it Potcoots Rawsitn.—This is. the ered by the proprietors oft" Luton's application falls, in a single in• be ha i in anthy desired keeps the head wakes the hair long, strong s 'and 6 lc to sari, and Imparts ; to 'the and de lightful perfume of's thou• Tiox ,—We refer our business men en , in another oolunin headed "To .1 [Traversal Quilter" is an en. 100 11 1 Sewing - Machine develop. bo made of invaluable service in a throblering ohildrents garments, gloms, coverlets, bed - wiN is co-extensive with the la in rhos° trying times for patents it nt it has been seourod against all 51 , investment for an enterprising means, we know of none better. .1. Bel4-wfs3t• -roat Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma, slid most successful treatment, es of the eye attended to by Dr. r, Oculist and Attest, Office 1027 sel3•st4 most eucceeefully treated by J, ulist and Auriet, Edl Pine et, Artlfi. No charge for examination. jy26-tf CUL NOTICES. • oARIi OF. TOWER rum,. •,...wd who late forsook, '• irol grove and brook, • bricis-built city home„ .gth have ceased to roam ,'er hills and rocks, . . ow, in thronging flocks, elr own roofs return. :e how SOI did burn cheeks to tawny hue, ecki'es often view, ug somewhat the grace .uce spotless face, ith much zest they talk ch Mir rural walk, ,rseback ride so hearty, ,litho sailing party. um business now .mecgles they bow uore, and brush away Oared dust so gray the worn ledger's back, crowds resume their track • ,rrhate clothes for Fall busy Tower Hail. • 1 mid Winter Clothing comprises all Bens', Teethe', and. Boys', of every prom the loivest at which goods that r. 4 mtioBtoutfcti can be produced 4 to mi.' can be, suited from our stock uoubte. s lip Eli HALL, 518 MARET Street, 13BDINBTT & CO, TO ALL, • PARTICULARLY s t f:4 GRAY OR BECOMIXO BALD. it Color Restorer and Dressing it Colo' Reßtorer and Dressing." ir Color Restorer and Dressing. •,Ithiu itself; no bother dressing or ac auy kind being necessary to secare Atha. • ray telr to its original color. ~ r ow on bald heads. .8 natural secretions. 11 dandruff and Itching , • hair soft, glossy, and flexible, the 600,1/al color to old age. the heir from falling off, diseases of the scalp -r bottle, or six bottles, tl l 4, Sold h 7 'ON. 330 North SIXTH Street. It S.—WHY IS THAT VANDER , & CO. can put In SUBSTITUTES fm o,eaper than any Broker in down? evf , by having LESS PROFIT per able to accomplish more by gdoing a VANDERSLICE,DEVINE S.: CO., lio.llol3outh SEVENTH St.., • Room 9, Second Floor. H. BOLLES will commence course of Leeturee and full instruc•• the different modifications of Medd of ell Acute and Chronic Diseases, at '220 Walnut street. Medical men and o attend the .Course, are requested to eitrty, Curonic Diseases eared by means o •LO WALNUT Street, Philada. se9-tf CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST the best manner, expressly for RE. LOWEST SELLING PRICES marked RES. All goods made to order war ty. The one price system] Is strictly ere thereby treated alike. JONES' HLA ONE•PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, nest, near Sixth. de2S- ly I10:XICY SOAP iTOILET SOAP, in each universal de- Jul the CHOICEST materials. is MILD in its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT. ELY BENEFICIAL in its action UM Is by all Druggists and Fancy Goods fed& inthBl7 it CLOTIEING 4otrsir. OF PHILA. "OAK Heito , a‘,,, goods at moderate prices. WSNAMAKBR & BROWN, roar SIXTH and MARKET Streets. ent (to make to order) No. IS. Sixth St WILSOWS HIGHEST PREHITIM OCK-STITCH SEWING MiGHINES. • EST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST 1- CHESTNUT Street. itbove Seventh MARK=ED_ • DER. —On Sunday eyenitg, September Matthew's Entherai Chnreb, New .tpr, Rev. E. W. Butter, Mr. John inrarat Snyder, daughter of Christian a'l of Philadelphia. • n'ATRICK.—At St. Peter's' Church, y, eu the 14th irot.. by the Rev. Mr. r. Ororge S. Bright, U. S. N., to Miss ldet daughter of the late John C. Vitghinston City. No cards. • SON, —On the nth Inst.. at the re &eller, &al., Trenton, N. J., b tho Da. Mr. .1. Wesley Wright, of Bristol, cy S. Tomlinson, of the same place. —On the 116th inst. , Hannah Past&lua Axty•nine. bee into re.ddence. 3619 Oak street,Weet anucey Mlernoon. 18th last, leave it unpin' et Laurel Hill. Thuraday, September 16th, W. L. the ; , 7th year of hie age. re invited to attend hie funeral, from his .•!‘t, OS North Sixteenth street, on San- IL.. 15th inet. , at'4 o'clock. Services at h.. inteicvsvor, at 5 o'clock precisely. * .—On the 4th, in Bensalem, Backs noun 'ricAiilo, in his 37th year. sed friends are invited to the f aneral, on 7th, at 2 o'clock. Third day the 13th inst. , in the 20th Annie Leeds, daughter o the late Jo- sod frier ds and those of her family are ratted to attend her funeral, from the key stt.o-father, Dr. B. N. Troth, S. W. eoth std Thompson streets, on Seventh- Mg. ,at 1 o'clock P. M. To proceed to Hill Cemetery. **** the pis rein g r of thel3th inst. ,Margarotta, elati. Michael Sager. 4 11:.'d friends of the family are respect ., attend her funeral from her late rest- Ai eh street, on Saturday morning, the t; Wel. r.Y. .f** . —On the afternoon of the 10th inst. , at liaberla and hooping-cough, V7ll - 13. and Jndith A. Crenshaw, aged 114 azei & SON, MOURNING STORE, CRESTNUT Street, have received— yrool Bonin??lines, single width. double width. • d White Celsius!. ad Purple Ds'eines. ud White all-wool Purple .4 atoovs and Bombazines. erin. , a4 and Cashmeres. Empress Cloths, Alpacas, ace. • • LA NDEL L ORDERED. TEES tooning [Style PlSids, such as ace used RHII OF NOBILITY IN EUROPE: • rt Molds, li P o l Y 4 , l 244Donald , Sect age., ago. ' seIG FT CO:NGBEGATION)It C if, Frankford ltoad and lIONTGOM BRT Timis SABBATH, at 7.0 A A. M. Bab . tho Church:" and at 7X P. K . Subject, Eta Ping." • • lt • at gerritionrs LIT 1r ER AN CH, NEW Street, below Fourth, between e —Sereteee by the Pastor, Rev. E. W. '0.4 011110 W (Sunday) MORNING, _half ' Evening eervtoe , commeneee at, half jATION OF CHRIST—SERIES by T. H STOCKTON, Pastor of the ',w Testament. ELEVENTH. and WOOD :ATH AFTERNOON, .91‘ o'clo ck, special Mennial Advent or Christ. ' MlO3ll . CLAIM, of the Presbyterian Church ON 11. Z. 41)MIRCEL", FOURTME below Arch —SABBATH, Sera. VA, 'MILL will 'Pre;ach in the Morning. at • d Be.. JOOP!{ CASTLE, D. D., in the . . to b o'clock. lt* NTH .P.REMBYTIRRIA. ' Cll, SIXTH Street, above Green. —Rev Y. D. D. will preach TO-MORROW a N P. M . It* . CLEMENT'S 01111ThICE4 IiTIETH and CHERRY• Streets.—This be reopened for Divine service TO the 18th inst. Service in the morning °afternoon at 4 o' clook 11$ ISCI PLY S OF CHUM, WELL TOMORROW, at W.' A. IC rand " 7X• corner of BROAD'and SPILIacEVQABDEor • ATRIIYTIC DISCOVRAIIR AT COY: BALL. TOMORROW , at 7X P. M.. by P. TitOnf men. t oniewYor.k. Subject vogi!. victory. 7 Seats free. 11* /STRAY, CONORIFIGAT.I ONAL RCA.—lit v. Joseph P. Thompson, D. D.. tell preach' at CONCERT HAW., TO. it 1O;;; A. hi., and736P. M. the evening . diecourse—" Peace through The public are cordially Invited. ItE REV. GEORGE W. SMILEY 'Ed Congregational Church, dor. MIMI l 'trePlN) wiLl preach TO4fORR9W, at tOK P. M. ' •. it* U&RDEN .HALL, N. W. SPRING (MINIM nd THIRTEENTH ll.retiugi, of the CHURCH OF CHRIST. 1 , 6 t ,- . are very LORD'S DAY. ae ;"t Itorahip Itt "The Breaking of Bread,' . frit e Death till He come, '' in prayer g. , •1 for"teaching and adnioniehinit one • t - Actaii , 42, xx., 7; 1. Cor., xi., 28: Cor. I'. Al. for the.Preaelling of the Word, zZgIaRLIS.DAMPBELL Seats free. BA IC - Stilt FREE INSTITUTE OF atit. SEVENTEENTH Street, above CO. '!'Lee —efeaching at We Istattatß TO: lbeat b) AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, by. 4 . l ball State free. • it* .4 EMR.E31 , 19 CHURCH. THE 4 ,41 Bet mow; to the youngwill o il i rrpitcl , a. •tt 4 ttio ry.lphanY. TOMORROW .1,:!;',.1!!....d. The me hiept. Por ß lee coarse t :v . cite.. Blensines." i • - b HoRGIAN.—FIR 4T NEW t'Y. 41 . 1 3 , 1 :SOCIETY 'Ol l PHILADELPEIIA, 84 ,ypbri nf 1a s rd oennz, oo r T u r aßnt oizs}l t rlaV TC as t geriLesli 4411442nt1 c omise to Christ O- <TORR it* ,„ CONFERENCiES titi held Ti, etbY the FIRST ASSOCIATION OF St.NSOM STREET FULL:on SUN 6,A ni P. t , 24i M LIZZI DOTER wRI of °emu A.dmission E free.•• LINCOLN, JOHNSON, LI33IDICTICT CONCEIT Er A. TA The men of Philadelphia favorable to the election of ABRAHAM LINCOLN A.S ANDREW JOHNSON AS VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF A.M.ERICA, WILL,MEET ON 'MONI3A.Y EVENING, SEPTEMBERII.9m, AT 8 O'CLOCK,, CONCTIIrr ILA 1_1143 CHESTNUT ST., BET. TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH, To inaugurate the Hall for the coming ELECTION CAMPAIGN. Members of the Union Leagues and all.loyai men are invited to be present. Distinguished gentlemen will address the meeting. By order of the _ sell-2t COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC, MEETINGS. rgrUNITED STALES CHRISTIAN oommisslON.—Cash adknowledgments for the week ending September 1,,1564: Fair and Festival at Wheeling, Va., per Saml. Laughlin, Treasurer $2,500 00 Contributions received at Washington Agency during August 1,532 55 Baum, Gross St -Co., produet4of colliery:7lms% 4, 1564 ' .-$93160, Philadelphia and Residing Railroad Co., toll on above coal ' 444 24-1,375 74 Wycoff &Denisson, Wasbington, D. C 1,000 (Q PH lIADELPHIA. Roxborough Baptist Church, per W. H. Lewis 12 76 John Peddle 60 00 Market Square Sabbath School, Germantown, Per Geo. If Burg , in, Supetintendent 35 00 A Lady, per Rev. 1. P.. Harbaugh . 10 00 First Reformed Presbyterian Church 60.00 Screen Baptist Church, West Philadelphia, Per B. N. English 39 70 Ladies' Christian Commission of St. Jude's Church, per Rev. Sir. Lounsbu)y E. C. -Pratt & Bro ' John Brady H. F. Sloan (additional) Frederick Brown Miss Fox - - R. 0 M. H SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Albin Le Pennock, Upper Darby, per Rev. B. B. Botchkin..-. 100 00 Public westing at Media $35 SO Sabbath • School First Presbyterian Church; Cheater 61 76 Mission School First Presbyterian Church, Chester • 11 25 Citizens of Media and vicinity, per Miss Pearce and Miss Cochran 120 60 Citizens of Media, per Hiss Evans.. .. .. SO 00 Union meeting in Presbyterian Church, Chester 23 19 M. E. Church, per John Cochran, Chester 5 SO • 537.9 60 • Rev. John Frilch's Congregation, Steinsville, ' Lehigh .county - BO 50 Zion Botha Church, Greeneville, 13erke corm; ty, per Mrs. Rosa C. Vicolls 9.00 An inhabitant of Chester county, -per Rey. 'R. AL Patterson 5 00 H. Stanch, Pottsville 5 00 hire, Wm. Wolf, Centre county - 5 00 Amount contributed from other parts. of the country, acknowledged elsewhere in religious papers 3,403 00 , . $16,866 64 :Amount previously acknowledged "94,146 36 JOSEPH PATTERSON, Treasurer The United States Christian Commission beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of the following additional Stores up to September 16, 1664: SOUTHEASTER S' PENNSYLVANIA. ' • Philadelphia-1 package, per Rev. Dr. Kennard; 2 packages, Mrs. Stoddart; 10 shirts, Army Committee Fifth Baptist Church; 3 boxel, 1 parcel, First Reformed Dutch Church ; 1 package, Trinity, Church; 1 par cel Daily News. " Germantown-2 boxes, Ladies' Aid Society Christ Church. Lan caster-1 box, Patriot Daughters. Bioton-2 boxes, Dutch Reformed Church; 4 boxes, 1 keg, Presbyterian Church. Downingtown-3 boxes. Aid Society. Coatraville-3 boxes Ladies' Aid Society. Twopundred and seventy-eight packages, boxes. &c., acknowledged elsewhere in the.. - religiousl news paperßes'Commission is - in urgent need of stores for the field. The calls upon it from all quarters are con tinuous. There is no vacation - or intermission; and it is well that this is the case There shoed be no intermission ever in the flow of Christian charity, any mere than there could be of _Christ's own, and to draws ours out, in its fullness and power we should have an ever present remembrance of something to ex cite and revive it. What better to this end than the grovitg demands of the army for bodily, and mental, and sphitual sustenance and life? GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman U. 6. C. C. No. 11 BANK Street, Philadelphia. FOURTEENTH WARD BOUNTIES THE HI GHEST PRICE will be paid for a few men to fill the Quota. ;Money Paid as Soon its 'Mustered, at Provost Marsha PP Office. BROAD and SPRING GAR DEN,byt6r. SRBIAIBRDI N E. Forparticulareappirto • FRED'K. A; VAN CLEVE, • • • Chairman of Recruiting Comntittee, 201 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. sel7-tf IW" IMPORTANT TO MEDICAL S M.? DENTS.—The Trustees of the Regular Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania, Sixth and Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia, in order to aid .in supplying the great demand for Physicians, offer to-take fifty STU .DEN'S FREE. Matriculation, 0 Tickets Free ; Demonstrator's Fee, $5; Diploma, $ 2 2 . Two sessions. Winter Session begins October 3 1884_• Spring Session February 1, M. JOSEPH SITES, M. D. Dean, D.* SIXTH and CALLOWiIII.I, Streets, Phila. • • W * SECOND WARD AND TILE DRAPT. —The deficiency of the Second Ward; under tlse last call for troops. on the list of August, was Wizen, from which. deduct for naval credits due the watil 9SI, and from general naval credits 30, total naval credits, 411 thus leaving the Second Ward to tarnish. 19 men. As it is generally believed a draft will take place about:Thursday next, there is ample time to raise this number if / the proper steps be taken.. it lair IEIGHTEENdIa WARD-DRAFT. A meeting of the citizens of this Ward will be bold on MONDAY EVENING. Sentember B. o'clock, in the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHU R CH, Kensington, (Rev. Wm. T. Eva,) GIRARD Avenue, above Hanover street, for the purpose of making one nitre effort to secure the quota of men required by the Government from this Ward. The men can be obtain ed if the cithsens will come forward and contribute of their means, and support the committee in their efforts. Addresses will be made by prominent speakers. JuS. S. ELLEN, President. DAVID R. DTOKER:iOs; Secretary. sel7- 2th EIGINTEEN Til WARD CAM. rgi r" .. PAIGE CLUB.—An adjourned meetinu will be held on THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Sept..lith, at S o'clock, in the Ward Association Room, corner of RICHMOND anti MARLBOROUGH Streets. Citizens of the 'ward are cordially invited to attend. . SAMUEL BOWER,SecretarY. TWENTT•FOURT.II WARD; Bth PRECUIC,T.—The friends of LINCOLN and 3011EBON trill meet on MONDAY ElifKaltle, Sept. , lfith et S o'clock, at tby NATIONAL UNIOM ILEAD. QUA RT ERS. Market Street, above_Thitty-third. to or gannize for the coming campaign. Let every loyal Mt ze attend. • lt* IigrCITIZENS OF TULE FOURTEENTII ward interested In the effort to clear the ward ft om a drat, had better attend the meetis g to be held in Spring Garden Hall, at 8 o'clock THIS EVENING. Interesting reports may be expected. It EIGHTEEN*3I w a L RD.—Strg. SCRIBERS to the Bounty Fund are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, or any of the Precinct Committees. Any person contributing TWENTY-FIVE L oLLARS will have his money re tarded if drafted. Men are enlisting, and the quota is being reduced; if the citizens will sustain the efforts of the Committee, the men will all be obtained and the Ward saved from the draft. The Committee meetevery. 'MONDAY ard THURSDAY EVENINGS, at the Ken sington Engine Company's Hall, RICHMOND, above Marlborough street. JOS: S ALLEN, President C. M Luicsgs, Tres. ;D. DrcurasoN,Seey. Esel7.7t* RIC,IIITEENTH WARD BOUNTY. —The Committee of this Ward are now paying . the highest bounties to all persons crediting themsetves to the Ward. Enrolled citizens furnishing substitutes will be entitled to the Ward Bounty. Immediate_pay ment made, on applical ion to CHARLES JI.• LUKENS._ Treasurer, 103,5 BEACH Street, above Laurel . : 5e17..71r. WAT A MEETING OF THE LADIES'. COMHITTEES of the TURNER'S LANE HOS PITAL held September 12,:1864; as unanimously • Resolved. That thdy heartily apprenate the kind and faithful services rendered that Hcispital, since its es tabllsbment August, 1E62, by its late lady •matron ELIZABETH W. ABBOTT, and that they gratefully acknowledge the courtesy and kindness experienoe horn her in their. mutual relations, and tender to her bereaved relatives their sincere sympathy in their heavy loss; ; lar 870 WARD BOUNTY.--ELEVENTH WARD is paying $5O to every recruit credited to the Ward; and .20 to any person bringing a recruit. The Committee are at the Ball, N. E. corner SECOND Rod COATES Streets, every day from 9 to 6 o'olocir. CommirrEs.—Lowis Chester, P. Tuohy; Rev. Wm. Cathcart, Treasurer; Geo. A .. Quigley, Chairman; Wm. C. Rice, Secretary. lt* tar TINE CITIZENS OF . TUE sur.ra PRECINCT FIFTEENTH WARD, in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war arid• of sustaining the peseta Administration in its endeavors to suppress We existing Rebellion. will assemble at the southwest cor ner of TW REM SECOND ALLO WM I. f, Streets. (second story , ) THIS (Saturday) EVENING at 8 o'clock. for the Purpose of thoroughly organising the Precinct. R. J. Magee, 1 Joseph Wndartin, • • Jossph kungen, ' J o h n P . mi ne. ' Archibald NY. Onrry, • Davis Emrey, it* . • Wil liam Curry.. DIVIDDIID.—TIIE • DIRECTORS lag '• of :the •NOBLB AND BBTASATEII. PETRO LEUM COMPANY ha ve this day • Aeciared their Fifth Monthly Dividend ofDIN PER CENT. from the earn la is of the mouth of August,insk-ult 4 fifty Per cent. on the capital - in. live moatbe, payable, tree of State fay, OA the 20th .instant. •• Books cites on 13th and reopen 214: • GEOItOB W. BUNTER, Secretary, SErnmiliita 4 186 f - - 88.15 54 tar THE EVENING • SESSIONS OF CRITTENDEN'SCOMMERCIAL COLLEGig, 037 TiBESTNUT Street. NOII commence TEIIIRSD AT EVENING, Sept.l6th, to continue until Apra 15th. 186 g. Tonne Ms n fully prepared for the countinghouse. Dnoir loeping, Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic, Tele• siren/ init. &0., are taught in the most thorough and prac lical.manner.. Students are instructed separately. and at such hours as may best snit their convenience. sels-4t* igir• EIGHTH WARD—TILL DRAFT IN THE EIGHTH WARD.--There aro still wanting more than TWENTY MEN to till the quota of the Eighth Ward. Volunteers are offering every day, bet the funds of the - ward are exhauste Sab tcriptlons will be received by J. Q. ROSEXGARTEN. Treasurer, 4t 6. E. corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets. gr .l SENTATIVE, AND VOLUNTEER AGENCY, 4-11 CHESTNUT Street.—The highest Bounty paid at tbia ace sueandt bree-yeart volunteers. sel3-st* FAIN I. FAIR!! FAIR 1 1-.. NOW frarOPEN WRIORT'S INSTITUTE, FRANK- . FORD, for the BENEFIT of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. • . eel-10t' lar" SEVIITHWABIE SA.NIC.! PRILADELPHIA, Sept. 8. 1864. 'A Special Hestia[ of. the Stockholders be held 'at the Banking House o n SATI7RDAT, October Bth, 1864. at 10 o'clock A. M. to decide on the expediency- of COIL ° vertlng the Bank Into a National Association.•agree ably to an act of Congress. approved June' 3, 1864, and to take anch'other action as may be nectesart.. • • By order of the Board of Directors. st.9.lm F. P. ST/SEL, Cashier. 00 00 10 00 10 00 50 00 250 00 5 00 2 00 1111= .30,1 t 0 00 THE PRESS.--PHIL A.DELpHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1864 LABOR, REVENUE. 1.18-V OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE pN LABOR, INCOME, AND REVENUE; Ito. 118 South SEVENTH Street. The undersigned, Treasurer of this Committee, Witt( pleasure acknowledges thefollowing subscription% re cei*ed within the last month, viz. • From E; 'Horde, Treasurer of .oltr • Coal Com miltee..2 $lO, MD 60 Per Mrs; J: W. Forney: - • From Table Department of .the ,Fair, balance, per Jas. L, CLlghorn.. Per Wm, Darlini ton, Chairniat, Westchester, _balance of collections W. R. Allen. Bensalem, Backs co ' Per Edward Miller, Chairinan: Philadelphia St Erie Railroad, Maintenance of Way Department Northern Central Railroad. Motive Power De partment $75 SI Maintenance of Way Department... ... . . C 7 05 Per Thomas J. Stryker, Eau , Treasurer for the State of Ntw StraeY, Trenton: Charles P. Smith • Miss C. Taylor Henry Race,,M. 8., Clinton, N. I • Bank of New Jersey and Employees. Lawrenceville. N. sT High School, Lawrenceville, N. .T.. , State Lunatic Asylum (employees).— From a Gentleman in Trenton...:. •.. James Ewing. Esq Ladies' Aid Society, Milford, N. J Ladies ofßridgeborougb andvicinity, Burling ton county, N. J Collection Second Ward, Trenton. ...... . S. H. Smith, proceeds of lecture Mrs. Samuel H. Wilson • From a little boy tin box public 5ch001)......., Freehold township, Monmouth county Millstone township Brick Church, Marlborough, Monmouth co.. Proceeds of Strawberry Fes i.val held by La dies' Aid Association of 11 ightstoWn.. ... .. Atlantic township, per J. F. Taylor... Third Presbyterian [llama, Ladies' Aid Society, Central Baptist Church. Trenton ...• M. O'Neil, P. M., Fort Lee, Bergen. county.. Second ward, Trenton.;... . ........ .......... Trento - a Wiard Ordnance Sundry persons per Miss Pd. A. Hall ... .. Fifth Ward, Trenton High School, Lawrence.- - .. ~. .. . .... ... . First Ward, Trenton • • ...............•. • From Gloucester county From Geo. W. Cowperthwait, Cccean county.. From B. V. Carter, Woodbury, N. 3 From Franklin township, Thauterdon county. Total per Mr. Stryker.... .. . ... $4,060 90 Soldiers' Aid Society Per Walter collections ' Per Sohn W. Lynn, Chairman— Balance Per R. H. Gratz, Chairman-- R. 11. Gratz, Eso ' 500 00 Organic Oil Co • 100.00 " Seneca Oil Co • 100 00 Van Buren , Oil Co 100 00 Horse Creek Oil Co ' 100 00 Washington Oil Co , 100 00 Maguire 011 CO Oa 00 Cash' 12 13 Previously acicnowledged by this committee.s233,o74 09 Other subscriptions thankfully received and. acknow ledged. Chairmen and others in this city and throughout the State, baying balances on hand, are respectfully re quested to remit them at once (without waiting for fur ther receipts), as it is desirable to close the business of the Great Central Pair: JOH Di W. GLAGIIORN, Treasurer, Office 11. S South SEVF,NTII Street, - Philadelphia. PHILiIbEhPIEA., Sept. 16, IS6-1. lt • METE TREASURER OF TUE FUND' to ielieve the distressed people of Chambers.. burg has received the' following amounts since hislast report: - __ Amountprevionsly reported.'. ... .... ....i......524 551 2o Busby &CO 56 - .....• , lOU 00' John Dallett & Co * .. • • 100 00' Rowland & Ervien 50 00 H. Craig & Co ...• • 60 00 Riddell St Leech 50 00 Allman & Wenger ' 25 00 J. T. & E. L. Perot 25 00 D. W. Berstine .-: 25 00 Shipper & Detwiler 25 00 Thos. Wattson ' 25 00 Malone & Co 2. (X) James C. Prichett -. . 5 5 00 J. W. Supplee 5 00 Gillespie & McKnight - 500, Landis & Stone 5 00 Jos. R. Dickson & Co 500 Paul & Richards - 5 00 C. B. Rogers 5 00 James Steel &Co * 50 00 J. E. Palmer * 500 I:mith & Bro 5,00 Baker &Dopkins .... :."... .. .. . '... 4 . ..... . . . ..... 500 Cash . ..... .. . ....... .• ' 5 00 Staufer Sr.. Diehl. 5 00 A:F. Bendel son ''.. 10 00 Stephen N. Winslow 5 00 Cash •... 6 00 P. Steman 505 L. G. Graff ' 10 00 Cash . 2 00 Alexander Nesbit 20 00 'Samaritan.-" 3 00 J. layman Claghorn - 25 00 Mrs. Jane Wilson, Chester county 5 00 David Scull, Cape May . 100 00 A. G. Cattell, '' " ... ....... ........ • .-.- 100 00 Anthony Reybold 50 00 R. D. Cary . 50 00 Jos Tatum ...„ .. .. ... .... ... ...., 30 00 Cash 500 Mary S. 'Tyler 200 hire. Wm. M. Le.ech•;... ” 500 Mrs. J. T. Dietz 5 00 Elizabeth Tetherick, Potts"iDle 5 00 A Friend. 200 Church of the New Testament, per Rev.Thos. D. Stockton 45 00 Cash * 4 • .. .. . .. . 500 E. D. G. Sharplees 50 00 . W ... 1 00 Trinity Church, Oxford, per K Y.Buchanan.. 2 05 Daniel Neall 50 00 J. G. Maxwell & Son, per Thaddeus W Mark- ey . . . A Friend • A Friend, per Mr. Claghout Wm. Sellars &Co Merrick & Sons Phenix Iron Co Morris, Tacker, & Co Morris, Wheeler, & Co Marshall, Phillips, & Co N. Trotter & Co Cabot & Etting • J. J. Thompson & • Hoopes Townsend • Presbyterian Church, Oxford J. W. Tatum B. B. M. Dover,Delaware From A. M. E. Anion Chdrch, on Coates St.. Per - Mrs. Wm. S. Stockton, for colored suf— ferers • ••• Arnold. Nusbaum, & Nirdlinger.... Perry& Co Gans, Leberman. &Co • Wolf, Mayer, & Co Snyder, Grubb, & Co Troutman & May Go.dmon. Berg, & Co Doldemith, Bros Joseph S. Dell J. Bryan &.Co Brooke & Push T. B. Mingle St - Co Sitar, Sharplees. & Co Mark, Divine, & Co E. A. Hunsicker & Co Detwiler & Hartrault Geo. Cookriutu & Co ' W. W. Coos man M. S. Myers t. Holla & Smith Cseb, T • • .T.&'Co"` - ' J. Madden, 'Jr • Mules Reywor ' T. B. Parker • Cut tie & Knight Wilaurth & Brook schisou & Bitner E. Bennett • Id .lEcElrok • S. Matlack Wil'onFftzgersid.•— • - .. J. Twaddle S. White R. McMullen N. Seller' Cash. H Lloyd, Twining, & C 0.... Isaac Fetters... Matthew Raib T0ta1403,011 90 . EDIII:UND.A.' . ISODDS'it, Treasurer, 6.2 t • Dock-street Wharf. DE&FT ASSOCIATION OF SECOND WARD. —A few more Men are wanted to com plete the quota of this Ward. All citizens interested in baying the DRAFT avoided, can only accomplish that object by sobscyibing to a fund to pay the same boun nee that are given'by other Wards Subocriptioas will be received by Mr. SAMUEL MOORE, Treas., S. E. corner of liEvaini sad PAUL Ste. above Washington St., and st the meetings of the DAD Association. sel6-20‘ TESTI' WARD.—TITE CITIZENS of the Tenth Ward, who have not responded to the APPEALS FOR AID, to assist the ward in furnish ing the frill number of men required hy the Govern ment, are offered ONE MORE OFPORTUNITT to show. their patriotism. We require Four Thousand Dollars to make our work complete. So far the burthen has been borne by about one-tenth of the enrolled citizens of the ward. The Committee urge upon all who are able to come forwai d and do their duty promptly.' A. H. FRANCISCUS. Treasurer, No. 513 MARKET Street. my , NO riCE=-THE BOOKS OF SUB SCRIPTION tb 'the Capital Stock of the "NA TIONAL OIL CREEK OIL COMPANY," will - be opened for receiving Subscriptions on the 15th inst., at. Our Office. This Company has a very large Oil Terri tory in Fee simple,. together with some of .the • most valuable producing Lessen on Oil Creek, the present production from which is yielding a good revenue upon he capital of the company. For further information apply to the undersigned. COCHRAN & RIIStiaLL, WA North FRONT Street. agr• PIWTEENTIII WARD IN THE DR AFT!—The hut lifeetingtocomWete arrange avoid a draft will be held on TUESDAY EVS BING, 20th inst.,•st the N. E. Church. cornerof TWBIT TIBTH and SPRING • GARDEN Streets. As this will be the last effort to prevent a draft in the ward, it re mains with those who have not contributed to.the bounty fund to say whether they Will. make up the balance of money yet required or take all the risks end disgrace of permitting the draft to .be. made. 83000 more will .finish up the work. Should we fail to oh. tein tbisiamount, we must cease paying.bounties. Come to the meeting; bring your neighbors,• and hear the re ports of your committees. • • •. tel7-St B. 1": 11. BJRKINBINE, Chairman. ••rirrEparrn.whain. • 33011011 M PIIND COMM*TTEE meets THIS maid MONDAY EVENING next, at:School. Hooke, TWENTIETH and COATES Streets, from 7X to 9: o'clock, to receive sub scriptions. We regpire AMMO' immediately. Bring your 71. °D ay TB IS ENENINO. without fail, it yon•wish to avoid the draft. THOMAS WOOD, sel7.2t Treasurer. lay' OFFICE. OF THE LEHIGH COAL. AND NAVIGATION CO &WAY( Y PHILADELPHIA, Sept.s 14, 1664. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 3 O'clock P. M of TUESDAY, the 4th of October next, for any portion or the whole of One Million ($1,000,000) of Dollars, as part of a new loan authorized by acts of Assembly, pa) able on the Ist of April, 1964, with inte rest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. payable quar terly, on the lei day of the-months of January, April, 'July, and October, of each year, and both principal and lnrerest secured by a' mortgage •on•-tbe Company's es-. tales arid Iran chites. The proposals must be in writing; endorsed "Proposals for Lehigh Loan," and-left at 'this; dike, where • they will remain without.-being op_ened until the meeting, of the Board of Managers, at 123 o'clock on Wednesday, the 6th of October next. The offerers of accepted proposals will be early thereaf ter notified of such acceptance, when the premiums of fered will be i rams diatelY Payable, and' afterwards each at liberty to pay the amount accepted by month ly instalments of 10 per cent. or more thereof; or the whole at one time, at his or-her option. The Managers 'nerve to themselves the nght of rejecting any bids not satisfactory. Byorder of the Dvard of Managers. • ' BD WIX WALTAIb Treasuret. • ilgr. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL.—AET examinatinn of Applicants for the Professorship of Chemistry end Natural Philosophy, In the Philadel phia High School, witl•be 'held at the School Hone, S. F. corner of BROAD and GREEN Streets, commencing on FRIDAY, September 2 P. M.. Salary 6;1,300 per annum. By order of the High School Committee. the 123 JAMES FREEBORN, Chairman. PZNNE.YLVANIA. OIL CREEK PETROLEUM COMPANY, Summit 6, 1864. 'A meeting of, the Stookholdem of the Pennsylvania Oil Creek Petroleum Company Will he held at their office, N 0.411 WALBUT.Strdet, on MONDAY, 26th inst:, at 12 o'clock hi., to receive a report of the attain of the Company By order of the Board of Directors.. ce6- L1)11)8100. • AUG. C. LEID Y, Secretary. WOFFICE OF THE • OIL .33 &SIN PETROLEUM COMPA.IO', 142 South THIRD Stnet, Philadelphia. The Directors of this Comoany have this day de clared a Dividend of TWO PER CENT. out of the net earnings for the month of September. clear of tax, paYa• hie on and aft*r October Ist 1864. The Transfer Books will be closed from the 25th Inst..till inclusive. PA MADE' . . . _ • WM. S . . LANE, Secretary. LrrttA, Sept. I. 1804. eel6-3t* 711.71.NDAii41111C12Q6 CONPANY. PUILADELPHIA,September 9, 1864. '• NOTICE, IS EIEREBY GIVEN that an tottalmeat of ONE BOLLA.R. PER SHARE on each and erery.share of the capital stock of the MANDAN MINING COMPANY has this datbeen called in, payable on or before the 26th day of tieptember, 1864, at the Office of the Coin puny, 110. 321 WALNUT 'Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors, B. A. HOOPES. eclo-tocl Treasurer. Mr" OFFICE OF THE MANDAN RII. BING COMPANY,'No. 324 WALNUT Street. Pet L ADHLPRIA, September 9, 1984. NOTICEIS HEREBY (HY= that a Dividend has been declared. made to Stockholders of rec.rd at the close of business October let, 1864 as follows: • Three. Shares of the Resolute Mining Company and Five. Shares of the Medora Mining Company for every Twenty Shares of the Mandan Mining Company upon which allinstalments then due shall have been paid i at the rate of cis dollars per share r No fractions of shares will be issued, but will be paid. for rbT the Resolute,cornpac and e ht dollars per share of Medora. ofßysnlo-ioul order of the actors, B. A. HOOPES, Secretary, and Treasurer. ' • JEENTIE WARD.-250 DIEN WAN IN WED to EH thq quota of the Tenth Ward. Highest bounty patd. Apply to .. A. HI3 MA NRKE Ttr er Street. WANA111;111{1.1k-k BELOWN,, - 00 59 20 00 10 00 5 00 107 60 150'00 . 12 00 00 00 6000 6 60 09 00 ad .... 90 25 ... 114 56; 49 2.) 400 00 20 on 779.66 879 35 190 00 34 60 oo oo 20 00 2-, 00 200 00 200 00 200 DO . 200 00 . 200 00 • 100 00 . 160 OD . 00 OD • 50 00 . 50 00 . ro 00 . 50 00 5 00 • =MEI NATIONAL UNION TICKET.. FOR IP'RESIDIEWT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS. FOB "11( 1 E PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON. OF TENNESSEE ELECTORAL TichET. ,SENATORIA.L... MORTON McMICHAEL, Philadelphia T. GUNNiNGIL&M, Beaver County. , REPRESENTATIVE. 1. Hobert P. King, 13. Elias W. Hale, 2, G. Morrison Coates, 14. Charles H. Shriner, 3. Henry Bumni, 15. John Wister, 4, William H, Kern, 16. David MeConaughy, 5. Barton H. Jenks, 17. David W. Woods, 6. Charles M. Bunk, 18. Isaac Benson, r 7. Robert Parke, 19. Sohn Patton, B. William Taylor. - 20. Samuel B. Dick, 9. John A. Hiestand, 21. Everard Bluer, 10. Bichard H. Correll, 22. John P. PBllllB4, 11. Edward Holliday, 23. Ebenezer Arch:Lakin, 12. Charles F. Read, 24. John W. Blanchard, al Committee. By order of the State Can COUNTY OFFICERS. SHERIFF HENRY C. HOWELL REOISTSR OF 'WELLS, FREDERICK M. ADAMS. CLERLOF TAT ORPHANS' COURT, EDWIN A: DIEVI3IOg. CITY OFFICERS. • RECEIVER OF TAXES, CHARLES O'NEILL. 'errr COMMISSIONER, THOMAS DICKSON CONGRESS. First District—JOHN M. BUTLER. Second District--OFfARLES O'NEILL. Third District—LEONAßD MYERS. Fourth Distriet—WlLLlAM D. KELLEY Fifth District—M. RUSSELL THAYER. SENATOR—Third Digtrlet. ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. EIMBIESENTATIVES. First District--WILLIAM FOSTER. Secon,d District—WlLLlAM H. RUDDIMAN. • Thira District—RlCHAßD BUTLER. Fourth District—W. W. WATT. Fifth District—=JOSEPH. T. THOMAS. .SixthDistrict—'4AMES FREEBORN. ...; 4 .-Seventh District—THOMAS COCHRAN. Eighth Distriet—SAMES N. KERNS. Ninth District—CHAßLES. FOSTER. Tenth Dietrict—SAMUEL S. PANCOAST. Eleventh District—FßANKLlN D. STERNER. Twelfth District—LUKE V. SUTPHIN, Sn. Thirteenth District—ENOS C. RENNER. Fourteentli'Dlstrict—FßANClS HOOD.' Fifteenth District—GEOßGE DE HAVEN, JR. Sixteenth District-,WILLIAM F. SMITH. Seventeenth District—EDWAßD G. LEE. Eighteenth District—JAMES MILLER. INILITARY. Di{ A F T WILL SURELY DOME OFF ON MONDAY; 3.9ra THE LAST CHANCE. ENLIST IN A GOOD REGIMENT, 199th REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLS. COME ONE AND ALL TO HEADQUARTERS, 11 CHESTNUT STREET, AND D1T.:11316 HIGH BOUNTY. 0R,14 VINEG.A.RDIMENO & CO.'S C CELEBRATED MANITFACTURE.As the•time for Pickling and preserving bas arrived, we would. call the alteration of housewives and others to our superior qua lity-of PICKLING VINEGAR.. As this Vinegar is menu featured expressly with the view of keeping Pickles and Fruits, housekeepers will find it greatly to their advan tage to see that they phrchase our article, as it is nranll.- . factdre'd from purely vegetable matter, and , warranted free from drugs. A trial wilt convince any.housecilfe that it is the only pure article of manufactmed Vinegar sold in the mar ket. In order that the public may know where our CORN VINEGAR can be purchased, we furnish a partial list of the grocers that keep it for sale. Office 35 South FRONT Street. Factory,. NORRIS Street, below Second. Archer & Reeves, 1:5 North. Water. Rogers & McKeever. 325 North Third. Long & Moore, 1615 Market. • S. Martin, corner Thirteenth. & Market.. R. Graham & Co. , 1t35 Market. • Walter Graham, Sixteenth & Market. T. M. Kerr, 1107 Market. He 11flick & Nolan, 130 Arch.- • . P. Gelzer, 333 North Second. . .. • Waterman < ' oung 407 North . Third. Benjamin Thor, 713 South Fourth. W. S. McDon , Fourth and Seippert. , Gillespie Ze lar, Sixth and Market. • S. 0. Graham, Second and Coates. Brooks:—Gernmantown - roadv below Norris: Wm. Barter, 1219 Market. Poromer & Brother, Third & Union. • F. W. Carter, 28 Ninth 'Wharves. Congdon & Caldwell, 1205 Market. Fit. 6. Sall, Can den. J. H. Wahl, 327 North Fifth. C. Young, Front and What , . on. , J. J. Cook &Co., Front & Race. B. Thornton, Twentieth & Wallace. J. R. Webb, Eighth and Walnut. T. Black & Son, Broad and• Chestnut. Esher & Fox, Ninth and Cherry. George B. Brown, Ninth and Locust. • Wm. Clark, 'I weifth and Race. • • J. Frasa, Fifth and Race. ' S. M. Rowland, Tenth and Vine. F. S. Mintzer, 1814 Vine. Spillin & Jordon, Eighth and Arch. N. Frick, Frankford road and Dauphin. N. Setter, Seventh and . Wallace. H. A. Wagner, Eighth and Green. W. K. Reiff, Twenty-second and Mount Vernon. James (leant rell, .Eighteenth and Ridge road. Win. Kelly. Twelftt. and Girard avenue: 'l. N. Wiggin, Fifteenth and Brown. J. N. Bold, 623 Girard avenue. • . C. Jones, Callowhilland Front. C. Brown, Eighteenth and Wood. Phillips - 3r Son.' Sixteenth and Cherry. W. J. Holt, 521 North Second. 'J.'Hughes, Third and Thompson. 'F. Gat-her, Ninth and Washington. W. b. Bnsten, 311 Perth Thirteenth. • 3. & J,= McMullen, Sixteenth and Pine. French at'Bro., Twentieth and Mount Vernon. • .1. East.: Eighteenth and Mount Vernon.: • hi. A. Hoffman; Nineteenth and Coates. ' • T. R. Patton . Thirteenth' and Locust. , Wm. Met:Uric*, Twenty-third and Vine. ' • • J. Spillman, Twenty-first and Vine. 3. Williams. 9016 Cello , vhill. C. A. Snyder, 1811 Coates. B. Brooks, Seventeenth and• Brandywine. B. Ogg, 261 South Twentieth. E. Strietn•Eleventh and Spring Garden. T. W. Fisk, 1241 Girard avenue, ' B: W. Gargood, Tenth and Dream J. Stewart.llBl Ridge avenue. B. Small, Nineteenth and Poplar. F. Schaffer, Thirteenth and Parrish. B C. Moore Twelfth and Green. • A. ltipsett, Nineteenth and Hamilton, ' D. Moore. 2126 Ridge road. Falstaff & Bro., Eighth and Oxford. J. Kramer,' Sint h and• Poplar. • B. TrudeP, Fifteenth and Vine. • J. Bartley, Twenty-fourth and Spring Garden , J..ValiD, Seventh and Filbert. Es 'Beim, Seventh and Cherry. R. 14: hiciffun, Fourth and Diamond. . • F. Kieffer, 252 Julianne. - • T . ' H. Buckner ' , Norris and Memphis. • . • • • C. Brown, Nineteenth and Wood. S. Calbert, Sixteenth and Vine. W. H. Martin, 605 Girard avenue. ' Jes.•Broomall, 253 North Thirteenth. . • 0. 0. Rich, Sixteenth and Sansom. N • • W. W. McNutt, Seventeenth and Sansom. . • .: ' W. B. Blair, Seventeenth and Sansom. Jas Miller. 18)3 Market: P. Boyle, Twenth-second and Cuthbert. Traviila & Hoffman, Thirty-sixth and Haverford road. T. Lippincott,.i769 South. Second. J. Grist, 1219 South Second. . . C. Walter, 920 Callowhill. • . . ; ... 'I,. 111. Isenbrie, Resler and Norria. ; •:':' -., '1.... -.> J. Johnson, Third and Queen. -• •: '.:.. J. B. Murray, Hanover and Melon. .• .... - F. Gunner, Thompson and Charlotte. • '• . Mrs. McKenna, 1118 Locust. P. Mathews, 12r3 Pine. - I. Daley, Philip ar d Columbia. T. Fair, Thirteenth and Fitzwater. ' S. Fagan, Eighth and Lombard. Geo. Alexander. Third and CoateS. . C. N. Gesmeyer, 628 CallowhilL J. Griffin, Front and hiOrrie. C. C. Porter,.B69 North Tenth: • .1 . : S..Clymer,_964 North Second. J. Stoltz, 381 Germantown road. P. Biehl, 320 Germantown road . . L. H. Taylor, 1619 Germantown road. - S. Louder,-Germantown road, above Berks. J. , Biedler, 2018 Germantown road ' J‘lFrick, Germantown road add Diamond. •• •• Jr Neill, Thirteenth and Catharine. ~'. E.. RP,Cook , Se venteenth and Coates: •: , •L. Kensill, 277 Poplar. . , . : Geo. Borst, 32.5 Poplar: J. McCarthy, Tenth and Saneom. • W. Kennedy, Eleventh and Ellsworth. - - J. R..Wisherbee Rleveuth and Federal. 'B. Percival, 811 Poplar. • James Martin. 2122 Market. J. Bellettup, Norris and Clinton. T. Kell)", 812 North Fifteenth._'. C Brown, Fifteenth and Spring Garden. ' George I'.Leedom, Sixteenth and Brandy Wine, J. J. Ricards, Second and Catherine, r. • - J: Bmc t f.: ceconlfabil 0211611*E, . _ ~ VM- , O'Keefe, 812 Catharine. S. Mullen, Twelfth and Wood. . J Hoffer, Camden, North Second street. J. Damenhower, Camden, North Second street. P. W. Croter & Co. , Second and Shippen. J. GUY, Second and Jervis. 1,, Bell, 233 North Fifteenth. . • . D. Dougherty, 3308 Richmond street. ' J. Craig, Fifteenth alio Lombard.... D. Renner, Fourth and Willow. Sheri &Son, Eleventh and Parrish. . . D. Wolf, Thirteenth and Parrish. A. Fullerton,Fifth and Christian • C E 'Gwyn , Frank ford road and Crease. W. J. Schick, 2031) Germantown road. J Casey, =North Twelfth. - W. McLaughlin, 515 Carpenter. Grainger & Bro ' Tenth and Federal. . . M. Ciouder, 630 Morris. .. D. Corwin. Second and Federal. J. Kit che, 219 Race. • in..kaitey, 1213 South Eighth. W. Stratton, Carroll and Sergeant. ' • Mr. Carr, 92 North Twenty- h nst. " J. Stinson, Fourth and 'Monroe. ' ' L. Stremruel. Ella and Amber, J. Biers,•Fifth and Carpenter. • J. I. Stevenson, Third and Wharton:. P. Marseilles, 2001 Callow hill. B. 'Winder, 1247 North Front D. F Wolf, Vineyard and Perkiornen. M. :Member. Thirty -seiventh and Welitut. - -L. Harter, Fairmount, West Philadelphia. Wm. Rose. 16441 Ridge road. ' J. Atkisson, Twentieth and Market. . , F..Feutchall. Seventh and Callowhill. J. Dell, 3 3 37 Jnlianna. • P. Gaul, 1021 Cumberland. J. Garrard, Fairmount, west side. "., D. Ships, .., we Mb. and Locust. 'J. ,Callahan, 2000 Goatee. 'lleo. Et ochrine, Fourth and. Poplar. . Mrs. Schuyler, Germantown road. :. R. Dryfoos. Charlotte and Brown. .'. B. Miller, 8 South Eighteenth F. Warner, 1703 North Eleventh. • • . D. McCafferty. Richmond and Williain. H. Allen, William-street wharf. ~..Musitelman & France, Poplar and Lawrence. Geo. Smith, 373 Richmond street. . . - Edwards & Brother, Ann street,-Richmond. W. B. Martin, Sixth and Sylvester. Price &Carver, Richmond and Ross. ' Mrs Smith, Frankford Geo. Wilburn, Frei:afford. , J. Cooper, Frankford. CLAY 7 --b - UPERIOR ARTICLE FOR Olasa Manntitcturerg. For gale by • • JAMES WOOLMAN, Agent; No: 146 WILLOW Street. - GREAT CENTBAL•CLOTHING N CAMERON, chairman NEW PUBLICATIONS., READ THE MAMMOTH NEWSPAPER! THE EVENING TELEGIUPH !I DOUI3I,iIO SIIPOOrr THIS AFTERNOON, WILL cominr FIFTY'-SIR COLUMNS! V.nRRA6ING THE LATEST REA'S FROM ALL QUARTERS, WITH CHPICE,Lug4 . 4 ARTICLES. Advertisennuts:received until:Noon THE LARGEST DAILY CIRCULATION in Pl:Mallet- Plain excepting two morning Papers. It IL STOCKS BEAD THE CON; EROM MST 4119 PRIOR oprittyr BEFORE YOU INVEST YOUR MONEY IN OIL STOCKS. DETERSONS' NEW BOOKS, BY THE BEST AUTHORS. AIM published, by T. B. PETERSON At' BROTHERS, PETERSON'S' NEW COOK BOOK; or, Usefal and Practical Receipts for the Housewife, and the Unin itiated. Containing eight hundred and fifty. eight new and original receipts for cooking, together with valua ble information to all housekeepers, with•rnles for pur chasing all kinds of meats, fish, and poultry. Price $2. THE DEVOTED BRIDE,. By St. George Tucker. One of the best historical novels ever printed. Price $L 60 in paper. or $2 in cloth. THE RIVAL : BELLES; or, Life in,,Washington, By the author of Wild Western Scenes." Price $1.60 in paper, or $2 in cloth. • FLIRTATION . IN FASHIONABLE LIFE. By Catha rine Sinclair. author. - ' Beatrice. " Price $1.60 in paper, or $2 in cloth. • THE PRIDE 'OF LIFE. By Jane, Lady Scott. Price $1.50 in paper, or $2 in cloth. THE COWARD. By Henry Morfoid. $l.OO in paper, or $2 in eleth. THE NEW STAMP DUTIES OF 1664. Indispensable to every business roan. tl6 cents. THE BRIDAL EVE. Ay Mrs. South Worth. In paper $1.60, or in cloth $2: hELF-SACRVICE. By the author of "Margaret Maitland: " In paper $1 50, or in cloth $2. THE WOMAN IN BLACK. By the author of "Man in Gray. 1 ' In Paper' $l. 50„.0r in cloth $2. , FAMILY FRID.E.. By the atuhor of "Pique.'' 51.50 in paper, or $2 in cloth. 1, • Bent free of patAags onire aelpt of retail price. Address, with orders, . witcrrages. T. B. if IT EIBBSO Sr , _ 30er CBESTAT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Send for Catalogue anti Canvassers' Circular. All the NEW. BOOKS ste for sale at PPZERSONS'.' : pRESIDENT LINCOLN-HIS FOR TRAIT, PHRENOLOGY, AND BIOGRAPHY. Also Hon. FESSENDEN, and the three new Bish ops, THOMPSON,.CLARK, and KINGSLEY. Physiog nomy, with portraits. of the Horse, Lion, Gorilla, Wolf, Sheep, Eagle, sc; Niehael An ' Our Teeth and 'Jaws, with signs of Character; Stammering,' its Cause and Cure; In Prison; A Jewish Wedding; The -Afri can Compared with Other Races; The Gulf Stream: A New Theory; Language • ' 'Dreams ; Plants Without Seeds; Railroad Men; To' Correspor dents,• The Story . of Adam and Eve; Eternal Punishment; Unbeliefi: Soul and Spirit; What is the Difference? Immortality; Mar rying Cousins. Sm., in October number of PHRENOT4O - JOURNAL AND,LIPE ILLUSTRATED. News men have it. Sent by first post tar 20 cents, by Mesers. FOWLER & WELLS, 3SO BROADWAY, New York, or J. L. CAPEN, 35 South TENTH Street, Philadelphia. sell-2t i • NAVAL SCIENCE-NEW 'BOOKS; JUST PUBLISHED, THE - HAND-BOOK OF ' THE UNITED STATES NAVY, compiled and arranged by B. S. Oeborri, 1 volume. GUNNERY CATECHISM, as applied to the Service of Naval Ordnance intim UniactStatos Navy . ..l volume. MILITARY AND NAVAL BOOKS,. including all the Most recent works. For sale by • LINDSAY , BLAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers, sel7 No. 25 South SIXTH St., above Chestnut. I\TBW BOOKS NEW BOOKS !-ALL New Books sold at a discount: $2.00 Books f0r..... ...$l. 75 ;$1 Bookstor SO cents. $1.75 Books for 1.50i75e Books 44 SLSO Books for 1.25,50 c Books4or..•—• " $1.25 Books for 1.00;25e Booksibr "20 - PITCHER'S cheep Book, Album, Picture, and Frame store, SOS CHESTNUT Street. selo-swtt SCHOOL BOOKS, . PENS PENCILS INKS. CHEAP LETTER PAPER AND ENVELOPES. •• •• EIE2 NOTE PAPER AND) ENVELOPES. . . • . • initiaZo Sttr,mped Gratis. Everything School .Wants Supplied at , tbelowest rates, And delivered to any address by . • CHALLEN,'Bookseller. and Stationer, sill•et I3O E CIIESTNIJT. SHCROFT'S L 0 W-W ATB R DE TECTORS. Ashcroft's Steam Ganges.. Justice & Shaw's Mercurial Steam and. Blast Gauges. Clark's Damper Regulator.' • • - Water Gauges, Scotch Tabeklate. • • AI3OB.•BATTLES, Aat. smrhatkl n ux.nst Street, Phila. PETS AND .01L-CLOTHS. w . FALL 1864. 1864. GLEN cffo MLILLS, GNEREANTOWN MeCALLt,III .& CO., CARPET VAIMHOVI3E, 509 CEPSTNIMEIVIIIEZ _ _ icel6-tf • PEILADELPET 1864... * 1864 • .. ItIeC.A3E;LAT43I Sr, C RETAIL DEPARTMENT, • 519 CHIISTNIIT STREET. 80111-tf OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE HALL. CARPETS ! CARPETS! cATorrs.l CLOSING OUT LATE IMPORTATIONS 20 PER CENT • LESS THIN PRESENT GOLD RATES. ` ,`' FRENCiR AND•ENGLISH AXMINSTERS. WILTONS. OF ENTIRE NEW PATTERNS .VELVETS AND TAPESTRIES, Wide Goods With a large assortment of THREE-PLY AND INGRAIN 'CARPETS. NEW VEI4ETIANS, PALATINE, AND, DAMASK MAKE DRUG GETTS WELL-SEASONEsp,PIL CLOTHS, dm 1, dte. JAMES H. ORNE (5.1 CO., G2O CHESTNUT HTREET, ael7•etuth6t Below Seventh. WAJbL PAPERS. pxkli;.tki3mx. - pmA. WALL PAYER& HOWELL 8.1 N. :. E;* OORNIX FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, Mthi . 4aoftirers of PAPER --JECELWGI:IPTG WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, LINEN SHADES AND HOLLANDS, . • SOLID GREEN ANHAUFF, CHOCOLATE GROUNDS, FIGURED, AND PLAIN SHADES, To which we invite the attention of STOREKEEPERS. sel2-mwa 2m t• EDUCA.TIONAL. , • 0.. • MRS::'- BEECH , * AND DAUGHTER 'will re-open their Academy at the eleitant Ball Room. southeas, corner of BROAD and SPRING GAR DEN Streets, on SATURDAY, September 17. where they will continue giving tenons every TUESDAY and SA TURDAY. at 2 P. M., when all the most real:lien:able European and .American Dances will be taught. Refe rences tone fist faMillen in this city, who have placed their children under their chare. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT.-In connection with which, they will introduce Dr. Lewis' far-famed Light Gymnastics, for the full development of the Lungs and 54Digthping the Muscles and Spine.V,Those objecting to Daneing can receive'l &aeons in the above aepe. ately, With Walking, Moving introductions, &c. Lessons Riven in Scheme and private families. Evening Class now forming. Residence I\o. 1431 North T IVEIS PH Street. • sel7-3t* .r 4 ,ITENING INSTRUCTION AT THE QUAKER CITY.BUSENESS COLLEGE. See adver tisement elsewhere in Ms paper. sel7-3t JOAN 0. ZIitIMERMA.N'S ELEMEN TARY SINGING CLASS will commence, eolith tv , et corner or SLXTE and GIRARD avenue. on MONDAY EVENING, Sept. 19; advanced Class WEDNESDAY EVENING. 21st All interested in music are respect• fully invited to attend. 11* TO 'YOUNG lIEN.-THE BEST WAY to succeed in Insiness is to prepare for it in the beet manner, and the most valuable investment YOU can make is to secure a course of instruction at THE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, N. E CORNER TENTH ..AND CHESTNUT Streets an institution aff.-rding advantages of the very highest order, being conducted upon a system of ' -ACTUAL }UhIiVESS 'PRUNING original a:iel pre - emincitth/ Practiaa, under the managerntnt•of gentlemen of education and extensive experience in business. The system of instruction combining: TIMM' and PaAcTion in the most perfect meaner, presents undis puted advantsties over the merely theoretical methods of ordinary. "Commercial Colleges." This institution Pas been the pioneer in Mt DERN IMPROVERENTS, and now offers in the substantial and practical value of Ste course of it t.traction, and in all its appointments, Unequalled intlticemeits to those who would insure sue- Ce" au, impinyraent or business, by the best prepa ration for its doges. • INSTRUCTION IN Book-keeping. Pep/vanillin, Commercial Calculations, Commercial Law, Engineering, Survey ins. Naviga tion, Telegrai him; &c. DAY and EVE TELEGRAPHING BY SOUND, and all the ditties appertaining to Telegraphing as a profession*, is 'woe/Ica/4/ taught by, an operator of eleven years' experience; students being allowed after some practice to work on the wires extending to vari ous other offices in and out of the cit.,. In this manner they are fitted for the regular duties common to Isle graph lines without another day's practice on any line, and are read: , .to nit down at the opmating-table and -cant a good salsrY Nowhere else in the world can such advantages be oh-. tained. Call and read letters from our graduates, who are now Feb tiered all over the country. :Call or send :for an-Illuetrated Circular. ,sel7. St L. FAIRBANKS, A. M., Principal. s. E. 0 - OR, SET= LAD 414948. E. T STREETS islooDN. WATER:PROOF . :oI.OI:it: baba a *tee stock. iffhloh iire are . es Iliggfoilese than winal iwices CUIVOVEDT. STODTIART . 8; SBOTH:dt, 450.452, and 454 North SSCOIKD Street. FANCY CABBIKEREB • . • • COATINGS. We are now in daily redektt of desirable • . PALL AND WINTER WOOLENS, for Men's and Boys' wear, comprising the best styles of foreign and American fabrics. :CURWEN STODDART Sc BNOTIINR, 4.50,.452, and 454. N. SECOND Street, ab. . WOOLEN SHIRTING • PLAIDS. • , Just opened, a lot of super German Flannels, at less than regalar prices. • OURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 Ncirth SECOND • Stieet, sel7-3t above Willow. T lIPIN'S FRENCH MERINOES AT $2. .-R- 4 All-wool French Poplins at wsix. Fine English Iderinoes at 81.75., 2-yde wide, do . do 82.50. 1% do do do $2. Plain and. Plaid'Aress Goods at 37340 to 624 c. JOHN 'STONES, sel6-tf 702 H. ARCH Street.. NEW SKIRT Von 1564. J. NEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN. HOOP SKIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) .STEEL SPRING J. L. & J. G. WEST, No. 07 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK, Are the owners of the patent and exclusive manufac turers of this, J. W. BRADLEY'S ELLIPTIC STEEL ' SPRING PATENTED DUPLEX. SK JETS This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most elas tic, flexible, and dn'rable spring ever used.enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and fl* bility, to place and fold the skirt when in use asea and with the same convenience as a silk or num dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only objec tion to hoop skirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public,especially in crowded assemblies, carriages, railroad cars, church 'DOWN or in any crowded place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occupy ing mail space. This entirely.removesthe dation:ly. while giving the skirt the usual fnll and symmetrical fotm, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera,-promenade, or. house dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleaeure,.coinfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, trill' nager afterward willingly dispense with the use Witham - - They kre the best quality in every part, and by tar the lightestonost durable, comfortable, and economical skirt-made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies in most first-class retail stores in this cityand throughout the different States. . iler- Inquire for the" • • . • •-•- DOUBLE ELLIPTIC-OEIRO SICIETif . B RADLEY'S "DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when in use to oconpy a small space, making the mdst agreeable skirt worn. For sale by - J. 31 HA_FLEIGH, 902 CHESTNUT Street. "11).RADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SHIRT—Mi greateet improvement we have ever seen in LADIES' SKIRTS, and an article of SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE CURWZN STODDARTA BRO., ."4450 4rv2, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. Willow. seedilm • 'MLIT.S.RY= GOODS. vt ARMY. D. NAVY. EVANS Sr, IIASSAIA‘i MILITARY ':FURNISHERS, 418 A.RCR. STREET, PHILADELPHIA Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords. Sashes, Belts, Passants, Epaulets, Hats, Cape, Can teens. Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and eveiythiug pertaining to the complete outfit of Arniy and . Navy Officers. • • kliberardieconat &Mired to the trade, 887-1 m LA:f7 OF THE OLD'IAO*II% OF 1881, SIX Hit CENT. INTEREST. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYA4La IN opui.. FOR SALE, IN LARGE ON SMALL SUMS. AT LOWEST MARKET RAT• BONDS.READY FOR DELIVERY 13. WRIGHT' fic sel4-tool • NEW •LOAN OP 1.8t31. • • nov BALAIiiO2 or T H E • - w t) e, , • , 000"900- LOAN - • having this day been , awarded, and .oux,bias proving successful, we are prepared to .... SELL TO CtiSTOMERS AT ONCE, ' In Large or Small any amount of this moat desirable • GOLD SIX-PER-CENT. LOAN. at the market price. We) ave always considered these `.`1881" Bonds as the BEST LOAN ON THE MARKET There is but a SMALL AMOUNT FOR SALE, and. the premium will, in our opinion, advance rapidly. Parties having 5.20 Loan will do well TO CALL AND EXcliAlt GE THEIR '5.20a for this more permanent Loan; especially as now, the German demand for the live•twenties,•a high rate can be obtained for them. • JAY COOKE et CO. ' • selo-331 • 114 Booth. HIRD Street. Tt.g NEW 7-30 LOAN. . %, • L. Subscriptions reeetved, awl the Notes far. Dished free of all eharees. by • • - - GEOZIGB 3. BOYD,_Banker. au244m 1S South T URD Street. ( - ILL STOCKS N-• BOUGHT Al D BOLD ON CONIMISBION, GEORGB J. BOYD, 18 South TIIIND Street TREASURY DEP .................. AUGUST 24. 1884. '_NOTICE 'TO HOLDERS 0/ THREE YEARS SEVEN-THIRTY. NOTES. DATED . OCTOBER 1, 1864. - Holders of Seven-thirty Notes, dated October 1, 1861. are hereby notified that they may' be presented imme diately. in any amount, to be exchanged for Six Per Cent. Bonds falling due after .Tune 30, 1611:1. The interest on the Seven-Thirty Notes will be settled up to'date of maturity; October], and the; Six Per Cent. Bonds will bear full coupons from July 1. The adjustment of interest 'Will be made by deducting from the - amount of interest found to be due on the Seven-Thirty Notes up to October 1, the interest ac crued on the Six Per Cent. bonds from drily 1 to October 1; the balance Will be transmitted by the Treasurer's coin draft immediately upon settlement. • The following regulations in relation to endorsements must be carefu ll y obterved: Where notes transmitted for settlement were issued payable to order, and are held and transmitted by the original owners, they 'most be endorsed by them. " Pay to the Secretary of the Treasury for redemption," and bonds will issue in their name. Where notes payable to order are held by other parties than the original owners, the notes must have the en dorsement of the original owners, and also be endorsed by the present owners, " Pay to the Secretary of the Treasury for redemption. " For notes issued in blank, endorsed " Pay to the Secretary of the Treasury for redemption," bonds will be issued to the parties transmitting them, and in such manner as they may direct. • 'When notes are endorsed or transmitted by an at torney, administrator, executor, or other agent, they Must be accompanied by a duly certified. copy or certifi cate of the authority under which he acts; and in all cases by a letter stating the kind (registered or coupon) and the denomination of the Six Per Cent. Bonds wanted. in exchange. When Registered Bonds are ordered, parties should state at which of the following places they wish the interest paid; viz: New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, New Orleans, Chicago, St. Lou's or Cincin nati. W. P. FESSENDEN, an3B 18t Secretary of the Treasury. 110LIVIEB, BOOTH, & HAYDENS, mAyuF4orußstr. OF • • • • ‘3IIEME)/1.1. • V. • No. 46 CHAMBERS STREET. • sell-6t' • NEW YORK. CAMPAIGN MEDALS AND PINS OF ItIcCLELLAN, LINCOLN AND JOHNSON. FREMONT AND COCHRAN, for sale to the trade by W. A, SMETHURST, eelS tutbe3t* No. 7 BANE Street.. NEW 'MESS 'MACKE REL--100 KITTS new Mess Mr.ckerel, in store and for see CO. KNNEDY, STAIRS, Sc CO., isel4-SV, 130 and 132 North WHARVES. BUFFALO ROBE S..AITD HORSE BLANKETS...46e undersigned has opened a large assortment of ROBES and. BLANKETS. Dealers will find it to their advantage to call and examine. Also, on hand an extensive stock of Coach- Makers and Saddlers' materials: JOHN M FORD, selOstral.6t* No. 49 North TRIED Street. PICTURES OF RARE BEAUTY, characterized by truthful resemblance of feature. expression, and coloring of complexion. draßery. and accessories, yon find in B. •F. REIMER'S Ivory typos, 624- ARC. Street. Its MAGNIFICENT PORTRAITS.- Bare artistic skill and long practical experience bave iach i Phot dw gr o a d h er *in as o e l v inccal-dr s n B. F 6 2 R 4 81 A R C S Stieet. • L.* SEED WHEAT.-THE ATTENTION of FARMERS and other's Interested in Agriculture is called toe superior lot of pure VE ETIAti (red . Me diterranean) WHEAT. imported by Thos. Richardson &Co and expressly selected for SBED. The yield from former importations of this variety of Wheat has averaged from Thirty-five to Forty Bushels per acre,.and from comparison of this Importation with the importations of former seasonq, we cam confidently recommend it as the finest lot of SEED WIEt ELT brought into this country for many yearn. It cannot fail to give satisfaction. Baying been appointed. Agents fur the sale of the above 'Wheat, we can supply it in large or small quan tities, to suit purchasers. Farmers and others inte rested are requested to call and examine. P. B. hiteiGLE & CO., • Seedsmen, • 103 MARKET Street. T•AIDELPHIA, July 25, 1864 lt SERVO FOR THE TEETHAND T)B14 A- , (SUMS.—For .strengthening the gums, for pre serving the teeth from decay, and for keeping .then beautifully clean and the breath sweet, thie is be lieved to be the bed preparation that science and vxpe tience has ever produced. Prepared only by S..T. BEALE. M. D 'Dentist, - 1113 CHESTNIN Street,' Philadelphia,. Pe.. sel7-3m For sale by the principal druggists. *1 per jar. TASTEFUL AND SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING above iMovr. 142 South THIRD Street aip•3 WANTS. • - • O C 11,134- PYI. A LADY, A • SCHOOL • TSAMISIt one of the public schools, who has her widitWeiL . mOther.,.with a family, dependent' upon her 'for impOrt:Aegiree.SKPLOYMENT. after school bourn., et vap)lag. She writes a full. round, legible liand....and 'can fflve the best of reference. Address . IklanAOrilits" :nsatOofilce. •••• sel7-3t• . . A lir If . • kALE 8 L DAiIiTICD-ONE OF K- 7 tlioronei Estall Des' GrOodiClid dress g First qua, " Pivas Ofilaa. • lt* ' WANTED --A ;•111 OF good address. as . SAI.T.SMAN t - in' Chestnut street store. west of Sixth-street. Adress`'Fabric." at this office. WANTED—A. RESPECTABLE FAMI- Iy to mom, one or two CHILDRE', well brought up; ages under ten yetrs, of. respectable Pare'AT- Please address "Hamel,' ' Press office. sel7-2t WANTED -Br A YOUTH OF 18, A Situation as BOOK-KEEPER or CLERIC in some Wholesale onos or Railroad or 'Barrel% Office. ton a Graduate of the best Business Col'ege in the Baited States; have also had nineteen months' experience in .business. Best of references and reccmtmendatione given. Address, until noon, "R. B 8.," Pram Office. 10 WANTED—BY A .LADY CAPABLE • r o f writing, an intelligible band, a situation as COPYIST. .Address N. it C., this office. WM° . NITAITTEW-4 YOUNG MAN AS AS .T: sienna Book-keener and to Work in the store. Re ference required; ?Address, this office, 'Work. '' reld•Stt WANTED-BOAID FOR TWO LA.; DIES, between Chestnut and Spruce and Broad and Tenth Ado rose Mrs. FRANCIS, care of Wyeth & Brothers, WALNUT, above Broad. sel6-2t* WANTED-A YOUTH TO LEARN the WATCHMAKING and .TEWELRY TRADE. References required. Address " Watchmaker," Prese OElre. • sel6.2t• WANTED TO SELL-THE STOCK, LEASE, and FIXTURES of an old e. tablished Dry. Goods and Grocery Store near the city, doing a heavy linsiness. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Ad dress "MERCHANT," at this office, for three days. Philadelphia, Sept.l4, 1864. sel6-3t* WANTED-ON THE FIRST DAY. OF T. JANUARY NEXT, STORE on MARKET St., between Third • and Fifth - streets; on the . ttpper side; will rent or purchase it. Address box 2427 Post 00.0 e. QIIARTERMASTER - G Eli AL' OPPIOB, FIRST DT I 7ISION, WAEMIXOTON CITY. August 31.1844. HORSES! HORSES!! HORSES!!! Horses imitable for flaylry and Artillery service will be purchased at GIEHB O 0 DEPOT, in open market, till OCTOBBH 1, 1864. Horses win be delivered to Captain L. Lowry Moore, A. Q.-M., subjected to the aerial Government in spection before being accepted. Price of Cavalry Horses, *176 each. Price of Artillery Horses, $lBO each. Payment will be made for six (6) and more. JAMES A. HEIN, Colonel First Division, Quartermaster General's Office. se6•tee3o gr i WANTED TO . RENT -= A: FUR niabed or unfurnished HOUSE,;eltisete between Pine and Arch, and west of Eleyenth - etieit. .Thsrlsest security .glyen for proper care of . Wailers; • Address ." B. H.." et this office. tael6 Bt* do W ANTED TO PIIRCHASEA Jima NEAT SUMMER BISIDENCB, 106 .. an acre or .two of aronad near a railroad station, and within ten tense of the ci (y. Address, with' particulars, Box 1100, sels-3t* IDWANTED. IMMEDIATELY-1,000 Gold, Ether, and -Plated 'WATCHES, new and second hand. for which the highest prices willfbe paid • M. J. EIGGLYNN, 208)-1 North EIGHTH Street. 6t* 89,000.•-wANTpp-THE. \ABOVE amount. for 5 or 10 years; at s,per cent. First mortgage on first-class oily security. Apply to • ROBERT. M4O GREGOR, Rel 6 • • • 419 WALNUT Street; $5,000 -WANTED-A PARTNER, • either active or silent. in an established and profitable Manufacturing Business with cash sales. Address !..,` Partner," Press Office. selb-St*. $5,0009 t0 4 1, 7 0an ii N ort p gag O e rr Of C i ft ß y Property at 5 per cent. for a term of years. CHARLES RHOADS, se7. RE* . Conveyancer ,. No. 36 S. SEVENTH St. FOR SALE AND TO LET. : Teoß . SALF;- 7 A LOT. OF 'BRICKS AND 112 WIELD Street • eel7•3t*r P AIR GOATS FOR SALE—WELIs matched, broken to harness ; Nrigoll,htiggy,sleigh, &c., at Marble Yard. ARCH. below Nineteenth street. between 4 and 5 P. DI. se 5-31 OR' SALE-49 MINERAL WATER ES TABLISHHENT, with stook s aid niichinery.doin a fair business. apply back of 847 If. THIRD R. 4015 31.• rbRENT—A.CHOCH CELLAR; 40 r Apo to . • • JOS. 0. BOSTILL. • eel& tutbdt , ' . 403 South SIXTH Street; '' • • TO RENT WITH BOARD:---TO A GEN tlernan and wife, a pleasant front room or commu nicating rooms in a small family. App1y:12432 6 P KRA Street. . . . • . sel3-tnths3t* Ma. FOR SALE,. NOW EMPTY, NEAT dwellioM No.. n 5 BROWN Ewen. twelve rooms. Let 18bv 85. $8,200: MILLNR, No. 154 North SIXTH Street. • • sell da FOR SALE-WEST PHrLADEL 2=PBTA DESIRABLE INVESTMENTS. —The balance of the Brown-stone ROUSES, the finished, on' Fortieth street, Baltimore avenue and the Darby Passenger Rail road (south of Pine street), built in the French and Ita lian styles. These Houses have every convenience, are built In the best manner, and will be cold on aoccommo dating terms. First-class neighborhood. Houses in this local it) always in demand. C. M. S. LESLIE, sel7- 6('114 South SIXTH Street. • gm* FOR BALK—VERY ELEGANT REA' elde-yard DWELLING, east aide Franklin, north of Poplar, $ll,OOO. Neat well built DWELLING, east side Franklin, north of Poplar, $ lO,OOO. Neat DWELL'ING. 688 North Thirteenth street; ex cellent neighborhood; lot 18 by 00; $5,000.2 Now empty. • Neat DWELLING. 2009 Vine street; -12 rooms; lotlB feet 6 inches by 11S feet to a street; $5,500. Besides near 2,000 other Properties, many of which immediate possession can be bad. GEOEGIK. MILLER, It .154 North SIXTH Sweet. F A.IIM-A. THRICE , BTOUY 13.111trragli)ENCENbree-story bark buildingit. eituated on the south side of PI NE. above Nineteenth. Price, $5,300. Apply to ROBERT MAC G R EG OR, . • 4-19 WALNUT Street. FOASALE-VERY NEAT DWEL; EING•lO2 . North Twenty-second street, Immediate Possession: - Convenient and desirable Dwelling, 536 North Sixth street. Possession soon. The desirable side-yard Rowe 2037 Mount Vernon street. Possession in ten days. Fonr-stcry Dwelling, with deep lot (L 9) feet), 1624 Green. Po: se;sion soon. 1922 Mount Vernon street; four story; large yard. rOFB9SSiOII soon. S. E. corner Twenty-second and I ,Vsllace ; neat House. Possession in thirty days. Two Dwellings north side of Camberland, east of Co ral street. $1,500 each. 125 Shirley street. 1,625. 1012 North Fifth.street: neat and convenient. 1310 Jefferson street; neat and convenient. • 1529 North Thirteenth ; three story. $2,501). • West side of Nary street, below Jefferson.. $1,600. 1225 Cass street. 11+1,600_ • 919 North Eleventh street. $.3,000. • 1102 Brown street. 04,400. 306 North Seventh, $5,290. ts . 26.21211swortit street $1,250 - 19.17 Wallace street; large yard: linmediate posses - . . . - With a,variety of others. B. F. GLENN.. .• .323 Sontb FOURTH St sot, sel74f . S. W. corner SEVENTEENTH -and GREEN. • ‘l4 FOR SALETHE LARGE, NEW mcgthree-story STORE and DWELLING, 10t1936by 94 feet, southeast corner of FIFTEENTH and MASTER Streets: two-story hack buildings. with gas, heaters, range, hot and cold bath. A splendid location for a Drug or Grocery store. Beautiful and fast-improving neigh borhood. •• Will be sold by M.. THOMAS & SONS. by Pablis sale, at the Exchange, at noon, on TUESDAY, September 20. Five thousand dollars can remain. Immediate possession. MaY be examined any day previous to sale. sell. lt* 2 FOR SALE OR gXCHANGE;• IN WEST PHILADELPHIA---One splendid large DWELLING, Kingsessing avenue and Fort7•Second street; Lot about 60 by 200. Two large DWELLINGS on Pine street, above Fortieth ;50 by 150 One smaller one on Spruce, below Thirty. ninth. A handsome model of the first can be seen at the Office of 8816 20. D. L. LEEDS, 108 South FOURTH Street. in FOR SAL E--ELEVERLL LARGE new HOUSES on .Broad street, - above Jefferson; Also, one above Oxford, 24 feet front. Lots all 200 feet deep to Carlisle street, writable for Stables on the rear. These will be sold cheap, if taken within a few days. D. L LEEDS, eel& 2t* 10S South FOURTH Street. C LARGE HOTEL TO RENT, WITH ft , LTHE FURNITURE.—Barnum's Hotel, No. 227 North THIRD Street, having been altered and improved, is now offered for rent. The house is commodious, well ventilated, and contains 120 rooms, and . is well located for business. To a suitable tenant, with an extensive influence with country trade, the terms will be made edgy. :Immediate possescion will be given. • Address Box 933, Philadelphia post Mlles, or apply at 21.4• RACE Street. .sel6-2V POWEIALE•OR TO LET-TWELVE Mat. drat-elass four-story BRICK 110IISES, new, and with all the modern improvements on east side of South BROAD Street. near Wharton. 'Terms moderate. Apply. to GEO. 'SERGEANT, for F. IR Drexel's estate, 432 WALNUT Street. ft CHESTER COUNTY.-FOR SALE, ...f...100 acres. a portion wood-land and meadow; fine Orchard., two miles from West Chester; nicely watered ; good,,substantial stone Mansion, enclosed with picket fence; fruit and shade; fine Barn and all necessary out buildings. Price $95 per acre. • • JIB E. CUMMINS. 504 WALNUT:Street.. Send for Catalonnee of Delaware and Oheeter-eonatY Farms. • • • • VALUABLE REAL , E. ST AZE A T T . PUBLIC SALE IN RLDNOB.—WiII be .lold at pub lic sale. on the premises, in the townihip of Ft tdoor, Delavrare county, Pennsylvania, on THURSDAY. Sep tember 29th, 1864, at one o'clock, P. N., the following real estate, late the property of Isaac Palmer, deceased, to wit: Trait No. 1, situate on both sides of the Philade'phia and Lancaster Turnpike. 12 miles from Philadelphia, 10 miles from Media, 6 miles from Norristown, and near the Morgan's Corner Station, on the Pennsylvania Rail road, containing about 84 acres. The improvements consist of a large and convenient two-storied house, 30 by 40 feet, with four rooms and hall on first floor, five on second, with celled attic. with kitchen attached Barn 40 by 80 feet, with overshoot attachment of 15 feet. Stabling for thirty. five head of cittle, Wagon House, Carriage Rouse, two Spring Roused over never-failing springs of water, and other out buildings; two Apple Orchards, and -a variety of choice fruit. The farm is well watered, - and hes ten acres of Meadow and five of Wood] and. Tract No. 2 adjoinS‘ tract No.-1, lands of J. Brown, Sarah George and others, and immediately fronts on the village of "Morgan's Corner," is well watered, and contains about 30 acres. The improvements are a large two-storied House, 18 feet by 36 feet, and is calcu lated for two families. Stable and fruit trees. Both the above tracts and the improvements are in the best order. The land is in a high state of cultiva tion, well fenced, and the improvements in good repair. They will be sold by the acre, subject to a new survey.. The above properties are situated in one of the most improving districts of Delaware county, convenient to clinrchee, sneering houses, mills, stores, and contains the best agrionlin.lal qualities of the Radnor land. • • Tract No 3, being a• Chestnut Timber lot, situate in the township of Tredyffrin, in Chester comity. near Carea Scheel Bonee, bounded by lands of John Owens and others, containing 8 acres and 04 perches, covered with flourishing timber, part of which is ready to cut. ,the balance being about twelve years' r growth. Thie tract will besold at the same time and place as Nos I and 2, as the property late of George Palmer, Esu., de c axed. Conditions. which will be made easy, will he made known on the day of sale • THE HEIRS. September 2. • . • . . selo-12 14 17 24' T atait-TRE FIRST; FIFTH, SIXTH, and SEVEN'PR STORIES of Dr. Jayne's Banding. DOCK Street, below Third,' either with or without steam power. Also. the Commonwealth Buildion, 611 and 618 CH ESTNUT Street. Amity to THOMAS H. L CONNEL catinting-house of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, 242 CMTNIIT Street. - sel.4-614i • de ...I."FURNISHED HOUSE" —NEAR ,--.6IIIIIIANTOW.ri", convenient to Station—to' let for a Abort or long period; board provided if doatred. Addreee flonntry." Ws office.. . . se3 astir. . CCBiIEA.LENA-A. NEW. ARTICLE OF . -diet—is the puree% product of Wheat that can pos .sibly be annulled: containing a vattly increas, a amount or °TAMEN. AND PHOSPHATES, NATURE'S OWN DIGISTIVE AGENT: Pot up in packages of one p_guitd. FOT *ale by Grocers and Druggists generally. manu factory 149',4 to 1430TINK Street, Petiadelphia, ser- St" JOHN O. MOXEY; Manager. - pp EIMER'S UNSURPASSED'. STYLES JuucARTEs. Da, VISITE are the .wonder a'd ad nitration of, all lovers of art. All varieties of apeck nensare rorde at BECOME Street, above Green- . • AT BEISONAMLE AUCTION SALES. ATKINSON it CO:, 617I.ON.Egati8. WILL SELL On Wednesday, Sept.l2l, 1.8641 At the Stores of SOUTRMOK, SHEBLE,,& OREM: NOS. 23 and 23-.DEY Street, NEW YORK. 500,000 MUDS CHOICE FLEECE WOOl6, Comprising the best selections from Ohio, re nusylventll: ad Virginia. SALE AESOLETE QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OF. PIC.% Fnurr Dirfarent. WASILTITOTOS CITY, September 2, 1864. Will be s an d stPublic Auction, to t vizighest bidder , at the time places named below, : York, Pa., THURR_DAY, Sevt. lb. 1864. Altoona, Pa. THDRSDAT, Sept. 22. Mat Lebanon. Pa. . THURSDAY. Sept. 29 78e4 TWO HUNDRED. CAVALRY. HOMES, AT EA.UEL PLACE.. These Horses have been condemned is Arlin, for the cavalry' service of the army.' • For road and farm purposes many good banta!ns may be had. Horses sold si r- • . . , Terms : Cash In United States Currency. • JAME A. &KM. Colonel First Division. Quartermaster General's _ • : '' • " SON , A.UCTIOX- D EERS. ' OFFTOS U. S. CAPITOt EXTEKBION. wAssinrcrroe, D. C., Sept. 3,186 L On SATURDAY, October let, commencing at 10 A. IL the following variegated and plain marbletwill be sold at public Auction on the grounds north of the United. States Capitol : 100 blocks Tennessee Marble. 1,000 cubic feet remnants ditto. • 12 pieces Potomac Marble. MO cubic feet Vermont Green Serpentine. • 8 column Shafts dittto. 2,000 cubic feet remnants Italian Marble. At the same time will be sold a large lot of doors, shut. :ere, and building material of various kinds. By order of the Secretary of the Interior. CLEMENT L. WEST, General Superintendent. ABIIISEMENTS. \TEW CHESTNUT-ST. THEATRE. GROVES & —Proprietors and Managers. INCREASED ATFRACTION ! - POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK Of the great Romantic /Magical Pantomimic SPectaatillar Drama, • ALADDIN ; • Oa THE WOISIDERFUL LAMP. THE LIVING 'FOUNTAIN OF COLORED WATERS!. from 83.11171.111 8 Museum; New Yo r k. In addition to the above attraction, the performing Will commence with - A POPULAR COMEDUTTA, Cast with theetreArth.of the companY. THIRD FANILVNATINEESARD'er AFTERNOON. Doors open u at Admission to the Matinee ,3 cents (all paits of the house): ehildien 2S cents. MONDAY. Sept. 19th, the liret 'night of the Fall and Winter season. when TBs SBA OF . IbE WILL•SS PRODUCBD. sel2-61 CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSIS s =xi CRESvNUT ST.—Brilliant/sum, or MORAN'S MINSTRELS,' Standing r oomo only after 8 o'clock. ' Seats can be secured from 10 to 2, without extra. charge. The following specialities, among others, are respest— fully sumitted for this week: THE AUCTIONEER, . Written and suns only by the great E. BOWERS. Duel between Mr. Knott and Mr Schott. . SALLY, COME lIP, By Getting, late of Errant's. I'D CHOOSE TO BE A BABY. Sung only by the inimitable MORAN. OXYGENATED AIR, • THE BUFFALO GIRLS. • MORAN WORRIED BY BOWERS, THE MILLER AND HIS MEN, And the new. Plantation Festival, entitled. U. S. G., Introducing the talente d• Star Company. Admitudon 25c. Reserved seats Mk. Doors open at ,;( • past 7, commencing at 8. salt- 4t. MRS. -JOHN DREW'S - NEW ARCH a-LIL STREET THEATRE. • LAST NIGHT OF MRS: JOHN DREW. THIS (Saturday) EVENING_, September 17th, 1864. THE RONEY MOON. MRS. JOHN DREW . To corclude with THERESE, OR THE ORPHAN OF GENEIA.• • THERESE • MRS JOHN DREW MONDAY—EDWIN ADAMS, HAMLET... • • , WALNUT-STREET THEATR • `•. The Great Double Bill Of la't night. witnessed, by an overflowing Image, will be reimated • TR rs (Saturday) EVENING, Sept 17. EDWIN BOOTH will appear ae SIB EDWARD MORTIMER. in the Iron Chest, And as DON C2ESAR DE 13 ++, ZAN. • . On Monday, the Great Drama entitled RUT BLAS. Edwin Booth in 2is original character of Ray Blau. Box Office, open from 9 till 3. Doors open at,TX. Curtain. st X to S.• • • HA.NDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY. • OPINING OF THE SHAeON-1884-5 • The Hoard of Directors-of the Handel and Haydn So-. alety take great pleasure in announcing to heir friends and the musical public that they have engaged the ser vices of . , , •-• ••• • 'MEL SENT& as Coiductor, under whose able leadership the Bander. and Haydn passed the very successful SCIISOII of Mao, as Pianist, Prof. J. Q. (MAWR' with whom thi Society will commence on TUESDAY EVENING, Sep tember 20,1864, at S (Mock, at their Hall, N. E. corner of EIGHTH and SPRING. GARDEN Streets, the re hearsal of the Grand Oratorio of the 81378 N SLEBPRin for the first Concert of the season . . The Directors cordially invite all their old members. and all lovers of music, to meet with them on the night of rehearsal, and unite with them as Performing- 3fent hers or Subscribers. Byorderof the Board. A. B. FUEOL,Fresidnni. F. STS ART, fecretary sel7-3L ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT Streets. TEMPLE OF WONDERS! SIGNOR BLITZ! .EVERY EVENING, AND WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. Change of Performance Constantly. Admission, 25 Cents. Children, 15 Cents. Reeee res Seats, 60 Cents. Evening Performances commence at 7.3‘,. 'Afternolgt at S. ' an274f A SSEMBLY BUILDING'S. TSB GRAND STEREOPTICON • EVERY BvEsrse AT 8 O'CLOCK.. SPLEBDID NEW. VIEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF TEI WORLD. Admission 26 cents% children 16 cents • THE QYMITASITTILT, • Cornet NINTH and ARCM Streets, Is now prepared' for the WINTER COURSE Ladles, Gentlemen, and. Ch.Udren are invited to pay tm a vino. Quarieroommodess at any time. • &BIC, 6t Professors HILLEBRIND & LEWIB. CHRIST REJECTED.- THE GREA.'L and celebrated picture by Virest,the chef d'reuvre of the artist;-is now on exhibition at the ACADEMY OF FINE A &TS. No 1025 CHEsTNUT St., in addition to ti.e entire Art Collection of the Academy. Admittance. 26 cents. Season Tickets, 60 cents. sels-Ine THE ACADEMY OF FINE ART 8 , OBESTNUT:Street,_above Tenth, is OPEN DAILY, for visitors, from 9A. IL to 6 P. M. .1633. BOARDING. .BOARDING. -A GENTLEMAN,WITH Wife and Child. wishesboard. In a private family' preferred. ' Must betetweenThird and. Tenth. and Pine aPd Arch streets . Address •' Alfred," Pram office .It`• WANTED - BY A SINGLE GENTLE- Ma.II, APARTMENTS, with BOARD, in a small. private family, occupying a genteel house, south of Mallet and west of Broad street. A liberal conspenea iion will be paid for suitable accommodations to aWV who may find this an eligible opportunity of reducing . her expenses. .Apply to - ROBY. MAO OREGOR. sel3.tutbeSt 419 WALNUT Street. • ELIGMLE ROOMS NOW VACANT-. an2ll-Im* Nis SPRUCE Sheet. 108 T AND FOUND. T OFT—TWO CERTIFICATES OF . 80-41-4 41 - 4 RERUN MINING COMPANY' STOCK. No.- 91 in the name of LEWIS SEAL. for one hundred shares: No. 1190, in the name of JOHN G. REPPLIBR, for ont 'hundred andAfty shares. Application bas been made to said COmpany for a renewal of said Certificates._. ' MAlt M S Bloom. 319 WALNUT Street .. TAKEN ATP :ASTRAY:r4.:.BILY HORSE, 15X hands high, four black lees, and will be sold to the highest bidder at the FIRST DIS TRICT POLICE- STATION, TWFINTIETII and FITZ; WATER Streets. on MONDAY. Se 19th. at 3P. N..' 11 nleEssooner redeemed. H. O. CLARK, 1t .High Constable. PERSONAL. lEA D. SWISHER BEING NO LONGER .' in our employ, we will not acknowledge any trans actions he make in oar name. BIUSSELMAN & KIRK, N0:3.2 , N. FOURTH St. PHILA. , 5ept..14.186i. pM fi g S PIII.A. AND READING CHANGE' OF -HOUR. 19;1864. the Morning Train for Reading and Potts*Me, Colnmbia,Harrisbnrg, and all other points West* and North, will leave the Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALLOW HILL Streets, at 8 o'clock k. M., This Train will not atop between Philadelphia and Norristown. Passengers from Falls, Maus.yanic, and. Conshohocken,' for. Reading, &c., &e.. will take the train to'Norrietown which- leaves Philadelphia at 6.30 A. Falls at 7:15 A. R, Manayank at 7.30 A. M.. and Conshohocipia at 8 A. N. cmgro . NC , TICE -NORTH PENHSYLVAXIA. RAILROAD ='4..IBANOIL_OF,HOURS. • ' .ARRANGEMENT.• On and - after MONDAY. S‘ptember • leth,_ 1684. the Trains of this Roadwillleave THIRD and TROMPS°, Streets ea follows: , For Bethlehem at 7.30 A. M., 3.16 P. M. and 5.15 DN. For Doylestown at 8 36 A.M., 8.30 P. M. and 4.16 P.M. For Lansdale b t 6:16 P. M. • For Fort Washington at 10:16 11 M. and 11 P. X TRAINS FOR . PHILADELPHIA. - - Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 A.M., _l2 15 noon,ands.4sP. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.80 A M., 8 P.M. and 5.80 P. 112. Liave Lansdale at 6.10 A " M. Leave Port Washington at 10 : 50 A. M: and IP. M. 8016 2tif , ELLIS CLARKS. Agent. i dia STEAMSHIP NORMAN , FROM BOSTON. —Consignees of MERCB.&& - LISS per stove vessel will +geese send for their Goods. now landed on PINE.STBEET Wharf. It . H. WINSOR & CO. MEYER'S NEW PROVED ORESCENT SCALE OVERSTRDNO PIANOS. Acknowledged to be the best. London .and Highest Awards in America received. MELODEONS AND SECOND. HAND P sa-Sm Wareroomso . No. 722 ARCH St., - DECKER BROS., fffp STECK ft . CO.'S - 1 0BLEBRATED I'IA:NOS. E: ‘GPVLD. LAND; OHBST~T apl_i_vi-glei ...,:siIaSTMIPS • • . : . . .. . . • • • . .. . •..... . . I g • T g! . .. . COTTAGE .ORGANS, ' - -• sot only lINSXMILLED. but lINSQVALLEDin Parity of Tone and Power,' &mimed especially for Churches and Schools, but found to be equally well adapted to the Parlor and 'Drawing Room. For sale only by • B. N. BRUCE, No. 18 North SEVENTH Street Also, a Complete assortment of the Forrest Bleionsocr. constantly on hand. atilS 3rn _ . -,2-10:Prin CORRECT PIANO TIINING. 7 -.. IVO I Mr. SLUG ENT eves notice °this. return ha this "city, and readiness to resume business by the lat . of September. All orders received as manal a MA-) 808 & CO'S store. 907 OBBS7NIYr Street.. an 25.-111 _ . Fitw MORE HORSES OAN b e accommodated at the LMICNIZ . STABLE' No. 827 CHERRY Street. . 817BSTITITTBS•ltiRNISHBD BY , . • : LFVV2IS WALNUT Stre_ L et tielf.e* ' story oul: DEPARTDtEIfir•FOE OUSTOM RrO33. 6013 tad! ON AND AFTER SEPTEMBER G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent Y 111- ' zsMedsk ANOS. Eighth-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers