are fresh water could be procured. General pt told Senator Wade that just se now, se a l e nt quantity of rain fell to insure a supply of :r, and lay the intolerable duet In the roads, that mold makes movement which wonld fully eat's ,o fullest expeotatione of the country. It will he Irked that rains have just fallen In the vicinity tobmond, and General Grant, true to his pre ! to Senator Wadevie now on the march for the el osidtal—this time on the north hank of the cOB river. Notwithstanding the withdrawal of 11th Corps, very large reinforcements have been to General Grant's army from various guar including the 19th Army Corps, which recently up from the Mississippi river. OBleiale here the utmost confidence that General Grant thieve brilliant success. LAMAR TROM Deer BOTTOM. .tees MONROJ, July 29.—Four hundred me, who were captured by the 2tl Ourp4, op. Jones , Point, on the James river, on Virednes. morning, have arrived here. Is reported that our advancing forces have since ,urea three rebel brigades , with arms, equipage, We also captured eeverig guns. 18th Army Corps and herldan's cavalry are rating. OPERATIONS REPORE PETERSBURG. ARINGTON. July 80.—Patcengers by the Ma'i mport that on Thursday afternoon, in front of , sburg, the rebels opened upon Our forces from batteries. bat tomes on our aide replied, and soon silenced '4 the enemy. . mortars also opened upon Petersburg. and !tined to throw shells into the town until a late In the night. ,13 LT ON iILTHIIBBUTIA-A. RWEITIL BATTORY OV 017716 BLOWS try 7 mAßTepirmuts (7.Ii.R.RjrCD. ry rOIINT, Saturday, July 311.—The siege of rpburg was opened in earnest this morning, and ilpht we blew.up one of the principal rebel miss of sixteen guns, and had carried three tiers io enemy's earthworks. amines Mumma, July 30.—The °Moors of the steamer, which left City Point, UM morning, rm the above report, vrhloh 1 uhdoubtedLy refl. ENTIRE LIFE OP ENTRENORMENTS CARRIED. LTIMORE, July 31.—A. later despatch, front the lated Press correspondent at Uity Point, states :he assault on Petereourg commenced at 4 :It on Saturday morning by a terrible oxide which Completely destroyed one of the enemy's i f forts in front of Petersburg, containing i guns, e was reduced to a mass of ruins. Immediately this explosion our artillery opened with one itaneous and continuous roar along the entire if Gen. Grant's army. to the leaving of the mail-boat at lo o'clock we raptured two other earthworks, and also the en the of entrenchments. The 'battle was pro leg with great fury. EXPLOSION OP THE MINE—FURIOUS BATTLE rnoanxes—THE CAPTURE OP PETERSBURG ono IeXPILOTKO. ,EativiVrow, July 81.—Informatlom from the matters of the Army of the Potomac, dated 10th, says: he great event so long anticipated, viz the ex >n of the mine under the enemy's fort in front 5 Oth Corps, came off this morning at 4.40. The tt, tiring was kept up all night, and, in fact, at 'me the'mateh was applied tne skirmishers were mgaged on both aides. 'he volume Of dirt thrown up was immense, and ;over three hundred feet in the air, re. , embled :manse fountain of dirt or a crater more than dog else. he Bth -Corps at , Once °barged the works, ng the enemy to their second line, and taking a >er of prisoners, some of whom were dug out to dirt badly Cruised. They state that only t.a dozen remain out of their regiment, a south Una One. ,s soon as the explosion took place one hundred wenty guns opened along our front while the try blazed in one continuous line of Bre along Int bf the 9th and parts of the oth and 18th 1 scene was one long to be remembered by all Unesseti it. But the smoke from the guns monred the view, and the above partioulars of mess were obtained from those who came in he prisoners. ie prisoners say they were completely stm t. most of them being asleep at the time. They that there were four guns in the fortification, t, of course,were buried out of sight. One pd. represented that they were busy minim; or our works, and that in two days more they ld have been ready to blow us up. But we got tart of them, end it is hoped that long ere tall les you Petersburg will be in our possesolon. ,, [STILL LATHE.] 'patch dated 7 A. M., says spurts Just in state that we have possession of Aire first line or the'rebel works, with a large per of prisoners. Our loss in the charge was re, es our men had to oross an open field to la the rebels. The troops engaged were the oth ps, with the 18th supporting them, the 2d and being in reserve. The lying is still going on, consisting principal-. sry Generals Grant and Meade, with alt the corps wets, are at the Mat, watching the progress of THE WAR IN 'l ' kl SOUTHWEST. MAU OF TDB REBELS BY SHIIRMAN'S FORCES. .W YOBR, July 81.—A Nashville despatch says Gen. Sherman, on the 281 h, put the army In ion to accomplish an important operation, when enemy attempted to intercept it by an attack the lbth Corps. They w 117 . -. -aeverely repulsed. E RICUELB AFRAID OF BIIERMAIOR AR - CILIARY. AKIIIIIITON, July 31.—Information from Gene- Shermates army represents affairs to be in the ,est degree satisfactory. tr movements, for the past day or so, have met DO oppogitlon from the enemy, but they crouoh Ind their fortifications, thus evidently showing they are afraid of the artillery of General !LOAM is weather has been intensely warm for the past days, the thermometer being ninety-five In the le. RETALIATION IN xerwrdoity. mcirtwavr, July W.—General Paine, command• 'his district, bee sent a noted rebel of Paducah the country to inform the people that for every ;rage on Union men's lives and property, the re sympathisers will be treated in a like manner. addition to the orders already reported, Gone 'sine has directed that none but Ipyalists shall in the district, and that no batiks, except at •o, shall pay out money or receive deposits with- special permits. lie has also taxed the wealthy Secessionists *lOO, , tn) for the benefit of soldiers' fauglies living ha Wee antuoksr. • 11H LOWER RISHISHIPPI—.A 81THARHR BURNED }I'S TRH RZBILLI3—TLIS LATE WORT YEAR ATLKHTA. Oeino, July 81.—New Orleans papers of the 28d ordain no news. There was a fair inquiry for cot utl, but holders decline to sell, and quotations are , oroinal at 1136 for low middlings. The steamer Clara Bell was fired into at Carroll 'on Landing, on the 24th, by a rebel battery. Three limes 'penetrating her hull, below the line, wound ed seven persons. She was run on ahead, and had Dearly repaired the damages when she was agate attacked, the battery having been moved tip. Four Wine struck the boat, rotting her on flee, and she turnt to the water's edge. All onboard escaped ex cept one wounded man, who Is supposed to have pe tithed. A tin•clad boat was sent to protect the Clara Bell, but fulling to drive away the battery the lron•clad Louisville was sent, but before she reach ed the place the battery had been moved towards +;elumbia. The steamer Leviathan, with the PauUne Carroll in tow, darkened their lights and passed the ,tory without molestation. The rebel force in it vicinity is said to consiet of four hundred Texas valry, with four pieces of artillery. The Levis,- in passed four boats south of the White river, :aid to venture up that stream. The bodice of Colonel Crooks and other Officers lied In the late fight, twelve miles from Helena, le brought up on the Leviathan. Thirty-seven Ivates are reported killed In the same fight. +no of our caissons was captured by the enemy, numVered 1,500, while our force was not one ed of that number. "The Repubiio of Jones." The Natchez Courser, of the 12 th ult. gives an as 'ant of a curious "Republic" which was organized Jones county, Mississippi, a year qr to ago. It fears that numbers of rebel deserters having con gated in the swamps of that county, deter led to form a government for themselves. A re- Colonel Mowry, with a considerable force, was it to disband them, and it was supposed had eceeded, but it now appears that the mal atents offered a desperate resistance, Ws- Ising the assailants, killing and wounding and ptuning a considerable proportion of them. At et accounts, the "Republic " was still in the en iment of health and strength, and determined to fist to the death the enoroachmente of the Con teray. It Is not likely, however, that the "Re bite"will long survive. The Confederates, unless featly driven from Mississippi; will absorb it, and hey do not another authority will. correspondent of the Courier gives the following fling account of recent occurrences in this fpublio :" he Confederacy, after claiming the right of 3881011, not being willing to extend the same te said Republic, has declared war against it an t an army, under Colonel Mowry, of Mobile, to eh the rebellion. The Republic immediately pro id to act on the defensive, raising an army under command of Major Robinson, fil.)mmandentis- If of the armies of the Republic of Jones. Tae igerents met; a desperate battle ensued, in At the armies of the new republic were ' , iota havlngkil led, wounded and captured many Confeouratee, the remainder, under their gal- . =mender, ingloriously fled." tollowing is a copy of a despatch sent by the ,der-In-thief of the forces to his Honor, the 4 of War for the Republic of Jones : Ponces ow RICPUBLIO, IN TES Freon, January 27th, 188 f. foe. 4. C. Williams, Secretary of War. a : 'We met the forces of the invader on the even >f the 28th inst., at cross Roads. After an en ement of eight hours' duration we broke his 0012- when he fled in confusion on the field we cep a! many prisoners and several pieces of artillery. lose was very slight. I have the honor to be, respectfully, oof R. Rxsott. tr this hard fought battle an armistice was Ministers were appointed to confer with the :ailed Confederate States." Propositions for :e were entered into, but declined by the Con irate States. A cartel for exchae of prisoners g offered by the Repqblio, whio hwas also da ted. All prospect of an amicable adjustment log ceased, the Ministers of the Republic ra ted to their capital fully convinced that the Re tie had no other alternative but to prepare for • Their Congress having met, a lengthy debate place, the question In debate "PropoSitions to an alliance with the Uintlfd States," which opposed by Mr. Billing on the ground that the ton of the United States in regard to the ones ,f secession had been clearly defined in her war so-called Confederate States." egress at once declared that it would be a use. expenditure of time. An act waif unanimously ,d ordering all persona, male and female, who Id the inalienable right of Seoossiont to leave iepublic at once on pain of being punished as y. o provisions having been made for the exchange nisoners, they were paroled. The following is a o copy of a parole HISADQUARTERS FORCES OF THE REPUBLIC, Febniary 4 2, 1864. Ben Johnso enemiesmnly swear that I will not or assist theof said Republic any way tsoever during the war, unless sooner discharged. lelp me God. HEN. JOHNSON. Torn and subseribed before me this second day Amer 1961. Wm. ARMSTRONG, ()apt. and A. A. G. n many this may seem highly wrought, but rertheless it is true. 1 . 1117113111:1AG BATTLR-GROIIND.—A good, liay the only reliable, map of "Thd DWI (lot Gettyhborg" le that made by S. G. Elliot OalifQrnta, who, while visiting this State, was ineed,'by many personal friends, to make an &o rate survey of the ground by transit and chain. atented all through, so that any one oan trackthe mbatants, day after day, with the utmost ease. le scale is seven Inches to the mile. This adinira map 40 on sale by J. J. Kromer, 403 Chestnut ENGLISH Newerentas.--From J. J. Kromer, 403 Chestnut street, we have several 'English Jour bale, The News of the World, a popular London vreelay, the Illustrated News of the World, with steel engraving of Queen Adelaide, and the Illustrated London News, a double number, with adored sup plement, representing a rifle-shooting contest, neer Z•ondon, this year, CITY ITEMS. Tog MOST mann. W. economical attlolet >♦ every family la a sewing Machine, and we know • the Wheeler & Wilson to be the best, simplest, and .. cheapest Sewing Machine in tke•world. 'Every ina.: r ; chine warranted, and the money returned if not en. tirely satisfactory. Instruction given at the rid deuces of the purchasers. Go to the Wheeler k Wilson agency, No. 704 Chestnut street, above Seventh, and examine theje wonderful machines. THE "Paizz-DIEDAr. " SIIIIIT invented by Mr. F. Taggart, and sold by is. George Grant, 610 Chestnut street, is, without exception, the best In lit, comfort, beauty, and durability. His stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, of his own audit. sive manufacture and importation, is also, the choidest in the city, and his prices are moderate: THE LABT SIMMER TIONTH has dawned upon us. This is admonitory that persons who have not dbne so should proceed at once to lay In their supply of Winter Coal. The place to do so to the best ad vantage le at W. W. Alter's, 8r57 North Ninth street. ON TUE RlFlN. — Everything is on the. rise and those who purchase their fall and winter goods at this time will find their advantage when the seasons named come around, and prices have gone up, up, up. But, tinder any circumstances, the Judicious Citizen could scitreely go astray by laying in a stock of wearing apparel at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rookhill & Wilson, Nos. 609 and 605 Chest nut street, above Sixth. Verbum sap., etc. THE CELL FOR TROOFB. Listen, young heroes, your country IS Time strikes the hour for the brave and the true 3 Now, while the foremost are fighting , and falling, Fill up the ranks that have opened for you. You, whom the fathers made free and defended, Stain not tho scroll that emblazons their fame ; You, whose fair heritage spotless descended, Leave not your children a birthright of shame. Summer Clothing at reduced prices, at Charles Stokes ac Cogs one-price, under the Continental. EYE AND EAR most eueCesefully treated by J. Isaacs, M. D., Oculist and Alvan, cu. Pine et. Arti& eial eyes inserted. No charge for examination. jy °Arm MAY, LONG BRANCH, ATLANTIC A. fine assortment of ladies' and gentlemen's bath ing dresseis can be found at Jan O. Arriaottio, Nee. 1 and 8 North Sloth street. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of MISSOS , , obildren'S, and boys' hats, at reduced prices, can be purchased of Charles Oakford & Sons, 834 and 838 Chestnut street, Continental IloteL TEE HANDSOMEST ASSORTMENT 07 STRAW, FELT, Ad Other Mite SSD be purohaedd of Charles Oakford & Sons, 884 and 830 Chestnut street, Conti nental Hotel. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. Tee Con D J tforroll, Johnstown Min Beane, Cincinnati, 0 Mien La Ban, Cincinnati, 0 N Cuoungon. Cincinnati D Ahi. Jr, Cincinnati B 3 Peixotb, Cleveland A S Rairton N Hawkins & la, Chicago E Kilbourne, lova F C Painter, S N P E Dawson & en, Baltimore J L Strickler, 'Reading T Van Oilder, l Knoitville U Kay, Chicago A Gra B y, altimore Capt MeDesney Lieut P It Mitchell Ii F Ma nuina, Baltimore W W Dudley, Wash, D C Cant A T Case eon' P B Fouke, Illinois P F Parlelt, Baltimore B K Ives, lowa 0 eo Leeltly & da,Wisconsin l Dr W Hay. Chicago P Aleßride,Chicago Clagston 0 W 'Wu, dbridge, Boston B S McComb, Delaware J R Smith, 'Harrisburg D I) Nash, Virginia Wm Burden,Boston J Barret dla, Louisville S Valentine At wt, Puma It P Walt & wf, Memphis A J Lutz St Lonis W Culbertson & wt, Pa , Rise Culbertson, N Albany' WiuSWoods, St Louis. J Z Cubbens, St Louis Col cCr S Rowland & la,N 0 Cleo F Brett, New Orleans Col Warner, New Orleans R B Carnahan & la,.Pcana c Ruud ett, Washington Miss Miller, St Louie WJReid.IFDI Wni F_l3artlett" .1 B Johnson James 33 Van Orden, New York .3 Dells. Pennsylvania • C A Van Name, Now York T Havelock H Howard B Henry. II $N N Winters &la, Dayton 11Paled. .1 B Harriet J H Barden & family Admiral I) D Portir,U S N Mrs Bentley, Illinois Jae Reepine & la, 13aito T B Lacey & la, Chicago W EnoPll, New York biro Blakely &Minch, Ky 8 Perkins idt Is, New York Jar Fiedler. Baltimore B Berttolomew Henry Miller, Penne, C H Bennett. ticknyl no Peter MebalfeyPortland Merchand,_Pitteburg Geo Williame, B altimore 0 b Yardley, U B N Henry Philson, Ohio T Hesley, Washington Semi Morkes, Ohio S Tuttle, New York J McConnell, Cincinnati W Brittmi New York A W Krider, New York A B Britton: 118 W York 1 0 Stearns, New York D Sourbeck. Ohio F O'Donnell, New York C B Pierce,Ohio \V .T Malone, New York Jno Ward Louisville Semi Paynton, Penne A B Burge. Louisville Henry &auto. d , Penne Col B P tigrish:l. ' 7i , Wash John Can Horne, Penns Col Waterman, Ft Wash P Deane, Le Delaware a NB. Cushman & la, Chicago C C Sprague, Applibacb, Bucks co FW A Meyers, New York A Vatber & wf, Louisville W Gilchrist J L D McPherson, Waryland ashing'n Caret y, J RobinsonPhila ,N York Pearson, M A Gett Capt D Prier U McDaniel, Baltimore WW 0 trliver, N York P Kissinger, Baltimore W Hagaiey Washington Samuel Counts, Penne. • • Ma j Moore & la. Wash T T orress,Cumberland,Pa 11W Bonsai], Washington D Pe tteven, Indiana H Cummins, Washington A Irvin,Panna W B Bunter. N York US Kirkland.Towa City 0 Bunter, N Y ork 1 Jesse Lamburgh, Penaa O N Berman, N York L C Anderson, London b 11 Seligman. N York J T 2thrlonigal, Lancaster Ja, Brown,N York Thee Davie, Chambersbnrg B Ryan, N York W Watley, Lebanon Tasker, Boston S Maya, Bohareretown Jae Harrison, N York D Seebeck, Milton Thee Watkins, N York W Stenger,. Chambersburg Semi lierigan, DI York J H Lung. Lancaster H Houghton, Jr, N York Thee WiLtoci, Harrisburg J C Livioaston, N York B 1) (undue, Shippensbarg P 0 Burrough & wf L 8 Kunkle. liewrille J Hoffman, Illinois .113tambange,Penna VP Bunt, Burlington, NJ'G Johaston, Newburgh.PA T Underwood, Burlington Stewart, Chambereburg Jay A Hubbell, Michigan W Konelhofer, Hagerstown Malone, Lancaster R Kenalhofer. Hagerstown Judge Ives, Penns H R. Harvey. Plymouth Jacob Keefer, Pittabarg J P Dysart, Lancaster Saorooke, Penns L Wanner, AllentoWn Kamtel. Penns The Ile R D CUminAl & da,Penna A Willer, Brooklyn B Clark, Brooklyn B P tiarrattaon,New York C H Met 8 L Henilln,Brooklyn C Scbnllneee,Kentticky F DI Woike, at Louis D Hartford &d,Terre Haute A Cc.ok, Washington L Bell, Alioona Cooper. Mt Jackson Maui R W PUT Y. U E. A JKirkpatrick.Pittabarg Cannon,New Albany RFD ay, Indianapolis G sinition,Norf ,, k Mrs H B Boman:, Bait C ralmer,Buckli CO e J Niccoile,Chumbersburg C W Lyndall, New Albany CI 11 Lots B A A Kline, Martinsburg The Mae R Krause , Davenport s enport J yeter, e3t Jac Campbell T H Weber., U S A F Duncan. Trenton .1n Wein). Huntingdon W blo"re, U S J W McFadden, Penna The A W Brooke. B Y W B McKee, Lewistown Blymeyer, Lewistown James hicCart7 R 1 Fayet. N Y E Bastian Balt MrsC H H C C /L o i pela tton nd, Oh & ch, fr ioy Mrs John 1` Quinn. Pittebg Jae F Quinn. Pittsbn B • Chapman , Penne Casper Bombard, N Y B C Murray, Chester, Pa JDlMorde J /Wiz, Pa .1 E Warnd, Boston hfcCaulley&ch,Del Bailey. Wash E H Kitigore. Wash O V lirteN Vermont T Ertee, Vermont The O W Howard, New Jersey Mrn MeDermot, New York A Foster 81a,,Mtherva 0 Mrs Watkins &wf, Del W Herron, Perryville, 0 MlsieWalkine,_Delaware Oeo Heaton:l, Pottsville Joe Bbort, illne•raville W W Heaton, Saiew., 0 E Steese, Naseillem, 0 • W Carnahan, Wheeling,Va The Co J Spinney. Boston JD Hepatic, U 8 A T Walter, Penns. Pet nock & la, Cites co J H Cbamberbg 8 W Garner, Indianapolis The M P Morrison, New York E PKTFOII, Bordenlown,N J A S Jones. Reading C Ggden, New Jetting J C Poet, Pa A IS `Moat, Cincinnati Jobn hart, Doylestown The Ba Jobn W litttenbender, Pa Jacob Perm), Seaton. 1' Harley & vet, Penna. Mrs Craig. Quakertown 'Y Stern, Quakertown p Morgan. lead° - The Black Bear. Jag B Buc k ma n, Wrightign 11 illassner, Howard Wm Bierly. A 'Alvin Faust, Penua A B Woodraff, Milford, DePA 8 Jones, Reading Weber. Howard The Earley Shear. Wm M Tyson, Penne. John R Nally New Ho lo S L Johns, Maryland J 0 Vandegriit, ponnal Jft George. Camden, Del E L Bodice, Buck„ co John Lee. New 'Y orig. 2, Bireley, New 'Lock Johnli Winter, Scranton The National. Jobn MarryBritf, rottevllle E. Wayne Jacob Bloom, Danville Hacker Ora Geo McCarty, Look Garen Trabo witrir, Bedrorld, nge, Spring N J Henry Martin, St Clair 15 MSd ECIAL NOTICES. ToB PortLAl CISOTHIN:e HOTISE OE " OA'S HALL. , Best.elas,•%goode at moderate prices. WANAMAKER & BUMPS, S. E. toner SILTS and IdAESEr Streets. Custom Deparlogent (to make to order) No. IS. Sixth Si. Wu.srazz & Wnso HIGILEST LOCK.STITCH SEWING NAOHINES. TOE CIISAPBST, SIMPLESTi 4WD BEM - . Yalegroosuip 704 071ISTRIIT iltreoki 410Y0,803,814 11/I.A.I;VELIMI3 }roc ew—con A MBEEB —On the rooming or rho 19th of Joly,'by the flat . homes Brainerd, D. D. IC..nned9 McCaw and Josephine Chem berg, both of this oar. Ea ß w ll . 7 d o h A nd . -.4 l liai n za t b b e e t tOtt e j zt ul ,l4 the ° R I ,: y ll e a . ; 800fullOisf F Ele relatives and frietias of the family are respect fully Invited twattend the fazier r. fr om the of bis grandfather, 1t0. 1279. t d ton woo street. On o Tuesday afternoon t - I re s idence nek. To proceed to hinny.- inent Cemetery. Witanut further notice. -** EIIYTC NINbON. First-day morning. , 7th um., 3lst, 1864, Rachel M, Wife of Samuel hiutchlnson, in the 58'h year of her age. Meryelatives and friends are invitsd twaltend the fu neral. :Without further untice. To meet at tne loose. Thirty-ftierth and Haverford streets, at a o'clock* n Third•daY, the 2d Inst. Proceed to Darby. • e 1 11FRITY,.--•On July Attb, after a few days' illness, Jo seph While: in the 58th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 124 . N. Twelfth street, on Tuesday afternoon, August 2d,at 41e' clock. * 4 BL SCR. —On the:loth nlt.,ar scarlet foyer, Lillie C , your gest daughter of Robert T. and Caroline A Black. The relatives and trends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her parenti, 1718 Green etreeti on Monday, at 5 o'clock P. M. FitiCE.—On the 29th ultimo, INTe. Ann W. Frick, relict of Dr. Jacob Frick. aged 74 years. The relatives a nd.frionds of the family are invited '0 attend the luneral. fr om the residence of her ton, Wm. p. Way, Shoemaker 's - Jape, near Chew etreet. German town, on Tnesda:- afternoon next, at 3 o'clock. pa,Whf..B.—On the WI ultimo, at Pet.reharg, Va., from wound received at litoura Station, Jitne 290. Capt. W Deweec, 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry; In the year of its see. L 01.13614 1 -61 aL.,-.Dri the morning of the 30th ultimo, Leopold Francis, aged fifteen tnontht, only eon of Eliza beth and Bernard Lonmi bthal, se Ale TE lEU.—On the• morning of the '29th inst., WU liaxn Emile Mathieu, eon of Emile and Sarah Mathieu, in the 19th year of his age. The relatives and film& of the family are respect . fully iuvi'ed to attend hie funeral. from hia parents' re eidsni e, Darby Road, on Monday morning, August al9 o'clock, trz proceed to Woodland Cemetery. ** PALMER.—Vory suddenly, on Friday morning, the 29th inst. Volney B. Palmer. of this city, aged 61. The re latives and friends of the frailly are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from his late reel deuce, No. 1143 North Thirteenth street, on Monday morning, August Ist, at 9 o'clock. =CI R E Recker, Indianapolis Miss Edmunds, Keranuity Miss Campbell, Kentucky J T Bdruund4, Kentucky, B P Green, Kentucky .7 D Morton & la, Roston R B Barron, Cincinnati J W Greenfield & la, Ark Geo Delp, Norristown R Somers & wf, Chicago Mrs Church, Chicago J P Janes W A I.`,.pley. Bloomfield F C (lordoo, Boston J B Houston & la, Wash. Jesse , Middleton John Peek man, Ef S A C Ball .TW Richardson, Boston E M ottmers, New York D Lathrop, New York Julius Men, New York Jona- Heller, New York M E Tobin, ottlifornia IMr Blake, New York iMrs Heckel, Dayton Miss S Beekel, Dayton Miss F Becket, Dayton Hon W P Feesendea, Wash Mrs White, W....hit:Leon F 0 Elye es, Washington ~ColßSmlta,UBA B R Plumley. New Orleans J Oreenough,Cincinnati R W Doyle. New Orleans H King & I. Washington Mrs Schwarzenhnrg, Wash W M Tilestou, New York All Daly. Brooklyn 0 C Dewy, Wheeling A Bmaonet New York • A Nicholson, Baltimore R C B •ninger, Baltimore G 0 Robinson. Baltimore Mrs 11 A Eloldship. Pittsb'g Miss M Robinson, Pittsburg Oeo W Hold.hip, Pittsburg Mrs T 8 Verdi. Pittsburg B T Hutchison, St Louie Hatchison.St Louis ' Mrs J Lloyd, Fit Louis ` • C B Leonard. Boonville.= A Leonard, Boonville. MA R R Pierce & fa, Kentucky F Grinnell, New Bedford W 0 Hamilton, New York Thos Chambers, New York chaste'. R Evans, Cornwall J Whitener; Cornwell 0 W White, New York C P Nunson, Allentown O & W Brant la,Reading J Munnie,lrtiand E Golden,Ohlo W F Webb, New York J Redden, Jr. New Jersey J M Amory, New York C H Earley,Fenna W B Dexcer.New York L Bortrand, _Baltimore J S BackDT Washlngum Beaaab:Waehingtora Ltent D E Eimier,Wash J 8 Allembury,Pittaburgi C Bickel W Lovine Joseph J A gyster,Cliambersburie J Kahmweiler, Harrisburg Sidara,Ohio es trifles. C W Bowman. Virginia W H Spratt, Maryland A M Rambo & sou, Panne W Roekafellow, .11 I A C Bacon. °Lerman& .1 W Doyle J Wilson W T Scott & wt. Maryland eridass. James P Temple, Easton Liout.A O7oudiand, II 13 A John Bryan 17 S A VlllBOll, Bait 1H Id Copeland, Ohio LH ett, Pa Oeo S Knight, N Y A 0 Mills, ktd J 31 Dusenbary, N Y Goo W Matthews, Lebanon John Wilson & la, Penna. Richard Hare 1) O Hodges, Nashville MC Nam, N Y W II Westroth, Alez, Va Sarong! Elleman, Delaware James A McKnight, Wash Jacob Brow.. Washington 0 Onion, N Y O Williams, N Y Wm Morrison, Cincinnati Id Kimball, Chicago J Carbright, Ohio. D K Bryant, Chicago Jae B D Heeds, Pittsburg J F ilenscher, Cincinnatr,o John T.Jones & la, N J W J Watson, Brooklyn C Thomas, Milwaukee H H Dent G W Ziegler, Green Castle C M Bonmisler Chee Comber A W Kimmel, Indiana J W Jacobs, Germantown merclid. M H Halpin, Indianapolis T B Hall & la. NV Chester 0 Kennedy. Mass 0 Ft Searle, N Jersey A T Billings Capt P J Philips. Wash B Simmons,Wilm. Del Jos Snirm, Trenton 13 Vanconrt, Harrisburg W 8 Steer, Stroudsburg D Brennan, Jr, Trenton Jae Simpson =3:l Chas Morgan, Oak Dale U Ludwig, Liverpool, Pa L S Dodder, Doylestown Zeigler, Pennsburg Wm Feather, Pennebnig DLFrD. Weekly Report or Interments. HEALTH OPF/OR, July 90, 1864. Deaths and interment& in the City of Phavkivhia, from the 2td of July to the 80th of July. 1864. wig 0 OArrsrs or Plant. o ... 79 CIAO/4R6 Or IisATII. ;"--1 0 :9 ....o MI 7.1 ; " tl ..CI 1 4 •••••••••" —....... .. Abscess 1' . Effusion on Brain... 3 A nemin... • ..... .... 1' 1 'Eviler/8V 1 Albuminuria........ 1 'Erysipelas 1 Aneurism of Aorta 1 'Fever, Remittent.- • 1 Cancer of Breast .... 1 Scarlet a Uterus I ' l'f Typhus 5 " lii me itch. .... 1 " Typhoid. •• - 16 6 Casualties 1 4 , Gangrene Croup .3 'Heart Clot 1 Ger:ration, Brain... 4 3 Rereorrha go 2 Lungs . • • • 3 • • • • L unge.. Liver..... 1 HooPing Colg n h ags.. 1 3 Coup de Soleil 1 Inflammation Brain • 2 7 Cholera ..... .... 1 " Bronchi '2 Cholera Infantunt. • • 69 " Cheat • . 1, • • ' weals 3 • ',... LO,TyRX ••• • . • 1 Cirrhosis of Liver. • • 1 - ~" Liver 2 1 Cerebro Spinal Me- " Lungs .. 6 2 pi mods 1 3 ' • ' " • Peritoneum . • 1 Consumption, Lungs 43, 4 '' • Bt. &Bowels. 4 1". Constipation ........ 1 'lnanition... •• • • 4 2 Convulsions 10 'Mania-a. Potu' 2 Compression, Brain. 1 "Marasmns 23 Cramps- ••• • • 1 Measles 2 Diptheria 6 Old Age •.... •• • . 8 Diarrhoea 11 13 `Patsy.,.. 3 Dropsy 6 1 !Pyentia . ' 2 • Brain 1 2 ,Scrotnta .... 1 " Cheat 1 Bore Throat ' 3 " Lungs ....".. • 11 Softening of Brain- 2, • Heart 1 'Small-Pox 2 6 Disease of Brain.. .• 2.l 'Still-born 11 • Heart 3 1 Sy pititi 1 " Che5t........ . 1 ITeethi , g 4 • Kidneys. .. .. 2 , Ulceration . 1 " Hip •• • • .....• 1 1 " Bowels - . 1 " Lungs .• • .... ..2 Unknown .... .. 9 2 Drowned 2 1 Wounds Onnshot..•. 12, 5 Dysentery,' 310 --i Debility .... .... .... 11113 Total 178.266 or Tun Anliin THERE WERE — Under 1 year 157 From 40 to 60 • - From Ito 2 . ..... ....47 60 to 60 • 2to 5 . ..... .?;$ • " 60 to 70 • 6to 10..• ... .... ~.19 " 76 to SO 10 t 016... 10 " 80 to 90 " 15 to 20 ' l5 " 90 to 100 " 20 to 30 ' , 10 " 100 to 1M 80 to 40 '....41 " 110 to 120 Total 4 ... I WARDS. nit= WARDS. WARDS. 30 .Tenth .... 16Nineteenth 11 • . - • .26 , Eleventh . 9 Twentieth . .. 111 Twelfth ._... ... • B!fiwenty-first . • .• :40 Thirteenth . .... 9-Twenty-sect '2l Fourteenth. .... 9 T wenty -thl . .... 9 Fifteenth .......20 Twenty-foam.. .. - ...E4 Sixteenth ......1A Twenty-fifth . - .. '.. l JO' Bev enteenth ....14, Unknown. • • . •..11 ..19IBighteenth .5( First Second ... Third•••• Fourth .. Fifth .... Sixth .... Seventh . Eighth .. Ninth Total Deduct deaths from the country, Net deaths in the city 419 /NATI V,ITT. —United States, 347; Foreign, 64; Unknown, 23; alinshouse, 9; People of Color, 21); from-the eons. try, 19. -.. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond.. I.n.'week of isr. and of last week, was as follows: week ending Augn,t Ist, 1863, wan 407. .Week ending July 23d,1964, was 391 Deaths and interments of soldiers, 62. 'Vales, 294; fensalee, 180: boys, ID; girls, 110. By order of the Board of Efh. GEORGE R CHAMBERS. Registrar. 1013BON & BON, MOURNING STORE, -a-• n. 91.0 R CAIERTNIMStreet. jr-tt E& LANDBLL, FOURTH AND ALA ARCH nave a Fins stock of Silks' Pine stock of Shawls. Fine stock of Flannels. File dock of Linens, Pine stock of Muslim. Je3o lar• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE N that application bite been made to the Yrnsteoe of POLI CY iro Association of Philadelphia for the renewal of No. 10,662 3, for 8500, issued September 1, 1616. in name of CHAS. factINTY RE, whi N. REBORE. 00. 110 S. ELEVENTH St. jo2o.mfmlm*_ TINE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.— OFFICE OP ITHE COMMITTEE ON LABOR, INCOME, AND REVENUE . PHILADELPHIA, July SO, 1864. The undersign ed respectfully requests any who have bills against this Committee 10 pr.sent them at once for settlement. JOHN W. CLAOHORN, Pnl-8 t. Treasurer, MCA US S. SEVENTH St. . FErOFFICE SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PSSNSYLVASTA, 61. CEDAR Street,. NEW YORK'. July2B, 1881. NOTICE is hereby given that, pursna.nt to a resolu tion of the Board of Directors, an insollmant of 24 per cent. on the Subscription to the Capital stock of the SODIERSIT IRON — ATID COet.i•COMPANY OF FBNN SY LV A NIA be and is hereby made payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, 9 remoter of 'said Company, on'or be fore the sth day of September next. anl-tses ettat: T. fd. TYNE, Secretary. _ _ CRITTF:NDEN'S COMMERCIAL lii COLLEUE, 637 CHESTNUT Street, sorrier of Seventh. Cornplate preparation for the Counting• House. Telegraphing taught by . one of the hest of practical operators. Students received at any tlme,and instructed separately. Catalogues for thelast year tar nished on arirlictiiioll. gar- OFFICE OF THE BRIGGS OIL CO/dPAPIY, No. Pl3l 147 SELhF OURTH, MK Street. A. Soli 9 The Board of Directors have THIS DAY declared the second-monthly dividend of OHS FAR CENT, on the capital stock, payable on the Bth of August, clear of State tax. the Ttanefer Books will be closed atter the 4th of An.' Ont. and reopened on the Bth. CHAS. A. DLIT, aul 61 ;treasurer. Or AT A MEETING OF THE SEVENTH WARD NATIONAL UNION PAR TY, held Thursday evening, Jill) , 28th, at 0' NIEIPP HkII, Lombard street , below Broad, the following pre an.ble and resolution were adopted: Whereas, There is now from the State over one lion dn d thousand of her citizens terving their country In the armies of the United States who are deprived of their rights as citizens on account ofsuchnervice, which we deem an act of injustice to those brave men, and TUESDAYe think ought to be corrected by the Peo oie Oa next by adopting the Atuend meat to the Con stitution giving the boldiers the right to vote : There fore, Resolved, That we eall*upon he Citizens of Seventh Ward o ward next Tuesday, privilege, show a large vote ircnided Infavor of said privilege, show that we do not forget them, and that we will not deprive them of their rights as Freemen. The resolution was ordered to be published. Wll,LtAbf ELLIOTT, President. DAVID MUDGE, Secretary. it* Or NINTH WARD LINCOLN ARNO CIATION.—An adjourned meeting of the Ninth Ward Lincoln • Al! oviatlon will be bald on MONDAY EVENING, August let. at Hall, HERMON and !SAR NEY Streets. bluntness relating to the election, Aug. 2. nr JOHN L. HILL, Secretary. VW' SIXTH WARD.—CITIZENS WILL meet at the CROWN STUBBY SCHOOL HOUSE, OD TIES (Monday) EVBNII% 0, at 7,44 o'clock, for the ward of reorganizing the Bounty Committees of the ward. Our quota being the smallest in the district, under the call of the 'President for volunteers, we can and will furnish it, and prevent a draft. Let those who are isterested not fail to attend. Full ekrilan Won at the meeting. Ald. CliAb. WELDlllo,Chairman. JOTIN HACIAN, Secretary. Wet H. BARNES. Treasurer. 110"" TRIE AS VILER S 11HIPAR (WENT NORTHERN CEN rim RAILWAY COM PANY, CALVERT STATION, BALTIMORE, July 29,1954. The President and Directors of this Company have de clared a Dividend for the quarter ending June 30th. of TWO t. 9.) PER CENT,. free of National and Statotaxes, payable to the Stockholders on the 25th of August next, at this office. TI, e Transfer Books will be cloaca from the Nth to the 25th of August. By order. aol-nswflOt J. S. LEIB, Treasurer. ligr GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. CASH RECEIPTS. Soldiers' Aid Society of Carlisle, Pa., per . Mrs. M. My, stewardess. additional .... SU 00 Committee on romance and Donations, per News. .Antelo & Lewis, subcommitt ee., additional 200000 CO Committee on Art, per James L. Unshorn" 5,000 00 Committee on Produce and Snipping, per Sa mu Jersey, Treastu - er 24 (00 00 Hew Department, per Junes, H. Ste Yens, Treasurer 14,000 00 Previously reported ilgr" THE CITIZENS OF. THE EMIR. TENTH WARD will meet at SPRING GARDEN HALL ott MONDAY EVENING, at Be'olock, to retetve the report of the Delegates to the Comity Couventioa.• By order. F A. VANCLEVR. WM. EL MAURICE, F. R. GATCHELL, Delegates. lar POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. July 29th, Mt NOTICE.—A MAIL will be despstebedirom this 011tce for Havana on TUESDAY, the 2d of August, per Steam ship Francis. Mails will close at 7.30 A. M. irNI St C. A. WALBORN', Postmaster. lara 1 - 01ORTM WARM. MEETING of the NATIONAL. UNION ASSOCIATION of the FOURTH WARD will be held on MONDAY EVEN ING. August let, at o'clock,at GAMPH ER'S, FIF EH street. below Shippen. By order of the Executive Committee. JAMES A. BOWIE, President. 'lmonAs M. MCKEEVER. Secretary. 1180-2tv SHALL TUE SOLDIERS VOTEY— Om? A Grand Mass Meeting of the Citizens of the FOURTEENTH, FIFTEENTH, and TWENTIETH "WARDS, in favor of the SOLDIERS' RIGHT TO vorE, will be held at the corner of BROAD and PARRISH Streets, on MONDAY EVENING, August let, at 8 o'clock. The meeting will be addressed by Hon. W. D. F. A. .Vancleve. Seq., and otner eminent cimalkers. 1y30.2tv OrOFFICE OF THE COULTER COP. PER COMPANY, 319 WALNUT Street. NOTICE is hereby given that all stock in this Com 'Perky, on which the instalment of maw dollars per share, called March 16th, 1864, and due May let, 1864, is notpaid is forfeited for said default, and that,accordtak to the charter and by-laws of the Company, it will be sold at Public Auction, on MONDAY, August Bth, 1864. at 12 o'clock lit.,at the - office of tt e Secretary of the Com pany, No. 319 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, unless n or before that day. By order of the Board of Dre cto rs. DAVID S. METE, Secrliturit- TITILAPXIMETA Inly 28, 1864_ 3Y29.-10t lar DIVIDEND NOTIVE.—"THE m[c. GLINTOCRVILLEPETROLBUNCORPARY , " Office No. 411 weLliur street. rincereitanm, July 27, 1864. The Board of Directors have this day d..clared the fourth monthly dividend of OMB PER CERT, on the capital stock._payable at the Oillue of the Coinpauy on and atter SATURDAY, AllilUest si UM. The Transfer Books will olose on Satardan 30.13 , 60, ith3 o'clock P.M., until. Sattirday, Auxost 6. 913-9t* WM. 110 Ult BY: Secretary.. FirUNION STAWIE COMMLTII , IIX ROOMS. 1105 O.2If4TNUT Street. —Theiltate Committee recommit that tri,eads throughout She State.: t a adopt olpient memo to,forward ettrly'and farretords th. eleniton upon the 100159fitutiNgla Send by Telegraph to the Chairman at Girard. House, Philadelphia: e The Committee loons ere now open, all ooze , spondenee directed to the Chairman will *wive MC* attention. 11. CillißßOX.Chainuart. Bunnmun, Steretary. ul!' 21. 1M14: iY2kl tS rirTHE I.II4WEEIUMITA ANIEWNONA WATER CANAL CONPARRES tot!re Web osiii lit No. EiNWALNUT Street, Room rio. t . . .na (*Trouts? Alone! " et Alum (tempests% bards. tje to Son* 10110 11 Streak.. Mot been removs4 ts'the • stit 44 O.4IO9WPSEATIN S$ titgiE o6B awn vow. THE PRESS.---PHILADELPITIA, MONDAY, ATTGITST 1, 1864. OP THE APLE SAME OIL' COMPANY OFF/UE , 524 WA L NUT greet, H Int Ta, 1864. . The Board of Directors have declared • Dividend of FODR PEA CENT. on the capital stock ening Company, pa able on so.d after the 90th inet., free of State tax. The transfer books will br closed on TUESDAY, 25th, at 9 P. , and will be opened on the 20th le at. At• T Dom AR R. cIEVILE, 500.7, !HEADQUARTERS PENNSYLVA. NIA MILITIA, HARRISBURG. July 9. 1861. —GENE RAL ORDERS. No. - 52 Authority from the War Department, deed July 27th, rout., Laving thie day been received to raise Teo. N. sir It. giments of Volunt, er Infantry, under the oil of the Pr«sident.Of the Uni ed Stares, of. the 18th Met., for Vivo Haridrod Then:anti (500,0e0) men, ' It is ord.reas - I. Special authorities will be granted to raise °Omni.- nte,, to be reetnitsd and organized agreeably to General I Orders No. 151,- War Cepartment, reties of 1.36 e. ere. Terence will be given to persons who have been in ser- 1 vice one have been honorably discharged. IL. APplicatimie fin appointments as mustering Lien , tei sets, under the above order, will be Immediately made to the office of t'h. Adjutant Geneeal of the State. 111. Commending officers of square or of compasses recruited west of JobnetoWn and the Laurel MR range of the mountains will report to the commanding officer. Camp Reynolds, near Pittsburg,Penn,tylvAula all east of that line and west of, and including Reading. Pennsylvania, will report to the commanding officer,. Camp Curtin, Harrisburg all east of Reading and that line will repor to the commanding Ohne; (lamp Cad ty.led er, .Philadelphia. Upon the applies tie. of the commanding officer- or of the mattering ti+entenant of a company, to the agents - of the different raitrosii companies t nroughout the State, tianipertation to the camp of rendezvous wia be fur biebed. • IV. Actual and necessary expenses for boarding. and , ]edging of troops, raised wider this order, will be paid by the United States disbursing officer, at the proper' post, at a rate not exceeding forty cents per day for each man musteredinie the service of the United States, on the affidavit of the officerfurnishing the man, supported • by the receipts of the party to whom the money was paid. Raines of the' men t .and the dates between which each xi an wesboar dea and lodged, mast be stated in the account rendered: • }- V. 6he erm of service will be for either one, two or three yeare, as - recruita may elect. VI, Seat ments-must he mum ered in before September fifth, (Mb.) eighteen hundred and sixty-four, 0861,M order that thefemay be credited on the quota of the State under the afort.std-eatj. VII. Incompleteregiments and companies which fail to organize, will be consolidated within a reasomable time, so as to form and bd mustered. in with complete regimental organizstrons te. ore that date. VIII. Bounties will be paid by the United States Gey er nment as follows, namely : For recruits for one year $lOO two years- 210 as srl three years 600 The first inetalments of bounty will be paid by the mune , lag and disbursing alters when the recruit is mustered in, as follows : To a recruit who enlists in the army for-I year....sll 33 4.11. St 2 years... 6. .. Gii 66 ri ri St r, 3 years...loo 00 Asa reward for meritorious conduct, and also to se cure vamable military experience, appointments •of Field Officers will be made, excepc under peculiar air onmstauces, from men who have been in service and have been honorably discharged. By order of • A. G CURTIN, Governor and Commander in-Chief. A. L. Ituserma Adjutant General, Pennsylvania. The annexed order is published for information: WAR DEPARTMENT, AEXIPTANT OENEEAVS PP ME, Asli IRETON, March 31, 186 L GENERAL ORDERS, No 131, General Orders, No. 75. series of 1853. are hereby re ecinded,and the following orders will govern hereafter, in lien thereof ; I. In organizing new regiments or independent com panies of volunteers, the Governors of Statesaro hereby ' ,authorized to appoint, in addition to the staff officers eretofore authorized, one Second Lieutenant for each company, who snail be conditionally mustered into ser vice at the date of - hie appointment. Any officer thus 'appointed and mustered, shall only be entitled to De purl en the muster and pay roll of his company, and should be fail to enlist an organized company within such time as the. War Department mray'designate, the men enlist, dby him thall be transferred to some other company ; his appointment shall be cancelled and he shad be discharged without pay, unless the Governor give him a position in the consolidated . 00mpalljr to which hit men snail have seen transferred 11. Mustering ofh core will reportpromptly to the Ad jutant General of the Army-the name of emery Recruit ing Lieutenant inn4ered into the service by them, tinder a conditional letter or appointment, together with the 'company and regiment fir whites he is recruiting. Of cere will be mustered into the service only oa tee au therity of the Governer of the mate to which their regi ments belong. 111. Articles of enlistment will be made out in dupli cate by such recruiting officers, and wilt be disposed of as provided by paragraph it, page 8. 1 , _Recruiting Regu lations, Volunteer Service. Recruits will be sent to ii e regimental rendezvous, at least as often se once a week, where they will be, immediately examined by the Surgeon of the regiment, or other aurgeortemPleYed for that purpose by the Superintendent Yolixsteer Re cruiting tervice, and if foiled unfit for duly by reason of permanent disability, will be discharged from the service forthwith by the Surgeon, who will report :nee discharge. to the Superintendent Volunteer Recruiting. Service, and also to the Adjutant of the regiment, nqking particularly those eases where the disability was erlSei.- out at the time of enlis ment. AS soon as the organiza tion is complete, it shall be carefully inspected and inns teredhy a United States Mustering officer, who wirs see that at tenet the minimum number of -each company is present: no absentees wilt be counted. IV. - Until regiments or independent companies are or.' ganized and mastered in, they will be under tree intro]. of the Governor of the State. but all requisitions for ttuartermarder, Medical, and Ordnance stores, all con tracts for fuel. straw amid subsietence, and all requisi tions for transportation, must be approved by the Su-. perintendent Volunteer Recruiting bervieri for the State or Division. V. Mn scconnts for expenses incurred in raising new organizationsthall be paid by Disbursing ofilears unless approved by the Superintendent of Volunteer Recruit ' Service. order of the Secretary of War. E. -D. TOWNSEND, .Assistant Adjutant General, 19 ... 11 ...15 . .17 cond.2l d ..1 2 th -12 o LILLIE'S To David Evans,.of the firm of Evans tre Watson Sou publicly assert in a late newspaper article that you will drill through any Chilled Iron Safe Lillie has in use. in one half to two bouts time. Ste , including *the Bank of Northern Liberties' Safes, or you will forfeit Ihe cum of one hundred dollar.. Now this is a very cheap way or playing bluff. Yon know there is neither baoker nor a business man that would hare an ex- Pensive safe operated upon with u'nlimited povrer_for two hours, to be mutilated, disfigured or in any way discrecited, for thepaltry:eam. of one hundred dollars. This game is played out. " Now, if you have any edhfieleuce in Your ability to d till chilled Iron, or 'any conedence in Swine & VirlitisOn'S Best Bank Safe, as compared 'with Lillie's, to withstand the burglar, or any confidence in Evans St Watson's Mercantile Safe as 1 compared 'with Lillie's, to stand fire, you have the ' op portunity to make it manifest. You. have just sold to the Seventh National Back, of Philadelphla, - we are in formed, for $1,20v, a Bank Safe, representing to the Bank that *our Safe was a much better protection against the burglar than Lillie's and charging a much Maher price for it. Yon have already , wade the chat lenge to tmt the safes of the Corn Exchange Bank, and. stated 3 our owe terms. We now make the following propohltion: Thatyou shall furnish the Seventh National Bank Safe and we will furnish o.e of the Bank of Northera Liberties' Safes fora test, upon your own terwe to the Corn Exchange Bank. Each party shall place in the hands of reeponeible parties the sum of SLAW to $5,090, as forfeiture, to be paid over to the winning party (as you may elect.) ou have not, the confidence to place Evans It Wat son's Safe alongside of Lillie's as a Burglar-proof, and will not accept the above proposition, we will give you. three hours instead of two hours (the time you ask) to obtain the money in one of she Safes at the Bank of the Northern Liberties, said money to be furnished asabove Proposed, and to be plated its the tessfe by the Cashier of the Bat k: the Safe' to he operated upon precieely as pro posed in the challenge tot he Corn Exchange Bank, and if the money is not obtained in the three hours, you are to make good any damage done to the Safe, and the money to be ours You stay you min drill six holes with one drill through you. We will allow you two of the best steel Grillb can procure to get thronah the'above Safe. Again, yes say Messrs. Weaver & Sprankle were in duced to change Lillie's Safe for one of Evans & Wat son, on account of its superiority ns a Fire- proof.- We now propose that you. shall furnish Weaver & SPrankle's safe, and we will furnish either of two entree of same size and character of the Lillie Safe you. received in exchange—Bosktue & Brother, Mark. t street, below Second, bee oue; or J. Hickman & Co.. corner of Third and Market streets, has the other, and purchased. about the same - time as that of Weaver & Sprankle s—these Safes shall be tested as fire proofs in a suitable farnace. A committee of disinterested business men shall be ap pointed to test them, essentially upon the terms publicly announced by you last winter, and $lOO to $l,OOO shall be put up as forfeiture by each party, as you may elect. Neither party to have possession of the Safes tested until after the test. 'We await your acceptance. LE,WIS LILLIE & SON. M. C S ten L ES, Agent, No. 2.4. S. SEVENTH Street. N. B.—Should. any or all of the above accepted, and Bhonld we be successful in any or all, the pet premeds we may derive from our opponent, deduct ing actual expenses of the teals, shall be preeeuted 'to the Volunteer Refreshment Saloon. as the money is not the object of the teat. LEWIS LILLIE & SON. apt-St M. C. SADLER, Agent. 6 .0 100 :.. ,524 11 $966,565 11 CALEB COPE. Treasurer. itiIIATALK EIRE -PROOF SAFES. CHILLED IRON SAFE. READ % E'OJES. WAR. LET THE ENEMA' CONE ON. TORWAN P. HOLLINSWEAD. WK. H. MIAVIM. 11 - OLLINSHEAD & °RANEE), INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 313 WALNUT St., Philadelphia. agents for the ALBANY CITY FIRE INSUBAJNOE CO., )07.6m OF ALBANY, N. T. FiREL 11.1BIJRANCE EXCLUSIVELY. —THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. Incorporated IBM. CHASTER PERPETUAL. No. 51.0 WALNUT Street; opposite Independence 89 Fris e. Company, favorably known to the community for nearly forty years, continues to insure against Lou . or Damage by Firo, on Public or Private Bnildinits, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Fur niture, Stocks of Goods, or , Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. I Their capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted geourity in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr-. Alexander Benson, John Devereux. Isaac Harielmrst, Thomas Smith. Thomas Robins., (tilling am y Henr Lewls, I , J Feu. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. WThitilf 0. CROWELL, Secretary. . FAME INSURAN No. 406 GRES PRILAD: FIRE AND INLaS • DIESC Francis N. Bugg, Charles Richardson, Henry Lewis, 0. W. Davis, P S. Justice, George A. West, FRANCIS N. CHAS, RICI W. I. Bilsncrwro, Secret A NERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 weimuT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-np Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound and available Secarittes, continues to Insure on Dwelling! Stores. Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in port and their : Cargoes, and ether Personal Property. All losses -.liberally and promptly adjusted. DLRECTORS. James R. , Catopbell, Edmond 6., Ottani, Charles W. Poultney, Israel Morris. Thomas R. Maris, John Welch. Samuel C. Morton, Patrick Brady, John. T. Lewis, THOM ALTIRRT C. L. CRAwFoRD, TNSUNANCE COMPANY 0 - F-- THE - 0 - STATE OF FIINNKYLVANIA.—OFFICE Noa. 4• and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WALNITC Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets. INCORPORATED. IN 1793—CHARTER .YERVETUAL. CAPITAL M 0,506. PROPERTIES OF THE COMFANY, FEBRUARY 1864, $626,817: 53. NIA:RINE, FIRE, AND IN EAN to. NCE. TRANSPORTAT:eff INSURA DIREQIIO , RE. Henry D. Edterrerd, Tobiao Wagner.. Charles Alacalester, Thomas B. Watteau, rh, 31extry e'reemo44 41111111Yi.B4aSittite, Charles S. Lewis. George G. Stuart, George C. Careen,. Samuel. Grant, Jr.. - Edward C. Enab.t. lk Austin. 'MOEN D. SHEUREED, Dgestagat. WILLTA3CRAAPE% , SerteetatY• nolS tf AA IiTHEACIfiE INSURANC - E CC:LK -Ex-PANIC. —ixtlsortod Capital $.4.00,@4P-nCHARTEIt PBRPETUAL. Office No. al& WALNIIT Skr,eet. bgween Tikixt, and Fourth grofits,,rbiladelplaik Thin Conurbuy insure nimble& Lose or Derange by Fire, on Pirnidings, Furniture, and,, merchandise gene- Also. Insurances onTiresarts, Ca L rgoes, and Freisb.ta, Inland Insurance teal parts of tee Onion. DIREOWBS. Villiara Ether, 4 purls Peareen t I).*Datiser. • Fetsr Seluer, lewis andenried; .1. B Bantu, 30bn N. Biackistoni Wilily: e t F. 'Dean, :Joseph - klareflelk vittmertsuglara- Presibent. ' • MT; R/444 Ikaa rrosi4ent. SV. • M. Siv.T4l. SOOre Rra•tt -••-- • • • • -• NATIONAL UNION TICKET. ABRAHAM I;TisICOLN. REPRESS I. Robert 1 1 . Nina, 2. C. Morrison Coated, 3. Henry Bumm. 4. William Kens, 5. Barton U. Jenks, a. Charles M. Runk, 7. Hobert Parke, ft William Taylor, 9, John A. lliestand, 10. Biota* H. Coryell., It Edward Holliday, 11 Charles P. Read, :NTATIVE. is. Elias W. NOB, 14. Charley H. Shriner; W. John Winter, 16. David MeConaughp. 17. Dtvid W. Woods. DI Isaac Boosoo. 19. John Patton; 20. Samuel B. Dick, 21. Sverard 22. Sohn P. Penney, 23. Ebenezer Mannisin; 24. John W. , Blanchard. By order of the State Central Committee. PROPOSALS FOR LOAN. Notice is - hereby given that subscriptions will be re ceived by the Treasurer of the United States, the saveral Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the National Banks designated and qualified as Depositarieeand Financial Agents, for Treasury Notes, payable three years from Angnst 16, 1661, bearing in terest at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent. per annnrc,;with semi-annual coupons attached, payable in lawful money. - These notes will be convertible at the option of the bolder at maturity, to six per cent. gold bearing bonds, redeemable after five and payable twenty years from August lB,1867: The rotes will be issued in denominations of fifty, one hundred, five hundred, one thousand, and five thou sand dollars, and willbe issued in blat&or payable to order, as maybe directed by the subscribers. All subscipthms must be for fifty dollars,-or some multiple of fifty dollars. Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits. The party depesiting must endorse upon the original certificate the denomination of notes required, and whether they are to be issued in blank or payable to order. When so endorsed they must be left with the officer receiving the deposit, .to be forwarded to this Department. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of. transportation charges as aeon after the receipt of the original Certificates of Deposit as they can be prepared.. Interest will be allowed to August 15th on all deposits made prior to that date, and will be paid by the DePart, •Inent on receipt of the original certificates, ffAs the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date :of note to date of-de- parties dfpositing twenty five thousand dollars and upwards foh these notes at any one time will be allowed a commissitin of one-quarter of one per cent. which will be paid by this department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for com missions must be made from the deposits. Officers receiving deposits will see that the Proper en . dorsiments are made upon the original certificates. All officers authorized to receivedeposits are requested to give to applicants all desired inforination, and afford every facility for malting subscriptions. W. I'. FEM . /MEN; Secretary of the Treasury. SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE - Assistant 'Treasurer of the United States, corner of Wall and. Nassau streets, First National Bank of New York, No. 4 Wall street. Second National Bank of New York, Twenty-third street and Broadway. 'Third National Bank of New York, 5 Nassau street. Fourth National Bank of New York, 27 and 29 Pine street. Fifth National Bank of New York, 338 Third avenue. Sixth National Bank of New York, Bistkavenne and Broadway. Bighth National Bank of New York, 650 Broadway. Ninth National Bank of New York, 363 Broadway. Tenth National Bank of New York, 240 Broadway, Central National Bank of New York, 71 Duane street. National Exchange Bank of Pew Mork, 184 Breen- with street! AND ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the eciiintry will doubtless AFFORD FACILITIES' TO SUBSCRIBERS.' SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL ALSO BE RECEIVED, BY THE • First National Bank of Philadelphia. Second Nation Bank of Philadelphia. Third National Bank of Philadelphia. aul-12t 7 3 _ lo S. LOAN. -9081 13); N'ArIICYNA.T... • 33 &WIC or PHILADELPHIA, • DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT UNITED STATES. • Under instructions from the Treasury Dapartment, this Bank is prepared to receive subscriptions to the new Loan issued on Three Tears' Treasury Notes with Cou pons attached,. bearing interest at the rate of two cents a day on every $lOO. These Treasury Notes are convertible at maturity , at the option of the holder, into U. S. 6 per cent. Bonds, (interest payable in. coin) redeemable after Aye years, and payable in'twenty, from August 15,1867. Interest allowed from - date of subscription to August 15, and on all subscriptions after that date the accrued interest will be required to be paid. DAVID B. PAUL, President. July 30, 1E64. . SUMMER DRESS GOODS AT LOW PRIDES. PRINTED EAREUP, PRINTED DAREGES, 31c. MOZAMBIQUES, DOUBLE WIDTH DO., 40c. GEED AD; NES, S7Mc. GRENADINES, 44c. OTJRWEN S_TODDART & BRO., WILL 4-50, 452, and 454 N. BBOOND St., above WILLO W. iy3o-31, COMPANY, NUT STREET, ELPHLA ND INSURANCE Tons. John W. Bvennan, Robert B. Potter, John. Kessler.•jr.. E. D. Woodruffi Ma - dais Stakes, Joseph D. Ellis. BUCK, President. ARDSON, Vice President. arr. jal4.-tf S R. BlARlS..Prestdent. Secretary. fe22tf FOR PRESIDENT. 'OF ILLINOIS FOR VICE PRESIDIUM ANDREW JOHNSON; OF' TENNESSEE. ELEcrogAx, TICKET'. ' sEwaToRTs.L. MORTON McMICHAEL, Plaradelphts. T. CUNNINGHAM, Berwer County. CAMNROW. (Tbairman rINANCIA.L. TREASrlfltr DEPARTMENT, Tay 1861 REIE'AIL DRY GOODS. SUMMER BRAWLS. MOZAMBIQUE SHAWLS, $2.0 Mo $3. LAMA r HAWLS, $2.60 to ;1 BLACK LACE POINTES, closing out very low. CIIRWEN STODDART &.BRO., Nos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St. above WILLOW. • il3O-3t ARMY, NAVY, AND CIVIL CLOTH' HOUSE W. T. SNODGRASS. S. SSCOND Street, and 28 STRAWBERRY Street. • large stook of ell kind of CLOTHS, CASSIMEIOII3, TESTING % & C.l 1 I of gad-gamblers, by the package, Pied% or yard. Our motto is to sell. We don'tpeddle. Come and see onr stock. The Army and Navy trade has onr Costal at tention. - 111 EN TUCK FOR .SUITS. ; . FriPerblanalfty, white and colored. Natural color, earra heavy. Coating Linens, fancy Drills. Wide fine. black Alpacas. White l e Esilles Vesting& riNo advanc In Slininier Cassimeres. ve Stock for Summer and Fail. LAWNS. Good styles from 28 to 60 cents. Summer dress staffs low, COOPER & CON/XI), B. E. corner NINTH andMARKET Streets, RICH ANDY LAWNS REDUCED FROM $1;25 to 75 eta, Rich Organdy Robes, reduced to $B. Lawns reduced from $l. to 62% Grenadines at very l ow at& prices. Summer Drsse'Goods all reduced. India Silks reduced to 75 cts. and $l. White Barege Shawls and Circulars. White and Black Lace Pointes and Eat:mama.. Summer Shawls selling off very low. White and Colored Shetland Shawls.. EDWIN' HALL at 00: 1116 South sECOND St;eet. CLOSING. OUt. SUAINIER DRESS GOODS AT LOW-PRICES. A great variety of styles of thin seasoreatsaportation, from SD cents to $l. _ -- Beet Pacific Lawns at. 37}Ccents. Pianred Brown Lawns at 373 i Cent": French Lawns at 40, CA 52 and am cents. Beet makes of Mishit% Calicoes. Ginkaisis,. and all kinds of Domestic Goeds,..far.below the aaaanfactarer's prices. White Barege and Lama Shawl",. Silk Grenadine Shawls. 500 all, wool Cashmere Shawls WM worth MAO. sakFAu. a, sos, • Lyle. Nos. 713. and 71.5.-North 711371 i Street. IIXANEMAD OUR Lil.7itrMk , . I .:A Lawns. brown ground. neat ftganed,. 44e. Lawns, white ground neat figured., 44c. , Ilnekaback and. Bath Towels, Yar.gelassortMent. "Birds Eye MILO. ToWele. Extra size Damask Towels. Shetland Wool. Shawls tor tonrist,e, SO. Bath:llg Flannels, red and gray. jyB JOHN -IL STORMS, I,OSI,ABAH*M* 4:1:41V0.4*140:4 1 :44 The attention of BADIEEI ABOUT LIMY- Q THE OITYfor ths •• Sea Shore," Laing Fle.res,'/I , or "the Country, is respectfully invited to the exton s ive__stoak of WHITS GOODS, ariltsble for UM MBB WEAR,Ior WElrti BODIES, moRNi.Na wria,PFEBS. &a. An extensive assortment is offered in Laos and Worked id .Witgr7and Inporldngs., Bitedlrerehiefs,Afollare Slesirsaaad . la.2isist end fancy Plaid, EtV, and rigared White - Gloode,_ AT PRIOBS CR BELOW THESE PE ANT litErfAlL VALUE. j( Prints* Linen Cambric DIOIIBO4II. 100 Pleas Bated, Tuelled . .. Ma Piped E. M. NEEDLES. tip T. w00:ivi4:1*44,4-4.,,41 g - I.4t,EP AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, e}t AIMTATIE. I 6 BVAri l ti. VoINT4 4 Mia V0W14241 MAMA 40ITIBB, CAPE MAY. FOR THE SEA-SHORE. tratottell IN TWO HOURS. UNITED STATES .HOTEL, ATLAPITIO CITY, 3., 1$ lOW OPEN FOR THE REOEPPION OF fiIIESTIL Trains leave VIER. STREET FERRY daili ati 73‘ A. M., 2 and 435 P. X. Terms laver week, or fa MI per day.. BROWN gib WOELPPER, 131-Ini PROPRIETORS. FLORENCE HEIGHTS.- - THIS BE &II- TlFil IL RESORT la new open for tbe' reception of gneete. Terms $l2 per week or fief per day. Apply on tb j eAre i ngee or at No. 605 , Serf S tr eet. etor. SUMMER RESORT.-BROAD -TOP Mol.llslTallg BODE& —This romantic spot can be reached daily by the Pennsylvania Central itaffroad to Huntingdon, thence by the Broad -Top Railroad via Dudley. Excursion Tickete are issued at half the usual rates. which are gOod until the drat of October. First-class accommodatiOnS. TERMS-112 per week ; per day 'IV. Children and servants half price. For farther particulars address C. M. ALLMONDik•Ik)., Managers, Broad-Top City, Huntingdon Co., Fa. BEDFORD MURAL SPRINGS.- This popular Summer Resort Ls now open, and pre-' Pared for the reception of visitors, until October next. The Hotel twill be under the 'charge of the most expe rienced management in the country. The Bedford Railroad has been flnished to, within one hours' ride of Springs, over fine Turnpike road. _ -Visitors will come by Pennsylvania Railroad to Bunt ingdon, thence by Broad Top and Bedford through Ample arrangements have been made to swpky deal ers and Individuals with the BEDFORD WATER. in well-steamed casks, as fellows: For Barrel, oak • ••••••-• • •••••••(40 Half Barrel, oak ea ga mulberry.... All orders addressed to E. L. ANDERSON, Bedford, promptly filled. Persons wishing rooms, or any information about place, will address ESPY L. ANDERSON.' rat-2m 64 TELE CLARENDON," ATLANTIC -a- CITY, ie now open for tbe aocominedation of hooters. Thle hOuse is situated in a central part of the Island. and every vopm - In the house commands a fine View of the sea. The bathing never was better. rye -1m . , ISldliß JENKINS, IL D. - VARLIBLR WHITH SULPHUR SPRINGS, —The Proprietor takes pleasure in an nOtlecing that this favorite and laebionable Watering Place is now-open for Inshore. The personal and un divided attention of the proprietor wilibe given to the wants and comforts of his goods. rri-lre* N. W. WOODS, Proprietor. REA BATHINGL-NATIONAL. HALL, CAPE ISLAND; Cape Nay, N. J. is' stox open for the reception of numerous guests. 'Terms moderate. Children under 72 yeare of age and servants half price. Superior accommodations and ample room for two hundred persons. AARON.GLSRSTSON, Je24-2m 'Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. .T., is now ors Ari for the reception of visitors. Address B. A.SHOEMAKBR, Prole?. 1e8.2m5 pHESTER . COUNTY HOUSE, AT- I- , LARTIO CITY, N. J.-'Phis private BOARDING noun (always open for Boarders), la now fully ar• ranged for the accommodation of Bummer visit= The situation ic one of the beet on the Island, being full view of the Ocean, and near excellent bathing ground. invBl-21r, JACOB ICBM, Proortetar. EDIICATION.A_L. THE MISSES . CASEY. AND MRS BEEBE'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. No 1703 WALNUT Srreet, will reopen on WEDNESDA.Y the 14th September. anl 2m G _ LBRWOOD .ACADEMY;DELA WARE WATER GAP. MahROR CO., PA. The fall session of the above institution wil com mence on the 12th of the 9th month (September). For payttcolars apply to SA DEL AESOP, Principal. 3y30-21A Delaware Water Gap, lion roe co., Pa. FRIENDS' SCHOOL FOR-GIRLS AND a- SMALL - BOYS, on School lane, Germantown, will reopen on the eth of 9th month. The usual branches of an English education will be taught, and we feel war. ranted in believing that the competency of the teacher, Deborah B. Smith, will make it desirable to parents to Patronize the school. iy2s-tf VILLAGE: GREEN SEMINARY.-MI LITARII BOARDING SCHOOL,.4 miles beyond &In dia. and 134mRee from Glen Riddle, on the West Ilhee ter Railroad. Thorough waren in Mathematics. Natu ral Sciences, Languages, and English. Practical les sons in Surveying and Civil-Engineering. Fine library and apparatus. litimber of pupils limited. Begins Sept. let Pupils have benefits of a home. Refers to John C. Capp & Son, 23 South Third street; Thos..: Clayton. Esq.., Fifth and Prune; John H. Diehl. MX) Walnut. Address Rev. J.' HENRY BARTON, A. M.'; 33 , 22-3m. VILLAGE GREW, Penna. TEE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY' -a- AND MILITARY INSTITUTE. The scholastic year of ten months - commences on the Ertl TUESDAY; the eth of September next; and closes on tbe!st of July following. Boys and young men prepared for College or Business in its various requirements. The modern languages are taught - by native reaVent Teachers, who have no connection with - any other echool. For catalogues and full Information apply to WM: F. WIER'S, A. M., Principal; or, J. HUNTER WORRALL, A. M. Ph. D , Associate Principal, WEST CHESTER, Penna. piILuADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN , -A- STITUTE FOE YOUNG LADIES. No. 1530 ARCH Street. Bey. CHAS. A. SMITH, D. CLARENCE SMITH, A. M., Principals. Ninth Year. Three Departments; Primary, Acade mic, and Collegiate. Full college course in Classics. Mathematics, higher English, and Natural Science. for those who graduate. Modern Languages, Mingo, Paint ,lng, and Elocution by the best masters. For cixoni are, apply at 1226 CHESTNUT Street, or address Box tol P. 0.. Philadelphia. ap2o•Bm' COPAATNERSOIrS!, DELPHIA `DULY 30; 1864. The ropartn( rship .heretofore existing between H. C. TRUNICK, WM IL GREOG,Eind VELAR BARE, tinder the name and style of H V. TRUNICK A Cl., is dissolved by mutual consent, from and after this date. The business will be settled,, ashertofore, at NO. 227 MARKET Street. H. C. TRUNIIIK, W. H. GREGG, PELIX BAER. THE • 51:115SORIBERS HAVE ASSO. CIATED themselves together ender the firm of BOLTON. DYHEMAN, & CO., and will continue the Car Building business in all its branches at the old establishment, corner TWENTY-FIRST and Hahille TON Street*. JOS: R. BOLTON, 080. B DYFERMAL 0. W. 01(iLDS: iyl.lm* Jl7ll' 1.1864 DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SNIP. —The copartnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, under the Arm of (1 ANDRE & CO., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The ba eiriess at the late arm will be settled by GEORGE E. SAIIRDIANN, at the old place of business, No. 1104 CHESTNUT Street. ' GUST AVUS ANDRE, GEORGE E. ise.IIRMANN. PEILADELpim,I.InIyId, 1864. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE . THIS: day formed a copartnership to transact bnsiness under the name of Q. ANDES & - C0. , . the privilege of twins the name being granted to us, in writing, by the members of the Arra this dardiasolw-d. GEO. E. SAIIRWIANN, FRANCIS A. NORTH, LOUIS OLIVIER. PraranznpwrA, Ray 25th, 1864. ' ir27-wfm3t* LEGAL. UNITED STATES, EASTERN . DIS TRICT OF PEN NSYLEAFfIk. —Ser. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. TO' THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN 'DISTRICT OF PEN HST LVAN lA, —GREETING.: 'WHEREAS, The District Court of the United-States lii and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, ' , Ullay and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United States of America, -bath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have any right, title, or interest in one hued red and forty-three small bags, three large bags, four bales and. six 'bags of cot-on, the cargo of a certain steamship or vessel unknown, can tered by the United States vessel-of war'Fort Jackson. under command of Capt. Renj F. Sands,to be montsbed, cited, and called to judgment, at the time and place On derwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (jos tles so rserdring•) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not, but that by publishing these presenti in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and - published in the city of Philadelphia, and in the Lega t late Ilisencer. TOU do mooish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited,per emptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have any right, title, or interest in the said oce hun dred and forty•three small bags, three large bags, four bales, and sax bags of cotton, the cargo of a certain steamship or vessel unknown,. to appear before the Honorable JOHN CADWALADF,R, the -Judge of the said Court, at the DiatrietCourt room,in the city of Phi ladelphia,- on the twentieth day after publication of ,these presents, if it be a court-day, or else on the next court day following ,between the usual hours of hearing , causes, then and there to show,• or allege, in due form - of law, a reasonable' and lawful exense, if any they have, why the said one hundred and forty-three small bags. three large bags. four hales and six hags of cotton should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and, as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged.artd.condemoed as good and lawful prizefi ; and -further to do and re ceive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. And that yno duly intimate, or canoe to be intimated, unto all pen one aforesaid, gent rally.(to whom. by the tenor . of these preset fs it is also intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time and ,place above mentioned, or appear end shall not show a reasonabiesod lawful cane to the contrary, the a dj udi c ationsc Court doth intend and will proceed to on tbe-eatd capture, and me y pronounce that the said one hundred and fo rty three small bags, three large bags, four baler, and six begs of cotton did belong, at the time of the capture of the same to the e n emies of the United States of Ame rica and as ges,de of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and 'subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned ,as lawful prize. the absence or rather ccatumacy of the persons so cited and intimated in anyw ne notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said Dietrlet Court what you shall do in the pre 'mises, together with these prelems. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWAEADER, Judge of the said Court,at Philadelphia it els twenty-ninth day -of JULY, A. D. If64,and in the eighty-ninth year of the independence of the said United States gut G. R. FOX, Clerk'Dlstriet Court.' meow GOODS. WROTHIAGBAId & WBLLS NAYS 808 ohm! BRAVE, 'ENDTDR, AND LIGHT SREBTINGS AND • SHBRTINGS. !STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CAN TON s FLANNELS. WASHINGTON . AND, VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILESIAS.. BROWN, BLEACHED, ANDCORSET JEANS. ,No. 12 WOICO'TED,YARN, seSS-Iftf NOTICE.-FIVE 0 - ENT LEMEN . CAN I be accommodated with REPRESENTATIVES FOR TAR ARMY, by' afii)lylng TO-D , at Y NDER SLICE% Substitute agency, 115 South •SEVENTH Street, second floor. Any one can be accommodated, and dealt with fairly, by giving one day's notice. - . ALIENS. AND. VETBRAITS. WILL receive the highest CASH BOUNTY by applying in Person to WANNER & LE.TPORD, Reernitiugv Substi tute, and Representative Agents. Fourth district, Penna. corner BROAD and SPRING GA_RDSN.Streets, Philaalphia -aul•St* ptFp cowl% DRAFT PROCURE FOLIR SUBSTITDTES:—The enrolled citizens liable to the Draft in the First and other Districts of Phila delphia can be furnished with reliable SUBSTFPUTSB, at reseone,bl4 rates. br applying from 8 a. M. to ,2.P. M., to Major B. bicEZAGE, late Iteorniting Agent at the head carters of the Provost Marshal, No. 145 South THUM Street. 1726 att• NA.TURAL, PLEASING, .&1 D' IM ao PRESSIVE PORTEAlTS—likeneta and coloring of coliaplexion trutb fully rendered —B F. BSIYIBB' S Life- Size Pbotogsaphs in oil colors, 6214 AWN, Street. lt* IVORI-TYPES OF, NAMOMAX, AND pleasing styles,lastehil arrangement of sieseetairiesgnd k Ogon'ilte coloring, are made. at B. F. REIMER'S Cialiery. !One stecirriens, and ongago one. C 3.4 ARCH Its Street. ei . OLORED PROT RAPH B- 7 1N- N- , QUESTIONABLY of Wmteartlatio excellence- n'Va• luable as..most accurate im e neoses—made . at thO low, price of fa ;t RIIMWS Popular Gallery, SECOND. Street. aboyGreen. ll.* 41TioNspu, rtgazoLOGIAT , EXAMINA, : 1 3 with tuil deteriptiont‘ pia and EVEliniCki by : wbfetyfrgiNA 110 0 11 1=n lite Vat TENNYBO .N 8 NEW VOLUME Meesrs. 'I'ICIr.& 61110103$ J. SOLTON. NoTroz. —Several days iii advance of its publication in Eugland. the Laureate allows )lasers. TICIKNOE' FIELDS. (who have purchaSed the proof sheets from the author,) to issue his volume in Waterlca. The two lonsestPoms in it are /Dire stories, told' is that autism lay biahk.verae which Tennyson has made his own. It is my wish that with Messrs. Tianor &Tieiflealone the right - of publishing my books in savories !Mould rest. ALFRED TBANNYZON. TO , TJ T N A AP B RED', WHITE; AND BLUE MMES. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL BALLADS, 1 Vol. 16rno. Price From the New York Evening Post. "The general verdict on the collection cannot fail to be favorable, although the volume is perhaps not Wholly as meritorious as the "Lyrics of Loyalty. Yet it contains very many poetical effisions well worthy of permanent preservation, and especially interesting as shoving the tone 'of popular feeling daring various phases of the 'war. " ILEA PUBLICATIONS. PUBLISH. THIS DAY. ENOCH ARDEN °TEES POEMS. ST ALFRED TENNYSON. One 16mci. Price a 25: VItOM THR AUTHOR TICKNOR: dc FIRLDC, Pabliehers, WASHINGTON . SL , Boston HURD it HOUGHTON, 401 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NAVN, NOW BEADY, Arranged and' Edited by FRANK Moons RED, - WRITE, AND BLUE SERIES Edited by FRAWK MOORES LYRICS OF LOYALTY. 16.n0 REBEL RHYMES. 16mo 100 SONGS OF THE SOLDIERS 16mo 100 PERSONAL AND POLITICAL BALLADS. 16m0.. 100 For sale - by an Bookseßers. Jent by mail (prepaid) on receipt of the prices an• nexed. • artimws'-3t A_SEMEAD & EVAN'S, Saciessont to WILLIS P . HAEAED, . 724 CHESTNUT Street, Have received TENNYSON'S NEW . VOLUME; ENOCH ARDEN, AND 0111. ER POEMS. - R , . FTA. An autobifigrephy byllarollton Alde,auther 'of 'Confidences." "Carr of Carriyon," BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHIS OF LOYALISTS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, with an hietorical . essay by Lore nzo Sabine. 2 vols. TAE MONOMANIAC; OR, 'SHIRLEY HALL ASY LUM. By William Gilbert. THE. FOREST ARCADIA 01? NORTHERN NEW YORK, embracing a view of its mineral, agricultural, and timber resources. MARGARET AND HER BRIDESMAIDS. By the au tbor of "The Qaeen of the County." AZARIAN. BY H. E. Prescott, author of "The Am ber Gods." VOYAGE DOWN THE AMOOR: By Major Perry McD. Collins. THE NSW INTERNAL REVENUE LAW. Compiled by Horace E. Dresser. IySO fRAITIIWAITE'S RETROSPECT, No. 49, for JULY, 1864. JUST READY. ALSO, READE'S SAVAGE AFRICA, with Maps and Platee. TEE NEW INTERNAL REVENUE LAW.• Approved June, 1564. . BECK'S INFANT THERAPEUTICS. Third. Edition, revised and enlarged. NEW BOOKS. MEDICAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND MISCELLANEOUS, for sale as 50011. as published, by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. Publishers and Booksellers. jyV 25 South SIXTH Straw, above CHESTNUT. • 'EW BOORS ! NEW BOOKS I - I I Religions Training of Children at the School, the Family, and the Chinch. By Catharine Z. Beecher. Loyalty on the Frontier ; or. Sketches of Union Men of the Southwest, with . Incidents and' Adventures in Rebellion on the. Border. By A. W. Bishop.. }Jaunted Hearts. By the author of the Lamplighter. The Potomac and the Rapidan; Army Notes from the Failure at Winchester to the Reinforcement of Rose crane, 14361-2. By Alonzo H. Quint. Tempest and Sunshine; or, Life in Kentucky. By Mrs. Margalet J. Holmes. The Bugle Blind. or Spirit of the Conflict, comprising Naval and Military Exploits, Raids, &c. By B. S. S. Rouse. For solely,' S. & ALFRED NURSER, jy2o 606 CHESTNUT Street APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA The Agency for this inv . alnable Library of Universal loformation33 Booth sraTu Street. second story. Also, RECORD OF THE REBELLION, By Frank Moore. • • fell-tf WANTS. • RTILLERY AND CAVALRY HORSES WANTED. ASSISTANT QUARTERBIAREER GENERAL'S OFFICIO, PHILADELPHIA, July 27, 1864. HORSES suitable for the Artillery and Cavalry ser vice will be purchased by the tmdershmed; in open market, at a fair price. Each animal to be snbjs cted to the usual Government inspection before being accepted.. Horses to be delivered to the United States Inspector,. at the William Penn Hotel, BURNET 'Street, between Eighth and Ninth streets. By order of Colonel GEORGE H. CstosmAir, Assistant Quartermaster GeneralAT. B. GEORGE IL GRAM Captaii and Assistant quartermaster. • • WANTED - AT THE`CITIZENS' • SUBSTITUTE, REPRESENTATIVE, km) 40- LUItITEER AGENCY, • 4U CHEITNUT STREET.— Merchants, Farmers, and other citizens, can be supplied with acceptable Substantes and Represent Atiyes on rea sonable and - honorable terms, and have the same sworn in so as to credit to any ward, district, township, or county of the following counties: Philadelphia, Cheater. Delaware, or Hon 41 omery,-bi_ a Ivs a-At 411 CHEST NUT Street, frootB A. M. to 3P. first floor, back. nul-6t* ' PAXSON & CO. ANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS CARPET UPHOLSTERERS. Liberal wages given. Address Box 2831, Post Office.. ant-Bt WANTED BY A GENTLEMAN AND Wife, good BOARDING in a private family. with unfurnished front room, within ten vitiates of Fifth and Market streets. Address Box Mil P. 0. iy29.3t* FOR SALE AND TO LET. R SALE- BRASS' FOUNDRY -A- Steam Engine, Lathes. Tools. and Fixtures of every . kind, in complete working order. Apply on the premises, 1005 - BEACH Street,. Kensington. ry3o-tf TO LET-THE BECOND,THIRD, AND Fourth Floors as g 35 MARREN Street, through to Church alley. mh2S-tf PAP ER MILL FOR SALE. -THE • Mill for reanufactaring Printing Paper, belonging to the undersigned, at Wheeling, W. Va., le offered for sale. The buildings are stone and brick. and furnished With three rag engines and a72-inch Fourdmier Ma. chine, all in good mining order'. i 72- lOt A. ARMSTRONG & SONS. TO RENT-THE BECOND J THIRD, -A- and Fourth Floors of 21.6 MARKET Street. Apply on the premises. ant-St . -TO , LET- TO A YOUNG COUPLE MGM. or small family without children, a neat two-story brick dwelling, in good location, in perfect order, just having been papsred-and painted and gas introduced. Apply at It* 919 VINE Street, from 10 to 12 A. el FOR S ALE-4,000 FARMS ! EEAL FARMS! Also. 1,850 HOUSES in Philadelphia. 'AL Also, GO BUILDING LOTS in Philadelphia. Also, Mills, Country Seats, Timber Lands: Coal Lands, Western Lands, Western Lands. Our Catalogue Sent Free. Oar Catalogue Free. „Pennsylvania Farm Register. Montgomery County Farm Register. Delaware Comity Farm Register. Chester County- Farm Register. Bucks County Farm Register. New Jersey Farm Register. Delaware Farm-Resister. Maryland-Farm Register. Rouse Register. -Cheap Dwellings. ALL OF OUR :REGISTERS NOW READY. SENT FREtto any address. Please call or send. GEO, N. TOWNSEND & CO., .1 . 730-amws 3dp 41 12336 South FOURTH Street. PEAL ESTATE. REA.L , ESTATE,. •-L- 4, REAL FATATE. SEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. • BEAL ESTATE. FOR sALE-40.000.0c0 worth of REAL ESTATE, all -to be found on my Register and in a new Monthly Cata logue just out. FITBt.eiILSBBrOWII-atone front DWELLING on West Logan Square; fifteen rooms. 610,000. antnr story DWELLING on Vine street. west of Seventeenth marble up the first story. 910,500: Very elegant ` Four-story Brown-stone front DWEL. LINO on Vine street, east of Eighteenth. $14,000. • Neat Three quarter DWELLING. 1610 Fummer street; Lot and Building 28 feet front by 111 feet to Spring street. $11,930. Three-story alt through. Neat large DWELLING, 1708 Raga street; fifteen rooms;o Let 22 by 100. 48.600. First-rate DWELLING (roar -story) on Arch street, West of Tweni y-first ; fifteen rooms. $ 8,600. • Three splendidly built Four-story D WELLING•Bon Filbert street, east of Nineteenth. 40.003 each. - Magnificent Fonmstory Brown. stone front DWEL LING on Spruce street, west of Seventeenth. $21,,030. Neat DWELLING on north side Chestnut street, east of Sixteenth ; Lot 93 by 1125 feet deep._ $ ll 000. Splendid Double Front DWELLING on Vest Chestnut street; eighteen rooms. 1240.000. Neat bide• yard DWELLING on Spruce street,. west of Tenth street; Lot 26 by 85 feet deep. 98,300. Magnificent Pour-story Brown-stone front DWEL LING on north side Summer street, west of Sitgasenth; Lot 20 by LSI feet to Winter street. 912,:00. Besides a great number of others located: kw West Philadelphia. Tioga street, Germantown, . Chestnut Rill, &c. eso. G. MIL KER, Praetical Real. Estate Agent and-Brotrer, YBO-2tif 154 North BIERS Street. el F 0 R. BALE-FIRST. CLASS .W.a. 'Farm of 93 acres on the Media Railtioad, 10 miles from Philadelphia. 22 Acres and good Building at Allegheny avenue and Twanty-eighth attests. A neat and pleasantly situated Cottage. at Burlington, N. J. di 90 Acre Farm in Cecil county. Md., with good Build inj Igs. BO Acre Farm Delawre county, Pa.,. near Chester. Acre Farm on the Emma pike, noar Doylestown- SO Acre Farm near Sellersville, North Pennsylvania tanned. Also, several large lots of Ground,,..sear the city Air :ottani) Sites and Building Lots. Also, a large number of Cottages. jyltO B. F. GLBNN, 123 8.. POOETH Street. ESPRING_ GARDEN ST.REET:- VERY SUPERIOR RESIDENCES, on north shle . of Spring Garden street, above Twenty-second atreet,tvith front and side yards. Go and seethem. Spring Garden street Is wider than Broad street; and will be one of tho Inset In the city. For sale low, and on accommodating terms ß , by BON SALL ROS.. US Mirth NINT9 Street. in $3,500 WILL BUY 11115:1530 NORTH FIFTEENTH Street—A Three-story Bold( Dwe3l - with back buildings. $2,009 may 7 wain on moat gage. Possession given August I. goobr_to BONSALL EROS.. .iY3O-St* ll 6 tNorth NOTE( .street. Oft MARYLAND AND DELAWARE ...a—FARMS —We hav sale over Sf.o Farms in these_ Rana& of as beantifuf 24-oduotils, /and anew' agt Bun s hone upon, easy co d by railroads and steir;r h . boat.. These forme in.mairy awes or be bought, fog less than the improvements upon them coat. in co Am ain ace h ealthy o nge. 'frets slave te free labor. , mod alternate, MO Sprinters; productive land, ; easily cultivated, excellent water, and, many other adsp,n. tacos. Priced" to SKI per acre. Send for our *slaters, containing full •parliculars. &a. We hate an intimate knowledge of tht, lands of these States,. lxiquetii letter pyoptl*, Answered. • GO OWNSEND. &MO., No. 123% South FOURTH &met, • I7BD-snawasla ' Ptillade4plalu• roB SALE-CEIBLP PhBM 16 ..A -11114a out, near Barnaborossh Mailos, West Arse,' 11xond. 69 acres: excialleat haproveraeyra. Only $76 Des acre. PISTTIT. 1730 323, WYALNUT Street. Mk FOR BALE—DESIRABLE AND r .eav-handeolnely-improved FANS" 74 urea, Id ranee out. ertthin ave mlhntet walk Or a station on the Phila. delvbia and TripatOil Ligliotttle Tema T i vrnTr. Auly 4 961 * .333 WAI4NoT Ea*. AUCTION SALES., A UCTION BALE OF 001 4 1OEIENED HORSES t WA Dimurnssarr, OANALRY BURNAM. OFFICE Or CAMP OrriaYugmAali c WBBEFINOTO*. O. July 4. Will be Sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the hiallumt bidder, at the times and ppluee named below—viz: LEBANON, Penna., - THURSDAY, July, Iltb, itte. READING Penne , THURSDAY, July. 21st , 1864. Elaillaisptipa, Tuna., THURSDAY, July Alidi; ALTO() ,NA Penna._. THURSDAY, Amulet 4th, ISM. WILLIANitipORT. Penna., THURS DAY, Logan Lai; TWO 111711DRED (app) CAVALRY HORSES at math pl Th ace. eve Home nave been condemned IS unfit for lb. Cavalry service of the Arms. For Road sod Form Oliipbses =my good barddlaa maf be bad. Homes cold 07. Tonne: Cash, in United States Currency JAMES A: BEM. Lieut. Col. and Chief Quartermaster jy&SOt Cavalry Duryea. WALNUT-STREET. THEATRE. 01:13 WEEK MORE OP M SANF FORARVg. D"lii ORAN PROITrk. GlVAr e d i Orattna it t i a, ALLIANCE tho , OREATEST ALLIANCE EVEgruzszNyinx - Doors area at IN. Commutes -at tFo'crock. ant -90 aROVEII I I3 NEW CHICSTNIIT. 'LA STREET . THEATRE. TITIS RSTRNMG". The Grand Romantic, Mateciii, gpectamilar - DgasoM aLADDIN; Or, THE WonDERPOL LAMP, Preeented after three Months' active preparation style of nupreeedevad magnificence, replete with Won. , derful "transformation., Magnificent scenery, Grand Marches, Superb Contemns and Prepertiee, liteeatitni Miele and Chorneea. THE ACADEMY OF FINE A. RI S, I CHESTNUT Street above Tenth, Is OPEN DA) LT. for Tlettore. from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. ie23 BOARDING. -A RATE . OF 10.&11T1- A. Fru, 120061Voif second floor, witb Beth; Arc . teatea en WALNUT Street. Address "Baker,'" Prose office. BOARDING. -TWO SECOND-STORY tp . ol:un TO LET, at 132 North TENTH St. Jed Nit EP SONAL.—RED oR BLACK BALL EAR-DROPS,6O crate per pair,9l6 RACE St. 30-2 e $1 OD HANDEL AND HA.YDIsT 3EXCITILSION TO ATLANTIC CITY, WEDNESDAY; 111.1MIUST 17th,- 1801., ty'27-tf - BUMMER EXOUR.. sioNst ALT itVADILTOIOI) PatICESI TO TER GREAT COAL. IRON, AND WEBER RE- OIONB OP PENNSXLVAKLA. I TICKETS GOOD FOR TEN BITS t OIVIZ(O AMPLE TIME TO 'VISIT EACH POINT OF OtMJ4:444o:tpttlilihistl The Catawissa Railroad fompanyi Having perfected arrangements with connecting ready will home Ea cnrtion Tickets from Philadelphia over glor following route: PHILADELPHIA AND RUT/INS RAILROAD. To Reading, Schuylkill Haven, Ashland, Idahaugg City and Tamaqua; CATAWIS6e RAILROAD; To Summit, McAuley Mountain, Catawisea, Ramat. Danville, Milton, and Williamsport; • LACKAWANNA •AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. To Bloomsburg. Kingston. and Wilke burro. LEHIGH AND grisQUEMARNS. RAILROAD. To White Haven and Penn Haven. LISBIDD AND DIAHANOY AND BEAVER MEADOW RAILROADS, To Black Creek and Mauch Ohnok: LitHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. To Allentown and Bethlehem; and the • NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD. To Pliladelphia. For variety and grandeur of scenery, this route pre sents peculiar inducements to touristA. Those wishing to do so, may reverse the rental:ly taining Tickets to etart over the North Pennsylvania FART-, Tickets can be obtained at the Depots of the Philadel phia and Beading and, North Pennsylvania Railroad. Companies, and or • N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent; Northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets,. Trains start (roil Philadelphia and Reading Depot at 3.16 A. M. 5.3) P. M., and from North Pennsylvania Railroad Depot at 7A. M., and 3.45 and 5.15 P. M. • jy2D-tairtal. KA 4l=4% GRAND PLEASURE EX- - CURSIONS TO LAKE SUPERIOR. of the following splendid flret-class steamers, 'FLU CLEVELAND, ILLINOIS, NORTHERN LIGE T, IRON CITY, TRAVELERDIETEGE,_ IRON SIDES LAC LA BELLE, and PB*ABIC , will leave CLEVELAND. Ohio, at 8 o'clock P. ki. each day of the week, excel* Bata-day and Sunday, and Detroit, Michigan, on the. following days at a o'clock P. , M. through the months of JULY and AUGUST making Grand Excursion Trips to the many points of interest on the Great Inland Sew of America, which, for utility. pleasure and health. are unsurpassed by any other on the Continent. This trip of over 1,010 miles embraces six degrees of latitude, and eleven of longitude, and Includes In ibt circuit Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Huron, and superior with the beautiful rivers Detroit, St. Clair and St. Mary's. The many and extensive mines of iron and copper. unequaled by any in the world, with the newly-dis covered and inviting deposits of silver lead, wild and romantic scenery, combined with its pure and bracing climate. render the Lake Superior trip one of far more than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the student, the pleasure-seeker, or the invalid_ The above-named steamers are elegantly-fitted Us , with large airy Cabins and Stato-Roome, while every Precaution has been taken to provide for the safety and comfort of peeeen.gers. Fare including State-Rooms and Meabs,abcutt 2,34 cents per mie. Time occupied in making the round tnp,front. BtolOdays. Rooms meowed, and further information obtained, by application to mprietors. ROBT-HANNAh Co., Cleveland, Ohio HUSSEY & MCBREDE, J. T WHITING h Co., Detroit, Dr, - JOIEUSE HUTCHINGS, cmhan. 1 le2l-t au2s MORE RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. On and after MONDAY, August Ist, 1864, Passenget Trains leave Philadelphia for A. Baltimore l2 at 4.9030,an ( d F.xpress, Mondays excepted,) 8.95 111., M., 2 10.30 P. M. . • Caester at 8.05, 11.15 A. M., L3O, 2.30, 4.30; 6 and 11 . • P. M. Wilmington at 430. (Mondays excepted.) 8.05, 1138 A. M . 1.30, 2.30. 4.30, 6, 10.30. end 11 P. M. Bev Cantle at 1 , 5 A. N. and 4.30 P. M. Dover at 8.05 A M. and 430 P. M. • Milford at S 06 A. M. Salisbury at 8.05 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA LEAVE Baltimore at 8.45, 9.40 A. M.. (Express.) LlO, 5.83 end 10.45 P. M. Wilmington at L4B, 6.45, 9 A. 31., 12.24, I, L 45, 1. 4.31, 7 and 9.10 P. M Salisbury at 11.53 A. N. • Milford at 2.45 P. M. Dover at 6.30 A. M. and 4.15 P. New Castle al 8.30 A. M. and 6.27 P. M. • Chester at 7.45, 9.40 A. M., 1. 2.45, 4.40, •5. 7.00 9.40 P Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediatenta& tions at 10.35 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Dover and Intermediate stattorm. at 1.10 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 8 40 A. H., 9 05 and 11.05 P.. 11 1 .. __ Leave Wilmington at 6.35, 9:25 A. 31... 3.40 and Thar P.M. Freight Train with Passenger Car attached *Miaow" , Wilmington for :Perryville and intermediate *urea, st 7.45 P. M. SUNDAYS. From Philadelphia to Baltimore only at 4.30 A. M.. and 10.3 D P M. From Philadelphia to Wilmington at 4.30 A. M., 10.35 and 11 P. M. Fr, , m Wilmington to Philadelphia at 1.48-A. FL and._ 7 P. M. Only at 10.25 P. M. 'from Baltimore to Philadelphia. sal ' H. F. KENNBIG Sap't. RARITAN ANIJ DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD . —To Long B, mach, Atsion, Blanchester, Tom's River,. Barnegat. Red. Bank. &c. On and after MONDAY, August let, Trains will leave. CAMDEN, for I.ONG BRANCH, at S A. M. THROUGH IN FOUR HOURS DIRECT BY HAIL. A Freight. Train, with passenger car attached. will start for Stations on the main line daily. from CAM DEN (Sundays excepted). at 9.3 0 A. M. Stages connect at Woodmansie and Mtwohester for Barnegat and Tom's River. Stages will also connect at Farmingdale. for Point Rea,,ant, Slam Village. Blue Hall, and Oar House Tavern. For further information apply to Company's Agent. L. B. COLH. at Cooper's Point, Camden. WM. F. ORIBITTTS, General Superintendent. I.IIII.NEW RAILROAD I If E 801TT13.--FFIIL ADEL PIMA TO DROOKLYN—TEROIKIFB IN FIVE BOORS FARB-TWO DOLLARS--EXCURSION TICKETS THREE DOLLARS—GOOD FOR THREE DAYS. On and. after MONDAY. August It 1564,. traine will leave foot of VINE Street, > Philadelphia, EVERY MORRO°. at B o'clock. Sundays excepted,. thence by Camden and Atlantic and Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroads to Port Monmouth Atlan ti c the commodious steamer Jesse Hoyt, to foot of stree tr, Brooklyn/. Returning, leave Atlantic-street•whayf every day, Sun days excepted, at 11 A. M. Travellers to the city of New York are notified not to apply for passage by this line .the State of New Jersey having granted to the Camden and Amboy monopoly the exclusiye privilege of carrying passengers and fretlht between the cities of Philadelphia a7l 3 ll f w r ,/ NEW RAILROAD SOUTH'. PRILADELPRIA TO BROOKLYN. • THROUOIL IN FIVE FWORS. FARE $2. EXCURSION TICKETS. $3, GOOD PDX THREE DAYS. On and after MONDA.Y, AMIDST 1, 1934, trains wilt leave foot of Vine street, Philadelphia. every morning at 8 A. L., Sundays excepted, thence by Camden and. to Atlantic, and Raritan, and Delaware Batßailroads Port Monmouth, and by the commodious steamer Jesse Hoyt to foot of Atlaetic strost,BroOktryn. Returning, leave Atlantic-stmt. t •Whatf scary day,titusdayB except,— ed. at 11A. M. ne i tTo TarspleylifOrr6PtLiabgee trssrtilNlieTZ,Yersreksitirt: norirgfi Jersey having vented tc: the Camden and Amboy mo nopoty.the extintive Fronlege carrying DISBeXIMI 9 and freight between the MMus of Philadelphia a d New 'York. naztLitt C A 1 0 .11 iri — rTriair; es inei .. ..4 2 . 1- g a rire i having 'been released b the Government, ls now maitia:r smilax trips io Cape May, leaving ARCH STIt ..AP.iterary TUESDAY, THEFEI,DAX. and SAT Y, sib. o'clock; Teti:unlace tedvn_, Ct r, Ma 2 every. Monday, Wednesday . and riinnie o'cTaek. tOUCteillg at New Castle, going and ratnlikla. 'Ala" N.. 14 mislays hire included; children pace. coaxal 1111.6 d, carriage hire ean'w• „, A . Preislit at low rides. No freight reeeir".• scl jd- af t e r o'clock, and in all asses mt be pre iY22-tt JOSEP us H A. SPEWAHTs agent FORALBANY AND TROY ' vik_Delaware and Raritan Canal.—The barge ONTSREF, R. DeNvEas , Mader, is now loading at atilt wharf below SPRUCE Street, and will' sail for the above potaw on WICD.NYgn•Y, August S(L. For freight, which will be taken on reasotta,ble Only to D. L. FLANAGAN, Agent, anl-St No. 304 South DSLLWARS Aventw. jisa t FROM NEW YORK, FOR NEW HAVEN, HARTFORD, SPRING. Eitu,o, and BOSTON.--The'steasnere CONTINENTAL and ELN CITY Malta Peck Blip, East River; dally„ 3.16 P. AL and II at, *gm JeWil NM CERA!' ! °MAP 011131A.P.1-. PIANOS, ILICONIDXS.and IniAODISONB eg at COW antieg the present du St reet u. MOISIVig lie Stove, 1102 CHMARTNIIT ..i7OlO-111 -LADIES' TRUBB.AND 'MACS sroint--conanoteaLadies, Twserrg .Streewttirst door below Race. ir.Terl t ele la theft lino elegant. snarl. and correct in make. G. a. 0 DUN Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen. OEOl_6 r wawa Of tv3strra 6nd RAsefifoitmktu 4. —ri laagE iotranicz too-vo4, AMUSEMENTS. BOARDING. PERSONAL,. EXCURSIONS. SOCIETY'S RAILROAD LEVIES. P 13. I L A. IMLPHIA.,. WILMINGTON, AND BALTI.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers