THE CITY. BOARD OF SCHOOL CONTROLLERS. The regular stated meeting of the Board of Con troilers of Public Schools was held yesterday after noon. President Shippen in the chair. cousurivreATlONS. The following communications were received and appropriately referred : One from the First Section, asking that the school house on Hazell street be vacated, and that rooms be rented in the Methodist Church for school pur poses One. from the colored unclassified school, asking that some one be put in charge of this school until a person, properly authorized, bo appointed. One from the Tenth section, asking that two new beaters be placed in the school on Cherry street, above Fifteenth street. One from the Fifteenth section, Informing the Board that notice to quiet the premises corner of Nineteenth and North streets, had been served upon them. One from the Nineteenth section, stating that the Stephen A. Douglas School was now occupied, and that the building formerly used had been vacated. Another from the same section, asking for a new school house. One from the Tweet loth section, asking that the following changes be made : To remove the Grammar school from Eighth and Thompson to the new school building, Mary street, above Thompson, and to establish an additional di vision in each of said Schools. To remove the Boys' i Secondary school from South Penn Hose house to corner of Eighth and Thomp son streets, and to establish an additional division therein. To remove the Girls' Secondary School from Eleventh street, below Thompson, to the corner of Eighth and Thompson, and to establish an addi tional division. To remove Primary School No. 2 from Tenth street, below Girard avenue, to Eleventh street, be low Thompson. To remove Primary School No. 3 from Tenth street, below Girard avenue, to new school building, Mary street, above Thompson. To establish a new Primary School of three divi stens in the South Penn •Hose house, Tenth street, below Thompson. To establis a boys' and girls' _primary school of h four divisions each in the now building on Mervino street, above Jefferson, in lieu of the present pri mary school of six divisions now located there. A communication from the. Twenty-third section, stating that the sectional board had concurred in the report of the committee relative to the dis missal of the principal of the Girls' High School, and asking that the principal be dismissed, was, on motion, laid over till next meeting. REPORTS OF coaratirrees. — The Committee on Accounts reported bills to the amount of $183,985.47, which were ordered to' be paid. ' • • The Committee on Property offered a resolution, appropriating $3OO for extra work to the Curtin School House. TLo Committee on Boys' High Sohool repbrted the resignation of Professor Rand, teacher of che mistry. The Committee on Grammar, Secondaryy, and Primary Schools reported the election of S. K. Lou denslager as fifth assistant in Primary Sohool No. 1 ; W. N. Schlvely as principal of the Montgomery (unclassified) School: Thomas G. Gentry, of the Washington (unclassified) School; and Ellen 0. Brown as assistant teacher . in Fayette Primary School. Agreed to. TRAORNRSI WARRANTS. On motion t it was Resolved, That the following order shall be ob served in the hurling of teachers , warrants by this Board, viz : The quarters coining due the first days of January and July in each year -Ist day, Sections 1 to S it elusive. 2d day, Sections 9 to 10 inclusive. 3d day, Sections 17 to 25 inclusive. The quarters coming due the first days of April and October in each year, commencing— lst day, Sections 26 to 17 inclusive. 2d day, Sections 10 io 9 inclusive. 3d day, Sections 8 to 1 inclusive. On motion of Mr. Vaughan it was resolved that the Committee on Qualification of Teachers be au thorized to hold special examinations for colored teachers. • - On motion of Mr. Vaughan it was resolved that the Oommtttee on Grammar, Secondary, and Pri mary Schools, be .directed to grade and revise the salaries of the teachers of the unclassified and con solidated grammar schools. . REPORT OP THE JOINT COMMISSION ON SCHOOLS. The special committee of the joint commission, to whom was referred the subject of sectional superin tendency and the girth); of an assistant to tho first• class grammar schools for the First division, re ported the followingrulos for adoption by the Board of Controllers : 1. Each Boys' and Girls' Grammar School, with at least four divisions, shall have a first assistant to rank above the other assistants, whose duty it shall be to teach the second class of the first division, while the principal is engaged - in teaching the first class ; to take charge of the whole of the first divi sion, and to teach it, under the direction of the principal, while the latter Is engaged in the per formance of the general duties of principal ; and to assist generally in the exercises of the first division, and to take charge of the school during the absence of the principal. 2. The principal of each Boys' and Girls' Gram mar School; with at leas t four divisions, shall here after devote some portion of his or her time to the various divisions of the school, for the purpose of securing efficient and harmonious action in ail that relates to the instruction and discipline of the school. 3. The principal of each grammar school provided with a first assistant, may, under the supervision of the Sectional Board of Directors, perform noh gene ral duties as the directors may require expedient to delegate, for•the purpose of promoting the efficiency and elevating the standaro of the public schools their care. 4. The assistant teachers in the different schools shall hereafter be distinguished by the names of the divisions whiclithey teach. On motion, it was agreed to make the matter the special subject of consideration for a special meet ing, to be held on this day two weeks. On motion of Mr. Fletcher, a committee was ap pointed to report the probable expense attendant upon the proposed change. The Chair announced the following additional appointments to committees. These appointments were not made before on account of the 6th and 14th sections not having elected their controller: Committee on Supplies, J. W. Fletcher is added. Committee on Text Books, G. A.Hoffman Is added. Committee on Reports of Schools, John Noble is added. Adjourned. IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN. The annual session of the Great Council of the United States: commenced yesterday, A. J. Fran cis, of Kentucky, Great lncohonee, presiding. The reports of the several State Great Councils show quite a favorable Increase in the membership during the past ,4 Grand Sun' , (year) In our own State. There have been over six hundred added to the order. This is the first time the session has'been held in our city, and the members of the fraternity have made due preparation for the entertainment of the representatives. EAUSER CADETS This organization, compcsed of returned soldiers and others friendly to Lincoln and Johnson, victory and permanent peace, will fling a large canvas ban ner to the breeze tomorrow afternoon, at their head quarters, Front and Denmark streets, First ward. Several speakers are expected to be present to ad dress the meeting. THE POLICE. A PETTY IMPOSTOR. On Saturday morning last, a young Man present ed himself at the residence of a ministerof the gos pel, residing in the vicinity of Broad and South streets. He represented himself as' Dr. Lewis, a member of Dr. Wylie's church, and that he resided in the vicinity of Ninth and Green streets. He was on a collecting tour and desired some change . for the person who was about to pay him a bill At first the stranger was regarded withsome suspicion, but he seemed to be perfectly familiar with a num ber of pastors, and the most prominent members of Dr. Wylie's congregation. The change was handed bim, which he promised to return in half an hour. lie has failed to appear. The impostor is about '25 years old, has tolerably large bushy whiskers and moustache; be has full projecting eyes, rather a singular facial expression, possesses an tongue, and is every way calculated to deceive. [Before Mr. Alderman Berner.] LARCENY OF CIGARS - FIRE-PROOF SAFE BLOWN OPEN Richard Mason, a pretty sharp-looking man, with Leavy black whiskers and moustache, was arraign. ed at the Central Station, yesterday afternoon on the charge of burglary and robbery. On the night of the oth of June, the store of Mr. Lewis Brown was forcibly entered ; the fireproof was drilled into, and then blown open by means of gunpowder. The sum of $BO was stolen, and fourteen boxes of cigars and a magnifying glass were also taken. On the night of August 4th, as Officer Eighth, was passing along Catharine street, near several citi zone called him to enter house No. 808, where par ties were indulging in a murderous fight. The pri soner was among the party. The police officer found a valise filled with burglar's tools in the front room. He took possession of the same and carried it to the office of Alderman McPeak. The prisoners were finally. discharged. The burglar's 'tools were placed in the possession of Detective Taggert, and finally he arrested Mason and recovered alive• ral boxes of cigars. At the hearing yesterday af ternoon Mrs. Ann Miller testified that she kept a public house on Water street near Dock, and that she bought a • thousand. cigars from Mason. Mr. Brown Identified the cigars, and the manufac turer of them also identified the boxes. The valise contained " and other burglarious tools, a fuse, and other things necessary to open a house, or a fire-proof. A man named Walter Lang, who lives with his wife in a part of the house occupied by the prisoner and hislrife, testified that the • tools belonged to Mason. The accused .was committed in delault 018,000 bail to answer. CRUELTY TO A; HORSE. John Wall and. Edward W. - Sherry were ar raigned yesterday on .the charge .of cruelty to a horse. It is alleged that -a few days since the as cused hired a horse from Mr. Wright, at Fifth and Poplar streets, at half-past one o'clock In the after noon, the animal to be returned at half past seven o'clock in the evening. Hetween eleven and twelve o'clock in the same night the horse, very much jaded, was returned to the stable by a stranger. He had been driven so fast, and so completely worn out, as to be unable to eat anything for three days. The Alderman lectured the prisoners on inhumanity and then ordered them to find bail In the sum of SGOO each to answer at court. [Before Mr. Alderman Weidling. 3 ROBBING AN EMPLOYER. A boy named Michael Fulton, aged about sixteen years, was arraigned •yesterday afternoon on the charge of robbing his employer, Mr. Geo. Brazier sailmaker, of the sum of Coo. The accus e d h a d been in the employ of Mr. B. two weeks, and on Monday afternoon, It is alleged, he helped himself to a one hundred-dollar note thatwas in a pocket of the coat of hie employer. The accused gave the note to an older boy to get changed. Ho says that the fellow kept seventy dollars of the whole amount, and has not been heard of since. Fulton was com mitted to answer. BALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS &C. Messrs. Thomas Si Sons sold' at the Exehange, yesterday noon, the following stocks and rearestate : $4,428. bonds Camden and Amboy Railroad .Cdritpa ny, $llOB--$4,887.42. 260 shares Broad Top Semi- Anthracite Coal Company, 10 60 —51,626, 500 shares Broad Top Semi - Anthracite Coal Company, 46.62 X—53,312.50. 600 shares Broad Top Semi. ,Anthracite Coal Company, $6.75_44,050. 4 shares FarMers and Mechanics' Laud and Building Asso clatiOn, 'sE6l—sl,4o4. 1 share Academy of Fine Arts. $l6lO. 1 share Mercantile Library Company, $6.50. Three-story brick dwelling, Thirteenth street, north of Green street, subject to a yearly ground rent of $4B, $l,lOO. Three-story brick dwelling, Morvine street, subject to a yearly • ground rent of $4B, $7lO. Firstosigra coal lauds, known as the Red Mountain or Jaeob tract, 'Pine Grove and Reilly townships, Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, 532 acres and 120 perehett, $101=—553,798. They hold a large sale nest Tuesday. -NAVAL. SHIP. itiitiima • • • The frigate Chattanooga,. one of four • ordered by the Government, will be ready to be launched, it is -expected, by the 15th of this month. She is being -constructed at one of the ship yards In Kensington. 'The other three frigates are being built at the navy - yard. .The Chattanooga is 216 feet long, has 46 :feet beam, and 24 feet de pth of hold. When com pletad, and in fighting array, she will draw seven teen feet of water. The light-dranght monitor, bultding by the same firm who have the contract for the Chattanooga, is now having its deck raised twenty-two inches, in order to 9t her for service. Four steam transports 'each 130 feet long, and having 39 feet hold, are under way. Those vessels will draw only four feet of water, and will be caps, ble of earning a regiment and its wagons, cannon, and other appurtenances attached. A steam propeller of 700 tons burden, built for a firm of this city, will soon be ready for lannOhing. Two propellers for the outside line for New York, recentlfl)ullt, are now receiving their machinery*, MEDICAL. DR. WISITAILT'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL IS TFE BEST REMEDY POE THROIkT AND LUNG 3DIISMA.SMS. It Is the vital 1 rinciple of the pine tree obtained by a peculiar process in the distillation of the tar, by which its bigteet medical properties are retained. It is the only safe and reliable remedy which has ever been prepared from the juice of the pine tree. It invigorates the digestive organs and restores the ap• petite. It strengthens the debilitated system, It purifies and enriches the blood, and expels from the system the corruption whieh scrofula breeds. It dissolves the mucus or phlegm which stops the air passages of the lungs. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated surface.of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing inflammation. It is the result of years of study and experiment, and it is offered to the afflicted with the positive assurance of its power to cure the following diseases, if the patient has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure: Consumption of the Lungs, Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma. Whooping Cough, Dipthe ria, and is also an excellent remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys and Female Complaints. Have you a cough? Have you a sore throat? Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal disease, Consumption? Those who should be warned by these symptoms generally think light of them until it is too late. Prom this fact, perhaps, more than any other, arises the sad prevalence and fatality of a disease which sweeps to the grave at least one sixth of death's victims. Consumption has destroyed more of the human family than any other disease, and the best physicians for many years have despaired of a cure, or a remedy that would heal the lungs, but for more than two hun dred years the whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and efficiency in the Pine Tree Tar to heal• the lungs; therefore, they have recommended the use of Tar Water, which in many cases had a good effect; bat how to confine the medical properties so as to heal the lungs has ev!:lr been a mys tery until it was discovered by Dr. L. Q.O.•WISHART, of Philadelphia, the proprietor of WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. It is now recommended and prescribed in the practice of a large number of them_ ost intelligent and able physicians. This Tar Cordial, when taken with Dr. Wishart's Dyspepsia Pills, is an unfail ing cure for Dyspepsia. MR. WISRART: I 'wish to add my testimony to the hundredsyou receive to the healing properties of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial. For fifteen years a sufferer, ten years of that time I have slept only in my chair not being able to lie down for fear of suffocation. I have employed seven of the best physicians in Philadelphia, who all pronounced my case incurable. I was taken to the College. where the Faculty, having done what they could, declared my disease an incurable case Of asthma and Chronic Drepepsia, in its last stago, and that ULF hinge were partially gone. Finding one of your circu lars, my wife procured from your store a bottle of your Cordial* Perseveringly I used seven bottles, and a box and a half of your Dyspepsia Pills, when I felt that my disease had wholly given way, and' the .Cordial had given me new vigor and strength. I continued to im• prove, and for the past three months I have been able to sleep in my bed as soundly as I ever did. lam ROW well, and have gained twenty-dye pounds in. my weight. lam able to work and provide for my family. I send yon this true and faithful statement for the benefit of the suffering. Friends, call and see me, near Oxford Church Poet Office, Twenty.third ward. Philadelphia. ISAAC DELLERMaII.T. Wishart's Pine Tree. ar Cordial. Wisbart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. The Great Remedy for Consumption The Great Remedy for Consnmption The Great Remedy for Consumption. I em constantly receiving such certificates as the fol.: lowing. NES D IT: Du. Wirmisur : Dgl.R Sin: I had a very dreadful cOugh and sore throat for one year, and my whole system was fast giving way, and I was prostrated on my bed, with little hope of recovering. My disease baffled the power of all medicines, and in a short time I most have gone to my grave; but, thank God, my daughter-in law would not rest until she went to your store, No. 10 North Second street; and related my case to you; pur chased one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, and I commenced to use it, and in one week I was mach bet ter, and after using three bottles lam perfectly well—a wonder to all my friends, for they all pronounced me Past cure. Publish my ease if Yon think proper. REBECCA Hama:rim, • . No. 1321 Wylie street. Philadelphia: The Great Remedy for Consumption. The Great Remedy for .Consumption. READTNO. Pa.. April 19_, 186 t DR: WISVARTi DEAR SIR • One lyear ago he EXAMIII ing Surgeon .of this district told ins I had Consumption of the Lungs, and that I could not be cared; and.llidg ing from all my symptoms at that time • I myself sup• posed this to be true. I was for more than one year troubled with a backing cough, which gradually grew so bad that I could not have a severe At of coughing without spitting up blood in large quantities. . For months I could not work at anything, and was obliged to keep my bed most of the time. While in this condition I was in 'Mr. Rowbotham's store, in this city, and he seeing* me very low, I was recommended to try your Pine Tree Tar Cordial. Re said he had sold a great dell of it, . and that, as it had cured so many others, he believed it would do some good. I bought a bottle and commenced using it. In a very short time I saw that I was getting better very fast, and after taking several bottles I was entirely restored to health, so that I could work every day at my business, which is very heavy work in an iron. foundry. When 'menced to use your Pine Tree Tar Cordial my weight was only one hundred and thirty-five pounds; since the use of it I have weighed on an average one hundred and fifty-five. I shall be glad to have youpnblish this, as I believe I shouldnot have been living at this time if I had not used your great medicine, and I wish all who suffer to receive its benefit. Very truly yours, Captain SAMUEL EARNER, • (o. 334 13. Eighth street, Reading, Pa Coughs of Long Standing Cured. Coughs of Long Standing, Cured. Coughs of Long Standing Cured. We received the following from Utica, N. Y.: DR.'NVIERART: DEAR SIR: I take pleasure in inform ing yen through this source that your Pine Tree, Tar Coro ial, which was recommended for my daughter by Er. J. A. Hall, of this city, has cured her of a cough of more than five months' standing. I had thought her beyond cure, and had employed the beet medical aid Without any benent I can cheerfully recommend it to the public as a safe and sure remedy for those simi larly afilicted;'as I know of many other cases, besides that of my daughter, that it has cured of long standing coughs. Yours, respectfully, JOHN V. PARKER, Daguerrean Artist, . No. 126 Genesee street, Utica,. N. Y. * * * : I have used Dr. Wiahart's Pins Tree Tar Cordial in my family, and cordially recommend it as a valuable and. safe medicine for Colds, Coughs, and to those predisposed to Consumption. Da. G. A. -FOSTER No. 160 Genesee street, Utica, N. ~_ Y. Tar Cordial. Tar Cordial. Tar Cordial. An Infallible Cure for Bronchitis. An Infallible Cure for Bronchitis. An Infallible Cure for Bronchitis. An Infallible Cure for Bronchitis. An Infallible Cure for Bronchitis. Mr. Ward says: WISHART: Sm: I had Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worst forms. I had been treated by several of the moet eminent physicians in Philadelphia, but they conid not stop the rapid course of my disease and I bad despaired of ever being restored'to health., • was truly on the verge of the grave. Your Pine Tree . Tar Cordial was highly recommended to me by a friend. I tried it, and am thankful to say that, after using four large and one small bottle, I was restored to perfect health. :You can give reference to my. house, No. 968 North Second street, - or at my office of Receiver of Taxes from 8 A. M. to 2 P. M., corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets. JOHN WARD. Bleeding of the Longs. Bleeding of the Lungs. Bleeding of the Lunge. Bleeding of the Lungs. Bleeding of the Lungs. . . READ THE FOLLOWING: MR WISRART: SIR: I return you my grateful thanks for the discovery you have made in making a medicine that will cure Inflammation of the Lungs and Livor Complaint. When I commenced to use your Pine Tree Cordial I was, to all appearance, near my grave. I had been for a length of time spitting blood, and would at times vomit it. My physicians (fort employed two) pronounced me past cure; but my sister had used your Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which did her so much good that she prevailed on me, as uset resort, to try it; and, thank God, I commenced tt. I have taken twelve bottles, and am perfectly cured, and am ready and wil ling that any person that is sick should call on me, and I Will tell them what your cordial has done for me. All my friends and neighbors were utterly astonished at bloodspedy return to health, for they Pub l ish me vomit in a clotted state frequently. my case, for I want ewers , Posou that is suffering as I was to know of your invaluable medicine. Respectfully, . JOHN VEREIN, Crease street, sig doors above Richmond at., Phila. Tar Cordial. Tar Cordial. Tar Cortlial. r Asthma and Cough. Asthma and Cough. The Pine Tree Tar Cordial gives instantaneous relief in cases of Asthma and Whooping Cough. It often cnrea whooping before It runs half its course, as it acts at once upon the phlegm and mucus, and expels them from the throat, and the sufferer is relieved. In case of Asthma, use Dr: Wisbart's Dyspepsia Pills with the Cordial, am they have never been known to fail to cure that disease. Dr. Wishart's rine Tree Tar Cordial Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial Will Care Gravel. Will Cure Gravel. WJBHART: DEAR SIR: Having been severely. af flicted for a number of years with the Gravel, my case was truly deplorable; often, for a week at a time. my family physician having to call twice a day to take ray urine from me, which caused the mort intense suffering, my whole system becoming deranged and debilitated; but after hearths of your. Tar Cordial, and the many cures perfOrmed by It, concluded to try it, and am hap py to say that from my commencing to take it I felt re lieved, and now, after ogling three bottles, feel myself perfectly cured, and most cheerfully permit you to refer to me, hoping to benefit others similarly afflicted. JAMES SLATER, No. 1215 Crease street, Kensington- Wishart's Tar Cordial , - WisharVs Tar Cordial Wishart's Tar Cordial Wishart's Tar Cordial Wishart , s Tar Cordial • will positively cure the (ollowing diseases; Consump tion, if not beyond the Power of medicine; Inilamma lion of the Lungs, Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Asthma, Piles, Gravel, and an unfailing remedy for female complaints The above aro a few among the thousands which this great remedy has saved letteruntimely grave. We have • thousands of from physicians and druggists whohave prescribed and sold Tar Cordial, saying that. they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universal satisfaction. REMEMBER THAT The Tar Cordial, when taken in connection with Dr. Wishart's Dyspepsia Pills, is an infallible cure for I YsPePaia. • - BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Tbe gm:mine - Ana ,the name of the proprietor and a pine tree blown in the bottle. All others are spuriona imita tions. n 7 1" 1 " Price FTFTE ewers and ONE DOLTAR. per Bottle. Pre• pared onlybfllus proprietor, DR. L. Q. C. WISHA.RT, No. 10 NORTH SECOND ST , PHILADELPHIA, P Sold by 'Draggle everyw here t at wholesale by all Philadelphia and New York Whoiesaie Druggists. selo swat MEDICAL. TARRANT'S EFFERVESCENT. SELTZER APERIENT • THZ BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOR Ala. BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK HELD Ana% COSTLY E NEWINDIGESTION, HEART-BURN, SOUR STOMACH, SEA-SICKNESS, &a &C. Dr. JAMES B. CHILTON, the great ( c hemist, says: "I know Its composition, and b ave no doubt it will We're most beneficial in those complaints for which it is recommended." Dr. THOMAS BOYD sar " strongly commend It to the notice of the public. Dr. EDWARD G. LUDLOW says: "I can with con 9- deuce recommend it. • Dr. OSOROE T. DEXTER says: "In Flatulency, Heart-burn, Costiveness, Sick Headache, &c.. &c., the SELTZER APERIENT in my hands has proved. indeed a valuable remedy. " For other teetimottiale see pamphlet with oath bottle Mannfo.otnred only GREENWICHN & CO:, 278 R SrSreet, New York. /kir FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. my23-tno3l. sPRING DEBILITY I LANGOUR. LASSITZDA, AND THAT LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM Peoußaz to the SPRING TIME OF YEAR. an haseedi. ately relieveSY ß UP PERUVIAN Or Protected Solution of PROTOXIDB 1801. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP &trials" the blood with its vital 'principle. or LIFF.-ELEMNT, IRON intrusive STBRNOTH. V/602, and flaw an Into nit Parts of the system. One of the most distinguished Jurists in New Inglaad writes to a friend as follows: " I have tried the PERUVIAN STRUT, and the result frilly sustains your prediction. It has made a NBA nn of, me; infused into my system now vigor and energy; I am no longer tremulous and debilitated as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labor, menial and physical, than at any time during the last five years. " An eminent Divine of Boston says: “I have been ruling the PERUVIAN SYRUP for somas time past; it eves me xnvr VIGOR, BUOYANCY of SPUMY, ELASTICITY Of EITISOLS.” Pamphlets free. J. P. DISMORE, No. 491 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. COUGHS COLDS s CONSUMPTION Winter's Balsam or Wild Cherry. ONE OP THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IF THE WORLD POE Hough Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitir,_Difesnity of Breathing, eathma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, and Every Affection of • THE THROAT, LUNGS, AND ()HEST, Wistar'a Balsam of ,Wttd Cherry does not Dry len a . (lough and Leave the seal of Consumption in the sys• tem, but loosens ft, and cleanses the Lungs of all tne• purities. Hone genuine maw alined "I. BUTT'S" on the wrapper. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE! A Real Pain Extractor. FORTY YEARS' EXP.ERIENCIE Has fully established the superiority of this Salve over all other healing remedies. It reduces the most angry. looking Swellings and Indammations as if by Hags: heals OLD BORED. WOUNDS , BURN% SOLLDI). Rs.. 1* a surprisingly short time. Only 25 ctB. a Boa, The above are odd and toell-eataloltehed Remedies. For Bale by J. P. DINSMORE, 491 BROADWAY, NEW TORE S. W. FOWLS k CO., 18 TREMONT St., BOSTON. -714111-BWhe and by all Dniggista.. .TAYLORI3:IIOTICA.OIL OR EM8R0...11-' . ..11-' CATION never fatal* owe Rheurbatisin, Neuralgia." Riirains,Frosied Feel , Chapped Hands , and all Skin Dis eases. Price 25c. and wholesale and retail by R. B. TAY LOR; Druggist. TENTR and CALLOWHILL les6T3ra UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVE NUE.—First Collection District of Pennsylvania, comprising the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Stith. and - Eleventh Wards of the City of Philadelphia. • NOTICE. The annual assessment for 111$4 for the above-named district, of persona liable to a tax on Carriages, Plea sure Yachta.Billiard.Tables, and Gold and Silver Plate , and also of persons required to take out Licenses, hay ing been completed- BiOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the taxes aforesaid will be received daily by the undersigned, between the hours of 9 A. M. and I P. M. Sundays excepted, at his Office, No. 304 - CHESTNUT Street, second Boor, on and alter THURSDAY, Sept. let, and until and including Saturday, Sept. 24th, next ensuing. • PENALTIES. All persons who fail to pay their annual taxes upon carriages, billiard tables, pleasure yachts, and gold and silver plate, on or before the 24th day of September, 1564, incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and be liable to costs, as pro vided for in the 19th section of the Excise Laws of Ist of July, ISM. All persons who in like manner shall faittO take out• their. Licenses, as required by law, on or before the 24th day of September, 1564, will incur a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and be sub ject to a prosecution for three times the amount of said tax, in accordance with the. provision of the 69th sea• lion of the law aforesaid. All payments are required to be made in treasto7 notes, under authority of the United States, or in notes of banks organized under the act to provide a National Currency, known as National Banks. No.farther notice will be given. JESPER.HARDING, Collector, set-ts 24 . No. 304 CHESTNUT Street. LEGAL. • • • ViiiTATE• OF JOHN SOLOMON, CEASED.-=Letteis of adniinistl Mimi on the eitate . of 4011 N J. SOLOMON, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned; all. persons indebted. to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims thereon are requested to present them, Without delay. to 6 • •• JOHN CARRELL. GERMANTOWN Avenue and BERNS Street, Or to his Attorney, H. °stmt. Ja..'. ' ; aul7-w6t lfaS South SIXTH Street. TN THE ORPHANS! ,POURT : .FOR THE CITY ASH COUNTVOF - PHILADELPHIA. • Estate of EDWARD B. SHOWELL, deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ELLEN K. SHOWELL, Ad. ministratrix of said deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the. purppse§ of his. ap pointment on SATURDAY, September • 17. 1864; at 12 o'clock Id at his office, southeast corner of WALNUT and SIXTH Streets, in the •34,y of Philadelphia. se7-wfmBt* 050.-JUNRIN Jr.. Auditor. TN THE ORPHANSWOURT MENKE 1. CITY AIM CORNTY OF PAILADELPHIA. Estate ol /3EYJilitiff The Auditor appointed' by the Court to audit s settle, and adjust the first and fi nal account of ALGERNON R. ASHBURNER, Administrator of the Estate of said de ceased, as filed by Presley Blakiston and Sallie E. Ash burner, executors of said A. E. Ashbnrner, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant,VD meet the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment on TUESDAY afternoon, September 20. 1 8 34, at 4 o'clock, at his office. No. 34-1 North SIXTH Street.' in the city of Philadelphia. ae9-fmwst* CHARLES If. WAGNER, Auditor. GROCERIES. WHITE PRESERVING BRANDY. PURE CIDER AND WINE VIPREGAR I " MUSTARD "SEED,' SPICES, • ALL THE REQUISITES FOR PRESERVING OE PIOR LING PURPOSES. . . • . . ALBERT 0. ROBERTS. - Dealer in Fine Orriseerlea. . • ae7-tP= - - Corner - IL - MIRTH and Vll E SW A BORER & REEVES, A-L. WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 45 North WATER Street, and No. 48 North DELAWARE Avenue, Oder for sale, at the Lowest Market Prices, a Ism stock of . SUGAR; MOLASSES, corns, TEAS, SPICES, TO BACGO. And Groceries generally, carefully selected for - the sonntry trade. Sole Agents for the products of FITHIAN 44 POGUE', Extensive Fruit Canning Factory at Bridgeton, N. J. .ap2.6-8m MACKEREL, HERRELIG, .SHAD, dm. ANA- —2,600 bble. Nam. Nos. 1. 2, and 3 Maokerel,late• sanght fat As_ ,12 in assorted packages. 'B - 2,000 arring bbls. New Eastport, • Fortune Bay, and Halifax 2,000 boxes Imbee, Sealed, and No: .1. Herring. 1 bble new Mess Shad. . 200 boxes Herkimer county lihemelm..• _ In store and for sale by MU RPHY a ZOO M .48194 f • No. 146'41011TH -WAIVE'S. TOUR'S VA -a-A kits fresh Latonr'e Olive 011. is lota to salt the purchaser, for sale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, an 2041 107.130uth WATER Street. LUCKNOW IS CELL brated Sauce on hand and for sale kr .RHODES & wILLIAMS, ate26-tf 107 Sonth WATER Street. CIREENOBIati ' LWALNU i rS:— . IOO •-d , bales Greenoble Walnut!, In prime order, for sale • , r •RHODES & WILLIAM% .: 107 South WATER Street. by LAWTOIi BLACKBERRIES— HER rietically Sealed, prepared this season, and re .oeived direct from our factory, at Bridgeton, N. J. and for sale by BBODE,S & WILLIAMS. an2O-tf • , 107 . South WATTS stmt. MACHINERY AND 'IRON. g am P'E N N STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORSE. —NEAVIE NO N E LIR PRACTICAL AND .THEORETIOAL ENOINEREE4 , OHINISTB, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACKSMITHS, 'and FOUNDERS, having for many .years been in inicceeffid• ,operationaand been exclusively engaged in building aid repairing Marine and Rifer Engines, high and low pros. sure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellors, Re., Re. , respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Ma. rine, River, and Stationary ; having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick deep_etch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low. pressure, Fine, Tubular and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Penn. sy 'yards charcoal.iron, Forgings, of all sizes and kinds Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; Roll- Turtling, Ecrew:Cntting, and all other work connsated with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at the establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subecribers have ample wharf-dock room for re. pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &c., Re,, raising heavy or light weights. JACOB 0. NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH anti PALMER. Streets. J. VAUGHAN MERRICK. WILLIAM M. HERRIOH. Jo SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, • FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRUTS. PHILADELPHIA. XERRICH do SONS, • ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for land river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers. Tanks , Iron Boats, Arc. ; Oast. Inge of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, RAH road Stations, &c. Retorts and Cu Machinery of the latest and most ha• proved constriction. Every description-of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, De fecators, •Filters. Pumping Engines. agO. Sole agents for N. RDlieux's Patent Sugar-Boiling An. paratus Neautyth' Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspin• wail Se Nolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar-Draining Machine. • anl2-tf . . rigittN,. ORB, & .00., STEA.m EN.EN. mo M ouis BUILDERS. Iron Fonnderih and General Machinists • and Boiler Makers. E04511/9 CALLOW. HILL Street, Philadelphia. fe2O-U STEAM HEATERS FOR FACTORIES, MILLS, S TEAM , heated with exhanst or direct steam; also, Coils for Heaters, Condensers, Evaporators, &a. . M. FOREMAN. 24 North SIXTH St. CHARLES MIDDLETON, IRO N ME, SECOND AND WILLOW STREETS,RCHANT Scrap Iron purchased and for sale.., j YB Bm* DRAIN ,PIPE. • A- , VITRIFIED-TERRA COTTA 'DRAIN PlPE—all 61288. from 2 to 16 inch diameter, With all kinds of branches, bends, and traps, for sale in any Quantity. 2 inch bore per yard 35c. 3 Ca 44 da. 434. 4 {a a. 44 360. 5 IS a, id 41 V, 6 44 i• da 85 0. - TERRA COTTA CHIMNEY TOPS. For Cottages, Villas, or City Rouses, Patent Wind.guard Tops, for curing smoky chimneys, from 2to 8 feet high. ORNAMENTAL; GARDEN VASES. ' lo'untains, Pedestals, and Statuary Marblo Bud. Srackets and Mantel Vases - PHILADELPHIA TERRA COTTA WORKS. .:.1010 CEIESTNIIT Street. _ 8812•firiteif ? • cv-gra , o' ; S. -L.-,I.HAB.RISON. .URE , PAILM-01L'SOAPTICIEISOAP le M..*** kifiinie;rlfrish•l'arM.o4l.adletiiitiielY vegetable Soap; more suitable forlottet:ltiittlisti.those thu made from -fiti.- --In-bixes of , one oxen oaSes, for *2 per box. Manufactured b_y GEO. N. ELICINTON & SON, No. 116. MARGARETTA Street, between .Front and Second. above Callowbill. ie6-6m DR': :v.': • . ; e home practice at his residence, northwest isomer of THIIID and 15q4/0/X MOO& FrOgll 9 to 9 • 144411 THE PRESS.--PRECAD a WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14, pz l •P/CNNSYLVLIRLIL (x) OERTRA:II RAILBOILD lIIILADILPHIA TO rrrTsstrze sais Kam DOD BLit TRAM _ TEI SHORT BOUTI TO Tll2 WIRT. Trains ltave the Depot at 11LEVII1DE and MOMS? Streets, as follows: • • - . Mail Train at— •-• • ••••• - A. 31. East Line at••• • • If A. Through preas at so r.. 11.. Parkesbnnt Train, No. 1. at•—•••••••••••••••••4...111.00 N. Part:el:burg Train, No. 2 at. 1.09 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodat ion Train 2.110 P. D• • Lancaster Trainat—• 4.00 P. M. Paoli Accommodation Train, (leaving Watt Philadelphia) • COO 7. M. The Through Express Train runs tits *Liar trains daily,_except Sunday. FOR PITTSBURO AND TEN WINT. - The Mali Train. FastX.ine, and Through iixp r o es SOE. nest at Pittsburg with through trains on all ths divarg• lug roads from thatint, North to the Lakes, West to the Mississippi and po Missouri Rivers and Soria aid Southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express connects at allairesills Inters section with a train on this road for Blairsville, ess.- EBENSBURG AI7D CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD, ne Through Express Train connests at Cresson at 10.46 A N. vflth a train on this road for Ebensburg. A train also leaves Cresson for Ebensburg at 8.46 P. N. . HOLLIDAYSBURO BRANCH RAILROAD The Mail Train and Through Express sonnest at Al• loons with trains for Hollidaysburg . at 1.61 P. D. ant 6.90 A. M. AND CLEADFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Exprees Train connects at Tyrone witile tram= for Band_y Ridge, Phillipsburg, Port Matilda. Milestcarg, and Bellefonte. HUNTINGDON AND BRoAD-Top RAILROAD. The Through Express Train sonnests at 'Huntingdon with a train for Hopewell and Bloody Thin at 6.50 A. M. NORTHERN CENTRAL 'AND PHILADSLPRLA ADD ERIE RAILROADS. Foi Strysinty,WiLmAnaPour_. Loci 11Am, and all points on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, and RA SURA, .EDONZEITRE, BIIPPADO. AND arAokit. 'Auk. Passengers taking the Mail Train, - at 7.23 A, M. and the Through Express, at ` 10.30 P. M., daily (eueept'Sus. days), go directly throuh without change of sari blo. twesn Philadelplda and Williarannort For YORK, HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, Mut trains leaving at 1.26 A. M. and 2.30 P. M.sonneet at Columbia with trains on the Northern Crentriti Railroad, CII3IBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through Express connect at Han' risbnitwith trains for Carlisle, Chambersburz, and. Ha gerstown. WAYNESBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 7.35 A. M. and 2.30 P. M. SCULII4I4 at Downtngton with trains on this road for Wantea• burg and all intermediate stations, MANN'S BAGGAGE BXPRISS. An Agent of this reliable Raves Company w'.ll.? ame through each train before ratio ng the depot s and take np_shecks and deliver baggage to anypart of tke site . Nor further information apply at the Passen_ger MA S. B. sorter of ELEVENTH and RARKIIT Kraals. JAMES COWDRII Ticket Agest. WESTERN EMICCEATION. - AZ linslsrant Accommodation Train leaves No. VIE Doan street dally,(Bsaidays excepted), at 4 o'clock P.N. For Intl information apply to ?NANO'S 71714)1, Emigrant Agent, ifl DOOR Street. • FERIGIPM. AT this rente freights of all descriptions can be fore warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio. Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by rcri/roadttireot, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. For freight contracts or shipping dLrestions, apply to S. 3, KIROBTON, Jr., Philadelphia. I all-tf general ENOCH LEWIN. Etweintendfult, Altoona. ra.. 1864. NEW l tt i fin s dila 1864. NAPIAMINIE THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELP/INA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES:,_ FROM PHILADELPHIA TO. NEW YORK AND WAY PLACQ PROW WALNUT-STRBRT WNAR7l___' WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS- 4u, PARS At lA. M., via Camden and Amboy. C. and A. 'Aci• • ' sommodation At 8 A. M. , via Camden and Jersey City. Aforlidnir At 8 M.. via Cam Ex den and Jerseylsll7, 2d Chum • Ticket • - Si At 12 M.._ via Camden and Amboy, C . and A. As. • sommodation y,(3 • El At 2P. M., via Camden and Ambo. A. and Ix press -At 1 P. M:, via Camden and Amboy, Assonint — ada. lion, (Freight and Passenzer). • 1 76 At 6 P. M., via Camden , and Ambo - y, Agooramoda- Mon, (Freight and Passenger)-lat Class Tieket.. • 3 N Do. ' do. 3d Claim d 0..... 110 At 73( P. M. , via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger-Ist Class Ticket, II Ddo 2d Class do. 160 For Mat ch Chink.' Allentown, Bethlohem.Belvitfth Ntston, LambertvMe, Flemington, am. at 3.90 P. For Lambertvi ll e, and Intermediat e . statioiui. at 6 For Mount Roll*, 111Wanavillo, and Paltbello2. at I A. M. 2, and P. M. ' For-Freehold at 6 A. - M. and 2 F. M.• For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanso, Beverly, ton, Florence Bordentown, ,at6M.l2 M. L 1:30, 6, and 6.P. M. The 3.30 and 6P. N. lines run d 1 rest through to Trenton. For. Palmyra, Riverton, Delanso, Beverly, and Bur; lington, at 7 P. M. Steamboat Trenton, for. Bristol, Burlington, Beverlir. WrresdaJe, and Tacony, at 9.30 A. M. and 2.30 P. M. WEB FROM .KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AB FOLLOWS! At 4 A. M. (Night); via Kenton and . New York. Washington and'New Y0rk.412 N' At IL 16 A. M..-via -Kensington and Jersey ' * City, • ITEMS At 4. P. M., via Kensington in7l - Sereey press.... ...... •-• . 200 At '6.46 P. M., via Kensington and'Jersey City. Washington and New York Express:,;, 00 Sunday L ines leave at 4A. M. and 6.45 4 P -; M. For Water Gap, Strondabarg, Scranton. Wilkesbarra. (Nontrose_, Great Bend, Mauch Chunk, Allentow - n, Beth- • Wham, 'Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington. • at 7.16 - A. M.- This line connects with the trill* leaving Easton for Manch Chunk at 8.80 P. M. For Lambertville and intermediate stations, at 6 P. M. For Bristol, Trenton, •kc. , at 7.16 and 11.16 A. K. ant For Holmesburg, Tasony, Wftionoming, Bridasbarce. 'and Frankford, at 9A. M . 6, 6.46, and Bp. • mg- For New York and 'Way Lines leaving Keneintr. ton Depot, take the can on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The ears run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run item the Depot. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bait gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over SOY pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and Will not be liable for any amount beyond PM. except by special contract, - Graham's Baggage Express will call'foi and deliverbaggage at the , .Depote. Orders to be , -left nut street. WILLIAM H. (unarm Aiwa. Aug. 8.1864 •LIRES FROM NEW YORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, WILL LRAM! FROM THE FOOT OP GOURMAND aranaz, At 12 M. and 4 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 7 and 10 A'.' M., and 6 P. M., and 12 (Night), via Jar. se y City and Kerusington. From the foot of Barclay street at 15 A. M. and i P. M.. via Amboy and Camden. From Pier No. 1, North river, at 12 M., 4, and 8 P. K, (freight and passenger,) Amboy and Camden. Jae-t 1 EL I L VB alleaMilinzin e r • MA " WOK; AND BALT/. MORE RAILROAD. • •, • • . BLM On and a ft er MONDT TA AY, Augiust 1et,.1834, Paisanger Trains leavd Philadelphia for Baltimore at 4.30, , (s.xpres_a Mondays. excepted,) 8:05 A. M.., 12.11.; 2.30 and 10.30 P. M. Chester at 8.06, 11.16 A. M., 1.30, 2.30, 4.30; 6 and 11 P. lif. • Wilmington at 4.30, (Mondays excepted) 8.05, 11. A. 2.30, 4.30, _10.30, and 11 P. X New Castle at 8.05 A. M. and 4.30 I'. X • Dover at 8.06 A. M. and 4,30 P. X Milford at 8.06 A. M. Salisbury id 8.06 A. M. TRAINS FOR PRLLIDBLPHIA. LEAVE Baltimore at 8.46, 9.40 A. M., (Brineta,) 1.10, 5.2540 10.26 P. M. , Wilmington at L 48, 6.46, 9A. M.. 11144 , 1.45. 4, 4.39, 7 and 9.10 P. M. Salisbury at 11.66 A. X. Milford at 2.46 P. M. Dover at 6.30 A. M. and 4.16 P. M. New Castle at 8.30 A.and Cheater at 7.46, 9.40 A. U., 1, 2.46, 4.40, 8, 7.56 aid 9.40 P. M. . Leave Baltimore for BsliebnrY and Intermediate lalt lions at 10.26 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Dover and Intermediate statiou at 1.10 P. IL TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Cheater at 8.40 A. M., 8.06 and 11.05 P. N. Leave Wilmington at 6.86, 9.26 A. Et , 8.40 sad 11.40 P. M. Freight Train with Paaeenger Oar attached will leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate plates. it 7.4 s P. M. SUNDAYS. From Philadelphia to Baltimore only at • 4.30 A. IL and 10.30 P. K. From Philadelphia to Wilmineort at 4.30 A. M., 10.30 and 11 P. M. From Wilmington to Philadelphia at 1.48 •. M. and 7P. M. Only at 1D.% P. K. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. aul . . .H. P. KENNEY, Snp't. 1864. ailigggamps 1864. PHLGADELPELL AND ERIK RAIL. ROAD. —This great line traverees the Northern ant Northwest counties of PennaYlvania to the say of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PENNSTLVARIA RAIL. ROAD COMPANY, and underatheir atomises is WAR rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in use for Passenger and Freight butanes* fro and St. Mary's (216 mites), on the Bad e= Div i sionfrom Sheße/d to Erie (II ralleeL on the Western Division. ;az 07 pAsamsons TRAM A? rurazurnLeo Leave Westward. Mail Train. 041* 4.40 ••••14:r • • *0....44y M.* 7.21 A. AL reel Mina •-•• • • • . 04 •-•••-••••••• ••• •-•-•-• —.10.30 P. Y. are run through without change both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock RAYMI. and be- tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Bleeping Cars on Express Trains both Wan between Williamaltort and •Baltimore, and Williams port and Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger hilliness, apply at the S. E. corner ELEVENTH and bLiRKET Streets. An KIN G S T ON,ine of the Cornpan s A outs: S. Br a Jr., corner ma MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. J. W. REYNOLDS, Brie. J. N. DRILL, Agent N. H. 0. HR. H , Baltimore. . OUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. LEWIS L. HOUIPT, General Ticket Agent Philadelphia. JOSEPH D. Porrs, General Manager, Williamsport. MBENKNEWiIisAILROAD lIPB Noxim—FRILADEL. PHIA TO BROOKLYN, , ITHROUGR JXI FrvS HOURS, FARE:TWO DOLLARS—BROURSION TIDIER DOLLARS—GOOD FOR TERNS DAYS. On and after MONDAY. Anicust 1, BNB, trains will leave foot of • VINE- Street; IPhiladelg a da, /MUM MORNING. at' o'clock, Sundays erne , thence by Camden and Atlantic and Raritan an d" Delaware Bay Railroads to Port Monmouth, and by the commodious steamer Jesse Hoyt, to foot of Atlantic street, Brooklyn. Returning, leave Atlantic-street wharf every day. Sun dAys excepted, at 11 A. M. Travellers to the city of New York are notified not to apply for passage b this line, the State of New Jersey having granted to tue Camden and Amboy raono9ol2 the exclusive privilege of carrying paasengers and freight between the eitles of Philadelphia and New York. - F GRIFFITT'S, 1y9:14f ' General Superintendent. aimmic WEST CHESTER BOAD yu. MEDIA. AND PHILADELPHIA $1.134- , SUMNER ARRANCIBMINT—CMANCIE OP DEPOT. On and after MONDAY, May 76, 1869,' the tratiui leave Philadelphiafrorn Depo t corner of TEMP!. FIRST and MARKET tStreete est Philadelkhlai„ at and 11.06 A. M . and at 2.30, .46, and 7 P. IC LWI4 West Cheater at 6.20, 7.46, and 11 A. 11., and at 2 sad 1 P. M. On Sunday., leave Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M. and SLD P. M. Leave West Chester at BA. M. and 5 P.M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. and 4. it P.M., and West Chester at 7.45 A. M. and 5 P. M., Ent. nest with trains on the P. and B 0. R. for Oxford ass Intermediate points. RBINRIT WOOD apt General Superintendent. i girglivm RARITAN AND DELAWARE SAY RAILROAD —To Long Branch, Atsion. Manchester, Tom's Rivet Barnegat. Red Dank, dm. On and after MONDAY, August lot, Trains will leave CAMDEN, for LONGIMANCEIO4 8 A.^ Jit. , Returning Will leave Long Branch at 12.46 P. .11t. • THROUGH IN POUR HOURS DIRECT BY RAIL. A Preig_ht 'Train, with - passenger ear. .attached, start for Stations on the main from-ORM DB2I (Sundays excepted),at 9.30 A. 94, - ; • , Stages connect at Woodmansie an d Ranehester to) Barnegst and Tom's River. Stages will also connect at Farmingdale, for ?Mir Pleasant, Swan Village, Blue Ball, and Our Bons, Tavern. lot farther information apply to company's Agent Is. B. COLE. at Cooper's Point, Camden. WM. 1. GRIPPITTS, JR.. General Superintendent_ hrl-tf PH 11 DXI; P AND ELMIRA B. R. LINE. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGE- IE6E. INT. • . For WILLLAMSPOR M SCRANTON; 'ELMIRA, Bin PALO; NIAGARA. FALLS, CLEVELAND,_ TOLEDO. CHICAGO,' DETROIT, MILWAUKEE, _CINCINNATI. . ST. LOUIS, and all points in the West and Northwest. ' Passenger ._Trains. leave Lova of, Philadelphia and Beading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILI 'Streets, at 8.13_ A. - .13f. - ,and 3.30 P . !Tie* Sun . P VICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to Points li Iliorthern and ,Western, Pe nnsylvania; Western• Bev ; York, &c.,31*: ' 0•, • ~For fur ther' informationly 'at itheioSee, corner. SIXTH .and CHESTnUT Streets.- N. lAN HORN, Ticket Amt. JOHN S. HILLES L GenereI •paplll-tf THIRTEENTH and V. AltrA7 B ".- 41 ; SHWA om tii4s 44 " LEMMA -- - - Company,' principal and intaraet • ret plila trantied by the city of 000 00 1000 100 Shares Stook POlLDAYlvallia road Company 1 BB 00 6,000 100 Shares Stook North Pennsylvania Railroad Company.' • • 1660 00 SAO United States Certificates of Indebted- M0M 21,00 00 113,100 Loans on Bond'ani . lfortauz‘ arse, 227.700 00 2791 760 ?sweat. $70.737 12 Market Value.. $794,r0 60 teal Betate. t , . 86,307 f Bills receivable for Ihsurances made. 10.90 31 Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Ma rine, Pollan, accrued interest. and other debts due the CompanY. • • • •—• • ••••—••—• WM a Scrip and Stock of sundry Ins - wanee ant other Companies, 11,5,803, astbnxtcd yaks.. 1206 CO Cash on deposit with United States Goverument,lsubJest to ten days' ga11... • 060,000 00 (lash on deposit, in 21 686 39 Cash is Drl l lfOr 4.1.4 200 SO D1X10701121. Montag O. Mod. Hobert Burton. John G. DJITIX, Samuel II Stoke*, Edmund A. Sandia, J. F. Fenistou. Theophilus Paulding, Henry Sloan, John B. Penrose , William G. Bonito', James Traquair, Bdward Darlington, Henry C. Dailett. Jr.. H. Jones Brooks, James C. Hand, Jacob P. Jones, ,William C. Ludwig. James B. McFarland, Joseph R. Seal, Joshua P. Byre, Dr. B. M. Huston. fteneer Mallvains George G. Leipsr. John B. Semple Pittsburg; Hugh Craig, A. B. Borger, Pittsburg. Charles KallY. . THOMAS O. HAND, President. .. % JOHN C. DAVLO, Nies Presideat.s., Haim Mum. ;Mary. Add A . s.tza I 113:14.'N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1210. CHARTER PIM PBTLIAL. 80. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. • Having a large paid-np Capital Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continues tto Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchan dise, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses Iliberall_y and promptly adjusted. DiREOTOEB. Thomas IL- Maris, James E. Campbell, John Welsh, Edmund G. Dtallh, Samuel 0. MOrton, " Charles W. ronitneY. Patrick Brady Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, • • THO SB. MARIS, President. ALBERT L. CgAWYosit, Secretary. fe2o-tt FORMAN P. HOLL - INSHRAD. WILLIAM R. GRAVES. HoLLINsHRAD & GRA.VES, • INSURANCE AGENCY, ,No. 312 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. AGENTS FOR 'FUR • NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, .• . OF NORWICH, .CONK. CHARTERED 1203. • • REFERENCES IF( PHILADELPHIA (by anthorlty):" John Orin, Esq. 'Messrs. Tredtek, Stokes &Co Pales, Wharton, dr Co. Hours. Chao. Lenuig & Co. Mfssrs. Goan & Altemus. Messrs. W. H. Lamed & Co. •3e27-6m • • , PORMAN . P.'norzixsas.e.D. W. H. GRAVES. OLLINSHE A.D & GRAVES, • INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 312 WALNUT St-, • Philadelphia; agents for the Y 'ALBANY CIT FLEE INSURANCECO., je27.6m : -OF ALBANY, N. Y. FORMAN P. BiILLIZISIBAD. \PM. E. 01 m. HOLLINSBEAD & GRAVES' INSURANCE AGENCY, • NO 3124 WALNDT STREET, PRILADELPHIA,_ Agents for the CROTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York. • • • • je27-Sro COAL SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER (MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, and beet Locust . Moruttain, from Schuylkill; prepared. e a -. pressly for Family Aso. Dep_ot, N. W. corner EIGHTS and WILLOW Ste.' Office, No. 112 South SECOND St. apli-tf = . • • J. WALTON & CO. - . . • • pIIRE _L E HI GH. .COAL.-HOUSE -a- KEEPERS can iely on getting lintre article at the S. E. corner of FRONT and POPLAR Streets. .. an.27-Im* - ' ' ' • JOHN W. HAMPTON. nUEEN OF BEAUTY.. . •04- WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF AN TILLES. A new FRENCH COSMETIC for beautifying, white*. Ingtand preserving the complexion.. It le the most wog• aerial: compound of the age. There is neither chalk: powder, magnesia, bismuth, nor tale in its composition. it being composed entirely of pure Virgin Wax; helms • its extraordinary qualities for preserving the skin, mak ing it soft, smooth. fair, and transparent. It make* the old appear young, the homely handsome the handsome more beautiful, and the mostbeantiftil divine. Price II and 60 cents. Prepared only by HUNT & 00. Perform ers, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Melt untigud 133 South SEVENTH Street. alma Walnut. jM•8111 BRASS STENCIL ALPHABETS. . ALF M; J.. METCALF St SON, li.ol UNION STREET, BOSTON, MASS The only manufacturers in the United States of Brass Alphabets and Figures, to any great extent or in any variety. Bold at wholesale 'at the Lowest Cash Prices. Also, -the beat of INDELII3LE STENCIL INK, very 'cheery Stencil Dies and all kinds of Stencil Stook. In quiries or orders promptly attended to. i72.3-3m G 15781 :PISTOLS, SKATES. :rauar WILSON a 409 CRZSTALFT co,;' BANC Blanufactnrera and Impoßera of Fine Onne. Pistol 4 Gunning and Fiala( T&okilts O Wa d s O ww,oder, &a. Shot. ' Gnn'a Reatooked, Rebored. and Repaired In the beet manner. _ 4.LLowMI3 -Y.. SKATE ' S OF ALL KINDS. 1194-u441 nsputoAD Liarms. . - aigammiWEST JERSEY-RAIL = ROAD LINES. ' . On and after TUEBDAY,_Re_ptember t, ]864 , ]864 , wi1l town from ALNDT STREET WHARF as rollows: FOR CAPE. MAY, At 3 P. M. For Salem and Bridgeton, at 9 A. K. and 4 P. M. For Glassboro, at 9 A. M. and 3 and 4 P. M. For Woodbury, &0., 9A. M. 12 M., 3 and. 4P. M. For Olonceeter, 80.00 9 A. 1Er. z... 13 M. ,q t i., and. 6 P.M Cape May at 6 A. K. idillville at 8.07 A. X. Salem at 6 A. M. and 1.15 P. N. Bridgeton at 6.15 A. X and 1.30 P.M. Glassboro at 7.10; 9.17 A. M., and 2.23 P. X. Woodbury at 7, 7 40, and 947 M., and 2.50 P. M. THE WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY, Office No. 5 WALNUT Street, wi l call for anti de liver Baggage, and attend to all the usual branches of Express business. A special meseenger accompanies each train. se9-if J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent, Meigivim NORTH'.PENN SYL_yANTA RAILROAD— For BETHLEHEM, DOYLEBTOwN. MdITCHCHIThrK, EASTON. WILIMIISPIOIT,TILICKpARRS, SUMMER- ARRANGEMENT. • Peitsenger Trains leave the new Depot,THLIID Streit. above Thompson street, daily (SnndaYl ex 4 ePtod), as followe: At 7 A. M. (Expreen) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton, Williamsport, Wilkes bane, &e. At 3.46 P.. M. (Expres for Bethlehem, Easton, &e. At 6.15 P. M. ffir Bethlehem, Allentown. Matta Chunk. For Doylestown at 9.15 A. M., SP. M. and 4.16 P. IL For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. if. and 11 P. AL For Lansdale at 5.111 P. M. White cars of the Second and rectl to Thir e d p - o str streets Line City FOR PH I LADE LP HIA. - Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 IL M., 9.30 A. M., and 5.01 Leave Doyleatowtt at 6.40 A. K.> 3.44 P. M. and 7P. Leave Lansdale at 6 A. M. • Leave Fort Wasbinkton at 11.26 L li. and 2P. IL ON SUNDAYS. Philadelhia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelpphla for Doylestown at S P. X. - Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.10 A. ' Bethlehem for. Philadelphia at 4P.IC • • . ; , ELMS ODAXTC.AeamS. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EL .«;~ :~,. m.~g. w ? 4ieo.:ni :moo:: PRESS COMPANY. Office 320 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels..Packages..Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities in the United States. E. S. SANDFORD, fe27 . General Superintendent. INSIIRARCE. ..... ANC • . E . NY 'COMPA . , FAME '• Me I:TR No. 406 CHESTNUT STREET. • • PHILADELPHIA. EIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. Francis N. Buck, DlR3=ollB 3ohn•W Everman. Charles Richardson. Robert B. Potter. Henry Lewis, John Hessler, Jr.. 0. W. Davis. • R. D. Woodrut P S. Justice, Charles Stokes , George A. West, Joseph D. Ellis. • FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. CHAS. RICHARDSON, Vice President. W. I. ELLNONAIID. Secretary. jal4-tf ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PANT. —Authorised Capital $400,000-41EARTIE PERPETUAL. • • (Mice No. 3 11 WALNUT. Street, between Third end Fourth streets, Philadelphia. • • This Company will insure *gaunt Loss or Damage by Tire • on Buildings , Furniture, and Merchandise MS. mu Alec, Marine Insurances °Wessels, Carlloea and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Un ion, DIBIICTORS. William Esher. Davis Pearson. D. Luther, Peter Selzer, Lewis Audenried, J. E. Baum, John B. Blacklaton, William F. Dean; '- Joseph Maxfield, • John Ketcham. • WILLIAM ESHER, President. WM. F. DEAN. Vice President. Surra, ¬ary. • • . ap3-41 INSIJRANCE COMPANY OF THE STATKOF PENNSYLVANIA.—OIiTIOB Noe. 4 5 KKOBANGS BUILDINGS, North etde of WALNUT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Pld INCORPORATED IN 17£14—CRAZTPAR risErzrami. CAPITAL $BOO, OOO. PROPERTIES OF THE CONPAJNY, FEBRUARY 1; 18e4; en 5,817. KLEINE, FIBS. AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. _ DIRECTORS. - . Henry D. Sherrerd, Tobias Wagner, Charles Mactilester, Thomas B. Wattsois. William S. Smith, Henry G. Freeman, William R. White, Charles S. Lewis, George H. Stuart, - George C. Carson, Samuel Grant, Jr. Edward. 0. Knight. John N. Au at! .- HENRY D. SIIEfIREED, President. Wrr.mur HARPER. Secretary. • nol2-il THE RELIANCE INK/BANOS COM: " 4- WIT Ol PHILADYJAPHIA. Insorponted IB4L _ Oh trier Topetaxl. • OFFICE No. SOO WA.LNIIT Inenres against loss or damage by FIRE Ronsel4 !Pores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual; awl •on Furniture: Good'. Wares, and Merchandise CAPITAL $300,000. ASSET I I.S3SII;IIII Invested in the following Securi ties, Pint Mortgage on City Property, well "ataxia 105,900 co .llnited States Government Loans 119.000 00 Philadelphia City 8 per cent. Loans 50.000 00 ,Gommonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per fut. 113, 000,000 Loan.—.. . . ....... . • 15,000 011 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, Borst an—d;s emi Mortgage Loans 66.000 00 "Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 8 _per cent. Loan .... . . .• .• . 5,000 00 'Philadelphia - and Reading Railroad Com • party 's per cent. Loan ... ..... 6,1 1 8 00 • linnt•ingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per • tent. Loans.. . . ....... •—• 4660 MI ronnmeralal Bank of Pennsylvania Stock 10, , 000 00 echanics' Bank Stock .. ..... ... ••-••• 4.000 CO nty Fire Insurance Company's 1.060 00 Union Mutual Insnranse Company'; Stook of Philadelphia—.— . 7.M0 00. Loans on Collateral* * . well seenrod—.—* 5,860 00 Accrued Interest—. ••••••• 6,988 UU Bash in bank and on 18,587 83 $887.111 85 Worth at present market 999,684 111 DIRIMORri. . Clem Tingle/. Robert Tobin& Wm. R. Thompson. William Stevenson. Sainnel Bispham, Hampton L. Carson. Hobert Steen, . Marshall Hill, William Musser. • .1. Johnson BroWn. Charles-Leland. , . Thos. H. Moore. Beni. W. Tingle/. OLIN. 4731013 Y. It osideitt. . , !SOMAS 0. M 24 Illeastairy. PlimunuramA. Januar: 4,1101. i al-it DELAWARE MUTUAL; SAFETY /NSUBANO3 nomreirs. URIORPONATED ET THE LEGISLATURE 07 PEEN HYLVANIA, 11336. 010113 VIEWER THIRD AND wAzaror PHILADELPHIA. WARIER INSURANCE OJI IiEBBELS, } CARO° To an mum! the work. • INBiTEANON Ox floods b! Elver. Canal. Lake L a nd Baia Carriage. PlKEaarts of the Union. . 1 • INSURADONE " On Merebandise_gene raily. Oa Stores , Dwelling Howse, as. _ . ASSETS OP TER COMPANY. NOV. 3, MX OEO,OOO United State, live per sent. Loan—. 07,000 00 75,000 United*Statem 6 per cent. Loan, 6-110 a. 76,000 00 50,000 United States 6 per cent. Loan_, 1881.. 82.000 00 60,000 United States 7 3-10 per cent. Trews rYY Notes • •• 13 .250 01/ 100.000 State of Pennsylvania 5 per ..aL Loan.._•••••-..-..- •-1 4**••••-•••-•-•• 100. D3T 10 54,001) Sta.t:l Pennsy l va nia 6 per seat. Loan.... 67,880 00 123,050 Philadehra City 6 per sent. Loan .. 127.628 00 80,000 State of ezinessee 6 per sent. L0an..16,000 00 90,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, lit Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds 200 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mortirate 6 per cent. Bonds. • • 63,260 00 11.000 1510 . _ Shares Stock Germantown bas COAL. PROPCSALS . FOR HAY. OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENVS. 223 "G" Street, • WASHTNOTON. Sept. - 9. ISS 4 . SEALED PROPOSALS. In duplicate,for one hundred tons'of good merchantable HAY. will be received at this aloe until THURSDAY, the tad day of. Eieptem her. 1864 Proposals must be endorsed " Proposals for Ray," and none will be entertained unless they fully comply with all the requirements of this advertisement. Bidders muat give their names In full, and each pro poeal must be accompanied by an oath of allegiance, and a guarantee, signed by not less than two responsible persons, that, if a contract is awarded to the party or parties proposing, the contract will be accepted and en tered into, and good and sufficient security furnished for the execution of the contract as propohed. The right to reject any and all proposals that may be made tinder this advertisement is reserved by the Government, if in its opinion the public interest require. If proposals are made by a firm, the name of all the parties must appear, or the individual who signed the bid will be held responsible for the fulfilment of the contract, if his proposal is accepted, and will be required to furnish the above specified guarantee. The usual form of guarantee must accompany each proposal, and parties to whom awards are made must be prepared to execute contracts at once, and to give bonds equal in amount to one-half the sum to be re ceived on the contract, signed by the contractor. and both of his guarantors. Satisfactory evidence of the loyalty and solvency of each bidder and person offered as security will be re quired. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the of certificate of the Clerk of the near est District Court, or of the United States District At torney. If any bidder to whom an award may be made refuses to enter into contract agreeably with the terms of this advertisement, or who, after signing the contract or bond, shall neglect or refuse to execute the same.within tl e time prescribed, as well in quality as in quantity, then the Commissary al,all have the right to supply such deficiency by purchase in open market, charging such delinquent bidder or contractor with the advance paid over the bid or contract. Proposals from disloyal parties will not be conolderid, nor will awards be made to any person or persons who have heretofore failed to fulfil their agreements or con tracts with the Government. Bidders must be present at the opening of their bids to respond to their names. The Hay to be delivered either in Washington or Alexandriai- in bales, properly secured, free of all coat of transportation or handling. ' All Hay contracted for under this advertisement will be rigidly inspected, and such as does -not prove of a good merchantable quality will be reiected..• The Hay will be paid for in anch funds an the Government may have on band to disbutse upon the completion of the contract; or as soon thereafter as the proper officer shall be in funds. Delivery of the Ray to commence within fifteen (15) day a from the date of the contract, and to be completed by the let day of November. 1651. Proposals must be addressed to the underaiated. G. BELT., Lieut. Ccl. and C S. pROPOSALB FOR STATIONERY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES UNITED 'STATES. CLERK'S OFFICE:, August 29. 1/e/1. SRALRD . PROPOSALS will bs received at this office until FRIDAY, the 30th day of September, 1864, at 12 o'clock M , for furnishing each of the following classes of stationery for the use of the Rouse of NePrUallta tives of the United States, viz : 106 reams white quatto rent paper, extra superfine, • feint lined. • 100 reams white commercial note paper, extra su perfine, feint lined. 25 reams white commercial note paper, extra su perfine. coarse ruled on all sides. 30 reams white commercial note paper, extra en- Derain, plain.. 50 reams white foolscap paper, extra superfine, feint lined. 26 reams legal cap paper, extra superfine, feint lined. 10 reams fiat cap paper, plain. 160 reams thin Manilla parer. , 800 reams Manilla paper. 12 by 19 inches, weighing II pounds per ream, very tough and smooth. 800 reams Manilla paper, 19 by 24 inches, weighing tou 72 poundsgh_ per ream, fiat, very smooth and • MO reams Manilla paper, 27 by 37 inches, weighing —42 pounds per ream, flat, very smooth and : • tough. 76,000 white thick adhesive envelopes, 6 1 4 by .13j inches. 80,000 white thick adhesive envelopes, 6Y 2 by3% inches. 20.000 white thick adhesive envelopes, &X by3X inches. MAO white thick adhesive envelopes, 630:3X, inches. 6,000 fancy note envelopes. • 100,000 buff adbesive'enveloPes, 731 by 3X inches. 1 gross Congress tie envelopes. 250 boxes steelpens, various kinds. groes 4-inch flat inkstands. • 12 dozen inkstands, various kinds. 10 dozen bottles best black quarts, pints, and half pints. :3 dozen best blue ink, (Mirth and Pinta. 16 dozen rubber pencils, long and short. 3 dozen gold mounted pencils, various kinds. • '6 gross black load pencils, Faber's octagon and ' round, No. 2 gross Faber's carmine and blue pencils. :6 gross pen-holders, various kinds. • 6 dozen rubber penholders, different sizes. 5 dozen bottles mucilage, small eines. 10 dozen packs visiting cards. - 75 spools pink tape. 25 pounds beet scarlet sealing wax. . 6 dozen diaries, for 1865, various kinds. 6 dozen memorandums, various kinds. 2 dozen portfolios. 12 dozen parer-folders. 3 dozen rubber rulers. 2- dozen paper weights. 12 dozen pen-wipers, 76 dozen pocket knives, two, three, fonr, and six blades; star. pearl, shell, and ivory handles. 1 dczen 9-inch shears. 8 pounds erasing rubber. 6 gross rubber Lands and rings. MO skins parchment, 16 by 22 inches. • 2 dozen sponge cups. 1 dozen punches. In the supply of goods, contractors will be rigidly re quired to furnish articles fully equal to sample. Proposals must be accompanied by the names of the sureties intended to be offered. As required by law, preference will-be given to the productions of American industry, if equally cheap and of as good quality; and all persons making propo sals to supply any class of articles will state whether • the same are the manufacture of the United States. The articles are to be delivered, free of any oharge for- ' carriage, at the office of the Clerk of the House of Re presentatives, on or before the 16th day of November, Each proposal to be endorsed " Proposals for Station ery for the House of Representatives of the United States," and addressed to the undersigned. Sufficient specimens of each class of articles proposed for must accompany the proposal, marked with the name of the bidder. • • • The person offering to furnish any class of articles at the lowest price, quality considered: , shall receive a contract for.the same on executing a bond, with two or more sureties, satisfactory to the Clerk of the House of Represex tativee, for the performance of the same, of a forfeiture of twice the contract price, in case of failure, which bond must be filed in the office of the said Clerk within tea days after the proposals have been Opened and the result declared. EDWARD HoPHERSON, Clerk of. the House of Representatives of selo.6t QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, • PHILADELPHIA. September 6, 1161. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until MONDAY; 26th instant, at 12 o'clock M. , for fur nishing ANTHR ACITX STEAMER COAL for the War Department, for a period of sit mouths, commencing lst October, 1864, and ending 31st March, 1865. Coal to be of, the best quality Anthracite. for the use of steamers, to weigh 2,240 lbs to the ton, and to be subject to inspection. The Coal is to be delivered on board vessels in the ports of Philadelphia or New York, in such quantities and at such times as may be required; furnishing, if de manded. seven thousand tons per week. In case of failure to deliver the Coal in proper quan tity, and at the proper time and place, the Government reserves the right to make good any deficiency by pur chase at the contractor's risk and expense. The price must be given seperately for the Coal delivered on board of vessels at this port and, at Now York, on the terms and conditions above stated. Twenty per cent. Will be withheld from tie amount of all payments made, which reservation is not to be paid until the con tract shall have been frilly conipleted. Payments of the remaining eighty per cent., or balance dire, will be made monthly, when the Department is in funds for that purpose. Each offer must be accompanied by'a written guaran tee, signed by two or more responsible parties, (their responsibility to be certified by a 'United States District Judge, Attorney, or 04llector) that the bidder or bid ders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into irritten obligation, with good and sufficient sureties, in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, to furnish the proposed supplies. No proposition will be consi dered unless the terms of this advertisement are com plied with. - . The right is reserved to reject all the bids if consider ed to be to the interest of the service to do so,. and no bid frank a defaulting contractor will be received Proposals to be endorsed, ' Proposals fur Coal the War Department," and addressed to the undersigned. By order of Colonel A. J. Perry, Quartermaster's De. Partment, 11. S. A. . GEO. R. 0.10111 2 ee6-lift . Captain and A. Q. k. PROPOSALS FOR HATS, CAPS, SHOES, DRY GOODS SEWING MATERIALS, &s. RRADQUARTRIO3 DRPARTMENT OP WARRINGTON, OPPIOR OP CHLPIP QUARTERNASTRR, WARRINGTON, August 13, 1569. WRITTEN PROPOSALS will be received at this oMca until further notice. for furnishing the following arti cles for use of contraband men, women, and children In this Depanment: Brogans (russet . &c. ), and other serviceable. Biota and Shoes for men, women, and children's wear. Chip, felt, and woolen Hats, and cloth Cape. Hersey, Linsey, Ginghams , Calicoes, Blankets, and other woolen and cotton goods. Hickory Stripe (for shirts), Bedtleking, rulbleached Mnelin, woolen Socks and Burlaps. Spool Cotton, black and white; linen Thread. Bone suspender Buttons. large Buttons for coats. White porcelain Buttons, Yarn, Needles, and other sewing materials and trimmings. Samples should be sent with each bid, at the expense of the party forwarding the same. An oath of allegiance should accompany each bid. No verbal proposition will be entertained, but every bid, or modification of the same, must be in 'writing. Purchases will be made, from time to time, as the goods are needed,,under contract or otherwike, as the interests of the service may require. • , • Good security will be required for the faithful fulfil ment of any contract made under this advertisement. Proposals should be sealed and addressed to the un= - dersigned, and endorsed " Proposals for furnishing Dry Goods, &c. " ELIAS M. GREENE, . Lieutenant Colonel and Chief , Quartermaster Depart ment of Washington lm SATO II .029,42 i S 2 PROPOSALS FOR HARNESS IRONS. • ORDNANCE OPPICE, WAR DEPARTMENT * • WASHINGTON * September 1, 1664. PROPOSALS will be received by this Department until SATURDAY, the 17th day of September, at fear o'clock P.M.,for the delivery at the Springfield Ar mory, Mass.,Watervliet, Frankfort, . or New York Ar senals; of 6, Re single sets of Wrought Iron-Work, for United States Artillery Harness. bo The s , Harness ng r o we l a ve single spac keadch,nwnll-amse sortment for four wheel and eight lead horses; and each twelve sets, so packed, will consist of the following pieces: 3 pairs long Haines, complete, 3 pairs short Hamra, complete. . . 8 pairs medium Hames, complete. . 48 Trace Clips, with 194 rivets. 4 Double Loops or Byes; 12 Saddle Loops (bent for cantle.) 24 Trace Eyes. 24 long Chains, with toggles. 4 Breast Hooks. . 2 Leg Guards, with ten rivets. • 61addle Loops, straight, for riding-saddle poinmel. These Harness Irons are to conform strictlyin pattern and weight to the model eeta to be seen at 'this office and at the Springfield Armory; are to be smoothly finished; are to fill the standard gauges, and each piece is to be made of the size and kin' of iron presort. bed in the official bill of Iron, New of which can be N obtained at this office, at the ew York Agency, and at the Springfield Armory. All the Irons are to be well japanned—the japan to be of the best quality, and well baked on. They are to be subject to inspection at the factory where made, before and afterjapanning- The Homes are to be marked with the maker's name, the size, and the letters U. S. A. The latter letters one fourth of an inch high. AL the pieces are to be put up in proper bundies,wo party labelled,- and each box is to 1)6 carefully too pacd. as prescribed by the Inspector. The packing-box be paid for at the Inspector's valuation. Deliveriee are to be made at the rate of not less than sixty sets per day, commencing on the let day of' Octo ber, 1864, next. • - Failure to deliver at the specified time will subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the number he may fail - . to deliver at that time. r . No bids 'will be considered except from parties ac tually engaged in the manufacture ' of this or similar kinds of iron work, and who can bring ample evidence that they have in their own shops all the machinery and appliances for turning out thefall amount of work specified per day. . 65ARAmEB. • The bidder will be required to accompany his propo. sitlon with a guarantee signed by two responsible per.. sons, that, in case his bid be accepted, he will at once ex. acute the contract for the name, with good and suffielent sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the con. . tract, to deliver the articles proposed, in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; 'and in case the said bidder should fail to enter into the contract, they to ; make goodthe difference between the offer of said bid der and the next responsible bidder, .or the person to .whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibllity of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest DIE -tact Court, or of the United States District Attorney. Bonds in a sum equal to the amount of the eontragt, signed by the contractor and . both of hie. griarantors, will be required 'of the emcceesfut bidder or bidders neon signing the contract. 10.1131 OF GUARANTER. We, the undersigned, residents ofln the 'Minty of —, and State of —, hereby jointly and sieve. rail)" covenant 'with the United States, and gnarantee. •in case the foregoing bid of ----- be accepted, that •he'or they will at once execute the contract forthe same. With good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to ihrnieh the articles proposed in conformity with the terms of this advertisement. dated Sept. 1, 1864." tinder 'which the bid was made; and in ease the - said stall fail to enter into a contract as aforesaid, We guarantee to make good the difference between the offer of the said and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to Whom the contract may be awarded. Wit ness: l Given under our bands and seals this -- t day 01---. '• (Seal [Seal.] TO• this guarantee must be appended the official cent /Mate above mentioned. Forms of bid can be obtained at any of the above. named arsenals. Proposals not made out on this !ono will not be received. Bids will'be received for the entire number or any part thereof; and bidders n u m b er o f f setssenal at which they can deliver. and the at each, if for more than one. The Department reserves the "right to reject any or all the bide, if deemed unsatietory on any account. Proposals wi ll be addressed to " BRIGADIER GENE RAL JORGEG D. RAMSAY; Chief of °anal:fah - Wash. btton: D. 0.." and will be endorsed "Proposals for Harness Irons. " GEO. D. RAMSAY. itto-14% Sri, GOD, • Gillet et OltaSitet, PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, • • PHILADELPHIA, . Sept. 13. 1084. SEALED PROPOS st.fl will be received at this office. until SATURDAY. H 12 o'clock M. _September 17. 1864. for immediate delivery, at the anover-street Stor_o house,ein this city , of the following. described CAR RIAGE BOLTS: 6,000 8 inch by 36 inch. 8,1100 6 inch by 5-16 inch. 2,010 61-4' inch by J-16 inch. 7,000 5 inch by K inch• 6,0X1 6 inch by 6118 inch. 4.000 4K inch by . a inch. 4,000 4 inch by .K inch. 4,01;04 inch byKA inch. 3,0004 inch by s , l6'inch. 3,00033 G Inch by K inch. LOCO 3K inch by 3 inch. 4,000334 inch by Mitch. 6,0302 inch vi e inch. 8.0001 ,1 f inch by K inch, 2.000 7 Inehily 4 'inch- All to be oft e best quality and the best make, and subject to inspection'. Bidders will state price both in wrltingand in figures, quantity of each, size bid for, and the shortest possible time required for delivery; price to include package and delivery Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per -sone, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee and certified to as being good add sufficient seen rity for the amount involved. by the United States Dis trict Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other public offi cer. otherwise the bid will not be considered. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed too high. and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. For InZther information call at the office, No. 1139 GIRARD Street. ,By order of Col. A. J. Perry, Quartermaster's De partment.. GEORGE R. ORME., sel3-8t Captain and A. Q: M. AEMI CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, PHILADELPHIA, September 10. ISS f. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'cic ck IL, on the 14th inst.. for the immediate delivery of the following named articles : 3,000 jackets or coats of any color except bine or gray. 6.000 pair trowsers of any color except blue or gray. 3,0f0 blankets of any description size.ow grade. 2.000 pair shoes, pegged, assorted The articles to be or cheap, yet serviceable material, and to be delivered at once. . - Samples of the articles proposed to be delivered by any of the bidders will be submitted with each bid. and selections will be made according to quality and price. The bids will state the number of each hind of article proposed to he delivered.. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per-, sons, whoie signatures must be appended to the guar antee, arid certified to as being good and sufficient se curity for the amount involved, by some public func tionary of the United States. Bids from defaulting contractors. and those that do not fully comply toilli the requirements of this adver tisement, will not be considered. Blank forme for proposals, embracing the terms of the guarantee required on each bid. can be bad on ap plication at this office, and none others wilich do not embrace this guarantee will be'constdered7 nor 'will any proposal be considered which does not strictly con form to the requirements therein stated. Proposals will be endorsed "Proposals for Irregular 'Clothing," and will be addressed to Colonel ALEX. I. PERRY, sel2-3t .Quartermaster's Department, U.'S. Army. pROPOSALS FOR_ COAL. . AOP:NT, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 9 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at- this office until SATURDAY. September 17th, I 2 o'clock, for the following sizes and kinds of coal for Ordnance purposes, in the fiscal year. ending June 30th, 1865: For smelting, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY WO) tons of Lehigh eOBl. - For gunner's loft, TEN (10) tons of Lehigh coal. For blacksmilhing, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY (100) tons of Bituminoue coal. • For brazing, soldering, etc., SIN-HUNDRED BAH BELb of Charcoal. • . _ The above coal to be of the beet quality and subject to inspection before acceptance, to be delivered free of ex pense io the Government, a nd all to be delivered by the Ist November, 1864. JAMES S. CHAMBERS, sell 6t Navy Agent. SALE AND TO LET. VALUABLE' • REAL :ESTATET PDBLIC SALE IN RADNOB.—WiII be sold at pub lic sale, on the premises, in the township of-Eiduor, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, on THIIPADAT, Sep tember 29th, 1864, at one o'clock, PM. the 'following reel estate, late the property of Isaac Pa lmer,e deceased, to wit: • Tract No. 1, situate on both sides of the Philade'phia and Lancaster Turnpike, 12 ranee from Pniladelphia, 10 miles from Media, 6 miles from Norriatown. and near the Morgan's Corner Station, on the Pennsylvania Rail road, containing about 84 acres. The improvements consist of a large and convenient two-storied house. 30 by 40 feet, with four rooms and hall on first floor, five on second, with celled attic. with , kitchen atta ched. Barn 40 by 60 feet, with overshoot attachment of 18 feet. Stabling for head of cattle. Wagon House, Carriage House, two Spring Houses over never-failing springs of water, and other out buildings; two Apple Orchards, and a variety of choice fruit. The farm is well watered, and has ten acres of Meadow and five of Woodland. . Tract No. 2 adjoins tract No. 1, lands of - .T. Brown, Sarah George and 'others, and immediately fronts on the village of "Morgan's Corner," is well watered, and contains about 30 acres. The improvements are a large two-storied House, 18 feet by 36 feet, and. Is calcu lated for two families. Stable and fruit trees. Both the above tracts and the improvements are in the best order. The land is in a. high state of c altiva tion, well fenced, and the improvements in good repair. They will be sold by the acre, subject to a new survey. The above properties are situated in one of the most I improving districts of Delaware county, convenient to 1. Churches, meeting honses, mills, stores, and contains' the best agricultural qualities of the Radnor land. Tract No. 3, being a Chestnut Timber lot, situate in the township of .Tredyffrin, in Chester .county. near Carr's Schootßouse, bounded by lands of John Owens and othern„containing B acres and 81 perches. covered with flourishing timber, pan of which is ready to out, the balance being about twelve years' growth. This tract will be.sold at the same time and place as Nos. 1 and 2 . as the property late of George ralmer, Esq., de- - ceased. Conditions. which will be made easy , will be made known on the day of sale. . THE HEIRS. September 2. " selo-12 14 17 zr TO LET—NEW HOUSES AT $23, - .ma. $25, $33 per month; on Eleventh, Twelfth, Thir teenth, and Mervine streets (Camas's Woods), above Montgomery. Apply to irmovr. JACKSON, se9-6z* 614 CHESTNUT Street. la FOR SAL E—A NEW BRICK Awn HOUSE, with lot of EO feet fronton Armat street, Germantown. Plan at my office Ts TLOW JACKSON. se94t, " 611 CHESTNUT Street. 1 11 01r,_SALE-1370RE AND DWELLING. excellent stand. No. 1355 Ridge ave- nue. Lot IBxlls feet. - - - B. F. GLENN, 123 S. FOURTH Street and saS-tf S. W..cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN de FOR SALE—A VALUABLE BUSI NESS STAND. at Twelfth and Spring Garden sta. , consisting or Store-room and Dwelling, containing 8 rooms and bath. Terms easy. IngnireNG N. FOURTH St ,24 story. Immediate possession given. atr.3o-lm* • de • FOR SALE, VERY. 'I•OHEAP.---•• =MARGE AND HANDSOMER RESIDENCE, South avenue,rner of FORTY-FIRST r oo ms,TINSTE Twenty-fourth ward; 13 gas, • hot and 'told water throughout the' houserstable in- rear 'of lot, fine fruit and shade trees. Bizet& lot, 120 feet front by 179 feet deep. Price $lO.OOO, clear of incumbrance. Terms easy. Also, Two very desirable COTTAGES, on HALEY Street, near Westminster avenue; have all modern im provements, 10 rooms. Size of lots, each 23 feet front by 115 feet deep. Price $3,600, each... Terms easy. Also, a number of desirable "lotuses, at from $1,900 each to $19,000, in all parts of the city; Apply to SA.MITEL P. 'MITCHINSON, or J. WARREN 001ILSTON, No. 124 South SIXTH Street. a FOR SALE HANDSOME DWELL. - mai ING, No, 1606 Master street. Lot 20 by 161 feet. Handsome Dwelling 1810 Wallace tax eet; possession in 30 dayS. Store and Dwelling South side of Pine, above Twelfth. Neat Dwelling, North Sixteenth street, below Green. Small Dwelling, 2639 Ellsworth street. Neat Dwelling, Vine street, above Twentieth. Neat Dwelling, North street, west of Sixteenth. Neat Dwelling,)iulvany street - , north of Master. B. F. GIENN, 123 Sonth FOURTH Street, selo and S. W. corner BETENTEENTEUand GREEN. :LARGE AND VALVABLV PRO PERTY FOR SALE.—The very large and cram°. dions LOT and BUILDING, No. 306 CHERRY Street, near the centre of business, containing 60 feet on Cheri, street, depth 106 feet, being 76 feet wide on the rear of the lot; and at that width opening to a large cart-way leading to Cherry street. Its advantages of SIZE AND POSITION _ are rarely met with. Apply on the premises ' sel2-3m* Alt DELAWARE ,COUNTY.--_FOR ACRSALE, 35 acres of land, a c cessible from-Walling ford Station, on Media Railroad, handsomely located, fine spring and stream of water, old-fashioned stone mansion and barn, good land. • sel2-30 JAS. R. CUMMINS. GiRMANTOWN PECOPERTY.--- ArAtFOR SALE, a commodious double Stone DWELL ING, situate on Main street. with an acre of ground attached, in a high state of cultivation. Apply to. ' sel2. tf 18 South EE MONDLLr Ae t. COAL AND TIMBER LANDS FOR • 6.800 acres in Ly coming county, Pa. 10,000 acres in Potter county,. I,COO acres in Elk county. 10,000 acres Lead Ore Land, in'MissOuri. 20 000 acres Taney county Land, in Missouri. With other large and small bodies of Timber and Farm Lands. 0010 B. F. GLENN, 123 South NOUNTIt Street. alb FOR •SALE—AN EXCELLENT . FARM °toyer 130 acres, in Montgomery county, 32 miles .fromPbiladelphia. at a very low price. Soil good and in excellent condition. Good buildings, a va— riety of fruit, &0.. Will be sold much below its price, $3,000, if sold soon. B. P. GLENN, se3-tf 123 South FOURTH Street. gm FOR SALE—A VERY DESIRABLE and highly improved FARM, a few miles out, con taining eighty acres; railroad station on the premises. at which there aref three trains stop to and from the city daily. The buildings are very superior ;• line spring_ of water, with spring-house at the buildings. &c. For further particulars apply to' R. PETTIT, 323 WALNUT Street. Call and examine Register of Farms and Country Places, with a few acres of ground. sea tf FOR SALE-, - A VALUABLE FARII. /34 acres, 10 acres of timber land, in .splendid order, good fences and' improvements, 60 tons of hay, also wheat, rye, oats, corn and straw, and.a hill and com plete stock of horses, cows &c., and all kinds of farm. ing implements ; 14:miles out from the city, on turnpike and within 13i miles from rifilroad station; Ave •or six 'trains daily to and from city. Poi further information inquire of the owner at - hi.). 2 . 103 SPRING GARDEN Street: ALSO, a new and splendidly built three.stor7 Dwell ing, with all the modern improvements, front and side yard, most pleasant and desirable location in the city. rust finished ' and ready for occupancy. ' • nquire at 2103 SPRING GARDEN Street • 8.10-12 V at DELAWARE • COUNT:r.-FLNE &—Brandywine Farm. 150 acres, glmd,'substa.ntial im provemente, convenient to Chadd's Ford Station, Balti more Central Railroad. Land among the beat; suitable for a dairy or grazing farm. JAS. R. CUMMINS, sel2- St* 501 WALNUT Street. WATER POWER TO RENT. APPLY to DAVID CHILLAS, Newark. DeL waft smpPIIV6t. (CoroSTEAM WEEKLY TO LI ERPOOL, touching at ' QUEENSTOWN, ) The w e ll Steamers of the Li verpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Com pany are intended to sail as follows: • CITY. .OF WASHINGTON...... SATURDAY , Sept. 11 CITY OF. Ii I A.NCHESTER ....... SATRDAY, Sept. 24. CITY OF LONDON —.SATURDAY, Oct I. and every succeeding Saturday at Noon, from Pier 44. North River. • RATES OF PASSAGE: ___ • Payable in-Currency. • I FIRST CABIN .... •• $l6O 00 STEERAGE. 960 00 do to London ... 170 00 do to London.... 68 00 do to Paris ..... 190 00 do to Paris ......• 80 00 do to Hamburg. IEO 00 do to Hamburg.. 74 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rot— terdam. Antwerp. sm., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown : lac Cabin, 050. $l7O. $210.. Steerage from Liverpool and Qneensto wit, $7O. Those who wish to send for their friends can bay tickets here at these rates. For farther information tovly at- the Company's Offices._ . __ JOHN G. DAL ,E Agent 5e6424 n.l WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. ,•. . • 'BOSTON, AND PHILA.DEL FRIA STEAMSHIP itINB, sailing from each port ' dri SATURDAYS; from firtit wharf above P 1241 Street, Philadelphia, and. Long Wharf, Boston.. • The steamship NORMAN,. Ciptairi Baker, 'will sail from Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, Sept. 17, at 10 A.111.' and 'steamship SAXON, 'Capt.. Matthews. from Boston for Fhiladelphiwon same day, at 4 P. M. These new and substantial s te a mshi pstms form a regular line, stilling from each po rt punctually on Saturdays. . Insurances effected at pne-halt the premium charged on the vessels. ' • . - - Freights taken at fairrates. Ehlppere are reque sted to send Slip Receipts and Bil of Lading with their goods. . . • ~.- , -...._._ For Freight oFPassage (haying fine acoommodatioW4 apply to HENRY 3VINSOII. St CO., .mh22-tf an South DELAWARE Avelino. , • FOR 'ALBANY AND TROT; vi.A.DET,awAlcs Ato .BARITAN3/1.- L---Mhe' Ilarge-MONTBREY,S. Diumerev:lgeerer, 15 now loadhour at Ant Wharf belowliiirnee 'Street, :and Will mall for thwaparrpointe" on WEI) fiN3DaY. For freight, Ilrbbi'WNW be taken oirreiteonable terms, apply to • - ./iN - Agent, ael2.3t • - N0.,34K-13nuth D BLaWaitli - Anaania• ' ....... . Adrma FROM; . : NEWIVORS.,." . • FOR • NSF ,HAVSIT, itaitTPOlth‘ra; FIELD, and BOETuN —The steamers. 00 and ELM CITY leave Peck 1311 D, Mot River, II &ID". futd 11 at Witt. Jei) AUCTION 5AL.119.--..-„; -B.• wirran & Atr--r, J.EMS, N05..2132 andt23 , l•litgavr -..ifj LARGE SALE OF FOREIGN, AND GOODS, CLOTHING. etc 4. " 4 " . ' Included in sour rale of Foreign s o d Goods, on THURSDAY AND' FRIDAY Sept, 15th and 16th, will be fon:24 there:la • hie articles, viz! bales heavy brown sheeting. •—• bales superior bleached mael.:as. bales heavy brown drills. -bales all 'wool flannels. _. cases plaid Manchester gingham & cases indigo-blue checks. cases tiokinga and denims. - r• cases brown and bleached Centou cases heavy corset jeans. cases O ne id a end gold-mixed CY-2,3lMerni cases plain and printed sat i nets . • cases all-wool tweeds. cases super Kentucky jeans. cases beryl—army - Wan keta. TAILORING [MODS—TO OLOTR;zp; —pieces heavy Kagnissaux beavers. ••• —pieces Moscow and President beavers pieces eeal skins sad pilots. —pieces Whitney and chinchilla pieces Astrakans and Devenghire —pieces fancy cassimeres and tneltens. —pieces Belgian broad cloths pieces cap and cloak sloths. repellant,, pieces Italian clothe, Testings. tel,b... BRITISH. AND FRENCH 9r).•1" —pieces Saxony dress Roods. pieces black and colored alpacas. —.pieces 4.4 shirting linens. —pieces beavy bed blankets. —pieces plain and fancy nioasselina —pieces blaCk gros de rbinas and /age,. pieces plain and fancy silks. piece slung and square brc an•lih t ! , silk velvet and Cashmere vest? pas. Also, silk ties, sewing silk. hos:err, and drawers, bahcoral and hoo, • . shirts, ready. bade chilling. Ste r LINEN CAMBRIC Ii.INDKV.RPR:7F 2 ' Also, in sale of Thursday, Sept. 1$ •, 4 .' writ of 5 8 linen cambric handkerchiefs I. of a superior make. LINBN GOODS AND SHAWLS. Included in sale of Thursday. Sept IS -10 nasal 4 4 superfine Irish sb irting and :vat 10 cases 4-4 superfine Blay • 10 eases 4-4 superfine Spanish end brown !:.:0 1 , $OO long and-square all-wool plaid shawl-!. LARGE' PEREMPTORY SALE OF s EIIROFTi • AMERICAN DRY GOODS, - We will hold a large sale of British. German r. and American dry goods, by catalogue, OR ' credit, and Dart for cash, ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 6toF.3iiP,- ' September 16th and 16th, commencing at ;,;, O'clock COD Wig/1g 1100 PACKAGES AND LOTli of British; German, French, India, and 3n;,;•.. goods, embracing a large, full, and fresh 5t..„, ; „ woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and silk goo and country tales. N.B.—Samples of the same will be arratioif.. ruination, with catalogues, early on the m sale, when dealers will find it to their interct•:.' LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE SPECIAL SAL3'. DOZEN OF GERMAN AND ENGLISH • GAUNTLETS. HOSIERY. AND HAIR N • :• RECENT :AND FAVORITE BEST CITY SALES. Included in our sale of Friday, Septemi‘ wiabe found a large and complete assort:llse! ~r ladies', and children's Heeced, cotton, Berlin cloth, Ringwood, and leather gl•Ir•- shirts and drawers, merino shiits , broom girls' merino shirts, cotton hose, hair nets a The special attention of the trade is called c.; as it will be large and desirable. PEREMPTORY SALE OF FRENCFI. maimsN, AND BRITISH DRY GOODS, .v ON MONDAY MORNING, September 19, at 10 o'clock, will be oold by ca;; on four mouths' credit about— 700 PAC' AGES AND LOTS of Trench, India, German, and British Dry Coll, embracing a large and choice assortment of fa::; ample articles in silk, worsted, woolen, notion fabrics. N. B.—Samples of the same will be artirl examination, with catalomes early on the nt z i sale, *when dealers will And it their Inters?: 1%).:;',. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF 80073, 3 TUESDAYB ARMY GOO MORNING. ,s e . September 20th, at 10 o'clock, will be sA:d by Logue, withont reserve, on four months' 1,100: packages boots, shoes, brogans, bsi jz , gam ewes, army goods, &c., of city and 11..,•: manufacture, embracing a fraab and Prime a of desirable articles far men, women. and c,:,4:' which will be open for examination early on ingot sale. POSITIVE SALE OF CARPETINGS 3. ON FRIDAY MORNING, September 2 at precisely 11 o'clock, will b.l catalogue, on four months' credit, an asimrtmur perfine and line ingrain, venetian, hemp, cm:au::: rag carpetings, which may be examined early morning of nuke. . WURNESS, BRINLEY & CO., O. 615 011PaLTOT and 612 JAYNE Stri: SPECIAL SALE OF BONNET AND Tit:XX ERLEBONS. ON FRIDAY PIORNING, September Ifth, at 10 o'clock, on 4 motiCai* cr-2 MO cartons Sonnet and trimming ribbons, in-: I. Consisting of— _ cartons Nos. 405 corded edge point de tote :i` of the moat destrab:e shades. cartons N 05.10060 corded edge poult de cartons Nos. 110100 ea. quality Sand. cartons No. 10(460 broehe figured do. cartons Nos. 12080 splendid quality triply cartons plain colored 1) All fresh goods, just landed. momAs.a sorts, • Nor. 139_ sad 141 South FOURTH FALL SALE STOCKS AND REAL srars Second Fall Sale. 13teptember. Third Fall Sale, 15th Setember. on the p-etak Fourth Fall Sale. 20th September. Fifth Fall Sale, 27th September. THIRD PALL SALE. SEPT. Sale on the premises Germantown, at VI" HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE Ai I LOT, corner of Warne and Queen streets, Gerutit. Pull rartieul ars in handbills. Executor's Sale at No. 508 Arch street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PIANO, CAEPE7S THIS !Karam°, Sept. i 4, at 10 o'clock. at N 0.508 Arch street, thilv hold furniture, pianoforte by Chickering, mantel clock feather beds mattresses, carpets, 1e a quantity of superior home- made wines. *air' May be examined at 8 o'clock on the wn::. sale. SUPERIOR tNUoR. N I3 I 9 TU n R d E 4. I FR ENCH-PLA TE '1 ROES, FIRE-PROOF SAFE, FINE CARPEri,s ON THURSDAY Store , t 9 o'cloc), at the Auction Store, t sup4rior ± • tore, line French-plate mantel an irrar-..: rior lira-proof by Eisenman & and ingrain Carpets, &c. Also, for account Great Central Fa a quantity of glass preserve stands, P • lett, &c. Ex ecnth' Sale. JEWELRY. SILVER, PINE rs ENGRAVINGB, ! IN)S, &c. ON THURSDAY,THURSDAY. September 15th, at 1 o'ciock. at the auction order of the Executors of Mary Buckley, last Huttner, a.quantity of Sae jewelry, silver Plc , / engravings, paintings, silver-mounted travell4 Canton craps shawl, laces. &c., &c. Also, a harp. Jar Tull particulars in catale Foes. Bray be examined on the morning of sale, foal o'clock. TO CONFECTIONERS. AND OTHERS Sale No. 152 North Sixth Street. MARBLE-TOP TABLES. PIER ?ERROR. ). ' RAKING UTENSILS. .ko. .. ON FRIDAY /11012NENO, 36th inst. at 10 o'clock, at No. 152 North Sixth EZ below Race, the furniture of the Ice Cream SAN% 4)ler mirror, sofas, chairs. marble-top tables, CM ice cream cans, show case, baking utensils, &C. May be examined at $ o'clock on the morain pRILIP FORD a CO. AUCTIONEEI 41 - sil MABEE? and 53,8 GONNE= Stre.i! POSITIVE SALE OP 7,350 OASES BOOTS & ON . THURSDAY MORNING, September 15, commencing at 10 o'clock, PUT'- we willed.' by catalogue, for cash, 1,350 cry slioes,'brogans, bannerols, gaiters and armT3"A"' prime'freehatock, to which we invite the 551.1 Mon of bed ers BY; HENRY P. WOLBERT, AUCTIONEER, 202 MARKET Street. South Side. above SiuE • • Sales of Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notions, &c, NON DAY,WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY Monist, mencing at 10 o'clock. DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS. AfERINO DRAWERS, HOSIERY, SHIRTS, CL ) -1 b- BOOTS. SHOES Ste. , ITNG • ILIS MORL .Sept. 14i at 10 o'clock, will be sold, In lob to retail trade a large and desirable assortment of in pA.NCOAST & WARNOCK, A l TIONMS. 314 e MARK= Street. LARGE POSITIVE SALE 750 LOTS AM'ERICAY: IMPORTED DRY GOODS EMBROIDERIES, N' NERY GOODS, Am.. by catalogue on THIS MORNING'. SepteMber 14, commencing at 10 o'clock, pw-:. comprising a general assortment of seasonable . sirable goods. Included in sale THIS MORNING. . • FELT GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, AND 50 cases, a full line of most fashioble - - hats turans, bonnets, &c., for ladles', nth, •• children's Wear. • Also, an Invoice rich full styles Paris artifte...• ers, fine, black, and fancy feathers, Plumes, kc. RIBBONS. Also, an invoice fashionable fall colors, NV!' plain ponit de sole bonnet ribbons. trimmings, 2,020 DOZEN PARIS SILK TIES ASP SC,ASE.! Also, 2,000 dozen gents' newest styles Parts fat:7 scarfs, Paris fancy ties, very superior quality. gros, grain Bros brilliant, and heavy black tag: for first-class citysales, &c ATTRACTIVE - OSITIVE SALE 2,000 DOZES 6. CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. Also, THIS MORNING. —.- lots misses' medium to superfine quality Meg brie handkerchiefs. ladies' X plain to superfine quality linen .handkerchiefs. • lots gents' X to I superfine quality linen a l handkerchiefs. lots gents' X to X hemmed linen cambric 60 chiefs - lots ladies' X 1, IX, and 2-inch hemstitl . cambric handkerchiefs, being a. full line of mi.'. ble geode. _ _ BLACK OROS DR BRINK Also, THIS MORNING, pieces superior high lustre heavy black r Thine, 214M32 inch. EMBROIDERIES. SHIRT FRONTS. ao• , Also, 100 lots late and new styles emb'd,jarez . lars, sets, collars. bands. flouncings, edgivg.l. : " ings, &c., Also, gents' fine linen F hirt fronts, a fall lice. CLOAKS. Also, lot of ladies' latest Paris style richly r' ; cloth cloaks, circulars, Basques. &c. H 001) SKIRT, HOSIERY GOODS, Also, 400 ladies', misses', and children's wore' and diamond. tie steel-spring hoop skirts. Also, SOO dozen whalebone mechanical corm's. Also, gents' heavy merino shirts and dulcet , and cotton hosiery, notions. stock goods. ace- I '''. Also, Germantown fancy knit goods, buck 1 gauntlets, mite, &c., &c. BIARSIEEA_VS SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.- BY yrl. of a writ of sale, by the Hon. JOHN C All ER, Judge of the District Court of the trid, o3 ; in andlor the Eastern District of rennsliya"-'-' nairalty, to me directed, wi ll be sold at Yabligg the highest and - best bidder, for cash, et ,„ STORE, No. 14-2. North FRONT Street, Os gv -. . September 26th, 1564, at 12 o'clock 3f. the WV.: steamer LILLIAN, consisting of 453 ' hales °`.l also, 62 bales of cotton, the cargo of vessel n[13. 1 4, • ' WILLIAM IifILLW,A"; • United. States Marshal E. D. of Natter + 64 g 1 - 3W4Dgramis., September : lo, 1561. • Tl l. T R fOrVc : ieTn i st ri? ttv P 'en ß4 y a os below:Third, inserts the moat • TSbt,„„. age, mounted on fine Gold PI a, Silver. Coralite, Amber, at prices; for neat and IRA work,lmore reasonable than'any Dentist in t..! Siete. Teeth plazged t o l as t for l if e. Artte.:o repaired,to snit No pain in extracting. All ranted to fit. Reference, best families. MeI:INLET Olt °COMPANY+ Posted uuderiLe laws of the State of .• Wells on OIL CREEK, Penns*haul& 71: 174 TRIISTEES. 4 -Morris "Franklin.lNew Y°T e . rv . Lawtdn, New York; Sidney Cornell, New II.: Coleman 011Citi Pa - C. MeKinley, oll lirand'egrift, City, Ps .; GeorP York. i t President, MORRIS FRANKLIN; Sewe — j ; 2 ' RENSON; Treasurer, WALTRR. R. LAlVTO ititendent ,e MaKINLEY'BROS. 9ff10.e:.81-JORN' &tread. New York L S PURE PIR TS. —.590 GA j „ - 4 - PURR SPIRITS (4th proof) for preserrin%‘? For gale b 7 p. BIIDD I 4s. 84312 1e 0 •• 5 North CORN BTAROH.— 400 BO , V S Ze and Duryea'; Corn Starch; alr W iti,D2 -1(4,1p4e .. k#7. r : . 4 1010 DES 31 107 Soca DARD - 111111 FANCIYJOB — PR.„ 114 ; st Lamm a =own% in ear ma-..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers