CITY ITEMS. GET THE BEST.—Wheeler & Wlbonla Highest Premium Lock-Stitch Sewing Machines are the Lost, simplest, and cheapest. One hundred . , and fifty thousand have been sold. Five thousand are in use in Philadelphia. All machines are warranted and the money returned if not entirely sattsfaetery. Seles-reoms Ko. 70.1 Oliestnut street, above Seventh. Call and examine. Afr.EAT REPUTATION.—TharO has never been rfiention given to the world which in the same period of time so effectually won its way into uni versal favor as the " Florente! , Sewing Machine, sold in this city at MO Chestnut street. All who examine it are delighted with the manner in which it operates. - It makes no less than four different stitches, and executes all kinds of family sewing with neatness, durability, and despatch. livery machine sold is warranted to give satisfaction or the money will be returned to the purchaser. ENGLISH - WALKING HATS, of elegant and varied Materials, beautifully trimmed. The finest and largest assortment in the City, at Wood sr Cary's, 725 Chestnut street. TEE 'VALUE OF To OF GOLD,—Tho value of an ounce of gold is $l9 ' • of a pound avoirdupois, ;of a ton, isbos,ooo. Our national debt of two thousand Millions Would weigh in pure gold 0,575,- 947 pounds, or 5,285 tons of solid gold. The same s. value in silver weighs fifteen times as much - as in gold, and our national debt would weigh 40,535 tons In pure silver. The curious might find in those facts material for a calculation as to how many persons of the male persuasion could be kept ele gantly and comfortably attired for a year, provided they purchased their garments at the Brown Stone Clothing hull of rinekhill Sz Wilson, Nos. 003 and GOS Chestnut street, above Sixth. ' • STRAWISIMBIES AND eliliA3l.—What a luxury! The place to Indulge in these delicious and refresh ing edibles is at the popular Eastern Market Cheese nittl Ice Create steed, Fifth street, below Market, kept by Mr. W. 11. Slocomb. Ills supply of fresh canned Peaches and Tomatoes Is also the best in the city. Trn SANITAUY FAIn.--The buildings in Logan Square are all up and the interior arrangements rapidly approaching completion: They will uoiv amply repay a visit, and strangers going there should first of all pay a visit to the palatial" -Clo thing store of our celebrated townsman, Griinvlllo Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street. RAVAGING RAIDS prevented or the enemy anni hilated on the ground. Damaging attacks by Moths and Millers on - Furs and Woolens warded off by use of Cedar Camphor on putting away for the sea ion. Cedar Camphor is stilling to all insect life. Right to make belongs solely to Barris S.: Chapman, Of Boston, but all Druggists sell it. Pnov s N LIN u."—The Richmond Senn ad mentions, as a healthful sign in the Confederacy, that provisions In all the Southern cities are decli ning in price. "In Macon, flour Is now selling at *l5O a barrel." This-may be a matter ()I'm/wok:Won to Dixie, but we think if -the third of that sum was Charged here for the "staff," people themselves 'would go into a decline. But t thanks to a pea Government, prices here are moderate, and nobody declines buying a coat at Charles Stokes & Co.'s, under the Continental, when they want one. CAnn—To THE Pvitmo.—ln the reporter's ac count of the trial of John N. Still, (us appears - in the morning papers of yesterday,) without. a -word of explanatkn, the undersigned may be unjustly Censured in the matter. Therefore, he begs to state that, while it is true that certain Government, arti cles of clothing, he., were brought byhis brother, at Camp Wm. Penn, (while in the employment of the undersigned,) and, likewise, that the - said arti- Cies were sent to the." house of defendant's brother, William Still, in Fifth - street,” it is equally.true that the undersigned lad: no knowledge of his-hav ing purchased the goods, nor - did he give consent either to the defendant, or the express-man, or any one else, that the said articles could be 'scut to his house. lie was never consulted with regard_, to the !sending of them. 711 e was aware, _however, that his brother was in e habit of buying citizens' clothing from the sol -;. :rs, in which transaction the undersigned had no pathy.. or connection, directly or indirectly; - but plea of poverty made by his brother, and the tiAlhat permission had been given.him so to do by Post Adjutant, rendered the course of his bro- in this particular, excusable._ • ~ .'us, fn learning that the expressman had taken !.;• eat in his cellar (in his Absence), certain Intr o.. - rf things for - his brother, until they were found • i e detective he never . dreamed that the barrels ,-• ed. anything besides citizens' clothing. . . Wirtuum STILL. LADEL•cm..x,.illay•26th, 1864.- TENTION is called to an advertisement In an •r column of the Connecticut Mining Company. osToN, May 23 2 IS64.—The prices of Cedar Ca;iii .r (cheapest and best for Moths) are:` Single Parcel Al 50 Eamity Package of six S'oo ;Sold by druggists, town and country. Made by Barris & Chapman, Boston, my26-3t (loners, BU7liCi,Ns i INVERT - fill NAILS, MiLAIMBD orn - Ts , and all diseases of the feet, coxed without pain or inconvenience to the patient, by Drs. Zacha ries & Barnett, Surgeon Chiropodists, 921 Chestnut stieet. Refer to physicians and surgeons - of the city.. Lf SPECIAL NOTICES. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATTVE HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE, HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. In Longfellow's Poem Hiawatha was aiiindgeci to have conferred the greatest boon on his tribe becansc he brought to its notice corn. Every one will admit hat our preparation is worthy of its name, for the be- Refits it confers when it is known. WHAT-THE HIANVATH,CDOES It restores faded and gray hair and whiskers to their Original color, It brings up the natural shading of one hair with another, thus giving the hair a perfect life appearance, so that the most critical observer cannot detect its use. It makes harsh hair soft and silky, stops lie falling out, cleanses it and the scalp from all impo.• xities, is as readily applied and wiped from the skin as any hair dressing, and entirely overcomes the bad et recta of previous use of preparations containingsulphnr, sugar of lead, Arc. The proprietors of the Hiawatha published the fol. i , owing challenge to test in the New York dailies three eeks, which WAS NEVER ACCEITED: let some well known and, disinterested persons aii y• ' point one to the proprietor of each preparation for the hair to bring np the color. Every proprietor to use llothing but his own preparation, and the person Itothing also during the test. A certificate of there. Snit to be widely published at the expense of the un luccessful competitors. Sold everywhere. JOSEPH HOYT it CO., 10 University Place, New York. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF TEM. LATEST Bursa, made to the Beat Manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Fignres. All Goods made to Order warranted dhtlisfactory. 01:11' ONE-PRICK SYSTEM. is strictlyadhered no. All are thereby treated alike. .1102S-13r JOIYES St CO.. 604 MARKET Street. BlosmomEßy'S NERVINE is a sure ntiedy for Neuralgia, ?Nervousness, 11.eadache, Fits, c. For sale by Dycru & * Co., Johnson, Holloway & Bowden, and Stradley, Sixteenth and 3farket. Call at y office and see certificates, 1622 PINE Street, 'hiladelphia. ruy2l-755 To CLEAR THE 110IISE OF FLIES, YSE atelier's celebrated LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER, "eat, cheap article, easy to use. Every sheet will kill nart. Sold everywhere. RENCH, RICHARDS, & CO., TENTH and MAR ET Striate, Philadelphia, wholesale agents. ELLrn. DYE I HAIR DYE I I BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE is the Best in e World. The'only Harmless, True, and Reliable ye known. This splendid Hair Dye is perfect— hanges Red, Rusty, or Gray Hair instantly to a lossji Black or Natural Brown, without injuring the : air or staining the Skin, leaving the., Hair Soft and • eautifril iiimparto fresh vitality,frequently restoring its ristine color, and rectifies the ill-effects of bad Dyes. he genuine is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR all there are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Sold T all Druggists &c. FACTORY, Si BARCLAY Street, ew York. Batchelor' s new Toilet Cream for Dressing e Hair. isBo-17 STEINWAY & SONS, PIANOS, PIANOS, For sale only at BLASIUS BROS„ 1006 CHESTNUT Street. MASON IXCS & Co 7 .s 5'..- lI.A.IILIN'S ~s ~ CABINET ORGA.NB OK & CO, ' g Val POPULAR CLOTHING HousE of MILL& "OAS HALL." " Beat-class goods and moderate prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN, S. E. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets. cud= Department (to make, to order) ifo. 1 S. Sixth at WICEELEB , I% WILSON'S EflcurEsT Rtundrum LOOK-STI.TOII SEWING DIA.OIIINES THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST :. 88rooma, 704- CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh Puxos. PIASTOS J. B. GOULD, nd CHESTNUT SEVENTH KNIGHT. —At Carver HoCpital, llraAhington, on the 2;1.b inst. , from wounds received Maylo, at the battle of the Po, Corporal Thos. W. Knight, Company K. lHtit P. V., son of the late Walter Knight, in the 21at year of Mc age. The relatives and friends are respectfully" invited to attend the funeral, from the residence el his uncle, Isaac Bewley, N 0.410 Worth Bleventli street, at 2.0' clock, nag (Friday) afternoon. To proceed to Cedar Hill Ce metery, Frankford. MC LB.—The funeral of Maier A. TI. Engle will tako piece on Saturday, the 281 h inst., at 31', 31, from the residence of his parents, No. 1931 Spruce streot. - F is friends aro respectfally invited to attend without further notice. OBITUARY Mr. JOHN MeCOY; who recently died at his resi dence in North Fifth street, nt the ripe age of 72 years, WILE connected with a race of public men who are fast dis appear Inn f Vont ilineng,t. us. In early life ho had fixed his residence in the old distt let of SouthWark, and, whilst conducting his private affairs with diligence and sae cost, he at the same time manifested a 'Leal in the pros perity of that old district. Called by hisfellow.citbtens to participate in its municipal Government for several. successive terms, he soon became conspicuous as ono of the pioneers of that day in introducing needful reforms, in the face of much opposition, and.with his colleagues, was instrumental in the opcningand extension of streets through the rural portiens of the district, in furnishing it through tin length and breadth with a plentiful sup ply 'of wholesome water, thereby .4imulatiug private enterprise, and laying the foundation of its present magnificent extension. Ito was for many years an ac tive member of several charitable and beueficia neck ties, and ever ready to assist in doing good. Mr. Mr- Coy 'a integrity as a public officer wits without reproach, Those Who differed with Mtn in the conflict of partisan strife paid homage to his honor and hit, honesty as a Wall. Ile leaves two daughters to mourn the loss of a good father. The elder is married to one of the wealthi est and first settlers of San Francisco; the younger to no merchant of our city. As out age began. to invade him he withdrew from the cares of active His. In the calm seclusion of his own fireside, in the bosom of bis children, ns his - well-spent life drew towards its close, sustained by an unfaltering faith, he mosl pa tiently and hopefully addressed himself to preparation Mr that last and solemn scene of nil which ends our eventful hhtory. J. 0. pESSON & SON HIVE JUST OPENED Black Camels' Hair Berme Long Shawls. " Barege Square Shawls. " Grenadine Bar- ,, e Square Shawls. " Grenadinaquare Shawls. " Mousseline de - Wile Square _Shawls. White and Black Shepherd Plaid Yinhaire, " Valencias,acti2X, Tsc, 873<c, $l, and $1.25 Ft yard. White and Black Striped Skirting, 71c. Black neat Check Ilareges, 57% - c• myle MOURNING STORE. No. 915 CHESTNUT Street. SEA-SIDE HOTELS SUPPLIED CHEAP. Table Linen by the piece. Napkins by the dozen, low. • Quilts for single beds, &c. Bed border Chamber Towels. Huguenot Stout Sheetings. inv2a • - EYRE & DELL. THE 'CITIZENS , VOLUNTEER lIOSPITAL ASSOCIATION:tone:II to a generous people to sustain them in their efforts to administer re lief to the noble men who have sacrificed every home comfort, risked life and limb in the desperate conflict with treason, who are determined to crush -with the iron heel of right the deep ingratitude of a misguided and basely rebellions faction, and restore to its pristine purity and beauty the Union of our noble sires, plant nimo every 'Southern hill-top our liberty tree, and moisten its roots with their warm lifeblood, or thud a grave beneath its soil. Several thowand snch have already arrived among us, and been first received at this institution, proper re freshment freely and promptly given, their festering wounds bathed cud dressed by woman's tender .hand, find every want anticipated. Donations of money, clothing, vegetables, preserves, dried fruits, or any article beneficial to th- afflicted, will be Cheerfully received, and may be sent to the flozi. lel, core of THOS. L. GIPPORD, Secretary, or J. H. CLAYTON, Storekeeper. The following members comprise the Finance Com mittee, and would be glad to hear from the fiieuds of the Soldier: JOHN 'WILLIAMS, Office No. 6 Willimes ILHOS. TIIOS T. TASKER, Sr., No. 16025. Fifth street. FRANK BAY LE, at M. Thomas SE Sons', No. 139 S Fourth street. . AMUEL BAYLE, Office of Florence Sewing lifachint Coutprtny, Chestnnt street, below Seventh. CIIARLES P. PEROT, southeast corner of Broad and Christian streets, or any member of the Board of Mana gers. ' It GREAT CENTRAL EAIR.—COM. 111:;rMITTEE ON FINANCE AND DONATIONS. Prtn.ADELTurrA, May 19, 1564. ADDTTTON AL susscmrrioNs. . . Lehigh NavigArion Coal Co Delaware and Hudson Canal Co 2,000 0). Board of Brokers of Philadelpnia 1,000 03 Lehigh Zinc Co 600 00 Alexander Henson GOO 00 G. T. Sham 500 00 Beaver Meadow Railroad Co 250 00 Enterprise Insurance Co - 250 00 W. H. NtWhold,per J. Aertsen 250 00 -- Little Schuylkill Railroad Co 230 00 Western Savings Fund Society 200 03 M. J. July and S. L. Shober .. 200 00 J. T. Flall 100 00 E. Y. Glarklautl 100 00 Harris Sc Co 100 00 ' M. Jacobs 100 00 25. T. Miller St Co 100 00 Abraham Barker 100 00 F. J. Sylvester 100 00 Amos Phillips 100 00 S. L. Webster 130 00 0121cers First Rational Bank, Hanover, Pa Previously acknowledged $65,459 57 A. B. BORIE, Chairman_ 110-" CONNECTICUT MINING COliPA NY.—Oftlee No, 130 WALNUT Street,-Phila- . . At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the CONNECTICUT MINING COMPANY,:heId May 2,1554, the following-named persons were elected Directors for the ensuing year - - WILLIAM S. STEWART, Philadelphia. .TOSEPII S. FISHER, do. JAMES L. CLAGHORN, do. cAR.LToN R. MOORE, do. WILLIAM II: CROSSMAN, Connecticut. R. MARSH, • do. RUFUS SMITH,. - S. SPENCER, - WHEELER, do. And at a meeting of the Directors suPseementlY held, the following named officers wore elected: President— ;WILLIAM S STEWART. Secretary—RUFUS - SMITH. , Assistant Secretary—CHAßLES M. MORRIS. Treasurer-CARLTON R. MOOSE. CHARLES M. MORRIS, ASsistant Secretary. - Extract from Pamphlet recentlypublished by the Exe cutive. Committee of the CONNECTICUT MINING COM PANY, copies of; which may be had on application at the titan° of the-Company, 10. 130 WALNUT Scree t:• "The Executive Committee present, for the informa tion of the Stockholders. \ the report presented at the au nnalimeeting Litchfield,May 9d, of Captain WILLIAM Ph:T.llElll,li - , consulting Mining Engineer, and Profes sor M. A. DUBOIS, analytical Chemist and Geologist, both of whom are well known as gentlemen of reliable character. The Committee also state that the Company is clear of debt, and it is not intended to create any; suflicient funds being in the TreaSury for the recom mencement at once of operations at the mines,the work ing of which has been suspended for some time, partly in consequenceof the de ceme of your former president, and the disturbed state of :itfairs incident to the war. Arrangements for active business are in progress,which will be completed within the next two weeks. The Company possesses seventy acres of laud, apparently inexhaustible in mineral wealth, with :h very liberal charterfromtheStateof Connecticut. The ore front the mines can be sold at remunerative prices. . . . . " If is gratifying to observe that a large nuinher of shares of stock have been purchased for investment, and to such stockholders the ComMittee would say that the measures which they contemplate carrying out with vigor, for the complete development of tile re sources of the Company, they confidently believe will result in prodlicing such returns as will be satisfac tory." my27-fin2t: 14rPROF. SCIIAEFFER 3 ON TIAIILET, THrS EVENING, Tickets and Prov,ramme,lls South SEI - ENV]. Street, Office of Committee ou Labor, TILE LADIES' (30.11111TTEE ON ' Cabinet 'Ware acknowledge the following dona tions for the Great Central Fair : G. Toliner, furniture - rained at $lOOO Gates, Kilburn, & Co., do 600 Employees G. R. & Co., do 211 George .1. Henke's., do 160 Gould & Co., do; 140 A Lady- in Reading,. cash 5 R. H. Edwards, do ' 6 From a Lady, a pair or elegantly carved picture frames, valued at 160 It igr=! ALL PERSONS WHO HAVE VALU. • ABLE autograph letters, &c., that they intend giving to the Sanitary Fair, are : requested to send them as early as possible to 401) S. NINTH. Street, as the Committee on Relics, Curiosities, and Autographs, is desirous of- putting the catalogue into the printer's hands this week. Those who are making up books of autographs, if they wish their lists to appear in the printed catalogue, are also requested to communicate with the Chairman It MTREE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.— eSpecial Committee for fancy goods, watches, jewelry, silver and plated ware; earnestly requO6 . t the trade in this city to send iu their contributions de.signed for this department - without delay, in order to complete arrangements in season. accompany the goods, and directed to J. E. CALDWEI,L, Chairman, nry27-fit 5.22 CHESTNUT Street. 'TELEGRAPII NOTICr.--A MEET- L' , ;(3 Or ale Stockholders ot' the INLAND AND INDEPENDENT TELEGRAPH COMPANIES' Will be held at No. 4.1-11(2d story) (lIIES2k:ITT St. By reano,a, of It. MANY STOKIIOLDERS. WEST PUTLADEEPMA INSTP TUTE. —A SPECIAL MEETING of the MEM BERS of the INSTITUTE will be held in the LIBRARY ROOM, cu FRIDAY- EVENING, 27th instant, S o'clock, for the purpose of considering amendments to the fjonstitution and other important business. lt* JAMES MILLE Et, President. Igr.NOTICE.—OFFICE BUCK .111031 N TAIN COAL COMPANY, No. 320 WALNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, May 2.5, 8364. The Board of Directors have Ellis day declared a Divi dend of TEN PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company, subject to -National and State tar, payable on and after the 15th proximo. The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed this day, sod reopen on the 16th proximo. By order of rho Board. T. H. TROTTER, my26-6t Treasurer. - SANITARY FAIR.—CHILDICEN'S CLOTHING. The Committee is now ready to receive articles for this Department, at the Logan-Square Depot. Ls we propose to offer for sale, at the FAIR, complete wardrobes for children, we solicit from all Fair. wort:- ers_: coutribations or Children's. Under Garments, Wrappers, Aprots Dresses, White Caribaldis, Sacques, and Cloaks, Boy's'Suits, Bathing Suits, Infants'-Ward robes, Baby Baskete, Knitted and Embroidered Wraps for Bnbies; Knitted Goods of ell descriptions for • Chil dren': wear. • The " Chi tdreri's` Clothing Establishments' are re quested to ticket, with their names, each article in their Contributions. All parcels should be clearly marked "Children's Clothing, • and addressed to MRte. JOHN C. CRESSON, Chairman. Mae. J. L. BALLOWELL, Secretary. mp2s-St IW.J. WAGNER JERIION, Esq., delivers his Lecture on the REBELLION, at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on TUESDAY EVENING, 31st instant, for the benefit of the SANITARY PAIR. _Already 3,000 tickets sold. Secure your tickets at GOULD'S. rny2o.3is 110='BOOK EERING, PENMANSIILIP, ,tc. —Thorough and practical instruction at CRITTENDEN'S Philadelphia Commercial College, 037 CHESTNUT Street, corner of Seventh. Students instructed separately, and at such hours as best suit their convenience. No Vacations. / Catalogues for the year ending April 15th now ready, and may Ue obtained gratis at the College. my:n-IW. igrPENNSYLVANIA RAMILOAD COM. rAxy—TREABGrEER'S DEPARTMENT. PHILADEL PHIA, April 20. 1634. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS.—The Board of Directors hare this day declared a semi-annual dividend of five per cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after May )6, 1664. Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be bed at the Office of the Company, No. '236 South THIRD Street, Stock and Scrip certificatee for the extra dividend will be ready for delivery on and after May 2d, but no stock or scrip certificates will be delivered between the IMb May and lot. June. TILOMAS T. FIRTH, my2-lm Treasurer. OFFICE WESTERN PENNSYLVA NIA RAILROAD COMPANY. , . PIrFLADELPIHIA, May 20, 1854. NOTICE TO STOCKHOL D ERS..7-A special meeting of the Stockholders of thin Company will be held on THURSDAY, the Vith day of JITNE,IB64, at lt o'clock M.. at the Office of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO)IYAi!iY, in Philadelphia. for the purpose of aecept.: leg or rejecting " An act relating to the Western Penn wrivrnia Railroad Company, and Ter other purposes, approved 27th April, IS'64,' and also to take action in reference to a;€qi increase of the CapiW. Stock of the Company. Dy order of the Board. - my'll-ISt • . JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. OFFICE GIRARD vntE AND HA EINE INSURANCE COMPANY, 415 WALNUT Str,eet, May 10,1.554. The Directors have declared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. for the last six months, clear of taxes, and pay able to the Stockholders on demand. S. OILLETT, Treasurer. far? DIVIDEND.—OFFICE NOUTILERN CENTRAL RAILWAY' comPANA: BALTI.IIOIM, slay 6, 1964. At a meeting of the President and Directors, hold thin. day, the following resolution was adopted: 'Resolved, That a dividend of TWO (2) PER declared on the Capital Stock of this Company, and on the Instalments paid in, for the quarter ending the 15th Inetaut ; and also an extra dividend of TfIREE (3) PER cent. on the same. Sold dividends to be paid free of State and National taxes onand after the 2.5111 instaitt. The Transfer Books of the Corn any. will be closed from the lath to the 25th instant. Bv order. my9-mwflOt ' J. S. LEI.B Treasurer. iltgr THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. Admissions have been fixed no follows: For the Inaugural Ceremonies and "Private View," on TUESDAY P. 111., Juno 7th $2OO On this occasion not over 10,000 persons will be admitted. SEASON TICKETS. not transferable,admitting on and after WEDNESDAY, Juno Sth, to all parts of the Fair, excepting exhibitions for children.• $• CO SINGLE ADMISSIONS, on and after Juno Stli, not including the departments for which special charges are made 60 Children under 10 years of age 2.6 To Active Members and aids of Committees Season Tickets will be sold on the requisition of the Chairmen of the several Committees at $3 00 JOHN WELSH, Chairman Executive Committee. 1ny2.2-tf HORACE HOWARD FURNEBS. Sec'y. igrIINIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA• NIA—MEPARTMENT OF ARTS, —The final examination of - the Senior Class will be held in the fol lowing order, beginning each day at 4 P. M. •. TUES4I7. 24th—By Professor Frazer, (Physical Ge ography. ) WEDNESDAY, 25tb—By Professor Allen, (Xeao• phon's Memorabilia.) THURSDAY, 26th—By Professor Conn o, - (rutOrult tinnal-Law.) FIG DAY, 27th—By Professor Jackson, (Cicero de Amieitia ) 111(iNDAY, 80th—By the Provost, (Butler's Analogy.) TUESDAY, Slet—By the Provost. ( Polities) Economy.) GEORGE AL LEN, • • . . _ my 24-11 Secretary of the Vacuity of Arts. NOTICE.—ON AND AFTER FRI DAY, the 27th ioOt., uo ono will ho ml milled to the Buildings of the Croat Central Fair withmu a. ticket. 110 RACE 11.0 WARD FURNESS, Secretary. _ TABLE DEPARTMENT OF TUE COMMITTEE ON LABOR, INCOME, and. RE VENUE OF THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. , Mrs. W. Hotter, Counsellor, No. 317 New street. Mrs. J. W.:Forney, President, No. 615 5. Washington Square. Mrs. R. Hammett, Vice President, No. 117 Vine st. Miss Ada Sager, Treasdrer, No. frXt Arch street. Miss Louisa B. Clughorn, Corresponding Secretary. No. 1009 Arch street. Mrs. Thos. Fitzgerald, Recording Secretory- No. 337 South Seventh street, Donations of all kinds of Fancy Articles thankfully re ceived. Articles can be sent by express, or otherwise, to either of the above Ladies, or to the office, No. 118 South SEVENTH Street, and ley will be dilly acknow ledged. 111).16.131 TIM TIMM SEMI-ANNVAIL EX of the EAST PENNSYLVANIA AG RICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL .SOCIETY will he held at NORRISTOWN, on THURSDAY, Jane:), 1564: The attention of Horsemen and the Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements is particularly invited to this Exhibition, as the facilities for display and hale are un equalled by auy other society in the Skate: By order. myl2-ISt WM. BEAN, Recording Secretary. Mr" :AETNAIIIINII , OI . a COIIIPANy.—THE Annual Meeting o f the.Stoclzholdersot the /Etna Mining Company, of Lake Superior, will he held at their office,"No. .324 WALNUT. Street, on TUESDAY, the 31st inst. ' at 11 o'clocic. M. ' Her the election of Directors, and the transaction of other business.' ' B. A. HOOPES, Secretary. Philadelphia. May 14. ISfi4. IW.. OFFICE OF TUE METALLINE LAND COMPANY OF LAKE SUPERIOR. P isr ITILADELPITIA, The Stated Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the METALLINE LAND COMPANY will he held at the OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, 324. WALNUT Street, on MONDAY the 6th day of Jane nest, at 12 IL 1213 - 17-tie6 F. R. WOMRAPff, Clerk. EMPIRE COPPER. COM PANT— PITILADELPHIAt May UL —The anima meeting of the Stockholders of the Empire Copper Com pany (uf Lake Superior) will be - held at THEIR 0E FICE No. 423 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on FRIVAY, the 3d day of June, 1864. at 4 o'clock P. M., for the election of Directors. and the transaction of other business. J. S. McMULLIN, my2o-13t Secretary. RESOLUTE MINING COM PANT.— The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the RESOLUTE MINING COMPANY,' of - Like Superior, will he held at their Office, No. 324 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, ou MONDAY, the sixth day of June next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the Election of Directors and other business. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary. PrirLADELPETIA. May 21. IS6I. iny23-tje6 OFFICE OF TILE AMYGOALOLD igr 7 IIINLESTG COMPANY OF LAKF, SUPERIOR. PHILADELPHIA, May 14, 1564. • The stated Annual Meeting of the. Stockholders of this Company will be held on WEDNESDAY, Junel, at 11 o'cluck hf., at the °atop, No. a 24 WALNUT Street.. An election for Directors will take place, to servo the Com pany the ensuing year. P. K. WOAIRATFI, myl6-riel Secretary. CORN EXCRANGE PIITLADELPITIA, 'Hay 3, Mt The Directors have declared a Dividend of SEVEN per cent., payable on demand, clear of State and 11. S. (3 per cent.) tax. J. W. TORREY, mv4-tf Cashier. P.BILADELBILIA. AND BOSTON MINING comrAst, PITILADELPATA, May 19, 1564. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Phila delphia and Boston Mining Company (of Lake Superior) will be held at their Office, No. 423 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on FRIDAY, the ad day of JUNE, 1564, at 11 o'clock A, M., for the election of Directors and the transaction of other business. my2o-tjeS J. S. MeMULLIN, Secretary. 60 00 I G MAIM MINING COMPANY Or IdDIRIGAN.—The Annual Mooting of the Stockholders of the GIRARD MINING COMPANY, of Michigan, will be held at their Office, No. 324 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, the seventh day of June next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the Election of Directors and other business. $9,510 00 00,649 67 B. A. HOOPES, Secretary. PITILADET,PFITA, May 21, 156-1. m}23-tje7 TUE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR:— The COMMITTEE ON HATS, CAPS, and FURS, request that all persons who have donations for this de partment of the Fair will please forward them to the Central Warehouse, before SiTURD . IT, the fifth day of June. Any donations in fancy articles will be thankfully re ceived, and duly acknowledged by the Committee. Let all packages be marked has: E. MORRIS; Great Central Fair 'Warehouse, Philadelphia. On one corner of the package write the name of the donor, with their address. Send by express, but do not pre-pay chum. Send to the Chairman of this Committee -a receipt of shipment, with. invoice of their reasonable value. E. MORRIS, Chairman, No. 3 South FIFTH . Street. J. A. TILOP., Chairman. my2s-wfm3t. IRO MOULDERS ATTENTION:— 11/ V '''' Th 6 San Francisco Moulders are on a Strike, and ask you to keep away for the present. ' HENRY - MORGAN, President. P. REgLEP, Sec. San Francisco H. 11. layl6-mwfdt* illgr• OFFICE OF THE LEIIIGII COAL AND NAVIGATION.COMPANY. - - PHILADELPHIA, May 24, 1564. A dividend of - THREE PER CEpTI T,being, one dollar and fifty cents per share on the Capital Stock of the Compa ny, has this day been declared by the Board of Mann pre, payable on demand, clear of United States and State taxes. EDWIN WALTER, My243-6t Treasurer. . !HEAD QUARTERS PROVOST MAR SH AL'S OFFICE, SECOND DISTRICT OF PENN . - SYLVANIA, No. 256 South Twelfth street. • WherenB, It is for the interest of the people of each ward to have stricken from the list all names iMproperly enrolled, because au excess of names increases the quo ta: it is equally for the interest of each person enrolled iu a given ward to have placed upon the list all persons liable to do military duty, because the greater the number to be drawn -from, the less the chance of each individual to be drawn. The Board of Enrolment will be in session daily, to strike from the list all persons not liable to military duty, and to enroll all persons whose names may have been omitted, all persons who shall have arrived at the age of Twentli (20) before the draft, all persons dis charged from the military or naval service of the United - States who have not been in service two years during the present war, and all Aliens who shall have-de clared their intentions to become citizens of the United States or who have held oilice:under the General Go vernment. It is hoped that the people will take vetch interest in this matter as will enable the Board to make a complete enrolment. EDWIN PALMER, ._ tor23-if Capt. and Provost Marshal Second Dist. ,-Pa. f/ HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR SHAL, FOURTH DISTRICT, FA Northeast corner ,d• BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. In order to have the Enrolment List revised, the. BOARD OF ENROLMENT will, upon application at these Headquarters strike off the names of all persons now over forty-Bye years of age, all who are perma nently disabled, and those who have served in the Military or Naval Service two years during the present war, and been honorably discharged therefrom, and will aid to the List all who have arrived at the age of twenty years, all aliens who have declared their inten tion of becoming Citizens. Citizens who may be cogui- 1 sant of persons not havingLeen enrolled, are requested to notify the BOARD OF ENROLMENT, in order that the facts may be ascertained, and such persons . plabed upon the List. It is for the interests of the Citizens of each Ward to have stricken from the Lists all names improperly enrolled., and it is equally for the interest of each Person enrolled to have placed upon the List all persons liable to Military Duty, so that his own chance for Draft shall not he unjustly increased. D. M. LANE, Capt.; Prov. Marshal, iny23. -6t Fourth District, Penns. tHEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR SHAL THIRD DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA, No. 511 BROWN Street. Notice to hereby given that the Board of Enrolment Will sit on and after MONDAY next from 9 o'clock A. M. to 3 P. M.. until further notice, for the purpose of bearing claims of exemption from the enrolment of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards, for the following causes: Alienage. Non-residence . . Unsuitableness of age. Manifest permanent physical disability. JACOB S. STRETCH, Capt. and Provost Marshal FRANKLIN D. STERNER, Commissioner ALEX. C. HARP, MT2I-6t Surgeon ATTENTION, COMPANY E BLUE , RESERVES.—The-members of this Company will t assemble at BOARD OF TRADE ROOMS, `Mid .%e (Friday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Business of im portance. All at auy time connected with the organization are requested to be present. By order of WM. IVIES, Captain. Joseru J. BABCOCK, 0. S.' it RECRUITS: WANTED • FOR the Celebrated 3d PENNSYLVA.NIA. CAVAL 4. HY, now on Provost duty at Headquarters Army of Potomac. Apply to Major 0. G. G. ROBINSON, Recruiting; Officer, my26-3t 134 South FOURTH Street. YS T ONE BATTERY.-A . : Meeting willhe held on THURSDAY MERINO-, S o'clock, at the GUY ARSENAL. Young men wishing to enlist in this Battery for MO days' service aro invited to attend.. hi. HASTINGS, Captain. ARV ED UNION PRIEONERS.- K. , CARD PHOTOORAPHS of Starved Union Prison ers from Libby Pilsen. Price 15 cents each. DIcALLISTER & BROTHER, my 27-St 728 CHESTNUT Street. TVORYTYPES. —B. F. ' REIMER I unrivalled in the production of these adniired Like lICSSES simple style, accurate outlius, and Aar; artistic coloring of complexion and drapery. 624 ARCH Street. - it FAMILY DYE COLORS. (PATENTED OCT. 13, 1.31 n.) A SAVING OF SO FER CENT. BLACK, BLACK FOR SILK. DARK BLUE, LIGHT BLUE, PEEN CB BLUE. CLARET BROWN, LIGHT BROWN, DARK BROWN. SNUFF BROWN, For Dyeing Silk Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Feath ers,-Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing', and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. CHERRY CR1312014, DARK DRAB, LIGHT DRAB, FAWN DRAB, LIGHT FAWN DRAB, DARK GREEN, LIGHT GREEN, MAGENTA, For 25 cents yon can color as many goods as would otherwise cost live times that sum. Salons shades can he produced from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Di rpackageections in English, French, and German, inside of each MAIZE, MAROON, ORANGE, PINK, ROYAL PURPLE. PURPLE, SALMON, SCARLET, SLATE SOLFEIBNO, VIOLET, LEATHER. For farther information in Dyeing, and giving a per fect knowledge what colors are best adapted to over others (with ninny valuable recipes), purchase Howe & Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and - Coloring. Sent by mail On receipt of price-10 cents. li ll fit o n w rifa n ct s, ar s e p d E bY vms, 280 BROADWAY, Boston. For sale by druggists and dealers generally. my4-Imil BEDFORD WATER" INDIVIDU aIs and dealers will be supplied with " Bedford Water," fresh from the Spring, at the shortest notice, at the following rates: For barred., 40 gallons (oak) 013 00 Half do do 2 00 half ' do (mulberry) 3 00 The barrels are well steamed, so that purchasers usa7 depend upon receiving tbe Water as pure and freah as at the Spring. All orders addressed to ZEib lB- M. 14. L. 41NDE13.8011, Bedford,lN. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1864 MILITARY. IRETAAL DRY GOODS. ()TEL BOARDING-ROUSE PROPRIETORS, REVLEMSIIING FOR TIT& SUIVJCIVI3P7U, SEASON, WILL FIND TUE LATGL•ST STOCK OF BLANKETS, QUILTS, LINEN SHEETINGS, COTTON SIIEETIIIGS; PILLOW LINENS, PILLOW COTTONS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, TOWELING, J. C. STRAWBRII)GE & Co.'§, Northwest corner EIGHTH and MARKET Streets N. B. —Con siderablo retinct ion to parties taking largo lots. in y 2- w ()WEN EVANS & CO., NO. 45 NORTII Elwyn Street, successors to 7. - R. GASSEI,I3ERRY, Will epee THIS MORNING, from tee late cheap auc tions, hot AMERICAN MANUFACTURE ANI) FINE IMPORTED 0001)S. _ . 4 lots of choice Plaid Muhairs, Black itail White, coals, worth :+7%. 2 lots rich, bright Tartan Plaid GronadinOs, 2.5 cents, Worth X 37, handsome for children's dresses,' und would now cost double to import, 2 lots of miller Embroidered Silk Stripe PariS Oro 'imbues, 37;4 cents, worth 132 A" cents. A great sa crifice.- 2 lots hwailseme bright Plaid illozambiques, cents,. 'worth 62.34 emits. 1 lot super extra super quality Paris Sttin Check Crepes, 115 cents; most hoods, ale goods out this season, just landed, and worth 20 cents more. • . 10 lots handsome Travelling, Dress Goods, very mita blo and serviceable for the season, very cheap. SLIGHTLY 001 LED 111011 AIRS. ti lots slightly soiled idohnirs, '2Di cents, worth sound. 70 cents. 5 lots Plaid 14fobairs, White °rounds, 37% cents, worth 75 cents, slightly soiled with fresh water. lot Lupin Twist Ilornani, $2.75, worth $3.50. lot Lupin's Black Heiman gain.', 37;4 cents—a bar _ - 1 lot Thipin's Colored Hernani, 2.lcenta—very cheap. The aboye Goode, we think, are worthy your espeeial. attention. • BLACK GOODS: • MOTJEN-ING GOODS. Black litirc , ge, 31 cents to 50 cents,- flue quality. ards- e Black Bargee, $1.373 very - flue quality. -• • _ 2-yards-wlde White Came ; also, Crepe Marcia, cheap. l lot handsome Black Grenadine Sateen Hernani, 50 cen ts. Lupin's Black Delaine, double and single width, from 60 cerks to dl. _ _ BLACK' SILKS, SOLID COLOR SILKS Rem , Black Silks, from $l. to $5, - oil-betted. Oros grainedheavy .Silks, to $4. Those good makes. • We are selling Silks fast. We have them-yet at. those cheap rates, and seldom miss sales, on account of our prices being so low. SUMMER SHAWLS: STIILLA SHAWLS, - - - - - We have a large assortment of Spring and Summer Shawls, and they are Id old prices. Can suit the taste of almost every one. Plain. and Colored Border Hernani Shawls, 54.75 to $9.50. White :inn Colored Barege Shawls, $.3.25 to Ka Part, Silk Grenadine Shawls, Handsome. Stella Shawls, t05."1.20. All prices. Gaze claret Cadrille Shawls, Cheap and hand some. All other new and cheap Shawls, which we wish yon to look at. CLOAKING CLOTHS AND BALMORALS. Handsome DPW shades Cloaking Cloths, $1.25 to $3. New Spring Balmorals, $2. to $3. We have, by the yard, now style Balmoraliug, cents, double width, of the latest choice colors. ,'"ory handsome and cool, for summer wear. _ _ UMMEIM=I=O White Donley Flannel 50 cents, worth nowsS cents, 'Bathing-dress Flannels, all prices , low. Fine Linens, 4.5 to 75 cents; best makes. Wahasut ta. New York M and all the leading; makes of Muslim. at the usual low prices. OWEN EVANS & CO., Sucee , sors to J. R. CASSELBERRY, EXIMEEME= P. S.—Closing out HOOP 'SKIRTS cheap, to close the . business. Carpets From Sig to'l'l cents. Also, Matting on hand, cheap. Cm3'2:7-20 CASSELBERRY. COAL. COAL AT COST EFFECTUAL SYSTEM CHEAPENING COAL, BY AVOIDING ALL MIDDLE DEALERS `fit THE STOCK AND PRIVILEGE HOLDERS OF THE BROAD MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH VEIN COAL COMPANY; OFFICE, 121 SOUTH THIRD STREET, OPPWITE KIKARD BANK. Subscription open for 10,030,SHARES OF STOCK AT slo_ EACH,. payable Inzlf on snbscribini, and half on 2d August next. Each ,Share entitles the holder to receive, for D) years, every -ear TWO HEAVY T ONS OF COAL, AT COST,. besides CASH DIVIDENDS FROM PROFITS. , Cost, at present, $.5.55 the heavy ton (2,240 tbs.l) &a lit:erect at the /Levee in Philadelphia; while the illiarket price is 510, and over. This secrtras nearly 100 per cent dividend from this item alone, to which a cash divi dend is added every 6 months. Coal will be delivered on 3: nd after Ist October next. . _ The Company (cora manding, in its mines., inexhausti ble quantities of the best.coal) sells further, 6,000 PRIVILEGE CERTIFICATES, at EACH, payable half on subscribing, and half on 2d August next. Each Privilege Certijicate entitles 'the holder to receive. for JO years, emery year, FOUR HEAVY TOES OF COAL, AT us COST, inclive of ten per cent. of the market price in Phita dOphia, as compensation for the Company. This makes the cost, for Certificate holders, at present rates, $6.35 the he'ary ton (2.240 ths.), delivered at the house in Philadelphia: At this rate, a saving of hl4. tO on 4 toss of coal for each certificate, or. in oilier words, a divi dend of 146 per cent. on the investment, is realized, in the first year, commencing let October nest, and every year thereafter. The Company is coUstructing works on a very large scale to mine and develop, Under a Charter from this State, one of the richest and best coal fields in Schuyl kill county, comprising the MAMMOTH VEIN (White Ash) and THREE ACCOMPANYiN C. VEINS ( White and Red Ash), having, together, a tickness of 42 feet, and ninny thousands of feet in depth and length; being, in deed, inexhaustible for all practical purposes. For circulars and subscription, ,i,pply early, as above. m)25-lm lIENR *SCIMIOELE, Treasurer. LYON KATETAIRON Kathairon is from the Greek word "Kathro," or " Kathairo, " signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate, and restore. This artic!e is what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring, and beautifying the HUMAN HAIR it is the most remarkable preparation in the world. It is again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, skill, and attention which gave it a sale of over one million bottles per annum. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft, and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling oiland turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair should nee LYON'S KATHAIRON. 'lt is known and used throughout the civilized tmrld. Sold by all respectable dealers. DEMAS S. BARNES J.k . CO., New York. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA. BALM. This is the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun-burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, im parting the marble purity of youth, and the distinguf appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from the skin, leaving the Complexion fresh, transparent, and Smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by actresses and opera-singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Prepared by W. B. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DEMAS S. 'BARNES 3: CO., New York. BEEIMSTREET'S INIMITABLE HAIR REST©- ItiTIVE.-NOT A. DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by.supplying the capillary tubes with, natural sustenance, impaired by age or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and alkyd of themselves no dressing. Beim street's Inimitable Coloring not only restores the hair to its natural color by au easy process, but gives the -hair LUXURIANT BEAUTY, promotes its growth, prevents its falling off, eradicates dandruff, and imparts health and pleasantness to the bead. It has stood the test of time, being the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. Used by both gentlemen and ladies. It is sold by all re spectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agents, D. S. BARNES Sr. CO., 202 BROAD WAY, New York. Two sines, 60 cents and $L MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The parties in St. (Louis and Cincinnati who have been counterfeiting the Mustang Liniment,, under pre-. tence of proprietorship, have been thoroughly estopped by the courts. To guard against further imposition, I have procured from the United States Treasury' a private steel -plate revenue stamp, which is plaCed over the top of each bottle. Efteli.stfinp bears the fan simile of my signature, and without which the article is a counter feit, dangerous, and worthless imitation. Examine. every bottle. This Liniment has been in use and grow. ing in favor for many years. There -hardly exists a hamlet on the habitable globe that does not contain evl dence of its wonderful effects. It is the best emollient in the world. With its present iindroved ingredients, its effects upon man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Sores are healed, pains relleved, lives saved, valuable - animals - 7=de useful, and untold ills assuaged. For aruises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings, bites, eras, caked breasts, strained horses, it is a sovereign re— medy that should never be dispensed with. It should: be in every family. Sold by all - druggists. fe2l-mull3m3reow6m D. S. BARNES, New York. /1 . 01.4. THOMAS 0. JAMES.-0 A R D PHOTOGRAPHS Of Col. Thomas C. Jamo:, just published. . EICAELISTER BROTHEII,, rny27-3t 726 CHESTNIJC &root. WHIST' .CITY- 'TROOP. , LCA.RD PllO - Of tho First City Troop. Just pub. lisbed by . MOALTASTLR Sr .13ROTHER, My27-jt 72s cagavuT street, FINA.NCIAL. U.S. 10-40 BONDS. These Bonds are issued under tho Act or Congress of March Bth, 1851, which provides that all Bonds Issued under this Act SHALL BE, REDEEMED IN . COIN, at the pleasure of the Government, at any period not * less than nor more than forty pears from their date, and until their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars annually, and on all other Bonds semi annually. The Interest is payable on the first days of March aud September in each year. As these Bonds, by Act of Congress, are EXEMPT PEOM MUNICIPAL OR STATE TAXATION, their value is increased from one to three per cent. per annum, according to the rate of tax levies in vat - lone parts of the country. At the present rate of premium ou gold they pay OVER EIGHT PER CENT. INTEREST iu currency, and are of equal convenience as a perma nent or temporary investment, It is believed that no securities offer so great induce- Monts tb lenders as the various descriptions of U: S: Bonds- In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties or Mock companies, or eepn ate communities, only is pledged for payment, while for the debts of,gthe United States tho whole property of the country is holden to secure the payment .of both principal and interest in coin. These Bonds subscribed fOr in sums from $OO up to any magnitude, on the same terms, and are thus Made equally available to the smallest lender and the largest capitalist. They can be converted into money at any moment, and the holder kill have the benefit of tho Interest. ,The Funded Delft of the United States on which interest payalde in gold, 6n. the 3d day of March, 1864, was $768,905,000. The interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year will be 1145,937,125, while the customs reve nue in gold for the current fiscal year,ending Jane 30th, 1661, has been so far at the rate of over C 00,000,000 per annum. It will be seen that even the present gold revenues or the Government are largely in excess of the Wants of the Treasury for the payment of goldjuterest, while the recent increase of the tariff' will doubtless raise the an nual receipts from customs on the same amount of im portations to tl-ki0,000,000 per annum. , The authorized amount of this loan is Two Hundred Million Dollars, Instructions to the National Banks acting:as loan agents wore not issued until March 26, but the amount of Bonds reported sold at the United States Treasury up to May 11th, was , 548,964,000_ Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer or the United States at Washington, and the Assistant Treasu rers at New York, Boston, arid Philadelphia, and by the First National 13ank of Philadelphia, Pa. Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa Third National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. First National Bank of Allentown, Pa. First :National Bank of Carlisle,'Pa. First National Bank of Chester, Pa. First National Bank of West Chester. Pa. First National Bank of York, Pa. AND BY ALL NATIOTAAL BANKS which are depositaries of public money, and all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country (acting as agents of the National Depositary Banks) will furnish further information on application, and AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. my 23-6tIVII y;r R S T NATIONAL SANS pFETLADELPHIA DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES_ 1.4124-0 This Bank has been anthorize'd and is now prepared receive subscriptions to the NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN. _ This Loan, issued under authority of an act of Con gress, approved March 3, 1361, provides for the issue of Two Hundred Millions of Dollars ($ . 300,030,000) United. „States Bonds, redeemable after ten years, and payable fortyllyears - from date, IN COIN, dated March 1, 1864, bearing interest at the rate of FIVE. PER CEICE. _per annum IN COIN, payable semi• annually on all Bonds•over $lOO, and on Bonds of $lOO and less, an nually - Sabscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds as they may prefer " Registered Bonds will be issued of the denominations of fifty dollars ($5O), one hundred dollars ($100), five hundred dollars ($500), one thousand dollars ($1,020), five thousand dollars ($5;000), and ten thousand dollars ($10,000), and Coupon Bonds of the denominations of fifty dollars ($5O), ono hundred dollars ($100), five hula. dred dollars ($5OO), and one thousand dollars ($1,000). INTEREST Will commence from date of subscription, or the accrued interest from the Ist of March can be paid in coin, or, until further notice, in S. notes or notes of National Banks, adding (60) fifty per cent. to the amount for pre mium. C. H. CLAMS, ap3-tf President. N E L 0 A N. U. S. 1040'. JAY COOKE 3c CO. OFFER FOR SALE TEE NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Bearing Five Per Cent. Interest IN COIN Redeemable any time after TEN YEARS, at the plea sure of the Government, and payable FORTY YEARS after date. - Both COUPONS and REGISTERED BONDS are issued for this Loan, of same denominations as the Five-Twenties. The interest on $5O and $lOO payable yearly, but all other denominations . half yearly. The TEN-FORTY BONDS are dated March 1, 1864, the half-. yearly interest falling due September 1 and March 1 of each year. Until Ist September, the accrued interest from Ist March. is required to be paid by purchasers In coin, or in legal currency, adding 60 per cent, for premium, until further notice. All other Government Securities bought and sold, JAY COOKE ez CO., ap3-tf UAL SOUTH THIRD STREET. 10-40 LOAN! THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, S. W. CORNER OF MARKET STREET AND PENN SQUARE. Raving been designated a Depository of Public Moneys and Fiscal Agent of the United States, Will receive sub scriptions to the new Government 1 0 - 40 LO AN, Issued under the Act of Congress approved March Bd, 1864. Redeemable after ten years, at the option of the Government. Payable in forty years in coin. Bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum in COIL Registered Bonds and Coupon of different denomina tions. Interest commencing from date of subscription, or from the let of March last. DAVID B. PAUL, HEWES & RAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No 52 South THIRD Street, Dealers in Goyernment Securities, Specie, Bank Notes, and City Warrants. Stocks bought and sold on Com mission. Collections promptly made. my7-lm SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS ARTIFICIAL numax EYES Inserted 'without pain, bY JAMES W. QUEEN At CO., rayS-lm WA- CHESTNUT Street. OPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS' FIELD GLASSES. Microscopes for Physicians and Students. A very large assortment for sale by - JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street 6 i SPRUCE LUMBER," OF ASSORTED sizes and lengths, including odd Retells, from 3 by 4 to 3 by 11 inches deep, and from 19 to '26 feet long, to supply the place of Hemlock. Also, 2-inch SPRUCE PLAIs RS. On hand and for sale by HARBERT, DAVIS, Sz CO.. my2.743t,* LOCUST and TWENTY.FOURTH Sta. CARTES DE VISITE OF UNSUR v PASSED styli 13 and execution made at B. F. RE[- 621 ARCH Street. Their rare artistie morirS imyql fall to pleanq all.liLo Ttrikhitei). _ NEW PUBLICATIONS. NOW THE CAPITAL NEW NOVEL W 0 OD 33 IT N ROM YERTNER JEFFREY, AUTHOR OF "POEMS BY ROSA." 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth. Price $1.50. The Hartford Courant says of it: "It is refreshing to meet, In these days of sensational Braddon-Wood school of fiction, a story possessing so much real ability no Woodburn.' rhe scenes are, for the most part, laid at the South; and the many flue pic tures of its sunny landscapes, with which the book abounds, relieve the intense interest of the story. Most of the charaCters are drawn with great cleverness, and a few in such clear outlines that we feel assured we have met them in real life. The hero and heroine, Mr. Clif- Mrd and Ethel Linton, are line characters. Both pos sess the noblest qualities of mind and heart, and the reader will be in love with them from the first. The vil lain of the story, who bears the harsh-minding name of Basil Thorn, is a real villain. For unmitigated scoun drelism and remorseless - hatred it would be hard to match kiln, his miserable death in the-woods is a re lief to us. Rachel Thorn, a sort -of Becky Sharp, but without Becky's triumphs, is a powerfully-drawn cha racter. One of the hest personages in the book is the narrator herself, Amy Percy—bright, shrewd, lionost7- a girl who, disappointed iu her - first love, doesn't be lieve in breaking her heart therefor. The plot is ably managed, and the secret that hangs about Doctor Foster and the maniac is Si) skillfully concealed until the de- nouement, that it is impossible to guess it. There is much acuteness displayed in many of the author's re flections and observations. Her style is clear, compact, and animated, and with au ocensipnra exuberance re minding us of Miss Prescott. ' Woodburn' will add largely to Mrs. Jeffrey's fame, and the difficAt field Of fiction-writing she will take high rank." The Louisville Jour - nal ens's: " The authoress of this work is favorably known to the public by her remarkable productions inverse. tier poetry is distinguished by its deep feeling, fluency, nod touching pathos, as well as its groat descriptive Power. We always coveted for the public the efforts of Rosa's pen in prose, stud predict for 'Woodburn,' filled, as it is, with thrilling interest, a popularity equal to that which welcomed her poetic productions. "It exhibits admirably many of the wayward traits of human nature; and anroofs the scenes of daily do mestic and social life, digpliylng dthorough knowledge of those ways of the heart Which so many desire to con ceal, and which master-minds Alone have been able to uncover." nry2:i f Q„EVENTEEN CITIES' QUOTATIONS: L-- , —The only Banlc-Note Reperkw with Seveuteea Cities' Quotations of Bank Notes is the AMERICAN BANK-NOTE REPORTER. Out to-day for JUNE Ist. • CORM:MED :BY EMINENT BANKtilli4, viz: Lailirei) & Wainwright New York City. Ferree &Co - Philadelphia. . Wainwright & Co Balthnore. •Tt 1, noon Brint. & Co Cincinnati. Ward & Brother. • .. Rochester. _ . A. C. Badger ACo . Chicago. . Pant, 'Rittenhouse, S: Co I ,Va4lington City }I. AlailtellA Co Dubuque. _ Arthur Bland Louisville, K. B. A. Tillinghast & Son Troy. N. Y. Semple & Jones Pittsburg. Allen, Copp, & Nisbet ','t. Louis:. E Evertsen Albany. ,i,, • .... John NcLear 6: .on C. A, Read & Co Clevehtnth Marshall Sl' 1.1:,1ey Milwaukee. Louis A. Macklot " Davenport. STOCK . TABLES, MARKETS. FIFTY NEW N ATIONAL DANKSadded in ihiauumbor. TH I HIT NEW CI )17NTERF.11ITS. sußsCluerroN, pe'r annum, Semi-Monthly, Monthly, $l.. . . ••. . . Single copies', Ten Cents. .Address S. E. COHEN, Publisher, m..27-lit. 108 South THIRD Street, Pl.iludelul.i.a. PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DE TECTOII, JUNE. now ready at the (Mee of Publi cation, 306 CHESTNUT Street. Price 10 cents. Oue dollar per year. It ()ROTATIONS OF SIX DIFFERENT •`C CITIES in PETERSON'S DETECTOR for JUNE, and to be continued in every inintber, corrected by the following well-known and reliable Bankers: Philadelphia Drexel & Co. - New - York, T. Crommetin. Baltimore. Johnston Bros. & Co. Pittsburg, 11111 & Co. St. Louis, Haskell & Co. Cincinnati, S. S. Davis & Co. It lk NEW COUNTERFEITSA,RE fully described in PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR and DREXEL'S BANK-TOTE LIST for JUNE, which will be ready this morning, am T. B. PETERSON Sr BROTHERS' :406 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. TEF.31., -- One dollar per year monthly, or two dollars semi-monthly, or ten cents a number. Advertisements inserted irdit at lOW rates. It PETERSON'S IS THE ONLY DETEC TOR published giving the quotations of 13/X. diffe rent All the New Books are for sale at PETERSON - S. It TKE MARVEL'S NEW BOOK -I- SEVEN STORIES; WITH BASEMENT AND ATTIC, Published this day ALSO, - HEADLEY'S CHAPLAINS AND CLERGY OF THE REVOLUTION. TUCKERMAN'S AMERICA AND HER COMMENTA TORS. WORK AND PLAY. By Horace Bushnell. MY FARM AT EDGEWOOD. By the Author of Reve ries of a Bachelor. ALL NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS for sale as soon as published, by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, aad Book,-eller4, my 2.3 25 South SIXTH Street, above Clietuat ASELMEAD EVANS, Successors to WILLIS P. HAZARD. 724 CHESTNUT Street, Have received IK MARVEL'S NEW BOOK. SEVEN STORIES, WITH BASEMENT AND ATTIC. THE SOLDIER BOY; Or, Tom Somers in• the Army. By Oliver Optic. A spirited hook. THE FERRY BOX AND FINANCIER. A popular Life of Secretary Chase. THE BLACK PANTHER. A Boy's Adventures among the Redskins.-By, Wraxa.ll. - A good book. THE LITTLE REBEL.A new Juvenile. BUSY HANDS AND PATIENT HEARTS; Or, The Blind Boy of Dresden and his Friends. One of the best little story bookset issued. THE SMALLHOUSE AT ALLINOTON. Trollope's new novel. Finely illustrated. WOODBURN. A novel by Rosa Vertuer Jeffrey; 'au of " Poems bi- Ross." A NEW .11AP OE 150 RILES AROUND RICHMOND. A fresh supply received this morning. mrM NEW WAR MAP GIVING ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILES AROUND RICHMOND, and showing the Fortifications, &c., surrounding it. Alsn, _MI miles around Natchez, Miss. 100 miles around Chattanooga ; 200 miles arpund Montgomery • 1130 miles around Augusta, Ga. ; 250 miles around Charleston: 250 miles around Galveston, Texas, and giving the surroundings of Memphis and Nashville. Showing all the Railroads, Towns, Wagon Roads, and the Battle-Ground of the Wilderness and Spottsylvimia Court House, May 5-14, ISC.4. Price 50 cents. For sale by WM. S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, my2l 606 CHESTNUT Street. THE SUNBEAM STORIES, Containing the charming bright stories of TRAP TO . CATCH A SUNBEAM, CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROCK, ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFE, MERRY. CHRISTMAS, DREAM CHINTZ, STAR IN THE DESERT, dec. Six beautiful 'volumes, illustrated, $2.50. WILLIS P. HAZARD, Publisher, fe26-tjyl 21 South SIXTH Street. APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA.. The Agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street, second story. Also, RECORD OF THE REBELLION. By Frank Moore. CA R D.—TO THE LAWYERS OF Pennsylvania—l am now the Publisher of the 3 Volumes of GRANT'S CASES; the 3d volume will be ready by the 141 b inst. I have also a numerous collec tion of Law and Miscellaneous Books for sale cheap. - - rnylD-3 rn JOHN C.I.AIPHELL, 419 CHESTNUT St. FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STEET, • Banners, Regimental and Company Flags, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Passauts, Epaulets, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Classes, Spars, and everything pertaining to the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. ' A liberal discount allowed to the trade. mylS-lin FROTHINGHAM ct WELLS RAVE POE SALE, HEAVY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHIITE-WS AND SHIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. ' - HEAVY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND _ . SILECIAS. _ BROWN, BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN, &c. se24lf-tt INSURANCE. HAVE YOU PROVIDED FOR YOUR FAMILY AN INSURANCE ON YOUR LIFE? .11011 IE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, MUTUAL, WITH AN AMPLE CASH CAPITAL. WALTER 5. GRIFFITII,PaesrnErr. O. C. RIPLEY, Sc.F. I. H. FROTHINCIIIAX, Teats. WILLIAM J. COI - Fix, ACTILIRT. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Hon. William Strong; Rev. Matthew Simpson D._ D., Bishop of M. E. Church; ROT. Albert Barnes, D. D.; Rev. James Ai. Crowell; Thomas Robins Esq. Lewis R. As.hurst, Esq. Samuel Welsh, Esq: ; lamas Dunlap,, Esq, ;W. It. Leeiee, Esq. ; John Rice, Esq. ; Charles Humphreys, Esq. ; Ram E. Austin, Esq. ; S. C. Palmer, Esq. ;C. B. Mount, Esq. • Samuel C. Perkins, Esq. John R. Penrose, Esq., Samuel Field, Esq., Messrs. E,, W. Clark & Co. Bucienor, McCammon, & Co, ; John B. Myers & Co. ; Benjamin Bullock Sr Sons; Wm. S. & Alfred Martleu; George B. Reese, - Son, Co.- J. B. McCreary Jr CO. George Cookumn & Co.; D. B. Ker shaw & Co. ; Nay & Brother. JOHN H. PACKARD, AI. D., DIEDIcAL ExAMIXER, NO. 1T25 SPRUCE STRET, In attendance at Agent's Office daily from 1 to 2 P. M. • - PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, CORNER FOURTH AND LIBRARY STREETS. B. K. ESLER, AGENT. ap4-inwizm President TAME INSURAN No. 4 i c iV,B FIRE AND LILA Francis N. Buck, . Charles Richertleen, - Henry Lewis, 0. W. Davis, Y. S. Justice George A. West, FTtAisTCTS CHAS. RICH W. I. BLANCIIIARD, Secret pEIBIER'S COLORED PHOTO GRAPES bave borne the test of time, and still con tinue. as everpopular. No wonder; only 11 for a flue and accuratc /41.4.Quese, WWI) St,,a.boyq Ore4m, SHELDON t.KS CO., PUBLISHERS, No. 335 BROADWAY, N. Y ARMY GOOIJS. PHILADELPHIA DE COMPANY, TicIIT STREET, :TORS. John W. Everman, 'Robert B. Potter, John Kessler, Jr., E. D. Woodruff, Charles Stokes, Joseph D. Ellis. . BUCK, President. CARDSOX, Vice President. ary. WANTS. FLAGS WANTED hYft. THE SANITARY FAIR. The COMMITTEE OF INTERNAL ARRANORMINTS of the GREAT CENTRAL FAIR tor the U.S. SANITARY. COMMISSION desire the use of a LARGE. NUMBER OF FLAGS, Of various sizes, FOR DECORATIONS They will he properly taken rare of and returned to the owners at the close of the Fair. -Parties baying Flags, and willing to loan them to the Cemielitee, will please send them, with name and addrese, to W. S. STEWART, 305 31ARKET Street A SITUATION WANTED-BY - A • gentleman aged twenty-eight; gond writer, corre spondent, and accountant. Can furnish testimonials of character and integrity for the past twenty years. Has filled situation of clerk and correspondent. Address "J. 11. ," this office. - nIY26-3t4 A N EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER VAlltCd immediately in a largo wholesale and re tail dry roods and trimmingshouse- Unexceptionable reference required. Addres, " Steady, "to own hand writing, Prges Office. re y25-30` COLORED BELP, COOKS,WAITERS, aand CHAMBERMAIDS, for the City. and Long Branch. J. OLIVER'S Office, 1.113 PEND :itreet. tny2:3-6V r.EO. A. MORSE INVITES ALL lIIS "—^ old friends, neighbors, and tlio nablic generally, to call on him at Mil HAM and PRODITCS STORE, 1113 74.... 4 .12KET Street. TONAVAL PA YMASTERS.- A_ LA LTE A. A. Paymaster, thoroughly conversant with every branch of the business routine, desires a Clerk ship at some Navy Yard. Has occupied positions of pe culiar responsibility, and is competent to take com plete charge of any Paymaster or Inspector's duties. Address " Paymaster,' Press office. my23-6t* NVAINTED-AN AMERICAN" OR GER MAN 'WOMAN capable of attending to "It the duties of Housekeeping and willing to mako hor*lE useful; also, a hal f-growu Girl to a4sist. Familysmall. Fair wages to faithful porkonu. For informatton, ad dress, until Monday next, "Dux 1.500," Philadelphia PontOffice. my27-2t NVANTED.-A WELL IGIIT ED, . airy secon4l-story room, haVing a good entrant., suitable for a jobbing business. Athiress Box 269.!, Post 011ie, :=3"2.7-2tr. AVANTED—BY THE IsT OF JULY, T an experienced first-class Salesman,. one that can influence near country trade. in a Jobbing., TiP , lerY, and= Notion House. Address Box nil, Philadelphia Post Offloe. rnylS-wfinl3t WA NT E D-B Y THE FIRST OF T July, a situation in a Whole,ale Dry Goods .Tob binc , by a young Tan, a, SALESMAN. who can influence trade, and willing to travel and sell by sample. Best of reference given. Address "Sales thiS °Mee. my2,3-St. WANTED—AGEIsITS TO. SELL-BUT— T T IRE'S hnperior steel Plate PORTRAITS of Pre sident LINCOLN and General GRANT. Apply to or address J. P. SKELLY, sole Agent for Pennsytrania 908 ARCH Street. my2l-Gt. 5150,000 CORDS OF PITCH-PINF, 150 1 STUNTS, or very fat Pitch Wood, of the first growth, WANTED. For further particular+, addreAs AI.FRED BEItVEY It CO., Union Chemical Works, .TERHY CITY, New Jersey. my2l-6E.5 810 000 AND OTHER AMOUNTS to LOAN on mortgage for a term of rears a; five per CCM% per annum. Appty to LEWIS R. REDNER, No. 152 South FOURTH Street. my 26-2 t. 8 60 A MONTH !—I WANT AGENTS at $6.3 a month,l,ensea paid, to sell my EVER LASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS. and 13 other articles. Fifteen circulars sent/re& Address ap3o-d&w3ra JOHN. F. LORD, Biddeford, Maine. ko7F, A MONTH !--I WANT TO HIRE ‘4 , R. , AGENTS in every County at $l5 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new, cheap Family Sewing Ma N - chines. Address S. MADISO, Alfred, Me. felt?.-d&W3m or, WANTED TO PURCHASE OR Jaat RENTA Storebon.A on 31: - Irk et wt. , bet WO,l Third and Fifth sts. Address Box 2427 Post ()Mee. my26-3t' CAVALRY HORSES WANTED. WAR DEPARTMTNT, CAVALRY BUREAU, OFFICE OP CHIEF QUARTERMA...iTER, ASETTNOTON, D. C., May 18, 1864. THREE THOUSigI) (3,000) HORSES WA NTED. ONE. HUN DEED.AND SIXTY-FIVE ($16 , 3) DOL LARS-per bead will be paid for all CAVALRY HORSES . _ delivered within thenext tinny 00) days at the Go yernnmnt. stables at Gleeboro, I). C. Said Horses to be sound in all particulars, not less than five (5) nor more than nine (9) years old; from fif teen to sixteen hands high, full in flesh, compactly built, bridle arise, and or size sufficient for cavalry Thehe specifications will be strictly adhered to and ri dI y enforced in every particular. Payment made on delivery of seven (7) and over. JAMES A.. ERIN. nry2o-Im Lt. Col. & C. Q. M. C..valry Bureau. CAVALRY HORSES. A .a.SSIST' n E GENR .IL'S OFFICE HILAIYALPHIA, May 12, loot - Horses suitable for CAVALRY SERVICE will be purchased at this DEPOT by the undersigned, in Open Market, from date until May alst, iu lots of eight (8) to fifty (50), for 'which one hundred and fifty dol lars ($150), be paid in Certificate of. Indebtedness, *loth Animal to be subject to the usual Government Inspection before being accepted. Horses to be delivered to the Officer of the CAVALRY BUREAU, at the WILLIAM PENN HOTEL, MARKET, between Eighth and Ninth Streets. By order of G. H. CROSMAIL AssDt. Q. General: . CHARLES D. SCHMIDT, mylg-tgl Capt., A.. Q. H. BOARDING. TO -- REN TIIANDSOMELY-FUR FISHED ROOMS, with. every convenience, at 90.1 'WALNUT. Street. my26.3t, AT ACANT-SEVERAL HANDSOME -Iy-furnishedy-furnished ROOMS, for permanent or transient Boarders, at 900 SPRUCE Street. my24-6t5 SIROIFIEER RESORTS. f9LITBIBIA. HOUSE, %.--/ CAPE MAY. - - This - hotel will be opened June 15. The house has been put in thorough repair, and nearly two hundred new and greatly-improved BATH. HOUSES will be ready for the accommodation of enests Ice capacity and each department will be equal, if not superior, to any Hotel upon Cape Island. Bira feld's Band has been secured for the season. Address GEO. J. BOLTON, Proprietor, Cape Island. N. J. ; Or J. tI.DENNISON, my''6-1m Merchant;' Hotel, Phila. SEA -SIDE HOUSE, FOOT OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The undersigned informs his friends and 'former pa trons that his house is now open for the reception of guests; have also a number of Rooms and a private Parlor to rent in J. N. Whitall's cottage, opposite. mylo-19t DAVID SCATTERGOOD. CONGRESS HALL, CAPE ISLAND, NEW JERSEY. This favorite Hotel will be opened forthe reception of guests on JUNE FIRST. The House has been refurnished and thoroughly rano. voted. Writing and Reading Rooms and a Telegrapk Office have been added for the exclusive use of tnt guests. The proprietor feels warranted in assuring the publit that, with the gentlemanly and competent officers se cured, each department will be conducted to the entire satisfaction of the most fastidious, Hassler'F' full Bend, under the personal direction 01 Mr. MARE HASSLER, has been engaged exclusive', fox Congress Hall. Any further information will be cheerfully eiven, by addressing .1. F. CAKE, toyertf Proprietor. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE-GOOD WILL AND PART of the fixtures of "Fairmount Market Rotel. " Ap ply on.tlie premises 2t2.4 SPRING GARDEN Street, or at 920 ➢LARSET Street. my-27-3 E. I.'D. H. RADCLIFF. t e l FOR SALE OR RENT - HOUSE -ml:a No. - 524-North SIXTH Street. Inquire at the house, for one week, Iron, 9to and 3to 6. my:27-sc. et FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE FOUR STORY DWELLING, with three-story back build ing., &c., shunted at the northwest corner of SPRUCE and JUNIPER Streets. Lot 40 by 13) feet. Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR, iny'27 tl':l9 'WALNUT Street. - FOR SALE-" A SUPERIOR TOP BUGGY WAGON," and set of light HARNESS, at CONWAY'S Stable, PRUNE, bel. , w- SIXTR. Street. m3.-27-Bt. DRUGS. ROBERT~ SHOEMAKER & CO., N. E. Corner of pOITETLI and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND - PLATE GLASS. MANUFACTURERS OF WRITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, & - o. AGENTS FOR THE CELEERATED FRENCH INC PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied at VERY . LOW PRICES FOR CASH. WINES AND LIQUORS. a BARRELS - Y °UNGER'S ALE,' St. Anne's Brewery, in jugs. In store, and for sale by WILLIAM H. TEATON St CO., ap4 201 South FRONT Street. ioninn CASES PINET, CASTILLON, & CO'S COGNAC BRANDY, landing from brig "Louie," from Bard Pans. For ease by WILLIAM H. YEATON Sr CO., ar4 201 South FRONT StreAt. MILLLITERY GOODS. ria MISS M. A. BAKER, *Wm No. 1346 CHESTNUT STREET, Has onened a large assortment a PARIS MILLINERY, aplB-3m* For the Spring and Summer of MU. MATTINGS. M ATTINGS 1 MATTINGS 1 BEST quality, all widths, fresh HapOrtatiOn9. B. L. KNIGHT Sr SON, 807 CHESTNUT Street. LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE R SON, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILA., Have now in store a very fine assortment of LOOKING *GLASSES, of every character, of the VERY BEST MANUFACTURE AND LATEST STYLES • OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, 020 'PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES ICE CREAM. THE BEST ).CE CREAM Brought into the city, made in Delaware County. FROM PURE CREAM, and brought in FRESH EVERY MORNING. Hotels, Restaurants,Boarding Houses, Private Fami lies, Fairs, dm, supplied, on reasonable terms, at short notice. CALL AT - EASTERN MARKET 013.EESE AND ICE CREAM STAND, FIFTH STREET, BELOW MARKET. ap2S-lm W. IL SLOCOMS. MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING INSTRUMENTS. Chestertown's Metallic and Steel-tape lifeasurers. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 92 CHESTNUT Street. Priced and Illustrated Catalogues gratis. , AUCTION SALES. BAZAAR, NINTH AND BAN SOM STREETS. - AUCTION SALE cAnt2rA6k3, Wr SATURDAY, MORNING NW. - - - at 70 o'clock, comprising about SIXTY HORSES, including some valuable and fast Trotting Horses, suit ed to harness and the saddle. ALSO, New and sound- hand Carriages, Light Wagons, &c., with which the sale will commence. Also, single and double Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Corers, &c. .9,4-No postponement on account of weather. AtiriP.Sale of Horses, Ste., Wednesday next. .agi-s Carriages and Harness at private sale. _ 11)3'2ft-a if ALFRED. M. HERKNESS, Auctioneer. ..eTTHE BLACK HAWK STAL . LION " DON JUAN " will be sold at aucnazt at BERNIVESS BAZAAR, on SATURDAY next. Tor petligreejte., inquire at the Bazaar.lny2.s-3t. USEMENTS. SPECIAL NOTICE. MOWER HOSPITAL CONCERT, under the direction of CARL-WOLF:WIN, will be ins pealed ON SATURDAY, MAY as, us+, At hal r paFt. 4 o'clock. Those holding T11110ET"; FOR THURSDAY will be admitted, and tho Programme will remain. wlthoat eltang, AN EXPRESS TRAIN OF CANS for the Hospital will leave NTNTI-1 AND GREEN STREETS pce9iFely a I o'clock, Tickets can he had at Mr. , . BIDDLE'S, 1500 Loos? street. tayr 2.t WALNUT-STREET THEATRE. THIS (Friday) EVENING, May' at. BENEFIT OF Mrs. THAYER, nn Which occasinn,,..llll.. LEWIS BAKER and Era. ALEXINA FISHER BAhER., bare kindly vnlunteepd. Th , p , rfoimance wilt commence with the beaatifal domortic Dra MN, entitled CRICKET ON THE HEARTH - . Dnt Mrs. Alexi naFisher Daker... John PeeryLinale Mr. Lewis Rukeir. After which the , musical. Farce of the LOA NOPA LOVER, nod .Tif '8 FAITHFUL SLATE: G-RN E T A E T T E S CHESTNUT -STREET LEONARD GROVER HANAOIIar. (Also of Grover's Theatre, Washington. D. 0.) THE COOLEST ANT, MOST COMFORTABLE THEATRE IN AMERICA. MEM will iippPar GROVEIt'S GREAT YiTASAINGTON COMPANY Combined with GROVER'S PLULADELPLIIA COM PANY, Making it the bent Drsmatic Company in America. Music hy the Grand Orchestra, directed by the great maestro,CHARLES KOPYITZ. myntt IRS . JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH. STREET THEATRE. BENEFIT ui. FRANK DREW. IA GLORIOUS RILL. TO-NTGIIT(Friday), MAY 27tb, o - THE CMEDS"." 01 , Drorniorof Syracuse Frank Drew. Drornio of. Ephesus Stuart Robson Anttpbolis of Ephesarton Fie Ephesus B To conclude with the legendary drama of RIP VAN WINKLE; Or. A Legend of the Catskills. Rip Van Winkle Fra-ik Drew. (:BEAT BILL ON SATURDAY zacorr. Doors open at 7) , 4 ". Curtain riaea at .ki; to 8. A CADEMY OF MUSIC. CONCERT, RECITATIONS, AND TABLEAUX bat the Pupils of the J. qtrINCY ADAMS GIRLS' GRAN_ MAR SCHOOL, on FRIDAY EVENING, May 27th„ and. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, May 2Stb, at 3 o'clock_ Tickets good fir either Ent,rtainnient, POSTPONED Ou account of the rain lam evening, the Concert of the John Oninct Adam; Girl 5.' Cram mlir School, appointed. for Thrtr:4dar cycninr„ a; the lc adctcy of Music, will take..ohtee 'rHISt FRIDAY/ EVENING, 27th inst. , and SATURDAY AFTERYCOY, sth inst. rnyir-a4. A GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRII- Ii MENTA.T, CONCERT will be :riven in the COURT ROUSE, Camden, N. J.,ou EATURI) A.Y Evening, May co m men cing at 8 o'clock. Ad nausiou 50 cents. Pro ceeds fur the "Sanitary COMilli,ittli." The servioei3 of Mrs_._ Ilenriette Behrens, Mr. Themlere ?amend, Si mon Bossier, and Fla,sler's famous orchestra, hare. been secureefor tl,c occasion. my-27.2c. ASSEMBLY BE - ILDIN GS, CORNER TENTH AND CHESTNUT_ Continued success WOODROFFE'S DOKEWAIN TROUPE. SIX RIGHTS MORE! PRESENTS' PRESENTS t MORE PRESENTS! MORE PRESENTS! No and to Presents. A THIRTY-DOLLAR CASE given away every evening this week. A Prize forte tallest lady. A Prize tor che heaviest man. A Prize for the largesc number of ladiOB. A Prize for the best Poem. PRIZES. - PRIZES. PRIZES, Mrs, C. A. Woodroffe.every night. Mrs. C. A. Woodroffe every night. MATINEE, WEDNESD.VY AND SATURDAY. MATINEE, WEDNaDAY AND SATURDAY. Doors open at 734 r. to commence at 5 Doors open at 7;-.1; to commence at S. See programmes See programmes. Admission, Evenine, 25; Afternoon. 15. FOYER ACADEMY OF MUSIC. -a- SATURDAY. May 2S, 15 . L 3 rsl, at o'clock, CARL WOLFSOHN'S SIXTH _AND LAST CLASSICAL MATINEE OF THE SEASON, On which occasion he will have the valuable assistance of AUGUST KREISSMANN, Celebrated German Tenor, from Boston, THEODORE THOMAS, THEODORE KAMMERER, and THEODORE _AFIREND. PROGRAMMES, con raining - a full translation of the SONGS sum; by Herr. KREISSMANIi, may he found at the. Music Stores. SINGLE TICKETS ONE DOLLAR. Con be had at the Music Stores and on the day at the Door. my - ai-3t Doors open at 1R To commence a o'clock, A OADEMY OF MUSIC--GBAND NH SICAL ENTERTAINMENT—TUESDAY EVENING . , May 31,.156-I, by the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA and youNoM.MNNERCHOR. ALso an Address on Pa triotism and the Rebellion, by J. Wagner Jermon, Esq. Proceeds to be given to the Sanitary Fair. La dies' Aid Society, Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon, and the Charity . Hospital. Tickets 10 _cents, secured seate '*l.. To be had at Gould's Music Store. Seventh. and Chestnut streets, and at the Academy of Music oa the day of the Concert. mr2-1-50‘ CONCERT HALL.-3IUSICAL AND LITERARY ENTERTAINMENTS, to be given by the NORTHWEST GRAMMAR SCHOOL, in aid of the fend of the Tenth Section, for the benefit of the SANITARY COMMISSION. FRIDAY EVENING, May 27, at Bo' ock. Madame ERNESTINE WEISS has kindly volunteered her services, and will sing the "Una - Voce, front the " Barber of' Seville:" the "Waltz Rondo,' Gam bert, and 'Kathleen Afavonrneen." Messrs, GRAS. H. 'JARVIS and AL WARNER will perform severs solos and duos on the Piano. and Mr. N. K. Richard son will give five of his choicest Recitations. The two grand Pianos (Geo. Steck & Co. 's make) are furnished by .1. E, Uonld, Seventh and Chestnut streets. The - Hall will be handsomely decorated. Tickets 25 cents: to be procured at Gould . ,, or at the Norchwo,t School, RICE Street, below Fifteenth. my26-2t5 A SCIENTIFIC AND LITERARY ENTERTAIN will he riven at the NORTHEAST BOYS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL, NEW STREET, BELOW SECOND, In Aid of the GREAT CENTRAL FAIR, consisting of Philosophical Expekiments , P.ecitatinns , Dialovaes. Singing. &c., &c , on FRIDAY EVENING. May ff, IEFrI, at 7,11' P. M. Admittauce.2o cents. Children 10 cents. N - OW OP E N-THE FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE, at the PENNSYLVANIA. ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth. Open from 9 A. M. till 7 P. AL, and. from S till 10 in the evening. ap26-tf EDIICATIONAL. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION.--CULTI VATION of the Voice, Piano, Violin, Guitar Sing ing, 3c., by SIGNOR VALLO, No.d or. 3 i 2North. TENTII m Met ; Instrnction for Stage or wyuCATIONAL-WANTED-A lady to teach music in an academy near the city; salary liberal. Also, ladies ro teach French and music, and gentlemen to teach ihe classics. AMERICAN scrioot, INSTITUTE, 25 North FOURTH Street_ my2s-3( pIIILADELPHIA COLLEGIATE IN STITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1530 ARCH Street, Rey. CHAS. A. SMITE, D. D., E. CLARENCS SMITH . , A. M., Principals. • Ninth Tear. Three Departments: Primary, Acade mic, and. Collegiate. Fall college course in Classics. Mathematics, higher English, and Natural Science, for those who graduate. Modern Languages, Music,Pairtt ing and Elocution by the best masters. Par circulare, apply at the Institute, or address Box 26/1 P. 0., la elphia. apll-6m SELECT FAMILY BOARDIN CU SCHOOL FOR YOU Is.:G MEN AND BOYS, MOU JOY, Lancaster county, Penna. Session opens on Um FIRST TUESDAY of May. For circular:, address apl7-2m* R. i MORRISON. Principal. ELLEVUE FEMALE INSTITUTE-- 10„ A. 'BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. This Instimtion, beautifully andhealtlkfully located. in the northern tunics of - ATTLEBOROUG H,Bucks conn. ty, Penna., will continence Ira Spring and Simmer Tana on the lkit of FIFTH ISONTH next, and continue inset. sion twelve wePlre. - - - . The course of instruction is thorough and complete IA all the Elementary and higher branches of an ENGLISH CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. The French Language is taught by a native French teacher. 'Circulars, giving - full particulars, may be had ott so. plicatinn to the Principals, Attleborough P. O. Bunko county, Penna. ISRAEL J. GRAHAMTs, - JANE P. GRAHAME, Principale. mhl9-3m FOR THE SANITARY COMMISSION. aw-i~"_;~;d CAZIDETS' AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ON SATURDAY, MAY 2Srfr, the entire receipts of this Company will be given for the benefit of the a GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. Persons 'wishing to visit Atlantic City can avail them sel cos of this onportnuiiy, and at the same time benefit the Commission. Trains leave Vine street 'Ferry at 7.M A. DI and 3.46 P.M. FARE TO ATLANTIC, 32. JORIC G. BRYANT, Agent -_ZdaT TIIE S:TIDSCRIBER WILL <l. serve up THIS DAY and every day, Sundays excepted; TURTLE AND CLAM SOUP, to which ha cans the attention of hi"; customers and public vuerallr. JAMES PROSSER, my23-St SOS Mira:ET Street. 'CORRECT PIANO TUNING._ it a filmr. C. E. SARGENT'S Orders for Tootling sta, Repairing Pianos are received at MASON St CO, 'S Store. ,%7 CHESTNUT Street, only. 'Mr. S. has had eleven years' factory experience 1.31 London, and five years' employment in Philadelphia. SPECIAL.—Pianos rtleathered to sound as soft and sweet-toned as new, without rEmopfag, Terms for Tuning. 51. ES" - JCEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS, Not only UNEXCELLED but UNEQUALLED in purity of Tone and Power, designed especially- for Churches and Schools, but found to be equally well adapted to the Parlor and Drawing Room. For sale only by E. H. BRACE, 1. , T0. is North SEVENTH Street. Also, a complete assortment of the Perfect Melodeo enata nay on hand. myl.6-3m '27)LADIES TRUSS AND BRACE STORE—Conducted by Ladies, TWELFT.R . Street, first door below Race. Every article in their line elegant, easy, and correct in make. C. H. NEE DLES. Proprietor, attends to Gentlemen, on the corner of TWELFTH and RACE Streets. N. 8.--Profional. ese accuracy insured. my4-Szulf MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED unon Diamonds, Watches Jewel. "o T A P ENa e tltiManifit t e ,j cWe S rT CWlL and CIASFILL Streets. below Lombard. anll-Ihn MONUMENTS AND . GRAYB. sTONEs.—A t arge assortment of Grave-Stoneeo( variousdesigns,, ro ad° of the finest Italian and American Marble, constantly on hand- at the Marble Works of ADAM STEINMETZ, RIDGE Avenue, below Eleventh stress. rbilati.4lolaia. an22.-amir - ITEATON Lt DENCKLA, HARDWARE -/-A- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 507 COMALEEO/5 and 510 NORTH Streets, otter for sale: Anchor Brand Nails; Plymouth Mill Rivets.' W. & S. Butcher's Cast Steel; Eagle Cabinet Locks. Pntnam's Horse Nails; Locke's School Slates. Copper, Brass, and Iron Wire; Cotton Cards. Also, a full assortment of American Hardware. fez-endl PERFUMED PARLOR MATCHES.- Just received 25 additional cases of these celebrated, (Alixander's) Matches for sale to the trade onl_y__ _ ap77-sgo, B,OW - 5 & B,OW - 5F 4155 /5 . , TRIED SL my 2.344 . 0
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