Song. WILT THOU NEVER, NEVER CHArcoz? CFor The l'ress.) Wilt thou never, never change— wilt thou love as well to•morrow— Will the moments never come, When I'll think of thee with sorrow's Wilt thou never, never change— Wilt thou wander from me never— win thy smile bo always mine, And thy heart be mine !breve? 7 CHOI Wi us—lt thou never, never chan— Wilt thou wander from me ne ve ge r— Will thy smile be always mine, And thy heart be mine fbrever Wilt thou never, never change— Can I trust the vows thou'rt makiugl my heart, though happy now 'Without thee would soon be breaking. I have pledged thee all I have— I will play the truant never Willthy smile be always mine, And thy heart be mine forever 0310UUS—WIlt thou never, never amigo Wilt thou wander from me never— Will thy smile be always mine, . And thy heart be mine forever i* Wilt thou never, never change, In youth, la age, in sorrow? • When old Time has ploughed my Cheek With Ms beauty-marring furrow— Will thy hand be near to help— Will thy heart forsake me never— Will thy smile be always mine, And thy love be mine forever 1 0144.1ans—Wilt thou never, never change— Wilt thou wander from meDover—. Will thy smile be always Mine, * And thy love be mine forever? ammo. *Frirt C ITY. POLITICAL SHADOWS Every night on Chestnut street, punctual to a certain hour, a crowd of hatless small boys—gamin, rail; vagrants, little claqueurs, and other such inno cent rubbish, whom may Heaven proserve—assom bre opposite the Democratic headquarters and take secured seats on the curbstones or the State_House Steps. As the citizen passes near, he sees this con gregation of elves looking up toward the moon, as If in search of an eclipse or a man with horns. This mysterious wonder is at last explained by a scatter ing chorus of guttural voices, all along the line. It IS strange what volumes of. Bound are Contained in those delicate but wonderful vessels ; and it shows what a fearful and astonishing contrivance of na ture is the geuus small boy. A shout, such as news boys deliver when they gather together In their ma jesty, directs the eye upward to a piece of .canvas, on winch the shadow of the youthful McClellan is passing under the magic of a lantern.. By-and-by the flow of pedestrians in passage stops in a flood, and the cry goes up again, "Hooray for illoOlol. ling I" The exhibition is a tempting one. to 'those Who cannot, put their hands in their pockets without finding a hole; for the regular "entertainments" hardly contain as much amusement as is thus pro- Tided, in vagrant phrase, "free gratis for nothing," by the benevolent men of the Bohemian party, who two gone to an infinite expense or oredit to get up this moral amusement for the young. "Mrs. Jar ley's Wax-Work Show" is nowhere alongside of it and the "Pannorammer" of the war could't hold a candle to it. Hero you see magic lantern picture of all the big guns "'lateral" as life ; after that, there is a man in bed with two " skyvin cock roaches " over his nose ; then you have a view of the nightmare or incubus, and out comes "Little Mac," looking like a hero in soap locks. The same programme is, again and again repeated. An illuminated portrait of Lewis Class is presented, to the. outrage . of all ho. nest peace men, which is still further aggravated by the mistaken enthusiasm of the crowd who shout " Hooroar for Douglas ! Three cheers for.the Little Giant !" Douglas himself follows, but under an impression that it is James Buchanan, intelligent ' Copperheads are silent. James Buchanan, how ever, does not appear, except by allegory—in the nightmare, perhaps. Finally, there is a red.check wed phantasmagoria, multiplying in bewildering orlss.crosses, rolling in spasm like the eyes of the terrified, and doubling up like an inflated rowdy shirt turned into a bolster. This is a dissolving slew, intended to represent the mysteries and mise ries of the Chicago Platform. At the end of this ocular whirligig "small. MicLennin" appears as if by springs and magic, like the little man in the thimble. Sometimes he appears after the " Father Of his Country," like n, reprobate young orphan with designs upon his parent. Washington is evidently anxious to get out of the way, while the young MacCiennigan seems curious to ascertain the value Of his pocket-book. Thus these cheerful shadows pass and repass through the night, and young McClellan following Washington in a suspicious manner, strides over the dreams of the vagrant. It was, indeed, a happy Idea of those who direct the mummeries of the warlike party devoted to peace, to familiarize the popular mind with General McClollan by means of a lantern. But, for want of enterprise, other pictures no less entertaining would pass in the glamour of magic. For instance, the retreat from the Chiokalleminy, Little Mae asleep in the gun boat, Little Mac following James Buchanan in a dissolving view, by which it would hardly be impossi ble to toll James McClellan from Little Buchanan. As it is, Little Mac becomes more and more familiar every night. Alas ! more and more common-place. His features will not stand the test of going through a pictorial mill. Last night he was a cross between a mild pugilist and a West Point cadet. As to making a popular ideal of him, that is impossible. He hasn't the features, and does not look intelligent. Atter a week of impartial observation and criticism of the Comparative Washington-McClellan exhibition, every sober-minded gamin declared, "There's Mithin in him PI THE AFFAIR OP SATURDAT. Aa the writer of the following appeals to our sense of justice, we Insert his communication, although his name does not accompany the article : Pima Sept 28th 1864 Sac : 'ln looking over the paper (of which you are the Editor) of this morning I notice an editorial on the muss of Saturday evening or rather Sunday morning Some of the statements of which I wish to deny The evil-disposed Copperheads (as you call them) did not groan or utter a word untill the evil dis posed Republicans not only directed their Roman Candles at the transparanoy but one of them ran tip to the lamp over the door and struck it with his lantern thereby breaking it into a thousand pieces this was the signal for a -row and the first brick that was thrown at the transparanoy was dug up out of the pavement in front of the State House and thrown by a Police man of our great Mayor's force not only that. John Kern and Police whore* heart to say " Rush in to them boys" "burn them Out AS to the injury done it will take more than the Mall sum of $5 to cover the slightest thing it will take at least that amount for the Lamp at the . doore. Three large lights where broken In the Beer Saloon which will cost $6 at the loWest calculation and the transparanoy cannot be repaired so tho only way to hide that is to replace it with a now One ; but this wont ho done, it 1 to bo left there to show what kind of Gentlemen where in the parade of Saturday night. As to handing both parties over to Alderman Beitler I can say there was not one Republican arrested but the; o was Ten or Eleven of the Key stone Club locked up untill 11 o cloak Sunday Morning As it is there is to be no retaliation at least on the part of the Club in question but if it is repeated pod only knows what will follow I Remain Yours Respy P. S. As I see by reading in another column that your paper is not partial to either side I expect to see the whole or part of this in to morrow mornings Press as I think it is due to both the Club and Public Yours Co The damage is A Globe light Large Lights in the Beer S. • Lights in the Club Room Sido of a indow frame burnt Trar.sparaney torn Worst and last of all insult. . ANOTIIRP. BLACK REGIMENT. The 127th United States Colored Regiment, Lieu tenant Colonel Given, left for the seat of war yes terday. After making a street parade, they march ed to the Volunteer Refreshment Saloons to accept the invitation which • had been kindly extended to them, as it if to all soldiers of the Union on their way to or from the seat of war, by those patriotic institutions. They were entertained in a splendid manner both at the "Union Saloo n" and the 16 Cooper Shop. , ' This regiment is the ninth. ono organized.and sent to the field by the Supervisory Committee, for Re cruiting Colored Regiments. The tenth one is now more than half full at Camp William Penn.' Some of these regiments hare been highly. complimented for their bravery on the Sold by their commanding general. The 22d, 001.-Kiddoo, at Petersburg, cap. tared six guns and two forts. The Bth, Col. Frlbley, did some splendid fighting in Florida. The 3d, Col. Ti/glauilln, in the trenches at Charleston. The. oth, Col. Ames, with the other regimente, are work.; Mg on General Butler's canal. The 43d, In the last attack before Petersburg, lost in killed and wound bd one hundred and fifty men, and nine officers, Camp William Penn, under the care of Colonel Wagner, is said, by judges, to be one of the best re gulated and cleanest camps in the country. The following is a list of the regiments, with date of their departure from this city: 3d Regiment, Oolonel 0. B. Tilghman, September 13, 1863. Bth Regiment, Colonel Ames, October 14;1863. • Bth Regiment Colonel FribleyLJanuary 26,1864. 226 Regiment, Colonel Kiddoo February 13, 1861. 25th (right wing) Regiment , ' Colonel Scroggs, March 31,1864. 25th (left wing) Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Nitchcock, April 15, 1864. 32d Regiment, Colonel Baird, April 23 1884. 43d Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Hall, April 18,1881. 45th Regiment, Major Rates, September 20, 1884, 127th Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Given, Sep tember 28, 1864. Few committees 'have done more good - or given More aid to the Government than this Philadelphia Committee. CITY r:IOI7NTY. Warrants wero Issued yesterday, for the payment abbe olty bounty to 81 men, nine of whom wore sub 13t1tIttes. DRAFT IN TIER TRNTK WARD. ' The committee announce that the quota of the Tenth ward is full. THE DRAFT IN VIE 'EIGHTEENTH WARD. The efforts ms,do by the citizens of this ward to fill their quota, wider the call for troops, have been continuous and energetic. A series of meetinga have been -held, at which a large amount of money for bounties has been subscribed, but not onouah, however, to obtain sufficient recruits to entirely exempt the ward. With the determination now evinced by the citizens they would undoubtedly fill their quota with volunteers If a little longer period were allowed them: The same remark may be made of the First ward. Its quota was large, but it has Already been materially reduced. NAVAL. • THE GUNBOAT 1 - 11311.0 N AND SMUT - ERB LILIAN, NEPTUNE, SABBACIJS, AND BERMUDA. The gunboat Huron is under sailing orders. Her Bat of officers is as follows: Lieutenant comman der, Francis li. Baker, commanding acting mas ter and executive officer, Benjamin Whitmore ; first assistant engineer (acting cMcf), Henry S. Davids ; rioting assismnt paymasterthas- D. Oollorn ; act ing assistant surgeon. Jas. ; acting en:l signs,- John Blitz, Robert Sheppard, - sar nuel Naunders, Wm. H. H. Curtis ; acting second assis tant engineer, Matthew Harloe ; acting third as sistant engineer, Theodore F. Burket ; acting third assistant engineer, )emery (3-. ; surgeon's steward; John H. Mullin; paymaster's steward, William J. Paul. The prize-steamer Lilian will shortly have a trial trip, and will sail about October 10. Di about two weeks the third-class anew steamer No tune will sail for Key West. Tile 'United States steamer Sassacus, from oil' A SILENT LOOKER ON Mobile, is now on the dock for repairs, having been injured in striking the late rebel ram Tennessee, now belonging to our navy. The United States steamer Bermuda sailed from the navy yard yesterday afternoon for Key West, under command of Oaptaln Smith. Commander Stribling sailed In the Bermuda. MISCELLANEOES. LOCKING CAR DOORS. - - - - - - - Since the terrible misfortune on the Pennsylvania Railroad, by which a number of lives were lost, locks have been arranged on the cars which open from the inside only. The object of having the ear doors locked is to prevent way passengers from getting into the cars with through passengers, which would thereby render it necessary for tickets to be shown by all the passengers at every • station, thereby giving an extra amount of trouble to both passen gers and conductors. -• . MEETING OP BUSINESS MEN. This evening the Mercantile Union Olub invite the business men of Philadelphia to meet at Con cert Hall to discuss and perfect measures for sap- porting the National Administration and contribu ting moral strength to the Gorernmont in its efforts to speedily suppress the rebellion. It is expected that this call will be responded to by all prominent in the mercantile and commercial walks of life in this city, and that the influence snob a body would Wield Would do much to strengthen the Union party in Philadelphia. Several distinguished speakers will address the meeting. SERIOUS ACCIDENT-TWO DIEN I' ALL FROM A INTITDOW Yesterday afternoon, as the 127th Regiment U. S. C. T. were passing down Chestnut street, a number of the employees in Roekhill & Wilson's clothing store, on Chestnut, above 'Sixth street, crowded around the windows to see the regiment. Some of them got outside the window. Two or them, John Boohringor, a cutter, and. Adam Kressler, lost their balance and fell through• the awning to the side-. walk. Both were seriously injured, and were con voyed to the hospital Bookringer is not expected to recover. He resides on Wall street, above Sixth. Kresslor resides at 518 Owon street. DEATH OF A •SCBOOL CONTROLLER.. Mr. G. A. Hoffman, a member of the Board of Controllers of the Public Schools, died yesterday at his residence on Mount Vernon street, after a short illness of typhoid fever. Tho Board of Controllers will hold a special meeting this afternoon to take action In reference to the sad event. DLED FROM Ins INJURIES. ,Tohn Henderson, aged 36 years, a married man, who was injured by the falling of the rafters at the Philadelphia and Erfo Railroad depot, died last evening from the injuries ho bad received. • This snakes the third death by this deplorable accident: HOSPITAL ITEMS. The following cases were admitted. into the Penn sylvania Hospital yesterday : Joseph Russell, shot in the arm in a quarrel with aihip-runner, on board of a steam-tug, on the Dela ware. Six shots were fired at him, but only ono took effect. Emanuel Peterson had three fingers broken off by a circular saw at the foundry of Norris, Tasker : Morris, in the First ward. Anne Huber was knocked down by a boy running against her on Front street, above Coates, and had a thigh fractured. TkIE POLICE [Before Mr. Alderman Beitler.] COMM:RACY. TO DEFRAUD TWENTY-TWO MEN ENLISTED ON EORGED PAPERS. Roboit M. Lee, Jr., Sergeant William Francis, Thomai Clark. James Murphy, John Quinn, Thos. Logan, Peter Hugh, John 'Flanigan, John Barrett, and Robert H. English were arraigned at the Cen tral Station yesterday afternoon on the general charge of conspiracy. The following evidence was elicited: Lieutenant James H. Walker, sworn by the up lifted hand, testified as follows : I am in the ser vice of the United States • am first lieutenant and adjutant of the 81st Pennsylvania Volunteers ; my present position is recruiting officer ; my office is at 005 Arch street, in the basement of the build ing ; by authority lam emppwered to recruit for any old Pennsylvania regiment in the fl,eld. [At this stage of the proceedings twenty-two papers were handed him ; these were enlistment papers tilled with his signature attached. He pronounced the signatures of his name on all the papers as forgeries.] Witness continued—These papers are volunteer enlistment blanks ; they are necessary in order to have men enlisted ; the recruit signs the oath, is examined by the surgeon, is then taken to the office and sent to camp ; there are four papers issued in each case ; one is retained by the recruit ing officer, one is sent to the camp, and - the other two are retained by the mustering officers ; these forged papers were brought to my notice yesterday afternoon, the 27th instant, between two and four o'clock, by one of my sergeants ; I had some sus picion that something was wrong ; when I was going up the street I met my sergeant, Charles Wilson, and ho handed the papers to be returned to . me : Captain Ed.'E. Sellers is the military officer ; I took the papers that I had received from Sergeant Wilson to Captain Sellers immediately, and pro nounced them forgeries ; I did not inspect the men mined in these papers. Captain Ed: E. Sellers sworn.—l reside at the Washington House ; I am captain in the 10th United States Infantry ; my office is at 885 South Twelfth street; I am United States mustering officer; I mustered in twenty-two men yesterdaylor Sergeant Francis, of Lieut. Walker's recruiting party ; the men were regularly brought to me by Sergeant Wm. Francis ; when the papers were - brought to me I discovered a discrepancy in regard to the, time for which the mon were mustered, the endorsement not being the same as on the inside ; I made Ser geant Francis correct the papers so as to make them agree with the descriptive list. • Tho witness was hero asked if he could identify any of the eight men of the twenty-two mustered in. He said it was a difficult thing to do so, as the work of mustering only occupied about five minutes ; these men were first brought to me by a civilian ; 1 refused to muster them in without they were intro duced by a responsible man; I. gave this civilian some instruction how to proceed; these eight men (the prisoners) went away with Sergeant Yrancis, to whom I gave the volunteer certificate for twenty two men ;it is upon such papers that bountyls paid; it is an important paper, and may be used by other parties. James Smith sworn.—l reside at 211 South Front -treat; I know Sergeant Francis by. sight; I - now the gentleman seated on the table (Lee) by sight; I. know that some enlistment papers- were made out yesterday; some were made out in the office of Capt.. Lee, on Sixth street, above Arch, and. others wore made out at Twelfth and Pine streets; they were made out in the forenoon, between 9 and 12 o'clock ; I did not see anybody sign them; I met with Captain Patton, -who was recruiting for' a company in the Sist Regiment; he offered to give me twenty-five dollars for each recruit I obtained for him • I furnished two, and received my fifty dollars ; ' l. had no conversation with Captain Pat ton about the affair, now under investigation. Cross-examined.—l formerly belonged to the 81st Regiment; Colonel Lee commanded the regiment ; Colonel Lee granted the use of his office to Captain Patton, hut yesterday so many came there that he cleared the party out, and Captain Patton took , them to Twelfth and Pine. David Saldt sworn.—l reside in Pennsylvania; Northampton county, Lower Mount Bethel -town ship : I was getting recruits for Bushkin township. aa&Lower Mount. Bethel; I came to Philadelphia and stopped at a saloon Ivo. 108 North Sixth street; saw Captain Lee there ; he said that he could pro bably give me some information ; I was introduced to a man they called "Cap ;" this was in Captain Lee , s office; Leo said that the Captain would do that which was right ; he wanted $505 for each re cruit: this man was Captain Patton; he was to far nish me twenty.twe men; . I wanted twenty l three ; it was the understandingthat the men were to be credited to the township of Lower Mount Bethel. James Duffy sworn.—l live at the northwest corner of Broad and Race streets ; attend bar there I don't know of any papers being I . signed there ; Was attending to my business in the bar; there wore some men in a room; I saw Mr. Lee there; he asked the men up to take a drink; T 'do not know anything of their business. The evidence here closed. Mr. Charles Brooke asked that Captain Lee bq discharged, es there was not a single particle of evidence implicating him in the charge of conspiracy. Mr. Valentine, on behalf of the prosecution, asked that Lee and Francis be bound over EO that the charge might be investigated in 'accordance with the law. The two principal de fendants were required to enter bail in the sum of $2,000 each to answer. Murphy, Quinn, Barrett, and Robt. H, English were sent to Camp Oadwalader ; the other four bounty-jumpers were committed, in default of $7OO bail each, to await a farther hearing. - - PICKPOCKET AND BIDBERS. William Gleason was arraigned yesterday morn• ing on the charge of attempting to pick the pocket of a young man, in the crowd in front of the Key stone Club Headquarters, on Tuesday evening. The defendant was caught with the watch of the victim in his hand. Two persons, giving the names of Charles Walker and John launders, were arrested on the charge of attempting to bribe the main wit ness to stay away and not prosecute. The amount offered was 6;25. The trio were committed. The public wholmay be attracted by the display of the magic lantern at the headquarters of the club should be on their guard against thieves who mingle in the crowd. (Before Mr. Alderman Shoemaker.] DISORDERLY HOUSE. Jane Semen. Ras arraigned yesterday on the charge of keeping a disorderly house at Marshall street and Girard avenue. She was bound over to answer. DODD'S TRIAL BEGUN—A. PROTEST.—HartiBOII H. Dodd, the "Grand Commander" of the order of the "Sons of Liberty," is arraigned in Indianapolis, before a military commission, on a charge of con • against the Government. Dodd, however, is indignant, and utters 'a protest against the pro ceedings... Here it is : "The. defendant, Harrison H. Dood, protests and objects to the jurisdiction of the commission ap. pointed to try him upon the aforesaid charges and specifications thereunder, and claims the right, as a citizen of the United States and of the State of In dianatto have the said charges and specifications presented by a grand jury of the district wherein said several offences are alleged to have been com mitted to the proper district court thereof, and to be tried by a jury of the said district, duly elected and sworn according to the Constitution and laws of•the United States of America. This he claims 4 £113..A citizen of the United States and of the State andAistrict of Indiana, and as being in nowise con nected with the army or navy of the United States, as a member thereof or attached thereto. " Respecfully submitted. "HARRISON H. DODD." The first specification is, that with William A. Bowles of Indiana, Joshua P. Bullitt of Ken ,tucky, Robert - Barrett of Missouri, and others, at 'or near Indianapolis, on or about the 16th of May, 1864, he did " conspire against the Government and lawfully constituted authorities of the United States, and did join himself to, and secretly organize and disseminate, a secret society-or order, known as the Order of American Knights, or Order of the Sons of -Liberty having a civil and military organization and Jurisdiction for the purpose of overthrowing the Government duly constituted authorities of the United States."• The second specification is, that he, through the Order, designed "to lessen the power and prevent the increase" of the army, and recognized and sustained. the right of the citizens and States in rebellion to resist United States au thority. The third specification is, that he conspired with the persons named In the first specification, "to overthrowand render powerless the Govern ment." The fourth . specification is in those terms: "That the said Harrison H. Dodd did conspire and agree with William A. Bowles, David T.. Yea.. gie, L. P. Millegan, Andrew Humphreys, John C. Walker, and J. P. Bullitt—these men at that time holding military positions and rank In a certain se. oret society or organization known as the Order of American Knights, or Order ofthe Sons of Liberty-- to seize by force the United States and State arse .nals at Indianapolis, Indiana, and Columbus, Ohio; to release, by force, the rebel prisoners held by the authorities of the United States, at Camp Douglas, Illinois, Camp Morton, Indiana, and Camp chase, Ohio, and at the Depot of Prisoners of War, on Johnson's Island, and to arm those prisoners with. the arms thus seized ; that then said conspirators, with all the force they were able to raise from the secret order above named, were, in conjunction with the rebel prisoners thus released and armed; to march into Kentucky and co-operate with the rebel forces to'be sent to that State by the rebel ati. thorities against the Government of the United States. This, on or about 20th day of July, 1864, at , or near the city of Chicago, Illinois." Arr INTEACILPTED REUEL LETTEE.—The Wash. log ton .Republican publishes a letter, written by a woman In Washington .to her son In the rebel cavalry under Stuart, but intercepted at Port To; bacoo in a rebel mall. The following are extracts : " Let me say to you that we have never allowed a Federal officer or private to enter our house since you left us. Wo understood Emily told them a different story, and Sissy, feeling afraid you might hear them say so, urges the to tell you differently ; although I toll her it is not needful, beoauso you know Emily's character. a for tune rapidly. Your uncle He has two contracts with the Go vernment tor furnishing boats, and one for furnish lug hay, and yet he professes to be a strong Southern man. They are' living quite stylishly. I believe him to be truly Southern in his views ; he says he may as well get the money as an Abolitionist or any Yankee, for he knows, do and get what they can or may, they will never mooed-In their wicked en terprise." EDVCATIONAL. RRISTOL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR .1 1 - , GIRLS will reopen on the lint Boma-day la the Ninth month. For circulars appizto au3-tuths-26t! RUTH AMU PEIIIOE, Principal. INSTRUCTION TEIRO'CGH BOOBS, OBJECTS, PICTIIREg. —ANN DICKSON will reopen her School for Boys and Girls, at No. 1108 South' EIGHTEENTH Street, on the 12th Sept. ant -thstntoc6 a- NSTRIrCTION.-A. GENTLEMAN, A member of the University of Franco, hitting had an experience of ten years as Principal of a Classical French and English School in the city of Now York, de. sires to form an engagement in a School. and also to eve private instruction in families. First-class re ference given. Address "A. S. Y.," Box 2823 Phila delphia Post Office. . seB-thbtul2t* It. WINTHROP TkPPAN'S Jo-a- SCHOOL for TOMO LADI SS No. 1939 OHBST- Prin Street. reopens WEDIGISDikx, September 21st. Bele. stettara TEE MISSES BUCK'S BOARDING. AND DAY SCHOOL FOR 'YOUNG LADIES.—Pre. naratory and finishing classes in French and English.• Circulars, with reforence, , etc. • 1141.7 SPRUCE S treet. se&tbstulSt* • TILE SUBSCRIBER WILL OPEN HIS English. Classical, and Mathematical SCHOOL, (Male,) at the S. W. - corner of TENTH and ARCH, on MONDAY, Oct. 3, 1164. WM. HUTCHISON. se2E.6t* - WARDING AND DAY BOHOOL.-A -I-P tele Pupils wink° admitted as Boarding Scholars. MARY L. k SUSAN IL 00X, se26-3t* Pennock's Mills, Rolmeibarg- FRIENDS'. 'SCHOOL. FOR BOYS SPRING GARDENINSTITUTE. All Beets admitted ae24.6t* E. M.. HUNTINGTOL.PrincipaI. CHESTNUT -STREET FEMALE SEMI NARY. —Miss Bonney and Miss Dillaye will re open their Boarding and Day School at No. 161.5 OHESTNIIT Street. WEDNESDAY. September 14th. Particulars from circulars: auliMosl WEST GROVE BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CHESTER COUNTY, PA... THOMAS P; CONARD Principal.—The MI semi-annual session of this Institution will commence on the SECOND DAY, the 7th of Eleventh month next. The situation is pleasant and healthfal,near West Grove Station, on Balk Central R. R. The course of instruction is thorough and extensive, including Latin, French, Drawing, Book keeping, and Telegraphing. For circulars, , address the Principal, as above. • aulS•th2m • TILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY.- T MILITARY BOARDING SCHOOL. four miles from MEDIA. Pa. Thorough course in Mathematics. Classim, Natural Sciences, and English; practical lessons in anginearing. Pupils received at any time, and. o all Was, and enjoy the benefits of a home. Refers to John 0. Call? &Son, 23 South Third street; Thos. J. Clayton, Fifth and Prune streets , and others. Address Roy. 3. HERVEY BARTON, A. M., iseld•too2l • Viljage Green, Pennsylvania. MISS BROOKS AND MRS. J. E. HALL will Reopen their. BOARDING AND DAY 1101100L,_ for Yorum Ladtray at 1218 WALNUT Street, en WEDNESDAY, the.l4th of•september. itual-lm* • tritI3.:•RADGER HAS REMOVED TO. LTA- N 0.1033 SPIIIIOE Street, whore she will resume the duties of her Inetituie September 19. A lane room has been fitted up for healthful exercise liming recess. Circulars obtained at her residence. se9-1m nENTRALINSTITUTE, TENTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, will reopen Sept. Stit. Boys prepared for any Division of the Public Grammar Schoole, for College, or for Business. Special attention given to email boys. anSe- toclo* H. G. MaGIIIRE. A. M.. Principal. BELLEVIJE FEMALE A BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This Institution, healthfully and beau ti fully located on the northern limits of Attleboro, Bucks county. renneybraati ,a will open lie Winter Session, TENTH Hosyu let, Mt For details, obtain Circular, by ad tressing the Principals, Attleboro P. 0., Bucks co., Pa. ISRAEL J. GRAHAME, JANE P. GRAHAME, ausi-s • at Principals. MADAME MASSE AMID- M'LLE. MORIN'S RNGLISH and "FRENCH SCHOOL for [ming Mulles, at No. 1342 SPRUCE Street. Phlladel phlailrillreonen on WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14th. &n 9 ae .- . . THE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL School for Boys, No. 2 WEST PEW SQUADS. Dn• Aes resumed Sept. 6. J. DAVISON, Principal. an29-Im* MARY P. ROBESON WILL OPEN I" . her . School for Yonne , Ladies at 1613 VIIMBRT Street, on the ISth of Ninth Month (September). an9s-tocl . YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE, S. `E. corner of MARSHALL and SPRING GARDEN Sta. Duties resumed Soptomber 32th. PJSOGH H. SUPPLEB. L. ]I., Principal. • anN•tf KISS ELIZA W. SMITH'S . 130HOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. 12 - 11) SPRUCE" Street,• will be reopened on WEDNESDAY, Sept. .7th. The tonne embraces a thorough English education, with Latin, -g French. German. Ruda, Drawing, Paintlngalt. auffim* . geHOOL A.ND KENDERGAR'i'EN. k- 7 Ninth and Wins Garden will •be ESOP ID . loptember 'l2th.sA 11914 MOUNT VERNON treea. ' GERTRUDE W. FULTO I3 N. • HARRIET B. DARLINGTON. • • anl74( KART E. SPEAKMAN. WWOODLAND SEMINARY, 9 WOOD- T.T LAND TERRACE, WEST PHILADELPEILL— rev. HENRY REEVES, A. M., Principal, (late of the Thambersburg Seminary.) Session opens September Nth. A Day and Boarding School for Young Ladles. Isperlenced Teachers; instruction. solid. choice, and 'borough. .Circnlars sent on application.. . . ' attllkf • THE MISSES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S - ENGLISH and 3rHENCH BOARDING and DAY IOHOOL. No. 1701 WALNUT Street, will RE-OPEA WIIDNESDAT,.theI4th of September. an4-2m pHILADELPHIA COLLFOIATE • IN STITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. IWO ARCH Street. Bey. CHAS. A. SMITH, D. D., E. CLARENCE SMITH, A. M., Prinelabs. Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary, .e.cade mic, and Collegiate. Full college course in Classics, Mathematics, higher English, and. Natural Science, for those whmaduete. Modern Languages, Music, Paint ing, and Elocution by the beat masters. For circulars, tpply at No. 1530 ARCH Street, or address Box 2611 P. O.' Philadelphia. • , . The next session will commence on MONDAY, Sep tember 1911. ap2s-6m5 MISS O. A: BURGIN'S SCHOOL FOR youNa LADIEfh_. No. 1037 WALNUT Street. will REOPEN on THUR SDAY, Sept. 16th. se7-Im* MR. THUNDER, 28.0 SOUTH FOURTH Street, has reamed dailyrofessiOnal Prattle.. kt home from 2 till 4 d'alock44s-1m 1 1 ,330. WI PETTIT RE-OPRZI .his Studio for the reception of Pupils in the arts 01 DRAWING and FAINTING, at No. 100 North TENTH Street, on the 11th of September. an2B.2m* CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DELI; Street, below LOCUST. Ditties resumed SE ? - VENEER 5. .1. W. renizs k D. D., au2,5-2m* Principal. DL. CARPENTER'S . • __DANCING ACADEMY. 625 ARCH Street. Open daily and evening,' !Or the reception of Scholari. Air the latest Gulley.% &c.. for German Cotillion Waltzes, Quadrilles, &c., taught properly for private society. seM-12t* PRIENDS' ACADEMY FOR BOYS, A: rear of 41 North ELEVIINTH Street. reopens on the sth inst. OS per term or 22 weeks. All denomina tions admitted. (set Iral W. WHITA_LL. M. 8. COOLEY, A. M. WILL RE- Vlr OPEN him Classical and English SCHOOL, at ill 2 HAREM' Street, on sth September.. an3o-ImB aLENWOOD% : . ACADEMY, • DELA WAREI"A WATER AP. MONROE CO., PA. The fall sesston of the above institution will com mence on the Nth of the 9th month (Sartembar). :For particulars apply to SAMUEL ALSOP, Principab irBo-2m Delaware Water Gap, Monroe 00., Fa. "PENNSYLVANIA . MILITARY AOA *. DENY AT WESTAIHRIVIER.—Tbe duties of ibis Institution will be rammed on THURSDAY. Septerptier let, at 4 o'clock P: N. - For circulars apply to JAmErB ltio. 626 CHESTNUT Strest;or to Ho/oneI•THRO: HYATT, lel2-lin • • . . •. President P. AL A. fHRGARAWESTITUTE.-ENGLISH A grl2lltrel%lthsioefOß. a 33 and 15%9 Philadelphia), will reopen on TUESDAY, September 10th. Lettora to the above address will receive prompt attention. Perscinal application can be made after An rad 20, ISM, to ' MADAME D'HUVILLY, snl7-8m • .. Principal. MEDICAL. MEDICINAL - ,COD-LIVER ORO- Aix-A:IOTM C. BARER dr.oo . 719 MARKET Street, are now receiving their supplies fresh from the fish• eries. The superiority of their 011, in every rePpect, has gained for it a reputation and sale beyond any other brand in the market. To : maintain it they are deter mined to supply en article toat May be entirely relied on for freshness andpurity. Bee testimonials of Pro.. reason of Medical Colleges.- anll-Lbstn-em DR.A. .H. STEVENS, ONE OF THE founders of this new system of Emetic g diseases successfully by modified ELECTRICAL action. with out shocks, announces that he has resumed his office &aisle for the treatment of diseases, at 1 4 11.8 South PENN SQUARE, where, for the last three years, he has had almost un bounded success in cases pronornmed in curable by medicine. Please call, or send feria pam phlet. and learn'partienlars. N. B. Physicians or others desiring instruction can enter for a full course atany time after Monday, Sept. 26. se26.lm F,LECTRICAL INSTITUTE. -ALA COME,. YEAFFLICTED, corrtEt This treatment only needs a trial to be adopted by all. Having made many improvements in the, application of this agent, we feel in duty bound to make them public. 'We will guarantee to cure any case of fever and ague in two' treatmente. It has also proved very successful in the cure of the following diseases: Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, - 'Asthma; Genital weakness, Inn GIEILZIt, Dyspepsia, Piles. Spinal disease,. Catarrh' Mistletoe. Ladies and gentlemen can enter - at any time for full instructions in the practice. Consultations free Office hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Testimonials at the office. DR. THOMAS ALLEN, 'Medical Electrician, sel4-t lad - 1.54 N. ELEVENTH,64.•,.;beIow Rm.• ' TARRA.NT'S'EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT TS THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOR ALL BILIOUS COMTLAINTS, S I CK HEAD ACHE, COSTIVE NESS, INDIGESTION, HEART-BURN. SOUR STOMACH, SEA-SICKNESS, &c., &c. Dr. JAMES R. CHILTON. the great Chemist, says: "I know its composition. and have no doubt it will prove most ben eficial , in those complaints for which it is recommended. ' ...... . Dr. THOMAS BOYD says: "I strongly , commend it to the notice of the public. " Dr. EDWARD 0. lIIDLOW um "I can with coal dance recommend it.' . Dr. GEORGE T. DEXTER Kaye: "In Flatulency, Heart-burn, Costiveneaa, Sick Headache, Bcc., &c., the SELTZER APERIENT in my bands has proved indeed a valuable remedy." For other testimonials see pamphlet with each bottle. Manufactured duty TARRANT & CO., gR Street, Now York. Rfir ; FOß SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. my2B-tno3l TAYLOR'S' ARNWA'O.II OR EMBRO CATION never tails to cureltheninatism.Neuralgia. Sprains Frosted Feet, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Dis ease& Price 25a, , and wholesale and re taU by H. 15. TAY LOR, Druggist, TENTH and CALLOWHILL. seB-Sta ALL COMPLAINTS OF THE EYES cIutABLE by Dr. LOWENHEEZ'S renowned UM VERBAL EYE SALVE, only to be bad at Philadeiphia (81.5 South FOURTH Street), NEW YORK, and HO BOKEN. se2l-Imo D R. KINKELIN HAS RESUMED HIS Au" home practice at his residence, northwest corner of THIRD and UNION Streets. • From 9to 9. se7.9m GROCERIES. ARCHER & REEVES, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 45 North WATER Street, and Offer for N ta o l e 4. 6 t N theL D weLA WHArRE A Pr enu e, a large dock of BIIGAL MOLASSES, 001 , 15/111, TEAK, BIICS I 3, TOBACCO, And Grocerlse generally. carefully selected for tko meal trade. .Bole Agents for th e products of yrnmui & FoGlll7A'k Exterulive Fruit Claming Factory at Bridgeton. X. . 1. • ap2s-Bro M ACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, dm. —2.600 bbl.. ?&au. Non. 1,2, and 3 Haskerel,lata• tailed fat Bch, in assorted packagea. 2,000 bbl.. New Eaetport, Fortuna Bay, and Hama Herring 2.600 oozes Imbes, Sealed. and No. 1 Herring. 160 bbls new Mess Shad. 260 boxes Herkimer county Cheese, he. , In store and for sale by MURPHY & KOON__,S No. 146 NORTH WHAR VES. LATOUR'S OLIVE ,OIL.-400 ,BAB kets fresh Latour's Olive 011,111 lots to Butt thS D urchaser, for sale by ' RHODES & WILLIAMS, au2o-tf 101 South WATER Stmt. LIICKNOW BAI7O/1.4-TBIB. - OEM biated Saace oa hand and for 'We RHODES & wiLLIIIOI. anio4l 107 Sent/ WATS/1 (greats:. ' THE PRESS. -- PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, 14BITEMBEit 29, 1864: PROPOSALS. • QUARTERMASTER'S - OFFICE, PRILADELPIHA A PA September 29, IBM. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M.,_ THURSDAY. October G. 1861, for the delivery at the United Status Storehouse, Hanover street Wharf, of the folrowing • LUMBER: MAO feet Oak Lumber, 1 inch &enure edged. 25,000 do. do., 2 do., not edged. . 60,000 do. do., 23i inch,..not edged. 26,000 do. do., 3 do., do. s 26,000 do. do., 33 inch, not edged. 60,000 do. • do., 4 do., do. 23,C00 feet Aah Lumber, 2 inch 25,000 do. do., 23, inch. 26,000 do. do., 3 inch. 26,C00 do. db , 4 do. Alkof the above described to be best quality Lumber, subject to the inspection of an inspector appointed on the part of the Government. All of the Lumber bid forte . be delivered within fif teen days from date of contract. • Bidders will state Price both in writing and figures , and the quantity of each kind bid for. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sona, whose signature must be appended to the gua rantee, and certified to 'as being good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved by the United Slates District Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public officer,otherwise the bid will riot allonsidere. The right is reeerved to rejectbids deemed too high, and no bid from a defanitmg. contractor .wl.l be received. • By order of Colonel A. J. Perry, Clnarteittaater's De- Partmant, 11. S. A. • • • OEO. R. OMB._ 602941 • ' Captain and A. Q. M. • CHIEF . QVARTERMA.STEW.B.. OF; TICE, ClNerssAtr,.o.. September - IL 1864. PROPOSALS are invited. by the uudersigned, until MONDAY, october 17, ISM, at .11 o'clock P. M., for the Immediate delivery, this Department, of IRREGULAR TROWBERS.; Ottiny color except light blue or gray. Samples to be furfitahed liy the parties offering, who will state in their bids the quantity-they propostrto fur nish, the price, and time of delivery. To be delivered free of charge at the U. S.. Inspection Warehouse. in this city, in_ good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quantity of goods, disttnctly marked on each article and pack age. Samples, when anbmitted, must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal•. and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be, iu every respect, equal to sample, otherwise the proposal will not be considered. Bid Will be •opened on Monday, October 17, 1881, at two o'clock P. M., at this Mee, and. bidders are re queited to be present. . • Awards will be. made on Tuesday, October 18, 1851. Telegrams relating to proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable, is reFerved. . Endorse envelope." Proposals for —_," and ad dress • 001 WM. W. itolCl3l Chief Quartermaster Clnoiun'ati begot. IIiTEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT AA- OYIVAIN:HIIWTOIC OPTICE CITIES QUARTERMASTER Nos. 634, 635, and 535 FOURTEEN ra t Street, Near New York avenue, WASRINCITOZ_4 - Sept. 27. 189 s ' PROPOSALS FOR STOVES AND RANGES. PROPOSALS are hereby invited until noen'ot WED. NESDAY, October 6th, for furnishing for use of4reed men in this Department. TEN ARMY RANGES, each with fixtures complete, to Cock for one hundred men at a time. ONE HUNDRED SMALL COOKING STOVES.. each With fixtures complete, to cook for families of three or four persons TEN BOX STOVES, ordinary size,:for heating. • AU of the above stoves must be wood burners, and must be delivered fu this city on or before the 20th day of October, 1864. •A n oath of allegiance must accompany each bid. Proposals to he sealed, endorsed • " Proposals for Stoves, and addressee to the undersigned, JOHN A Et.ISON, Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, ' Department of Washington. OFFICE CHIEF. QUARTERM&StER, • • OEROMNATI, Ohio, September 22, 1864. PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until TUESDAY, October 11, 1884 at 2. o'clock P for the TROWSERS, Mounted. Army Standard. - SACK COATS, Lined, Army Standard. HALLIARDS, Garrison and Storm, Army StandarC haniptes of which may be seen at the Office of Cloth ing and Equipage in this city. To be delivered free of charge at the U. S. Inspection Warehouse, in this. city, in good, new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on.. each article and package. • • • Parties offering goods must distinctly state in theli bids the quantity. they propose to furnish, the price. • and time of delivery: Samples, when submitted, must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal, and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be, in' every respect, equal to • aria? , standard, otherwise the proposal ,will not be considered. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each hid , guaranteeing that the bidder Will supply the articles awarded to him undo/ his pro- • posal. ' Bids will be opened on Tussday, October -11,1864, at two o'clock P. X., at this office, and bidders are re.. Quested to be present. Awards will be made on Wednesday, October 12 1864. Bonds will be required that the contract will be faithfully fulfilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals. Contracts, and Bonds may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. • . - Endorse envelope " Proposals for -." and address Colonel 'WM. W. McKifil, • se2S 8t Chief Quartermaster Cincinnati Depot. OFFICE. CHIEF (111A:RTERMA.STER, CrgericirArr. 0., Sept. 2, 1854. PROPOSALS are invited by_ the undersigned until TRTJRSDAY, 'Octoher 18, 1864 at two o'clock P. 3L, for the immediate delivery, to this Department, of— . bTOCEINGS—Army Standard; .• MESS PANS—Army Standard: SD OVELS—Army Standard DRUMS, mplete—Army S t andard; BUGLES, with extra mouth-piece—ArmStandard: . WALL TENTS, complete—Army Stand ard. • (Bidders may state whether 'they propose to furnish 8-oz. or 10-oz. Duck, and whether of Cotton or Linen ma terial.) HOSPITAL TENTS—Army Standard r ' • WORSTED SASHES—Army Standard. - . Sample of which may be seen at the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city. To be delivered free of charge at the 11. S. Inspection . Warehouse in this city; in good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quantity of _goods disthictly marked on each article and package. pa r ti es offering goods most distinctly state in their bids: the quantity they propose to furnish, the'px•lce,' and time of delivery. . • Samples, when submitted, must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal; and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall be, in every respect; equal to Army Standard, otherwise the propo sal will not be considered. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, must . accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will , supply the articles awarded to him ander his proposal. Ride will be opened on Thursday, October 1.3. 1864, at two o'clock P. M., at this office, and bidders are re quested to be prevent. • Awards will be made on Friday, October 14, Mt • Bonds will be required that the contract will be faith fully fulfilled. • . Telegrams relatthg to Proposals will not be noticed. - Blank terms of Propokels,-Contractsi•and-Bonds /nay be obtained at this office. • • •-• , • The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable in reserved. • " • Endorse envelope "Proper ale for - '' and address • .Col. WM. W. MoKlkf. se2S4.2t Chief Quartermaster Cincinnati Depot. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, - ' , qr. , • PHILADELPHIA, PEXNA. () Sept. 28, .1861. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receives at this Slid until TUESDAY, 12 o'clock M. ' October 4th,1864, for do‘ livery atthe United States Storehouse, Hanover-street Wharf,Philadelphla, Penna., of Six Mile Army •Wa gonN complete. Bidders will state'prica, both in writing and figures; and how many wagons they can deliver, and the shortest time they can deliver them in. The wagons to be subject to inspection. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must -be appended to the guar antee, and cergfied to as being good and sufficient Se-. curity for the amount involved by the United States- District Judge, Attorney. or Collector, or whir public officer, otherwise the bid will not . be - considered. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high, and no bid: from a defaulting contractor will be Dit.. ceived . By order of Colonel A. J. Perry, Qtiartermaeter's partment U. S. A. se.W et OEO. R ORMB. Captain and A. Q. M. • PROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY. HEADQUARTERS PEN A. 1411,117 A; • QUARTERNASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, HARRTSBURG, PA., Sept 21, IEB4. • SEALED PROPOSALS (endorsed Proposals for Sta tionery) wfilte received at this uP to SATURDAY, October 1. 3 P. Di.. for furnishing the following articles„ delivered at this office free of charges for boxes, freight, and carta ge , "under Act of Assembly approved Augast 22, I£B4:' , • ' 6 Reams Note Paper, faint line.white tint, weight not less than 5Me per ream. • 4 Reams Letter Paper, faint . tine, white tint, weight not than 10 firs per ream. 6 Reams Letter Paper, same, in X sheets weight: not less than 10 Mi Ms per ream, put up n paper, boxes, X ream each: - 5 Reams Cap Paper, faint line, white thit,weight not less than 12 The per ream. • • 3,000 Legal Envelopes,whire, size 4 by 8X lx ',weight • • 'l2 Ihe Per 1,000. - 2,C00 Legal Envelopes,' buff, same, weight 12 lbs par, 1, COO. • 10,000 Letter Envelopes. whits. size 3% by 6% ; inches, weight 8 3 4 Itis per 1,000. 2 Doz. Mucilage, in bottles, with can and brush, 2 oz. and 4 oz. 12 Doz. Lead Pencils, first quality. 10 Gross Steel Pens, first quality. - 98 !Rotting Boards, good. 9% by 12 in. ' 12 Arnold - s Writing Fluid, pints or quarts. 16 Blank Books aestd, 2. 3, and 4 quire; M bound, . good,. faintline, white tint, size 8X by 18. Samples to accompany each bid, and delivery in ten • (10) days after awarded. Names of two good sureties to accompanyproposal. The right is reserved to accept part of arty - bids, or reject all, if considered for the in terest of the State to do eo. ' ' • ~ JAS. L. REYNOLDS; . 5e26.6t • • Quartermaster General Pa. • OFFICE CHIEF 'QUARTERMASTER, ciNciKNATI, 0. September 20, MK . PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned-Luntil THURSDAY, October tith, 1864, at two o'clock P. M., fbr the immediate delivery to this Department of; TRUMPETS (with extra month pieces), Army Standard; TRUMPETS, CORDS AND TASSELS; Army Standard; GARRISON FLAGS, Army Standard; • • STORK FLAGS Army Standard. .. • -• • • • Semple of . hich may be seen at.the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city. • To he delivered free of charge at.the U. S. Inspection Warehouse in ,this oity, in „wo now packages, with the name of• the party furnishing, the kind and quan tity of goods distinctly marked on each article and •package. • Par ies offering goods must distinetli state in their bids the quantity they propbse to furnish, .the price, and time of delivery. Samples, when submitted, must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal, and thaparties :thereto must goarantee that the goods shall he, in every respect, equal to Army Standard, otherwise the proposal will not be considered. . - A guarantee, signed by two responsiblipersons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will supply the articles awarded to him under his proposal.' Bids will be opened on THURSDAY, .October 6,1864, , at two o'clock P. DI. , at thisoffice, and bidders are re quested to be present. • '• Awards will be ruad'ff on Friday, 'Uctober 7, 1E64. Bonds will be , required, that the contract will be faithfully fulfilled. Telegrams relating to Proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals, Contracts, and - Bonds may be obtained at this office. The right to•reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved • . Endorse envelope "Proposals for and address On; WM: W. *Om& 5023:f0c4 ' annial DeTot, OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER , CINCINNATI. Ohio, Sept. 19, 1864. PROPOSALS are invited by the undersigned until WEDNESDAY, October 6, 1664. at two *o'clock P. 61., for the Immediate delivery, to this Department, of .ARMY BOOTS (extra elms), Noe. 9 to 14. Samples of which may be seen at the Office of Clothing and Equipage in this city. • • To be delivered. free of charge, at the U.S. Inspection Warehouse in this city, in good new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quantity of goods distinctly marked on each. article and package. Parties offering goods must distinctly state in their bide the quantity they propose to furnish, the price, and time of delivery. Samples, when submitted, must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal; and they parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall he In every respect equal to army standard, otherwise the proposal will not be considered. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will *Apply the articles awarded to him under his proposal. Bids will be opened on Wednesday, October 6, 1869, at two o'clock P.M. , at this office, and bidders are requeet ed to be present. Awards will be made on Thtirsday October 6. 1869. Bonds will be required that the contract will be faith fully fulfilled. '• - • ; •• • • • Telegrams relating to proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of proposals, contracts, and bonds may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable . is reserved. , Endorse envelope "Proposals for Army Boots," and address Col. WM: W. Moßibt se22-10t • Chief Quartermaster Cincinnati Depot. SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, . WASHINGTON CITY, D: C. September Met. 18al. AN ARMY MEDICAL BOA Pre s identsist of Surgeon Charles. S. Printer, U. S. A. ; Surgeon Wil liam S. King, U. S. A., and Surgeon Glover Perin, U. S. A., Recorder, will meet at CINCINNATI, Ohio, on the 18th of October next, for the examination of candi dates for admission into the Medical Stair of the United States Army, and of such Assistant Surgeons for promo tion as may be brought before it. • Applicants must be between twenty-one and thirty Years of ago, and physically sound. Application Surge on be addressed to tho Secretary of War, or the General, stating the residence of the applicant, and the date and place of his birth; they Mimi also be •accompanied by respectable testimonials of moral character. . No allowance is made for the expenses of persons un dergoing the examination, as it is an indispensable pre-' requisite to appointment. There are now five vacancies on the medical staff. -JOS. E.. BARNES, Surgeon General, U. S. A. te24-stuthl2t 1 CARD' AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, at RINGIWALT & BROWN' E. 1116. kOteraTlE St. Vii' , A p i ECERIFFT SALE,-BY :VIRTUE OF •kJ a writ ofefenditioni Exponie, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendee, on MOND &Y Eve ning, October 3, 1861, at 4 o'clock,at Saresom-street Hall, 80. 1. All. that certain lot of ground. situate on the east gide of Thirteenth street, sixty-four feet northward front Oxford street. in the-city of Philadelphia: con. taming in front on Thirteenth street' Weeny feet. and in depth one hundred andnixteen feet to 'Mulvaney streot. Which said. premises Coulee Dugan. by deed dated January 26, 165.1, recorded in Deed Book T. H , N 0.137, Page 680, &c., conveyed ante John Davies in fee, re serving a ground rent of $2lO. No. 2. All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Fawn (late Byrnes) street, sixty-four feet northward from Oxford street. in the city of Philade phis; containing in front .on Fo.wn street sixteen feet, and in depth westward filly feet. No. 3. All that certain three- story brick mesenage and lot of ground situate on. the west side of Fawn street 80 feet northward from Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fawn street 16 - feet (including the southern moiety of an alley two feet wide by twenty-seven feet deep), and in depth west. ward fifty feet, with the privilege of said. alley. No. 4. All that certain three-story brick mesmage and- lot .of ground situate on the west side of Fawn street 96 feet northward from Oxford street. in the city of Philadelphia ,• . containing in front on Fawn street 16 feet (including the northern moiety of said alloy), and in depth westward 50 feet, with the privilege of Said.. alley. No. 5. All that certain three-story brick messnage end let of ground situate on the west side of Fawn street, one hundred and twelve feet northward from Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fawn street 16 feet, (including the southern moiety of a two-feet-wide alley, and in depth west ward fifty feet. With the privilege of said alley. No. 8. All that certain brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Fawnetreetel2B feet northward from Oxford street. in the city of Philadel phia; _containing in front on Fawn street sixteen feet, (including the northern moiety of a two-feet-wide alloy.) and -in depth. westward fifty feet. With the privilege of said alley. • • No. 7. All that aertein lot of ground situate on the east side of Mulvaney street, sixty- four feet northward from Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining in front on Mulvaney street 32 feet, . and in depth n 0 feet. (Which raid lots of ground, above deecribed as - Noe, 2 to 7 inclusive, are parts of a lot of ground which Charles Dugan, by.indeature bearing date the twenty sixth day of Janustry, A. D., 1854, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 137, page 583. &c.,;ranted and. con veyed unto the said John Davies in fee, reserving thereent the eyearly ground rent of e 96, payable as therein mentioned, which said yearly ground rant Monies Dugan and wife, by deed poll bearing date the 60 day of April, A. D., 1855, recorded in Deed Book 11. D. W., No. 10, page 372, &0., released and ex lir guiehed tint° the said John Davies, his heirs, and emigre forever. And the said John Davies erected the said buildings on the lots above described as Nos. 2 to 6, Inclusive. And the said John indenture bearing date the nineteenth day of October, A. D., 1558. recorded in Mortgage Bock A. D. 8., No. 14, page 378, &c.,granted the premises above described, as Nos. 8 and 4 to Frederick Haas, Ex., elec., in mortgage,' to secure the . payment of the sum of fifteen hundred dol lars with interest. And by a certain other indenture, bearing date the 2d day of Eleptember, A. D. 11118, re corded utekteagage Book A. D. 8., No. 9, Palle 531,&c., granted and conveyed the premises, above described as No. 0, unto George Williams and others in mortgage, to secure the payment of the sum of one thousand dol lars with interest.] ^. ••• • . No. 8.- All that certain brick messuage • and lot of ground situate on tho east side of Fawn .street; 64 feet northward from Oxford street, in the city of Philadel phia: containing in front on Fawn street 15 feet 8 inches, .and in depth eastward 40 teetr, with the privilege of a three-feet alley leading northward into another alloy leading westward into Fawn street, and of said Feat mentioned alley. - . • . No. 9. All that certain lot of ground, situate on the ' west side of Twelfth street, 64 feet northward from Ox ford street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on .Twelfth street 15 feet, and in depth 76 feet, in cluding on the rear end part of a three feet alley lead ing northward into an othe r three. feet alloy leading west. ward into Fawn street; with the privilege of said • alleys. • . No. 10. - All that certain' lot of ground, situate on the West side of Twelfth street, 79 feet northward from Ox ford street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Twelfth street 16 feet, and in depth westward 76 feet, including on the rear end part of an alley three feet wide, communicating with the said three-feet alley leading into. Fawn street; with the privilege of said alley. . [Which, said lots of groand.above described as Nos.. - 8, 9, and 10, are parts of a lot of ground which Merles. Dugan, by indenture bearing date the 26th day of Janu ary, A. D. 1E64, recorded in Deed Book T...H., No. 137 page 677, 3:c., granted and conveyed unto the said John: Davies in :fee; reserving thereout the yearly ground rent cr sum of 210 dollars, payable as therein 'mentioned. Which said yearly ground rent George N. Baker and. wife, by indenture dated the first day oflune, A. D. 1859, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 69, page 144,.&c.,reduced. and abated to the stun of 138 dollars.; and reeased a lot of itronnd 80 feet in -front on FaWn street by 40 feet in depth, front tho payment of any part of said rent. And the said George N. -Baker and wife, by a certain other indenture bearing date the 2,Seh day of July, A.-D. 1859, recorded in Deed Book A. D. B. , No. 711, page 366, ste.released and extinguished 'said reduced - really ground 'rent of 138 dollars unto the said John Davies,his heirs and assigns.forever. And the . said John Davies, by indenture bearing date July 29, A. D. 1809, recorded in Mortgage Book A. D. Be, No. 25, page 471, Atc., granted. the said premises described as Ito. 9 unto the Spring Garden Inturance Company, in mortgage, to secure the payment of the sum of 1 1 1400 4 1 • with interest. And the said John Davies erected sal - bnlldings on the lot of ground above described as N0.8.] No. 11. All that certain brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of. Nineteenth street, and north side of Brown street. in the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Nineteenth street 15 feet, =id in depth 60 feet. messuageNo. 12. All that cetain brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the'west side of Nineteenth street, 15 beet northward from Brown street in the city of Phila.- - delphla: containing in front onlfineteenth street 15 feet, and in depth 60 feet. No. 13. All that certain brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Nineteenth street 30 ' feet northward from Brown street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Nineteenth street lb feet, and in depth 60 feet. . No. 14. All that certain brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Nineteenth street 45 leet northward from Brown street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Nineteenth street 15 feet, and in depth 63 feet. L• No. 15. All that certain brick messnage and lot of ground situate on tho north aide of Brown street 63 feet westward from Nineteenth street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Brown street 15 feet more or less, end in depth 60 feet. [hios. 11,12; 13, 14, and 16, with the .common use and , privilege of a three-feet-Wide alley. ] . I No. 18. All that certain brick messuage and lot of 'ground situate on the north aide of Brown street 73 feet, more or less, westward from Nineteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Brown street 15 feet,more or less, and in depth 60 feet, with the privilege of a three-feet alley leading into West street'. (Which said premises, above deecribecleta Noe. 11 and :12, John H. Davies arse wife, by two several indentures, each bearing date January 28, A. D. MS, recorded -in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 26, page 350. etc. and 348, &c. , granted and conveyed unto the said John - Davies in fee, subject each to the . early ground rent of 87 dollars and 60 cents, originally reserved thereout by- said- John Davies, and which being still vested in him, thereupon. merged in the fee thereof; and which said premises, above ;described as Nos. 13 and 14, the (said John Davies, by indenture bearing - date March 6, A.-D. 1.560, recorded in Deed Book A. D. B:,No. 164, page 188, &e., geanted unto the said John H. Davies in fee; subject each to the yearly ground rent of $67.00, originally re toned thereout by said John Davies, and which still being vested in him, thereupon merged in the fee thereof. And which said premises above described as Nos..lfi and N. are parts of a lot of ground which • Susannah D; Waterton, by indenture bearing date March 28.. A . -D.-- 1865, recorded in Book R 1). W. ,'Neel.o. - page 374.. &c., ;ranted , and conve red unto said John- Davies in fee: reserving thereout the yearly ground rent of 210 dollars, which yearly ground tent the said Susannah D. Wharton, by indenture bearing date February 4,'A; D.. 1853, recorded in. Deed Book A. D. 8.._ No. 8, page /05,' &0., divided into two rents, of 140 dollars and 70 dollars, and extinguishing the ground rent of 70 dol lars, and by indenture bearing date July 29, 1858, recorded in Deed. Book A. D.' 8., No. 27, •page .388, &c. '- the said Susannah D...Whatron redivided the said ground rent of 140 dollars into two rents of 70 dollars each: and extinguishing one of said rents; and by indenture bearing date Marche, 1860, recorded In Deed - Book -A. D. B. No. 104, page2,s3, .te ; the said SUM nal D. Wharton released and extinguished the remain-. thg ground rent of 70 &dime Auto the said John Davies. his heirs and assigcs forever And the said premises above described as 1605. 11 and 12 are subject to a mort gage debt of 530300. made thereof by said John Davies to Margareua S. Wetherill, by indenture of mortgage, bearing date July.2o, 15tS. recorded in Mortgage Book A. D. 8., No. 13, page 433, Ste. And which said pre mises above described as Nos. 13 and -14 are subject to a certain mortgage debt of $3,01, made thereof by said John Davies to Ann M. Peters, by indenture of mort gage, bearing date March 5, 1660, recorded in Mortgage Book A. D. B. No. 52, pitse 40d, Sic. . No. 16)4. • All that certain lot or ground situate on the northwest corner of,Erie avenue and. Turner street, .in the city of lebiladelpbia; containing in front on Erie avenue 91 feet flee inches, and in depth 97 feet. [ Which said premises Abel Lukens et ex. by deed dated. June 11. 1&53, recorded in Deed Book T. 11 , No. 152, page 343, &0., conveyed unto John-Davies iu fee, who by in denture dated - September 21, 1560, recorded Mortgage Book A. D. 8., No. 67, page 241, &c:, conveyed the, =mein mortgage unto Mary - Kaign to . secure the pay ment of one thousand dollars. ] lieleo. 16ee. All those certain frame tenements and two three-story brick messuages in the rear, and lot of ground, 'satiate on the south side of Lombard street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, in the city of Phila delphia: coniathing in front on Lombard street 20 feat, . and in. depth 78 feet. Bounded north by said Lombard street, westward by a lot formerly of David Kennedy, now or late of Richard Doughty, southward bylande of Baron Burst &Co ;and eastward by ground of Charles ' Caney, granted, or intended to have been granted, .to James Glasstee. (Which said premises George Megan sheriff by deed dated December 27, 1856, - conveyed' netoJohn Davies in fee, who by mortgage dated De cember ea, 1556, recorded in Mortgage Book R. D W. ,- No. 51, page 484, &c., conveyed unto Elizabeth Souillier to secure the pal ment of $1,250. No. 17. All that certain meesuage' and lot of ground, beginning on the' west side of Twelfth. 'street, ninety four feet northward from Oxford street, in the city_ of Philadelphia; thence along the west side of Twelfth. street twenty-four feet, thence westward. seventy-six feet, thence southward eighteen fest ten inches. thence eastward three feet, thence southward. five feet two incites, thence eastward seventy-three feet to the place of beginning, with the privilege of two three-feet alleys leading from said premises into Fawn street. No. 18. All that certain three-story brick messuage end- lot - of. ground, situate on the east side of Fawn ' street, seventy. nine -feet eight inches northwaid from Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fawn street sixteen feet six inches, including the southern moiety of a three-feet alley, and in depth eastward fort feet, with the privilege of said alley. • No. 19. All y that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground. situate on the east side of Fawn street, ninety- six feet two inches northward from Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front OD Fawn street six en feet six inches (including the northern moiety o hree- feet alley) and in depth forty feet with the privile oof said alley. . , • • • [Which said premises above described as Nos. 17, 18, : and -19, the said John Davies and wife, by two several- : indentures bearing date respectively the first day of - 'April, A. D. 1562, and ninth day of May, A D. 1862, re- - corded in Deed Book A. C. H., No. 41, page 121, &c., A , C. U. No. -, page 628 , etc., grantee and con veyed unto John H. Davies in fee. And which said -premises described as. No. 17 is subject to the ,payment of s certain mortgage debt of three, thousand two hun dred and fifty dollars, made thereof by the said John -Davies to Elizabeth Morrell by indenture of mortgage dated the eighteenth day of March, A. 1:). 1862, recorded in Mortgage Book A C. H., No.. 24, page los e dre. And which said premises described 113 .Nos: 18 and 19 are subject to the payment of a certain mortgage debt of two thousand dollars, made thereof by the said- John .havies to • Elizabeth Morrell by indenture of mortgage dated the second day of tatty, A. D. 1852, recorded in 7Mortgage Book A. Ce• EL . No. 29, page 110. &c ] ! ' No. 20. All that certain three-story brick •mesemage valid let of-'ground situate on the east side of Cadbury - avenue 2(.0 feet northward front Oxford street, in tha „city of•Philledelplda,• containing in front on Cadbury venue 18 feet, and in depth ae feet, including at the northwest corner of said lot part of an alley. two feet six inches wide, loading into Amboy street. With the prl nvilege of said alloy. . '1 No. 2L All that certain three-story brick messuage 'and lot of grotuid situate on the east side of Cadbury !avenue two hundred arid twenty-live feet northward eTtom Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia; con staining in front on Cadbury avenue 16 feet, and in depth .55 feet, including at the southeast corner of said lot part of an alio two feet six inches wide, leading into Am • ' boy street. • With the privilege of said alloy. • : . No. 22. All that certain - three-story brick messuage end Ice of ground situate on the east side of Cadbury avenue, 241 feet northward front Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Cadbury avenue 16 feet, and in depth 65 feet, Including at the northeast corner thereof part of an alley two feet six .inches wide leading into Amboy street. With the .srrivilege of said alley- . -e. No. 23. All that certain three-story brick messuage *end lot of ground situate on the east side of Cadbury :avenue, 267 feet northward from Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Cadbury avenue 16 feet, and in depth '55" feet, Including at the southeast corner thereof part of an alley two feet six inches wide, leading . into -Amboy street. With the privilege of said alley, . N0e2.4. All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Cadbury avenue. 273 feet northward from Oxford street, in the city of -Philadelphia; containing in front on Cadbury avenue 16 feet, and in depth 55 feet, including at the northeast corner of said lot part of &two- feet six-inches wide alley, leading into Amboy street, with the privi lege of said alley. . No: 26. All that certain three-stery brick messuage and lot of around situate on the west side of Amboy ,• 225 feet northward from Oxford street, in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front !on Amboy street 16 feet (includigg the north half of a two-feet six-inches-wide alley), and in depth 45 feet, with the privilege of-said alley. • . .•. No. 26. All that certain three-story brick mossnage and lot of ground- situate on the west side of Autboy street two hundred and forty- one feet northward from. Oxford street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing be front on Amboy street sixteen feet (including the eolith half of a two-feet-six-inches :wide alley), &akin depth forty-five feet, with the privilege of said alley. I No. 27. All that. certain three-story. brick messuage and lot of ground situate -on the west side of Amboy street two 'hundred and fifty-seven feet northward from Oxford street,-in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Amboy street sixteen feet (including half of a two- feet-slx-Inchea wide alley) and in depth forty- Ave feet, with the privilege of said alloy. No. 28. All that certate three- story brick messnalle and lot 'of ground situate on the west side of Amboy street, 273 feet north from Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Amboy street 16 feet, including the south half of a 2-feet 6- inches- wide alley, and in depth 46 feet; with the privilege of said alley. ' No. 29. All that certain three-story brick messuage andn lot of ground situate on-the west side of Amboy street. 269 feet northward from Oxford'street,in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Amboy street 16 feot, -including the north half of a 2-feet 6-inches-wide alley, and in depth 45 feet; with the privilege of said alley. (The premises above described as Noe. 20 to 29, in clusive; being the same which William Wamsley anti wife, by indenture dated the tenth day of April, A.' D. 1861, recorded in Deed Book A. C. H. eNo. 16,page 8,6te.. granted and conveyed unto John HeDavies, in fee: Sub ject, with' respect to the premises Nos. 20, 21, 22, and 23 each, to the payment of the mortgage debt or principal sum of one thongs ml Ave hundred dollars, made thereof by Theodore A. Talley to John Davies by tour several SHERIFF'S SALES. indentures of mortgage, bearing date the sixth day of October, A D. 1810, an i recorded in Mortgage Book 4. D. 8.. No. 66. PP. 522, Lai. and 607. &c. With respect to the premises Nos. 25, 26, and 27, each to the payment .Of a mortgage debt or principal VIM of one.thousand two hundred dollars. made thereof by said Theodore A. Talley to said John Davies by three several indentures of mortgage, .dated October 6, Iva, recorded in mort- Wgage book A. D. 8.. No. 66, pp: 512, 614, and 515. &c. ith respect to +raid premises, Nos. 'ffi and 59, each to the payment of a mortgage debt of twelve hundred dol lars, made thereof Weida Theodore A. Talley to said John Davies by two several indentures of mortgage. dated the sixteenth day of Octoberdli D. 1860, recorded in mortgage book A. D. 8., No. 71, pp. 151, &c., and 149, &c., And with respect to said premises N 0.21. to the pay meat of a mortgage debt. of one thousand five hundred dollars, made thereof by said Theodore A. Talley to John Davies by indenture of mortgage dated the six teenth day of October, A. D. 18e0, recorded in Mortgale Book A. D B. No. 71, page 144, &e. And which said Premises No. 4 are afro subject to a mortgage debt of five hundred dollars, Made thereof by John H. Davies to Charles H. Masson by indenture of mortgage" dated the twenty. fifth day of February, A. 1) 1864, recorded in Mortgage Book A. C• H., 80. 47,.page 345, &c., and the interest due, and to grow due, thereon]. No. 80. All that certain three.etory brick messitage and lot of ground situate on the west side of Amboy street 305 feet northward from Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Amboy street 16 feet, including the soath half of a 2 feet 6-inches wide alley. andin depth 4L feet, with the privilege of said alloy. ' No. 31. All that certain throe-story brick meareilage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Cadbury avenue 306 fa et northward from Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing. in front on Cadbury avenue 16 feet, and in'depth 55 feet. No. 32. All that certain three story brick meecuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Cadbury avenue three hundred and twenty-ono feet northward from Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia; con taining to front on Cadbury avenue sixteen feet and a depth fifty-five feet. The premises above described as No. 30and 31, being parts of a lot aground . which Joseph W. Solider aad wife,.by indenture be arin g d ate the tenth day of August,. A. . I€6o, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 133, page 77. &c., granted and conveyed onto the said John H. Davies in fee ; reserving tbereout the yearly ground rent of forty-eight dollars. Which yearly ground rent the said Joseph W. Souderand wife, by indenture bear ing date the thirty first day of October,. A. D. 1860, re corded in Deed Book'A. D. B. No 147; page (1 , , &a., re leased arid extinguished unto the said John H. Davies. his heirs and assigns, forever. And which iota ground last above described is part of a lot which the said Joseph W. Eouder and wife by indenture bearing date the tenth day of August, A. D. 1260, recorded in Deed Book A D. B. ,No. 139. page 72, &c., granted and convoyed unto the said John H. Davies in fee, reserving thereout the yearly ground rent of forty-eight dollars. Which last men tioned ground rent the said Joseph W. Bonder and wife, by indenture bearing dot e the thirty-first day of October. A. D. 1360, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 147, page 64, A c.. released and extinguished unto the said John B. Davies. his heirs and assigns, forever. And which said premises. No. 30, are subject to a certain mortgage debt made thereof lay said John H. Davies to Joel W. Strewn, by indenture of mortgage dated the second day of January, A. D. 1861, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 69, Doge 514,'&c., for one thousand dollars, and to a certain other mortgage debt of five hundred dollars. made by the same to the same, by indenture of mortgage , dated the fifth day of APril, A. D.lBB3.recorded in mort gage book A. C. H. , No. 54,page 61. &c. And which said promises .1.10: 31 aro subject to two mortgages made thereof by said John 11. Davies to ElizaM Bridge one dated thestwenty sixth day of November,A. D. 1960. recorded!. int' Mortgage - Book As.. C. H . Nol, page 11, &e., for one thousand live hundred dollars; and the other dated the twenty- recond day of December:, A. D. 1563, recorded in Mortgage Book A. C. H., No. 63, Page 298, &c., for five hundred dollars.. And which said pre mises last above described are subject to two mortgages made thereof by said John H. Davies to kliza M. Bridge, ono dated the twenty-sixth day of November, A. D I£9o, recorded in Mortgage Book A. C. H., No. 1. ' page S. &c.. for one thousand five hundred dollars, and the other dated the twenty-second day of December A. D. 186.3, 'li recorded in Mortgage Book A. C. H., No. 63. • page 294, Bm. for ve hundred dollars. CD. C. ; S. '64 . 177. Debt, $ 7,615 . Thorn and Wharton.] Taken irn execution and to be sold as the property of John Davies. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff is Office, Sept. 21, 1864. se22-3t SHERIFF'S BALLE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendee , on MONDAY Evening, October 3, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick raessnage twe-story frame kitchen and lot of ground, beginning elflike east side of Fifth street two hundred and forty feet south ward lrem Norris ttreet, in the city' of Philadelphia; thence extending southward along Fifth street fifteen feet, thence east ward sixty- one feet two and five eighths inches, thence northeasterly twenty-eight feet nine and five eighths inches to a three-feet-nine-inches wide al ley, thence northwardi y along said alley three feet nine and five eighths inches, thence westward sixty-ono feet two and five eighths inches to the beginning, with the privilege of said alley. [Being part of the same lot which Francis M. Drexel et utr., by deed dated June let; 1161, conveyed unto Daniel Haviland, in fee.) D.C. ;S. ,'G4. 216. Debt, $1,719.83. Sergeant & Bullitt. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Haviland. JOHN THOhIPSON Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Otlice, Sept. 21,1864 . se23-3t p,IIERIFF'S BALE.-BY. VIRTUE OF KJ a writ of Fieri Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendne, on altliDAY Evening, October 3, 1534, at 4 o'clock, at Saw3orn-Street Hall, All that certain three story brick messuage and lot of ground,_ beginning on the northeast corner of School and Rose streets, in the city of Philadelphia; thence northwest along School street 34 feet 6 inches, thence northeast about 63 feet to Howard street, thence along the same about 47 feet 2 inches to Rose street. thence southwest along the same 31 feet 2 inches to the begin ning. (Which said lot William M. Comae-et nx., by deed dated September 26, 1834, recorded in Deed Book Book A. W. M., ho.-19, page 477, conveyed unto John Beatty, in fee, reserving ground rent of-S3O 28, which ground rent James Marken et al., b£ deed dated October 9, 1843, recorded in Deed Book A. W. 31., No. 19, page 437, Ac ., extinguished - unto said John Beatty, his heirs and assi,ene,] . CD. C.: S., '64. 183. Debt, $528. Simpson.] _ Taken in - execution and to be sold as the property of John Beatty. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 21, 1564. ee52.-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE .OF a writ of Levari Midas, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY Evening, October 4, 1869, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage.two-story frame back building and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Fifth street, 95 feet southward from Norris street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifth street 15 feet, and is depth 61 feet, to a three feat nine inches alley, with the privilege thereof. [Be ing part of the same lot which Francis M.Drexel et nx., by deed dated June 1. 1861, conveyed unto Daniel Ha viland in fee.] D. C. ; •6..'61. 208. Debt, $1,574. Sergeant and Bullitt. 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Hatriland. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sherlirs•Office. Sept. 21, IS6L se23-3t SHERIFF'S w . SALE:-BY. VIRTUE OF a ritnf. Venditloni . I:St : pones, directed will be exposed to public sale or vendne, on MONDAY' Eve ning, October' , - 1564 at 4 o' Sansom-strset Hall, All that certain ' lot of ground. with the thereon, situate on the north side of Shtppen street, 95.15 feet westward from Fifteenth street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Shippeu.street 18 feet, and In depth 120• feet to Bedforl street. [Which said premises Charles Fox, by deed dated April 13, D 52, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No: 18, page 46, &c. ' con veyed unto William Twiggs in fee; subject to the pay ment of a ground rent of $19:50. • fl): C. ; S.. '64. 197. Debt, $1;370.3 ' Taken in execution and to be sold es"the property of William Twigge. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, kept. 21.1864. se22-3t SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 8, 1364, at 4 o'clock, at Ransom-street Hall, All that certain two-story brick building and lot of ground situate on the Southwest corner of Church and Moore Etrf tits, is tho city of Philadelphia; containingin front on Moore street ninety. three feet six inches, and in depth about sixty-two feet. Taken in • execution on judgment (C. C. P. IL '59, 212, Brewster) on claim for pipe, and to be sold- as the Property of Daniel Farnsworth. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, SherilPs.Olice, Seplember 21, 1934. CS. 'B4, 51.1 se2-3-3t • kEEERIFF'S. SALE.—By, VIRTUE OF K- 1 a writ of Levert Paclea it to me directed, be ex posed to public sale or verolue, on MONDAY Evening. OctoberS, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain three-story brick messuage, two-story frame back building and lot of ground, situate outhe east side of Fifth street, 195 feet southward from Norris street, in the city of Philadelphia.; containing in front on Fifth street 15 feet, and in depth S 4 feetto a three-feet nine inches alley, with theprivilege thereof: [Being part of the same lot which Francis N. Drexel et ox., by deed dated June 1, IE6I, convoyed unto Daniel in fee.) CD. C.IS., '64. 213. Debt, $1574. Sergeant andßullitt.l Taken in execution and to be sold as the -property of Daniel Hayiland. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's °Mee, Sept. 21, 1564. se23-3t • gri.tRIFF'S SALE .- BY ..'VIRTUE OF t• - / a writof Levert Paciaa, tome 'directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on MONDAY Evening, October 6, 1864: at '4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain threk.story brick .niessuaage and lot of ground situate on the northwest corner of Locust street 'and Albion.. (late Aspen alley) street, in the city of Philadelphia: containing in front on Locust street fifteen feet eight inches, and in depth forty-nlue feet mine inches,'lncludiug on the rear end an alley. with the privilego , of said alley. [Which said premises Thomas Miller,' by deed dated . July 2, 1833, recorded in Deed Book I'. H., No. 97, page 225, &c., conveyeil unto Thomas Gallasher. in fee; subject. to a ground rent of *72,_pay ll ablelst March and September- • _[D. C.l'.',. '64. 220. Debt 8300. H. C. Thompson J Taken in execution and to - be sold as the property of Thomas Gallagher. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff'S Office, Sept. 21,,1161. se23 It SHERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE -OF a Writ of Levert Facies, to me directed, will be ex posed .to public sale or yendne, on MONDAY Evening, October 3, 1664, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, • All certain lot of ground situate on the south side Of Brandywine street, one hundred end fifty-nine feet ten inches eastward from Nineteenth' street. in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Brandywine street thirty-six feet, and in depth one hundred and seventy feet eleven inches to Spring Garden street. Taken in execution on judgment (C. 0. P., isf., 1 69, 13, Brewster) . on claim for pipe, and to he sold as tho property of v--- Massey formerly Eit Daln. J ' OHN TIIOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's office. Sept. 21, 261. S., :64, 63. . se23-31 . QEERIFF'S SALE.-Bt VIRTUE OF •"--' writ of Leynri Facias, to me directed. will bc ex posed to public sale or vendue,on MONDAY Evening, 'October 8, 1554, at 4 o'clock, atSansom-stroet Hall. • All that certain hi ee-story brick megsnage, two-story frame.back building and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Fifth street 1.355 feet southward from Norris street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifth street 15 feet, and in depth SI feet to a three.- feet nine-inches alley, with the privilege thereof. [Be. Jug part of the - same lot which Brat cis M. Drexel et nx.,, by deed dated Junel, - ISM, convoyed unto Daniel Ha; viland in fee. 1 • CD. C. ; S., '64. 209. Debt, $1,674. Sergeant andßal litt. i • Talon in execution sad to be eold as the property of Daniel neviland. JOHN THO I / I PBON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Office. Sept 21. iS34. seffit St Al, AV id Ili I :11)A P E IVA STEAM ENGINE ANDROILER WORKS, —NRA FIE t LEVY. PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MA CHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and b eon exclusively engaedin building and repairing. Marine and River Engines, high and lots* pre,- sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propsi lora, Ate., , respectfully offer their serrfeer to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, /U -rine, River, and Stationary ; having sate of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made 'at the shortest notice. High and Low. pre , eure, Fine, Tabular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penn sylvania charcoal iron, Forgings, of all sizes and kinds. Iron and *Brass Castings, of all descriptions; Roll- Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at the establishment free of charge, and work guarantead_ The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boath, where they can lie' in perfect safety. and are provided with sheare, blocks, falls, 40, , &o„ fo r for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C. NEAFIS, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMER Streets. - J. VA1701(4.5 MERRIOIC. INTLLIAY Y. XEREIO3I. /OEM E. COPE, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND •WASHINGTON STRBBTS. • PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK &. SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, • Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, tot land river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c. ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-frame Roofs for Gaa Works, Workshops, Rail- road Sta ions, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most let. proved construction. Every description of Plantation Machineiy, stash ag Sugar, Saw, and Grist i gills , Vacuum Pans, Opal Steam Trains, Defecators, Fi 'term. Frunjaing Engines, &a. Sole agents for N. Milieux's Patent Sugar.-Boiling Ap paratus,. Neemyth ' s Patent Steam Hammer, aid ASPIIIO wall & Wolsay'a Patent. Centsitag&l. Sugar-Draining • Machine. ORGAN` ORR, a CO., STEAM RR - GINS. BUILD/MS. Iron Found an_d Clews] Machinists 16nd Boiler Makers. UALLOW. HILL Street, Philadelphia. . • fe2o-81 PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, Built kr the Washington Iron Works. —A first class ENGINE, imitable for Oil Wells, can be fturalehed In one week at. No. /35 North THIRD Street. • AM-6W * ••• CHAS. H. SMITH, Agent. STEAM HEATERS FOR FACTORIES, MILLS, &e. , heated with exhaust or direct steam; also Coils for Heaters,_Coadeneers, Evaporators &a, saf,,Rw, gnREMAti. Q 4 Worth RIXTPI Rt. COAL, GENITINE EAGLE VEIN COAL, EQUAL IP NOT SUPERIOR TO LEHIGH. —A trial will seenreyour Custom. Egg and Stove sizes, $12.60 nes ton; Larie Nut, . Waco. 1.2 South FOURTH St. below Chest:mt. De - ot, f 1119 CALLOWHILL St.: above Broad. De 4-6m] ELLIS BRANSON. COA L . - SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER A./ [MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and beet Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill; prepared es presaly•for Family use. Depot, N. W. corner 11/OHTH and WILLOW Ste. Office, to. 11% South SECOND St. Apd-tt • J. WALTON di CO. AUCTION SALES., „ FURNESS, BRINIEY ar(X) •ffi- No. 615 CINENNUT sod 611.11 JUNI Streets - SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. • OR FRIDAY MORALS(/' I L SQ h , Sept 9)th, at Io o'clock. by catalogne..on`four months credit, 6go lots of fancy and staple French goods, corn Prising a general assortment. PANCOAST & WARNOOK, ARO TIONBERS. R4O M. Street: • FOR "SALE. AND TO LIM: • • FOR•VALB-THE E.14.11 - GA • lkt T Matbili-ntirrY BRAWN STONE 3IANSION.irith three story double back-buildin as, on the west corner of Logan Square and Vine atreet. Has all the modern improve meuta. Lot 22 by HO feet. • WM. ROSSELL ALLEN. se27-a* S. E. corner FOURTH and WALNIIT Ste. 4 FOR SALE—A NEAT COTTAGE, ve2 l with about three acres of Land attached, filled with choke nil& trees, &c., in Bridgeboto, lv. 3., ten miles from Camden. Price very /ow. Apply to • Unsf.- ROSSELL ALLEY.. se27-3t* S. B. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Sto. al LARGE AND VALUABIATS PERTY FOR SALE. ' —The very lai gge arid commo dious LOT and BUILDING, No. 308 CHERRY Street, near the centre of business, containing GO feet on Cherry .street, depth 106 feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening to a large cart-way leading to Cherry street. Its advantages of SIZE AND POSITION are rarely mot with. Apply on the premison sal m* FOR • Eat - F - NtEST PHILADEL MILPHIA-DESIRABLE INVESTDIENTS—The balance of the brow - r -stone HOUSES just finished, on Fortieth street, Baltimore avenue, and the Darby Passenger Railroad (south of Pine street, built in the French and Italian styles. These Houses have every convenience, are built in the best manner, and will be sold on ac commodating. terms. First-elass neighborhood. Houses in this locality always in demand. C. N. S LESLIE, No. 1.1.4 South SIXTH Street. 11 FOR SALE OR TO LET—TWELVE drst-classfonr-story BRICK HOUSES, new, and with all the modern improvements, on east side of South BROAD Street. -near Wharton. Terms moderate. Apply to GEO. SERGLOT, for F. AI Drexel's estate, selff-lm* 432 WA_LIIITT Street. ala FOR SALE---A VALUABLE BUSl mca NESS STMND, at Twelfth and Spring Garden ski. consisting of Store • room and Dwelling, containing b rooms and bath. Terms easy. Inquire 58 N. FOURTH St, , 241 story. Lmmediato posseasion given. au.,T-Izas di FOR BALE, VERY • CHEAP.- muLLARGE AND HANDSOME RESIDENCE, South west corner of FOBTY-FIRST and 'WESTMINSTER avenue, Twenty-fourth ward; 13 rooms, sas, hot and cold traterthroughout the house, stablo in rear of lot. fine fruit and shade trees. . . Size of lot, 120 feet front by 179 feet deep. Price VO,OOO, clear of inctimbrance. Terms easy. Also, Two very .desirable COTTAGES, on HALM' Street, near Westminster avenue; have all modernlm provementi, 10 rooms. Size of lots, each 25 feet front by ill feat deep. Price 53,600, each, Tezms easy. Also, a number of desirable Houses, at from SLEW each to p 16,000, in all parts of the city. Apply to SAMUEL P. HUTCHINSON, or J. WARREN COULSTON, au2,stl No. IAI- South SIXTH Streak ist GERMANTOWN PROPERTY.- FOB SALE, a commodious double Stone DWELL ING, situate on Main street, with an acre of ground attached, in a high state of cultivation_ Apply to E. McCALL4, sel2•tf 18 South SECOND Street. AVORGE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE LE, 23f miles south of G'hristiana, Lancaster c0..0n the Pennsylvania Railroad, known as SADSBUR FORGES; two good water-powers, several thousand tons of good forge cinder, and a FARM of 200 acres in a high state of cultivation. For full particulars address - JAMES GOODMAN, Penningtonville P. 0., Chester counti , , Penna. Immediate possession given. • - Also, in the same neighborhood (on the Railroad), a valuable STORE PROPERTY: good buildings, excel lent stand. Address as above. selft tutlaSca r TO RENT-FOR ONE •TO THREE YEARS,.-a pleasant COUNTRY RESlDENCE,'con taining four to five acres, with large convenient Stone Rouse, good • Stabling, abundant Fruit and Shade Trees, Water, &c., on the Old . York Road, at Branch town, ten minutes' walk from Oak-lane station, and Ave miles from the city. For terms, which will be ac commodating to a first-class tenant, apply at No.• 203 MARRET Street, second floor. Parties having addressed "E. E.." who are without answers to the applications, are . referred to the above address. se27- tuths3t* FOR SALE-VERY NEAT D LING:, 602 North Twenty-escond street. Immediate possession. Convenient' and desirable - Dwelling, M 6 North Sixth street. Possession soon. The desirable side-yard Rouse 2037 Moant Vernon street. Possession in ten days. Four-story Dwelling, with deep lot (190 feet), 1824 Green. Possession soon. Ma Mount Vernon street; four story; large yar , Possgssion soon. S.E. CorniiTirenty-second and Wallace; nest House Possession in thirty days. Two Dwellings north aide of Cumberland, east of Co ral street. $1,500 each. 728 Shirley street. 1,625. 1012 North Fifth street; neat and con-indent. 1350 Jefferson street ; neat and convenient. 1533 North Thirteenth; three story. 82,509. ' West side of Mary street, below Jefferson. $1,500. 1225 Cass street. $1,800; 919 North Eleventh street. $3,000.. 1102 Brown street. $1,400. 306 North Seventh. $5,200. 21339111sworth street. $1,250. 1207 Wallace stroet; large yard. Immediate Dosses sion. . • With a variety of Others. B. F. GLENN, • _ 123 South FOURTH Sheet, and • sel7-tf S.' W. corner SEVENTEENTH and GREEN. EXECUTORS'' By virtue of the last will of Samuel Raines, late i of Vncentown, N. 3., deceased, to be sold at Private Sale, and if not sold at Private Sale before will be sold at Public Sale, • - •• ON FIFTH D ALY. • the 6th day of October nest at Lippincott's Hotel, In MOUNT HOLLY, N. 7, at o'clock P. M., one of the best the county. 'of Burlington, containing about 145 acres, more or less, situate within about half a mile from Vie cantown, lye miles from Mount Holly, and live from Pembertorw with a public road and a railroad running through the same, making a route by railroad from the, city of Philadelphia to Pemberton, also to Vincentown twice a' day ; adjoining . lands of Samuel Woolston, SamL P. Haines, John Buiterworih, Thomas Haines, and others. The improvements thereons/a a two-story Brick Dwelling House with ten rooms, well. bashed, a cellar under the whole; three wells of good water and one cis tern, two apple orchards and' one peach do., of the best selected fruit, in NH bearing; two barns, one hay house, two crib houses, and other necessary outbuild ings. A never-failing stream of water running through said Farm, about three acres of which are in timber; the soil is of a rich free soil, well adapted to grain and grass, in a high state of cultivation. • For further information persons will call on RICHARD EAYRE, Nos. 7 and 3 N. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. or on Z. M. WELLS, MARLTON. N. .7_, the Execu tors, or on SAMUEL BUTTERWORTH, lirltg on said Farm. Conditions at sale D 4 RICHARD ZAYRE, • ZEBEDEE 81. WELLS • e 26. 10 t * Executora. - . • set COAL AND TIMBER L.A.NDBFOR SALE. 6.800 acres in Lycoming county, Pa. • 10,000 acres in Potter county. I L f 00 acres in Elk county. .10,000 acres Lead Ore Land. In Missouri . . 20 000 acres Taney county Land, in Missouri. • With other large and small bodies of Timber and Farm Lands. _ selo • .. B. F. GLET(N. 123 South POITRTH Street. FOB" . BALE-A . ITALITABLE 3 AND id 617 iinfiroyed FARM, situite on iniyigable river, Bonierset- county, Maryland, containing 767 acres, 300 of wbich are heavy timber, the balance in a high state of cultivation. The main buildings are large and ententive. Four tenants' Houses, two large Barns, out-buil t :tint% of every necessary kind. For. further particulars apply to 8.. PETTIT, ae23-tf • . 323 W.ALNUT Street. • gib PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE ...a.. REAL ESTATE—CHESTER- 00IINTIr FARMS. The real estate cJ CABL.E SEAL, deeeased, consisting of 176 acree of land, with improvements will be sold at Public sale on Fourth dm*, the 4th of TENTH MONTH (Octobor), 1864 For bills containing description of Pro Peri• address • LEWIS SEAL, .• sel6-sinthllt* Avondale, .FOR SAIR-A HIGHLY PRO- DiTCTIVE AND VALUABLE.,PaItff situates:l'U New Castle county, Delaware abont two and. a half relies below Delaware City, and of a mile above Port Penn, on the river Delaware, containing some Three Hundred and Ninety Acres, about ona half of which is meadow of first quality; the balance upland; soil .ex cellent, in a high state of cultivation, and no waste - or unproductive land in the tract ! - As a dairy and grain producing farm (acre for acre) it has no superior in that justly celebrated agricultural county of New Castle, Delaware. Thera have been from fifty to sixty cows kept upon it for many years Past, uniformly yielding a large. profit ! • The animal pro duct of wheat for years past has been from twelve to eighteen hundred bushels. Com, in . 1883, Ave thousand bushels, and notwithstanding an unprecedented drought has prevailed in this section the present year it is confidently believed that over four thousand bush els of corn will be garnered! in addition to. which nacres were planted in tobacce,which yielded a most luxuriant and heavy crop! Much profit is annually de rived al so from fattening stock on the premises If de sirable the farm may gdvantageously be divided into three farms, one of which would be very desirable and valuable and i n tract; farm! The Improvements, which are fair and in geed condition, consist of a large brick dwelling, barn, large wagon and • store house, corn cribs, ice house, a. line dairy with tenant house, and other necessary buildings. Lime or ma nures can' be landed on the premises. The locality is healthy, coursnient to schools and churches, and in the centre of a thrifty and intelligent community. Price one hundred and thirty ($180) dollars per acre. A large portion of the purchase money may remain On the property. Any _further information may be ob tained by application to WILLIAM REY SOLD, . • . • near Delaware City. or to - GO: B. ILLS. seV-tutbset 315 FRANKLIN Street,Philailelphia.. A. 17:MATABLE 'AND bESE!4.I2IpE FARM AND COUNTRY :SEAT. AT PUBLIC SALE. WILL BB SOLD AT .PUBLIC SALE, ON SATURDAY, THE Biar OF OCTOBER, MI, ON THE PREMISES AT 2 O'CLOCK IN THE AF TERNOON, A VALUABLE FARM, Situated immediately adjoiniiiithertown-of WOODBURY, GLOUCESTER - COUNTY. N. J., CONTAINING 31 ACRES. • with a front on Delawlme street of 1.400 feet, anti a never. falling stream of water running the entire width of the property in the rear, well stocked with fruit of grea.t varieties, divided into convenient lots. The lead is in a good state of cultivation. and particularly adapt ed to grass. - . TIO3 IMPROVENENTS ARE A GOOD TWO-STORY BRICK Y3CkTi3E, BARN. CORN-01043,'1ND 0T1CR1,,,.331116110113,. • • And a line lavrn to front of the hOUSe.:, Fora gentle man's country seat, for specitlative purposes, or for the cultivation tf fruits, this is one of the moat desirable properties, rarely to be met with in the market. The town of WOODBURY is the county seat of Glon cester connty,•and one of the most flourishing villages in West Jersey, with Schools of a very high order and cessuchurches a of m v o ao hu e ly nom y n t a heWe s T J e s m ey Railroad, and the property within ten Mantes' walk of the cars. “1-- Presidentulars inquire of WILLTA Bak,ATUM,. of the. Gloucester County at Woodbury. Conditions at sale. ALSO, AT TEM SAM E TIME AVE PLAOE. TEN MAA.N.EO, AT. RED;BANK, • adjOiriing lands of Charles Mita.% - Jolutsog i and Henry Itickley, part growing up in TIMBER. • SEPTEMBER 22d, 1861 WATER POWER TO RENT. AFfTilr • v 'to DAVID ClllLLAlLNiniatierhpl shaar ign DR., FM, TRAOTIOArr -DEL* TIST for the last twenty years. 219 VINE St.. below "Third, inserts the most beautiful TESTS of the age, mounted on fine Gold Platina, Valeaniti. Coralite, Amber. ate., at prices,. for neat and substantial work, more .reasonable than any Dentist in this city or State. Teethplugged to last for life. Artificial Teetk repaired to suit DT° pain in extracting. All work WIT. ranted to St. Referenee, boat families. anSl-3m THOUSANDS OF TEETH. EX. .."" RACTED WITHOUT PAlN—Patent applied for.—My new invention, a Double Reversible Self. ad justing Safety Valved Inhaler, for. administering Ni trous Oxide Gas and extracting •Teeth tvitbout.pain. The only mode that the Gas can 11)e properly and safely administered. Dr, C. L. DICtiDPI 7 31 erituoil Street. • AVIDTION SALES. TN B. MYERS & 00.__AUOTob SKIM Noe. 213•4 234:NARmi -7 POSITIVE SALE OF CARPETINOB, ON SATURDAY StORDIING. October Rh, at precisely Il o'clock, will be so i d. talosne. on four months credit, an amortieeut "`' perfine and fine Ingram, Venitian, heron, cott a ,„:. rag carpeting& wbich may be examined ' morning of sale.. ke, PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCH. INDIA Froirp GERMAN. AND BRITISH DRY Goo.D.l', g„, 'a. ON MONDAY MORNING, • . • October 10. at 10 o'clock. will be sold, b. tat ... on four months' credit,abont— • • meor4l, • SOO PACKAGES AND LOTS . o f F r ench, India, German, and British dry ;mad,. A.& embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy • cotton Staple 'articles cs. in Bilk , worsted. woolen, ••• 3 ei N. B.—Samples B.—Samples of the same Will be arranged examination with catalokues, early on the t he sale, when dealers will Ind it to their inters et • • " vr.. end. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE . OF BOOTS BR II , BRoGAlfti. ON TUESDIY MORNING, October 4th, at 10 o'clock, will bo Bold by , ut Logue, without reserve, on four months' credit, a wi I,loo.packagss boots, shoes, brogaue, baltau ra u . t' shoes, army goods, travelling bags, &c., of city and 4,1'. ern manufacture, embracing a fresh and Prime am ort , ment of desirable articles for men.worcen. and 9116,.: wbich will be open for examination early on tie tiot r , thy of sale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BRITISH, FRlBler r GERMAN, AID DOMESTIC DRY °DODS. We will bold a large sale of Foreign and Dom A ,... Dry art for Goods, by catalogue, on a credit of boar month, , nt p cash, ON THURSDAY MORNING, October 6tb, embracing about 1,200 package; and to. If staple and fancy articles in woolens, worsteds, linesei. silks, and cottons, to which we invite the atteattot dealers. N. B —Samples of the same will be amassed t ot examination, with catalogues, early on the mocha ? of sale, when dealers will And it to their izitereit attend. Itti THOUS & SONS AAA . • NOS. 1:39 and 141 Sona/rolllffir SALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE, At the Exchange, every TUESDAY, at 12 o'clock now /a-Handbills of each Property tamed separately.mi On the raturday previous to each sale LOCO catalogoei i t pamphlet form, giving fall descriptions. -- FURNITURE SALES at the Auction Store er,v ) , TB CFBBD AY. Air-frarticular attention given to sales at Private %.1 sidences, &c. - . SUPERIOR FURNITURE. PIANOS. FRENCH-ItArg MIRRORS__, FINE CARPETS, &c. THIS MORNING. At 9 o'clock. at the Auction Store,•s+lperior farnitart. Piano fortes, flne French- plate mantel and pier mirrom, fine Brussels and other carpets. &c. • A 150,2 large and elegant French- plata'andMantel mir• rors. Also, 10 fins French-plate mantel and pier infanta. also, a superior military saddle and bridle. RLEGANT a FU RNITURE, MI s RROR - SPI : A NO. at. On FRIDAY MORNING, 30th inst., at 10 o'clock, at no. 1818 Chestnut streOtAlr catalogue, the superior furniture, including suit of ele. gant rosewood and walnut drawing-room furnitura, large mantel and pier mirrors, rosewood piano. suin. rior dining-room furniture, line carpets, &c. Sale No. 213 Spruce street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE: MIRRORS, CRICKERLIO PIANO. CARPETS. &c. ON MONDAY MORNING. • October 3d, at 10 o'clock, by 'catalople, at No 2gi Spruce street, the • superior furniture, including suit at elegant walnut parlor furniture covered' with grasa plush, mantel and pier mirrors, rosewood piano by Chickering, seven octaves; superior dining-room and cbamber furniture, carpets, &c. May be examined at eight o'clock on the morning of the sale. SCOTT, JR., - AUCTIONEER, Rca, • 6RIE CHESTNUT and 615 SAMSON Street. STRAW AND FELT GOODS. ARTIFICIAL& IKS. BONS, AND WHITE GOODS. • ON FRIDAY IiORNIFiG, SOth inst., at 10 o'clock precisely, largo sale of strap and. felt goods, comprising bonnets. turbans, Saratoga& jockey hats, of new and fashionable shapes, sultablefer fall trade" ' Also, Ibo cartons of French artiAcials, ribbons, ytdve&t. laces, tabs, &c. Also, line jaconot muslin% black Italian cloths. AM • FEATHERS, LACES, &c. Also. a line of feathers,'black laces, &c. pHILIP P0RD . 415 CO:, AUCTIONEERS, • SSIi'MAILVEST aid SHIM 001111338033 Streets. POSITIVE SALE OF 1„,02.9A . 5.VS BOOTS AND MOM September 29, commencing at 10 o'clock pieciaely. will sell by catalogue, for cash, about 1.412) cases boots, shoes, brogans, baorsls, gaiters, and armygoods, of Prime fresh stock, direct from city and Eastern manu facture, to which we invite the ea rly atten Hon cf. b arms. POSITIVE SALE OF 1.050 CASES BOOTS AND SHOSS. • ON MONDAY MORNING. October Sd, commencing at ten o'clock precisely. we will sell by catalogue, for cash. 1,0".,0 cases boots, shoes, brogans, balmorals, gaiters, and army goods, of prints fresh stock, from city and Eastern manufacture. own. prising a general assortment of goods, to which we in, Yite the early attention. of buyers. BY HENRY P. WOLBERT, AIICTIONNEB, No. 202 DiAltir.ET Street, South side, above &woad Mt, Sales of Dry Goode, Notions, Ac., (Inn , NONDAY,WEDNESDAY, and. FRIDAY kfornizilottia =cactus( at 10 o'clock. SALE OF DRY GOODS. TRIMMINGS. SKIRTS, GRR. • MANTOWN KNIT GOODS; SKIRTS, DRAWERS, SHOES, Ice. , - ON FRIDAY MORNING, Sept. an, at 10 o'clock, will be cold from' the shelves a large and desirable assortment of "goods, to which the attention of purchasers iF requested. • pARBETT 67: *CO., AUCTION:64TM, -LP 230 MARKET Street, corner of Bank. NOTICE TO CITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. LARGE CONTINUATION SALE OF FALL AND WIN. • TER DRY GOODS. THIS (Thursday) MORNING. st 10 o'clock. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND SA.TINETS. —A° piao-34 cloths, cassimeres. cloakines, and satinets. • SHIRTS. DRA.WERE, KNIT JACKETS, &c.-3i doz. white and gray-mired shirts and drawers, white and fancy dress shirts, knit jackets, &c. • • LLIIIEN GOODS, LINEN GOODS.—Lizten table da• mask, ladles' and gents . linen handkerchiefs, woolen table cloths. &c. • HOSIERY. SUSPENDERS. NOTIONS, &c —3OO dozen Paris and American suspenders, hoop skirts, buttons, Wo&en and cotton hosiery. notions, &e. Also, ROLLS AND 'BALES INGRAIN AND VENETIAN -_ • ' ._ CARPETS. BOOTS, SHOES, AND BROGANS.—Ladies' sew4l balmorals, boys-, youths', axd gents': boots, sUes, 8, &es &a. bI. GMT-MIjED ARmir - iIrALF HOSI.—i,OOO dozaa standard gray-mlxed army half hose. -.: It 'FDA M. BRADWAY, BY HER NEXT -•••• FRIEND, vs. JOHN P. BRAD WAY. —doszt of COut nion Mar. h T. 186- No. 10. In Divorce. JOHN P. HEADWAY. Respondent: Please take notice, that the testimony on behalf of Libellant will be taken by WIL• lAlf J. McEL ROY, Esq., Examiner, appointed by the. Court, on TUESDAY. October Mb, A. D. 1561, at 11 o -. clock in the morninS , at his once, 13. E. corner of SIXTH and WALNUT Ste. The interrogatories, with a memorandum of tits names, residences, and burinear of the wi....esses, La placed in the office'of the Prothonotary. se22-15t - DANIEL DOUGHERTY, for Libellant. TN THE DISTRICT COURT .FOR THE ..a; CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. CHRISTOPHER,HURST et al., Exesatorinydrc., vs. H. WITTE. "%read. Ex. htarck Term. ISAt.• No. 654. .• . . RICHARD SMETHURST et al., Execntors, Ex.. vs. JOHN S. HOFFMAN: Vend. Ex. March Term. 1861 The Auditor appointed' to report dishibtion of the fried in Court, arieingfrom a Sheriff's sale under the above writs ; on writ No. 854, of all that certain lot or piece of gr ound, formerly in t he' district of Richmond. now in the city of Philadelphia, situate on the south westwardly side of Somerset street and the northwest wa rdly side of Gaul street; containing in front or breadth on said Somerset street 47 feet, and extending of that breadth; in length or depth southwestwardly, parallel with said. Gaul street, SO feet . On writ bo. 553. all that certain lot or piece • of ground formerly in tbe dis trict of Richmond, now in • tbe. city of Philadelphia. situate on the southweetwardly side of Somerset street and the eontheastwardly side of Gaul street; contain ing in front or breadth on said Somerset. street 133 feet. 6 inches, and extending of that breadth, in length or depth southwestwardly, between lines parallel with said Gaul street,. SO feet; will meet tha parties interested for.the purposes of his appointment, on fdON DAY. the 10th day or October, A. D.. 1564. at 4 o'clock P. M. at his Office, No. 13S South SIXTH Street, in said citY.• When and where all persons interested are required to present their. claims, or be debarred from coming in on 'said fund.: ree2S.lOV9 EDGAR E. PETIT, Auditor. UTTERS OFADMINISTRATION ON the Eetate of Mrs. MARGARET SLAVE, decease& keying been granted to tee undersigned, all per in debted to the said Estate, are requested to make pay ment, and those baying clams to present them without delay to ALBERT G. FREEfaaM, Administrator, an2slh-6 1 . 5 216 MARKET Street. VBTATE. 'OF GEORGE K. SMITH, _AA DECEASED. —Letters Testamentary on the Estate of GEORGE K. SMITH, late of the city of Philadelphia, merchant, deceased..having been granted to the under signed*by the Register of Wills, - Stc., all persons in dated to said Estate are requested to make payment. and those having claims or demands to present them to SARAH H SMITH; Executrix 212 North SEVENTEENTH Street. Phili• • • Or her Attorney. FREDERICK REVEL au2s-tli6t* . 241 Snob TFllRlVetroet. Phila. gis. .V. S...IIIITTE ;R.NAL REVENUE. • I[7RD •STATESINTERNAL REVE -2711; —ESCORD - COLLECTION DISTRICT OE PE.A.IIISYLVANI.t, comprising the First_._ • Seventh. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and Tv;enty-sixth Wards of the city of Philadelpida.. NOT.ICE. The annual asseterner.t for 1864 forth° above-named District of persons liable to a tax on carzb/ges, pleasure Yachts, billiard tables, and gold and silver plate. and. also of : persons required to take out LICENSE, having been completed, ...NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN • that the. taxes aforesaid will bo received•daily by the undersigned, between the hours of A. M. and SP_ M.: (StindAy.t excepted). at his Office, S. W. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Etreets. on and after SATURDAY, the , and until and including SATURDAY, the 221 Of marlin • . ' • !MATTES. ' • " _ ' All persons who fail to pay their annual taxes upOit, :carriages, pleasure yachts, billiard tables, and gold and teilver plate on or before the aforesaid ld day of October. 1864, will incur a penalty of ten per centum additional 'of the amount thereof, and be liable to coats, as ran • vided for in the Dal section of the excise law of July let, 1662. • - • All persims•who in like manner shall fail to take out their LICENSES. as required by law, on or.before the 2d day additio n al, 1884. will incur a penalty - of ten per centum ot.the amount thereof, d bet to a prosecution for three times the amount n of saisdubjec tax: - in acci.rdance.trith the provisions of the 69th section of the law aforesaid.. All paments are required to be made in Treasary notessissued under authority of the United States, or Le notes of banks organized under the act to provide a national currency, known as-National Banks. No farther notice will be given. JOHN B. DIEHL. 'dollector. S. W. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets. se2S-Im .BTEA.M. WEEKLY TO LI 17ERPOOL, touching at QUEENSTOWN: (Cork Harbor.) The we Steamers of-the Li verpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Cora• pany are intended to sail as follows: CITY: OP LONDON --SATURDAY, Oct L CRT OF BALTIMORE ... ..... SATURDAY . Oct. 8. ETNA SATURDAY, Oct. 15. and every succeeding Saturday at Noon, from Pier 4L North River. ' 7 - BATES OF PASSAGE: " Payable in Currency. • FIRST . 8160 00 STEREAGS...' ....TAO 00 do to London... 170 00 do to London.... 63 01 - do terParis..... 190 (XI. do • to Paris ...... 60 00 do to Hamburg. ISO 00 do to Hamburg- • 7 4 Oa Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, sot. terdain. Antwerp, lic . at °quells - low rates. • slP7aes2 Ifrom L te i e v r e a r g p e ol om Q L ueno ol w an : d sQCabninst , o W w2 O . , 870. Those who wish to send for their friends can baY tickets here - at these rates. For further information apply at the Company Offices. - JOl-1.91 G. DALE. Agent se6-t24 - iIl WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. _ • - BOSTON AND PHILADEL --- PERA STBANS tort od• SATURDAYS. f m 'treet, Ph il adelphia, and r L i odg Wharf, BoetoL The . steamship 40.1141114. Captain Baker. will gag, from Philadelphia - for Boston on SaturdaY. Oa: 1 . " 10.4. M =date:unship SAXON, Cart. Matthews. from Boston fOr Philadelphia on same day. at 4P. M. - These new and substantial steamships form a renter sallingtront,each port punctually on Saturdays. insurances effected, at one-half the Premium charted on the vessels. se2tr , •tlisintocs Freights taiiia at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts" and Blt of Lading with their goods. • For Freight orFaierigc.ithaylng fin aeoommodatioull apply to WL N SOR & CO., .mh22-tf 332 South DELAWARE Avenue. - • "MRS• TAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED • SUPPOBTISS FOR LADIES— the Only Supporters tinder eminent medical Pgaronags° l Ladies and Physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. SETTS, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT street, Phila., (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalids have bsen advised by their phYsiciana to nsa /142 I 'r/tallow now only are genuine bearing the Unitai 8 ate* copyright ; 'slobs on tne box, and signatures ass 1 %10 th 4 Baimortimh With iastigionlols. 0918- Sale at Nos. 1.9 and 141 South Fourth street iic i fs — fw:6lllli:td . LEGAL. zit . Lt`Q - .;,Efvf-q l l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers