1 Blle of blooded stock os WEDNBS -4- Carriages and harnees at private sale - • rib-Sttt ALFRED m HERKN^f\ g ; rf ,^ c „ RUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED ■^ 0B : S *BGPiKTEiiMAsSSfhGEitBaAi,’R 8 GPiKTEiiMAsSSfhGEitBaAi,’R Office. ' ’ PiasT' Biv-isrox, WASHINGTON CM, October 8, IBSJ. ■ Will be oOld> at pubjic auction,-ter the highest hid'&r, Gieshorb, 8.-C^on AT ocToßEft . ONE HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES. - OBjfHUNmSD C CAVALBif'J3EBE s l. These Bosses - hare been condemned as unfit for the* cayalry service•of tßeranny. For road and farming purposes msfiyg-ood bargains may be bad. , Horse* sold «nrly. T f States to com 1. , ' *Um£fA? EKOTi. . oclK-tocSO. Coloael m change Eirst; Division Q fif Qt. G. 22, 1864, Section 9),>ht the- Stale ArseoSt on TUESDAY, the Idrh day of-OeYSn 10 A. M.; the following unserviceable ttrials, the property of the‘St&te of Penaaylv a£f Sr-™* •Ten 6-pouuders Brass Cannoiii- casting French 'Aes. 1766t01794 ; weight abou«;S4o pounds. dat * Eight 6-pounders Iron Cannon, casting of 1857 ; weight about 6,000 pounds. One 24 pounder Iron Cannon, weight about' law pounds 784 Gun Barrels (old), weight about 3,608 pounds - 4 Gun-carriage Axles, weight about 465 poands. ) do. Tires', do; I.B’o poefidb-. do. Hubrings, do;- 203 pounds.-/ _ -do.. Strapiron. do; 211 pounds. Scran Iron, weight about 3,032 pounds. ' , The above will'-be sold in lots,-for caßh. PaymsEt»e to be made in. National or State cnrrency of solven-i'.' M.Dks, the articles purchased’must be removal wfih but little delay; and will be atbaver’s risk nutSS „. / JAMES'L..XEYNOLBB, oce-tnthirst Quartermaster General of Penna. A U bobses N BALE m OONDEMNEI^ QUAKraHMASTER GEttSßltn’S OfFIOE ... FiRST l)IV(S;0X, * , Washikotow Citv, October 1, ifisj WUlbe sold at Public Auction, to the highest blgdirt at the time and places named below, viz. - MIFFLIN, PENNSYLVANIA, TKUKBBAY October 13. 1864. * WILMIHGTOK, DELAWARE, THURSDAY. ; October 20,15 M. YOKE, PENNSYLVANIA. THURSDAY, October 27. 1864. TWO HUNDRED CAVALBY HOUSES, AT BAGS!: _ . Jt JLi A-OJS* - The*<3 Horaes been condemned as unfit for t h» cavalry service of the anay. For ?oad and farming. purposes, many good bargain* may PS'h&d.* Horßes sold singly, Sales to commence at 10 A. M. Terms : Oasb in United States Currency, By order or the Quartermaster General. „ , ~ JAMES A. EETIH, Colonel In charge First DiyMon. Quartermaster General’s Offlce. oc3-toc2s AMUSEMENTS. mew chestnut-sC theatbe'^' LEONABD GEOVEB A ‘WILLIAM -r rtju-it Managers. GKEAT SOGCEBB SOTT. ; - OF THE . WABEBN COMEDY COMBINATION Theatre Crowded Nightly. Brilliant Trinrrmb SECOND WEEK of the Fine old Standaw Corned?™ Great! access. Great Success. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Oct. 13, S will he repeated (byrecraeet) Sheridan’s eloriottg come dy,. THE SCHOOL EOS SCANDAL, THE SCHOOL FOE iCANDaL Sir Peter Teaz1e.................... ....Mr. W. Warren. Lady Teaz1e........ ................ ....Miss Josie Orten. Ohas-Surface. ...Mr. Chas. Barron. «™. Miss E. Mestayer. Seventh Grand Pamily Matinee, SATURDAY AStr prices. Positively <ba lasvtime. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— tobIr aM THOESDAT Eveniags. -W : Miss CHARLOTTE THOMPSON Miss CHARLOTTE THOMPSON willappearin her celebrated impersonation of FANCHON, THE LITTLE CBK’.RET, . FANCHON, THE LITTLE CRICKET. LittleFadette ...... Miss Charlotte Thomps*. : The performance will conclude with the amusto* farce of MISCHIEF MAKING. amusuyt Doors open at 7; Performances commence at 754. Tyres, John drbw’s new arch~ JwA STREET THBATBB. VKSTVAX) BED DEMOSIO. SECOND WEEK OE VESTViLI TO-NIGHT AND EVERT NIGHT, BED DBMONIO. 7*’ ANGEL 0.,,.,..,..., ..••'•.ir*V.,.;.,*»VBSTV , AiaL I» which she will sine - VJSOJ \ VA “ .“Yotiare the Star*? and “BraveMarco.^r Seats eecared three day* in advance. : oclO-tf A MERIC AN ACA DE M.Y OP MUSIC AL GKAND PBESENTATION CONCERTS! , , . GOTTSCHALK,; MaDAME BSHRBNS, And Gome of the .beet- Italian, American, and German, artiste. To be given tinder the direction of the NSW* YOF.K JEWELERS’ ASSOCIATION. The first Ooncart will be given ' ' ;!■ ATURDAY EVENIKS, OCT. 15,1864. ■ .The Directors respectfully announce that they will give a series of Concerts, the firat of which will take place as above. The others will be given, ia rapid ave cession. Tickets Ore Dollar, admitting to any of the Series of Concerts given by the Association. A peculiar and. original feature. • a Valuable present with each ticket. . To each ticket sold is attached a coupon, which enti tles: the purchaser to a beautiful present, varying ix value from $1 to $2OO, which present tho purchaser of a ticket may receive immediately. The presents will be given from the immense stock of Jewelry; Diamonds. Silver. Ware, Breakfast Sets,Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Gold Watches, Silver Watches. Bracelets, Guard Chains, sets Brooches, Revolving Pins, Bings, Sleds, Sleeve Buttons. Watch Keys. Lockets, &c., &c., and an end less variety of Bijouterie and Objects de Virtu, now ou exhibition at the Company’s new and elegant DEPOT. <U3CHESTMJT STREET. Buyers receive for $1 a ticket for a first- clans Concert, worth more than the' amount paid, together with the full value of the purchase mousy in a beautiful present. . Ah excellent Pianist constantly performing superb air* in the Depot of the .Company; 613 CHESTNUT Street, and the public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine for. themselves the immense variety of heafttifuL and useful articles to be given a-wa? to ticket purchas ers. .■ J. THE IN, Actuary. Depot and sole Office for the- I'EVU.'fe'S.SLT, I '* 6lB a 2 d , Distribution of Presents,' 613* 'CHESTN 0T Street. Full particulars of Concert in fn ture advertisements. ocl2-2t* THE NEW YORK JEWELERS’ AB - SOCIATION .beg leave to announce to the publicaf Philadelphia that thev are in no-way -onneewd with the NEW YORK JEWELERS’ M A NUFaCT UHIRG ASSOCfATION of the city of New York. . QdS-3t* . . . - -J. THEIN, Actuary. PHILADELPHIA NAT AT OKI UM A AND: PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, SOUTH BEOAD STKEET. BELOW WALNUT ■■ WINTER SEASON. • ' The ‘Light Gy mnaitie” classes will open.MOST-’ DAY, October 17th. For misses,at 3H P. M„ ; for young ladieß, at 4K. P. M. For boys, oh TUESDAY, October 18th, at 4P. M. • . . The Gymnasium for self-practice (the largest and cleanest in the city) open from 9;-£ A-. M till 9}£ P. Ml For particulars* see circular, ■ . Oijl3*4fc nHESTimT-STREET OPERA HOUSE, v/ -Ho. 1331 GHESTJnrr Street. ALLIKSOK & HIKCKiSN MORAN’S MINSTKBDS appear ©Terr an elegant ETHIOPIAN ENTERTAINMENT. Doors open at 7« commencing at S o!clock precisely. Admission 25 cents. / *■'."* Eeeerved ; seats-, which. can be secured from 16 to i >’clock, 50 cents. : - , , • - oel3-tf ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. TENTH AND CHESTNUT Streets. ‘ ' w. TO-NIGHT, Miss Major PAULINE CUSHMAN will relate Iter Startling Adventures while a Spy and Scout in tbs Secret Service of tbe United States Miss Major CUSHMAN -Will appear in iter UNIFORM, that of Major of Cavalry- and deEcsibe her Capture, Sentence, amt Kercae- 186 to Night of GRAND STEREOPTICON. Admission, 26 Cents Reserved Seat*, SO Cents. Com* menceat 8 See descriptiveprograntmes, , oc!0-6t CASINO, CHESTNUT ST., ABOVE vy Sixth, THE GREAT VARIETY THEATRE OP THE AGE, open every evening,-with a PULL AND EFFI CIENT COMPAJSY. 1 1 - sal9-lm HHRIBT REJECTED.-THE GREAT v'and celebrated picture by West, the chef d ‘ oeuvre of tbe artist, is now on exhibition at tbe ACADEMY OF: FINE A STS, Ho 10 25 CHESTNUT St,in addition tbe entire Art Collection of tbe Academy. Admittance* 26 cents. Season Tickets. 50 cents. ' , selfi-Im* THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, la OPEN DAILY, for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. - j e*6: THE TURF. POINT BREEZE P &MK, SATURDAY, October Ifith. MATCH 5i,500. The entries $5OO each- Mi* heats; hast ia fire to harness. .. - . . . .. Jostph Fish-jV inters B. Horse. Peter eE ters Jersey Pet. v? ofc J*rt Dempster eaters Sorrel Ned. . .admission si. Trot to take place at So clock. Tt is expected tfai3 will he one of the best trots of ilia scisonfSffiboYeborses h*n trotted ia 135. o!2-jf - It— ». FOE WA.SHIHGTOJ?. J6ESaH££GEOKGETOWSr, 'abb .albxasdbia —Via and Delaware Canal.—The. steamer MAYFLCWEB, Gap'. ISAAC KOBINSON, Is now load- Inn, at first wharf above Market street, for the aboro' ports, and will leave on SATQBDATnext, October 15th, atß o’clock, i'or freight, apply to : Wil. P. CLYDE. Agent, oclS'St No. iiNORTH Witarvo3. PENNSYLVANIA. RA.ILKOAD. removal. -- ' _■ - On and after SUNDAY, October 16tnS'1864, tlie Ticket- Office of the Pennsylvania Railroad will be at the Pas senger Depot. THIRTIETH and MARKET Streets, West. Philadelphia, and the PASSENGER TRAIK3 ■ a- :: Will start from the _ .. WESI PHILADELPHIA STATION, ' • as ForjLowe: Mail Train......... at... Parkesbnr* Train, No. 1 • Fast Line............... Parkesbnre Train, No. 2..... ■“ Harrisburg Accommodation. . * -Lancaster Accommodation. Paoli Train........ -. Erie Express “ Philadelphia Expre55........—.. AND AKBIVB:, Erie Express. .at. Philadelphia Express........ * Paoli Accommodation. t( - Parkesburg ‘V No. I--,,' Fast Line...................... Lancaster Train Parke*htirii, No. „■ Mail Tiain -—•••••*"•,y Harrisburg Accommodation.. . Philadelphia Express leavesi daily.. v,i e •• “ except Saturdays. All other Trains daily, except Sunday. — 1 . The Depot at the cornertrf Eleventh and Market street*: will be closed after SATURDAY, 15th inst. - - <1 0. FRANCIBCUS, Snpt. Philadelphia Division Penna. Railroad. West PHii.Ai>rxpgiA, Oct. 12,1864. ' : : ocl2 tt PIABOS, COTTAGE EXOBL rT.e T f»SIOR ORGANS, HARMONIUMS, and MBLO DEOBS, at . MARSH’S Music Store, Oc7-2m • No. UOa*CHBSTNUT Street. MEYER’S NEWLY HS PROYED ' CRESCENT SCALE ****** d AN^oof ffarerooms, No. T»3 ARCH St., he! Biggh. DECKER BROS., fry Acknowl and Hlghei melo: se9-Sm..: V STECK <6 CO.’S OBLBBBATEII ' PIANOS. J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH AND 'CHESTNUT. fljyP ESTEY’B COTTAGE ORGANS. Mot only UNEXCELLED, bnt OITMUAIiLEDLn *?SSE of Tone and P^eTdeekned and Sehooli, bnt found to bo em*UT f •£. M ttbftrlonuUßiawlniEoo*. «« ■ IE Worth gEVBNTH.atreeA, Alio, a eomniete axurtaent of the Perfect ooneUntlr on hand. -y: - ■ —y nHABLEB^MIDDL3STON IMKBcHAaI> ' SECOND AND WOLOW STREETS, .. Proprietors. ...... B.OOA-M. ......10.00 " 11.40 ‘ “ 1:00 P.M. ....... 2.30 “ ...... 4.00 “ 6OO ** ....... 8.00 . “ .10.45 “ ... 4.30 A. X. ... 7.03: “ ..8 20 “ ...9.30 “ ...10,20-“ —12.33 P. H, ....: 5.30 “ 545 “ ll.OO “
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers