THE CITY. Th# Thermometer. JUKE 28, 1863. , . JUNE 28. ISM. BA. JS! 13 81, ....3P. M. 6 A. M..... 12 M SP. M. iB ....7G,V 82X G 6 77 73 WISH WIND. £byS Eby S ....BE -SKB EN£. MELITABY, 157th REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA VOLUN- AmOng the many organizations that havo left our' ■city, none, iu tlio short space of time it has boon in nctivo service, has experienced more severe duty, nor contributed more to the credit of our volunteer . ■Army, than the 157th Pennsylvania. _ The regiment, or rather battalion, being composed or but four companies, after Being stationed fbr some months at Fort Delaware, waa ordered to duty on several linos of communication around the ct! yof Washington, a Service, though not tlio hardest, still not fho less useful and indispensable ~n U ,B si'Sv of .Tune, after a laborious march from Tort lioyal, Virginia, to which point it hart been ■transported by steam, it was attached to the 2d Bri gade, 4th Division. sth Army Corps; nml’on the 2d, ■ was hotly ongagod in the battle on the Mechanics villo road, in which it lost. In killed and wounded, manvofits brave men. In the chargo on the for-, inhiublo rebel works, holding tho southeast approach to Petersburg, it suffered Its greatest loss from tho galling Are of grape find canister that, from front and flunk, poured into them from the batteriesand lino of inS'antry. Boing the first regiment of the hrigadotoenter tho fight It was the last to leave, which it did, at tho order to fall hack, with riddled colors and tknned ranks-lt being a miracle, under tha circumstances, that any. should have escaped unscathed. When first brought under, fire of the enemy there was neither flinching nor fear rnan - mSnrt but the noble fellows stood un to their h work that would have been creditable to the vo teinßtlm chan?o d on the 18th instant, the battalion rvas commanded by.lts senior captain, A. P. Haw thorne, Company B, (Major T. H. Addtoks being At tho time in the rear, under arrest,) ho was ably. seconded by Acting Adjutant Lieut. ,T. W. Ash low Bteutonant Gray, of Company A, pommandod Coiiipanyßi Ueutonint O.H. adffickscommanded Company A, the color I? Toddle, being in advance of the regiment In charge of the slsrhiish line, Captain T. E. Carter commanded Company 0, and ,-Lieutenant J. W. ticott commanded Company B. . , List of killed, wounded, and missing, from Juno 2 ; °Coinpariy A. Captain William E. Peddle, com manding. Tiatted-Privates Nicholas Hurting and Lewis Brown. Woundod— Sergeant Edw. J. Col lins, shoulder, slightly; Corporal Andrew Bowman, hancl; privates Andrew Aird, shoulder; John Car rick iead slightly; Lewis Charles; do.: do,; Henry tarv’er, both anees, slightly; H. C. Hergoshelmer, =honlder; Edward Lawrence, wrist; Dwight War ner, ankle; Crawford Woir, stomach; Geo. Blopro, ..arm; Edw. Lynch, shoulder; Reese Merritt, thigh. Company B, Lieutenant. J. W. Seott, oommand lag. lulled—private John Hamel, shell, in head. Mounded—lst Sergeant Wm. Grist, head, leg, and foot • Sergeant 0. F.Evans, foot; Sergeant Euward Buhij, leg; Conroral G. W. Brown, arm; Corporal David Itose, arm; Corporal Edward Tress, back; privates A. feitterltek, breast; Francis Brown, arai and side ; G. M. Brown, arm; Thus. Curran, arm; G. Drexcl, ankle; Wm. Fraley, wrist; Ed. Jeffries, fin and leg; Jno. E. Minniek, liead; Benj. Room, thigh; .T. 'F, Quinlan,leg. Missing—Private.Jacob S Company.o; Captain Ti E. Carter, commanding. Killed—Privates John Dennis, shot in breast, and Isaac Trate, shot in forehead. .Wounded—Lioat. T. H. Addicks, leg, slightly; privates Elias Morris, baok, slightly *. P. Morgan, neck; A. MoFalls, arm and leg; J. Kennedy, leg, amputated; -Tas. Robin son, leg; John Smith, hand. Missing—Christopher - Walsh and David W. Warniek. Company D, Lieutenant Alexander Gray, com manding. Killed—Corporal Robert Maxwell, shot in breast: privates John Muller, head and leg, and Otto Jock. Wounded—Sergeant Samuel Milter, leg; privates F. Ayres, log; Joseph Boyer, head, slightly ; Benj. Houser, knee: Benj. Hoffner, breast, slightlv; Daniel Reese, lianiif John Stowe, wrist; .J. Stohmmn, shoulder; John B. Ritchie, shoulder, slightly. ■ AKKITAI. OP WOLXrKD SOLDIERS. Nearly one thousand sick and wounded soldiers arrived in'the city yesterday morning from the Washington hospitals. They were temporarily .re tained at the Citizens’ Volunteer Hospital until tho ambulances of the firemen arrived, when they were conveyed to the different army hospitals in and around the city. The following is a list of the Penn sylvanians who wore among the number: Reuben Sheets, 138 _ Phil Hess« 153^ Martin McAllister, 5 Res &ergtTbos Irwm, 43 • Corn Ww .1 Baker, 23 Albert Cope. 49 Richard McCarter, 91 . E Delany, 81 Henry Tully, 116 S Parser, 57 Corp Jas A Glenn, 62 Sergt H Cummings, 69 • Alex Bayes, 110 G Steamier, 95 John McCullough, 61 Ja& C &eck,‘2 Art FmnkUn-Hosenberg, 17S Wm Lockman, 93 G W Miller, 166 Geo M Ray. 139 John Serke, 99: Jacob ? Den, 1 Cav * Chas W Lewis, 149 lsaac'Leaden, 1 Rides George Culp, 95 Pat Farley. 2 Heavy Art AHeading,96 David Ulmer, 13 Car Wm 0 Belton, 139 Reuben Bender, 17 Car Hiram D Moore, 148/ Samuel Harris, 21 Chv David Bush, 13S S A-Jordan, 62 ' * Pat Dttgary, 63 . John Gorman, 82 J F Butler, 62 ■ Lewis Multer, SI LBSynn, ISCav R WThompson, 99 Cornt tins Brook, 59 W E Denne, 145 J-L Shook, 189 Corp Thos Osborn, 14-5 A JWalter?, 140 L Britton, Ist Cav Peter Ferrauy, 61 TWHyde, 83 ■ . , S J Pheuicia,l39 Sergt Adam Shipley, 162 ' Hugh Bradbury, 140 W C Liny, 63 Wms Green, 103 Hoover Shannon, 130 lliaa Boyer, 116 Hiram tumau, 67 Jos Jioblet, 33S W H Stitchster, 2d Res *.Jas A Burnet*, 10th Res Henry Scullin, 99- . John SuTsbor, 116 Conrad Orth,- 13th Cav Jacob Boyer. 50 * . Jno Eahhack, 61 . Wm Kittle, 7 Root Lattcuine, 134 RL Lydia, SI Daniel Gungrey,lB4 Elijah Burse, 63 .-. Hiram Barnes, Jos Sweaer. 140. Robt McQaade, IS3 Samuel Milter, 53 John Miller, ll Kelson Gowan, 6 G B Saulshury, 141 2kos Williams, 45 Win F Foboler, 112 V Noah Shißier, .11 F B Robinson, 72 jf S Pounds, ISS Lotus Myers, 57 Fred Detihsr, 93 WiaShannou; 100 Ira McElhou, 62 John Dunn, 99 Peter Maw,.67 Wmjailes, .164 Anthony Assodore, Ist Cav J R Stewart, 105 . J K Bacbenborg, 49 . Jacob Buckenchim&r. Sl Patrick Fay, 149 : Robert Smith, 16 Cav Humer Siiiedley, 61 . W S Hiniiniger, 17 Cav Job Walsh, 95 . fWm Shelbee, IS Cav. Sam’l Richardson, 17 Cav . P Callahan, 6 Cav Geo P Baitzel, 63 Wm Lureoch, T? Cay . M Wilderha’ter, 73 Vols K Rowloy, 61 Vole Arthy Marshall, 18 Cav Isaac Grandson, 18 David Britd, 13 \ John Jackson, 17 M. Hallahanob, 51 Vole Wm H Field, 5 t gfeg^e r L ITCaY Abram l7 ES-«lie,’6 > Noah Frock, 155 G Withroboin, 5 John R Lucas, 11 Jesse Kooken, 21 . S LProvin, 159 W L Eck ley, 13 SMVMcCaiiey, 95 Cyrus Grimes, 55 JMePaJLI, 6 oav George Glaweoh, 100 J Chapman 8 A Hendricks. 49 Corp H Gorman, 183’ . HG Story, 118 John Lawton, 13 Cav G Montgomery, 63 A E Arhold, 14l , * John licKim, 8 Cav W C Parker,-4 .' Thomas : . H Miller, 4 W HTarlor, 16 W M Bradbury, 83 RSHamill, 1 Cav WB Young, 49 . EFBtion,49 Sergt. E Stratton, 93 ' John Bell, 45 Conrad W Shearer, 6 Cav IVm Goldsmith, 183 John Algie, 6 Cav B H Chamberlain, 141 Chas E McHwen, 55 - E Booth, 141 . Daniei Ahern, 116 . Jacob Bee, 115 Michael Con lin, 9S Thoß Armstrong, Gee Lindsay, 45 . - Jas B Hunt, 105 . Wm Carlin, 116 Samuel A Mozier, 2 Art John Dedir, 130 Chas Muhherger, 6 Cav :. Thos McCauley,?® . 5 Albert Brittigan, 17 Cav Thos O'Donneu, 119 Sergt E W Serlzell, 184 Jno L McCalmul, 4 Cav -■ WS Brown, IS7 C M McCoy. 140 • E C Voorhees, 130 , Corp H H McCleary, 63 Mathias M Ross, 148 JF. Reeder, 14S n : - Sergt J Maoies, 84 ' Thos Lindsay, 115 »'■•••' iSFStewart, 139 . Jas Hackete, 163 t Q E Babcock, 141 John Bently, 300-• .-v (Anson W Babcocki 83 . Corp John Gallagher, 183- Wm Gibson, 76 - Henry Kile, 183 <• Levi Klinger, 96 Geo Eckley, 66 Cav C Schunalcert, 71 v Jos L Conn, 105 . W F Pncel, 189 Jos Weisenfont, 93 r G V Sevin, 18S o . Daniel Linegar, 93 , h MISCELLANEOUS. meeting of the national association. has been Issued for the first anniversary incetiDir of the National Association for the amend ment of the Constitution of the United States, to be held on Wednesday, July Bth, at ten o’clock A. M., In Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, on-Eighth street, above Race. The object of this meeting will be to discuss matters which have been before simi lar conventions, which have been held in,Pittsburgh on several occasions. ■: : ■ : : SALE OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, <&C. Messrs'. Thomas & Sons sold, at the Philadelphia Exchange, yesterday noon, the following stocks and real estate, viz i .. 45 shares Union Mutual Insurance Company— sl7.2s. ~.. $77625 63 ** Blinehiil and Schuylkill Haven Eail road—s64... .4,032 00 40 “ MineMU and Schuylkill Haven Rail road—s 64.... ..- 2,560 00 50 “ Minehili and Schuylkill Haven Rail road—s 64...... 3,200 00 57 “ Minehili and Schuylkill Haven Eail road—s64 3,648 00 100 M Harrisburg, Lancaster, and Mount Joy Railroad Company—s7l.7s.... 7,175 00 34 81 Cam ien and Amboy Railroad Com . paay—sl92.. 130 “ Pennsylvania Railroad C0mpany— 573,12..... 9,000 25 12 •* Manufacturers andMechanics’ Bank of Trenton, N, J.-ssl. 012 00 152 “ Commercial Bank, New Orleans— sso - 4 Norwich Water Power Company— sloo....... 400 00 $16,000 bonds Camden and Amboy Railroad C0mpany—5107.25......... -.17,100 00 $2,000 United States 7 3-10 Treasury Notes— lOGjer cent.... 2,120 00 1 share Continental Hotel- 145 00 1 lot Monument Cemetery —sso. ;. 80 00 3 " :: —2O 00 00 Stores and dwellings. Nos. BOS 510, 612 and 614 Mmih Eighth street, bei. South Btreet, Fourth ward. Subject to a yearly grourd lent of : $192............. 7,450 00 Three*story brick store and dwelling, No. SOB South strtet, west of Eighth >treei. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $6O 2,60GC0 Two-story frame dwelling and stable, No. 232 * Green street 1,500 00 Three-story brick dwelling, C ark’s alley, south of Christian street. Subject to a yearly. groand reiitof $24. : SCO 00 Three*story brick dwelling, No. 929 Catharine , street, west of Ninth street 1,475 00 ■Three-story brick dwelling, No. 1033X.ombard v : street. . Subject to a. yearly ground rent of : , $21.33. 1,800 00 Tliree-ftory brick dwelling, No. 1021 Milton street, east of Eleventh, bubjecl to a yearly ground rent of $37.60.. 400 00 Three-story,.brick dwelling. No.Vlo23.Milton street. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $37.51* •••*• .................. 375 00 Two story brick dwelling, No. 302 Christian street, Second ward. Subject to a yearly ground rentof $48................. 1,550 00 Two-story brick dwelling, No. 304 Christian .street. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $43... 1,250 00 ’Two story, brick dwelling, Mount Pleasant street, Twentieth ward............ 8,900 00 Five-story brown stone banking house, S. E. Tblrdand Chestnut 5treet5............ 46,233 00 Frame stable and lot, HastonviUe 525 00 rrhree-story brick dwelling, No. 336 South Thir teenth street, below Spruce..... 7,500 00 Large and valuable lot, N, E. corner Second street and Allegheny avenue. 2,550 00 Three-story .brick dwelling. No. SiS South Front street.. 4,73.5 00 IBulldlog lot, Market Btreet, west of Till street, Twenty-fourth ward...... 4,700 00 v B0AK1) OF CONTHOTi. An adjourned meeting of the Board of Controllers ■of Public Schools was held yesterday afternoon, President Fletcher In the chair. A communication was received from the Twenty fourth section, renowing the application to the Board of Control for permission to establish a new division In the Girls’ Grammar School, Ohostnut strcot secondary and Toll-street primary schools. Referred. The resolution .providing for the Introduction of Mitchell’s now Primary Geography into the public schools, which had Leon negatived, was, on motion, reconsidered end passed. The Committee on property reported a resolution asklDg Councils lor appropriations for school pur- Boses8 oses s that the building at Nineteenth and. Spring iarden streets bo rented for school purposes• that a warrant .be drawn for *2,000 to.the confraotor who has just completed the . now school-houso in Twen tieth section. The Committee on Supplies reported having awarded tlio following contracts lor wood: For First, Second, Third, and Fourth districts, to Fon taine & Bead, at 35 cents per. box, and the Twenty first, Twenty-second, and Twenty-fourth districts at 40 cents per box. Tho Committee on Grammar, Secondary, and Primary Schools, reported in favor of conflrm . ing the appointment of Emma Gallnglior as fourth assistant teacher In Primary School No. 3, of Seventh section; EUa Murdock, third assistant in Zauo-streot Boys’ Grammar School, and Ella M. Thomo, second assistant In Primary School No. 2, In tho Ninth section j Blary E. Castle, third assistant ■ol Primary No. 1, of tho Tenth section : Pauline Graham, .flret assistant of John Quincy Adams Girls’Grammar School, m First section; Rebecca Grier as third assistant in Girls’ Secondary School, Fifteenth section ; Elira Souder as teacher of tho Liberty Unclassified .School, and Anna H. Steel as assistant teacher of tho Canal Boys' Grammar •School, in. Twcnty-flftU section ; also, that the di rectors of Second section be authorized to .form another division in the "Washington Boys’ and £JlrlF’ Grammar School. Tho roport was agreed to, Xltf ft 9 ewpioy a oplpreU te ft now unolassiflod school was, on motion, reconsidered, and amondod by striking out tho word ‘'colored." Mr. Shippon, in consideration that teachers and scholars had used groat exertions for somo timo past in tho preparation Ibr tho Great Central Fair, and wero thereby nearly exhausted, moved that the sum mer vacation of tho schools begin on Friday next. Mr* Freeborn said that nearly a year of education had been lost In the schools by the Sanitary Fair, and he was opposed to any further wasfco of time. Tho resolution was finally laid on tho table, and th©,Board adjourned sine aie. The new Board will organhe on Monday next, July 4. An alarm of flro was caused yesterday morning, between 11 and 12 o’clock, by tho partial burning of an unoccupied house on Washington street, below Jefferson avonuo. THE POLICE. [Before Mr. Alderman White.] PASSING COUNTERFEIT MONEY. Win. Watson, hailing from Camden, N. J., and Joseph Bernhard, froinNcw York, wero arrested on Monday night, at No. 511 Chestnut street, on the charge of attempting to pass a counterfeit fivo-dol* Inr note, on the union Bank of Philadelphia, They purchased something, at this place from Mr. Wm. B. Doran, and offered tho five-dollar note In pay ment. Doran said It was counterfeit, and rofusod to take it. They insisted that it was good. Ho sent alter aa officor, and had thorn arrested boforo they could get away. They wero arraigned before Aider man White yesterday morning, and committed in default of $1,500 each to answer at court. Bornhard hiul a sot of steel knuckles on when arrested. Such articles being considered by law as concealed deadly weapons, he had $BOO more bail added on to him. [Boforo Mr. Alderman Godbou. 3 COUNTERFEIT. THEATRE TICKET. A young man named Oakes had'a hearing before Alderman Godbou yesterday morning, on the charge of presenting a counterfeit ticket of admis sion at the Chestnut-street Theatre, on Monday night. He was held in $6OO bail to answer at court, (Before Mr. Alderman Shoemaker. 3 • ' INCITING TO RIOT. ' Robert Gallagher was arrested on Mondayat New Market and Laurel streets, during an alarm of fire, on the charge of inciting to riot. He is alleged to have struck another fireman with a horn, and. then threw it at the horses attached to a steam engine. The accused was held to answer at court.- [Before Mr. Alderman Moore.] SAILOR ROBBED. Four of the Inhabitants ofCurrant alley were ar raigned before Alderman Moore, yesterday morning, on the charge of robbing a sailor. They were 1 all sent to prison. r v ' INSURANCE., FOKMAn P, HOr.LTJfSHEAD, - WM. H. GKAVH3. TTOLLIKSHEAD & GRATES, ! XX INSURANCE AGENCY, No, 3152 WALNDT Street, Philadelphia. ; Statement of the condition of the _ CROTON FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK, January Ist, 1864. . ' Capital, actually paid iacash-' ~..,....$200,000 OQ Surplus.. 20,869 50 ASSBT3I, Cash in Mercantile Bankand 0ffice........ $60143 Loans in bonds and mortgages, {being first liens on real estate in New York and Brook* • • • 1yn)..........i,'.••••«.• • ***» 11,000 00 United States Blocks and treasury notes, worth 203.281 25 Interest accrued, but uot due.................. 2,570 62 Cash in hand of agents, uncollected premiums 1,380 21 Other property, including re venue stamps.... 2,027 00 - $220,359 50 Liabilities, none. ' . .. Agency, No. 3155 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. jez7*mwf6t- /■ .... . TYELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY ±J i INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED BT THE LEGISLATURE OF PENN SYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE S. B. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE 02? TESSELS, > CAKGO, > To all parts of the world. FREIGHT, ) . INLAND INSURANCE On Goods by River, Canal, Lake, and Land. Carriage, to all parts of the Union. •&. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &C. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. 1, 1863. #lOO,OOO United States Fire per cent. Loan-*.. #97,000 00 75,000 United State's 6 par cent. Loan, 5-20 s. 75,000 00 20,000 United States 6 per cent. Loan, ISBI-. 22,000 00:• CO, 000 United States 7 3*lo per cent. Treasn ryy N0te5..".".." 63,250 DO 100,000 State of Pennsylvania 5 per cent. L0an..... * 100,087 50 64,000 State of Pennsylvania 6 per cent.; ■ L0an"......*. 67,880 00 123,050 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loan*. 127,528 00- 80,000 Stateof Tennessee 6 per cent. Loan••. 15,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mortgage . 6percent. Bonds..". 22,300 00 Bo,€oo Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mortgage . • • 6per cent. Bonds . 68,250 00 16,000 300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas . Company, principal and interest guarantied, by the city of Pkila aelphia;-"."".16,000 00 6,000 100 Shares Stoclc Pennsylvania Rail road Company. 7,226 00 6,000 100 Shares Stock North Pennsylvania - Railroad Company..."' .. 2,650 00 21,000 UnitedStatesCertificatesof Indebted ness 123*700 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, amply 5ecured......".".."**."..".".. 123.700 00 *791,750 Par Coat, '*783,797-12 Market Value., $794,900 50 Real Estate. 36,3*3 35 Bills receivable for'lnsuranees made......... 1(77,947 61 Balances dueat Agencies—premiums on Ma rine Policies, accrued interest, and other debts due the C0mpany.................. .... 28,919 87 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $5,503, estimated value•. 3,205 00 Cash on deposit with united Bfcates Government,‘subject to ten days’ ca 11..... $BO,OOO 00 Cash on deposit, in Banks .. 38,588 38 Cash in8rawer.................... 200 80 . *1, 088,435 52 3TORS. Robert Barton. ? Samuel £. Stokes, • \ i 'J. F. Penisten; - - ( Henry Sloan,- , William G. isoulfcon* Jacob P.-Jones, James B. McFarland. DIREC Thomas C. Hand, John C. Davis, Edmund A. Bonder, Theophiins Paulding, John UrT'euioaa. . James Traquair,. ' Henry C. DaUett, Jr., James C. Hand. William C. Ludwig, Joseph R. Seal. gr—a_lf. Huston. . eorge G. Helper, Hugh Craig. Charles Kelly, , ' M i A J THOMAS , .JOHN C. Hbubt-Lyi,bub¥» Seer eta Joshua P. Eyre, . Spencer Sfcltvains, Johu B. Semple, Pittsburg; A. B.Berger, Pittsburg. C. HAND, President. . DAYIS, vice President, try. jal4 rTHE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM PANT OF-PHILADELPHIA / Incorporated in IS4IV Charter Perpetual, OFFICE Ho. 308 WALffUT STREET, Insures against loss or damage by FIRE Houses. [Stores, and other Buildings; limited or perpetual; and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise; CAPITAL $300,000. ASSETS $387,3U. 88. Invested in the following Securities, viz: First Mortgage on City Property, well secured $106,900 00 United States Government Loans 119,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans . 60,000 00 .Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6per cent. : $3,000,000 Loan 18,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds,, first and se- - condMortgage Loins.;.. vr 36,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 percent. Loan. ........ . 6,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany's 0 per cent. Loan Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad 7 per cent; L0an5...... 4,56000 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock .... 30,000 00 Mechanics’Bank 5t0ck............ 4,000 00 County Fire-Insurance Company’s Stock.*.. I*oso 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock Vof Philadelphia 2,500 00 Loans on Collaterals, well secured 2,250 00 Accrued 1ntere5t.......... 6,982 00 Gash In hank and 0nhand.................... 16,687 83 Worth at present market vglue BISECTORS. Robert Toland, ■William. Stevenson, - Hampton L. Carson* Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Brown, Thoe. H. Moore. Clem Tingley, Wi. R, Thompson* Samuel Bispham, -Robert Steen, William Mnsser, . Charles Leland, , Beaj. W. Tingley, • ■ ... CL] THOMAS C. HILL, Secret* Philadelphia, January THEE mSURAKOE EXCLUSIVELY. -■—THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. Incorporated 1825. CHARTER PERPETUAL, No. 510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independence Sonare. This Company, favorably known to the community for nearly continues to insure against Loss or Damage by Eire, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Fur* siture. Stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally, on liberal terms.? Their capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security In the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander'Benson, John Devereaz, Isaac Hazlehurst, Thomas Smith. Thomas Robins, Henry Lewis, J, Gillingham Fell. - - JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. William G. Crowell, Secretary, _ T?AME INSUBANt No. 406 GHES'I FHILADI . PIKE AND INLAI ■ DIRXO' Prancis N. Buck, Charles Richardson, Henry Lewis, i * 0; W. Davis, P. 8. Justice, George A. West. PRANCIB N. V: CHAS. RICH. W. I. Blanchard. Secrets A NTHRAOITB INSURANCE COM a*- PANY. —Authorized Capital - $400,000-CHARTER PERPETUAL, Office No. 3XI WALNUT Street, between Third'and Fourth streets, Philadelphia. This Company will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to ail parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. William Esher, Davis Pearson, D. Luther, PeterSeiger, Lewie Anaeuried, J. E. Baum, Johaß, Blaeklston, William F. Dean, Joseph Maxfield, John Ketcham. WILLIAM ESHER, President. WM. F. DEAN, Vice President. W. M. Smith, Secretary. ap3-tf TNSURANCE COMPANY. OF THE A STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.-OFFICE Nos, 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WALNUT Street, betweenDOCKand THIRD Streets,Philadelphia. INCORPORATED IN 1794—CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL *200.000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1, ISG», ftra5.817.52. ' MARINE, FIRE, AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION INSURANCE. BIEECTOEB. Henry D, Sherrerd, Tobias Wagner. Charles Macaleater, Thomas B.watison, William S. Smith, Henry G. Freeman, William It. White, : S. Lewis, George H. Smart, George C. Carson,. Samuel G rant, Jr.. , ■ Edward C. Knight, John B. Austin. • HENBY D. William Harper, Secret? AMLE RI CA N, FIRE INSURANCE AX COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, . Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and availaole Securities,: continues to Insure on Dweliinjrß, Stores, Puruiture, Merchandise, Vessels .In port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. AH promptly adjusted. James R. Campbell. Edmund 0. Dutilh, Charles W. Poultney, Israel Morris. - Thomas R. Maris, Jtfhn Welch, "■Samuel C. SEorton, Patrick Brady, John T. lewis, q-HOM; Albert C. L. Crawford, »AS R. MARIS, President. Secretary.fe'22-tf FORMAN P. nOLLrNSHRAD. WMi H. QRAVES. TT 0L LI NSHE AD & GKAV EB, XL.'. INSURANCE AGENCY, -V ■ - No. 312 WALNUT STBEET, PHILADELPHIA. Agents for the ■ NORWICH FIRE-INSURANCE CO.. of Norwich, Conn. CHARTEREDIBO3. REFERENCES IK PHILADELPHIA (by authority): John Origg, Kbu, . tMeasrs.Tredick.Stokes&Oo Pales. Wherton & Co. I Messrs. Chaa loan I g & Co. Altenras. I Messrs. W. H. Lamed & Co. je27-6m , FORMAN P. nOLUNStIEAD. W3C H QSA7BB TTOLLINSHEAD & GRAVES, XL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 312 WALNUT St.. Philadelphia, agents for the . ALBANY CITY FIRE INSORANCE CO . ioSff Sm . OF ALBANY, N. Y. - ' FOBMAS P.iHOtWHSUEAD. V WM. H. bllAyga. TTOLLINSHEAD AND GRAVEB’ XL INSURANCE AOENCY,: ■■■■NO. 312 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. • Agents for the CROTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, WfiwTvrJs,.-. CHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF O a writ of Levari Facias, to mo directed, will be ox- Sosed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Evening, uly6, 3663, at 4o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground situate on the northwest side of Frank ford road and northeast side of WnkeUng street, In the city of Philadelphia; comalning in front on Frankford road one hundred and twenty feet, and in depth of that width along Wakeling street two hun dred and forty-seven feet eight inches to Franklin street. _ Taken in execution on a judgment on city claim (C. C. P.; S. *5O. 117). for curbing and paving, and to be sold as the property of William H. Witte. w JOIIN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofilce, Jnne 22, 1864, fe24*3t SHERIFF’S SALE.-—BY VIRTUE QF r- a writ of VendUipnl Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY i uly 4 o'clock,at Sansom-street Hall, . oL lliat ?®£^ a ih 2K-story dwelling, frame back building, stable, -sheds, &0., and lot of ground, situate pn the northwestwardly side of (Bank now) Brabant street, ninety-Bix.feet Routhwestwardly from Ann street, in Richmond, the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Brabant street forty feet, and iu depth OBobundred feet. [Being part of the same which John Reatlug et al., bydood dated July 22. 1835, re corded in Deed book 8. H. F., No. 4, page4s4,convoyed U S D w Henry Unger in fee; reserving a grouud rent of eighty dollars; payable 6r*t January anu July; subject to one-half of said yearly ground rent. ] CD. C.: J., ’64. 334. Debt, $330.62. Robins & McCall 3 Taken in execution and to be gold as the property of John G. Ganungaifd William B Wichtmau. , • •• • JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, June 22, 1864. je24*3t SHERIFFS BALE.-BY VIRTUE OF M a writ ofVendUioni Exponas, to m« directed, will be exposed to public sale or venduo, on TUESDAY Eve- C* 1864.^4o’clock, nt Sansom-strootHull, ;> A) 1 those two three-story stone inosanugoi* and lot of gronnd.beginmng on the westerly side of Miffiin streot. one hundred and sixty-onofeet one inch northwardly from Frederick streM, in tho cltj’of Philadelphia; thenco along..MiJUm street sixty-four feot five inches; thenco westward one hundred and sixty four feet five inches to Lraeliho street ; thence southwardly, along the same sixty, feci; thence eastward ouc'.hundred and eighty- Gight feet to Mtfilin street, the place of beginning. [Which said premises John G. Michener, by deed dated July 14, ISSI, recorded in Deed Book T. H , No, IGS, pge67, ic., conveyed unto Henry m . ' CD. G. ; J., >64. SOL Debt, $190.65. HeyorJ Takeu in execution and to he sold as the property of Henir Becker. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff X 3 hiladelphia, Sheriffs Ollice, Juue 22,1864. jc24-3t CHERIFF’S SALE. —BY VIRTUE OF A. Nr- Writ of Venditioul Exponas, to me directed,will bo exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Evening, July 5, 1864, at 4 o’clock; at Samom-atreet Hall, All teat certain tractor parcel of laud, with the build ings and improvements thereon erected, situate in the lace township of Blockley. but now in the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, and on tho northwardly side of the late .AYebi Chester road, now .Market street; beginning in the middle of tho said road at a corner of-land now or into of Jobu Sellers; Jr.; thence along the middle of the said road, norths de greet west, about 53 perches to a run of water, dividing this from land late of heire of John Thomas; thence up the said run along tho several coursea by the said Thomas’ land about 83 perches to a corner; thence by the said Thomas’ land, north 77.5 degrees <*ast, 16 perches to another corner; thence south.Ls degrees east, 38.3 perches to a stono another corner of said land of John Sellers, Jr.; thence by tho taid laud, north 79 de grees west, 15.3 perches to, a stone, another corner of said land of John Sellers, Jr,; thence still by the same, south 1.6 degrees east, 42.35 perches to the place of be ginning; containing twelve acres and three-fourths of an acre of land, be the same move or less. [Being the same premises which the .said James Miller, guardian, etc., and. Deborah Biankley, widow, by indenture dated December 1, A. D. 1854, conveyed unto the said Joseph.S, Sliver in fee. ] [D.0.;.T., ! 64. 312. Debt,s4,ooo. Geo. 8a11.3 Taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of Joseph S. Silver. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Ofilce, June 22,1561. je24-3t $220,869 50 CHEEIFF’S SALE.-BY VIIITUE OF N? a writ of Yeiiditiont Exponas, to, me;directed, will Le'exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Eve ning, Julyfi, ISC4, at4o’clock,atSansom-streetHftil. All the estate, right, title, and interest of John McGill in the following described real estate of James McGill, deceased: ; : No. 1. All that certain lot of ground and buildings thereon, situate on the east side.oi Front street, between Market and Chestnut s-reets, in the cltvofPhiladelphia; containing in front on Front street fit teen feel, and in. depth twenty-seven feet, No. *2. All that certain messuage and lot of ground situate on . the southeast corner of Water street and Chestnut street, containing in front on Chestuut street twenty eight feet.* and in depth on Water street foWy threeleet four inches. • ■ No. S. All that certain triangular lot of ground and buildings thereon,beginning on.the north side of Wash ington avenue, one hundred and fifty-four feet six Inches eastward from Second street; thence extending northwardly eight feet four inches, thence southeast- forty-six feet two inches to~ said Washington street, thence westward along the same to the begin ning. •. No. 4. All that certain triangular lot of ground and buildings tbcroon, beginning on the north side of China street one Imndred.and ninety-one feet westward from Front street;thence northward five feel three inches to the south side of Washington avenue; thence weat wardly along the same thirty feet to its intersection with china street; thence southeastwardly along the same to the beginning. No; 5. Ail that certain messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Vernon (now Annapolis) street, seventy -nine feet northward from Shippen stree.; containing in front on Annapolis street eighteen feet and in deph sixty* five feet, - , ; No, 6. All' that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of I'iae street, between Third and Fourth I streets; containing in front on Pine-street twenty feet and in depth eighty feet. Bounded westward by ground now or late of Robert Bridges, eastward by ground now or late of. Kiebard Renshaw. 21.430 00 US.7S9 10 $387,21185 390,664 38 131 TINGLEY, President. 3E COMPANY, FKTJT STREET, ELPHIA.' ' v .ND INSURANCE. ITOSB. John W. Evermau, Robert B, Potter, ■ John Kessler, Jr., E. B. Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. Ellis. BUCK, President ARPSOtf, Vice President, iry . ; ia!4-tf BHERRERD, President, try. . nolS-tf SUEKIFF’S SAFES. No, 7. All- that certain yearly ground rent'of $l,OOO issuing out of messuage.and' lot of ground situate on the northeast corner of Chestnut and Second streets ; con taining in front on Chestnut street forty ieet and in depth on Second street thirty feet. £For recitals of title see Writ in Sheriff’s office. Y CD;- C.; J., ’64... *293. Debt. $994 05. Hirst ] ' JORN TH&HPSOif, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, June 22,1564. je24-3t QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of ,Alias Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, ou TUESDAY Eve ning, July 5, IS&i, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street dall, All that certain lot or piece of ground with the eight .brick messuages or tenements thereon erected, situated on the north side of Jefferson street and east side of Sixth street, in the late District of Kensington,nowin the Seventeenth ward of the city of Philadelphia; contain ing in.front or breadth on the said Sixth street 127 feet, and extending in length or depth eastward on the south line thereof along the north line of the said Jefferson street 88 feet 10 inches and one* half, and on the nftrtli line thereof, at right angles with the said Sixth street 92 feet 1 and three-auarter inches. Bounded on the north by other ground of which this wai formerly part, on the east by other ground of the said Jonathan Willis Martin, on the south bv the said Jefferson street, and on thewest by the said Sixth street. The above mortgaged premises will be sold as fol lows : ' ” . "/ - • N0."2. lot of ground street 66 feet 6 inches to a three-feet alley,; thence^north ward along the same 26 feet 4Kifiches ; thence westward 2 feet 5 inches; thence southward3feet3inches; thence westward 47 feet 11 inches to thebastline of Sixth street; thence southward along the same 18 feet 6Xinches to the place of beginning. No. 3. Alt that three-story brick messuage, and lot of ground beginning on the east side Of Sixth street IS feet 5%, ’inches north of Jefferson street; thence eastward 47 feet 11 inches; thence northward3feet3lnches; thence east-; ward 3feet 1 inch; thence northward 3 feet 3 inches; thence eastward 6 inches; thence northward S feet 10 M inches; thence westward 51 feet 6 inches to the east line 1 of Sixth street; thence southward aldng the same Id feet 6M inches to the place of beginning. / No. 4. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of : ground beginning at a point on the east side of Sixth street, at the distanceof 33 feet 10% inches north of Jef ferson street; thence eastward 51 feet 6inches; thence southward 8 feet 10 % inches; thence westward 6 inches; thence southward 3 feet 3 inches; thence eastward^ifeet 1 inch; thence north ward 3 feet 3 inches; thoacelfHst ward 2 feet 5 inches to a three-feet- wide alley;Alienee northward along the same23feet 11 inches; thence west ward 26 feet 3 inches; thence 'northward 32£ inches* thence westward 30 feet. 3 inches to the east side of Sixth street; thence southwasd along the same 15 feet and % inches to the place of beginning. . No. 5. • All that three-story brick messuage and lot of. ground beginning at a. point on the oast side of Sixth, street at the distance of 4S feet 11% inches north of Jet ferson street; thence eastward 30 feet 3 inches; thence southward 33» inches; thence eastward 26 feet 3 inches to the west side of atbree-feet wide alley; thence north ward alongthe same 15 feet 3% inches; thence westward 9 feet SK inches; thence northward 3 feetS inches; thence westward 3 feet 4. inches; thence southwards feet S inches; thence westward 43 feet 5% inches to the east tide of Sixth street; thence southward along the same 14 feet inches to the place of beginning. No. 6. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground beginning at a point on the east side of Sixth street, at the distance of 63 feet 1074 inches’north of Jefferson street; thfnce eastward 43 feet 6% inches; thence northward 3 feet 8 inches; thence eastward 3 feet 4inches; thence southward 3 feet S inches; thence east ward 9 feet 8K inches to the west side of a? three-feet wide alley; thence northward along the same 15 feet U of an inch; thence westward 66 feet 6 inches to the east side of Sixth street; thence southward along the same 36 feet and 'ft of an inch to the place of beginning. . No. 7, All that three-storybrick messuage and lot of ground situate on tho east side of Sixth street, at the istance oi 78 inches north of Jefferson street; thence eastward 56. feet 6 inchests) the west sideot a tbree-feet wide alloy; thence north ward along the same 15 feet; thence westward 7 feet 2 inches; thence south ward 3 feet S inches; thence westward 3 feet inches; thence northward 3 feet S inches; thence westward 46 feet andean inch to tho east sidoof said Sixth street: thence southward along the same 15 fees to the place of beginning. No. 8. All that three- story, brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Sixth street, atthe distance of 93 feet 11% inches north of Jefferson, street; thence eastward 46 feet and;X an inch; thence south ward 8 feet 8 inches; thence eastward 3 feet Z% inches; thence northward 3 feet 8 inches; thence eastward 7 feet 2 inches to, the west side of a 3-feet-wide alley ; widened to 7 feet; thence northward aloug the said alley 4 feet 7>£ inches; thence westward, by the next described lot, 6 feet 8 inches; thence northward, by the same, 4 feet 2 inches; thence northwestward, still by the same, 14 feet 1 inch; thence still northwestward, by the .'same, 6 feet 4 inches; thence westward, by the : same, 31 feet 3K inches to the east line of Sixth .street: and thence southward, along the same, 15 feet 0% inches to the place of beginning No. 9. All that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground beginning on the east aide of Sixth street, at the distance oi 109 feet s% inches north of Jefferson street; thence eastward, by the last-described lot. 31 feet 3% inches; thence southeastward, by the same, 6 feet 4 inches; thence still southeastward, by the same, 14 feet 1 inch; thence southward, by the same, 4 fett 2inches; thence eastward, by the same, 6 feet S laches; thence northward, by the next-described lot, 8 feet 1 inch; thenco westward, by the same, 3-feet 1 inch; thence northward, by the same, 8 feet 1 inch; thence north westward, by the same, 15 feet in inches; thence north ward, by tho same, 15 feet and % of an inch, more or less, to the line of land now or late of David Ellis; thence westward SS feet 5 inches to the east line of Sixth street; and thence southward, along the same, 17 feet Clinches to the place of beginning. ; No. 10. All that lot of ground, with tho three three storybrick messuages thereon erected, beginning at a point in the line of land new or late of David Bias, 38 feet S inches eastward from the east side of Sixth street, being the northeast corner of the premises last above de scribed; thence eastward 40 taetlH inches; thence south ward 28 feet 2% inches; thence westward 22 feet 5% inches more or less to the west side of said 3-feet alloy widened to 7 feet; thence northward 3feet 1 inch; thence* westward 3 feet 1 inch; thence northward 3 feet 1 inch; thence northwestward 16 feet ten inches; thence north ward 15 feet and J£ths of an inch more or less to the lino offend of David Ellis and the placeof beginning. No. 1. All that lot of ground; with a two-story frame shed or building thereon erected; on the north side of: .Jefferson street, 56feet 6 laches east of Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia; thence extending eastward along Jefferson street 32 feet 4)4 inches to a point; thence northward 129 feet 2% inches: thence westward 13 feet 1 inch; thence southward 28feet2>£ inches; thenco west ward 22 feet 5H inches, more or less, to the west Mde of an alley; thence southward along the same 100 feet3 inches to the place of beginning. N, B. —There is laid out and opened on the west side of the said lot an alley S feet wide, .extending northward from Jefferson street 95 feet 8# inches, then widening to 7 feet the further depth of 4 feet 7>* inches. £D. C.; J., ’64. 336. Debt, $10,333 33. DeLaMotta.3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jonathan Willis Martin, and terre . .. .. JOHN THOMPoON, Sheriff. Philadelphia,' Sheriff’s Oifice, June 22,156 L je2l-3t CHEBIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF K-7 a •writ ofVenditioni Exponas,: to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or yandue. on TUESDAY Eve ning, July 6,15G4, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, No. 1. All that certain lot of ground situate oa the south side of Mount Vernon street fifty-seven feet eight inches eastward from Twenty-third street, in the city Of Philadelphia; containing la front on Mount t Veraon street forty-seven feet four inches, and in depth seven ty feet, CBeing the same premises which Henry J. ■Williams efc ah , by deed dated February 13,1&58, re corded in Deed Book R.D. W., Ko. 93, page Ml, &c., granted and conveyed onto James S. Smith in fee. 3 : = No. 2. All that certain three-story brickmessuageand lot of ground situate on the south side of Green street one hundred and twenty-five feet ten inches westward from Eighteenth street, containing in front on Green street eighteen feet and in depth ono hundred and nine ty-seven feet to Brandywine street. tWhich. said pre mises George,G. Gardiner et ah, by deed djited Febru ary B.IBK, recorded in Deed Book T. 11,, No. S 3, page 201, sc., conveyed unto James S. Smith infee; subject to aground rent since extinguished. _ _ - . [D. C.; J.,’<H. 340. Debt SS66 82. Jones. j # Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Sullivan Smith, JOHN THOMPSON, Sberiif. Philadelphia, Sborlirß Office, June 22,1861, je24-3t CIIERIFF’S SALE. —BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas; tome directejkvwill be exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Evening, JulyS, 1864, atlo’clock, at Sansora-streo Hall. No. 1. All that certain slaughter-house, stable; and lot of ground situatoon ; the eastsideof Fifth street, one hundred feet northward from Master street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifth street fifty-four feet, and in depth : one hundred feet to Brinton street. Subject to a mortgage of $2,800. , r-No. 2. All that certain frame messuage and lot of Eound situate on the north side of Meetler (UttloPop r) street, between Fifth and Sixth streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Meetler stroot one hundred feet and in depth one hundred feet. Bounded eastward by a sixteen-feet alloy, and west ward by ground now or late of Michael weaver. No. 3. All that certain lot of ground situate on the north side of Meetler street.and east sido of said sixteen # feet alley; containing in front on Meetler street seventy feetaadln depth one hundred fett.. - - .'v ; No. 4. All that certain lot of ground situate on the northwest cornrr of Sixth and Mdetler streets; contain ing in fronton Sixth street forty-two feet and in depth one hundred and twentyfeet. . 5 Nos; 2, .*3 Hod 4 subiect to a mortgage of $2,000/ ; ; ED. C.; J-,’64, 839. Debt, $2,590. Simp*ou.l .Taken iu execution and to be sold , as the property of Jacob Kfttker. : JOHN TiU>MPSON\ Sheriff. :-- J’hUttdvlpiua, prut’s Qffic<?, Juue 22, je2i-3t TRK ritESS.-I’HIM DELPHI*. WEDNESDAY, JTJNE 29. 1884, QHERIFFS VIRTUE^ a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed. will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Eve ning, July 5, 1864, at 4 o'clock,at Sansom-street Hull, All the right, title, and interoat of William M. Wright Of and to nil that certain lot of ground situate on the ©aid side of Broad street one hundred and sixteen feet southward from Kace street, in the city of Philadel phia; containing in breadth, north and south, thirty six feet, and in depth one hundred and thirty-six foot to a twelve-feet alley. ED. C,i J.,’64. 337. Debt. $ll5. Thomas. 1 ■ , , JOHN TH6MPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Juiio'&lSM. Je'H 8t SHERIFF'S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to mo directed, will be exposed to public wale or venduo, on TUESDAY Even* ing. July 5,1564, at 4 o’clock, at Saasom-stroet Hall, All that certain lot of ground situato on northeast cor ner ofWood and Coral streets, in tlio city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Wood street sixty feet, and in depth on Coral street one hundred and fifty-six feet six inches to Moore street, subject to a ground rent of seventy-two dollars, payable first of May and No vember. m , CD. £.; J„ SiS. Debt, $274.63. Wain. 3 Taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of John Scott. 1 JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jane 22, ISfrj. jo24*st QBEBIFP’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public salo or vendue, on TUESDAY Eve ning, July 5, isfil,at 4 o'clock, at Sansora-streot Hail, All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Carpenter and lc.ment streets, in thecity of Philadelphia *, containing in front on Clements street .eighteen feet,■'and in depth forty-six foot, to a four-foot alley leading into Carpenter street, with,the privilegeof said alley. CWhich said lot Mary Catharine, by deed dated first October, 1860, recorded in Deed Book A. D. 8., No. 127, page 475, Ac;, convoyed unto William Twiggs in fee; reserving a ground rent of *40.60.3 ■ CD. C.; J., '6l. 342. Debt, Blackburn;] .' „As ell ln execution and ttfbo sold as the property of WlilHam Twiggs. . JOdlN THOMPSON, Shoriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, June 22, 1864. Je24-3t ■%» SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF _ ft writ ofßoyari Facias, to me directed, will be ox posed to puoltc sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Evening, ytuy 6, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street HalL V ; No.l. All that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the easterly side of Maple street and northerly side.of Bower street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Maple street 14 feet, and in depth 58 foet 11 inches. No. 2. AU that certain three* story brick and lotof ground,sHnateon theeastcrly side of Maple street, 14 »eetnorth from Bower street: containing in front on Maple street 14 feet, and in depth 5S feet 11 i nches. No. 3. All that'certaln three-story brick tueeauageand Jot of ground, situate on the east side of Maple street, 2S feet north of Bower street; containing in front on Maple street 14 feet, and in depth 58 foot 5 inches. , No. 4. All that certain tliree-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the easterly aide of Maple street, 42 feet north of Bower street; containing in front on Maple street 14 feet, and in depth 58 feet 6 inches. : -- -CD. C.; J., ’64. 532. Debt, SSSB.I6. Thomas.] in execution and to he sold as the property , of Deacon C. Bougiiand Elimß,, his wife." JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia,.SheriffsOffice, June 22,1564. fe24-3t QHIrIFF’S BALE.—BY 'VIRTUE"OF a. writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Eveniag, July 5,1564, at 4o’cloek,at Sansom-street Hall, .All that certain lot of ground situate on the westerly sido of Hancock street, mnety-two feet southwardly from York street, in the city of Philadeipliia; contain ing in front on Hancock street two hundred and fifty feet, and in depth one'hundred and nine feet to Pale thorp street. Taken in execution on a judgment ou city claim/ (D. C.; S. ’63; 0,)/or paving cartway, and to be sold as the property, of Coleman and Stetson. . - JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. . Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, June 22,1361. Jn2i-3t • QHERIFF S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Eveniag, July 6,1564, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, AIL that certain lot of. ground situate on the east side of Howard Htreet, eighty feet northward from Cumber land street, in tie city rtf Philadelphia; containing iu front on Howard street fifty-four feet, and in depth one hundred and eight feet nine inches to Hope street . Taken in execution on a judgment on claim for paving, (C. F;D,, ’62,Sl;.Quinn,} and to be sold a* the property of John Reilly. JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, June 23,1864.' je2s-3t SHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OFA writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Evening, Jj|te 5, 1564, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom-street Hail, jWI that certain lot of ground, situate on the westerly side of Hancock street, sydy* five feet northwardly from Yoi-k street, in the city of Philadelpliia; containing in fronton Hancock street one hundred and eighty-three feet, and in depth one hundred and nine feet to Pale thorp street. Taken in execution on a judgment on claim, for Saving (C. C. P., S., 5 63, 73, Qnin), and to be sold as le property of Coleman and Stetson.- JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriffs Office, JunelM, 1564. j O2l-31 . QHEEIFF’S BALE.—BY VIRTUE OP ►"2 a.writ of Levari Facias, to ine directed, will be ex posed to. public sale or vendne, on TUESDAY Evening, July 6,1864, at4o’clock, atSansom-street Hall, ; Ail that certain lot of ground situate on the east side of Howard street forty-five feet southward from Huntingdon street, in the city of Philadelphia ; con taining in front on Howard street fifteen feet, and'in depth fifty-two feet. : Taken in execution on a judgment on claim forpaving, (C. C. P.,P. ’63, 82, Quinn,) and to be sold as the property of Valentine Eckert. V JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jane-23,- ISS4; ■ je2s-St SHERIFFS SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a -writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Evening, July 5,1564, at 4 o’clock, Sansom-street Hall, AH that certain lot of ground situate on the westerly Bide of Hancock street, onehohdred and fifty-six feet southerly from Cumberland street in the city of Phila delphia; containing in front on Hancock street sixteen feet, and in depth one hundred and nine feet to Pale thorp street. ' Taken in execution on judgment on claim for paving <C. C, P.: S. ’63; 74. Quin,) and to be sold as the pro perty of 0. I. Shorday. ■' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. . Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, June 23, 1864. je2s.3fc CHEKIFF’S’"SALE'—BY ’VERTUe"OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Even ing, July 5. IS64* at Sansom-street Hall, . No. 3. All that certain four-story briclr messuage or storehouse and lot of ground situate on the northeast corner of Fifth and. Commerce streets, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Fifth street twenty five feet two inches, and in/depth along Commerce street seventy-eight feet nine inches. No. 2. MXy that certain three-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the north side of Market street, two hundred feet west of Eighteenth street; con taining in front on Market street twenty-two feet, and ‘in depth one hundred and eighty feet to Jones street. / No. 3.; Ail that certain lot of ground situate on the ; north side of Market . Btreefc forty-eight feet six inches . east of Twenty?flrst street; containing in front on Mar "ket aireet*;eigfciy r *e v«n*feet, and ip depth one hundred and'eighty Teei/to- said * /ea t-wide. •• wttirtffe pri-riltqr»'.thereof. . ' 4 ... No 4. All -thatf'certain three-story brick messuage, and lot of ground'Bituate on the south .side of Peaa eQuare or Olivt streeh seventy-two -/oAt wuet from Dfbaa street, in the city of Philadelphia: . containing; in front on Penn square eighteen feet, and in depth ninety-i.wo feet to a twelve-feet alley,‘subject to aground rentof thirtr-six dollars. No. 5. All-that certain four-story brick messuage or store and lot of ground situate on the north side of • Commerce, hundred and fifty-nine feet three inches eastward from Fifth street; containing in front on Commerce street twenty feet, more or less, and in • depth seventy-six fees six inches to Christ Church bnrial ground. • Kq. 6. Air that certain messuage and lot of ground situate on the southeast corner of Eighth and Lombard streets ; containing in front on Lombard street nineteen feet, and in depth on Eighth street seventy-eight feet, subject to a yearly ground rent of thirty—ight dollars. - . CD. C. ; J., ’64. .820. Debt, §15,311.89. Cuyler.l 41®* For recitals of title, see writ at Sheriff’s Office. Taken in execution and. to be sold as the property of William Brown, and Margaret his wife, and Robert?. Brivwn; ... JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff Philadelphia, Sheriff’s_Office, June 21, 1564-: j022-3t QHERIFF’S BALE—BY VIRTUE” OF LJ a writ of Levari Facias, tome directed, will bo ex- Josed to public sale or vendae, on TUESDAY Evening, uly sth, 1564, at 4 o’clock, at Sansom - street Hall, No. 1. All that certain. lot or piece of ground in the Twent»fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, com mencing at the middle of Oregon or Vine street and Six ty-sixth street; thence extending along the middle of said Sixty-sixth street north 11 degrees 1. minute east, 564 feet s%th inches to the middle of the-Morion and Darby road; thence along said road and by property of Richard J. Mercer, south 45 degrees 41 minutes west, 1,051 feet 4%th inches to the middle of Oregon street aforesaid; thence by die same sooth 7S degrees 59 minutes east, 598 feet and % inches to the place of begin ning; containing five and 936-10Q0ihs acres/- No. 7. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in.theTwenty-fourth ward of tue city of Philadelphia, commencing at a point at the intersection of the middle of Juniata street and Race street (said point being 250 feet east of the east side of Sixty-third street); thence extendingalong the middle of said Juniata street south 11 degrees 1 minute west 762 feet, more or less, to the middle of a certain run separating this ground from ground of Ellis Lewis; thepce along the middle of said run, the various courses thereof, in a northeasterly di rection, to the middle of said Race street; thence along the middle of said Race street , north 7S degrees 59 minutes west 400 feet, more or less, to the place of be ginning; .containing (5.141 acres) five acres and 141-1000tlis of an acre. . No. 9. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In the Twenty-fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, .commencing at the intersection of Sixty-first and vino, or Oregon street; thence exteadiDgalong the middle of said Oregon ttfeet north 78 degrees 59 minutes west 452 feet to Hoffman’s property; thence by the same south S 4. degress 36 minutes wests feet 4)4 inches to the middle of Sixty-second street; thence south 11 degrees 1 minute westss7 feet 7fa inches to the. middle of Race street; thence along the middle of Race street south 73 degrees 69 minutes east 1521 feet, more oHess, to a small run of water; thence by said rim north 4 degrees 28 minutes east SSfeet, more or less, to a corner; thenpe north 77 degrees 7 minutes east 259 feet tcra corner; thence south 2 degrees 4 minutes west 761 feet 4M inches to the middle of Arch street; thence along the middle of' Arch street soutli-7Sdegreess9minutea ,caBf22G feet inches to a corner; thence north 2 degrees 4 minutes east 815 feet 934 inches toa corner; thence south S 4 degrees 14 minutes .west 9 feet inches to the middle of Sixty-first street; thence along the middle of said Sixty-first street 1 north 31 degrees 1 minute east 3Q7 feet 1 inch to the place of be ginning; containing (B.B© acres) 8 acres aud $59-1009ths of an acre. [D.G; J;, ’64. 328. Debt,§39,143.97. Sergeant & Bullitt 3 Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of JosepbS. Silver and Francis \V; Hughes. - < - > - /;•; -■ JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. - .Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jane 22, IS64.jg2*-3t SHERIFF’S SALE —BY VIETIIe'oP a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ex* posed topublic sale or vendue, On TUESDAY Evening, July 6, ISG4, at 4 unlock, at Saasom-street HaU, AH that certain lot of ground rituafce on the east side of Front street, SO feet southward from Oxford street, in the city of Philadelphia ; containing in front on Front street 40 feet, and in depth ou the north line 144 foot, and on the south line about 140 feet. The improvements are aone-sfcory brick laboratory, twO'story brick dye house, and frame storehouse .in.the rear; boiler with steam piping, copper vat with water piping, and five wooden vats. [ Which said premises Wm. if. Korn, Sheriff, by deed poll dated Juno 23, 1860, recorded in.D. C. Deed BookT., No. 2.*pagelsl, conveyed unto James Murphy in fee; subject to the payment of a : yearly ground rent of Sso, payable first of July and January, ! ; [I). C.; J., >64. SIQ. Debt, $2,426, Miekener.] . Takeu in execution and to be sold as the property of James.Mnrpby, - , JOHN.THOMPSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Jane 23,1554. . je73-3t QHERIFF’S’ SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias,- to me directed, will be ex posed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Evening, JulyC, 1564, atdo’clock, at Sansom-streotHall, No. 1. All tb&t certain messuage and lot of ground situate on tho southwest corner of the Lancaster turn pike and Mary or Logan street, In the city of Philadel phia; containing in front on said turnpike thirly-three feet four inches, and in depth one hundred and eighty feet to a forty-feet street. No. 2. Ail tbatlot.three-story brick dwelling,Blaugh*. tor-house, stable, &c„, situate on the south side of Lan caster turnpike, thirty-three feet four inches westward from Logan street; containing in front on said tnrnpiko road thirty-three feet four inches,and in depth one hun dred end forty feet to said forty feet street. [Which said premises William H. Kern,'Sheriff, by deed- dated 14th January, 1860, recorded in Deed Book W,, N 0,2, page3l. &c., convoyed unto JohuP. Pergch in /ee 3 rD, C.: J.,,’84.. SSL D0bt,,53.G97,59. Clayton.] Takeu in execution and to bo sold as the property of John P. Porsch. : JOHN THOMPSON, Slioriff.g Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, Juno 22,1561, je23-36 CHERIFE’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will beex sosed5 osed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAYEvening, uly 5, 1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hall, One undivided fifth-part of Jacob Hague in and to all that certain lot of around with the buildings thereon, si tuate on the southwesterly side of Columbia aveune (late Hanover street), one hundred and nine feet ten inches southeasterly from Girard averne, in the city of Phila delphia; containing iu fronton Columbiaaveane twen ty feet, and in depth one hundred And sixty feet to Savory (late Union) street. [D.C.;J.»’64. 270. Debt, $210.' Doyle.! . • > JOHN THOMPSON. Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June. 22,1864. . je23*3fc QHEEIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be ox * nosed to public sale or .vonduo, mi TUESDAY Evening, July 5,1864, at 4 o'clock, at Sansora-street Hall, • AH that certain throe-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the south side of Oxford street, eighty- two feet east from Eleventh street, in the city of Philadelphia; containing in from on Oxford street eighty- two feet, and in dopth fifty-seven feet to a four feet alley. Takon in execution on a claim of $22.41 for paving and curbing, filed by the city of. Philadelphia (in C. C. P.» M. ’64, 79, Cornman), and to be sold os the property of' Georae R. Hallowell. JOHNTHOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriff's Office, June 21,1864. je23-Bt. QHERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAYEvo nIng, July 6, 1564, at4o’clock, at Sansom-street Hall, .< All that certain lot of ground situate In the square bounded by Arch, Cherry, and Twentieth streets,in tlio city of Philadelphia, beginning forty-fivo feat uorth* ward from Arch street, and elghty-mue feet six inches west from Nineteenth street; containing in front, north and south: forty-nino foot, and in depth westward thir teen feet six inches, more or loss. K. S, has parted whh his interest. [C. C. P.; J., '6l. 83. Debt, $BB/43 / Fenner.] Takon in execution and to be sold as the property of Richard Shields and Catharine, his wife. L JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. FWMoli’liiui Slisriff’s Oittce. Jang 15,1551, jglQ-Ji SHERIFF’S SAEEB. RAILROAD LIYES, PENNSYLVANIA : g CENTRAL RAILROAD, g PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURG 330 MILES DOU BLE TRACK. THE SHORT ROUTE TO THE WEST. Trains leave the Depot at ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, as follows; Mail Train at. 7.25 A. M, Fast Lino at. Through Express at..... ...M P. M. ParkesnurgTraia, No. 1, at. **..10.00 A. M. ParkeaburgTrain, No. 2, at. 1.00 P. M. Harrisburg,Accommodation Train at........ 2.30 P. M ( Lancaster Train at...... 4.00 P. M. Paoli Accommodation Train, (leaving West Philadelphia) 6.00 P. M. Tho Through Express Train runs dally—all the other tr&ine dally, except Sunday, c.u FOR PITTSBURG AND THE WEST, The Mail Train, Fast Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg with through trains on all tho diverg ing roads from that point, North to the Lakes, West to the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, and South and Southwest to all points accessible by Railroad. INDIANA BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express connects at CBlalrkville Inter section with a tram on this road for Biairsrille, In diana, Src. EBKNSBURG AND CRESSON BRANCH RAILROAD. The Through Express Train connects at Cresson .at 10.45 A. M. with a train on this road for Ebonsburg. A train also loavos Gressonjor Ebonsburg at 8.45 P. M. ROLLIDAYSBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through Express connect at Al toona with trains for Hollidaystrarg at 7.55 P. M. and 8,40 A. M. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD.: The Through Express Train connects at Tyrone with trams for Sandy Ridge, Pbiliipsharg, Port Matilda, Muesbnrg. andßellefonte. v Huntingdon and broad-top railroad. The Through Express Train connects afcßnntlnfcdon with a train for Hopewell and Bloody Run at 6.5 Q A. M. NORTHERN PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROADS. For StrKBDRT, Williamsport, Look Haven, andall points on the Philadelphia and Brio Railroad, and El* mira, Rochester, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls. Passengers taking the Mail Train, at 7.25-A, M„ and the Through Express, at 10.30 P. M., dally (except San- ko directly through without change of cars be tween Philadelphia For YORK,’HANOVER, and GETTYSBURG, the trains leaving at 7.25 A. M. and 2.30 P. M., connect at Columbia with trains on. the Northern Central Railroad. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. The Mail Train and Through Express connect at Har risburg with trains for Carlisle, Chamborsburg, and Ha gerstown. ■ WAYNESBURG BRANCH RAILROAD. The trains leaving at 7.25 A. M. and2.SOP. M. connect atDownlngton with trains on this road for Waynes bnrg and all intermediate stations. MANN’S BAGGAGE EXPRESS. An Agent of this reliable Express Company will pass through each train before reaching the depot, and taka upchecks and deliver baggage to any part of the city. For further information, apply at tuo Passenger Sta tion S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. JAMES COWDEN, Ticket Agent. WESTERN EMIGRATION! . An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves No. 13T Dock street daily (Sundays excepted), at 4 o’clock P. 24. For full information apply to • FRANCIS FUNK, Emigrant Agent, .* • 137 DOCKStreet. FREIGHTS. . By this route freights of all descriptions can be for warded to and from auy point on the Railroads of Ohio, Sontncky, Indiana. lllinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis gouri, by railroad-direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by steamers from Pittsburg. For freight contracts or shipping directions, apply to S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. ' ENOCH LEWIS, jall-fcf ; General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. • in/j/i - ARRANGEMENTS OF 1 OCiA 1004. NEW YORK LINES. 1004. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY’S LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, FROM WALNUT-STRF.RT WHAKP, WILL LEAVE. AS FOLLOWS-yiZ: FABB. At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation. .$2 25 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, M.orning Express 8 00 At S A; M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class Tickets 2 25 At 12 M. , via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac c0mm0dati0n................... 2 25 At 2P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and, A. Ex press........ 2 23 At IP. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)...... 1 75 At 6 P. M.via Camden ana Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket... 225 Do. do, . 2d Class.; do 160 At l%, P. M.,vlaGamdenand Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight and Passenger—lst Class Ticket... 2 25/ Do. do 2d Class d 0..... 160 For Maucb Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertvilie, Flemington, &c., at 3.30 P. M. For Flemington, Lambertvilie, and intermediate sta tions, at 5 P.M. For Mount Holly, Ewanaville, and Pemborton, at 6 A. M.y 2, andsP. M. - ' For Freehold at dA. Mi . and 2 P. M. For Delanco, Beverly, Burllng- ;Florence J _»J3eht<rtrar‘'&c.,.afc 6 A. M.,12 M.,1, 8.80, 6, and OP. M. The3,Bo and 6P. M. lines rnndi* rect through to Trentou. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, and Bur lington, at 7 P. M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bristol, Burlington, Beverly, Torresdale, and Tacony, at 9. SO A. M. -and 2.30 P. M. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS; At 4 A/ M.-(Night), via Kensington and New York. Washington and New York Mali. $2 25 At 11.16 A. H., via Kensington and Jersey City, Express........ 3 00 At4.3OP. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Ex press-. 3 00 At 6,45 F, M., via Kensington and. Jersey/Oily. . Washington and New 3 00 . / Sunday Lines leave at 4 ; For-Water Gap, Stroudsj)tns, Scmtwnrwnkesbarre, Montrose. Great Bend, hfaucaijphunk, Allentown, Beth lehem, Beividere, Easton, Lambertvilie, Fiemington, Ac,; at 7:15 A. M. This line connects with the train, leaving Easton fox Mauch Chunk at 3.30 P. M. For Fiemington, Lambenville, and intermediate sta tions, at 6 P. hi. /Forßristol, Trenton, Ac/, at7.lsand 11.15 A. M. f and frP. M, .; ForJEColmesburg, Tacony, Wissonomlng, Bride sburg, and Frankford, at 9 A. M.,5, 6.45, andSP. M. • For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The ears run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each train run from the Depot. _ /Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each passenger. Passeng<frs are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but;tMr wearing'apparel. All baggage over fifty poundspaid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar par pound, and will not'he liable for any amount beyond $l9O, except by special contract. Graham’s Baggage Express will call for and deliver baggage-ait,the Depots. Orders to be left afc No. 3 Wal nniblreet/vTILLIAM H. OATEMER, Agent, Jo no XjdSSL , kept toich: for Philadelphia, ; WILL I.kAVE FROM THE FOOT OP OOUBTIiAXD STREET, At 12 M. imd 4 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. AtTAud 10A. M., and6P, M., and 12(Night), via Jer sey City and Kensington. . From the foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M, and 2 P. M., via Amboy and Camden. . From Pier No. 1, North river, atl2 M., 4, andB P.M., (freight and passenger,) Amboy and Camden, ja4-tf PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, A AND- BALTIMORE RAILROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS, ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, Jane 19,1364, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR Baltimore at 4.30, Express, (Mondays excepted), 8.05 A. M., 12 M., 2.30 and 10.30 P. M. Chester at S. 05,11.15, A. M., 1.80, 2.30, 4. SO, 8, and 11 F.-Mr" ' • * Wilmington at 4.30 (3fondays excepted), 8.05, 11.15 A. SL, l.a), 2.30, 4.30, 6,10. SO, and 11 P. M. New Castle atS.O5 A. M., and4.3oP. M. Dover at 8.05 A* M. and 4.30 P. M. Milford at 8.05 A. M. Salisbury at S. 05 A. 31. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA LEAVE Baltimore at 8.45, 9.40 A. M. (Express), LlO, 5.25,and 10.25 P. M. - - Wilmington at 1.48,6.45,.48,6.45, 9 A/M., 12. 53,1, L 45,4, 4. S 3, 7;30, i 'and9.lo P. M. • Salisbury at I P. M. . Milford at 3.35 P. M. : Dover at 6.30 A. 31. , and 4.55 P. M. . • New Castle at 8.30 A. M. and 6.55 P. M. -Chester at 7.45,9.40 A.. M., 1, 2.39, 4.40, 5, 8.14, and 9.40 P. M. . ■• ■ ■■■ Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate sta tions at 10.26 P. M. / Leave Baltimore for Dover and intermediate stations at 1.10 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Chester at 5.40 A. M.,3, aud 11.05 P. 31. Leave Wilmington at 6.30, 9.25 A. M., 3.35 and JL4O ; . FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7, 45 P. M. •. SUNDAYS: ... From Philadelphia to Baltimore only at 4.30 A. M., and!o.3oP. M. From Philadelphia to Wilmington at 4.30 A. M., 10.80 and lIP. 31. - . From Wilmington to Philadelphia at 1.48 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Only at 10.25 P. M., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. my 2 H. F. KENNEY, Assist. Sup’t. SYLVANIA RAILROAD— For BETHIiEHESI, DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK, EASTON, WILLIAMSPORT, WILKESBARRE, &c. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, daily (Sundays excepted), m follows: At 7 A. M. (Express) for Bethlehem* Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Williamsport. Witkesbarre, Sc. At 8.45 P, M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, &e. At 5. la p. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chuuk. For Doylestown at 9.15 A. 3L, 3P. M. and 4.15 P. BL For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. M. and 11P. M. ForLaasdale at6.l5P. M. White cars of the Second and Third-streets Line City Passenger run directly to the new Depot. • . TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem at 6.30 A. M., 9.30 A. at, and 6.07 r. M. ““Leave Doylestown at 6,40 A.M. ,3 45P. M.,and 7P.M, I<eave Lonsdale at, 6 A. M. Leave Fort Washington at 11.25 A. M. and 2 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 3 F, M. Doylestownfor Philadelphiaat 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. jel3 .. ' ELLIS CLANK, Agent - WEST . JE RSEY gß'«jmr , .W*l-RAILBOAD LINES. . COMMENCING MONDAY, JUNES), 1804, from WAL NUT- STREET PIER,. - : FOR CAPE MAY, At 6 and 10 A. M. and 4. SO P. M, - For Salem and Bridgeton at 9 A. M. aud4P. M. For Glassboroatff 9, and 10 A. M., and 4 and 4.30 P. M. For Woodbury, Gloucester, &<?., at 6 and 9 1 M., 12 M,,and4aud6r. M RETURNING TRAINS. Leave Cape May at 6and11.45A. M.,and 5.10 PM. Leave Millville at 7.40 A. ju., aud 1,52 au<T6,5Q P, M. . Leave Salem at 6 A. M. and 1.16 P.- M. Lejive Bridgeton at 6.15 A. M. , 1.30 P. M. ~ Leave Glassboro at 7.10 and S. S 3 A. M., and 2.23, 3, and 7.50 P. M. ■ Leave Woodbury at 7 7.40, and 5.51 A. M , and 2.50, 3.29, 5.05, and&l2P.M. . The WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY, Office 9 WALNUT Street, wiilcatl for and deliver Baggage, and attend to all the usual branchos of Express business.' Heavy articles taken by 6 A. Ml. line only, and must be seat to the office the evening previous. Perishable ar ticles by this line must be sent before sj£ A. M. . A special messenger accompanies each train.... - jelS-tf J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. iS&liiBBBiB PEHHSYL ■ NEW AND SHORT . ROUTE TO WILKESBARRB. TIME AND DISTANCE SAVED. •On and after WEDNESDAY, June 15, 1864, Passengers for Wilkeßbarre take the 7 A. M. Express Train, leaving the now Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, Philadelphia, to Bethlebom; thence by Lehigh Valley, Penn Haven, and White Haven, and Lehigh and Sus quehanna Railroads, arriving in Wilkesbarreat 2.45 RETURNING. Leave Wilkesbarre at 1 P. M., connecting Swith 6.07 Expre*s Train at Bethlehem, arriving in Philadelphia at 8.20 P. SI. Baggage checked through. Fare $4.25. Jelsrl2f : ELLIS *CLARg, : Agent. 'Bg«MWGBBBBga' PHILADELPHIA ■ AND ELBIIRAR, R. LINE. ISO*. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGE-' IS64L ■ ■ MENT. For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ELMIRA, BUF FALO, NIAGARA FALLS, CLEVELAND. TOLEDO, CHICAGO, DETROIT, MILWAUKEE; CINCINNATI; BT. LOUIS, and all points in the West and Northwest. Passenger Trains leave Depot of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL .Streets, at 8.15 A. M. and 8.30 P. M., daily, except '"otiSesiTjodte from Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York,’ &c., &c. ' ; For farther information apply at the office, N. W, cor ner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. N. VAN HORN, Ticket Agent. JOIIN S. lULLES. General Agent, mylS-tf THIRTEENTH aud CALLOWHILL Sts. TO LONG BRANCH, ATSION, MANCHESTER, TOM’S RIVER, BARNEOAT, RED BANK, &c. s &c v : On and aftf r WEDNESDAY next, June lfith, and un til farther notice, a train will leave Camden for Long Branch at 7.45 A. M., daily, (Sunday excepted.) Re turning, will leave Long Branch at 3.35 P. M. An afternoon train from Camden to Long Branch will he ran, commencing on July Ist, returning at an early hour next morning, thus aSordiag two daily communi cations to and from tho Branch. A froight train, with passenger car attached, will start for stations on the main line dally from Camden, (Sundays excepted.) at 9,15 A. M.; returning, will leave Port Monmouth next morning at 8.10 A. M. Stages connect at Woodmaaslo apd Manchester for Bar negat and Tom’s River. Stages will also connect at Farmingdale for Point Pleasant, Squan Village, Blue Ball, and Our House ■Tavern. . • - For farther information apply to Company’s Agent, L. B. COLE, at Cooper’B Point, Camden. • . wsf, r. OBIi’f’ITTS. Jr.. Gen.Snpt, J&&9 lly 160i* RAILROAD LINES. 1864. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erio, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY, ana under their auspices Is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It Is now In use for Passenger and Freight business from Harrisburg to St; Mary’s (216 miles), on the .East ern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie (78 miles), on the Western Division. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. Leave Westward. .11.25 A. M. Mall Train 7.25 A, M. Express Train. 10,30 P. M.. Cars run through wUhont change both ways on these trains bet woon Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and be tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williams port ant! Philadelphia. For information respecting Passenger business, apply at the S. £. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. And for Freight business of the Company’s Agents: S. B. KINGSTON. Jr., corner THIRTEENTH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. J, W. REYNOLDS, Erie. - J. M.:DRILL, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. n. n. Houston, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. . LEWIS 1.. HOUi’T, General Ticket AgeuL Philadelphia. JOSEPH D. POTTS, mhG-tf General Manager, Williamsport. liM^ PORTANTRo: ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 6th, 1864, Passengers from Philadelphia, Wilmington, or Balti more to SEAFORB. LAUREL, BELMAR, OR SALISBURY, Will be required by the Military Authorities to PROCURE PASSES: AT WILMINGTON. Falling to do this, they maybe detained by Provosl Guard at Seafbrd. An officor will be at Wilmington Depot for the purpose of issuing these passes a snfficienl time before the Salisbury train leaves. Passengers from Philadelphia for the points named should attend to tht* Immediately on arrival at Wilmington, and avoid de lay, • - E. Q SEWALL, Jr., . • , Superintendent Del. B. E. June 2,1861. . jo4-tf WEST OHESTER AND - PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD, via MEDIA. ; _ • SUMMER ARRANGEMENT-CHANGE OF DEPOT. On and after MONUAY. May 23, 1861, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of THIRTY FIRST and MARKET Streets (West Philadelphia), at 8 and .1L 05 A. M.,' and at 2.80, 4.45, and 7 P. M. Leave West Chester at 6.29, 7.45, and UA. M., and at 3 and SP.- 3L • ■ On Sundays leave Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M,, and 2.30 P. M. Leave West Chester at BA, M. andSF. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4.45 P. M., and West Chaster at 7.45 A. M., and SP. M., connect with trains on the P. and B. C. R. for Oxford, and intermediate points. HENRY WOOD, SffiUKS THE ADAMS EX COMPANY, Office 33C GHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its owx lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities In the United States, - E. B. SANDFOBD, fe27 General Superintendent. A BMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE -£*■- OFFICE, \ Cincinnati, Ohio, June 22. 1554.'- PROPOSALS are invited .by the undersigned until THURSDAY, July 7_, 1564, at two -o’clock P. M, t for furnishing this Department (by contract) with TKOWSERS, FOOTMEN’S—STANDARD, Samples of which may be seen at the Office of Cloth-, ing and Equipage in this city. To be delivered free of charge at the U. S. Inspection Warehouse, in this city, in good, new packages, with the name of the party furnishing, the kind and quanti ty of . goods distinctly marked ou each article and ■package. . ■' ‘ . ; Parties offering goods must distinctly state in their bldsthe quantity.mey propose to furnish, the price, andtimeof delivery. . Samples, when submitted, must be marked and num bered to correspond with the proposal, and the parties thereto must guarantee that the goods shall, be, in every respect, equal to army s anaard, otherwise the proposal will not be considered. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, must accompany each bill, guaranteeing that the bidder 'will supply the articles awarded to him anderhis pro posal. Bids will be opened on Thursday, July 7,1364, at two o’clcckP. M., at this office, and bidders are requested* to he present. Awards will be made on Friday,-.TatySth.. Bonds will be required that the contract will be faithfully fulfilled. Telegrams relatingto proposals will not be noticed. Blank forms of Proposals, Contracts, and Bonds may be obtained at this office. The right to reject any bid deemed unreasonable is reserved. : ■. Byorderof Col. Thos. Swords, A. Q. M. G. • - C. W. MOULTON. Je27-7t . Captain and A. Q. M. A SSISTAHT QUAHTEBMASTER GE -aX NERAL’S office, Philadelphia, June 25,1561. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until 12 o’clock M. on SATURDAY, the 2d of July, 1864, for ' Army Wagon. Covers, to be made of cotton, or linen duck, standard quality, full nine ounces, or linen covered with vulcanized India rubber or gutta percka, and made water-proof, per sample in this office. Price to bo stated foreach kind separately. The above articles to be of the best quality, and sub ject to inspection. / r - Bidders will state price, both in writing and figures, quantity of each articles bid for, and the shortest time required for delivery; price to include the packages'and delivery. The ability of the bidder to fill ' contract must be guaranteed by two responsible parsons, whose-signa tures, must be appended; to the guaranty, and said guaranty accompany the bid. The right ts reserved to reject all bids deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting contractor will be received. . For further information bidders will call at the office. No. 1130 GIRARD Street, where forms for proposals win be furnished. By order of Colonel Georoe H. Crosxjjt, Assistant Quartermaster General U. B. A, A SSISTANT QUARTERMASTER -ti- GENERAL’S OFFICE, TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets, Philadelphia, June 23d, ISO 4. .-SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until WEDNESDAY next, the 29th inst., at 12 o’clock 31.f0r supplying the United States'with the following articles, deliverable at the Schuylkill Araena/ Phila delphia, viz: vulcanized. India Rubber, or Gutta*Percha water proof Blankets, for shelter tents for footmen, army standard.. > ■ • - Vulcanized India-Rubber, or Gutta-Percha water-, proof Ponchos, for shelter tents for horsemen, army standard.. • Brass Numbers—Nos. S—army standard. 6-4 Scarlet Facing Cloth, army standard. • Blanilla Packing Paper, for Baling purposes/ Samples required. Samples can be seen at this office. Bidders must state in their proposals.the price, which- must be given in -ttyriffwa a« well &S tflrngarea; the quantity bid for, and time of delivery. * Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sons, whose signatures must be appended to the gua rantee.' Bide from defaulting contractors will not be received. Blank forms forproposals can be had on application at this office r and,each bid must be endorsed with the name of the particular article bid for. G/H. GROSMAN, je23-6t . Ass’t G. M. General, U. S. A. riERMANTOWN MARKET HOUSE.— SEALED PROPUSALB will be received until July 1, lS6i, from parties desiring to RENT the Germantown Market House for a term of years. : . This Market House is of the latest modern construc tion. having been built expressly for market purposes, in the most substantial and elegant manner. It has a front of forty-five feet, with a depth of aboutoae hun dred feet: containing forty-four stalls well-finished, twenty with marble slabs* together with large yard, shedding, nud all other appurtenances required for a first-class Blarket House. Smeath the building is a spacious aud well-built ar, extending Us full length, aad arched in the most approved manner. This is a lare chance for an enterprising person or per sons, it being the only Market House in Germantown, and can be made to pay. • Also, could be used for large manufacturing purposes, or Public Hail. . ; The House will be opened daily for inspection from 10 A. 31. to 4 P. M. fIAYALRY EQUIPMENTS; vy PROPOSALS will be received at the FRANKFORD ARSENAL until SATURDAY, JULY 2d, at 12 o’clock M., for the whole or part ,of the following-named articles: • 5,000 Cavalry Bridles. 6,000 Cavalry Bridles. JThe bits and buckles to be 35,000 Cavalry Halters. > furnished by the U. S. 25,000 Girths. ? Of the latest pattern of flna web -5,0C0 Surcingles, ) bing. All of these articles must be made to conform strictly In every particular to the samples to be seen at the Frankforu Arsenal. Parties bidding will state in what time they will fur nish the articles proposed for. Communications will be endorsed “Proposals for parts of Cavalry Equipments. ’ ’ and addressed to . Major T. T. S. LAID LEY. je24-6t - Commanding Frankford Arsenal. Pfaila- XTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. -L \ SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the FREEHOLD and JAMESBURG AG. RAIL ROAD CO., at Jamesburg, N. J. , until the sth of July, 1864,f0r the Grading of theextension of the Freehold and Jamesburg As. Railroad from Jamesburg to near Dean's Pond, on tbe branch road of the Camden and Amboy Railroad, being about six miles. : Profiles and Specifications can be seen at the office of the resident engineer, I. B. BUCKELEiV, at James burg. WILLIAM COOK, je2s-tjys Chief Engineer. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLYING THE X MINT WITH ACIDS AND WOOD. MIXT OF THB UXJTBD STATB3, Philadelphia, Jane 15,1564. SEALED PROPOSALS for supplying the Mint with NITRIC* AND SULPHURIC ACID, the former of the strength S 9 degrees Beanme (in tub carboys), and the latter 66 degrees Beanme (in box carboys), for one year, from the 6th July proximo, will be received by the un dersigned until the SOth lust Proposals (sealed) for supplying the Mint with OAK, HICKORY, AND P'NE WOOD, for .the same period, Will also be received until the 30th inst. Bidders will endorse their bids “Proposals for Acids;’* “ Proposals for Wood. “ jel7-t29 ■, : - JAMES POLLOCK, Director. PROPOSALS FOHBLANKETS. Ordxaxge Office, War Department, . Washinoton, D. C., June 24, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 4 o’clock P. M., on FRIDAY, July 15.1364, for tho delivery at the Now York Agency, No. 45 Worth street, ( New York, of * % : FIFTY THOUSAND CAVALRY BLANKETS. . The blankets must he of the following description— via: of pure wool, close woven, of stout yarns, Gentian bine, with an orange border three imibos wide and three inches from the edge, aud tho letters U. S , six inches high, orange color, tu the centre of the blanket.. Each blanket must be 76 inches longby 67 inches wide, and of the weight of 3.1875 lbs., or. say 3 3-16 lbs., on which a variation of 0.1875, or 3-l6ths of a lb. , may be allowed. They must be single, and not in pairs, and be packed in cases of one hundred blankets each; They are to be inspected at the factory where made, but must be delivered at the Now York Agency free of any charge to the United States for transportation, or handling, and nonewillheaccepted or paid for, except such os pass the inspection of and are approved by the United States Inspector. Deliveries must be made as follows, viz.: one-tenth of the number contracted for per week, commencing within one month from the date.of the contract. Failure to deliver at aspecified time will subject the contractor to a. forfeiture of thef quantity due at that time. No bid will be considered that does not come from a manufacturer .of blankets or regular dealer in such goods. The bidder will be required to accompany bis proposi tion with a guarantee, signed by.twoj responsible per sons, that in case his bid is accepted be will at once exe cute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the whole amount .ofthe contract, to deliver the article proposed, in conformity with the terms of this advertisement; and iu case the said bidder should fail to entor into the contract, they to , make good the difference between the offer of said bid der and the next responsible bidder, or the person-to whom the contract may be awarded. The responsibili ty of the guarantors must bo shown by the official certi ficate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court, or of the United States District Attorney. Bonds, in asum equal to the araouut of the contract, signed by. the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder or bidders uton signing of the contract ** _ - -POEM OF GUARANTEE. We, the undersigned, residents of —■ —■, iu the county of— —, and State of ——hereby jointly and seve rally covenant with the United States, and guarantee. in case the foregoing bid of be accepted, that he or they will at ouce execute the contract fort ho same, with good and sufficient sureties, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish the articles proposed in conformity to the terms, of the advertisement, dated June 24,1864, under-which the bid was‘made; and In case the said- ——-——shall fail to enter intoa contract as aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the difference between the offer of the said . and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may be awarded. Given under-Our hands and seals this day of ——, 18B— . ; . .... ~ ■. ■' •• . " , CSeal.3 [Seal,] . Witness, To this guaranty must be appended the official certifi cate above mentioned. Each party obtaining a contract will be obliged to onter into bonds,.with approved sureties, fox the faith ful execution of the same. . , Upon the award being made, successful bidders wilt he notified and famished with forms of contract and bond. Tho Department reserves the right to reject any or all the bids, if deemed unsatisfactory on any account. - Proposals will be addressed to Brigadier Genoim George D. Ramsay, Chief of Ordnance. Washington* D, (1, and will be endorsed ‘‘Proposals forßiankets. : GEO. D. RAMSAY, Brigadier General, je27«mwfijylfi, - - Chief of Ordnance. "PHOTOGRAPH CARDS FOR GEN II TLEMEN. —Sumplaa and Catalogues sent for 25 cents. Enolosa an envelope, with yonr own mune au4 iddress. ’ D. HEMMBTTB, jiKKim 1864. General Superiatmdßnt. PROPOSALS. GEO. R. ORMB, Captain and; A, Q, M. Address Box 135, Germantown P. O. GUARANTEE. AUCTION sales. JOHN B. MYERS & CO., AUCTION v SEES, Nos. »3» and 33* MARKET Street. CLOSING PEREMPTORY SALE OP EUROPEAN, IN DIA, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS,S-KBAW GOODS, CARPETS, MATTINGS, &0., being the closing sale of the season. "We -will hold a large sale of British, German, Preach, and American dry goods, by catalogue, on four months 1 credit, and part for cash, . ON THURSDAY MORNING, 3oth, commencing at precisely 10 o’clock, com t. „ 375 packages AND LOTS of British, German, French, India, and American dry goods, embracing a large, full* and fresh assortment of woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and eilh goods, for city and country sales. - P,-, -Sam PA eli of . *}»• name will be ananited for «- Rn , ,lß i l l" n ’ , , early on the moraine, of eale, when dealers will find it to their Interest to attend. ■dißO, Inarain* Tenetian, list and ran carpets. Canton mattings, Sic., with which the sale will commence. LARGE SALE OF BMESmC GOODS TO CLOSE A in onr rale V Thursday morning. June 30th, will be found a ho„t jjo packages American cotton goods, to be sold for cash, consisting in part— — packages Canton Simnels. packages domestic and wool flannels. Irales Icullgo blue denims. bales bleached and brown sheetings. bales heavy indigo blue tickings. fmles heavy hickory whirlings. bales blue Beverly twills, cases colored and black cambrics. cases brown and bleached nmailaa. cases Manchester ginghams. cases madder prints. - cases Saxony flannels. cases plain and fancy satinets. . capes Kentucky jeans and mechanics* CLOSING POSITIVE SALE OF SPRING AND WINTER FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, CAR PETS. MATTINGS, &c. SALE OF'THE SEASON; Included in our sale of Imported and American dry goods, t»> }>e held on Thursday morning, June 30th, at 300 clock, to be sold without reserve, by catalogue, on four months’ credit and for cash, being the last sale of the season. TO CLOTHIERS, &c.— SALE OF WOOLENS, Ac./FOB SPRING AND WINTER WEAK. Also, on Thursday, June 80th, pieces French black amt colored cloths. pieces spring colors meltons, pieces mixed Raglan cloths. pieces black aod colored Union cloths, pieces French black dotskins. pieces plain and fancy cassimeres. . V pieces black drop d’ete. pieces Italian cloths and alpacas. pieces heavy bley and blouse linens. pieces heavy farmers* drills and docks. . ' —.pieces heavv sealskins. FRENCH, BRITISH, AND GERMAN DRY’ GOODS. Also, on Thursday, June 30th. . —packages Saxony dress goods. packages printed lawns and jaconets. . packages French shirting prints. - packages black and colored alpacas. packages Javelins and. bareges. pieces black gros do Rhine*. —pieces black gros grain taffetas. pieces colored gros de Naples and mouseline*. Also, silk ties aud hdkfs., sewing silks, veils, sus penders, travelllngshirti?, hosiery, pearl buttons, hoop acd balmoral skirts, fancy articles, summer shawls, patent thread. ALo, a stock of staple and fancy dry goods, &e LATEST STYLE OF EMBROIDERIES, JUST LANDED. Included in our sale of THURSDAY, June 80, will be found about 175 lota of a very handsome assortment of embroideries in cambric edgings, bands, and collars. Also, pulled, striped, aud plaited waist muslins. The trade’s attention specially called to these goods.' legal; r!T THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FO® THE CITE AND COUNT! OP PHILADEL- I phia. - Notice is hereby given that I, the subscriber, have ap plied to the court aforesaid to make an order whereby j the estate and effects which, after the making thereof I -1 may acquire, may for seven years thereafteiSbe exempt ‘ ed from execution for any debt contracted, or cause of action existing priorto my late discharge asan insolvent I debtor. Tie time aud place fixed for the hearing of said i. application is July 9th, 1564, at tea o’clock A. M. , at ■ the Court House:on CHESTNUT Street, -f -i ABRAHAM MEYERS, Civil Engineer, .j je27-mtuw6t* 3319 COATES Street j TH THE ORPHA.NS 1 COURT FOE THE -1' X CITY . AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, j Estate of JOHN WOOD, Deceased, i The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, ! and adjust the account of MARY ANN WOOD, admi ' nisDatrix of John Wood, deceased, and to make distri ; button of the balance in the bands of the accountant, will mpet the parties interested, for the purposes of his ; • appointment,^on WEDNESDAY, July 6, ISG4, at 4 oWckP. M/, at 138 South SIXTH Streei, in the city ' of Philadelphia. je24 frmwSt : . H. E. WALLACE. Auditor. P ST THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of THOMAS H. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ELEANOR JACOBS and ED WARD B. JACOBS, Executors of. THOS. EL JACOBS, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the bands of the accountant, wilt meet the parties interest ed for the purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY, July 7,1564, at 11 o’clock A. M.. at hts office, southeast corner SIXTH jtnd WALNUT Streets, in the city of Philadelphia. je24-fmwst D. W. Q*BRIEN, Auditor. T ETTEKS TESTAMENTARY HAY -M ING been granted to the undersigned, as Execu trix of the last will and testament of WM. W. HQL LINGS WORTH, deceased, by the Register of Wills of City and County of Philadelphia, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment/ Those haring claims , against the same, to present them to CAROLINE N/HOLLINGSWORTH, Executrix, 1800 SPRUCE Street. jeS- w6t* T OST OB MISLAID—A POLICY OF INSURANCE, issued by the Spring Garden Insu rance Company, No. 470, dated June 25,1341. By return ing the same a suitable reward will bo paid: WM. J. WARREN, 318 N. EIGHTEENTH Street. je22-ws»t* MEDICAL. SPRING DEBILITY ! " . LANGOUR. LASSITUDE, AND that LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM Peculiar to the SPRING TIME OP YEAR, are immedi . ately relieved by the . PERUVIAN SYRUP, . Or Protected. Solution of PROTOXIDE OP IRON. TUB PERUVIAN SYRUP Supplies the blood with its vital principle, or LIFE-ELEMENT, IRON, Infusing Sthekoth, Vigor, and New Lipb into all parte of the system. . One of the most distinguished Jurists in New England writes to a friend as follows: . 4 * I have tried the PERUVIAN SYIftJP, and the result fully sustains your prediction. It has made a new max of me; infused into my system new vigor and energy; I am eg longer tremulous aad debilitated as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with, larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time dqring the last five years. ’ ’ An eminent Divine of Boston says: “I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP for soma time past; it gives me >*kw vigor, buoyancy of spirits, ELASTICITY of MUSCLE. ” Pamphlets free. J. P. DISMORE, No. 493. BROADWAY, NEW YORK. COUGHS! COLDS! CONSUMPTIONS Wistar ; s Balsam of Wild Cherry, Okb OP THE Oldest-and Most Reliable Remedies in the World for . : Coughs. Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, and Every Affection of THE THROAT, EUNttS, AND CHEST. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry does not Dry up a Cough and leave the seeds of Consumption in the sys tem, bid loosens it, and cleanses the Lungs of all im purities. None genuine unless signed “I. BUTTS” on the wrapper. ; "v BEDDING’S RUSSIA SALVE! A Reat Pain Extractor. ' FORTY YEARS* EXPERIENCE Has fully established the superiority of this' Salve over all other healing remedies. It reduces the most augry looking Swellings and Inflammations as if by Magic; heals Old'Sqre3» Wounds, Burns, Scalds, 3jc., in a surprisingly short time. Only 25 els. a Box. The above are old and we l V established Seme dies. For Sale by J. P. DINSMOHB, 491 BROADWAY, NEW YORE S. W. FOWLE &_CO., 18 TREMONT St., BOSTON, jelB-sw3m and by all Druggists. TARRANT’S EFFERYESGBK'I A SELTZER APERIENT. IS THB BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOB ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE,CGSTIVS ■ NESS, INDIGESTION, HEART-BURN.- SOUS .STOMACH, SEASICKNESS, &C..&0. Dr. JAMES R. CHILTON, the Great Chemist, say* "T know Its com|>osition, and have no doubt it will prove most beneficial in those complaints for which it i* recommended.’* Dr. THOMAS BOYD says: “I strongly commend it to the notice of the public. ** Dr. EDWARD G. LUDLOW gays: ”1 can with «oa fideuce recommend It. * * Dr. GEORGE T.,DEXTER says: “In Fl&fculeney, Heart-bum, Costiveness, Sick Headache, &c., tm SELTZER APERIENT in my hands has proved indeed s valuable remedy. * ’ . Tor other testimonials see pamphlet with. each bottl* Manufactured only by TARRANT & GO., SSI'S GREENWICH Street, New York. Jjg» ROB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. my23-tno« T?LECTRICITY,~WHAT IS LIFS WITHOUT HEALTH ?—Dra. BARTHOLOMEW 4 ALLEN, Medical Electricians, having removed theh Office from North. Tenth Btreefc to No. -15* North ELEVENTH Street, below Race, will still treat and enn all cnrable diseases, whether Acute or Chronic, without shocks, pain, or any inconvenience, by the nee of Elec tricity, in its modifications, and Homoeopathic Medi cines. Consumption, first and se* Inflnema and Catarrh. eond stages. Oeneral Debility. Paralysis. Diseases of the Liver *> Neuralgia. Kidneys. Fever and Arae. Diabetes. Congestion. Prolapsus Dterl{Falling** Asthma. ... the womb). . - Dyspepsia. • Haemorrhoids, or Pile*. „ Rheumatism. Spinal Disease. Bronchitis. Deafness. Testimonials at the office, 154 North Eleventh street. Office hoars 9A. HI. to 6 P. M. Das. BARTHOLOMEW & ALLEN, . Medical Electricians, " '•Torth ELEVENTH Street. my26-tje29 ELECTRICITY. TXTONDEREUL SCERimFIO DIS ; f t COYERY.-—All 'acute and ichronlc disease* 1 1 cared by special guarantee, when desired by th* ; patient, at 1330 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and, la case of a failure, no charge ,is made. No 1 drnggingthe system with uncertain medical agents. 1 All cures performed by Magnetism, Galvanism, or, 1 other modifications of Electricity, without shocks or any unpleasant sensation. For farther inform*-1 , tion, send and got a Pamphlet, which contains hun* 1 dreds of certificates from some of the most reliable men in Philadelphia, who have been speedily and permanently cured after all other treatment from ; medical men' had failed. Over twelve thousand 1 cured inleßsthan five years at 1230 WALNUT St. ; Conadltation Free. I Prof. BOLLBS & Dr. BROWN. 1 myl4»2ro* 1330 WALNUT St.»Philadelphia. TAYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO- X CATION never fails to enre Rheamatlam, NeoralrU, Sprains. Frosted feet, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Dis eases. Price 25c, and wholesale and retail by H. B. TAT* LOR, Drnggist, TENTH and CALLOWHILL. mhfi-to* fJ'REASURY DEPARTMENT. Office of the Comptroli/br of the Currency, Washington, May l, ISS4. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it lias/been made to appear that THE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OFPHILADELPHtA, county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized, under and according to the require ments of the act of Congress entitled ** An act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof,” approved February2s,lS(>3, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business.of Banking: . , ~ Now, therefore, I, HUGH McCULLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify tliatTHE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OP PHILADELPHIA, countr of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the act ln° testimony 'whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, thi»POCBfH DAI OpMAY, 1564. rseal or rno comptroller o f Comptroller of the Currency. "PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING.— L mocollin st khoabs. 1231 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. Water Mills. Milta, Hydraulic Eams. PtiiQps of various patterns. Bathing Tubs, Waßh Basinß.ftadother, articles necessary to furnish Dwellings in city and country with every modern convenience of Water and Gas. Terra Cotta W ater and Drain Pipe. mylß-ftawSa •DUBE PALM OIL SOA#.—THIS SOAP *»- is made of pure, fresh Palm Oil. and is entirely ft vegetable Soap; more suitable for Toilet use than those made from animal fats. In boxes of one dozen eakeft, for *2 P* box. Ma a «aetur,| &KTOK & No. 116 MARGARETTA Street, between Front and Second, above Callowhlll. ieo-diD PANADA LUMBER YARD. V/ LUMBER DISTRICT, ALBANY, NEW YORK. The subscribers are now receiving large lo*b of PIKB and HARD-WOOD LUMBER, which they ave prepared to offer to the trade at market prices} 5 per cent, off for "itfrta JOHSSftOO. auction sales. "p’URNESS, BRINLEY &CO , " J- No. 615 CHESTNUT and 0,3 JA YRB Strsota. M THOMAS & SONS, • Nos. X3D and ill South FOURTH Street „E. K Booth FOURTH Stroet. SDPBKIOK FgKMTUJtE. PIANO FORTES.MtKRORS, IROK SAFES, BILLIARD TABLE, FISE CARPETS, Ac., Ac Off THURSDAY iTOßfftffi?, At D o’clock, at the Auction Store, superior Furniture, mahogany piano forte, mirrors, iron chest*. billiara table, military saddle, child’scoaeh, tine carpets, <fcc, ' Also, a model steam engine and boiler. Also, fcw» ©leanuers. MODEL OF THE GREAT RODMAN GUN. _ _ ~ THIS MORNING. Jnnelsth,at 12 o’clock* at the auction store, will b« Bold at public sale, the model of the largest cannon ia tne world, fey the United States Government at the Fort Fitt Works. Length, 20feet finches: diame- inches; weight. 57 tons 7<*) pounds; solid shot, 1.000 pounds; charge of pov der, SO pounds. on exhibition at the Great Central-Fair. Terms cash. To bo removed on or before July Ist. SALE FOE ACCOTTNT OF MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. UNITED STATES ARMY. ON THURSDAY, . At 1 o’clock F. M., at the auction store, lot 200 Iron bedsteads. SALE 914 SPRUCE Street. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, SCHOOL FURNITURE. TAPESTRY CARPETS, &c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, July Ist, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at No. 014 Spruce street, the household and kitchen furniture, large quau tuy of school-desks and Furniture, mattresses, blr.nkets. ErL' < £ tR * tape . B i r s’ car P*t*. &c.,; also cottage furniture. Ma> be examined atSo T clotk on the morning of the SALE No. 1220 VINE STREET SUPERIOR DRAWING-ROOM AND CHAMBER FUR NITURE. FINE CARPETS, * r v rt , on ,Saturday morning, t July 2d, at 10 o’clock, at No. 1220 Vioe street, by cat* - logue, the superior household furnUare, including euifc handsome walnut and plu*h drawing-mom furniture, superior chamber and dining-room furniture, fine Brus sels and imperial carpets, &e. Also, the kitchen utensils. May be examined, at 8 o'clock, on the morning of sale. " T>HILIPFORD * CO., AUCTIONEERS, 525 MaRKEr and 33S COMMERCE Streets. „, T ■ ('.LOSING SALE OP THE SEASON. SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES. BROGANS, f &C., 4rc. ■ ON THURSDAY MORNING, Jane 30th, commencing at 10 o’clock, precisely, will be sold, by catalogue, for net ca?li, 1,000 cases men’s, boys’, and youths’calf, kip, ntain, and thick boots, brogangj baltnorals, cavalry boots, Oxford ties. Con gress gaiters, &e. ' Women’s, misses’, and children’s calf, kip, goat, kid, and morocco heeled boots and shoes, side-lace and Congress heeled gaiters, balmoraU/sllppers, buskins, &c , from first- class city and Eastern manufactoriee. This sale will contain a prime Assortment of goods, well worthy the attcntioubf buyers. Open for examination* with catalogues, early on the morning of sale. T>Y HBNKY P- WOLEERT, -P ' ■ • AUCTIONEER. Ko. 5508 MARKET Street, South Side, above Second St. SATINETS, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS TRIMMINGS, SKIRTS, WOOL SHIRTS, -FELT HAW, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, Sic. THIS MORNING. •June 20ih, commencing at 10 o’clock, will be sold black and blue satinets, ready-made clothing. dre*s and domestic .goods, hosiery, gloves, handkerchief, trimmings, skirts, wool shirts, felt hats, caps; straw hats, &e. * , •*£-5? Dry Goods, Tnmnunjrs, Notions, &c., every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAYMorning, com mencing at 10 o’clock. PANCOAST & WARNOCE, AUO •4* TIONEEKS, No. 2140 MARKET Street. SALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS. HOOP-SKIRTS, STOCK OF GOODS, &0., by Cata logue* • \ • THIS DAY. June 29tb,. commencing At 10 o’clock precisely, • com prising about 500 lots seasonable and desirable goods, to which the attention of buyers is invited. P-Y SCOTT & STEW AST. AUCTION BEES AND. COMMISSION- MERCHANTS, Nos. G 33 CHESTNUT Street and GIS SANSuM Street. SPECIAL SALE OF CHAMPAGNES AND OTAKD : BRAN DA. ■ .. ON THURSDAY MORNING NEST, '■■■' 30th last., at 10 o’clock precisely, we will sell about fifty baskets champagnes, quarts and pints,‘.of the fol lowing celebrated brand *: Piper & Co., Heidseick, VenTS Cliqnot, Ponsardin, G. H. Momm & Co., Moet de Chan don, &c. Aleo, cases Otard. Dapny, & Co., pale brandy. All warranted genuine as imported. SALE OF OIL PAINTINGS. ON THURSDAY HORSING NEXT, June &Hh, at 11 o’clock precisely, we wiUsellastaall und rare collation of valuable oil paintings, embracing works of an from the studios of the most celebrated ar tists of the age. LARGE PLATA GLASS MIRRORS. Also, super large size plate glass mirrors, rich gold. I^3f ARMY AND NAVY REVOLVERS. Also, 25 army and navy revolvers (complete), manu factured by the American Scar Comply,. CLOSING SALE OF STRAW GOODS; &e:* # v‘S : . ON FRIDAY MORNING, . July Ist, at 10 o’clock, we will hold our clo3in? sale of the season, comprising ladies* and misses’ black and tan. colored ridals, Josephines, white split straw, English Constable, and Neapolitan bonnets, new and fashion able shapes. Also, an invoice of black pedal orioles. RIBBONS, ARTIFICIALS, &e. Also, cartons poult de soie bonnet ribbons,artificial flowers, &c, LACE POINTS. Also, an invoice o£ silk; lace points. MAOHIiYERT ASTD IHOiV. PSW STEAK ENGmE rrfMr¥h and boiler works.—neafie & levy, practical and theoretical engineers, ma chinists, boiler-makers, and ROUNDERS, having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusive! y engaged i n building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and lowprea sttre, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &c., Sic.,' respectfully offer their services to the public, as Doing fully prepared to contract for engines of all sizes, Ma rine, River, and Stationary; having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Botlers, of the best Penn sylvania charcoal iron, Forgings, of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descriptions; Roll-Turn ing, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. - Drawings and specifications for all work done at this establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. .The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &c., &c,, for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C. NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH and PAI«MBB Streets. J. VAUGHA2t MERBICK. WILLIAM M. MBEEXOS. • • JOES’ B. COPE. OOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. p.-. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STBEETF. PHILADELPHIA. MERRICIL <fc SOSTS, ENGINEEKSAND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Presure Steam Engines, foe land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. iron-frame Hoofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, &c. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Im proved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators* Filters, Pumping Engines,ie. Sole agents for N. milieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Ap paratus ; Kesmytb's Patent Steam Hammer,-and Aspin wall & Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draiifing Machine. «• aul2-tf MORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM BN- A-*i- GINS BUILDERS, Iron Pounders, and General Machinists ; and -Boiler Makers, No. 1219 CALLOW HILL Street, Philadelphia. fe2o-tf SmPPDTG. STEAM WEEKLY TO LI YERPOOL, touching at QHEENSTOWS. (Cork Harbor.) The wdll-known Steamers of the Li verpool, New York,and Philadelphia Steamship Com* panvare intended to sail as follows: CITY OF MANCHESTER, * SATURDAY, July 2. CITY OF LONDON.... SATURDAY, July 9. CITY OF BALTIMORE.. ....SATURDAY, July 16. and every succeeding Saturday at Noon, from Piertt, North River. * RATES OF PASSAGE: Payable in Gold, or its equivalent in Currency. FIRST CABIN.. SSO OO.STEERAGE ..........$3O 00 do to L0nd0n..... S 5 00 do to London.. 34 00 do to Paris .. 96 00 do to Paris.... 40 00 do to Hamburg .. 90 001 do to Hamburg 37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rot terdam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. . Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist C ibin, $75, SSS, $lO6. Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown* $35. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company'* Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. je2l-4t 111 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. -rffjgffe BOSTON AND PHIL ADEL ■SaiflViiiriiJir a«PHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each pbrt on SATURDAYS, from first wWrf above PINB Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The steamship SAXON, Capt. Matthews, will sail from Philadelphia for Boston oa Saturday, July 2, at 10 A. M., and steamship NORMAN, Captain Baker, from Boston for Philadelphia on same day, at 4 o’clock P. M» These new and substantial steamships form a Tegular Line, sailing from each port punctually on Saturdays, i Insurances effected atone-lialf the premium charged on the vessels. Freights taken at faiT rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and Bill* Lading with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having fine accommodations) apply to HENRY WINSOR & CO., inh22-tf 333 South DELAWARE Avenue. GOAL. pOAL. —SUGAR LOAF, BEAYIr' V MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal.and best Locust Mountain, from Schuylkill; prepared ex pressly for Family use. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH and WILEOW Sts. Office, No. 113 South SECOND St. aps-tf J. WALTON & CO. pUKE LEHIGH COAL—HOUSE- A KEEPERS can rely on getting a pure article at the S E. ’corner FRONT and POPLAR Streets. je2l-lm* * JOHN W. HAMPTON. O FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE COUNTRY. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families at their Country Residences with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &c., &a ALBERT C. ROBERTS, mySl-tf Comer ELEVENTH and VINE Sta- on BBLS. PURE OLD JERSEY APPLE "VJ WHISKY, for sale by „ „ E. P. MIDDLETON, 5 North FROST Street J&r v SELLING OUT. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. The undersigned, having decided to retire from busi ness, offers for sate at low prices, his large and well selected stock of WATC ?f!taKY.and SILVER and PLATED WARE. THOMAS C. GAERETT. Wo; 713 CHESTNUT Street, Opposite the Masonic Hall. Philadelphia. STEAK CIEBS VISITING THE "j eSty-sollclted to the facilities of the TENTH and. A MARKET SLEEPER UMBRELLA. FACTORY. Je24l->t* . - ~ ESTEY’S COTTAGE ORGANS. Hot only CNEXCBLLBUbot UNEQUALLED in parit* of Tom anil Power, destined especially for CharchM end Schools, tot fotmd to be OQnalir weU adaptod to the Parlor and Drawini Boom. Eor ago . Ho. 18 Booth SEVENTH StraoL Also. & complete the Perfect Melodeoa •OBBtaatly oahand. mylS-aia WINDOW GLASSv—FRENCH PLATE VV Glass for store fronts, Konßh Plate Glass for sky llcbts floorß, &c. ? Port and Pack LigMs, Ornamental Glass for elmrches, &c.; Photograph. Glass, and Foreign and fcomestle Window Glass of every va* rleiy, for sals) by OBT SHOEMAKER * CO., Kos. 205 and 207 H. i'OURTH Streep spy-, EVANS & WATSON’S SjSilJ SALAMANDER SAFES. *»=*-' ' STORE/- 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. . ' AI large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always oa 'hand. ' ••• ' ; xgss PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS, -With foil doEcriptlonß of oharacter, gITW i B w A Sto EVSKIH Ho.^B»4%««aW
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