Tnz Portmen CLOTRENO llorreg or Rana. • "OAK HALL." P.M•Mkaa tootle at moderate prime. WANAMAKER & BROWN, B. E. corner SIXTH mid MARKET Streets . Castors Department (to make to order) No. 1 6.Blxth BTEni - virey 435 SONis, fgPS PIANOS. PIANOS. roe sale only at BLASIUB BROS.. 1006 OHREITIIITT attest. VERRUCA W/LBON'e I.I.IOIIEST P 1131411314 LOCK-:STITCH I=i 51.f.olUti,',CIWiMa TES ONEAMT. BINPLEIT, AND EMT. SAlowiremmik. 1 104 . 0VIRATSIIT Abovogovontir _ RIMID REED—DOHR.—At Roxbury. Illaws' on the 27th lat., at St. James' Church, by tho Roy. George S. Con- Terse, R. Reber Reed, of Philadelphia. to Merin L., daughter of Ralph S. Dory, Stn. ,of San Franctsco,Call lornla. No cards. • BISHOP—CONDIT. —ln Oraco Cliurch.. Newark. N. J., on Thursday, June Nth, by the Rev. Wm: Croewell Donne, the Roy. Horace X. Bishop, rector of Chrlst Church. 'Bortlentown, and Mary 11., eldest daughter of the late Joel W. (.IQadtt, Fog. 13IMUE:). LE MN!. —On themorning of the lot of July, Nancy Z. Leach, wife of 11. B. Leach, aged 45 years and 11 Inontbs. [Matomehtmett a and Maine papers please copy.) "" killEilL.—On lone &kb, William R. Kiehl. tn the 2tth Tear of hts The relativee sad friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from ale late rest •dence. 612 Nortb Eighth street, on Tuesday morning, July 5, at 10 o'clock. RI ft K.—at Alexandria, Jose 2S, of monads received Hay 7, at the battle of Todd's Tavern, Lteot. William ;Birk, 6th l'ennsylYtttlia Cavalry, in the 25th year of hie age His friends and those of the family are respectfully. invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of hle 'father,S. L. Kirk, 814 North Sixth street, on Tueeday. JOl7 , at 10 o'clock A.M. NORRIS. -41 n thold I nrtant,„ 'Hrs. Sarah Norris. re lict efthe late Captain Thomas Norris, in the 97th year of her age. The friends and acquaintances are respectfully invi ted to attend the Inneral, from her late retildenc4. S. E. corner of Thirteenth aud..131 own streets, on Tuesday af ternoon, at 4 o'clock. • KILLER.—On Saturday, July 2,1. Rev. Benjamin Feller, general agent for tha Lutheran Public:oaten So alety, In the 71st year of Ms age. The relatives and Mende of !the deceased .are re- Nnectfully twitted to attend Ids. funeral, from the rust= . &ncur G. F. Norton, Esq., No. 15tri Poplar street, on Wednetalay morning next, at 9 o'clock. Funeral to proceed In Germantown. ZIEGLER. —On the 2rl Instant, •Georee K., son of George K. and Elizabeth O. Ziegler, In the 9th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral front the residence of his father, on Tum•darafternoon, 6th iiishmt, at II o'clock. et, ' ROOL.—Ot the evening of the 3d instant, Sir. James Hoge, In the 32d year of his age. OBITUARY - - Again are we called upon 'to-record the death el one of our brave and noble soldiers, JOHN STEWART. Feeling a deep sympathy for his suffering country, he enlisted et the first call, and served three mouths in the Scott Legion, P. V., at the expiration of which time ho again enlisted for u term of three yours, discharging faithfully all his duties as rt soldier, participating in the betties tinder McClellan, Hooker. Burnside. and Need., part of which time he carried his country's fag. He then re-enlisted so a veteran lo the elet Regi ment. and was in every action under Grant (ruin the Wilderness up to the time of Me death. tea was a de voted eon, 1111 affectionate brother, a true friend, and a brave soldier. May hia goal reef in peace, in the resin,' of eternahliim.. • OFWANDEL.—On the 2d of Tar, 1883, at the battle of Gettysburg, , John Quincy,the youngest min of George and Catherine Oewandel of Jefferson county, Pennarivattia, the 20th year of his age. He left the Lome of lite youth to rally around the liege( our glen one Union, and fell when bravely defendinglt. de was a member of Company li, Mil Regiment elansylvaeia Volunteers, anti participated in all the battles of the Army of the POWIMRO under Generals McClellan, Pope, Burnside, Hooker, and Meade. At the battle of Get tyahurg tie was seen to fall by his comrades. and it was feared that he was taken_ prisoner: but thetas! cats• logos from Richmond, Va., shows that he we.. not so unfortunete as to be captured. and placed in the track- Bole of Calcutta, and starved to death, but fell noon a . glorious and triumphant field in his own native State. At the present lime he fills an unknown grave, bat an Imperishable monument is .reared for him in the deep regret and lasting love of' those he leaves behind him. Be WAS greatly esteemed by his commies in arms, and respected by all hts officers for his manly qualities and his reckless bravery. Thus a young patriot has talkie in his native State, at the bloody hands of traitors, both North and Sonth. [Lancaster, Lewistown, and Breokville,Pa.,andlHi ,Aule and lowa papers, please copy.] Weekly Report of Interments . GILLUM OFFME, Inlv 18. Death. mut Interments In Me vie), of Phikvi from the 2.5 th of June to the 2d of July, L; L OAUSBA OP MILTS. 01173E8 Or DILL'f R -Asthma .• ••• • • • ..... 2" Fever Intermittent.. I Abecess S Malignant... Anemia 2 ' " Nervons..... Aphtha .... 2 " Puerperal.... Ausarten% 1 1 " Spotted • • ••• • Apoplexy .1 I " Scarlet Burns and Scalds... 2 '• Typhus ...... Casualties 2 2 " Typhoid...—. Croup •li 7 Hainorrhage. Congettion, Brain... 3 1 10 HooPing C0ugh....., •• Liver... .1 s In.6 . lmmation Brain Lungs.. 4 .., Bronchi. .... -Coup de Soleil .1 '• ' " Chest -Compreastou Brain.. 1 '' ' -'" Heart........ Cholera infantnen..• ' 14 " Liver. ' • Idorbus 1 2 " Lungs ..• .... . Cerebro Spinal Me- '- ' .1. Peritonenm— ningitis .• •• • ... ... 2 : "' Si. &B owe l s . 'Cirrhosis 1 Inanition .... Consumption, Lump 33 3 Jaundice Convulsions 193 Mania-a•Potu • Puerperal 1 hfarasmus Diptheria 6 Measles .... . ........ cljiarrh ma 4 6 'Neurosis DroFey 7 Old Age ..,. ..., Abdominal.. 2 Palsy.... " . Brain 5 Pyemia Disease of Brain.... 3 Ran over on BR •••• heart...... 2 Scrofula ' " Lungs, . .....1 Softening of Brain.. I Liver- 1 - Liver.. " Bowels 1 Small-Pox • Drowned 6 2 Still-born, .... ....... Dysentery 4 0 Syphilie. Debility .... ........ 12 17 . ,b.u. Mesenterica.. Effusion on Brain...". 2 Tumors ..Innepsy 1 Ulceration of Fences EryelpelaS .... 1 1 Unknown ...... )'ever, 13i110u6 1 'Wounds Gunshot.— Congestive... 11 " Gastric 1 1 Totals OF Tell ABOVR THERE WERE— Under 1 year 168 Piro 40 to 60 Pra"m Ito 2...'. ..........42 . • 60 to 60 Ito 6 .......27 " 60 to 70 " 6to 10 ' ..... ...21 ' " 70 to 91 " 10 to 16 6 " 80 to 90 !! 16 to 28 ' l5 '" 90 to 100 .. . .. . . - isataab ai 30 to 40 r 36 Total 445 ':Wanna. - I ' WARDS. I vrAnas. Pint illiTenth .... 17INineteenth - 30 ofiecond • • . • . • • —23!Bleventh .16 'Twentieth. RD 'Third 38!Twelfth . • ....1131Torenty-tirst . ”10 Fourth ..... ....WlTltirteenth . • • • .15!Twenty-second-I5 !Fifth .... . 17 !Fourteenth. • .... 8 4 / Twenty-third .. 4 'Sixth .... SI Fifteenth .... • :45 Twenty-tourth.B2 Seventh ..25. Sixteenth .... ..11!Twenty-tlfth ... 6 'Eighth 11 Seventeenth • • • .20,'Unknown 20 Ninth ...... ....12!Eighteenth 101 , . 'Total 445 Deduct deaths (rum the country .. • • 20 . . Net deaths in the city 423 NATIVITY. —United States, 3I8; Fore{ 75; Unknown, .7E; Almßhouse , 15; People of Color, 16; gn, from the coati, tr iine 2o ; umber of deaths, compared with the fe f lmt wek, was corresp ond inWwekkoingJauny o th, a Mel e was EV asfollows: Week endiug Juno 25th, 166 A, was SO. Deaths and Interments of soldiers, 35. By order of the Board of Health, GEORGE E. CHAMBERS. Reid — drat.. WYBE cYG LAND3I4..:AVVRTH AND ARCH have a " • Fine stock of Btlke Fine stock of Shawc s, . - Fine stock of Flannels, . Floe stock of Linens, . • .. Fine stock of litnslins. • 100 "tar HANDEL AND HAYDN NOCIETY. —A meeting will be hold on TUESD tit EVEN ING, July Bib, at the rehearsal room, N. E. corner of Bishtli and Spring Garden streets. iy4-2t E. P. STEWART, Secretary. rirBASK 'OF NORTH VIDEND. BANK OP 11011TII AMPRICA, Jour 2, 38&4 . The Board of Directors have this day declared a Di vr- BEND for the-past six months of seven and one-half per cent. clear of all taxes, -payable on and after the Ilth instant. J. HOCK LE 7, jytAilt . Cashier. VW' FOURTH OF JULY.—THE SOL DIERS OF .THE WAR OF 3812 will celebrate the day at the Supreme Court Hoorn, on MONDAY, 4th Inst., at 934 A. M. Oeneral.attendance requeeted. Jy2-2t• JOHN H. FRICK, Secretary. NOTICE.—TII.E FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Philadelphia will transact Business at their new Berthing House, corner of CHSSTrt DT and FRANKLIN Streets, (north aide of Chestnut, west of Third), on and after Tuesday. the 6th instant. jr . MORTON AIchIIOEIABL, Jr., Cashier. Tll E CITIZENS' VOLE NT EER HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, BROAD. and PRIME Streets, take pleasure In acknowledging the •followieg donations: Airs. Eliza Vaex $lOO 00 Part proceeds of a Fair held at 1430 South streqt, by Miss Mary W. Williams 3 00 Booty. Bowen. & Co.. (lumber) 17 29. United States Sanitary Commission,3B pairs Crutches, 1 box Lemons, 1 box Chitnges, BO Sheets, 12 jars Pre. serves, 3 b a rrels Potatoes, 3 Kegs Pickles, and box ynnaline. Penn Relief Association, 6 pain Slippers and 13 hand kerchiefs. Blies Davis, 9 Arm Slings. • WWI E. R. Klett, 13 new Muslin Shirts, Mrs. R. E. Magnirc, lot of Lint . Miss E. Scott. 1 box of Lint, Cotton Socks, and old Mrs. OrilTith, old Muslin. Mrs. Taylor,. tars Pickles, Corn Starch. and Parini. Committee on Income, Revenue. &c., U. 8. Sanitary Pair), 1 box valuable Hospital Stores. It , OFFICE OF ASSESSOR OF IN TERNAL REVENUE, THIRD DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, No. 024 Borth THIRD Street,— NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN, that the lists. value- Done, and enumerations! made iirparsuance of an Act, entitled 'An Act to Provide Internal Revenue to Sup port the government, and to Pay Interest on - the Pub lic Debt." will be open for Public &gemination at this Office on TUESDAY, 'July dth, and remain open until Juirldth, inclusive. Appeals relative to the same will be heard and de terniimul during &holies days succeeding the 11th day of July. They should be in writing, and specify the particular cause, matter, or thing respecting which a decision Is requested, and should, moreyer, state the ground or principle of inequality complained of. All testimony will be required to be given under oath. • No notice can be taken of any appeals presented after the expiration of the published time. All parties liable to Annual TAY, who may have been omitted by the !resistant Assessors, and who fall to make return to the Assessor, are notified that the penalties of the law will ye strictly enforced. J. PLETCHER BUDD, .134.mws•St U. B. Ammar, Third Dist., Penna. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, WRITER • 1 ear STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, FIRST LIS- I TRIM 07 PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA, July 1, HSI. Manufadurers of Tobacco, Snutf, or Ssgars,are hereby notified to make out an inventory of the quantity of the different kinds of tobacco, muff flour, 'muff, segars, tin- foil, liquorice, and. mews held or owned.„lry them this clay, as rejuir ed ! by the new exolee law, which goes into force this def. The inventory must set forth the portions maunfac tred by themeolyes and pnrchaeecl from others, with the market price of the several articles. WASHINGTON KEITH, ,}y4-rawf6t Assessor First District. Pennarlvkala. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE EOBERT OIL C0.,147 South F 012113311. St., atecond story. PHILADELPHIA. July 1. 186 L Te Board of Directors have this day deolisred is divi dend of 2,g per cent. on the capital Mock of thia Compa ny, payable on and after the 9th of July, free of btate " T i lls books will be cloeod on the 6th of Jul, at 3 P.M. , and opened on the 9th. WM. M. CARTER. jy4-01 Treasurer. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEET- Ing of the Stockholders of the COMES COP PER COMPANY, (to be held by their By-Laws on the Mrst MONDAY in July, being the 4th,) will take place at their 011 ice, No. 319 WA1,14 UT Street, on TUESDAY, the Oth, at 12 o'clock M. An Election will also be held for Else Directors to 'Serve for the ensuing year.. DAVID S. Secretary. PEIIIADZI.PITIA, JOl y 2, 1/364. It COUPONS OF THE ALLEGHENY CITY BONDS, duo Id Inst.. payable to delpbla. VIII be pale by WORK, noCOOCII. & CO., JY2-31.* 36 South THIRD Street. sartit2Vl7 l lntrA u rl OlLl4.,usee. PHILADELPHIA. July 1, 1884. The Board of Directors have this day declared the Mat monthly dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital stock, payable, clear of U. B. and State taxes to the Stockholders on the Bth inst. The Transfer Boo ' ke will be closed on the 6th, Bth, and itb Inst. _ 173.6( • d. F. SABINE. President. A MEETING OE TIM COR TORS of the SOUTH MOUNTAIN IRON 0031- PANT will be held at No. 230 WALNUT Street. oa VEDIREIDAY, July 6th, at 10 o'clock A. M . for the Purpose of organizing agreeably. to the charter. sod tho transaction of snob other business AO may be Nosented. rkiILAUELPUIA..II I / 1 0 30, 11383.. 1Y1.6 t Rr" GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, LOG AN BQUAR • TLe Publlt gale or FANCY ARTICLES Will be mtiattod •on WEDNESDAY MORNING, July etliatt 10 o'clock, n urilom AVEND H A OICAGE HOWARD FIIIINESS, jy4.2t Secretary, vir ART GALGERT, LOGAN SQUARE, AUCTION. The Auction Salo of Worke of Art donnisd to the Sact• tarp Cointuiadion, at the Groat Control /sir, will toner place on TUESDAY EVENING. July ath*. .At .o'elork. to be continued on the following eve ning, It necessary. Parttcolara in a future Advertisement Catalogues in a few days.. jelo.9t ligr GREAT CESTRAII. FATIC:- Ca 911 RECEIPTS. Committeo on Clothing and Merchant Tailoring, per Simon W. Arnold. treasurer ' 441.• :f:94 Mies 11631700 d, Elisabeth, N. J 65 CO Pennsylvania Atiadomy of the nee Ante...:....- 100'00 S. Morris Wain - ... • 300 00 Committee on Wines and Liquors, per fleoftle Cron ellen. Choir/gum, additionai 895.00 Collectiona made at Pottstown, Pa.. per • Dr. Charles Moore, additional • 22:00 Proceeds of an Afghan, from Miss Lafourcade.. 100 00 Committee on Iron, per Andrew Wheeler, ad ditional 14,057'00 Miss .Inary Ihuleharat • 660 John Cuthean, a soling sailor on board the IL S. ship Wabash, on' Charleston harbor, Per Miss Hazlellunt 600 Committee ou Chemicals,. por J. P. Wotherill, treasurer. additional . 200 00 Received from John Moor, for tickets gold at ' . the following places • • • • ' dt the office. 1223 Chi/stunt street • 1,824 60 John M. lintsht 43 50 Leo & Walker 56 00 . Presbyterian Horse 51 50 Asbniead & Evans 42 60 George W. Pitcher :16 50 W. B. ?Arbor 121 00 .1. E. Cunld -' 123 60 Lindsay & Blakiston . ' 49 50 Smith,Euglieli, dc Co .: . 32 50 Presbyterian Board of Publication 6 60 Wall lston & Bros 14 CO John Marsh_ 6 21 Cherh•s De sits or.. -. ''' ' 17 (4) Mors & Co . 91 09 l'erkinplue & Biggins 18 03 American BaptistYablicatlon House 66 00 John C. Rtgloy • 360 60 1-1.. Henderson &C 0 , 57 00 T. B. Peterson & Bros 1,147 03 T. B: Pugh 45 12 George C. Bower '2O 75 'Methodist Book Depository • 27 CO . A. R. llortter ' 42 00 J. 1.. , linfnal 31 03 D. B. Berns , 99 00 C. hi. Borne 2 03 W. S. & A. Blot-than . 126 50 Previously reported .614.609 77 CALEB COPE, Treasurer. IM F.. COMMISSIO. -EXITED N: S TATES . SANITARY Milford, PUraconnii,lltennsiiyanl.i. $lOO New Evalaud Soldiers Relief Alsoolation of Philadelphia, in accordance with a resolution which Was adopied at their meeting held February Ist last, per IL R. IVarriner, presi dent 442 61 $143 63 Previously reported 131,7.1.5 67 . 11. $135,169 20 It . CALEB COPE, Treasurer. 11.1 Pi I T Ello STATES CIERESTIAN COMMISSION. CASE ACKNOWLEDGIIENTS 9 FOR • TIES WEEK ENDING JUNE 2. Collections at San Francisco, Calicormia. per • P. Sarhor t treasurer ..' . ...... ... ....... SIO,C OO 00 CaltiPliAll Commission. Peoria, Illinois, per . William Neynoldp chairman 5,000 00 elimerizLPHlA. ) P. Mcßride ' • '250 00 Ladies' Christian Commission of First Pres. byterlau Church. Northern Liberties 211 4.5. Ladies' Christian Commission of. First Ger man Reformed Church IEO 00 .' Wesford " 20 00 Insurance Company of the State of Yentssyl- vania ea oo Pre,byterian Church of ilolmesburg 111 50 Sabbath School of M. B. Church, Twelfth ' street 1 gg 00 J. B. Bluster Si Co 2100 Ladies' Aid Socletyof Twelfth-street Netho• dist Episcopal Church 25 00 Baptist Church, blanaymik, per Rev. A. J. Ha 13 OD Proce y eds of a Fatr by Ella Ninesteel, Mary C. Baker. and Ban , Falls, per Isaac Baker. 20 00 P., por S. SE 2A 00 SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. ' Proceeds of Sadeibury and Highland Fair, per R. .1. EL Whiteside. treasurer 775 00 Collection at Union Meeting in N. E. Church, West Cheater, per Rev C. P. Lylord 139 50 A Lady Friend, per Rev. George A. Latimer,,Pottstownlo 03 Little girls of Presbyterian Sabbath School. Columbia, per Rev. IL A. Brown 10.00 Collected by children of the Sabbath School, •' - .l2chmoyer's, Lehigh county, per Rev. J. Jaeger .. " '3 00 ,—,----- -- -- ~.YU~Yi»a:~,r~Yrirl~l A:~.:+yl Hammer. Upper ROPOWBII. Camber _. hind county 831 k) 00 Deerfield Chnrch,Cumberland county, .. per Rey. R. Hamill Davie 73 CO - 483 00 Ladles' Aid Society, Bowertown and Dutch Neck, Cumberland county, per Hon. John T. Nixon 50 00 MB. Church. Vaddonffeld; per Rev. Mr. Virooltou 2D 00 Ladles' Aid Society. Haddonfield, per Rev. Mr. Woolaton 20 00 DELAWARE. Union M. E. Church, Wilmington, per J. A, Brindle 217 73 N. A. 3 ay. Newark 300 Total 817,700 20 Amount acknowledged at length In religious papers 12.618 17 Amount pzevionely acknowledged Total $635.617 69 JOSEPH PATTERSON', Treasurer. THE UNITED STATES CHRISTIAN- COMMISSION begs leave to acknowledge the receipt of the following additional stores up to June MI, 1864: PHILADELPHIA. 1 package, North Broad-street Church. 5 bonen, Church of the Nativity. 1 package, Lutheran Publication Society. 5 packages, Nifth Baptist Church. • 1 box, George Remeen. Germantown-1 package,Mrs. Bayard. Kensington-2 boxes, Ladies' Christian Commisslon. Holmesburg-1 package, Pep Rev. A. Hermance. Daily packages from the Orem of the Daily News. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Doylestown-1 box. Lower Merion-1 package. Freemensburg-1 box, Christian Association. Nazareth-1 b0x,.1 keg, (Jhristiaa Commission. West Chester-1 package, Mrs. Sware and Mrs. Win terbottom. B igbland, Chester count;-1 box, Ladies' Aid Society. Downingtown-1 box, Ladles' Aid Society. Fairmount—l•box. Aid Society. SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY: Haddonfield-1 box Ladies' Army Aid'Association. t)NKNOWN, 1 box reading, pads, .dtc. 1 keg dried fruit. 2 boxes, via New York, I box dried fruit and bandages. 2 boxes dried fruit. 1 keg vinegar. I box dried rusk. Largenumbers of boviee from other parts of the cowl - try are acknowledged in the religions papers. The Commission needs immediately large supplies of bendigee, pads, and housewives. The call made for them is very urgent and pressing. Send to GEORGE H. STUART, Chairman, No. 11 BANK Street It Philadelphia , l'a. • I FIRST COLLECTION. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, UNITED STATES Asses soa's Ormcs, No. 44% WALNUT Street. NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN, that the Annual Lists, Enumerations, and Assesamente for the year 1811—taken in conformity to the provisions of the y ear to Provide Internal Revenue and Support the Government, and to Pay Interest on the Public Debt," approved July let. 1669, and the acts amendatory thereof, will remain open to the examination of all persons interested for the space of fifteen days from the date hereof, between the hours of 9 A. EL and SP. K.. at this office. Immediately after the expiration of the said fifteen days, and for the five days next ensuing, the under signed will be in attendance to receive and determine all appeals relative to the erroneone or excessive valua tions or enumerations made or taken by the Assistant Assessors in their respective divisions. All appeals must be In writing, and shall specify the particular cause, matter, or thing-respecting which a decision is requested, and shall, moreover, state the g roun d or principle of Inequality or error corupdai ned of. Appeals will not be considered unless filed before the expiration of the said five days. All persons who have failed to tile their applications for license are notified to do so immediately, under the Penalties preecribed in the Excise Law- agalnet those who prosecute business without Beene°. Dated at Philadelphia, June 21st, 1884. WASEUN jaB-U:IBMR Assessor Picot District Pennsylvania, . Igr FOOT OFFICE, PULLAILDELYItIit, PA.. JULY 1, no. • MONDAY next being FOURTH OP JULY, Jhls. office will be open for the transaction of business. until , 10 A. M., after which hour no person can have access. to. the office. The carriers will make the usual & A, M. delivery. The tint morningand last evening collectionefrom•larnp post and other boxes will be made. ThaStations will be open at above-named hours. j y2.2t C. A. WALBORN. Postmaster. !gr. ALNIV,INZRSA RY OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. "THE STATE. SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI OF • PENNSYLVANIA.' The annual stated meeting of "The v.l,te Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania," will he held at the LA PIERRE HOUSE, on BROAD Street, below CHEST NUT, on AIONDAY. the 4th day of July. ISM, at 10 o'clock A. hi. HARRIS L. SPROAT, je27-7t Secretary. rgir.OFFICE SOMERSET IRON AND CQAL COMPANY OP PENNSYLVANIA, el CEDAR Street, Navy YORK, June 10, 1861. NOTICE is hereby_ given that, pursuant to.a resolu tion of the Board of Directors, an instalment of TWEN TY PER CENT. on the subscription to the Capital Stock of the SOMERSET IRON AND COAL. COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be, and hereby Is, made payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, Treasurer of said Company. on or before the 19th day of Jul ne xt. jel3.t.iyll3 Attest: T. za. TYRO. Secretary._ OFFICE BEAVER MEADOW RAIL- I ROAD AND COAL CO.. Pam 4..DIMPTC SA, July Ist, IEB4. A dividend of SEVEN AND A HALF PER CENT. on the capital stook of this Company has been declared. payable on and after MONDAY, J aiy 11. J7l.turwat* L. CHAM BERLAIN, Treasurer. pir• NOT I 0 E TO CONTRACTORS,— PROPOSALS will be received at the Hotel of I. B. JOLLY, In Dover, Morrie county, N J., on the 6th of JULY,for the g_radnatlon and masonry of the OGDEN MINE RAILROAD, ten =llea in length. Plans, specill cations, and profiles can be seen, on and after July let, by applying to ago. RICHARDS, President, at Dover, or P.-BEADY,Englneer,Catasannna, Penna. OEO. 'RICHARDS, President. je27-lit• P. BRADY, Engineer. - - liar YOUNG MEN PREPARED FOR the Counting _Rouse and Business Life at CRIT TENDEN '8 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 637 CHEST NUT Street, corner of Seventh. No Vacations. Students can enter at any time, and study at such hours as beet Bait their conyenieuce. jeSo.4t• PrOFFICE •lINION PASSENCIEII RAILWAY COMPANY, No. 419 WALNUT St.., JunolB, 1864.—The second instalment of Five Dollars on each share of the capital Stock of the Union Passenger Railway Company will be due and 'payable at the °lice of Bald Company on and after July 7, 1881. E 7 order of the Board of Directors. Ine.l4t. W.H. KIMBLE, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE PRESTON COAL AND imrsovEmENT co.. No. 5 WII , LINS'S Alley. PIIILADBLPHIA, Juno lb, mi. DIVIDEND'NeTICE. —The Board of Director of the Preston Coal and lutprovensent Company have this day declared a QUARTERLY DIVIDEND OP TWO AND ONE-HALF PER CENT, from the net earnings,payable on the bth of July next to parties whose names are re gistered as the holders on the books of the Company, at the closo of business on the 90th day of Jane Instant. Transfer books close on that day and open on the sth day of July. Dividends duo Stockholders In New York and Boston will be remitted by mall or express when requested. HENRY D. fdoolll3, jelb•strith Hylo ' Secretary. tar` A DIVIDEND of THREE AND A TIALP PER CENT. on the PREFERRED STOCK of the ELMIRA AND WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD COMPANY will be paid on and after the FIRST DAY OF JULY, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's Building, Room No. 1, corner of TRIRD Street and WILDING'S Alley, by GEORGE TABER, j)1. St Agent for the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. OFFICE OF THE GIRARD WVF. I INSUItANC!, ANNUITY, AND TRUST CO., ON PNILADELPFIIA. Josn 30th. 1831.. ••.•• . . • .. - The Board of htanagers have this day declared a Divi dend of FOUR PHR CENT. on the Capital Stock for the last six months, Payable to the Stockholders, dear of the State and United States taxes, 'on demand. iyl-9t• JOHN F. JAMES, Aotaasy. DIVIDEND NOTICE.--OFFICE OF TILE MINERAL OIL COMPANY, ISAI WAL NUT Street, Philadelphia, June 28, 1841. The Board of Directors have thia day declared divi dend of ONE YER CENT. on tbn capital stock of this company, payable on and after the 9th of July. free of State tax. The transfer books will be closed on the let of July, at P. M., and be opened co the Ptt • T lOS. It. ashatrx. Secretary. OESEIRAIL NOII7OIE. or pr . cy: OF TUE DELAWARE Aylorw hl cAIIKET CCU. PANY, DOCK Street Wharf. PHILADXLPITTA, ;an° '3l, 1891. Al a special meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, bold on the 11th inst., the Board of Directors wee authorized to boll oight hundred and fifty (8507 >Maros of 'Mock, at par, and apply the proceeds to the extinguish• meat of the mortgage dotal* of the Company. &eke In hereby given to all who were stoeitha)d ors at the time of the towage of these resolutions, that on the 210 end 22d day* of July, 58 1, botween rho hourts of 10 A. 01. :tpdS P. M., at'the oilloo of the Company, °Rev and ovary stockholder will ho entitled to subscribe to . a prorate of flew stock, richt:Wiling to what he then held, but that after rho sold 22d day of July each option will cease. A auccial nttlee will be sent to each ateekhaider under. WILLIAM J. CAHIIIf, jen-ft u9t Treasurer. IigrSTATE CENTRAL. IIWILECITTEE. The lumbers of the STATE DENTLtick COM MITTEE will moot for organization at 4 o'clock P. N., on WEDNESDAY, ,:tly The hatter, of the WALK MAN, in HARRISBURG, Pa. IZT order of Sell-Liye NIXON CAMERON, Chalrafts. rgr'NOTIO E..—APPLICATIMN HAN lbeen made at tit* °See of the Datawato and Ch./. 'Pak° Canal C0mp:4,1).1,m a mewal of a Cara& cafe One Share of Stuck fa tam Company , in the - name J EAttAll MIEN, dessaeod, the original huvlnz haerrartalatd or destroyed. WM, CRESSON.• Adm. cum 7nat., atc., or the NMI) of apll-mlSt• LYIa }WAY. DIIV1IIl:1ND NOTDUE.—T I E U NTOCKVILLE PETROLEUM COMPANY, Otdoe No: 411 WALNUT Street. PHILADIMPRIA, Jane 22, 1M1: The Board of Directors have this day declared the th ird monthly dividend of ONE PER CENT. on tho Capital Steck, meble at the office of the Company on and after WEUND,UWY, Jnly 6 n 64. The ?ranafer Books will, cloe on WEDNESDAY, June 'l9th, at 3 o'clock, mail Jtily 6lb. cie2s-Ite) WIL MOONEY. Secretary. gr. THE SUSQUEHANNA ANDTIDE• wATI3(i. CANAL. CO 311. A NIES have their once at No. 417 WALNUT Street, Room No. 4. The "Transfer Agency " of these Companies, hereto fore to South FOURTH Street, has been removed to the office of the Companies, at the place above nutted. ie27.30t TJIF IRAVICIEERS' AND DAI)IKERS• TELEGRAPH COMPANY—lncorporated under' the laws of the Statoa of New York, New Jamey, Mary land, and the Illatriet of Colninbla, and by spocral act of the Leedelehil r . l f!eleaylvaniN hfay nth, Het, and ornired In 1 latiattelphia. w it h the following as o N. G. WAINWRINFIT President. J. h. RiTTENGOUbiI, hecretary and Treevaret. TWIRECTORL GEO. W. MoBEAT.I . ,. SA., firm of Jerome, Riggs, Co., New York. H. L. OAW; Beg., firm of Gaw, 3facalaster, & Co., Philadelphia. JOHN S. NEWBOLD, Eatt., firm of Newbold, Son, & Aerteen, Philadelphia. WM. FIUME, Bee., firm of Wm. Plaber & Sone, Baltimore. LEONARD J. FORNEY, Esq., Baltintore. The object of the corporation IS to erect two sets of Mee and when, forming a double line, to run by dif ferent routes, connecting the c ties of Pew Tore, Phila delphia, Baltimore, and Washington, and all the prin cipal intermediate points. and 'o establish ofticee for the reception and transmission of telegraphic messages, and, by connecting - with other linen at the main paints, to be able to send metaages to all parte of the United States and Canedna. 81K878 Sl .M 7,830 28 • ... The liue is now in course of construction, and con tracts have been (tutored Into for the purchase of wire and other materiels. None will be used except of the best Quality, and it is eontetnnte:ed to have one jet of wires in operation between the main points in less than sixty dare, and the other net will be put up and in ope ration immediately afterwards. No enterprise now In the market offers egnal prospects of profit with that of telegraphing. and the nature of the ImsittPSll proposed to be done by this Company, as its name Implies, warrants its stock being recommended to the public RS &Choice investment. A careful estimate, based far below the actual capa city, of the number of wires proposed to be employed by this Company Acme that. with proper management. it can earn and declare a dividend of 13 to 20 per cent. per annum. Booke for anbscription to the capital Mock of this Company will be opened in the city on WEDNESDAY, inst., at the dike of Messrs. CHAS. CAIIBLOS k 313 South THIRD Street, and remain open until 3 o'clock on E.A.I URDAT, July 901. The subscriptions received will be payable in instalments. It is intended to have the interest divided in the different cities through will& the line will pass,• there fore but a limited amount of the stock will be offered in each. Further particular.. will be given upon applying at the °Mee of CH AS.'"CAMBLOS .CO., . .ie?S•St 3111'Sonth THIRD Street.' • . OFFICE MY BOUNTY 00.3n115 -. slow, No. 41 t PRUNE Street. —sossrrru The City Bounty of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars mil bd paid in cases where enrolled citizens of Phila delphia. In advance of the draft. par in three years' substitutes not liable to draft, and proper credit is given tvitgcgo quota d is tr ac ts . de:aeAedp i substitutes, the substi tute is regarded as a - volunteer, and one proper evidence of his being credited is entitled to the bounty. The opportunity is thus afforded for citizens to aid the cause, wlrile procuring exemptions for themselves and assisting the city to till its quota. . • I NOTICE.—HEADQUAR ERS ;PRO • Toil , MARSHAL. SECOND- DISTRICT. I ' The Lists . of perctre'froTirdit ilVlrd:Tdlill tary duty are now being revised and corrected. Persona who are improperly enrolled on account of alienage, non-residence, - over forty-ilve years of ago.or permanent physical disability, should appear before the Board, prove the same, and have their names stricken oft the list. •• • • officers, clergymen, and all other Prominent citi zens, who know of persons who have arrived at twenty years names since Enrolments, June, enrolling hote whose were omitted by the proper MB cern; aliene who have declared their intentions to be• come citizens; persons discharged from the military and naval service of the United States, who have not been In such service two years during the _present war, are In vited to appear before the BOARD OF ENROLMENT and give each information in theirposeession as may aid in the correction azd revision of the Lista iY4-121 HEADQUARTERS PROVOST'MAR SHAL, FIRST DISTRICT, PA.' PHILADELPHIA. Jane 2S, 1564. The, names of persons removingto or from this District will be added to or stricken from the lists of enrolment, Copies of the Hats are open for pnbllc inspection, and civil officers and all citizens are invited to appear and point out errors In the lists and give each information as may aid in the correction and revision thereof. Any person enrolled may appear before the Board and claim to have his name stricken off the list if he can show satisfactorily that he is not properly enrolled, on account of /image, Fon . restdence, Over-ape, Permanent PhyBical Dmability. A compliance with the forering suggestions is ear nestly solicited. WM. B. LERMAN. iv9o-If • Captain and Provost 31nrihal.. $90,?..91 97 609,421 22 M 1 LLIN'ART; GOODS. /NIBS IL - A. BAKER, . • 13 6 CHINTINT STIMET. Buref g aitift i vehrtfent of .er the Spline and Ihunmar of ISM. a 1.14-3110 HEATON & DEITOICL_ BARD WARM COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 507 comma and 510 NORTH Streete, offer for sale: Anchor Brand Nails; Plymouth Mill Rivets. • W. dr. S. Butcher's Cast Steel; Rees Cabinet Loska. Patnam'allorse Nails; Locke's School Slates. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Gotten Garde, Mara a Call assortment of ATTIASUILI3 Tiartiaraya, f•gAtaff ShIMER COMPLAINT, DIARRHCEA,. . Dysentery, and all disorders of the Bowels relieved at once by the use of Jiirdetla's Syrup of Blackberry Root and Rhubarb. Entirely vegetable, easily taken, very effectual. Try Prepared only by AMOS HN BELE. 8. W. cot. TWENTIETH and MARKET Streets. ieSS-108. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.—STEREO SCUM Melanie Of the Interior and exterior, viz: Union Avenue, Fine Art Gallery. Horticultural Depart- Ment. Arms and Trophies, Firemen's Department, the Contested Sword, tho Glees Engine, the Thousand-dol lar Baby House, the Union Vase, the Jacquard Loom, the Old Dutch Kitchen, the Penn Parlor. the Carriage Department, the Engine Department, Large Dining Room, India Rubber and Gotta reruns Department. Philadelptia Rifie Club. Furniture and Carriage De partment, Agricultural Department, the John Stevens, the first steamboat on the Hodson: New Jersey • De eartment, Photograph Department. Labor, Income, and Revenue Department; Autograph and Relic De. pertinent, the Indians. Children's Department, Dela ware Department, Exterior Views of the Entrances, &c., , Sec , .VcALLISTER Sr BROTHER, i7l-5t 728 CHESTNUT Street. REIMER'S FAMOUS STYLES • CO..iored Ph otograpb s; the most popular pictures made appreciated by the people for their accuracy .and doe quality. Only $l. Gallery. &EGON O SI., above Green. kEERIFF'S SALE.-BY VIRTUE OF aundry writs of Flee Facies, to me diribTed, and order of Court tbareon, will be exposed to public Bale or vendee, on WEDNESDAY, July 6, 1564. at 10 o'clock • A. hi., on tb a premises. at MEAD Street Wharf: About MO barrels of COAL OIL. Also, Immediately after, on QUEEN Street Wharf. about IMO barrels COAL OIL Also. Immediately- after, at Wm. Cooper b Co.'s yard, FRONT 'and REED Streets, about SCO barrels of •COAli OIL. Ala°. ImMediat after. at DICIiERSON Street Wharf, 5136 barrels COAL OIL. Also, on THURSDAY, Jaly 7, at 10 o'clock, A. Bt., on premises, at S. W. corner of BROAD and WOOD streets. 190 barrels of COAL OIL. Seized and taken In execution and to be sold by . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia. Sheriff's Ofiteo. Juno M, ISSL jy.l.St • 1 - 4EGER'S_. NEW PHOTOGRAPH: -A-sv ROOMS, 915 ARCH Street, are open. AU who cannot tied thee tohave chair Piotaree taken have an opportunity to-day. A Bret rate Likeness guaranteed at old priers. lt. STRIKING LIKENESSES, FRESH,: warm and impressively colored. B. F. RENEE' llle-size Photographs in oil colors, the mott;sccarate and &Melte. portraits mado. (Mt ARCH Street. 11' FOR TEE . SEA SHORE PHILADELPHIA. LOCAL EXPRESS COMPANY, °Mee, No. 26 South FIFTH Street, FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE EXPRESS. ATLANTIC:CITY AND LONG RRANCIL. BAGGACE CHECKED TII ROUGH • mom YOUR RESIDENCY- • • BAGGAGE CON YRYED TO ALL.TUE RAILROAD LINES. J 7281• CARTES DE VISITS.—THOSE VERY popular and pleasing ovum or mammas stto Mslde to superior manner at B. F. REIMER'S Gallery, 024 ARCH Street. Go eerly. lL A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. C OLN G HIE S S WATER DEPOT, 98 CEDAR STRERT, An. attempt has been made to deceive the public by persons offering what they call CONORPS Wthlß." fromfountains, and at the price of six (6) cents per glen The iekolesaje price of the genuine CONGRESS WA TEL at New York, being about 73( cents pergiess„ the imposition of pretending to sell at retail at lees than cost, and without allowance for freight, cartage, or breakage, Is apparent; but their probable course has boon to empty one bottle of genuine Congress Water into a fountain filled with their trash, and thereby christening its total contents. We have never sold CONGRESS WATER in fountains, nor In vessels of any other description than ordinary lazed glass bottles. The cork of every bottle of the genuine is branded. And any without CONGRESS. thosewords and letters on the cork a. al w. *bother from foam• WATER. tains or bottles. The following gentletnea are supplied by us regularly with genuine CONGRESS WATER In bottles, fresh front the Congress Spring: FRED'S BROWN, cot. Firth and Cheetnut sta. -0. B. HUBBELL, 1410 Chestnut it. J. C. TURIIPENNY Sr CO., 941 Spruce et. THOS. J. HUSBAND, cor. a ,Thlrd and Spruce et STEVENS St CO., Continental HoteL AMBROSE SMITH, Chestnut at. CHAS. ELLIS is CO.; Market et wyvan BROS., Walnut at. WM. ELLIS & CO., Chestnut at. 1e22-1m MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES.—A large aseortment of Grave-Sones, of variona designs, made of the finest Italian and American Marble, conHtaatly on hand at the fdarble Works of ADAM STEINMETZ, BMWS Avenue, below Eleventh street. Philadelphia. aP23-Staff CARD.—W. G. BEDFORD WOULD respectfully arse that hie old-established, Real Dilate ()Nee, at No_ 1013 CALLOWRILL Street, le a GOOD 'PLACE for the eale or purchase of peopenty and the collection of hones and ground tOntireo. - - Send for references. • • pHOTOGRA.PIE CARDS?: FOR GIN- TLEltlßN.—liamplos and Catalogue sent for 2 Nan Radom) an envelope, with your own name awl address D. BENNETTS. islO4ls ORM LIBERTY Street. New York. JOSEPH H. THOMPSON, SHIPPING COMMISSION MERCHANT, And Odom' Agoot, 154 North IiELAWAP.E Amn. "U MUSKY. PURE OLD JERSEY APPLE MUSKY. tor Mae it. P. iituDbtruN.' /010 Qt'; ' 6 Guth. FONT Street. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JULY 4, 1864. MILITARY. NEAV YOEIL BABATOOi, July. 1863. 13 001711T8R7E11,- CLARKS dt WRITE, Proprletoza of Cowen Spring. CLARKS & WHITE. NEW PIIINLICATIONS. 66 pATRIOTIC AND MIMING." TI - IE BUGLE .BLAST;_ • cutp SPIRIT OF THE CONTI:AUT. COIIPIUMfa NAVAL AND MILITARY EXPLOITS. .DASHINO RAIDS, THRILLING itomAirßES. 15.13.01 C DEEDS, DESPERATE CONnICTIL EXCITING CAPTURES, NARROW ESCAPES, BE:ETCHES, POEMS, INCIDENTS, ANECDOrICS. (Ltd evoryillug of tnt. rest cool:meted with the war frOtp the bombardment of Sttnipter to the preseut Elmo. By . Itotlso, A AELIOIPPFDT., BOCK TOR stbrirErc REAnDIG. Club),, m.nry. Paper Cover, all. M. Justpubllobei by •JAMES CITALL.E.N at SON, 1.308 OITESTNUT Street. Nor Rule by. all' loolr f selTirsa. AO ED , I7S WANTED. NE\ BOO] 21 INEW BOOKS 1 SAVROE APRlCA; , b einz , tile narration• of a tour Equaterlct, Snithurootern, aud , North iresterre Afri ca, with il I ustrationA tnap,b7 W Wiorrood Kende. CH 4014.101A8 01 0 SGHLKIBERG-GOTTA. .11A MILY. By tveu or themselves., Bew flue edition. GUIDE BOOR, for the Central Railroad of Yrow Jet , Fey and its connections, tirengh the cent Bela orPean• aylva Mo. GOOD FOR FAL, and Oben stories for the young,b7 A LTA It I NCENSS, being i'dorning - Wiasbss,-Eysninir rorense, and Altar 'Moues. by J. IL Macduti. PIISTOIZY OF' FiI.EDERICFI TFIE , SECOND; mint& PYedorink the (3 real,•by Tbonms Carlyle; tour volumes., sold risparaLoiy. For sole by 5. Sr keWRED'6[ARTIEN,, - (100. CEIESTNUT Steam. NEIV MEDICLifi BOOKS. TANNER'S NEW MANUAL OF'PRACTICE. A , new enlarged edition. W . F . THE'S POCKET EOSE 'AND SYMPTOSrBOOK. Fourth edition, rev ixed. FULLER ON RTIEUMATISM. A new' revised _ _ RYFORD ON THE UTERUS.' BAUER'S ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY: CHEW'S LECTURES ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. A NEW MEDICAL CATALOGUE, awaited' end' priced, furoirthed grotto updu.tippLication. LINOSAY BLAKISTON, , je"..9 I South S(XTEPStreet. ASILKE.A.D & EVANS, WILLIS P. BAZAR Ssors to 3:441- _ C ucces atblSTßUT Street. _ . Havdreoe!red . - MACARIA. By Auguste. J. Brans, author of "Beu lah. " The great Southern Novel, rdprlnted'frourthd Richmond &Minn. cliitorllCLES OF THE SCHONBERGTOTTA . FARID LY. Fine edition on tinted paper. Olio of the beat worke ever Mimed. Everybody abould•read it. LINNET'S TRIAL. ATale. By the author of "Tadao Lost." _ 'HOTSPUR.. A Tale of the Old Duteit'llauer. By Walworth,.auther of "Linn. " THE TANBER BOY, and Now be Became Lieutenant General. OUT. IN THE WORLD By T. S. Arthur. A WOMAN- 7 1; PHILOSOPHY OF WOMAN; or, Wo man A franchtzad. An answer to Miehelet and. 'other modern Innovators. . . . 'DENISE. Hy the author of ' Mademoiselle MOIL " 2 Tula. _ TUB' POOR WHITE; Or, The Rebel Conscript. STUMBLING BLGOKS. By °ail Hamilton. }JAUNTED HEARTS. By, author of " The Lamp lighter. ' - je27- . PPLETO.N'S NEW AMERIOA.II GYOLOPBMAL The Agency for this Invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street. second story. Also, RECORD OF ISE REBELLION. By Frank Boors. - felLtf. CO.IIOIISSION HOUSES, WHETATTENTION OF THE TRADE rs called to OUR STOOK OF tAXOII Y WOOLEN' CO. al-wool Plain Plannole rWILLED PLAITNELS: Varlons makes In Gray, Scarlet, and Dark Bine. °HINTED• SHIRTING FLANNELS. PLAIN OPERA FLANVELS. BLACK COTTON WARP CLOTHS; 16. 16, 17, IS, 19, 80, 91, MI on ',SNOT CABSIMBHEB•AND. SATINETTS. BALMORAL SKLETS;- all Geades. 302T0N GOODS, DENIMS, TICKS, STRIPES, SHIRT ING& dio., from various Ens. DE COUSIN, ItAMILTON, & EVIL% 33 LETITIA Street, and 32 South FRONT Streak... feE7-wamtse6 SHIPLEY, HAZARD &HUTCHINSON, No. lit OBESTYCIT STREET. COMMISSION MEROIIA.NTS, POP THE SALE OP .7144m3 rmLAILDILPHL 4 I-MADS GOOD- STATIONERY & BLANK BOOKS. IL COMPANY DIRECTORY-CON- O taininsraList of Companies, their Offices, Presidents, Treasurers, and Secretaries. We are also prepared to ftmulah New Companies with CERTIFICATES OF STOCK. TRANSFER BOOK; ORDER OF TRANSFER. STOCK. LEDGER, STOCK. LEDGER BALANCES. REGISTER OF CAFITAC, STOCK, DIVIDEND BOOK, BROKER'S PETTY LEDGER. ACCOUNT OF .SALES. Of good matorinla and at Low :Prices. MOSS CO., 432 CHESVIUT Stree INSURANCE. HAVE YOUPROVIDRD FOR YOUR 7AMILIr AN intraebroz ON TOUR LIPS? H 0 M LIFE•INSURANCE COMPANY MUTUAL, WITH AN AMPLE CABEF.CAPITAL WLLTER S. GRIFFITH, Paßemr-ar I. H. Paerrausosix, Taus. O. C. RU.0,11'02410 WILLIAM J. COFFIN, ACAIIIMIT PHILADELPHIA REFF.RENcE2 Efon—William Strong; Rev..khitthew Simpson D. D., Bishop of M. E. Church; Rev, Albert Barnes, D. D. ; Rev. James lf. Crowell; Thomas Robins. Esq. ; Lewis. R. Ashurst. Esq. ; Samuel Welsh, Bea. ; James Dunlap,. Esq.; W R. Letuee Esq. ; John Rite, Esc,; Charlos Humphreys, Esq. • John 8.-Anstin, Esq. t 8. C. Palmer, Esq. ;C. B. Mount Esq. ; Samuel C. Perkins, &q..; John R. Penrose, Esq., Satnncl Piold, Req. • W. Clark .1E Co. ;Buclinor, McCammon, dr Co. ; Jola B. Myers & * Co. • Benjamin. Bullock- & Sons; Wm. 81.411 Alfred Martian ;Georga B. Reese, Son , & Co. ; J . B. McCreary & Co. ; George Cookman &' Co. ; D. B. Ker. show & Co. :Kay & Brother.• JOHN H. PACKARD,. N. D., MRDICAL• EXAMS No. 1226 SPRUCE ANT. In attendance at Agent's Office dolly from Ito 3 P. Y. PEIXADELPHIAhs OFFICE, 00BWRIt !DORM AND LBTRANY STREIT& avt B. B. ESLER, AGENT PC:WU:3 P. ROLIANNITSiD. WILTALX 11. ORATES TICALINSHEAD 4• GRAVES, INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 312 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. =MM Of the condition of the NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Norwich, Connecticut. CHARTERED , IN 1803. L,L DENISON, Secretary. E. LARNEDoPsesident. Capital, actually paid in pa. 31..... $lO4OO CO 41,410 42 ' ASSETS SANITARY 1, 1811. 8241,410 42 Rank stocks and bonds 82/2.200 03 Cash 9.333 09 Cash In agents' hands MN 33 Interest accrued.. 2.100 00 Other Property 2.203 00 Liabilities 43.925 CO ielStatbs6i AGENCY. No. 312 •WALW3T bireet. WOYMAN P. HOLLINGWZAD. Wil t H. GRAVE& IGFOLFINEYHEAD & GRA.;VES, INSVRANCE AGENCY, . No. 312 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Statemt of the toodttloie of•the CROTON FIRE I NSURANCE C0.,0 PIISW TORS. January-let, 1561! Capital, actually:paid in cash. 5urp1u5........... $233,803 40 AE4IIIIII. • Cash in Blercantile.Bank and office 3501 43 ,Loans In bonds and mortgages, (being first liens on real sstato in New Yorls...andlßrook lyn) 11,0:10 00 United States stocks and treasury notosovorth 203,231 23 Interest accrued, but not due 2,570 62 Cash In hand of agents. unoolleated premiums 1.350 20 Other property. including revenue stamps.... 2,037 V Lielathier, _none. Anoyi•No. 312 WALNUT Street, Philadolphla ieNge•merf6t ' , ORMAN P..110L1.12181111AD. WM. R. GRAVES. HOLLINSREAD & GRAVES, INSURANCE AGENCY, - No. 3151 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Agoats for the. . NORWICH. MB mum Lbws, co.. CHARTEREDon. - SM. REFERENCES lIQ PHILADELPHIA (by authority): John Orlag, Bag. lileaara.Tredick,Stotos & Co Palm Wharton & Co. liferara.Chaa Leon &Co. Nakbro. CoMil JicAltomns. Mitare.W.ll.LarnoAl & Co. !GRILL* . F. HOLLIKIIIRAD. . WY. V-.011.A.P112 prOLLINBHEAD & GRAVES, . iluanteltsr AORNOY, No. 312 W.kLNUT St. ralladlthia- agents for the ALBANY CITY FLAB INBlnt ANON CO., ie274in OF ALBANY, N.Y. - 110ILNIAN P. NOLLIBBBIuD, - WM. E. GRAMM HOLLINEMEAD AND GRAVIUT INSURANCE AGENCY. _ NO. 3191 WALNUT STREET; PaILADELPRIA. Agents forthe CROTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. of New York. Je27.11= LOOKING GLABBES. JAMES S. EAILE & SON. 1316 CHBBTNUT BTEBBT, Cfave s now in store a very fine, assortment of LOOKING GLASSES. of every elmraoter, of the MI BEST MASINACTITHE AAA Una KIM: OIL .PAENTENGs, ENGRAVING/e l saiD,... War= ISO rHaroasILPH Fiallll. PITCH. -7d BBLB. SHIP PITCH for vale by 1111 W. H. WHIM jy2-3t. le South DIM/MAIM Avenue. pERFIMIED PARLOR MATOHES.—. Just reaolsod 25 addittoasl eases of then calebralad (dlexamites) Matches, for sale to the trade only. aty27-san XMAS 4 RHRTON,III7 & 150 N. THIRD R. PLUMBING AND GAS PITTING.-• MoCOLLIN & RHOADS, 1221 MARKET Street , Ph il adelphia. Water Mills, Wind Mille, Hydraulic Rams, Ponape of 'Various patterns, Bathing Tabs, Wash Rasta and other artiolee necessary , to furnish Dwellings in city and eountry with every modern coavenience of Water and • Has. Tarra Cotta Wataiand Drain Pipe- nivti-f,ovrara T 4 Bsunum. —2OO B BLS. TANKED RESIDICIM, for eats by ED W. 11. ROW LEY. Jy2-3t• 10 Bou at DELAWARE BREAKFAST SHAWLS FOR VISITORS TO A TEM FASMONABLE SPRINGS AND SMDE RESORTS. Whites, with the new Purple Border. Whites, with the , new Blue Border. Whites, with Scarlet Borders. Whites, with Brown Borders. Whites, with Black Borders. Whites, without any Borders. Purples, with 'Black Borders. - Richest Grenadine Shawls imported. 1,000 Pure White Bongo Shawls. 600 Pure White Hernani Shawls. 6 . 00 Bar; or Striped Barege Shawls. ,shepherd' Plaid Spun Silk Shawls. Rock Spun Silk Shawls—a new lot Tamarthie Shawls,,consigaed to us. Travellers supplied with Woolen Shawls. Wl's* Shawls . , large size. YtE ss FOI)RTH AND ARGIL P. S. —ParO culitY'attentbn. pald to Strangeno vlatting be city tiering t2TirEanitar7 Tali% N.8.-BLACK I. , = I :4CETCPIIITS,I.SO to $5, jellratovit 100 WII.T.TE'ARD COLORED sxma , LA.:Mol SHANvi.w. Shetland Shawls,-double'borders, Purple and Blue Bo7der Shetland Shawls:: Scarlet and Black Bottldra, Pure White-Shethincl Shawls. Whife Lace Shal4ls. White Lace rtotundas. Black Lace Shawls. Black Lace Rotupelas: White Barege and Crape liraretz Shawls. White Baregc Circulars. Beautiful styles Grenadine Shawls. Lama Wool Shawls. Rocß-Spun Silk Shawls. Stripe Barege Shawls. Plaid`Woolen Shawls for traveling, &e. jt3G-thstn 3tr O'o•P'3 R CONAR D. MERIICAN CASSIMERES. SCOTCH FANCIES, SILK-MIXED COATINGS, WHITE :AREG-E SETAVVLS, 11*NDS401 4 dE IVrAN:TLE. STAPLE•DRY GOODS. Ninth and Market. mor.tnassm ,•`• SUMNER STOOK CLOSING OUT AT REDUCED.PRIOE§. SUMMER SILIt6-75e. to $1 per yard. ORENADINES 000. to taper yard. LAWNS 875ce. to II per yard. LAWN:Rona REDUCED to 88. •• SUMMER POPLINS REDUCED. • • • Jil• kinds of " • 81:724NER 'DREW- GOODS REDUCED, TO"OTASE OUT. 'EDWIN HALL 8; CO.. itals:thatuSt 20 South SECOND Street. CAL 46.111) 'AMU CLOTHS. 'MIDDLESEX:64 -LIGHr. BLUES. ALL GRADES DARE BLUES. 34 AND• 64-INDIGO' FLANNELS. '34 AND 64 BLUB.GASSIMERES. 34 AND 64-DOESKINS. FULL.,STOOK OF CLOTHS. • ' '•DO • - COATLIGS. •-• DO. DO. OASSIDIERES. _ AND :BAGATELLE CLOTHS. .OLOTHS FOR 00AORMAKERS. ' ALL. KINDS - TEMBRINGS, too. • • _ • w. T. SNODGRASS, 1,1-lm 34-8 -SECOND and 33• STRAWBERRY Ste PL4.CK SILKS, • BLAsOK -SILKS. 2(O . 4IDVATICR IN PRICES. We are s till selling,aur Slack Silks at the same priCes ..aawelid early in the , season; notwithstanding the re seat INASTLE SILKS. ALL WIDTHS. Plain Silk., roll colors. g1:30-to 35.75. Pansy Silks, $11042.60 • Rich heavy, handsome Pan cySilks.. $l.Bl to KM. Rich Cinne Silks, at it . 2.57X, wo rth + l /.1-50.. at " " ' at n 4.76,• " "_ at $5.75; " $7. ID feces small Plaid Silks, atll:24,worth .$l. 60. H. STEEL Pc SON. ad234t • • Aire 713 and.7l6.N. TENTH Street STATIONERS. • Circulars&c: WHITS° FOB SHAWLS, 134 Alone Rentani. White.oauts Maretr. 8.4 White Crape Mareta. • 8.4 - -Black Hunan! Buckets. 8-4 Black Tamartinee. 8-4 Black Bsrages. 8.4 Black Crape Marais. 6-4 Black De-Latues. 6.4 White Monastic& - 6-4 Black Marianas. BDWINHLLL do 816-South BECNID Street. 46 VMAIL .DE PARIS;" FOR THE -La SKIN. —This dell%htfnl preparation is wipe• daily recommended to ladies about visiting the country or sea shore, for removing the diecolorations caused by sunburn or salt air. The " Small de Paris" is en dorsed and Universally used by the huliesof she French capitaL. HUGENS JOUI.No No. ILLS. TENTS Street, below.Chestant. Agent forl'Emisil de•Parts. jeg3-bnif BO - GAMI. . It ". - 1.00 ellen .Casslmeree. . . '. .00 Marseilles Quilts. .- • L5O 5-4 Damask Table Cloths. 60610 Damask Table Cloths. 39-ceot neat Plaid. Lenos. 50-cent 4 4 Plaid Mozamblopea. . - $L 00 Mobaira colors and blame. 00-cent Bl ack Wool Detainee. 82. cent Plain Wool Delaines. SEIM Black Shawls. • '&5.00 Plaid Lama Shawls. COOPER & CONARD. my2o . S. E. cor. *INTEL and MaRERT Streets ARRIS' IIIXED•-CASSIMICRE8. H Light mixed etsaimeres, for boys' snits. Melton and Plaid Cassimerea Merino Cassimares and Cashmeretts. . Linen Drills,'Satinets, and .Cottonadhs. Ladies' Cloahlog Clot he, choice shades. Loom aad Damask Tablellnon,.cheap. Towels., Towelling. and.,Napkina. Large assortment, at JOHN H. STOKES' JeT 702. ARON Street The attention of LAINES VISITING THE CITY, or those atnut t . ..ISAVINEt. IT for 'Watering Places. or • "the Country," is respec ff ulli invited ',to the exte*Mve stock of W IT . 000BSontitable for SCIIIKER WEAL_ for WRITE. BODIES. MORNING WRAETERS, An extensive assortment is offored is Lace and .Wosed Edens and Insertiugs, Veils. Handkerchiefs, Collars, Sleer &tam& in plain and ffincy•Platd. Striped, and Flgured White Chods„AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THEM PRESENT RETAIL VALUE, $M1,410 42 100Priuted Liuen.Cambric Dresses. 100 .pieces Palled, 'rucked, and Striped ItualLas. E. M, NEEDLES. $930.000 . :), 660 6600 FROTHtLIGBAK , &- 'WELLS HEAVY' MEDIDEV, AND LIGHT MEETINGS AND . .SHUITIttos. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CLAITON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON . AND VICFORT CAMBRICS AND 8220.688 60 SILESIA& BROCIrIy, - 13LEACITED. AiD•CORSET No. 12 WORSTED .TARN. &c. seSS-Iftf • _. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSIST 4EXCE, No. SffeS VALICUT Street, PuILADELPHIA. July 4, lOU. SEALED PROPOSALS IN DUPLICATE wilt be. re ceived at.this ofiloe,„until II) o'clock A. If., ea SATUR DAY-Only 9, 10•64, for furnishing and delivering to the : Caicos. Ilarricks„Hespitala. and officers in the vicinity of this city. all the PRESEI. BEEP required by them for six months. with the privilege of continaing for one- T ear, at the Option of this rage. commencing August 1,.. The Beef muslbe killed from the finest retied cattle, weighing-not less than I,X:lpp:tads gross weight, to be • delivered in quarters weighing not less than= pOUnd.e, necks to , he cut off at the fourth vertebral joint. Land the breast trimmed down; the shanks of the fore quarters to be cut off four inches above the knee-joint. and of the bind-quarters eight inches above the gam - brell or bock -joint; said Beef to be furnished In equal proportions of fore and hlnu quarters. Dellvees to filmint. to be made in such quantities as may be or dered. • The bed of all Bulls, Stage, Oxen, Cows. and, Heifers will be rejected. The delivery (every day, If necessary) of any quanti ties w hick' may be ordered, will be included in the price per pound specified in the proposal , and the de liveries must be made at any place . designated by this office, within '4.) miles of this city, and at any hoar de elf/Dated by the commanding officer of any camp, bag, racks, hospital, or other place Where it may be needed. All such deliveries to be made at the expense of the out-. tractor, the beef at all times to be subject to the. far spectlon and rejection of the regularly appolutok specter. No hide from disloyal partios,or from persona not cool Moored responsible, will be considered, and each bid. must be accompanied by the guarantee of two respon sible persons, an follows: FOR 5401 r GUARANTEE. We, the undersigned; of the city of Philadelphia. State of Pennsylvania, de hereby guarantee that -- . will fulfil the reqdrements or this contract as speci fied in the accompanying adv.ertisement, and that 'ire. in the eveht of the contract being awarded told m, will enter good and sufficient security in the sum of (440,000) twenty thousand dollars fa the faithful performance of the same. . Each bid must ho accomp anied by the oath of alle giance of the prieripate and the guarantors, and must have a copy of tide. aittertissinent. attached. The names of all rattles participating In the proposal must be affixed to the same, anti no person will be al lowed to farm out or underlet any portion of the supply. No bid from parties not regularly In the business will be considered, and parties 'alibiing will be required to state where they intend slaughtering the beer proposed to be delivered. The Government reserves the right to annul the One tract at any Dino eb wild it not prove satisfactory. All beef of an Metier quality to that stipulated in ROB advertisesuent will be rejected, and a corresponding quantity purchased •at market rates and charged to the contractor. • rroPetals la be etidOrSed. Pronosala for Fresh Beef," end directed le ISAAC 11. WIOOIN. 09-0 t cart, C, -Veto. RETAIL DR GOODS. JUST:AtbEMED, EDWIN HALT, & CO. Flf✓;;~}vi ~~vJ,:i~y~I~rM~3~-4~ ARMY: .:13:04D5. PROPOSALS. FIRE-PROOF SAFES. PHILADELPHIA AGAINST TIIE WORLD!! A CHALLENGE ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IS OFFERED TO TEST Philadelphia against New York. In IM6 the Corn &casing° Bank of Philadelphia alsaild ono of 'Evans & `bateau's Bank and Burglar proof Safes, which fe now In UM' :SA their Vault, con structed In the manner that EYArtl & Watson's Safes are for that purpose, with their Tatent alphnbetical Bock on. Binge that LIMO the abow-mentioned Bank purchased one of "Lillte's Cso-called)' Burglar-proof Safes. ' ' The °Pacers of this-Bank, in pdrchasing LUlTe's Safe, presumed that they were gettin3 a better Safe than those made by Evans & Watson for that purpose:- and said: Corn Exchange Bank °Mears ha:Ong recline- - Mended this New York Safe, and, In doing'so, have di verted many thousands of dollars to Troy; New York, trsteed' of retaciiing it among. Phlladelphfnns, upon whom they depend for patronage,. r, Davidtrims, will now ere an opportunity of proslng whether the Safe they purchased from Evans & Watson'or the one Mir chased of L. Lillie is the best Burglar=proof Safe. I will place ON2 THOUSAND :DOLLARS in cash, ,and 4 ther (the Bank ()Mars) or Lillie, or any other person in the United States who has confidence in Safo, place the saw amonnt in the hands of a' respects:hie person; and I, with one man to assist nfe, will operate onlheir (Lrili-e) Safe, and they. May= get any t ipso Sa the United States to operate on the•Btirglar- prod Sate made by Beans Sr. Watson, and In use at the present . . . „ . time In Has said Bank. And if I succeed/1i getting into their Safe sooner than they shall get Into the Evans flr :Watson-Safe; then I am to receive the two thonsand dollars; bit, ifthsysucceed in getting' into the Evans ..k"Wirticon Safe sooner than 'I do- the Mlle Safe,cthey shall nooses the two thousand dollars. Provided that they shall net make any more nvise than I make in getting 'into Lillie's Sato, as noise is' what bureau; drUad mut. It is also provided thatno alterations have lieen made since June let, ]se4 Now, as I have given this oppoAtinity Of eating the'qua Haat of lbs two Safes, S hope the sank oillieca will be as trilling- to have the 'test made Es they were in rerommenling (so 'called) Burglar-proof Safes heretofore: And; as they' eau the only Bank havi'ng-one of each of tho differeut snake of Satel-In'irse, I consider this Saab thd best place to teat' them. Let the trial he made, and"thas demon- Orate to the Philadelphia. MO. is. the best. Burglar-proof Safe. Let there be a commithie appointed from each of thYßaxiks - to see that there is fair plt7 on I claim the zight"to - charge the Combinaitens of thi lock on the Evans & Wilson Eafe, and no person bat. InYaelf to know the cornbiLations, and they - to do the Ensue with the lock on their Lillie Safe before ctenteene- I will now stale the-manner in which I propose to operate: I first saw off' did braise rim over the lock dial; 1 then drill a hole through the door, directly over the dial, as close as possible, and immediately over the centre; I then insert a piece of wire, about the eighth of an lack thick, through. - the Role 60 drllled;turoing the knob of the lock dial to-the right until the pin enters the first tumbler, wken-it will pass in about a quarter of an inch; then' tare the-knob to . the left till the pin enters Into the second tumbler; then to the right again till it passes through! the ne*l tumbler. and, in case - of a large Bank -Safe, again, to the left, until it passes into the last tumbler; I-tbea•tbrow the bolt, fire pulling the pin out.' Lillie, in his pretended - acceptance of my - challenge in The Press. of the Mir instant, makes use of - this language: "Being unwilling to fraternize , with thieves', or to become their tutor, we do not now•pobiieh our method of operations in getting into Safes." I new mil upon my Philadelphia friends to read the following extract, taken from the Bverstup Telegraph Of April 16, laR, published by Lillie or his agent, and judge (or yourselves who was the original instructor of thieves: "My opponents place the wrought' iron outside, and the steel or iron, w hich Is bard, inside, and attach the one to the other by rivets, which; as they come to the outside, are easily destroyed. A square of sufficient dimensions may soon be taken out by.deilling a sacces. 0011 of holes around it, and .the hardeet steel or hen in the rear is nut protected, and is easily - broken. A single hole may be drillen In the front of the Safe or Vault door. .and powder may be Inserted between the two plates, and easily blow open the door. " Holes aro easily drilled opposite to the end of the door bolts, a punch will then force them beck; and the door is open. "Indeed, where a drill can be applied there is no safety.. If we admit his method of drilling a sacceseion of say twenty holes to cut out the outer plates, as he proposes, in how much -less time will It take to •drill - only one small hole in his door, and then pick his lock in half a minute (which has been •done). without .cutting and chiseling, and, of course, without making any nolael TIOGA COUNTY (PA.) BANK ROBBED. On the' e night ,of the 25th of May, the' Tidga County Bank, of Pennsylvania,waa robbed of twenty thousand . seven hundred and twenty-flve'dollarsand•eighty-three cents, in United States bonds, gold, and greenbacks, and retired currency of the bank..' Payment of- the bonds la stopped. Five thousand dollars of the amount is in special deposits of five-twenty bonds, and over . three thousand dollars in gold. A reward of • three thousand dollars is offered for the recovery of the pro- Pert - Y, end two thousand dollars for the detection of the burglars. The Girard Bank of Philadelphia received a telegraph message, stating that it was. one of LILLIE'S MAKE OF SAFES that was BOBBED as above stated. • EVANS & WATSON have also received &letter from the cashier of the above Bank, stating that •the - Safe robbed was marked " Lillie's Patent," and that they drilled a hole through the Safe and blew It open with gunpowder. • The above letter can be eeen at Evans & Watsou's Store; 16 South FOIIRTII Street. Now, Philadelphiaus, this is one of the Safes that Lithe asserts are the, only Burglar-proofs made that cannot be drilled or blown open with gunpowder, as he asserts in the Evening Telegraph of April 16;1664. If Mr. Lillie intends to accept of my, challenge, he must do so without any deviation from the terms pro posed, for reasons explained in the above ettellenge; D AVID EVANS.' .i7l-finsi3t if CO) LILLIE'S CAST-IRON SAFES NOT DRILL OIL. FIRE-PROOF 1. DAVID EVANS, stand by my challenge published in last Sunday's Dispatch and Press of the Ist instant. Lillie acknowledies in his article in TLS .Pressef Jnly lst that all his Safes now in use are netdrill-proof, as will be seen from the following: The Safe-that I (David Beans) have been testing at Evans' &.Wateon's Sala mander Safe Store, 16 South Fourth street, and have drilled one hole in every morning, at ten o'olock, in from twenty to twenty-five minutes, each bole clear through said Safe, which Lillie, in his article,' calls a very imperfect Safe. I wish my Philadelphia Wends to hike netts° of the following hill of this very iruper feet Safe (as he =IUD), sold only eight months back: Pains.psnente,„liov. 7th, IS6I. hussars. Weaver & Spankle, Grocers, corner of Arch and Broad, Philadelphia : Bought of M. C. Radler, Agent for Lillie's Fire and Burglar- Proof Safes, •1 be. 6 Fire and. Burglar- Proof Safe $171.00 ReceivedsayAnetd. 41. SA"g,'• Agent. Now I wish te. Inform my Wends that have had simi lar bills renderid, and their safes wuranted both fire and burglar-proof, that their safes are of the 3Mtla Qual ity. I now wish to inform the public the reason that this very imperfect safe, as Lillie admits, is the reason that. this safe was exchanged for one of our Fire-Proof Safes, which was put in its place, and is now in use in their store : and 1 nbw call your attention to the following statentents, published in the Chingos Tribune of March Sth, IS6I, re:alive to the fire the: destroyed the frame Court House, whisk herald down la thirty minutes, and burned up E 10,030 in greenbacks, along with all the contents of ones of L. Lillie's patent (so called) Fire and Burglar-Proof Sates. This paper hav ing been sent to Philadelphia,' and a copy falling into the hands- of Messrs. Weaver & Co., they became fear ful that their books would.tihare the sante. fate, if their store should be so unfeirtnuate as to take lire. Thep got rid of It. and now feet satisfied with their ha ring ex changed. I now take a,portion of that paper's contents, as follows, and, aswahays one at oar store, roe wilt show.bhe same to Baritone Wto desire to see it. • • The following jerisine were present, and .helped to get' the•abOve Safe-wee, and examined the buzitesi con tentataken out: 0. DAY,'Clerk. 3. L. DANA. Notarg Public. J. S. FRAZIER: CHANCY CRAIG., T. W. RHOADS, G. W. HELPHLTLY.- - F. D. THOMPSON." I am dienceed Otmngine that there ure some, ether f * nartles in:pirlhtlelp4ita that had better het their hooka, • papers, and cash in vine other Safe than Lillie's, at the, present time. - DAVID,. jyt.mTrost.. • . X., x. . 111,ILLED'IRO4 KNot dead, bat,Jireth.97 nairfri.Evans, Bee:. of the „Firm of Beans da. IVadstnt: It would seem front your late notice In the Rteenftag TelegraDA and other newspapers that you have opened a school oflust, nctlon for testing Lithe'„ Chtilcsl-lron g e r eo ating,ee we presume, in a two-fold capaolty—first, as the instructor of thievosa. second, as the protector of ; th e p ee pie.--twr, very src.vpoludble positions truly. ow,gs we are very desirous to aid youSu every way ; in this Important wotk:(hinPortant to the thief that he rattx not uselessly ensploy hie titres or criminally expose late porton; importar-t toihe people that they-a:my know and fetal that their. treaenres are secure, I we propose, i.e the future, to warrant every Bank Safe that .11224 bo sOld . by our Agent at Philadelphia prootagainst your scientific attainments in the art of burglary, and as you have so, tfistntereskfify, volunteered to instruct and enlighten. the burglar anal protect the people In this art , we shall take the Dusty to give you time's , notice of the Arrival of each Safe; and we not only ask yon to test eaqh Safe on their arrival upon your now scientific ziau, as, publicly announced, nut we °Jahn that we b.avu the right to insist upon It in your now position sa a ;labile teacher and benefactor; and if this is not a =Sapient remon, we have still another to urge. Your present faellltlat for a satisfactory tost are vet? deadest, bra you have but one very haporfoot Safe to operate upon, and if you accept oar proposition. your field of opc:stions will be pinch enlarged, cud your e frosts may prove much moreeatisfectory to the public. WO now admit, as wo ever have, if you encored to grind or drill at hole throngh the door in the front of the look, at any point. it to fatal,-and if done th Ley way practical to the burglar, the Safe Is not burglar. proof. The first Safe we shall expect you to test, as above ',Proposed is a Safe just ordered for at bank to the in terlor an de State. forxpect It to arrive in Phliattel •phis, obe readya test, on MONDAY, tnh of 'July, at 'lO o'clock d. , and should thoro bo any doln in Its arrival it will be announced in time. We trust .you will be ready for this test • Reopectfally, > SWTS LIT,T,TII k-801.1. N. C. SADLER, Agent, a 1 South 811VSNTil btreot: • • COPARTNIERSIIIPS. TEE FIRM OF TIIOIVLAB DOLAN 455 -R-. mane facturare of Fancy Woolen Hosiery, at th e lieyelono Kulttlue In the cfty of Philadelphia. this day DI , IiOLVED, by mutual conceit, The Intel fleet of tald firm trill he nettled and /lonfdated by TLO% Ham DOW , . Wh*, having purchaued the entire Latereat of aaldSamnel lieedham, wilt continue maid beminoes and manufacture at the same Piece, ender the name of Thomas Dolan. Tlft/51eS Dr/Leff, DiZZDHAM. July let, MM. • ir43t• THEH COPARTNERSHIP ERETO fere existing between INSKTEEP TititENTT ix this day dissolved by mutual consent. The FM4111158 of the late firm will be settled by W. a IttskeePt ta 241 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. W. H. INSICSEP, J. C. TRIIEPITT. ruthAogrorme, Ju1y1,1984, C. TRUEFITT WILL CONTINUE t , • the Commrssion Business as heretofore, at the someplace, 2.41 crosTriur Street, nudur the name of J. C. TROEFITT .5‘ CO. PIIILADIMPII lA, July 1. 1884. .iY24.3t !l 'HE PUBLIC WILL PLE&SE TAKE -A- NOTICE that the Partnership heretofore , ezisting between blialßoD WOOLERY cud JAS. CRAIG has [hie flay been disrolved by mutual cot:wlt. The part nership bealanes will be settled JAS CRAIG, at the Who. l'enu lintel, N3l. 111ARICET Street, where' the heathen will bo continued by JAS. CRAIG. 111hIROD WOOLE.OV, .42 , 1 t• JAMEB CRAIO. THE COPARTNERSII IP HERETO' FORXexialing between C. C. LOWER and 11. W. RANK, in the Wholexale Tobacco 131181mi:hi, under the' Jinn or LOITER & HAIM, is Ode day dineolred by mit- . tnal coloiont. The bushman of the late non will he net tled by el there' the partuern at (o. 'I4G North Tamp. Pri/LADELPCI;A, Ju1y1,15434. W. RANK, of the late trut of Lower Sr Rank, will 'contne the bariffess as hentofore, et Kam. place 3417 L' )86.1. jyl 3t4 TIIStifOLUTION OF COT ARTNE R sHm.—The gun of ALTEMUS &COZENS was die. nolved on he 7th day of May. 188 , 11, hy,motaal conaeat, and WI f,fhA)d 13, xi. OZSNS *.cittle np the buaineas r having varaliaaed Giletge W-Altvinius' In nercat la saldtflna. Oltollllg Mr. ALTE.IIII.9. VVELLI2,6I N. COZENS. WILLIAM . E 4. N. COZEN.S continues the bnotnesa andadmits to an interest is hie Itnetasss, beta this ciate,..W.M. B. 119EN1IT and ,DAVID FILSON, Yarling as WILLIAM B. .14 COZENS X CO. WITAIAM E. X cozKrts. PIIMAT;RLPFTTA, Jatte 30,-1E64. :13,1,M• TEB FIRM OF BiIIPLEY. 11 — ArZA:RD I & WETEHINEOH, is this der dissolved' by mutual corment, Samuel IL Bblpley, retiring . . The hnetnees be eontimaed iFy the rural mug verniers uaderthe name of HAZARD Sc IIIiTt.HINSON. The business of the late firm wlll be settled by either of the underaigued. SeSIE - EL IL SHIPLEY, SPENCER II HAARD. PEISIHEIRTOII . ,S. TEFFINSON: PIYILAVELF7TA, Ally 2. 1564 THE StBSCRIBERS 11 orar ; ED nemgelves together andcr the arra of 1t . 01,T0N,-DYREMAN, & Cu., and will continue th'e Car Building business In all its branchnt at the eld estxidiebtnent. corner TWENTY-FIRST cad TIAM/L- 1'02.1 . Streets: Jtrii"Xl. 11364 T uirg - Ns HAYNES HAVE Tsl43 nl4 - r• DISSOL - rEtt PARTNERSHIP by miattiai conprnt.. Settlement?: will he made, as beretcforb, at s.ll.E . ±uth FOHRTII &reek. BrAvARD LIIKETWS. Jane 21;1864. LiTl l -31'] HENRY H. HAYNES.`t. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 1, 1864 PAR'VNERSHIP.-1 have THIS DAY admiffed CITARLES — W, SCHWANTZ, JOHN n. KELLEY, AL..: BERT GRAFF, JOHN LS. minces, and OWEN F.' llUBERtoamittereetin ny businese ander the name of A. IT. FRANCISCUS M. jyl,6t A:R. FRANCISUBS, rii3 MARKET Stre'et. r 4, M. BROOMALL RETIRES FROM the firm' of S. T. AUGII4 CO., anti SIMON SNY DER, formerly of Hammen,. Snyder, 3t. beeoznes a. Partner from CDe date. jyl.:11. • NOTICE'. OF LIMITS)) '..PARTNER SII.IP.—Tt eubsormors bwalltr give notice. ander the provisions of the Acts of At:amid y of the Common-. wealth of Penney hall'', relative ilmited partner/Akio:l, that they hive 'formed a Ihnltettpartnershtp, and pub- Kali the following se the terms tkvroof: First. The name of the firm under which each part nerabip to to be conducted to `WILLIAM T. HOP KINS. &cond. The general nature of.. the business to be* tramacted iri the making, fitting, Inying..•attseiling of unor sRIIITS and the materiels therefor. Third. The nerve of the general partner is WLLLL&M T. Boni INS who resides at 3(77 North Ninth Onset, in the city of Phlladelphts. The uaznoof the spacial part ner is JOHN R. HOPKINS, who resides at Wjto Mills, Talbot county, in the State of Maryland: Fourth Th., amount of capital contributed by_ the said special partner to the common stock is Fifteen Han dred Dollars. fif7h. The said partnership fa to commence on the Eighteenth Day of June, !WI, and terminate on the Seventeenth Day of Jane, A. D. BBL' WM. T: ITOPEZES, .• • .7. R. 'HOPKINS. JetslSth. u 64. . je2o Ma. WANTS. BELL A GENTS - WARTED TO BELL TEE Standard History of the Wax. A. rare chance to 'make money. Agents are easy' ng from *KOto Menet month. SXI,OOO volumes already sold. Send. for drew. lars. Addreee JONES, BROS., *Co.. Publishers, BAL TIMORE. Md.. jel3-Im* ENGINEER WANTED.—AR . EXPE rE,RIEricEt). WELL-BALANCED blitt- can find a-desirable situation by applying at the Franklia Da. seaek 'Factory, on the 4th Instant. ' • . • le TO SHOEIWATERS..- W A N1 1 2.1)- -A- Good HANDS to Last and 'Finish on all kinds of work, men and. WDIIIIMI'll; fair wages and attedy eut nloment. E P. MOLINE/LUX. 408 - CONN ERCE' Street, . Fourth Story. N..3.—A man to rub down and turn foot-lege. jyt•fltfi WANTED-INA -WHOLESADW .110. SIERT and Fancy floods House. two• industrious LADS. Those having experience preferred. • Apply to Box 24% Post Office. WANT E D—Hcr% THE DRY-GOODS Comtnission business, alread establEshed, a P.1.13.178it, either active or special. w ith a cash capital or fr0m1115,600 to { 56,000 ; Address "Commission. Bu siness," Press alike. jr4-ium-f6t. .AIiTEDA - BOY' IN A - CLOTH Store, to learn the butinces; reference rnquired:r. 2$ South SHCOND Street. jp3-So• WANTED.- THRgE - SUB STIT U TES Li of good fighting qualities, for the Army of %tie Potomac" to; represent a gentleman exempt from mill targ dlltr %poly at 20.5 WALCOTT St.. Phila. jeSO-tt $6O A MONTH I-I -WANT AGENTS at 460 a Month,expeneee pai d . to mall my WM LASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS. and 23 other articles. Fifteen dividers Nent/ree. Address WO-dime= JOHN F. LORD. Biddeford, Maine. FOR SALE AND TO LET. pEREMPTORY • SALE •. OP VALVA BLE LAND , A.'T BURLINGTON, 24. J. The subscriber will cell at public •sale, at BELDEN'S CITY HOTEL; near the Railroad Station, In the city of Burlington, on THURSDAY; July 7, .3 . oiclock. P. hf. , a number of LOTS and parcels of LAND, aituate partly in the city and partly in the township of. Bar lingion as laid out on a plan of lots. and• streetamade by David Oliver. and conveyed by him to the Common wealth Saving Fund and bran. Company of Peansyl va n la. One of Bahl parcels contains alsant nine acres. • Conditions made known at time of Pale. W.M. JOHNSON. Trustee and As.signee. For farther peril coleys,plans, and descriptlom apPIT to RICHARD HILLIER, Jr., Buelington. or • . GEO. W. GILBERT. No. 3E North SECOND Street, • jrl-.4t* Camden, N: .7 • FOR SALE= 700 ACRES BITUMINOUS -•- COAL LANDS of excellent finality, adjacent to the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. near St. Slaty 's. Elk county. IRA BATHES.. jy.l-0!". • . . Merchants' Hotel, Philadelphia. FoR. • SAL E •R Mafonr-story FIRE-PROOF STORE, Va. 61 S. sEgazut St. Pomeseion given the 16th of Augur. , Enquire of ALFRED FASSITT, 600 MARKET St. jai -am-Me fIFOR SA L'E--A LARGE, AND well-built DWELLING .HOUSE, ..situate NO. 915 Green street, three stories front and back, having all the modern conveniences. good yard, Term; ac commodating. Possession given by the. lOth 4nst. For Particulars apply at 000 'N. - .TEN.T2r .Ir2-4` 85, 000 TO $lO,OOO-Tp. LOAN AT 5 ir1.31.• .)t 117Letillgi4T h nkrAo 5..1101311TE1 St BOARDING. BOARDING WANTED, ABOUT* THE let of August, by a gentleman. andw fe, in.a private family, or where there are • few.. boarders. A large second-story front room, or two mediam,aired second story rooms. required. A fair price will be paid for good accommodations. Reference given and inquired., Addreaß .174-61 „. • . • • Box2.7=Post , OEN. ROAEDING.-TWO SECOND-STORY a-P rooms TO LET. at 132 North TENTH Sh 3977 N . . PERSONAL. 1; E R S O'N A L. :::PaTElirf P. UNITED STATES and EUROPEAN, proanred•by • .312• 21. R. BROWN, 31.1.W3LNU1' Street. EPVCATIONAiL. BRYANT, STRATTON. at BANNIS— TER'S, STATE AND NATIONAL, COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. Corner of SEVENTH:. and CHESTNUT Streets. The course of instruction in thiejnatitution has direct reference to the require cents of-bur inn. The princi pal branches pursued are Bookleaping tßsll its depart ments and anlicstions, Commercial Arithmettu n Com mercial Law, Business l'ebutisuship. RusinesMorre spend ence. auarelegraphink r THE TELRGHAPH. DEPA KENT Is fitted up with regular line Instrriments, Co t for eottud and paper,and is under the charge of an oz.Nrienced operator. who oevotes his Abele time to this Munch. Young men who desire to qualify themselves for bust-. nere are invited to call and, examine our facilities fob Commerciabinairuction. The .new.Gircular for ISfiintu, be obtained by calling al.. the Colleg3..or addressbig us by mail. .iT2-1% A GRADUATE OF HARVARD, WHIR an experience t r ee pearl in ten chinnovill open. in thin city, in SEPTEMBER. a School for 1 onng Ladiea. lcumbecAnilted to fifteen. Terms. $l6O a year. HETXBANCEB — Rey. 11r. FUTDOSS, 1426 Pine eMeet; Rey. Rorer Owen. Chestnut Hill; Wm. H. Trotter. 3S-North Front street: J. E. Mitchell. Esq., 310 York avenue. Philadelphia; Ex:Presidents Spezia and Walker, Catobridne,,Mass. ; I. S. Smith, Esq. , Derehen ten Mess. ;John.Rozgles, Esq., Brighton. Mane. Ad. dress• 3027 , 1m*. 7. B. BUCKINGHAM, Chestnat pzILADELVHIA. COLLEGIATE IN. STITEPTE POP. YOUNG LADIES. No. IQ.N ARCH Street. Bey. CHAS. A. SMITH, D. D.,1.E. MAIIENCE SMITH. A: M., PrbloiDula. Ninth Yea;. Three Departments: Primary. Acade. talc, and•Colleciate. Full college course in Cla s sics, Mathematics, higher English; and Natural Science. foe those who graduate. • Modern Languages,. magjc, Patu. hag, and Elocution by the best masters. For circulars, apply at Ile Institute, or address Box 2141 P. 0.. Phibt. delphla. . ap'll-13te 7 2 AT 0 . INSTITUTE,. KENNXTI -1-A SQUARE, Chester county, Penne, for YOINSG.DIED APO BOYS. This fustitnAlou is beautifully riinated -half 'mils from the Baltimore Central Railroad. Coarse of Loatraction to Eugliab. Classics ant Maths. rustics is thorough. Fall Sessioc.comtnesces she thin; of October. For circulars, address je2l-15t. GEO. A. EZWBOLD, Pritielpal TNSTRUCTION TEEROUGIIJ3OO)O,. I. OBJHOTS. AND PICTURES.--,ANN MICS:SON will reopen bop SCHOOL for Drys and Girls on the 19th of September. New POITOP, who cannot vetd. withnot be :). receive and the nnittboh will be Uselted . to twenty. No. SontIaiOIiTECNICH Street. : ift-ltrititSrt• TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE COUN:TICI.It:.. . . Ws are preixtre4, as herecieril. to. axis , * wawa. al their conntntßeektonces.:vith crags &sprit:don 01 FINE 0300E1a/13, TE..43,Aa.,„4:40. A.LaBIIT 0. ROBERTS en93l-tf Coma ELEVENTH andIVINI Elta. witTDOW 014.88 . .—.-- - FRENOR PLATE alms for attire fronts, Nonglt Plate 011;. for sky light , s, awn, &u Fort any{ Deok Lights, Ornamental Olne.t_for cburobos, ventibuten, s c. ; Photonrsph Glass. and Domeatic Window 01ass of every vs , dell, for sea by . ROM STIOENANER & CO., Nos. 205 and 207 N. k'OURTII Street je2o-1m . Philadelphia, • ultz PALM OIL SOAP.—THIS SCUP P la made of sare. fresh Palm Oil, and la entirely a Vegetable Soap; more suitable for Toilet use then lbeal • made from animal fate. In boxes of one doses. eakna„ for St per bOX: Iffaunflotared by Qmo. M. ELKINTOBI 8 SON. '• No. 116 mempAmsrre. Street. betereex Front and il aaan a. 44-Itew • COAL • OIL ;- 100, BBLS. ' REPINED COAL OIL, Ow isle by EDW. FI ROWLEY% • 13“4-9t* . South DELAWARN Areuue, ART GALLERY, °BAND COLLECTION OF FICTURXB The Ga11i:2744M: ba. or rued to tTrif pablic an alters" week day, midi - fit : After nor , :e.e, from St 72. to JO F.-I‘.. on and alter N 4 IIiiiplilESDAT,.- June 24. Suwon Tickerta July 6, irrlualVe,.ls(Ytents. Admittance 25 eehts.- Catalegaea 2.5 - cnm.e. To VANDEIWTIVECARTADIE, 26 dentW:extra., Alimittance only"xt the centre•loor au'Vfte Street. 571;6t GROVER,'S W Car raff.R U T ETREET LEOll_ RD GROPER '"IttAgrACIER, (Also of Grovsr's 71jatetri, WaithingtOn.,l). MONDAY EVENING, - lllL7n„dth: - .1801,,___ MTH 22INIVERsARY ftr AMERICAN INDBfEND _ GRAND PATRPOTIG JUB3EEi First An , iive teary of the Rtif- of Ticknierg. - Thor-, it teat- Patriotic aid Sp.etacniar Tl - y THE SEVEN SISTERS. Vita 'presented eojr i e, With air tliit . Great Naliondf Songs and • ornsei, Mein, t Scenes, DAAces, and Tabi,arut, Grand EfititiVik Drills, Marches red Battles. The Storming pf 'Picks vrz: reprcifented. The Eccentric Oemedlan, Mr. ZbIiIONOUGM, tooain=f •in firs drolleries of Mrs, Pluto. First aryearanco`of the charmiarlveme.tile „_„ and Vocalist, AMY STOYEhaor Tattaniie;_ - 111133 Wita-Npir arid rolireneSooge., rizlemoF Anal - 66102i. Drene Circle or Partmet LO.,Oeute Family Circle - • - „Cenfo, °rehear& Seat's Flcents: AIRS. JOHN DRE W'S ITZW` STREET THE.AraT. GLORIOUS FOURTH' OF JULY} LAST NICRT.OF THE SEASON.. LAST :NIGHT OE -OEMS WELL • LAST lIIGHTOP afISS Lormt. TO...dial:lT (Monday/July 4, ISO:. DEBORAII, ,, THE FORSAK2If . ellorab • Cecile Herman Barton Eillt.g After the Play, a BanjriSblir and EalladApy MISS ICYPTA Ta canaltnle with Mr. ao...t:Nrd. PETER IV' HITE. Peter White. . .. ....... ....... ...bless Coffey Mr. Peter White Shm.t..rt 'Robeon; JOS. R. BOLTON. GEO R WtKEMAN, CMCDs. WALNUT = STREaT TAEA:4Titt.— , CONTIE CATION Or ; THE SIIIIREOREASON.: • ORE WEEK...330-EGER HONOR TO OUR NATNIME GRAND PATRIOTIC ENTERTAINAIVIT. : THlR(Metulay. ) EVENING. July 3 THE EFTRIT'OP" '76;. nr, Rebels and Patriots? ALEXINA RANEE as Rose Ellsworth; Mr. 13 L. TILTON as Cautitti Armstrong. Previous th which. the v,leitdict Speetaculgr Drama of FAUST AIIIIMARGUERITE--Mr: J. B. Robarts as MeobistopbeleszAteuriaa Fisherliaker. as Marguerite. SeatssecuredlrokrAto.s Curtin r!teestli. DIILADELPHIA. NATATOR ru -a- Arai . PTITBICAL INSTITUIS, BROAD Strseg.. belotr Walnut. DR. JAI, t-Rff reaPectfilly retrdndF bpdies and Cleustbs—. men. cord implating leaving for the Dea-alto re or Wdter. leg placer, that from 4 to 10 lessons in many cases have' been sufficient to enable his' puptit-to become good swimmers. To those prevented by business to leave: the city, or 'who prefer home, comities to crowde d hotels on the sea-side, Ite arnold say :Est the Mania°. R1T.131 has aleYass been considered tho•Dest aabstituterta. any comincristzed'Ocean. Jet's-6t* ART' GAL'L'ERY; LOG-UT NUARIL POURTIT OP JULY: . The ARVGAL:ZERY of the GREAT CPXTRAL FAIR will be open to the public. on July 4ttr,2'l4)neS A. M. rutin: 10 P. IL Admittitnee:Seente. THE ACADEMY OF FINE: "A R T -a. CHESTYOT'Street,_above Tenth, Is O . PEZT to' visitors, (tonal A. DE. to 6 P. Si. i 026 ma ,ll=ii , GRAND PLEASURE ILIC- - CIIIISIONS TO LASE SUM-MOIL—Oft Of the following' splendid. first-class steamers.Lirlar• CLEVELAND, ii,CINGIS;•NORTEI ERN LIM- T, Malf CITY, TRAVELER, METEOR. LEON SlalP3,_•Liko LA BELLE, and PEWAIIIC, will leave CLEVELAND_ Ohio. at 8 o'clock P. M.. each day of the week, ex Saturday and Sunday, and Detroit, Michigan, on Id following days at 2•o' clock P. M,, through the montane of JULY and' ACCOST, making Grand Ext.:melon Trips ' to the many pointer of interest on the Great Inland Sear. of amertua,whlcla , for utility. pleasure, and'healthom unsurpassed by any other on the Continent This trip of over-IICCO miles embraces sim.degrees of latitude, and eleven of longitude, and includes in Its circuit Lakes }lrks, Bi. Clair, Huron, and Sapertor,wltin the beautiful rivers -Detroit, St. Clair and Et. Harr's. The many and extensive mines of iron and (sipper. uneunaltd by . =rim the world, with the newly-die - covered and inviting deposits of silver lead; wild an& romantic scenery, combined with its pore : nd bracing.. climate render tho -.Lake Superior trip one or far sears than ordinary attraction to the capitalist,• the studext. the pleasure-seeker: or the invalid. The above-named steamers are elegantly- fitted isr with large airy Cabin, and State-Rooms; trite ervarr precaution has been token to provide for the safety and comfort of Passengers. Par e. including State- Rooms and Heabs,abont 23s cents( per mile. Time Qom:ph:4in making the rour.tirtrip,frolin 8 to lOdays. RV:IMB secured, =a-further information obtained, au application to proprietors. ROBT.S.AHNA & Co. • HUSSEY & arcsiapp.:. Cl 'mo- J.T WHITING & Detroit, JOHN HUTCHINOS, jeZ-t an 26 • s 4 FOR AA CAP.E.MATi." The eteamer TTAN;" of the "CAPE MA3-D5153,;” mill make ber.first trip to Cape May on TUESDAY, July sth; IX* , leaving ARCA-STREET WHARF at 935* o'clock A. Mg. Fare $2. r.(l, carriageadro included. Children and mu , :rants half price, carriage hire extra. ANTHONY RH/BOLD, . It • per JOS. A. STEWART. 1864. CAMDEN AND AT15264 LAITTIC RAILROAD. • +••••-, SIMMER ARRANGEMENT—THROUGH 111 TWO HOURS. FOUR TRAINS DAILY TO ATLANTICTITY. On and after MONDAY, 'Jab , 4th, tr.tirus hove VIRE. Street Ferry as follows: Mail .2.30 A. M.. Freight, with passenger car attached ... .... ...P.15 A.. M. Express (through in.twohours)• •• • 2 CO P. N. Atlantic Accommodation . 4:15 P. AL Junction Accommodation .5.90 P. M.: RETURNING. leaves Atinntic: Atlantic Accommodation . 5.46 A. Exprm T.Oll A. ' Freight —41.60 A. M. Atail 4.4 S P. N. Junction Accommodation - . ... . 6.5111 A. M.. • Fare to Atlantiors2.l Round-trip Tickets (good cult • for the day and trcan on which. they are issued), 13XTRA HADDONFIELD Traas Leave Vine street at 10.10 A. M. and 1. F M._ • Leave Haddonfield at 31.45 A. M. and 2.4(1•P. IL ON SUNDAY'S, Mail train for Atlantic leaven' Vineatuetmt 7.50 A. =- Leaves Atlantis at 4.49 P. Me JAG. G. DICTANT, Agent, The bar whic:l.Jormed last year haa-em2rely disap neared, leavinVite beach one of the rsetxielightfal ow. -, the coast. ~a9o teal FOURTH OF JIILT AT. ATTAIATIC. Excursion Tialrete sold on the 2tl 311,,tnert gtlr of July„ will be good Wt return on au, train v on. or before the Gtb. . ie3o-44 DELAWARE, BAY' RAILROAD —To Long Branch, Melon. Manctoster,.7bm's Sayan Barnegat, Red Bank. &c., &c. On and after IItuNDAY next, Ja17,4tb..„ Tralna wilt ...____ leave CAMDEN, for LONG BRANOEfeAL7.4S A. )L, 9.90 P. M.., dotty (Sundays excepted).,. Returning .~ wilf, leave LOIN G;BRANCEI at S. 2.5 A. ti. anti AM P. 3L THROUGR IN FOUR - .HOURS DLP.IXT BY RAIL. A Freight Train with passenger car attached, will start for St tons on the main line, daily. from CAE.- DEN (Sonde:ye excepted). at 9.30.A_ Li. Stages connect at Woodminste and! Manchester for Marnegat And Tom's River. Stages (will also connect at Farmingdale, for Poir:, Pleasant,. Sstnan Village, Blue SAIL and Oar Hogsa Tavern. For curlier Information apply to. Company's 4=25. L. B: CblB, at Cooper% Potr.t. Coo . AVM. F--0:111PPITTS, Generil SoperinEendent. ROAD VIA MEDIA. FOURT E, OF JULY .-ILTOURSION. P.otiad• trip ticke . z3 will beeohlbetw.en %Vest Casster tact:Philadelphia good from Satyr Sd to 6th Fare for the Roujid trip. al .7.1. 37 -2t 1111Nur WOOD..Superiatea.dentz. dr amm t FROM. NRW YORK,. FOR "NEW HAVEN, HARTFORD. EPTLYNG:- PIMA). ai d 13'sroN..—Thq, Fteamers COM' l'tEirl'AL and ELM CITY leave Peak Slip, list.t. Elver, daily. MS Id P. M. and 11 at alibi. je.S.Sm a dr oi t FOR AZ ZANY A\ TROY —via IA:A.W.ARE AND.S.AAPFA Us. Is AL. —The . barge S. F AIIAGADT," Captrin W. Cor-' son, is novr loading at the first • wbart bolnw fitruttn street, eaa will leave for the obbve WPM NESDAY. JITLTAtIi; at 6, P. bf.. For .F.,64glit , which. will be taken at rea.tonablenatss, apply to L. TUC- Agent, Na. 301-;S: DELAWARIiIdv: . COTTAGE ORG.NE,, 5a only trit.37.f.CE1.4,3D but UNSQUALLED.In groaidtr. of 'tone and Pov er. designed especl.4ly. for Chur-Asme.' and Schools. but found to be socially , well adaptc4 ter the Parlor sad Drawing Room. For We only bii E. M. BRUCE, • No. 1.11 North EiIiVENTEI teat 'Alio. a complete assortment of the Perfect. nalotiee. 'wholly on harid. • SELLING OUT. WATCHES, JEWELRY 'll , O nntiorsii[nod, having dor4d.c3,, to rettrs ;y0;11 . 11101-, neat, offers (or Bala at low rile*. Asa:sled stock of WATCHBS_ JR.WLRY. and _ - .- fiILVEFC3.I4 P.LATVITAKIL T.llfilaSS C. PA! SW, NO. .H.A.CRESTI , I" Cipposlto.tlierMoni 4 cHalli. '.iltel3l3lL STRA_NGRRS VISITING TIM • city, eoilcited toihe facilities af - thiitlatTa aID • MARKET SLEaHllt. UMBRDLLA PA(2OII,Y. 3eR-121.• - - maturt. TO 'ANY 4.IKOIfIW LOANZP-ueen Dl.a.,nole, Witebee, Jewel ry, 1'11544, Ciothin kr, ,at 3?psgs,s t Old Ea=lished Lran 0111, corner THIRD, and 0 ASKILL %goats,. below Lombard. apl2,3calt 134DIES'llitISS 11 PTD.IRA.CItr. SlregE—Conduteli. bg Ladies, TWELFTH, Street, first i.oor below lace. Fowl' crates to nista. eletaul,,easy, and. correct la make. C. IL NEX- D LES, Proprietor, attends tu o,aatietuaa, op the eortan of TWELP2Haud'EAGE N. B.—Profeaedon n accuracy Wand. roy.s-3mil" 4d il t THOMSON'S. LONDON .EITCH, WEB, OR EUROPEAN RANGE. for foniltp,.- . IMbotolit orpublio lootHationo, TWE N T YDU& FEHENT • SIZES, "Also, Thar,delphla Rot-alr Toraacoo, Port Able Heaters, Lowdown ri l M. Pitoboard Styes, BailtßoHors, Stawholo Plafoo. Broa ore, Cooktog &area. so., &t trholosalo and stall. kmP fbs inaunfasturo SHARPE, O olb3-rAthoem 111 . tht ' tail ko. MOO IV. S E CONDSStmt. PHRENOLOGICAL EXAXENA noNs, with full descriptions of obarente_ ,r given. DAY aadEVENINO, by J. L. CAPEX , 1415-prnagin Nis, 25 South TENTH Strome. A/11113. JAM trrY4l l:l TLs Fg'; ~h.EDLIEES_BRATED the only Supporters under eminent medical patty:swum Ladies and Phyakilns are respectfully requested to mat , only on airs. II S, at her residence,ll.o39 %VAL street, Phila., (to avoid counterfeits.) 'Thirty thousand 'lnvalids have been advised by their ph yldelEtna to cute her appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the hailed States copyright: labels on me box. and sioatnree and goo on the bupportere, With teatiaarAtia• kaa, plc, 1114 SO 11•)11, 4 1i iA CENTRAL FAIR. IT HAS BREW DECtirED To KEEP TELE LOOdli BQULRE ON EXHIBITION ItOR A PEW DAYS 1:41044253, pAT Or r BANITARY COMMISSION. EXCURSIONS. RAEI'9N A W _ WE,S;T CH E STER., 2aD PtipADELPHIA iMPW ES'-EY'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers