A SWINDLE. adresilay night one or the oOrpe Or report bt p per took passage In ear No. 24 green leNht Fourth and Walnut streets, deslrtnarto 3 S 11 3 b€Iil part of the city. Passage had mu on the upper part of the runt-, In a mar Pe Me company, that turned up Walnut The enndnetcr gave a trip ticket, pass, or 'Mich he said would entitle the holler to go mr .1 . the same line, but not en any of tile Hl's travelling south. from Walnut Pas. inp been token In oar 22, between 11 and eh above stated, the cheek or pass, printed presented to the enntinet , w : ,>•0-0:>0000.0.<>00.040.00 0 10D FOR THIS DAY ONLY, WITILNESD&Y, iil7Ol:7BT 21. H. H, WILSON, Secretary, Elglab and Green streets. ...0-000•040 CKX><><>'X' 4 ><>o<><>4 at was refused, and the passenger was to pry six cents extra. Numerous own. - 0 been mode In respect to these tickets In our cm, the company or the eon slx cents Illegally. ,sSENOER RAILROAD 'PARE. , r of the passenger railroad companies bnliabcd the six-cent rate end reinsti• live rents. On and after toe Ist of the exchange ticket system will be ens died. NO tickets will be Issued, except 'lts to be -used without additional pay Ms. SONS O 1 TEMPERANCE. f Temperance will make a grand ex tlantic Olty to-day. Of course It will Ma the best of the excursions made to ring the season. CAST/AMMO. Ivey, awed 110 years, was badly injured lock Nesterday morning by the caving in I earth upon him at Nixon's paper mills, He was taken to the hospital. 3, eircut half past nine in the morning, knocked down and run over by one of Exptvvs wagons, at Third and Arch itdmdes are quite serious. mill, a lad 01 Six years, while looking Ws parade yesterday, had his right shed 11 a es r of the Spruce and Pines 4. He was taken to the Pennsylvania OF THE KEYSTONE CLUB 1011 CITICAGO. linlf.pßFt nine &clock last night, the tub, several hundred strong, preceded erphts brays band, marched from their Ohestnut street, and took the train for THE POLICE. ,more Mr. alderman Battler.] FORGERY CASE. nil arrested Mr obtaining a piece of J. Lester, as mentioned in The Press woe arraigned at the Gentrat Station :ternonn, under the foll..iving' title : millet, alias Labrousse, alias Gallen.n, Menne elicited in reference to the trans- Mr. Lester, carpet dealer, rally nom item In yesterday's Pt PM The follow lel end Interesting particulars were de -1 July 21st 1860, the defendant, under the me of Henry (miaow°, 3.1.. D., celled dein:lent of Britten El 3, near Sixth and •sue. sod desired to porches° a wagon driving him to and from Men tyunk. is shown him, and afters parley la which. reduction in the price, said he would t come, however, until about 9 o'clock coor ,811(1 purchased the earriige, giving .11 fur 4300, signed Henry Lahrousse, e ^k, was presented the following day at ul it was returned, It being valueless. wing day an affidavit WU made at the ion, and the fraudulent cheek WO de- Inv Huntley. These important do exhumed from the archives of the lon, and placed in evidence against the was fully identified as the min who oak, end obtained the carcLige largo wee adduced against him. It the afternoon of 25th of May, 1864, Miaineci, at the dry-goods store of Hr. ;cars. on Arch street, articles to the 17.70.f0ra bleb he gave a chock I,e, the signed as follows s "P. G,tllean. 221. Meth Follett' This was also found to lue, upne presentation at the bink. The was committed in default of 42,000 to here are several other transaotions Mon hose that require smile time to be fully tartly developed. aIi.F.R SOLDIER ROBBED. ! , joittitr in the cognomen of August I.rrsignetl yesterday afternoon, on the ;gond Shipley, a soldier, chw ruing de robbing him of the sum of $3OO and a complainant is a wounded soldier, at ,r Hospital. A few days since he was ler the grateful shade of a stately tree, the hospital, and was a wakened by lling the watch from his pooket. The with it, and, Jumping over a fence, distance that made his retreat secure. In reeling his pocket, found all his amounting to $3OO. He recutoised the the bearing yesterday, as the person him Id his watch. The amused was default, of 111,000, to answer the eon iiles Delaware county. Or A VIIGITITE. 0, of Pittsburg, arrived in philmiel wit, and took into custody a young ,iniself Prank Shaffer. He was ar- S(. ukarles on Tuesday last, by Detee he prism er is charged with eteallag watch from a person at Pittsburg a TilE COURTS. ardor isesnelosos—JrnrlxeLndlqir. 1, alias Augustine Letarte, Ldllliam arias A. Vends Linden, were charged 'soy to defraud, by means of false and turporting to be issued by the Brasil. eat. Goston was the only party on r, evidence that he called upon J, M. papermakers, and made a ccntraas f paper similar to that on which the se of the Brazilian Government are represented Maladies an ageat of the tveroment, and hisgood address and appearanoe disarmed the tires of all in the 20th Of February the detectives commenced the search for the parties Aes. Goston was arrested at the ex. chile obtaining a box consigned from The box was found to contain paper ut notes, At the house of Pantie Lin! don lived, a 'quantity of paper and Ad, and Gorton admitted his share in ind gave an order on Doan for the Armes from which the notes wore Consul General of the Empire of 1 hRt Geston was not an agent of his arid teNtldee that the notes produced rei.s. A verdlot of guilty wan rendered. deferred. 11" - Y ITJ IS. MUL ARTICLE 8014 THU HAIR.--There ,S Instances where ladles whose lush' ally short end unhandsome hate, by Floriline, become the fortunate the most beWitching curls. Who . e3t In a Cartoon of the “Flortline tent of snob a desideratum? iF THE Szason.—Those of our reed ,ot yet done so should not fail to visit Eastern Market Cheese Stand of Mr. }Mb street, below Market, and try Peaches and pure Delaware County lee Is diph is universally regarded as a served In Mr. Slooomb , s Inimitable r per excellence. His superior Vinegar, he pure cider, is also a favorite artlole housekeepers. Es.—The busy-body labors without without credit, lives without love, dies and society says: " It was a pity he r." Upon the other hand, the man of tends Intelligently to his own business, id, and always looks respectable from le procures his wearing apparel at the Mottling Hall of Bookhill & Wilson, 15 Chestnut street, above Sixth. AND THB WAIL-MU/11 must 0 2 must oontinue. Slime the commem the prices of everything—Mocking ►ve neoesearily increased. Therefore, everybody to "take time by the fore. save at least fifty per cent, on the tnce on clothing, and purchase at once u! Stokes' one price, fouler the " Con lestnut street, below Ninth.. List! Usti clothier's warning, and call at ones. az, 804 North Broad street, Coal respeotitilly advise his friends and general not togdelay In baying their the risk of paying further advances, ice of his superior stook of large nut, stove, egg, Sco. None to ezoel, for )111ty, or oheapness. aul6.lm AU most anooeositaly treated by J. UmHat and Aurlst, 611 Pine et. Patin. Nn eberge for examination. jrld.tl ALS AT TUE ROTEL& The eh vi N Oat , k, DC Isv York tle ,re Vow York h, D C 'lob, D a mad& AI Le wietoWn i w Jena, .w 'York Turk .dla.ware CO ua la It r co o en Ns.w Totk lark r J nay sto.s. ,T.ll* .isod === r ra... = Bo s'on eb Ho ton ui. bogi'd Haven tutraiu no, York • 'S'b• tt . Pa i I. Pa e. EX I=2l] rf o illlnots Alauttown Who DJ I...rkH 00 e... 1 • I 00 .I:. Nano tl ,ntugton Tee Von JRJol,Mgon, U 8 A L Mirrtson, Baltimore A Heinitot, Now Orirans John F Peck, Wit...bingo:ln J R Lowther, Newport, "Ps CT WurleS. Lexinictua.K9 Mrs Oen 8 0 Borirritine, Mrs A Pars , ins, Chicago Air.&MiskSienmer,Ohloagril A El , ho, M D A J Watson, Chester err, Pa Mrs A 1 Watson, 0 bastetoo W T 'Thompson, New York W Bll,lltsier, New York liens* Rarley,•Fittsbnrg A Al Winn Mr Jas King. California J lAbhey &dim, Georgetown: Jos Sntemaa Et la. La Crosse PSI/vaster, Boston rBPDay Thos E Gareon, Sr. N York H Henris & la Mrs B L Henrie D L HuogerforiL Conn J M Maryland Jae MaSherry, Maryland S W B Rler & son, Pittsfield J Reed, New York B Haven, Beaton Tboe C Cox, Washlogion W W H Rubinson, Wasintn P Lanidin. Baltimore Ci Reap, New Jersey Job]) Blogliam, Hew York, R Joseph, Washington, PC; Cites Ai Wilson, Wash. D C J L Abel, Maaaachrimetts Dr Reed. West Virgin a John P Zane, caner...Oa H O Jerueeon, Baltimore Adatiori Daniel R Ooodloe. Wash Miss E R Boyd, Maine as a 13 Todd. Now York C 81rueous, New York T Bacaliati New York D Rumor, New York B Roarer, New York Gonzales, New York J F Pulti more It 9azard, NeuTackY Et .T Farber Baltimore D Meets, Trey J A Ore New York El Borne m. 'Wash, D 88 Mersbell & la. N .York Alien Campbell, New York WEI Pierce, Baltimore SLanab lin .k NO, Virginia Aline Relic,, Wheeling. Van Alirs AlcErbeny, Virglela Mine Ott, Wheeling, Va. The A B F Mellola. New York 11 0 Mercer, NEW York J 'f Mercer, New York J fi Benison, N.w York Clark, New York D 0 Littkfield, Now York 1. crowther, Baltimore B W Christopher tl Kent, Baltimore J D MaCeub. Pectul S McCollum Ohio J armee,New Jersey B Laatag Iliktrleinier, S Ponnerill, Delaware Bryant, Boston Mre Graham, Wasblngton J W MoCratkee, Ceesler CO I V Parke. Elltion..Md Lt I) Ya neleve. US • J Mason. at i.onis A Phillips, New York H L .Neltwo, New r ork D K Bryant, Chicago 41N Becker Ml,ldletown C B Baker & wife W .1 Manning E R Gibbon,. & wife CL old, Boaton H Etif•tyer, Detroit D r Bible, New York The Me D T Williams, New York P F Kelly, New York JD Cole, Cin, 0 JR Wilson Smyrna. Del J Reedy:Smyrna, Del .1 W Woolaton. L N GIViDII, Pennsylvania I' V F Reeling, Salem, N J F 111 Pearson N Reefer. Fort Wayne E kiacaFterie Cha G ElkTarr, Mary land F Bann rslea L SIN St Louis O L Bobb, Peoria. 11l T PickenparigiL Morgantn A Potter, Clarksville 1 Sager, Allentown W T Fora-FIJI, Allentown J Hoar, Bellsville, Pa 3M Ferman, Few Castle Eityrulen, Wheeling, Va A Grover, Belmont. 0 E A McClean, New Pallad, 0 B Pod Y, New Prkilud, 0 Hood, Sparta, 11l J Gordon, Sparta, 11l hire Wallace & child. Ind. IN , Bleakiv,W...lhiville, 0 Hoc S A Foot. New Fork J Arbuckle MO burg K Conyngliam, Penns Mrs Con yngbam & child,Pa W A Sililer & la. Lancaster \V Shelton. Connecticut F Endiecutt, New Tork The Stet Ti Sullivan, Bath P R White, Bath A Roe or, Mechanicsburg J D Weber John D Petvitt, Princeton J McCormick; Ohio D L Simpson, Hartford Levi Gerrett. Cheater ao Jos P Horse, Cheater, Pa James Coffman, Pa J B Smith, Pa Jos B Como JON Fisher. Baltimore B Myere, Beitimoro las Brown, Baltimore Mr Fountain, Baltimore Joe Roar, Philadelphia liriard. Jai Woodward, B witon T B Woodward, Boston 8 R Wood, Naw York 0 0 Peters. Now York T D James, Portland D BS Orson', d. Illinois L Lang, New Jersey Capt C P Bonney, Delaware Vent R 0 Gammon, Del molls Hsu phill, Delaware Miss Morrison, Harrisburg Miss Williams, Harri toting J Boswell, Wash, D 0 8 L Chaffer, Tippecanoe B Ten Rick, Tippecanoe I Smith, Dayton. 0 J J Conner & 2 oh, Mina L P Garner & Is. SChtlYI co HDonDley ighk en t Knell:IOU P wt, C Q T Jessup C Wright, Delaware APrangs. Lanosetor T Doak, penasylvania 11 B Eakelmann & la, Oln R Carter, Tema as F McGban & ra, Washinein lief L Van B ,htelen, lid, :hit's Gibson, Fhtititnere 'II Ridgely. D.,y, Del P A M !Hester, Beading ;I.' QPotter. Philaaslphia .1. Harwood, New Yeti( Ww Gaski.l.lllonat Holly I &town, Baltimore John P &broads, Carlisle O O With*. Bloomfield, N Y Mies 8 McKenusn Tbes B Slick, Baltimore !Miss Keno. dy. Baltimore •Dirs T Potter, Penns, *WON 21 Potter. Penns IN B Chevallier, N Y C at Lewis. Baltimore General Price George Mitchell, N Y Martin Cooper, Penns 'Jae White, Patina 0 D Marti" Buifttlo James Ptak. Boni° Bob.rtCoane, Winchester 'nuns. W El MO Wen, Zaneseilie D Jame., Mora , and L Williams. Columbus, 0 a Rom el dan. Ilarietta, 0 Jos Baud. Phae•axville Itiekb W Ziegler, Greencastle IL Adamson, Putnam. 0 Robt Carter Tawas:3oa .11 a Arn..ld, %maid( L ti Littlefield, Buffalo Rev Dr o .teseabeiwer, NY Rev A T Oalsasneelmer, Pa V .Ifusehler, ehilitp i bk is. L Ortotaker ' N Jersey W B &atilt, US', J ae B Haws, Bowlikgoreen J D Sreedire , New York H M Norton, Phttlip•sbam W Felt Phillipsburg. N J Thos W Edgar. n-py. Pa Stephen Jones, Tesaistpus Or AN ADJOWRNED MEETING OF tha rnbAcribere to the Stock of the BlefiTo NA TIONAL BANK of Philadelphia. will be held at the N. W, corner ot SECOND and POPLAR Streets. on MOS' DAY Evening next, 29th butt., at 7,3( o'clooh, for the trensectlon Mauch Mdena° se shell be brought before 'them_ Pertaining la apermanent organization. attS6 91+ . . 080. 3, B..AIIILTOR, Seoretat7. JoA R bo a k sW Pohitngtoln Joe Deegan.Potteville NW Dors Ake, Peon; W L Andereog S Ilottann, Leavltiworth MYR R M DnwWU, Pittabarg 1 liolttomut, Paanoylvitais 41 , 1 Gilman, 'a N tif.o E Brutal', jadlana I H Llvingßtoudtwf, yt Long Miss M Moogramr,rittobarg Goo Scott, Stooboovitto W R Bow Leigh, rt.xots D &Amon, New York. M P Bowers ' New York Wes Garcia, Now Yore Miewl Oo cis New Irenle J t Woods, Wheeling Thee tt Miller, Plti Oar.; As lir Pitieburg Thee MCerngn,Pittehargii W ThielereSila,Cinclanati 'nine Booz, th.ltimore ,T Flanrneact, 13,LitImere , E Toro'', &mendsle B Ztevnr, Memphis Wlo J3i our & wf, Rock 'raid H SobArtii, New York Thoe Berry, ' , Washington F J BroolineWewhingtoo Ff B Harrington, II 8 N C * Fahnest,ek, Washta Jay Cook, Jr,, Philo Dr B hien.% New Orleans IF de los J mregai E de Ontlerrey Went 3t wf W IF( k'nlaifer, Ft Lonia S H Galbraith & Cin R-w Dr ,lalicann *riff, N Dfr Pltaml a. P.-usacoln, Fla Warrun Laeell, Na. 3 \Turk J H Han,,n & eon. Barb.trioe C.,10 (3 Hatton, 9. 0 Arhltrialtt. liarbadin. IR 0 fdagraw .4 wife . Mita R C Magraw irilni HopkinA. Lancaster biro Baltimore Mi T, , ylar, Baltimore F W R,mriett, Baltimore W Ef Rolion 4 soo,Ch Wage Jan D Hea.d, Roclviater F Vira r eilogg, Michigan Miss M mtroae M Popi•er, Nam York Miss WOOdg. Whealing, Va Min. MC - .llellen, Virginia W B Ogden, Chicago Miss Knape, Chicago Mr & Mrs JS Bray, N Orl'a Calvin Payne Did Columb W Cact & lit, Maryland C Ditnenbery, Waah, D C Thos 0 Bill% Wash. I) C A Johneon iii, Waah, D e loath S Irlck, New Jersey R Cathcart & la, Baltimore W D Thompson, Jr, .[ass A D Barron, Washington J D Smith, Washingt,,a D A Smith, Pottsville S Barrett St la, Indiana W T Little St la, Indiana Miss E E Little, Indiana I F Wentz, L Swamp Cm3t 0 Ti3a,rding,Sernaton A Scott, Staten Island W A•Devor. Staten Island C W Poulson T Rohe% New York 0 W iten. M D, New Jersey A ii Vanderer, WI/ Amboy P Ludlow. New Jersey J Smith, New York T Merritt, New York Mrs E Myr., New York PH Backae_, New York J Now York T Street. Baltimore Aire N M McGregor. Wash Miss A illeGregor,Wash. B. M McGregor. Wash F McGregor, Wash Mies J Hicks. Washington W P liickty, - Waohinaton `Nr. *cants. Mrs Gate St child, Indiana S B Wilber, Zanesville 11 Dinsmore. Warren, 0 J T Hendrick. & non, Md. C Pritz, Allentown Mrs W Barnett, Easton J R . Conrad, Ohio :C P Hawley, Pennsylvania •.1 .1 Donegan. St Louis R J Porter, Wheeling H O Warran.lllnesechn=ette Mrs 61 Carnegie,' Pittsburg W T Haven. Pittsburg W fr Haven, Pittsburg P Karrnany, Lebanon W D Shepherd & la, Wash R M Walingley, New York A S Bogart. Belleville Brodhead. Lyeatni.ng co W K Haveland, II S A J A 3inzurie, Pittsburg O W Yeager, Mercer C L Pershing. .Tohnstown win Brown Sz la. Pittsburg W Boyer & wife A Wotr, Elgrrisbnr; Miss F C P Jones, Otno N Goodman. Scranton.Pa Blanchard, Lanerne co 0 Pan*, Satralo M LA ngedort, St LOUIS S Langsdorf, St T, was L Kahn. Evansville, Ind McCune. Shippensbarg A S Upson Conn C 'Muted, Brooklyn s Union. A Mansbeck. Pa J D Millor, Pa . Meat D Chandler. 17.8 A. Ii J armAtrong„ 1.1 S A E Garrett, Downingtown I. F Hallager, Lancaster Wei H Dean,' Pa James Ross. Delaware co Wm Anderson, Pa Wen Crook, Pa E Bloomer Jo', P Borne. Chester, Pa W r, Gilbert & ;0, DT York J F Matlack, Parksburg F & Potakett, Wilmington Amos Townsend, Pa The Cle J W Cowell, Doylestown A Jackson, Jr, Delaware John Wilson, No ;souk, Del J . II Palet bon), Jr J Brows, Now York Alfred C,.x, New York Charke Weldon, Bolton Jeff Dobson do wf. Boston Jae S Patterson, Pittsburg J s w slton, Greene co W W Taylor, Cbeelor co Miss Mary Johneon, Pearls P Croasdale, Backs co D T Jones, Chester co - Saml Hughes, Delaware CO Boni Warrelow, Del co F Darlington, Chester ies Breit, Delaware co Beni T Green, Delaware co Theo Ferguson, Lattaast Co B G Vaudegrlft Beaealeni John 'Yocum Donulasville D R Leedom,' Rucks co •dimon. The C N Etemlin. nonetdale.Pa` E ti .Tnetin. loneldate, Pa D 8 Horton. Ig earoltnik A P CaSet. New Turk ,C Dilwerth. Penn'a J Cre.einan Penn'a Tbarp, ' Delaw4re Wm Hackett, Carbon japan Elye, Buck* co, Pa - J B Manill„ Bucks co, Pa .1 S Scofield, Entice co, Pa Hastert. Newtown. Pa Mee Reeler, Chehen Hill ,T W Homan, Milord, Del J Hand, Cape May A Slater &la, Delaware J Bowman. NEM Hope T P Hampton, II S A 11 0 Pam els, Poet= {Mrs Joe Como Peen's C A Porter, Ter:neseee "7. Sheaf. The Marl L W Hamlin, Efollitsville Sayol.Mott, Mascots W C Mettler, Frenobtown S Thomas, Philadelphia Lyman S Cary, Patina Jno P. Williams, ElarrisMg Oen W Barroar;annapolia J S Large, Buckingham Jacob Moyer. Bucalnsbam SATIII. H Welherfl, Penne, J R Sackett, P-ankford 1 . -ainl Evans New York V Stevens, Wayne en Philip Rohe. Micl&etown AT Wetherlll,Meleboro 'EV Cad aralled.r, Backe co Jno R Gam Wyomining co ,k Bear. Chas italer, Siattanoy City Wm Biery, Car.a6tmq is W Harman, IJ S. J Whitman Ashland ni as HOy, Billton, Pa John P Summers, The Bin Clam It Stover, Pa fir r Were hors t, DeWicrynt E Bowman, tkelitelsville ;robe A Schaber, Ohio T She fer, Chester Springs Mies Rebecca ShaVr, Pa Miss Martha Shafer, Pa The Bald Eagle. j TBerger,Quakertown T Kuniz,Blatirtaron JasFßfckel,Fenna Geo Sehlaback,Bath,Pa Jae Adams, Alle stovrn Darnel Les,Northamp'e co Daniel Berlin, Cherry Tree D Leh, Jr, liortha , nDton co Thos Matliews,New Jersey .A Calvin, Raubotille E Dennerf New Jersey , 1.1 Culbereon., Orefield Nur Bartholomew, E'enna SPECIAL NOTICES. Tux POPULAR CLOTHING HOllBB OP Pirrra " OAK Beet Alma goods at moderate prime. WANAMAKER & BROWN, S. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streeta. Olsten Department (to make to order) No. 1 E. Sixth St WEESLER (a WILSON'S HION - EST ::.•0 LOCK-STITCH UWING MACHINIS, THE CHEAPEST. SIMPLEST. AND DEBT. Seleeroome, 7M OIIZSTNUT Street. above Seventh: MARK=E]a_ BILLBORN—ALLEN —On Plith•daY. the Roth last., by Friends' ceremony. Amon Milburn to Rachel W., daughter of the late Enoch Alien, all of thin city. * n=E. MOSS —On Wednesday, 24th Inst., Rebecca. relict of the late John Mose, is the 88th year of her age. The relatives and male friends of the family are In vited to attend the funeral, from the resideace of her son.m-law, D. Samuel, No. 1111 Walnut street, on Fri day afternoon, at 2 o ' clock, HUT fON. —Departed this life. on Thursday morning, 26th inst„ Marla C. Hatton. The male relatives and friends of the family are re. spectinily invited to attend her funeral, from the rest • dense of ber broil cc. in- , aw, Jaseph S. Keen, corner of Chestnut and Th My. second streets ( West Philadelphia), ma Saturday afternoon, 27th inst., at 3 o'clock. PARS.—At Germantown, August 26th, Mrs. Nancy Far), in the 68th year of her age. Funeral to take place at Bristol, on Saturday, the 27th inst., as 11 o'clock A. M. 2 riends of the family are re spectfully invited to attend. CORSON. —At home, of palsy, Tuesday evening, 234 Inst., Sarah 8., wife of Chaa. COYBOU, in the 64th year of her age. The friends and relatives are invited to attend the tepees', from her la4e ee•id enc., In Lower Providence, Monfromery cdnoty. Pa , on Sunday, 28th litet., at 10. o'clock A. le. Funeral to proceed to Montgomery Ceme tery, at Norristowe, • CROSMSN. —Killed in battle at Weldon' Railroad, near retoraburg, Va., First Lieut. F. P. Crosman, 17th United States Infantry. Relatives and friends of the family, and °Mcßee of the army and navy are respectfully invited to - attend the funeral. from the residence of his father, Col. Geo. H. Crosman, D. S. A.. No. 2014 West De Laney place, on Saturday, 27th Wet,, at 12 o'clock IC Interment„n Woodland Cemetery. BRIGGS. —GE the evening of the 24th Inst., at his residence, in Newtown, Bucks county, Pa., Joseph Briggs, in the 86th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral. To meet at 10 o'clock on First-dal'. the 28th inst., at Friends' Meeting-house Newtotaa. u se la —At his residence,. Tackaboe. New Jersey, on the 24th instant, John Stlilo, in the 66th year of his ge. a 'l be relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend Lis funeral from his late resi dence. on Sunday morning, the Mtk instant, at 10 o'clock. 'l4 . _ POW LL.—On Wednesday, Angust24tb, 1884, after a short and severe illness, Josephine , daughter of the late John Powell. . . Funeral services at St. Stephen's Church on Satur ev day next at 10 o'clock. e ESHLEMAII.—at Downingtown, Chester • conn tyy, ty, Pa., on the 234 lust ., Mary, daughter of Dr. JohniE. and Fannie Eshleman. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Friday, the 26th instant, at w lt o'clock. WlBl3.—Suddenly on the 234 bet, Catherine, relict of the late Philip Wise, in the 70th year of her age. The relatives and friends of toe family are roepeet frilly invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her SOW i ifr iaer,•Cleorge D. Olean. No. igt South Sixth street, on Friday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. 19 J ARR WIT. --Of diptheria, on the evening of the 224, Doctor Merohast U. Jarrett, in the 23d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of hie father, Charles Jarrett, Horsham, Montgomery county. Pa._, to meet at the hence, at 10 o clock A. N., on 6th day (Fri day) tv,so26tb lest RESSON & BON MOURNING STORE, bo 918 OR Otrot. .177.tt 1864. 0pEENYTROE-DAeitr FOR L A A I D C e 4. 1864. -1,000 Woolen Plaid SHAWLS. 2I pieces colored PARADIATTAS. 160 pieces rich dark DELAINES. PLAIDS, FRUITS. FLANNELS, &a , &a. att22 YOUNG MEN PREPARED Fan the Counting Eons. and Casinos. Life at C TENDER Commercial College. No. 637 CH.F.STN.QT Street. corner of Pacenth, In.troction in Book- gimping, in all Its branches, Pen- Tren.hip, Mercantile Calculation+. Tolegraphing, dtc. Evening Seeeiena after September 15. an2B-30 lac" OFFICS OF THE SIBBERD OIL COMPANY, No. 52* WALNUT Street. Stagerthere to the CepDat Mock of the HIREMIRD OIL COMPANY are hereby notified that cartifient.e or stock are mow ready for del.ven. HIINRY C. GORPIELD, Pnir,ana., Aug. 26, Mt. Cao26-20.1 Secretary. IW"`" k, ittkotiA k•ltt ape 1: ri fund to roSiove toe r.,,, retitle of rhs,l - has receivedthe .0 r li —oW—g'ontounts Aln , :o 1114 last rep...rt, sugaat 10. 1804 : ♦too? nt t revjettily reported - $154 4 ° 75 The followlog Pubsoriptioes were made by re. bidonts and visitors at Cape May : Tt omas Smith • bdwards Co , {tress Hall J. B. McCrea y • • H. F Peabody Lewis Cooter. ......... kiss Bella Doug. ass • - • 3, C. Fryer • C. Howell Cash ....... ..... McClure • John B. Aohn9eittl. eitsh & G. I. Ite,- • Mrs. Thompson keynolds... Crob J. Frailly Smith...e.. Horatio C. Wood . • Orme. t Biddle iliolltat Da I tett. .b.pros Dollot1.• i a b oz Gatts.••• E. B. Bailey.— Gt.orge anent. John L,uty....• Ja Cliff Groh-Ant (family ). • •••.• P. Vandervier Atlantic Hotel Wm. Powell Th.-man B. Nretoon . . .... .... • •• lla Vid B Wricest setun,l Sexist Jr bn T. Lewis &t Brothers W. Williamson Ben,istttn Bullocb G. W. Tan, Jr The Widow's Alite..•.. Israel Leming Mrs. Steele . J. P Colombia House ....•. Cosh, A. B •It . . .... 11. B. litt. Cooly •• •• •• •• W. H. Lemon J. B. Atkinson E. Alegtom Cath C. lir. T. B. E cr... W. B h. E. S & P. Roberts & Co.. Beings Bowell If. B. }Lowell D. B. Steuart JP uteß O. Snoth— •• • • •• J.Ol. Flanagan— ...... ,A. G. Cattell E. A. Bonder Ches. Spencer Ihiladelphia ioeuirsr Bre. Barrett Hassell. artman... Abraham Baker k E.warilm Thumaa Waif ou &Sone... Juo. iA Shriver 'Humphrey & Hoirman• • . Diary An n al by stare. • .. Cash J no. Derbyahlre George lieut. Cash F. Goodwin Cash 1 P. Perot Wm. B. Irwin & Henry Bo wen Member of 27th Rrgiment P. V• Mrs. O. B Estanead Cherie* 1 areal! Mrs. George W. Grine BITS James Harper John W. Claghorn Mn. C. B. Baker . Fr Jena Mrs, A. E. P. Smith B. W N.B B J. S. P Mrs. B. 'Mahout Mise A. Tilgham Bay & Brother .1, B. Lippincott & Co Wm. A. Blanchard Ceti, Geo. W. MAWS londsErr & litaldston. ..... . Ches. Megargue & C 0....... R. Shoemaker & Co Bo*, ison, Bros., & Co C. Schrock & Co John Lucas & Co Jobe T. Lewis & Bro C. J. Fell & Bra Thompson, Clark, & Roma& Samuel C. Cook H Kellogg & Son Cochran & Russell J. W. Bolos & Son Wetherill & Bro B & S.• • • French,•Rtetsrds, & Co B. EL Jones EDOR den & Bro Geo. H. Ashton G. V. Carpenter, Beneiy, & CO, J Marts & Co Chas. Elly • Son,& Co Johnston, Holloway, & Cowden HaeaoU & Laudie Dr. D Jayne & Son Ziegler & Smith Hence Griffith, & 0. N. Jame} A Co Howero W.crrrell Cash Bryson & Son J. A. Hance . .. ......... ••••••••••-•,•-• Jar. Palmer & Edward Gratz S. B. Pxneroft & Co.». .•••—• lii on & Coates-- John S. Wood H. EL C F. H Went, & Garrett notes & Hackett.• • ••• 0. E C. T. D H, A, C H. B. & B J. W. Bernet 111cB & B D. hall ‘,ll T. Nanith Eproce Street Baptist Church mere's'. PHILADBLPIITA CITY El M 1!1111211151 Total 21,335 75 EDMUND A. BUDDER, Treasurer, Dock-street wharf. Illgr TWENTIETH WARD.—A - NIALSS Me. thin of the °Mame of the Ward will be held on THIS (Fildiry) EVENING. at 8 o'clock, at the Green Bill Market Hollbe, SEVENT.t.ENIS and POPlalt- Stkeete, for 'he purpose of raisins funds to get clear of the draft Let every person liable to the draft Wend. Any one having friends in the Naval or Marine service will please report the came, so that the ward 111/17 get the proper credit. BENJ. HARPER, It. Secretary. garSIXTH PRECINCT, TWENTIETH WARD, ATTENTION!—AIt persons liable to the draft will pleabe take notice that a committo will be in attendance - every day audTveniigarJamewvr, Packer's Hardware Store; NOA.. 1225 and'l227 GI RARD Avenue, to receive subscriptione to the Ward Bounty Fund. act26tk W.' TWENTY-FIRST WAKD.—T L E Ward Convention Will meet at Morrie' Hotel, MAIN Street, Manayunk. THIS (Friday)IEVENING, at 8 o'clock, to nominate Ward Meer& John Bowker, 'Henry Gray David Wallace, William Da ',moil, Nathan L. Donee, John J. Thomas, Edmund EDOLIFO, Sam]. Hegy, J. J. S«trs,W. l'ilthaughliu. jr - ELEVENTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT DELEOATRS wlll meet at the pub lic boner of Janne.Roqe. SECOND Street, above Beaver, on MONDAY EVENING}, Auauet 29, 1854, at 71.6 o'clock. Thome. Mac Bride. Samuel Miller. A_ Elcon. 8.0 iamin Blirral W. H. Middleton. II lierigas. W. W. Sal ton, J.'R. Rodenbu'h, Samuel Brock, and others. IV, IrOFFICE OF THE FRANHFORO ' , ANO SOUTHWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY. BERES (late Chatham) Street, below Fourth, PHILADELPHIA, An gnat 26. 1869. From and after thin day the price of a eingle fare on the can of ;hie Company will be FIVE CENTS. On and after Monday next, 99th fast., the pee of EX CH AIS GE TICKSTai will be sholiehed, /anl6.3t CHAS. R. ABBOTT, Secretary. TWENTIE Ward Delegates of meet in Convention at the ' GIRARD &venue and BUS ( o id/ BYE:BING. at 8 o' c Johnr Lower, Lewis Dingee, William Noun& Henry Petry Thomas B. Beeves, James Brearley, Eir" THIRTEENTH WARD,—WE, THE neder.igued Delegatee to the Ward Convention, agree to meet at the Louse of Mark Thackray, southeast rerner of TENTH sod COATES Street, on FRIDAY EVENING, August 26th. at 8 o'clock. CHARLES FRI.TEHMUTH, 6th. Precinct. ABhAHAftf ALBURG SR, do. B, A. HOWELL, 2d Precinct. - - C, CHANDLER, do. R. S. CLINE. 3d P i recinot. G. A. HlO BT, do. JOSEPH NEMPLE, 4th Precinct, ROBERT WHILLDIII. do. WM. PALMER, 6th Precinct. CHARLES„CODET, do. it* NOTICE.-THE PENNSYLVANIA INBURARCE COMPAVY, • Annual. 25, ISH. The Annual Meeting of the Stockho!dere of the PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INEURAIvCE COMPANY will be held at their (dike. on MONDAY, the fifth day of S ptember next, at 10 o'clock A. M• , when an election will be held for acne Directors, to serve for the sovning. year. WM. G. CROWELL, an26•tee6 Secretary. AN ADJOURNED MEETING lar of the MEDICAL STAFF OF THE Shrra RLER 11. S. A. GENERAL HOSPITAL. West Philadelphia, Pa., held August 26. 1564, Dr. CEO. F. KNORR, Chair man. Dr. M. J. DRIER, Secretary, the following pre amble and re:whitlow; were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty to take from us our late fellow-member, Dr. MERCHANT M JAR RETT, it becomes as to express our high appreciation of his noble qualities and deep regret at the lose we have so stained in his death. Resolved, That we, the members of the Midicaltlitiff of the Satterlee U. b.' ,A. General Hospital. to which he Wan attached, in consideration of the great respect for the memory. of our late fellow-member, which is claimed by the consoientions performance of his duties. Dia strict rectitude and MO moral principles, do wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty dayi. and dele gate two members of the Staff to attend his fnneral. Resolved. That onr condolence, with a copy of these resolutions he tendered to the family of the deceased. Resolved,' 'That these proceedings be published In three of the daily' apers. WM. B. COBBIT, 31, D„ WEL O. DIXWi. hi. D., lip 308. B ROB, 11. D. Itar CARD TO TME , MEMBERS OF, THE NATIONAL 'ONION CONVENTION. GENTLEMEN• TLn nnarraigued, citizens transacting bueiness in the Public 001ces, and owners of Real Estate, WWI I d row= m Pi) d J sMES SHAW. OP THE TWRNTY-FIRST WARD. . . as a Candidate for nomination by your Convention for City Centrolettoner. From our acquaintance with the Department in which be ie Clerk, his strict end promptattention to his duties, and accommodating disposition, bee given such gene ra t sa ti s f ac ti o n, that we can, end do with pleasure, re commend him to your favorable consideration, A. D. Cash, BD E. Price, J. K. Folwell, Charha B. Lea, J. Sergeant Price, B. D. Wakelini, A. B. Carver & Co., Joseph Ball, John E. Yardley, A. Fit,er C M S. Leslie, John A. horgan, William B. Littleton, Thomaa A. OummeY, 3. M. onemey &B.:a* Joseph B. Barry, C. D. Colladay, Robert Macgregor. lts gr. FOURTH REPRESENTwfivE DISTRICT. —The Deleiatee elected to the, FOURTH REPRESENTATIVE CONVENTION of the National Union party will meet at the WETHERILL HOUSE, SAZISOM, above SIXTH Street, On MONDAY EVENING, Anignet 29, at 8 o'elnch. , WM. SANDERPOIV, b. W. COLESBERRY, ,THOS. BARTGLETT. SAMUEL MACMENY. WM. DUFFER, GEORGE TURNER, wM. SUMMERS, JOHN PATTRRSON, au26-3t THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRIC T'. —The Delegates elrct to the THIRD SISNATO. MAL DISTRICT CONVENTION, are requested to meet on MONDAY 3V/IN In 0 next; at 8 o'clock, at the North Pennsylvania Hotel, corner THIRD and WILLOML Streets. to nominate a candidate for Senator. Theodore Orace (Seventeenth ward) Moses Keen, Frank Clouds, 'William Richmond, Frank Haney, Abram Corson, Henry Platter, Aaron Waters, Joseph Edit ards, Chas. Lamb. ankl-St* ~HEADQUARTERS PEN NSYLVA, NIA.LMILLTIA. HOSPITAL DEP AItI'AISST. HAERTSBORO, August 16, 1864. The STATE MEDICAL BOARD OP PENNSYLVANIA will meet in Pl') TSBUEO on MONDAY, the loth day of August. 1864, and contlnne tinting the week.. to PIC nyni caueldatee for the poet of Medical Moen Penneyl vaelaßegitnente. Plrysiciane of .Penneylvanla, In good health, furnish. tog satisfactory testimonials as to moral character, dm., will be admitted to the examination. The room in which the examination will be held will be ladies ted le the Pittsburg morning papers on the day of meeting. By order of the Governor: - JOSEPH A. PHI sold IN Salmon General, Perinsi*las. t ar' EMP.I RR COPPER COMPARE OF RICHMAN. NOTICE IS HEREBY fIIVIIN that an instalment of k da o y f b th at e a li ca mip i TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE on etteh and every Phu° of the capital l e r : h e r trie r Boar C" ro u l T D o l- r this due sun payable at the °aloe of the Company. No. 423 WALNUT Street. Philadel phia, on or before the 10th dal of SEPTEMBER, Mt. Interest will be &filled on alt instalments after the By order of the Board o 01 Mors. • ram, shall have pecome ti . u...e.. re . J. t B. DtcattruaN. Secretary, ritILATIELPHIIA, August It. 1804. an2o-ftatliteele R&11;80&D D NEW YORK COAL C A O TI M °D II DICI4I3 .—% °43 7 7:it 'll : I : B r Books of this Com. 'PSI'7I% III be olossa twat. ininst Wth September Intb. Picriß . LAODW, Seeretar3r. plut,ADitaia,k, :14011419186 4 .: an? .mw THE PRESS.---PITTLADELPTITA; FRIDAY. AUGUST 26. 1864. NALIKKAL UNIOII TICKET. L IP,. Eby. a. Pabri%9DlJoalles, S. Henry;Diniaß, t William H . Henan 5. BartoiPH. Jenks. & 7. Robert lgorze. a. WlLliantm'aylor , 9. John rad,. [O. Riantrd ; Co rrell. 11. Edward tdo.Y. 12. Marko V, bead. order of tro Mato CONN.IO3.I.ISVILiat ,GAS COAL CO., OFFICE Rte.* 411 OREaIr.NOV %met. PettateeLeattAl AliValit gth IN)4. At a meeting of the-Steeit tickler% !mid - FRI+ D A.F, the following gentlemen were duly elseted , Dtractere fur the ensuing year: CRAWLSS WIIEVOSE. 8.. NUR WM: THO N MAS A. SCOTT: PERCIVAL ROBERTS: D. F. DAVIDSON Charles Wheeler was u saw mously eleetedTttediletttr and Norton Johnsen Secretary and Teeaenrer. ati24-at aaff=': OFFICE OF A/AISTAWIrTHEAIIII RER i 7. S•'..PEIILADgLPHIA. , Arigu42o. 1564 , Coupons of tbo 10 40 U. S. Suede, nuituri, g the First of September, and times of the 5.41-U. 5 - Rends menu ing the First of November next. wilt be paid otelsreseu ninon et ibis office.RO 111) -NM NIS la._ au22.4t Assistant - Treasurer , U. s‘. tar" FIRST CONORESSIONA.L. TRIM, —The Delegates elected . to , the. CU 611E8810E AL CONVENI lON of the First Congressional District will meet at the halt of the Good Intent Roos Conneny, 80. GOB SPRUCE Street, on MONDAdt WM HING, August 29, at 8 o'clock, to nominate a candidate for Congress Jaunt- Gillingham, ,T, j lll C..Gerwood, R. B. Martin, Jr., B. Bucket, Joseph_Turnbull. Henry B. Gardiner, :Henry Victor, James bmitb, George W. Gaw, John Moon, Wm. H. McMahon,' Chas. R. MeCanlley, Silas F. Hepburn, David Ford, .so o 0 bo ch 9 90 00 ISO 00 1 , 1•011 , 0 50 00 t‘a lOU 00 - /0 1 ) OU' 2U'OD 20 01 20 00 OU 2600 woo 20 DO! 35 DO! 1 CO TO 01 100 01 10 00 11.500 6 05 2000 20 00 • 22000 6 00 • 2 00 ! 10 OD • 20 00 1/ 00 • •, 0 00 —.. 100 00 ..... 100 Do 00 00 25 OD 25 00. 2 5 00 2500 50 00 00 00 26 00: 60 00 100 00 25 00 50 06 25 (CV 10 00 25 00 2500 100 00 6000 100 00 50.00 2.500 26 00 6000 2500 50 00 2500 25 (0 100 00 26 00 15 00 25 00 6 OD ' 600 10 00 10 00 6 Mr. FIRST WART NOTICE—The Ward AL UNION PAR'll will x bonne of Peter Bouvier, m IdhNOING Avenue end OM LAY EVEN IN G at S o'clocf Thomas Lower, George Revel., James Jordan, Adam Robertson, Devid Sparks, FOUBTH CONGRESSIONALL D IS. TR/ET.—The Delegates are requested: to meet ote BIONDaI EVENING NEXT, Cu. 19th last.. at 8 o'clock. at the Hall corner THIRTEENTH and SPRING HARDEN Streets. W. P. Cooper, Henry C. Townsend. Henry Myers, Jentem Weleh. William Simpson, John T. Hance, George J.. T.ung, C. B. Earritt, PirTUE DELEG, repreeeut the. FOIL Ward Convection will met August 23th. UN, at 8 &clod ham, RIDGE Avenue, below W. S. Duff, Semi. Mc(lorlrle. Joseph H. Boswell, R. A. McCarty, Job Fisher, Henry Schell, FIFTEE.WARD CO NV ENTION will meet on FRIDAY EVENING. Algatt 26. at 8 o'clock, at tato MARKET HALL, SF.DOND and PINE Streets. J. S. ATICINBON, Jr., JOS. E. GALLEY, N. HALL, JAS. IllAttirLlND, H. CHAR:NAN . , GEO WHITE. H. IL MoCONNELL. VIM ITENTA•WARD H OIINTY FUND COhIetITFEE meets EVERY EVENING, at the School House, TWENTIRTG. and CIiEtTES Streets. Citizens will please be prompt in paying their subqcrtp tions. Men are enlisting, the quota Is being reduced. Anti united effort will accumpli,h our object: Come at once, do your whole duty. and you are ssfe. H. P. rd. BIRKINBINE. Chairman. Executive Committee. 100 00 ;.100 00 100.00 25 00 25 00 600 /0 00 ...... •••••• /0 00 500 5 00 . 600 5 00 10 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 6 no 25.00 LIDIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE MAPLE SHADE OM COMPANY, 524 ,WALNUT Street, .AnOtler El, MA The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, payable at their office an and efter the 30th init., free of state tax. The TransPr Buoke will be closed on the 26th inst., at 3P. until the R1124:6t* THOS R. SEARLE, Secretary. gen EV IE NDEBSIGND., At COMMIT rie - TEE appointed by tbe Bounty Fund Convention of the several wards, :for the purpose of recruiting for the benefit of-deficient wards, in anticipation of the coming draft, Impressed with the importance of the subject, desire their fellow-citizens to unite with them in an effort to fill the eity'squota by obtaining volun teer recruits. To _do this before the dth of September will require the must earnest and vigorous exertions, tied the Committee appeal to the patriotic. arid pablic spirited to aid them by their influence and by contriba lions of the receseary means to offer inducements eine.' to those offered by other communities. The Committee bave Ws:doted a sufficiec t number of recruiting lien tenants in various quarters or the city, and all recruits obtaine course,e distributed mostata among the wards. and. of will benefit largely those that are most deficient. By united and continued effort the Committee hope, if not to avoid the d. at t altogether, at least to reduce it to insignificant proportions. The whole number required to free the city from. the draft was, on the first of Ang - ast, auont 9,000. From this • number is to he dad gated those who have been recratted since that date, and such credits, as the city may he en titled to from persons enlisting in the navy from the city and who have not been credited to us; also, from per sons enlisting in the navy from the State at large, and net credited to any particular district, of which the city will have her proportion. Efforts are being made to ascertain these credits. The Committee also expect to obtain -recruits fr- m veterans re enlisting, from the Southern States now occupied by our forces, and frost other quarters. They do not deem it impoesible, there fore, by proper exertions, to fill the city's quota. Money 19 necessary. and can only be obtained by the voluntary subscriptions of citizens. Such subscriptions may be sent to the addressee of any meci hers of_ the Committee, as below given, or to the headquarters of the Committee, No. 142 South FOURTH Street. JAMES 1,. CLAGHORN, 207 CHURCH Alley. JAMES H. OHNE. 626 CHESTNUT Street. A. B. FRANCISCUS, 513 MAH.KET Street. JOSHUA SPEBING. 142 South FOURTH Street. • Dr. WM. M- UHLER, Falls of Schav Britt. JOHN W. FRAZIER, 949 South SIXTH Street. and-tf WA.I4IO.—THE the Twentieth ward will eonthweit career of 'VENTIEL Street, on THIS lock. Osorge W. Mooney, Wiglam Stainrook, Oodfrey Felton, Jr., Win. El Winberg, Collin Pallinger. FOB ABRAHAM LINCOLN, or u,Lrifoni. POE VICE parainzanr, ANDREW JOHNSON; OF TBNNESSIL ELEO7'OBALL TICKET. SENATORIAL. %ORTON MeNICBABL. T. CURED:WHAM. Beaver County. ;NTATIVE. 'l3. Thus W. Hall. 14. barles H. Shrtnele. 16, John Wider, le. Darld MeConsuery, 17. David W. Woode n , IS. Isaac Beason, 19. John Patton, M. Samuel B, 21. Bverard Blerer, 22. John P. Penney, ,23. Ebenezer blo.Tunldra. 424. John W. Bleashiwd. %zeal Oommitte4. REPE, S 41. A :',71071. C.lbgarnXlL Babied B. Hlettobh. Pet, , r (31-10.egewe J. C. Adams, Henry Banker; James Need,. Freynix Graves t Jams Hatirtelr, Gee. W. Gillinirhaine Win. A. Levering; Soho Downey, Alban T. Haveneony John Gilman., Alexander Heber. aul3s-4t* Delepte3 or the NATION meet In Convention , at the northeast corner of NOVA- Lsss wiza Street, on Pal- Henry Clay Esling, John hi. Riley, Thomaii S. Etlid. C. Thompson Jones. Albert Hughes, William Rogers,' .1. EL Edgar. an.25-3t ATES ELECEED TO IRTARN'ra WARD in the !et on FRIDAY EVES ING, ;it, at the house of John Ma e Broad etreet, Jonnt4toll.Pash, W. F. Seheit, Wm. B. Webb, Bayard. K. Sbalmerdine, Bdmund.Booth. an2.5-2t* FarDIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF TBS DEBBY OJL Southeast corner of WALNUT and FOTISTEI Streets, . PHILADELPHIA, August 17, 1864. The Board of Directors have this day declared the fourth monthly dividend of- two (2) percent. on the capital MOE! of the Company out of the earninse of the month of July, payable at the °Met of the Company, clear of State tax, on and after the 24th inst. The transfer books will be closed on Saturday, 20th tint., and ret.pened on Wsdneeday, 24th inst. a015..7t JAMS P.F.RRY,Treasurer. OFFICE OF MOE PIIICIkOEL- W=s" PHIL GAS WOBES, Auetrwr 12, 1861.—At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works, held on the 6th Blatant, the' following pre amble and resolution were adopted; • Whereas, The treat advance in the cost of living lm posed an imperative duty on the Trustees to advance the wages , of their employees; and whereas, the cost of coal and all other materials consumed in the manufac ture of Oas have advanced to a price that compels the Trustees, in order to protect the important trust com mitted to their charge from serious loss, and to make the annual addition to tie Sinking Pend required by law, to advance the price of Gee fifty oente per thou oan d cubic feet. • - • . The Trustees are aware that the increased price will prove a burden to many consumers, and they greatly re gret the ne cessity that constrains it; but wben the con sumer reflects that nearly every article we purchase has advanced from 00 to 100 per cent, and we. propose but n an advance of I per cent. on the main article-upon which we rely for revenue, its necessity must be appa rent, particularly when the operations of the past year are known to have resulted in a large loss to the Trust, notwithstanding our then existing contracteenabled us to urchase coal and retorts at very moderate prices; be it therefore Moo iota, 'That the Chief Yngtneer be directed to give public notice that on and after the first day of Septem ber next the price of gas to private consumers shall be three dollarsr thousand cubic feet, less a discount of S per rent , f or prompt payment, and subject to the United Slates tax. THOMAS S. STEWART, • Chief Engineer. JAM - MEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF TB B ROCK OIL COMPANY OF PELDISTL :TAMA, No. 409 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, Augllst 19. ...rile Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of TWO PER. CENT. (twenty cents per share) on the capital :leek, out of the earnings of the Company . for „IDLY, payableon and - after the 49tb. inst. , (reit of State tax. The transfer ‘ booka will be closed on the 249 t, at 3 P, and operied.on Dattx. GRAFF. BecratarY,lind Treasurer. eI; I e Y TAM COAL AND IRON COMP.ANY; . , PBI3.6DELPHIAL. - Alltillta 18, 1884.. , - DIVIDEND NOTICE. —The Board of Directors of this Company bare this day declared a Dividend of four per cent. on the capital stock out of-the earnings of the Com pany, payable on and after the 29th inst. The banger books will be closed from the 19th to the , 29th inst. inclusive. EDWARD ELY. anl9-8t Treasurer pro tem. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—P DRI ! PRIA, August 19,1864-147 South FOURTH Street. The Directors of the ROBERT OIL COMPANY have this day declared a dividend of TWO (2) PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, payp.ble on and after the 29th ;Inst., free of State tax. The Transfer Books will be closed on the 25th and opened on the 25th. au224lt WM. 15f. CARTER, Treasurer. . NOTICE.—THE BOKS O FHA WEST VIROINIA OIL C O ANOMPY F are now open for auta,crlptions to its capital, at their otlice, No. 411 WALNCT Street. Females can hold stock in their cremname. JOHN 8. ROFFMAN, Secretary. THE WEST VIRGINIA OIL 'COMPANY', OFFICE, 411 WALNUT STRUT. - . CAPITAL ' 1200,000 Divided inio 20,000 Shares of 1)10 each. The properties purchased by this Company are five in number. selected with care by competent persons: Two hundred acres embraced in three several tracts, and are in fee simple; 50 acres on a lease for 20 years, and la acres on a perpetual lease, on which we have a well bored to the depth of 190• feet, with a good show of 011, the work being vigorously prosecuted—ell of these pro perties lying In Wood county, West Virginia. conve vient with good roads leading to the Obit. river. Tbie region isfpronounced by the oil men 'of. Venango• county as being the El Dorado of the West for oil. They are buying all the territory in that region they can get. The prospects of this Company are most nattering, Those coming in as original subscribers will have ail the advantages of a new company, intelligently ma ne ged by gnome understanding the business. Call at the office, 4.11 WALNUT Street, for circulars of expla nation. au2o-n JOHN S. 'HOFFMAN, Secretary.' AR APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC.— The Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Clem mittee are in leant of funds for the support of the Insti tution. They call upon the public for voluntary contri butiond to aid them in their efforts to feed and care for the Soldiers of the Union as they pass through our city. The citizens of Philadelphia are aseured that not a cent of the funds is appropriated to feed any pereon or to-r -eons representing themselves as 'refugees from the re bellion, but all contributions to the Carper Shop COM • Wass are scrupulously diebureed for the benefit of the Soldiers of the Union Army. WE. M. COOPER. 'President, 13.5•Seeth WATER Street Attest—Wm. Bieut.L, Secretary, 330:CATHARINE Street. VETERAN BOUNTY-FUND 4100 . 4. MISSION. NO. 7 GOLDSMITH'S HALL LIBRARY Street, PhEade lahla The Commissioners appoicted to pay theextra B7IIIItY to re-enlisted Veterans will meet on MONDAYS, IFF.D.NRSDAYS, and FRIDAYS. at 9 o'clock P. M. to recelre applications, at No. 7 GOLDSMITH'S EAS.LL. LIBRARY Street, immediately In the rear of the Post Olo: FlLMl li es latarested wi Neu° call at that boar wrath EDW D. IN SAOII.IIBLREUNDEs. , Gyatriaar k • JONATHAN BULLOCK. • 'AHL 3. FIELD. GEO. W. SIMONS. orncE 'UNION IMP.ROVERKENT COMPANY. AElecrsT 3,3854, Notice is hereby given that by a decree of the Court of Quarter &Aston cif Schuylkill coutit entered 31 Augnet..lB64. the name of the UNION INPBOVENINNT COMPANY was changed kt ;bat of TIM NNW' YOl 3,,M - - AHD ' 13CEICYLFCIlt - ` CO A L" :, - COMPANY.-;- . . cues:e.ricagoo. au3s-nwr CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER SUBSTITUTE COMMITTEE. Where they Will be pleased to furnlah &LIENS. VIM BANS, or CONTRABANDi me *III3SrITUTEi for EN ROLLED CITIZENS, and 'will pay to Subatitytoe the IIIGHEST PRICE. att25.31 I $5O WARD BOVNTY, IN ADDITION TO CITY AND 40TERNMENT BOVNTIKS, Will be paid to every reernit enlisted in United States Army, Navn t or Marine Corps, to the credit of the FIFTEENTH WARD. Apply to ' ISAA.O X. KRUPP, At Provost Kuala's Office, BROAD and. SPRING CAMDEN Streets. 510 premium paid to any person bringing a recruit as above. H. P. M. BIRKIN BINE, st24-4t I Chairman Executive Committee. 199TH RILOIMENT PA. VOLS., Men Muttered and Paid *425 inm y.483:39 more before leaving camp, balance in inttalmenta. pia Os PLR MINTH-CLOTHING AND' SD/'" The Regiment is encamped at CAMP CADWALA, DER, in comfortable [matters. DON'T WAIT TO DE DRAFTED, but join this regiment and leave , your families well provided for, 91024-0 HEADQUARTERS 611 CHESTNUT Stmeet I TEN VOLUNTEERS WANTED immediately for three years. $OOO cash down, and SOO Government Bounty. - ...,.; _ Also. NI vs SUBSTITUTES WANTED. for Whict.tho highest price will be paid. W. D. RAVENS, US South SE,VENTH :Street, Boom No 10, .3.400110 floor; THE , DUPLEX ELLIPTir, (031 DOUBLE) EITICRL SPRING: John J. Clifton, JoFaith Dallas, James Seddeuger, William Parsons, Jos. Mooney. an2s-2t* J. L. J. G. WEST No. 97 CHAMBERS STREW. mkw YORE. Are the owners of the patent and exclusive mantas• hirers of this, J: W. BRADLEY'S PATENTED DIIPT 3 tX 'ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRING! SKIRTS.. • This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest , moat elan • tic, flexible, and durable spring everused, enabling the wearer, In consequence of its great elasticity and liazi bleness, to place and fold the ekirt when in nee as easily and with the same convenience-se a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only obiee , tions to hoop ehirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especially in crowded assembles, carriages, railroad cars chura pews, or in any crowded place, from the difficulty of contracting them to occur/7- =g a small space, This entirely removes the difficult!, while giving the skirt the usual fall and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera, promenade, or house. dress. - A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort', end great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day; will never afterward willingly dispense with the nee of them. They are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most dumb e, comfortable; and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as above, and ladies In most first-class retail stores in this city and throughout the different States. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC •SKINT. Very flexible, folded madly when 1 use be occupy a smell spare, making the moat agreeable &Ist worn. For male by J. M.HArrAroU, 902 C CHESTNUT Street. TIUPLEX ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT, A- 0 THE MOST POPULAR PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC pRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC 4 1 - , SKlRT—Theaxestest improvement we have ever IeanLADIES' SKIRTS, and an article of SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. CORWIN STODDART & BRO., 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. Willow. au3.lm if BIAA.NIE3PA'rSI,I W; OORNrIk EIGEETH. AND MARKET STS. Are UM offering the largest stock of Blankets to be found in tbie city at moderate prices: IJ ttklThfl SUBSTITUTEB AliD ENROLLED CI ZS 13 Are informed that the Item of JOSIEPH & CO. MVO taken the Rooms No, 422 WALNUT STREET, Lately occupied by the COL. A. LECHLER. 6525 BOUNTY. 13 TENOR NO DELAY IN PAYING. THE BGIINTY VETERAN OFFICERS DETAIL DRY GOODS. E• 0.11, 7.854. A NEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN HOOP SKIRTS. Witt t r 411, trr a SPRING warn AND FLEXIBLE IN• VAMIARLINGEN, & +MEMO,. 1008 CIDISTICOT Street. For sale by J. Q. MAXWELL Js SON, S. B. Oor. ELEVENTH and'CHESTNUT Streets 11011SEKEEZERS, MAIZE NOTICE C, STRAWBRIDGE & € O,l (PORIttP43.I.Ir COWEERTHWAIT & C 0..) BERTH. BLANKETS, CRIB BLANKETS, CRADLE BLANKETS, BED BLANKETS, alI alzes. To dealers, we offer the best assortment of all the eading makes.-- A BUY EARLY AND SAVE THE ADVANCE. an2d-tf JOKY, NAVY, AND Civil. CLOTH MOUS W. T. SNODGRASS, 14 a BICOND Street and 23 STRAWBER3T . Street. A LAMM ProOlt OP ALL RINDS OP CLOTHS, CASSIXERES, VESTING S„ At fair prices. purchased before the rise, independent of gold gagiblera,by the package, piece, or yard. Our motto is to cell. We don't peddle. 'Come and see oar stock. The Army and Nary trade has our special at tention. au3-ba fiLOBING OUT SUMMBR DRS GOODS AT LOW PRIORS. A Wrest variet7 of styles of Mb; season's intfortation. from Scents to Best Pacific Lawns at MX cents. ricored Brown Lawns at 373 i French Lawns at 40, W. 62 and 87g cents. Best makes of filaslins, Calicoes, Ginhams, and all kinds of Domestic Goods, fir below the Manulastursr's 'Prices. White Geroge and Lama Rawls, silk Grenadine Shawls. goo all-Wool cashmere Shawls $2.26 worth 56.60.' eerkpa.l. 7716 Bios. 713 and 115 North TENTH Street. LINEN DUCK FOR SUITE. Superb white and eolorsd. Natural color, extra heavy. Coating Linens, fancy Drills. Wide fine black. Alpacas. White Marseille!' Veatings. No advance iAgnminer Cassimeren. Nine Stock for Summer and Fill. LAWNS. Good otyleatrota 28 to 60 s Summer dress tuffs low. coops , a Gomm .1,22 S. IL saner NINTH and ALLNKIT Stroolo VRANINE OUR LAWNS. JEA Lawns, brown (round, neat egnred, Limos, White around. neat figured, 444. Buckshaok and Bath Towels, Isrgaisimertment. Bird's Bye Linen Towels, Tatra size Damask Towels. Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists, Bathinir Flannels. red and gray. _ jyS JOHN H. STOKBS. 740 A.Bolll3trost rt.VTICIJ:i The attention of I.IDIIIB 13017 T LILT. DM THE CITY for the " Sea Shore," "Wa tering Pisces," 'or "the Country," is reenstfully invited to the extensive stock of WHITS GOODS suitable for SUMMEILI _WRAP, for WHITS BODO& MORNING - WRAPPIERt3, An extenelne wort:mat la offered In Lees and.. Workat•ldeings and Inserting*, Vele, Handkerehiefe, Gollare,Bleeve_e,end tn_plain and,fazurrYlaid,Strroed.vrd infrared Ite Goode ~A 3,,,P81018 ILO= DIMWIT TH2II inzEskarr urrau. Iwo& 1.00 Printel Unit (Jambes Dreams. 100 ;Agee' Tutu. Tasked. and Myst _ E. M. NEEDLE& (& f:Yi,l11 , 11:1.4 4 t v CITY POLNT, VA., AUGUST 7,1863, OFFICE DEPOT OF REPAIR% ARMIES OTERATITIG AGAINST RICHMOND WANTED, 300 Teamsters, ISO Wheelwrights, 50 Itastekearatllo.. 0.114 20 Carriage Who will recidys the highest rates of Government pity rational, and medieat attendance. Transportation tarnished by applying at NO. ON/ FBNNEITIairaNTA AMMO.% WlSBbillgtoll. NZ. E. J. STRANG, captain. A. Q. It. DANES X. RBlifir, CARTES DE VISITE Or VARIOUS stylef, Of uniform excellence of execution, always sire any NEMER% popular Gallery, Whoa you de sire any go direct to SEGOBD Street, above Green. 1t TOGRA P HS 'OF LIFE SIZE, life-like and impressive coloring in oil, the finest, styles cottra.its of the Bum, are superbly executed at B. P. RBIMBR'8: 624 ARCH. Street. , • It* ~,z r gia CORRECT PIANO TUNING,— purl , Mr. SARGENT gives -notice of his return to this city, and readiness to resume bhsiness by' he Ist of September- All orders received se usual. at MA SON & 00'S store, 904 CHISTKIT,Street. an2.s.lss TI -- DEAF MADE TO HEAR.IIIBTRU i-, M ENTS to %Wet the Hearing at.P. MADEIRA' 5,115 South TBNTEI Street, below Cheetant. au22. $5OO PlateP31 1 I t WlLltlfib C :traht er w ° lth L goici A be N fo p re the i n crease le pnces t will be sold for cost in 'Oreen 2,aeo. if applied for Ms week; also, a lot etShow rates, Jewelry Boxes,-Trayr, eto., suitable for. a 4fort: -OVA, Austieuetr i or Pedlar. address root (Mee. Sail Na. - • aqa-er- 10-40 C°Ur"l3l Bor eta at beat rates atra- Ot if Nz w NATION &L LOAN INTEREST LSO Ili LINTIrk MONK!. .kw .:4-lkt:Oz0-4F40,1041:1411 The orinelpal tomable In Inerhil money at the of dime years; or, the holder bee the rieht to demand at That time BE 5.30 BONDS AT PAIL INSTEAD Or TUE OMB. This privilege ie valuable, se these 5.90 Bolide are our mat popular Lou. and are now selling at eight per oimi. premium. Subscriptionsreaeivodin ths nasal manner, and the appeal and proposals of she Secretor) of the Woman", Weather with our Oiranisse, and all neceereitiry informa tion. will be farrdalksd on application at oar office. s. 7.30 The Secretary of the TreamorT gives notice that sub• ecriptione will bereoeived for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 13th,-1864; - with semi annual interest at rate of seven and three-tenths per rani. per annum—principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the bolder at maturity into six per • cent. gold-bearing bonds, payable not less than five nor-more than.twenty years from their date, as the Government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $5O, lAN), $5OO, $l,OOO, and $45,000, and all • subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or some multiple of Ifty dollars. The notes will be trasemitted to the owners free of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of Deposit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 16, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the Interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. Puttee depositing twentyflve thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any onetime will be allowed a commission of one-quarter . of one percent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the re ceipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions must be made fromthe deposits.: SPROUL ADVANTAGES OF TES LOU. IT IS A NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK, offering higher rate of interest than any other, and ths beet ee curtly. Any sayings bank which pays its depositors in United States - notes, considers that it is paringin the best circulating medium of the country, ands it cannot pay in anything better, for its own assets are either in Government securities or in notes or bonds payable in Government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. The notes can always be sold• for within a fraction of their face and accumulated interest, and are the beet security with beaks an wilder - ale for dis count*. CONVERTIBLE INTO A. SIX-PER-CENT. 5.20 In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per rent. par annum. for the current rate for 5-90 Bonds is not less than nine• percent. pre mium, end before the war the premium on six-per.cent. United States stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per annum. T 8 BXEMPTION MOM STATE OR MOI4±OIPAL BM aside from all the advantages we have ennme merated, a special Lot of Congress exempts all bonds and Treasury note from local tization. On the ave rage. this exemption 'is worth about two per cent. per annum, according - to the rate of taxation in various !Arta of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great Induce ments to lenders as those issued by the Government; In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies. or separate com munities, only. is pledged for payment. while the whole property of the country is held to secure the dis charge of all the obligations of the Gaited States. While the Government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people. Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits. The party depositing must endorse noon the orforliica certificate the denomination of notes required, and whe ther they are to be issued in blank or payable to order. When so endorsed it must be left with the officer re ceiving the deposit, to' be forwarded to the Treasury Depart/Dent. 817,B6MCIPTIO1IS WELL 22 EBOVVED by tke Treasurer of the United States at Washington. the several aseistant Treasurers and designated Depositaziee, and by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. ; Second, Na. Lionel Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. ; Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. Fourth National Bank of Pallor MAW& throughout the country will give further information gad 7 3-10 II• le6 WAIL i%iaxtmo NATIONAL SANS DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY Under Instructions from the - Treasury Ddpartineat. this Bank le prepared to receive subsoriptione to the new Loan Issued on Three Years' Treastuy lfotes with Con form attached, bearing Interest at the rate of two cents day on every $lOO. . These. Treasury Notes are convertible at maturity, at the option - of the holder, into U. 8. . 6-Mr cent. Bonds. (interest payable in coin) redeemable after Eve years, end Partin* in twenty, from Augnesid,' igsr. Interest allowed from date of subscription to - Arvid el, and on all sabecriptions after thatdate the accrued Interest will be required to be paid. DAVID B. PAUL. President July 30, Me. an2•lm S NEW 7.30 LOAN. T.J. r c iptione received, and the Notes tar nished free of all chertee, by au24-3m OBOBOE J. BOYD. Banter, Sonth TRIBE/ Street. (IA BTOCKS N., BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, FOR THE, ARMY AND NAVY. Ea - VA. N S i I - 1 A. tS LA, MILITARY FURNISHERS,.__ . . 415 ARCH STREET, • PHILADELPHIA. Banners, Regimental and Company nags, Sword", Sashes, Belts, Peasants, Epaulets. Hats, Caps, Can. teens, Ilavereacks, Camp Kits ' Yield Masses, Spurr, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Ravi Officers. A liberal diacount allowed to the trade. malt* Quartermaster's agent FINAIVCIAL. DUE IST SEPTEMBER. 5-20 COUPONS, DOB IST NOVEMBER., AT PAR. COUPONS ATTA.!OHED, JAY COOKE & CO.. No. VA Sorra TIMID STRENT. GOLD BOPTD. TAXATION, ALL RESPECTABLE BANNS AND BARNUM AFFORD EVERY FACILPTT TO SUBSCRIBERS. atO4-In PifiLADELPHU. lINJJIVIAL £GU MUTED 11TATIEL DT GEORGE T. BOYD,' 18 Smith THIRD Street. art24-3ar '.4RMt GOODS. N 0 T 1,0 B. -THE. 131iDERMEMED will apply to the DEPARTMENT OF Me EIWAYS on MOND YSePteinlier 6, at 12 o'clock M., for a oon tract to pave WILDRY Street.from Shackamaxon street to Columbia (late Hancock street; avenue, in the Eigh teenth ward, the followimpnamed property owners having signed for the work. and the Department of llighwal a having appointed theabove day to hear objec tions thereto. viz. John Robbins Seen7offet; Michael Day, 240 feet; John Hague. 20 fest z H. german,M feet: A. M Levering, 60 feet; Clement. 613 feet; Eliza beth Bradeha'w , 60 feet; Wm. G. Seddinger, go feet.; 4. Schtedc 2/J feet; Henry Rowan,4o feet; M. Cade. 90 feet; John Dorian...9o feet; GeoF. Fields. 45 feet; Inn. Eastwood, 20feet. an24-wfmlit. JOSEPH JOHNSON. TOBACCO AND PIPES FOR THE SOL. DlBllB,—Subscriptions in money or contributions or gifts of Tobacco and Pipes will b received for the Army by B. & G e . W. BLURT. No. 179 WATER Street. New York; or, S. T. VAN FLECK, Banker, Once of Messrs. Einstein, Rosenfeld. & Co., an24.et No, 8 BROAD Street, New York City. IVOKYTYPES-- B. F. RBIMER'S ARB preferable for their close adberence to' the natural in style and coloring: See speediness a n d „ can beau _ UP4 tl4 trundlA IVtaszsoo. Oftvk AIWA ' NEW DM le now ready, containing a large number am y l Int variety of New Soo,e, Roo nde, ZaercieeP. ac.... Elements of ainelcal Notation, ' The Beef's is designed' g to incina e three book e.progru4Bll.l7 arrang e d, but each book complete In itself. The Fires and Third [Moire will be h.ned as soon ea ready. Price of SONG-riARDEN, SECOND BOOR. 1117 per dozen. One copy will be Bent poet-paid to any teneb.r, for examination, on receipt of flay conic. For eale by MASON 4r FOrldr..l N. Boston. .Published by MASON BROTHS es, anl6-niwiStit New York. NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR cm:Puts. DEEXEL & 00 Thin war) is the Taman of Mr. Bradbery's esTfectiag and ectopoeing for several years, and re everyiehors being received with the aren"est favor by the meet ex perienced sinners and musicians. The ext..nt or Mr. Bradbury' a popularity may beriadited from the faeilth - si of bin ifo4 boolr,the-Jubilee, over2oo.loo have beeneate, and of his entire works more than 2.0(X) o. In addition to its rich collection of Tante and Anthem's; the Ear-Hera bas a great variety of Exercises and Olee CIOIMPLS„ mated to eoeial orninging I School ties, and in every particular it is believed the lovers of good music at church and it borne will End the Key H Noel just adapted td their wants. Sample conies by mail. prepaid ,$1 AO. FOS elle by MASON 4 HAMM R. Boston. Published by MASON BROTHERS. anid mwtStit New York. NEW BOORS i - NEW BOORS Richnio DO ne W . By EdmeN IN nd K TEND-ES:STir ke. ; and Mak by way of JOHN HIIILDENSTRIND'S SIN. A .151ove1 by C. French Richards. • Oril.ST. A Charminrf New Novel. DRI FTED, 0 W FLARES; or Poetical gatherings from many anthorq. ENOCH ARDEN. At Nem by Silfreal. Tennyson, D. C. a,. RATH H &LL. A:Dornegtie Tale of the Preheat Ti me. By Fenny Fern. THE EARLY DAWN; Cr Sketches of . Chrletian Life in England hi the olden time. By the antßur of the kehonb.-rg-Cotta For Axle by WILLIAM S. ALFRRD mARTraN, an7s-tf 606 CHESTNUT street. RY. S PHILOSOPHY OF MAR BIAGE, A NEW Enrifroff, PIIIILISEIED T9lll DAY. THE PHILOSOPHY OF MARRiTAGE, In its Social, Moral, and Physical Relations, wish the Physiology of Genetalion in the Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms. By Michael Ryan, M D., au. 1 . 1:471 the last Londbit edition. In one volume. Price, $l.. NEW' BOOES, MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC. and 01IMLLA1030114 sale aseoonaa published by LID DSAY InAKISTON, - Pnbliabers end Booksellers,. No. 25 - Bontlb SIX rEt Street: A EEMEAD & EVANS, SUCCESSOR TO WILLIS P. ILE&RD, Have received— NO. TPA - CHESTNUT Street, 'IRE EARLY DAWN; or, Sketches of Chrlatien Life in gLeisie Olden Time. By elnthorcftt: ;s v ug t ottalyandsai r tioelaeaiiE (cell Witten. NNOCH ADEN. Tennyson'e new Poem. BARBARA'S HISTORY. By Amelia Hi Edwards. k capital novel, eq_narto **Jain Halifax. ' ' NAN AND BJI RELATIONS, illustrating the In fluence of the Mind on the Body. By e. fr Britton, M. . THE BATTLEFIELDS OF OUR FATHERS. By Vir ginia.F. Townsend. DOWN IN TE.N . NESSEE. A new book by Edward , girlie, author of Among the Fines. QUEST. A cbarmingnew novel. THE bIONOMA NIAC._ By William G il bert. MANG ABET AND HMI BRIDESMAIDS ' THE NEW INTERNAL REVENEW LAW. . New sod standard novels, suitable for summer read ing- A large supply of the celebrated Lelpsic editions. in various bindings, selling at lees than present cost of importation. anlA WANTED-A CLERK IN A JOB.. v. BING BeßDWAitli HOUSE; one 37 h.) 1. so qoalnted with the bnalnees preferred. Also, BOY to learn the businebs. Address !with reference 13. x. MO, naiads P U. • is . W T E D-A • SITUATION IN A. Wholesale Dry Good Bones. by a YOUNG Ifol vbo bas some sequaiutenee with the City Trade; Will Ff n on commission or salary. Address "O T. Je." this °thee. anSl-wr4ts "WANTED-A YOUNG MAN FOR A Country Etore In Meals; one who Ilse had some e o ge e r o ie i n t eg l i s n pa Da r. Goods preferred. Address 1,11i5p2i,.." WANTED—TWO OR THREE GOOD MILL ' num need to drams.. at OAKUM WOOLE3 atrat43o. WANTED TO RENT-A SECOND STORY ROOM, 'with good light, lathe netthbor hood of T hird or Fourth and Maxim greens. addreeo Room." Press office. au3l-3t. WANTED-A SITUATION BY A. middle aged men, who 'hag served eleven TOWS in one of the largest Dry Goods /leases in the elrY; .not particular as retards the kind of business,• but is willing to wake himeelf generally useful; Will bring the beat of reference from his employers. nddrese "Employment," Prose office. effilli•ffie AN EXPERIENCED TEACHIER OF Classics and higher English Branches wishes Big- PLOTMENT. Address "Student," inquirer ogee. ann-mwr3tl AGENTLEMAN OF GOOD EDUCA TION wishes EMPLOYMENT in acme ineresatile or mann faciuring business. where his education would be weal. Adams J. WORK, Philadelphia P. O. au22-mwtSt, AGENTS WANTED IN EVERT County to Fell a new article that everybody weals. Three hundred Der Fent. pro& guaranteed ; no eapit al re quired. Addrere J. C. TILTON. ant}-4t* Pittsburg. Pa. WMPLOYMBNT HOUSE, TILE LARQ -A-4 eat and most reliable, for city and country. Has always a good selection of capable persons, with good refereneee. Americans. lAA. English, Preach, Ger mane, Scotch, Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as F Gardenere, arm Bands, Coachmen, Watchmen, &c. °oohs, Chambermaids, Seamstresees t Laundresses, Waitresses, and general Housework ervants Also, Colored Ettrvants. Hoe. 80'A and 804 OCCBT Street, above Eighth. 1101BITF.G . MA.OIIIITE .WAN.TED-A. second-band ow., with or *ldiom. the ropes. Ad dress Box 2577 Post Onice. stiS4,3o. "ARTILLERY AND (CAVALRY HORSES WANTED." ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENRE AL'S Griqua, PHILADELPHIA (Pa.), August 20, 1884. HORSES suitable for the Artillery and Cavalry ear vice will be purchased by the undersigned, in open market. at a fair price, when presented in unautitice of eight OD or over. Each animal to be subjected to the usual Government inspection before being ao , Apted. Hones to be delivered to the United States Inspector, at no, William Penn Hotel, MARKET Street, between Eightb and Ninth streets. By order of Colonel. Gososoe •H. Climax/Lit, Assietant Quartermaster General United States Army. GEORGE B. ORME, au22lCit Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. TEAMSTERS WANTED. Cnn QUARTIMMASTER'S DEPOT or WASEINOTOS, WASEMIGTON. D. C. ' August 18, 1884. WANTED. at once, Five Hundred (600) to. One Thou sand (1,000) TEA hi WENS, each capable of driving with single line and managing six-mule teams. To such who are competent to perform the duty, the pay per month will be thirty-fivs (35) dollars, with. one ration Per? ay, and hoepital privileges, including the beet medical ettesdance wl en sick. - Men experienced as Wagon blasters will receive such positions upon bringing lo this point twenty-ilve (24 good Teamsters.. Apply to Captain CHARLES H. TOMPHIN 2 , A. Q. M., A. corner of TWENTY-SECOND and G Streets, Washington, D. O. I) H. RUCKER, . Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, an2B 4.9 Depot of Washington. . WANTED TO BENT-A SURE AMA 11.1011, RESIDBROB, with handsome furnitare , for a strict] y private family, situated on one of the mats streets. west of Broad, worth from sl,4Oft to 92.000- ap pllyt to RO 4I R W ALN UT St r eet. WANTED TO RENT-A FUR NIBI3BD HOUSE situated between Pine and Chest nut and Sixth and Twenty-first streets. Address Box 1193 Poet Office. au25.61. di WANTED—ON THE isT 00- TOBER, in Germantown, a mat! Fnri ven iehemotrao or Cottage. NocbildrAn. Good reference i stating rant, etc , "Cottage ," Press doe. an26-1.116' • eft W ANTE D—A HANDSOMELY I+I3IINISHEIF ROUSE, in the western put of the city, for Mammoths, from about the first ,f November. for which s liberal rent will be even- address ••W..'' Box 2784 P. O. im4l-6eit THE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO prifelinse (for cash) a FARM of one or two ham. dred amiss, in Northern or Western Pennsylvania. It mast be in good cultivation, with all the necessary buildings for a well-regulated farm. Address "J. D., Box Box SSC WABBINOTON. D. 0. aoSlm 21 1 5° P, ore'r°s°n°nis $ w B l o n o te o 4l , ot l u o Odon o litedpr n o. petty becnrities in the city and on Farms mow by. Six per cent. 'will be paid, apply to R. PItTITF, ati2h.tf 323 WALNUT Street. 5t7 000 , Ig , L 0 ( 0 ) ( 1 ,_A o li n D OTHER SUMS ‘44 7 f If mortgage of city proper ty, at 5 per cent. for a term of years. CELLELES RHO&DS. Conveyancer, atill-ntf.. No. 36 South BRVENTII Street. FORHALE - OR TO LET-THE DE,. IMESTRABLE brick DWELLING, corner of Wood and Ellis streets, Burlington. „T. Lot 36 feet by 226. feet, with etable, Sm. Rent EEO. APPIy to R. CRAD.DOCK, 801 CHESTNUT Street; Phileds. Or, FRANKLIN WOOLMAN, are26..frewet* BURLINGTON. New Jersey. FOR SAL E-A DESIRA.BLE tlarge rough-cast Brick RESIDENCE. with three rooms on first A oor ; live or sist chambers; barn, wagon house ; and large trees in front and rear, with two acres of garden concgiulug grapes. , plume, Am. ; pleasantly situated at Haddonfield, corner of Main street and Long a. coming: now occupied by- Use Bev. B. F. Young. Price $4.660, Apply to .11.014 T. MAC GREGOR, au26 it 419 WALNUT Street. de l , FOR BALE-LARGE FACTORY near Germantown. on the railroad, with switch to connect; large lot; stream Os water running through the premises; large shedding, steam engine, shafting, &c.,complete. Price $lO,OOO, clear. Immediate pos sessom anNsStif MILLER, 154 North SIXTH Street. di FOR SALE--NEA.T LARGE MAN SION at Day's Lane Station (Getinantown). con tains twelve roams, five on the fast floor; stable, coach bonze. elegant garden. &c. Lot 142 by Mg feet deep to a etrcet. *MOM ._ MILLER, acts Stif 154 North SIXTH street. fa FOR SALE---A THREE STORY -Ma BRICK DWELLING and LOT. No. 720 North BROAD Street, 20 feet front by IIXO feet deep, with all the modern conveniences. Apply to LEWIS U. REDNSR, No. 152 S. FOURTH St. att2o7B. FOR SALE OR TO RENT-THE DWELLING, corner CRELTEN Anenne and WAYNE Street, Germantown. containing all the sno dean 2b nt cOnvenlences. Apply to W. H. STOKES, t. Germantown. FOR— BALE OR EXCHASGE—A mil wary desirable Suburban RESIDENCE, about two miles out, with Stables,. Coach-house, large Garden, Drapery, de, ; lot 100 by 320. For puffier particulars apply to E PETTIT, 323 WALITUr area. IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE COAL LANDS, The attention or espitalmts le called to the talc to tale piece a tthe COURT HOUSE in Pottsville. Va., on SATURDAY, September 3, Schnylkin aPa nt Y• at 10 o'clock, tn the forenoon, of a Valuable COAL TRACT, Weals in the town of Tuscarora.. Schuylkill county., which contains all the coal veins that are now being worked °alba Tamaqua, comPanY's lands at Boonville, with a run upon it of 1,700 yards or nearly one mile. This tract offers inducements equal to any other tract, from Pottsville to- Tamaqna, for ex tensive operations. The improvements consist of a breaker, with engine, (crews, eapable or break ing forty care of coal per daY,together with Sid. bloc" of miner's Mousse, .no. au26,4t. WATER POWER TO RENT. APPLY to DAVID CHILIAD, Rea ark, Del. ,t09.-Ans LOST -11. 8. 7.8.10 BONDS, NO. 17,061 for sam, Roe. 0.13644-6-7 - 8 for $lOO each,,pavable in k'ebruaTy and Amgctfit, to th e order of usWaLD THODIrSOII, guardian of 'Theodore H. Reaktrt, and unendorsed. application Ter -payment of the same has teen made at the Treaaury Departmetth Any informa tion will be suitably ratvardeal by THIIO EL REIRT. indli-191,* • 702 WdienT ME NEW PUBLICATIONS. C BOOK FOR SCHOOLS TEE SONG-GARDEN, SECOMD BOOK, BY DR. LOWELL MASON, THE KEY-NOTE.. BY WM. B, BRADBURY WANTS. FOR SALE. AND TO LET. LOST AND FOIIND. .tikUCTiON SALES. BAZAAR, NINTH AND BAN— E 3 sold 81 . 114.6 9 8. 11 AUCTION SALE 9.e ITOFSISS. CASK' kONS, &a, At 10 o'c lo ON ck, kinTURTYOI MORNING . coat, couirneing .hut , Hely HORNS% suited to harness end the saddle, including lave mare, a stray horsy; two Cana and gears,. ex. Minn wenon and gears, reJnitnre cur .aal genre, sl 017Pitl, fore a, /4e. also. °tett horses. Intl neer ri orlon In on taiontren! Also, n.w and ascend. bead glirriagee, light Wagons, &e.. with which the eat , . will coididencte. AIKo, single end double harness,. saddles, bridiou, jp, , , covets. An. No po tperentent on account of vv.athPre Aar Sate of Hai... WEDWERDAY. Aar flarriapee end Hemet% at oriv.ted eats. an2)s-2tif ALFRED M. DERKNEISno io r neer . . A vga s N BALE OF CONDMINND WAIL PEPAILTMENY, CAVALRY Btra.ZIII,_OFPISE Or CRIMP Que - aTisswiterym AERENOTOR, D. C. Auguit WUI be told at Oldie acetic*, te th e highest' . la:iles. at the flees gild - places =deft BAlo9,ett: Iteacltag, Penzteirleattia, kunst IS, 1864. Altooni4 Pennsylvania; TEMEMAY, /atm WS UNA. Lebanon/ Peancylrania, TfiIIESDAY, deptemlais na - rlubmire, PeliDelyl7Bll.ll, TeeRSDAY, deptenteal TWO RITYPR• RD (2003' Cavalry graces al each. rdsol. These flower, have bees Candentned an nal& for tac Cavalry services! the Arm 7. For Road. and Farm pnrjesesi inanilladd bariafas I may be bad. Horses sold Biol. TdriaS: Carh in sited Staten Currency. JAMES A_ Joni, Lieut. Ostend and CiderQuarbrteocter. aug-GY.B Cavalry a ItO VE R 7 WS' E OErESTRUI N-A ETREBT THEATRE. 'EXTRA GAGA NIGHT!. Tine (Friday) EFENIWO." August ffth," Mt. COMPLIMENTARY FAREWELL ITEIO3FIT Tendered to the litneiness Manager, MR. . D HS. By Manager Grover and C Ihrt Attach ß9 es of the Chestnut. etreet Theatre. AMY ATONE has Vale teProd, EFFIE OERMON hae.Volnat".eted. Mr. N. F. STONE has Velolittiered. Mr. J. F fiBERB hr Vniuntee, rid! ALL THE COMPANY NAVE VOLUNTEERED: CARNITROSS & DT*Ef'S.. ENTIRE BAND OF MIX3TRELS HAVE vou.NTEEBEti. The performsneee will consist Of the Wonder&xi lines's' senior Thl'lPlin , ALADPIN, OR TUE WONDERPOt LAMP: A Grand Divertissement bry C.rocross m Dixey'e lifinctrel 8, And-the channino_protPal ComPfkl.ttO of 7115 FOllll &STARS. THE FOUNT/111, OF COLOREIYWITERS' Will be In operation Ripon ti is 0CC481012. GOVEAYB N, 13 W CHZSTNIIT STREET Tifg6TER. , LEONARD GROVER . MAITAGNH. THIi EVENING, The Great Bomautic lllueical , Peztomhzitc, Simetteni. far DTRIIIR, A-LA - DDIN, OR THE WONDERFUL'LAMP. THE T.IVIVE FOUNTAIN OF CoLuEED' w &ream All the new and meAuifteent SCENERY, Elegant Pro nertiee, - Wonderful Effects, Erperb Cuetumvs, mtartlint Transferniattons, Orand Chontses,aud ELAWItiI Hanle : Dancee, gongs &c. The whale produced itt an of cost of 5E.310. ' The Cast of Characters is one' of Great EmeelleAce. PRICES QF AD'aIIaSTON. Press Circle or Parquet 80 ceata Wm:ay Circle 25 centa Orchestra Seats., " 7-5 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Pertermaticee commence at , 8 weisely. No Extra Margo tor Secarinvieats. ant 3-511 LNIIT-STREET THEA. T 11 TRITIMPRAL SUCCESS of the CELEBRATED' ROMANCE OF•THE RHINE. entitled THE NAIAD QUEEN, The most intereetint poetically beantiftd, and SIICCeta.• ruFaTrAmigatißevlagro of the UR . ING THE *WEEK, with entirely new Scenery, meet Delightful MELAIC, Re wildering Hine - ions, Gorgeone Coetnmee„ and Splendid' Cad of it:barociers, box Office oven from 9 till 3 o'clock. Doomopen Performer.* commences at a quarter to 8 o'clock. fl- COIN CERT HALL. Commencing MONDAY EVENTITG, August 2XL WEEK O ! THE ORIGINAL AN ONE DW ONLY C HRISTY mixsTana. tAmi 043 great comic ante. J. W. RAY NOR GEORGE CHRISTY. Manager and Proprietor. First fovea) ante in this city since Heir retnra front England, after aa absence of some years. All thereat Extravecancas,_Ennerqnne gbh* have made the name of CHRISTY'S MINS . F.RELS AS FAMILIAR AS HODSSEIOLD WORDS," will be produced during their smears here. The re sources of the Chr My Minstrels are superior to any fifin etrel organization in existence, wh'eh enable them to Present in a . nperb manner the humors and oddities of SOUTHERN PLANTATION LIFE! in all its broad, mirthful, and original phases. Particulars in small bills. Admission 21 cents; Or. ebestra Seats in front. BO cents. an 24-4 1 JOBN P. SMITH, Business Agent. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, Is OPSK DAILY , for wieners. trenot to PERSONAL. pliArr.. DE PARIS FOR TRllthrtlf..- Tbe "EMAIL DE PAM" f ro move all tea. or discoloration of the skir, wtteDoythe sue or hom the sea air, and it therefore invaluable for redo. ring the vitality and healthiness of the WE, injured by diesaalt,. by exposure, or bT rapid eharpres of tempera— tare. YOUID, Ili TENTH Street, below Chestaut, Se the only agent for l'Email d. Palk, *MB et, EDUCATIONAL. ••••••••• BUSINESS EDUCATION. - --Y o UNG Men premixed for the Counting Honse end I . IK - in...as life at CRITT EN DEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 63Z - CBES') VDT Street, corner of Seventh. Practical inatraction in Book-Keeping, in all its branch., • Penmanahip, pieta and ornamental; Mercan tile Calculations, &c. Telegraphing by Sound and on Paper taught .by on& of the beer of practical Operators. • Students irmtructed separately, and received at any time. Diplomas, with the seal of the inetitattou at tached, awar ded on graduating. Catalogues containing particulars furnished gratis on application. anltC-3t. MARY P. BOBESON WILL OPEN her Erleol for Tonna Ladies at 1338 catarNoT Street, on the 12th of Ninth Month (Septemher). Circulars may be obtained at UOA ASCH Street. an2e-teels rENTRALI. N. STITUT E, TENTH and SPRING GARDEN . - Streets, will reopen Sept. 5111. Boys prepared for any Dlvl.lun of the Public Grammar Schools, for College, or for Business_ Eya dal attention giver to email boys. au% B. G. ldcol3lll.E. A. M., Princlral. THE ENGLISH AND' CLASSICAL,. scuna 4 N. W. corner. eas3rNirr am/ TWELFTH Streets, will reopen on MONDAY. SePleM- Ith. Nomber of poplin limited to forty. Price of tuition same as last year. For references and partiaolars nee Circulars, which , may bo had at Arr. Efaeraid'e Drug Stonier at the Scticol Room. where the Principal, (socceenor of Charles Snort, A. M..) may be seen every morning hetwe , 'n In and 12. o'clock. . A. B. *MEARS 11. anl6-1m No. 1.301 ARCH Street. (71,E0. W. PETTIT WILL RE•OPEN NJ! hie twit') forthe reception of ?antis in the arta of DRAWING and PAINTING. at No. 100 North TIMM Street, on the 15th of September. tur2513.0 PLAB SI AL. IN STITT:ITE, 'Li Street. below LOCUST. Defies resumed SEP TEMBER G. J. W. FAIRS 3, 0.. autro-2raw - PriaciaaL BIC VBSIONIL FIRST EXCURSION OF THE GRAND DIVISION SONS OF TEEPENANCII. TO ATLANTIC um On FRIDAY, August 26tb, Leaves VIES• &TEBET Wbarf at 6 o'clock A. IL, p TI kSTS, sr .26, can be procured at the various Dbri. Mon rooms; at Pu's, Sixth and Chestunt streets * or at Tine street.6r whar fon the morning ot the au.2o. jar ag e GRAND BXOUFISION CAPS NAT.—The staunch and c-bmmo diwt,e Moamar MANHATTAN. Captain Z A RYTHSR, will make a ()RAND EXCURSION TO CAPE MAY orc SATURDAY. Aortut 27th. 1864, leaving ARCH-Street al:mit at 9 o'clock. Re turnin_g, will learn Cape May con. MONDAY, at 836 o'olock A. M. Fare for the Excursion, St Carriage Lire extra. It JOSEPH-A. STEWART, Agent. a g gEgm SEA BA.THING• AT CAPE MAY. Exral EXPRESS TRAIN. At 3.30 P N. on SATURDAY, August 27th. TBROITOR VTITIIOUr STOPPING. DPE AT CAPE MAY AT 6.60 P. M., In time for the evening entertainments. hops, tge.,&e. Tbis trails will )Cave from Wkinnt-street Wharf at the above hour. instead of 5:15, as on Saturday last scnrsion•Tickets $4, good to return on- any train otr... londsy,. or nill be received at 61 on account for pas sage any day or train donng the ensuing week. Regular trains leave Philadelpbla at 6' and 10 A. Id.. and 434 P. hi. Cape Illay at 6 and 11 45:A. M.and SP. IL !J. ' VAN RENSSELAER. PHILADELPHIA, August 25. 1264. au26.2t MOONLIUHT• EXCITR- BIODI TO ATLANTIC CITY. MIJLDVB SEVENTH ANNUAL MOONLIGHT' EXCIISSIOM to the far-famed ckp the eeet will take place on SATURDAY EVENING,' August 27th. Last boat leaves VINE Street retry at,B. P.. M. pm , dimly. Fare for the trip $1.60, returning at an -early hear on Monday morning. • Tickets can be proinued at all the principal hotels Ls the city, and at the giclet office on the wharf on the eve. ding of the emtulion. DAVID 11.• MUNDY au22-61* swimB tr X N E-11 EXCUX. SIONE I AT REDUCED TO TER GREAT COAL. IRON, MID WWII I. GIONS OE' P3NNSYLVAPITA TICKETS GOOD FOR TEN DAYS I AMPLE TINS TO VISIT EACH POIPY Off INTRUST ON TBB BOUTB. The Catamissa Railroad Comps", Having perfected arrangements with connecting reaba will issue Rscursion Tickets from Philadelphllwyeira following route: To AND READING RAILR__ To Reading, Schuylkill Haven, Ashland; lashagegif City and Tamaqua: cATAWISSA RAILROAD, To Summit, McAuley Mountain, CataWings, D W ays% Danville, Milton, and William T A B K o AW NrNgA,_ AND t B o L O an MS WiIIReGR R LEHIGH AND SIISCM,EANNA AD. RAILROAD. To White Haven and. Penn Haven. LEHIGH. AND MAYEANOY AND BEAVER =um, _ RAILROADS, Black Creek and Mancb Chunk • LEHIGH VALLEY Euxidokt. ToAlltoern and Bethlehem;the NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD. To Philadelphia. For variety and mama of scenery, tMI relate paw rents peculiar inducements to madam. Those wishing to do so, may reverse the route by Mir tabling Tickets to start over the North. Peausylvaaba Railroad. VAJEM.,, $lO. Tickets CAA be obtained at the Depots of the Pbtlaisl. and weeding and North Pennsylvania Rama. COMMAS!, and of N. VAN HORN, Ticket Northwest corner SIXTH and ORNSTINUT Streste. Trains start from Philadulphis. and Reading Thsisa 8.16 A. M. SAO P. M., and from North Pennsylvania" Railroad Depot at 'id and BA and 5.143 P. M. ./Y2O-tutresr A ger me t TOR CAPE MAY.--TECIP staunch anti commodious steams& Map RATTAN,, Capt. IL A. NYTEISR, of the NaLLine. is !Om making her regular tripe to CAM DiJI I leer's Arph- street wharf every TUSSDArt TEITERSDAT , And• e.ATURDAT,t at nine o'clookilme— turning. wiltleave Cape Nay every molDer, woo rzsaky anti FRIDAY. at g,ig o'clook.too cling at New Ce&tie going and returning. Fare. 82, carrinnehire included. Children ball pries. carriage bin included Servants, *LtO, carriage Muth extra. Weight 'at low sates. No freight received &flag o' Cloth, end in all cases must be pre-p a id. aull3thfetf JOS. A. STENVA.EtT, ATent. miagr e 4.. FROM NEW YORK FOS t rw HAVEN, ilisirrolu rr i, F,J.LD, an B STON.—The bloomers Ocl Lod MAI CITY have Peek 13119 e Siq EOM &SUM PAS P. 4441. 11 at Wit,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers