CITY ITEMS. fas PorutAniTv of the Whealer Si Wilson saw a machine Is beat evinced by Its enormous and Staidly increasing sales. Nor Is their reputa ,j ol i less abroad. The highest premium wa3 award ed for It at the International Exhibition in London; a ttlio Industrial Exhibition at Paris, and at ICoo. jigsburg, Prussia. "Those awards were in accord jtice wtth thoso universally, made at the various ex hibitions in this country. Indeed, no, human testi mony could be stronger than that which has been accorded the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine for Buphjfloflty over all others for family use, and (or gone®! manufacturing purposes. The Wheeler & Wilson establishment, at 704 Chestnut street, contihues to .be one of the most popular institutions of Philadelphia. » ‘ OouOAK Demonstration the Best Proop.— joe agent of the “ Florence” Sewing Machine Company) No, 030 Chestnut street, has done a wise thing in allowing his popular Maohlnes at the Great Pair to tell their own tale; and they are telling it effectually to admiring thousands. Never was there hinore perfoct piece of mechanism put in motion since the beginning of the world; and now that every '‘Florence”.Machine sold has attached to it a •i liiirnuin Self-Sower,” we do not wonder that they pro tailing the ltad in sales. Every Machine is sold with a guarantee, or the money will be re funded. to.the buyer. It is difficult to say which is the more crowded, the Fair or the “ Florence” sales rooms, No, 030 Chestnut street. LtmiK's Fnomtixj! has' this advantage over all other preparations for the hair: It Is at once a most delightful perfume; if enriches and beautifies, and is the finest preserver and beautiher of the hair in use.' No lady’s toilet oan be complete without it. Try a carton on our recommendation. The Stock os G bhtwsmbh's Fobkishino Goods offered by Mr, Geo. Grant, No. 610 Chestnut street, Is the finest in the city, and his celebrated “ Prize Medal Shirts,” invented by Mr, J. F. Taggart, are unsurpassed by any others in the world in tit, com fort, and durability. The Procession on Sathbdat evening was the greatest event of the kind ever witnessed in Philadelphia, and it reminds us foroibly of the in cessant procession of coal carts that are constantly leaving the popular yard of Mr. W. W. Alter, 95T North Ninth street.*' There is wisdom and economy in patronizing this establishment. 'Tibet in War,” fee,—” First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen,” was fhe eulogy passed upon the Father of his Coun try, by Judge Marshall. The same, with a little modification, might be. said of Messrs. liookhlll & Wilson, the proprietors of the Brown Stone Cloth lag Hall, Nos, 60S and EO5 Ghostnut streot, above Sixth. When the war began they were the first to luinlsh the‘army with needful uniforms; In time of peace they have stood first among tailors in the esteem of the public, and at all times they have been first in the wardrobes of their countrymen. ; Unkind.—“ Augustus” had just put on a now salt from Oharles Stokes & Co., under the Con tinental, when he asked “ Isaac” what he thought Of ltd ; “Like a bowl of punch,” said “Isaac.” ‘ “How like that 1” - “Got a big spoon in it,” said Ike. Bargains in Clothing, Bargains- In Clothing, \ Bargains In Clothing, Bargains In Clothing, At Granville Stokes’Old Stand, At Granville Stokes’Old Stand, At Granville Stokes’ Old Stand, At Granville Stokes’Old Stand, No. MS Chestnut Street. No. 60S Chestnut Street; . ,- . - No. 60S Chestnut Street, No. 609 Chestnut Street. An Elegant Improvement,— Messrs. Larkin & Do,, the well-known Photographer?, at thesoutkeMt sornor of Eighth and Arch, have now one of the argest and most elegant galleries In Philadelphia, javing made extensive alterations and Improve uents, tlieif facilities are very much increased for eking either large groups or single -portraits. Ke nember, Larkin fc Go, take six superb cartes for iqs dollar, or four illuminated card pictures for -16®, '■’■,;:oc6-2t DEAFNESS, IMPAIRED SIGHT, THROAT DISEASES, iSTHHA, CATARRH, treated -with, success, by Dr. 'on Mosefczisker, Oculist sad Aurist. Office 1027 TalßUt street. oc3-6t* Children’s Clothing,— Ladles are specially avited to call and examine the elegant assortment if Soys’, Girls’, Misses’, and Infants’ Clothing, rnanu* acturedof the very best materials, in the latest tyles, and of superior workmanship, at Hf, Shoe* oaker & Co.’s, No, * North Eighth street, ocß-fit* Era ah» Eae most successfully treated .jby j, siacs, M, D., Ooullßt and Aurist, 611 Pine 86. Artift* lal eyes Sooharge for examination, Jy26-W SPECIAL NOTICES. To Purchase Glothing at low prices, lake a selection from our stock of READY-MADE GAR SBTB. We are selling goods equal in style, fit, make, nd material, from 25 to 60per cent, loioer than is now urged for same goods made to order. , We have all lies, sizes, and prices of Clothing, Mens’, Youths’, sd Boys’. All can be suite! without delay or trouble. BENNETT & CO., imtuthfltf TOWER HALL, 518 MARKET Street. To Avoid' the. Dangers op a Cough, >ld, any Throat, Breast, or Lung Disease, use Dr, Swayue’s Compound Syrup'Wild Cherry. Dr, Srrayne’s Compound Syrup Wild Cherry. Dr. Svrayne’s Compound Syrup Wild. Cherry. It soothes the Irritation of the mneons membrane hicli lines tke air passaged and wkick gives so much sirees, caußing tickling or rising In the throat; pro ctes expectoration ; loosens the tough matter which ogjyjp. the vessels of'the throat and lungs, tkusena tag.thepatient to breathe free andnatii’ral; it stimu ts.s the power of digestion, and has performed very any cures,when to all human probability it could not ■possible. Prepared only by Dr, SWAYNE A’SON, 330 North XTH Street. Sold ]>y Druggists and Dealers. It 'hb Populab Clothing House of Phila, . “OAK HALL.” Best-class goods a t moderate prices. WAKAMAKEB & BROWN, S. E. corner SIXTH and MABKET Streets.: tom Department (to malfe to order) No. IS. Sixth St. siLEH & Wilson’s Highest Fbj LO.CK-STITCH SEWING'MACHINES, THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. tfdons, 704 CHESTNUT Street, above SaTa: >ON & SON, MOURNING STt J. 918 CHESTNUT Street, are selling tck and V kite Chintzes, SIH cents. id and Black “ *' lder Purple “ “ la Black ■ “ “ ck and White,De Laines, 45 cents... ick and Purple Da l,ainos. 45 cents.' wk and White Chene Mohairs, 37% cents. ick Tnrin Cloths, S7K cents. tck Pouit de Sole, or Mourning Silk, $1.75. Ui other goods, at the lowest market prices, & LAKDELL OFFER' WH< ,LE, - Seatshow of MEBIFOES in'town'. Bsßt Show o! PO PUKs in town. Best show of S!LKS in town” Best show of SHAWLS in town. Best show of CLOAKS In town < ■AM. OP THE PSIOS EEAv 'NUT, ABOVE TWELFTH STRE OLK, JOHNSON, AND UNION. DAY, OCTOBER 10. THE HOUSE WILL BE OPESKD Ad IMPAL iS I ..EYENISrG'i ‘addresses may be EXPECTED from NG-UISHED GENTLEMEN Ai BEPAETMENT-TOtlt"/jj£ & iast of February. Fae for fa ! l course, . K. E. EOGEHS, M. d ’ Doan of the Medical F? 4 PRESTOS': CO Ax. -BST UOMPAWr, So 205, ,'D „ P'r'I.ADL'U'HtA, Sept. 28, . 5 "™ r, l of Directors have tills f fte r„“L or rw ° PER CEBT, on the Cs t 0 Stockholders \ October’iflVn Transfer Boohs, will tocffl 63d to 9? lo S er 20« - H. I. SUITER, Secretary. IEJIIUM tub „ nj»4 HflTlOtfiL UNIOfi TICKET FOB PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. OF ILLINOIS. FOB VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON, OF TENNESSEE. ELECTORAL TICKET. SENATORIAL. MORTON McMICHAEL, Philadelphia. T. CUNNINGHAM, Beaver County. REPRESEi 1. Robert P. Kin*, S. G. Morrison Coates, - 3. Henry Bnram, 4. William H. Kern, 5. Barton HwJenks, 6. Charles M. Rank. .7. Robert Parke, ‘ l‘ y r i llii l tu Taylor, 9. John A. Hiestand. 10. Richard H. Coryell, U. Edward Holliday, 12, Charles F. Read, By order of the State Cent: COUNTY OFFICERS. SHERIFF. HENRY C. HOWELL. REorstßn orwau, FREDERICK M. ADAMS. C-LSBK OF THE OKFHANS’ DOUBT, EDWIN A. MERRICK. CITY OFFICERS. JRECEITKR OF TAXES, CTARLES -O’NEILL. OITT COMMISSIONER, THOMAS DICKSON. CONGRESS. First District-JOHN M. BTJTLEB. Second District—CHAßLES O'NEILL. Third District-LEONARD.MYERS. Fourth District—WlLLlAM D. KELLEY. Fifth District-M. RUSSELL THaYER. SENA’JbB-TMwl District. ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. REPRESENTATIVES. First District—WlLLlAM POSTER. ■ Second District-WILLIAM H. RUDDIMA*. Third District—RlCHAßD BUTLER. Fourth District—W. W. WATT. : . Fifth District-JOSEPH T. THOMAS. Sixth Distriet-JAMES FREEBORN. . Seventh Distrfct-THOMAS COCHBABf. Eighth Distriet-JAMES N. KERNS. . Ninth Distrtct-CHARLES FOSTER. ;• . Tenth District-SAMUEL S. PANCOAST, t Eleventh District—FßANKLlN D. STERNER. Twelfth District-LUKE V, SUTPHIN, fin. Thirteenth District-KNOS C, RENNES. Fourteentb-District—FßANClS HOOD. ■ Fifteenth District-GEORGEDE HAVEN, J*. Sixteenth District-WILLIAM F, SMITH. 1 Seventeenth District—EDWAßD G. LEE. : Eighteenth District—JAMES MILLER. TWELFTH WARD - NATIONAL TJNXON TICKET, SELECT COUNCIL, GIIABLES M. WAGNER. .. - COMMON COUNCIL, M. HALL STANTON. : SCHOOL DIRECTORS, / ■WILLIAM C. lIANNIS, LEWIS H. ESLEK, AA ROE WATERS, ' . WILLIAM FRANCK, /CONSTABLES, WM H. MYERS, WM. BRITTON. ** oclo-2t* KSf” XATSOSAX, VSIOX XICKCT- ■ FIRST WARD. CONOBES3, CHARLES O’NEILL. REI’KESIiSTATIVK. WILLIAM FOSTER. ■ ■ AI.MSRMAXV - JE3SK B. BONSALL. SKLEOT OOUNCtI,, . THOMAS A. BARLOW. roji.Mox cobxcit,, " GEOKOE W. MACPAGUE. SOnOOI, WiIEOTOR.-l, JOS, BAILEY, ABSALOM TAYLOR, TIIOS. MARSH. . For two years, to fill vac&nciev HOUSTON SMITH, WILLIAM EDKINS. ’ , For one year, to fill vacancy, .L. B THOMAS. . John s. mcbride, william vantine. it* MUIITU WAlta NATIONAL UNION NOMINATIONS. i ASSEMBLY. JOSEPH T. THOMAS WARD OFFICERS COMMON* COBXOIT,, • ALEXANDER J. HARPER. SCHOOL DIRECTORS, ■ CH ARLES S, - WURTS, M. D., WILLIAM f. JUDSON, ALEXANDER F. COLESBERKY, For the tmexpired term of P. Dougherty, resigned, BENJAMIN KENDALL. : ALI'KKMKX, . JOHN SWIFT, WILLIAMS OGLE. . • -COXSTABI.ES. 'WILLIAM HINKLE, ■ : ... .ROBERT R. SMITH. .. oclO 2t WAB» W A-ITIOpTAJL, XHVXO IST TICKET. STATE OFFICERS. \ CONGRESS. . LEONARD MYEBS. / • —assembly,. THOMAS COCHRAN. ‘ WARD OFFICERS. COMMON* COUNCIL. :. . ALEXANDER S!. FOX.: ' SCHOOL DIRECTORS, JOHN B. GREEN, . JOHN FRY, :■ HENRY H. HAYS. , OcS-smtSt §S3““ STXTKKNTH WABB UNION TICKET. SELECT COCXCIt,, * - J. C. WAIN WRIGHT. COMMON CODKCIL, /. THOMAS FARRAR. ALDERMEN, A. H. SHOEMAKER, , ~-V . ". * . FREDERICK REEL, CONSTABLES. ' . CHARLES PERKINS, HENRY GHEES MAN. . SCHOOL DIRECTORS, . GEORGE GILLINGHAM, : * CHARLES CULT N. - LEWIS TORRENCE, . JOHN PET WILES. It* jggjp*» lIEAJMI HARTERS REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES, National Hall, Market St., above Twelfth, Fhiladelphi a, Oct. 10, 1864. OHDERS'NQ 6. Utfiarv 9 1 ? 11 at -these Headquarters THIS (Monday) EVENING, at €:/ o’clock, to proceed to Frankiora, Filth Congressional District. 11. /Transportation has been engaged. Fare for the • ronna trip iO cents. 111. Members of this Club having lamps in their pos session, wilLreturn them to the Hall forthwith: By order of - CHARLES W. SMITH, Chief Marshal. A MEETING THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will be held at the Hall at 4 o’clock P M. THIS DAY. Business of importance to be transacted. ■ * r , GEO INMAN RICHE, President. Wji._L, Fox, Jr., Secretary. ' It vhiiabelphia, October 4, JJM —' To David W.%fonaghy.,Eiq , 'Presi dent, and Charles Baker and Ochers, Committee of the Cigar. Makers' Union. ; . Ukktlemen : I hare received a copy of the resolu tions of your Committee deprecatory of that Section of. the Act pasted at the lasf session of Congress, taxing Cigar makers, which imposes certain unusual and ap parenjiy severe restrictions upon them,: and asking a inodihcatiou of the law. ; ; . From the best information, I And that the tax Is too heavy. Nor am lin favor of demanding of workmen mycur business more than is exacted in . any other— the returns of the employer of the amount of his manu facture, inmy opinion, ought to suffice. . 2he pretent Congress, at its next session, should correct these mistakes ana many others, which from lack of opportunity for a thorough examination,'have crept into the Act. : . I shall take pleasure, by my vbte and influence, in aiding such modifications, whether elected to the . suc ceeding Congress or not. mmon with every member from, this city, 1 voted for the pres ent tax law. ■ • - - It contains, perhaps, many provisions -which may be —no doubt will be—amended with decided advantage' to the Government and the people, bnt it was framed with an honest purpose, and the errors far" if are of the head, not the heart. . ; A new code of taxation was needed: The life of the nationwas at.stake. The soldiers and seamen: of the Eepnhlicwerebatthugtopreserve. it. We, at home, were bound not only to ratee’the money for their pay, bnt to provide for the interest of the debt which the Re bellion bad brought upon us. All classes of our ettisens have vied with each other in their willingness thus to support the Government and its defenders, trusting—as you patriotically do—to" their Kepreeentatives to right any grievance as soon as posiihle. - , !. point with a just pride to this, chapter in our history.' ■ r. -' .■ ■ , ' . : - .'We were a peaceful people. When onr rights were invaded, aiame submission was predicted by our ene- ? ut Giera is no-hrightor page than - the record e ~ Jrom Pn vale to Lieutenant General. ' melt'lS 6 a peop } B hut lightly bnrthened. Govern "P®** us Iforth: and South—We ctats eve. 1 A 1 4.hnT D T i he , 1 ' ll ?l? rcW sts of Europe and aristo and debt* >ISiiete loo!l edfor a revolt against taxation aimoS 1 courted i and l1 the r nL'S eil '® t0 i loan. “ a fle People eagerly taking every The capacity of man for _ ' ■ ' " , „ domed, was atlastfairly o inth/’R?»m rnm S a ,*'. for ?<S S The citizen conld he a soldDiw/jt* friumphed. , - deed worthy to remain a cittien tie soiater in ln Ihisgenerous emulation rich one . been conspicuous. Labor, however is th? rT,ns^ ke of success in our country. The drones* S? g ClaS36B arC *°? t “f* 686enM * ™>f * 'J he principle which underlies our institutious—that the people are sovereign—has been defied Continued war— a heavier debt— ikcbhased tax alios— ntier ruin would fallow if thet principle failed to succeed. It CAKX-OT—MUST SOT SAIL. . ' . Hoi alone thisnation—the oppressed everywhere look to us to maintain it.'. . . - The legacy of fretdom we hold is vn. trust for pos- strong arm, cne stout heart, the free offering— by the unparalleled devotion of man and women—we have proudly defended it. , The result is so loa-seb doubtful;, Already the gloom is dispelled, , and the vindication will soon he perfect that labor is honorable, and cannsUnei he de graded nor deprived of, its reward—that the pride of . privilege, the blows of treason, the sympathies, of ty ranny abroad, or disappointed ambition at home, are alike powerless to striko.down our liberties and that above, beyond, and before all in our hearts; is THE-. LOVE Oh THE UNION. without which our happiness would turn to ashes, and Liberty, which is dearer than life, would have no abiding place. ' l ain, gentlemen, very lespectfnllv. yours, ' it LEONARD MYERS. ill J.OYAJL CITIZESB' OF THE §=£? EIGHTH WAED favorable to the.election of ABHAHAM LINCOLN- and .ANDREW JOHNSON.are requested to meet on MOH DaY EA EKING,-Oct. 10th, at7J4 o'clock, at tiiehaU of. the Schuylkill Hose Com pany, LOCUST, above Twelfth. Business of import- , aace. [ocS-2tl JOHN M. WOLFF, Secretary. ’ )Kj3g’«" OIL TRACT WASTED—FOR A cash purchaser. Address; with particulars, or apply to-day, between lOand 12, to / . . ... .. DUNCAN M. MITGHESON, _oc s 2t* IX6 Soutli SEVENTH Street, Phllada. tglT* CIIT mUSURER’S,OFFICE, n fiii TOt I’ihl4delphi A, -October 7. 1864. surer™® ?° CrrT LOANHOLDERB. —The City Tiea .iX 'nS, on presentation, all City; Loans ma- - I, 1566, With Interest to date of pay- HENRY BCMM, otBot City Treasurer. INTATTVE, 13. Ellas W. Hale, 14. Charles H. Shriner; 15. John Wiater, , 16. Dkvid McConaughy, 17. David W. Woods, IS. Isaac Benson, 19. John Patton. 20. Samuel B. Dick, 21. Everard Bierer, 22. John P Penney, 23. Ebenezer McJankin* 24. John W- Blanchard. Iral Committee. CAMERON, Chairman. [For unexpirad torn]. •KB*' KOW READY, ' COAL AT $7.50 PER TON. THE CONSUMERS' MUTUAL COAL COMPANY! : are now delivering Coat from their Oakland Colliery, on the celebrated Skidmore and Mammoth Veins, at the following rates: . To Subscribers, per t0n......,,,.,,, ... $7 85 To Non- subscribers,_per ton. .12 00 Thusß portento Stockholders. Besides this saving, there wiU be a’dividend annually ontha stock, in all probability, "of at least SIX DOLLARS PER SHARE, so that after the first year Stockholders will not only get their Coal for nothing, but will also probably receive a small dividend oh their Stock. The lease runs, at the present low royalty, for Sixteen Tears.’ The ten dollars per share paid now, is for the whole term of the lease. The present capacity of the Mine, is 50,000 tons-per year, or one ton per share. This will soon be increased to 160,000 tons, which will give the Company 100,000 tons to sell to outsiders, at. the highest market prices, THE PROFITS FROM WHICH WILL BE DIVIDED AMONG THE STOCKHOLDERS. ' „ ; Subscriptions to the stock f which may still he made at $10 per share) will be received at the Office of the Company, OH Booth SIXTH Street, second story.- PKF.SIPEXT, JAMES LYND. rinuxTOKS, ; - ■ JAMES LYNP, No; BH South Sixth street. EDWARD E. JOKES, No. 631 Arch street. HENRY S. PAUL, No. 419 Walnut street, h P. F. CLAYTON, No; 155 North Third street. , . THOMAS K. GAKSED, No. 106 Chestnut srteet. • se3o-lm y' ' ' TENTH WARD.' ’ . INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE , , - FOR COMMON COUNCIL, oc4-7t* SAMUEL J. CRE3WELL. FIFTH 4tUAR , !T,KLY REPORT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHILA DELPHIA. October 3, 1364 RESOURCES.. . Loansand Di5c0unt5..........51,514,257 66 U. S. Bonds, deposited'to se - cure circulation...76o,ooo 00 V C. S. Bonds, deposited to se- • curs deposits 600,000 09 U. S. Bonds and other U. S. Securities on hand 1,554,139 79 Specie and Legal-iender Notes, 1,399,554 Btllsof this Bank on hand.... 370 00 Bills of other Banks—..— .45,298 00 Due from National Banks,— 503,670 97 Due Loin State Banks and Bankers 374,134 SO Cash Items 03,156 76 2,391,159 85 Real Estate 93,252 83 Expense Account ■ 37,703 52 . : LIABILITIES. Capital Stock.... ..'.. - —...... $1,000,000 00 - Circulating Notes.............. 675,000 00' Due to Banks and ’ . 8anker5........ $1,5C5,195 43 Dae io Treasurer , . United States-. 872,477 02 .■ Due to Depositors 2,340,461 64 - - " ' , : 6,018,134 01 Dividendsunpaid. 110 00 Frofitand L 055................ 147.279 66 . —— $G,540,523 70 State of Pennsylvania, Countv of Philadelphia, ss: - ■ . I. BIORTON McSirCHAEL. Ji., Cashier of FIRST national bank of Philadelphia, do solemnly affirm that .the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge ard belief.-... ; MORTON MoMICHAEL, Jr , Cashier. Affirmed to and subscribed before me, this third day of October, 1861. EDMUND WILCOX, . oc4-6t Notary Public. COMMISSION OF THE .IiNTTEO STATES AND ECUADOR. Notice ie hereby given that the Commission provided for by the Convention of November 25, 1862, between the United States and Ecuador, for the mutual adjust ment of claims, was duly organized-at the city of Guay aquil, on the 18th day of Angust last, and that the said i Commission will continue in for the period of twelve months from that date. All citizens of the United States having claims upon Ecuador are, ti erefore notified, to appear in person, or by attorney , and present the proofs in support of their claims to Eaid Commission, or to file their claims and. proofs with the Secretaryof the .Commission, “Senor Crisanto Medina, ” In Guayaquil, in the Republic of Ecuador.. < Claims, which shall not be presented to the Commis sion within the iwelvc montbs-it remains in existence, will be disregarded by both Governments and consi dered invalid. FREDERICK HASS ANREK.: ’ Minister Resident and Commissioner of the United ■ States.. .. WashikstokCitt, October!, 1864. .... oc3-lm 155?“ " CHI ■ XIOMMSSSXOKKBS’ OFFICE, Philadelphia. September 29, 1864. NOTICE TO THE OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE. The BOARD OF REVISION AND APPEALS will sit at the Office of the City Commissioners, No. 11 STATE HOUSE ROW, to hear Owners of Real Estate desirous of appealing a« to the Assessors’ Returns of the Valua tion of Real Estate iu the City of Philadelphia for the triennial year ISC*, between the hours of 10 A M. and 1 o’clock P. XL, on the following days: - Ist and 26th Wards, Monday, October 3. 2d and 81 do. Tuesday, : do. 4. 4th and 6th do, Wednesday,do. 6. 6th and Jth do. Thursday, do. 6. Bth and 9th do. Friday, do. 7. 10th and 11th do. Monday, ' do. 17. 12th and 13ili do. Tuesday,, do. IS. 14th and 15th do. Wednesday,do. 19. 16th and 17th do. ..Thursday, do. 20. • 18th and 19th do. / Friday, , do. 21. 20th and 21st do. Monday, do. 24. 22d and 234 do. Tuesday, do. 27. ■ 24th and 2oth do, . ; Wednesday, dp, 25. „ , . .: JAMS SHAW, SOSMOR® . Clerk City Commissioners. OFFICE : SOMERSET IRON ASD „ C i? AL . COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA 61 CEDAR Street, New York, September 27, -1864. - NOTICE is herebv given that pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors, passed this dav, an instal ment of TWENTY PER CENT, on the subscription to Hie Capital Stock of the SOMEHSET IRON AND COAL' COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be and, is hereby: made, payable to JAMES WADSWORTH,"Treasurer of said Company; on or bo: ore November Ist, 1854. Attest T. M. TYNG, ocS-tnol Secretary. , TBFKfel 3IES B»REI»AREI> FOR ■mW- THE COUNTING HOUSE AND BUSINESS LIFE AT ■*•■■■■ • CRITTENDEN’S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No, 63T CHESTNUT. STREET, Corner of Seventh. Practical Distinction in ; . BOOK-KEEPING PENMANSHIP, 111 aCIiBS - ; COMMERCIAL CALCUL ATION | lalD aß<l ornara4atal ’ In the Ehoirtest and most approvadimethods. . TELEGRAPHING . By sound and on paper. taughtby a first-class operator, also Commercial Law, Business Forms, Detecting Coun terfeit Notes, Mathematics, &c. , Students instructed separately, and received'at any time. : ' ' EVENING.SESSIONS Continue from September 15tli to April 15th, thus giving to those engaged during the day an opportunity to be come qualified for bolding desirable positions inbusi nesslife.. : l , Catalogues containing terms, Arc,, and the names of nearly five hundred student?, may be obtained gratis on application. ■ . . / ■: orS 3t* #3®“ KATIOKAE SAISjOBS’ FAXB,- An effort is about to be made to establish a HOME, -free to Seamen and Marines disabled in onr Naval service. It is propos'd to raise funds for the pur pose by a-GREAT NATIONAL SAILORS' FAIR, to be held in BOSTON, Mass., in the early part of November next. The work has been commenced,with vigor and earnestness, and the Committee of Managers appeal to Philadelphians to aiS them in creating a National Sai lors’ Fair worthy of the important object in vie w. .. ’ In view of this appeal the ladies connected with the Soldiers' Home in this city propose that the citizens of " Philadelphia Bhonid co-operate in this good work.*: They, therefore, confidently apply to every class of their fellow-citizens to aid them by contributions of money, or of articles of taste and utility, in order that Philadelphia may be well "represented in so patriotic an enterprise. '■■■ ■ -*■' — Contributions may be left at the SOLDIERS’ HOME, - corner RACE and CROWN Streets, in care of Mrs. D. HADDOCK, Jr , Treasurer, or will he received by either of the following gentlemen ; E.'A, SOUDER, Esq. .Dock-street Wharf.: ; Capt. JOBN GALLAGHER, No." IcO Walnut street. D. JIA PDOCK, Jr. . No. 438 Market street. / H. R. WAREINER, No. 16 North Seventh street. : E./S,* HALL, Seventh National Bank, 216 "Market street.'. - ' v ; ■/:. ■■■■ oc7-3i. §SS?“ BKIMDXMLICAS" ISTYFSrCIHI.E»’ UNION CAMPAIGN'CLUB BADGES. And new LINCOLN MEDALS, just ont. Agents and Boys wanted. J. . SOMERSET, ’ 007-6t* • / : • 521 CBESTNUT,Street, :■ XTiraTJOS. EXGHTXX V.'ABB,— . Rally once more for your, country. The Union Citizens o* the Eighth Ward, favorable to the election of ABRAHAM LINCOLN and ANDREW JONNSON, are earnestly requested to assemble Tor PARADE on SATURDAY EYENING, Sth instant.,: at .7 o’clock, at BROAD and LOCUST. Lanterns, transparercies, and flags, with afnllhand of music, will be provided: By order of the Ward Executive Committee. - ~ . oc7 3t ALEX P. COLESBERRY, Sec. STAB OIL CO3IFAWT OF I‘HIU- O-S? DELPHIA. . ; : DIKKOXOES. Hex. WILLIAM MILLWARD, SAMUEL R. PHILLIPS, ■ " JOHN H. MICBENER, " James m. arrison, : H. N. FiTZGERiLD, : , *. ISRAEL MICHENER, U THOMAS ALLEN. The Subscription Book to the above Company is now ready, at the banking honse;of Michael Jacobs. No. 40 South THlRD:Street, Philadelphia, where Directors meet and he happy to give any information to the pub-" lie concerning the lands and Oomnany. - Subscription ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE, original price, and no assessment. : oc6-7t :.... SAMUEL ALLEN, Secretary. > .|S“ HOMY BROOK COAX, C Oi ls' PANY-DIVIDEND NOTICE! ' : >At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the HONEY; BROOK COAL COMPANY, held at their office, No. 200 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on the 6th of October, 1664, » dividend of POUE AND ONE-HALE PEE CENT, on capital stock of ihreo millions dollars, clear of ail taxes, was declared from the earnings of the Company for the quarter ending on the Ist of October, payable on the2ol h inst. . , J. B. McCREARY, oc6 6t : President., OFFICE OF. THE BRIGGS OIL .*=* COMPANY, No 14T South FOURTH Street: Philadelphia, October!, ISS4. The Board of. Directors have declared the Fourth monthly dividend of ONE PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, payable on the Sth inst. The Transfer Books will he doted on the sth, 6; h, and 7th last. oc3 7t ; CHAS. A. DAY yTreasurer. ryjg” JEFFE3SON MEDICAL COL -513S f LEGE.—The General INTBODOCTORY wiU be delivered on MONDAY NEXT, at.7>4 P. M., by Prof. B. HOWARD-HAND The regular Lecturee wlll hegin the day after, at 10 A. M. u •■■■■:, ■ . , ocs-5t KOBLKY DUNGLISON, Dean. OFFICE OF THE . F KAN KLIN INSUEANCE CO., Philadelphia, Octo- At a meeting of thoßoard of Directors of tl e Coinpany, held tills day, a semi-annual Dividend of SIXPEB CENT., and an Extra Dividend of TEN PER CENT., was declared on tha.Capital S'ock, payable to the Stock holders or their legal representatives on and after the 13th instant. |J. W. MoALLISTER, oc4 113 _ . . Secretary pro tern. 'aggg” STOCKS©I;»EBS> MEETING. . FAKMEES' AND MECHANICS’ BANK, > ■ , Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1864 A general meeting of the Stockholders of the Farmer*’ and Mechanics’ Bank of Philadelphia will be held at their Banking House on THURSDAY, the twentieth day of October next, at eleven o’clock A. M., for the pur pose of taking into consideration, and deciding on the qaeation,whether, or not the said Bankstallbecome an Association for carrying on the business of Banking un der the Laws of the United States, and of exercisingthe Sowers conferred by the Act of the General Assembly of lis Commonwealth, entitled An.act.enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become awociations for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United States, - approved the 22d day of August, 1861; and to take such action in regard thereto as necessary and proper. By order of the Board of Directors, se7.l v toc2o. W. .BUSHTON, Jr., Cashier.' 9®=“ UXIVEJtSITY OF FKNXSYIr- VANIA—MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. —The Lec tures will begin on MONDAY, October 10 ; The general Introductory wili-he delivered by Dr.‘, ALFRED STIL JR. E KOOERS, - • oc '- ?t - ... , , Dean of Faculty. HEDIC.U, COL LEGE, FILBEBT Street, above Eleventh —Tn hoducloryby C. HEEKMANN, MONDAY, 10th inst. fat LECTUEES begin on TUESDAY ; , 11th inst. ~ OC7 3t* C. HEERMANN, Dean, OOG SPRUCE St. FIFTH WARD—A MEETING OF n-nCnnUT 3 ? of the ward will he held at tJoGood Intent Hall, 602 SPBOOE St., on -MONDAY, Vi* 1 VA , P \ F- .DIVISION OFFICERS are par ticulariv requested to attend. ocS-21* -I. S. ATKINSON. Jr.. Secretary- BKFTJBMBER ■ 4itirn nl’ 18 hereby glvoa that an. in striment of One Dollar per share on each and every CCMVAti Yhas fcWPb of the GIRABD MININ’S the tSi LmT Street, PhiladeTphlaf se29-12t. n HOPPES,- Treasurer. MILITARY. —~ V^^^OTD'^^ERciSE^OPPI CEBSofthe army and others deßirous of learn inf the' beautiful and üßefulacieuco of attack . * ~.nnd defence, vith the BKOAD SWORD, can have immediate instrnetipn m class or-private lessons. PEOF. McAHULTT, Pdst Office, Philaaa.,Pa,Cso2l-lm*. ~ 5V ' \/ "i" fX*' WANAMAKEB i BEOWN, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1864. On Mosulay',' lOtli. Instants $i).840,523 70 In all the NEW COLORS, with a well-assorted stock of -J. M. H. talies pleasure in’ stating to the RETAIL TRADE that he’has. been fortunate in landing hia im portations ,'at tills date, when the. cost is THIKTY ’THREE PER CENT. LESS than that at which a large portion of Foreign Goods have been put upon the' mar ket tbig, season. : All of which will be. sold as low, or lower, than l#e same goods canbe bought elsewhere, oclO mwf .■■■•• ’ : .... . RADIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN A. STAMBAOH, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER OF. liADIES’FANCY-. FDBS* . Just opened, a large and handsome stock of LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S FANCY FURS of every description and In the newest and most approved styles, at the ; : oel-3m LOWEST CASH PRICE 3. JUDIES’ FANCY FURS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh Street, "- " ' At his old established store, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN FANCY FURS FOB ■■■■"' LADIES AND CRIIJIPvEN. Having now in store a very large and beautiful assort-, ment Of. all the different kinds and qualities of FANCY FURS FOR LADIES’ AND CHILDRENS. WEAR, I . solicit a call from those in want. Remember the name and number, • . . , JOHN I’AEKIKA, 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh. . I have no partner or connection with any other store* in this city. ocl 4mif (GERMAN CLASSES.—THE LADIES’ VA Elementary Class in German will commence on MONDA7, October 10th;-the Ladies’ ad vanced. class TUESDAY, October 11th, at 4 ’o'clock P. JI. The Gen tlemen’s Evening Class will be started to wards the.end of October. - ' 0 SEfDENSTXCK-BR, oclo'2t* . . - • 187 North Tenth Street. A N EXPERIENCED TEACHER OF ■AA- Languages anil English Branches wishes private rnpils for the afternoon or evening. Address 1845 THIRTEENTH Street.’ . oclO Of* TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLE AS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHLLABEL PHIiu • SHULL v.< SHULL, June Term, 1884, No. 13. Madam : Please notice .rule in’ above case on you to show cause .why a Divorce « vlri .mat: should not be,decreed. Returnable: on SATURDAY, the 22d day Of October, A.’ D. 1864. JOSEPH F. MARCER, „ ' . „ ■- Attorney for Libellant. To Mrs. Cathabixe.Shuli, Respondent. :•> October?, ].?G4. ,ocl()mw4t* T OST OR STOLEN,—FOUR HUN •AA BRED SHARES Philadelphia aid Reading Rail road. Stock : : ■ No. ‘ 24,809—Jan. 21, 100 shares, name : E. W. Clark & Co. X ' ... • • ■No. 24,808—Jan. 21, ICO shares; name: E. W. Clark At Co. , ■ ' . No 24,-422—Mar. 19,100 shares, name:E. V, Maitland.- No 24,819—Mar. 12, ICO shares, name: E. V. Maitland, : No. Ki,929—Jan. 19, lOOshares name : A. Benson &Co. No. 23,091—Dec. 9,. 100 shares, name; Boweu & Fox.' TAKE NOTICE.—Lost or Stolen, oh: the nlgbtiof the Sth intt.yfour of the. above-mentioned described cer tificates. . The transfer for the above is stopped, and tlie public are cautioned against negotiating for any of Ihe men tioned stock. ' - , - A liberal reward will be paid for the return ’of the same withont delay by 3P. S. ROWLAND, : li* 487 SPKOOE Street. XTOTICE.—-LOST, CERTIFICATE NO. 2f6, for 300 Shares ofCCRTIK Oir„ issued to B. W. EIEESS. Transfer has been stopped, and application made for a new Certificate. ocS 36 T OST OR STOLEN—A DUE BILL, drawn by Jay Cooke & Co., for twenty-four hnn dred dollars United States seven-thirties, dated Aogusi 18th, 1864. in favor of D. M; Bobinsoh & Co, , but not en* dorsed by them. All persons are cautioned against ne* gotiating.the same. Apply to ’~ ; TWOTTVILLE mass. WORKS— J-' Having a furnace now in blast, ne are prepared to execute orders for Carboys, Demijohns, Wine Bottles, Mineral Water and Porter Bottles, of every description. - . li. B. & 0. W. BUNKERS, Be2B-12tif 31 SouthFRONT Street. €> fWvTRUCK AND PEACH BAS j v v KETS inst received and for sale by ’ " HOWE & BOSTON, se2-tf 157 and 159 North THIRD Street. 1 BOSTON BROWN BREAD'FRESH AJ DAILY. ' GEORGE T RILEY, - oiS-3l« . ■ 1115 RACE Street. POTTERS’ CLAY-—IN STORE AND , for, sale by ■■■ JAS. WOOLMAN, Agent, • ocB-3t* : No, IfB.WILLOW .Street,-: WEDDING 8, PARTIES, AND FAMt _• * LIES famished on. the J moet reasonable terms PariicnUr attention paid.. GEORGE T. RILE 7. No.' 3315 JtAvE Street, t o cB*Sl* T ARGE NUT $9, STOYE $10.50.-4 snperiorlot of SCHUYLKILL COAL, al the above ra*es,, at ROMMEL’S Coal Wharf, DELAWARE Ave® nue, below Laurel street.. : ; oclo-12t* T F. FRUEAUFF, ATTORNEY AND t V, , „P?P EEe3Iorat Law,:Hollidayebarg, B'air Co. , Pa. , Collections promptly attended to m Blair, Huctinjr tlor, and Cambria conntiee. Refers to R CLARESJN & CO,, No. 1313 Third Street: I<\ it STARE, President Enterprise Insurance Co.; CHAMBERS & RE9ISTER, .Washington Life Insurance Co ; WETBERILLdt BRO. Second Street; T, A. BIDDLE tk CO., Bankers. Piiila dslphia, : . oelfl-Im* THE- MOST BEAUTIFUL AND A. TIIUTHPUL PICTURES to be found of' natural .styles and exquisitely colored, are B. If REtMER’S 'pficnnoiis offvnrytypes. Examine them at his-Gal 1ei5v634? ARCH street, • n* CPLENDID STYLES PORTRAITS- :R. F. REIMER’S superior life size Photographs in oil colors,executed in the most artistic mauner.and pro nouncedmost artistic and truthful, 634? ARCH St. It* T-> RIMER’ S COLORED PHOTO •~v- GRAPHS Splendid: Likonesses for only, 5i1.60 btyles oi Pictures suited to all; accurate likenesses, Itws& 1 A 15,16 * 8 * and- finely colored. ’ See specimens’ • baCORp Street, above Green. it** A NTHRACITE INSURANCE COM- Capital $.400,000-CHABTEH Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third aid Fourth streets, Philadelphia; ■••••*• This Company will insure against Loss or Bamaee hv Fire; on. Buildings, Furniture, and'Merchandise Jpiia •• ■rally...,' '•■-7 : "-. b Also, Marine Insurances on'Yessels*'Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of tho Union - • • DIRECTORS. - uwa, ( .Davis. Pearson, iPefcer Seiger, ;J. E Baum, ■ F. Dean, . Johu.Ketchatn. • ■•••■ ■ President. ■DJEAIV, Yica President, : ap3-tf . William Esher, D. Luther, . • Lewis Andenried, " John R. Blathifttoa, NJoneph Maxfield, WILLI WM: I W. M* Fjiith, Secretary. RETAIL lillY ROODS. 'J’lfos. W. IiTAKs I cO. WILD OPEN ffflilß MMmm - IN A 1,1. THE NEWEST SHADES, AT YARD, BIS and S2O CnESmT STJiEET. ccio-4; :■■■■■ QPENING. j. m. , 3¥o. »©3 CHESTNUT - STREET, WILL OPEN HIS FALL AND WINTER STOCK OP DTiESS Gc O ODS ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, COKSISTINO OF MOIRE ANTIQUES, BONNET TAFFETAS, ' COLORED TAFFETAS, AND POULT DE SOIES. VELOUR OTTOMAN SILKS, WOOLEN AND SILK . .- ■ ‘.akd!, ;,. - WORSTED FABRICS. FANCY FURS. NO. 886 ARCH STREET, BELOW NINTH. EDUCATIONAL. LEGAL. LOST AN© FOUND,. GREAT CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE, J. C. ME ACE, Ho. 1604 PINE Street. RETAIL, DRY GOODS. yf IN TER HOSIERY at • / RETAIL, and WHOLESALE. J. M. lIA.Y’LiKIGUL, NO. i)O2 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now inss.tore a fall assortment of tie celebrated mattes of ENGLISH HOSIERY, BALBRIGGAK HOSE AND HALF HOSE, BKETTLE'S HOSE, SHIRTS, AND DRAWERS, EXTRA HEAVY SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, ITT ALL SIZES, FOR GENTLEMEN. oc3-tf gELLING OFF, BELOW GOLD PRICES. 35 TO 40 PER GENT. REDUCTION. , Our price* are lower than, that of any other house in the city. Persons wishing to huy yooit DRY GOODS Of a,l hinds, at low prices, can do so by calling on na. Do it at.once, as It is highly probable that prices will be much higher as tie season advances.. Wo quo; 6 be low too prices of a few articles best known.and would add that we are telling all our stock at equally as low .rates, ••. ,• - ~ ■ - - . COM yardsbest American Delaines,new styles,4ocents. Mernmac, Sprague, and American prints, new dark styles, oiriiceuts. v - Sprague.s nd American prints, light styles. SIX cents. - ,®°°d ®ark'|tylo : Pr!nts, fast colors. 28 cents. • ' Yard; wide Bleached .Muslins,-40 and 30 cents. • • Williamsville,'(!2l4 cents Wamsutta,6ocents.' ..... . NeW.YorkiMille, 63 cents; -' ' . " . iCCOOyatds plain all wool‘Delaines. f : 1 . Azuline' Blue., Purples, Blacks, Browns, Modes, reens, Ouir, and Grays, 62% cents. ■, Th’oseioods were Whght at anction, at a tremendous' iloss,to,tho;impbrter, i; ... - Freich'Merjnoes from $1.25 up. . . ; , ~ ; French Poplins, $1.25 to *2 50. , Double-width figured Mohairs, 62K cents. . ; “Ana great variety of-other Drees Goods, at prices low! enough for all; ' ET. STEEL A- SON, ocS-6t:- Nos. 713 and 71.5 North TENTH Street. QLOA.K lIS'Gr. . * . j. m. hafkeigh:, NO. 903 CBESTHUT STREET, • .With HXSIBIT HI3 •- new" STYLES t * - ■ S -• ' : , ''.'A FALL AND WINTER .. CLOAKS, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 10. ocB-St-- ~... V ,!.V : „ ■ ‘ ... QJiEA/r REDUCTION. GREAT REDUCTION in prices of all kind Goods, at BAMBERGER BROS’., 105 So’ril-, EIGHTH Street,; third Store above Arch. The largest and best assortment of .LADIES’ MERINO VESTS AND ’DRAWEES, MEN’S AND CHILDREN'S UNDERSHIRTS AND . . DRAWERS, ■ . , - at prices, greatly reduced and much- lower than -at any ' HOSIERY ! HOSIERY it ' The largest Block of all kinds of Hosiery in the city, -and cheaper thkn at any other Stork. CORSETS, GLOVES, LINEN BOSOMS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, MOROCCO SATCHELS, , at greatly reduced prices.- ‘ LHffcITHDKFS J LINEN HDKFS ! ' Of all kinds* the cheapest in the city. * All the StapleTriramings at prices much below those of anyowier Store, such: as the very best Needles and Pins, > only;s centsa paper; very best black Italian Sewing Silk, on!ysl. Xo~anV ounce ; best Skirt Braid, fall five yai'ds,, 14. cents a piece ; best 200-yard Spool Cotton, only 12cents a spool; Hooks and Eyes; Buttons' of all kinds, Tapes, &o.y all at greatly* reduced prices, at* BAMBERGER BROS., * oclO*lt 105 North EIGHTH Street. BEAT BARGAINS i—GREAT BE VJ ' DUCTION in prices, at TAGG it BSO’S., comer TENTH and PINE. _Ndw goods from autiom 1 lot London water-Mcopf Cloaking, very fine, $2.25. 1 lo? c<slore,d;fignred’’Beps, extra quality, $l. 1 lot black crape Parissenes, for mourning, SI. 25. Hot very flnemfourniDg Alpaccas,.sl.2s and $1:40. - I jot liigh colorfi Scotch Plaids, for misses, G2}« cents'. . 1 lot plain.hlgh colors Alpacas,,62 and 76, Dents.. ' llotlSrf'MaM'eDresHpreads^finerqdality,’slo. 1 • , 1 lot 13v4 do- • do - do $l3. - >• i lQt Ladies’ -Corded Border Linen Hdk’fs, 30 and 35c. 1 lot Ladies’,'Hemstitch,. two-inch-border Hahdßer chiefs,’44,- 60. ,and.Bo cents., . • 1 lotrHnlr'Brashes, old prices, 24 to 75 cents. 1-lorßuffalo, Ball, Back Combs.-only eo cents. 3 lot Ladies.’ Silk Fleecy-lined Gloves. 4!) cents. 1 lot No. 50 dounle-botled Black Silk Ribbon, 90cl I lot No. 60 Heavy Plaid Bonnet Ribbon, 620 to $l. , I tot No:’6high colors Plaid Ribbon Velbets, 65c. Hot N0.,5- Colored Corded Edge Velvet Ribbon, 25 cents per yard ’.” •• 1-lot No, 1 Magenta Velvet Ribb6n,3o cents ptr piece. 1 lot Nor-Black and White Cable-edge Ribbon, $1.76 per pieco. , ■ , . . Also: a itjiniae rotions. Bonnet and Trimming Rib bons, by piece or yard, Edgings, Gloves, Hosiery &c., &c.' Bargains opening daily, ocS-'2t SKIRT FOB 1834. XNEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN. ’ HOOP SKIRTS. ■ THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OK DOUBLE) STEEL' SPRING. J. I. A J. O. WEST, No. 07 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW. YORK, _ : Are the ow ners of the patent and exclusive manufas turersofthis, . : r .1. W. BRADLEY’S PATENTED DUPLEX SKIRTS. This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptit Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly tegethergedge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever used, enabling the Wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity ahdnexi . bility, ■ i?o place' and fold the skirt when In use as easily and with: the same convenience as a silk. or muslin dress. / It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion to hoop shirts,’vis: the annoyance to the wearer, as woll as the pnblic, especially in crowded assemblies, carriages; railroad cars, church pews,or inany crowded place,-from-the difficulty of contrasting them to ocoupy nng a small space: . This eciiiely.removee the difliuafty, ''while giving; the skirt the usnal.full and symmetrical foiro; and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or house’ dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience. of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring-Skirt for a single day, will never afterward Willingly dispeasewith the nse of them. They are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt madei Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies Inmost, first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different States: jsSf Inquire for the : DOUBLE ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRTS. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when In ocoupy a small space! making the most agreeable skirt worn. < ■ For sale by J. M HAFLEIGH, ; . . . . 003 CHESTNUT Street. ■ORADLEY’S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC dl SKIRT—The greatest improvement we have ever seen in LADIES’ SKrRTS, and an article of SUPERIOR'EXCELLENCE. CURWEN STODDARTS& BRO., 450, 453, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. WUlow. selO-iflm . fJQQ HOOP SKIRTS. fJOO M&'Jt The most complete assortment of .<.vl «u. Ladles’, Misses’, and Children’s HOOP SKIRTS in the city are manufactured and- sold, wholesale and retail, at No. 638 ARCH Street.. Our stock embraces all the new and desirable styles, lengths, and sizes; for Irtish and durability are especially adapted to first class trade. Skirts made to order, altered, and re paired. Also,. constantly in receipt of full lines of aheap Eastern-made Skirts. se9-lm« V _ WM. T. H.OPKINS. CEERTO—NSW STYLE—BRADLEY’S Duplex MlipticSKlßTS,at Mrs.'STEEL'S, TENTH Street-, just below Chestnut. . - ;007-3t* ■ “PRICES TO SUITtYHIrTISISS. — X Broome, Brushes, Buckets,' Tribe, Lap-Boards,, Baskets, Floor, Table, ana Carriage Oil Cloths,'.Cord age, Cotton Baps, Wadding; and a general assortment, of household goodß at -wholesale and retail, cheap for cash: . CHAS W. BEAN, ocG-thtiip3i* JUAKKKT Street.• CLOTHING. PD WARD P. KELLY,- ..r-"’ i • - ' ' JOHN KELLY, ~ , TAILORS) Gl2 CHESTNUT STREET, WUI from tlxiet date (October Sd) sell at ■ V ■ V ■ - REDUCED PRiCES, - ■. POE ■ ■ ■ - - CASH, tpEA&S - ,1 AND ~ , „ MILITARY goods, I•■' ■ • ■ 1 i ■» - • •*. -« 7 HORSTMANN BROS. -& CO., I ... ■. . ’ . ,oclo-6t; - FIFTH and CHERRY Streets. JJKCOLN MEDALS, IN FINE COLD AND SILVER, V ' ' FOP. SAIE AT r -.V“ ' PUG ll’ SIXTH AKD'CHESTNUT STREETS. . i . ■,. V. . /"- . This is the . ... ONLY CORRECT MEDAB LIKENESS . . • of the-Preeident of the United States, ; . I ME. LINCOLN >. -HAYING -FURNISHED THE PHOTOGRAPH from which the die was made, and from which . . ;THIS MEBAL IS BTEUCK, at.the request of his Philadelphia friends. ocS 6t* S. E. COR. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, ELLIPTIC : STEEL SPBIEG YIN AN CX AX» PROPOSALS FOR LOAN. 5-SO BONDS. . . Treasurv Department, ■ . WAsnikaTOjr. October 1,1364. SEALED OFFERS will be received at this Depart, ment, under the act of Congress approved June 80th, 1864, until the noon of FRIDAY, the 14th instant, for bonds of the United States to the amount of forty mil lions (40.000,000). of dollars. The bonds offered will bear an interest of. six (6) per bentum.-payablesdini-y annually In coin, on the first days of May And Novem ber, and will be redeemable at the pleasure of the Go-' vernment after-five (6) years, and payable in twenty (20) years from November let, 1864. Each offer jfiuet be for fifty or soma multiple, of; fifty dollars, and* : must state the sum; including premium offered for each hundred dollars, or. for,’fifty when, for no more than fifty. Two per cent, of the principal, exclu ding premium of the whole amount bid for by each bid- - der,mustbe deposited as guarantee for payment of sub-, scriptions, if. accepted, with the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington,' or with the Assistant Treasurer, ' at New -York, Boston,- Philadelphia, or St. Louis, or -'with the designated depository at Baltimore, Pittsburg, - Cincuiaati, JipuisyUle, / Chicago/- Detroit, -or -Buf-- falo, or with any National Deposit: Bank' which may ; consent to transact the business . without *■ charges Jht which, deposits duplicate certificates Will he issued to the- depositors by the officer of the Bank receiving them, the originals of which must bo forwarded with the offers to this depot. All deposits should he made in time for the certificates With the offi-i cers to reach-Washington not later-than the morning; of October 14th, as aforesaid.; No offer hot accompanied by its proper Certificate of Deposit wlUbe considered. The Coupon and-Registered Bonds' issued under this" proposal will be of the denomination of fifty dollars, one hundred dollars, five hundred dollars, and one .thousand dollars.. Registered Bonds of five thousand, dollars and tea thousand dollars will be issued if re- 1 quired. . . , All offers received will he opened on Friday, Octo ber 14. The awards will he made by the: Secretary to the highest offerers, and notices of accoptanceor declina tion will bn immediately given to the -respective offer,. ' ers. In cases of acceptance, bonds ol the description and denomination preferred will he sent to the sub - scribers at the cost of the Department on final payment of instalments. - - The deposit of two per cent. Will ho reckoned in the last instalment paid hy successful offerers, and will be immediately.returned to those whose offers may not he accepted'. The amount of accepted offers must he de-t.-. ■posited with the Treasurer, officer, or bank authorized, to act under this. notice, on ■ advice of acceptance of of fers, as follows: V : .y-‘ V/. ’> .V. Oue-imlfon tbe2oth of October, and-the balance (In-, cludii g the premium and original two per cent; deposit, on the 31st of October. The Bonds.wiil hearVinterest from Novemberlst. Interest on deposits from that date' to November Ist will be paid by tie coin./' One-half of the first instalment, or twenty- fire percent. 1 ' ■of theaccepted offer, may-be paid, with accrued interest to October 14th,‘in United States “Certificates of Indebt- : edness;” but such-certificates will be used in part pay ment of the first instalment only. - . Offers under this'notice should be endorsed ‘' Offer for Loan, ’ ’ and addressed to the Secretary of the Trea sury. The right to decline alloffers not. considered ad van tageous to the Government, reserved hy the Secretary, ocS-toel4 ijT S. 7-30 LOAN. The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that sub scriptions will-be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three years fiom August 35th, 3864, with semi annual interest at the rate of eoveU and three-tenths per cent, per annum—principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. ■ These notes will be convertible at the option-of the holder, at maturity,Unto six per cent, gold hearing bonds, .payable not less than ire nor more than twenty years from their date,. as the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, and ss,ooo,and all subscriptipnsniust be for fifty dollars orsome multiple of fifty dollars. ': :As the notes , draw interest from August 15, persons: making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest Accrued from date’of note to dateof deposit. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OP THIS LOAN. XT IS A NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK, offering a higher rate of interest than anyother, and the best se curity, Any savings bank which pays its depositors inU. S,. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating mediumof the country, and' it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in Go vernment securities or in notes or bonds payable in Go vernment paper. CoiivertiLlc Into a Six per cent. 5-20 Gold Bond. In addition to the very liberal interest-on-the notes for three years, this'privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the current rate for 5- 20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent, pre mium, and before the war the premium on six per eent. D. S. stocks was oyer twenty per cent; It will be seen that theactual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent", per annum.’ Its Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation. - But aside from all ihe advantages we have enume rated, a special Act of Congress exempts all bonds and ■Treasury notes from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two par cent.par annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country; : ■ ■ It ie believed that no securities offer so great’ induce ments to leaders as . those issued by the Government. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties,’ or stock companies; or separate com munities, only, is' pledged for payment, while the whole property of the "country is held to secure the dis charge of all the obligations of the United'StateS. : Up to the 24th of September, the subscriptions to this loan amounted to oyer : ‘ §40,000,000. .Snbscriptions-wiU be received by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers apd . designated: Depositories, .and by the First National Bank-of Philadelphia, Pa., ■ : Second Nationai s ßank of Philadelphia, Pa., Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa., : Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. ; ' and by all National Banks which are depositaries of public money, and . .; ALB RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give farther information and - - . - AFFORD EVERT FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. se29Y2tifW2t .. . . ■ -TJ; 6. LOAN OF ’ §40,000,000. Referring to the advertisement of the' Secretary of the Treasury for PROPOSALS FOR THE NEW U. S. r>-20 LOAN, We will enclose in our bid for same those of any parties wishing fo make application for any part thereof .WITHOUT CHARGE. For information, apply to • : JAY COOKE & €O., Bankers. - 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ; . Oc6 9fc JIE S T IV A.TIOIVAL BAP®. NEW CMTED STATES * 5-30 loan of 8-10,666,660. ' This Bank is prepared to receive the preliminary da. posits of two,per cent, on account of this loan, required by the advertisement of the Secretary of the Treasury, dated October Ist, 1661, and to issue receipts' in.; dupli cate therefor. . This Bank'will bo represented at tho opening of the bids on the 14th inst. by one of its offi cers, and any one desiring to participate In the general . bid of the. Bank can do so withont charge. - ' ' : Further information will be given on application at the Bank, • ' C. H.' CLARK, President. JIOBTON JicMICHAEL, Jr., Cashier. oc6-St LOAN OF 1881. THE BALANCE OF THE @75,000,000 LOAN having this .day been awarded, and our bids proving successful, we are prepared to . SELL TO CUSTOMERS AT ONCE, . In Ldtrgo or Small Sums, any amount of this most desirable GOLD SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN, at the market price. ' - . We lave always considered these '' ISSI ’ ’ Bonds as the BEST LOAN ON THE MARKET. There is but a SMALL AMOUNT FOR SALE, and the premium wiH, in our opinion; advance rapidly. > . ' Parties having 6-20 Loan, will do well TO CALL AND EXCHANGE THEIR <6-20s for this-moro permanent Loan, especially as now, owing to the German demand for the five-twenties, a high rate can be obtained for them.' JAY COOKE & CO.. • sell-Im 114 South THIRD Street. ¥ 0 NEW 7-80 LOAN. • KJo Subscriptions received, and tho Notes fur nished free of »U charts, o b^ aE j BQTI> . Eanker . an26-3m ■; . 18 South THIRD Street. ~ nni STOCKS ... BOUGHT'AND SOLD ON COMMISSION; . . ■ BY' GEOBOE J. BOYD, 18-South THIRD Street,; auSS-Ja TASTEFUL AHD SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING , : W..-P. FESSENDEN,, Secretary of the Treasury, - • STEW PUBLICATIONS. BV PIERCE EGAN.. SUCH’ IS. LISE- \ A KOVEL, BY PIEKCE EGAN, EiQ., Author or ‘ 4t lmo£oae ; or, the Marble Heart, ! ,tl Tlie Poor Girl, 1f MffagarLot, V ‘‘Lady Maud, 51 etc. PIUCE ir, CENTS. Egaa- in^ eait ' 0 “ ° nilß fjl!owiu S, hovels, by Pierce .-..'.ISIOQBSE, 5 .OT,'.? , he.Marble -HeiiL Priced. : i.HE POOR OIIIL ; .or.Tfie Mar.hioness and her fcecret. Price 75 cents. ■—' . . HAOAI! LOT. Price 75 cents. ■ ■ ; TH|E SGAIiLJiT FIOWEK. Price 73 cents. . GUINTiN MATS', ! S,, Price 75 cants. ; FAIIUIOSAMOKD. Price 75 cents.' Published I«3' PICK & FmCEEAPD, : u : A’o. IS ANN Street, New York. Also, for sale by a;l Booksellers in tins place. Copies of the above hook sent l>y mail to any address, free of postage, on receipt of the price, oelo-mw2t A BHMEAD & EVANS •"• * HAVB JUST RBOEIVEB DEBATES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE PEICE CONVENTION IN SECEET SESSIONS OF.ISCI. By L. E. Chittenden, one of the Deleaates. j AENAIS OF THE STAGE By Dr. Doran. 2 vols. Handsomely printed, tinted na.psr.‘ : ... NEAEEB AND DEaBEB. A.Novelette. By Cuthbert Bede, author of'“ Verdant Green.” With forty-savea -illustrations . „„ ... THE SUPPRESSED BOOK ABOUT SLAVERY. THE WINTHKOPE. A Novel . • DINDISFAEN CHASE. A Novel. By T; Adolphns T XIF°! < OF JEAN PAUL BiCHTEE By E B. Lee. - . ESSAYS ON SOCIAL SUBJECTS. Flora the Saturday Review. JOBS' STUART MILLS’ ESSAYS; , Tiuted paper, 3 yols Ayaluable and haudeome work. OUR AMERICAN MERCHANTS. Edited byTreeman Hunt. Illustrated with steel portraits. : * THE POTOMAC AND THE RAPIDAN. Army Notes, from the Pailu*e of Winchester to the Reinforcement of Rosecrans. By Alonzo H. Quinn, 2d Massachusetts Infantry. . EMILY CHESTER. A Novel. - BLACK AND WHITE LIES.‘ By Mf», Leslie. * EVAN DALE. Anew novel. . ' NEW JUVENILES AND NEW NOVELS,too numerous ; to specify. • • ; s •' STANDARD WORKS and hooks of all kinds in every variety of binding,,now receiving from the late TRADE SAXESj and wiilhe Eoldatum/ lowpi'iee-s.- v . ASHMEAD & EVANS, Successors to W. P. Hazard, ’ OclO-tf * So. CHESTNUT Street. WANTS. A YOUNG BUSINESS MAN, WITH. “ c ?- $7,000 in cash, wants an Interest in a good IViiole sale.or'Hetail NOTION HOUSE; is a good Accountant, having been in the employ for years of one of the oldest Dry -GooesHousesrnthis city. Address “Merchant,” this office. ■-■■■ / oc7-3t* wanted—partner, active ..." preferred, with $5,000,. in a Manufacturing hast'- ness; profits large; security given if reciuired Com-' municatlons confidential... Address **Security,’.’ Press. :Offlce. . : : OCS-2C* WANTED-50 FIRST-CL ASSW AGON » » MAKERS; Carpenters; 25first-class Wood-workers. . v . ; . Steady work and good wages. Apply at the National Wagon Works, SECOND and ; CUMBEBLAND Streets, on and after the 6th October. ocfi-thsmSt* WANTED—BY A BUSINESS ' MAN, . " having four or five hundred dollars, an interest in some bn; iness as an active partner. r ■ Is not afraid to work, or would -have no objections to going into a good Country Store. Has been at the busi ness fifteen years. . / • The best of references from country and city-mer chants., .Address “Country Merchant,” for one week, Si this office. . ocS-dt* tj]MEtGYMEKT HOUSE.'mir£*s®- 9-4; est and most reliable, for city and country. Jta? always a good selection of capable .persons, with good references.-- Americans, Irish, English, French, Ger mane, Scotch, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, &e Cooks, Chambermaids, Seamstresses,r Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Housework. Servants Also, Colored Servants. *Ncs. 802 and So£ LOCUST Street! above Eighth, ■, : :. v - • ge24-lm- : VINNERS WANTED. ;. A : : Chief Qu-abtermastek’s Office, . Depot of Washixoto.v, : WdAHiKGTOs-. D.'C., September 21, 1864. .WANTED, AT- ONCE—At the Government Work-' shops,corner of NINETEENTH and F Streets; TWENTY GOOD TINSMITHS, or men who understand the manu facture and putting up of Sheet Iron Stoves. .. _W ages: Seventy dollars per month; with a ration.. Also, privilege of hospital when sick. - . p - Application to be made to Capt. JAMES M. MOORE, A. Q. M., U. S. A;, No. 134 FStreet. { ' - D. H. RUCKER, Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, 6629-104 . Depot of Washington. WILL PURCHASE A. PROFIT -W LIVABLE; CASH BUSINESS; . Expenses light. Address E. 2.,” Press Office. . ocS3t* M WANTED—TO RENT OR PUR CHASE;’a modern-built ;HOU3E, located, between Vine and. Pirn streets. Broad and the Schuylkill ,Ad diess G.,” 80x2493P05t Oftice. ‘ ocS-6i* FOB. SALE AM® T© 1,135'. XT O E Si IE—A^EaSgE^XOT^^OP -t Clrov.ud uii westerly side of. Germantown Railroad, south of Montgomery, suitable'for a factory, coalyard, &c Apply toeWM.. .ROSSELL ALLEN, S. E. comer and WALNUT Sireets. ocS-3t* . : m FOE SALE- STORE AND DWELL , od GIRARD Avenue, near Twelfth street, one of the most improving neighhorhoous, on accommo dating terms. Inquire at 2fo; 63& CHESTNUT Street, third story. ; , . . oclo-Gt* Mm foe sale or to let, DWELLINGS, oclO- Bt* . . No 3033 and 3108 ARCH Street. m THE EOUGH-CAST '2i STOEY 'No-> 3337 G4LLOWHILL Street, finished in the Lest manner, with Back Baildirgs, all In good order,.2ofeet front by.llo feet deep. Also; the lot ad joining. the.same,-20,.feetfi:o-it on Linn street-by 110, feet .deep',. Price, $4,000, subject io: a. ground renf:bf'@4s a 3 ear. $2,000 may remain on mortgage, atsix per cent Apply to ; h W G. BEDFORD, ioelO Ost Bo: 1013 CALLO WHILL Street. PUBLIC SALE —WILL. BE OF *al PUBLIC SALE on THURSD IT, Octo ber IS, 1864, on the premises, a SMALL FARM of about twenty-six .acre*, in Radnor - township, Delaware county,.three-quarters of .a mile L-om White Hall Sta tion, on the. Pennsylvania.Railioad. a very eligible situation fora country residence for a citizen: it is io: cated on the old Lancaster road, near the Radnor' Me thodist Chm-cli. . ‘ The improvements are a stone two-story house, stone barn; stone Bpringhouseqona good spring, ’a well of good water at the door of the dwelling. The laud is of very good quality, it is a first-class.neighborhood, healihy.andmoTai, fastiilliug up with first class im provements, both public and private. ' For further information persons in the city may ap ply at No.- 348 Worth BROAD Street, Philadelphia; Sale about 3 o-clock P.M. Attintion given by D. R. SMITH. JOS T- PIERCE,-Auctioneer. ■ oclO 4t* ... M;„; FOE SALE—THE HANDSOME! nawbrick Dwelling, complete in every particular, Bo: 1429 Worth Thirteenthstteet- ' WILLIAM ROSSELL ALLEN, S. B corner FOURTH and WiL-. BUT Streets. : . ' . oeS-3t* M FOE SALE YERY^LOW—THE Property N. -W. corner of Oxford and' Hancock streets, comprising one brick and five frame buildings. Applyto WI RUSSELL ALLEN, S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. ' ocSSi* . m FACTORY PROPERTY AND^ •EsfiFARM. AT PRIVATE SALE.-A valuable Wa--3C ter Power, euitable for almost any manufacturing bdsi nces, with Farm attached, about four milds from Ken net Square Station, on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad,'and nine mile* from Wi mington. . Two good Stone. Mansions, with outhouses, barn, &e, Albo, four other stone houses, and one of .frame, the' whole capableof accommodating .twelve families, and a store, and mostly occupied. A stone and'frame SlilJhouie SO by 30 feet, three stories and attic :114 acres of good i-fd-clay-creek land; 75 of which are arable", with &-sufficiency of. rail timhor. . ‘ A Country Store has been carried on for nearly, fifty years;-good neighborhood, convenient to meetings, .schools, and mills: is a vet}';desirable and.pleasant location, and includes the strongest Water Power now' ; in the market in that section of country. , - A recent snivey has been made far a railroad, passing through this place, to connect; Wilmington with the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central and' Pennsylvania -railroads.- - ..... ... . v The price is less than it would cost to erect the build ings'and improvements: A large portion of the'pnr - chase money may femain in the premises. . > Peseession.of the-'Mill, the power,.and sotne-of the houses can be bad immediately, and of tlie whole pro perty next spring. For fnrtner pMjßculare to.. ocS-lm- Wilmington, Delaware.- .■>; m FOR RENT—A NUMBER OF GOM •Kminodious -DWELLINGS, on Thirteenth; Twelfth, and Mervine streets, having hath, range, hot and cold water, at from $23 to per month. ' TATLOW JACKSON, -• oc7-12t* . Gl4 CHESTNUT Street, TAIMPEEL’ S FAN FOR SALE,-FORTY inches, scarcely used. Apply to ! , CHARLES TjESTNTG-, - oe7fmw3t* * Ko. H 3 South FRONT Street BOARDING TWO ROOMS, WITH BOARD, TO .A- let, 3331 SPRING: GARDEN Street, ; oc3-3t* •; Tj'LKJIBIiE ROOMS VACANT A T AJ HILL’S, 338 SPRUCE Street. oc6-lm* _ J CAMPAIGN EQUIPMENTS. ~ V CAPS AND CAPES ■ - On hand for the Fall Campaign. M BROOKS, BON, & CO., 6626-121*. 33 N. THIRD Street,'Philadelphia. “ y ’Small, •DE PARIS” IS 'NOT A .: AJ,paint, powder,',or paste, Fut 'a inosp delicious’ preparation that gives both the color and texture of Polyhfd ivory to the skin. EUGENE JOUIN, No 131 TENTH Street, helow Chestnut ’’ -Lif “T"’EMAIL DE PARIS” CAN BE w v msed by all ladies in the privacy of tie toilette. It removes all ipots and roughness, and its purifying, effect on tbeskrn callsforth freshness, color, and beantv E. JOUIN, No. 11l TENTH Street, below Chestnnt. “T /EMAILDEPARIS” quickly and,effectually removes.those, unsightly black worm specks which detract so much from, the beauty of (be skill., E. JOUIN, No. 11l TENTH Street, below Cbesttnut, , “T’EMAIL fDE .PARIS ” IS : EB - endorsed by Mad’lle Yestvali, Mrs.- Waller, and many ladies in private life, whose com mendatory letters, forobvions reasons, cannot be-pub lished'. B, JOUIN,- 111 S.-TENTH-Street.. VT*. ; - : rnatl should Jbe-addressed, JARED, & HEME, General Importers, Philadelphia. ec3-.mwf,tf SPEC T A G L ES, .V.' : 'AT.,.. JAMES W. QTJEEN & OO.’S, ' seSi-lm 934 CHESTNUT Street. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of all kinds, to bo had at J AME S W. QUEEN & OO ’S, se26-lm ‘ 934 CHESTNUT Street. TTNION CAMPAIGN; CLUB BADGES, jn fire gold plate,'for sale, ■wholesale and retail ocsatf - : - 531 CHESTNUT Street ' FOR AI'BANY'AND TROY, emtftwya. N; Y.—TIA BELAWaRB. AND BAPr- TAN CANAL -The barge J. STACKPOUEf now loading at first wharf beIowSPRUCE Street, OStober 12th - ‘ he allove 'I 10111 ! 6 On. WEDNESDAY, For freight, which will he taken on reasonable terms, a PP ] y to . _ B. L. - FL AN A(3 AN; Agent! oclo-3t 301, South DELAWARE Avenue. eGfegEs* FOR HARTFORD, CONN., ■Hi I I'ttSWDIRECT, VIA DELAWARE AND BA hll’AN CANAL—The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company’s Steamer PRANK,” Shropshire, Master. Quick, despatch. Apply on board, Second Whari abovs DOCK Street, or to _ , , WM. M. BAIRD & CO . Agents, oc7-3t , No. 133 South PEL AWARE -Avenue. AT REASONABLE PBICES. HCNBY SIMONS, 535 NEW MABKET Street. auction SALES. A SALE OF CONDEMNED £L HOSPITAL PBOPEBTY. Medical Pcrvetok’s Office. WASHIKOToe, D; C , October 3,188*. ■Will-be'sold; at public ancton, at Medical Store keeper’s Depot, comer F and Eighteenth streets, m (h;* city, on _ .' '“ - '--“V “ ••“ Wednesday,Octeter i£, 1S&, A-QTJANTITT OF HOSPITAL FOKIN if ORE, bS?5"?‘“W* Iron Bedsteads,; Hair Pillows, Sheets, en?j?tT Boxef,°&c 8 ’ (fc C c iair3 > - IPMY«*> ; Forks, Spaow, “pi?aluse?' rtlcleii^ave^een condemned atuaBtfor hoe- If'“o-fSSSt A n M OTCT ' By order of Major General Augur, Sargeoa V. Depot of Washington, ASSESS? sale of condemned >. . QBriaaßwrAgTEßigEwaus.s Qmo , PIUST i>lvrgif)v * -Washisotok City,October!{«... Will be gold at Pitbllc Auction, to the highest bids,er at the time and places named Below, viz-: . * MIFFLIN, PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY October IS. .1854., Wilmington, Delaware, Thursday. __ _ October 20, 1864. : YORK, PENNSYLVANIA. THURSDAY, « n October 27. 1864. TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES, AT EACH cavai^- 8 ?^ s J f as nnflt for the may”)? h'ad'r' 1 fanß,r>E Pnzpoees, many good bargain* Terns I'clshtn^iitlfltir 0c ?, romallceat »A.ST. By order of " . Jasies a. ekin. AMUSEMENTS. TVJEW CHEBTNUT-STrrffi?iw — iL^2 NAED GE ° V£E& williaS- T e R lv^ GREAT SUCCESS . • op the __ , WAREENCOMEDY COMBINATION. Theatre Crowded Nightly. Brilliant Trin™..,. SECOND WEEK of the Pine old StaiSaw Corned?® ’ ole mlrE c , B A s - e , Great Success . THIS. (Monday) EVENING, Oct. 10, f*e performance will commence with the glori™,« f&szzmismX. wSI Cali tetaa. Lady SonrhvCrou,Liv- ...... .......Mr. Chas. Barron. To be br the wiiren'Orton I spBciaUy Sta ' rer ' Jonathan ChllS RS ? m CHICKWEED PIaUr ’ Nellie;?? , G .?. ?*T eed ’ - Mr. Wm. Warren. WALNUT-STESET THIATBS^ Y” THIS (Monday) EVENING, Oct 10th, ... Miss CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, Who will appear in her celebrated impersonation of - FaNCHON. THE CRICKET. 1 in the beautifal play from the German, entitled _ T v,„ „, , fabette.. The Little Cricket Mies Charlotte Tl,ntrm,». Little Fadette, -TO-NIGHT, MissChSottl ?ho£pw£ To conclude wiih the lam habie farce of 10 “* , OUK COUNTRY COUSIN. ' Doors open at 7; Performances commence at 7>4 *** abch. YESTYALT. , -BEE DEWfyVTn . SECOFD WEEK OF YEStVaEI ° • to-nsght aud- everyNIGHT, . BEE DEMOKIO. • ANGELO... ... Ia ‘Which she will sing • r. « You aro tlis Star” and “Bravo afarm >» Seats secured three days ia advance, /oclO-tf A MERIC AN ACADEMY OF MUSIC— GBAND ■•PBESENTATION.cnNOEOTS. To le|?ass6gS.tioS 10n0 theK ? w JEWEt! Pirst-classritaUan’,' American, and German artists Will appear. Tieiirst Oodcu-s will be given ** _ .SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. isjiegf ’ .The Directors respectfully announce that tlier will give a series of Concerts, tlie, Jirsb of winch will Ska Place as above. The others trill ha given fa raoid hS cession Tickets Ore Dollar, adfficfing to t£ lad oriri^fferinrt’ 9 ’ 1 thB AsB<,ciiltlo “- ‘ APeonliar A- valuable pkesebtf with each TfcirVV value Somlii'to'lloo 0 wh?ch eilt '’frying in ticket may from the immenee stock of Je“ve??| Silver r. Breakfast -Sets, Tea Sets, Toi'et Sa^Gntil' Watches, SUvCr. Watches,,;Bracelets,* Guard ChaiSf sets Brooches, Key'dving’Pins,Kings, sStads, Slenva Buttons. Watch Keys; Dock ets, &c., So. ."and- aneud hss variety of Bijouterie Tlrtninowoii exhibition at theComDany’s depot, eiscHESTiiWrssTKgfr Envers rccaivo for SI a ticket for a first class Concert, worth more than the amount paid, together' with tha fall value of the purchase money in a; heantifalpresent* An excellent Pianist constantly performing superb airs in the Depot of the Company, Ms CHESWWstraat amln? fi£. n »y ai l e rasoectfally invited to call and ex -• £miii6 for thfiEJEelves the 2inni€D.QB variefcv nf hpimßfni “ d usefnl articles to he given awlv to ers. THE IN, Actuary. Depot and sole Office for tha FfTFSTNITTSfreff 5 a S d 11 1)!6t, jhntion Of Presents. Gl3 toe adfertllmentg. pait ‘ cttlara f W THE GRAND BILLIARD TOURNA »°°g Ml fn IMTs. -Piay^S: ■ !*aib B fbofs'dS,^f m |h^ASM w B Tj ts f ? om 26Wors for the championship prizes: V. Estephe,-C. Biid. T. W. Montgonmy, Ro bert £ Ryall, E. H. Nelms, H. W. Hewes,- J Paimer Gf)i,DTiiwl'ny A M ?n sr3; Kk Y A! ' PHElamI ISlil&anTM; I,or Bale m -'SSTEPra,-J. >W, MONTGOMERY, and K, T. RTALL, Gomtdilteeof ArraEgciaents; 5 ORDER OF PLAYING . THURSDAY AFTERNOON—Hewes h,ucL Tf ybII • MAn* BiS f ald a i4ni“lt- and PalmS ; FRIDAY AFTERNOON-Hewrs and Palmer; Mont- SATURDAY AFTERNOON—Bird and Brail- Ssteßb. gomemancipS™^ ll6 ' 76s aud Mout- MONDAY AFTERNOON-Hewes and Nelms- Mant- BM e Sd a ptifa y er ' KVESIKG and Plunkett; MISS MAJOR PAULINE CUSHMAN, will appear :on MONDAY- EVENING and raiWtl her experience as a Spy and Scout in the Union army; her Ar /I,u? n y' a r< and rescue when under ken tenm of death by General Granger. Miss-Major GUSH iurr U’wlal?rw Ia l? r !i at. AS IEMBLY BUILDINGS. Iho World renowned Stereopticon will also be exhibited, with views of Cbambersburg;. oe3-2fc A BSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT Streets. TO-NIGHT, Mies Major PAULINE CUSHMAN .will relaie, her Startling Adventures while a Spy and. Scout >d ( he Secret Service of the United States. Miss' Major CUSHMAN. wiU apjear.m her UHIFOBM, that of Major of Cavairy- and defoihe hor Capture, Sentence,.and Reecne. 186 tn AUghtof GRAND STEREOPTICON ' Admission, 26 Cent* Reserved SeatrySOCents.' Com menceat 8 See descriptive programmes-. . - . ociQ-6‘, A SSEMKLY BUILDING.—SO AEf D ' ■ STKBEOPTrOAjy,- .V. - -- ’ STKEEOPriCMJr. Tours oyer the World, . Tours over the Worldv “ - aiSo’cloclcv Tne marvelous illusion of THE “GHOST,” . THE “GHOST,” . . Alia other Splendid HoTelUes, _ Admission 25 cfs. Children 15 cts. /TASIHCL CHESTNUT ST„ ABOVE V Sixth, THE GREAT VARIETY THEASEE OF THE a gp^ pHRIST REJECTED.-THE GREAT aa? celebrated picture by West, the chef d'mivreot thejartisfc, jb exhibition at the ACADEMY OF rarE ASTS, Ko 10g5 CHESTNUT St. , in addition to tie entire Art Collection or the Academy. Admittance, 25 cents. Season Tickets, 50 cents. BOIS-lin* TPHE-ACADEMY OR FINI ARTS, -f- CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, 1b OPEN DAIRY, for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. jejg BEalaHHBaSi---- ehilabxlphia MOKE RAILROAD, „ : , , .4 . TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, October 19th, ISSI, Passenger Trains leave Philadelphia for .. Baltimore at 4.-30,'(Express,.-Mondays- excepted,) 8.05 A.M.,12M., 2 30andlf.30P..M. . - ' Chestej. at 8.05,11. 18 A. M , 1.30, 2.35, 4, 5.30, and U PM. ------ - - - • Wilmington at 4.39, (Mondays..excepted.) 3,05, 11.15 A. M., 1.30, 2.80, 4, 5.30. 10.30. and-UP.'M. . Heir. Castle at 8. OS A. M. and 4 P.-M. Dover at 8.05 A. M. and 4F. ST. - . _ Milford at 8.05 A: -M. - Salisbury at 8.05 A. H. . TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA LEAVE * Baltimore at 5.40, 3.4*3 A.'hi., (Express,) 1.10, o.2sand Ift 55 P. M. ■ : -•- ' Wilmington at 1.43, 7.15, 0-15 A. H., 12.21, 1. 1 45,. 3.80, 4.33, 6.30, andS.IOP.M.., - - ‘ Salisbury at-11.46 A. M. ' - Milford at 2 SOP. Mi . - Dover at 6. SB A. M. andS.SS-P. M. ' , New Castie atS.5O A.-M. and6P. M. . Chester at 5.15, 9;55 A. M„ 1, 2.45, 4.10, 6, '7.33, sari 9.40 P. M, .. , Leave Baltimore for Sallshury.and intermediate, sta tions at 10.25 P.M: Leave Baltimore for Dover and intermediate stations atl.lo P. M, - _ /' ' "' TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE : Leave Chesterat3 40A.-M., 3KH.andU.WF. Jfc . Leave Wilmington at 5.35, 9.25 A. M., 8.40, and 11.49 - P. M. - • - Freight Traiii with Passenger- Car attached will leave Wilmington for Porryylile and iatermedfcta plaaas at 7.SOP. SI. ' SUNDAYS. :From Philadelphia to Baltimore only at 4.30 A. SL» and 10. SOP. M. ■ Prom Philadelphia to Wilmington at 4.30 A. M., 10. M and lIP. M. From Wilmington to Philadelphia'at-1.48 A \M. and. 6.80 P. M. - -.r- ' . Only a1#9.25 P. AT. from Baltimore4o Philadelphia, ' cclO ■■ H. P. KENNET, Snp’t. WEST JEESET :RAIIiBOiD HITES. /'■' HEW AH G ANG KMENT. ’ .■ 1 d;iqss I On and after MONDAY, October 10, ISfil,- trains will .leave from WALNUT-STREET PIER as follows: ‘ ' For Cape May and all places south of Milltille at 9 AM. ; ■ a. . * V : ' For Millville, Bridgeton, Salem, and all intaTmediata places; south of Woodbury, at 9 A M. and.3.P. M For Woodbury, Gloucester, &c., 9 A. M.,T2'3f , 3. and6P. M. . • ■ -.■■■■ . RETURNING, leave Cape May at 10.30 A 31. MiHfille at 7A. M. and 3 P. Jr. T-. * « - • - nun a.w ±VM. Salem at 7 A. M. and 3 P. M. « 7 and 5.47 A M., and 2 and 145 ■ -> ; J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. - Philabeiphia;; October 10,1861 , : '' ocS-tf i .'WEST CHESTER -AND PHILADELPHIA SAID j*;:~::::;?;i:ij ROAD, vrA 3IEMA CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after MOKDAT,'Oct. 10, JSS4, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of TLORT FIRST and MARKET Streets (West Philadelphia), at B.l6and 11 A. M:, and at 2,115, and6.SOP. M. , -teave West Chester at 6.85, 8.15, and 10.30 A. 11, and 1.30 and 4.30 P. M. ■ ' " . ‘On Sundays leave Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M: '. and i P. M. -leave West Chester at BA. SI. and 4 P M. • . Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. and 4 15 P ' M., and West Chester at S 15 A. M. and~4.3oP. M .con nect with trains on the Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and intermediate points.. au xor. cc 7 HENRY WOOD, Superintendent. PIANOS, COTTAGE EXCEL- MaSVt S IO R ORGASS - MELO &5 s gasia£« Eil’S 'NEWLY IM -17 # Tl» PROVED CHESCSKT SCALE >A.V-Wwi- .-'.'•OIMWBTOS PIANOS. : „ . „ to be the best. LondonFriro Model and Highest Awards in America received. MELODKONB AND SECOND- HAND PIANOS. ee9-3m ;* Warerooms, go. TB3 ARCH St.bel. Eighth. DECKER 8R05.,. STECK <t* CO.’S celebrated .. ■ PIANOS. J. E. GOULD, SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. COTTAGE ORGANS, Sot only TJHBXCBLLED, but UHEaUAiLSB in parity of Tone and Power, deslguod especially for Onurche-i And School*. ont foundfco bg ©Qiially woll adapted to tt* Parlor aad Drawing Boom. For^b£ .. Mo. M-Boxtb'tßVSMTHJtrejt AliOt a complete auorh&eatof the Perfect Meloaeoa coMtaatir on hand. - *n39-Bia DEPARTMENT FOE CUSTOM WORK. .........TISTVAK. I KINGTON, AND BALTL
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