Opera Seerana, Lents of summer, while the Inter enjoying the shades • or vainly endeavoring to dusty city, the arrange. cor amusements are going Impany engaged by Mr. In at the New York Aea cr ; but rye regret to hear der the direction of Oarl dy be formed, as this will gilt be made avery strong PA In an article upon _A co Limy Germane, like t.h ward to sing in Mai ! W:4bington ; and Max In trying place. flls did prima donna Signora I,:is lately boon singing in lio , v la Mexico, but will Te taku part in the fall =ego my will be Signor Maxi ..n Emperor or that name— o calls himself Maximilian, Igo. He is last from Lima, 'nor to be the equal or Matz the troupe will be Signor )no, tor the pert, could be probability be retained, cannot yet spare her ex lartmerita. It Is probable isso, although his refusal sh,ph, /es caused the aban little season of opera last Miss Pride. de Gebele, a engaged by rdaretzek fur the has never yet appeared present the contralto In the rch, in Barclay street, Now Ssor of a voile of unusual will fill the poaltion tom- the season, it is omen s first appearance or an moves In very fashions mains Jerrold said, why 1 or rhoinuolds ?) who is rate ()parade representa )lia, who possesses a high etanpotent to take rank la donna. . . ing iady residing in the 'nue is also preparing for 11)2; to appear this fall in I w o of Built. It may be -half of the young Mies 'ow York have dim visions liosio, La Grange, and e :academy from early In 11,1 er, and then will go to the Germane returning ie. After that, it UM be e Was said in the fastilona- Leicester Dedlook—"Her •e uncertain." _ alaretzek has engaged an —that a stormy meeting of week on the subjecc of sala- Pr,,tective Association is t the theatrical managers the players upon wind and s of NW*. ctlßE,l 4 loY—drg PAIN sa PARK—S6O to ro eon A ,la, in his last letter to the Aim at Boston, says : at when you receive a.relnit and 'change it into the 3y, you feel for about half tug were in the possession You give the waiter at Del id think nothing of pay *ents to have your boots, ,es, very speedily, a change 'earn. When you discover :he in Central Park costs he boohooing* has sent in you in six•and-twenty dol so porter calls with elastic unget of the very plainest .lon is considered cheap at . . tailor wants from sixty to goat; that a pint bottle of All plate of lobster salad and a half tour dollars; and almost every sumption at an equally ruinous is riches shrink to a pauper's eel very much as though the envy, into which your brave been changed, were on a par -1 ever know such a thing as eaves into which the magician turned the seguins and be loinder to this complaint would .n't. drive In barouohes. Dls salad and (Ambits. Turn your - Wear out your old clothes, or to you from England!" Yes, 011011i15. It is possible to live at two dollars and a half a day, a bedroom not much bigger, comfortable, as a cell In the kwell's Island ; where you will ,rpetual Niagaras of tobacco at stated hours, very much of a wild beast. It Is in a cheap boarding•howse d their wives—mechanics pre •stually an advertisement ih per—where you will be rang by an internal gong ; where the t rise at eight A. M., will clatter guess that you oughtentor lie .10 you live like a pig and are ; ..mplished Chesterfields, who, 'lnking or smoking, are chewing nder the odor of their morning quoring up Imperceptible to . . . Yes ; and you may dies from 'En wise e- Ipear, when furgland—a a shooting su t of !Itch as you would give, three owe, a Ilroad way tailor will do • one hundred dollars. I tried Uher day. I:vrrote home for and waistcoats, and in due me per Oily of Manchester I packing case containing the value of which the London .t nineteen pounds sterling. clothes through the ! In addition to dock dues, and brokeragO,.l had t to pay twelve pounds four shillings ,enue of the 'United States. y.tive per cent.. ad valorem, pparel, with filly per °ea. ,ett through the agency of the id those duties are,payable in this aggravated IThpost, and ih that the City of Manchester ) to the bottom. of New York miters had landed; but before n ! At least I should have re. le toeuvanee." &T.—A Qttobec contemporary, too, giros publicity to the fOl- Mon story. We translate it for 'ers of the enblime and terri confess that it Is both myste- certain part of the banilett of Iltnessed which affords ample arc relative to the mysterious irs who therein figured. Sub s we had them related to us.: A mimed the market, with an the purpose of purchasing a slue, but the parties in treaty he price. Some days after, a d in the dwelling of the aud, alter several general ob in conversation upon the pro -king to the Intended buyer, to the proprietor's house with rue, ready money, he would the property immediately, "the money will tempt also offered to axiom- The latter accepted the sug mired dollars in his pocket, aimianion to go to the house !ropurty, which dwelling was It was evening. On enter hi not at first perceive that' hi the house, and that no. wms there; but he did remark ter he bad entered with his r of the house looked the front v—a very suspicious precise • property inequostion now the house be occupied and were, which, however, was plated la the transaction, I strongly on showing the to cellar, stating that it accommodation. At this • buyer became more and lied perception enough to ~ n s as men of sinister aw inister intentions. &louse iseend into the cellar, al already open, and .4e was , y a step, having at either us urging him to proceed. tin terror already WM im a deep cellar without /awning abyss, dark as Bich ha already suspect.. Mons of entertaining Lo tion to descend began to be naiad purchaser heard the ving and being struck. The :he door, when he saw his it to go to Church, had ook: The owner of the t3OO tc occasion of the opened door Al premises which had tit nwly disagreeable. He it may readily be believed, econti meeting for the next o -hake cordially the hands Is. Now this was, nnmis dd with the object of murder 5 the 'other members of the aelor innocent of the dread lie Irappy accident of this her prayer.book, prevented a that of this mysterious affair be hearts of the two designing llV , .—The latest exttnma- ohlted as follows: t , Under lob, up to the present time, purtant, has now been bun ,{ te, twenty centimetres in :e represents a neon; who, grasps a serpent, on which utilul glass vase, exquisitely a gold. Of this Ottp, only two •o as yet been diseovered— to show • its value. The reminds us of the other I Dancing Faun. In a fe • med in the National 'nu n fail to awaken admiration is reit for the Narcissus not In the same house, besides want candelabra have been and two large silver vases, Ire. But a discovery yet LOOM In the same house a subter- I, in which were a well, a bath, da which were collected the of the pine, which had been etto 1.411143. Up to the present discovered In Pompeii with bombed by time and volcanic 1 .1 is 26.20 metres in depth, it le to lind excellent drink. 14 a limpid stream under. .no di Luca la now completing t.—This noble cid] flee—nen. telly symmetrical of all the fu imminentdangeroffalling. celebrated architect, who has i engaged in every cathedral 10 in, says that thereto nothing trig at any day, like that of Such a calamity has been I efforts have been made to truction of the fabric'. The oily by iron bands,and Wren, less. said that if they .were .1 spread open the walls and etlon. £40.000 are required ig, 01 which £B,OOO are eub- .Ding.—Theodore Am, a th Pennsylvania Cavalry, vilth a revolver which. . entered the rightbresit; tart, causing Instant death. tt he was on a visit 4o his ilvanta Infantry. He was .nd leaves a wife and three Allegheny Utty. He has •ly three years, and passed le safely. LAND.—The profeinitonal nis numbered by the last men end women, 185; 10.364; physicians. 4,885 ; d ministers, 0.08;1` . ; tn. the Ist • to the police, 2;9313; it ,a 1.43, I)]!:sTßucTrvr, FIRE-BETERAI. MILLS BURNED DOWN. Shortly after nine o'clock last evening a fire broke out in one of the paper mills at Mona.yunk, own. .pied by Aladin Nixon, and owned by the Nixon family. The flames communicated to the other two mills, on the same property, also occupied. by lair. Nixon, all of which were de stroyed. The mills were three Aeries 'high, and built of stone. A oanal runs by on one side and the Sehuyikill on. the other. The canal sepa rated them from Whittaker's mills. The 'upper building was new and was used for the manufacture of paper, and (had a fine Foudrinier press in it. The centre or main building was Used to manufacture pulp out of straw for paper and sepplied the other two. The lower building was used for the =nurse tul o of pulp and also of paper. In the west-central part of the lot opposite the man building was a small structure used for the storing of straw, which was also destroyed, A large quantity of pulp was manufactured in the two mills both for their own use and for sale to other parties. The proprie tors had a Kood stook of paper on hand, which is a total loss. Several newspapers in this olty were supplied from these mills. The fire burned stub bornly till this morning, and on account of the com bustible material confined within the walls, it was an impossibility to stop the progress of the flames. The tire companies of Blanaynnk and Germantown were promptly on band. Several steamers were sent to the fire from the built-up portion of the city by Chief Lyle. The firemen worked manfully, but their efforts availed but little to the burning buildings. They kept the flames from extending to the Whit taker mills adjoining. The light caused by the fire was visible for miles around, and could be plainly seen from any portion of the city. It was .Impos sible to ascertain the total loss last evening, but it will, in all probability, reach $125,000. —According to so/Ps Journal of Health, a dollar's' worth of meat, at twenty-five cents a pound, goes as far as fifty cents' worth of butter at halt ,a dollar a pound. Three pounds of flour,' at eight cents a pound, is said to contain as mu& nutriment as nine pounds of roast beef, which, at twenty. five cents, is $2.25; that is, twenty-five cents , - worth of flour goes as far as nine times that much money spent for roast beef, as weighed at the butcher's stall. A pint or white beans, weighing one pound, and costing: seven cents, contains as much nutriment as three pounds and a half of roast beef costing eighty-seven and a half cents. Of all the articles that can be eaten, the Cheapest are bread, butter, molasses, beans, and rice. A pound of corn meal . (Indian) goes as far as a pound of flour ; so that, fine family flour, at sixteen dollars a barrel in New York city in July, Melt, and corn meal at four cents, the latter is just one-half less expensive. If corn and wheat : were ground, and the whole product, bran and all.. were made into bread, fifteen per cent. of nutriment, would be saved, with much greater healthfulness. CrirlC CoNtiliDninis.—Why. is a swell like a fellow. fond of getting tight? Because he often has a . glass" in his eye. When are a man's brains most likely to change color I When bran dye (brandy) gets into his head. Why can a lady never reason ably object to * l3.' g atfetharrpidting his arm round her waist to support her? Because Its-treating ter in a pi ap-her manner. When may an individual of the male persuasion be said to be addicted to bad habits? When be fails to procure .his wearing ap parel at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of, Rook hill tic, Wilson,. HOS. tip and 005 Chestnut street, above Sixth? - 1. Summar. CLormact. Cheap Clothing. • First-olass Clothing. Superior Clothing. Ready-made Clothing. Charles Stokes its Co.'s Clothing. "One-price" Clothing. Under-the-Continental Clothing. BROWN'S Bnorromen Tnocvras, adverti sed in another column, are highly recommended for public speakers and others, for the relief of colds and to clear the voice. Their efficacy Is strongly attested by Congressmen, clergymen, and singers, who use them. Among the certifica tes es to their merits we observe letters from Henry Ward, Beecher, N. P. Willis, E. H. Chapin, and others of endnence.—N. Y. Evening Post. • "LIGHT WORE AND GOOD PAT."—A pleasant and profitable agency, for the sale of good books, may be had by addressing, with stamp, Fowler & Wells, 384 Broadway, New York. jy2o-4t Wit TSFE EIANDSOSERST ASBORTHISINT OP STRAW, FILLS', mad other Bats can be purchased of Charles ()Word ac Sons, 884 and 880 . pliestnut street, Conti nental Hotel. OAPB MAY,Lora) Baal Ora, ATidarrio A. nne assortm ent of ladies , and gentlemen's bath ing droves can be found#Joba 0. Unison's, Nos. 1 and 8 North Sixth street. , irAf STRANGE WCIAINSIIII BROADWAT.--Sozodont, which 18 fast becoming a household word, le derived from the Greek, t itAul composed of two words "Soso," to preserve r and " Odontes," the teeth— Souglont, a preserver of the teeth. For beautifying the teeth, invigorating the gums, and sweetening the breath, it is without a peer In the world. Sold by Druggists. jyl9-tuthsa3t A Srmarnro Assoirisonsi of misessl, children% and boys' hate, at reduced prices, can be purchased of ()tastes Oakford & Sone, 834 and 836 Chestnut Street, Continental lEfOtel. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. The COD' PD Blodgett,VS A P Bennett H Duffid Wheeling Idra Ho ll o way, h, WWI; D C D P Wash, - D C R Merriman It tef,llYork Jacob Reese, Pittsburg • Fulton, Baltimore 8 k Clerk & la, Indiana Miss Lizzie Clark. Indlaria F Reply, Chicago -- J C Beatty & la, Ohio c . Id e Bess & is, Baltimore 8 Lewis, Allentown El A Bridges, Allentawst- D F Bachman, New York B lamb; eincinnatt .1 (I tdcOulchen, , Dayton Z W Demurest, Dayton L F W Clevela N nd J Fairfield. II Jesse Brown, Weak, D C Mel R Morris, Et 8 A .J Hotchkiss. Counts:tient kr & it Et White,l4 Y 0 Bembleton, Chicago P Cowles, New Raven W B /inner, Fort Monroe • M Day . Frauds Secor, N y T Brigham, New York • J Bock le Boston A W Sanford, Boston B K Saundere, , Chicago Miss leunders & brother F Cabada, Cubs Mrs Cahada. & 3 ch, Cuba Thus .1 Brown,New York A Drown, New York Hon T Jones Yorke. NJ Mies Yorke, 14 J Flank Dawson, N Y C 1. Reilly, New York F Camp. New York Miss L Anderson, St Louis J H Ruskin, St Louie Joe A Aitkin. St Louis L Levis, New York 41 Stilwell, New York 14 A Sweet, Syracuse .1B Sweet, Syracuse It $ Fliesel,Georsietown,D C JB Jewell, Oeorget'xi, D W H Oault, Ohio 0 S Griffith, Baltimore John D Locker. New York D Dorsey: Baltimore S Miles Cincinnati Mrs IS Smith, New York The 6 J B Real S B Owings, Baltimore C B Maul!, Washinon Jag on tonne & grf, N Y Oeo B Wiescling Penn* Yom King. Harrisburg J C & fa, Chicago John Pr'ce, New York D Noble, /IPA York_ J Roder, II 8 A H GI Thompson, New York CaptO B Perkins, Penne J Einichinron & wf, Balt ("apt J S Cadeway - ,II•S F urn' I Rindall, New York J H Blair, Orwell • Ambrose Fenton, Rome, 0 .J B Howard, New York Mr Fornon H S Watson, New York N B bellow & fa. Maryland F Holding, Memphis J K Boman, Pertsmouth,o Mr & Mm Houston.St Louts Chas Oarretson, York, Pa John Miley, Lebanon • Jae P Franks Geo Williams, Penns banana' Williams, Balt David Cook. New York N S McCormick, Franklin' Mrs Bradley, New York Frank Leach, Jr, N lurk I Samuel Miller, Ohio Harris Goodman. Ohio • 0 W Albright, Oxford, Pa R Davidson, Oxford, Pa Thos 11,11, Adams co Pa John Filson, Franklin F Nailer The 11Le John D Roddy, &menet 13 0 Turner, Plymouth,a J kmith, PlttAburg Roetben, Pittsburg E W Reading A J Landerbum, Penns N F Handy, Mauch Chunk J 15 Force, Pennsylvania W tl Darborran & wf. Pa D Doc nit on,'Pittelburg L Pope. New York W T Miner, Wayneeinirilf - Geo *Weis, Elk co Jan Belford, stanch Chung. Jae U Brookan Semi Mitebell, Clearfield R Gerhart, Lancaster . loalith Hain. Circleville, 0 Merit R W Perry, Pt Royal Clark Strong, Connecticut' E R Elmer & wf, Bridgeton A Spencer & la. Maryland' Henry Belden, Brooklyn' The C Bonham, New Jersey Ow, H Lewis. Washington C H Reppehmper ' bah -11 Richter. Washlngton L Withioe, Now York F F Burma J R Moorhead Joo Ralston, Armstrong co W J Stewatt, Karm a . John L Ripe' Oeo Maseytti. Vtrypnla John Forsyth, New Jersey Joshua Berle, New Jersey Jor B.Hnline P C L New Weber. BaltimoreJens,' J Rosenwald, Leavenworth W X Banter, New York J ♦ Peck & la,WAsh, D C C A Mai; Deldwara W N Dorsey, Delaware W Sbakespear, Del . !WO G° ~ R Maitre, Pottstown L T Gardner, Scranton !Mot Collins, Penns R WedemstManton Lient Isaac • B ' 13 Valle, 13 A D Walton, Chester co S Walton, Cheeter co Jno HnOhee, Peach Bottom JR Hill, Doylestown Chas Price, DoylestoWn B Shantz, II 8 A P C Lynch John Johnston, New York abe R B Marartney, N Y 'Mies elnzphy,BaniebOrg D ShettlA, Baltimore A Bitglii & eon E Baltimore Wm It Bickel, PA It 0 Cliptin W Cooper Taller, Del co Sea Barton, Jr, Del go R Clarkelke Del co A Malta, 0 Mire ti E blurbs, Malta, 0 miss It A Clarke, MIAs W N Peters, Pa The Madison. Alex Barnet, Honesdale C W Netrdecker, St Louis J O'DonDell, Honesdale Tease Weller, Searord, Del Reuben Thom's, Backs co D D Mottherebonan• Penns Samuel Rice, Books oo Miss BF Whitaker. Fritifts'a Arnett, N Jersey. mins I. Whitaker, Kingston B Woodruff. Maryland C T Shipman, Newark, NJ Jae ki Canters. N 'Jersey 'E Day. Backs coma/ • B Swans, Deposit, N' Th-Evans & la, Trenton 1 1 4 Foster, Oncee May 0 Watson, Hatboro reyars • The Ma Jas Burton. Lambertville Rll,B H Falun, N .1 3 W Robinson. Penna Tbee - T Tasker,'NeW Cootie (11l Harrison . • . W Mifflin.-Pa W Ma M I NI , Pa , W Kirk, Penna D L MoDonaid,lMcGoysv B B Moinnlar. McComille The Heel M W Bald eraon, Back Pad MS Bodine,Forreeteiße,ra P Garnett, Bneks co Wm Stitrreaves,N J Chas Shaer, Penns .1 Knehler, - Eichinoad, Pa JBeesale.Pottstown Lt W Wblieheed, Penna W abober,Lancaster co N W Major J L Bricker, Nabs&Oy City Jos S Doll Bev D Goodsell The Bel H 'Ulster, Allentown 0 liKiber, Allentown W V Knauss, Bethlehem 11 M Perkin, BethleWem L Wormer, hlyerstown C A Coulter, Centre co W P Coulter, Centre co The Black Bear. . W L Craven, Job nsville P Snyder, Berko county Char Wleand, Allentown .T Bowman, Bechtelsville J F Zoellln • J Ziebach, Bar/Mlle David Healy, I3Prks co BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DIM di tae Bad Ole World. The only Harmless. True, and ldad l Dye known. This eplendid Hair Dye is perfect— changes Red, Busty, or Gray Hair Instantly to a Glossy Black or Natural Proton, without injuring the Hair or [Raiding the Skin, leaving the .Bair -Soft and Beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, freonently.yeatoring Ita prietine color, and rectifies the ill effecteof bad Dyes. The‘kenuine is signed WILLIAM A. Bevoiceion; all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Bold by all Druggists, hi. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, New Yorlt. Batohelor's new Toilet Cream for Messing the Haiti. ONE-PRICE CLOTWZNO, OF THE LATEST STrlms, made le the Best Manner, expressly for BB- T4IL SALES. LOWEST Sellingtriees Marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order Is asranted satisfac tory. Our OPE-Paton SYaTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. JONES & CO:, 0041EASEET Street. - _ COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated, s TOILET SOAP, in nisli . rersal-de Mead, is made from the CHOICEST materlal, is MILD and EMOLLIENT hilts nature, FRAORANTLN . SCENT. ED, end EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL Reaction npon the Skin. For sale by all Draggles , and, Fancy Goods dealers. fe2B-tritludy • entity. R Stillman Ft Delaware F Dodd, New York 0 H Dorranco, Virginia J P Pomeroy, Cincinnati R W Morris, Illinois it W Chace, Wash. D C L MPrico, Wash. D C L Stettane, New.rork F H Stockett & des, MA A B Adams. U S N J J Cohen, Jr, Baltimore Dr Cohen, Baltimore 0 H Browning & la,QaincY C D McFarland. Baltimore poi-Leaeh. U.B A. Chas Stewart, U 8 N ' Geo V Dodd, New York. W Young, U S N A Barricklo, Jersey City ' Ro p b t 0 a c La n wless Mrs Woodhull & 2 oh G M Harwell, Now York H A Snow & wf Alex; Ya Jr.C Vanderbelt, Hertford . Gao K Cooke, Hartford W 8 donthworth& wLYlkell J 8 Morris, Louisville Alex Brand, Lexington.Ky 8 D Brand, Lexingion,By Miss td H Costner, Tena I. Wilcox, Boston Miss Wilcox, Boston Mrs Fleming, Pittsburg Miss Fleming.Pittsbarg Geo W Depew, Jr ' N Y Miss AM Lake, N Y 8 M Buckingham, N Y Valentin Havins N J A Hooley, New York W M Baxter, New York Mr & Mrs Kremberg, Ball Mr Booms, Baltimore A Anderson lit Louis '.l Wilson, llewYork Stevens, Boston Thos Drallan, New York W Prickhardt, New York Id Dutch Mr & Mrs .1 IN Campbell, Mil Mr R B T Campbell & ch, Ma J T Ford, Baltimore L W Wolfe, Baltimore W Moore, New Jersey S J Falkenbarg.N Jersey P I" Gillett. Illinois IR J Dutch, Illinois W T Colby, New York Mrs Schuman, New York Rey Hannigan & J Judson dan, Roohister • Cape Lamming, Qnebes .1 Gloss, Keokuk JR Hiester & wf, Lancaster Lancast J I) Vermeule, New York D hicCarge. Harrisburg C Heneogy.Lancaster co Geo Patterson, Pottsville Miss BJ Patterson, Potter's IS B King,Baffelo,N H J Garfield. Cincinnati Jae Latta. Loniavibis Mrs .1 Latta Stch.Loulsville Henry Gibson, odeasaaDol S Lanbach, Banton • Jaa B. At well. Maryland H A Sberrill, New Tork Lt Corn WA Kirkland,UBlB Chats B Clegg, Ohio W H Stilwell, Marietta Mrs A W Benedict l'enns W Toting. U 8 N B B Petriken, Look Haven 3 II Rosenbaum. Ohio . W L England, Arkansas 0 NV Newland, Arkansas' F A M Weimer, Reedin 1J A Moore, Felton, Del g H Ridgway, Dover, Del It'W Reynold, Jr, Del 13 S Barber,Delawareno,Fa B Hilgard, Delaware Tana C Frame...Delawara 0 P Bergen, Brooklyn . • J P Cothran. Delaware • J W Sweeney, New York WW G Oliver New York D D Mervin, Jew York hauls'. John Cooney, New Orleans Amos Cole, Chester co Dfirsimer, Wllm, Del A Blerbower, York, Pa Vincent Blerbower York J R Jamesm, Carlisle ' J S Africa, Huntingdon If Ackerman. New York I 13 - Porter, Jr A lirilm, Del 8 norYbery- 'Baltimore .7 AMyler, Pittsburg S Hlidebrand. Berlin. Pa J R Hall, New York John If Hick, New York C_bas W Briggs. New York H Burinikle, Louisville J Judson at dan, Rochester N Kahn W H Barnes W Dickson, Bedford, Pa A B Rowell, Cincinnati Geo H Anxer, New York °rictus. ,Geo Greene, lowa, '8 Albert, Brooklyn H tieheit, Baltimore W U Croplay, Washington F F Fanning, Washirgtml 8 11 Kennedy, New York 8 C Magruder. Washington John Al Comegys. Vermont Robt Dick, Buffalo B Philpot. Baltimore H S Morgan, Wheeling H Sinnickson,New /areal C Barrett, New Haven .lohn Gillett, Washington: H 6 Rutherford, N Haven John W Barton, Reading L R Hoot, New York 8 MeCallam, U S A M i ll Mmi Williams, Williams, New York W D Smith ercial. John Di ody, New York Job IT ralli r, Poona H Mitchell, Now York F Worriten, Penne J Russell, cheater eo J D Rcumell, Cheater to , S Rhoades Cheater co ' 8 Pennock ' . Cheater co ()wen meh C IuWII CAeater H .1 Baldwin, W Cheater Wash Etving, Penns Johh Jeffery, Chester co Dr H. Dnitiold, Cheeter_co Miss Spans. Ratable Copt T B acarboronch,llBA. Meat R W Perry, U S A A Cad whlladdr Tardieryl 0 W Howboar. Fort Carbon 8 Townsend, Delaware Kra Townson I & 8011. Del John Raw, Leavenworth M Osterhont,Wllkesbarre .18McDonald, Indiana A J Thompson. Wrlshtsvill H Dlotinger, Tan:LRCM& A Prlttinger, Lebanon s Vistion. Si McDonald_,McCeisVnla H C Memo, II 8 A Sam! Lapfer,Perry co. Pa D Swartz, Lal3o.4er Jos J Lewis, Wash, D C Charnoa T Lewis. N T W bienonlieDY, Concord John B Rhodes, Del co, Pa W M Rosa, MI Vanier'. Fa. -y Sheaf. W K Carver, Newtown, Pa 8 $ Bier, Now None, Pa • Jr Typon, ChAtenham, PA Sonoma ok, Penns C Chambers, Penns W Van Kirk, Frankford,P6 noise& Gilbert L lentz A K Hum Mount AT J H Hoover, PennsilVanis Jobn Blase, Anaville J H Kinport, enplane 8 B Ho ward. Potrevilie F Pearson, New Jersey The N d Engle. • T T Miller, Penisiburg 13 Erdman, Penner Knntz, Bletineton, Pe .1 P Merstetter, - Easton Jacob Gabel, Pottetown Levi Kuhns, Allentown W Stahl, Allentown SPECrIAL NOTICES. Here bye? Here Drell TBS, POPULAR CLovime Housll OP 1221XLA, "OAR HALL." goods at modeiste prices. . - WANAMAKER do BROW% S. 3. some? BIRTH sad:BURIEST Streets. Miaow Department (to make to order) No. 1 IL Sixth et. &WI soil's Hamm Paracmat LOOS-STITCH • szvhive xrActratas. • THE ORNAI7.I3T, SIMPLEST, LED BUT. thilairrnotne. 404 CTIZSMTT- Straet. above Sevantlli MA.R~tI~I`3- LENNRY—HILLER. —On the 19th inst. , at Alexandria, Va., by the Rev Dr. Speak, John M. Lenny, Esq., to Miss Mary Miller, of New York. LOBD—PEEL.- - On Tuesday evening', at the BiStat Church, Falls of Schuylkill, by the Rev. J. R. Clots shire, Mr James W. Lord Pall e-ichmnd, Fa., to Mita MDzabeth Sarah J..Peol, of of Schur kLII. * BIRCHALL. —On the 39th inst., Henry P. Birchen, Esq., in the 46tb year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are reepeot fully invited to attend hie funeral. from the residence of his brother, William B. Birchen, on the Old York road. near Shoemakertown, on Thursday afternoon. at 2 o'clock. es BPOONER.—In New York, on the 18th inst., after abort illness. Sarah W., wife of Edwin gpooner. The relatives and friends of trie family are respect. fully invited to attend the funeral, from her husband's residence, 611 Vine street, on Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock. PLEASANTS.—SoddenIy, on the morning of the 18th that , Mr. Daniel Plessenia. His male relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his late residence, 1433 Wal nut street, on Thursday next, at 4 o'clock. Baltimore gapers please oonY. , • . BENSON & MOILANING STO • 140.9113 CHESTNUT Street. !Yl-tt VYRB & LANDBLL, FOURTH ANEI - 11 a Allen hare a Fine stock of Silks, Fine stock of Shawls, Fine stook of Flannel, • Mae stock of Linens, itais stock of mastitis. 1.30 NATIONAL HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey in open upon the European plan, the cheapest way to live, coating &boat $l6 per weak; get what you want, and only pay for what you consume. D. P. PETERS, Proprietor. Cars leave Vine street every day at 7.45 A BE and 3.30 P. M. IYI6-12t Mr" OFFICE errizcivs , VOLUNTESII SDE6TITiITE CO6IMiTTRE, No. 42 WA.' NUT STREET, July 20, 1864 instructions, under, date of July 15th, haYtag been Waned to the Provost Marshals to grant no certille. cates of exemption ter a definite term of years, bat Ohl* for the period of non- liability of the substitute not kietc ceed three 'ears, and this being at variance with ogle cial assurances heretofore received, this Committee aan no longer promise absolute exemption. - -- The Committee can only undertake to f•trnish each certiticateeof exemption as tie Provost Marshals. are . authorised to givb; and they cannotpretend to EIISTAILI tee that the substitutes furnished shall not be liable to military service for three years. _ 2 • All subscribers, who are not satiated With .the condi tions now imposed by the War Department. are invited to call and withdraw their subscriptions. _ DANIEL STBINMET Z _ Chairman. J. •G. Ho SENO/. RTEN, Treasurer. JOHNLARK HARE: THOMPSON. HENRY.C. LEA. CLEMENT B. PENROSE. VW" PB E RIMEL FOR TWENTY FOURTH WARD RECRUITS —At a meeting of the TWENTY-FOURTH WARD BOUNTY COMMIT TEE, held JULY 19.1661, the following resolation was unanimously adopted: Reßolryd. Th at,tb in Committee will pay a premium of TWENTY DOLLARS for each three -yearn volunteer who shall be enlisted to the credit of the Wentz , - fourth Ward, to be bald to the patty presenting the re cruit, On the cortificate of the murtering oltloer; and tbat a premium of TWENTY. FIVE DOLL siR.B tot paid for each three year' e Subs , Dote who shall he obtained for a citizen enrolled in the Twenty -fourth. Ward to be paid an above provided. E. SPENCER MILLER, 3721.6 t Secretary. Igr OFFICE MP Xl= PIMILA.MiIEto WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. July 96. 19 64 . The rates of Freight on all kiwis of Nersheudisetrans potted over the MAIN LINE. acid the -DELAWARE RAILROAD, with its connections, will be advanced twenty (20) per centnm on rates as per published tariffs bearing dates of January 18th and April Ist, 1964. This adr ante to take effect MONDAY, Jaly26th • H. F. TIERNEY, • Superintendent. CRAB.-H IDE, Master of TransportsAios, gar' NOTICE.—OIL SPRINGS—OIL WELLS—OIL LANDS IN WEST VIRGINI PETROLEUM. —Parties desiring to control a rat-class operation on It. It., and near the Ohio riser, can sub scribe for a 'tatted number or interests by calling upon the owner, from 10 A. M. to S P. M., from whom all par ticulars canbe obtained. WM. I. TEMP'S', MLRItOE HOUSE: 1721-91 . • GIEESTNIIT Street, &bora Ninth. aerCALI; FOR A 4:IOIUNIFY COM YEN TION TO AVOID THE DRAFT. • • At a meeting of the Delegates from the Ward Bounty Fund Committees, held July 9th 188 i, the following resolutions, on motion of Sheriff John Thompion, were adomed •- • • • Resolved. That the Wards he requested to vetirgapith for the purpose of encouraging enlistments. -Resolved, That each ward be requested to elect three delegates to a Gencral Convention, whose duty , it shall be to supei intend the general interests of the wards, to promote unity in their action, and to adopt such mea sures as in - their judgment chat! be best adapted to 811 the quota of the city ander any future call of the.Presi • dent. Resolved, That the officers of this meeting beYequest ed to issue *call for such Convention immediately on the Issuing of the call for men by the President of the United States. In conformity with theaboveresolutions, the delegates that may be appoint. d by the wards are requested to meet on MON DAY EVENINO next, *July sffith, in DI& .TBICT COUNT-ROOK No. 2. at 8 o'cloot. DANIEL STEINMETZ, President. Jona K. VAr.riernts. secretary. iy2o 111gr' THE COM.INO DUMPY. TO ENROLLED CITIZENS We have now on hand TWENTY ALIEN AND CONTRABAND SUBSTITUTES. .oall at one at the agency, 428 WALNUT EIVIIPT. and secntii a Sabstitntathat will exempt yon from ser vice during the time Of his enlist nent.viz. ; thwite yeari Tke draft willcertainly take plane on SEPTEMBER trrn, 1864. Do not fall to ;all at once • i720.3t8 Or DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE SCHUYLKILL AND OIL CREEK OIL COMPANY. No. .524 WALNUT Stree t. PHILADHLPBTA , Daly 18, 1664 The Board of Directors have THU DAY declared a di• vidend of ONE per cent. on the capital stock, payable, tree of State tax, on and after the XB4l inst. The trans fer books wil l close on the 20th Inst. at I.: K. ,and open 'on tbe 2&b. Lir 19•50 L. J. DEMUTH, Seely _. Or.OFFICE AND .SCHUYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPA.; EY, PHILADELPHIA, T mo. 11th . 1864. At sabred meeting of the 'Board of Managers, held THIS DAY, a semi-annual dividend of One Dollar and RIO ty• Bye Cents per share was declared, clear of State and United States tax, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on or after the 21st instant. The transfer book will be closed until the 21st inst. jyl2l2t WILLIAIif BIDDLE, Secretary. OFFICE PD I. TRENTON BLILHILAE EOAD COMPANYLPHIA AND . PHILADELPHIA, July 16, 1864. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi allnuaDlVlDED profitsFVE PER CENT.. (clear of taxes) from the of the Company, payable to the Stockholder!, or their legal representatives, on and after the 21st instant The transfer books winks) closed until the 21st'instant. iyl66t lar CENTRAL SUBSTITUTE AGEE. CY,. No. 606 MaRKHr Street, States Union Hotel. Highest price in cash paid to alien or veteran anbetitatee.'- If° deductiont made. Substitntes,farnished for any part of Pennsylvania. Honest. fair dealing-the motto. .1720-St. OVEIOE CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER 131111eTITHTE COMMI MEE, 422 WALNUT Street. Jali 7Q 11364• This Committee bait Removed to No. 422 WALNUT Street, op stairs, where It will receive application• from citizens Oe.irons to secure SUBSTITUTES or REPRE SENTATIVES. A payment of $4OO to be made at the time of application, and a power of attorney to be given for the City Bounty. Substitutes furnished in the order of application. Veterans and Aliene desiring to enlist as Sabstitntet will Wryly to the Committee, who will have them mus tered/13W service. when they can select their own regi ments. Besides the Bounty paid by Government, they will receive from the Committee 81M HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS on day of muster, without deduction for coin r brsrerage. No charge of any kind is made. . enlist on the moat advantageous conditions. ~Vethrans are especially wanted in the service, and 10 A. M. Is 2. P hi., and fro man l DANIEL N RTE.' Chai Oli o n te tb e t a is t re our - s from J. j. CLARK HARE. JOHN THOMPSON, CLEMENT B. PENROSE. HENRY C. LEA, J. 0. ROSENGARTEN; Treasurer. jylS-124 OFFICE CATAWLSSA RAILROAD Y 210 424 WAI.NIIT sTREwr Ca k ir . AN ' AMA DE PIII4, Bth J une, 1864. FOTICB''TO 'IgkOcKHOLDBRS —The' Board of Di rectors have this day declared - a dividend of three per oent, on its preferred stook. .out-of the net profit- of the compant, payable on the Ist of AUGUST next. • . Transfer Bookayrilt be closed from the Alst...ftly t o id August. inclusive. -•• By order of ***Board: '- • • 'e s 'j*:that W. L. GMAZ4,9Z • TreiWOZW.. • MU= V • ESS.-PHELADELPIIIA, 1:115 . DAY, JULY 1804: NATIONAL UNION TICKET. REPRES 1. Robert P. Kin& . 2. O. Morrison Costae, S. Henry Thymm, 4. William H Kern, 5. Batton H. Jenks, 5. Charles M. Rank, 7. Robert, Parke, 8. William Taylor, 9. John A. Hiestand 70. Irklard H. Cory('l 1, 11. Edward Rolliday, 12. Charles F. Bead, OrTHE SUSQUEHANNA AND TIDE. WATER CANAL COMPANIES have their:4)3oe at No. 41' WALNUT Street, Room 19 o. 4. The **Transfer Agency " of these Companies, hereto fore in South FOURTH Street, has been removed to the ogles of the Companies, at the place above stated. 'This Regiment Is now in * tam and nearly fall, and will soon leave for the.seat of war. NoW is the oppor tunity for all men to join 'a 11rd-class organization. Come one an& all, and join with us in defence of our - glorions 'Union. Tour Country calls, and,. as flood CITIZEN'S AND PATRIOTS Tau must respond! One or tore are now open Application should be made inuttedlately, at Head quarter% AU enlisted men or this Regiment will report. to-asy, at 10 o'clock, at the ileadoll9.llol% 432 "CHESTNUT Street, for mutter. It MERCHANTS' B3EUMENT. report at Headquarters. The Regime& is now in CAPP, where the men, as 40031 as mustered in, will be unlibuned. S. H. JOS&PH• & CO A. Y. THOMSON. TrPantrer - ..• FOR PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, OF ILLINOIS. FOB VIGE PRESIDENT, ANDREW JOHNSON, OF TENNESSEE. ELSCI'OII/111. TICKET. SENATORIAL. MORTON MoIdIOHAJIL, Philadelphia, T. OITIMINGHAN, Beaver County. ATWE. 13 BMus W/Hall, 14. Charles H. Shriner. 15. John-Whiter, 16. David trtcennaueirk. 17. Davie W. Woods, 18. base Benson, 19. John Patton.. 20. Samuel B. Dick.; 21. Everard Storer, 22. John P. Penney, 23. Ebenezer MaJonitin, 24. John. W. Blanchard. By order of the State Central Committee. - CAMERON, Chairman 4700 an d CASH PAID TO SITBSTV YRINCTPALS SUPPLIED, At 1720-fits LIBRARY [treat, above Fourth duet. MILLETARN. NC : . 15: G eTH MERCHANTS' REGIMENT, COLONEL A. A.XECHLER. VACANCIES FOR COMPANIES No: 533 OR 432 OECESTATUT .STREET. CITY BOUNTY 650. Officers with men desiring to ioing this Regiment will No. 432 OTT-STM7T `STDDET, DAILY. TWO FULL COMPANIES will be accepted. All 'Expenses Paid for Reemiting. CHAS. W. SMITH, Lieut. Colonel Commanding' I HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR SHAL, FIRST DISTRICT, PA. PHILADELPHIA, June 28,1/364. Thenamee of persons removing to or from this District will be added to or strieken from the lista of enrolment. Copies of the lizta are open for public inspection, and civil officers and all citizens are invited to appear and point out errors in the lista and give each information as may aid in the correction and revision thereof. Any person enrolled may appear before the Board and claim to have hirnname stricken off the list if he can show satisfactorily that he is not properly enrolled, on amount of A lienage, Now.reefaenee. Oyer-ape, Permanent Physical Disability. A compliance with the foreScilLSantkegribull Is ear" neatly solicited. WM, E. MAN, leW-tf Captain and Provost Marshal. COPAIITNERSMPS. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS . 1 - day formed a copartnership for the transaction of the WHOLESALE BOOT Ar m HOE BUSINESS SI No. 6IS MARKET St., under th of FOSTER BENNET!. Tbey are now opening a large and varied stock, to Which they inyitethe attention of buyers. • A. Ff. FOSTER: Philadel OLIVER EENNIITT, Boston.phia. Philadelphia, July 2, INC ty9-stnttilit rigSUBSCRIBERS HAVE ASSO. ATBD themselves together ander the Inn of BOLTOff, DYKEMAN. & CO., and will continue the Car Building business in all tie branches at the old establishment, corner TWINTY-FIBST and HAMM. TON Streeta. JOS. R. BOLTON • 080. 0. W. CHILD* -I.m• - 3yl JOLT 1, 1864 OFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND . EQUIPA.GE, PHILADELPHIA, July 21 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Offie• nntil 12 o'clock M. TUESDAY, the lath Instant, for supplying the SCHUYLKILL AR SENAL the following article... . Sky-blue Kersey, army standard. % or 6-4 wide, to b• made from pure wool. and free front shoddy. Blue Flannel Sack Coats. lined. Haversacks, linen. painted. Blankets, vulcanized India Rubber or Gotta Percha, for infantry. Boots To be sewed, oy hand or machinery, but if and• " by machinery. to be doubled. soled, with- Bootees. outkwelta. Drums, artillery, X and full size. General Hospital Flags. Company Order Boots: Company Descriptive Books. Regimental General Order Books. Regimental Order Books. _ Brigade,Division, and Headquarter Books. viz: Brigade Letters received. Brigade Letter. • Brigade Order. All the above articles to be of array standard. Linen Linings; samples required. • • Army Standard samples of each of the '-above ar ticles can be seen at this Office. to , which deliveries mast strictly conform. Bidders must state in their Proposals the prise, (which mug be given in writing, as well as in lizares.) and also the quantity and times of delivery . Bach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sona, whose signatures must be appended to the guaran tee, an& certified to as being good and sufficient sonority for the amount involved, by some pnblio•lnnettonary of the United States. Bids from defaulting Contractors, and those that do not fully comply with the requirements of this advertisement, will not be considered. Blank forms for proposals, embracing the terms of the guarantee required on each bid, eau. be had on applica tion stills Office, and none others, which do not em brace this guarantee, will be considered; nor will any proposal be considered which does not strictly conform to the requirements thereto stated. _- Bids must be endorsed Propobals for Army Sup. " stating the pit4olsbld for. EL H. CHOSMAN, .. Haar Mast. Gen. U. 8. A_ ARm.y. surrazs. , OMB 01 . AMY. 9LOTHINa AND EQITEPAGE,_ ' 4. • .• • Ito. 802 BituAD WAY. • • ••• linw YORK. July 19, 1884. • SEALED PROPOSALS wilt be received at this Depot until 12 'o'clock 11. on-THURSDAY.. the 28th instant, for furnishing by contract at the Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage in this city; Blanket*. • ffinit Drawers. . • • • Flannel Drawers • Hospital Tents and Flies. • Bosrital-Tent Flies. Shelter Tents, 80 or. Duck. - Manilla Paper, Wise°. • Famplee of which can be rem at this office. Blddera subelit with their proposals samples of the articles which they propose to deliver, or of the ma terial of which the articles are, to be made—in the case of flannel drawers and - tents - at least one yard of the ma-. tertal should be submitted. Bidders will state the quahtity they wish to famish, the shortest time in which they can mAks deliveriee. and hose goon they can complete the delivery of, all they bid for . All bids must be accompanied by a proper guarantee. signed by two responsible parties, setting forth chat if a contract is awarded to the party named therein he will at once execute the same, and glee blends for its faithful performance, The Dulled State% reserves the right to reject any part or the whole of the bids, as may be deemed for the in-: tercet of the service. - Proposals should be endorsed "Froposaisfor fuel:ash ingiChere intert the article bid for)," nod addreo...4 to • Lieut. Col. D. H. YISTO% .)721.6t Deputy Quartermaster General. U. S. A. • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH_ WAYS, Ofkoe S.W. corner WALNUT and P(IPTH Streets.' ' •• .PHTLADELPHIA, July 20, 1864. NOTICE .TO CoNTRACTORS. SEALED PHOPOSALS will be received at the office of , the Chief Coln Mite/stoner of Highways 'until 3 o'clock P. Id on MONDAY, July We hug, for the constmillort of a SEWER on the line of TWELFTH Street. trom Oirard avonne to Oxford street The said Sewer to extend southward and northward from the Thompson-street bower. That on the south to be two feet six inches In diameter, and that on the north, from said Thompson street Sewer-to Jefferson street, three feet, and thence to Oxford street two - feet and six inches in diameter, of brick and d irecte d in rm, with sneh inlets and man holes a s s may be by the Chief Engineer and Sur veyor. The understanding to be that the Contractor shall t ake bills prepared against the property fronting on said sewers to the amount of seveuty-dve cents for each lineal foot of front on each side of the street as so much cash paid ; the balance to be paid by the city.. All bidders are ixivited to be present at the time and place of opening . the said proposals Each proposal will be ac companied by a cert ificate that a bond has been filed in the Law Department as directed by the ordinance of May 26, 1680. If the lowest Meter shall not execute a contract within five days after the work is awarded, he will be deemed as declining, and will be held liable on his bond for the difference between his bid and the next higher bid. SPHCIFICATIONO HAT BR HAD AT THE DE PARTMENT OF SURYETs, WHICH WILL 55 STRICTLY AD- M RED TO. The city reserves the tient to reject all bids if deemed exorbitant. W. N. SMEI) LEY, 13 , 31-them3t Chief Commisaioner of Highways. S . JEI OLT S M A.I4T NO. 257 BROADWAY, NEW YOBS. ' , IMPORTERS OF ALEN'S & LADIES' GLOVES, .igklEin AND ENGLISH HOSIERY, Iti:ENtS FI r JRNISFIIN44 ACES & DRESS TRIMMINGS, to which NUT. !NMI. TEE wHoughtia *Lei jylo.l3m B RASS STENCIL ALPHABETS. .I..MSTC ALP Sr. Zf, M. 453 i SALEM STREET, BOSTON, The only manufacturers in the United Staten of Erase Alphabets and Fignres, to any great extant or in any variety. Sold at wholesale at theLmasst Cask Prices. also. the beat of INDELIBLE STENCIL - INK: eery cheap. Stencil Dies and all kinds of Stencil Stock. In quiries or coders promptly attended to. iy2l,3m PABBITT'S N. Y. taOAPS..—ORDERS received in large lots be the wboleeale agent, BENRY. C. icsca,oarf. lt* B. W. corner WATRR and CHlStiTtafT. TiIIRYEA'S SUPERIOR STARCH:- A- , DURYEA'S Glen Cove Starch, liaised& for pad dings, .Cakre, Also, Corn Starch; conete.ntly on _band fox Bale by the agent tlSNßlf C. KILLOGG LL IV 8. W. corner WATER and CHESTS T. IDtBI3IIBR'S EXTENSIVELY-KNOWN and highly-appreciated stylea of Colored Photo mesphe are invaluable 'likenesses, st the moderate barge of $l. ~Secure good pictures at SECOND Stree t; 'above Green. /t• DO NOT FAIL TO QBT _COLORED PHOTOGVAPHIL -leyon want likeneaaes to give satisfaction. REIDOE'S styles sie finely finished. .ancluately and ardedicallY oolProd. .11 only. SBOOND .Btrast, gibove Gram , ' • fVARTES DE —VIE IVA EQUAT:::.- TO 6117 made/ lA the•ottreof 471w.:tbst saes Q mt. and ~no, arijiitlatiOa. spedsmme. B; 851xraWi.OR.1.-Amun Met: . RETAIL DRY' GOODS. . , RMlr;* NAVY, AND Orin - CLOTH IX 011 S . W. T.SNODGRASS, 34 B. SECOND Street, and 23 STRAWBEERY Street. A large stock of all kind of CLOTHO, CABSIMEREiI, TESTING% At fair prices. purchased before the rise, fudersatdeat of gold gambrera, by the package, piece, or yard. - Oar motto is to sell. We don't peddle. Come and See our stock. The Allay and Navy trade has our special at tention. iyl-lm RtCH ORGANDY LAWNS REDUCED ISOM $1.25 to 75 cte. Lawnsrgandy Robes, reduced to PS. reduced from $1 ton% cts. Grenedines at very low prices. Summer WEISS Goods all reduced. - India Silks reduced to 75 ate and St White Bareee Shawls and Oircalars, White and-Black Lace Pointes and Rotundas.' Summer Shawls selling off very low. While and Colored Shetland Shawls. BOWLS' HALL. & 00.. !VI South 1311COND Street. CLOSING \OUT SUMMER DRESS' GOODS AT LOW PRICES. ' A great variety of styles of this season's importation, from 22 cents.to $l. Beet Pacific Lawns at MX cents. Figured Brown Lawns at 87% centa. French Lawns at , 10„ , 50, 62 and cents. Best makes of Muslims Calicoes, -Ginhame and all kinds of Domestic Goods, far below the manufacturer's prices. White Barege and Luna Shawls. Silk Grenadine Shawls.. 600 ail-wool Cashmere Shawls, $2.25, worth 82.60. H..STEEL & 80ft, Nos. 713 and 715 North TNNTEI Street. TINAIVIINR OUR LAWNS. -1-: 1 Lavine, brown ground, neat timed, 44e. Lawns, white ground : neat awned, 44e. Bnekaback and Bath Towels.largeAssortment. Bird's Eye Linen Towels. Extra size Damask Towels, Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists, 16.. Bathing Flannels, red and gray. .178 JOHN B. WOKS% 702 ARCH :treat $1.38 g i g:1 IBLE 1 BLE ANDTWIST CASSl ta.ss 6.4 Wide. Dark Mixed Heavy Tweeds.. Low-priced and tine Cassimeres. No - advance in Summer. Stock. Linen Drilla and Duck, : - Superfine White Duck and Drills. .„ Superb Stock IY?oltri"itilail W New York mills and other good makes Muslims, by the Oemor yard Wide Sheetingeby the piece. ' Best old standard makes Unbleached Muslims. Flannels, Tickinsm, Checks, Stripee, - dm. - Towels and Td.welbigs, Damask Table'Liness, Napkins. . FANOT SHINTINO FLANNELS. COOPER CONAUD, iy7' S. B. eoncer NINTH , and MARKET Streets. IN - WAIL 'DE - PARIS," FOR THE delightfulpreparation is sere daily recommended to ladies about visiting the country or sea shore, for removing thfodiseolorations caused by :sunburn or salt air. The the de Paris" is en dorsed and universally used by the ladies of the French capital. EUGENE JOIFIN No. 111 S. .TENTE 'Street, below Chestnut, agent for I'Email de Parte. .1425-Unit • tiP ri-O:CTN4;1.0_1•1:941:11 The . attention of LADIES ABOUT LEAP . Intl TIM VITT for the " tea Shore,' ' " Wa .teriag 'Places," or "the Country," is E.; respectfully invited to the extensive stook so of WHITS -GOODS GOODS, suitable for SLIMMER WEAR. for WHITE BODIES, SCORNING WRAPPERS, Sm. r e An extensive assortment offered in Laos and Worked Edgings and Insertinga ERandkorchiars, Collars, Sleeves, and in Plain and fancy Plaid, Striped, and Figured White - Goods, AT .PRICES MUCH. wow THEIR mPRESENT RETAIL VALUE. pHO Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. 1. • 03 pieces Puffed. Tucked, and Striped E. M. NEEDLES. riYI FIRE-ratoor`cEms. mum, IN HIS • BOMBASTIC . PUFF • . TILE PRESS Of. yesterday, raking* to the • ATTEMEITED:'-BOBBERy • 01 ONE oir =lime'. ON • • • . • lEFUN3YAX3XCoIiNING•, 10th inst.. States that the burglars did not drill a hole more than . half an inch through, which statement he knows to be false, as the burglars did drill a hole three:quarteri of an inch deep, which was half way through the door. There iano donbt..had they not been dlstdrbed, . they would have drilled nail the way Onough the door, and then robbed the Safe. ditties: Rh Lillie states that the further you get Into the Safe the harder thenon, which is another of his false statements, I will undertake to drill the balance through; and If I don't succeed In one-half boar's time, I will forfeit one hundred dollars; or I will drill as many holes as will satisfy him in from one-half to two hour's time in BUT tart of that Safe, or any other Safe he has in use in Philadelphia, including one or hoththe Safes sold to the. Bank of one Liberties. If I don't IWilf &Reit hinaied dollars: • I sinceeded yestsidity in • drilling three holes in the Safe at our store in twenty minutes each with one drill, which is ready to drill three more without sharpening. DAVID EVANS. LEGAL. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -a- CITY 11113 COUNTY OF PIIII41:91L_PIIIk. Estate of ildifliNlCillt'PENLATZ . , deceased. The auditor appointed by the court to andit, settle, and adjust the second account of FREDERICK ',CRC- B ER. executor of the last will and testament of FREDE RICK JUPPSNLATZ, deceseed, and report distribution of the.balance in the hands of the executor, will meet the pante. interested, for the purposes of his appoint ment, on TUESDAY, July 2s, 1864, at II If . .at his oftice, 506 WALNUT Street in the city of Philadelphia, S 7 /•11tIltb..a . WI LLIAM ERNST, Auditor, A UDITOR'S, NOTICE. • Estate of JACOB KEYSER, Deceased. The Auditor appointed bk the Orphans' Coartof Mont =OTT county to_pase upon the exceptions flied to the account of Jacob Keyser and George B. Detwiler. ad ministrators of the estate of said Jacob Keyser, late of Worcester toww-hip, In said county, &mesas d , and to audit. settle and ailinet the said account, and to report distribution of the 'balance in the hands of the account .ants among the persons legally entitled to the same, will meet the parties Intsrested for the purposes of his appointment, on WEDNESDAY. the 27th day of July, 3864, at 9 o'clock A. at the Arbitration Room in the Court House of said - coturty, in the • borough of Norris town. trY74.h3ti .B. P. RANCOUR, Auditor.. UNITED. STATES. EASTERN DIS TRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA—Scr. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE MARSHAL OF_THE EASTERN DlSrium OF P&NN SYLVANIA--tr.itrirrino: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding - on% Libel, tied in the name of the United-States of America, hath- decreed all persons in general who - have, or pretend to have, any right, titlp, or interest in the Sloop JULIA, whereof is mas ter, her Tackley Apparel, and Furniture; and the Goods, Wares, and Merchandisediaden on board thereof; cap tured by the United States Steamer Mystic." no derthe command of Limit. Com. A.F. Creasman, to be monished, cited, and called toj rid gmen., at the time and place under written, and to tboeirect • hereafter expressed, (justice so repaving.) Yon are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you emit- not, but that -by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily -newspapers printed and published in the city of Phila-• delphia, and in the L.gal foteHigeneer. you do monish and cite or cause to be motitahed and cited, perempto rily, al t- persons in general who have, or pretend to have..azy- right, title, or interest in the said sloop, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture. and the Goods. Wares, and Iderchandleei laden on board thereof, to appear before the Honorable JOHN CAD WALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the city of Phiredelphia, on the twentieth day after publication.of these presents, if Übe, 0. coati. day, or else on the next court day following, be tween the usual hours of healing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in.due form of law, a reasona ble and lawful excuse, of say they have, w ily the said sloop, her Tackle, Appals - I. and Furniture, and the Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, laden on hoard thereof, ebould not be pronounced to belong, at the time or the capture of .the same, to the• enemies of the United Suttee ' and ;as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable ,and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and Condemned as good and lawful prizes; and fur th er to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain: --And that ycisi &OP intimate, or cause to be intimated.,nato all persons aforesaid, gene rally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if tbey shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or apnear end shall -not chow a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court d o h intend and will proceed to adjudica tion on the said caprare, and may pronounce that the said Sloop JULIA, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture. and the Goods,i, ares.and Merchandise, laden on board • thereof, did belong, all the time of the captors of the same, to the enemies or, the United States of America, and as goods ot their enemies, oz other Wise; liable and sabject to confiscation and-eondemnatton, to be adjudged and condemned sajawfni prize, the absence or rather contu macy of the persons so cited and Intimated in any wiee notwitbatandingratild that you duly certify to the said District Court what you. shall d.o in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN c ADWALAD3R, Judge of the said Court. at Philadelphia, this eighteenth day of JULY, A. H. 1864, and in the eighty-ninth year of the Independence of the said United States. • 371.9.9 t HG. R. FOX. Clerk of District Court. VII 7 ED STATES, EASTERN DIS RICT OF PENNSYLVANIA.—Scr. .THE PRkSIDENT OF TEE UNIT DIST R ICTS, To THE IdARSHAL OF THE EASTERS OF PENN SILVA WHEREAS. The District Court of the United !Betwixt . mind for the Eastern Distriot of Pennsylvania. rightly anii,„duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in th e name of the United Stamp. et America, bath decreed all Demme in filTeermes l t`Z, h oulay.eaLo o orgre A n d a?ffit.TlVfi s et'e L o i t i te °r ter is master. her Tackle. Apparel , and Furniture. and the Goode, Warea, and Merchandise laden on board thereof. captured by the United States steamer "Sweet Brier," under the command of Ensign J. D. Dexter to be monished, cited. and called to judgment. at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter ex pressed, (Justice so .requiring) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that yen omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and pub liehed in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Lego/ /A teitipeneer, you do reenish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, peremptorily, alipersons in gene ral who have, or pietend to have r any right, title, or interest lathe said Schooner.- her Tackle, Apparel. and. Furniture, and the Goods, Wares, and Merchandise laden on board thereof, to appear before the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, the Judie of the said Court, at the District Court room, In the City of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents. if it be a court day, or else on the next-court day follow-- ins, between th e ward hours of hearing causes. then and there to show. or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said Schooner, her Tackle, apparel, and Furniture,. and the Goode, Wares, and Merchandise laden on hoard th ereof. should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of thetinited States, and as goods of their enenatee or other , . wise,. liable and subject to coadeninatlon, to be ad judged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and furtber'to do and receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. Anddhat jou duly intimate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons aforesaid. generally, (to whom the tenor of these presents - it is also intl. mated.) that Maley shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful came to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will - proceed to adjudica tion on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said schooner POCAHONTAS, hergackle, Apparel, and .Furniture,sed the Ooods.Warqs,and merchandise laden • on board thereof, didbelong, at the time of the captured the same, to the enemies of the United States of Ameri ca, and es goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned se lawful prize. the absence .or rather contumacy of the persons so cited mid it mated in any wiee netwithetanding, and that you duly certify to the add District Court what you shall do On the premise*, together with theeepresents. • "Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge ..;be, the raid Court. at Philadelphia, this eighteenth day of JULE, A. D. 1864. and in the eighty-ninth year of the independence of isaidiUnlted States. . JYIF St G" R. FOX, Clerk District Court. ' , - PENTRAL FAIR. - 1 -A VERY LARGE sosortinwit of Itereoloopio-Ttewe of the Central t itoALLIsTBR Ai BROTHER. "i7Wit 7,101 CHIISTMITZ West. NEW PUBLICATIONa. PRECEDE AMERICAN NEUTRALITY, In reply to the Speech of SIR ROUNDELL Attorney General of England, in the British Rouse of Commons, May IS. t By GEORGE BEETS. • Soo. Price 50 rents. Just published by LITE LE, BROW 4 4 CO. , 110 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. For sale by „ jyl6-stuth St .1. B. LIPPINPVIT CO. THE HUMAN .VOICE ; MALE AND FEMALE.—Why is one Bass and the other Soprano? Stammering.' The tree character Indicated by the Voice. CLIMATE. as titled/LW the Races—Temperament, Quality. and Constitutional differencea between North erners and Southerners. Men for the Time. Our-Na tonal Resources—Shall we Repudiate? MARRIAGE -1311/011 of Opposites—Short Courtships—Matrimonial Customs. was it a Ghost? Murderers detected by Drums. Witches. Sensations when Dying—ls it path fel? Coming to One's Self. Prayed to Death. Sir Rowland Hill, Mr. Charles Minot. C Kilgore, Seaman 811110138-ra murderer—Dr. E..K. Kane. the ex plorer An Duluth:tang; Eisberwomen' of Baia net with Portraits , Characters, and- Biographies. Also, Ethnology, Physiology, Phrenology, Physiognomy, and. Psychology, the August Double:No PHRENO LOGICAL JOURNAL-20 cents, or *2 a year. News men have it. Sent first post, by FOWLER & WELLS. 3SO BbOADWAY. New York, aid. j. L. CAM. 25 South TENTH Street, Philadelphia. iY2I-24 OTS I GODBY FOR AUGUST. .iY26.3t PITCHER'S, SOS CHEhTEUT St. • ATBNIP BOOKS I NEW BOOKS I •A-1 Religions Training of Children at the Scheele the Family, and the Church By Catharine E. Beecher. Loyalty on the Frontier ; or. Sketches of Union: Men of the Southwest with Incidents and Adventures in Rebellion on the Border. By A. W. Bishop. Flaunted. Hearts. By the anther of the Lamphlighten The Potomac and the Rapidan ; Army Rotes from the Failure at Winchester to the Reinforcement of Rose crans,lB6l-3. By Alonzo H. Quint. TemPest and Sunshine; or,' Life in Kentucky. By Mrs. Margarpt J. Holmes. The Bugle - Blast, or Spirit of the Conflict, comprising Naval and Military Exploits, Beide, &c By B. S. 8. Rouse. • For sale by . W. S. ac ALYEED MARTINS . . -irk 606CHESTBST Street' THE INDEPENDENT: Literary. and Family .Im:trial. edited.' Ruiz. HENRY WARD _RiiC r iltd . % REv. JOSHUA LEAVITT:D.D., Atm THRODOItE '.HILTON, Is issued in the same form,_ and at the same low price of TWO AS _M Per Anntun, notwithstanding 'the *groat • advance in white paper. ONE SERMON EvERy WEEK! Rev-HENRY WARD BEECHER %BE roLLownre BXEMENt wnrraas AYH SPBOLLL fI.ONSI.I BOTO)19 TO ITS O9LUWNS WILLIAM ALLEN BUTLER, NET. THEODORE R. 6HTLER, BET. ROBERT M. HATFIRLD HORACE osp.ELKT. BAMAED TAYLOR. 7OHTI G. WHITTLER Trasts—in per.smatim, paid in !Wynne°. Specimen numbers seat vatic JOSEPH H. RHMAL.RHS, Itublisher, - No. 5 BEEKMAN it., No* York FOE SALE BY NEWS AGENTS A131131.8AD & EVAlit3, • Bae*essors to • WILLIS P. HAZARD, • TA* CHESTNUT Street, Rare received SAVAGE AFRICA. By W. Winwood Read*. With illustrations and may. COUSIN FRILL'S. A Tale. Jtuit ont. GUIDE BOON .OF THE NEW JERSEY ; CENTRAL R. With a map and handsome Illustrations. • MALARIA. By Augusta J. Etat% Author of •!,Efen lab. The crest Southern Royal, reprinted from the Richmond edition. • • ••• • CHRONICLES OF THE SCHONBERO COTTA FAMI LY. Fine edition on tinted paper.' 'One. of the best works ever leaned. Every body should read IL. LINNET'S TRLLL. ale. By the author of "Twice HOTSPUR. A Tale of the Old Dntsh Manor. By Walworth i _anthor of "Lulu. , ' TUB TANNER BOY, and How he Became Lieutenant General. By Major Penniman. DENIM My ths anchor of "Mademoiselle Mott " 2 vols. • . • - i NEW MEDICAL BMW: TANNER'III-NEW-MANUAD• L new enlarged edition. WYTHEE POCKET DOSE. AXIS.MIIPTOX. BOOK: !fourth edition, revised. : • . FULLER ON REURTMATISN. A new Eribi4. l l.o. SWORD ON TER UTERUS. BAUER'S ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY. • CHEWS LECTURES ON MEDICAL EDUCATIOH.' A NEW. MEDICAL - CATALOGUE. classified. nil Brised.lernlshed'Eritis !won application. LINDSAY at 821. • Bri South BIRTHSeet. APPLETON'S NEW dIKERIOLN 070LOPEDLL fko Annoy for this lairaluablif Library of Tinisorsal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street. secondstory. Abso. B.BCOBD 07 TEM BIBILLION. By Frank Moore. EDUCATIONAL. A .oEliiitaliiLDY, WHO IS OOMPH -L.". TENT •to teach Stets l • . 'French, German, etie theniee, the rndimentoof Magic, Drawing Needle, and Fancy Worke, wishee a SITUATION, either as reel• deat dotty ()overawe or. Cemnanion. Address to Mee AUGUSTAB.,.4I6 DUGAN htreet. jyttt.2l,* THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY -IL Alt D MILITARY INFTITIITS. The scholastic year of ten months commences on the Aria TUESDAY, the thh of 'September next, and closes on the let of July followingt Boys and yonnsegoen prorated for College or Business in its various requirements. . The modern languages are taught* native resident Teachers, who hale no, connection with' any other school. Tor catalogues and full inforMatlon apply to Wlll4 2..WILERS. A .11., Principal; or, J. RUBTER WOB.R.IiT4 A. M. Ph. D., Associate Principal,. WEST CHESTER, rallna. AGRADUATE OF HARVARD, WITH an experience of ten earlinteaohtng,willopen, thin BIIPTIMBM a School' for Yong Pcrlies Humber limited to fifteen. -Terme, {Ma year. .. Raraztancae—Rey. Dr. Ftroese, 1426 Pine street. Rev. Roger Olren. Cherdnut Hill, _•' Wm. H. Trotter, Esq., 86 Worth Front street; J. R. Mlbohell, Esq., Ell York avenue, Re-Presidente Sparks and Walker,Cambrid Haw •I. 8. Smi th , Sea.. Dorohea. ten 746,1 ;John B oggles, seq.* Brighton, ideas. Ad dress . - 3027-1 m" L. H. BUCKINGHAM, Chestnut pIIILADELPHIA. COLLEGIATE LE STITDTit FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 AROI Street. Rev. GRAS. A. SMITH, D. CLARINaI SMITH, A. It., Principals. Ninth Year. Three Depaitments: Primary,- Ands talc, and Collegiate. Full college course In Medea Mathematics, higherAnglist, and Natural Scion" to those who graduate. Modern Languages, Manta, Paint lug, and Elocntion by the best masters. For cinralays, apply, at 1226 CHESTNUT Street, or addrees Box AID P. 0., Flilladelphia. ap2o-6ir Geckos. e :16°, - , 4 ' • lams= Bala HEAVY MEDIUIL. LID LIGHT lIMIMINGE AID SHIETINOS. - • STANDARD DRILLS. ' HEAVY CANTON FLAIMILS. WASHINGTON AND - VICTORY CAMBRICS AND 81 LIMAS. • BROWN, BLEACHED AND CORSET JEANS. • No. 12 WORSTED - TARN, So. • sell64ftf BIEDICAL. TARRA.NT'S BFFERtIC6OIIII7 SILTY= Arms= • • 113 - THIlt , BEST BENEEDY KNOWN WOK ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADAMTs„oosITIE NEBB, _INDIGESTION, HEART-BURN,. SOUS STOMACH KEA SICKNESS, gto._,, /to. - "I JAMES IL CILTON, the Great Chemist,. =Yu now its composition, and have no doubt it wil prove most benelicUl in those complaints for which it to recommended." Dr: THOMAS BOYD says: "I strongly sommeng. to the notice of the public " Dr. EDWARD G. LUDLOW says: ' 4 I can with sea Ideate recommend it. " Dr. GEORGE T. DEXTER says: "In Ylattdener Heart-burn, Costiveness, Sick Headache. &s.,_ tk. SELTZER APERIINT in my hands hss proved indeed valuable r•Medy. " for other testimonials see pamphlet with sash bottle Manulactnrod only by TARRANT - 8r 00.. an CiIIIEDINFICH Street, New York. 4 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST& nurr-tneln WLEOTRICITY.---WHAT IS LIFIC - I L-• WITHOUT HEALTH —Drs. BaRTHOLOMNW a ALLEN " Medical Electricians, ltheint removed theh °Mee from North Tenth street to no. 154 North ELEVENTH Street, below Bade, will still treat end en], all amiable diseases; whether Acute or Chronic., witholl shooks, pain, or any taconyenienee, by the nee of Its. tricity, in its motile/dims, and Homceopathie Ysdl eine 15. llonanniption, int sal se thluensa and Catarrh. send sthgea. General Pstralyths. Diseases of the Liver e. Nenralicla. Kidneys. IOT4II' and /411.11. Diabetes. 00 Prolapses Uteri (Talllaz • kethnia." the womb)). 12-. e 7 • Hmorrhoid/I, 'or Pith,. amenma sPePeta. tisa. Spinal Disease. • sronchitia. Deafness. Testimonials at the ales, ld4 North ileireath stray" -011se hours AL toe P. H. Das. IaIiTHOLOMBW kALLIS. Medical Mieetriciana, 154 North lILNITHWER • Street. WO . = y..IIFLT: acute c SCIENTIFIC .ic IMitil ; cured by special guarantee, when desired by the pa, i rent, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelpttis, and in case of a failure, no .sharye is made. No drug ng the system with uncertain medical agenta. All cam prformed by Ma/rDetism Galvanism, or lother modifications of Electricity, without shoat , or any unpleasant sensation. For further informa -1 tiorrsend and get a Pamphlet, which contains hen-) &reds of certificates from-wine of the most reliable men in Philadelphia, who have been 'speedily and Permanently cured aftev all other treatment from medical men had failed. Over twelve thousand i cured in less than lye years at 1220 WALNErr lit. i Consultation .Free. • • Prot 'BOLLES & Dr. BROWN , : 1 • J714 - if - 12510-WALNUT St., Philadilynit I, TATWIt'S maw Orb os=IMO. CATION myna' Idle to ears RhilllMll4lll3 Slirslne, ?meted feet, Chapped Hands, and all Main M e . deists. Prise 26e, and wholesale and . tell 117 B . TAT , LoW..Drneidira. TINTS amid CALI.o. alLtit • • MO,NUMBNTS AND GR*I7.B. worm& —A large saeo ;AND or Grave-Btonse, el various designs. made of the finest Italian and Americas Marble, • constantly_ on hand at the Itarbla Works ed ADAMMIMI/ Avow/Wow glevealb iire44-I!biliasiplike. • - 6104.4( WANTED—AN APPRENTICE TO the 'Wholesale Drug Business. Address •• Salt% • • in the handwriting of applicant. stating age and Taxi donee. Press Office. ELECTRICITY WANTS D—LARGE SECOND OR Third-storyß*om for light business. Address "Boom." M this office. WANTED—AN INTEREST IN A Wholesale or s Wholesale and Retail DRUG !MUSA by orm who understands the business. 49.060 t° s 6 . ooo, Address " Interest." this office. irffi-St" WANTED—A GENTLEMAN. HAV ING from 10.010 to Mao. DOLLARS, to take as interest (either active or silent) in an established bnaIneas—MANUFACTTTRING—and wholesale profits large. First-class reform°e given and reglaThd-__, -1 1 1 , 1 COMlntilliCalio2ll3 atstcteoandentlal. Address, wns real name. •S. R. J.. '.Prees office. iy2o-200, WANTED TO PIIROHASE-AN IN TEREST in a Wholesale Grocery Renee. Ad dress Box 11 0 23 P. 0. iyl9.6t• WANTED-A. COLORED BOY. 140 R 15 yeers old, se Walter is a Private Family._ Ay. ply . st 6lB LOCUST Street. .17741 WANTED -THREE SUBSTITUTES of good fighting onalities, for the Army of the Potomac. to represent a gentleman exempt from mili tary duty.. Apply at 205 WALNUT St., Phila. je3O.tf A YOUNG MAN DESIRES A SITU -4.-- Amy by the let or 15th of An et. as a salesman In souk• first-claw wholesale or retail house. Has some acapaintance With merchants in the coal and lumber ',pone of Pennsylvania. Could influence some trade. Bee a good commercial education. Would have no objection of assisting in the counting-room when not otherwise engaged. Reference given. Address • •Nalesman," Pr.Ba office., • A- YOUNG MAN, WHO HAS BOMB - acquaintance with the Retail Trade. desires to enter a good Jobbing' Minas by the let of August• wit entlon cominietdon or salary. Address for three days. this office, W. C." A LOT IN MANTITA WANTED, about ISO feet front.tor cash to! city Pp • A Areii LEE Philadelphia P. 0. • 1y) 2I rl l O DRUGGISTg.-WANTED IMME DIATELY, a PERSON cnmpetent In every Way to take charge of a first-class (Chestnut street) Retail Drug Store. Salary SSA Address, with reference,. Box 141, Philadelphia Post Office. 3Y21-3t. B LACKSMITHS - n ANDWHEN WEIGHTS WARTED. Omar QUARTHRWASTICIVII OPIUM, WARRINGTON DEPOT, WAsurawroa, D. C., July 4,191 H. Wanted at once, to work in Government remit' shorab . Quartermasters' Department, Depot of Washinton, one hundred ami good BLACKSMITHS, and one bun-. dred (100) good W HEEL W RIGHTS. The pay per month will be sixty dollars (860), with one (1) ration per day, add hospital privileges when sick. • • Apply to Captain CHAS. H. 70MPHINS. Q. 11. a. A., corner Twenty-second and O Streets, Wash gton, -D. C. D H. RUCKER, Brigadier General and Chief Quarterraaster, jy6-t2S . Department of Washington. 9 - IEA MSTERB WANTED. • - • CHIEF QVARTBAMASTIIII'II 01 , 1 , 7011, WAMIXOTON DIPOT WASEMMTOIt, D. C. July 0. 1 WA81111). at once, 7 HRI3B HUNDRED TS If- MUM each arable of driving with single line,d managlagaix-mule dams. To such who are competent to perform th ' S duty the pay perbmonth will be thirty dollars, with one ration per day, and hospital privileges, including the best medidl attendance - when sick. Apply to Captain Charles H: Tompkins. A. Q. X 11. 8. A. corner Twenty-second , and. G streets, Washing ton. D. C.D. H. RUC ER, Bsig..Gen. 'and Chief Quartermaster. • i7ll-18t .; . Depot of Washington. . $40,000 75 r 6 ."1:00 . ON. MORTGAGS fatae not leas than S 3 000 each, =rp-Crit" in CHARLES itHO&DS„ i719-10c. Conveyancer, No. 38 8. fiEVERTEI Bt. NO A. MONTH WANT AGENTS at6oo a seenth,expenser paid, to sell my MUIR . rAMT - 1110 PENCILS, ORIENTAI, mid DI other articles. Fifteen circulars seutfres. Address apSe-d amens JOHN F: LORD. Biddeford. Maine. SIMIIKM RESORTS. COMTMATA HMS" CYA. 'lll Y ,F9R Tips .inwsignar.- ilMgMt VNITED , :STATES.HOTEL. 4. I rLANTIO bITY, .N. IS NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OF GERM Trains leave VINT, STREET SWUM daily at 73 d. M., 2 and 4.15 P M. Terme $2l per week, or $3.60 per day. BROWN, lc WCIELPPER, 177.1 m PROPRIETOR& TTELtERTOWN HOT L, NQRTH AMPTON COUNTY, Pa, —A few more BOLED• ENS.can be accommodated. The place is snrronnded by fine scenery, and iR easy of areas.. The undivided attention of the proprietor will be siren to the boarders Terms 6 10 per arse& For. particulars gorily to .1. C. MON ER &CD, 120 North THIRD Strest,_Phila . Pa. ' J721-fit r* Proprietor, OWEN DASH. VLORENCE HEIGHTS.- THIS BEAU TIFUL RESORT is now open for the reception of illeatit. Terms $l2 per week, or S per day. Apply on the premises or at flo. 605 SARSOM Street. jll9-191" R. 0- SIMIKIN, Proprietor. • RUMMER REBORT.-13 RO /ID -T OP MOUNTAIN HOURB.—This romantic spot can be reached daily by the Pennsylvania Central BaUroad to Huntingdon thence by the Broad-Top Railroad via Dudley. Retirsion .Tickets are issued at half the tams/ rate*, which are good until the Int of - October. First-clan acoommodattcm.s. Tgaus—sl2 per week ; Per day $2.60. Clhildret and servants half price. Pot farther particulara address • - C. •M. ALLMOND & Co.. Managers, Broad-Top City, Huntingdon Co. Pa. BRIGANTILTREOUSE_, BRI G AN TINE BEACH, N. J.—H. D. SMITH, Proprietor. This large and commodious Hotel is now open for the reception of visitors. Persons desirous of visiting the sea-shore will find this one of the most desirable places for excellent Bathing, Fishing. Grinning, fib. Simi,' lion, three miles from Atlantic City, and communion'- , tion from Philadelphia twice a day, via Camden aud Atlantic Railroad. Boats will be in readiness at the Inlet, on the arrival of the trains, to convey guests to the Hotel. Terms moderate. For further information *Adieu the proprietor. BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS.— Tkate popular Summer Resort le now open, and pre pared for the reception of visitors, until October nextThe' Rotel twill be under the *bargee of the kola asps , rienced management in the Country The Bedford. Railroad has been finished to within Obi hours' ride of Springs, over line Turnpike road. Visitors will come by Penntrylpania Railroad to Noah ingdon, thence by Broad Top and Bedford through. Ample arrangements have been made to impply deal ere and hadividnals ^with the BSI:WORD WATER, Iv well-steamed casks, as follows: - Por Barrel, oak (411S10-8 3 ao Ralf Barrel. oak CC 1111 td 4. inallberry " 400 All orders addressed to It: ANDERSON, Bedford, promptly filled. Persons wishinC !Ml* or_Any_ Deformation shoat Plare.will address garz soN. ies-stm `‘ TILE CLARENZION," ATLANTIC ' IL CITY, is-now open for the accommodation of boarders. Thiahonse is situated in a central part of the `island. and every room in the house commands a line *few °like sea. The b a thing nevar.vras better. • Jill4m JAMBE JINKINS, H. 1). . nii.RLIBLE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS.--The Proprietor takes pleasure in an nouncing that this favorite and fashionable Watering Place ta. now open for 'visitors. The personal and un divided attention-of the proprietor will be given to the wants and comforts of his guests. . N. W.- WO )DS, Proprietor. S BA BATHING.-NATIONALHALL; Li CAPE ISLAND, Cape May. N. J., Is now open for the reeeption of Ft/ numerous (nests. Terms m'oderate. Children under 12 years of age and servanta half price. Superior aooommodattions and ample room for two hundred persona. AARON- GARRETSON. ie24-tm Proprietor. TTNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG ageism', N. .7, le nolitspor the reception of TIMM'S. Address E. A. SHOEN.A&An. Proser. Jeg-tm" CHESTER . COUNTY ROUSE, AT LANTIO CITY, N. J.—This private BOARDING /MISR (always open for Boarders), is now telly sr. mated for the accommodation of Summer vie:item The situation is one of the best on the island, being in full view of the Ocean, ininear.excellent bathing greund. my.ll-2m JACOB KEY. Proprietor. NEW BIT- TO WILACESECARRE , VIA NORTH I'INNSIITANIA RAILROAD. - 1 4 TIRE - AND DISTANCE SAVED ! BY 7A. M. EZPSIBB TRAIL PROM THE NEW tosroT, =ED arum' ABOVE THOMTSON. ARRIVING rn WEIXESHRHER 2.46 P. X. RETURNING, . . Leave WILKEBBARRE at IP. M. making does atm nectloa at Bethlehem with North -Pennsylvania BX press Wahl, and arrive la Philadelphia at 8.20 P. N. FARE $4.25 * . BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ELLIS CLARK. • jyls-12t I AGE NT. L -00)014G GLABBES. JAMES S. EARLE t SON, Qe camerffErr MONT. PULA., EMI ii6W In atom s roo7 fie sagortment of LOGICING GLASSES. of .veil obfifootor, of the MX BEST 111.107ACTM13 AD LAMS. Milt 'OM FA-W=OA ZEIGEFAV/NGS. spa . riartiies an PHOTOGLPH MAXIM PIPE I DRAIN : TIRE"- , • • Mootgootery Terra' Cotta Works-Os.,gni , W ari th owi e. fzi MARKET Street. - mar OP Omni-Pawns: . • For Joint of 3 feet, 2 ineb bore, 35 For pint of 3 feet, 3 inel. bore, 45 cents. .7or joint of 3 feet, 4 Melt bore, 50 cents.. • Foroint of 3 feet, 5 inch bore, 70 cents. • j For °tot of 3 feet, 6 tnekbore, 85 Cent& An alma. from 2 to 16 inWdlareeter. Also, Brandies, Turns, 'Trams, Chimney Tops. oey Floe% Garden Vases, &e. No COLL lOWMARKET Street. A716-ststllo. ROUBEW FEET -- 100 KEGS 4 .. 1 FIUME. gaol, 100 kegs" Friars• prime. - 51niell Trit '" 2 atoDza -4 4 For see bye , . WILLIAMS. 17134 f 107 South WATREt Str•et. ITEATON & DEN.CKLA, HARD. WARS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 504 COM MERCE.' and 510 NORTH Streets,. offer Aar Ws: And)°, Brand Nails; Plponth Mill Et . W. &8. Botcher' a Cast 1; Eagle ..400ka. . • -Pothain's Horse Balls; olte'a Bob . • ... _ Copper. Brass; and iron Wire; Os& a fall atiaortuainat of Anattrioaa BAZAAR, NINTH. AND BAN. SON STREETS—AUUTION SALE t;1? HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c.. It ON SATURDAY MORNING NEXT, 10 o'clock, cow about FIFTY HOFISER. Fell deneriptiona at Vie , in-ludlng an extraordinary" brown trotting hoist , , long tall: 8 years old, halt brother to *Gray Eddy , " 'l6 16 hands 3 Inches high, has trotted. On public in 2.42; the property or a private gentleman: to De sold only for Want of use. Also. new end second.hand col Wages, light : wagons!. &c., with Which the sale will commence. Also, single and doable hare Les„ sad.lfos, whirs, covens, &c. Aar No post - pour msnaon accnnnt of weather:- IRP - Sale ahem.. &c., on WEDNESDAY. Carriages and harness at nr;vate nate. iYal'n • ALFRED M. HERRN - 118S, Auctioneer. HOTEL FURNITURE FOR SALE.- Being about to retlie from the business, the sub scriber offers at public sale, ON 'rITESDAY.....TULY 25, 11514,, the entire stock of FITANITURS in HERR'S HOTEL. HARRISBURG. PA., consisting of Bedsteads, Hair Mattresses. Feather nods. Pillows, Sheets, •Comforts, Quilts, Carpets. Bnglisla Corner Clock's. Bureaus, Spoon% Knives. Chloe an& Glassware, sufil cleat to accommodate 200 guests: Stoves, Ritcben Utensils; iu fact,everything required in alarms hoteL Sale to be continued from deg to day until all he sold. Terms cash, under one hundred dollars. 37 . /9-71 ()LLB BHT REAR. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED some WAR DEPAILTAYNT, CAVALRY. BORRAIrs °Theis OP CHIEF QUARTNILWAW 111& WASIIINOTop, D. C. July . A Will be eold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the ktgllialt bidder, at the times and plsees named below—viz: LEBANON, Penna., THURSDAY, July, 14th, Ing, READI NO Penna , THURSDAY, 3C l y. 2lst, NAL_ moommtmo, Penna ., THURSDAY, July MU4 1864 ALTOONA,__ T Penna., THURSDAY. August 4113, WILLIAMS:ORT, Penna. , THURSDAY, August MX 18St TWO HUNDRED (WM CAVALRY HORSES. at sada place. These Homes have been- condemned as natit for lbs Cavalry service of the Army. For Road and Farm parposes many good bargains nay be bad. Horses sold singly. Terms: Cash. in United States Currency. • JAMES A. SKIN, Lieut. Col. and Chief Quartermaster Cavalry !ues*. pußLic BALE OF lINCL -a- GOODS remaining In the Warehon.e of the PHI LADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD COW RAPT,- THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Streets.. Philadelphia. The" araeles described in the following schedule. basing been consigned to the Station named below, ow the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and the cos- Bigness, after due and legal notice, not haying,....takest them away, nor paid the costs and expenses of ott will be exposed to public sale or outcry, at the ease Fla/Joni - named below, on tIATORDAY, September 17.. 1864; the sale to commence at ten o'clock in the lons noon of said day: sTATIO/. COMOXEML ARTIOUS AID swum PhlladAlphia. —„._ The above attic es will be exposed to public sale, As aforesaid, according to the provisions 9f the erg sectiow of the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pena pylvania, approved the sixteenth day of March A. D. ' 'IA6B: with all the requirements of which the Philadel phia and Reviingßailroad Company have is all re spies complied. The Act of Assembly is as follows: " Comm%sion merchants and factor.. and all cons mon carriers, or ether persons having a lien upon goods., wares. and merchandise, for or on account of the coots and expenses of carriage or storage, or any other charm arising from the transportation, keeping, or storage of such property, in case the owners or consignees shall not pay or discharge the amount due for such Cod, ex pense carriage, storage. or other charges, hereinbeforw named. may, a ft er the expiration of ninety days front the notice ~ hereinafter provided, proceed to sell the same, or so much thereof-Us may be nee= to discharge said lien, at public auction: Pro That notice of sale shall be given as required for she riff's sales of personal property, and that thirty days' , notice of said lien be given to the owner or consignee of the property, if they can be found. and in case they ' cannot be so found, that the same shall be adver-eei weekly in some newspaper published in the proper city or county to which the goods, wares. or merchandise have been consigned, for four consecutive weeks before the sale, the residue of money arising from such sale. after deducting coats of transportation, charges malt storage, advertising and sale, toibe held subject to Ow order of the owner or owners of such prop.rty. G. A. NICIIOLLEI, General Superintendent. Ensnare, Pa., Jame 10, 1864. 010.11611 J. BOLTON RtrirEß'S NEW tHESTNITY; "-^ STREET THEATRE —GRAND REOPENING. MONDAY Eirgsara, July 25th, First time six years in Philadelphia of the Grant Ito mantle, Musical. Spectacular Dranio, ALADDIN; or.. THE WONDERFUL • LAMP. Presented after three - months' active preparation los. style of unprecedented 1132.121111 . 0011C0 3 replete with won derful Transformation", Ilfairniacent Seenftni Gnu& Marches, Ruperb Costumes and Preterites. Bnutlfsi. Mogi c sod Choruses. FrgACADEMY OF FINE ARTIN ESTIRIT Street, above Tenth. is OPEN DAILY* for visitors. from 9 A. 1f..t0 B P. X. p.oABD.--FROITT SINGLE ROO* yacaot, No. 1315 WALNUT Street irl9-& TIIII,NIBHED ROOMS -A. SUITE .Or ROOMS on second door, with private bath, with cie withont nos rd, in choice 1• on Walnut street. Ad dress "BASER," this office. JYl5•4t. -r 08T-A.EiTREET OLEANING.WAS-. • -.1-1 RANT, No. 2431, for $14_17., The finder will bora; • 'c warded by leaving it at No: 1426 SH/P.PS . N Street., as payment has been stopped. jyl9-34 4 : •. • • LOS'r,r-ON KINDLY AFTERNOON,,. or evening, a pocket-boob. containing over tws • tbotwand dollars. chiefly In Treasury notes. A band- IMMO reward will be paid upon returning die some to WM. H. MARTIN', 115.5 !Wain FIFTII. dtreet. jyIS- PERSONAL. -RED OR BLAME-BALL. RARDROPE, 60 cents per pair, i721:20 ka BMX Ora** iP. Hamsan M. Bartor, IR Jackson'. L.,Lowrie; . Dr. Wright, C. Monroe% Psiscballlforrie, P. McDonough, Dr. Wright, D r Wright. A. Thompson, A. Cross, W. Bauer, J. W. Ipeaoer, W. Harris, .7 P. Emderheimer, Paschall Morris. Merchants , Ins Co, Consoi'tn Ins. Co, J: Collins, 7: Lucas fr,Co.,, M. C Sadler, S. Eccles, t 8. Hallman, George Griffith, . E Kerchtrlager, II Pass, B Wilson, J. Long & Bro. B. Cadman. L. Wottensbergar, G. Doubt% J. Powers. Shanbacker, J. N. Kline, S. Hall. W. H. Richards, R. M. Harris R. & 8. Allen, R. Ashburn, rlt; 11;u A• keeervedEests fOi sale three dale Jn admsaes. J719-Z[ -. BOARDING. OARDING.-TWO SECOND-STORY 4 - o ..rooms TO LET, at ltOt North TENTH St. Joy-tit LOST AND FOIUSID: • PERSONAL. EXCURSIONS. si dir m t c GRAND PLEASUBE. ES lIRSIONS TO LAKE 13IIPERIOR.-0116- of the following eplenclial find-clue Warne CLEVILAND, _NONTHERN LIGE TNIIIIF CITY, TRAVELBE,MRTSOR, IRON SIDEE,_L LAO DAL BELLE, and PEWABIC, will leave CLEVE Ohio, at 8 o'clock P. X. each day of the week. Saturday. and Sunday, and Detroit, Michigan, La following days at 2 o'clock P. M. through the months. of JULY and AUGUST making Grand Racuredoa Tutus to the many points of interest on the Great Inland Seen of America, which, for utility. pleasure, and healtli.age, unsurpassed by any other on the Continent. This trip of over 1,000 mlles embraces six degre4 latituden and eleven of longitude , and Includes i s circuit Lakes Erie. St. Clair, Huron and SuPerior , thebesintiful rivers Detroit, St. Clair and St. Mary a. The many and extensive mines of iron andoot, unequa led by goy in the world, with the newly-8F • covered and inviting deposits of silver lead, wild unit romantic scenery, combined with its pure and breaks& climate, render t o e Lake Superior trip one of far- roam than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the atudemk, the pleasure-seeker, or the Invalid. The above-named steamers are elegantly-Met ES with large airy Cabins and Stare-Rooms, while swam precaution haa been taken to provide for the safety sag comfort of passengers. Pare,inclnding State-Rooms and Meals,a.bon,t 1134 saeabt per mile Time occupied in making the round triP.lirelk 8 to 10 days. Booms secured, and further informatiOa obtained. ler application to proprietors. ROBY. HANNA & Co. • HIISSSY & McBRIDE, C/g v elaxa . ° }41116 J. T W BIM° & Co- Detroit . JOll3 ntpreamos an 26 FOR SALE AND TO LET. OB SAL B - -BRASS FOUNDRY gleam Engine. Lidbas.Teola and inglaresof= . kind;.ln complete working order. Apply on the tea 1005 BEACH &rest, Kensington. . FOR SAIR,VALIIA.BLE B1:1 S NESS 'PROPERTY, situate at No 01, 033, and 434 NorttsSecond street, cm:misting of three stores, gi ttk dwebluge attached. The whole will be s o ld together. maysclse art, eatate w A part - too of the purchase money remain on mortgage ,Tor putietaant. Inquire of B aIoCAbL. . : • 113 South SECOND sweet- - Tmii.AVELPITII. Tuly.3o. 1861. SyEl-1m• ii .FXOTORY PROPRRTY FOR SALM —Situate N. W. COMM' of FRANKFORD Raid sail NORRIS Street., Lot IX) feet on Frankford and 414 feet. on Norris meet. Six brick dwellings on Frankfori road; a.t.lueePatory brick factory, Si feet by 43 feetoa. Norris stVet, with cotton machinery therein; muting house, with SWUM and engine in; two-story brisk bons., 93 by. 60, atteclied, and other buildings. POT tartar. inionnation, inquire at N. E. corner of 1311-- VDNTIFsn:d SPRUCE Streets. , jyl9 FOR SALE—A DARK MLR°. OANY Bay Horse, 17 hands high, 7 years old. Bound, kind, etyllek, and fast in single or, doable har masa A first-rate horse for a coats, dppppl at KERR'S wrongs. • China Hall, CHBBTNJT Streit. adr oi t FROM NEW YORK, FOR NEW HAVEN, HARTFORD, SPRING.. FIRLD, and BOSTON .— The steamers CONTINIINTAS• and ELM CITY leave Peek Slip, East Myer. dallF, I 16 P. N. and II at Welt 1. 0 4=111 FOR ALBANY ANI) ,y 1„ D e laware and Raritan Caaal -rine horse "OLIVE BRANCH, " Capt. John Tamer, • rale for the above relate on WEDNESDAY, Jnlyggagi a attio'clock P. M. For freight, which will be taen at - reaisonable rittot. 'RA to D. L. k FLANAGAN, Agent. " 016-tt No. 3048. DELLWABE Avesusa. EIEVIIBIirIi3 • ' • COTTAGE ORGANS. Not only DNIX.CILLID but lINSQUALLID 1n snizihr of Tone and Power, designed eapeolally for Clitnralseir and SohOols„ but found to be equally welt &Walla br' the Parlor and Drawing Boom. For sale only by Illt. No: IS North /INVENTS Street Alio, a somplete aesortment or the Perfout MeloaseS - sonetantle on hand, - - - m•ia-w LADIES' TRUSS AND BRACE STORR—Coodoeted by Ladles. T Btrw llit ;?rost, door below Race. Seery article 1 - I .2l o ,,eleent. easy, and correct In make. C. H. ... D 1•45; rr_o_prietor, attends to Cientlemes, on the of TWELFTH and SACS Streets. ri. B.—Pro aseoraey figured. etyl~l, IN EVANS 8 WATSON'S sAI,AItANDIR SAYMI STOE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH EITRHRT. - PHILADELPHIA. PA. Muir. T oilet r y of ELSE-PROOF LUISE allow' ow bud. QumWER COMPLAINT, DIA_RIM,MI‘. DyeenterY, and all dleordere of tbe Bowels r at once by the use of Sirdella's Syrup of ElLaehlterrer Boot and Rhubarb.. Entirely vegetable, milli takes very effectual.T% i l v t io All M red only by AMOS OIL, 8. W..00r. Hand MARKET abode. jah-lm• ' - • • JOSEPH B. TITOMPSON. SHIPPING COMMISSION AEINCHANT. And General Acint, 18th North DaI 4 LWAR3 Avower/. Je2D-Jus cabmlB • DLETI,:k , - pas 'lraa" girob pM forsUr 2 boxes cards. 25 bdlos. spokes. I box skeletons_ard I box bedding. 1 box mdse. 8 bags pulp. • • • • ) reaper. , lot sundries_ I box books. 1 box books. 2 sacks charcoal. • box II goods. barley. I box drags. 1 stove. _ 2 bbls. pickles. 10 seed sowers. I box books. 2 boxes books. I. box vespers. 1 cask paint. I iron safe. . . 01 d umber. 1 old scale. 100 bdles. handle*. 2 empty kegs. 1 empty keg . 1 bbl. feathers. 1 bag waste. 1 empty bblt -1 box and cau. 3 empty half bldfl. 1 keg mdze. 1 box. 1 half bbl. and keg. 1 keg mineral water.. 2 Ws. corn. 1 empty bbl. 0 empty bbls. .1 half bbl. ...~_~.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers