The [Street CRFS. • •To the Editor of The Press: Sin: lau verrinuth pleased to 800 the para. ,graph from a New York,paper, In regard to our ex , tortiontsts, published .by you a day or two ago. It ,behooves our citizens to wipe out this foul stain by t their marked disapprobation, and not only to refrain from riding, In the cars, but use their influence to -prevent others not only until the old rate is re stored, but until the extortionists are compelled for extort money from their own treasury(overflowing) to pay their expenses, until the experiment is felt to 'recoil on themselves. Although an Myelin, I have refused to enter the •oars since the extortion began, except to go to the Fair, when the distance required It. I walk. fifteen squares to my business, and when tho "presidents" 'will sell twenty-live tickets for ofie dollar, which they ought to do. I will become a regular customer. The !treats of our city belong to the people of the city, who have graded and loved them at a great -anomie; and aro superior to arty other city, They are .to be given up to a.parcel of land sharks, but as we ,permit rails to be laid on them by a company to make money, they must be made a convenience to the pee :pie—not an exorbitant tax upon them. The question 'ls now fullrat Issue-Are the people to have the use .031 their own streets, or are the Board of Presidents to control them'? I am truly yours, REPENTARCII AT LICISURK.—Tno °Mono Tribune :aim that at a pioture gallery In Kenosha, Wiscan fain, the subject of Merringo was sportively discussed 'by a party of young ladles and gentlemen gathered there. Among the gentlemen was 'a lieutenant of ..unlllllnois cavalry regiment (the 19th), and among the ladies was a Bliss It., daughter of one of the oldest settlers. They proposed to got married to see how it would seem. Just thou a. magistrate -came in. Shoulder.straps asked' the squire if ho would marry him. He said yes, If he could find any lady to have him. Miss M. jumped up, and sahl .She would haves lie. The justice lustramed them -to Stand up and take hold of hands. Tho -usual , questions were asked and answered, and in five mi- Mutee they were man and wile. Then came the se rious part of the joke. When the new.made bride found she was really n bride her laugh turned to tears. Hor lawful husband wished her to go to his -hotel with him, but she tied to her own home 7 Her parents, nearly distracted, appealed to theustiee to ..undo what he hail done ; but wore informe d that the - - statuteS of Wisconsin gave him no authority to sopa. 'rate manned wife. Night came on. The bride was -.kept at home and the husband forbidden to enter the house. He Is determined to hare his lawful ' , wife. She and her whole funny are In groat distress. ',Thus matters stand at the present moment. CITY ITEi'►IS. Astrtar. EXOURSIOIV Or vue YOUNG MEN'S 'CHRISTIAN AI36OOIATIOII.—For several years past .the Young Men's Christian Association of this city have been accustomed to making one or more ex •oursions to Atlantic City during tho season, for the 'physical and mental recreation of the excursionists and the beiefit of the — Assochtion , s nuances, and those who have htretofore participated in these pleasant trips will not willingly fall to indulge In tile one to be given on Friday, the 15th inst. The President of the Association informs us that their body will be well represented in the excursion, and that a few invited guests,inchidMg several proininent Clergymen, will take part in the affair. A large pumber Of tickets have already -been sold. We Aannot help remarking in this connection that, the amorous accessions to the membership of this highly resPectable and useful religious organize :Lion of late speak well 1 - 9 r its nirmgdonlcut, .ELEGANT SU/01NR CLOTHING AT MODNHATS IPOICISS.—Those of our readers who have not yet 'etiPidled thebaseiveS iSith garmentS for the season, will find it to their advantage to oral at the popular .old house of Messrs. C. Somers & Son, OM Chestnut street, under Jayne's Ifall. The stock. of ready /Dade garment.S now offered bp these gentlemen is .01/0 of the largest in the city, and most complete in its departments. TLe fabrics are of the most .exquisite designs, and being of their own Imporm -310n,..are much below the usual prices. 'OOAL STILL Anvesiciwo.—Now that. the Fourth is over, and business resumed, we would suggest that, to avoid the still further advance in the price of Goal, Which is certain to come, the wisest plan Will be to go to W. W. Alter's popular Ooal Yard, Sim No. 95T North Ninth street, and order a winter -llnpply. Be sells the best Coal that is brought to .Phlladelphia. TBR "PRIZE-MEDAL" Sauer, invented by Mr. 'John F. Taggart, and sold by Mr. George' Grant, -810 Chestnut street, is, without exception, the best 'in fit, comfort, beauty, and durability. His stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, of his own exclu sive malaufacture and importation, Is also the Choicest a the city, and his prices are moderate. Mn. VA !MANI'S CONPEOTIONS.—Thero aro doubt less but few of our citizens who have not made the acquaintance of the popular Confectionery Esta blishment of Mr. A. L. Vansant, Ninth and Chest nut streets. Ris delicious Sweet Jordan Roasted Almonds, fine Chocolate Preparations, French and American hilstures, and hothouse and imported Fruits of various kind, are universal favorites. Bios DllTCH.—English words are creeping gram -dually into the Gorman language. At Hamburg there has just appeared, "Essays, Wissonsohailli then and lit rarlsoben Inhalts. con H. Holland : aus dem Engltsehen von B. Althans.. 7 ) We recently noticed In a Dutch newspaper some thing to the following effect : "All dein coatesen, and trowseren, aild.waistcoatsen. buy at der Brown Stein Closen Hall of der Rockhill 1 4 r. Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Ohestnut Strauss, above Sate strata% -der Philaderfy I" Good, for a first attempt, that. JULY THE FOURTH, 1881. ' Charles Stoked & Co., Anniversary of ArneriCalf Independence, "One price) Glorious Constitution and laws, Under the Continental. Three cheers for the Sanitary Fair, that it is all -over 1 . . WE AIIiIiMITISTED to call attention to the large sale or coal oil by the sheriff, to take place this morning. See advertisement. A 137LSNDTD ABOORTMBN't or misses', chtldronel andboye. hats, at reduced prices, can be purchased of Charles Oakford & Sons, 824 and 888 Chestnut street, Continental Hotel. TRH LARGEST AND BREIT ASSORTMENT OH BATHING BoIIRS In the United States for _ladles, gentlemen, and children, at Sloan's, SOB Market street, Philadelphia, and at his store, Capc Island, New Jersey. TEE HANDSOMEST AS3ORTMENT 07 STRAW, FELT, and other Hate can bo purchased of Charles Oakford Oc Sons, 884 and 888 Chestnut street—Continental Sae!. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE FOURTH OF Juvr. . • BY TRH BARD OP TOWER HALL. Again, the people of the North ' Rave bad another "glorious Fourth," Spite of ' Aye, and in spite of mnrd' rens blows . Dealt by our fierce. relsatlese foes, • Yet we have still A country, blooming, strong, and great, • Whose birthday we may celebrate. 'Twee fine the rockets to behold, That high their sparkling trains unrolled, As up they sped, And pyrotechnic emblems proud. • On which the eyes of a vast crowd With pleasure fed, Seeing each patrlot's dealt's Expressed in characters of fire. -Bat oh, it was a nobler eight Our soldiers with their weapons bright All armed, to view. Swelling a peaceful triumph now ; And very pleasant, we allow, The sight was, too, Of countless citizens arrayed In fine, new clothes at Bennett's made. Oar stock of Clothing is the largest, and our assort ment the bent in Philadelphia, and is constantly being replenished by large additions, keeping it Tall and fresh. TOWER HALL, - GlB MARKET STREET, , It BENNETT & CO. • To CLEAI TEE Boum off nuts, on Dutcher's celebrated , • . • DIORTNINO YLIMCILLER. a neat, cheap artlole, easy to Ma Every sheet will kill &quirt Bold everywhere. FREDICH, RICHARDS, & CO., TENTH and MAR. BET Streets, Philadelphia, wholesale agents. my2s-wfm2m • H 01 7 98 HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE, HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. In Longfellow's Poem Hiawatha was adindged to :lays conferred the greatest boon on his tribe because 'e brought to its notice corn. Every one will admit that our preparation is worthy of tta name, for the bone 'its it confers w,hen - lt Is known. WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. It restores faded and gray hair and whiskers to their original color, It brings up the natural shading of one 'hair with another, thus giving the hair a perfect lift appearance, so that the roost ethical observer cannot -detect its use. It makes harsh hair soft and silky, stops its falling out, disuses it and the scalp from all imps• 'titles, is as readily applied and wiped from the skin as any hair dressing, and entirely overcomes the bad et leas of previous use of preparations containing sulphur, anger of lead, ks. The proprietors of the Hiawatha published the follow ing challenge to test in the New York dailies three Weeks, which WAS NEVER ACCEPTED Let some well known and dieintereated persona &D -oom, one to the proprietor of each preparation for tine' hair to bring up.the color. Evers , proprietor to use no thing but his own preparation, and the person nothing .also during the test. A certificate of the malt to be 'Widely published at the expense of the "nneaeoeiefal liompetitors. Sold everywhere. JOSEPH HOYT & CO., 10 rinirereity Place, New York. HAIM DYR I ;HAM DYE! i BATCHELOR'S eelebrated HAIR DYE it the Best in the World. The only Harmless, True, and Reliable 'Dye known. This splendid Hair. Dye is. perfect— changes Red. Rutty, or Cray Hair Instantly to a Glossy Black or Nalurat Brown, without Injuring the caair or Staining the Skin, leaying the Hair Soft and 'Beautiful; imparts fresh vitality, frequently resterint it. pristine color, and rectiles the ill effects of bad Dyes The genuine le signed WILLIAK A. BATCHELOR; 1111 +Altera are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold 3:1 . all Druggists, ke. FACTORY, Si BARCLAY Street, New York, Batchalor's new Toilet Cream for Drawling 'he Hair. Jy3l-ly ONE-Pnrcz CLOTHING, OS TICE LATETB SYYLEs, made in the Beet Manner, expreasly for RS 'TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prim marked le !Plain ?inane. All Goode made to Order • warranted .matlarmotory. Oar 0711-PllOll STWTZX blattletlY adhered Co. All are thereby treated alike. dekt-b' JONES k 00.. 604 MARKET Street • -STEINWAY & Boss, FfM PIANOS. PIANOS, Tor sale only at • BLASIUS BROS.. 1008 OIIESTRUT Wont WESZLIIII & WILSON'S HIGECIIST PREMIUM LOOK-STITOH SEWING MACHINES. TLIETHIL&PEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST dsleerotlgas, 704 CHESTNUT Eitrpet, an. Seventh. PopuLen CLOTHING 4 IIOIJBK of "OAK HAIL." Best-ellen Dods at, moderate prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN. S. E. sorner SIXTH snd MARKET tiniest'. Custom Department (to make to order) No. 1 B.Bl.ith ii..7ar4-N. ;I. ri?. 01 z 0 *A FLY-0111130 RS. —By W. D. W. Bartine, D. D.,_ on the 27th , Mr. Seth W. Fly,of Backs connty, to Midi Mary Gibbons, of this city. JONES—SPACKSAN.—By the same, on the 2d M inst. )Sir. Charles W. eons, of this city, to Miss Rachel Sparitinsn, of Chester enmity. RAYERSTICK—HIBLER.—Ou the morning of the 6th inst., in the Church of St. Mathias, by Rev. R ,-1 3. Chase, bir. IVtitiaist R, Haveretick to Miss Gertrude H. liibler. ETEES-11.01111ER. —On tho 30th or Juno, at the refil l:Nl/CU of the heido'n mother, by the Rev. J. P. Leib, Mr. Frederick E. Steel, of Pine Grove, to Mien Bookie Hammer, of Orwlinthuti. 'No cards. • D1P.,r3.. CARTER.—In this city, on Saturday, July 21. Orate Kilbourne. only child of Dr. Charles and 51;try 11. Car ter, aged Aix and a half months. • ABBOTT.—On the 4th inst., Esther, wife of John Ab bott, in the 76th year of„her Rae. The relativeaand friends of the family are respeclfally invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, No. 1421 Vine street., on Thursday afternoon, the7th st 2 o'clock. •• MONTAGUE —On the 6th inst. ' after a leman& 'se vere Illness, Rachel D.. wife of da mes B Montague. ' The relatives end friends of the ,(amity are reenact folly invited to attend the funeral, from the reableace of her husband,- No. 1700 Girard, avenue. on Thursday next, the 7th hat., at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Lower Merlon E. Church. - •• KaLLEII.-00 9atnrday, July 2d. Rev.. Benjaiiiin Keller, general agent for the Lutheran Publication &zo ology, tu the 71st year of his ago. The relatlvea and - friends of .the deceased are re. spectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the rest di.once of C. P. Norton, Esq., No. 1612 Poplar street, on Wednesday morning next, -at 9 o'clock. Funeral to proceed to Germantown. TYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND. ARCH have A • Fine ctock of Siikk, Pine stock of Shawls, - Fine stock of. Flannels, Fine stock of Linens. Fine stock of. ilars. NEIEIOI 6 III OVARTERLY REPORT I OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BANE OF PR IL .1- rek,'LPHIA, JULY 2, 1634: IMMEEM Loan's and discounts $164,8r6 95 U. S. Bonds deposited to secure clr -100,000 03 U.S. Bond. deposited for other pit:- , - pose. 50,000 00 . U. S. Bonds and other U. S. eine.- - latiOn on hand 117,650 00 Fr. DX 85 Specie and Legal Tender Notes 8172,682 Bills of solvent banks 1,514 03 U, S. Fire-per-cent Legal Tenders. 55,000 00 Bash items 7,496 86 Due front banks and bankers 76,198 47 Real estate 2,812 77 Enense account 3.84)0 23 MEM Capital stock Circulating notes issued Profit and lose Duo to banks and bankers Due Treasurer of the 11, 8 Due depositors on demand Elar e ' STATEMENT OF FOURTH AA TIONAL BANN - E fts required by the Second Sealer, of the Mt of the General assembly of this Com monwealth, approved the 13th day. of OCTOBEIt, 4, D., lanottut of Loans and Dircounte ....... ..$253,100 Amount 11. S. Legal Tender Notes 81,MI grnount Due from other Banks 34,000 Amount of Notes in Circulation 15,000 Amount DeroAlts 270,100 Ammo. Balance* due to other Bauks..... ....... 1.4,970 PIITLADI;LPIII.I, July 0, 1.931. CITF OF PHILADELPHIA, SS. _ I. SAMUEL J. )IAPHULLAN, ("galller orate FOURTH NATIONALBANK, being sworn, depose and say, that the above Statement Is correct to the best of my knowl edge and belief. SAMUEL J. MacMULLAN. Sworn before me, this Alh . dar of JULY: A. D. 180.1. EDWARD H. WILLIAMSON, Notary Public. !gr. Effeirrit-Ezowrit ANNI VERSARY OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. —THE STATE SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI OP PENNSYLVANIA..—The annual edited meeting of The State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania was held at the La Pierre louse, on Broad street, on the 4th day of July, A. D. HU. pursuant to notice, and the usual business transacted. ?be Officers and Standing Committee of the Society. for the ensuing year, are as foltowd: President—John R. Latimer. Vice Prtsident—Thomas alcEtien, H. D, Secretary—Harrla L. Sprout. Assistant Secretary—George W. Harris. Treasurer—Robert Mims. Assistant Treasurer—William G. Caldwell. STANDISCI COMXITTER. • James Schott, William Wayne,. Peteg Dall, I Josiah W. Harmer, Samuel B. Boucle,James! Glentworth. Thomas oblation. jy6-2t E L. SPROAT, Secretary. liar . GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.-RE. STAIIRANT DEPARTAIENT.—The undersign ed, Treasurer of this Department, acknowledges the re ceipt of the following donations: • Amount previously acknowledged 310,30 87 Through Ellen F. Earp' collected by N. W. Barkness, Chestnut Hill 100 00 Subscriptions in aid of the Sanitary Fair, col- . lected by Master Win. Ruusli 7 00 Trough Mrs. 0, A. Nicolas, Roading,to Penn sylvania Kitchen 305 Ss Through Mrs Chaplain, from citizens of Ger mantown ^ MI 55 Through hands of Se c retaryman 100 l.Mrs.Tl'. T. Bradford, ,from the Ladles' Aid Society of Waterford,Pa ,and vicinity 876 00 Through.Alre. W. A. Sponslor, New-Bloom field. from citizens Of Liverpool, Perry coun ty, Pennsylvania 33 00 Through B Potter, from citizens of German town, Pa 23 0/ MTS. E. Gordon, Shickehinny - , Pa 2 73 Through Alm C. Ingersoll Gera, of Erie, Pa., from " Erie ' Barrel . Factory,'' per hands of P. G. Finn - *lO3 68 Waterford Soldiers' Aid Society 16 M 0119 93 Less exchange 1 19 -- 118 71 Through 3.. H. Fithian, Abtecom, If. 3., f ti Mark Adams Through M. A. Montgomery. secretary, Dan ville, Pa., for Montour county, a donation from Wert Hemlock township 16 15 Through Miss Mary McHenry, front a Friefid..- . 50 By James Malleury Esu., London 1,007 DO Proceeds of sale of two- guns and one mortar, • donation from C. itnap. Fort Pitt Foundry, • • Pittsburg, Pa 175 0) • FRANCIS P. STREL, • ‘Treasurar Restaurant Department. OEOROE F. LEWIS, Chairman. has. Da. Gamma W. MORRIS. Treasurer. - Mies MART. Ch'n Ladies' Committee. It lige"' OFFICE OF TILE CATATVISSAL RAILROAD COMPANY. No. 494- WALNUT. Street, • PHILADELPEILS, July 2. 1.561. NOTICE TO STOCkHOLDERS —The Board of Direc tors have established a Transfer Agency for the Stock of this Company in New York City, SA I.IIJIL h.150X, Esq. , Secretary and Treasurer "of the Central Railroad Company. of New Jersey, has been appointed Transfer Agent, office GO WALL Street, New Alt , Stockholders wishing the New York Certificates in exchange for those they now hold. will present them at this office. T. FIASRINS DC PUY, .1306-Gt President. lar. OFFICE OF THE FAME INEO- RANCE COMPANY. fio. 400 CHESTNUT Street. PumAnitl.PHlA, July sth, ISSI. At a met ling of tboßoard or Directors of the Fame In surance Company, held tile day, a dividend of THROE PER CENT. was declared, payable on demand, clear of all taxes. W.. I. BL ANCHARD, jyl3-12t Secretary. P.PIIILADELPHIA TRACT AND ISSION SOCIE PY.—,The monthly Meeting of Tract D istributors of the Southern District will be held. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock, at the Third Baptist Church, SECOND, near Catharine 'Re ports will be read, addresses made,' and prayer offered. fur God's blessing noon this cause. it* W. THE EXTRA VETERAN BOUNTY FUND COMMISSION will meet on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at 5 o'clock P. M., to receive applications, as No. 7 Ooldernithe' lUD, LI BRARY Street, immediately in the rear of the Poet Office. Families Interested will please call at that hour only. • B D SAUNDERS, Chairman. • EDWIN GREBLI., JON ATBAN BULLOCK, 0. W. SIAIONS. jyS-4t PAUL J. YIELD. pir A MEETFNO OF TINE WORKING WOMEN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION will ,be held THURSDAY EVENINOnnIy MI, at S o'clock, at SANSOM-bl', HALL. Rel. John Chambers and others will eddies° the meeting. The public iv kited to attend. Al. PRATT, President. A. E. 31bDowsw., Secretary, 156-2t* PHILADELPIII. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING d GRICULTURE. —Stated meeting at room, 320 WALNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY, July 6, at 11 o'clock A. lit. It tar OFFICE OF THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY. 400 WALNUT St.. PHILADELPHIA, July 5 1661. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock *file Com pany for the last six montbe,'payable on demand, free of all taxes.CHAS. FOSTER. . . jy6-12t Secretary. Mr ATLANTIC AND OHIO TELE- GRAPH COMPANY. —The annual meeting of the Stockholder. will be heldat the office, No. 3 FOR REST Place, 123) South FOURTH Street, on THURS DAY, the fllat inst , at 4 o'clock P. M., for tho purpose of electing nine Director. to serve the ensuing year, and the traneactiou of such other butiness as may some be fore the meeting. H. li. SHILLINGFORD, .IsB-wSt Secretary. • WBANK OF NORTIE AIKEKKOAZDIE.: VIDEND. • BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, JULY 2, 18S1 The Board of Directors have this day declared a DIM DEN D roi 'the past six months of seven and one-half percent. clear of all taxes, payable on and af,er the 11th Instant. J. lIOCKLET, • Jy4. et Cashier. • OFFICE OF ASSESSOR OF IN- I REVENUE, THIRD DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, No. 924 Dorth TRIED Street.— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the lists, valua tions, and enumerations made Su pursuance of an Act, entitled "An Act to Provide Internal Revenue to Sup port 11:161 Government, and to Pa, Interest on the Pub lic Debt,' ' will be open, for Public Examination at this ()Dice un TUESDAY, July 6th, and remain opon until July 19th, inclusive. -Appeals relative to the same will be heard and de termined during the five days succeeding the lOth• day of July. They 'should be in writing, and specify the particular cause, matter, or thing respecting which a decision Is requested. and should. morever, State the ground or principle of inequality complained of. All testimony will be requited to be given under oath: No notice can be taken of any appealsprutented after the expiration of the published time. All parties liable to Annual Tax, who may have been omitted by the Assistant Aasessore, and who fail to make return to the Assessor, are notified that the penalties of the law will be Strictly enforced. J. PLETCHER BUDD, jyi.inws•St U. S. Assessor, Third Dist., Penna. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, UN ITED IIar ' STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, FIRST DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, PIitLADELPHIA. July 1, 1804. Manufacturers of Tobacco, Snuff, or Segars,are hereby notified to make out an Inventory of the quantity of the different kinds of tobacco, snuff dour, snuff, segars,tin foil, liquorice, and stems held or owned by thorn this day, as required by the new excise law, which itoes Into force.this day. The tin entory must ept forth the portions manufac. tared by themselves and partobluted from others, with the market price of the several articles . . WASH/NC/TON KEITH, js , 4-mwf6t Assessor First District, Penasylvani DIVIIVEND NOTItIE.—OFFII3E OF THE Eta BEST OIL CO. .147 South FOURTH St., second story. PITILADELPITIA. July 1..1864. The litrocrit of Directors hay, this day declared a divi dend of 23 per cont. on the capital stock of this Compa nax.y. payable on and after the 9th of July, free of Mate t • The hooka pill beAtoeed on the 6th of July at 3 P. M. • and'opened on the 9th. WM. M. CARTER. jy4-6t ' • Treasurer. COUPONS OF •17[8 A.LLEGIEBNY ciry BONDS, dun let feet., payable in Phila delphia. will be paid by WORK, liacCOCCil, CO„ 3& South THIRD Street. tar. wino= OF THE BRIGGS OIL COMEAST,I , I7 South FOURTH Street PIIILADALPHIA Jul . 1 The Board of Directors have this day d e clar ed Ihrilist monthly dlvidend of ONE 'PEE CENT on the Capital Stock„ . .l P.lti e n T lti e o. clear of U. B. and Suite taxes, to the tr o e= t l on the n i Ule , Inst. The Transfer Books will h oth , and 7th Inst.. IY2 , 6tA. F. SABINE. President. • gr. A MEETING Or TICK CORPORA TORS'of the SOUTH MOCINTAIN IRON COM PANY will he held at No. 230 WALNUT Street. on WEDDILSDAY, July 6th, at 10 o'clock A. M - , for the purpose of organizing agreeably to the charter, and the [renew:Oen of s tide other bnsinean as may be presented. PITILAIMPIIIA. June 30. 1834. OFFICE OF TILE PRESTON COAL AND IMPROVEMENT CO., No 5 WILLING'S Alley. . . . PHILADELPHIA. JIIIIO 16, 1864. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Board of Directors of the Preston Coal and Improvement Company have this day declared a QUARTERLY DIVIDEND OF TWO AND ONE-HALF PER CENT. from the ant earnings, payable on the 6th of July next to parties whose namisi are eh aistered as the holders on the honks of the Compeer. al' the close of business on the $Olll day of Juue indent. , Transfer books close on that day and open on the 6th day of July.. Dividends dee Stockholders In Nnw York and Boston will be remitted by mail or imprimis when nISIONILdbI. • H E I). MOORL.• . lel& 'Malt tjyli).- Stortitaiy. lar ART CIALLETY, LOG - AN SQUARE. AUCTION. THE' A.UOTION BALE OF WORKS OF ART, DONATaI) TO Tilt SANITARY COMMISSION, AT 'COS GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, WILL en COMTOIttHe ott WEDNESDAY EVENING, .Tttly 0111, at 8 othlook. Many Works of merit will be offered for sale, among which ie ft life-Nice portrait of the Empress Eugenie, by Fognani, of Paris, a most successful Me nem of thin dlstlngniehed personage. Also, a Water. Color Drawing by the Princoss Mathilde, cousin to No- Poleen III„ and a beautiful "Agnes DM," in marble, by the German Sculptor Stelnhauser. The ART GALLERY will be open as usual on WED NESDAY, Juis 6th, from 8 A. M, to F lo P., being the close of the Exhibition. . Admittance 25 genie. Entrance at middle door on VINE Street. It itgr ART GALLERY, CEINTMALL ' IT ILeS BEEN DECIDED TO KEEP TIIE GRAND COLLECTION OF PICTURES 'NOW. AT LOG AN SQUARE, ON EXHIBITION Until 10 P. PI. on WEDNESDAY, July 0, AT witiOut TIMIC IT WILL FINALLY CLOSE. Admission 25 cents. `Catalogues M cents. To VANDERETN'S ARIADNE,' 25 cents extra. Admittance only at the centre door on VINE Street. It -$313,401 43 X 771,910 29 .$176,690.03` 80,000 00 67,756 40 SOO 105 04 1111,410 23 lig". NOTICE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANIC OF PH_ILA, • DELFILIA. CHESTNUT AND FRANKLIN STREETS, (Borth side of Chestnut, west of Third,) on and After MORTON MoMIOIIAEL, j7642t • Cashier nr. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, LOGAN SQUARE The FobNo Sale of WEDNESDAY MORNING, July 6th. a t 10 o'clock. In UNION AVENUE. HORACE HOWARD FURNESS, jy4-2t Secretary TILE EIGHTEENTH WARD DE. l PARTMENT have received and paid over the following sums of money: From the employees of Rease & Levy CI% 01 Employees 01 Once & Long 56 24 Employees of Waple & Wheaton 30 02 Employees of Ileckhatus & Allgairs 39 75 From Sheets& Duffy, cashS3s. glassware 525..... 60 00 Employee* of Sheets & Duffy 50 00 Gads,by & Son 50 03 Employees of Gadsby & Son 37 14 Mr.. Simpson and two employees 10 CO Mr. David Garrison 20 00 Mr. Martin Landenberger • 20 00 Mr. Turner 10 00 Mr. Michael Day 10 00 Mr. J. Wainwright. E. Gorgas, Wm' Baser H. • Coat,- Mr: E. Long, It. Dorian. Mr. A. Rat. cliff. Mr. P. G. Rambo, Hugh J. Worrel, B. 31cNelly, each 500 Mr. Si. A. Robbins. Bumm, and cash, each.. 300 B. H. A • 2.00 Mr. Ainsworth, Mr. Ray. M. RiCe__, cash, Wm. Bleg, S. Wood, M. A. 31111er, S. Wester, each. 200 Mr. R. Coleman 1 60 J. P. Morgan Mrs. Stites, -.1. R. Kemble„ B. Bare, A. R. t,. J. Holden, Mr. Efamberaer, D. Hamilton. R. Adams, - V. Coleman, Wm. U. Buckley, Mr. Smeeton, A. Curtis, 31 Long, B. Stockton, Folkner, B. Taylor,Vonable,__M. Redpath, cash, 3:Smith, M . Bennett, Wm. Hogg, M. Anderson, A. Barber, J. P.ndrica, M. hiackentire, Mrs. Oaua, J. Waple. B. Heller, H. Derbyshire, M. Lukens, A. E. HumphriesC. S. Manide, a friend, F. Beidel man, Miss 'McKeown, C. Smith, S. Smith, E. Erdman, Si. Haslami-Ifelas, each 1 00 D. Tearney 60, Mrs. Ritter, Lynch, Sweeny, Bly, McCryatal, Weynot, McClain, Scott, Bre., :nor, Bender, 11. Rambo, Curtis, Anderson. Hammel', &Lander. A. Love, J. Love, Wood, Davis Doge, Tyson , each - 60 Sehnert:6re, Lingerman, Scoary, Lang, Med- - - s1 lam, 'Williams, cash, cash, each Mrs. Dr. CLAR/1 GE, Chairman, Mrs. J. G. REA- M, Treasurer. Mrs. D. DAVIS, Secretary. Its OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR. INCOMES, AND REV.SNUE4, No. 113 Booth SEVENTH Street. The last meeting of this Committee will beheld al the Board of Trade Rooms, No. 505 CHESTNUT Street, THIS AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock. It is desirable that every member should. be present. L. MONTGOMERY BOND, Mrs. Rev. R. W. REMIT% . Chairmen. OFFICE SOMERSET IRON AND 00AL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 61 CEDAR Street, _- . Nsw Tons, June 10,1881. NOTICE is hereby given that, pureaant to a resolu tion of the Board of Directors, an instalment of TWEN TY PER CENT. on the subscription to the Capital Stock of the SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be, and hereby Is, made payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, Treasurer of Bald Company, on or before the 16th day of July next. jela-tiylB • Attest.: T. M. TYNG, Secretary. OFFICE BEAVER IILEADOWRAIL. 1,141) COAL CO., ' PHILIDELPTITA Jul Ist . 1564. A dlvldend of SEVEN AND HAL • LE C • NT. On the zpltal stock of this Company has been declared, payatue OIL and after MOND , July 11. • • JTI-fmw6t. L CHAMBERLAIN. Treasurer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS,— PROPOSALS will be received at the flotel of I. B. JOLLY. In Dover, Morris county, N J., on the &h JULY,for the graduation and masonry of the OGDEN MINE RAILROAD, ten miles to length. Plana, specifi cations,end profiles can be seen. on and after July Ist, by appl ying to GAO. RICHARDS, President, at Dover, or P. RADY,Engineer,Cetasamine. Penna. GEO. RICHARDS, President. 3.327-50 1.. BRADY, Engineer. WOFFICE UNION PASSENGER ~ RAILWAY COMPANY, No. 419 WALNUT St.. Juni 18, Md.—The second instalment of Five 'Dollars on each share of the capital Stock of the Union Passenger Railway Company 'will be due and payable at the race of said Company on and after July 7, 1561. - By order of the Board of Directors. • jeLO.l4t• W. Ii__KEMBLB, Secretary:' - - !ger' DIVIDEND NOTIOE.—OFFIOE OF ' THE MINERAL OIL' COMPANY, 591461VAL NUT Street, Philadelphia, June 28, 1864. The Board of Directors II ave'.this day declared a divi dend of ONE PER CENT. on the capital stock of this company, payable on and after the 9th of July, free of State tax. The transfer books will be closed on the Let of July, at 3 P. M.*, and be opened on the 9th. THOS. R. SEARLE, 10329-91* Secretary. STATE CENTRAL COMMIT PEE.— The members of the STATE CENTRAL COM MITTEE will meet for organization at 4 o'clock P. M., on WEDNESDAY, July Bth, at the hone of the CHAIR in HARRISBURG, Pa. By order of jel7-ki yd SIMON CAMERON. Chairman. iger DIVIDEND NOTICE.—THE Me- CLINTOCKVILLE , PETROLECIM COMPANY, ODlce No. 411:WALNUT Street. PHILAD&LPITIA, Jane 22854. The Board of Directors have this day declared t he third monthly dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable at the office of the Company on and after WEDNESDAI_," July 6, 1564. The Transfer Books will close on WEENTSDAY, June Eeth, at S o'clock, until July 6th . (je24411.*) WM. )MONEY, Secretary. TIER SIISQ,ILTEREANNA AND TIDE• I WATER CANAL . COMPANIES have their oßlee at No. 417 WALNUT Street, Room No. 4. . The "Transfer Agency " of these Companies, hereto fore in Sonth POURTEBtreet. has been removed to the aMee of the Companies, at the place above stated. ie27.30t ligr TILE BANKERS' AIIII..BROILEILS' TSLEOR LPN COMPANY—lncorporated under the laws of the States of New York, New Jersey. Mary. land, and the District of Columbia, and by special act of the Legislature of Penuaylvania, May 18th, 1684, and organized in Philadelphia, with the following as OW care: 11. B. WAINWRICITri, President. J. 8. RITTENHOUSE, Secretary and Treasurer. pilauTone. . GEO. W. McLEAN, Esq , firm of Jerome, Male, & Co., New York. Li L. PAW, Esq., firm of Gaw, him:Outer; & C/r., Philadelphia. . • JOHN S. NEWBOLD, ESQ. • firm of Newbold, 8011, & /mutat% Philadelphia. , • Whf. FISHER, Esq., firm of Wm. Fisher & Sons, Baltimore, LEONARD J. FORMBY, Esq., Baltimore. The object of the corporation M to erect two sets of poles and WiT62l. forming a double line, to run by dif ferent routes, connecting the ettien of New York, Phila delphia, Baltimore, end - Washington, and all tho prin cipal intermediate points, and to establish offices for the reception and transmission of telegraphic messages, and, by connecting with other lines at the main points, to be able to send messages to all paste of the Crafted States and Canadas. The line is now in course of Construction, and con tracts have been entered. Into for the purchase of wire and other materials. None will he need except of the beet quality, and it In contemplated to have onefflt of wires in operation between the main points in lea than sixty dare., and the other net will be pat up and in ope-, ration Immediately afterwards. No enterprise now in the market °Wens equal prospecta of profit with that of telegraphing. and the nature of the business proposed to be dope by Ibis Company, cc Its name inipliee, warrants its stock being recommended to the public as a choice investment. A citrefni estimate, based far below the Retool rapa city, of the number of wires proposed to be employed by this Company shows that, with proper management, It can earn end declare a dividend of 18 to 20 per cent. per annum. Books for anbecription to the capital dock of this Company will be opened in the city on WEDNESDAY, 29th last at the office of Messrs. CHAS. CAMBLOS & CO., South THIRD Struet,and remain open until 3 o'clock on Sal I:IItDAY, July 9th: The subscriptions received will be payable in instalmenie. It is intended to have the interest divided In the different cities through which the .line wilt pass; there to' o a limited amount of the stock. will be offered in each. Further particulars will be given upon applying at the office of CEA& CAIIBLOS & CO., jeV-St *3B South THIRD Street. ,REAUTIFUL B,IIIOIIIENS CARTES 4- , DE VISITS aro daily beteg made at B. F. REI - AKCII-Streot: the skill and long alicriOnce of the arilei Insure good nicturos. lt. rVBUE BEAUTIFUL STYLES Purtrodiacarefully execotea and co. loud II Iff• Wee 'Plegostrepli bi oil colors; as micas by S. .P."-.III6ISISR. 62 , 1 ARCH Street. See specimens. It* A etrluas MID ETON DL, IRON MERCHANT.. • • • • . SECOND AND WILLOW STREETS. ?DILA DELPH lA. , 404 lon purobanua and fur d:419, JYG 3i4" THE PRESS.--PHILA_DELPIIIA WILL TRANSACT ROSINIISS AT THEIR SiBW BANKING HOUSE. ookrarsa of _ TUESDAY, THE STII INSTANT FANCY ARTICLES Will. .be continued on MILITARY. II FALL IN I FALL "E Arm MIROII To lIARRIBU'RtI, TO REPEL INVASION. • "E" [Yid wip report et Ileadquarlera, CuoTOlif tIOUSE, .TO-I)aY • (Wed nesday ), for further order% a. few It Ef',RUITR Wa to till this crack Company. $2.5 BOUtfEY on befog ruudered 0. W. McCLINTOCii i Captain. R. VANMIIVUIL. O. B. It !OFFICE CITY BOUNTY COMMIS SION, No. 112 PRUNE Street. —SUBS ITUMI The City Bounty of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars will be paid in cases whore enrolled citizens of PhDs dolphin, In advance of the draft, pat in three yours' substiluies not liable to draft, mud proper credit 13 gilien upon the quota cf thoir districts. If eitizeta not enrolled pat.ln substitutes, the Woad. tube iii regarded an a selnutssr, mud one. proper evidence of his being credited is entitled to the bounty. Tho opportunity is thus afforded for citizens to kid the geese while procuring exemptions for tberosolvoti and assisting the city to till its quota. ' Jrl St NOTICE.—HEADQUARTERS PRO von IdARSHAL SECOND DISTRICT... Jane 29th 1861. The Lists of Pormona enrolled as liable to do Xlll tar y duty are now being revised and corrected. • Persons who are improperly enrolled on account of ellenarae. non-residence, over forty-Ave years or ago,or permanent pbyeical dfeabOlty, ebould appear before the Board, prove the same, and have their names stricken off the list. - Civil racers, clergymen, and all other prominent sans, who know of persons who have arrived at twenty" age since Enrolments, June, 1653; of those whose ensues were omitted by the proper enrolling offi cers; aliens who have declared their Intentions to be.: come citizens; persons discharged from the military and naval service of the United States, who have not heen in suet; service two years during the present war, are in vited to appear before the BOARD OF ENROLMENT and give such information in theirpossessien as may aid in the correction and revision of the Lists. EDWIN PAT IfFR , '•jy=l-124 'dept. and Prey, Marshal Second Dist., Pa, HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR SHAL, FIRST DISTRICT, PHILADELPTUA, June 24, 1884. Th e name s of persons removing, to or from this District will be sdrisyl to or strickeo from the Bata of enrolment. Copies of tho ihts are open for pabito inspection, and civil officers and all citizens are invited to appear and point, out errors in the lists and give suuh information as may, aid in the correction and revision thereof. Any person enrolled may appear before the Board and chitin to have his name stricken off the list if be can show satisfactorily that he Isnot properlyenrolled, on account of A tienage, Non residence, Over-age, PernialOnt Physical net A compliauce with the foregoing suggestions is ears neatly solicited, WM. B. LEIIMAII, te29-tt Captain and. Provost Marshal. 'MILLINERY 'GOODS. , nit MISS -M, A. BAKER, "Nob - • . - 13113 CHESTNUT mazi. Ras opened a large assortment of . FARIS MILLINERY, 011-Sm* For the Spring and Stammer of 194 t. i,EGALL. ii ,zg. E ~, Oc F O T ,g4I•TSI COURT OF NR.)NT- . - E+fate or ISAAC EASTEURN, Deceased. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. —The underelgued Auditor, ap- Toluted by the said Court to distribute the balance in the hands of JONATHAN N. SFIAINLINE, the acting executor of the last will and testament of the said Nano Eaelburn, late of Upper Merton township, in the county of Montgomery, deceased, to and• among those legally entitled to the same, will meet the parties interested, for the purposee of hie appointment, on THURSDAY, the 28th day of July, 1161, at 10 o'clock A. DI:, at the office of the Auditor, No. 201 EGYPT street, Neale town, Pa. 3y6-w3t CHARLES T. MILLER, Auditor:. TN TUE COURT OF QUARTER SES SIONS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DELPHIA.—Netice is hereby given of Rule granted to show cause why the name of the . Equitable Mutual In surance Company should not be changed by striking from said corporate title or name the word Returnable Saturday, July 9. MR. • ayS 2t. ARMY. GOODS. FROTHINGHAM ,& WELLS HEAVY, MEDIUM , AND LIGHT SHEETINOS AND SHIRTINOS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAbiIfRICS AND SI LESIAS. BROWN_ BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. , No. 12 WORiTED TARN, Acc. . . se2s.lttf INSURANCE'. • romax P. EIOLLINEIBEAD. W. N. OILANES: UOLLINSHEAD & GRAVES, - -LA. INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 312 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Statement or the condition or the CROTON FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. • January let, 1864: Capital, actually paid litcash 8310,000 00 Surplaa 20,969 00 , Cask In Mercantile Bank and office $6Ol 43 Loans in buude and mortgexes. (being first liens on real estate In New 1 ork and Brook lyn) 11.000 00 United Staten stocks and treasury notes, worth 203.51 23 Interest accrued, but not due 2,520 62 Cash in hand of agents. uncollected premiums 1,:M9 20 Other property. including revenue stamp 4.... 2,021 00 • Maliliner, none. Agency, No. 312 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia jeTi-mw et PORMAN P. HOLLIPSHRAD. ICH. H. ORATES. TrOLLINSREAD It GRAVES, -&-A- INSURANCE AGENCY. No. 312 WALNUT STREET„ PHILADELPHIA. , Agents for the NOE.WICH FIRE INSURANCE CO.. • of Norwich, Conn. °Fit. RTERSD 38r13. REFERENCES 13 PHILADELPHIA (by authority): John Orlgg, Esq. 14esara.Tredlck,Stokes &Co Vales. Wharton & Co. 11esers.Chas Lenntg & Co, Me...ra. Coffin & Altemns. Messrs.W.H.Lanied & Co. je27-6m FORMAN P. ITOLLINSIZEAD. WY. H. GRAVES. HOLLINSHE&D Rc GR&VES; INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 312 WALNUT St., Philadelphia. agents for the ' ALBANY CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO., je27.6m OF ALBANY, N. Y. IFORIet*S P. HOLLTICSIVEAD. WY. H. °HAVES. H OLLINSIIEA.D AND GRAVES' INRURANCE AGENCY, NO. 312 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Agent', for the CROTON FIRE INSURANCE,COII PANE. Or New York. • je27.6m 791 t THE SEA SHORE! FHIIADELPHIA. LOCAL EXPRESS COMPANY, '• Office, No. RG South FIFTH Street. ' FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE EXPRESS, TO . . ATLANT/C.CITY AND LONG BRANCH. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH .•••• • P11034!TOLIB Ipssrroospe. . . . BAGGAGE comel3YED TO ALL THE RLILROAD • • •• • LIN& . . jy2.60, 0/LBB TO THE .PUBLIC CONGRESS SPRING. WATER DEPOT, OS CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. • 6.4.scATota, Jaly, An attempt bee been made to deceive the public by persons offering what they call " Gorroanes WAT'SR," from fountains, and at the price of Mx (6) cents per glass The who/ecais price of the genuine CONGRESS WA TER, at New York. being about 7X cents per glass, the Imposition of pretending to sell at retail at lam than cost, and without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, is apparent; but.:thair probable coarse has been to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water Into a fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening Helots.) e'ontente. We have never sold CONGRESS WATER In fountains, nor In vessels of any other description than ordinary. aired glum bottles. The cork of every bottle of. the genuine is branded. And any without CONGRESS thoaa words and letters ..on the cork 0. & w. . Is oaturrsapsrr— WATER. tains or bottle whether from [min- CLARKS & WHITE, Proprietors of Congress Spring. The following gentlemen are supplied by us regularly with genuine CONGRESS WATER In bottled, fresh from the Congress Spring: FRED'S.BRO WS, cor. Fifth and Chestkut sta. • - 0. S. HUBBELL, 1410 Chestnut et. J. C. TURNPENNT & CO., 941 Spruce st. THOS. J. HUSBAND, cor. Third and Spruce de. STEVENS & CO., Continental Hotel. AMBROSE SMITH, Chestnut et. CIIAS. ELLIS & CO., Market at. WTETII BROS. Walnut st. WM. ELLIS & CO., Chestnut st. JeTZ Im CLARKE & WHITE. FIK) FLIILIEB RESIDING . THE COTJZ(TRY. • We are prepared, as heretofore, to InVPIT fatallitt at their Conntry Residences witia.aWery description of FINE GROCERIES ; TEAB,• acc., &4:). • ALBERT . 0:. ROBERTS, my 914.1 ConierßLEVENTlland GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.-STEREO SCOPIC pictures of the interior and exterior, viz: Union Avenue, Fine Art Gallery, Horticultural Depart ment, Arms and Trophies Firemen a' Department, the Contested Sword, the Gla ce Begins, the Thousand-dol lar Baby House,. the Union Vase, the Jacquard Loom, the Old Dntcb Kitchen, the Penn Parlor, the. Carriage Department, the Engine Department, Large Dining Room, India Rubber and Gotta Percha Department, Philadelphia Ride Club. Furniture and Carriage De partment, Agricultural Department, the John.SteyeAs, the erat steamboat on the Hudson; New Jersey De pertinent, Photograph Department, Labor, Income. and Revenue Department; Autograph and Relic De partment, the Indians. Children's .Departutent, Dela ware Department, Exterior Views of the Bemuses, &c., dtc., &e &a., &o. &c: eIcALLISTER & BROTHER. .igl-et 728 CHESTNUT Street, TTEA.TON & DENCKLA A , ILA.RDWARI comarissioN - 3131/COANTS. 507 0011=0 and 510 NORTH Street, offer for este: Anchor Brand Ballet Pilrootith IBcota W. aB. Bradlee' Oast met; Eagle Cabinet Loehr. Putnam's Bone Nails; Locke's School Slates. Copper, Braes, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. elan. a (nil assortment of American Hardware. (e-6mll RWIRER COMPLAINT,'DIA_RRECE A., Dysentery, and all disordere of the Bowels relieved at once by the use of Jardella's Syrup of Blackberry Root and Rhubarb. Entirely vegetable, easily taken very very effectual. Try it. Prepared only 1 AMOS BAR BELL, B. W. cor. TWENTIETH and MA RKET Streets. Seat-Ice ..T1 --- ,DEAF MADE TO HEAR.INST,_RII- A., MEET to amid the hearing at P. bIe.DEIRVS, nap south TENTH Street, below Chootnot, jytl-tit PURE -PALM OIL SOAP.-THIS SOAP le made of pare, fresh Palm Oil, and le entirely a vegetable Soap; more suitable for Toilet ruse than those made from .animal fats. In boxes .12 one dozen sakes. for In per box. Manufactured by 650. 2d. lILKINTON & SON. So. Ile' MAR CLARETIA Street; between Yront and gamma. On.* . . 1•01-111ro DRAIN . PIPA_DRAIN: PIPE: VITRIFIED TERRA COTTA DRAIN PlPE—all sizes, from Ito 15;litob diameter, with all kinds of branches, bends and traps, for sale In any quantity. S Inch bore per yard SOc. . 4 48c. 3 16 • I •36„ 76e. TERRA COTTA CHIMNEY TOPS, For Cottages; Villa', or City Houses ' Patent Wind guard Tops, for caring smoky chimneys, from 3 to 8 foot high_ ORNAMENTAL GARDEN VASES. ?cantatas. Pedestals _ and Statuary Marble BnlitiN Brackets and Mantel Vases. PHILADELPHIA TERRA COTTA WORKS. • 1010 CHESTNUT Street. fel24mytt - • • B. A. HARRISON. CARD. -W.. 0. BEDFORD. WOULD Na respectfully urge that his old•reoahlkhed Real Estate Office, at No. 1013 CALLOWCILI, Street, to a 000 D PLACE for the rale or purchase of property and the collection of house and geound rents, go. Seed for zroferencee. -." • • . jy2-1m• PHOTOGRAPH CARDS FOR GEN TLEION:—SampIes and Catenationsent for 26 *onto; Rados/an envelops. with . your own name sod address. ' ' D. REKKETTII. Waite %Me LTDIRTV PlAmot. Now 'fork. JOSEPH H. THOMPSON„ • SHIPPING COMMISSION MERCHANT. And General Agent. • j022-1m . 154 North DELAWARE Avenue BBLS. PURE OLD jIttSEY APPLE Awm WHISKY for sale by P '"" iniDDl,sraulf. ja2S-61t • . S Noih FRONT StroAL RBIDIER.EXICUTES. AT *RISTOPII LAR Gallen beautiful styko , of Colored Photo. graphs' for the mrderate charge ofsl. Just the tktag for Ile Utile& bECUND Street, Om Ogee*, .• ',- WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1864. RETAIL DRY GOODS. BREAKFAST SHA'W.LI3 FOR VISITORS TO THB FABHIONABLH mazes AND BBLELLDE SMUT& Whites, with the new Purple Border. Whites, with the new Blue Border. Whites, with Scarlet Borders. Whites, with Brown Borders. Whites, with Black Borders. Whites, without any Borders. " Purples, with Black Borders. Richest Grenadine Shawls imported. 1,000 Pure White Barege Shawls. 000 Pure White Hernani Shawls. 500 Baye or Striped:Barege Shawls. Shepherd Plaid Spun ankShawls. Rock Spun Silk Shawls—a new lot. Tamartine Shawls, consigned tnus. -Travellers supplied with Woolen Shawls Blen's Shawls, large size. 30YR , & LAND`FIT,T., FOURTLI AND ARCH P. S.—Particular attontion paid to . Strangers visiting he city during the Settitary Fair. E. —BLA.Cir LACE POIZITS,S6O to $6, Jell-amwtt CIVIL AND ARMY CLOTHS BIIDD.t,ESEX 6-4 LIMIT BLUES. ALL GRADES DARK. BLUES. 64 AND 64 INDIGO FLANNELS. 64 AND 6-4 BLUE CASSIMERES -3-4 AND 64 DOESKINS. FULL STOCK OP CLOTHS. DO. DO, COATINGS. DO . DO, CA§S'IDIERF,S. BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE CLOTHS CLOTHS FOR COACIIMAKERS. ALL KINDS TRIMMINGS, &o. W. T. SNODGRASS, .jy1.4.1u S SECORI and 33 STRA.WBERRY Ste BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. . We aro still selling our Black Silks at the same prices as we did early in the season, notwithstanding the re cent advances ' - IiLIETLE SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. Plain Silks, alleolors, $1.30 to $5.75. Panay Silks, $1 to $2.50 Bich heavy, handsome Fancy Silks, $2.87 to $5.30. Rich Chime Silks, at $2.573i, worth $3.50. at Vt. at $4.75, " $5.51. , " at $5.75, ' s7 - 10 places small Plaid Silks, at $1.25, worth $1. 50. H. STEEL & SON, Kos. 713. and 715 N. TENTH Street. 8.. A WHITE BAREGES FOR SHAWLS, - x Circulars,Ste. 8-4 White Tiernan'. .. 8-4 White Gauze 34areta, 8 4 White Crape Murata. 8.4 Black Hernani Mirages. 8-4 Black Tamartinee, 8.4 Black Blreges. 8-4 Black" Crape alaretz, 6-4 Black De-Lainee. ' 6-4 White 31er:tea:is. 8.4 Black. hferinoes. EDWIN HALL Sr , 26 Sonth SECOND Street, it MAIL DE PARIS," FOR THE SKIN. —This delightful preparation is espe cially recommended to ladies about visiting the country or sea shore, for removing the discoloration!' caused by sunburn or salt Mr. The " Email de Parts" is en dorsed and universally used by the ladies of the French capital. EUGENE „WIN, No. 11l S. TENTH Street, below Chestnut, I grnt for l'Erardl do Parts. je23-Imll PARGADIB. • I '3 ..4.- , .s LSO Melton Oaealmeree. • 1.00 Marseilles Quilts. 2.603-4 Damask Table Clothe. .608-10 Damask Table Clothe. 30-cont neat Plaid Lenos. 60-cent 4 4 Plaid Kozambionee. 81.03 Mohaire, colors and black. 00.cenrefack Wool Delaiuee. 6-2. cent Plain Wool Delaines. ' 89.00 Blank Shawls. 0.00 Plaid Lama Shawls. COOPER. & CONARD, ' S. R coy. NINTH and MARKET Streets. in 0.569 50 fARRIS' MIXED CASSIMERES. Light mixed Caaslineres, for boys' suits. Melton and Plaid CalSiMerea. Merino OftaiiiMero.9 and Cashmerette. Linen Drills, Satinets and Cothinadea. Ladles' Cloaking Clot he, choice shades. . Loom and Damask Table Linen, cheap. Toweis ia T r owelling,.and Napkins. ge assortment at - -. JOHN H. STOKES'. je7 ' 702 ARCH Strebt t,r..21.), 859 50 tilkt• VOODiNkiiiiiik:4l4 The attention of LADIES VISITING THE CITY, or those about LEAVING IT for .4' Watering Places." or " the Country. t ' o ' Ia •'of WHITS gsuitable - for WEAR, for WHITE BODIES, bfORNINO WRAPPERS, &o. extensive assortment Ia offered in Lace and• Worked Edgings and 'awnings, Pella, Haodkerobiefs, Collars, Sleeves, and In nlain and fancy,Plaid, Striped, and Figured White Goode, AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THEIR .PRESENT RETAIL VALUE. ' 100 Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. Ipo pieces Puffed, Tucked, and Striped Mitsline ;.. _. C. M. NF~.EDL]JS. h~OY~~:lr=vr;:uy~=vJ:i~; J NEW PI7BLICATIONS. r • NEW 811:13rUTIR 'BOORS. ‘44 : 9 (JUST PUBLISHED BY OAZLBTOJI.) • I. A WOMAN'S PHILOSOPHY OF WOMAN—Beinf an -answer - to Michelet's famous works "Love (L Amour)" and " Woman (La Femme)...! Translated from the celebrated French work recently published in Brussels. where the excitement about it is so great. 12m0., cleth, $1.50. 11. OUT IN THE WORLD—An excellent and earnest: written new novel, br T. S. ARTEIITE, author of Light on Shadowed Paths." &o. 12m0.. cloth, diL 50. 111. HOTSPUR—A New IC T. WA LWORTIT. author of " Lulu. " One handsome Iltmo., clothbound. Price $l5O. IV. CHARLOTTE BROETE AHD HISS MULOCH New, elegant 12m0., cloth bound editions (with an il lustration) of the best novels, by these famous authors embracing JANEETRE, JOHN HALIFAX, - VI LLETTB: ?SHIRLEY, and LIFE FOR A LIFE. Price $1.50. V. DARKNESS AND DAYLIGHT—A splendid New Novel, by Mrs, MARY J. LIOLMES, author of 'Lena Rivers," "Tempest and Stumbine;" &c. 12m0., cloth. $1.50. * * *These books are sold ererywbere, and will be sin , by mail, free, on receipt of price, by GEO. W. CARLETON, je22-wstf Publisher, New 'York. NEW WORK BY ROBERT DALE OWEN. Will be published early in July, in a handsome vo luMe, lar_se duodeclmo,a new work, entitled THE WRONG OF SLAVERY, THE RIGHT OF EISANCIPATION, AND • ' THE FiITDRE'OP THE AFRICAN RACE IN THE UNITED STATES, -. • By the Hon. 'Robert DalellOwen. - - In one vol 12tno Price $1.25. • J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, 176-vfat Philadelphia. NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS 1 4 4. SAVAGE AFRICA, being the narration of a tour in Equatorial, Southwestern. and Northwestern Afri ca, with illustrations T H Eap,y libViquerood COT T A FA- CHRONICLES OF SCHO.NBERG,COTTA FA MILY. By two of themselves. New flue edition. GUIDE. BOOK, for the Central Railroad of New Jer say and Its connections, through the coal fields of Penn sylvsnia. GOOD FOR EVIL, and other stories for the young,by A. L O. E ALTAR INCENSE, being' Morning Witches, Evening Incense, and Altar Steuee, by J. It. Meant!. - HISTORY OF FREDERICA THE SECOND, called Frederick the Great, by Thomas Carlyle, four volumes, I Bold separately. For sale by . WA[. S. 14 LEVEED &LUCIEN, jy4 " 006 CRSUNIIT Street. NEW MEDICAL BOOKS. -L TANNER'S NEW MANUAL OF PRACTICE. A ne w ar r e T nikir s d p e o di c ti K on Et DOSS AND SYMPTOM BOOK. Fonrch edition, revised. ROLLER ON IiIIEURATIEM. A new revised Mi ller • BYPORD ON TAR UTERUS: iIATIRR'S ORTHOPEDIC SGRORRY. CHEW'S LECTURES OX MEDICAL EDUCATION. A NEW MEDICAL CATALOGUE. olaaelfied and priced, furniehed gratis rhbt r eV i r t ittißlSTOX, je23 •25 South SIXTH Street. .ABHMEAD & EV.A_NB, Summon to • • • WILLIS P. HAZARD, _ . 731 CHESTNUT Street. Hive received MACARIA. By -Magmata J. Evans, author of "Beu lah. ". Thegreat Southern Novel, reprinted from the •Richmona edition. • CHRONICLES OF THE SCHONBERG COTTA FAME LY. Fine edition on tinted paper. One of the best works ever issued Everybody should read it: LINNET'S TRIAL. A Tale. By the author of "Twice Lost." HOTSPDR: A We of the Old Dutch Mena* By Walworth,anihor of TEE TANNER BOY, and How he Became Lieutenant General. • ODT IN THE WORLD By T. IL. Arthur. A WOMAN'S PHILOSOPHY OF ,WOMAN ; or, Wo man Affray, chlzed. An answer to Michelet and other modern Innovators. DENISE. By the author of " Mademoiselle Mori " vols. THE POOR WHITII,_. Or,The Rebel Conscript. STUMBLING BLOCKS. By Gail Hamilton. • HAUNTED HEARTS. By author of • The L amp— lighter." • jai IPPLETOITS NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPIDUL. !le Agency for this Invaluable later! of Onlyersel information le at 33 South SIXTH Stree t second story. Ale% 83.0 0 8 D 01 THB 3,31331,L10N. By Prank PROPOSALS FOR - BUILDING -a- FLOATING DRY DOCKS. , NAVY. DEPARTMENT, Britain or YARDS AND DOORS, July 1, 1804. SEPARATE SEALED PROPOSAL% endorsed " PAP meals for Building Floating Dry Dodo," accompanied by plans and apecifications in full detail, will be re ceived at this Mace, until 12 o'clock if. on the 25th day of JULY that., for the construction of a floating dry dock for use at or near Abe Navy Yard, New York. and one for CIRO at tbe Navy Yard, Philadelphia; said docks . to be of full and sufficient capacity and power to receive. raise, and sustain hi safety a vessel of at least MO feet in length, 96 feet brealitti, and 16 feet draft, of 2,330 tons displacement. Bidders will make their ;machinations tall and clear, describing the kinds and qualities of materials proposed to be used; thry may bid for one or both docks. and In their .offers. which must be separate, they will state the price for which they will' build the dock, and the time at width they will engage to havo it ready for use. • All patents or patented articles, if any, employed in the construction of these ducts are to be inCluded in the proposals. ' • ' iyft-wet A SBI ST ANT QUARTERMASTER AA- aBlizAAL , s OFFICE. No. 1103 OIRARD Street. • I'HILADIfLPHIA. Jut) , A, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will ho received at this.ofdee nnttll2 o'clock 111,, on WEDNESDAY, the lath inetaat, for constructing Witter,' Barracks for the nee of the United States upon a lot of land. containing about S 7 scree, tho property of Mr. Imeph Kirkner, and situated on' the west hank of the Schuylkill river, a short dis tance below Spring Mill. Plans and specifications of the bnild rigs and their ap- Purtennuces can be aeon at-the ofllce of John SlcArthur, Jr. Architect, whore any further information required will be giVon. • . Bidders must state the shorteeb time required to com plete the work. Ample security will be required, and no bid received from a dr.faultlue coutreetor. By order of Col. 0. B. Crosmen, Assistant Quarter . master Benet al. • ALBERT S. ASHSIBAD, • 33.6-71 Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. p0ia,.011 , 19 0 1381,13. ,REFINED. coa; OIL, for sale bi EDW.' Er Ito %MST, j y 2.31. - xll Soutix DELLWAJa Arent. PROPOSALS. FIRE-PROOF SAFES. PHILADELPHIA AGAINST THE WORLD!! A. CHALLENGE OHS THOUSAND DOLLARS Y 8 OFFERED TO 7EBT i a against ilfew York. In 1866 the ConvEzeitange Bank of PhiliciktphttCpur chased one of Evans & Wateonteßank and Burglar proof Safes, which: in now in use in their vwelt, con structed in the minter that Svelte &-..Wltkttrat'n Safes are for that purpose, with their Patent Asbeibetical Lock on. Since that time the above- mentiene-d Bank purchased one of Lillie's (so-called) Barginr-proof Safe*. " The officers of the Bank, in purchasingdriEte's Safe, Presumed tbat they were getting a better Safs than thee° made by Evans & Watson 'for that purpose; and said Corn Exchange Bank alums having ream- mended this New Tork Safe, and, In doing so, have. di. vetted many thousands of. dollars to Troy, New - Trirk, instead of retaining. it Atone Philadelphians, upon whom they depend for patronage, I, David Evans; trill now give an opportunity of provlnirWliether the Safe they purchased from Evans & Watson or the one per chased of L. Lillie is the best Burglar-proof Safe. I will place ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS in cash, cud they (the Bank dicers) or Lillie, or any other person in the' United States who has coefidence in mutat. ems, shall' place the saute amount In the hands of 8. respectablic person; and I, with one than to assist me, will operate on their (LUIle) Safe,.ancl they may get any, two men. In the United States to -operate _on the Burglar. proof Safe mile by Evans & Watson, and louse at the present time in the said Bank. And if I }aimed in getting Into their Safe sooner than they shall get into the Evans & Watson Safe, then I am to receive the tire thousand dollars; but, if they succeed in getting into the Evans & Watson Safe sooner than I do the Lillie Safe, they shall receive the two tlionsand dollars. Provided that they shall not make any more - nolite than 'I make. in getting into Lillie's Safe, as noise is what burglars dread most. It is else provided that no alterations have been made since June Ist, 1564. Now, as I have given this opportunity of testing the qualities of the two Safes, I hope the Bank °Steen will be as willing to have the tent made as they were in recommending Lilile's (w -attled) Burglar-proof Safes heretofore: And, as -they are the only Bank having one of each of the different make of Safes in tee, I consider this Bank the best place to test them. Let the trial be made, and thus demon strate to the Philadelphia public which is the best Burglar-proof Safe. Let there be a committee appointed from each of the Banks to see that there is fair play on I claim the right to change the combinations of the lock on the Evans & Watson fe, and no person but myself to know the., combinations, and they to do the same with the lock on their Lillie Safe before :maintain. I will now elate the manner in which I propose to °palate: I first saw elf the brass rim over the lock dial; I then drill a hole through the door, directly over the dtal, as dose as possible, and immediately over the centre; I then insert a piece of wire, about the eighth of an inch thick, through the hole 151) drilled, turning the knob of the look dial to the right until the pin enters the -first tumbler, when it will pass in about 4 quarter of an inch; then torn the knob to the left till the pin enter, into the second tumbler; then to the right again till it passes through the next tumbler. and, In cue of a large Bank Safe, again to the left, until it passes Into the last tumbler; I then throw the bolt, first pulling the pin out. Lillie, in We pretended acceptance of my challenge ~ The Press of the 14th instant, makes use of this language: "Being unwilling to fraternize with 'thieves, or to become their tutor, we do not now publish our method' of operations in getting into Safes." I now call upon my Philadelphia Merida to read the following extract, taken from the Evening Telegraph of April it, 1964, published by Little or his agent, and judge for yourselves who was the original instructor of thieves: "My opponents place the wrought iron outside, and the steel or iron, v• bleb is hard, inside, and attach the one to the other by rivets, which, as they come to the outside, are easily destroyed. A sonars of sufficient dimensions may soon be taken oat by drilling a minces- SlOll of holes around it, and the hardest steel or it on in the rear is not protected, and is easily broken. A single hole may be &Moir in the front of the Safe or Vault door, and powder may be inserted between the two Plates, and easily blow open the door. " Holes are easily drilled opposite to the end of the door bolts, a punch will then force them back, and the door is open. - • " indeed, where a drill can be applied there is no safety.'' If we admit his method of drilling a succession of say twenty holes to cut out the outer plates, as he proposes, in how much less time will it take to drill only one small bolo in his door, and then pick Ms lock in half a minute (which has been done), without cutting and chiseling, aud, of course, without making any notes? TIOGA COUNTY (PA.) BANE BOBBED On the night of the 25th . of May,,tbe Tloget County Bank, of Pennsylvania, was robbed of twenty thousand seven. hundred and twenty-five dollars and eighty-three cents, in United States bonds, gold, and greenbacks, and retired currency of the bank. Payment of the 'bonds is stopped. Five thousand dollars of the amount la in special deposits of five-twenty bonds, and over three thousand dollars In gold. A rewaid of three thousand dollars' is offered for the recovery of the pro perty, and two thousand dollars for the detection of the burglars. The Girard Bank of Philadelphia received a telegraph message, stating that it was one of LILLIE'S MAKE OF SAFES that was ROBBED as above etated. BVANS & WATSON have also received a letter trim the cashier of the above Bank, stating that the Safe robbed was marked " Patent, and that they drilled a hole through the Safe and blew it open with gunziowder. The above letter can be seen at Evans & Watson's Store, 16 South FOURTH Street. blow, Philadelphians, this one of the Safes that Lillie asserts are the only Burglar- proofs made that cannot be drilled or blown open with gunpowder, as he asserts in the Evening Telegra p h of April le, 144. If Mr. Lillie intends to accept of my challenge, he must do so without any deviation from the terms Pro- Posed, for reasons explained in the above challenge. DAVID EVANS. isl-fman it . • • . • • ..• LILLIE'S CAST-TIZON SAFES NEITHER BRILL NOR FIRE.PROOF. I; DAVID EVABS, of the firm of Evans & Watson. still stand by my challenge as publiehed In The Press of the Ist instant. Lillie•acknowledges in his article in The Preis of July Ist that all of his Safes now in use are not burglar-proof, as will be seen from the follow ing extract from his article of, that,date: "We now admit, as we ever have, if you succeed to grind or drill a hole through the door in the front of the lock, at any. Point, it is fatal, and 11 done in any way practical to the burglar, the Safe is not Burglar. Proof. have been testing at Evans' & Watson's Salamander Safe Store, 16 South Fourth street, one of Lillie's war ranted Fire and Burglar-Proof Safes, and have suc ceeded, every morning, in drilling a hole through said Safe; in from twenty to twenty-five minutes:' Now, as I have drilled this Safe, or can drill WIT Oi hie Safes now in use, it is conclusively proved from his own ar gument that his Safes are utterly worthleis. As to his aseertlon that the Safe 1 have tested is a very imperfect one, I merely wish to place before the notice of the public the bill of sale at the time it was purchased, eome.elght months since: • PHILADELPHIA, NO9. 7th, 180. Bluets. Weaver & Sprankle, Grocers, corner of Arch and Bread; Philadelphia : Bought of M. C. Sadler, Agent for Lillie's Fire and Burglar-Proof Safes, 1 80. 6 Fire and Burglar-Proof Safe... ...$5175.00 Received payment, AL C. SADLER, Agent, Now I wish to inform those who. have had similar bills rendered, and their Safes warranted both fire and burglar-proof, that the said Safes aro of the same :.. to the quality, and consequently, from Lillie's stat e to pub r,-..•- imperfect . It is in y desire to m„- lie the reason of tha......nouge or thievery imperfect Safe (j. 1.1111.0 admits) for one of our Fire-Proof Safes, put in its place, and now in use by Messrs. Wearer & Sprankle. The Chicago Tribune of Mara lith,lBlll, con tained an account of ,the fire in Nevada county, lowa, by which the frame Court flottso of that county was entirely destroyed in thirty minutes, and *lO,OOO in greenbacks, together with all the contents of one of Lillie's patent (so-called) Fire and Iturgiar-Proof Safes, reduced to ashes. A copy of this paper haring fallen into the hands of Messrs. Wearer & Sprankle,,they be came fearful, in vase of a fire at their store, that their books. papers,. Ac., would share the same fete; conse quently they exchanged their very imperfect Safe for one of bettor quality, and are atilt satisfied with their exchange. The fallowing is an extract from the paper above mentioned (which paper will be shown to any one calling at Evans & Watson's 81071): "The following persons were present, and helped to get the above Safe open, and examined the burned con tents taken out : . E. G. DAY, Clerk. L L. DANA. Notary Public. • • • ' • ' CHANCY CRAIG. • T. W. RHOADS. • G. W. HELPHRRY. F. D. THOMPSON." I would also state that what places these statements beyond denial, is the fact of their haying been sworn to before a magistrate. An ocular demonstration of the drill-proof qualities of Lillie's Safes will be given at 10 o'clock on every morn ing for thipresent month, at Evans Sr Watson'. Sala. mender Safe Store,' where the public are invited to wit.- nese the operation. If the owners of any' of Lillie' is Safes Imagine theirs not an imperfect one, 1 will drill, with— out charge, as many holes, as may be considered neces— sary to prove Its worthlessness., -Those having their books. pacers,_ money, Sm.. In. any of Lillie's Safes, bad better remove them to a place of security; as they are incontrovertibly proved both Insecure and imperfect bath as regards Fire and Bur: glare. irl-Ws2t DAVID EVANS. LOST AND FOUND. VOTJND-A ROLL OF NOTES, -I- amount less than COO - Apply to Aldorman,Weld. lag, 28 South FIFTH Street. It. L OST OR MISLAID-A POLIDY OF INSURANCE, leaned by the Spline Garden Instr. ranee Compant, NO. 470, dated Jane 23,1841 By return tun the mute a enttable reward will - he paid. WM. J. WARREN, 318 N. El C lITEENTEI Street. jeTi-weSt• WINDOW GLASS.-FRENCH PLATE Glass for store [route, Rough Plate Glass for sky lights. Boors, &o . ; Port and Deck Lights, Ornamental Glass for churchee, vestibules_, &c. ; Photogreph Glass. or stud Foreign awl Domestic Window Glass of every va riety. f sale by ROBT. STlOR?dAglifi. & CO., Nos. 200 and 207 N. FOURTH Street. Je2G-lio • Philadelphia. PITCH. -75 BBLB: SHIP PIT tor sale by • • IDW. 11. ROWLBY, • /11-3: 16 South DBLAW&RE COP.AkRTNEUSMPS. n 1 '980D:17101T OF COPARTNER -IL' srtir. —The Coportoersh tp heretofore oxtail/a be• tweon the n&bberlholit. under the firm of J. A. ELLE &CO herohF dlor ,, lred by !Imitation. The business t he tatted by JAMES A. & RODERT T.• ELLIOTT. J. A J FREDERICK. Ina . 1, lUI. E. T. ELLIOTT. TRE UNDERIAIGNED DAVE FORMED A- 1 CllpArtneriship from and after this date, under tha style of ELLIOTT & DfcCOWN. for the 'Onnortatton and jobbing of Dry (3 clods. at No. 403 dIAREE•yi,t,,,,t . J. A. ELLIOTT A. R. firviCowd JerT 1. M. 676-10 It T. ELLIOTT: NOTICk.-THE FIRM OF. JAYNrik -g- EVANS hi PIUS DAY dissolved by mutuwl eonaest. David Juyne'rettrlog therefrore DAVID JAYNE LEMUEL L. o'll4B. Jnne 30. Is6l. The antra of the late firm will be nettled by thwut derellood. who wfrl continuo the bastness as heaSta fore, at the same Place. (WI LEMUEL L. EVANS: COPAHTNEEMHIP NOTICE. -THfEC nnderrigned birdie tble dey• entered Into oonerr nerehip undor the Maritime of HAMMON & NAV& MRYER. and wilt condttet thetnelnese t the FRANK ,. LIST EVOAR REFINERY at No 221 ',INK Street.. CHAR: C. THEO. A; traiIIrEMBYER. • PITILAINELPIIIA, July 4, •964. . jy6-41 rER FIRM OF IN.OMA.B DOILA.N* -A- CO., manoraeterera of Piney Woolen Hoaiory, at the Keystone Knitting Mille; ha the city of Philadelphia, Is this day DINSOLVED. by mutual eonsent...The bust neer of said arm will be retitled and liquidated by TLornae Dutau, who, baying purchased the entire Interest of said 'Samuel Needham. will core:brae said business and manufacture at at same place, 'ander the same of Thomas Dolan. THOMAS DOLAN. tiMMUEL NEEDISA/if. July let, INK. 1,431.• TEE COPAIITITERSHIP lIEPATO -/L fore existing between INSIEBNY TRUSFITT Is thlrday dissolved by mutual counept. TLe boatmen of the bite Arta will be settled by W. K. Inskeep, 241 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelpbts. W. H. J. % TEMPI= Parzkarr.Pere,laily I, 1661. JC. TIiIJEFITT , .WILL. CONtilltbri • 'the. Commission Bushkin . lieretafore, "it/ the. IMMO place, 241 CFIE.3Ta.III7T E . 41114* 2114111[ OM moor Of J. C. THDBFITT St CO. -• " TAMADBLPIS lA, Jnly 18SL ..11241 e THB FIRM OF SHIPLEY; - .ITAX&IVAL . •A:. at NUTIPAitisON, to thie day diesoloved by mutual consent, Samuel R. Shipley retiring. Tl.E.bnel nese will' be continued. by the remaining partners canter thu name of HAZARD. HUTCHINSON.. The tueineme of Cie late firm will be settled by either of the codersigned. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY SPENCER H. HAZARD. PEMBERTON E. HUTCHINSON. PHILADELP7IA, July 1. 1864 jyl-at* THE SUBSCRIBERS RATE:. ASSOJ -a- CIATSP themselves together under :be firm o BOLTON, DYKESIAN, & CU., and will condom) tbo. Oar Bnilding business in all its branehevat the old establishment, corner TWFSTY-FIRST TON Streets. JOS. R. BOLTON. JOLT 1. 1954 P HILADELPHIA,Th JULY • 1;' 1864 PARTNERSHIP.—I have THIS DAY admitted CHARLES AV. SCHWARTZ. JOHN 0. KELNEE AL BERT ORAF_F, JOHN 31. SIMPSON, and OW kN F. HUBER to an Interest Snarly bac:nets under the name of A. H. FRANCISCUS & CO. j3O-61 A. H. FRANS:ISMS. 513 MARKET Street. WANTS. AYOUNG : MAN -:WHO HAS SOME acquaintance with . the RETAIL-. DR? GOADS TRADE, desim n a a aoation in a good Jobbing Honda 1.0 sell by sample. Would sell on percentage or salasy: Address for ill ree days, j ste • ... "W. 0.." Ms oeloe.. • ,A GENTS WANTED TO SELL THE Standard.Hietory of the War: A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from .100 to ig2oo per month. 700,000 calomel' already sold. Send for ciron• lara. Addreias JONES, BROS., At Co., Publishers, BAL. TIMORE, Md. • L C-K SMITHS AND NVIIERL WEIGHTS WANTED. CHIEF OCARTEREARTER's OFFICE. WASIIINI/SON DEPOT._ W.USEINGTON, D. C., July 4, 1564, • Wanted at nee, to work. in Gorernment repair &bona. Quartermasters' Department, Depot of Washington., one hundred (100) good BLACRENILTHS, and one hun dred (100) good WHEELWRIGHTS. The pay per month wilt be sixty dollars MO), with one (1) ration per day, and hospital privileges when sick. Apply to Captain CHAS. H. TOMPKINS. A. Qs 11. b. A.. corner Twenty-second and 0 Streets. Wash itgion, D. C. D. H. RUCKER, Brigadier General and Chief Onartermuter, jyB-t2B Department of Washington. PARTNER WANTED.-AN ESTA BLISHED Merehandise Brokerwants a Partaer,who understands the DRUG BUSINESS. Communications giving real name and present occupation only will be Pres an swes. red. Addrees " j76-3t Merchandise." o ffi ce of The - • TO SHOEMAKERS. -WANTED -a- Oood , HANDS to Last and .Finislt on all kinds of work, men and women's; fair WaXBB and steady em nloyment. B P. MOLINEADX, 408 COMMERCE Street. Fourth Story. N. B.—A man to rnb down and turn Boot-legs. jyl-9t• WANTED -BY A MAN OF MIDDLE age, of fair address, an active; stirring position in a manufacturing establishment, business house, or brokers' odice. The twat of reference ciao''. Address or apply to "W. ," No. 514 :Porch SECOND Street. .1303-31° WANTED- IN A. WHOLESALE HO. SIERT' and Fancy Goods House. two industrious LAPS. Those having experience preferred. Apppply to liox 21 Post Office. .1/4•21. W ANTE THE,. DRY-GOODS Commission hulloes& already established. a PAWNER, either active or special , with a cash capital of from $16,000 to $2,000. Address "Commission Bu siness," Press office. .314.inwret. N]'ANTED-A BOY IN A CLOTH Store, to learn the business; reference required; 28 South SECOND Street. • •trE•St` WANTED -.THREE SUBSTITUTES of good fighting qualities, for the Army of the Potomac, to *represent s gentleman exempt from mili tary duty. Apptyat 208 WALNUT St., Phila. je3o. tC gai FARM WANTED.---WANTEDITO BUY, 11. email Faun; good, productive land, with good plain buildin in a pleasant location, within gs, twenty five miles of Philadelphia. Possession not de sired before first of next year. Address, stating , lowest price, with full description, etc., "W. 11. Primed °ince, Philadelphia. 511 M CARRIAGE AND HORSES.- Waata d to HIRE, for three mooch& a patrol Itoros and an open Carriage. Address Bog 3333. "%BA. 'SAOA MONTH WANT AGENTS at 1160 a mouth.sapeuses paid, to sell my EVER LASTING PENOILS, • ORIENTAL BURNERS, and 11 other articles. Mimi circulars sent/reg. Address Attrllre • JOHN F. LORD. FlLldeford. Mame. FOR SALE AND TO LET. pEREDIPTORY BALE OF VALI:M. BLE LAND AT BURLINGTON, N. 3.; The subscriber will sell at public sale, at BELDEN'S CITY HOTEL, near the Railroad Station, in the city of Burlington, on THURSDAY. July 7. 1664. at 3 o'clock P. hi, a number of LOTS and parcels of LAND, situate partly In the city and partlyln the township of Bur lington, as laid out on a plan of lots and streets made by David Oliver. and conveyed by him to the Common wealth Saving Fund and Loan Company of Ponnsyl- Tania. One of said parcels contains about nine acres. Conditions made known at time of sale. W.M. F. JOHNSON, Trustee and &slate& For further particulars, plans, and description, apply to RICHARD SILLIER, 'Jr..r. Durlix4ton or GEO. W . GILBERT, No. 35 North SECOND Street, jy4-1? • Camden, N. J. POR BALE CHEAP-A SHARE OF a: Stock in the "Mercantile Library Company. " Ad dress "T. V. M.," Press °Mee. JYS-St FOR SALE- 700 A ORBS BITUMINOUS ' COAL LANDS of excellent quality, adjacent to the Philadelphia end. Erie Railroad. near St. Mary% Elk county. IRA SAYRE jy4-41. Merchants' Hotel, Philadelphia. TO LET-THE SECONT), A.XD TO Fiore at A 35 MARKET Street. through -tt to Church alley. mhM el A SMALL ROUSE, FIFIZNISTIED, mes. on the main street of Germantown, TO REST du ring the months of August end September. Rent iioo per month. Addreed J. F. II.," GERBIANTOWN, retina. j 76-31.. taFOR SALE OR R RIIT:TEER fora-story FIRE-PROOF STORK, No. 61 S. SECOND St- Posvesvion given tho - 16tb of Angaet. Enquire of ALFRED FASSITT, 500 MARKET St.. je27.ntwfl2t• FOR LE—A LARGE AND .2:0INte11-built DWELLING HOUSE, athlete No.. 916 street, three stories front and back, having an the modern conveniences, good yard, dm Terms ac commodating. Possession given by the 10th lust. For pa •.culara apply at 600 N. TENTH St. • jy2-4P. ' FOR *SALE OR EXCHANGE.—A large and beautifully situated MANSION, near the city, built in the most substantial manner, containing all the modem Improvements, will be sold low for cash. Terms of payment easy. Or a boat medium-sized HOUSE on some first-class street, price seven thousand dollars, will be taken In part payment. gond for Farm Register. •••• Send for Register of Country Seats. OEO, N. TOWNSEND & CO: je3o.Bt 1233(Sonth FOURTH Street. I FOR SALE —A SPLEUDRcraca - TRY El^ y ll --f;e;7rr . w'atVr:tn,, 2sa, of s-ou,mllen• woodtaua. The house la a very superior one, with gas, bathroom, and water-closet, extensive outbuildings, fine garden and trait. Furniture in cluded in ale. For particulars inquire of James A. Freeman, Auctioneer, or of W3L CRANBSBLAEII. on the .mises. • • .1e22-6t• MaFOR SALE - SPLENDID DWELL. ING, 210. 214 Logan street, west side of Logan Square, marble front, saboanttally built. and most completely arranged.. . Lot szt feet front by 120 deep. This in one of the mos delightful situations in the city. Immediate possession. 1211 Green street. Possession in a few days. 1704 Mount Vernon street. Immediate 110.33elzdiOII. 2114 Green street. Possession soon. Price very low. Also, a large number of Houses, in various localities, at prices that will make a desirable investment. Also, a large number of Farms and Cottages, at mode• rate prices and on accommodating terms. B. F. GLENN, 123 South FOURTH Street, and leils S.W. corner SEVENTEENTH and GREEN Ste. dfi LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO maPERTY FOR Sera --The very large and commodi ous LOT and EITILDING, No. SOB CHERRY Street •, near centre of business; containing G 3 feel on. Cherry street, depth 105, feet, bangle feet wide on the rear of the lot, and at that width opening to a large cart-way. leading to Cherry street. DI advantages of SIZE AND POSITION are rarely met NOM Apply at the once of Christ Church Hospital, le-aut 226 WALNUT Street. Oft FOR SALE-CHEAP AND HlGH ly:lmprpved Maryland •FteTtlf, containing 1,D20 acres, 400 acres of which are excellent timber: the bal ance in a high state of cultivation. Situate on the Chickamacomico river, Dorchester county, eight mile; from the county-town, Cambridge. Five sets of large farm improvements:. Store and Dwelling, extensive 'wharf, 81c. Price only $16.003. For particulars apply to Lly1) B. PrIVIT, 323 WALNUT Street. PERSONAL. • pE R 8.0 NAL JET BALL-EAR DROPS, 60 cents: OW RACE Street he St* EDUCATIONAL. _ . A GRADUATE pr. HARVARD, WITH -L-3L- cityxperience f ten_yea Schoolni ape n, this lin SEPTEMBER. a for Young I.adiee. Number limited to fifteen. Terme, $llO a year. RePSREICCES—Rey. Dr. Furness, 'AIM Pine street; Rev. Roger Owen Chestnut Milt Wm. R. Trotter, Esq., 36 north Front street; J. E. Esq. 310 York avenue, Phliadelphla - Ex-Presidents Sparks ' and Walker, Cambridge. S. Smitb.Esq, Dorches ter, Mace. ;RAJA ROgltles, Q., Brighton. Blase. Ad dressie-Iru. L. H. BIICK . I . NOHAM,.chestrint :PHILADELPHIA C OLLE G IATE IN. IitTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES. No. 1530 ARCH Street. Rev. CHAS. A. SMITH, H. D.A.E. CLARENOI SMITH. A. 11., Principals. . Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary.. Amide. ink. and Collegiate. Full college conrso In Classics. Mathematics, higher English, and Natural Solstice. for those who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, Paint ing. aud Elecntlou by the beat masters. For circular& apply at 1133 CHESTNUT 'Street, or address Box MU P. O. PbUsdelphla. ap2o.6m• p. A T 0.11 . -mityrrruTE, KENITFATT SQUARE, Cheater county, Penna., for YOUNG MU AND BOYS. • This Institution 1■ beautifully. stinavad ball a =Us from the Baltimore Central .Eatlroad.. Com-sea instruction in Fnglisth Classics and Mathl. malice is thorough. Fell Se7U3lOll commoucoc the Oar& of October. For olroulara. addroae ODO. A. NEAVESOLD. rritoWel. ART GALLERY, GMLND COLLECTION OF PICTUiIIa .7.00 ffallitYY will brayened to thtt , 7fbllc on avairff creek day, uatll furthernotice. from 8 K. to 10Z. it., on and. after I#EDDIESIAY, Jane V. Season . Tlcketa to Jalrf.t. Maine ye, 50i:tont& Admittance 25 coots.Cie-donee 25 cetto. To. VA NVERLYIS , A1..ift1)1.03, 25 C 01214 .. AdMittaate only at tbo L .- rave door on rim abud, !Yl-at GRelEit' B Nl t VP CHZB72IIIT. STREET THEATRE. TUESDAY EVENFROgeriILY sth, 11Mg* IMPORTANT E Xneib NOTICE. Preparations for the great Ste - heck of ALADI OR; 'IRE WONDEP Y LAMP. Which aro now being made, wf... nevesaltate the .- CL43IAO OF THE TFINATRE for shortqlnie Aft ninny I taper; tat rlangee in Me ma chasm orthetaii. 100-thc- snore 111 bit so pp orraaoce nonil • TRE.OREAT SPECTACLE 7.ft PRODUCED . .. Width is.copecied to surpass any prztetorte production of the kind In America. During the case the Theatre will be Morons/Ay renew d. ' MRS. JOHN DREPPS NEW 'ARCH. sTEEET THEATRE. GLOltiolis FOURTH OP JULT: LEFT - NifeßT OP THE SIMON. LAPS PIIRRT OP CECILE -RUSA. : LAST tri&tiT OF MESS LeTT.I. TO-ItIVAT (31enday) Jet. 4, Lil_ , DIFBORAR. THE PGRUEEN Pebeesl Cecile Err*. Hennas 4 Barton Brit After the Pie,. svplenin 8010 end Balled; by _ AIMS LOTTA. To conclude Iritb Mr. and bfra. PETS3iWiTITS: Mre, Peter White MMe Loft. Mr. Peter White' than Hoban*. cri:4 ti. 0. W. CHILDS! S9l-lm' WALNUT STREET 41311.TR8.- CO'STINVATION OF THE SUMMER . SEASON: Re-engagement'oP Mt. J. B. ROBERTS and ALEXINIu FISHER BARER. IRIS (Wed nesda7) , EVENING, July S. mrHP be nt- Panted the g rand ..Legeodary Drama of PAUBT AND' 31AROUEEITE—Mr. J. B Roberta ae Mapbiatophelea: Aiexina Fisher Baku ef Marguerite. To emptied, villa the grand Petriotio.Drama of TEE SPIRIT OF '76; Or: Rkbels and Park ts. Row, Ellsworth Uf a ;Aleatir.a. , i Fieber Baker; Captain Armstrong. Mr. t. L. Tilton. Ileata Ben red from 9to 'Cortinlisesat 8 o'clock. . 'HE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, . 8, CHESTNUT btreek._above Teeth. is OP36PD AI LY, for cleitom, from 9 A. 16: to 6P. M. .jeSti 44i fet porriT BREEZE P.ARIC—TO/ DAY (Wedneday), at 4 P. M —Aenocistlon. I.,eunom.—Mile bolus Inn. hennas. N. TalrallooY, b. h. B. A. Douglas. J. Wheeler, K. h. Haley Gayley. J. Turner, br. b. Razor. • It is expected that the above will be a clolonad quick time couteet. Admission, SI • SUMMER RESORTS. cc inE. CLARENDON," ATLAWTIQ -a. CITY, now open for the accommfidation of boarders. This house eitaated In a central part or the wand, and every room in the house commands Alin view of the sea. The bathing never was better. jy6-1m ISMS .TENKINS._: I I'. D. 111QOARDING WANTED; ABOUT MB lat of /minket. by a gentleman and wife.ima private family, or where there are few hoarders. A la rrggae eecond-rtory front room. or two medium-sised. seeoad story rooms. required. A faigpriar will be paid for Rood accommodations. Referencq given and required. Addreet jy44ts. Bog 2743 Poet 011ieL ptaiRDENG.TWO SECOND-STORY rooms TO LET. at 139 North TENTH St. JetTtr GRAND • .PLEASURE RIE - Duran TO LAKE SUPERIOR. —One the following splendid first. class 'steamers, vtss CLEVELAND ILLINOIS NORTHERN LlOl. T. DION CITY, TRAVELER. METEOR IRON SIDES. LAO LA BELLE, and PEIVABIO, will leave CLEVELAND Ohio, 'at it o'clock P. AL, each day of the week, ex"A Salarday and Sunday. and Detroit, Michigan , on i 'following days at 2 o'clock P. N. through the ofJULY and .ADGIIST. making Grand Excursion Trlva to the many points of interest on the Great Inland Seas of America, which, for utility. pleasors, and health, are unsurpassed by any other on the Continent. • This trip of over 1,000 miles embraces six degrees e 1 latitude, and eleven of longitude.. and includes in iM circuit Lakes Brie, St. Clair, Huron_ and SuperiororEla thebeatitifisl rivers Detroit. St. Clair stud Sc. Mary's.. The many and extensive mines of iron and copper s . unequaled by any in the lrerld, with the newly.flii covered and inviting deposits of silver lead, wild and' romantic scenery, combined with its pure and bruin& climate. render the Lake Superior:rip one of far more than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the candela. the pleasure seeker or the invalid. The above-nam steamers are elegantly-fitted ane with large airy Cabins and State-Rooms, while eve precaution has has been taken to provide for the gaiety an/ comfort of paseengera. Fare. including State-Rooms and Meals. about 234 exacta Per mile. Time occupied in making the round trip,frona, Stolodays. Roomirsecared, and further information obtained, lor application to proprietor*. ROSS'-HANNA & Co., Cleveland,Ohio, lIUSSBY It MCBRIDE. , J.T WHITING & Co.,- De troit , Nachivm. JOHN 1864. atfl.Till,„,P.A„-A:T-...1864. - SUMMER ARILLNGEBIENT—THROUGH IN TWO HIMIRS. FOUR TRAINS DAILY TO ATLANTIC CITY. On and after MONDAY. July, 4th, ttainaleare YENS- Street Ferry as !atom: . . Mail - 7. Freight, with passenger car attached 1h15 30 .A A. . M 3L. . Express (through in two hours) : .II 05. p Is.. Atlantic Accommodation ..... .4.IAP. IL Junction Accommodation ..... ,-:.(.: 5.30 P. N. RETURNING. leaves Atlitatia: Atlantic Accommodation - '' '. 5.45 Li11. Express 7.08 A. X. Freight.. ' . ILO° A. M ilian ?..X. .. Junction Accommodation S 4. 48 RI A.. A. Fars to Atlantic, $5:. Round-trip Tickets (LOOd OMR for the day and train on which.they are issued). St EXTRA HADDONFIELD TRAINS Leave Tine street at 10.15 A. X.: and 1 PAL ' ' Leave Haddonfield at ri 45 A. M. &MAU P.. 11. ON SUNDAYS. . . Mall train for Atlantic eaves Ville street at 7.30 A. IL Leaves Atlantic at 4.48 P. M. JNO. G. BRYANT, Agent. The bar which formed last year has entirely dims} reared, leaving the beach one of the moat delightful ex the coast. 3e35401 RAR_JTAIIi AND DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD —To Long Branch, Atsion, Manchester, Tom'a River. Barnegat, Red Bank, &c. &c. On and after MoNDAY next, July 4th, Trains will leave CARDER, for LONG BRANCH, at 7.45 A. X. and 3.39 P. St., daily (Sundays excepted). Returnin g _ will leave LOP, G BRANCH at (1.25 A. M. , and &Si P. M. THROUGH. IN FOUR HOURS DIRECP BY RAIL: A Freight Train with passenger car attached, will start for Stations on the main Hap, daily, from CAM DEN (Sundays excepted), at 9.33 A. 51. Stages connect at Woodmansie and 3lanchester for Baraegat and Tom'e River. Slagee (will also connect nt Farmingdale, for Point Pleasant, Squan Tillage, Blue Ball, and bur House For further Information apply to Company's Ageut. L. B. COLE, at Cooper's Point. Camden 'WM. F. GRIFFITTS, General Superintendent. i li gißg s FOR C E A Y.THIS blanch and commodious steamer 111A3- RATTAN. Captain E. A. Rytber, of tbe Cane alay.T.lne. is now making her regular trips to Cape Rayaeavim ARCH-STREET WHARF every TOBSDAT. THIIRX DAY, and SATURDAY, at '9 o'clock; returning, will leave Cape M ay every _Monday. Wednesday , and:811- day, at SX o• clock, touching. at New Castle, going and returning. . Fare $2.50, carriage hire included- children Leif price. Servants 5 1.40, carnage hire ex tra. Freight At low rates. No freight received after S o'clock and in all cases must be pre,paid. SOS. STSWAR'P, Agent. g. i. 4 1=1 % FROM NEW YORK, FOR . NEW RAVEN, HARTFORD, SPRING- . FIELD. and BOSTON. —The steamers CONTINENTAL , and ELM CITY leave Peek 3113.:61aat Riven daily at 3 16P. it. api 11 id nigtt. : , Sat - gu Al=4,- FOR ALBANY -via D'ELJ.t.MVAIc,"rS - Ctain W. Cor "L•r—nliliKiranklitihe dret ,wharl below Somas FiFieVriiiid will leave for the above points on WRD NEEDAY, JULY 6th, at 6P. IL Foe Freight, which. will be taken at reasonable rates, apply to D. L. FLA NAGAN, Agent, No. 304 S. DELAWARE Av. 372-4 t" WEI F.,SMUlrtit.:. COTTAGE ORGANS, clot only ITNEXCELLID bat DREQUALLID In riarttr , of Tone and Power, designed 'especially for iTharcheic and Scheele, but found to be equally well adapted tr. th 6 Parlor and Drawing 1100 Ill• For a M. e l only b y S. BRUE, ire. 18 blond 88VE1T.33 Waal Also, &complete assortment of the Perfect Malodors constantly on hand tnylftter BELLING OUT. 1115 WATCHES, JEWELRY APID SILVERWARE. The undersigned. having decided to retire trout bust am, offers for sale at low prices, his large and well selected stock of WATCHES JEWELRY. and SILVER and PLATED WALL THOMAS C. G ARRETT. No. 712 CHESTNUT Street Opposite the Masonic Hall Philadelphia. STRANGERS VISITING TOE city, solicited to the faillities of the TENTH ant MARKET SLEEPER UMBRELLA FACTORY. Je24:l2t• o c% MONEY TO ANT AMOUNT LOANED upon Diamonds, Waiebes, J ewel - SateC IggjiEB3i aceß Established Loanlshi,aner r and GASHILL Streets, below Lombard. apl2-9nkt E 7 LADIES' TRUSS AND 8RA.(31:- , STORE—Conducted by Ladies, TWELYTIL . Street., drat door below Race. Every article .In their line elegant, easy, and correct In make. C. H. NIB LILES. Proprietor, attends to Oentlemen, on the corner of TWELFTH and BAGS Streets. :B.—Professional accuracy Waned. • • , 113Y5-31er 153 PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS, with full descriptions of chszact A er eras. DAY and EVINING, by J. L. CAPI N. mbe-wfnetko No. 25 Sontb TENTH Strad- p 1,; I 11:11 Ati I *Ali 4;1 CENTRAL FAVL IT HAS BEEICBECIIDIM TO KEEP LOGA.II BQUARE ODi WEEMS'Tioti FOR A YEW DAYS LOKOIa. Ix LTD Or TAE SANITARY COMXTSSION, BOARDDIG. EXCURSIONS: mmiJ . y • ELECTRICITY. - -.. • • ' -- i WEC.lOl5BYtjAlii a!E W' ani l l l ctiro W ill ia die ) 2 la- I aaes cared by special guarantee, whey desired by the } patient. at IMMO WALNUT Stroll, Philadelphia, and, In ease of a fallow', no charge is made. No dragging the system with uncatiail Ga lvanism All cures performed 12y Magnetism or other modideations of Mectrietty. 'without shooks or any unpleasant sensation_ For farther informa tion, send and get a Pamphlet . Which contains hun dreds of certificates from some of the meet reliable men In Philadelphia. who have been speedily and s; Permanently cured after all other treatment from .- medical men had failed. Over twelve thousand cured in lees than five years at IRRO WALNUT Bt. Conaul 2 Tion lt . p r o. of. . BOLL N S & Dr. BROW 321714- 41. vasio WALNUT sc. , Philadelphia. --- E". ESIDIUM. -200 BBLS. TANKED. vltlSlDlind, for rale by EDW. IL ROWLEY, • , 16 South' DELLWARII Avenue.... MONTT,M.ENTS AND GRAVE STOKES. —A large assortment of Gravo-titonee. ot *aeons &Awns, made alba nnestltaltan and Amen Marble. oonetantly on hand at the Marble Works or ADAW 'STEINMETZ. RIDGE ATettlie, bdlo w Itleveatla phitsdephis. apthiral
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers