jarTHE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.— OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR, INCOME, AND REVENUE, NO. 118 SOUTH SE VENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, The underelgoed„ Treasurer of this Committee. acknowledges the receipt of the following: From our Coal Committee, per E. Horde, Trott surer. t20,f00-01 whieb $4.787 02 wee gluon to the Christian Colunilesion—balance 310,212 NI [See "Special acknowledgment" In Bulletin of yesterday.) From Table Department at the Fair: Prom ti .e principal table, Mrs. J. W. • Forney, chairman 36,213 72 From the Sword Table, auxiliary. John Thomas, chairman 6,641 06 Prom the Lockwood Table, N. Dunbar Lockwood, chairman 750 CO • Total received from OA tables.— 412,504 77 Of which has been previously ac knowledged 700 00 Balance — 511,754 71 Per Edward Miller, chairman: From Transportation atm Roadway De parte:sante, North Pennsylvania Rail road Company $212 00 From employseaTmnsportation Depart. meet Penusyreania Railroad, Middle Divielon, per S. 1). Young, superin tendent (additional) 126 IS From Traneportetlon Department Penn aylvanta Railroad, at Altoona, per Enoch Lewis, superintendent 210 15 Prom SanerintetdenesDepartment Cat awissa Railroad Company 73 31 From Road BittAter'el)..partmont Cate v tom Railroad Company 237 34 Prom Master 31116104'e Department Catawiesa Railroad Company 140 87 From Oeneral Office Department Cata- W 'sea Railroad Company Collected by K. 11. McG•snell, acting paymaster, and remitted by W. L (Elroy, treasurer.. Per U. 11. Mulllenherg, Eaq., Reading, Pa., balance of contributtoos ..... Per •Edinuna A bonder, Chairman, from •• ftl con; and crews of steamers of Win. lit Dodd & co„ viz. : Steamer Pierpont, Capt. Green Strainer Black Diamond. Cain. Meredith Steamer Vulcan, Copt. Monti en Steamer It. M. Fatranild, Capt. Trent Steamer Utley, Capt. Phillip§ Steamer Farmer,_ Capt. Fenton Steamer Sarah, Zaps. Joao' Steamer Pheipe, Capt. Brown Steamer Month r. Capt. Jones Steamer Tacony. Capt. Pierce Steamer Mammy, Capt. Evans • Steamer Frank, Griot ehroperaire Steamer Novelly. Lent. Snaw Steamer Anthracite Capt. Jones Steamer Mare, Capt. Grumly Steamer Concord, Cain. Worman Steams. Comotock, Copt. Drake Steamer Col. 'Sucker, Capt.. Bell Steamer S. C. Walker, Capt. Manta .. Steamer Richmond, Capt. Carey.... . ......... Steamers of B. & J. al. Flanagan, do., viz. : Steamer Alert, Capt. Latta Steamer Alida, Capt. Melville Steamer Ariel, Capt. Green *Steamer Adriatic, Capt. Lenox Steamer Atlantic, Capt. Trout Strainer Brewerton, Capt. Übll steamer Champion, Capt. Bartlett Steamer Constiratitio. Capt. Harvey—. Steamer Conmerce, Capt. Follette Steamer \V. F. Cashing Capt. Merritt Steamer Coin. Dupont, Capt. Evans Steamer Coin. Foote, Capt. Wooley Steamer Gollith, Capt. Shaw Steamer Henlopen, CALL Cludira Steamer Highlander, Capt. Paine Steamer Francis King, Capt. Fullmer Steamer J. P.• Levy, Capt. Rodgers Steamer Robert Morrie!, Capt. Warren Steamer United States, Capt. Livingston Steamer Wicace. Capt. Barrett 'Total from Steamers of S. told J. M. Flana gan $235.01 Prom Office of S. & J. 81. FlanitgAll : ri. L. Flanagau J. 11, Bev ertin J. C. Vanacicer W. S. Onterbrtigc, Jr Captain W. S. Mason Captain R. Kirby R. Tren with S. F. Hamilton Captain W. M. Lennox Captain Joseph Bramtnell • L. Markle, E‘q .. Ethridge & Warren • Wm. Meister, 83 : L. Cater, $l. John S. Wll4lOlO. $5• 3. I'. Hillman. 35 J. 0. Mffidleton.ss: Capt. 0. It. Graham, $5. Capt. S. P. Hornen Capt. J. C. Graham Philip Fitzpatrick Philip Fitzpatrick . J. Taylor & Co E. A. Sender & Co From Employees of the Philadelphia acd Newyork Snores's Steamboat Company. re mitted by Win P. Clyde Total oor Edmund A. Sender, Chair man 11046.61 Per Mrs. J. U. Gulick, Olostburg, Pa. : Collections Fall Brook Coal Mine Collected by L. Eagle,. Philadelphia From Miss Liirle crowed Per Stephen V. Winslow, Chairman-: From Free Press and Employees Per L. M. Morton. Milton Pa Collections of a Committee • Per Rasa Carrie K. Wright, Allentown, col lections by her—additional From Atkins & Brother. Montgomery Furnace Employees of Meutgomery Furnace L. Per Mae Eager: Mrs. IL Fitsinger Wise C Leonitzider, Oreenbrier, Pa Per Berg: Remittance from Felix Strauss, Gollhelm• Bavaria, Germany . _ A Priced of the Soldiers Per Mrs. Kremer: . Collected in Frankford From Morton St Co., Willanbarre if: B. Dyott. Chairman, & Employees Per lira. E. P. Thompson, Ashland : Collectione•by her Coninittee ........... • • •••• Collectionsper Adolph Droulder _Per Alm. .J. W. Forney. chairman: Y Bailors at navy yard, remitted by W. F. Pr Hill P. - er L. J. Leherman, chairmen: ayloYeea of Rockhill St Wiloon eg.James S. Slocum, Scranton, Pa: Dickson Manufacturing Company and em ployees 3296 96 Throop & Albriaht 197 06 Per D. Edgar Trainer, chatrmaa: 'Wm. Wilkins W. Malone & Co.'s, employees •••• Francis Craig 35, Cash $5 Thos. L. Price (mill) Robt. Wit on 91 65, B. Gallagher *1 00 . Henry Cr6skey & Co. 'a employees Michael Derr 95. N. P. Holland 15 Patterson & Lippincott's employees S. Bolton & Co.'s employee!' Cask ill & Galvin's employees.•• • •••••.377 CO Per Edward Shipped', chairman Public Schools: .. From Teachers First School Section • - Per Joseph B. Hughes, chairmenit John /Saxton, Jr. (mills), MarlaYrink Employees of darn • $72 01 Per Wm. M. Weckerly. Secretary of the State Connell of Pennsylv tula, Order of United' American Mechanics, bliB 73, viz: From Washington Council, No. 5.• .... ......... ...$7.1) 00 Prom Vigilant do 12 2 51 . Prom layer stown do 21 280 Pro zu m Ringgold do 2:3 II ill From Bloodidd do 33 ' 281 .From Fulton . do 35 19 00 con Science om Reliance do V/ t rum /radiant Star do do 1 413 6 1 rom Kutztown t'om Mesmer& do sa) 12 00 15 CO 97.•• ....... . .... ... G2l E 6 4 00 12 50 . • r r o o n ro i R R e e a li d e i f ase 48 do 0 0 0 43 5 01 • rOM POU41•11113 do 9 E t roe Perry do •gi From Jefferson - do 75 OEI From Springville do . a IA (1) Prom Seminole do 10 01 Prom Encouragement do 89 9 rat From Nazareth do . ' 100 600 Frotu Star of Hopo do • 321 • 3 5 . .) Prom Naversluk do ' 127 10 CO From Quakertown do 340 500 Henry B. Aehmeed, Esq Acknowledgment in Inquirer. Saturday last. 318,831 06 Previously acknowleaged• by this Commit " .$170.061 82 tee Total $ 4 41,900 93. Other subscriptions thankfully received and duty ae knetrltdged. JOHN W. CLAUHORN, Tremarer. Office. No. 118 G. FEVENTA S!reer, Philsda. Chairmen of Salt Committees of Committee on Labor, Incomes, and Revenues, and persons haring suiserip. tons in charge, both in and oat of town, are earnestly requested to push forward the work, as It la highly I m• portant that the business of the Great Central Fair shall be concluded et an early day. There are numerous COMElitt 005 %Vlach have not reported. L. MUSTGOKERY BOND, t Chairman of Guarantee. Ear'COMMITTEE ON CARRIAtOES e • GREAT CENTRAL FAlR—Respectfully ae knoweledge the receipt of the following sabscriptwas ill gash and proceesof sales of merchandise contribated to this Committee : • New Jersey Department, per Gen. Robertson, . Chairman Ilini 00 Nianchard & Bro &, :Newark, IT. .1 153 09 C. R. Lockwood Co.: do 25 00 Noses Bigelow, do • 23 00 Feuel& . Son..do • 38 80 ... ... , . Y. 11 araX.1.7. - Thro., Middletown. Del. ..... "., Carswell & Vandenbraak. Wilmington, Del. Eamnei plowry. Uresnoville, Conn - A. B. Landis and others, Mount Joy, Pa J. D. Heritage. Bustleton, Pa t . area Laws, Holniesborg, Pa ..B. Cox and others, Lancaster, Pa 'anima, gnes z & Co., Bethlehem. Pt,— - nrewera' and Maiter's Association of Penna. Beckhana & Aligner, Philadelphia J. George Lefler, do A. M. lierkness, do GW. Jacobs, do eorge Dodd &.Son. do G. W. Watson & Co. do Xd ward Lane, do Wm. D. Rogers, • do Hendrick, do Pfaff & Kroll, G. Woozier, dr Foulke. IL M. Lane. J. B. Lane, Alfred Rahl, Mathias Shoemalcor, John G.. t'W. R. Pearce, W. F. P., Jesse Lee, Wm. Jack, A. B. R. C. J. & J. M. R., J. H. Coxo Bcheerer & Coro, Wm. Carruthers, J. Chestnut. J. Cliae, Norris fif road. a. James Conn, do•• Frease. • • do•• alit:onion of Washington Coach— $4.419 14 WM. D. ROGERS; Malmo. PIIIILADSLTRIA, JUly 8, 1981: It TILE. IRON COMMITTEE, GREAT CBriTRAL FAIR, report their total rocetpts to date, as follow's: . . . . Morris, Tanker, 'St Co , Philadelphia 41,001 00 Morrie, Wheeler, & Co., do 1,000 00 Phtonix Iron Co., -.. do 1,030 00 . 2i. Trotter & Co.. • do 1,000 00 James 'lowland & Co., , do - 4,0/0 00 Cabeen & CO. , do 3,06000 N. & 0. Taylor & Co., do 1,000 60 Allentown Iron CO.. Allentown, Pa 1,003 00 „Lehigh Crane Iron Co., Catasacuens, Pa 1,030 03 Cambria Iron Co.. Johnstown Pa 1,000 03 Cumberland Balland Iron Co., Bridgeton, N. J. 3,000 0.) Thomas Iron Co., Bokendunqua, Pa Ma/ 00 Bloomsburgn Co.. Beaton. Pa ' • 1,000 00 Iron Co., Bloomsburg, Pa ..... ... 1,000 011 Pennsylvania iron Works, Danville Pa.—Thomas Beaver . $lO 00 Bookkeepersk and uierka • I 2 60 Workman 811 03 . .. 1,497 03 E. &P. Roberts &Co , Philadelphia ' &X/ 00 Verree & Mitchell, do 9(0 00 W. P,Totte, • do 000 00 N. &A. Middleton, .. do 600 00 rite ben- Robbins, do 600 00 J. Wood &Bros., do 600 00 A. Wood & Co. ' , - do MU 00 X. & G. Brooke, Birdsboro, Pa WO 00 JZ. &G. Brooke & Co., do 600 00 Steele & Worth, Coatesville, Pa &V 03 lietklehem Iron Co., Bethlehem, Pa - 003 00 Jas. Rooven &•boon, Norristown, Pa 600 00 McCullough Iron Company; naiads 600 00 Carbon Iron Cog piny Perryville, Ps 600 00 Seyfert, MoManne. &0.... Reading. l's 50 0 00 'Se tart, McManus, & o.,ePectallY itOolleil••• 900 00 lehigh Valley Iron 00 c . :N o.orthampton Co., Pa. Cl/0 Tatham & Brothers • Philadelphia - 300 hi) , /tting & Brother, Philadelphia 360 00 El. Dawson Colcia.,o, Lebanon 300 00 D. 0. &H. Ei. Llitoer, William Penn Poruawas. 300 00 .Catasatiqua Manur g Co., Catasauqua, Pa.... 300 00 Maseliall Phillips & Co.,Philadelphia 300 111 Cabot & BM ag Ph liadephla 210 03 • E. ton e r & Whlt . t.tlcer, Philatiolottla 2io 00 'Boston & Pun :Obe. Coaton.ille 2.59 00 43. L. Pennock 4 Co.. tloatesvlile VA 00 , 0 W. Barnes, Philadelphia 2rA) 00 toopee & Townsend, Phitailelphis 2-? 1 N. c 7,- odiagivii ifetli:iiiiZziebliii" 250 00 fitmnel Lewig, Allentown 2.03 00 I.llancannon Ifbn Company, Philadelphia DICI 00 4. Flares & Soo — , rhiladeiphia Ifil 00 Jacobs & Bull. Spring Grove Forge 11.1) MI C. D. Robbins & Go., Philadelphia 100 03 J. Clarence Cresson, Philadelphia /GO 00 Thomas I. Potts,Philadelphia 100 00 Saninei Rattle'd Coutesviile Ral 00 Thigh B. Steele, Coatesville 100 00 W. 11. Tiers, Phfludelphin 100 W Sanderson Bros, & Co.. Philadelphia...:...... 100 00 William Dowlin, Downingtown, l'a 00 fe James Goodman, Sadebnry Forge GO (r) Workmen, Sadebory Forge ... 700 l'ark, Brother & Co., Pittsburg, steel 0) 25 Flioinix Iron Co,, paper weights valued at.... la) 00 ISinger lu ,Nimick, & Co ,Pittsburg, steel cannon vaed at 100 CK) Proceeds from minlaturo horse shoes, present ed by 11. burden & bone. Troy, N. Y...... - Total -- i•••• ...... *32, 001 01 • • • • ANDRSW MILEBLEL Chau man. riltiAloißnit,• July 6. : . !gr. INSTRUCTION IN WRITING Book-Keeping, Commercial Calculation., &a., OEITTENDIN'S Commercial College, 637 CHEST NUT St., cor. doventli Aro vacations. Student,' In struated ' , operate' y, and at each boon as may beet and their conrealeere. agrSPIRITUALISITICL-FREE CONFE IIENCBS will he held at 8A IiaO3I.tITREKT BALL, on atINDJY. at lox A. M. and 8P: It. to con sider UlO ouldects of fro mooting, of organiuti ., on, and of sending delegates to. tbo Chicago Conveuiloa. All Utteraated aro invited. 'Adtalmion ftoe. • it' • lay' NOTICE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PHILA.. CHESTNUT AND FRANKLIN STREETS, north side of Chestnut, west of Third,) on and after tar" THE TREASURER OF Tit E SO CIETY for the Roller of Poor and Dtetrethed Marten o•Shipe, In account with the same. for the year outline the Mk day of April, 1661, publiehed by order of the AMOR gore: Dr.—Caelt hallinee 90th of April. 1983 8077. 07 Intereet on Leone received 2.742 49 Dividend on Stocks 246 00 Fines from Muter Warden and dues froth • Members 601 26 $4.4G6 81 Cr.—Cash paid Managers' orders for charlty...s3o72 Oj For Slate of reensylvanla Loan MO 97 Balance 993 94 • $4.4136 SI STAxAnans.—Thos. Slum, John W. Idlorckon, John o:Whither, Andrew D Evano. Enoch Turley, Thee'. (1. Munroe. J ae Horuer, Chas. Brevoort, Michael Moe, Win. Elio nkland. CHAS. DUGAN, Treaournr. Joinv SlcKliEr.En. Secretary. NOTI4IO E.-1110&RD CHF ENROL BENT. FOURTH . DISTRICT, risimk. corner BROAD and SPRING'. GARDEN ands. JUIT 811, ISGI. The Board of guroluient of !hie District aro now en gaged In revising and correcting the Bats of pollens en rolled as liable to do military duty. Persons who bale been Improperly enrolled on ac count of 'Menace. DOD-residence over fatty-five yesra e.; age, manifest bermatteut physical ,Tisahility, or who have terved two years in tho present war, should ap- Pear before the Board, prove the same. and have their names strlcksn from the list. • Any citizen who has n knowledge of any one having escaped t nioanent, and wee is liable to military duty; or of any one is ho his arrived at the age of twenty years since June, Mit or• of :any who have declared their intention to become Citizens, are earnestly invited to COMlencleste such ,Information to the BOARD OF itOI.SIENT. lit order that each persona may be Placed upon the Moto. air It to the interist slid duty of every enrolled etti nen to see that all who have been improperly omitted 7rolll the nett are added. thereto. D. M. LANK. Captain, Provost Manihiki Fourth District. PonasylvAnit. 107. FIRST QUARTERLY REPOR'F OF THE SOURIII NATIONAL BANK OF PHILA DELPHIA. RESOURCES. Loan& and Dtsconnta . . .. . .... _ . Fn rub ore and Fixtures 6,000 CO Expenses 5.776 73 Premium on U. S. Bonds 3,007 33 U. S. Bond deposited to scenre Circulation. • 3),000 00 U. S. Bonds deposited for other purposes—. 00,000 . 00 U. S. Bend on band 62,3r0 00 Lesal-tend or Notes ' 83,500 00 Bills of solvent banks . 12,700 00 • Caeb items 40 32 Due from Banks and Bankers 120,170 to Capital Stock paid in Circulating notes issuod Individ oat deposits Doe to Bank. , and Bankers Discounts and Interest $lO 00 5 00 5 a) 6 00 6 00 6 00 $5115,563 OS I, SAML. J. MAC MITLLAN. Cashier of Fourth Na tional Bank of Philadelphia, do solemnly swear that the above statement to trite. to the beat of my know lo der Had billet E.IMIL. J. MAC WILLA N, Cashier. STATE OF PENNSY DE LVANIA, COUNTY OF PIIILL LPHIA . a al 2 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 6 00 400 1000 10 60 5 03 -0 00 166 00 0 9100 06 00 Sworn to and subscribed before roe this sixth diY of July, ISM. EDW. K. WILLIAMSON, jy7-St Notary Public. Itgr• MONTHLY STATEMENT, 'UNDER • gliE TBIRTY-FOURTH SECTION OF THE NATIONAL CURRENCY ACT. OF THE FIRST NA TIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA: Average atoonat of Loans and discounts for _ • the mot th $ Average amount of other Lawful Money 1,651,000 Average amount. of Depoette 5,655.0 1 Average amount of Circulation 443,000 STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OP PHILA DELPHIA. I, MORTON AIcIIICHAEL., JR., of Philadelphia, do rolemnly rwear tbat the above statement to true to the be.t, of my knowledge and belief. MORTON IfaIICTIAEL, 3n. Sworn to and subscribed before me, thii 6th day of .3111. Y. 1564. EDMUND WILCOX, i3"7-31 Notary Public. 8;80 760 1 16 34 16 04 75 ilgr DEPARTMENT 0F.." 'LABOR, IN. COME. Aa D REVENUE, '? 'GREAT GEN MAL FAIR FOR UNITED bTATES SANITARY COMMlS- SlON.—Committees throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey. and Delaware that have not yet completed their collections of .• One Day's Dese)nr, One Day's income, and One .Day's Revenue." will greatly promote the interei.ts of our Sick and Wounded Soldiers and Sailors, and expedite the closing of our accounts, by doing se at earliest convenience, and remitting the same to JOHN W. CLACIIIORN. Esq., Treasurer, lISSouthSEVENTII Street, Philadelphia. MACGREGOR J. MITCRESON, • Chairman Committee on 0 rganizatlens L. EfOSTOOINERT BOND, • Mrs. Rev. E. W. RorrEtt, !Chaim" 3875 4S 00 3160 100 3 DO 2, 00 11W7OFFICE CITIZENS , VOLUNTEER SUBSTITUTE,COAIMITTEE, No. 4.1.2 PRUNE Street, July 7, 1664. The Citizi us' Volunteer Substitute Committee pro- Wee to assist in raieing troops by aiding citizens in procuring eubstltutes and facilitating the payment of bonuttea, in the following manner: Bore lied citizens who desire to fnrnieb substitutes in advence of the draft will pay the sum or four hundred dollars to the Treasurer, J. 0. Rosengarten, Esq., N 0.412 Prune street, from 10 to 2 o'clock ;receiving hisacknow ledgment that the money will be returned if a certiti • care of exemption is not procured, and giving to him a power of attorney, duly stamped, to collect. the city bounty for the benefit of the substitute. The names of applicants will be registered in the_order of appli cation, and certificates of exemptiod will be procured and fornished in that order. As soon es the certificate is obtained, the principal will be notified through tne Post Office that it le ~ready for delivery on return-of the Treasurer's receipt, a hen the duty of the Committee will cease. The Committee has official assurance that the certifi cates which it will procuredwill exempt the principals for the term specified. The Committee .wilt also endeavor to procnrerepre sentative recruits for citizens not enrolled, on payment of POUR HUNDRED DOLLARS. DANIEL STEINMETZ, Chairman. J. L CLARK HARE,. JOHN T ord.P4ON, CLEMENT B. PENROSE. J. 0. ROSENGARTEN, Treasurer. IIEfiRY C. LEA, Secretary. 1000 6 03 10 (Al 0 CO 3 (Al 8 03 10 00 6 00 10 00 600 Iger OFFICE OF ASSESSOR OF IN TERNAL REVENUE; THIRD DISTRICT OF PFNNSYLYANIA, No. 924 Borth THIRD Street. NOTICE 1S kiERBBY GIVEN, that the liats. value- Dons. and enumerations made itepursnanco of au Act, entitled "An Act to Provide Internal Revenue to So Erh the Government, ano KaLlAtsrintliT o hhtritt i ti . dict l ik — r s Wi l qrAY r 'r d. t uly 6th, awl remain. open until July 19th, inclusive. ' APricals relative to the same will be hoard and de termined dor.ng the five days succeeding the lfith day of July. They should be in writing, tad specify the particular cause, matter, or thing reepecting which a decieion is requested, and should. morever, state the ground or principle of inequality complained of. All testimony will be required to be given tinder oath. No notice can be taken of any appeals presented after the expiration of the published time. AU parties liable to Annual Tax, who may have been omitted by the Assistant Assessors; and who fail to make return to the nissepor, are notified that the nannities of the law will be strlctly enierced. J. ]FETCHER BUDD, JY4-mwszBt U. S. Assessor, Third Dist.. Penna. ar OFFICE OF THE EAT.MISSAL RAILROAD ' COMPANY. No. 424 WALNUT litteet, PHILADELPHIA, July 2, Mt NOTICE TO STOCESOLDBItti —The Board of Direc tors have established a Transfer Agency for the Stock of this Company in New York City SAMUEL KNOX, Poo., Secreta and Treasurer of the Central Railroad Company , of New JerseT, has beau appointed Transfer Agent, aloe 69 WALL, bireet, New 'York. • All Stoehholders wishing the New York Certlllostes In exchange for those they now hold, will present them at this office. T. HASKINS. DU PUY, ' j58.6t • President. 173 00 28 90 60 00 293 00 90 00 80 00 I`Bo 10 00 3,0 00 200 00 2)3 GO 100 00 NSO 00 310 CO 27.500 200 Do 400 00 do do do• do do do do 2 GO • 100 ' 21 05 DELPIIIA. WILT, TRANSACT TITIBTNESS AT MEM NEW BANKING ROUSE. CORNIIR OP TUESDAY, TILE GTII INSTANT MORTON MoMIOHAFL, SE., Cashier LTIBILITIES W'OFFICE OF 7111 E PRESTON COAL AND I.2IPILOVMENT CO., ?Jo. 5 WILLING'S . . • • • • • PRILAPELPIItA, 3t1.119 16, 1964. 'DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Board of Directors of the Preston Coal and Improvement Company have this day declared a QUARTERLY DIVIDEND OF TWO AND ONE-II ALP PER CENT. from the net 6arnings,payable on the sth of July next to parties whose names are re gistered ae the holders on the books of the Company, at the close of business on the .90th day of Jnne instant. Transfer boots close on that day and open on the sth day of July. • Dividends due Stocklioldera in New York and Boston will be remitted hicail or express when requested. NRY D. MOORE, 14318-stuth tjylo Secretary. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH LE ZEREI RAILROAD COMPANY, 320 WAL NUT Street. • riffLADELTRIA, July 6, 1934. The Board At Dlreetors hare this day declared a semi annual'DlVlDEND OF SIX PER MIT, payable ea stud alter July 18. EDWARD ROBERTS. Je, ly7-8t• Treasurer. rir OFFICE OF THE 'UNION IX. PROYEhIENT COMPANY, 320 WALNUT St. PHILADELPHIA, July 6,-166%. The Board of Directors hare this day declared a natal annual DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT., payable on and after July 18. EDWARD ROBERTS JIL J 9 -St* VII/1111iler. NoIICE.—OFICE OF TBx URION DIVIDEND PETROLEUM COMPA F NY. 147 South 'FOURTH Street. The lioard•of Directors have declared a third monthly dividend of ta o oar cent on the capital stock, payable on nullifier the 16th current. . The Transfer Books will be closed on the 13th, 14th, and 16th current. CHARLES A. DUY , jy7-6t President. tat- A Ati:Emma or . TMZ coupos,s, TORS of the SOUTH. MOUNTAIN IRON COM PANY will be held ht No. 230 WALNUT Street, on WEDNISDAY, Inly 13th, at 10 o'clock A. IL, for the Parcae° of organizing agreeably to the charter, and the transaction of mob other buelnees as may be presented. PHILADELPHIA. Tone NI, 1551. 11WOFFICE ORGANIC OIL COMPANY, Zo. 10 PIIILLDELYELLA EXCHA/108. JULY 7th, 1844. The Board of Directors have Ms day declared a diet• dead of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of this Coropanv, Payable on and after 1310 Ind , free of all taxes. Transfer Books closed on Sib; open on 14th. .138-er . ^ • W. C. STILES. Jr.. Treasurer. far , ANNUAL - EXCURSION OF THE ANNUAL. MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION to Ailantio City, FRIDAY. July 16th. 1864. Tickets 111.60. • Ceu be procured ariASHMEAD & EVaNS' ' 724 CHEST NUT Street. Rooms of the Association , 1109 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, and at the wharf on the morning of the excursion. Last boat Mayes Vine-street wharf at 6 o'clock A. M. jyt‘fito IlarlA MEETING OF TILE DEL, F OATES FROM Till WARD BOUNTY FUND CoMMITTEES will be held on SATURDAY EVENING neat, July 9th, in the District Courtßoom, No. 2, at 8 o'clock, • A general attendance Is reaneeted. - • DANIEL STE/NeflITZ, :IS'S 21 President ASIERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT STREET, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FOURTH. • PIIILADRITHIA, July 7 INC. The Trustees have TitlS DAY declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT, out of the profile of the last six months, payable to the Stockholder*, clear of all taxes, on and after the Egli Inst. . JOHN S. WILSON, iYI3-34 , ' • , Secretary. HONEY BRO.= COLL COMPANY. —At a meeting of the - Board of Directors of - the Honey Brook Coal Company held at their Office, No. 209 'W A L N UT Street, Ph I lade] phia, on the ath Instant, a DIVIDEND OF THREE PER CENT., clear of all taxes, was declared out of the earnings of the Company fot the months of May and Jane; payable on and after the 111th of July, at the Office of the Co mrauy: .TORN H. McCREARY, President. The Roney Brook Coal Company was organized by the election of the following Officers end Board ef Directors; President, IVice President, John B. McCreary. Lewis Andenried. Treasurer, Secretary, Darts Pearson. B. McHenry. DIRECTORS. John B. McCreary, I Lewis Andonrled, ' Davis Pearson, Jacob A. Myers, y 7 let Thomas A. Rams. Itgr ' NK OF NOWIU MEND. BANK OF NORTH AMERICA.-JOLT 10661. The Board of Directors have this day declared a DIV.. DEND for the past six months of coven and. one-half Pithcent. clear of all taxes. payable on and after the nth tastar.t. . ' .1. BOOKLEY, jy4 6t Cash*. ligir DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OPTIOE Ol TUE SG BERT 0111 CO. ,147 South FOURTH. SL. second story. PHILADELPRat July I. net The Board of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of 2X per cent. on the capital Ittock of this Compa ny, payable on and after the 9th of July. free of State tax. The books will be closed on the 6th of July at 3 P.M.. and opened on the 9th. WM. M. calm% jy4-6t Treasurer. lar DIVIDEND NIWITCE.—OFFICE 01' THE ROCK OIL COMPANY OF nritisim- VANIA, No. 409 WALNUT Street. rITILADELPII Id t Jnly 6 1864. The Board of Directors bavo thin day declarod a divi dend of THREE PER CENT. ou the capital stock of this Company, payable on and after the 20th of July, fret, of Slate tax. . Tbo Book of the Company will be dozed on tho lab Inst.. at 8 P. M.. end OPODed on Oland. irMbltu tje/a JNO, F. GRUFF, Traiourer. lar" OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE ir struevcs cotiPASY. 400 WA LrftiT tlt.. Pott.Aost.PitiA, July 11, 431'4. The Diroctore hex() this day declared a. Dirldund of THREE. PER CENT. on the Capital Stook of the Om pony for tbo lest Mx months, pny j on deinaull, tali of A ll taxes. - CHAS. FOSTER, jy6-12t Beorouary. OFFICE. NOMMEN= IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, IR CEDAR Street, NEW "i! WEE, Jane 10, UAL NOTICE to hereby given that, pc•risaant to a rosolu lion of the Board of Directors, an I:itre:meat of TWEN TY PER CENT. on the sebscriptlon to the Capital Stock of th e SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA ba t and hereby I. cores payable to JAMES WADSWOWIR, Treasnrer of Bald Company, on or before the 18th day of JulynexL jelS•tiylB Attila: T. M. TYNO. Oscrstary. Itgr. DIVIDEND NO'FICE.—OFFICE OF THE !Hifi EItAL OIL COMPANY, 5:64 IVAL MIT Street, Philadelphia, June 28 15d4. The Board of Directore have thin bag declared% divi dend of ONE rEli CENT. on the cnoital stock of thin company, payable on and after the full. of July, free of State tax. • The trenefer hooka 1011 be cloPed on the let of ..T17.17,nt 9 P. 11., end be opened on the 9th. TIIO9. B. SEARLE. Secretor/. TINE SIJMNIIEII AN NA AN D TIDE* WATER CANAL COMPANIES here Melt Mace at No. 417 WALNUT Strad, Boom No. 4. The "Transfer Agency " of these Companies, hereto fore in South FOURTII Street, has been removed to the office of the Companies, at the place shove stated. 1e27 90t OrTELEGRAPH ISOTIOK.—TitE mom) NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA, at FILAIINFORD, would give notice that, having effected au arrangement with the INDEPENDENT TELEORA NI LINE, a TELEGRAPH OFFICE is now open al the BANK, for the accommodation of the pub lic, connecting FRANNFORD with all telegraphic 'mints Diet. West, North, and South. Philadelphia mesmigem sent and received at a rato,ao low that persona valuing time and money will lied tele graphing cheaper than anyother method of do.patch. WILLIAM H. RHAWN, Cashier. OFFICES. No, 412 Chestnut street, .0., South Third street. • No. 204 Walnut street, Merchants' Excbangb hierchantai Hotel, fin-fit) Second National Saute., fgarOFFICE OF TILE FAME imscr- RidicE CORPANT. rim 400 cusstutur Street. PlI/LADELPHIA, July &b. 1S(14. at. a rem tlng of the Board of Directors of the Fame In surance Company. held this day, adlvldend of THREE I'ER CENT. was declared, payablo on demand. clear of all texoq. • W. I. BLOWLIARD, „i35-12t Secretary. OFFICE OF TOE BRIGGS . OIL COMPANY, 147 South FOURTR Street. Pn,t.anxi.pnia, July 1, UM. The Board of Directors have title day declared tho drat monthly dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable, clear of U. E. and State taxes, to the Stockholders on the 6th biet. The Transfer Books will he clu=ed on the 6th, 6th, and 7th ipot. jy2.6t A. F. SABINE. President. garTUE EXTRA VETERAN BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION will mast on MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS. at 6 o'clock Y. M. to receive applications, at No. 7 Goldsmiths' Rail, LI BRARY Strect,intmcdintely in the rearof the Post Mho. Families Interested will please call at that hour only. E D SAUNDERS, Chairman. EDWIN ORIOLE, JONATHAN BULLOCK. 0. W. SIMONS, PAUL J. YIELD.. . . . $1 , t.1.870 $503,665 63 PHILADELPHIA., JIIVY 0TH,1884. A Special Meeting of the °Mors aim:Ma with the MtIICIHANTS' REGIMENT' WILL BE HELD ' • •• • . ;•tias (SAVIRDAT ) MORNING, at 11 o'clock. • At No. MO MARKET Street. . FOR TRH PURPOSE OF REORGANIZING. • CHAR. L. GILLESPIB, Secretary. $74,140 00 16,003 00 346,612 01 67,8)7 62 2,216 97 A HEADQUARTERS DEPART:. !HEN? OF THE SUSQUEHANNA. NAURISDIfitiI. July ft, 1061. GENERAL °BOB HS, NO. SS. accordance With authority from 'the President of the United States, and the proclamation of the Governor of Pennsylvania, dated Harrisbary, July sixth (6), 1034, I hereby call for one thousand (I,OIXO mounted men for special service They must be rood rtdsrs and gallant mon, and mutt furnish their own horses and eqnip ments, for the use of which they will receive forty (40) cents per day each, and be paid for those actnally lost in th e service at the price entered on the muster rolls. The United states Government will furnish clothing, snbsistence, and forage. All those responding to this call are requested to assemble, at HArrisburg without delay for company and regimental organization. Ap plication for transportation must be made to Captain J. G. JOHNSON. A. Q. M.. mid Chlef4l Al. of the Depart ment of the Susquehanna, at USWltititirit, By command of Mejnr (ienersi Coach. JOHN S. SCHULTZE,-Asst. Adjt, Gen. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE SUbQUERANKA. uutanoto, Pa., July 5,1981. CIRCULAR. The twelve thousand (12,0;0) men being raised in put , suanco of the proclamation of the Governor of Penn sylvania' dated at Harrisburg , July 6, MK for the defence of the State. will be. mustered into the United States service for One hundred (10) days, unless sooner discharged. to serve in Pen nsylvania, Maryland, Wash • ingtou and vicinity, as the safety and protection of the State may require. All responding to the call west of Johnstown and the Laurel Hill range of mountains will report to the com :mending officer, Camp Reynolds, • near Pittsburg, Pa. All east of that line, and west of and including Head ing, I's., will report to the commanding oMcer, Cemp Curtin at Harrisburg. All east of Heading and that line will report to the commanding olilcer, Camp Cad walader, Ptiladelphla. Companies, if possible, should be formed before start ing for the camp of rendezvous. Upon application of the commanding officer of a squad consisting of not less then eight (3) men, or a company, to the agents of the different railroad companies throughout the State, t ram. portation to the camp of reudezvons will be furnished. Hy command of Mawr General Couch:. JOHN S. SCHULTZE. Assistant Adjutant General. i ti st, ATTIINTION! PHILADELPHIA On lON ARTILLERY.—The Campanili tee been accepted as a Battery of Artillery by the Oo vernor,and recrnits are now received at the Armory, BROAD Street, .below Race. 1001)ao Service. 00 Bounty. Captain A. J. FITZWATER, First Lieut. B. L. MATLACK: Second Lieut. J. O.IV. xiustortyrri. ATTENTION,'.:OO.. E. -;BLITIV.RE SERVES. —Members - aid all Mimi's - willing tiiii -1 ilx•Dd to the call of Ole Governor, will meet at the istnorr. Sert CHESTNUT Street, (Fourth Story) on 'SATURDAY. 9th instant, at 8 o'clock. P. M. • WM:IVIES, Oaptti a. 708. J, BABCOCN, 0. S. ' ' ieS-20' .1 NATIONAL GUARD REGIMENT. O.F. HUNDRED DAYS' BERVICL RECRUIT' WANTED.—Citizans rally to the de- fence of) our State and our Country's cease. All the officers 'have seen service. llendgriartere RACE Street, below Sixth. • jy7-St. !OFFICE CITY BOUNTY CUALIIIS— TeNC;it/;°i3 0 412 PRttNE_ Street. —SUBSTITU f ES. will borate iiri4lA..H. Hundred re. and Fifty Dollars delphte,-iu. advance el:the-draft. put in three i'mq . eubstilules not liable to draft. and ProPeruredit le given upon the quota of their districts.. IT citizens not enrolled pat in substitutes, the itubiti tute is regarded as a volunteer, and on a proper evidence of his being credited is entitled to the bounty. The opptwtnnity is thus afforded for citizens to aid the cause, while procuring exemptions for themselves and assisting the city to fill its quota. - jy-1.3t NOTICE.L-HEADQUARTERS PRO VOST MARSHAL SECOND DISTRICT. PHILABP.I.P)II4, Jnne 29th, Mt Tbe Lists of Persons enrolled as liabte to do . Mili tary duty are now befog revised and correoted• • Persons who are improperly enrolled on account of allenage, non-residence, (cer forty-lire years of age,or permanent physicardisabill tr, grould appear before the Board, prove she same, and have their names stricken off the list. Civil officers, clergymen, and all otherprominent da ms, ,ho know of persons who have arrived at twenty years or age since 'Enrolments, June, 1653; of those whose names were omitted by the proper enrolling offi cers; aliens who have declared their intentions to be come citizens; persons discharged from the military and naval service of the United States, who have war, care in each service two 'years during the presnit war, are in .vlted to appear before the BOARD OF ENROLMENT and give such Information io thcirpossesaion as may aid. in the correction and revision cf the Lists. EDWIN PALMER, 3y4-121 Capt. and Prov.llarshal Second Diet., Pa. 11EADQUAIITERS PROVOST MAR- . SHAL, 'FLEW DISTRICT. PA: PRILADELPITIA, .711110 5, 11364:- The names of persons removing to or from this District will be added to or stricken from the lists of enrolment. Copies of the Hits are open for reblic inspection, and civil officers and all citizens are invited to appear and point out errors in the lista and giresach information as may aid in the correction and revision, thereof. Any Person enrolled may appear before the Board and claim to have his name Stricken off the lint If ha can show satisfactorily that he is not properly enrolled. on account of elliettage, Nan residence. Over-age, Permanent Physical Dtsabli tip. A compliance with the foregoing suggestions Is ear nestly so li cited. WM. /rt. LEHMAN. iegg.tf Captain and Provost Marshal. SPECIAL NOTICE <TT TEEE.-HOLD ERS OP SMALL 7-30 U. S. TREASURY NOTES. SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES, or the denomination Or Stri and 100 s, can now be converted in BONDS OF THE LOAN OF 1881. Of the same denomination. For information apply at the office of JAY COOKE kR: Co., Bankers, 114 South THIRD Street; Phil THREE (3) TEARS' SEVEN-PER -a- CENT. LOAN . OF. THE BOROUGH OF SCRAN TON Lnzerne county. Pennsylvania. Coupons pay able in the City of. Now York. 'l be nndereigned will receive propomile until the TWKISTIETR DAY OF JULY.instant, for the purchase of 675.000 of the Bonds of the Borough of Scranton, issued by virtue of a special Act of Assembly of the Legislature of Penney Iva Ma. entitled " An act to autho rize the raising of money and payment of bounties to Volnnteets in the Borough of Bunton, in the county of Lucerne." These Bonds draw interest at the rats of SEVEN PER CENT. per annum, payable on the Ant dap of JDNE and DECEMBER in each year: in the City of New York:' The principal is reimbursable in three years from the Ent day of June, 1884. The bonds are exempt from all State and local taxa tion. A tax sufficient to pay one half the amount of the loon has been already levied. Address J. C. PLATT, Treasurer, SCRANTON, Lu cerne county, Pennsylvania . . . .1. ROBINSON. THOMAS DICKSON, .1. C. PLATT, jy9-10t Cosiimitawionere of Bounty Fantl,Seranton._ ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER Wt. IcRILLL'S OFFICE, rIITLADELPITTA. July-9, IBM. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this race. until 12 o'clock hi., on TUESDAY. the 12th of July. 1864, for Ike delivery at the United States Storehouse. 11ANOVER.STREST WILABF, of the following LUM BER: 80,000 fact of Coffin Boards, X inches, planed on one aide. . • %COO feet of Ceiling Boards, Y inches, planed on ono aide -3.()C0 feet of Panel Boards, 1 inch. planed on ono side. All of the above described to be good marohautable Lumber, subject to the inspection of an inspector AP .pointed on the part df the Government. All of the Lumber to be dolly' red - .vithin fifteen days from date of contract. • Tie abilitv of the bidder to 1111 the contract, should it ho awarded to him, must-be guaranteed by two reepon nible pogrom , , whose signattnes are to bu appeatied to the guaranty. • The right is reserved to !eject all bids deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will bo received. Bidders will .state price: both in writing and figures, the quantity of each kind bid for. and for farther infor mation will call at the Oflice.•No. 1139 011tAltD Street. By order of Colonel George If. Croatian, Assistant _Quartermaster General U. S. A. • jy9 3t GEO. R. ORME, Capt. and A. Q. M. A - - - lIDITOR'S NOTICE.-ESTATE OF ANN HENDRICKS, late of Lower Salford town. ship, Montgomery county, deceased . - The undmigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' , Court of Montgomery county to distribute the .batanco lu tbo hands of Jacob M. Hendricks and Jacob Cassel, administrators of the estate of said decadent, to and among those legally entitled to the same, hereby gives notice to the creditore and tho heirs of said decedent that he will so teud to the duties of his appointment:at his cideo, No. 3AI RY Street, I n the borough of NOR. •IIItiTOWN, said county,'on WEDNESDAY, the 27th of JULY, A. L. 3664, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all. persons interested are required to attend. prepared _ to substantiate their claims. FRANKLIN MARCH, • 3)0 "12 19 26-4 t Auditor. r VIIMER'S' $l.OO COLORED PHOTO -Lai, GRAPHS' are aptly gutted to the times, saturate. Aurable and cheap, and In great demand, at hla vopalar Gallery, SECOND Street. above Green. • lt* aARTES DE . "BITE, OF ALL - STYLES, tasteful soul pretty, clear. Melina, and accurate: Patronize B. F. REIMER'S Gallery, 624 ARCH Street, and wears flee pictures Go early. O ' WHISKY. BBLS.-50. AND 20 •-• hell-bble Pure OLD EYE WHISKY. 100 IH)le So Pure OLD MONONGAHELA. Fr RalMe ID ky F.. P. DLSTON, - Haab FRONT street. IkACHII 4 ERY OI _..-100 BARRELS PAILMIND DIAC . IIIIIzEnt. otI A ; In atom and for sale br . EDW. El. ROWLEY. ..1.0 South MI./MARE Avenue. THE ,PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, SATUIIDAY, JULY 0, 1864. MILITARY. FINANCIAL. PROPOSALS. I[,E(~IAL.., =TAIL DRY GOODS. CIVIL ADD ARMY CLOTHS: DIIDDLESZA 04 LIGHT MIMS: ALL GRAMS friRK SLUES. 34 AND 04 INDIGO FLANNELS:. 24 AND 6-4 HINE OASSIMERES. AND 11-4 DoEstrics.' "Via. STOCK OF OhOTHS. •/JO. DO. COATINGS. DO. DO. OASSIfiERES. BILLIAED AND BA:ohtlti.LE °Louis FOR ooNoilarteictits. ALL KINDS TRIMMINGS, W. T. SNODGRASS, Jyt-1m 34 &SECOND and 33.STRAAVIDERRYB GOOP - ER & CONARD. AMERICAN CASSIMEPSES. SCOTCH FANCIES, SILK-MIXED COATINGS, wirrrg, BAREGE . SHAWLS; MAN SOME MANTIES, STAPLE DRY. GOODS. Ninth and Market. mywhteliank Ire,XAM.NE OUR 'LAWNS: Lawns, brown ground, neat figured, 440. Lawns, whlto ',mound. neat Awed, 4.t0, Burkahark and Bath Towels, Jargeinesortmoca. Bird's Eye Lluea Towels. Extra stm Damask Towels. Shetland Wool Shawle for tourists, $5. Batting Flannels red and gray. iyS JOHN B. STOESS. 702 ARCH Street • 81 . 38 Int D .lis II S BLE AND TWIST CA85151.386.4 $1.386.4 Wide Dark Mixed Heavy Tweeds. Low-priced:mad fine Citeeimeres. No advance in Summer Stock. /Anon Drills and Duck. Superfine White Dock and Drills. Superb Stock Wont ene In. WILLIAMSVILLE. New York mills and other good makes Moans, by tbe piece or yard. S Ide !Meetings by the piece. Best old standard makes Unbleached Muslin& Flannels, Ticklnge, Checks, Stripes, Am. Towels and Towelings. Damask Table Linens, Napkins.: FANCY SHIRTING FLANN C ELS. . .. • . • COOPER St ONA.RD, /77 • S. E. corner NINTH and MARICET Streets. RUCK . BILKS. BLACK BILKS. ••••. • • NO. ADVANCE IN PitICES. We areetill selling our Black Silka at the same prices as we did early in the season, notwithstanding the oent ad VIM COS. MANTLE SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. • Plain Silks, alreolors, $1.30 to $5.75. Fancy Silks, $l , to $2.50. Rich heavy, handsome Fancy Silks, $2.67 to $6.30. Rich Chaska Silks, at 42.87 g, worth $3.60. Rich ta at $3. s4. " " " t $4.75, " 14.50. at $575, $7. • 10 pieces small Plaid Silks, at SI.7A . north 61.60. R. STEEL & SON, • apßft tf Noe. 713 and 775 N. TENTH Street. WHITE BAREGES FOR SHAWLS, 8-4 ciretuamik.. 8-4• W bite Hernant. 8-4,Wbite Gauze Blares. B.4'White Crape ?Urals. 8.4 Black Hcruaul Bareges. 8-4- Black Tamartines. 8-4 Black Bareges. - -8-4 Black Crape Mardi: ' 8.4 Black De-Laiues. 8-4• White Merinoee. 6.4 Black Northam EDWIN HALL & CO., 630 26 South SECOND Street. VMAIL DE PARIS," . FOR THE BNlN.—This delightful preparation is espe cially recommended to ladies about visiting the country or sea shore, for removing the discolor:thong caused by sunburn or salt air. The "Email de Paris" is en dorsed anti nuts crsally used by the ladles of the. French capital. EUGENE JOUIN, No. 1.11. 8. TENTH Street, below Chestnut. Agent for used de Paris. ie23-Imif TIAERIS' . MIXED CABSDI.ERES. Light mixed Caesimeres, for bops' suite. Melton sad Plaid Cassimeres. Merino Cassimeres and Cashmeretts. Linen Drills, Satinets. and Cottonades. Ladies' Cloaking Cloths, choice shades. Loom and Damask Table Linen, cheap. Towels, Towelling, and Napki ns. Large assortment at • JOHN R. STORES', e 7 702 ARCH Street. 1024 CHESTNUT &THEIST. The attention of LADIES VISITING THE CITY, or those about LEAVING IT for .• Watering Places," or • the Conntry," is respectfully invited to the extensive stock of WRITE GOODS, suitable for SUMNER WEAR, for WRITS BODIES, AIORNING WRAPPERS, &c. An extensive assor tment Le offered in Lace and Worhed Edzings and Inserting's, Veils, andherehiefs, Collars, Sleeves;and main and bury Plaid, Ftriped, and Figured White Goods, AT PRICES MU GS BELOW THEIR PRESENT RETAIL VALUE. 1W Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. Idloo pi a. ece.; Puffed. Tucked, and Striped u alin E. M. NEEDLES: 101 , -1 , 14:i;z4v4ii0ah4;0:44 LiAALIA:4.4I4:Z.V.t.WO INTERN.I4/ REVENUE WE HATE IM PRESS END SHALL SOON PUBLISH A NEW 'EDITION: ' OP B OUT* ELT-2 S MANUAL or rxtz • EXCIS;E - M - 141 7- Based upon the Act of Congress of Stine 30th, 1364. The 'naval will contain a Complete Index, Tables, Schedules, Decisions, and Rulings and Notes for the guidance of Officers of the Revenue and Business Men, and is the only AOOIOATE WORK. LITTLE, PRO ct CO. jyo-stuth3t 110 WASHINGTON Street, Boston: JUST PUBLISHED-OUR BOYS. The Personal Experiences of a Soldier in. the Army of the Potomac.. By A. P. Mix of the thh Pennsyl. yenta 'Reserves, with characteristic frontispiece. cloth. Price Man. The antbor of this deeply interesting volume has passed through some of the moot desperate .and sanguinary battles of the war, in one of which he lost a leg, and thus remains a cripple for life. With the modesty of a noble spirit,: and the gallantry of a true soldier, he neither aske nor would receive charity at the hands of the public. His book, however, will amply repay perusal by all who love the castes of their country. The poblisher gives it to the world for the author's benefit (who retains the copyright and-profits of the publica tion, and believes au appreciative public will gladden' the soldier's heart. Send on.yunr orders for the book. Single eolith's will be sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of price, 51. M. Liberal thrice made with. agents and the trade. Address all orders to JOIIiV E. POTTER, Publisher, 61 617 SANSO3I Street, Phila.tEl NEW SUMMER. BOORS. " I (JUST PUBLISHED BY CARLETON.) L A WOMAN'S PHILOSOPHY OF WOMAN—Bela y an answer to - .Ilielsolee's famous works " Lore (1. Amour)" and "Woman (La Femme)." Translated from the celebrated French work recently' published in Brussels, whore the excitement about it le so groat. 12m0., cloth, $1.60. • IL OUT IN THE WORLD—An excellent and earnest /4T lgit written.onewShadowed v ‘ ~.o 8 ; ARTHUR U author of cloth, $1.60. 111. FIOTSPUR—A New Novel, by M. T. WALWORTH author of " Lulu. " One handsome 12mo.fcloth bona. Price IV. CHARLOTTE BRONTE AND MISS EIVLOCH:-- New, elegant -12m0., cloth -bound editions (with an 11- lust-tation) of the beet novels, by these famous anthore, embracing JANBEY RH, JOHN HALIFAX, VILLETTS. SHIRLEY, and LLFS FOR A L.IFE, roc. v.OO, • • . . V. DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT—A splendid Nevi Novel, by Kra. MARY J. 1101.31E5, author of "Lena Elem." ".Tempest and Sanshine," &c. 12nt0., cloth, $1.50. • freeo are sold everywhere, and will be sent by mall , Ott receipt of prise, by ORO. W. CARLETON. 3e22-watt „ Publisher, Now York. A . SHMEAD Bo EVANS, Successors to - WILLIS P. HAZARD, -7 . 21 CHESTNUT Street. Have received SAVAGE AFRICA. By W. Wimmood. Beade, With illuatrations and map. COUSIN P 1111.1.18. A Tale. Jag out. GUIDE BOOK OF THE NEW JERSEY CENTRAL R. R. With& map and handsome illustrations. MACARIA. By Augusta J. Evans, author of " Beu lah. " Thegreat • Southern Novel, reprinted froorthe Ricbmondadition. CHRONICLES OF THE SCHONBERG COTTA FAMI LY. • FLuo edition on. tinted _paper. Ono of the best works ever issued. Everybody should read it. LINNET'S TRIAL. A Tale. By the author of "Twice Lost," . • HOTSPUR. A Tale of . the 011 Dutch Manor. By Walworth. author of "Lulu.'. '• ME TARSIER BOY, and How he Became Lieutenant General. •-By Major Penniman. DENISE. By the author of -" Mademoiselle Mori." 2 vole. 177 &TEW WORK BY ROBERT DALE OWEN. Will be published early in duly, in a handsome 1N)• lame, large duodecimo, a new work, entitiod . THE WRONG OF SLAVERY, • THE RIGHT- OF•EACANC/PaTION. • ANTI THE FUTURE. OF THE AFRICAN RACE IN THE UNITED STATES, By the Hon . Robert IlialelOwen. In one vol 12mo Price $1 25. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, iyd-wfs3t Philadelphia. NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS SAVAGE AFRICA, being the narration of a tour in Equatorial, Southwestern, and Northwestern Afri ca, with illustrations snd map, by W Winwood Ronde. CHRONICLES OF THE SCLIONBERG-COTTA FA MILY. -By two of themselves. New flue edition. GUIDE BOOK, for the Central . Railroad of New Set aey and its connections, through the coal fields of Penn sylvania. GOOD FOR EVIG, and other etorloo for the yonng,by A. L. O. E. AGTAR INCENSE, being Morning 'Watches, Evoning Incense, and Altar Stones, by J. R. Mactlnff. ' DISTORT OP FREDERICK THE SECOND, called Fredorick the Great, by. Thomas Carlyle, four volumes, gold separately, • For salebY ,Wll. 8.. A ALFRED MARTIEN, • ' . 600 CHESTNUT Street: NEW. MEDICAL BOOKS. •A• TANNER'S NEW MANUAL' OP PRACTICE. A new enlarged WYTRE'S POCKET DOSE AND SYMPTOM BOOK. Fourth edition, revised. PPLLER OR RHEUMATISM. A now reilEad edi t'. • ce. . . BYTORD ON TEE UTERUS. BAUER'S ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY.' _1 CHEW'S LECTURES•ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. A NEW MEDICAL CATALOGUE; • oleseilled and priced, furnished grat4 upon apOcaiinn. ' • . LINDSAY. & BLARISTON, . jeW , . AG South SIXTH Street., APPLETON'SjiEW AMB.RIOA./ 4 1 CYCLOPEDIA. • . - . The Annoy for this invaluable Library of 'Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street second story. AIso,'ERGOEH' OP 'PRE REBELLION. By. Frank Moore. • COTTON •SAIE, DUCK , AND-.04:1VA.E. • -*of all °timbers and brands. -** ' Eaven'a Duck Awning Twills,.of all'ileecriptlone, for Tants, : Awnings; T r unk and Wan Covers. : '—Abso'Paper Manufacturers' Dri e r g Felts, from 1 to' 6 cost wide. Tarpaulin, Bolting. Sail Twlue dwg'' • ' MEIN W. . 3 2 1 7i.RMANE• 3079-2 ' • • ' • ..109 0/122! ' . .LIF E-B IZE ,PIIP T O !. PI EES' IN .:0 .. I L Colors aelPortialts; ie nrequaled IC P. RAl mEws gnar l ier : 4g; r , xeentlos them, renders thenCia- Yelegais. 050K1)114944.. os*Axionatrint. .u. RESORTS. COLUMBIA HOUSE, tiAi ) t MAY. FON THE SEA-SHORE. Tintaucx rx 1 1 W.0 11.017R3. UNITED STATES HOTEL; •• • •.• • • • .. • • ATLANTITCITY, N. 3., IS 110 i/ OPEA'OIi TRE 7 4ECEPTION OP GrEETS, . . . . .Traina IenTa•VIII&STREaT PERRY daily atl3lL. M., 2 and Up:I!. M.. Teregurl2tvcr.week:.ors3.G.V . .perday. DitaVkllst" cfs 3*.if>trLPPEit, jynm : PROPRIETORS, SUMMER. RESORT.—BitOAD -T 0'1 3 MOUNTAIN HOUSE.—Thin romantic epot can Bo reached daily by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad to Huntingdon, thence by the Broad-Trip. Railroad via Dudley. Excnr,lun Tickets are leaned at hatt the VBllOl Nate, which are good until the fret of October. F Tan c s i —sl .a o co r i w n e n k d allpoenr e d. ay OM. Children and servants half mice. For further particulars add ITU . C. AI. AMMON D & CO.. Efanagera. jytilm Broad-Top City. Huntingdon Co., Pa. 11R1GANTINg lIOCJSE, BRIGAN TINE BEACH, N. J. p. nirril, Proprietor. This /arse and commodloue Hotel le now open for the reception of visitors. Persons deeirone of visiting the sea-shore will fled this one of the most desirable places for excellent Bathing. Fiehina. Gunning, .ttm Sitaa. tion, three miles from Atlantic City, and commnolca tiun from Philadelphia twice a day, via Camden and Atlantic Ballroad. poets will be In readiness at the Inlet, on the arrival of the trains. to convoy grAiad to H the otel. • Terme moderate. For further Informption address the proprietor. .p,PHRATA , MOUNTAIN • SPRINGS— This POpnlar Summer Resort will be opened for the season Juno2oth, 1864. The undersigned begs leave to call the attention of his friends and the public in general to this magnificent and well-known establish ment, which, though having undergone a change of proprietors, will be continued nuder the new adminte lration with greatly improved advantages, and in tressed facilities for health and pleasure. From his valuable experience, the proprietor fee's warranted In astatine the public that ovary depart ment of the establishment will bo conducted to the en tire satisfaction of all. The facilities fur railroad communication with the Ephrata Mountain Springs are well known: FROM RALTIMORE—Nesthern Central Railroad.— The 9.20 A. 31. train, via York, WrightevWe, and Co lumbia. arrives at the Springs at 3.30 P. M. FROM PRILADEL emit—central Pennsylvania Rail road.-The 11.20 A. M. train, changing care at Landis ville, affives at the Springs at 3.30 M. READING RAILROAD.—The 5.16 T. A. AL train arrive, at the Springs at 12 N. FROM NEW YORK—New Jersey Central via Easton and Reading .— Thee A. M. train (Jersey City) arrives at the Springs at 12 M. JOAN W. PRBDBRICK, Proprietor. N. -B.—A Sue LIVERY attached to the establish- Merit. nREBBON SPRINGS.-THIS DE LIOBTFUI; SUMMER RESORT, located on the Summit of the Allegheny Mountains, 2,900 feet above the level of the sea, will be open for the reception of vleitore on the 16th day of June. 1864 and will be kept open until the let of October. The buildings connected with this establishment are of a enbstantial and comfortable character. The water and air possess superior attrac tions. The cool forests and dry and bracing atmosphere contribute to the pleasure of those .who seek relief from the oppreeetvenese of the sultry air.of thickly populated towns and cities. The grounds,- walks, &a.% have been highly improved,_and are of a varied end picturesque character. A line" Band has been engaged for the season. Ample facilities for bathing have been provided. The subscriber intende to spare no pains to render it iq every aspect as comfortable and attractive as possible, and hopes. by his long experience in the hotel bnsiness, to anticipate and supply the wants of the public. The railroad connections of Cresson enable him to obtain supplies „for the table not only from the surrounding !reentry but from both the Philadelphia and Pith:there markets. There is at Cresson Springs a Telegraph Office. and two daily mulls from Philadelphia and Pittsburg and intermediate points. Tickets (good for the rennd trip) from Philadelphia can be had at the- *Mee of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. For further information, address G. W. MULLIN, Jels-Im Cres on Springs, Cambria county, Pa. CONGRESS HALL ATLANTIC CITY. —I would respectfully inform my friends and the public that .1 have again taken CONGRESS HALL, this being the third year, and have made every Preparation for the' coming season; the house being enlarged, remodelled, new furniture the chamber. with Spring Beds, &c.,&c., and will accommodate Tour Hundred Guests. You will And no better place than CONGRESS HILL; it is the nearest to the ocean of -any of. the large houses of Atlantic City, being bat 100 yards from the Beach, thus preseatinglltself an advan tage to the public. There cannot be any better bashing than Atlantic this summer; the Saud Bar, that was such a great draw-back last season , has all been swept away by the high tides of last winter, forming itself the beet Bathing Surf on the Atlantic! Sea Board. HINKLE. There is an excellent Band of Music engaged. ' Attached is a Splendid Billiard Room. . Jeli-bst TEE WRITE HOUSE, LOOATBD ON' Massachusetts aTenne, between the Ocean and Rail road. at ATLANTIC CITY, is now prepared to nice. Iva visitors.- The proprietor, thankful for past liberal imp• port, pledgee himself to spare no efforts that will contri bute to the happiness of his patrons. and secure for them the comforts of a home at the sea-side For information, address WM. WHITEHOUSE.. je2d• swSt Atlantic City. jOtEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS. A.. This popular Summer Resort is now open,and pre pared for the reception-of viaitore, until October 11,0Xt. The Hotel twill be tinder the charge of the moat ell* danced management in the country. The Bedford Railroad has been finished to within one hours' ride of Springs, over fine Turnpike road. Visitors will come by Pennsylvania Railroad to Hunt ixtgdon, thence by Broad Top and Bedford through. Ample arrangements have been made to supply deal ers and individuals with the BEDFORD WATER, In well-steamed casks, as follows: For Barrel, oak (40 gal). 49 00 " Half Barrel, oak 2 00• 44 44 • mulberry 4 00 All orders addressed to E. L. ANDERSON, Bedford, promptly filled. Persona Aldan rooms, or m Information about • place, will address ESPY L. AND ERSON. lea-2m UNITED STATES HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. JOHN WSST, PROPRIBTOU, 113eir leave to call the attention of their friends and the public to the above magnificent Establishment. which will be open for the reception of visitors on the 16th of June. tilli - E'LnaltsaktvaniMm MtgeilikKglops , II eon- Bed Rooms, all handsomely tarnished with new find: hire throughout. The Proprietors of thin Establishment will spare no are or expense to meet the wants of their guests, thereby hoping to share liberally in the pnblle ans. Image. • Application for 2001q6 made to the ecbealbers, teller to Cape island, will receive a prompt reply. • Set-6wWEST & 311 LIAR. I . OIIMERCIAL 11.0IISE, • -' • CAFE ISLAND, NEW :TERM, Is now open for the reception of Visitors. Every effort will be made to make the guests of the house eom• fortable. Terms moderate. For Booms. &a., apply at A. BEROFELD'S rest de.nce, No. 253 South TWELFTH street, jy7-.12t . . J. S. BROWN 3: CO. CL i CLARENDON," ATLANTIC -A-. CITY, is now open for the accommodation of hoarders: ''Phis house is situated in a central part of the Island, and every room in the house commands a Lae view of the sea. The bathing never was bettor. ' • SAKES JEKKIIIS, M. D. Ii'ELIBLE WHITE SULPHUR a SPIIINGS.—Tha Proprietor takes pleasure In an nonricing that this favorite and fashionable Watering Place in now open for visitors. The personal and un divided attention of the proprietor will be given to the wants and comforts of his elitists. . N. W. WO ODS, Proprietor._ gA: B. BATIIING.;;-NATIONAVICALL, K- 1 CAPS ISLAND. Cape ray, N. J., is now open for the reception of hts numerous guests. Terms moderate. Shlldreu under 12 years of age *.nd servants half price. Superior accommodations and ample rem for.two hundred persona. .• AARON GARRETSON, .ie2d-3n Proprietor. , VINIT-Eol7l3t`" COTTAGE, :ATLANTIC CITY. N •• . • - /MEM HOllBll TO THE BELCH. . This ileell•known house is now open for the reception of Boarders. Bathing never was bette r. . J. woorozr, Proprietor. T TNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG Zig - to InguTßAkrAh:pirogr, (WESTER . COUNTY HPIJSE, AT. 44 LANTIC CITY, N. J. —This priiate BOARDING. goDER (always open for Boarders), is now fatly ar ranged for the accommodation of Summer visiters The situation is one of the best on the Island, being In full view of the Ocean, and near excellent bathing ground. InrBl-2in JACOB KSIM, Proprietot. • OROCEREES. ARCHER & W HOLESALS GROCERS, Icc: CS North WATER Street, sad ' No. 46 North DELAWARE Avenue. Offer. for sale. at the Lowest Market Prices, a. large stock of suokß, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES_ TOBACCO. And Groceries gen/tall! carefully selected for the tonntrg trade. Sole Agents for the products of FITHIAN & POGUE'S Extensive Fruit Canning Factory at Bridgeton, N. J. ap26-6m MACKEREL, HERRIPICi SEW), cto. 01 —2,500 bids. Mass. Noe. I, 2, and S Maakeielaate sanzlit fat 116 b, in }lnserted packages. • 2,(0 bbla. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax ll•erring. 2,600 boxes Luba., Sealed, and No. 1 Berriag. lan bbla new Ideas Shad. 230 boxes Aerial:us: Gaunt/ Chatis,_&e., In store and for .sale by MURPHY & KOONS,_ , 2110. 146 NORTH WHARVES- picKLEs.-100 BBLS. PICKLES IN a- VINEGAR. . 60 belt able. Pie&les in Vinegar. . Also, Wee-geßon and Sve.gallon kegs do. 'tor sale by ERODES & WILLIAMS, 107 South WATER Street. A ZILIID TO.,TBE PUBLIC). .6 4 0NGRES - S.PRIN.G. we.TER DvoT, 9s CEDAR STREET, NEW YORE. SARATOGA. July, 1863 An atten)pt has been made to deceive the public by persons offering what they call ' CONGRESS WATER." rom formtailne, - and at the price of six.(6) cents per glass The wholesale Price of the genuine CONGRESS WA TER, at New Tork. being about 9,X cents per glass, the imposition of pretending to Sell at retail at less than sort, and without allowance for freight, cattage,. or breakage, la apparent; but their probable course bas been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water into a fountain lilted with their trash, end. thereby christening its total contents. We have never sold CONGRESS WATER in fountains. nor in vessels of any other description than ordinary. sized glass bottles. The .eork of every bottle of the genuine is branded. And any without CONGRESS those words and lettere on tile cork a. & w. ootarrznpErr— wATR i t. 'lain ofbottles. CLARICE & WHITE. Proprietors of Congress Spring wbelher from form- The following gentlemen aro supplied by no rogalarly with genuine CONGRESS WATER in bottles, freeh from the Congress. Spring:" FRED'H. BROWN, cor. Fifth and Chestnut eds. • 0. B. HUBBELL,- 1410 Chestnut at. J. C. TURNPENNY & CO., 941 Spruce et. THOS. J. HUSBAND, nor. Third and Spruce eta. STEVENS & CO., :Continental Hotel. AMBROSE SMITH,' Cbestaut st. '• • CHAS. ELLIS & CO., Market et. WYETH BROS., Walnut et. • WM.. ELLIS & CO., Chestnut d. 3e29-1m CLARKE & WHITE. COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, RBI ER' S splendid styles, and most popular plctnres made, only thi, the means of all. Secure one vitheat dela!, at the gallery, SECOND Street. above Union. CARTES ,DE VISITE, CHARMING specimens or miniature pbotograph likenesses, made in unserpaased style, at B. F; HEUER'S Galle ry, OXIVA..IIOH Street. Go early androbtalu good to r .. • TIEAF. MADE TO HEA R .=-INSTRII.: 11ENT toUselet the heartnt at P. SIAIISIBAV.. SenthTALlTil. Street. Selow cheste.ta. • FIRE-PROOF SAFES. r , LiLLIE,B T, DAVID EVANS, of the firm of Evans & Watson' still stand by my challenge as published In The Prue of tholst lustant. Lillie acknowledges in ble article In The Press of July let that all of hie Safes now In U6O are not burglar-proof, n will ho seen from the follow ing extract from his article of that dale: "We now admit, as we over have,lf yon 'succeed to grind or drill a bole through the door imthe front of the lock, at any Poled. It is fatal, and If ilbms In any way practical to the burglar, liar Safe to not Burglar-Frei:if," I have been testing at Evans' & Watson's Salamander Safe Store, 16 South Fuurth street, one of Llille's War ranted Fire and Burglar-front gates, and have suc ceeded, every morning. In drilling a bolo through said Safe, in from twenty to twenty-Svc minutes. Now, m I haii drilled this Safe, or car drill it3Y of his Safes noWin use, It In concl unlvely proved' from hie own ar gument that bla Safes are utterly worthless. As to hie assertion that the Safe I have tested le a very imperfect one, I 'merely wish to place bethre the notice of the public the bill of sale at tho Urge it wee pnrchased, some eight months 'dune: PUILADRLPHIM Nov. 7th, 1563. *Kissers. Weaver & Sprankle.Groaers, corner ct Arch and Bread. Philadelphia: Bought of DI. C. Sadler, Agent for. Lillie's Fire and Burgher. Proof Safes, 1 80. 0 Flro and Burglar- Proof Safe . 3175.00 Received payment. Al. G. Snows, Agent. 610RO8I BeLrow Now"I wish to Inform those who have had similar MIS rendered: and their Safes tyraranted both ere nal burglar-proof, Mat the maid Sato aro of the same quenty, and consequently, from Lillin'estatement,ncry tuyerfect. It Is my desire to communicate to the pub lic the reason Of tho exchange of ibis very imperfect Safe•(ae LWIe admits) for ono of onr Flre•Proof Safes, put in Its place, and now in use by Messrs. 'Weaver & Spranklo. The Chicago Tribune of March St , 1861, coo tattled an account of the tiro in Nevada county, fowa, by witch the fradle Court House of that county was entirely destroyed In thirty mfnule.r, and CO,OCK) to greenbacks, together with all the contents of one'or Lillle's patent (so-called) Flre and Iturglar-Proof Safes, reduced' to ashes.' A copy of this paper having fallen Into the bands of Misers. Weaver & Sprinkle; they be came fetes!, in rand of a Are at their store, that their books, papers, Sic., would share the same - Tate; conse quently they exchanged their very imperfect Safe for ono of better quality, and are still satistiedWitli'lltoir exchange. The following is an extract from the paper above mentioned (which paper will be shown to any one calling at Evans & Watson's store): "The following persona were present, and helped to' got the above Safe open, and examl ned the burned con tents taken out : E. G. DAY, Clerk. • J. L. DANA. NotaryPeblle. J. S. FRAZIER. CHANCY CRA IG,. • T. W. RHOADS, O. W. HELPHRHY. P.•D. THO3IP3OIeS" would also state that 'what places these statementa beyond denial, in the fact of their haying been sworn to before a magistrate. An ocular demonstration of the drill-proof qualities of Lillie's. Safes will be given at 30 o'clock on every morn ing for the present month, at Evans & Wt'teon'a Sala mander Safe Store, where the public are invited toewit nem the operation. If the ownora of auy of Lillie's Safes imagine theirs not an imperfect one, I will drill, with out charge, ae many holes as may be consideredneces eary to prove its worthlessness. Those having their books, papers, money, &c., to any of Safes, had better remove them to a place of security, as they are incontrovertibly.proved bosh insecnre t and imperfect both as regards Fite and Bar slam jya-trs2t DAVID •FeVANS. 1.4 1.4 T.', CHILLED ,T.RON.,SA.FM; S er, 'NV .A- S 1.47 S THE "IRREPRESSIBT.E COIcTLIET" STILL PRO OBESSINOi To the Citizen., of Philadelphia:. Agreeably to previous notice. Isbell now review the personalities and other outside matter as contained in the Rifler headed "Philadelphia. Against the World," end signed by David Evans. A. the thief, when bard pressed, is the first to cry "sfop thief ." so is , the man who has 'Wiled. traduced, and wrongfully accused hie neighbor, the first' to cry villain, and to claim the people's sympathy. The first prominent pointth this article is the writer's very modest pretensions. . He assumes to he Philadelphia merely, and to stand against the world sale --extremely modest, surely. This point (having been replied to by Messrs. Lillie & Son) I pass over by simply saying that It is easy to show that Lillie & Son are mach the largest patrons of this city and State of any Safe manufacturer in the United Staten, as they use so much more material than any other-the product of this State. - The next point to be noticed is the writer's call on his Philadelphia friends to read en extract from the Eve ning Telegraph of 'April 18,1664, which shows mime of the different ways the common safe is camped. Now. if the reader will refer to the article in the Evening Tele graph, of the lath, be will find It there stated particn larly that these ways were of common occurrence, and. that they were known to burglars: and I now say the different ways pointed out were at the time well known to burglars, and had been previously published to the world. But it seems to snit the writer's case to leave out these feels In his reissue. Ile adopts the principle that the play of "Darnieti' most be written, even though it be necessary to leave out Kam td. Desperate ends require desperate means., and it is evident that the thief's tutor does not like to stand alone. • I can, however. offer him this correlation, that notwithstendinn the disposition he has shown in every way to aid the thief, he has met with but ill success. - • - - „Ago nehlwilieve he can And a burglar in the country profe=l"liiitiarY ir kiltMs r lia - W i alftiggell e .,7 - intr a Safe lock he is 'all right: end unless the writer can learn the burglar how to drill chilled iron, which I very much doubt, his occupation is gone. . The next point which I notice is the' very grave Question pert by the writer, whether it is not easier to drill one small hole through Lillie'a Chilled Iron Door than twenty holes through the common - Sheet Iron Door? The reader will ask any disinterested iron-worker whether be amnia drill even twenty small Wes through one-sixteenth to one-eight inch sheet iron meth eerier then to drill one hole through one-and-s -helf to two inches solid chilled iron, and let him answer the question. . 'rho next point which the writer alleges as the cause of the controversy is: • Tbet Lillie's agent, among_eithers, called at the Con- I soliantion Bank, on Mr. W. 11. Blamer, banker, Allentown, and on the Treasurer of the West Chester Railroad. paying to the latter be could-break into his bank and burglar- proof sale in five minutes; and to the two former. that be could pick their locks, made by Evans & Watson, iu five minutes. • • Wow, I am the sole responsible agent of this city for Lillie's Safe, and I pronounce the above statements' eh- , solutely fare, en ter as it applies to myself, es I am not aware that I have had any conversation with either of the two latter parties on the subject of Safes at all, and I have never made any such statements, as are al leged, to the former or any other person. Bat I take the full responsibility as to all that is published in the Telegraph of Aprilist6. 1864. (which can be examined in m ypri nted ci reeler at my depot at any time,se the article was taken from that), and I 'am prepared to sustain every position there made to the satisfaction of any dis interested person. Thne.have I reviewed the prominent points in this ar ticle, and the writer's essence for Ids unreasonable attack upon Lillie's Safe are found to be mere pretence, and without the slightest foundation. The real =nee -will he fennel in a abort review of the Safe history in Philadelphia. It is a fact well understood that the writer has realised a fortune in the last few years by making safes of the lightest material, with the cheapest lock. end in every way got up in the cheapest manner. and filled mainly with red clay (which tests nothing). to give them tbe appearance of weight and solidity. and that he has seed these Safes at very high prices, making an extravagant profit. I t is a fact also well understood that watlith limiest three Years. Lillie's Chilled Iron Safe hes been largely intro duced in this city and State. from the simple fact that in telligent men have preferred a sate that had one and a half to tits - seize-lies thickness of send iron, being also drill- preof;with a thorourth hurglar-proof lock. to a safe that bad one-sixteenth to one- twelfth of an inch thickness of sheet. iron, with the cheapest common lock, and not burelar-proof at all, eepecially when the former cost only about the same mice as the latter. ._ ..: Bow does the writer attempt to remedy this difficulty? Not by impreivinhis own eafe,but by en attempt to dis credit Lillie s. How does be do this? He first pub licly announces that Lillie's Safe is neither fire nor burglar-proof, and publishes an Array of false state menta, first published by other safe.makers, which he knew at ,the time had beep publicly proved to be false. Second. be succeeded to dope 'a house who had one of Lillie's Safes by similar false repre sentations, to exchange a Lillie's Safe for Evans ie. by giviegStrui a Safe he asked, near 5ve.....- - . . ...._ WO for, in °itch - Imre for evustirte, wuica cost eit7s; and since 'third the let of January last, I am told he has spent much of his timein the attempt to distignre the Safe in every way; first by sledging. then by grinding boles through it (bating discovered that it hal not the usual hardness). As to the Lock. hottest claimed it was an infringement .upon Evans & Wassoner Alphabetical Lock,liiit a 8 that was notpatented it was 110 go 4 and last ly, to discredit the Look be shows that the combination of the Lock can beptcked op from (jie outside Ifs hole can be got through the door in the right place, a wonele)lul discovery, which has been fully answered. Now, why resort to all thli s contemptible meanness? Why_ sot come out fairly and squarely and have Evans 8e Wm ' eon's Safe placed alongside of Liille'e. and have them fairly tested both as to their fire and their burglar proof qualities, as he lee been challenged to do often? ..The reason Is plain. The writer knowe that it will not do to place 1-16th to 1-12th of an Inch thickness of sheet iron against 1.3 to 2 inch thickness of hard chilled iron, to stand either fire or the burglar, and " that's what's the matter." . . M. C. SADLER, Agent. ' ' No. Al South SEVSNTII Street. P. B.=The public test of Sates that was expected to come off last week is upavoidably postponed for a week or two. The article in the Sunday Dispatch, of the 3d - of July, will be answered in my next.. Jy7-tnemst N. C. S., Agent:. CAST-IRON SAFES NEITHER DRILL NOR FIREPROOF. VS. - DAVID EVANS', OF !ME FIRM 0? SHEET IRON SAFE. MILLINERY GOODS. NIBS )L A. BAKER, • No. 1346 CHESTNUT STEER% . Opened a lam Lesortment of PARIS IfILLIIfER.Y . ,. 014-int. Por the Blend and Unman of ISM. ARMY GOODS.. FROTEUITGRAM & WELL'S HAIM FOR SALB HEAVY MEDIDIJ, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINOS. • - STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CARTON FLANNELS. .WASHINGTON .AND VICTORY CA3IBRICS AND STLESIAS. • HROWN, BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. N 0.12 WORSTED TARN. &c. • 5e2.5-Htf DENSE -AIM. A Most effective and delightful preparation • POE THE TEETH AND GUMS. Highly recommended by the moat eminent Doctors and Dentists. It to the result of a thorough course of scientific expe riments. extending through a Period of nearly thirty years. To a great extent In every case, and entirely in many. IT WILL PREVENT DECAY OF TEETH. It wilt also STRENGTHEN WEAK GUMS, KEEP THE TEETH T BEAUTIFULLY CLEAN, AND HE BREATH SWEET. See Circulars. rice el. Prepared solely by 8. T. Mal& 11. D. .DENTIST. 1113 CHESTAIMT St.. Philadelphia, a. Fo r sale by Druggists. THE UNIVERSAL WRINGER . WITIE coo•wnEELsig in nee In 1.1.1. United Slates Hospi tals, Naval Ind./111nd Asylums, and all our benovoleut institutions. It can be used : with great profit wherever llquld is to be pressed from any thing, but It to espe cially neceisary in every family, as it saves TIME, TA BOR, sod cLormNo: All COO•WHEEL WRING ERS are WARRANTED. • H. L. BURNHAM, 27 South SIXTH Street. Agent for Manufacturers. PURE PALM OIL SOAP.THIS SOAP -11- is made of pure, fresh Palm 011, and is entirely a vegetable Soap; more suitable for Toilet use than thole made from animal fate. In boxes of one dosen takes. for $2 per box. Manufactured by OEO. M. ELKINTON & SOl, . No. d 110' .MAR 'GA ETT A Street, ntan between Fro limened..awm. CIO In 1.1111). TVORITYPE ,B•*.OF MOST PLEASING styles and One artistic coloring, are made at 13. V. MOIRE'S. 624 ARCH Street. They have no supe riors. Bee arittiadge of their rare merits. _ li• COPARTNERSHIPS! NOTIOE,- TILE LIMITED PARTNER -111111. existing under tbo tame and style of 4. H. POSTAL. la thin day dissolved, bY mutual eon gent. . FOS ER. . • Philadelphia, July 2, 'Mt ff. BOW jy ERS 9-1t TEE UNDERSIGNED nen THIS -A- day conned a copartnership for the' transaction of the Wholesale Boot and Shoe Enelneen. at f7b dpi .414 R NET street, under the Arm of FOSTER fit' Oglf NET. They are now opening a large and varied' [dock, to which they invite the attention of ha ern. A. H rowrgrt. PhiliteeTtibla. OLIVER BENNET, Boutbet PhlladElplll3, July 2. 1861. iy9afath6t DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SAJP. —The Cop:vat:iamb tpboretefore existing ho t-Feta 00 stibscrlberg, nyder titectrm of J. A. ELLIVIT & CO., Is ilsreby &seal tee by MotOtlen. The hesiness 'Grill be battled by JA1133 A:Nt R EKT T. EI.T.IOTT. A. ELLIOTT, • f N. FREDERICK, JOLT I, ISA& T. ELLIOTT. THE UNDERSIGNEDUATE FORMED a Cnnertnershlp from wtstettler tl.l date, &oder the style of aLmoTrs & McCOWN. tor tbelmeertation and _Webb:wet Dry Goods. at No. 1.03 .1. MA ITKET I I•tree T. t. A.. ELLOT A. TO MoCOWN, R T. 3LI,IOIPT. I'M 1 6 /Eiti COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. -- THE Jfederrtemed Lase this da'd eptered Into covert norinedar the firm name of II kRRISIAN & RAVE,. 111 Va: , It o A will conduct the Moines. of roe FRANK LIN 8 oAli BEFINERY at No 32t . WIlit Strout. ' • 1111418. a. NA 1 $150:1. TIIICO: .t. fIAVEMEYER. ' rnmeunimmo, Judy 4.1864. .. jy6.-1t . TEE FIRM: OF • SHIPGrit: FrhaZAßlti, & MITCHINSON. to thin day dlosolyed by initial content. Paintrel R. Shirley retiring. TIA boatmen will be CalltiOtt i l by the remainine partnerawider the name or El &ZAP/ 3: • MITCHINSON. The buwinone of the late Arm vitll be settled by either of the 2,nderstreed. . MINUET. R SHIPLEY SPENCER H. FIaZARIS, MD.II3EI{7OI( S. lIIRTOoIIiSON. PRILADRLTRIfr, Jail. 1664, Joel* THE SUBSCRIBERS "HAVE 4950: -L- MATED temneel.res together ander the' era of DOLTON, DTRENIkN, & CO., and will continue the Oa }lending business in all its branches at the old establishment, corner TWENTY-FIRST antVrIA:SITL TON Streets. JOS. R. BOLTOSI-, ORO K ormreN, O. W. CHILDS.' jytine El= Pl 3 ILA D ELPRIA, JULY 1, 18t141 PARTNERBTITP.—T have THIS DAY admittei CHARLES W. BCTIWARTZ. scrim o. KELLEY. AL, BERT GRAFF. JOHN M. SIMPSON, and name HUBER to an loOre.t. In my busineen under tJe •ot A. PRANciscus sc co. jyl.6t A. H. FRANCISCO% 513 NIA HATT Street. WANTS. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE Standard Eftetery of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents aro eleaving from $lOO to 4soo per month. 2E0,000 xolAmes already sold. Send for circa:. lare. Address JONES; BROS., & Co.. Publiallete, CAL= TIMOR% Rd. Jel3-1m• o'o K P E R-T HE ADVER TIBERR terrninates is engagement on the Ist of the ensningitenth. ffo fo desirous of entering into a new one. The highest references afforded. He would combine other duties if time Permitted. "0. Box 4.19. . . • j77-thistri3t•S V, L A. C K'S MITHE3 AND WHEEL -IL. WRIGIITS WAITED. CHM' QVARTSRMASTRIVSMOE. WASITISCITON DEPOT. WASTUNGTnN. D. C.. July 4.1584. Wanted at ones, to work in Government repair shojis, Quartermseters' Department. Depot. of Weeldureton, one hundred O(0) irne.l BLACKSMITHS, and one Imo, dred (100) good W H LW RIG FITS. The pay per month will be staty dollars ($6O), with one (1) ration nor day, and hospital privileges when sick. _ _ . aply to Captain CHAS. H. TOMPKINS. A. Q. M., U. i. A.. corner Twenty-second and 0 S:r.ats, Wash ir. gran, D. C. D. H. WICKER. Brigadier General and Chief Qnart.rrnaster, is 6-1 2 ,1 Department of Washington. SHOFM.A.ErERS: -WANTED- Good ILAN PS to Last and Finish on all kinds of Work, men and women's; fair wageA and steely em ployment E P. MOLINEMIX, '&08 CO,IIIdERgE Street, Fourth Story. N. B.—Amen to rub down and turn Boot-leaa. WANTED—AN ANo.I BOOLKEEP.- BR fora National Bank out of this -•Addreas "Box 2165." Post owe. • . • • :• • WAN TED -A. FIRST-RATE PACKER and MARKER. Also, an earnerionced band to keep cellar mock in order. None butexperieuced hands need apply. HOOD, .BONBRIDGN & CO., • . 770-2 t . •-: 529 MARKET Street. • • WANTRP-74- COLORED BOY. :14 OR Ply 618 5 18T0ac511472" a. 'r1"144'4'15:71tt... • • WANTED --THREE SUBSTI TUTES of good fighting qualities, for the Army of tag Potomac. to represent a grotlemac exempt , from mili tary duty. Apply at 205 WALNUT St S. Piglet jeSS-tf ,WANTED TO PURCHASE, A 310- mi DERN DWELLING. on Spruce. Pine, or Chid nut street, between Reventeentb and Twenty-Ornate.: price not to exceed $13,000. J. HAYS CAP.3ON. .ISS-2t" 251 North NINTH Street. W ANTE D-A COMMODIOUS Amallonse and good Tard. A reazonable rest by ate. rponeiblo tenant will be mad. Immediate onaseasien to be given. Apply to JOSEPH. EMMY, 1615 FR/air:la Street and RIDGE Avenue. j. 1141.• AWANTED TO RENT-A FUR. NISIIED.HOUSE, between Chestnut and Pine and Ninth and Twenty-tlrst etreets. inclusive. Apply to B. B. GROESBECK, Continental Hotel. jy7•St• $13,5 00 - THIS AMOUNT TO • Loan. on first mortgage. on improved city property: will be divided. ADOvto E. PETTIT, 319-tf 323 WALNUT htreet. $6O A MONTH I—l WANT AGENTS LASTING c T en E D C m L h, O x R p IENTAL oa I BU R N s Eß my aEndER -13 other articles. Fifteen circulars sent/res. Address ap9o-dtkw9m JOHN F. LORD. Biddeford. Maine. • • FOR ..TO.ILET. FOR - SALE-:-5-8 AND 3-4 INCH HOOP 'IRON; by LRLES M LOWTO . 9y9,Sts • • SECOND and WI Streets. FM LET-THE IST, STH, OT :, AND L 7th stories of the Old Poet Office Bailding, Dock striet, below Third, with Steam Power . THOBAS It CONNELL, Counting House of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, i7761.* 242 CHESTNUT Street TO LET-THE WHOLE OR AN portion of the Commonwealth Nailding, Nos. 611 gowsier.r., Counting House of Dr. D. Jain. & Son. .131-6 e 242.CHESTROT street. Tr° LET—THE - SECOND—STORY AND - A- upper portionot the Marble Store, No. 619 Cheetnat street. . . THOU&S A. CONK ELL, Counting Muse of Dri o.. Jayne Rc S..n, jy7-61. . SAW CEIESI'NUT Street. FOR -SALE— THE •SPLENDID Mak MARBLE FRONT DWELLING, No. 211 Logan, street. (Logan Square). Seven Stores, Northwest corner Tenth and South streets, cheap. . Foux.story Store and Dwelling. Southwest corner Tenth and Lombard. Store and Dwelling, Northwest corner Seventeenth and Drandywino. Store and Dwelling, Southeast corner Twentieth aud Mount Vernon. . Store and Dwelling, corner Perkiomen and Vinyard 'streets. . Stores and Dwelling'. 227 and W 9 North Second street. . Neat Dwelling, 2114 West Deianc3- Place. cheap_ Dwellings 1901 Coates, 1611 Wallace, 2323, 2327, 2330, and 2332 Olean. Also a. large number of Dwellings. Farms. Cottages; Bad* Lots. Sm.. desirable for residence or invest ment. .B. F. 'GLENN. 123 South FOURTH St , and B.- W.. cor. SEVENTEEN r and GREEN. .sis FOR BALE--CHESTER COUNTY Ai- FARM. cbeap, containing 125 acres. 12 of timber, .the balance in a high state of cultivation, nicely wa tered; situate near Downingtown, S 5 miles out. Supe rior stone buildings. spring bouso. &c. Two superior apple orchards. rotrssion: this summer. Price only tts per acre. jyft-if ; 323 WA LNUT Street. RIVERTON RESIDENCE AND TOWN LOTS FOR SALE.—The sub scriber would dismiss. of Ids late Restdenee and adiolatug Lois, situate on MAIN Street, near the wharf, on ac commodating terms For particulars address' 331.8 t• C. CLOTHIER, 408 CH EsTil UT St ;MIL got CHESTNUT:HILL PROPERTY.— ..yaw LET—One of the most desirable COTTAGES on Cherinut Bill, four minutes' walk to Depot. and with in five minutes' walk of six different Churches; con taining ten rooms. with gas, bath, and water. Plenty of shade ,ehnibbery, &o. Apply to 0. R. HINKLE, opposite Post Mee. • Ipe r FOR SALE—A DARK BAY MARE, yonnx. kind; fast, and sound. Acorns. torned to saddle. double or single harness. Sold for want of use. Can be teen'any. morning_ at the and stab; o below Girard avenue. lit CARLISLE street back of Broad. JD4 St* iNsuBANcE. WILLIAM It. GRAVES TIFOLLINSHEAD & GRAVES, INSURANCE AGENCY, 31.2rWALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STATEMENT Of the condition of the NORWICH FIRF. INSURANCE . COMP.% NY. of Ifora kb, Connecticut. CHARTERED IN 1803. S. L. DENISON, Secretary. S. LARNED, President. Capital. actually paid in cash.... EIMO, COO CO Surplus 41.410 42 42 ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1561. $213,410 Bank stocks andhonds $222,2X1 00 'Cash ' .. 9.3Y3 09 Cash in agents' hands . 6.197 33 Interest accrued 2,903 03 Other property 2,220 00 .$4.425 00 loMtntlis6t AGMMY, No . 312 WALNUT otreet. 1 , 0821.1.11 I'. nounsaieD: • WM. H. GRAVEL . - ff 01, LIN SR EA D _ GRAVES, •• INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 312 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Agents for the NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE CO.. of Norwleh, Conn. CHARTERED 188. REFERENCES IN PHILADELPHIA (by authority): John Grigg, Esq.. reaers.Tredick,Stokee & Co 'Palen, Wharton & Co'. • Messrs. Chas Lenolg & Co. M9/1.16. Cohn & 2.ltaTirtlB. MOUrs.W. IL Darned & Co. je27.6na • . . •ZOILMAN P. NOLLTABBEAD. . W. H. OILAVES. TrOLLINSREAD & GRAVES, nisuitarcs AGENCY, No. 312 WA.LNITY St., Philadeljthta., agents for the ALBANY CITY EIRE INSURANCE CO., Je274m ALBANY, N. Y. PORMA3 P. ROLLIMBHEAD. WK. H. Gamma. HOLLINSUEA.D AND GRAVES' INSURANCE AGENCY, NO. 312 WALNUT. STRUT, PHILADELPULA, Agents for the CROTON FIRE INSURANCE COSIPANT, of New York. - 1e27-Ons To FAMILIES RESIDING. U THE COUNTRY. • We are prepared,' as heretofore. to IMPPII at their Country Residences with every description of 14Nirs:ORDOrt.RIES ) .Tra& &43. ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, zny3i-tt . Cornet ELEVENTH and TINS Sta. • THE IS' EW .TAX BILL.-SCHEDULE of articles and occupations subject to Tax under the Excise Lew of the United States, approved June SO. 1864 Sold at the Principal Depot for too safe of Inter nal Revenue Stamps, No. 304 CHESTNUT Street, and 103 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. Price • tea cents.• 1 7 7- 9 t pr EATON lt DENOILT,A HARDWABB, -ILL COMMISSION MERCHAIM, 507 001111/Itol and MO NORTH etreote, otter for sale: Anchor Brand Nails; Plymouth Mill Rivets. W. A S. Butcher's Cast Steel; Bales Cabinet Lodes. Putnam's Borne Nails; Locke 's School Slates. Copper, Brass, and - Irob Wire; Cotton Garde. . • Also. a frill axsortmotl. of Ausaliews Ilasslwara. fog-toil R,U3I3IER COMPLAINT, DIA.RRHCEA , N. , Dysentery, and all disorders of the Bowels relieved at once by the nee of Jardella'e Syron of Blackberry Root and Rhubarb. Entirely veritable, ealy s triak . Ra e . t r..l a . 7V i ihrki l 'P r ANl. e au o Vl l / 1 1 11 /T ° Strue4ii. ie3o-Inr. pHOTOGRAIII CARDS FOR GMT. • TLSKEN.---Elamples and Catalogues seat los 21 eseds. Radon an 'Ayala*. wall roar own la a O 2 address. D. HERM • 11804111 OM LIBERTY West. Raw o=il. AUCTION SALES. pm TURKISH DIVIat Will be sold. to the highest bidder, TO-DAT (SATURDAY). AT LOGAN SQUARE. UCTION BALE OF CONDERNED A ROMS t WAS DITAIITURIM CAVALRY BuREAT. O►►lmt OF CRIB► kcallTßlMumut. WasUntOTON. D. C. July t, UK: Will be old at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder,. at the times and piece« named below—VlC: LEBANON, Penna., THURSDAY, jelly. 14th. 1 1 10. HRIK READING, Palma THURSD A Y. Jelly, 21al. ri A RBIS B [IRO, Penna.. T URSDAY. July ler4 ALTOONA, Penna.. THUHSD_AY: Anna 4th. 18$1. NVILLIAXSPORT, Penna., INURSDAY,Auirost nth; TWO HUNDRED (510) CAN:ST:Iet /IMES at agar place. Tllne Horses bare been condemned as nhtH for the Cavalry rervlce of the Army. For Road and Sitraparposea mart) good liargattus an, be had'. Haan sold sleety. Terms: Cash, in Tfniteci States Car,etoo. JAISEN A: ERYIT, Lieut. Col. and Me loartermantor C3Valry N vALITUT STREET THBATItE.— THlSTFriclayr EVENING. Jnlr LAST NIGAT OF VIE sEAsozr: Thalreoripasee will tiommence with thrTrallodY ae the MOORS IN SPAIN: er, The Norma of the [nowt- Nen. —Count Pe/trifle, NI Roberta; Flartnda;Kria. Alexina Firb.er Baker: To conclude with the loran& finrcterilar Legendary Drama of FAUST Ain Malt, OUERITR—Mr. J. 11. Noberte au Mephistopheles; Mrs Alexina Flrher Baker I....slnrriterite. Brateaccored frool9to 3 Curtain rises at 8 o'clocli.. THE so - Aviary OF FINE ARTS, CTIESTKUT Street, above Tenth, 18 OPEN DAILY. for vieltore. from 9 A. If to 6 P. N. je22 BOARDING. 111q0ARIP WA N FOR T EIE B DIER, marcher city, by a gentleman. wife, and four children ddieae "lioartier." 511TILUIKET St Y 940 ROARVING WANTED, ABOUT THE 1.. t of Minuet, by a gentleman and wift,itt a patinas family, or srbere there are few boarders. A second-story front room, or - two rrrellam-Mzed NM= awry rooms. required. A fair price will be paid for good assommodalionl s Reference given and rerreartd; Add`, ow iy9-64. • Boa? 3 Post OM*. B OARDING.: - 13tTWO SECOND -STO rep= TO LET; at 1321 North TENTH St. ia-tr EDUCATIONAL. WOODLAND SENTNARY, WEST • PEiILAD3LPHUL —:A DAY and BOARDING SCHOOL for 'Tenon Wiles will be opened September 14. nt Rn. St WOODLAND' TBRRACE. br • Reg% BERRY REEVES. A. M . assisted by competent WA experienced Teachers. Mr. R. retires from the Chime bArt.burg Seminary where-the seeclort has reodarlt closed with nearly ?fourscore pupils. Address, till Jnlyls, the Principal.. at Cbamlier.bnrg,. Pa. After that, Do. 9 Woodland' Terrace. West Phila delphia. REFERENCE —Rey. Albert Barnes. Rev. R. A. Boardman. D. D. ; Rev J. D. Batter, Rec. 0 W. Mc- Phail, D. IL. • Rer. C: W. Shieldie, D. D.. Rev. John. W. Mears; Hon. Joe. Alison and A. G. Cattell, Esq.. Philedelphia: Ron .1.. Kennedy Morehead, Pittaburg; Hons. George Chantbersand A. K. McClure, Chambers burg. Jy9 &reef A GRADUATE oF - HARVARD; WITS A - -s- an experience ten seam in teachinr.will,pen Ist this •in SEPTEMBER, a School for Young Ladles. NumbeFlimited to fittsen. Terms, 9140 a Tear. RIIPPRENCES—Bev. Dr. Pumas,. 1456 * Pima streets Rev. Roger Owen. Chestnut NOI: Wm. B. Trotter, Ern., 36 Noah Front street: J. E. Btttchell Esq., Sit? York avenue, Philadelphia.; Ex-Presidents Sparks and. Walker, Cambridge, Mcas._;.l. S. Smith. .. Dorches ter. ss Mus. ;John Ruggles, Esq., Brighton. - Ad dre je . l7-Im. • L. R. BUCKINGHAM, Chestnut mu. PHILADELPHIA. COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE FOR 'TOTING LADIES. En. 1520 ARON Etreet. Rev. MIAS. A. PMITH, D. maim:tax SMITH. A. M., Principals. Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary, Aestibs. min, and Collegiate. Full college coarse in Classics. Itathematles. higher English, and Nataral Science. far those who graduate. Mbderit Languages, Music, Pallet. Mg, and Elocution by taw best masters. For circulars. apply at 1226 CHESTNUT Street. or address Box Mit. P. 0., Phil. dal pbia. no2A-ISte PERSONAL. THE GENTTJEMAN THAT CALLED ...--.atN0.../606 north TITELFTIT Sheet about the feTeleue . of a property, will confer a favor by_ calling again. or at 288 North NINTH Street. iT9 PATENTS-11. S. AND EIIROPELN--•- . 1 - procured. E BROWN. 11* 311 WALNIFT Street. ,71DIER BONA L.-SPOONS, MALTED vitth. pant silver. on white metal, $1 per Sat. 916RACEStreet . , 379-210 PERSON A. L --JET • BALL EATC DROM SO cents, at 9161tACS Street jyB-21* LOST AND FOUND. L 0 S T=ONE DAY. THIS : WEEK,. some proof eta Child's Paper: also, the " copy "A Mother's Lessons on the Lord's Prayer." A. suitable reward will be paid for the return of this "Copy" to 530 ARCH S.treet, Phila. .s> ;m TAKEN UP—A DARK BAT MARE. If not redeemed, will be sold at pitio lic Salo, et the Police Station, N. N corner or TEETS and THOMPSON Streets, on AION'DAT, the itch inst. ate o'clock P • M.. in accordance to city_ ordinance. ke- Phtlada.. July S, WM. JACOBI', jvfl-ke. ••, • . Lient. Twelfth District. EXCURSIONS. i a lip=i , "'.GßAND 1 PLEASURE MC. CIIRSIONS TO LAKE SUPERIOR.—Oser of the following splendid first-class steamers vier CLEVELAND. ILLINOIS, NORTHERN LIG+ T. IMOD CITY. TRAVELER., METEOR,- IRON SIDES, LAO LA BELLE, and PEWABIC, w ill leave CLEVE,I..IS Ohio, at &o'clock P. M.. each dap of the week, 4 Saturday and Sunday. and Detroit.. Michigan, on followinmdays at 2 o'clock P. M.. through the mouths of JULY and AUGUST, making 'Grand Excursion Thy* to the many points of interest on the Great Inland Seim of America,which, (Or utility. pleasure and health.sza unsurpassed by any other on the Continent. This trip of over 1,(0) miles embraces six degrees Of latitude. and eleven of longitude, and includes ia.iig circuit Lekee Erie, St. Clair, Huron and Soperior.wilit the beautiful rivers Detroit, St. Clair and St. Mary's, A I The - many and extensive mines of iron and copper: unequaled by any in the world, with the newly-41er covered and inviting deposits of silver lead, wilditad romantic scenery, combined with its pore and bras climate. reader the Lake Superior trip one of far Mara than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the stodosk the pleasure-seeker or the invalid. • • The abovs.name. steamers are elegantly•llt*l. UV with large airy Cabins and State-Rooms , while imam precaution has been taken to provldo re.• the Wear sea • comfort of passengers. . . . Fa re. Mein ding State- Roome and Meals, abont.%. per mile. Time occupied in making the *round it ip.feing 8 to 10 days. Rooms &cured, and farther information obtelnad e lar application to proprietors. - ROBT.HANNA & Co., ClevelanE, Old*. HORSEY & hicBRIDE, J. T WRITING dc Co, Detroit. madam. JOHN HOTCHINGS, Jell-tale/A 1864 CAMDEN AND AT= IQRA • LANTIC RAILROAD aw . AM& — SIIKKER ARRANGEMENT—TEIROUGH IN TWO FI3URS. FOUR TRAINS DAILY TO ATLANTIC On and after MONDAY, July 4tb, trains leave VIII- Street Ferry as follows: Mall Freight. with passenger car attaohed Express (through in two lioars)••• • •• Atlantic Accommodation Junction Accommodation RETUF.N.ING, leaves Atlantic; Atlantic Accommodation 5.46 A. W. Freightress ' 7.06 1L 50 A A. _ EL Mailer 5.18 P. IL Junction Accommodation 6.M A. EL Fare to Atlantic, It Round-trip Tickets (good only for the day and train on which they are issued), , 13. EXTRA BA DDONFIELD TRAMS Leave Vine streetai 10.15 A. M. and 1 P. AL Leave liaddonfielit at 11.45 A. 51. and 2.4,5 P. IL ON SUNDAYS, Mail train for Atlantic leaves Vine street at 7.68 A. • Leaves Atlantic at CU P. M. JNO. O. BRYANT, Agent. The .bar wild& formed last year has entirely dimp pared, leaving thebeach one of the most delightful in the coast. teal RARITAN AND • lagaPRZ DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD —To Long Branch, Alston. Manchastors Tom's River. Barnestat. Red Bank. &c.. du and a ft er hioliDAY BPSi, July 4th, Trains VD. leavev CAMDEN, for LONG BRANCH, at 7.41 A. M., salt 3.99 P. M., daily (Sundays excepted). Returning, VD. leave LONG-BRANCH at 5.35 A. N. and 3.33 P. B THROU GH If( FOUR HOURS DIRECT BY RAIL. A Freight Train with passenger car attached. VTI. start for Stations on the main line, daily, from CAD. DEN (Sundays excepted). at 9.30 A. X. Stages connect at Woodmansfe and Manchester-fog Barn egt4 and Tom's River. Stages (will also connect at Farmingdale, for Poise Pleasant, SQuan Village, Blue Ball, and Our Does. Tavern. For !writer information atinly to Company's Mut; L. B. Co& s, et Cooper's Yo al, Camden NY' .F. GM - STITT% 7a., - ' Mineral Superintendent. bt FOR CA PE MAY.—THR ro"- . staunch and commodious steamer HAW HATTA N, Captain E. A. Ryther, of the Cane May Lines Ic now making her regular trips to Cape May, lesvWg ARCH-STREET WHARF every TUESDAY, THUR DAY, and SATURDAY, it B 0:clock; returning. will leave Cape •May every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at Sy s o'clock. touching at New Cootie, going and. returning. Fare $1.19:4 canine hire included; children halt price. Servants rli.oo. carriage hire extra. Freight at low rates. No freight received after o'clock, and in all cases must be pre-paid. ii6-ho • JOS. A. STEWART, Agent J are n. FROM NEW YORK, FOB NEW HAVEN, HARTFOR D • SPRING FIELD. and Bosrox. —The steamersSPRING FIELD. CONTINENT/as and ELM CITY leave Peak Slip. Eaet River, daily. at 3 BP. M. and 11 at Melt. ie29-11a $241.410 42 FOR THE' SE© SHORE PHILADELPHIA' LOCAL EXPRESS COMPANY; Ofitee„ No. 28 South Faro Street, PEEIORT AND BAGGAGE EX-PEESS. ATLANTIC CITY AND LONG BRANCH. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH •• • • PROM TORE• RBSIDENCII. BAGGAGE corivErED TO ALL THE RAILROAD Nf pr it ESTEY'S pOTTAGE ORGANS; Not only tRf EXCELLED but UNEQUALLED In rutty of Tone and Tower, deeigned eepeclally for Churehat and Schools,bnt . found to be equally well adopted Sok the Parlor.and DraNTlng ROO= For We only by R. H. DRUGS, No. le North SEVENTH Street. Also, a ecortrlete 'fissortluent of the Perfect Macao* eon stantly• on hand. • naylS-Sra 134,r,4 , 3"G. OUT. al" WATCHES. JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. The undersigned. havlig decided to retire from UM:. nese, offers for eels at low Prices, his large and Weil* selected stock of WATCHES JEWELRY. and SILVER and PLATED WARN. THOMAS C. 0 ARRETT. No. 712 CHESTNUT Street. Opposite the Masonic H - Philadelphia: riIio.IE:WRY- TO ANY AMOITNT • . LOANED upon Diamonds, Watcher, Jewel , . ry, Plato, , Clothing, Ac., at JONES St C 0.16 .01d.Eatablialied Loan Ofics. hornet THIRD and GABEILL Streets. below Lombard. aol2-3mlf LADIES' TRUSS AND `BRAM* Cit7STOßE—Conducted by Ladies, TWILL/TIE • Sires first door. below Sem Every - article la their line elegant, easy, and correct to make. C. H. NU- LoLBS, - Proprietor. attends to Gentlemen. on the corner of TWELFTH and RACE Streets. N. B.—Proteesioas; accuracy Insured. MONUMENTS . AND GRAYS'. .LY STONES. —A large assortment of Grave..fitones.e. various designs, .made of the !Meet Italian and Amide= Marble, constantly on hand at the Marble Worltat ADAM STEINMETZ, RIDGE Avenue, below Els 11trAnt, Sten, Al BEDFORD WOULD respectfully' - urge that his • old-ostablialted Sad. 7.0191'091c% at' No. 1913 CALLOWKILL Btreet, is a GOOD FLA uN for the pale or rancho:de of property an & the collodion of house and ground. tents. Sto. Send for references. •• .7 ' lg2-Ine OSEPH H. 111101iPSON, BEWPINO COMMISSION MERCHANT. je29.1a1 . .• Itil e g r AtTeiwAßN Avon% .:'9.80L M. ..91 M. 00 . N. 4.15 .• 5.00 . FL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers