Tho ue , match Chunk t, M Cht ul[ dos 8 03 4 5, &Mon rpruti iiiicirrialbnrg u., rttt.ton ,n &wen t Plittoitoa Whlte, Ova 011145plet retina lot titattt. krklintiss _FM% libtgtobtuir Dilvonporttfa uritlltit,_Kont b id !Ism,. mint York 00 b , & id dnit, & Is VP i ‘s. BtAttmore wgnati,FtnakL/I,Fa citualotthato L„utlt Illtnot& blakpilun, Bkainnore martll.,,Lauctteter L bliatin, Lancloter, 0 . c rk no B irf,liewJerseY bast*. $ $ Jemieon_ L Penneylvanis BC Green, 'Pottsville IT 0 Gllaxe r rlitneh (Thank Mont F Monti, II 9 A' EiNfilhattrwhrer, Alton. 11l eau W Borette, tlerivtle. PA bireG W Bout +O, 'lmitate J R. Burette. DelawAre W how , H. Melee V' D lie reester, Martinsburg Thos Stevens LB K JAffilsou A Arnold, Torre saute B Kupeenheltner, T Haute skim , ' imadls. P.. ens Theo Weed, New York • A R Henderson, W u Mlle It Msars,Stenhenville W Young, Allftllnberg Joe.Bartles, Ne w York. L Furman, New York a .1 Bohan, Harrisburg J D Mead St wt, Re w Jersey Mire 26. C Steele, Ohio a Garbutt, Washington, The Hari yid Fell, Buckingham I New hope Hire, Lambert Ville Thornton, Lsonbertvillet ecliewon, R. deers, II A Fain, U 8 A 13ral ow, bolls Oheiton Hilis Aril & wf,Egg Harbor , so D ld r er re , Hartll, Hasvrt silvleille thderinan, New York trick Pearson, 6'oleehury ltfinghr, LiPpiTICOU. N'Jersey Lioplueutt, New Jersey Psr_yr , Attleboro Bon Kitchen, Solettbnr3. 6 y Sheaf. Jae Newbold, Attleboro Roes Mlt, Byberry Hiram Pearson, Boleshary P Worth •Rioh, Solesbary John Rich, Soleshn•Y J A Kirk di man, Buokiogh :W DOOM, Baal leoun W W MODOV , toII Wrighp4'n H Pearson, Wrighrstown Hiram Ely, New Hone S 0 Hughes, Buckingham W Bette, Bookinghant Palmer At boy, EC/a - wood °has Kirk bride, Attleboro David Saul, HollltHilbUrg Jai% Richardson, Attlebere W ilerriok & wf, Bucks co Alex Johnson, Now Hope htoCkton, New Hope ek Bear. The lila Feader. Holland A S Roads, Somerton Chas hierrieon. &mayMe Isase.Tomlineos Si sou, Ps Remy Bane, F.11011 , 4V1 lie Jaeob Heller, 'Vegeta vtlle &mem Heller. Fonelavllle W eebbart, Fugeieville N Beue,nS, Fogelavale W B Fogel, Foeelevtlte H M Fetter, Al te Etta wn Rnek, Aitent.iwe Hon Wu Lich SBIIWAIIIII Ir e ra Thos B Metzgqr, Allentown Henry Brophy, Vegelsville _ . lrae Berke-co,' Perna Welds, Berke eo,Pa B Haldeman. Penns B Vanaredide, Perna n Lukens, humeri on m Carp ft atthville Bothwell,-Buottwille a chmart-Meebaalo lle Trenler,Yardierville annoy, Yardley villa Haldeman, Do) letdown :per Benda, Somerton w liondi, Somerton I nioll/. Thom J Holliday, Ohlo 61 Sharp, Ohio Geo W Ziegler, Greencastle W Logue, Raw:sumo C 8 Cooke, Preyld,nce, R I J P Providence R Bonner, VOlllakt D C Godwin, Delaware J Simouo, New York A Blade, Miehlgan W.,Corinth The i PITY, Bradt° , d. Pe • lilrboy, Bradford, PR Pet'Wm, Iliad:Qui, Pa Cadwallader ' PFnua .11bobary, New York tloward,,Briditeport,Cl . Lenbart, 'Apo:lmport g Myers, Pottsville ry. ClualiniA.o, 0 ar F Heckel & lady, Pa Vktudikre & wife Pertur NoWark, Eagle. IS B Wembold, Sellersville Mlee Wambold,Sellereville David Sheirer, Lehigh. co Daniel Rokenbervr, Yonne Freak J Slough, Pe 111.1,a B W bmLth, Backe au TS Lateen rib Pittsburg Levi B Darr, P 1 3 ,1021 (alas D Beane, Becks eo Heo Stemmer, Bethlehem Wm Kergea,Slacmglun,Pa The* hall H Jonek,:lielblehem Warner, bletblobern Stoneback, Carbon ao Stout, QuAitortown w QuEBlitrtown to Kllne,Tomagort trr Barthultime* I Wel Lear, ed, Alloutown l Easton 'Waitron, Ea.ton Vien Lei•lier,Easton Kradv, Eahton Melon. IJ T Schofield, Yardlerille ,W D Large. Taylorevtile A Slack, Brownabkris B Jammu It In, Delaware Ibtfea L Whitaker, N Jersey Mice B Whitaker. N Jersey Rev J McNair &is, N.Teraey D S Newbold, New JereeY .18 Bette, New HOpe IA Edwards The m Sited, New Jersey , D Warner, New Jersey llayues, Delatrure Vslowoing St la, Salt I thowelng fi 146 Mali I J. nee. Deltmare t E C Page, WReiti, D Wasb, D Harrington, fluntmgdon (tray, New Hope rrie Rees, Stroudsburg %lie Commercial. x B 7olatton,Vew Hope ,S W Ilowell,Doylestown 01 Underwood, Centre co; ti .0 Elder. Peßila Caldwell iB Besey, ac Jaelmon,Obester en IW B McCarty. Bnclk'S CO I' tdepoinela. Oxfot d, Pa P NoCarty,linceo on e a. awayne, Iltionvitte 0 Haag. Virgolia ca Alexander. Unionville J C titvotell,Del co,Pa vs Cluillea.Cheeter oo,Pa John, Hadley, Cheater 00 The National. Preston, Robroriburg B Bowen, Troy, Penns Broad', Pottstown J B Bates, Allentown Di Abell, Virginia Etoifel, Catasanquit Nowlen,_Wasa , D la B Lnkenbach, Bethlehem% Waph, D C W 11 Tyson, Mobanor City J E. 1.1 zit on, WWI, D C R M Williarns, Petersburg Johnson, Wash, R-0 J Eagle, Royersford llemegen, Georgia P Amer, Chester, I% The *Kate* Viekna. 11 lioteinger, Del . 11 PeccYpaelzer, Pa slienson & Nei, Vert, Pa John Kennedl , 'Chester co Le 3 von, New York B K Stoner, Lancaster, Pa Al 'William, Atiffintown Saint Hess, Lancaster, Pa H. Thompeen, Chester co - SPECIAL NOTICES. Tun MOSQUITO'S DITTY. Hf THE HARD 08 TOWER HALL. • My friend, it seems to grieve yen. That yon, can't make me leave you, Nor consent to reprieve you— From my ham-uni•n-m-ml Though my song mud give delight. I perceive yon guess aright, That my object to -to bite— With a hum-um•runt-m! But, this bit rtg trait, Tort see, In your fellow-men to be Just as strong as 'Lis in me— With my! Can you. name one earthly spot Where man' a eel!. appointed lot To be bit, or bite, 'tie not— With a hnra-nra•n-in-mt Yon eau' Lphow me one. Oh, Jest There is elle place, I confess, Where they W don't their race oppress— ith a ham-tun.m-ial for, if you at Tower Hall Do for first rate Clothing call, Ton will la, t set bit at all— With a hnut-nra• u-ra-m Our stook of seasonable Clothing is still full and coro lla, being replenished by large daily additions. We selling :bummer stook at old prices, moon below 'ett cost of same goods. SCIENTIFIC 'VEGETABLE COMBENATIOR JOIE INOILEDIENTS—N 4 Yr, d Dye. lot* changing gray hair to ite original color. For promoting De growth and stopping its For Pleaniting the scalp, curing dandruff, dm For malting the hair soft, flexible, and glossy. For preserving the original color to old age. • • London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. " 'I London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing. " "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." Read this Certificate: I ant happy to add my testimony to the great value of the'" LondroPHair Color Restorer," which restored my hair to its original dark color, and the hue appears to be Permanent. I am satisfied that the preparation is no thing like it dye, bat operates upon the secretions. It is also a beautiful hair dressing, and promotes the growth. ' purchased the first bottle from Edward B. Harrignee, )ruggist, Tenth and Coates streets, Who can also testify hair Was Very gray when I commenced its use: ' Bias. MILLER, • 'No: 730 North NINTH Street, Phila. Pelee 76 dents per bottle; etz bottles, $4. Sold by Dr. AYNB& 8017, 330 North arra Street, Fiala. 11 BUT YOUR BATHING ROBES FOR LADIES, •ttlemen' and Children at AM( P. SLOAN'S, 800 - TOT Street, Philadelphia, and at hie Store on ISLAND. N. J. Cane4E*3 JOHN P. SLOAN. .08 BALE -Low, FOR CABII, A RETAIL &roan, doing- a good business. Applyat 3306 E. threat. West Fldiadelobia. an 6460 °GLOATS'S HONEY Boer, This celebrated TOILET SOAP, liAimch universal dr amid, la made from the CHOICEST materials, i 6 MILD and EMOLLIENT faits nature. FRAGRANTLY BOBET• ED, and EXTREMELY GENEPICLAL in its action non the Skin. call by all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. fe2SAnthaly POPULAR CLOTHING HOTISE OF PECILA. - . OAK BALL." Beepdass (mode at moderate .WANAMAKIIR BROWN, 5, B. corner SIXTH dud MAKKST Streets. Condom Department (to make to order) No. 15. Sixth St. WEENIER & WILSON'S HI4SI[EST PESasrvns LOCK-STITCH SBWING MACHINES. TER OICIMPEf3T, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. saiegybomo, 7D4 carßsTNirr Street, above Seventh Z.E.I 2 IEtaRa 3 E I3 - WILLIAIBB--WOLVORD. At Harrisburt, may A 4, by the Rey, J Walker Jackson, Lieutenant J. Williams, U. 8, A., to Moe Jennie B. Wolford, or Dlllebuxg, Po. • X)X..171:).. HAMM& —On the/Rh Inst., David C. Harker, the 64th year of his age. Bin relatives and friends are reepeetfally invited to attend his funeral.from his late residence, N. W. corner Fifth and Powell streets, on Monday morning, 9th inst., at 10 (et:dock. . CHURCHMAN. —Killed la action on thellith of Jul) , lest, at. Ashlby's Samuel . It. Churchman, of Compan, 70th Pennayivania Cavalry , son of Henry L. s a d Sarah R. Churchman, of hew Castle county , Del., in the 17th year of his age. *a MORRIS,—On the 4th inst. , LOUiet, VORA eat daughter of the late Samuel W. and Anna Morris. Interment at Well eboro, Pa. 08Tolf, —On the morning of the Sd instant, R. X y of his age. B u Eti t s o r n el sM. p s . as frln t h i e e "t n d 6 h . a nd those ofm r e o f i a n tilly,,are respectfully invited to attend the (anent , ' fi t s residence, 'MS Arch street, on 7th day (Saturday) mora ine, the 6th instant, at 10 o'clock. Interment at uunth Laurel Hill. PORDY,—On the 4th init., RachelTurdy. in the 73d Year of her age. Her friends and relatives are invited to attend her 1 ,,,,u 13 ,.„_0za1 , from the residence of her brother-in law, No. 4‘., watt*, at., on Second day morning, at 110 clock. IicCALLA.^-41f paralyide. on the .Oth tnet W Benison McCallit, In the Obittyear of his age.. „, . s lits relatives and male friends are invited to attend Itt funeral, from his late residence, No. 33 North Eleventh street, on Sunday morning. - 7thidst.. at 8 o'clock. To prsceed to Abington Montgomery county. Biwa —On the Sin inst.. George Struthers, youngest ion of George R. and Elizabeth Birch, in the 7th year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his parents, No •1039 Catharine et., on Saturday a ft 4 o'clock. ** llottNolt. —On the 4th inst. Jane Went Ifornor , aldow of Joseph P.. Hornor. in the 80th year of her M iler relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services at St. Mary's Church, Locust street, Istwetn Thirty ninth anttPortieth streets, on Saturday kft.rnoon the 6th inst., at 4 o'clock. Interrnent„at b Lau lNG rel ' BHAM. —On the 24 inst., Samuel Bingham, in ibstikh year of his age. The relatives and friend sof the family; also Shekinah ra‘lfo. 240 A. Y. , 3f t the Chattaheochle Tribe: Third X, end tosestors. of Interned Revenue of the att DlFtrict, are respectfully invited to tad the funeral, from hie late residence No. 152 . 5 AVVYttite street, on Sunday afternOon,,at 1. o'clock. linseed to Franklin Cemetery, 54, "" ( 'N. —Os the 2d I t 74 Charlee Corbon. r i?t te a r . l i t zi nd ibc Zid Year of h i re age, s are particularly invited to attend his fn enl ~D.l.l_lo...tC,ll,l:tiate residence, No. 1206 Hanover street, 6 ' . Saturday afternoon, August 6, at three T a in"'"" d Odd-F-• - ^-ezeto -- ** ie. out cßiiiiiga • LUISt SILKS I SILKS I /1118 a LANDAU., 'FOURTH and ABOG Street', tottering all %belt OLD tiILBS low to Mose them be• nit thane!! Goods are opened. Bilks not by lan bloomer. Bilks of very Nat quality. Good lbsek Silks reasonable. Gosd Brown Bilks reasonable. liiiiini STATE C 0 311111.:It It II E ~.....1001111. illo6 CHESTNUT Street.—The Stale ,"", Tegnest their friends throughout , 3hB Si " . Frio' weans to Constitutional and fall returns Iye tri noon tit ' Amendment.. ui t i r Zattntola to the Chairman at Girrad 11011313, leartt46 Rooms are now Open. won. treated to the Chairman will receive prumPt and all -More . Seven 8. cAmiatON. Cliairzwl• 21 , tor , eicretary. lea q - - 11.1KLIEW sulFzum PEOPLE OF plummusutria. At a meeting of citizens held at the Board of Trade Rooms, TDBSDA.Y, the Sd inst., to adopt measures for the relief of, the suffering people of Chambersburg, the undersigned were appointed a committee to appeal to the entreats of Philadelphia for their generous aid to this greatly dietreseed community. , More than:l,Boo of the people of our own State. &large majority of them women and children, are homeleee, and many of them penniless, without even 60 'mud, as a change of clothing. Their wants are preerlog, and they require immediate We are sure this sturnie statement is all that will be neceesary to awaken the active sympathy of our citizens, and insure a liberal reeponse. Send promptly your generous contribntiens to the Treasurer, EDMUND A. SOUDER,Esq..;DOCK. STREET 'WHARF', or, it more convenient, te otter of the under. signed members cf - the Committee. The money and materials thus contribated will be placed by this Committee with promptnees in the hands of such reliable and discreet. gentlemen of Chambers.. budge will inimre the best disposition.of your bone volent.contributione. ALEXANDER G. OATTELL, JOSEPH PATTERSON. GEORGE H. STUART, EDMUND A. SOUDER, 0. W. DAVIS, STEPHEN FLANJGAN. A. 3. DREXEL, JOHN 0. JAMES, SIMON GRATZ. PITTLADELpRIA, ActraBt4, 11184., tarlJ. S COMNISSION. —Cash acknowledgments for She week eddiug August 8, Ms: Army Committee Y. M. 0. A,, Boston, Masa. . Per Joseph Story, treasurer -445,083 64 Connecticut Branch 11. S. Christian Commis sion, per A. G. Hammond, Treas. ' Hartford. Christian Commission, Rochester, N. Y., per 0, D. Grosvenor 1,000 00 Jemee McHenry London (additional) 1,000 uo Tract Society M..E. Cburch _per Rev. Dr . Wise. 991 66 PHILADELPHIA. Arthur G. Coffin Philadelphia,Wilraingtonyand Baltimore Rail road DompsnY' Miss Ann Billingtbnj per Rev. S. H. Young ' 410 . 00 Mrs. .614.ntelliss, per Rev. J. H. Young.. 600 • 16 00 Ladies' Christian Cominissiort.' First German lo 00 Reformed 13hurair(additiona0 George W. simons $t Brother 22 25 Procsede of-Little Girls' Fair, by Jane Rodgers and Fann IWFOO 6 00 SO ie UT 2.I HEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Citiz t ens of Wiz. Lancaster county, per Francis W. Chris 200 00 Ladlea' Christian Commivion, Losier Chance ford, per Rev. John Farquhar (additional).. W. Bunting, Lauca , dor ,SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY. First Baptist Church, Salem (additional)...... Contribution acknowledged elsewhere in reli gious papers.. Igr THE S. C COMMIS. SION beg Veva to neknowledge • the receipt of the folio - Ring additional hospital stores up to august 9,1871: " - -r - PHILADNLPRIA. Messrs. N & A. W. 1 package. North Brea 1-street Chuch, 5 packages. Chas. mile eon, & Uo ., 1 box. Philadelphia Datil/ News, dally Packages. Mrs. S. F. Curtiss, 1 box. __SqpTIIIIASTARti, PENNSYLVANIA.. East Marlborough, Ibex: Union Reiter Society. Lancaster, 1 hex, " - Patriot Daughters." West Chester, 2 boxes, Mrs. 8.. K. Smedley. Germantown, 3 boxes, L. C. C., First Presbyterian Church. 69 packages, Sec, additional to above, are acknow ledged elsewhere io retiglouf, paws. It is a matter of thanks that toe cargo recently sett from Boston by the Christian Commission to llity Point arrived just after the vent re against Petersburg had occurred, in time fo the &let and that nrt of many of the brave hoe 'who suffered in that engagement. all respects this cargo waspeculiarly adapted to the ts of just such a time as it came in. Stilt God lives wane Providences. The Sabbath-school children must not to make house. wives, comfort-bags, pads, forget soldier. The call for tocee arliclee still continues very great. URO. H. mutt Chatrman, It 11 BANK Street, Philadelphia. Oy. AI SPEC/L ACKNOWLEDGMENT.— LABOR, INCOME, AMC REVENUE—COAL COMMITTEE. • Contributed by hands at Wm. H. Johns' Col. • liery, Str.• Clair PAP Contributed by George Ormrod and his hands, . ' Temecula 100 COntributed by -Retail Dealers, through A, • Gaskill Contributed by hands in the employ of G. B. - Markle & Lede Rh— .. ...... . . .21 Proceeds of sales (4180 tone ........ by e Persil). - & Cook. one-half ($693) to be handed to the Christian Commlseion ' LESS 00 Con tribu ted by Learn tt & Wood, retail d eaters, 25 00 Contributed byhands of Mazy:tiller. Gratin' & Lorbeiry Collieries 268 23 Remitted by B. Barman, Pottsville: From hands at Locnetdale Colliery.... $228 35 Wiggan & Trebel's Colliery .. 69 00 " Wm. Boyey's Colliery 107 65 Lees bill of advertisini; 6cs 1 6 6 6 60 Contribution off ' . ' 25 00 61. 60 • 4kv. -- 430 40 Previonaly rdiokked 50,186 05 liar TUE MEMBERS OF COMPANY B, BLUB BESBRTEb, will meet at the Head quarters of the Regiment, 505 CHESTNUT Street, MS (Saturday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, to perfect the orgeni eat' on.ln response to the call of the Governor. writ. IL STEWART, OE4J. F. COLEMAN, JOHN A. ROBINSON, CHAS. H. CLARK. ,lt* TOWER MALL, 011 a MARKET Etreet. BENNETT & GO FOl TB X COMMITTEE : $16,210 47 Amount previously acknowledged 705,033 52 JOSEPH PLTTERSON, Trtrallire.r.99 'Total t 62,003 44 E. BORDA, Treasurer. WA MEETING OF THE ASSISTANT ABI3/03KORS OF T El& THIRD:coLLEcnoti DIFTRICT OE PENNSYLVANIA was held - at the Vffice of the Ateketysor on Wednesday, the 3d inst. , when the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, The ^spirit of our late associate, BAIBI/EI. lIINGEIAM, has, been removed from among us: Resolved, That, in the death or Samuel Bingham this office has lost an eeteemed associate and an eliktent offi cer. and the country a citizen of devoted loyalty. 'Resolved, That we hereby tender our sympathy to Ms bereaved family in this the hour of its deep afflic tion. Resolved, That we attend his funeral in a body, and that a copy of the above resolutions be forwarded to hie B. ff. MARCH, A. HUNTER. }Committee. tt Wit STRUNK. —TWELFTH WANID—DRAFT. —THE Citizens of the Ward are invited to meet at kiiolles' Ball, N. E. corner - FOURTH and GIIEVI Streets. 'at 8 o'clock THIS EVENING, to take measures to fill the Quota of the sward. WTHY. CII,62IBEILSBUR6I STIFFER. ERE]. —Tbe LADIEd of Philadelphia are re gime-tad to melt at the rooms of the BOARD OF TRADE. on ORESTNLIT Street, above o ' clo c k,o, 51)5), TRIS (Saturday) AI.TFANCON, at 4 to adopt meg sum for the immediate relief of those who are now suf fering fcr want of food and clothing to conseqcence of the burning of CHAMBERSBURG by the rebels. Rae. WARNER, of that plate, will make statements Of the facts in the case. Mrs. E. W. RUTTER, Km. J. B. BEYL, Dirs. A: J. DREXEL, Mrs. J. W. POitNEY. Mrs, GEO, R. STUART, Miss ADELINE SAGER, Mrs. JAS. L. CLAGRORN; Miss L. E. C',AOGORN; Mrs Col. J. BIASIBAM, Miss MARY SAGER. ArousT 6, 18t4. it DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVER OF 11.=zer- TAXES. —PHILADELPHIA, dug. 5, DM. NOTICE TO TeX-Pa UR& —The al tentio aof Tax , payers is resp ectfully called to the following ; Extract 0 an Ordinance of Counciig, approved January 5t ,5864 —Discount at the rate of twotve per centnm per annum, from the date of payment until the Seat day of January, if paid before the nest day of Sep , tember: if paid after the fleet day of September, and on or before the lint day of October, an addition of one per centnm ; and if not paid until after the first day of October, then an addition of two per centnm shall be added to and .pat able on the same; and if not paid until after the first day of December, then an addition of three per cent= shall be added to and payable on the (Signed) JAMES C. Kstrl, anti-st Receiver of Taxes. - - TO THE ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA: NOTICE. —A very large number of cases returnable to August Sessions or the Court have not been returned according to law, The Orand Jury will meet on neat MONDAY. August fith, 186 i, and anises these cases are returned forthw ith, prosecate all delinquents without delay. W ILLIAM B. MANN, District Attorney. ar MASONIC NOTICE.—THE CEES and Members of SHBKINAII 'LODGE. No. M. A. Y. and the Order tn. general, are Incited to meet at the Hill, CHE3TNUT Street;en SUNDAY. the 7th Inet, , at c 'clone P. M.. to attend the funeral of onr late Brother SAMUEL BINGHLM. LLOYD H. WALTON, W. H. Attest, ALFRED T. Jon - .E, , , Secretary. lt* SiXTII WA R. D.—NESTING or the BOUNTY COMMitTEE THIS (Saturday) EVENING, at 734 o'el ock, at the School Honse in Cli.Owpr Street, when the Precinct Committees will report, and important Postmen will be transacted. Let all who are interested not fall to attend. It Chairman, Add. CEAS WET DING. Secretary, JOHN HAOAN, Trealarer, Wx. H BAItifEB. .- Pe r SCIENCE, SEVENTEENTH Street, above CO LUMBIA ItTenne. —l3:eh op SISINON will preach at thi . Ineti lotion next SABBATH AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock. Beate free. All are invited. iIarARAMINGO COUNCIL, No. 78, 0. tr. A. M —A regnlar Stated Meeting will be held on MONDAY EVEtillitt, Aug.S. IVoary member ehould be preeent. WILTEIt. Si HANNAY, O. Winona. Botega. R. Sect'. Manlir" • TAD- -MIME VOTERS. or THE NA. TIONAL UNION PARTY.. Mitylum fit connection with otber members of the pe My, been named aa a candidate for the BBERIF FAL TR of this County, I hereby return my grateful m an ks to my nuMerOUS•frienda for their kindneee in _ be bail; btu being actively engaged in theposition I now bold, I most respectfully WITHDRAW MY NAME from the JOHN M. RILEY. CIIENCIE OF TUE COVENANT, FILBERT Bt. above Seventeenth. Divine ser vice TO-MORROW, (Bnnday.) at 10.4 A. M.. and 8 P. M. The RECTOR will (D. V.) preach morning and evening. DIOCIPLIESC OF Crl IN() TO MORROW. at 103(d M and BP. M. Street,tinon Mill. NIGH ru aad - SPRING CiAIiDLCIT 11. FABOUr. of Indiana. will preach. lt• Irir SPRING GARDEN-STREET M. E. CHURCH, collier of T WENTIB PH Street —Rey. JAMES REILL will, at the unanimous request of the ccnvregation, repeat his "Fast-Day Discoarse" on SUNDAY MORN ING, 7th instant, at 10X o'clock. 10' ligr• SPRING GARDEN HALL, N. W. corner of SPRING OKEDEN sod THIRTEENTH Streets —The meetings of the CHITECFI OF CHRIST, assemblies herr. are every . LORD'S DAY as follows; At lON A. M. for worship in `The Breaking of Bread, " 'Showing the Lord's Death till He come, " In prayer and praise, and for " Teaching and admonishing one another." See Acts 11.92,xx ; 1 2117_f_CoL ‘ iii.16. and at 73.4 the Preachin Seats he word py the Parlor. CHARLES CAMPBELL. free. FIRST REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH, corner SEVENTH and SPRING GARDEN &recta. —Bev. I. E. s ALMADB, MORROW cer ,„ s l N ew yor,.will (D. V.) preach TU. EVENING. at 6 O'clock. So Service in the Morning. JR. _ . . THE INFLUENCE OF RELIGION lar ON THE COMEONWEALTH.—Sermoa by the Pastor, T. P. STEVENSON, lathe Firstitetormed Pres bytertan Clinre,b CHEERY Street, below El even th, SABBATH ZVENII 6 " 7..45. OrCENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL CPORC Ft—CONCERT HALL —atiblio W. :m ath, rvery SABBATH MOIOII 4 O and FXBRING. Rev. Mi. FREBLAND, of Watertown. Ot., at log A. N. and 8 P. M. Beats fre e. __ lar SUBSCRIPTIONS IN AID OF TUE SUPFERtiteI Al' CHAMBBRSBURO, PA, We have received from 0 X hiessersmith, Dm., Cashier of the Bank of Cbambersbnrg, a deplorable se count of the destitution existing there. Persons wish ing to aid the sufferer' Oak do so by sending their eon. b y en taltiOnii to us. REX3L St CO. stn3- at 34 South THIRD Street. 112 r" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that an instalment of TWO DOLIABS'IIIa SHARE on each and every share of the Capital Stook of the JETPIA 161191190 COMPANY has tide daff bent lled th, payable on or before the 1602 day of AUHUST, 1864, at the Oak* of the Company, No. 324-WiJANUT . Street, Philadelphia. • By order of the DireCtOTO. B. A. NOOPIS, Treaourer. FAILADSLPIIITA, Adz n, 1864 an 4 116 ar OFFICE 01 , THE BRIGGS OIL COMPAIIY, No. 147 South FOURTH Street. • PgILAIALPHIA, Jul 30, 195 1 . The Board/0 DiTeCtOTI have THIS DAY eolared the aeeene monthly dividend of QIQI YU C NT. on the capital stock, payable on the Bth of Almost, clear of State t a x. The 'molder 130411er111be closed after tinvi nh of - g nat and reopened on the Stk. -Ma. A.agRUNIt DUI. - • azia-01 • • tte. NATIONAL rpm PICESID)1,1111r. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OP ILLIIJOIL 808 IMAM rinESEDENT, ANDREW JOHNSONO OF TBNIiItSBEN. EiscroiLim *ofmr.. sr.NA.ToRre — MORTON 5 7 0 5 1ICHA.111.419111adelats.. T. 01714N,1116tRAM, DestverOtturt47.. ' - MTAT/VE, ID. Elise W. Ball. 14. Clutilst shriller. 15. Jolui Wtster, 15. D4vldlicConao6h7s 17. Daytd.4l. Weeds. 18. Issas liensen. 1.0. John Patton, 20. Setrittelß., Dick. s l2. l ß o clut e n Tal" YrT yr ; s e l :n au r n e e r e i ha t Ebonemr MeJnorill. BIEPRES I. Robert P.' Inas, I G. Morrison Coates, 9. Henry BEIMIZA, 4. Willman H. Kara. ' 6. • CharlesH. Jenks, 6, M. Runk, 7. Robert Parlfe. 8. William Taylor, 9. John A. Hieeiand,_ 10. Rickard H. Coryell, IL Edward Holliday. 12. Charles P. Bead. By order of the State Can al Crownlat*, ' N CAMBRollalimax. parANIFICE.—AN ELECT id& WILL be bald on MONDAY, the IStlt ii4st., at The MOUNTAIN HOUSE, at Cream, ra., "SfOr .seven Ma nagers of she Cresson Springs Comnannto serve for One year. A. 6.10131, Seen tory Cresson Springs. ComoallY• CREBBON, August 1.1864. an4-3t INSURANCE COIFEANYaOF THE STATE OF. PENNSYLVANIA, Auogorl, 1864. The DiT01441114 have this day declared a - Dtridend of Twain DOLLARS per Share, Clear avail canes, payable to the Stockholders or their legal,represeata tires, rak demand. WILLIAM' WPM, an2-10t • %oratory. Mr OFF/CS OF THE COMFIER COP. PER COMPANY, 310. WALNUT Street. NOTICE la hereby given that all atock tnethis Com pany, on which the. instalment of 60-100 &Ware per share, called March 10th; Mt, and due Mnk lot, 1864 7 to not paid is forfeited for mid default, and4llo,acoordinie to thccharter and by-lawo of the Cornwall, it will be mild at Public /Suction, on martheY, it - nipast Bib, 19M. at 12 o'clock M. at the - Oleo of et e Socretwyof the Com— Pany. No. 319 ' WALNUT Street, =Liege paid on or before that day. By order of the Board oC Directors. - DAVID S. . . REY,L & Bee - yetary. PRILADELPFITAp July 28, 1861. PN- 101 DIVIDEND Noiricit.*W. CL I NTOCKVILLE PETROLBUICUOMPANY, " utOce No. 41.1 WA_LNUT street. PurnannummApiksly2f, - 1664. The Board of Directors have thie..dny declared the fourth monthly dividend. ot ONR PBEi - ORNT,on the capital 'dock.payable at the Office iitoket"Company on and after SATURDAY, August 6, 1864. The Transfer Books will close on,Tirday, July 36, at 3 o'clock P. 4., until Saturday. Au r st .1123-9t 5 WM. MOO 17, Secretary. COALIWOFFICE ..SOIIIERSEX MON AND COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 61 CEDAR Street, NEW rens, 3n13 , 26, NOTICE is hereby given that, pa ant to a resolu tion of the Board of Directors, anelnstastment of 20 per cent. on the Subscription to tbst_o4Pltal Stock of the 61)MSESET IRON AND COAL -CGMPANY-OF PENN SYLVANIA be, and is hereby, made payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, 7 reasnrer of said" Company, on ox be fore the sth day of September next anl-tse6 Attest: Ir. or- TYNG, Secretary. Nuark. T. 114101 1. LEAGT3i4 PHILADELPHIA. In view of the call of the. President for Ave hundred thousand men, we propose to raise 4` , A: Y~,EGIMENT FOR TWELVE MONTHS. ,COLONEL HORATIO. G. ECKEL (LATB OF THE. PENNSYLVANIA RESSRVBEI.) Haa consehted to bike the command- All °Seers desiring to take part in this organization are requested to call on COLONEL 'HORATIO G. SIOKEL, "THE OLD MEMBERS " AND FRIENDS OF THE GRAY RESERVE:REGIMENT in requested to assemble at the Armory, BROAD, be low Bace, THIS DAY at 11 o;clock, for the purpose of Immediate organization forlState Service, in response to the urgent call of Governor Curtin. , lt* DRAFT—PHILADELPHIA faTJA.RD. REGIMENT. COL. A. A. LECHLER. - -$4O BOUNTY fOr one year's senate; only Heri - mm.tered and paid immtdiately ; don't wait to be drafted. Any competent person Recruiting twenty Men will be 'com missioned a B6CODa Lieutenant; twenty-fire men a Firat Lieutenant; forty men a Captain. it Headquarters tm. CHESTNUT Street. !COMPANY " G,7 RIM &DELPHIA. GUARD, Col. A. A. LECILLER commanding. A few more men wanted to all this fine company. Rally at once. and avoid the draft. Secure 41400 bounty for one Y ear 's Fervice only. H. N. FITZGERALD, Jr, Captain, H. F. ARNOLD, let Lieutenant. CRAB. M. HERALD, 2d Lieutenant, EDUCATIONAL. B RISTOL BOARDING, SCHOOL FOR GIRLS will reopen on the first Secood-day in the 14 is thisaonth. e•For circulars apply to atii-tutbs-765" RUTH ANNA ITIRGE, rrincipal. pECENIX - NORMAL - INSTITUTE -A- (fin both sexes). PHCENIXVIELE,.Chester county, Pa. Thorough instruction in English branches,•with Latin. French, German, and Hume. For particulars see Circular, by addressing JOSEPH A. BOND. Box MS, PLICENIXVILLE. Chester co., Ps.. au6-stuth4t" WOODLAND SEMINARY, WRS T PHILADELPHIA. DAY and BOARDING SCHOOL - for Young Ladies will be opened September 14. at No. 9 WOODLAND TERRACE, by Rev. REFRY REEVES. A. M. assisted by competent and experienced Teachers. Mr. R. retiree from the Chem bersburg Seminary, where the session has regularly closed with nearly fourscore pupils. Address, till Julyl6, the Principal, at Chamberabrirg. Pa. ,After that, Mo. 9 Woodland Terrace, Weed Phila delphia. REFERENCE. — Rev. Albert BMW,: Rev. H. A. Boardman D. D. ; Rev. J. G. Ratler L Rev. G. W. Mw Phu% D. • Rev. C. W. Shields, D. D. ; Rev. John W. Mears; D. Joe. Alison and A. G. Outten, KM., Philadriphis; Hon J. Kennedy Morehead, Pittebarg; Hone. George Chambers and A, K. McClure, Chambers. burg. 179. swif PENNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY. AT WEST CHESTER. The duties of Ibis institution will be resumed on THURSDAY, September Ist, at 4 o'clock P. M. circulars, containing full information, may he ob tained of JAWS H. ORNB, Esq., No. 626 CHEST NUT Street, on of COL. THEODORE HYATT, au6-1m President Penna. Military Academy. FVEMALE COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, l N. J.—This Institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware River about thirty miles by railroad from Philadelphia. "Thorough instruction ia given la the common and higher branches of English, and superior, advantages are furnished in the Ancient and Modern Languages, Drawing, Painting in all its branches, Vocal and. Instrumental Dugs. For Catalogues, ad dress SET. JOHN H. DRAHELEY, A. 151., -, President. 3/11.813 MARYE. THROPP WILL RE OPEN bar ENGLISH and 41311NC11 BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for 'YOUNG LADIES, at No. 1841 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, on the 12th of Sep tember. For @lmbue, until the int et September, ad dress Ellse THRoPP,VaIIe7 Forge.. Pa. s t al-6w• - A YOUNG LADY, COMPETENT TO L. teach the English brauchee, and Music, is desirous of obtainin a situation as Governess. Good references iten. Ad dress ress Box 97. BarsroL, Pa. aulgt* THE MIS EES CASEY & HMI BEEBE! B . -a- ENGLISH sod FRENCH. BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL No . 1703 WALNUT Street, will RE•GESSI on WEDNESDAY. CllBlollol' September. • anS-2m WILLIAMSPORT DICKINSON SEMI-. tun. • FOR 130TH SEXES. This institution, located at I ,Villitumisport; Pa., has many advantages. Thesituation is beautiful, health ful, and easy of assess, •Th,e buildings. of brief;, are lighted with gas, supplied throughotetwittethe best of hydrant water, and will accommodate two • hundred boarding pupil.. The faculty is full and experienced. A bt l u l d i en t m e Ch ar ges a s r g TOOM o in d e t r h a eb Nexgt s aende will thoh manceAugustlBth Bend for a Catalogue. THOldiliON MITCHELL, President. Gl.llll W 0 OD AOADEMY DELA WARE WATER OAP. MONROE CO., PA. The fall session of the above institution wil com mence on the lath of the 9th month (September), For particulate apply to SAMUEL ALSOP, Principal. i)10-2m Delaware Water pap. Monroeno.. Pa. FRIENDS' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND FMALL BOYS, on School lane, Oermantown, will n e th ti . ma T h te an ne d ne w l e brlt e n a ch w es a v' TtildriVi l lL.. ` & f ir s l v t it o b tauten in believing that the competency of the teacher, Deborah B. Smith, will mate it desirable to parents to patronize tbe school. iY2S-tt VILLAGE GREEN SEMINARY. -MI , LITAIVY BOARDING SCHOOL. I mileslioyond Ble• dia. and Ix miles from Glen Riddle. on the West Ches ter Railroad. 'Thorough course in Mathematics. Nato.- tal Sciences, Languages, and English. Practical les sonsin Surveying and Civilalngineering. Fine library and apparatus. Number ate:mils limit ed . Begins Sept. let Pupils have benefits or a home. Refers to John 0. Capp & Son, 29 South Third street; Thos. J. Clayton, •Esq., Filth and Frame; John H. Diehl. 30 0 Walnut. Address • Rev. J. HENRY BARTON A. M., .012-8 m VILLAGE GREEN. Penna. riwz WEST CHESTER ACADEMY -a• ADD MILITARY InTITUTE. The scholastic year of ten months commences on the dm TUESDAY, 6th of September,. next, and' closes on th • lat of July following. Boys and young men prepared for College or Basins.' in lie various requirements. The seeders langangems ale taught by native resilient Teachers, who have no connection with any other school. tor cata/Mlll4 Sid ran Inforxhation apply to WM..Y. WEEKS A. M..Principl; or, J. EMIT= WORRALL, A. M, Ph. D. Associate Principal. WEST CHESTER., Penna. • pRILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE FOB YODNO LADIES, No. 1530 ARCH Street. Ben. CHAS. A. SMITH, D. D. AI..OI,LESNCS SMITH, A. M., Principals. Ninth Year. Three Department,: Prlinarg_Aeade mic,, and Collegiate. college coarse in Classlee, Mathematics, higher linglish, and Natural Science, for those who graduate. Modern Lentils/es, MOSIO• Paint ing IU/O Elocution by the beet masters. For aircWara, apply at 1226 CHESTNUT Street, Of address Box M 1 t, 0., gbilsdelphts. aplG•gm• QIIMMER 'CORSETS.-MRS. STEEL,. AJ TENTStreet. B UMMER tnn. ie . making Psris t. LINEN CORBETei also 'rood jotYvti-eprelleelld.orse—iii. fibs Lae received . , also, beet WERLY CORE sa6-3r DON'T FAIL TO BANB' YOUR PHO TO:OUT% taken at REIMER'S. . 43 41 r $ for a pressiag picture. Likeneasea accurate Alla natemallz colbred.3 durable and cheap.. Gallery EmcoßD woe above B reen. • . GALLERY 'PATRONIZE " TIES 4:LLERY 624 .1. ARCH Street,- for CARTINI.DE •VISITIL .The chnena .erabira.Caa, yartety.nt dial and plearlar i . 6108 1 gat Cannot foil to Vow. , cun apmtli; TOTE PRESS."-PHrLADELPRIA, SATURDAY, AUGITST 6, 1864. TR& DtIPLEX ELLTrin (ON DOUBLE) STEEL J. L. & J. G. WEST. No. 97 . cam:lmm mum. NEW YORK. Are the owners of the patent and exoltlsiye manufac turers of this, PATENTED purl Ex. SKIRTS. This invention consists of Duplex (or *WO Elliptic Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly gad lintel together, edge to edge, Making the tougheat,"mbst elas tic, flexible, and durable spring ever need, enabling the wearer, in consequence of its great elasticity and next- Meness, to place and fold the skirt whet:clams° an - easily and with the same convenience as a ark or mltilin dress. It entirely obviatee and silences the only °Men tions to hoop shirts. viz: the annoyance to the wearer as well as the public, especially in crowded asaembles, carriages, railroad cars,church pews, or in sto crowded' place, from the difficulty of contracting thdm-to Mg a small space, This entirely removes the diffieult?, while giving the skirt the nsoal fail and. synamstril form, and is the lightest and moat stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera , promenade, orlidnee dress. A lady having enjoyed thespleasare, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Spring Skirt for a single day, will never afterward willingly dispense with the use of them. They are the beat quality In every part, and by far the lightest, most durab e, comfortable , and economical rkirt made. Mer chants will be supplied as. above, and ladies in most brat-class retail gores It this city and throughout the different States. BRADLEY'S - DUPLEX ELLIPTICF SHIRT. _ . dealb/e, folded ea. 0.17 when an use to OCCUPY a striFt o l r l s el l ott e t y waking the 'Fast a g reeable 902: CIIESTZIOT Street. DUPLEX - ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT, THE MOST POPULAB AND PLEXIMLB IN USE. BEEPPPARD, VADHAELINGEN, & A.ERISON, : 1008 CHESTNUT Street. PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKID P. For sale by BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SEIRT—The greatest impreyement we have ever, seen in LADIES' SKIRTS, and an arriele of . SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE CUSWIR STolliThlpf dr BRO., 450;450, eu1d.404 N. SEOOI . , FOSt., , -anEam if ARMY, NAVY, AND CIVIL 1209 WALISIVVEITRBET L IDItY GOODS. W SiflllT* FOR 1804• A NEW AID GREAT INTENTION IN - , HOOP mown. SPRING 3. W. BRADLEY'S ELLIPTIC STEW" SPRING Inquirp for tbe DOUBLE ELLIFTIC SPRING! lIICIATO J. G. MAXWELL & SON, S. E. Cor. ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets CLOT. ix 0 10 7 A lb, W. T. SNODGRASS, 34 S. SECOND Street end 273 STRAWBERRY Street A LAHOH STOVE Or ALL KIM'S OF CLOTHSi-USSINERES, VESTINGS, &c., At fair prices pnreloosed before the risth independent of gold tbe package. piece, or yard. Oar motto is to sell. We don't peddle. Come and see our stock. The ArmY and Navy trade,hae our special at tention. - LINEN DUCK FOR SUITS. ...... 'Superb quality, *kite turd whited: Natural color, extra heayy. Coating Linens, fancy Drills. . Wide line black Alpacas. • White Marseilles Vestings. ' No advance in Summer Caseimenot Fine Stook for Sumner and Fail. LAWNS. Good styles from 28 to 60 cents. • Summer dress staffs low. comma aorrtgao 192:1 B. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. RICH. ORGANDY LLWNB REDUCED 2'.ILOM $1.25 to 75 eta. .Ittch 'Organdy Robes, reduced t 01643. //logos reduced fronc . 4l to 62, 4 4 eta. Orenadlnes at very low prince. Summer Drees Goode all reduced. _ India Sills reduced to 76 eta. and $l. White Barege Shawls,and Circulars. White and• Black Lace Pointer and Rotundas. Summer Shawls selling off very low. While and Colored Shetland Shawls. EDWIN HALL & CO. 5116 South • SECOND &het CLOSING OUT BUMMER DRESS GOODS AT LOW PRICES. A great variety of styles of this season~ importation. from 'a cents to $l. Best Pacific Lawns at 3734 nerds. Figured Brown Lawns at 573 E cents. . French Lawns at 40 60, 62 and 07,X Beet makes of Binalins. Calicoes, Ginhams, and - all kinds of Domestic Goods, fax below the manufacturer's Prie Whists. te Baiege and Lama Shawls. Silk Grenadine Shawls. 600 all-wool Cashmere Shawls, 12.16, worth 43.60. B. STEEL &lON, 16 Hos. 713' and 715 North TENTH Street. "p . " 20,311111 7 , OUR LAWNS. JLA Lawns, brown ground, neat If rued, 44*. Lawns, white gronnd,neat ilaured, 440. Hnekabeck and Bath Towels, largeotenOrtMents Bird's Eye Linen Towels. Extra site Damask Towels. Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists. S. Bathing Flannels, red and gray. I'o JOHN H. STOKES, 70% ARCH Street.. ttP 11,:04, 1 The attention of LADIES ABotrr ftEAT- Leto THE CITY f o r the " Sea Shore," ! yra, tering Places, ,or "the Country.' is I I - , rf s N e V c llll4 1 0,12 o uttili - rhm . 11 , 12 g • . WEAR, for - WHITA. SBOAS, for SUMMER 111 WRAPPERS, dtc. • - _ „ An extensive assortment is offered in LIM and Worked Edgings and Insertings, Yells, ii., _ Handkerchiefs,. Collare,Slesotes, and in _plain •• - and fancy Piaid,_Striked, and Figured White '4" . , Goods . ..AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THEIR ' - PRESENT RETAIL VALUE.. lik ' UM Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. • M/03 lisus pieces FOWL Tusked. and Strived •,.. - ' os. • '...:. ..,. • , - E.M. NEEDLES. tik.T GENTS' FIUitNISHINO liOOOS. 1035 CHESTNUT STREET, - • 11111tiTIRE t BROW ER, DIANUFACTURERS OP THE MODEL SHOTIDER-SEAM ALSO, DEALEEIS IN GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS an 6 stu tf PAPER RAIIiGINGS. ARGE ASSORTMENT OF PAPER -a-A- BANGING& T. J. ,COOKE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN 1 3 ',ALPER HANGINGS. No. 602 ARCH Street. Second Door above snag, South Side. The attention of the Public is invited to Ida . LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OP • PAPER HANGINGS. Embracing allonalities from 17% CENTS TO THE FINEST GOLD AND VELVET DECORATIONS. Also, an entirely new article of GOLD AND BILE .PAPERS mil-pmwtf sosT RI3OBIIrSD. LEGAL. WHEREAS, LETTERS TESTAMEN TARP upon the Ratak' of HENRY E. KURTZ, deceased, have , been granted by' the undersigned, all persons lndebted to the said estate are requested to ske _payment and those haying claims against the same to present them to ALVRED TIMER, No. 51 N., SIXTH Sliest, Executor. g SDI A. ri CO , S. so. 557 BROADWAY. NEW YORK.* INPORTBRE4 Or MEN'S & LADIES' GLOVES, GERMAN AND ENGLISH HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, LACES & DRESS TRIMMINGS, to which they INVITE THE WRODBOADE TRAWL 1,104 m FISHER'S SELF-BEA:LING CAN. ALL FAMILIES,' IN CITY OR COUNTRY, For convenience and reliability, IT HAS NO RIVAL. Those who bave used this prefer it before 'all other Cans, either self-sealing : ,'soldered, or glass jars of any description. To be bad only of J. .1% - cMIJRTRIE, No, SOS SPRING GARDEN Street. LOOKING GLASSES JAMES S. EARLE & SON, no CHESTNUT STREET, PHILA., have now in atore a very fine assortment of LOOKING GLASSES, of every character; of the VW BEST MANUFACTURE NiA LATEST STYLES OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, ape PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. egi EVERGREEN HEDGES,THE experience-i f the few past years enables us to guarantee NORWAY SFRUCE L and, ARBOR" VITA{ Hedges planted in August ant' i•eptember with less risk than at any other season. rWe have a splendid stook on hand, , from two to four _feet Address or• call personally. MEEHAN' dc WARDELL, Germantown Nursery. sue etnth6t s CIERWANTOWS. CI D 31133. MILLB--K.RA.I7BEW B PATENT, for hand or bower, the bast la the market. Also PRII,IT PRESSES of different Bizet . For sale by D. LAMDRESH & 13027, - Agricultural Warehouse, 21 and 23 South SIXTH Street TURNIP SEEDS, FRESH - AND pure. For eels by ,-.1): LANDRETH & Seed. and Implement Warehouse, 21 and 23 South SIXTH Street. got RAY, STRAW, AND FODDER CUTTERS; of all sizes. ROBERT BUM. - 3E., 1E Nos. 922 and 924 MARKllT , Street,aboye Ninth. tob CIDER' 15.1.1iLS.,KEYSTONE and P a tents , for isle by • ROBEET.BIIIeri It Nos. 922 and 924 MARKS? Street, above Ninth. Ali WHEAT MULLS, FOR DRILL Ing is Whilati:-RY ' Barley . and sowing cicoter and TirbLOWE-afiddtr. RtaiERT BIJIBT; JR-. . It - .tors. 9,R3f,dlOpk-ALLUKV Street. tbsrfiktiin,th. Bl7llllHAlylfff 'LATE ISSUES Juet ready, a retails,* attractive Elummertook. voaEmerr Ai1.C.A.11391A.; Etobracing a viett to the 80117fleR of theorems . aud'Oewe vachie ElVera, in the Eiro4' Wibberneee of Norther n Nework. 16me. tinted panel, cloth extra. sl.ho. A freeb and attractive story of adventure's on the mestere elope of the Adirondack Mountains; .mith graphic' deecriptione of Lake and River Bcenery, and valuable eetimetv, of the commercial 'aloe of the mi.. Dorsi, nemultural, and timber reeourcee of this vast reno s r o i . . jut nady, A rovel; i'ilessallton MO, an tbor or"coniaantog... etc. 12ixte.. $1.50. Thia novel' iatiieautobiography of a renng:lnglish whose fot ie cast amon%the corraptlnOnenc . En of French society. Through the story the etreggle goes on between Ititely..rrialign inthremoes on the one band. and an innate feeling of rectitrete,•strengereened by a virtunna attaahmenton the other. The plulathe story Se elaborate, aut . nov e)-readers w.lan follow tte develop -111.13te with . 'natereah IS is highly praised by the public and Dress of England' as worthy tEts parasal of every lover of good boas: One large-aim:. volume. Price 511.fi0.:. • The above are, for sale. by Bookeediers and trawls Beaters everywkerevand' sent by ma% post-paid; on receipt of the price bytlie Plebtisher,, T. 0. FiT. P. BURNHAM: ~nfiew2t No: iItarCniFEINGTO N St., Boston ILLtraTRATED BOOKS. 1031dor and Publishing Aar NSTABLISIIED IN THS U. S. IN 1918,101. :Would esti the attention of 3tiSokseffieis and SA' * * BOOK BITTERS * * To their.unrivalled productions of popular arid STANDARD ILLUSTRATED WORKS,' As being the most beautiful and valuable ae well se the Crorgve42 BOOKEI NOW IN THN APSIIICICAN MANWEET. For lafeantatlon and Cdroularldet of Books, address '* RiNRY A. BROWN, Managing Agent, ' l * 1y27-wtf .497 BROADWAY, NNW YORE, 4137 IT T N A M'S RED, WHITE, AND BLIWBUIES. HAYS NOW READY, PER§OtaL AND POLITICAL Bitwpsi- . . araanged and Edited by FRAME - MOORE 1. VoL lanke. Price From the New York Breninc o Poet. The' general verdict on the collection cannot fail to be favorable, although the volume is porhaps not wholly ski merttoriona as the "Lyrics of'Loyalty.' Yet it contains very many poetical effusions well worthy of permanent preservation and especially interesting se ehowing the tone of popular feeling-daring various phases of the war. " RED, WRITE, AND' BLuig SERIES Edited Ips , FRANZ. bloom LYRICS OF LOYALTY.. REBEL RHYMES SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS. 16mo IOS PERsONAL AND POLITICAL BALLADS. 16m0.. 100 For salelw all 13oolwilers. Sent by mall (prepaid) coi receipt of the prices an aced.` macaws -St NEW BOOK BY PIERCE EGAN. BY PIERCE EGAN, ESQ., - • Author of ` The Po& 'Girl," " Hagar- Lot," "Lady • Maud," 'tete., eta, etc. "This is a tale of remarkable power. It displays a force of description and a completeness we have seldom seen surpassed. The interest of the .narrative intensi, ftes itself to the deepest pathos. The closing scene is in the highest degree dramatic, and the whole story exhi bits unquestionable genius and originality." Published by, Also for sale by all Booksallois in tble placei Copies of the above book sent by mail, to any address free of postage, on. receipt of the price. AO tits% TEE FINGER.POI3T CONTAINING THE NODE OF FORMING AND CON. Duorock SOCIETIES,. CLUBS, AND CUTER • ORGANIZED ASSOCIATIONS: Full Rniati of Order for the Government of their Rebate; and Business; complete directions how to compose Reso lutions, Reports, and Petitione, and the mannerof mana ging Conventions, Public Meetinks, Celebrations, Din ners.: Derticcues;_and 'loofas; Models of Constitutions for Lyceums, Institutes, Military, Fire CoMpanies, etc., with Rules of Cricket. Base Ball, Shinny, Yachting, and Rowing; and Instructions, concerning Incorpora tions, Dints about Libraries and Museums, with a Cata logue of Desirable Books, and a List of American Coins;. also, Rules for the Collection and Proservation of Books', MSS., and'Objects of Curiosity; Rules for Debating, and the Composition and Delivery of Pub]; cAddresses, with examples of rigor& of Speech, and a selection of Speci mens of Style from various American Orators:, together with an Appendix, containing original articles of Con: federation of the 'United States, the Conetitution, the celebrated Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, and other Documents of. Reference. To which is prefixed a ,copionelndex. By an ex-Xember of the Philadelphia Bar. Also for sale by all Booksellers in this place. COpies of the above book sent by rein, to an.yablress free of postage. on receipt of the price. atut-ths2t Darkness and Daylight. Mrs. Holmes' New Out In the World. A new novel by T. S. Arthur. • 1.60 A Woman's Philosophy of WOmsn Hotspur. knew novel by.the author of-.!Ltau". L5O Miss hinloch's Novels. _Handsome new editions.. LW' Religion Ilistory and Criticism. By Ernest Renal' 2.60 Was he Enecosaful? Kr. Kimball'', new n0ve1.... 1.60 Nepenthe. --A new noTel by the author of "_011e" 1.50 SHOULD USK TWO CAN. NEW PITHLICATIONS. 11,1%'JL; * * *-rity*'*•.,/ HURD & HOUONTON, go. 401 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, `l. - DioaEriV.,; MARBLE HEART, IN ONE VOLUME, COMPLETE. PRICE $1 DICK Jo FITZGERALD, No.'lB ANN Street, New York. PUBLIC 131ISINSS. 12mo. Cloth. $l6O, Publibhed by ID ^& FITZGERALD, NO. :1B ANN STREET, ?few York ar 8008 FOR THE COOT - TRY. • OUST PIELEHRD BY OARLETON,) Charlotte Blonte's Novell. Tine new editions.... 1.50 Peculiar. Epee Sargent's ;rery successful novel.. 1,00 The Life of Jesus. Ernest Beztan t s great work.... 2.50 An adraLrable I. 25 The Art of Conversation. Tales from the Operas. With all the plots ... . . 1.25 A. 8. Roe's Works. Klegant new editions L. 50 . ***noes 'Woke are sold everywhere, and will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, by ORO. W. CARLETON, , 3Y23-watf - . Publisher,' New York' ASHMEAD & EVANB, aneeeneors to WILLIE P. HAZARD 124 CHESTNUT Street, Haire received TENNYSON'S NEW VOLUME, EIiOCH ARDEN, AND OTHER POE HM RITA. An autollimaphy by Efamilpon dide,authof of "Confidenceg;'_.' uarr Carrlyon ' as. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF on, OF THE. AMERICAN REVOLUTION, with an historical essay by Lorenzo Sabine. 2 vols. THE MONOMANIAC; OR, SHIRLEY HALL ASY LUM. Hi:William. Gilbert. . THE FOREST ARCADIA OF NORTHERN NEW YORE, embracing a. view of its mineral, agricoltu.ral, and.timber resources. MARGARET AND HER BRIDESMAIDS. By the au thor of "The Queen of the'CountY." AZARIAN, • By IL E. E'rescott, author of "The Am beir'grA.OF,DOWN Tat AMOOD.: By Diejor parry McDADollins. - • . THE -NEW .INTERNAL- REVENUE LAW. Compiled by Horace E. Dresser. Jy3o BRAATEWA:ITE'S RETROSPECT No. 49, for JULY. DEA. T READY. ALSO. BEADE'S SAVAGE AFRICA, with Maps and Plate,. THE NEW INTERNAL REVENUE LAW. Approved Jnne 1864. BECK'S INFANT THERAPEUTICS. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. NEW BOOKS: MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND MISCELLANEOUS. for sale as soon as byy LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publishers and Rookaelle_ c_re 3YM MS Sonth. SIETH Street, above CHEST NUT. TEANYSOIT'S NEW POEM ENOCR 1 ARDEN, and other poems, by . Alfred Tennyson. THE EARLY DAWN, or Sketches of Christian Life in England in the olden time; by the author of the Schonberg Cotta Family," with an Introduction by Prot. Smith, - • DRIFTED SNOWFLAKES; or, Poetical Gatherings from many authors. ,AKaRIAN ;An Episode. By Harriet S. Prescott. RELIGIOUS TRAINING OF CHILDREN; by Catha. ride E. Beecher. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL BALLADS. Edited b Prank Moore.- For sale by ..WILLIAM S. ALFRED MARTIEN, au? 006 CHESTNUT Budd, • A ISTIIRIOAN APPLETON'S W • • -R,YCIOPEDIA. • The Agency for Erie. Invaluable Library. of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street, second story. Also, RECORD OF THE REBELLION. By Frank Moore. . - • EXCELSIOR" HAMS ♦BB THB BEST IA THE WORLD. BONS umbra InTLESS . BRANDND CO., I.IIILADA. SICEIASIOIL" J. H. wriogru 'NEE & oo„ fiENERA.L PROVISION DEALERS, . abases as ?nit CELEBRATED. C I. 'OO P " 1313018-OLTBED NAM, Nos. in and 144 North FRONT Sheet, 11 . etween Arch lipid Baar'streets. lb. justlpeelebratel IXOBLOWA" ALIO Are wed by .7 ea a style peculiar to them wee!) Miyresely for TAMMY USE *' of delicious dieor, tree from the uspUitiMit tage.! of :salt; bid ere ere,MifilidhY Igft ut,o isisitor Waxy now of rsd for Emaymorry— ITS W.ONDERS THERVEUTIC AWOL the Ati eice of the following ettittertleentent tO got forth sc MECHIx4 NEW in the development of a new philosopl►y; SOMETHING - TRUE, havini for Ito baals immutablefacts; SONETRINO R ,ASONABLE, speaking forth the leuguage of Nature; and SOMETHING IMPORTANT, as it'revenle the only Arne rationa/e for the PHYSICS9.L ILLS Or NUN. irkt • THE -DIREA.SED Nearltilve years ago Profesekt C H. BOLLES located himself in•tho city of FhiladeiDhia. at No. nzo wAL NUT Street, and announced his great discovery in the therapeutic application or jilagnetiewt• galvanism, and "other modifications of Electriiday,foiitise .mare of the most obstinate, acute, and• chronic diseases. In announcing to the public a discovery so intimately connected with the weil'-being of cur race, it may be :deemed proper to make a few prefatory remarks to Pre- pare the mind of, the reader fop the reception of evi dences and facts too incredible for belief. This discovery is the result of more, than ten years' hard and acientific investigations. It develops not only a reliable system for the diagnoeis of disease, bat the only. efficient and reliable means of - enre. Its great superiority o'ver all other systems for the cure of dis— ease has been practically tested for more than ten years, and for five years in. Philadelphia, where twelve thou sand invalids have been treated., suffering from almost every form 'and condition of disease common to all sec dons of our corintry, who, after treatment by the most eminent medical men in •Philadelphia, Boston, New York, and. other cities, had been given up as Inca rable ; and in nearly every •case a perfect cure had been effected. s. • . Mtny of the most obstinate of the above's:tees treated have been warranted by special contract, and not a failure"has been made in any warranted case. ,As in dubitable evldence of the foregoing statement, we have adduced in the following advertisement testimonials from citizens of Philadelphia, who had suffered from a complication of diseases for fceir, ten, and even thirty years, and had availed themselves of the best medical shill in this and other cities, and were given up as in curable, but afterwards were folly restored to health by a few-applications of Blectrici6. gush an array. of evidence as will hereafter appear, in this advertisement is not merely to: show that Professor BOLLES has made an important discovery in the ap plicatiou of Electricity as a therapeutic agent, bat am phaticallY to show that nearly diseases wldch have been considered tncurable in all past ages,; and are e.o, considered at the present time by the most .eminent medical men,. can'be. speedily and. permanently cored by - the differentmodifications of Electricity. when ap- plied in harmony with. his discovery of the action of Electricity through the cerebra-spinal axis. We are curing, and further pledge ourselves to cure; a certain class of diseases acknowledged,to be incurable by any known process. of medication—diseases that never have, nor never can be controlled, only by his mode of applying the, various moditicationa of Electri- We are often asked for what diseases is Electricity .beet- adapted.? In reply; we would say, for all diseases to which flesh is heir—acute or clironic, ingammatory or paralytic. In all cases where medicine is beneficial, and in all cases beyond the inflitence and control o medicine. Electricity. has - the power of arousing' the vital force by changing its polarities, thereby regula ting secretion, excretion, digestion, and circulation and bringing.the systeni back to condition of harmony and health, Thousands of the most reliable individuals in this city who have been treated at No. lig, Walnut street can and will vouch for the above statement of facts Sn their own astonishing cures. We verily believe that wehave Cured more obstinate diseases during the dye TEAM of our practice In the city or Philadelphia than all the Medical men that have ever practleed'in this city, eitlser allopathi call y, horampathically, ° or by any otherpathy, This assertion may look like beasting, but it is tree, every word of it; for who ever heard of such astonish- ing cores ? Who shall properly estimate the Incalculable Messing. thus to speedily conferred on:suffering humanity, when, i ns t ea d of being drugged for months, and thrown on beds of languishing, health is restored by this treat ment, in many cases almost instantaneously? In Goa elusion, we woulti, say, for Vie encouragement of the dyspeptic,, neuralgia, consumptive, rheumatic, para lytic, epilectic, and, in fine, alltiose on whom medical treatment ever did and ever will prove a total failure, that there is Still hope in your case, and a fair chance for your recovery. at Ne. 324) WALNUT Street. ASTONISHING _RESULTS. The following report is not the result of hearsay, or far-off certificates, 'or reports of men of doubtful ve racity, but from reliable business and professional men in our Very midsi, whose report- was arrived at after weeks of careful investigation,"at 1220 WALNUT Street, ' where Professor BOLLES has been testing his discovery in the application of Electricity, for the speedy and Per =anent cure of acute and cli . r`onie diseases, for Ave years, in which thus he has treated more than twelve thousand invalids with saccese. PROM "A: FEW RELIABLEMEN IN PHILADELPHIA. We, the undereigned, having been treated for obsti nate diseases at No. 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, which had resisted for a long time the treatment of the most eminent medic:al men in this city ; and, also,having witnessed the results of his treatment on a great niunL• her of our acquaintances and friends, for acute and chronic (Remises, do therefore take great nleasnre- in re commendin g' to the publics hie - important discovery. Re has been located three years at No. 1220 WALNUT Street, teating his treatment many thousanda of our most reliable citizens by his new discovery id ap plying Galvanism, Magnetism, and other modifications of. Electricity, and, ha4ing watched his success in the speedy and permanent cures of hundreds of our friends, as well as ourselves, and, especially, that clam pi 414. eacealaever toadied by medicines; therefore, Resolved, That we, the undersigned, regard the great et:moose we have witnessed for months in the treatment of Consumption, Ilheumatism, 'Fatalists, Insanity.' Diabetes, Bronchitis, all Nervous Diseases, Catarrh, Arnanrosis,,Aphonia, Asthma, Agne Chills, Coutraotio of. Limbs, St. Vitus' Danes, Coldness of Feet,Eands, or . Head; Deafness, Dyspepsia. all forms; Epilepsy, He morrhage, White. Swelling, Mental Depression. Neu- . ralgia, Withered' Liiaber'Cotivtilsione, •Palßitatlon of the Heart, and *Loolfis.WAiebidubitable evidences of Professor B. 's scientifti 'appileakkori of Electricity for the speedy cure of all curable diseases. M A. Steele. M. D., No. 6 South Twelfth street; Wm. B. Shriver, Haines street, Germantown; L. C. Stock ton, 206 Market street, Philadelphia; John McCormick, 1220' Ridge avenue; Charles H. Grigg, Nos. 219 and 221 Church alley r Emanuel Rey, 707 BRDISOM street, attorney. at-law ; Isaac D. Guyer. 2 Woodland:Terrace; E. N. Nash. 913 South Sixth street; Ef., Craig, 1725 Arch street; 138 Broad street ; Robert D. Work, 51 North Third street; A. G. Coll, norllmist corn Tenth and Maikot streets. B.—Frofessor BOLLES takes pleasure in referring the sink to the above names, and the following, .whose certificates have been or will be• given in full for the good of humanity : Jidah . Levy, BronchlarConsamption, No. 814 South Front street; Edward T. Ella% preacher of the M. E. Church, IMISPBPSIS of long standing', Laryngitis, and Lumbago, No. 1693 Helmuth street; WillIaMIL-Shaine, Paralysis of lower limbs, rai7s.plegy, and -Epilepsy, - Publisher of the Nationca Merchciat, No. 126 South Second Street; Thomas Owens, Congestion of the Brain, and. severe Hemorrhage.of the - Lungs, and Diabetes, American Hdtel, Philadelphia; James Nugent, Deaf ness for six Oars, and rinsing and roaring in the head; Fifteenth and Bedford et - motel-William MOrgan,General Debility,9ol Spruce street; Thomas Harrop, several:4a bates, Roie Mill's, West Philadelphia; George Grant, Rheumatic Gout, long standing..No: 610 Chestnut street; H. T. Desilyer,"Chronic Neuralgia and. Inflammatory Rhetunatism, No. 2736 Chestnit street;.o. H. 'Darnall:lt, Chronic Dyspepsia and Inflammation'of the Kidneys, Chestnut and Fortieth streets; George W. Freed, Epi lepsy, No. 1992 North Thirteenth street; Anthony-Car ney, Consumption, No. 1217 Market street; EdWard Me- Mallon, Consumption, No. . 1227 FrOnt street; Charles H. Grigg, Dispepsis. and Constipation, Tenth and Arch streets; J. Ricket, Chronic Bronchitis, Constipation. and Congeation of the Brain, No. 6113 Callowhill street; Bay. J. Idallory,.oltonts, Philadelphia. 0611St71,:alsiCiN FREE. PROL'BOVUES &'DOI. BROWN, N. 8.,--Kedical man and others,.who deeireu know ledge of ray new discovery can commence, a fall course of Lectures:October .41h, 1864 at; the lnalltation, 1220 WALNUT Street#: , PlAladelulde." - : Tie!: BOLLES - hiss q ustlitied . ovVr one thousand physicians who use Elea. trictly as ik - sol4latasietit*. • 1220 WALNUT Street, Philads. WANTS. A SOBEF,. MODAL YOUNG MAR tied man, of Friends &scent, wishew a gilts- RION In some oapacity of ostlfnlneaa: Is fair writer, bat; some knowiedg. ti boAc•aPeoing, and can give et t .. quevtionsfil e refert nee. No obivcti.•o togoing In eons- WT. Addrove "C D.," 1009 WALNUT St. h' ARTILLERY AND CAVALRY 110116038 WANTED. Assesernxrdavawrzastasenn OwnsltAL'Es Orrin, PHTLADSLPHIA, Trilt27, 1804, HOWER suitable for the Artillery and Cavalry ser vice will be pnrebarked by the nndereigned,.in open market. at fair price. Each animal to be subut clad to the nasal Government itugleetien before being accepted. Homes delivered to the Unit.ti States Inspector, at the William Penn lintel. MARKET Street. between Etrhtb and Ninth streets. By order of Colonel GEORGE H. CROBNIAN. Assistant Quartermaster General 11. 6. A GEORGE IL.GENE. ism Captain and AKRiglaut Quartermaster. WANTED--JOITENEYNtItIi WHEEL WRIGHTS and BLACKSMITHS. Constant em ployment. Apply to WILSON. CHILHS. At CO., ST. JOHN and BUTTONWOOD Streets: WAIIAND —A. FIRST. CLASS .To YdLoTturra OUTTBR to •saperinttod a ins MerabaaVTallptina. ROW tab went in a oleo Onion., town. 'lk eljikt. reference OR to integrity and obilituo gutted. AdthwW Box . W 0.2103 Phila. P.O. WANTED—A BOY IN A :WHOLE: • • SALE iIARDWARB STORK Addresa " 1.." Press ogee. amtl)-31." WANTED—A YOUNG MAN, FULLY competent lo take charge of a flat-alass DRUG BTORB. A graduate of the Coil.ite of Pharmacy pre ferred.b T. RIN G KL. Druggist, m 1620 SEGONDiud'ffikinliiT Sta.,_____Camdca,N. J. - WANTED—BOARD FOR A PHYSI CIAN and wife, in a private family, with two forniebed rooms, one for an office. between Spring Gar den and Girard @greet% end Tenth and Broad streets. addreis " J. C. N.," Pfau Office. awl se WANT E D . AT THE CITIZENS , SUBSTITITTL REPRESENTATIVE, AND VO LUNTEER AGENCY, 41.1 CHESTNUT STREET.— Merchants, Farmers, and other citizens. can be supplied with acceptable Substitutes and Representatives on rea sonable and honorable terms, and bare the same sworn in so as to credit to any ward, district, township, or county of the following counties: Phsladelphia, Chester, Delaware, or Montgomery, by applying at 411 CHEST NUT Street, from S A. M. to 3 P. M. floor, beak. an 141.• JOAXBOO & 00. ANTED—TWO FIRST-OLA.BiI CARPET ITPHOLSTERBRS. Lttierst Shen. Address Box MI, Post Oilko. 51. a • ssrtna:- GENTLFOILA. - N WITH ,vvv. A. this sum wishes an interest In an esta blished aid pleasant lmsin P FOI in Ode city or neighbor hood. reply.' M. W.1.."' Pres* office. erreL 61. THE SUBSORIBICR WISHES TO purcbace (for cash) a FARIT'Of One or two hm• dred acres, Su Nottbern or WPM= PODOSTIVIMM. Must be in good cultivation. with All the necessanr buildings fora well•resulated farm. Address "I . Box 384, WASHINGTON, D. G. anS•lm ' BOARDING. BOARDING AT A PLEASANT FARM house in CHESTER COUNTY. 3B miles from the city: scones by rail. For further information call on the Proprietor, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY the 4th and 6th inst. at No. 3S-North•RXTBENTH Street. Isom 20A. M. till 4 P. M. sanS-Sty` IROARDING.-TWO SECOND-STORY a-F room TO . LET. af US North TENTH En. .187-tt FOIL SALE' AND TO LET. O PEACH:. AND TRVOIC BAB -11 00 KEYS for saki by ROWE & &WON, an 64 °or 151r0rta.1159: North THUM in. VOR SALE-Al. RARE OPPORTUNI TY - TY„ —Thu advertiser, desirona Of retiring on ac count of Ul health, offers-for sale a tirst-rate Illanufao taring Business—SfllllTa, LINES BOSOMS, Sto.—seve ral years established, In this city, and now doing 11. good wholes tie boeineas, with constantly-increasing t • wit. class city and country cash trade. The stock of well-assorted and well-mace goods will be sold upon fair terms. A silendid opening. for a badness man With a capital of say $20,000 or upwards to take hold of a. brat-rate business, already worked up systemized to bin hand. 111 health of self and family the only _reason . of. giTing up. NO 000 D -WIL L -MONEY IEtEQUIESD;. and should the purchaser need such lustre:lotion and attention as to make him familiar with the business! Will be given. Address, with real name, Stc., Box 1937 Post Offloe • au 5.21. r ZEAL ESTATE, • REAL ESTATE.. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. ••REA L ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE-45, 000,000. worth of REAL ESTATE, all • to be found on my Register and In a new• Monthly Cata logue just out. First-class Brown-stone front DWELLING on. West Loaan Square; fifteen rooms. 1619.000 Elegant Four. stofy DWELLING on Vine street, west of Sevente enth; marble up the Bret-story. $10,60 0 Very blette.nt Four-story Brown-stone front DWEL LING on Tine street, eset of Eighteenth. $14,000. Neat Three-quarter DWELLING, 1610 Summer street; Lot and Balloting 28 feet front •by 111 feet to Spring_ street. 81l,(00. Three-story all through. Neat large DWELLING, 1708 Race street; fifteen rooms; Lot 22122 100. $9,653. First rate DWELLING (four-story) on Arch street, west of Twenty.firstt fifteen rooms. $8.600. Three splendidly-built Four-story DWELLINGS on Filbert street, elst of Nineteenth. $9.000 each. Magnificent Four-story Brown-stone front DWEL LING on Spruce street west of Seventeenth. $21,000. Neat DWELLING on notch side Chestnnt street, east of Sixteenth ; Lot 20 by 126 feet deep. $11,150 . • Splendid Double Front DWELLING on West Chestnut street; eighteen rooms. $lO,OOO. Beat Side - yard DWELLING on Spruce street, west of Tenth street; Lot 26 by 85 feet deep. $8,300. Magnificent Font...story Brown-stone front DWEL LING on north side Stammer street, west of Sixteenth: Lot 26 by 131 feet to Winter street. $12,600. Besides a great number of others located in West Philadelphia, Tierra street, Germantown, Chestnut Bill, &a. • ostr. C. BILLER, Practical Real Estate Agent and Broker, ati6-2tif 154 North SIXTH Street. FOR SALE-A FACTORY WITH LAROE ROOMS, high seDings. well-lighted; Sa= Rine in good order. An examination will give satis faction. 112 BREAD Street. auff-St* FOE SALS—A. DEBIR&BLE maDurcz, Masted at No. 9902 GREEN Btinat. Lo 20 byfeet. Also No. MI MOUNT VERNON BS rtSee V 34.00. Apply'to ROBERT MAO OftEOOE, It 41.9 WALNIIT Wrest. aFOR SALE-DWELLINGS 1829, 1796, 1813 1926. 19N Wallace street. Dwellings 13`1822,. 210. 214, WM ) `4,3f/Z. 2510 . 6. WO. 6E6 Gre street. - Dwellings 1832, 1 en 823, 1921, 2016, 2020, and, 2036 Mount Vernon street. Dwellings 520, 524, and 530 North Fifteenth street. Vitt, many others, large and small, in varloastootlt tiee. Also, a large number of Cottages, Farms, and Build big" Lots. B. F. OLFAN, 1238. FOURTH Street, and S. W. nor. Seventeenth and Green. FOR SALE WITH. IMMEDIATE PosaßbsioN.. Well built dwelling 815 North Tenth street; twelve rooms. Lot 17 by 121 feet deep to a street• $7,000. Neat dwelling 626 North Sixth street; twelve roOMe. Lot Is by 103. 186,700. Neat dwelling 457 North Fonrth street; eleven rooms. Lot 93 by 85 feet.deep. Prise ht 6, 910. Excellent nearly newdwelllnt 1518 Mt. Vernon street; twelve rooms. Lot 18 by 90. 88.000. Neat dwelling south Bide of Green, west of Twenty second; twelve rooms. Lot 20 by 150 to Brandywine street. Elegant garden front and back. e1f7,500. Neat dwelling north side Chestnut, west of Fifteenth. Lot 20 by 125. 811,000. Excellent dwelling north side Walnut, west of Flf tesnth. Lot 20 by 120 to a street. $ll,OO. Besides hundreds of others. The very best oillos to be accommodated at In this city, can be found by calling on GEORGE C. MLLES; Practical Real Estate Agent and. Broker, 154 North SIXTH Street. au6-2tif a REAL ESTATE OWNERS EXE CUTORS, ADMIEISTRATORS, ASSIGNEES._ and others, desirous or g property quickly, and re alizing all that It is worth. without sacrificing it qt pub; lie este. CB.ll find the very beet first class, reliable Agency in this city. by calling on GEO. C. MILLER, Real Estate Broker, 154 North SIXTH Street. r WANTED TO PURCHASE-FIFTY class properties, at:privet( ranging from *5.000 to $150,;(0. located ,n all pontoon of the city; pardon larly south of Vine, and west of Tenth street.. (M. O. MILLER, Real Estate Broker, au6.3t • 151 North SIXTH Street. ge, FOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS FARM of extraordinary importance. Has three eplendid building sites.. Sixty acres. Only tea miles from the City. on Pennsylvania Central Railroad. hlagnidcent improvements. de. The ' , Nebele properly mu't be seen to Do llDPreciated. Prise $20.00. MILLER, an 6 of No. 154 North SIXTH Street. maFOR BA L R-4,000 FARMS go FARMS! Also, 1,860 ROUSES Philadelphia...Lii Also, IMO BUILDING LOTS in Philadelphia. Also, Mills, Country Seats. Timber -Lands. ' Coal Lands, Western Lands, Western Lando. Oar Catalogue Sent Free. Our Catalogue Free. Pennsylvania Farm Register. Montgomery County Farm Register. Delaware County Farm Register. Chester County Farm Register. BrolukConzify Farm Register. • New Jersey Farm Register. Delaware Farm Resister. Maryland Farm Rturister. House Register. Cheap Dwellings. ALL OF 013 R REGISTERS' NO 9r HWY. 1 413 NT 183 to any addrasg. "-Nesse (nal or send. GEO, II • TOWNSEND dc, CO., jygO-amps Sap 4L JR3X South FOURTH. Street. 34 4 i, FOR SALE-A FINE PARK (BAY ROHM 8 years old, 16 hands high, kind And sound. and s good traveller Soldny kind of harness. No. 1703 BRANDYWINE ht. for want of nee, Its FOR BALE ;-BRASS .FOUNDRY Steam Bugle() Lathes, Tools, and Fixtures of every kind, In collets working_ order. Apply on the promisee, 1005 B fiCH Street, IL"ensinirton. .1,13114 f LET-TfIE SBOOND,THIRD, AND JL Fourth Floors 6A 235 KARIM Street, thro_tAh to Church alley. mhM-tf IT A • 1.". • 1 . .., .11• • • to DAVID CHILLA/11,Me*arlc, Del. an2-3m7 ARMY GOODS. FOR THE AND NAVY. • • . . . EITALIV S & 3EI A. S S • . . . MILITARY FURNISHERS, . . . • . , .13TittEt, PHILADELPHIA. • Banners, Regiiiental and Company Flags. Swords, Bashes, Belts,.Passante, Epaulets, Hats. Cape, Can teens, Haversacks, .Camp . Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. atffi-lm —--------- Ft ROTH:INGHAM 4% WELLS RAVI FOR SALF REAVY_, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHRISTMOS AXD MINTING& STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CIAMBENI AXD IGLESIAS. BROWN, BLEACHED AND CORSET JEAN). wORaTSD TARN, &a • COPARTNERSHIPS. WE COPARTNERSHIP HERETO PORE existing between B, 0. and B. B. Phillips, under the name'ands style of H. C. PHILLIPS & BRO., Photographers: is' thie day dissolved, by mutual con sent. H. C. Phillips will. continue the bushiew in all he blanche*, at the old stand, NINTH and. CEMTHEIT Streets. H. C. PHILLIPS, . ILLIPS. • Philadelphia, Jaly:lik, H B. an2PH..tatits3t• Q::::::) LADIES' TRUSS AND BRACE WORE—Conducted by_ Ladies, TWELFTH &neer., ftlyet doorbelow Bee.. leery article in their line elerent, easy. and correct in make. 0. FL NEE DLEP, •proprietor attends to Gentlemen. on the corner of TWELFTH en& BACH Streets. N. B.—Professional &cannier twined. WA -Sag WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE SCRIPTIONS of Character, Constention. ,alt# lent, with ADVICE on:fhtebiess, Health, Mum tion,ofielf-frsovemant. Man t orment, and TWA -4RI WIL 8"1 , 1 7oux d t a t e ifig a t ' da y Ilaplitga Se. WS S. +IT/ 1 *moi.46bove AUCTION_SALES. AtCTION BALE OF CONDEMNED HOBBES. WAR DIMARIIFEIrf: CAyALIIT BUREAV * OP H I s C. 13 OP GIMP 81,AddranntAdring. OTOa, D. C , Acirtint,3, Will 1M sold at public auction. to the higheirt. bidder, at the time» and places earned below. Reading, kettanyivania, THURSDAY, AUktnilt: Altoona. Yonneylvania, THURSDAY, Andnat SSIBO. nLebanon, Polulallvania. THURSDAY, September 1. ot RPtrisburg, Pebemdvente—TEUTßSDAY: September B,IIIA. - • . TWO BrNORM) ( 20 n) Cavalry Horses at each Riede:- 71mm Horses have Veen condemned as.umet for th. CRYBITY P.PTViCP of the Army. For Road and Farm purposes, many good bargains' may he had. Hones gold Fitlgly. Terms: Cash in United Staten Corrency. JAMES A. ERIN, Lieut. Colonel and Chief Qnartermaster, ane &et) • Cavalry linreau. AMUSEMENTS. piMENSE ATTRACTION AND GRAND COMBINATION. THE CFIABIBERSBURO SUFFERERS. V M A A N MM AOTH MBURG MENAGERIES. CO ' AND THAYER & NOTES' GREAT UNITED STAMM CIRCUS COMBINED. Will open on tbe specking lot bn ARCH Street, her !weal Nineteenth and Twentieth'. ON MONDAY EVENING, the Bth m"t. and continue open until Saturday evening, 13th'Inst. Exhibitions will ales he given on every AfternooM durin x i,lie woe k. excepting Monday. On ED/4EI ' I)4Y idtroinx a Special Exhibition of the animals will be given, the net nr.eeseis to be for the sufferese by the rebel raid at Chambeisburg. This Menagerie is one of the rarest collections of birds and beasts now exhibiting in the world. The pachy dermatous animals are well represented. among them the wonderful Elephant HANNIBAL, and the celebrated HIPPOPOTAMUS, OR RrvER. noßn. For particulars see small bills. Look out for the Grand PrOC(1881011 on Monday. Bth lest. Adrotasion to the pavillion 110 cents. Children under I 2 years, 25 cents. Afternoon performance commences at 2 o'clock; Evening, o ' clock Admission to animal exhibition, on Wednesday morn. lag, 9 o'clock. only ZS cents, au, WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE. ContinnAd SocceAN I Full and Pael:ionsble Houma! PRANK MORAN AND TES COMIC TALENT EVERY EVENING. SATURDAY EVENING, BONE SQUASH. Doors Open at 7M o'clock. Commence at &ID. aa4-Sr GnOTZR'I3 NEW CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE THIS EVENING, Tim Grand Romantic,Musical, DlN Spectacular Drams • Or, THE WONDERFUL LAMP, Presented after three months' active preparation in t=of unprecedentedjiasi a dficence, a replete with wow Superb a Costumes and "Pr ce —r t c tres, er lisa G u null Mimic and Choruses. .17:13-tf THE A OADFMY OF 44 INS ART 8, cHESTNITT Strwt;iitoove TOOL is OPEN DAILY. for viattore, hroni9 A. N. to 61P. it. ieilS PERSONAL. PATENTS. -11. B. AND EUROPIUM procured by E. BROWN, 11* 313. WiLNUT Skeet m7i=mwwn ; GREAT FIRE Ar HENRY SIMONS' 11. 8. NATIONAL WAGON WOGS-8. CHILLED-IKON BABB • STILL THE . • • . MASTER OF THE SITUATION. TRUTH IS MIGHTY MB) WILL FRIO/AIL. ITS HORNY, LINO HIS GREAT PROTOTYPIC, `'THE FATHER OF ALL ERROR," •MUST' SUCCUMB. 'lite citizens of Philo dnlphia and vicinity are particle. laxly r•quested to read the following note from Yr fl1SIIIII" SIMONS: Parcanemosia,ly 26th, ISCAL C, Surf/ey, Anent. for Latta a ChiLlW.lnn. Safe: DARR : The No. 10. Chilled Iron Safe I of. you in 1863 was in my office, which woo bossed en tirely down, with rraY:,wegon. factory, on Friday nigh ' last. Myboolts and papers were taken out of the Safe before the lire reachad.the building; therefore no atten tion was paid to she Safe, after the lire, for some days_ The office was a. : Oree-story brick building, lytng inet south of my main wagon-shop. and as the wind. at the time was from I he north the fire from the wagon shop was forced strongly upon the office, and every thing combustible burned entirely up. (in examining; the Safe the inside was found not Inlnred in the leaat,. and with a coat of paint and a little repairing exter nally, is ready and St for use I can cheerfully recommend LILLIE'S CHILLED IRON SAFE to allinterested as a mono thorough Piro. FrooL HENRY SIMONS, U. 8. National Wagon Works. The following facts in the above certificate are pass titularly noticeable: First. The character of the building, its being located' ' just south of the main wagon-shop, with its immense amount of combustible material: also, the fact that tha wind at the time was strong from the north, whisk forced an immense amount of heat upon this building_ Second. The fact that the Safe was toe smallest aim but one, and that it was left in the cellar, atxtbng tbs. ruins, for days, without care or attention, as there was. Duthie g left in it. Third. That the Safe is not sprang, warped. or twisted, but to still in order, and fit for use, even the lock being stilt uninjured. This wonderful result, together with the result orate late attempt at robbery of Lillie's Chilled-Iron Safe at the West Philadelphia Trust Fund, last' published.. must prove to the satisfaction of all parties interested ha cafes, "that Lillie's Chilled. Iron Safe is all that is " claimed for it. strictly and thoroughly fire and burglar proof, the sheet-frog safe maker, David Evans', asser— tion to the ;contrary fnotwithstanding. Verily provt.,. deuce is on the side of Truth. hf. O—SADLER, Agent. N. B. The above Safe is now at my depot, and all parties interested will please examine it for themselves. Di C. SADLER. Area*, ans-8t Rl South SEVENTH !Street. RIC lURSIONEL lIANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY'S EXCURSION ATLANTIC CITY, WEDNESDAY, ArorsT 17th, ISIS, j312-tf ammmlig 6 13 0 F t8 1;t E R 'EXCTUR AT.IELEI)UCED TO THE GREAT COAL. IRON, AND •L 1714316 ita. 01.01113 OP PENNSYLVANIA I TICKETS GOOD FOR TEN DAYS I AMPLE TIME TO VISIT EACH POINT OW INTERNET ON THE ROUTE The Catawissa Railroad Company? Having perfected arrangements with connecting roads: will issue 'Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia over DNS follow ink route: PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. To Beading. Schuylkill. Haven, Ashland, MabasAW City and TIIMILq116; CATAWISSA RAILROAD. To Snow% hicAuley Mountain, Catawissa. Espana Danville, Milton, and Williamsport: • LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. To Bloomstsirg. Kingston . and Wilkettarre. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. To White Haven and Penn Haven. LBRIOII AND ALAILANOT AND BEAVER MEADOW RAILROADS, To Black Creek and Rauch Chunk • LErnou VALLEY RAILAOAD. To Allentown and Bethlehem ; • and the NORTH rzetrisrx.verue RAILROAD. To Philadelphia. For variety and grandeur of wooer,. this routs N.. cents peculiar inducements to tourists. Those whining to do so, may reverse the route by ob.- touting Ticketa to start over the North Peasailvaala. Railroad. FARE, $lO. Tickets can be obtained at the Depots of the PhiMasi, plia and Heading and. North Pennsylvania Rallies& Companies, and of N. VAN HORN; Ticket Agent, Northwest corner SIXTH an& CRESTNIIT %note. Trains start from Philadelphia and Reading Depot at 8.16 A. M.; 3.30 P. M. , and from North Pennsylvania. Railroad Depot at 7 A. M., and 9.45 and 6.15 P. M. ir7D-tntital c ar s=j4 o lß l AND PLEASURE EX-. ONB TO LANE BIIPBIIIOII. --Ora of the follow - DAL splendid II class steamersr. CLEVELAND, ,s,strfitilti, ZIONt HENN LIGET, ~011 CITY. TRAVELER_ , MET EOR, IKON SIDES, _LAC LA. BELLE, and PEWABIC, leave CLBVILL Ohio, at B o'clock P. M., each day of the week, eta Saturday and Sunday, and Detroit, Michigan, on following days at 2 o'clock P. N. throne the mon th . of JULY and AUGUST. making Grand Excnsrsion Trips to the many pointa of interest on the Great Inland Sean of Auterica,which, for utility. pleasure, and health.aza unsurpassed by any other on the Continent. This trip of over LOCO miles embraces six degrees et latitude, and eleven of longitude , and includes in Lie circuit Lakes Brie, St. Clair, Baron, and Superior, with thebeantiful rivers Detroit, St. Clair and St. Nary's. The many and extensive mines of iron and copper, unequaled by any In the world, with the newly-Air covered and snu b deposits of silver lead, wild and romantic scenery, combined with its pure and bracing. elintate, render the Lake Superior trip one of far more than ordinary attraction tot he capitalist, the student. the pleasnre-seeker, or tbe The above-named steamers are elegantly•tittedWp pith large airy Cabins and State-Rooms, while relay precaution has been taken to provide for the safety amok comfort of passengers. Pare, including State-Rooms and Meals, about 2% cede per mile. Time occupied in making the round trin.trong 8 to 10days, Booms secured, and further informaidon obtained; tfir application to proprietors. ROB?. HANNA & CO.. Cleveland . ma._ NUBBY & DfcBRIDIL J. T. JOHN WHlTirritracures.lNG & Co., Detroit, Michl gart di-t, alm EXPRESS COMPANIES. aff AMR]) T HE ADAMS EX BESB COMPANY, Once 3%S CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packatow, cbanoise - Bank Notes. and Speen, either by its ow lines or In connection with other EMMA COMPalliell. to all the principal Towne and Cities In the Unite& States. • . & & SANDFORD; dental Superintendent; 0.0 0=1% FOR °APE 11.1. y .-THE staunch and conimodiois saes iokm JLAR-- B A irri,N, Captain R. A. ilyther, of the cane May Line. having been released by the Government., M RIM making her regular tripe to Cape May, leaving ANON— ,rpky. WHARF every TUESDAY. THITESDAY. sat SATURDAY at 9 o'clock: returning, will leave Cape May every Monday, Wednesday . and Friday. at 8)E o'clock, touching at New Castle, going and returning.. Fare 60, carriage hire included; children ham price. Servants ISLES, carriage hire extra. Freight at low rates.. No freight received after S o' clock and in all cams must be Pre:Peld- W 22-4 JOSEPH A. STEWART, dlenß h,15=44 FOR HARTFORD, CONN., DIRECT,VIA DELAWARK AND HARI- TAN CANAL. The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company's steamer MARE,Oramley, Master, now loading at second wharf above DOCK Street. Quick despatch. Aet i lz On bckstd. or to WM. M. BALED & Co., A[° WARE 132 South DELA.- WARE Avenue. anti si gir m e FROM NRW YORK, FOR NEW HAVEN, HARTFORD SPRING.. FiELD and BOSTON .-- The steamer s CONTINENTAL and CITY leave Peek Slip. Bast Slyer, daily, at &In P ali and 11 at night. ioN4-.%0 asappiE EVERT . CILESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAIL. ROAD. viA.MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT—MUNOZ OF DEPOT.. On and alter MONDAY, May 73, 1864, the trains will' leave Philadelphia, ff.' Depot corner of THIRTY— FIRST and MARBORT Deets eat Philadelphiat e lt P CheaterM., and 2 80. 46. Weld at 6.20, 7.46, an 'll A D D .. and at 2 Ann On P. K. Sundaye,leave.PhUadelphila at 8.10 A. M. and I 216 P.M. • Leave West Chester at &A.M.. and 6P. IL The trams leaving Philadeintda at 8.03 A. and LIS P. m_ and West Chester at 7;4a - A: M. and 6P. M.. eoa... *tient with trains on the P. and BC. D. for Oxford eat intermediate points. OeirtVgu i wr r Wintelat apl - K B Nil SE S . , .d."OblifiXTß ANII striking: Gelatins urtistlis ninfirriornish•tz B. F. 11E11111X,'S superior styles llfe. gnu PINOTOOKAPEId. In oil colors. pronounced by corti4Plllllo litt4riei civisueL, ox!* ARCS Bost,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers