CHURCH CONVENTIONS* General Conference of (lia Zion MethO* <list dmrcli. TWENTY-FIRST DAY CONTINUED, UNION. It was resolved that, the superintendents and el ders shall he governed hy the articles of confedera tion agreed upon in tlio Convention of the A. M, E. .Zion and A. M. K. Churches. SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. !A Sabbath-School Association was foridod to pro 'luoto this institution throughout the connection, over which Eider Giles was caltort to proside. The superintendents are vice-presidents. An efficient hoard or managers, consisting of Elders Washington llutlor, Spywood, and Thomas, was constituted. SALARY OF-TUB.MINISTRY. Tho preacher’s .salary was fixed at five hundred dollars, thepeople to pay all travelling oxponsos •When on duty for the connection. . TUB HWCT GENERAL OOXFEttBNOR. The next Genoral Oonfercnoo will take place In ■Washington city, on the first Wednesday in May, 1808.• VOTES OF THANKS. The Conference gave unanimous votes of thanks to the trustees of Wesley Church, to tho reporters of the Press, to the conductors of The Press nndjn quirer, to the superintendents, to the secretaries, to the marshal and timist, to the people in general and to the gonoroaity shown by the various railroad companies in extending to tho-members of the Contoronce tho privilege of returning homo at re duced rates. INSTALLATION. Superintendents Brooks and Clinton, and Elders Sampson, Talbot, and .T. D. Brooks wero installed into the offices of superintendent for the next en sninu four years, with sirnpio but appropriate core monies. Ex-Superintendents Ross, Mnekall, Wil liams, and John P. Thompson, being the oldest members, officiated in the exercises..- _ . Interesting inaugural addresses woro dol‘;,. eretl by tho superintendents, which were .Us f . ouoa t 0 w [|ji marked interest, and loudly applauded. ‘ The Conference adtourned the city; Tlic Tlieriuoinojcr. JUKE IS, 1863. : JUNE IS. 1381. 6 A M....-12S1 3P.M. 6A. M ISM 3P.M. 71......•• .80...... .86: 6W- -7?..... S 3 WIND. WIND. E. ....5E..........NE EKE....... EKE... ..ElfyN JUKE 19, 1863. JUNEUI, 1564. CAM IS si 3P. 31. 6 A. St 12 M 3 P. SI. e$X 71 61..........5C. S 3 wisd. wixn. • " SSB.,byHv>..SbjrH SSE .......Shy E.......55E MILITARY.' - AI’.JUYAI. OF "WOUXDED SOLDIERS, On Saturday morning, 429 wounded soldiers from the Washington hospitals, arrived at the Citizens’ "Volunteer Hospital, whore thoy were properly cared for by Hr. Kenderdino, until the arrival of the fire men’s nmlmlanees, when they woro removed to the Government hospitals.. The tollowing, Pennsylvania and New Jersey regiments, were among the arrivals: PESiSSYLVAKIA ItKGIMENTS. .Tao C Cnllaban, E, 91 W W Brown, G, .IS Corp P Kretmil*#, 139 Samml Wright, o, 100 ■ lanatßobb, or®"« —McCaffrey. H, 2 Car J H Walker, I,’ 2 Cay Geo II Siefreil, I, 23 Christ Ettel, 0. 7L _ J»s B Hall. D. SCay Corn G Graciase. IK, 116 Chas Lowther, I>, 61 Martin Pnllaian, E, 98 Vrauklln Uaaor, P, 130 1 H Mumphotd, B. 16 Cav. Wm K Buck, JB, 95 JM VaXdicL B. SCav Wh Charlea. D. 115 "Wm Hall. I>, S Cav . J H Shaffer, C, 62 Sam! Bailey, H, 116 Jos AWeibb, A. 103 . Jacob Giaam, 1, SS , John Kelly, 1). 8b GeoGerstrnlauer, C, 9S, . Geo Kicbardeon, B, Sr John Lotts, 1, 98 Christian Zeitler. G, 62 ~ James Clay, 1. S 8 . Thos Hart, C, 145 Corp Irid Le..'/, H, 9S . Sergt W.H WAldon, E 183 Seth Andrew!, D. 115 Corp SI btockbioe, E, IS3 Cnro Wm Morgan, 48 Geo Lockhart, I, 183 OanlfiSXe.B 4i! Wm Langhlin, £, 133 • Jllch McGraw, K, 23 IVn. Stiae, 1), M ■Jobs Rice, F, IS4 W H Cook, B. 183 J5l Lnce, A. - JVm.«uicktall, K, IS3 ; J A McCot nell, F, 100 Wm Bi usaaioa, D, SI Chaa Bronson, K, 711 Henry H Ketfer, H, 140 IV F Moore, 1S» 71 Martin LWiilet, E, 63 Bobt Boss, C, 82 . Geo W George, fe, 140 ■Wm Grist, B, 167 • Wm Dotty, B, ,1 J. W Hedglln, B, 184 . Jas Kelly, I, 40 . ■ Aug Hillman, 1,16 Cav A G Lindt&y, G, 23 Wm Green, £. 2 Cav . Alfred Smith, I, 2 Art •Wm B C Troup, F," 2 Car W Smith, F, S 4 . Teter Graf, G, 183 Ira Cosner, B, 143 Kelson Morse, F, lg _ .B J C-inntngham, H, 143 Henry S "Whiting. H, 187 Qep W Kobarts, E, 51 *Wn» Eckley, D, 45 Henry H, Wenzel, k» 143 •Patßrennon, it 48 JR MeMullin, l, 21 Cav JBird, ’ Emory Cory, A, 2 Art J 3 BranW, K, 183 AO Wilson, A, 116 Charles W Wilson, 0,102 W S McCartney, G. 100 . Corp D A Bess, H, 65 Corp W Eastiick, G, 100 PJ Mann, K, 51 * • John Wartz, G, 51 Corp John Mercer, E, 48 Jacob Hitman, E, 51_ G Larkin, B, s Res Corn John Ellis, E, 116 •G W Cake, C, 50 A w Custer, K, 140 James W Stevens, D, ICO Jnoß Lindsey, IQ Rea A. Rickey, B, I Rea Henry Kelly, 1 Res JC Smith, 0,1 Rifles M Powers, A, 5 Cav J D Howell, K, 11 IVf Far per, F, 6 Res M Bnmhaugh, B, 148 Sergt M Logan, M, 16Cav M Sbanefelter, B, IS7 Corp J Loughiin, F, 13 Hoah Garwood* B, S 3 H H Faulkner, A, 16 Gar W B Glenn, E, 45 WflFrisell, K, 62 W K Bew.E* 4o - : R Beveridge, E, 43 A Miller, h 100 : . M Tate. C. 45 J Cobush. i,4S W ll Mitchell, C, 45 .John Wright, G» 48 '; J J Llnnker, 0, 45 MUes Wright, I, 2d Art John Clemen'S, £, 43 PeterSMyers, 6, 51 . John AMyers, C, 45 K Aikens, I, 58 OStaron, G. 23 • •WSmith,F,B4 J Grimley.K, 62 W Heisor, A, 48 W Blancfiard, I, 10 Res JR Hodges, G, S Cav - ISi Peter Sliaip, A, 113 CorpW B wooden,C,2lCav G Clumley, K, 91 J Reed, i, 53 J MoutB, E, I4S SEhrevant. F, 50 Corp'M Jones, F,187 . H Stahley, B, 11 Albert Lyons, 0,-& W H Adams, B, 11 Wm Harley, E, S 4 A J Bradbury, G, 145 TFarley, C, 2d Artillery . JSchnltz, F, S 7. S Schueler, E, 61 ’ W Manhouse, H,2d Art Jas4FargesoD, G, 10 JasTerry, C, 2d Art S E Knlh* B, 67 J McCormick, K, U 4 Thos Maher, E, 61, JBrigffs,G,sS n Jas McCannon, G, ICO JPennett, G, 58 ,M B Hooker, B, 139 JB McLaughlin, H, 116 Thos Lynch, F, IS3 IH Schafler, E.T45 Coip J B Kasbon, C, 21 Cav B (J, 141 Thos Brolf, H, 63 _ J M Campbell. B, 61 "W. George, E, 139 J Hanley, G, §9 JSiftck, C, 187 B Deets, 1,58 B Butterwortb. C, 71 W Sherveley, I. IS7 A A Pike, F, 1 Rea B Lysinger, B, 69 J W Miller, E, 61 Corp B Manley, B, 188 ' BBCutler, G, 141 . PTCummins,A, 18S iT Rider, E.1&4 ■ Corp J C Bak«r, 1,55 .. John Palmer, F, ISS Pat Bonner, D, 58 3 Corroleee, A,.67/ PA Mowrer, B, 1 Cav Sergt Wllarmon. I, 49 A C Irwin, B, l!JCav J Barton, I, 53 . AdamWire, A, 139 0 W Bragman, A,49 Wm Daffy, F, 48 Geo H Jones, JF.4S .- Jaeflfc Kuhns, F. 48 John EUCooper, I, 4S v Matthews,H»4S Gyms Hanes, F, 48 Jas Welsh, H, 48 Geo Johnson,. G, 01 C W Foxthimer, E, 53 A J Wagner, G, 53 Cbas Laige, B, 63 W M Wilson, K, 53 A J Wagner, G, 53 A Stewart, G, 55, ' •Corp A Wolfi I), 188 - John Stewart, Ai 71 • Edward Kelly, A, 71 John Logan, C, ISS Wm H Frederick, E, 141 “Wmßazlet.F, 11.9 W Gorman, B, 6 Cav Andrew F Christy, G, 62 NEW JERSEY ■Simon Peter, E, 1 Julius Babalin, I, 3 ■W H Horley, 'O,l Car'. • Oiaa Eobinson, D, 10 Oias Saudgraf, I, 3C&Y Adam Sibei. £,14 Jas F Barret, E, 15 ?. 3) P Tremper, B, 3 Cav Bobt Burns, F, 1 John Pagett, I, 15 Chfts H Cnriis, D, 14 Pat Dailev, B, 3 Udatthew Pattison, C, 3 Casper H Cregg, E, 10 Henry Goodman, A, 10 ’Christian Beyer, serg’t, E,2 Benj Giaves, F» 5 * W K Opdyke, I', 11 * A li Wai.-L, B, 1 - I OFFICERS FOR ‘COLORED TROOPS. The following -students.: of the • Free Military School foropplioantsfor command of colored troops, ■passed a successful examination last week before the Board of Examiners at Washington, D. C., and were reooimnended for the positions named: For Caplailis.—' Walter A. Barrows, civilian of Connecticut, age 24; John Campbell, corporal Co. E, 45th Pennsylvania Hegiment, age 23 ; Jos. H. . Chandler, corpora] Co'cF, 6th Michigan, age 21: Josiah Chance, r private, 7th Independent. Troop Ohio Cavalry, age 24; Ohas.TP. Ives, Ist sergeant CO. H, Ist N. Y. Cavalry, age 24; Dwight H. Kel ly”, private, 00. B, OSth New York Artillery, age 23; Samuel B. Bathurst, Ist sergeant Co. I,slth’ Pennsylvania, age 27. ' - ; , I’or Firs! Lieutenants— John 1). Hotly, sergeant Co. B, 91th New York, aged 26; John 0. Sessions, sergeant Co. 1,2 d Michigan, aged 21; Thomas H. Palmer, sergeant. Co. I,lst- District Columbia Ca valry, aged. 24; William M. ,Scott, civilian, New .Jersey (late second lieutenant 14th New York Ca valry), aged 22; David D. Flckes, private United States Army Signal Corps, aged 25; Joseph Smith, private Op. A, 2d Pennsylvania Artillery, aged 24 ; Henry Oviatt, private Co. o,Bth Wisconsin, aged ’ 24 1 EdwardP. Little, private Ist Maine Heavy Ar tillery, aged 22; Charles S. Blake, private 6th Ver mont, aged 43. For Second Efeuieiionn-Jaeob Senders, privato, K > aged 20 ; John S. Hal milton, civilian, of Pennsylvania, aged 24; William B. Forrest, sergeant Co. O, United States Sharp shooters, aged 22; Amos K. Kepher, private Co. F, 61st Pennsyl vanio, aged 21; George Cook, sergeant Co. I,Bth Illinois Cavalry, aged' 28; Frank (X Ro binson, civilian. of New York, aged 21; Frederick W. Brown, civilian, of Mass., aged 19; Win. O. Olat worthy, private Co. F, 155th Pa., aged 23; Geo. B. Kennedy corporal, Co. D, 2d Ohio, aged 23; Thos. J: EdwardSi private C0.,K,. 118th Pennsylvania: aged 37rMareins S. Grannis,. sergeant OofE, Bth New York; Artillery, aged 18; VVarren H. Lyon, Srivate Co. F, lOflthiNew York, ngdd 24; Henrv T. iurdlok, sergeant Co. E, Ist Yernffint Artillery, ? e .t d „ 20 > Henry Krebs, quarterma>tor’s sergeant 48th Pennsylvania, aged 22; Eevi Ludden, corporal Co. C, Ist District Columbia Cavalry, aged 21; O eor Ko W. Eilsler, sergeant Co. A, 99th Pennsyl vania, aged 28. ‘ DEATHS OP 80LDTEJIS, r 9}' t T 1 ,'?F deaths or soldiers were reported at the Medical Director’sjoffico on Saturday: -P :V ; S ' A; Hospital.—Aaron 'Wight, Go. I, 6th Eoglment Now Hampshire Volunteers CHiUSTiAN-STitKET Hosi'ital.—John B. Foster Co. D, 83d jtagiment Pennsylvania Voluntoers and B. F. Whitten, 00. O, 6th Regiment Maine yoluntcers. : . Filueiit-strbet Hospital.— Honry W. Pottel. Co. E, 10th Begti N. 11. Volunteers. . West .Philadelphia Hospital.— John Whlte :man, Co. o,noth Regt. .Ohio Volunteers. Sattkblee Hospital.— Jonathan Wilhoir, Co. E, 49th Regt. P. V.jand William H. Amos, Co. K, •4th Regt. Maine Volunteers.: ; POR HOSPITAL ; PUBPOSES. s Medical Director Campbell Jhas received authb- Wt from Washington to leaso a largo building at Beverly, New Jersey, formerly used ns a manufac tory, and also one at White Hall, near Bristol, and to convert thorn into army hospitals. It Is believed »«,i V iw oc Ft? l , mod!Uo atottt t " r ° thousand patients. tuoy will be prepared for their recop tion without delay. An order was also received on Saturday morning by Surgeon Campbell, Instruet jng hlm to contract with four physicians to act as acting assistant surgeons In the Department of Vir ginia and North Carolina, and also to forward to Washington City as many Contract surgeons as can be procured. The appointees to servo tar a limited period. ; HEQISTEK op PBMHBYLVANIA SICK Axe -IVOtJHDBD SOLDIERS. i n b i c aro again reminded that a complete "ft soldiers in tho hospitals in o 1 j,hfa, Washington, Alexandria; dr ay , ii ? BCeu by application to i T (™?^r,A?nn er FiL«if f 'i hospital commission. No.. y do9 . and. 1011 Ohostnnt street, rooms of the Young Sion’s Christian Assoelatloii. . Soldiers ol alt Stat« are Invited to.those rooms. MCBTEBED OUT OP THE SEnvtQE. Companies E and F, of the 26th Regiment P v “wore musterod out of the .United- States service on Saturday. The former company was also paid and the other will bo paid to-day. The remaining eom -paniea of the regiment are to bo musterod out to. may. and to-morrow. - PASSED THaOUOH. _'On Saturday morningjthe Tth Regiment Mass. Volunteers, numbering between two and three hun dred men, passed-through the city on -their way homo. Boluio loavlngjthey were entertained at •the refreshment saloons. REORUITINO. .During the week ending Saturday, June 18th; the Mayor Issued warrants for tlio payment of the-city •bounty to twenty-one men, who have enlisted and been, credited to the city. The sum expended bv the Bounty Commissioner was $5,250. - A DESERTER. The following named soldier was reported at the (KeUifuJ I%?tor’3 office on Saturday as haring &,• Jus Eldridge, I>, 4& A J Strawcutter, D, 4-1 Edward J Ebert, D, 48 6 W Bollinger, O; 81 . Corp H W Watson,C,loo F Petir, G, 100 W. Wright. C, 100 Sergt E F dllver.B, 100 T G WerrSck, A, 148 F S Agere, £,157- G U Riggs, 0, 183 i - 0 Dickerson, C, 183 G Tomlin, D, 183 John Hagan, A, 184/ Isaac Hand; B, 184 Frank Acre, B, ISi G WMsLncas, K, ISS John Lukebough, D, 143 ra H Ringgold, I, 18S M Btichert, H. ISB Jas Murpby, K, 96 Kristian Shantz, G, 5 Rea Fratcis Good-iU, A, 10 Rea Jos C Ataliood, G, 10 Res L* BEGnrBNTS. W H Painter, B, 14 H StQnaker.'X, 14 £ Bro wn, B, 30 - Thos llalrymple, H, 15 ' 6 H Clark, 15 ; N Ii Coe, T, 15 SEElweli, K, 4 E P Evans, 1 D, 32 F E Cook, 11, 12 JFitzsimraon, B, 10 W Tiidman, D, H Jolm Kitchen, F, 9 * RobfcK Arlon, A, 9 R T Duncan, D, 14 F Moore, D, 32 WHDin e, B, 12' J AFollett, K, 7 CSfcraus, JVS ;.\ JJAVE YOU PROVIDED FOR YOUB FAMILY AN INSURANCE ON YOUB LIFE I HOME LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. MUTUAL, WITH AN AMPLE CASH CAPITAL. . WALTER S. OKIFFITH, Pbesibbxt. G. C. Riplet, Seo. I. H. FsOTHWSHAM, TItSAB. William J. Cofphi. Actuabt. „ ! H. L • TW™ j;'™* l !: Rev. Matthew Simpson,D. D., Bißhopof M. E. Chorea: Bay. - Albert .Barnes, !d. D.: V l ' Cr °weU i Thomas Robins, Esq.; Lewli. w rB tf * S am J? e * Esq. ; James f>anlap, > Esq.; W. R. Leejee, Esq*; John Rice. Esq.; Charle# i nstln ! Esq* JS. u. Palmer," Esq. iC. B. ilonnt, Esq.; Samuel C. Perkins, Esq. i John s. Penrose, Esq , Samuel Field, Esq.;;Messrs"*. W- Clark & Co.; Buckner, McCammon. A Co.; John * Co- : Benjamin Bullock 4 Sons; Win. S. a Alfred Martien; George B. Reeae, Son, A Co.: J. B, McCreary■& Co.; George Cookman A Co.; D. d. Ker shaw & Co. i Kay& Brother. JOHN H. PACKARD, M. D., Medical Examiner, No. 1225 SPRUCE STREET, In attendance at Agent’s Office dally from 1 to 2 F. 24, PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, CORNER FOURTH AND LIBRARY STREETS. ; ‘ B. K. EStER, AGENT. ap4-aw/Sm . . : UIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. J. —THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. Incorporated 1825. CHARTER PERPETUAL. N0., 510 WALNUT Street; opposite Independence Square. . * . , This Company. favorably Known to the community for nearly forty years, ccntiunes to insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Fur- Überaf terms* of ® oQ ds» or Merchandise generally, on . Their capital, together with a large Surplus Fuad, la Inveßted In the moit careful manner, .which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss.. ■ - DIRECTORS. • Jonathan Patterson, Daniel Smith, Jr Alexander Benson, .. John Devereux, Isaac Hazlehurst,- 4* Thomas Smith. Thomas Robins, Henry Lewis, J. Gillingham Fell. _ ■ JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. William G. Cbowbll,-Secretary. - TJAMB INSURANt - 1 No, 400 CHESa : PHELADi PISE AND JNLAJ . DIKES] deserted from the Chester TJ. S. Army Hospital: Alfred Laforto, Co. 1,28 th Regt. Mass.-Volunteers. TRANSFERRED TO NEW YORK. Op * rid ay last eight hundred slok and wounded Blaine and Vermont soldiers wore transferred from the army hospitals in this city to New York. MISCELLANEOUS. EXPLOSION ATTHKFRANKFORD ARSENAL—THREE boys m-nntisD. On Saturday morning an explosion occurred at the United States Arsenal at Brldosburg, in thodo partment used for filling porcusion tubes. A num ber of boys were employed in this department, and three of them were severely though not dangerously injured. Those hurt were Joseph Ekesby, aged 13 years ;Thos. Baximlale, aged 12 years, ami Francis Os tall, aged 12 years, all residing at Frankford. One or two- others wore slightly burned. The injuries to the boys nro principally about the face. The building was not damaged. The ac cident is attributed to the carelessness of a lad who used a hammer and nali to fasten a piece of papor to his workbench, instead of pasting it as directed by the rules of the establishment, A spark rrorn a blow of the hammer, it is supposed, ignited some percussion i>owder lying on tho workbench, and this communicated to about two pounds of ordinary powder used for filling the percussion tubes. DEATH OF RENJ, GERIIAIUJ, ESQ. ' . In the District Court jn banc, in the Court of Com mon Fleas, Judges Thompson and Ludlow, and in tho Court of Quarter Sessions, Judge Allison, the fact of the death of Benjamin Gerhard, Dsn., an’old and distinguished member of tho Philadelphia Bar, was on Saturday formally announced. All tho courts, in respect to tho memory of thodocoasod, ad journed, and ordered the foQVto he entered upon the minutes, MAIX. 'r.ORBRR SF.NTBNOBD. On Saturday, in the United States District Court, 1« a mail carrier in Northampton county, ? on '7ictcd at the last term of the court of .stealing letters from the mail, was sentenced by Judge Oad wnlnder to an imprisonment of two years in'tliQ Eastern Penitentiary. * CALL OP A PASTOR. The Westminster Church, of Philadelphia, have renewed the call to the Rov. Dr, Irvine, of ICnox Church, Hamilton. Canada West, to bocomo their pastor. This is-tiio fourth Call Dr. Irvine has re ceived to become a pastor in Philadelphia. CORO>'KR } S IKQUJ23T, The coronoryestorday held ah inquest on the body of Lillius M. Clark, aged ten years, who was acci dentally drowned at Walnut-street,wharf. A ver dict In accordance therewith was rendered. IMPORTANT SAL'S OF COAL. At 12 o’clock to-day, at the Merchants’ Exchange, there will bo sold seven hundred.tons Of bituminous coal, for the benefit of the Sanitary Commission. : - A DESERVED APFOINTMEf T. Professor Wm. H. Allen, late president of Girard .College, has been elected professor In tho Agricul tural "College at Eelicfonte, Centre county, Fa. THE POLICE. THIEF AT THIS FAIR. A young man, giving a fictitious name, was ar rested at the Central Fair on Saturday after noon, and taken to the police station at the en trance to Union avenue, on Eighteenth street, where he was searched and the following artielos - found in his pockets : One silver watch, one bottle of verbena water, two bottles of white pond lily-, two bottles of extracts, two stool chains, one box of ladies’ hair pins, one small locket, one toy shovel, : two toy watches, one bottle of perfume. The pri soner seemed rather perplexed at this exposure, lie was locked up for a hearing. SCARCITY. There seems to be, at the present time, a groat; diminution in police cases. .Whether this may be at tributed to the miileaium, or the patriotic intlutmce of tho great Sanitary Fair, we will leave to others to decide; LETTER IUGS, ' AT THE'MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE, PHILADELPHIA. - Ship Tuscarora. Duuievy .....Liverpool, June 25 Bark Thomas Dallctt, Duncan,.......... Laguayra, soon. Brig Albert Adams, Cummins, and St. 8ait5........ PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. •. JAMES K. CAMPBELL, ) ' SAM’L W; D£ COQRSEY, >COMMJTT£E or theMoxth. "WILLIAM G. BOULTON,). - ■. MARINE lATELLIGEiVCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA.JUyE 20. Sox Rises.... 4 34 I Sox Sets*..7 26 j Hion Water.. 2 33. ARRIVED. TJV S. steamer Chippewa, Acting Vol. Lieut. A. W. Wearer commanding, from Port Royal Hth inst, an-. chored oil the navy .yard yesterday.afternoon, where her hull and machinery are to undergo repairs. On the 12th ibst encounteied a severe gale from NE, which lasted three days; had to put into Beaufort, N C, 16th inst for coal. Reports having seen a ship, on Saturday, off Cape Henlopeo, coming ia; also, two harks and four brigs in the bay, all bound up.; :: Schr E G Willard, Parsons, 10 days from Portland, with mdze to Crowell & .Collins. SchrC A Greiner, Young, from Port Monroe, in bal last to captain. - Schr Pilot’s Bride, CokeividaysfromNewburyport, in ballast to captain. Schr J H Stroup, Foster, 5 days from Salem, in*bal* last to Wm. Hunter, Jr, & Co'. ' Schr D L Hickman; Hagan, from Alexandria, in. ballast to Tyler & Co. . Steamer Liberty, Pierce, 21 hours from New York, with mdze to W P Clyde. Steamer E N Fairchild, Trout, .24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. BELOW. Bark Ellingwood, Ellingwood, from Cienfnegos. CLEARED. ■ Steamship Saxon, Matthews, Boston. Ship New England, Edge,-Pensacola. Brig Wm Allen (Br), Stubbs, Jamaica. Brig Nouva Providenza (Ital), Ruggerio, Liverpool. Brig Susan Hanson, Bremen. Brig Marie (Norw), Mathfson, Havre. Brig Trenton, Atherton, Boston. Schr Isabella Thompson, Baker, Boston. 'SchrWest Wisd, Gilman, Mayaguex. Schr Starlight, York, Portland; Schr Heroine, Chaplin, New Bedford. Scbr Ann Augusta, Hailock, Lynn, Schr W A Dnbosq, Crowell, Boston. Schr Susquehanna, Myers, Washington. . Schr White Cloud, Freeman, Cambridgeporfc. - - Schr J H Stroup, Roster, Fall River. Schr Boston, Brower, Providence. SclirJ Rogers, Russell, Hartford. Echr Jnlia, Goreey, Alexandria. . Schr Carlton Jayne, Rowland, Fort Monroe. Schr Artist, Marsh* Fort Monroe, Sir R-Willing,'Daae, Baltimore. ■ . Str Hope, Warren, New Sork. INSIJRAiVCE. IN YOUR OWN HOME COMPANY. AMJEK.ICLAIIV, OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, Insurers In this Company have the additional guaran tee of $250,000 CAPITAL STOCK all paid up IN CASH, which, to gether with CASH ASSETS, now on hand, amount to OYER SBO 0,00 O. INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1863 OVER $2 O 0,000 . LOSSES FAIL DURING THE TEAK AMOUNTING TO $6 2,00 0. DIVIDENDS HADE ANNUALLY, thus aiding the in sured to pay premiums. The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies in force December 31, 1563, was FIFTY PER CENT. Of the amount of PREMIUMS received during the year. Its TRUSTEES are -well-known citizens in our midst, entitling it to more consideration than thoso whose managers reside in distant cities. ■ - : : : Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson, George Nagent, Hon. James Pollock, Albert C. Roberta* P. B. Mingle, ' Samuel Work, ALEX. "WHILDIN, President. SAMUEL ,WOBK, Yice President, JOHN S. WILSON, Sec. and Treas. m COMPANY, fNOT STREET, >ELPHIA. . INSURANCE. STOKB. * ■ Francis N. Back, Charles Richardson* HeoryXewis, i . ; 0. VT. Davis, • P. S, Justice, George west. . FRArfCfS N. CFTAg. RICH W. 1, Bias wuap* John W, Everman, Robert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr., E. 0_ Woodruff, . Charles Stokes, . BuSl&Lfnt- ' [ARDSOK, Yica President, «w: ~ . ; jsU-jf, SUMMER RESORTS. vV^AA-VWVWV\<WW , AWVWvrvVSAWWWWVWW , 'A/w TIGHT-HOUSE COTTAGE, JU ' ' ATLANTIC CITT, If J„ NEAREST HOUSE TO THE BEACH. ■ Thl« wnU- known house Is aow open for the reception of Boarders. Bathing never wits hettor. ' ; jelS-lm* J. WOOTTON, Proprietor. CIA BATHING.—CONGRESS .HALL, LONG BRANCH, New Jersey, is now open for the season. Persons wishing to outrage rooms will address jel7»lBt* WOQbMAN STORES, Proprietor. TTNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG BRANCH* N J., Is now open for the reception of visitors. Address B. A. SHOEMAKER, Proper. jeS-2m* (CHESTER COUNTY HOUSE. AT- LANTIC CITY,'N. J.-This private-BOATUMNO HOUSE (always open for Boarders), is now fnlly ar* ranged fpr the accommodation of Summer visiters The situation is one of the best on the Island, being in full view of the Ocean, and near excolleut bathing ground. . my3l-2m gACOB KEIM, Proprietor. ■pPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS.— •*-* This popular Summer Resort will he opened for the season June'2oth, 1864. The undersigned begs leave to call the attention of his friends and .tha public In general to thlß magnificent and well-known establish* moot, which, though having undergoue a'o hit age of proprietors, will be continued under the new adminis tration with greatly improved advantages, and in creased facilities for health and pleasure. From his valuable, experience, the proprietor feels warranted in assuring the public that every depart ment of the establishment wfU' be conducted to tho en tire satisfaction of all. The facilities for railroad communication ;with the Eph rat a Mountain Springs are well known: . , . PROM BALTIMORE—Nonherh Central Railroad..— ;The 9.20 A.. M. train, via York,-WrlghtsviUe, and Co lumbia, arrives at the Springnat 3,3QP. M. FROM. VJR i L A I) E L KHI t r&l Pen QRylvania Rail road.—The 11.20 A.'M. train, changing cars at 1 Landis ville, arrives at the Springs at 3.30 P. M. . . . READING A. M. .tralu arrives at the Springs at 12 M. • ' FROM SEW YORK—New Jersey Central, via Easton and Reading.—The 6 A. M. train (Jersey City) arrives at the Springs at 12 M.- - * . . JOHN W. FKBDEKICR, Vropriotor, , N. B. —A fine LIVEHY Miftthed to the establish ment. . . . :, : iel7-lm TTKITED STATES HOTEL, - V. . , , , ATLANTIC CITT, N. J. : celebrated Hotel will be opes for tbe reception of ffuests on THBESBAY, June 23d, 1854, and will be on der the supervision of Ooi. James W. rowers, with Mr Edward, Hartwell as assistant. . H. ■ '.Practical and experienced persons have been employed for .each department, and every exertion will bemads to conduct; the same to the entire satisfaction of the pnblic. • _After July Ist, fourtriins will leave Vine-street Per ryvdaiiyrthe Past Line through in two hours, without, stopping at the way stations. A passenger car will be ran from the Hotel to the Inlet twenty minutes, - . ■ «! Hassler's Band, under the direction of Mr. Simon Baseler, has been engaged for the season. : Persons wishing to engage rooms will address BEOWH £ WOELPPBB, • • Proprietors, • w ■*> fm ’ e t, Atlantic City. New Jersey. l"* v?*TAne band Ear. which last year formed oppo site the shore, ;has entirely disappeared, leaving th< beach one of the best and safest on the coast. . iei-im COLUMBIA HOUSE, y - J CAPS MAT. TWb Hotel will 1)0 opened June 16. Tie house bu been pot in thorough repair, and nearly ! two hundred new and BATH HOUSES wUI he ready for the accommodation of guests. Its capactty and each department will be equal, if not anperior, to any Hotel upon Cape Island. - Birsfeld’e Band has been secured for the season. Address _ GEO. J. BOLTOJT, , ■ . ! Proprietor, . . Cape-Island--N. J. Or J; ft. BENNtSON, Merchants’ Hotel, Phila. rjOKGRESS HALL, CAPE 'ISLAND, S' NEW JERSEY. .;■=■ ; ’ : 1 This favorite Hotel will be opened forth© reception of nests on JTJNE FIRST. ' r The House has been refurnished and IhorouKhly reno« X*L 0 “' v an< i Reading Rooms and a Telerratl otace have been added for the exclusive use of ini nests..-'-"' ■ .... William J. Howard; Samuel T. Bodlae, John. Aikraan, Charles P. Heazlitt, Hon. Joseph Allison* Isaac Hazieburat. The proprietor feels warranted in assuring; the pnhll* that, with the gentlemanly and competent oScera cored, each department will be conducted to the entire satisfaction of the most fastidious. *r a fT. e £& fttH Band, wider the personal direction oi Slr. MAEK HASSLEK, has been engaged exclusiyely tot Congress Hail. a Any further iniOrmatioh.»wiH be cheerfully given, bj addressing ' J. P. CAKB, ■ _ Propriator. at COST 1 EFFECTUAL SYSTEM 0 Y CHEAPENING COAL. J93-BY AVOIDING ALL MIDDLE DEALERS*®* 70S 1 THE STOCK AND PRIVILEGE HOLDBBB ' • „ - BKOAD MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH VEIN COAL COMPANY, OFFICE, 121 SOOTH THIBD STREET, OPFOSITB. GIBASD BASK. ... s Subscription open for . ' 10,000 SHARES OP STOGE AT $lO EACH, payablejia*/on' snbscribioK, and lialf on 2d August next. Each Share entitles tad, holder to receive, for 20 years, every year. .. IJ T^?c&%T,TJ,2SLB ,, op COAL, AT COST, besides CASH DIVIDENDS FROM PKOI’ITS; Oost, at present, $6,35 the heavy ton (2,210 lbs.,) <Je hversa utlhr. lumse In Philadelphia; whlie the Market price is $lO, and,over. This secures nearly 100 per cent dividend frem this Hem alone, to -which a cash divi dend Is added every 6 months. Coal will be delivered on and after Ist October next- 1 , : „ The Company (commanding, in Its mines, inexhaMtl pie quantities of the best,coal) sells farther, 6,000 PRIVILEGE CERTIFICATES, at $lO EACH, payable ftaf/on subscribing, and half on 2d August next. Each PriviUoe Certificate entitles the holder to receive, for 10 years, every year, '* • - : FOUR HEAVY TONS OF COAL, AT COST/ Inclusive of ten per cent, of the market price in JPAffa delphia, m compensation for the Company. This makes .the cost t for’Certiflcafce holders, at present rates, so,3fi the heavy ton (2.240 lbs.), delivered at the house in Philadelphia. At this rate, a Baying of $14.60 on 4 tons of coal foreach certificate, or. in other words, a divi dend of 146 per cent, on the investment, is realized, in the first year* commencinglst October uext, and every year, thereafter. l - The Company is constructing works on a very large scale tomineand develop, under a Charter from this State, one of the richest and best coal fields - in Schnyl kill county, comprising the MAMMOTH- VEIN (White Ash) and THREE ACCOMPANYING VEINS (White and Red Ash), having, together, a ttekness of 42 feet, and many thoesands offset in depth and length; being, in* deed, inexhaustible foralt practical purposes. For circula nan dspbscripiion, apply early,as above. P V.t-3n JTENRY SCHMOELB. Treasnrer DEPARTMENT. OFFICE Of THB COHPTBOLLBB OF THH CORRBiroT, . •’ . WAflHnreTox, May 4, 1864. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented toth* undersigned, it: has been made to appear that THE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, county of Philadelphia, andlßtate of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized, under and acoordlng to the require ments of the act"of Congress entitled *• An-act* to pro vide a National Currency, secured by a*pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof. ’ f . approved February 26,1863, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the business df Banking: ; Now, therefore, I, HUGH MoCULLOCH. Comptroller of tbeiCurrency, do hereby certify that THE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking underthe act aforesaid. % 1 In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal of office, this FOUBTH DAY OF MAY, 1864. 'Seal of the Comptroller of the Currency. ] v HDGH MoCULLOOH Comptroller of the Onmney , • PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING.— A * MoGOLLJN & RHOADS. - rr. _ , 1331 MARKET Street* Philadelphia, Water Mills, Wind Mills, Hydraulic Rama. Pumps of radons patterns, Bathing Tabß* Wash Basing,and other articles : necessary- to tarnish Dwellings Is city and country with, yrary modern convenience of Water and Gas, .v ‘ ’■,/• Te|rg Cotta Water and Drain PJp«, • jaylB-fmwfla ITE BUIPHUB AND CHALYBEATE SFI-CINOS, AT DOUBLING GAP, PA. I. G. CHADSEY, Proprietor, Formerly of Old United States and St. Louis Hotels, Philadelphia, and United States Hotel, Atlantic City. Season Opens June 25th. * This delightful place is located in Cumberland county*- thirty miles west of Harrisburg. It is accessible from all the principal cities by railroad to Harrisburg, thence bv the Cumberland Valiev Railroad to NewviTle, from Kewviile eight milos good staging to the Springs. The stage is always in waiting upon the arrival of the car* atNewvilie. . PassengersleaTiug Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Wash ington in the morning, can arrive 'at the Springs the 1 same evening, at 6 o’clock. : ~ % • This Hotel is commodious and comfortable, (havln*‘ been recently thoroughly renovated,) with hot and coin baths attached, and extensive grounds for walks and amusements. - • ; The long experience of the present Proprietor enable* him' to say that it will be conducted, in a manner to please all visitors. N. B.—a fine Livery .is attached to the establish ment; .• ■ - jeB-lm* nEES S ON S P RINGS.—THIS DE-i VAIIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT, located on the» Snmmiiof the Allegheny Mountains, 2,300 feet above the levfel'of tbe tea," will bo open-for the reception of visitors on' the 15th day of June, 1601, and will be kept open until the Ist of October. The Wildings connected with this establishment are of a substantial.and comfortable character. The water and air possess superior attrae- | tions. The cool forests and dry and bracing atmosphere : contribute to. the pleasure of those who seek relief from the oppressiveness of the sultry air of thickly populated: towns and cities. The grounds, walks, &c., nave been highly improved, and are of a varied and picturesque character. A fine Band has been engaged for tbe season, Ample facilities for bathing have been provided. The subj-criber intends to spare nop&ins to renderit in every respect as comfortable and attractive as possible, ana hopes, by his long experience in the hotel business, to anticipate and supply the wants of the public. The railroad connections of Cresson enable .him to obtain supplies for the table not only from the surrounding : country, but from both the Philadelphia and Pittsburg - markets. There is at Cresson Springs a Telegraph Office, ; and two daily mails from Philadelphia and Pittsburg and intermediate-points. - • • - /Tickets (good for the round trip) .from Philadelphia can be had at th.e office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. For further information, address • ~r G. W. MULLIN, Cresson Springs, Cambria county, Pa, fIONGRE SS HALL, ATLANTIC '-'-CITY. —I'would respectfully inform my friends - and the public that I have again taken CONGRESS HALL, this being the third year, and have made every preparation for the coming season; the house being enlarged, remodelled, new furniture, the chambers ■with Spring Beds, &c., &c., and will accommodate ; Four Hundred Guests. You will find no better place than CONGRESS HALL; it is the nearest to the ocean of any of the large bousts of Atlantic City, being but'loo yards from the Beach, thus preseutingjitself an advan tage to the public. There cannot be any better bathing than Atlantic this summer; the Sand Bar, that was. such a great draw-back last season, has all been swept away by .the high, tides of last winter, forming itself the best Bathing Surf on the Atlantic Sea Boa'rd. . ... . . . ..... ./VG. W. HINKLE. There is an- excellent Band of Music engaged.'. - - Attached is a Splendid Billiard Room. jel4-Im CURF HOUSE; ATLANTIC CITY, K *3 J.—' This popular HOTEL will be opened as usual, on the 20th of JtFNE. The house possesses advantages that are enjoyed by no other hotel at Atlantic City. Its immediate proximity to the ocean, the magnifi cence of the.bathing opposite it (which was never so fine as the present season), the certainty of constant cool breezes fromUhe sea, all combine to render the house a most desirable place of summer resort. The undersigned need scarcely speak to his old patrons concerning the table, attendance, &c., and he will only remark that he is determined that the Surf House shall continue to maintain its well-established reputation, ; A band of mußic has been engaged for the season, and such of the guests as enjoy dancing will be afforded full opportunity for hops. f \ - The railroad facilities between Philadelphia and At. iantic are fall and complete, while a passenger car con veys guests to and fro between the Surf House and the “inlet” at short intervals. Persons desiring to engage rooms will please address H. S. BENSON, Proprietor Surf House. T>EpEORI> MINERAL. SPRINGS.— A-r This popular Sumraer.Bosort is now operand pro pared for the reception of visitors, until : October next. The Hotel rwill be under the charge of the most expo* rienced management in the countir. f ' ' The Bedford Railroad has been finished to within on* hours’ ride of Springs, over fine Turnpike road. Visitors will come by Pennsylvania Railroad to Hunt ingdon, thence by Broad Top and Bedford through. Ample arrangements have been made to supply deal ers and individuals with the BEDFORD WATER, is Well-steamed casks, as follows: For Barrel, oak .....(40 gal)..s3 00 2 00 prom*...., . , ,'Vf h ’ D *„I?, O ,??' ? r „“X information about place,trill address ESPX L. ANDERSOfe je3-2ra TTNITED states hotel, _OAPB ISLAND, N. J. JOHN WEST, AAHON MILLEB, ' , PKOi'HIETORS, (I,5 e £,lip < l to . c , all ‘ he attention of their friends and >“« public to the above magnificent Establishment. ]th of "'Jnrie 01163110 r te cep;ion of visitors on tin Besides a’spacious Dtßine Hall and Parlors. U con tams an unusual number or largo and well ventilated "ea fnrnlelied with . new fnrnl- The Proprietors of this Establishment will spare no care or expense to meet ihe wants of their (meets, hoping to share liberally in the publto pv Application for rooms _made to the subscribers, by je26w ■ - receive rapl^. mySC-lm COAX. THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1864. 11 * 1 LINES. _• PENNSYLVANIA fc* IT oo -SS CENTRAL,,RAILROAD*. 05 og _ - PHILADELPHIA sSO MILES BOO THE SHORT'HODTE TO THE WEST. Trains leave the Depot at ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, as follows: Mail Train 7.25 A. M. Fast Lino at... *.'4 A. 11.25 A. M. Through Express at .. 10.30 P. M. Parkestmrg Train, No. 1, at 10.00 A. M. Park eshurg Train. No. 2, at 1.00 P. M. Harrisbarc Accommodation Train at 2,30 P. M* LancaaterTrAlnat....T.".r... 4*oo P. M. Paoli Accommodation Train, (leaving West Philadelphia) .............................. '6.00 P. M. The Through Express Train runs daily—ail the other ““d* : The Mail Train, Fast Line, and Through Express con nect at Pittsburg with through trair.gon all thidWen- Ingroada fron l that point, North r 0 the Lakes, West to the Mississippi and Missouri Pj Ters and South aad Sonthwest to all points aewsstl*,ia by Railroad. : INDIANA BRAHCCI RAILROAD. The Throngh Expms connects at :BlalrsTiHe Inter section witlr a train M l,* r .,ad for BiairsvtUe, In- BBENraime Ajp -iBl&NOH RAILROAD.! , ?’ r P r * Cresson at: 10.44 A. M. with atrui noa this road for Ebensburg, A train also leaves CrM-son tor Ebensbnrg at 8.45 P. U. ■; HOLLIMItSIdBRO BRANCH RAILROAD. i The MailTrftjn/and Throm:l: Express connect at AI-I teV® 41 tm HoWd *” b "* •»»•« r. M. and: TYRONE' ‘CLEARFIELD BRANCH RAILROAD) ,T he Thronith Express .Train connects -at Ts-r,one with! U» 1 “t , f«’ a ®BdrTl!tQe,;Phlllli®jarg, Port Matiida,! MiL-strarr, and Bellofonte, - HTUffiNGBOH AND BROAD-TOP .RAILROAD. j The Throngh -Express Train conhaqtsiat Huntingdon: With a train for. Hopewell and Bloodyßun’ftt 6.53 A. M. I NORTHERN CENTRAL AND PHILADELPHIA AND! , ERIE RAILROADS.» ' 1 Tor Lock Haves, and alii points on the Railroad, and £l*i MIRA, SOCfKB&TfiH, HOPVALO, ANd NiaoaßA FalL3,l Passengers taking4he Mail Train, at 7.25 A. JM., and‘ the ThrougVßxpress, at 10,30 P, M., dally (except San- \ dfc3s^ > _goalTectlj>jb,rongh <> wUhont>change of cars be- , tween BliUadielmiUk and Williamsport For YORK; fHANOYER, and GETTYSBURG, the, trains 7,25 A; M. and 2.30 P. M., connect at Columbia with trains on the Northern Oeutral Railroad, CpfSEBLANH VALLEY RAILROAD. - 'The MftiLTrainMa.Throuxh Express. connect at Har risburg withAr&iha forCarllele, Chat&hersburg, and Ha gerstown, - ; t * ' - e . : ;i , WAYNESBURG BRANCH.RAILROAD. : .The trains leaving at 7.25 A. M. and 2.30 P. M,'connect atDowninKton'wimHraius on this road ; for Waynee burg and all intermediate stations. MANNJSffiAGGAGE EXPRESS. - -An Agent of this reliable Express Company will pass through each train before reachingfrhe depot, aad take npchecks and deliver baggage to any part of the city. 'For further information, apply, at, the Passenger Sta tions. E. corner of'ELEVENTH aud-MARKET Streets. V*. JAMES CO WHEN, Ticket Agent. WESTERN EMIGRATION. . An Emigrant Accommodation Train leaves No. !3T Boos street daily (Sundays excepted), at 4 o’clock P.M. For full information apply to _ , - FIUNc/IIkNK, Enfant A |t nt, ( : . ... ‘FREIGHTS. -By this route freights of ail descriptions can be for- Warded to and from.any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on tha naviga ble rivers of tkeWeat, by steamers from Pittsburg. For freight contracts or shipping directions, apply to S. B.'KmGSTON,. JK, Philadelphia. . f - ENOCH LEWIS, . . Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. dftll-tf fOfi/l ARRANGEMENTS OP in/* A 10U4. Ng^i YORK LINES. 1004. THE CAMDEN .AND AMBOY AND PHILADELPHIA . AND TRENTON ;R«LROAD COMPANY’S LINES, PROM PHILADELPHIA TO • NEW YORK AND WAY PLAGES, r ’ ' FROM WALXOT-STBBET WHARF, •:} WILL LEAVE AS POLLOWS-YIZ: ‘ At 6 A. 5L . via Camden andAmhoy, G. and A. Ac* commodation ,...,.52 25 At SA, M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning .. Express.... 3 00 AtS A.-M.,-,via and' Jersey City; 2d. Class ' Ticket .. 2 25 At 12 M. ,/via Canidfii and Amboy, C. and A. Ac- . •yonnnoaation* ; y..v. 2 25 Atr2P.M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press 2 25 AtJ P. M., via Cfttcden.apd Amboy, Accommoda- . turn, (Freight and Pa55enger)................. ..... I 7 5 At 6P. M., via .Camden, and Amboy, Accommoda tion, (Freight andPßSsenger)—-Ist Glass Ticket,. .2 25 , Do. do.-• .* 2d Class .d 0..... 150 At 73f;PjM.,via CAmdea and Amboy, Accommoda : tion, (Freight and Passenger—-Ist Class Ticket... 225 Do. --: do 2d Class . d 0..... 150 For Manch Bethlehem, Beividere,. Easton, Lambertviu»»:jFlcmington r &c., at 3.30 P. M. - For Fiemington, L3aa«tville, and intermediate sta tions, at5P. M. : For Mount Holly, EwansriUe, and Pemberton, at 6 A, M., 2, and 6P. M. / - . For Freehold at 6 Ai M.-and 2 P. M.- For Palmyra, Riverton,* Delanco, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence. Bordentown. &c., at 6 A. M.i 12 M., 1, 8. SO, 5, and 6P. M. The S.BO and ST. M. lines ran di rect through to Trenton. For Palmyra;.Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, and Bur lington, &t ; 7;P. M. “ - SteamboaFTrenton, for Briatol, Burlington, Beverly, Toreesda!e, : and Tdeony, ftt9.3G A. M. &nd2.3QP. M, LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: At 4 A. M. (Night), via Kensington.and New York. Washington and New York Mai 1....... .is 2 25 At 11.16 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Express ............ 3 00 At4.3OP. M,, via Kensington and Jersey City, Ex press... 3 00 At 6.45 P. M. i via Kensington and Jersey City. - Washington and Ne’W York Express-.... .... 3 00 Sunday Lines leave at 4A. M. ? and 6.45 P. M. For Water Gap, SiroudsburgyScranton, Wilkesbarre* Montrose, Great Bend, MauCh Chunk, Allentown, Beth lehem. Beividere, Easton, Lambertvine. Fleraington, &c., at 7.15 -A. M. This line connects with- the train leaving Easton for Manch Chunk at 3. SO P. *M. •••■. • ForFlemington, LambertyiUe, and intermediate sta* Hons, atfrP.iL r ' * * ' '. • For Bristol, Trenton,and 1115 A. Jtf, ,• and 6P. M. .* . - •- * For Holmesburg, Tacony, Wiseonojrdns. Bridesborg, and FrankfordyatO A. M. t 6JBL4S, and SP. M. For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the caradh Fifth - street, 'abqve Wain at, half an hour before departure. The cars ‘run into the Depot, and on the arrival of - each train run from the pounds of Baggage allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All Baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for exklv The Company -limit their responsibility for One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond #lOO, except by special contract. . y>*.y,,, • , - Graham’s Ba«fage Express Will call for and deliver baggage at the Depot*. Orders to be left at No. 3 Wal nut street. - WILLIAM H. GATEMER, Agent. - June 20, 1864. • LINES FROM NEW tYORK FOR PHILADELPHIA, OF COURTLAHD STREET* seyCity*yad Kensington. - - . .. .. foot of Barclay street at 6 A. M, and 2 P. M . via Amboy and Camden. '■ ” >• 'iforth-riyeiy. at 12 M.. 4, and BP. M.. (freight and passenger,) Amboy and Camden, .ia-1 - 1 f "PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON X AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD, ’ . „ CHANGE OPCODES ON AND AFTER SUNDAY,. Jane 19,186}, ■ P BIfHSS>' I ?4 I: | S LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOE A.XIM.f2.^JTo r |?s- < tt” 4ay66XCBPtO ' I,> S ' M ■pChester at 4.05, 11.18, A. M.,1.30, 2.30, 4.30, 6, and 11 iSfetitHl u - u New. Castle at 8.05 A. it.,and4.3oP M Jover atS COA. M. and4.3oP. M. Milford at 8.06 A. M‘ .*a . Salisbury at 8.05 A. M. - - . v . „ , 1± TRAINS TOR PHILADELPHIA LEAVE l*£v"& n 1113 - 45 ’ a-40 A- M._,ißxpreas),, and J-Ssf®*’li 43 ' 6 -* 5 -' 9 1. 1.45.4. 4.85, Salisbury at IP-. M. Milford at 3.85 P. M. < Dover at 6, SO A. M., and4,ssP£H New Castle at 8.30 A. M. aadAfifl P M 9 «| h p St M at 7 9 ‘ 4 ° A ' 4 -®’ *> 5.14, and ‘tifm^lfw^g*” Sahslil 3 r Stdplntennediate sta aU C W f B M Ui ™ ore f ° r DoTor aad intermediate stations ■ ' ’ TRAINS FOE BALTIMORE leave fester at S. 40 A. M., 3, and ILOS P. M. p i | l & ' , e Wilmington at 5,30, 9.25 A. M., 3.35 and ,11.40 .FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenrar. Car attached, will ■plillslt7.«Wll for Perrivllle and intermedSa • SUNDAYS:" tojjr.ltmiore only at 4.30 A. M. in^ I '°J'«p Pl jUadelplim to 'Wilmingtonat4.3o A. St., 10.30 to KuladelpJ& at 1.43 A. M. and Only-at 10.25 P. M., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. my 2 .: H. F. Kg.WEY.. Aiistet. Snp’t. ; WE , ST - •JK RSEV '■ A r“uNE%«ftg , f„„ WAL FCiR CAPE MAYi « AtOandlOA. M. and4.3oP. M. V ; _For Salem.and Bridgeton at 9 A. St. .and 4 P. SI. EJo Glassborp-atM, »ndloA.'M:iaad4and4.SoP. St. For Woocbniw, Gloucester, Ac., at « and 9 A M., 12 Sl.,and4andOP.'St y,., ■. ’ . „ RETURNING TRAINS. I.eave Cape May at Sand 11,45 A.-Mr#and 5 and 10P M. Leave Millville at 7-"40 a. .m, aad 1.08 and C. 00 p M Leave Salem** 6 A. M. and,1.15 Leave Bridgeton at 6 15 A. M., 1.30 P. It. Leave.Glaeafcoro at 7.10 andB.3sA.rM-, and 2.23, 3, and 7.50 F. of. .. x- ■ f * Leave Woodbury at 7 7.40, and BJU. A, bfand 2 50 3.29,5.05, and 3.12 P. St. , The WEST JERSEY EXPRESS COMPANY, Offlce 8 WALNUT Street, will call for and and attend to ail ,thp usd* i branches Of business / Heavy articles taken by 6 A. Moline only*And mast be sent to the office the evening previous** rfrisbable ar ticles by this line must be sent befoitedil A.\AI. A special ihessenjror accoinpaniea eajch twin; . jelE-tf J. VaN PENSSELAER.^Snpeiptendent. S?4?-~^ KlB l i3 “ trarerwa t£*>lf<rthoni and JorthTTestcouctießof Pennsylvania ity of Erie, b / th l PBWNSXLVAHU BAIL- COMPANY, .and nnder their aaspioea ig Ibeinz .rapidly opened-thronghontUe . ariMsSS SteTOfSa'iSS^iSSlSE ***** ml!08> ‘« TIME OP FASSBSOER TKAJS3 A* PHfluWbpaU. ' !„ „_i_, leave WcfetwaM- . i ' ;Express Train..- .......t... ' ;..;.;"/IO3OFM Carsrmi thnnigfcivrtthoni * ■tween Baltimore and Lock Haven. ■-*■'■ Elegant Sleeping Cara oii EitpreBs !&fSni|botk ways between and BaltimorG,an4^ Forigformatl o n'resiectine^sWn(rei ;> aSplj:. at i lh j , 8 ’ % c l or J?r «®4. MARKET Streets. And for Freight business of the Coffipany’fQurents * , 8. B. KINGSTON, Jr., corner. THERTaENTH and MARKET Streets, Philadelphia. •- J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. , >: J. M. BKILIi, Agent N. C.K. R.- BaUlmoro. H. H. HOUSTON: General a mM-tf General Manager,: Wilfoynflpbrt, EH«WimE3igjgSSEg PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA R. R. LINK. 186*. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGE- 186* MBNT. wFrn W l£ a^a^^'t§ OE ,4^? ON ’ BLMIKA, BUF FALO. NIAGARA FALLS, CLEVELAND TOLEDO PHICAOp DETROIT, ST. LOUIS, and ail points in the West aßttNorthweat. Passengor leave Depot of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets, at' A. M. and 3.80- F. M., daily, except Sundays. '-v . -• from Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, &c.» &c, . For further Information apply at the office. N. W. cor-' ner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streak, ~- 1 ; • ' tattato' Ticket Agent. m JIvJ?JLLES, General Agent, j mylB-tr THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL SfcflL tSMuamro WEST CHESTER PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD.. *l£/«&£DIA. BDMMERaSraNOEMENT—OHANQ E OF DEPOT. On an*Ja®@MONDAY, May 23, 3661, the trains will leave Philadelphia; from Depot corner of THIRTY FIRST and MiRKkT Streets 1 * West at Stand 11.05 A. >M., and at 2.33, 4.45, and 7 Pi M. Leave West Chaster at 6.20, 7.45, and 11 A; M. i and at 5 and o P. M. Snndaya leave Philadelphia at 8, SO A. M.. and 130 P: M; Leave'West Chester at BA. M. and SP. M. - The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4.4# F. M., and West Choßter at 7.40 A. M.. end 6 P. M.i connect with trains on the P. and B. 0. K. for Oxford, and intermediate points. HENRY WOOD, apl General Superintendent. .' TRAVELLERS CAN- HAVE ' THEIR Baggage died for and-taken .to any Railroad or Steamboat, or any part of the bnllt-up portion of the city, by leaving orders several hours before tho starting time, at S. W. corner MARSHALL and SPRING GAK-- ,UEN. N. E corner NIK HI and VINE, otfat the d E. corner SIXTEENTH and VlNE,'oiltcea of the Union -Baggage Express. : . , , :' . ; Orderforearly morningmust bo left,-beforehalf past; Jive o'clock the previous afternoon,- at alPexcopting' Marshall and Spring Garden, Where they will'be re ceived until six u - , N.B.—Orders by post will bo promptly attended toil .received in time. jelB 3t*y fiARD AND FANCY 1 JOB-PRINTING, - V AliUiGWiOiT * »SoW*’fc lil g. FOCMfI-Sil KOETh"pENNBYL VANIA RAILROAD. NEW A&D SHORT ROUTE TO WILKESBARRE. TIMB AND DISTANCE SAVED, _ On and after WEDNESDAY,'June 15, 1864, Passengers for Wilkesharro take the? A. M. Express Train, leaving the now Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, Philadelphia, to Bethlehem; thenco by Lehigh Valley, Peun Haven, and White Haven, and Lehigh and Sus quehanna Railroads, arriving in Wilkesbarre at 2.48 P. M. RETURNING. ‘ Leave WUkefibarro at 1 P. M., connecting twith 6,07 Ex]>ro»B Train at Bethlohom, arriving in Philadelphia at 8.20 P. ft!. Baggage checked through. Faro*l.2s je!6*l2t ELLIS CLARK, Agent. J-3 rORTAHT no on AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE «th, 1864, . Passengers from PliiliuletpMft, "Wilmington, or BaItI “sEAFORD, LAUREL, DEI,MAR, OR SALISBURY, will be required by the Military Authorities to PROCURE PASSES AT WILMINGTON. Falling to do this, they may bo detained by Provost Guard at Seaford.. An officer will be at Wilmington Depot for the purpose of issuing these passes a sufficient time before the Salisbury train leaves. Passengers from Philadelphia for th© points named should attend to thii immediately on arrival at Wilmington, and avoid de-- E. Q SEWALL, Jr^< .. Superintendent D«?l, R. R. ■ June 2, 1864. ' V je4-tf ; For BETHLEHEM;'DOYLESTOWN. MADCH CHUNK, WILKESBARRE, &c. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.. Passenger Trains leave the'new Depot, THIRD Street, above Thompson street, dally.(Sundays excepted), &i follows: - - , At 7 A. M.(Expreßß) for Bethlehem, Allentown.Manflh Chunk, Hazleton, W.illiamflpprL-Wilkesbarre,-ate. At 8.45 P. M. (Expreas) for'Bethleheni,,Easton, ho. At 6.15 P. M. for Bethlehem, 1 Allentown, 5 Chunk. •; , 5 . v -- .. For Doylestown at 9.15 A. M.VS P. M. and 4.15 P. M. For Fort Washington at 10.16 A. M. aad ll P, &1, For Lansdaleat6,lsp, M,, , , > - , Whtte'cars’oF the Second and Third-Ktreeb Line CU>. -Leaveßethlehem at 6.36 A. M., 9.30 A. M., and 6,07 P.-M.- • ■ ".*1 = ■ •' ; Leave Doylestownat6.4Q A.M.,3 45 P. M.,and7P.M, Leave Lansdale at 6 A. M. . * ! Leave 1 ort Washington at 11.25 A. M. and 2P. M. ' ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. Philadelphia for Doyleatown at 3 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. je!3 . ELLIS CLARK, Agent. TO LONG BRANCEL ATSION, MANCHESTER, TOM'6 RIVER, BARNEOAT, RED BANK, &C..&C On and afttr>WEDNESDAY next, Jnne 15th, and un- U 1 furthernotice, a train will leave Caffideu for Lonj Branch at 7.45 A. M., daily, (Sundays excepted.) Re turning, will leave Long Branch at 3.35 P.M. • An afternoon train from Camden to Long Branch will be run, commencing on July Ikl, returning at an early hdurnext morning, thus affording two daily communl* catione w and from the Branch. - A freight train, with, passenger car attached, will start for stations on the main line daily from Camden, (Sundays excepted,) at 9.15 A. M.; returning, will leave Port Monmonth next morning at 8.10 A. M. . : ■ Stages connect at Woodm&asic and Manchesterfor Bar negai and Tom’s River. . - Stages will also connect at Fanjungdale for. Point Pleasant, Squan Village, Blue Ball, and Our House For further information apply to Company’s Agent, L.B-COLE.atCooper’sPolntjCamden.' WM. F. GRIFteTS, Jr., Gen. Snpt. Jnne 11, 1864. jel3-tf XEGA t. T ETTERS TESTAMENTAKY "nAY- ing been granted to the undersigned, as Exectit’ora oLtbelast will and testament of ISAAC DUNTON, de ceased, by the Register of Wills of the City and Coun ty*of PhilAdelphia.: all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same to present them to myl6-m6t* \ ' . .256 FRANKLIN Street T BTTEKS OF ADMINISTRATION ON JU the estate of JOS£Pa POLLOCK, late of tho city : of Philadelphia, deceased, having beeu grauied to the undersigned, all persons indebted to ihe said estate are requested to make payment, and those haying claims against the same, to present them without delay, to JANE POLLOCK, >• : JOSEPH MCDONALD, mySQ-m6i* , Administrators,SUMMEß Street. TN - TIE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estateof minorchildren of PHILIP EDSR, dec’ll. The Auditor appoinled by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the first account of* CHARLES BICKER, guardian of ADOLPH, MATILDA, ANNA SOPHIA, and JULIA EDER, minor children of PHILIP EDER, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the bauds of the accountant, will meet the. parties interest ed for the purposes of his appointment, on, MONDAY, Jttne27,)B64, at 4 o'clock P. M , at his office. No. 131 South FIFTH Street, in the City of Philadelphia. jelQ-fmwot GEORGE M. CONARROK, Auditor. . TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT .FOR A ; THE CITY AND gftUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. - Estate of CATHmitINE BISBEE, deceased. The auditor appointed byrihe Court to audit, settle, and-adjust the account of WILLIAM EINWECHTER and WiLLIAftl MELCHER, executors of the' last will and testament of -Catherine Bisbee, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in tbe hands of the ac countants, will meet the parties interested for the pur pose of his appointment on MONDAY, June 27, 1864, at II o’clock A..ML, at>HIS OFFICE, No. 331 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. ' ' JOHN O’BRIEN, : jel7-fmwot ; . . . Auditor. TTNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHrxflToy, Slay SI, -3884.—0 b. the petition of JOHN H, TQWNE, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,’ praying for the extensiohof a patent granted to him,on the 3d day of September, 1864, for improvements in tho Direct Action Steam-Hammer, for seven years from the expiration of said'patent, which takes place onj the 3d4»? of SEPTEMBER, 1864—it is ordered that the said petition at the Patent Office, on MONDAY, the 22d:day of September next, at 12 o f ciockM. ; ana ali persons are notified to appear and show'cause, if any theyhave, whygaid petition,ought not to be granted. Persons opposing the extension are.reqnirea to' file-in the Patent Office their objections, specially ,set. forth in writing, at least Twenty days before the day>.of hear ing; all testimony filed by either party to be used at the eatd taken and transmitted in accord ance with the rules©! the office, which will be famished on application. The testimony in the case will be closed on the sth day of August next; depositions and other papers relied upon as testimony must be filed in the office on or be fore the morning of that day; the. arguments, if any, within ten days thereafter, " Ordered, also, that this notice be published in the Chronicle,-Wathington, D. C., and Press, Philadel phia,. Pennsylvania, once a week for three successive weeks; the first of said publications to be at least sixty days previous to the day of hearing. D. TP. HOLLOWAY, Commissioner of Patents. - —TTNITRD STATES EASTERN DIS • 'OIJfBKHSY-LVANIA-SOT. • ?vi Sf THE UNITED STATES, TO THE wniw IIS"SSt^£P?,SG,I 1 l S "SS t^£P?, SG , l? H NrDISrRICT OF PENIST- In and forthe'Eas/ernVmtrict oFFem^ Wrn e ‘n ar Smi(h , car 9 o l aden on ioard Ff 1 tr ipb. t wnereoi Win. IL Smith is master, captured by the United States steamer VMetacomet,” under the command of , James 5..: Jewett, to be monished, cited, jacti caned tojudjfment, at theitime and place under written, and to the effect hereafter expressed, Gustice sorequmngv)-You are therefore charged: and airictlv enjoined Mid commanded, that you omit not. but that byjmblisbing these presents in at least two of the daily aperB^nted r an d pHbHshed in the city ofPhila ***** InteUfffencer, yon do monish and cite, or c-anse to be mon [shea and cited, peremnto rily. aU persons m general who have, or pretend to have, anr right, title, or mterestjin the said steamer, her tackle, apparel, and farcitnre, and the cargo laden ratPwi til e ™ *& ap W bef ore the Honorable JOHN tb *. saj d Court, at the District Court room, in the city of Philadelphia, oa the twentieth day after publication of these presents* if it be a court day, or else oa the next court day following. bonra . of hearing causes, then and br due form of iaw. a reasona- iexcuse, if any they have, why the said apparel, and furniture, and the thereof, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time or the Capture of the same, to the enemies of the Uuited States, and as goods of their ene mies or otherwise, liable and subject to condemnation, I®, be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful Pflf?®* and further to do and receive in this behalf as to » io^iS e v S H? 4 ft P-^ er l ai i 1 ‘ 4 tliat-you duly intimate, or /? be intmiated, unto all parsons aforesaid, gene {Jy J* n 9r of .these presents It is also S*-™ tbat jf tbe J shall not appear at the time and place,above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a : «■“»“"« **<l lawfni’cause to^-thAMatmrr® thCSi! W p It' t nd FTOwnaw ffiat ti« . ateamer DUNhuAL, her tackle, apparel,-and fur- I*® lluie i> on board thereof, did he long, .at the time of the captnre of the aarat-. totbeono mies of theDnitcd States of America, and as goods of their enemies,.or .otherwise, liableand: subject tocli flscailon and condemnation, to be adjudged and con demned as-lawfol prire, the absence or rathercdntn macy of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise ' notwithstanding, and that yon duly certify to the said H„ 5t , r il ct Court what you ahaU do in the premises,, together with these presents.- , . ».„••• Witness the honorable JpHN CADWALADER, Judge at Philadelphia, this sixteenth day of fflfiS A- B -und in tho eiKhty-eighth year of the independence of the said United States. jel7-3t G. R, FOX, Clerk of District Sourt, GROCERIES. J£ENNIDY, STAIRS, & 00., Vo». 13© and 182 North Wbarrei, A2OYI ABCH STEEET. WHOLESALE DEALERS PICKLED AND dry fish:. X. luce stock, la escorted packages, suitable for {loan try Trade, always on hand. ' _ i^usn ARCHER & REEYES, WHOLESALE GROCERS,' No. 45 North- WATER Street, and No. 40 North. DELAWARE Avenue, Offer for gale, at the Lowest Market Prices, a larw stock of , SUGAR,' MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEAS. SPICES, TOBACcfo, And Groceries generally, carefully selected for the «oub try trade. Sole Agents for the products of FITHIAN & POGUE’S Extensive Fruit Canning Factory at Bridgeton, N, J, ap2s-6ia MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, &c. Mass, Nos, 1* 2,, and S Mackerel,late caught fat fish, in assorted packages. • 2,000 bbls. New Eastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. * ■ . 2,500 boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. 150 bbls new Mesa Shad. . 25Q boxes Herkimer County Cheese. &c., * In store and for sale by • -MURPHY & KOONS, jniH-tf ■ Mo. MOBTH WHARVis. piCKLES.—IOO BBLS. PICKLES IN A. VINEGAR, •/ • 50 half bbls. Pickles In Vinegar. • • • < k Also, three-gallon and five-gallon kegs do. Forsale by RHODES & WILLIAMS, *nb2B 10T South WATER Street. TOTES AND XIQUOItS. fin BARRELS YOUNGER’S ALE, t/ '-' St. Anne’s Brewery, in Jugs. In store, and for sale by WILLIAM H. TEATON * CO., tp6 . 801 South FRONT Street. 100 CASES PINET, CASTILLON, & lw CO’S COGNAC BRANDY, landing from brig Lome,' ’ from Bordeaux. For sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON * CO;. •nd. BO! South FRO NT Street. TYRAIN PIPE, DRAIN PIPE. •A/ VITRIFIED TERRA COTTA DRAIN PIPB-all sites, from 2to IS-tnch diameter, with all kinds of branches, bends, Rnd traps, for sale in any Quantity. - -■ '2 inch bore per yard 30c. • 8 ’* “'" 360. 4 “ " “ “ 4Sc. 6 “ “ “ •• 60s. e “ “ “ ''7sc; " ' - - TERRA COTTA CHIMNEY TOPS, For Cottages, Villas, or. City Houses,. Patent Wind gourd Tops, for caring smoky chimneys, from 2 to 8 feet : I|th ' ORNAMENTAL GARDEN VASES. ' Fountains, and Statuary Marble Bust*, Brackets, and Mantel vases. ' PHILADELPHIA TERRA COTTA WORKS. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. ; fel2-fmwtf - , ‘ ■- •' ft; a. HARRISON. TTPHOLSTERINGk V . H B. BLANCHARD & CO,» Northeast corner THIRTEENTH and CHESTNUT Sts, Carpets aod Mattings made and laid. •Beddiaß, Hair Mattresses, &c. <. • ' Veraoiiah Awnluas,. . mhSO-Sm BRI C K B:—paving, bark and Light Stretchers; Salmon,'and Hard’BRICKS, for sale in large'Dr small Quantities. The subscribers have faculties. Tor Ptipplylufr fixtonrive builders with da- ‘ spatch, and ■ for delivering to any place accessible by water carriage W. & M. CHAMBERS, NORRIS-Street Wharf, above Gnjuier'a Run, PROPOSALS. OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, S. W. Corner SIXTH and SANSOM Streetb. Pirii.AUBLPHrA, June 13,1564. SEALED PROPOSALS for the removal «f a nuisance arlHing from Htapnant water on a lot of ground ninety feet Aftuth of LEHIGH Avenue and TILTON Stront, in the Nineteenth ward, will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M.. on MONDAY, the 20th laat. Bidders will Htate whether they propose removing the nuisance by draining or by filling up. jel7-3t - * G. RUSn SMITH. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH, B. W. Corner SIXTH and . SANSOM Street*. _ _ Pmf.Ai>BLi*iiiA, June 18, 1884. SfcALEt» PROPOSALS for the removal of a nuisance arising fiom stagnant water on a lot i>u the south side of VIENNA Street, opposite TULIP Street, will be received at thte office until MONDAY, the 26th instant, at 12 o’clock M. Bidders will please stale whether they purpose to re move the nuisance by draining or by fu ting up, G. RUSH SMITH, je!7-3t . Health Officer. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLYING THE X MINT WITH ACIDS And WOOD. ~ : Mr.NT op I’hh United States, e - ITOn Pntt,APEr>pirrA, June 15, 1864. , for sittmlying the Mint with NITEI£ ANI) SULPHURIC ACID, the former of the strength 89 degrees Beaume (!n tub carboys), and the latter 66 degrees Beanrne (in box carboy*), for one year, from the 6th July proximo, will be received bytheun derßigaed until the 30th Inst . Proposals (sealed) for supplying the Mint with OAK, HICKORY, AND P NE WOOD, for tho same period, will also he received until the 80th last. Bidders‘will 'ebdorfie' their bids “Proposals for Acids?” “Proposals for Wood. ” Jel?-t29 JAMES POLLOCK, Director. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER -tX GENERAL’S OFFICE, ' - ; : - - - - ! PhjIA'DKI.PSTA, 17th June, 1864. PROPOSALS will *be received at this office mitil SA TURDAY, 25th Inst., at 12 M., for furnishtasr the U. Sr Government with FORaGE, coaststiug of Oats, Corn, Hay, and Straw, for. the use of public'animals at tbis poKt, inclndtng Chester, Fort MHRfo. Qhestnut H*U,‘ Nicetown, and Haddington, for six irfotithe.commencing Ist July and eadingTUt December, ]564. ; Grain to be or best .quality, Oata weighing 82 Jba to tbe-buahelvaud Corn 66 lbs to the bushel.; Hay to be of beat quality Timothy: 1 Straw to be of good quality Hye. Ail subject to Inspection. Bidders w»l stato the price per 100 lbs for. Hayand Straw, and per bushel for Corn«aq4 QftW, 4©--. nvered at the place of consumption, in' such quantities and at such times as inav be required. The right is re served to reject aliblds deemed too high,and nohidfrom a defaulting contractor will he received. By order of Colonel G. H Crosman,. A. Q. M. G. - . ALBERTS.. ASH MEAD, jel7-8t ' . : Capt. andA. Q. M. Office . commissary of sub- V/ WALNUT Street, > -PhilaPbi-phia, June 17, 1864. SEALED PROPOSALS-IN DUPLICATE will l>e re ceived at this Office until 12 o’clock 31., on THURS DAY, June 23, 1864 s -for Aupplytng for the use of the United States. Army tbe following subsitteuce stores, delivered tn Philadelphia, viz. : • * I,oooBarrels first..quality PRISJE MESS PORK, (corn fed)..of the pack of 1863-4, in full hooped v vy c»k barrels, with iron master hoops ? meat to he free, from rust or htaiu, full weight, and - Uioronghiy salted, and to have been repacked within thirty days of delivery. To be delivered t within twenty days from date of award. 100,000PoundR Jirpt quality wiuter-smoked BACON SHOULDERS, in tight tierces uf uniform alze To be delivered within twenty days from date '■ of award,. Pounds first quality kiln-dried CORN MEAL, in "well coopered, head-lined barrels. 100,000 Pounds new WHITE BEANS, in well coopered, head* lined barrels. - : 60,000 Pounds; first quality SPLIT PEAS, In well \ coopered, head-lined barrels. pounds PRIME RICE, in well coopeihd, head lined hatreds. .... 53,0C0 Pounds large grained, kiln-dried HO3IINY, in well coopered, head-lined barrels. \ PRIME RIO COPFEE, in strong, well : coopered; head lined barrels. Bidj to state, also, the pried in double bags, 10,000PouEd., first cinalHy CHULak TEA, !m original half pound .papers, to be an original nackave 60,000 Pounds light yellow COFFEE SUGAR, or choice dry RAW SUGAR. Barrels to be of the best in use for tbdpurjwse 5,000 Gallons pure CIDER, WHISKY, or CORN VINEGAR, in strong, well coopered barrels. 10,(XX) Pounds first quality ADAAfANTiNE or STAR CANDLES, full weight twelves. 40,000Poands good hard‘SOAP, in pound bars, fall weight. ■ - . ■ •' : - 30,000 Pounds clean, fine, dry SALT, in strong, well coopered barrels. 10j(X50Gallons. SYRUP MOLASSES, iu strong, well . coopered barrels. . 4,000 Pounds pure ground BLACK PEPPER, in four ounce papers.- Bidders will state the variety.of Pepper ottered, and will submit a sample of - whole as well as ground. . 'The above stores, with the exception of Pork and ' Bacon, to be delivered .within tea days of dale of I award. Samples of all articles except meats must be delivered with proposals, and referred to-therein.; bat the pro posal mast not be enclosed with the\g&ijipl6. - Samples mast be in boxes or bottles, and not in paper .parcels, • . . . • The meats will be exanrincd andpissed upon by John G. Taylor, inspector on tnepart of the United States. Separate proposals, in duplicate, mast be made for each article enumerated, and bidders may propose for tbe whole or auypart ofeacb: ; \ ; A printed copy of this advertisement mnst be attached to each bid; and the proposals must be specific in com plying with allits terms.. ' ’ * - Each bid must have the written guarantee of two re sponsible names, for the fulfilment of the agreement, who wilbgive bonds if required. • * Blank forms'for proposals, containing the form of guarantee, may be had on application at this office. Tbe sellers’ name, place of business; and date of pur chase, name of content?, gross, tare,-and net weights, must be marked on every pacsage, and all old marks must be obliterated. . ' Returns of weights by professional public to be given wbeneverrequired. | Bo bids from’parties who have failed to falfil a former, j engagement will be considered. 1 Bids will include packages, and delivery at &ny point • in this city, to be designated by this office ; aad any • ; inferior packages or cooperage will be considered suffi : cient cause for rejection of’contents. ‘ ’ ' ' i • Payment willbe'rhade in such furids'as 'may be fur i nished by the United. States for the purpose. . . - . - -s r- Proposals to be endorsed, 14 Proposals l foFfSiib^isteace? • Stores,” and directed to ISAXG : jel7-tje23 7 . . ;; ; .Captain; and C.'B Yolb. j .JJOKBES ! HORSES I HORSES I i j War DBPARTMBirT, Cavalrt BnsßAir,- , Office of Chief Qoartkrmastbb, _ Washisqtox, JaneB, ISM, SEABED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock-M. MONDAY* June 20th,' 1854, for two thousand (2,00 Q) Cavalry Horses, lo be delivered at the Government Stables at Giasboro Depot, near Washing ton City, within forty (40) days from the data of con tract. _ Said Horses to "be sound in all particulars, well bro ken, full in flesh, from fifteen (15) to sixteen (16) hands high. from five (5) to nine (9) roars old, in good con dition, and well adapted in every way to Cavalry pur . poses.. • • These specifications will be strictly adhered to arid rigidly.enforced in every particular.l I .KobidwiUbe entertained unless accompanied by a guaranty, for its faithful performance. i AST* Should any United States officer guarantee the ' proposal of a bidder who shall prove to oe irresponsi ble, bis name will be reported to. the Secretary of War, with a recommendation that each officer be dismissed •• the service. ■ ■ •. •*■■.■■■ • Mlbiddete and guarantors will be held to the strict .: w» to® followed-by prosecution to the full extent ■ ojtne tato. ‘ : to^thieoffiJe^ a ° d arantycan ** had on application Successful bidders will be prepared to enterlnto writ- The oath of allegiance most accompany each bid The undersigned reserves the right to reject all bids deemed unreasonable. , ; • J _ *** • beentertahmd (100) Horses -and upwards will- Tited S f ° r th£ * ntirS num!,er of Sorts' readied are in- co??S nt WiU le Promi> . tlr mad 9 « a oomplelion of A T omares will be received, must be endorsed c * Proposals for Cavalrr Colonel James A. Quartermaster, Cavalry Bureau, Washing- Any other information will be promptly given on ap plication, personally or by letter, to * v p /« . ; JAMES A. EKTN, Lieutenant Colonel and Chief Quartermaster, **“ Purchase in the. open market'rrtll™eMntinnedat Oienboro Uepot until the contract is awarded. Payment made m Certificates of Indebtedness for seven (7) horses ormore. v / . jelo-9t QRDNAKCE OFFICE, - _ War Department, cpattjt» "DTJATJAc a to June 11* 1864. be /fc®**ved at this office until AY, the 27th day of Jane, 1864. for 54- SuivSfJ™ SJ-ponoder SheJl, to be -dellrered inth.e foliowmg quantities at the nnder-named Arsenals, yii; ".. • __ sj&JBLIi. .;At therWaterThet Arsenal, New-York, 5,000. •''>'•• 10 lork ,- Axs ® nai » Governor's Island, New ‘4* $V® Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburg, 5,000. Atthe Washington Arsenal. 3). C., 5.000. 82-POUKBEIJ SHE£I. At .ne Watervliet Arsenal. New. York, 5,000. . -Atme_Aew York Aroenal, Governor’s Island, Now lor&i lv)000. At the Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburg, 5,000. At the Washington Arsenal, D. C , 5,000 , These prose,ctij«s are to he made °f the kind of metal, and inspected afiijr the rules laid down in the Ordnance filanua!, the tensile strength to be hot less than H.OOO pounds per square inch, ’ They are to be made in accordance with the instruc tions given m the Ordnance Jlannal. AraSS“ gS - Can b ® 6 ? <m at a “ 7 of ‘he United States'. - The projectiles are fobs inspectedat the foundry where cast, and - are to -be delivered at the' arsenals free of charge fortransportation or handling -made-at the rate of not less than h lVB h) . 0 { whole amount contracted for Sniyl Ysoi 1 flrst deliTery to . be : mad o. Oh iho 9th day of Mow to make deliveries at a specified time will sub ject the contractor to a forfeiture of' the number he may fail to deliver at that time. : . - .** Separate proposals mast be made for each calibre. Judders will state explicitly, thearsenal or arsenals where they propose to deliver, and the number of pro tban on? 67 propose t 0 delive £ at « a ch place, If fdteore wiU S H receded -from parti® other than 6nisW n#toft ; ? f works, who are Wiown to the pos^for l 0 e ca Pable of executing the work pro *v? ho *H id any party obtaining a contract offer shell other than those cast in his own foundry, they will bu‘reject ed, and the contract rendered nail and void 1 GUARANTEE. . 3m er will be required to accompany his propo- , smon with a guarantee signed by two responsible per- | " ma SuethfcStacttolhl'SJS^thVSd“JdS ! SHEKUFSJi^^^. VIRTUE OF foi, oT ciiis advertisement: and ia ’ & *rxt of venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be • case the said bidder should fail to enter into the con- exposed to public saleor vendue, on TUESDAY Evening* tract, they to make good the difference between the offer I July-6.1564, at 4 o'clock, at Sausora-street Hallr o' said bidder next responsible bidder, or the : All that certain lot of ground situated on the north person to Whom the contract may be awarded. -side of Venango street, one hundred and thirty-eight The responsibility of the guarantors must be shown ‘ Jeet eastward iroin Bath.street, in the city of PMladel by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Dis- ’ phia» containing in front on Venango street thirty-four trici Court* or of the United States District Attorney. • feet six inches, and in depth one hundred and fifty-one Bonds in-a sum equal to one-tenth of the amountof feet four inches to Victoria street fWhich said premises the contract, signed bythe contractor and both ofhis < Heni-y. D. SteeverW ux., by deed dated June 28. 1853, guarantors, will be required of the successful bidder or recorded in Deed Book A. C. H:* No. SO, page 623, &«., bidders upon signing the contract. conveyed unto Georgeßruder in fee; ressrvinga ground FOKM OF GUARANTEE. rent of thirty dollars, payable first of January and We, the undersigned, residents of —— l in the Jaly.3 county of : , and Stateof ~ : , hereby, C». C.'\ J.V 9 9k' 280. Debt, $114.65.: 80d1n.3 jointly and severally, covenant with the United States, Taken ih execution and to be sold as the property of and guarantee, in case the foregoing bid of —: —: —J. ; George Rroder. JOHN THOMPSON,'Sheriff. • be accepted, that he or they will af once execute the ! Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, Jun 017,1564. ie2o-3t contract for the samerwith good and sufficient sureties ! in a snm/nualto one-tenth of the amonut of the con tract, to furnish the articles proposed In conformity to the terms of the advertisement, dated Junell* lS6i, un der which the bid was made; aod,in case the said *>haUfailto enter into a contract as aforesaid, we gua rantee to make good the difference between the offer of the said -——— and the uext lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract maj be awarded. I Given under our haods and seals l this r— — day of 185-. Witness:. 1 . : , • cleat] To this guaranty mnsfc be appended tho official certifi cate above mentioned, Each party obtaining a crratvaci wilt be obliged to outer into toads, with approved sureties, for.its faithfal execution. . -Upon the award being Imade, successful bidders will be notified, and furnished with forms of contract and bond. ’ , The department resorvos the right to reject any or all hide if not deemed satisfactory. . • General GhCRGE D. RAMSAY, Chief of Ordnance, Washington, *>•9-,. and will beendoraed *‘Proposals for 24-pounder and 32-pounder Shell. ’ ’ . GEORGE D. RAMSAY, je!s-wfmGt Brigadier General, Chief of Orduance, fffffl .i;;ESTEY’s- . ; COTTAGE ORGANS, fl KCE W lmt UNEQUALLED In parity deotoed especially for Cbnrchc tat found to bo equally well adapted to the Parlor and Drawing Room. For sale only by il ~ , Ko. 18 North SEVENTH Street. • Also, a complete aeeortment of the Perfect Meloderf constantly on hand., : mylS-Sm fßEgt DR. fine, practical den- the last twenty years, 319 VINE St., below Third, inserts the moat beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted[on-fine Gold.Platina; Silver, Vulcanite, borante, Amber, Ac. .at prices, for ueat and substantial yorh, more reasonable than any Boutist in this city or ° tat l* Teeth plugged to last for life. Artificial Teeth repaired to 6uit. No pain in extracting. All work war ranted to fit. Reference, 1 best families, - mfagj-fipi the Adams ex. mf W l *W m "WP«i' PRESS COMPANY, OSce 3»« CHESTNUT Street., forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in connection with other Express Companies, to. all the principal Towns and Cities in the United States. ■ B. S. SANDFORD, fe27 4 - General Superintendent. Kim EVANS & WATSON’S Bm.ll SALAMANDER SAPBB, i STORE. lO SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA,, PA. A Inns yarloty of PISK-PSOOP. SAFES nlwnyc o* luiadi ■ ■■■• ■ AUCTION SACKS. v BEKS, Ko». 333 and 33* MARKET Streat. POSITIVE SAKE OF *33 LOTS FRI'.NX!! DRY GOODS, DJIBRELLAS, STRAW 00uDS, A-c.,&c , THIS DAY. A card.—We invite the attention of dealers to the valuable assortment of French, BwUs, German, aad British dry Roods, stock of dry Roods, nmbreUas, alra’tv goods, &c., &c., embracing 425 lots of fancy and staple articles, to bo peremptorily sold, by catalogae, on four .months’ credit, commencing this morning, at 30 o'clock, precisely. large peremptory sale of french, india SWISS, GERM AN,AND BRITISH DRY GOODS,&o 'on'Mond ay'riorn UJO, June 20th, at 10 o’clock, will be sold, by catalogue,on four months’credit, about _ PACKAGES AND .LOTS . of French, India, German, and British drygoods, Ac., embracing a large and choice assortment of fancy and staple articles in silk, worsted, woolen, and cotton fabrics. . N. B.—Samples of the same will be arranged for ex amination, with catalogues, early on the morning of the sale, when dealers will find ft to their interest to attend. LARGE SALE FRENCH, GERMAN, SWISS, AND BRITISH. DRY GOODS, UMBRELLAS, Ao., Ac. NOTlCE.—lucluded in onrperemptoryf-ale of French, German, Swiss, British, and American dry goods, on MONDAY MORNING. June 20th, will be found, in part, the followingckoioe articles: BLACK SILKS. pieces glossy black grosde rhine, assorted widths, taffetas, gran grain, Ac. • FANCY SILKS. pieces fancy plaid and striped silk foulards, challles, &c. DRESS GOODS.— pieces rich printed ami plain mons de laine, plain and fancy poil do chevra, ffgarad noplins.iplain and fancy mozamblnues, printed lawns, fancy ginghams, bareges, prints, Ac., Ac. ... SIIA wL6..—Black and colored cashmere, merino, or gandy, barege, and stolla shawls, Ac. RIBBONS,'Ac. boxes solid colors fancy and black grosde Naples ribbons, black and fancy Bills velvet do, trimming ribbons, flowers, Ac, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES.-Rich embroidered and mull collars, In sets and pieces, bands Jn«ert-> ing*, <Jac£e; rusting*, lace veils, Ac., Ac. ; lace point -tfthd mantles. s . 'i Also, black crapes,'colored tarletans, veils’;.. silk handkerchiefs, and neck-ties, kid and lisle gloves, braids;* ta&selef head nets, buttons, sewings, fancy ..articles, Ac.”*- : - 151 - "** SUN UMBRELLAS.—33 cases silk and gingham sun umbrellas. Ahfo.^—“dozen balmoral and hoop skirts. •MANTLES: —Rich black silk ana lace mantles, Ac. ? Also, 1,100 dbzeu lineb cambric hdkfs. " STRAW GOODS. Included in cur sale of MON DAY, June 20th, will be found a desirable assortment of latest fashionable styles bats, bonnets, turbans, and Sha*er hoods f» ladies, boys, and misses, ■ ~ ; ' LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 900 TRACKAGES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, ARMY GOODS, STRAW GOODS, Ac ON TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 21st, At 10o’clock, will bo sold by catalogue, without re serve, on four months’ credit, about 900 packages hoots, shoes, brogans, cavalry boots, Ac., embracing a prime and fresh assortment of desirable articles for men, women, and children, of city and Eastern manu facture. Also, straw goods, in palm hats, shaker hoods, Ac. N.-B.—Samples, with catalogues, early on the morn ingofsale. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, PALM HATS, SHAKER HOODS, Ac. NOTICE.—In our sale of boots, shoes, straw goods, travelling bags, Ac., to be held on TUESDAY MORNING; June2l. will be found, in part;the following first-, class stock, to be sold without reserve: . —cartons women’s, misses’, and. children’s city made sewed balmorals and gaUerc. cases men’s fine dress boots. cases men’s 2A- inch-leg grain cavalry boots. cases men’s and boys’.aailed boots. • cases m«-a’s and .boys’thick boots. : , cases men’s, boys’, and yonths’ calf, kip, and grain, boots. . cases men’s, boys’, and youths* calf and kip bro gans. ■ cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ calf and P. L. gaiters. cases men’s, boys*, and youths’calf and kip bal jnorals- — cases women’s, misses’, and children’s calf and kip heeled boots. ca ios women’s, misses’, and children’sgoat and kip heeled boots. cases women’s, misses’, and children’s morocco and enameled boots. - caees.mcn’s fine custom-made patent boots. cases women’s, misses’, and children’s gaiters, balmoralsrAc. • : : : r ; . .■ cases men!s and boys’ Oxford ties. cases women’s and misses’ nailed boots. ->■■■>' cases men’s and boys’ goat-Jop Congress gaiters. : Embracing a full assortment'of men’s, women’s, boys’, and children’s wear, of city and Eastern manu facture. ” • PALM HATS, SHAKER HOODS, Ao. ON TUESDAY MORNING, June 21, at precisely 10 o’clock, 39 cases palm, Leg horn hats, braid, and shaker hoods, Ac. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF EUROPEAN, INDIA, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, STRAW GOODS, CARPETS, MATTINGS. &C. We will hold a large sale of British, German, French, and American dry goods, by catalogue, on four months’ credit, and part for cash, ■ - ON THURSDAY MORNING, June 23d, commencing at precisely 10 o'clock, com prising 775 PACKAGES AND LOTS of British, German, French, India, and American dry goods, embracing a large, 1 full, and fresh assortment of ■woolen, worsted, linen, cotton, and silk goods, for city and country sales. N. B.—Samples of the same will he arranged for ex amination, with’catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when dealers will find it to their interest to attend; =: Also, Ingrain, Venetian, list andrag carpets. Canton mattings, &c., with which the sale will commence. ~f AJVB M LET. , f\KP HAHS 1 COURT SALE.— V ' Estate of MICHAEL CROUSE,'dee'd. ' By virtue of an order oT the Orphans’ Court-for the City and County of PhOadelphia A will ha exposed to public sale, by M- THOMAS & SONS, .auctioneers, on TUESDAY, June 2S, 1864. at 12 M. , at the Phila delphia Exchange, all that; two-story biiek messuage and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Mount .the'; Twentieth ward of the city of Bhip.delaH!a; conUoningJin-froat on -Mount Pleasant street eighteen feet six inches, and in depth one hun dred feet,.more or less. Bounded on the north by . ground of , on the south by Mount Pleasant street,, on the east by ground now or late of Louisa Book,"and on the west by ground now or late of George Bed well. '[Being the third house from the comer of Market and Mount Pleasant streets, in the plan of Mor ris City. and being the same premises which Johnßis tine and wife, by indenture dated March 14, 1553, re corded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book T. H., No. 6S, p. 466, dec., granted ana conTeyed unto said Michael Crouse, in fee. 3 JOHN M. HALL, Administrator c. t. a., je7-t2B No. 1£37 North THIRTEENTH Street PUBLIC SALE. X ESTATE OF JOHN PASCHALL, • At the BELL -TAVERN, on the 9ARB F ROAD, in the Twenty-fourth ward, at 12 o’clock, on the 23d day of SIXTH MONTH (Juue),3S&4. Two several tracts of UPLAND AND HIGHMEIDOW GROUND,situate in (iatejKlngsessing) how the Twenty fourth ward of the city of Philadelphia, about four and a half miles from Market-street bridge. Bounded by lands of Robert Buist and Johu Dick. One of the said Tracts, situate north,of SIXTY FOURTH Street, having a good dwelling house, a fine spring, and young orchard thereon; contains 14. acres of Upland, and 22 acres'of High Meadow. ■\ And the other of the said Tracts, situate south of SIXTY-FOURTH Street, having a large dwelling house theron: contains 16 acres of Upland, and 20 acres of High Meadow. ' ' Two-thirds of the purchase money can remain secured on premises by mortgage. Particulars, apply to D. S. PASCHALL, a - EUii , :EHniraE . . ' • HKKIIY H. PASCHALL,! . „ BENJAMIN PASCHALL, . jels-St : Executors.: TO LET—THE SECOND, THIRD, AND ;f-fourth Floors at 335 MAEKET Street, through to Churchalley. • . . . . . . mhS-tf M FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE COUN TSI”, RESIDENCE on BUNTING Street, above summit street, Dsrbr, consisting of 12 acres of excellent ■JS™; I ! l el L 8 | t „ w j t “ J Svergreen and delicious Shade Irees, Apple, Standard, and Dwarf Pears, Cherry and Peach Trees-, abnndance of Grapes, Lawton Blackber ries. and other .small Fruits. A stream : runs' through the lawn, furnishing abundance of Ice. The buildings consist of a three-story Dwelling.. Stable, Carriagl *i°J ls if„'J cc ; hon9e -’ a „ nd °. thc t outbuildings; all built in. If® t»ao ln i?r I !Sflv, Fo l fnrtber Information inquire at No.. 338 DOCK Street. jed-fmthtf H FOR SALE—ELEGANT DOUBLE wJ&S'S&Kk&ISS Residence, with back building, 1 KLIN Street, below Brown. Lot 50 feel front. The house Is excelled by none In finish, with every .modern convenience, and ground finely laid out. attached. ALFRED H. ALLEY, Conveyancer, 805 South SIXTH Street, . ' ’. JelO-fmwlOt* ; If* . PUBLIC SALE AT VILLAGE •Ji-.GREEN. JUNE23Ih, all o’clock. Estate of Dr. S. A. Barton, deceased. A beautiful summer residence, with eight acres;- out-houses, stables, fish pond, and a fine orchard of fruit trees. The house and lawn are splendidly shaded. In a beautiful village, IK miles from Glen Riddle, on the West Chester Railroad, and, 4 mues from Media; convenient to churches, schools, Ac. -V JAMES BARTOS, jelg-lOt* J. HEKVEY BARTOW, Administrators. t jgj SEA-SIDE COTTAGE FOR SALE J——Oco_ of the beet located and. moat conveniently arranged COTTAGES at ATLANTIC CITY. Apply to myai-lin JOHN'F. STABS. m LARGE AND VALUABLE PRO ■KiPERTy FOR SALE. —The verr large and commodi oub-XOT and BUILDINOj No. 30SCHERRY Street; near the centre. of business; containing 60 feet on Cherry street, depth' 105/ feet; being 76feet wide on the rear of the lot, and. at. thatmdth opening to a large cart-way, leading to Cherr^B^et v of Apply at tie office of Christ Church HospflS^ Ko. 836 WAf.NiiT Street Mfok sale.—four-story dwel ling S. E. corner Eighteenth and Green streets. ™ T £F, eß ' B %' dwelling and hall, for meetings, corner Eighth and Parrish. i -Three-story dwelling, 841 Geary street. dwelling, 36. feet front, with lot 7QjOSfl, : 1727 Hamilton street.: Four frame house's and lots, 31x68 feet, 8. E. side of Latimer street.. ■ One hundred and twelve feet S. W. of Ash street, for $1,760. Rent for $240. Several splendid properties on North Broad street First-class Farts of 90 acres, in Cecil Co., Md. . . B. F. GLENN, 133 South FOURTH Street, mySS- tf and S. W. cor. SEVENTEENTH&ud GREEN. QIIERIFF’ S SALE. —BY VIRTUE'... OF a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed,'-will . be exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY,Eve ning, July 5, 1564, at 4 o’clock, at Sausom-street Hall, All that certain lot of ground begiaokig on the north westerly side of Sutherland street, one hundred and thirty feet southwesterly from South street, in the city of Philadelphia: thence westerly five - hundred "and seventy-nine feet, msro orless, to low-water mark in the river Schuylkill; thence along the same south westerly ninety feet four inches; thenco eastwardlr five hundred aud fifty-two feet, more or-less, to said ■Sutherland street; thence northeastwardly along the same one hundred aud thirty, feet to the place of be ginning. : Y fD. C.; J., *64. 251 Debt, $1,464.39. Martin. 3 .Taken in execution, and to be .sold as ihe property of Cbarlos Feu rest. . JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff!' Philadelphia, Sheriff’s Office, June 17, ISG4. je2Q-‘U QnERIFF’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE GF a writ of Levari Facias, tormo directed, will be ox- Sosed to.public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Evening, uly 5, 1864, at 4 o’clock, at Sansora-strefiMlalli" All that certain messuage and tot of ground situate on the south side of a certain fifty feet wide street four huudred and forty feet nine inches westwardly from I Buy's Lane; in the Twenty-second ward of the citv of l Philadelphia, containing in fronts on said street two | hundred and sixteen feet eleven inches, and in depth. about three huudred and ten feet, to land now or late f of Edward Wharton. Bounded eastward by laud now t or lute of Elizabeth Dupree, and westward by ground i now or late of John Lohgstroui. [D.C/; J.'64. 256. ,Debt, *2,823.20. Olmsted.] i Taken in execution and to sold as the property of ; John Lougsfcreth, JOHN THOMPSON,. Sheriff, j Philadelphia. Sheriff s Office, June 17,U54. ! QHERIFF’ S SALE.—-BY VIRTUE OF A O Writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed; will be exposed to public sale or vendue, on TUESDAY Evening, : July fi. 1564, at 4 o'clock, at Sansom-street Hail; 1 I Ail that certain messuage and lot of ground situate oh the west side of Leopard street one hundred auchteren !y-twofeet northward from Otter street,, in the city of ; Philadelphia; containing in front on Leopard street thirty-two feet, and in depth'eighty-feet to Amber street. Subject to two mortgages of seven. hundred and forty-one dollars and five hundred dollars. ; tf). C.: J., ’Ch 275. Debt. $1,564.14. Browstor.J Taken 1 iu execution and to be sold as the property of "John M. Lukens and John Scott. ' JOHN THOMPSON, Sheriff. Philadelphia, Sheriys Office, June 18» 1864. je2Q-3t PERFUMED PARLOR MATCHES.- -*» Jnat received 3$ additional cases of these celebrated (AMxander’e) Matches? for sale to the trade only. »»37.ftra vuwi Jk YttfaTOW. IK7AIKOV WUnSi pOTTON SAIL DUCK AND GANYAB of all numbers and brands. , R&ven’s Duck Awning Twills, of a\! description*, for. Tents, Awnings. Trunk and Wagon Covers. • Also, Paper Manufacturers’ Drier Pelts, from* Ito I feet wide. Tarpaulin* Bolting, Sail Twine, <kc, JOHN W. KVERMAN, ifiJU-tf : ' jrosrs sl Aliev* _ AT THOMAS & SONS, Nos. 139 and 1M South FOURTH Street. ST i, 0 r n J C ?./. i , t l R . F 'J L ESTATE. 21RT JUNE; VALIfA. '• SmiiS* r uI;iM, S ’ TWO WAEKUT-STKfiET BB6I BENCES. BUSWESS STANDS. &o. CARD. Our sale on TUESDAY next will comprise a large amount of property, by order of Orphans’ Gonri, exeentora, Ac,, hjcluding the splendid mansion ofJhe late F. Lenmg, Ekq., corner of Walnut and Broa4%ta* handsome residence. No ifios Walnut street, dpSwito RiUonhouge Sqnarei Valuable coal lands. SchaytKUi county: lands. Elk county; country seat, Kent, Del*, ware; three squares of ground sear Ridge Avenue Eail road depot; desirable moderate-size city dwellings, bum ness stands, irredeemable ground rente, stocks* loans, Ac. , BALE OE’tIIEOLOGICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, - „, ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, , Jnne2lst, at the auction store, theoloeicat and mia ceuaneouß the library of a clergyman. PEREMPTOFINE CLARET, BOCK AND WrNEe. .Tune2sth« noon, will bo sold at the auc tion store. SoaiteJgbrth street, about 500 bottles clarS, hock, and of choicest vintages. Also, cherryboimec,-London gin. bitters, Ac. Also, a few den iiohne of bounce, whortleberry cordial, and Irish, whisky. Samples may he examined one hour previous to tba TUBULAR BOILER, FORGE, SCRAP IRON. Ac ON SATURDAY MORNING : 25th Inst., at IDo'clock, will be smU without reiser*, on account or the Trcasarv Sepnrtraunt of the UultaJ StHteß, at No. 10 \j riant street, rear of St. Stephen’s Church, Tenth, street, below Marked a tubular boiler, made by-J. P. Morris A Co., with Bourdon eaug*, ice. Alj*o;'parta of a portable forge, lot of scrap Iron, Acs F Also, at the same time and place, on other account, -. Barron’s jeweller's blowpipe table, scrap Iron, and a Jotof demijohns. bo examined any lime previous to the sale, hzfifl’erms ca*h, and the articles to be removed within days after the sale. .. y >. 'v, • ■■ *...i.i " . ' SALE No. 031 VINE Street. ■ 1 - ' RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE. 2 ON MONDAY MOSSING, 1 fl rJune27tli, atlOo’ctoclc, byoataloKue, at No 821 wfi v at Met, Oie superior HousehoM-Furtiiture, French Pa 5 -Mirrors, flue Tapestrr C*rpet«,-Gas Chandeliers E ■-Fixtures, Arc; .......... 'Previous to the sale of Furniture, rvlil be sold tg Modern Residence. Farticnlnnfiu baudMUs and ca£ loroes. May be examined at 8 V clock on the mornti of the sale. Philip ford & co., auctioneers, * 535MAEEETand533 COMMERCE Streets. SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, ■SH'tfes, BROGANS. - ■ Ac., Ac." . '.ffu.T-i'- . ON THURSDAY MGENim* * - Jnne 23, commencing at 10 o’clbck' 3£nfeTselyy will b© t pold;'by'catalogue, for net cashi fljroO’ cases men’s, t boys’,’'and youths’ calf, kip, graiii, and thick boefa* i brogans, balmorale, cavalry boots, Oxford tiea, Con- ■■ gross gaiters, Ac. Women’s, misses', and children’s calf, kip, gaatJ kid, and morocco-heeled boots and shoes, side-iace anal Congress heeled gaiters, balmomie. slippers, buskins.! Ac., from first-class city and Ba-tern manufactories.- This sale will contain a prime assortment of goods, woUL worthy the attention of buyers. Open for examinatio** > with catalogues, early cn the morning of sale- SALE OF READY-MaDB CLOTHING. t ON THURSDAY MORNING, June 23d, will be sold, by catalogue, an assortment© seasonable ready-made clothing, of desirable goods fo present sales. Tbs sale of clothing will commence-A oni o’clock. v * Catalogues ready early on morning of sale. T>Y HENRY P. WOLBERT, A' • AUCTIONEER. No. 303 MARKET Street, South Side, above SecoadSti . STOCK OF A RETAIL STORE. ON MONDAY MORNING, Jane 20th, at 10 o’clock, will be sold, without reserve* the rtocl! of a retail store, comprising silk velvets, eilks, satins, Valencias, Marseilles, veil bereg*, lawns* prints, delaines, summer, cloths, garabroons, linen drilliDgf, English satinets, merino caseimeres, colored chintz, paper muslins, lustres, rauils, jaconets, Swim musliUß, bobbmet, crape, embroideries, handkerchiefs* veils, cotton hose and half hose, socks kid, silk thread, gloves, sewing tilka,Coats’ spool cotton, patent thread; trimmings, Ac., Ac. * Also, stock of ready-made clothing, shirts, shoes, umbrellas, straw goods, Ac., Ac. Sales of Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notions, As., ever# MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY Morning, com? mencing at 10 o’clock. PAFCOAST & WARNOOK, AUCf- TIONEERS, No. 340 MASEET Street LARGE POSITIVE SALE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS. MILLINARY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS. STRAW GOODS &c., &c,,‘ by Catalogue. • • ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22d, -Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, comprising about COO lots seasonable and desirable g'-ods. mFRNESS, BRENXiEY & GO., -’s No. 015 CHESTNUT and 613 JAYNE Streets, T>Y SCOTT & STEWART, AUCTION EEBS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. S«t. 633 CHESTNUT Street and 6X5 RANSOM STREET , AUCTION SALE OF COKDEMNKdf -LA HOESBS, War Defabtitbht, - Cay alky Bubbau, ©ffics of Chief QaARTBBXAerzs. - • Wabhikotoh, April 25, 18HL Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder* at the time and place named below, viz: Newport, Penna., Thursday, May 6th, Gettysburg, Penna.,. Monday, May 9tb, Altoona, Penna.. Thursday, May 12th, Mifflin, Penna., Thursday, Hay 19th, Reading, Penna., Thursday, May 96th, Lebanon, FennAtf'Thursdaji June 2d, Northumberland, Penna.. Thursday, Jong .■ Scranton, Penna., Thursday, June 16th, -« Williamsport, Penna., Thursday, June 23d. _£&'■ One hundred £100) Horses at Gettysburg, and Wff Hundred and Fifty (250) at each of the other placet. -These horses have been condemned as unfit for IlMl cavalry service of the United States army. For road and farm purposes many good bargain* BMP be bad. Horses will be sold singly. Sales begin at 19 A. M., and continue daily till all tit sold.- TERMS CASH, in United States Treasury notes oabr* . JAMES A. ERIN, ap29-tSeSS3 Lt. Col. and GQ. M. C&valrr Bureau. MARSHALS SALES. T^ARSH^’S'SALE.— OF a writ of sale by the Hon. John Gsdwalader, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,in Admiralty, to ine directed, will be sold, at public sale, to the high est and best bidder. for cash, on WATER Street, above Tine, on MONDAY, June2o, 3Si>4, at M.» the cargo of the barge Elizabeth Corrigan, consisting of"' 39,000 LOCUST TREE NAILS and 212 cubic feet of LO CUST LOGS. The Tree Nails can be seen at the above named place, the Logs at Cailowhill-street Wharf. „ WILLIAM MILLWARD, , • United States Marshal Eastern District of Penna. Philadelphia, June 13,1664. jel4-6t TIfARSHAL’S SALE.—BY VIRTUE OF * LTJ ~ a writ of sale hy the Hon. JOHN GADWALADEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, In aad for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in Admiralty, to me.directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at MICHENER’S STORE, No. 143 North FRONT Street, on SATURDAY, June 25th, 1564, at 12 o’clock M.: 87 bales, 50 bags, andl? barrels Upland Cotton; and 6 bags of Sea Island Cotton, being portions of cargoes of unknown vessels, and the residue of the cargoes of sloops Buffalo, Annie Thompson, and Fortunate. WILLIAM HfLLWARD, - . U. K Marshal s. D. of Pennsylvania. Pmr.AOELPKiA, Jane 14,1554. iels-6fc SHIPPESe. BOSTOF A 1S t D PHfLADEL **§S§SfIFHIA STEAMSHIP LINE, sailing from each port on SATURDAYS, from first wharf above PINE Street, Philadelphia, and Long Wharf, Boston. The steamship NORMAN, Captain Baker, will sail front Philadelphia for Boston on Saturday, June 25, at 10 A. M., and steamship SAXON, Caps. Baker, from Boston for Philadelphia on same day, at 4 o’clock P..M ■ These new and substantial steamships form a regular line* sailing from each port punctually ob Saturdays. * Insurances effected at one-JmZf the premium charged on the vessels. Freights tain* at fair rates. Shippers are requested to send Slip Receipts and Bills Lading with their goods. - For Freight or Passage (having fine accommodations! apply to . . HENRY WINSOR & CO., mhiS-tf 333 South DELAWARE Avenue- STEAM WEEKLY TO ll ' J)™'™ 7 ". 1 VBKPOOL, TOOCHING AT QHESNSTOWW (Cork Harbor). The well-known steamers of the Liver pool, New York, and Philadelphia Steamship Company are Intend ed to sail as follows: EDINBURG ...SATURDAY. Jane 18. CITY OF WASHINGTON........ SATURDAY JuSe £ CITY OF MANCHESTER .-SATURDAY, Jnly i and every succeeding Saturday at noon, from Pier « North nver, x -• RATES OF PASSAGE, Payable in Gold or its equivalent in Currency. FIRST CABIN.; .SSO OOjSTEERAGB .$3O 00 Do.v to London.., 65 00 Do. to London-,. 84 00 Do.: toPana...?.goo Do. to Paris 4000. Do. to Hamburg- 90 001 Do. to Hamburg. 87 Off Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam. Antwerp, &e., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown: First Cabin. $75, SSS. $106: Steerage from Liverpool and Queenstown* fSo. Those who wish to send for their friends can boar tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company** Offices. i: JOHN G. DALE, Agent, myso 111 WALNUT Street, PUifadelpftta* . MEDICAL. "OLE CTEICIT Y.—WHAT IS LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH?—Bra. BARTHOLOMEW * ALLEN, Medical Electricians, havim? removed their Office from North Tenth street toJfo. 154 North ■ ELEVENTH Street, below Race, will still treat and cur* . all curable diseases, whether Acute or Chronic, wifchoni shocks, pain, or any inconvenience, by the use of Elec tricity, in its modifications, and Homoeopathic Modi-' cinea. • Consumption, l first and *e- Influenza and Catarrh. m -ftwßa-sKi:" utate 8 - Congestion. Prolapsus Uteri (Fallinrol Asthma. the womb). Dyspepsia. _ Haemorrhoids, or Piles. Rheumatism. Spinal Disease. Bronchitis. Deafness Testimonials at the office, VX North Eleventh stmt. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. sf. Drs. BARTHOLOMEW & ALLEN. w Medical Electrician*, * 154 North ELEVENTH Street, ' It*y26-tje29 TAEBANT’S EFFEBYESOKNT SELTZER APEKIEHT _ 18 TITS - . besteemedyknow HEADACHE,COSTIV*. NESS,, INDIGESTION, HEART-BURN, SOUS STO3IACH a SEASICKNESS, ia-j.&o. Dr- JAMES K, CHILTON; tho Great cfhemist, says: I know its composition, and have no doubt it will prove most beneficial in those complaints for which it It recommended/” Dr. THOMAS BOYD says: “I strongly commend it to the notice of the public. ” Dr. EDWARD G. I.tTDLOW says: “I can with eon* fidence recommend it. ** Dr. GEORGE T. DEXTER says: “In Flatulency, Heart-barn, Costiveness, Sick Headache, &c., tn# SELTZER APERIENT in my hands has proved indeed a valnable remedy. ” For other testimonials sea pamphlet with each bottle. Manufactured only by TARRANT & CO., «7S GREENWICH Street,'.New York. ... J9Gf FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.- mySS-tnoM t ELECTRICITY. fWONDERFUL SCIENTIFIC BIS-, i »*" COVERT.—AII acute andjchronlc disease* ] cured by special guarantee, -when desired by the i patißnt, at 1330 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, land, in case of a.failure, no charge is made. STo i dragging che system with uncertain medical agents. i All cam performed by Magnetism. Galvanism, or (other modifications of Electricity, withont shocks or lany unpleasant sensation. For farther inform*- ( turn. send and get a Pamphlet, which contains hun- Idreds of certificates from some of the most reliable (men in Philadelphia, who have been speedily and 1 permanently cured after all other treatment from (medical men had failed. Over twelve thonsand | cured in less than five years at 1330 WALNUT St. y Consultation Free. _ • $ .Prof. BOLLES & Dr. BROWN. < my!4-2ra* 1330 WALNUT St., Philadelphia, "ELECTRICITY.—BE. A. H. STEYENS -U is curing ail Chronic-Diseases. both of LADIES and. GENTLEMEN, by a new method in the use of ELEC TRICITY. without shocks or pain. Board for a limited number of Patients from abroad may be had at reasona* hie rates in the Doctor’s family. A Pamphlet of six tee* pages, containing Certificates and other information* font gratis to all orders accompanied with a stamp. Office and residence at I*lB SOUTH PENN SQUABS* being central and accessible by street-cars from every railroad depot in the city. my24-Im TAYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO ■-E- CATION never failß to care Rheumatism, Neuralgia* Sprains, Frosted feet. Chapped Hands, and all Skinl>U* eases. Price 26c, and wholesale and retail by H. B.TAT LOR, Druggist, TENTH and CALLOWHILL, mU-Gm THE BEAUTIFUL ART OF ENAMEL* A LING THE SKlN. —Pate de Toilet Prancaifte < French. Toilet Paste), for enamelling the 'akin, hiding small-pox marks, wrinkles, burns; scars, &c., without injury to the most delicate complexion. Its effects are truly nxa gioal. Sold in jars, price one dollar, with directions for nee; HUNT & CO., Proprietors, 41 South EIGHTH Street, two doors above Chestnut, and 133 S. SEVENTH Street.: mrlS-Sm t>RICK PRESSES AND BRICK- D MAKEBS' TOOLS. 309 Soctb FIJTH W'f Biffi.ia' , ar. mMißiu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers