The Com J M Brown, Elkton, Md .T E Registe, Elkton. H A Wells, Elkton E TJlarlnn, Chester co ,7 A Bratton, Chester co W Arniew A la, Chester co Job Mintzer & la. Pottistowot C MUsimer, Pottstown . Clayton Mentzer, Pottstown C l*ngh, Chester co j Pash, Chester co Mlhb P A Leak. Chester co Miss 8 KA’tigh. Chester eo Miss L A I J ugh, Chester co ,Tas Conner & wf, Wlhn’ton .7 A Wilson &wf» Chester co W B Hammond, W Chester D Parker, West Chester ' John Barv,Mount Union 1 W Beardßleo,New York Mrs Beardsloe, New York Mbs BeariDlee, Now York i 31 Beardslee, New York »Cftr»t.T W Shoemaker, Penna E E Hickman,Chester eo . ; J J Paxson, Chester co L Beecker, Pottstown Tilt}, Bah 3 Y Barber, Bflflttuburg John Unger Alien Hallman JTOborturf, Danville Jacob Gable, Pottstown Jos Kiuknde, Mont? co Jloi>t 8 Paul «ly A J Hurvoy, Bethlehem W H Rico & ly, Bethlehem C Rubl, Allentown, Pa y Fonlkner, Allentown Peter H Lehr, Allentown- Henry Kuntz, Slatington .Miss Kant back. Slatington Henry Getz. Bethlebain Jonathan Hess, IhthHham Mrs Ritter, Allentown Miss Hitter’, Allentown W A Nathans, Quakertown E A Stick el, Quakortowa Jll Barbile, Nnzaroths IU Engle, T Siegfried & wf, M Chunk •Tac Mufclilits, Lehigh Gap 1 Betti Heru & ly, Slatiugtoa Daniel Boyer, Lehigh co John Harbertar, Reading . Mins llarberter, do Miss E llarberter, do W llarberter, do Mrs Fry, do Jacob a»ndt, Easton J S Krf’ldier, Bath, Pa t!has Ivoupt, 8ath...... W A Doerie, Pa ~ Jesse Fretchman. Pa G Fnoley&wf, Easton L AMlkacb, Bethleham D JYerkes&d, Bothleham M B Immel & la,Laac co Peter Wooting, Pa John Paine. Lebanon John Albert, Lebanon co J M Sh«dloaborger, Pa Jos A Siegfried, Easton D Drexlcr, Lebanon Thus F Lauber, Lehigh, oo fit Stnber, I3e.*ileht«u H Williams, Slatington > E Tattershaw, Stroudsburg J 0 Kreamer* M D, Ponna : Aaron C Helney, Penna . Chas Snyder, Sellnsgrove . Mrs Mary C Snyder, Penna Airs F Shr-po. Easton Mrs Shollenborgor, Poena iJobn S Rick & wf, Penna X)v G W Rise & wf, Penna Miss M A Bond, Tamaqua Miss A 1 spoch, Tamaqua David Krutzle, Lohnnon co .Eilat* Rttel, Lebanon co J Fulmer, Lebanon eo Miss E Boyer, Slatington . S Totablor, Bethlebeni The Bla< N Geir, Reading John II Dart, Reading JEWirts, Reading N Dresher, AUeutowu D A Dresher, Allentown J P Baas & la, leading N M Yundt, Allentown Mrs lundti Allentown Martin Yuudt, AUentown S Botz. Allentown John Bute, Allentown *W H Smith, Pottstown F Deling. Penusyl vanht 33 Deling, Pennsylvania ick Bear. D Fisbbuvn & la, Penna Bliss FUbburn, Penna Mrs Bhupp, Peausylv.tnia Miss A Carr, Reading J C Cornell, Feasiervilie D B Boyer, Boyertbwn P F Eisonbrower & la, Pa J Smith, MlnersviHe D Weisch, Pennsylvania J W Leonard & wife, Pa J F McLain & la, Ponaa. Miss H Naylor, Penna J Smith, Pottstown inni'fi. | Sami roterson, Trenton . dTboo Birgfeld,Reading i D 1> Moneton & wf/Pottsv Bfrs Hammerslby, Pottsville ijßllsaE Kubn. Wiim, Del ;;Geo SarvacnoLPnUUpaburg !Frank Anderson & wf, Pa iWm Wolfe, Lewisburg [XsaaoUeber, Lewlshnrg l John Seber, Lewiabarg Robt Shoemaker 1 V? Russell, hltcott’s Mills E SChadwiekvEUcoit’s Mis 5 Jas Bernard, Penna I Richard Brown,Chester,Pa Isaac U Mortdn, New York Geo S Mortem, New York i Thos R Smith. Doylestowa E S Hooker, Easton- j Luke S Mason, Easton Ben j F Mitchell, Trenton ! The Bari* M Heathceto, Paterson Lieut S C Beatty* P K YC Thompson West, Penna Eliza West, M Chunk Col Robfc L Bodiue, 26th Pa J T Dungan, Bustleton. M Sutton, New Hope Win Knight, Bucks co I John Peacock, Now Hope ley Sheaf. Win S Shaw, Doylestown A D Snyder. Washington Aaron Hewitt, Wm’spovt ' W H Jenkins; R«adiug BUss L Bapoiae, Bethlehem Miss Sallie Lavere, Pa OH Barnard, Now York ' J Slougktoh, Penna. : The Mt EG Shoemaker, Jas Williams, Penna T D Nftfee, New York Tbos NJ&yan, New Hope R C.Foulko, New Hope : Wm H McGcar, New Jersey Jas Fitzpatrick, Chester eo R Shiffer, . Stroudsburg ‘ Thos Sintlay, Stroudsburg John BrelMord, Bucks co Bfrs Vanardaller, Bucks co J F YoUugkeu & la, Penna E B Kimble, Byberry, Pa SPECIAL NOTICES. Deaf Made to Hear.—lxstuu.mkxts to assist the Hearing, at P. MADEIRA’S* 115 S. TENTH Street* below CHESTNUT. jsl4 s.*‘ Nkw York, April 28,1561 We respectfully invite your attention toand conside ration of the justly celebrated and reliable remedy fox Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Debility, and Prostration.’ Tb* proprietors are proud to acknowledge tbe-unparalleled eaccess which hae attended-the sale oftheir valuable preparation, known' in nearly, every portion of thy civilized world,as the. 1 ‘ GOLDEN BITTERS. - ’.* We risk notbjng when we term them a valuable pre paration, for they are one of the few articles of tie present day which are not a humbug; and we are wr ung and able to satisfy any person or persona* who will call-upon us* that the celebrated “Golden Bitters” are a genuine, tona jkie hf/nieriic &rticle. It is the wish of the proprietors that the virtae of the article be tested be fore condemning. A decision of their merits by any one ’Who has tried them is worth a million, of purchased bogus testimonials. For creating a healthy APPETITE they are invaluable, and are unequalled as a TONIC. They are' their action, and operate in -givinr vigor and strength to the-system—not by any change they produce in the solids, but through the medium o?. the living principle. They ,are purely VEGETABLE/ 'Jbeing composed oi\GentUn Root, Calamua* Sassafras, and many other remedial agents of the Vegetable world, »li preserved in Jamaica Rum and Sherry Wine. AS A BEVERAGE - -• they are the most who Uaome, invigorating, and pala table stimulant ever oifored to the public. And the fact of their being prepared, chemically ..and-scientifically ■ precludes the possibility of a -bitter, unpleasant taste, common to Bitters generally offered for sale. pecially recommend them to LADIES, and particularly to those suffering from Debility, Weakness, and Pros tration. Half a wine glass of these ' ‘ Bitters*’ three or four times: a day will produce .a remarkable healthy . change in persona greatly debilitated. The “ Bitters’ ’ have been tried and not found wanting. They are pnhup in our own patent quart bottles, aud for sals t>y Druggists, Grocers, &c., throughout the world.- Bach bottle bears a /ae simile of the signature ofUab- Lei & Co. GEO. C. HUBBEL & CO, , Sole Proprietors, Hudson, N; Y. { Central Depot, American Ex, Building, / Hew York; £. G. BOOZ, Agent, Philada. ? j e 6-4 w Hoyt’s Hiawatha Hair Restorative, HOYT’S'Hi*WATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR-RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT’S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. In Longfellow’s Poem Hiawatha" was adjudged tOj have conferred the greatest boon on his tribe because* he brought to its notice corn. Every one will admit, that our preparatioais worthy of its name, forth. 9 bene fits it confers when it is known. : -WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. It restores'.faded and gray hair and whiskers to their original color. It brings up the natural shading of one hair with another, thus giving the hair a perfect life appearance, bo that the most critical observer cannot detect its use. It makes harsh, hair soft and silky, stops 3ts falling out, cleanses it and the scalp from all impu nities, is as readily applied and wiped frorrathe skin as any hair dressing, and entirely overcomes the bad ef fects of previous use of preparations containingsulphux, Sugar of.lead, &c. - The proprietors of the Hiawatha published the. follo.w tg challenge totest in. the New York dailies three eeks, which. WAS NEVER ACCEPTED: Let some 1 , well known and disinterested persons ap jM>int one to the proprietor of each preparation for the hftir to bring up the color.. Every proprietor to use no thing but his own preparation, and the person nothing also during the test. A certificate of the result tu be .■Widely published at the expense of the-unsuccessful competitors. Sold everywhere. . / JOSEPH HOYT & CO., 10 University Place, New York. Hats Dye ! Hair Dye ! L BATCHELOR'S, DYE is the. Best in. the World. The Qa\YHarrn.les9,Trvs, andßeliable Dye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfectT changes Red, Rusty, or ; Gray Hair instantly to a Glossy Blatik or NaturaX Broum, without injuring the Hair or Staiilag'tho Skin, leaving "the Hair Soft and Beautiful; imparts fresh- vitality, frequently restoring’ Sts pristine color, and rectifies the ill effecisof bad. Dyes. The genuine is signed ;Wim>iajc .-.A.'-Batchelor; .all; cthers are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold J?y all Druggists, Sco. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor’s new Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. „ jy3Q-ly Colgate’s Honey Soap. This celebrated TOILET SOAP, in such universal de mand, Is made from the CHOICEST materials, Is MILD and EMOLLIENT toitsnature, FRAGRANTLY SCENT ED, and EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL in its action, upon the Skin, For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods dealers. ' • :• fe2S-tnihsly, . Family SBwrNG/ EMBEoiDERrtTG, Braid ing, Quilting, Tucking, &e., beautifully executed on the GROVES & BAKER SEWING MACHINE. Ma shines, with operators,* by the.*day or week, 730 CHESTNUT Street. - , v &p4-stu£k3ia Oke-Pbice Clothing, of the Latets Ettles, made in tbe BbstManner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling. Prices marked in Plain Figures. All .Goods made to Order’warranted satisfactory. Oar Ohe-Pricjs Ststeh is strictly adhered to. AH are thereby treated alike. de2B-ly . JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. Steinway & Sons, PIANOS, PIANOS. For sale only at : - BLABIUS BROS., ” 1006 CHESTNUT Street. STECK& CO.’S Mason HAMLIN’S r fm CABINET BTECK & CO.,S ORGANS SEVENTH STh£ Poptulab Ci.pTniNG House op Phtla. “OAK HALL.” ; Best-class goods at modsrate prices, WaHAKAKEB & BROW, S. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. . Gaatom Department (to mate to order) No. IS. Sixth Rt. ' Wheeler & Wilson’s Highest Premiom V LOCI-STITCH SEWING- MACHINES, THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. Salesrooms, 704- CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh. DIED. HORNBLOWEIE. —On the lltb inat., at his residence, Newark, in the SBthyear ofbia age, Hon. J. C. Horn- Jtdower, Chief Justieeof the State ofNow Jersey. * HANCOCK.—On the afternoon of the 11th tost., Mary J.* wife of B. A. Hancock, la the 26th year of her age. The relatives and- friends- of too family are respect folly invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, No. 819 Fitzwater street, on Tuesday afternoon, at 8 o'clock, wlthont further,notice. ' BAILEY.-On tholUh last., E. N. BaUey, Dentist,to Lis 80th year. . • , The relatives and friends of the family are respeotfal- IT invited to attend his funeral from his Into residence,: No. 238 North Twelfth Street, Tuesday/ 14th .lost;, at'- 8 o’clock P, M. Interment at South Laurel Hill. ** McKEEN. —Killed, at the battle of the Cklckahomiay, on toe 3d tost., Henry Boyd McKeen, Colonel Slat Penn sylvania volunteers. The male'friends are invited to attend toefnnerah from tbe residence of his father. S. E. corner Sixth and Vine streets, on Tuesday afternoon, 14th Init;, at 2 o’clock. ■ • - V: ** TRENWITH.—On thellthinßt., Miss Mary A. Tren- Wlth,aged23yearp. Services at her mother’s residence; 626 Lombard street, Tuesday June 14, at 10 A. M. * .WHITAKER.—On Friday evening, the 10th ‘tost., Sarah, wife of James Whitaker, in the 7fith year of her relatives and friends of the family are respect fsUlyinvited to attend her fvmwal from the residence of imerdal. 9 ®& < l? lQer » Wilmington Jas T Brown, Newark Miss Humes, Chester co Miss wlckersham, Chea co DR Leodom, Newtown Cbas Mercer, Chester, co CP Wicfcershara.Chesco . H Sharpless, Cheater co John Peast, Columbia,Pa A Sloan, Harrisburg John A Andre, Pottstown Mrs Boyd & sou, Pt Deposit Miss Boyd, Port Deposit Miss Bayard, Port Deposit Geo S Dare, Lancaster co Aug Leopold & la, Penna • W 0 Jones, West Chester Capt Pennypacker, Penna Griffith ElfiK York co WJ’Bayiey EWetherill, Boston E Larkin, Delaware » E Cowgitl, Delaware A L Morris, Washington J Kennedy, Newark, Del ' N C Brown, New York Joliu Fisher,Gheaterco Amount previously acknowledged.*.., ....$6,04a 83 0. W. Harrison, Treasurer...*...... ............ 23 00 Mrs. Edgar Espy, of Columbia county, Pa.. ~., woo Through Mrs. E. J. Etting, from Miss Phillips.; 16 50 Mrs, J. J. 80ne........;.... io uo Thronghjifrs. C. Ingarsoll Gara, Erie, Pa...... - 450 00 Coleman*Fisher ...... • flo 00 Through Mts. Nathan G, •Tone-', Roxborough... ll 50 ThroughE. P. lHeasaut, Simbury, Pa...;. .... '177 00 Through J. A. Schollenberger, President of the : Haydn MusicalUnion,Hnmburgyßerks eoanfcy 37 55 French, Richards, & C0..1,000 00 Joseph Pyle... - 1200 A. J. McDowell, Vice President Summerville Soldiers’Aid Society, Crawford county, Pena .5y1vania,............ Through John "Welsh, Jr, ,from a Friend . M. A. Montgomery, Secretary Montour County, fromDerrx T0wn5hip................ 24 00 PEAK CIS P. STEEL, Treasurer.of Eestan rant' Department, At SOBTHWxVTtK BAkK. . GEORGET. LEWIS, Chairman, No. 2315. FKOtfT St., and No. 3321 WALNUT St. Miss Mary mchenry, Chairman Ladies’Committee,' No. 1902 GHESTNUT Street. Mrs. Dr. GEO. W. AORRIS, Treasurer, ■',- - No. 1534 LOCUST Street,. GREAT CKXTKAL FAIR NOTICE. -Holders of SEASON TICKETS mast .lie. careful- towrite their names on, the back of their TlcketSyheforepreseafcfeag them at the door. Nopersoa WiUbeadmUted ou an ticket*.: ' HORACE HOWARD FURNESS, . Secretary. Pianos. pianos. J. E. GODLD, »nd CHESTNUT. DIVIDEND NOTICE.-OFFICE OF , the PERRY OIL COMPANY, Southeast corner : of,WALNUT and FOURTH Streets. !;• PiuiiAbELPinA, Jnnel3,lS6L v The Board of Directors have this day dociarad the second monthly dividend of-TWO PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company, out oftho earnings of the month of May, payable at the office of the Company, clritr of State tax, on and after the 20th List. The Transfer Books will be closed on FRIDAY, 17iU tost,, and reopened on MONDAYYSOih Inst. ' JAMES PERRY, jol4-gt* : : « ‘Treasurer, KvT’ MEETINGS FOR UNITED VBAY . EK daily at 6 o’clock P. M., at the Church of the Epiphauy, Presbyterian Church, BROAD, above Chest nut, and Baptist Church. BROAD and Arch, To bo re sumed MONDAY,’June 13, in the above order. as bo fore. • t i ■ , ■-/. jelo-4t* TD ARTISTS.-GHEAT CENTRAL FAIR FOR SANITARY COMMISSION.-SEA SON TICKETS will he. issued to Artistv on application at the Entrance on Middle Gate on.VINE Street, admit ting them to tho -Flne Art Gallery only, at One Dollar each, not transferable. J/ je9-6t jas. L/CL AG HORff, Treasurer.; Ur^F“„TBtEGRAMIISG.-THK TEI.E 57^.,-l-2?,(\ 1 ', HI S. D . F t I ’, AR ™I !N T OF CRITTENDEN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 03T CHESTNUT Street, co)ner t Of. Seventh, is now open for the'reception of Students.' Instruction is given by one of the most com plete and skilful of Operators. jel3-3t* *s®-= K, I*™ 1 *™ WAKI> MNCOI.N ASSOCIA- Kas 1 TiON.-Aroßulerstatoa '{.oetlng of the Niatll- Ward Lincoln Amoclation will bo hold on TUESDAY evening, June 14th, at 7K o’clock, at tho Hall. N W corner of MEKHIck and iIARKET fUrocis. ’ , rr, . JOHN THOMPSON,TreMdont. Jorts.L. gffiti Socretary. ; .;jel3-2t* SOTICE-PENNSIT.YASLV VETR. lit®' BINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. -The Quarterly Meeting of tie ASsoctatton will be held at the Jiooruß of the AKricnHaral Bocioty;'-NO. 320 WAL NUT Streetron TUESDAY,-June 11th, at 11 o'clock A. M, , 4613-21* JAMES McCOUKT, Y. S. Sec’y. • 4 V.--J ■■ ; her husband, No. 1700 Wallace sheet, on Tuesday roorcjmt. at 10 o’clock, without further notice. %*** POTTS.--KiUed, on the Ist instant, on the battlefield of Coal Harbor, Va., Percival M. Potts, Jr., O. S. of Co. K, Sad Regiment, P. V., aged 20 years. Ho eutered upon his first campaign under tbe three months’ call, at the ageof seventeen, and iwcompanied tho expedition of General Patterson to Wlddfeestsr. On the expiration of his torm he immediately ro-entered the service, shared in nil the Peninsula battles ; fought at Antiotnm, where Jie was promoted ; at Fredericks - burgmidur Burnside, in December, ISS2, where he was wounded, but maainod with his regiment; and again ♦under Sedgwick white the battle of ChancoiLorvHle iWas being fought by Hooker, when ho ma le one of the storm»iirpiirtynmler Shalor that took tho lioifflita at Fredericksburg, and at Gettysburg Ha w m ortally wounded at Coal Harbor while in command of his company, and died as he whs being curried to the resr. nf a herjlu na ture, ho-was singularly exempt from the vices too com monly incident to camp life. To quote the words of bia superior onicer, *'Ho never swore, never drank, never played cards, and always wont upon his knees at night, ’ thus mastmting his inner life by his actions. Beloved ivltko by offlqers and men for his amiability, respected ior his bigli-toned principles, and -hon-rod for bis strpnE-,, bravo.heart that never tiincliod from duty, bodied as asoldiershottld, without four and with* out reproach. * Weekly llcpoi t*4 of Interments. ?,th Office, Juno lBO4, 'n th* (Jttu of Philadelphia* 10 IMA c/Jutei IS6L Hbaf; Deaths and Interments ii from,the 4th to On CArSC3 OF DEATH. Erysipelas .... ...... Eover, Cougostlvo Catarrhal...: . Scarlet ' Typhus Mai. - Typhoid...,, Hemorrhage. “ Bowels • • Xungs- HOGpmg C0ugh...... Inflammation Brain. Bronchi. .... 1 Kidneys Liver Lung 5....... “ Peritoneum.. “ St. & Bowels, intussusception...... Inanition...... Mauia-a-Potu Malformation Marasmus Measles Old Age...-......... Palsj’T...... ..... Pynmia.. Still-born Unknown Wounds—Gun Shot. -Abscess . 1 A5phyxia............ 1 Ap0p1exy............ 3 Cancer, Breast..... 1 Rectum.... 1 Casualties 4 Cr0up.......... .8 C0nge5ti0n.......... 3 “ Bruin... 4 2 ■ ■ Lungs.. 2 . ?Liver... ... 1 Cholera Infantum... 2 Cerebro Spinal Me ningUis ........ ... 2 Consumption, Lungs 29 7 “ - Bowels. 1 Concussion, Brain.. 1 Convulsions... I 6 Cyanosis. \ Dlptheina.. R Dy5pep5ia........... 1 Dfarrhcea............ 12 Dropsy..... 4 Abdominall 4 ‘ 8raiii........ 2 Disease Of Brain...: .1 ‘ “ Heart....... 4 li Drowned 1 j Dysentery 1 i Debility.... S 3G JSffusiou on Brain ... !1 ! OF THB ABOVE iT0ta1........ ... THRRI! WRUK— ' trnaerl year .. 1 FromlOio 50.......... ..10 From Ito 2.... 4 ■ 60to 60...... .24 ?to 5 3 ■" 60to 70. 9 OtolO .V...... 4 “ Voto 50............. 7 s .*• goto so 3 “ IS to 20 ..12 “ 50t0100...... .... .. 1 “ 20t030 .........S3 w ■ : _ . *• 50t040......<... ....22 Total.. wards. I w.uitK. I trait ns. Fir5t............16 Tenth.. 0 Nineteenth ..... 8 |e«M.d OTEteventh .......10 Twentieth ......10 Third..;... .....14|Twe!rai..;. ....vllTwenti'-arst-... 1 Fourth .........11 Thirteenth. .... OiTwentr-secoad. 0 Fifth.... ... 7.Fourteenth 5 Twenty-third .. 3 Sixth ........... 4 Fifteenth .......11 Twenty-fourth. 29 Seventh........ll;Stxteenth .... .. 7 .Twenty-fifth... 1 Eighth '. 6,Seventeenth ....13'Unkuown. .16 .Ninth... liEighteenth ..... Si . T0ta1.;...!.............. 213 Deduct deaths from the country 15 Net deaths in the city.. 21? Nativitt.— United States, 176; Foreign, 44; Unknown, 12} Almshouse, 12; People of Color, 33 1 from the coun try, 15, The number of deaths, compared -with the correspond taeweeko, 1651 and of last week, was aa follows: week ending June 13tb, 1563, vras2a2,~ emUmj June 4th,.1864, was 266. r . Males,*J3T;.Feniales, 95; Boys, 62; Girls, 63. Deaths and interments of soldiers, 2S. By order of the Board of Health, - GEORGS E, CHAMBERS, Registrar. T3LACK MOUSSELINE DE LAINE3. All-wool Mousselines, single widths. - AU-wool Wonsseltnes,- douDie widths. All-wooi Moussalines, two vardswide, BESSON & SOS, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. ; TPXTBA ATTENTION TO STRAN •*-Jgers during the sanitary fair. • ' Full stock of FANCY GOODS. Full stock Of STAPLE GOODS. : Full stock of hUMMBR SHAWLS. : . Full stock Of BLACK SILKS. : EYRE & LANDELL, je7 . .. : 400 ARCH Street. - ASTRAWBERRYFESTIVALFOR the BENEFIT OF SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDJEBS-will bo held at the OAK-LANE SCHOOL .HOUSE, TWENTY-SECOND Ward,on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS and EYE NINGhof this weejt. " - -- ' - jU4-3t* jPgr* GREAT CENTRAL FAIR—RES . TaUIUNT DEPARTMENT.—The undersigned, Treasurer of thi3 Department, acknowledges the receipt of the following donations, viz.: GftEAT CENTRAX FAIR. COMMITTEE ON BENEFITS, EXHIBITIONS, AND ENTERTAINMENTS. ADDITIONAL ACOOWLBDGIIENT. ' Mrs. W. S. Gilroy, proceeds.of a Parlor Concert and Recitations by H.‘ V. MeCnUy,Esq-.*.......550 00 JukblS, im. tit] ••■ GEO, GILPIN, Treasurer. FtS 39 STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL IST aid of the-''KENSINGTON M. E. SABBATH. KP.HOOL, at MUSICAL FUN D HALL, da WEDNESDAY EVENING, June-15, 1564. ' Rev. J/H. ALDAY will pre side. An ftddresa will be delivered by Rev. Bishop SIMPSON. There will also be choice selections of vocal manic during the entertainment. Tickets Si, to be had at Gould’s Music Store, SEVENTH and'CHESTN ITT Sts., Ferkenpine & Higgins 1 , FOURTH belowlAßCH, and at the door on. the evening of the Festival.. je!4-2i* SmWBERBY FESTIVAL FOR the LADIES’MITE SOCIETY of the SPRING GARDEN M. E. CHURCH at SANBOM-STREET HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, June ISth.-Rev. J. Neal will preside, Bishop Simpson will be present. Singing, speeches, &c. Ticket* for sale at PBRKENEiNE & HIG GINS’, FOURTH Street, below ARCH, PETERSON’S, SIXTH Street, above ARCH,-and at the door of the Hall. ; ,n - r jeX4-3t* THE OF THE WILIM PENN PARLOR COMMITTEE acknowledge with pleasure the following additional donations: . AHfis Mary, Lewis, West PhUadeJpbia, $3O. Fancy articles,.Miss Hough: value $18.20. .'Articles contributed by Mias Lloyd, $5.77. . 1 handsome bracket, work, from Mrs. P. T. Willierger., Box of useful and fancy articles from Lower Make field, Sucks county. Pa.; value $62.: Donation of handsome fancyv articles, Mrs. William Bunting, Darby: value $2O. 3 box plants, Robert'Kilvingion. Box of handsome fancy articles, from West Chester, r Chester county, Pa.y through Air. Eli K. Price; value $127. Box of goods from Mrs. Marmaduke R. Moore: value $87.50. - . , ' Box of fancy articles, Miss Datllle; value S2S. * vßox. fancy articles and burr frames, from Harford, •Susquehanna'county, Fa. ; Handsome fancy articles from Hiss Gibbons, Coates .ville, Pa., through Mrs.. Scheetz; value $67. ‘Collection handsome fancy articles from Mrs. B. Tevis, 1334 Walnut street. ■ - ; . 4fans, Joseph W. Sharp, Beesevilie, Chester county; value §25. ' Contribution, 311 South Broad street; value $57. ' *1 framed full-length portrait-o'f Abraham Lincoln, value s9,.from Mr. J. P. Skelly. ' Two spoon cases, made of wood of treaty elm, Miss Mary Gibson. ; ’ Piece of. antique china, Mr, Josiah Bunting, West Philadelphia. Doll in Friends* costume, Mrs. 31. B. Thomas, West Chester. - • . A donation or handsome articles from'the Church •Home.:-."- Two pictures in pencil, one by a boy of II years, one by a boy of 33 years, Church Borne. ■ Handsome fancy-articles, Mrs. S. T. Jones. Articles contributed through Miss Pennock; value ■sci:o7. - 1 - From bliss E. S; Mather, fancy articles; value $27.50. 4 copies History of Delaware County, by Dr. George. W, Smitb, from the author. Articles from Alias E. M. Price: valuess2.32. . Box fancy articles,'Montrose, Pa. - Donation of handsome plants in rustic baskets, Mr. A. X. Pennock, Jr. Upper Darby. ’ Handsome collection fancy articles, from Mias A. A. Pearson, Darby. : . It K®- GREAT. CENTRAL FAIR-OPEN •SS' 'DAILY, from 10 o’clock A.M. to 10 o’clock P. M. SEASON TICKETS, admitting to all parts but Child ren* b Exhibiti0n..........................55 q0 Stogie admi55i0n.............. - so {Children under 13 years half price.) This ad mils to 81 out of the 90 departments represented in the Fair, And to much more than three-fourths of the entire space covered by the buildings/ - Certain departments, nine in number, containing ar ticles chSeSyjfor-exhibition, and not for sale, have been permitted to charge a separate price of admission, as follows: /. • :. . ‘ Art Gallery... 25 cents. Arms and Trophies... L....;. 20 cents. Horticultural Department*. • ••“••.......... 25 cents. Reilcs and Curiosities.... 2) cents. IndianDeparttnenfc 25 cents. Signor 81itz’5perf0rmance5...;................ 25 cents. Children.. 16 cants. William TennPar10r........................... 10 cents. Skating Pond... .V.,...1Q cents. Divan.... .......... 10 cents. Ball R00m....................... 10 cents. je9-tf . - HORACE HOWARD FURNESS. THE CATHEDRAL OF ST. PETER and St. Paul, on EIGHTEENTH Street, oppo site LOGAN SQUARE, is now open to visitors, , Ad inis* Sion 25 cents. l Proceeds for the great CEKfitAi. Fatu, and the Oa piTAS and Destitute children of Soldiers. ; - v FOYER OF THE ACADEMY OF •W- MUSIC, / ? THURSDAY EVENING, June 16. IBG4. i PATRIOTIC aND SCKIPTCHAL READINGS - -- ; By JAMES H. FLINT. . : r , Barbara Frietchjc, The Sleeping Sentinel, The*®*-, mine (from Hiawatha), the American -Flag, LaunCHra' of the Ship, of Sighs, Footsteps of Angels, BignatioD^SelectsonsfromSacred Poetry, Ac., etc. - Doors open at % past 7. Readings to commence at 8.: Admirelon, 25 cts.- Tickets for .sale at Pagb’e, Sixth and Chestnut; Aahmead & Evans’, 724 Chestnut street, and at the door. : / jel3-4t* THE YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION will hold a Public Unfm Prayer Meeting in their Rooms, 1011 CHESTNUT St., 021 TUESDAY EVENING, next, at S o’clock, to which our soldiers aud young mon/strangera, and 11U others are earnestly inyited to attend., ,?eU-stu2l* • CAUSES OF DEATH. KSS"! NOTICE TO THE PIJBOO-GREAT PAIR FOR THE SANITARY COM MISSION,—OInco or the Committee on Labor, Incomes, and Revenue, No. 118 South SEVENTH Street. u_TheTreasurerof .thisiCommittee, JOHN W.CLAG HORN, EiQ., will continue to receive subscriptions at' the Office, as above, of.' “ONE HAY’S LABOR,” .“ONE BAY’S INCOME,’ 1 ; s V “ONE BAY’S REVENUE," V from individuate, firms, and corporations, during the procress of the Fair,aud thrtmjjhoat the month of Jane, at the Office of the Committee, as berefcc-fote. A Clerk will also be in'attendance at the Fair, in the Bepart mentof the Committee, SOOTH, SIDE OF MAIN. (ONION) AVENUE, _ •» - Nearest to the West Door Exit. There are numerous manufacturing 'establishments and workshops in tlie city and vicinity, which have not ?ct responded to the call of the Committee, and who would, doubtless, do so if . their proprietors or foremen would move at once in tbe matter. We beg all such to start subscription papers without a moment’s delay, [f ronr employees cannot afford to subscribe a whole day let them give what they can.; Butdo not let the reproach restupon any, that they have .not contributed to this profit effort for the relief of oar poorboys. now pouring put their blood on the fields oi, the rebellion. When this niightywar, waged by the ambition of disappoint-, ed men, shall have passed into history, the humblest citizen will be proud of the record of his deed* Of devo tion, if not in the defence of the nation’s flag, at least in alleviating the sufferings ofits defenders. Subscriptions will be received during tho whole of the month of June, and each one will bo acknowledged in the newspapers of Philadelphia - . MONTGOMERY BOND, Chairman. MRS. E. W. BUTTER, __ Cbalrman^rLatlies’llpmmUteG. ’ Office No.-US South SEVENTH Sheet,Philadelphia.. Establishments or iadiriduals-having subscriptions made up or in progress, will please have, them for warded as soon as possible je9 6t. CUT FLOWERS FOB THE ittOK 9W; TICULTDRAL DEPARTMENT GREAT .CEN TRAL FAlR.—Contributions of Cut Flowers are, ami of the Fair,bemuch.nesded. For the convenience of persona residing in the-suburbs, and others to whom it maybe inconvenient to send to tlieFairßuilcling, Ai. DREER, Florist,No.-Tl4r CHESTNUT Street, has kindly consented to receive Flowers EACH DAY, which will be sent to the Fair at stated intervals during the day. : ‘ The smallest contributions or this kind will be grate fully received, and will be acknowledged, if desired by the donors, who will leave their names with theilo wers. * D. RODNEY KING. w . Chairman Gentlemen’fi Committee. . * ■'. ■■■■• v- Mrs. J. RHEi BARTON, jell-6t , , Chairman Ladies’Committee.' : » OTICE IS HEREBY GOTY that an instalment of OND DOLLAR PER SHARE on each and every Share of the Capital Stock of ‘the JETNA MINING COMPANY, lias this - day been called in, payable on. or before the FIRST DAY OF JOLI > 1564, at the office of the Company, No. 334: WAL NUT. Street, Philadelphia. - . By order of the Directors. B. X HOOPES, . Treasurer. Philadelphia, Junes. 1564. , . jelMjyl KSf* NOTICE IS HEhEBYfiIVEN that an instalment of ONE DOLLAR PER iARE on each arjd every Share of the,Capital Stock of eMANDAN MINING COMPANY, has this day beea called in, payable on or before the TWENTY-FIFTH day of June, 1564, at the office of the Company; No. 334: WaLNUT Street, Philadelphia. :By order of ifio Directors. : B. A, HOOPES, - ' ; ' : Treasurer. Philadelphia, June 9,1564. - JelL-tje2s NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS TO THE V GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. At a meet ing of the Executive Committee, held June 30, it was, onmotion, . .a-:: ‘ Reaolved , That no goods remaining unsold at the close of-the Fair shall be sacrificed by a peremptory sale at auction, but by hiring a store or otherwise, due measures shall be taken immediately thereafter to se cure their disposal at the ordinary retail prices.”, jel3-10t, HORACE HOWARD FURNESS,'Sec’y. :.. j(£2S=> MERCHANTS’ HOTEL COM PANY.—A general meeting - of the stockholders and members of the ”Merchants’ Hotel Company,” Incorporated by an act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 16th day of Marcnj A. D. 1564,wi1l beheld in pursuance of the pro visions of the said[act, -at- the Merchants’ Hotel, in-this city, on MONDAY, June 20, at 11 A. M:, for the eleciion of Trustees; and Officers, and. for the transaction of other bu'sinessl: And at the same time and place ah ad journed* meeting of' the Stockholders of the old Mer chants’ Hotel Company will be held’ • ' ' : .... .... „ - • CALEB COPE, President. : WM. G. STEEL, Secretary. - , ; jeU-sfatU4fe ira** OmCE SOMERSET IRON AND I®. COAL COMPANY OF. PENNSYLVANIA, 61 CEDAR Street, New York, June 10,186 L NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to a resolu tion of the Board.of Directors, an instalment of TWEN TY PER; CENT, on the subscription to the Capital Stock' of the SOMERSET IRON AND COAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA be, and hereby, is, made payable to JAMES WADSWORTH, .Treasurer of said Company, oaor before the ISth day of July next. ' / jel3-tjylS / Attest; T. AL TYNG, Secretary.. OFFICE OF “ THE RELIANCE IN SURANCE CO&IPANX OF PHILADELPHIA, ” No. 308 WALNUT Street. . ' ; Philadelphia, June 6, 1864. v •., The Board of Directors have THIS DAY declared a di vidend of Sper cent on the capital of this'Company for the lasi six month s, payable to the Stockholders or chair representative, free of taxes on demand. THOMAS C. HILL,/ 3e7-lot • . . , -y: Secretary. r Kgr* NOTICE.—TKB ANNUAL -3lEET **=®5 if . IJS T G of the Stockholders, and election for *Pre- BideDtand Directors of the RAILWAY COMPANY, ■will lie held at the office of the Company, oa TUESDAY’, -the 14th day. of Jane, 1564, at 12 oxlock •Boon. SMITH, Secretary : NOTICE OF DIVIDEND NO. Uw The Trustees of the BRIGGS GOLD COMPANY have declared a dividend of 1 per cent, out of the net earnings of the Company for the month of May, paya ble at wie office! of tlie Company, Ko. 81 JO HN Street, New York, June 16,1561; to Shareholders -of record, at tne close of business this day- WALTER E. LAWTON, New York, June 8, ISS4.-; jjell-6t]' . Treasurer. DIVIDESD.-THE MREGTOES of the NOBLE &-DELAMATER PETROLEUM CO. have this day declared'a Dividend of TEN PER CENT, from the earnings for the past , month, payable on and after 20th tad;., at their office, S. E..covnerof CHESTNUT and THlRD.Streets, up stairs. Transfer Books close on the 15th Inst. ra* NOTICE.-OFITCE PHILADEL. *&£? PHIA AND <SL CREEK OIL COMPANY, No. 387 WALNUT Street,' ' Philadelphia, Juno 7, 1881 The Directors have THIS DAY declared a dividend of ONEPER CENT. on. the Capital Btockof the Company,? payable on and after the 20tb Inst. The Transfer Books will close ou WEDNESDAY, 6th inst., at 3 o’clock P. M.‘, for ten days. W. D. PAINTER, Secretary.* jeS-12t* • . w» BOUNTYI SMI CASH IN HAND 1 A Tew good men wanted. : > - • - 34th. REGIMENT NEW JERSEY VOLS. ' - Regiment now stationed at Coiuiubupy Ky., doing garrisondufcy, . . ... , " Lieut. J. T. AGAR, Recruiting Officer, 112 FEDERAL Street, jei4-3t* cabiden, n, j. pEOTffINGHAM"&' WELLS*"" O.KAIB BAGS.—A LAIIGE ASSORT 'VX- ./ MENT OF GRAIN BAGS, Ca various sixes, for sale by , BA.RCROFT A 00.. i«23-5m - No*. 4«-*5 and 407 MARKET Street. AFPICE OF THE BOARD OF V HEALTH, S. W. Corner SIXTH and SANSOM Streets- ■ . , . ' Phipapehthia, June 13, 1864.- ' SEALED PROPOSALS for the removal- of a -nuisance arising from stagnant water on a lot on the south sidd'of VIENNA Street, opposite TULIP Street, will be received at tbisoftloeuntil WEDNESDAY; tho 15th inst., at 12 ,o’clock M. --- . : . Bidder will pldasQslate'rWhether they purpose to'w' move the nuisancle by draining or by fillinknp. G. RUSH SMITH. je!4-2t -Health Officer- OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF V< HEALTH, S. W. corner SIXTH, and SANSOM Streets, PjjiLAPisi.pßrA,'June 13,1864. / SEALED.PROPOSALS-fortbe removal of anulsaace, .arising from stagnant water, on-a lot of ground ninety feet south of Lehigh avenue and TlUon street,-in the Nineteenth ward, will he received at this office uutU Y’2 o’clock 51., on WEDNESDAYjrtho 15th iust.\ Bidders will state whether they propose removing the nuisance by draining or by fillingup. ■ je!4-2t G. RUSH SMITH., nOSTOM HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, - Colt-bctob’s Office, June 1, 1854.' ; SEALED PROPOSALS will he received at this office until the 28th day of JUNE,' for the supply of RATIONS to tbe petty officers aud seamen of the united' States re venue cutters W ILLIAM-,H.- SEWARD, and -VARINA for the term of one year from the Ist day of July next. The rations to be of good and wholesome quality,-to be approved bylthe captain; and toe different articled comprising the rations to be delivered on board the ves selsingood and sufficient casks and vessels, to be pro vided by the contractor, and the contents tnereof dis* v .tinctly marked on each. * It is to be understood that the contractor will he bound to furnish, upon reasonable notice, as often as may be required by, the captain of toe vessel, with the appro bation of the Collector (not exceeding, upon an average, onn day to each week), such fresh meat and fresh vege tables as may be equivalent to the corresponding parts of the ration allovred in the naval service. • • ; Specifications will be furnished at tide office. •, - : je2-thstut2s WM. B; THOMAS; Collector. I\/I ARSHAL’S SALE —BY VIRTUE OF XIJ. a writ of sate by. the Hon. John Cadwalader. Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of I'ennsylvania.iu Admiralty, to me directed, will lie sold; at public sale,- to the Uign* <*st and best bidder, for <jasb, oh WATER Street, above Vine, on MONDAY, June2o, 1804, an 12o’clockM., the cargo Of the■ barae Elizaljeth Corrigan. couSistfuv of U-V,S T -OCUST JRLR NAILS aud 21l cubffi“let of LO- CuSf.LOGS, a The Tree Nails cau bo the above named place, toe Loga at Caliowhill. street Wharf. • ■ ■, ' - WILLIAM MfLLWARD, „ United States Marshal Eastern District of Ponna. Philadelphia, June 13, 1664. . ,■ . : je!4-6t ADVISE ALL desire Tvorylypes to engage, them at' B. F. REIMER’S Gallery. Their wondrous accuracy, truth fulness, and pleasing coloring are unsurpassed, 634 ■ARCH Street. • : W TJ, F. BETMER'S LIFE-SfZE PHOTO -*-/• GRAPHS in oil colors arc tho'most agreeable atod life-like: portraits of too time; never fail in prodnffiug striking likenesses.' 634 ARCH Street.. : it* . n.BTTYSBIIftG : - BATTLE^-FlELd'^- - CANES made from sticks cut : on this memorable field may be had at tho-UMBRELLA anil CANE Stand to UNION AYENUB of toe . It*' GREAT OENTRAL FAIR. Till: GREAT CMTBAI FAIR. ‘ COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND DONATIONS. Philadelphia, Juno 9fch, 1804. Additional subscription?!: Schuylkill Navigation Co. $1,500 00 GeorgeMacalet-ler & Co. .... 300 00 Samuel B. Thomas « «. 25000 Charles Taylor. * ....... 21000 Henry C. Carey.... 2K>OB C, W. Churchman... 200 00 & H. V Baker. ...... 200 00 issAnn M. Baker*.-..- 100 00 Lindley Smith 10000 Low her & Pulsion 100 00 ■David Tbniu 100 O) W. A. Rhodes .. 100 00 Frederick Brown 100 00 M. V. Baker. oo 00 J.P. 5........ 20 00 Conodoquinet Lodge,No. 173, of I. 0. of O. F.» of Newille, Cumberland county, Pa........ 20 00 Mrs, Samuel Hart, proceeds of a uoll, dressed and 501 d... 103 00 Collected by S. S. Shober, Esq: Spoare, Holbrook, & M0r50............510000 Cochran & Russell IQQOG Bunting & J0ne5....... ift) qo Blimuons&Bro 2500 John H. Fulton, day’BWßgea..,..s2 50 ; JamesAPark, do .••••••.250. Jacob Ritchie, do..i. 160 M. Page, d 0..... ....160 David Fulton, do ........167 Wm. Loweherry*"do.. 2 50 Hugh Cavunagh, do.<>. ....3 ft) Win. McGrea,' d0...........,..1 00 l5 17 340 17 Collected by Mrs. Charles Harmer, of the First Xardrvbt: ... ‘Wm. Planner, (additi0na1)............5200.00 Miss Mary Gtbsou.. 21*0 00-• ■ Col,-Si 8uck1ey.......... 50 00 Henry Bower...— 25 00 BUzaH Thomas (additi0na1).......... 10 00 John Spear..... 3 00 John Hutchin50n............... 5 00 : David Norris v. 2 00 Mrs. Chas. Harmer (additional)....... .6 00 . : fiOOOO Collected by Mrs. Sarah Tlulmo Keister, Chair man Ex. Com. of West Chester, Pa: West Chester May-party........;.. ..,.SIOS 65 Proceeds of Hxhibitiou.of Useful and Fancy Articles in West Chester..... 65.35 . Proceeds 0f’fijrtic1fe55c1d................ G 9 69 , Citizens of Hamortoh and vicinity, through Mrs. 8ratten................ 65 00, South Bide School, East Fallowiield... 270 Children of Public School, Chester 8 71. Sale of a Quilt by the Ladies, through Mrs. Job Haye5.......... ..... 100 00* ■ 410 00 Previously acknowledged. ..574,527 74 A. K, BOIUE, Chairman, . ; Philadelphia, May 31,1861. GEORGE*W. HUNTER, Secretary. '• '. ' jelo-9i JuneS, 1564. HAVB pon BAI.K, - HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SHiRTINGS. - - STANDARD DRILLS. HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECIAS. BROWN, BLEACHED. AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN, Ac. ee24if-W PROPOSALS. THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1864. gTEANGERS YISITINO THE OITY EDWIN HALL & CO.’S, THEY OAK FIND ONE OP TUB BEST STOCKS OP SILKS, OENEKAtLY TO BE POUND' IN THIS OtTY. •SUMMER SILKB at reduced prices. INDIA SILKS reduced tollT'l cents'. FOULARD SILKS reduced. •' Magnificent quality FOULARD SILKS, thirty-six laches wide, In dark ground!, reduced in price. :■ BEST BLACK SILKS IMPORTED, of all kinds, for Dretses and Mantles. PLAIN BROWN, BLUE, AND MODE SILKS ■BROWS FIGURED SILKS, BLACK riOUItLD SILKS. Spring and Summer Dress floods Reduced in prices to close them out. Silk Grenadines 75 cents, reduced from $1.25. Silk Grenadines s], reduced from $1.50. ; . Silk Grenadines *1.25, reduced from *1,75. ... : , Silk Grenadines *1.50 reduced from *2.. Black Dress Goods of All Kinds. 8-4 Black Grenadine Heriiaui. \ / - 8-4 Black Tamartines and Florentines, 8-4 Black Crape Maretz and Bareges. ’ 8 4 Black Grenadines and Florentines. ‘ > S-4 Black Crapo MaroU and Tamariines. 6-4 Black Delaines. • , 3-4 Black Delaines.- . V’ White Goods of All Kinds. Real Swiss Muslins. , ' . • ! French Muslins. . v- Lace Muslins. ■, , . J?nt?Muslins for Garibaldis. - . ' . : I*laid and Striped Nainseokß. " Plaid and Muslins. : : Plaid and Figured - Swiss Muslins. Jaconets, Cambrics, Nainsooks, Lawn?, Tarltons, , &c., &c. . $4,893 17 .G 9.654 57 Housekeeping Goods of All Kinds in Our Line of Business. Linen Table Damasks. _ . : Linen and Cotton Sheetings. Flannels of all kinds. , Marseilles Counterpanes. Summer Bed Spreads. •; New York Mills, WilliamsviUes, Wamsuttas,and other good makes of Muslins. • If, B.—Otu‘ stock has alt been laid va muchbelow the •present cost of importation. We sell none but the best Goods, and the pric&s are guarantied, JB©» Strangers may rely on this. gtJFBRB STYLES OF ELEGANT SIA.IV TTXTL A.S AT LOW PRICES. BLACK SILKS t BLACK SILKS l A SPLENDID STOCK OF THE BEST BRANDS, FROM ;V SITO $5- '" Comprising - . * '* POULT DE SOIES, GKOS GRAINS, TAFFETAS, GROS DE KHIN£S r &e,y r . ■ .; Purchased previous io ilie recent great advance, at .McELKOY’S, f jelo-6t* : No. 11 South. NINTH Street. - Q.REA.T REDUCTION BUMMER DRESS GOODS. i ■ ■ JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., Offer the "balance of their Stock of Suuijaer Silks aad FANCY SILKS, Seduced. FOULARD SILKS, Reduced. BROCHE SILK GRENADINES, Reduced. BROCHE GRENADINE BAREGES, Reduced HORAMBIQES, Reduced. VALENCIAS, Reduced. GOATS’ HAIR TAFFETAS, Reduced. LAWNS AND ORGANDIES, Reduced. ORGANDY ROBES, Reduced. : ■ The Public are assured that rre have made a great reduction in the Goods jiuoted-above, iu order, to close out our entire Summer Stock by tho ffrst of July. All Goods marked.i» plain figures. No deviation In prices. 1 : • ; . mygl-lm J 0. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET. GREAT CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE. SPECIAL ATTENTIONTS INVITED TO THE LARG- EST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF COTTON SHIRTINGS & SHEETINGS,' ihy3l-t.iel4 TABLE AND SHEETING LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELLINGS, BLANKETS AND QUILTS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. NO TROUBLE 1 . TO SHOW GOODS. jall-im QIVIL AND ARMY CLOTHS. MIDDLESEX 8-4 LIGHT BLUES.. ,ly . ALL GRADES DARK DO. " s 8-4 AND 6-4 INDIGO FLANNELS. ’ 8-4 AND 64 BLUE CASSIMERES. 8-4 AND 64 DOESKINS. . FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS. DO. d 6. COATINGS. ■ DO. DO. CASSIMERES. BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE CLOTHS. CLOTHS FOR OOAOHMAKERS. ALL KINDS TRIMMINGS,'ita. W. T/SNODGRASS, myW-lm 34 8. SECOND and 33 STRAWBERRY Sts. jpw MOURKINO STORE. ' . JUST RECEIVED, : ’ CLOAXCS! CLOAKS 1 CLOAKS! CRAPE, BAREGE, BOMBAZINE, SILK, &c„ IN ALL STYLES. M. & A. MYERS <& CO., Htr2M.Br 930 CHESTNUT Street. Would call speccial attention to bis large stock of L ACES? EMBROIDERIES* HAND KERCHIEFS, VEILS, AND WHITE GOODS,; all bought 'before the recent advance, com prising many novelties, in fabrics suitable for Jadiee y bodies and dresses, in striped, figured, plaid, tucked, andpuffed mualinß, &o. 100 pieces White, Buff,and FSgure<LFiques. 300 Printed Linen (Jambric Dresses. In view of the heavyadditional tariff about to be imposed on all imported goods; ladies would do well;to give my stock 2 an early In spection, as prices must be necessarily largely advanced in a short time. I am still selling at old prices. DAKGAINS. A-* tkl. 00 Melton Gasslmerea. 85 00 Marseilles Quilts.. *2.508*4 Damask .Table Cloths. $3.60 B-lODamask Table Clotha. 3S< cent neat Plaid Eenos. 60-ceat 4-4 Plaid Mozambique*; $l.OO Mohairs, colors and black. 60-cent Black Wool Delaines. C2-cent Plain Wool Delaines. $3.00 Black Shawls. |6.00 Plaid £ama Shawls. COOPER & CONARD, B. B.' cor.:NINTH and MARKET Streets, TV/FAGNIFICENT OKGANDY ROBES, •*■**-; fall lengths, reduced fioin $l2 to $8.‘ Rich Organdies, reduced from *1.25 to $l. Rich Organdies, reduced.from SI toffies. , A beautiful stock of Lawns, from 37& to 75. A large stock of thin Summer Dress Goods, reduced to close out. ./■'••■■r Summer Poplins and Mohairs. - Ksat Plaid Silks, SIX cents. Summer Silks at reduced prices. ' v : / EDwXW lIALL H CO., je9 »Q South SECOND Street. T?LACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS. ; NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. ■ Wo are still selling our Black Silks at the same prices fts wedld early In the season, notwithstanding the'-re* sent advances. . * «■' _ .MANTLE BILKS, ALL WIDTHS. • Plain Silks, all colors, $l. SO to $5.76. Pacer Silks, $1 to &L6O. Bleb Leary, handsome Fancy- Silks, 92.67 to $6-60. Kick Cbene Silks, at 52.87&, worth $3.60. “ “ at *3.25, 44 $4. '■?' **.- afc|4,7s, 44 *3.60- x •< «» at.*6.76, 44 #7 10 ptecefl small plaid BUkB,’ at $1.25, worth $1.50. H. STEEL <Se SON. " Nos. and 715 K. TENTH Street TJ'ABRIS’ MIXED CABSIMKREB. AJ-' mixed Cassimeres, for boys- suite. Metton and plaid CgSSlmeres. * - Merino Gftsalmeroi and Gashmaretta, Linen Drills, Sattlnets, and Cottonades. Ladies- Cloaking Cloths, choice shades. Loom and Damask Table Linen, cheap. Towels, ToweUing, and Napkins, Large assortment at . JOHN H. STOKES’, io7 : . TQ3 ARCH, A UTER’S CELEBRATED BLACK HAIR DYE, 76 cents a box. or $ boxes for 41.50., Kent by - mail to any address. 53.*6.-.THIRD Street, above Chestnut, r It* COTTON.-200 BALES, VARIOUS grades, FOR SALE, Apply to . W. M. GREINER, ’ jeU*St • , 100 CHESTNUT Street, RETAIL DUS GOODS. ARK HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT AT SG SOUTH SECONB STREET, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, and - DRYGOODS A LAItOE STOCK OF IN PRICES OF LIGHT SHjKS 737 CHESTNUT STREET, Dress Goods at-very low prices. 1034 CHESTNUT STREET. E. M. NEEDLES 1034 CHESTNUT STREET. RETAIL DRV GOODS. 0O O P HR; & CONARD AMERICAN CASSIMERBS, SCOTCH FANCIES, SICK-MIXED COATINGS, WHITE BAREGE SHAWLS, - HANDSOMFj MANTLES, STAPLE DRY GOODS. iVinlii and Market. myl/Muths2m AT LRD AY,\ JUNFiI? W ' DENISE. By the Author of * • Madomotsollo Mori.i; Two Voifi., 16mo, C10th. ......... .Price 75 cents per vol. V 4 There is so muck refinement andnhambitioas'graco, in its composition, and it accompllshoß so well the object whick it makes its spoclal aim that it can scarcely fail to please even who profoestbat they read no novels bat really good ones. ’ 'Saturday Review, (London.) > ; THE STORY 01’ ELIZABETH. By Mias ANNA THACKERAY, ; (Daughter of the Novelist.) One Yol., 36m0» Cloth. (Anew fine edition), Price 75c. “Tiic English, no lessikan tko substance of this little title, indicates real genius. It is not only fresh and bright, but, what is not common in combination with a fresh, styled it is rich and raeUow, and re minds us of Mr. Tennyson’s happy description of tko old vintage. It is rare, indeed,’ to fmda style which is steered in the colors of many literary generations, and yet so full or vivacity and youth as this. ’ion&m Spectator. - ? ■■■ 44 There is a mingling of light-hoarted gaiety witli serious tenderness, which gives this little talo a win ning charm peculiar to itselfi the'Fronck; household Is drawn with life-like faithfulness, the head of it in par ticular. * '.'"'Westminster Review. ' ‘ DENISE M and “ THE STORY OF ELIZABETH ’ \ are the first and second issues of d new Library of the best //03/A' NOVELS, published in small arid elegant uniform volumes, under the general title of . “ TIIE UO irSEMLD SERIES. 51 /JOSEiHIG..GREGORY, Publisher, jell-sta2t No. 540 BROAD WAY, Sawfork. PROCLAMATION OF FREEDOM AT 1 THE GREAT CENTRAL FAlR—Fine Photographs, 38 by 13 inches, of PAINE'S pen and ink drawing of the EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION, beautifully illus trated, original donated to the Brooklyn'Sanitary Fair, and sold for .$5OO and presented to President Lincoln. They will he sold at retail at th,o GREAT CENTRAL FAIR during; itsicominuancer - war ted for every section of the coun try. RO WLAND JOHNSON, U 9 MARKETS!.,PhiI*., and‘s& BEAVER afreet, New York., je!4-5t rpTICE OF THE V/ MERCANTILE AGENCY, 393 and 395 BROADWAY, - " ' New York, JuneSd,lS64. ja!4-tufchs.4t TOAIERCHANTS, BANKERS, MANUFACTURERS &«. We have now m preparation, and propose issuiue abontlStb July next, anew adition of- MERCANTILE AGENCY REFERENCE BOOK. ’ ’ JThe high reputation our/ormerand more limited work of this kind attained as a standardguide for Importers, CommissiouMerekantß, and Bankers, induces tis now to tnlaige the scope of the Book, so .as to embrace all the requirements of Jobbers and Manufacturers. It will, therefore, coniaindTrom 1*3,000 to 180,000 names, cora * prisms all those aFaU likely to make purchases in any of the distributing eides of the Union. The ratings will be made upon actual data furnished by our :records-*th'e contents- of which extend over a period. of twenty-three years—and übt by information picked up by wandering itinerants from casual au thorities. The holders of the Book will receive a daily bulletin of changes in firms or ratings. Tonus of subscription will be made known on applica tion at our office here, or at any of our branch or asso ciate offices in Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pitts burg, Cincinnati, , Louisville,, St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroifci.Clevcland, Montreal, and Toronto. • K.'G. DUN & CO. Office in Philadelphia, 33 South THIKD-Street,below Market. : ;• , ; jel-i-3t* :■ A SHMEAD & EVANS, •: Successor, to : 1 WILLIS P. HAZARD. - . - ■■ • - ?a* CUESTKDT Street, DENISE. Byflhe author of ‘ ‘ Mademoiselle Mori. 1 ’ !, ml STbir oF ELIZABETH.; A Tale. By Miss Thackeray. ' PATRIOTISM, AND OTHER PAPERS. By T. Starr Klßg. - , ' :■* ■ PHANTOM PROWERS. A Treatiso on the Art of Producing Skeleton Leaves. ; THOUGHTS ON PERSONAL RELIGION. By Ed ward MevriclrGftnlbnrti, D. D. THE POOR WHITE; Or, The Rebel Conscript. THE MEMORIAL HOUR; Or, The Lord’s Supper in its relation to Doctrine andLlfo. ByJereiaiah Chap lin i D. D.* ■ STUMBLING“BLOCKS. By Gail Hamilton. THE NEW BOOK OP NONSENSE. , Filled with ComicJllustratiorfs, and published for the benefit of the Great Sanitary Fair, - : HAUNTED HEARTS. By author ofThe Lamp lighter. ” , r . , , je!3 ■ BOOKS! NEW BOOKS,! HAUNTED. HEARTS, by- the author of the ‘‘Lamp lighter.” bTUBHILINGPLOCKS, by Gail Hamilton. author of “ Gala Days,”:*' Conntrv Living,” &c. DARKNESS AND DAYtIoBT, anovelby Mrs. Mary I. Holmes, author of ” Lena Rivers, ” • Clarion Grey,** &c. ... . THE POOR WHITE, or. The Sob€l Conscript MY FIRST PENNIES, and other stories, by Cousin. -Kate; GLEANINGS FROM THE FIELDS OP SCIENCE, ART, AND HlSTORYlncidental Testimony to the Intpi • •«itlomjrthe , A^B.-Rich. „ CQETLEY' nALL‘: or, The Straight Road is. Shortest •and Surest; by A. L, 0. from Jewish,History; boum'wedfejß'orseparate. : • For sale, by - - -i • WILLIAM 8/ ST&LPREI) MARTIEN, . . jelS-tf 1 -..-60 S Chestuut bireet:^ PORTRAIT PRESIDENT IjINGOX*N, This fine steel-plate Engraving, from a recent Photo graph, is the only large-size, full-length Portrait yet ■published, and can only he obtained from the Publisher or his authorized ageutg/ at the low price of $3 per copy.. : This fine Portrait will oe sent by mail or express, free of charge', on receipt offßetailPrice,' , A®- Agents,wanted in every county. Addreps J. P. SEELLY, Sole-Agent-for Penna., myA-thsatutf. v*,>PoB ARCH Street, phlla. SCIENTIEIO BOOKS. FBESEKIDS’ MANUAL OP atTATITATIVE CHSMI CAL ANALYSIS, from'the last English and German, editions, in one volume, bctavo. Price $3.60. .MILLER’S CHEMISTRY. Part 1. CHEMICAL PHYSICS from-the third London edition. •*. -Sill. :■ ■ . MILLER’S ELSCTRrCITY AND MAGNETISM, for Eale, with a general assortment of " SOIBNTIFIC'BOOKS, BY . LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, 3e5 .• No; 3S South’ SIXTH Street.- »THE SUNBEAM .STORIES, * ■A- Contain! ug ihc cliarming, bright stories of TRAP TO CATCH aTsUNBEAMv CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, •: HOUSE ON THE ROCS.' ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFK, MERRY CHRISTMAS, - DREAM CHINTZ, . ... STAR IN THE DESERT, &c. Six beautiful volumes,.illustrated, $2. SO. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, feSS-tjyl - 21 Sooth SlXTH.Street KEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, ■ The Agency for this invaluable Library "Of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street, second story, Also, RECORD OF THE REBELLION. -By Frank Moore... - . - . .... , f*33-tf .: _ ; yjERSONAX.. . __ PERSONAL. SPOONS PLATED .*• with Pure Silver, on White Metal, $1 per’sati OJG RACE Street. : . - ’ . y,jel4-2t* pBESOKAL.—JE WELRY SENT BY A ' Kail, freo of postage, to any part of the'United States, on rfceipt of the following-prices:. Single-stone Imitation Diamond Ring, $1 r Cluster Imitation Diamond Ring, $2; Heavy-platedVyeat jChains, $1: Magnificent Plain King, $1; Heavy -Plain Rings (will stand the strongest acid), CO centsvSmall Round Black Enameled Ear Drops,: 50 cents;; He.avy-plated Black Eha-melod Sleeve. Buttons, 2.1 cents; Gents’;Pins,-Imitation Dia mond, $1; ImltationDiamondStuds, $1; Bracelets, si; Handsomely-chased Medallions, $1; Complete Sets Carbuncle Studsand-Butfcons, $1: Complete. Sets Black Enameled Studs and Buttons, ‘ with .pearl setting. §1; Fancy Watch Keys r 60 cents; Pen and Pencil, ■wUhex tension case, sl;,Ladies’;Loag-geared and Chatelaine Cbams, $l; Chatelaine Pins sl;G«imine Gutta Percha Chains, $1; Ladien’ and Gents’ Miniature " Pina, for likeness or hair, $1; Seal Rings, $1; Locket Bings, $2; Coral Armlets, GO cents, to - - , - ESTLIN & MANN. jell.6i* - - :Ko.- 916 RACE Street, Philadelphia, j: QAMUEL MAROT, DEAiER;IN LME, P BUILDING STONE, and COAL. Yard, NINTH Street, above Thompson, twest eide'.) Orders received by William BJarot, Jr.i'Sll Spring Garden street rChas. n Hl'Marot, 25N, Sixih st. (second story), and fe/Marot,' 434 Chestnut st. (second Btery). N. B.—An experienced Salesman wanted. my3l-lm* NSEKVp.. . A most effective and delightful preparation FOR THE TEETH AND : GUMS- ‘ Highly recommended by the most eminent Dtfcfcqrs< and Dentists. .-■■■•' * r It is the result of a thorough, course of scientific expe riments, extending through a period of nearly thirty .years.: -.-ir - • ’■ *■ ' To a great extent inevnry case,and entirely in many, IT WILL PREVENT DECAY OR TEETH. It will also STRENGTHEN WBAE GUMS. KEEP THE TEETH BEAUTIFULLY CLEAN, AND THE BREATH SWEET. See Circulars. Price $1..-Prepared and - - S. AT. D., DENTIST, .. ■ ■ , - maCHESTNUT St., Philadelphia, Pa. ■, For sale by Druggists, 1 - jell-3ai T£Q FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE We are prepared, as heretofore, to’ eupply famillei at their Conntry Residences with every description of FIXE GROCERIES, TEAS, &c., &o. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, roy3o-tf Gliranr ELEVENTH and VINE Si* PRIME BUTTER "AND EGGS FOR •A. ■ gale by r - * H; B. AURISON,- jell-3t* a’,-- 138-North WATER Street. JAMES BETTS’ CELEBRATED IfA SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES— the only Supportora .under eminent medical-patronage. ; Ladieß and Physicians are respectfully requested to call, only on’Mrs. ; B£TTS» af her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Phila., (to avoid counterfeits!) Thirty thousand invalids have been advised by thoirphysidaas to use hej appliances.' Those only are genuino bearing tbo United States copyright;' labels on the box, and signatures, and also on toe Supporters, with testimonials. oclB»tothatl 'T'AYLOR’S ARNICA OIL OR EMBRO- A CATION never falis to cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains. Frosted feet, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Dis eases. - Price 26c, and wholesale and retail by H. B. TAY -LOR, Druggist. TENTH and CALLOWHILL rahs-6m .T>ERFUMED PARLOR ; MATCHES.— A just received 25 additional cases of these celebrated (Alixander’a) Matches, for sale to the trade only. - nowg A •gnflToy. iKy> VR9 W- thtrd hi. , T ARD .OIL, FOR LUBRICATING JLJ woo! ana.Machinery, for Bale at the lo west market price by, MAKOT & STEjsL, Manufacturers, 131 North FRONT Ktr*A* 1 , -- J rov2K-lm* ~ TUEDIOAL purveyors office, XY-L . ’ New York, June 0,15G4. .Importers and dealers in Medicines, Hospital Stores, Bedding,, are invited to submit thoir quotations to the Army Medical Purveyor, at his office, 466 BROOME Street. for his'information and guidance in the purchase of supplies . v jell-3t CTBAM AND WATER GAUGES FOR fj SALE. E. .BROWN, 311 WALNUT St, : . • ,lnyll-2t.» "O' EATON & DENCKLA.-HARD WARE JLt. COMMISSION > MERCHANTS, 60T COHIIREGJ And 810 NQKTH Streata, offer for aala: Anohor Brand NAila; Plymouth Mill Rlyeta. W; A S. Batcher's Cast SteaUßagle Cabinet Lock* Piitnam's Hotso Malls; Locke's School Slates. Copper.-Braas,-andiron Wire; Cotton Cards. : r Aleo. afnllassortment ef American Hardware, fe7-6rall p.EIMER 1 S CARTESDE VISITS ARE flue speciroeis-ln their Uue—clear, distinct, accu rate, and cftrcfuUyvfinlshed. Patronize the popular SPECIAL NOTICE; COUNTRY* FINANCIAL. OPFICE OF ’ : '' ’ ’ JAY COOKE & CO., JUNKERS, NO. 11l- SOUTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA, Juno 6th, 1864. The Secretary of the Tieaunry hae invUod bids for SEVENTY-FIVE MILLIONS of Bonds of the SIX PER GENT. LOAN, maturing in 1831, &a per the following advertisement: PROPOSALS FOR LOAN. treasury department, June 6th, mi. > To insure the greatest possible vigor in the operations .of the armies nowmoviu* against the insurgents,'iindoi* bravo and skilful generals, upon a vast theatre of ope rations, expenditures havo been increased boyoud re ceipts from revenue and ordinary subscriptions to the National Loan. . Sealed offer* will, therefore* bo received at this De partment, under the act of March 3, 183.% until noon of , WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of Juno. 18& Sir bond* of the United States to the amount or SEVENTY-FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS; bearing an annual interest ■ of six per centum,'payable semi-annually in coin, oa the first days of July and Jamtery each year, and re deen able uflor the 30th of June; 1801. Each off* r must be for fifty or ou« hundred dollars, or some multiple of one hundred dollars,, and must state the sum, including premium, offered for each hundred, dollars in bonds, or for fifty, when the offer is for no more than fifty. Two per cent, of the principal, ex cJudiiigpremium, of the whole amount offered must be deposited, as guarantee for payment of subscription if accepted, with the Treasurer of the United States at -Washington, or-with the Assistant Treasurer at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or-St. Louis; or, with tho Designated Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincin nati, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, or Buffalo; or with.: ADyNationulTianking Association authorized to receive deposits which may consent to.transact tho business without change* Duplicate certificates of deposits will be issued to depositors by the officer or association re ceiving Ihoin, the originals of which mast be forwarded with the offers to tho Department. All deposits should be made in time for advice of offers with certificates-to reach Washington not later than tho morning of Juno Iflth. No offer not accompanied by its proper certificate of deposit will bo considered. , : .*. / The Coupon and Registered Bonds issued wHI bo of tho denominations of $5O. $lOO, $5OO, and $l,OOO. . Regis tered Bondsof $5,000 and $lO,OOO will also bo issued if required. •. All offers received will be opened on Wednesday, tho 15th or June, by tho Secretary or qne of. the Assistant Secretaries, and notice of acceptance or declination wIU be immediately given to the respective offerers; and, to. caseof acceptance, bonds of the descriptions and de nominations preferred will be seat to the subscribers at the cost of the Department, oh final payment of instal ments. Tho original deposit of two percept. will: be reckoned in the last instalment pauHby successful olFerers, and will be immediately returned to those: whose offers may not be accept! d. ‘ The amount of accepted offers must be deposited with tho Treasurer, or other officer or association authorized to act under ihisnotice, on advice of acceptance of offer, or as follows: Gno-third on or before tho 20tii; ono third on or before the 2.lth;.nud tho. balance, including the premium and original two per cent, depodt. on or before tho 30th of June Interest to the Ist of July on the several deposits will bo paid In coin on iheSOtb of June, and interest on bonds wtlL begin July 1, 1564. Offers under this notice should be'eadorsed ** Offer for Loan,” and addressed to the Secretary of the Trea sury. The right te decline »U offers not considered ad vantageous is reserved to the Government. . S. F. CHASE,. , Secretary of the Treasury. shall bid for a moderate amount of this most de-; sirablo loan for ourselves, and if any of onr friends or;customers desire to include their bids in ours, wo Will cheerfully attend to the business WITHOUT CHARGE. - In this.way parties will save themselves the trouble of tho details attending the bidding, and will'avail themselves of our experience, and will share pro-rata and on equal terms, with us in any scale of bids we may make, and in all allotments to us. Subscribers can band in their names ana amounts at once, and either fix the limit of premium or take their chances with us. Ourbld will be held, open until the latest moment allowed l>y the terms of the advertisement. Further information given on application. JAY COOKE & 00., jeW-Si . Til SOUTH TniKD STREET. gONDS OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY-. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BONDS TO THE AMOUNT OF $400,000 Will be Issued-in pursuance of the.second section of an actapproved March 24,1663, entitledsupplement to £ *Aa act entitled an act authorizing a loan for the purpose of war, to repel 'invasion and suppress insurrection, and appropriating the same and pro viding for the payment thereof. ” Approved May 10,1584. These; Bonds will be jgsued of the denomination of $l,OOO, $6OO, and $lOO, with coupons attached, or regis tered bonds of the denomination '.of SLOOO, to suit bid ders. The Bonds will be redeemable as follows-—viz; $lOO,OOO on tho Ist JANtJARY, A. D*. 1887. $lOO,OOO on the Ist JANUARY, A. 3). 1888. $lOO,OOO on the Ist JANUARY, A. D. 1889. $lOO,OOO on the Ist JANUARY, A. D. 1890. Bearing interest at the rate of SIX PER CENT, per an. num, payable half yearly, and are exempt by law from taxation.'-- .. " ' - : PROPOSALS in writing for the whole or any part of these Bonds will be received by the eabscriber, at his Office, in the city of TRENTON, State of New Jersey, at any time P. M. on WEDNESDAY, tho loth day of June, A. D. 1864, on which day and hour the Governor and Treasurer will bo in attendance at the State House to open and decide bids. ' The Bonds will bear date July Ist, IS6I. The right to reject bids is reserved. B. M. SMITH, . TBE.^SUEER. bated May 1564. ... ' jfA-ldt* E W LOAN. U. S. 10-40®, JAX COOKE a CO. OTFEE FOB SALE THE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Bearing Five Per Cent Interest IN COIN. Redeemable any time after TEN YEARS, at the plea sure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. COUPONS and REGISTERED BONDS, are issued Loan, of same denominations as th 6 Five-Twenties. The interest on $6O and $lOO payable yearly, but all other denominations half yearly,* The TEN-FORTY BONDS are dated March 1* 1864, the half yearly interest Jailing due September 1 and March 1 of each year, Until Ist September, the accrued interest, from Ist March is ; required to bo paid by purchasers in coin, or in legal currency, adding 60 per cent, for preinium, until further notice, i : v» All other Government Securities bought and sold. JAY COOKE & CO., 314: SOUTH THIRD STREET. Jj'l-RST NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA. DESIGNATED DEPOSITOKY FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED . STATES. 10-40 LOAN. This Bank has been authorized and U now prepared to receive subscriptions to the >' NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. * This Loan, issued under authority of an act of Con gress, approved March 3, 1864, provides ;for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Dollars ($200,000,000) United States Bonds, redeemable after teu years, and payable forty!years from date, IN COIN, dated March 1, 1361, hearing interest at theyate of • / FITE PER CXST. per annum IN COIN, payable semi-annually on all Bonds over $lOO, and on Bonds of $lOO and less, an nually. Subscribers will receive, either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations of fifty dollars ($6O), one hundred doUars ($100), five hundred dollars ($500), one . thousand dollars ($1,000), five thousand doUars ($5,000), and ten thousand dollars ($10,000). and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars ($6O), one hundred dollars ($100), five hun dred doUars ($600), and one thousand doUars ($1,000). INTEREST will commence from date of subscription, or the aoorued interest from the Ist of March_c&n be paid in coin, or, until farther notice, in D* 6.. notes or notes of N&tion&i Banks, adding (60) fifty per cent, to the amount for pro minm. 0. H. OLABK, apS-tf . President. ASSISTANT TREASURER’S OFFICE, PHILADEDPHIA, JUNE 7, 1851. THE COUPONS r-. ; for INTEREST ON THE PUBLIC DEBT, FALLING DUB OX THB FIRST OF. JULY NEXT, WILL BE PAID IN ; COIN, ON PRESENTATION AT THIS OFFICE. ARCHIBALD McINTYRE, icS-«t •• ;,t j. , ... ASSISTANT TREASURER O. 8. MONUMENTS AND ! GRAVE* STONES.—A large assortment of Grave-Stones,oi various designs,made of the finest Italian and American Marble, constantly on hand at the Marble Worked ADAM 6TEINMETZ, HIDGS Avenue, below BlevenS atrA«t. Philadelnhia. *oM-Sw»lf npo PRINT. BOOK, AND COIN COL- COG AN, -No.v 481 North TENTH Street, Philadelphia, lias for sale a large quan tity of fine Engravings and Books, purchaa-d by him at the famous'ALLAN Collectioni M Now:York* • Also on baud, a large quantity of American and Eu ropean GOINS, to be sold at mpderato prices. The highest premium given for fine ami rave American Coins, jelo-6t« MONEY TO ANY AMOUN3 I I- LOANED upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewel t A £T> ry, Plate, Clothing, Ac., at JONES A CO, w v Old Estaolished Loan Officer corner TEEIIg? andGAIjKILL Street*, beiov Lomhwd* $pU-3it^ WANTS. AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER, A ~ graduate from Ho vr England, wishes private pnpils for Uie Hammer, nr an engagement in a school, to trach Languages, Blathematfc*, or History, for the coming year. For reference*, apply to J. J 5. ALVORI), Esq., Girard Insurance Office, JftU»ttttba3i» * *l5 WALNUT Street, A GENTS WAHTED TO BELL THE Standard History of the 'War. A fare chance to mnko money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month, 200,000 volumes already e»id. Send for circu lars.. Address JOKES, BROS., «Co., Publishers, BAL TIMORE, Afd. joKHm* TTOE PRESS WANTED.—A SECOND hand Double Cylinder Press (No. 2 or 3 size} wanted. U must ho in good order*. Address, stating Price, _ ~ . £. COWLES & CO.. join 2t • ■ Cleveland,. Ohio. WANTED—A BOOK-KEEPER IN A * T LIGHT BUSINESS, where there will be no night work. To one that Is well acquainted in handling mo ney, and can speak and write German, a steady aitua non will bo given. Address, with reference, Box 2871 i’miftdtfjphla. P, O, State age, and trbat salary would he exported. je!4.2t* WAN T E D—BY A THOROUGH ,7 ’ Book-keeper, a position la an Importing or Job bing House, or Slannfacturlng Establishment, onsalary until JuJy. next—then to become a partner in the bast* ?/*» h ,l furnishing capital. Address “Confidential.” this office.. ; j e !4-3t* . 'WANTED.—A YOUNG MAN; AGED T\T ANTED—A SALESMAN IN A IT WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE; one who coi£ maods a good trade, a resident or this state preferred A liberal salary given.. Apply to Ho. JtlO North THIRD Street. joS-Ct* WANTED —300 AGENTS TO SELL the great natural WEATHER INDICATOR. Though only just introduced, hundreds attost to its ac curacy in foretelling changes of the weather from dry to wet,: and ufee term. It interests the Bcholar and the man of science, am! awakens admiration in the mindo o i all who witness iis wonderful functions. Sendpoetage Btump for circular and particulars, or call upon FRiSBEE, COOK, & CO., V GG North FOURTH Street. je7-I%t* .. Philadelphia, I*a. <6«O A MONTH I—l WANT AGENTS Paid. *o™“ my EVER LASTING PENCILS, OKIENTAL BURNERS, and 13 other artlelea. Fifteen drtmlara cent free. Address : ap3o-diiwSm JOHN B. LORD, Biddeford, Maine. . m WANTED—TO PURCHASE OR -K&LEASE, for a term of years, within easy distance of New York, either in Sew York State, or New Jersey. orPenmiylvanla. a . ! BUIL DING SUITABLE FOE A FACTORY Motive Power (water preferred) must be from 100 to 150 borae-power. \ Communtcaiiong. with full particulars, addressed to Box 3DB, New York P. O. . jeT-flt* jfegp CAVALRY HORSES WANTED, War Depautmkst, Cavalry Bureau, Officr of Chief Quartermaster, • ■ Washixutox, D. C., May IS, ISS4. :;THHBE THOUSAND (3, 000) &OKSE& WAN'mT r pNF; HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIYE ($165) DOL LARS per head will bo paid for all . ■ CAYALPvt HORSES delivered within the next thirty ,(30) days at the Go vernment atahlea at Qieshoro, D. C. Horses to be sound in all particulars, not less •n five (5) nor more than nine (9) years old; from fif teen to sixteen hands high, full in flesh, compactly built, bridle wise, and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes: These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced hi every particular. Payment made oh delivery of seven (7) and over. _™7 .. T V„,- JAMES A. EKINV roy%Mro Li. Col. &C. Q, SI. Onvalry Bn roan. BOARDING. ■PLEASANT ROOMS"" MAW NOW BE secured at 1533 LOCUST Street. i jcld-st . -y • ; Mr*. WYMAN. pQUKTRY BOARDIHG CAN BE had by applying opposite the Post Office, Chestnut Hill. jeH-3t* : pOTOTRY BOARDIRG—THB L ARGE BOARDING-HOUSE AT CONCORD, Delaware County, is now open for the reception of Boarders. - It is situated on the Philadelphia ana Baltimore Central Railroad, twenty miles west of Philadelphia, in one of the most healthy and beautiful localities of the county. The building is nearly new, rooms comfortable, and well ventilated • , 'Accommodations will be.funushod for pleasantdrives mornings and evenings. Apply to JOSEPH BHORTUDGE, CONCORDYILLE, Delaware County, Penna. . Jeil-'St BOAROTO.-TWO SECOND-STORY u rooms TO LET, at 133 North TENTH St. je7-tf "DOARDING—-ON DUY’S LANE, GEE. -*-* SfANTO WN. etxth bonse from station. je7-12fc ■ FOR SAFE AND ;TO FET. T?OR. GROUND RENTS of $2,000 each on adjoining properfciesfin the city, Well improved. Apply to E- PETTIT,' je!3 • - . T 323 WALNUT Street. TO RENT—THE SECOND AND THIRD A story Rooms of Stare Ko. 531 MARKET St.. Pos- SOFSion July Ist.- • ... ; ...... iell-6t* - SIBLEY, MOLTEH. & WOODRBFF. TO LET— LARGE AND .SMALL -•- ROOMS, third and fourth stories, Kd 531 WALNUT Street. Apply to . J. H. EDWARDS, lefl-tt* .- , . - . , . 524 WAf.yQT Street. : ' M EOR SALE.—DESIRABLE RESI DENCES, .situated at 1403 LOCDST and uorth side of PIKE, above Twentieth street • Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR, It : - . 41D Walnut Street. - g§, FOR SALE THE; GOOD-WILL •*®“AND FIXTURES of that cddand W6li* known Dry Goods Store, N. W. corner NINETEENTH and MAR KET Streets, with or without, stock. The proprietor having done a prosperous business for nearly twenty years, is now desirous of retiring. It*; . . . JOSEPH P. COOPER. ,m A TWO -AND-A-HALF-STORY -Eat Frame Cottage and a two-story Brick Store, 1213 LOCUST Street, to be sold by M, THOMAS & SONS, Jane 14th. . je!3-2t* & LARGE AISTD VALUABLE PRO- Y a'^lll^^ lj ?j^-i , and commodit ous LOT and BUILDING, Street; near .the centre of business; containing 60'feet on Cherry street, depth 305. feet, being 76 feet wide on the rearof ihe lot, and at that width opening to a large cart-way, read ® st - 0 -^ ei^ffei%Wi^ SQ7 -' — 7 ’ ..... - . are rarely met with'. Apply at the office of Christ Church Hospital, •jel&Sm No. 236 WALNUT Street. m -DELAWARE : COUNTY. FOR : JaiSALE, 40 ACRES of excellent LAND, S miles from the city, on the West Chester Plank Road; -Darby creek forms the Eastern boundary lines substantial stone mansion and other buildings; a desirable farm. • . • JAS. R. CUMMINS, Surveyor, Media, Pa. N* B.—Send for catalogue of Delaware county farms containing prices. - - . - .. je!3-3t* m TO LET.—THE {UPPER FLOORS JtA of the spacious ... . STORE NO, 221 .CHESTNUT STREET. -Possession FIRST JULY. - . Apply cn the premises to je!3-2t« ' CHAS. G. WIGHTMAN-& CO,. «■> VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES ■Eiiox SPKING -GAHDkN STREET.—This street is Ypidor than Broad street; aad-tviH be one of the finest in tbe city. - • - - . PARTIES SnOULB .PURCHASE WHILE PROPER. TIES ARE LOW, and thus have the advantage of their investment. 'Apply to ’ BOKSAtL BEDS., 116 Korih NINTH Sireet. €Vav FOR SALE—A PAIR OF BAY ■^■^VFATCHEM MAKES, fall 16 hands high; kind, gentle, .and, sound: can :trofc close ;td three . miatttes together. - Sire, the celebrated fcrotting-korse“ George Si. Patchero, 5 7 and ont of very fast Saladin'and Bashaw mares. ’ft ill be sold singly or together. Apply at . MEREDITH'S STABLES, - jeM-3t* 1 ' : THIRD Street,’abore Market. -.fPEPS "bESINEsTOFwT" * A GER will be settled by his widow, at Ko. 343 CRESTNDT Street. s All indebted will -please cotae forward.: All having claims will present them at once. 0014-121* ’ • INSEJRANCE. JNSURE YOUR LIFE IN' YOUR OWN HOME COMPANY, AMERICAN, OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E; corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. Insurers ia ibis Company have its additional ircatan teeol ■ $250,000 • CAPITAL .STOCK all paid tip IK CASK, %vhich, to* Kether with. CASH ASSETS, now on. Land, amount to OVEK $BOO,OOO. INCOME FOR THE YEAR 18G3 OVER $200,000. LOSSES.PAID DURING THE YEAR AMOUNTING TO $62,000. DIVIDENDS MADE ANNUALLY ► thus aiding the in sured to pay premiums; 1 , The last DIVIDEND on all Mutual Policies in force December SI, lS63,,jrfts . FIFTY PER CENT. Of the amount of PREMIUMS received during the year, : Its TRUSTEES are well-known citizens in our midst, entitling it to more consideration than those whose managers reside in distant cities, w ITAlexanderWhiUdiir, •- :-William''J.-Howard, . J. Edgar Thomson, ; Samuel T. Bodine, . George Nugent, John Aikman, • Hon. .Tames Pollock,, CharlesP. Heazlitt, Alhert G. Roberts, Hon. Joseph Allison, P. B. Mingle, Isaac Hazlehurst. Samuel Work, , ; ALES. WEIL DIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Vice President, JOHN S. WILSON, See. and Treas. § WRITTEN AND VERBAL DE SCRIPTIONS of Character, Constitution, and Ta lent, with ADVICE on Busluesa, Health, Educa tion, Self-improvement, Management,and Train ing of CHILDREN, sociar adaptation, &c., d*3 and evening, by . JOHN L. CAPEN, - Phrenologist and Bookseller, • : mhl9-stuth >No. 35 S.TENTH Street,ahova Chestnnt FORALBANY AND TROY JiSßftSsßa —VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL:—The barge S. PLANaGaN, Captain W..Cor* soni is now loading at first wharf belovr SPRUCE Street, and will leave fort ho above points on WEDNES DAY, June 15th, at 6 o'clock P, M. s ’ For-freight, which will be taken at reasonable rates, apply to : - 'D., - L,.FLANAGAN, Agent, • jell-R* . 304 h. DELAWARE Avenue. *** THOMSON’S LONDON HITCH. ENEK. OR EOHOPEAN RANGELTor families, liotelj, or pnbljc institutions, in TWENTY DIP* SIZES. Also, Philadelphia Ranges. Hot*air Furnaces, Portable HoacerS. Lowdowu GYatea, Flreboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stewhole Platas, BroU* era, Cooking Stoves,' &0., at vrholeaale and retail, bj the manufacturers,-. ; , . CHASE. SHARPE, & TIIOMSON, No. 209 N. SECOND Street. LADIES TRUSS AND BRA.C3S N 'i h _4*<,BTO:RE-Condueted by Ladies. TWRLFTI Street. first door below Race. Every artlole, in the!) Hnoelegaht, easy, and correct Lriuako. 0. H. NR# DLEB, Proprietor, attends to Gentleman, on tho cornel of TWELFTH and RAGE Streets, B.—Profession* accuracy ineared* ' iftyl’SnW AMWSEMEfIneS, yANDERLYN’S ARIADNE. Tli is mofit wonderful creation of the gem 03 of VAJT DERL YN, has been placed at the disposal of the Fine Arts Committee of the : * SANITARY FAIR, as a SPECIAL EXHIBITION, on the express condition that Season and other Tickets, giving access to other parts of the Fair, are not to be entitled to admission. ARIADNE, CDanghter4of Minos and Panelphat, doserkd on the Island of Kaxea, by Theseus.) “An ideal of female bounty, reposing upon the luxu ry of Us own soneation, lost in sleep, and yielding with child-like self-abandonment to dreams of love. ’ ’ if How like a vision of pure love she seems! Her cheeks just flushed with Innocent repose. That folds her thoughts op in delicious dreams, Like dew-drops tn the chatiee of a rose; Pillowed upon her arm and raven hair, How ardily rests that bright and peaceful brow I Its rouuded pearl.'defiance bids to care. While kisses on the lips seem melting now; Prone in unconscious loveliness she lies. And leaves around her delicately sway; Yelled is the splendor of her beaming eyes, *; But o’er thelimbs bewitching gracesj>lay; - Ere into Eden’s groves the serpent crept, ' Tims Eve within her leafy arbor slept l ,r Tuckerman's^AnUtiLife.” “In ISWYANDERLYN painted the ARIADNE This Painting proved Mr. Yanderlyn-s powers even more than the Marius, * and is, In my estimation, the finest figure of tho kind I have ever seen. This picture has been purchased and engraved by A. B. Durand Eao himself an excellent Painter, and our first Bus rarer The engraving of Mr. Burandla Worthy of it ' '-Dun lap's Arts and Designs. Admission. Entrance from the Horticulture! Department, and from the Corridor connecting the. latter with the Art Gallery. jel3-st yaE COLLECTION OF PICTURES WORKS OF- ART, > : Belonging to JOSEPH HARRISON, Jr., is now open, to the public,-for a limited time, fortbeienehtof THIS GREAT CENTRAL FAIR OF THE SANITART COMMISSION, At “25 S. EIGHTEENTH Street, Riitenhoase Sctoarel TICKETS, 50 CENTS. To be had at the Hotels, Book Stores, and at the doer. ‘ Entrance at 325 S. EIGHTEENTH Street, or th'ronjrh Park aid Garden, on SEVENTEENTH Stteet. Ciell-tf nKEAT CENTRAL FAIR. - V -* -CHILDREN'S EXHIBITIONS In the GRANT* HALL not apart for them. The ASTONISHING AITjrO MATONP^IGTIJANCER/rKUMfWIaL^ndMONKEY- STOREOPTICOS VIEWS, MAOIOaL EXPERtiIENra’ YENTRILOQDLSM with! large of atteetS ■Admission 2o cents; Cbiidren 15 cents. Exhibitions at 3 and BIV M, Q. ROVER’S .MEW CHESTMUtI >J[jstreet theatre. * 1J30.K AKB <J HO YBlt. - ~ KAITAGIfff.. (Also of Grover’s Theatre, Washington, J>. C.) ,?HE COOLEST A^ & COWOETABLE TffEA- ASTOKISIIING|WONB^||^^n|PT>.E CEI)EKTKDir GBAKD lAXR\“sPECTACLE - „ ■ OF THE ■ •• SEVBH SISTERS, . THE BIETH OF CUPID i's THE BOWER OFFEBHB, How in the a r ,,SECOND WEEK’ 0f “I, “p*' of CROWDED , HOUSES erer recorded in the annals of i ■ • A S ms ™oots of Philadelphia. 4gain, the Popular Comedian, < ‘ T v t . .JIK- arc DomuGu: n 2 wlmmi , fca £ lolm P 9K <>satum of MRS. PLUTO lhe Lew and Beautiful Scenery-The Elegant Cm tumes—The Astonishing Fairy Transformations- The Gmnd Zouave Brill, by Forty Youn* Ladiev~The rßeautifui Fair? Dances — The Lew Local Scenery—The Grand Battle Tableau! _ / PRICES OF ADMISSION. Dress Girds or Parquet meant*. Family Circle & Sg. Orchestra Seats. carta* ~J,c 5 i 0 L the / ron , t Be “hes only are reserved as Orcha*. fra Seats. Ko extra charge for securing seats. GRAND FAMILY MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock: /When the entireSpectacalsrPlay.of :. THE SEVEN SISTERS mil be presented-makincr. the Greatest Day Perform, anceever witnessed m Philadelphia, at the usual iS. TIfRS. JOHN DKEWS NEW ABSH •JU - STEEET THEATRE. ' .. . SIXTH WEEK OF FRANS DEEW MONDAY, TUESDAY, fad THUSS* day, \Tlie spectacular roinaneo of , r ". w 7Hfi JPOKTY THrEYES. : ' Morgaana....*.., anc« R ftn r» To conclude wUh tlie traditionary drama of SIXTEEN-STHING^ACKL Kit Clayton— Sixteen- String Jack..... Theoplulus. WA LTTti T-ST RE ET THEATRE.— •IjL'MOHDAX- and TUESDAY, June 13th, and 14th; . WilLbg produced • the great Vr Tom TW. 818. HARRY PIERSON haring been especially en gaged to simT&tn the character of JiOBERT BRERRLY.. Supported by the unequalled cast of the ': : WALNUT-STREET THEATRE, CO 4TP AN Y. The. performance will conclude with the laughable Hr 'S. HempijKh* v .~v...v. .Jacques Strop. Doors open at TJs ’ Curtain rihea at S o'clock. jel3-2t PROF. ROSWELI/D. HITCHCOCK, D. York,-will deliver, at MUSICAL FUJS(J> HALL, on THURSDAY EYENIN6,-June 16, the Anni .rersary Address before the . PHILADELPHIA COLLB- FOR Y OBSG LADIEsf of wmS Rot. CHARLES A. SMITH, B. B:, and E. cfcAKEITCg SBHi H; A. M., are Principals. .Tickets maybe obtained, gr&tnitouslv, on and after Monday morning, the 13th, at the Institute, 1530 ARnry Street.. • Also, of'Smith & Jacobs, 1226 Chestnut street, and Ashmead & Evans, 724 Chestnut street.. je9-7t* NOW OPEN—THE FORTY-FIRST • ANNUAL EXHIBITION 03? PAINTINGS ANIk SCULPTUR E,_at th e PENN SYL YAN la'aCAD EMT^^' THE-FINE ABTS, CHESTNUT. Street, above Tenth. CpenfroiuS A. M. till 7TVM.. and from Still-10 in th* cyamng. Proceeds for the Sanitary Fair. - . j©9 EDUCAi’IONAI.' PHILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE US -h- STITT3TE TOR YOTJKG LADIES, Ho. 1330 ARCH ».i eT iL?fe£ IITH - <™°*: ' Ninth Year. Three Departments: Primary, Acade mic, and Collegiate. Full college course in Claeaia*, Mathematics, higher English, and Natural' Science, f»- ; thosewhograduate. Modern Languages 1 ing, and Elocution by the best masters. For circular*, apply at the Institute, or address Bos »611 P. 0., Phi ladelphia. . .. ap2o-Bm* ©ELECT FAMILY BOA RDI N G SCHOOL FOETOHJfG MEH AHD BOYS, MQUJHF . c °unty, Penna.: Session opens onthe FIBST TUESDAY-of May.- For circulars, address - apl7-2m» - R. A; MQRitlSojf. Principal.' RKLLEVCF, FEMALE INSTITUTE— ■*-* A BOARDING-SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This Institution, beautifully andbcaUlifttlly loraM. in the northerniimits of ATTLEBOBOUGH,BuckscooSt ty, Penna., wiUcommraoaitaSpringandSommer Ter* "on the 19 tli of FIFTH MONTH nest," and continue in ms* sion twelve weeks. ■ ■ The course of instruction is thorough and complete in all the Elementary and higher branchesof an ENGLISH CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATE The, French Language is taught by a native French teacher. - . Circulars, giving fall particulars, may lie lafc ou ap plication to tie. Principals, AttleborongliP. 0., Botkz county, Penna,. -.ISRAEL J. GRAHAMS, JASE P. GRAHAMS, Principals, mM9-3m SUMMER RESORTS. pON GEE S S HALL, ATLANTIC CITY.--I would respectfully inform my friends and the public that Ibave again taken CONGRESS . BALL, tmsbemg the tliird year, and have made every preparation for the coming season.; the house beihg enlarged, remodelled, new furniture, the chambers vith Spring Beds, &c., &e., and will accommodate Four Bundled Geests.You will find no better place than CONGRESS HALL; it is the nearest to the ocean of any of the large bouses of Atlautic City, being but 109 yards from the Beach, thus presauting,itself ait-advan tage to the public. There cannot be any better bathing: than Atlantic;this summer: the Sand Bar, that waa suck a Kicat drawback last season, has all been swept away by the high tides of last winter, forming itself the best Bathing Surf oil tho Atlantic Sea Board. - . G. W. HINKLE. There Sb an excellent Baud of Music engaged. Attached is a Splendid Billiard Room. . jrel-f-Im EXCURSIOnrS. DELIGHTFUL S i ■— a] EXCURSIONS, £? k UP ßtario i . . jSaguenay River, The Thousand Islands. • Portland;* Theßapidsof St. Lawrence WhiteMoantalne, , . . {Saratoga Springe, Montreal, : I &c., &c., &c., -■ Quebec, etc., J&c. | * . . Tickets for the above Excursions, which' have be** po long and favorably known to the Philadelphia Puj>» lie, by various routes to Niagara Falls, for sale at tlw< PHILADELPHIA AND ELSfIRA EAIROAD TICES* OFFICE, northwest, corner - SIXTH and. CHESTNUT Streets, where full information will be given. , NWAN HORN. Ticket Agent. JOHN'S. HrLLtfs, General Agent, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Street*. JaylO-tuthstjyl - - 51 ATC'h'cnDNsT - EASTOH, WIILIAMSPORT,' WILKESBABKE; ** • W . -- SUMMER ARKAN6BMEKT. ’ Passenger Trains leave the new Depot, THIRD Street*; above Thompson street, daily, (Sundays excepted), a* follows; M 7A.;M. (Express) forßeifflehem, AHenttrwn.Mandi Chunk, Hazleton.Williamsporfc, Wilkesbarre, &c_ •At 3.45 P.M. (Express) for Bethlehem,-Easton* Ac. _At 6.15 P. M. for Bethlehem, Allentown, M&uek Chunk. - . For Doylestown at 9.15 A; MT; S~F. M. and 4.15 P. K. . For Fort Washington at 10.15 A. M. and UP. 51. ■ . ForLansdaleat6.lsP. fll .White cars of the Second and Third-streets Line Cltjr Passengermn directly to the new Depot. ■ ■ TRAIKS FOB; PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehenr at 6.30, A. M., 8.30 A. BT., and 6.07- ‘ Leave Doylestown at 6.40 A. M. ,S 45 P. M. j and 7 P,B£. Leave Lansdale at 6 A ST. ■ ■ • - ...... _ Leave Fort Washmrtonat 11. A. 31. anil 2P. H. . . • ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9 A. M. % - . Philadelphia for Doylestown at 3P. M. Doylestown for PbitadeiphiaajJ.2o A, fll. Bethlehem for Philadelphia ar4 P. M. -* jel3 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. HARITA K AND - DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD.- TO LONG BRANCH, ATSION,< MANCHESTER, TOM'S RIVER, BAKNE9AT, RED BANK, Slg., &c- "On and after WEDNESDAY next, Jane Ifltb, and an ti] further notice, a train will leave Camden for Loo* Branch at 7.45 A. M., daily, (Sundays excepted.): Re turning,wiHleave Long Branch at 3.55 P. M. . , An afternoon train from Long Branch wilt be run, commencing on July Ist,. returning at an oarljr bournext morning, thus affording two daily common!- cations to and from the Branch. ' • . . A freight train, with passenger car .attached, will start for stations on the main.litmdaUy.from Camden*. (Snndays excepted.) at;9.16 A. Mf; returning, will. ; leave Port Monmouth nexfc morning at alO A, M. * Stages connect at Woodraanßic for Bar*' riegat and Tom’g River. * I'or furthor information apply to Company’s Agent* L, B- COLE, at Cooper’s Point, Camden. ' .V ' , QXiPi’ITTS, Jr., Gen. Stmt - Jane H, 1564: v . jel3-lf THE ADAMS KX «Eggg'jßtr*‘,Ta,.!l| i PRESS COMPANX, Office 330 . CHESTNUT. Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either hy its own lines or in -connection with other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities tn the Unite* States. K. S. SANUFOHD, Ih2J " general Snpenntendeat. ' fIARD AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, u RINQWAiT* BSOWK’S, lli B. ECUSTH SU.. "AOua Dollar. ...Frank Draw 1 . ..... Barton H3L Stuart Hobson.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers