'NEW I ORIE CITY. dal Correspondence of The Frees.] New YORK, July 10, INC 4 1 1 1 NEW 7 1 18ARTRIt. It 11 o'clock P. H. yesterday our citizens ding the lower portion of the city woro startled .he clangor pf the peat-office bell. It paused • throe ringing. Almost immediately after explosion rattled the windows. Winding, as it ~ in among the narrow, conglomerate streets, concussion impinging upon pedestrians, and Ing brokers, and lawyers, and importers, with a .orary paralysis, anti a passion for listening in iesque attitudes, sot at once the oily and its sur dings agog. Whoever looked upwards saw a o haze of spectral emoko floating over the whole (e's-hend of the city. Coming across the East river fitly from beyond a Russian frigates very not k of vapor shot with llamas, and at intervals lied high in the air in a corona' from which fell a sudden residuum—elnjoeture was linseed!. busied in constructing a fabulous story of how :rigate had been fired by the accidental oxide of cartridges; and thence, tracing out heist dagger sequences, how, when the guns be heated, they should plant their shells -As those smoking mouths were always provided unfragrent iron caelions--direetly Into Brook md directly into Now York. Perhaps the dear public remembered how the crow of a Russian to lying off in the harbor or Alexandria, when (only smitten by the plague, in their madness a broadside into the city. It was curious, lie u; to the owlish decisions of those who had no lbie means of judging. One know it to be the yard ; another remembered —'s chemical ; while the practical jokers disseminated the gs that the Florida had run into port during tight, and was then busily engaged in shelling overnment storehouses. 1 this time the Fact was proceeding doggedly indisputably to consume Schenok's free and wI warehouses at the foot of Joralemon street, ;lyn. Commencing, no ono knew how, the lire fly reached the nitrate of soda stored therein, tenon the explosions. A sort of twilight reigned mos In the surrounding streets through which led men, women, and children, who had boon :ed out. At intervals canto the tumbling les, filling the air with bricks and mortar, and beams, and puffing up the smoke, as it seemed this city, like rs vast nimbus to the solitary de upon the Heights. Innately no lives were lost, although quite a or of firemen and citizens wore more or less tu b), the falling missies. Some woro blown into Ivor, but were easily rescued. At one time it Nought that some of the laborers had perished o flames. It was subsequently ascertained ill effected a somewhat perilous escape, not-a 'sing leaped into the dook. Tars a question as to the explosive or non lve qualities of saltpetre hue been hotly ar- Be It now said, in justice to the saltpetre, exploded very well. The reports were hoard shocks were felt at a distance of from two .1 miles, in some directions, and wore sugges ts slight earthquake. !ctly along the (locks lay, numerous craft. =red ropes curled up like black worms be the Intolerable heat. Several caught fire; them the Ituselan frigate, which had proved arca of so much alarm to many worthy eth nic. Hamburg brig " CfCSA. r and Helene," but ly arrived, was soon enveloped in flames. lef of the department ordered her to be towed She was beached on Governor's Island and total low by the calamity will not fall far if ono million of dollars. Among the property red were nitrate of soda valued at 000,000, wino—partly owned by the Peruvian Govern -valued at nearly *250,000. They are, of : , total losses. Private dwellings in the rid, altered severely, being utterly denuded of win- In many cases great mirrors in houses upon Ights were shattered to pieces, and crockery 'sewers wore reduced to more debris. TIII , I AUTOMATON ORCHESTIIION. prehensile 'Barnum has effected a new cap in the shape of "L , Orchestrion." The er ten bears a close resemblance to a large cabl mt nine feet in height anti five in width. It .nufaetured in the Black Forest,*Germany, , the great toy-making countries of the olvi ,orld. For seven years four workmen were ntly employed in its construction ; at times, an worked upon it ; at others, seven ; but the 'annually. The result is certainly common sith the labors bestowed upon it. It Is not organ of great power and sweetness, with a rd and all requisites for the player, but an don capable of performing a number of ever and musical selections. For each of these `rat pieces there is &large cylinder, suggestive music-box cylinders of the day, These are in the body of the instrument at pleasure, isle evolved is charming, and the mobile cords and dared-like arms that are ever at educing harmonies are capable of imparting ak genuine expression as are the flexible tke finest performers. • scores AYTOMOGArtry. Autobiography of General Winfield Scott Issued from the press of Messrs. Sheldon & r about September Ist. It will appear is Imes, -12 mo, The General is exercising a supervision over the sheets. The original aprisod some twelve to fourteen hundred rritten in an open style of ohirography, yet oldierly precision. I am Informed that but erllneations appear upon the " copy," which hether the pages were written by himself or amanuensis, may serve to show the deliberate Mk which he had prepared his mind for his work. The volumes promise to be tine speci of practical book-making. TUE ALLEGED NAVY 7PRA.IIDS. . States COM Nllsaloner Osborne has at length tel his decision in the matter of the alleged !suds by Mr. Henderson, of the Evening Post. patient examination of the testimony pre ho felt it necessary to submit the conflicting • nts to &jury, or, as it has been otherwise ex- " the case was one turning upon a delicate 1 of testimony, of which he deemed njury the anpetent arbiters." Mr. Henderson, there ands committed to await the action of the . and Jury, which will meet in October. It will rved that this decision in nowise affirms the le guilt of the accused. Should the charges ; Mr. Henderson be proved, he will moot with a sympathy in Union than in Copperhead despite the sneers of the latter,nnd their son 'tared of all that savors of official corruption tke "Ins." MOORATIO AND REPUBLICAN "grata." lopperhead of Coppersition presses have had :o say lately regarding certain hams which id to have been abstracted by a prominent House offloial, and devoted to his own par- Tito story may be true, or it may not be. however, the Copperhead position as will only be Justice to refer back to Custom tatters tinder the old administration in order dent debaters of troth parties may have Aortas to relate upon fitting occasions. nnfrequently would "prominent Custom officials order "hams! , to bo cooked upon can steamers and sent to their houses. So or hams ! Similar calls were made for other and vinous condiments. Having had invi extended for officials employed upon steam line thereon, they were in the habit of bring ir relations and friends with them. In one a they ordered a dinner for twenty-two upon One line rebelled . and declined feeding Ititude. In another instance the wine DOD n a fortnight upon a single steamer amount.. 'Sr One hundred dollars in value. The line, declined wining the officials any longer. se, these refusals resulted in much gram and the companies were held more strictly to or of the law than 'the rules of judicial in non exactly Allow ; whether the Republt- J greater caters than the Democrats may be from these facts. Upon questions of this no-! we is always a tit for a tat. XI9OELLANNOUS. 43 fest returning to original principles. The ee block, which has been from time to time . ientally laid with new Styles of pavement, igth being laid with the eld-fashioned cobble . An excellent comment upon the utility of miler branch of inventions. ral Spinola, whose connection with the La. . Hall recruiting office, where negroes were - led and sold by bounty brokers, is to be tried trtmartial just appointed by General Dix. STUYVESANT. NEM YORK, July 18, 1864. THE OULU MARKET. reception of tho Presidenve proclamation for soldiers had the oiled to put gold up BANK STATE3IBNT. tent of condition of Now York banks for tho ling July 18 lecrease increase ;ion, Mamas° t, decrease • t CAL OD WOUNDED. iteamor George Leary has arrived from s Monroe, bringing sick and wounded from Otis hospitals at that place. Fif: , lll INTRLLIGEIIOIt. „steamer General Sedgwlek, from Port ship Wisconsin, from Liverpool; bark , from Piotou ; brig Wallace, Peck, from 41. d, bark Solids, from Cardiff ; brigs Ro. ;rem Marseilles, and Annandell, from Cate. ship No Plus Ultra, from Liverpool. • BTf PICTORIALB.—From J. J. Kromer, 403 it street., we have the Illustrated London News 2, crowded with engravings, and also the I Magazine and Temple Bar for June. Miss author of " Adam Bede," ocronsences a new English country life in The Corraill, which is "Brother .le.cob." There are four now chap ig Margaret Denzil% History" (which are dun), a sketch of Charleston under Fire, and ,titer articles us padding. Temple Bar Is mach with Its bran•now novels by Miss Wadden, id Yates, and Henry Byron; an article on Hugo's Shlikspeare, a itreot-sketch by Sala, other readable papers. CITY ITEMS. 4001:MTRT.- 18 that waved with grain aro harvests of the A bleeding throng 1 and orphans , groans ring forth in plantive Whoro once was song. our household tires we miss our eons and es, And anxious watt igs from afar, whero rolls tho tide of war, To know their fate. nne ready-made, or made to order, by Stokes & Co., under the " Continental.” de.—The administration of medicinal pre -3ln the fora/ of a lozenge, is of all modes eligible and convenient, more especially 'ds a Cough Remedy. " Brown's Bronestia/ or Cough Lozenges allay irritation, which coughing, giving Instant relief In Bronchi irseness, Influenza, and Consumptive and :IC complaints. AH EASY-GOINCI YOI7TIL—c 4 You want a nog ging, that's what you do," said a parent to his un ruly son. "I know it, dad, but I'll try to got along without It," was the reply. Had the parent said, "You want a new suit from the Brown Stone Clo thing Hall of Itockldll & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, ' thoresponse of Young Hopeful would havo bean difforont. STRANG); 'Wont) o t DROanwAr.—Sozodont, which Is fast becoming a household word, is derived from the Greek, and composed of two words " Sozo," to prosorvo, and " Odontos," the teeth— Sozodont, a preserver of tho tooth. For beautifying the tooth, Invigorating the gums, and sweetening the breath, it is without a pear In the world. Sold by Druggists. jyto•tuthsalt Ti HANDSOMEST ASSORTMENT OP STRAW, FELT, and other lints can bo purchasod of Oharlos Oalabrd B+. Sons, 834 and 830 Chestnut street, Conti nental Hotel. CAPE MAT, LONG "MANOR, ATLANTTO A lino assortment of hullos , and gentlemen's bath• ITT dressos can be found at John C. Arrlson , s, Nos. I and 8 North Sixth street. jyB•t[ A. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of misses, children's, and boys , hats, at reduced prices, can be purchased Charles Oakford & Sons, 834 and 838 Chestnut street, Continental Hotel. ARRIVALS AT TILE HOTELS. The C B Watson, Cincinnati .TB Bodine, Cincinnati • R C Wißlaine, Xenia, 0 B R 'I Lemma & la, Pa G B .51nIth . M D.dr, Missouri Cara W It Taylor, II F McGin], Washington Jan Burnet', Washington Wm Moore, Baltimore Henry Thompson. N York Chas Mitchell New York Roht Wilson, 'New York Geo Abbott b fern Wasten JPNewoll Frauklin A W Benedic t , Huntinadon Jim 'f Blair, MAT York S dI Weodkok, Altoona J Levey. Altoona B M Haywood, Rock Island Mm (Naar. Rock Island .1 Prefab, Baltimore Mrs It Eater, Baltimore J H Mese, Baltimore. . . 11 ter 1. Giese, Baltimore CCnaEllerrlag, Wasll,D C ;Miss J Herring, Wash, D L Oppenheimer, Wash, D C Mrs Oonoo belmar. Wash 1 Yannetnan. Maryland .111 _Rowland', Maryland .1 0 Ferrell, Baltimore !gra J 0 Ferran, Baltimore • E 51errirnan. Ce X Samuel Retubalt, Penne John Atwater, Penne Rich Jones, Penne .1 Freidman, Now York C Marshall, idesdville, Pa .1 Id Simmons, Maryland Time Wenn & wt, Cie Jas Brow rr, New York .1 W Sweeuey, New York .3 n Wood. Baltimore • • • • W 3f Kaufman, 'Reading K t•Pang, Reading G Ff McCabe, Tamaqua 1I W Wheeler. Brooklyn S Manning, Cincinnati Thos B tdrirrett, Maryland A B rltkin, Wash, 0 The Con J L Tiernan. New York A Polioa, Wa.h, D C 0 C Harland, Wash, D C Prof Headrick, WaPb. D C J D McKee. Wash, D C J A limb, Cleveland A Carnegil, Pittsburg Martin Hey!, Pittsburg 0 J D.ckey & ht, Lancaster II W Hager & la, Lancaider Aulnnen, Canton, 0 G A Dresser, New York 0 W Dressza,New York Joe Dalzoll, Pittsburg •Iltrs Dalzell, Pittsburg Mee A Dalran, Pittsburg Mr' Irwin, Pittsburg D Jaffarrsn Now York J Lynay,'Pittsburg W F I.orbs, Albany I. A Clark, blootreal John Bolden. New York Mrs D II Latham, Coon N I. Leforte W B Barbock, New York rapt W Rilowe.Pittsburg N Rawson, California John K Morro,. Waal. D C Miss money, Wadi, D Mies White, Wash, D Chas Richmond, Detroit Joseph Cox Baltimore W BCox, llrltlmuro PL Webster, Deitoik W Van 'Sleek & wt, Ohio Walker IV Law New York Henry_Themar & wf W H Waters, St Louis N A Baldwin. New York Mr Dickson, New York Edgar Borstal!, New York J T Walling, Tennessee W J Gilbert & la. Wash, DO Lista H F Nerr.l l Monroe Mrs J A Beck. Missouri J :Stanley, Tannton.Mass NC Stoney. New York A Nelson, Nashville T 7 Carron, Gettysburg A fl Chas., New York Chris Haber Pottsville . • • L AlaUaon. •ott Car bon U Coleman Lebanon Col Bowman U b A Bou J Law, udiana Geo La nsburei, Wask. DC I 21r & Bre Stevens & d, Wash J V Printer. Kittaning Mrs G T Crawford. KittAn'g Miss A Coln-ell, Kittanning NW A Ernest Sr & Wash, D L B Purnell, Baltimore J Snow & la. Arkansas E D Griswold, New 'fork C Red wood. .I. , few York NV 0 Townie,. New York J Nome, Hartford, et F. A Pretsfelder, New York . ER Bennett, New York The: Mrs McCartney ,t ch, Del• B Smith. Indiana C C Pennell, Bote4bury W L B. ar & ch,Luocaster Jos K Riley & la, N J Jae Strode, Militia co, Ps. W P Lauder, N Y Thos Caulyn, Carlisle Se, is Butterworth, N J R Butterworth. N.J H Stilwell, M D, N Y .1 Deem, Laaceeter (Mae Dkaiele, Prey, H I Jos Ellis. u Ellisho Sct T Whitacre, rg Ohio S C Holmes L roltsvllle P Calm hy. Baltimore John ittehard,on. Balt • P BleLanehlin, Baltimore Capt. li Leavitt, Baltimore W L Bennis 7 .1 470bn50n Thos Hollins. IT S N T alerteld, Boston H C Howell, New York Joe R Walker St wf,SLCIty • The Bile P S Murphy, 80 , ton J S Clark, New York Cbas J ituseell, New York Cias L Linton, 11 S John C Mason, Maryland Mr Emmet P B Wentz New Jersey ChasLab'. Delaware Wm .1 Clark,' Connecticut A liotinitz, Chambereburg W Perry, Port Royal Jos Oliver, Easton B 6 Wvir, Easton Cent W Sdver, Bloomob'g H W Straugher, Baltimore Col 13 R . Jamison B El Corson S fll'ey, Wash, D d W Weaver, Penna B 0 Leslie, Poland. 0 Jobn Henry & la, St Louie C C Phillips, California The Co R Coolbstagli.WilkArb're 000 kle GOO g h. WI I kesbarre J Pei argon, Wilk eabarra W iesbarre "JF NeVeogh. Wilkeebtme II Geleseager ' New York Jobe Munro New York Geo Clerk. New York 1V ii - Eder, 'Elk ton. Md .1 J Parker. Buffalo F Heuderpt n, Naiads 6 L Lemon, Nasb•llle N N Fell, Yennwstranta ENV Fenn ypacker H Ran W T Allgaer. Reading D Watson, Kentucky al Carrigan .k la, Ky Henry Menai & la, Ky Cant T A Gamble, Ft Del 7 .1 Markle. Fort Delaware 7 Ziegler, Greencastle RW Nape. Dew York Jobo Weiland, Easton Dan'l,Richwiney Lane co C 0 Binh, Philadelphia The Itita F T Tenter. Easton J H Orr, Juniata co,' Pa W Jae W harton. Perrys•'a W M DounellY.Perrysville D P Beab, Perrysville ti W Haag. Perrysville 11 Hetrick, Easton J 6tebman, Lancaster S McClung. Dr 'r oi D - Knowlee, Del Capt W Y Swiggett, Del The Bel PDlehl, LibSall co P er.piebacb, Penult w pplebaoh. Penns .1 S Weider, Perry co Dr .1 B Care, Perry CO S C Ball, Quakertown A B Walp, Backs co The N B Weitzel, Douglaeville A B Carpenter ...$4350.000 ... 140.000 25,000 ...1,700,000 _ . W H Tyson N Wegener, P6mnizrille W BlN:teener, Reading J Saeger, Crag ford co • The Madison. T Schoch, Stroudsburg, Pa John FlOllO7, New Jersey .1 T achotl•ld, New Jersey 'Wm F 0 Wawa, Peoria 0 W Houle], Poona L Ellenberger, Penna Thos Crawford, Peoria • Josiah Brown, Boston J Sharp & la, New JO/soy 1 .1 V Reading, Hatboro 13 Holcombe, Mt Airy J S Ood.balk,liorristown A.B Lambert, Kt Aity,N 3 0 Worst*ll. Newtown Sre 'f K Ashley. Boiton R D Hue, New I oil - Chas Amos, Philadelphia A Donahower, Backs co •• • J W Closeln,Point Pleasant _ Jam Weiler, If aningle T hammer, Orwigsbure D , R HarMr, Olwy F A Showier, Or+[auburn' dw Roads, Somerton John liteetwel, Pottstown NOTICES COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated TOILET SOAP. In snob universal da• mend, le made from the CHOICEST materlaln, le MILD and EMOLLIENT In its nature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT. ED, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL In Reaction anon the Skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goode dealers fe2S-latbaly TUE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT of Bathing Eobee in the United Statee, for Ladies, Oen. Omen, and Children at SLOAN'S, 806 hiIaKST Street, philadelphla, and of his store on Cape Island, New Jersey. i116.3t* HAM DYE l HAIR DYE I i BATCHELOR'S celebrated RA LE, DYE fa the Beet be the World. The only /hinnies*, rruc, and "W III Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect— changes Red, Rusty, or Only Hair instantly to a Manly Block or Natural Brown, without injuring the Hair or fitaizing the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring Its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dias. The guanine is signed WiLtiAst A. BATOKILOR otbern are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, Sc. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, 'dew York. Batohelor's new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. 1731-1 y ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF .TILE LATEST trrime, made In the Beet Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In Plato Fl gores- all Goods made to Order warranted satlarao. tory. Oar, ONE•PRICH 811TRM Is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. de2B ly roue & CO., 601:MARKET Street MN Crane, Rock Island E CI Jordan. Illinois W W Smith, Wheeling 12 W Jones, Waynesburg Job n Calhoun Fl EL %Vitale% Harrisburg J R Newell , Franklin Oeo J Sherman, Titusville Jas K Kept., New Jersey B M Boyer, Norristown 8 Q Brown, Franklin W H armstroaa. Eynon ID A Taylor, New York .T C Matthews,Odessa.Del E Packer, Carbon co btej 0 H Bardwell. Penne A Rednecter, E•izabeth'a F A DI Hiester. Reading lifrs Minter, Reading Geo A Althonse, Reading A A Goell, Fairview D Townsend, Pottsville B F 31cNoll Bedford T Wood , Loniovillo Johu Kirk, Pennsylvania J Williamson. Poona D Moore, Bs'Omura Sena Lockwood, U S X John Clark & or, A Y Joshua F Philcon, Penns D Phiicon, Franklin co ROA Ood yko, Virginia John Pugh, New Walton' l'i Stetson & vrt, N J • R Barnes S Wintoraltz, New York 0' Petro Van 11 Higgins. Chleazo Pattertion, hew York John Slaicksan, Penns Louts Yonneman, Patina R Stocker. Ohio John Woods, Ohio F lilontmollin, Jr Thos S Fernon W Polk, Delaware L C angland. Lock Bayou CAM F %V Crispin NS' B Carter tinental. C Simpson. New York John Ely. US A C W Wright, Dolaware E 13 Wrlaht, Now Jersey W B Rosenbaum, NlorseT M 11 Elkin, New York John Borgam.Coacord,Nll Theo Allen. U d N G B Weidler, Ciocinnati P Chase, Jr, Now York W J Clark. Connecticnt W Becklind, 'New York R B C Bonnet, Now York R K Belden, M 0, N York W Reynolds. Montreal Jos !Awls, Wa.h. D C Jas Faugreve, Nsw York PallterdOti, Williamsbß A Henderson .1 B Moorhead & M. Parana 0 C Itt !Belmar. W Chester John Greenwalt, Penns Jos Greeewalt, Penns. A N Smith. Wash, D C 0 C Jmnes, New York J P Timor, Chicago Hears Beardsle. Illinois Miss E at Coe. Now York P North, Baltimore H bnow Wash, DC' Madam de Norte & 2 cb . . . Judg. Drachm, Boston A Wight, Detroit Chas Mille. New York E Flagg, New Yro k E FI Harwell, Now York John Scott , Hnntingdon W H Chamberlin, St Lode E Webb, New York Thos Maddox & wt, Ohio Ii Lee, Pittsburg J 11 Upton. New _York Mr & Mrs Snethen, N York Mrs W N Snethen, N York Hugh Brogan, B altimore J J 'Pair. New Jersey V S finklett, Jr, Wash. DC Wm A. Hulbert, New York T Nen New York Wm Redway. New York J R Halms, New York T 0 Terry. New York T Coddington,New York 0 T Burt, NOW York Com Hitchcock. U S N itMcouire,lieViork I 'l' Myert, 11. w York J M Stevens, Louisville i Smith, New York S Fawcett s wf, Patshurg Thos 0 Reyburn. St Louis W McCreary, New York Lewis Kinney, Mass J Kinney, Lafayette, N Y S Yen Prosy, Boston Jas Leaman. Chichi, Ohio S M Ilarrisen. Newark, J Wm-Bordon, Brooklyn Muni Bullion. Brooklyn erican. J R Elmer, N I E R Eln,er, Bridgeton, N P klenback. Allentown D K Wardwell, rt l A 31re Wardwell, Wash,DC W Mice Lamb, e.,h, D C W Nalley, Wash, D C Jas L Benbold, N Berlin, Pa L id Bond C T Buller, N Y • jam.qt Robertson, Jr • W P Fowler, Baltimore J B" Monahan, Baltimore \V 0 Randall, New Seralf Fleet, Blair co, Pa D Weaver Ohio Jos bleArdle, New York L T Rica ardson. Alma Miss S B Cleaver, Delaware Miss A Cleaver. Delaware J B William.. Delaware M C Matz. Jeraey Shore D S Bryand, Chicago S Daßola, Bridgeton Elmer, New Jersey A Connell'', Washington C S Fithian, Bridgeton, N J hm►ntB 7 . E Forrest, Allentown G H Lots, Penns Jai Spencer, Eastland Jos Boardman, England D A Rap, York, Pa D D Barton do la, Penns A Patterson. Harrisburg H Titus, Springdeld, 0 Chas Cochran, DOWUDAT L Loraine & wr, ri 5 A J 0 Loraine, Clearfield J F Deep. MD, 1:1 S A Clots McFadden, Tamaqua P G.Smith, Baltimore . . . J K Sewell, Mechanicsburg D M.MufforJ, Wash, D C D Johns, Cincinnati, 0 Thomas & wf,Cstasanqua V Morrow, California A Black, Rock Island John W Farrell A . ll . Bowmen, Jr, 2( T D W Eerie, Pottstown inn . 1; SDllllg, DOYItIintOWII W C Wurturd, t'enna J C Worth, Oxford Miss B Jennings, N Y Mips Jennings, New York C W Maxwell, Maryland W C James.. West (Mester 'E C Hickman. W Cheater 0 W Short. Now York W 11 Swayne, t'euna .1 Clarke, M D. Peuna John Sloan. adianapolli • E M Bye, Wilmington, Del J NV Curry, Altoona T B Patton, Altoona John Firth, Phillipsburg W R wilson. H K Wilson, Phillipsburg Jos P Hong. Sfarylsed Thos ?goatee, U S A John R Serenity. Ragsrst'n T Warman, Relelesville Levi Oreenleaf St La, Boston w Jones & la, SI Jersey D Rinehart, Pittsburg its Union. Miee B Thom:mit, N York Mai E Tull, New Yotk 0 W Abet .A May, Penns LW Lowrey, Hattie D 0 Altar Perrysville W RPorryerlDe D Rlll, erryorille BUM', Penns C OlorielL Lane co, Pa John Bradley, Loretto, Pa d Eagle. . W Worman, Allentown 0 A Killer, Stattngton E H Beam, Rettertown Jacob Zepp. Penna. 1. Snyder. Easton P E Weimer, Philnds C E Tramline, Bethlehem tlonal. C H Dash, Helleriown Kra .111 Warrington, Del 6 Loeb, Carlisle II Shaper, Berke co B Wesel!, ra Jersey H Bechtold, hit Joy The Earl y sheaf. The Bla k Bear. Tics rorimem CLOTHING 1101:18Z Ow rime. "OAK HALL." Ibeet•claee goats at moderate prima. WANAAIAKER At BROWN. S. B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Onatont Department (to make to order) No. 1 S. Sixth A. WIEBBLEZ & WILI3ON'EI MOD:IM PRBDITUDI LOCK-STITCH SEWING BIAOHINM. THE CHEAPEST. BIidT'LEBT, AND BEST Ilalagremmi. TO4 CRIIRTNITT RtrAaL ahe•w ElFivanth DMEIIJ- PLEASANTS.—Sctddeuty. on the morning of the ISth Inst . Daniel Pleasance. Ills male relatives and friondeare respectfully invited t• Mtendide funeral from his late residence, 1433 Wet nut street, on Thursday next, at 4 o'clock, Baltimore parore pieties copy. ••• BAILEY.—At Ilarriaburg on Friday morning. July 13, 1364, Joseph, eldest eon of Charles 1, and Emma Bailey, egod 6 years. 2 months. and 17 days. bI.IIIB E.—At Pottsville, Saturday, July 16th, Reale, wife of Henry U. Donne. Tim funeral will proceed to Laurel Hill on arrival of the cars at Reading DepoJ, Broad and Callowhill. on Toesdey. 11: o'clock P. el. •• CHUHIL—On Sunday, the 17th lust, Snmnel Moore, Infent eon of Joseph H. and Sallie A. C. Canbb, aged .4 months and 27 dim. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the fuueml from No. 207 South Ninth street. on Tu•sday afternoon. 16th lust , at 3 o'clock. •• DIIPPSI,D.--On Friday evening, 11th Inst., Charles F• Ilopreld, in tho 76th ;year of in, age. The male friends of the family are respectfully re quested to attend the funeral from his late residence. IMFilbrri street, on Tuesday morntng,at 6 o'clock, without further notice. - REssoN & SON, MOURNINQ.STORE, bo, 01$ CHESTNUT Street. ... ETRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND. -aa ARCS Lace a . .. . . Flue stock of Sllka, Pine stock of.Sbawls, • Fine stock of Flannols, Fine stock of Linens, Fine stock of Unsling. .1.330 NATIONAL HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, Is open upon the European plau, the cbrapeat way to live. costing about $l5 per week; gel what you want, and only pay for what you consume, D. P. PETEIIS, Proprietor. Cers leave Vine street every day at 7.45 A M. and S.MIP M, Jy16.12t NATIONAL UNION TICKET. TOR PRESIDENT, A.BOAE I / 1 111,1".LINOOLN, OF ILLINOIS. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ANDREW .JOIINSON, OF TEIMESSB ELECTORAL TICKET SENATORIAL. MORTON MeMICiln&L, Philadelphia T. CUNNINGHAM, Beaver County. NTATIVE. 19. BUR W. Hall, 14. Charles A. Shriner. 15. John Winter, 18. David Mceonatichy, 11. David W. Woods, 18. Isaac Beason, 19. John Patton. 20. Samuel B, Disk, 21. liveried Bierer. It John P. Penney, 23. Ebenezer iitc.lnnirin. 24.. John W. Blanchard. REPRESE 1. Robert P. Niue, 2. 0. Morrison Coates, S. Henry Hamm, 4. William II Korn, S. Batton H. Jenks, R. Charles X Ronk, T. Robert Parke, 8, William Taylor, 9. John A Hientand, 10. Hit) hrd H. Carvell. 11. Edward Holliday, 12. Charles F. Read, ral Committee By order of the State Cent CAMERON. Chairman nr" BOTIEE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHILA DELPHIA NEW BANKING noun. CORNER OP CHESTNUT AND FRANKLIN STREETS, (north stile of Chestnut, west of Third.) on end after TUESDAY, THE STH INSTANT MORTON MoMORAEL, Cashter GENKRAI. NOTICE.—OFFICE OP r4rTRE DELAWARE AVENUE MARKET COM. PANY. DOCK Street Wharf. t- PIIILAIMPRIA...II34O:II, 1861. At a special meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, held on the 11th inst., the Board of Directors was authorized to sell eight hundred and fifty 4350) shares of stock, at par, and apply the proceeds to tho extinguish ment of the mortgage debts of the Company. Notice is hereby given to all who were stockholders at the time of the passage of these resolutions, that on the 21st and 22d days of July, 1.504, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. Di., at the office of the Company, each and every stockholder will be entitled to subscribe to a pro rata of new stock. according to what he then held. but that after the said 72d day of Jnly such option will cease. A special notice will be sent to each stockholder By order. WILLIAM J. CARLIN, j 02- twat Treasurer. iIORTIVIULTURAL SALI4 . S. W. co ;n1 Ell F N :d WALNUT Streets.—Stated • it. DIVSDEND NOVICIP.—OFFICE OF TUE SCHUYLKILL AND OIL CREEK O 1 COMPANY, No. 524 WALNUT Street. PIIILADIMPUIs, July 18,152 The Board of Directors base T,1116 DAY declared a di. cidend of ONE percent. taPital ateck t payable, free of State tax, on and a lter the 28th inst. finitrans. ter books will clogs nn the 20th inst. nt S P. W. ,nudppen on the Yatb. Li719.2] L. J. Seo:y._ tar MUSICAL FUND SOCIETY.—THE undersigned altiorinces to the Members, with deep regret, tho , NEsTli of their enerable honorary mender, Mr. RUPFELI). The funeral will take place from his residence, No. 925 Filbert street, on Tnocday morning, at 9 o'clock. It ROBLEY DONGLISHO.I. President. Igir GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.—FANCY GOODS; WATCH,. AND JEWELKY [WAR r- IIIENT.—In addition to previous aohnowiedgnment the Committee have to add tho following donations: J. G. Gepsnek, New York $lO 00 Theodore Smith. Philadelphia 6 00 Phineas Fries, Philadelphia 20 00 Wethom 8 Newman Philadelpbis B. A. & R. L. rerra, Philadelphia 3,.B..CALDWiLL, Chairmtl.oo DIVIDEND NOTICE.-OFFICE OF THE ROCK Oh. COMPANY OF PENNSYL VANIA. No. 409 WALNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, July 6, 1864. The Board of Directors have thie day declared a divi dend of THREE PER CENT, on the capital stock of thle Company, payable on and atter the 20th of July, free of State tax. The hooka of the Company will bi:eloted on tbo lAth /Ilk., at 3P. M. and opened on 111021st. iyi-thbtu tjy2OJNO. F.O HAFT. Treasurer. OFFICE OF TILE FAME 'NEV. RANCE COMPANY. •No. 406 cßicsrmin Street. PHILA DRLPHIA, July Sth, 1881. At a met- ling of the Board of Directors of the Fame In enrauce Company. bold title day, a dividend of TURES PER CENT. HAS declared, payable on demand. clear of al , .taxee. W. I. BL ANC CIA RD. • j16.12t Secretary. 1111 E strsguE H ANNA AND TIDE. WATER CANAL COMPANIES have their .oftice at No. 41T WALNUT Street, Room Ao. 4. The "Transfer Agency " of these Companies, hereto fore in South 01: ' I MTH Street, bee been removed to the office of the Companies, at the place above stated. ./e27-30t INSTRITICTION IN BOOK-KEEP. Penmanahip, Commercial Celt:abalone, Telegraolns. , at CRiTTENDEN'S co:cm:Rout cOI.LEOE. 037 CHEATNIIT etreet, corner of Seventh. NO "VACATIONS. --Studeute Instructed separately, rad at such hours as best suit their ooneeniencs. Cata logues gratis nu application. jel6 3N Mr OFFICE CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER 6,I3I3uTiTiITE 41061611 fTEE, 422 waLtiur Street. July 36. 3£64 This Committee has Removed to No. 422 WALNUT Street, op stains, where it will rev., ve application• from citizetut &sirens to secnre SUBSTITUTES or IMPRS SENTATIVES. A payment of $4OO to be wade at the time of application, and a. power of attorney to be given for the City Bounty. Substitutes furnished la the order of application. Veterans and Aliens desiring to enlist as Substitutes will apply to the Committee, who will have them mus tered into Terries, when they can select their own regi ments Beside. the Bounty paid by Government, that' will raceiva front the Committee SIX lIU ND FLED AND FIFTY DOLLARS in cash, on day of muster, without deduction for commission or brokerage. No charge of an kind is made. %stereos are evecially wanted In the service and can thus re-enlist on the moat advantageous conditions. Office bolus from 10 A. M. In 2 P M.. and from 4to 6 P. N. • DANIEL STEINMETZ. Chairman . J. 1. CLARK HARE. • JOIN Timm's°ti, CLEMENT IS. nratosz. HENRY C. LEA, j716-12t J. 0: ROSENGANTEN, Treasurer. M ~ r' OFFICE PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY, PUI Ldbni.ritiA, July 16; 1864. • The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT. (clear of all time.) from the profile of the Company payable to the Etochholdere, or their legal repretentatives, on and after the 21st instant The transfer books will be closed until 'be 21st Instant. iylS-E4 A. H. THOMSON. Tr•ararer. tarOFEICE MINE HILL A N D SCHUYLKILL RAVEN RAILROAD COMPA NY, PHILADELPHIA, 7 mo. Mb, Mt Ala stated meeting of th e 'Board of Managers, held THIS DAY, a seml-annual dividend of One Dollar and Eleb_tl • Ave Cents per share was declared, clear of State and United States tax. payable to the Stockholders, or their Idkal representatives, an or -after the Met teatime. The Wander book will be cloned until the 21st inst. • jy12•128 WILLIAM BIDDLE, Secretary. pgr OIM ILIE OF THE LOCUST NOUN. Tale: COAL AND LEON COMPANY, No. 290 South THIRD Street, • PRILIDELPHTA, July 9, 1861. The Board of Directors of the LOCUST OUNTAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY have directed the distri bution, on the 20th instant, among the holders of the Stock on the books of the Company on that day. of part of the proceeds of sale of certain lands, part of the capital stool, of the Company authorized to be sold and distributed by the act-of Assemply approved May 3d, 1864. In accordance with tho direction aforesaid, on and after the 23th instant 'TWENTY DOLLARS will be raid on each hhare to the Stockholders on the btsuks of the Company on that day. The transfer books will be closed for this porpoise from end after this day to the 20th instant, inclusive. Irll-Or3) JOS C. COPPUCK, Treasurer. DIVIDEND—THE DIRECTORS OF I the NOBLE AND DELAMATEK PETROLEUM COMPANY have this day declared a dividend of TEN PER CENT. from the earnings of the month of Jane and an 'extra dividend of TWO PER CENT., both pay able on the 20th that. The transfer hooka clone on SA TURDAY. the 16th inst. GEORGE W. MONTER, becretary. JULY 130884. ' jyll-6t Mr. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE Or TUB PERRY OIL COMPANY, S. E. corner of WALNDT aid FOURTH Streets, • PHILAMILPIITA, July 13, MX • 'The Board of Directors have We. day declared the Third Monthly Dividend of TWO PER CENT. on the CeplW Stock of the Comp my. out of the earnings of the month of June, payable at the Office of the Comrot ny clear of State tax, on and after the Roth Ind. The Transfer Books will be closed on Saturday, 16th net., and reopened on Wednesday, 20t.t. , inst. jyl4.6t JAMEb PERRY, Treasurer. Y, THE COMMISSION OF. TILE FIF. TY DOLLARS BOUNTY FUND, for the Hun dred Days' Volunteers, and Extra Bounty Fund Com- Walden. The undersigned have been appointed by Councils AR a Commission to pay tt e Fifty Lollar; Bounty to each of the One Hundred Days' Men of tie city. Theo men • must be attended to immediately. It is a matter or deep regret to the Commission that there must be a delay until further notice, probably un til the pet of ed veterans who did not receive ward bounty. Just as soon as possible the payment of the extra bounty of Twenty. five Dollars will be resumethaed notice given. This bounty being a retrospective gift of ilie city, in stead of the payment of a debt, will be paid on aetisfac tory evidence to members of the familial ottiy, or to the veterans in person, bat not on powers of attorney to aponts.. The Commission will daily receive applications from the One Hundred Days' Men, In Goldsmith's Building, LIBRARY Street, In the rear of the Post ()aim X D. BAUN DEIN, Chairman.. . JONATHAN BUL EDWIN mem& Patati. J FIELD, •• GEORGE W. SIMONE. .1 yimut THE PRESS.---PBTLADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1864: OFFICE OF THE EN'rEieritaNS INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT St., PHILADF.I.PIIIA. Ju1y5,1661. The Directors have this day doolared a Dividend of THREE PER ester. ou the Capital Stook of the Com pany for the last elx mouths, payable on demand, free of all taxes. CHAS, FOSTER, jyfl-12t Seerentry. MrOFFICE OF TIIE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH. AMERICA, 913q3 WALNUT Street, PrITLADRIAMIA, Inly 0, 1861 The Directors have thin day declared a Dlvldond of ONE 1101 LAR AND TWENTY OENTd per ehare—free of taxeo—payable on demand. jyr/-61. CHARLES PLATT, Secretary. A MERCHANTS' REGIMENT. CITY BOUNTY $5O. Officers with men doeiring to joing thin Regiment will report at Headquai fors, No. 432 CHESTNUT STREET, DAILY TWO FULL COMPANIES will bo accepted. The. Regiment is now in Camp, - where the men, as soon as mustered In, will be nntfolmed. All 'Expenses Pall for Recruiting. CIO.A.S. W. SATITEI, jylO.tit Lieut. Colonel Commanding. t, THIRD COAL REGIMENT. t THIS REGIMENT IS RAPIDLY FILLING UP ONLY TWO MORE CompANIEB CAN BE AC THE REGIMENT wri,r, TITER DE READY TO TAKE IMMEDIATWAPPLICATION WOULD BB MADE ALL RECRIIITING EXPENSES PAID THE SAUNDERS GUARDS THIS COMPANY Is in process of Ileitis , renrnit,d in :CHESTNUT STREET It Ol posite the State House. tWANTED, IMMEDIATELY—A COLORED MAN, as COOK for te'Company enlisted for one hundred days' service. Also, a Cook for three Commissioned OfBcer3. Apply at once, at Ar. mory, BROAD and RACE :streets. CAPTAIN MATLACK. None need apply except experienced hands. ltv NOTICE.—HEADQUARTERB PRO vost mutual. SECOND DISTRICT. PHILADELPHIA, Jane :Bat, 1861. The Lists of Persons enrolled as liable to do Mili tary duty are now being revised and corrected. Persons who are improperly enrolled on account of alienaae, non-residence, over forty-Eve years of age,or permanent physica. disability, st.ould appear before the Board, prove the same, and have their names stricken off the list Civil officers, clergymen, and all otherprominont citi zens, who 11130 W of pereone who have arrived at twenty years 01 ago sines Enrolments, Jane. 1883: of those whose names were omittea by the proper enrolling offi cers; aliens who have declared their intentions to be. tome citizens; persons discharged from the military and naval service of the United States, who have not been in such service two years during the present war, are in vited to appear before the BOARD OF ENROLMENT and givf! Furl" information in tholrpoaseasion as may aid in the correction and revision of the Lists. EDWIN PALMER, .174-12 t Capt. and Prov. Marshal Second Dist., Pa. VETERAN:;, TO THE FRONT ! OFFICE CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER SUBSTITUTE COMMITTEE, No. 412 I-RUNE Street, July 11,1961 Veterans, whose terms of service have expired. can now re-enlist wider the must advantageous conditions, and while assisting their country at, this crisis can se cure ample provision for their families during the trab. sonce. By ipplying to this Committee, they will be put into the service as Substitutes, and will receive on the day or master SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS IN CASE, In addition to the lionnty offered by the Government. Veterans, the country Tooke to you to uphold her flag against the advancing hods of rebellion 2 rile at the ollic; A o r f il tpr , C 2 l , r ne r t i tAe t s i rium c ill i a r. l3L an. to J. O. ROAENGARTEN, Trsaatirer. .1 I CLARK HARE, JOHN THOMPSON. CLEMENT B. PENROSE. .13 , 12.61 HENRY C. LEA. I HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR SHAL, FIRST DISTRICT, PA. . Pwitabstrwri, June M, 7804. The names of persons removing to or from thta District will be added to or stricken from the lisle of enrolment. Copies of the lists are open for public Inspection, and civil officers and all citizens are invited to appear and point out errors in the lists and give such information as may aid 4n the correction and revision thereof, Any person enrolled may appear before the Board and claim to have hie name stricken off the list If be can show satisfactorily that be is not properly enrolled, on account of Altenage, Noa. residence, Over-age, Permanent PAysfoot Diaahaiip. A compliance with the foregoing suggestions is ear nestly solicited. WU. R. LERMAN. ;o*. tr Cantain'and Prevost litumbal. UNITED STATK''EASTERN DIS TRICT 03' PENNSYLVANTA—Scr. THE PRESJDENT OF THE UNITED STATES,_TOTHE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OP PENN , SYLVANIA—GBErrnia: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Penneylvanie, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, Sled in the name of the United States of America. bath decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the Sloop JULIA, whereof intima ter, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, and the Geode, Wares, and blerchandiee,;leden on board thereof. cap tured by the United States Steamer "Myetic." adder the command of Lient. Com. A F. Croasman,to be monithed, cited; and called toj nd a UMW, et the time and piece under written, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring ) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded, that you omit not • but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published in the city of Phila delphia, and in the L. gat Inteeltgencer. you do monish and cite, or cause to be monisbed and cited, perempto rily, all persona in general wiao have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said sloop, her Tackle, r Apparel, and Furniture, and the Goode, 'Wares, an Merchandise , laden on board thereof, to appear before tbs Honorable JOHN CAD WALADER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the city. of Philadelphia, on the t entiech day after publication of these presente, if it be a court day, or else on the next court day following, be tween the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show or allege, in due form of law. a reasons. ble and lawin 'l excuse, If any they have, why the Bald sloop, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, and the Goode,Wares, and Merchandise, laden on board thereof, should not be pronounce d to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and as geode of their enehiles or otherwiet, liable ace subject to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prized: and further to do and. receive in this behalf as to justice shall appertain. Ault that you duly intimate. or cause to be intimated. onto all persons aforesaid, gene rally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear snd shall not show a reasonable and lawful cause to the contrary, then said District Court doth intend and will proceed to adjudica tion on the said cepEure, acid may pronounce that the said Sloop JULIA, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, and tie Donde. aree, and Merchandise. laden on board thereof did belong, at the time of the captn re of the saw,, to the enemies oi the United States of America, and as cootie of - their enemies, or otherwise , liable ad d subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condembedas lawful price, the absence or rather contu macy of the persona so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the maid Dibtlia Court what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witneee the Honorable JOHN CADWALAD ER. Judge of the said Con rt. at Philadelphia, this eighteenth day of JULY, A. D. 1564, and In the eighty. ninth year of the indepeudence of the veld United Slate*. ' jyle.3t O. R. FOX. Clerk of District Court. UII ED STATES. EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA.—Scr. THE PRESIDENT OF-THE MCI no STATES. TO THE DIARHAL OF THE HASTE EN DISTRICT OF PENN sYLVALii.A.--ORKErrima: WHEREAS. The District Court of the United States in and tor the Eastern Dietrict of Penneylvanbt, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the United Suttee of America, bath decreed all persons In freers' who Nave, or prior:l'AM have. airy right, tit if., or interest in the schooner POCAHON PAS. whereof flee ter is =eater, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, and the Goods, Wares. cue Mereltandi9e laden on board thereof, captured by the United States steamer "Sweet Brier,'' under the command of Ensign J. 1). Dexter, to be menislied, eked. and called tujedgment. at the time and place riuderw ellen, and to the effect . hereafter ex• pressed. (juatice SO recitgriug ) You are therefore chanted and strictly enjoined and c.mmanded, the' htyou omit not, but that by publiabmg these presents In It IPA two of the daily newspepers printed and Ilebrd in the City of Philadelpnia, and in the Leval In teuipencom, you do menieh and cite, or cause to be =Dwelled and cited, peremptorily, all persona in gene ral who have. orpretend to have, any right • title, or Interest lu the said Schooner, hoe Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, nod the Goode, Wares, and Merchandise laden on board thereat. to appear before tba Houorable JOHN CA 11)W aLA DER, the Judge of the said Court, at the District Court room, in the City of Philadelphia, on the twentieth day after publication Of these presents, if it be a court day, er 01t43 on the next court day follow int, between the usual hours of hearing causes, thee and there to chow, or allege, In doe form of law , a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why 'the said Schooner, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, and .the. Cootie, Wares, and Derabenulne laden on board thereof, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the rain.., to the enemies of the United btatee, and as Roods of theirenemtes or other wise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be &d -ied met and condemeed as good and lawful prizes.; and fineher,to do and receive In this behalf as to justice shalt alipe: tale. And that you' duly intimate. or canes to be intbuctecl, unto all persons aforesaid. generally, (to whom by the tenor of those presents it la also inti mated, ) that if they shall not appearal the time and place shore mentioned, or appear and stall not dhow a reasonable and (awful cane to the contrary, then 'raid District C' art cloth intend and will proceed to adjudice tlon on the said captute, and may prenonnee that the acid teiniOner I'r/CAM/10'AS, her Tackle, Apparel. and Furniture and the Goode, Weres.aud Merchand !mien ou hoard thereof, did belong, at the time of the comma the raise , to the enemies of the united States of Amer!. cit, and as goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to couliscation and condemnation, to, be adjudned arid coudeinned ea lawful prize, the absence or rather contumacy of the persona so cited and IL O mitted in anywise notwithstanding, sod that you duly oOnhy to the said District Court what you shall -du In the premises together with these presents. Witness the honorable JOHN'CADWAI,ALKS, Judge of the said Court. at Philadelphia, this eighteenth day of JULY. A. D. 1864, mid in the eighty-ninth year of .the l odepeudence of raid United States. .1719.8 t 0. R. FOX, Clerk District Court. NEW ROUTE TD NVI]LaHMS.I3ARICE, VIA NORTH PENNSTLYANIA. RAILROAD. TIME AND DIBTANCE BAVED.! BY .7 A. M. EXPRESS TRAIN, FROM THE NEW DEPOT, THIRD STREET, ABOVE THOMPSON, ARRIVING IN WILRESEARRE • 2.45 P. X Leave WILKEBBARRE at 1 B. M., making close con nection at Bethlehem with Borth Pennsylvania press train, and arrive in Philadelphia at 8.20 P. M. • BAOOOII . CHICFEIp THROUGH. ^ .l • • "Lif...IS'CILARIC, to.OBNT. MILITARY. C PTED THE FIELD JOBN R. HASLETT, Colonel Commindlng. HEADQUARTEBS. 205.34 WALNUT STREET. LEGAL. RETURNING, FARE 54.25. RETAIL DRY QUODS. ARMY, NAVY, AND CIVIL CLOTH TIOU'S. W. T. SNODGRASS, 31 S. SECOND street, awl 23 STRAWBERRY street A largo etocY of all kind of wills, CASHMERES, YESTINGS, &c., At fair prices: purchased before the rise, independent of gold gamblers, by the package, piece, or yard. Oar motto is to sell, We don't, peddle. Come and see our stock. The Army and Nary trade has our speclat at tention. Yl-Im 'ICH ORGANDY LA.WNS REDUCED FROM *1 23 to 75 eta Bich Organdy Rohm reduced to SS. • Lawns reduced from ztsl to Rey eta. Crenadinee at very low pricen Summer Dream Goode all reduced. ludiaSilka reduced to 73 eta and $l. white Barege Shawls gad Circulars. White and Black Lace Holmes and Rotundas. Summer Shawls selling off very low. White and Colored Shetland Shawls. EDWIN Raid, at CO., JOS' South SECOND Street. LOSING OUT SUMMER DRESS ©CODS AT LOW PlllO6B. A greet variety of styles of this season's importation, from 22 cents to 61, . Best Pacific Lawns at 37X cents. Figured Brown Lawns at 3715 cents. - - ' French Lawns at 40;60, 62 and 87)4' cents. Best makes orikEnalins, Caticoos, Waltman, and all kinds of Domestic Goods, far below the manufacturer's White Barege and Lama Shawls. Bilk Grenadine eha wits. GOO al .wool Cashmere Shawls ' tß2, worth +54 . h0. B, STBSf. St SON, iYI6 Nos. 713 and 715 North TENTH Street. SPANISH LINENS FOR TRAVEL LINO SUITS AND GENTS' DUSTERS. Travelling Goode of carious kinds. Lead-colored Lillellit. White and Colored Terletans, Eine, Whits, and Pink Shiennito Nettings. Vainneolts, Caulking, and 'lnconel 1}111911.118, French Muslin% end Real Swine Manlius. O body. 11l nt•line of all kinds, White Goode in great variety, Buif,..Yink, Blue, and White Percales. EDWIN HALL Si CO., 26,Sonth SECOND Street. VXA)IINE OUR LAWNS. . 1 -. 4 Lawns; brown ground, neat tlgured, 44c. Lawns, white ground, neat tanned, 44c. Burkshaek and Bath Townie, largenneorttnent. Bird's Byealtren towels. Extra strelblinask Towels. Sbetland Wool Shawls for tourists, $5. Bathing Flannels, red and gray. jyB JOHN H. STOKES, TO2 ARCH Street. • 38 DOUBLE AND TWIST CASE SI.3B 84 Wide Dark Mixed Heavy Tweeds. Low pricedfand fine Cassimerea. No advance iiiStimmer Stock. Linen Drills and Dock. Superfine Whirs Duck and Drills. Superb Stock Woolens laid in. WILLIAMSVILLE. New York mills and other good makes Mnslinit by the piece or yard. Wide SheetioßK by the piece. Best old standard makes 'Unbleached Musßac. Flannels, Tickings, Checks, Stripes, &o. Towels and Toweling& Damask Table Linens, Napkins. FANCY SHIRTING. FLANNELS. COOPER & COWARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. 64 EMAIL DE PARIS," FOR THE SKIM —This delightful preparation la espe cially recommended to ladies about visiting the country or sea shore, for removing , the discoloratioas caused by sunburn or salt air. The " Email de Paris" is ea timed and nnivoreally TIMd by the ladies olthe French capital. EUGEI4 JOIIIN, No. ill S. TENTH Street, below Chestnut, Agent for l'Emell da Paris. ja:33-Imit ►or. The attention of LADLES VISITING THE CITY, or those about • LEAVING IT for " Watering Places," or "the Country, "As respectfully invited to the extensive stock of WHITE GOODS. suitable for SOMMER WEAR, for WHITE BODIES, MORNING WRAPPERS, Sm. A o extensive assortment is offered In Lace std Worked Edgings and Innertirapi, Veils, Handkerchiefs, liars,Sleeves,and in plain and fancy Plaid, triped, and Figured White Goods, AT PRICEB MUCH BELOW THEIR PRESENT RETAIL VALUE. 100 Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. 100 pieces; Paled, Tucked, and Striped Manlius. E. M. NEEDLES. 1024 OHBEITICTIT STREST. FIRE-PROOF SAFES. HIS . .•: :BOMPASTI 0- PUFF THE PRIM SS Of riy.terdar. relative to the ATTEMPTED' ,ROBBERY OF OE OF #I6IAPES.:ON STJ.NDA:r 1107R.M:KG, 1.0 tal Ins t. States that the burglars did not drill a hole more than half an Inch threugh, whirl statement he knowe..to_be rate, ei the burglars &warm witute7 - carekcinarters of as inch deep,• whtqa_was half way through the door. There is no doubt, had they not been disturbed, they won I d have:Milled it all the way through the door, and then robbed the Safe. Although Lillis states that the farther you get into the Safe the herder ttAiron, which is another of his false statements, I will undertake to drill the balance Drought and if I don't succeed In one-Daly hour's time, I will forfeit one hundred dollars; or I will drill as many boles as will entlsfy.bim in from one-belt to two hour's time in any nail of, that •Safe, or any other Safe he has in use iu Phlladelphia, Including one or both the Safes sold to the Bank Of Northern Liberties. If I don't succeed I will forfeit one hundred dollars. I succeeded yestoday In drilling three holes in the Safe at our tors in twenty mlnateseach with one drill: which is ready to dd ll three more without' sharpetung. DAVID EVANS.. 8 1 A 'BOLD ATTEMPT AT ROBBERY. • - LILLIE'S' CHILLED IRON SAFE SERIOUSLY ATTACKED. THE. PITFILS OP DAVID EVANS, 01 TM I'M! LIP EVANS St WATSON. ALREADY AT WORK. _ HIS SCIENCE PRACTICALLY TESTED. THE RESULT A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FAILURE. THE BURGLARS BAD LY FOOLED. DAVID EVANS rtiya it is a very simple matter to drill a bole through TX to 2 inches thoroughly chilled iron, pick up the combination of the lock, and open Lillie 's Safe; and, to illustrate hie system, has found, accidentally, a semi chilled imperfect Safe; procured a very perfect drilling apparatus , with drills the most approved, and, I am told, gives daily paha.: lessons in the art or drilling: also. that he succeeds, by a very heavy pressure, and the use of threw or four drills, to grind a bole through this semi-chilled Safe in from thirty to sixty miuntea, and says to his pupils that any of Safes can be drilled in the Bathe way It wonideeem thatsome of his more advanced students, having fount ernost favorable opportunity to test this new philosophy, have already taken the astreeeary step* to practically and professionally experiment upon this new and wonderful science; I say woad°. fat, be cause, if sumeasful, it was to open at ouc, the moat tin portant bates end vaults of the country to the whole lender profession The result of these experiments will be shown by the following statements, which ap pearln The Press, July 14: also, other city papers. LILLIE'S CITILLED NOR SAPS—A IL/LI) BUT lI:MX CUPSFUL ATTEMPT AT Bonne tr.—The " West Philadel phia Savings Fund" has one of Lillis's No. 2 Bank Safes, purchased oflif. •C. Sadler, Agent, in this city, .some eighteen menttreeince The bale was left in the office, on klarketratreet above Broad, on Saturday afternoon, all tight.' On On Sunday. at 12 P. the policeman tried the front door of the effice, and found It unlocked. On examining the office he found tbo burglars had been at mirk at the Safe, but tied left with their apparatus . There was a mortice made In the flOor in front of the Safe for the support of the drill, and a number of holes further back for an apparatus to create a pressure, and everything doge apparently to make the drilling perfect: A bole was found drilled, or ground, about half an inch into the door, over the lock, In the manner so pub licly described in sundry newspaper advertisements, and it would seem this wits as far as they could go, as the iron became harder. Next the lock centre we, tho-. roughly tried, but could not be driven in. Next the latch-knobs were taken off, and the knob-smindlea ware tborrughly tried, and they could not be driven in. A sledge Was tried, and that bad no effect. A pry was placed behind the door-binges to pry off the door. Thla did not succeed; and atter all these experiments, the burglaim evidently came to the cenclusiou they could not in any way penetrate the Safe, and left in despair volnuta.ilY; not having been disturbed in the least, and having still nicety of time to work. The appear , Emcee would clearly indicate that tbo burglars were at work duriur Saturday night, most of dunday, and Sunday evening • • - . TRIRD NATIONAL BANE. Philadelphia Jul v 14, Mk—. 1' do hereby certify that the statement in The Prue of the 14th inst in reference to Lillie's Safe at the West Philadelphia Trust Company; .ta'a correct Rad true stetement. t • DAVID B. PAUL. President. The (Alec ingpotute are particularly noticeable In the above statements; First. l be great length of time of the operation. Second. The fact that the operators left voluntarily and deliberately, takieg away their whole apparatus, having a much longer time to work. • Third. The fact that they evidently had the most an provsd facilities for drilling. or they could not have ground one half Drell Into sound, hard chilled iron. Fourth. The fact that as they get well in towards the wrought• free bare, which are the chillers, the iron be came so hard they eould not even grind any further. filth. The bull dog courage which the operators munifested to try all other experiments after they had tailed and been completely fouled in the - great experi ment, which was to practically demonstrste to the whole burglar profession 'the feasibility of David ane' new science in the art of drilling solid chilled iron 134 to 2 Inches thick. Sixth. That notwithstanding the fight *was with an army of yeterrne, fully armed and eeutpp.d with the must approved weapons. the Safe; single-handed, no sided, and alone. In a fair stand-op flint, defeated the enemy, forced him to tithe from the field, and cameout conqueror with scarcely a scar, SILTS one email ballot hole in the outer eurface. So much for David Evans' science. All who need a ell-104y Burglar-proof Safe will do well to take a note ot the above facts. . A WORD TO THE BURGLAR. I wish to make a few suggestions to gentlemen of the proem-ton, and more esp.-chilly to thoee 'having any faith in David Evans' philosophy. - - As iron-wOrlsere you meat be aware that one and a half to two inches thickness, thoroughly-chilled iron, cannot be successfully drillod in any way practical for the burglar. and that your only hope of ao teens must be In finding the Irnn not thoroughly chilled: The test hero introduced shows conclusively that the Iron ie• thoroughly chilled. A testest made by one of the best iron-workers of Philadelph i a, on one of Lillie'e Safes, just delivered to the Bank of the. Northern Liberties, proves the Rare° thing; and any number of others might be Retied. Yon ma be assured that Lilite's Safes are usually drill-proof although among the mercantile Safes It may ho possible that a Safe may be found not to herd as it should be. ' Asto David I vane' statement that he Can drill any of Lillte's Sales, it mast be taken with some grains of at. lowance. Be isa Safe-maker, and le interne* to make this statement, Ile finds you are opening Evans & Wateou's Sate f 0 easily, and so °Deo, that it Is very de sirable to attract your attention in another direction; and so far as he can get your aid to discredit Llllie's Safe. so far hie interest ie promoted; for it he can con vince anybody that Lillie'e Safe to not burglar-proof, ho may Induce she .party .to tske his Safe sea tire-proof. "A word to the wise is sufficient. " Now, as Item workers, you mutt fully understand the differencs between penetrating tit to 2 inches of chilled Iron, and Meth to lath inch of sheet iron. and although the prize might be greater In case of 0000880 in the for n,er, the inereeeed risk, and the probable failure might more than counterbalance. It is a common anti,trutirfctl EA) inn, that a "nimble strpeace is hotter than a slow shillmg:" a small but .snro prize may be much better than a very slow and uoc-stain one, though larger. A word to DAVID EVANS, of the firm of Evan St Watson: The above test having been made evidently by your most advanced student... under th, mast favorable cir cometances for them, and made professiooally, and eo thoroughly, and the result eo satisfactory, that we deem this test quite sufficient for the present; therefore, will not trouble yon to test the Safe on Monday, the 18th inst. , as previously announced ; but so soon as any act of yours, orany of your intsrepresentation4 may seem to require t, we shall °wpm you to be ready to make a further test, that both the burglar and thappe. p e may know that Wile' s Chilled Iron safe is thorOnahlY drill proof, and, therefore, burglar proof. ; LILLIE & SON, M. O. SADLER, Agent. 11 South SKYSNTII Street, NEW PUBLICATIONS. WILL BE PUBLISHED SATURDAY, JULY 23, T COWA Vw,313: A NOVEL OF SOCIETY AND THE FIELD IN 186 BY HENRY AUTHOR OF "SHOULDER-sTitirB." "DAYS OF SHODDY," Sw. Price $1.50 in Paper, or $2 to Cloth. 1 Vol. 12100. rioo Pages. - ' TII] CONVAnT). Read the following notice of it (rem the Editorial co- Banes of the New York At /es: TUE NEW WAR NOVEL-"THE COWARD." We have been favored with a glance at the advance sheets of this new war novel, In press by T. B. PETER SON .& BROTHERS, and 'bare no heeitatlett in saying that the sensation likely to be created by it will be a de cided one, "The Coward," though having its plot and incidents connected 'taint the present war, and ex hibiting some terrible scenes on the hattla field, does not rest entirely, or even principally- upon the interest of such scenes. Commencing with the period of Leo's invasion of Pennsylvania, in June, ISel, a considerable portion of the events narrated in it Ile amid the grand etenery of the White Mountains, making it peculiar's appropriate for summer tourists; still entailer series of events occur beyond the Atlantic, end the culmination takes place on the Virginia battle• fields and in the Vir ginia hospitals. =With this variety, and the marked In terest of the theme Involved, together with the in creaking power and grasp which ihe author Should by this time have acquired from experience in the field of romance, there seems every reason to believe that "The Coward" will more than equal In popularity and effect the author's luscious successful publications in the sante line—"Shoulder•Straps" and "The Days MORFORD'S OTHER BOOKS THE DAYS OF SHODDY: A Novel of the Great Re hellion 0f.1561. By Henry sforford, author of " Shoulder- Straps." Complete in one large volume, paper cover, railway edition. Pike $1.60, or bound 1n cloth for $2. SHOULDER-STRAPS: A Novel of. New York and the Army in 1562. By Henry Morton, author of "Days of Shoddy." Price $1.60 in paper, or $2 In cloth.: READ THIS. Booksellers, News Agents, and all others, will please send on their orders at once for - what they may want of either edition of ""The Coward,' , ' in case they want to -receive their supply of the book on the grit day of pub lication, as it is going to havea very large and extended *sale, the orders coming in for it by the thousand, and there is great trouble in getting enoughh manufactured to supply the demand by the day of publication. Canvassers, agents, and Sutlers, are wanted in every city and county in the country to engage in the sate of this popular book, either edition of which will be sold at very low rates by the dozen, hundred, orlhousund. Send for our Canvassers' Circular, containing in; Published and for sale at the Cheapest Publishing and Bookselling Establishment In this country, which is at T. B. PETERSON & BROTIIERS', No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa., To whom all orders must come addressed, sad they will receive immediate attention. Advance copies of the abore book will be sent to any one at once, free of postage, on remitting the price of the edition wanted to T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, in-a letter. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. It 1864. -OFFICIAL EDITION. THE NEW STAMP DUTIES OF 1864.., IMPOSED BY ACT OF CONGRESS. JUNES°. 'S&L ONLY OFFICIAL EDITION ISSUED PUBLISHED FOR THE CONVENIENCE Or ALL STOREKEEPERS EVERYWHERE, MERCHANTS, BANKERS. BROKERS; LAWYERS. CONVEYANCERS, AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. This card is much larger and fuller than the one leaned for the Stamp Duties, prior to this date. The above is the title of a large and neat CARD, con venient for reference. in every store, office or counting house, and shows at a glance the amount of Stamp duty to be paid on every Check, Draft, Certificate of Profits, of Deposit, Protest of Note, Draft, he., Let ters of Administration Policy of Insurance Probate Probate of Will, Pessege Ticket, Power of Attorney, Bill of Ex change (Inland and Foreign). Playing Cards, Certificate of Stock, Benda, Lease, Writ. Bill of Lading, Certifi cate of Damage, Contracts, Bill. of Sale. Certificate, Agreement, Charter Party, Entry of Goods, Mortgage or Personal Bonds, Receipt (other than Charter Party), Conveyance of Deed or Groot, Manifest fur Entry or Clearance, Proprietary Medicines, Cosmetics, Matches, Photograph., Mesenrers' Returns, Warehouse , Re-. ceint, Welehmsi rwrinte—Povi slos ot eeAcL Penalties and Exceptions. It will save a world of trouble to every storekeeper and business man to have a copy for reference at their side. It is entirely different from tho old Stamp Duties, and thus cord is copyrighted, and is the only correct and Official &Mien published in the country to meet tap wants of tt e community. Price 15 cents a copy; 1 61 a dozen; $6 a hundred; $l5 75 for S5O copies, or 734 cents each: V 3 7 5 for SOU wales. or 6k cents each ; 660 fur Loot) copies. or 6 cents each. Net cash with order. Consumer. to pay tran.portation. *re Collectors and Commissioner,. of Revenue Tsxez, Stor.keepers, Steioners. Variety Stores, Booksellers. News Agents and Canvassers, should order a supply at once, as they will And them to meet with a rapid sale, as everybody will want and intuit have a copy of it. Published and for eale at Retail or Wholesale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Pa To whom all orders for any quantity at all mast come addressed. and they will receive immediate attention. Copt. a sent per mail, free of Postage, ea receipt of the retail price. Canvassers and Pedlars wanted everywhere to engage in its sale. Send for cirealaroontalniuginstruction.i. It THE INDEPENDENT. This weekly Religions, Liters/wind Fluog3r edited by REV.. HENRY WARD BEBOH4R, REi. JOSHUA. LEtarrr, Az TNEO.DORE TILTON, Is Issued in the same form, and at the name low price of t TWO DOLLARS Per Annum, .notwithstauding the great advance in white paper. ONE SERMON EVERY WEEK, Rev.ITENRY WARD BEECHER TER TOLLOWLNA REINEET WRITERS ARE SPROUL corrsz- BUTORS TO ITS COLUMNS WILLIAM ALLEN BETLEE. REF. THEODORE L. CUTLER. REV. ROBERT M. HATFIELb, HORACE GREELBY, BAYARD TAYLOR. • THIME-42 per annum, paid In advance. Specimen nxuabers sent gratle. JOSEPH H. RIOHARDS, Publisher, No. 5 BEEKMAN St., New York FOR SALE BY NEWS AGENTS A SEMEAD & EVANS, &tumors to WILLIS P. HAZARD, TWA CHESTNUT Street, Have received SAVAGE AFRICA. By W. Winwood Beade. With Illustrations and map.. COUSIN PHILLIS. A Tale. Seat out. • ODIDE BOOR OF THE NEW JERSEY CENTRAL IL R. With a map and handsono illustrations. MACARIA. By Augusta J. Evans. author of "Ben lab. The great Southern Novel, reprinted from the Richmond edition. CHRONICLES OF THE SCHONBBRO COTTA FAMI LY. Fine edition on tinted paper. One of the beet works ever leaned. Everybody should read it. LINNET'S TRIAL. A Tale. By the author of "Twice Lost." HOTSPUR. A Tale of the Old Dutch Manor, By Walworth, author of "Lulu." THE TANNER BOY, and How he Became Lieutenant Oeneral. By Major Penniman. DENIM By the author of " Mademoiselle mop. " 2 vols. iy7 NEW BooKal NEW BOOKS! SAVAGE AFRICA, being the narration of a tour In Egtuatorial. Southwestern, and Northwestern Afri ",...6lllalirestk67 HTTlEnl s stEl 3 6;l 4 inawc7flT ß Aell i t FA MILY. By two of themseivee. New flue edition. GUIDE BOOK, for the Central Railroad of New Jer sey and Reconnections, through the coal lielda of Penn eyiyauta, GOOD FOR EVIL, and other etorlee for the young,by 6.L O. E - - . • ALTAR INCENSE, belay Horsley Watches, Eventrur loPenan nod Altar Stoney_ by J. R. Macdotj. HISTBRY OF FREDEttILEI TUE SECOND, called Rredorick the Great, by Thomas Carlyle. four volumes, sold separately. • For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, J 74 600 CRBSTNUT Street. NTEW MEDICAL BOOKS. 4 . 1 TANNER'S NSW MANUAL OF PRACTICE. A new eniarlied edition. WYTHI. S POCKET DOSE AND SYMPTOM BOOR. Fourth edition revleed. FULLER OZ RHEUMATISM. • new revised ed.!. BYFORD ON THE UTERUS. • BAUER'S ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY. CHEW'S LECTURES ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. A 'NEW MEDICAL CATALOGUE, classified and Priced, furnished gratis upon application. LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, . *5 South SIXTH Street.. APrLIATON'EI NEW AMERICAN • CYCLOPEDIA.' The Amory for this DivaDuthie Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street, second story. Also, RECORD OF THE REBELLION. By Frank 44.6 n.. G'tAIITEB DE VISITE,- THOSE AD MIRED and popular stylei• of pictorial, ire made la the mart anikic end finished manner at B. F. RBIKER'S Parular Gallery, 1124 ARCH Street, NEW PUBLICATIONS. prtECEDENTS La reply to the Speech of BIR ROUNDELL PALMER, Attorney General of England, In the BrWelt Monne of Commons, May 13. Snst published by LITTLE, BROWN, & CO., 110 WASHINGTON Street, Boston. For sate by iil6-4113th St .1: B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. A . YOUNG MA.N t WISBES A. SITUA, RUMS In it CONVEYANCBR'S OFFICE, to nalsh learning the beelines. Moderate Salary reentrod for COPY/DE and other strokes. Address "B. H. C.." Hoc p 426 Phllnd.lobta P. 0. WANTED TO PURCHASE-AN IN TEREST in a Wholesale Grocery BOUM Ad dress Hex 1114 P. 0. .3710.8 t• WA IiTSD—T WO OR THREE STEAM Eziarsam six to fifteen horse powitr each. with eon/cleat bailer attached. Address "Segies,'. box 1241 Philadelphia font Oaks. kyle-2t• WANTED—BY : •• ACTIVE BUSI LY lung VAN, a with:on where lie eau make him /len generally U6ollli, either in or out of the city. ed ema - " ANDRRSON," 3yl& 2t* ' PM. Office, for one week. - urn NI ED- A GOOD PENMAN, AS I I ENTRY CLERK, to a Jobblox Dry Goods Rouge. Also, nn iutntlikcot Lad for conottor-room.Address Box 209. Post office. , " • TlB 31` WANTED-A. COLORED .BOY. 14 OR Id sears old ae Walter in a Private Faintly. 41 11k , ply at 018 LOCUST Street. • ' dn. t( • WANTED -THREE SUBSTITUTES of good - lighting qualities, for the Army of the Potomac. to represent a gond/man exempt from WU tory duty. Apply at 205 WALNUT St.. Phila. 1e90•If BLACKS IVE ITHB AND WHEEL- WhIOHTB WANTED. CHIEF QUARTERMARTER'S OPIUM WAAHINUTOR DEPOT, WASHINGTON, D. C., July 4. net Wanted at once, to work In Oovernment repair shops, Quartermastern' Department, Depot of Waehington, one hundred (ICoiAgood 13E,ACKSMITHS, and one hun dred (100) good WITEELW RIO HTS. The pay par month will be sixty dollars (WO), with one (1) ration per day, and hospital privileges when sick. Apply to Captain CHAS. R. TOMPKINS. A. Q. M., D. S. A.. corner Twenty-second and .0 &tenets. Wash ington, D. C. D Fl. RUCKER. Brigadier General and Chief Quartermaster, jy6-12.9 Department of Washington. TEAMSTERS WANTED CIIIEP QUARTERMASTER'S OPPIOII. WASHTEOTON DEPOT, WASITISTITON, 1). O. July 9, 1964. WAN7BD. at rune, 1 lIREE EITMeDItED TgAM -BTERS. escb capable of driving with single line, and roanngingaix-mnle teams. To such who are competent to perform the duty the. pay per month will be thirty dollars, with one ration Per day, and bospitai privileges, inch:tang the beet medical attendance when sick. Apply to Captain Charles H. Tompkins. A. Q. M D. E. A., corner Twenty-second and G streets, Washing ton, D. C. D. H. RO CKER, Brig. Gem. and Chief gaartermaater. jyll,lBt Dopot of Wasbington. (fl TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE $4O ,„ for 5 years, at 5 per cent. , in sninanot lege than $3,000 each. Applyt o_ CHARLES RHOADS, jyl9-10to Cooveyamr, No. 36 B. SEVENTH St. 060 A 'MONTH WANT AGENTS at a month,expensas raid, to Belt ray SVEII- LASTING PENCILS, OR BURNERS, and 13 other uncles. Pitteenetrenlare sentfree. kddreas 13.30-d&w3m JOHN F. LORD. Elddeferd. Maine. W ANTE D TO PIIROHASE-A. modern-bnilt DWELLING; will' good_ yard, situ ated between Broad and Twentieth anti Market and Vine streetp. Address •• Box 1369." Philadelphia P. 0. jytil.3t• ARMY GOODS. FROTHINGHAM & WELLS .HEAVY_, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHBEY/NOS AND SHIRTING& STANDARD DRILLS. _ HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBEICS AND SILESIAS. BROWN BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. No. l 2 WORATED YARN. &o. seSS4Rf PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS FOR TELE NAVY. NAVY DEPARTMENT,, Brßit6l7 OP SQUISMENT AND RECRUiTING, JuLY 18, 1561. SEALED PROPOSALS to furnish materials for the ,Navy, for the year ending 30th Juno 186 t, will be re ceived at she Bureau or Equipment acid Recruiting, until the thirteenth day of August next, at 10 o'clock A. AL when. the bids will be opened without regard to any accidental detention of mails or other e 1112608. Tl.lB materials and articles embraced in the classes named are particularly described in the Diluted sche dules, any of which will be furnished to such as desire to offer, on application to the commandants of the ra specnve yards ; or to the navy agent nearest thereto, and those of all the yards npon application to the Bureau. This division into classes being for the con venience of dealers in each, such portions only will be furnished as are actually required for bids. The coin maigdant and navy agent of eat tadatton will, in addi tion to the schedule of classes at their own yards, have a copy of the schedules of the other yards fur examina tion only, from which It may bejudged whether It will be desirable to make application (Or any of the clasaes of thew y ards. • • Otters must be made for the whole of the class at any yaid upon one of .the minted schedules. or In' strict conformity therewith. or. they will not .be considered. In computing the classes, the price stated in the column of pris. will ha. th0.../5aA0...1,• end Ulu - uggrsigoce of tne et aswill be carried out according to the prices stated. It is requestednf bidders to avoid erasures and aubsti intion or figures, and to see that LOG &Mounts aro cor rectly canted out. The contracts will be awarded to the lowest bona fide bidder who gives proper security for Its fulfilment. ens bureau reseryee the right to reject all the bide for any chair, If Scented exurottant. All articles must be of the very best nullity, to be delivered in the navy yards in good order, and in suit able vessels and packages. properly marked with the name ol the contractor. as the CMe may be. at the ex pense and risk of the contractor, and in all respects eub- Jett to the inspection, meaemrewent, count, weight, Se., of the yard where received, and to the entire saga*. faction of the commandant thereof. 'Hiders are referred to t. e commandant of the re spective yarda fur samples, instructions, or particular "description of the articles; and all other things beimg equal, p , ahrence Will be given to articles of American manufacture. Every offer, as required by law of 10th August, 181 d, mart be accompanied by a written guarantee, the form of which is tiereinafter given, anti also by a ceradcace signed by the cotlecior ot internal revenue for the dis trict tu which be resides, that ho has a license to deal to the articles which he proposes co furnish; or by an affidavit signed by himself and sworn to before some magistrate authorized to administer eucb oath, that he in a manufacturer of, or regular dealer. in. the articles he tillers to sul•ply. and has a license as snort manufac turer or dealer. Those only whose offers they bo accepted will be no tified, and the contract will be forwarded as soon there after u practicable, whith they will be required to execute within tun days after its receipt at ti.e post taco or navy agency named by them. The contracts will bear date the day the notification is given and dmireries can be demanded. buretien in the foil amount will be required to sign the contract. and their responsioillty articled to by a United Stateedietsict judge, United Staten district at torney, collector, or navy agent. As additional *m eanly, twenty per cent= will be withheld from the amount of the Ulla until the contract shalt have been completed; and eighty per centum of each bill, ap proved in triplicate by the commaneants of the re spective yards, will be paid by the navy agent at the points or delivery—unlash requested by the contractor to be paid at another navy agency—within tee nave after shall Lave been passed by the Secretary of the Treasury. • It in stipulated in the contract that if default be made by the part iee of the drat part in delivering all or any of the articles mentioned in any mass bid for in the ntract, or the quality at such times and places ab ,v,3 presided,ntsu, and in that caNe, the contractor and hie sureties will forfeit and pay to the United States a sum of money not exceeding twice the amount of such class, which may be recovered from tune to time, acartling to the act of Congress, in that case provided, -approved Match X, ISt& . No bids for more than one yard meet be enclosed in one envelope, and the same meet be distinctly en , loreed on the outside, " Proposals for Materials for the Navy, for the navy - yard at (name the yard )," and addressed To the Chief of the Bureau of Equipment and Reorait ing, Bay y Depart men Rt. M tiF Washimmen,l). C. " FO OFFER, Which, from a firm, met be signed by ell the mem bers: 1. -of , in the State of -, hereby agree to furnish and de:iver In tits respective navy yards all the articles named In the classes hereto annexed, agree ably to the provisions of the scheduleatherefor, nod in conformity with the advertisement of the Bureau of Equipment and Recruitiug,dated July lath, ISSI. Should mi offer be accepted, li...quest to be addressed at and the- contract sent to the navy agent at or to —, for signature and certificate. (Signature) A. B. ("Date.) ness. The schedule which the bidder encloses must be pasted to this oiler, and each of them signed by him. Opposite each article in the schedule tte price must be set, the amount be carried out, the aggregate footed up for each clasp, and the amount litiewhie written in words.' Lf the parties Isho bid do not reside near the place where the articles are to be delivered, they must name in their offer a person to whom .ortiers on them are to be delivered. • FORM OF GUARANTEE. The undersigned . , of- in the State of -, and -, in the State o f-, - hereby guar antee that in case the foregoing bid of - for any of the classes therein named be accepted, he or they will, within ten days after the receipt of the contract at the poet t. Bice named, or nary agent designated, exe cute the contract for the saute with good and sufficient suretiee, and in [ASO .the raid-shalt fail to enter into contract, as aforesaid, we 'guarantee to make good the difference between' the otter of the said-and that which may be accepted. (Signatures ot two guarantors,) C. D. E. F.. (Date.) Witness. JOHN G. WHITTIER I hereby certify that the above. named -- are known to me ow men of property, and able to make good their guarantee. (Date.) (Signature) 0. R To be signed by the United States District Judge, Erni ted States District Attorney: Collector. or lacy Agent. The following are the- deem - required at the respect. tire Nary Yarder_,___. - - . No:'], Flax Canvas and Twine; No 6, Sperm Oil; No. 7, Cooking Monello; No. 10, Leacher; No U. Leather Hon: No 13. Laminae; Nu. IS, Tallow; No. 21. Sta tionery- No. 23, Hardware; No. 24, Ship Chandlery ; No. '27, Dry Goods; No.. Firewood; Nu. 31, Tar Oil and fiemsfoot.oll.. No: 1, Flax Callan' and Twine; No. a Hperm . oll; No. 7, Cooking Otenalls; No. 8. Scow; No. 10, Leather; No. 11, Leather Hose; No. 12, ON Hide for Ho,pe No. 13, Sheet Iron; No. 18, Soap and Tallow; No. 20, Bruohee; ho. V Stationery; No. Z. Hardware; No. 24. Ship Chandlery; No. 7d. Copper Wire; No. 27, Dry Gonda; No. D. Firewood; No. 21, Whale, Tar, and Neatsfoot No. 1, Flax CaliTaa an. Twine; No: 3, Iron Nails, Sheave Rivet". etc.; No. 4, Tln. Zgic, etc. ; No. 6, Spe;m Oil; N 0. 6, White Pine,Ash, Black Walnut. etc. ; No. 7, Cooking Utensils; No. 8, Steve and Cooking Ca bcosee; No. Hi. Leather; No. 11, Leather E10..e; No. 12. Lignunivitio: No. 13, Lanterns and Lampe; No. IS,Soap and Tallow; No. al, Broom's; No. 23, otationery; No, 23.• Hardwale; No. 21, Ship Chandlery; No. 27. Dry Goods; No. W. Firewood; No. 31, Neataroot (AL PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. No. 1, Flax, Canvas, and Twine; No. 6. Sperm Oil; No. 7, Cooking Utensils; No. 10, leather; No. IL Leather Hose; No 18. Soap and Tallow; No.2u, Brushes; No V. Stationery; No. 23, Hardware; Na. 94. Ship Chamilery; No. 27, Dry Goods.; No. W. Firewood; No. 31, Tar Oil and Neataroot Oil. WASHINGTON, D. C. No. 1, Flax, Canvas, and Twine; N 0.4. Tin and Zinc; No. Sperm 011;_ Nu. 8, Stoves and Cooking Cabooses. No. Leniher; No. 12, Lignuniviim ; No. 13,_Lantermi; No. IS, Soap and Tallow; No: '2O, Brushes; No. 22 Sta tionery ;.No. X 3, Hardware; No. 24. Ship Chand l ery; No. 26, Copper Wire; No. 27, Dry Goods; No. 31, Oat lery Iron; No. 34,_Chaln Iron; No. 36, Walnut. 31660 ' N gimp, and Ash; o. SS, ingot Copper. jyt94,l4t 0 171! ' :DAILY FARE - THOSE PER 'SONS /Umiak duplicate numbers or thle Paper will carder altreat Giver b tzeuding them CO the 0111" Nos. 628 Vid'6Bo CHEaTeI UT Street. OHO. W. CHILDS. C 0 L 0.12 lS D PHOTOGRAPHS XE anted with wonderful accuracy. Rod finished wit h ecoectosuntie skill, at REIMER'S ropular Gallery, SE COND tstreet, above, w Crean, and at the moderate charge of Si. TF YOU DESIRE A..PORTIUIT, SEE -A- B. F. REIMER'S superior tpeclmens of life eta• PHO TOGRAPHS in oil colors. Yon will he coo stored of their accuracy and artistic merit. 024 ARCH St. lt• MONUMENTS AND GRAVE• STONES.—A lirge assortment of Grave-Stones, Ir various designs, madeof the finest Hallos and *medium Marble;: constantly on hand at the Marble Works of ADAM STEINMETZ, SIDLE Avenue, below Morena attest. Philadelphia. apl3-Seall AMERICAN NEUTRALITY, By GEORGE !mgr. Bvo. Price 50 mite. WANTS. PROPOSALS. aMM= CHAELEETOWN, MASSACHUSETTS BROOKLYN NEW YORK AUCTION SALES. HOTEL FURNITURE FOR SALE.— Being shout to retire from the loudness. cue sub scriber otters at public ssle. ON TUESDAY, JULY 26. Bel, the entire stock of FURNITURE-in HERR'S ROTEL. EfARRISBURC, PA. consisting of Bedstsads, Hair Mattresses , Pesti:sr Beds , Pillows, Sheets, Comforts, Quilts, Caroms. English Corner Clocks. Bursaus, Spoons, Knives. China and Glassware,sulllclent to accomnimiste Bimini.: Stoves, Niiakon Utensils; in fact,eserythlng renal red is a large hotel. Sale to he continued from day to day until all Is sold. Term cash, under one hundred debars jy10.71 J. GILBERT. riv. Rec. AUCTION BALE OF OONDEMNSD Norma I WAR DRPARTYRWT, CAVALRY BGREATY, OTtiOR OP CRIER QUARTNRMARITIR. WARRINGTON. D. C. July 4, INIL Will be cold at PUBLIC AUCTION. to the highest bidder, at the times and piste% named below—viz: LEBANON, Penna., THVESDA 9, July, 14th, 1684. READING, Penna . THURSDAY. July. 21st, 1864. HABRISBURG, Pettis*, TiluicsDAY, July 2fltb? , 18f4 ALTOONA, Penna., TRIIRSNAY, August 4th, 1864. WILLIAMSPORT. Penna. , THURS DAY,August 11tb; 186 TWOVUNDRED (NG) CAVALRY HORSES at sub D lace. These Horses have been condemned as unlit for the Cavalry service of the Army. For Road and Farm purposes many good bargains mat be had. Horses sold SID eV. Terms: Cash, in United States Currency. JAMES A. ERIN, Lieut. Col. and Chief Quartermaster Cavalry Bursae. pusurc SALE OF I:NCLAINUMS -a- HOODS remaining in the Warebon.r. of the Pll7- LADELPITTA AND READING RATLROAD PA NT, THIRTEENTH and CALLONVEILL Streets, Philadelphia. The articles described in the following Roberta°, having been consigned to the Station named below, on the Philadelphia and Reading. Railroad. and the con aim:lees, after doe end legal notice, not baring taken them away, nor paid the costs and expensea of carriage, will be oxpoaed to pnbllc mile or outcry, at the several Stations named below, on SATURDAY, September 17, 1864; the sale to commencest ten o'clock in the fore noon of mild day: coNsimum. /ARTICLF- 4 ; AND MARKS Pbiledplphis E. P. MMUS. M. Bartor, S. Jackpon, L. Lowrie, IDr Wright. C. Megargeo, Paschall MOrris, P. DicDonangh, Dr. Wright, Dr Wrisht. A. ThOmpsOli, A. Cross, W. Elinor, J. W. 'Mincer. W. Harris, P. Ennierheimer, Paschall Morris. Merchants' Ins Co, Consortn Inn. Co J. CoClap. J. Loom. & Co., M. C Radlor. S. Soden, S. Hallman, • George Griffith, E Kerchtffiager, II Ps.s, E Wilson, J. Long & Bro., B. Calmat'. L. Vi r oireasberger, G. Devlan, J. Powers. Shanhacker, J. N. Kline, J. Ball. W. If. Richards. R. M. Morris. & S. Allen, H. Ashburn. • The above attic es Willbe exposed to public eats, an aforesaid. according to the provisions of tbe first section of the Act of As.embly of the Commonwealth of Penn eylvania. approved. the sixteenth day of March A. D. 1N,0; with all the requiretuente of which the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company have in all re sp: cts complied. The Act of Assembly is as follows: • Commission merchants and factors, and all com mon carriers, or other persona having a lien n *on goods. wares, end merchandise, for or on account of the costa and expenses of carriage or storage, or any other charge arising from the transportation, keeping, or storage of such property, in case the owners or consignees shall not pay or discharge the slum:int doe for such cost, ex pense. carriage, storage, or other charges, bereinbefore named. may. after the expiration of ninety days In in the notice hereinafter provided, proceed to sell the same, or so much thereof se may be necessary to discharge said lien, at public auction Provide 4 That notice of sale shall be given se requital for she riff's Pelee of personal property, and that fAisty dams' noise of said lieu be . ,given to the owner or consignee of the property, if they can be found, and in case they cannot be so found, ebat the same Abell be advertised we coun ty-ome newspaper published in the proper city or to which the goods, wares. or merchandise have heel. consigned, for four consecutive weeks before the sale, the residue of money arising from snob Rale, after deducting costs of transportation. charge tort nd storage. ad vertisingand sale, to be held subject e order of the owner or owners of such prnp-rty. • G. A. NICHOLLS, General Ettperintendent. .143,tnixo, Pa.. June 10, MAL lvlB-12t. lIIVEMENTS. DROVER'S NEW CHESTNUT STREIT THEATRE —OR 4ND REOPENING. MONDAY EVENING, July 25th, First time In six years in Philadelphia of the Grand Epsetisentar Drama, ALADDIN; threeHE WONDERFUL LAMP. Presented after months' active preparstion inA style of nopreeedewed magnificence, repletia with won derful Transformations Magnificent Rcenery, Grand. Marches, Superb Costumesa and Properties, Beautiful llnsie and Choruses. Reserved seats for sale three days In 'avarice. lyl9-t[ THE ACADEMY OF FINE . ARTS, -A. CHESTNUT Street above Tenth, to OPEE DAILY. for ' , Ostrom from 9A. k to 6 P. K jou BOARDING. BOARD.—FRONT S GL E • ROOM Tema. No. 1315 WALNUT street. 3,19-14" TRANBLENT AND TABLE BOARD. 1126 cErtsTzrov Street. FURNISHED ROOMS -A SUITE OF ROOMS on second door, with private bsth , with or without nosrd,in choice location on Walnut street. Ad,- dress "BAKER," this oMce. hrlS.4te aERMANTOWN.--LT WO DtSIR BLit N -e" ROOMS eae be had at WhitiCettege.oll nismulli Street. twoon'd booze west of Green. jr1,4414' BOARDING. -TWO SECOND-STORY rooms! TO LET, at 132 North TENTH St. Jst.tl• SUMMER RESORTS. 'FLORENCE HEIGHT'S:—.THIS BE A. 1- TUTU, RESORT le now 'open for the reception Pr guests. Terms $lB per week. or ISS rem day.. Apply Mt the premises or at 110. 605 SANsOiti Street. jyl9-12t* R d. SIKKIM. Proprietor. LOST AND FOUND. LOST -A STREET CLEANING WAR RANT, No. MIL for 514.17. The tinder will be re warded by leaving it at No. 1126 SRIPPRIf Street. iB PaYIIIPDL has been stopped. • jy19.31. LOST -ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON, or evening, a pocket- book, containin g . over two tboneand dollars. chiefly in Treasury notos. m i mesome reward will be_paid upon returning the to Wilt. B. MARTIN, 253 South FIFTH Street.. -j719410 LOST, O. BATURD&Y, JULY 17TH, about Fifty Sheen and Lambs The tinder will bit liberally rewardod and all expenFes paid, by giving lat forroetion at Stall No. 2U and 213 Franklin Market. TENTH. below Market etreets: : PERSONAL. ERsoNAL.—RED OR BLLOK-B ALL P' RARDROPS 60 mate per pair, Male' 916 RACE Street. EXCURSIONS. ... 11AHRIIR'S TRIRD 1 1 =r1C PgA l irs i :! as it r a e re, E rrocang7B Cooper's Point, CM. All other Stations, Beat leans Vine-Street Wharf 6A. M. ii.l9-tuthf3e agie gr eat GRAND PLEASURE EX CURSIONS TO LASE SUPERIOR.—Oa t of the ((Mewin splendid first-class steamers, via. CLEVELAND, I L LI NOISNO2,THERN LIO. P. DROP CITY, TRAVELER, METEOR, IRON SIDES, La.o LA BELLE, and PEWABIC, leave CLEVELAND Ohio, at 8 o'clock P. M., each day of the week, eget. Saturday and Sunday, and Detroit, Michigan, ow following days at 2 o'clock P. M. through the mantle: of JULY and AUGUST, making Strand Excursion Trigs to the many points of interest on the Great inland Beat of America,which, for utility, pleasure, and health.art tiusurpaesed by any other on the Cont inent. This trip of over 1,000 miles embraces six degrees of latitude, and eleven of longitude, and includes In tik circuit Lekes Erie, St. Clair, Huron and Superiorotrai: thebeautifta rivers Detroit, St. Clair and St. Mary'a. The many and extensive mines of iron and cnpm. unequaled by any in the world, with the newly• covered and Inviting deposits of silver lead, wild ant- romantic scenery, combined with its pure and bracing climate, render the Lake Superior trip one of far new than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the abided., the plerthure.seeker, or the Invalid. The above-named steamers are elegantly•Atted gg with large airy Cabins and State-Rooms, while evert . precaution bar, been taken to provide for the aafetY an* comfort of passengers. Fare. including State- Rooms and Meals. about 2.3( salty per mile Time occupied in making the round trip,freyr 8 to 10daye. Rooms secured, and further information obtained. bt . application to proprietors. R RO ntB T t H y de t m it a rD Co s. ., I cleyetina, ohlo. .T.T WHITING & 80., } Detroit. litaleissa, ICII • JOgIITCHIN 8, 1.214 us% - . • • . . . . • • . • ••• FOR SALE AND . TO LET .' . voR• SA LE—BRA SS FOUNDRY Steate Engine, Leibee,Tnols and Fixtivesof kind. in complete working order. • APP/T On the weft tee. 1005 BEACH atreet, Kensington. . jrl/3-6C! TO PHOTOGRAPHERS.-FOR SALE CHEAP, the Skylight PIIOI I )GRAPRGALLZRY. S. W. corner of EIGEIriI and PARRESEI Streets. i f applied for soon, as the owner intends leaving tile city. Jyl9-2t* da FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SALE ms- —Situate N. W. corner of FRANKFORD Road and NORRIS Street. Lot MO feet on Frankford and 414 feet on Norris erect. dix brick dwetlings on Pratte ford read, a three-story brick factory, 53 feet by 43 feet on Norris ate. et, with cotton machinery tharein; eosins house, with boilers and engine In; two-story brick bones, 23 by 60,. attached and ether bnilelings. For further inforMetion, inquire at N. E. corner of SE VENTH and SPRUCE Streets. jy19.5t0 LFOR SALE--A. DWELLING ROUSE. eontainint tearooms. with all themodera in,provoineuts. situated on Tweitth street, north nf Man ter. Poreeetion siren any time desired. Par tallier information. apply at No. 56 North SECOND St. It. FOR'. SALE: - WISHING TO diminish TAY stock for the summer season. I would'offer.for sale six good and well-trained horses, suitable for either maims' orgrmtlemen's saddle. Ap ply to EUGENE DE KIEFFER, j ylB4ll. Riding School, DUGAN St.. below Spruce_ ai gir ma t PROM' NEW 'YORK, FOb NEW HAVEN, HARTFORD, SPRING. FUSED. rod BOSTON.—The gleaners CONTINENTAE and ELM CITY leave Peek Slip, Egg River, daitY. at 2 15 P. K. and 11 at night. li6MEFOR ALBANY AND TROY, via Delaware and Raritan Canal —T barge "OLIVE BRANCH," Capt. John Tamer. will sale for the above points on WEDNESDAY, July SEE., at6o'cloeli P. M. For freight, which will be taken at. reasonable rata*, apply to D. L. FLANAGAN, Agent, 16.41 No. 3048. DELAWAREA.venne. LOOKING GLASSES JAMES S. EARLE & SON. 116 CHESTNUT STEEHT. lave now in Stare a very AIM assortment of LOOKING GLASSES. of every slutrsoter, of the 11E1 BEST KANCEACTUEE AND LATEST !ATM.' OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVING% aid° PICTURN AND PHOTOORAPII PRAM fEATON & .DENCKLA, HARD WARE COMIIIBSTON MERCHANTS, 507 COM MERCE, and 510 NORTH Streets, offer for sale: An elm Brand Nails; Plymouth Mill Rfvete. W. & 8. Botcber's Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Locks. Putnam's Rene Nails; Locke'a SuboOlSlateS. AlCopper. Brass, and iron Ameri c antton Cards. so D a fall assortment of Hardware: fea-es, LADIES' TRUSS AND BRAG, STORE—Conducted bV Ladtee, TWELFTIP Stree fi rst door below Race. Every article In their, lino e legant; eany, and correct to make. G. H. NEE. DLES, Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen, ou the cornet of TWELFTH and RACE Streets. N. B.—Prefeeeiowd 'Lamm, inanred. myb-tutir CLARET.WINE.-200 CAFES CL A RET Rine. for male br E. P 'MIDDLETON, ie 113-03 t No. 6 North Fun titre*. • 2 boxes cards. 25 bdtss. Spokes. l'box skeletons (fire] 1 box bedding. I boxmdze. 8 bags pulp. ) reaper. lot sundries. 1 box booki. 1 box books. 2 Racks charcoal. 1 box Ff II goods. 31,411. barley. I box drags. 1 Wove. 2 bble pickles. 10 seed sowers. 1 box books. 2 boxes books. 11 box rcru..as. 1 cask paint. I iron cafe. fold lumber. 1 old scale. ?NO WWI. handles. 12 empty. kegs. 1 empty kv 1 bbl. feathers. 1 bas waste. 1 empty bbl. 1 1 box and can. '3 empty half bbla 1 keg mdse. Ibox. 1 half Md. and keg -1 keg mineral water. 2 bbis. corn. 11 empty hhl. fi empty hbls. 1 half hid.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers