PERSONAL. .. The following pen-portrait of Secretary Fes folen was written some time ago by the late 0-. IV: puce, of the WestOhoster Republican: "William T it Formation stands at this time, without a doubt, s lilie head of the American Senate. I suppose him via nearly Six feet In height, possibly two lashes Wier that-measurement, and ho would .not, in my j ; ,!sment, weigh over one hundred and fifty or slaty ( r ods. His face long and rather severe in ea rl ridden, heavy eyebrows, dirk-brown hair f uteked with grey, worn rather long and with alight inclination to curl. .I judge' him to be about fifty-five years of ago. I should not Welt List a man of strong friendships, and yet he , Seems to be on familiar , terms with all the Vacrintors, occasionally enjoying a kind of dry ugh with those who humor to whom he goes to chat. He pays little attention to style in dress, being behind the fashion, but *there Is no inhing of the sloven in his appearance. His voice Is }ear, rather sharp in tone , and he speaks naturally • d with about the proper amount of gesture. He presses any one who hears him that he is not talking for talk's sake, but is simply filling his posi tion as a statesman by bringing the powers of his grand to the oluoidation of the subjeot-matter under 'discussion. There is nothing florid in the sty]o of )4Fr. Fossonden, but on the contrary his oratory is . folid, probing, and yet sulholently graceful to se 'Cure the attention of his audience. I presume the 'great point which attracts- attention to, and pro 'duces admiration for, the Maine Senator, is the ex lceeding clearness of his fine intellect." .. From a pamphlet entitled " History of the - Northwestern Soldiers' Pair,' held 'at Ohloago," we 'take ,the following notice of a distinguished young Pittsburg-officer: Among the visitors to the air were large numbers of military mon, many oill 'Oars of high rank, and not a few whose feats of bravery and brilliant daring 'MVO immortalized them. They. are always the lions of the hour, and Were the recipients of Unnumbered courtesies from the ladies. On ono morning a tall, slender, flue looking young gentleman, modestly dressed in cat ten's clothes, entered the hall, and quietly com a:nonce(' making a tour of the bootlts, an evident look of delight on his face,* and his many questions evincing more , than ordinary interest. Sou a soldier who had lost a leg, and walked with a crutoh, and who was sitting in the hall, sprang • from his seat, and hobbled towards him as last as its enfeebled condition would allow, forgetting 'the military salute in his groat eagerness. Grasp ing him by the band, his face working with owe. !ion, he said, "General, I was with you at I'oa Ridge t" Up came another, with emaciated face and figure', but with the same breathless gladness, "Tema!, I fought under you at Prairie Grove 1" T4en another: "General, I VMS with you at Vicks biirg V' and "I-marched with you through arkan- Os 1" and " I have been with you eversince we start ed from Dribuque I" till pretty non the almost strip ling was surrounded by soldiers, all more or less /tors du combat, and was shaking hands with them, and congratulating them, and reciprocating their joy in the heartiest manner. " Who Is it 5" "Olin you tell me •who that. gentleman Is?" was whis pered around the hall. " lie is certainly a distin ^callied officer, who is here without shoulder: reps.." Soon thaplabuque ladles caught a ore of him, and then there was another rush. soldiers gave way for the ladies front Dubuque Pittsburg, some of them dear friends of .his , life, and for a few minutes ho seemed in far danger from theencireling arms and salutes military than when at Pea Ridge and Prairie we. It waft Major General Frank Herron, . ,se bravery, : and loyalty, - and nobionostf, have le him worthy of all 'honor and warm regard. dry effort was made to detain him during the rO.• leder of the week, but he had received his or es, and, too good a man to filsobey . them, he loft .e next morning for Texas. —A correspondent says: A gentleman in con ersation with General Grant, at his headquarters le other day, expressed a little uneasiness lest Lee ould march on Washington while our army was nth of the James, and asked the General if there I not some danger to be apprehended from his veering the National Capital. "I'm afraid not, ' said Grant. "If I could find somebody to talk ,e on the subject, I would' like to send word I wily give him five days' rations and fire 1' forage for his whole army ifhe will undertake ib. I don't know but it would pay to give more lit, but I'll risk that much, any way." .113 numerous friends of Col. Daniel McCook, raft reported to haveheen mortally wounded in ite assault on.R.enesaw Mountain, in Georg* , gratified to learn that the . report was erre ale is now at Nashville. Jpis wound was in 'Wier, and though painful, it is not dangerous. fare broken or arteries cut. The remains Ilarker,.who was mortally wounded to action, have been taken to Pittsburg, the old home, to bo buried with the honors of v irmplete register of the regular and rolan doges of the United States has been prepared ;rge B. Smith, army statistician of the War ment, formerly of the Republican editorial , and Congress has ordered a large number ited for sale to the army at one dollar each. It ludes the names of the officers of oyery regiment oh has been sent to the field; the names of oft i killed, wounded, and who have died, with the Haulers and attendant eireumatances In brief. . LPTURIt OP AN ESOArftl) RENY:L.—The Bala. -0 Clipper, of yesterday, states that a man giving name as 'Daniel Norman, was arrested last it, charged with being an esoaped rebel pri m from Fort Delaware. The accused stated to tat night, that on Friday night last, he, in coat y with fifteen other.prisonere, escaped from the by passing through a sink, and that several of •ompanions were drowned and the balance re ared. Norman, before quitting the fort, secured 'antenna,. and after lashing them together, se- I his cap to thorn, and tied the Via.rtmona -ono toot with a long string. Just as he quitted ,rt he was observed by 'the sentinel, who, sup ,g that the catroontained the head of the escaped mer, fired at it, but owing to the cunning of :man, in allowing the canteens to float in his ;e, he escaped unharmed to shore, and reached timurc, where, throu4 too much communion less, he was needed. C.v.k Am x w_._.,,.01 a. DELAWARE 00E'lf TY ICE CIREAAL—Mr. W. locomb, proprietor of the Eastern Marketlee and Cheese Stand, Fifth street, below Mar is now daily gratifying the palates of his ous el with pure Delaware county Ice Cream and ehoicest*Berries. His stook of Cheese is the +st in the city. , ;onvesmasr IN Tows.—Slnce the adjournxiient 'tigress we have seen a great number of the ere In the city. They gene . rally look extremely from the fact that most of them lost ratime in /ring now sults for themselves at the Brown .o Clothing Hall of Boelchill & Wilson, Nos. 003 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Their wls in this respect Is worthy of commendation and tlun. T, HOTTIM, HOTTEST, and so up until we get to tittotest, and thon simmer down with sat. The word hot is easy to deoline, but who cellne " clothlng,n especially at the price it is for at Charles Stokes & Co.'s, under the Con dall Not one. ,PLILIFDED eneonTarsser of misses', children's' °ye' hats, at reduced prices, can be purchased aisles Cakford & Sons, 834 and 630 Chestnut ~ Continental Hotel. D. JAYrrtea A.LTEIIATIVE standard ran. -a compound of those articles which long or- Ice has proven to possess the most safe and In t alterative and deobstruent properties, and Lining no concealed poisons, no mercurial or metallic preparations. Having before us the aonlals of thousands of persons.who have been :ell to sound health from its use, it Is recom led to the afflicted with entire confidence that it effectually eradicate from the human system Wanes for whose cure It is designed. R PORIYYIIO3•TLINI3LOOD, the Alterative will and to be a most effective medicine. Acting fly on the circulation, it purified the blood, and et with it into every tissue and fibre of the removing every particle of disease from the SCROFULA, in all its forms, whether Ulco is of the Flesh or Bones, Enlargement of the 3, Glands, Swellings, Eruptions, Tumors, Sc., Iterative has • been found pre-eminently sue t!. By Its action on the blood it destroys the or poisonous principle from which these dls originate. SKIN DUMMIES, the Immediate cause or will always be found to be an obstructed of the pores, farte's Alterative Is a certain re . It not only removes the obstinate state of ,ores, but•lt frees the blood and perspiration oil impurities and gross particles whloh are so to obstruct the small perspiratory vessels. ed only'at No. Chestnut street. j yB-21 .AWDBORRIST ASSORTMENT Op STRAW, FRLT, ler Hata can be purchased of Charted; Oakford , 881 and 836 chestnut otreet—Oonttnental Soun STolreon, and all Bowel Airm an) Jayne's (Jettahalve Balsam,. more certainty and ease than by any other Lration yet offered to the public. Give It a Sold at 242 Chestnut street. JyB-2t ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. nentftl. Wilcorlr la, St Lonis Mr Norris, Lancaster HE Marry & WI New York P A Baty, New York Jos MoWherry & la, lad Davie, New York . A Miller, Chicago E Bennett, New York S M Paasett & Is, Chicago JO Oliver & wr, Pottsville 0 W Maec, Pottsville JO Hunt S C 0 Chaidni_Massachasetis Mrs Price, washlnstoa MIRE Baker, Washington L A Battershal I, Troy, N y H Pulsator', Washington C W ilautlogtoil.Now York Ueo B Lincoln, New York Isaac Halt, New York 0 0 Posand, Paris II 0 Johnson, Meadville J Roberta, New York S Barry, Jr, Baltimore Paymaster Molding, U S N Mrs Skeldlog 0 A Lsavett, New York John K Myers & la, N Y Miss M C Powell, N Y B. Powell, New York A Sommer, Boston A Hale. New York W Noses, New York D A Taylor & la. N Y Miss laylor,,N Y E C Walker, Detroit Lso The Con I lon, Washington 'Mott, Now York SchotteJd, N.l .byah, Washington I atington, California Imes Washington berl:New York ii. New York Index, Dlnolunall Arned,•U 8 A biro y,New York Hayden, Maas loCloan i N _Pittsbrug OWPort, Pa 'wilier, New Port, P4' Palmer .Dee Moines devil', Harrieburg stoma, Harrisburg liellefonto NOW, 'Boston 311, California 'rbury, Trenton :ter bury, Trenton inndler. N Bedford I lowland. Masa relit, New York birth) Baltimore i elnow'fit wr.Waeh'n, tkwell & wt. U 8 N and a Aster, Balt Homan, Now York Ilex ee,llftigeratown. ild racknon, Penne des. Georgetown, D 0 leNoeorgetown,D C ewart, Indiana art, Winfield, 11l & wr Ranird, U 8 N a lard: son • W A Brown, Lyan. Mass 'Chas Haskins * 1.1.. Y If • (kora° Penney. York A 11 Bowman. New York John Fallon J B Hay, Winslow, N J J H Stewart, Wash 1) C U sse Haywood, JerseyNe I Entwisle, Alexandria, Va Chas W Lowls, Boston Wm C Ray, New Jersey F A Claremont( W Indies J T Rice & wr, Leavenworth Chas D Lathrop, New York mho/ Coma & sts, Boston. W .1 Kesler, Wash, D C Admiral Stringliam, U a N N B Royston,Baltimore; 11 Tucker, Boston • ialta rrott, Now York 'awls, Allentown 'I Newark, NA • . tiotater & la, Did IcCauko, 'York co' titer, York oo ay, Pitlbburk Tlenton ea, New York luton, New York R Calhoun, Kv rerut o u & la, N Y .huaton, New York .awtou, Puttuville Net, New York Jadit; 9 is ianderua, S 0 . The J Parker, New Swree, John RBrown, Waati Capt J L Johnston P Maher C•Taylor P Herdic. Williamport Win S Gibbs, Chicago Mr Hannifin, Wash V S Laroque, Baltimore R. 8 Slater, Baltimore Win Coltib & la. Wash E H Rnpsel I, New York J D Pol is, Willimusport,Pa H Fenno, Nashville Bdw P Pearson, Reading J H Rice, wilm. Bet W B Rom nbanto & la, N J W W Dante, Boston CO Bruce, AVaAington A Sherriuger, Baltimore Col M bloody, Lonisvillo' Miss Bulimia, Baltimore .1 A 'McClelland, Lonisvilla' Mrs McClelland Si Mtn • F Leach... New York • L Seehohn, Dayton,. 0 H A Sherrill, New York • W Madman. New York W I' McCall, Waehington S B Hayman, U S A W Bates &IT. New York .1 P Nell ell, Franklin B Dndlay & wr, Lex. Mo Mrs Mash & oh, Lex, Mo Mien H Jennings, Indiana, Miss L Y are Masters, Ind Jae Dunlap & eon. N Betif'd Moses Tnixall. Mt Pleasant Jacob 9 Mitchell, Penult rdrb Haywood, St Louis Mies Haywood, St Lento El'Drake, St Louis Chas B.Moore, If J Mre Marie. Moor., J • Geo F Melly, Lebanon I 0 11 McCabe, Tamaqua E A Roderick,'llS N F Knowland, Now York ' IA W Lynch, Delaware B F Delano, Brooklyn .. " 19 11 It Bannders, St Joseph, Ma Dr King. Petersburg C Wright 'Delaware . W W Wright, Delaware W E Brown, Delaware IC M Harris, Oquawka W Cunningham, Weshinsn C N Johnson, Now ilaven B Mendelson, New York 0 Ilahor, Wash luston W It Cochran, Delaware B R Cochran, Delaware Samuel Dutton The A .1 • E H Frazier, Baltimore J W Veasey, Maryland J M 111; ler Ssmnai Itt.bins J B Bowen, New Jorsey C 8 Ceglii, Newton, N C McKean, Newton, N Om Willett. rielV York weish John James O Donned, New York A SLandle Holliilityvberg E, Oliphant, Lebanon, N J It 0 Slimmed, Concord, Del .1W Cullen. Dover, Del • O w Potter, Mass H P Clark AL lady, Thee Nugent. Monroe 00 Thee Akin, New York C A Farnham, New York W P Skinner. Haiti more N C Cole, New Jersey McLellan, New York Tit McLellan, New York H Sheetz• W Dallis USN T Jr'Park, W Webb, Boston EP Tiffans._,•Rhode Tslaud 3 Wesley Ready, Dtl E A Grossman Now Jersey F Cbilde Washington, J.F Allen, Delaware 1M122111 IT t; Merger, • 11 C New York W J Huhn, 14ew York G D Now York W 8 Boyd, Wrightsville 1) 8 Cook, Wrightsville W 8 Thompson, Salem,NJ C R Lewis, Cincinnati, 0 N Thatch & la, Washinton N Callon, Washington W H Butler, Washington Jon Cooper, Washington I" Ludlam, New Jersey . John W Barton, Reading J K Whittemore, Boston D Forest & la, Baltimore T 043aattister, Cl yde. N T Mirk H E Gregg. Boston J W Ildekwell. Pa The He S I Farnnm, Y W F Snittb, Penne Frank Wiison, Lenc co. Pe Alex W Blgea. Felton, Del W B Scett, D Felton, Del J Re , d, Felton, al W H Prietrocal L USA Jos K Patton, Joe Lang, Pittsburg Hon John Casnua, Bedford J W Lockhart, Womb, Pa Rev. D J K Rine,WaAb,Pa HooWßlgler,Clettraelti,Pa J A Shippey, Wyomine co 11S Myers, Hanover, Pa A Keiser, Lebanon LJ Kirk.Lacc. co, Pa Owen llaticock,Philiptib'rg Jos Cahn,St Joseph. Mo J al Rummy, Portsmouth, 0' Thos T Miller. Bastoa W G Perry, Philada .I.lWeiset,,Hatterstown INV Ramsey, Md. A B.Esbartl, Centre so, Pa 0 alcteron & yr, Erle, Pa 1 willtartz, Chicago Jio Reading.Plomlng'n,Nl ' H Mack. Milwaukee .1 S McCord & wf.Pittsisurg W W Jones, letlitumpolis Mies M L Grant, Trenton R M Shone° & lady John Unger, Berlin, 0 1) K Baugh I) ilummel,Burnmeletwn L Sherman, New Jersey Geo niche, Lebanon, Pa L Palmer, Qhlo E T Warren, Schuylkill co F M Wheeler &. Jermedale S If Nobbles, New Jersey- L lirklasbarg, Pa Mrs Ran, Brldesburg, l'a The Ste E Vantoak. Alecaodrla, Tx .1 Gilpin, Jilktou, Md W J Moan+, Rending Mr Lei.lle & lady H C Badly .. C M Allmond, Broad Top es Union. I) Rif., Dancennon S Kline, Doneannon C M Long, BoUlmer. NV F Nlelds, Freehold, N H M Martin, Columbia II Fleming, \Vllm, Del The Co W IT Eder, Elkton, Md 3 B Lambert, Doyleatown Ell Williams, Id A, Ohio 01 AIC Lufkin. 6 A =2=3l M Tanarsdalen,Dristol .0 R. A On., Pottstown 'Chas Peacock, Maryland Capt W Mintzer, U S A W C Dickey, Cheater co Larkin, Wilma, Del US Worth, Chester co 0 1 McDonald, Chester co Milton Colegrove, 11-Y J hl Chambers, Penns. F lict;_parran (micager Co John Brown:Delaware w %V Fell C It Taylori,Chester co Sawl Moses, Yhrenixvitle The 'Madison. YI Roble, S N IA W Angel, II S A Oeo A Jones, Delaware !A Patella, Clearfield N B Oates, Bedford co. Pa' David P Scott, II S d Henry Fleming, Delaware'D 8 Newbold, New Jersey JEt George, Dover, Del I The Bald Engle. Allentown P Weide St lit L.bman Rube • . . . . .. . W I' Scholl, Allentown W 0 Beck, Northampton co Cha. A Geruerd, Nana H D Scbatiller, Reading • L 9 Moyer, Macungie, Pa S p Sulizbacb, Alex, Va. The National. NLembrlght, Minna& A S Kline, Pottsville Jos Karcb, Lebanon .1 It Bomberger, Mil lerob' g FredenthaLAlexandria Isaac Ward, Pottsville Hl3 Amerling, Lock Haven John A Langdon, Ategan'a Sheaf. J Carr, Wayne co . S S Hewitt,Cape ZirRY AV II LYHoo.Chettcmt am F R Horn,.Buckm co B Contery, abiecom W McDowell ,AVrlghtstovrn SO Price, Absecom 0 Illontall, Newtown The Black Bear. - SDnudore, ReadingF El Williams. Philad& A hi Shantz, New Texas , Pa l JGamy, Phtlada SPECIAL NOTICES. HOYT'S HIAWATELL'HATIt iIIfhTORATTYIL HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. In Longfellow's Poem Hiawatha was adjudged to have conferred the greatest boon on his tribe because he brought to its notice corn. Every one 'will admit that our preparation is worthy of its name, for the ben*• Its it confers when it Is known. WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. It restores faded and gray hair and whiskers to their original color. It brings up the natural shading of one hair with another. thus giving the hair a perfect life appeareath, ao that the most critical observer cannol detect its use. It !oaken harsh hair soft and silky, stops its failing out, cleanses it and the scalp from all impu rities, Is as readily applied and wiped from the skin as any hair dressing, and entirely overcomes the bad et. feats of previous use of preparations containing sulphur, sugar of lead, &a. The proprietors of the Hiawatha published the follow. Int challenge to test in the New York dailies throe weeks, which WAB PIEPER ACCEPTED Let some 'well known and disinterested persons ap point one to the proprietor of each preparation for the hair to Dn.'s - es. _Ryer, proprietor to nse no• thing but hie own preparation, arid - tne - pernon-.,0.1.t.,. also during the test. A cortidcate of the reenit to be Widely published at the expense of the ansacceestal competitors. Sold everywhere. JOSEPH HOYT & co., • 10 University Place, New York. Hers DYE! HAIR DYE! 11 BATCHEI,OR'S celebrated HAIR DYE id; the Beat In the World. The only Ilarmleas, True,. ancliitatabis Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is-perfect— changes Bed, Busty, or Gray Hair instantly to a Gleam Black or IVaturaf Biown, without injitring the Hair or Staffing the - Skin, leaving the Hair Soft and Beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed WILLILY A. BATOICIIL011: all others are mere Imitations, and should be avoided. Bold by all Druggists, Ste. FACTORY. 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor's new Toilet Crlam for Dressing the Hair. iOl-17 To CLEAR Tan BORER of FL OM, „MR Dutcber's celebrated LIORTNING FLY-SILLEIL I neat, cheap article, easy to use. Every sheet will kill &quart. Sold everywhere. ' FRENCH, RICHARDS,. & CO., TENTH and MALL BST Strtete, Philadelphia. wholesale agents, niy2s-wfxnEm TER POFIILAB CLOTHING HOUe OF PHILA., "OAK HALL." Beet-elan loode at moderate prices. WANANAKER do BROWN. 8. B. eorner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. Cutout Department tto make to order) No. 18. Sixth it. UNE-PRICE. CLOTHING, OF TILE LATETB Ernie, made la the Beat Manner, expressli for RE. TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goode made to Order warranted satisfactory. Our Ons-Pnice Braun is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. . deyji-ly JONES & CO., 604 MAXgET•Street WIISRLBR & WrLeoteeEtzErf Pamums LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES. THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST. AND BEST Retearoom!. 704 CTECBSTNITT Street. above Several,* WCA-TtRIEID- WATSON—AUSTIN. -70 n Tnesday s _the sth! instant. at St. Mark's Church, by the Rea Edward A. Wash born. Goodwin Watson, of New York clty, to Annie L.. daughter of Samuel H. Austin, Esq., of Phila delphia. • STE) NMETZ—IR Tit IN —On the 7th inet._, at St. John 's E. L Church, by the Rey. Charles P. Krauth, U. G. Steinme'a to Mao. E.. youngest daughter of Samuel Irwin. Esq., all of Philadelphia. • DIF]D_ ARMSTRONG.—On the 7th inst., Miss Ann Arm strong, in the 79th year of her age. '1 he relative; and friend; of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her nephew, Mr. Thos. C Nesbitt, No. 11.!6 South Fourth etreet,. on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to St. Paul's Church Ground. • ..„ BROWNING.—On the 6th instant, Mrs. Ann Brown ing, to the SOth year of her age. The relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, C. W. Slam near Camden, New Jersey, on Saturday', the Ath leotard. at 2 ' clock 't' . M.' • • Ey RE. —On the 6th inet.,Mise Matilda Eyre, daughter of the late Jelin and Elizabeth Eyre. The relatives and Mends of the family are respect fatly invited to attend the funeral from her late resi dence, No. 1328 Beach street above Hanover groat, on Saturday, tbo Ath inst. at 21'. 51, Funeral to proceed to South Laurel Hill CemeterY. e• 111 BRIE.—At her residence in this city on 801 July Jr..inst., Caroline F.. Wife of James Imbrie, and eld est dans hter of General Wm. L Monts, of New York. Herfoneral will take place at the West Spruce-street Church, corner of Spruce and Seventeenth streets. pre cisely at 2P. M., on Friday, Sth inst., at which time and place the sedatives and friends of the faintly are in vited in attend without further notice. JACKSON. —On the 6th init., Joseph Jackson, In the 63d year of his age, late supdrinteudent of the Spring Garden Gas Works. 111 The relatives and friends of the famt re respectfully requested to attend his funeral, from h late residence, No. 25 South Seventeen' h street, on Fri ay, Sth Wet.. at 2 o'olock.lnterment at Laurel Gill. _. . • . PALMTII.—On Sixth Day Seventh Month, George Palmer, in the 95th year of hie age. The reltu ly• a and friende of the family are requested to attond his tonere], from the rmiidence of his mother, at Radnor, Delaware county, Pa , Pint Day morning, at 10 o'clock, 'without further notice. ••• WELSH.—At Point Lookout, Maryland, July 3d, of dysentery, °entreated 'in Virginia, Priviste John Welsh, Company A, 6th Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, of the rebel_ormy. (New -York' and Now Orleans papers please copy.) The writer of these lines know John Welsh years ago, before rebellion came upon the land to curse it. We were comrades and friends In New Orleans, and eat at the same school desk. I have not seen him for ten years. The war whirled him into the South ern army, as It whirled. many thousands of gallant and enthusiastic young men, who wore attracted by the novelty of a military life and the glare of the contrivance called a Southern Confederacy. We parted In 1856, and occasionally corresponded until the 'War began. I next heard of him in &Hilton prison, and then of his death, as announced above. While I regret that John Welsh died ln this cause, there was much of him to love. Ile was a sweet, amiable, good man, as gentle and kind as a woman. In all the relations of life he was irreproachable. Above all, be loved his widowed mother, and gave his first crude energies to her support. I shall al; ways 'think of him as a kind, good, mother•loving boy, and ai such esteem his memory. J. R. Y. - I4ESSON Sc SON, MOURNING STORE, - 1 - P Sio. 018 CHESTNUT Street. jy7•tf FYEE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH have a Fine stock of Silks, Fine stock of Shawls, • Fine stock of Flannels, Fine stock of Linens, Fine stock'of Musllne, .1.90 . . . . . . Derelsms A, New York ' $6 00 George Sharp, Philadelphia 40 00 . Arthur Romriel Jr CO.. HAW Y0rk.1.... P.O 09 Farrington & linnnewell, Boston 17 00 Duffey & Barnes, New York • 00 00 Saltzmau, tarot, & Co., New York 115 00 B. & O. Smile. do 03 00 .. Chatellier & Spence. do 131 00 Baldwin, Seaton, & Co., do 120 CO Seninel J. Smith, do 38 00 Itoet,wog & Spies, do 50 00' Jacob Harley, do 25 DO Ed. Richard, do 30 00 5..6. fitenstleld,- do ' 25 00 C. Jacot & Co . do 70 OD Vnleanite Jewelry Co.. do 60 00• Brown, Cooke, & CO., do ' "51 00 Sackett. Davis, & Co., . do lift 60 Fitch & Waldo. 101 60 Buckenbam. Cole, & Rail, do 100 00 /Stable. Todd, & C0.,d0 T 47 00 ' . Carter, Bale, & Co., 1 do 100 00 • laikeman, Pollok, & CO.. do 45 00 Hunting & Earle • 'do 11 2' 00 Pratt. South, & bO.. do 150 00 \Valtt & Croaker, do 15 00 Samuel W. Chamberlain, do 66 CO/ Churchill, Dana, & Co., do 53 50 D. }lnk), do 40 00 - Rurand & Co., do 159 50 .. Baldwin & Co. • do 100 03 Reed & Barton; Taunton,Mass 110 60 K. C. Heiman, Reading l'a . 4 00 Hall, Dodd, & Co., Reward, N. J 134 00 V. Petersoo, Pittstown, Pa. 600 ' N. F. Fenwick, Parte, France 400 CO • 1, 0. Heineman..., Philadelphia 15 DO (Jarrett & Son, ' do BO 00 Ell Holden, do ' 15 00 Farr & Brother, • do 310 00 Kt idor & Biddle, . do 102 60 Mrs. Nary C. Snyder, do 260 Lucy Shirdel, per Mrs. Plait!, zio 260 llourY bulioso, do 40 00 G. Glean & Co., do 60 01 •W. Wtndel & Brother, • , do 60 IXI• 30. 0. A. Baker, - • do 12 00 Carroty , Co., do 566 60 Butler &' hicCartney. do 317 CO William Bonniug, ' do . 25 00 • Stellwitgen & Brother, do 6 00 1, co Dixon, . W. B.Eltouhead. • do 5 00 Joseph T, K. Hand, Caper bland 50 03 William Fahn & Sone Philadelphta 41 00 John 10. Harper, do 200 00 Dreer & Scars. do 100 00 Lutz & Knecht,• . do 10 tit) Frcd'k Greenemitb, do-- 15 CO B, Christman, do.•••••• 100 00 Mulvey Filler &Sone, do PM CO Henry Harper. do 90 00 E. Hovel d & t. 10. .• d 0...... -7000 6', E. Bart or, do 15 00 • E. Tracy & Co.. - do 250 00 George Emmen, do 80 00 Julio Spieeker. do. , ' 70 00 L. Ladoolue & CO., do 100 00 F.mert Kaufman, - - do 76 CD • B. Clinton, do••••• • 8 00 E. Ito, hek k Son, do 76 01 F. I'. Dula sq. • ' do 300 01 S. A. Jarden, F. A. Harrison, • do•-.... Si tlo . Isaac Ls a. : i k do 600 A. B. Warden. do• 40 CO Thothaa Wringing, ' do 179 00 George. W. Simons & Bro., do 306 00 Hoffman & Betirnen, d 0......• 41 00 • Peter U. Perdriana, do 15 CO Winsel & Pearce. do 29 00 Thomas C. Garrett,do 176 00 Johu Fries. do ' 30 00 C. F. Newton, . do 60 CO Jacob Bennett, do 76 00 Madame E. 0. Angell, do 75 03 Bead & Smith, do 7 00 Miss Anzahel, do 55 DO William W Bawl & eons, do - ' 0 1 00 IN J. E. Caldwell & Co.. • do 2.070 00 9.77300 ertcan. chants , . '.OFFICE CIF/ZENO' VOLUNTEER SUBSTITUTE COMMITTEE, No. 4-12 PRUNE Street, July 7, 18tH. The Citizens' 'Volunteer Substitute ComMittile pro pose to assist in raising troops by aiding citizens in procuring substitutes and facilitating the payment of bounties, in the following manner: Enrr lied citizens who desire to furnish sabstitales in advance of the draft will pay the sum of four hundred dollars to the Treasnrer, J.O. Rosengarten, Rio., N 0.412 Prone street, from 10 to 9, o'clock, receiving WA ack no w ledgment that the money will be returned if a eertid cats of exemption is not procured: uud giving to him a power of attorney, duly stamped, to collect the city bounty (or the benefit of the substitute, The names of applicants will be registered in the order of their appli cation, and certificates of exemption will be •procured and furnished in that order. As soon as the certificate intbtained, the princlpal will be notified. through the Post Office thatit is ready for delivery en return of the Treasurer's receipt, at hen the duty of the Committee will cease. The Committee his .official assurance that the certifi cates which it will procurdwill exempt the principals for the term specified. The Committee will also endeavor to procure repre sentative reurtots for citizens um enrolled, on payment Of FOUR HDHDRED DOLLAR''. DANIEL STEINMETZ, Chairman. J. 1. CLARK. HARR, JOHN THuAINON. CLEMENT H. PENROSE.; J. 0. ROSENOARTEN, Treasurer. HENRY C. LEA, Secretary. TUE ANION VOLIUNTIEER. 11E PRESUME:NT COMMITTEE acknowledge the followingeontributions: Charles Ilarmer,ss; Division No. 54 Sone of Tempe rance, Manaynn k , through Rev, J. N. Turner, $5O; Proceeds of the Anniversary Celebration of Franklin DiViSioll,No. 5. Sons of Temperance, $7B; A: Denton Sc Bro., $262; Cochran & Russell, 1 keg gunpowder; W. S. Grant , kei gunpowder; John Ender, 2 kegs gun powder. It. OFFICE ORGANIC 01 L COMPANY, Ao. 10 PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. JULY 7th. 7584. 'rho Board of Directors have this day dtclareda diet. dead of ONE PER CENT.. on the Capital Stock of this compee,-, reset:de on and after 13ie inst., free of alt taxes. Transfer Books closed on Sib; open on 14th. W. C. STILES, Jr.. Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE NEW VORK*AND MIDDLE COAL FIELD RAILROAD AND COAL COSIPANY. —A special meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at the office of the Company. No. 2,0 4 1. South FOURTH Street. on.SATURDAY, July .7.,`"di (host. ),1554. at 11 o'clock A. M. Ae bueineee of im portance le to be transacted, the attention of the Stock holders is earnestly re nested. PETER.- K..LANDIS, Secretary. rITILADELPHIA. Jaly.44 1861. .i75-fmw6t pr. ANNUAL EXCURSION . OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION to Atlantic City, FRIDAY, Stay 16th. 1934. Tickets $1.50. Can be procured at&ASHAIRAD & EVANS'..7II4. CHEST EDT Street. Rooms of the association ' 106 , 1 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street. and at the wharf on the morning of the excursten. Last boat leaves Vine-street wharf at 6 o'clock A. M. jyB 6t! GAFLEETING OF THE DELI& ES FRUrA-11.15 WARD DOUNTic_FUND COMMITTEES will be held on SATURDAY EN cirarto next, July Stet, In the District Court Room, No. 2, at 8 o'clock. A general attendance is requested. DANIEL STEINMETZ, jyB 2t President. ANFEBICAN LICIT . INSURANCE U TRUST COdIPANT WALNUT STREET: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FOURTH.. ' ' • . . - - - • PiTTLADELPHIA, Jur 7 ISM: The Trustees have THIS DAY declared a di v idend of FIVE PER CENT. out of the profits of the—last six months. parable to the Stockholders. clear of all taxed. OE end alter the 11th inst. JOHN S. WILSON. jyS 3t Secretary. IGrTHE GREAT CENTRAL - IFAIR COMMITTEE OA CARPEPINGS, OIL CLOTHS. &c.—The ondersigued with pleasure acknowledges tho receipt of the following donations and subscriptions. viz: McCa.llnm & Co., in goods d. F. & E. B. Oran, In goods James H. Oro., in goods•••., Townsend & Co., in goods... R. T. White, in goods John DicCutcheon, In goods W. J. P. Ingraham, in goods . . Henry Widnell & Son, Lasswade, near Edln born, Scotland 350 03 Henderson & Co., Durham, England 2.50 00 James Templeton& Co., Glasgow, Scotland.... 200 CO Herman, Samson, & Leppoc, .11ancheter, Eng- las d John Dobson, cash John Bromley is Sons, cash.. Lewis di Ivens, cash Gco.'W. Hill, cash H. H. Soule, cash Geo. W. Maxon & Co., cash J. T: Delacroix, cash Benj. Green, cash Allen, e colt, & Co., cash E. J. Lester, cash Wm. Creagnall, cash J. & E. Fiance, cash Thom Finley, oaah Jos. Blackwood, cash ..... • •• J. Stewart Denny. cash W. A. Rolls, cash • John .111 Evans, cash Andrew McGill, cash B. & S. C. Redpath, cash.... Alex. Crow, cash John 01bb, cash John McCnteheon, east, J. & 8. Steenaon. cash James 5(001:1130D, cash Gunnel McFadden, cash . . . . Hobert Crossley . & Co., Halifax, England, in goods $3OO 00 Gregory, Thompson, & Co•, Kilmarnock, Scot land, in goods MO CO Cooke, Rindley, & Law, London, cash, X 20.... 167 91 James Lord, jr., 'Wissahickon 100 00 Employees of James Lord, Jr 20.1 00 John Hughes 10 00 Employees of John Hasher. ' 14 00 Thole who'havo subscriptions for this Committee, :which they have not as yet handed in, will plesee for. ward them at once to the Chairman,or hicCaLLUM &CM. 519 CLIESTNIIT• Street. ' lar` GENERAL NOTICE.—OFFICE OF TDB DELAWARE AVENUE AfARKEr COM. PANT, DOCK Street Wharf. At a special meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pear, held on the 11th inst., the Board of Directors was authorized to sell eight hundred and fifty (810) shares of stock, at par, and apply the proceeds to the extinguish ment of the mortgage debts of the Company. Notice in hereby given to all'who were stockholders at the time of the passage of these resolutions, that on the 21st and 22d d aye of July, 1864, between the boors of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M., at the ottice of the Company, each and every stockholder will be entitled to subscribe to a pro rata of new stock, according to what he then held, buLthat after the bald 2211 day of July each option will ceafe. A special notice will be sent to each stockholder By order. WILLIAM CARLIN, je24-ftuilt . Treasurer. Igr!!OBEY BROOK COAT. COMPANY. —At a meeting of the Board of Direatore of the Hocey_Brook Coal Company. held at their Olitce No. 209 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. on the6th ;Mot, a DIVIDEND OP THREE PER CENT., clear of all taxer, was declared out of the earning' of the Company for the tneutht of May and Sone, Payable on and after the 19th of Jury, at the Otece of the Company. JOHN B. IifcCREART, President. orTule srEcgrAr. conwrrrEE OF THEOREAT CENTRAL SANITARY FAIR FOR FANCY 000DS . , WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER sold 'PLATED W AIM gratefully acknowledge the following contributions: CASH. Thomas J. Afegeir dilal 00 Anil g & Bros., New York 50 00 . Palmer. Richardson, & Co., Piffle 100 00 C. & A. Fluonot, do 2.1 0) Wm. Riggs. do 21 00 C. Cotlieb, New York 10 00 ---- Proceeds of Parlor Fair. through Mrs:s:3lo CO : Jas.. L. , Clagborn's Committee 722 15 MERCIIAI4DIBE. • 910.805 JAMBS F.:CALDWELL. Chairman. PAJLADELPRIA, Ju1y7,1984, Total ADDITIONAL {t-1,678 91 BENJ. ORS% • No. 094 CHESTNUT Street, Phila. PHILADELPHIA, Jun 620,1861 The Honey Brook Coal Company was organized by the election of the following Officers. and Board of Directors: President. • Vice President, John B. McCreary. Lewis Al:Wended Treasurer, Secretary, Davis Pearson. • S. McHenry • DIREC' TORO. I Lewis Auden:46d. I Jacob A. Myers, Reeves. • John B. McCreary. Davis Pearson 3y7 lot Thomas TELE GRAPH NOTICE.—TILE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADEL PHIA, at FRANK FORD,would give notice that,beving effected an arrangement with the INDEPENDENT TELEGRAPH LINE, a TELEGRAPH OFFICE is now Oren at the RANK, for the accommodation of the pub lic, connecting FRANKFORD with all telegraphic poinlN Drat. West, North, and South. Philadelphia messages sent and received at a rate so low that persons valuing time and money will find tele graphing cheaper than any other method of de.patch. WILLIAM U. AHAWN, Cashier. OFFICES. No. 413 Chestnut street, In. 0 South Third street, No. 204 W alma greet, Merchants' Exchange, Id( rcbanta' Hotel, Ity7.6t) Second National Bank. Mr' BANK . OF NOWNIN AMERICA—DI. "VIDEND, BANK OF NORTH AM ERICA, Jilt'. 2, Mt The Board of Directors have this day declared a DI VI DEND•for the past elx months of seven and one-half Per cent. clear of all taxes, payable on and &her the 11th instant. HOCICLII Y. jy4.6t Outlier. • Wr. DIVI DEN I) N °MM.—OFFICE Eno THE EOBSET OIL CO. ;147 South FOCIAT 11 St., second story. . • • rauamPsita. o ilstly 1. Leos. The Board of Directors have Ws day deolased a dlyi• deed of 2.34 per cent. on the capital stook of thla Compa ny, payable on and after the Kb of July. Ireouf Mate tax. The books mill be closed on the oth of July at 3 P. M. . and opened on the 9th. WE. E. CARTER. iY4.6t Treasurer, lar OFFICE OF THE IaRICIGS OIL COMPANY, 1117 South FOURTH Street. • PHILADELPHIA, July 1, 1664. The Board of Directors bare this day deelared the brat monthly dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable, clear of U, S. and State taxes , to tho Stockholders on the Bth test. The Transfer Books will be closed on the 6th, 6th, and ?tb lust. iy2-6t A. F. RAISINS. President. THE. PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, F IDAY r JULY 9, 1864: NOTICE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MLA CHESTNUT Arm FRANKLIN STREETS, (north eide of Chestnut, west of Third,) on and after gar. FIRST OVARTERLY'REroftr OF 711 E` FOURT a NATIONAL ILO }COI , PHILA DELPHIA. RESOURCES. • Loans and Discounts A 148.570 82 Fu rnit ure and Fixtures 8,000 00 Expenses , ' 3,774 75 Premium on U. S. Bonde _3.007 SS U. S. Bond deposited to secure Circulation.• 210,(0) 00 IL 8. Bonds depusited for other purposee...• • 80,000 00 IL S. Bend on hand 9 . 2.3 , 0 03 Legal-tender Votes SIXI 00 Bills of solvent banks .12,100 00 Cash items 41) 82 Due from Banks and Bankers 129,170 . • 8585,066 63 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock'paid in 4174,140 00 • Circulating islotes ixeued 10.000 Oil Individual ddposits 816,313 94 Due to Banks and Bunkers 67,8)7 62 Discounts and interest 2.215 97 SUM, sot Gs 1, SAML. J. MAO SIDMAN. Cashier of Fourth Na tional Bank of Philadelphia, solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the beet of my know ledgeand belief. etA AIL. .1. MAC MULLAN, Cashier. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. COUNTY OF PHILA DELPHIA. Sworn tn'ttnd subscribed before me this sixth tiny of July, 1964. EDW. 11. WILLIAMSON,. • jy7-9t . Notary Public. • DIONTHIX STATEMENT, UNDER THE THIRTY-FOURTH 'SECTION OF THE NATIONAL CURRENCY ACT, OF THE .FIRST NA TIONAL BANK OF• PHILADELPHIA: Average amount of Loans and discounts for the mot th r *4,615.000 Average etnonnt of other Lawful 'Money . 1,631,000 Average amount of Deposita ' •• 5.835.009 Averoge amount of Circulation 413.1300 STATE OF PENNEYLVAMA COUNTY OF PIMA- DBLPEI A. I, MORTON McMICHABL, Ja ; of Phlladelpila, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and ballet • - MORTON MoMICIIABI., JR. . n !vara m t c vmd subscribed before i ) b,l ,4 a n a t i , ld o dly of Nutar3r DEPARTMENT OF "LABOR, IN COME, eh]) REVENUE." GREAT CENTRAL FAIR FOR UNITED STATES SANITARY COMRIS- SlON.—Commletees throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware that have not 'set completed their collections of " One .Day .1.400 r, One Day's biome, mat One Day's Revenue." will greatly promote the interests or our Sick and Wounded Soldiers and Sailors, and expedite the closlug of our accounts, by doing so at earliest convenience, and remitting the same .to JOHN \V. CLAGHORN. BIM., Treasurer, US Sent hSEVRNTEI Street, Philadelphia. MACGREGOR J. MITCIIESON, • Chairman Committee on Organizations.- L. MONTOOHRRT BOND, Chairmen. n Mrs. Rev. E. W. Hu an,jy7-St !gr. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, FIRST DIS TRICT OF FENNSTIVANIA, PnJrADRI.TIIIA. Jai Y L 1564. Manufacturers of Tobitheo. Suuff, or Segare,are hereby notified to snake out an inventory of the qnantity of the different kinds of tobacco, snuff dour, snuff, sews; tin foil, liquorice, and stems hi.ld or owned by them this day. as repaired by the new excise law, which goes into force this day. The Inventory must set forth the portions manufac tured by themselves and purchased from others, with . the market price of the severs) articles. WASHINGTON KEITH, iy4-mwfdt Aesesror First District, Pennsylvania. OFFICE OF THE. I.EIUMAIF LC ZERNE RAILROAD COMPANY, 320'WAL NUT Street. PRILAAELPITIk. July 6, 1361. ' The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi. annual DIVIDEND OP•13IX PER DENT., _payable on arid after Julyl3. EDWARD ROBERTS. Ja.. jy7-3t. Treasurer,' OFFICE•OF TRIM VNION 'l3l P••••••••• PROVEMENT COMPANY, 320: vra,L NUT St. PRIGODELPRIAV July 6; ISt • Tba Board oftrirectore bare ilia der declared anneal DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT.; payable. OA and after July Is. • EDWARD' ROBERTS; JW• • jy7-9N ' - - ' Treasurer.. OFFICE BEAVER 2tEADOWICILLL. ROAD AND COAL CO.. • ' • • PuiLsnimrrttA, July Ist. 1584. A dividend of SEVEN AND A HALF PE CENT. on the capital stock of thin Corripsor bits been civilised. payable on and after MON D4l, July D. STI-fmwilt" - L. CHAMBERLAIN., Treasurer. aka DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFIOR OW TAR 11111011 PETROLEDM COMPANY,.,I47 South FOURTH Street. - - . The Bcard or Directors have declared a-third monthly dicidend of two per cent on the capital stock, .payable on endafier the 16th current. The Transfar Books will be closed on the 18tb and lath surreal. . CHARLES DU L Y, jy7-6t ' President. IarSECOND QUARTERLY REPOKIP OF TEE THIRD NATIONAL BANE OPPIIILA, DBLPHIA, JULY 2. 1934: Loans RESOURCES. us and discounts CA 355 - • 85 • • ' U. S. Bonds deposited to secure cir culation 103,000 00 U.S: Bonds deposited for other par poses 50,006 00 : • U. S. Bonds and other U. S. circu lation on hand. '117,660 00. Z4V.,006435. Specie and LegabTender Notes $172.5 , rl 05 • Bills of solvent banks 1,604 60 U. S. Hive-psi-cent Legal Tenders.. 31,000 CO _ . Cacti items ' 7,4%56 Due from banks sad bankers' - 76,102 47 Real estate 2.612 77 Expenseacconne.- 3.600 28 - $218,101 42 LIABILITIES. • Capital stock g 176,640 03 Circulating n otes issued 30.00) 00 Profit and lore 3.517.61. Due to banks and bankers 67,708 40 Dse Treat urer of the U.'S ........ 5043 105 94 Due depositors oredemand 137.390 3.3 j) 6.3 t -V71,410 "S tarSTATISM/LW OF FOUILTII NA TIONAL BAER, as required by the Second,. Section of the Act of the General Assembly of this Com— monwealth, approved the 13th day of OCTOBER, A. D.., 25•57: Amount of Loans and Discounts $231,100 Amount U. 5: Legal Tender Notes AVM Amount Due from other Banks s4,nos • Amount of Notes in Circulation 115,000 • Amount Depoelta— 270,11:10 . .12.,,unt Bala neat due to other Banks 14,870 PIIILAD/SLPHIA, Jhly6, ISG4.. • • ----_.. CITY OP PITILAwELPRIA; 55: • ' • I. SA &FUEL J. ktAcRULLAY; CaithiliOfthioFOUßTß; NATIONAL BANK. being ewern, depose and say, that , the above Statement is correct to the lest of my knowl edge and.belief.. SAIROEL J. iIIAciVOLLAR. Sworn•before me, thls Aih dcv_ of JOLT, A. D.. 1141. EDWARD 11. WILLIAMSON Sys-3t Notary Public. figr. A MEZTThO OF 'THE CORPORA. TORS of the SOUTH MOUNTAIN IRON COI& PANY will be held at No. 230 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, July this, at 10 o'clock A. M.', for th purpose of organizing agreeably to the charter: and the transaction of ouch other business as may be presented. PHILADELPHIA, June 30, 1€64. OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE. INSURADiCE COMPANY. 400 waul UT St.; PRMADELPIIIA, July 6, 1664. The Directors have this day declared a-Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Corn• pahy for the last six months, payable on detnand, free. of all taxes. . CHAS. FOSTER, iY6-121 Secretary. •.$l,lOO 00 . SOO 00 .. 300 00 .. 100 00 .. 60 00 •• 700 • • 23 00 IW°Elam SOMERSET IPNON AND COAL COMPANY OP 'PENNSYLVANIA di CEDAR - Street, . . New YOKIC, June 10, MI. NOTICE Ia hereby given that, purinant to a resolu tion of the Board of Directors, an instalment of TWEN TY PER CENT, on the subscription to the Capital Stock of the SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA be and hereby ia, made payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, Treasurer of said Company. 011.0 r before the ISth day of July next. lelS-tinMl Attest: T. TYNG. Secretary. 200 00 100 00 ...... 90 00 60 00- 50 00 50 (0 00 00 60 00 24 00 ...... 25 00• ...... 25 00. ...... 25 00 ' 2300. 20 00 ...... 15 00 10 00 ) 15 01 10 00 10 00 1000 10 00 10 00 6 00 6 00 240 ..... 2 50 nivinEND NOTICE.—OFEKIE Olf THE MINERAL OIL COMPANY. 13994.WA.L. NUT Street. Philadelphia. June 2S, 180. • . •-. The Board of Directors hays this day declared a divi dend of ONE PER CENT. on the capital stock of this company, payable on and after the 9th of Jatyaree of •State tax. The transfer books will be closed on the let of July at AL, and be opened 011 the 9th. • THOS. R. SEARLE; ie29-9t• Secretary. iggr THE !SUSQUEHANNA ANDaILIM. WATER CANAL COMPANIES have their once at No. 417 WALNUT Street, Room fte. 4. , The," Transfer Agency " of these Companies, hereto fore in South FOURTH Street. hea been removed to the office of the Companiesi at the place above stated: je2l•SOt OFFICE OF THE CA.T.A.W488.4, I RAILROAD COMPANY. No. 42.46 WALNUT 43,687 00 . . Street, PITILADIMPITIA, July 2;1663. NUTICB TO STOCNBOLDSRS —The Board utDiree tore have established a Transfer Agency for the Stock of this Company in New York City, SAMUEL kNOX, Ben:, Secretary and• Trea-snrer of the Central Railroad Company. of _.2 1, 11F.J.91 . 847. has bra Inntediransfer Agent, of fi ce GB WALL Street, New AU Stockholders wishing the New York Certificates in exchatige for those they now hold, will present them at this office. T. HASKINS DU PUY, jy6-6t President. OFFICE OF TIJIM FAME INSET RANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. PIIII•ADBLPR!A, July sth, 1861. At a me. tint: or the Board of Directors or the Fame In surance Company, held this day. ÷nd of THRES PF,R CENT, watt declared, payable on demand. clear of all taxes. W. 1. BLANCHARD, jyB-12t • igr THE EXTRA VETERAN BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, et 5 o'clock F. IL, to receive applications, at No. 7 Goldetaiths' Hall, LI BE4BY Street, ini tiled lately In the roarof the Poet Office. Fuel les interested will please call at that hoar only. E D. SAUNDERS, Chairman. EDWIN 0 REBLE. JONATHAN BULLOCK, . O. W. SIMONS, j56-4t ' PAUL J. .FIELD. MILLINERY GOODS. le n RIBS A. BAJEEIc No. 1.340 CHESTNUT STREET. Has opened a large aesortment of PARIS MILLINERY, apl4.3m' ' For the Spring and Sommer of 1964 ARMY GOODS. ,pOTEE*GHAM . & WELLS HEAVY, MEDIUM. AND LIGHT MEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. - HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND . _ SILESIAS. BROWN BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORiTED YARN. &c. eeffi•lltf • TiEgUNIVERSAL WRINGER WITH' ilwams la in nee in all United States Hospi tal... Navel and Blind Asylums, and- alt our benevolent institutions. It can be need with great profit wherever, liquid is to be pressed from any thing, but It is asp°. cily necessary in every family, as It saves TIME, L &- 808, and CLOTH INO. All COO-WHEEL WRING ERS are WARRANTED. E. L. BURNHAM,* 27 South SIXTH Street, bloat • Agent for Manufacturers. ONLY $1 FOR. A PICTURE, AN AG ,•-• CURATE and pleasing likeness. of fine style and quality, executed by artiste of. experience and skill. REIMER'S Gallery, SECOND Street, ab. Green. It. C ARTES DE VIBITE.-THE TASTE and flnlah and pleasingetyles of 15. F. REIMER'S speolmens, dad favor with all In search erratum. See specimens, 624 ARCH Street. T . I.IOE-SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS 111 OIL Won are unquestionably the moo* truthful like basses made. See splendid specimens of styles at 11. F. REIMER'S Gallery, 624 ARCH street.. 1t• OLD. WHISKY.-50 BLS .AND 20 half-bbla Pare OLD KYR WHISKY. 100 bbla Pun OLD IDONONOALIBLA. Yoe Halo by' 13. MIDDEJITON. jyB-01. • .• 4 North FRONT West. . TIEAF MADE TO IaBAR.—INSTRII .J., NEXT to assist the heating at P. MADEIRA'S, 110 South TENTH Street, below Obeetnnt. jytt-at j'OSEPH . IL THOMPSON, • SNAPPING COMMISSION MERCHANT. • And General Agent, • Sel9.lm 154 North DELAWARE Avenue . P URE PALM OIL BOAP.-TRIS 130 AP le made of pare, fresh Palm 011„ . andAe entirely a yemitable Scan; more suitable for Toilet use than those made from anLmal fate. In boxes of one dozen rakes, for V/ per box.. Manufactured by ono. M. lILRINTON di SON, ED. U 5 ISABGARETTA Street, betweet Fralt azd, ikaoor,d, above Oellntrhlli. lee-Om DELPHIA. 177j1.1. TRANSACT zursirmss AT TFISIR riVff BANKING HOUSE. CORNER OP TUESDAY, THY STH INSTANT. MOUTON MoDUCTIAEL, SR., Cashier 20TH 'REGIMENT P. V. M., AT TENTION ! ' • Accepted for 100 Act SerYIPO. 130UNTY. - . A few more men,wito hid to AM companies to this re Fitment. ➢ton mustered and equipped as Soon as en rolled. moldeC at4r,l ed.unty of FIFTY DOLLARS paid as soon as bounty Recruits will report this morning at 9 o'clock, at bead Quarters, 533 CHESTNUT Street, to proceed to camp. By order of - WM. B. THOMAS, Colonel Commanding. JAMES B. RONEY: let Ltentenaut and Adjutant. tIIUNDRED• DAYS MEN- COAL 31ERCI AL REGIMENT, Col. A. A. LECRLER.— Competext Officaro d cottons of positions In thin 'tent moot Will make Immediate implication to Col. A. A. LECHLER. W 0601.111 How*, SAMSON St. A mediae of the Oflicer.i will he held TIIIS EVENING, At 8 o'cLk. • • ttATTENTION, - CO. E. BLUE RE. SERVES.—Members and ell others willing to ro- Epcnd to the call alba Governor, will meet at the Ann nu, AM CU ES'I'111:1T Street, (Fonrtn st or7 ) on SATURDAY, Bth Instant,' at &o'clock. P. M. • WM. WINS, Captain. JOS. J, BABCOCR,•O. S. , ieS-21.• t FALL IN ! "E," FALL IN! BOUNTY, CM i "SU , COMPANY'. 20TH RF.GISIENT,, , witt . e t the CUSTO ) I'HOUSE . at 8 o'clock A. al . TO• LAY,i at to recolve-8 4 10 1 Pulenta and thnint r , ; . _ C. W. Noe .IITOCK A, VAxeotvan. o'. 8. , .• - • Captain. • It NATIONAL GUARD ‘REGIMENT: ONE HUNDRED DAYS' SERVICE. fent.Etx9rfU)igr WANTED —Cltlzeos. r:0 11 2 ) u. theA the officers have seen service. Readquarters RACE Street, below Sixth. • • • • OFFICB 01T ' BOUNTY 001111119- SION, No. 412 PRDNE Street —SUDSPITUr2s.— The City Bounty of Two Modred and Fifty 'Dollars wall be Pa Id in Mies where enrolled citizens of Phila delphia, in advance of the. draft, pot in three years' substitutes not liable to draft and proper credit laylvett upon the quota of their districts. If citizens not enrolled pot In sobstltutis, the substi tute Is reyarded an a volunteer, and on a proper evidence of his being credited is entitled to - the• bounty. The opportunity Is thus afforded for citizens to aid the cause while procuring exemptions.for themselves and assisting the city to All ills tinnta• art 3t tNOTICE.-lIVADQUARTERS PRO yOST MARSHAL. SECOND DISTRICT. PITILADELPITIA, ,Titne.7llth, 1564. . The Lista of Persone enrolled its liable to do Mili tary duty are now being revised and corrected. ponwo, who are Improperly enrolled on account of alienas 0, non-reeidence, over forty-five yearn of age,or permanent physical disability, should appear before the Board. prove the same, and have their names etrietsen off tho Ilst. Civil officers, clergymen, and all otherpromlnent citi zens, who know of persons who have arrived at twenty years of age niece Enrolments, Jane, Iligt; of those .whose names were omitted by the proper enrolling offi cers; aliens who have declared their intentions to be come citizens; persons disclutrired from the military end naval service of the 17atted Staten, who havertot been in .such service two years doling tha'presaut.arar. are in vited to . appear before the BOARD OF ENROLMENT and give each information in theirposseseionse may aid in the correction aid revision of the TaiMk: ED WIPP:PALMER. jy4-72t Capt. and Prov. Marshal Ssoond.Dlst • • I HEADQUARTERS:PROVOST-10.W SIIAL, FIRST . DISTRICT; PA. • PHILAnarsErTA, Tune M; 1864. Thenames of persons removing to or from thin Orstriot will be added to or stricken from the lists of enrol went. Copies of the like are open for pablic inspection, and civil officers and all citizens are invited to appear and point Ant errors in the lists and give such information as may aid in the correction and revision thereof. any person enrolled may appear before the Board and claim to hays bin name stricken off the list if ho our show satisfactorily that he id not properly enrolled, on account of At:image Fon residence, Oyer-age, Permanent Physical Disability. , A compliance with the foregoing suggestions is ear nestly' solicited. WM. B. LEHMAN,. $O2ll-tf . Captain and Provost Marshal. RETAIL DRY GOODS. CIVIL AND ARMY CLOTHS. . MIDDLESEX 6-4 LIGHT BLUES. ALL GRADES DARK ACES.. 8-4 AND 6-4 INDIGO FLANNELS. ' 34 AND 64 BLUE OASSIMERES. 11-4• AND 64 DOESKINS. FULL:STOOK OF CLOTHS. • DO. DO. ' COATINGS. • DO. DO. CASSIMERW. BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE CLOVIS . CLOTHS FOR 00AOHMAXERS, ALL KINDS TRIMMINGS, &o. T..:: , SNODGRASS, 3.1: S. SECOPD'agd 33 STRAWBERRY 311 VXAMINE OUR LAWNS. Lawns, brown ground, neat figured, 44e. Lawns. white ground. neat figured, 44c.. Rnekaback and Beth Towels, large assortment. Bird's Eye Linen Towels. Extra size Damask Towels. Shetland Wool Shawls for tourists, $5. Bathing Flannels red Rodgrim .48 . JOHN d. STOKES. 702 ARCH Street gel 3 Q• DOUBLE AND TWIST pAssp 93 , •,-• MERE'S. 61.386-4 'Wide Dark Mixed Hein Tweeds. • Low• Priced and flue Cassimeres. , • No advance in Sommer . Stock. Linen Drilla and Duck. Superfine White Duck and Drills. , Superb Stock Woolens laid tn. WILLIAMSVILLE. New York mills and other good makes Muslins, by She piece or yard. • Wide Sbeetines by the piece. . Best old standard makes Unbleached Muslim, Flannels, Tickines, Cheeks,. Stripes. Se. k Towel, and Totrelinan. • Damask Table Linens, Nanking. • • • . FANCY SHIRTING FLANNELS. • COOP ARD, 377 S. E. corner NINTH andM A ßKETStreets. VACS SILKS.. BLACK BILKS. rte ADVANCB fl PRiCBS. We are still Wittig oar Black Bilks at the same prices as we did early in the season, notwithstaading the re cent advances. $771,410 'a MANTLE SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. Plain alike, all colors. $1.3(Lt0,55.70. Panay Silks. $1 to $2.00 Filch heavy, handsome Pansy Silks. $11.87 to $8.90. 'Rich Chene Silks, at $2.8736, worth 63.00.. st $3.5, " " " at e 4.75,. " at 55.75, " $7. 10 pieces small Plaid Silks, at $1.%. worth $1.841. • H. STEEL & SON. Noe. 713 and 7'15 N. TENTH - Street 1 4,A WHITE BAREGES FOR SHAWLS, 7z..cirettißT., &u. • •• • -• • - 8-4 White nertani. 8-4 White Gauze Mares. 8-4 White Crepe Maret:. • •• - 1:•,. • 8-4 Black ITernani Baregee. 8-4 Black Tamartines. • B.s black B4reges. 89 Crara - Black De-Lianas. 6-4 White Marines. 6.4 Black Marianas. • • LOWIN SECOND & CO. 1080 • 0,8 south SECOND 44::RMAIL DE PARIS," FOR THE • " 5 -. 4 • SKIN. —This dill ghtrol .pronaratto chilly recommended to 'ldles about visiting t he country or sea shore, for removing the discolorations canoed by 'sunburn or salt air.' The " Small de . Paris" is en dorsed and universally used by the ladies or the French capital. EUGENE JOVIN, No. M.S. TENTH Street, belovr Chestnut, Agent for l'Email de Paris. leaf HARRIS' MIXED CASSIMERES. . Light mixed Cassimere, , -,.for boys' snits. Melton and Plaid Cassimeres. • Merino Cassimeres and Cashmeretta. Linen Drills. Satinets. and Cottonades. Ladies' Cloaking Cloths, choice shades. Loom and Damask Table Linen. cheap. Towels. Towelling. and Napkins. Large assortment at JOHN H. STORMS'. • 702 ARCH Street 1024 CHEMIST STREET The attention of LADIES VISITING THE CITY, or those about LEAVING IT far • Watering Places," or " the Country," le - r o rg i vp . l , ll i c iAtte s, t: u p a e m e e llei r isre m l i cilli • WEAR, for WHITE BODIES, o ROBBING WRAPPERS, &a. An extensive assortment Is offered in Lace and Worked Edgings and Insertinev, Veils, Baadkercblefe, CollarkSicoves, and in plain hid fancy Plaid, Strtped, and Figured White Goode, AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THEIR PRESENT RETAIL VALDE. 100 Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. 100 pieces Puffed, ,Tucked, and Striped iltudine. • . E. M. NEEDLES. ire t 14; Ci , -/ Clu44i oili`v WiatirioiiorY6 7 ifill6lD PM OP - SMALL 7.20 U. S. TREASURY NOTES. SEVEN -THIRTY NOTES, of the denomination of We ar,d lON, can now be converted in BONDS OF THE LOAN OF 1881. of the faille denomination. For information apply at the oftbm of JAY .COOKE'LSS. Co., Bankers, I.l4'Bouth THIRD Street, Phila.. NEW •PUBLICATIONS. TITHEDLORE'S RAILROAD ,GUIDE, -al" for JULY; Jost out: This le the. most relish!. Outdo published. blest 25 cents: Tor Sale wholesale and rt 'Why T. B. 11:10Eli SEXTII and CUESTZWT. • AS MEAD da EVANS, Successors to WILLIS : P. HAZARD, 724 CHESTNUT Street, Have received SAVAGE AFRICA.. By W. Winwood Reade. With illustrations and maw. COUSIN PHYLLIS. ATale. Just out. GUIDE BOOK OR THE NEW JERSEY CENTRAL It, R. With xuartand.handsome illustrations. MACARIA. By Augusta J. Evans, author of "Ben lab," The great Southern Novel, reprinted from the Riehmond edition. CHRONICLES OF THE SCHONBERG COTTA FAMI LY. Fine edition on tinted paper. One of the beet works ever issued. Everybody should road it. LINNET'S TRW', ATale. By the anther or "Twice Loat." . . HOTSPUR. A Tale of the Old Dutch Manor: By , Walworth,author of "Lula. ' TEE TAEEER BOY, and How he Became Lieutenant General. By Major Penniman. DENISE. By the author of " Mademoiselle*Morl." 2 vols. JYT. NEW. WORK_ _ BY ROBERT - DALE OWEN. Will be. published early In July, in a handsome vo. lame, hue duodecimo, anew work, entitled. THE WRONG OF SLAVERY, THE RIGHT OF EMANCIPATION,. AND THE FUTURE OF THE AFRICAN•RACE • . IN THE UNITED STATES, - By the Hon. Robert DalelOwen. In one vol 12ma Price SI/ 25. J. B. LIPPINCOTT Jr. CO., Publishers,. .176.wf5.1t • . Philadelphia. • EW BOOKS'[ NEW BOOKS` ' N SAVAGE AFRICA, being the narration of a tone in Equatorial, Southwestern. and. Northwestern_ Afri c with illnetnttlenn and map, by W Wlntrood Reads. CHRONICLES OF THE SCHONBERG-GOTTA FA MILY. By two of themselves. New tine edition. GUIDE BOOK; for the Control. Railroad of Now Jer sey and its connections, through the coal ileidaofFenn-, aylvanta. GOOD FOR EVIL, and other stories for tho.young,by — A. L. 0. B ALTAR INCRNSE, being Morning Watches,-Evening Incense, and Altar Stone,, ,by R. Marsdaft HISTORY OF FREDERICEI THE , bRCONII. called Frederick the Great, by Thomas Carlyle, four volumoa, sold separately. For sale by WM. S. dt ALFRED. IBAR.TrBN, Jy4 600.0 RESTNUT Street. NEW MEDIOAL BOOKS. TANNER'S NEW MANUAL . Or 'PRACTICE. A new eolarged edition. ..WYTHE'S POCKET DOSE AND SYMPTOM BOOS. Fourth edition, Tatlesd, FULLER ON RHEUMATISM. A new revised edi tion. BYFORD ON THE UTERUS. • BAUER'S ORTHOPEDIC. MOSTLY. CHEW'S ItECTURES ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. A NEW MEDICAL CATALOGUE. clarieHled and priced, rornielled srAla upon appllcatlno. LINDSAY At BLARHITON, je29 216 South SIXTH Street APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CIOLOPEDL. the Ayettey for thin Invaluable Library or Verna,' istformetlen II at 93 South SIXTH Street, second story. Also. 141,CORD VII BIBBLMOtt, By Frank tgooro. to/14t FrWM77I PJIVANCIA►L. PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF ARMY C LOT II ENG 8.-ND EQUIPACIE, PRIbAIALPIIIA. July 7, DIOL SEALED loltueoBAl.B recelv..a Kt this 0111 ca until 12 o'clock. 11 on MONDAY. the ISO; inv.ant, n,r 6up:11,111g theSchuyiltill Amen:it with the fellowingAr- Woolen Grn y Blanket'', army 'deaden!, (aweigh live pounds and annsnro font Ty 6 feat 6 I nchet, (with the letters U. S. in black, 4 loan. long Iu the centre. I Woolen Stockings. made with fashioned toes, without own am, arm y nth nclard, to ;reign three pontidn nor dozen. arniy•ntandard simples of each of the above aril vin. can be aeon oh this niece, to which deliveries must cis ct if non form. Skidera tonal acme to their prolamin the Price, (which mad be given in writing as well an in figuree,) the quantity, and !Me of treltway. Each hie Janet be guaranteed by two re3poctible per awn, wlime elgunturen mnpi ha aonendtal to the gua rantee, and when the Weer or guarnintore are not known at tide office to be rtnponelhle 230 h. they moot be certified to ea being ouch by come pubriclanationary of the United Staten. Bide front defeating contractorr, and none that do not Jutly comply loffh flee mitt (trident/I of thl4 ad ver• tbenient. mitt net be cowittered. Bank tonne torproponale Coo be bad nom application at this omce, rod bide mart be endorsed with the name of the article bid for. 0. H. CRO4MATI, J 3 St9t Can't Q. M. animal. (1. N. A. 'FRESH BEEF AND VEGETABLES. • NAVY DitrARTNIRNT, BUREAU OF PROvItOONS AM/ CGot if MI. July 8; Mt SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed ' Fropomais for Fresh Beef and Vegetableswill be received at thin Bureau until 2 o'clock P. Sr.,n the 39th dtiy of July lumt , for the supply 0(100,060 pomade of Fresh Beef and Btl,Nefietinds of Fresh ffetetablee, at tee Fhiladeirdila Station, as required.. The Beef and Vilgetables mat be of good quality, and the best the market affbrdm, and each article pins' be offered for by the pound. The Beef to be in equal proportion.., fore and hied gum tors. Bond, with approved securitywill be required in one half tie nation ted amount of the contract, and &treaty per cent. in addition will be withheld from the amount of each payment to be made, am collateral eacurity for the due performance of the contract, which will, oar no account, be paid until it is NO , complied with. Every offer must be accompanied by a written rat; 'lllnty, signed by one or more resmneible persons. that the b idderi or bidders will. if lite or their bid ho ac cepted, eater into an obligation within five days: with• good and au Indent snroties, to flarakh the articles pro-• ponied, Nopropoeal will be considered, unless accompanied' by much guaranty, and by mati.ifectory evidence that the bidder in a reguiar dealer in the article proposed, and has the licence required by law. j y S Let O FFICE DE •OT COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE. W.majtpl . rym,..l),.C. 4. July 7; 1361. PROPOSALS FOR FLOU SEALED PROPOSALS are invited until the 14th inst., at 12 o'clock M., for furnishini the Sabststence Depart ment whh • TWO THOUSAND. (2,000 Y BARRELS OF - FLO.UR.• The propoeala bo for what is known at this De pot as Nos. 1. 2, and S r and bide will be entertained for any quantity leas than the hole. bide must be in duplicate, and for each grade on eepa. rate sheet. of paper. The delivery of Flour to commence within five days from the opening of the bid., and In such quantities, daily, as the Government. may direct, delivered at the Government warehouse in Georgetown, at the wharves or railroad depot in 'Washington, D. C. The delivery of all Flour awarded to be completed within twenty days from the opening of the bids. - Payment will be made In certificates of indebtednese, or such other funds as the Government may have fur disbursement. - • • . The nano! Government inspection will be mado inst before tire Flour is received, and none will be accepted which is not fresh ground. Au oath of allegiance must accompany the bid of each bidder who has not the oath on ale in this °Rice, and no bid will ho entertained from parties who have pre viously failed to comply with their bids, or from bid ders not present to rosPond. Government reserves the riglit to reject any btd for any CHOCK. Bide to be addreeped•to the under4lgoed. at No. 223 0 street, endorsed 'Propos&le for " C. GUFF E, Captain and a. S. V. OI DNAIT CE OFFICE, : • WAR DEPAIIIIIVIT, WAiZizturox,• July 4, 1564 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until MONDAY, Jbly 25, at 4•P M., for loo.coo. sets of Infantry Accoutrements,.ealibre 59; to be delivered in the following quantities at• the nodernamed Arsenals, viz: 36,000 *eh at the New Y6rk Arena], Goventor's . Inland • 20,a(fe sots at the Frankford Arsenal-Dridesburg, Pg. 20,030 bets at the Allegheny Areenal,Pittsbarg, 2A,Ltill sets at the St. Louis Amenal, Mo. 10,1(0 sets. at the. Watertown Arsenal, Mass. These Accoutrements are to he made in strict con formity with the new pattern lets, to be seen. at the Areenalb above named. with the following exceptions, viz; The shmader belt will be but two-Inches-wide, aid no shoulder belt-plate will be furnished; the in side dap of the cartridge-box and cap-pouch are to be laic ute and the ears are to be sewn on the outer flap; the letters U. S. ,vt ith a border, are to be stampedmpon the cartridge hex, the same size and style as on the plate which It replaces; the cartridge-box Is to be sewed wf It nine (9) and the cap-pouch with ten (10) stitches to the inch. Separate bids will be received for the manu facture of these Accoutrements of pure oak feather, of mixed tunnope oak finish; and all hemlock. The belts are to be of grained leather. Samples of these Accoutrements can be seen lathe above-named amulets oh or about the 90th instant. It is to be distill dig understood that this Detail ment ie to have the privilege of inspecting the work &Ise un der any contract it may award, in all sages of its pro gress, and especially to examine the stock before cat ling. They are to be subject to inspection at the arsenal where delivered, before being received for the Oovern ment. Bone are to be acceptill or paid for except such as are approved upon inspection. Deliveries must be made in lots of not less than one twelfth (1.12 th) per week of the whole number con tracted for. The first delivery to be made on the lJth de of August, 19M. snare to make deliveries at aepecifled time will sob ject the contractor to a forfeiture of- the number he may fail to deliver at that time. The Accontremente must be boxed in the usual man per: the boxes to be charged at cost, to be determined y the inspector. •Bidders will state explicitly the arsenal or arsenals where they propose to deliver, and the number .of sets they propose to de li ver at each place, if for more than one. • No bids will be considered from •parties other than regular manufacturers, and such as are known to this Department to be fully competent to execute in their own shops the work proposed for. Should any party obtaining a contract offer Accoutreme, is other than those made In his own shops. they will be rejected, and the contract rendered null and void. The name and place of manufacture of each party obtaining a contract meet be stamped on each part of each set of Accoutrtments, GUARANTY. • „ . The bidder will be required to accompany hie proposi tion with a gnat anty, signed by two responsible persons, that in case his bid is accepted he will at once execute the contract for the same, with good and tut:getout sum ties, in a sum equal to the amount of -the contract, to deliver the article proposed is conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and in case the said bidder should fail tot ater into the contract, they to make good the difference between the offer of said bidder and the nest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may he awarded. The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the clerk of the nearest Die. trict Court, or of the United States District Attorney. Bonds in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, signed by the contractor and both of his gaarautora, will be required of the successful bidder or bidders upon signing the contract. FORK OF GUARANTY. . . . . . . We, the undersigned, realdente of , In the county of . and State of hereby jointly and severally covenant with the United States, and guarantee, In case the foregoing bid of -- be accepted , that he or they will at once execute the contract for thesame with good and safticient sureties' in a sum eanal to the atnonnt of the contract, to furnish ~1.,..„.-cmtesproposectzu comfornakt.y to the terms of the •advertisemett, dated Jelly 1564, under which the bid was made ; and in rase the said ghat! fall to enter into a contract, as aforesaid, we guarantee to or v goad e s :s o. a t o t a h l e n,:t d r i tt h r fmh Given st r inh e nv_etx:ct contract nonwraee between syrcttoorufie ap t hy h oan e ntsd,ei o t:l r ia9 e aeow r n-bl o i f sddee t : h dri t he said r (Seal.) TO this guaranty must' Dv rote above mentioned. Eaci party obtaining a contract will be obliged to enter into bor.A...wisb_annrovoa sureties far its faith ful execution. Upon the award being made, successfut bidders will be noti fi ed, and furnished with forms of contract and bond. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids it not deemed satisfactory, and especially those made by parties who have failed to make time delive ries under previous contracts without tarnishing satis factory -reasons for each delinquency . . Proposals will be addressed to Britadier General GEO. D. Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D. C.," and endorsed "Proposals for Infantry Accoutre. meets." GEO.. D. RAMSAY, jyl3•lntwlZl- . Brigadier General. Chief of Ordnance. pßor s sALs FOR STEAM FIRE EN -0 E ' ORDNANCE OFFICE, WAR DaPARTXXST, Wistroffrrox D. C. July- 2, Mt. • SEALED PROPOSALS will bei received at his office until MONDAY, the 28th day of. Jetty, 1564, at 4 o'clock P. M., to furnish • Six (8) second or third-class Steam Fire Engines; of —Perfect suction power, complete in all parts, with all the modern -improvements combined, to be drawn by band power, the weight not to exceed 4,M0 pounds when ready tor service .. The diameter of the recipro-. cating steam force pump to be about 4) inches, capable of forelbg one (1) stream of water from a IX-inch.nozzle averaging from 240 to 273 feet, and two streams from a . luck nozzle averaging from 173 to 2013 feet. These en gines are to be supplied with tenders and carts of approved construction, .with.all. the necessary fitting& They are to be subject to a rigid. inspection by a United .States inspector, and are not to be received or paid for until they have been thoroughly tried with a full head of steam ender his directions. • • GUARANXEE. • The bidder will be required to accompany his propo sition with a guarantee signed by two responsible per sons, that, in vase his bid is accepted, hg will at once execute the contract for the same, with good aqd suffi cient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the con tract, to deliver the article proposed in conformity with the terms of this.-adgerttsemeut; and in case the said bidder should fail to. enter. into the contract, they to make good the difference between the offer of said bid derand the next responsible bidder, or the person to : whom the contract 1111119 be awarded. I The responsibility of the guarautore must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest 06- bid Court, or of the United States District Attorney. Bonds in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, signed by the contractor and, both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder. or bidders upon signing the contract. FORM OR- GUARANTEE. We, the undersigned, residents of. in the. county.of and State of , hereby, jointly and severally, covenant with the United States, and guarantee, in case the foregoing bid of be accepted, that ho or they will at once execute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract; to furnish the articles proposed in conformity with the terms of this advertisement, dated Jay 2, 1884, tinder which the hid was made; and, in case the said shall full to enter into a contract an aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference between the offer of the • said —and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom tboaontract may be awarded. Given under our hands and seals this day of —, (Seal.) (Seal.) To this guaranty must be appended the 'official certi ficate above mentioned. These Engines are to be delivered at the place of ma nufacture. Upon tho award being made, the successful bidder will he notified,. and furnished with forms of contract and bond. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids if not deemed . satisfactory. Propoeale will be addressed to Brigadier Generals George Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance. Washington, D, C.,''and will be endorsed "Proposals for Steam Fire Engines." • OEO. D. RAMSAY. .. jyti-fmwt2.s Brigadier General, Chief of Ordnance. INSIIRANCE. HOLLINSHIAJL • •W/L H. ORAVES. IPrOLLINSREAD - S GRAVES, A-AL - • 'INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 31 WALNUT Street Philadelphia. Statement of the condition of the. CROTON FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK. January let, Isp4. • Capital, actually, paid In cash.. • • .......... $930,000 00 Surplus . .4.. 20,869,60 . ...- . - . Cash in Illeicanttle Bank sad (Ace 360143 Loans In bonds and rnortgues. (being first liens on real estate In New York and Brook lyn) Ll,OOO 00 United States stocks and treasury notes.:worth.2o3:2ol YS Interest accrued, but not due .2,670 62 Cash in hand of agents, uncollectedpremlnma 1,214 W Other property, Including revenue stakips...• 2,021 W • Liabilities, none. Philadelphia. Agency, No. 312 WALNUT Street. 1027-rnwf6t . .... . - 108111iN P. BOLMSHEAD. '''' trx. n. °Reyna. HOLLINSREAI) - tt GRAVES, INSURANCE MONTE' .: No. 319IWALNUT STREET, PRIatai.PRIA. Agents for the . . NORWICH FIRE LNSURANCE CO.. of Norwieb Conn. CHARTERED 3.9,3. REFERENCES IN PRILADELPIII4. (by atxthortty): John Grigg, DPI. Mestirs.Tredick.Stolces &Co Fain, Wharton & CO, WORN, Chad Lennig & Co. Meters. Coin & Allenzus. Newts. W. R. Larnatt & Co. ie27.6m /ORMAN P. NOLLINREBAD. Wit. H. GRAVES. IprOLLINSHEAD• & GRAVER; • • - 16 ."-• INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 31. X WALNUT SL phUadelphla. agora* for the. ALBANY CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO.. • je27.6m • OF ALBANY, N. rouluag P. ILOLLIPPREt.D. ". B. ORWELL H OLLINSHEAD AND GRAVES' • INSURANCE AGENCY, NO. 312 WALNUT STREET, PHI LADn.._ A gen tr. for the OROTON FIRS INS maexart etarr.' or New York. • - . - - j .. / a • . WINDOW GLABB.-FRENCH PLATE Olaas for store fronts, Ronfh, Plato Olase for sky lights, floors. kc. Port and Dec. lAlabta. Ornamental Glass for churches, .vottibultbi ate, ; photograph Ohms. and Foreign and Domestk Window Glass of every va riety; for sale by ROBT. EHOEN ATM h OtSlind 247 . N. lOURTA Street. Philadelphia, COPARTNERSUIPS. DTITS SOLUTION OF COPA.RtNEIt- AL , snip. —Tito COpartoerall I p hereto) r, exiwtiog be tween t h e sub,..cribeTp. under the firm orJ r . A. ELLI OTT - & CO. biprnby dbisol wed by ilmitotlna. Thebewin. vidli Derelict fry JADIT9 A. Jr .110DKRT T. E0,r,1014 . J. A. ELLIOTT. J. W. FREW:RICK, JOLT 2, NW.. • R. T. ELLIOTT. THE lINAENSIG:NED HAVE FORMED Ji• sco_parlaAndifpfrom and a f ter tbla neder the Fityle of ELMOTT'S XeCO WiNI. for the Imnortatleii and lobbing of. Dry Goods. At 2fo. 403 MAR A. KET we pt . J. A. R. IifcCOWN, R. T. ELLIOTT. JOLT 1,1N4. Chtl-61.f COPA 'WTI= , —"THIC ueder•lgued have this Any entered late oeplyt-. nerf•hle trader the firm name evalistsotr•altitvg- DtaTEit. and wl*) conduct the Anwlnere el the Fu At MN Sthlaalt ItttFINERY 221 Vita Street. • . CHAS. Cr n AreNssorr. • ?Imo. A. IfAVINSYSIt • PIT IT.A DELPRIA , July 4. 1864. • i96 . 4C Tra FJBM OF sfripLßl: HAZARD; & BUTCRINSON. M ibis day dismayed hr'yontoal eoesent. Samuel R. Shipley retiring. Thohutdo"4l4 Mil/ be 0011(1011 the rnpaining oartnenru oder tbo lIELTDO If Or AZAR h lISTCRIbiSON. 'rho IJilesi ILONA cr the late Arta will be settled by either or tho'nudersi go thi: SAMUEL It SRIPLE.7, SPENCISR , II. HAZARD. PRSIBERTOR S. 1117TCHINS07. PiTTIAIIELPrffi, J ly 1. ltrA. jyl• tar THE. SUBSCRIBERS RAVE A:SSO.. , CTATBD themselves together under 1.2 s firm or BOLTON, DYKEMA:I, & CO.,_ and will cortione the Car Buildleg hush:ken In all its branches aV the old emabllshmest, corner TWENTY-Pi SST cod HAMIL TON Stiletto. • • JOE B. BOLTOfiI.• GEO It DTFCBICIN. . . 3cLiro. W. CHILDS. 191•11.: • • . j7T.Tm .purLADELPIIIA, - JULY 1. 1804- . PARTNERSHIP. —T have THIS DAY admitted CHARLES W. SCHWARTZ. JOHN 0. KELLEY, 1(L. .BERT ORA FP, JOHN M. SIMPSON, and OWEN P. HUBER to an Intareg la my tomineas putter tho macre of A. It. FRANCISCIIS dr CO. . A. H. PRA =SCRS, 513 MARKET Street. it YOUNG.. MAN WHO HAS SOME Acanointance with the RETAIL' DRY 000 D TRADE, deal e liikuittion lea good Jobbing Room! rel to sell by eampie. l A'Ontd sell on percentage or eatery, 'Add reAs toithree dais, "W. C.," this °dice. AGENTS WANTED TO' BELL THE Standard History of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from VIE to SEE per month. MO,OOO volumes already sold: Send for strait lare Address JONES. BIOS., R Co.. Publishers. BAL TIMORE. Md. • ,tel3-1m• pLACKS kTE 8 WEIXEL WILIOHTS WANTED: CITIFY QwARTERNISTERN °Meet WARM:T."II'IW DEPOT. WAsativoirox. D. C.,•Jniy4.1864. Wanted at rite, to work In Government rrpair shops, (hal tormakers' Dopititment Depot of Washinuton. one linvdred (If) good ELACRSMETITS, and one hun dred (If) good WHEELWRIG FITS. The Day per month will he sixty dollars (If), with one (I) ration per day, and hospital privileges when sick. Apply to Captain CRAS. H. 703IPRINS. A. Q. N , 11. S. A.. corner Twenty-second and G Streets; Waoh gton, D. C. D. H. RIICRIR, Brigadier General and Chief Quartormatter, 1Y6423 Department of Washington. pART NE R WANTED.-AN ESTA.- BLISH ED Merchandlee Broker wante a Partner, who understands the DRUG BUbINESS. Communtcattons giving real name and present occupation only will be simmered. Addrets " Merchandise." °Mee or. The Pram. TO . SHOEMAKERS. -IV A NTKIY --- Good HANDS to List and Finish on all kinds of work, mon and women's; fair waeea and steady em- Ployment, E P. MOLINEkOr 408 COMMERCE Street, torY. N. 13.—S. man to rub down and torn B oot - legs • IV ANTE - IN-LW .THE' DRY-GOODS Commission • . buffinese,, already established,' a PARTNER, eitheractlee or spatial. w ith . a cash capital of from tl4.0 0 0 to $2 ;5011. Address Coultnissiou Ba etaeas,"Preen office. Jr.l• mwfitt.' WAN TED—A COLORED:BOY; 14 OR vs Tema old. as Waiterin a Ptirate Family. Ap ply at SU LOCUST Street. " jy7. if VITANTED- . -BY MAN OF MIDDLE •age,oflair address as active, stirringposition in ;a tnanarsetnring establishment, haziness noose, or brokers' 'ogle.. The best of reference riven. Address or apply . to " _No. • Si. , k North SECOND Street...• jy6-31:!. • WANTED- THREE SUBSTITUTES aimed tight:rig finalities, for the Army.of the Potomac. to represent a gentleman exempt from' mili tary duty. Apply at 205 WALNUT St., Phila. j 050411 tWANTED TO TURCIIA SE; A: MO: -my-. DERN DWELLING, on Spruce. Pine, or Cheat nut street, between Seventeenth and Twenty.flrat sta.; price net to exceed $13,000. J. RAYS GARSOL •. ' ivSl* • • R 15.1. North NlNTHtreet. WANT VD-A COMMODIOUS . Howe and good Yard. A ?amenable rent by a re aponmble tenant will bepaid. Inupodiate possession to be elven. Apply to JOSEPH SANNT, 1015 FRANCIS Street and RIDGE Ayonne. jy,S43/.. gg. WANTED TO RENT-A . FUR. • BUSHED HOUSE, between: Cliesinn t Ninth and Twenty-flint etreetn. • znclusine. an a s p l il i v a y:tl a j n i f : B. GROBRBECK, Continental Hotel. s6 n A MONTH 1-I WANT AGENTS NI at SW a month, expenses paid, to lell my SVEN LASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and le other articles. Fi ft een circulars teat/res. dress ap,V)-dkorem JOHN F. LORD.. Biddefor Maine, FOR SALE (ND TO LET. TO LET-TDE STH, ETH, AND TO 7th stories of the Old - Post ()Mee Belialeg,.. Dock street, below Third, with Steam Power. THOMAS IL CONNELT,, Counting House of Dr. D. SaynAS: Son, .11.7-56* 242 CHESTS UT Street. To LET—THE WHOLE OR &NY -A, and 613 portion st of the tree Commonwealth t. Building, Nos. 611 Chenut s• • THOMAS H. CONNELL, ' • Counting House of Dr. D. Jityne & Soap. .J7742* . 242 CHESTNUT f treat. TO LETTELIt SECOND-STORY AND -a- upper portion of the Marble Store; No. BID Chestnut street. - ° THOMAS FL CONNEGL; Counting House of Dr. D. Jayne St Sun, jy7. nt• '24-MOIRESTHDT'Street. CHESTNIIT•III . LL' PROPERTYvr- AA TO LET—One of the most deelrable COTTAGES OR Cheetnut Bill, four minutes' walk to Depot, and with in five minutes' walk of six , different Churches; con tainine ten rooms, with gas, bath, and water. Plenty of shade, shrubbery, kc. Apply to 0. R. HINKLE. opposite Post Office.' TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE IN CITY AND CODNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. EDWARD ROBERTS Ns. THOMAS STEWART. Expeuas. Court, arising from a sale by [lib tielirrtretre,-rosr.a..t writ, of All that certain lot or piece of ground. situate on the • north side of Spruce street, in the city of Philadelphia. at the distance of thirty-eight feet from the west side of Soh uyl k ill Front (now Twdety-second) street, cnutaia lug in front or breadth on said 'Spruce strent, !fifteen feet, and. extending is length or depth northward of that width one hundred feet to Mary street, Will met t the parties interested for the purposes of his appointment, on TDESD AY, July 11 . 9, 1864, at 12 o'clock M., at his office.. No. 1.14. South SIXTH Street,.(second ctory front room) in the city of Philadelphia, when and where allpersons luteretsed are required to make their claims before the Auditor, or • be debarred from coming in upon said fund. iSS dint WALTER H. BUDD, Auditor: ORPHANS' COURT-A BSOLII T: E- N." SALE. • Estate of CHARLES W. HEPBURN, deceased.. Valuable Estate known as "BATH CHALYBEATE SPRINOS." At Brietol, Bucks county, Pennsylvania. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the connty of Becky, and State. of -Pennsylvania on WEDNES DAY, Julyl3, 1554, at 12 o'clock noon, 'will be sold 'at public sale, without- reserve. at lite PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. the following-deecribed Heal Estate: This valuable. estate. is situated at Bristol ,• Backs county, Penasy_ivania, on the line of the Philadelphia, Trenton, and New York Railroad. The tract contains about SIXTY , FI VS ACRES OF LAND. Of the finest quality, and in a high state of cultivation. Tho improvements are all that are requisite, not only for farm purposes, but fora summer resort, and .consist of a commodious Frame House. upwards or one bun. tired feat long, with an extensive piazza alongthe whole front; a DINING! ROOM 24x73 FEET; Fitty.or.more Pteacan.t.Slecring Rooms, ; • Several Spring-houses, for druilling and batblnunr poses ; A,TEN-PIN ALLEr. Ice-bonse, Carriage-houses, Stables, Barn, and, other necessary outhouses. Fronting the house is a • HANDSOME-LAWN. . _ . Studded with GRAND OLD PINE TREES.- While in the rear. its an extensive Garden, containing the greateit variety of fruit and flowers. Put the ebbe attraction. and matter of great value. is to be found• in the Medicinal Qualitt o of the Springs, for drinking and- bathing, which a and•upon this VtErO r la' . OF? Theyhave•beenthe AND OTHERS FOR ONE „ . . • HUNDRED YEARS PAST, And possess a value not surpassed, if equalled, in .this Cr anyother country.. facts which are attested by ana lysis made by the eminent ch W st,emi DR. P. A. IRTH. 'Who certifies that these waters do not love by compari son with the German Springs of Spa and Pyrroont. Its proximity to the cities of Philadelphia (within twenty miles) New 'Fork (within sixty- fi ve maims), and Trenton (within ten utiles), and its easy access by rail road and steamboat (being u. lesa the one-fourth of a mile from tte railroad station, and but one-half of a mile from the steamboat landing), considered withlts beauty, its mineral springs, and other advantages, make it ono of the . . MOST DESIRABLE PROPERTIES OP THE KIND EVER OPFPRED TO THE PUBLIC. As an examination will convince km" PERSON, CLUB, OR COMPANY Desiring to possess such an estate. It may be examined at any time upon application to Mr. CROPPER, residing thereon, and. reached by the Philadelphia, Trenton, and New York Railroad, to Bristol, or Camden and Amboy Railroad to Burling ton. N.. 1., thence by ferry boat across to Bristol. Further particulars. analysis or waters, Ac., may be h the Auction Store. Flee hundred dollars to ho paid when the Property is struck ofE J. J. SCHELL and STEPHEN, BENTON. Executors. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, • '338-tit - 422 Wals.NUr Street. Phila. MAESHAL'S SALE -BY ITEBT ErE OF a Writ of Sale, by the Honorable John Cad walader, Judge of the District Court of the, United Stetei, in, and for the &Worn Diann of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at •aubllc sale, • to the highest. end beet bidder, for cash at the Steamship Wharf above VINE Street on TUESDAY, July SA, 1561, at 12 o'clock, Di. the steamer DONE G AL, (formerly Anatin;) was built at Wilmington, Delaware, in ISM, by toe welt known builders Messrs. Harlan & Hollicigewori h. The Donegal is built of iron in the most approved. manner; has water tight . compartments, aide wheels: her dimepi tons are, length, MS feet; beam 34 feet ;depth. 113 feet 6 : inches, measures, about 1070 tons; , the engines are In good order, and= engineer's "depatment well found: bus large between deck, good cable accommo, d Wear, large can Tina._ caPecity, and: having.been built for the Togas and Now Orleans trade, le fast, and of light draft of water,. and particularly well adapted ; for. trumpet t berries*. WILLIAM MI LLWARD, • U. S. Marshal,. H; D: of Penne., 88Philad'a.•July T, 1664. . • 1'84014 ir200,569 60 I'0• FAMMIES RESIDING IN TEE COUNTRY. We are Amazed, as heretofore. to supply f;aolitos at their Coantry Residences wilh every descelskion of • FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, ac.., ALBERT C. ROBERTS, w3l-it . Corner BLIVENTII end SIRS Stn. THE BEW TAX HILL-SCHEDULE oL articles end occupations enteeot to Tex ender the EX4BO law of the United States. approved June 30, 1264 Sold at the. Principal Depot for the sate of Inter nal Revenue Stempel, No. 304,,CHESMIT Street, and. 103 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. Price lex. cents. • itr7-31._ lalea.TON & D BITOK_LA HARI:MAW. • COlithilSSlON MERCHANTS, 501 00kidialr3 and 510 NORTH Streets, offer for sale: Author Biand Nullsi P l ymouth Mill Rivets. W, & S. Botther's ( o ast Steel; Raffle Cabinet:tea& Putnam's Hor s e lNalls; Locke's liohool Slated, Copper, Brass, sad Iron Wire% Cotton Cards, Alan. a frill apnortmont of Amarloalo Hardw,aro. WSW/ QUMMEII COMPLAINT, DIARRIECKA, Dvsent.u7. and all disorders of tLe Bowels relieved at once by the use of Jardella's Syno of Blaokborry Root and Rbubarb. Entirely Teralsble, eaallr taken, very effectual. Try. it. Prone red:euly by AMOS BAR BELL. S. W. car. TWENTIETH. a.nd MARKET Soots. ' jeS)4ta• PERFUMED PARLOR MATCHES.— . .inet received 25 eadlitoial cases of these celebrated (Alexander's) Idatcl,es, for sale to the trade only 5 447.554 ROVrilslgl/BTON.ts . ra 15 15 9 N. 'ratan 2*. WANTS. LEGAL: AUCTION SALES. VN","I,/,""*- • ••••"µNOV, BAZAAR, NINTH AND SAN som STREETS. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES. &n On SATURDAY MORNING, next, at 10 o'clock, com prising about FORTY HORSES. Full descriptions at sal A e. LSO, New and secord-hand carriagen. light wagorm, with which the sale will commence. Also, single and double harness, saddles, bridle*. whips. covers, &c. ArA- No postponement on account of weather. Ara- Sale of horses. &c., on 'WEDNESDAY. .0 - 0- Carriages and hammer at private ogle. ALFRED M. lIEFINNESIN, - Au etiorwor.. TEIE TURKISH DIVAN WW be 1014 to !lift highest bidder, -ON,TO• MORROW (SATURDAY), • . AT LOOAN SQUARE. A.TUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED AcILRORus! WAR DEPARTNFriT. tAVAI.rty. RrRRAtr, 0.771 CR OP CHIEFORARTRRMAArrt, WAsitinwroyr, D. C. July 141. ' Will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the hiuh..4 bidder, at the times and 'Nam+ nairmd EI3ANON. Pen oa.,_TIIIIRSDAT.JuIy, 14th, 14,74 . DZADINGTesm_. TBUNSDAT. July. 21,,r, 1301. JTARRISB&EO, Peuna., TriCIASOAY, July :sth, IE6I. AITPOONA' Forma.. THURSDAY', kurnnt 4th. 1374. WI rtIAMSPOAT, , TIIURSDAY. August 11th. TWO ;UN] RRO (lOU CAVALRY .11.0.1ZSES at eactr lade. Tbeee Hems Dave been condemned Etc Unfit for thee avalry Pr.:rake of the Army. For Road and Farm rarpoces many good'fiargaine mar bad. Romea Rol d Mr gi T. TerME: .Caair, In United Etatea Currency. • JAMS A. Mart; Llent. Col. and Chief Quartermantor jyB:3ot Cavalry Boman. AMUSEMENT WALNUT STREET TEIZATEE.- THIB (Friday) EVENING, ;MT fith. FAREWIIf. BENZ FIT.OF J. _ft ROBERTS; AND LAST NIGHT RUT ONE OF TH SEILSO?i The wrforelence will commence with the Tragedy or the MOORS IN SPAT ;or The Hamm of the luenoi fine. —COOOt - Fescare,filr J. 13. Roberts CFlerinda, Kts. Alexina Maher Baker. To conclude with the irrand. 3necteenlar Lrneedary Mama of FAUST A 311) BEAR. 31SERITF.—Mr. B.. Roberts an Idept4stophelesi Jim Mex - lna Fieher Baker a.. blanruerite. Beats eecn red from 9 to 3: Curtain rlsecal &o'clock. TIIE ACADEMY OF FINE kRTI3r -IL CHESTNUT Street. above Teetb, is OPEN DAILY. rev tiestove, !Mtn 9 A. 31: to 9 P. K. jig BOARDING. TtaARDINO: WAITED.TTABOUT - TB utot Aartlet. by a giantleman and wire,in a private family, or where there are few bourdara. A lare^ second-atory front room, wiser, medium-xi:43(lsecond story rooms. required. foie price will be paid for vood accommodations. Reference given and required. addroaa .44 - 6t * • 80ir2753 Post mos. BOARDING}.-TWO SECOND-STORY' •'.'rooms TO LIT. at 132 North TENTH Et Jeff-tt SUMMER RESORTS. BRIGANTINE ROUSE, BRIGAITIINE: A, BEACH; N. J.—A. D. SMITH, Proprietor. This large and commodlomt Hotel Is now.orten for the rsception of visitors. Persons deeiroas of visiting the ses-shore will And this one of the most desirable places for txcellent Bathing. Fishing. Gunning. Jtc. teas lion, three miler from Atlantic City, and epeinmetca.. tlon from Phthweloble twice a day, ria Camden and' Atlantic Railroad. Boats will be is readlaeil at the - Inlet. on the arrival of the trains, to COO L VOY attests to the Hotel. Terms moderate. • For further information address the proprletor. .111-16 t. BIICATION:AL. • A GRADUATE OF HARVARD, WITH -1-s- an experience • f ten years in teaching, will open t in this city, ID SEPTEMBER, a School for Ynung..d linlOber limited to fifteen. Terms. $l2O a year. RIPERENceS—Rey. Dr. Furness, 1426 Pins Streetr Rev. Roger Owen. Chestnut Rill; Wm. R.- Trotter, FAQ, 26 'Ninth Front street; T. E: Eng., MS, York avenue, Philadelphia; Ex-Preettlente Sparksand' Walker,Cambridge, Mass. • I. S. Smith, Ego.. Dorattea.- ter. Ma - :Mtn Ruggles, Esq., Brighton, Mies. Ad dress ie774.ln*" L. H. BUCKINGHAM, Chestnut MIL pHILADELPHIA..OOLLEGIA.TE 124- 13TITLITB FOB TOM) LADIES, No. 1530 'ARCTIC Street. Bev. CHAS. A: SMITH, D. CLAM:NCB SMITH; A.M., Pringle&le, Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary. Amide. mic, and Collegiate. Pull college course in Clattaieu. Mathematics, higher English. and Natural Science. for those who gradnate. Modern Languages, Magic, Palat ine:and Elocotten be the best masters. For circular+, apply at 1z26 CHESTNUT Street, or address Box 2411. P. c• . Philadelphia. • : . aPSEItlue PERSONAL. 13 It R.B-0 NA L. ..J.RT BALL - EAR •A• DAM; 60 amp% &tell) JUGS Street. jsSity EXCURSIONS. jia gr es t GRAND PLEASURE EX CURSIONS TO LAKE'SUPEEIOB-431116 of the following splendid. Brat-claw steamerartv CLEVELAND, ILLINOIS, N M OETHERN OST. CITY, TRAVELER, METEOR, LEON SIDES. LAC LA. BELLE, and , PE* will leave CLEVELAND Ohio, at 8 o'clock P. M., each day of the week, exert . Saturday and Sunday, and Detroit, MtChigan, on following days at 2 o'clock P. M., through. the rsontha of JULY - and AUGUST, making Grand Excursion Titre, to the many points of interact on the Great Inland Baia.. of Americe,u-nich, for utility.pleasure and healthowt unsurpassed by any other on the Continent. This trip of over LOCO miles embraces air degrees et ' latitude, and eleven of longitude, and -includes la Dr • circuit Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Unroll. and Superiorowlik the beautiful rivers Detroit, St. Clair and St. Mary's.. The many and extensive mines of iron and eonere unequaled by any in the world, with the newly-Me covered and inviting deposits of silver lead, wild-sat • romantic scenery, combined with its pure and bracts! , climate', render the Lake Superior trip one of far mum; than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the student the pleasure• seeker, or the.invalid. The above-named 'steamers are elegantly fitted. int. with large airy Cabins and 'State-Rooms, while even precaution has been taken to provide for the Welt/ sag comfort of passengers. Fare.lncluding State-Rooms and Mails. abontag oinks per mile. Time occupied in making the round triPallwaly 8 to 10days. Booms secured, and farther Laforination obtained. by application to proprietors: BORT. HANNA & Co.. BUSSKY & bIoBRIDB, Cleveland, Ohio, .1. T WHITING , & CO. 4 D etro i t. yfi c kw m. • JOEITS aula - • 1864. CAMDEN' AND da. BR A , LANTIO RAILROAD. - SUMMER AMRANORMENTTHRODOH IN TWO -. HOU RS. _ FOUR 'I'RAINg DAILY TO'ATLANTIC CITY. On and after MONDAY. JulYith__traina 1.......... Street Ferry as fol tows: -•— Mail 7.30 A. AL Freight, with passenger car attached 9.15 A. M. Express (through in two hours) • _ 2.00 P. FL. Atlantic Accommodation ...... 4.15 P. 14, —lnfintion_Aceommoda4l - aiiiiis . ,.. ......... .. 1 : 30 P. X At antic Accommodation • Xr ....... Express - . -7. i: Freight •11.90 A. Y. Mall - -,..m........--.... .. • 4.98 P. -ii. Junction Accommodation 6.21 A. IL Fare to Atlantic, SS- Round-trip Tickets (good only - for the day and train on which they are issued), 63. EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Vise street at 10.15 A_ IL and I P. lit Leave Haddonfield at 11 45 A. N. and. 2.45 P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Mail train for Atlantic leaves Vine rtreet at 7.50 A. AL Leaves Atlantic at 4.4.9 P. N. • JNO. G. BRYANT, Agent. The bar which formed lad year bag entirely dint neared, leaving the beach one of the most delightful oa the onset.' • Je3o-teal ptimpTim,l- ARIT A•N AND. Braneb. A i si D o E L LAZA c tt oi li t H er tY lo ß m A , l . LE:lA.M .. Barnegat, Red Bank. &e., Sto. On and after IfuNDAY - next, July 4th. Trains will leave CAMDEN, for LONG BRANCH, ac 7.45 A. AL , and., SAO P. M., daily (Sendays excepted). Returning, will leave LoNa BRANCH at 5.Z A.. M. and 3.35 P. M. THROUGH IN• FOUR HOURS , DIRECT BY RAIL. A Freiht Train with passenger car attached will Mart for Stations. on the main line , daily, front CAM DEN (Sundays excepted), at R. - Mt A. M. Stages connect at Woodmansie and Manchester Mr Barnegat and TomYa River. Stages (will .also connect at Farmingdale, for .Polni.. Pleasant, Soma Village, Bine Ball, and Oar Holm . Tavern. - For further. information- apply to Company's Mask. L. B. COLE. at Cooper's Foist. Camden Wtis F. ORIFFITTS, ateliers! Superintendent isis gSk , FOR CAPE MA:Y.- : -THR; tannch and.cemmodions steamer KAN- ItArrarr, Captain.E; A. Ryeiter, of the Cave May Line„ Is now making-her regolaf-trips to Cape May,.leaving ARCH-STREET WHARF.' every TUESDAY, TD .& DAY, and SATURDAY aft 9 o'clock; returning, will leave Cape May- every Monday, Wedtrecday, and 'Fri day, at S 3 o'clock, touching at New Castle, going and returning. Pare 6 a.60, carriage hire included; children half • price.,.cantaxe Lire extra. Praha:a at low. nate*. Ho freight received after S. - o'clock. and in all cases must be pre-paid. ire-1m JOS. A. STEWART, Agest. iiddrant PROM NEW YORK, FOR NEW AVE,HN HARTFORD, YORK, FIELD. and ;DOSTONI—The ateameri_OONTIMINTAL and ELM.CITT leave Peck Slip, EatA River. daily, at S P. M. and 11 at nlatt. JIRD-SO FOR THE SEA SHORE ! .• • PHILADELPHIA LOCAL EXPRE 00.3IPAITY, Office,,No, Eft South FlPTH.Street, ' PEEIGET AND BAGGAGE POETESS% _ ATLANTIC CITY AND LONG BRANCH. BAGGAGE CHECKED THEOUOLI BADOAOR COI R IEI T HI A TIS E UMIE RAILROAD • LINES. i7ll-6co ESTEV'S COTTAGE ORGANS, !tot only UNEXCELLED but 'INEQUALLAS of,Tone and -Power, designed especially for Churekieg. sad-Schou* bat found to be oqtially.well adaptid. the Parlor and Drawing Boom. For sale only by B. M. BEtrels No. IS fforth SEVENTH. 64•44. Also, a 'complete assortment of the Perfect Melodimmt, ionstansly on hued. taylB-3* SELLING OUT. 11161 rWATCHES. SEWEIAT,AO Tito undersigned, having decidad tO rake from bind, nese, offers for sale fit iow tarife and well saWstect stock of WATCHES. • JEWELRY- and SIL.T.ER and PLA.TED•WAILE. THOM AS C: G EVNUT St ARRETT. No. 712 CRrea m h , Oppeelys tae Masonic PhUadel STRAdiGERS VISITING P city, solicited to the facilities of the ?WITH ea* MARKET WIPER IIfikSIIELLA PACTOItY. 024.1`4.• im'MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT . LOANED upon Diamonda, Watchae, Jewel- Plate. Clothing, dtc..__at JONES.a CO. Pt Old'Ebtabliebei Loan oa.oo, cornor THIRD and cuissmt. Streets. Wow. Lombard. coll.-Sail(' LADIES' TRUSS AND E.RA.OIt STORE—Candpcted. lay Ladies, TwErxra, Street, first door. below RICO. finery Miele in theist line elegant, es,sy, s and correo In inalan. C. H. NNW D Proprietor, _attends iv Paittleuun, outdo corner of TWELFTH anti RACE &sada. N. 78.-Profasitlona,g accuracy Insured. myn-Sutit tPHRENOLOGICAL EXAM:CNA: , TIONE, with tnl),Jessripticas of cheffacter ' out ' DAY app EVENING, by J. L. DAPild. mhil-wirsft N0..25 South TENTH Stmt. • NIONIVIYIENTS AND dRAVIC- - STONRS.—A largoaeaortmeatofGirave.Stonea,oft rations dealgna, made of the finest Italian and Americiar, constantly on hand at the Marble Works of ADAM STEINMETZ,. RIDGE Avenue, below Aleventle. stmt. Phthulelphta. auS•Rculf HARD. --W. G. BEDFORD WOULD remedially Inv that hie obl.ereelliehed Real Estate Mice, at No. 1913 CALLOWEIILL Street. is a 0009 l'Le CS for the sale or purchase of 'property and the collection of hones and grottod.reats. kc. Seed ria references. _ • - pHOTOGRAPE CARDS FOR 13.1=- TLEMEN.—Sanaidei and Cat*lognea rent fon 111 amts. Enclose an envelope. wltb Tour own nawke and edema. D. TIRBIBLETTE, banasso I LIBE,R.TY - Sweat. New York. iIHARLIS MIDDLETON, IRON MERCHANT. SECOND AND WILLOW STRIM . I), PHILADELPHIA. garsp Iron purchatig and or #212, 3i
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