MOO AND ART. lionitablierrlall that, tiOtenthatanding the • or aloes as an external application la is now,Seldom used, and that he was it I trial In Otinsequenee of its great nary practice, After trying It in Coup Aber balsamic substances, he has alone, finding a saturated tincture cut of aloes and two of alcohol to be ation. Suppurating wounds, when lc character, are to be dressed byy. I dipped in the tincture, the applf. the or no pain, Old and obstinate 'vented by It. It is useful also to wt oloatrising power in wounds ;in our domestio animals, espe- Aosures and gallings, by its aid, !generating into ulocrs.—Bull. de Aber, of the Saord Iron Wor .gland, recently read ks, a paper before as Institute of Engineers upon UM• mg artesian wells. In the amnia of. said that his machine averaged three a:whiffing stoppages and that he had wells of 113 Inches diameter and 1,184 1 1 / a ohlues were already la use (tepid/10 feet diameter, and he had some in pro of making three-feet bores. Re would Jne capable of boring six feet Lu dl ,y depth, if necessary. Steam-power is its the bore?. It Would work through and the Weardale Iron Company were t the aharaoter of the strata through was sunk for coil. leler, before the Entomological So 'd that bees have no instinct in is, as has been usually supposed, the consequence of the law or pro. Aat of seven eirales of equal radii, wand the seventh. The cell of the ty hemispherical at its oommenCe section of a cell not in contact with e elroular.—Scienlific American. state Almshouse, Massachusetts the .0 farm bade Ms cows regularl y le considers superior to any other sub. at purpose. It Is warm, easy to lio s the cows frOM slipping when reach % an exoellent absorbent or liquids, in and Out, a superior divisor of is an excellent substance to apply to these reasons he likes sand for iton, in his standard work on phy• tat common salt—the chloride of in the bones, muscles, tendons, nails, In the saliva, gastric juice, the fluids and in all the solids of m, with the single mention of the nth where It has not yet been de- tons and oil of turpentine are 00M title elements in the same proportions; her being formed by the combination if carbon four of hydrogen. .1011 farOtrocing 4,000 . revolations a velocity at the periphery of 1,100 feet Thisi hs,ltiet about the average velocity THE CITY. 'NAL OITT VIM BEIA 11.01114 TEL PAIR.] V A PIIILAIMILPRIA REGIMENT. unsylvania Regiment, of one hundred imanded by Oolonel W. B. Thomas, Ohlo, on the shores of the Ohio id there last Monday, to relieve a itndo Dfittlenul Guard whqse term Lad expired. The militia had a good military service In the march they ul to make from Gapt. Milli: the load— .st in the finest weather—was knee: I, through a rain that was falling ))who left, Madison, but 150 remained of the journey was reaohed. The disinclination or] fatigue, straggled COISMDINC4. exciitement was created in the vi t and Walnut Streets, yesterday, by tiding or a young man by a prom of this city. The person thus con sul, had for some time been amusing lug anonymous letters to the Doetor , S ys handed them to her liege lord for 'en reached a crisis yesterday. and a Mon will probably further disclose 'the affair to the public. ITEMS. .s.soris.—The value to the health of of a good fruit season can hardly ed. For some weeks past, Mr. Win, proprietor of the Eastern Market Firthstreet, below Market, has been &irons with the finest peaches, and it, smOthered In the purest Dela le Cream. His pure eider Vinegar of -Cheese are also the best in the :ADE TO HEAILM—Thie Is the gratt• .ent made to those who are afflicted ring by Mr. Pugh Madeira, No. lie itreet, below Uheetnut, and hie cols- ,tic Auricles, Cornets, Soniferons, Drums, Organic Iribrations, and over of Ear Trumpets, folly warrant this lamatlon of "relief to the deaf.” instruments, many of which are of lon, are now in use in all parts of the • reputation is unparalleled. IDBA."-A young lady of our ao- Ares that " Lubfitis Flosninel , is 'Rhinl ally, as he delights to hide 'rows in the bowers of curls created able preparation curls, lavign gs the hair, and makes the heads maidens dellightfil nests for love 113110811.-At a. fancy ball at Sara resented in her own person about briefly set down as follows : Dla earrings, and necklace, $10,000;. with black lace flounces, each wide, $80300; antique point...lace 'the- of Valenciennes, $5,000; gold Ith diamonds, chain and chat*- , lady looked very flue, but her a much handsomer appearance which he had procured at the tog Hall of Rookhill .k teetnut street, above Sixth. Murnaunart.—Muller, when he riggs , in the English railway ear. tinted all the charms of detection, 11 the plans of escape. Bat his advance of him, and on another xe was met by the law he had via. proper officers had been waiting is arrival. Disguise as he may, and•even a suit of clothing from Co.'s ono price, under the Conti 'cal an enemy of his race. 304 North Broad street, Coal ispertftilly advise his friends and viral not to:delay in buying their risk of paying further advanoes,, or his superior stook of large nut, s, egg, ho. None to excel, for ", or oheapneis. auls-1m most enooeseftaly treated by J. llld Arulot,lsl.l. Pine at. A.rtifl, °barge for examMatlon. jr26.r THE HOTELS. illrard. P A erdie, Williamsport J B Cos, Harrisburg J B Cox Harrisburg A Dar Mechanicsburg A V 810IMn9, Plttebtag 1J B Phthies,Pittsburg I) McKee,Pistabarg J E Towe. Pittsbarg ..g W Philllps,Pittaburg J ld H Ora P Hard y man N 3 , Pittsburg , xpi r Gen_ B Porte ,Pea 8 McCaMont, Blair co,Pg ti W Johnston,Ntinlingdon . W F Reynolds, Penns B Itu.h Petriken, Penna. W D Dulfee,Plttsburg H Guyer & wf,Pittsbarg F B HackettiCameron co Jos Shippen I H Efoaston,NallfaX. 3 11 Patterson, Halifax - Mrs Haywo..chLordsville MAAR Haywood, Louisville R o oaftly,Loulsville ML Lowber, Whitehall , B W Dowries & wf Chu , El Dressler, COltilabdil Mrs I) W Paige, Boston Mrs Tomlinson,Boston 8 D Bucher, Pennsylvania P Kisluger. Pennsylvania 0 W Johnson, Penns 3 Parkhill, Baltimore D e Perranbergh,Baltimoge B W Henderson, Baltinto • 8 Moorhead. Portland P 0 Porter di wlfe.Pos C P Hartman, Penne ,- hi 5 000dyear, Parma , Si P Claik, Washington iW l/ Sherrard & Wile IdSmith, Ne Castled Cook, NewW Johnston, Idoeten • A McGleneeY,Pittsbllrt I 0 raharn,NeW York D Jones, Northumberland W 0 Smith, Harrisburg 3 W Williamson, N Haven W W Baker, New Haven Semi Jones, Washington A 0 Bittenger, Vermont Afro C B Lannon, Alex, v. rs? . 31 Hirster, Beading J T Mester, Reading Wilmarth, Boston Br Daniels, Boston IT Slaughter,Delaware 'E B Branch B Wisner & fa, Chicago Miss H Marks, Chicago W S Hinds. Baltimore J B Martin, Delaware W J Griffith, Maryland W 'Williams H Adams W Parsons & da, Poona 0 W Parsons, Lock Haven Y A TOM an M N g S N Y. W York , C o, U ; .T Jones & wf. Doylestown 1V Potter, Peons , S F ?otter. Penns T S Roller, Plana abnrg I On isbuzT lburg Uri{ erteana. W EEdmir Mon t Wash, D J F Philadelphia W (Jayne .it la, Pottavlile 1J w Drook.Baranton,Pa 'Wm A Myerejtattover.ra A.l alten, F McCord II M Norton, New Jersey Jae C Harbin, Penna p r Mans & son, Danville Lintel Leaming,NewJereey .J Francis, Delaware 1 'ft Barstow, Massachusetts L A Beale, Waehington A S Newcomer, Alban Hugh Cowl, New York W S Blddlejlifew Jersey A Van Reath, Baltimore T MoMation.Baltimore 1' Ludlam. New Jersey J W Morian_, Concord, Del J E Means, Hazleton J. b amid, Hazleton Thus Wintronth, Hazleton iMorrison Keck, Hazleton 'David Shaffer, Hazleton Jelin Charles, Hazleton 'Nelson Young, Hazleton ;1:1•rnj .1 Young, Hazleton 'Wei Do Wilt, Hazleton 'li Black, Hazleton lio Young. Hazleton B Miontch. Hazleton B T T atm g New Y.ork !Jobe 11 %tart, 11 5 Zi Ift 1' Wolfe , Delaware W A hood, Delaware u g 0 Neer, Hazleton t IR Higgins. Hazleton 'Amos timith, Bangor 1W It Stamm Wash, D C Jae Morgan, New York John 11taFarland, N Y W )3 Ford, New York IA Lockweed Wilson, New Jersey 1 Levi B limy, Co n H Bowman Sc la. Penns 1 3 13 Pryor, Bilden, hid . Bear. J llSashimi, Norristown W Thompson. Jnokintotrn A 0 CbtluttrutU, Berke 00 A I; Baltzer, Berke oo Jller, Hambarg lizawmtal. 1B Edwards lir B Dodge 414, Indiana J B Ruple, washiuton J H Leger, - New York Mr & Mrs J Reed,. fit •Johif Miss Reed. St John B C Vandeyen & wf, Cia 10 Slone & la, Eitisonie Miss Slone & Ms, St Louie' A B Herrin Damian A C Clark, Boston - IR B Beach Henry bonther, Elk co, Pa J.B B Brown, Pittsbarg B Payson, Chicago S S Williamson, Chicago I H Trodicht, 8t Louis W Nieman, St Loafs S Cora, St Louie A Jones, Jr, Indianapolis F J Painter, If 8 N H S Benson, Washington H H Ds Winetanley John T Kuhn Irwin Simpson, New York Warren Laren, New York Chas F Hager ' Lancaster Davis Sr ram, Md Geo B Williams, Indiana A H Byrnes, Indiana a a Lauber, Pa Mies M S Lauber, Pa Mies Annie Lauber, Pa J A Wilson T H Short & wf, Cincinnati Wilson C K tran, Vs D Its.thhone, Virginia John Wynne, Cincinnati Thos Wilkins, Hazleton Jos W Batch, Boston Thou Parsons, Boston Jos M Howe, Boston A H Gardner & wf W L Helfenstein, Pottsy'e P Lamb & la, Indiana Q Ad sms, Baltimore Col G D linggiessY S A Jack & ref. minola Davies, New York T Marsh. New York Tockergian, New York MPlereon, New York A H Franklin & wf. N York J B Headley, Norristown Miss Thomas, Norristown W H Dodge, New York - W H Ef Robbins, Kentucky A B Warlord, Harrisburg Miss Ellis,New York Mrs Ellis, New York . J Knox & ',yr, Baltimore °apt G Adams & wr - o H Wright, Delaware • W D Burgess, 13 S N Mrs Gen Grant & 3 children Col Dent, Wash; D P D Luther, Pottsville Dr MoKetii, Baltimore H Lewis & la, Palma C 1 , Moore & la, Reading John Hyait & (am Md Jesse Middleton, Md J B Houston & la, D C Jas Benford, Baltimore Miss Mitchell, Baltimore F E Clark, Nety York Mrs Rawlings, Panne. Mrs Dr Harris, Wash, D C I, G Coletnem & wf, N Y H North,. New York CaPt Kennedy, England hire Fisher & C11.4d. Miss Fisher Miss Livingston. Cape May B H Merrill, orlolk S J Whiting, Cape May The COMM 0 ArelmlY, New York John Moss New York J Wicker, New York Martin Oskar, New York H P Montgomery M H Nagle, Pitteborg John Hall II A Mager, Lookhaven N L Webb WHEwing&la,Pa John Herr. E Blanchard, Bellefonte Col T S Mather, Harrisburg J A Hieetand,Lancaster J k Painter. Pennsylvania Mai Rupp, Bedford F B Dayton & wf, lllinois 0 W Rubb. Pittsbilm arejor L 0 Brown. Wash J Ha wke & wf, N Y E K Haines, Somerset, Pa W Koontz, Somerset. P Copt C H Clemens, Tenn Frank J Jones ,„Cincinnati. Col SIM Bownfan, Waeh Sprague & in, Nashville Elwood Mortis, N J O B Moore & wf, Wmsport J P Cameron, Brooklyn Mai Oen J Stahl, N Y W W Robbins } Pew York W Coombs, Wash D C S M Pettit, Meadville Geo L Trask, New York Jun Bigenbothem, Balt W .1 Yon Bon Renssed, Balt i lear more (lee II !Tazewell. N York J F Keeler, Pittsburg Mr & Mrs R Pittsburg Alex Tapia, New York 0.13 Hersh York. Pa' O L Christie & wf, Cin, 0 N Hunter, Reading T Smith, London T Porteous, Brooklyn T E Bennett & wf, Blinn Daly, New York 0 Rosen field Baltimore - P Wallack, 'Washington Barth & la. WWII LL R S CORM% Li H B Rummy. U S N C Peck, New Haven R Day, New Haven C Loug.sselcer, Alleni , n W 13 Gensler. Allentown C Someway, Cataeauque, W Tallman, Jr. N Bedford B A Fisher, Boston O R Faber, Montreal .7 P Bashford, Paris,Ky S Wilmarth, Boston .7 W Maw:del% Boston J Raymond, New York D Edes, Georgetown, D Mao E Edes. Georgetown Johns Le Hans, Cuba Jos L Chase,_Titneville, Pa B Gaden, New York Win F Moore, Connecticut F. Sprague & la Nashville A hiayer, Cincinnati .7 0 Frick, Pottsville Seth W Geer, Mineral/111e A q Hodges, Frankfort,Ky Mr! & Mre Lemands, Balt alias Graham, Lancaster Edv Towson, Baltimore .7 Sullivan Sr wf Baltimore They }miling. Jr, Salt Jan B Whiebee.Baltimore R Wilson, Baltimore Mrs 43 , L Scott, Chicago C H Miner, Chicago I` A Brads, Chicago The Mer M Mentzer, Pittsburg Dr B Knickerbocker & wife B Henlein, W Greenville J L Loeb M L Graham, Conn Joe Brown, Wilkeeherre T*Fields, Newark, N A el Miller, Shippensburg, W B Miller, Shippensburt D Bard, Washington Mrs Burps Sr son,_Cincinnati. El Illaymaker,i,ancenter J Steinheimer. Michigan P Lucas, St J0131;0,1E1% Jobn Cheek, Cairo. 111 A Wraggart, Allegheny John Lewis, Pa J C Graves, Pa SP Hicharde, Pa John Robinson, Pa R P Snow, Connell Bluffs Vir Allderdice, Phila P King Si Kuntz, Johnetown C Lambftht, wash, D C N Peters, Wash, D C B J Underwood. D C J H Gardner, New York S Gardner, Clarksville .1 A Graham, fl Garden, 0 Mrs McAbee Hon C M Donovan. Pa J Dock, Loug Branch The Stet E Shuster 3: wf, Pa P Busby, Bordentown Jae Harvey, Chester, Pa WJohnnder K Ricardo, Del A Robt Westly, Cheater, Pa J M Kelly,liew Bloomfield Chao W Poinsett, Wilm J 0 Cuthbert, Jr Won Littlefied, Mifflin, Pa Shellabarger, Mifflin, Pa Amos &mien Mifflin, Pa DI E King, Fallon co, Pa J B S Woun, Pa W Laughry, Pa J R Gillett, Norfolk' S S Mitchell, N Jacob Felton, Bedford co D Pore, Pa Theo Gallagher, Baltimore .1 E Chase, Baltimore • J Williams. Baltimore Ward, Baltimore The I A Kemper, Maryland B P Patterson, Penns H Stanton, Penna. J 0 Reading & la J Stever, New York ' W W Jones. Indiananolls V Keller, dllegh4n7 Oity J Fields, Newark, N J Snob. W H Bassett.Whealing,Va H B Wertz, Quincy W Fleagle r QttineY F Id Wheeler,_ New York Joe McKee, Hazleton D M Blanebare, Vermont BlJ.Smith, Madison, Ind R B Hartzell,. Columbus. 0 Jos Braucher. Dover, 0 Mrs M 6 Wright Sids., J Jas Williams & la, Barton Mrs Smith, Hartford, Pa 0 Barclay, Ohio The Co Jae W Linville I' Kamer, Franklin co W 7.evie, Weed Cheater W Karper, Franklin co F Rickman •Coateevalle W Posey CoatasvUle Conrad,ClCr co ffE Conrad. tekter co . _ W Conrad,. eater co W Kennedy, Cheater co M Kennedy, Chester co It Hall, Delftware JaaW Lysle. Chester no Jae Grooves, Chester no John Wright, Chester co Eli Sberwood, Chester co W B. Wood, Chester co J.Cit West. D, Chester co Solomon Mercer, Chester co J D Johnso n Chester co 'l' Walter, W Chester The Bar J Ff Plyannm, N Jersey Hammonton, H Oa for MOng co &Totter & hi, Hammonton Miss S Potter, Hammonton }I Black, Bricks eo Sugar, Bucks co flewholfer, Washington J V Reading Hatboro A A Gregg, Bustieton C B Ely, Brickinglam B Siegfried & in, Penns Id Siegfried, Penns A H Siegfried, Indiana J Hill, Lambertville A McKeown, D S W NTyson, Ohelton Hills The N J T Aarel, Brnnersville .A 0 Baney,Bneks ee B Bruce, Lebanon W L Andersen a llow Jersey A Meredith & la, Penna E Ontblust,Danville,Pa W M Wood,Ditairille,Pa A Ooiler, Ashland, Ps J Bearden. Fineshlll Copt J Moßentley, Penns DC Moon. ReAdiag,Ps Miss B Yeates,Cape Island B Becker, Lancaster co The Sal Bees. Berke co B Becker, Lancaster co .PO Bowman, Lancaster co 3B Iftsselman, LWILO CO W Nos.. Moyerskown C Eastber,o Bricks co T .gorthionolon 0 Henny, Cherr3ryille 6Collin. Danville P Weida,Weidesville W Kamer, Biegoieville p Williams.' Northampton Plighelley, Lehigh co - The PI I T Sinith, Williamsport Williamsport J Dorsey, Williamsport - G L • Smith, Connecticut W Orttoo,_ New Jersey S Willits. Rely Jersey J Bnck, Jersey City B Forbes, New Jersey J B Ladd, New Jersey Taylor, New Jersey SPECIAL NOTICIgS. II: POPULAR CLOSNEING Hausa OP FRILL "OAK HALL." Beet-shoe goods at moderato palsy, / WAZIAMAKEILIS mums, S. R. corner SIXTH and ALUM Streets. Cistern DeVartment tto mate to,ordis) No. S S. Sixth St. WICEMBB & W134301'13 ::. r LUCK-STITCH SNYiLNG - 11,A0111135, TON ONNAPEST. ENWPINAT. AND BUT Salesrooms, 104 CHESTNUT Street. shove Seventh zadLizt.mar,3a. CLOTRIZR—JACKSON. —On the Ist inst. , by Frle ceremony. at the residence of the bride's lather, near Darby Pa , Isaac B. Clothier, of . Philadelphia,„ Ban b., deughty. of William JaokeOn• '• M I LLER—GRIM.—On the ist,inst,,.hy the Rey. B. W. Hotter, Mr. William and NAPS Mary A.. daughter of Daniel K. Urim, Eau., all of this city. • D1E73.. SWANS.—On the evening of the Slat ult.. Charles W.. eon of Charles and Mary At. Evans, in the 99d year of his age. His relatives and friends are invited to attend the (it ters), to meet at the house of Daniel Lloyd, near Hat boro', Moreland township, on Seventh day, the 94 isietant,, ail o'clock. Interment at Fair Hill. • ElllerLßlol3. — Einddt•nlY, on the morning of August the 90th, BHA ibeth M wife of M. 8 Elhapielgh , and dinsbter of the late Thomas Blandy, of Delaware. [Wilmington, Baltimore, and Washington City papers please coPY. The relauvesand friends of the family are respectfully husband attend the funeral, from day sidence of her at Chestunt Hill, on Fmorning, Sep tember the 94., at o'clock , without farther notice. To Proceed to Laurel HilL IiESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. OIE Cippyrjin.gtreet, have received— Black Delathes. all wool Mousselines, single width. double width. " and White Delathes. 44 and Fe le Delatner, " and White all-Tool Mousseline. " and Purple Tamlees and Bombazines. Kezinoeis and Cashmeres, Raps, Empress Cloths, Alpaca% &e. • an22-11'. OPE TO-DAY FOB FALL OF'6l. ,n, Woolen Plaid SHAWL& please colored PARAMATTAS. 114 pieces rich dark DBLAIII3B. PLAIDS, PRINT% FLANNELS, ago.. dra ligr NUMMI WARD SWIM nr FUND. —The citizens of the EIGHTH WARD who de sire to anticipate the requirements of the draft. are no tified that the time is fast passing away In which men tea begot *very citizen of the ward 18 urgently call ed on to raise Mtheariptiona among his neighbors, and to forward ail collections at once to • J. 0. ROBILNOARTBN, Treasnrer, art Southeast corner SIXTH and WALNUfSte, LEcTErauts .—irine sinascuissa has prepared, and is Preparing, new Litigates, lu prose and terse, adapted to popular audiences , and will deliver them on acceptable - terms, at the invitation of Irt nag ltien's associations, Lyceums, and Institutes in the loyal States. Be will also deliver .addrentes op anniversary osculate for Colleges, other lierninartes of. Learning, and obits, holies. wittiest and social.. ad , .dries PARK Eli 41d11 4 1, 76 West roaryams. wog, New Y •• . an.l9-lm` . .. APICOPTINS le:titiiitait cum. chants'. I R W Berkstreaser S Gray, Pittsburg B H Laken% Allegheny Jae McCoroechy, Freeport Levi Bush, Freeport J H P Stone, Urbana, 0 H Romiok, Ohio J H Ford, ffillteebarre E B Smith , New York Jacob Van Norton, N E Miller, Alliance' A H looter Rey Alfred Coolcutan, X Y F. Holiday, Milford, Pa, J Meyer. Morris J Bonken k la, X I S Thomas, Perryville W Pope, Pittsburg W M Carer J A Rippard, Wilkesbarre W S Young. Allentown W Wilson, Elithlekem 0) Bair. Lancaster ID g Ray, Allegheny A S Cameron, Allegheny .1 C Melons, New Jersey D W Moore, Clearfield ( . 1 C Fisher, II S A . _ P Etackhouse, if 8 A A T Spencer, New York 1J Simpson Africa, Pal W.Lauer, Pottsville s Union. W Merchant, Baltimore W Smith, Baltimore B W Rockafehow. N J 0 W Robbing, N BIM Griffith, New York S W Smith, Cincinnati H ffierrall, Wilmington J W Price, Wilmington Jno J Yates, Wilmington Jae Harrigan, Wilmington J McClanan_,Jr, Wilm P Dooley, Wilmington ♦ T Hyatt, Wilmington John Yarnall, Wilmington John Worth, Wilmington F D Gray, Newark, Del Jas Ziegler, Wilmington H Haduock, Wilmington. J H Ritchie, Wilmington J B Ritchie, Wilmington AMLGroff, Wilmington Jae W. Power, Patin Peter Healy, Atlantic City E Heebner, Port Carbon Miaa Dougherty Miss K Dougherty B Miller, Alliance Robt Johnson. Tamaqua not R Ratan% Tamaqua Jae Lee, Jr, Reading A S Cadwallader, Penns Mrs 0 - Wood & da, K Y L Fox & la, New 'York T J Barbanel t _Maryland Alfred King, Wash co, Md 1.1 Richards, Allentown 1W S Brown, Phila. Mrs C A Brown,Phila B Scott, Jr, Phil& J K Spang, Barks co W B Brotherton, Palma' A D Taylor & wf, Washin• Saml.W Ramey, Conn I) A Wertz, Chambersburg erotaL If Bernard, W Chester B 0 Pierce. New Jersey F Richards, Covington, Pa J . Robinson. Covington, Pa JLewle, Covington, Pa J 0 Graves, Covington. Pa A Ramsey, Parkersburg JercobJlevoe, W Chester B C Hickman, ' W Chester Chas F Fitch, New Jersey A Strawbridge, Cheat co Thos M Charlton J B Lambert, Doylestown J R Rameey, Oxford D Stubbs; Penna TT Reynolds, Penne. 6 W Passmore, Penna A S Vanderslice.Lancaet co J W Hickman, Chester co N Bernard, Cheater co Cy sheaf. A Wetzel, Eggliarbor CaY H Harrah, Hartsville F Winderman. Yonkers W McDowell, Wrlghtstown A.Stoakton, New Hope W Lewis, Darby A Backingbam. Bucks co J Cedwahtder. Fox Chase DI Large, Centreville J Black, Bolebnry W Wright, Jersey City T Backman, Jersey City .1 0 Preston, Bucks co B F Femme% Alexandria A Ty,son, II 6 A A Jangm, New Hope J N Moore, Del City tioimaL W C Noon; Pottsville L Loaah, Amity, Pa MISR A L Fidhert,Amity,Pa W B Nell, Washington W Scott, Washington J L Jones, Cape May B R Laweke, Reading J B Shaffer, Reading J B Bandy, 1:1 S A J B Bubbaohin, hit Joy DI S t3earnan,Pottavlite W Van Reed. Reading Eagle. T J H Hetet, Hnoks co J Stelzer, Beaton H E Schwan', Easter, E Barnet, Easton. P Homer. Perna E Y Meurer dcvf. Penn W B Bensinger & en, tens 3 D Sheets, Berke co Copt D V Piaster, Berke co Jae Sugar A Prolamin, Beading L D Luta. Penna H H Bechtel. Indiana co B. Gaylord, Bradford Miss T X Xedler, N Torii A J Lentz. Cincihnati.. W C Geoghegan, Baltimore J Abney Stockton, N J V. Whitaker. Kingston. K 0 Shoemaker. Strondeb'g Rfre /Oleg: StrOndeharg X Keller, Bochh.Ul:: LINCOLN. lORNSON. AND VICTOR& r The membete of the Glob will meet for reoreettize lion. on - MONDAY, Sept. Jth, at 8 o'clock P. M., AT TITS ROOMS or 'MR NATIONAL UNION CLUB. 1105 CHESTNUT STREET .. I s ::'•.; JEREMUIR NIC4OIIB, J. M. RILEY,- BENJ. H. BROWN, R. A. B. BROWN, W. IL %EDIBLE, 0. R. MOORE, A. LUKENS, F. 0. WOLBERT, JAE* FREEBORN, E. LLOYD, • J. WELSH, MEBRIGE, H. C. HOWELL, F. M. ADAMS, KSTIMMEL, L. GORDON, M. D., W. ELLIOTT; B. J. RRFS. 0. R. SMITH. 0. T. THORN. C. O'lf_EILL, P. C. WAUKEE, C..E CLARK, JOSEPH M. COWELL, W. A. GRAY, . G. W. FM), HENRY Y. MANLEY, H. J. H9l - KTyfus, 0. W. HACKER, W. W. SMITH. S. S. KELLEY, HEADQUARTERS 7341 Z f;{ I . MENT PENNA. VET. BIVOUA9 NEAR ATLANTA, GA.. . august 7,1884. At a meeting of Company 73d. P,ogiment NanaTiva• mist Veteran Volunteers, held ttis the follow ing preamble and resolution were nnanliconsly adopted: WISEREA. The cold, unfeeling band of death boa again visited amongst ha and rudely torn froni , rer midst on. late companions and fellow-members ABRAHAM GALL aGEINR, HENRY RITTER, and ARCHIBALD MoCONAGHY. who fell ,while nobly,shstathing the fitg of their country In the recent battles of Gen. :Wm. T.. , Sherman, in Georgia: therefore, ; Resolved, That in the death orAbraharn Gallagher, Henry Ritter, and Archibald alcConagby their :country has lost tried and fearless defenders, and the Company loved and valued membera, and to show our apprecia tion of our lost compardons, we wish,with all becoming sorrow. to lay a garland on their lonely tomb; therefore, Resolved, That we convey to the families of the de ceased our heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of af fliction. and point them for Succor to rely upon the all sustaining arm of Him who doeth all things well. Reaokred, That copies of the above resolutiOns be pub lished in the Philadelphia Daily Press, Public Ledger, Philadelphia inquirer, and Sunday Dispatch: Resolved, That copies of the aboveresolntions, signed by the members, be presented to the families of the de ceased:*- PRNsIDENT 0. S. PREDIMICK F. MARTIN CHAIRMAN._ Sere. WILLIAM A. 'HEFFNER COMMITTEE. B SNOBS, D. STRAIN, J. HIRES. SECRETARY. - R. S. WYTHE, B. BARBED, J. WILEY, EDWARD A..BUELL 'MASONIC NOTICE:—THE - 01 - 11- cure and members of EASTERN STAR LODGE, No. IS6, A. Y. 111. the GRAND LODGE OF PENNSIII, VANIA, and the 'Order generally. are fraternally re quested to meet at their Hall, CHESTNUT Street, THIS AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock. to attend the funeral of their deceased Mother, P, M. WILLIAM J. O'FARRELL. By order of the W. M. lt* GEORGE P. LITTLE, Secretary 168. rm-ALDERMAN OF THE SECOND WARD.—Having received the nomination' of the National Union Convention of the Second Ward, for the office of Alderman, I take this method of returning thanks to them and to the citizens; whose representa tives they were, for this distinguished mark .of their confidence and esteem, and pledge myself. should they still further honor me by electing me to that PoFitiOD, to administer the office with fidelity and. Integrity, to the end that justice may be impartially admiam tared and the best interests of the elLizana aniciaprved. eel•3l° CHARLES - POTTENGER. OFFICE OF THE BRIGGS OIL COMPANY, No. 147 South FOURTH Street. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 1, UK The Board of Directors have this day declared the third Monthly Dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the capital stock, payable on the Sth inst. The Transfer Books will be closed after the 4th inst • and reopened on the Bth. set St A. F. SABINE. President. EirKomeEopATErmatEDicAlocor. , LEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA., PHIL ADEEPILIA4. —Gaston of IEOI begins OCTOBER 10. FACTILI T. —C. Bering, M. D., practice; dd. Lippe, M.D., roat.ined B. B. Guernsey, M.D., obst. ;C. 11, Bane, At. D. diagnoetics; G. R. Starkey,.M.D, mug. ; P. Wilson,M.D., anat. ; C. Reermann, M.D. ,physiol.;' Prof. Ste hens, chemistry. Address 0, RRERMAN, M.D. Dean, eel. fnittlBt 1105 FILBERT Street. Eir Me TAMIL OIL COMPANY, 424 Waiditvr Street.—Stockholders will take no tice that this Company have thin day declared a divi dend of TWO PEE CdNT., payable, oat of the earn ings of the Company, on and afterIIONDAY, Sept. 6th, MC Transfer Books will be closed from Sept. MULL Sept. 10th. By order of the Board.. se2.3t. A. D. CaI:DWELL, Secretary. pr. A JIEZTINI OF TILE , SITE. SCRIBERS to the Stock of the Eighth National Bank will be held on MONDAY- EVENING next, -oth inst., at 7 o'clock, at the AMERICAN MECHANIOS' HALL, FOURTH and GEORGEStreets, -for the election of a Board of Directors and other basiness. JNO. VOLKMAR, Chairman.% GEO. HAMELTON. Secretary. seS 3t. lar'THE CHRECH OF THE HOLY 'TRINITY, RITTENHOUSE - Square; will be reopened on SUNDAY next. Services at 10 o'clock A. and 714: o'clock P. M. The Parish LlbrarT.:Witl he reopened on SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock P.' M.' set-2t* OrOFFICE - rerogli keitsir. OLL COMPANY.—A Dividend-of TWO AND ONI3- HALF (2)i) PER CERT. has been declared. , by the Dh rectors of the Company for the month onding.Angast 1E64; payable at their office on and. after September Idth, inst., to Stockholders recorded on. the books of the Company at that date. Transfer books will be closed from the 10th to the 15th teat.,lnclusive. J. A. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Eeptetliberl., DN. arTHE TBEASUBER OF THE FUND to relieve the distressed people of Chambere burg has received the following amounts since his last report, August 26: AIDOTLIII,PI • viously reported 321,335 75 John W. Forney 250 00 Win. Neall - 50 00 Mrs. Chas. C. Stratton - - 19 LO Jas. B. Campbell & Co 60 2 O 0 D E. ---- 5 L. ----. per Loyd P. Smith 50 00 John Gibson. Sons, & Co 100 00 Marshall Hill 25 CO W. Dewey, Esq., for Twelfth Baptist Church.' 5-00 Wm. Hs Ashhuret IRO 00 Miss C. M. Bohlen" 100 00 John Bohlen ~_._ 100 00 Alex. Whildin & Sons 100 00 Tredlek, Stokes, &Co 100 00 Win. L. Fetter per T. W: X 10 00 Erskine Hann{ 100 00 Per T. W. Markley, as follows: Peter Wright & dons 100 00 Billings, Hoop, & Co 15000 Lewis, Bros , & Co 100 CO Mellor, Bains, & Mellor 100 00 Cash 100 00 S. R. Taggart so 00 B. C. Pratt & Bro . 50 00 Wilcox, Bros,_ _& Co 50 00 Wolgamuth, Kaleigh, & Co BO CD Wicht & Lankenan 50 00 H. During & Co 50 00 W. A. Drown & CO 0000 Chas. Perin & Co 50 Bates & Coates 50 00 .Grundy, Bro., & Co 20 00 Skinner & Test ao oo -F. S Hovey & Co * 20 00 Roberts, Wetford, & Goldsmith 2/J 00 Abram 1. Derrickson2o 00 Brooke a Fuller - - . , 2000 Cash 20 00 M. M. Marple ' . 20 OD Williams & Coons Mueselman & Kirk ' 20 CO ~ Hamrick & Leavitt Boyd & Stroud 20 00. Wright, Bros., & CO Sher& Weruwag . 25 00 D. M. Hese & Co . 2OOO , F. Parreson & Co .- . 2n l l o o : 0 00 R. R. Lee & Co Cash . 'Keyser & Bro ~, . 8. R. Watkins. Jr .. . J. P. Woodward 10 00 Fenetinan & Kauffman. 10 Bu sch & Gerstley - 10 00 Muslin & Bennett . ... 10 CO H. Guterman & Bro . 10 (30 J. & A. Kemper 1000 Cash 10.00 J. & S . .. 10 00 L. Cash &P 10 10 0 0 00 00 John ' . 10 Cochran ‘ 10 00 M. Siedenbach .. .. 6CO Charles H. Meyer 6 06 S. Siedenbach 6 00 Iltreh.& Bro • 5:00 Joe. F,usskll ' 6 00 J. Levy 5.00 Per - Edwin E.irkpatrick,ae 1%11 . owe: Cash, W. 8 . ID OD Alexander Peterson •.. • •,,... iii 00 J. H. Rodey 10 00 Beeson Crawford •10 00 11 00 C. B. Williams .. B. C. Benison & Son.••• . • •-•-••- -6 CO Naudain & Peterson 5 00 Per W. B. Mosely, saJßdlowe:. Nickerson,. Harris, & Mosely . . Politer & Bennett Monroe S em mwlyz & OD 0. S. Chaplin & E. F.Tarbrldge. li K. & Co .. W. W. Paul ,& Co Robert R.- Levick & Co E. S. peeve W. T. Delasssas Per E. A. Hendry, as follows: Cash - , J. B. H E. A. H S. Frank • Per H. Allen Moore. J. & M. Saunders . W. 61. 5heme11.........„ ...»...,.. Cash, L. W . Cash a L. Dlckerman & Co. C. Benkert. Cash Total $21.631 26 liDattrtiD A. SOLIDER, Treaearer, Dock Street Wharf. ggr• CITIZENS' sirrusTircre, BE• PRESENTATIVE. AND VOLUNTEER .8.08 g- CT. —Citizens living in any part of the State.= have Substitutes sworn in for them in this city into the Begujor 4rmy, and have the same credited to the Township and Cougressiona/ Diotrtet in whieh they live, provided they will furnish us with a certificate of their enrolment and ItOitity to draft from the Provost Marshal of their District For information, addrese or call on PAXSON & MoNALLY, &IA CIIIISTNOT Street. N. B —Special arrangements made with Committees to furnish Townships with Volunteers. au29-6t 'IIIIEIIINDEN9IONBD. A 0031311 K TEE appointed by the Bounty Fond Con,vention of the several 'wards. for the pupal* - Of rem:atilt for the benefit of de fi cifint wards in anticipation o the coming draft, impressed with , the importanee of the aubject, desire their fellow-citizens to unite with them in an effort to ell the ctty's quota by obtaining ',dun. leer recruits. To do this before the 6th of September will require the most earnest and vigorous exertions, sed the Committee appeal to the patriotic and public ipirit e d to aid them by their influence and by coneribu -0138 of the r emissary means to offer inducements equal to those offered by other communities. The Committee hay* appointed a sufficient number of recruiting lieu tenants in various quarters of the city, and all recruits obtained wilt be distributed pro rata among the wards, and, of course, will benefit mostlargelfthose that 'are • meet deficient, By united and continued effort the Committee bone.- if not to avoid the d. aft altogether, at least to reduce It to insignificant proportions. The whole number required to free the city from the drift wan, on the Ardor August, abont9,ooo From this number fa to be deducted those who have been recruited since that date, and such credits as the city may be en titled to from Venous enlisting in the navy from the city and who have not been credited to us; also, from per sons enlisting in the navy from the State at large and not credited to any Particular district, of which tbe city also to Committeee rtom from the will have her proportion. Efforts are being ,dada to o a". bt e o r in tai for n th ai et i cr f ed r, m ite. ie T fe h fa e n 0: .outhern states . now occupied by our forces. and Rost other quarters. The ydo no t deem s impossible, there typo...Bll thcity is quota. fere. by kraPer " et a n only be o b tained b . Money le neeeesary, ca 7 th e - voluntary subscript one of citizens. Such anbscriptione may be sent to the addresepe of any members of the Committee, as below gi or to the heedquarteri of H ven 'th FORTH the Committee, No. 14 Son JAMES L. CLAGRORK, 20T C H URC Htreet. JAMES A. ORNB. 69f6 CHESTNUT Street. A_ FRANCIBCIIS. 513 MARKET Street.- JOSHUA SPBRING, 142 PS °nth yoVRTEE Street, - ..'fir. WM. If UHLEIEt..FaIIti of . . • JOUR W. FIUME& 949 Mont Streak. I=4( P RES S .--TAITTA-9nrortiA - : NATIONAL UNION TICKET. I. rat P. mg. 1. . NOIII6OII Henry Bumm_; William H. Hera. 5. Barton H. Jenks, 0. Cbarloa M. Btu*. T. Robert Parke, 11. William Taylor, 9. Jolm d. Hientand,_ Rtotard H. CorsolL. 11. Edward Holliday, 19. Charles F. Reed. • litgr 850 BOUNTY! THE DRAFT! FELLOW CITIZENS.OF THE TENTH WARD, AROUSE ! If youvoirld escape the Draft you must be up and doing! No time should be lost! Give us the money, and we can get the men I We want set ever9oo men to fill our:snots! Your Executive Committee has laid before YOU a plan of action In their circular, by which you may avoid the burthene of the draft, but you mud act energetically, and ere once. Each one mast hand in hie subscription without delay, and induce his neighbors to, do likewlee. Other wards and the country districts are' getting the men by their energy and liberality. on need notwait to be called on, as there Is not time to car:Lyme the ward. but come forward with the money. to the gentlemen appointed to receive it. There is no other way of escape from this dealt, as there will be no Postponement, and no commutation. The following erLioarties are authorized to receive subscriptions: First Precinct, J. B. Townsend, No. SIX Arch street. Second Precinct,. Sterling Bonsai,. No. 116 North Ninth street. Third Precinct, Thomas L. Potts, No. lOU Race street. Fourth Precinct, George T. Barker, H. D., No. 1111 Arch street. Filth Precinct, Wm. H. Whitaker, No. 122 North Thirteenth street. Sixth Precinct, A. H. Francium:is, No. 1529 Arch street. Seventh Precinct, Caleb R. Keeney, N. W. corner Arch and Sixteenth street. . Eighth Precinct, L. W. Millington, H. D., No. 2023 Arch street. Ninth Precinct, H. A. Lippincott, N. W. corner Twentieth and Cherry streets. An adjourned meeting of the citizens of the ward to receive subscriptions and take further nfhasures avoid the Draft, will be held at the First Baptist Church, 1 , . W. corner BROAD and ARCH Streets. fon THURS. Dis'S EVENING next. Au _gust 31st 1804 , at eight o'nlock. JGSEPH B. TOWNSEND, President. DAVID WEATHERLY, ' Secretary. _ , A. H. FRANCISCUS, Treasurer No, 1549 ARCH Street, or No. 513 MAREET Street. - NOTTTE.—TO PROPERTY OWN. ERS IN THE - TWENTY-FOURTH' WARD. DEPARTMENT OF SURVEYS, OFFICE OF CHIEF ENGIN - MIR OF SORVEt, PRainitt,PHlA, AnKast 27, 1864. This is to certify that in conformity with Acts or As sembly of date April 27th and - July 7th, 1864, the PENN SYLVANIA; RAILROAD COMPANY has filed in this ofll ce a plan, designating the streets requiredly them' to be vacated upon and adjacent to the POWELTON ESTATE. in the Tiventy,fourth ward, ae follows , : Arch - street from the river. to Thirty.second Street. Race street fronythe riverlo Thirty-second• street • ••Mansion street from Market to Arch-street. Thirty -first street from Market to Hamilton street. Hamilton street from Mdnslon to Thirtieth street. And said streets by and under the authority of said acts of Assembly are hereby declared to be vacated and closed for public use STRIONLAND FLNEASS, Chief Engineer of Survey. DIVIDEND riciricz—corrlCE BUCK moutermlit COAL COMPANY. PHLLADELPHIA4 taigua 3t, 1864 The Board of Dlrectore have this day declared a Divi dend of MR ?BR CENT. (6 per cent.) ups the capi ta] stock, clear of taxes, payable on the 10th proximo. The Transfer Books will close on the ath, at 3P. TL, and open on the 12t1 September , - st !At . T. 11. TROTTER, Treasurer. pr. CRITTENDEN'S PHILKIFELPHIAL COMMERCIAL COLLEG S, 631 CHESTNUT St. —Young Mere fully.prepared for the Counting House and business life. Tbe course of instruction includes Book- Keeping in all its Branches, Penmanship, Plain and Ornamental, Commercial Calculation, Business Forms, Commercial Law, Detecting Counterfeit Notes, &c TELEGRAPHING taught by one of the Beet of Frac , Heal OperatOrs. NO VAcArrons. Students,cep enter at ans . time. CATALOGUES for the last year. containing Terms. &c. , and the names of nearly , FIVE. RuNmign stu dents, furnished gratis on application. an.3l. 3t* 0000 26 00 25 9.6 40000 7UO. 00 25 00 10.00 10 00 .... .. N .- ...... ..., 00 00 00 10 00 0 CO 1000 1000 1 00 , ~, f; WOK PREIODEBON ABRAHAM LINCOLN. or ILLINOI& !Oa. vim ritzsmiganr, ANDREW JOHNSON. OF TEWAB3SII. ELECTORAL TICKET. BEDMTORIAL. NOETO2I MaMICELS.EL, Philadelphia. T. 0111=112011111. Beaver Oman !NTATIVE. 18. Blies W. Hale, 14. CharlesH. Shriner. 115. John Wilder, 16. David eisConsmehT. 17. David W. Woods, 18. Isaac Benson. 19. John Patton, 21. E 21. Samuel verard B ier Dis er. k, B 22. John P. Penney 29. Ebenezer No.innirin, 21. John W. Blenshar& By order of th• Stato Con GAiMION. att3Utt 3k -DIVIDEND NOTICE. OFFICE OF TARR FARR OIG•COMt'A*NY. .1.3134 WALNUT Street; Rugnet 80,1664. The Board o 'Directors have this day declared•a Inci dent of TWO PER CENT. on-the Capital Stoek of the Company. _payable -at. the Company's Office on and, after September 7,18614 titer of State tar. The Transfer Books will close at 2P. M on• the 3d, and Open on tie 13th of September. • _ • wa,.31-6t • - J.. „TIMID BRICK- RA'D, Tresserrer. IrgirDOW*. NWIN.6I.FAIE—TB WON. dorsignedaeittlarlylloonsedoubstitutebrokers, are prepared at any moment to furnish destraole repre sentatives for enrolled citizens in any part"of the - dente. Security gifen that theprincipal shall be exempted for the time agreed neon. Transactions with any' other than licerredhrokivra are Metal. VANDERSLICE & DEVINE. Licensed Brokerai, auSl-Bt* No. 115 &gin. SNVENTII St., 2d floor: WEIGHTIIONTABID BOUNTY' The 'Eighth Ward is anti behind its quota more than fifty men. To raise this number every citizen• of the Ward must lend his beet efforts. Recruits ameba got to credit' themselves to the Ward . only by the-per sonal exertions of each individual interested in antic], paling the revrairenients of tbe draft. Subscriptions should be made at once for this purpose, and sent with out delay to J. G. ROSENGARTELT. Treasurer. au27-13t S. E. Corner SIXTH and WALNUT Streets. DEV 1113133131 NOTICE.—OFFICE OF n=s"- - •T,BE SOHITILKILL AND 0/L DEESE' OIL COMPANY, No. Set WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, August W,11131. The Board of Ilireators have this day declared a second monthly diaidend` if ONE PER CENT: aeute per share) on the Capital Stook, payable at their °Mee on and after TUESDAY, September 6th,.free of State tax. Transfer E'ooks winks closed on Wednesday, August Slat. at 3 P. hi.. for ftvedays. au3o-SV) L. J. DEMUTH, Secretary. ligr-coN.Txmorrkz - stiorawco: - - - annum - COUPONS duo SePtembbr Ist. 1E64, on the eight per cent. mortgage bonde of The Continental Hotel Co. , will be paid on and after that day upon presentation of the same at the Comnier.olal Bank, in the city of Phila. dolphin: J. SERGEANT PRICE, , ortiBo. Med Treasurer._ INOTICE.-7RE PENNSYLVANIA I FIRE .11ISURANCIr 00hIPANY. Axonal . 26, MX The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the PENNSYLVANIA FIR' E 1175VEANCE COMPANY will be held at their entre. oa MONDAY, the fifth day of ptember next, at 10 o'clock A. M , when an election will be held for nine Directorsto eer i e for the ensuing sear. M. CROWELL. au26.taes Secretary. rig 7 ZRIPPRE commis Coale/m - 3r or MICHIGAN. NOTICE IS HEREBY GWEN that an:instalment of TWO DOLLARS PER EIIAREIyn each and every share of the capital stock of the , Eropire Copper Company of Michigan has this' day been calledby the Board. of 1111- y o otoro of said Company, Iles and payable at the office oT the Company, No. 4423MALNUT Street. Philadel phia, on or before the 10atrday of SEPTEMBER, 1864. Interest will be charged on all instalments after the same shall have become doe. By order'of the Board of Dfrectors ' J. M cIdIILLIN, Secretary. PETLADELPHIA, August 1X , 1864. aii2o-ftrithtselo iIgrOFFICE OF THE NEW' "FORK. AND MIDDLE, COAL , FIELD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. "The Traisefer Bookg,p this Com pany will be closed from townst 20th Mi. September 10th. ERTER'IC LAzinis, Secretary. PErr.miLrinA, August 196 , 064. n022-mwfSt rierNOTICE TO. STOCKHOLDERS.-- The regular 4iumel hieettogof the Stockhold ers of the SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AND II ORTIZ AN DS WEST BRANCH TELEGRAPH COMPANY, will be. held at the CONIINENTLWIOTEL, PhiladElplda. en, WEDNESDAY, the 14th day of September next, at 2' o'clock P. M. for the eleettonof offleore, Ac. By order of the President, B. S.-SANDFORD. , J. X. GRIER, Secretary. au2Z-mthtsel4., MILITARY. t ATTENTION !- 199th REGIMENT PENNA, VOLK 825 fi`REMITIM; TO ANY PERSON RiINOING A REOROPY rE.O.wtgß4 REGIMENT. HEADQUARTMS, cicrEsiiwarr. se2-M LAST O:IIA,N\ 0 TIT A.YO!I TI3E raiikAtOrr: $525 BOUNT Y. ME* MUSTERED` AK% MAID *425 199tb. IVEGINI:orcr VOL.,S COL. A. A. LECHLER. ffendquarters, 611 Chestnut street. sel-tf $5O WARD BOUNTY, .IN ADDITION TO CITY AMR GOVERNMENT BOUNTIES, Will be Paid, to every recruit enlisted in. 'United- States Army. 'Marg. or Marine Corps, to the credit of the FIFTEENTH WARD. Apply to ISAAC 312. KRUPP, At Provost Marshal's Once; BROAD and SPRING GARDBN Streets. $lO premium paid to any person bringing a recruit as above. - • H. P. M. BIRKINBINE, Chairman Executive Committee. - ISE DQUARVERI4 FOR DRAFTED. Men, SubMitutes, and Volunteers. ' Drafted or enrolled men will be furnished with substitutes at short notice. Volunteers and enbetitotes will be paid the, higheet bounties in cash as soon as mustered All parties will be honorably dealt with at this ape. W. D. HAVENS.. 115 South SEVENTH St., second floor, Deem No. 10. Agents will be liberally paid. au3l.-6t. COPARTNERSHIPS. WTEE- , —TEE COPARTNERS ri 1P heretofore .existine under the name ofIOYIN R. ISATLACE dc CO. le Tale da dissolved .I.y. real consent, and all aconite mina the latellrni e set tled by JOHN -R. SIKELACR, who will continue the business at the old -stand, southwest corner of PIP TEEI%-and- HAIdaTON Streets. - _- - JOHN . M. SWUM. • • •.• - 'JOHN R. St4al.B.olS. PHILADA., Sept. 1,1864- . • ' • seS•St DBAF MADE TO.: IMAR:-_INSTRII .MENTS to eislef tbli bearing at -P. MADEIRA'S, "115 South TRIITEI Street, below Chestnut set-Bt - 13 CARTES tot siTE axle apeelmene of this' etplo or.pboto., graphic Menne Ali who engage them at 624- ARCa. WM be cony - limed of the feel • . :• VOLORED P11PP2101:41.% 1 S FOE, 1,1.50 only arCthe style iiireness_eti to insure per eliaser the most eatisfertion for . Ins money Itoonritte, i ur B b lB and ,RSIEBB'St OlcoAD kr.oot t abov4 I tn. • ""!';'.! •• FRIDAY. SEPTESIBER 2, DM. LARGE AND VARIED STOOK OF GOODS Alt of which Were purchased last season, said will be sold considerably leas than new goods can be imported for. Purchasers:who are disposed to anticipate their wants will find it to their advantage to examine our stook; OUSWEN STODDART & BROTHER:, Nos. :1-50, 4.52, and 4 , 541: N. SECOND St., • above Willow. WATER PROOF CLOAKS, IN GOOD v STY,LBS, at kw than regular prices. CURWM STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 150, 452, and 454 W. SECOND St., above Wißos-. PINTED CA.£IIMERE SHAWLS, - From last season, at $2.50. Closing out Beve;al lots at $3. $3.53. and St " CURWEN STODBART'St BROTHER, Icos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND Si., ite2-3t above Willow ommittite BL A. 1 4 1 . .11K. g- 1". _HOUSEKEEPERS; TAKE NOTICE. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE 41, (FORMERLY COWPIRTRWAIT Sr 00..? N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STS., Are snow offering the largest stock of Blankets to be found to pits city et *aerate prices: BERTH BLANKETS, CRIB BLANKETS, CRADLE BLANKETS, I'M BLANKETS, all sizes. To dealerr, ',*e offer-the beet assortment of all the leading makes., RUT RAN ANTS SAVE THE ADVANCE. aull-mwftf p s LACK BnOADCLOTHS. Black Beavers and. Tricots. Makings and Overcoatings. .Waterproofs by the yard or piece. Flue Black tiassimeres. 'Fancy' Casstrosres, Urge stock. Boys Casslnieres of standard styles. WIDE MEWING& Bleached and Brown Ehirtings. Blankets, good Flannels. - TiCkll4ll,_ Mamie, etc. Tailors' Linings of every kind. Goods by the Piece at wholesale rates. COOPER' & CONKED, E. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. molar von, A NEW AND GREAT 13MIRTION IR HOOP SKIRTS. TEE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OE, DOUBLE) STEEL SPRING. & J.'o. WEST N 0.97 CHAMBERS STREET, Ni/W TORN, Are the owners of the patent and familiar* ttlatiefes turere of this. RETAIL DRT GOODS. URWEN STODDART 41; BROTHER lavtte attemtton. to tb.oir ALL AND WINTER SALES, The stock comprises= POPLTES. FRENCH 2 , 1E1414'0E5: VALENCIA& REPS, MOUSSELINE DE LAME, BROOKE, - LONG, and scusia, SHAWLS. BLANKET SHAWLS, CLOAKS. BLACK and COLORED DRESS MKS. cLoAltmq COMB, &c. BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES. DAMASK TOWELVINGS . and`TABLE ciatiras. J. W. BjUln.rf'S PATENTED DUPLE% ELLIPTIO STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. This invention consists of Duplex for two) rdiptis Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest. most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever used, enabling the" wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bleness, to place and fold the skirt when faunas easiles and with the s=lo convenience as' a' milk or muslin' dress. It entirely obviates and - silences the only objec tions to hoop shirts, viz: the annoyance to the : wearer as well as the public, especially in crowded assemblea, carriages, railroad cars, church pews, or In an Y crowde d pla c e,. from the difficulty of contracting them to occupy ing a small space, This entirely removes the difficultY, while giving the skirt the usual. full and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the .street,opera, promenade, or house dress. A lady haring enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Faliptie Spring Skirt for a single. day, will 'never afterward willingly dispense with the nee of them. They are the beat quality in every part, and by far the lightest, molt durable. comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chante will be supplied as above, and ladies in most first-class retail stores to this city and throughout the different States. ' • . 14: I titt e L f ra e LEPTlO SPRING SKIRTS. IitRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC *LP MIEN.• Very flexible, folded easily when in me to occupy a small apace, making the most agreeable skirt worm For sale by J. M. )I.SI`EgiGII, 90.4 CHESTNUT Street. - - DUPLEX ELLIPTIC BPRING BE.IRT, THE MOST POPULAR dSD DLIXIDDI DX DU. BHTPPPAHD, VdIOI,ISLINOBN, d..IIEISOIL 1008 CHISTNUT Street. FATEXT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT, For sale bY .T. a. MAXWELL Sr. SON, E. Cox. ELEVENTH and. CHESTEtpr Streets BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKINT- - The mated bap. ovement we bare ever men in LIES ' SWlTS.,...arilitp,,uticle of , CURWIN STODDART 1k BRO., 450, 45% r.nd.+B4 N. S&COND St all.WilloW . im34m if 702 - JOHN H. STORES, Ina ARCH STREET. - Striped Shirting Fianna'. Plaid Shiningrlannel., Plain Shirtin Dame& Tahle Linen . g 6-4 to S-4 Brown MUM TableUlBiTAZ " Green, Blob, and-White - Mosquito Nettie .American Crash, Russia Crash. g. Bath 7 owels. . Bathing Flannels- Preneli. Penal, and. Chambray Gingham. JOHN H. STONE'S, 702 i ARCH Street. A LARGE STOCK OF BILKS ON HARD, for sale below the present cost of impoi- . Cation. • . Rich Moire Antiques. • Colored and Black Corded Silks. Colored and Black Poet de Soles. .A rzauros and Gros Grainer. • • Superior Quality Plain Silks. Colored and Black Ottoman Silks. ` Colored and Black Figured Silks. • Heavy Black Tatreilla. • - Supenorßlack Silks. Black Silks of all kinds. „EDWIN HALL & CO.. 26 South SECOND. Stmet • . ARMY, NAVY,' AND Olymi Co ir - noutsv" W. T. SNODGRASS; S.; B. 8 . 1100 ND Street and 113 STRAWBRIZBY Street. A .LABON Slooir OP ALL =IDS OR - MTH% CASSOIPES, TESTINGB, At fsir 4.riesiL Ptirchaaed Wore the rise, ifidtPenderat ofrga4 gambiemby the package, pies., or yard. Our motto is to sou. WC don't peddle. Goole and see our Cask. The Amor and Navy trade hae ow special at traction. anS4m The attention of LADIES ABOUT LEAV..- IRO THEZITY for the '• Sea Shore, '' WS.7 tering Flame,'' or "the Country, is respectfully invited to the extensive . stock ck - of WHITE GOODS, suitable for SUMMER WEAR, for WHITE BODIES. MORNING WRAPPERS. - - An nortensiye'assortinent in offered in Lace •• and Worked Ed age and Inserting% Veils, Handkerchiefs, Collare,Sleeves, end in plain and fancy 'Plaid, Striped, and Figured White Goods. AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THEIR - PRESENT RETAIL VALOR. 100 Printed Linen Cambiic Dresses. 100 pieces Puffed, Tucked, and Striped • E. M. NEEDLES. 1024 CHESTNUT STE EXAMINE OUR LAWNS. Lawns, brown ground, neat figured, 440. Lawns, white ground. neat Spired. 44c. Buckabsolt and Bath Towels. large assortment. Bird's Bye Linen Towels.' Extra size Damaak.Towele. SEetland Wool Shawls Tor tourists, $5. .Bathing Flannels ved and gray. iSSJOHN H. STOKES, 702 ARCH Street fILOSING • OUT EITI/IMBE DEESE ' l / 4 -/ coons AT LOW FAKES:_ • • • A. great variely of styles of this Season's importation,. from 22 cent' to it -: • . • Best Pat:lo'3,l4mm at 22, 4 5 cents. - Figured Brown Lawns at 3734 cants. . _ PrenclrLawnsiat 40, DO, Gland 8734-cents. ...Best. makes .4 Muslin!. Calicoes. Ginshants. and all, kinds of Domes* Goods, far below the manufacturer's Prices White forego and Lama Sb awls_ Silk Grenadine Shawls. 000 all-wool Cashmere Shawls, tit 25, 'mirth *2 50. H. STEEL & SON, Not. 713 and 715 worth TENTH Street. MitUCATtONAL. NORTH RROAD•STRENT AC&DEMY. FOR YOUNG GENTLIMILEN, No. 909 North BROAD Street, Philadelphia. Proteseor J'in Gimp,; Principal. This institution opens ;September sth for application, and September 12th for tuition. There will be a Preparatory and all. Academical De.' Partment, in.whieh the number of pupile shall be li rutted to lb, and the Instruction thoroughly. Classical . • including Ancient and Modern Languages, For refe rences, circulars, and other particulars, apply at the Institution. set-1214 MRS. E. W. SPRINGER WILL BE prepared on. MONDAY. September 6th, com mance-her instructions OIL the Plano-forte. CESTNUT. Street. 3d Door west or 40th, West Plitlada. se2-at. COLLEGIATE AND OONBIEROI - AL.. ACADEMY Mr BOYS, 353 North.TßN'fli•Stre - et, reopens opens MONDAY. September Call for a otreular. set-32V S. HARRIS, P,rlaelpal.. ACADEMYRIENDS' FOR BOXS, le: rear of 41 North STAYS:NTH 8 reek, 'wens en the 6th inet. •J. 6 per term of 23 weeks. A N denomeMs• Mow admitted. • ,502.41 m LEGAL. ------ - THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR . 4 . THE, CITY OD, COMM 011.111).WELPRIA. Ratan cf JOHN w, PU.uNELL, dececieed. The auditor apt ointed In audit, settle, ancLudjust the second account of. J. G. BRINELL,. Adwinie rotor of J. W. S. PURNELL:, dammed and , to ILL alc e distribution, the duties of his appeSnlntent on FRI DAY, the leth day of Septembet, A. D. 1.56.1: at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office; Ito. 271.. South, Raga Street., in the city et Philadelphia. • ee2-fmwst NICKEL. ORE. FROPOSAItS WM receive 4 - brute - CONISEC r iIOVT NqNII4 - 6 CO NICKEL. QE E "". ' MINES, ' in lots of not ..lesolban 1.00 TO/poiellvarod at the 11'8111'08d Depet laiLflehiteld. • - . Theta Ores }Ave hien analyzed' at diMent limes by well-knblvi Chemists, whore .reportn thereog . can be had at the ottlee t. 6 Company, 1.34 WALNUT Street, Phil G. BIOFtaIS, abal.w (mate Abet. Secretary.' IPEOTOGII.A 2IIS or LIPB•SIZ, 'CO -- Loma) OIL; are naquoationably the most ~ trittitfitt portrait& piade Sseiwolutens stxte, ince Whin, and Apish at 13. r44Nital.gallerT,TrilL hoot:.&t„. FINAVCL&L. Lco.a.ri orks PROPOSALS FOR 1.041LN, TREAVItt DEPARTMENT, Anne 30,1864 SEALED OFFERS will ite received at thie, Depart ment, under the Act of March. 9, until 110013. of YIIII3AY, the 9th of September, 1861, for bomb/ of the United States, to the amount of about thirty-one at.'d a half million dollars, being the amount of unaccepted otrers at/disposed of ander the notice of Proposale Loan, dated 6th June but Tree bonds will bear an an mud interest of ft per centum, payabmsemi-annaally,in coin, on the drat days - of Jelly and January of each year, and redeemable after the 30th of Jane,lBBl. Each offer mutt be for fifty or one hundred dollars, or some multiple of one hundred dollars:mad must state the sum, including premium, offered 'or each hundred dollars in bonds, or for fifty, when the offer is forno more than fifty. Two per cent. of The principal, en cludingpromtum, of the whole amount offered. must lte deposited, as guarantee for payment of subscription if accepted, with &lie Treasurer of the United, States,-at washietgeria,or with the'Assietant 'Fichte:mar, at New Turk, Boston, Philadelphia, or St. Louis, or with . the designated-depositary at Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincin nati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or Bbilitle; or with any National Banking Assochttfoh authorized to receive deposits which may consent to transact the business without charge. Duplicate certificates of deposit will be issued to depositors by the officer or association re. ee t v ipg them; the clHotrictis of which bind be forwar,V-- ed, with the offers, to the Department. 'All deposits should be made in time for advice of offers, With certift-- metes, to reach Washington not later than the morning, of September 9th. No offer not accompanied by its proper certificate of deposit will be considered: . The Coupon and Registered Bonds issued:will be of the denominations of ilk% ISICO; WO, and $l.OOO. Hi:en tered. Bonds of $5:006 and islo,ooo will also lie issued,-it required All offers received Till be: opened on Friday,- the gtb: SePtember. filivawards will be made by the Secretary to the highest offerers, and notice of aoseptauce or de clination. will be immediately the respective offerers ; and, in case of acceptance, konds of the de scriptions and denominations preferred will be sent to the subscribers, at the cost* the liepartment, on final payment of instalments.- The : origitnOleilosit' of two' per cent. will be reckoned- :in the laselitstalthent paid .by successful offerers, and will lie immediately returned: to those whose offers may not be accepted: The•amouut of accepted' offers must be deposited ...with the Treasurer or other ottiber or asimelatimz authorized to act under this notice,•bn hdideeof aeomitance bf offer, or as follows : One:third, on or 'before the lith; one third, on:or before the 19th; and the balance, including , the prendum, and original two per cent. deposit, Oa or before. the 24th of September, Interest , on bonds wil/ begin with the date 'of deposit. Parties preterrivr May pay the Reamed interest from date of bond, July 1, to date of deposit in coin. Offers nyder this notice should be endorsed "Offer for Loan, and addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury; The right .t 0" decline- all offers not considered advan tageous is reserved . to the -Gevernaeht. W. I"."Vg4ENDEN, Seel Glary of the Mastery The boadstorihts Loan'are ready for iminediate dd livery) sea nif 1 . 40A.W; IT. - The Secretary of the Treasury giree notice that stlb scriptionswill be received for Coupon- Treaaury Notes,- payible three years from Amend 15th. 1864; with semi annual interest at the rate of seven and three-tenths Per cent. per annum-Prlncipal and interest both tote paid in lawfsl money. These notes will be convertible, at ,the option of the holder, at- maturity, into. six-per -cent. gold-bearing bonds, payable not less than:five nor more than twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO, and ss,ooe,and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or somernultiple of fifty dollars. As the notes draw Interest from , August .15, asrsons making depssittrsubsecroentle that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Panties' depositing treaty-five thousand,dollers and upwards for these notes at =roue boallottreal a commission of onatettnerter of one-per cent. SPUTA AIWM4TAGES OF Tpis-wor IT IS , A -NATIONAL SAVINGS BA.Ml,•eifering higher rate of interest than any other, awl the best security. Any savings bank which•paya'its depositors in 11. S. Noles, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the Country, and It cannot pay in anything better, for its, own assets' are either in Government securities er in notes or ' bonds •payable in Government paper. Convertible into a Six.Dement. 540 Gold Bond.. in addition to the very liberal , interest on the notes for „three years, this privivilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent. per annum, for the carrent rate'for 6.20 Bonds is notless thaw wine pen cent.. y re ~n: um;an3 before th - e - *slitherrirei2V4 orrkix-per 11. S. stockS was over twenty per cent. it will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than temper cent..per annum. Its Exemption from State or Minkloot Taxation. But aside from all the advantages we have enumera ted, a special act of Congress exempts all Bonds awl Treasury Notes from local taxation. On the average. this exemption is worth about.two.per cent. per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts of the country.. It is believed that no securities offer so great induce ments to lenders as those issued• by the Ctoyernment. In all other forms of indebtedness,.the faith or ability of private parties; or stock companies, or separate Com,. =unities; only, is pledged for payment,while the whole Property of the country is held to secure the discharge of elf the obligations of the United Statee, • SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BR RBOBITBD by the Treasurer of the United State's, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Delesiteiles, and by the..• First 'National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. - Second ,Natienal Bank of Philadeephia; Pd. . Tlitrd atioxal Bank. of Philadelphia, Pa. Fourth National Bank of Fiala,lphia, Pa And by all Rational Bunke which Are dePcslittessof public money. and ALL RESPECTABLE BANRS,AED BANKERS throughout the country wiligiye. further infairanctista. and AFFORD EVERY pAcmrir TO itriISORIERRII. anZ-1.2t 10-40 ° °uP°llß . , DUE IST SIPTEMBIUL , 5-20 COUP,ONS, Bought at beet rates. at 13-10 t II TT Q NEW. TOO S. Balscriptigna received, .and the Nates.fart nished free of all charges, by GIORDE .T. BOTD—Baaker, aralegni South THIRD Street. 0I L S-TlO Ki. B- Bordaiti ILND SOLD ON .00XDUSSION Any latarmAtion given required.. P A 1\ 1 1:Ei R, (R. 'HU E- - Yy 11110.11EXIS, . • No. 54- SOUTH TIIIIP,STREBT. OM STOCKS. BOUGHT AND BOLD ON'CORMISSION. GEORGE J. BOYD, ES Sonth.TRIED Street, CAMBRIA. • IRON COAILtANY-1,044 'Blares .0' Stock of the above Comnanv tor. sale. APO/ . to 4pW, 0. - ORASODX", sel.6t* . D CrCff. Streit. R E A BURY D r EPA_II 7111 RN T,- .A. , AIII3UST 24, 1901.—NOTICE TO HOLDERS. OF 'THREE '}EARS SEVEN-THLRTY 4NOTE6 BATTU) OCTOBER 1, 1864. Holders of Seven-thirtylwotes_dated October 1,,19t11,, are b erehy notified that they may be Presented.imme diately. in any amount, to be exchanged for Six ; Per • Cont. Bonds falling due after June 30,1981. The interest on the Seven-Thirty Notes will be settled np to date of maturity, October 1, and the Six. Per Cent. Bonds will bear full coupons from July The a dinetment of interest will be made by deducting , from the amount of interest found, to. be, due on the I Skeen-Thirty Notes up tq October 1, the , interest ac , anted on the Sty Per Cent. bonds from Jtilyi to October. 1; the balance Will be transmitted by the Treasurer's coin draft immediately mien settlement. The following regulations in relation to endorsements. ; must be carefully obteryed: Where notes transmitted tor settlement yrere , issued, payable to order, and ; am held and transmitted by she original owners, they must be endorsed by them, Pay to the Secretaryof the TressurY fer redemPtion and bonds will issue in their name. Where notespayable to,order are held by other.partles.. than the original owners, the notes must have the en dorsement of the original owners, and also be endomed. by the present owners, "Pay to the. Secretary or the, Treasury.for redemption. '' For notes Mimed in blank, endorsed "Pay ire Abe. Secretary of the Treasury for redemption," boralie will be Issued to the parties transmitting them', an in Bubb., manner as the - , may direct. When notes are endorsed or transmitted by an at torney, admlulstrator, executor, or other - ageast, they must be accompanied 'by a daly,certitled COPY er.cartittll. cate of the authority under which he acts: ; aid in all cases by a letter slating the kind, (reeisterede,Or coupon). and the deuomumtion of theSlx„PeeCent. 139nde wanted. in exchange. When Registered Benda are ordered,, parties should state at which of the fo3lowing places they wish the. interest raid, viz: New York, PhiladOphia, Hoeton,, Baltimore, New Orleans, Chicago, St. Lamle. or Clnclit, nati.. W. P. WINSENDEN, ttualat Secretary of the Treaeur AUDEN GOODS. FOR THE ARMYWO) NAVY. VAN - A.I%T Ar. 11. SSA.I4.X.A, MILITA.R.Iir FURNISHERS. 418 ARCH. BTRIET, PHILADELPHIA.` 'Basmett. Estimate and Comientinste. 'Moro' %tithe% Belts, Pazazzta. Epaulets, 'Rata. aims. Can, teens, Envermoks, Cam 'Site Field. Glasses, Bputt maul evenraus liirtainint to' the complete nett; or Army and Nefi c T, CHUM. talbersti 4 ( 1 1 0 44 elliried lo,Eh a trail:. ,TRUSS ,1100 PS CQOPERS p Platt) at the eberteet netiettat NO 411 PlitlN St. "sal,lto •• • • • • 3'4. 1144 D 40% • NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE MOV S MENT CU RE ..,, USW ADITION TI TEIFOILY AND PEACTICI r OF lifo l lll. MINT CTRS; or the Treatment of rarely's* Indigo,- ttoo Constipation. Canenmptlon,_Curtatnre. and other Defostnitlea, Derangements of the Nervous #yatetxt,, &c-• ae-c_hr the Swedish System of fi l ocalized Move meats. 'By Charles Fayette Taylor, M. D. With /1" Instrations. A NEW KIIVISZIV EDITTOR. PUBLISIIIM THIS DAY BY LINDSAY & BLAWSTON, Publishers and . :Irsellere, No. 25 South antra iktilek. A GRADUA E, AN EXPERIEMOEI:I TEACHER of the Maisie@ slid higher Eaßlish breeches, whi l es employment 4411 rthate Peter (or the afternoon or awning. Address "Ilendent.— Chestnut Atli P. 0. se24niwilt" i opmaitstill ISEL PRA.CTICAIL GERMAN entrain VOR A errusT2oN as Chemist in alAhoratory. Is a rand nate of the Gorman Schools, MEd hits free Pottle Yearorthemiet in a Laretory in Ho• Mato Anal in Torte. Dtplome. referercat e ac., even. re& A.' 0 .17LIKAN'p afrraL, 3111tacerst. 31:Ste A - 2XPERIENCID TEACIVER OF Puede' and Weiss; Baldish Breaches ensiles BK. PLOTMENT. Address'StralierA, ' Inquirer aloe. stdZiewfBr, WANTED -A . SACKS MAN 1 A. Wholesale Hard Ware Hoene:. mast have a ktrow ledge of the boatmen, and be akr:e to Staluonee crude. None but a Sober and attire man ailed apply. add se, with references, L. A," this °Wee. 8 e2.5 r. WANTED TO RENT-h, LARGE "UP . ; PER-STORY ROOM. Address. S B. SUYDAM, Read Dress manufacturer, 934 COATES Street. it. WANTED-A 000 D COLORED BOY, 16 or lkerars of ate, In a wholesale house Ad dress • • Box " P. 0. eel -0i WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN, EM PLOYMENT for the Evenings. Address "Me ceesft7. Press office. eel-2t• WANTED -A SITUATION BY A Lady of the highest respectability , to take the chaige of a filehtlemau's house. Address Mrs. LEWIS, 1315 WALEIIT Street. ael-M* WANTE D-A SITUATION, BY A young man of over five years' experience in the Dry Goods and Eotion business. Address M. A. D. . " Pres* office. liNr ANTE D—A SITUATION, AS Book- kseper. Dr a graduate of Eastman's Busi ness College. The best of reference slim address, for two dare, "H. G.," Press Ohm. .1.2 t WANTED. ---A HOUSE ABOUT DE CLINING buelnese desire to find a situation far a trustworthy and' competent young mans now to their employ, as assistant book - keeper . Address Box 1602 Post Office • selAt* EItIFLOYMBNT BOIMB, TICE LA:BO est and most reliable for oily and country. Hai always a goodaelection o f capable persons, with good reterenosig Llnericans, Irish,' English, French, Ger. mans, Scotch,. Welsh, and newly-landed enilgranta, Gardeners, Farm Bands, Coachmen, Watchmen, Ea. Cooks, Chambermaids, Seamstresses, Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Housework Servants. Also, Colored*Ssrvanta. Boa. EttlE and 804 LOCUST Street, above TEAMSTERB WANTED, omn , QtrAIRSTRRMASTRINI OPTION. • • DoPOT OP WILEMINGTON Wasargorms D. 0., August IS, 1264. WANTBD„at ooco, .Five Hundred (600) to One Thom sand moan TRAMSTEREte each capable of driving' wick • Made litre and" Managing si./fmnle teams. TO mob who are competent to perform the duty, the . pay per month' will bfrthirty-five (26) dollars. with one • fatten per d ay. and- hospital' privileges , including the best' medicial attendawien• Man. relan exPerlenced as m Masters reedy. snob , poettiont upon briligtng title point twenty. five (26) good Teamsters: • apply to Captain' 0RA122410 H. TOMPKII46, A. Q. M. U. 8' A: . corner of TWINTY-EOWOND and 0 Streets. Wash ington) O. D H. RUMOR. Brigadier Chimera and Chief Qttartermasbar. rude-teed Depot of Washington. 25 DOLIJARB A: DAI ?-WANTED, Ladies and dkptletnen of intelligence and Food edtcatlon, td establish a permanent and w pay ing business in every 'city 'in America. Particulars will be forwarded by addreaslng: with stamp enclosed. O. RI:MASA, 1) , Box 1980, Plilladerphia, Pa, au 1-6t* WANTED=BY THE 15TH SEP matember,s ROME; .between Fhe std Arch and Sixth sad Eighteenth Streets. Trent, from $l.OOO to $l2OO. Add rem 9011'W.LLNUT Street. an:3l.-3t* THE EITBSCRIBER WISHES TO Parebase (for °sail) a We of one or two haw dred acres, in Northern or Western Pennsylvania lf mast he in good calibration. with ail the Iresesaal braidings for is well-reated farm. Address 'J. D., Box 384. WASHINGTON. gsd •D. O. anSant -WANTED-A-FIRg PROOF FOR CLOTHING made to order. 4.ddress Box MS Frir eel 3t CITY POINT, VA;, AUWOBT 7, 1882. 300 'X'earrustersi Into will receivee highest rates of Government say. rations, and medical attendance. ' 4 Transportation famished by applying at No. Alia PENNSYLVANIA Avenue. Waahia j kua, D.O. FOR SALE AND . TO • LET,. LANDS -A FEW PARTIES; BY `L." clubbing together, canpurchase, for cash. if ap plied for immediately, a choiee"tract' of land' Ye tango county, Pennsylvania, partly detelopsd. Shares $5,000 each. E. BRADY, 35 South FIFTH St: se2-2t*r FOR SALE-AN OLD-ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURING BUSINEW in ay:immoral ope halm. Inquire at 500.MAREBT. Street; Re 2t* TRUCK AND PEACEL BAS -3,00Q KWH jest receivedand for s 11.0 WE EUSTON, 157 and 159 liortai TFURD•Street. p THE PUBLIC. We have now ready for dietribution the following REGISTERS. Please call or sendyoar address for co pies, andplease inform your friends IA here they can be accommodated with bargains in REA 4 ESTATE. PHILADELPHIA HOUSE REGISTER. PHILADELPHIA BUILDING-LOT REGISREVR. PENNSYLVANIA FARM REGISTER: _ DELAWARE COUNTY FARM REGISTER: MONTGOMERY COUNTY FARM REGIBTFra. CHESTER COUNTY FARM REGISTER: BUCKS COUNTY FARM REGISTER,' BEDFORD COUNTY FARM REVISTER: NEW JERSEY , FARM REGISTER.' DELAWARE: FARM REGISTER. MARYLAND FARM REGISTER. 123% No T t OW OURTMStr e CO, - • ALL" THE NECESBA.BY MACHINE BY, TOOLS, and STOCK established Iron Manufactory, now in tau operation. for sale. Neces sity to lease the city being cause of - sale. Address WK. BlellAltDS, West Pbtiadelphia. set-2r FOR SALE-A ODIXTSE4VERD FALL ING-TOP WAGON, in nood...order;: sold for the want of use. Apply S. W. corner NINTH and CHEST NUT Streets. set 2t* /ft 11 ,FOR SALE, mume, BELOW ITS ma. real Table, with immediate Peueeeten,Dwelling No. lelSereen stvet. B, F uLENN. ao274Tif S. W , •cor. SEVENTEENTH and GREEN: al. FOR - SALES , CrEigakerEßM.A.l4l- Jaa-TO'W.N COT.PAGL. corner Green and Johnson. streets. !Cottage 87-feet front, containing n rooms. Caniage'lonee,, tee. house spring house, Rob Pond, beautiful lawn, and everyaing,to make it a desirable residence. Lot 856x116. feet. Also many others near bY. ' GLENN, an27-tf it'l23 South BODIN% Street, DIM IST NOVEMBER.. DEBX.SL ,gc .00 •;$1.6. FOR gALB,A.ITIAAIDIABLE FARM of 140 amen, endproport7, in Montgomery county; good busman Bland; good? tralidingat plenty of fruit, ahade,.water, &a. Frio -only MODO. All our .Farm IlegieteptAre now ready OEGLROR N. , LTOWSSEND At CO., no. trait Eonth POVRTH Street. aria OPTION, DEPOT OP REPAIRS. LRMIOI OriSRATINI3 AGAINST BIeHMOID W'A N T E 50•Vg - 3ieellv - rizb.tows 50 Bia,ckeinltlier • awed 20•Carriaage 'X'ir',umors E: J. STR*NG, JAMES 111: REMY, Quartermaster's Aleut. WATERPOWER TO RENT. APPLY to DAVID DELILLAS. Newark. Del. an2-Sta Uw S. INTERNAL REVENUE. NOTICCEI-41. ar INTERNAL REVE NDE,-To the residents of the Twenty-second, TiVenyTehird, and Twenty, em wards. Philadelphia, Fifth Collection District. Penna. The annual assessment for the above•named distrid, of all persons liable to tax on hedonics. Carrtagcs, Pleasure Yachts , Milani:l.2lmb lee. and Go/d end Silver Plate. andalso of all persons required to take out Li censes, havingheen crime:Axel. notice it hereby given, . that the.taxee aforesal for the Twenty-second and Twenty fi lth wards wit •be received at tilt. office, LANOSTROTIOS simatteck 91.11MANTOWN. and those of the Twenty- third ward at the office. FRANK FOND Street,FRANEFORD oa and after MONDAY, August let, between u 7 hears of 9A M. and 3P. X. NALTILS. All persons who to pay their annual taxes. ex above, on or before Wire 10th day of September. 1361, will Incur a penalty of ten per cent. additional of .he amount thereof and...soak as provided for In the 19th election of the Excise Imw of July 1,126'L All personit who, in like manna?, shall fall to take out thair licenses, as re red by law, on or befor. the 10th d3,~y,0f September, .wELI incur a penalty of ten per cent. additional on the amount thereof, forfeit three times 'the amount of said licenses, and be imbject to titerm of Imprisonment totem:4(3B4lns two years; in accordance with.tbeprovisionn.o/ the 19th and 69th sections of the Excise. Liw aforesaid, and the 24th section of the aMendmentaihereto. Money 0? the United States Only received. No further notice will be given. .1 W. COWE6L. Collector. July 37, 11584. set-inell) PIIILADELPBT TTNITEI).STATES INTERNAL REVE- Ls 'NUE. —First Collection District of Pennsylvania, comprising the Second. Third. Bousth, Fifth, 'Sixth. and EleventbsWards of the City of Philadelphia. °TICE. Th,e annual.asseasment for 1661 fagthe above: named district., of. persons liable an d tax on Carriagee, Plea sure Yachts, billiard Tables, Gold and Sliver Plate, and also of persona required to take oat Licenser, hav ing been completed. TATICE 16 HEREBY GIVEN, : 'That the taxes aforesaid will bomceived daily by the undepsigned, between the hears ore A. Id. and P Sundays excepted. at his Office. No. 304 CHESTNUT Street. 'second floor on and alter THURSDAY. Sept. 14E,, and until and including 6ftiarday, Sept. 24th. next ensuing. PENALTIES. 41 1 Persolle who fail to pay their annual taxes upon earrNtges,. billiard tables, pleasure yachts, and. gold ens silver plate, on or before,the 21th day of September, Ited. willing= a penalty of ten per centum additional of the amount thereof, and be liable to costs. ae pro 'Aided for in the 19th section of the Excise Laws of let of July. SS& Ali Pe.ll9llllVho in like manner shall fell to take out their LiCeDIA.B. as required by law, on or thebefore 24th day of September, 1661, will incur penalty o ten per cantina additional of ibe amount thereof, and be nub . 11“ toe Prosecution fda three times the amount of saidj ax, in accordance with the provision , of the 6.9 th seer Iron of the law aforesaid. All. payments are, required to be made in treasver notes, under aothosity of the United, Stateat, or in notes of banks organlvidoinder the anmta provide a Nat e Currency, knowaas National 8ar4 44 . No fart her notice will be give • • • JESTER H . Collector; se2-ts24 No. 34. CHESTNUT Street. " s. MATERNAL REVENTE„ I Tag e2 Olf PiP First. Socosd. tgiPahßiarioti of Pant sylcaoia, No. )41.26 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA. 0. aumrEar. CORRECT PI4NO TIINI G.- ?dr. SAYIOIIIIT siva& notice of his . reaurn to this city; and • ramliness to manna business bp the It SONmber All ords • received as masa at AL & 00'8 stere,•9o7 GSM = Street. anss.bss PEIRENOLOGIOLL EXAMINA., t TI MM with tall descriptions of akaraadar_,evala DAY and EVIMINO. by "Writl " rnbf~vfrm6m Ilfo. Si Smith perm* CORN". , STARCII.— 400 BOXE 08 wog° and Drayeery cc= suirchl slss, sol x ) xes lona. for sale tty Risomis & WILLIAMS, wolpt. BAZAA% zultill AND 6414. 60M STNERB AUCTION SALE or *my. -oxsarAnse. Amy H ON SATURDAYA IM cIEIU ! At 10 o'clock, com ls T ln Y t H0.11886', milted to bar and the saddle. • A large collection of desirable now tond . ROWS& haai carriages. wagons, Sie., with which qie seer "wig science. Also, MAO, sad doable ha near, nate; bridietv &c. No'reMtiOtteMelit om steurziet of *Annie?. ,Mil—'earrtsgeg st prilYtta tate. Aar Auction &aloof Mfoos oo sel-2t A.LPItSO HSRKIs Bak Antlrititt. ATrOnoN . S AL isitoCritfirict NATI YABV, • By older of BearetAnifel Hlhm PiOldline 17. Commandant of tia N. T said i .on al n , ir sh a tf o c,,. , p artrittrc k... baleYa.batSepPrradatibetliAllerrielittii:ltpetpoti'uelir. -Is : 0W RAI of Dawns e . BlpYings. A lot of &lap Leatbar.. I email Etiolne: 11 Bortr. o l. tal ltrpriaka 13, - Itarar A lot of Soralorettorn Larther. •- A lot of Hard Coal cmgBr3- 3 lot of Iron !Torte% Several Condemeed er Wood-Btu. . • . • Teety per cell: 01 the pun. „teOtedyrist Si posltef. t time of safe, at, toY .d aye sel.llZii El° wof tat remove. th e evod f;tna; hd the yara. audit AO: so restoisi? the deroelt will be 7 orfetted to th e , Goveyninent. Ark paymetle to be medellt Governtrart eerrelthY, Ithd be fore the yawls are removed from trokyard. D.. 2. T. MARGRALL , C. 6. aavr. Storekeeper.. N•vr r AND; nEW Anan6t,.3864: sa3l-4 OFFICE DEPOT COUNIIBSA.RY OP SUBBLEttkr(CE. WAsiroccr:Trer, D. C., knu'it . 26..11344. Will. be etgll at .publit ..weetion, on, gent. sth, 1964, at 11 , Orelock.A.. hf.,..t the Sixth-street wharfs Wit*hington. Di C., the folUviiasi public property. 1.4 good condition, via: One thonsand',oo9oll3eef Mires, tatted: Fifty.two (92) Beef Hidec, Eleven (11) abte:,7Blcinc. Terms cach, In eevrernment fineda. • 6. C. , Ckltarn'azici C. S. V. _ in 29. 6' a A"C CTION SiLE OF CONDFOIie z-m-. HORSES. Wag Toupin:llmM Oay.amtv ECNIAII,CP7P2dO OF COMP QOYAIMBIIanoIIiP Waar.ivirroo, D. 0., Augusta, 10j. Will be sold at pub li c metiOnAo the kiglest biddeir, ,• at the times and places named brdo_ ,w Reading, Pennsylvania THURSDAY, Anginelk. M AI SC toona, Pennsylvania. "lIIIYESDAY., AOrast 26,10154-, Le banon, rennarlvanie, THIIRSDLY, Septem b er L • Harrisburg, Pehnsylvanis, THHRSDAT. 'Sei , terober 8, Mt. TWO' HijefDltitil (7)3)rialedri Rome at each elsed, ' These ,Hones Imre beet atm:del:tined ea untft tin tire: ' Caves' 'service of the Army. For -Hold and PaTea.:Dart>ciieb,silliAY good basaatar '- ` insy be had. Bones sold sing?! Terme: Cash in rated States Currener. JAMES A. ESTI, Lieut. Colonel and Chief Quartermaster. . Cavalry B • - • - MRS. JOHN MlTUrir"frfrEW":Altelt- STREEP THEATRE. gage Manager"... W.B FREDERICKS. Business Age nt and Treasurer SOS D. MURPHY. 0 NINO WORT OF THE sEASODI: MRS. SORE DREW aa "LADY TEAEI,E." New Drop Curtain, New &Denary, Nol. Decoratio n ., Carnetlngs. &c. OLYI FAVORITES AND NEW FACES! On SATURDAY EVENING. Septetatter3d. 1884. 'lhe performance AlRS on:imam:4l;llth RATIORAL BE THE ORCHESTRA- Dnrina which. the NEW ACT DROP will be exhibited. To be followed byShoridim's Dant Comedy of TFIB sawn FOR scAIDAL.• LADY TEAZLE... kW- Candor ___ _ .. Mrs: Thayer (Her first appearanbe for Ara years.) Mariya Sneerwell Nish ss Mono E. Prisms L . ati Ki - .. Sir Peter Teazle Mr. Griffith" Sir Oliver Surface • • ' Hr. Wallis Charles Surface s . Mr. James Carden (nom the Loudon aid Dublin. Theatres. His first sp.- , pearanoe in this city.) ' Joseph Surface _. .... . _ yr.. Walter Donaldson ....... ..- ........ -.--- - -_ (Fromß . Thl DT York.lll first ' ' this ____U's. ow BaPPearaltce 131 Theatre.l Mr. Crabtree ;... Mr: Stuart Bobson: Mr. Benjamin Backbite Mr. Marlowe, Moses - Mr. 'Frank Tina (Prom the Boston Theatres. me first appearance in this city.) _ __. . _ „ Careless Mr. Robert Craig Snake Mr. 'James'Taylor Trip.. • Mr. HtllTard Sir Toby _Bruno Sir Toby Bumper Mr. E. 'Marble (Hie drst appsarance in this city. r Joseph's Servant ' Mr. Murray (Mis first appearance in this city.) Lady Sneerwell's Servant Mr. Worth Selections from Verdi's "lone,” by the ORCHESTRA. To conclude with the Laughable Farce of - TILE ROUGH BUXOM). ' Mergers .. . Moe C.Seffereon, - (Her first appearance in tbis'Thditre ) Lady Plato ' Mrs. G. E. Griffith (Her first appearance in this city.) Sir Wm_ Evergreen Mr. Taylor - Lord Plate Mr. Wallis Captain Blenheim 'Mr. l Craid • Cousin Joe Stuart Robson. Doom ope at 7. Curtain rises a - SCALE OF PRICEd Dress Circle and Parquet ..... -- Family Circle Secured Seats Orchestra Stalls - Private Boxes $d and 98 Stockholders' Tickets delivered onland after THURS DAY, September let The Box Office will be open for the sale of Tickets and Reserved. Seats at 10 A. M. on Thnrsday. - Sept_ Ist.' The Lessee has great pleasure in informing the pub lic that she bas perfected engagements with STARS OF THE FIRST ORDER OF - DRaII'ATITEX-' CELLENOE, - who will appear in the course of the Season. eel -St R 0 V Elt tS NEW CIATISTINTUT.;. NJ. ETRSET THEATRE. _ THIS EVENING. The great Roinantic, Musical, Pantomimic, Spectacular Drama, ALADDIN, OR-THE WONDERFDT. LAMP. -- - THE LIVING FOUNTAIN OF COLORED WATERS. All the new,and magnificent SCENERY; elegant Pr operties. wonderful Effects, superb Costumes. startitur Transformations. grandiChornaes, and beautiful Eltude. Et Dances, Songs, c. - Family Matinee, SATURDAY AFTERNOON. - Doors open at 2 o'cloch; performance 2.K. Admission SO center cbildren2s. sel-3t esPtak. k. 4. K. WALNUT -STREET T H E A. Tit R.- POSITIVELY LAST NIGHTS.. - THE NAIAD QUEEN, ' The moat interesting, poetically beautiful, and suciew ful dramatic pageant, of the age_ _ THit- EVENINH - AND DURING THE WEEK; • With entitelynewlcettery, most Delightful Music; Et wflderbur Illusions, Gorgeous Costumes, and Sp/etullil Cast of Cbaracters. - . . Oa itIONBAY, Beitember i, the eminenftragedierine, ; WIN BOOTH, • Will appear in hie great rne of HeMUT.' ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS; , . -TENTH AND CHESTNUT Streets. TEMPLE OF WONDERS! SIGNOR BLITZ! TEMPLE OF WONDERS! Signor Blitz! - Signor Blitz! , Signor Bats! OPEN FOR THE SEASON- • Hall Beautifully Decorated and Repaired. Hall Beautifully Decorated and-Repaired. Every Evening,_ Every Evening, Every Evenhadd WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. Wednesday and. Saturday Afternoons. Every Evening, Every Evening, Every , EventaL Change of Performance Constantly. Necromancy,, Necromancy, Neer:Mona/. Ventriloquism, Ventriloquism, Ventriloquism- Birds, Birds, Birds, Birds, Birds, Birds. Admiesion, 25 Cents. Children, 15.Cente. Reserved' Seat*, 50 Cents. Evening Performances commence at 73(.. Afternoon at 3. ae27-tf SCOTTISH GAMES.-THE? S IX T H L ANNUAL GAMES OF THE CALEDONIAN CLUB will be celebrated at WASHINGTON BE (BEAT, On MONDAY, Sept.. 4th. Cars leave THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Streets at AK, 10, 114 - , 1,2%, and 4 o'clock. Excursion Tickets, including car-fare, 50 cexts • gate tickere. 30 cents. se2-3t. - 'D. WRIGHT, Secretary. TIA.N CING ACADEMY, 625 . •ARCH STREET.--B. L. CARPENTER has the honor of informing his friends and those who-desire learning DANCIR St for their immediate cirales and soirees, that be is now ready and active to give lessons, either pri vate or in classes, to Lad les, Guitlemen, or Misses and Masters...' Mr. CARPENTER is always punctual and can be seen at any hour daily, and evening's threngb. the week. daring all the Seasons. Mrs %to L. CAR. PENTER will preside on the Piano-Porte, CoNSTAN, TINE L- CARPENTER, the Young. Master, will assist In teaching Juveniles. D. L CARPENTER, sel-6t 5 . 625 ARCH Street. THE.ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS r - - A- CHESTNUT Street. above Tenth, is OPEN' MUST, for visitors, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. je49 IiDEBBONAL.-JEWELRY - SENT BY -A- mail free of postage to any part of the.thilted States, . on receipt of the following pyices Single stone Imitation , Diamond BILIS".$ 1 ; Cluster imlistionDiamond.Blug,ll3i. . Heavy Plated Vest Chains. $1 ;.Heavy Plain Rings, (will stand the strongest acid,) 50 cents magnificent Plain Bing, $1 ; small round black- enanielled• Bar Drops, 50 cents; heavy plated black. enamelled Sleeve Buttons, 25 cents; Gents' single stone or cluster imita tion Diamond Pins, $1 ; Bracelets, -$l-: handsongdy chased Medallions, $l.l complete este Carbuncle.Stu.da and Buttons, $1; . ,complete sets black. enamelled (Bute and - Rattans, with pearl setting, $1 ;quer Watch Keys, fCcents ;Pen and Pencil. withexteusion case, 31; Ladles" Long Guard and Chatelaine Chains, $1; Chats /eine Pius. $1; genuine Guilt& Percha. Pins, for hair or likeness, $1 ; Seal Rings, $1; Red: or Black Ball Sas Drops, 50 cents. - .Direct to EMAIL DE PARIBIFOR TB SKIN. The " EMAIL 1/2 PAVIA"- will remove all tam ordisroloratton of the ektr, whether from the eon or* ' from theses air, and is therefore invaluablefor resto ring the vitality and healthiness of the skin, inured by aiSflllf4),_by exposure, or by rapid changes of tempera ture. E.•JOUrls 111 TENTH Street, below Chestnut, is the only - a genefor l'Ernaltde Paris. au26111 eiwzrtithEE4_:-dial BE AkCOON2.IO,, ~ A ....v3i0t0d SLEBPI4 4 10 ROOKS, v.! No. 6 Sootk TWELletil Street: Reference require& - TO RENT, WITH BOARD TO Gl4-. 1113bLkN add4pleasant !noel 11001, small family. APPW.M.M SPRUCE...I:Weak au.9o.tailia6ts FLIGIBLE :1100316 - NOW VAPANT--; -A- 1 at HILL'S. 325 SPRUCDStreet. CO UNTRICi BOARDING-. IT BROoKlPP,,briatat Airy, near the Sta Mon Two. "° l4B now vacant. st.illorint Alm or 14020 • WALNUT Street. an29-St CERTIFIZATE OF EITQQIC L - 05 T.-, Tt e undcasitned loot Csetnblcate No; soLagedsit_ 1511658. for 20 Mares of Stoats in the UNION WANK OP's PUILADELNNII.. Notice - siereby given to all -Arsons interested to slow cause 'why a new oerti Sento. shoalsti not. be Isanict I.Ltbe'Banh in ben of the one toe& an2t..mticke . H. C. 011.7dINAN ALT. rayitteallta, pa„, LOST OR DESTRO YRD ,RY: FIB IV —ca* *ate of %ewe No. :Ne-for .1,0*,' s. ot, the Stota a( th WNW. York and Riddle Cpeakie.Witeu 112 7 :" road.S3OSOLI. Co 6 ; r per tti and hereby .07 f l Apnea . th at xi have mn 44. arMilritLeo MA le lita OLll thereot. A l 1r... Igg CiIdr , 9ERSBICSO• 41101114 SO, 18Ek 1 . ... au.V-merris T IST-41 Ek. 7444 BONDS % rip. 17, On -A-1. for $606, Noy. N1;864-5.4-14 for eala. each, fiviabLa la 'February spit Anglia, to. the 'order of • OSWALD= T20211,P5017, Gekerdtan, of Ilmodorea L Reakirt, amS meeedoreed. A emliestiomfor.paymeret of the same ha.A. been made attee - Treamr,ry Depart - meet. .ttaY lararoM• idoeLwill be meitebly rewarded hi . TIM N. RIAW.T.. Me 7W-A__arAV-3t --roes.• 4-V4, I iTOR 'NEW earigAliS7. LA:a VIA lOW YORE. The.. Ocean Winn RaTigatiOn COMpAlleg, • -SylaNDlOusw STEAMSHIP EVICT El AMERIQA, CL OS Tons Bcrrlgni, Is now receiving freight, and will nil B,lt slum oa MONDAY. Septen tier Otn, it 9 A. M. No freight received or bill* of ladin,g idgqpi oa tue as, of failing. ror freight or yeetutge apply to ''VITTATENItir norm, .DRIAWARZ w e sersa inr.—Taie place bribig been eo mnei crowd during the the ukonth ny aa wi • prevent mat Persons teem visiting it, notice o v that the place will be kept open during the year., % ti l, bin Im opportunity to those who wish. to visit It the months of September Lad October. the moat deltsat • fel scasolicf the ear. _ eave, OWE on Depot at 7,10 A. and arrive the 0 LI;) w wcobfizeolk.rrorrt awn-41, AVCTION SALM -. ARIVISFAMENTIL Mm. - .i15 . 11N DREW PERSONAL. ESTLIS at. MANN. 918 ;LACE B,tieet, ;i3oAurapre. LOST AND FOUND• CHAS. P. DIAH6EihtAN, Comm=leg, A. HERON, 3a., & 00., 126 Math DRIAWABX Avow*. 51.1 gaiter- 26 •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers