R BAGS PHILADILPII7I., Ml.. .......Liverpool, July 26. Liverpool, soon. Liverpool, !Don; Fputpons, s,nn. BOARD OF TRADE. lloramittee of the Month. ELLIGENCE. I .P.IIIA, July 29,1804. t5..7 14 I High Water. 2 54 1Z I VED. atthows, 48 hours from Boa. 3senners to Henry Winsor passed bark Mary Bent -I,eund up. may, 7 days from Boston, with !os & Con) (Jo. ' oss, sdays from Boston, with ekorPon, from Boston, in Corson, from Portsmouth, in Darling, from Proviclenae, fn , from Roxbury, In ballast to from Calais, Maine, in bal- Arnold, 5 days from Middle o (a, ptairt, Ulark, from Dwaversport, in nes, 4 (lays from New York, s, ~on. from Boston, In ballast tO , 6 days from Boston, with Al, 5 days from Boston, with ns. Smith, 5 days from Lanes- In. , Wells, 10 clays from On- Irrm, £3 days from RuckS 4flider S 00. In. 4 days from Newport, & Co. _ . . . . . from Boston, in ballast to from Boston, In ballast to len, from Quincy Point, in Milford, from Salem, In y, from Lynn, In ballast to Somers, from Salem, in bal- (Igo, from Salem, In ballast Smith, from Providence, in d, Townsend, from Fortress i, from Providence, in bal- ;her, Jackson, I day from to Jag L Bewley & Co, day from Lewes, Doi, with & Co. Borden, 21 hours from New Clyde, • Sherin, 24 hours frogiNelf DI Baird & Co. Philadelphia Exchange.] LE:IV VA. Del., July 18. Ann, for Washington, D. 0., nit forty schooners, are at the ruing. Quito -a fleet of light Taring to leave for Philadel- Iller Shenandoah, In search of •cut to sea yesterday. Wind AARON MARSHALL. economical article in every Machine, and Ire know the be the best, simplest, and aine In the world. Every ma d the money returned it not Instruction given nt the rest- Go to the Wheeler Jr, Wilson mtnut street, above Seventh, 'onderful machines, ,:t.i.two.—Now that every one the city for a season, we would m to the fact that Messrs. O. c 25 Ohestnitt street, under the choicest stock of summer ten, suitable for travelling par .his city, and at very moderate 'all. PltOr LAM ATlON.—Another call 111 C President for 500,000 more e, two, or three years. Before 'U our citizens would do well to the very best of terms, for the Ana, from the extensive Coe] ter, No. 957 North Ninth street •MINDED WOMAN tan, 1110 was incensed at a news t tlc r , litor a tremendous blast, in irra " an unfledged pouting," and contempt for the "Ignorant, of half fledged manikins, or logs of a parboiled brain." If lull only "moderate her trans [sure she would be. But we do i getting•up notices of the ele el made at the Brown Stone & 'Wilson, Nos. 603 and above Sixth. with grain are harvests of the 'coding throng f is' groans ring forth In plantive '0 once Was song. tires we miss Our eons and ,nylous wait where rolls the tide of war, ow their fate. lade, or made to order, by under the " Continental. , ' • ND GOOD PAT."—A pleasant T, for the sale of good books, 'using, with stamp, Fowler New York. jy2o.4t Wit ASSORTMENT 08 &mew can be purchased ofCharlei and 836 Chestnut street, Conti• BRANCH, A.TLANTIO CITY.— ladies' and gentlemen's bath land at Jam Q. Arrlson's, Nos. I treat. .159-tr 'snarl , of misses', children's, ,ed price!, can be purchased Sons, 834 and 638 0141triut tel. • HOTELS. Continental. Miss Ella Avery, Ohio Col and Mrs Rowland, N Jas H Parlor & wf. Pltcs'g Geo C Merrill, Chicago Dt C Dean, Chicago T B SeaAey, Chien° Miss Ii Fahenstech, Meg Mips A Green, Pittsburg Miss E Green, Pittsburg N II rimes & lam, Pittsburg Maj Conner & WI, Ohio . John Hendricks, Ohio Miss Hendricks, Ohio Mr Campbell. Maryland Mrs Moore. Maryland Mrs Reese, Maryland Mrs Sue Hough, Maryland C A Hough, Maryland L K Brown. Maryland D e Dickson, Maryland T. Anderson. Baltimore Mrs M Stewart & oh, Penns A Roseman, Cincinnati E D Landers, St Louis C B Rubble, t - Louis Col E C Mason Jr,' Maine Col Coulter Casper Schenck, U S N A B Warlord & svf,Harrisb' 'Miss Warlord, Harrisburg E F Bodey. Pottsville Newmann, New York 8 0 Tripps, Prov, I Clues H Al l yere,ldemphia P E rowden, New York D C Blair, New Jersey Cant McDougal II 8 N Cheat Com Kerlisad 13 S N J W Comity, Danville II Budd. bloat co, Fa C Coe, Boston W El Otis,New York R Bpeing, Albany D Bidwell, New Griestia W W Wooiyertoh, N 0 J Cannevan & la, Memphis F M Keeler, Boston P Mope., New Yo*k W C Dougherty, N Orleans 0 E Hodgson, New York F Rowland, New York L Smith, New York Cliauncey Coon, Boston S Woodruff, Hartford IN Ramsdell°, Newburgh Josiah Colby. New York. Girard. Mr & Mrs Dent,New Alba'y B Bruce Petriken, Penna Lemuel. Codd. Carlisle • 0 C Mcrllean, Lewistown Mrs 31 Henderson, Deana D Crozer, Danville, Fly A Crow; Backe co JOB H Hahne & wr, Penna John 0 Hall. Chicago F MeGhan Wash Capt Crispin Wm L Foster, Boston J Sutton , Salem Mrs E White, Conn IC N Watts, Carlisle C 0 Van Schnyver, N Chas A Terry, Rochester E J Baldwin, NOW York 0 8 Long, Oil City A II ischnitz,Fishkill L J Al bertson.lierrisiown' Coo Moller Hon hi Sirouse, Penna .1 McGill • T Drenain.Maryland Mrs T Drennon, Maryland T.l Webber Sr la Holmes & arr, New 'York Halmen, New York :0 B B:ancintrd,KentriogY IF Farris !C IV Davis 'M Cooper. Ohio • S Hines, Maryland H Moore, Maryland • A Adams. BOFtOII 8 Strong, Bangor, Me Muse E I Browning, Hadn't Mrs L 8 Browning, Basto't H T Tilton,Jr,Portland,Me Henderson, Portland ,0 y , Dodge, Lan° co '0 Lincoln, Pittehng iW Verner. Pottsville ericau. Du Bole, New Itirsey P Bowen Marvtand J Tierney , 'New 'York 8 W Taylor, New York , 13 Q A Back:wider, Mass 51 , `. Morison, Yottsvll.lo r °stet. Ashland. Pa Kear, Minersyllte • 18.1.:sar, Mieersvllle A Miller, Penne J Penne. W F Fredricks, Penne Dr GJD Ice SI FL, Lebanon 1:1 Blair & New Jersey • C F Salkeld, New Jersey Mrs S P Hod.on, Pottsville B F Potter Pottsville 'l' Varner, ' Schuylkill co B Hollingsworth, lad 1E Byteaer, Maryland rn, Baltimore 13 H Cunningham, Oxford L Wilson New York Geo Shield:New Jersey '0 V Este e Vermont - - INVT Estes, Vermont __ Carter, Beaver AteadoW C F Hoffman, New- York . w Conon, New York ID T Waite, Wank,. n 0 ''John. W Claghora, Jr - .hanteler. L . Johnetowa • Mcßride, Council Hinffn. Dr Council Bluffs John wHtErwart, Tsrww F A NNW, don:oval ea John A lifovt Dion,Cbucta r Jan H BroOlfilittr,SlLo Albert 1' Darter Penns Win H Brunt,ltsburg Chas A Killer, &Mawr. Dr Mott & wf, Harrisburg G J Bolton & wf, Hiirrieb't Miss Brumbaugh, Harris's W Overlieid, Franklin J Terhune, New York • E Rube, Allen town IR Ei Shinier, Allentown Ileydrich Sr wf, Penn* 'Hon F M Kimmell,Penna. The ne HBuck, New Jersey H T Gover, Baltimore John LOTT Jos Gotpinaer,_ New Jersey J Poona Geo R Shaw, Trenton F P Scott. Baltimore 0 Hancock, Phillipeburg R H Henna, Ohio 0 B Merrell. Clearfield W C Irvin , Fence Capt Robt Patterson, Pa C Supper, Johnstown J M Sanderson, New York W Thomas & la. Ball • ' R Littlefield. Newburyport J B Bry sler, Lebanon Miss French, Plly mouth. Pa Rey D Herron & 4 cb, Ind The Star, :Ft E Allen, Now York W 0 Satterfleid, Delaware. J Highley & la, Pa John Kennedy & la, Pa T T Tasker, Newcastle H B Es ans, West Chester D Morrie, Atlantic City 0-McHenry, Scranton L Helena, Bcranton E thippery. Scranton A Snyder, Blairsville CT Lewis, New York A B Miller, Maryland B German, Jr, Delaware C H Ids whey ter, Delaware J C Collyer, Dayton. Pa H El 7 humae4Coatesville Miss H Adams, Edgmont . W E Hardy, Delaware ami Union. T (1 Randall T J Scott, Maryland John Tweed, Delaware )Sites A widdlne,_ Delaware Mies A Bryant, Delaware H H 0 Kay, Bedford, Pa H M }Marline. Phil& G W Short & la, Buffalo Mies Janney, Buffalo, KY B E Hoffman, New York W M Dannelly, Concord Geo W Fasalck, Miffiin, Pa Joetah Bern W W Bond -T Drennan, Maryland C C Stewart IT Decker, NOW Jersey Lewis biatter, New arse/ A (Jordon, Pa II on. IL:D Wallet, Lehigh co I J A Reynolds, Newark. Del B Stewart, Abeecom, N J Rontstret, Abmcom, N J Jos Whitaker. HE Clare R H Frisbes,Union Mills Henryßice, Colombia, Pa W Taylor, Berke co, Pa B B Gordy, Bloomebnrg Thos Waller. Delaware Jesse Law. Delaware ED Cope, Cheater en • W C Talley. Media. Pa. Ralph Buckley Media, Pa W Allen, Ohio W B (leffroth, eomereat A H Wroth, :Somerset Henry Belden, Brooklyn 1.1 Watktue wc,Delaware' MiPP A Watkins Delaware! Ft J Hein, Idoneg'y co, Pa! W Perry B W Perry, Port Royal FI It Hetrick, Reston Daolel 111iiot, Fleetwood C Celßer, Lancaster Roz nor,. Chicago 011., California' -_ IsaaPWood, Wilkesbarro I W Heilinga, New Jersey areal. Mrs J K Dbnovan,. N York E H HUM phrays, .York co Jas A McConkey, LFLUCCO N A Pennypccter, Penns T Janny..Oxford,.Pli H Nesbitt, Maryland J Weaver,-Lancaster 0e Orler r Altoona, H Andrews, Lane co Fl B Hagen, Lana co. % Jae (Milner, lA:Chester. Henry C Baldwin. Ponca Jacub Jeffcrles, Chester Mrs McCormick The Co E M Washburne,Poltstown S Eire, Dorosionoo, Pa .1 C Russell, Delaware co I J M Pilo, Delaware 00, Pa W Davis, Poitstoon P Donovan, New York T C Brown, Milford',. Del Wno Mai 'loon, Costosvile J W Woodside, Penns J R Lytle, Marylond Levi Preston. Cheater co John Kennedy, Del Louis S Itubrie, Dosiek'n Geo A Trlpple, Sara Harbor W P Johnson, Oxford The B C Dadelmsn, Allentown Wm Thompson, Jenkintwm J Bttinger. Penns ' J K UmleKrave, Schnyl , co. Wolbert, Penn& .1111 Schreiber, Schnyl co D Grim, Peons Mrs Fox, Schellstown .T Schoemaker. Penne; -Mr s .. Reem„ Selellatown W Greenelvuld. Penna. Werly. Penns W H Smith, Pbttsiown C Finney, Hartsville J Hirsh, Peonsbury The E (3 Fisher, Stroudsburg: 0 13 Wert; Scrautom R 11 Wright, Perry co 'A S Whiteketter, T Z H Murphy. York co JO Baader, USA 0 Edward. Wibley, U S Eoht Glue, Pottstown S Weitzel, Douglassville B alo.tten, Pottsville L C Leib, Ashland T Busch, Tottsville F Nachtrieb. Heading 'l' M Arms , roatr,. Wllkesb's H Bonk. Cape May D R Beecher,. Pottstown .1 Wood Ala, N Tarsal , C N Dyer, Doylestown Lewis Royer . 0 0 'Knecht A Thornton, Penns The Bari J B CIOWSOn,Pt, Pleasant AR Much. B A J Torner,Blow York P Reoedy,Mow York J Smith, Pharlo. L Lippincott. reriey C LippinceN, Few Jeney .1 Cadwalladeraox. Chez° Palmor,Backs co The , Bal C A Driller, rfew York J Bess, Sobencitsville,Va, V D Danner & laothentown Han L Snyder. Boston W A Doerles, Penns E B Worst. Brilerrown. H H Raeder, l'eurisburg The Madison. 3 Creasman, Fellersvillel W S Birdsall. Honesdale JE F :Dennison & Latobert,, If Ho ohn WWert:Racks co Jae B Ferguson, ew. J.pe. SPECIAL NOTICES. Risa Mix! Hem DYs 11 BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE to the Bed in tke World. The only ffarmleBB, True, and Reliable Die known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect— changes Red, Rusty, or Gray Hair instantly to a Glom, Sim* or Naturai Storm, without Injuring the Hair or Stair Rig the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; imparte fresh litality, frequently restating lts pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is aimed, WELLIAX A. BATOR - BUM; all .pthers are mere imitations, and shoublbe avoided., Sold 'Dr all Druggists, dm. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batehelor's new Toilet Cream for Dreesing the Hair. Ira-1y ONZ-PRICR CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES, made In the Beet Manner, expressly. for RE TAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prlees marked In Plain Figaro'. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Onr ONE•PIIION SYSTEM is stiietly adhered to. All are thereby Create alike. de2•ly JOBrS & CO , 001-MARICET Street. To Culea Tani Hum OF FLIES ' tin Dutcher's celebrated LIGHTNING *LT-HILLER, neat, cheap arulde, 'easy to flee t Rver7 kill II quart. Sold everywhere. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO.. TENTH and • ELL NET Streets, Philadelphia. wholesale agents. uty26-wfm2m • TEE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE OP PHILA. "OAK HALL." ' Beet-clare goods at moderate ream. WANAMAKER do Bhowi. O. B. Omer SIXTH and MARKET Streets. thioo3llDOPArtnit4t (to make to order) No. 1 S. Sixth it. WEIMER e W • ;.* c cc 4 4: :4 111. i LOOK-STITCH SEWING XA,A3M:M. THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. aaleerooma, 70* CTITICSTICOT Street. above Iberentb. 1i‘7,411V4-‘1: - ..P)Izilialim/i MAGIMIE-141AITLAND —On StrindaY, Ray 17th. at St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York,, by the Very Rev. William Stern; V. 0., and Administrator of the Dio cese. James Maguire and Sallie.lll,loa.nd, eldest daugh ter of the late Wm . J. blattland,'EM, botAkr has delphia. ~_~~~ BIRCHALL. —On the 19th inst., Henry P. Birchall, Esq., in the 44th year of his age. , The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his brother, William B. Birchall, on the Old York road, near Shoemakertown, on Thursday afternoon. at 2 o'clock. BIANLEY.—In Montrilliers. France. on the 30th of June, ISO, in the 69th year of his age, Reuben Manley, formed y of Philad elphia. SPOONER.. —ln New York, on the ISth inst., after a short illness, Sarah W., wife of Edwin Spooner. The relatives and friends of tne family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her husband's residence, 611 Vine .street, on Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock. HARDYNO. —On the 14th inet., James Barclay, infant eon of J. Barclay and Cenral/tuna Harding. * PLEA SANTS. —Suddenly, on the morning of' the 18th innt , Mr. Daniel Pleasants. Ills male relatives and fr iends are respectfully invited tn attend his funeral from his late residence, 1433 Wal nut street, on Thursday next, at 4 o'clock. Baltimore papers please COPY. •es PESSON4 SON, MOURNING STORE, ]VV o. MS CHESTNUT Street. .131-tf VYRE & L.A.NDELL, FOURTJEC LND ABCII have a . Fine stock of Mike, Fine stook of Shawls, Fine stock of Flannels, Fine stook of Fine stock of Manlius, ie.%) NATIONAL HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, ..Ife*Uersey, is open upon the European plan, the cheapest way to live, costing about $l5 per week; get what you want, and only pay for what yon - oonanme. D. I'. MER% Proprietor. Cars leave Vine street every day at 7.45 A. K. and 9.90 P. M. jylea% CALL FOR A COUNTY COATTEN. I TION TO AVOID THE DRAFT. At a meeting of the Delegates from . the Ward Bounty Fund Committees, held Tilly Oth., 1561, the following reeolutione, on motion of Sheriff Jolm Thompson, were adopted: Resolved. That the Wards be requested to reorganize for the purpose Of encouraging enlistments. Reeoteed, That each ward be requested to elect three delegates to a General Convention, whose duty it shall be to superintend the general interests of the wards, to promote unity in . their action and to adopt h mea sures as in theiryndgment shall be best adapted to till the quota of the city under any future call of the Prosi • dent. Resolved, That the officers - of this meeting be request ed to issue stall - for such Convention immediately on the leaning of the call for men by the President of the United States. In conformity with thehboveresolutlons, the delegates that may be appointed by the wards are requested to Inset on bIONDAY EVENING next, July Mb, in DIS TRICT COURT-R 000& No. 2. at 8 o'clock. DANIEL STEINMETZ, President. JOHN K, VALE:rrms, secretary. jy2o liar THE COBURG DRAFT. TO I•;NROLLBD CITIZINS We hate now on hand TWENTY ALIEN AND CONTRABAND SUBSTITUTES. Gail at once at the Agency, 128 WALNUT STREET, and secure a Babstitnte that will exempt you from sex vise during the time of hie enlist eient,Tiz. ; three inn. The drift will certainly sake place on SEPTEMBER 52n, 18&4. Do not foil to oat at once. - iy*st• EIGHTEENTILWABD BOUNTY 11120.—an adjourned meeting of the Commit, tee wae held THIB (Thorada3l EV.ENILIG., Jul,' 14th, when the following atamment was made in relation to the oendition et finances: . , Toted amount of moneys received $15.813 53 Paid 53 'men each $ 7 5 $3,900 . " 103 - 450 0 00 0 .. 64 30 3 ,825 00 oo 70 .. 25 Bile for advertisin 2,280 g, Sze 294 35-15,845 38 Balance 111 16 On motion, ReBOitled, That the sincere thanks of t,m. Committee are due to Mr, Henry Huplet as chid, man Mr. Franklin Knight and Mr. Joseph Allen as secrete: ties, and Mr. Edward Oorgas and Mr. Chas. H. Cramp as treasurers, for the able and attentive manner evinced In the discharge of their duties. Also, to the Members of the Kensington Engine Company. for the use of their ball free of charge. On motion, the above to be pub. lisbed in three of the daily papers. Adjourned to meet at the call of the president. HENKE HUPLET, Chairman. FRANKLIN KNIGHTLI, Secretaries. JOSEPH S. ALLEN. .EDW D GORGAS, BAS. H. Areasurers. tAr THE FIRM OF FITLER, WEAVER, At CO., Ropemakers and Shipchandlers, whose ethic's are located at No. 22 North Water street and No 23 North Wharves. and factories at Tenth street and Germantown avenue, and Seventh street, above Moot gornery.aventte, did, In November last, etteerfuilY ac quiesce to a, demata of an INCREASE of seventeen per cent, to the WAGES of the, employees of their large eetablishment; and, in March last, without any solici tation on the part of the hands employed, gavelhom ANOTHER AVVANCE of ten per cent., and on the 18th instant gave them YET ANOTHER ADVANCE of ten Per cent,, which is one more evidence of the liberality of this enterprising firm.. By order of - • rIiILADELPHIA., 701 Y 19. WI BIOVICE.—THE IMPROVED OR. DER OR MD MEN. The, Great Council wilt hold a Sweden at the 10th run, rising. or the sue, end at the 13th run, setting of the Rune at the northwest denier of POIJDTEI and-MADDIIT Streets.: • , ' M. IL 00110 AX, 0. 0. of k Bear. X:f Seibert, Elston tieceeler, Orwigsburg B Metzger, Allentown. W Schubert * Berke co tional. :y Sheaf. 0 Hallowell, Bucks co R M Knight, Backe co • F G Fleck New Jersey P Fox, Backe co romploy, Pdan ,J Carrel Parma S Carr, Bucks co D McNair, Docks co C W McNair, Backs CO d Engle. El S Yank, Springtown. S Pato. Penne. C E Clader, , Allentoern Chas Ritter, Rittergville. W Windt, Rlttereville N Wegener, Penult E Deemer, Mittordt.Dl JOSEPH & CO. COMMITTEE, Ic• NATIONAL UNION TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, _ .lIIF ILLINOIS. FOR FIVE PBESIDETIT. ANDREW JOHNSON. OP TB/MESSER ELECTORAL TICKET'. • SENATORIAL. • hfOrrON .81oNICHAEL, Philadelphia. . T: OCR/INGRAM, Beaver Connty. 1111PEESENTAIIV.b. 1. Robert P. Einit, 13. Elias W. Ran, • 2..0. Norrison'Oonter, 14." ChatliAll. - 81ninor. 8. Fle.flry Bumm, 15. John Wieder. 4. Willioni.ll Korn, 16. David NoConanghT. 6. Bartow H. Je.nlsl, 17. David - W. Woods. 5, Charresif. Enn2, 18. Immo ronson, 7. Robert Parke, 19. John Petton. B. William Taylor. 20. Samuel Dick. 9. John A 711estand, • 21. Eyerard•Pierer, 10. Riolard 811: Coryea, 22. John P. Pinney, 11. Edward Rollidalr, 23. Ebenezer 81 4 tJun81.n. 12. Charles V. Read, 24. John W. Broackard. By order of tile State Central Committee." N 0 T E OFFICE OE' THE BOARD OF 11BALTIFI, S. W. Corner - SIXTH nod SANSOFfatreetp, Ybilad , elphia. July 18; lEgh. I em directed by the Hoard of Health to pubilsto the following copy of a-- rosolutios, adopted by thern. this date—to wit: Whereae,. Informs tioivhaving been receivedihsbyel low fever is prevalliog at Havana and Matanzats.tt In ordered that all vessel's - arriviiia from Said JjorDt'stilll be quarantined at the Lazaretto. until otherwise , dts. recited. G. RUSH SMITH,. jy2o-wfui-St Health Officer: SOLD AT THE FAIR BY. MS- T ARE. in the Department eir. RellOS,Sto. ~a Pair' at SLIPPERS over one hundred years old, pointed toes,. the material of a atone ardor: Ms% a model of an Eng lish steamboat made in Chinos. to hold a joss stick. Whoever has bought them.trill please 'return them to , 400 South NINTH Street, and haw, the money refund . - ed, and receive the thanks of the owners. , It tar'CENTRAL- SITIOWIILTUTE - &GEN— Clr, No. 606 MARKET , Street. States Union , Hotel. Highest price in cash* paid to alien or veteran , substitutes. No deductions made, Substitutes furnished for any part of Pennaylvs.oia. Honest, fair reeling the motto. y2O-3t. raf7NOTICE IS HEREBY OI.V E N that, application has beeumade to tlitetl i rnstees of the PiTR Maociation of Philadelphia for the Meetral of POLICY No. 10.632 3, for $6OO .iestimi September ISO, in name of 011 a. tdoILiTIEI P 4. which it leaf." N. - RE SOUL, • j72o•wfmlm" 110 , 8:. ELEVEN:TS( St., DIVIDEND NOTIOE.—OFFICE OF P THE SCIIUYLKELL AND , OIL CREEK OIL COMPANY, No. DWI WALNUT - Street. Dinhapetaxne.; July 18, 1864. Tile Board of Directors bare THIS DAY deciaced•ct di vidend of ONE per cent. on the capital stook, payable, free of State tax, on and atter the 213th inst. The trans fer books will close on the 20th inst.. at 8 P. 88. , and open on the 28th. C.iyl9-St] L. J: DEMUTH, Sec'y. TUE SUSQITEEE&EFNA. AND TIDE WATER CANAL COMPANIES have their:office at No. 417 WALNUT Street, Roomlio. 4. - The "Transfer Agency . " of these•Companiee, hereto• fore in South FOURTH Street, bas been removedto the once of the Companies, at the place above stated. 7627.30 t Mr OFFICE CITIZENSA"FOLIIIVTEER SUBSTITUTE 0051IIIITTRB; 423 WALNUT Street. July 16. 1664. This Committee has Removed to No. 422 WALNUT Street, nu stairs, where it will receive Applicatione from citizens desirous to secure SUBSTITUTES or KEPRIR SENTATIVBS. A payment of $4OO - to be made at the time of application. aud a power tarnished to be given for the City Bounty. Substitutesin the order of application. Veterans and Aliens desiring to enlist as Substitutes will apply to the Committee, who will bare thorn mus tered into service. when they can select their own regi ments. Besides the Bounty paid by Government, they will receive from the Committee SIX nuND RED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in cash, on day of muster, without deducion for commission or brokerage. No charge of any kind is made. Veterans are especially wanted , in the service, and can thus re-enlist on the most advantageous clonal - ions. Office hours from 10 A. M. 3 - o 2F: AI.. and from 4to I P. AL DANIEL MT sum EYE. Chairman J. L.uLARK HARE, JOHN THOMPSON, CLEMENT D. PENROSE. HENRY C. LEA, lylf-12t J. 0.. ROSEN° ARTEN, Treasurer. Vir 670 0 CASH PAID TO SUDSTI TUTES, and PRINCIPALS SUPPLIED, At Na. 400 LIBRARY atreet,,abuve Fourth street. i 720-80, OFFICE PHILADELPHIA,. AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY. PRILADELPFLIA, Jody 16. 1861. The Board of Directors have this day ileelared a semi annual DIVIDEND OF Flvr. PER CENT. (dear of all taxes) from the profits of the Company. payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on , and after the 21st instant. The transfer books will be dosed until the 21st instant, ryl6. A. H. !LHOMSON, TrPasurer.-: farOFFICE MINE HILL AND SOB ITYLKILL HAVEN RAILROAD COMPA NY, PHILADELPHIA, 7 mo., 11th, 1864. At a'ata;ed meeting of the Board of Managere, held THIS DAY, a semi-annual dividend of One Dollar and Eighty-live Cents per share was declared, clear of State and United States Lax. payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on - or after the 2151 ins tant. The transfer book will be closed until the 21st inst. ivl2-12t. WILLIAM BIDDLE. Secretary. OFFICE OF THE LOCUST 11101T16 TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY, No. 2.30 South THIRD Street, 3nly 9 1864. The Board of Director§ of the LOCUST MOUNTAIN. COAL AND IRON COMPANY have directed the distri bution, on the 20th instant, among the holders of the Stock on the books of the Company on that day,- of part of the proceeds of sale of certain lands, part .of the capital stock of the Company authorized to be sold and distributed by the act of Assemply approved May 3d, 1864. n I accordance. with the direction aforesaid, on Had after the 20th instant TWENTY DOLLARS trial be paid on each share to the Stockholders on the books of the Company on, that day.. The transfer books will be closed for this purpose - from and after this day to the 20th instant, inclusive. iYII-tjyoo Jr/S. C. COPPUCK, Treaanrer. DI VIDEND. —TELE DIRECTORS OF the NOBLE AND DELAMATER PETROLEUM COMPANY have this day declared a dividend'of TON PER CENT, from the earnings or the month of ~3nne and an extra dividend of TWO PER CRNT., hotkvay able on the 20th inst. The transfer books close on SA TURDAY, the 18th inst. GEORGE W. HUNTER, beeretasy. .Tcrxx 18,1864. - jyl4-5t w DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFIDE OF . THE PERRY OIL COMPANY, S. E. corner of WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. PHILADELPHIA. July 13, Mt The Board of Directors have this day declared the Third Monthly Dividend of TWO PER CENT. on the Capital Ftock of the Col:spiny. out of the earnings of the month of June, payable at the Office of the Compa nr. clear of State tax, on and after the 90th inqt. The Transfer Books will be closed on Saturday, 18th nst., and reopened on Wednesday, 90tb Inst. J 3,14.61 JAMES PERRY, Treasurer. Yom' OFFICE OF THE NEW YORE AND 121.1.DDL8 COAL Fl ELD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. —A special meeting of the Stockholders of We Company will be held at the office of the Company, No. 204 South rOURTH Street, on SATURDAY, July 23d (inst.), 1864, at 11 o'clock A. DI. As business of lin. portance is to be transacted; the attention of the Stock holders is earnestly requested. PETER H. LANDIS; Secretary. PatiannimniA. July 6, 1864. JTB-fraarat - Igr ATLANTIC "AND OHIO TELE. GRAPH COMPANY. —The annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the office, No. 3 FOR REST Place, 123.34 South FOURTH Street, on WHIRS- D AY, the 21st inst. , at 4 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing nine Directors to serve the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may some be fore the meeting. H. H. SHILLINGFORD,. Ira-wit EiscrAtary. MILITARY. FIFTH 'UNION LEAGUE, NATIONAL GUARD REGIMENT, TRIITE COMPANY. RECRUITS WANTED. THIS IS THE LAST COMPANY. 66 EXTRA BOUNTY' $6. APPLY AT MEADWANTERS, RACE STREET, BELOW SIXTH. MERCHANTS' REGIMENT. CITY BOUNTY 650. Officers with men desiring to joing this Regiment will report at Headquarters, No. 482 CHESTNUT STREET, DAILY. TWO FULL COMPANIES will be accepted. The Regiment is now in Camp, where the men, as soon as mustered in, will be uniformed. . s 911 Expenses Paid for Recruiting. CHAS. W. SMITH, .13 , 19•5 t ' Lieut. Colonel Commanding. THIRD COAL REGIMENT. THIS RECIOHNT IS RAPIDLY PILLINGtH, ONLY TWO MORE COMPANIES CAN BE AC CEPTED. THE REGIMENT WILL THEN BE READY TO TARE THE FIELD. IMMEDIATE APPLICATION SHOULD BE MADE. ALL RECRUITING EXPENSES PAID. JOHN R. HAaLETT, . Colons' commandin g . . HEADQUANTERS* • . .1718.4 t ROW WALNUT STREET. HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR SHAL, FIRST DISTRICT, PA. Pnri.aprizPrai, June 28, 11364. The names of persons removing to or from this District will be added to or stricken from the lists of enrolment. Copies of the lists are open for public inspection, and civil officers and all citizens are invited to appear and point out errors in the lists and give such information as may aid in the correction and revision thereof.. Any person enrolled Board and claim to have his name a stir M i r Cnr: the i if he can show satisfactorily that he is not properly enrolled, on account of "Menage, Non. residence, Over-age, Permanent phy aemplla siead Durability. A- nce with the foregoing surestions is ear nortly solicited. WM LERmAiI. jezertf Captain and Provost Marshal. RHEIMER'S COLORED . PHOTO GRAiIig, the most admired and popular styles of pictures, at the .extremely tow prise of 41. Atoe-op-- portunity to possess good likenesses . SECOND street, above Green. it* IVORYTYPR., IN STYLE AND AE. BANGEMENT of accessories. PlessinLand na t ural• coloring life-like and impressive. See B F. RBIBIBB'd splendid. specimens I.yorytypes, at 624 ARCH St. It* (BANNED CELOIOE LOT PEAOWES, tiLACIEBBRRIBS 'and 1. 011A2028, - ; in tltdre,and foxtma obeavi,ol i zia s ananteg. By CO., 21. 24 17, aCt, /1$ ARCA Street. ' TAE. TRESS.—PHILADELPIIIA; WribNESDAY, PAY 20, 1864. LILLIB, U RIB CAMERON, Chpirman A BOLD ATTEMPT AT ROBBERY. HIS SCIENCE PRACTICALLY TESTED. TUE RESULT _A COA .. fpLETE:AR . I/ TOTAL FAILURE: DAVID 3RVANS says it is a very eimple 'matter to. drill a bole throne i 3 to inches . thoroughly chilled iron, pick np the combination , of the. lock. and open '• Lillie's Saferand, to illnstrase -hie system, ha. found; accidentally, a semi-chilled imperfect Safe; procured a very cierrect drilling apparatus .. with. drilla the most approved, and, I em told, gives daili Public lessons in • the set. of drilling: also. that lie- succeeds, by. a very heavy pressure, and the use of three or &Mr drills, to grind a hole through this serii-ohilled Sole In from thirty to sixty minutes, and says te-hisepapils.that any 'of Lillie's Safes can be drilled in the same way. It would seem that some of his move advanced students, having fount a most: favorable opportunity to test this now philosophy, have already-taken the necessary steps to practically and professionally experiment upon this new and wonderful science.; .1 any wonderful, be cause. if successful, it was to open aortae the most im portant Safes and vaults of the country to the whole,: burglarprofession. The result .of them- experiments will be shown by the-following statemente, which aP pearin The Press, July 14; also, other - city papers. 1.31.7,TE'S CHILLED IRON SAPS—A•• 'Noma -nor Unatra- EFESFUL ATTEMPT AT ROBBERY. — TIIO "West Philadel phia Savings Fund" has one of Billies -No. '2 Bank Safes, purchased of if. C. Sadler, Agent, in this city, some eighteen months since The Safe was left in the ffi oce, on Market' Street above . - Bbead, on Saturday afternoon, all right-- On Sunday.. at 12 P. M., the policeman tried the front door of the office, and found it unlocked. On examining the office he found the burglars had been at work at the • Safe, but had left with their apparatus. There - was a mortice made in the floor in front of the Safe for the support of the drill, and a number ofholes farther back for an apparatus to create a pressure, and everything done appkrently to make the - drilling-perfect. A bole was found drilled, or ground, about half ,an inch into the door, over the lock, inthemancer so pub licly described in sundry newspaper advertisements, and_ it would seem this was as - far oe they could go, as the iron became harder. Next thelock centre was tho roughly tried,• but could not be driven in. Next the latch-knobs were taken off, and the-knob-satndles were thoroughly tried, and they could not be driven in. A sledge was tried, and that bad no effect. A. pry-was • placed behind the door-hinges to pry off the door. This did no; succeed; and after ell these experiments, the bnrglate evidently came to the conclusion they could not in. any way penetrate the Safe,' and left in despair voiuntatily; not having been disturbed in the least, and having still plenty of time tow'ork- 'The appear ances would clearly indicate that the -burglars were at work during Saturday night, most of Sunday, and Sunday evening. THIRD NATIONAL BASK, Philadelphia. Jul y 14, Mk I do hereby certify that the statement in The Press of • the 14th inst. , In reference to Lillie's Safe at the West Philadelphia Trust Company„, is a correct and true statement. DAVID' B. PAUL. President. The follow ingpoints are particularly noticeable in the above statements: First. The great length of time of theoperation. • Second. The fact that the operators left Yoinntarily. and deliberately, takisg away their wholeapparatus, having a much longer time to work. Third. The fee that they evidently had the most ap proved facilities for drilling, or they could not have ground one half inch into sound, hard chilled iron. Fourth. The fact that as they got wellin towards the wrought iron bars which are the chillertie the iron be came so hard they could not even grind any farther.. Filth. The bull dog courage which the operators manifested to try all.othar experiments - after they had failed and been completely fooled in the great experi ment, - which was to, practically demonstrate to the whole burglar profession the feasibility of- David. Brans' new science in. the act of • drilling solid chilled iron IX to 2 inches thick. Sixth. That notwithstanding the fight was with an army of veterans, fully armed and eonippld with the coos; approved. weapons, the Safe, ~ffingle- handed, un aided, and alone. In. a fair stand - up exist, defeated the enemy, forced him taretire from the field, and came out conqueror with scarcely a scar, save one small bullet hole in the outer surface. So mueltfor David Evans' science. All who need a strict/ y Burglar-proof Safe will, do well to take a note of the above facta.• FIREPROOF SAFES. BOMBSSTIO PUFF THE 1' aESS Of yesterday, relative to the ATTEMPTED ROBBERY OF ONE OF HIS SAFES.' ON SUNDAY MOUNTNG- 10th Lust. States that the burglars did not drill a hole more than half an inch through, Which statement he knows to be false as the burglars did drill a bole three quarters of an inch deep, which was half way through the door. There is no doubt, had they not been disturbed, they would bave drilled it all the way through the door, and then robbed the Safe. + • Although Lillie states that the further yOu get into the Safe the harder the Iron, which is another of hie false statements, I will undertake to drill. the balance through; and if I don't succeed In one-half hour'etime, I will forfeit one hundred dollars; or r will drill as many holes as 'will satisfy him in from ans.:half to two hour's time in any part of that Safe, or any other Safe he has in use in Philadelphia, including owner both the Safes sold to the Bank of Northern Liberties: If I don't succeed I will forfeit one hundred dollars. I succeeded'yestf rday In drilling three bolas in the Safe at our E tore in twenty minutes each with one drill. Wlirch is ready to•drill three more withont sharpening. '1719-St DAVID EVANS_ LILLIES CHILLED IRON SAFE _ SERIOUSLY ArrecKED. THE PUPILS OF DAVID EVANS, OF M AL E FIRM READY AT -OF EVA WORE.NS & WATSON, TBBIUROLARB BADLYFOOLBD, .A WORD TO THE BURGLAR. I wish to mane a few suggestions to gentlemen of the wormier:, and more especially to those having any faith-in David Evans' philosophy.. ate iron-workers you most be aware that one and a ball to two inches thickness, thoroughly-chilled iron, cannot he successfully drilled in any way practical for the burglar. and that your only hope of success mast be in. Ending the iron not thoroughly chilled. The test here introduced shows conclusively that the iron is thoroughly chilled. A test just made by one of the best ironworkers of Philadelphia, on one of Lillie's Safes, just delivered to the Bank of the Northern Liberties, proves the same thing; and any number of others might be added, You may be assured that Ltilie's Safes are usually drill-proof, although among the mercantile Safes it may he possible that a Safe may be found not so hard se it should be. - As to David ]cyan' statement that he can drill any of Lillie's Safes t it must be taken with some grains of al lowance. He is a Safe-maker, and is interested to make this statement. He Sods you are Opening Evans & Watson's fate so easily, at dso often, that it very de sirable to attract your attention in another direction; and; so far as ho canget your aid to discredit Lillie's Safe, so far bis Interest is promoted; for if he ran con- Ince anybody that Lillie's-Safels not burglar-proof, he may indece the party to take his Safe &ea Ere-proof. A word to the wise issuffictent. " Now, as iron- workers, you must fully understand the difference between penetrating 134 to 2 inches of chilled iron, and 1-15th to 1-Bth inch of sheet iron, and although the prize might be greater in case of success in the for mer, the increased risk, and the probable failure. might more than counterbalance. It is a common and truthful saying, that a "nimble stkpence is better than a slow shilling:" a small but sure prize may be much better than a very slow and uncertain One, though larger. - A word to DAVID EVANS, of the firm of Evans & Watson • The stove test having been made evidently by your most advanced students, under the most favorable eir etunstancea for them, and made professionally, and so thoroughly and the result so satisfactory, that we deem this test quite sufficient for the present; therefore, will not trouble you to test the Safe on Monday, the 18th inst. , as previously announced; but so soon as any act of yours, or any of your misrepresentations may-seem to require -it, we shall expect you to be ready to make a further teat, that both the burglar and the pomp o may know that Lillie's Chilled Iroms are is thorout MY drill , proof, and, therefore, barelar pita. LEWIS LILLTE & SOtf, Ef. C. SADLER, Agent. 11 South WIRTH Street. EDUCATIONAL. AGERMAN WADY, WHO IS OOMPE TENT icileaCh-Efiglish, French, Cferniani Calis thenicstbe rudiments of Music , Drawing, Needle, and Fancy 'Works, wishes a SD CATION, either as real• dent daily GoverneAs DA Cempanion. Address to bliss AUGUSTA 8., .116 DAMAN Street. iY2l34t • TBE WNW • ffiESTER ACKOWAY ABD HILITADT INFTITUTE. The scholastic year of ten montbs-e,mmenoes on the first ITIF.SDAY t the 6ch of September.suents and closes on the let of Jr!ly following. _ Boys and young men prepared for College or 81161111388 in ice various requirements. The modern languages are taught by native resident Teachers, who have no connection with any other school. ..For catalogues and fall information apply to M. F. WI ERs, Principal; or, J. BUNTER WORRALL, Ph. D , Associate Pricipal. WEST CHESTER, Penna. WOODLAND SEMINARY, WE 8 T PHILADELPHIA. A DAY • and BOARDING SCHOOL for Young Ladies will be opened September 14. at No. 9 WOODLAND TERRACE. by Rey• HENRY BREVES, A. M. assisted by competent and experienced Teachers. Mr. R. retires from the Clime bersburg Seminary. where the session has regularly closed with nearly fourscore pupils. Address, till Jul yl9, the Principal, at CEamberaburg, Pa. After that, No. 9 Woodland Terrace, West Phila delphia. REVERENCE —Roy. Albert Barnes Rev. H. A. Boardman. D. D. ; Rev. J. G. Butler. Rev. G W. Me- Phail, D. D. ; Rev. C. W. Shields, D. D. ; Rey. Jong W. Mears; Hon. Jos. Alison and A. G. Cattell, Bag., Philadelphia: Hon J. Hennedhiorehesd, Pittsburg; Hons. George Chambers and A. R. McClure, Chambers. burg. Yyli• swtf A GRADUATE OF HARVARD, WITH AL-a- an of ten years in teaching, will ojpiesi, ll this city, in SEPTEMBER, School for Young Lad les Number limited to 11.11.4 en, Tetras, $l6O a ZeaX. REPBRENCIN—Bey. Dr. Furness, 3426 Pine street; Rev. Roger Owen. Chestnut Dill; Wm. R. Trotter, Seq., 36 North Front street; J. • B. Mitchell, Bag— 31( York avenue, Philadelphia; Ex-Presidents Smirks sai Walker, Cambridge. Mass.. I. S. Smith,Esq., Dorchu' ter, Mass. ;John Ruggles, BK., Brighton, Meas. Ad. dress 1e27-Im . L. H. BUCKINGHAM. Chestnut Hill, P HILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE Let STITITFE FOR YOUNG LADEN. No. 1530 AHOI Street. Rey: CHAS. A. SMITH, D. D.,111. CLAMING/ SMITH, A. M., Principals. Ninih Year. Three_Pepartments: Primary, Aced* min, and Collegiate. Full college course in Classies, Mathemattca, higher English, and Natural Science, hy, those who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, Paint , Mg, and Elocution by the best masters. For circulars, apply at CHESTNUT Street, or address Box XL P. 0., Philadelphia. ap2o.6mc VC) if ',To Q+l 8 t4lLii:oll TECTSUBSCRIBERS HAVE ASSO. ATBD themselves together under the Arm of BOLTON, DYNELMAII, & CO., and will continue the Ca: Building business in all its branches at the A , 141. establishment, corner TWENTY-FIRST and HAMILr TON Streets. JOS. B. BOLTO N GZO. Z. DYKSILAN, 0. W. CHILDS.: • JuLYI,IMS4 ARMY GOODS. FROTHINGHAZ & WELLS EAVII POE BALI HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT 81113TINCIS AND SHIRTING& STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICB AND SILESIA& BROWN BLEACHED,_ AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YAMS, So. CO., S . i3.OI7SMA.DT & O. 251 BROADWAY, NEW YORXi INFORMS OF MEN'S & LADIES' GLOVES, GERMAN AND ENGLISH. HOSIERY, MEN'S FURNISHING- GOODS, LACES & DRESS TRIMMINGS, to which they MITE THE WHOLESALE TRAM 17111-Sza CENTRAL FAIR.-A VERY LARGE aeeortment of Stereosoopic Viewe of the Central Pair. hicALLISTICR & BROTHER, .ir2042 72S CHESTNUT Street. 1101 Ir EATON & ~ DEN OK-LA, HARD -s-a- WARE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 507 HO* &188.C21, and 510 NORTH Street' offer for sale: Anchor Brand Nails; Plymouth M ill 'Nye& W. & S. Botcher's Coat Steel; Basle Cabinet Looks. Putnam's Horse Nails; Locke' School Slates. Copper. Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. Al.n troll romortmAnt of;Arnerloan Hardware.. 149-la MONIMENTEI. LND STONES.—e large assortment of Mrsve-Stonee; of vitriol:didesire% made of the Eneetltaltarand -smeztenn Marble, constantly on hand at the Marble Works ADAMATBINMETZ. ItIDOA Aiwinoi below .71Joyatetk RETAIL DRY GOODS.' NA.VY, AND CIVIL CLOTH itovsm: W. T. SNODEIRASS, 34 S. SECOND street, and E 3 STEAWBEERT !Enid. • A large Moot of all kind of CLOTJIB -CASSIM.Ettlfi t VESIINGSi &Cm, At fair prices. purchased before the rfee; intlepouient of gold garablers, by the package, piece, or yard. Oar ,motto Is to Bell. We don't peddle. Come and see our stock. The Army and Navy trade has our special at tention. .171-1 m INCH ORGANDY LAWNS REDUCED nom $1 25 to 75 cts. Rich Organdy Robes, redo ced.to Lawns reduced from $l to SW. cts. Grenadines at very low prices. Summer Dress Goods all reduced. India Silks reduced to 76 cts. and $1..• . White Barege Shawls and Circulars. White and Black Lace Pantos and Rotunda& Sommer Shawls selling off very low. White and Colored Shetland Shawls. EDWIN Hd6l, & CO.; 20 South SECOND Street. (11.053/ITO OUT SUMMER DRESS 00038 AT LOW PRICES. A great Twisty of aryles of this sesSon's importation. from V. cen to. to #.1., Best FaciArLawrus at 37X cents. Figured Brown EftWue. aEt37.% cents. French GELWIIN at 40, 424 62 and 87% cent. Bert makes erMn6line, Calicoes, Olnhame, and all kinds of Domeehic Goods, far below the manufacturer's prices..Whie Barege and Lama Shawls. - - Silk Grenadine-611mM. NEI all-wool CsahMere Shawlejt2.2s,_wornsl62.so. H. STEEL, & N. )716 Nos. 713' and' 715 , North TENTH Street. E XAMINE OCR LAWNS: Lawns, brown ground: neat Snared, 440. Lawns, white ground...llBa figured, 44c:' Huckaback and. Bath Towels, large.sasortinank Bird's. Bye Linen Towels. Extra Size Damask Towels. I Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists, $5, Bathing. Flannels, rod and' gray. ..;78 . 'JOHN H, STOESS, 702 ARCH Stiset 4PI 38 OIIBLNAND TWIST CABS'. 411,586-4 Wide Dark Mixed BeaTriWeede. Low , pricedand fine emelt:Term Fe, advance in Summer eifeck. Linen Drilla and Duck: Superfine Willie Duck and Trill& &Meth Stops WoolenF , !Amin. • , WILLIAETWILLE. 'Nair Yorimills and other good: males linslistS, by litepiece or ittrd. Wide Sheekbas by the plea., ' Best old standard_ makes 114bleaehe& MBB/13113. Flarraels, Checks; Stripes, Bs, Towels and Torvelings, lEsimask Table Linens. Napkins. FANCY BRIRTITIO'PLairter.I3. COOPER & CONARD. 197 8..411. corner NlNTl 6 anitlffteßEET Streets. vIRMAIL DE PA.PAB," FOR TEN ALA —Thts deliglski4l prepay Mon le esim °hely recommended to ladies abbot visiting. the conntrg or sets shore, for removing the-disoolorations sensed by gm:burn or salt air.- The "Email de Parte" is en domed' and aniyersallised I* the ladies of the French capltstl.. EUGENE JOUIN, Ice.-1.1.1 1 Si TENTH' Street. below Chestnut; Agent for l'ltarail de Parte. Je29.lmif up I liowizs.4,l4b#44:tyoa ' The Attention of LAWRIE ABOUT' DRAY -1110 TEN errY for the ''ssa,Shorei." " tering Places," or "'the Country,"is F .; resetrully invited to the extensive stock to of WHITE GOODS, suitieble for SIMMER ea WEAR._ Tor WHITE BODIES, MORNING WRAPPERS, Ste. • An extensive assortment Is offered: In Lies and Wonted Edgings andgneertinge,,. Veils, Handkerchiefs, Collaißleeves, and+ lib plain and fancy Plaid Stri ped and'Pigared , While E. Goode, AT PRICES OH - BELOW" THEIR • PRESENT RETAIL VA.LITN. 100 Printed Linen Canielo-Dreesee. 4 7,•, 100 pieces Paired, Tacked, and Meted Mtuain.s. it ' E. Nt. NE-BDCRS. LEGAL. UNITED STA'I(S I EABTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNS - ALVANIA—sex. THB PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE BASTERN DISTRICT OF PENN SYLVANIA—OREL-ma: WhEREAS, The Disenict Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on.aJAbel, flied in the name of the United States of America, bath deereed alt persons in general who have, orpretend to have; any right, title. or interest in the SIoop.JULIA. whereof mas ter,. her Tackle, APParel,,and-Furnitnre, and the Goods,. Wares, and Merchandise,fladen on board thereof, cap- • • tared by the 'United States Steamer "Mystic," under tbe command of Limit. COM. A 4 F. Crostini an, to be monished, cited, and called tojudgmeni „at the time and plat* under written and to the effect- hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring. ) ' Yoa.are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that • you omit not. bat that by publishing these-presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed- and-published in the city of Phila delphia, and in the frg,a2 htteiligeneer, you do monish and cite, or causal° be monished and cited, perempto rily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, : title, or interest in the said- sloop,. tier Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, and the Goods. 'Wares, an Merchandise , laden on board thereof, to, appear before the Honorable JOHN CAD WALADER„ the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court": room, in the oily of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court: day, or else. en the next court day following, be tween the canal hours . of bearing causes, then arid there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasona ble and lawfal excuse, if any they have, why the said sloop, her Tackle, Apparel. and Furniture, andlthe Goode, Wares, and Merchandise, laden on, board thereofshould not be pronounced to belong,, at the time of the capture of the same, to the ersiones of the United States, and as goods of their enemies or othernOne ' liable and subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes; and 'further to do and receive in this belmlf as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intimated..llBllo all parsons afonseald, gene rally; (to whom by the tenor 01 these presents it is also intimated,)l,bat if they shall not appear Meths time and place above-mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable end lawful cause to the conwary„.then said District Coin; dothintend and will proosedio.adjudita lion on the said capture and may 'pronounce that the said Stoop JULIA, her Tackle. Appare?„and,Furniture, and the Goods, axes, and Merchandise, laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the exp lore or the same, to the enemies of the United States of - A,marbm, and as goods of their entmies, or otherwise,. liable and subject to confiscation and condemnationt to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize. the alutencaor rather contu macy of the persons so cited and intintateal anywise notwithstanding, and that sh a tr certify to the said District Court what you do in th e premise', to with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN OADWALADER, Judge of the said Court. at Philadelphia,. this eighteenth day of JULY, A. D. 1664, and In the eighty- ninth year of the independence of the said United States. jyl - 9.3t G. IL FOX. Clerk of District Court. 'UN TIED STATES, EASTERN • DI& . TRICT . OF PENNSYLVANIA,"Sotr. THE PRaSIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT (SF PENN. SY LVANlA.—Gaxxstaat WHEREAS. The DistrietConrt of the United States in and for the -Easter District of Pennsylvania. rightly and duly proceeding; on a Libel, filed in the name of the United Stales of America, hath decreed all persons in general who have, or pleendto have.any right. title, or interest in the schooner POCAHONTAS, whereof I:leo tards master, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, and the Goods, Wares. and Merchandise laden on board thereof. captured by the United States steamer "Sweet Brier," under the command of Ensign J. D. Dexter to be moniahed, cited. and called to Judgment. at the time and place underwritten, and to the .etreet hereafter ex pressed, .(justice so requiring ) You are hereaf ter Osumd and strictly enjoined and commanded, that yea omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least twe of the daily newspapers printed and pub lished in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Legal la telligencer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and oiled, Perimptorily, all persons in gene ral who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or . interest in the said Schooner, her Tackle. Apparel, and Furniture, and the Goods: Wares. and Merchandise laden onboard thereof, to appear before the Honorable JOHN GADWALADER, the Judge of tboaaid Court, at the District Court room, in the City of PhiladelPhia, on the twentieth day after publication of these presents, if it be a court day, or else On the neat court day follow ing, betwten the usual hours of hearing causes. then and there to show, or allege, in due form of law, a =Faso* .* ,'^ and lawful excuse . if an. the. have. Why the eiir and the Goode, Wares, and Nerbhandise. laden on board thereof, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the aaine, , to the enemies of the United States, and as go'oda of their enemies or other wise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be ad judged and condemned as good and lawfal prizeta; and further to do and receive in this behalf as to viatica' shall appertain. And that you duly intimate, or cause to be intameted, unto all persons aforesaid, generally . , (to whom by the tenor of these presents Bus also Intl mated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Cc art doth'intend and will proceed to adjudica tion on the said capture, and may pronounce that the said schooner POCAHONTAS, her Tackle, Apparel. and Furniture and the Goods,Wares.and Merchandise laden on board thereof, did belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of Ameri ca, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and, subject- to conlitcation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and Intl mated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you shall do in the premlnee, together with them presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CADWALADER, Judge of the said 'Court. at Philadelphia, this eighteenth day of JULY, A. D. 1364, and in the eighty-ninth year of the independence of said United Stales. jyl9-It G. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. INTN TIIE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate or F REDBRICK LENNIG, deceased- The Auditor appointPd try the Court to audit. settle. and adituit the account of CHARLES F. LENNIO and GEORGE (1. LENNIG, executors of the will of Fre derick Lennie, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, wi.ll meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appoint ment, on SATURDAY, July 23, 1884, at 11 o'clock A. H. at No. 128 South. SIXTH Street. in the city of Philadelphia. ' H. R. WALLACE, IY//-litivf-at • Auditor. TE THE ORPHANS' CI 002dERY COUNTY. Estate of ISAAC EASTEURN, Deceased. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersigned Auditor, ap pointed by the said Court to distribute the balance in the bands of JONATHAN M. SHALNLINE. the acting executor of the last will and testament of the said Isaac Eaetbron, late bf Upper Merlon townehip; in the county of Montgomery, deceased, to anti among those legally entitled to the same, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY, the 28th day of July, 1E64, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the office or the Auditor, No. 201 EGYPT street, ',lonia town, Pa. • • 3y6-wflt ' AMMAN T. MUM Auditor. LETTERS !TESTAMENTARY HAY ING beellNinted to. the undersignifd, as Execu trix of the last- will and testament of Wit. W. ROL.. LINGSWORM deceased, by the Register of Willa of City and County of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment. Those having claims against the same, to present them to CAROLINE N..ROLLINGSWORTEI, - Executrix, 1800 SPRUCE Street: Jett win* PIiOrUSALS. ASSISTANT QUARTETIDIASTIC • 'S OFFICE, _ • CINOINNATZ . 1 1811. SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at this oMoe until 12 o'clock M. of SATURDAY, July tOth, for fur nishing the following articles: . • Cap Paper, Ruled And Plain, to weigh not less than 12 porndsper Ream Letter Paper, Baled and Plain, to weigh not lass than 10 pounds per Ream. Rote Paper,_ Ruled and Plain, to weigh not less than 6 pounds per Ream. Folio Post Paper, Ruled anti Plain, to weigh not less than 24 pounds per Ream. Envelope Paper, to weigh not less thin 28 pounds per Beam. Official Envelopes. White and Bluff, of the following 8 0. 1* 9./ittali inches; No. 9, 4a9 inches; No. 3, 43(sx 10N inches. • Letter Envelopes, White and Buff, 31(x5N . inches. Wafer% Pen- Holders. Sealing Wax,_ Quills. Mucilage,' Steel Pens, Paper Folder°. • Rulers. Rea. Ink in 3-oz.-bottles,. • Ink Powder,. Inkstandil Lead Pencils, Office-Tape. • Blank Books, per gift% Black ink in gnarl, pint, and bait-pint donna. • Memorandum Books, Demi, Svo. ' samples to accompany bids, and the quantities and the rime within which the articles proposed to be tup..- ntsbed can be delivered at the Storehouse in this (My. 'to be specified: - • • Bids will bo received for any quantity of any or aIL. of the above articles. Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, -whose -names must be appended to the 'gas- - mutes, and whsn the guarantors are not known at this office - 0 be responsible men, they must be certllled to by some-public functionary of the Unlted•ntateir. By order of Col. Thos. Swords, A. Q. 51. General, • U. S. A. H. P. GOODRICH. ilYftBt Captainand - A.*Q. tC ' 111 AVE,NOVE BUT , LIFE-BIZ E PRO "PIICPARYI/3_ in oil ;coigreiveilen you wish por t:ad: AheYiareligithful copies of the originals. See B x. RAMO, S'superb styles, 824 ARCH Street. ue 2 n pm! QODEY FOR ATFOUST , A-• 3720-3 t PITCHER'S, SOS CHESTNUT St. NEW BOOKS t NEW BOOKS I ReligioneTraining of Children at , the School, the Family, and the Church By Catharine E. Beecher.. Loyalty on the Frontier; or. Sketches of union Hen of the kontitwest with Incidents and Adventures in Rebellion on the g old er. By A. W. Bishop. Haunted Hearts. By the author of the Lamphlighter. The Potomac and the Rapidan; Army Notes from Failure at Winchester to the Reinforcement of Rose crane, 1951-3. By Alarm H. Quint. Tempest and Sunshine; or. Life in Kentucky. By 'Mrs. Margaret J. HOllllO. The Bugle Bigot, or Spirit of the Conflict. com_ pr is ing Namaland Military Exploits, Raids, &c. By E. IL S. Ron sp. For eale by W. S. & ALFRED HARTfEN; jy2A COG CHESTNUT Street -- THE INDEPENDENT. . This veett Religiime,titerary,aad iskapy Journal, edited by REv. HENRY.WARD BEECHER, BET. JOSHUA :LEAVITT, p.m, Amp THEODORE TILTON, Islatiiedln the name form, and nkthe same low price of TWO DOLLARS Per Annum. redwithatanding the great advance ia„ white paVer. Rev.HETCRY WARD BEECHER TRH POLLOWI3/0-2NIFIENT WRITHES ARE SPII4IAL CONTIIIC- . , ALLEN BCITLFX. ENE THEODORE D. OTIYLEB, BEY• ROBERT M. HATFIELD, HORACE oitalLin," • • Tmuns-42 pevenittush* priid in advance,, Specimen numbers gent gratis. EDSESPH SOII.A.EDS, Publisher, No. 5 BEEtwerAN St., New York. FOR SALE Etr 'NEWS AGENTS. J71.3-12t 4. NEW SUMMER BOOKS. (MIST PUBLISHED BY CABLETDE italziP • • L A WOMAN'S PHILOSOPHY OF WOBE . A.IT—Iteing an answer to,. Midhelet's famous works 'Love (L Amour)" and* " Woman (La 'Femme). T'ranelated from the celebrated French work recentlymblialled Broseele, where the, excitement about it ie so great. 12m0., cloth, - IT. OUT FIT.TITE WORLD—An excellentaid earnest- WeZaiZ . rtt Shad owed nr_ HOTSDIIR—A. Hew NoveLby M. T. IicALWORTH. author or "'Frain." Onehandsome 12mo...clothbound. Price IL 69: —• ' - IV. CHARLOTTE BROPTE AND MISS DITTLOCH— New, elegant , Hirno.„ cloth bound editions ('with au il- Instrat)on)oPthe beet novels by these fl aeons authors. enibraciasJANEßYßE, JOHN HALIFAX", VTLLETTE, SHIRLEY% sad LIFE FORA LIFE. Price $1.5). V. DisFAINENS AND DAYLIGHT —A splendid New Noire, b 7 Mre, MARY J. HOLMES. author of "Lens Rivers,." '`Tempest and Sunshine." &o: 13m0.. sloth. •1.60. VT/tees books are sold evemvhere,, sad will be sent by ma.ll,,frec, (a receipt of (ice %ff by • (iceO. . CARLE'PON. • Jett:wall' Publisher, New York. ivasT - AND MOST CORM= WAR DIAPs. —Jest published RBCRLER'S MILITARY' MAP. Referring to the. • CAMPAIGNS of the ARMY OF TAB POTOMAC' IN VIRGINIA. Including the adjoining Tarts of MARYLAND AND PENNSYLVANIA, espresnly compiled from the latest and most reliable 'maces 4:4a record for military sad viva, use. Mounited and in case. Price, Also, ATLAS of Battles:Engagements; and Important Lo nalities connected with the CAMPAIGNS lit VIRGINIA. itto., cloth. Price, Ed. • PERKINS'S NEW TOPOGRAPITICAL'WAR MAP of the SOUTHERN STATES. • • With a Chronology. or the Great Rebellion. limo , boards. Price, So cents. or Map, single. Price,?3o'oents. Sent postpaid, on receipt of _price. By F. LEYPOLDT, Nblieher, JrlS-mwt Si YR= CHESTNUT Street. A BHMEAD & EVANS, Snocesseors to • WILLIS P. HAZARD • cHis 7a4 nurr street. Have received SAVAGE AFRMik. By W. Winwood Reads. • With illustrations and ma u. COUSIN PHIELDL A Tale. last oat. • • GUIDE BOOK - O y THE NEW „TERM CENTRAL R. R. With a soap and handsome illustration& MAFARIA-. BP - Aagtuita .J. Evane,,author of Ben lah. • The vest Southern Navel; reprinted, from the Richmond edition. CHRONICLES OP THE SCHONBERG COYTA. FAMI LY. Pine edition. an tinted paper. -.-Outs of • tile- hest works eve i ssued. Everybody should reatit. LIN NET'S TRIAL. A Tale. By the author of "Twice Lost." HOTSPgIt. A Tale of the Old Dutch Manor. By Walworth,_autbor of "Lula. " THE TANNER BOY, and How he Became Lieutenant General, By Major Penniman. - DEWS& By the author of " Mademoiselle bloyi.." 2 vole, . "MEW MEDICAL BOOK& T.O.ZiNER'S NEW MILKILIL OE PRACTICE. A. new eniarn edition. WYTHE'S POCKET DOSE ANA SYMPTOM BOOK. Fourth edition, revised. FULLER ON RNEAMUTISN.. A now 'embed ea, Hob. • BYPOND ON THE lITERUEL HAUER'S ORTHOPEDIC BURQRRY. CHEW'S LECTURES ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. A NEW MEDICAL CATALOGUE., classified and priced, furnished gratis apo_n aplication. LLNIIHMT BLARISTON, Attacouth SIXTH Street. APPLETONIS NEW AMERICAN OFCLOPRDLL She Amity for this invaluable Library of Universal Information feat 31 South SIXTH Street, second glory. ale°, RECORD OF TRII lIREIRLLION. By Frank Moore. SPRING Dri3ILITY I. LAIIGOUR, L- : LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM peculiar to the SPRING_TIME OF YEAR, Eze. ately elieved by the PERUVIAN SY RU P Or Or rrotected Solution of PROTOXILIB OF THE PERUVIAN SYRUP. Supplies the blood With its vital prinivitde. Sr • FlFFlLBPWr py t grlnfusing SrisNOTH, , vieoß anliLu a into allyarts of the system. One of the most distinguished Jurists in NOW InSland writes to a friend as follows: bate fried the nitllVlAli SYRilr,•and the reattli f u lly eusigins.your 108411410. It has made a NEW NAM of me; infuses /Tato My aye ISM flew Vigor and energy; I am no longer tremulous and debilitated as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the last Ave years. An eminent Divine of Boston says: "I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time peat; it gives me tw • v vtooz, nuovezioi of smarm, ELASTICITY Of MUSCLE. ramptdets free S. P. DISMORB,_ ko. 491 BROADWAY, nurToss. • COUGHS t COLDS I CONSUMPTION I . Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry: 038 OP EBB OLDEST AND MOOT RELIABLE lIIIMRDIHEI 13 1 TEE Woaxn roil "claColds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Din alt? Breathing, Asthma,Hoarseness, sore Throat, Crone, and every Affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS, AND cutsT. Wietas's Baisam of Wild Cherry does! not Dry up a Cough and leave the seeds of Consumption in the'y *- pu tem, but looeeloosenit. and cleanses the Lunge of ali4gs. None genuine unless signed I. B1:1178 "on the 'wrapper. . REDDING'S - RUSSIA SALVE! A Beal Pain Extractor. • FORTY YEARS' FRPERJENCE Has rally established the imperiorliy of•thit , Salve over all other healing remedies. It rednens the moat angry. looking Swellings and Inflammations-as; by Magic; heals OLD Sows. WOUNDS. Buave-,Soarme, ao., ' in s . ' • inrprisingli abort time. Only 25 .eta. a Bon. The store are old and well- estabii.ohe4 Remedies. .011 T OF MONT- J. P. DINS/SORB, 491 BROADWAY, NEW TORN . W. FOWLS & CO.; 18 TREMONT Bg., BOSTON, - PAS-swam and-by all Dniggista. TARRANy'S EFFERVICt3I)Bin MELTZER APIRIBAT nEsir =Mir Ettoicrt FOR AIL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK HILDACHII,OO/37TVE MESS. „INDIGESTION, HEART:BURN, SOUS STOMACH, SEA SICKNESS, Aro., 80. Dr. JAMES B. CHILTON. the Great Chemist, am "I know Its composition, and have no doubt it wIJ prove most beneficial in those complaint, for whit& it b recommended.' ' Dr. THOMAS BOYD says: "I otrontlY eoluniend to thenotlce of the public." Dr. EDWARD G. LUDLOW aye: "I am with On fence recommend it. " Dr. GEORQB T. DEXTER aye: "In ratnleney Heart-horn, Coetiveteu, Sick Ileadiche, he., tit SBLTZKk APERIANT in my hands hail proved indeed Ytinable remedy. Tor other teatintonlals see pamphlet will euh batik Manufactured only b - TARRAIrf & 00. • 218 011 Street, Reg TA, Mir TOE SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. m 793430. ELECTRICITY. : _ WONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC DIS- Y All acute and chronic diseases cured by special zuttrantes, when desired by the pa tient, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in case of a failure, no charge is made. - No drag- . litg e t a h r e system with uncertain Ma g netism, taint& f other modifica tions Prrm of Lectri i:s', s wlthuunll l o B o7o; gi/ 7 any unpleasant sensation. e For further informa- Non send and get a Pamphlet, which contains Mtn . deed s of certificates from some of the most reliable , men in Philadelphia. who have been speedily , and Permanently cured after. all other treatment from medical men had failed. Over twelve thousand / mired in lege than five years at,12510 WALNUT lit . 1 .Consultation Free. Prof. BOLLES & Dr. BROWN, 1 I - jyl4-tf 1220 WALNUT tit.. Philadelphia. 5 3EISTEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS; Not oily ITNEXOILLID but VASQUALLND Is perm of Tone 'mid Power, deer:Led esiwtial7 for Charelter lodleboobs, but forted to be equally well adapted It the Parlor ... ani . Drawlne so. BOO ls_ M it 0 . rth ro s r gv • eal er on: b: trest. E bl. DROOL • Aloe, a eozogete_ aesorttoeut of the Parfeet . hteloebleet wmatanairun-buud., mellt-ew PHRENOLO GI CAL EXAM:CNA. _ L TlOAB' w ith fall descriptions of chamater', the suaiVlNlNG,iky..._ J. 1: CAPRI. sahs-wtagtas 145 Bona TEAM Wait NEW PUBLICA.TIONS. IMMME73 ME SERMON EVERY WEEK, VOTOSO TO ITO COLUMNS DATARit TiVribß. JOHN, G. WHITTIER • MEDICAL. imewcra For Sale by WANTS. ANTE D-LARGE SECOND OR r v fihird•stnry Room for light badness. Address "Boom, " at this °dice. 1Y20.2t• WANTED -BY A YOUNG GENTLE . MAN, a bandsomely-furniefied 'PARLOR sod CHAMBERAir a%respeetable French or American busby. Address Box 981, P. , 0. WANTED-paN_INTEREST 114 A Wholesale or a Wholesale and Retail DRUG _,lg by one who understands the business. E.OOO tothkuott Address "Interest," this office. jr2o-20 GENTLEMAN, HVir- UM froth 10 CO to - 15AV DOLLARS, to take an interest (either Kelly° or silent) in an established business—hi RORACTORINI—and wholesale profits ISTRO- First-daBR ?emcee abreu and required. AU comunthicatlons strictly coelblestial. Address, with real name, " d. R,. J.." Pres/ Wilco. jy2o.2t* WWANTED TO PtRGRA.SE- AN IN TBREST in a Wholesale Grocery Boum. Ad dress Box 11 , 23 P. 0... .iyl9-43t* -virA NTBDL-T WO' OR THREE STEAM. EDIGINES, SIX to iffiden horse power each, with evtAcient boiler altahhed; : Address' "Engiae," box nu Philadelphia Post Of fice. Jyl9-2t. WAN' A. 0001 Y PENMAN, AS ENTRY CLERK,•in a Sobbing Dry goods Hone. Also, an intelligent Lad for counting-roam. Address Box 209. POPI, Office,. brifi 9t.* COLORED 110 Y, 14 OR w 14 Years old as Waiter in el:Private Family.- Ap ply at 818' LOCUST Street. JY7-tt" WANTED— THREE BITI3sT I r uTEs of gbod fighting gnalltiesi for the Army of the Potomac. to represent a gentleman exempt from milt= tars' duty. Apply at 205 WALNUT St , P'bila. je3o-tf A LOT IN MANTUA-WANTED, abbut 60 Met, (roe, for cash or city properly. Ad dress M. LEE, Philadelphia P. 0. iy2o 2to RUtEII'ITITTE WANTED 1 I I-A. SUB. STITCTE wanted for the United States service. None but an " alien!'need amity. A liberal price will" be paid. Call at 403 M4RKET . Street. IPO Tt B LACKSMITHS AND WHEEL WEIGHTS WANTED. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S °UPTON. WASHINGTON DEPOT Wanted Government uly 4, Mit. Wanted at once, to work in renair shops, Quartermastere' Department, Depot of Washington, one hundred (100) good BLACKSMITHS, and one hun dred (100) good WHEELWRIGHTS. The pay per month will he sixty dollars (M), with one (1) ration per. day, and hospital privileges-when sick. • • appiy to Captain CHAS. H. TOMPKINS. A. Q. K. U. El A.,corner Twenty-second and G Streets, Wash higtOn, ). C. D. H. RUCKER, Brigadier General and Chief Quarternmeter, jy6-t23 Department of Washington. TEAMSTERS WANTED. 08 E? QUARTERMASTER'S 0?1 , 708, WAsBINGTON DEP6T; WASHINGTON, D. C. ,• July 9, 1954. - WARTED, at once, THREE HUNDRED TEAM STERS, each capable of driving with single line; awl managing six-mule teams. To such win; are competent to perform the ditty the pay per month will be thirty dollars, with one radon per day, and hospital-privileges, including the best medical attendance when sick. Apply to Captain Charles H. Tompkins, A. Q. E. A., corner Twenty-second and G streets, Washing ton, D. C. D.* H. RUCHE% Brig. Gen. andChlef Quartermaster, - Depot of Washington. $4O oor, T_OI,OAN ON 14017GA:01 .szr y s, t a o t. 5 per cent, in same-not /ens than S3,o;:lair. . CEARLBS RHOADS, jyl9-10t 5 Conveyancer , No. 36 S. SEVENTII,66 $6O A MONTH !—.4 WANT A(ENTB at Kra trionth,expensee paid, to sell my EVES. LASTING PRIfCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and 13 other articles. Fifteen circulars sentfres." Address anBo-d&vram JOHN F. LORD. Biddeford. Maine.. iiinMKEll. RESOUTS. COLUMBIA. ROUSE, • CAPE MAY. FOR 'ERR BRA.-BRORB: THROUGH IN TWO ROUES. UNWED STATES HOTEL, • .ATLANTIO CITY, N. J., NOW OPEN FOICTRE RECEPTION OP GOMM Trains. leave TINE- STREET PREEN daily at 7 A. IL. 2 and 4.15 P. M. Tetuan!. per week, or $3,.60 per day. BROWN & WOELPPER, PROPRIETORS. FLORENCE - HEI.GHTS.- THIS BEAIT TIEUL RESORT is now open for the reception of ousts. Terme sl2_per week, or SD per day. Apply on the premises or at No. 605 S ANC;OSI Street, jylP-121 5 R. G. SOIKIN, Proprietor. TELE WHITE HOUSE, LOCATED. ON Iffassacltusettsivenu_betwerm the Ocean and Hail: ,Toad, at ATLANTIC CITY, is now prepared to receive visitors. The 'proprietor, thankful for past liberal sup port, pledges himself to spare ao efforts that will coatri bate to the happiness of his patrons, and secure for them the comforts of F a home at the sea-side For information, address WM. WHITEHOUSE, ie2s-rwl3t* Atlantic City. R„,I3I.IMER RESORT.—BROAD-TOP MOUNTAIN HOBS& —This romantic spot can be reached' daily by the Penney Wants. Central Beitroad to Huntingdon, thence by the Broad-Top Railroad via Dudley. Arcursion Tickets are issued at hatf the surreal rates, which are good until the drat et October. Are-class accommodations. Tangs—sl2 per week ; per day 112.1513. Children and servants halt price. For farther particulars address C. H. n_LLMOND le Co. Managers. jyl3.lm Broad-Top City, Hunt' Co., Pa. BRIGANTELIE HOUSE, BRIGANTINE BEACH, N. J. —H. D. SMITH, Proprietor. This large and. commodious Hotel is now open for the reception of 'visitors. Persons desirous of visiting the sea-shore will dud this one of the most desirable places for .excelleut Bathing, Fishing, Gunning, Sm. Situa tion, three miles from Atlantio City, and communica tion from Philadelphia twice a day, via Camden and Atlantis Railroad. Boats will be In readiness at the Inlet.„ on the arrival of the trains, to convey guests to the Rotel. Terms moderate. • • For further information address the proprietor. iY9.lBt* REDFORD BIDTERA.L SPRINGS.— ,This popular Summer Resort is now open, and pro paiid for the reception of visitors, until October next. Tbeliotel turllithe under the charge of the moat expe rienced minigement in the country. The Bedford. Railroad bas been iiniehediu within OM bons' ride of Springs. over fine Turirribed. - Visitors will come by Pennsylvania • Sad to Hunt. Wean; thence by Broad Top and Bedfor through. . Ample arrangements have been made to' Bopplrilaal us and individuals with the BEDFORD WATM to Well-steamed casks. as follows: Forßarrel B, oa arrel k oak ......(10,01)...53 80 Half mulberry ....... 200 4 00 All orders addressed to Z. L. ANDEBBOI4. Bedford, promptly tiled. Persons wishing rooms, or an information about Plaoemill address ESPY L. ANDERSON: ieB-2m nomMERCIAL HOUSE, CAPE ISLAIiIt % NW JERSEY, Itt now open for the reception of Viettortt. ,Every effort will be made to make the Foods or the home° com fortable. Terme moderate. Tor Room dec., apkt A. BEROFELD'S resi dence. No. db* Bora TWELFTH Street. j y 7-121 • J. H. BROWN dt CO. " T":CLARENDON," ATLANTIC CITY, is now open for the accommodation of boarders. This house is situated in a central part of the island. and every room in the house commend. a fine view of the sea. The bathin¢ never was better. 470-Inl JAMES JENKINS, M. D. fIARL ISLE WHITE SULPHUR I."- SPRINGS. —The Proprietor takes pleasure in an nouncing that this favorite and fashionable Watering Place is now open for visitors. The , pereonel. and un divided attention of the Irroprietor w ilt be given to Dio wants and comforts of hie guests. 3 7 1.4 3;Q * • N. W. WOODS, Proprietor. BATHING.-NATION&L HAIL, 11 / 4 " Onn ISLAND , Cape Nay, N. J.. is now open for the reception oe numerous guests. Terms moderate. Children unde years of age and servants half price. Superior accommodations and ample room for two hundred persons. AnitON GARJUITSON, re24-2m rroprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG •-f BRANCH, N. le now open for the reception of visitors. Address B.A. snosmesgs, ProVr. • Je.l3-2m* CHESTER COUNTY HOUSE, ha y LANTIO CWT. N. J.—This private BOARDING. O.OIJBE (always open for Boarders), is now fully av ranged for the accommodation of Sommer visiten The sitnation is one of the best on the Island. being in full view of the Ocean, and near excellent batloing gretuod. iny3j-gm JACOB SKIM, Proprietor. NEW ROUTE TU W1L.1i2E5.13.4t1.113EM, IrIAT , NORTH .. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TIME AND DISTANCE SAVED I ET 'I A. M. EXPRESS TRAIN, FROM THE NEW DEPOT, THIRD STREET, ABOVE THOMPSON, ARRIVING IN WILIIESBAREE 2.45 P. -DI. RETURNER% Leave Ar - ITKES - DAilitt at IP. ii. nection at Bethlehem with North Pennsylvania 12r- Press train, and arrive in Philadelphia at &2) P. N. FARE $4.25.. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ELLIS CLARK; AGENT. LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SONG $l6 0516M15T 5r5551% PHIL . EITONOW in WINS II you ate 1580ZiXttiAt of LOOKING CirsAB.SE of every 'Waster, of the TINY MAT MANINACITUAII AND LATEST EThaii. OIL PAINTINGS. ZLIGRAVLNGS I MD merino AND PHOT9GIUM PEAK . RAIN PIPE DRAIN PIPE. D VITRIFIED TERRA. COTTA: DRAIN PlPE—sll dna, from 2 to 16-inch diameter, with all .kinda of branches. beds, and traps. for sale in any onantitY. h hors per yard 35c. 8 . as 45 0. 4 NS Si Si NS 55 0. 6 NS 78, 6 NS NS 850. TERRA COTTA CHIMNEY TOPE,For PAiiages t Villas, or City Howes, Patent Wind V EXit Tope. 'tor cori ng smoky chimneys. from 2to S fed .. ORNAMENTAL GARDEN VASEti. Fount.na. Pedestalk_ and .Statuary Marble 'Basta; Dracke, and. Mantel Vases.' PHILADELPHIA TERRA COTTA WORKS. 1010 carenarr mA. tell- !mash S. A. HARRISON. F . /AMAZING A ND N GAS Firrnie.:- MoCOLLIN & BROADS, WS= MARXIST Street, Philadelphia , Water Mils, Wind Mina, Hydrandia Pau% PdU,P,Oi_ various patterns, Ba th ing Tabg,ligashßasinhyand artlieleis *mammary_ to:, Ininiabr Direl li ngs , dtr.And, WU*, ARlVelro47.lll.44era oonwayinoo of Water Tura Oottli Whim ' s:ld Thai* ill" 110041.1 a • ROTEL FURNITURE FOR 8111.1.—. Being about to retire from the business. the std.— scriber offers at public sale. ON TUESDAY', .Tcrix Eff. NM, ttie entirn stook of FURNITURE in HERR'S }TOTAL. HARRISBURG,Th„; ennnistini of Bedstemieafair,Hattresses, Featherßett; Pillows, Sheets, Comforts, Quilts, Carpets. . Engle* Corner Clocks. Bureaus, Spedn4. Irntees China ast Glannware,entileientto socommod.ie 203 lilY;stal Kitchen Crowd hi; in fact.everything required in alarm hotel. Sale to be continued from day to day until allio sold_ Terms cash, under one hurtilred jyl9.7t T. aTT.RBRT Frsza, A lICTION BAUD OF 0011.15.EMENVI AA- HORSES! • . • WAR DarASTADIAT, DAVALAY BARAILIG • OPTIVR Or Camp QuAarzaweersjk_ WASH - IRMA, D. C. July WM, Will be Pohl at PUBLIC AUCTION. to the highs." biddff, the times and a re* named below—via. LEBANON. Penna., THURSDAY, July, lath, 1 ae4., READING,' Penne , THURSDAY. July. 21st, 1944. - HARRISBURG, Penna.. THURSDAY. July astbi ALT0014.4,_ Penns. THURSDAY Aneet4th , lßM. WILLIAMPORT, Penna., Tyo - 11BDAY.Anguet jaw l aw WO • • O ITUNDRED (21:(1) CAVALRY HORSES at eade. Place. _— Thus Home have been, condemned as Milt for Mt Cavalry service the:Arra - Y. be For Road and Farm purposes many good bargains mai Horses Bold - singly. •• Terms:. Cash.' In United States Carrener. JAMBS Lieut. Col. and Chief Q.cuutermsater Cavalry B.areen.. IDIYBLIC BALE OF lINCLA.IIIMP -a- GOODS remaining in the Warehouse of the Par- LADBLPRIA AND READING RAILROAD CON. pa fly, TBIRTBENTR and CALLOWRILL Strada: Philadelphia. The articles described In the following rebednui, having been consigned to the Station mimed below, Gm the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad, and the con signeer, after due and legal notice, not haring takes. them away, nor paid the costs and expenses of carmine,. will be exposed to public sale or outcry,at the suereilt Stations Darned below, on nATURD Alf September /7. 1864; the sale to commence at tea o'clock in the fora. noon of raid day: STATION. CONSIGNERS. ARTICLES AND RAM; Philadelphia The above artia-ne will 'be exposed to public sae. ler aforesaid, according to the provisions of the first aseldea, Of the Aet of .Astembly oftthe Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. approved the sixteenth day of March A. D. 1863; with all the few:dream:its of which the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company have in all re syrets complied. The Act of Assembly itkas follows: " Commission merchant. and Sectors. and all eoet mon carriers, or other perne haring a lien noon goody wares, and merchandise, for or on account of the wets and expenses of Carriage or storage, or any other charge arising front the transportation„ keeping, or storage al such property, in case tbe,owners or consignees shall not pay or discharge the amount due for such cost, ex— pense, carriage, storage, or ether charges; hereinbeforta r anted, may, after the expiration of ninety day from the notice hereinafter provided, proceed :itoi sell the same, or so much thereof as maybe me= to discharge said lien, at public auction: Pro That notice of sale shall be given as required for she-. tiff's sales of personal property, and that thirty degree. notice of said lien he given to the owner or consignee of the property, if they can , be found, and in ease their cannot be so found, that the same shall he advertise& weekly in tom e newspaper Onblished in the proper eitg, or county which the goods, wares, or merchandise have been consigned, for four consecutive weeks before the sale, the residue of money arising from such gale. after deducting costs of tranortation, charges and. storage, advertising and sate, to be held subjeft to h r order"of the owner or owners of such propsrt 0; A. NICHOiLLK, General Superintendent. . EXADInG, Pa., ,7111113 10, 1664. jylS-1.11, espEens 7. DOLTON DROVER'S NEW CHESTNUT- STREET T'HEATRE. —OR kliD, REOPENING. • MONDAY EVENING, July 25th, First time in six years in Philadelphia of the Cfrantial.' . monde, Musical. Spectacular Drama, ALADDIN; Or, THE WONDERFUL LAUF:. Presented after three mouths' active preparation.in.st: style of unprecedented masruiflcence, replete with:pron.. derfa Transformations, Magnificent Scenery, _ btrami. - Marches, Superb Costumes and Properties, Da: AiltifoF Music and Chbruees. - Reserved Seale for sale three days In advance.. irE-te - • THE ACADEMY OF FINE A-R_ 8' -a• manly we Street, above Tenth, ie OPEN for viettore, from 9A. Pd. to 6P. M. id. • BOARDING. POARD.-FRONT SINOL BOOW vacant. No. 1315 WALNUT Street. jll9-61.* 'FURNISHED R00315.-A. SUITE Or -a_ ROOMS on second 1100r,With priVitte.b&th,With os without board,in choice location on Walaat street,. drop' "BAKER," tbis office. i7lB-4t* I.I.E.RMANTOWN. —TWO D*i.TRA BLit_ ROOMS can be had at White Cottage, on memnenr. Street, sepond house west of Green. jyl4-611., BOARDING. -TWO 8EC41413-STORY", room aTO LET. at 13E North TENTH Bt. ie7-1t . . ~... OST--A STRtET CIMANDTG- WAIO-..- 1.4 R#DIT, Zia. 2481, for $14,17:. Tbe tinder Will be r warded "by lea - ring - it at No. Ilaa SHIPPEN Street: az payment baabeen stnpped.i iYI9-31, L OST -ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON, Or evening, a pocket-book, containing 01 , 6*.hrltai. thousand dollars. chiefly in Treasury notes. A hand some reward will be paid upon returning the same tor' WIS. B. ISAIITIN, 255 South "PISTE Street. j yl9 3t* 11DERSONAL.-RRD OR BLAICK-BALL4 EARDROPS 59 eel& per pair, t919-2ts • 910 RACE Street, AT lECEDUCEDD AUCTION SALES. E. P. Rollmop, ' M. Bartor, S. Jackson, . Lowrie, ' r. Wright, . Megargee. • aschall-Morris, • . McDonough, Dr. Wright, r. Wright. A. Thompson, . Cross, " Bitner, Spencer, Harris.P. EPolerhemer, ' aschall Morris. Merchants' Ins Co, onsol'tn Ins. Co; . Collins, Lucas dr Co., . Sadler, Eccles, 111411. m. seorge linrcbtrlager, H Pass, E. Wilson, . Long 8:Bro., Calman. Wolfensberger, . Devion, . Powers, .hanbacker, . N. . Hall, Kline, ". Richards, . M. Hurts, ". & S. Mien, AMUSEMENTS. LOST AND FOUND. PERSONAL. EXCURSIONS. - SIONS t TO THE GREAT COAL IRON, AND LIMB= RE GIONS Of' .I'SNIN'SYLVANIA.I TICKETS GOOD FOR TEN DAYS! GIVING MOLE TIME TO VISIT ELUL POINT Oir INTEREST ON THE Rou'rz. The fatawissa Railroad Company, Raving pet reefed arrangements with connecting roadit; will issue Br eareion Tickets from Philadelphia over thw following. route: PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD, • To Reading, Schuylkill Haven, Ashland, Alabaner - City and Ta.matitna; CeTAWISSA. RAILROAD, - - To Runirnit, McAuley Mountain, eatawisia, Rii*F: 7- Darrene, Milton. and Willinnieport, , - LE.HIGH. ..A.RD MARA/WY AND BRAVER, MEADOW RAILROADS, To Black Cre.ek and Mauch Chunk:. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD, • , . To Allentown PEEN Betbleheiri; and the NORTH SYLVANIA RAILROAD, To Pliilinielphia. For variety and grandeur of sainemr. this rote Pra; emits pecallar inducements to tourists. Those wishing to do 00, May reverse the route by'ob. Mining Tickets to start over the North Pennsfinumt - Railroad. - 'ARE, $lO. Tickets can be obtained at tba Depots of, the Philadel phia and Reading and. North Pennsylvania Railroad. Companies, and of N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent, Northwest corner SIXTH and CRESTNITP Streets. Trains start from Philadelphia and Reading Depot at 8.15 A. M., 3.30'P. M., and from North Pen asylvardn Railrea.d Depot at 7 A. M., and 3.15 and 5.1,5 fT7O-tr GRAND PLEASURE AZ CiIRSIONS TO LAKE SUPERIOR.-011t of the following splendid first-class steams CLEVELAND, ILLINOIS, NORTHERN LIGE CITY; TRAVELEII„METEOR ; IRON SIDES LAO BELLE, and PEWABIC, will leave CLE Ohio, at o'clock P. Id., each day of the week, ex Saturday and Sunday, and- Detroit, Michigan, on following days at 2 o'clock P. M. thron_gh the monfing of JULY and AUGUST making G rand Excursion "WM to the many points of interest on the' Great Inland SIM of Ametica,whlch, for utility. pleasure, and health,rme_. 'unsurpassed by any 'other on the Continent. This drip of over 1,000 miles embraces six degraceig4 latitude, _and 'eleven otlongitude - , and includes bi za circuit Lama Erie, St. Clair, Huron, and Snperionwalk lhebeautifctirivers Detroit, St. Clair and St. Hurt. The many and .extensive mines of iron and copera unequaled by - any. in the world, with the newly-dk.. covered and inviting deposits of silver lead, wild sat romantic scenery, combined with its pure and braggagg climate, render the Lake Superior triplonecf far WM than ordinary attraction to the capindist, the shank:. the pleainire-seeker, or the invalid. The above-named steamers are elegantly-fitted gir, 'with large airy Cabins and State-Roome, while wrier precaution has been taken to provide for the safety ma comfort of *Passengers. Pare, including State-Mnenis and Meals, about Mt and• • per mile. Time °envied In making the round trjp . RoCis secured, and farther information obtainad. iii application to proprietors. HOST. HANNA & CO., HUSSEY & MeBRIDS J. T. WHITING & Co. , Detroit, Mialdom,;' JOHN HUTCHINGS, fe'2l-_an24" FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALEBRABS FOUNDRY Steam Engine, Lathes, Toole and Fixtures of oyez'. kind, in complete working order. Apply on the mend. tee, 1005 BEACH Street, Kensington. TO PHOTOGRAPHERS. -FOR SALE cHEAF, the Bk_ylisht PEIOTOGRIPH GALLIMIG, B. W. corner of EICIIHTE and_ PARRISH Streets, It applied for soon, as the owner intends leasing Ow city. isq9-21.* da FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE -Nog—situate N. W. earner of FRAN B.YORD' Road and NORRIS Street. Lot 100 feet on Fraukford and 414 feet on Norris . Six brick dwellings on Frank fool made:a , 1 - 3- brick factory, 83 feet br4.3 feet onr Norris's. ith cotton machinery therein; engine bongo, th` and' engine in; two.stoty beak - 14, 1i.} ;23eWttached, end other haildingx. For fu 14 inquire at N. E. corner of St , T .61.1113 CB Streets. 3319.5 r. FOR SALE. WISHING - Tia diminish my stock for the summer season. would offer for sale six good and well trained - home, suitable for either Dudes' or gentlemen's paddle. 4p- PI, to . EUGENE DE NIEFNEN., ' jyiltsis Biding School, DUGAN St" below itincese. • . ' FROM NEW YORK, FOR NEW HAVEN, IidETFOR__,D .SPRING. FIELD and BOSTON.—The steamers. CONXINENTLia and ELI( CITY leave Peck Slip. 'East River. daily: a* 15 P. M. and It at nigla. : JeZI-En j i a gr ins t FOR ALBANY AND TROY, , eta Delaware and Raritan Canal —new barse "OLIVE BRANCH; - " Capt. John Turner, will gale for the aboTepointe orLWEDNESDAY, July 91/114., at 60'clock P. M. For freitht,'Whieh will be taien..at reasonable rate‘---- apply to - D. L. "FLA:NAGAR, Agent. .171601 t No. 304-43. DELAWARE Arent". , . 91t:7 LADIES 7 ,TRUSB AND DRAM STORB—Condnoted b! Ladles, TWILIT. Street, first doer below Race. Myer, article inUWE line eleg, aaaY. and cornet In make. C. R. laga , DLEG, _n_tletor,- attends to Gentlemen, on the of TWELFM: and 8,104 lateurei. Streets; L — Pm fm "" w k iteennalr surik- 2 boxes cards. bdles. spokes. 11 box skeletons...olM 1 box bedding;. I 1 box mdse. 1 11 reaper bags map. . lot sundries. 1 box books. II box books. 2 Basket:alarm:W. 1 box 11 H geode, 1.1.nb1. barley. 1 box drugs. 1 FROVO. 2 bbls. pickles. 10 seed sowers. 1 box books. 2 boxes books. 1 box vensers. 1 cask paint.. 1 iron safe. old lumber. 1 old scale. 100 bdles. handing. 2 empty kegs. 1 empty keg. 1 bbl. feathers. 1 bar waste. 1 empty bbl. ibex and can. 3 empty half bbla. 1 keg wage, 1 box. 1 halt bbl. and keg., 1 keg mineral water.- 2 bbls. corn. 1 empty bbl. 6 empty bbls. 1 half bbL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers