THE 01.1L"kr. IMYNAL CITY NEWS SEB FOURTH PAGII.I ATTO NOMINATING CONVENTIONS littes elected on Monday night to tli2 De ,onvention met yesterday, and ,nomleated for city, county, Congressional, Senato !Wye, and ward offices. CITY CONTENTION. atee to the DEMOONIIIC City Convention t 10 o'olook yesterday morning, at Na de entlon was temporarily organized by m. Curtis, of the Thirteenth ward, to '.113. Remick and Isaac J. Lawless were Ocularly 5. .ntiala of the delegates were presented, taken until twelve o'clock. , n, the officers chosen temporarily were e permanent officers of the organization. ohn o , l3yrne and John J. Meany were presidents. As Beeman was eleotedtreasurer. wing gentlemen were appointed by the mittee on resolutions: John Bell Re. . Campbell, John McFadden, M. Gaul- L. Clark. Thos. Reim, Wm. Christy, Cully, John R. Downing. One Sur City Commissioner were then ]lows: Messrs. John Johnson, Win. B. harlea Chapman, Thos. Davis, Samuel J. T. Spicer. -Jae. McFadden, Jr., and Amos !Nahum, inteti tellers to conduct the election. The is the result : On 121 0,16.1.41,4 ....... 1 tived tty-- rion, having receiyeu ..te majorltY of the waß declared the nominee of the party mmithiloner. .ouncetnent Was reclaimed with =dame he Convention went into nomination for , f Taxes, The following gentlemen were John IC Mandy, John U. Keller, and • dges. The following is the result :111e1- •:Her, Sit ; Vodges, 10. boy having received the largest number as declared the nominee of toe party for 01 Taxes, battens were made unanimous, A com tbree was appointed to wait on Messrs. •, nd Malloy to inform them of the result. ing is the committee : Messrs. Campbell, ..sieleadden, zmittee on Resolutions were, on motion, • d without making any report. iloy was then brought in by the committee • t cheering. The result of the vote was elineed to him by the president. Mr. en thanked the Convention for their kind. ling nominated him, and expressed his Ito , to stand by the party whether through r through defeat. yrne was then called upon, and expressed rind to be recognized as one of the Demo , t) in the teeth of powerful tyranny and op- They had never trampled on the Coo- TAIT confined free citizens without a trial; never set up military against civil power. ,t the blood sucking contractors that, had qi any country from ruin, but it was the 11,e men who earned their bread by the their brow, and coined their wealth from be hoped that alt would go forward the work, conquering and to conquer. :ell Rubinson also addressed the meeting; ttb, the Convention adjourned Mae die. SENATORIAL OUNTENTION, •nftturial Convention Of the Third Senato inet at Military Rail, Third street, een, mord Dunn was called to the chair. An for Democratic candidate for Senator was c Into. . C. M. Donovan, Charles Wolff, and John were nominated. .tn fe the result of the ballot : Donovan, 1e; Wharton, 9. ovan was then declared the Democratic fur Stnator in the Third Senatorial oration was then addressed by Messrs, Yelff, Wharton, and °has. W. Brooke, it adjourned sine die. . _ NOREBOIONAL CONVANTIONS, Distriet Democratic Congressional Con t at the County Court Rouse, Sixth and treets, and nominated Samuel J. Ran- id.Dlstrlot met at the Assembly Build. I minated Wm al. Reilly, Esq. District met 1 111 Helser , s Black Horse :ford, and nominated Oharles Buckwal- h District met at Krekler , s, southeast and street and Ridge avenue, and nomt• o Northrop, Esq. ILICSUNTATIVE CONVHNTIONS. t=entative oonventlone'met In their re• , trleta, and tuade the fallowing numina• d uts J. Borger, Lei Joseph. s lgyer. 7 M Brunner. eMaki. Acker. Cook. - rm A. Quigley. D. Boileau. Vaughan. Donnelly. Arundel. • than Wolff. ran Barnes. few Arnold, Jr. wAirn CONVENTIONS. tent ward delegates met yesterday at rive ward houses, and made the follow• cd.—Seleat Council, Andrew Sterling ; Council, William Wiler Alderman, 'turns,. School Directors, Robert P. Steel, G. Barr, Charles Edwards,S. Schiller. , d.—Common Connell, Geo. W. Nickels; Richard McCloskey, Frank Morgan; tors, William F. McCully, John Fitz noel C. Foster. rd.—Aldermen John P. Delany, John col directors, ' John J. Ragerdon, Ber net), Ohas, W. Brooke, John A. Cullen ;plied term). qt.—Adjourned to meet on Monday,l6th Ward.—Sehool Directors, James H. )ula U. Pearce, S. G. King; Alderman, r. (long.—Select Council, Lewis T. Mears ; )unoll, John 11. Vrawford School DI• 2, W. Fenner, Jonas Yorger, John F. Wm. T. Ladner. Ward.—Comman Council, Daniel Dot. Directore, Henry W. Hildebrant, AO. ma, Jobn Hammon, Ward.—Select Council, Joseph Crockett ; °Quell, George J. ; School Dtreo e years, Daniel Whttham, John James, J. Beckham; for two years, Mr. Mills; : Mr, S. Smith; Aldermen, Henry Mc- John J. Miller; Constables, James Alto-. uhn Linn. lilt Ward. Select Council, B. Sprungk ; ;oun Mt, Wm. T. Baum, James MoSorley; Thomas HEBBOII, THE COUNTY CONVENTION. dock, yesterday morning, this body met ton Hall, Eighth and Spring Garden temporary organization, with John fr., as chairman, gave way to the per ,anization, vfhloh E. R. Hermbold was nd Uhass Ws lArrigan awl John Daily nit]. .Lti - s seemed to have a lively recollec. act that at the last State election there liy In the city of 7,000 against the De. 'ty, and consequently the prospects for fampaign were decidedly "blge. ,, The as feeling was the total absence of a regard to the nominations, and what ]ore surprising, there were but two snob These were soon disposed of. A (nine on resolutions was appointed, and dot proceeded to business, the Clerk anal Court being first in order. The were as follows: Joseph Alegary, C. id 'Frank Illellvaine..•A selection was first ballot, "the vote being as follows: 158 2 Woo or Mr. Magary was made .er of Wills the following nominations H. a: Leisenring, Andrew Alexander, .nstavern, D. Cleary, T. T. Morrison, . Hood, and William Lee. rive ballots with the following result: 4.—Leleenring, 72 ; Alexander, 86 ; Dior leery,. le ; Hood, 8; Lee, 10. faUot.—Lelsenting, 87; Alexander, 47; 7; Cleary, 19; Hood, 12. lot.—Lehenring, 78;Alexander, 49 ; Mr :teary, 83. lallot.—Leisenrlng, 74; Alexander, 86; i 4. I.—Lelsenring, 115 ; Alexander, 93. irlag.wee deelared the nominee of the gym. the followingnominattons were made : MoKibbin, Colonel Peter Lyle, George Abraham Sulger. allot vaa taken, a delegate produced a Colonel Lyle, In which he solicited the and promised to be home in time to as canvaas, and suggesting that, it the sot at the , neat eleotlon, he would reoeive support. was as follows: IcKibbln MOM/II as ligsr Alp was declared the nominee, and in is he made his appearance In the hall ul upon for a speech.. In a few words his thanks for the nomination, and the members that the party wee anew m was next called upon., He said he I nomination, but failing, was glad to uponice falling Mr. rdeßibbin. "If he spend all the money I have got " With this hint at defeat, Mr. Magee inure. ' se to a demand for a speech, Mr. E. R. ho president of the Convention, said : turn thanks on behalf of a gallant officer ve voted for He is a gentleman tie the Democratic party In the face of is not one of those who say to others asks others to follow, him. I think it the party to remember such men, and withered him to-day." thefaot that the Convention had given t 38 votes, the members VII evidently ie understand Mr. Heirubold 9 s speech. know whether it was intended as a re expression of the speaker's belief that deserves was 88 votes oat of 210. The waver, recovered themselves in time to :ere. , Carriga n followed. He said : So far lard of th enomtnattons mule by the .arty to-day, they have, in my opinion, :ket that cannot be beaten in October that is necessary is for tho Democratic city to recollect that the men they on their ticket arc men off ntegrity, and hem manfully and carry them triumph s emcee for which they are nominated. for a number of weeks back as if the limitable dynasty, which has been curs try, is to be defeated. In October, we Washington that Pennsylvania has f her eons to protect the General Go- when Pennsylvania was In need the sment could not give her on man. Otto be "No more men drafted in Cuntil Pennsylvania ' s coil is safe from heers.]e .ed by eulogizing %General McClellan drive into obscurity " the miserable titer who disgraces the seat once oa hington." In then adjourned. The committee ide no report. • Naval News. m fleet In Europe hasbeen somewhat B original composition. It now con- Ige ra, 12; Kearearge,B ; Sacramento, I ; of the St. Louis, 16, and Uonsteile • Moons. The Iroquois, I); susoae• l'iconderaga, 18, are, or will soon be, li tor. The Dictator, it 11e reaffirmed, n a trial trip to Bermuda. The Meet .nol and the Mediterranean amounts n reinforced, It will eariT 91. ir , bile consists of the foilowinßyOß liao• Ship), '2 0 gnus 4 BlehltlOnd, 18 ; ; Lackawanna, li, le..qhet, 10 ; - Gteneseo, 8 ; Sebago, • Kennebec, ; Pinola, 4; Itasca, I. "Koin. 7; Tennessee, ISI Cone. °aim:m.l4 ; Cowslip, Phil online, Buckthorn, tugs. Tho rrive nruce} lting he middle of Au ttonat coa . Oise eases havebeen ad.' trt.h tl‘uriltort enders now ready neer Paul, captured by s ; pr , re e schooner Napier', . si ,?amrts Mallet Verno arc marl 04,4 stripes prizen, sohooner Ranger, captured by the . S. steatners Fort Henry and 'W IT Wanderer ; prize schooner Florence Nightingale, captured by the U. S. steamers Ooto• rola and .Tioga; prize 65 bales of Cotton, captured by the U. S. steamer tionestoga. Quite a number of gunboats are at the Washing. ton yard, some undergoing repairs, and others awaiting orders. The revenue cutters Tiger, W. a. tL Sewarand Wyanda, are lying oil the yard. Tue. gunboats Teaser and Eureka have lately come up irom the Lower Potomac. The steamers Doun and Bibb are nearly completed and will soon be ready for sea, The United States gunboat Miami was found on the 26th ult. thirty%tive miles south of Cape Henry in a disabled' condition, and Cowed to Fortress ..,don roe by the transport steamer Cassandra, from New Orleans, TEE GREATEST ()OCRING INVENTION GP TEE Aon.—Our attention was yesterday called to an in vention in the form of a hot-weather cooking ar rangement, that must very soon be universally adopted by people who have 'any regard for comfort and economy. The article referred to uses nonher wood or coal fire, is the invention of Mr. C. B. Love less, of Syracuse, N. Y., and is now on practical ex hibition at the store of Messrs. Wltters Sr. Co., No. 493 .Market street. The whole concern does not occupy more space than any ordinary water-pail, is portable, emits neither smoke, odor, nor ashes, and imparts no more heat than an ordinary kerosene lamp. We have the most undoubted authority for stating that, by its use, the cookery for a, family of six persons requires but one•half gallon of oil per week, the .heating being accomplished by selllgene rating gas, which may be extinguished. the instant the occasion for its use ceases. One of the most de liclously.oooked steaks Pat we have ever tasted was broiled by this arrangement yesterday in five minutes and ten seconds, and Tor baking meats of all kinds, bread, pies, ,blsouit, or potatoes, it is equal to the best stove ever made. It heats flatirons with the greatest dispatch, without increasing in the slightest degree the temperature of the department in which it is done, which, with the thermometer at the present figures, is really a matter of health as well as comfort. Our reason for calling attention to this admirable arrangement, at this time, Is lees with a view to . benetitting the own ers of it than for the purpose of enlisting some en terprising gentlemen in the (no doubt profitable) business of giving it the widest possible circulation for the public good. The machine may be examined in operation daily at 493 Market street, as Already stated. TEE HEAVED TERM STILL CONTINUES, but this need not, and evidently does not, deter our citizens from laying intheir supplies of winter Coal from the celebrated new yard of W. W. Alter, 967 North Nioth street. He sells the best and cheapest coal in the city. TUN SaoOlt or GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS offered by Mr. George Grant, No. 610 Chest nut street, IS the finest In the city, and his celebrated "Pam: lidansa. Salsas," invented by Mr. J. F. Taggart, are unsurpassed by any others in the world in fitr comfort, and durability. SUMMER CLOTHING AT GREAT BAROATNE.—We invite attention to•day to the large and elegant stook of Summer Clothing offered by Messrs. 0. Somers & Son, No. 025 Chestnut street, under Jayne's Hall. It embraces every variety of sea sonable garments, made from the choiOest , materi als, in the most apprOved styles, and they are sell ing them at great bargains In view of the advanced stege of the season. CONFECTION'S AND FMB FRDITS.—"Mr.- A. L. Vann nt, Ninth and Chestnut street; is not only de. lighting his customers with the finest Confections in America, especially adapted for the season, but his present display of fine hot-hone Peaches, lus cious Apricots, and Hamburg Grapes, surpasses any similar display that we have ever seen. RAIDS INTO PEKNBYLVAITTA.—The rebels make occasional raids into Pennsylvania, carrying off grain and cattier rom along th,e border, and causing serious scares. The - 4 ' reber doubtless have Phila delphia in their eye, and they would like, above all, things, to harry "The Brown Stone Clothing Hall" of Bockhill b. Wilson, Nos. 605 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, and procure for themselVes a much-needed supply of wearing apparel at that fa mous establishment. But the thing "can't be did!" So the rebels might as well knock under. TEA "BRANDS" AND THEIR PINANING.—The fol. lowing will interest housekeepers : " Hyson" means before the rains ; that Is, early in the spring; hence It is often called "Young Ryson." "Bohm" Is the naroe of the hills in the region where it is collected. "Powchong," folded plant; " Souchong," small plant ; R. 0. X., $24, means (when on a coat at Chas, Stokes & Co.'s, under the• Continental) the price the goods Cost by the yard, and the cash price of the coat, from which there is no abatement. Era min Elm most successfully treated by J. Isaacs, M. D., Oculist and Auriet, sti. Pine et. Artift- Mal eyes Inserted. No charge for examination: jy264 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS, The Con P M Hacks, Pittsburg 0 A Choate Vicksburg P Bodfitt, Chicago Ma J It Lonand W Richards'Kentucky S R Richard's, Kentucky John Richards, Kentucky J W Typhon, Kentucky D.B Cobb, New York F II Archer, Salem; NI Mrs Moody, Baltimore R L Hitchcock. Baltimore J IS Coale, Maryland . John Eaton, Vicksburg Jae Archer & wf, St Louis nos E Hambletou, Balt Miss Hatiabieton, Balt Mrs Wallace, Trenton P Brown, Leavenworth °Stockton, Leavenworth L Curtis, Now York Capt Murray P Bentz, York, Penna. Henry Harley Pittsburg Boston YWiggin, P Hale, Concord A R Haller, Boston Miss. E E Goodwin,Boston Mrs J Derby & children Miss COMM, tt Louis blies Pratt,. St Louis W R Shaffer, Colorado 6 Wllkeson, Washington A Staub, Mexico 0 E Hersh, Yolk, - Fauna J Borges, Baltimore S 0 Tuttle & la, Norfolk Alex Ls clieY. New York J W Maguire, New York B B Band, Worcester, Mass Lord, New York J B Stockton, New York Count Onrowaki, Wash Miss Eno eli,Washington T E Tootle, St Joseph Mr Williams & dan t Balt Mr Boyd & bro, Baltimore J 0 Fuller . B Char dler, Man bin. Col AG Bazard,Enfield bites Fanny Hazard, Enfield Rota Beer, Pittabarg B W Beer, del/land, 0 Chap Rale & la;Clnelnnaki W J Walker, Indiana . . J A Darcy ~ New Jersey Thos Willtanui r New York R Harrison, New York J B Cameron, Harrisburg .1 Goldsborough, Maryland N Ashcome. Maryland .J B Bopper, Maryland F Adel. New York M Courtrigb t, New York W Martin, Decatur, LI N Finley, Chicago' Miss L Finley Chicago Kentucky CLancaster. C A Lambard, Boston C Rice, Massachusetts The G F Homer, New Jersey II Ben 3 De Wolff, Washington! Alex G Cattell, ti Jersey E G James, New Jersey J S Ringwalt, Penne II Rabii, West Cheater Jno Maginness, W Chester John II White, Maryland Wm Arrett, New Jersey 0 R Dykema n, Penns J Woodruff, Palma fi B King, Buffalo, N Y W W Potter E L Con/ter Parley B 11 Campbell Maim Win B Lum, , Lonna GPO Baptisms'. St Loafs B H Douglass. Easton Dr Bryan, Buffalo 13 Bryan, Buffalo 1) alpenhorn , ,a Albany Z Morton, Albany 1 P bberer, West Point T Pleb, Brooklyn J Pinkerton, Washington M Lowden, Washington P-Eltliamell, Kentucky A btimmell, Kentucky B A Lumberton, Harrisburg 8 5 Carrier, Pin sbu Chan Ruggles, Doylestown Cies Stevens, Doylestown B A MinklUr& WIG, Week ,J A !Retell, Pennsylvania B B King, Chicago, 11l J H Rowley. Smyrna. Del W Gaskil ,I New Jersey S Lecke, New Orleans Ono Faik, New York H Leek, New York Wit Trotter. Allentown 144 The Bier Wm Byrnell, Virginia Di Erlanger Terre Banta John WeiCTunkbitnliock 8 DI Hamill, New Jersey DI Israel, Chicago 1 Wertheim, La Salle, 11l T B Allerbnry & wf. Piltag A Hettell, Ebensburg .1 L Baker. Dayton, O. Jobn Dicks, Dayton.. 0 F Moore, Clearfield, 0 A Adler, Lancaster T H Itobit mon & wf, Penna II Green & wf, Penns tßd M Snyder, Balt W L McCormick, Fort Del: M Toy, Delaware 0 W Brubaker,billleritinrg l Efertry_ficbwar,tAlexamdri.. Mrs sahritz & ch, Alek J Heyman. Alexandria W N Wyeth, Baltimore A 21 Benedict, New York 'W 0 Miller, Phce Fairview ) W 0 Banks,Weet Farvie D M V o n mare", kilitord Pa near Medow A S it WRJbLoltintzdtibeillbarw'uoit CP:unlink& C Brownold,Oape Wand S Brownoid,Crop leland A B Howell, Cincinnati A Biiikor, New Yark The. E Spangler, Marlettß, Pa 0 8 Cnnoingbam W Calder, Lancaster J kiltcbell. New Jereey J Cooper, Brooklyn kr E Matthews. New York ThosElollen, New York Jae H }Cloy, New York Wm Min Baltimore Joe Thompson Jr, Y Oeo Lovejoy. New Jersey David Dunn, .Bnntingdon R Frick, Levrisburir John Barth, Brooklyn E L EEenan A B Cooper, New Orleans O H Cline, Peuna J E Williams, Del 'Kral, Lynch, Del Oeo Derrick son,_Del Dire .1 Carter. Del, 8 C Hell, Del co, Pa W V Babcock, Del co, Pa Wm Baker, New Orleans Mrs E H Kettle_, A Beerbower, Hanna D Hess, Biltinipre 0 W 8 Nicholson,DelawAre henwell, Maryland J C ifegriddi, tantalen,Del Capron', Camdan,.., Del 0 H Murtre, Pew York_ The fit E W Abott, Fowler, N Y Wm blench, Titylorsyllle Wm 1341er, Taylorayitlo J H enmer. Delaware W Dal% _Maryland Jelin Manelleld, DelaWaie 'WM Dory,' Wisooneln Wid.Curtint.Delaware Nitoberta, 'D.4O aware H &Franklin & la, Penns W 8 Qsadey, New Jersey CITY ITaE ES. mental, MTylestas, New York J R Sneperd, Chicago R E Demmon. Boston C W Kingsley, Boston W.T.Richardson, Boston W J Parks, Boston Moses Dorr, Boston Geo El . Orth, COnnellyille ISIMOII Maud lebanin,Detrolt H'C'Strild; Hartford - Joshi& Caldwell, Boston M Goodheim, New York Mrs C Lockwood, Boston Mrs H C Lockwood, Boston Mrs R B Smith & 2 ch, Mace Dr Henderson, R Jersey Miss Henderson, N J Miga Nertin, New York N fl Painter & la, W Cheater W Finn C Hersehehode, Dayton H N Shannon, New York J Leiseurleg, Penne WI Byer s, Cincinnati E Byers, Cincinnati J Byers, Cincinnati A Dillon, New York Mrs Dillon, New York Miss Dillon, New York Mrs Destrekan dtch, N York T B Harrison, N Orleans A L Moyne, tie w Orleans J O Chonteau, New York Min Chonteart, New York Edds, New York IL 1' Judd, Connecticut fi K George. Baltimore ;Oen Fisher 4 . c la,, N Col John J Curtin, II S A C A King•tley r _New Orleans A Valt, New York Cant Morrison, New York F d Ariles, Cuba N Brodbent, New York Geo E Leonard, Boston IT T Bout, Boman Seerer, Baltimore Mies Kate Seaver, Balt Mina Marla I, Beever, Balt 'Mien E Howard. Baltimore Miss Dudgeon, New York Bliss Dicke, New York B Watson, Pittsburg Jas Fattemon _ . . Jae P Kennedy, N J Colby, Hew York IR B Cole, M.O, California Miss B Avery, Mansfield, a B Walker, ETlgland ,D M Graham, 61aryland ...1" C Dolma dr. wf, M Chunk Hon B B Wright, Penna P Rea, Maryland T B Reansy, Chester A 8 di Morgan. Pittsburg R B Benton, Cincinnati R Mitchell & wf,Cincinnati Mrs Brown, Athens, 0. Mies Currier, Athens ' .0' W May , Hew Orleane Jas Henderson St Louts ,Thos WiLdol). Henderson, Wastan Chas Thompson, Baltimore J Rouse S fa.. Ohto B Wigton, Flnutio_gdon F Knawland, New ruck C E Sintchison, Pittsburg. C Talcott, Newark, N J: Jas H Baltimore Saml Hunter, Baltimore • Thus R Barber, New York - T Shaw, New York B Martin, Newark, N J Wm Dolby, Jersey City_ J M Rawltne, Buffalo, X Y Rev Dr Maher. Harrisburg ' Rev B McCollum, Chambub J C Boyd, Pittsburg P Monahan, Phila Mrs Simpson Boston 6 Kaufman, Baltimore Chats Ore.y A GI Ward Sherrill Cplorado - _ T S Fenton, 'hilada as Harlin & la, Ohio R Porter, Ohio B A Ogden, New York W D Sarin, Dela wir• Thos B Metzger, Allentown Mrs C A Shall, New York C Rertzler. Pennsylvania litre Elertzie_,r Pennsylvania W Verner, Pottsville B Boyd. Pennsylvania Chas W Holmes, Penns Mrs M.Kay, Pennsylvania P 7 Nichols, °Vora W Green, Delaware J P Cochran, Delaware Thos C .Frame, De .aware chants'. Mrs Noble, Penn* Fredk Lawer—Beading , C Hess Pittsburg J N Phillips, New Castle T W.Phillips New Castle ,H C Stevens, Pittsburg John J Flange. N Y H. Woodward. Clearfield ' M L Young, Pittsburg Thee P Henderforil Puta'g Stephen Grease., Philo Louis Adler. Lane, 11l Jos Adler, Elgin, CI J Emory, Maryland N E. Place .J P Blank,Waterbury,Ct 1J P Brodhead, Wa,hington L L Huntziager,Sehl Haven .W P Cartrlicht„ Hazleton ltdw Littleton, Hazleton II R Sloan, Penns Cbas H Foy, New York C B Mason. New York I 800 :\V imoot, II S A .DrCßEarly,Ekco C F -Toned, New Yo rk C Elmer, N,sr Jeraey H Steven Ci.ei.nad I Jo e b ' n Loeb, 1 1 . a i nl e a C u l ya n3 a Y i va u u t a t a H Carter, Marylan d erican. Mrs M Eaton. New York REaton, New York Mica D Jones. Fisheraille Theo Werth...l% New York E J Dorsey, Baltimore Rios A Jacks On. Balt W FI Nal ley & sm. Wash Thoe Leyman John Bakecks. Ohio J L , Dayton, Ohio 8 T llemilton,_Brooklyn A 417 Monfort, Brooklyn Beni Br Wyxil ow le n, , Wash New ork M Y Tbos M Roore. Wilm, Del .7 11 Burton. Del co, Pa D W Chembers,N NOM 0 Stover, Penna. John H Kindel. N Y P W Shwarl, New York Geo Workman, New York Geo B MoPherson,P't Boys' Ed w Kennedy D R eston 44 wf Ohio oleston, Ohio Wm B McCreary, M 8 A W Stewart, New York D Vanpelt, New Jer4ley THoemsn. New York g W Aftiettp New York uto E Giononitr Major 8 Harty, 17 8 A adi B W Jones, Conshohocken Wm Tharp, Milford: Del Wm J Wharton. Do!_er ierm B grout & Nd • Mrs Bane B Garman, Jr, Delaware • „ A'N Button, Dela Ware, Dfl Newbo ld New AMY , . Bab!, w hoar.: • Biloott. niewtOWn,, Max. Rai:v..4o3m 11l 0 ELBruth , . E Edgers, New Brunswick L Lewis, New Brunswick NotthfON.N Brunswick It A Barnard, Heine E Hill, Laurel, Del Y J Metz Williamsburg Miss D Akes, Williamsburg B Dering, New 'York E Shoemaker, Penna . J James, Htmleten L H Ashley, :New Jersey I B Dangler & wf, Ohio A Foster & wf, Ohio C garrison, New Jersey L B Wamsley& wf,Chicago Wayne Betting_ Wm Jackson, New Jersey David Keefer, Canton, 0 CW. McKelvey, Catawieea J 8 Moore & la, Burlington It Dunlop, Le. Crosse A 8 Cadwallader, Paiute, J Leach, Bethlehem J K Mentzer, Lancaster co L Kennedy, Pena 0 A kitnith, Pdabanoy City .Wm Reagan. Mahanoy City B B Stificholas J K lieabolt. Lebanon Milt Evans & ch,Weela, D C martin Early & en, Penna W Bauch & la, Baltimore rut:well/a. W C Mb, Cheater co ior John Oaktl, Oakford,Pa T S Smith, Maryland J S Reliance, Maryland P Benton, Maryland. W D Peuuell, Delaware co J D Broomell,Coatesrille 1H Watson, Lancaster J 0 Preston. Backe co alias E Alexander, Penne Miss L Grier, Chester co W H McHenry, Chester co Joe Hughes, Chester co W It Corey, Chester col C S R.iday, Oxford, Pa me CO D Worrell, Philadelphia Jr. II Kent, Oxford T sewn an, Washington. Jas Washington A e Gerhard, Centre CO J B Kryder, Centre co Witmer, Pennsylvania B C O'Donnell, Phila B Hellman, Reeding .1 A Conner, Waehington Rufus Wiley, York co PtLEEMOre Chester co Jr,B Sinclair, {:heater no W (law thorn, Fauna C H itartehorn, Chester co s Vision J Srehman Lancaster A Martin, Lancaster S Brown, Lancaster A M Ayers, West Chester J C Waters Maryland F H Graal,'York • J H Flatten, Cbambersbarg D M Nesbitt, New Jersey J j Logan, Penn& 111 Bert, New York P B Jac 31m, New York I , oallagher, Wash, D C J Kennedy, Penna The beat A B Boggs, Fort'Uflaware SM C Nestitt, Peoria ' D B McClenahan. Penns .1 B Bert, New York W L McCormick, Fort Del 'l' McMinn, Virginia U C Dupes Beaton C C Short, Pbila G W Short, New York J Handley, Wash, D C NV Orne; Vfaeb, D C J Sbeaffer, Lancaster Peame. Lancaster B Owned, Downingtown The Berl Alex Joblison,New Hope Thee Burns, Lddi, Pa S Bonen, Mew York Hannab, New York Jacob Mayor, Bucks co Jas Mayor. Backs co IFl'Mayor, Bucks co J F 1 More, Delaware co Jobs B Sbattock,Netv York Samuel Price. New York A Una Smilb,Longaco'g„N J 'Jos B Preetou, Bucks co,Pa Isaac Lippincott, 2( J Jas M Page, Covington,Ky J S Largo, Centrevilie,Pa Morris Large, Cetureville The N Jl , l Abell, Virginia Samuel Weitzel, Penna R B Ott Creeswell J Jones, Reading J P Coon e, Lebanon N C 1 Steinmetz S Bock, Union co. Pa L W Neeffer, Union co, Pa W W Sutlifr,Lnzerne en,Pa J N Jameson, Columbia co JAB Shuman,Columbia co ti J Campbell, Columbiana The Bale J Fenny', Penneylvania J F Mine. Orefield, Pa D Boyer, Lehigh co J Clymer $l . vcf, Bethlehem, Mies Stahl,. Bethlehem Mre Clymer. Bethlehem ,1 A ()reef. FFIDIVSTIVRAIR E Y Sterner. Quakertown w Beaver, Annville B Brown, By berry ' G Beer, Quakertown btopp..alleutown W E Reifens der, Reading .The Bla W M Eirtler, Nev Trepoll BeyjOeterday,New Trepell Levi Patzinger, N Trepoll David M Sbeiner,N Trepop Samuel Zell, New Trepoli Lcvenne Zell, New VrePoll Cams Wleand. Allentown A S Eettrly, Heading A Buckman, Penna SPECIAL NOTICES. COLGATE'S HONEY Boer. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, In snob universal dor nomad, is made from the CHOICEST materials, Is MILD and EMOLLIENT inits nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT• ED, and BETRRERLY BENEFICIAL in Reaction noon the Skin. For eale by an Druggists and Fancy Goode dealers. fe2S-tnthalv THE POPULAR CLOTBING HOUSE Or PBmL. •' OAK HALL." Best•class goods at moderate prices. • WANAMAKER k 880 S. N. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Cwitom Department (to make to order)No. 1 5, Sixth St WH - MIZE & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM LOCH-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. Salesrooms. 704 CEIESTI7ITr Street, above Seventh MARRIED_ EGE—RAMILTON. —On Thursday, 4th inst., by Rev. 0. Bile, Prof. Thompson P. Ege, of Mechanicsburg Pa„ son of the officiating minister, to Mrs. S C. Remit ton. eldest daughter of the late E. B. Dodson, M. D. of this city. [Baltimore papers please copy.) 7J1M3:).. HUTTON. —On the 3d inst., at Norfolk,"Va., Lient Samuel H. Hutton, let Loyal Virginia Regiment, in the 38th year of his ate. .Due notice will be given of the funeral. BURNLEY. —On the Millet , George Burnley, in the 60th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral from his late resi dence in Upper Darby Delaware county, on Thursday, the 11th inst., at 1 o'clock P. AL Funeral to proceed to the New'Jerusalem Church. JARDEN. —On Saturday, the 6th inst. , Samuel Jarden, , in the 62d year of his age. - • STOUGHTON. —On the 7th inst., at Milton. Northum berland county, Pa., Maggie Elite, „only child of-Oliver B. and Rachel P. Stoughton, aged 0 months and 14 days. 'Funeral takes place on Wednesday. at 3 o'clock P.M., at the residence of bar parents. 713 North- SeVenth street. Relatives and. friends affectionately invited to attend. Proceed to Blount Vernon Cemetery. MATSON. —On Mozdav, the Bth inst. , Charles A., son Of the Rev. Charles A. Matson, in the 9th ) ear of Me age. Funeral from the house, at 4 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. Services at St. James', Church, Siegses sing. at 5 o'clock. se RAMEY. —On Saturday evening. 6th .inst., Hannah E., daughter of Lawrence and the late Anna Eliza Ramey. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her parents, in Radnor township, Delaware county, Pa. * Wednesday - morning, 10th inst., at 10 o'clock, without further notice. 10-o'clock, CARSTAIRS. —Suddenly, on the morning of the 9th inst., )fiery, widow of toe late Charles 8. Caretatrs, and daughter of Morton McMichael. *es. • PESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, 140. NIS CHESTNUT Street. iy7-11 SILKS I SILKS ! SILKS I SILKS l- EYRE & L ANDEL% 1013itTEfluad ARCH•Streeta, are offering all Mei' OLD BILKS low to close them be• fore the new Goods are opened. Silks not by lam Sieamer. Silks of very best finality. Good Black Silks reasonable. Good Brown Bilks reasonable. NATIONAL , UNION TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN., OF ILLINOIS FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON. OF TENNESSEL ELECTORAL TICKET. SENATORIAL. MORTON MOMICHARL. Philadelphia, T. CUNNINGHAM, Beaver County. REPRES Robert P. Ring, 2. G. Morrison GI oaten. 8. Henry Bnmm 4. William H. Kent, 6. Barton H. Jenks, O. Merles kt. Bunk, 7. Robert Parke, 8. William Taylor, D. Jam A. Hiestand, 10. Richard H. CorTell, 11 Bdward Holiday. 12 Charles F. Bead, By order of the State Gen 813(0 i.r NOTICE IN MEREST OIV E N that application has been made to the Trustees of the Fire Association of Philadelphia for the renewal of POLICY No. 10, _GO B._for t aoo u tuned SeptsnAr 3. 113113, ill name of OEM. EcIETTNE, whloh is • N. RES 0 . No: 110 S. ELBFIRITH St. 3310•wfmlm' "gr. TRE A SI IEF IL ER POI DEPARTMENT. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. COM PANY, CALVERT STATION, BA.LTIXOBB, ICLIT 267186 C The President and Directors of this Company - have lbw Oared a Dividend for the quarter ending June 9120 Wei TWO (2) PER CENT., free of National and State tageills payable to the Stockholders on the 26th of August next,. at this office. The Trenefer Books will be closed from the leth to th e n 26 l- t m h w of fl A o u t gust' order. J.l3. LEIB, Treasurer. OrOFFICE OF THE UNION PETRO. LEUM COMPANY, 144 South FOURTH Street. —The Board of Directors have this day declared a Fourth Monthly Dividend of TWO PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable on the 16th Inst. The Transfer Books will be closed on the 12th, 13th, and 15th that. A. F. BABLNE, Treasurer. .. AUGUST 8 • att9-10t tarNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an instalment of TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE on each and every share of the Capital stock of the ISTRA MINING COMPANY has thin day been called in, payable on or before the 16th day of AUGUST, 1889, at the °Mee of the Company, No. 324. WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. B A. HOOPES, Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA, TIIIY 11,1864 tl5 rir'UNION STATE COMMITTEE ROOMS, 1105 CHESTNUT Street.—The State Committee regnest their friends throughout. the State to adopt stnMent means to forward early and full returns of the election upon the Constitutional Amendments, Send by Telegraph to the Chairman at C h ard Howie, Philadelphia. The Committee Rooms are now open, and all More sndence directed to the Chairman will receive prompt attention. S. CAMERON. Chairman: A. W. BENISDIOT, Secretary. JOLT 21, Mt ir2s- tf TH E CITIZENS' SUBSTITUTE, REPRESENTATIVE. AND VOLUNTEER AGENCY, No. 411 CHESTNUT STREET. —Merchants, Farmers, and other citizens, can be supplied with itc• *rentable Bnbetitates and Representatives on reasonable and honorable terms, and have the same sworn in so as to credit lo any ward, district, township, or county of the following counties; Philadelphia, Cheater IDela, _ware, or Montgomery, by applying at 41.1 t CIiEATNOT Street, from 8 A. ht. to 3 P. U. , drat floor, back. . 9 112 , ig e Setetal arrangements made with committees. PAXSON, & CO. INSERANCE COMPANY OF THE i y J9STATE OF PBERSTLVANIA. Au Dividend i. The Directors have Ode day declared a of TWBRTY DOLLARS par Share, clear of. all taxes, payable to the Stockhoblere or their legal repreaenta tiles, on demand. WILLIAM LIAlf HARPER. anS-101 ' Secretary. IIgrOFFICE SOMERSET IRON AND COLL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVA6IIA, 61 CEDAR Street , New YORK , July 28 , 18 64 . NOTICE is herebygiven that, pursuant to . a resoln- Nan( the Board of 'Directors, an instalment of 20 per. sent on the Subscription to the Capital Stook of the .SOMERSET IRON AND CO A L COMPAIII OF PENN . .7 : bl TYNO, Secretary,, SYLVANIA be: and is hereby, made payable on ASES WADSWORTH, 'treasurer of said Company, or•be , fore the 6th day of Septemberjlext. an.l.tsg - - Atteet: TUE 11T_.:.------- orORTHTIIN PACIFIC 10,kIL. ROAD. —The undersigned. Commissioners Ro Massachusette, named 'tithe act of Incoreanwon a the Northern Patine Railroad Company. hereby give Dolls: gritmeetingaed in said act as Cominesoners;that te' first of the Board of Commissioners of the afore said company will be held at the. MELODEON 11.474L1: bribe oily of Bosto twelveAT. the first day of [ Bep_tember nest. at o'clook.,_at.noon, • WILLARD IiIEAME,..i • • . . 'JOBB , BaBsl_ -:s w ITHINGTOL " ABIRB tARBOTT. . . On, RELVERICK. 7 : ,: 2.1../L'HAGIKJITT. '''.JOEl/.)1 PERHAM, Rowan, Jab' 14,1804. PRFSS.-Pl4l .„4 DELPTILk: WEDVSPAY. , AUGUST 'lo,'' 1864. T B Linton. New town Alfred Buckman, Mont eo Mr Buckman, Newtown chasFell, Rockingham Mitchell kirk Buckingham Jos Palmer,Middiecown S B Twining, Baker's Basin John. Bartieson, Bucks co Geo Carver, West Chester Ceo Sharp, New Jersey J Cadwalerder, Pox Chase Chas Sherman, St -Louis Peter Skeaats, Backs co T Hlleff & la, Huntingdon Wm Balderson, Bucks co T Shuman, Columbia co C N-Dyer, Doylestown John Gould, Luzenie, Pa a G Luzerne, .P 4 J W Wilson. Allentown T J Schmeyer, Allentown. Lewie Royer M PA Child. Wilmington, Del J Fellz. Minereville Cant J H Hoekinge, Penna T Pierson. New jersey ASechtold,:llt Joy, Pa Eagle., B Kessler, Pennsylvania - A I. Weitzel, Readint L H Phlllipe Quakertown J Richards Easton 0 B Keller, Reading' W Saltsbath, Anna & Gable, Pennsylvania J Marsh, Allentown C Ritter, Rittereville L Krause, Pennsylvania C Springer, Schuylkill co G Peter*, Saegersyinci .J "askler, Dauphin eo k Bear. Ohne Harper, Jenkintown Wm'n Jolla Rereb, Pennsbury M Bright, Bernville J B Miller, Bernville Chas Miles. Fox Chats W W Snyder, Parma 0 Baler; Travenol% NTA.I.I 18. Elias 14. Charles R. Shriner. 18. John Wider, It David McConausisYs 17. David W. Woo 18. Isaac Benson, • IS. 'John Patton, 20. Samuel B. Dick", _ 21. Everard•Blere4 H. John P. Penney H. Ebenezer Marmon, 24. John W. Blanchard. Committee CAMBIWA. Chairman. jr22-Nt• MILITARY. SI:XTH UNION LEAGUE REGIMENT. IN VIEW OF THE PRESIDENT'S CALL FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN, THE MILITARY COMMITTEE OF THE ONION Leepus HAVE NADB ABRANOBNBNTS WITH COLONEL HORA.TIO G. STCKEL, 71 - 111 rd Pennsylvania Reserves, and with other officers of thatveteran corps, to recruit szegiment for one year's service, under the auspices of he League We invite ofilcOrs desirous or taking commissions in it to make application to Colonel BICKEL, at his head quarters at I+TATIOAL GUARDS' HALL, (RACE STREETABELOW.: SIXTH. ) It will be our effort to make this organization in all respects a worthy successor of the. Pennsylvania fie serve Regiments. THE BOUNTIES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS City Beinnty United States 80unty........ Pay - tor one year....... ..]... Making a cash total or Um one year) *692 Besides clothing and subsistence tarnished by the United States Government,' ' Recruits will be. mustered as soon as received, and sent to camp si ngly or in squads. Citizens liable to draft, and desirous either of volun teering or of procuring substitutes, will find in this Regiment every inducement to enter the service. Members of the League furnishing substitutes are especially reatteSted to send them to this Regiment. . . The attention of Ward ComMittees is particularly celled to tide organization. T. R. FRY, Chairman. S. M. Felton, George Trott, .1 agar Tkomeon,Charles Gilpin, '- Ellerslie Wallace, M. D., I Henry C. Lea, James L. Clagliorn, James H Orne, Horace Blaney, Jr., Joseph F. Tobias, Morton McMichael, N. B. Browne, J, I, Clark Hare, - Chas. S. Smith, Geo. H. Crosman, Ezra Dyer, AL D., Wm. D. Lewis, Wm M. Tilghman, George Whitney, J. G. Fell, Andrew Wheeler, C. .1. Maces:Len. anB-12t I" DRAFT." PHILADELPHIA GUARDS REGIMENT, Colonel A. A. LECHLER. 4 $5OO BOUNTY FOR ONE YEAR'S SERVICE ONLY, $133 Paid Immediately on Muster.. Rally, men, rally Don't wait to be drafted I Any person recruiting twenty men will receive a Second Lieutenancy; twenty-five men, a .First Lien tenancy; forty men, a Captaincy . . .mmediate application should be made to HEADQUARTERS, Commonwealth Building, 611 CHESTNUT Street. JOIN THE . PHILADELPHIA GUARD REGIMENT. • 00L. A. A. LECTILER. TOTAL PAY PER WEEK $19.75 Including Bounty, Pay, Subsbitenee and Clothing. gn9-5t .1 ATTENTION I COMPANY 0, PHI LADELPHIA GUARDS I —k few more Men Wanted for this fine Company; $5OO Bounty. Men Mastered in by squads. and RIOS Bonnty pat t Immediately IL 11. FITZGERALD, Capt. 2d Lt. C.M. HERALD. • art9•St* PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR.MAIL STEAMSHIP sERVIOB BETWEEN THE MUM STATES AND BRAZIL. POUT OPIPION DEPARTMEiT. WASEGNOTOS, June 17, 1864 In accordance with theprovielons of the Act of Con , Kress, approved day Ea, 1864, which Is in the words fol. r° r t l i g. to w it ; • ACT to authorize the establishment of ocean mail steamship service between the United States and Bra siL " "Be it enacted by the Senateand House of Represen latices of the United States of America in Oongrees ae eemblear, That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized to unite with the General PosteOftice nepartment of the Empire of Brazil, or such officer of the Government of Brazil as shall be authorized to act for that Government, in ostablieling direct mail communi cation between the two countries by means of a monthly line of first-Maas American sea-going steamships, to be of not less than two thousand tons burden each, and of sufficient number to perform twelve round trips or voy ages per annum between a port of the United States, north of the Potomac river, Rod Rio de Janeiro, in Bra zil, touching at Saint Thomas, lu The West Indies, at Bahia, Pernambuco, and such other Brazilian and in termediate port or ports as shall be considered necessary and expedient: Provided, That the expense of the ser vice shall be divided between the two Governments, and that the United States' portion thereof shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the peforznan tie of twelve round trips per annum, to be 'paid out of any money appropriated for the service of the Post Office Department. Sao. 2. And be U further enacted, That the Post master General be, and he is hereby, authorized to in vite proposals for said mail steamship service by public advertisement for the period of sixty days, in one or more newspapers published in the cities of Washing ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, respectively, and to contract with the lowest respon sible bidder for the same for a term of ten years, to commence from the day the first steamship of the pro • Posed line shall depart from the United States with the mails for Brazil: Provided, That proposals for monthly trips—that Is to say, for twelve round voyages per an num out and back, are received and accepted by him within the limit as aforesaid, from a party or parties of undoubted reepolinibility, possessing ample ability to furnish the steamships required for the service, and offering good and sufficient sureties for the faithful per. fermata° of such contract: And provided, further, That such proposals shall be accepted by the Government of Brazil, and that distinct and separate contracts with each Government, containing similar provisions, shall be executed by such accepted bidder or bidders; each Government to be responsible only for its proportion of the subsidy to be paidlor the service Sac. 3. And bs tt further enacted. That any con tract which the Postmaster General may execute under the authority of this/act shall go into effect on or before the first day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty lye: and shall, in addition to the usual stipu lations of ocean mail steamship contracts, provide that etesmehipe offered for the service shall be construct ed of the beet materials and after the most approved model, with all the modern improvements adapted for sea-going steamships of the first class; and Shall, be fore their approval and acceptance by the Postmaster General. bo subject to inspr talon and survey by an ex perienced naval constructor, to be detailed for that pur pose by the Secretary of the Navy, whose report shall be made to the Postmaster General; that the two Go vernments shall be entitled to have transported, free of expense, on each end every steamer, a mail • agent to take charge of and arrange the mail matter, to whom suitable accommodations for that purpose shall be as signed: that in case of failure from any cause to perform any of the regular monthly voyages stipulated for in the eontnact, a pro rata deduction shall be made from the compensation on account of such omitted voyage or voyages; that imitable fines and penalties may be im , poeed for delays and irregularities in the regular per formance of the service according to contract, and that the Postmaster General shall have the power to de. termlue the contract at any time, ID ease of its being nn . derlet or assigned to any other party. I Sao. 4. And be it further enacted, That the mail steamships employed i n the service authorized by this act shall be exempt from all port charges and custom house dues at the ported departure and arrival in the United. States: Provided. That a similar immunity from port charges and custom house dues is granted by the Government of Brazil _ _ "Approved May 28.11164." P.R9POSLLB Will be received at the Post Office Departme nt __, in the city of Witabilikt on until 3 o'clock P. M. ,of SATURDAY. the first day of Oct ober, 1864, for conveying the mails of the United States by a monthly line of first class Ame rican sea-going steamships of not less than two thou sand tone burden, each, and of a sufficient number to perform twelve round voyages per annum between a porter the United States north of the Potomac river and Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, touching at St. Thomas, In the West Indies, and at Bahia and Pernambuco, in Brazil, for a contract term of ten years, to commence on or before the let day of September. 1866 and to date from the day the 'first steamship oranoh line shall leave the United States with the malls for Brazil Bidders mast designate the United States port of de parture and arrival, and may, at their option, propose to embrace additional intermediate porta at which the steamships shall touch on their outward or homeward passages, to deliver and receive malls. Each bid should name the time proposed.tolbe occu pied in performing the passages, each way, between the United States port of departure and arrival and• Rio de Janeiro, and should be accompanied by a map or di agram of the route, showing the intermediate ports at which§ the steamshinell are to call to deliver and re calve mails. Schedules of the sailing days, stating the proposed days and hours of departure* from each port, as .well as the proposed days and• hours of arrival, should also accompany each bid; luch schedules, how ever. to be subject to the approval of the Post Depart ments of the respective countries, and. to alteration by • said Departments from time to time, as the interests of the proposed international postal ' service may re . Thetsteamehipe offered for this service must be Ame ?lean-Steamers of the Arise class, and before aeceptenee will be subjeetto inspection and survey by an expert rienced naval constructor to be detailed for that purpose bythe Secretary of the Navy. Proposals must conform in all respects to the provi alone and requirements of the aforesaid met, approved_ May Z9th,1864, and must be properly guaranteed, with a satisfactory testimonial that the guarantors are men of property, and abundantly able to make good their gua rantee. The bidder's name and residence, and the name of each member of the firm, when a company offers, should be distinctly stated in the proposal. The acceptance or non-acceptance of the bids will be 'determined by.theYestmaster General aseoon as prat:li able after the time limited for their reception; but no he trir le rr oc zN b l tha)a r rn nt unless t sisas:o yhejo4ereni Bi as provided for in the aforesaid act. And in case of such joint acceptance, distinct and separate contracts are to be executed by the accepted bidder or bidders with each Government, contaimng similar provisions, each Go vernment to be responsible only for ite proportion of the subsidy to be paid for the eerviee. Proposals should be sent, under . seal, to " The First Assistant Pot tmaster General, " • Foreign Desk " with the words ' Proposals"—".bbreign )(aft.," written on the face of the address • and they should 1m despatched in time to be received by or before the first day of October next, which will be the last day for re ceiving proposals under this advertisement. M. BLAIR, Postmaster General. Nova. —This Department Is not advised that any de finite action has yet been taken by the Government of Brazil in respect to the establishment of the proposed steamship service between the two countries; but it is probable that by the let of October next, the limit fixed for the reception of proposals under this advertisement, certain information on that subject will have been re ceived. When received, it wilt made imbue. Je24-frOt M. B. NTOTICE TO ENROLLED CITIZENS -I- AND SUBSTITUTES.—REMOVAL.—S. H JO- BENI & CO. take this method of informing their patrons and the public generally that they have removed their place of business to the (Mires Nos. 5 and 6. In the Great Western Buildieg on the northwest corner of FOURTH and VirALNlrefitreets. where they will con tinuo their VOLUNTEER AND SU SET HUTEREC RUIT ING AGENCY. with is fall determination to &mks oar energise to the fulfilment of all contracts. We assure thorn who may entrust es with their business that it Will be attended to with our usual prommuess and se- MOUSY. S. H. JOSEPH & CO. Parties in want of Substitutes would do well to call early. Communieations from all tarts of the State will receive our immediate attention Caulll4l3 J. CO. UNRIVALLED -BEE AND JUDG for youreel see if B. F. Itlirnit'S life. sire Pb. tographe in oil colors are not the finest and moat eatie factory portraits made. 624 ARCH Street. lt* COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS MADE at REIMER'S Gallery for $1 only—the best oppor tunity to get a good and true likeness, finely executed and colored, at SECO/ID Street, above' Green Ms LOST CERTIFICATE OF ' STATE ',GAIL—NOTICE is hereby given that application tighten pzeole to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania r Ohs irrooof s dopliesio of the follow in eastiffeate of ve per cant . loan 01 the Commonwealth, leaned by the Bank of Pennsylvania, acting as treader agent for the Commonwealth, in the name of JANE Hill,L, which 'eartificatelas been lost. viz : . Certificate No. 26 , 1_. dated 1890, lam ed under Act of Assembly of meceno• 11G8, forlb1). . ANNA it- JONI% Adminledratrix d. b. a.- t. a. of Jane Dscld. myl4-8310 • • , - . • rEIIiEnIi.UNBIYA.LLED STY $B" of a;initr4itai [Late - ocaricy• and arttattisitasonor:ot‘executtow luta *lnfing• Only 3 1 . Gallery, SSCOND Street , aboyo vreea, UNITED ;STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OY PENNSYLVANIA.-Sit. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE AIAReHAL , OF TUE EASTERN DISTRICT OF MINN SYLVANIA.-70nagezno WHEREAS, The District Court of the United &steak and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding o,n a Mei, filed In the name of the United States of America, With decreed all persons la ieneral who have, or Pretend to haetinany right.title,or nterest in sixty-one bales,. three half bales, and Packa ges of cotton, (cargo of steamer name unknown, ) cap tured by the United htaten steamer "Illeystone State," a vessel-of-war of the United 'States un• der the command of Pierce Crosby, commander, and brought into this district, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place un derwritten, and to -Ile effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring ) Yon are therefore charged and etrictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that,by publishing these presents in at least' two of ihe daily newspapers printed and published in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Legal In eempeneer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all persons in gene ral who have, or pretend te - have, any right. title, or interest in the- said slaty-one---bales three half bales and packages of cotton, to appear before the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the City of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next emirt day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes. then and there to show, or allege, fn due form of law, a reasonable and lawful ex cuse, if any they ;Stave, why the . said sixty-one bales,,three hal( balers and packages of cotton should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the.eame, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their .enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and fur ther to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, Or cause to be intimated, unto all persona aforesaid. generally, (to whhm by the tenor of these presents it Is also inti mated,) tbat ittheY shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and than not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District C' art dotlrintend and will proceed to adjudica , tion on the said' capture, and may pronounce that the said sixty-one bales, three half bales and packages of cotton did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United - States of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and con demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and It timated in any wise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the. said District Court what you shall do In the premises, together with these P Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this eighth day of ALIOUST, A. D. 1864. and in the eighty-ninth year of the independence of the said United States at;10. ; G. R. PDX. Clerk District Court. 100 192 UNITED` STATES, EASTERN' DUI , : I{ILOT OF PENNAYLVANIA. —Svc THE PRESIDENT Wl' THE UNITED STATES, TO T FIE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN- -GREETING HEREAS, The' District Court of the United States ,In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly ' and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, bath decreed all persons in general who havegor pretend to have, any right, title, -or interest in thirty-four bales of cotton and seventeen thoueand dollars add upwards, the proceeds of the sale thereof, found and Picked np at sea by the bark ' Vanname„ and brought into this district, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expreseed, (justice so requiring .) You are therefore charged and Strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents In at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intelligeneer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be mc nished and eited,per ' emptorilv, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have any right, title, or interest in the said thirty four bales of cotton•and seventeen thousand dollars and upwards, the proceeds of the sale thereof. to appear be fore the Honorable J OEN CAD WALADEII, the Judge of the said Conte, at the District Conti room,in the city of Philadelphia, on DM twentieth day after pablication. of tbeee presents, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day follewinf .between the usual hours of hearing canees, then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said thirty-four bales of cotton and seventeen thousand dollars end upwards, the proceeds of the sale thereof, should not be pro nounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the stone, to the enemies of the United States, and, as goods of their enemies or otherwise,liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged andconde condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and re ceive iu this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, onto" all persons aforesaid, generally (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then' said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudication on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said thirty. fear bales of cot ton and seventeen thousand dollars and upwards, the proceeds of sale thereof,did the time of the cap ture of the same, to the enemies of. the United Stases of A merica,and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise lia ble and subject to confiscation and coudemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawfnl prize, theabsence or • rather erratum my of the persona so cited and intimated in anywise notwithetruiding, and that yon duly certify to the said District Court w hat you shall do In the pre mises, together dJth these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CAD WALADEIt, Judge of the said • Court, at Philadelphia, this second day of AUGUST, A. D. D 64, and In the eighty-ninth year of the Independence of the said United States. aulti-St • 0. R. - PDX, Clerk District Court. TED_ STATES. EASTERN DIS TRICT-V OF PENNSYLYANIA=SoT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL. OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PERM SYLVANIA-43romulo : WHEREAS, The District Court of the United Statee in and for the -Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all persons in -general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in twenty-five and one-half bales of cotton, and •fifteen - thousand dollars, the proceeds of the sale; thereof, found and picked up at sea by the bark " Ada Carter," and brought into this district, to be monished, oiled, and called to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring.) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published i , p the city of Phila delphia, and in the Lzgal Intelligeneer. you do monish and cite, or cause to be nionished and cited, Perempto rily all persons in general who have, or pretend toLave, any right, title , or interest in the said twenty-five and one-half bales of cotton, and fif teen thousand dollars.. the proceeds of the sate thereof, tO aP_Pear beforethe Honorable JOHNCADWA LA DES,the Judge of the said Courts at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, Or else on the next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing tarmac, then and there to show, or allege, in &is form oflaw, a reaaonable and lawful ex inmif any theyirave,why the said twenty-live and one .' hel ape les of cotton and fifteen thousand dollars, the pro ceeds of the sale thereof, should not be pronounced to be long, at th e time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and- lavefol prima ; and further to do and receive in this behalf , as to justice shall aPpertain. And that you duly inti Mate, or cause to be intimated, unto all pentium aforesaid, gene rally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that.if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudica tion on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said twenty-five and a half bales of cotton and fifteen.thon sand dollars, the proceeds of the sale thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United Stares of America, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be al. judged and condemned as lawful prize the abeonce or rather contumacy of th e persons so cited and inti mated in anywise notwithstanding, and that yon duly certify to the said District Court what yon shall do in the premises. together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CAD WALADER, Judge of the said Court, at Philadelphia, this second day of AUGUST, A. D. 1864, and in the eighty-ninth year of the independence of the said United States. aulo.Bt 0.- R. FOX. Clerk of District Court. TTNITED STATES, EASTERN TBICT OF PENNSTLTANIA.—Scr. DIS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN SYLVAN IA.--0 WHEREAS The District Court of the 'UMW States in and for the Eastern District of Penosylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, glee in the name of the United States of America , hada decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the steamer IDA, whereof . William_ Poe tell is master, her tackle, apparel, and feruiture, and the cargo of the said steamer, captured by the United Mates steamer " Sonoma " under command of Lieut. Commander E. Orville 'Matthews, to be monished, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place un derwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed (jus tice so requiring). You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newipapers printed and published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal intetUrfencer, you do nionish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, all, persons in general who have, or pre tend' to have, any right, title, or interest in the said steomer IDA and cargo, to appear before the Honorable JOHN - CAD WALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these pre sent., if it be a court nay, or ales on the next court day following. between the usual hours of hearing ;muses, then and there to show, or allege, in - due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said steamer IDA and cargo should not be pro nounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as gaols of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to con demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and further to do and receive in this be half es to justice shall appertain. . And that you duly intimate, or cause to be Intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generally (to whom by the tenor of these pre gents it is al so intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the .contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will "named to adjudication on the said capture; and may pronounce that the said steamer IDA and cargo did he , long, at the time of the capture of the same, to the ene mies of the United States of America., and. as goods of their enemies. or otherwise, liable and subject to-con fiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and con demned as• lawful prize, thei absence or rather contu macy of the persons to cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that .you duly certify to the said District Conn what you shall -do in the premises, to gether with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CAD WALADER, Judge of thr said court, at Philadelphia, this eighth day of AUGUST, A D. ISM. and in the eighty-ninth year of the independence of the said United States. aulo 3t 0. IL FOX, Clerk Dietrict Court. IN THE 011PHANW COURT FOR THE CITY AID. COUNTY OP . POILADELPHIA, Estatos,or A.IOI4IIIBLBR, Tim AnditnfliPpolnted . by the Court to audit, Bottle, and adjust the .account of .UHARI,II6 ArtiRLER. and JOHN AMBLER, Executors of ANN AMBLER, de ceased. and to make distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the parposes of hie appointment on. TUESDAY, September 6th, 1864, at 4 o'clock P. M a at hie dike, at the Sontheaet corner of EIOLITH and LOCUST 6treata, in the city of Philadelphia. DANL. DOUGHERT Y, aulo-wfieSt Auditor. TN THR ORPHANS' COURT FOR THR CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of EDMUND DINGIE, deceased: The Auditor appointed by the'Court to. audit, settle, and , adjust the s..count of JAMES E. DINGIR and HENRY C. MOON, Administrators of EDMUND DIN GI R, deceased, and to make distribution of she balance in the hands of the accountants. will mast the parties interested for the purposes of hie appointment, on FRI DAY. September 9th, 1h54 at 4 o'clock P: NI., at his office, at the sontheaat corner of NIGHTIE and. LOCUST Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. aulo-wfinAt. • Datil:. DOUGHERTY, Auditor. ESTATE OF CA.TRA.RINE FARRELL, DECEASED. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY npon the last will and testament of Catharine Farrell, late of the city of Phila delphia. deceased. having beengranted to the Pennsyl vania Company for Insurances on Live and Granting Ai:mottles, all persons indebted to the said estate are re. quested to make paynient, and those having claims evilest the same to present then. Without delay at the Ogles of the CoMparty,3o4 WALNUT Street jyl2-tatt CHABLIS 'MILLE. regideat ESTATE OF JAMES B. RINEEUMER, deceased. — Letters of Adnilnistratlon to the Estate of James B Ethel:ismer; deceased, having been granted to the'undersigned, .all persons baying claims or de inande against the bead. estate are requested to present them, and those indebtPd will make payment without delay, to LEVI H JOHA ,N Adm' r. 306 North TRIED Street, HENRY E. WAGLACE. 125 South SIX I% Street. Or to his Attorney. sto3-met ViTHEREAS, LETTERS TESTAMEN TARY upon the Estate of HENRY W KURTZ,. deceased, baye boon granted by the nu leraigned, all Persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment and those haying claims against the same to present them to ALFRED FITLER, No. 51 N. 'SIXTH Street, Executor. NOT I C B.—THE FOLLOWING NO N. . TICE is published according to law, by order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Phila delphia, made on the first day of July, A. D. BM City and County of Philadelphia, es: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to THOS. BALCH, One of the Executors of the Eetale of Dr. Chas. Frede rick Beck. deceased— _ GREETING We command you, as before we did, that, laying aside all business and excuses whatsoever, you be and appear in your proper person before the Honore hie the Judges of our Orphans' Court, at a Court lobe held on FRIDAY. the day.of September, A. D. MK at 10 o'clock of the forenoon, to ahovreause, if any you prhy letters testamenierv. srante_a to Yon Se one Of the EgeoutOre of Dr. CHARLES FREDERICK BECK, deceased. should not be vacated, and why you should not be dismissed from your office of Trustee under the will of the said Charles Frederick Beck de ceased, by reason of the matters set forth in the verition of BERRY PAUL BECK. filed in our Orphan,. Court on, the first day of July, A. D. 1864, snd further, to abidelle order of the Court in the premises, kr., and :hereof fail not under atoenalti,of one anudred pounds. 'Witness Honorable OSWALD ; THOMPSON.,IIm... I . .....l}Phillide]Phia.. the fifteenth day of July., In the we' yeanof our Lord one , thousauCeirbt hundred and laxly-tour. K. M. BATTUR4 jylo-ett . Deputy Clerk v. C. LEGAL. NEW PUBLICATIONS. .•1 66 IT IS UNDOUBTEDLY THE BEST - 1 - RILIGIOUS MILITARY 8100 SAPHY . EX TANT." . . A SCAL33I:OII , Or . THE CUMBIItLAND.• • • • •••• . • MEAD HOTACES, SERGEANT OF CO. X. ;Mire • WISCONSIN VOLS.. With an Introduction by JOHNS. HART, LL. I) . Senior Editor of the Sunday- SCI4OOI Timed. Many of the • youth of our land, through a patriotic sense of duty. have gone forth to share the hardships and self-denial of the life of a soldier. The exemplary Christian fortitude and heroic example of this young man should be held tip for imitation at every fireside where loyalty to country is a virtue. No sympathetic heart eau read this book without tears. It is the most beautiful instance of filial affection and lofty Christian patriotism we have seen on record It is the very book to send to sons amilirothers in the army. PRICE 76 CENTS. J. C. GARRIGITES & CO., sum. tt 148 South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. . . •••TH E * * * London Printing and Publishing Co., Mir ESTABLISHED IN THE U. B. IN 1848,E Would call the attention of Booksellers and • IT • • BOOK BUYERS • • ligt To their unrivalled productions of popular and STANDARD ILLUSTRATED WORKS, As being the moat beautiful and valuable m well aa the CHHAPREIT BOOKS NOW IN THE AMEZIOAN MARKET For Information and Circular List pc. Books; 'address • • BEERY A. BROWN, Ma n aging Aget!t, 1627-wtf 481 BROADWAY, NEW TOM *BT.-. BURNHAM'S LATE ISSUES. • just ready, a wultarly attractive Summer Book, rrriv. - volvEW'r aitcA.ra.4. 4 Embracing a visit to the Sources of thoerass and Oswe pachie Rivers in the Great Wilderness of Northern New York. 16mo. tinted paper, cloth extra. $1.60. A fresh and attractive story of adventures on the western slope of the Adirondack Mountains; with graphic descriptions of Lake and River Scenery, and valuable estimates of the commercial value of the mi neral, agricultural, and timber resources of this vast region. Also, just ready, ItIPA; A Novel. By Ifeanil!,on Aide. e.ullioxof "Confidences," LI2=1!!! This novel is the autobiography of a Young English girl, whose lot is cast among the corrupt influences of French society. Through the story the struggle goes on between their malign influences on the one hand, and an innate feeling of rectitude, strengthened by a virtuous attachment on the other. The plot of the story is elaborate, and novel-readers will follow its develop mints with Intereat. It is highly praised by the public and press of England as worthy the perusal of every lover of good books. One large 12me. volume. Priasl.M. The above are for sale by Booksellers and News Nelms everywhere, and sent by mail, poet•paid, on receipt of the price by the Publisher, T. 0. 13.• P.. BURNHAM. an& sw2t No. 143 WASHINGTON St. . Boston. os BOOKS FOR TILE 00:1:TN- • a TRY. (JUST PUBLISHED BY CAALETON.) Darkness and Daylight. Mrs. Holmes' New N04e141. 50 OM In the World. A new novel by T.'l3. Arthur.. L6O A 'Woman's Philosophy of Woman L6O Hotspur. A new novel by the•anthor of Loin". - 160 Miss Moloch's Novels. Handsome new editions•. 160 Charlotte Blonte's Novels. Fine new editions.... 160 Religions History and Criticism. By Ernest Henan . 2.60 Was he Successful? Hr. Kimball's new n0ve1.... 1.50 Nepenthe. A new novel by tho author of " 011e''.1.60 Peculiar. ,Spec Sargent's very successful novel.. L6O The Life of Jesus. Ernest Renan's great work.... L6O The Aft of Conversation. An admirable guide.... 1, 2; Tales from the Operas. With all the plots 125 A. b. Boo' a Works. Elegant now editions .... ... L CO ../ These books are sold everywhere. and be sent by mail. in% on receipt of price, by 080. W. CARLETON, 3723-wetf Publisher. New York. ASHILEAD & EVANS, - Successors to WILLIS F. HAZARD, 72N CHESTNUT Street. Have received TENNYSON'S NEW voLtrEE, ENOCH ARDEN, AND OTHER POEMS. RITA. An autobiography by Hamilton Aide,aufhor of 'Confidences, "Carr or Carrlyon,' kG. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF LOYALISTS . OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, with an historical essay by Lorenzo Sabine. 2 vols. M THE ONOMANIAC; OR, SHIRLEY HALL ASY LUM. By William Gilbert. THE FOREST ARCADIA OF NORTHERN-NEW YORK, embracing a view of its mineral, agricultural, and timber resources. MARGARET AND HER BRIDESMAIDS. By the au thor of "The queen of-the County." AZARIAN. By H. B. Prescott, author of "The Am ber Gods. " VOYAGE DOWN THE ANOOR. By Haler Perry McD. Collins. THE NEW INTERNAL •RIMINITELAW. Compiled by Horace IL Dresser. • 7130 ipeRAITHWAITE'S RBTROBEIBCT, -a-• No. Oh for JULY. 1864. JUST BEADY. • ALSO. . • READE'S SAVAGE AFRICA, with Max and. Mates. TBE NEW INTERNAL REVENUE LAW. Approved June, Met BECK'S INFANT THERAPEUTICS. Tidid Edition. revised and enlarged. NEW BOOKS. MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND MISCELLANEOUS. for sale as goon as published, by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers. .IPM B 5 South SIXTH Street, above CHESTNUT. TENNYSON'S NEW POEM; ENOCH -a- ARDEN. -and other poems, by Alfred Tennyson. THE EARLY DAWN. or Sketches of Christian Life In England in the olden time ; by the author of the " Schonberg Cotta , with an Introduction by Prof. Smith. DRIFTED SNOWFLAKES; or, Poetical Gatherings from many authors. AZARIANtAnEpisode. By Harriet B Prescott. RELIGIOUS TRAINING OF CHILDREN; by Oaths. rine E Beecher. PERSOFAL - AND POLITICAL BALLADS. Edited WFran M k oore. For sale by WILLIAM E. ALFRED MARTIBN. fluE 606 CHESTNUT. Streak APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. • The Agency for thie invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street,moond story. Also, RECORD OF .THIL BEBELLIOIL By Frank Moore. . tell•8m RETAIL DRY GOODS. NEW SKIRT FOR 1864. A NEW AND ORBAT INIIHNTION IN HOOP SHIRTS. THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) STEEL ' SPRING. J. L. &J. G. WEST, W. N 97 TORN CHAMBERS STREET, Are the owners of the patent and exclusive manufac turers of this, J. W. BRADLEY'S PATENTED gunr...x E . LLT:PTIG STEEL SPRING This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest , most elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever need, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and flexi bleness', to place and fold the skirt when innee as easily and with the same convenience as a silk or muslin dress. It entirely obviates and silences the only obiee floes to hoop shirts, viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especially in crowded assembles, carriages, railroad cars, pews , or in any crowde d pl a ce, from the di ffi culty of contracting them to OCCUPY , Lug a small space, This entirely removes the difficulty, while giving the skirt the penal fall and symmetrical form, and is the lightest and most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera promenade, or hones dress. A lady having en3oyed the pleasure, comfort. and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the wisrof them. They'are the best quality in every part, and by far the lightest, most durable, comfortable, and economical skirt made. Mer chants will be sapplied as above, and ladies in most first-class retail stores is this city and throughout the different States. Sir Inquire for th e • . DOUBLE ELLITTIO SPED:Kt 11KIAT8, • . • • iptR&DLICY'S DUPLEX IiLLIVIC • . . SKIRT. Very flexible, folded easily when in nee to occupy a small space, making the moat agreeable skirt worn. , For sale by J. M HAFLEIGH," 9013 CHESTNUT _Street. II ' : • • ' t THE MOST POPULAR - • - AND FUMBLE IN USE SEEPPPARD. YADHABLINGEN, & ABELSON. 1008 CEIBSTEIIT pA.TE T NT DUPLEX ELLIP_TIO SETR. Tor sole Vl J. G. MAXWELL & SON, S. X Coy. ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets! PRADLEY'S DUPLEX .ELLIPTIC - a-P SKIRT—Tim createst Improvement we have ever eeea in LADIES' SKIRTSand an article of SUPERIOR 'EXCELLENCE. cuawirt STODDART & BRO. 4507 46%, and 454 N. SECOND St., ab. Wlliow. . an3-Im If B. POSTAGE STAMPS. • POSTAGE STAMPS FOB SALE. A Discount of 2 PER CENT: on sums of $2O and up. wards, at the Principal Depot for the Sale of • ItiTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS, ' 304 CHESTNUT Etrout, and anlo-St 103 South FIFTH Street. • T RZ EXCIELS - X011" HAMS Ass Ism Dm IA THE WOBLD. lONS .431151:1131 UNLLSB BILLNDED J. R. I. A CO., PHILIDA. SICELSIOR." . J. H. MICHENER & 00., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, =REM OT TEE CELEBRATED "ExCELSIO.Fc" 1111012-OOHED HAMS. Kos. 1411 and 144 North FRONT Stmt, Between fah and B.sos streets, Phtladalphia. rho lastly-walobridedi " EXCIBLSION" RAM in oared by J. R M. & Clo. (Ina style poonitar to thOM teams) amprearly for LaIIILY USE, are of 4.146" rrea from kb* naploarant tat% of salt, and arm rrosonnood by ardaaroa . o parior to natir now °farad for • • mystektatiudha E .&II•T IFII L • SPECIMENS OF es,;rte a de Matte are , made at OXIII- ARCH'Eltreet, 'o n ; place to obtain them of best quality and finest exe cution. cal B. F. /MIXER. it A 117CTIOgi - SALES. hi SALE. OF CONDEMNED tIORBLS. ein DEPAirratairr. CAVALEY:BGNEA.II, OFFICE O W P OR IEF QuitaygnmArFs, WAsairroxon, c., Attanms, at l 'win be sold at Public anetlon, to the higheat bidde the times end r. places named below, Beading, re nnoylvanta, THURSDAY, AngU'" 1864. Altoona, rsonsylvania,THUßßDAY, Angina 25 t Lebanon, Pennaylvama, THURSDAY, Eleptem ow L. Harrisburg, rennaylyania, THURSDAY, September 8, 1664. TWO HUNDRED (2001 Cavalry Horses at each place. These Former' have been condemned as ardlt for the Cavalry service of the Army. For Road and Farm purposes, many good bargains may 'lO had. Hopes sold singly, Terms: Cash In United States Currency. jAISIES A ERYNy ' Lieut. Colonel and Cater Quartermaster. sII tseS - Civalry Bureau., WANTS. E MPLOYMENT ROUSE, THE LARS. eat and meet reliable, for city and country. Has always a gosh selection of capable 'persons, with good references, Americans, Irish, English, Preach, Ger mans, Scotch. Welsh, and newly-landed emigrants, as Gardeners, Parm Hands ; Coachmen, Watchmen, &e. Hooks, Chambermaids, Seamstresses. Laundresses, Waitresses, end general Housework Servants. Alto. Colored Servants. Nos. SO2 and 804 LOCUST Street, above Eighth. aulo4m WANTED-A POSITION IN A DRY V GOODS House, by a 'YOUNG STAN °rain yasrs' exneciance in a Chicago house. Addruss "Harris„" this office. affio-2t. A LADY OF• "HIG►H RESPEC -4--••TABlLlTY'vrish'es a Fituation as housekeeper. The beat of reference given as to capability, • Address " Era m," Philadelphia P. O. au9-6V" A YOUNG MAN, MHO HAS BEEN teaching school for four sears, wiahes Employ went in some Mercantile business. Address "C. L. Cinnaminson," sew Jersey. aniclt* ARTILLARY AND . CAVALRY HORSES WANTED. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENTRAL'EI Orrnm i PETtrormilitiA, Ally 27, MM. HORSES suitable for the Attillery and Cavalry ser vice will be purchased by the underaigned, in open market, at a fair price. Each animal to be subjected to the usual oovernmantinspection before being accepted. Horses to be delivered to the United States Inspector, at the William Peon Hotel, MAIIKET Street, between Eighth and Ninth streets. By order of Colonel 'GEORGE L Caosnan, desisteat Quartermaster General 11. S. A. ... otORGE R. onmE, Captain. and Assistant Quartermaster. CITY POINT, VA., AUGUST 7, 1804 OFFIOB DEPOT OF REPAIRS ARMIES OPERATING AGAINST RICHMOND. WATMED—SCO TEAMSTERS, 60 WHEELWRIGHTS, 60 ELACESMIXIIO; 20 CARRIAGE TRIMMER 3, who Will receive the highest rates of Government pay, ra tions and medical attendance, applying at 221 PENN sYLverde AV . ENUE, WaabinVird,Ddarec. A. Q JAMES M. KELLY, Qtaiie B r T mlier'a Agent. aulo-1m TTOUSEKEEF:ER AND'GOVERNESS • WANTED—A Lady of energy, wlio thoroughly underatandebonsekeepingand is highly ed noated, om potent to superintend the studies of two children ten and twelye . yeats old, instruct them in music, Ste: A person poesestung the requisite qualifications will find a good situation and a delightful home by addressing with real name and residence WM. T. CLAYTON. Philadelphia PostOilice. • lt* rt GERMANTOWN OR VICINITY:;- .W4MODERN. HOUSE. WANTED—WouId prefer rent y!giet:gabnzlfiloexit Post Office. with fall particulars, e- art9.3t . THE SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO purchase (tor cash) a PARINI or tPennsylvaniann dred-acres, In Northern or Wessern lt must be In good cultivation, with all the necessary buildings for a well• regulated farm. Address "J." Box 3N, - WASHINGTON. D. C. ang•lxia $5OOO -A GENTLEMAN WITH • this sum wishes an lotereat in an esta blished and pleasant bus iness in this city or neighbor hood. Addref.e.ln reply..'M. H. J.. " Prow °Mee. atal•ets 810,000 T (; t IS I7 E P ge_tlepai with the am tent to take an interest (either active or silent) in an established and well- paying business,-manufacturing and whole sale. First-elites reference given and required. All communications strictly confidential. Add rose "Y. H. 9., " Prete Offs stag 20 BOALRDING. ROARDING.-TWO SECOND-STORY 5- , rooms TO LET, IA .133 North TENTH St. Ss?-tx FOR SALE AND TO LET. VONSTABLR'S BALE OF HOUSE ' l / 4 " HOLD TURNITUEB. No. 020 CHESTNUT Street THIS (Wednesday) MORNING, at 11 o'clock. Seized taken In execution, and to be sold for rent. 11. W. WAILLTON, Constable. V —OR SALE BRASS FOUNDRY F Steam Engine, Lathes, Tools, and Fixtures of every kind, in complete working order. Apply on the premises, 1005 BEACH Street, Kensington. 1310-0 MT. MORIAH AND ONE EXCEL LENT ODD FFILqWg' OEMISTERY LOT FOB SALE, at - a sacrifice. MILNE, 154 North SIXTH Sunni aa9-3t. if ROHOOL DESKS AND FIXTURES FOR SALE. Cut be seen at 1910 WALLACE Street. auS•mwf3 rl - 70 LET-THE BECONDTHIRD, AND -A- Routh Floors at 036 MAR area, throlagh to Clinrch alley. mh2O-tf WELTER POWER TO RENT. APPLY I I to DAVID CHILLAB. Newark. DeL act2-Sm FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE RE RIDENCE, in complete order situated st SIM ARCH Street. Apply to ROBER T MAO OREGOR, It • 4 19 'WALNUT Street. 41 FOR SALE-A HANDSOME COT• MINTAGE, eltnate on the north aide of LOCUST Street, second house above Thirty-eighth. Apply to $O BIT MAC GREGOR, and 419 WALNUT Street. el FOR BALE-VALUABLE B1:161 AWA NESS PROPERTY, situate at No. OD, 6354 and 63 , North Seoond street, consisting of three stores, Witt dwellings attached. The whole will be sold together, to close an estate. A portion of the purchase mono: may remain on mortgage For particulars, inquire of B. MoCe_fiL, 18 South SECOND Street. JulyJnly4l3, MSC • iyßl-1m• fa FOR SALE—DWELLINGS 1829 1735, 1613, 1926, 1928 Wallace street ' Dwellin_gs_loll, 1623. 1624. suq. 2131. 2206. 2329, 2306, Xl/ 1 0, and 2332 Green street. Dwellings 1812, 1913, 1921, 2016. 2026. and 20:11 Menu 'Vernon street. Dwellings 521). 624, and MX North Fifteenth street. 'With man) others, large and small, in various locali ties. Also, a large number of Cottages, Farms, and Build ing Lots. B. F. OMB, 123 S. FOOBTH Street, an6-tf . and R. W: cog. Seventeenth and Green. ja FOR BALE—CHEAP FARM. 16 —a—miles oat, near Barnsborongb Station, West Jersey Railroad. 69 acres; excellent Improvements. On.l— *76 Per acre. Pwrrie, iyso ali3 WALNUT Street. ggli FOR BALE--DEBIRABLE AND ...—handsomely-iroproTed FARM, 74 RCM, 15 out, within flee intents, walk of a station on the Phila. delp pply hia and Trenton Railroad. Terme easy. A to B. PETTIT, j 7130 323 WALNUT Sheet. ast.FOR SALE=THE A 2 WHITE oak scbooner GENERAL SCOTT, I(i9 tons regis ter; carries 107 tons coal; copper-fattened. well found in every particular; entire new suit of sails, randy for sea. Apply to T. D. WILDER & CO., anS.St 426 SOUTH WHARVES, Phila. 1000 PEACH AND TRUCK BAS , RITB for oale by BOWS & RUSTON, - an6.t 0c27 157 and 150 North THIRD et ZDIICATIONA MILITARY COLLEGE, ALLEN TONFM, 'Penna.' within three hours' ride or Phi ladelphia: chartered by the State, provided with spa Mons grounds and bu ildings, and opened in May las with over cue hundred pupils. Commences its next sea ,ton September 6th. For circulars, address Rev. K. L. BOFFORD, A. M., President. anlO Im WOODBURY INSTITUTE, • WOOD BURY; Ct.—An excellent School, and a cheerful and happy borne for boys. For Circulars, address the Principal, Caalo.lot) P. B. HULSE. WOODLAND SEMINARY, WEST PHILADELPHIA. —A DAY- and BOARDING SCHOOL (or Young Ladles will be opened September 14.- at No. -9 WOODLAND- TERRACE, by Rev. HENRY REEVES, A. M. assisted by competent and experienced Teachers. Mr. R. retires from the Clussi bersburs Seminary, where the session has regularly closed with nearly fourscore pupils. Address, till Jnlyls, the Principal, at Chambersburg. Pa. Alter that, No. S Woodland Terrace, West Phila delphia. • REFERENCE —Rev. Albert Barnes Rev. H. A. Boardman, D. D. ; Rev. .1. G. Butler, 41. W. Mc- Phail, D. D. ; Rev. C. W. Shields, D. e y e e John W. blears; Hon. Jos. Alison and A. G. Cattail, Esq., Philadelphia: Hon J. Kennedy Morehead, Pittsburg: Hons. George Chambers and A. K. McClure, Chambers burg. 59- awe! THE YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE OF HATBORO, Rev. ORt.i. HARD. A. M. Principal. Established ten years mince . Delightfully located fif teen rotten north of Philadelphia. A well appointed and lborough.SCßOOL, and a safe and pleasant ROMA for a limited number of pupils. Reopens MONDAY, Rcpt. 12th.. For circulars address the n au.4-120 PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY. AT WEST CHESTER. The duties of this institution will ba resumed on THURSDAY, Septemberlat, at 4 o'clock P. A. , Circulars containing fall information ' may be ob- Mined ofJAMES ORNE, Rao., No. 626 CHEST. NUT Street, or of COL. THEODORE HYATT, aa6-lm Preeident Penna. Military Academy. FEMALE COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, IV. J. —This Institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware River about thirty miles by railroad from I Philadelphia. Thorough inetruction Is given in the common and higher branches of English, and sops rior advantages are furnished in the Ancient and Modern Language'', Drawing, Painting in all its branches, Vowd and •Instrumental Musts. For Cataloguer', ad dress' Hay. JOHN H. BRAXIILILY, A. 51., au4-6W President. BS- MARY B. THROPP WILL RE 'A.7-11- MI OPEN her ENGLISH and FRENCH BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL,for YOUNG LADIES, at No. 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, on the 12th of Sep tember. For circulars, until the let of September, ad dress *ice THROPP.VaIIey Forge. Pa. a3-aw. THE MISSES CASEY & MRS. BEEBE'S -A- ENGLISH and FRENCH BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, -No, 1703 WALNUT Street, will ER OPEN on WEDNESDAY, thelith of September. an3-2m ri_LENWOOD ACADEMY, DELA WARE WATER GAP, KODIROB 00., PA. The fell session of the above inatitation wil com menoe on the 12th of the 9th month (September). For parttenlare apply to SAMUEL ALSOF, )310-23n Delaware Water Gap, Monroe 00.. Ps. FRIENDS' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND SMALL BOYS, on School lane Germantown, will reopen on t education h month. The urinal branches of an-English will be taught. and we feel war ranted in believing that the competency of the teacher. Deborah B. Smith, will make it desirable to parents to Patronize the school. .1799-if VILLAGE GREEN SEMiNARY.-411- L Ts RR BOARDING SCHOOL. 4 tulles bevild Mg. ala. and 134 miles from Glen Riddle, on the Wcat Chap ter Railroad. Thorough course in Mathematics. Natu ral SaieriC, Languages, and Eng li sh. Practical lee. SOW in Surveying and Civil Engineering. Pine library and apparatue. Number otrmpils limited. Begins Sept, lst Paints have benefits of a home. Refers to John O. V c i f yip Son , south Third staid; Th u r. J. Clayton Filth and Prune, John H. Ma 300 Walnut, Ad rase Rev. J. HENRY BARTON A. N iY22-Nn' ' rITHE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY AND MILITARY INSTITUT& The scholastic year of ten months commences on the Arm TUESDAY, the 6th of September next, and closes on the let of July following. Boys and young men prepared for College or Business in its various requirements. The modern languages are. taught by native resident Teachers, who have no connection with• any other school. Por oataloones and fall information apply to WM. F. WIERS, A , Principal or, .1. HUNTER vroasALL, M. Ph. D . .I.ooniato_Prinoinal. WEST CHESTER. Lonna PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATIC IN BTITIITR FOR YOUNG LADIES. No. 1630 ARCH Street. Rey. CHAS! A. SMITH, D. 1,.,3• OLARRNCII SMITH, A. M., Principals. • Ninth Year. Threw Depatliasnts: Primary, Acade mic, and Collautitts: Pall college coarse in Mathematics, kigher.inalish and Natural Science, for - those who uraduate. Modere'Lengassee. Hoak, Paint tag, and Riocatiosby the beet masters. For eiretdare, apply at MN CHE STNUT Street, Or &dams+ Box 2611 nitiadelDhlis SPV-4144 AMUSEMENTS. CI S ROVER'S NEW OESTRIE.I -.LA STREET THEATRE. THIS SPERM, 'lke Grand Romantic, Modal' Speottiodar.Drantror' ALADIZI.L Or, VIE WONDERPOL woo. ' , resented after three months' active ProPfurattaa g style of unprecedented magnificence, replete arith`eralt. derfol Tranotormatene, Aftwuntleent Scenery, Grand Marches, *nperb Costumes and Proportion. Bvinttfar- Music and.Cltonnes„ IYAD•tt REMARKABLE EXHIBITION. FOR ONLY ONEWHER. ARCH STRRET, AMY& NINSTERSTEL Messrs. TWAVE h S & NoTSS' United States Circus; an& Mews. VAN AINBURS & CO'S Mammoth Menagerie combined will Ire opened to the public, commencing ors 111oNDAY Evzoorro, Aug. Mb, and continuing EVERT EVENING until Saturday 13th inet.. inclusive, Per formances on the afternon* of Tuesday otb,Viredneaday' Thursday 11th, Friday 12tb, and Sotardav 13:11- Adrehuton—Adults 60e each i-ebildren 25e. Aftrisuuis performance commences at 2k , evening 736 o 'clock, Doors open at K hour 2212P02 021,each occasion. Mena.- gerle matinee Wednesday morning. commencing Atli o'c7ock, for the benefit of the . CIIASINSRS oußa .IrT FF.RERS. ang-lw COLUABIL HOUSE, CAPE MAY. A VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CORGERT Will be given by the following distingnished artiste our ,FRIDAY EVENING, An grant 12, W 4: Madame HENRIETTA. BEHRENS, Soprano, Kim CAROLINE McCAFFREY, Contralto. Mr. WM. K BRISCOE, Tenor, Mr. A. R. TAYLOR, Baeeo. Mr. THEODORE AHREDID, Violoncellist. + Mr. H. O. THUNDER. Pianist. • Mr. A. R. TAYLOR. Conductor Tickets. $lO Doors open at half-past 8 o'clock. Concert to commence st 9 o'clock. artlo-3 'FEE ACADEMY OF FINE-ARTS, - 0 - CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, to OPEN DAILY. for vlottors, from 9A. M. t o eP. N. Je7s EXCURSIONS. fANDEL• AND 4RA.YDZI SOCIETY'S 30 . *C5rtSI0N • To ATLANTIC iy ilne r. . if nilESDAY, A1141.1:1111r 17tb, Mkt& MOW asi l 31 R EX°ll6 AT TI,MI3ICTOIBEk P9MICE,ST TO THE GREAT COAL, IRON, AND LUMBER XL GIONS OP PENNSYLVANIA 1 TICKETS GOOD FOR TEN DAYS I Grimm SAMPLE TIME TO VISIT EACH POINT Olf INTEREST olif THE ROUTE. The Catawissa Railroad Company, Rating perfected arrangements with connecting read& will 'Nape Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia entente folloysing route : PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD,. To Reading, Schuylkill Haven, Ashland, Masao. City and Tamaqua; CATAWINA RAILROAD. To Summit. McAuley /fountain, Catawisaa, Danville, Milton, and Williamsport; LACKAWANNA AND BLoOMSBURG RAILROAD. To Bloomsburg. Kingston. and Wilkwbarre. LEHIGH AND SIIsQOEIIARNA RAILROAD. To White Haven and Penn Haven. LEHIGH AND MARANO!' AND BRAVER MEADOW RAILROADS. To Black Creek and Manch Chunk; LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD, To Allentown and Bethlehem; and the NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. To Philadelphia. Por variety and mildew of sceneri, this rout. PM" sl9lltB peculiar inducements to tourists. . . . Those wising to do so, may reverse the route by ob taining Tickets to start over the - North Penney!mutts Railroad. v.A..xm, slo. Tickets can be obtained at the Depots of the Philadle/ phis and /Leading and North Pennsylvania Essilrons/. Companies, and of . . N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent, Northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT &moan Trains start from Philadelphhs and Reading Depot U &la A. IL 3.30 P. M. and from North Pennsylvmds Railroad. Depot at TA. X, and 3.45 and 5.15 P. M. Se2o-tafrial • i d digg GRAM PLEASURE Ng. CURSIONB TO LAKE SUPERIOR.-01m of the following splendid first-clam steamers, viz: CLEVELAND, ILLINOIS, NORTH/GIN LIGET, IM.ON CITY, TRAVELER, METEOR, IRON SIDES, LAC LA BELLE, and PEWABIC, will leave CLEVELAND Ohio, at 13 o'clock P. each day of the week, ax Saturday and Sunday, and Detroit, Michigan, on • following days at 2 o'clock P. M. through the =outlaw. of JULY and AUGUST, making brand Excursion Trion to the many points of interest on the Great Inland Sue of America,whlch, for utility. pleasure and health.arg" unsurpassed by any other on the Continent. This trip of over 1.000 miles embraces six degrees at latitude, and eleven of longitude, and includes in Vag circuit Lakes Erie, St.. Clair, Huron and Superior. with the beautiful rivers Detroit, St. Clair and Bt. Mary's. The many and extensive mince of iron and coronas. unequaled by any in the world, with the newly-die covered and inviting deposits of silver lead, ',Udall romantic scenery, combined with its - pure and bracing climate, render the Lake superior trip one of far mom , than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the student._ the pleasure-meeker, or the invalid. The above,named steamers are elegantly-fitted nr with largo dry Cabins and State-Rooms, while trywr Precaution Ilse been taken to provide for the safety MI. comfort of passengers. Pare including State - Booms and Meals, about 23i centx.. per mile. • Time occupied in making the round trip-Jrng g to 10days. Rooms secured, and further information obtained, by application Mproprietore. ItOBT. HABRA St Co., Cl eve land, obi,. • HUSSEY & McBRIDE, DOHA HUTCIIIIIOOI W BITING & Co., Detroit. lifirldevc jell-t SIMMER RESORTS. A MERICANHOTEL, MA.UOR. CHUNK, PENNA.—LAFAYETTE LENTZ. Pro. prietor. The AMERICAN HOTEL has recently beam greatly enlarmed and improved for the accommodardow of summer sojourners. It is situated in the centre alt. the County ROM of Carbon county, which is the buidnessr centre of the Lehigh Coal Region_ The monntabas. scenery at Mauch Chunk is unsurpassed in its reanimate& beauty by any In the State. and is a favorite resort toe sojourners tram the cities seeking recreation fromthe cares of business. Terms. Inver day; liberal deductiems made to weekly boarders. • ant-Ste CHESTER . OR YELLOW SPRINGS, CHESTER COTTNTY. PA.—This magnificent resort is now open for visitors. The accommodations are of tins very best; the Bathe all in perfect order. COMMllulai- Hon by the Penna. B. B , Eleventh and Market, 7.26 A.. 8., and 4 o'clock P. M. via Steamboat station an2-l2t' A. W. SBYDEig, Supetintendenk. RUMMER RESORT.-BROAD-TOP MOUNTAIN HOUSE.—Phis romantic spot can be. reached daily by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad to Huntingdon, thence by the Broad-Top Railroad et& Dudley. Excursion Tickets are issued at hail der usual rates, which are good until the drat of October. First-close accomm odations . TERIKES—SI2 per week ; per ay 61.60. Children sad' , servants hall price. For further particulars address C. M. ALLMOND & Co., Managers,, Broad-Top City, Huntingdon Co Pa. REA BATHING.-NATIONLL T.; OAPS ISLAND, Cape MILT. N. S., Is now open for the reception of fits nnmerens vests. Terms moderate. Ohildren under 12 years of age and servants half prise. Superior ascommodationa. and ample room for two 'tundred persons. AARON OA.REETSON, je24-2m Priprietor. PERSONAL. INFORMATION WANT ED GON CERNINO ISRAEL STEVENS.. of Ohio. by R. IL Mack,at the S. /I corner of EIGHTH and COATE'S Ste. lt* PERSONAL.-3NO. O'NEILL-YOUR sister ANNIE, residing In Auburn, Cnyahova, connty, New York, wishes you to write and send. haw your &darns. Said John O'Neill Is from county Wicklo. Ireland, and about 35 or 37 years of age, and has been in this corm try fourteen years. aull its* COPARTNERSHLI'S. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS day formed a Copartnership, under the name an& style of 14. C. TRUNICK & CO., for the transaction of the Wholesale DRY GOODS Business. at No. 22r MARKET Street. HENRY C. TRUNICK, SAMUEL K. MARSHALL, JOHN B. KING. OSCAR D. PAINTER. Philadelphia, Aug. 1. 1861, gulf) Ste EXPRESS COMPANIES. • • am • iNglE r. THE ADAMS BL HESS COHPAAY, 011ce 395 CHESTNUT Street; forwards Permits, Packager. Mar , cbaneise, Hank Notes:and Specie, either by its owl" - lines or to 4so2l4tittiOD with olher Xxpress Comps to all the prinalpe . l ToWns and Cities IA the Uz i = States. • . B. S. SANDFORD, :e27 General Superintendent j ar in g FOR CAPE M staunch and commodious steamer MAN HATTAN, Captain E. A. Bother, of the Cape Mny Line. having been released by the Government, is no* - inaktaLher regular trips to Cape May leaving ARCH STREET WHARF every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, =Cs, EATUEDAY,at 9 o'clock; returning, will leave May every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at . o'clock, touching at New Castle, going andMimi* Pare VAS, carriage hire included; children .• Price. Servants,.earriage hire extra. Freight at low rates. No freight received after S. o'clock and in all eases must 'be pre- std. JOSEPH A. STEWART. Agent m ili ail=„et FOR ALBANY AND TROY,_ VIA DBLAWARS AND NARITA& CM. NAL. —Tuft barge OLIVE' BE ANGEL I. Turner, Maridlrie is,now loading at first wharf below Soruce Street, " • will sail for the above points on WEDNESDAY, A GESteT I rms D. , apply to For freight, wDL hich wAI be taken cn PLASM:MN, Agent, resaonaC-. bye an9-2t. DONS. DELAWA NB Avenne- FOR HARTFORD, CONN., DERECT,VIADSLAWAIIS AIM RAW- TAN CANAL. The Pbilad alphas Stearn Propeller Compaay ' &ate mew NAP. Orumley, Rwer, now loading at estond wharf! above DOCK Street Quick despatch. Apply on booth. or to WM. M. BALED & CO. • Agents, 132 South DELA. WARE Avenue. ace - • a dr i g FROM NEW V ORS, FOR NEW HAVEN, LEILRTFORDAIPRINO. FIELD. and BOSTON.—The steamers COMTPRENTAII n,ed ELM CITY leave Peek Blip. But Ever, daily. al &la P. kl'and n at Add. jo2a.nw aleillignic WEST CHESTEEL AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL. ROAD; viA MEDIA. SUMMER AR.RANGEMENT--OHANOE OF DEPOT, On and after MONDAY, May 73, 1863, the treina wine. leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of THIRTY.. FIRST and MARKET *Streete (West Philadelp.hil)i. al IF and 11.05 A.M. , and at 2 3:1. 4 . 46, and 7P. M. Leaven West Cheater at 6.20, 7.46, and 11 A. N., and at 2 walk P. M. On Satidays. leave Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M. and 2. SH' P. M. Leave West Cheater at A. X. and 5 P.M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at &CO A. M.- and 1.415 , P.M. , ant Weet Chester at 7.46 A. M. and SP. M., con nect withilltaine on the P. and B C. R. for Oxford iuti ID lamellate pelota HENRY WOOD: apl Genets' SuPatiatendant LADIES' TRUSS AND BRICE STORE-Conducted by,Ladies„ TWELFTH_ Street, •firet door below Race. Every arti in their line elegant, easy, and correct . in maks. h e w NEE DLES, Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen. on the corns of TWELFTH end RACE,Etreste. Dl. E. w ,ProfessionaL, acenracy insured.. . - laY6-31eif , PAWILWIrt3 COTrEACIE ,ORGANS, Not only lIN TINEQUALID Mu tt, UM La ba t of Tone and Power, downed especially for Churches and Schools. but found to be equally well adapted to the Parlor and Drawing Room. For sale only by R. X. Mmes. No. 113 North SEVENTH Street. , Also, complete assortment of the .Perfect Nclodwa oongtantly on Land_- 413 W CRILDREN'I3 CARRIAGEE. — .. AB AN & SON, mawitootaxere,ll- 5420 DGKOL &mt. below firma. utile
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers