..orninitelnle. nin B. Atkin 11d Erie Rail neer North eali.••tant. en- Lot “*.. 'ili•tml , - ,' leoaire, irmi,il; El. 4.,1 i; ,le,iFe .dc.,,,,1. ( :011- Ad Tit antr,incer eillroa,E. Weber, A VEI .it Pent ENT' , :Li an Enteent at , Vinerue. T evening, al 111 tills alisted for ir ty-live tlavecived a their :ierrloes listed in it that time; isPiihmi Imnit of the Isgttacot, ~ ]eft tills,:olt3lonel .T. ./ men, tlthl rat, 1302, it ay have pasSed. Ly with battles, and keuher of is a He. of tht•rnders• linen t : itobt.'o, return, regiment; °apt. D, in ita nt Morgan • OL; a atlas; ilstn nt Surgeon p IL C. F. Lion and TWINE Cap r, 13,11-I,am, Johnson 1 - , iew" in, and Wood. ', Col ent marched from tilt .re:4l.tuent Saloon, yv,loop• lied. ,! fed in will be gived:theln 1 Zivards, Captalp,SpewilkY• ton. The proceSslon •pato t two o'clock and the,. to Second street, th,:on,, med. thence US- Chao, mt., to liatte, thence. to N; ,to Llley will be roes sod Wu"- . 'we r. 1.1 illsinissel T. An -112.1,t w M ith theta a inr, :apt ured at winter in .IV l ri Li nil eted consfderable ~11:111.• `rum°, . rig (ml' wOttITDEDi O. ahlred tcuuncled so? a ~ hart' yesterday riot fn '' " uln. A number of kelt, No complaints were:n.,•; ,a, In iliet, they were r,- eazi»g at them. ti.,ii •munanies were orkl , 43 they were conveyea. I Oily. while proce'LtfilY l'ih t of theso woundatl'vellit,', time of " Italtrah itii sung with groWeltit.:; f,~~ n , 2 l 2: OnuAst.—l'or a. deMplot, ice-cream and oheesestai Eastern "gasket, Firth s pure Dalawara-county id the same Is true :of bore in the Sanittir! ue twenty-Ineher, In tt artinent, and we wont/ ;be trigger of that gut Trks in the war. The at ' by the excessive heat dlltir we were al it eFtablt t drrilat lontinental; we /rot it in our cooler mom, TO TRA %TILLERS. —4l id Elm Elt.y. leaKe. Peel , daily, fur Now ,Ravel ad Boston. WiirmLritnn goborts and stair, sr to Springs, boat 11) ABBO RTMSN' ►td, at reduced In Oak ford te Sone, , ental Hotel. SO2II3FIT ASSORT', CB can be paretic.: and KW Choate, 111-. AVOILTO The Coatis.MTh 1 G., •Mialfatzigi, $t Louis T oruer, klassachasette .) inebrook, Michigan CD MATEO. '2l.. ( ! ) .w ilY el e . ' o r ii, jirll,"Wforiala lid Field on d i t >m owing cont. Thee Bice Beaton ogle° t J, seirasego & Is, x Y sir k s 'itt li Ygt,, ,c . k r : star t l P au str ia ls,Ky 1) 'ger ' New Yor 'TIT tdgiahon UEI A I ‘ / ,„, e 6 SLUM, es-,.. nhard, New York .1 Ramey s, ,_ arm w trus a ce• be a u, New York el. n tt a Deana fib Co * b in, iflariland J this pl ,'',l4, yil, New ork A C c_ °W o 'll St Louis xr arn a St Loafs hurl n _r ak,., rren,& wi l i, Teton .51,,,, w n Carr, St loins , ' a ' ll /. ?/ fuel.% 11.2‘0fait 14 0 Paschall, St Lees e -1 , . ~i- , ,r , ' J r , ' H o Wilmott, New Efaviii. -c...,_"›. .„ lie u , Now York D W miadiston„ , :wieb.,? i., --- it clown, New Yolk C 0 Simpson , NWx srs-I 0 -Rogers Z Nye Sr. la. Belvidere • Hess, Baltimore W C Hough. .* . Starr,New York W J Rtchunind, Jr,_Masa Chilin& la, New York Mrs Eversfield, U b N H Gillum & la Vs Everefteld I dents St la, Bait ;,r -E,HoHpayn.f‘blimSerdil, 0 h W E: G A agood & la, Florlde A Grace, Penult l' K Ilehrend, Illinote D S &weer, Easton W 1' Scott, Baltimore P. li Combs, New JerseY B Maitland & lee NEt Starr, Richmond Mr. Butriner St son P Ur. &der. Donna . Mrs Tillinghast Taos W Navy Bait W W Wilmot, Wheeling Berm Wig& u. t oston C M Ray, Cincinnati 1 7 ,i Morgan,Rli Newi , Y°.,-.71, gPt,':=l,ll%;T:fs.e , t l4 . ......., .eurf,Ygittsltrg J Isaacs, New York Jelin Field, New Haven .1 1 , Lek. Whinging ConsNret, Chicago WII Pe.frey, New Orleans Fmr St C Christy, 1.1 S A Bens Helloda . y, Now York_ Chas llnggins,liew York 01, Beaumont, New 5. ors. 'J fl Pease, lift,on A Colienherger, Nevf York D P iflcKeg New York J 1 Moorhead 1 A Allen, Jersey W FriLL_l_er SC sv_f,ll Y h Critten ee.„ Cincinnati Dr ohi UtlB,.U.ert York C E Sergeant Cincinnati los Elemnitill,aw Baltimore P Sinclair, Sentlajd W .1 Wilmer. E C Gabandan - H. II Boucher, Doylestown Payton, New York Sl3 Clayton, Baitirore C R Paxton. U .„.„ FI DWerd, New A. ork C Sctlutou, Watertown • Card Schelle4 • " CA E Ewing, Desto a E French, 13oeton W DotT• New York JII f tseletv, Clev_eiloc,nd....., in le,Nashville, T Rev E W lanai...A .La L .8,6?., 338060:A PlrialiiBBl7, T.i . .) B. S Bachman, New York "e am Osborn Sr wt. N ..1 131 Goldsmith, ; New York AC trine Mann, New York Mae 1110110 y, N Newr_ls . tTP..., utebenou & wf, Ohio George ka'sler, York - ". Deshler & 818, Ohio W 0 Olv ..—.---...-----. K 8 Rayne", J W CoWeH., The American. Jobe D Darb , er r Boston 81l Jacohn , , I2sinceto i n _ 3 B Bowman, b, New York F bare, heT "o_(...'q, B i A ton " W /Milner, ffe , Baltimore A T 300uston, wilco J B Jones, ?Web , Vermont P W Whiting, Cameron co John M Biesler,W , Washington WE Mash, No v Yolk F Belisle, New Yo New York E Olophant Stfa, Maryland Jersey Cleo Lear, Doyieetot sW Ycalf• J A Davis, a Jacob Moore, Below . A S Davis, Maryland Jacob H MoViclaere, Can West A Niles, AtllfoarelMrsß .f., rd. n & son A Geo P Winter, Reading 3 3 SPeed, No on k eleware BOl, oRead W BCB C S 8 24 m N itti n , g 'W h s t svfJejresrer 8 S Stone, Baltimore * Mrs Abbott, bleFsaclinsoite I P Henry, Penedo f il ;, 1., is Brooke, Pottsville J E J P C El r d o n cte m so' o F , l P m r e l¢ t ee u t ' L ug 'il S A Clark. ele t t l r l i ft e 11 , 6Pna". ---.*""4lPri , -. 030111 ' Tr J Bli C •ellis Burlington 0. 9 1 0 JI. . rig A .I.i MUMPeI rich C A Davis, U 8 A S Ei }lt 41,: e fi c ts' i s L ATf. D tte r i P tr el York J Citld w Ne b e ; iih. New - Yolk J D Bei re, ‘rff. Tilton, New York 8 Dead, Pols:sank, Philada R L fcktuttt, Be, •••fearker, N Jersey Miss Lockhart, 111 i:- - Mrs Lockhart. Kingston x .. L J Morgan Clearfield , M B Park s: wf W T Hoar, Nassau Hall T C Fuller, Vineland Rev W Chester B H Brown, Reading .1 S Rohrer & la, Lauc co J H Wyle A 3 Sloan J N Miller; Allegheny Ong J C•l4larcy,_ Meadville IS atingle, Lock Haven A H Reynolds, Penns J A Leslie, Ohio Semi Dena, Ohio Sand 11 Robbins A Armel, 'own II Garbutt Washington 8 Robinson, Luzerne co A 9 Kellogg, N Jersey G W HMSO% Beat Meadow J II Plunney, Jr. Towanda O T Smith, Penns god ITW. OU/0011 Doblade ar. long . private 40W General orerncuirit !s -ooty One who all appears to ,Wrhe commands a ., officerellona wtteiterk,- both- ac -seems very retood that General titer with Cioneral de are expected from and his Uabinet %P" tug strength - evory , rnment l , doas ' ted all Is 'Auge 4 0 ,41 *. b IV . ' . c- ' % an. ' . . V 4711 P.440E,] ;GE. ' of the Poly ld leat night, sd and Mealy, h the not nu faahlon of the ~ tilled the 4 numerettO the . platrann, Lt up the Mbar. a marked , Polytechnic nvntion,•and of [wheel:neat Wee exert:Ake pine t . . of tho dal - thew ,NOw- The Die fi Baker, 'Virginia I:Trireme° ,p New Castle Jll,Blair, Huntingdon, Pa JP Millar, U 8 A W H Forsvood, U S A W Milligan, Perry eo J Miner. Baltimore • WHo ghee, Felton,Del N Flolth, Felton, Del M Clark, Oil Clty 18h folds, Indiana W H Mooney. Ohio H Bench, Pennsylvania T Laramore. Felton, Del D E Bayard, Pennsylvania A Nachman Baltintore "L.Wachtel, 'Franklin. Pa IPM Mefferd, Weigh, D C • Willfame New York PT Kelly, law York Geo Willyalme E Elnne, Orivigsburg I. Hart wr, Bow York 1 Jr C Brenner do eon front seat t. ililitary corps. ;ortnt--lnvisittle g . ulatlon OA Ef Ing the and ev [Ace. A Mitt. and it is Yillth of the eollbge its value, and labera of Dr. limiting in en- Culnesa,peren- !Ivor by Rev. td-street Bap oppardsq., tory adilres3. i by Henry Itlnguished inations discourse: 'toped by a S CV TH - Fa'io - n,'ClriCiortati J F Hwye, Necsrville AFindia New York Clips T .1 fferkinson .7 Temflold, SiLonts vote in a on the in vh, can read • lfng is due nts, and the holes, At be had just ears hence. tad chosen ) drscourse j trig -to all The I J B Wiggle, Tuckerton,NJ H E Crewe, Buffalo Airs Reed az 2 des, 11 W Dtirress, Alex, Va John Du Bate, Wm'Elport JAR bleldnhon, New York Selfridge, Bethlehem H J Hennessy, New York Jos 13 Lowif, Allentown 1 Bliss B C Young, Allentown' A Wertz, Binverre,o I-. X. n. .1. James P Josses, II Ei A ee dent of es a an- e Sal Christian No le}} Easton W Watson, ihttb, Pa Scholl,man, Easton Bath, Pa W Warner, Penne, !ginner, New York 'Jacob Markle, leidersville John Geyer, Solderevillo Wig Christman St en, Pa 0 LiWrlght, Nazareth, Pa A Schoch, Penna 1 Tones Barber, r,t Ph ri lelphia; 'ames:pf. Krea diens; !onshc* PhitmVpitta I la; Itoboa Wal- Witmer. Para- Id, N. T. hat the ruins at merit, and sof rare rattle. Ltea that not a >ut of -emplOy m reporteT;to teir employes. ght for the trio :ollege course. , f study. HO classes Would lilts, in the be ti to one hon ,raised their admit of no the names of itions they oc- The Co .f W D Pierson, Maryland S Y W,llson, Newark. Del A H Barber, Doylestown E R Altman, Doylestown Wm El Eder, Elkton, Did A J Dickinson, Newark,NJ A Barnard#lNewark, N J Wm '..lJohnson Jno Squaw:ion, New York W Short, Washington E Borman,Washington J . Cub. Bristol T T Dungan, Bustleton. R 13 fichermerhorn, Penn& S Jobneon, Few York H C Worstall, Spring Valley J Jecobs,,Spring Valley Jenkins. Bucks co Mies P, Deitz, Saratoga Mm S Dolts, Saratoga J Potter, Lehigh co zw—Otto Al. Doughertrs H. Baum- Robert S. N.• spencer Poyntoll .lames zhville, Ten- C W Schropp Capt T B Scarborough John Hays, Hollidaysburg F Af Bacirenberg,Middieton John Fritz, Reading Chas B Flchtborn, Reading A Fichthorn, Reading J C Davis, Dauphin co eTh ' .1' itia4irl'alimenirlr — T—Whipel &la,Pittsburg krßiley& fa, Leverly,N J Jo red Hoyt,Maseacltlleet t 9 1 N Nve & la_,Lau.rel,llel Tees Parry, Bucks co John Wileman,Backs co L Johneou,Delawara The Bine fitinPue Ohl Naberacker, Pa A lieleel, Nazareth &tool, Apple, Pa Jo. Young, Allentown • A SCIENTIFIC VEGETABLE COMBINATION OF RARE INGREDIENTS—NOT a DYE. For changing gray hair to its original color. For promoting its growth and stopping its falling. For cleaniing the scalp, curing dandruff, &c. For making the hair soft, flexible, and glossy, For preserving the original color to old age. ' "London Hair color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing, "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing." MORE TESTIMONY IN ITS FAVOR. Dr. ISAAC S. MILLER, Weal Brecknock, Pa., As a restorer of gray hair and preventive of baldness. It is the best remedy I have ever sold, and gives entire satisfaction to all. N. 'AWL ARRAN & Co. ,one of the most reliable houses in Pittsburg, Pa., say: "The London Hair Color Re storer" gives the most unqualified satisfaction, and we have no hesitation in recommending it to our most intimate friends. Price 76 cents; six bottles for 54. Sold by Dr. WAYNE & SON, 330 North SIXTH Street. It PHILADELPHIA IsTATATORMI AND PHYSI CAL INSTITUTE, BROAD STREET, BELOW WALNUT, TEE FOURTH OF JULY AND THE NATATORIUM. The Swimming Department will be open on the 4th at e A.. K and close at 8.31. P. M. No lessons given and no swimming for Ladies on that day. Gentlejpen ad mitted at all times during the hears stated. ..Mll-4t* HOTT'IS HIAWATHA. BAER RESTORAITM. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S _HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. gams HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. In Longfellow's Poem Hiawatha was adjudged, to have conferred the greatest boon on his tribe because he brought to Its notice corn. Every one will admit that our preparation is worthy of its name, for the bane. Ste it confers when it is known. WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. It restores faded and gray hair and. whiskers to their original color. It brings op the natural shading of one hair with another, thus giving the hair a perfect life appearance, so that the most critical observer cannot detra, its use. It makes 'harsh hair soft and silky, stops its 'tailing out, cleanses it and the scalp from all imou riti s, is as readily applied and wiped from the skin as mythair dressing, and entirely overcomes the bad ef (tuts of previous use of preparations containingsulphar, re* oflead, proprietors of the Hiawatha published the follow hallenge to test in the New York dailies three is s, which WAS NEVER ACCEPTED: .e some well known and dlsintereetedpersons sp ol, one to the proprietor of each preparation for the r bring up the color. Every proprietor to use no . tkiiregrevraposseAionvend the parson nothing rig the ttet.ir . sertlfleate of the result to be l sitialebed at 4 theiZpinttli3 orthe dneuccesafnl tom • Bold everywhere. JOSEPH Horr-ac 'co., 20 University Plea% NeW York. ITB. • New TortE, April 18,1864. leePatooll 'sett. your attention to and conside: I nt pules tcelebrated and reliable remedy to; 2 ralia. 11 4 an, Debility, and Prostration. The le tire pld to acknowledge the unparalleled s w cl: h attended the sale Of their valuable -. .s ' ti . 0 , kn ' o . In nearly every portion of the fSd rld a. "GOLDEN BITTERS." 1 rildPothing on We term them a valuable wre.. arattor; for th e T 5 one of the few articles of the resent day rfhte " not a humbug ; and we are wit r.g and able to Y_„..'"'Y person or persons who will it nrein as, t . ., : e„ . oo, elnated "Golden Bitters" are Pennine, /sr . 0 " 4 " 71716 f1ic article. It is the wish of propriF that the vlrtn e of the article be tested be. , s sonde Ina. A decision of thew merits by any on. 0 has Did them Is, worth a million of purchased al‘ssa.lthy APPETITE :11E1 tekurtordals. Her creative , i• are Invaluable, and are unegnay. n d ae a TONIC . . .I,y ar e mild in their action, and orstfate in gist= nor and adienot h to the system — not by any chasm 4 7 produce in the solids,. but through the m e c um of 1 . living .nrinclole. They are Patel,' VEGETA-I RA lu t e sempoicd of Gentlan Root, Calamne, Bassatnw, 4 ; many o th er remedbtl agents of the Vegetable 'mono . I reserved in Jamaica Rnm and Sherry Wins. AS A BEVERAGE /hostrtut street. HOTELS. fei, New BQ c epCaillefe ~. D roi4 ,e4fino rF r v en :zu , Pd'unis•; l yd, Tent' pa 6rdPas h 2 dims. -• on, Pittsburg ft. Ptillsda ?climate 4 .tb' are the most wholesome, invigorating, and pals. . B '' s slant ever offered to the public. And the fast of 'Or Mg prepared chemically and sclentiflcalb ors, u a the possibility of a bitter, unpleasant taste, ` ° "':u , st Bitters generally offered for sale. We se. P".' ly comrdend them to LADIES, and particular', to t... ,e, ffering from Debility. Weakness, and Pros% t Hui,. • sir 11 - 1,1.110 glass of these " Bitters' 't . . . . lour time a day Will premium' a remarkable he-• - e hr.bge Perim:is greatly debilitated. The "Cold , ' Bitters" vo been tried and not found wanting. They '• sre put up n our own ;Potent quart bottles, and for We by Drag Ye, Grocers, &c., throughout the world. Bach botil bears a fac ifintle of the signature of Hub. bel & Co. _bears O. HVBBEL & CO., Sole Proprietors, Hudson, N Y. ; Central Depot, American Mc. Building. New Tdrlr,;'N. O. BOOZ,'Agant. Made.. 'B64w ,ad. New Castle Ht Louis ith'u, St Louts so , Penns ,Penns 18, Lewiston Ifolt York Mt, Now York prttsqil- Grier, GB A Reading • • Ihinaton D I .M r :e kta t s n 'B T a riand !.Deinwara eliell, Der lain& la, Raley ,rl/4 , 4 , w ear fork inwticut To C Datcheri'a . , 7. Salt Lake d Unlawa'ret. Uelawa}e • 'en4i a ne a t. cheal I agrart. 8 0 1 PAZIACH, VET,Str*ataan i r mriz-w Vosater co • LP,wcs A. - }3nekler, Easton W ti Young, Allentown W E 'Perm Trenton Daniel Pittenger, .6tstott B Robertson, Salem, N .1 Cleo , Markel, Jr Penna. Henry MarylandGrosy Geo W Nies); _,1.14 Cauton, 0 Col R Tamaqua L S Brigham, Sparta, Wls J Butler, Wash, D C • 4 Eagle. IGeo B Nome, Perm B Sehocb. Penne. K C Steinman, Bethlehem A Bellinger, Lebanon co Kiss Betlinger, Lebanon cel. Thos M Filter, Ashland S Newkirk liending. Anderson (Alvin, Penna Z Batdorff, Tremont,- Pa R Kramer, Allentown James Kline, Penns erelal. Boos prizer, Daylettowu B Meredith,W Chester Curtis Hoopes,'W Chester P Goissinger, Palma Tao Moutgomery,Bartisb P McCarty, Wa :viangtort A Dyer, Lan r CO, Ps Geo Seiltertl,Colurchis, Pa W Clyettgi:Cheater co, Pa G B,Glarke, Pottstowts • y Skdbt B Grillith,`New Jersey C Tompson, Reading S P Apple, Pleasant Hill J Morison, Flonrtown W Knipe, Flourtown G M. Carver, West Chester B Walton, Bucks co B Boutcher, Bucke co ft Watson, pucka co The Bari 01111 • The C N Killer, Millersville Jl.l Cowen & la, Lancaster H W Scott, Millersville J S Falls, Mlnersvale John Quinn. Minersville C h 1 Dyer, Doylestown Chas Sutter, PottstoWn Magus; ,rrretariik, J.ldarttn. Lancaster co, CaytWHSlater sou, Wash J U Gooding. Galena, fdd' C 'ray lor, Galeua, Md J 8 Heaton, Newtown. Pa Sirs Holcombe k Bear. Chu Wieand, Allentown B B Smith. Weisenbarg 3 illargaram, Somerton SPECIAL, NOTICES_ Tmr, HOUSE OF FIXES, trEB brated ID/MMHG FLY-KiT,Lsn, 1 tglif t easy to use. Every sheet will kW everywhere. • CHARDS, a{ CO., TENTH and MAR. ilphdit, Whoteetai sleets.. . . RA= DYB -HAIR DYE 1 1 LOS'S celebrated lulu DYE ir the Bast its BAT CHI the World, The only llarmlese, True, and Beliabie Dye known. This !splendid Hair Dye is perfect changes Bed, Amity, or Gray Hair instantly to e . those Mack or Naturca Brown, thenwithot Waring the Bair or Staining the akin, leaving Hair Boit and Beasttifnl; Isiparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring Its pristine color, and rect WILLIAM A. BATCRULGRes the 111 ejects of bad Dyes. The genuine is signed ; all others are mere imitations, and shouldlse avoided. Sold by all Druggists, AG. FACTORY, SI. BARCLAY Streets New York. Batchelor's new Toilet Cream for Dresshas the Hair.....---------m• ----- Ogg-PHSOB CLOTHING, OF THE LATETS EiTirms, made in the Best Manner. expressly for RR. TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices m Plain Figures. Our 0218-1"111.0m All Goods ale to Order warranted E STSTIM IS strictly adhered satisfactory. to. All are thereby treated alike. deSS-ly JONES & CO., 001 SUREST Street. STEttryna & Bows, • OM PIANOS , Tor Bale oaly at BLASIUS BROS., 1006 OIISSTNUT Street. PIAITOS , sty4,4l ------------- Tam Portaek.ll CLOTMEG 110IIES OF Pr. "OAK 114,161.." Beet-dam goods at moderate prices.ROWN WANANINNR as B. S, S. comet SIX.TI I . and AdatNET streets. Seaton Departaamt (to make to order) No. 1 &Sixth— ak. fir"f3oln3liscatuvr PEI, I , . . ,OCR.-STITCH sr#ING AMINES.. TDB ONEAVIIST, KINKIEST, AND BEM Srilesroomm. 104 CMISTNITT Strad, above Seventh. "1V1.A.-Staßartr:/- , BROWNELL—NISSMII.—Jvine 29. 138-1, at Bleugarrs , Torresdele by the Rt.' Rev. Bishop AlOnco Potter, Benry Ttidor Prowneß, of Dartford, to ertrude, danghter of the late RichardS. Fissatn, M. D., of New York. * , LOPLA.ND—RIIDSON. —On the morning of the 27th June, by the Rev. Andrew Longanre, N. Leland, of Caroline county, Std., to Bettie, only daughter of the late Samuel Hudson. of Philadelphia. Delaware papers please copy. 3:YrRaD_ KHLVE'. the eery if 68th Itegi The ref :Lodge, I Typogrei and mew reepeetfre rFsidencr July 2d, tery. &1.,,_.K1ER? Kiih. rear of age. ...I . k If Hie frien , ta , invited to atte.fu C hither, S. L. Nil'. ... ,ioccio( STA'ART. 9n - thelpih lii fr • Serpent of Gotoi Bulgy and the k e. 4 11 w-relatives and friends of tl.lamily, also the mem bers of Chosen Friends' Lodge, I. 0' ^ sfo. F., and also all the soldiers of the 91st Regt. in the city;are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the fee.'dtuce of his mother, northwest corner of Rawle and ftletir"la sts., on Sunday afternoon, at l_o'clock. Service at thellerne tery at 2 o'clock. ASH. —On the morning of Fourth day, the 29th inst..; Mary Ash, sued 74 years. The friends of the family are Invited to. attendher funeral from Friends' Meeting House, in Darby, with out further notice, on Sixth-day next, at 9 o'clock in the 44. KUSH. —On the 29th instant, James Keish; son or Rosanna, and the late James Kash, in the 41st year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend Lis funeral, from the residence of his mother, southwest corner of Prune and Fifth streets, above Spruce street, on Saturday morning at o'clock. Fu neral service and interment at St. Mary's, South Fourth street, vv. EtfENAP.—At Cooper's Point, Camden, New Jersey. on the morning of the 29th instant, Ruth Ann, daughter of Samuel T. and Francis Nicholson, and wife of Alfred N. Belknap, in the Nthyear of her age. Fnnerel.froin the residence of her parents, on Satur day, the 2d of July, at 2 o'clock P. M. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend. OBITUARY CAKEROW.—Died in Chesapeake Hospital, Va. June 27th, Captain William Henry Cameron, 6th. Pennsyl vania Cavalry. It is a sad duty owing to, the brave, fallen in defence of the liberties of our country, to pay a last tribute to their memory, and to sympathize with the loved ones left to mourn. We feel this deeply when thinking of the loss we have sustained in the death of our lamented comrade, Captain Cameron, who has passed away in heroic suffering, through sickness caused by exposure whilst in performance of his duties. Entering the 6th Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry in the summer of 1561, as second lieutenant, he served with distinction and marked ability. Promoted to a first lieutenancy, and appointed aid. de.camp to General Davidson, he again displayed those qualities which endeared him to all with whom he came in contact. His indomitable courage, displayed: so often throughout the Peninsular campaign, is well remembered by his late comrades in arms, as well as feelingly acknowledged by hie com manding officers. On General Davidson being trans ferred to the Departnient of the West, Lieut. Cameron returned' to hie regiment, 'whale, promoted to the cap taincy of Troop I, he added fresh laurels - to his name, and to the corps to which he was attached Through the gloom which his sudden demise has cast o'er his - home end his friends there shines forth for them the bright ray of consolation that he fell in a noble and just cause, and that hM pure spirit bas ascended to Him who says it. • A. C. IYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH have a Fine stock of Silks, Fine stock of Shawls, Fine stock of Flannels, Fine stock of Linens, Fine stock of Muslin. io3o c~atl►ir:~.` "Yfg`--tea' GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, COMMENCING ON FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 1. Stoves, Ranges, Hollow•ware. large Church Bell, at to o'clock. - . - Agricultural Implements, heavy Wagons, Carts, arc., at 11 o'clock. Fornitnre, Looking Glasses, Sewing Machines, Mar ble Man tles t Y42u etaine,&c. L at 12 routwains, eve. n4ILo VIV••••• RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT, The sale of the Restaurant will - commence on SATUR DAY MORNING, July 2d, at 10 o'clock precisely, and will comprise 100 Iron Tables, with marble tops; 1,000 Windsor (Theirs, large quantity of Crockery and (Hass ware, Knives and Forks ? 100 sets Plated Casters Also, very large quautity of Kitchen Parniture,Cook- Dig Utensils; M r W ce E ri L e L A Li E u D , GOODS. pS. _ ..... no closing :ale, consisting of miscellaneous articles, will commence on SATURDAY, at 3 o'clock P. IL, :Icily 2d. Cbtalogues of eacb sale to be had at the Fair buildings on morning of bale. ite" Admission 2.5 cents. Season and Committee Ticbetofree. THOS. S. ELLIS, ie3O•3L Chairman of Coinmittee of auctioneers. SALE AT THE • GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. STEAM ENGINES, MACHINERY, ON FRIDAY MORNING, at o'clock, One vertical 13;-horse power Steam Engine; Model Beam Engine, with. Boiler complete; Pickering, Davis, & Co. Engine Emulator , 18 inch Fan Blower, Hand Blower for smith forge; khell Boat, by Lutrbarry Sr Sons: Tylee's Patent cinder Wheel; Patrol & Herring Parlor Fire-Proof,_ handsomely finished . One Fire- Proof by Evens & Watson. Catalogues on morning of sale. THOMAS S. ELMS, Chairman of Committee of Anctioneere. or ART RArIWY, LOGff AUARE, AtiCT ON The Auction Sale of WorkA of Art donated to the Sani tary Commiaelon, at the Great Central Fair, will take place on . TUESDAY EVENING-, July sth. At S o'clock, to be continzed on the following eve , 'a nixie, if necessary. Particulate inn future advertisement, Catalogues in a few days, TIEI4: .COMMITTEE ON RETAIL GROCERIES acknowledge the following con tributions in addition to those already noticed: Chas. Deal Miss $5 00 Jas. W. Campbell ... do 98 00 John Moore do 0 00 C. J. Yell & Bro do 4 80 A. Stephan). & Co do 12 DO G. A. & E. A. Landoll do 14 35 H. B. & G. W. Benner)) do 000 J. H. Cousty • do 2130 Thompson Black & lion do M 15 T. 11. Rowland do 1 85 Andrew Blair do 26 110 Wm. B. Chambers do 10 50 D. S. Herbein do 5 70 Chas. McCullough do 12 26 Samuel Harry do ' 804 Robert Donnell & Eon do 52 10 A. Eppleabeimer do.•••)•• 27 25 Wert & Brown do 10 00 James Craig r. • do.‘ 2 95 John B. 'Parker do ' 48 00 Henry Brooks do 76 80 Joseph. Wale do 4 87 George Soh wanz, Agent do 60 95 Glen Cove Star& Co do••••... 43 V Henry C. Kellogg do 69 89 John Blatr•••••,,. do 000 Jabez Gates do 23 00 H. Kellogg & Sons do 61 36 E. G. Mi lieu do 117.15 Wm. L. Maddock &Co do a 40 . Wm. A. Dacia & Co do 31 08 . Slifer N. West • do 13 00 • John Bower do 20 40 , Win. Clark Cash••••:. 16 00 Wm. Parvin, Jr d 0........• 001'0 . J. Linton do 10 00 T. A. Newhall A Sons Mdse 60 00 Chas. Lewars do 23 40 Jacob Freda do . 15 00 C. Josh Knipe ua Wright do do 802 80 00 Fredk. Brown do 28 00 _ . . - . . Joseph Burnett & Co. Boston do iii 06 PentnP, :itetn, & C o. .' Pew York do 42 00 T. W. floodlit/ St Co, New York do 23 00 John Doughty do 9 50 B. Mookridge &Co d 0....... 21 00 1)aV18 & }ilcbards do 28 50 Win. McMullin , do 600 ... . . . . Rowland & Erylen ' do .. . :.••• • 31 92 John H. Canner. Flemington do 960 N. Hollings & Co ' do 100 06 Jae. W. White do 15 00 Wm. B. Camp d 0....•.. 14 40 11. Walter, Cheater Co do 10 80 Joseph Chatham Cash 2 00 Joseph B. Do&sier & C 0..-.. - Mdse 95 OD Godfrey Koehler do 12 94 A. Exton, Trenton do 12 09 Joseph L. Ogre. do 6 OE Wm. A. Porter • do 35 00 Wm. Baker & Co., Boston do 28 20 Richard Davits, New-Tork do lt/0 BO R. & F. Atmore Cash 26 06 M. Gaiter t••• do 1 00 T. L. Wigan S ''' gil:T.,. Bleat..hll u t' n m c r s a n . , Harrisburg . do 600 • ft . .." . 1000 0 , de......• 10 00 u - ouner & Conud per loan of dry goods. • - - miss H. IL RAVIN. A LBER T 0. .....__ _ Chairman Dulles' Committee. ROGERTS, Chairman Committoe. /t ' 3. E. WEBB; Treasurer. Igr A MEETIIOIG OF TUE •001ZPOItil. TORS or the SOUTH MOUNTAIN IRON COM PANY will be held at No. 230 WALNUT Street, on ne ?minden, at 10 o'clock A. 111.,f0r the p lY nrposo la o l P A or i ' garxuring agreeably to the charter, and . the transaction of such other beefiness as may be promoted. PHILADELPHIA. .711/1830, "se .91-St A DIVIDEND OF TRREE AND A RALF PER CENT. en the PREFERRED STOCK cofoldhpe4fiLytel.wlßinaillt, paid W ou lL a L fi r ar S ua r r itß ul r e_ r yt t a ß t s l i g D o OF JULY, at the Pentierlvabia Rattroad Comnany'e Building,. Room Die. 1, corner of THIRD Street and '8 le • GEORGE TABER ' • A A g i en Y C y fo b rthe PennnYlvanta Sattt oa d do OFFICE fREAVE.B MEADOW BAIL ROA.D AND CCfAL CO., PHIL iDPHIA.,.. July let 185 4. A dtvl.iend of SEVIN AIffECA HALT. P&R OgNT. os the capttaletook of this "Osm_pany- tis 4 been declared, Table on.ezutA ft er MONDAY - • - yl-fmwg* L. .CRAMSZEILLIN. Trossarer. THE PRESS.-PHITADELPITIA, FPIDAS, JULY I, 1864. SrECIA.I. ACKNOWLF.DOMENT, THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. LABOR, INCOME, AND REVENUE. - - .Inns. 1864—Cantributed by Lehigh Railroad Co ... —• . ................... &Moe 00 • Contributed ............ of ditto.• • • 777 72 ----- 62,717 72 Contributed by employees at B. &T. uiter man'S COUlerY• ••• • • • •• • • ................... 189 70 Proceeds of 25 care of coal donated by P. J. Auspacb. 6c Co ................... s . 6gB 06 .............. . ............ 51 ------969 Ul tiCt/avas, • .- . 'Proceeds of 50 cars of coal donated by Ham xn eti, Van Paseo, & Locktellert . . ............. 1,578 03 Brinitted try B. 131VDDAD, rOttSVille: Contributed DT I'. D. Luther .... .. . .... $25 CO Do. Bedell & Itobertson, and entul °yawl at their Collieries.. •. 143 25 . Contributed by U. J. G. Smith & (0., and eniployeoe at their ColliorY• twelor,y) ............................. 74 6 1 3 -...--- 242 85 Proceeds of 58.10 tons donatedby T. 11. Bohol. lenberger and his bands..• .... ........... ••• • . 669 75 Remitted by Geo, W. Cole, Tamaqua; Contriiated by 0. W. Cote, Sup' tof R 040 9- dale Colliery .... •..• • ....... ._.• ... . ..... $ l5O 00 Co.ptribrited by workmen of iteiresdale C,ollicry . • . ............... .. ..... .. . . 250 47 'Contributedby workmen a . tl,evart Col. 38 50 Do. Carter. Allen, & CO., shopped foundry, Tamaqua ........ 100 00 Miscellaneous collectione . . ............ 203 15 - ---- 71112 Remitted by R. G. Coarsen, Treasurer, Scram ton, fioul Collieries, LUZBZII6 County .. .. ~... 2,493 02 Prarionsly reptcted ................ . ........ (T o2i 4 M> " 2 1 '.. TOO, .. •.• .. ; .... • • 4.(;.. ; o" i.• . . .. .... 'i:':542,9113 03 It ' F. PADA., ........... . —. 'WE p• PP.r... ' .- rr 410 E, OF TILE CITY THE 41.- /: t. - : 1 RER, FTILADELPHEA, June 27, 1264. ~ I 'i CR.—The semi-annual interest on the funded o.', of the city of Philadelphia, due fulir'l, 1864, will '.. imid on and after said date, at this office. ja2n- St.-HENRY EMI, City Treasurer. T I C E.—ALL CREDITORS OF Igrthe GREAT CENTRAL FAIR will please send their account's forthwith to the (Mee, No. 132 3 CHESTNUT Street, addressed to Hr. G. A. WOOD, Chairman of the Auditing Committee, having fast ob tained the voucher of the chairman by . whom the at count was opened. HO4ACE HOWARD FURNESS, ie29-4t Secretary. IgirDIVIDEND NOTICE.—OFFICE OF THE MINERAL OIL COMPANY, 524 WAL NUT Street, Philadelphia, June 29, PM. The Boatrd of Directors have this day declared a divi dend of ONE YER CENT. on the capital stock of this company, payable on and after the 9th of July, free of State tax. Tho transfer books will be closed on the Ist of July,at S P. IL, and be opened on the Oth. THOS. IL SEARLE, jeN-9t 4 F Secretary, IarSTATE CENTRAL COILILITTEE.-. The membere of the STATE CENTRAL COM MITTEE will meet for organization at 4 o'clock P. M., on WEDNESDAY, July eth,e.t the bonze of the CHAIR MAN, in HA.RRIEBURG. Pa. By order of SIMON CAMERON. Chairman. THE SUSQUEHANNA AND TIDE* "WATER CANAL COMPANIES have their oftice at No. 417 WALNUT Street, Room No. 4. • The "Transfer Agency . of these Companies, hereto fore in South FOURTH Street, bae been removed to the office of the Companies, at the place above stated. jet 30t Inr• OFFICE UNION' PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, No. 4-19 WALNUT St., Salle 18, 1864.—The second instalment of Five Dollars on each share of the capital Stock of the Union Passener Railway Company will be doe and payable at the oNce of said Company on and after July 7, 1864. By order of the Board of Directors. ,le 140 $9". R. KENBLIS, Secretary. lar NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an instalment of OND DOLLAR PER SHARE on each and every Share of the Capital Stock of the ATHA HIEING COMPANY, has this day been called in, payable on or before the FIRST DAY OF JULY 1 1564, at the office of the Company, No. 324 WAL NUT Street, Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. B. A. HOOPES, Treou3nrar. Pbßadelphis. Jane 8. 7664. jell- tiyi RIGHTIIEASIGHTEII ANNE - VERSA. BY OF AIIIhRICAN INDEPENDENCE. "TEE STATE SOCIETY OP TUE ,CINCINNATI OP PNNLVANIA. The annual stated meeting of "The State Society of the Cincinnatiof Pennsylvania," wilibe held at the LA PIERRE 110138 E, on BROAD Street, below CHEST NUT, on DIONDAT, the 4th day of JOl7. 1864, at 10 o'clock A. N. HARRIS L. SPROAT, 3e27-1 Secretary. tar" NOTIC E TO CONTRACTORS,— PROPOSALS will be received at the Hotel of I. B JOLLY, In Dover, Morris county, N J., on the 6th JULY,for the a ct uation and masonry of the OGDEN MINE RAILROA D, ten miles in length. Plans.specifl. cations, and profiles can be seen, on and after July Let, by applying to GEO. RICHARDS. Prerident. at Dover, or I'. BRADY,Legineer,Catasanous, Penna. GEO. 'RI CHARDS, President. ie27-Sts P. BRADY, Engineer. OFFICE: OT THE WESTMORELAND COAL COMPANY, No. 230 South THIRD Street, corner of WILLING'S Alley. PEULADIUMBIA, June 15. MI. At au:meting of the Directors of the WL'STAIDREL AND COAL COMPANY. held this day. a DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock was declared out of thes.roffts for the past six Months, payable on and after July 1; DM. The Transfer Books will be closed until July 2d next. jel7-144 F H. JACKSON, Treasurer. . OFFICE SOMERSET IRON AND COIL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 61 CEDAR Street, New Twat, June 10,1884. te hereby_ extol - thet.-pursuant,tore resoln-si Hort the'Roard. of Directors, ari instalment of 'WEN,' TY PER CENT. on the subscription to the Capital Stock of the SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be, and hereby is, made-payable to JANES WADSWORTH, Treasurer of said Company, on Or before the 18th day of July _next, .lel3-tiylB Attest: T. N. TYNG, Secretary'. pr. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—THE Mrr CEINTOCENILLE PETROLEUM • COMPANY, Ottice No. 411 WALNUT Street. PIITLADICLPHIA, JIIIIB 22, M.. The Board of Directors have this day declared the third monthly dividend of ONE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, parable at the office of the Company on and after WEDNBSDAI, July 6. 1861. Tile Transfer Books will close on WEDlslsDalt. June likh, at 3 o'clock, until July 6th. Cie23-11V) WE. MOONEY, Secretary. W.' OFFICE OF THE CITY TRE,IL- ElfftEß, PHILADEGPRTA, Jll.llO 27 Mi. NOTICE.—LOANE OF THE CITY OF PHILADEL PHIA, maturing July . 1, 1.5.64, will be paid on pre: asination at this offico—interest ceasing from the date of maturity. HENRY BUlltd. je2ll4t . • City Treasurer. IUNIVEBSITY OF PENNSYL- U VANIA—DEPARTMENT OF ARTS. —The An nual Commencement, for conferring Degrees in the Arts. will be held on FRIDAY. the Ist day of .Inly, in the MUSICAL FUND HALL. The Procoksion will leave the College Ballet 10 o'clock A. M. The Reverend. Clergy, Judges of the United States and State Courts, the Mayor of the City, Select anti Common Councils, the Board sof Directors and President of the Girard Col lege, the Principal of the Central High School, the can didates for the Degree of Master of Arts, and other Graduates of the University, are invited to attend. GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary a the 'Faculty of Arts. tar" THE BANKERS' AND BROKERS' TELEGRAPH COMPANT—lncomorated under the laws of the States of New Turk, New „TeoSoy, Mary land, and the District of Colombia, and by special ant of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, , May lath, 186., and organize d in Philadelphia, with the following as EIRE-PROOFS, &c WAINWRIGHT, President. J. S. RITTENROUSE, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS. GEO. W. INcl,RAlf, Esq., firm of Jerome, Riggs, & Co., New York. - H. L. OAW, Esq., Arm of Gaw, Macalaster, & Co., Philadelphia. JOHN 8. NBWI3OLD, Esq., firm of Newbold', Son, & Aertaea, Philadelphia. - WM. FISHER, Esti.. firm Of WM. Fisher & Bons, Baltimore. LEONARD J. FORMBY, Esq. Baltimore. Theo bject of the corporation is to erect two 'sets of poles and wires, forming a double line, to ran by dif ferent routes, connecting the cares of bow York, Phila delphia, Baltimore, and Washington, and all the prin cipal intermediate points, and 'o establish offices for the reception and transmission of telegraphic messages, and, by connecting with other lines at the main notate, to be able to send messages to all parts of the United States and Canadas. The kind is now in course of constriction, and con tram have been entered into for the purchase of wire and other materials. None will bo used except of the best quality, and It is contemplated to have one set of wires in operation between the main points in leas than sixty days, and the of her set will be put up and in ope ration immediately afterwards. No en terpribeMow in the market offers equal prospects of profit with that of telegraphing, and the nature of the business proposed to be done by this Company, as its name implies, warrants its stock being recommended to the public as a choice investment. A careful estimate, based far below the actual espa city, of the number of wires proposed to be employed by Me . Company shows that , with proper management, it can earn and deelare a dividend of IS to 29 per cent. per annum. Books for subscription to the eapital stock of this Company will be opened In the city on WEDNESDAY, 29th inst., at the ofhee of Messrs. CHAS. CAMBLOS & CO., 38 South THIRD Street,and remain open until 3 o'clock on SA's URDAY, 'July 9th. The subseriptimus received will be ysynble to Instalments. It is iltended to have the interest divided in the different Cities through which the line will pose; there fore but a limited amount of the stook will be offeredim each. Further particulars will be given neon applying at the office of CHAS. CAMBLOa.St CO. Je2B-(it - 38 South THIRD . Street. • MILITARY. - • • READQVARTERB PROVOST. MAR WAY, FIRST DISTRICT, PA, PRILADELPIMI, June It, 1154. The names of persons rem nv lag to or from this District will be added to or stricken from the Detour enrolment. Copies of the Hits are open forablic inspection, and civil officers and all citizens are Invited to appear and point out errors in the lists and give such information as may aid iit the correction and' revision thereof, Any person enrolled may appear before the Board and claim to have his name stricken off the list if he can show satisfactorily that he is not properly enrolled, on account of dlienage, Non. residence, Ouer-ape, Permanent Physical Dasaifility. A compliance with the foregoing suggestions is ear nestly solicited. WM. R. DEB !JAN, Captain and Provost Marshal. FROTEINGHAM & WELLS HEAVY, ItEDLUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SIIIRTINOS. STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CABIBRICS AND SILESIA& BROWN_, BLEACHED. AND CORSET 4E ANS. No. )2 ' WORSTED YARN, dro. GOMM( ►fop FAMILIES RESIDING DI THE COUNTRY. We are prepared, as heretofore, to Imply families at their Country Residences with every description of RINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &v., 4ke. ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, Corner ELEVENTH and VINE NA GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.-STEREO SCOPIC pictures of the interior and exterior, viz: 'Onion Avenue, Fine Art Gallery; Horticultural Depart ment, Arms and Trophies,Firemen's Department, the Contested sword , the 015 Ermine. the Thousand-dol lar Baby House, the Union Vase, the Jacquard Loom. the Old Thatch Kitchen the Penn Parlor, tho Carriage Department, the Engine Department, Large Dining Room, India Rubber and Gutta Perch% Department, philadeippla Rifle Club. Furniture and Carriage De• partment, Agricultural Department, the John Stevens, the first steamboat on the Hudson: New Jersey De• partment, -Photograph Department, Labor, Income, and Revenue Department; Autograph and Relic De partment., the Indians. Children's Department, Dela ware Department, Exterior Views of the Entrances, &c., &0., &o , &c., &c. &c IIIcALLISTER & BROTHER. irl-5t 725 CHESTNUT Street. TB- - glance, that B. P. RRIKER'S IVORYTYPES are tuartvalled in style, coloring, and arrangement. They aParoxitoateperfeetion in art,. ' OS* Aittni lt• 20 BELS..PURE OLD JERSEY APPLE • Nini/SKlr, for sale by 14::"1 0 ; MIDDLETUN. • 6 North/11,0AT Street. COAL COMMITTEE• OUTAGE OF TICE GIRMin itisup.ANos; ANNDirt, AND. TRUST CO. OF PHI Art JUNE 30th, 1861. TheloArd of IdAdilniers 'have. thks das , declared Dlyi. dend. of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock tal the last a t mouths, payable to the Stockholders, clea or the State and United States taxes, ou demad. j3l-3t. JOUR F. JAMES, Acta . itgr" A. atErrritio or 10r,i61 front the Ward Beauty Fund Cup be held at the District Court Boona.No. 7- ner of SIXTH. and CHESTNUT treet,' EYENINti next, July 2d, at 5 S o'cl7 tentlanceis connected JOHN N. ITAJENTINF SPr TOVNG Ilar"tbe Count:Mg.,' TENDEN'B coatim NUT Street., corgi No Tacatio:n aw study je3o-411, S. GALLERY, NOW for the benefit of the --le U. S. Sanitary Commission, at r r. Joseph Harrison, Jr.. No. gin IT Street, will closest 6 P. M. on SA. illloo.S, the 2d July. 3t.'o ARMY GOODS. IZSZEZMEEI E TRUTH IS MANIFEST AT FIRST ----___ NEW PUBLICATIONS. BIDEERAYBIBS or BUCCESSPUL PI3ILAMELPITIA. METICII.A. NTS. PUBLISHED BY J'AMES. If...SIMON, 440. as SOUTH SIXTH STREET, -, PHILADELPHIA. .These BIOGRAPHIES are carefully compiled; W:3" intereattog incidents of the career Of Map . 0i• ti o ._1::::: e ; most commercial men of NE COMMallityt 'ELft;;',„ personal sketches are comprised in the fitfi , }l ,' a „,,,,,a. Nvitlx an Introduction and an Essay fra , r' , A ifl" emend PILOSPERITS OP DMIECITAIrTS.'' 13.11 tr: -.c u l t axie i p btra dd . accurate YOU'PIiNITO iQN STBET.• Eve.. , ' ..,,,,r,r- sboula secure a copy of thlayDllX:. ±1...--- ,' 66 FATIVIOTIC AND 5 .', • AIN: G ' :_A.S .T: ry 1-1 . - F , n- tj G - I_, E ? 0 1 4 e . SPIRIT OF THE 1500LICT9`. 3-' musramrso , , NAVAL AND MILITARY Vr.r1,017..;;AY DASHING RAIDS, TRIIII.L . , .., s. , HEROIC, DEEDS. IYEF ~.."' • *ROVING 0 •••, iL .,.. ; , • -e ~ 001). ill; 00 ' )7 Atrd‘b.* • Oi ' allet everith,ll the bolat F, 117 S' A RETAIL DRY GOODS. CIVIL AND ARMY CLOTHS. MIDDLESEX 6-4 LIGHT BLUES. ALL GRADES DARK BLUES. 3-4 AND 0-4 INDIGO FLANNELS. 34 AND 6-4 BLUE CASSIMERES. 34 AND 6-4 DOESKINS. FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS. • ADO. DO. , COATINGS. DO. DO. CASSIMERES. BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE CLOTHS CLOTHS FOR COA.OHMAKERS. ALL KINDS TRIMMINGS, tic. fro at GRIT -037 CHEST r at any time, and :ix convenience. . W. T. SNODG-RASS,- jyl-lin 31 S. EECORD :But 33 STRAWBERRY Sts BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. • NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. We are still selling our Black Silks at the same 'prices as we did early in the season, notwithstanding the re cent advances. MANTLE SILKS, ALL WIDTHS. Plain Silks, all colors, $1.30 to $5.76. Fancy Silks, $1 to $2.50. Rich heavy, handsome Tansy Silks , s2.B7 to $8.30. Elcb4Clieue Silks, at $2.B7'N, worth $3.50. - at 511 1125, $4. " a .76 " ~att ' 75,, .` $7.50 30 pieces small Plaid Silks, at $1.28, worth 61.80. H. STEEL & SON, Noe. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street. -AiW HIT E BAREGE IS FOR SHAWLS, Circulars, kc. 8-4 While iiernaul. 8-4 White Gauze Maretz. 8.4 White Crape Meretz. 8-4 Black Ilereani Bareges. - BA Black Tamartiues. 48-4 Black Mirages. 8-4 Black Crape Maretz. 6-4 Black De-Laines. 6-4 White Biertitoes. . 6.4 Black Merinos. EDWIN JULE St CO., je3o.= 26 South SECOND Street. wfiIMAIL DE PARIS" FOR THE • AL4 SKIN. —This • delightfol preparation is espe cially recommended to ladieeabont visiting thocountry or sea shore, for removing the diecolorations caused by sunburn or salt air. The "Email do Paris" is en dorsed and universally used by the ladies or the French anpitaL EUGENE JOUIN; No. /la S. TENTH Street, below Chestnut, .g, nt for !'Email de Paris. .ien-inif BARGAINS. • Melton Cassimeres. .00 Marseilles Quilts. 608-4 Damask Table Cloths. $3.608-10 Damask Table Cloths. 19-cent neat Plaid L4lllOB. 50-cent 4 4 Plaid Mora= biudes. $l. IX) Mohairs, colors and black. 50-cent, Black Wool Delaines. 62- cent Plain Wool Delaines. $3.00 Black Shawls. 16.00 Plaid Luna Bbawle. COOPER & CONARD, S. B. cor. NINTH and MARIEBT Streets. inrARRIB' MIXED OASSIMERES. Light mixed Cassimeres, fur boys' suits. Melton and Plaid Cassimeres. Merino Cassimeres and Cashmeretts. Linen Drills, Satinets and Cottonades. • Ladies' Cloaking Clothe, choice shades. Loom and Damask Table Linen, cheap. Towels, Towelling, and Napkins. Large assortment at ' • JOHN H. STOKES', • 3e . 702 i ARCH Street The Vr ten g o o n so of aVc ‘ m p t i lE T ßTlTl l G N lTM 'Watering Places.' or ' the Country," is respectfully invited to the extensive stock of WRITE GOODS. suitable for SUMMER •• WEAR, for WRITE BODIES, MORNING • WRAPPERS, .tc. An extensive assortment is offered In Lace ,and Worked Edgings and Insert - lugs Veils, Handkerchiefs. CollareySieeves,and in Main and fancy Plata, Striped . and Figured White Goods, AT PRICES VALUEELOW THEIR PRESENT RETAIL 'CO Printed Linen Cambric Dresses. A lpo pieces Puffed, Tucked, and Striped 41slins. ~~ ~~ - ..r _~. pitoposALs FOR LOAN. Sealed offers will be received at this Department, under the act of March 3, 1803, until noon of WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of July, 1664, for bonds of the .United States to the amount of THIRTY-THREE MILLIONS OP DOLLARS, being the amount of unaccepted offers under the Notice of Proposals - for Loan, dated 6th instant. The bonds will bear an annual interest of aixper centum, payable semi-annually in coin, on the first days of July, and January of each year, and redeeitable after the 90th of June, Iffah - - Each offer must be for fifty or one huildred dollars, or some multiple of one hundred dollars; and must state the sum, including premium, offered for each one hun dred dollars in bonds, or for fifty, when the offer is for no more than fifty. Two per cent. of the principal, ex cluding premittra,,,bf the wholoamount offered, must be deposited, as guarantee for payment of subscription if accepted, with the Treasurer of the United States at Washington, or with the Assistant Treasurer at New York, Boston; Fbiladelphia,..or St. 'Louis; or with the Designated Depository at Baltimore, Pittsburg , Cincin nati, Louisville, Chicago , Detroit; or Buffalo; or with any National Balling AisOciation authorized to receive deposits which -may consent to trineact•the -business without charge. Duplicate certificates Of deposit will be issued to depositors by the eMeer or : association re ceiving them, the originals, of which must be forwarded - with the offers to the 'Deoarttoeut, 'Allrdeposits should be made in time for idviciof ufferiililipertificates to reach W a shington not later thatiche iriottrirgf of July 6. No offer , (accompanied by its proper certificate of de posit w considered. . - • The Co on and Registered• Bends issued will be of the i t, denomine.gons of $6O, $lOO, (5306, and SIAO. Registered Bond a of Stabia LI d $10,030 will also beissned Urea/Aired. All offerir*irived will 'be opened on Wednesday, the 6th of July, by the Secretary or one of the Assistant Secretaries, The awards will be made by the Secretary to tho higheiCoffemens and- notice of acceptance or de clination will be immediately given to-the respective offerers; and, in case 'of acceptance, bonds of the de scriptions and denominations preferred will be, sent to the subscribers at the cost of the Department, on final payment of instalments. The original deptreit of two per cent. will be reckoned In the last instalment paid by successful offerers, and will be immediately re turned to those whose offers may not be accepted. The amount of accepted offers must be deposited with the Treasurer, or other officer or association authorized to act under this notice, on advice of acceptance of offer, or as follows: One-third on or before the 10th; one third on or before the lrElt ; and the balance, including the premium and original two per cent. deposit, on or before the 20th of July. Interest on bonds will begin • with the date of deposit. Parties preferring may pay the accrued Interest from date of bond, July t to date of deposit. Offer; tinder this noticeahotdd be endorsed "Offer for Loan," and addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury. No offer will be considered at a less rate of premium than four per coal. S. P. CHASE, ,Secretary of the Treasury. Notice to Officers receiving deposits under this advert tisernent preliminary certificate of deposit of two *cent. fainit not be credited upon your accounts cur ti as it Is to be included In the anal deposit. 1e23-7t EY,ANTH CAPITAL, 1,111,5,000. DIRECTORS. HENRY G. MORRIfir of Morris, Tanker, & Co., Pascal Iron Works, Fifth and Tastier Streets. CHARLES S. CLOSE, of Close & Nesbit, Handers, No. MG Reed Street. JAMES M. , PRESTON, Manufacturer of Woolen Goods, Manayunk. J. A. WATERS. of J. A. Waters & Co.. Wholesale Grocers, No. 12S Market Streot. S. B. COUGILLIN,BeaI &tate, No. 002 North Thirteenth Street. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent Phila'da end ifliv York Express • S. E. Co., No. 14 South Delaware Ave. GEORGE W. HILL, Manufacturer of Carpetings, No. no North Third Street. J. W. SOUDER, Wholesale Boots and Shoes, No. 609 Market Street. J. Z. DEIIAVEN, Importer of Winos, Brandies. &c., This Bank having been duly authorized to commence .butinestruuder the National Currency Act, is now pre pared to race*. DEPOSITS. make COLLECTIONS, and trammels GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Discount days on TIMDAY and FRIDAY of each week. iTI-fmw6t • • S 0, DEWALD, • , S. N0.'411 CHESTNUT Staeet t . STOCK AND BILE BROKIN. • ON COMMISSION. Siaital attention to COAL AND OIL. STOOKS. ' jyl-8m IICEDIER'S CARTES DE YISITE ARE %Jou executed to various and beautiful atileal;auid min uet fill to paeano tbe• moat ortheal. observer. See 13 , PSI at SECON ID Street, above Green. , it ;• 14 F. REIMER'S LIFE-51714,119T6e • OILAPHSja oil colors are rare ot ehect photograph le art —faultleas In kyle. aossura4 In Imitates ' , expreown. and coloring: Qallery AAHH GGELIitt 3013 .ES, IP, POEMS, 4 ;;;,. ANECDOTES, I k o c onnected with the war from ter to the present Writ: By' ~,-0411300R FOR RIMIER READING. Ntl. Ur. Paper Cover , 41.23. iby JAMES °HALLER & SON, /.308 CHESTNUT Street. .of all Bookeellfil ~ i k , TS WANTED. 1024 CIIMITPUT STRUT E. M. NEEDLES. PIirre'TY . 4 . 777ZDMVI77I FINANCIAL. TATUBVIKY:DEPARTYMIT. Jane Z. NATIONAL BANK, NO. 216 ,MARKET STREET, CORNER OF STRAWBERRY, TO BE INCREASED TO srioo,ooo Noe. 30 and 32 South Delaware Avenue J. Z. DEIIAVEN, President. E. S. ILtLL, Cashier FIRE -FE $ OF SAFES. qgy PHILILDMVPHLA. AGAINST TILE WOILLD t t A. cizA3LI,,EN,Gr'E ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ,:„ Ls orran,ED TO TEST ' - rhi l ad f P k Alalla agairst New York. .001411ICTS, in 1856 the Corn 4chaVa Bank of Philadielplita pur chased one of Evans & Watson's Bank and Burglar. proof Safes, which is now in nee in their vault, con structed In the manner that Evans & Watson's Safes are fel' Abet purpose, with their Patent Alphabetical Lock on. Since that time the above.mentioned Bank purchased one of "Lillie's (so-called) Burglar-proof Ba,Rt. " The officers of the Bank, in purchasing Lillis's Safe, presumed that they were getting a better Safe than those made by Evans & Watson for that purpose; and said Corn Exchange Bank officers having recom mended this New York Safe, and, in doing so, havt vested many thousands of dollars to Troy, New York, instead of retaining it among Philadelphians, alma whom they depend for patronage, I, David Evans, will now give an opportunity of proving whether the Safe they purchased from Evans & Watson or the one pur chased of L. Lillie is the best Burglar-proof Safe. I will place ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS in Cash, and they (the Bank officers) of Lillie, or any other person in The united States who has confidence in Lillie's Safe, shall place the Wme amount in the hands of a respectable person; and I, with one man to assist me, will operate on their (LIMO Safe, and they may get any two men in the United States to operate on the Burglarproof Safe made by Evans Sc Watson, and hinge at the present time in the said Bank. And if I succeed in getting into Their Sa-fe sooner than they shall get into the Evans & 'rats= Safe, then I am to receive the two thousand dollars; but, if they succeed in getting into the Evans & Watson. Safe sooner than I dp thS Lillie,Safe, they shall receive the two thousand dollars. Provided that they shall not make any mere noise than I make in getting into Lillie's Safe, as noise Is what burglars dread most. It is alto provided that no alterations have been made since June let, Mt Now, as I have given this opportunity of testing the qua litiesof the two Safes, I hope the Bank officers will be as willing to haie the test made as they were - In recommending Lillie's (Re called) Burglar-proof Safes heretofore. And, as they are the only Bank having one of - each of the differeut make of Safes in use, I consider this Bank the best place to test them. Let the trial be made, and thus demon strate to the Philadelphia public which is the best Burglar-proof Safe. Let there he a committee appointed from each of the Banks to see that there is fair 'play on both sides. I claim the right to change the combinations of the lock on the Evans & Watson Fare, awl, no person but myself to know. the combinations, and they to do the same With the lock on their Lillie Safe bCfore commenc ing operations. I will now stale the manner in which I propose to operate: I first saw off the brass rim over the lock dial: I then drill a hole through the door, directly over the dial, as close as possible, and immediately over the centre; I then insert a piece of wire, about the eighth of an inch thick, through the hole so drilled, turning the knob of the lock dial to the right until the pin eutes the first tumbler, when it will pas s in a b ou t a quarter of an inch; then torn the knob to the left till the pin enters into the second tumbler; then to the right again till it passes through the next tumbler. and, in case of a large Bank Safe, again to the left, until it passes into the last tumbler; I then throw the bolt, first pulling the pin out. Lillie, in his pretended acceptance of my cliallenke in The Press of the 14th instant, makes we of this language: "Being unwilling to fraternize with thiovee, or to become their tutor, we do not now publish our method of operations tg getting into Safes." I now mil upon my Philadelphia friends to read the following extract, taken from the Evening Telegraph of April 16, 1964, published by Lillie or his agent, and judge for yourselves who was the original instructor - of thieves: •• My opponents place the wrought iron outside, and the steel or iron, Is Idch is hard, inside; and attach the one to the other by rivets, which, as they come to the outside, are easily destroyed. A square of sufficient dimensions may soon be taken out by drilling a sneces. Mon of holes around it, and the hardest steel or it on In the rear Is not protected, and is easily broken. A single hole may be drillea in the front of the Safe or Vault door, and powder may be inserted between the two plates, and easily blow open the door. "Moles are eastly.drilled opposite to the end of the door bolts, a punch will then force them back, and the door ie open.. " ledoed, where a drill can be applied there te no /Weir." If we admit his method of drilling a succession of say twenty holes to cut out the miter plates, as be proposes, in how much less timo will it take to drill only one small hole in his door, and then pick his lock in halt a minute (which has been done), without cutting and chiseling, and, of course, without making any noise? TIOGA COUNTY (PA.) BANK BOPPED On the' night of the 25th .of May, the Tioga County Bank, of Pennsylvania, was robbedzatlylnl7.4l, • • sevonTana Fed ria - rtienti-ir s ve &tars and eighty- three cents, in United States bonds, gold;' and 'greenbacks, and retired currency of the bank. Payment of the bonds is stopped. Five thousand dollars of the amount is in special deposits of Svc -twenty bonds, and over three thousand dollars in .gold. A reward of three thousand dollars is offered for the recovery of the pro perty. and two thousand dollars for the detection of the burglars. The Girard Bank of Philadelphia received& telegraph message, stating that it was one of LILLIE'S Afti.4E OF SAFES that was ROBBED as above stated. EVANS & WATSON hive also received a. letter from the cashier of the aboie Bank, stating that the Safe robbed was marked ". Lillie's Patent," and that . they drilled a bole through the Safe and blew it open with gunpowder. The above letter can be seen at Brans & Watson's Store, 10 South B'OI3ETB Street. Now, Philade/phians, ibis is one •of the Safes that Lillie asserts are the only Burglar-proofs made that cannot be drilled or bloWn open with gunpowder, as he asserts in the Evening Telegraph of April IS, Mit If fdr. Lillie intends to accept of my challenge, he must do so without any deviation from the terms pro posed, for reasons explained in the above challenge. irl-fant3t if THE 00PARTNERSHIP. • H4RETO - C. C. LOWER and H. W. RANK, in the Wholesale Tobacco Engines., tinder the firm ot LOWER & RaNK, is this day dissolved by mu. Lust consent. The business of the late firm will be set tled by eitherof the partners at No. 140 North THIRD. Pnii.Ammrni.a, July 1,1864. H. W. Rum. of the late firm of Lower & Batik; will continue the bodiless as heretofore, at soma place. • H. W. HANK. PIIILADSLPHIA, Snly I. 1861 j5l. 3c. TIISSOLITIEIN OF - 0 0 P A.R SIIIP.--The firm of ALTEMUS & COZENS was solved on the 7th day of May. 1564, by mutual consent, and WILLIAM B. II COZENS authorized to settle op the business, havinfignarehased George W. Altenras' In terest ineold firm. WI L LIA M W. ALTEMOS. B. N. 'COZENS. WILLIAM B. N. COZENS continues the business and admits to an interest in his blisinlass. from this date; WM. B. HENRY and DAVID FILSON, trading as WILLIAM B. Di. COZENS & CO. WILLIAM B. N. COZENS. PSILADELPITIA, Tone 30. 1861. ITI-St• THE FIRM OP SHIPLEY, HAZARD, JR. & DBTCHINSON, to this day dissolved by mutual consent, Sainuel R. Shipley retiring.' The business w ill be continued by the rewatning partners under the name of HAZARD , &' HUTCHINSON. The business of the late firm will be settled by 'either of the undersigned. - .SAMUEL H. SHIPLEY, BYRNCER H. HAZARD: PEMBERTON S. MDTCHLTSON. PITILADELNITA, July 1, 1854. jyl-8t• TEE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE ASSO:. CIATED themselves together under the Arai or BOLTON, DYKBBIAN, and will.eonOnue the Car Building business 1 n its branches at. the old establishment, corner TWIRITY-FIRST and HAMIL TON Streets. JOS. B. BOLTON'. GEO It DYKRHAIL • O. W. CHILDS. Im* Strrx 1,1581 'WILLIAM-A:KENNEDY HAS THIS Y T day_been associated with his brothers, wastes . firm of TItOS. KENNEDY Si 13R08. THOS. ILIMiNEDY. . . SAKI.. -J. - KIINNHDY, • WILLTAM - A. KENN EDY. PXILADBLPHIA. July 'I, Mt. , Ito LUKENS & HAYNES HAVE THIS DAY DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP by notlial 'iioaPent. Settlements will be made, as heretofore, at /IC 01 South 2017/a/1 Street. • • EDWARD LUKENS, June 21. lat. tlytatej Ti RN RY...H. _HAYNES.. pur.LADELPHIA, JULY 1, 1864 PARTNERSHIP.—I have THIS HAY admitted CHARLES W. SCHIVARTZ, JOHN G. KELLEY, AL BERT GRAFF, JOHN K. SIXFSON, and OWEN F. HUBER to an interest in my business under the name of A. H. FRANCISCIIIS dc CO: ift-tit ILERANCISCUS, 513 BARRET Street. THE FIRM OF T. ELLWOOD ZELL & -A- CO. expires Tms DAY b 7 limitation. The busi ness *ill be continued by T: ELLWOOD ZELL, at toe seine location, No. 17 and. 19 South SIXTH Street, who trill settle the basinera of the late firm. r, M. BROOMALL RETIRES FROM the firm of s T. AUGE .4 Cfl.. and SIMON SNY DER: formerly of Hammon, Snyder, & Co., becomes a partner from CAR date. • . j 1.-Sts LILLIE'S CHILLED-IRON.SAIPE. • .14..3 • "NOT MUD, BUT LPTETR." David Evans, Beg., of the Firm of Renas & Watson: It would seem from your late notice in the Evening Telegraph and other newspapers that you have opened a school of instruction for testing Lillie's Chilled-trod Safe,acting,aswe presume,in a two-fold capacity—drat, DA the instructor of thieves; second, are the protestor of the people—two very resprmeiNgposltions, traly. Now.as we are very desirourro aid you in every way in this important work, (important to the thief that he may not uselessly employ &is time or expose his per eon; important to the people that they may know and feel that their treasures are secure,) we propose. in the future, to warrant every Bank. Safe that may be fold by our Agent at Philadelphia proof against your scientific attainments in the art of burglary, and as you have so disinterestedly voluuteered to luetruot this ar t, the burglar and protect give yon in this coo - rhea take the liberty to give 9011 timely notice of the arrival of each Safe: a nd we not only ask you te . test eath dare on their arrival upo your new scientific plan. as publicly announced, outl wo claim that we Lave the right to insist upon it In your new position as a public teacher and benefactor; and if this is not a sufficient reason, we have still another to urge. :Your present facilities for a satisfactory test are very deficient, as you have bat one very imperfect. Sore to operate upon, and if you accept our proposition, your field•of operations will be , much enlarged. and. , yoar efferta may prove much more satisfactory to thepublio. .We slow admit, as we, ever have, If you succeed to ge hi l der o lana hole through the y door , in the.eirVitstil' wayproo practical to the burglar, the Safe is mit ,bargiar-.; The first Safe we . aball• expect yon to test as above • proposed; lea Safe just ordered for a bank in the istic' tenter of'tbe State. - We expect It to arrive in Rhifadel •phig, and to be ready: for, a test., on MONDAY, theliati of July,:at 10 o'clock A.. M.; and-ehould theta be.any delay in itsarrival it will'he announced in dine. We trust you will be ready for this test • Respectfully. LBWIS LILLIS & SON. M. C. SADLlWagrent, . 21 South SEVINTR-Street. DR raTERAD,CABBAGE PLANTS,- . • the hundredAintLibousand, at MEE'S SEED VA.Xt QUESI-REAEMAUT.EDE*4. .` - .:.a • DAVID 2jJJd Qj • WANTS. O SHOEMAKERS. —W ANTED— •A• T Good ITANRS to Last and Finish on all kinds of Work, men and women's; fair wages and steady em- Floi meat. B P. MOLINE/LUX, 408 COMIFpor. street. rourth Story. F- —Jt , man to nib - down and turn Beet-legs. 371-3 t. WANTED -A SITUATION AS BOOS,- KEEPER or ?SALESMAN by a Nan of briefness tact audAnerience,vith good reference, Address • ' Frost," Pres* Office. : jytArt A SINGLE GENTLEMEN, A MAR MIT-Street erchant, desires two commnntotting rooms in a pleasant lobatiois. without hoard. Rerere nose if necessary. Address " g 7" Box 2802 P. 0. je3o-21a AGENTS WANTED TO BELL THE Standard History of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from COO to SZOO per month. 200,000 volumes already sold. Send for circa- Jars. Address JONES. EROS., & Co., rabbet:fors, BAL. TIMORB, Md, ielS-Im* WANTED—A SITUATION AS AS cr.rk . sis ir kas.e,icl:ll7i: stet al u7"Or . " gi n nlin n "; °thee preferred. Testimonials a s .-,.t0 character and dddresg "W. 13, t ~olice. j71.2.t. ANTAITTED-TWE:FTW GOOD WHEELWRIGTS AND WACION-MASERS ; steady, reliable men wanted, and:Amoy employment. apply to RED B.Y. SIMONS, U. S. National Wagon Works: je3o.Bo' SECOND and CUMBERLAND Streists. "WANTED—THREE' SIIIPATITUTES: p. ~of good fighting qiittlitlea r _for the Army of inetb, to represent a gentleman czempt (1L..., - Apply at 205 weiaria.ft ; ?wig: -tf WANTZTL—A CUTttli - I6N t/i.pgß BOXES: ob. That finderatands the bueineTa‘u• 13 South FOURTH bt., GEORGE RATES. ,igowitt. NV -ANTED-A Y ataq (4 MAN TO 6 goods to Jobbers and make himself general.% nieful. One acquainted witlt thti Valley Geode bad. ~'• • preferred. Address P. alcelßsrl2l.9, With refeceltbe., it 2S-4? • WANTED - TEN . IO.Vi)D CARP TERS, Highest wagis p 10'nd constaoM ployment given. Apply to • 6 . , ft & Major . . LAIDLFW je24-13t Command' , ford ~getial. , .... $16,000 LOA-: GATfi D at s3l i ''r.l:ll-- '''''' ' 72 ' S. W. krimpt u , .4 ~,.. WO. St* 24-4 tit : 11 . fc) tHto 4. sal - ) A MONTH !—I V..WA,01/ B ~,,-, at TEO a. mo nth, ex:penae, tttliellt ni t, LASTING PENCILS. ORLSN -,BURNA sma .., other articles, Fifteen oircolareistktiree. -% N.' ap3o-ll&rdm JOHN F. LORH,l33ddeford4Kalw f 1 WANTED-TONEM...,,FITENiSIV: LED ROUSE lt Apply to R. •-CAOESBECK, pinta' hotel. • .1.030.35." BOARDING. BOARDING_—TWO e a , rooms TO LET, at 132 North , v`A' 41n En RESORTS. COLUMBIA HOUSE, . . .4 . Mega . ...- The Gallen' %V _ed to the pnblic on evert week day, ut.ol4L—Qact co, from BA. M. toIOP. N.. oji, and alpfag t i4.7l- x ? , Jane 20. - Seal at 55c Si 22. inclusive, SO cents. - „,•-r, r•c i CAnDLES..ar r logues 25 cents. of about, • -7 7, ''''' ' :ONE 25 cen • isent almaliz al i •- : 91 i.e. 4 . 1 „ .1 ;'• 0 ‘' . or on No.' e attest. advanced ab ''..‘,..5. 51- ~.$l . COFFEE. va.t• Vt.- N,....- ~r , , ,i ' ... .., ' i'4l-Im* chnnaed ; 389 . 'ilt:i.' .5 '4I-11.151 ZIA' .24 II T - Domingoat' <O W+ SP - ' ..onthe•ques- COTTON,-9 w IS' ?"-i IffarAeggig_ CARL I S LE WHITE SULPhilual remain.. mess are :Atha l 'A-V,'N'' -c. .' cirn . ii(;/ D. Cti -- SPRINGS. —The Proprietor takes pleasure in aew street told at AR. 4401 G. 0 •_.,,,,4_,_,71 ~' pouncing that this favorite and fashionable Water/ 50;000 'for • . . DR 1368 AIN a ' 0 - 4.i' - ',...a>1y . ..A,\. LI. fin nuts . Place is now open for visitors. The personal and - h e Im i no . , making at L00T.% ;0o c*ITIO7IfIGHTLY. divided attention 0; the proprietor will be given to . 4 q p-t a i. t o . i' tinues tirm, with r \ ia• 10-.,,1, wants and comforts of his guests. jy - l-ltn. .. N. W. WOODS. Proprie. . s*' •; °4 ' f°r _...o il ' ' - ti Vati., ERE bay A. ; ...t -''' f 1Y. T 1 1 454 " ..,..0.- ttat 72,..V, 4',1- _ . ~. L. — Diackerel uVELY PERSONAL. roakin MR. 3 E. lirdl . LAST MIGHT BUT 021. E, of the • ~.. 4; 4 P . - GORGEOUSLY BRILLIeNT PRODUCTION; 70' - . •-.• • THE NEW SEVEN SISTERS, • - ' r • - - r . - - . . . ~• . Which last evening achieved an , - . ,• . . r ENTHUSIASTIC SUCCESS! All the New Scenes, New Characters, New So., ~.- • 7,; .-- :-.-- New Dances &c., were received by the - ... ... - . CROWDED AND FASHIONABLE AITDIENOI . ':''' ' 1 with unbotuided Demonstrations of Delight. -LAST NIGHT T BUT ONE o . - r In V hlrlnntiirl j e 3 =e l ; i n l lttion of *: ''' ' MOTHER PLUTO. . 44" , -...'''''-'...;:';,.. PRICES OF ADMISSION: Dress Circle or Parquet 50 Can •. • - '1" Family Circle 25 Cen.W''': . l. - An''' Orchestra Seats 75 OtealaN - w.-- - ...., , ,z.., Six of the Front Benches on).y are reserved as Orchelfc 14-- ....er-;. •• tra Seats. No excrii chairs for Securing Seats. ..:,•;:"."40 - rwrc....: GRAND FAISLir MATINEE ON SATDIMAX AFTRII4 '' ' ' - ':t l 'll li ' '. ',..: NOON. . , : .,74 , 44-''''' ., r i„.8.,. I YIN DREW'S NEW ARCH. --,,,,,, ...4,7 - 0 ST. 0, THEATRE. .. , _ qBENEFIT OF CECILE RUSH, LAS' lOHT BUT ONE OF MISS LOTI'A: - ---',. to-ri IGHT (Friday) .inly 1, Wee, D 430.13.,AH, THE FORSAKEN. - - Deborah. Cecile Rush. Herman Barton HUI. Preyioufito the play the comedietta of ' :1 JENNY LIPID. Jenny Lin ... " .. •All .s s L otte.. To concl ,de. with A BANJO SOLO, and MRS. McOOWAN'S REEL, SA lIDAY, BENEFIT OP MISS LorrA_ . \ %. , A Glorious Bui. Lin CAPE MAY- f , ' - ~ 1 . , .... • - BY 4 • t' ' ' le question , I/Concord to -, 0" -- i Tan in 'Nett GEOEGB J. BOVNtee, to Which PERSONAL. ---JET BALL EAR OPS, 60 cents. 010 RACE Street. j31.-2t. gAMIIEL MAROT, DEALER IN LIME. 1 " ,, BUILDING STONE, and COAL. Yard• DINTA Street, above Thompson, (west side.) Orders received by William sfaret, dr., SUL Spring Garden street; Chas, Keret, 25 N. Sixth at. (second Story ), and S. Maret,' 434 Chestnut at. (second story). N. B.—An experienced Salesman wanted. my3l-bn'. It SALE AND TO LET. TO LET THE SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, A2O) FIFTH Floors of the Spsoious NO. 221 CHESTNUT STREET. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. Apply on the premises to jyl-2t* CHAS. G, WIGHTMAN 2: CO. FOR SALE-VALUABLE PROPER 'DIES situate on Walnut street, between Third and Fourth stmts. Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR, It 419 WALXIIT Street. Alb FOR SALE--CHEAP AND HIGH- Iy-improved Martland 'FARM', containing 1,020 'acres, 400 acres of which are excellent timber; the bal once in a high state of cultivation. Situate on 'the Chickarnacomice river, Dorchester county, eight miles from the county-town, Cambridge.. Five sets of large farm improvements;. Store and Dwelling, extensive wharf, Bic, Price only *moon. For particulars apply to Cisll E. PETTIT, 323 WALNUP Street. 85 000 TO $10,000 f6. TO LOAN AT 5 jyl.-37,* M irt c I.V.SIA Y ERS7t e-a , 31 . 6 S. FOURTH St, 'LOST AND FOUND. L O ST---A NOTE DRAWN BY BELL BRoTHERk:,. on or about June 17, 1864, payable in sixty d'ayS, to' our order, for Seven Flandred and 'Thirty-nine IS-NO Dollars. AU peraons are cautioned against negotiating said Note, as it was not endorsed by us, and payment stopped. WIGAN & TRIEBELS, 11° 200 WALNUT Street. INSURANCE. lIA.VRYOU PROVIDED FOR YOVR TAMMY AN INSURARON ON YOUlt LIPS? ROME LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY MUTUAL, WITH L AMPLE CASH CAPITAL. WALTBR S. GRIFFITH, Paßsampr. G. 0. RIPLEY, SEC. L H. Paorantereaaf, Tans, • Wit:Li - 46N J. Corror, AartrAßT. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES; Eon. William Strong; Rev. Matthew Simpson,D. D.. Bishop of leL E. Church; Rev. Albert Sarno, B. D. ; Rev. jenes'M. Crowell; Thomas Robins, Rsq. ; Lewisß. Ashurst. ES . q. ;.Samuel Welsh, Esq. ; James Dunlap, Esq. ;W. R. Beejee, Esq. ; John Rice, Esq. ; Charles HumPhre_ye, Esq. ; Jobnl3. Austin, Esq. S. C. Palmer, Esq..; C. ti.,lfouti, ; Samuel C. Perkins,P John R. Penrose, Esq., Samuel Field, Esq.. Mesera. , E. W. Clark & Co. ; BueldfOr. blcCanamon, & Co. ; John B. Myers & Co. ; Benjamin Bullook & Sone; Wra. S. & Alfred Martien; George B. Reese, Son, & Co. J. B. NOCreary & Co. ; George Cookman & Co. ; D. B. Ker shaw Co. ; Ray d; Brother. JOHN H. PACKARD, M. D.. MEDICAL EXAMINER, Tn Attindull o i.t. l ltßgiSlo s rill=7;ii'l toer. .PITITADELPHIA OFFICE, 0 0 : 13 4 , ERPO.URTH AS7A LIBRARY,STREM •B 1K: ESLER, AGENT. EDV€ l* i'llOlIAL. INSTRUCTION.. THROUGH `BOOKS, OBJECTS, AND PICTURES.—ANN DICKSON will reopen' her SCHOOL for Boys - andAi3l§ on the 12th of Sepkember. New pepile,, :who, cannotread, will not be received, and the 'number will be *lilted .to twenty. No. 108 South NIOHTEED/Tll StrOt. jyl-fluthdt* • AGRADUATE, 'pl . ItVARD, WITH an experienoill.tern yearati.teachlnz wilr open, in this city, in SEP,TBMB3II, a•School for Young Ladies. Number limited to Aitken. Terms, $lOO a year. RIPTILEACBS—Rev. Dr. Furness 1420 Pine street; Rey. Roger Owen. Chestnut Hid; Wm, H. Trotter, Esq., 38 North Front street; .T. E. Mitchell. Esq., 310 York avenue, Philadelphia; Ex-Presidents Splints and Walker,Cambridge, Mass. • I. S. Smith; Esq..„Dorches -ter, Mat ;John Jingles, Esq., Brighton, 11 a. Ad. dress :.ieB7-ltgx Ir. H BLICKINOBAL chestnut 818. COLLEGIATE -a• 13 TUTS FOB YOUNG LADIES, Nd. 1630 AMOR Street. Rev. CH . A. SMITH, D. D.. 4.8. CLABBNO.I SMITH, 'AM N., Principals. Plinth .Year. Three Departments: Primary, Acad.. reie, and Collegiate. Full college come .Classics, Mathunatics, higher English, and Nattibal Selene°, for those who graduate. Modern Langnages. Mode, Paint. tug, and Elocution by the best masters. For circulars, apply hia. at the Ltstitiths, or address 80x151.11'. 0., PEON, delp ' ap"ao A TON INSTITUTE, KENNETT A- , SQUARE, Chaster county, Penns , for YOUNG NU AND BOYS. This Institottni le beautifully situated half a milt froze the 'Baltimore Central Railroad. Course of instruction in Englishielassice and Mattis. ' , statics is thorough. Fall Session commences the third 1 , October. For circulars, address je2l-131. 4 GEO. A. NEWBOLD, Prinelpal. LEGAL. 11 2 I Oftikilittb" COURT OF MONT- J OOMERY COUNTY. Estate of JEROME WALT( 7. late of Norriatown, si ppo dq a. The undersigned Auditor, ainted by the Orphans' Court of Montgomery county, to report distribution of the balance of the money remaining la the hands of B. F. HANCOCK, Esq., trustee of the estate of said dece dent to goid &mope . tbose legally entitled to the same, _ -hereby ryes notice that he will attend to the dales of his appottirt at Lis oßice on SWEDE Street, in the Borough o Norristown, on FRIO &Y, the 2211 day of July, MB, 10 o'clock A. Bt., when and where all per alms interested are required to attapd. lin4lB.lA 8E : CARROLL S. TYSON, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHIUDELPIILL Estate of MARTIN CUHREN, deceased. The Auditor aPpointed by. the court to audit, settle. adjustsad the account of PEEDERICK C. BRIGHTLY. acting Executor of the last Will and Testament of MARTIN CURREN. deceased, and to report distribu tion of the balsam in the handa of the accountant, bill meet the parties interested for: :the purpo.s of his ap pointment an MONDAY July 11.1861, at 1 o'clock P. 11,, at his office. No. 0117 WALLY UT Street, in tha t city of Philadelphia. • • SAMUEL C. PERK 3, iyl. fm trOt • Auditor. F=fM=::!l ThARBEIAL'S BAL - E.—BY VIRTUE OF • milt of safe, by the Hon. John Ca.dwalader, Judge Of the District Court of the It4ated States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty. to me directed, will he sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at miCHBNBR'S STORE, No. 142' North FRONT Street. on MONDAY, July llth, 1161, at 11 o'clock A. M., the cargo of the steamer Done gal, consisting of hardware, white and assorted colored taints; whale, lard, tanners', and boiled linseed olls ; lampblack, oakum, black•lead crucibles. cotton cards cutlery, tin in boxes,Arcn, steel, pig and shot lead: anvils, chalne, , grinny e•etli, manilla rope and hawser, sheet iron a large assortment of drugs, an assortment of photographle_materials, cigars, white and brown soap, eerycandies, coffee, writingpapet . vpaint:envelopes, station • and ink; and a cluantiitY nEithWaStores. W.IItIAM:MILLWARD, jyl.6tB. Etzi8144.:4;i1)..,..0t Peusylvantja. • TTEATON&DENOEL Ai HARDWARII .ctomi t ti:; lON .151,8CH/0411V501 CONYKROS and• 510 BORTH Streets, offer onside: • Xnehor Brand Nails; Plymouth mil Rivets. W) all Butcher's CaetpStjtagle Cabinet Lotha Putnam's Houle Nails; 'ir Kohool Slate*. ' ' Copper. Brace , ardnErpn irp; Cotton Cards, .- ~ • Alen. a fall asset ~,,,ter Americas VforderateL ratiAsslif • SUMMER C AIN'T, DIARREDEA.,: ; kJ Dysentery, and ''' ere of the Borrobs relieved k at once by tbe use s Syrup of Blackberry, Root and Rhubarb. ve etable, easily taken. 'very elreetttel, TIT It. only by AMOS R&M. SELL, S. W. cor. TW , H and HARKar k streetav •• a %%4W i , . Wifilir4 WAXV . '". (PUBLISHED STISEELY4 ;: '-' ' - '''.. '''' -' (1: TRX WAIL Passe will be sent to subscribers man (per annum in advance), gt,. 1 ............... OP :241H:cra g ssirThri:78;11::::::::.':* '''''''''' be". c:r:e ' d . ''' ''''' 44-".. - . B , give COPies...... ''..".. 5 On SATURDAY filaßNlStaiba. than Ten Wil l prising about SIXTY Hoiet w it Full descriptions at sale. Inelno cienenkmany th e , irmr Pair of handsome matched bay carriage t.. h . A .,,,,,.....„ .. _ re.,,, crOer , aix years old. from St. a L_a_w_rence county, 7.1.„7„71, ww., raver e kr ,as beautiful brown Ueda -' r"" ASO 4,44 &twos t - ' - , New and second-hand carriages, light wagons, &e,; - . - 'f. , i ' 4 with which the sale will commence. '' , e,, ~ , Also, from the Great Central Fair, an elegant Jaunt .;1 1 Lind, by Heritage ; a Finsbury wagon, t‘i carry four. 4 .1„,. by Laws. Also, single and double harness, saddles, bridles, whips, covers, &e. ,froy- t Ho postponement on account of weather. JD,. Sale of horses, &e., on WRDNIISDAY. **kr Carriages and harness at private sale. ALFRED M. HF,IIIKNESB, JeBo,-.2t Auctioneer. _-~;~,, ,~~~:. ~.::, 'PUBLIC SALE AT THE SANITARY PATR.—The articles remaining unsold is the fol lowing Departments—yiz: kitones, hallow-Wore, and Ranges. Machinery Department. Agricultural do. Household. Furniture. Looking _Glasses. &win glinabines. Curtain Goode. House Furniafttygitloods. Window gheahs. Clam and:-#rockery Ware. Fancy th'iikde. Heavy Witorkms. Carriagesimsfe. Will be offered at•PUBITC gALS: catalogue ? coin• inenoing on FRIDAY MORNING..- ht,at.lo it the SANITA-la FAIR orm Admittance tickets 1;4 cents; - • 1 0 : 1 : 01 7. 8 k JAMES pi,h an d Chairman of Commif Mar e Petroleum is ex AItIGUSEMEN ave'agamTS.'s h • - • advan ART GALLERY, - I.,sirm, hnt Harr • - Whielu3,ls.r IT RAS BEEN DECIDED TO SEEP THE qliAliP COLLECTION OF 'ATIIRES LOGAN SQUARE SON EXHIBITION FOR A nw DAYS LONGER, rr: SANITARY COMMISSION. NIVAL T- 'STREET THEATRE.-- I T LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF THE SEASON, FAREWELL BENEFIT OF ,J. B. ROBERTS, 'On which occasion will be offered a donble entertain ment J. B. ROBERTS as Sir Edward Mortimer, ALEX INA FISHER BAKER as:Wilfore, Coleman ' s Play of THE. IRON CHEST. After whiCh the Grand SnOCtactdar Drama of FAUST AND WARGUERITIt—Bfr. B. Roberts as 'Afephisto pheles; Atexina Fisher Baker as Hargnerite. Supported by the entire strength of the Company. Seats may bR secured front 9 till a. Performances commence at 8. I pHILADELPHIA NATA. T 0 RIUM -e- AND PHYSICAL INSTITUTE, BROAD Street. below Walnut. , --DR. ,, JAN//DN reepectfully rendsdeLadieirandßentle4 men, contemplating leaving for the Sea-shore or Waters ing places, that from 4 to lb lessons in many hams, been sufficient to enablenis pupils to become geed swimmers. To those prevented by business to Mays the city, or who prefer-home comforts to crowded hotels on the sea-side, hem - mid say that the NATATO. RHEA has always been considered the best substitute to any common -sized ocean. isV3-6v. THE ACADEME' OF FINE ARTSh. 4 CHESTNUT Street, above Tooth, is OPEN DAILY, for visitors, from 9 A. N. to -6 P. M. je2fr .13 . 1r70, GRAND PLEASURE EX.; - - DEMONS TO LAKE SUPERIOR-04 of the following splendid first-class stertmers r _vin: CLEVELAND, ILLINWS., NORTHERN LIGE: T, .TROD CITY, TRAVELER, 'MNYEOR, IRON SIDES. L LL BELLE, ad TRWAR.IO, will leave CLEVELAND. Ohio, at S o'clock P. Mr, each day of the week, ascent Saturday and Sunday, and Detroit, Michigan, on the following days at 2 o'clock P. M. through the months of JULY and AUGUST, making Grand Excarsion Trim to the many points of interest on the Great Inland Seas of. America, which, for utility.pleasuss and heal thou', unsurpassed by any other on te Continent. This trio of over 1,000 miles embraces six degrees of latitude, and eleven of longitude, and includes In Us circuit Lakes Brie, St. Clair, Huron, and Superior,with thebeeutifnl rivers Detroit, St. Clair and St. Mary's. The many and extensive mines of iron anti copper. unequaled by . any in the "world, with the newlsr,disf covered and inviting deposits of silver lead, wild'audt romantic scenery, combined with its pure and bracing climate, render the Lake Superior trip one of fax mars than ordinary attraction to the capitalist, the student. the pleasure-seeker, or the invalid. The above-named steamers are elegantly-fitted up with large airy Cabins and State-Room : while every precaution has. been taken to provide for the safety awl comfort of .IMRlSenßera. - Yare.inci riding State-Rooms and Meals, abent 23‘ cents per mile Time occupied in making the round triparona to 10 days. , Rooms secured, and further information obtained, by application to proprietors. ROBT. FIANNA & Co. ,Cle„land Ohio RUSSET & McBRIDE. ' WHITING St Co., Jolly R upoinws , }Detroit, 'ffichigaa. 34114 an2b 1864, < 6A il l igri l : AfrVAD AT- 1864. SUMMER AR ' GENENT--TEII3.OIIGH /21 - TWO , • HOURS. 1 ) FOUR - TRAIN 'DAILY TO ATLANTIC CITY. On and fitter 210 AY, July 4thi trains leave VINE- Street Ferry as follbwA: Mail Freight, with pasieuger car attached ' • ' e 15 A. M. Express (through:in two hours) 2 00 P. M. Atlantic Accommodation- • ...'• • ••• • • .... • .... 4.15 P. X. Junction Accommodations.3oP. X. RETURNINCT, leaves Atlantic :' 4 " Atlantic Accomitiodation...... ............. ~. 5.46 A. X. Egress ' - ' 7.09 A. X. Freight.... 4 . Mail , . 11.50 A. X. 4.46 P. X. Janction Accontodatihn ' 6.22 A. X. Fare to ii Own c.,.52.. Round-trip Tickets (good only. for the day and am on which they are icued), , -..t3. Yal. in EX A HADDONFIELD TRAINS I Leave Vinea eet a o t ti lO s . u s N A D . , M t.y . s afid Leave Eadd field a t 11.41 A. AL and. l 2. P 4L . 14 j . e•. .01, -- Clabst to . t G At Mail train f ;• . Atlantic leaves Vine area''' . Leaves All is at CO P. Id. • from Brandywine. • L .. ,JNO. GI BRY The bar which formed last year ' has •21.drVvine, Del,with ,.., peared;l e aving the beach one of the mot- 1 0' 74 4 the coast. " • . rs from New York, at,f'' ~ . - •• „ 4 NV , -.4 ,55- rou- R tru OF any AT 4 ..4 hears from New Ys. 0, 4 '4 •-. Excursion Tickets sold on the .4 Co. • ~.,ire bs s e t . will be good to return on an... 0, * hours from "; .• L'cli e .4•o",( ea • sth. ' - i &Co. 477 ..t.,,„ )-( 4./ P' dtve, 1 day fro •• elf A, , I.,Yr - '''''Agel ° 4 WIEN- >.'"?•-,-• S E .:X 00 - teiti- 6 / 1 , •fa. .e.r4Z-..•"‘'. 1 : 0 .1 ,0111, c , c 1. day fro ~, , 4 oe -,ph or rb, 0i... Ticketsiold and baggage Citation, 7 hour: . 11 . r a re et , delphi •do Long Branch. • thereto , O' .g 4 , r, , 4•10.. h. e On and afterMONDAY, jezk Amalfi - -- sel ti .&44- 0 ,: -barz 2 , -- -&„ . '" above frelobrated waterin,q;Planchor at n s "J'og ' - ••••.2" 'T and Amboy Railroad line fro irliomas, 11 e a 27, eh t . ,„ ' 2 P , I .13 ? • 2 o'clock P. M, every day, (, ~,....erp1i P 4.5.4 . 0 ' 4 PAiOs hold, from" 'thence by stages. Ailed). eZ• e 'esi e • Tek e 5 '8. 84 ~. '''' , l. about 1 all past 7P, M - Live • te r e,Pt 8 41 et r .sue 6 'or ti, The road Irani Yreetiold ' ew.... . - ' 0 4,5• 4 ;id.13 , ""c wh e inc c ;e . f ' imtiellitnproved, paseengen. , Su • 'O;,. 0 . wr e „ 8 0 I.,_a re . li , and expeditious': ' ch. Tiv e ".1.7,., '''''ek„,..._'6•46 A s ew line of comfortat- 0 . '. - i• ad ti,cll h '" 1 "In g roots le tlse - apecitq acco4 l •9' "...r e :fac es . '' e ect.p2 B le fet?).. ' smog ......,.10 , 14 1',....• 21 e dat- ITID Piee e ,7 o 4 • 4, • -Os leo b e ie27-6t - ).„ - *4.,...i;,:t_"..etesee...et! fAt ,Waliliti 4 1).6 ". -4 .ji ° .& 41- e.f.ArS r e . io,, . 1 1.4,, „,' 1?I , °Pr; '. To Long Branch, Ms • "`• , I.T .••tr.B 1 -2. - Berneeat, Red Bank..3rt - d ... e4eh a 4 , .. ~ AD - On and after MuNDA p e. .. ee . ''' As Ivor; leave CAMDEN, for LONG Jii'..fye i r 4 th, Trai u . ex e , pted .,, at 7.45 A _ 3l . will 3.30 P. Ist. , daily (Sunday leave IaNG BRANCH' at f• 25 A. A E. -P. Retur -, :, and THEMIGH IN FOUR irks and A Freight' Train 'with p, se ear attaahect A ; lL. start for Stations on the main line, deg fro win- DEN (Sundays excepted). at 9,20 'ti...-id. Stages connect at riroodinansie and /dandies r - 41"•••••••..............______ Barn egat and Tom's River. ' - Stages (will also connect at Farmingdale. for Point Pleasant, Sqtran.' - Village, Blue Ball, and.Onr -Ilona, Tavern. -.- For further informatiopply. to Company's Agent. L. B. COLE, at:Cooper's Po nt. Camden •-. . W,IL F. GRIFFITTS, 311., ' General Superintendent. 'FROM NEW . YORK,: FOR NEW HAVEN, NABTFORD, SPRANG. EIALD. and BMW. —The steamers CONTINENTAL and ELM CII t TY leave Peek Slip, Rag. River, daily, at 3 lit P. M. and 11 at Walt. je23-3es . . . . le2lk STRANGERS VISITING THE city,' solicited to the facilities of the TENTH and Zda,RERT SLEEPER 13311000.1 . • k FACTORY. 4-L'ltt • - • • • isc o i 1:. MO * : ' TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED.npon Diamonds, Watcher, Jewel • 'ry, Plate, Clothing, &c., at JON ' S &CO 'S Old Satablisbed Loan Once. corner TRIAD and 0 KILL Streets, below Lombard. . aplaanir (tVLADIES' TRUSS AND BRAOR STOB.E—Conducted by Ladies, _TIVILPTII Street, that door below Ram Every article idMtelr , PleeleEext, easy. and correct in *ate. Al .. Dr DM, Proprietor; astenda to gentiedieri, Oa air ofWWELFTR and.p.C.E Etrrota...P.4 : .8.-4!rofosalbael. s, - tioefinertnenred: . • . - sqytt-Smit . . _ • e ft , SAMEEttIifaCOART ,P;Mitf.e;low; _M lEittß Ni - the Philadeliila`.VA WOR ee bilad. per( VLNAStr , • ."" pHo VIM MONUMEN i xD7 • &MIS. —A . large mi..,•out of various' design, made of crga $ .11 ;garble, "tonstantly on hind, • tit -1 AD.A.IS.I3TEINIIWZ da% rhitagelpl44: 1 . 111 1 4. • ' • CENTRAL- FAVIL E=l EXCIIItSIONS. 0' • e • ee ortd. GOAstlogoes bent for 111 • ..• with y Dim .11/IMitaltd • D. Nay , oak. EIEDI -: odes, or Pr"..r.1.. I:aeries*. •• "orks of • A ~ e it' ~'-*. - h 'ea to
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers