CITY ITEMS. , s j'orxrtiKmr of the Wheeler & Wilson sew. ■H-hlne Is best evinced by Its enormous and ,ntly increasing Eales, Nor la tholr roputa >ss abroad. The highest premium was award it at the International Exhibition in London; i Industrial Exhibition at Paris, and at ICoe urg, Prussia. Those awards were In accord, with those universally made at the various ex ions In this country. Indeed, no human test!- could he stronger than that whtoh has boon «led the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine aperto®? over all others for family uso, and moral manufacturing purposes, s Wheeler '& Wilson establishment, at Inut streot, continues to be one of the most Hr Institutions of Philadelphia. Acme or Perfection.— This is the univer jrdict given to tho Florence Sewing Machine ever introduced. The objections heretofore to ■ first-class Sewing Machines have all been eome In the Florence, and everybody is de jefl with tho beauty or Its work, as well as the jilicity and ease of its operations. It makes ho than four separate.and distinct stitches, vis: knot, double lock, and double knot. Each alike on both sides of the fabric. It also has revcrsablo-feed motion, enabling the operator isten off tho ends of seams, or stay any part of a \ without stopping tho machine, thereby saving hand-labor. Besides, ithas a uniform tension tread, ana does not require alteration In chang :om one kind of work to another. .The agent lie Company, at S3O Chestnut street, challenges tarlfon with all others. Indeed, when, such narison Is made, the preference always goes In of the Florence. Every machine warranted ve entire satisfaction, or money returned. No 'O for instruction, whether you wish to jur or not. Circulars and ■ samples of work sent ill on receipt of stamp. Office 630 Chestnut v , Gmatsst SBirriro Macsiot; Expakt.— lt igniftcant fact that wherever the “Grover & •” Sewing Machines hare been exhibited in Jtltion with-others.they tare invariably car id the palm, At liio late-State Fair, held at m, they received the silver medal for being jest double thread instrument, and their beau work was complimented with the highest pre i. In fact, it is admitted on ail hands, by per-; vho snow, that the points most requisite in a jet sewing machine are more fully combined in n Grover & Bakery than in any other. These ts consist mainly In simplicity of construction; of management; advantage'of ÜBing thread two spools without rewinding; strength of ; elasticity and durability j regularity of !h, and quietness of movement. jiRE to Bov Yotm Fail Clothing.—As the jn Is upon os when every one will he obliged, in ss or greater degree, to replenish his wardrobe, would take-this opportunity of Informing our ilers where this may be done to the beat advan l. The popular old house of Messrs. O. Somers m, 625 Chestnut street, under Jayne’s Hall, pre ts the meat varied and stylish assortment of ly. made clothing in this city, and their stock of leri&ls for making suits to order is unrivalled. >ir prices, also, are/or below thepresent gold stan f. Give them a call before purchasing. Great Triumph for the Toiest.— I “Lubin’s Floriline,” the latest Parisian sensa i, eclipses all former triumphs of the floral art. t decorates and invigorates the hair, makes It curl, eeps the head cool, fastens the hair in any desired osition, and . aids a delightful perfume imparted y no other toilet article. It is put up in beautifully mhossed cartons, and sold everywhere, Try it by ,11 means. ; Philadelphia Comfeotions.—Philadelphia has ong and deservedly had the reputation of taking he lend of at! the cities of the Union in her manu acturea. This is exemplified in a very special nanner by Messrs. E. ©. Whitman & Oo.j No, 318 ihestnnt street, in the delicious and superior oharac er of their fine Confections.' Their various new tyles candies, chocolate preparations, fine mix ures, &c., are without their equal In the world, and heir prices are unusually moderate, which arises rein tlieir ! immense trade enabling them to buy in lie largest quantities, and, of course, at the lowest rices, THB result OK Tl’Ksdat xext is looked forward d with intense interest all over the land. The do ision oi the people will doubtless be all right, and, rhatever their decision may be, the fact will remain maltered that Alter, 957 North Ninth street, will wntlnue to sell the best coal in Philadelphia at he lowest prices. Mr, A. L. Vansaht, Ninth and Chestnut streets, is the King Confectioner of our day. Go soe his magnificent counter display, and you wilt be tempt ed by the array of delicious luxuries, got up with more taste than Paris ever dreamed of. His splen did fruits, also, are now nightly and daily adorning the tables of the rich and fashionable of our oity. The fall of tbe ysab, the fall in gold, and the fall in our first-clats clothing! “ What a fall was there, my 4 oountrymen!” Olothing to sail the fall, both In material and price. Our fall and winter Stock was, perhaps, never equalled by any house in Philadelphia, embracing, as it does, the gem of the home'and the foreign markets. The purchases were made on a low gold basis, and were marked accord ingly i hut we now are making deductions from the market! price of onr goods, to suit the fall in gold. A visit to our store is solicited. Charles Stokes & Co., First-class Clothiers, Under the Continental Hotel. fiCr to Skoff.”—Shakspeare was up to snuff. XU; is demonstrated by his advice to Laertes': 11 Costly thy habit as thy puree toy-’’ The great., poet understood the importance of mn’snng'an ele gant appearance, and In his day obstliness and ele gance could not be separated. London, In the six teenth century, possessed no ’such establishment as the Kockhill & Wilson, Nos. 60S and 605 Chestnut .■|treet, above Sixth, or his advice would have been worded differently. r An Elugakt Imtiiovumivnt.— Messrs, Larkin &. Co., the well-known Photographers,atthesoutheast corner of Eighth and Arch, have now one of the largest and most elegant galleries in Philadelphia. Having made extensive alterations and Improve ments, their facilities are very much increased for, taking either large groups or single portraits. Re member, Larkin & Co. take six superb cartes for oae dollar, or four illuminated card pictures for *1 to. . . . °cs-2t ; White Virgik Wax of Antilles.—This exqui site cosmetic has no equal for beautifying, whiten ing, and preserving the-complexion. It is prepared from pure white wax, hence its extraordinary quali ties for preserving the-skin, making It soft, fair, smooth, and transparent. It is most soothing after Shaving, ourcs chapped.bands or lips, removes pim ples. blotches, tan, "freckles, or sunburn, and im parts that pearly tint to thetaoe, neck, and arms so much desired by ladies of taste. Price 30,60, and 76 cents. Hunt & Co., 133 South- Seventh street, and tl South. Eighth street. " . ocS-swtf Hukt’s Bloom of Boses—A charming color for the cheek, does not wash off or injure the Skin. Manufactured only-by Hunt & Co., 41 South Eighth Street, and 133 South Seventh street. ocS-swtf Photograph Albums in Evert Style.—Kich Turkey Morocco, Antique, Ivory Mountings, Orna mental edges, Ac, The largest, cheapest, and best assortment In the city. War. W. Harding, . 1 Manuiacturer, . No. 826 Chestnut street, below Fourth, south side. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Taking the Mint. 3JV THE HARD OP TOWEB HALT.. Sat and Ms sire, a farmer sage, Came with potatoes, corn, an£ beats. . To town, andthus the man of age Spoke, as they roie along the streets: "Among the many facts, impressed By my experience, I take note That those potatoes are liked best Which have a rough and dingy coat,” Bays Hat, " How very different, then, Mankind must from potatoes be! Hor moet regard is paid to men On whom tho trimmest coats we see. I*m sure it’s with regret I wear - r , 27ns coat, theße pants, and such a vest; And yet you've cash enough to spare To keep your eon much hatter dressed, “That building there, so grand and tall, ' (As from description I suppose,) Must bo the famous Tower Hall, Renowned for cheap and handsome clothes!' 1 The prudent' sire sansdd on his way:. He, when he chose, could take a hint, And Nat, new clad, soon looked as gay Ab a bright gold-piece from the Mint. We are selling Ready- made Clothing, equal in every ■respect— stymaterial, and Mwtoumsftip—toany jnade'.to order, at 25 to 50 per cent, dower vricm. We can tit any one as Well, or hatter, than he can be AtUd to order, without delay or trouble. TOWER HALE, No. 518 MARKET Street.' It '. BBSNKTT & CO, Gray Hair Restored to its Original AND YOUTHFUL COLOR—BALDNESS PREVENTED, "London". 1 ‘ Hair Color Restorer. 1 ’ " London” * ‘ Hair Color Restorer. ” •’ London ” " Hair Color Restorer. ” ‘ "London’.’ NO Dm “Hair Color Restorer. ” • • London ” " Hair Color Restorar. 1 ' "London’’ ■ " Hair Co .or Restorer." It Is the only known Restorer of Color and Perfect Hair Cresting Combined, Delicately perfumed. Read this Certificate. “I am happy to add my testimony to the great value Of the -• London Hair Color Restorer, ’ which restored jny hair to its original dark color, and the hue appears to he permanent. lam satisfied that the preparation is nothinglike a dye, but operates upon the secretions. At is also a beautiful hair dressing, and promotes _the growth, I purchased the tint bottle from Edward B. Garrlgues, : Druggist, If enth and Coates streets, who can also testify my hair was very gray when I commenced ite use. * * Mrs, MILLER, "No. 780 North Ninth street, Phitada. ” Single bottle 7o ■cetts; or six bottles, $4. . • Sold by Dr. SWAYNE & SON, 330 North SIXTH - Street. It KEEN—REESE.—In the Fit at Congregational Chapel, Frankford road and Montgomery street, Sep. ember 16, by Rev. D. L. Gear, Sir. Theodore M. Keen to Mlsb Bile H. Reese, both of this city. * RICHMOND—HAMSIELL. -Ou tlie 6tli mst, by Rev. George Dana Boardinan, Mr. William B Richmond to Miss Josephine, youngest daughter of the late Charles IP. Hammell, all of this city. ■ , ~' • * .PETERSON—MASSEY.-On Thursday morning, Oct., Bth, at St IPeter’s Charoh, by the Bey. Geo. Leeds, Nathan S. Petersoi to Ala/lon Y. Massey, daughter of the late Wm. E. Lehnt-ii. i . * - WILSON— ROCKH1LL. —On Tnnrsday morning, 6th •iUßtant, by thoEov George Dana Boardman, Mr. Frank lUhi» to K “.^.al gnES ' d ‘ nglltw of D,4W81 ?• 28th tI S?y I '^?r B l’ iEH ~ ln New York city, on the •' oSLSkt 1 * Haul’s Chnreh, by the Kev.F. W. Pn*£sS?B?T> er ’-» D r-H ’ David a. Yuenglina, Jr., of GBO - f-. Bey f ’ Ilh Pottsyille, Pa., on tha NpJ VrvAt ?‘ €V i J y% John A. Beyer, of HnJ . 33XEX5. Chani? , sSSrm^w^ ed * S K tbe _3oth day of September, at fiom ?ho ’h“,ilo gallantly repulsing a charge years of B - Dickson, aged 26 of Richard ( IMl! l,Begiment P. Y,, only son Som hu Catharine Dickson. B3on" a wl coroaeDcemect of the "war for the vale n Ai v a j cr .v d ,^ !0 tervieeof his country as ft prt • « am death he was in command of the regiment. Aiier life’s fitful fever The r„i.« He sleeps well. ” ftlllv levitls I s aact friends of the family are respact- J invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hia father, No. 400 South Front street, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o’clock. * DUBBs.—On the 6th instant, of pulmonary consump tion, Mrs. Priscilla Dubbs. - - The funeral trill take place this afternoon, from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Doherty, 759 Florida street, at 2 o’clock. , . Lebanon (Pa ) papers please copy. * SIMMONS. —On the morning of the 6th lust., John Simmons, in the 62d year of Mb age • . The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully inrited to attend his funeral; from W« late rnsi The i’efatives apd friends of the family are respect fall 3 myitf dto attend hci’ fnnera],. from the House of T fttl2 0 \° locl! i to prdSeed to Mount unnnpic ra6 l? n *i : %M«a3ter.piipetispleasecopy. ** voSlfT 011 tllB Wkinst., Mrs. Ann Tibben, in tho 05tb year of her age. and: friends are respectfully invited to attend, her funeral, from Mr. Nice Kealy’s, Spring road, Koxhorough, on Saturday, the Btb of October, at 2P. M. *** . ™Virn“l EH L —Captured and guerillas; on the 10th. of June, near Louisa Court House, Va., CorDOral Joseph S. Clement, of Company, ,C. 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry, In the22d year of his age. ** ths TDESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, ■D No. 018 CHESTNUT Street, have received- Blade Delaiaea. ” all-wool Mouaselines, Blngle width. “ and White Delaines. and Purple Delaines, . and White all-wool Moncselinef, and Purple “ ** Tamiaes and Bombazines - Merlnoee and Cashmeres. ' ■ • : Beps, Empress Cloths, Alpacas, fcu29-tf ■ ■ - ■ • I?YEE & LANDELL OFFER WHOLE- I i : Bestshowof MEBINOEB in town. . ' POPLINS in town. Best show of glDNSiutown. Best show of SHAWLb m town. ... . -. .Best show of CLOAKS in town. : ocl-tf ; FIRST CONGREeATIONAH CHURCH, FRAKKFOKD Hoad and SIOSTGO MEETAvenue.— Preaching by Rev. D. L. GEAR, at 10KA M. Subject: ‘ The profit of Godliness;” and at 7H P. M-; subject, Preparation to meet God. ” It- CAIVASI FRESIJ'Sr'J’ERIAIf is? CHURCH, LOCUST Street, above Fifteenth. Preaching TO-MORROW by Rev. Wolcott Calking, pastor elect, at Ida A M., and 73f P. M. . * MORAITAN CHBKCII, CORNER of FRANKLIN and WOOD Streets -The pas tor, Rev. A. A. Reinke. will preach ia the Morning, at 10)j; in the Evening at 7% o’clock, bn SUNDAY next. * 15S= THE DOTY OF CMIWSTIAHiS IST POLITICAL CONTESTS. —J T. GOODRICH on this subject TO- MORROW EVENING,at VA o’clock. Church, EIGHTH Street; above Noble. It’ BSsgr° »HAF MUTES, AND All! IX TERESTED in promoting their welfare, are in vited to attend a service in ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH, TO-MORROW (Sunday) EVENING, at 1% o’clock. The Rev. Dr. GA*LLAUDJST, of New York, will explain the Sign language, interpret the service at it is read, and give some account of the method of educating Deaf Mutes,-and the progress of Church work among them. - ■ It* • DISCIPLES OF CHRIST MEET ias? at Hall N. E. corner SPRING GARDEN aud BSOAD Streets, Elderß. FAUROr, at 10) fA M. and 7)7 P. M. Subject, evening, * 1 Pentecostal Revival. ” It* MEDIATION OF CHStIST. —BMi. b-37 LEiSN'AL Sermon. (Eighteenta of Series, post poned from last Sabbath), by T. H. STOCKTON, at ELEVENTH and WOOD Streets, SAB HATH AFTER NOt'N at SJS o clock. Morning. Sermon, 10>4 o’clock, by Rev. ALES. CLARK, ' ~ . It* *ssjf=» ST. MATTHEW’S MITHERAN CHURCH, NEW Street, helo w Fourth, between Race and Vine.—Services by the Pastor, Rev. K. W. BUTTER, on TO-MORROW (Sunday) MORNING, 10)4 o’clock. Evening Service commences lt DEDICATION OF TIIF. GERJIAS K 5& M. E. CHURCH, GIRARD Aveune, above Twelfth street, on SUNDAY, the 9th of Octuher, 1351. EXERCISES. —Half past 10 A. M., Preaching and Dedication by llov. Bishop Simpson, D. D., assisted by Rev. Dr. Durbin and others; 3 o’clock F. M., Preachiut by Rev Dr. Bartina; 7o’ clock i’. M., Preach ing by Hcv. Dr. Dnrbln, of New York. It* SPRING OAKDES-STREET M. E. &3S? CHURCH.—Rev. JAMBS NELLb, Pastor, will Preach at WH A. M. TO-'MOEROW.rand Kav. C. J. LITTLE at 7)4 P. M, - ■' : - ,7 It* ||Pv§= UNION 31. 13. CIIUKCSI, FOURTH Ifc® 4 Street, below Arch.— SABBATH, Oct 9ih, Rev. I'. B. MILLER will preach in: the morning. at IDK o’clock, and Rev. WM. RHODES in the evening at IK o'clock. , It* gS3jf“ DEV. F.BOAB 31. LETT, OF SEW AUK. N. J.v formerly pastor of the Baptist Church in Ward Philadelphia, will preach in the Beieaa Bapii-t Church, FORTIETH and CHESTNUT. Streftf, Tf-MOREOW. at 10M A- M. and 7XP- M. It* FlltSX- KKFOIttSF.Ik It VT’ € M » =5& CHURCH, SEVBNTH and SPRING GARDEN Etrre k,—Bev. J. II. 1 SBY DA SI, Pastor. Services atlo>J o'clock A M. and 7)4 P. H. Snbject for the Evening, “'the Filial Relations. ’’ it* KSW* -CENTRAL I'OSii K E<» AT tON A L CHURCH.-Rev. GEOSGEB.CHEEYSR, D.D., of Hew York, will, preach at CONCERT HAUL, TO MORROW, at 10>i A. U. and 7K P. K. Pnbßc cordial ly invited. Seats Free. It* jajgjg” SPRING «ARWKN HALL, TISIII TEBNTK and SPRING G ARDEN Streets.—The meetings of the Church of God assembling here are every LORD’S DAY at lOfilA, M., for worship, inf* ‘ the breaking of briad,” “showing the Lord’s death till He come, ’ ’ in prayer and praise, and for *' teaching and admonishing one another." ' Freachicg oi the Word by'CHARLES CAMPBELL at 7K F. if- It* - KSP 3 SPIRITU ALISSI.—SUSS LIKSSIR DOTEN; of Boston, will lecture at HANSOM STREET HALL, on SUNDAY, at 10>4 A. M , “On the uses of temptation;’’ and at IK V- M., “On the rela tionship between Modern Spiritualism and Ancient Witchcraft. ” Admittance free. f It* the MERCANTILE v XJ KI O N 01. XJ JS, Of PHIEADELPHIi. , The '‘MERCANTILE UNION CLUB." having re solved to participate_ln the geherMparade ta .be held « 'ySfiaMOfiSsfi, Scttb,’ Respectfully invite the merchants and business men of Philadelphia to testify their devotion to the 'constitution AND THE UNIOIi, By uniting with them. The Club will meet at Union League (Concert) Hall, at 7 o’clock, where badges and torches willbeprovided. To preserve uniformity .of appearance, dark clothing s desirable. . . . . . - , The following'. appointments have oeea maue* am* will be obeyed and respected accordingly: AIDS. >W. HART. CARR, R. HARPER JEFFRIES, THOMPSON REYNOLDS. ASSISTANT aiARSMALS, H C. KENNEDY, , A, H. FULLER, J. TOMLINSON, : . H. P. ATKINSON, __ E T STEEL, . CHARLES R. ABBOTT, W.' W. ALLEN, ■ LOUIS D BAUGH, H D SELL. - WM. G. MENTZ, . , T' ALLMAN - ' WM. P. ATKINSON, W A ROLIN, .. C. H. DUHEING. ' J, B. ASHMEAD. . . By order of TAJIKS ». KEYSES, Cbiel’ Slarshal, jgpf=° RALLY, UNION SXEN, RALLY I FOURTEENTH WARD. Tarn out in your might, Turn out for the right. IS THE GRAND TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION, AT 7 O’CLOCK, ON SATUBDAY' EVENING, OCTOBER 8, ISBI. The members of the Fourteenth Ward National TTnion Chib and the loyal citizens of the ward desiring to pa rade with this organization are cordially invited to meet at the ' ; ■ y hall of the national •onion club BROWN, BELOW TWELFTH STREET, To participate in the Grand Union Parade, A BAND OF MBSIC WILL -BE, IN ATTENDANCE, and Transparencies, Torches, Flags, &c., will he ready for . ' • < y. • ’ 1,000 . MIiHSV LET ALL COME THAT OAK. - Tbero-wIU be, a Chief Marshal and twelve Marshals, jnoEt .of them men of great military experience:' y FREDERICK A. VAN CLEVE, Ct6-?t,. * CHIEF MARSHAL. Tie Chief Marshal has appointed the following-natned gentlemen Special Aids: J, B. Handcock, Jacob Heritage, E. C. .Stocktfc, J. H.Pngb, And the following gentle: tant Marshals:.. . Capt, H B. Gilbert, Char] e« Pryor, Capt. J. B. Stlmson, . Thos. P. Close, , Dr Jas. Mac Htchol, Jonathan Ireland, who will ho obeyed and reel FB? : ocs-it LJSCOIN, JOHSSOH, AS» VICTORY. Foiirteeiitli Ward Parade Notice. ALL THE LOT AL CITIZENS of the above Ward are recmcEted to meet at SPRING GARDEN HALE, On Satnrflaj Evening, Bth inst., atl o’clk, To take part in the GRAND DEMONSTRATION, aa ordered hy the City Executive Committee oi the national Union Party. Tim following-named gentlemen have been selected, hr the WardExeontiTe Committee to act as Chief and Assistant Marshals on the above occasion: JACOB E. RIDGWAY, Chief Marshal. • . ASSISTANTS. M. L. JOHNSTON, ROBERT DICKSON, L- HOE ACE K. TUBBS; p H GATCHELL, WM. H. BUOA, jno a. mcdowell, - job fisher, ■ ■ GEORGE J. YOUNG. " The Chief Marshal has appointed the following gen- Sal A S BOTd!eL1 8 ; JACOB BEETZ, E*l-, L. E. FLETCHER, E‘a., H.C. OKAM, Sn.. GEO COLKETT, Esq-, j - B. MASSEY, E=<l., ' F. E, GATCHELL, Esa.- A fnll Brass Band wiil Be in attendance. Also, Torches; Flags, Lanterns,* Ac., : for all those who orae? of the* Wd Execntiire Committee of the National Union Party, Fourteenth ward:- . ' . JACOB E. EIDOWAY, .. Chief Marsha: Philip Stahl, David Cramer, E, Steel, ten were appointed AbsU- Capt. G. F. Turner, Capt, I. P. Conrad, Richard M. Staunton, E, K. Shelmerdihe, Adam Kenecht, Capt. I.'Williams, • spected accordingly. -;d’k a. van cleve, Chief Marshal. UgF'* GUANO DEMONSTRATION BT THE N ATI 0 HAL FNJON PARTY. The City Cou mittee of Snreyintendence having made amnfements for a, GHAND lEMJiSTRATiOK, o.v SAT URL'AY EVENING, OCTOBER 8, To rout’s', of a MA-S.S MEETING IN INDEPENDJ NOE: SQUARE, TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION Of the various CLUBS AND WARD ASSOCIATIONS, Have’appointed the followingnamed officers forthe pro* cession, viz CHIEF MARSHAL, WILLIAM H. KERN. The Chief Marshal therefore announce? the following GENERAL ORDERS. J.._The procession will consist of seven grand divi sions, which; preparatory to the moving .of‘the whole column, will rendezvous as follows: A FIRST GRAND DIVISION. SOLDIERS’ UNI OK" CAMPAION CLUB. MERCANTILE CLUB, AXD THE REPUBLICAN INYINCIBLES, . They will form at such point as the respective mar shals shall designate, and proceed, to Chestnut street, west of Broad, right on Broad street. SECOND G-RAND DIVISION. - .MAiISHAIrS. ISAIAH PASCOE, JOSEPH S- MONEY, , ROBERT G. PIDGEON. - The several associations of the First, Second, Third, Fourlh,and Fifth wards, in Spruce street, below Sixth, and then proceed to Market street, east of Broad, right on Broad street. / THIRD GRAND DIVISION. . MAKStrA!..’. DAVID B. BEITLER, FRANK S. JOHNSON, SAMUEL HENDERSON. The several associations of the Sixth,Seventh, Eighth, Ninth’and Tenth wards will form on Eighteenth street, below Walnut, and then proceed to Market street west of Broad,. right on Broad street. FOURTH GRAND DIVISION. , MAKSff-AUS. - H. A: j>, BROWN. F. A. KOOH3, . A> B. SLOANAKER, lON E. W AIN WHIG HT, ADAM WaKTHMAN. The several associations of the Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Seventh, Eighteenth and Nine teenth wards will form onFifth street, north of Coates street, and lake position on Filbert street east of Broad, right on Broad street. FIFTH GRAND "DIVISION. : 'MAitSHAW. : - . JOHN GIVEN, FREDERICK G. WOLBEP.T, GEORGE W. FORD. The several astociations of" the,-Fourteenth, Fif teenth, .Twentieth, Twenty-first and Twenty wards, on Broad street, north of Coates, and then pro ceed to take position on Arch street, east of Broad, right on Broad street. SIXTH GRAND DIVISION; MARSHAI.S. HENRY BRUNER, DAVID C. THOMPSON, JAMES T. VAHKIRK. Thh'eeyeral associations of .the Twenty-second, Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth wards, on Spring Gar den street, east of Twelfth street, then proceed to take position bn Broad street, north of Arcli. ’ : SEVENTH GRAND DIVISION. StAR-HAr., COL. WM. B. MANN, Will comprise the Twenty, sixth ward and all; visiting clubs, and take position in Filbert,street,' west of Broad, right resting on Broad street. - 11. The several grand divisions will he prepared to move promptly to the positions assigned at S o'clock: 111. The First Grand Division will take, its position at the head of the Column at precisely SK o' clock, and be followed by the others in succession, when, the whole precession will move over the following . - • : ROUTE: ~.. Up Arch to Nineteenth, down Nineteenth to Chestnut, down Chestnnt to Sixth, down Sixth to Walnut, down .Walnut to Fifth to Qhestant, down Chestnut RownjFo.nrth to Pine, down Pine to Second, Arch, wTAreYtO~BrosSr < h?annaAaJI l lilr4f Up -Third .to and then dismiss. . „ , , , . , jy Qubs or associations from abroad designing to participate (and they are cordially invited), ; wiU rent, dezvoue on Broad street, below. Chestnut, preparatory to being assigned a position in the line. ■■ ■ _ Y The Chief Marshal has appointed the following aids", who will beobayed and respected accordingly: ' COL. W. B. MANN, BARTON 11. JENKS, MAJOR W. A. TKORP, , ADJUTANT h. s. pollock,- CAPT. JACOB LOUDENSLAGER, . JOSEPH W, BULLOCK, WILLIAM MILLWAKD, HENRY. BUMM, . THOMPSON REYNOLDS; . EDWIN H. FITLER, WM. H. BARNES, CONRAD B. ANDRESS, ALBERT C. ROBERTS, . , ROBERT C. TITTEKMARY, BEKJ. H, BROWN, b HENRY W.' GRAY, ' ' ■ . C. B. MOUNT, ' . JOSEPH H. EDWARDS. . ' . .fPKCIAC AU»S. . . COL. W.- A, GRAY, ' A. R. FOEKISG, R. S. LEIDY, ' 1 E. T. WALTON, WASHINGTON KEITH, A. il. SLAYMAKES, WM- S. STEWART. By command of It WILLIAM H. KEEN, Chief Marshal. |ggp TWENTIETH WARD, ATTENTION! THE LINCOLN PIONEER CLUB -Will-meet THIS (Saturday) EVENING, at SK o’clock, at ELEVENTH and'GIRARD Avenue, (or TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION.* " All Loyal men are invited to participate. N. B.—All -Mounted men. Will meet at BERKEN STOCK’S HOTEL, Northwest corner SIXTH and GI-. SARD Avenue, at 6% o’clock. Badges and Torches provided for all. T. C. ROBBINS, It* Chief. Marshal Twentieth ward. gjgp . FOKWAKB, ®H J 3 lOtli MKGION!- BANNER WARE IN TEE FIELD! • THE FRIENDS OF. LINCOLN aND JOHNSON -will aE|6I “ W THIS (Saturday) EVENING-, ' At 7 o’clock, at BROAD and RACE Streets, to partici pate in. the grand TORCHLIGHT PARADE. . COME ©XE! ■' COME / AIX!!; ; and show the OF OUR COUNTRY'S FLAG by your presence that you are awake to the dangers that : THREATEN OUR FEBE INSTITUTiom ' By.’order.of the National Union Association. A. H. FBANCISCiJS, President. ; 'WILLIAM B. LEEDS, Secretary.. It ;jgg*? IAIXESTIOKIn- .' SIXTH DIVISION, SECOND WARD. V The members of the National Union Party, anAthose in favor of the Election of LINCOLN AND JOHNSON, residing in-the Sixth Division, 'will assemble' THIS EVENING, at C o’clock precis*ly, at the house of ffm.| Ulrich, S. W. corner FOURTH and CARPENTER Sts., ;to form and get their Torches for theparade. ■. . By order: E. D. BROOKS, 1 Marshal of Division. 1 DANIEL PARKER, Aid, .;• ..... It*: BKSS 5 " BBPWBIICAS'..ESVSSCXBI.'ES, COMPANY, “C." will assemble for Parade THIS BYEHlfSGatejf, sharp. The importance of eVery member parading is mged on the Company. Any one wishing equipments can procure them to-day at the Hall. ' Byorder. I. -WATKE MEREDITH, Captain. S. A. Roberts, 0. S. _ at* AM, lOTAS CITIZIEMS OF THE .In2s?- EIGHTH W A HI) favorable to ms election, of -ABBABAM. LINCOLN and AND.KEW JOHNSON are requested to meet on MONDAY EVENING, Oct. 10th, at 7% o’clock, at,the hall of the Schuylkill Hose Com uaDT. LOCUST, above Twelfth, business of import ance. :. locS-2tl JOHN M. WOLFF, Secretary. rrsr* AT THE ANHIAI, MEETING-OF BUSS’. the contributors to the YOUNG .MA.N’B INSTI TUTE, held on the 3d inst , the following named gen tlemen were elected to fill "vacancies in the Board of i . , 'WilliamWelsh. j .A. L. MwtJ, M, D.,. . Samuel V. Merrick, I John Williams. The Beard is now constituted as follows: -Pm-idehf—WILLIAM WELSH, . yiee President —AS A WHITNBY, Secretary— WlLLlAM L. REHN. Treasurer— SAMUEL FIELD. John Farnntn, Samuel Y. Merrick, John M. Ogden, A. L. Elwin, M. D.,- , John Williams, Jacob P. Jones, Thomas S Stewart, Israel Morris, Benj. Howland, Jri, Samuel C. Morton, By order of the Board. If ■ -- . V 93®= Oiiii TKACT WASTEB-J’OK A cash pmchasar, Address, with- particulars, or apply to-day, between 10 and 12, to . . DDNCAa: M. MITCSESOK, 116 South bEVEHTH Street, rtiilada. CHf TREAStRER’S OFFICE, EOS' PmPAOKLpHrA, October?, 1864.' NOTICE TO CITY LOANHQLDERS,-TheCity Trea surer ■will- pay, on. presentation, all City Loans ma turihg‘‘January 1, 18®, with interest to date of pay ment. • HENRY BITMH, ocB-6t City Treasurer. WAN AMAKER A BROWN, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1864. TRUSTEES, Philip M., Price, James D. Whetham, Henry B Tatham, John J; Thompson, Wm. P. Cresson, Wm/ D. Kelley, 8. MorriA Wain, Joshua W. Ash, M. D., Benjamin Marshall, Thomas T. Tasker, Sr, 'M. B. BEEN, Stcretary ygff” HEADHUARXERS OF THE REPUBIIOAN INVINCIISLES, Natiox.u, Hai.l, Market St., aeovk Th'Ej.vth, Pnii.AUA., Oct. S, 1861. ORDERS NO 5. I. The Club will assemble at their Headquarters THIS (6atuiday) EYENIIG, at 7 o’clock, to unite in the Grand Lincoln and Johnson demonstration. 11. Members of the Club having lamps in their pos session will return them to these Headquarters this {Sa turday) morning. . ' - - 111. The Marshal’s Aids will report to these.HeaS-, quarters, mounted. IY. The "ARTISTS’ SKETCH CLUB” will report to the Chief Marshal at 6)4 o’clock, P. M,, with their Transparency, to be assigned a position In line. Y. It is. urgently requested that all members wiil turn oui for parade this evening. l ’ All-having the suc cess of the cause at heart are earnestly invited to join the Club on this occasion. Equipments can be had at the Hiill during and Evening. '. ' ‘ , 1 By order of jggp : GRAND GATHEBI2TG OF PATRIOTS. NO NORTH, NO SOUTH, ONE COUNTRY. THE STARS AND STRIPES FOR AtMIIE MW, MAINE, MOBILE, ATLANTA, AH friends.Of LINCOLN AND JOHNSON; all gallant Veterans wi o have fought for our GLORIOUS UNION; . all Who love and honor our BRAVE SOLDIERS; all who are determined that the ' MAJORITY SHALL RULE; . all who would negotiate an honorable peace with GIJANT, SHERMAN, SHERIDAN, and / -FARRAGUT as Peace Commissioners; all who hate TREASON,, and would 'Punish traitors ; all who rejoice when our Armies ABE VICTORIOUS; All whd revere our PATRIOTIC FOREFATHERS, and still cherish their principles; all who are gratefal for the blessings transmit ted to us by the 7 ‘ HEROES dp ’76; ? : v, ; all who would preserve those, blessings for their chil dren; . ■ ALL AMERICANS, NATIVE AND ADOPTED, are requested to meet at INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, On SATURDAY EVENING, Qct 8; 1864, to testify Ihsir.devoiion to the dpKSXmJXIOK AH» XHE psioar,'' Which armed traitors in somo States, and unarmed sym pathizers la others, are trying to overthrow. ■' r : ' ■ ■ . LET THE WHOLE PEOPLE COME, and with, united voices proclaim that, in spite of SI,AVBHOLDING NABOBS . AXJ> n : ' 1 EUROPEAN DESPOTS, our Country shall forever remain a ' FREELAND FOE POSTERITY, end a home for the , ,; OPPRESSED OP ADD RATI OKS. Boa and our Country-Freedom Forever. A GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS', . a will take place, on the adjournment of the meeting', IK, THE SQUARE. >„ ' By order of the National Union City Executive Com mittee.' JOHN G. BUTLER, " oc3 fit ' Chairman Committee on Meetings. jggpd IWESTY-ITRST B ARI). TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION SATURDAY RIGHT. The LIKCODR and JOHNSON Campaign Clubs of Ma nayunk andßoxborough, will take the cars of the Nor ristownßaiiroad (special train), at 7& o’clock, in Ma nayunk and the Falls of Schuylkill Club at Falls-lane Station, same train. The Rising Sun Club will take-cars at Tioga Station, Germantown Railroad, at 7J£ o’clock,. On reaching the city, the several delegations of the Ward Wilt form on Coatos street, right on Eleventh street. Excursion Tickets can beprocured atthe’Head quarters of the respective clubs, -, •. ; The following named gentlemen are appointed Assis tant Marshals tor the occasion : • Captain JOHN DOBSON. , J. BOLTON WINFENNY, ■ . SEVIL SCHOFIELD, HORACE GATES JONES, MATHEW KOLB, • • BARTH ROOT. . - ■ SAMUEL SUTCLIFFE, JAMES BOWKKR, GEO. W. WAGNER, GEORGE RAYNOR, ) 1 Dr. J. K. MURPHY, > Special Aids. david Wallace, ) ■ U* ■ GEORGE A. SMITH,.Chief Marshal : TESTH-WARD. ' - ■EE?.-;..: : . CONTEST FOR COMMON COUNCIL, . . . PROBABLE RESULT.- Rational Union vote for S. J. Creswell-.SOO .Democratic vote . d 0......... ....1,000. _stri_GwAsire3ji£. v0te.^.............. .....;......... 1,830 Probable majority I 5- t £i».;l4aD. Thin calculation is based npon the official vote of rase Sffleial National Union vote ••<•*” ••■••••• •• ■ • 2,243 Deducting the National Union vote of .•. ■ _ j«o That will be polled by Creswell 1eave5....... 1,443 About the vote that Machette will gei, , . Therefore, it is evident that if the Democratic vote io given to S. J. Creswell ha. will be elected: hut if She is not elected then E. V. Machette wlUbe elected, for it is impossible for the Democratic partydo poll over 1,100 votes In this wind. .Again: O'ae.Democvam fseha strong interest with us that the ward should be Proper ly represented, and as they hava-made no nomination fbr Common Council.. we- confidently expect their .-vote. ' _ ___ Mfr’JTEIJNPFH: WARD. pateiotsTarouse ! : Armed traitors and secret foes are striking at the free institutions of our country. - • V.. * Freemen, give one night to yonr country. Cohie,, lend your countenance and influence to support the National Government in Its present emergencies. ■ Let 0U UNION. AND VICTORY. • ’ 'i- ' , The Loyal Citiseasoftke Fifteen h Ward, irrespective of Party, favorable to the Election of . LINCOLN AND JOHNSON, and an Honorable Peace, will assemble at the Ward Headquarters, on . SATURDAY, October s, at 8Ko: clock P. M., AT THE ‘ i .U. f corner of RIDGE Avenue and CO ATES Street, to join In the Grand Torchlight Pr ecession. ’ - JOHN J. KERsEY, Chief Marshal: GxoiirtS F. Gobhox, ' RoeektM. Bvasf, ,•• ,8 . : • - Chief Marshal’s Aids. J* *IA it «> i: A- BT K« 8 ElfiH i’ll W 3& WARD' NATIONAL UNION CLUB-., Pun.AiiKLPHiA, October Sth, 1364., : ORDER No. 1, , Y , ..'A,' I. The Clnb will assemble at their Headquarters, BROAD and LOCUST Streets, at 7 o’clock P, M , to unite in the TOKCH?LIG HT PARADE THIS EVE ■ 11. Citizens of the Ward intending to parade with the Club will please renort at that time, where torches and lanterns will be furnished them. . , - 111. Assistant Marshals will report to the Chief- Mar shal at Headquarters, at 6)2 o’clock this evening,-for The'Chief MarshalJhas appointed the following gen tlemen bis Special Aids: *. A, P. COLESBE-RRY, LOWRY BELL, JOHN M. WOLF, I ■ ■ CHARLES PORTER, .-Who will be respected accordingly. . It E : B. SMITH. Chief Marshal. .- •rrs- F'OtBTH WiBB! FOBBTE |r£? WARD ! !—LINCOLN, JOHNSON. AND LI BERTY l—Tne Loyal Men of the FOURTH WA ED will as*>roble at the Hall ot the-National Union Association, FIFTH, below Shippeh'Stveat, THIS (Saturday) EVBh- INGrirto participate In* the GRAND UKIOS TOUCH EIGHT PROCESSION. The Line ■will be formed. at tii o’clock precisely. The folio-wing named Gentle men have been tclected as Assistant Marshals—Le muel Y. Singleton,-Alexander’Usher, George Ehren-, berg, John WheDone, L&mtdrt R. Walker! D.-M.;Ha thieu, Jr., John C. Stereuger, James Smyth, H.B. Gar diner, Thomas Smyth. Marshal of yavalcade—James : Smvth The Chief Marshal has appointed the following Gentlemen as his Special Aids-Adam Hill. Robert Mat lack. Lytle J.Uutst, Thomas K. Irvin A fall Brass Band Will he in attendance. KENNEDY MeCAW, - I£* , . Chief Marshal, 'BraEF“ -SATIOS A.Xt HK'XOX PASTY, Sag? FOURTH PRECINCT, TWENTY-FOURTH WARD.—The citizens of the Fourth PrecinctTwenty fonrth Ward, intending to participate in the grand TOKCHEIGffT TEOCESSIONASD MASS MEETING, are rtqueated to meet at the Hnil, -a __ _ LANCASTER Avenue and MEBTINGtHOUSE Lane,, : ■'IHIS (Satnrday) ayEMtNG,.at. So’clock By order of ’a. ' THOMAS Htl AJEU, - - Bit* ' ■ a- ■ - . Assistant Marshal. - 3?XF-T'®KNTH'L WA.BD.-THE; Loyal citizens of the" FIFTH PRECINCT, In tending to participate in. the procession on THIS (Sa™r day)EVENING, will meet at the Northeast cornet of TWENTIETH and CALLOWHILt., at 6 o’clock. Alt. JAMES DALYi-PreciACt Marshal- •3®“'. HPTEEITH WABB, ffe'TH §=£* PRECINCT. -The . NATIONAL' UNION OITI- v ' ZENS of the Precinct are requested to meet at the House ' of C. Game, >3104 COATES Street, at 6>£ o'clock on SATURDAY EVENING, to march to the Ward Head- ■ Quarters and join the /A GRAND TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION. It* V WBt. MATTHEWS, President. ’ • ft333=A kaict TO THE SSJPI'OBT of OUR PEACE COMMISSIONERSL - FIFTH WARD-GRAND UNION DEMONSTRATION. The UNION MEN of the ward are earnestly invited to meet at 603 SPRUCE St., THIS (&tturday) EVENINGr Sth inet.. at ut, o'clock, to join the GEE AT-TORCH LIGHT PARADE. ; A full Band of Mu.ic will be mat tendance, Equipments famished to all. H* I. 8. ATKINSOfI, Jr., Secretary, arts?*" FIFTfC WARD.—A MKKTfMO OF 'K3E? the UNION MENof the ward will he held at the Good Intent Hal), 603 SPRUCE 8t , on MONDAY, ; 10thInet., at 7>iP. M, DIVISION OFFICERS are par ticularly requested to attend. ocS-2i* a I S. ATKINSON, Jr., Secretary. KEYSTONE CLUB OF PESSSYIi- SE& VANIA. -SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC —To prevent any violation of the Peace on thenigkfc ot the KepnblicanaV parade, the Committee of Arrange* ments of the Kevftone Club have ordered the CHEVr* .NUT STREET ROOMS of the Club to be closed on THIS (Saturday) EVENING. Tie exhibition of the Dissolv ing Views-will also be suspended for this night. By order of the Committee-. .. ?■. • a It*GTATLOW JACKSON, Chairman. MILITARI. Vi SWORD EXERCISE.—OFFI CEES of the army and others deslronscf learn /FwVA ink the beautiful and useful science of Btt&sk 1 and defence with the BROAD SWORD, can have immediate instruction In class or private lessons. , PROF. McANULTY, Post Office, Philada.,Pa.CseM-lm*, Tj'DUCATIOHAL ESTABLISHMENT X-i foe YOUNG GENTLEMEN, at Roedelheim, near FraDkfoft-OTi' the- Main, Germany. Apply for circulars at LEYPOLDT’S Library and Bookstore, 1333 CHEST NUT Street. . . . > . oeß-3t* T3OSTON BROWN BREAD FRESH .DAILY. GEORGE T. RILEY,. orS-tit* 1115 RACE.Street. POTTERS’ CLAY-IN STORE AND A for sale by JAS. WOODMAN, Agent, - • . ocB-3t*. . No. 146 WILLOW Street. GKEAT CENTRAL CLOTHING HOUSE, CHARLES W. SMITH, Chief Marshal. VERMONT, i SHENANDOAH. ___^TA^iß*nrjßOOßB. w hosihhy. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. ■- J. M. II ATVMIIGrII, m. SO3 CHESTNUT STREET, Has now in store a frftl assortment of the celebrated makes of ENOLISI-I PIOSIERV. ..■■■ « r. ; - bai-beiggax xiose axd half hose, BKETTIE'S hose, shirts, akd drawers, EXTRA HEAVE SII.K SHIRTS AJfD DRAWERS, IN ALL SIZES,' FOK GENTLEMEN. ,OCB-lf. . : ~r; gELLIKG OFF BELOW GOLD PRICES. 35 T0 ? 40 PER CEfITT.' HEDirOTIOiJr.- - - ‘ • Out* prices .are 1 Jower than tha t of any otlisr house in the tits'. Persons wishing to huy ffood g: o o x> s. Of all kinds, at low juices, can do : so by calling onus.. Do it at oncc£.as it is highlyprobabla that prices will b® much t) e Reason.advances. , We quote be low tj 1 ®,P ric ® B of a few articles best known,- and would add that wo ate celling all our. stock at equally as low .rates,. ’■ •. COOO American Delaines,new styles,4ocents. , Memmac,.Sprague, and American,prints, new dark styles, cents. ’ a SSS?«f lighi stylesi 31% Beats. . .Good Dark Style Pants,, fast colors. 25 cents. ' Nard wide Bleftohed BlusUns, 40 and 50 cents, . William sv.iHe,J.S2>i cents; : Wajnsutta, 60 tients. , , ... 'Hew Tort: Mills, 65 cents; : : 6000 £ards,pla3n,all.wool Delaines. ‘ Aziiline Blue>, Purples, Blacks, Browns, Modes, i Hagbatas,. Greens, Cuir, v a&4 Grays, 6% cents. S, These godds were bough tat auction, at a tremendous tho.importer. - ? : ■ ■■■•■■ >■ ■■ i >Freich Mermoes from $1.25 up. . - i: . French. Poplins, $1.28t0 $2 50,.- t ;Donble- width, figured i(lohialrs, 62K cents. - ‘ And great variety of otli jr Dress Goods, at prices low , enough for all, •- - «. H. STEEL & SON, ocB : 6t . Nos,-1!3 and Tl 5 Horth TEHTH Street. Q.BEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES'" ' f jltL AKD ‘WINTER CLOAKS. Oar stock comprises the - ~ „ ; ' .CHOICEST NOVELTIES. - Al>o, WATER-PROOF CLOAKS, made in the best maimer, at less than usual prices. : " - : > CDEWEN STODDAET & BROTHER, • I ■■■■■. ■■ ■ : 450, 453, and 453- NorthVSecond Street, ;Oc3-3t o' . ✓■■■ ■. . ... ’ above 'Willow.' gCOTOH NURSERY D I APERS, ~ FR&M- AUCTION, AT REDUCED.PRICES; • CUR WEN STODDAET & BROTHER, ■mt, 452, arid 454 North SECOND "street, .beS- - - ■...' , - : L _ ■ Above Willow. . •CTAMILTQ3Sr, PACIFIC, AND AME- Aj*. RICAN ' - . . MG.ljssedin:- dbt-aines, • TEOSr AUOTIOJTi at'kedcoei) prices. CUE WEST STODD ART & BROTHER, - #5O, #52 and .#s# kortli SECOND Strept, AboyeWUlow' ocS : JJAHD-LOOM TABLE LINEN, ' ' -FROil AUCTION, AT REDtICED-PRICES.' > CTJRWER STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 453 and 454 s*orth SKCOSD Street, ocS ■Above Willow. piAID" AND STRIPED SHIRTING I'LANNELS, FROM AUCTION, AT REDUCED PRICES. -OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 45S and 454 North SECOSTD Street, oeS ; Above Willow. opening. ' J. M. HAFLEIGH, NO. 902 CBESTNUT STREET, / ~ Wlin’HXatElT mif"""" NEW STYLES s '.FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, |ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 10. OCS-St ' - /■ . QTE&JE.AJF KEDTJCTIGN - GREAT REDUCTION in prices of all kind Goode, at BAMBERGER BROS’., 105 North EIGHTH Street, third; Store above Arch#*' .The largest and best assortment of . ■ LADIES’ BIERINO VESTS AND DRAWERS. MEN’S AND CHILDREN’S UNDERSHIRTS AND aijirlces greatly reduced and much lower than at any othel ' Stole ' . HOSIERY ! HOSiEEY ! ! -The largest Etook of all kinds of Hosieiy in the city,, and cheaper than at any other Store. ~ , - . T CORSETS, GLOVES. LINEN BOSOMS, BALMORAL ■ ’SKIRTS, MOROCCO SATCHELS, at greatly reduced prices. , . - . LINBN HDKFS ! LINEN HDKFS ! Of all kinds, thecheapest in the city. .. ■;• = - All the Staple Trimmings at prices mnch below those of any other Store, snch as the very best Needles and Pins, only : s cents apaper; very best Flack.ltalian Beving Silk, only $l.lO aa ounce best Skirt Braid, full-five yards, 14 cants apiece ; best 200-yard Spool Cotton, only 12 cents a fpool; Hoots and Byes: BnUons of all kinds, Tapes, Ac., all .Oc-S-2tr : . , . ' . 105 North .EIGHTH Street. THREAT BARGAINS !—GREAT RE VA DUCTION in prices,. at TAGG St BRO’S., corner TENTH and PINE. . New goods from aution. 1 - 1 lot London water-proof CioaTangy very nne, ?2.25. 'l-loTColored figured Heps, extra quality, l lot black crape Parissenes, for mouriung, $l. 25a I'lot very fine Aronmirg Alpaccasi $1;25. anti $L 40; - 1 lothigb colors Scotcli Flaids, for misses, 62K cents, - 3 lot plain bigK colors Alpacas, and 75 cents. Mlot 12i4 Marseilles Spreads, fine tmaliiy, $lO. • llot 13 4 do do ' : do • .-&lo.' llot Ladies’-CordedßorderLinen'Hdk’te, 30and35c. * 1-lot Ladies’ Hemstitch, two-inch border Handker cbiefr, 44, 60. and SO cents . •• ' ■ ; I lot Hair Brushes, old prices, 25 to. (5 cents. I I lot Buffalo, Ball. Back Comhs, only 60 cents. 3 lot ladies’ Silk Fleecy-lined Gloves. 40 cents. Hot No. 50 double-boiled Black Silk Ribbon, Me. Hot No. 50 Heavy Plaid Bonnet Ribbon, 62c to $l. ~ .. Tlot No. Bbighcolors Plaid Ribbon Velbets. 6ic._ __ Hot No. 5 -Colored . Corded . Edge Velvet Ribbon, 25 C Tlot P No. y !Magenia Vtivetßibboiicents P« r piece. Hot No 3K Black and White Cable-edge Ribbon, fulfline rotions, Bonnet and - Trimming. Sib ..bons.'by piece or yard, Edgmgsr.Gloyes, Hosiery *«•. &c. Bargains opening daily. , . . o co-.c MEDALS," IN FINE GrOLD AND SILVER, SOB SABE AT 1? U G H’S» SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. This is the •• ONLY CORRECT MEDAL LIKENESS a of the President of the United States, ' ‘.ME. LINCOLN "-■ HAVING FURNISHED THE IHtOTOCRAI’H . ’from which the. die was made, and from which V''' THIS MEDAL IS STRUCK, at the request of his Philadelphia friends. ocs 6t* i- . - - ' ' ■ - ■ - ' " - TTNION CAMPAIGN CLUB BADGES, UP in fine gold.plate, for gale.-wholesale and retail, ’• M 8 3t* - 531, CHESTNUT Street. THE ROSS OIL COMPANY.—CAPI- A TAL 8100,000.' . SHARES 81 EACH,PAR VALUE.- The lands: are situated in Horse Creek Eddy, Venango county, Pa. One well averages 180 bblsuiLper week, add a second welllßhelnghoied. A dividend of two per cent. on the;capital stock ie now ready, and a regular monthly dividend of 3 per cent; can be paid on the pre sect yield of oil. A few thousand shares at one dollar each can be had, if applied for immediately. . . - Fall particulars given, aud subscriptions received by the agent for the Company A MARSHALL, Jr., ! It* . 313 WALNUT Street. ’ WEDDING B v PARTIES, AND FAMI- W, LIES furnished on theAmoet reasonable terms. Particular attention paid.".GEORGE T. RILEY, No. 1115 RAGE Street. ’ ■■ a ucd^Sg. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST LIGHT A IN THE WORLD, AND THE CHEAPEST STORE TOAPUROHASE LAMPsT, &c., IT, is M. B. DYOTT’S, 114 South SECOND S;reet, below Chpstnnf * corner of Carter street., .THE LARGEST ■S»B UF EVERY AR TICLE IN THE LINE TO SELECT-FROM ; E«necial attention paid to having A FULh vAItI hli OF SUIIP,'SIGNAL, AND OTHER LANTEENo. Whole sale an d Retail. ; , _ rfARTES - DE YISITE PLEASING V-f styles of admiredand popular •Photagraph!! made at B. F. REIMER’S Gallery, 634 ARCH Street. -They never 1 ail pleasing all who patronize them. 1A - imi FOR PICTURES OF BEAUTY, tfli 1 .tJD accuracy, aud durability. REIMER’S Co lored Photographs of .world-wide poimlarity See spe cimens. ■ Secure one at the popular Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. .. :' a H A "PHILADELPHIA LOCAL EXPRESS -A COMPANY.—DuIIy Express to Germantown, Chestnut Hill, Atlantic City, Ahaecom, Egg Harbor, ""-BAGGAGE CONVEYED TO ALL THE RAILROAD LINES. A". ' ■ a: ; ... a OCS-Im TkYOTTYILLE GLASS WORKS.— ■*-' Having:afnrnacenow in blast, we a» .prepared to execute ordere for Carboys. Demijohns,: Wine Bottles, Mineral Water and Porter Bottles, of every description. H B. &0. W. BENS EES, 27 South ERONT Street. sc2B-12tlf QHOVEIS AND SPADES-1,200 DOZ. fov sale at reduced prices at 1 _ . .. GEORGE HALFMAN S Shovel Factory, ; ' oc4-tuths6t : ' H. W.-c-io. QUARRY amVBRE AD Sts, S. E. COE. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS, «Ew PVBLICATIOKSi J.JTRRA.H FOR liiieoLi aid jorasom A new'story of ANDY of wo-aiorfal interest, called THE TA.IJLOK BOY, Will be published ia a few days by J. E. TILTON & CO., J)EAD THE ■ BIAMMOTH aVI3V/SX»A.-pi3R: BOI'BLI-SHBIT EYENINfi TIIECrRjiPH!!! • DOUBLE-SHEET JIYEIfIKG TELEGRAPH I ! -I DeUBLI-SHlfif IYMIHGTELEGRAPH!!» CONTAINS FIFTY-SIX COLUMNS. • : LATEST WAR HEWS FROM ALL POINTS' 1 ' CHOICE LITERARY MATTER FOR FAMILIES!" . ’. Also, HISTORY OP THE OIL DORADO!!! - ITS RISE-AND WONDERFULiFROGRESS!'!" THE' PETROLED M ARISTTCRACY!!! . -SINGULAR! .'DEYELOPMENTS ABOUT THE.: CSffl ‘ - MADE OP THEIR WEALTH!'!! ASTOSISIUKG FREAKS OP NATURE AND FOR -O . .TUNE’!! -THE OIL PRINCES AND PRINCESSES!!!. BDIAMOKDS, EQUIPAGES, JANU PALACES!!! HOW TO'KEACH THE OIL REGIONS,' AND' HOW TO .. . -.GET-RICH WHEN YOU GET THERE'". - NAMES OP THE LUCKY BORERS:'.! TO ABVERTISESS. - ..The EVENING,TELEGRAPH-bas double the circula- 1 tion of any Afternoou newspaper in'America except oue published in New York, auddias the-largest circulation ofany newspaper in Philadelphia, .except two Morning journals,. ' • Advertisements should he left at the office before 1-3 o’clock M 'to insure insertion in all the editions. " It JUST PUBLISHED, TI-3IC YANKEE OOjVOCltlirr; OK, EIGHTEEN MONTHS IN DIXIE. BY GEORGE ADAMS FISHER. Introduction,by the Rev. William Dickson. HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED. This work, written in bold and stirring language, bv a conscripted, teacher in Texas, gives a most startling account of the workings of_the Rebellion in that re mote part of the Bouth.. Mr. Pisler,' a gentleman of Northern birth and education,had been several years in Texjts before the' beginning of. the' war, and being a close observer of men and motives, 1 - was thoroughly prepared to read-the causes that'.led to'Secession, and its consequent "reign of terror” in that State,, which, of all others, should have been, the last to desert, the flag that rescued herfrom barbarism. Mr; Fisher’s book isireiiable .in all its details,'and is the yet published in substantial form, from the wild interiors.of T, xas. The .incidents of his bro-: ken home', his loss of friends and property,'hisconscrip tion, attempted desertion, 1 receptors, and final escape from the rebel army,tn the darkness of night: wander ings over the mountains and through the Indian coun try, and on through ho's.iie Southern Missouri—Are - All' -related with a pathos and force such as only a loyal heart in fiercesuffering can-express. _ This volume contains many important historical: re cords of the rebel movements in the Southwest, such as will be anxiously sought for hy future generations, in the study of our'natiou’s greatest crisis. - The public will find the ‘ - Yankee Conscript” of-permanent value, as well as of tlriiiinginteresL: Price SI;2S. postage paid '■ : -'4®“ Agents wanted in .all parts of the country, to Whom great inducements are offered by the Publisher. Address all orders to " : J. W. DAUGHADAY, Publisher, .It ; -130 S CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ; THE OIL COMPANIES. J- . THE COMMERCIAL LIST AND PRICE CURRENT, Whicli is rcliab’e authority, contains'to* day a valtta ble table, giving a list of one hundred and thirty- four . Oil Companies now organized in this city, witii a nomi nal capita! of ' 'r V ... : SEYKNTT MILLIONS OF DOLLAES ! The editor, Mr. S. ;N. WINSLO.W, fearlessly exposes the bogns character of many.of these organizations, ii* „SE y E NEW BOOKS. : THE . SUPPRESSED BOOK ABOUT SLAVERY !-A remarkable work, in every respect; written and stereo typed in 1857, bnt never published till now. Why it vms BCTPRKBSBD, will be, apparent to the reader, : It is no baikneyed hash of ancient sayings on Slavery, but fresh.-vivld, awakening, cutting io- the quick, and compelling attention. Plentifully.lllustrated with wood cuts in the highest style offxylographieart.-* The pub lic are already clamoring for It.- 12mo, tinted paper, cloth bound, $2. • - • . .NEARER AND DEARER. “A charming and amusing Love Story, by the author of that splendid college book “ r«-d««f Green. ”, It is .filled with comic illustra tibns; and. one of the best selling books of the year. 12mp, cloth, tinted paper. $1.50. :■ THE WINTHROPS:—A very clever, new American novel. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. • Down in Tennessee. Edmund Kirke’'riiwbooi’. & -Oruife Victoire. -'A usw -AAi: ‘' , _QUett, A charming... . : : A BHMEAD &. EYANS XL , HAVE JUST KECF.IVBD LINDISFAEN CHASE. A Novel. IBy T. Adolphus JEAN-PAULSICHTER. ' ByE. Bl Lee. *. ESSAYS ON SOCIAL SUBJECTS. From the Sabttr&ay JOHN STUART MILLS’ ESSAYS.. Tinted paper, 3 vols Avaluable and handsome work.- ■ ■ , - ■ RELIGION AND CHEMISTRY; or, Proofs_of God’s Plan in the Atmosphere 'and its Elements. • By Josiah P OUR I AkBRICAN MERCHANTS. Edited by Freeman Hunt. Illustrated with steel.portraits.^. ' _ . THE POTOMAC AND THE RAPID AN. Army Notes, from the Failure of Winchester to the Reinforcement of Rosecrans. By Alonzo H. Quinn, 2d Massachttsetts I! EMLY CHESTER. A Novel. x ' BLACK AND WHITE-LIES,. By Mrs. Leslie. EVAN DALE. Anew novel. , NEW JUVENILES AND NEWNOVELS,too numerous ‘"STANDARD WOKS and books of all kinds iu every variety of biading, now receiving from the IateTSADL SALES, and will te sold f«^ Ks> , Successors to WaP. .Hazard, .. ocS - -Xoi-va* CHESTNUT Sweet. . FIXAIfCIAL, Proposals" foe loan. 5-90 ; .TuEAStTRV ;Hl v PARTM£XT, .. . ■Washixotox, October 1, JB§4 SEALED OFFERS will be received: at IMb Depart ment, under Use act of Congress approved June 30th.', 1664, until the noon of FRIDAY,- the 14th instant, for; honde of the,United. States to the amount of forty mil lions (40,000,000) Of dollars. The bonds , offered will bear an interest of six (6) per centnm, payable semi annually in coin, on the first days of May and Novem ber, and -will be redeemable at the pleasure of the Go vernment after five (0) years, and payable in twenty (20) years from November Ist,. 1864. Each offer must be for fifty or some multiple of fifty dollars,: and must state the sum, including premium offered for each; hundred dollars, or for fifty When the .offer is for no ■ more than fifty. . Two per cent.'of the principal,; exclu ding premium of the whole amount hid for by each bid- . der, must bo depotited as guarantee for payment of sub scriptions,' if accepted, with the Treasurer of the United Sates, at Washington, or with the Assistant Treasurer, "at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or St. Louis, or with the designated depository at Baltimore; Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, - Chicago, Detroit, or Buf falo, or with any National Deposit Banff which may consent to transact the; business without charge; for which deposits duplicate "certificates vwill be issued to tho depositors by the officer of tho Bank receiving them, the’ originate of which mast be forwarded with’ tie ’offers to this depot), All "deposits should be made in timo.for the certificates with; the offl- ! cers to reach Washington not later than the morning of October 14th, as aforesaid.. No offer not accompanied - Deposttwlll be considered, byiis-propc- - ' , this The Coupon and Registered Bon». * proposal will be of the denomination of fifty dollars, one hundred dollars, five hundred’dollara.- -and one thousand dollars.. Registered Bonds of. five thousand dollars and. ten thousand dollars will be issued if re quired. / All offers received will be opened on Friday, Ooto- ; Her 14. The awards will be-made by the Secretary to the highest offerers, and notices of acceptance or declina tion will he immediately given to the respective offer ers. In cases of acceptance, bonds of the description and denomination preferred; will be sent;to the sub - scribers at the cost of the Department on final payment ofinstalihents; The deposit of two per cent, will be reckoned in the last instalment paid by successful offerers, and will be immediately returned to those whose offers may not be accepted. The amount of accepted' offers must be de posited with the Treasurer, officer, or bar k authorized to act under this notice, on advice of accepiancp of of fers, as follows: ; ’ ’ ; One- half on the 20th of October, and the balance (in cluding the premium'and original two per cent, deposit, on the 31st of October. Tho Bonds will hear interest from November Ist. • Interest bn deposits from that date to November Ist will be paid by the Government in coin. One-haltof the first instalment, or twenty five per cent, of the accepted offer, may be paid, with accrued interest to October 14th; in United States “ Certificates of Indebt edness;” but such certificates will lie used in part pay ment of the first instalment only - , ' 'Offers under this notice should be endorsed ‘' Offer for Loan, ’ ’ and addressed to the Secretary of.the .Trea sury. ■' ' '' The right to decline all offers not considered advan tageous to. the. Government is reseryed by the Secretary. oc3-toc!4 PRICES TO ,STJIT THE TIMES.— -A- ‘ Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, 'Tabs, Lap-Boards, Baskets, Floor, Table, and Carriage OilCoths.Cord- QMOKING TOBACCO.—AN .INVOICE Keei just received and thr«Uf br MMON> & co -Sf w»gfgh. TASTEFUL and SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING! BOSTON W. P. FESSENDEN, Secretary of the -Treasury. METAVS. jjETALS: metals: & G. TAYL OR (.! 0 () , 303 'BRANCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, J . XitrOKTERS ANE DEALERS IDT TIN PLATE, SHEET COPPER, INGOT COPPER, PIG TIN, PIG LEAD, SPELTER, ANTIMONY, BABBIT METAL, BLACK LEAD CRUCIBLES, \ ••• ... AMERICAN SHEET IRON, AMERICAN BLOOM SHEET IRON, GALVANIZED BLOOM SHEET IRON, IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET, RUSSIA SHEET IRON, HOOP IRON, of all sizes and numbers. ROUND IRON, 0-16,1-4, 5-10,3-3, 7-10,1-3 ■TEAZLE IRON, .CAST STEEL, PILES OF ALL KINDS. RIVETS OF ALL KINDS and sizes, WIRE OF ALL'KINDS and sizes, REGISTERS OF ALL KINDS, ♦ VENTILATORS OF ALL KINDS. / -EMfcRY, BORAX, <S:c., &c. ■ / /it* WANTS. A YOUNG BUSINESS MAN, WITH* $7,000 in cash, wants an interest in a good Whole sale or BetairJSOTlOir HOUSE? is agood AccTimtaat, having been in the'employ for years of one of the oldest; Uiy rGoocsßonses in this city; Address '‘Merchant, 5 ’ this office.' - : v- oc7*3t*. WANTED P ARTNER, ' ACTIVE TV preferred, witii 55,0D0, in a Manufacturingbusi ness; profits 3arse; security given if.required Com munications confidential. ' Address “Security,” Press office. ; ; ; ■■■■■'. ■ ■ o’cS-2 .* - WANTED-BY A YOUNG LADY, A ’ Situationas TEACHER of the EidmenHiy Bn glisli branches in a Private School,' or as Vlsitmr Go- TfS I *-!? w 5 ' girwii. Addreu B. :Y. M., Philadelphia Rost Office. It;- •WANTED—ROOM WITH POWER.— “ ' .Two rooms about 30 by do feet, ones qa the ground, withf-ix or sigh;-horse power, Address “J; & T.," Philadelphia V 0. it* WANTED A SITUATION IN A , T* 'Wholesale or Retail Drug Store by a young man, recently dischargedfrom thearmyjhas had some exps lieiice. No objection tp leaving the city.--Address ‘ W.,” Prc-is Office." ' ' • /-It* .WANTED-50 FIRST-GLASS WAGON • , MAKERS; 25first-class Carpenters; 25first-oiass Wood-workers. Steady work and good wages. Apply at the National Wagon Works, SECOND ;and CUMBEEL AND Streets,' on and after the Sth October. HENRY SIMONS, 535 NEW, MAP.KE P Street. bcß-thsmSt* WANTED—PARTNER*- ACTIVE. OR - * * silent; to engage in a respectable, pleasant, and profitable business, of long standing, In this city. Ca pital required, from'ss,ooo to $25,000. Direct, '“Part ner, 1: this ofilce, with, real name and address.; ocfi-3t* WANTED—BY A BUSINESS - MAN, yT having four or five hundred dollars, an interest in some business as an active partner. Is not afraid to work,-or would have no objections to going into a good Country Store. Has bean at tbo busi ness fifteen years. . The best of references “from-country and. city, mer chants.* 'Address “Country Merchant*-" for one week, at4Ms office. ocd-4t* ; EMPLOYMENT HOUSE, THE LARG est andmost reliable, for city and country. Has always a good selection of capable persons, with good references. Americans, Irish,English, French, Ger mans, Scotch, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Farm Hands, Coachmen, Watchmen, Ac. Cooks,} .Chambermaids, Seamstresses,.- Laundresses, Waitresses';" .andi-generaT Housework Servants Also, Colored Servants.. Hos. 803 and 80* LOCUST Street,, above Eighth. ' ' ” . . , ■ : seZl-lm■ TINKERS WANTED. A ' Chief Quartermaster's Office, ; Depot or Washikotost, WASHJKOTOSfD. C., September 21,1861. WASTED, AT the Government Work shops, corner of NI3SETEEKTH and F Streets,-TWENTT GOOD TISBMITHS, or men whd-uaderstand the maun- i factnre and putting up of Sheet Iron-Stoves. Wages: Seventy: dollars, per month,.with a ration. 1 •Also, of-hospital when eick. ■’ ’'■ j WIL- PURCHASE A PROFIT fiwita CASH BUSINESS, .Expenses dteM. •SFIMTBD-TO .BENT OR BUR -HHtCHASE. a modern-built HOUSE, located between • ■PTnwixm.-Pinektreets, Broad amLthe Schuylkill .-A&- dieee “6. ."'BowMßSPostpfiice..'■ _ > f ; ocS : 6i* FOR: SAS.E AM© "pOR SALEj : ; . , VALUABLE OIL TERRITORY IN VENANGO COUNTY. T APPLY TO , WMY H. PtIOHARDSON, f 500 MARKET Street OIL LARDS! OIL LANDS'! S-FOR V/ g A tE CHEAP—On Sugar, Wolfa. and Federal Creeks, Ohio. Theaedands are very rich m Oil, and are being, rapidly , and successfully developed. lira South FOURTH It. , second story, ho. 4. peg-wths.-t* ROE SALE—A LARGE LOT OF on westerly side oLGermnatown Railroad,. south of Montgomery, suitable for a factory, raal yard, &c Apply to WM. ROSSELL ALLUA, S. E corner FOURTH and WALNDT Streets. ; . ocB-3t*. M for sale-the handsome new hrick Dwelling, complete in evf ry particnlar Ko 1429 North Thirteenth street. .App.v to WILUIAM. ROSSELL ALLEN, S. E corner FOURTH and WiL HBT Streets. : ■ ■ 1 ocS^St*. M. FOR SALE VERY LOW—THE Property N. W, corner of Oxford and Hancock streets, comprising one brick and five frame buildings.- ApplytoWM. ROSSELL ALLEN, S. E, corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets. : - ocS 3f m FACTORY PROPERTY, AND^k -HIaFAKMAT PBIVATE SAXE,—A valuable Wa—li ter Pifwer, suitable for almost any manufacturing busi ness, with Farm attached, about four miles from Ken net Sahara Station, on the Philadelphia and Baltimore 'Central Bailroad, and nine miles from Wi mington. Two good Stone Mansions, with outhouses, barn.&e. Also, four other stone houses, and one of frame, the whole capable of accommodating ten to twelve families, and a store, and mostly occupied. A stone and-frame IK illhoiu e SB by SO feet, three stories and attic; 114 acres of good rtd-clay-creek land, 7a of which are arable, with a sufficiency, of-rail timber., ■ , • , A Country Store lias been earned on for nearly fifty j ears; good neighborhood. convenient to pee tings, schcole, and mills; is a "very desirable, ami pleasant location,'and includes the strongest Water Power now in the market in that section of country. -■ , . Areceht sntvey has been made ffir a railroad, passing through this place, to connect Wiimlagton; with ths Philadelphia and Baltimore Central and Pennsylvania ra The wice isiess than it would cost to-erect the build ings and improvement;!. A large portion of the pur chase money may remain m the promises. ,• • Possession of: the Mil!,.the power, and some of the houses can he had immediately, and of ilia whole pro perty next spring. . For further particulars anpiv to . ■ .• J AGO is Wilmington, Delaware. m FOR SALE—SPLENDID WEL- Beiil XING, on Wallace street, east of Nineteenth. Lot 19 by ICS. Price,_BS,loo. Immediate possession. TO BENT OR Fort SALE—elegant Dwelling, No. 1619 Mount Vernon street. Price, $7,510. -Rent, -S6DO XO KENT OE FOR SAM—Store and Dwelling,No, 216 Sooth second, street. SS. 000. Kent, $350, for tlia dweUliig.part. . For further real estate matters getihirEvenin.ipTele avct'Dh' of to-dsy. GEO* G. ftll-LiitSllj’ :V V m- ■ '■■■ No. m North SIXTH Street. , r FOE SALE—Arch street. No 119, Store and Dwelling. Lot 17 by . 101. $6,700. If altered, $l,lOO rent can be K °leGH Street—largo Dwelling, north side, east of Sixth. Lot 25 feet front by 237 feet deep, to Oher— street,, with fifrt-rate stable on that frj- 1> FcsßestionineodhJß) t v MtLLBK, „ . ' a - . - Ho. IS4 North SIXTH Street. Jfe- Donlt forget lo Supply yourself with an Evening Teltgrapk oi to-day, if yon wish to purchase real es vFOK SALE.—Get the Evenin'! Telegraph of to-day, . if yon with to purchase a good House, Mansion, Lot, or an A No. 1 Farm. . - MILLER, It - : No. 15i Ncrth SIXTH Street. 4g£ PO R SAL S T O CLOSE ; AH JH ESTATE—A two- and- a-half-story Frame DWEL LING, fcwen Koome, Bath, and X2I3 Lo- CDST Street. Atso, two-story Brick STORE adjoining, pays 10 per cent. , " ■ It* ® V FOR RENT—A NUMBER OF COM- Jiiimoaioiis D'WHLLINGS, on Thirteenth, Twelfth, audMervine strellif Laving bath, range, hot and cold rrator, at from $23 to $33 per " hw JifIKSONi Old GEESTHBT Street. V OC7-121* MV FOB ■ SAEE-A VERY DESIRA BLE Residence on Ifinetcenth street, above Arch. .Apply to ' Wll EOSSEX.Ii ALLEN, ocs-3t* S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT. FLOWER ROOTS.- -3C Just received, per steamer, a'large collection of DOUBLE AMD SINGLE HYACINTHS, Tolips, Croene, Narcissus. Jonquils, Snowdrops, Ranunculus, Crown Imperials, &c., &o. Catalogues on application;. . It* B A. DRBEB. 714, CHESTNUT Street. FOR BALE CHEAP—THE Trotting Stallion PlLaKlM,^|o,t|ree blooded Mares in foal, Inquire of CL "“Or", Bine Bell, Twenty-fourth ward. Phlla. ocS stn.Bbt . 9 nnn TRUCK AND PEACH BAS -O,UUU KETS just™celTod , se2-tf 137 and 359 North THIRD Street. ■PROPOSALS FOR PAPER., i ~ Wavy Department, Bureau of Provisions aki> Olothinu, v , , , , ’ October 8,1861. PKOPOSALS, sealed and endorsed “Proposals for Pa per, ’ ’ will be received at this Bureau unlil 2 o’clock P. M. on (be2ist day of OCTOBER instant, for furnieh ingand delivering at the WAVY TAKE at BROOKLYN, N . Y., Five Hundred Reams of Paper. The paper to be white, V,% inches by ISH inches, to weigh lSpounds to the ream, and be .mode of linen stock; to be ruled 21 lines on each :page, leaving one inch margin at the top and bottom, and both eidea oi SampHs of quality and size of the paper may * ,e J ie |“ at (be Office of the Inepector in charge of the Havy Yard at Boston, New York, and' Philadelphia, ana at this Bureau. , ' ... at reasonable PE ices, AoCTIQN SALK OF CONDEMNED A HOSPITAL PROPERTY. Mbpical Phrvf.tor’b Office, ' WABHIKOTON, D. C , October 3,1854. WiH , be 'Bold, ~at public .aucton, at Medical stora keeper's Depot, corner F aßdElghteenth streets, in this city, on ' WEDNESDAY, October 12,1831, , „ A QUANTITY OF HOSPITAL FORKITOSE, •; Conaisting of Iron Bedsteads. Hair Pillows, Blankets, Stoves, Cfiairs, Knives,- Forks, S, ooaa, •2JU Boxes; Stc., &c. , TWe articles have been condemned a? uafll for few* otal use. . ... ■ ’ IJEMS®. in Doited stated Cdtfetioy. at 10 o’clock A, M. By order of Major General Augor Kn „„ _ C. SUTHERLAND, Burgeon IT. S. A , Bled'l Purveyor, Depot of Washington. MET AILS! A“ SALIToF CONDEMNED QUARTERMASTER GEKERAL’;, OfPIOE, ! WASHUfaTOH CwitoitobSTW Will t!9 sold at PnbUc Anctton, to the at the time and places namedbelow, viz.: mastt MIFFMN,' fEUHSraVABIA.’ THUBSDAT. October 13.1864. * WIIiMIKGTO£r r . DBRAWARE, THtTRSBAY, ‘ Ofctolier2o, 186*. - * YORK, PENNSYLVANIA: THURSDAY, October 87.1861 - TWO HRKDSED CAVAIiKY horses, at eaoh m.' „ ■ T"Z, AiJS. ° r “B»Bars been condemnst-M aaSt far tttt Ca poi J^>JS f ' rt^, ? f tha army. ' mar lbs ha| Bd fanaiu * Purposes, many good bargain* TeS 5 ? ri»h to «oaSseac» at li) A. at By order 0 )f tBA G sosralT" ■ - ■■• C«toMl ia cb »Sn,, r gnartarmaster Gegerai’a Offlee. A Horn?. 1 * SAJjE ol< CONDEMNBB QCJRTEHMiSTSK GKSERJZ’e OfFIOK. ■■■ ■ ■ . ___ • First Brvisrov s ■ ■■ - W*3HWQTOIf CtTV, SdltemW % <■« » a « C “ B ’ tot?le OKE HORSES . FRIDAY, October 7, 1664. °ESBS %£ htobeed and fifty cavalry horses These Horses have been condemned as unit forth* cavalry service of the army, - aatt farming :pni®o3es many good bargain* Horses sold-singly. men™ltlO S A 4 &- nite4Staf9B CU - rra!l ® y ' Sftle t 0 **“' By order of the Qoartermaster General. Bf ~ . JAMES A. Effra. sead-dt Colonel; in charge let- Division Q. JST (J G. T\JEW OHEBTHUT-BtC'thba.Tßß Sjg*** o <>ROTE2 & WILLIAM'RSIW, K TSTOAT f PART|OF THE HOME, will be presented. ; WARREN COMEDY COMBINATION, ; 1 HIS (Saturday) EVENING, Oct. S, * • TWO GLOBIOOS COMEDIES. 1 play 9 pelfol!nance yHI commence with the laughable THE BREACH OF PROMISE. Mstndl 4911, ’ •■••••" ■" " •” • - .Mr- Wm. Warren; TraoDer" •»«• • •—•. • •. ■_ ■-..Mr. Chasßarron. PAUL PRY. . .. HarryS&Sv Mr. Wm. Warren. —- e •••••••• •.•■■■■.■■■■.■MiasE. Mestayer.- nv/rss. JOHN DREW’S HEW ARCH STJSET THEATEE: TO-EVERY HFGHT, . ANGELO.... la wMdi fba will Eing . “ You arethe Star” and “Brave Marco.’ * Seats secured three dayi In advance. TJJTALNIJT-STBEET THEATRE— > * THIS (Saturday) EVBKIffS, Oct Bth, ... A SPLENDID Blih. . , Miss CHAKLO'PTS THOttPSOJf. Boors open at 7; Performances commence at 7%: ” THE GBAUD BILLIARD TOURRA 0F THE STAYS *4 terminate Monday, October AFTlir- NOON ANB EVENING EXEI deneeat2P.;M. andBP. M. Each game is to b?AM points—caroms. Push shots deharrel The follower names are .she competitors for the chatnpionXp anf pecteito be present, Single admission, 50 cts.: Season sale ?* the Pri^t SraSS™ *** * Mont- IffiSlsSjlf EVENlNG—Estephe aSd Palm"; PHIDAT aPTEBKOON—Hewf s and Palmar; Moat i?dTn!Nelmr kett - ™ING-Esteph* anfpJSl; SAd UEOAY AFTERNOON—Bird audßyall* Sstsshs and Nelms. EVENING—Hewes and Plnnkejt; Mont gomery and Palmer.: ’ u “‘ MONDAY AFTERNOON—Hewes and Nelms- Moat- ig' and Flung; rffIEBTNDT-STREET OPERA HOUSE. V No. 1231 CHESTNUT Street. * -ALWNSON & HINCKEN....: ...Proprietor* : -MORAN'S UmSVBXM-' appear every eveniag ia an . ■ EtoroprAjf ' Poors qpea at 7, commencing at 8 o’clock precisely. Admission 2d cents. ■ » n «S T iS tB| -Which can 'be secured £rom 10 to % o 7 clock t 5Q cents. oe3-tr TLfISS MAJOR PAULINE CUSHMAN. will appear on MONDAY EVENING and relate her experience as a Spy and Scout In the Union army; her capture by General'Braga,_and rescue when under sea tence pf death by General Granger. Mies Major CUSff- MAN wrU. appear imMajor’g; uniform, at'AS IEMBLY The World renowned Stereopticoh will also be exhibited, with views of Chambersburg ocB-2t X SSEMBLY BUILDINGS, , TEHTH AKD CHESTNUT St?eets. - / TEMPLE 0P WOHDBBSI SIGHOE BLITZ EVERT EVEHtRG. asd WIDNESB4V AHD SATUSDAt AFTERNOONS. . Chspgn of T>arfo rm g, nce Constantly. : A SSEMBLY BITILDINCk—<iB AK3 STBKKOPTICAH', ■; STBEEOPriCABF. Tonre over the World, Tonrs over tho World. : THIS EVES!NO, at S o’clock, The marvelous illusion of THE A* GHOST,” THE “GHOST,” r And other SplendidKoveldes. Admission 25cts. Children loots pIASINO, CHESTNUT ST., ABOYE ■V* Sixth, -THE GEEAT VARIETY THEATRE OF THE AGE, open every evening, With a FULL AND EFFI CIENT COMPANY. ... A selMra fNBRIST REJECTED.-THE GREAT A/ and celebrated picture by West, the cheftl' osunreof the artist, Is now on exhibition at the ACADEMY OP FINEASTS, No. 10125 CHESTNUT St., In addition t<* the entire Art Collection of the Academy. Admittance. 25 cents. Season Tickets, SO cents. selff-Im* THE ACADEMY OF FIRE ARTS, A CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, la OPEN DAILY, for visitors, from J A. M. to;6 P. M. jaiS TWO ROOMS, WITH BOARD, TO A LET. 3231 SPRING GARDEN Street. ocS-3t«, TO LET WITH BOARD—T HR E E A large front Booms, one furnished, at No. 300 FRANKLIN Street, opposite the square It*. BOARD WANTEE-BY THE FIRST -S3 of IsoYeniber, ia a, private family, for a Gentleman ► Wife and Daughter. Address ‘ *3.8.* this office. ©e7-2t* -pLIGIBEE ROOMS YAOAHT AT Ad HILL’S, 338 SPEUCE Street' 1 oc6-lm*\ NOTICE.—LOST. CERTIFICATE HO. A” »6, for 3CO Shares of CUBTIN OIL; issued to E. W. EYEESS. Transfer has been stopped, and application, made for a new Certificate. ocs-St. T OST— ON THE NIGHT OF THE 3d, An a t the Hall of the Union League, Cliestnnt street, above Twelfth, a GOLD CEOSS, belonging to a Soldier. A liberal reward will he paid on addressing VH. J: F., * * 10x5 NECTARINE Street, cc6-3t* T OST OR STOLEN—A DUE BILL, -i-J drawn by Jay Cooke & Co., for-twenty-four hun dred dollars United States seven-thirties, dated August ISth, 1564. in favor ot D. M. Bohinson'S Co. , but not en dorsed by them. 'All persons are cautiouedagainet ne« gotiating the same.; Apply to ; ' ; So. 1001- PINE Street. -. »tr«"TOR HARTFORD: CONN., DIRECT, VIA DELAWARE AWD BA bITAH CAHAL—The Philadelphia Steam Broprilee Compahr’B Steamer ‘' FKaiv’X. ‘ * Shropshire, piaster. Quick despatch,. Apply on board, Second Wkarf aboya DOGE Street, or to yM M 00 ., #sents . Ho. 132 South DELAWARE Ayenua. SJJLES. oc3- tocSS _AMSJ SEHHBIffTS. BOARDING. XOST: AN©; FOUND.; JERSEY LISES. new aebakgehek r. Onand after MOKT)AT, Ocro)>nr 10, ISSi, trains W«1 leave from WALNUT-STKEBT WEE as follows: For Gape May and all places south of Millville at 9 'AM ' - ' For Millville, Bridgeton* Salem, and all intarDiediata plscee jjpiitlrcf 'VYooabnry, at 9 A M. aadj P.-Bf. For^Woodbury j Gloucester, &c.>9l M., 12 M»i 3, anddF. M, " IIOAD, VIA MEDIA. - -V-/ CHANGE OF HOURS. . ' On and after MONDAY, Oct. 10, 1664, the trams will leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of TfIIRTZ .FIRST and MARKET Streets (West Philadelphia), as 8115 ana 11 A. M., and’at 2,:4, 15, and 6.38 P. St. heave West Chester at 6.35, 5.15, and 10. SO A. H., and 1.30 and leave Philadelphia as S KS A. M., and 2 P. M. . Leave West Chester at BA. M and 4 P M. Trains leavinif Philadelphia at S. 15 A.BE and 1.15 P. M., and West ChesteratS 15 A. M. necfc with trails c*n the Baltimore Central Kauro&a for Oxford and WOOP. Superintendent. SiSST'PIANOS, COTTAGE EXCEL rfET? ISIOR ORGANS, HARMONIUMS. and MELO OTOKS at ' MARSH’S. Music store. : oc7 s‘ri ; N0.1J.03 CHESTNUT Street., ' SiP ECTACLES, ■.A '-. . ' AT JAMES W-. QUEEN & CO.’S,'‘ - : 93* CHESTNUT Street. jyjATEEMATI CAL INSTRUMENTS, Of all kinds, to be had at JAMES W. QUEEN & CO-’S, ' gc26-lm . 98* CHESTNUT Street. ISS™S”“ s iS.p E B a ’r T S; A binet furniture. (IAIiUN* A jfOOF.E & CAMPION, v 06T South SEC,ON D Street, ■ nrnriHrfd to follow the: decline in the market in the their fnrnitnre. Purchasers will please call and examineonr stock. ■ ocs-6m yYE AF MADE TO HEAR.—INBTRU XJ MEETS to assist the :hearing, at P. MADEIRA'S, 115 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut. o<=S-6t« CODA ASH-200 CASKS OF MARSH'S 2 e £ Mt C9ttt; tfl arriTB: S er w^CHn‘KCHMAN,f 0t otl Sl ■ 38 South FRONT Sweet. DEPABTMENT FOE CUSTOM WORK,
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