EUROPE. Additional News by the Peruvian-Re ported Capture of Alson-.Another Plot agekirlid Irapoleon. PORT An Basnun, July o.—Tho following Is the Concluding portion of the steamship Peruvian's do !vetch, whioh — , owing to difficulties on the wires, Inns not transmitted last night: The London Star- says: "Grant's latest move ments are eOrtalnly not dostituto of boldness, but they seem to border on foolhardiness. Ira delfho. rately leaves the road to Washington and the North open to Leo, who, before now, has not hesitated to cross the Potomac when the Federal army could Mull more easily dispute his progress." THE DANISH WAR. The policy of Prussia is said to be tho rotention of Jutland as a material gua ranty. The Prussians aro erecting batteries on the ;int land coast opposite the middlo part on the Island of .Funen. The announcement of the capture of Alson by the German Powers had been received, but tho details concerning it had not come to hand. A Vienna paper states that Austria and Prussia Pre Cully agreed on the subject of hostilities. The two Powers are said to have renewed the en gagement to act in concert until Denmark shall ho compelled to accept of peace. Prussia has declared that she seeks for no territo rial aggrandizement in tho North.- IRA NOE. Mr. Slidell had an Interview with the Emperor Napoleon on tholNth. Tho pollee are reported to have discovered another plot against the Emperor's life. Several Italians were arrested on the 20th. The Paris Bourse (dosed fiat at 00f. 750. for the Routes. SPAIN It was assorted at Madrid that tho resignation of ,Sonor Mareareuto, ambassador to Peru, had been Accepted. BRAZIL. • .. The Bruit mails had reached Lisbon. ItIO Da SaNaino Juno 7.—Esohango '27, 3 A2734. Colico nominal. Shipments, 20,000 bags; salon, 20,000 lags ; stock, 20,000. .Tuno 13.—Exchange 27M027M. Sugar, 31p00 to 3DIOO. Panuitsrnuco,• Juno 10.—Exchange 27,11427. n. Drown sugar 211600fi2IS00S1. INDIA AND CHINA A tologram from Shanghao announces an, im portant movement in exchange, and a rise of 1,1 per cent. against England. At Bombay exchange had declined ,i 4, and at Cal cutta 34. LONDON Moron , IVlArturr.—On the 27t1t the 'lnnis contained stagnant, and seemed likely to re 'ain free from material fluctuation, the general "tilling of tho country having confirmed the course narked out by the Government on Its foreign policy. )'rnnce. Mexico. and the United States The Courtier du Dimanche, of Paris, publishes a Circular letter addressed by M. Drouyn de Pliuys, the French. Minister of Foreign Affairs, to tho agents of the empire abroad, respecting the rela tions of Franco to the American Government. This letter is a sequel to the correspondence between Mr. Seward and Mr. Dayton with regard to the Mexican question, and is as lollows , PARIS ' May 7,1884.-111 r. Dayton has called on me to road to me a despatch addressed to him by the Secretary of State of the Union, in order to define the res t ronsibility of the Government of Washing ton, an to show that a vote of the House of Repre sentatives, or of the Senate, or even of the two 'Rouses, while it naturally recommends itself to the attention of the Government, did not oblige It to Snodifl its policy and take from It its liberty of . ac tion. Mr. Seward sees no reason to follow, in the Nexican lineation, a line of conduct other than that which ho had adopted horetofbre ; and If hisdispost- Lion should happen to be modified, we should be directly and in good time informed of this resolu tion and its motives. 1 have replied to Mr. Dayton that in the opinion Of the Government of the Emperor nothing could justify this change ; that our °entitle= in the wis dom and enlightenment of the American Cabinet was too groat to permit us to suppose it to have any itle"of compromitting. by thoughtless action, the true interest of the United States. Wt lie express ing to Mr. Dayton the entire satisfaction which the assurances he was charged with glviag to us caused to the Goverumtlat of the Emperor, 1 added that I thought Went, that, even from the point of view Of the United States, the choice could not be doubt ful between the establishment la aleiteo of a stable and 'regular Government, and the perpetuation of an anarchy of which they had been the first to suffer sand to point out the great inconvenience. The reorganization of a vast country which, after the restoration of order and security, is expected to play an important economical part in the world, would be for the United States especially n real source of advantage, since it would open a new market to them from which they, because of their proximity, would profit more than others. The prosperity-of Mexico Would therefore agree "Imith their-rightly understood interests, and I cer tainly do nut believe that the Government of Washington could misunderstand this truth. • DROtrfN De L'iteYS. POLITICAL. The Buffalo Journal, the new German daily recently started in that city, under the editorship of Dr. Do Hans, as the organ of the German "Radi cals," which was expected to support the nomina- Von of Fremont, and which, since the Cleveland Convention, has maintained an attitude of political j uncertainty, came out last week for Lincoln and 'Johnson. The Democratic candidates for the Chicago no- Sninatton willemon be past counting. The last one Ise have heard of is Dean Richmond. Of this nomi gmtion the Rochester Express remarks: "There is one objection which the snobs of the democratic party will find insuperable. Dean Rich bond was a poor boy, and in early life worked with hie hands, in the "menial occupation" of a salt. boiler! How can Domoorats, like the aupereillous toadling of the World, support a candidate who has come up from so low a degree as that 1 Dean Rich mind is undoubtedly a man of great energy and ex ecutive ability ; ,but then—he was a salt-boiler ! Xo'll Rom do for the superfine Democracy." Money and Stocks in New York. 'The New York Post of Saturday says Gold opened at 265, and after selling down to 261, Closed dolle4260)1. Exchange is inactive at 100 for specie. • The speculation In produoe, which is now appa. gently on the part of breaking down, is regarded as, to a large extent, the cause of the recent stringency to money. The appended table exhibits the chief move. =onto this morning compared with the latest prices Of yesterday:, Sat. Fri. Adv. Dec. United States 6?, 18)11, rex 111 103% 'United &ate , ISSI, c00p0n...10.3% i„N 'United States Seven thlrtios....los 155 United States Five-twenty, tionplad% Uaittd States 1 yr cart. currency 04 .. Tennearea Sixes 57 '57 .. tio.notiri Sixes 68 68 Pacific Marl 270 270 . New York Central kb i1r0ad....135X 1.14 X .. 114% 11sX Yale preferred lla ' 114 X Bodeen River rA 326 2 Sleading 13 8 54 13614 34 After the Board New York Central closed at 18551, Xrie at 1145 j, Hudson at 127)' Reading at 120 X, Iliad:gut Central at 134,4, Michigan Southern at 1:13X Illinois Central at 130 X, Pittsburg at 111 X, 'Rook Island at 111, Fort Wayne at 112 X, North cestorn at 53'4, Ohio and Mississippi at 51, Cumber lavrat co, New York Markets, July 0. Asnas are quiet and steady at $13013.50 for pots, and $15@15.50 for pearls. BREADSTUFFB.—TIao market for State and NVes tern Flour 18 dull, and 25 cents lower. Sales 9,500 this at $10.60@i0.00 for superfine State,sll.243 21.50 for extra State, $11.55@ 1 1.80 for hoice do, $10.50010.95 for superfine Western $10.80e012.90 for common. to medium extra . Western, $11.60 .41112 for common to good shipping brands ex tra round hoop Ohio, and $1210@13 for trade brands. Southern floor Is less active, and (trooping gales 800 bblii at $11.50@12 for common, and 912.10 014 for fancy and extra. Canadian flour is 25c lower. Sales 700 bbls at $11.256/11.50. for common, and all.eo@i3 for good to choice extra. Bye Flour le quiet and firm. Corn Meal is steady ; sales 30D bbIS Jersey at $7.70417.7:, Wheat is dull and nominally Salo lower; sales 50,1300 bus at $2.30@2.58 for Chica go Spring, $2 356.2 59 for Milwaukee Club, $2 00(a 2.01 for amber Milwaukle, $2.58@2.05 for winter rod Western, and $26602.71 for amber Michigan. Rye quiet at $1.906 , 1.95. Barley and Barley 'Malt are quiet and unchanged. Oats are active and firm at P9c/(0$1 for Canada, 99p@ 11 for State, and $1 for 'Western. The Corn market is steady, with sales of 27,000 bus at $1.5301.05 for new mixed Western. • Wart n e NEW YORE July 10.—Arrived , barks Web-foot, Snug' ; Leighton, Pernambuco; Volunteer, kihanghao ; Zephyr, Palermo • E f la Virginia, Buenos Ayres; Ellen Morrison, Palermo; I). Ryerson, Antwerp; brigs Bird of the Wave, King- Pton Jamaica ; Henrietta , Bermuda ; Robert M coo,' H o- Martinique Ella, Mayaguez ;• Vuel E:yrien, „The Janeiro • Isabella, Para; Machias, Nuovitas ; Pehooner Adr i on, Mayaguez ; Brazilian brig Olivia, 3110 Janeiro. Pirate Florida was spoken July Tth, let. 80.40, long. 00.09, cruising. THM CITY. IVOR ADDIT/07IAL CITY NEWS 8= FOURTH VAOll.] PIIIIADELDRIA AND TEE RAID The news yesterday was of rather an exciting Character, but it seemed to have little e ff ect upon the people. There was no excitement excepting About the newspaper offices. The regular arrivals of the railroad trains, and the receipt of telegrams over the wires from Washington and Baltimore, furnimbed positive evidence that man y _ of the reports AO freely circulated were untrue. There are corn 3nendahle movements in military circles, but more than this would he Imprudent to state. 'VISIT OF A YACHT CLUB The Harlem Model Yeah' Club will arrive here to-morrow from New Turk, on a visit to this olty. They will be the geode of the Philadelphia yacht pert. CITY &PROFITABLE DITESTMENT.—We have heard of ill number of cases recently of people ordering a Witlffielent quantity of Coal from the celebrated yard Of W. W. Alter, 957 North Ninth street, to last•them Tor a year. Wo can Imagine no better paying lli- Vestment than this for the amount expended, and Would respectfully advise our readers In this city generally to go and do likewise, WHAT ART DORB YOH NA.TllRR.—However poor ly you may be clad, you will perceive that the Agriculturist, the spinner, the weaver, the dyer," Lie navigator, the machinist, the tanner, the tailor, the shoemaker, the bleacher, the hatter, and a .core of other mechanics, have applied the study and experience of fifty centuries to the making of your modest attire. It has taken the sweat of the brow of a thousand geheratioas to produce that ugly, but simple, useful, and economical suit, Zitioh the Parisian workman buys with a few days' wages. How much then must it have required to produce the magr,ineent suit worn by the man of taste and made at the Brown Stone Clothing Ball. if Rockhill 3c Wilson, Noe. 003 and 605 (Jhestnnt street, above Sixth I 1 THR HANDSOMEST ASSORTMENT OP STRAW, VRLT, and othor Hats can be purchased of Oharles fakftird & Sons, 834 and 888 Chestnut street, Cont!- ental Hotel. THE Rain.—What is itl Do the rebel's intend telebrating every Fourth of July on ' , free sally' ire are glad therintend celebrating it at all, and gill Moro glad that they do it on free territory. gre hope they will not have to go so far from home 13,$reafter to find free soil to celebrate tholr Fourths a. We are not used to It now, and it is some. at exciting. With the thermometer at 00 and Id 260, 'tie hard to keep cool. The only way, In at, is to Clotho yoursolf in the delicious summer 44lothing sold at Charles Stokes & Co.'s one price, Oder the Continental. CALPN MAT, LONG BRANCH, ATLANTIC CITY.— ), tale assortment of Dulles' and gentlemen's bath og dresses OAD be found at John O. Arrison's, Nos. 1 d 8 North Sixth street, , Jyo•tf - A SPLENDID ABRORTMENT Of misses', children's, .d boys' hats, at reduced prices, can be purchated if Charles Oak ford & Sons, 1134 and 830 Ultestaut Olt, Continental Hotel. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. The Con 11 Blstone, Penta D R D ac a k vidson, Pcnna John Shlppon, Pottsville 86111'1 bbl Den, Pottsville Dr Thomas Bowso W 11 Sensorial., Wheeling W 11 &nett B II Neleon, Nashville W S Marshall. Pea na MissWltherow, Mtddlet'wn Mira M Seibert,Plttsburg Mien Nary Seibert, rictelleg R ()woos. Pittalmrg D B Cobb, New York S tibmgard, Jr, Chicago J (1 McLain & la, Whoellng John C Powell, St Loan C Hayes & la, Cincinnati, 0 Samuel Coulter a la, N y H Abraham, Now orlogne T H Morris. Baltimore W n Shaw & wt, Wash P L Sweat. Vermont MI mental. Chits M Coulter & la,,N Y J titover, New Jersey J Dear., Pon an I:1 0 Flowery, Illinois bfolioa. o nto 0 F McClean ft wt. Pltts`g ti Lan Word, Baltimore B Wiggin, Boston W Dilininart,New York V Livlngaton, Balt W H Campbell. Wash, D C J W Parkh,S; Louie • Mr &Mrs Kremellierg,Balt C P Bertrand, Arkansas Tosittit , Perham, Boston I P Cauc hy, Baltimoro P Wil ame. Baltimore HD Mears, Wash, D C John Hopkins, Jr. Mese B 111 Keith, Boston S W Hates, 130.n0n W J Plume & in. Newark T Thome, Memphis W N Brown, Memphie Paymaster Upham, 11 8 N S hlilber , Yarmouth J tilling , Nerea rk. Del J F Morton 110..t0n C H errin & Is, Cleveland T 11 Duncan, New York J S Cutler, dugn.ta, Ca J M Beryls, Montgomery, Al T W Busaol I. Wad ford,C W 'l' Balking, New York D 0 Tatum, New York J Satterlee, New York Judge Bracken. New York 11 McKim. Baltimore C Paget, lihodo Island M Bottle, Alton, 11l .7 11 Bowles. Kentucky J Cunningham, Cincinnati R B Roberts, Harrisburg W Tounley .1: ht,Clnclnuati Mips J Tonnley, Cinclunatl -M Mayor,Be w York A Prsucb Dorton P A Hobart,'Buston J M Wightmow, Boston Jacob Deed. Pittsburg JllO D Van Dares, Albany Chas M Steads. N York John Van Dowaler,N York B M Lewis, Wilm, Del D Bulger, 'Mira, Del JaptlM Stevens. Boston It It Kingsbury. Browner Baron Proctor, Washington Chas Dawson, Washington tl W Delawater , Alex, a .1 F Bartow& la, Baltimore Stainta,'WashingtOn I J 1' Kennedy & la, Bait Miss Pendieton, Baltimore II Tents, Cincinnati • R N Vail, Baltimore T B Kennett Baltimore J S Utley, B' York F J De Lawsine, Bngland C C Jackson, Boston 4 J T Sbaw. Pittsburg • IT Harley & wr, Pittabarg Chas Boyd, Chicago J Motels & wi, New Albany Khltfer, lowa G P Yontigling, Ohio ML Ogden, U g A C B Fowler, N York .A•R Winnigee W Radford, U SN F W Pearson, Baltimore Afro Pearson St 2 ch. Balt .R U Walker, Baltimore .litewart Gwren, N York .7 hturiscal. Washington BEUayna,USA W 11 Wilson. Cincinnati John A Wilson St Louts Saml Boller, Cincinnati Geo Balaban, N York Thos Hollins, U S N Daniel Tulltan .1 Salford Si eon, U S N trard. G Wetherell, Glasgow, Md Mrs Polaso: t, Tloga co, l'a Miss Pohl/Mit, Tinge co, Pa D Flint. Chicago Karson, New York Mr Sr Mrs FMontemoilin, Jr Dro J Wym b n y , ,Wa H , D C M B Sestt k sod, Ohio N Harry. Ohio Capt 0 iV Cheater,Wash C DuPont Break, Scranton S Sinker, lowa J Swetharst, lowa R Lincoln, Illinois A J Smith, Ponosylvaitia . J W Megaton, Maluo] W Gray,Gray'atand'g, Pa Geo Brown. Baltimore J Shield New Fork J A Williams, Wash, D C Jas Harrison, Baltimore Thos Harr:son, Baltimore P C Wood, Wash, D C El Jackson, Wash, D C John H Blair, Ohio Robert - Wilson. Ohio Goo Attwood, New York Chas Simpson, New York Chas Mitchell, Boston Oeo L Lung, Oil City S A Roberts, Penult - 8 0 Lower, Arkansas L T Markham. Mil vrankee J Johnston &wt . , vle Mrs Landlthitch, Lawrny'le serfean. Downe IP SI Trowbridge, Conn B B Smith, Noir York al Wood. Boston W J Raid, U N Jas H Bell, Washington M 8 Cunningham S Mathew.* IW H Yohe, Bethlehem] F Hammon, Bethlehem!' Geo D Patten, ash !biro J C Cart's, Jr, 'Walla B I Ober. USA J S Balobrge, Was h ington D W Gardner. Washington F H Crosby, Kentucky H 71Compton, Kentncky It H Bowman, Kentucky A J Craft Jt la, Wmsport C Frtadenheit, Missouri remote,. The • J Eshleman, Philadelphia W McGill, Philadelphia 0 Lazell, New York- P 0 Martin, W Garrett, Harrisburg O Stewart, 'Baltimore W Henderson, Baltimore S Perkins, Wash, D C II Campbell, Wm,h, 1) C J Thompson & family - , N J Tisdal, New York C Granger & la, St Louis J oung, Masaillon 3 Flake, Bethlehem A C Hammond, Wash, D C 0 II Rummell, Wash, D C• L Wald, Cincinnati, 0 J J Thomas , New York Mrs F Kerr, New York A A Burdett, Clinton, Miss D B ingaDa, Clinton, Mks H E Parson, Toronto, C W H Rutland, Coburg, C Wt L Swarsenberg, Alex, Fa Jae T Blair, New York wittr.n Segue., Dover.N Chita N Johnson, N Haven Jos J May, Wash D C .1 Low, Omaha,' N T E Bradley, Omaha, N T 13 Curry C P Idnhienberg, Ei 8 A hI A Larabee & wf, N J; flso Howell, Jr, Phila. nos Gray. Phil& Dawson, %a D M Merford, Wash, D C The A Robt C Stover, Pt PI enetnt A H Quillmen, orristowe Geo]. Warren, Delaware James Webster . . .lobn O Grant,_ 111 D. N Y A Duncan, St 'Louts Z Sturges, Maryland' Wm Pohler, Maryland 13 W Blarse; New York 0 It Rogers, New York C S Dyer & on, Cinctnrinti Mrs D W Gardner, Boston Henry_ Noble, Puna wardner, Wnehington P B Velller, lieu* Tork S R Brown • • • Ar A Goodyear, Maryland Miss Petrey, Cauada S Ross, Parma Alex D Damon The /Me. Joe Mahon, Penna NV H Fritz, Philad& D Downey, Johnstown GeDßlchazdEon C D Rankin, Mercer A Cook, Washington - . Copt Slt Schwenk US A A K Schwenk, U G W Stein, Easton ' J Campbell, Cresson W Campbell, Cresson B P Pierce, Bunton C K Foster F .1 Hirst, Easton John Campbell & wf It W Perry, Port Royal W G'Perry S D Marris & wf, Boiton J Bolton, Cape May C Rittenhome, Daltimora J G Cummins, Media, Pa The C Pornroy, Pottsville C B choltz, Bethlehem, Pa 6 Slocomb, Marietta, 0 Mies Slocomb, Marietta, 0 Mrs Calton -Portsmouth, 0 John I Smith, Penns _ J J Kromer _ Cb as Cristman; Norristown H G Leslie, Poland, Ohio W Cherry, Dublin W Marra7, Dublin _ W D Christman, W Chester O R !Janson, West Chester G W Downing W Chester Geo Penney. New York E Packer, Carbon co It R neelender & la, Penns Chas O'began, Be wJereey H H Chandler, Now York L Morris & wt' Baltimore D M Mellor& Washington Isaac Prayer U B Holmes,Pittsburg- Shortlldge, Bellefonte A Dante & wf,Pittsburg Miss L Gray, Pittsburg D T Knox, Huntsville. Ala .1 E Force, Will esbarre E B Smith, Gait field T K Bromeling, Allchigan T Roberts, Steubenville, 0 B Mcbnro , Pittsburg Union. P Katz, Batton Mrs Eltint,Tronton, N R Raw Baltimore S V YAM, Baltimore 0 Trail, Baltimore Joa T Reed, Baltimore Geo Komar, BAiti more Geo W Komar, Baltimore Wealey Trail, Baltimore C Cloud, Colombo*, 0 The Co TJ Brown & la, Milford, Del E N Smith. Wellsville • J Clark. M D B Longhery S B Eider. Franklin co S J Gardner. Scranton Geo L Kirk, Delaware co C K McDonald. Oxford C liarrion, Baltimore Ameradal. Mrs M J Levan, Nancy, Pa E D Williams G Stacy D M Pareer EG Thompson New York S Adler, New York Joha 0 Dewar,Eashville 11 - Sargent • Geo L Leslie, New Jersey tionsal. Geo Linderman, Schull co Wooa New York Wm Smith,Milton, Pa H HH nY, Backs co Floury Ziegler. New Phila J Li Ramsay, U S A J D Lynder • C H Kumme r Bethlebam D E Carbon co E Britton. Boston A Linderman, New York P H Saxton . , Wyoming, Pa David Riaaatim.liew York The Ste B H Maul Hopkins, New York J T la McClung, Penn& John McLaughlin, Penns es Union. Mrs MeLkushlin, Penns A.. 1 Reid, Washington Ef. Levy k son. New York The Thad Eagle. Davi& Black. IJC Ziegler. Pennsbure Dorney. Lehigh co John hi Fehr. Nazareth, Pa Daniel Bachman, Penns C Neurneyer, Petersburg 1. The Barley Sheaf. Jobn Carr, Scranton, Pa W S Halues.White 3farelt N F Palmer, Scranton, Pa Wm 11 Tyson Wm Robbins, Fox Chase NI 8011, Wilmington, Dd S Harper, Fox Clam L J Gardner, Scranton The Madison. Jaws. Williame,New York Brander, New York. D O'Ketfe. New York John Doyle, Pa B D Chambers,U S A W Dehnven,Port Royal R °reshot, ash'n. D C The Black Bear. T Beaus. Yardley villa 10eo D Mud, Reading 17 0 Stills, New ork I SPE(:MitUi NOTIOBEL BUT You I3ATtnito ROBES' 11'011 LA DIES, GENTLEMEN, and . gLOAMII. 808 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, and at hia,Score. opposite Centre Rouse, on Cape Island, N. J. .b , S . St• HAIR DIM I HAIR DYE!! BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE fa the Belt in Mg World. The only Harnt teeth True, and Re /Was Dye known. This 'splendid' Hair Dye is perfect— changes Red, Rusty, or Gray Hair instantly to I Gloom, Black or Natural Brown, without injuring the Hair or Staining the Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the 11l efecte of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed. WILLTAX A. BATCHZLOR; all otb.ers are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Draggioth, kn. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor's new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. • IY3I-1Y To CLEAR THE HOUSE OF FLIES, ORB Dutcher's celebrated LIGHTNING! FLY-KILLER. sliest, cheap article, easy to use. Ivet7 sheet Will kill 'quart. Sold everywhere. FRENCH, RICHARDS, at CO., TENTH and RA.llt- KET Strtete, Philadelphia, wholesale agents. OWE-PRICE CLOTILING, OF VTR LATEST Pry Las, made in the. Best Kanner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked Janata Figures. All floods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our •Oan-ProcE 673TEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. dealy JOKES & CO , 004 MARKET Street. TEM POPIIIAR Cr OTHE% HOUSE OF PHILA. "OAK HALL." Neat-elase goods at moderate prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN, S. N. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets, Ontola Department (to make to order) No. 1 S.Sixth WHEELER d 5 WILSON'S HIGHEST PBzMIW LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINES. TUB CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST Salaffronmig. 704 OFFICSTNIIT RtraAt. aberva Ilementh. Weekly lie ort of Intermentto RALTEI OPPION, July 9 1; Death." and interments in the Vity of Phi front the 2d of July to the 914 of duly, . _i• ci d • .r. _ CAMS OF DEATH. s - 75: GAM= OP DEATH. s 74 mi • 74 •r, N .1 0 4 0 -------- _ _ .-- . Abscess • 1 • 4 Feuer. Puerperal.... 1 Asphyxia ,• 4 . • Spotted 2 •Alubnminuria 1 I 7" ' Scarlet • 5 Burns and Scalds... :4 ' " Typhus 1 1 Cancer 1 -" Typhoid..... 3 Stomach 9 • Truants of Leg 1 casualties 2 . 1 Gangrene 1 Croup c 2 llooping Cough 1 Congestion, Brain... 110 •lalammation BIIIIII• 1 2 Lungs.. 2 8 - " Bronchi. —•• 1 Cholera Infantnm... • 01 '. " Heart 9 Ilorbus • ' 2• . ' " Lung 5....... 3 1 Cerebro Spinal lb- . " Peritoneum.. 1 ningitis •• •• •... ••• 2 1 " Pleura 1 Cramps 1 " St. &Bowels. 6 6 Consumption. Lungs M 7 " Veins 1 Convulsions - 14 Inanition ..... ...... 2 6 Cyanosis 1 Mumps 1 Diptheria ' 4 Mania-a- Polo 2 Diarrhea 4 3 Maresmns 10 Dropsy 4 Measles . 1 1 Abdominal 1 Border .. • 2 1 Brain . 4 Old Age ........ 7 " Chest .. 1 1 Palsy.... 2 1 or Longs.— I Pysmia 1 DJeoase of Brain.... s 2 it: r i t i e o n z n e g r oot f M in . :: 1 1 Bladder ..... 2 Small-Pox . : 1- Drowned 2 1 Still-horn " " AB Dysentery 5 7 Syphilis 1 - Debility .• ••••• . • .• . 8 8 Teethlig - • 2 Elephant-buts 1 'rumors Erysipelas .... ...... I Tetanus Ea npytima 1 Ulceration of Betels • 1 Fever, Brain 1 Unknown ..'.. • 13 . 2 " Continued .. ./ WonudeCuns h o t.... 19 -..1 Remittent... 1 —.— Total.. - .. • •• • 10200 • ADO: 16 ...... 15 . 14 II - ni "9u L.. 5 351 OP SEE WS THERE WEB— Croder 1 year .I.l3iFr,iim 40 to GO From 1 to 2.... .. ..181 50 to 60 " 2to G .27 ". 60 to 70- sto 10 . .20 " 70 to 80. 10 to 10 . ... 5 " 80 to 90. " 15 to '20.-- 8 " •90 to 100. 20to9fis 7 83 to 40. Total' . First • WARDS• • .•20. I TenthW AIIDS. 1 WARDS. •••• ici Nineteenth 15 Second .... • .• 44' Eleventh 7 Twentieth 21 Third ' 13iTweirth .. .. • 61Tweuty-firet ... 8 Fourth ..... ..••16 ; Thirteonth . . .• —l2 Twenty-second•l4 Fifth .... . 13 Fourteenth• • • • .12 Twonty-third .. 4 Sixth .... C Fifteenth 23 Twonty-fourth.3l Seventh • •25 Sixteenth • .. 4 Twenty-fifth • 9 Eighth 11 rieveuteent la ....12.13nicnown 2f/ Ninth ...... ....14' Eighteenth 2.1 Total • 354 Deduct deaths from the country 20 Net deaths In the city NATI V ITY. —Ullited States, 275; Foreign, 61; Unknown, 28; Almshouse, 74 People of Color, 23; from' the (must try, 20. Tlio number of deaths, compared with the correspond• tog week of 1851 and of last week, was as follows:. Woek ending July 11th, 1803, was 296. Week ending July 2d, 1864, was 425. Deaths and interments of soldiers. 35. - Males, 189; females, 185; boys. 108; girls, 101. r By order of the Board of Health, OEORG.E E. CHANEEHS. Registrir. • II n) s zp 41 HOLMR. MR residence. on Saturday ovening.inlY S, ue, after a brief Mons, In the trinntph of faith, George W. Holum, of Elohneaburg, Pa ~tn the 78th year of bla RR& The funeral will take place al hla residence, on Tues. day, July 12, at 2 o'clock P M. The relative% wed friends of the family are invited to attend without for- Ult r notice. •• CURRY.—On lho 7th Instant, at Dongles • Hospital, Washington, f wounds received May llth, nt Spot tsyl- Yenta Court House, Lieutenant Colonel William L.Cur• ry. of the 16th Regiment Penna. Vole, The relatives and friends of the family, also Harmony Lodge No 62 A. Y. M., and the members of the regiment olio ore in the city, nre respectfully Invited to attend hie funeral from the residence of hie father, No. 2140 Callowbill street, on Tuesday morning, 12th Instant, at ten o'clock. To pruner:4l to South Laurel Hill, " LEINEANDT.--On the morning of the fah instant, Til- lie, wife of Frederick Loibrandt, Jr., and daughter of Mr. Charter' W. and Catharine Beck. . . . The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend the funeral from the retidence of her hula:mod, No, AM North Seventh street, on Tuesday af ternoon. lath Umlaut, at o'clock. 114 STILLE.—On the 7th !net • Maggie K wife of Horace K. Stine. and daughter of William It. Smtth. Due notice of the funeral wilt lie given. es. IIUZBY.—On the 4th last., at Yonkers, N. Y.. Bet.ti. C. Busby lormerly of this city. ALLISON.—On the lath Instant, Grace Van Doses, youngoet daughter of Thomas and Mary Allison, aged 3 years and 6 months. RESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, ho. 018 CHESTNUT Street. i77-t[ rYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND - 1 - 4 ARCH have a Fine stook of Silks, Fine stock of Shawls. Fine stock of Flannels. Fine stock of Linens, „ Floe stook of Manilas. NOTICE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHI LA DELPkiIA STILL TRANSACT lIIIBINIC3B AT TIIEIR NEW BANKING HOUSE, COItPOR OP OHESTNUT AND FRANKLIN STREETS, (north side of Chestnut, weat of Third,) on and alter TIIESDAT,'THE STH INSTANT MORTON BIOXIORAEL, Cashier UNITED STATES C KIS TI A COb[bIISBIO .— Cash acknowledgments for the wick ending July S, 1881: PHILADELPHIA. .. . .. . . Ladies' Christian Commission of the Spruce.street Baptist Church $l6lOO -'-- - wro. P. Wilstach• •at 100 03 Mrs. Wln. P. Wilstneh 100 00 Mrs. B. C. Manor - ' 10 00 Robert Leonard 6 OD na . G Jone ilb s ert i 6 S 00 B. S . 00— $lB3 00 Per Mrs. L. Shumway • J. Emory Stone (additional) 600 00 Dr. Newton and Dr. Vaughan, committee 1M 00 Greenhill Presbyterian Sabbath School. per P. B. 1111i1011S. Esq., superintendent 250 00 Ladies' Christian Commission First Reformed Dutch Church. per Rev. J. H. Suydam 645 40 Ladies' Christian Commission Union M. E. Church"lS 12 Chas,. A. Untiring , half procet;;Ta of sale of pa r carria 10 , Mrs. M. Shinn ge 20 0 03 0 bamnel P. Jackson, per J. 1' ' • ' ' •.- 10 00 Sabbath. School . First Presbyterian Church, Southwark 16 00 Ladies' Christian Commission of West Spruce- Street Church (additional) 24 00 Ladies' Chri, Oen Commission First German Reformed Church (additional) 12 60 Teamsters of the Quartermaster' s s Department, Seli II Ykill Arsenal, per Otis Stimmel 11 20 "6. P. L." -10 03 ThomasWister 20 00 "C. J." - 60 00 Mrs. Win. F. Wearer 5 00 Cas 00 Infan h t School of the 6 ort h Presbyterian til t are h, 1 per Miss E F. Holloway 6 00 Charlie and Lucy 1 00 , btept en Howard 200 Proceeds of a fair held by three little children, . Per O. W. C. Moore S 10 Mrs Miller 100 Rev. Wm. White Williams 7 50 Bible Class of Calvary Presbyterian Church.. 4 03 A Friendl 00 Bev. D. X. Junkin 600 A. C. Oakland 2 00 SOOTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Proceeds of a Concert given at the Seminary of 0 Miss R. S. Carr, Linwood Hall, Cheltenham - township, Montgomery county 292 60 Rev. 0. W.. Crittenden, Darby $lO 00 First Presbyterian Church, borough of Darby 900 19 03 Proceeds of Sadsbury and Highland Fair, per X. J. M. Whiteside, Treasurer, (additional) 25 00 Allen P. Clymer, Quakertown 700 91,939 23 • Amount acknowledged in religions pspors.• •. 6,977 33 $7.916 66 Amount previouAy acknowledged... 638.617 69 5e,46064 JOSEPH PATTERSON. Treasurer. ' The United Slates Christian Commission begs leave to acknowledge the ree.ipt of the following additional hospitsl stores up to July Sth. 1S61: PIiILADELPHVL. I bundle. Mrs. ten. .Iparcel, "J. C. V." 3 barrels, T. B. 13n:tater d Co. 1 package, P. B. Simons. I package, W. P. Juhnston. Brideaburg and Whitehall—if boxes, Soldlers' Belief Association. SOUTHEAStERN PENNSYLVANIA. - Greenfield, Obester comfy-1 box. Waynesburg-1 box, 1 barrel. Honeybrook Aid So. clety. UNKNOWN. 1 box containing wince, clothing, and slippers. Seyezity -two boxes, barrels, ho., additional to the above, from other parts of the country, will be kfund acknowledged at length in the religious papers. The Commission tails the attention of the friends of the soldier to the urgent need there is for forwarding immediately to the army in front of Petersburg large supplies of onions. There are, doubtless, hundreds of farmers in all parts of the country who would be wit. ling to part with a portion of their store were the best means of doing eo presented to them. Supplies of this and a similar character will be promptly forwarded to tho army if sent to the United States Christian Commis sion, No. 11 Bank street, Philadelphia We trust our fricods will bear this call in mind, as it is of peculiar importance that General Grant's men have a continued and ample suPPIY. GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman It No. 11 BANK Street, Philadelphia. lar. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. CASH RECEIPTS Presbyterian_Cbnrch, Phan:Lb:Tine, Pa.. per Rey. J. W. Porter,pastor • $7O 00 ' Georges*. Starkyreatoer, Waymart. Pa . 27 25 Committee on Retail Groceries, per Jamas R. - .Whb 'treasurer 411 60 M.thodt'at Episcopal Church, Tuckahoe,CaPo • May county, R. J., per Jame 4 Shoemaker.. St 00 Methodist Episcopal Church, Beosly'm Point; Cape May county, R. J.,. per James Shoe- Committee 11 00 ou Labor, Income, and Revenue, wrer J. W. Clagkorn, trtissurer, (additional) . 50,000 00 Philadelphia Rifl•e • Club„ proceeds of a• rifle match held 21st and 22d lane, at 'Wash ington Retreat, per Philip Mund, president: • 400 00 Collection at Smithport, Pa., per W. J. Cole grove 51 23 3. eale of tickets 1,276 00 Committee on Relics and Curiosities, per W. S. Vanx, treasurer 353 61 Previously reported 6677,173 65 CALEB COPE. Treasurer. UNITED STATE S SANITAD T COBIAIISSIO. . . ' CASH RECEIPTS. St. John's Lodge A. T. Masons, of Pitts ton, Pa.. per li. D. Lacoe, treasurer $lOO 00 Proceeds of a sewing rociety's zueetinge,beld ' at 311 South_ th oad street . 160 50 Lily Sea% of California 6 03 Proceeds of a 'vase of "Spring Beauties," - sold at the Academy of the Fine Arts, per Mrs. Ellen M. Shinn 20 CO Proceeds of a concert by the ladies of Pauls boro, N. J.. per Lieut. Carley W. Wilkins. • 108 00 Previously reported•••••• CALEB COPE, $135,642 70 Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON Labor, Income and Revenue, No. liS SOUTH SEVENTH Street. Philadelphia. Chairmen of Sob-committees of Committee /on Labor, Income and Revenue and persona having subscrip tioll6 in charge, both in and out of town, are earnestly requested to push forward the work, as it is highly Im portant that the bueiness of the Great Central Pair aball be concluded at an early day. There are numerous Committees which have not yet reported. L. MONTGOMERY BOND, Chairman. MRS. R. W. HUTTRIC, jy 11-3 tr • . Chairman. IiarOFFICE OF THE MANOR OF THE CITY OF PFITLADELPRIA. July n, 1381. The Committee of City Councils on Defence and. Pro tection will be in permanent session at the Committee room, corner of FIFTH and CH aSTNIIT Streets, where it will be In immediate communication with the Mayor end with the General Commanding, and will be able to furnish information. All officers recruiting under the calls of the GOvernor will please to report at such Committee room without delay. It le urgently requested that they will comply with this desire of the municipal authorities. • ALEXANDER HENRY,' ' - Mayor of Philadelphia. IarOFFICE OF THE LOCUST NOUN TAIN COAL AND IRON COMPANY. No. 290 South TIMID Street, rHILADELPITTA, July 9, 1561 The Board of Directors of the LOCUST.MOUNTAIIT COAL AND IRON COMPANY have directed the Mien button, on the 20th instant, among the hoidens of the Stock on the books of the Company on that day, of part of the proceeds or sale of certain lauds, part of the capital etoca of the Company authorized to he sold and distributed by the act of. Assempty approved May 3d, ]SW. In accordance with the direction aforesaid, on and after the Ruth instant TWENTY DO C.L ARS wit I be paid on each &bare to the Stockholders on the hooka of the Company on that day. The transfer • books,will be closed for this perinea from and after this day to the 20th instant, incluelve. jyll-oy2o JOS C. COPPUCL, Treasurer. far. INSTRUCTION IN WRITING b Bcok-Feeni lig, Commercial Calcutstiontt. &c., at CRITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 637 CHEST NUT EL , cor. Seventh No vacations. Students in structed separately, and at such hours as may bait snit their convenience. 79-21 OrARSESIIORIS OFFICE, lINITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, FIRST DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, PIIILADRIMMA. itll7l, 1884. fdannfactnrers of Tobacco. Snuff, or Begars,are hereby notified to make out. an Inventory of the quantity of the 'different kinds of tobacco. snuff flour, snuff, segue, tin foil, liquorice, and stems ho-ld or owned by them thin day. Re required by the new exelee law, which goee into force this day: • - • - - . The ins entory must set forth the portions manufac tured by themselves and purchased from others, with the market price of the several articles. WASHINOTOWRIIITIT jy4-mwftit Assessor First District, Pennsylvania. OFFICE BEAVER MEADOW =AXIL. tal ROAD AND COAL CO:, • • • .PATIADICLPRIA, July bit. 1851. A dividend of SEVEN AND A HALF PER CENT, on the capital stock of thia Company has been declared, payable on and atter MOND LY, Jnly 11. • L. CHAMBERLAIN,.Treasnrer. OTICE .;—BOARD 01' ENROL- IgrhIENT, 'FOURTH DISTRICT, PENNA. coroor BROAD and SPRING ()OMEN Streeby Jci.r . .. The Board of Enrolment of this District are now en gaged in revising and correcting the lists of persona en roliedas liable to do military duty. Persons who have been improperly enrolled on ac count of allenage, non-reeideuce, over fort - five years' el age, manifest permanent physical disability, or who have served two years In the present war. abonld ap pear before the Board, prove the same, and huge their names stricken from the list. Any Mixon who has a knowledge of any one having escaped en, oiment, and wno Is liable to military duty or of any one It ho has arr-ved at the age of twenty years since June, IS6d; or of any who have declared their intention to become citizens, are earnestly invited to communicate such information to the BOARD OF EN ROLMENT, in order that such persons may be placed upon the Lista. . It is the Interest end duty of every enrolled citi zen to see that all who have been improperly omitted from the Rats are added thereto. ' D. M. LANE. C14)61111, Provost Marshal Sys-61 Fourth District, Pennsylvania. DIVIDEND NOVICE.—OVEIDE TN , : UNION PETROLEUM COMPANY, 117 Sonth FOURTH Street. The Board of Directors have declared a third monthly dividend of two per cent on the capital stock, payable on and after lbe 16th current. - .The Transfer Books will be closed on the 13th, 14th, and 16th current. CHARLEY A. DUI, 331-61 ' President. OFFICE. ORGANIC OIL COMPANY, Do. 10 PH;LADELPHIA. EXCHANO E. • Jots' 7th, 1864. - The Board of Director,. bare this day &dared a divi dend of ONB PER GENT. on the flapital Stock of this Cornpawr, payable on and after Stn fast ,free of all taxes. Transfer - Books closed on 9th ; open on 14th. 178-6 t. W. C. STILE% Jr., Treasurer. THE EXTRA VETERAN BouNry FUND COMMISSIoN trill meet on MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, ate o'clock F. M., to receive applications, at No. 7 Goldsmiths' Hall, LI BRARY Street,lmmediately in the rear of the PostOglce. Families interested.ill please call at that hour only, It D SAUNDERS, Chairman. • EDWIN ORRICE G W ! IMON ULL OCK, il6il PAUL 3. YIELD. THE PRESS.-PIITLADELPITIA, MONDAY, JULY 11, 1864. OFFICE CITIZENS , VOLUNTEER SUBSTITUVI COMMITTEE, No, 412 PRUNE Street, July 7. 1564. Tho Citizens' Volunteer Substitute Committee pro polio to Redd in raising troops by aiding citizens In procuring substitutes and facilitating the payment of bountlea, in the following manner: Berated eitizeux who desire to fernieb substitutes in advance of the draft will pay the sum of four hundred dotter% to the Treasurer, J. o.llotteugarten. Esq., N 0.412 Prune streeLfrom 10 to 2 o' elook,:receiving hiaacknow ledgment that the money will he returned If a airlift, wile of exemption Is •not procured, and giving to him a power of attorney, duly stamped. to colloot the city bounty for the bene fi t of the substitute. The names of applicants will be registered In the ardor of their appli cation, and certificates of exemption will be procured and (=Melted in that order. An coon es the certificate Is obtained, the principal will be notified through the Post Office that It is ready fur delivery on retnth of the Treasurer's receipt, II hen the duty of the Committee will cease. The Committee use official araturanee that the rertifi catee which It will procurekwlll, exempt the principals for the term specified. The Committee will also endeavor to procure repro- Pent ative merle te for citizens not enrolled. On payment of FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. DANIEL STEINMETZ, Chairman. J. 1. CLARK mm. . JOHN TIiteMPSON, CLEMENT H. PENROSE, J. 0. ItOSENOARTRN, Treasurer. HENRY C. LEA, secretary. Igr OFFICE OF THE NEW YORK AND MIDDLE COALFIELD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY.—A special mooting of the Stockholders of this Company will be bald at the office of the CumpanY, No. 2t14 Sonth FOURTH Street. on SATURDAY, July Old (I net I, 1564, at U o'clock A. Id. -As business of int. honance Is to be transacted, the attention of the Stock lders le earnestly rwmoo , ted. • PETER K. LANDIS, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, July 6, MI j)l3-fniw6t ANNUAL EN:CURNION OF THE YOUNO MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION to Al hin tic City, FRIDAY. July 15th. 1681. Tickets SI. W. Con be procured at,ASHAIEAD & EVANS'. 724 CHEST NUT Street. ROOMS of the Association, lON and toll CHESTNUT Street, and at the wharf on the morning of the excursion. Last boat leaves Vine-street wharf at 6 o'rlock A. M. 3y2,6t• tar AMERICAN LIVE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. WALNUT STREET, SOIUTB.F.AST CORNER OF FOURTH. PIIILAPELPITTA, July 7, 1111. The Trnstees have THIS DAY declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. out of the profits of the last six month/. payable to the Stockholders, clear of all taxes, on and after the 15th lost. JOHN S. WILSON. iS9St Secre A tary. lap. MONEY B K.ROO COAL COMPNY. —At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Honey Brook Coal Company, held at their'Office, No. 209 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia on the sth instant, a DIVIDEND OF THREE PER C A NT,, dear of all taxes., was declared out of the earnings of the Company for the menthe of May and June, payable on and after the 19th of July, at the Mike of the Conspaoy. JOHN B. McCREARY, President.. The Hoiney Brook Coal Company was organized by the election or the following Officers and Board of Directors: President, Vice President, John B. McCreary. Lewis Audenried. Treasurer, Secretary, • , Davis Pearson. B. McHenry. _ _ _ DIREIC John B. McCreary, Pavia Pearson, 3y7101 • : Thomas ligr BANK OF NORTH AMERICA—DI- VIDEN 1). BANK OF NORTH AMARICA, Sou' 2, IESI. Tbo Board of Directors have this day declared a DIVI DEND for the vast six months of seven and one-ball nor cent. clear of all taxes. payable on and am: the 11th instant. J. 11OCKLEY. jy4. St Cashier. TEL E G AP.3I .SOTICE.—THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA, at FRANKFORD,wonid give notice that ,having effected an arrangement with the INDEPENDENT TELEGRAPH LINE, a TELEGRAPH OFFICE is now open at the BANK, for the accommodation of the pub lic, connecting FRANKFORD with all telegraphic points East, West, North, and South. Philadelphia messages sent and received at a rate so low that persons valtung time and money will end tele graphing cheaper than any other method of despatch.. WILLIAM H. BRAWN, Cashier. "OFFICES. No. 413 Chestnut street, No. 9 South Third street, No. 204 Walnut street, Merchants' Excnange, erchanta' Hotel, [jy7-at] Second National Bank. orDIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF TILE EG BERT OIL CO. ,147 South 170 1:111.T II St., second story. PHTLADELPHIA, July 1. BBL The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of 2) per cent. on the capital stock of this Compa ny, payae on and after the elb of July. free of btate tax.. . . . The books will be closed on the Gth.ofJulr MS P.M., and opened on the 9th. WM. M. Oa IZTBR.. jy4-6t. Treasurer. OFFICE OF TIIE ENTERPRISE I'INSURANCE COMPANY, 400 WALNUT St., PoILADELPHIA,.InIyS,III6I. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Com pany for the hut six months, payable on demand, free of all taxes. CHAS. FOSTER, jy6-12t Secretary. MrOFFICE SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 61 CEDAR Street, Yoag, Jane 10.1861.' NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to a resolu tion of the Board of Directors, an instalment of TWEN TY PER CENT. on the gabseription to the Capital Stook of the SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA be and hereby Is, made payable to JAMES WADSWOR'IB, Treaanzer of said Company, on or before the 18th day of July next. jeISAJTIS Attest: T. M. TrNa. Secretary. IllgrTHE - 51154113 EH ANNA AND TIDE• WATER CANAL COMPANIES have their office at No. 417 WALNUT Street, Room No. 4. The "Transfer Aeency " of these Companies. hereto fore in South voturrii Street. bee been removed to the office of the Companies, at the place above stated. • ie27.90t Mr. OFFICE OF THE FAME INSU RANCE COMPANY, Bo: 400 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, July sth, ISSI. At a met flag of the Board of Directors of the Fame In n:train.' Company, held this day, a dividend of THREE PER CENT. Was declared, payable on demand. clear of all taxes. W. I. BL LATCH ARIL jy6-I2t Secretary. OFFICE OF THE CATAWISSA RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 424 WALNUT Street, PRIT.ADELPATA, July 2.1933. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS —The Board of Direc tor, have established a Transfer Agency for the Stock of this Company in New York City, SAMUEL ILNOX, Etm. , Secretary and .Treatmrer of the Central Railroad Company,of New Jersey, has been neinted Transfer Agent, officeo9 WALL Street, New . . . . All Stockholders wishing the New York Certificates in exchange for those they now hold, will present thorn at this office. T. HASKINS DU PUY, . . President. •A A.TTENTION, YOUNG MEN!— . RESPECTABLE YOUNG !MEN, good horse :men. disposed to respond to the call of Gen. Couch for Lffigi Cavalry - (to furnish their own horses and horse equipments). are requested to meet at O. e law office of the subscriber, No, feu SANsOffi street, on MONDAY. at 9.30 A. AL ' ' OBORCE D. TROUP, . . • lio . . . - •• . Late Capt. Co. C, gOth Ps. Clm. 12 -ATTENTION 1 PHILADELPHIA. UNION ARTILLERL—The Company has been accepted as a Battery of'Artillery by the Go vernor, and recruits are now received at the Armory, BROAD Street,.below Race. 100 Baja Service.. $6O Bounty, Captain A. 1 FITZWATER. First Lieut. B. L. MATLACK. Second Limit. J..C. W. FRISHMDTH. HEADQUARTERS DEPART MENT OF THE SEISQO EH AN NA. HARRIS/117M JULY 8,186 L GENERAL ORDERS, NO. SS. In accordance with authority from the President of the United States, and the proclamation of the Governor of Pennsylvania, dated Harrisbare, July sixth (6), 1361,/ hereby call for one thousand (1,000) mounted men for special service. They must be good riders and gallant men, and mutt furnish their own horses and equip ments, for the use of which they will receive forty (Pi) cents per day each; and be paid for those actually lost in the service at the price entered on the muster rolls. The United Stales Government will furnish clothing, subsistence, and forage. All those responding to this call 'are requested to assemble at Ilarrtsbarg without delay for company and regithental orgauiration. Ap plicattog for transportation must be made to Captain J. G. JOHNSON, A. Q. Pd., and Chief Q M. of the Depart ment of the Susquehanna at Harrisburg, Penns, By command of Major General Couch. jy9-St JOHN S. SCHULTZE, Asst. Adjt. Gen. 452.6 U SR 6 . 24,603 77 $35160 135,159 50 I."TWENTY-FOURTH WARD. A nie oti of the the citizens of the TWENTY FOURTHWARD will be held on THIS (Monday) EVBNING. at 5 o'clock. THIRTY-SEVENTH AND MARKET Streets. Par the purpose of adopting the necessary measures to complete the Ward enlistments of " 100 days' men." in accordance with the Proclamation (6th inst. ) of the Go vernor,' and by authority of the General Government. PR/LADELPHIA, July 0, 1864.. . 1t• • tIARMORY F COMPANY . ; GRAY RESERVES.—The members, ex-membere, and those who have heretofore performed duty with the Com pany, are requested to assemble at the armory. 'MS G,EVENIN at 6 o'clock, with - a view of organization for immediate service. By order . H. C. KENNEDY, Captain. Itil S. C. BRUM, 0. S t CITIZEN B'':VOLUNTEER BIIBIATI TUTE COMMITTEE. ' • . This office ib, for the present, at • . 412 PRUNE Street. Office hours, for SUBSTITUTES,. from 10 to 2, and 4 to 6. ... • •• For CITIZENS, from 12 to 2. , ' . . - No applications can be received without payment. All decks must be drason to the order of J. U. Rosen garter', Treasurer. jyll ' COMPANY E, BLUE RESERVES. —RECRUITS WANTED for ICO DAYS' aßinr Apply at Armory ' EIGHTH and cALLOWRIGL,or SUB CRESTS UT street. 850 Bonn ty. iy11.20 , JOS. J. BABCOCK. O. S. ti• THE'. GLORIOUS OLD NATIONAL GUARD once again In the Bold. The oltizemeare In vited to come forward and enrol their names at once. The rolls of the different companies are now open, at the ' ' NATIONAL GUARDS' HALL RACE STREET, BELOW SIX& H.4ItIIIANCTS NEFF, Colonel Commanding. THE LATE COMMISSIONED OF FICERS of the le'r REGIMENT RESERVE BRI- I . Gain (Gray Reserves) are requested to meet at the Armory in BROAD Street, below Race street, THIS (Monday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock. C. S. SMITH, It. Late Colonel let R 012% R. B. 1 t 20TH REGIMENT, P. V. M.-MEN conn•cied with this REGIMENT will report THIS , MORN tIVO. at 9 o'olock at Headquarters, 533 Street, to Join their respective Com panies in Camp. Bountpaid on reaching Camp. A tow more RECRUITS THOMASceived. By order of WM. B. Col. Commanding. J. B. RONEY, /St Lieut. and Adtj' t . TO SUBSTITUTES.-$650 BOUN TY. OFFICE CITIZENS' VOL. SURSTITUR COMNITTBN. :No. 412 PRUNE Street. Ju1y9,1904. Thle Committee to now prepared to receive Volunteers who are not liable to military duty. It will have the in inuatereil in as *substitutes, and will pay them on the Fame day the sum of Ms hundred and fifty dollars In cash, without deduction for commission or brokerage In addition to this, Substitutes areentltied to Twenty five Dollars Government Bounty, and one month's ad 74111cfrelPonier particulars, apply at the omen of the Com mittee. between 10 A and 2 P. M. Daniel Steinmetz, Chttlen. John Thompson. . . J. O. TO emagerten, Treas't. Clement Penmen. J. 1. Clark Hare. Henry C. Lea. jyl.l-6t .! :HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE SIThQUEH ANN A. R Alta nova°, Pa., July 8.1561, CIRCULAR. The twelve thousand (12,1108) men being raised in pur suance of the proclamation of the' Governor of Penn sylvania, dated at 11 errirburg, July el, BBL • for the defence of the State, will be mnstered into the United Slates service for one hundred (100) dave, unless sooner discharged, to serve in Pennsylvsina,Ataryl and, Wash • ingion cud vicinity, as the safety and protection of the State may require. -All responding to the call west of Johnstown and the Laurel Ball range of umental Ile will report to the com manding officer, Camp Reynolds, near Pitusbarg, Pa. Ali east of that line, and west of and including Read ing, Pa:, will report to the commanding officer, Camp Curtin at ILarrisburg, All east of HALtilol2 and that line will report to the commanding officer, Camp Cad waleder, Philadelphia. Companies, if possible, should be formed before start ing for the camp of rendezvous. Upon application of the corn mending officer of a squad consisting of not lees than eight (8) men, or a company, to the agents of the different railroad companies throughout the State, trans • Portation to the camp of rendezvous will be furnished. By command of Major Oenond Couch: • JOH ti 8. SCOGLTZ 8, Jytt-St . • . Assistant Adjutant OtneraL I HEADQUARTERS PROVOST ItiA.R SEUL,' FIRST DISTRTCT. PA. PEIMADRLPRIA, Jane Pa,, The :lames of parlous removing to or from this District will be added to or stricken from the lists of enrolment. Copies of the likts arp OPOD for public inspection, aad civil officers and all citizens are invited to appear and point out errors in the.lista and give such information as may aid in the correction and revision thereof. Any person enrolled may appear before the Board and claim to have his name ettlaken off the list if he can show satisfactorily that he is not properly enrolled, on account of A lienage, Non. reetelence,, Over- age. . Permanent Phpifcat DLeablitty, A compliance with the foregoing, suggestions fa ear nestly solicited. Wit. R. LEHMAN, 1.329-tt • Captain and Provost Marshal,' one. Lowle Audeurled, Jacob A. Myers, MILITARY. AT TRH 01.EMISSIONERS' HALL, MILITARY. NOTICE.-11EADQUARTERS PRO VOW' MARBIIAL SECOND DISTRICT. PIIILADIILPRIA, June 78th , 1864. 'The Lisle of Persons enrolled as liable td do Mili tary duty are now being revised and corrected. Persons who are Improperly enrolled on account of allienase, non-residence. over forty -ii re years of age,or permanent physical disability, should appear before the Hoard, prove the same, and have their names stricken off the list. Civil caws, clergymen, and all other prominent citi zens, 'who know of persons who have arrived at twenty years of age eince .Enrolmonte, June, IBM; of those whose names were omitted by the proper enrolling off - cers; aliens who have declared their intentions to be come citizens; persons discharged from the military and naval service of the United States, who have not been in such service two years during the present war. are in vited to appear before the BOARD OF ENROLMENT and Hive information In theirposeeesiori as may aid in the correction and revision of the Lists, EDWIN PALMER. jy4-12t Capt. and Pro,'. Marshal Second Diet., Pa. SUMMER. RESORTS. COLUMBLI. UOUSB, OAPEMAY. FOR THE . =BEA•BHORE. =ROUGH IN . TWO H9tayi. UNITED STATES HOTEL, • • ATLANTIC' CM', N. J., IS NOW 'OPEN FOR THE REOEPTION OP GUESTS Trains leave VINE STREET FERRY atly at 7M A DI., 2 end 4 15 P M. Terme .21 Per week, or $3.50 per oar.. BROWN & WOELPPER, j77.11n.: . ; • PROPRIETORS. RUMMER 11E60 RT. .B ROAD -TO P. MOUNTAIN HOURS.—This romantic spot 'can be reached dally•by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad to Huntingdon. thence by the Broad-Top Railroad via Dudley. 7.Excuwion 7ickote aro issued at MI! the asunl raft, which are good until the flat of October. .ffrat•ehme accommodations. . . . . Tnnua—sl2 per week ; per day $2.60. Children and servants half price. For farther pant cutlet% address C. M. ALLMOND St Co. Managers, Broad-Top Ctty. Huntingdon Co., la. PBIGANTINE HOUSE, BRIGANTINE BRACH, N. D. SMITH, Proprietor. This large and commodious Hotel is now open for the mention of visitors. Persons desirous of visiting the sea-shore will find this one of the most desirable places for excellemt Bathing. Fishing. Gunning, Sze. Batta lion, three miles from Atlantic Cii 7, and communica tion from Philadelphia twice a day, via Camden and Atlantic Railroad. Boats will' be in readiness at the Inlet. on the arrival of the trains, to convey guests to the Hotel. Terms moderate. . For further information address the proprietor. 3r5:1814, E • PTARiTA. MOUNTAIN SPRINGS.-. • This popular Summer Resort will be opened for the season June 20th, 1664. The undersigned begs leave to call the attention of his friends and the public in general to this magnificent and well-known establish. meat, which, though having undergone a change of proprietors, will be continued under the new adminis tration with greatly improved advantages, and in creased facilities for h ealth and pleasure. From his valnabl experience, the proprietor feeli warranted in assuring the public that every depart ment of the establishment will be conducted to the en tire satisfaction of all. The facilities for railroad communication with the Sphrata bibantain Sprin are well known: FROM BALTIMORE—V gs orthern Central Railroad. rhe 6.22. a. M. train, via York, Wrightsville, and Co lumbia, arrives at the Springs at &SOP. M. FROM PHILADELPHIA—CentraI Pennsylvania roail.—The 11.20 A. M. train. changing - cars at Landis ville, arrives at the Springs at 3.30 P. M. READING RALLROAD. heB.l6A. M. train arrives it the Springs ari2 M. PROM NEW YORK—New Jersey Central, via Easton and Reading. —The 6 A. M. train (Jersey City) arrives at the Springs at 12 M. : ~•• • JOHN W. FREDERICK, Proprietor. tae t B.—K , filne LIVERY attached to the establia lm h- JOl2. nREBSON •SPRINGS.--THIS DE LIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT, located on the Summit of the Allegheny Mountains, '2,300 feet above the level of the sea, will be open for the reception of visitors on the 15th day of Sane, 3664, and will be kept open instil the Wel October.- The braidings connected with this establishment are of a substantial• and comfortable character.. The water and air possess superior attrac.' dons. *The cool forests and dry and bracing atmosphere contribute to the pleasure of those who seek relief from the oppressiveness of the sultry air of thickly populated towns and stiles. The grounds: walks, be., have been highlyimproved, and are of a varied and picturesque sharactek. A fine Band has been engaged for the season. Ample facilities for bathing have been provided. The subscriber intends to spare no pains to render it in every respect as comfortable and attractive as possible, and hopee, by his long experience in the hotel business to anticipate and supply the wants of the public. The railroad connections of Cresson enable him to obtain tulip/fee/or the tables not only from the surrounding country, but from both the Philadelphia and Pittsburg markets. There is at Cresson Springs a Telegraph Once, and two daily mails from Philadelphia and Pittsburg and intermediate points. Tickets (good for the round trip) from Philadelphia can be had. at 'the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. For further information, address G. W. MULLIN.' . . Cresson Springs, Cambria county. Pa. 6,10 N Gil ESS BALL . , : ATLANTIC CITY.—I 'would respectfully Inform my friends 'and the public that I have again taken CONGRESS HALL. this being the third year,-and have made every preparation for the, coming season; the house being enlarged; remodelled, new furniture, the chambers with Spring• Bede, Ac.,Ac.,and will accommodate ?oar Hundred Guests. Yon ill find no better place than CONGRBSS HALL; it is the nearest to the ocean of any of the large houses of Atlantic City, being but 100 yards from the Beacur,.thas precentingliteelf an advan tage to the public. There cannot be any better bathing than Atiantiethis summer; the Sand Bar, that was such a great draw-back last season , has all been swept away by: the high tides of last winter, forming itself the best Bathing Surf on the Atlantic Sea Board. • • G. W. HINKII. There Is-an excellent Band'of Music engaged. Attached its Stdendid Billiard Room. .1814-lm BEDFORD._, MINERAL SPRINGS.- Thispopulai Summer Resort la now open , and pre pared for the reception of risltors, until October next. The Hotel ;pill be under the charge of the moat en+ danced management in the country. The Bedford Railroad has bean dniehod to within one hours' ride of Springs, over tine Turnpike road. Visitors will come by Penneylvanla Railroad to Hunt ingdon; thenee by Broad Top and Bedford through. Ample arrangementa have been made to eupply deal ers and indlvidnals wlth the BEDFORD WATER, 12 well-ateamed casks, as follows: , For Barrel, oak . (10 gal/..113 00 Half Barrel oak 2 00 41 46 111 -1,- m . I All orders addreese l7l d to iTy L. ANDERSON, Be df o rd, promiStly AIDA. Pomona winking rooms, or any Information about place,will address zsr:r L. ANDKRBON. je3-2m UNITED STATES HOTEL, CAP.EISLAND, N. J. JOHN WEST, AARON MILLER. PROPRIBTORS, g leave - to call the attention of their friends and the public to the above magnificent Establishment. which will bti open for the reception of visitors on the lath of June. •• • •• • . Besides s spaelotts Dining Hall and Parlors,-1t (*a mine an. mostenal number of large and sentilated Bed Rooms, aillandsomely furnished with new fatal. ture,thronghont. The Proprietors of this Bstablislunent will spare ne fare or expense to meet the wants of their guests, thereby hoping to share liberally in the public pa tronage. Application for rooms made to the subscriber.. 157 letter to Cape Island, will receive a prompt reply. jet-6w. WEST & WILLFUL COMMERCIAL HOUSE, • CAPE ISLAND, NEW JERSEY, Is now open for the reception of Visitors.. :Every effort will be made to make the guests of the house com fortable. Terms moderate. For Rooma,_ &c., apply at A. BERGFELD'S real dorice,_Ne. South TWELFTH Street. 331-12 A J. K. BROWN & CO. 6 rrHE CLARENDON," ATLANTIC CITYIe now oyski for the accommodation of boarders. This house is situated iu a central part of the laland. and every room in the house commands &Ann view of the sea. The bathing never was bitter: jyttam • JAMES JENKINS D CARLISLE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINOS.—The Proprietor takes pleasure in an.' nouncing that this favorite and fashionable Watering ?tare is now open for visitors. The personal and nu. tilvided attention of the proprietor will be given to the Wants and comforts of his tueMs. )gl•lm* N. W. WOODS, Proprietor. SEA BATHING.---NATIONAL HALL, CAPE ISLAND, Cape May, N. J.; la now open for the reception of fits numerous guests. Terme moderate. Children-ander 12 y o urs of a g e and servants It tlf price. Superior amoommodatlons and ample room for two hundred persons. • AARON GAREETdON, Proprietor. LIGHT -HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC CITY, NI J., REABEST HOUSE TO THE BEACH. Tele well.known house is now open for the reception of Boarders. Bathing never was better. jeift•lsn• J.-WOOTTON, Proprietor. 11:7;TED STATES HOTEL, LONG 1 3NANON; N. J., to now open for the reception of VlSitoro. Addreas B. A. SHOEMAKER, Prop'r. ..106-2m' CHESTER COUNTY HOUSE, AT LANTIC CITY, N. J.—This private BOARDING. HOUSE (always open for Boarders), is now folly ar ranged for the accommodation of Bummer visitors The situation to one of the best on the Island, being in fn ll view of th e 000/111, and near excellent bathing ground. my3l-2m JACOB KEIM, Proprietor. S . "1-101:75DI sr. , - CO., NO. 257 BROADWAY; NEW YORK., • IMPORTERS OF MEN'S 63 LADIES' GLOVES, GERMAN AND ENGLISH HOSIER!, MEN S VIJRNISHING GOODS, LACES & DRESS TRIMMINGS; t*Vbk 4 i :ol4 7 . !MUTE THE W3IOLBBALB TRADE. -• 3710-4 t S PECIAL NOTICE:DAVID EVAN'S; or the Arm of EVANS & WATSON: The Orel Safe we expect you to tent not having arrived in time for a test to-day, we hereby_ give Ton notice that it will ho ready for a teat in ONE WEAK from To-DAY, at 10 o'clock A. M., on FLANIGAN'S WHARF, at the foot of DOCK Street, where you can exhibit your philan thropy to the public; and save your COO ~ LEWIS LILLIE & SON. !i t O. SADLER. Acent, It.- 1 south SEVENTH Street. ►j'HE TINIVERSAL WRINGER WITH COO•WHEELS Is In nee in all United States Hoept• tale, Naval and Blind Asylums. and all our benevolent Institutions. It can be need with great profit wherever liquid is to be pressed from any thing, bnt It is espe cially necessary In every family, as It saves TIME, L&- 808, end CLOTAING. All COO•WHEEL WRING HES are,WARRA.NTED. E. L. 27 South SIXTH Street, jy&•6t Agent for Manufacturers. P URE PALM OIL SOAP.—THIS SOAP Is made of pure, fresh Palm 011, and Is entirely a vegetable Soap; more suitable for Toilet use than those made from animal fats. In boxes of one dosen sakes.' for Inver box. Manufactured by 0110. M. ELKINTON & BON, No. 116 MdROARETTA Street, between Front and Second. above Callowblll. To FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE • COUNTRY. We are prepared. as heretofore, to aIaPPIY families at their- Country Residences with every deecriptton of FMB GROCERIES, TEAS, &C., &o. • ALBERT O. ROBERTS, - zarSl4l. Corner ELBVENTE . I and VIM! Ste. • MACHWERY 01L..:-100 BARRELS . PARAFFINS BU/WINERY OIL, In store and for sale by BDW. H. ROWLEY, 16 South DELLWARK Avenue, "DeEINER'S POPULAR STYLES LORED PROTOORAPHS have a wide-spread repu tation. • In accuracy sad Ille• like coloring unsurpassed. Only $l. Gallery SECOND Street; above Green. 1t• CARTES DENIBITE EXECUTF,D,IN the beet manner at B. F. REEMER'S Haßory, 624 ARCH Street. A fine opportunity to obtain most sails-. factory Pictures. QV early. bee speclinetus, .1610 II /LI, P. s CHILLED MOM SAFE, Evers W A. rrsoN,s TFIE "IRREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT" STILL PRO ORESSINO. TO the Citizens q t. Philadelphia: Agreeably to prelim's notice, I Phan now review the twwponalitiert and other entracte matter as contained In the article beaded "Philadelphia Against the World, and signed by David Dract, Re the thief, tvben hard pressed, is the first to cry " /dap thie."note the man who has unfired. &wigged, and wrongfully mewed bin neighbor, the drat to cry tlf /fain, and to claim the people's aympathy. The first prominent point In this article lathe writer's very niodost pretensions. Ne mummes to he Philadelphia mereiy. and to stand against the world eniy—extremely. moiled(, enrely. Thin point ( having been replied to by !dews. Lillie & Eon) I pane over by simply Paying that it Nero' , to 'show that Lilllc & Son are much the largert po trona of this city and State of any Safe manufacturer in the United Slater, an they nee no much more material than any other—the product of this State. The nextoint to be. noticed Is the writerle call on Ills Philadelphia friends to road an extract from the Eve ning Telegraph of April 16,1364, which Atmore come of the different waye the common cafe to opened, • Now, if the reader will refer to the article In the Naming Tele graph, of the 16th, be will find It there stated particn larly that theee ways were of common occurrence, and that they were known to burglara; and t now say the different ways pointed mil were at the time well known to bnrglays, and heal been previouely published to the world. GBOROZ J. BOLTON But It seems to suit the writer's case to leave out these facts in- his rehume. lie adopts the principle that the play of "Bamlet" most be De s perate though It be necessary to leave out Hambt. end* require desperate means, and it is evident that the thief's tutor does not like to stand alone. Ivan, however. offer him this coneolatien, that notwithstanding' the disposition be bee shown in every way to aid the thief, he has met with but ill success. do not believe Ito can find a burglar in the country that would even thank him for all his eitorti; for every professional burglar knows; that, if he can get a hole into a Safe lock he is alt right; and unless the writer min learn the horsier bow to drill chilled iron, which I very much doubt, his ocenpation Is gone. The next point which I notice is the very grave question put by the writer. whether it is not easier to .41011 one small bole through Lillie's Chilled Iron Door than twenty holes through the common Sheet Iron Door T The reader will ask any disinterested iron-worker whether be cannot drill even twenty small holes through one-sixteenth to one-eight inch sheet Iron much mister than to drill one hole through one-end• a half to two inches solid chilled iron, and let him answer the question. The next point which the writer alleges as the MUM of the controversi /8: That Lillie's agent, amopg others, called at the Con solidation Bank, on Mr. W. 11. Blunter, banker, Allentown, and on the Treasurer of the West Chester Railroad, paying to the latter he could break into his bank and berglaf.proof gee in five minutes; and to the two former, that he could pick their locks, made by Evens & Watson, in five minutes. • Now, lam the solo responsible agent of this city for LlThe's Safe, and !pronounce the above statements ab solutely false, polar as it applies to myself. as lam net aware that I have had any conversation with either of tbe two latter parties on the subject of Safes at all, and T bave never made any such t tatements, as are al leged, t the former or any other person. lint I take the fell reeponsibilitrar , to all that iR published in the Telegraph of April I , 1664. (which can be examined in my printed circular at my depot at any time, as the aril cle wee taken from that), and Pans prepared to sustain every position there made to the satisfaction of any dis interested person. • Thus have I reviewed the prominent points in this ar ticle, and the writer's reasons for his unreasonable attack upon Ltlllo's Safe are found to be mere pretence, and without the slightest foundation. The real cause will be found in a chart review of the Safe history in Philadelphia. It is a fact well under"tood that the writer has realized a fortune in the last few years by making safes of the lightest material, with the cheapest lock. and in every way got np in the cheapest manner. end tilted mainly' With red clay (which Costa nothing). to give them the appearance of weight and solidity. and that he has sold thew) Safes at very high prices, making an extravagant profit. Ills a fact also well understood that within thelaet three vears. Lillie's Chilled Iron Safe has been largely Intro duced in this city and State. from the simple fact that In telligent men have preferred agate that had one and a half to tv oit clues thickness of solid Iron, being also drill proof, with a thorough burglar-proof lock. toe safe that had one-sixteenth to oneetwelfth of an inch thickness of sheet-iron, with the cheapest common lock, and not burelar.proof at all, especially when the former cost only about the saute price as the latter. How.does the writer attempt to remedy this di facility? Not by improving his own eafe,bnt by an attempt to dis credit Lillie's. How does he do this? Re first pub licly announces 'that Lillie'e Safe is neither fire nor burglar-proof, and publishes an array of false state ments, Bret published br other cafe-makers. which he knew at the time had been publicly proved to be false. Second, be succeeded to dupe 'a house who had one of Safes by similar false repre sentations, to exchange a Lillie's Safe for Evans & Watson's, by giving them a Safe he asked near St:40:1 for. in exchange for Lillie's, which cost $176; and ;Juice about the Ist of January last, I am told he has event much of his time in the attempt to disfigure the Safe in every way • first by sledging. then by grinding . holes through it (Aving discovered that it had not the usual hardness). As to the Lock, he first claimed [twee an infringement upon Evans is Wateon'e Alphabetical Lotli,but as that was netpatented awes no go; and last ly, to discredit the Lock be shows that the combination of the Lock can bepicked up from the outside if a hole can be got through the door in the right place, a wonderful discovery, bee been fully answered.. Now, why resort to all this contemptible meanness? Why not come out fairly and squarely and have Evans & AVat aon's.Sefe placed alongside of Lillie's. and have them fairly tested, both as to their fire and their burglar proof qualities. as he has' een challenged to do often? The reason is plain. The writer knows that it will not do to place Meth to 1-12th of au inch thickness of sheet iron against 164' to 2 inch thickness of hard chilled iron, to stand either fire or the burglar, and • that's what's the matter." N. C. SA DLIPY. No. 21 South SEVENTH. Street. P.S.—The public test of Sales that was expected to come of lest week Is unavoidably postponed for a week or two. The article in the Sundae Dispatch, of the 3d of I oly will be answered in my next. 01-tlien3t : . . M. C. S., Agent. CIYUI. - AND'=IfY OLOTHS W. T. SNODGRASS, . j'l-]m •34 S SECOND and 33 STRAWBERRY St F E XAMINE OUR LAWNS. Lawns, brown ground, neat figured, , t4e. Lawns, white ground. neat lignred, 41e. Ef uckaback and Bath Towels, large.assortinent. Bird's Eye Linen Towels. Extra size Damask' Towels. • Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists. $I Bathing Flannels, red and gray. - _ 331 JOHN H. STOESS , 702 /ZECH Street 81.38 , D E O RE TiBLE AND TWIST CABSI SI.3B 6.4 Wide Dark Mixed Heavy Tweeds. , Low priced and fine Ctumimeree. No advance in Summer Stook. Linen Drills and Duck. • Superfine White Duck and Drills. Superb Stock Woolens laid in. WILLIAMSVILLE. New. York mills and other good makes Mullins, by tbriftee or yard. Wide Sheetleas by the piece. • Beat old standard makes Dnbleacbed Muslim Flannels, *Pickings, Checks, Stripes, &c. Towels and Towelings. Damask Tteble Linens, Napkins. FANCY SHIRTING FLANNELS. COOPER & CONARD, LB. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. .. BLACK SILKS. BLACK _SILKS. ' NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. We are still selling our Black Silks at the same prises as we did early in the season, notwithstanding the re cent advances. ' MANTLE SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. , Plain Silks. all colors, $1.30 to $5.75. Fancy Silks, $1 to $2.60. Rich heavy, handsome Fancy Silks, $2.67 to $6.51 Rich Chene Silks, at $2.61%, worth V t ... 50. • /1.11 1111 at 03.26. " " " " at p 1.75, " . 3.60. at .75, " $7. - 10 pieces small Plaid Eke, at $126. worth $1.50. H. STEEL & SON, Noe. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street. • B_A WHITE • BAREGES FOR SHAWLS, - x Circalam_4(c. .. . • - 8-4 white Heruani. .• . 8-4 White Gauze Ilareti. - 8.4 White Crape Murata. • • 8.4 Black Raman' Baregea. • - 8-4 Black Tamartines. 8-4 Black Swages.: 8.4 Black Craps Karatz. . - . , . 6-4 Black Be-Laines. 6-4 White Blerinoes. 14 Black Matinees. - • • EDWIN HALL & CO., 3e33 26 South SECOND Street. (6 - pm Arr. DE FARM," FOR THE -a-e SKlN.—This delightftil preparation Is sena clap y recommended to ladies about visiting the country or sea shore, for removing the disoolorattons calmed by aubani of salt air. The' Email de Paris' is all. domed and universaUy used by the ladies of the French capital. EUGENE JOUIN, No. 111 S. TENTIT Street, below Chestnut, Agent for l'Email de Paris. Je23-Imlf JTARRIS' MIXED CA.SSIMERES. Ligbt mixed Cansimeres, tor boys' snits. Bleihm and Plaid Cassimerea Morino Caseimeres and Cashmerette. Linen Drills. Satinets, and Cottonadee. Lwdiee' Cloaking Cloths, choice shade'. Loom and Damask Table Linen, cheap. Towels, Towelling, and Napkins. Large assortmentat JOHN O4 H. BTOIOIB, • R ARCH Sires TN ' THE ORPHANS' COURT. t FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of FREDERICK LENNIO, deceased. The Auditor appointed ht the Court to audit. settle. and adjust the account of CHARLES F. LENNIO and GEORGE O. LENNIO, executors of the will of Fre derick LODlEliff, deceased. and to make diatribetion of the balance in the bands of the atcouutant wit meet the parties interested for Ihe purposes of his appoint ment, on SATURDAY, July 2a, 1884, at 11 . 0 clock A. J. at No. 128 South SIXTH Street. is the city of Philadelphia. H. B. WALLACE, _ Auditor. DENBER',V • O. A Most effective and delightful preparation FOR THE TEETH AND GUMS. Highly recommended by the most eminent Doctors and Dentists. It is the result of a thorough course of Weigle() expe riments. extending through a period of nearly thirty MTS. ITTVlLitetstlarVlTlntrh°,oePfrnilET ttrel ~ i n many. " 11. It will also STRENOTHEN WEAK ANDS . KEEP THE TEETH BEAUTIFULLY CLEAN, THE BREATH SWEET. Bee Oiraniars. ' Price 111. Prepared solely by 8. T. BEALE M. D. DENTIST. 1113 CHESTNUT St.. • Philadelphia, Pa. Tor sale by Drneeiete_ EAF MADE TO HEAR.—INSTRU ZIENTT to audit the bearing at P. MADEIRA'S, 115 South TUTU Street, below Chestnut, jytiolt FIRE-PROOF SAFES. DAVID EVANS', OF TUE FIRM OF SHEET IRON SAFE. DETAIL DRY GOODS. MIDDLESEX 64 ?LIGHT BLUES. . ALL GRADzs , riAux BLUES. 8.4 AND 64 INDIGO FLANNELS. 34 AND 6 .7 6 BLUE CASSIMERES. 84 AND 64 DOESKINS. FULL STOOK OF CLOTHS. DO. DO. COATINGS. DO. DO. cAssizERF.S. BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE CLOTHS. CLOTHS FOR COACHMAKERS. ALL RINDS TRIMMINGS, &o. 10S1* CUSTOM:TT S RUT 'The attention of LADIES werrniro THE CITY, or those about LEAVING IT far "Watering Places," or " the Country," is VIVIEF4 I / i4 l .3gt d s,`•outtlebirtr"vemaat WEAR, for WHITA ° BODIES, MORNING' WRAPPERS, dto. An extensive assortment is offered in Lace and Worked Edgings and Insertings; Voile, Handkerchiefs, Collars,Sieeves,and in plain and fancy Plaid, Striped, and Figured White Goode . AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THEIR PRESENT RETAIL VALUE. DO Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. 1O pieces Puffed, Tacked, and Striped Muslim E. M. NEEDLES. 1024 CHESTNUT STRUT. LEGAL. ~P EW PUBLICATIONS. just PUBLISHED-OUR' BOYS. c" The Per Experience', of a Soldier In the Arm/ of the Potomac. By A. F. lirt,L, of the & h Penneyi• vania neserveft, with clowacterlatle frontispiece. 12an0.. cloth. Price $l.BO. . . -- • The author of this dimply interesting volume has Paajusd through some of the most desperate and sanguinary battles of the war in one of which he lost a log , and thus remains a cripple for life. With the modesty of a noble spirit, and the gallantry of a trim soldlor, he neithoracke nor would receive charity at rho bands of lbn public. tile book, however, will amply re ay perusal by all who lore the cause of their country. The publisher gives ft to the world for the author's benefit (who retains the copyright and profile of the publica tion, and believes au appreciative public • will gladden the soldier's heart, Send on your orders for the book. Single copies will be Rent po.t-paid, to any addreee, on receipt of price. (01.16. Liberal torme made with agents and the trade. Addreßs all order,' to JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, JO et 617 RANSOM Strew, ABEMEAD & EVANS, Successors to WILLIS P. HAZARD, Rave 'weaved 734 CHESTNUT Street, SAVAGE AFRICA. By W. Winwood Retitle. With Illuptintlone and map. COUSIN Pli LLIS. A Tale. Jemt out. GUIDE BOOK OF THE NEW JERSEY CENTRAL R. H. With a map and handsome ill nstrationa. MACARIA. By Aagnate J. }Penna. author of "Ben lab. " The great Southern Novel, reprinted from the Richmond edition. CHRONICLES OP THE SCHONBERG COTTA FAMI LY. Fine edition on tinted paper. One of tho beat works ever leaned. Everybody pbonld read It. LINNET'S TRIAL. A Tale. By the author of "Twice Lost," HOTSPUR. A Tele of the Old Dutch Manor. By Wal worth, author of "Loin." THE TANNER BOY. and How he Became Lieutenant General. By Major Penniman. DENISE. By the author of "Mademoiselle Mont " 2 vole. y 7 NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS t 4 - 1 SAVAGE AFRICA, being the narration of a tour In Erinatorial, Sonthweetern, and Northwestern Afri ca., with Illoetrations and map by W Winwood Reade. CHRONICLER OP THE SCHONBERG-COTTA FA MILY. By two of themselves. New flue edition. GUIDE BOOK, for the Central Railroad of Now Jer sey and its connections, through the coal fields ofPenn- GOOD FOR EVIL. and other stories for the yonag,by A. L O. B ALTAR INCENSE. being Morning Watcher. Evening Inrenae, and Altar Stone'', by J. Ti Macdnff. HISTORY OF FREDERICH THE FECOND. caned Frederick the Great, by 'Thomas Carlyle, four volumes. sold separately. For bale by WK S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, Iy4 . 600 CHESTNUT Street. NEW MEDICAL B 00103.• • TANNER'S NEW MANUAL OF PRACTICE. A new enlarged edition. • "KlegirliE S POCKET DOSE AND SYMPTOM BOOR. Fourth edition. revieed. iI& w,YULLER ON RHEUMATISM. A new revised Ga- BS FORD-ON THE UTERUS. HA GEE'S ORT HOPED' C SURGERY. CHEWIS LECTURES ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. A' NEW MEDICAL CATALOGUE. classiged and Priced, furnished gratis upon application. LINDSAY & BLARTSTON, je29 25 South SIXTH Street. APPLETON'S NICW AMERICAN OTCLOPADLL, The Arena, for this Invaluable Library of Unicorn& Information le at 33 South SIXTH Street, second don!. Also, BECORD OF THIS REBELLION, By Frank !door*. WANTS. ABARE CHANCE - $2,000 WANTED —A Pallier with this amonnt to. shirt an 'article,' No m . oatented. • Profits nolimited. addrose Patent, No. 709 SaNSON Street, Ytillada. 171.1-20' AGENTS WANTED TO SELL TEE. A-L- Standard History of the War. A rare chance' to make money..Airents are cleartug from 11100 to)6200 per month. 200403 volumes already sold. Send for circu lars. Address JONES, BROS. , & Co.. Pablishere, BAL TIMORE, Md. 1013-1 m• - ROTEL FURNITURE WANTED. A- -A- Wanted, the complete stock of FILItNitURE for a large, new, first-class country lintel, including two large kitchen coal stoves, with utensils complete; Fur niture for three parlors and forty bedrooms, china and glassware, bedsteads, mattresses, dre.. &c Second-hand Furniture, in good order. will answer. Terms cash. Address "ILI. no. 5 WILIANG'S Alley, PAlledelpliia. jyll 3t BLACKSMITHS AND WHEEL WRIGHTS WANTED. OSITEP QVARTEREASTER'S OPPTCII, WAPHINOTON DEPOT, WASTMOTON. D. C.. Jnly i. ISet. Wanted at once, to work in Government repair shops, Quartermasters' Department. Depot of Washington. one hundred (103) good BLACESMI.THS, and one hun dred (100) good WHEELWRIGHTS. The pay per month will be sixty dollars (S6O), with one (1) ration per day, and hospital prillileges when sick. Apply to Captain CHAS. H. TOMPKINS, A. R. if., 11. S. A.. corner Twenty-second and 0 Streets. Wash.. b.gten, D. C. D. H. RUCKER, Brigadier General and Chief Quartermsoder, .i 31.423 Department of Washington. TEAMSTERS WANTED. CHIEF QIIAETEIt (AATER ' a OPTICS, WA.R INOTON DEPOT, WA3ITINATON, D. C. July 9, 1954. WAN". ED, at ence, THREE HUYDRED TEAM . - STBRS, each capable of driving with tingle line, and managing six .male teams. To such who are competent to perform the duty the pay per • month will be tuirty dollars, with one ration per day, and hospital privileges, including the beat medics" attendance when sick. Apply to Captain Charles IL Tompkins, A. Q. M. U. B. A.. corner Twenty-second and G xtreets. Washing ton, D. C. D. R. RUCKER, Brig. Can. and Chief Quartermaster, jyll-384 . Depot of Wasnington. rIO SHOEMAKERS. A NTED .4- Good HANDS to Last and 'Antall on all kinds of work, men and women's; fair waxes and'steady em ployment. E P..IIOLINBAUX. 408 COMMERCE Street, Fourth Story. N. B.—A man to rub down and tarn Boot-logo.. Jyl-9t• o l lTgli l i ) N. in a vireSITUATJ2II.,BIotioA.n, or Commission House , to learn the business; can asslA in the Counting Room; good references. Address "P.," tbie °Mee. jyll-2t. WANTED-IN THE DRY-GOODS Commission business, already established, a PARTNER, either active or spacial, with a cash capital of from 816.000 to VACRO. Address "Commission Be all/SM." Preßa office. iy4-mwf6t* WANTED-A FIRST-RATE PACKER v and MARKER. Also an experienced hand to keep cellar stock in order. Nonbn t Pxp.rionceti hands need apply.. HOOD, BOISBRIDGE. it CO.. iy9-2t. .520 MARKET Street. .WANTED:=A COLORED BOY.AtOR. years old. an Walter in a Pities..P=or sp. ply at BIS LOCUST Street. • WANTED -THREE SUBSTITUTES of good fighting qualities, for the Armyot Potomac, to represent gentleman exempt from mili tary duty. Apply at 205 WALNUT St— Phila.: ie.90.4f IMWANTE D—A COMMODIOUS Hons e andagebd Yard. A reaeonable rent by are. Fixmaible tenant will be paid Immediate pos.senalan to. be Riven. Apply to JOSEPH SlbtiNY, 1615 FRANCIS Street and RIDGE Avenue. . E 0 A MONTH WANT AGENTS atop a month, expenroa paid. to sell my EVER ' TING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and ether articles. Fifteen circulars sent free. Address • apliOddrwltut • JOHN. P. LORD: Biddeford. Maine. COPARTNERSHIPS- NrOTICE OF: MUTED PAIITNER- J. I 111P.—Tle subscribers hereby give notice, under the provisions of thii Acts of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania relative to limited partnerships, that they have formed a limited partnership, and pub lielt following as the terms thereof: Pint. The name of the firm under which such part nership is to be conducted is " WILLIAM T. HOP KINS.' Second. The general nature of the business to be transectvd is the making, fitting, buying. and selling of HOOP SEMI S and the materials therefor. Third. The name of the general partner is WILLIAM HOPICIM who resides at 307 North Ninth street, in "the city of Philadelphia The name of the special part ner Is JOHN R. HOPKINS, who residetat Wye Mills, Talbot county, in the State of Maryland. Flntrth The amount of capital contribnleti hy the said special partner to the Collllllollstock is Fifteen Han dred Dollars. Fifth. The said partnership is to commence on the Eighteenth Day of Jane, Met, and terminate on the Seventeenth Day of June, A. D. MT. WM. T. HOPKINS, J. B. HOPNI NS. il7Nri 18th, 1564. Je2o met' DISSOLUTION OF CO PLRTNER SHIP. —The Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers, under the drin of J. A. ELLIOTT & CO., is bereby dissolved by limitation. The business will be settled by JAMES A. & .ROBERT T. ELLIOTT. J. A. ELLIOTT, • . J. W. FREDERICK, Jinx I, 1664. • R. T.. ELLIOTT. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED !j a Copartnership from and after this date; under the style of ELLIOTT'S & hIeCOWN, for the importation and Jobbing of Dry Goods, at No. 403 MARKET Street. . J. A. ELLIOTT. ' • A. R. McCOWN, 3171,T• 1, nig. • • [J76.43t) RT. ELLIOTT. . TEIE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE -4" ASS OCIATED thomeelves together under the grin of BOLTON, DTKEMAN. di CO. and will Gentian.) the Car Building business In all Its branches at the old establiahment, corner TWENTY-FIRST and HAIM TON Streets. JOS. B. ON BOLT • • JOLT 1, 1864 FOR. SALE AN'D . TO LET. F OR SALE-5-8 AND 3-4 rNCEUELOOP • IRON. by CHARLES MIDDLETON. .•- .i79 -Sts ~EECOND and WILLO W Streets. TOIPLET-THE IST,' STH, 6TH, AND stories of the Old Poet Mace Building, Deft stn et, below Third. with Stesm Power. THOMAS H. CONNELL. CotusUng House of Dr. D. Jayne Sc Son. j77-et* .242 CHESTNUT Street. TO LET-THE WHOLE OR ANY and or e Chestnut e tion of th Commonwealth Building, Noe, all 519 treet. THOMAS EL CONNELL, Counting House of Dr. D. Tayn. Si Son, j77-6f.* 242 CHESTNUT Street. TO 4 RENT-HANDBOirt LINO ,WALLACE; Street, above Sixteenth, j:(11-3to H. WRIGLEY & CO.. 1.415: FOURTH St. sdsj 'STORE TO LET ANI) FIXTURES for SALE at No. 240 North EIGHTH St. iyll•Sto To LET-THE SECOND-STORY AND street. tipper portionof the Marble Store, No. 619 Chestnut THOMAS K coNKELL. Counting House of Dr. D. Jayne St Snn, JT7•l3t . . 242. CHESTNUT Street FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. Anan—The House, No. 1117 North- EIGHTEENTH Sheet, Is for rent. with the Furniture. Posarseiou (riven im mediately. Inquire on thepremisee. 3yll st" FIFTY PAIRS OF SPLENDID CHESTER WHITE PIGS, for *ale sent to any part of the country. Andrew; N. P. BOYER klc CU., Coatesville. Cheater county, Pa. jr st. FOR. BALE—A DARK BAY MARE, youn g , kind, fast, and. sound. Accus tomed to sandle, double or tingle harness. Sold for want of nee. Cau be seen any morning . _ at the diet stable below Girard avenue, in CARLISLE street, back of Broad. jy9 St• MILLINERY GOODS. IA MSS M. A. BAKER, .No. 1346 lIESTIN UT STRBET' 'KU "NI j ad e a m la i rEt c ri N g i rt of , • ivl4-tm• ?or the Spring an bummer of I*l ARMY GOODS. FROTHINGHAM & WELLS HAVII FOR BALE- HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS iND _ SHIRTINGS. - • . STANDARD DRILLS. . • HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. , • ...- WASHINGTON , AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILESIAS. .••• • .•. BROW .D 1 BLEACHXD. AND CORSET SEARS. • No. 12 woR;TRD YARN. &a. se&S-Iftf G. CARD. -W. G. BEDFORD WOULD Estate urge that hie old.eatabliched Estate Office, at No. 1913 CALLOWHILL Street, le e 000 D PLACE for the rale or 'purchase of property and the collection of house and ground rents, Sto. Send for references. .MONUMENTS AND GRAVE• STONES.=A large assortment of Grave-Stones, of vartona designs, =Woof the finest Italian and A marioan Marble, constantly on band at the Marble Works of ADAM STEINMETZ, MIDOE Avenue, below Eleventh street. Phllsdelphis. 8P23-3mlt A UCTTON BALE OF CONDEMN" HaRSII6 I WAR DEPARTMENT, CAVALRY BREHM', OFPIOR OP CITTRP RIYAItTRIMMITER, Wa_IHNUTOK, D. C. July 4,196 f, • Will be Fold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder, at the times and places named below--vir: LEBANON, Penna., THURSDAY, Jtily, 14th. Mt. READING, Penna , THURSDAY. July. 2b,t, 79e4. HARRISBURG. Penna., THURSDAY, July Blety, 1664 ALTOONA, Penna.. THURSDAY, Angnst 4th. DM WILLIA SI/SPORT. Penna. , THURSDAY, A ngust Ilth; TWO HUNDRED (280) CAVALRY HORSES at meek plTi ace. ave Horses have been condemned as unfit (Jr the Cavalry service of the Army. For Road 'and Farm purposes many good bargains may be bad. • • . Bones sold singly. Terms: Cuh. In United Staten Currency. JANBS A ERIN, Llout. Col. and Chief Quart ermanter Jyl34lot. Cavalry Bateau WALNUT STREET • TREA.TRE.-• ANOTHER WEEK OF UNBOUNDED SUCCESS . %deco; the management to continue THE GRAND ENTERTAINMENT ONE WEEK MOBS. THIS (Monday) EVENING. July 11, The performance will commence with the beautiful Legendary Drama of FAUST AND AIAROUSRITS— Mr J. E. &hang as MepMatopbeles; Mrs. 'Meatus Beller Baker er Marguerite. To conclude with the Patriotic Drama entitled THE SPIRIT OF '76. Box Office o ett from it to 3. Curtain Hama 8 o'cIOCIC.. THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street . , above Teeth, la OPEN. EAILE. for yMitoro, from 9 A. M. to 6P. M. kW BOARD WANTED-FOR TRW BWE' IdER, nenr ihe city, by isegilattratire 9ro3atr children. Address "'Boarder. B OARDING} WANTED, ABOUT Tax let of Animist, by a gentleman and wife, in a Privatel family, or where there are few boarders. A second-story froot room,'or two medium-sized sec= story rooms. required. A fair price will be paid for good accommedaltoea. • Reference given and required. Addmot J y 4-60 Box 2753 Pool Ofilte. BOARDING. -TWO SECOND-STORY 'LP rooms TO LET. at 132 North TRITE St. Jo7-t1 AGRADUATE OF HARVARD, WETH an experience f ten years in teachinr. will open, la this efts, In SEPTEMBER, a Santa for Young Letitia. Number limited to fifteen. Terms. SICO a year. RIME:MIPS—Roy. Dr.. Furnene. -145 , 1 Pine street; Rev. Roger Owen. Chestnut fl u Wm. A. Trotter. EPQ., Notth Front street: J. E. Mitchell, Ego.. SW York avenue. Philadelphia: Ex-PresidentsSparkaaad. Walker, Cambridge, : I. S. Stnitb.F.eq.. Dciruher ter, MAW ;John Buggies. att.. Brighton. Mum Ad dress 3e27-Im•'L. IL BUOICINGHAIL• Chestnut 111413ILADELPHIA. COLLEGIATE ELIC -A- STITUTE FOR Yourro LAMES. No. 1530 ARCH Street. Rev. CHAS. A. SMITH, D. D.A.E. cLeasxmir SMITH, A. N.. Principals. Ninth Year. Three Departments: 'Primary. Acade mie, and Collegiate. Poll college course in Claeslea; Mathomatlce, higher - English, and Natural Science, for those who graduate. Modern Languages, Manic, Pant, leg, and Elocntinn by the best masters. Per circular,. apply at 1126 CHESTNUT Street, or address Box P. 0.. Phil' delpbta. ansl.6m. TYRE GENTLEMAN" THAT CALLED : at No. 1606. North 'TWELFTH Street about the purchase or a property. will ennfor a favor by calling again, or at 236 North NINTH Street. ira Pr` 111) P ERSONAL. -SPOONS, PL &TED With pore ellyer, on white metal. 4611 per Set. 916 RACE Street )19-20 WIFE,Y ELEANOR AMANDA. + l -t- WOOLSTON, baying left mybed and board with out just canse or provocation, all persons are forbid trtmting or harboring ker on my account. as they will be dealt with according to taw. jyll•Bt• JOHN 31. WOOLSTON. ' 0S T —ONE DAY THIS WEEK,: " some tiroofof aChild's Paper: also, the " copy" A Mother's Lessons on the Lord Prayer. • 1 eiwtahia reward will be paid for the return of this " Copy " to 830 ARCH htreet, Phila. jyg.3e -AMTAKEN UP—A DARK BA Y.. .IsrARE. If not redeemed, will be sold at nab.: lie sale, at the Pollee Station, N. P. corner of THNTIX, and THOMPSON Streets, on MONDAY, the lick WC. : at 4 o'clock P M.,_ in accordance to nits* ordinance, &a., Phtlsd a., July S. DM. Wit. JACOBY. IT9•lt. Lient. Twelfth Dlatriet. SPECIAL NOTICE TO TEE HOLD EBB EBB OF SMALL 7-30 11. S. TREASURY NOTES. SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES, of the denomination. Or fiN and mit, can now be converted in BONDS OF TEE LOAN OF 188 L of the same denomination. For information apply at the office of JAY 60011 E & Co., Bankers, 114 South THIRD Street, Phila. THREE (3) YEARS' EVEVEN:P.ER-.: CENT. LOAN OF THE BOROUGH OF SCRAJF.. TON, Lucerne county. Pennsylvania. Coupons per , : able in the City of New York. be undersigned will receive psoposabs until that ) TWItNTIETH DAY OF JULY, instant. for the purchase of 1675.0(0 of the Bonds of the Borough of Scranton, iebued by • virtue of a special Act of Assembly of tha Legislature of:Pennsylvania. en titled "An act to autho- : rite the raising of money and payment of bounties to Volunteers in the Borough of Scantou, in the county or Liizerne." These Bonds draw interest at the rate or. SEVEN PER CENT per annum. payable on the first day of SUNS and DECEMBER in each year, In the City of New :Y principal ork. The pncipal la reimbursable in three years from:the first day of June, 1931. The bonds are exempt from all State and local tars then. A tax su trident to pay one hallthe amount of the loan has been alrsady levied. Address .1. C. PLATT, Treasnrer, SCRANTON, La. :erne county, Pennsylvania. J. RONSN. THOM BI AS DICKSON. J. C. PLATr, jy9.lot Commiminners of Bounty Fund.Scrantott. assi dG to GRAND PLEASURE EX ITBSIONS TO LAKE SUPERIOR.-0111 'of. the following splendid first-class steamers, vier CLEVELAND, ILLINOIS, NORTHERN T, mos 'CITT, TRAVELER, METEOR, IRON SIDES, LAO LA BELLE, and PEWABIC, will leave CLEVEL Ohio, at 8 o'clock P. AL, each day of the week, ex Saturday and Stinday, and Detroit. Michigan, on following days at 2 o'clock P. M. through the months of JULY and AUGUST, making Grand Excarsion Trips ' to the many points of Interest on the Groat Inland Sect of America,which, for utility. pleagnrs, and health,arg unsurpassed by any other on the Continent. This trip of over 1.000 miles embraces six degrees ed - latitude, and eleven of longitnde , and Includes in Da • circuit Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Enron and Superior,willa the beautiful rivers Detroit, SL Clair and St. Mary's. The many and extensive mines of iron and copper.. unegnalstrisy any. in the world, with the newly-dis covered and inviting deposits of silver lead, wild ati romantic scenery, combined with its pure and bra4LIX. climate. render the Lake Superior trip one of far meet than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the stadent., the pleasure-seeker, or the invalid. The above-named steamers are elegantly-fitted DR with large airy Cabins and State-Rooms, while swirl precaution hail been taken to provide foram safety mit comfort of passengers. Pa re. Mel u d g State-Rooms and Meabs, about 2K emir' per mile Time occupied in making the round tripatnille 8 to 10 d aye. Rooms secured, and farther information obtained, b? application toproprietors. • ROBT. HANNA & Co., 1111 Cla 1 d Ohl HUSSEY St MOBRIDE, VG 6. J.T WRITING & a r ° Co.. D fs, JOHN nirrcturros, le2l-t an 26 112 e FOR CAPE .MAY.-THE staunch and commodious steamer KAN-. liey LAN, Captain E. A. Ryther, of the Cane May Una, is now making her regular tripe to Cape May lealit ARCH-STREET WHARF every, TUESDAY, THURS DAY, and SATURDAY, at 9 o 7 clock; returning, will leave Cape hiay every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at gy; o'clock, touching at New Castle, going and returning. • . . .. . . .. Fare 52.60, carriage hire included; children hat price. Servants $1.60, carriage hire extra. Freight at low rates. No freight received after 8 o'clock, and in all cases moat be pre-paid. .i76-lm JOS. 'A.. STE WART, Agent. _FROM NEW YORK, FOR NEW HAVEL HARTFORD, SPRINGS. PlELD. , sed•BosroN.—The steamers CONTINENTAL sod ELM CITY leave Peek Slip, East River, daily. at 3 16 P. N. aud 11 at night, ieNallse l ia gr a t..FOß ALBANY AND TROY, via Delaware and Raritan Canal —The barge " MONTEREY. " Captain 13. Danvers, in now loading at drat Wharf below SPRUCE Street, and will: leave for the above point., on WEDNESDAY , July 13th. at 6 o'clock P. bt. • For freight, which will be taken at reasonable rates, aßnly to . I). L. PLAN an AN. Agent. . No. 3045: DELLWARE ATeRIIIII. __ PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMILII.- TIONS, with fall descriptiorus of character, aIYIER DAY &tad EVENING, by J. L. CAPPS, Iob9-wfrin6m No. 25 South TENTH Stmt. OE.4i R DYREMAH. 0. W. CHILDS. '3ll-I.m• ESTEIPS • • COTTAGE ORGANS. et only UNEXCELLED bat UNEQUALLED In raft? of Tone and Power. designed especially for Chnzalter; and Schools, but found to be equally well adapted he. thAParlor and Drawbar Doom. For sell only by M. BRUCE. No. 18 North SEVENTH Street Also. a complete assortment of the Perfect Ittelodeet eonstantly on band. myLS-Ssa at BELLING OUT. WATCHER, JSWELET AND ELLVERWARIL The undersigned, having decided to retire from Mut t ems, offers for sale at low prloce.s, Lie ltrge sad WithiP selected stock of WATCHES JEWELHT,_snd SILVER and PLATED WANK THOMAS C. GARRETT, NO. Trd CHESTNUT Stree t.hc. Masonic H phlladelp S%MONEY TO ANY magma el LOANED orlon Dlamondi; Watcher, Jew. ry, Plate, Clothing, &c.. at JONES &al Old Eatabliebed Loan Office, corner T and GASNILL Streets, below Lombard. anl2,9mit LADIES' TRUSS AND BRA.OII STORE—Conducted by Ladle'. Twnrri Stree Brat dong below Race. Every article la their line degant, may, and correct In make. C. R. NZ& DLES, Proprietor, al tends to Gentlemen , on the enrage of TWELFTH and RACE Streets. N. B.—Protec.stonal accuraoy Insured. myS-3adf GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM AND • WATER-HEATINQ APPARATUS For Warming and Ventilating Public Bolltlinas sal Private Rae! encea. Manufactured by the UNION-STEAM AN PHIL D WATER-HE ATING COMPANY OF ADELPHIA. Alms P. WOOD, 41 South FOURTH Street. E. M. FELTVrELL. Ennarintandent. SUMMER COMPLAINT, DIARREICEA., Dysentery, and all disorders of the Bowels rellev. it once by the use of Jardella's Syrup of Blackberry Root and Rhubarb. . Entirely vegetable, easily taken, very effectual. TIT It. Prepared only by AMOS Ralf- TWENTIMH and MA rtsCIT streets. COTTON SAIL DUCK AND CANVAS of all numbers and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all deecriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Tmink and Wagon Cavers, Also Paper Manffacturers' Drier Felts, from 1 to 5 feet wide. Tarpaulin. Bolting, Sall Twine, etc. • JOHN w. EVER-SIAN mve-tf 102 JONES' Allay_ JOSEPH H. THOMPSON. SHIPPING COMMISSION hIRECHANT. And General Agent; 15* North DELAWARE Avenel*. RIMINDID STYLE PORTRAITS -14-+ieenrste outline. features and expression strikingly. natural. B. F. REIMER'S superior life-size PHOTO a RAPE'S in oil colors. Gallery 62.4 - ARCH Street. See ippecitnene. • • 1! ITEATON DENCKLEt., HARD -Li- WIRE COHHISSION MERCHANTS, 507 COM liner, and 510• NORTH Streets, offer for mile: Anchor Brand N ;Plymouth Mill Rtrets. W. dr S. Butcher's Cast Steel ; Eagle Cabinet Locks. Putnam's Horse Nails; Locire'e School Slates. "-CPPer, Brass, and Iron Wirer Cotton Cards. . ALI• 0 IL MU 11,11011MMLI or American Hardware. fe9-6as JOB VARDAZID FANCYPRINTING,Na.At mew= h BsOWrß.slllB. VOITRTH Bt. . . AUCTION SALES• AMUSEMENTS. BOARDING. EDUCATIONAL. PERSONAL. LOST AND FOUND. FINANCIAL. EXCIURSIONS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers