ALS AT THE HOTELS, • W M 8011, Delaware N Appittinich, Sellersville P-Applebach, Penult Mai Ii H Bardwoll, Minna II Simon, York AC Blankonburg, N York W Sproston,Baltimore SS Bieber, ?na ',V T Adams, Boston E Banco. Now. York R Hance, New York .1 Uurnov, Now York S Cummings, Trenton N Williamson, Trenton A Winter, New York 9 Harding, Now York L V Rascal, New York E N 'Sailor, Jr, New York •A Jones, Jr; Wa6bington 'S Robinson, Lancaster J 'P Wallbridgo, Now York S A Goodman & wire, N Y Thos S Colo, Now York G Michaels, Buffington. W It Diugee, Albany, N J II J Hutchison, New York A R Collier, Now York J llormona & la, NOW York J Smith, Lealsville Sirs S Stattern, New York Wm James, Newark, N Inuit T0, ,, z, New York. Geo Biddle Maryland Berry la, Brooklyn J Warren & la, Mass • J M Wilcox', Titusville S (1 Brown, Pent% G S Long; Oil City S NV Congdon, Now York Al, Yonng, Washitig, , ton Miss M E Hart, Washington A North, New York • J T NoW York A Birdsall, New York W Parsons, Lock Haven Col J J Sperry, S A L Cake, Tamaqua L B Foss, Boston MP Borg, New York The G NE Peterson Chicago "J II Miller & la, Ohio C Burton, Indiana J E Whittin ' Washington Jos Jewell, Phila. TI K Jeffreys, N Orleans , C 1? Watson, Natchez ,Mrs 0 L Montgomery, Mo PRnowland. New York Enowland, Pittsburg SL Shouter, New Ilayen Ci B Scholl, Allentown J B CaziezaDelaware W MeOfirekeu, Del MEicheetz & sister J Mlnor Pguns J-L Forbes. Boston korimi.:l3ost(M . 'Remy . mmisae, Baltimore Theo 0 Williams, BalL A IN -H 11,y, Baltimore G H Thomas, Balthnors 3 R Busheng, Wilm Del Geo W W Baker, Wilm, Del R Brown, Washington 'W A Kirkpatrick, Washn Annum, Washington • S A Bailey, Delaware S A Barnes, Delaware r Alexander, Washington Geo Sabin, Washitigteu limb Winslow, Elk co, Pa BC Storms loldOmridge, Chicago 11r.s Sold onirido, Chicago John Mount & 'adyl J Dodge& wf, Harrisburg 31ov D'Biair. Indiana, lire Lemon, Hollidaysburg Dtias Loinon, Hollidaysburg in.tend & wf,Boston Jame. Belle, Brooklyn Prltley, lat.ton Snedolcor, Now York L Fort Mourne Wash J Now ork VT it Cook, New York J B Scholey, New York The Con fi A Annderspni St Louis B Anderson, Louisville B i 3 Swoupo, Clearfield, Pa Ileut J D I3uckley, Battu Ideut C F Mackenzw,Balto Capt II Cronsman, Battu Bleat T K Spear, Baltimore Wm Crawford & la Balto (I E Kennedy, Washington 40 W Brown, Baltimore P Kendig, Waterloo, N Y 'Goy A C Curtin, Harrisburg Miss A M Mulford, N Jersey Mrs L W Mulford, N Jersey Geo A Dresser, New York Bra Gannon, New York Miss Gannon, New York ! Chas W Ellerbrook, N Y Dr Dyer, Now York Russell, New York W li Smith, New York 3lrs Gen SGreen,Goor' tn Copt C F Green, Georget 'w T U Green, Georgetown, D C SDi & wf, Boston ..Col Pierson & la, Ohio Chas M. Howell, Lancaster Marenardt & wf, Balt Miss A Pandas, Baltimore Geo E White, New York MS Humphrey, Springfield BE S Frost, Cleveland J Steen, Harrisburg 3frs A G Curtin & dan 3lr & Mrs Lockwood, Eng Miss Gladson, England 'J R Dorrance,Prov, RI B Le* & la, Brooklyn Rev A C Foss, Brooklyn Rev C D -Fuss, Brooklyn H Radford. New York 'W F Peterson, Wheeling Miss E Adams,Now York Mrs Marshall Pittsburg Miss Eb 6, Pittsburg .k Ebbs, M D, Pittsburg C Newbold, New York B Ronembaum. N J • C May, New Jersey Charles Findlay N Y B H Combs, New Jersey E Combs, New Jersey W H Hutchinson ' Boston B F Palmer, Boston • Lyman, Boston Saml W Boocock, N Y Chas L Guillpume, N Y E Cook, New York B Romain, Bound Broaf L Walker, London S S Spencer, Havana Mre Spencer, Havana Master Spencer, Havana D L Young & wife Jos McLean, IV Troy P Reile.y, IV Troy IV L Southard, Portland - - Mrs Chas Fuller, NY Mrs N W Scott, New York David Clai k, Penna. 11S Pieta er s & wf, Md P Canfield, Hartford, Conn Berman Schulz, New York \VT It Vickers, Indianapolis iGeo W Chapman, Boston Mrs Chapman, Boston .J D Fulton, Boston Isaac Sweeter, Boston Frank Su eater, Boston Master Sweeter, Boston Bllervine. Boston IlAir Mulford, New Jersey T F Ali yn, New York ' Franklin Brown,. Peuna J B Wier, few Turk INV Frick, Chester nieri4Pall6 ;S - Dyer, New Jersey Wyautt, Cincinnati JE_Call on , New York • W Hussey, Boston. F W Milner, New Jersey John Lyon, Phila' . . . It Crowther, Baltimore N Stinchcomb, Baltimore :Dr C C Screen & la, Pa 'Chas M Daily, New Jersey asaac Inslee, .Ir, N Jersey lieut C 1) Daily, II S J Pauccast, New Jersey D Bale, New Jersey A W Butler, M Chunk XTB M A Simpson, Delaware Sam'lßltin, New York C Slaughti r, Kent co, Md John Putnam, Boston art S Howe Boston RR Docker, New York Joe Zanono: Clacinuati. .1' Law, New York Beckem Bow York Edw Beck, Smyrna,Del C S Watson R: la,Delaware Watson, Delaware B Jarinan, Snow Hill W L Simon, Delaware The Mer Then)' H Smith, New York tC T Nokes & la IC A ?demon, Boston Chas Jones, Boston ' Wm Bard, Cerwensville XFoster4 wf, Boston B J Hallett, New York Et Boyles, New York Woodbury, Prey, H I Elias Bair, Lancaster N Roberts, York dug Howler, Pittsburg eau*, Arkansas J lit Cans, Tennessee :Cleo Reed, Fairmount,Ya L Bergstresser, Penna Jan L Ruhl, Danville B, Brindle, Mechanicsbnrg . B Gimmeli, 'York co, Pa Simon Scott, Lock .Haven B Fredrick, Lock Haven YE Fredrick, Lock Haven J Jones, Harrisburg John B Haye, Newville N Hays, Shippensburg Aire E L Reber, Harrisburg J Forrest & vrf Clearfield A Connelly, W ' ash'n, D C The Bal 1 L Reill, Danville Wm Lelsenring, Harrisb'g Jacob Leisenring, Penna H Trumbower, Penna H Lehr, Allentown O A Miller, Slatington Jos Klause, Slatington Wm Worman, Allentown John Ball, Quakertown. C S Ball, Quakertown W A Mathews,Quakertown B F Butts, Phmnlxville P Schantz, Lehigh co Wm Feather, Penutbarg • . . . • The Union. J L Northrop, New York Miss M Beach, Damascus -J A McGrew .1 Pomeroy, Junta to eo J Weinberg, Al ex, Va Mrs Herd,Hagerstown CL Hinson, Alex, Ye B F Cruise,Sharpsburg I B Dangler, _Massillonll C Mumma, Sharpsburg J Byer, Carlisle . G W ftehrback,Sharpsburg Jl' Mar qui s ,I , Z evr Jersey C C Price, Hollidaysburg '..11 A Bob.. Now Jersey J DI Belford, .Mifllm, Pa W Dale, New Jersey W N Peters Marshall Cr •C A Keasbey 8.: la, Wash M M Stiner;Waynesboro P Kellam, Equinauk W Bullock & en Pittsburg .31Appley,Datinascus H B kohrback,_Sharpshurg C E Beach,Daniascus HW . Shouse, Hawley - ..lass E'AppleY, Damascus The Bari T Kimball, Boston T Bush, Chestnut Hill C Miller, Flourtown 2.1 r Yeager & la, Newtown .J liNanhorn, Doylestown -7 B Fell, Bucks co .1R Tomlinson, Trenton C W Seaman, 'Freeport J Grey, Bridgeport C Ralph, Deposit The Bla A Bush, Penna J Wolbert & la, Lehigh co D Wolbert & la, Lehigh no O Eddow,Moreland 3) It-Harper, Olney X J-Fogel, Fogeleville 0 M Garner, Doylestown W Beehteler kin, Penna 3)F Ritter,Middleport The Co '3l Simond, Lane co Pa Cep Arnold, Juniataco John Hough, Doylestown. McSparran, Lane co J H.Plankington, Chest co Josiah Phillips, do Geo 8 Garrett., do I". Townsend M D, it J Geo , T Dare, MD, Lanc co Anchenbach, Pottstown Whitler, Trenton F T.Patison, Trenton 'Chas A Coburn, Bradford co John 1) Ellis,New Jersey Chas Goodrich, Baltimore ~11 Hooper John B. Howard, New York The NI B Sutton, WaYne co C Ellenberger, E uncy, Ps, tacy Brown & la, Penna daa B Andrews & wf, N J Jas 0 Weeden la, N J X D Jones, Conshohocken . The States Union. John T Davidson, Del 111 Patcbin, Clearfield Louie Rodgers, New YorklThos Harinton & la, Pa 1.01118 W Stephens, N York:C Roth, New Bloom field Chas Etefe,‘A'ilm'n, Del iChas Reynolds, Wilm. Del • * N, E Jones, Lewisburg, Pal Isaac Group, Adams co, Pa 'W Littlefield, Mifflin iSaml Rife, Duncauuon, Pa The National. T Keifer ReadingJ B Seidel, WaabingtonviDe .4Ceo 6 Coilom, Philada J B Fans, Miner:3lllle J.ohn A llublni, U S A C A Bilensberger, Money , C F Rentehler, l'enna D S Bare, Lancaster Adikm Fnuck, Lebanon, Pa S. Garrett, Tamaqua SPECIAL NOTICES. . HOYT'S. weIVAITHA HAIR RESTORATIVE HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. In Longfellow's Poem Hiawatha was adjudged to wave conferred the gieatest boon on his tribe because :21e brought to its notice corn. Every one will admit hat our preparation is worthy of its name, for the be gielits it confers when it is known. - • WHAT THE HIAWATHA DOES. . - . It restore• faded and gray hair and whiskers to their -original color. It brings- up the natural shading of one 4aair with another, thus giving the hair a perfeot life -appearance, so that the most critical observer cannot <detect its UBO. It makes harsh hair soft and silky, stops Sts falling out, cleanses it' and the scalp from all impit- Olties, le as readily applied and wiped from the skin as rani hair dressing, and entirely overcomes the bad ef- Zects 9f previous use of preparations containingsulphur, teugar of lead, &c. The proprietors of the Hiawatha published the fol. ;lowing challenge to test in the New York dallies three Weeks. which WAS NEVER ACCEPTED Let some well known and disinterested persons &P -a:Kant one to the proprietor of each preparation for the lair to bring up the color. Every proprietor to nss °nothing but his own preparation, and the person °nothing also during the teat. A certificate of the re. suit to be widely published at the expense of the um. {successful, competitors. Sold everywhere. JOSEPH HOYT & CO, 10 University Place, New York. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST SITTLIB. made in the. Beet Manner, expressly for RS. TAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In dale Fignrea. All Goods made to Order warranted eatlstactorj. Chts Ong-Paton SYSTEM 18 strictly adhered to. Allure thereby treated alike. d•Bir JOWSB & 00.. 60*It.liST Strut. tinental. M Rankin, Now York Sllighani, Mass 1.40t1 j 6 illtEfMl MEE 11 F Jessup: New York . . . C Wendell, Washington Wm Morris, Richmond, lin Ed llMl,California . . . T H Herring S.: la, N Jersey Cleo Lull Sr la, New York Mi , K W.Warren, New York G T Munnervlll, N Orleans ..1 . T Brett, New York A M Hopper, Bridgeport Bold Haines, New Jersey Oeo Plaistew, Boston W 8 Riddell, N Brunswick Thee \V Constantine, Mich . ins E Mcllhenny, Jr, N Y N Pharson, Noy York C 0 Si mpsen & dun, N Y W 13 HertneY, Chaster !Win Ii Fisher & WI, Ky Miss Jails Fisher, Paris, Ky Jno W Leatherhy&la, Bee' n Mrs - .T L Batchelder, Boston W HLeatherby&wf,Boston Wm B Hartley, New York 1J Brickhead, Jr, Balt Mr Oscan:van, No* York A F Hastings,Hartford AT Wickonterg, N York F S Bosoms & wf, N York Mr & Mrs E Large, Boston L Matt Son, Port Carbon tJames NI Thompson C W Standar% 'Patina W P Stratton, Vicksburg J D Flint; Fall River iGeo a Freeman, New York G W Bowers, New York W A Hulbert, New York . -Mr Lochner, New York IT Wyatt, New York S S Stafford & wf, N Y H Tohlman, New York H E Bay, Hartford H N Peterson, .New York M S Douglas, New York Max Strackosch, New York C Norwood, New York C S Hemple, New York JBraddock, Hartford,Conn D C Heed, \V Middlesex, Pa L F Everett, New York A , Aissten & wt, Nate York B P Baker & In, New York L Airbuly, New York P II Watson, Wash, DC ins McGee, Brooklyn I Horatio Eagle, New York P Stephens & la, Now-York D L Ewstein ,Thos J Hoskinson, Pittsb'g A Bradley St dau, Pittsburg T Martin, New York S•G - Johnson, New York W D Thayer Sc lady D Lamb. Wheeler • Colby, New York Br Bird, Baltimore Miss Morris, Baltimore A C Hay, New Jersey H H Wnght, Penna IVS Stewart IVaUmu Butler , Maina Mrs R A Graham, Delaware I P A Randall, Warren, Pa Partiucton, Norwich' G N,kes, Schuyl Raven W Sturges, Ohio bliss H P Sturgis, Ohio Miss M Sturgis, Ohio B LI Smith, New York E Bart, Penna. W It Smith SE wf, Pottsv Mrs E. Whitin, Pottsville Rev Smith, Mess Mrs Newland New York G W Pose Mrs McCauley & cL, Del Geo 14 Rudd, New York M R Fooke, Delaware H Flearn; Delaware J J Euglish MEM James W Sterol/ P C Kellogg, New York Henry Slack, Jr, Boston E KJ:tel . :son, Saulsbury L T Moore, Laurel, Del C Lindsley, U S Alaxitiessing, York Jas L Carnal% Maryland J Moore chants' o C Lewis, New York John.Caroybell; Pittsburg A W Daniels, Del City Robt Lockhart; Bethlehem Thos T Miller, Easton Jas T Nesbet, Penna Davie wcatherspoon, Pa Jordan Rend, Clearfield Dr Rupp & la, York Card J H Heed & la, Trenton J Yanvaler. Cape May . . _ Thos H HHall, Newark, 0 Semi Dellevu, Baltimore J N WilsonSz wf,Salem, Pa W H Bourne, Jersey Shore Newton Read Clearfield 0 W Landreth, Lancaster John Giltillan, Chester co Jos J Hauphotf, Louisville W J Montgomery,Louisv'e H S Buckner, Louisville H S Pooton, New York Mr Baumgartner, N York C B Taylor, Penns V It Wentz, Hanover, Pa Henry Wilson, Carbondale H A Butz, Patterson, N J A H Thomas, Kittanning,P d Eagle. Mrs Rader & da,Penusburg Jacob Hillegass, Pen nsburg Elias Deemer, Milford, N J B S Peters, Middletown J D Peters,Middletown Levi Buctman; Allentown Jacob Taylor, Lanesboro A J Ilny, Sr, Easton J J Otto, Easton S D Kiug, Hellerstown Jos Richard, Northampton T F Kunsman, L Saucon Daniel Saylor, Schl Haven Mrs Saylor, Schuyl Haven •y• Sheaf. J Callender, New York S Van Horn, Chicago J Gibbs, Chicago G Marl, Reading S Frazer, Allentown N Loliand, Maryland D W Hyde, Illinois T White. Freachtown Callan, Lambertville C McGowan,Lambert vine k Bear. S It Smith, Penna. J Fenstermacher,Penna J H Leonard, Summit. J D Leonard, Pine Grove P A Fritchman, Freemaabg A Ditty, Georgetown J Welch, New Jersey J W Hollenbach, Berke co I it Beep, Berke co mercial. Wm H Eder Elkton, Md. W C Peas, Salem, N J GevA Preppie, Sate Harb Mrs Hogan & son, Bait T P Potts, J C Broughman, Wil Del Hatay Stoner, Hlghspire Joseph Mintzer, - Pottstown J E Bea, Carlisle W Wiggins, New Jersey Jacob Wilson, New Jersey J H Farnurn, Franklin co Thos B durils,ranklin co Saml Barlow; Chester, Pa Ezra M Bowero, Chester, Pa W Boardwell wf,Harri'g J B Lucas & la, Johnstown C C Browne, liatiesdale L E Smith, New York A El Shaw, Maine J Bowman, New Hope MONTGOMERY'S NERVINE is a sure remedy for Neuralgia, Nervousness, Headache, Fite, Arc. For sale by .11yott & Co., Johnson, Holloway & Cowden, and Stradley, Sixteenth and Market. Call at my office and' see certificates, 1.622 PINE Street, Philadelphia. my2l-4t• PLEASE REMEMBER THAT KBOXER IS still at No. 403 CHESTNUT Street, where you can find a complete assortment of PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, and PATENT MEDICINES. In the way of Patent Medicines, Kromer cannot be surpassed; always has a full assortment of everything In the line. Polite and gentlemanly clocks; and no person cnn visit his model establishment and leavo dissatisfied. Upham's flair Dye, prepared by John J. Kromer, price DO cents a box, Boxes larger and neater than any dye that sells for $1 mylB.6t Ant DYE 1 HAIR DYE ! BATCHELOR'S celebrated HAIR DYE i 9 the Beat its the World. The only Harmleza, True, and Reliable Dye known. This splendid Bair Dye is perfect— changes Red, Rusty; or Gray Hair instantly to a Gictstry Blaekor Natural Brown, without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the flair Soft and Beautiful dimps.rts fresh vitality,froquently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill-effects of bad Dyes, The genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR ; all others are niece imitations, and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists he. FACTORY, 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. Batchelor's now Toilet Cream for Dressing the Hair. FAMILY SEWING, EMBROIDERING, BRAID ING, Quilting, Tucking, &c., beautifully executed on the GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE. Ma chines, with operators, by the:day or week, 730 CHESTNUT Street. apt-etuth3m STEINWAY & SONS, MIMPIANOS, PIANOS, For sale only at BLASIUS BEM, 1006 CHESTNUT Street. m74-tf fierEcir & Co'.B MASON HAMLIN'S Vffl CABINET ORGADTB STECK & CO.'s SEVENTH - THE POPULAR CLOUTING HOUSE OF PUMA • "OAK HALL." Beet-class goods and moderate prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN, S. B. corner SIXTH and MARKET Streets, Ottetom Department (to make to order) No. 15. Sixth at. WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGIEEST PREMIUM LOCK -S.TIT-CH SEWING MACHINES THE CHEAPEST, SIMPLEST, AND BEST. Saleeroorgs, 704 CHESTNUT Street. above,Seventh. MARRIED_ HARRISON—KENNEY.—On.the 16th inst., by Rev.. John Patton, D. D., Mr. Wm. H. Harrison to Miss Mary J. Kenney, all of this city. • LRKTZ—ROSE. —ln this city on the .22d of May,1864, in the First Congregational Chapel, by Rev. D. L. Gear, Mr. Philip M. Lentz to Miss Kate Ann Rose, both of this city. a lIINKSON—CALDWELL.—On Monday evening, the 16th inst., by the Rev. A. W. Sproule, Mr. John 11. Hinkson to Miss Kate W, daughter of John A. Cald well, Esq., all of Chester, I No cards. DIED_ MATLACK. —On the instant, John Matlack, aged. 73 Yeats. - - The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend his funeral from the residence of his son, George D. G. Matlack, no. 1634 North Fifteenth street, this morning, 24th instant, fd 9 o'clock. - New York, Baltimore, and Cincinnati papers please cop ILLER.—KiII4d, on Thursday, the 12th instant, at Spo M ttsylvania Court House, First Sergeant Frank Miller, of Company E, 95th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, (Gosline's ZOIIRPOS, yin the 22d year of his age. Due notice will be given of the funeral, on the reco very of the body. • COLLINS.—On the 21st inst., Philip Gold, son of T. K. and friary Ann Collins, in the 24th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his parents' residence, northwest corner of Nineteenth and Green streets, on Tuesday, the 24th inst., at 3 o'clock. To proceed to • 11,2 4 -- 44 - Tez.` Cemetery. so JOH L IVSTOII.--Ou the - 21st instant j James S. John. sten, late captain S.sth Regiment P.',., Company E. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited. to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, 1019 Spring Garden street, on Tuesday afternoon, 24th instant, at 2 o'clock. YARD.—On the 21st inst., Mrs 'Emeline F. Yard, wife of Edmund S. Yard, aged 39 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, No. 209 Spruce street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock: To proceed to- E. Union Cemetery. • •••• rs ill • •• fit..=on the morning of the 21stinst., Mary Catha rine; wife of Charles M. Fay. Funeral from 2724 Mount Vernon street, Tuesday, 24th inst., at 2 o'clock. Friends are invited without turtiter notice. [Boston papers please copy.) ,sv DON NEL. —At the residence of his mother, Sunbury, Pa. on the morning of May 19, Henry Donnel, only con of the late Hon. Charles G. Donnel. ** lticCOT.—On the 20th instant, Mr. John McCoy, aged 72 years. The relafives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence; No. 442 North Fifth street, on Tuesday morning (24th inst.), at .9 o'clock. Services and interment at St. Mary's Church. BESSON & SON HAVE JUST OPENED Black Camels' Hair Barege Long Shawls. Barege Square Shawls. " Grenadine Barege Square Shawls. `` Silk Grenadine Square Shawls. • " Mousseline de Laine Square Shawls. Whire arid Black Shepherd Plaid Mobairs, 37%c. Valencia% at62.3i, 75e, ter-35., Ai_ 2,5 a yard. 'White and Blamripo.s skirting, 75c. Black neat Check Bareges, sMc. mylo MOURNING STORE,No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. 11:gr WEST PHILADELPIIIA., MAY 21, 154. AT A MEETING OF CITIZENS WEST PHILADELPHIA, HELD THIS EVENING, The foll Owing Resolutions were unanimously adopted: 1. Resolved, That the Twenty-fourth Ward should raise at least five companies of one; hundred-days men, in response to the Governor's proclamation of May 19th. 2. Resolved, That this meeting pledges itself to pro vide whatever funds may be requisite to meet the ex pense of organizing such companies. 3. Re6olved, That a Committee of three be appointed. to confer with leading citizens of the Twenty. first Ward, to endeavor to induce like exertions in that Ward to complete the Regiment of which the five companies to be raised in this Ward shall form a part. N. B. BROWNE, Chairman. N.E. ROOD, Secretary. It TILE FIVE O'CLOCK PRAYER Meetings, lately held in 'various Churches. having been continued, we earnestly invite the friends of prayer to coins to the Noon-day Prayer Meeting 1011 CHESTNUT. Street, to pray for our country. Let theme rooms be filled. NINTH WARD LINCOLN ASSOCI ATION. —A Special Meeting of NINTH WARD LINCOLN ASSOCIATION, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, May 24th, at 73 o'cloch, at Hall, N. W. corner of HER RICK and MARKET Streets. JOHN TFIOMPSON, President. 3011.1:7 L. HILL, Secretary. 110 "ROCS. OIL COMPANY OF PENN. SYLVANIA. —ofliceiremoved to No. 409 WAL NUT Street, where the remaining certificates of stock are being issued. and transfers leads on the books of the Company. JNO. F. GRAFF, my24-31' Secretary and Treasnrer. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA NIA—(DEPARTMENT OF AMTS.—The - final examination of the Senior Class will be held in the fol lowing order, beginning each day at 4 P. AL : TUESDAY. 24th—By Professor Frazer, (Physical Ge ography. ) WEDNESDAY, 25th-By Professor Allen, (Xeno phon's Memorabilia.) THURSDAY, 26th—By Professor Coppee, (Interna tional Law.) FRIDAY, 27th—By Professor Jackson, (Cicero do Alllicitia ) KONDAY . , 30th—By the Provost, (Butler's Analogy.) TUESDAI , 31st—By the Provost , ( Pol itical Economy. ) GEORGE ALLEN, my24-7t Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. TO THE PAPER•HANGING TRADE OF PHILADELPHIA:—The regularly appointed COMMITTEE ON PAPER-FlAl9ll`Hib FOR THE SANITARY. FAIR, to beheld the coming naonth, at Logan Square, are now prepared to receive any contri butions, either in goods or money, through their Chair man, J. C. FINN, 614 Chestnut street, or any of the following Committee; John H. Longstreth, 12 N. Third street; Jas. Burk, Jr., 6` Chestnut ;F. C. Howell, N. E. cor. Fourth and Market, Treasurer. Persons con tributing goods will have the same displayed with their address, it desired. my2.l-3t* IigrOFFICE WESTERN I'ENNSYLVA, NIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, May 20, 1564. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—A special meeting of the Stockholders of thin Company will be held on THURSDAY, the 16th day of JUNE, 1664, at 13 o'clock , at the Office of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, in Philadelphia, fur the purpose of accept ing or rejecting An act relating to the Western Penn sylvania Railroad Company, and for other purposes, approved 27th April, 166.1, " and also to take action in reference to a proposed increase of the Capital Stock of the Company. By order of the Board. my 24-161 JOSEPH LESLEY, Secretary. iIIgrPIEILADELPIIIA CALEDONIAN CLUB. INCORPORATED APRIL, 1664. CLUB RROM, Mo. 607 WALNUT STREET. OFFICERS ELECTED APRIL, 1664: • Chief, William Robb; First Chieftain, Joseph Roes; Second Chieftain, Win. Smith; Third, Dun can Wright; Fourth Chieftain, Alex. Stewart. Directors—Clansmen Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. John Booth, Joseph Ross, Win. Dick, John Gardner, Win. R. Smith, and John Hyde. Librarian—John Sheddeu ; As- Mutant do., Geo. J. Watt. Property Committee—J.-W. Thompson, James Graham, and John Latnoud. Fi nance Committee—Wm. Mclntyre, J. W. McCloment, and. Geo. BleClenteut. Standing Committee—Peter H. Johnson, and Alex. Hay DiliiCAN WRIGHT, Secretary. EMPIRE COPPER COMPANY -1110'” PHILADELPHIA, May 19, 1864.—The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Empire Cooper Com pany (of Lake Superior) will be held at THEIR OF FICE, No. 4:63 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on FRIDAY, the 3d day of June, 1564, at 4 o'clock P. M., for the election of Directors. and the transaction of other business. J. S. McMULLIN, xny26-131 Secretary. W... MANDAN MINING COMPANY— PHILADELPHIA, May 10, 165.1. —The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder 9 of the MANDAN MINING COMPANY (of Lake Superior) will be held at their of fice, No. 324 WALNUT street, on THURSDAY ec the 28th Inst. , at 11 o'clock A. M., for the election of Dir - tore and the transaction of other business, my n-14t. • B. A. HOOPES, Secretary. !gr. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COI![- DiPARTYZNT. PHILADBL PHIA, April 20, 1924. NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS.—Tbe Board of Directors have this day declared anemi-annual dividend of flveper cent. on the capital stock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and after May 16, 1864. Blank powers of attorney for collecting tilvidends can be had at the Mee of the Company, No. 118 South THIRD Street. Stock and Scrip certificates for the extra dividend will be ready for delivery on and after /ifty 2d, but no stock or scrip certificates will ee dellyeffd between the 18th May and bit Jane. THOMAS T. FIRTH, • • my2.lm Treaearer. lIW'TABLE DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LABOR, INCOME, and RE VENUE OF THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. Mrs. E. W. Butter, Counsellor, No. 907 New street. Mrs. J. W. Forney, President, No. 618 S. WashingtOn Square. sirs. R. Hammett, Vice President, No. 115 Vine st. Miss Ada Sager, Treasurer, No. 936 Arch street. • Miss Louisa E. Claghorn, Corresponding Secretary. No. 1009 Arch street.. Mrs. Thou. Fitzgerald, Recording Secretary, No. 837 South Seventh street. Donations of all kinds of Fancy Articles thankfully re. ceived. Articles can be sent by express, or otherwise, to either of the above Ladies, or to the office, No. 11S South SEVENTH Street; end they will be duly aeknOW 'Ad up& - • • myls. 12 t Mr' OFFICE OF THE AIIIYODALOID MINING COMPANY OF LAKE SUPERIOR. PIIILADELPHIA, May 14, 1864. The stated Annual Meeting . of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on WEDNESDAY,Jone 1, at 12 o'clock M., at the office, No. 324 WALNUT Street. An election for Directors will take place, to serve the Com pany the ensuing year. F. K. WOMRATII, mylB-tiel Secretary: IOF' THE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. Admissions have been fixed as follows: For the Inaugural Ceremonies — and " Private View, " on TUESDAY P. M. , June 7th 912 00 On this occasion not over 10,000 persons will be admitted. SEASON TICKETS, not transferable,admitting on and after WEDNESDAY, Juno Bth, to all parts of the Fair, excepting exhibitions for children.• 00 SINGLE ADMISSIONS, on and after Juno Bth, not including the departments for which special ...charges are made 80 Children under 13 years of age 25 To Active Members and aide of Committees Season Tickets will be sold on the requisition of the Chairmen of the several Committees at $3 00 JOHN WELSH, Chairman Executive Committee. my2l•tf HORACE HOWARD FURNESS, Sec' Y. TUE GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.— Of➢tce of the Committee on Labor, Income, and Revenue, No. 118 South SEVENTH Street, Philedel. phia. The undersigned, Treasurer of this committee, ao knowledges the receipt of the following subscriptions; From Talmage & Bros., bookbinders, No. 112 South Third - street, remitted by G. W. Story, per A. McElroy, Cliairmau $lOO 00 W. & B. W. Trinkle, rulers and bookbinders, No. 243 Dock street, per do 20 00 Hon. J. K. Moorhead, per J. M. Riley- 50 00 Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, ono day's income, por John M. Riley 10 00 Rev. Peter Chem], himself and congregation... - 25 00 Rev. Dr. Van Pelt 10 00 Rev. W. 0. Andrews . , Princeton 2 00 Rev. W. Hemmen, lardloyvillo 100 Rev. 'William 0' Harm, D. D • "600 Rev. 3. Gilborne Lyons, Delaware county 60 00 Rev. 3. L. Ileysinger, Hulmoville 2 00 Dr. F. A Martin, Bethlehem 00 Dr. - S. M. Frick, Willow Street, Lancaster co.. 2 00 Dr, ht. Thompson, Carbon county 15 00 Dr. James M. Stewart, Indiana, Pa 11.1 00 Dr. William Gregg, Philadelphia 6 00 Dr. A. Comstock, 5'W _ . Dr. Elwood Wilson, No. 1339 Arch street Sirs. limiest' P. Wilson, No. 13:39 Arch street • • James a- W ilsonNo. 123.'1 Arch street Jr.,Elwood Wilson, No. 1320 Arch street Mary N. Wilson Merles 111. Wilson Wm. It. Wilson Collected by Mrs. Dr. Milburn, Derlington,aud —others, Concord township, Delaware county. Per Wm. 11. Aikens and A. H. Wise, two lads. Jos. Chapman, Esq., House Painter, No. 630 N. Tenth street Employees of Jos. Chapman, per Henry Walls. From all the employees of Duhringis Valley Mills, Chest. r county, except three persons. From all the employees of James C. Roberta' IBMs, Clester county, Per H.• A. DUhrilig, Esq., except four persons Contribution of ".'The Children's Aid Society, ' ' Marietta Lancaster county, per W. H. Eagle. Per Edw. (1. Peabody, E. T. S P. P., $1.60; A. C., $1 ; Cash, 50c Per William Heffner, Esq., collected in part of First ward Richard Watson, Esq.;- Plumber Gabel & Margerum Samuel S. Gavin, Esq- Per A. Murray Stewart, .Paymaster of U. S. steamer Ladona, one day's pay of every man and boy aboard Continental Mines, one day's labor of work men, by J. 'M. Acker, Esq m • Al Maria Simpson, Am 1026 Arch street Teachers of Primary School No. 3, Sixth Sec - tion, per Edward Shippea, Chairman Com mittee of Public Schools Employees of Goldthorp & Co., per Max Cohen. D. sell, Esq. , Aaronsburg, (second contribu tion) Mr. Join liegey, imr Miss-Reed J. & J. B. Red dig, remitted by. Burt & Kurz—. The Singer Sewing Machine. Manufacturing Company. per 0. P. Davis Pugh. Madeira, Esq., No. 115 S. Tenth street Milton Bank, Pa., per Geo. M. Troutman. ..... . From Ladies of the Carpet Committee, per Beni. Orne, Esq.: Employees of Charles Creag,mile Employees of P. Hough, Jr., 11. Atkin Ein»loY Cos of .11. T. White Employees of Reeve L. Knight & Son Entplo3 ees of J. F. & E. B. Orne Employees of Jos. Blackwood G. W. Hill, Esq. Employees of G. W. Hill, Esq Cash, ; M.J. T., $1; [total, $193.711 John 11 ohne, Esti Collected by Miss A, Stillman, Pot tsville• • .... • Per John 111. Riley. Chairman: Department of Surveys and Board of Surveyors remitted by George S.Sturgis,receiving clerk, Joseph Hemple, Washington Prbvost Marshal's Office, Fourth District, Capt. D. N. Lane John Thompson, Esq., Sheriff's Office • John Newkumet and employees, -Fire-Brick Works, per Mrs. C. Yearrance, Chairman.... W. Horn and Employees, per do C. Fries, Terra Cotta Work - S, por do Mrs. Smith, Fifth street, above Arch, per d 0... D. L. Carpenter, Esq., remitted by Mrs. C. Year mace, per Mrs. R. Hammett, donation S. Smucker, Esq. ' per Mrs. S. B. Curtis Wm: L Maddock, Jr., per Mrs. Campion James Wood ide, $2; two young girls, $1....... John J. Cook, Jr H. Gorman, $1; Tierney, $1; M. Stapleton, $l.. The Philadelphia Ladies' Aid Society, per Mrs. Geo. Dodd - Employees of J. K. Benkels, remitted by H. C. Harris, per Th oinas Thompson, Esq. , Chairman Per E. Dunbar Lockwood, chairman: Bennett, Ruch, & Co $5O 00 Employ ees of do 52 75 C. Henry Love • 90 00 J. Cruikshanks, Per Mrs. R. Hammett; chairman. Mrs. Simpson, per Mrs.R.Hammett, chairman. E. Hayhurst, $3: Mrs. H. Wright, $2; Pol lock, 76 cents; Mrs. Oskin, $1; Mrs. Cuuning-_ ham, *1; hire. Wood, $1; A. Richardson, $l. 0 75 J. E. Adams, Columbus, N. J 1 00 A. and A. R. Deverill 14 CO Jacob L. Sharp, .11,,21 100 00 JOHN W. CLAGHORN, Treasurer. Office, No. 111 S S. SEVENTH Street, Philada. Other subscriptions and remittances by mail duly rereipted for and acknowledged in this paper. It Pl/iSTOEI. PIAINTOS. J. B. GOULD, ad CHESTNUT GREAT CENTRAL FAIR. DEPARTMENT OF WOOLEN AND COTTON MANUFACTURES AND • WOOL AND COTTON DEALERS. The undersigned—Treasnrer of ithe above Department —acknowledges the receipt of the following contribu tions in aid of said Fair: Benjamin Bullock's Sons *l,OOO 00 Wm. C. Houston and Thomas Mott 1,000 00 Brown, Hill, & Co 500 CO Martin Lanclenberger ' 500.00 Office Employees of Martin Landenberger...... 120 00 Factory do do 314 2.5 John H. Mitchell & Co 560 00 Employees of do 17 W Coates Brothers 300 00 Southwick, .. Sheble, & Greene -30000 Duhring St Co., Beaver Talley Mills, Chester county 300 00 Reece, Seal, & Co 250 00 Henry C. Davis 250 00 Joseph B. Hughes 2.50 00 T. Nilsen & Co., Picture, valued at 250 00 Washington Manufacturing Co., Gloucester, N. J., Dry Goods, valued at 250 00 James C. Roberts, Downingtown, Pa 150 00 - 67 . r.`athT.'.4 PA. —. 100 00 Fairfield & Lee ---- •1 --___ 100 00 Justice & Bateman ----- ;.A-.._._ _ /00 00 Emanuel Hey & Brothers _ James Long, Brother & Co Jacob D. Heft 100 00 Imperial Mills, Darby, John Verlinden, Pro prietor Horace H..Soule J. T. Midnight, Yarns, valued at . Eagle Mills Ann & Hackenburg, case of Colored Sewing Silk, valued at 60 00 - $7,263 45 EDWIN MITCHELL, Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA, Mar 21, 1864. ra4H.13.3t (IW"' GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.-THE IRON COMMITTEE gratefully acknowltdge the following subscriptions: Morris, Tasker, & Co., Philadelphia $l,OOO Morris, Wheeler, & Co., do. 1,000 Plicenix Iron Company, do. 1,000 N. Trotter & Co.; do 1,000 James Rowland & Co. , do. 1,000 Cabeen & Co., do. 1,000 N. & - G. Taylor Co., do. 1,000 Allentown Iron Company, do. 1,000 Lehigh Crane Iron Company, do. • , 1,000 Cambria Iron Co., Johnstown, Pa 1,0(0 Cumberland Nail and Iron Co., Bridgeton, N. J. 1,000 Thomas. Iron Co., Hokendaqua, Pa 1,000 Glendon Iron Co., Easton, Pa 1,000 A. &'P. Roberts & Co., Philadelphia MX) Verree & Mitchell, . do. 500 William F. Potts, do. 500 N. & A. Middleton, - do. 500 Stephen Robbins,. do. 500 J. Wood & Broilera, do. 500 Alan Wood & Co., do. . E.- & G. Brooks, Birdsboro, Pa 600 E. & G. Brooks & Co„ do. 600 Steele & Worth, Coatesville, Pa 500 Bethlehem Iron Company, -Bethlehem, Pa.... ..-•• 5OO James ROOVCD & Sons. Norristown, Pa 000 Tatham & Brothers, Philadelphia 300 Elting & Brother, do. 300 G. Dawson Coleman, Lebanon, Pa 300 Cabot & Elting, Philadelphia 250 Steever & Whitaker, do. 210 „Uuston & Penrose, Coatesville, Pa /50 'Duncannon Iron Company, Philadelphia .. 200 Jacobs & Bull, Spring Grove Forge 120 C. D. Robbins & Co., Philadelphia 100 J. Clarence Cresson, do. Thomas L Potts, ~ do. 100 $21,270 Further donations in money - or material are earnestly solicited. ANDREW WHEELER, my 23. 3t Chairman. GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.—COYL lar MITTEE ON FINANCE. AND DONATIONS. PHILADELPHIA, May 19, MI ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS, Lehigh Navigation Coal Co i 13,000 00 Delaware and Hudson Canal Co 2,000 00 Board of Broilers of Philadelpnia 1,000 00 Lehigh Zinc Co 000 00 Alexander Ken Son 500 00 G. T. Shaw . 500 00 Beaver Meadow Railroad Co 250 00 Enterprise Insurance Co 2,50 00 W. H. Newbold per J. Aertsen - 250 00 Little Schuylkill Railroad Co 250 00 Western Savings Fund Society WO 00 . M. J. Juy and S. L. Shober 200 00 J. T. Hall - 10000 E. T. Markland 100 00 Harris & Co 100 00 M. Jacobs 100 00 M. T. Miller Sz Co 100 00 Abraham Harker 100 00 F. J. Sylvester 100 00 Amos Phillips 100 00 S. L. Webster 50 00 Conkers First National Bank, Hanover, Pa.•.. 60 00 Previously acknowledged litgr'' GREAT CENTRAL FAIR.—OOIII. mittee on Eats, Caps and Furs, acknowledge the following subscriptions and donations to this date: Adolph & Kean 451,000 05 Eatinakers, Finishers, and Trimmers, em ployees of Adolph & Kean 400 00 S. D. Walton 250 00 Emplovees of S. D. 'Walton • 172 50 C. E. Carden A Co ' 210 00 Tient y Tito & Co 250 00 Cooper, Parham, & Work 100 00 Edward S. Mawnon 100 00 Employees of R S. Mawson 1.543 J. C. 1 eager... ' 60 00 C. 14. Elias 2,5 00 • Jordan &Boss 25 00 John Dickerson 10 00 Cash 11 50 Csh,. 10 00 Mr. Raphun' 6 00 Morris Benner . 2 00 Ceo. Comma, 1 box fancy caps, valued -15 00 Miss Benjamin's School, Harrisburg, Penna., 1 case fancy articles, valued 57 98 Lippincott, Bond, dr. Co., 1 box straw caps, valued 28 12 _ Barnes, Osterhout, Heron, & Co., 1 case straw hata,valued 70 60 E. MORRIS, nl3 - 21-stu2t Chairman. ANNIVERSARY OF THE AMERI CAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION.—The Services connected with the Fortieth Anniversary of the Ameri can Sunday School Union will be'held at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, Locusretreet, near Eighth, on TUESDAY EVENING, May 24th, af a quarter to 8 o'clock. Tickets of admission may be had, gratuitously, on application at the Society's Buildings, No. 1122 Chest nut street. By order of the Committee. M. A. WURTS, Secretary. Philadelphia, Slay, 1884. myl7-7t ligr. CORN EXCI T FANGE BANK. The Directors hive declare l d L a A nAa May 1861. r cent., payable on demand, clear or State and 11. S. (3 per cent.) tax. J. W. TORREY . , mye-tf Cashier. 1104:PlIILADELPH1A AND BOSTON ' MINING COMPANY, , PkIILADELPTIrA, May 19, 1964. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Phila delphia and. Beaton Mining Company (of Lake Superior) will he held at their Office, No. 42:3 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on FRIDAY, the 9d day of JUNE, 1864, at 11 o'clock A. al, for the election of Directors and the transaction of other business. _ my2o-tje3 J. S. MoMULLIN, Secretary. IJIE TIIIILD SEMI-ANNUAL EXr HIBITION of the EAST PENNSYLVANIA AG RICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL SOCIETY will be held at N ORRISTOWN, on THURSDAY, June 9, Mk The attention of Horsemen and the Manufacturers of Agricultural Implements is particularly invited to this Exhibition, 'as the facilities for display and sale are un equalled by any other society in the State. By order. m712-ISt WM. BEAN. Recording Secretary. AETNA l I ININO COMPANY--THE nnual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Altus Mining Companyof Lake Superior, will beheld at their o ffi ce, No..3 . 24,WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, the Slot inst., at 11 o'clock. A. M., for the election of I:olrectots, and the transaction °Lothar hardness. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary.. Philadelphia, May 14, 1584. myl6-tSI FirOFFICE OF THE METALLINE LAND COMPANY OF LAKE SUPERIOR. PHILAWILPHIA, May 16, 1864. The Stated Annnal Meeting of the Stoekho dere of the METALLINE LAND COMPANY - will be held at the OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, 324 WALNUT Street. on MONDAY the 9th day of Jane neg. at 12 M. ..styl7-tje6 F. N. Clerk. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1864: illarr" GREAT CENTRAL FAIR PHILADELPHIA, HORTICULTURAL AND FLORAL DEPARTMENT. The Committee in charge of this Department respect fully solicits contributions for either exhibition or sale, at the Fair in June next, of Fruit, Flowers, and Vega. tables; also, Bouquets, Baskets of Flowers, Floral Designs, Hanging Baskets, Flower Stands, Fern Cases, Aviaries, Gardening Implements, Native Wine, Garden Seats and Vases, Cut Flowers, Dried Wax " Leather " In short, Rustic Adornments of every kind, or any thing of a rural or rustic character that does not strictly belong to the Agricultural Department. Daily contributions of cut flowers, bouquets, designs. baskets ! &ie., so to insure constaut and rogularsuP ply during the Fair, will be very acceptable, and eon tributorsevill please arrange with the Chairman of the Committee on Baskets, Designs, and Bouquets, Mr. ROBERT KILVI ROTOR, Florist, LOCUST Street,near Thirty-seventh, West Philadlphia, as to the days on which their contributions will be required. Daily contributions of Fruits and Vegetables, not only for exhibition and sale, but also for the usp of the Re staurant,•will also be thankfully received. The time fixed for opening the Fair is the FIRST TUESDAY IN JUNE NEXT, and it will continuo two weeks. An articles except cut flowers, frult,:aud vege tables must be received on before the preceding day. Donations front the inlet of - tats State,•and from 'Delaware and New Jersey, can be forwarded by any public conveyance free 01 freight, and should be dis tinctly, inn rked : -"Great Central Fatr, Logan Square, Philadelphia, HortteulturalDepartment. Care of D. F. King, 723 Choi/nut street, - Philadelphia." "For Sale" 0r "Far Exhibition," as may be desired. :Bills of lading should also be forwarded to the same ad dress. • • . 1). RODNEY Chairman of tho Gentlemen's Committee. Nrs. J. RHEA BARTON, Chairman of Ladies' Com mittee. myll•stuthtjes liar• APPEAL--UNION VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOON. To the Citizen.s. of Philadelphia: It will be three years on the 27th day of May, 1864, since the Union Vo lunteer Refreshment Saloon commenced its operations. The Committee never have pressed their claims. Nei ther have they lost sight of the fact that there were other institutions equally worthy of public confidence and support; and they have endeavored to discharge the duties entrusted to them in in honest, economical, quiet, and unostentatious manner. Up to this time we have been generously supported by contributions from our friends and a portion of the moneyed corporations of Philadelphia. We have tried to-lessen the burdens of our kind friends by annual fairs in June i the first , was a success; the second comparatively a failure, in Conse quence of the raid into Pennsylvania lastsummer, and there is no prospect of holding one this season; as in tendey. The high price of provisions, and the heavy and constant demand on our Saloons, have nearly de pleted our treasury, 'and as the signs of the times point to a series of protracted battles and as there will no doubt be still further calls on our limited resources, we are compelled to make this appeal to the liberality of the citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity for assistance, otherwise our future usefulness will be very much im paired. ContribUtions in cash, and notice of Provisions and Sanitary Stores for Our use, will be received by the fol lowing gentlemen: Rev. Dr. Thomas Brainerd, No. 634 Pine street. - Thomas Robbins, Esq., President Philadelphia Bank, Chestnut street, west of Fourth street. D. B. Cummins, Esq., President of the Girard Bank, Third street, near Dock street. S. A. Mercer, Esq., President of the Farmers' and Mechanics' -Bank, Chestnut street, below Fifth. Austin, Esq., President of the Southwark Bank. Second, below South street. H. W: Woodward, Esq, - , Cashier Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Dank, northwest corner Third and Vine streets. 2666 20 00 b 00 5 00 00 6 00 600 Thomas T. Firth, ESQ. Treasurer Pennsylvania Rail road, Third and Willing's alley. James C. Hand & Co., corner Market and Decatur streets.. • • - • - Samuel B. Fates, Esq.,No. 514 Walnut street (who has consented to act as eneral Financial Agent for our institution). Or by any member of our committee. The Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon is situated at the southwest corner of Washington and Swanson streets. The citizens of Philadelphia and vicinity, and strangers, are respectfully invited to visit the Saloon, and witness for themselves the arrangements made for the refreshment and comfort of the brave soldiers pass ing through the City of Brotherly Love. ARAD BARROWS, Chairman. myl7-tuthsa6t 4 'AI 4 00 19 50 2,00 57 01 15 00 50 OD 20 00 4 00 50 00 23200 InrTIM CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION appeal to a generous people to sustain them iu their efforts to administer re lief to the noble menwho have sacrificed every home comfort, risked life and limb in the desperate conflict with treason, who are determined to.crush with the iron heel of right the deep ingratitude of a misguided and basely rebellious faction, and restore to its pristine purity and beauty the Union of our noble sires, plant upon every Southern hill-top our liberty-tree,-and moisten its roots with their warm life-blood, or find a grave beneath its soil. Several thousand such have already.arrived• among us, and been first received at this institution, proper refreshment freely and promptly given, their festering wounds bathed, and dressed by woman's tender hand, and every want anticipated. Donations of money, clothing, vegetables, preserves, dried fruits, or any article beneficial to the afflicted, will be cheerfully receiVed, and may be sent to the Hospital, care of THOS. L. GIFFORD, Secretary, or J. H. CLAYTON, Storekeeper. The following members comprise the Finance Com mittee, and would be glad to hear from the friends of the Soldier: 5S 00 34 00 `b) 00 300 500 300 JOAN 'WILLIAMS, Office No. 6 Willing's alley. TBOMAS T. TASKER, Sr., No. 1601 S. Fifth street. FRANK BAYLE, at 31. Thomas St Soul', No. 139 S Fourth street. , SAMUEL BAYLE, Office of Florence Sewing Machine Company, Chestnut street, below Seventh. -" CHAS. P. PEROT, S. E. corner of Broad and Chtis- Han streets, or any - member of the Board of MAna gers. • my 23-21 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF THE I CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. 'Whereas, On Sunday, theeighteenth day of May, one JOHN , WARBRICK was assailed and beaten by a per son or persons unknown, at the City Park 'Hotel, near Fairmount, in the Fifteenth ward of this pity, in conse quence whereof he died; and whereas, the person or bersons who perpetrated the said crime have not yet een brought CO Justice, now, therefore, as Mayor of the city of Philadelphia, I do hereby offer a reward of three hundred dollars for the arrest and conviction of the partieaconcerned in the aid murder. • In testimony whereof I have hereunto set -my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the city , of. Philadel phia, this twentieth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and-sixty-four. MERCANTILE LIBRARY SILARES. —Several Shares of Stock in the Mercantile Li brary Company having been assigned to the Committee on Colleges, Libraries, and Literary Institutions in con nection with the Sanitaryyair, will be sold for the bens; fit of the Sanitary Commission. They can be obtained at the following places: J. E. Gould's Music Store,S. E. corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets; Wm. Marot's Book Store, 811 Spring Garden street; and Charles Desilver's .Book Store, 1229 Chestnut street. By order of P. A. CREGAR, . S. IL CARTLEY, Special Committee. LEWIS W. SMITH. iny2.3-3t. ligrA SPECIAL SESSION OF TILE GRAND DIVISION SONS OF TEMPERANCE of Penna. will be held on THURSDAY EVENING, May 20.3.881., at 8 o'clock, corner of NINTH and SPRING GIRARD MINING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the GIRARD MINING COMPANY, of Michin, will be held at their Office,. No. 324- WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, the sevelath day of June next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the Election of Directors and other business. B. A. HOOPES, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, May 21,,1861. iny23-tje7 Iigr'PMLADELPIIIA. COMMERCIAL WHARF AND /RAILROAD COMPANY. —No tice is hereby given tkat a meeting of the Commission ers appointed by an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled !` An Act to Incorporate the Philadelphia Commercial Wharf and Railroad Company," approved the twenty-fifth day of May, A. D. 1863, to open books, receive subscriptions, and organize a company by the name, style: and title of the PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL WHARF AND RAILROAD COMPANY, will be held on theTWENTY SIXTH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1864, betweet the hours of ten o'clock A. M. and four o'clock P. M.,.at•No. 3137 WALNUT Street, second floor, Room No: 2,lin the city of PHILADELPHIA, and from day to day, it pursuance of said act of Assembly, and for the ptu es therein mentlond and provideed. EDMUND A. SO ER, DAVID JAYNE, SAMUEL T. BOD J. VAUGHAN M ICH, E. W. WARNER TITUS S. EMERY PHILADELPHIA, May 2, 1864. my3-20t. $9,810 00 55,649 57 $65,459 67 A. E. BORIE, Chairman. Phantom Bouquets. Autumn LeRYON. Aquaria, Seeds, Gardening Books, Fountains, Agricultural Iron Work, Wire Work, " China and Glass, Pottery, Dried Fruit, • Foreign or Exotic Fruit, - Wax b'ruitt Statuary, J. B. WADE, Secretary-. . .„ . . ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor of Philadelphia ,' 'RESOTAUTE TWINING 10031 ANY.— nr ' The Anneal Meeting of the Stoekhol era of the RESOLUTE MINING COMPANY, of Lak Superior, will be held at their Office, No. 324- WALN T Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the sixth day of . ne next, at 11 o'clock, A _ M., for the Election of Dire ors and other business. B. A. HOOPES, Se etaxy. PIIMADELPRIA, May 21, 1864. m 34306 MILITARY ------------------ T ,,„,.. iHEADQUARTERS PROVOSTIIA.R_ SR AL'S OFFICE, SECOND DISTRICT or pEN.N... 1 SYLVANIA, No. 266 South Twelfth street. ' IVhereas, It is for the interest of the peo of each ward to have stricken from thelist all names i properly enrolled, because an excess of names incream the quo ta: it is equally for the interest of each perso enrolled in a given ward to have placed upon the list persons liable to do military duty, because the g ater the ' number to be drawn from, the less the chant of each individual to be drawn. The Board of. Enrolment will be to sesslondaily, to strike from the list all persons not liable If military duty, and to enroll all persons whose names bay have .t been omitted, all persons who shall have tweed. at the age of Twenty (20) before the draft, all peons dis charged from the military or naval service of the United States who have not been in service two yea during the present war, and all Aliens who shalt I tve de clared their intentions to become citizens of tli United States or who Lave held office under the Ge al Go vernment. It Is hoped that the people will take such in rest in this matter as will enable the Board to make a pieta enrolment. is- EDWIN PALS) R, my2.3-tf Capt. and Provost Marshal Second Dis Pa. t4HEADQUARTERS PROITOSTi .IAR SEAL FIRST DISTRICT, Pennsylvania. ' t WHEREAS, It is plainly for the interes of the people of each Ward to have stricken ;from he list all names improperly enrolled, because an e ess of i names increases the quota: and t is equally fo he in terest of each person enrolled to place upon tlrt all Persons liable to do military duty, because th eater the number to be drawn from the less the c ces of each individual: therefoer, • , The Board of Enrolment, upon applicationovl strike off the names of all persons now over 45 yearef age, all who are permanently, disabled, all who harkerved in the military or naval service two years doing the present war and been honorably discharged th7froin, and will add to the list the names of all perso omit ted or stricken off who are liable to do militarty, all who have arrived at the age of RD years, a aliens who have declared their intention of becoming ize as. All other claims for exemption will be disposedr after the draft. WM. E. LEFIMAN, Captain and Provost Mare my2l-stralitf First District na, iHEADQUA_RTERS'PROVOST SEAL, FOURTH DISTRICT, PA. , Northea of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets. In order to have the Enrolment List revs I, the BOARD OF ENROLMENT will, upon applic on at these Headquarters strike off the names of all arsons now over-forty-flue years of age, all who are erma nently disabled, and those who have servethn the Military or Naval Service two years during the resent war, and been honorably discharged therefro, and will add to the List all who have arrived at th age of twenty years,' all aliens who have declared thllnten lion of becoming Citizens . Citizens who may cogni zant of_persons not having been enrolled; are quested to notify the BOARD OF ENROLMENT, in our that the facts may be ascertained, and such person laced upon the List. It is for the interests of the el .ens of each Ward to haveNstricken from the Lists enflames improperly enrolled, and it is equally for the est of each person enrolled to have placed upon - the iSt all persons liable to Military Duty, so that his ow hence for Draft shall not be unjustly increased. 1 D. M. LANE, Capt., - Prov. Menial, Fourth Dlstrict,Penna. HEADQUARTERS PROVOST EAR MAL THIRD DISTRICT PENNSYLVAN , No. 511 BROWN Street. , Notice is hereby given that the Board - of E u rmeut - will sit on and after MONDAY next from S o' , ck A. M. to 3P. M., until further notice, for the p lise of hearing claims of exemption from the enrolmeii of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards; for the folowing causes: $ ; Alienage. Non-residence. . • - Unsuitableness of age. • • - - Manifest permanent physical disability.' JACOB S. STRE' Capt. and Provost FRAtIKLIN 1). STER Commii gKEYSTONE BATTEi meeting of this Battery will be hold 1 DAY EVENING, May 24th, at the CB'' RACE, below BROAb, at 8 o'clock. of the Second Keystone Battery and all of men desirous of organizing under the Proola the Governor, are invited to attend.' I t0y2.3-2t. M. HASTINGS„! TO ARCHITECTS AND HIDERS. -By the act of May 6th, an approprlat nof Fifty Thousand. Dollars was made for the Exte •ion of the Capitol Buildings at Harrisburg. AUCHPIECTS and BDILDEItS are hereby requested to presmt Plans for said extension, and proposals for building the same. to the undersigned, by the FIFTEENTH day of INE. .The main object to be attained by the proposed ettension is to furnish additional Committee loom for the Legisla ture, and the extension is to conform as far as possible to the architecture of the present building. A. G. CURTIN, Ooyernor. ISAAC SLENHER, Auditor General. • JAMES P. BARR,, Surveyor General. HENRY D. MOORE, State Treasurer. RARRISIIMI, May 19, 1864. ' ' my29-18t TEE UNQUESTIONED 'SUPERIOR.; -R- ITY of B. F. REIMER'S PORTRAITS, Life-size , Ph ,tcgraphs in Oil Colors, gives them precedence of all othor styles of life-like end impressive coloring, 624 ARCH. btreet, - • THE NEW BOORS ARE- This is the most successful American Novel for several years. Its sale continues unabated. It is surely a book of Intense interest, and will be valuable always as a story of the Rebellion. English „Reviews rank it witli Goldsmith's " Deserted Village" and " Vicar of Wakefield." , NEIGHBOR JACKIVOOD. A splendid story, by the author of ' Ceeie'a Cave. '' Price $1.75. MARTIN MERRIVALE Also, by the same author FLOWERS FOR TRH PARLOR AND GARDEN. Indispensable to every person who cultivates cowers and ornamental plants, eithtr in the smallest garden or the window only, or the conservatory and greenhouse, etc. It tells what to cultivate and how to do it. The Poetry of the Age of Fable. By the author of "The Age of Fable." Elegantly illustrated. With new.xnethod of sheeting wax, moulding fruit, etc. (Ready May 24th. ) Price The above, and our other desirable publications, are for sale by the principal booksellers in all parts of the country. ~. THE GREAT NOVEL ! 1-1A.1.T.N Tr.( HEARTS, Will be published simultaneously in London and Boa ton Thursday, May 25th. Is the groat selling book at this time, Secretary Chase and other eminent men speak of it in the highest terms. Published by - J. E. TILTON dr CO., Boston. Sold by all principal book and newsmen. NEIGHBOR JACK:WOOD, By the author of "Cudjo's Cave, " now ready as above. my2l-stu2t BUTTRE'S PORTRAIT PRESIDENT LINCOLN ----- - - - • This tine steel-plate Engraving, from a recent Photo graph, is the only large-size, full-length Portrait yet published, and can only be obtained from the Publisher or his authorized agents, at the low price of V per copy. This fine Portrait Will be sent by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt of Retail Price. Agents wanted in every county. - 41Eg Address J. P. SKELLY, Sole Agent for Penna., myb-thsatutf 908 ARCH Street, Phila. 20CENTS I GODEY FOR JUNE. 15 cents! LADY'S FRIEND for Juno. 'X cents! HARPER for June. 15 cents! PETERSON for June. 20 cents! ATLANTIC for June. All New Books at a discount. Pbotorraph Albums at a discount. my2B-3t PITCHER'S, 808 CHESTNUT Street TKE MARVEL'S NEW BOOK SEVEN STORIES, WITH BASEMENT. AND ATTIC Published this day. ALSO, HEADLEY'S CHAPLAINS AND CLERGY OF THE REVOLUTION. - 'UCKERMAIVS AMERICA AND HER COMMENTA TORS.WORK AND PLAY. By Horace Bushnell. MY FARM AT ED GEWOOD. By the Author of Reve ries of a Bachelor, &c. ALL NEW AND. STANDARD BOOKS for sale as soon as published, by LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, my 23 25 South SIXTH Street, above Chestnut. A SEMEAD & EVANS, Successors to WILLIS P. HAZARD, 724 CHESTNUT Street, Have received IK MARVEL'S NEW BOOK. SEVEN STORIES, WITH BASEHENT AND ATTIC. THE SOLDIER BOY; Or. Tom Somers in the Army. By Oliver Optic. A spirited book. THE FERRY BOY AND FINANCIER. A popular Life of Secretary Chase. THE BLACK PANTHER. A Boy's Adventures among the Redskins. By Wraxall. A pod book. THE LITTLE REBEL. A new Juvenile. BUSY HANDS AND PATIENT HEARTS; Or, The Blind Boy of Dresden and his Friends. One of the best little story bookset issued. THE SMALLHOUSE AT ALLINGTON. Trollope's new novel. Finely illustrated. WOODBURN. A novel by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey, au• thor of "Poems b Rosa. " —AlrgeNtArc',ljk.lso2o.l.,ES AROUND RICHMOND. yM ri_n_GREAT WAR 33-00 E: m - GREAT REBELLION: Heroic Adventures and Hair-breadth Escapee of Sol. diers, Scouts, Spies, and Refugees; Daring Ex- - ploits of Smugglers, Guerillas, Desperadoes, and Others; Tales of Loyal and Disloyal Women: Stories of the Negro, etc., etc., with Incidents of Fun and Merriment in Camp and Field. With Illustrations in Colors. 12m0., cloth. Price $1.60. The above title fully indicates the exciting character of this work, aud it will be eagerly read and sought for everywhere by the friends of our gallant soldiers. Single copies will be sent post paid, to any addres, on receipt of price, $1.50. Liberal terms made with. agents and the trade. Address all orders to • NEW WAR MAP ! GIVING ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILES AROUND RICHMOND, and showing the Fortifications, surrounding it. Also, 200 miles around Natchez, Miss. ; 100 miles around Chattanooga; 200 miles around Montgomery; 100 miles around Augusta, Ga. ; 250 miles around Charleston; 250 miles around Galveston, Texas, and giving the surroundings of Memphis arid - Nashville. Sholving all the Railroads, Towns, Wagon Roads, and the Battle-Ground of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House, May 5-14, 1061. Price 50 cents. For sale by WM. S. it ALFRED MARTIEN, my2l 606 CHESTNUT Street. NEW BOOKS. J- 1 SELF-CONTROL; or, Uinta for the Improvement of Temper in the various relations of Life. 18mo. 2.5 and 30 cents. - THE WEED WITH AN ILL NAME. ISmo. .30 and 35 cents. THE OLD FLAG. Loyalty explained and enforced 16mo. Cloth, beautifully illustrated. , CONTENTS. A July Morning in 1540—The Tea Party—Family His tory—The Patriot—A Day in School—The Fishing Party —The Decision—Sunday in the Red House—Sunday Evening—The Town Meeting—Sleep—Ten -Years-Later— The Wood Lot—The Birth-Day—Voting,,lB6o—The Great Question—Loyalty—A Talk with Susan—Volunteering— The New Captain—Army Letters—Battle - of Fredericks burg—A Surprise—The Parting. Published and for .sale by THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, No. 1122 CHESTNUT Street, Phila delphia. my2l-3t. (1, A R D.-TO THE LAWYERS OF C Pennsylvania—l am now the Publisher of the 3 Volumes of. GRANT'S CASES; the 3d volume will be ready by the 14th inst. I have also a numerous collec tion of Law and Miscellaneous Books for sale cheap. mylO.lm JOHN CAMPBELL, 449 CHESTNUT St. THE SUNBEAM STORIES, -4- Containing the charming, bright stories of TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM CLOUD WITH SILVER LINING, HOUSE ON THE ROCK, ONLY, OLD JOLLIFFE, MERRY CHRISTMAS, DREAM CHINTZ, STAR IN THE DESERT, &o. beautiful volumes illustrated, $2.50. WILLIE P. HAZARD Publisher, 21 South SIXTH Street. fe26-tiTl APPLETON'S NEW AMERICAN The Agency for this invaluable Library of Universal Information is at 33 South SIXTH Street second story. B.F.00Rl? OF THE REBELLION. By Frank Moore. , - • fell-tf GROCERIES. KENNEDY, STAIRS, & CO., Nos. 130 and 132 North Wharves, PICKLED AND DRY FISH. A large stock, in assorted packages, suitable for Conn try Trade, always on band. aplS-2m MACKEREL, HEARING, SHAD, &c. -"A- 2,500 bble Mass. Nos. 1,2, and 3 Mackerel, late caug fat`fish, in assorted packages. 2,000 1 t blels' New Hastport, Fortune Bay, and Halifax Herring. 2,500 boxes Lubec, Scaled, and No. 1 Herring. 160 Ws new Mess Shad. _ 250 boxes Herkimer County Cheese, &c. In store and for sale by . MIIRPHY & KOONS, ial9-tt No. 1 , 141 ,NORTH WHARVES. A RCRER & REEVES, 4 - &- WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 45 North WATER Street, and No. 46 North DELAWARE Avenue, Offer for sale, at the Lowest Market Prices, a large dock of SUGAR, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, TOBACCO, And Groceries generally, carefully ,selected for the gonntry trade. Sole Agents for the products of FITHIAN & POGUE'S Extensive Fruit Canning Factory at Bridgeton, N. J. shal. R, : over r, rgeon Emma y.-A. [ ct TUBS , Arsenal, U !embers Vatro°u"J} . TT S. A. DIED. PURVEYOR'S OFFICE, • 2•513 North BROAD Street, PITILADELPTITA, May 21, 1864. PROPOSALS FOR IRON BEDSTEADS. Proposals are invited for 6000 Iron Bedsteads, undu lating wooden bottoms, each Bedstead to be 6 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 6 inches wide, and 18 inches high. Names of two sureties to be furnished with the bids. Proposals will be opened on the Ist June. - The Medical Purveyor reserves the right to reject any or all bids. . • D. MURRA.Y, niy23-6t • - Surgeon U. S. A., Medical Purveyor. CONSIGNEE OP FORTY-SIX BAR REM BONE DUST, from Albany, will please eau. forit at Nó. 301 SOUTH WHARVES. ' my23-3t*. D. - L. - FLANAGAN, Agent. SUMMER COBSETS.—MRS: STEELE, ta TENTH Street, bolOw Chestnut, tuts on hand and mattes to order best quality Linen Summer COSSETS. Also, received from Parts; elQichntivatting genuine Wetly Colmtv, mY23-3t 4 , . NEW PUBLICATIONS. CUDJO 9 9 CAVE. DREAMTHOEP, DT ALEXANDISIt SMITH' WAX FLOWERS, AND. HOW TO MAKE THEM. 3. E. TILTON Lt. CO., BOSTON By the author of "THE LAbIPLIGHTER,'' CUDJO'S CAVE THRILLING STORIES OF THE ME=l BY A DISABLED OFFICER JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, 617 SANSOM Street, Philadelphia CYCLOPEDIA ABOVE ARCH STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS RETAIL DRY GOODS. CIVIL AND ARM ' CLOTHS. MIDDLESEX 6-4 LIGHT. BLUES. ALL GRADES DARK DO. 34 AND 64 INDIGO FLANNELS. 34 AND 6-4 BLUE CASSIMERES. 34 AND 6-4 DOESKINS. FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS. DO. DO. COATINGS. DO. DO. CASSIMERES. BILLIARD AND BAGATELLE CLOTHS. CLOTHS FOR COAOHMA.KERS. ALL KINDS TRIMMINGS, &c. W. T. SNODGRA.SS, my24-Irn 34- S. SECOND and 33 STRAWBERRY Stu CLOAKS! CLOAKS ! IMMENSE BARGAINS. n every new style and material. IVENS ik 00., y24-12t 23 South NINTH Street CLOAKS I CLOAKS! THE CHEAPEST LOT OF SILKS IN THE CITY. .IVENS & 00., my24-12t 933 South NINTH. Strout ARMY GOODS. FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANS 61 - , I - LASSA - 1414, MILITARY FURNISHERS, 418 ARCH STEET, PHILADELPHIA. Banner;, Regimental and Couupsnav Plage, Sashes, Belts, Peasants, Epaulets, Hats, Caps, Can teens, Haversacks, Camp Kits, Field Glasses, Spurs, and everything pertainingto the complete outfit of Army and Navy Officers. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. mylS•lm FROTHINGHAM & WELLS HATS FOR SALE,_ lIKA.VY, MEDIUM, AND LIGHT SHEETINGS AND SOIRTINGS. STANDARD DRILLS. BEATY CANTON FLANNELS. WASHINGTON AND VICTORY CAMBRICS AND SILECIAS. BROWN BLEACHED, AND CORSET JEANS. No. 12 WORSTED YARN, &c. MILLINERY GOODS. • MISS M. A. BASER,n No. 1346 CHESTNUT STREET, Has opened a large assortment of PARIS MILLINERY For the Spring and Summer of 1864. apl3 Rm • MATTINGS. MATTINGS MATTIN6S ! BEST quality, all widths, fresh Importations. 11. L. KNIGHT Sr SON, SOT CHESTNUT Street. T HE `EXCELStOIt" HAMS ARE THE BEST Iff THE WORLD NONE GENUINE UNLESS BRANDED "J. 11. M. & CO., PHILIDA. EXCHISIOR." J. MICHENEII Si CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, AND CURERS OF THE CELEBRATED "-JqX4O]ErASIOrt," SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Nos. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Race stymie,- Philadelphia The justly. celebrated " EXCELSIOR " HAMS are cured by J. H. M, & Co. (in a style peculiar to them selees) expressly for FAMILY USE, are of delicious Savor, free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. ruy24-tutheSm LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE do SON, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILA., Have now in store a very fine assortment of LOOKING GLASSES, . of every character, of the - VERY BEST MANUFACTURE AND LATEST STYLES OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, ap2o PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. IMPROVEMENT _IN GAS REGULATORS. The tuidersigned, sole owner of HOLZER'S IMPROVED GAS REGU LATORS," lefnow prepared to SELL RIGHTS for the nee of this valuable Patent on the most advantageous terms. 54 South Third Street. PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING, & CO., 510 MINOR STREET, Manufacturers of ROLL WRAPPERS, DOUBLE and SINGLE MEDIUM, CAP,. and CROWN MANILLA, on hand, or made to order. Highest price paid for rope in large or small quanti ties. fe26-3m LONDON BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALE, BY THE CASK OR DOZEN. ALBERT C. RO33ERTB, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, mh2s Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Streets MATHEMATICAL DRAFTING IN INSTRUMENTS. Chesterman's Metallic and teef:tape Measurers. For sale by I JAMES W. QUEEN & CO.. 924 CHESTNUT Street. Priced and Illustrated Catalogues gratis. iny3-Im SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS ARTIFICIAL HUMAN EYES Inserted without pain. by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., re.y3-1m 924 CHESTNUT. Street. OPERA GLASSES AND OFFICERS' FIELD GLASSES. Microscopes for Physicians and Students. A very large assortment for sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., my3-1m 924 CHESTNUT Street. EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS.-THE pre-eminently practical system of instruction adopted at the QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE, TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and carried out in a manner wholly nnknown in any other commercial in stitution, should commandth., special attention of young men who desire al • aration for business that will really fit them to enter once upon its practi cal duties. my 24-20 FLECTRICITY.-DR. A. H. STEVENS is curing all Chronic Diseases, both of LADIES and GENTLEMEN, by a new method in the use of ELEC TRICITY, without shocks or pain. Board for a limited number of Patients from abroad may be had at reasona ble rates in the Doctor's family. A Pamphlet of sixteen pages, containing certificates and other information, sent gratis to all orders accompanied with a stamp. Office and residence at 1118 SOUTH PENN SOUARF,, being central and accessible by street-cars from every railroad depot in the city. my24-lm BRICK - PRESSES AND BRICK MAKERS' TOOLS, 309 South FIFTH Street my23-lm' • S. P. MILL'ER. OBTAIN AT ONCE COLORED PHO= TOGI . tAPpS of REIMER, if you want n good pic ture. Their wide-spread reputation and daily-increas ing popularity wore their worth. SECOND , Street, above Green. It* TREASURY DEPARTMENT, MAY 14, NOTICE .TO THE HOLDERS OF THE THREE-YEARS' SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES FALLING DUE AFTER AUGUST 19, AND OCTOBER 1, 1564. The teree- - years' seven-thirty notes issued under the act of July 17, 1561, are exchangeable at any time before or at maturity, for six per cent. bonds of the act of July 17, and August 5, 1861, when presented In sums not less than liv e hund red dollars. . . . . The three-years' noles were issued bearing .date of August 19, and October 1, 1861 and b. ----- Ang - ust 19, and Oct.h..o..tareet date, acisTereby non . - neTd - tiegt thOY May be presented for immediate exchage for six per cent. bonds., with ful coupons, drawing in terest from July 1, WA; up to which date interest milt be paid, without delay, on the three-years' notes at the rate of seven 30-100 per centuin per annum.' -The i nterest found to be due on the three-years' notes i up to July 1, 1864, will be transmitted by the United States Treasurer's draft, payable in coin. The six per cent. bonds which are exchanged for the principal of the three-years' notes will be issued drawing interest froM July 1, 1664, the date np to which the three-years' notes are settled, and will be Aransmitted as fast as the.' can convenientlybe prepared: Parties wishing to exchange the three-years' notes in the above manner, must send them to this Department, in SWIGS of fiv&hundred dollars or its multiple, endorsed m to the Secretary of the Treasure.. for redemp tion,' ' which endorsement must be signed by the Party on whose accent they are to be exchanged. - They must be accompanied by a letter stating the numbers,..denominations, and dates, of the notes, and the kind (Registered or Coupon) and denominations of the six per cent. bonds wanted to exchange. The six per cent. Coupon Bonds are of the denomina tions of live hundred, and - one thousand dollars; and the Registered Bonds are of the denominations of (lye hundred, one thousand, live thousand, and ten thou sand dollars. t , When Registered Bonds are ordered, parties must state at which of the following places they wish the in terest paid, ;•iz: New York, Philadelphia Boston, Bal timore, or New Orleans. • 5..1 3 . CHASE, • my2l-6t Secretary of the Treasury. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CITRICENOT,_, WASHINOTON, May 4, lead. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that THE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, county of Philadelphia, andlState of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized, under and according to the require ments of the act of Congress entitled "Au act to pro vide a National Currency, secured by Opledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation arta re demption thereof," approved February 25,863, and has complied with all the provisions of said act required to be complied with before commencing the • bueiness of Banking: Now, therefore,l, HUGH IinCULLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that THE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK OF PHILADELPHIA, county of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, Is inthortsed to commence the business of Banking under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand f and seal of office, this FOURTH DAY OF MAY, 1864. [Seal of the Comptroller of the Currency.) HUGH IticCULLOCH raye-Rm . Comptroller of the Currency. LL PERSONS ARE FORBID TRUST ING;my wife s MARY ANN FIELDS, as I will not pay any debts contracted by her after this date. GEORGE V. FIELDS. May 21; 1864. mySt-3t5 R ES DE VISITE.ATURAL, CA • T---IsT neat, and tftstei nl style obtained,opular to in istere likenesses may always be executed in the most 'finished manner, B.F. REIMER, 624 ARCH St. e iV)CASES PINET, CASTILLON, & 4 - 7.4 - 1 CO'S COGNAC SIZANDY I landing from 'b r i g "L°1118 " ' 1!)14 Beri lf a tlVA r li a lLlTON wtoviontb. VONT Street. WANTS. WANTE D-BY - THE FIRST OF July, a' Situation as BOOK-KF,EPER, in a Wholesale Dry Goode, Grocery, or Hardware Store, by one fully competent to keep books double-entry. Satisfactory reference given. Address . " Book. keener,'' Pre other. miy24-3t* COLORED DEL'P, COOKS,WAITERS, and CHAMBERMAIDS, for the CI ty and Long Branch. J. OLIVER'S Office, 1113 PINE Street. myt3-6t. SITUATION AS ENTRY CLERK OR ASSISTANT BOOK-IIBEPSR desired; be.t city references given. Address "B," Preßß;Office. my2l-31. To NAVAL PA YMASTERS.-A LATE TO A. 4. Payznauter, thoroughly conversant with every branch of the hnslness routine, desires a Clork ship at .no Navy Yard. lias occupied positions of pe culiar responsibility, and in competent to take coin pleto charge of any I%Lpeager or Inspector's dotics. Addrees " Paymaster, Preae office, mytTi-tic WANTED TO RENT-A LOT OF GROUND, went of he Schuylkill, or on the Dela ware, offlablo for Coal Oil Works. Address B. J. & J. L. CREW, TWENTY-TITIRD and ASCII. zny24-3t. WANTED, BY s YOUNG ittio MAN, OF EJOBTEEN EARD is the Mercan- tile Way, where be can make himself generally useful; would be sittislled with a moderate compensation. The Wholesale business preferred. Please address "W, 11. Addis," t}l6 lt. CE Street. rny.24-21.. WANTED -IN WHOLESALE DRUG DOUSE, a young man sompetent to take charge of a set of Books. Address stating salary re quired) " Mercury," at this Office. Also, a Lad who has had one or two years' experience in a Drug Store, either Wholesale or Retail, Address as above. my24-:R WANTED -AGENTS TO SELL BUT- IRE'S superior eteel plate PORTRAITS of Pre sident LINCOLN. and General GRANT. Apply to or address .1. P. SKELLY, sole Agent for Pennsylvania, 008 ARCH Street. my2l-6t. AiyANTED—A SITUATION BY A you is!? man who understand,' bookkeeping and is a penman, in any capacity where he can be amoral to hia employer. Salary secondary to a good place. Addeo.- D. H. WEBSTER, my2:l-3t. PRESS OFFICE, WA.N TED TO RENT-A LARGE COAL YARD—Central location. Address Box 241 Ni, P. 0., skating terms, location, Sm. mr24-2t 89 000 -WANTED THE ABOVE. , . AMOUNT, FIRST MORTGAGE on first ass security. Apply to ROBERT MAGGREGOR, iny24 419 WALNUT Street. $4OOO — . l' al WWI u A:PITED 5 • at FIVE PER CENT., for a terra of wars: irterest punctually paid, and tho bebt Real estate security given. Address "M," at this ottice.. niy24-2.t.T1 150,000 CORDS OF PITCH-PINE ST UMPS, or very fat Pitch t the first growth, WANTED. For fartherpartiottarss address ALFRED BERVEY & CO., Union Chemical Works, JERSEY CITY, New . Jersey. my2l-6t* i t n A MONTH !-I WANT AGENTS at $6O a month, expenses paid, M sell my EVER LASTING PENCILS, ORIENTAL BURNERS, and 13 other articles. Fifteen circulars sent free . Address ap3o-d&w3m JOHN F. LORD, Biddeford, Maine. S7F, A .MONTH !-I WANT TO HIRE AGENTS in every County at $75 a month, ex penses paid, to sell my new s cheap Family Sewing Ma chines. Address S. MADISON,AIfred, Me. [fel2-41,10;913m 0) 34 „ CAVALRY HORSE'S WANTHD WAR DRPART3fENT, CAVALRY BUREAU. OFFICE., OP CRIRF QUARTERMASTER, WARR . iIV9 , IIri,D," C., May Is. 1564 TI R.EE THOUS:6ISI3: Wiff ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE ($165) DOL. LARS per head will be paid for all CAVALRY HORSES delivered within the next thirty (30) days at the Go vernment stables at Gleshoro, D. C. Said Horses to he sound -in all particulars, not less than five (5) nor more thannine (9) years old; from fif teen to sixteen hands high,: full in flesh; compactly built, bridle wise, and of size sufficient for cavalry purposes. These specifications will be strictly adhered to and rigidly enforced in every particular. Payment made on delivery of seven (7) and over. JAMES A. ERIN, rny2ll-lm lA. Col. Sr C. Q. M. cavalry Bureau. ARTILLERY HORSES ‘ l O- WANTED. ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE, PIIILADELPHIA t May 6, 1864. Horses, suitable for Artillery service, will be Pur chased at this Depot by the undersigned, in open mar ket, from date until May 26th, 1834, in lots of one (1) to fifty (60), for which a reasonable price will be paid. Each animal to be subject to the usual Government in spection before being accepted. Horses to be delivered to the United Stites Inspector, at the William Penn Hotel, MARKET, between .Eighth and Ninth streets. By order of Col_ GEO. H. CROSMAN, Assistant Quartermaster General U. S. A. CHAS. D. SCHMIDT, Captain, A. Q. M. my6-tmM CAVALRY HORSES. ASSIST. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S OPPICE, PHILADELPHIA, May 12, 1864. .Horsee suitable for CAVALRY. SERVICE will be purchased at this DEPOT by the undersigned, in Open Market, from date until May 31st, in -lots of eight (a) to fifty (50), for which one hundred and fifty dol lars ($150), will be paid in Certificate of Indebtedness, °soh Animal to be subject to the usual Government Inspection before being accepted. Horses to be delivered to the Officer of the CAVALRY BUREAU, at the WILLIAM PENN HOTEL, MARKET, between Eighth and Ninth Streets. . _ G. R. CROSMAN, Aesist. CE M. General. CHARLES D. SCHMIDT, Cant., A. Q. M. By order of my 18431 BOARDING. BOARDING.—CHOIGE Rooms, SlN ale, and for families, in a first-class house on WAJ.,NUT Street. Also, one suite on second lioor, with priAtte bath-room. Address "Bacon," .Fl•eys of ffice. my24-3t. COUNTRY BOARDING.-- LAD IE S and Gentlemen can obtain Pleasant Rooms for the Slimmer in a large and comfortable house, with plenty of shade, near MEDIA, a few minutes' walk from the Railroad depot. Apply, during this , i - ses.. - st WA pIIIT Street. my -3t"` TO RE N T-11ANDSOMELY-YUR -4- IsI . :SHED communicating, Rooms , with every con venience. No. 904- WALNUT Street. mr2l-3t. ACANT-SEVERAL HANDSOME -ly-furnished ROOMS, for permanent or transient Boardeis, at 006 SPRUCE Street. my24-6t' LOST AND FOITND. nno~m- -011 TwentvqZ.Hgr....ktste to the4ti tRPETTIAL d Dollars, dated Jaact6llN 3 4: lsBB . , also, Piro Associationfor One honsand Dollars. to RESTO.F 6A 1 1411 6°6 , June 30, 1860. May 12, 1264. _ rayl4-stuth6t. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE- VALUABLE COAL LANDS ! VALUABLE COAL LANDS IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY Several choice tracts of COAL LANDS,. adjoining Railroads, in Schuylkill county, for sale. GEO. N. TOWNSEND & CO., 123% SOUTH FOURTH STREET. Send for TOWNSEND'S FARM . AND HOUSE RE GISTER. nlylS-St iIItARREL MACHINERY FOR SALE VERY CHEAP,—Crozier's Patent, seven. Machines, for making barrels; used a short time. Apply to my23-14t• STINE & ROSS, Lebanon, Pa. COAL YARD FOR SALE, NINTH Street (935), above POPLAR, having every fa cility for doing a large business. my23-6c. OIL WELL FOR SALE, WITH EN •-• LINE, TUBING, &c., situated on the valuable Oil Farm of H. McClintock, on Oil Creek, two miles above Oil City. For terms., tke., apply to F. A. LUCKEN BACH, 112 South FOURTH Street. my:Mit PETROLEUM LANDS, LEASES, IN TERESTS IN OIL WELLS, .tc. FOR SAFE BY _ _ _ - - - - F. A. LUCKENBACH, 112 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia. Oil Lands of reliable character, selected' by experi enced parties residing in the Oil Districts, on hand and for sale. For further information, descriptions, Ste., apply at the office. Undoubted references, TO , LET-WITH ADVANCES-DE SIRABLE LOTS. Apply to HIRAM M1LLER,2.21.3 MME=a Ett FOR SALE-A DESIRABLE COT TAGE, very pleasantly situated, on the north side of LOCUST, above TIIiRTY-EIGHTH Street. West Philadelphia. Apply to ROBERT MACGREGOR, 419 WALNUT Street. • myS4 el FOR SALE OR RENT—A FARM Mk truin CHESTER COUNTY, containing about - 20 acres, under cultiTation. Apply at No. 905 CHEST UT Street. . my2l-tu2t* FOR SALE-FINE FARM OF AI ISA acres, in COSHOCTON COUNTY, 0H10,0n...L. e Muskingum river, Ohio canal, and P., C. and C. Railroad, adjoining a depot; 100 acres first and second bottom land; 150 acres cleared. Improvements, two log houses ;'one containing six rooms and cellar, stable, or chard, &c. Was appraised in the fall of 1557, when property was very low, by three disinterested men, under oath, appointed brthe Probate Court of Coshoc ton county, at about K3OO. Price $3O per acre. Apply, personally; to ISAAC TEAGARDEZ , I, Franklin Station, Coshocton county, Ohio, or cutdres.B "Lock," Box 169, ZANESVILLE, Ohio. It*Al r A SPLENDID LARGE STONE ::• COTTAGE, Stable andFitmaerer.oc - orrrea -- Will leliefetivelve trains .pass daily. Will be exchanged for a good farm, or rented for the mummer season. ',B. F. GLENN,' 123 South FOURTH Street. - . my 2- if J. AUCTION SALE. BAZAAR ) NINTH AND SAN SOM Streets. PHILADELPHIA •AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SE COND ANNUAL SALE OF BLOODED STOCK. This sale will take place on_ WEDNESDAY MORNING NEXT, 10 o'clock, at the Bazaar. Included. in the cata logue, will be BLOODED HORSES, SHETLAND PO NIES, HORNED CATTLE. SOUTHDOWN SHEEP, SWINE. POULTRY, &c. nry2-1-2Df AL FRED M. HERKNESS, Auctioneer. il ga t THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD respectfully inform the bereaved, who may need- his services, that he is prepared to furnish the "rritilftrliSOLL Premium Circular-ends Air-tight Cas ket,'' by means of which, in our bands, he guarantees the removal-of the remains of the soldiers. from their graves on the battle-fleld (no matter how long interred), to the family - burial grounds, free of disagreeable odor, or no charge for the Casket, at one-third lass than the metallic Cases. No advances on the latter.. N. B:—Undertakers will be furnished. at very low rates with Coffins,. Cases, and Caskets,of ovary style and size, as well as private families. /far Embalming attended to by Messrs. BROWN & CO,, in the most perfect manner, and to.the entire satis faction of the parties applying—or no,. charge will be made—at the Branch Office, IS o. 233 South Eleventh Street. JOHN HOOD, Undertaker, 921 SPRIWR Sireet,,and 221 South ELEVENTH Street, • Philadelphia. my29-tuslin TARRANT'S EFFSWVESCENT -I- SELTZER APRIIENT IS TIM' BEST REMEDY KNOWN FOIL ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS, Safi ITEADACHA,COSTITE NESS, IN DIGESTEOX, IIEART-13.URN, SOUR STOMACH, SEA SICK.R.ESS, &c. Dr. JAMES R. cnna9,x, the Grant dlaernist, says: "I know its composittta, and have no-doubt it will Prove most beneficial izthobe comliraints Yet which it is recommended.'' ' Dr. THOMAS 13017.110 says: "1i strongly commend it to the notice or the pablic." Dr. EDWARD G. LUDLOW' says: "I can with oon• fidence recommend it, - " Dr. GEORGE T. DEXTER says: "In. Flatulenov Heart-burn, Costiveness, Sick Headache, the SELTZER APERIENT iv.lay hands has proved Indeed a valuable remedy." For other testimonials see Pamphlet with eaoh bottle Manufactured only l)y .. TARRANT & CO., R7S . OREENWICH Street, p..l3ar - FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. New IIT23 Yo - trn%26 SILIT RODS, OF WHITTINGTON Brands all sizes , Squares and Slats, just. rensivad per bark MOnitor, or sale in lots to suit pnrallasers. ALBERT POTTS. any 23 61 4 E. Cor. THIRD and 'WILLOW Streets. • T ,ARD OIL, F 0 R LIJI3RICATING Wool and Machinery, for sale at the lo west market price by ISAR.OT & STUL, Manrafacturers, 131 North FRONT Stmt. rara-lut4 DROVER'S CHESTNUT -STREET THEATRE. LEONARD GROVER MANAGE!. (Also of Grover's Theatie, FPashiagton, D:C.) THE COOLEST AND MOST AMERICA COMFORTABLE THEATRE IN THIS (Tuesday) EVENIIO - , May 24 L will he produced for the fifth sad last time, .T. Sterling' Coyee's GRAND IgolstANTra DEANA Entitled FRAUD AND ITS" VICTIMS, With the most powerful met ever Oven in America. Toting the evening. A MAGNIFIGENT MUSICAL MELANOE, by K.oppitz and the Grand' Oteheatra. In active preparation, and will sliortlt produced, a drama of intense interett, by the author of "ilfonte Cristo,. entitled . . COUNT MONTE LEONE—. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STJOJ,-REET THEATRE. THIRD WEEK OF FRANK DREW. TO-NIGHT (Tnei=daYL I MAY 2Rh, 11364. A BULL IN A CHINA SIMP. Bagshot Frank" Draw. Bellamy Brown John Stuart Robsion. To he followed by the new burlesn'tle of ILL TREATED IL -TROVATOH3::" AZUCPna, With Soocs Frank Th-ew. Cantu di Mira Stnart - Rotson. The perfornlance commencing with THk. JENKISES.. FRIDAY, FRANK DREW'S BE?i'EFIT. DOiltri o pen at 75a . Cnrift in rises at to S. WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. TINS (Tnesday) EVENING May 24th, BENEFIT OF MR. B. YOUNG, , when will be presented far the first time in this country a Dratna,in three arts, byThte,TaFlor and Mark Lemon, founded en Mrs. Stowe's celebrated nevel, - entitled SLAVE LIFE; on, • UNCLE - TOWS CABIN. George Hart is Mr. B. Young Uncle Tote- It• Bailey .Topsy - Miss C. Jefferson To conclude with the laughable Sketch called LIFE IN ALABAMA. Mr: B 2 Young TO Duckshins A SSVINUILY BUILDINGS, CORNER TENTH .AND CHESTNUT COntirtied riucceso WOODROFFE'S BOHEMIAN TROUPE. SIX NIGHTS MORE! PRESENTS! PRESENTS! MORE PRESENTS! MORE PRESENTS! No end to Preeents: A THIRTY-DOLLAR CASE evening away Query this week. A T'r v i e z n e for the falsest lfid q. A Prize for the heaviest man. 4areat_h umber of ladies. A Prize for the best Poem. - ,PRIZES. PRIZES. rotfoght.Mrs. C. A. Woode every r MATINEE, WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. WEDNEi.DAY AND SATURDAY Doors open at 73.1; to cominenee at 8. Doors open at 73i; to commence at 8. See programmed. See prograninte.. Admission, Evening, 21: 'Afternoon. 15. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. GRAND ENTERTAINMENT by the YOU SG LA DIES of the MONROE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, assisted by the AMICITIA LITERARY ASSOCIATION, -TUES DAY EVENING t . Blay , 2 th e 2Fie4 ....... Donetit of the SA TEARY ' Entertainment to consist of Singing, RAcitati4ni.Trial Scene of Robert Emmet, and concluding with a Gracid National Tableau. TiCKETS ? .25 CENTS. To be had at the Music and Book Stores, and at the Academy on the evening of the entertainment. We recommend the above entertainment to a generous Public for its literary and musical merit, and particu larly for the worthy object which it has in view—tha benefit of the Sanitary Commission. Alexander Henry, James 'Lyn& - Geo. H. Bolter, Morton McMichael, Benj. 11. Brewster, Daniel Daugherty, Wrn. A. Porter,. John Clayton, J. I. Clark Hare, I A: Thompson, David Paul Brown. 1 Jai& H. Billington„. Horace Binney,Robt. Eden Brown, George. I Howell, Jos. Whitely. my2l.-:1. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. CONCERT, RECITATIONS. AND. TABLEAUX W.: the Pupils of the J. QUINCY ADAMS GIRLS' GRAZ!. MAR SCHOOL. on THURSDAY EVENING, May tith, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, May 27th. Tickets good for either Entertainment. myl9-It* ACADEMY OF IFIUSIGRANO.3IIJ- C SICAL ENTERTAINMENT—TU . IISO ArEVRNING, May Si, 1%4, by the GERMANIA 'ORCHESTRA and YOUNG ISIENNERCHOR. Also an Address on Pa triotism and the Rebellion, by J. Wagner Jermon, Esq. Proceeds to be given to the Sanitary Fair la dies' Aid Society. Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon, and the t barity Hospital. Tickets SO cents, sccared seats $l. To be had at Gonld's Music Store, Seventh and Chestnut streets, and at the Academy of Music on the day of the Concert. my24-st• A MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT 'ill be given on TUESDAY EVENING, tray 94, at 9 o'clock. by the young ladies and gents of the N. E Mutual Improvement Association, at the Church of th; -New-Jerusalem, -CHERRY Street, above Tweimieth Tickets at door, a) cents. le ATTRACTIVE CHILDREN'S MAY PARTY, On SATURDAY AFTERNOON; Slay Mat, . AT CONCERT HALL, from 3 to 7 P. M., for the Benefit of the Committee on labor, Ineeme. Awl Revenue, of THE SANITARY FAIR. The Entertainment will consist of MUSIC, DANCING, AND SPORTS. Single Tickets Fifty Cents. Ticketa Admitting an Adult and Two Children Ons Dollar. For sale at the Music Stores. myl2-10t__ ELEVENTH -ST. OPERA HOUSE. "THE FAMILY RESORT." CA_RNCROSS AND DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE 'WORLD, In their SELECT ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, Splendid Singing, Beautiful Dancing, Laughable Jur leagues, Plantation Scenes ,.Sc. , &c. , by- TWENTY TALENTED ARTISTS. EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK. Tickets 25 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. fe27-3m J. L. CARNCROSS, Business manager. S INGING AND DECLAMATION BY the JOHN Q. ADAMS BOYS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL. at MUSICAL FUND HALL, WEDNESDAY EVENTAI 3 . May, 25th, at S o'clock. Tickets, 25 cents. e. 72,5 -j'' - m -- Dt= - THE FORTY:FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION. OF PAINTINGS .I..irD SCULPTURE, at the PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 01 THE FINE ARTS, CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth.. Open - from 9 A. M. till 7P. M.', and from 8 till 10 in CT...* evening. ap26-tr SUMMER RESORTS. QEA-SIDE HOUSE, KJ FOOT OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The undersigned informs his friends and former pa trons that his house is now open for the -reception guests; have also a number-of Rooms and a private a tmaut in J. M. Whitall's cottage, opposite. myDAVID SCATTERGOOD. CONGRESS ISEAND, ONGRESS HAL NEW JERSEY. This favorite Hotel will be opened fertile reception es guests on JUNE' FIRST.- The House has been refurnished and thoroughly reno vated. Writing and Reading Rooms and a 'l'elegrapk Office have been added for the exclusive use of the guests. _ . The proprietor feels warranted in assuring the public that, with the gentlemanly and competent officers se cured, each department will be conducted to the entire satisfaction of the most fastidious. HasSler's fall Band, under the personal direction of Mr. M_ARK HASSLER, has been engaged exclusivQ7 fm Congress Hall. Any further information will be cheerfully given, by addressing J. P. CAKE, my6-tf Proprietor. G 0 A L.-SUGAR LOAF, BEAVER 'Li MEADOW, and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coal, ani best Locust Mountain, from Schnylkill; prepared ex pressl y for Family use. Depot, N. W. corner EIGHTH and Willow Ste. Office, No. 112 South SECOND St. apti-tf J. WALTON . CO. DELIGHTFUL SUM - R EXCURSIONS. Sag-aenav River, 'Portland, White Mountains. Saratoga Springs, &c., .&c., &c., Lake Ontario, The Thousand Islands. The Rapidsof St. Lawrence. River, . Montreal t Quebec, tt., &c. Tickets for the above Excursions, which have been so long and favorably known to the Philadelphia Pub lic, by various routes to Niagara Falls, for sale at the PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA. RAIROAD TICKET OFFICE, northwest corner SIXTH and CHF.STNIIT Streets, where full information will be given. N. VAN HORN, - Ticket Agent. JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent. THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL Streets. mylll-tuthstjyl ROAD. vv.& MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT—CHANGE OF DEPOT_ On and after 'MONDAY, May 23, 1164, the trains will leave Philadelphia, from Depot corner of THIRTY FIRST and MARKET Streets (West Philadelphia), at 8 and ILOS A. M., and at 2.30, 4-45,. and 7 P. M. Leave West Chester at 6.20, 7.45, and 11 A M. ,-.- and at 2 and SP. M. On Sundays Leave Philadelphia at 8.30 A 3L, and 2.30 P. M. Leave West Chester at SA. M..and S.P. M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4.45 P. M., and West Chester at 7.4.5 A. .M., and 5 P. M., connect with trains on the P. and B. C. R. for Oxford, and intermediate points._ 112.1`1111 - - WOOD, apl General Superintendent. my 24 lm my - 21-4i' FOICALRANY AND TROY, VIA DELAWARE AND IiARITAN CA NAL.—The barge S. FLA_NAGAN, Mint. W. Corson, le now loading& first wharf below , SPRUCE Street, and will leave for the above points on WEDNESDAY, 25th, at 6 o'clock P. M. For freight, which will be taken at reasonable rates, apply to . D. L. FLA:NAGAN. Agent, mra-St. 304 South DELAWARE Avenue. FOR HARRMRD, CONIC —Direct—Via Delaware and Raritan Ca nal.-The Philadelphia Steam,.Propeller Company's steamer MARS, Grumley, master,. now loading at the second wharf above Market :street. Quick despatch- Apply on board or to WM,: M. BAIRD S CO., rue& 2t Agetilfl9e - nu P ¢ e "ery clay ' Sundays ed; -- AND,.CIA3L. SOUP, to which he calls the ariention of his onaoraersand public generally. JAMES PROnSER, SOS MARKS P Street. ° Mr. C. S. SEPTIRN6 PLANO Or2r T for - T ri nn N ingGarkil Repairing Pianos are receiredut MASON & CO. 'S-Storas 907 CRESTNDT Street; only. Mr. S. has had eleven years' factory experigace Is London and live years' employment in PhiladaZiehia SPEClAL.—Pianor,raleat. hozred to sound as &oft and sweet-toned as new„ ioithovk. removing. Terms for Tuning. ASL WIM COTTAGE ORGANS, Not only Urf.E.XCEl.T.rCi>but lINERfIAL".• in parity of Tone and. 'Primer,. deigned especially-for Churches and Sehools,..but found: to be equally wall adapted to the Parlor arid I:Amu - Ina Room. i For saloonly by E. Ke.BRUCE, rFa IS North SEVEN-TS Street. Also, a cenildete assortment of the Perfect Melodeon onstantly,.omhaud. mylS-3m AMISS, JAMES WTI'S'. CELL Ifr e ) II.ILATED SUPPORTERS,FOR LADIES, and the onty.Supportess under eminen.",anedical patronage. Ladies. and Physicians are respectfully requested to call only on. las. SETTS, at her residence, 1039. WALNUT Street, Phila., Doavoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalids haveheen advised by thetrphysicians Louse her appliances. Those only are genuine bearing tho. United Skates copyright; labels on the hos, and signatnres,and SuPporters, with tßatipatattalfc cote-inthstf LADIES MSS ANBOIR,A,or, STORE—Conduated by Ladies, TWELFTH Streec, ass; door below Rave. Every szticle in their line elegant, easy, and carted in males. C. I DLES , Proprietor. atter4e.te Gentlenw t a, on the corner of TWEJ. I / 4 FTEi and RaL^3,E;reefs. X. E.—Professional seen racy insured. myOmif TII.O.M.SAWS. LONDON; .KITCH ENEA, OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for families. hotels, or pnblio institutions, Twzray DIF FERENT d..12.E5. Also, - Philadelphia Ranges: Hot-air Furnaces" Portable Heaters, Lowdown Orates. Fireboard Stov as, "Bath Bonen, StewholaTiateg, }holl ers, Cooking Slo:res; &a., ai wholesale and-retail, by the manufaotoraers.,_ CHASE, SHARPE, k THOMSON, nihl-inthsesn No. 200 NY SECOND Street. 4.1 v WRITTFat AN] VEATML DE s..usiwa Ctiaracte . r,Consiitation. and Ts- UAL with ADVICE on .Thness,Wu Edam kion, Self-mproveßient, Managempnt.tind Train, inn Of, social' adaptation, 30., day aa,sxening. - JORN L CAPU, Phrenologist apd . Booksellev. Ifo. 25 S.TENTH Street, above Cbeatnnt. MONEY TO A,NY AMOUNT LOANED salon Diamonds, Watchee, Jewel , Plate, Clothisit,' &c. at JONES & C 0.41 ry Betablished Loan Oboe, corner TRIER and GILES - I'LL Streets. below Lombard_ lital-Into MONUMENTS AND GRATE STONES.—A large assortment of Grave-Stones,of - various designs,made of handnest Italian Marble Works Marble. constantly . on st the Marble Works of ADAM STEINMETZ. MIDGE Avelttie. below venth street. PlaladelDhle. sp Ele IZ-31Olt AMUSEMENTS. OR THE SPY IN SOCIETY COAL. EXCURSIONS. WEST - CHESTER MA RAIL- ESOEs. - V 'S inrZ3 6.*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers